Chapters marked with a † indicate a dead end.
Chapters marked with a ¶ have been proofread/edited.
You're Jack Benson, a scrawny high-schooler in the sunny little town of Herculean Hills.
"OK, class, please pay attention.. Guys.. Guys!" Mr Welling is the coolest English teacher you've ever had. He's young, friendly and into sports, making him a favourite among students. But being a nice guy, his authority is easily forgotten, and sometimes he struggles to get his students' attention.
Today, it's your smelly older brother Wayne who's causing the distraction by engaging in a highlighter war with his friends during class. You roll your eyes and put your head down in shame as his dopey laugh rings out through the room. If Wayne wasn't so busy making an ass-hole out of himself with his wannebe-gangster friends, he would never have been held back in school, and you wouldn't have to share classes with him.
Today's school day started like any other: In the hall, you avoided the jocks' menacing sneers, then goofed around on the steps with Scotty until the bell rang. Scotty's skateboard is a permanent attachment of his right arm. Along with his crooked grin, explosion of freckles, ratty clothes and unkempt hair, it's just one of those things you can't picture him without. You admire the fact that Scotty can befriend anyone he likes simply by walking up to them (even if he isn't always the best judge of character), but he chooses to hang with outcasts in school the most. You're a lot more reserved, and his loyal friendship has gotten you through some tough times.
Of course, there was one thing to mark today apart from regular school days. On your way to class, you noticed the science lab's door was opened a crack. A couple of brainiac students from your school are contestants in this year's state science fair, and the fruits of their labours have been kept under lock and key in the lab. But this morning you had the perfect opportunity to sneak a look.. What you found didn't amount to much more than a few jars of goop and couple of strange machines, but you instantly regretted spilling a drip of the bizarre orange goop on your wrist as soon as it sizzled into your skin. There was no pain, only an odd tingling, and you were out of that lab without a second thought.
Now, sitting in the back of your noisy class, the odd tingling returns. The heads of the students in front of you starst to shift position.. Soon you're struggling to see Mr Welling over the greasy blond hair of a burly jock seated in front of you.. You glance sideways and realise you're perfectly level with the pencil that Walt, the class nerd, is fiddling with on his desk.. How is that possible??
Seconds later, your view of most of the class is reduced to below their knees. All you can see of Mr Welling is his shiny left shoe - A view which is quickly blocked as Wayne kicks his battered Adidas into the aisle.
Suddenly you're inches tall in a class full of hulking teens, nobody has yet noticed you and you're not even sure you'd like most of the guys in this class to catch you in your current state.. What to do?
You decide the safest person to contact is your friend Scotty. At his worst, Scotty can be a little self-centred, he's not the brightest kid in the world and most of his shirts are pit-stained.. But you know your buddy has a heart of gold, and if you can trust anyone, it's him.
Scotty is sitting near the front of the class, his legs stretched out so one of his ratty sneakers sticks into the aisle. You creep up to the massive skater shoe, with its peeling rubber and over-stuffed tongue, and tentatively tap on the giant sneaker's toe. You strain to look up at Scotty, who is slouching in his chair lazily, with a blank expression on his face. For all you know, his eyes could be closed behind that wild mop of hair, which wouldn't suprise you. You tap again on your best friend's giant shoe, and this time..
Scotty's giant sneaker shifts, and the dirty laces flop on top of you. As your best friend drags his foot across the floor absent-mindedly, you cling to the warm leather of his sneaker, trapped in the hold of the dirt-stained laces.
"Sir, I don't feel too good. Can I get a note from my mom and leave early?" You look up to see that Scotty is standing now, his hand on his stomach. Past miles of baggy denim and his blue t-shirt, your best friend's face looks like that of a giant, glowing god. Mr Welling sighs and nods, and as Scotty traipses out of the class room, you're knocked repeatedly against the hard leather of his well-worn sneaker.
No matter how hard you try to get your friend's attention, he remains totally ignorant as he marches out of the school and down the sunny street. Every time you attempt to call up to your colossal skater friend, you slam once again against the toe of his sneaker and the breath is knocked out of you. This is getting humiliating - Scotty has to see you!
But witch foot ore you on are you no the foot that's on the bored or the one he's pushing with
As your giant skater bud shuffles to his locker to grab his board, you struggle not to be knocked under his whopping, tattered sneaker and squished like a slug. You straddle the top of Scotty's skate shoe, your face against the over-stuffed tongue, your fingers jammed in the lace-holes and your knees gripping either side.
You can feel the warmth of Scotty's huge foot emanating through the leather, onto your body, and you thank your lucky stars that you're on the outside of your bud's shoe - Scotty has some of the meanest foot odour you've ever smelled.
Soon, your giant pal slams his bedroom door shut, drops his bag and his mattress springs screech as he throws himself onto the bed.
Now that he's sitting, you climb off of his huge sneaker, hoping you'll never have to immasculate yourself by bear-hugging the foot of a kid three months younger than you again.
"Scotty! Dude, down here!!" You wave your arms wildly.
Scotty yawns, scratches his mop of hair, looks around the room and..
It turns out that Scotty wasn't feeling so sick after all! Just in need of a little 'pick-me-up'.
As soon as you see the glossy mag slide out from under the giant mattress, you know you're about to be traumatised for life.
You've seen this issue before - Atleast you think you recognise the creamy flesh splayed out on the cover. You remember being there with Scotty the day he used his fake I.D. to buy it, and later browsing through it together, shocked and enthralled by the glorious grittiness on every page.
But that was a long time ago, and today Scotty isn't just interested in browsing.. He glances furtively at the door as his hand fumbles in his lap. There's the sound of a buckle unlatching, a zipper sliding, then Scotty's posture relaxes as he breathes a little sigh of relief.
You wish you could tear your eyes away as your friend flicks through the pages, vigorously massaging his organ. Even when the wet noises start and Scotty's eyes glaze over, the sight is too shocking to look away from..
Scotty shudders to a milky climax. His cum pours down upon his rock hard dick and balls. Just then, a frantic knock on the door disturbs Scotty's bliss. Quickly, Scotty throws the mag under his blanket. In a flash he leaps off the bed and pulls his trousers up over his massive, soaking wet member, and heads for the door. Little did he know, in the midst of the chaos, his helpless, shrunken best friend fell into his underwear, and was now crushed up against his fat teen nutsack, coated in his sticky boy goop.
Scotty opens the door, peers out, and sees…
Your cheeks are burning with embarrassment, both for you and Scotty, as you stand frozen in place and witness this most private moment of his.
"Ohhh, yeah.." Your buddy goes on pulling his junk, his eyes closed in total bliss. The sounds of hist fist sliding up and down his pole are becoming wetter and wetter. "Mhmm.. Oh, suck on it, yeah.." You cringe, feeling tremendously guilty for witnessing this candid moment and also feeling horribly uncomfortable. You already knew Scotty was a male, and had the same needs as you do, but as his smile becomes slacker, more exalted, and the scent of pre-come reaches you, you're painfully aware that your innocent, fun-loving buddy is very much a man.
Just when you think things can't get worse, the dirty magazine slides off of Scotty's lap and onto the floor. Above you is a plain view of your best friend's giant, throbbing, dripping cock, gripped by the hand that you've shaken, high-fived, even eaten after so many times before.
"Ohh, fuck.." Scotty pants one last time..
Your world is a flash of darkness, wind, and glossy photoshopped skin as the colossal mass of the magazine plummets down towards you. Breaking out from your disturbed gaze, you jump out of the way before it lands with a deafening SLAP just inches near your leg. The wind from the collision knocks you back a couple of feet, tumbling head-over heels along with a cloud of dust, and deposits you onto a rough carpet-like surface that breaks your fall. Upon landing, you feel a familiar tingling, and everything around you begins to grow. The room stops lurching, and you realize with horror that you must have shrank even more.
As you try to stand up, you find yourself trapped on the new terrain. Your foot is caught in what looks like a mass of rope loops, and every time you try to pull your leg out, one or more of the loops tighten, leaving you caught. Around you, there are thousands more of the large cloth knots creating what looks like a weird overgrown carpet. A pungent musk hits your nose and though the smell is familiar, you can't quite place it. in the distance, a section of the 'carpet' is stiffly matted down and dusted with large white-ish flakes.
What seems like miles above, you can still hear Scotty's loud, guttural moaning, and the wet sloping sounds of his hand moving faster and faster.
The realization hits you like a gunshot; Now less than 1/2 an inch tall, you are caught in the threads of your horny best friend's cum rag. You let out a terrified hysterical scream, and desperately try to pull your leg free.
In response to your howl of anguish, The gargantuan Scotty bellows out a hope-shattering "OHH, FUCK……"
The ground shakes, and your vision fills with a wall of flesh, as Scotty slides off the bed and onto his knees directly above you and his hand-towel. You can't even make out words at this point, as you scream-out helplessly trying to get him to notice you. Your screams, however, are drowned out by the powerful salacious moans of your giant sweaty friend, as he unknowingly deafens you with the slick friction of his vigorous hand against his craving cock.
Scotty's face is in a state of blissful joy as he tilts his body and places his member onto the cum-stained towel on the floor.
The sticky hot column of Scotty's cock shadows your entire form, as it descends upon you. The mammoth mushroom of it's head lands on top of your legs, and crushes your feet as it begins to slide up along your minuscule body. The heat is unbearable, and it feels like you are being pinned down by a truck. The massive eye of the oily monster opens, and releases a slimy trail of pre-cum as it forcefully grinds across your chest. Just as the pitch black hole is about to engulf your head, you let out a blood-curdling scream in hopeless defeat. Salty-hot slime pours into your open mouth, as the cock continues on it's pre-cum trailed path. The gargantuan form of Scotty's palm shoots over you and his cock as he cups the edge of the rag and flips it up to cover his throbbing tool…..
Time around you slows down as you hear a loud moan emanate from Scotty, his eyes closing. You stare down into the slit like looking down the pit of a volcano, and you can sense the lava is beginning to rise. The cock goes incredibly hard and pushes up against you body the slit greedily enveloping your head and shoulders. From the inside the heat is even more intense and the vibrations were shattering. you could feel pressure mounting deep below at the base of the cock.
Then it happened
There was a sudden release and the walls relaxed ever so slightly; you didn't even have any time before it hit you full-force, pummelling your face. the white fluid went into your ears, it burned your eyes, it went up your nose, it filled your mouth, and it forced its way down your throat. Then these was a pause, just enough for you to take one choking breath before a second wave hit, then a third, then a fourth. It wasn't till the fifth wave that the strength and volume of the semen began to subside and for more squirts later it was finally over.
Battered and bruised your cough mouthfuls of cum out of your now sore lungs, you try to open your sore eyes and move your sore body but it hurts too much to do anything. Unfortunately the rag kept you in place haft submerged in Scotty's cock so, still unable to move, your fate is left to the whim on the giant whose cock you're in.
"Fuuuuck that felt good," moaned Scotty as he rubbed the underside of his cock, collecting the cum that was still dribbling out onto his cum rag. Next he pressed it directly against the head of his cock, forcing the rest of your body past the slit of his cockhead. As you're pushed in, you start to displace the cum that is still inside his shaft, causing it to push past you and out of the tip. He wipes this up as well, watching his cock start to deflate if only slightly.
Your surroundings seem impossibly tight and warm. With your whole body soaked in cum, you're also well lubricated. Your only chance would seem to be to try and wiggle out the way you came as his cock softens, but struggling might send you further forward. Which way are you pushed as his cock softens?
Unfortunately, for you at least, you start to sink deeper into the cock. In a panic you start to squirm, hoping that you can claw your way back in the opposite direction. This however is not the best course of action as Scotty's cock starts to harden again as your movements can't help but arouse him. "Oh fuck," he says. "Guess I'm good for another round."
As he grows hard again, your surroundings become warmer and tighter, the soft flesh around you having less give to it.
As you start to slide down Scotties' member you hear a sudden shifting, He's pulling his pants up. You panic as you realise your fate is sealed as you hear the snap of a waistband is heard above as he stuffs which penis upwards as you are still making him hard pulling you further into his member slowly sliding down his slimy walls which harden with time.
1 hour later ~
You finally reach a small opening at the bottom of his cock and push yourself through as you feel disgusted being in your best friends dick. All the while you have been cosy in his penis sliding down you have been swinging around while Scotty is out with his friends skateboarding in the nearby park, He wonders where you are and calls you. You didn't realise at first as your pocket starts to vibrate, it's your phone! You try desperately to get it out of your pocket and as soon as you do you fall out of the small opening into Scotties balls and drop your phone in his semen and it gets wrecked. You weep as you realise your last chance of escape other than jerked out is gone.
Scotty is impatient with you not responding to his 2 phone calls and just stops trying, its getting dark now and grabs his bag and starts to head home for the night to have another look at the magazine he so fondly remembers getting with you, only if you knew the rest of the pages we're gay porn and that Scotty just showed the first couple pages.
"ahh what to do"
Scotty steps in the building…
You hear a door click as you realise Scotty finally got home as you hear a thud of him landing on his bed, "Ahh thank god I am alone" as he reaches and pulls a whole stack of magazines from underneath his bed and a pair of sneakers. There your old sneakers which went 'missing' and you didn't really care as there were pretty old and started to reek. You are clueless to this as you are trapped within his balls.
---Jacks POV---
It seems like hours since your eternal incarceration within your best friends balls. You forgot to have lunch that day and are starving with nothing to eat around you… or is there? You look around you as you are drenched within Scotties semen starving you slurp up his semen suddenly your world shakes.
---Scotties POV---
He grabs the magazine with the front cover featuring Brent Corrigan and takes out his trusty rag from the top drawer of his desk and takes a whiff of your scent from your Nike sneaker with tarnished blue on the side and white bottoms near black and grey and starts to tug ferociously at his 6-inch tanned cock with a low brush of pubes which he regularly trims.
---Jacks POV---
the world around is shaking feverishly and white tidal waves swamp you as you see the air escaping the small area which you can barely stretch in so you grab and try to breath inside the ever tightening shaft of which you came from then suddenly
You fill your stomach. As you do, your clothes get slimier and start sliding off your slimy body. There's no point trying to keep clean in this mess.
But you find your phone. Holding it carefully since everything around you is still sloshing up and down, you dial Scotties phone number. All you can think of is getting him to stop shaking his balls that you are currently in.
Scotties phone rings. You hear it. His balls stop shaking but he says, "Shit, now's not a good time whoever you are." He reaches over and hangs up on you. Then he goes back to masturbating and you slip and fall in his semen.
But you keep hold of the phone and dial again. He hangs up again. You keep dialing until he finally says, "Fine but this better be an emergency."
He stops masturbating and answers the phone. Your world stops shaking violently as you hear him say, "Hello."
Suddenly, you don't know what to say.
You decide to tell Scotty the Truth, "Scotty! Hey, Man, I know this is going to sound messed, but…" You hesitate for a second, sitting down in the teenager's ball, waist deep in his hot, sticky cum.
"I got shrunk at school" you said. He snorted in response, in disbelief, he wasn't in the mood to jerk off while talking to his friend, he stuffs his cock back into his pants and throws the shoe and magazine under the bed, the environment going dark with being trapped back in the giant's pants, in his balls.
"Really? You got shrunk at school? Ha Ha, very funny" Sighing as he said this, hearing his voice high above and muffled and on the phone.
"No seriously dude, I was shrunk, I swear I am not joking, just. When I shrunk, I went to you for help, and I was caught on your shoe laces. You took me whom accidentally… and…" You stopped, not sure how to say 'Hey I saw you jerk your meat, and you stuffed me in your cock'. Scotty stopped laughing, a slight fear in his voice, "C'mon man, stop joking, that would mean you're in my room then".
"Well, yeah, I am in your room. Just not in a good place…" You heaved a sigh, Scotty sitting up right, looking around, now starting to consider the situation as real. "If you were in my room, what was I just doing" He spoke with a small tinge of fear and embarrassment.
You stopped for a second, your phone popping a notice saying low battery. Shit, you can't waste any more time. "You were jerking off, it's okay, it's okay… well it's not… I was caught in your cum rag and you kinda-"He cut you off, "man, this isn't funny, What you're talking about- I don't like guys in that kind of way." He said with a quivering voice.
"Scotty! Please just listen, You stuffed me in your cock, that feeling you got? Down you… Cock. It was me, hey just, feel this."
You pound on the meaty wet wall, leaving more cum on your hand, the world shifted slightly, Scotty's cock getting a bit harder at the sensation.
"Dude- What was that" Your skate rat friend said, bringing his hand down to stop his cock tenting. "I told you, I am in your balls"/
A brief silence hovered over the phone before Scotty opened his mouth to say…
"Uh, well, I think there's only one real way to get me out…" you say. You really don't want to think about the fact that you're asking your best friend to masturbate with you. Still, if it's the only way to get out, it has to be done. Scotty thinks for a few seconds, and then pulls his dick back out of his pants. Grabbing the magazine, he awkwardly keeps talking to you. "In my balls, huh? Kinda hard to believe, but I guess you're really there. That's crazy dude."
Scotty sits down, and starts to stroke his cock again before pausing. "I gotta be honest man, it feels kinda weird to keep talking to you on the phone while I jerk off. I'm going to hang up, I guess I'll talk to you when I'm done." Before you can object, he puts down his phone and keeps going. It would have been nice to have a line to the outside, but it's probably a good idea to save your battery anyway. The cum in the chamber is sloshing around quite a bit while he jerks, battering you around and pushing you up against the walls. If Scotty hadn't hung up, you definitely would have asked him to calm things down a bit. You try to shout at him, but your voice isn't loud enough to make it up to his ears.
The skater can feel himself getting closer to orgasm, and he grabs his rag again, making sure that there aren't any little people caught up in it this time. Right on the edge, he grabs his balls without thinking and starts to massage your little body. Inside the hot, wet chamber, the walls press up against you, roughly grinding against your body. They're soft enough that it doesn't hurt, but it's hard to breathe.
Finally, Scotty groans your name as he cums hard into the rag. You're swept up in the cum and pushed against the tight hole leading outside when…
You're pushed into the tight tube, propelled by his hot semen until you finally squeeze out of the top, landing in the stiff rag. A few more pumps of cum hit you after you land, totally covering you. You hear Scotty groan, saying "Fuck, that felt good."
After wiping the cum off of your face, you manage to prop yourself up and look at Scotty, who's staring at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face. "Dude… You're like, really small. Sorry for, uh, having you in my cock."
"Yeah, okay." You say, ineffectively trying to clean the smelly, thick fluid off of yourself.
Scotty watches you with pity, before picking you up off of the rag and saying "You're not getting anywhere like that man, I gotta help you clean up, it's my jizz anyway. Here, I'll…"
"Here, I'll clean you off. I could take you to the bathroom, but I don't want anyone to see you… you know something man? I've actually tasted my own cum a few times, I think the best thing to do here is to just lick it off."
You force yourself to chuckle at his joke, before realizing that he's serious. The look he's giving you is a little lustier than you're comfortable with. "No, I'm good. I don't really want you to lick me right now, my day has already been weird enough. Just wipe me off with the rag or something."
Scotty looks disappointed. "Oh, come on. I just told you that I've done it before, and I want to do it again right now. It's my cum, right?"
Before you can say anything in response, he lifts you to his lips and sticks his tongue out, pressing it up against your face. He makes a low, contented sigh, and starts licking up and down the front of your body. You're shocked, and it takes you a few seconds to come to terms with what's happening. "Scotty what the fu-" He licks again, this time his tongue pressing against your open mouth and cutting you off. He moans, and suddenly shoves your head and shoulders into his mouth. He starts to suck, wriggling his thick, wet tongue against your face and upper torso. Slowly, he pushes your body into his mouth, savoring every bit of your skin, and rubbing his tongue everywhere that it can go. Finally, you feel your feet slip in, and you're totally enclosed by the tight, wet space. His tongue keeps exploring your body, and unbeknownst to you, he starts to get another erection.
Finally, after having his fun, he decides to…
He's had enough fun, he decides to spit you back out into the palm of his hand. Now you smell like his breath, but at least you're clean. Still, that was way more intimate than you've ever wanted to be with your friend. "Scotty what the fuck? Why did you do that to me?"
"I was just cleaning you off! Jeez, get off my case. Anyway, I was thinking, now that you're all clean…"
"I want to have some fun with you, I'm going to put you into.."
You're trying to catch your breath after Scotty pulls you out when he starts talking again. "So, hey man, I want to get you help and all, but while you're small like this, I kinda want to try a few things out, alright?" You start to object, asking him to just get help, but he keeps talking over you.
While talking, he starts to slowly stroke his cock again, keeping you turned away so that you can't see it. "I have a confession to make, I have a thing for noses. For as long as I can remember, I just love to have things in my nose, I think it started when I picked my nose as a kid. The first time I came, I was picking my nose, and I guess it just connected for me. Now I have to have something in my nose when I cum or it just isn't the same. Usually I just use my finger or a pencil or something, but, since you're here, and the perfect size…"
"Scotty! What are you talking about??? Please don't do whatever you're thinking of doing!" You try to squirm out of his grasp, but he's too strong, and you're too small.
"It's okay dude, I'm not going to hurt you, you're just going to be helping me out with jerking off again, and then we can get you some help. Now, shut up. If you keep complaining I'll have to put you somewhere even less pleasant."
You quiet down at the threat, not liking the direction this is going. It seems like Scotty is seeing you less like a friend, and more like a toy. Scotty moves you up above his lips, up until your head is right underneath his gaping left nostril. You can feel his breath hot and heavy against your face, and you see that the entrance is mostly smooth with a few hairs here and there. There's something slimy glistening inside a little bit further in, and you try not to think about it. He moves you forward, your head starting to get pressed up into his nostril. It's large enough to accommodate your head with room to spare, the hairs tickling your head. You can hear Scotty start masturbating with his free hand while pushing you deeper. When you're in up to your shoulders, you can feel the ring of flesh around you tighten and stretch to fit your torso, before after a moment there's a little give and you slip even further in.
Scotty is moaning loudly. With another push, your head is pressed into a tighter space, slimy mucous making it easy for it to slip into the folds of skin. You can feel his nostril slipping further and further down your body, pausing when trying to fit your ass inside. There's no way he can fit that much more of you inside, right? Right? Hopefully, but he's not slowing down. Your thighs, then knees, then calves all get pressed into the warm cavity, leaving only your feet visible outside. Scotty is in heaven, while you're in a tight tunnel, slowly squishing through the thick fluid surrounding you.
Finally, Scotty cums. On instinct, he snorts, sending your feet inside. You're fully encased in the tight flesh, barely able to breathe while he climaxes, with no sign of you on the outside. Scotty lays still for a couple minutes, breathing heavily before…
Scotty's head starts to clear up after orgasming, and he starts to feel a little bad about what he's done. When he speaks, he sounds like he has a cold with a stuffy nose. "Ah man, I shouldn't have done that… I just can't think straight when I get horny, and I couldn't resist trying that out. Here, let me get you out."
Using his index finger to block his right nostril, he starts to blow air out through his nose. The pressure builds up, shifting you around in the slick cavity. However, you've gotten into a position where you're pretty much stuck, and Scotty can feel it. "Shit dude, you're really stuck in there, I shouldn't have put you in so far."
It's very difficult to breathe, and you can't get out so much of a whimper. Scotty tries blowing again, the pressure building up, but ultimately it doesn't do anything to push you out. The hot walls are slimy enough that you think that you should have no problem moving back out, but you're not budging. You try to wiggle your legs and arms to free yourself. No dice. You try to wiggle more, followed by a giggle by Scotty. "Stop that! It's so ticklish, what are you doing?"
With the tickle in his nose, Scotty involuntarily snorts, breathing in sharply. Apparently this kind of kick is what Scotty needed to get you free, but unfortunately, you're getting free in the wrong direction. You quickly slip further into his nose, the temperature and pressure increasing until suddenly you're pulled into a roomier space. The release makes it easier to breathe, but you're still not free since your legs haven't come out yet. Looking down, you can see a dark, fleshy tunnel leading down further into his body. Oh, right, the nose leads to the throat. "Scotty! Please be careful! I'm r-"
Scotty tries to control his reflex, but the tickling sensation is too much, and he accidentally snorts again, this time followed by a swallow. His muscles take ahold of you as you squish out of his nasal cavity into his throat, dragging you down into Scotty's digestive tract. You can hear Scotty coughing, but you can't tell if he's trying to get you out, or is just having a tough time getting you down. You slow to a crawl, his throat having some trouble with getting you down. A few moments pass, and then you hear Scotty swallowing again. Cool water quickly sweeps by you and loosens his throat enough to let you down into his stomach. He just drank water to wash you down! A sphincter crawls up your body, your head squishing out into a large space filled with putrid air. Your body soon follows, and you splash down into a shallow puddle. It's itchy. Shit. Scotty's stomach isn't wasting any time. "Scotty! You need to get me out quick, can you hear me? Scotty!"
Scotty starts to freak out a little bit when he accidentally swallows you. He can hear you screaming, but can't make out any words. "Oh fuck dude, I didn't mean to eat you! Why'd you have to tickle me like that? I'm gonna have to throw you up… If I can." Scotty makes his way to the bathroom, and leans down over the toilet. "I've tried to make myself vomit before, and I've never been able to, but there's always a first time, right?"
Scotty's stomach starts to convulse when he sticks his finger down his throat, tossing you around and massaging your skin. You can hear Scotty gagging, but after a few minutes it's clear that it's not going to work. A feeling of dread sets in. You're not getting out. Scotty gives up, leaving the bathroom. "Well, I tried. I guess the next step is going to a doctor, but I don't know what I would say, and by the time I get there, well… How long do you think you're really going to last? Probably not long. Sorry dude, this is totally my bad." After finishing his sentence, he lets out a poorly timed burp.
You can't believe it. You're going to die here. The stinging sensation is starting to turn into burning, and your skin is turning red. This is really it. You yell some more at Scotty, but it doesn't matter. With another couple of burps, the remaining air in his stomach is gone, and you start to black out. It's a good thing that you pass out when you do, before most of the really painful parts of digestion. Scotty's stomach growls, happy with its meal.
Scotty feels a little bad about eating his best friend, but he soon gets over it, and moves on with his life.
You get your head stuck in Scotty's shaft after he cums into the rag as the door knocks.
You feel his sudden movement and he pulls over the blankets and presses his cock against the sheets as his _________ comes in
Scotty grunts, yanking fiercely at his rock-hard erection. The 'slish, slish, slish' sounds of wet skin sliding over wet skin is even louder and lock of messy hair is stuck to his forehead. He opens his mouth, lets out a long, amazed moan and before you know it, a creamy white jet spews from his cock-head and into the air above you.
You stare up with your mouth agape as the first pump of semen seems to fall in slow-motion. "NOOOO…!!" Running for cover is useless. The gooey stream slaps down on your back, weighing you down. Then another pump, then another, and another..
Scotty's grunts sound seconds before each load comes splattering down on you. You want to cry - No matter how well you cover your face, warm semen drizzles all over you. You lie in a fetal position, soiled and humiliated, while Scotty ignorantly enjoys the height of ecstasy with his favourite fantasy, completely unaware that his best friend is nearly drowning in his come.
After Scotty catches his breath, it's time to clean up..
You fight endlessly against the thick, heavy ropes of semen that Scotty pumped onto you. Scotty reaches over to a heap of assorted items…and grabs a wad of tissues. His seven inch long sausage dangles directly above you. His pink slit, clad with the residual droplets of Scotty's warm genetic soup, looks down on you mockingly.
Scotty is using the tissues to mop up the creamy mess his cock scattered on the floor. You know you will be mushed up into a filthy, cum soaked tissue if you don't get your massive friend's attention quickly. You muster all your strength and try to lift your arms up out of the sloppy mess, figuring you can wave Scotty down. But you cannot budge. Scotty's cum was just too heavy, and you felt as if you were nailed to the floor. Scotty opens up the final tissue, and you're rubbed up and crumpled up painfully, just like another wasted droplet of cum.
"Better throw these away," Scotty mumbles, heading for the bathroom, which was accessible from Scotty's room and from the hallway. When he reaches the doorway, he spots the waste basket over near the toilet, and throws the balled up tissues through the air. His aim wasn't too bad. All but one tissue made it into the waste bin. But one tissue bounced off the rim, and came to rest on the cold tile floor in front of the toilet.
You fight to get out of the balled up tissue, but cannot get through the paper, which is now glued together by Scotty's drying cum. You are stuck in limbo.
After hours of breathing nothing but the musky scent of your best bud's dried semen, you hear the door to the bathroom open, and footsteps slap the tile floor.
After smelling nothing but Scotty's dried cum for several hours, you hear the distinct sound of the door opening. You smiled a little as i felt the tissue being picked up by someone. You were lifted up into the air and placed on what you believed to the bench of the bathroom. You heard some giggling and your heart filled with terror as you imagined who could be holding you in their hands. Remembering that his cousin were due over today and a chill ran down your spine as you hear their laughter outside your prison.Your worst fears were realized when the tissue was ripped open and as the light poured into the space you saw the massive grinning face of……..
The water of the toilet loosens the toilet paper and cum letting you get free of its clutches as you get free you look up and see your best friends huge dick hovering over you the slit staring back at you when all of a sudden a stream of hot yellow piss shoots at you pushing you under water you try to swim up but the stream of piss holds you under.after what seemed like hours your able to swim up but then you see
You look up and to see Scotty’s huge ass descending towards the toilet.Scotty finally sits down,you look up and you are shocked by what looms above.Above you is your friends ass hole starring at you manacingly,you also see your friends huge dick and balls hanging above.You know what this means but you don’t want to believe it,your friend is about to take a shit on you!!
First his penis twitched and he started to pee,the pee shot straight at you.This almost caused you to drown as it seemed it would never end.Finally it did end and you looked around you and the water had turned yellow and it stank of piss.
A noise from above broke your thought.Above Scotty’s huge brown hole started to open.You looked up in horror as your best friend was about to take a shit.The hole started to stretch and the start of the huge brown turd became visible.You scream “ Please don’t do this!! I’m down here!!” ,he didn’t hear a thing.As Scotty pushed the giant turd started to come out even more.The huge turd kept growing out your friends hole until the brown hole pinched.You screamed as the huge brown turd fell towards you,it almost crushed you.The huge turd pushed you under the water and filled your lungs with yellow piss water.You struggle up and grab onto Scotty’s huge brown shit.The shit was hard and stank of death.You felt so weak because the only thing saving your from drowning was your best friends stinking shit.Relief was on your face as you thought it was over.You we’re very wrong as the hole started to open again.Scotty released turd after turd on you.The second turd as big as a brick fell from Scotty’s ass exploded into the water making you lose your grip of the first shit.You find your way up spitting out water and another huge turd fell and another one.There was no need to float anymore as Scotty’s huge shits filled the toilet.The smell of your friends shit was the worst thing you have smelled in your life.Standing on one of the humongous turds,you knew that even if you were normal sized these turds would be the biggest you have ever seen.
You look up as Scotty wiped his big stinking brown hole with toilet paper and dropped it onto the bowl.He gets up and pulls up his pants.He looks down at the huge shit and you scream for his help.He hears nothing.
You're starting to work up a sweat, trying to move Scotty's giant skater shoe, but finally your hard work pays off and the colossal teen glances down, then brushes his messy hair out of his face to get a better look. "Holy shit, JB! How did you get down there!" His giant palm comes plummeting towards you and you're wrapped in the warm flesh. Next thing you know, Scotty's freckled nose is inches away from you and he's whispering into his hands. "Jack, what did you do??" Your friend's breath is patting down on you and materialising like dew on your skin, but the comfort of being in his protective hands is well worth it.
"Man, you have to help me. I was messing around with a science project in the lab and before I knew it I was like this!"
"Shh, shh, it's ok.." Scotty whispers, and again you don't even mind the odd droplet of saliva or the fact that your friends hands smell like salt and dirt - You're just glad to be cupped safely inside of them. "I'm gonna take care of you until we find you some help, ok?"
You sigh in relief. "Thanks, man. I owe you.. But don't tell anyone at the school, all right? I could be in big trouble for tampering with chemicals in the science room without persmission."
At that moment, Mr Welling gets Scotty's attention. "Scott, do you have something you'd like to share with us? ..No? Then I suggest you put whatever it is away."
Scotty glances down at you and shrugs. His warm palm wraps around your body again, and you feel yourself being lowered into your friend's..
"Hang tight, buddy." Scotty whispers as he drops you into his back pack and returns his attention to the professor. "We'll find you some help later.."
For you, the rest of the class is spent climbing around inside your best friend's bag. Of course you've seen all this stuff before, but at your tiny size every object now seems to take on a life of its own: There's a giant, tattered note book with Scotty's messy handwriting scribbled all over the cover.. A wad of tissue with gum spat into it smells equally of peppermint and of your best friend's breath.. Your sense of smell seems to be keener than ever, which is most apparent when you stumble across Scotty's rolled-up gym socks and have to scramble to the other side of the bag as if your life depends on it, gagging on the smell.
"C'mon, c'mon, when is this class gonna end.." You wait impatiently, curled up in the bottom of the back-pack. It's sort of embarrassing, knowing that your life is in another kid's hand and all you can do is sit there patiently until Scotty has time to help you. You know how lucky you are to have a friend like Scotty who's even willing to help you, but you still can't wait to be back in control of your own life.
It seems like hours before you hear the bell ring and the bag starts moving. You have to steady yourself against a half-full bottle of water smeared with Scotty's giant fingerprints as the bag starts to sway and chatter becomes louder and louder outside.
For a few minutes the outside noises seem to die down, but you can still hear three or four distinct male voices murmuring anxiously. Straining your ears, you recognise the voices as a group of Scotty's close friends.. You've met these guys before, but never at this tiny size! You know that if Scotty has enlisted the help of his friends, he clearly means well, but you're nervous about being passed around a group of giant teenagers like an injured animal while they try to find a way to help you..
Suddenly, the bag's zipper zips open and Scotty's hand dives in to pull you out. You're greeted by a group of intrigued and giant teenagers, who seem to be gathered around..
*SEVEN of them!* you think nervously, finding yourself being stared DOWN by seven pairs of astonished eyes, while seven mouths - each of them could swallow you whole, you think with a shiver - gasped at the same time.
Glancing around fast, you find out that the group is sitting on some benches, surrounded by trees… and realize that you're now in a secluded area of the Skate Park where Scotty uses to hand out with his friends, and where he took you many times, too… of course, the place looks a lot more intimidating at your current size… like the now towering teens all around!
Scotty can feel your shiver, and his huge finger pets your head and back in a comforting manner. "Aaah, don't be afraid, little Jack! You already met these guys, you know they're very nice."
*Well, first of all, I met them at regular size* you'd like to reply, *Meeting them as titans who could crush me with a single finger, is a different matter… Besides, I met them only a few times, how do I know if they're really nice? Just because you tell me so? You aren't the best judge of character, my Big Friend!* Yeah, you'd like to answer that way… but instead, something inside you makes you stay silent and just nod.
Scotty smiles. "Good, little one! You must get along with my pals, since they're going to be your babysitters."
"Babysitters?" you exclaim.
Your huge friends nods. "As little as you are now, you need someone to take care of you until we find a way to unshrink you… I'd love to be your caretaker, but it would be hard to hide you away from my parents and siblings at home, so I havd to ask my pals for help." He smiles. "They're all very eager to look after you."
His words, rather than reassure you, unnerve you even more. Being handled by a giant who's your close friend is not the best, but being under the power of a bunch of behemots whose personalities you barely know is scaring! However, Scotty doesn't give you any time to protest before continuing…
"So, the first step should be: you getting acquainted with your caretakers' hands, since you're going to spend plenty of time on them! Let's start now!"
With that, Scotty pinches your waist between his thumb and forefinger, and brings you toward the closest teen.
You feel annoyed, because your friend isn't asking for your permission for anything, and is treating you more like a small animal than like a human being… but again, you don't have time to speak before being deposited on the palm of one of your future babysitters.
As you turn to face who it is, you look up at a guy wearing a Japanese Bandana. It kinda looks silly on him, because he’s as Caucasian as they come. The dirty blond hair, the blue eyes and the freckles in his face seem quite miss-matched with the bandana.
But you know this kid. It’s Aaron. You noticed that even though he is one of the smaller ones of the group he still looks like a giant. The fact he’s probably the strongest in the Group, with the biggest arms and legs, only adds to this and almost makes you forget about his small stature.
His blue shirt shows some character from a Manga comic, you can’t remember the name, but it’s a guy on fire with yellow hear in an orange overall looking thing. It kinda reminds you of a garbage man or mechanic.
His loose and wide pants make him look even odder, and the Socks in Sandals make you grin, that looks so stupid. Did nobody ever dared to tell him that? Well, you think one moment later, criticizing such a guy could be not good for one's health…
Aaron's dressed so weirdly because he's always been crazy about martial arts and whatever dealt with that stuff; and his interest in that goes beyond dressing like a funny ninja boy: he knows at least a dozen different fighting styles as far as you know, and already is far above Black Belt level in no less than five of them, namely Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Judo and Aikido. He trains hard, and his muscles aren't just for show. You definitely wouldn't like to get on Aaron's bad side, especially because the boy, albeit not a bully nor a very violent person, more than once turned out to be a bit short-tempered, and very eager to seek revenge when he thinks he's been wronged or offended. He always likes to show off how high he can kick, and how hard… and to demonstrate that, he isn't above using those who dare to antagonize him. Insulting those feet is really a bad idea!
Even with all that muscle his touch seems almost gentle. His face comes in closer to look you up and down, while you do the same to him.
“Hi there, little fella!” he says with a wide smile, “What do you think, wanna come with me and make me your first babysitter?”
The others speak up, they want to hold you and take you to. However Aaron just stands up, puffs out his chest a little and looks at them. “Fine, let’s have a fight, the one who wins gets him first.” Needless to say the others suddenly agree Aaron should have you first.
“Cool, let’s go home little fella, although…” He scratches his head, “I don’t have any pockets to carry you.” He bends forward and lifts the leg of his pants with his free hand. He lowers the hand in which he holds you down to his sock, and pulls it away from the skin before lowering you in just above his ankle. “You can travel with me in there till we get home.”
As the white sock closes over you, you are pressed against his leg. It smells faintly of sweat, but not too much, You’re glad he’s been wearing sandals now: that way the socks can air out!
You hear him say goodbye to the others and suddenly feel him step on his board and head for home.
Unfortunately for you, he placed you in the sock of his stepping leg, so every few seconds his foot lands heavily on the pavement, pressing the two of you on. All this shaking makes you slide in deeper and deeper, without Aaron noticing.
You just hope he makes it home before you slide all the way to the bottom….
Each step Aaron makes hurts more and more but at least your safe you thought you was but the trouble is your sliding down his giant leg and heading towards his foot, for some reason the pressure cause you to shrink even smaller than before until your about 1 inch tall.
As you slide down eventual settle on his giant smell foot, the foot is smooth but it's wet with sweat because of the skate boarding he is doing, you suddenly find your self sliding down towards his toes and at your new size there just impossible to describe how huge they are, as you slide down towards his big toe you slide in between what looks like a hole, the hole use to be part of piercings where he use to some sort of ring.
The problem is for you is you are the right size to fall into the hole in the side of his big toe this where it gets to much because you fall into the skin and the skin folds around your tiny body, basically you have become a kind of toe ring in sock a sandal foot.
Your buddy's warm hands wrap around you and bring you out of his backpack, into the open. You've been smuggled by your giant best friend into the men's room at school.. And you're not alone.
"Buddy, these are my friends, and they're gonna help me get you back to normal." You gaze up at the faces of Scotty's buddies, all skyscraping young men with curious expressions on their face, who crowd the room and gape at you with intrigue.
All of this is so overwhelming. You bury your face is Scotty's clammy palms, shy and intimidated by all the gawking young giants. Your buddy pats you reassuringly on the back. "Hey, hey.. It's okay little dude. These guys are my friends, they're gonna help me figure out a plan to get you back to normal, and we're gonna take turn caring for you in the mean time."
You look around, wide-eyed, at the giants. It's time for you to face your fear and meet them, one by one..
Sitting anxiously in your buddy's hands, you gaze up with trepidation at the crowd of young men gathered around you. Scotty thinks it's best you get comfortable with these guys as soon as possible, so he's decided to pass you carefully around the room, giving you a chance to sit in each giant's hands while you're introduced..
"Little guy, this is Chris." You're shifted into the cupped hands of Chris, a tan, stocky 17-year-old with short brown hair and deep brown eyes. Chris makes up for what he lacks in height by being fairly athetic, and an all around friendly guy. He nods, looking a little nervous, then hands you to his friend Spencer..
Spencer has messy black hair, an average build and a slightly geeky charm. The cuffs of his long sleeves warm your legs like a blanket as he holds you attentively with both hands. "Um.. Hi. I'm Spence." He offers you a friendly smile and passes you on to the next giant teen.
Standing considerably taller than Spence, Benji slouches under the air vent wearing a hoodie and skate shoes. He has blond hair, a lean build, and when you're placed in the palm of his hand you're a little alarmed to feel five long fingers curl around you, gently but firmly. "Nice to meet you, little man.." You think you can see the beginnings of a mysterious grin on his face, but before you know it you're being passed along..
As soon as you're dropped into Alex's hands he greets you with a huge smile. "Hey, little dude!" The boy's stylish hair hangs a little in front of his face as he beams down at you. Just like Scotty, Alex is super cute and friendly. The only difference is that while your skater friend prefers baggy jeans and week-old t-shirts, Alex's clothes are fresh and trendy to compliment his slim build. You like Alex immediately, and shyly mumble your greeting back before being passed along to the next colossal teen.
Next you're dumped in Josh's hands. Josh is an average built eighteen-year-old with cute features and an Adam Lambert-esque hairstyle. He peers down at you with fascination as you lie in his hands. You can't help but wonder what he's thinking right now -- Does he pity you and your situation? Is he contemplating what he'd do if he had you to himself? Or is he wondering what it would be like to be in your position..?
Josh passes you on to Ciaran, another tall, lean teen giant with his own stylishly swept mop of hair and pretty facial features. He drops you into the hands of Brendan, who swipes his fringe to the side so he can scrutinize you more closely. You're ultimately passed back to Scotty, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement after being handled by so many curious giants at once. Some of the guys made you feel at home in their huge hands, while others made you intensely uncomfortable with the way they stared and grasped you. But now you're back in Scotty's care, and it's time for the team to get to work.
"Okay, so we broke into the lab and swiped what we think is the antidote." Scotty explains. "We can't have you drinking it just yet, because if it's more shrinking formula you could end up shrinking out of existence. We have to test it on one of the guys first, and if it doesn't work we'll just keep looking until we've got the antidote."
The giants look around, silently trying to decide who should take the plunge and test the formula. Besides yourself and Scotty, who can't risk trying the formula because he needs to oversee this experiment, there are seven new giants: Chris, Spencer, Benji, Alex, Josh, Ciaran and Brendan.
They finally decide to..
Chris is 5.2" with brown hair and a nice smile. He makes up for what he lacks in height by being fairly athetic, and an all around friendly guy. He volunteers to try the formula, which Benji gets out of his backpack and hands over. Secretly, Chris is a little excited at the thought of being altered by this little experiment, but he pretends to be taking one for the team because somebody has to after all.
He takes a sip of the formula, and then another just for luck, and nothing happens.. For a few minutes. With all of the guys watching, he shrinks down to only a few inches tall in front of their very eyes. There are a few gasps in the room, then everyone starts looking around their shoes, because it's crowded and they don't want to step on their shrunken friend.
"I got him!" Benji yells, looking down to the toe of his sneaker, which Chris is climbing.
"You guys, what are we going to do! If that wasn't the anti-dote than how are any of us going to get fixed??" He says in a tiny, shrill voice.
"I'm gonna have to take him home until we do find an anti-dote." Benji says, picking up his tiny friend and staring at him curiously. "I've got plenty of space to store him, and privacy, my parents will never find out."
"Dang, I guess you're right." Scotty adds. "This whole thing is turning out to be a shrinking catastrophe." He notices that Benji and Chris are staring at each other a little oddly for two teen friends. Chris is staring up at his giant buddy in awe, while Benji is wrapping his fingers around him a little tighter than necessary, as if he enjoys feeling the little guy's tiny arms restricted in his grasp. "Well, I guess we better get home and formulate a Plan B."
(Benji's POV)
II was in love with the way Chris felt in my grip. I knew he wasn't thrilled to be there, judging by the way his arms and kegs were fighting like crazy for freedom, but that made the experience of holding him evenmore exciting. I knew I could snap him like a twig with the slightest manipulation of my fingers, and it gace me the rush of a lifetime.
I went straight home, not stopping even to talk to my parents in the kitchen. I just went inside, locked my door and sat down on my bed, finally opening my hands to give Chris a breath of fresh air.
"Benji!" he panted. "You've been holding me way too tight! You almost crushed me!!"
I wore a sly grin. This was awesome. "You're confused, little man.. I decide what's too tight, just like I decide what you call me from now on. That'll be master, by the way."
Chris was confused, but more to the point, he was terrified. "I don't want to stay with you! I want you to return me to the other guys, NOW!" He was bluffing, we both knew it.
Chuckling deep from the bottom of my throat, I started to curl my huge fingers back around my flustered little toy. He panicked, tried to fight them off, and failed. He was restricted in my fist like a fly in a spiderweb. It was time for the fun to begin.
(Chris's POV)
"I've waited a long time to have you where I can control you, bug." Benji growled at me. I was shaking in his hands at this point. I'd never seen my friend like this. He didn't even look like the friend I knew any more! He looked like a cruel teen master, or a god to me.
He slipped off his shoes and put me on the ground near his feet. Apparently he hadn't been wearing socks at all, because I could see traces of sweat all over his giant toes, which he stretched menacingly. I could see a couple of thick veins on his instep which made his feet look even more mighty and powerful. Not that that was a hard thing to do. These were the biggest feet I'd ever seen! And the knowledge that they would soon be on top of me could have made me pee my pants.
I had to do something fast..
(Chris's POV)
All these years I had been seeing Benji as a friend were about to change. He was now a giant, unstoppable god and the only thing I could do was hope he'd show me mercy if I make him happy. There's no telling what a teen giant will do next, seeing as he has all the power he could want and more. You just have to be ready to surrender any dignity you once had and bow to your new master's feet. Which I did.
I threw myself at Benji's huge size 12s without another thought. He got a slight smirk on his face as he watched me grovelling. I sure as hell didn't hold back. I placed my lips on his tanned brown tops of his toes and smooched them again and again. I could feel a couple of the veins running underneath his skin on hi insteps, they were probably thicker than my wrists. Even though I was terrified, I had to admit that my friend's feet had always impressed me. They were just so big and manly, especially for a teen who was on the slim side and rather cute, they had something about them that commanded a lot of respect and power.
"Please, please don't put me under your feet Master! I may be tiny but I'm still a human being!"
Benji laughed, a sort of superior laugh out of his nose. "You can stop begging, little man.. I won't squash you between my foot and the ground if it scares you that much."
"Really?" I sighed in relief.
"It was great having you a friend all those years, don't get me wrong, but having regular sized friends isn't as fun as having complete control over someone, and you're just going to feel so good squirming under my big juicy toes!"
This is what I see next.…
Benji, the guy I once thought of as my best friend, picked up his dirty old sneaker with a big smile and dropped me inside. The smell was HORRIBLE. Back when we were regular friends I never minded when my buddy would slip his shoes off around me, I'd put up with the smell of his feet no matter how bad it was, even give him a foot massage if he asked me to, but this was way too much to handle.
I was still screaming and begging for justice when I saw my friend's HUGE foot come over the top of the shoe and block out all the light. Then it came sliding inside, and cornered me into the toe area of the sneaker whle I tried as hard as I coudl to avoid it. But eventually my time was up, and I felt my friend's big, heavy foot slam down on top of me.
Boulders of sweat were already running between the toes and splashing on my face as Benji did up his laces as tight as he could and started to walk..
(Chris's POV)
I was pinned flat under Benji's stinking sole. This was so unfair! I'd been a good friend for years and now he was rewarding me by stealing my size, my status as a human being, and using me as an insole? It was as if he'd rather put me through hell than waste money on buying a new insole for his beat up old sneakers.
Either way I had no say in the matter. I could hear my old friend, new master's voice as he was walking around getting ready to leave, declaring that we were going..
(Chris's POV)
I heard Benji, the man I thought was my best friend, announce that he was going skating with his buddies. I wanted to cry as the giant teenager walked out into the warm sun and inside the shoe literally became as hot as an oven instantly. It must have been from him walking on hot concrete, or his body heating up under the sun, but Benji's huge foot was pouring sweat all over me.…
Running into my mouth and down my throat, stinging my eyes, making me sick was foul teen sweat. Did I deserve to drink my friend's disgusting foot sweat, endure his raunchy foot stench and be mashed under his sole into his ratty old sneaker? No. But he was obviously getting a kick out of it, so here I was and here I would remain all day.
Benji met up with Scotty and a couple others at the skate park before jumping on his board.
"What happened to Chris?" Enquired Scott.
Benji answered in a cocky tone. "Don't worry, he's where he belongs and he will be for a long time."
(Chris's POV)
The next hour was pure torture. It seemed like a lifetime, trapped under the big flat sole of my so called best friend while he had fun skating with his buddies.
I could hear him talking and laughing as if everything was normal, probably secretly enjoying the knowledge that I was stuck inside his shoe and powerless to protect myself from his awful foot sweat while he had all the freedom and power he could want. I hear his skateboard smack against the ground every time he did jumps, then the sound of the wheels rolling on concrete, and Benji and Scotty high fiving whenever he would pull off a cool stunt.
What Scotty didn't know was that every time Benji landed his board I was getting slammed harder under his sole. With the sun heating up Benji was also getting hotter, and his shoes were filling up with sweat fast. It ran down my throat so I had to drink it by the gallon to survive. It was disgusting but I gulped it down more and more, drinking it straight off his toes until..
(Chris's POV)
It was the weirdest thing. I'd spent so long drinking Benji's sweat I guess the taste just stopped bothering me. But it actually started tasting sweet, like something I wanted more of. As soon as I realized I liked the taste of my best friend's feet, I realized I liked the smell too. All this time I'd been fighting it and suddenly it was beautiful to me, it was musty and funky and overbearing but I wanted more.
I started pushing my face between his big, sweaty toes, licking out the deepest bits of sweat and sniffing happily. The more it stank the hungrier I was for the smell. What was happening to me!
I guess Benji could feel me worshipping his toes from underfoot because he started squeezing his toes around my head as if to encourage me. Next thing I knew..
(Benji's POV)
Skating with a tiny little guy wedged between my sneaker and sweaty sole was freaking awesome. There are no words to describe the ego rush you feel when with every step you take you feel a tiny set of lips push involuntarily into the grimey skin between your toes.
But things were about to get even better..
I was standing on a street corner waiting for Scotty to use the bathroom, idley pressing down on the toe of my sneaker to feel Chris squirm extra hard beneath my foot, when I felt something new.
Those tiny, sweat-covered little lips of my buddy weren't begging soundlessly for mercy any more. Instead I could feel him kissing the rank skin between my toes, slurping up the sweat and grime avidly with his tiny tongue, as if he couldn't get enough.
And this wasn't just please-let-me-out-of-your-shoe-master kissing. Oh, no. This was you've-finally-broken-my-spirit-and-I'm-hopelessly-in-love-with-your-gia nt-feet-kissing. I could tell.
It was time to take my little foot pet home for some fun.
(Benji's POV)
I stood there on the corner, quietly smirking to myself. Little Chris had finally given in to the pressure my feet were putting on him -- Literally -- Now he was going mad inside my shoe, slurping and kissing and worshipping the stinky toes that had once made him squeal for mercy.
This was awesome. I was on top of the world. I wondered at that moment if anyone else alive could understand just how supremely big and powerful having a sneaker pet makes you feel. It was like an ego overload, and I loved it.
That was when Scotty exited the shop, looking around for me with our boards. "There you are! So, what do you wanna do, man? It's getting kinda late. We could keep skating for a bit, or head back to my place and watch TV?"
"Actually, I've got a better idea." I stepped towards Scotty, feeling Chris compress under my foot before going wild with another frenzy of kisses. "Why don't you come back to my house? I've got something really cool to show you. I bet you've never seen anything like it.."
(Benji's POV)
I got back to my house with Scotty just after dark, and we headed straight upstairs.
"Take a seat, man." I said as I closed my bedroom door. "This is gonna blow you away."
Together we sat on my bed, in the middle of my catastropically messy room, and I lifted my sneakered foot onto the covers.
"Oh man, do you have to take off your shoes?" Scotty got ready to block his nose, but I silenced him, carefully sliding off my skate shoe and emptying it out over my foot.
Chris landed with a plop on top of my toes, gasping for air, drenched in sweat. Scotty turned white as a ghost.
"Dude!! You can't keep the little guy in there! That's inhumane!! That's- That's-"
"Uh-uh-uh, just keep watching.." I diverted Scott's attention back to my foot where, at that moment, little Chris was wrapping himself around my big toe and rubbing his tongue up the sweaty curve of my arch.
He was also rambling something about love and worship me being god, but I was focussed on the look of disbelief on Scotty's face..
(Chris's POV)
Just when I thought I was going to suffocate under Benji's thick, smelly sole, I heard his and Scotty's voice talking in hushed whispers and I could have sworn I heard my name mentioned.
Then Benji's foot eased off of me and pulled out of the shoe. I was so relieved, especially when his hand came in and lifted me out into the fresh air. I saw him smirking down at me as usual, then I saw Scotty's face looking extremely shocked.
"You mean you've been using your best friend as a sneaker slave and an insole this whole time??" Scotty said.
"That's right." Benji smirked. "You should try it some time. Nothing makes ya feel more like a giant teen GOD than Chris's pathetic tiny arms struggling under your sole."
Scotty was amazed. "That.. is so.."
"You're such a cruel person! How would YOU feel IF I DID THAT TO YOU?! OR IF HE DID THAT TO YOU?!" Scotty yelled. "Are you serious?" Benji asked laughing. Scotty got an idea. He said, "You know what? Give him to me. I wanna give it a try." Benji smirked as he handed me over. Suddenly, Scotty turned around and ran. Once we got to a safe place, he looked at me and asked "Chris, are you ok?" "I-I think so. Are you really gonna put me in your shoe?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Of course not. I only said that to save you." "I don't know how to thank you."
(Chris's POV)
I couldn't believe my ears. Scotty was actually supporting Benji's abuse of his tiny, helpless friend after Scotty himself had been such a responsible carer for his own tiny friend Jack.
"Yeah, to be honest sometimes I'm tempted to give Jack a little taste of my feet, just to let him know who's boss. But I don't have the heart to do it, my feet are waaay to nasty." Scotty said. "But on the other hand, I don't know or like Chris all that much so it might be fun to force my bad boys onto him for a bit."
"Awesome!" Benji said. "Lose those shoes and let's give little Chris a taste of some real mean teen footstink!"
(Chris's POV)
I had no idea why Benji was treating me like this. We'd been friends for a while, and never had I seen this deeply cruel and menacing side of him. He had a evil grin as he looked down at me and squeezed harder than ever. I could see the veins and bones in his wrist bulging out and I honestly thought I was going to black out from how tight he was holding onto me.
He leaned across his bed and picked up his phone. I thought that if I could only get to that phone I could call for help, but then I realised I was so small I probably couldn't even manage that. I was dependent on this cruel giant for everything, and my life was in his uncaring hands.
"Yeah man.. Come right over.. I've got something amazing to show you.." He said into the phone. His face looked just as cute and handsome as ever but now there was a cruel, cold side to it I never could have imagined before. He kept squeezing and poking me while he was on the phone so I was constantly suffering. Nothing compared to what was going to happen to me once he really got started, I was sure.
He got off the phone and sat there tossing me back and forth like a toy in his huge, strong hands until there was a doorbell ringing downstairs and he got up to answer it. I was dumped in his underwear drawer while he was gone. From that point..
(Chris's POV)
I had only moments to spare while my new god left his bedroom to answer the door. I climbed over a mountain of socks and underwear (some of them were clearly unwashed and stail) and climbed down the giant chest of drawers Spiderman-style. I dashed straight under Benji's computer desk on instinct, just as the bedroom door was opening and four feet were stepping in.
My cruel master Benji's feet were bare, as he'd kicked off his shoes earlier, but his new friend seemed to be wearing Converse Chuck Taylors which squeaked on the floorboards when he walked.
"DAMNIT! Fucking pet's vanished!" Benji said to his friend Brian in rage, then turned around and kicked over the trash can by his desk to vent his anger. I scampered into another corner quickly, terrified of being caught.
"Well he can't have gotten far." I heard the giant Brian's voice for the first time. "And when we do find the little runt.." The huge man's massive sneaker stomped on an empty Coke can that had fallen from the trash, and flattened it instantly.
I swallowed hard. *gulp*
(Benji's POV)
"Come right in, man.." I held my bedroom door open for Brian, who walked in wearing a casual shirt, jeans and Chucks. I lead him over to my underwear drawer, where he watched eagerly as I slid it open and rummaged around for the little suprise inside.
Brian and I both had average builds, but he was a good 9 inches shorter than me, standing by my shoulder at about 5.7".
He had short, smooth hair courtesy of his Asian background. I loved running my hand through it playfully every now and then, reminding him just how tall I was.
I fingered through rolled socks and underwear until I found tiny Chris, who tried unsuccessfully to evade my giant fist. I seized the little man and held him up in front of Brian.
"Awesome!" My fellow giant marvelled. "And he's really all yours?"
"Yup." I smirked proudly. "We can do whatever we want with him and no-one will ever know.."
Chris squirmed uncomfortably under our giant glares. We were going to have ourselves some fun tonight..
(Brian's POV)
"Cool, dude" I said looking at the tiny person in Benji's grip "Hey do you have anything to drink? cuz walking all the way here made me thirsty"
"Sure, let's go down in the kitchen" Benji said as he headed out the door of his room with Chris still in his tight grip.
As we both climbed down the stairs I asked Benji how'd the guy got so tiny. "Just some unfortunate incident at school" was Benji's reply when we both reached the kitchen.
"Mind if I try holding him?" I asked eagerly. I have always wanted to know what's it's like to hold a tiny person in my fist and feel it squirm under my tight grip.
"Yeah, sure.. have fun with him. Just don't break him… yet" Benji replied with a grin on his face and tossed Chris in the open. I was able catch Chris on open palm and looked down on his tiny body as he nervously shook after experiencing being tossed around like a ball.
I slowly closed my fingers around the tiny guy and felt him squirm under my tight grip. Hearing him shouting to be let out just made me more excited. I enjoyed the sensation of the tiny man under my power till Benji snapped me back to reality by giving me my drink. This gave me an idea..
"Hey Benji, you think Chris is a good swimmer?" i gently dropped Chris inside my glass of water and saw swim to the surface after splashing down to water. taking a slow sip, I watched Chris trying to swim at the back of the glass. I kept doing this as I also talked to Benji about what happened at school. Benji liked the idea of me scaring poor Chris and asked if he could have a try, further freaking Chris out. I emptied my glass, careful enough not to actually drink Chris and handed the glass to Benji..
(Benji's POV)
Brian handed me the glass which contained our choking, gasping little toy. It sure did feel good to know that whatever we did, however we chose to have our fun, Chris had no say in the matter. He was putty in our hands.
I emptied him out into my palm and took a second to admire the way he whimpered and cowered under the glares of his two giant masters. "I bet we look pretty damn godly to him at this size. But I think we could give him an even better perspective.." I bent over and placed little Chris on the cold tiled kitchen floor.
Brian and I laughed at the way he had to crane his neck to stare up from between our sneakered feet. The toes of my skater kicks and Brian's black and white Chucks had him good and cornered.
I grinned evilly. "What do ya say, Bri? Do we need to go a little further to show this little twerp just how much more powerful we are than him?"
(Chris's POV)
Benji placed me on the ground, so I was directly between his two giant skate shoes and Brian's Converses. There was nowehere for me to run, so I fell to my knees and held my hands together. "PLEASE don't hurt me, my giant teen masters! I'll do anything you want, I swear! I'll be your personal little toy for the rest of my life, however long you decide to let me live!"
They just looked at each other and smirked. I knew I wasn't going to be shown any mercy. "That's just the thing, you are out little toy." said Benji. "And it's your job to keep us entertained. So I want to see how much pressure you can take from under my HUGE sneaker before you squash like a bug."
Benji lifted his foot and practically stomped on me, so I was flat on my stomach and the treads of his shoe were digging into my back. No matter how much I cried and begged for mercy he just pushed his foot down harder, making my entire body feel like it was about to give way and snap underneath my teen god's foot.
When he finally decided he's had enough he lifted his foot off and kicked me over to Brian. I was on my back now, which was covered in dirt and stuff from the bottom of Benji's shoe. I saw Brian look to Benji for permission, then he grinned evilly and put his foot down on top of me. I screamed NO and tried to push the giant shoe away, but it was no use. I ended up on my back, with all sorts of dirt and crud falling onto my face from my teen god's monumental Converse shoe.
He squashed me harder and harder, till I was in so much pain that I was almost begging them to get it over with and crush me, then they would take a break and laugh together while kicking me back and forth, enjoying their games with me.
"What should I do with my little toy next?" Benji said evilly.
"I think you should give him to me!", said Brian. "I have an idea"
Benji roughly dumps you in the palm of Brian's hand. You stare up into his brown eyes and he flashes his pearly whites at you. "You look delicious", he says, licking his lips. He grabs you by the back of the neck with his index finger and thumb and dangles you high above his mouth. His teeth glisten with saliva, and beyond that you can see his tonsils, but after that, there nothing but darkness. It is a pit of no return.
but before you can finish your sentance, Brian lets you fall.
"I'll test it out." Benji offers, reaching for the antidote. "I picked it out of the cabinet in the lab after all. If it doesn't work, I should be the one to face the side effects."
"Thanks a lot, man." Scotty hands over the formula. "If it's the antidote we're looking for, it shouldn't have any effect on you. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't give us any nasty suprises."
Benji swishes the mysterious liquid around in the vial before his eyes. "Oh, I picked this out pretty carefully. I'm confident it'll do its job just fine."
Benji unslouches and stands up straight, bringing the antidote towards his face.. Spencer, Alex, Josh, Ciarán and Brendan watch on eagerly while Chris and Scotty cradle their shrunken best friend in the far corner.
Just as the vial brushes Benji's bottom lip, the teen's left sneaker squeaks on the tiled floor and he seems to stumble unexplicably. His long fingers tighten around the vial and then clumsily slip over it. There's a unified gasp as the formula dives into the air, sending a stream of bright orange liquid goes flying through the open air, over the guys' heads. Everyone except Benji, Chris and Scotty, who is nested safely in the corner withhis own tiny, gets showered by the mysterious liquid. Droplets splatter over lips and in eyes, stinging the shocked boys' tongues and dripping upleasantly down throats.
The effect is instant. Right there, in the middle of the men's bathroom, the group of friends shed their height rapidly. Spencer and Ciarán land on top of each other in the middle of a rusty bathroom tile which now looks mattress-sized to them. Alex's clothes are drenched in spilled water from guys shaking their hands off after washing (atleast that's what he hopes he's soaked in) while Brendan and Josh tumble awkwardly over the toe of Benji's right sneaker.
"HOLY SHIT!" Scotty shouts, freaking out. "Dude, that was supposed to be an antidote, not more of the same stuff that shrunk my buddy. And now look what you've done!! I've already got one tiny friend to look after, where am I going to keep these guys unti lwe find the real antidote??"
Benji frowns, but doesn't look too perturbed. "Geez, you've got a point there.. I guess I could take them back to my place for a while. I'm sure I'd find room for them all somewhere." As he mumbles, he nudges Alex playfully with the toe of his sneaker, watching the little guy repeatedly topple over.
"Well Jesus, man, I don't know what else to do! We're gonna be in so much shit if anyone finds out about this.. This is a disaster!" Scotty looks thoroughly stressed, as does the original shrunken boy in his palm. Chris stands by Scotty, just as shocked.
But Benji is still unphased. He's already started striding around the room, scooping up his tiny buddies, some of whom flee the giant sneakers slemming down next to them, the others just stare up at ther newly giant surroundings in awe.
"Don't worry about it, man, I got everything under control." He unceremoniously stuffs Alex and Spencer into the pockets of his hoody. He deposits Brendan into the front pocket of his jeans, drops Josh into the back, and keeps Ciarán in the palm of his hand. "See ya at school tomorrow."
Before Scotty can argue, Benji heads out the door and disappears without another word, five confused little friends in his possession.
(Benji's POV)
I couldn't wait to get home..
Ever since I was a little kid I'd fantasized about being a teen giant with my own little pet collection, waiting on me hand and foot. Often I'd daydream over my classmates at Herculean High, imagining them inches tall and under my control. The rush I'd feel, slowly closing my fist around one of my buddies' entire bodies.. Being able to give them a command, any command at all, whether it was to do my math homework for me or rub my feet, and knowing they'd have no choice but to comply.. Having the power to scoop them up and kiss my pet right on the face as a reward, when he obeyed. I knew nothing could compare.
My desire to go from being a friend to a pet owner consumed me. It was all I thought about, lying in bed alone at night alone or hanging with my buddies. When I heard about the little science mishap at school, I knew my prayers had been answered, and I made damn sure that shrinking formula ended up in my hands.
Now, slamming and locking my bedroom door, I was so excited I was nearly pitching wood. I still had no idea how my tiny buddies were going to react when I introduced them to their new lives.
Kicking a foot-high pile of laundry out of the way, I dragged an old mouse cage out from under my bed and clanged it down on the night table. Lucky for my little collection, the cage would smell brand new. Although I'd bought it five years ago, they would be the first pets to live inside its bars. I never intended on keeping animals in this cage -- You could say it was more like an incentive, something to keep my eyes on the prize I would one day win.
I emptied my pockets onto the floor of the cage, then flicked the tiny door shut, and gave my dazed little fivesome a huge grin. "Welcome home, little buds! First thing's first.."
(Benji's POV)
I plucked open the tiny cage door and forced my hand into the opening, snickering to myself as my little pets cowered in the back corners. I let my fingers wander across the fivesome, finally settling on Josh, the Adam Lambert-style cutie who was looking severely overwhelmed by everything. I seized him tight in my fingers and pulled him out, holding him up to my face.
"You're so tiny, little dude.. I bet I could fit your entire body into one of my sneakers."
I automatically started kicking off my shoes, excited at the prospect of seeing one of my ex-buddies, now pets, inside one of my most worn and sweat-ridden sneakers.
I still didn't know whether Josh would struggle, beg, or cave under the pressure of his position and start seeing me as some kind of god.. I could hardly wait.
(Benji's POV)
Slipping Josh back in the cage, I glanced at the four other anxious little men in my possession and licked my lips. Ah, Brendan.. My open hand shot towards him and yanked him out.
"Brendan, Brendan.." I held him up to my face and gave him a nice big grin. "In all the time we've known each other, you've been one loyal friend, I gotta give you credit for that." I watched the tiny hottie gaze up at me from my fist. Man, I must have looked like a deity to him. "But for as long as I've known you, I've secretly wanted one thing more than anything else.."
I kicked off my shoes and socks busily, just in time to place Brendan before my toes. "..and that was to see you at my feet. That's why I'm naming you my official foot slave, little man. You can thank me for the honour and get to work devoting your life to my feet or you can resist me -- Quite frankly I don't know which I'd find hotter -- But understand one thing. You will willingly worship every last square inch of my godly feet, sooner or later."
(Benji's POV)
I stuffed Brendan back into the pet cage, figuring I'd give him a while to stew over all the information he'd just taken in. I was getting real comfortable in my new position as a pet owner. This was going to be one interesting next few days..
I went for tiny Alex next. Alex was one of the most friendly and laid-back guys I knew, I don't think I'd ever seen him in a bad or anti-social mood. There was something particularly exciting about taking an exceptionally nice guy like Alex and submitting him to my giant body.
I reached around to the back of my jeans and slipped Alex right inside the seat of my boxers, without a warning or instruction, then withdrew my hand. He went crazy, grappling with my butt cheeks as he slid down them like a rock climber losing his footing.
I could barely keep myself from laughing, though the other pets didn't look like they appreciated the joke. I called over my shoulder: "Hey Alex! How does it.." I let the biggest fart rip, still laughing "..smell in there!!"
Alex’s POV:
I stared up in shock as Ben tossed Brendan back into the cage he had put us into. I couldn’t believe that he was doing this to us, we were supposed to be his best friends and he was torturing us like this. Suddenly his hand reached into the cage again and to me it looked like he was going after poor Spencer who looked like he was doing the worst out of all of us, he had trusted Benji the most out of all of us, so confident that after we had shrunk that he would take care of us the best we could. He most of been crushed when this turned out to be what he had in store for us.
Suddenly I felt his massive hand wrap around me and I began to struggle as violently as I could. I began to wonder why he was doing this to us, me in particular, I had always been nice to him, I never did anything to deserve this from him. In my panic I began to think maybe this was all a joke and he was letting us free, but sadly those thoughts stopped dead as he pulled his boxers away from his waist band.
My heart began to race again as he moved me so I was above the seat of his pants, giving me a view of the two massive thick cheeks that made up his butt and the dank hairy crack that divided them. I quivered at the thought of him dropping me in there. Without warning his grip was gone and I was left tumbling through the air until I finally landed on one of the soft mountainous cheeks. I latched onto the hot slabs under me, desperately trying to avoid slipping into his crack when suddenly I heard a loud grumbling from beneath me.
‘Oh no, please don’t tell me that’s what I think it.’ I thought as I continued to try climbing out, the sweat from his ass making it impossible for me to get a grip. Suddenly I heard Benji’s booming voice say “Hey Alex how does it” ‘Oh God no, please no!’ I begged in my mind as Benji ripped one of the biggest wettest farts I had ever heard. “Smell in there.” He asked before letting out a booming laugh. My eyes were watering and my throat had closed up, I couldn’t believe that a person, rather any living thing could make such a horrible smell. It smelled like rotted meat and rotten eggs, I was barely able to stay awake when I fell back and his large hairy crack wrapped around me, it seemed…..?
(Benji's POV)
Having one of my buddies tumbling around in the back of my pants was a rush, but I was ready for a whole new kind of excitement now. I chucked Alex back in his cage and wrapped my fingers around Spencer, the quiet, adorkable cutie I had wanted as my pet since the day I'd met him at school.
I held Spence up to my face and grinned. "Hiya." He cowered away, looking shy, but I knew he had to be atleast a little impressed with his giant friend. Spencer had always liked me.
"C'mon, little guy, I don't want a shy pet'" I coaxed him, rubbing his messy hair with my thumb. "I mean, I could always.. make you show me some affection." I teased little Spence by rubbing him against the denim-clad bulge of my crotch. It felt so nice, I was tempted to unzip and dump him right inside my pants.
But then I noticed Spence had reacted by clinging to my thumb, hugging it close. Was he just scared, hanging on like a guy stuck in a tree? Or was he behaving like the affectionate little pet I wanted him to be..?
'Hiya!' the voice still echoing in my ears as I clung to Benji's thumb terrified of what Benji had planned, words then began to repeat over and over in my head 'I dont want a shy pet' 'I could always make you' I was scared, I wasn't expecting this to happen, I did what I would like to think anyone would do in my situation, I kissed Benji's thumb and made it look like I was cuddling it.
"H…h…hi," I said softly the word struggling to come out, my voice must have sounded so little to him, and then I processed how huge he was to me, my eyes then where drawn to Benji's crotch, I tilted my head thinking 'how big it would be now that I was so small?' I was worried, 'what if Benji just put me in his pants and expected me to play with him until I got tired or he had cummed?… he called me pet, does this mean that I was going to have to call him master? to do everything he said even if I disagreed?' I then realised that the whole time I was thinking I was still looking at Benji's crotch, I quickly shook my head, and began to look up Benji's huge chest towards his face hoping that he didn't see me looking and get the wrong idea, and my god it was difficult to look all the way up to his face, all I saw was just more and more chest as my neck was craning up, evenutally I saw his face.
I shook my head I didn't want Benji to know I was scared, cleared my throat and spoke once more "HI BENJI!" I yelled my voice breaking half way through and me sounding absolutely terrified and turning bright red, I just hoped that I didn't sound as stupid to Benji
(Benji's POV)
I didn't have the heart to keep teasing Spence, so I dumped him back in the cage to get used to his surroundings and instead pinched Ciaran's slim little waist between my fingers.
I took him into my hands and cradled him gently. I liked the way this little guy felt in my palm, sort of fragile and soft, like a cute little animal. I patted his head with the tip of my finger and chuckled.
"Man, you're so tiny! I could tie you to my necklace and have you sliding around on my shirt all day and no-one would ever know."
The little guy was still staring up at me with wide eyes, probably overwhelmed. I continued. "I mean, I'm gonna have all sorts of fun with you guys, that's why you're here. Some of you are gonna get the dirtier jobs, like pants prisoner or foot patrol. But one or two might get the chance just to be carried around and doted over like a loyal little pet. Only if, of course, they're willing to act like one.. So what do you say, man? Do you want to be my little pocket pal?"
(Benji's POV)
I locked up my new pets, spread a layer of old laundry carefully over the cage and slid it under the bed. I knew no-one would venture far enough into my dump of a room to discover the little guys, but I didn't want to take any chances. I was a pet owner now, and I already loved the title way too much to risk losing everything.
I slipped on my shoes and sneaked out the front door, pulling my jacket on. It was getting dark and cold.
I felt around in my left pocket for the vial. No-one had noticed me scoop it up with the tinies in the men's room earlier, but I'd made a point of slipping it carefully into my pocket, so as not to spill the last few drops of shrinking formula.
What was left of the formula was meagre, but hopefully it would do the job.
I was on my way to visit a guy I know from school.. I'd have to sneak into his room, but once I saw those last few drops of shrinking mix drip down his throat it would all be worth it.
I was going to visit..
Later that evening, I climbed the old oak tree outside a house on my block and carefully slid into the open bedroom window.
I stood up, dusted myself off, and surveyed the room. It belonged to a guy in my grade at school, Josh Dwarfsman, who I'd nicknamed 'Teddy' to avoid confusion with my other buddy called Josh. Teddy had also earned his nickname another way: By being one of the most huggable and openly affectionate guys I knew.
Being short and sweet, Teddy was the kind of guy the bigger kids always had the urge to grab for a quick hug or hair toussling between classes or after school. He loved being his jock friends' personal teddy bear, especially since the bullies at Herc High saw him as an easy target when he was alone. And I for one loved having him around.
In fact, I shared a special bond with Teddy. I understood something about him that no one else did, and that was the extent of his love for being loved and protected by his much bigger buddies.
I was about to make Teddy's secret wish come true.
I sat on the bed, waiting for my buddy Teddy to return to his room. He was probably in the adjacent bathroom, getting ready to go to sleep.
"Benji!" I looked up to see my little buddy standing in the doorway, a beaming smile on his face. "How did you get in here?" He asked excitedly, dashing over to throw himself into my arms. Being the shy and affectionate little guy he was, Teddy loved having me to make him feel safe and adored, and I loved knowing he depended on me. Our size difference was a joy to us both; even at school, he was like my little pet.
"The window." I grinned. "And I come bearing gifts." I pulled Teddy onto the bed, on my lap and showed him the few sparkling drops that lay in the bottom of the vial.
I unscrewed the lid and placed my hand on his shoulder. This was it. "Open your mouth, cutie."
"What.. What is that?" He asked cautiously.
"Do you trust me?"
"Do you?"
Teddy opened his mouth and, guided by my hand, tilted his head as the formula trickled down his throat..
(Benji's POV)
I watched the formula drip past Teddy's lips, and his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed the droplets. Seconds later, I watched that now familiar look of shock cover his face, and he dropped to a mere two feet right in front of my eyes.
I was suprised that he wasn't inches tall like my other pets, but at the same time I was excited to have a pet-sized buddy who I could still wrap my arms around and hug when I was in my gentler moods. This was ideal, now I had little guys under my care to suit both my devious and my playful tastes.
"Little guy, you're adorable!" I scooped him up in my arms and squeezed him so hard his head could have popped off.
"This is unreal!" He said once he'd pulled himself together. "But.. How am I going to live my life like this, Benji? I won't be able to do a single thing for myself.."
I sat him in my lap, making sure my arm was snugly around him, and planted a long kiss on my little buddy's cheek. "Hey, you're my very own Teddy Bear now. You leave everything to me."
(Benji's POV)
I don't know if it was because Teddy was freaked out over the whole shrinking ordeal, if he was feeling lonely because his parents were away for the weekend, or if he was excited to be close to me at his new size.. but he was stuck to me like glue. His little arms wrapped around my chest, and his face snugly nuzzled into my shirt.
"I'm going to take good care of you, little guy. Don't you worry about a thing.." I wrapped my arms tighter around his fragile little form and rubbed my cheek against his hair. "For tonight, let's just get you nice and warm. It's cold outside and you're extra vulnerable to getting a cold."
I pulled down the covers then kicked off my shoes and discarded my belt before sliding under the covers. Teddy kept his face buried in my chest, complying with me whatever I did.
It felt amazing, being totally responsible for my little buddy's wellbeing.
Switching off the lamplight, I sighed. Warm in bed with my special little guy hooked under my arm. This was perfect.
(Benji's POV)
It felt good to finally have my little buddy curled up in my arms, small enough to pick up like a baby if I chose to. Everything was perfect.
Teddy had never been the type of guy who belonged in school, being picked on by kids bigger than him and all the dramas of teenhood. He was a little prince who needed to be held, protected and cared for, like a loyal puppy who craves its master's companionship in return for unconditional love. I knew that from the moment I met him. And now, he was finally mine.
Lying in bed, I felt goosebumps on the back and realized my little guy was probably cold too. I carefully sat up and pulled off my shirt, then kicked off my jeans under the covers.
"Are you leaving?" I heard Teddy's voice in the dark, sounding worried.
"No no, little guy, I'm just keeping you warm. Body heat, see?" I wrapped myself around him like a coccoon beneath the covers, totally enveloping him in the warmth of my skin, and felt him melt under my touch.
Now we'd really sleep tight.
Teddy's POV
It was 11 pm and I was in my room, lying in bed like I usually do. My folks were out of town to tend to some family crisis they didn't want to fill me in on while I have to stay home and get an education. It's not so bad, I got friends who care for me and let me hang around with them. I may be short compared to everyone else in my grade and unable to protect myself from the bullies, but I can always rely on my friends to be there to help me when things take a turn for the worse. That's my life during the day. At night, I'm alone and unprotected.
I left the window open because the temperature was mild outside and comfortable, not like anyone would break into my third story room anyways, you'd have to be a good climber to get up into the window. I'm listening to my iPod, to break the silence that is very unsettling to me. It gets lonely on nights like these, sometimes I wish someone would be here to make me feel safe while I sleep. I was too distracted by the music and facing away from the window to see or here a figure had climbed in and made its way towards my bed. At first I felt a small draft when my blanket got slightly uplifted, which I assumed was a breeze from the window, I ignored it. But then there was a sudden shift in weight on the mattress which then I tried to ignore, hoping it was my imagination. Slowly, felt an arm make its way around over me and one slid under me until I was suddenly locked in place by an unknown figure. I screamed, "Who are you?! Let me go!!!" I manage to free an arm and switch on the bedside lamp, which cast a bright light in a small area around it. I was able to see the arms retreat to shield the figure's eyes from the blinding light.
I stood up, grabbed a large textbook on the desk beside my bed to hurl at whatever it was that was violating my personal space and turned around to confront the threat. I saw the blond hair of the figure and had an idea who this was. I put the book down and dimmed the light. "Benji?" I ask the stranger, "Is…is that you?" The brightness of the light lowered, the blond haired stranger took his hands away from his face and it turns out he is Benji. "Yeah, it's me," he says, opening his arms while resting on his side, "Now come here and show me some love." I get beneath the covers and lay down before sliding over to into my friend's arms. He wraps his arms around me and holds my face close to his chest. I look up at his face and ask, "What are you doing here?" He chuckles, "I came to see my favorite little buddy who I know is oh so lonely since his parents away for so long. As your giant friend, I'm supposed to keep you safe and protected whenever possible. Tonight is our night, I'll be here to snuggle with you while you sleep."
I was happy to know Benji would be here to keep me company and cuddle up with me for tonight. I love hugging people, but I've never snuggled with another guy before, which was always a fantasy of mine that didn't require romance or erotic behavior. As I wrap my arms around him, I feel a bottle-shaped object in the back pocket of Benji's shorts and quickly jolt my hands away from there. He looks at me and smiles, "Aww, you don't need to be shy. If you wanted to caress my buttcheeks, I wouldn't argue because I trust you." I shake my head, "That's not what I felt, I felt something solid and glassy, almost like a bottle."
That statement made Benji sit up on his knees and lift me up onto mine. He reaches towards his back pocket. "I was actually going to show this to you anyways," he says, pulling out a bottle filled with some type of liquid I've never seen before. "What is it?" I ask him.
Benji hands the bottle to me so I can gaze and wonder what it is. "It's something that'll totally blow your mind," he says, "Teddy, this is a shrinking serum." I look at him. "What?" He continues, "If it penetrates your skin or is ingested, it causes the one who came in contact with it to shrink and become smaller." I stare at the contents of the bottle and ponder the thought of shrinking.
"Has anyone already been affected by it?" I ask. Benji nods, "That kid Jack Benson was the first one. Scotty showed me and the guys and one of them found what we thought could cure the problem. It turns out the "antidote" in this bottle was actually what makes people shrink when Spencer, Alex, Josh, Ciaran and Brendan got splashed by it when I was going to make sure it was what we hoped it was." "Where are they now?" I ask. Benji smiles again, "Scotty has Jack right now, I'll meet up with them tomorrow and the other boys are at home with me…well with my dirty laundry."
He pauses and slides close to me. "Just imagine if you got hit by it Teddy," he says with a slightly seductive tone, "You'd be smaller than you are now and your blond behemoth here would have to take care of you and protect you at all times. You'd be completely in my care and never have to worry about being threatened by bullies or tortured by some of those nasty jocks in gym class ever again." Benji knows about my fantasy of being a little guy (smaller than I am now) who would need a big strong giant to protect him and take care of him. I wouldn't have to be too tiny, just small enough to be even more of living teddy bear than I am now. If this serum does what Benji says it does, I could finally live out this fantasy that has eluded me for so long. At the same time, I feel bad for the guys who have been shrunken and I want to help them. Maybe I can help find the real cure to the shrinking dilemma and maybe shrink a feel bullies along the way for some payback. Should I listen to my fantasy or my heart?
I shake my head, "Benji…I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to tap into my inner fantasy and convince me to shrink myself so you can overpower me and make me a little slave like you probably plan to do to the other guys." Benji looks at me and laughs, "Silly Teddy, what gave you that idea?" I continue, "Don't play dumb. I've read stories about these kinda scenarios of a guy shrinking over the internet. They end up getting captured by a horny giant who may or may not have been a friend of theirs only to become his living sex toy or foot insole. Rarely do I see a scenario where a giant will help the shrunken guy out. Sure, maybe it sounds crazy, but I have reasons to believe this could happen if I shrink for you."
Benji puts the serum on the bedside desk closer to his end and then takes his shirt off in front me, showing his impressive physical stature to me in the dim light. "And you think I couldn't overpower you now, when you aren't shrunken?" he says, giving me a mischievous grin. "Benji…" I ask, "What are y-" He cuts off my talking as he tackles me back onto the mattress, pinning me to it. He just laughs as he sees me struggling to free myself. "Maybe you're right," the large teen admits, "maybe I am looking for some little guys to use for 'personal' reasons. But I promise you that if you did shrink, I wouldn't subject you to all those nasty things I would make the others do. I'd be your guardian giant and you'd be my playful little pet."
Benji sighs and goes on, "It doesn't matter. You're still completely helpless and unable to fight the shear bulk of my body. If I wanted to, I could seriously do some damage to your fragile little self. But I'm your playful 'giant' friend, and just want to mess with you for fun." He drops his weight on me and smothers me beneath his chest before rolling off by my side and pulling me into his big, beefy arms. I love all this intimate-like playtime we're sharing together, I don't want it to end, but there business needs to be tended to.
"Benji," I say. He looks down at me and lets me continue. "Tomorrow," I say, "I'm gonna go find a cure to the shrinking serum. So we can fix the mess the others are trapped in. I'm friendly with a few of the science nerds, so chances are one of them will know about the serum and might have an anti-dote. Can we, please?" As much as my blond haired, slightly power hungry friend would love to have his friends squirm beneath his feet or become prisoners to his boxers, he still knows that he should do the right thing, and he wouldn't want to disappoint me when my mind is made up. "Okay," he says, "We'll find one together and we'll get the guys back to normal."
I flip off the bedside lamp and allow Benji to take me into his arms once more. He snuggles me close while I get to nuzzle myself against his bare chest for the remainder of the night.
"I got it from a friend of mine," Benji tells me, "I want you to try some of it." "But WHAT is it?" I ask again. He smiles and pours some of the liquid into the cap, "It's a surprise, I think you'll like it. Go on…" I hold the cap and look at him one more time. "It's not an alcoholic is it?" I ask, "You know I refuse to drink those kinds of drinks." He shakes his head, "Nope, it's not. But it's special and unlike any other liquid you've ever drank in your life."
I'm curious to know what it is. So, trusting my friend, I take a small sip of the liquid from the cap and swallow. "It tastes kinda strange, nothing like I've ever tasted before." Benji smiles again and hugs me close. As I close my eyes and try to wrap my arms around him again, his chest seems to have gotten larger, I soon can't wrap my arms around it completely. Infact, I soon feel Benji getting even larger and open my eyes again to confirm this.
(Benji"s POV)
I was broken out of my reverie by a thump at my bedroom door. I snatched up the cage containing my tiny classmates and placed it on the ground, then took a heap of dirty laundry and dumped it over them to hide them from view.. I wasn't letting anyone intefere with my game at this point.
There was a chorus of cries from inside the cag, i don't know if it was the whiplash of being thrown to the ground so quickly or the smell of my jockstrap that had them squeaking, I just raced to the door and yanked it open.
"Oh!" I said in suprise. "It's you. Come in, man.."
(Benji's POV)
I opened the door and pulled Kyle into my arms, pecking him on the lips. "You picked the perfect time to come over, dude. Come take a look at what I've got.."
Hot, blond and just a few inches shorter than me, Kyle was the perfect boyfriend. Not only did we get along great and make each other's dreams come true in bed, but we'd had the same burning desire to be pet owners all our lives. Today, our greatest wish was finally going to come true.
I let Kyle kick off his sandals by the door, showing off his beautiful big feet, and I lead him into the room.
"No way!" His jaw dropped as I unveilled the cage containing our tiny friends. "This is unreal.. I was starting to think this day would never come."
Leaving the cage on the ground, I strolled around to Kyle and put my arm around his waist, stroking his side. I smirked at the nervous tinies as we towered over them, two blond behemoths. "Believe it, buddy. They're all one hundred percent our property now. Their little lives are in our hands.."
(Benji's POV)
I couldn't wait to have fun with our new toys, so I unlatched the cage door and lunged right in, grabbing the first little guy who fell into my grasp. It was Josh, my designated foot pet.
"How bout a little game of dare?" I said to Kyle with a devious grin. He nodded, smiling back and wiggling his toes. "I dare you, my big barefoot sex god, to put your sandals back on and keep this little guy under your sole for an entire hour while we have fun, without acknowledging him."
Kyle agreed, and grabbed his sandals from by the door with excitement. Josh was less enthusiastic, being submitted to the bare sole of a powerful giant he'd just met, so I pinned him down on the bed of my boyfriend's footwear while Kyle slid his sexy bare foot in on top of Josh.
We both took a second to laugh at Josh's barely audible squeals for help, then started the game of ignoring him completely.
After exchanging a quick but kiss, we walked hand-in-hand to the other side of the room and sat to play Xbox for a while..
(Benji's POV)
It was funny, trying to focus on the screen in front of me with the sound of Josh's pitiful little cries for help coming from under Kyle's big foot. I knew he wanted to laugh too, but we kept on playing the video game and talking casually about school.
"Something just occurred to me." He said after five minutes of idle talk. "You ought to take a dare too, since I'm doing so well."
I was intrigued. "I'm up for anything."
"Oh yeah? Why don't you pick a lucky little pet from our collection and.. keep him under your armpit for the entire hour. Breaks, no fresh air for him, no laughing for you."
"You're on!" I stomped right on over to the cage, where my pets were huddled together in fear. I guess they'd overheard my dare. "No use trying to hide, squirts." I swung the little cage door open and stuck my hand in. "My pits haven't seen a bar of soap in days, haha. Eenie, meenie, miney.. Alex!"
My fist shot forward and extracted Alex's kicking, begging body out, placing him snugly in my sweaty pit..
(Benji's POV)
I had a sudden idea.
I hurriedly crossed the room and locked my bedroom door, then returned to Kyle, lacing my arms over his shoulders. "I've been waiting so long for us to have our own little pet collection at our disposal. Now that we have, there's only one thing I can think about."
I pressed my lips against his, gently sucking his tongue into my mouth. God, his breath smelled good. The feel of his arms pulling me in, making our fronts nudge, sent a rush of warmth to my crotch.
I took my arm from around his neck and slid my hand over his stomach, lightly cupping that big, mouth-watering bulge in the front of his shorts. I heard his groan quietly as our lips mashed together, kissing and sucking, tongues stroking passionately.
"You know what would make this so much hotter..?"
(kyle's POV)
I'm still in shock and awe and the new toy benji and I have as he cups my growing bulge in my shorts and look at him with a devious smile.
"dude that guy's gonna be wresling the biggest cock known to mankind. I say hell ya!"
The tiny guy's eyes widen with horror as both of the blond giants continue their massive makeout session and wiggles like mad as he see benji unbuckling kyle's belt with such passion that it looks like he practically ripping them off and then looks down at the massive leaking snake hidden in the pants. "no NO! you can't do this! this is inhumane!" the little guy squeaks and squirms in benji's grip.
Then suddenly he drops and falls and falls down into darkness and lands where a giant monster leaking like mad is lurking hungerly.
"Fuck yeah I feel him in there hhaha! he's not moving around much though, we might need to do something to make it happen buddy." kyle leans in and pins benji down and tops him on the bed buring his crouch against his and kissing him on the lips* "how do you wanna play with him?"
Alex's POV
What has happened to me,I'm lost and in Benji's room,with his boyfriend.
He was picked up and bought up the Kyle's face and watched as an evil smile grew across his face,you heard him say.
"hay Benji we should put him in a condom,while we have sex".
'OK,I'll go get one".
He returns with a condom,he gives it to Kyle,who drops you in and smiles as he slides it onto his huge,hot,throbbing dick.
"AH it feels so good'.he screams.
Now comes the part you feared the most,you look out of your clear prison and see Benji's huge ass appear and you feel the walls of the condom enclose around you as it enters his ass.You hear the moans of pleasure from both boys and you hear a most dreadful sound and the vibrations confirm your fears,a torrent of fresh,hot cum rushes out of his cock as he climaxes into the condom,you are smothered in his thick man juice and you stink of it too.
Kyle's POV
"Oh god that was great,but now I'm out of cum,Benji,could I use one of your slaves to make more".
(I will use your POV idea as it works for me.)
Ashley's POV
Ashley is suddenly pulled out and is standing in Kyle's huge hand, he can hear him talking about stuffing home into a condom and being used like a sex toy, the whole idea sent a shiver down his spine, this maybe the most frightening thing in my life but what can he do, these giants have have load of control over me I think to my self.
Suddenly I'm stuffed into a condom it's all hot and stuffy and smells like rubber as they do anyway.
The next minute I can I see his dick come into the condom I'm completely stuck this is not going to be nice, I can hear the giants laughing and screaming with such excitement I'm. 19 I should be making my own mind up not them.
Suddenly Ashley sees what looks like a black hole, in and out as the whole shaft fills with his ass, I can feel his dick harden suddenly he comes all over me, I smell just like his cum I hate this "help" I scream I cannot be heard, it's tight like nothing I have felt before, in and out non stop, I am glad that I'm inside a condom but it's not nice.
Kyle's POV
"Benij that feels so good can I have a ago.
You find yourself in your best friend's pocket until class is over. When it finally ends it's break and Scotty goes out onto the school grounds and sits under the shade of a tree. You feel a groping hand reach into the pocket and you grab onto Scotty's finger. He lifts you out and places you on his lap. "Sorry for that, I couldn't risk getting you taken away as a toy." He explains looking down at you.
You nod, "What am I gonna do? I can't stay like this! I'll eventually be crushed for sure!" You panic. Scotty gives you a slight shake, "Hey! What are WE gonna do! You're in this with me. And nobody is gonna hurt my bud while you're with me!" Scotty says.
You gain control of yourself and smile up at your buddy, "Thanks man. If I'm gonna be tiny, I'm glad I'm tiny with someone like you."
"Nah, don't mention it. What are friends for? After all we've been buddies since elementary haven't we?"
You smirk, "Been raising hell for that long have we?"
Scotty chuckles, remembering the times you've shared.
You weren't bad kids, you just liked a little excitement now and then….but never at others' expense. You guys always made sure everyone got in on the laugh. Sometimes even the teachers. It was almost spring break, and Scotty and you had planned to go on vacation together. Guess those plans would have to be canceled, you hoped he wouldn't blame you.
The bell rang, "Bye Jacky-boy, see you later. Don't get discouraged, I promise we'll fix this." He says as he lowers you back into his pocket.
The next peroid is foreign studies and in walks 2 19 yearold old south African rather cute guys, the guys are wearing flip flops plus there thongs they wear in there country of origin.
Unknown to Scotty Ashley has just slipped out of his pocket as he was trying to take a look at the cute dark skinned guys, for some reason Ashley starts to shrink again to about 2 inches tall looking at the giant sneaker and sandals of other guys, this is very scary to some one of his size, suddenly Ashley notics 2 huge flip flops coming towards him, he looks up to see one of the African guys doing a walk around the class, Ashley is a bit nervous coz he thinks he may get crushed by one of them, lucky for him he stops with a giant thud in front him, all Ashley can see is his huge flip flops and toes that are so huge, he decides it might be safer to try get into the giants flip flop and ride it out.
Ashley climbs up the flip flop the good thing about these flip flops is there is a heal strap attached to the giant foot, he climbs inbetween his toes and grabs hold of the thong just in time as he starts to walk again, Ashley really has to hold on tight coz each walk is like nothing like he has ever experienced before, all he can see is the lines around the giants toes and he can smell them as well, the smell is like feet that hasn't been washed for at least about 3 weeks, it's very disgusting for any one but when your 2 inches it's even worse; sometimes the toes would kind of scrunch up and Ashley is forced against them.
The African guy asked the lecture if he has some small sticky tape he needs to fix his flip flop thong he tells him, what Ashley doesn't know that he has seen him in his flip flop and he is planning on tapping him to his thong, he walk out of the door and picks up Ashley, he looks at him all over "Hmm little man me things you like me feet so I shall tape you to me thong of my flip flops".
Ashley looks in total shock as he places him back onto his flip flop standing up and tapes him down, it's taped down so hard Ashley can't even move to get him self free the African who's name Adisa slips his foot back into his flip flops and Ashley has no choice but smell Adisas feet, it's to much coz Adisa has started to sweat even more than before, all Ashley can do is just stay there as loads of sweaty foot smelling water falls down him, soon Ashley is smelling like Adisa's foot.
After the speech a privet helicopter lands in the playing field ready to take Adisa and his friend back to there south African college, Ashley looks as the 2 giants board there helicopter which takes them to there privet jet.
It seems like hours untill the jet touches down at South African airport, the 2 depart to head back to there college with Ashley stuck to Adisa's flip flop thong,
As soon as the 2 Africans get out of there cab poor tiny Ashley is hit by the heat that makes Adise sweat even more and the smell get stronger and stronger.
You spend the next ten-twenty minutes in Scotty's warm denim pocket. Your best pal doesn't wash his clothes as often as he might, so it doesn't exatly smell like a bed of roses in his cramped jeans pocket, but the scent of Scotty's B.O. is atleast something familiar, and it's oddly comforting in this vulnerable time. You stay curled up in the corner of his pcket, leaning against the wall of denim which is warm with Scotty's body heat, waiting for him to meet with this science whiz he has arranged to talk to.
Finally, a few giant fingers startle you as you're fished out of the pocket and umped on a cold bench in the science room. "Here he is." Scotty says to another thin, pale kid who wears glasses and a nervous expression.
"Oh, boy.. If word about this gets out, the science club could be in big trouble for some of the.. unorthodox experiments we've been trying out. I'll help you, but not a word of this can leave the school. Understand?"
You look uncertainly from the science geek to Scotty, who nods impatiently. "Yeah, whatever, just help my friend."
"Alright.." The other boy takes off his glasses, wipes sweat from his forehead, and with a grave expression, begins to mix some chemicals together. Solutions fizz and bubble. White steam billows out of viles and the geek's hands work hypnotically, hurriedly mixing and dousing, all the while his eyes flicker from the door to you, making sure no-one is passing by. "Okay." He finally says, handing a half-full vile of luminous yellow liquid to Scotty. "Take him home - I don't want anything to do with this from here on out - and feed him the solution. It should reverse the imbalance and return him to normal. He should only need a sip, but if it doesn't do the trick, give him a little more. Flush anything you don't use. i gotta go."
And with that, the science club member hurries out the door with his backpack. Scotty swishes the vile, pinched between his huge fingers. "Let's go, little buddy." he says, and returns you to his warm pocket for the anxious trip back to his place..
Scotty is hurrying toward the school exit when Clay, a burly quarterback with greasy blond hair and a permanently hostile look on his face, moves him bulky frame into the doorway. "Where you goin', faggot?" Scotty tries not to look him in the eye, and moves to walk around the tower of muscle. But Clay puts one over-sized hand on the kid's shoulder and moves him a big step back. "What's that ya got in your hand? Is that a present for me?"
From inside your buddy's warm pocket, you hear Scotty try to argue indignantly, but you can tell from Clay victorious 'Uh-HUH!' that he has the glowing vile in his big, meaty hand.
"What is this, faggot? A love potion for your boyfriend?" The bully says, and a few of his goons snicker from the corner.
"It's not for you!! Give it back or I'll.. I'll.." Scotty flounders, knowing there's no-one he can ask for help.
Clay and his buddies laugh rauciously as he unscrews the lid of the vile, swishes it around in the light for a moment, and..
Scotty watches in horror as Clay throws the solution - your only hope at returning to normal size - into his mouth and gulps it down with a single bob of his huge Adam's apple. He wipes his lips with the back of his sleeve, leans into Scotty's face and burps. "Ahh.. That was refreshing. Got anything else for me, wimp?"
Clay and all his buddies laugh rauciously as Scotty stares forward in horror. It isn't long before Clay himself stops laughing, and looks down worriedly at his body. His massive hands feel across his stomach, then his face, then his arms.
"Something.. Something's happening.. What the fuck did you put in that drink, faggot??" He looks angrily at Scotty, who's backing away in terror.
"I told you not to drink it!!"
Clay's breathing becomes heavier and heavier, his usually stoney expression changing for once in his life to fear. You can't stand the suspense - You poke your head out of Scotty's pocket and watch as, before your very eyes..
Scotty's look of horror turns to a smile of satisfaction as he watches the once proud lunkhead jock shrink til he's even smaller than Jack! His buddies are too stunned by what they have just seen to move. But they hear Clay's squeaky screams and insults up to giant Scotty. "What have you done to me!? You fucking faggot!! Guys, Get this fucker!" Says the tiny ringleader of sweaty jocks.
But reacting quickly before the jocks can converge on him, Scotty knocks Clay to the ground with his foot and pins him underneath his shoe. "Back off, all of you! You've already fucked up my friend's once chance to get help!!" He glares down at Clay underneath his shoe, years of hatred and pent up rage from he and his friends being bullied showing in his face. "It wouldn't be hard to squash you Clay….If you don't tell your boys to back off I'll do it!! I mean it!!" Scotty thunders down, applying more pressure onto Clay's screaming form.
One of the jocks raises his hands up, "Hey man, We don't even like the guy that much…..We'll be leaving now…" The group of jocks with a quick glance down at Scotty's shoe, start to turn around. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!? COME BACK HERE AND HELP ME!!!" He screams from underneath Scotty's ratty shoe as the ones he thought to be his friends left him to an unknown fate.
"Hmph….Some friends ya got there Clay….Now….I'm gonna take you and teach you a lesson!" Scotty says removing his foot and scooping Clay up. Scotty then puts a screaming Clay in his other pocket, separating him from his best friend. He then goes into the bathroom and sits in a stall, removes his shoe and dingy sock, revealing an unwashed smelly foot dripping sweat and odor.
Scotty brings Clay out and brings him up to his smirking face. "I would pity you, my feet sure can produce a raunchy smell….But ya know what?" Scotty brings him closer to his face, "You deserve to be treated like you treat everyone else, As if you're nothing but a bug underfoot! Fit only to be tormented by the lowest part of my body! Ha ha!" Scotty laughs as he drops Clay into his damp, crusty sock.
Clay's face screws up in horror as Scotty, laughing, drops the tiny ex-bully in his rancid sock and brings his sweaty toes wriggling toward the opening. You can hear the once manly jock's voice cracking in terror as he screams up at his giant teen owner, trying to retain his dignity but sounding just as pathetic as he is.
Scotty forces the sock over his offensive toes and pulls the tongue of his ratty sneaker forward, jamming his foot in.
"That ought to take him down a notch, atleast till we get him home." he grins down at you. You've never seen this side of your friend before, and it startles you a little. But you're grateful that you didn't end up drinking the defective formula, and years of resentment towards the school's biggest bully fuel your sick enjoyment of Clay's torture.
Scotty marches home, feeling on top of the world with a tiny little muscle-jock squirming like a bug under his rank foot. When he finally closes his bedroom door, dumps you on the bed and fishes out his new little toy, he decides to..
"Ahhh.." Scotty sighs, lying back on his bed with you by his side. He stacks his sweaty feet on top of each other at the foot of the bed. Next to them, Scotty's crusty socks lie. before the stacked soles, Clay stands, pinching his nose. The downsized jock's hair is crazily messed up. He's covered in a sheen of sweat, and looks to be gagging on the stench of Scotty's feet.
"Come on, little man." Scotty beckons. "I don't think you've officially met your new masters yet. You're gonna spend the rest of your life serving these bad boys, so you'd better lose any aversions you have to foor odour right now." He syas in a cocky tone. "Unless, of course, you don't wanna be my pet.. In that case I'll just throw you away now. You'd look pretty funny, spinning aropund in a swirl of my piss as the toilet flushes you down."
"No!!" Clay screams, running towards the sweaty soles of his new owner. You watch as the disgusted, once proud young man hesitantly presses his front against your skater buddy's nasty foot.
"Thaaat's right, little man. Get yourself real used to my big, godly feet. You're gonna work on them until you can't move those muscley little arms of yours any more." Scotty has never enjoyed so much power over another being, or object before. He's certainly using this for all it's worth.
Clay digs his thick fists into the vile-smelling flesh of the giant teen's sole. He grits his teeth and, on Scotty's booming command, pushes his cringing face into the warm expanse of skin.
"Please! Oh, man, please say I'm done now!" Clay begs. You notice he's completely lost the cocky edge to his voice that was once so engrained in his character. Scotty's doing one hell of a job of breaking him down.
"I'm 'Master' to you, pipsqueak. Just for that, climb up and eat the crud from between my toes. NOW!!" Scotty snaps his fingers impatiently, and Clay scurries to obey. The giant skate ray chuckles madly as he watches the little toy be so easily intimidated by him. He laughs even louder when Clay's tongue tickles the damp flesh between his toes, but gets used to the treatment quickly.
"Oh, boy.. Yeah.." Scotty smiles a huge, toothy grin, lacing his fingers and placing them behind his head as he closes his eyes and enjoys the treatment.
Clay is wearing an expression of total humiliation and defeat. He looks utterly broken down as he goes on licking the feet of a kid he used to flush in the men's room on lunch breaks. And Scotty is intent on reminding him of his insignificance as the little man degrades himself, wiping his face between the giant skater's grimey toes.
"That's right, little toy. I know you love being my little foot slave. And don't worry, you're gonna get all the time you could ask for with my big smelly feet, HAHAHA! ..But for now, you're starting to look a little thirsty. I wouldn't want my pet dehydrating - You'd be no fun then. I think you've earned yourself a drink."
Clay staggers back from the huge feet and falls to his knees before Scotty, clasping his hands together in praise. "Yes!! Oh, God, I'm so thirsty! Thank you, Master!" You hadn't realised how worn out Clay was, but now you notice he's trembling all over. He must really want a drink.
"I'm glad you're so grateful that I'm giving you a drink, little man. Just for that, you can drink as much as you like before getting back to work; I won't interrupt you."
Clay is nearly crying with relief, but you've noticed a menacing glint in Scotty's eyes. You have a feeling that his offer to Clay might not be as kind-hearted as the dopey little man assumed.
Your guess turns out to be right when Scotty picks Clay up, carries him into the bathroom and..
Scotty grabs a small-ish bowl from under the bathroom sink and fills it with a couple inches of water. Then he walks back to his bed and sets it down on the floor. Clay is eyeing the water bowl like a thirsty dog. He looks so excited, he could almost dive out of Scotty's hand to gulp the wonderful cold water up.
That's when Scotty leans down, fidets with something on the floor, and lifts up one of his socks for you and Clay to observe. He gives you a cheeky smile. "Think Clay's going to enjoy his first drink of the day, or what?"
Clay's mouth is agape as he watches Scotty scrunch up the nasty sock, dip it in the bowl of water, swish it around for a while then squeeze it out, so a stream of murky droplets plop into the discoloured water. "What are you doing??" The jock's shouts, in disbelief. His voice sounds hoarse with exhaustion, and he just might be ready to cry.
You're too shocked to interject anything - You're suprised to find that you actually pity the shrunken jock who was once the scariest thing you'd ever encountered. With a big smirk on his face, Scotty drops the dirty sock to float in the bowl and picks up his other rank, not-quite-white sock, swishing it around just the same. When both dirty socks are lying in the bowl, washed in the dirty water that Clay is expected to dirnk, the tiny jock begins to beg.
"Please! Come on, man, please, I can't drink that!!"
"No?" Scotty asks happily. "That's ok, I'll just pour it out. I don't know how much longer you're gonna last without a drink, though. And don't think I won't mash you under my foot if you stop serving me to my satisfaction."
"No, no, no! I need a drink! But PLEASE don't make me drink your sock-rinse, Master! I just can't do it!!" You watch what must be the last traces of moisture in Clay's body run down his face as he begins to cry in self-pity. Scotty's goofy smile is wider than ever as he watches the man break down in front of him.
He's on top of the world, with his ex-rival crying like a baby in the palm of his hand, and he's determined to see the little toy drink up that sock-water..
Placed on the floor, Clay crawls on his knees to the giant bowl, feeling and looking like a dog. Scotty watches with satisfaction as the little man places his arm on the bowl's rim, dips his head in, trying to ignore the thick cotton sock brushing at his cheek, and forces himself to take a slurp of the sweat-filled water.
The little jock gulps the first mouthful down, then chokes and splutters violently. "Is the taste of my foot-sweat nice and strong, Clay?" Scotty asks proudly from above. His head bowed, Clay nods and tries to keep down the salty, bitter rinse.
Out of necessity, the tiny jock returns to the bowl, takes a deep breath, and plunges his head back into the water surface. You see his thick throat working vigorously to scull down the skater's foot-sweat solution. The wet gulping sounds make you a little sick as you think of exactly what's being pumped into the little man's stomach right now: Weeks worth of toe-crud, perspiration that has poured off of Scotty's plump toes during gym class after gym class, the dirt and mildew that builds up under your skater buddy's rarely-washed socks. Just thinking of the awful, pungent smell of those horrible rags makes you feel sorry for Clay, who's busy gulping down a belly-full of the giant teen's rank sweat and grime.
Finally, Clay's head comes out of the bowl, which looks half-empty now. His hair sticks all over his face. Grains of dirt as well as water covers his upper body. He gasps deeply, his broad chest heaving in and out, and looks up at giant Scotty fearfully. He can't believe what he just did - But it sure taught him a lesson about the extent of his master's cruelty.
"…Thank you, master." He says in a small voice, and Scotty smiles victoriously.
"Scott! Dinner time!" Scotty's mom calls from downstairs.
Scotty pokes his head out of the half opened door and shouts back, "Be down in a sec!" Scotty then turns to you on the sink counter, "I'll bring you up something Jack." Scotty says as he picks you up and looks back down to Clay, who has just shouted up to him. "Hey Scotty! W-What about me? I-I'm kinda hungry too…"
Scotty glares down at Clay before he clenches his toes around his midsection. "Listen here you little shit, Don't you ever call me by my name again. Only my friends can do that. I'm master to you….And second, I'll have to think about it…And if I decide to feed ya….I'll have to go skating for awhile to build up some toe jam and grime on my feet so you'll have something." Scotty snarls.
Clay's eyes bug out from being clenched in Scotty's vice like toe grip. And he tries to object to the idea of eating Scotty's toe grime after a skating session with his buddies, but Scotty has already reached down and plucked up the slightly greasy Clay from between his digits and exited the bathroom.
After stashing Clay in his sneaker with a sock inside so he wouldn't escape, and you on the pillows of his bed, Scotty goes down to eat dinner with his single parent. Scotty's dad died a long time ago right before Scotty was born, the only thing that Scotty had of him were pictures of his father, and his father's old pocketwatch, which he in turn had inherited from his father. It was Scotty's most prized possession, and he kept it in the bottom drawer of his dresser.
After dinner, Scotty had decided he would feed Clay but would have him in his sneaker while he skated to build up his food. Scotty went up to his room and fetched his shoes and Clay. Clay begged for Scotty not to do it, but Scotty ignored him simply saying, "Did you ever give me or my friends mercy when you were pounding us at school?". After he had put on the socks he had worn to school that day, he shoved his feet inside them and tied them up tight. He muttered to himself, "The guys are gonna love him at this size! Heh!" He turned to you, "Wanna go see the guys?"
You thought about it, while Scotty's friends weren't bad kids, just like Scotty wasn't himself. They were fairly mischievous as you had seen with Scotty. And you were often the butt of their jokes, due to not really being a skater dude yourself, just an average joe. But because you were Scotty's bud, they were nice to you. The three main ones who Scotty hung out with were: Sam, Jase, and Tommy.
All three were basically the same as Scotty when it came to practical jokes and their hatred of their mortal enemies: the jocks.
But who knows, maybe they would help you out with your predicament. And if they wanted to mess with you, Scotty would stop them, right?
"C'mon, buddy, you can watch me and the guys pick on tiny Clay." Scotty says, scooping you up and heading for the door. Your heart races as your giant skater bud bounds out of his front door into the afternoon sun - In just a few seconds you're going to be surrounded by giant skaters, and at your tiny size you're afraid you'll be overwhelmed by their intimidating presence. Of course, Scotty has treated you well so far, so there's no reason to think he won't be just as carefuol when he has his buddies around. Still, the thought makes you nervous.
There's one idea that still comforts you: At least ou're not lying inside Scotty's cheesy skater shoe like Clay, with the weight of Scotty's rank foot bearing down on you.
"Hey, guys!" Scotty greets Tommy, Sam and Jason at the skate park. All three boys have their boards by their sides. All three have messy hair, baggy jeans with huge sneakers peeping from under the crumpled denim legs. All three are gargantuan, sweaty teen gods, and you're absolutely petrified of them.
With one hand holding his board, Scotty uses the fist that has you clenched inside to touch knuckles with Tommy. "Hey man, what's that iny our hand?"
"Oh, this? This is my bud Jack. He's got a little problem, but we're figuring it out. Until then I gotta keep an eye on him." Scotty says proudly, showing you to the guys.
The three teen colossuses close in on Scotty, staring at you with intrigue.
"So, you're like, in charge of him totally?" Says Tommy.
"Does he do whatever you tell him?" Says Jason.
"Make him do tricks for us!" Sam chimes in, excited.
Now your heart's really racing. Scotty looks down at you, torn between his responsibility to take care of you and all the admiration he's recieving from his friends now that he has you in his possession. Will Scotty's ego get the better of him?
"Sorry guys, I can't risk Jack getting hurt. But I've got another surprise for you all!" Scotty says as he tucks you into his jeans pocket. Scotty takes a seat on the concrete ground and begins to untie his shoelaces. Before he removes his shoe completely however, he puzzles the grungy skater dudes with a strange question. "Hey dudes, how long have you guys been wearing those shoes today?" Scotty asks trying to sound nonchalant.
The boys answer one by one, their answers different variations, but coming down to the same thing: All day long.
Scotty smirks, "Socks?"
Again, the boys' answers are the same: Yes.
"Whats with the weird ass questions, dude?" Tommy asks.
Scotty just grins and pops his foot out of his well worn shoe. He then reaches in, and brings out a red faced Clay. The three boys stoop down low so they can get a better look, ignoring the smell of foot odor that is rising to greet them. Jason is the first to speak up, "Holy fuck…Is that Clay!?"
Scotty grins wider, "Yup! The stupid jock drank a chemical that I was gonna use for Jackie boy….It shrunk his ass and I've been making him lick my feet and shit." Scotty says with pride at having tamed the wild jock.
Tommy, Jase, and Sam look like they could worship Scotty themselves right now for bringing their feared enemy down to size. But as for now the boys exchange glances and grin slyly. "That must have been hell for him!" Sam says smirking.
"Ha ha, why?" Scotty laughs.
"Dude, your feet reek! I can smell them right now!" Tommy informs him. Scotty glares at him, then his face softens a little. "I bet all three of yours stink after a long day at school and after skating in the hot sun. I bet they're all sweaty and sticky!" Scotty chuckles evilly.
The boys nod at this.
"I have an idea on how we can pay this little fucker back for all the years of torment…" Scotty says.
With your school's most notorious bully lying limp and defeated in his hand, Scotty has become an instant god in the eyes of his skater buddies. Now, the group of grimey teens look excitedly at one another.
"You mean we can make him sniff OUR feet too?" Tommy gapes, secretly holding back a hard-on at the thought of ultimate power over his worst enemy.
Scotty hands over red-faced little Clay, who starts to whimper as Tommy's fingers tighten around him. "..Oh, no, no, please man!" Tears are rolling down Clay's face as Tommy slides his foot out of its huge black and red Etnies shoe. "Oh God, ple-hee-hease!!" Clay bawls hard and loud, sniffling and shaking like a nervous wreck.
Tommy drops the little man into his soggy sneaker, watching with intrigue as Clay chokes on an all new boy's foot stench. For Tommy, it's like watching a roach choke to death on bugspray - those wildly kicking legs and the spasmodic jerks he makes as he unwillingly sucks in the aroma of another boy's feet.
Time to up the torture ante.
Clay has spent years ruling over Herculean High with an iron fist. If you'd ever told the meat-head football jock that one day he'd be used and humiliated by a bunch of skinny, grimey skater punks with acne and foot odour, he's have laughed in your face.
..But he isn't laughing now. The skater boys are, though. They're practically in stitches as they watch Tommy pick up his ratty sneaker and take a big, hearty sniff. "Mmm, must be heaven in my smelly sneaker, huh Clay?" he chuckles, and you hear a tiny, desperate squeak in reply from Clay. "What's that, little man? Please take you out? Aww, no can do, buddy. See, you never gave us a break all those years you spent bullying us, so I'm not in the mood to give you a break now that you're my own teeny, tiny, little BITCH."
There's a rousing cheer of applause from the rest of the skaters as Tommy sticks his clammy hand inside the shoe and plucks out his toy bully, leering over the terrified little man a big, malicious grin. As much as you hate Clay, you can't imagine what he's going through right now. You're sure you'd either faint or piss your pants if you were in his position.
The miniaturised jock is plucked out, legs and arms flailing and twitching like a bug, and squeezed between Tommy's fingers. "Please let me go! Please let me go! please let me go, man!!!" He screams like a girl.
The boys laugh, totally void or remorse, as if they're watching this all on TV rather than in reality. "Suck it up, jock boy." Tommy sticks Clay back inside his sneaker and rubs him hard, face-down into the soggy insole. Clay is pressed deeply into the spongey, foot odour-soaked fabric until he's had a chance to eat, breathe and drink every drop of sweat, every grain of dirt and every whiff of foot stink his little face can take.
Then, still screaming and squirming, he's lifted out of the shoe and rubbed against the skate sneaker's huge side. His head, once high and proud, is used to polish Tommy's chronically worn sneakers all over. His lips are rubbed into the dirty grooves of leather, grungy laces tangle around his weak little arms, and he's left smeared from head-to-toe with filth accumulated by his teen masters' many sessions at the skate park.
When the guys are all done having their shoes polished by the pathetic little ex-jock, they decide to humiliate him even further by..
Tucked safely into Scotty's pocket, you've never been so glad to be on your giant skater bud's good side..
You watch in silence as the four gargantuan skater punks sit in a circle, around their favourite skate park. Each boy has messy hair, well-worn clothes and a huge, devious smile on his giant teen face. Each giant has carefully taken off his ratty skate shoes, peeled off his sweat-soaked, holey socks and placed them carefully at his side. Before you, four colossal teens sit with their bare toes lined up prefectly, glistening with sweat under the sun and ready for their helpless little jock slave to lick them clean.
Clay stands in the middle, looking like he's on death row. You can practically smell the doom that hangs over him like a dense cloud (..or is that just the teen's overwhelming foot stench?). He looks from foot to foot, noticing the crumbs of filth and crust sitting deep between the grooves of those ungodly toes, tiny sprouts of hair on some of the toes' knuckles, marks and patterns left on the skin from shoes or socks which had been worn for impossibly long stretches of time.. You can almost hear him wishing, just wishing he'd never bothered these kids when he was big and strong. You can see the tears welling up in his eyes as skater Sam gives the order:
"Lick my toes first, Clay." There's a distinctly cocky, pompous tone to his voice, and you know he's using it to crush Clay's pride even more than he and his friends already have. "Yeah.. Stick your weak little head in between my toes, eat that shit right outta there, then polish my feet with your little slave tongue." There's a wave of snickers and high-fives as Clay bows his head and marches slowly towards Sam's feet.
You watch the tiny, broken-in jock do the one thing you never in your entire life expected to see him do. He bows down in front of the giant teen skater, and pushes his head right in between the boy's two biggest toes. You can see his little tongue lapping up the dirt, his strong Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows a mouthful of toe jam. He gags violently, clutches his stomach.. then Sam's big toe thumps him on the back of the head impatiently, and he goes back to his soul-destroying mission. He licks and laps away at the big guy's toes, until they're all clean and he's allowed to move on to the next skater god.
Tommy has already had the glee of feeling a tiny jock worship his tired, sweaty feet, but that doesn't stop him from giggling throughout the entire experience. Clay's tongue seems to tickle his dirty soles more than anyone's, though he doesn't complain. In fact, when the little man's head is deep between his cheesy toes, swallowing a good stomach-full of grime, he squeezes his toes together and the boys all laugh as they watch Clay try to scramble to his feet, suffocating on foot stink.
It's Jase's turn next, "Good boy, Clay.. Good boy.." He talks to Clay as if he's a dog, incapable of understanding English, needing a loud, clear tone of voice to happily inform him when he's doing a satisfactory job. "Don't forget to kiss my toes, runt." Jase says cheerfully. "Even if you don't finish licking them, I wanna see you smooch the tips of my toes like they were your boyfriends."
Clay swallows his pride and kisses the massive toes, which inspires another round of laughter from the teens. "Are Jase's toes your boyfriends, Clay?" Scotty taunts. "Go on, tell us you're gay and in love with my buddy's toes. Do it. Now." He prods, and you almost feel pity for the down-sized jock when you see a rivulet of tears streaming down his cheek.
"I.. I'm.. I'm gay." Clay's voice comes out cracked and defeated. He's just labelled himself with the same word he's used so maliciously on his less manly class-mates in the past. And it stings more than he could ever have imagined. "I'm gay and I'm in love with your feet.." His shoulders shudder as he goes on smooching the giant, smelly toes, sobbing hard.
"That's right, Clay, now wrap your arms around them and give them a big hug.. There ya go.." Jase watches happily as his tos are pampered and embraced by the same burly jock who once haunted the skaters' nightmares.
Next, it's Scotty's turn. Your buddy stretches his toes in preparation as Clay trudges toward them, his face flushes and tear-stained. "Lie down, Clay, on your back. I don't want you to have the privilege of bending over my feet. You're gonna squirm like a worm underneath my soles while you worship them." Scotty says matter-of-factly.
You can see the tiny bully trembling, every fibre of his being telling him to rebel, to reject the idea of worshipping the kids he's always seen as his inferiors.. But he doesn't have a choice. For the first time in his life, some-one is bigger tha nhim. No, scratch that. EVERYONE is bigger than him, and he's a toy in the corrupt hands of these hormone-driven teenagers.
He lies on his back, biting on tears, and Scotty lifts his mammoth boy feet in the air above. "Enjoy." He says with a shit-eating grin. Before the tan soles have even descended on Clay, pieces of grime from between the giant skater boy's toes have fallen and bounced off his face. The guys snicker as their buddy lays his feet flat on top of the immasculated jock, and you see two tiny legs sticking out from under Scotty's heels, struggling not to kick for freedom.
Clay is covered by a blanket of stinking soles. His handsome face is wedged right between two sweaty toes, and his muscular build is flat, immobile under the trashy teen's rank feet. "So, you guys, what's been up?" Scotty says casually, pretending not to notice the man trapped under his feet, and the rest of the guys guffaw. While they continue their conversation as if nothing is going on, Clay starts to squirm and panic underneath the massive soles. His face must be rammed deep into stinky toe flesh, making it impossible for him to breathe clean air. This is inhumane, but the skater giants remain perfectly light-hearted.
"Mmm! MMM!!" Clay's legs start to kick, and the boys grin evilly at the imag eof him, squirming like the bug they've transformed him into. "Lick out my toes real good, Clay, and I'll think about letting you up."
You watch Clay's miserable, screwed up face which is coated in tears, staring at the huge slimey toes hovering over him. He can barely take a breath to cry louder due to Scott's foot sitting heavily on his chest, and you can see him conflicted by the urge to assert his masculinity and the need to follow his teen masters' orders.
"Clay, when I tell a worthless little foot slave like you to lick my fucking foot I expect you to LICK IT!" Scotty orders, wiggling his dirty toes.
Clay finally caves. Pushing his manly nature and all his instincts aside, he puckers up and licks the sweaty underside of young Scott's curled toes, then begins pitifully to lick them, allowing dirt and sweat to fall freely inside his mouth.
This is the lowest you've ever seen a human being reduced to, especially one once as proud as Clay. Will his sacrifice be rewarded, or has he just been tricked by his cruel skater gods?
Clay sobs like a baby underneath Scott's feet. You can't imagine the humiliation he is suffering, having gone from being king of Herculean High to nothing but a tiny footslave in a single day.
And you can't imagine anyone whose feet you'd personally like to end up under less. Scotty has the most vile, intolerable foot odour you've ever smelled.
But somehow Clay has managed to swallow his ego and literally kiss the feet of his enemies, degrading himself to the level of an insect. And in return, he recieved a round of booming laughter.
"I can't believe the little punk thought we were gonna go easy on him, just because he gave in!!" Tommy laughs.
The rest of the teens follow suit, bellowing their taunting laughter while Clay remains pinned under Scotty's awful foot, whimpering defeatedly.
"C'mon guys, it's getting cold. Let's go back to my place. Oh, but you don't have to worry about the cold, Clay, you're going.."
Clay fell for his skater gods' trick now he's being dumped in the worst possible place for the trip home. You feel a sort of pity for him as you watch Scotty dangle him over his giant, criminally skater shoe and drop him in.
Clay screams blood-curdling screams for mercy as Scotty's bare foot wiggles in on top of him, no socks, no hesitation.
"Don't worry Jack, I'm not gonna put you under my foot." Your giant buddy winks at you. "But I need someone to make sure Clay doesn't escape so I'm keeping you in the side of my shoe on the way home. You won't get hurt there, and the smell won't be all that bad."
Scott slips you in between his smelly sneaker and ankle without even waiting for an answer. It looks like the authority of being a teen giant has really gotten to his head, which frightens you.
Up against your friend's sweaty ankle, the bone pushes against you with every step he takes and the smell of the sneaker is so toxic you can't even breathe out of your nose for the trip.
But that isn't the worst part. The whole time, you can hear Clay screaming under Scotty's foot as if he's being murdered. The stink must be pretty intense down there, still, the sounds are deeply disturbing.
You just hope you both make it home alive.
You can barely breathe all the way back to Scotty's due to his sneaker stench, but when you finally arrive in his room and are pulled out into fresh air you're infinitely relieved.
Clay is too. Even though he's covered in sweat and his own tears he manages to get on his hands and knees and bed Scotty's friends never to hurt him again.
They all smirk at each other. Yeah. Like he's going to get off that easy.
"Clay, you're alive today for one reason and one reason only." Scotty smirks at his little victim, placed at his feet. "To service the kids you used to bully and make every minute of our lives more convenient and entertaining. That's why you're goin to lick ALL of our dirty old sneakers clean if it takes you all night, and you're not taking a break until you're done."
Clay gets dumped in a big laundry basket with holes just large enough so they can keep an eye on him but he can't escape. Then, even while he begs them not to make him do this, Scotty takes off his ratty skate shoes and drops them in the basket.
They bounce a little, and Clay has to run to avoid them landing on him. Tommy takes off his shoes and drops them in next, holding his own nose because of the stink. "Man, I've been wearing these same shoes for YEARS and I've never cleaned them!"
"Tell me about it!" The other boys take off their own peeled, ratty, dirt encrusted sneakers and drop them in. Clay can't possibly avoid them all, and he ends up buried under the eight humungous skater shoes. Some black, some blue, some red striped and white laced. All of them filthy.
"Good luck eating all that shit off, Clay." Scotty says, leaving him to it. As for you..
Jack watched with mounted horror as his friend messed with Clay the whole time since he got his hands on him. He traveled with Clay in Scotty's sneaker, but he still felt very little, or no sympathy for the former bully, who was the vain of his existence. Jack almost laughed when his former bully was forced down into the basket and the giant skaters tossed in their well worn, rank sneakers in with him.
This made Jack feel so much better as he listened to the skaters talking about how long it has been since they last cleaned their sneakers and how bad they stunk. He coughed a few times as the smell slowly filled the room, the smell of teenage feet and sweat, he could only imagine the hell Clay was going through inside the basket.
"Good luck eating all that shit off Clay, Jack i want you to stay and watch Clay doing his job, make sure he does it right". Jack nodded eagerly as he walked over to the edge of the basket and looked down through the massive sneakers and saw the tiny, naked form of the once mighty Clay, sulking. Jack grinned when he snapped his fingers "Come on Clay, your Masters aren't gonna wait forever for you to get started".
To Jack's surprise, Clay looked up at him and he crawled over to the nearest sneaker and began to lick at the wet, sweaty, stale insole. It made Jack feel so proud as he commanded Clay to do this, Scotty glanced over and was impressed with Jack's orders. Clay licked at the insoles, gagging and coughing, clearly hating what he was doing, but constantly looking up at Jack, making sure he was doing it right.
For Clay knew that if Jack said that he was not doing a good job, Scotty would not hesitate to crush him like a bug, which scared Clay even more than submitting to Jack. Clay looked up "Master Jack, is Clay doing a good job?" Jack rubbed his chin and grinned "Yes you are, for now, I expect those sneakers all clean, understand?"
Clay nodded with fear as he picked up the pace of his kissing and licking of the skater's sneakers. Scotty again looked over and liked what he saw in Jack, he reached into the basket and plucked Clay out and dropped him on the desk next to Jack. Everyone was shocked and stunned when they see Clay…….
Jack stood on the desk looking down at Clay working his ass off to please him and to save his own ass from being crushed underfoot like the bug he felt like. When Clay was lifted out of the basket and put on the desk next to Jack, everyone was totally shocked and stunned when they saw Clay fall to his knees almost like he was going to propose. "Please Jack let me live I will do anything, please". Clay sobbed, glancing up at Jack and felt nervous so he got down and started to kiss Jack's bare, filthy feet.
Scotty and his skater mates were in utter shock as Clay did that, taking out their phones and snapping pictures of Clay at Jack's feet and of course no one knew they had been shrunk, so when they posted them online everyone laughed and liked them. Clay was virtually making out with the tops of Jack's feet and he grinned down at Clay. "Hey runt, I can hardly feel you, better get to work on my soles and sucking my toes, or you'll be pulp under Scotty's feet faster than you can scream".
Scotty was impressed and there were some "ohs' and "ahs" from the skaters as Clay looked very worried as Jack sat down in front of him, revealing his bare soles and toes and Clay got to work sucking on the toes right away. His lips closed over each toe and sucked on it so carefully as Scotty laughed "Damn looks like Clay's years of sucking dick have come in handy". All the skaters burst out laughing as Clay just blushed and continued to serve Jack's toes.
Clay soon finished on Jack's toes, and Jack seemed to notice a boner growing between the legs of the former bully and pointed it out "Scotty look, our little slave has a boner for my feet". Clay looked down and saw it himself, but he feared Scotty's crushing feet more than his pride right now as he blushed but continued to slowly lick Jack's sweaty feet.
When Scotty noticed Clay's boner he decided to……….
When Scotty noticed Clay's boner he decided to humiliate him for it, he grinned and pointed at his throbbing erection and laughed "Hey look guys, our little foot fag's got a boner for Jack's feet". Scotty mocked as he and the others all laughed and pointed at Clay, who was sobbing. Jimmy turned to Clay and grinned "Hey if he gets like this for Jack, imagine how he will react to our massive feet?"
That sent the others into overdrive as they too out their phones and snapped pictures and Scotty made a video as Clay, sobbing, licked Jack's sole slowly, seeming to enjoy the taste. Clay looked up as the giants closed in on him and he saw nothing but their giant eyes, a vast sky of blue, brown and green eyes staring in at him, watching everything he did.
This snapped something inside him as he pushed Jack's feet away and stood up "Leave me alone you sick fags, imagine if i did this to you, would you want to be stared at like this all day?" His outburst caught even Scotty but surprise as he continued to film without mercy as Clay turned towards Jack. He seemed to be more sympathetic towards little Jack as he looked at him and then back at Scotty "Grow us back now Scotty, or else".
Scotty and his friends all burst out laughing, but were stunned as Clay stood up and grabbed Jack with his arm around his throat, Jack gagged and struggled in Clay's strong grip. "Grow us back or little Jack here gets crushed". Jack looked up at Scotty with pleading eyes as Clay held him and threw him to the desk and placed his foot on Jack's head.
Jimmy acted quickly as he moved his hand and knocked Clay over and grabbed Jack, leaving Clay with no way out as Scotty loomed overhead. He looked at Clay and then back at Jack and asked "Jack should we let little Clay live as our slave, or should he die like the worthless bug he is?" Clay was shocked by this and fell to his knees in hopes Jack would have mercy.
Clay was so scared and worried as he looked up at Jack in Scotty's hand, holding Clay's life in his tiny hands. Jack rubbed his chin and he whispered something to Scotty and the giant skater grinned and Clay was knocked back and dropped onto the wooden floor and Scotty's massive, sweaty bare foot come soon after. It engulfed Clay's tiny body, he felt so weak and useless as he watched the two biggest toes moving past him and his head was sitting between them, looking up at Scotty.
Jack giggled at this as his skater buddy lowered him down and he sat between the massive toes and Jack rubbed his feet on Clay's sobbing face. "No need to cry little Clay, worship my feet properly and if you don't, Scotty will turn you into Clay-paste". The ease with which he said those words scared Clay as he nodded quickly as Jack's feet rested on his face once more.
He stuck out his tongue and began to lick the soles of Jack's feet and the skaters above were loving it. Jack curled his toes around Clay's nose, blocking his airway with his sole over Clay's mouth. "You belong to Scotty don't you, Scotty is better than you isn't he slave?" Clay struggled for air, sucking at Jack's sole for air which would not come as he nodded eagerly. The foot was removed and Clay gasped for air, only to inhale the rancid stench of Scotty's unwashed toes.
Clay nodded and he looekd up at Scotty with new eyes, seeing him as more than a boy he used to bully. "Yes Scotty is better than me, he always has been, Scotty is so much bigger and stronger than I ever was, I am nothing compared to him". Clay sobbed as Scotty filmed this with his phone and Jack wiggled his toes around Clay's tear soaked face with joy. Clay seemed to be wanting to do anything to save his own ass as he sobbed some more. "Please Master, Scotty you are everything I am not, I wish I was you, your feet are bigger, smellier and much better than mine, everything about you is Godly".
Scotty had to struggle to keep it all in as he heard this from a guy who used to bully his everyday since elementary school. "Scotty, you are what a real man looks like, I am not a real man, you are". He took a deep breath of strong smelling air and sighed "I am a horny little foot slave to you Master, please let me go, I have done all that you asked, I know my place, but please let me go Master?"
Scotty looked at his friends and he grinned and spoke the word that sealed Clay's fate……
That single word cut Clay deeper than any blade ever could, he felt his pride and humanity drain away with that one word Master spoke so high above Clay. Clay gulped as he looked back at Jack and he sobbed to himself as the giant foot was slowly lifted off his tiny body and he could breath again. He was not the same Clay who was trapped beneath the foot of Scotty, something had snapped inside him as he begged for mercy and he did not like it at all.
Jack was lifted back into Scotty's hands as he continued to film this and his skater buddies came closer and got a good look at the tiny naked Clay. Seeing such massive boys coming towards him, Clay got scared and he shivered, before getting on his knees and bowing down to humble them, the skaters laughed at this display of subservience. Tommy grinned as he watched Clay looking so pathetic and he took a seat on the bed and he undid his laces, pulled his skating sneakers off, them landing near to Clay, who whimpered. Tommy peeled his sweaty, sticky socks off and threw them to the side, unleashing a vile smell into the air.
Clay gagged and he bowed lower so his Master would not see him gagging and coughing at the smell of his friend's feet. Tommy snapped his fingers and pointed at his sweaty feet, covered in sock lint and a glistening sheen of fresh foot sweat from the day skating. Clay hesitated for a moment, not wanting to go anywhere near those feet, but he took one look at Scotty and Jack and he knew he had to do it. He swallowed what was left of his pride and he crawled on all fours over to the massive wall of sweaty flesh that was Tommy;s foot and began to lick it slowly.
Tommy was loving the feeling of Clay's tiny tongue lapping at the sweat on his feet, sucking at the warm, salty liquid like it was a manner from heaven. Clay continued with his licking and he seemed to be enjoying it, having convinced himself, as well as his Master, that he was nothing more than a simple foot slave. He felt himself getting hard from the taste and smell of Tommy's feet as he finished cleaning them from heel to toe.
Scotty had filmed the whole thing and he whispered to Jack "I knew he would be fun, but I had no idea it would be this funny". Jack laughed at this as Tommy stood up and walked over to Scotty and declared "man little Clay has become some much more subservient towards us and its great, his tongue felt amazing". and he turned and glared down at Clay, who shivered in fear at the stare of the giant skater. "I expect you to do the same to the others runt, you are never safe".
That last comment sent shivers down Clay's tiny spine, he now looked at the other skaters and their bare feet and wondered who might be the one to crush him like the bug he had convinced himself he was. To him, nothing was safe, everything he did could be his last moment and he knew he had to do the best he could to stay alive, living on edge forever.
Jason and Sam went one after the other, each one loving how pathetic and weak Clay now was and Sam grinned back at Scotty "Man you are lucky, you got an awesome little foot fag to lick your feet for the rest of your life". Scotty grinned down at Clay and licked his lips "Yeah he will be mine for the rest of his life, of course how long that will be depends on how well Clay obeys and tends to the only thing that matters, my feet".
The skaters burst out laughing at that as Clay sat on his haunches and looking up at his Master, waiting like a good little slave for his next orders. and Scotty decided to…….
Make Clay serve Jack while he and his mates go out
Have Clay beg to lick his sweaty feet
Clay sat there on his haunches looking up at his Master like a good little slave for his new orders. He saw the look on Scotty's face and he knew something was going to happen, and he sobbed a little as he looked up at the giant skater. Clay gulped in nervous fear as Scotty's mouth opened and delivered the orders. "Well my friends are heading out, you will be begging to lick my feet like a good little slave, or else". He said as he cracked his knuckles high above Clay and curled his toes so they cracked too.
This sent Clay into a panic as he looked back a Scotty's massive bare feet, which he had praised not long ago, and he gulped in fear as his mind raced for what to do. The strong powerful jock side of his head was fighting and wanted Clay to bolt it and make a run for the door, but the rest of his mind wanted him to stay put, to give in and become Scotty's slave, it would not be a good life, but at least he would be alive.
Scotty saw Clay's tiny eyes darting back and forth in his head and grinned knowing there was a mental battle going on inside and Scotty knew who would win. He decided to help the cause as he moved his bare feet closer and lifted them onto their heels, so they towered above the prostrated Clay and made him feel even smaller and weaker than he already was.
Something inside Clay's mind snapped when that happened and he bowed down as low as possible and sobbed. "Please Master, I know I am not worthy of this honor, but please let me lick your sweaty feet, they are my whole world". Clay sobbed even more as he bled his heart out in front of Scotty's feet as he crawled forward, on hands and knees and planted a single, loving kiss on Scotty's towering sole.
Feeling this, Scotty grinned as he wiggled his toes high above Clay and the tiny former jock shivered as he saw this display of power from his Master and gulped. In his fear and panic he launched himself as the massive feet before him and was kissing and licking them like there was no tomorrow, and there might not be for Clay. His tongie got all over the soles of both feet, lovingly kissing and licking the sweaty skin and sock lint gathered from their day skating.
Scotty was enjoying the attention Clay was paying to his perfectly sweaty feet and he grinned as Clay asked "Master has Clay done a good job for you Sir?" he seemed so scared of the answer as Scotty's mouth opened and said..
Clay seemed so scared of the answer we Scotty's mouth opened and said "Yes Clay has done a good job, but I am going to head out with my friends, Jack is in charge now". Scotty grinned as he reached down and wrapped his clammy fingers around tiny Clay and dropped him on the desk and he set Jack down in front of him. Jack smiled as he waved goodbye to Scotty and his friends as they left to have some fun themselves.
Clay felt so alone and humiliated as he sat there, on his haunches looking at the bare feet of a boy he used to bully all the time, just for the fun of it. He gulped as Jack stood before him, tall and proud as he spoke down at him. "You are mine now slave, just remember, I can tell your Master anything I want about you and he will believe it".
That was all Jack said as he walked over towards a small book Scotty had on his desk and sat down on it and snapped his fingers at Clay. Clay heard this and he began to crawl towards Jack, feeling so humiliated by this act, but he knew his fate was in Jack's hands, he could tell Master than he did not obey and be crushed for it. This scared Clay more than anything as he sat before Jack, bowing his head and looking as low as possible.
Jack was loving this as he watched Clay crawling on all fours towards him "You always made me smell your vile armpits after football practice, but now you will be licking mine clean got it little runt?" Clay felt so scared that he nodded straight away and he crawled up to Jack, looking so sad and broken as he moved up and caught a whiff of Jack's unwashed armpit. He gagged and coughed, but stuck out his tongue and ran it along Jack's armpit.
Giggling at the feeling, Jack was soon hard as he enjoyed Clay licking his armpits, both of them slowly, seeming to enjoy the taste and he snapped his fingers "Open wide slave". Clay obeyed and opened his mouth and Jack gagged "Smells like feet and armpits, good". Jack grinned and laughed when Clay was done with the armpits and he looked at his hard boner.
"You always called us fags for being friends, now swallow your fucking pride and suck off a real man".Jack said proudly as Clay eyed up the erection before him and gulped as he slowly wrapped his lips around the large member and took it into his mouth. jack moaned as Clay slowly swallowed the whole length of Jack's dick and he began to suck on it, bobbing his head up and down as he gave Jack and blow-job.
Clay felt something change within him, he knew he had to become what Scotty and Jack wanted, his life depended on their mercy and his will to survive. he did not sob as Jack moaned at the pleasure he was giving him, or when he fondled Jack's balls to add pleasure. Clay was a broken slave and he knew it as Jack blew his load inside Clay's mouth and as Jack pulled out he said "Do not swallow until I give the order, got that slave?"
Knowing what could happen if he disobeyed, Clay nodded with a load of fresh boy cum in his mouth, holding it in, and to his surprise he began to enjoy the taste and somehow he began to lust for it just like he had for Scotty and Jack's feet before. Jack was amazed to see Clay's boner getting harder as he gave the nod and Clay swirled the cum around before swallowing it down.
Jack wondered if Clay should get a reward for his efforts today, or should he have to beg for Jack to tell the truth?
Jack stood there and watched as Clay swirled his cum around in his mouth and seemed to get even harder as he swallowed it down his slave throat. This got Jack thinking and he grinned down at Clay and he had an evil plan to get his revenge on Clay for the years of being bullied and not being able to do anything about it. Clay looked up at Jack from his hands and knees, with wide, pleading eyes as his erection stood strong between his legs, he seemed to have little, or no shame about it at all.
Then the sound of the front door opening and closing quickly, Clay bowed himself as low as he could, trying to make himself look as submissive as possible. Jack stood proud as the bedroom door swung open and Scotty came in, dripping with sweat from their run around the park to check out the local strip club. Scotty grinned as he saw Jack and Clay on the desk and Clay seemed terrified of Scotty as he sat down on his bed and smiled at Jack. "How was our little slave while I was gone Jack?"
Jack grinned and looked back at Clay, who seemed hopeful, and then turned back to Scotty "It disobeyed every order I gave it, never did anything i told it to do, all in all, it failed to do the simplest of tasks". Scotty seemed shocked by this, Clay had been so obedient towards him and his mates. he had no reason to think Jack was lying as he glared down at Clay and boomed "WELL SLAVE, GOT ANYTHING TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?"
Clay was in tears as he listened to Jack lying to his Master about his service, but there was nothing he could do, could he call Jack and lair and be believed? He bowed down as low as he could possibly go and sobbed "I am sorry Master, Jack is not you Sir, the slave did not obey him as it should have, it has no right to beg for your mercy Master".
Scotty grinned at this as he rubbed his chin and took out a video camera and licked his lips "Slave, you will tell me what you really are, and prove you are nothing but a STUPID, FUCKING WORTHLESS FOOT SLAVE to me, does it understand?" Clay was in shock at this outburst from his Master and all he knew to do was nod, too stunned for words.
Shaking, trembling from pure fear, Clay watched as Scotty set up the camera and Jack stood over him, clearly enjoying this as the camera was set up. Scotty glared down at Clay and pointed at the lenses of the camera and grinned "Look at the camera, never take your eyes off it, answer the question and obey, got it?" Clay simply nodded as Scotty went behind the camera and moved Jack out of the way and pressed record.
"WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" Scotty's voice boomed
"C….Clay Sir". He managed to get out.
Clay gulped, "I used to be the school bully".
"I am a stupid, worthless foot slave to you Master Scotty". he whimpered
"Because I was shrunk and captured by you Master and I learnt my place".
"It is at your feet Master and anywhere else on your Godly body you put me".
Scotty grinned down at Clay, who shivered in fear as the camera kept rolling and Scotty put his bare foot in front of Clay, so the toes could be clearly seen by the camera "PROVE IT RUNT, PROVE YOU ARE A STUPID, WORTHLESS FOOT SLAVE". Clay nodded and crawled towards the massive toes before him and began to kiss and lick them, the camera zoomed in nice and close to see his face, showing little disgust for the task, but fear at it being filmed.
Clay was in tears as he did this and he seemed to break his lines and looked up at his Master and begged "Please Master your feet are so perfect, please may i spill my worthless slave load before them, please Master?" he put his hands together as he begged and Scotty loved this. He nodded "YOU CAN SLAVE".
Clay was overjoyed as he sat on his ass and began to pump his tiny dick, once a thing of pride, now an object of shame. he jerked it with his hand and he moaned as he licked Scotty's sweaty toe as he did this, clearly enjoying it, but so humiliated by it. he soon moaned so hard as he came on the desk in front of Scotty's toes and got a glare from his Master. "CLEAN UP YOUR MESS RUNT".
Falling down to his knees, Clay lost what was left of his pride and humanity as he reached down and sucked up his own cum with his mouth, scooping some up in his hands and slurping it like a drink. Scotty filmed the whole thing and when Clay was done with his cum, he posted it on his own special macro website and he posted the link to all of Clay's bully friends. He titled it "Clay gets his just desserts".
Do they open the email and watch the video?
Jack just shook his little head slowly down at Clay, who was shivering in fear and awe as he looked up at boys he used to bully, now his living Gods and Masters. As he watched Jack's head shake, he knew he was doomed, Jack spoke for the first time. "Well look at him, he is clearly a worthless bug, aren't you Clay?"
All Clay could do as casually stroke his throbbing erection and nodded "Yes Master I am just a worthless bug". Scotty and Jack both grinned as he said that and Jack continued "And worthless bugs are not worth what they cost to keep around". Scotty just laughed as Clay's shivers and cries turned to moans of pleasure as he shamelessly stroked his shaft as he looked up at Scotty.
"Please don't crush me Master, I will do whatever you want I will lick your dick, lick your feet and eat only from your toes, please Master let me be your worthless slave?" He begged, clearly meaning everything he said, but Scotty just shrugged as he put Clay on the floor and knocked the former bully down under his bog toe. The smell was thick and pungent as Clay was forced to breath it in, but it only caused him to blow his final load on Scotty's big toe.
Clay screamed as his body felt the slow crushing forced from the toe above him, his ribs slowly bent and his screams increased as they snapped one by one. Soon his knees and elbows popped, sending him into another fit of screams and begs. "Please show mercy Master". Was all he managed to get out as the toe curled up and pressed down hard on his tiny head, it was the worst headache ever as his screamed were ended.
Scotty laughed as he heard the screams end with an almost sickening crack and pop and then the soft squishy sounds of Clay's brains as they were smeared. Without any mercy, Scotty twisted his foot and ground what was left of Clay into a mere smear on his bedroom floor. Scotty and Jack learned to love their sizes and they became even closer friends, and never once did they regret what they did, or even remember Clay's pathetic name or face again.
Through the holes of the laundry basket, you can see Clay's tear-stained face crumpling up again. Watching a grown man cry should be more satisfying, considering how long he spent bullying you and your friends when he was regular size. But you're actually feeling a little sorry for him.
The sneakers piled into the basket are big enough to crush him, but he has just enough space to weave in between the crusty giants, climbing onto one of the lower skate shoes to obey Scotty's order. You watch as he sticks out his tongue, hesitates, and then presses it against the tattered red rubber of the stinky footwear.
"Good slave. I want you to polish my skate shoe until you can see your wormy little face in it." Scotty laughs, and his friends join in. Your giant friend picks you up in his clammy palm and carried you over to the other side of his bedroom, which is already filled with the rotten stink of teenage feet.
"What are we gonna do while your pet jock eats crud?" One of the skaters ask. "We could make your little buddy worship our feet." As he speaks, he pulls off his sock and wiggles five glistening toes in the air. They're blotchy and covered in lint, and you can smell their raunchy stench from where you are.
"Hey," says Scotty. "Jack's my buddy…"
"I'm not gonna make him sniff our rank feet. He's my best friend." Scotty says. "Think of something else."
"We could eat him." Sam says. "…Just kidding. Although it is super tempting to pop him in my mouth. He's so tiny, it'd be easy to just swallow him whole."
A lump slowly makes its way down your throat.
"Or we could give him a treat. Reward him for being so cooperative in all this." Scotty says thoughtfully.
"I know what you mean, Sam. He's so little. He could slip down my throat without me even noticing." Scotty says, giving you a teasing grin. He raises you to his lips, which open up to reveal two rows of wet, mostly straight teeth. You can smell Scotty's lunch on his breath — something meaty and spicy — and see a few bits of plaque and food nestled between his teeth. "What do you say, Jack, should I eat you?"
He seems to be doing this as a joke but you're certainly not laughing. His remark about letting you slip down his throat has you on edge.
"No! I mean, I don't like this game. Please, Scotty." You feel like you're staring into a yawning abyss, on the brink of falling to your doom. Just keeping your voice from shaking is a challenge.
"Well, you better beg if you want me to spare you." Scotty laughs. His breath stinks but you're afraid to tell him — you have to choose your words carefully.
"Please, Scotty, I'm scare! Just put me down, we can play something else!" As you beg, he raises you over his mouth and opens wide so you can see his tonsils dangling in the back of his throat. Suddenly his fingers are feeling slippery and you can see yourself tumbling quickly, irreversibly down his throat. "Please, I'm begging you! Don't eat me! Please don't put me in your mouth!"
The whole group erupts into laughter at this, and Scotty lowers you away from his mouth. Apparently this is just what they were looking for. But the horror isn't over yet.
"My turn!" Says Sam, and snatches you from Scotty's hand.
The giants are too busy laughing to care if their pitiful little slave is exhausted or in pain. They have another game in mind and they're in a hurry to get it underway.
You watch as they all take their skater shoes off and sit in a circle wiggling their toes. "Ahh that feels good, just walking back here, so much crud built up between my toes." Scotty says. "Me too!" they all echo.
The game at hand is going to involve..
Scotty explains the rules of the game. While he does it, he takes a sheet of paper and rips it so it's a few inches long either way. Then he sits down in a lotus position and starts fingering the cracks between his toes, picking out the tiny puieces of dirt and crud from underneath them.
"The challenge of this game is, can Clay eat all of our toe crud without throwing up?" He announces happily and deposits a lump of crud on the paper. All the other skaters start doing the same thing, and soon there's a significant pile of brownish crud almost the same size of your head.
Clay already looks like he's going to barf.
"If he can't do it, we have an even worse punishment in mind. One that he just might not survive. So I'd start imagining that pile of toe crud was a plate of potato and gravy right about now if I were you, Clayton." Scotty now gets a nail fail and starts picking the crud from underneath his toenails, also passing around so his skater buddies can do the same. "You'll be the judge of whether he's finished or not, Jack, since you can see tiny things so much clearer."
By now the skaters have al deposited their toe junk and there's never been a more gruesome sight than the pile that sits in front of Clay, easily three times taller than his head and twice as wide as his shoulders.
"Wanna dig in, Clay? Or would you rather that suprise punishment?" Scotty says..
Clay crawls over to the plate of toe crud miserably, literally looking like he's about to burst into tears.
He crawls like a dog about to eat, only once he's overlooking the 'food' he doesn't look like he'll be able to go through with eating it. It must stink something awful. You can hear Clay's stomach turning over from where you sit.
Just then, Scotty steps quietly up behind him and declares: "Here! I'll give you a hand.." Then he lifts his foot and uses his big toe to shove Clay's face right into the pile of toe jam.
Hekeeps his foot on top of Clay just for a moment, to make sure he's gotten a full mouth of crud, then lets Cl;ay come up for air. the worn out jock is screamin and sobbing at the same time, there's toe jam rolling out of his mouth and his face is bvarely recognizable seeing as it's covered in filth. His shoulders whic were once so muscular and threatening now look exhausted and veiny as he bows over the toe crus, choking and heaving as the skater giants roar with laughter.
"Gow's it tastes, Clay?" Scotty says between hysterical laughing. "Think you want a second helping?"
The four skater gods are all holding onto their ratty skater shoes and looking at Clay with devious smiles.
"Here's how the game's gonna work." Scotty says. "We're gonna put you on one side of the room, my little buddy Jack on the otherside of the room and you have to make it across to him without one of our eight giant skater shoes falling on you. If you get hit, you gotta get back up and keep running. If you can't get back up, the owner of that shoe has permission to come over and finish crushing you like a bug."
"Scotty,isn't that kinda violent?" You try to interject but he doesn't care.
"We're not gonna keep this sorry little runt around long after the way he's treated us anyway. May aswell get a laugh out of him."
Clay is places at one corner of the room and you at the other. The skaters fill the room between, their shoes in hand. Clay has to touch your hand when he makes it to the other side, to signal that he's finished and he succeeded.
Scotty announces "GO!" and little Clay goes running across the floor.
A giant Adidas shoe falls from the sky and bounces next to him before falling onto its side.
He keeps sprinting and Scotty's old Etnies shoe pounds thunderously on the ground, its ratty laces bouncing everywhere. You watch with your heart in your throat as shoe after shoe, old dirty white outsoles and faded blue rubber stripes fall to the ground and narrowly miss Clay.
The look in his eyes is frantic, and the skaters look like they're enjoying his fear as he goes on running.
It's Scotty's left Etnies shoe, all covered in dirt and scratched up, that hits Clay flat on the back and sends him skidding onto his stomach.
He tries to jump up and keep running but Sam steps in front of him and drops his own shoe right onto Clay's head. You hear Clay scream as he hits the floor and your breath goes on you. He must have a serious concussion or even brain damage after that direct hit.
Now the game's over.
All the skater boys are crowding around and laghing as they pulled him with shoes, and he can barely move to defend himself.
Now Scotty clears his friends out the way, holding the same shoe that knocked Clay down."Make way, boys. I've got some crushing to do."
All the boys step back and kick their shoes out of the way so Scotty has clear aim.
He starts by holding his shoe by the toe and smacking Clay with the heel, like he was getting rid ofsomepesky cockroach that found its way into his room.
Clay mumbles something, probbly pleading for his life. All you can see is him lying there on his belly,his nose bleeding and bubbles of blood coming out of his mouth.
"Sorry Clay, what was that? I can't hear ya." Scotty's laces fly as he takes another wack, and you hear Clay scream like a banshee this time. It makes your skin prickle.
"Time to finish you off, runt." Scotty says with disgust.
Scotty looks at you and smiles,you were scared at how much your buddy had changed now that he was in control of Clay.Clay screamed in pain as Scotty tortured him with his huge smelly feet.Scotty was getting bored with playing with a doomed Clay.He raised his foot above Clay's tiny body.Clay plead and begged for his life."Please master,I'll be good,I'll lick your feet and eat the crud from between your toes,I will even jerk you off but please,master don't crush me".Scotty halted his foot just above Clay's face,what does he do?
Scotty has a puzzled look on his face. He could crush Clay right now, but then what? He could have more fun tormenting Clay. You're still behind Scotty and next to Sam. You don't know what will happen…
"I suppose I can let you live, Clay…" Scotty said as he lowered his foot back down to the ground. Clay slowly made a smile…
"BUT!!" Scotty said, "You need to do everything you just said. You're gonna be our little bitch and learn to do what we tell you, or you WILL be red paste under my sole!"
"Yes, master…" Clay coughs, choking on his tears, "I will serve you and your friends. I will do everything…."
The sk8er gods all laugh as they move in closer…
"sorry little runt. I won fair and square, and you're not really worth keeping around anyway. I'd rather spend the rest of my life knowing you died like a pathetic little bug under my foot."
Scotty grinds his foot down on Clay, who screams in pain.
there's a big crunching sound, and a squirt of red flies out from underneath the teen's bare sole.
Clay is gone forever, now the teens..
Over the rest of the evening Scotty seems a lot more tense than usual.
Every time you do the slightest thing to piss him off he scolds you. "Did I tell you to sit near my feet like that, Jack??" he'll say, or "Hurry up and drag my socks over here. Don't forget who the giant around here is."
Finally you realise that he's trying to give you a reason to argue with him, so he can pick on you like he misses picking on Clay. When you bring this up with him, he says;
"You know what Jack, you're right. And.."
Clearly angered by your question, Scotty scolws at you and says "I'm gonna pick on you anyway, because I'm a lot bigger than you and I don't need a reason."
"But Scotty," you plead, "I thought we were friends. Friends don't treat each other the way you've been treating me."
All of Scotty's buds snicker at your naivity.
"You know what boys" Scotty begins, "Jack is right, we are friends, and friends do friends favors…right Jack?"
You aren't sure you like where this is going…but before you can decide how to respond to that statement, Scotty stretches his tired, muscular feet out in front of you.
"Do me a huge favor, Jack, and show my feet some love. They are so tired from all that Jock-crushing"
The boys snicker again when they see the look of horror on your face.
Upset, you say "I will not worship your disgusting feet. I have been a good friend to you over all these years and you crush one little jock and now you think you're such hot shit! What's happening to you Scotty? This isn't who you area. This isn't who any of you guys are."
This time Scotty and the boys can't contain their amusement and they burst into laughter. After they've nearly laughed themselves to tears, Scotty says "Yea, well, just because you have a little attitude about you doesn't mean you aren't going to worship my feet." With that, Scotty rises off of his chair like a king rising off of his throne. He takes two steps and then he is upon you. His huge body casts a shadow over you, and he looks like Godzilla. You glance around, looking for a potential escape route, but in every direction you look there is another skate rat staring at you, daring you to run in their direction. There was no way out of this. You were going to have to face Scotty’s wrath and hope that you don’t end up flat beneath his feet, like Clay did.
Scotty looks straight down at you, and you know that he can tell how puny you feel. Wiggling his long, dexterous toes, he says “Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider my request? Seeing as how you’re my friend and all, I would hate for you to end up like Clay.”
Seeing no other alternative, you lay flat on the floor, look up at Scotty and say “…”
You continue to stare up into Scottys face.His famous half grin stares down at you. Looking around the room, you notice that two of the boys have evil grins on their faces.
Two of the closest boys stretch out their feet towards you, hitting your nostrils with a rancid smell of sweat and feet scum.
"What's it going to be friend?" Scott says, looking down at you in between his two feet.
You hesitantly walk up to Scotty's right big toe before saying- "Fine, I'll worship you Scotty."
The other boys laugh as you reach your small hands onto his big toe, and start rubbing it with all your worth. The thick skin feels coarse to the touch. You are afraid to look up at your friend, knowing already his wicked smile would be all that greets you. The smell and humiliation of being at your best friends feet starts to make you feel dizzy.
"Hey Jack," Scotty says…
You slowly look up, and notice one of Scotty's hands is resting along the waistband of his boxer briefs sticking of his pants. You see him briefly wink at the boys on the couch and that worries you. "Work harder, I can barely feel you working that toe- and you have 9 more to go."
You try hard to press into his big toe as Scotty wiggles his toes all around you. You hear laughter behind you and you glace over at the skater rats on the couch.
You recognize two of the boys from school. They look 15 or 16. You watch as the two on the couch are whispering at one another. You get scared when you notice that the boy on the left has a huge mound in his jeans, and one of his hands is out of sight inside his pants. The boy he's whispering too laughs out loud before both suddenly look at you. You notice in horror as the boy on the right now starts to adjust a growing bulge in his pants. "Oh my god" you think, "are they getting off on this?"
You're getting scared. You look up at Scotty and your friend's hand is now completely down the front of his pants. He glances at his friends before saying…
"I think we should give poor Jack here a rest at working my toes."
Scotty stands over you and stares down at your tiny body. His toes have stop moving, as all of his concentration seems to be focused on using his hand to adjust the huge bulge in the front of his pants. Your heart starts to race as you hear more whispering behind you.
You look back at the teens on the couch. Both boys have their legs open wide, not ashamed to show their obvious hard-ons in their pants. The boy on the left's face looks distant… glossy. Both boys are totally concentrated on watching your every move. For a brief moment, you picture yourself in their place. You think about how good it feels to rub your own junk. You know that's what they are feeling right now. The worst part is you are what they are thinking about. You gaze at the massive mounds and realize something else. Their huge teenage cocks are bigger they your whole body right now-- and those boys know it. Your stomach starts to churn, and you feel dizzy as you realize your predicament.
All of the sudden, Scotty's feet disappear from your side. You look up quickly to find out what is going on.
Scotty takes one step back, and pulls his had back out, then cups his bulge, giving you a half smile as he shakes it for your benefit.
Despite the anxiety, you manage to speak. "Um, guys… please… what are you doing?"
One of the boys on the couch just groans at the sound of your tiny voice. "What are you doing?" Repeats of the boys mockingly. Both boys laugh on the couch.
Scotty's voice booms overhead. "Boys, I think it's time we fill Jack here in on our next activity." With that, Scotty suddenly rips open the button fly of his jeans, and lets his jeans fall to his feet.
You're both scared and in awe of what looks like a huge teenage dick being harbored by black boxer briefs. It's obvious his dick is big-- even if you were your normal size. You hear metal clanging behind you and you turn to watch the two boys on the couch undo their belts, and also pull down their pants to their ankles. Like Scotty, both boys now have raging hard-ons straining against the fabric of their briefs.
"Guys no… Please! Stop!… I don't like this. I came to you for help!"
The boys all laugh.
"Take your clothes off too," Scotty says, staring down at you.
What do you do?
You stare up at Scotty in disbelief.
Scotty stares down at you with his devilish smirk. His right hand cups the outline of his massive bulge. He gives himself a rub for your benefit, following the length of his shaft in his tight boxer briefs. His bulge looks even bigger then a minute ago.
You plead with your best friend. "No please… I don't understand. We're friends! Why are you doing this?"
The boys on the couch laugh at your question.
Scotty stares at you for a moment before his smile disappears. "Our clothes are off, time to take off yours bud."
You feel dizzy again. You can't believe what is happening. It's obvious the power of being big has gone straight to your friend's head. You're worried and angry as you see one of the boys on the couch laughing so hard that tears are rolling down his face. The other boy just sits quietly, staring at you. You notice the head of his cock is sticking out the top of his briefs.You feel like throwing up when you notice it's glistening in pre-cum. You reluctantly reach down and pull your shirt off over your head. You undo your belt, and let your pants fall to your feet. You stand there in your own briefs, and look up at Scotty now smiling down at you. His hand is now rubbing the outline of his teenage dick.
"Keep going." Scotty says.
You've never been more humiliated in all of your life. You have a nice body, but at this size you're nothing compared to your friends now. You slowly let your briefs fall, cupping your dick. You're so humiliated by the guy's and their huge bulges that yours has actually shrunk.
"Awe, that's cute Jack!" Scotty says. "What happened? Where's your dick?" In one quick movement, Scotty crotches down to your level. His face is now taking up most of your view."
You stare at Scotty's invading eyes. "Please Scotty, why are you doing this? I came to you for help!"
Scotty ignores your question. "I expected it to be small, but damn! Yours looks like a fucking ant dick!"
You shut down at his comments. Your legs are trembling so much that you let yourself collapse.
"Hey guys, come look at this ant dick!"
The boy laugh and quickly get off the couch; their faces now level with Scotty's. Both of the boys start laughing immediately at your tiny form.
"Alright guys… it's time for some real fun. He's stripped, so it's only fair to Jack here for us to do the same."
You watch the three boys glance at one another, all snickering. You watch as the three boys stand up all around you. Scotty's friends both quickly let their boxers briefs fall to their feet, revealing two gigantic teenage dicks hovering above you. Both boys are now openly stroking their dicks, not ashamed of the advantage they have over your tiny body. Somehow their dicks aren't what make you feel so scared and humiliated. You barely know these guys. It's your friend Scotty who you can't believe is doing this to you. You've hung out together for years. Grew up together. But now, you seem nothing more than a sex toy to your best friend. You get sick at the thought. You turn around and see it. Scotty too stands over you, with his dick hovering above you. His massive teenage erection is leaking pre-cum. A drop falls and lands next to you. His smirk is the biggest it's been all night.
You realize for the second time tonight that their dicks are bigger than your entire body right now. It's a thought you know these boys are soon to realize. You again can't help but to think as if your places were swapped. A tiny man…smaller than your dick. The thought intrigues you. But you're the tiny man.
You notice that one of the boys is completely focused on your body. He is stroking his dick fast, and his breathing is getting faster. He stammers out words.
"I.. I want to feel him." the boy says.
You look up at Scotty to see his reaction. What he says makes a situation worse than you thought possible.
"Be my guest" Scotty replies…
You look up and panic after what Scotty says.
"Oh yeah!" Scotty's friend says, picking up the pace of his stroking as the other boy slowly reaches down for your body.
The boy looks like he's intoxicated. His left hand is glued to his dick, slowly stroking it as his other hand makes contact with your body.
The force of the boy's grab surprises you. The hand feels rigid and strong. You're not going anywhere. Thoughts are racing through your mind. You remember how you came to Scotty for help. You remember what he did to Clay, and the humiliation the boys subjected him to. You remember how sick you felt watching clay being abused. But now, you're in his place. As the boy slowly lifts you off the table, you feel a sense of weightlessness. The skater's huge cock gets bigger as you approach it. You start to panic. Without really thinking you wave both arms in the air. You try hard to turn your head to plead with Scotty, but you're shocked at the scene.
"Enjoying the ride bud?" Scotty says, seeing you turn your head towards him. His hand is slowly pumping his huge dick. You can hear the slathering of sweat and pre-cum as your own best friend jacks off to your situation.
You feel yourself stop. Just above your head is the skater boys huge dick. Veins of blood cover the length of the boys' shaft. You estimate his dick is at least four times your size. "Please! Stop! I'll do anything, just help me!" you plead.
The boy smiles briefly and laughs. "Sure thing, ant dick" he says. He lets go of his cock and lets it hover in front of your face. "Want to see what a real dick feels like?"
Before you have a chance to react, the boy opens his hand, and slides his raging cock over the length of your body.
As you struggle and try and keep his cock from touching your face, you realize your motions are useless against the strength of the skater. The sweat and pre-cum only allow you to slide more easily along the shaft of his dick. The boy picks up speed. You notice that the boy is breathing heavy, and his muscles are starting to contort.
"No, not this! Please!" you yell up at the giant.
In one swift move the boy holds you in the palm of his hand, and points the head of his dick straight at your tiny body.
You hear Scotty from behind you. "Do it man!"
You barely register as the first blast of hot cum hits you square in the face. Your vision is blurred and all you hear is grunting all around you. Every time you start to clear your eyes another blast of sticky boy cum covers you. You feel so helpless, angry, and humiliated. You hear Scotty laughing. As you lay covered in his cum, trying to clear your eyes and throat, you feel yourself falling into the hand of the next boy. You feel another load blast you. The first thing you notice is the rancid smell. This cum is different. The other skater boy covers you again with his cum, leaving you laying in a puddle of cum in his hand.
"Fuck yeah! The boy exclaims, recovering from his orgasm.
As you cough up more cum, you glance up and see what you knew was coming. Your best friend's hand was slowly reaching for you. The anger, sadness, and helplessness, was nothing compared to the sheer humiliation and embarrassment of being cummed on by Scotty's friends. But you knew what was coming next.
"My turn Jacky," Scotty says, snatching you out of his bud's hand. "Having fun?"
Scotty stops for a moment, waiting for you to answer. You stare up at his face. A face you now hate.
"Nothing? But we're such close friends… you used to tell me everything." Scotty says. He looks at you for a moment before grabbing his cock again with his other hand. "Look at my cock man… it's pretty big huh."
The other boys slap Scotty in the back, fueling is taunting.
"Yeah, yours is tiny compared to ours. I bet it can't even cum anymore…"
Scotty brings you up against his cock, rubbing your face along his shaft. After a few seconds you can see the veins on his cock become more engorged. Scotty's pecs start to twitch.
You feel like you want to pass out from the anxiety. Then it happens. For the third time tonight, you find yourself staring at a huge teenage cock head. Scotty screams before releasing jet after jet of cum onto your body. The smell and taste were far worse then then the other boys. Scotty's cum was bitter. You felt yourself throw up a little at the distaste.
Scotty holds you in his hand while his cock deflates. He laughs at your efforts to wipe away the cum from your face.
You sit in his hand and watch as Scotty reaches down for his briefs, and pulls them up, while shoving his cock inside. He gives himself a quick rub, knowing you're forced to watch. You watch as he thinks for a moment, then slowly stretches out the elastic on his briefs.
"I know where you should go…"
You feel yourself tumble down into the confines of Scotty's briefs. You're jammed up right against his deflating cock, sticky and still covered in cum. You hear a loud *snap* as the light disappears from around you.
Outside you hear all the boys laughing.
You start to cry.
"Wow, that felt so good! I wish all you guys had the chance to step on tiny Clay." says Scotty.
"Well, now he's gone maybe we should go back to finding me help huh?" you ask in the corner, a little freaked.
"No way! If we managed to get that shrinking formula out of the lab and into Clay, all we need to do is.."
The skaters sneak into the science lab the nest day at school and manage to swipe some more of the shrinking formula.
they're pretty sure they have enough to make themselves a few more slaves to torture and humiliate, now this thing is a hobby of theirs.
they decide to focus on..
Many people have made enemies with Scotty and the skaters over the years. But for their collection they decide to focus on..
By the end of the afternoon Scotty and his friends have gone out and found a geek named Marvin who they've never liked because he always beat them in math.
They tricked him to coming to Scotty's house by pretending to be his friends, now Scotty stands over him while the other boys hold him down on his knees. 'Lick up the red smear on the floor Marvin! Or we'll beat the crap out of you!"
"But it looks like bugs guts!" Marvin whines.
Finally they force him to open his mouth and eat up the remains of Clay, the high school bully. Slowly he shrinks down in fron t of your eyes, and the skaters..
Marvin's tongue touched the bloody remains of Clay and as he licked it up as told, he started to shrink rapidly before their eyes. You watched in horror as he got smaller by the second until he was no bigger than Clay had been. He looked up at Scotty and the other skater boys for help "Please Scotty you have to help me".
Scotty looked over at him friends who all laughed and pointed down at the tiny naked boy in front of them. "We had no intention of making you our friend, we just wanted to see if this would work, that was Clay you just ate". Marvin started to feel sick, but before he could even vomit, Scotty's bare foot was on him in a flash, crushing him into the floor.
To you it was just an instant, Marvin was there one moment, Scotty's bare foot the next, the screams lasted a few seconds before red blood started to ozz out from between Scotty's toes and out the side of his foot. The boys all high fived at how fun this was, who did they decided to go after next?
It was Tom who gave Scotty a high five and smiled "hey guys why not have some more fun with some other bullies, Mark lives close to here, we could take little Marvin's remains there and pay him a visit". The other boys all looked at each other in stunned silence, it was only when Scotty spoke that the silence was broken
"That's a great idea Tom, I have a jar here". Scotty lent down and scooped up the bloody remains of the boy into the jar, when did the same to the sole and toes of his bare foot. Soon as much or Marvin as they could get was inside the jar, the lid was sealed and it was placed in Scotty's bag.
Scotty grabbed you with his slightly bloody fingers and smiled "you can travel with me in my pocket if you like Jack". you smiled as he lowered you into his slightly warm pocket for the short trip down to Mark's house. Arriving there sometime later, Scotty went in alone, his friends waiting in a nearby park, to not attract any of the bullies attention.
He climbed into Mark's bathroom window, left it open slightly and went into Mark's bedroom, and what he saw shocked him to his core, Mark was sitting on his bed, bare chested and barefoot with 3 of his friends, shrunk and naked at his feet, willingly licking them. Mark looked over and saw Scotty,Mark reached from his vile of liquid, and Scotty reached for the jar of Marvin remains.
Who throws first?
Mark managed to get his vile of light blue liquid out from his pocket much faster than Scotty could. the quick flick and the cap was off, and Mark threw the contents at Scotty's arms and face. He screamed as it hit him, burning his fair skin. Mark stood there smiling as You felt your friend's body shrinking around you, his crotch and chest entering your area of his clothing as he shrunk rapidly.
Scotty felt so weak and small as his clothes grew around him, and he could feel you falling to the floor as he shrunk. To his horror Mark's hand reached deep into his clothes and pulled him out, Scotty screamed like a little girl as mark's warm fingers wrapped around him. You were helpless as Mark picked up your friend's body and took him over to his bed.
mark heard a small noise and reached into Scotty's pockets, you watched in fear and terror as his nimble fingers wrapped themselves around your wiast, was well as Scotty's wallet.
Who do you follow?
Scotty could see the situation as soon as it happened and quickly pulled the jar out of his bag in one swift motion. he pulled the cap off the jar and threw the bloody remains of Marvin at Mark. Mark screamed as the warm blood hit him on the face and neck. The chemicals began to work instantly, Scotty giggled in delight as Mark's body quickly shrunk into his own clothes.
Scotty knelt down and saw a tiny naked Mark standing in his boxers and pants, shaking in fear as Scotty's long clammy fingers wrapped around him and lifted him up to Scotty's face. He wriggled and squirmed in his hand in a vein attempt to escape his hard grip.
"Please Scotty have mercy, i never meant to be mean to you, Clay made me do it". he begged in fear and Scotty just laughed as he felt Mark piss himself in fear. Scotty looked over at Mark's bed, walked over and saw 3 tiny boys, all of them Mark's friends, all blushing in fear as Scotty lifted them up in his other hand.
"What should i do with them Jack?' He asked as you poked your head out of his pocket, to see the 4 tiny bullies. Each boy begged you for mercy and to not let Scotty hurt them, you rubbed your chin and answered with……..
you looked at each of their scared little faces and decided to have some mercy on them, not that they deserved much more. "Why not keep them as pets Scotty, you could make some money out of them". You smiled up at Scotty as he heard that idea and judging by the movement in his pants, he liked it. Mark and his friends let out a collective sigh of relief until they heard the making money part.
Scotty held the 4 boys nice and tight in his hands "You listen here runts, i own you, but Jack here decides your fate, if he is happy i am happy". With that he opened his bag and dropped the four naked boys inside and smiled down at you "Nice thinking Jack, i could sell them on Ebay or something". You giggled a little as you slipped back down into his pocket, snuggled up against the warmth of his teenage body.
He left back through the bathroom window and went to the park where his friends where waiting and decided to lie "I got caught, i didn't get a chance to shrink him. and i lost the potion". The boys all sighed, but forgave his rather quickly "Oh well we had our fun while it lasted". Tom smiled as the other boys all went their own way home.
Scotty walked off home and went up to his bedroom and reached into his bag, wrapped his sweaty fingers around the 4 naked boys and dropped them into an old hamster cage on his bedside desk. he put you outside the cage and smiled "You runts remember I own you". He boomed as he peeled off his shirt, you could see the audible gasp of the boys as they saw for the first time hos ripped Scotty was.
How do they react?
Scotty grips his huge skater shoe and slams it down onto Clay's bloody body.
He twists it back and forth so you can hear Clay's bones cracking one by one and his screams for mercy turn to distorted moans and gutteral sounds as he dies.
All the other skaters are clapping and cheering for Scotty as he finishes off their pathetic little enemy. After Clay's good and crushed, they all gather around and stomp on his remains, eager to end up with a red smear or a piece of his guts on the bottom of their foot as a souvineer.
You don't know how he managed to do it, but Clay avoids all the shoes that are falling from the sky like rai n and makes it over to the corner of the room where he just has to make contact with you to be saved.
You see Scotty running behind him with a giant shoe in his hand, hoping to hit the tiny guy before he can make contact with you. And then you start having flashbacks to all the times Clay bullied you throughout school.
All the times he bruised you, ridiculed you in a large crowd of people, dunked your head in the toilet with his piss or stole your lunch money. Sometimes you were too nervous to even eat lunch, because your stomach was jumping at the thought of what Clay might do to you later that day.
Now the former bully is in reaching distance of you with a pleading look in his eyes, and Scotty's seconds away from knocking the tiny slave down. You..
Despite all the horrible things he had done to you and your friends, even you couldn't just let him be crushed like a tiny bug. You reached out and Clay took your hand and the giant teens around you were amazed by this, but Clay quickly showed his true colors as he pushed you aside and ran under the bed and found a small hole in the wall and crawled through it.
Scotty was furious that Clay escaped and that you showed him some mercy, but he soon forgave you and him and his friends forgot about Clay, thinking he would just die in the street like the bug they knew he was. However, Clay had crawled through the wall and made it outside and he walked down the street, constantly watching out for the giant feet of the kids who lived down here and of skateboard wheels and merciless treads of giant passersby.
Somehow, Clay had managed to get down the street avoiding a few near-death experiences under the feet of strangers, but he managed to find his house. To his delight he saw the lights on and he climbed the steps and crawled inside the tried to find his brothers. He was amazed to find both his brothers were home and his older brother, Troy was having a blast tormenting a nerd over the phone and his little brother Brad was playing Mortal Combat and killing everyone.
To his shock, he noticed a large shadow being cast over him and when he looked up he saw the giant shadow belonged to……
Clay was in stunned awe as he looked up at the massive form of his little brother Brad. Brad was only 13 years old, but he was already six foot three inches tall and a well muscled jock. Clay had taken great pride in raising his brother to be just like him and Troy, just as Troy had been Clay's mentor, Clay would be Brad's. Brad's face was one of shock as he looked down at his tiny brother and he soon grinned as he knelt down and scooped the tiny bully into his clammy teenage palm.
"Please Brad, you have to help me, I was shrunk by Scotty and…..". He was cut off as Brad tightened his grip "You're mine now Clay, so you better shut up, or I'll give you to Fag Eater". Clay went white as a sheet as the thought of being given to their pet python, famous throughout the school for swallowing nerd's pets alive. Clay nodded silently as Brad carried the boy up to his bedroom, Clay was shivering in fear at what his little brother was going to do to him.
Brad got into his bedroom, it reeked of teenage musk, the walls covered in workout slogans and his own bench press and heavy irons. He sat down on the side of his bed, holding Clay tight, without mercy "Looks like your the little runt now Clay, bet you're pretty scared now?". All Clay could do was nod slowly, shaking in fear as he looked up at his brother;s young face, not knowing what would happen next.
Brad was the biggest and strongest bully in his class, the terror of the freshmen and he even messed with Jack's little brother, almost called Brad. Licking his lips, Brad lifted his arm and flexed his growing bicep, it was almost as big as Clay was now and it made Clay feel even more pathetic and helpless when he saw that and Brad saw his face too and loved it.
Clay was lifted towards the sweaty, bulging muscle and Brad boomed "Kiss it worm, kiss the muscle of the 'real' man". Clay went into shock as he heard that, he had trained Brad since he was five to be better than everyone, and now he was being ordered around like a common nerd. Clay tried to protest, but Brad squeezed him tight as Clay planted a few wet, sorry kisses on his little brother's bicep.
You never thought you'd have the heart to do something this cruel, but all those years of being victimized by Clay and his friends have fuilled you with nothing but hate for him.
You move back a few paces, so just when Clay would have reached your hand, he leaps forward and misses. There's a split second where he makes eye contact with you, as if to say 'Why??'..then Scotty's shoe comes down and beats him to the ground.
All the other boys catch up and beat him with their giant skater shoes, laughing loudly. You catch glimpses of him curling up in a ball, then just lying there flat as Scotty finally steps on him with his big, dirty bare foot and there's a singular CRACK that can be heard all over the room.
"Thanks for the help, buddy." Scotty winks at you, and all the skaters applaud as red starts to ooze out from under Scotty's foot.
The ride home is traumatizing for you. Not only do you have to deal with the smell of your friend's serious foot odour but you can hear Clay's pitiful little screams for help coming from under Scott's foot.
With every step your giant takes, you're just thankful to be huddled against his ankle instead of pinned flat under his smelly and probably heavy sole.
But then you hear a noise that gives you chills. There's a loud snap, and Clay screams louder than you've ever heard. "YAAAAAAA!!! OH GOD, OH GOD MY RIB!!"
Then another snap, and another. Clay is screaming incoherently. You panic and try to call Scotty's attention but he's busy calling after his friend and can't hear you. "Yo Tommy, wait up!" Scott's footsteps become heavier as he picks up the pace and Clay screams in terror as another series of gruesome snaps are heard.
You can still hear Scotty and his friends laughing outside as one wet crunch after another occurs, Clay's howls turn to ugly gurgles, and finally he screams no more.
When Scotty and his rat pack get home and discover their toy has been mashed to a pulp..
Scotty and his gang returned to his house, they headed upstairs to Scotty's bedroom and all went inside. Scotty sat down on the side of his bed and felt a warm liquid under his foot. He peeled his sneaker off and they all sighed as the group looked down at the bloody pulp that was once Clay. Scotty blushed a little "I guess i don;t know my own strength". The boys all laughed.
"Well we need to get ourselves a new little runt, we can try to find another kid from school?" Scotty suggested, and the other boys all talked among themselves and nodded "Yeah lets go find us a new little runt". Using one of Scotty's many cum rags, they wiped Clay off Scotty's sweaty sole and put it in a small jar fpr transport.
The group headed out of Scotty's house , following the path they made their way down to the local park, where they sat on the grass to discuss who was to be their target.
"Well we could go for Mark, he was Clay's right hand man, it would be just like having Clay again". Tom suggested and there was a flurry of nods and shrugs. Then Scotty spoke "I think we should go for Luke, the nerdy boy who has no friends, he would be perfect for us to train to be our little slave".
Ther was a lot of discussion going on in the park and you listened in with excited curiosity as they choose to go after……
The look of glee on Scotty and his buddies' faces is downright disturbing. You know Clay has been unforgivabley cruel over his reign as high-school bully, but seeing him shrunken down and debased at the hands of his former victims is starting to make you sick. His lips are covered in filth from the boys' ratty sneakers, his once proud shoulder are slumped, limp and hopeless, while his cheeks are stained with tears and dirt.
"Ooh, let's make him eat our boogers!!" Tommy says eagerly, clamping tiny Clay in his sweaty jand.
"Let's make him kiss our asses!" Jase exclaims giddily, snatching Clay into his hands.
"Let's make him jack us off…!" Scotty blurts out.
There's a moment of silence as the boys look around at each other, gaging their friends' reactions. For a moment it looks like Scotty's idea is going to be turned down flat, but then Sam speaks up. "That… would be… awesome!"
The teen's faces are overcome by a look of intense curiosity and excitement. "It's not like it'd be gay, right? We're not having sex with the little fucker, we're just makin' him our bitch." Scotty adds.
"Man, we would own him after that!!" Jase looks down at the toy-sized bully, with wild enthusiasm in his eyes. It's hard to see Clay from your position in Scotty's hand, but he seems to have curled up into a ball and begun sobbing frantically.
"Uh, guys? You know I've never.. Well.." Tommy looks shyly at his friends.
"That's okay." Scotty pats his friend on the back. "There's a first time for everything." There's a pregnant silence for a moment as the rest of the teens hold back from admitting the very same thing. "Isn't that right, Clay m' boy?" Scotty beams a big smile down at Clay, and the pack of skater boys grab their boards, hurrying back to Scotty's place where no-one will be home and no-one will hear Clay's screams..
Back in Scotty's clothes-strewn pig sty of a room, four nervous teen boys shuffle inside and lock the door.
"Are you sure we've got the place to ourselves, dude?" Tommy says to Scotty. Jase and Sam are busy pawing over Clay, their tiny little ex-bully turned toy.
"Don't worry about it, no-one'll get back for atleast a couple more hours. We can do whatever we want with Clay, and no-one will ever know." Your giant skater bud grins, and you see a familiar smirk curl his upper lip. Scotty has pulled this same cocky face when he's beaten you at video games, been proven right in an argument, even when he's ripped a suprise fart and pranked all his friends by letting them smell it. But you've NEVER seen your friend smile so arrogantly, so mischeviously about such a cruel, heartless situation.
Clay is still huddled up in the bigger boys' hands, crying and sobbing uncontrollably while the giants poke at him and snicker to themselves. You're far too uncomfortable to shy around the other skate giants to interject, so you stay and watch from where Scotty dumps you, in an upturned baseball cap on his night table.
"Ok, so.. Let's have some fun.." Tommy looks around at the others uncertainly. None of these guys have ever had anything more than their own palm come in contact with their dicks. The prospect of what they're about to do to Clay is exciting -- You can see Sam's fingers twitching with anticipation, and Jase's eyes glint with enthusiasm -- but at the same time, they're all clearly nervous, and afraid of exposing themselves in front of each other.
That's when Tommy makes a move. The skater boy's fingers curl all the way around Clay, slowly, and he lifts the tiny jock out of his fetal position.
"No! No!! PLEASE, PLEASE, NO NO NO NO..!!!!" Clay screams through his tears like a prisoner on death row, kicking and punching wildly. But Tommy's hand moves him all the same, over to the denim-clad bulge of the giant teen's crotch.
Tom shuffles a little in his baggy jeans, making sure his crotch is in place. He holds Clay against the front of his jeans and then pushes him hard against it. Behind Tommy's flat hand, you can see two tiny feet and hands sliding in short, jerking motions, trying to escape but probably providing extra stimulation instead. The boy's eyes close, the corner of his mouth pulls in a grimacing smile and he shivers from head to toe.
The guys all lean in, silent, shocked, intrigued.
Tommy's words shudder out as he starts to breathe heavy, "Oh-h-ho, yeah.." and you know this is the point of no return.
The four skater giants gather in a cluster, nervous about this new experiment with their tiny jock slave. None of the guys are gay, and like most teenage boys they're probably protective of their status as being straight. But like most teenage boys, they're also wildly horny and can't pass up the chance to use their unfortunate little toy for a little dirty fun.
Tommy's legs tremble as he stands there, feeling Clay squirm around in his pants. He keeps his eyes shut, maybe out of embarrassment, and his friends watch keenly as he massages the bulge on his groan in ecstasy.
From Scotty's night table you can hear poor little Clay's squeaks of protest, but they do nothing to stop Tommy's heavy breathing and excited rubbing. The boy looks smitten as he goes on kneading the jock-shaped lump in his pants.
"What's it like??" Jase asks eagerly. "C'mon, tell us how it feels!"
"It's.. Uh.. Like.." Tommy swallows hard, panting. His forehead looks shiny with sweat. His voice is shaky. "Oh, God, someone else have a turn before I blow my load.." He reaches in and shakily pulls Clay out, tossing him into the hands of:
Scotty anxiously takes Clay into his hand, and the others what as his fingers fumble to unzip his fly. All four skaters have unmissable hard-ons raging against their jeans. You go on watching from the night table quietly, both disgusted and fascinated.
Scotty doesn't bother slipping Clay inside his undies. Instead he pulls down his briefs and up flips his sweaty, swollen cock. The deep pink organ bobs in the air, looking almost painfully sensitive.
"Oh, no, no, no way man you can't!!" The tiny boy starts up his squealing again, but as usual the giant's raging hormones take control and Scotty dangles Clay over his throbbing member.
He brushes the struggling tiny up the shaft of his dick, over the tickling head and down into the thick bush of pubes. "Ohh, wow.. This feels a HUNDRED times better than my hand ever has.." He groans. The other boys lick their lips in anticipation for their turns.
"YOU FUCKING FAGS!! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!" Clay screams, his face now coated in sticky pre-come.
"Hey, we are NOT fags!" Scotty says angrily. "Because you're not a real man any more. We're just a bunch of guys having fun with their toy. You're the one who's probably enjoying it, fag! Now.."
"We'll see who feels more like a faggot when you've slaved over four giant dicks, stupid runt." Scotty snarls at tiny Clay as he carefully tucks away his tantalized erection. "Who wants a turn with the little cock lover next?"
Both of the boys, Sam and Jase, are positively drooling to feel the excitement of real live human flesh against their cocks, which have only ever been relieved by their own hands before.
"I'll go next!" Sam pipes up.
"No way, I've been waiting too long!" Jase argues.
Clay groans miserably..
Sam and Jase have been waiting so long for their turns, neither of them think they can hold on any longer. They're desperate to feel that struggling, sweaty little man writhing against their dicks even if it means sharing him.
Of course, this adds an extra homo-erotic element to the games, but they don't care. No-one's ever going to know, and what Clay thinks of them doesn't count. He'll never have the freedom to share his stories anyway.
They both eagerly unzip, and after a split second of shyness they pull out their semi-erect penises. Scotty hands over Clay, who's wailing and threatening as usual, and Jase let's out a breathy groan as he presses the human being against his feverish dick for the first time.
"This is fucking HOT." He says, and Sam gulps in anticipation.
The second boy steps in closer and presses his dick up against Clay, wincing a little as it brushes inevitably over his friend's fingers.
But then he feels it: Clay's tiny, powerless arm stroking his tender head as it thrashes for freedom, and his dick swells quickly until it's hard as a rock.
The two skate rats huddle close together and take turns holding onto their source of pleasure as they rub their hot, sticky teen wood up against him.
A cute giant guy called Ashley joins in, they all start to rub tiny Clay all over there dicks, soon all start to kiss each other as they rub him all over there dicks.
Ashley has a cool idea he places Clay on his cock and asked them to push there cocks right into his and see if he can hold on, Clay is trying so hard to hold onto hot Ashes coco, every time he trys to hold on a giant cock comes at him, all Clay can see is just dick after dick after dick.
"You don't get to call me and my friends fags any more, Clay. Now WE'RE bigger than you and YOU have to do whatever we say.. And I say you're going to kiss up to me like you can't get enough of my cock." Scotty demands.
"I can't!! I mean, I won't!!" Clay screams. His whole life he's prided himself with his manliness, he can't even begin to imagine acting like he enjoys this torture.
Scotty answers in a superior voice. "Yes you will, cock boy.. Kiss it. Rub it. Tell me you love it."
You can hear Clay weeping like a little girl as the giants chuckle and rub their hands together gleefully. All it takes is a little squeeze of Scotty's hand, and Clay howls in pain.
"Whenever you're ready, cock boy.." Scotty smirks. Then you hear the skaters whispering, nudging eaach other excitedly.
"He's gonna do it.. Watch, watch..!"
As much as Clay's fought to keep his pride, he can only withstand so much torture between the big, sweaty fingers of Herculean High's now most powerful skater boy.
Scotty goes on twisting and digging his fingers into the tiny jock's supple body, until finally Clay's cries of pain become words.
"Okay!! Okay!! I'll do it, ease up already!! I'll kiss your fucking cock!!"
It's a good thing Scotty hasn't lost his raging boner. It stands tall and meaty as Clay scrunches up his entire face, and forces himself to press his lips against the pulsating head. "What do we say, Clay?"
"I.. I love it.."
"Keep it coming, and make it believable. Don't make me twist your arm any further.."
"I love your cock!!" The tiny jock pushes out, rubbing his hand up the length of Scotty's rod so it quivers with delight. "It's, uh, it's sexy.. And it, err, it makes me hot and stuff.."
All four giants are getting a huge thrill out of puppeting tiny Clay, making him say and do whatever they like, and thoroughly breaking in his will. After this fun, it's almost going to be a challenge to find another means of entertainment..
You still can't quite believe what you're seeing as you watch Scotty slip his feet out of the rank shoes and tip Clay out, onto the floor. The downsized jock is covered in a sheen of sweat. He looks exhausted and terrified as he drags his sore body away from the giant, sweaty toes, staring up in horror at Scotty, who chuckles heartily above him.
"Look at you, little man. Not so much the doorway-darkening menace that used to steak my lunch money any more, are you?" Scotty teases the pathetic little man, then slams his foot down in front of Clay to stop him from getting too far. Not that Clay ever had a chance at escape - He knows that just as well as his cocky new master does, and it terrifies him to no end.
"Please! Just don't put me back in that shoe, man!! I'm begging you!" Clay calls out, sounding pathetic and broken.
Scotty only snickers, crossing his arms and smirking down at the floor. "Well I can see why you'd beg me, being such a weak little runt and all. I mean, if I wanted to, I could cripple you with nothing but my big toe right now. How does it feel, looking at toes the size of your legs and knowing that each one has more power than you'll ever hold in your puny little body again?"
Clay can only whimper in response as Scotty scoops him up, wrapping his fingers slowly and deliberately around the trembling young man's body. It makes you a little uncomfortable to see your best friend abusing his power so gleefully, but you know there's no point in trying to distract him now.
Scotty's giant fingers wrap tighter yet around the little man's body, and Clay pleads in a small voice. "Please..!" But his mouth is quickly muffled by Scotty's fingertip.
"That's right, little man. Let me wipe all that dirt and sweat off onto your mouth. Now's as good a time as any to tell you I don't wash my hands after I piss, haha, though you probably figured that out by now. See that freckle on my arm? That's just about the size of your mouth. How does it feel, knowing your master can stop you from breathing with less than a square millimetre of my sweaty flesh? Hmm?" Scotty chuckles again, and lets Clay's face turn bright pink before he removes his finger, watching the little man pant for breath.
Next, Scotty reaches down to his jeans and unbuckles, pulling on the elastic band. "Just one more little comparison to make, runt. Hold on.."
Your jaw drops as you watch Clay beg and scream for mercy. Scotty merely ignores him, holding Clay between his fingertips, over his stretched waistband, then lets go.. The tiny jock disappears behind a wall of denim and cotton as Scotty's eyes light up, delighted with the feel of his squirming slave in his jeans. "Whoah! And I thought you looked tiny compared to my big toe! Well.. You'd better be good to Scotty Junior, Clay. He seems to like you, and you're looking smaller by the minute!"
You watch with shock and awe as Scotty drops the once menacing bully into his underwear and snaps the elastic shut. His jeans' zipper still open, you can see the bump of Clay's body tumbling around behind the grey cotton of your skater bud's long unwashed underwear.
The look on Scotty's face has quickly turned to cheeky and taunting to utterly delighted. He jerks, unable to contain himself as the downsized jock thrashes around his dick, squeaking and screaming hoarsely for mercy. The bobbing bump in Scotty's drawers goes wild, trying to escape, all the while Scotty laughs and tries to steady himself, his eyes wide and ecstatic.
It's so strange, seeing the mild-mannered and fun-loving boy you grew up squash the mighty jock's pride and dignity simply by standing there with a smile on his big, boyish face.
"Oh, man! Ohh, MAN, this is awesome!!" Yur giant buddy's cheeks are starting to turn a little red. "Oh, man, I think I'm gonna come without even touching myself! This is the best!" All you can do is stare in wonder as Clay's muffled, blood-curdling screams of terror continue and Scotty closes his eyes, looking like he's enjoying a relaxing massage rather than suffocating a grown man with his enormous cock.
"Mmmm.." Scotty sighs, making no apologies for confronting you wit this intensely intimate moment. "Dude, I'm gonna.. Ohh, keep going, Clay!.. Nearly.." Scotty half buckles over and squeezes his eyes shut in concentration. Then, all in an instant, his cheeks are filled with colour and he pants rapidly for a few seconds, like an olympic runner.
When he opens his eyes again and looks at you, they're slightly pink and have a glazed, dreamy look on them. "Wow.." He looks entirely happy and content, in no hurry to save Clay fron the torrents of semen that he's buried under. "Let's go to the bathroom before anything else, JB. I gotta clean up."
Scotty grabs you and walks inside the bathroom. He places you down next to the sink. He then takes Clay's cum coated body out of his underwear, rinses the cum off him (nearly drowning Clay) and places him beside you. He then takes out his cock and starts rinsing it under the tap.
You can't believe what you've just seen. You're best friend just used clay as a sex toy. You don't what to think. You're confused by you're friends actions, you wonder what he might do next, and you're scared that he might punish you as well. But the thing scares you the most is that you were turned on by all of it. Your as hard as a rock. You then look at Clay. He is currently standing there; traumatised by what had happened. While he's standing there, you notice Clay shrunk quite a bit more than you. His head only reaches your dick. Your mind starts flooding with thoughts of how empowering this feels. Clay was always about six inches taller than you, but now you tower over him. You start thinking about how Clay's head is smaller than one of your butt cheeks. His dick is about half the size of your pinkie. Your right thigh would make up about two thirds of his torso. He's so vulnerable and could be easily overwhelmed by your strength.
These arousing are interrupted by Clay saying "HEY SCOTTY! I'M NOT YOUR LITTLE SEX TOY! I'M NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS YOU LOSER!!" "Is that right?" Scotty says in a chilling tone. Clay (more nervously) says "YOU HEARD ME LOUD AND CLEAR YOU FAGGOT! I'M NOT GONNA TAKE TH - - Scotty swiftly grabs Clay and brings him up to his face. "You're right." Scotty says."You're not a sex toy, you're a pet. And this is what happens to pets when they've been bad." Scotty opens his mouth, places Clay on his tongue, and then closes it. I gasp and stare up in horror as Scotty swishes Clay around as if he was at a wine tasting. He then spits Clay into his hand. Then he calmly says "Next time, I swallow." Clay just stares up at Scotty in shock.
Scotty places Clay's saliva covered body down next to me. "Now we're gonna have some fun." Suddenly Scotty's huge hand comes and flicks you over so you land on top of Clay. Your dick happens to land on his ass which makes Clay shiver. Scotty then says "JB, you're going to . . ."
You felt Clay squirm under you as Scotty just ordered you to fuck him.
"No way! Get off of me!" Clay's squeaky voice shouted.
You thought about all your fantasies, and decided having a little fun with a tiny would be more than just fun. You then started getting even harder. Clay must have felt your giant dick, he squirmed even more, which just excited you that much more.
"Hmm… what should I do to you…" You ponder.
"Come on, get off!" Clay shouted and struggled under your grip.
"I don't think so, I wouldn't want to disobey master Scotty." You grinned as you stood up and had Clay's body wrapped up in your arms.
"Please, I'll do anything, just not this!" His pitiful attempts to stop you were useless.
You weren't wearing anything, neither was Clay. You simply pointed at your dick and commanded him to suck it. Clay tried to run away but was caught by Scotty, who broght the tiny jock to you again.
"Now you're getting punishment for that little escape act, shrimpy." you push him down and sit on his legs.
"Agh!" He screams.
You wiggle your giant ass and listen to his pathetic screams. Next, you get up and Clay sighs in relief, judt for you to sit on his face and rip a long fart. You take his head and push it deep into your crack. He screamed.
"Man up, pussy" you were pissed at him, he ruined the one chance you could have had to be big again.
You swiveled your butt back and forth, squashing Clay's face deeper and deeper in your ass.
"Alright, you've had enough." You sigh and stand up, picking up the tiny jock. You put his face at your dick. "Go on"
Clay opened up wide and sucked, barely being sble to fit the bigger dick in his mouth.
"Oh yea, you've been naughty, suck faster." You moan.
Clay picks up speed and you are about to cum, right before you do , you let Clay go and he falls down. You shoot out cum all over his back side.
"Great job" Scotty congratulates you.
"Uhh" Clay is mowning on the floor, beaten up.
You feel kind of bad for what you forced him to do, although Scotty forced you to fuck him. You walk over to him and pick him up. You wash his smaller body off.
"W-Why are you being nice to me…" He asks, out of breath.
"Eh, I dunno, I guess you're pretty cute. I could keep you and be a more gental giant." You look at him with a sweet smile.
"Y-Yea right, you just wanna torture me with your weird ass fetish, I wanna be big again, not a sex toy!" He begins to cry.
"You should have thought of that before. Now you can be my little friend or my little slave, which one?" You look dead in his eyes, he then replies:
"I guess I will be your friend…" Clay blushes and crosses his arms.
"Good" you pick him up and give him a hug.
"Just don't hurt me or anything, deal?" He seems to lighten up a bit.
"Well.. you don't be bad and I won't need to punish you." You warn him.
"Fine… friend" The cute little muscular jock mumbles.
You rub Clay's head with your hand. Clay keeps blushing and shaking whenever you show him love.
Scotty picks you and Clay up and tells you to…
Scotty's expression changes to one of guilt as he looks down at your shocked form peeping out of his pocket. He plucks you out by the back of your shirt and places you in a sweaty palm. "I'm so sorry dude, I just was scared of him..Oh well…he'll never fuck with us or anyone else again. Heh heh heh! Anyway, Here's the plan….But it's risky…Those science dudes might think you'd be a nice experiment or something."
You look up at Scotty's face, marred by guilt and worry over his tiny bud. You pat his thumb, "It's okay, I'm willing to risk it. Just tell me what you have in mind."
He smiles at how he can barely feel your touch. "Well…I was thinking we'd take you to the science teacher…Mister Grimble. But he's kinda….well…"
"Yeah I guess. If it starts to even feel wrong I promise I'll take you outta there and we'll think of something else. After all he can't prove it can he? Even if he went to the police he'd be called crazy! Which he is but…"
"Then its settled, this could be our only chance!" You say with a gulp.
Scotty nods nervously as he sticks you back in his pocket, and takes Clay out of his underwear (that he hasn't changed in a few days). Clay is covered in the grease from Scotty's sack and several large pubic hairs cling to him. He spits a few out as Scotty suppresses a laugh.
"Can't have you making me happy like that in the middle of our plan can I? I guess I'll stick you…
Before heading off to see Mr Grimble, Scotty decides to deposit Clay under one of his arms. As he rolls back the sleeve of his shirt and lifts his arm, it's like a warm breeze washes over you. The smell is bitter; manly. He takes a sniff of the area and grimaces. "Man, sucks to be a toy-sized jock on a day like this. I haven't showered in days and I'm outta deodorant." You can see sweat glistening all over the surface of your buddy's underarm. Even the tufts of soft hair look matted with dampness.
Still gagging on the taste of Scotty's greasy pubes, Clay looks at the area in horror, but Scotty is quick to stop him complaining. "It's either under here or back in my pants, little man." He says, sounding totally reasonable but clearly enjoying the authority. "And by all means, I'll put ya back in my pants. I bet you wouldn't last too long under there without passing out anyway.."
Clay interrupts. "No! No, I'll do ANYTHING, dude! Just don't shove me back in with your dick!"
Scotty giggles. "I feel like some-one as tiny as you doesn't really deserve to call me 'dude' any more. Stick to 'Master' from now on, I think."
Clay puts up no resistance after the horrible things he's seen in the giant skater punk's underwear. "Yes, Master! Whatever you like! Thanks for sticking me under your.. hot.. sweaty pits, Master!" He almost chokes on the words, trying to force them out, but Scotty looks pleased enough.
"Good boy! I knew you'd bend to my will sooner or later. Oh, and you might aswell do some licking while you're in there. I won't have cash for deodorant for a few days so you might aswell clean things up while you're in there." He winks with a big smile, and tucks Clay deep in his pit before straightening his shirt again.
"Just like training a puppy." Scotty chuckles. "Now, let's get to Grimble's off.." Before he can finish his sentence, Scotty jolts a little. "Oh! Haha - Damn, that tickles!" You're confused for a minute before you realise that Clay, truly broken in and subservient, is indeed licking the filthy pit of a boy he used to flush for his lunch money just last year. Scotty giggles uncontrollably, making the whole act of dominance seem oddly innocent. "Oh, that's so cute." He chuckles, "He's really going at it. Maybe I should.."
Scotty reaches up into his short sleeve and drags out Clay, who's already covered in grease and sweat from the once smaller boy's flesh. "Wow, you've sure got a strong tongue there, Clay!" Scotty says, and you can't tell if he's being sarcastic or encouraging. "I bet you used to be real popular with the ladies! Too bad the only thing you'll ever use it for now is cleaning your god's pit-sweat and toe-jam, hmm?" He raises an eyebrow in mock sympathy, and Clay only stares back, panting and looking again on the brink of tears.
Scotty chuckles, shaking his head. "Aww, Clay, I'm just messin' with ya. You'll get to lick up plenty of other things as my pet!" You can see a single tear rolling down the defeated jock's face as Scotty goes on explaining in a chirpy voice. "But here's the thing.. I can't concentrate so well with you licking my hairy armpits, so I'm gonna let you give them a good wash before we visit Mr Grimble, then I'm gonna stick ya somewhere else while we meet him.. Do a real good job, and I might just leave you in my backpack! But if you don't.. Well, we'll decide as we go along."
Scotty flashes another big, toothy grin before pulling his sleeve up all the way and positioning the kneeling jock near the slimey, glistening patch of skin under his arm. The area must have produced a relative bucketloads of sweat in the time he was standing there talking, and again you can smell the foul, dank odour from where you're sitting. You try to remind yourself not to pity the cowardly little jock, but it sure is getting hard.
You watch as Clay sticks out his tongue, leans forward and rubs his face all the way up the sweaty patch. Hairs lift and stick to his face. Thick droplets run down his cheeks and visibly sting his eyes. After swallowing a few huge mouthfuls, Clay finally keels over and starts to choke, gagging on the awful taste. Scotty only laughs. "Ah, c'mon! I was just starting to like the way that feels."
Clay tries to choke out pleas, but only retches harder and harder.
Scotty sighs. "C'mon, Clay, you know I don't wanna punish you even worse, and my pits aren't that bad. You might even get to like the taste after a while! ..As a matter of fact, I bet my little buddy Jack wouldn't mind leading by example and giving his pal's pits a little lick. Would you, Jack?"
"Ok Jack, show Clay how it's done." Scotty reaches for you with his free hand and grasps you. You are moved closer to his armpit as the smell gets worse and worse. Scotty tickles your face with some of his pit hairs and presses you face deep into the flesh. "C'mon Jack, lick my pit." You stick out your tongue and lick the moist skin. Scotty shudders with delight and says, "Man that feels good. You know, I have to miniature people and two pits that need cleaning. Sorry Jack but we need this done fast and I don't have deodorant." Scotty sticks Clay in his uncleaned armpit and, again presses you against his armpit. He closes his arm around you and you are trapped in a foul smelling, dark world. The sweaty hairs are tangled around and sticking to you. With deep remorse for ever volunteering you stick out your tongue and begin to lick. You can feel Scotty shuddering with pleasure. All of a sudden Scotty begins to move. He is…
"No i don't want to lick your pits Scotty".You say and try not to look at Clay,who is soaking in teen pit sweat."Well thats fine Jack,you have a choice,Clay here,doesn't".He picks up Clay and places him under his arm and Clay starts to lick.Scotty giggles at the feeling."Well Jack,I see your starting to grow a backbone and force Clay to do things that he would never do,i like it". You look up at your smiling friend and smile back,loving the fact that it is Clay being tortured,not you "Scotty the only reason I said what i did is so that I didn't have to lick your pits".His smile turns to anger as he reaches down and picks you up and puts you………
You watch as the seams of Clay's jacket stretch and tear. His ripped, muscular thighs burst out of his dark denim jeans. the huge jock seems to be growing in feet by the second. Strips of denim and cotton fall to a pile on the ground before him, and the thick sausage between his legs, now bigger than a grown man's arm, swings in the air as he gains his balance. You feel sick to the stomach, watching the hulking jock laugh like a monster, mad with power, as all his impressive flesh hangs out.
Clay has to bend to reach into the school door, and he grabs Scotty in his beefy palm. By the time he stands straight, he's towering well over the school, and seems to have stopped growing. He looks down at the quivering skater boy in his palm. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME, SQUIRT!!" He bellows, blowing Scotty's hair back with the sheer power of his hot breath.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Scotty screams, on the verge of tears, trying to shield his face from the terrifying athlete.
"SORRY?? Don't be sorry - This is AWESOME!! Just for this, you're not gonna be on my crush list!! In fact, I'm gonna keep you as my pet, lucky little faggot.." Trembling, Scotty nods his head obediently, unable to make eye contact with his intimidating new owner. Clay is satisfied with this and turns away.
"Now." Clay cracks his massive knuckles, and the sound resembles walls being knocked down. "First order or business.."
"Um.. Clay Sir?" Scotty says nervously, fishing you out of his pocket.
Clay smirks down at his little toy, pleased. "Good to see you've learned how to talk to a real muscle-god, twerp. What's that in your hand?"
"It's my friend Jack, uh, Sir. He needs help.. I'll go along worshipping you, I swear, if you'll just give him whatever's left of the serum.. P-Please?"
Scotty has asked humbly enough, so Clay decides to be generous. His monolithic fingers close around you. From here, the giant's fingerprints look like an elaborate race-course. You're lifted in front of the giant, deep pink lips of Clay, a bully you've been avoiding ever since he hit puberty and started flushing kids' heads in toilets. His horrible breath washes over you, and you hanfg on desperately to the urge to gag. "It's your lucky day, kid. Drink up.."
Clay swishes saliva in his mouth, then sticks out the long, broad platform which is his tongue. A pool of watery yellow liquid sits at the front - A blob of the serum, mixed with his saliva. You crawl forward and slurp it up, then wait through the familiar tingling, odd pains and senations, until you're normal size again. You're dropped into Clay's clammy palm, and you roll into scotty's arms, relieved to see him from this point of view again.
"Hey! i remember you!" Clay booms down. "You used to buy me lunch every day in eighth grade!" He laughs, referring to all the times when he would punch you in the gut until you were keeled over in pain, your lunch money held out in an open palm. "I always liked beatin' on you." he grins, his awful breath pounding down on the pair of you. "I like you. I think you can be my pet too, along with your faggot friend!"
The horrible sinking feeling that fills you and Scotty, however, is nothing compared to what Clay's actual friends feel when he turns to them, a menacing frown across his veiny brow, and asks who wants to go first..
Clay lifts the vile high enough that Scotty's desperate little lunges can't reach it, and the cocky jock smirks down at theweaker boy. "Oh, you want this, faggot?"
"Yes!!" Scotty urges, starting to sweat.
"What? This one? Right here?" Clay plays dumb, looking confused as he holds the solution over Scotty's head.
"Yes!! Just give it to me, Clay!!"
"Say 'pretty please.'"
Scotty faulters, then remembers you and his commitment to helping you return to natural size. He sighs, gritting his teeth. "Please.. I mean, pretty please, Clay."
"Aww, good faggot." The jock says, as if training a dog, and all his buddies chuckle. "Now say: 'I love you, Clay'.. Go on, faggot. You know it's true."
Scotty's cheeks turn red, at first with anger, then with humiliation as he says in the calmest voice he can muster: "I.. I love you, Clay." At this, the crowd of jocks in the corner break into an uproar of laughter. Scotty cringes.
"Now say: 'I want your cock, Clay.'" Clayton says, to new peels of laughter.
Scotty erupts. "Just GIVE it to me, asshole!!"
Clay shakes his finger sternly in Scotty's face. "If you can't learn to respect your superiors, you'll never have what you want." he says, splashing the solution out over his shoulder. Scotty's eyes bulge in shock and frusteration, while Clay continues to look down at him smugly.
That's when another voice pipes up. "..Hey! What the..??" Clay turns around to discover he has thrown the solution right into the face of some-one who was trying to squeeze past him. But now, spitting out what's left of the serum, that person doesn't have to squeeze past anyone. The jocks and Scotty watch, horrified, as the recipient of the solution starts to grow taller, and taller, and taller..
Dean is a quiet individual in his late 20s. Fairly muscled from a hard life, he moved on to be a school janitor for Herculean High. He has been frequently teased. But as the last shreds of clothes fall off his enlarged body, all that has changed. He now stands seventy feet tall and completely naked. He looks down at Scott and Clay. Clay can only gape, and Scott can only say under his breath "Oh my god!"
Scott shouts "Are you all right?" Still, he should have expected the answers
Dean flexes his muscles and pecs before them, saying "All right? Hell, I feel fucking great. Now nobody can give me shit anymore, or else…" He slams his foot into the floor, then flexes his toes amongst the discarded tiles and rubble.
As his first act as a giant god, Dean the former disgruntled janitor…
Suddenly, an enormous hand reaches down and surrounds Scotty and Clay. Then Dean lifts the two up towards his enormous face and laughs. "You're coming with me," he says. "And we'll have some fun." With that he sets Scotty and Clay atop his dick. It is wide enough to stand on, but the surface sways slightly and makes standing difficult. Scotty can't help but sit down, while Clay keeps standing. With the two in toe, Dean starts walking to…
After a long bumpy ride on the oversized janitor's cock, they reach a backwater building on a strange side of town. Dean bends over, forcing Clay towards his cockhead despite maintaining his dignity. Scotty grabs on tight to you and the unstable surface. Without a care, Dean rips off the roof of the building. Inside are hunks dressed in nothing but thongs. It must be a gay strip club. Dean licks his lips as the visitors try and flee for their lives. Then he reaches in and grabs one of male strippers.
The stripper doesn't seem scared and smiles. He says "Hey Dean, what's up?"
"What's it look like?" responds Dean. "I'm huge now!"
Then, Dean…
With his free hand, Dean plucks Clay from his cockhead, laughing heartily. "I didn't know you liked dick," he says. Clay tries not to resist, but his captor demands "Now runt, make him as big as me." He sets the stripper down and put Clay beside him. He gingerly goes through his pockets until he finds another vial of the strange stuff that was splashed on Dean. He unscrews the cap and tosses the liquid on the gay stripper's skin. Then he backs up.
Suddenly, the stripper grew enormous. His thong could barely hold his juck and rips off like tissue paper. He continues to rise, crushing one of the walls of the strip club. As soon as finishes, he is around Dean's size.
He looks around at his miniature world. "What happened?"
Dean laughs and says "Craig, you're a giant like me now!"
Craig the gay stripper laughs and picks up Clay from between his feet. He hands him back to Dean and hugs him. Scotty, still on Dean's cock, gets rammed against Craig's massive meat before he pulls away.
Now as a giant like Dean, Craig…
Craig starts flexing his muscles, unwittingly crushing a little more of the strip club he formerly worked for. Dean smiles with satisfaction as his cock shakes, forcing Scotty towards the back. The giant stripper notices this and laughs, saying "Who are those guys?" Dean responds "Little runts that picked on me in the past. Now they're my little pets." Craig frowns at Scotty "You picked on my buddy Dean? It's time for giant Craig to show them a little lesson."
Dean lowers Clay in hand towards his giant partner and plucks Scotty from his pubes. Now with both in hand, Craig decides to have some fun with…
"I like this one."
To Clay's horror, the giant gay stripper reaches down and plucks him from Dean's hand. He holds him in midair, watching him struggle frantically to escape. He laughs heartily. "Pathetic little man, thinking he's so big to push my buddy Dean around before. Now I'll show him what's big now." Carelessly he drops him onto the top of one of his mountainous pecs. He watches his little pet attempt to escape, but he worsens this by flexing his arm up and down wildly. His pecs bounce, forcing Clay to fall once more.
But Craig catches him before he can smash into the crushed pavement beneath the colossal giants. But he's not done yet. He drops Clay onto his mammoth cock. All this dominating excites him, forcing it to rise and Clay struggles to stay on top of it. Craig presses him into his greasy flesh "What's the matter," he says "Never faced a real man before?" He releases his thumb and Clay loses his balance. But he instead grabs hold of a clump of pubic hairs above the stripper's balls. He realizes the truth now. He's nothing but a speck to these two.
As Craig humiliates Clay some more, he wants to…
Craig grabs Scotty he brings him up to his giant face and says "Well little man do you fancy being put under my foreskin". Scotty is really horrified as the giant Craig lowers him towards his Penis head, he can see poor Clay holding onto to Craig's pubic hair at at the bottom of his balls, Clay just looks at Scotty he is really worried about him.
Suddenly Criag pulls back some of his foreskin and place Scotty almost on to the tip of his penis head, he then grabs his foreskin and slips it over Scotty, inside Scotty is really frightened that he may get crushed as Craigs Penis gets bigger and bigger.
"He must feel good down there," says Dean, commenting at how Scotty is now pinned between Craig's foreskin and cock head. "It does," responds Craig. "In fact, I want to make him my own personal pet. After all, we never get any of these at the club." Clay still clings to some strands of Craig's pubes, but the giant employee of the smashed gay strip club practically ignores him, like a bug in his pubic forest. Craig and Dean start walking again as they find a new place to hang out. Everything in their way gets smashed up and destroyed, leaving behind a trail of destruction. They find a place in a large park, where the two sit down and smash the trees beneath them.
What does Craig do now with his new toy?
Craig, the hot giant stripper starts to tug at his massive erection while poor Scotty is still trapped underneath the hood of his foreskin. The miniature skater boy has no hope of getting free, meanwhile Clay hangs onto the nearby pubes and watches as his fellow teenager is used as a sex toy under the foreskin of a grown man.
The two giants sit in the park, in an area where all the trees have been knocked down and there are colossal footprints in the grass. They sit there with their legs crossed like two kids playng in an ordinary park, but there's nothing ordinary about this. "Hey, give me a turn with the other one if you're not using him." Says Dean, and tiny Clay is handed over.
Now both huge hot male strippers are servicing their own cocks with the little teenagers. Scotty is crying and screaming, the sound is so pathetic and sad, his teen voice scratching when he tries to beg for mercy. Craig just moans to himself.
Scotty tries to complain but nearly his entire body is trapped under the soggy blanket of foreskin.
Scotty is completely covered in Crag's hot sticky cum, Scotty screams begs for mercy as loads of cum covers him from head 2 foot, it's like his whole is gone and replaced by cum.
Scotty suddenly shouts out?
Both hot male strippers stand up in the empty park, they're both moaning to themselves and enjoying the teenage sex toys they have all to themselves.
Clay screams like crazy but he gets inserted into Craig's rectum anyway. Craig moans and groans and lets Dean pump his big cock until he shoots a huge load of cum, big enouhgh to drown the pitiful teen clinging on.
After all the fun, there's only one teen left alive to play with. And he is..
Dean shoves Clay right up, into his lover Craig's ass, so the little jock who was once the king of his school is now only a helpless toy being inserted where so many other sex toys have been before.
Craig cries out with pleasure and shoots his huge load all over the park, meanwhile there is a crunching sound by his butt.
"Oh shit! Looks like you crushed the little kid with your ass!" says the giant Dean before laughing. "Oh well, we've still got the other one to have planety of fun with.."
The two hot strippers have had their share of sex before but now they can afford to get really kinky, seeing as they have their own teenage boy at their disposal and he is going wherever they decide they want him to.
Dean has been letting his partner Craig have all the fun, but it's evidenced by his massive boner that casts a shadow all over the park that he's ready to have a good time with Scotty now.
He says: "Mmm, I think it would be hot if we stuck the little guy.."
Dean has a big penis, even thicker and darker than Craig's, so Scotty is understandably terrified when he sees himself coming towards it.
"No, NO!!!"
But it's too late. He gets stuck head first into the unclean slit so that he can taste stale piss and cum. His scrawny legs are sticking out and kicking while Dean jacks himself off and laughs.
"You liking that baby?" Craig asks.
"Yeah!" says Dean. "So much that I think I'm gonna.."
Scotty's legs are kicking around, trying to escape the hot giant's piss slit, but this only makes the giant happier. "Wow, that feels so good! I think I'm going to cum pretty soon!"
Craig stands by and watches whil ehis boyfriend's slit gets stretched by the little teenager's wiggling, until finally Dean can stand no more and he begins jacking himself aggressively.
"here it goes! Here goes! Whoooah!!" Dean shoots his load and sends Scotty rocketing out of his cock in a stream of cum, which lands like rain all over..
There was a crowd of watchers stamdinmg by to see the horrific sight of Dean jacking off using that poor young boy. They sure regretted their coice when Dean climaxed, and sent a huge pool of cum splashing onto them.
men and women drowned in the thick sperm, trying to save themselves but unable to avoid sinking in the mess.
Dean and Craig looked proud of what they had done, and decided to..
Dean couldn;t stop leaughing, and his laugh was so deep it was shattering windows all over the town.
"Look at those bugs drowning in my cum! This is pathetic! Let's show them just how weak they are.."
He immediately started stepping onto the puddle of jizz, and people were crushed beneath his mighty foot like the bugs they were. He laughed and laughed, and soon Craig jioned in mashing the unfortunate tiny people under his giant, powerful soles..
you stood in disbelief in the creamy puddle, first you had shrunk, then the person you were with was caught be a muscle giant, who then got another muscle giant, then after being cummed onto the street, scotty and many others were crushed, but you were still alive, at your normal size. wait normal size you realize that being covered in deans cum, and ingesting some, had probably caused you to grow, heigth-wise, and muscle-wise, your muscles were as big as Craig's! looking up into the two giant's shadows, you realized they were walking away, thinking that they had killed all these toys, and probably wanting more. then when you looked back down, you saw you were almost the size of a nearby tree, you were wtill growing!
this realization jolts you out of your stupor, "Ha Ha," you laugh suddenly pumping your fist, and flexing your growing muscles, "even if I don't get as big as them, I'll still have my own toys to play with. as you start to walk off, with the once creamy lake, now appearing as a small pond, you hear a voice. Someone was still alive! looking behind you, you see that Scotty was still alive, but he, not being so small, hadn't ingested any cum.
you walk over to your friend. when he sees you he says, "you know you're naked right?" you shrug, not really caring anymore, you love the feel of your new body. then as if actually seeing you for the first time he jumps up and interrobangs, "Jack! When did you get so big?!" now that he's standing you know about how tall you are, and that you're still growing, because his head comes ato the bottom of your large pecs, and is slowly retreating, seeing how small he seems next to your large body and muscles, you quickly wrap an arm around him and fairly easily lift him up.
"I don't know," you say, while he starts to squirm "one minute I'm in your pocket, the next I'm standing in a lake of cum. you should stop that, I'm not going to do anything to you, we're friends remember." your voice is slowly getting deeper as you get bigger.
then you walk away from the cum, while scotty tries to process everything in your growing arms.
Craig and dean wiped the cum and guts off of their huge soles, onto the grass before they went looking for more bugs to enjoy and torture.
They decided to look..
An older man is simply minding his own business, eating dinner when Scotty comes flying through his window in a torrent of sperm.
He can't believe his eyes for a moment, then he gets up to help Scotty who seems to be coughing and choking a lot.
"Are you all right young man?"
But there's no time for Scotty to explain before the older man, Jeffrey, looks out the window and is shocked to see..
Jeffrey was in his late thirties, and worked in a quiet office where he could have a lot of time to himself to fantasize about other men. He also lived alone, and masturbated about four times a day. But this was better than any of his fantasies.
As soon as he saw dean and Craig ruling the town with their hot naked bodies and waljking around with their huge shlongs hanging out, he had an instant hard-o. He went running outside to offer himself to the gods.
"Please, boys, take me as your toy! You camn do whatever you want with me! WHATEVER!"
Craig and Dean responded by..
"I guess we could use an experienced fuck toy like you." Craig says with a sexy smilem, and picks up the new guy. "Besides, my ass feels like being stretched out a little. Are you up to the challenge, slave?"
"Oh, yes master!!" Jeffrey was always an ass man, so imagine his suprise when he was being brought towards Craig's perfectly round ass cheeks, two strong muscles with slabs of fat coating them to make them extra juicy.
Craig pushed him half way between the cheeks, but Jeffrey was excited enough to crawl the rest of the way..
Jeffrey quickly gets accustomed to the darkness and the stench of Craig's rectum. Above him, the echoes of digestion rattle down through the bowels. Jeffrey crawls through the muscular tunnel through slimy pools of shit. This is exciting for him. He always imagined being inside someone else's ass, but now it's real.
A loud sputtering from the sphincter shines some light and brings a relieving breath of fresh air into the stench-filled underworld. But this ends very quickly when a loud rumbling follows and darkness resumes. Behind him, a massive object plows towards him. Curiously, he turns away from the path further into Craig's intestines towards it, but then gets slammed against it quickly. It moves in and out of the muscle tube. Jeff realizes now that Dean decided to follow him in with his dick and is now pounding Craig.
The pounding intensifies as Jeffrey gets taken on their sex ride. After a long period of fucking, Jeffrey get's flushed off of Dean's dick with a tsunami of cum. The giant's dick quickly retreats and now…
"You really want to submit yourself to us and be our slave?" says dean with a cruel smirk.
"Yes! Yes that's all I want! You can do anything with me!!" Jeffrey begs on his knees.
"Okay then, lay under my foot." Dean says this and lifts up his foot. Craig and he look at each other, knowing the cruel sense of humour they have.
"I'm going to stomp on you if you lay under my foot. But if you don't do it, ou won't be a very obedient slave now will you? The choice is yours."
Jeffrey walks right over to the giant foot and lays under it. There's no sign of disobedience in his face as he does it, he just stares up at the five giant toes and sole that hover over him.
"Do whatever you want with me, godly masters. I'm just a toy for you to use however you like, I don't even dserve the choice to obey you or disobey. I'm your servant forever."
"Aww, what a good toy." Craig says. "I think he deserves a reward."
"Do you want a reward?" Dean asks.
"Oh! yes!" Jeffrey says with excitement on his face.
On that note Dean..
"I guess we really can trust you to obey your masters. That means you get to live" Dean says with a smile.
"Oh thank you great masters! Thank you thank you!" Jeff was really prepared to die for his gods but now he's been given a second chance he's ready to worship them even more.
Dean puts his foot down on Jeffrey as a reward and Jeffrey goes mad kissing and licking it, tasting all the dirt and sweat that he's proud to have inside his body since it once graced this great man's foot.
next on the giants' agenda is..
Dean's big dirty foot comes flying down right away and stomps on Jeffrey, forcing the wind out of him.
"Argggg!" Jeffrey was prepared to suffer at the hands of his giant superiors but he never knew it would hurt this much. Even worse was the giants didn't kill him instantly but let him lie under Dean's foot for a while while they teased and laughed at him.
"You wanted a reward, runt? Now you've got it. You're going to be snuffed out under my feet and we're going to forget you even existed! Isn't that right Craig?"
"Forget who existed?" Craig says as he kisses Dean hard on the lips and the rest of Jeffreys bones crackle underfoot..
"I'm sorry, I can't let you stomp on me." jeffrey says sadly.
"I would have committed the rest of my life to making you both happy and entertained but I can't do that if my life is cut short."
"Then get out of here, puny bug. You'll never get to enjoy being our plaything." craig says.
Jeffrey's walking away with his shoulders slumped and a tear in his eye when Dean calls out "Hey Jeffrey, we were just kidding!"
jeff turns around and sees Dean's foot coming down on him. It stomps him to the ground and injures several of his bones just with its sheer weight. "We were never gonna give you a choice. HAHAHAHA!!" Dean crushes him underfoot and both giants have a good laugh.
Scotty has been forced to swallow gallons and gallons of a hot man's sperm, which resulted in the teenager drowning helplessly. He's never been in contact with anyone else's jizz before, but now he lay limp in the giant's hand, his stomach and lungs filled with it.
Dean simply throws the young body into a bush and focusses on Clay, who he pulls out of his boyfriend's ass by the ankle.
"Well that one's all used up, but I still want a little pleasure of my own. Craig, would you mind..?"
"Sure thing, man." Says Craig. "And trust me, you're gonna love it! I could feel him moving around in there, fighting and trying to escape my anus but it was just making me even hotter."
Clay looks terrorised. He's covered in sweat and smears of brown from being inserted so far up Craig, no Dean is bending his legs a little and preparing to have his own ass pleasured.
Clay sees Dean's huge mountainous butt cheeks open and the puckered hole between them winks at him invitingly. Before he knows it he's shoved in by..
Craig's fingers are especially long and thick, the kind of fingers you would expect to see on a bricklayer or some other outdoorsmen. But these huge paws come in handy for more important things than that, like pleasuring other men.
Today Clay feels the huge fingers gripping him and pushing him between the butt cheeks of Dean, the hot male stripper who's dying to feel his sphincter stretched by something hot and fleshy.
Instead of a dick though, he's getting his own human sex toy inserted by his best friend and boyfriend, Craig. He hears the puny little jock beg for mercy as he's shoved in and he laughs to himself.
He feels Craig's thicks fingers probing deeper and deeper inside of him, and his dick goes rock hard. And then, it's completely inside of him and he shivers with pleasure.
Clay sees the huge puckered hole before him and screams for mercy. He can't possibly go through this again and retain his sanity. But it's going to happen, again and again until the hungry butt holes of these sex crazed men are satisfied.
First it seems he won't be able to penetrate the tight asshole when he's pressed up against it, but then Craig bends a little and he's pushed inside with a giant finger. He feels a second finger push against his own butt and he's forced inside the smelly opening, deep into Dean's dirty ass.
From here..
Clay keeps slipping, up and up, as noo one is holding onto his leg to keep him in place.
While Dean moves around and enjoys the feeling, Clay is slipping into his colon and..
Clay would cringe as he slips into the crap that was stored inside the colon, slipping deep into it easily. Outside, Dean grunts and lets out a deep, wet fart as Clay slips into his full colon and starts to get hard, jerking his cock as Clay struggles in his crap!
Dean lets out another fart as…
Dean moans deeply and rolls over onto his back and starts to jerk his cock, loving the full feel of his ass as well as the smell of his own farts, letting another one rip after every five strokes!
Inside of the rancid hole, you sink further into his crap while more of your air is taken in his farts! You whimper as only your head is left outside a log of crap as the giant lets out a deep moan as he jizzes hard! He grins to himself and lets out a deep, rank fart that causes you to black out for the last time…
Dean would hold his crap in for a full day, occasionally farting, before he would finally dump your crap encased body into a toilet and flushes it away with a deep grin…
Clay can feel the giant fingers of Craig clutching his tiny ankle so he doesn't slip all the way into the giant stripper. But he can't pull himself out alone because his arms and the rest of his body are well inside the stinking, twitching rectum of the horny bigger man.
Clay is pulled in and out, in and out whilel Dean enjoys the anal-bead style pleasure of having a live thing inside of him. It's even better than being ucked by a dick, the giant thinks to himself.
This all goes on until..
Craig is enjoying his boyfriend's oans of pleasure as he services him with a high school jock. he gets so distracted that one time when he goes to pull Clay out, his fingers slip on the moisture and sweat, and Clay's leg disappears inside.
"HELP ME!!" He screams for assistance, and the giants look at each other..
"What do you say?" says Craig
"Well," says Dean. "I like tis sex toy a lot so it would be a shame to lose him. I guess we'll have to send something just the right sixe in to pull him out.."
''I like the sound of that." Craig says as he runs his hands all over his fellow giant's body. "I'd be happy to put anything of mine inside that hot ass of yours."
"Oh really?" asks Dean..
Craig is already fully erect, making it easy for him to slide his long and thick cock into his boyfriend's ass.
"Hang onto my cock, little guy! It's the only way out." He calls down as he penetrates Dean.
The two giants laugh to themselves like this is all a game. It isn't their lives in the line, so they couldn't care less.
Clay tries to grip the giant cock head with his legs, seeing as he's in there head first, and Craig loves the stimulation those athletic legs are giving the tip of his cock. In the end..
Craig feels the jock entering his slit, he lets out a moan and shoves his cock and passenger deeper in to deans ass slamming into deans prostate, gettin lost in the moment Craig starts to fuck his boyfriend hard soon is balls are rising,
Craig is in hell once stuck up a dirty ass now in Craig's cock head being pummeled into deans shitty prostate head first
Craig grabs dean by the waist and shoots his load and passenger deep up the rectum,
As Craig pulls out he dosent see his passenger so he lowers his mouth to deans hole and sticks his tongue in deep, he tells dean to push, dean scrunches his face and blow a nasty fart propped there little jock into Craig's mouth
Craig gets on his knees in the tiny park and looks at the beautiful, round butt of his lover Dean. "This is going to be fun.." he says.
he then puts his mouth against the crack of Dean's ass and parts the butt cheeks before sucking. he can hear Clay whimpering inside for help, and he sticks his tongue in a little to grease the wheels. The result is..
Sliding his tongue in may have just been the trick that worked. Craig is enoying the taset of his hot boyfriend's tight ass hold when he feels two tiny legs come sliding out, followed by a tight six pack and hard chest.
Clay slips into his mouth, all smelling of dean's ass and shaking like a baby.
"Please put me doen! Please, please, I don't weant to be your toy any more!!"
"Like you ever did." craig mumbles with his mouth full. "Toys never know what's good for them."
He then..
Craig stands up and leans forward to celebrate their victory with Dean, who is relieved to finally have the little man removed from his ass.
They join lips and share a long, intimate kiss while their tongues dance, passing tiny Clay back and forth while he cries and squirms.
"Mmmm.. Thank you baby." says Dean. "I think I definitely owe you one after that."
"Stay still for a surprise…" Dean says as he bends over to his giant lover. Craig closes his eyes.
Inside Dean's mouth, Clay struggles against the pool of saliva from two giant lovers gathered on the massive tongue. Suddenly, he looks out to see the wall of teeth giving way as his mouth opens. The humiliated jock struggles onto his feet and attempts to run towards the opening. This is it, he'll be free. Unfortunately, the surface of Craig's cock gets closer and closer to the mouth until finally it knocks Clay back into the spit. Crawling in the other direction, he gets pinned by Dean's tongue. Slammed into Craig's cock and Dean's mouth closes around it, he's now trapped in a giant blowjob and he's taken along for the ride.
"Mmmmmmm," says Craig. "That feels awesome…ahhh…Ahhhhh…"
As Clay gets sucked on by Dean, Craig blows his load. He gets swept up in a massive tidal wave of cum, dammed by Dean's tongue. Once the BJ ends, Clay is…
Dean can't hold it in any longer, and he knows his boyfriend won't mind any how.
he lets a long fart go, and it hisses out warmly onto Craig's face. The smell is rancid but Clay closes his eyes and sniffs it all in. "That was beautiful baby, thanks." he smiles.
Clay, however, is still trapped deep inside Dean's ass and both giants laugh when they hear his blood curdling scream at being covered in toxic fart gas.
19 Year old Cody is walking through the park with his ipod on full, he hasn't noticed the 2 giants because he is to busy listening to his favourite track, suddenly he is picked up by Clay.
Suddenly Cody drops his Ipod and looks at the giant, Clay looks back and say " You look cute I like your blonde hair wow maybe later we could have some fun, but for now I need to go up into my friends ass and rescue a joke"
Cody who has no idea what is going found himself being shoved up another guys as, Cody who is gay by the way thinks it's some sort of a cool dream.
Cody crawls further up Dean's intestines, seemingly amused that all this might be an illusion. But the stench, the slick walls, and digestive gurgling above tells him this is no dream. The low "Help…" from a distant segment of giant colon was very real. He picked up the pace to reach the source. He trips over a large turd pile before reaching for a hand - a human hand. It was warm and slick, covered in the moist shit dripping from the walls. "Oh God, help me please…"
Cody rises to his feet and with both hands, tugs on the arm. Above him, a low grumbling grew louder as a massive clump of shit rolled from the colon layer above them and onto Clay's hand. A low grunt shows it wasn't painful, but if it stays like this he will get stuck in the turd pile. "Hold on, I'll help you." Both hands dirty, Cody digs through the pile to excavate Clay. The whole ordeal is painful and downright smelly. Clay reaches for him once his arm gets exposed and his savior grabs it quickly before lifting him onto his feet.
"We gotta get outta here," Clay grabs hold of him, smearing him with Dean's crap. "They shoved me in here to pleasure him. Did they put you here too to get me out?"
Cody tries to answer as the colon walls pulse to life, shaking the pools of shit. Then comes…
Dean can barely stand up straight, he feels so good. He potters around the park awkwardly adjusting to the feel of a living sex toy squirming in his ass, he's loving every sensation as his rectum is pushed and stretched by the tiny muscle man inside. It's inspiring feelings in him he's never had before.
"You okay baby?" Craig asks.
"I'm more than okay!" He says. "Will you do me a favor and.."
Clay has slipped so far up into Dean that his colon is beginning to tingle with the need to use the toilet. Of course, this is going to be an interesting experience for both of them. Dean's never taken a dump with a raging hard-on before and Clay's never been a PART of another man's bowel movement.
But there's a first time for everything. So the giants wander around the park area looking for a suitable place for Dean to bend a biscuit. They find..
The men keep on walking until they leave the park area and find a main road which is backed up with traffic.
The people in their tiny cars have no idea they're being held up because there are two giants on the loose and the police are trying to think of a way to keep them contained.. That is, until Dean and Craig come walking out from behind a bunch of trees an everyone gapes from inside their vehicles in horror.
Dean looks around and selects someone to give his little 'present' to. He picks..
Dean sees a red Ferrari with a handsome young man sitting inside, wearing an expensive suit and yelling into his cell phone. By the sounds of the man's dialogue with his assistant, he isn't a very nice person and might benefit from being taught a little lesson.
The man hasn't even noticed the giants, he's been so wrapped up in his call, until a huge shadow passes over him and he drops his phone in terror. Dean's foot lands on one side of the car, making a loud stomping noise, and he stands over it so the businessman has a direct view of the butt cheeks parting above him.
"What the..!!!"
Dean has a little routine he likes to follow, always taking a nice long piss before he empties his bowels. Unfortunately for the tiny convertible driver he's about to become a part of this ritual too.
"What the fuck!! What the fuck is going on!! I'm calling the cops!!" The tiny man says in his car, searching for the phone he dropped.
"You can try." Dean laughs. "You pathetic insect." He then points his huge dick down, holding it in his fist for precision, and let's loose.
A torrent of yellow piss is unleashed onto the car, hitting the little man so hard that he's knocked against his seat and drops the phone. He can't breathe or scream for help, his face is being pummeled by warm piss as Dean let's out a groan of relief. The puny man swallows gallon after gallon of it, until his stomach is ready to burst, and then..
The urine-soaked gentleman no longer stands the smell of his soaked Ferrari, but that's the least of his worries. Immediately he presses the gas as the car slides through the pond that emerged from Dean's bladder. The wheels skid against the wet asphalt, causing it to slide erratically. But it didn't take long as he looks up and sees a giant hand descending on his car.
Dean picks up the miniature man and his car, showing it to Craig. "It's like a toy," Dean says and with car in hand, he forces it towards Craig's abs. The man inside the Ferrari now leans back as he risks falling out of his convertible. The wheels move as Dean glides the car along the hills and valleys of Craig's body. He turns the car around and now the man watches as his car against his will drives toward's the giant's semi-erect cock. As it reaches its head, Craig takes the car from Dean and says "I've got a better idea." With car in hand, Craig carries it through the air towards his giant friend's parting ass crack.
The man panics. "Please no…NO…NOOOOOO!"
There's only dark through the windshield of the gentleman's Ferrari, but as he flips on the headlights, he sees a disgusting flesh tunnel. Pools of shit amass in between the shallow ribs along Dean's colon. Drops of liquid fall onto his head, forcing him to raise the top of his convertible. But drops fall onto his car like a sick brown rain. He'll never get the shit smell out of it now. He realizes that the only way out is to back up, but the sphincter shows no sign of relaxing. Foot on the gas, he drives deeper into Dean's colon.
Outside, Dean jitters as he cups his cock and ass. "Whooooo…" he says to his giant partner. "That's a nice feeling down there. I guess he's taking a tour through my digestive system." Craig laughs. "Maybe you should host the tour for your insides." Dean beams at this idea as the two trek through the city, carrying along an extra passenger driving through the giant's large intestines…
The Ferrari continues forward until it hits the very wall of the colon. He is now stuck in a puddle of sorts right where Dean's intestines ascend. Further along must be where digested remains enter and get carried along for the ride. The wall pulses as the gentleman gets a disgusting up-close-and-personal view of live intestinal wall flesh as it pulses along like a calm ocean.
Suddenly the walls jolt, knocking the car down onto its side. He didn't see anything, but he could tell Dean just passed gas. The bubble descends down the tract and in the background, a slight fart echoes from the temporarily open sphincter. The gentleman gags in disgust as his nostrils burn with the smell of Dean's fart ripe from its environment. Above him, a low rumbling echoes further down the living tube as drips signal the continued process of Dean's digestion - and warning its spectator that he must run soon or die because…
Dean gives the tiny buinessman a wink than bends his huge, hairy, muscular legs so his mountainous ass cheeks part and the tiny man can look right up and see his anus.
There's already a tiny brown shape forming, something like a boulder, but soon it starts pushing through and the tiny man realises with horror that it's a huge turd, bigger than he could possible imagine. Not only that, but there's a teenager wrapped around it like a rock climber, and they're both about to fall dead onto the businessman's head.
Dean grunts once, and the whole crowd watches as a huge piece of shit drops from his ass and covers the tiny car completely. There's the sound of screaming and metal squeaking, and the smell of fresh waste, as..
The man's name is Darrell Williamsand he's worked in his father's business since he was seventeen, struggling day and night to take on huge responsibilities and be a success. When he isn't at the gym perfecting his body he's with his loving girlfriend who he was engaged to marry this Fall.
But none of that matters any more.
The giant pile of shit flops onto Darrell and covers him in a warm, sloppy encasement of human waste. Clay has already been lost in the chocolatey brown mess as it oozes over the convertible, and a few last drops fall from Dean's butt as he squeezes them out with satisfaction.
Darrrell's mouth is filled with heavy, toxic waste as he tries to scream and it slides down his throat. He can't move a muscle, only be absorbed into the disgusting shit that once belonged to the giant hunk standing over him.
The businessman is snuffed out, and never seen again.
Clay sees Dean's huge mountainous butt cheeks open and the puckered hole between them winks at him invitingly.
He feels Craig place his tiny body on something hot and wet, apparently the giant is going to use his own body part to shove him into his friend.
Before he knows it he's shoved in by Craig's..
I wanted to change it to something I hope that ok.
As to 2 giants are having loads of fun with poor Clay Scotty suddenly recovers covered in the Deans cum, Sotty decides to make a run for it and leaves the park as fast as he could, he runs for miles almost in tears becasue he has been used a sex object by 2 giants.
This is not the end for Scotty what he hasn't noticed is he starting to shrink for some reason; he makes it to what looks like another gay bar, outside the bar is very feminine gay cute looking hottie, Scotty is still a bit confused he has not noticed that he is getting smaller and smaller.
When Scotty finally realized that he has shrunk to about 2 inches tall he looks and sees what looks like huge sneaker, he looks up and sees a very cute feminine guy, before Scotty could say anything the cute gay guy at the door picks him and shoves him down his cute undies, Scotty grabs hold of the giant cock and finds that he is now sex slave to another giant but this time he is very small.
The gay guy who has Scotty looks like this… the link is safe.
A feminine guy wants to have loads of fun with Scotty just as he is about to use him as his new toy, Scotty is teleaprorted to a new place.
He smells something really strange it smells like feet that that has not been washed very good, the smell is to bad but it's enough to make him a bit sick; suddenly his eye sight returns because he has fully materialized then he realizes where he is he, is in the toes of a very cute gay model who is on a cat walk.
The guys looks like this… .
Scott must have shrunk to 1 inch tall that is very tiny for any one, he looks around he sees the lines around the giants toes, he see little drops of sweat on the walls of the toes.
The Feminine gay bar for strereo types.
Scotty who is now stuck in a very cute fem gays undies is finding it very hard to stay on the giants dick, it's like a bad dream to him and the he feels safe where he is until he finds himself pulled out of the guys undies, he is on a stage with video camera pointing at him in macro mode, he looks up and sees TV screens all over the bar with him looking a bit shocked.
The guy shouts out to a load of strereo type twinks and ectomorph builds of all ages from 19 and onwards all with very gay faces on them, he can hear him say "who want's to have fun with with the tiny?"
The guy who is doing all of the shouting has started to take his clothes and place Scotty on his dick and everybody is getting really excited about seeing a tiny on the end of a guys dick, Scotty is starting wonder if he would survive this one Dean may have been gay but he was a not stereo type.
Suddenly a very cute totally girly guy with such a strong gay voice shouts out " I will have him and let him pole dance around my dick."
Scotty is handed to the cutest Twink in the bar… who is dressed in leathers and in complete fetish gear.
The 19 year old Twink pulls out his dick and starts to rub Scotty all over his dick, Scotty is completely shocked by the fact that he is just a sex toy to a load of stereo types.
Scotty huddles in horror, trapped by a giant stripper's dick and shrouded by the overhanging foreskin. A personal pet? Does that mean he will live, or just live longer? There's no sign of Clay, who clings desperately beneath Craig's dick in the tangle of pubic hair. Suddenly, the flesh canopy retreats. The air gets less stuffy from the sweat and man musk, but Scotty has little time to enjoy this break once his giant captor reaches down towards him. He struggles, but he knows that if he tries to run, the only direction from here is down - hundreds of feet down and in the end as a mess of blood and flesh.
"Hold still," Craig pinches his sides. At his size, the gentle grasp of the giant borders a force that can crack ribs.
"I thought you like the struggling…" Dean says.
"Not now, but when I get him inside my cock…" Scotty panics as beneath him, Craig parts the gonadal portal for its newest spelunker. Legs enter first. Despite some room for motion, Scotty stops so he doesn't smash his legs against the hardening walls. His torso follows. Once only his head remains in the outside world, Craig says "Maybe I'll get turned on if he goes further in…" A finger presses against Scotty's face, forcing him down deeper into the tunnel.
Scotty now enters a slide as he descends unwillingly down the slippery tube towards Craig's…
The Gay stripper reaches for Clay and holds him up to his face, he looks at him for a bit he then says "I will put you under my foreskin with your best friend, you can then both enjoy my man hood".
Clay was very quickly lowered to Craigs penis, he then watches as he pulls back his huge skin which has completely covered Scotty, as he is lowered onto the tip of his penis, he grabs Scottys hand as Scotty seems to be crying a bit, Craig put his foreskin over his to captives.
Clay looks at Scotty he smiles and says "Don't worry we will get out of this horrible place, it smells bad doesn't?"
Unknown to Clay and Scotty a very good looking Japanese gay stripper has approached Dean & Craig, he has asked them to make him big like them, Dean decides it would be cool to have another giant guy, after all he is a very good looking guy.
The Japanese guy ask "I noticed you was playing with 2 tiny guys may I have look at them"
Craig replays "Sure they are under my foreskin you can have one or 2"
Craig peels back his huge foreskin at least it is to Clay and Scotty, he picks up Clay who is really tied of being a sex toy for these giants, the cute Japanese guy brings him up to his mouth and whispers to him, "My name is Kung I'm going to help you and your friend by getting you out of here, it will me mean you will have to ride me a bit"
Suddenly he grabs Scotty pulls of his giant thong and puts both of them into his pubic and says "hold on tight little guys," Clay and Scotty both hold onto his pubic hair as he punches both giants hard, in fact his punch was so hard that he knocked them out, he pulls out some sleeping tables and pushes them into Deans mouth and then Criags, suddenly the sleeping tables makes them shrink back to normal size.
Kung picks up the 2 tiny captives and asked them if they would do something for him?
The 2 tiny guys decide to pleasure Kung after all he did help them, Clay grabs hold of kungs giant penis and starts to rub his whole body along his giant shaft Kung is starting to make the panting noises, Scotty who is gay anyway makes his way down towards Kungs huge ball sack, he starts to bite it and rub them as hard as his tiny hands will let him.
Suddenly Kung grabs hold of Clay and starts to masturbate with him, he is being very careful as not to crush him under his hand because kung is a good guy, he then moves Clay down towards his slit and rubs him up and down the hole, Scotty notice that Kung balls are starting to swell Scotty nows what's going happen next.
Kung blows all of his load all over Clay Clay is completely covered in seamen, Clay wipes off some of the thick goo and thinks to him self he well never speak of this to any one.
Kung wipes Clay he then picks up Scooty and gives them a big kiss.
He looks at Clay he asks him "What should I do with Craig?"
Clay says jokingly "you could always swallow him"
Kung picks up Craig and puts him into his mouth and swallows him whole, the 2 tiny guys are bit shocked but they think he deserved it.
What next?
"I have an idea," says Craig. "This little guy is fun to abuse, but…"
"But what," responds Dean.
"He'll get boring fast. So maybe we should get some more little toys to play with like him."
Dean smiles at the idea. Scotty and Clay, unknowingly between each other, detest it. "That's a great idea," says Dean "The more the merrier!"
"Awesome! I know some guys at the gym that I don't like that can make good toys."
"And the little bug on your cock has some cocky friends that were mean to me." says Dean
With that, both giant Dean and Craig rampage through the city, looking for…
The two giants stroll through the town until they reach the gym Craig frequents. Both of them stare down at the low-built structure. "Gee, that's awfully small for you," Dean comments. Craig looks back at him and smiles. "Not quite…" He steps around and reaches for the foundation of the building. "Help me lift up the other end, I wanna surprise those little gym shits." Craig and Dean wrap their hands around the bottom of the gym and with minimal effort, rip it from the ground. They never noticed the exposed basement with gym-goers screaming for their lives and pipes spraying water everywhere. Even the basement swimming pool gets bombarded by the crumbling ceiling now high above them.
Craig knows that the weight room, his playground at normal size, is on his side. Then, he rams the wall with his cock, opening a massive gaping hole…
The two giants plow through the city like they own it - and indeed now they do. Scotty and Clay hold on tight to Craig's massive member as he walks, since it sways back and forth. For a moment, Craig gives his balls a nice scratch, nearly tossing Clay to the distant ground below him. Finally the two reach the football court. Dean steps onto the field, reaches down, and pulls the roof off of the locker room. The tiny jocks, once proud and forceful against Dean, now cower beneath his shadow.
"Listen up, you shits," shouts Dean. "We demand you to be our personal slaves. We have your little friend here, giving my friend's cock some nice needed worship. If you refuse or run away, we will personally smash your little friend here first, then all the rest of you!"
The jocks didn't know what to do. Clay's their best friend and strongest sportsman. So they decide to…
The jocks approach their new giant masters. They can't do a thing to help take Clay away from the monsterous and terrifying colossi. But they can ease his suffering by joining him as Dean and Craig's personal slaves. With that, Craig sits down on top of the gym with his legs spreading above the open locker room and his feet spread onto the football field. He lets the whole school catch his weight.
"Ah," he sighs. "My feet really need a massage. You there," he points to a group of jocks. "Give them a massage." He then grabs one and sets him above his cock, saying "You get the best job - helping your puny friend give my cock some well deserved attention."
Between his legs, the football coach emerges from the destroyed locker room and runs onto the field. Craig sees him and grunts to Dean…
"you might as well crush him, he's too fat to be of any use to us."
so Dean quickly grabs the fleeing coach, and says, "I know the best way to do that."
then he presses the tiny lardball to his dick, and starts rubbing, soon the coach is crushed against the pole leaveing a small splash of red amoung some pre.
"that was dissapointing, I barely had enough time to get hard, let alone cum." he sighed. then he brightened up saying
"I know what we should do, we should…
"Grab him!" shouts Dean. The gym instructor weaves his way though the mess of fallen lockers in the hopes he can evade the giants. Craig however slams down his hand and blocks his path. In cowardice, he stands panicked as he finds another means of escape, but he hesitated long enough for Craig to pluck him from the ground like a tick in a pair of tweezers. The instructor runs like a wind-up toy upside-down as his captor holds him in such an awkward and frightening stance.
"Open up, dear," Craig says.
With that he flicks his fingers and sends the little man flying through the air. Beneath him, he sees Dean with mouth wide open and tongue extended. "NOOOO!" he shouts as he lands on the slimy wet surface of the tongue. Quickly Dean retracts it with morsel onboard, shuts his mouth, and swallows. He chuckles at his friend. "Took him a bit to go down, but he's struggling to get out of my belly." He turns to the shocked jocks and says "You see, you must obey us now or you'll end up like that big lug of an gym guy. Are we clear?"
Dean smirks down at Clay, remembering all the times that the bulky jock shouldered him while passing in the hallway, or Clay's friends joined him in sniggering at the janitor as he mopped the floor.
Clay backs away, a stunned expression on his face, as Dean lifts up one tanned foot over the jock's head. As his toes arch, a thick vein pulls over the top of the masculine foot.each squarish toe looks mean and powerful as the huge foot comes down. Clay tries to run to o late, and ends up sprawled on his stomach, struggling for breath and pinned beneath the giant's dirty foot.
"Hey, let him go!!" One of Clay's meat-head friends call out, loking uncertain. All the other jocks are looking at him a sif he's crazy, but Dean turns around, flicks a lock of greasy hair out of his face and hawks back long and loud, firing a gigantic wad of spit down upon the foolish boy.
The outspoken jock takes a harsh fall to the ground and lies, choking on the yellowish green mountain of mucus that weighs him down. The rest of the jocks scatter, and Dean turns his attention back to Clay. "Any last words, little man?" He says with a thick Italian accent..
"..P..Please!!" Clay splutters, his lungs compressed painfully. "Please, man!! Oh my god, please, I'll do anything!!" he manages to wheeze out. Dean's filthy toes wiggle slightly, like an insect's antannae, almost unconsciously as he contemplates. The sheer size of the things, which were once too small to be significant but are now bigger than a human head, is nothing short of amazing.
Dean scratches the stubble on his chin, then answers with a single word. "Beg." He says it in a calm , deep voice, but it's a voice which commands all the power and authority in the world. Clay doesn't have to be told twice. He starts to cry out. "I'm begging you, man! I'm begging you! Please, I know I don't deserve it, you're a god and I'm just a piece of shit under your feet, but pease spare me! I'll owe you forever, man! Please!!" The once burly jock sounds like he could be crying, and Dean sniggers.
"Eat that piece of dirt that just fell from between my toes." he orders. "Right beside your head. Go on, little man, and tell me how good it feels to eat my toe-grime."
The jock munches down on the dirt right away, gagging violently but forcing the filth down his throat anyway. After he's done, he calls up to his giant master. "Thank you for letting me eat your toe-jam, Sir! Thank you! I'll eat the shit from between your toes for the rest of my life, I swear to God!"
Dean lifts up his foot and bends down, pinching the little jock between his huge fingers. Clay is brought up to the giant's grinning, intimidating face as those giant red lips part and muter the words.. "That won't be too much longer."
Without warning, Dean opens his mouth wide and lowers his tongue. Clay struggles, but Dean holds him tighter. He knows what will happen next. Dean's not through with his revenge. Like a morsel of food, Dean flicks the sorry jock onto his tongue. Clay screaming and begging for mercy pierces the air until Dean's mouth shuts. He smiles a large grin. Clay's cries are still audible, or at least for thouse who think they can hear it. Dean keeps him alive in his mouth just to toy with him. He rolls him around his tongue and against his teeth, sucking on him like he was nothing but candy. Clay keeps crying, but his voice gets silenced as he coughs up Dean's saliva that entered his mouth. Suddenly, Dean carelessly rolls his tongue back, leaving Clay to slide down his throat. Clay reaches out for the giant's uvula, but it's no use. He's too weak from fighting and too slimy to grab anything.
A large bulge runs down Dean's neck and into his chest. Then with a faint plop, it is clear that the jock is now in his stomach. For all Scotty can know, he could be alive and banging on the slimy lining. But all would be fruitless. Dean rubs his six-pack and belches.
But he vengeance has not eased as he takes advantage of…
Dean then grabs all the other jocks. as many as he can find. including the one with the mucus all over him. as he grabs all the jocks, he corners them with his six pack and package nearly all on top of them as he burps one more time. he pics up the one with mucus and licks his lips. all the jocks watch, terrified about what to do as they hear muffled screams from both deans hand and from the inside of his six pack. he sucks up the one jock and shows his captive audience their other friends fate. as he swallows him whole. the poor jock screaming for help but receives none.
Down goes one of the jocks.
Then with his other hand, Dean plucks three more and then holds the rest like he holds a hand of cards, putting them close to his lips. He then tosses the three in his other hand into his open mouth. This time, he leaves it open so the other jocks could watch. The jocks inside Dean's mouth struggle to stand before being swept around by the giant's monster tongue. Then he shuts his mouth, but leaves his teeth cracked slightly open, allowing the screams of those inside to echo throughout his mouth, as well as the loud sloshing of his tongue stirring up saliva. Then he opens his mouth, revealing the three soaked jocks bobbing in the middle of his tongue, screaming and crying for dear life. Then Dean closes his mouth and swallows them too. Rubbing his belly after feeling them enter his stomach, he smiles down at the surviving jocks.
Then one of them shouts "Please, don't eat me! We didn't mean what we did to you! You're way cooler and better than us and every way! Just please don't eat me…"
Dean the places the pathetic Jock into his massive palm and shuts his hand with Clay's head facing out.
"Any last words or regrets?" laughs the giant latin God.
"Please don't crush me in your giant hands!" cries Clay in tears struggling with every muscle in his body to break free from the impossible grip.
The massive fingers started tightening around Clay's puny body, "I'm going to enjoy this!" laughs Dean. Dean the puts his gigantic thumb on Clay face pushing against it with massive force and all Clay could do is scream.
Suddenly a pop sound happened and the screaming stopped, "That was easier than killing a bug." Dean sniggers as he tosses the tiny body to the ground.
All of a sudden Dean froze, puzzled looking at the ground. All of the jocks looked puzzled at what was happening. Suddenly then, an earthquake rumbled beneath their feet knocking them all to the ground. Looking up they noticed Dean started growing bigger, possibly a delay reaction from the solution…. It's difficult for you to measure the young janitor's height now you estimate 150 feet, but you are just a speck of dust to his massive feet since you are shrunk to begin with.
Seconds later, the latino janitor finally realised he grew even more and decided to sweep up the rest of the jocks with his massive muscular hands. Scotty just stood stunned as he watched in awe the gigantic hand in one sweep pick up so many people. Dean looked down on the puny jocks as the lay in his massive palm trying to run away but getting nowhere.
"HMMMM NOW WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THE REST OF YOU?" Dean said in his casual voice, but to everyone else it was deafening. Dean then,
The sky-scraping man's big bare feet have burst out of the beat up old shoes he used to wear as a janitor, along with the rest of his humungous body. The handsome Italian man who used to spend his days cleaning up after snotty high schoolers is now a towering behemoth, every inch of his studly body is on display for the kids to gape in awe at.
The thick black hairs running between his bronze biceps alone must be taller than Herculean High's students. Needless to say, the massive appendage swinging between his muscular thighs is almost blinding to the teens below.
Suddenly, Dean turns with a sneer to the crowd of jocks who once made his job at the school hell. "YOU PUNY LITTLE SHITS THINK YOU'RE CLEVER NOW?"
The giant lifts his bare foot, which casts a huge shadow over the crowd of gawkers. The thick, meaty sole comes soaring down toward a group of football players who squeal like little girls, trying too late to run..
The crowd of football jocks, once hulking and threatening camus rulers, cower in fear as Dean's endless sole comes bearing down on them. A few of the meat heads try to run, but the Italian giant's broad, tan sole thumps down onto their backs, knocking them into the ground.
"HA HA HA!! YOU ALL FEEL LIKE BUGS UNDER MY FOOT!!" Dean bellows laughter, then presses down on the miniscule men.
There's a series of popping noises, and the onlookers turn away in disgust as red goo oozes from under the giant's manly foot. The sound of ligaments snapping and bones crunching continues as Dean grinds his masculine foot back and forth, turning the proud footballers to a stain on the bottom of his unstoppable sole..
"I KNOW HEHEHEH" Dean laughs
Dean then poured the punic jocks at his massive feet and started teasing them and poking them with his huge toes. "HAHAHA, YOU ARE ALL ANTS TO ME! BOW TO ME!" The jocks did as their god told and started bowing. Dean then picked up a tiny jock and trapped him in between his big toe and second toe.
"BEG FOR MERCY" Dean taunted the tiny jock. The tiny jock tried climbing out from between his toes but he was just too small his toes towered over him.
"help!" screamed the puny jock, then suddenly a crash as Dean squeezed his massive toes together crushing the jock instantly.
"Yes master!" all the jocks reply quickly
"NOW I WANT YOU ALL TO START LIKING MY FEET CLEAN, I'VE CLEANED UP AFTER YOU FUCKERS SO LONG IT'S AOUBT TIME YOU CLEAN SOMETHING FOR ME!" Dean commanded the puny jocks. Dean then sat down with his massive latin soles facing them, "NOW ALL OF YOU START LICKING." Dean now stood 200 feet tall Scotty and You just looking at the soles in amazement, you're so small you can't see that far up his soles.
The poor jocks didn't know where to start his feet were just so big. Dean the picked up 10 jocks and placed each in between his toles, then took 5 more and laid down and placed on his massive smooth tan muscled chest. "YOU FIVE WILL CLEAN THE SWEAT OFF MY CHEST WHILE THEY CLEAN MY FEET" the tiny jocks then taunted by Dean as he they kept licking his sexy chest while the unfortante jocks were at Deans feet licking his toejam and sweet toes. Dean then turns his face and….
Dean the put out a massive yawn and accidentally dozed off, as he kept growing with no stop it seemed. He snoring started putting his slaves through it, but they saw it as an oppurtunity to escape……
As the kid's thought they had an oppurtunity to escape, it was too late. The kids peered down Dean's massive Latin soles, and they were taller than many buildings. "There is no hope" one cried. Dean's toes, let alone his toenails towered over the children, they were merely a tiny peice of lint between his manly toes. Dean stopped growing at 500 feet.
The Jocks on Deans chest found themselves with a similar situation, Dean's giant smooth muscular chest spread a whopping football field wide, they might as well play a game on his chest.
Suddenly the snoring stopped! The puny jocks jumped back to work licking his toes and chest clean. Dean's massive hand unconsciously landed on his stomach crushing a tiny jock and started scratching his abs. Dean's giant toes curled crushing 2 with his toes while 3 were overpowered by his toes that they fell off to their death.
"AHH NICE NAP" Dean yawned, "I HOPE YOU ARE ALL DONE." Deans massive brown eyes peered down his sexy dark stomach noticing a little red splat "WHOOPS! FORGOT HOW PATHETICALLY WEAK YOU ALL ARE"
The God finally just got tired of the pathetic jocks and decided to move on to something new. He suddenly sat up crushing the rest of the jocks between his toes and looked down at Scotty and picked him up his gigantic fingers.
"WELL WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" Dean questioned.
"Please sir! I just need to help my friend, I never cause you any harm!" Scott panicked.
"He's shrunk! The whole reason why I had that chemical that spilled on you was to help him!" Scott still panicking.
You're Matt. You were walking down the hall minding your own business. Then suddenly all of a sudden your hit with this weird substance and covered from head to toe in it. You look at who did it and you notice Clay a guy who bullies loads of students and another kid you recognise as scott. Being gay you found them both incredibly attractive and would normally watch them when they didn't notice you. But right now you weren't happy you were pissed. You scream
"What the fuck is your prob…….. ugh" Suddenly you feel weird and disorientated everythings dizzy and for some reason looks smaller. You see people running away and theres a huge crashing sound and then nothing. You wake up and find yourself outside and something like police sirens in the distance. Still feeling dizzy you stand up but strange enough you can't see the city. You look down instead and find the city below you. A part of it is wrecked and you don't even need to guess what caused it. The tallest buildings only come up to your chest. Looking down at the tiny people like ants running from you, suddenly you get hard. This feeling causing your cock to swell. You believe since your much larger you may as well have your way with the city. Your still wearing your school uniform so you take it off. Leaving you in your massive bulging speedos.
The first course of action is to destroy all modes of exiting the city. Couldn't have your toys escaping now could you. Walking to the nearest bridge you simply knock down buildings with a flick of your wrist showing your new godlike powers to the ants. for good pleasure you pick about 150 screaming people and shove them into your bulging speedo. You notice how much space if left in there.
ooooh this is gonna be fun
You are in Scotty's pocket for what seems like forever. When your friend finally does bring you out of his pocket, you realize you are in his room. He sets you on his bed as he starts emptying the contents of his backpack. As you take in your surroundings, you look at the skateboard bedsheets on Scotty's bedsheets.
You decide to explore the bed, but as you turn around, you run into one of Scotty's dirty socks. You've never told Sean, but you've never minded the smell of his socks. You sat with your back facing it. It was so soft, you wanted to wrap it around you like a blanket and fall asleep. Unfortunatly, Scotty had other plans.
"Alright, Jack. You can play with my sock later". Before you can protest, he gently picks you up in his hand. In his other hand, was the solution.
"Ready?" Scotty asks. You nod and you place your mouth up to the end of the vial. Scotty tips it slowly and you qickly get a sip of the solution before Scotty tips it back up, so none of it falls on the floor. You automatically feel yourself growing. Scotty places you on the floor and watches as you reach his knees, then waist, then stomach, chest, neck. Finally you are back to your normal height.
"Glad to have you back," Scotty says, bringing his free hand up to your shoulder. You nod, but notice Scotty has an embarressed look on his face.
"What wrong?" you ask him.
"Nothing's wrong," your friend tells you, "It's just…..well there is more of the gorwth stuff in here and….havn't you always wondered what it would be like to be huge?"
You thought to yourself. You DID always wonder what it would be like, but on the other hand, you had just gotten back to your normal size and weren't sure if you were ready for another size-changing experience.
You have to admit that you're curious to know what it's like, being one of those tall, bulky kids, like the jocks at school. You figure you'll just take a sip to satisfy Scotty - After all, you owe him one! If the formula even works on normal-sized people, you'll just sneak into school tomorrow morning and sip the shrinking formula to return to your regular height.
Scotty beams when you agree. "Awesome!" He grabs a plastic cup from his computer desk and empties half the vile into it. "Bottoms up!" he says excitedly, and tosses the drink back.
You look at the peculiar formula in your hand, raise it to your lips. Here goes nothing..
You and Scotty, as you both finish the elixir, feel whoozie in the pits of your stomachs.
Scotty, grabs onto your shoulder for support, as do you onto him. You look into Scotty's eyes as you both grab at your stomachs.
Slowly, your clothes begin to tighten. Your jeans feel like they're about to burst and your sneakers begin cutting off circulation. The short sleeve shirt, you notice, begins to rip at the shoulders. Turning your head to Scotty, the same thing is happening to him!
Just as the ripping feeling of both your shirts, you notice the thread in your jeans tears apart. Your bare legs are revealed, just as you feel the need to bend down, and take off your shoes. Looking down, you stare in awe at how much taller you were than a mere moment ago! Listening to Scotty's growth, you hear the roof above you both crack .Swiveling back and facing Scotty, hishead is blowing back the debris from above! As you stand tall once more and swiftly, half of the roof seems to buckle and fling out from above your head. Dust flies everywhere, but since your already above Scotty's room, you taste none of it.
Now stand at what feels like 15 feet each, your jeans pop off. The thread descends and falls at your feet. Looking at Scotty's chubby body, you turn and help him out. You begin ripping at the stretching fabric and tearing off his shirt.
"Th-thanks man… " Scotty says, staring at you with bits of lust filling his mind. Just as he says that, the giant beside you feels his jeans hit your legs. Another second and those pieces of fabric and flying to the ground as well.
25 feet
Both you and Scotty feel a breeze at your midsections. The elastic at both your boxer shorts have turn in half! The crotch-covering garments fall at your feet, tickling your toes. You yank your foot back, unfortunately crushing a wall of Scotty's home. Laughing shamefully, you blush and cover your crotch with your hands.
Scotty, on the other hand, places his hands over yours, and moves them away. "It's alright buddy. No use in hiding what nobody else has except for us!" Scotty passes his hand over your warm cock, and then shows his enormous package. The shaggy blonde pubic hairs barely seem noticeable when staring at the long erection. Scotty seems horny, very horny for his and your new size!
60 feet
You feel the rest of the walls of Scotty room and several of his belongings and things crush under your toes. Looking down, you see your body - no more muscular with less fat covering your lanky body - and your eyes go wide. You can see the whole street and beyond just looking around. Your growing has stopped, you notice, and then you look at Scotty.
He has his hands in the air, waing them around, making sure this is real. He turns over to you, his best bud the same size as he now, and presses his hand on your shoulder.
"Nice to see you Jack, hows it going?" The skater jokes, as if he was at normal size. You laugh at how lightly he's taking the situation.
"Good man, good." You hug your best bud as friends would. Feels odd, you think, now that your naked giant bodies covered in little to nothing but sweat and hair, can touch like this. You try not to take a step at first, but eventually you step back and grush the remainder of Scotty's room with your feet. The trees around it and whatever else was at your feet cease to exist as well as you step into his yard.
You look over to Scotty, on the other hand, who is glaring back at the school football field with a devious little smile on his gigantically handsome face.
"Hey Jack, wanna have some fun?" He asks. Scotty notices the small crowds of people around his feet, but you on the other hand, are a bit ignorant of them.
"Yeah, Scott, what did you have in mind?"
"Yeah sure, I'm up for some fun Scotty!" You say with enthusiasm. What kind of fun couldn't you have, being 60 feet tall?
"Alright, so I want YOU to go make us a giant pit. I'll bring along a surprise . . ." Scotty says deviously. His voice is filled with mischief, you notice, so you wonder what he could be up to. Knowing Scotty, it can't be that bad.
"Alright ,Scott. I'll do it where we won't crush so many of the runts below!" You say, watching Scotty turn off. He dragged his feet, walking towards the school and crushing everything in his path, from an assortment of cars to dragging up dirt and even shattering asphault and pavement.
You wouldn't concern yourself with it though. You turn towards the edge of this suburbia. Stepping carefully, you begin walking to Hercules Park. Wasn't visited by many and it was on the edge of town so he figured this pit Scotty wanted would be good there.
You stare down at your feet as you walk, crushing everything below but thankfully, for your innocent nature, you don't crush any humans. By the time you reach the park, you have a myriad of littles staring in awe of you AND your giant manhood, walkingwith apurpose and not letting little trifling things in the way of that purpose.
The park is composed of a circular ring of asphault with two sidewalks surrounding that running track. in the middle, a small array of hills makes for a good environment for pets and children to play. As you stop your giant stepping in fronnt of the park, however, the littles inside seem to instictively KNOW that you aren't gonna wait for them to move. You crouch down, your feet on the edges of the asphalt track, and examine what you have to work with. On one half of the oval-shaped park, there's a lake. You decide to keep it there, could be fun for whatever Scotty has in mind.
You begin by pressing your hand on the hilly grass on the other half of the park. Grabbing it like it was a mere ball in a game, you toss the dirt to the side, the huge mound crushing a few people in its girth and stopping anyone else from interfering, as you create a wall of dirt around the lake and your enormous pit. Eventually, you finish, and find yourself waiting impatiently for Scotty's return. Plopping your ass in the middle of the road in front of the park, it forces the ground to buckle and tremble beneath you.
Eventually, your hear stomping behind you, and turn your head. You are delighted to see Scotty, holding a handful of something, and smiling at your pit.
"Nice job buddy! Now the fun can begin!" Scotty haphazardly plops down beside you, only careful not to damage the 'fun things' in his hands. Watching him dump them into your pit, you see . . .
You gasp in surprise as you see the entire football team, which meant practically every single jock or musclehead from school, dumped into the pit that you'd made. You laugh loudly as they tumble to the very bottom in a pile, once they are all down there, you realize that Scotty has planned the ultimate revenge for you both. Revenge on the brainless jocks who made most of your school years a veritable hell.
Scotty laughs with you, patting you on your bare back. "This is gonna be sweet!" Scotty says once you both finally stop your laughing fit.
You look down into the pit, seeing several idiots trying to climb the unclimbable walls, screaming to bet let out. You and Scotty look at each other and grin slyly. "Well well well look what we found Jack! The source of all jocks!" Scotty says leaning down and making a horrible choking noise in his throat.
You have an idea of what Scotty is about to do, and you love it! Sure enough, a glob of gooey saliva suspended from a string begins to desend upon the team. They scream in terror and disgust. Scotty giggles mischeviously as it touches base so to speak, and covers dozens of the jocks. Scotty stands back up and laughs loudly, you just smirk down at the disgusted, now slime covered jocks.
"Hey Scotty…."
"Heh heh heh…..sigh……Yeah Jacky boy?"
"How longs it been since you showered?" You ask him getting an equally disgusting idea.
Scotty blinks and tries to remember. He laces his hands behind his head, showing off his dripping wet hairy pits. He sniffs under both of them and his face goes a bit pale. "Um…I'd say about Monday……And this is what….Wednesday? Jeez….I reek! Why did ya wanna know anyway Jack? How longs it been since YOU bathed since we're on the subject?"
"Me? Not since yesterday morning."
"Hmm…Where you going with this Jack?"
You grin evilly and tell him….
This is incredible. Days ago, you and your best friend Scotty were two scrawny teens with nothing to call your own but homework and B.O.. Now you find yourselves storeys tall and ruling over the small town which used to make you so miserable.
You're not even embarrassed when the tiny citizens below gawk at your exposed cock and balls. In school you and Scotty may not have had the biggest packages, even feeling humiliated when a burly jock would stand next to you at the urinals and whip out his tremendous schlong. But now your sweaty teenage dicks are monuments to this tiny town, dwarfing grown men and even vehicles with your metres and metres of male flesh.
"My pits sure could use a wash." Scotty grins, scratching the slimey patch under his hairy armpit. "Why don't you grab us a couple of 'soaps' and we'll head over to the lake to rinse off."
You look to the deep hole in the earth below, where you've stored your collection of school bullies. Half the little men are still wearing their team jerseys. They look pitiful, all covered in dirt and squirming to escape like snakes in a pit. "Sounds good to me, bro. Now which lucky little meat heads are gonna get to scrub down our sweaty bods.."
You reach into the pit of trapped jocks, wrapping your fingers around two muscular little athletes. "Let me GO!!" The boys kick and fight viciously, but however tough these proud little jocks once were, they're now powerless in your fist. You give the two warm bodies a good squeeze, enjoying the way they writhe in your grip as you stomp over to join Scotty by the lake.
"Water looks nice and cool.. Shall we?" Scotty grins at you, his proud young physique shining under the sun.
You nod, and dip your toes into the soothing lake. You and Scotty wade all the way in, until the cool water laps at your balls and dick.
This feels amazing. But you can hardly wait to feel those hot, humiliated little jock boys sliding all over your naked skin..
Scotty stands waist-high in the lake, looking like a gorgeous teen godzilla. He shakes his shaggy hair out of his face, sighing. "Ahh, I can't wait to wipe off all this sweat. I've been skating hard all week and the shower at home is busted.. Hand that little fucker here, man."
You place one of the tiny jocks in Scotty's hand and watch as he swishes the little man underwater. The jock splutters and gasps on water as he's lifted up, towards the giant skater's lifted arm pit..
"What?? Don't you- DON'T YOU FUCKING PUT ME NEAR-" The little athlete's outraged roars are cut short when his face is shoved deep into Scotty's glistening arm pit.
You have to laugh at the sound of those puny, muffled cries as the athlete is rubbed back and forth into the slimey, hairy patch under Scotty's arm. You can almost smell your friend's odorous pit from here -- It reeks of days worth of the skater's grime and sweat. It's no suprise that the tiny jock is choking and gagging so hard on the overpowering teenage stench..
"Sorry, Scotty. Maybe later, but I just grew back, it would be nice to be my own size for a while". Scotty nodded, showing he understood.
"Well, suit yourself". He kicked off his shoes, standing in another pair of his dirty socks. As he wiggled his toes, you were brought back to when you were small, cozying up next to another sock. Scotty raised the vial to his lips and drank only a sip. But you quickly saw to drops escaped his lips and landed on both of his socked feet. You watched as he swallowed it and waited for the effects to take place.
You didn't have to wait long. In a second you realized you were looking up at him. He had a smile on his face and you could soon hear fabric ripping. His shirt was getting too small for him and was tearing down the sides. His pants were also ripping, leaving shreds of them next to you on the floor.
When he stopped growing, Scotty was only in his underwear and his socks. His underwear looked like it wouldn't hold on much longer, but for some reason, his socks looked like they fit his new size perfectly. 'Maybe his socks absorbed those drops' you thought to yourself.
Scotty was now….
You stand in awe of the giant greaseball of a friend before you. His grinning face - a statue-esque thing in front of you. It seemed now that even though you have returned to normal size, the giant friend of yours has diminished you jsut a little bit inside.
Scotty, leaning his giant back against the wall, quickly crashes his barely-covered ass onto the floor. He crushes the bed behind him, and his knees, almost covering the expanse of his room, crash into things as he has to maneuver himself and cross his legs so his gargantuan feet do not slam into you as he falls. He still must keep his head down when he sits , so that the already cracking roof.
You stare at his form. His arms, not incredibly defines and chubby-like, slump over his thighs with his hands loosely hiding his bulging crotch. Scotty had a nice package at normal size, but always chose to hide it. Now that he was a giant, it was hard not to!
Scotty's giant chest, slightly hairy and flabby, had grown as well. His nipple was almost bigger than your head! The gut he had was small, and rumbled with hunger.
The skater patted his stomach for a moment, and turned to you.
"Hey Jack!" The giant said, his voice rumbled with authority but kindness. He reached hs hands out, and brought his best friend, you who stood in awe, and he brought you against his side, roughly capturing you in a choke hold and giving you a noogie with just TWO of his knuckles!!
"Ow- oh man quit it!" You say, as yo uslip from his grasp. You wonder at how easily it took Scotty to weightlessly take you against him. "C'mon man wait here, I'll go grab you something to eat."
"Alright, Jack. Horry I'm getting pretty hungry!"
You step out of the room and walk around Scotty's house, making hi ma sandwich - king sized for his giant pleasure - with all of those things you know your best friend loves. You contemplate what your best friend could do at that size . . The thoughts intoxicate you and arouse you.
You return to the room with Scotty's sandwich. The giant stares at it under his blonde shaggy hair with glee, and as you hold it up for him, he grabs it in a few of his fingers, eliminating the sandwich in a couple of bites. "Thanks Jack! Feels better. I guess Imy stomach grew when I did!"
"Yup! Hey Scotty? Now that your a giant . . ."
" . . . what would you say to me bringing a couple of guys here, you know maybe Clayton and Rick, and . . ." You pause, wondering if your giant friend, clad in only his underwear and socks, would get it. The slightly evil smile on your face should have been hint enough.
"Oh I get what your seyin Jack!" Scoty winks at you under his motley hair, and gives you the thumbs up. "Go get them, and I'll see if we can't get our revenge!" Scotty places his hands on your shoulders and grins devilshly, the giant skater's cockiness seemed to have grown as well in the growth.
You didn't need anymore encouragement. You sprinted out of Scotty's house, and back to school. The final bell had rung, and Clayton and Rick had come walking out of the school, talking trash about some of their weaker team mates. As you approach them, Rick sneers down at you.
"Whaddaya want, runt? I hope you didn't come lookin for a swirly!" The squarely-built jock in his undershirt and sweating out from gym class said with a laugh.
"Yeah, I didn't know these weak fuckers delivered!" Clayton hissed, grinning down at you as you approached.
Intimidated a bit by their size, you stagger for a moment. "Naw… I just came to tell you .. . ." you pause and almost regret how awesome of an idea this is. "Scotty told me he could take both of you, at the same time."
"What?!" Rick and Clayton shouted simultaneously, laughing their asses off afterwards. You smirk at how foolish they look.
"Yeah, it's true. He also said both your mom's said the same thing before he banged them senseless!" You respond, almost in fear of how easy this was.
Clayton steamed for a minute, the jock fuming in his letterman jacket, before sneering in disgust. "So, that little fucker thinks he can talk trash on us and send you to shit about it, huh?"
Rick, mutually annoyed and his brown hair on end that someone could insult the best wrestler on the team, grabbed at your shirt. "Where the fuck is he? I think we need to teach him a lesson!"
You shudder and contain your laughter, its just too much! "He's at his house, in his room laughing at how pathetic you both are. I told him he shouldn't but -" You're cut off as rick pushes you aside. Him and Clayton begin running to Scotty's house. You follow behind, grinning cockily to yourself.
A short fifteen minutes later, you make it inside Scotty's vacant house, except for the nearly naked giant in room, echoes with the vibrant suspense. The two jocks, however, just seem to think this is gonna be a typical thrashing for some skater punk who was talkin shit.
You try and tell them its not a good idea, but the shitheaded jocks stand in front of Scotty's locked door, cracking their knuckles ,and shouting that he come out. Scotty, on the other hand, was about to bust a nut with laughter.
The two jocks, who were fuming out their ears now, busted the dooor open. In their blind rage, they at first didn't notice how large Scotty was, but Rick, looking down at Scotty's large foot, trembled with fear moments laster.
"S-scott….?" He asked, as the slower Clayton stumbled back on his ass.
"What the…. fuck?"
Scotty smirked devilishly, his muscled, chubby body now sitting above them, fifteen feet tall.You walk in behind them, locking the door behind you so no one could get out.
"Hi guys! Lets have some . . ." Scotty reaches for the stunned jocks' feet, grabbing a pair in each hand while they trembled " . . Good clean . . ." He dragged them foward, tillthey were at his feet. "Fun, shall we?" He lifted the jocks up by their feet, almost up completely into the air. The giants looked at Scotty's nearly nude form in fear. What the fuck had happened to him?!
You, while Scotty began the humilation, snatched up a small camera Scotty had found afew days ago. Guess where this humiliation was going?
"Mmm what should we do first .. . .?"
As the jocks struggle and kick in Scotty's hold, you notice that your giant friend isn't done growing yet! Another moment, and your friend's head hit the sieling! His toes began touching the walls around you, and he hand to bend his legs a bit more as not to crush the walls.
In the heat of Scotty's growing, the feet became too small for him to hold, and he dropped the jocks on the floor around him. "Oh, my bad guys. I meant so slam you down there!" Scotty jokes, as you watch his underwear tear to piece as the fabric can't hold Scotty's package anymore. His meaty cock, semi-hard with bull balls waiting to be praised, flopped out. The now 25 foot Scotty, seemingly have grown from the very power he had ver these jocks, now stared below at them with condescension.
Rick was the first to get to his feet. He stared up at the giant Scotty's face, a sincere look of fear in his eyes. He tried and back away, but to his grimace, all he backed away into was Scotty's massive leg. Rick could smell the grease on Scotty, the unclean skate rat certainly had a magnified smell at this magnified size.
Clayton, on the other hand,stood up and growled at Scotty. "You bastard! You think you can say shit about us and get away with it?!" Size didn't matter to Clayton. You snapped a couple of pictures of Clayton, acting so defiant, before the mini powerhouse tried and began punching and kicking at Scotty's legs.
The giant sneered down, his bad breath falling on Clayton like a ton of bricks, and reached down for the little jock. "Is that all, Clayton? C'mon I thought you were the toughest bully around!" Scotty said, holding the little man by his chest in his large, greasy hand.
"I am, put me down so I can kick your ass!" Clayton defiantly shouts, acting as if hes still the one in control. "You can't do a damn thing to either of us! C'mon Rick help me out here!" Clayton cranes his neck to see Rick coming to.
Rick seems to have gained the entirety of the situation, looking at the giant grease boy with fear. He craned up to see the blue eyes of a dominating Scotty, and they held dark inhibitions with the smirk to assert tehm. The little wresstle turned his back and tried to dash to the door, towards you, but Scotty wouldn't have that.
"C'mon Scotty boy! We're all friends here! I'm just gonna have a little . . ." As Rick travels by Scotty's feet, Scotty slams them together, making a Rick and toe-jam flavored sandiwch. The wrestler becomes pinned, most of his body between the soles of two giant smelly, feet. Scotty never showered, and now Rick, the beefy bullheaded wrestler, was face-to-face with Scotty's big toes. The feet were especially bad considering how much mud Scotty played in. The earthy scent coupled with foot sweat and other shit overwhelmed Rick. You snapped a photo at the exact moment of impact. Hot.
"Ooomph! D-damn it, c'mon boddy just let me go!" Rick asks, trying not to become engulfed by the big toe of this giant 'twerp' as he was to Rick and Clayton. The little foot toy heaved as Scoty put a little pressure on his clothed body.
"Sorry, fella, no can do." Scotty turns his head, managing not to hit in a wall as he does so, and pays more attention to the struggling football star. "Mm you still think your in control here, don't you?" Scotty asks, a demonic grin overtaking his lips.
"Fuck yeah I do. Just put me down and maybe I won't have to rearrange you damn face!" Clayton began struggling harder. The linebacker for the Herculean football team would not have this abuse. Scotty, liking this feisty little, brought him up farther into the air, and let him fall to the ground, onto his back.
"Ow, you dumbshit . . . c'mere!" Clayton almost immediately jumps back up, and reackes for the nearest body part he can get. Nevertheless, Scotty's big fingers come in and press the little cocky dumbass to the ground before he can make a few steps.
While effortlessly pinning Clayton to the floor in front of his mighty cock, Scotty addresses the thing between his feet. "C'mon Rick! I might go easy on you if you clean my toes. Act like this dumbshit and well . . " Scotty gives Rick a squeeze and Rick yelps into form and begins licking Scotty's toes. "Well, you get my point."
Stopping all of Clayton's struggles, the giant greasy boy, with his free hand, relieved Clayton of his Adidas sneakers, and then his filfthy white socks, tossing them to the side. "Mmm gotta love those muscular feet . . ." Scotty says, as he then pinches the letterman jacket between two fingers and relieves Clayton of it.
"You bastard! Put my clothes back on this instant!" The aahead jock demands, but cannot struggled because of Scotty's fingers pressing his limbs to the ground.
"Aww, but that wouldn't be fun!" Scotty looks at the miniature jock, now in a white undershirt and jeans basically. "Hey Footslave, how would you like to be set free?" Scotty asks, grinning a most sinister grin.
"Sure I'll do whatever just stop making me like your putrid . . "He stops when Scotty's giant toe fills his face once more. Scotty frees him from his foot prison, and pushes both you and the wrestler in between his gargantuan legs. You seem surprised Scotty does this to you, but go along with it. Rick, coughing up all manner of toe dirt, buckles to his knees from the squeezing of Scotty's feet. Scotty even lets the slightly undressed Clayton stand up.
"Now, your giant master commands you . . ."
By the time Scotty makes his way home, finishes his chores and eats dinner with his family (sneaking pinches of food into his pocket for you now and then) it's late and time for bed. So he heads to his room, locks the door and carefully takes you out..
"Sorry for making you sit around in my pocket for so long, little dude." He murmurs into the palm of his hand with a shy smile. "I hope it didn't smell bad. I don't wash my jeans too often."
"Are you kidding? I can't thank you enough, man." You beam back gratefully. "If you hadn't found me and taken me in, I don't know where I would have ended up. You're my hero, dude."
"Aww, shucks." Scotty brushes off the compliment with a goofy smile. You two have always been such close friends, the idea of being your giant savior is a littl alien to him. Not that he doesn't enjoy it a little. "It's late, little guy. Time for us to get some sleep so we can go looking for an antidote tomorrow. Now, Hotel Scotty might not be a 5 star resort, but I'm sure I
can find somewhere safe and comfortable for you to sleep, just for the night.."
Scotty places you..
Scotty has always been protective of his friends, and his attitude is no different now that he's holding you in the palm of his hand. Having felt so vulnerable and frightened earlier, the warm comfort of his giant grip makes you feel incredibly calm and safe. You stare gratefully up at your big buddy as he surveys his room.
"Hmm.. It won't be perfect, but I think I can put together a makeshift bed for you, as long as you're not fussy about the smell." Scotty reaches to the floor, where the socks he wore earlier today lie. He places one on his nightstand, lies you gently on top of it and places the next sock over your body. "How's that, little man?" He whispers, his breath warming you nicely.
The smell of your buddy's big feet might bother a stranger but, being best friends for so long, nothing about Scotty could shock or offend you. The soft, cushy socks feel like Heaven against your skin. "This is amazing.." You say, nuzzling your face into the thick fabric.
Your giant protecter seems to have a twinkle in his eye as he watches you enjoying his giant socks. "Okay, little buddy, as long as you're happy.
He turns the light off and slides under his own covers. Before long at all, Scotty's soft snoring fills the room and you're fast asleep, with your face pressed into the beautifully soft sock..
Lulled by the soothing sound of Scotty's gentle snoring, you fall soundly asleep wrapped in the socks he's been wearing all day.
You'd even swear that the stench of his ffootwear, as overpowering as it seemed at first, is creating an even more comforting and familiar environment for you to doze off in. After all, whose funky, warm socks would you rather fall asleep in than your best friend Scotty's?
You enjoy a safe, cosy slumber all night until..
You wake up to your head colliding with a wooden surface, making a loud thud.
Opening your crusty eyes, you realise you've tumbled out of your makeshift bed and into Scotty's open underwear drawer..
You wake up to your head colliding with a wooden surface, making a loud thud.
"Whoah whoah whoah, what's goin' on over there?" Scotty's giant face looms over you, his hair messed up, illuminated by the lamp he's just switched on.
It seems you've rolled out of your bed, into an open drawer. The fall was short, but you just missed the warm leather surface of your buddy's wallet, and your head still aches from hitting the bottom of the drawer instead.
"Oh, man, I'm sorry.." You croak, "Sometimes I roll around when I sleep.. Do you think there's a safer place I could stay?"
Scotty smiles kindly, amused by your clumsiness. "Yeah, sure.. Klutz.."
You thank your big hero again, and he arranges a new sleeping spot for you in…
"Here you go, little buddy" Scotty says while politely grabs you, holding up some boxers. "I found you my warmest pair so that you won't get cold!"
Holding the pair up for you to see, the opaque, black fabric underwear, you notice an area in the front is missing for where a cup would fit.
"Oh! I nearly forgot, I figured 'why get you a sleeping bag, when you can have a bed' so I got out my dad's athletic cup for football"
You gulp quietly to yourself
Scotty, obviously not hearing you, continues, "So my mom told me to use his when I skate, but its way too big for me, so I thought you could use it as a bed." Scotty picks you up and lays you down in the balls section of the cup, sliding you into the crotch section of his black underwear.
"Good Night, and by the way, I haven't used my dad's cup before."
Scotty gives a quiet laugh, knowing you were previously uncomfortable being in your friend's ball-trap. You relax as Scotty turns off the light, the black underwear shielding any light from entering even before he turned them off. You turn over picking a large hair out from under you, at first you freak out, thinking this you be Scotty's ball-sack hair. Then you realize… If this was Scotty's dad's before it was his and Scotty's never worn it…
You have trouble sleeping that night.
You wake up to Scotty's mom's voice entering the room:
"Scotty, wake up! Your skater friends are here and FOR GOD'S SAKE WEAR YOU CUP!"
Scotty spends the next 15 minutes rapidly moving around the room getting his belongings together before getting dressed. He starts to undress in front of you and you uncomfortably look away. You patiently wait but turn around when he's fully naked, wondering if he's going to even acknowledge your existence, when he outstretches his hand towards the cup you're standing in. As he lifts the cup -- and you -- higher Scotty recognizes you waving your arms.
"Oh… Sorry, I forgot you were in there. Anyways, I promised the guys I would hang out today and I really can't get out of it."
You pout, "Scotty, you can't just leave me alone, I'm like… an inch tall!"
"Well, I guess you could come with, but I'ma' be skating, so you'll need to be secure!" Scotty agrees.
"What do you mean?" you ask confused.
"You'll need to be close-by and I need to know where you are, so you should stay in my cup." he concludes.
"That's sick!" you say disgusted.
"You've already seen me naked just now!" he reasons.
"That's completely different! Surely there's another way?" you plead.
"I guess it's not THAT bad." you say.
"See! I promise you'll be fine, besides, I'm sure you've already 'acquainted' yourself with your carrying cup. Although my big dick might take up alllll the room." he gloats.
"Wait, you actually mean to stuff me in there with that thing?" you gesture to his penis and still naked body.
"Well of course! I'll need to feel you to keep you safe. Plus, it's really chilly outside, you'll need the warmth. I promise you'll still have at least a little room!" he jokes.
"I guess I did already agree…"
"Exactly! So tuck yourself in!" Scotty says whilst lowering you to his penis.
You take Scotty's 'advice' and lay down vertically, face looking up as Scotty's looming member, feet facing the narrow end with your head just barely poking into the large, penis shaft end. Scotty slowly lowers his sack into the narrow end. The second Scotty's sack make's contact with your legs, the sweaty, rubbery flesh envelops any millimeter of room it can get. Both you and Scotty expected his dad's old cup to be roomier than it was. As Scotty continues to ebb away any room you once had, you can tilt your head down in time to see the rubbery sack making it's way too you -- it's like water slowly filling a bathtub yet at a much faster rate. You struggle to remain calm as the silky ballsack reaches your chest, Scotty gives the final push and the leathery flesh rises to your eyes. You look straight 'up' in order to re-arrange the edges of Scotty's enormous sack out of your mouth, yet the flesh retreats only as far as your lips, giving each breath a hint of Scotty's musk. You can only smell through your nose due to his saggy balls covering your mouth completely.
With your head straight 'up' you can see Scotty's shaft extend to the heavens. The penis shalf end is much roomier and you feel cheated for space, the shaft and head is your height times four, and he's still flaccid! Hell, his balls alone are larger than you! You can't help but feel insignificant to Scotty's titanic member. Like a tiny piece of lint that Scotty didn't even realize was there. Yet Scotty's voice, although muffled by the cup and his small-house-sized ballsack and penis, reaches you.
"Nice! I can barely feel you though, do me a favor so I can notice you, just squirm for me." You comply, more trying to get away from the gross sack. You try to crawl on your back backwards, but Scotty's colossal ballsack flesh seeps under you, pulling you in. Scotty takes the pair of black underwear you slept in using one hand while clutching the cup in another. "Yeah, this'll do nicely, I'm sure you can get through the skate park. Damn dude, you really are tiny! Hold on a quick second." Scotty then puts on the tight compression shorts and some baggy pants and a white T-shirt. He slips on the rest of his skating equipment before addressing you. Scotty says as he pulls the cup closer between his legs, to his stomach.
With all this happening, your movement and space is constricting at too fast a rate. You can feel the flesh fold in around you, covering your backside, you can see as the ballsack comes in over your eyes. Bum bum… bum bum… The steady beating of his blood passing through his veins can be hear all around, as if saying 'please, come, stay with me forever'. You try to scream, only to have rubbery flesh take over your mouth, your saliva coating the edges of his sack. You can feel his balls circling you, inspecting this strange thing that entered their space, only to be dissapointed that you aren't inside the sack itself, only surrounded by it. Yet you assume a hole, too small for Scotty to even feel, lies beneath you, supplying you with air "Ooh, now I can feel every part of the cup, so you're digging into my sack, you dirty boy!" he laughs. "Here, lemme' re-adju-- "
Scotty was cut off by his mom. "Scotty! Hurry up! I've got to go to work soon!" she yells, honking the car horn. "Sorry, little bud, I'm sure you'll be okay right?" He misinterprets your fearful attempt to get out as acceptance. "Let's go, I hope my little guys get along." he adds jokingly. "Now Jack, be nice to your 'brother' he's a lot bigger than you, so he's in charge. Don't worry, *snickering* he's just giving you a hug." he says as he gets in the car. As he sits, a majority of the flesh is compressed 'upwards' filling the shaft section, yet a tiny bit robs you of your much needed space. Filling the tiny space between your toes, fingertips, on either side of your neck, and a small sheet of leathery ballsack flesh is forced between your butt-cheeks. Your world is Scotty, in the pitch black the only certainty is Scotty, you're in a horrible hell and are finding no relief in this being your best bud. Scotty is constantly digging his fingernail's into your surroundings only to find he can't stop the irritating itching of your hair without fishing you out, and in Scotty's mind, you were just too comfortable to be disturbed. The car ride is like this the entire time, with constant movements from Scotty until…
This "mundane" car ride. From your perspective it was anything but mundane. The travel arrangements were tight. The temperature in Scotty's sealed environment was hot. You had rouge hairs on your back itching you from the previous cup owner. As well as some small hairs from your friend being pressed against your body from the front. It was apparent to you that your titanic friend Scotty had done a little work in this area before harbouring his best friend. However even the minor amount present in the cup. Was easily noticeable to tiny you.
"Ok honey, before you dash out. How are you getting home tonight. Are you going to need a lift?" "Nah, I think I'll be good, might end up staying over one of the guy's house tonight. If not I can always just skate home." Scotty Replied to his mother. You started to squirm, what? Scotty didn't say anything about staying over anywhere else tonight. God I really need to talk with him, just to get out from under is balls. You tried to climb up the sack you were currently were pressed against, but to no avail. The sack had no surface strength so it was like trying to climb a vertical water bed that was smashing him against a giant slippery waterslide.
Scotty above feeling his friend squirm in his cup, smirked. Assuming you were just bored and excited to go skating. "That's fine, whatever you want to do is up to you." His mother says while starting to pullover in a parking spot at the skate park. "Just text me, with whatever you decide on, ok?" "Will do mom" Scotty opening the door grabbing his board, helmet and climbing getting out of the car. Looking back into the car "thanks mom". Scotty closed the car door and turned to face the skate park.
The skate park was not the most premium place, you had been there a few times before at your regular size. It had never seemed like a place you would enjoy. Predominately as you could not skate well enough for you to get much out of the experience. Suddenly your world is filled with light as Scotty's balls are slightly lifted followed by a singular finger scoping you up and pressing into your back and sliding you up your friends sack. You face is filled with gross sack briefly before a second thumb covers your face a chest and pulling you away from the sack and pinning you against the cup. You can't see much. Looking up you can see the end of his other fingers but his underwear hasn't been opened. His hands are clearly down his pants with him trying to readjust. The index finger that was at your you back seconds ago, is now swapping with the thumb still blocking your view of directly in front of you. Then a familiar feeling returns as beyond your sight you start to feel Scotty's ball sack start to climb your legs. It keeps climbing up your shin, your knee. It fills past your waist and up to your chest were it stops. The finger is removed and you look around at the surface of skin and hair. From above you hear "There we go a bit better now, should be less constrictive now." Says scotty, it was. "Yea I can move my hands now" you call up trying to converse with you ginormous friend. "I hope that is better for you down there" You wiggle assuming scotty cant hear you from is underwear. "Good, plus my two buds get to be closer". Kind of sure what he would be referring to. You look up to see firstly dim light coming through his cup. Secondly your friends monolithic penis. You had seen it this morning when Scotty briefly forgot you were in his room. You had seen briefly as he had stood over you in the underwear draw. You had even seen it for a time when the cup was placed on. But right now as Scotty was walking you had never seen it more clearly and intimately as in this moment.
Before your meddling in the science lab. At regular size, you had spent lots of time hanging out with Scotty over the years. Your friendship to many was unusual as you didn't share that many hobbies. In Scotty's friend group you were the odd ball. You didn't skate, you weren't one to come to the guys parties or hangout sesh. In fact you weren't even friends with the other guys Scotty spent time with. The primary reason for your friendship and why you were best friends. Was due too how long you had been friends, both your sense of humour and quality banter. Aside from that you trusted each other completely and were very comfortable in each others presence. Which is why you knew that in this moment looking up at your friend very very sizable member. You were safe, but Scotty was clearly having a laugh. You and Scotty had seen each other naked briefly a few times over the years. In understandable scenarios, showering after sport or walking in while the other was changing having a quick laugh and leaving. Seeing him nude wasn't completely out of left field, but right here resting in his cup. So close to him it was kind of intimate. This was new, not unexpected but new.
Knocking you out of you thoughts you feel a tump towards the outside of the cup. "-my cup, wasn't expecting to be quite as comfortable as it is." Scotty announcing to his friends which he had grouped with. "Dude TMI, plus who seriously were one of those. Unless ya know, you plan to stack it". You in the cup recognise the voice as one of Scotty's friends Sam. Only meet him a few times, seemed nice enough however Scotty had a solid laugh after I told him he seems nice. So probably missing the whole picture. "I think it's smart. We have I mean we wear helmets, shin and elbow pads. And truth be told I would rather hurt my shin and elbows than hurt my junk." "Tommy I don't think even if you landed plank style on your front, you would even damage anything." Scotty says. "Hey I was defending you, you asshole." The guys start laughing. From your point of view Scotty laughing shift your whole world as you bounce up and down. With you looking at the flaccid but massive cock in front twitch with laughter as if it thought the joke was funny as well.
"Anyone seen Jeremy?" Scotty asks the group. "nah he's even later than you" Replies Sam "I'm sure he'll be here soon. In the mean time I've been showing Tommy how to do a Pop Shove it". "I'm getting actually pretty good" Says Tommy. "I'm keen to see, especial because by good I'm assuming you still consistently stacking it" Scotty Jokes with Sam silently but very obviously Nodding. "I do need to quickly go to the toilet first, didn't have chance before going out this morning, get some practice in while I'm gone". "ok have fun Sam says in a sarcastic tone". Scotty laughs.
What follows next from your perspective was very unique, after hearing the banter and toilet comment. You briefly panic thinking Scotty may have forgot you again. This panic is quickly replaced with terror as you, Scotty's balls, your traveling companion and cup are lifted drastically vertically up. At the summit of your ride. You feel briefly weightless as your whole environment enters free fall. *Clang* you hear the skateboard outside land on the ground. You slip out of the bottom of the cup closing your eyes you grab the flesh in front of you, hugging it. Scotty above lands on his board and starts to push. You still holding the part of Scotty in front of you open your eyes. Your holding on to his member which when looking up in almost incomparable to you. Looking down you see your friends saggy sac. Behind you is the cup but its about 1 and a half times your body height away. Everything in the cup is shifted. You attempt to stand on the saggy hairy flesh, quickly sinking as the surface has no tension. You hold onto "Mini Scott" as tight as you can not wanting to sink any further. Looking up to the head of the shaft, you see the top half is still in the correct place, stopping your meat life raft from collapsing on top of you. From inside the shaft you hear sound of blood pumping.
As Scotty skates to the restroom he feels you re-adjust onto his shaft. Nice they are getting along he jokes in his mind. Before subtly he intentionally twitches his penis. To you the twitch on the shaft you are holding is oddly comforting. It feels like an acknowledgement of your existence, and although you are in danger of sinking you feel safe knowing that your friend is with you. You close your eyes, partly wishing to be saved. But also allowing yourself to calm, knowing you are relatively safe. To you left outside the cup you feel Scotty's right leg pushing of the ground. You feel a subtle vibration reverberating through your friends body as he skates across a relatively unkept walkway. Before you know it Scotty has arrived to the toilets. He steps of his board, you very slightly bounce on Scotty's flesh as he walks.
Scotty picks up his board walking inside the men's toilets. He does a quick check of the bathroom before determining it's empty. "Good, this should give us some privacy little Jack". You breath easy confirming your safe. Scotty steps into a stall leaning his skate board up against the wall. And pulls forward the band of his pants and underwear with cup, there was light before but it feels like a flash bang when you are expose to the outside world. The penis grasped starts to tilt, you let go sliding back into the cup. Scotty uses his fingers to push his penis to the side so you both have an unobstructed view of each other. Scotty speaks first "You ok down there" You look up at your friends face, into his eyes. He feels almost miles away. "Dude this circumstance wouldn't happen with any other two friends". "Yea looking at you in my cup is certainty strange but I'm fine with it". "I mean it's a lot to take in, I- I mean I appreciate you taking care of me and taking me with you, but are you sure I can't ride in a pocket or something" You say. Scotty breaks eye contact and reflects for a moment before looking back at you. "Remember when you just flew from under my sack to the base of my shaft?". Hard for you forget, you nod. What if you were to fly out my pocket? You nod and understand. A brief moment were you both are silent before Scotty begins to speak. "So I hope you don't mind but me needing to go to the toilet wasn't a complete lie. I really didn't go this morning." Scotty grasps his cock lifting it above you towards the top of the cup before flopping it over the edge with a massive shake and slamming the cups upper lip. You look upwards from the mostly empty cup, with Scotty's balls hanging overhead. He looks between his cock and the waist of his pants. Your position has shifted. The cup has be pushed back and to your sides you see his mighty thighs. Beneath his sack you see were the thighs connect at his grouch, your eyes wander up, before catching yourself. Hidden under the shade of your friend you realise the to dark to see area beyond the grouch would be his "exit" you avert your eyes back up past the sack and penis. To your friends face, he's still looking at you. "sorry but I really do have to go, only a number one though…" he laughs breaking eye contact then quickly re-establishes…..
"Guess your gonna have to get comfortable with this anyway. As I realistically the only one who would actually take care you you". Taking his eyes of you mid sentence. Scotty begins his piss. The comment came as a bit of a gut punch. He has known your family for a long time now, so the jab is fair. You don't think Scotty meant it as rough, as it came across. Still doesn't reduce the sting. Lying at the bottom of Scotty's now slightly sweaty cup. You patiently look up at your bud who is miles away. Shift one hand from his penis, to his side. He begins to rummage around the fabric to your left looking for something. After a sec you feel the fabric shift as he pulls a phone to his face. For you, it feels like your not even there. Just some mite in his cup, too small to be of concern. The torrent sound from the bowl finishes. Scotty now taking his other hand to his phone. He chuckles and starts typing on his phone. He does this for about 30 seconds. Before taking one hand, grabbing his penis and shoving it into his underwear. From your perspective, without taking his eyes off his phone. The underwear are stretched back his cock like a flaccid pendulum swings in. Rocks back and forwards before stopping facing directly down. To exactly where you are situated. A mere meter (from your perspective) from your face your friend's cock head is staring directly at you. You go to call your friend. But a mixture of shock and adrenalin fill your body. Whilst stationary you notice some moisture build up. You cant react quick enough as the cup is stuck to your skin. The drop falls directly on your face. It submerges your face briefly, before running along your sides to slip off the bottom lip. Smell instantly recognises it as piss, your friend forgot to shake off.
"DUDE!!!" You begin to call out before being cut off. "Sorry finishing now, we can go." Still clearly not taking his eyes off you, he swings his member up pinning it the the waistband, whilst slowly pulling your whole world directly up. You panic as the gargantuan balls descend rapidly towards you. Your still on your back, but you push with your feet trying to avoid being pinned up fleshy sack again. You make it part way up. But not enough before you are completely smash backwards. Your gut is hit hard. The sack filling up this time was far less careful and delicate. This time it winds you. Your instinct is to curl forward. But your body is completely engulfed. He shifts. Tightening your space. You cant even slightly move as you feel your neck twist to the left just to give space for Scott. You get a few seconds of no movement just too try to recover. But you can't even move your arms to bring them to your chest. Your mind now well and truly in panic. Just suck in air. and breath. You close your eyes even though you can't see anything. And just sucking in gross ball air that also has been pinned with you.
After a few moments of breathing the rest of your body seems to come back online as you squirm for some personal space. With little avail. From above you hear and feel movement. After a moment you see two of Scotty's fingers pull back sack as if digging sand with minimal effort. You tilt your head too soon as then his index finger smashes into your face. The feeling is comparable to having a gym ball thrown at your face. Scotty not meaning to hurt, but also feeling quite painful to you. His finger retracts from you for a second. "Pathetic" Scotty says not super loud and to his phone. His other hand still flicking at his phone with his thumb. "If you are going to wriggle like that" Scotty says not taking an eye of the phone. "You may as well…" With his two fingers in the cup with you he pinches your head lightly before sliding down to your sides. Dragging you upwards you. Skin still sticking to the cup screeches as is taken off. "You may as well do it here." Instantly you are smushed to the underside of his penis and pressed into it. Your face tilts again. Your body is held tight in place. You try to speak but you just get a mouth full of skin. Your head still pinned by his index holding you in place. You try even more to say something anything. But trying to talk just fills your face with more flesh, which has now started to sweat with it dripping in your mouth. You close your eyes wishing for this moment to pass.
From Scotty's perspective on his phone. He feels a slight build up of sweat and heat where he has his head pinned. But nearly no movement. "Come little Jack, where's that energy". Hearing this but unable to respond, you decide its best if you hug the member slightly just so your only held up by being pinned to the cock, and you wriggle just a little to acknowledge your friend. "Come on where's that energy" Still staring at his phone. Absent-mindedly talking to you, like your a pet who can't talk back. "More energy little guy!" As if encouraging you.
You at this time feel completely demeaned, but begrudgingly oblige by wriggling some more. The heat from the cock radiating though you. "Little better but more like this." Scotty proceeds to drag you up and down the underside of his shaft. A mixture of both your sweat but mostly his lubricate you. As you do multiple passes up and down and up and down his very large cock. "see that's better" Scotty says trailing off into a chuckle. Not once breaking eye contact with the phone. Quickly removing his finger leaving halfway up his cock. "Alright lets stop fucking around" Scotty says snapping out of his trance with his phone. Everything in the cup as he properly fixes the cup and closes the underpants and pulling up his pants the rest of the way. Leaving you trapped half way up his cock swaying about, in his dark underwear now sealed with just your friends cock sweat and slight piss sent.
You notice lots of commotion as Scotty picks up his skateboard and exits the stall. Whilst he is washing is hands you examine the terrain, your violently sway about holding for dear life. You decide falling into the sack is a no go as you could sink in and suffocate. But being this high up his cock, even though fasten in his cup. The most minor movements through you about like you are up a flag pole on a windy day. Going up high could potentially be beneficial, getting between the cup and cock head will keep you very steady however climbing this girth seems beyond you in this exhausted state. By the base of his shaft seems the best bet. However to get there you are going to need to slide down his cock. "SCOTTY HELP!" You call hoping he may come to your aid. However seems unlikely due to your quite voice being defend by a cup and clothes. "Fuck it, fireman style it is." You say knowing your oddly alone in the cup.
You pull your legs up attempting to wrap your legs around. But not even close to making half way around the girth. As you are doing this Scotty beings jogging to his friends. On the outside Scotty is arriving at his friends when he notices the more he moves the better Jack feels on cock. He smirks and jogs the remaining distance. "Took your sweet time" Sam says. "You were jacking it in there were ya" Tommy jokes. Scotty smirks "next time you can come and watch, ensure I'm on my best behaviour. The guys laugh. "Ok check it" The boys head in the skate ring and begin to show off and chill. Scotty intentionally slowing down so he can jog to catch up. This is until he feels Jack do something unexpected.
You, from the cup hear Scotty join his friends. You are however too preoccupied to listen in. The voices booming deep like thunder requires a bit of concentration to decipher. But right now your only focus is trying to get down. However its hard at this time as it seems Scotty has been bouncing about more often than usual. You wait for a period. Before you are flung the first time Scotty jumps on his board. You hold tight. Scotty gets some air. You hold tight. Praying to survive this. After 5 or soo minutes it becomes apparent you don't have the strength to stay up here on his penis. You are never going to get a perfect moment. So you are just going to have to go with it. Whilst Scotty is jogging again. You loosen your grip slightly however as he jogs you still are holding tight to stay connected but not tight enough to stay fixed. You Slide quickly down his cock to the shaft. When you reach the base. You notice that the girth starts to slightly expand and Scotty very suddenly starts to get erect from your touch. "Oh shit oh fuck. Not good not good" You say aloud. From above Scotty drops back from his friends feeling his erection forming and sudden horniness from his passengers very hard stroke. "oh wow. not good" Scotty says. "What's up?" Tommy asks seeing his friend stop. "Uhm" Scotty's mind is clouded from the ecstasy from his shorts. "I have just started to feel unwell" Scotty improvs. "Gonna call mum" Scotty taking out his phone. Finds mom in his phone and hits dial.
"Mom I need a ride home"
"Already I dropped you off only 30 minutes ago."
"Yea I just started feeling sick"
"Sorry, I can't I'm out wont be back till later tonight. Want me too call you an uber?"
"Nahh wait is gonna be to long." "Don't worry about it I'll ask Sam."
"Ok, let me know if you need to go to the doctors or anything"
"Thanks mom, will do"
"Sam, I need a lift home."
"I'm not your Chauffeur, champ"
"Please Sam it's urgent"
Sam seeing desperation in Scotty's eyes agrees.
"Fine lets go"
Tommy pipes up "what about me?"
"Get some practice, this wont take long. Plus Jeremy has to arrive sometime soon." Retorts Sam
Looking up at the shaft you see it start to stiffen more. Hearing the conversation, putting two and two together you know where this leads. You feel Scotty being to walk. After some time you feel/ hear him get in the car. The ride is mostly uneventful Sam attempting to make small talk. Arriving out what you assume is the house. Scotty bounces out the car. Goes inside the house. Jog up the stairs into the room. Scotty opens his draw. You see around you as light around you as Scotty drops the shorts. Next out comes the the cup to world starts to shift. The cock no longer supported starts to hang, however its certainly erect. Still holding the underside but afraid to fall now seeing down the legs to the carpeted floor with scrunched up shorts. You use your strength to climb around to the top of erect dick. You climb into the slightly grown forest of pubes. Clearly hasn't manscaped recently. Around you the underwear drop from sight, for you to then hear them land on the floor. You bounce on the dick as nothing is now holding it in place. Till the penis is erect so it stands at an angle. You look up. Your friend has removed his shirt. He is pacing around with you for the ride. "Scotty" You call out. You give him as shock as he looks around before thinking. He looks down at you and smirks. "Nice one at the park" "Sure your not a skater, because it certainly felt you gave that rail a grind." Breaking suddenly looking pass you. He starts to bend over. You hold on tight as his body tilts but you slide a bit down his shaft. Still looking at him he closes his eyes and waits in the moment briefly before standing upright with his phone in his hands. Presumably from his short pockets. Scotty picks up the underwear in the other hand and throws them into the underwear draw still open from placing the cup. Then with both hands on his phone he stands directly over his night stand and types. You see the night stand and decide to jump off Scotty's dick and onto the stand.
Landing you pick yourself up and brush of as you look up, standing in the shadow of Scotty's cock. You are taken aback as this god stands about you his well defined body glistens from skating and the excitement of your actions. His godlike cock which was impressive flaccid. Now towers over you at a size at least over double the size of what it once was. His body tilts back as he looks at the phone in his hand. Not even noticing you jump off. You call out. "Scotty!" His eyes avert from his phone scanning first dick then the nightstand to find you cowering in his shadow. He say's nothing. "We need to talk"
Looking back at his phone. "Not now". Suddenly out of nowhere his hips starts to move as lowers and navigates is penis to your left. Before swinging it towards you. No hope in hell you could run from it. So you raise your hands to brace. You feel it his you as you start flying. You bump off a wall and land on something soft. You shake your head and look around, your back in the underwear draw. Dirty underwear all over the place. You look to the front right of the draw and see the underwear you were in today. To the left is the cup you were in. Angled up towards the top of the draw. You look down to see a tighter more worn out pair of underwear. You are lying in the gooch section. Towards your front you see the back part of the underwear. Well worn with some horrid stains inside.
"I can't believe he would do this to me. I'm his best friend for fuck sake. I need to talk to him…."
You lay on the underwear towards the center of the draw for but a moment before adrenaline fills you. I am not just some toy to be put away. I need to have a word with him right now. Is what you think. Due to some anxiety about this whole shrinking situation you would later go on to admit that what you did next may have not been a well conceived plan.
It took a few moments to traverse the bulk of the distance. It was certainly difficult terrain for you at current size. The challenge only further lead to embarassment for your current situation. Thus perpetually pushing you forward.
Every challenge was more difficult than the next. You had crawled both over and under the man's undergarments. Ever more determined to confront Scotty. Reaching the front of the draw you wasted no time beginning the ascent up the inside of the cup to the rim of the draw. On the way up towards top of the cup you noticed a bit of precum caused from the excitement earlier. It's was unavoidable to travel through to reach the summit, however slowing down in pace helped you avoid most of it. Only getting a little on your hands and shirt.
Finally you reached the top of the draw. You pulled yourself up. You were now standing on the wooden frame of the draw. It was prepositional to you, about 4 feet "thick". So you were able to stand mostly comfortably. However once standing you were hit with a sudden vertigo due to the long, long drop to the floor.
You were snapped out of this trance when you heard a movement from you left. There was Scotty, naked lying on his bed. He looked calm as he flicked with through his phone. He was laying half sitting up, with his back leaning against the wall. You also noticed. Both hands on his phone with his right leg raises obstructing your view of the lower half of his body.
You began to walk the beam approaching giant. His bed was low to the ground however even lying mostly down. His enormous figured still loomed over. You called out to no avail as you reached the end of the draw. "Crap, he is wearing ear buds." You say aloud to yourself. You call out again this time even louder. Nothing. No reaction as he continues to stare at his phone.
You are left standing there for a minute. Awkwardly waiting for your friend to notice you.
A few moments pass before suddenly Scotty begins to move very quickly sitting up and beginning to stand. You are left in awe as the titan moves completely unaware of your existence on his draw. It occurs to you as he stands how terrifying Scotty's movements are, when unaware of your presence. He stands, exiting on the left side of his bed. To your front is his towering figure with his rump ass facing you. His legs stand apart hanging between them his the half erect penis swinging down. It seams his "excitement has faded partially allowing you to see mini Scott from where you stand. After a moment you realise you are staring.
You think to yourself "Earlier, I had no choice. But now, best to keep my eyes averted. Imagine if he found out I was looking?" You chuckle at that last part. He was physically gifted you admitted to yourself, and after all you both had been through you were close. But he'd just use it as further justification to treat you like his property. You thought to yourself, your amusement fading as that anger boiled back.
"SCOTTY NOTICE ME YOU BIG IDIOT. I WANT TO TALK!" you yell up. Not even noticing you slightly, he begins to walk exiting the room. Leaving you alone.
You look around, you need to be noticed so you both could talk. From your perspective there were two options. Walk across the thin side plywood of the draw. Forcing you to carefully balance for a good way. Then to find a way to climb the lip of the bedside table. Or more risque but you figured you could jump onto the bed. It was below you, however it was a very significant drop. You weren't sure of your limits at this size. But you figured it was borderline between being fine and hurting yourself height. You would also need a bit of a run up to cover the tiny amount of horizontal distance.
So you decided to
Jump the distance onto his bed. You breathed a fearful breath as you locked into your decision. Walking back a bit you swung around ready to make the jump. "This is stupid" you think to yourself. You take one last breath. Before a sudden wave of energy erupted as you took off into a sprint. Ignoring the height. As you jump you pictured it as jumping into a pool. Nothing to fear.
As you fell. You realised the error of your ways. Your feet landed onto the bed. But it had not given way to your weight, like you had anticipated. Forcing you bounce forward unexpectedly. You landed for a second time this time on your hands and knees giving you a stinging sensation through your body. Finally you bounce a third time, in more of a hop fashion taking you only a few feet forward. You lay on your chest for a few moments. The landing having winded you for a second time in 24 hours. You regaining you breath for a moment.
Begin to pick yourself up, a sharp sting radiated from your arms and legs. Fearing something had been broken. You look down to see your only pair of clothing destroyed and ripped with the underneath skin exposed to the elements. This was allowing you to see the nasty carpet burn you had gained from the fall. Your body collapsed, giving up on getting up due to the stinging pain.
You lay there for a moment embarrassed from your own stupidity before you heard and felt the footfalls of your giant walking down the hallway, returning to his room.
Pushing through the pain, you pick yourself up. You had to get his attention. You walked closer to the centre of the bed waving up and yelling as the giant entered the room.
Scotty walked straight into his room, his eyes on his phone. Which was held by his left hand. His right hand however was gripping something you hadn't properly considered when storming out of the draw. It was holding his again fully erect cock, which he had slowly began to rub up and down in anticipation for what was about to follow next.
He didn't notice you. Even momentarily as he climb onto his bed. His Brobdingnagian size blocked out the overhead light as his knees and his hand with his phone in it, balanced him. As he climbed onto his bed. As he raised his foot kicking the door closed before crawling up and flipping.
You at this point had fell silent as this spectacle occurred around you. Turning from facing the door to facing down bed, to the head of Scotty. As he flipped you were left with awe as this titanic form moved with almost incomprehensible speed.
You were snapped back to reality when his butt landed perhaps 100 feet away from you launching you into the air. This time as you fell towards him you committed to a pin drop so you could land properly by bending your knees.
Upon landing it appeared you were successful as you bent your knees, absorbing the fall. Then suddenly you felt a pop as your right foot went straight through the fabric with a snap. You sunk lower than expected and closed your eyes out of freight.
A second later your right foot was constricted as the bed returned to its usual form. This left you stuck to the ground. Looking forward you could see Scotty's giant cock in hand being jerked. As droplets of precum landed everywhere around you. It was easy to see you were in a heap of danger. Looking past, Scotty's eyes were still on his phone which had rotated to vertical. As he continued he began to slouch more and more with ecstacy. The rhythm with the ferocity increased. As his body etched closer.
All anger and resentment faded as you fell to your knees and realised how good you'd had it from the draw before. "Oh my god. Is this really how I die. From Scotty jerking off?". You began to beg anything for a way out. Promising anything "Please, I'll be good. I'll worship who ever rescues me. God, Gods, Buhda. I don't give a shit. Please help me." As you finished your prayer you felt the wrinkles of Scotty's scroutum brush up against your arm. Then you felt a sudden retraction as Scotty swang back. Still jerking with his phone in his hand. But looking pass the flesh you could see his eyes on you.
"Not the. best…. Spot. Jack" he said in truncation. You cowered sitting down. Trying to removed your foot. Looking down you could hear a mixture of meaty flesh whooshing up and down behind you. Slowly become more wet sounding from the lubrication of his semen.
"I'm stuck." You see him roll his eyes for what you initially perceived out of annoyance but instead realised, as his eyes rolled back. Instead, from pleasure due to your situation. He yanked ear buds out before dropping both them and the phone out of sight to his side. He closed his eyes approaching a climax.
"Your Stuck? he asks head being to lean back. "Yes" you call out. You can tell he heard you as upon calling out his penis twitched and the ferocity increased further. "Jack. A tiny bug. Under my godly cock." his voice boomed like thunder as he didn't even attempted to whisper for you. The power this man had over you in this moment, surprisingly began to turn you on as well. "Bug. If you want out. You must help me." suspecting what this would in-tale. You nod your head. He opens his eyes and you call out "What do you want me to do?" Scotty responded by taking his free hand and plucking you up, and setting your foot free. He then placed you back onto his bed. Closer to his sack. His face was no longer visible. Then with his free hand he pinched his sack. Lifting it. Revealing a cave between his arse cheeks. Dark and warm. The opening wasn't enough to walk into. "Bug go inside." Scotty's voice boomed like a god.
You would have to crawl in. Or you could turn and run. You decide to…
Crawl in. That was your decision. You were a man of your word. You had said you would do anything to survive. You meant it. You got on your hands and knees and crawled forth. Into Scotty's cave.
Crawling under the sack. You could swear you could hear the sloshing of built up cum stored in the balls. Once inside you were able to stand. It was dark. You placed your hand on the side of his buttock to signal him you were in. The testicals behind you dropped. Sealing you in with minimal light. Your god friend spoke thusly "Climb up to my arsehole and worship it."
Not even a moment later your sprung into action. Climbing the leg hairs up to his ass. You felt the rocking motion caused from the masturbation increase the closer your got. Then after a moment or two of climbing. You reached it. Grabbing hold you instantly brought it to your lips and began to make out with it. It however, was larger than you. So this quickly proved to slow. You tasted nothing as your tongue came out. You licked and massaged up and down, synchronising with his faps.
You worked it for nearly a minute before you felt a shake. Followed by a moan and a shiver quake through his now limp body. He was done. But you were not. Your instructions had not changed. You continued to lick and message his ass as it loosened becoming less tenses with the situation.
A minute of time passed by. You feel the breathing of your friend, as you continue to worship his arsehole. Passing over the centre of his sphincter whilst worshipping it. It began to relax, perhaps to much. As suddenly you felt a gush of wind hit you in the face. You were shook violently with the loud reverberation of the cheeks you were in. Your sense of smell seemed lacking as you were unable to smell the gas. However your ears were blasted with a concussive rumble. After a brief composure period you begin to go back to work serving Scotty.
With the sphincter less tense after it's release. You are able to massage deeper into the flesh almost to the point of entering Scotty. Part of you wanted to. But you didn't because that hadn't been your instruction. A few more minutes passed before you felt a change in the environment. As one of Scotty's cheeks was lifted into the air.
This unexpected journey upwards forced you to lose your footing and grip. Thus sending you tumbling out of the buttocks to the bed below. Once on the mattress you notice it was slightly damp. Above you was this giant ass looming covering your sky. On his right cheek was his hand as he parted them to remove you. Without a word he let go so the cheeks could bounce close again. The ripple of flesh reminding you again of your friends natural appeal.
Then with that free hand he reached down and scooped you up. In his closed hand you felt sudden movement as you were going into the air.
Scotty layed down once more after retrieving your tiny body. He proceeded to tip you from his hand, depositing you just below his navel. Behind you was his previously shaved public area in the middle of the dwindling forest was his giant cock, un-erect and slouching out of view. You turned back to his face. Around you, but not super close were pools of semen he had deposited onto himself. Scanning up his glistening body there was, his skin coated in a mild dew of sweat.
This position gave a full view of his very well maintained physique, glistening bumps of muscle prominent. You felt even smaller than you remembered, although you couldn't tell if you had actually shrunk more. Finally your eyes reached his face. He was staring up still regaining composure. You knew what happened next, would likely reflect how life with Scotty would be from now on.
He looked down at you and he….
Your landscape. Scotty. A previous friend, now god. Stared down at your tiny form. His breathing still heavy. Sounding like a dying tornado. Even from way down by his navel. You could see the pools of saliva in his mouth creating links of water in his massive maw. The god's thunderous voice then asked softly. "Are you ok?" his expression softened as he continued looking down at you. Cowering on his body. "I'm not sure what came over me. Just was horney and you were there. You got involved. Gave me a rush. Ya know?" You felt isolated. You felt a million miles away. Despite actually touching your friend at this very moment. You noded. You felt an overwhelming sense of panic and sadness as you were reminded again that this god. Was still your friend. This life altering event was just a horney accident.
"I understand. I'm sorry.."
"What?! Don't apologise. This was my fault. I got carried away. I was just so horney. But you must have been terrified." you stare down at the skin floor below you. A coolness from the room hits you. You sit in silence for a few moments, your mind completely blank. Thinking on only the slow rising and falling of the floor. "Jack. Look at me" you look up into his gaze. He looks primarily concerned. "I'm sorry." "its ok" "No. It's not. I have no excuse. You're my best friend and I…" "I LIKED IT" you yell up cutting him off. "You don't mean that. You're in shock." Scotty dismisses what you admitted. After a short but deep breath in you explain. "Yea probably. I think. I might be in a bit of shock. But honestly Scotty. You're my best friend." "You're mine too" Scotty confirms without hesitation. "But now. I am also tiny. I need you to survive. So with that. As my best friend. I am fine and like the fact that…" Your voice cuts out a goes a bit dry stifling the words from coming out. Disrupting the confidence. You know what you want to say next but you feel kind of embarrassed even thinking it. Your eyes gazed while talking. However you focus up and look at Scotty directly trying to build the courage. His face beyond his well shaped, sweaty, naked torso. He has shifted to a look of concerned curiosity. With his head being propped up by his arm which he has pulled back. Revealing the hairy armpit beneath. You swallow deep
"Scotty. While I'm this size. If you want…" "Yea?" "Scotty. I am personally fine with the idea of you… owning me." There is a deafening silence that quickly feels the air. As you both process the weight of what you have just said. "I'm not… I am not sure that I understand." Scotty responds lowering his voice to a vulnerable whisper of his regular voice. "Well, as in you. While I'm small. You would own me and I would be fine with that." "What do you mean by own." "Own. As in like how you own your phone or your cup for skating or…" You pause. Scotty doesn't dare interrupt you. "Or kind of how you own toilet paper you use to clean yourself before throwing away once it's not of any value anymore. Meaning I would be entirely yours."
You both don't move. You both fall silent. You stay this way for a few minutes.
"Is this a joke?"
You begin to scramble out of the old pair of underwear still very pissed with you friend. "Scotty!" You call as you see the shadow of his body move from the front of the draw. Scrambling to catch up you slip on some of the fabric your currently trying to tread and fall face first into more underwear. The fall doesn't hurt however landing in a worn pair of underwear does hurt you pride. "I can't even navigate his underwear draw without being battered" you think to yourself. You look down at the underwear you lay on top of. Clearly an old well worn.. banana hammock maybe. Clearly not used in some time. However at your size a scent of scotty remains, ever so slightly. Whilst examining the hammock. The shadow returns to the front. You can't see out due to your distance in the draw, however you assume Scotty is just outside. You begin to call, but before you can even finish your first word. Your whole world begins to shift backwards as Scotty begins to close the draw. Only leaving a slight gap for some light and air. Standing still. Regaining your composure, you listen for the first time as Scotty walks away. With no visual you can only listen as he takes steps walking away. Perhaps you had just tuned it out. But the footfalls of you friend echo through the draw. As well as the vibration shaking you, on top of the mound of worn undergarment. Which you attempt to balance atop. You hear a brief pause after but only two steps as scotty collapses on the bed you hear the shrieking of the springs as it takes his weight. A brief sound of bedding being thrown around before silence hits you.
You hadn't had a proper moment alone with your thoughts. You were exhausted yesterday before sleeping. And you had been with Scotty nearly every moment since you had shrunk. Not wishing to spend to long deep in thought. You begin to navigate the sea of underwear getting closer to the front. After navigating for a time growing ever more tired, until you reached a spot in the draw you were happy with. Not to much smell and some cleaner underwear. You stood looking around, realising how cold you had started to feel you began to use the underwear for warmth when you world is lurched forward slightly. No shadow. So you assumed this was scotty using one had from the bed. You waited for what would happen next. Nothing happened. The draw was simply slightly more open with more light coming in. However now with the additional light you see the pair of underwear you were in today. You begin to think about the cold. Deciding to crawl over to the recently used pair and get warm inside them. Figuring the warmth of them recently being worn is worth the sacrifice of smell from them recently being worn.
Approaching the familiar underwear, growing ever more tiered from navigating the sea. You see them and taken aback from the smell, but also the radiating heat before crawling inside. Inside feels like a collapsed tent however the fabric is incredibly heavy and are forced to use the creases of the underwear to navigate. Crawling through one of the tunnels for a period you begin to warm up. You also notice up ahead a darker patch of underwear. Its in your path so you continue towards it. As you approach you notice a liquid. You go to touch it before you rational kicks in and you realise you are face to face with Scotty's pre-cum residue left inside the underwear. You panic starting to crawl backwards, but in your panic you kick a wall and the tension holding the tunnel behind you gives way an collapses. A gush of wind from the tunnel blows you forward and you catch yourself just before going face first into the pre-cum puddle. You collect your breath whilst staring into the puddle. Regaining your composure. You look up at the tunnel in front. Seemingly unaffected. You carefully climb over the puddle and craw through the tunnel into an open-ish area about large tent size infront. You crawl in a lay on your back. It feels warm here. You close your eyes getting ready to sleep when you hear an feel it.
It begins soft. *thud*. But after a minute it rapidly becomes more active. *thud* *Thud* *THUD*. Wishing to close your eyes and just die. You hear you herculean friend moan ever so slightly. The draw shakes back and forward ever so slightly. The vibration of you friend masturbating feels impossible to push out. You feel shame and embarrassment. This was his life. You now were only a tiny, intrusive part of it. The walls didn't stop for a few minutes as he continued. What felt like ever increasing. "Scotty is so big that even from inside this draw he still controls my world. He is…… God-like." With that final thought passing through your mind. You feel your pants begin to stiffen.
You think for a second about this. Starring down, not looking away. You think "Its just so crazy, Scotty a giant. A god. Who is my best friend. Caring for me. The ground shakes when he walks. His ecstasy fills the halls of a place that would take days to escape. He's so much more." You mind pauses. You close your eyes and reach into your pants. Feeling heat emanate from your erect penis. You begin to stroke with the rhythm matching the shaking walls from your Giants pleasure. "And this Giant god. Cares for me."
"He enjoys my company and listens to my words."
"To me!"
"Insignificant me."
You continue, eyes closed. Not think of anything but the shaking world around you. You continue to a climax at the exact moment after Scotty, as if awaiting permission. You collapse into your self. And just lay there. Reviling in the greatest orgasm you have ever experienced. Until, the realisation and shame hits you. I can't believe what just happened you think to yourself. "To Scotty?!?!" you whisper in shock.
"Its been a crazy 24 hours you think to yourself." Letting yourself off the hook and burying it with "rational". You wipe yourself off with the ample material around and just lay staring at the light glimmering in, through the threads of the underwear tent you lay in. A after you close your eyes for perhaps two minutes. You hear the bed creak as Scotty gets up and makes footfall with the carpet. Then your light is blocked by a shadow of a titan. Like an eclipse. You lay on your back, a little startled for a moment before Scotty speaks. "Jb?" a pause "Where are you?" he finishes. A slight sound of nervous panic is masked behind his voice.
You lay still for a moment without a sound. Then the draw begins to jerk back to open it more fully. You then begin to feel the around the draw for you. The world shakes as more violently Scotty as his movements become more rapid and panicky. "JB! Seriously not funny, where are you?" Panic radiating through his voice. You throat feels dry so you swallow deep. Your heart racing with a sudden fear from the giants size and power. You close your eyes and compose your thoughts, Scotty is my friend. Get your shit together." You curse yourself. "Scotty I'm in hear!" You yell out before realising you even spoke. The shaking stops and hands begin to shift you tent as you begin to tumble out onto the wood floor of the draw. You shake your head before looking up at the giant. His body back lit, no shirt. His face is red from exhaustion. His body dripping with sweat. With his navel just barley visible over the draw. Clearly he is a feet or so away from the draw. Thus not giving you an angle to see all of him. His eyes and face are not angry as expected. But relived to see you staring up at him.
"Christ dude" He speaks "trying to kill me here?" he lets out. "Sorry" You yell back slightly deflated. Scotty gets onto his knees and leans in to speak with you in the draw. Once down you both look at each other. To you from the distance your mind corrects and his face feels regular size just very close. Your mind begins to see Scotty as Scotty again. Not whatever god like being you had briefly believed before. You both stare at each other. You sitting down. Both waiting to see who speaks first. After a few moments of silence. You break eye contact looking towards to ground. You rub the back of your neck as the slight pain of looking up begins to kick in. "I didn't expect to find you in there." Scotty says whilst coating you in his warm breath. The creeping cold fading back. His voice is soft and gentle as if placing extra care. You look up to see Scotty's eyes averted to the underwear that had been shifted. In which you had taken refuge in. "Put them over here so you wouldn't be stuck with them towards the middle where you were" He begins to trail of. "It was cold in here" You say only raising your voice to a soft yell. He looks back at you. Hearing you. "Right I didn't consider that." he pauses and heartfeltly says "I'm sorry."
You both sit in silence for another moment. Guilt for not comforting your friend kicks in "You don't have to be sorry." you pause "You idiot" you say a little louder with a bit more pep. You make eye contact with Scotty who seems to be suppressing joy behind his sense of shame. Looking down to not meet eye contact. You stand up "Scotty look…" he is still looking down avoiding you. "Dude!" You yell with more command. His eyes dart to meet yours. "You have nothing to be sorry about." pausing and then continuing "In honestly I need to say thankyou." Scotty begins to brush of and evade "I…. I just did.." But you firmly cut him off. "Scotty, no. Seriously dude. Thankyou."
"What you said earlier about no one else will look after me." Guilt darts through his face, "I… I didn't mean it. I am sorry." Cutting Scotty of again you say "No. No sorry. You are right. No one would actually take care of me." Scotty begins to stammer again. "But that's ok. I don't have someone else." You say. "I have you. My weird skater friend." He begins to blush. Or perhaps that his red face from earlier. Most notably an iconic smile returning. "My weird skater friend who takes me skating from inside his cup. Hanging onto his dick." There is a brief moment of silence before you both begin laughing. However when he begins laughing. It sends tremors through the box. You continue "Or calls his penis mini Scott" Scotty snorts laughter increasing. "But that's ok, because that's all I need from you. Just continue being my weird now giant best friend Scotty." Pausing you take a breath as he begins to calm. A grin stuck on his face. "Because that's all I need from you. The rest is new to both of us. But we'll figure it out together."
"I am unsure what to say." Scotty says before pausing looking away, as if trying to find the magic words on the walls of his room. "Knowing you, its gonna either be weird or out of left field nice." You retort. He looks back and smiles. "Thankyou. Little man. Thankyou."
"Ahh, out of left field nice. Excellent choice, Misère." You sass in response. Scotty chuckles and then you both sit there in silence for a moment before Scotty exhales. "So little bestie. What do ya wanna do?"
"Go back to the skate park?" You ask.
"Nah, I already said I'm sick. If I head back its going to be sus." He pauses "also we don't have a ride. And the park is far with what can be very rough terrain in between." he pauses thinking "I guess I can bs around it, if that's what you want?"
"Not really, just assumed that was the plan for today." you respond
"It was until……. the plan changed." Scotty begins to chuckle. ohhhh" he exclaims as if coming to a profound realisation "I get it. Tiny Jack wants to hang out with mini Scott in my cup. I see."
No you quickly interject. It's not that…." You becoming flustered, completely forgetting that was your means of transportation.
"No tiny Jack. It's ok" he begins to mockingly pout "You prefer Mini Scott to me!"
"No no no no." You stammer. You face feels red hot as you attempt to explain. "I wasn't thinking about that." Scotty raises his voice to cut you off. "Look I get it. You don't need to explain."
"Idiot, listen. Not what I meant. You know that. I can see your winding me up. But even so, No." You yell at the top of your lungs whilst also bursting into laughter. "You understand. No mini Scott. Ok?"
"Message received. But if you ever want to hang out with mini Scott only ask. He's a bit tiered now. But I am sure he'll want to play in a bit." Scotty jokes whilst biting his lip looking down beyond your range of view. At what you assume to be mini Scott bellow the draw.
"You're an idiot".
A few more moments pass. You think of some good idea for today and as you go to speak up Scotty says the first words. "I actually I do have some ideas."
"So do I" You yell back.
He smirks "well it would seem we are at an impasse."
"Seems that way. From the state from things" you retort.
"What should we do to resolve this then?"
"Well one of my ideas was have something to eat. I didn't have anything yet today." You tell Scotty. Scotty pausing for a moment before laughing and looking down past the draw and then back up. "Your hungry you say. I have just the thing." Suddenly Scotty bolts up to his feet. Your world shakes as the giant moves becoming further and further away. Until he stands tall and his body up to his navel can be seen. He maintains eye contact as he steps forward. Quickly his pubes and then the base of the shaft. Until in all his might a slightly red penis swings into view. You are simply in shock. As your nose is assaulted by the smell of Scotty's masturbation session. "What are you doing?" You stammer to ask. "You said your hungry. I personally like fresh food. I got all this Scotty Milk going to go to waste if you don't have some." Scotty then begins to lower his penis into a corner of the draw close to you.
The penis stops about head height if you were standing. It hangs for a moment before a build up of cum accumulates and drops to the floor of the draw. You watch this in horror as the puddle is at least 3 times larger the the pre-cum found in the underwear. You look back up to Scotty who is smirking. His presence, like this. Reminding you of the god stuff from earlier. "Hell no. I just want normal food! Not this gross shit!" You yell up.
"How about this?" he pauses to iron out the details in his head. "If you come over and just have a tiny drop of Scotty Milk. You're in charge for the rest of the day. Anything you say goes. And I really mean anything." "However" he continues "if you don't have any. Not even a tiny drop. Well…. I will, because of my size authority. Take charge for the day. You're at my whim we will have some proper fun."
You sit in silence for a moment before getting to your feet. "No I wont do it." You state putting you foot down. "I know I said that I like my weird skater friend. But this is to far. And you know I wont."
Scotty brings his pinky finger down a dips it into the pool of semen. The lifts it up to his lips and proceeds to wipe it of onto his tongue. "Come on dude it's not THAT bad. It's just a little bit of cum." You look to the penis and the pool of cum bellow and then back to Scotty with a grin on his face.
Scotty grasps his penis with his fingers aiming, to the toilet which you can imagine to your back on the other side of his clothing. "Actually Scotty" you call out pausing to reflect about the following implication. "Yea?" Scotty asks. "I also need to um, ya know…." Scotty interjects "Oh right sorry dude I wasn't thinking". He removes his hand from his penis with his fingers rapidly approaching you, you are frozen like a dear in lights. He picks you up with his thumb a fore finger lifting you out of his pants. Briefly you thinking about how he was just holding his penis with this had, then you remember hugging his cock with your whole body and this suddenly seems less bad. Bringing you to his chest he lets go of the waist band to his pants with just his cock and nuts out, "I know what you want" He starts to lower you, you feel a familiar feeling beneath as Scotty slowly lets go of you leaving you to stand on your own. Looking around you heart races as you realise you are standing on his shaft. "you also need to um, need to be involved with you besties business?" He asks mockingly. You are about to respond when his hand grabs the underside of penis and you fall to your hands and knees. "Kissing the ground you walk, smart" Scotty jokes "wouldn't want to displease your god" he starts laughing and you start bouncing. Naturally you collapse and hug his penis. Hoping to stay a hold. You look over the edge, below you is the toilet bowl with the seat up, at the bottom there are some minor skid marks. "Scotty please" you demand. He stops. "I also need to go to the toilet" "ohh why didn't you say sooo?" "come on man you knew exactly what I was talking about". "no I didn't" Scotty says with a sheepish smile. Plucking you of his penis and moving towards the toilet seat which he has lowered with his free hand. He deposits you down.
Things are gross on the surface of the toilet seat. It smells as a result to the distance to the bowl. There are astray pubes on the surface as well as some stains in the very plastic itself. You at your reduced height walk over to the inner rim facing the toilet bowl. and upon arrival get a sudden sense of vertigo as the drop to the gross water bellow is far long than expected. Being honest it's possible you shrunk more during the night. Fears aside. You begin to do your business, when suddenly you are given the shock of you friend joining you. How this took you by surprise, your unsure but it forces you to finish quick. You look in the bowl which had no impact from you, now change a yellow. As you look behind you and feel sick with terror at the size of your gargantuan friend. You are currently very high up from your perspective. However to Scotty you are standing at knee height. You look up at Scotty up past his knee pads, you see he is wearing loose fitting grey shorts. Your "big brother" as he referred to it earlier. Is hanging from the top which has been lowered for comfort. Looking past that you see a black shirt with some insignia on it, covering his well maintained physic. Finally you see Scotties face. He isn't looking at you instead he is examining the wall. "Weird how quickly he became cool with all this" you think. Looking around the stall waiting for your new caretaker to finish you see, spray paint on the back side of the door. Several tags in the stall from different heights as well as Scotties board in the stall. Leaned against wall. Once your satisfied with were you are, you realise how cold you feel. Your mind begins to wish Scotty to finish so you can get back too… "what the fuck" you say to yourself. Apparently unable to contain your thoughts. "do I actually want to go back to Scotties cup. Snug against his…." trailing off you start to pace. Quickly looking up to see if he heard any of that. Which he hadn't due to your low voice and small size.
Pacing you have thoughts rushing through your head too loud to hear the torrent slow. You looking directly in front see splashes of rain hit the seat. Quickly snapping out of it you dive to the left. With the "shower" barely missing you. Lying on the seat you yell up "Hey! Watch it." Scotty snapping out of his thoughts. "Maybe don't stand on the seat. I was thinking up here". You pick yourself up plucking a pube that you fell on from your body. You wait as Scotty zips up, and his hand reaches down to pick you up.
"So I was thinking…" Scotty says as he brings you close to his face. "Oh-uh" You retort. "Well this is a unique scenario, you'd agree" "Obviously" "well, while you are at this size. We could do stuff, never done before" Scotty pitches. "Uhhh like?" you ask. Whilst conversing Scotty with his free hand cleans the seat and flushes the toilet. Picking up his skateboard and taking you to the sink.
"Well I don't know, stuff. I mean you were in my cup, how did you like that?" Scotty looking deep into you.
"It was fine, guess." Blushing. "I didn't want to be left at your house. I can see the logic in keeping me there, plusss knowing you…." with each word you speak feeling more comfortable around your friend "what I mean is, 100% roles reversed. I'd find it funny too."
Scotty sighs relief "Good were on the same page. I was hoping I didn't go to fast and cross a line. Anyway I was going to ask if cool with you." Finishing washing and drying his hands. He picks you up pulling you close to his face. His not super pleasant breath covering your body. "Can I show you to the guys?"
"I, uhhh…."
"uh sure" you respond with an air of hesitancy. Not where you saw that going in your head. But you trusted Scott, and with his massive eyes staring down at you. It was clear that he really wanted to show you around. "perfect" Breaking eye contact and smiling. "This is going to be so much fun". Scotty begins to tilt his hand while opening his underwear. "Wait, I thought you were showing me to the guys" you ask, nervous to go back down into his cup after him going to the toilet. You look over into his pants, way bellow you to see his python cock waiting patiently as if hungrily looking up at you. "I am, but I can't do it out in to open." Scotty starts to tilt his hand from chest height. You begin to slid down. "but what if I don't want to go back into your cup?" Scotties hand stops. You break eye contact from the beast bellow to look up at your friend.
His eyes open slightly quacking as if he felt upset from your request. "I thought you liked it in there? I know I liked how convenient and close you were to me." Scotty staring straight through your chest. You reflected briefly on your impact on Scotty. You'd been the one too agree. To make him feel awkward about it now felt "dickish" to you. No pun intended. You choose your next words carefully. "No it's just I wanted to see if maybe there was any other travel spots?". Scotty's eyebrow raises "oh? What did you have in mind" Scotty clearly getting at something and very intrigued. "I don't know" you stammer, "no pockets so maybe your shoe?". Scotty interjects "Hmmm…Could be interesting, however not the best idea when skating I don't imagine."
You are currently at chest height to Scotty. Looking around at the sink behind you and the ground bellow. Your one and only idea is crushed. You can't help but think that going skating may have been a wrong call. Looking back up, his big eyes staring down waiting for another idea. You improvise a new spot. "Your knee pads maybe?". Scotty looks past you to his knee pads crouching with you still at his chest. He uses his thumb to pry the knee pad from his right knee. Looking in to the dark cave you see his knee red from the pad and the space looks super sweaty. "Maybe the underside of my knee could work" he response hesitantly "however might not be wise with me skating. I mean that is the spot I am meant to put all my weight if I stack it. Don't want my buddy popping" he describes your brutal end with a smile on his face.
"Well I don't know then" you huff out in a defeated tone. Scotty pick himself up and begins to exit the bathroom. "I might have a different place" Scotty pauses before saying different with a very noticeable emphasis. You are in his hand with his fingers wrapped around you, holding you at chest height. His other hand holding his skateboard with his phone gripped in his fingers. He eyes are on the path in front scanning to ensure you're not spotted. "Perfect" you respond. "Hold up I haven't told you where yet." A smile cracking on his face. "oh.. ri-" you begin to say before your are brought to chin level. The smile dominant on his face with his eyes looking over you. You notice a small amount of stubble on his chin as well as noticing indents a the paws of his face. Detail to fine to spot at your regular size.
"Oh right, where were you thinking?" you finish. He eyes look down at you briefly before snapping back. You feel a few rhythmic steps as he continues walking in silence for a brief moment. Then he very slowly brings you closer to his mouth. Your face not even half a foot away from his lips by your normal measurements. His voice goes soft. You feel his warm breath with the slightest odour cake your body. "Perhaps you could ride up back?" he asks. "I, Uhhhh. I don't qui-" Cut off he continues. Looking deep into the cavern of his mouth you see his tongue carefully weave his next words. "I haven't showered today, so it maybe be slightly gross inside and out. However if you wanted to maybe help out down there. That would not go awry with me." You can see from this close, this isn't a gag or him having a laugh. Scotty is truly happy for you to ride up his ass. And clean down there for him. You are naturally shocked. Speechless. A few moments pass before Scotty snaps you back to the real world. "Hurry up Jack, I can't keep you out unnoticed much longer. And the guys are on the other side of the park. Make your choice or I will. Mini Scott or Stage exit?". You stammer. A surge of thoughts entering your head as curiosity and logic clash.
"C'mon Jack. How 'bout it? Wanna ride in my asshole?"
Before even finishing you sentence the sound of another giant is heard from the door way. Ever since reducing in size you have noticed peoples voices have become louder and deeper. You go to swing your head around but suddenly are lurched to your side as you view shifts dropping from Scotty's face to behind him about lower back height. You feel light headed and are stuck facing the back wall towards the stall. The hands that are now squeezing you from the side are slightly damp due to recently being washed. Also the smell of Scotty's penis still ever slightly lingers.
"Huh?" your giant friend seeking clarification to a question you also had. "I said what is in your hand" the stranger replies. "well its kinda weird Sam.." Scotty's voice trails off. Realising you are probably about to be revealed. You attempt to squirm to get Scotty's attention. The bathroom isn't really the time and place to be paraded around. Not to mention the inevitable questions of what we were both doing in here. You try with all your might but are unable to squirm with your arms pinned to the sides and you comparably pathetic strength means you can even shift enough to let him know. Scotty breaths in deep. "Ok." "here is the truth" as he begins you quickly remember your dangling legs with his grip. You kick as hard as you can backward and make contact with his palm. Scotty instantly freezes up. You feel the grip tighten almost knocking out all the air in your lungs as as the room falls silent. "The truth…. Scotty what is it?" the now very confused Sam asks. The room is silent again. All you can hear is your heart beat pulsing through your ears due to the increased pressure of Scotty's fist.
The silence lasts for only a moment before scotty speak. "Well." Scotty's tone is cautious and seems like his brain is working overtime to get us out of this spot. "You've put me in kind of an awkward situation here" Scotty says addressing Sam, but talking to you. "It doesn't have to be awkward I was just curious." Sam states. "You have because now I must decide should I show you?" Scotty says completely monotone. "Ok this is weird. Even by our standards." Sam says though a chuckle. "Yes?" suddenly midst speaking you feel one of the fingers shift and tap twice against his palm. Keeping you still pinned. "Or No?" The finger moving again just taps once and then stops motionless.
You breathe in deep. Scotty trusts him. So can I. You think to yourself. You close your eyes readying yourself for the sickening movement. You Kick back once. You feel a tightening as if Scotty is trying to be sure he's feeling you in his palm. You kick back again. As predicted you are lurched to the side and swung around the front of Scotty's titanic body. Then Scotty's grip loosens as his hand rotates. You roll forward to the centre of the palm. You look up. You seem to be situated just bellow chest height. On Scotty's face is an expression of pride as he looks forward to the giant behind you. You climb onto your knees to then rotate yourself to face Sam.
The sight of Sam takes you back as this titanic skater looms like a mountain overhead. The features of Sam you notice are that you noticed when last you met. Tall, taller then Scotty with your current position on his body equivalent to his navel. Even at regular size where Scotty was a bit shorter than your self. Sam was certainly taller. Now that you were shrunk. being beneath Sam gave you a sense of vertigo. Especially because of how high up you already felt. Next you noticed his shaggy brown hair and his face. Which had a look of intrigue hidden behind his scruffy, unkept facial hair. On his neck was some form of tattoo that drifted into the collar of his red fleece shirt. Unlike Scotty, Sam wore no protection like elbow pads.
"Sorry to be weird about it." Scotty starts to apologise. "Cooooool" Sam interjects leaning down. "A tiny dude" Sam trails off "Wait, Jack?" he asks. Due to the rapid approach you had fell back, into Scotty's palm. Lying almost completely on your back. You look up as both titans look down at you. Waiting patiently. "Sorry…" You stammer "Hi Sam! Yes it's me, Jack" You yell up. "How did you get so small little guy?" Sam asks with genuine intrigue. "I messed around with some chemicals in the science lab." You respond, voice starting to strain from all this yelling at the top of your lungs. Sam nods then straightens up and places a hand on Scotty's shoulder. Ushering him out of the very clear view of the door way.
Once moved Scotty continues. "He shrunk like this and found me in class. Didn't know how to fix him. So I brought him home, he's living with me. Till we found a solution." Sam looks at Scotty with puzzlement. "Why bring him to a skate park tho. Isn't this one of the most dangerous spots to be small in?" Sam inquires. You see from bellow as Scotty quickly breaks eye contact with Sam. "Every where is dangerous, plus I forgot to cancel today. Didn't want to raise suspicions at home." Another pause before Scotty drops a question that made your heart stop. "Wanna hold him? I got to dry my hands better." Sam looks down at you tilts his head as if waiting for something then looks back. "Sure" Sam very casually responds.
Your world is thrown forward as the palm you're on begins to sink like a front heavy ship. You begin to slide forward until suddenly you are in a free fall. Suddenly hit with the soft surface of Sam's open palm. You have no time to get your bearings as the floor begins to ascend up Sam's Body. Looking forward you see Sam's blue jeans with a belt. You are quickly brought to Sam's chest height. You hadn't notice the Giants talking due to sudden shock. You breathe and manage to focus back in on the conversation. Scotty was speaking "maybe we will. But to be honest not sure if Jack wanted me to tell you. He may have been my little secret if you hadn't busted us." Sam looks down to you. A smile on his face. "Well little guy, your secret is safe with me." He finishes before his face changes from a casual smile to active concern. "Are you ok Jack?" Scotty out of you eyeline at the dryer quickly responds. "Is he ok?" Hearing the concern in Sams voice. Sam brings you closer to his face and looks carefully at you. "Uhhh yea" you very audibly stammer "why?" You ask. "Your shaking like crazy."
"Shit" You think to yourself, looking at your hands. Your body was very violently shaking from adrenalin, so much so that even a giant would notice. You try willing your hand to stop but it has no effect. "Oh yea" yelling up. Thinking fast. You cover "Just very cold due to my size." a half truth as you had been feeling the cold more noticeably since shrinking. Sam looks at you his concern fading. "Let me help you with that." Without another word he opens his mouth and brings you up to it. You begin to panic before you feel the smashing wind of Sam's breath, blanket everything. The real cold, now gone. You look into the mouth producing this hurricane. Inside between the his teeth are bits of stuck food. You see a wave of saliva being held back by a whale like tongue. His breath smells like a breakfast with the slightest hint of lingering weed from presumably last night. His open mouth parted with a slight smile on his lips. After a moment he stops pulls you further back from his mouth to where his whole face comes into view. "Better?" He chuckles.
"I'm fine." you say embarrassed and turning away. "Sorry little Jack. Just messing with ya." Sam says upon seeing your reaction. You look over to the sink Scotty now wrapping up. He picks up his board. You realise Sam hasn't entered with his. However due to the slight amount of sweat. Also from what you heard earlier. Sam had been skating. Wishing to break the silence you speak up "So Sam where's ya board?" Sam looks down at you very comfortably, as if totally cool with holding a little man at this point. "Left it at the bench with my bag and other stuff." "Aren't you afraid it will get stolen?" You ask. "Nahh I come here all the time, nothing has been taken yet." Sam says, both of you just waiting for Scotty to get off his phone so you both can get going. "Speaking of lost, where is your bag Scotty?" Scotty still on his phone leaning against the wall near the dryer with a board in his other hand. Looks up at the both of you. "Home full of books." "I see, so pocket then?" Sam inquires. You're face goes red realising where this leads. "Yes, yes pocket. He puts me in his pocket." You blurt out.
Scotty darts his eyes up to Sam and then down to you. Continuing to look directly at you he locks his phone and puts it in his pocket. "No you don't. You're way to light. You would fly right out of these pockets." You give Scotty the dart eyes. Scotty sees them and starts to laugh. "It's ok you can trust Sam" Scotty reassures. Sam quickly darts in "Yea Jack, its fine you can trust me." You look back to Sam and say "It's nothing to do with trust, Sam. I do trust you. Scotty seriously can we not." Scotty looks at you then rolls his eyes. "Don't worry little man." Then looks up to Sam. "He's embarrassed because I keep him in my underwear, in my cup." You facepalm out of embarrassment. "Why" Sam asks. "Well…. he slept in my cup last night and when I got dressed this morning I couldn't think of a better spot." Scotty continues to double down. "Think about it, it's warm. I can feel him at all times. Harder to fall out. Plus little Jack riding with my dick feels nice. It's also quite funny."
"You're ok with this?" Sam asks you. You take a deep breath, wishing not to explain this right now. "It's fine, just a penis. Plus it does keep me warm and safe. Just wish there was a better spot." You explain quite genuinely. "I am enjoying the break tho." Scotty turns and begins to walk to the door. "Perfect well you can stay with Sam for a bit if you like." You begin to protest. As Sam take a few steps to catch Scotty. But can't get two words out before Sam also makes an objection. "Actually, I came in here because I need to actually go."
Scotty turns to respond still walking away slowly "It's ok. Nothing Jack hasn't seen before. I took him with me when I went to go."
"Scotty, I'm sorry. Happy?" You yell. A strong tremor in your voice realising the new intel, what a stay with Sam might look like.
"I am happy." Scotty says with a laugh. "You two have fun. Also, Sam. Keep him safe. Chicago" final part Scotty says dead serious before he runs and jumps onto his board. Riding away.
"Ok I guess it's just us, little Jack." Sam turns around. You look up from the hand to Sam. His eyes are looking straight forward. He walks to the stalls and pushes it open. You heart is pumping through your head. "I see two options." Sam begins to say. "Option one: I leave you out on the counter out here…….. Honestly not a super fan of option one. Feels dangerous and I can't protect you from in there." Sam's eyes looking at the dirty stall. With rubbish gum and lots of graffiti. "Option two: is slightly embarrassing. But I take you in with me. I won't be two long. But at least your safe. We can maybe even get to know each other better." Sam says smiling down at you. With his words and facial expressions clearly keen to try option two. "Look Sam, I just don't know. This is all hard and happening very fast." You explain.
"I get it, Jack. I know this is kind of awkward but just think how funny of a story this will make….. Plus you've been in Scotty's Cup. Like literally inside it. against his cock. " Sam exclaims in a way as if struggling to believe the words he has just said. "I doubt it will be that bad, with just you being in eye shot of me while I go." Sam's eyes begging you to say yes as he looks down at you.
"As long as it doesn't get weird. Can you take me in with you?" You ask. Sam staring with a smile on his face raises and eye brow. You pause thinking does this guy want me to say "please?" Sam speaks "I said it wouldn't be that weird.. I still want it a little weird" he then without warning took off into the stall. With his free hand he closed the door and locked it behind him. You around chest height when you entered. Started to descend onto the toilet paper holder. You are placed careful before Sam lets you go. You look up realising just how tall this guy would have been at regular height. But now you weren't even a fraction of his size. What terrified you next was when he unbuckled his belt and swung around to sit on the seat. You knew what this meant and it was a step up from even the Scotty encounter. He got comfortable then his eyes look to his left directly at you. "So uh Jack" now that it's just you and me. What's it like." He pauses to emphasise his next words. "Honestly. Must be strange right?"
"Yea it's strange." You admit catching yourself from getting upset.
Sam pauses with a bit of disappointment. As if hoping for more. You scan Sam sitting there.. towering above you even from a seated position. You know if you get closer to the edge you would be able to see everything happening below, just out of view.
"So it's just strange. That's it. Perhaps the first ever shrunken person ever. And you find it just strange." Sam asks. You feel a wave of anger build up. It was just strange. What did this guy even want from you anyway you thinking the previous day just compounding in your head, until finally you out burst.
Now completely out of breath from you rant you sit down onto the holder and turn around so your facing the wall. "I also imagine it must feel quite frustrating relying on Scotty for everything." Sam adds in soft voice.
"It's not that…" You say having a wave of calmness wash over.
"I just wish he didn't have too." You pause now collected and speaking honestly
"I also wish he didn't take me skating."
"It sounds like it been kinda fun though." Sam says trailing off.
"Fun? I was hugging mini Scott all day." You Say. Sam laughing towards the end.
"And how many people can say they have been shrunk and hanging out in there friends cup? Literally riding his cock like a roller coaster."
You huff, feeling exhausted form this conversation "I just wish Scotty had a little less fun at my expense." You finally let out. "Being smothered by his sack. Him moving me to press me against his cock. Him taking me with him to the toilet, telling you everything and then just leaving me with you. Just feels a bit bad." You admit.
Sam breaths out a deep breath. "Jack. You've told me about what it's like for you. I think it's time I tell you what it's like for us." You turn around to face him. He is still looking down at you. Despite the location, this conversation had been quite therapeutic thus far. You look up making eye contact. Sam clears his voice before speaking
"This is first off, very new to me and presumably to Scotty. Firstly, when you talk it's hard to hear you. It's clear you are trying. But to me you sound like a soft squeak. It's a bit better when I'm holding you, strangely. As your bodies vibration helps translates your squeak into proper words. Secondly, you are small."
No shocker there you think. Sam continues
"Like really small. You have almost no weight, your strength however miniscule still feels astonishing coming from something your size. Thirdly, despite your reduced size you miss some pretty obvious cues. Like for example.
Scotty didn't leave you with me as a joke. Instead he needed a break from worrying about you. He probably though it was funny you coming with me. But I don't doubt he cares. It's just his best friend. Jack. The guy he doesn't stop talking about.
Is now solely relying on his protection. He has honestly two options, be responsible and treat you different. With care. Somewhere safe, where he would need to be super delicate. Like a fragile glass doll. Or"
Sam pauses
"or he trusts in you and himself. Choosing to treat you like a friend not ignoring the potential fun of this new size difference. Instead of being afraid, trying to become more comfortable with it and you. To not change to much, so the friendship you have can remain the same."
"I guess I hadn't considered all…" You forgot too yell as loud due to the revelation and are cut of by Sam
"I wasn't kidding about your voice dude, I'm just gonna move you a bit."
Sam's hand quickly appears from below the toilet paper holder and plucks you up between his fingers before gently depositing you.
You are taken aback from the sudden change. You look around a quickly realise you are on Sam's leg. His hairy leg. You look forward to see his pubes as well as the base of his cock which hangs out of site into the bowel bellow.
You look up at Sam still staring down at you. "You were saying?"
You swallow "I said I guess I hadn't considered it like that before. I kind of feel a bit bad." Sam breaks eye contact looking forward. He begins to pee. You feeling awkward standing on his leg and so you decide to sit down.
"You don't have to feel bad. You just need to decide, during this time being small. Do you want people to treat you the same, or different?"
Sam says just looking towards the door.
After a moment the stream quiets down before you hear a splash in the toilet. The smell begins to crawl up between the cavern of his legs but he closes them. The reaches over and grabs some toilet paper. His eyes come down to you as he lifts his other leg.
"Wasn't rhetorical. Do you want people to treat you the same or different?"
You hear him begin to wipe, as well as feel the shift in his body. You, needing the distraction call up. "I want to be treated the same."
He picks you up. "Good. Now just got to move you for a sec. He places you back on the toilet paper holder. Then stands up.
Directly In front a few feet up (from your perspective) you see an unobstructed view of the head of Sam's cock. You hear a flush and quickly avert your eyes, putting your hand out in front to obstruct the view. You then look around and before looking up to Sam. When you look up you see Sam's looking down at you. Then his eyes dart towards his penis. Then back at you. His pants are about halfway down to his knees. He waves his hip forcing the cock to sway into your field of view.
He starts to laugh. Before pulling his pants up and beginning to do up his belt. "So what do you think? Better than Scotty?"
He picks you up lifting you to his face.
"I don't want to be comparing both of your penis, thanks." You say bluntly
Sam begins to exit the stall, the bathroom is still empty.
"Good, because you spent way more time with Scotty's than mine. It would be unfair" he jokes placing you down on the counter and beginning to wash his hands.
Sam is done fairly quickly and picks you up. His hands are properly dry but still a bit cold from the water. He picks you up. brings you close to his face and exhales onto you. "You looked a bit cold" Sam says with a smile. "Thanks for the chat" You say honestly.
"Next time lets do it somewhere else." You say now speaking at a comfortable volume. "I don't know. I liked it. Your way more fun than a phone. Speaking of which. Now that I feel were a bit closer. I am going to be blunt with you. When I leave this bathroom. I want you in my pants, riding my dick." Sam very bluntly.
You stammer unsure why? So you decide to ask. "Why? You have pockets."
"True. But I don't want you in there." Sam pauses closing his eyes. Then looks at you.
"This is a once in a life time chance. I mean mere minutes ago this would have seemed impossible. Now here you are in my hand. Scotty has done it. I want to try it."
"I'm not sure. You say confused. You had become a bit more comfortable with the idea. But this was still a huge leap.
"Jack. I'll say this once. Then if its a no. Fine. I really really want to try this. Please." Sam begged with his puppy eyes. He had unconsciously brought you closer to his lips while talking is breakfast breath bathing. Strongly now smelling more pleasant than you had recalled. For you it was almost certainly a no. However the way he had said "Please" convinced you of how much this would mean to him.
You pause for a moment. Then look back at him to say "Ok, I'll do it."
Sam almost jumped with joy. "Seriously?!?" He inquired. "Yes however there are rules." When I'm in there. "Hanging off my cock" Sam quickly interjected still ecstatic. "Yes, listen to me." You say firmly. Sam pulls back the energy a bit and nods. "I won't be able to communicate normally. So, one kick will mean No. Two kicks means Yes. Three kicks means you have to find a way to take me out. So we can talk. No matter what. Three kicks." You say. His smile from ear to ear. "This is so cool. A little guy on my massive cock. Just holding on while no one knows." Sam says this whilst beginning to unbuckle. Also keeping an eye on the door to make sure its secure.
"You know little guy. I didn't expect you to actually say yes. I know your a dude and friends with Scotty. But you have to admit. This is kind of hot, right?" You are lowered down into his pants. One hand holding them open whilst another lowers you in. You look down to the snake. Another giant blessed with size. You are tipped out and fall onto the mans flesh. It twitches from your touch.
"I have to admit. No word of a lie. Seeing you their. Tiny on that. I know your a dude. But that is perhaps the hottest thing I've ever seen." You look up at the giant as the pants close. You hear the belt. Sealing in your fate.
There you were hanging with both arms and legs hugging this relatively giant man. In which you had met only on occasion. Your environment although similar in premise to Scottys cup. Was in fact very different. Your miniscule body swung on the giant appendage half way down. Above you was a pubic forest far larger than Scotty's. With the very real possibility of your tiny form getting lost in the forest. The penis itself was more veiny and long suiting the lanky stoners other attributes. The space was more constrictive than the cup. Due to the jeans being very tight. However with no proper support his penis still was able to swing back and forth as Sam walked.
You had but a few more moments as the penis swung back and forth in rhythm to Sam's walking before he stopped. You felt from the outside of the jeans Sam's hand pressing into his pants to feel you though the clothing. You were pressed firmly against the flesh as the cloth wall of the underwear behind you collapsed onto your merger form. Even with this brief contact you could tell Sam was getting excited. You were able to notice this due to hearing his rate increase though the veins in his cock.
Sam from the outside probably was able to vaguely make out your miniscule outline on his cock though his jeans. With his free thumb he massages you into the organ. As he shoved your up and down his shaft. Perhaps known to him from your perspective your penis within your clothes was also being rubbed up and down against his cock as he ever so slightly massaged his member. Due to the restrictive nature of your environment the minor movements to him were major to you. When you closed your eyes and stopped thinking about the situation, you wanted to honestly remove your pants and rub your cock up and down the warm flesh that you were hugging.
Upon thinking this your mind snapped back to reality. You quickly kicked hard a single time wanting this to stop. To your surprise, it did. The walking continued leaving you to believe that Sam had just stopped in the middle of the park just to fondle with you. You also noticed that it hadn't been just you that had got excited and unbeknownst to you. Sam's cock had started to stuffing forming an erection. It was very slight and you had not noticed due to the penis also being in a restricted area. But when Sam had let go. The slight angle change was easily apparent to your tiny stature on it.
After a few more moments Sam regrouped with Scotty, Tommy and Jeremy who had arrived in the interim. Without the sound proofing of the cup. There voices sounded like a crashing of two mountains. It honestly hurt your ears. "How's it going boys?" Sam announced as he returned.
For the next 5 or so minutes the group just stood around chatting skating and boasting about what they could do. After they had insulted each other enough they started to actually skate. However due to your position Sam told the group that he wasn't in the mood and instead sat on the bench.
Swinging on Sam's dick was largely uneventful while standing. You felt a little tiered, as well as awkward about this whole situation. You barely knew the guy, you thought to yourself. But here you were swinging off this stoner titan's flaccid penis. It however seemed uneventful, until he began to sit.
Unlike the cup you had previously been trapped in. The underwear when siting were far less supportive, even with the jeans. So everything moved. The first unexpected shock came from the fall. It was fast and both you and the member your were situated upon fell at the same rate. Into the gap between his legs, at a new angle. Next, upon the cock making contact with Sams leg. It made and audible to you, slap. A meaty slap that vibrated though causing you to instinctively hold on tighter. You weren't perfectly centre on the member and thus your added weight, no matter how light. It made an impact on the way it landed and subsequently rolled. You were rolled feet down until the moment forced you to let go you fell onto Sam's thigh just in time for your to look up as a tidal wave of penis ascend onto you.
Starting from the legs, his penis rolled up your body sending and intense wave of weight and heat. The crushing sensation was not only painful. But embarrassing as it rolled up your chest and stopping, thankfully not smothering your face. Embarrassment filled your body as your tiny physique was put in its place by Sam's mammoth member.
You lay there smooched underneath. You attempted to move. However during the process your arms were also pinned underneath. You didn't even have the strength to roll back the fleshy pin. You tried for a moment to lift this thing off you. However your honestly stood no chance, and you new this. You needed to let Sam know what was happening, surely if he felt you. He would be able to help you.
You attempted to tap the skin, but due to your constrictions. You were even able to get enough force for Sam to feel your attempts to communicate. You had felt him a moment ago, take out his phone from his pocket. Now situated above you, and the penis. So you assumed he hadn't noticed your predicament, due to being distracted. Again embarrassment filled your mind. You were so small that without complete concentration, you could be forgotten. Even when on his most sensitive part. Pausing in your head for a moment, "well one of his most sensitive parts" you finished aloud. Even from here in Sam's unobstructed underwear, you could smell earlier filling the air from between his legs. It was faint, but to your size. It was not unnoticeable.
"SAM!" you called out. Your time thinking had done nothing for your situation. A situation that was becoming more and more painful. Nothing happened. You called out again "SAM! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" your voice cracking at the end, as you yelled with all your might. Nothing. "Please help, god. I can't even lift this thing off me. I can't believe it." You say not as loud this time. Resigning yourself to this humbling defeat with just your head free. You failed to look at the environment around you. Lying on your back, all you could see was the wall of fleshing curving out of sight above. You weren't even tall enough to stand quarter way up. You looked In front of you. Trying to suppress your pain from being pinned you examined the flesh wall above you. You noticed higher up, a near surface vein on the flesh. With Sam's pulse noticeable flowing through. A distract for yourself from this situation. Waiting for something to change. For you to be noticed. You began to more closely inspect the skin in front of you. You saw small details of where the skin had stretched as well as divets and tiny imperfections in the skin. You also realised that you were able to see details that no person could ever see with the naked eye. The way the skin flowed like a river frozen in place. You even swore you could see heat literally radiating off of it. Like in the desert.
It was cool except the fact that your body was in pain. Not excruciating mind you. But still unpleasant, and you hadn't even been pinned underneath for a minute yet, you think. You decided you really need to get out of here. So you decided to struggle and call out again "SAM! Please get this thing off me!" Your body grew tiered and you gave up fighting. You lay still for a moment longer watching the rhythmic pulsing.
It was in that moment, it struck you how best to get his attention. As the pain was slowly increasing you decided to overrule the prideful part of your mind. Swallowing deep. You close your eyes. You can hear your heart racing through your ears. You begin to blush, you face becoming more and more red, thinking about what follows next. With all your strength you extended your head forward. Lifting it as much as possible. Your nose in contact with Sam. You push you face a bit more now grazing your cheek with his cock. You slide your tongue out licking his meat briefly before pulling it back in. You pull it back opening your eyes. You curse to yourself as nothing happens. So you lean in close again. This time not holding back as you slowly rhythmically massage Sam's penis with your tongue. It begins to work as you slowly notice Sam's heart rate increase from the miniscule sensation from his nether regions. This only beings to encourage you more as you get more involved going up and down even getting your lips slightly involved. Your work is paid off when you feel a twitch throughout. Above you you notice the dip in weight as Sam places his phone in his pocket. Suddenly in confirmation, the leg your on starts to shift back as the penis rolls in-between them and off of your body. Leaving you their lying on his hairy thigh.
"You going ok in there little man?" Sam asks. You yell back "about time you noticed me! I thought this was just a Scotty thing!" You say embarrassed and mildly frustrated. "Jack?" Sam asks with more concern "Are you ok in there?" emasculating you even more you release he can't hear you. Defeated you kick lift you foot up kicking it down on to Sam. "No? Sam pauses "You must be bored. Wanna try something new" You kick back once.
"To bad." Sam says with a laugh, clearly oblivious to your frustrations. "Shouldn't have volunteered to ride as a little bug on my cock, my guy. Then the thigh your on begins to tilt to the point you start sliding down. Between the legs. You try to roll over so you can grab a hold onto the thigh hairs around. However your reaction is to slow as you body falls off the leg. You turn to face Sam's cock raising. You body slams into it a bounces. Tumbling forward you fall into his ball sack. Behind you his penis is rising starting to touch the roof of his underwear. You hear around you the beating heart overwhelming and increasing in speed. On the sack the wrinkly skin gives way to your slight weight. You, with minimal resistance slide though the public forest of skin until you
You instinctively grab hold to the soft flesh below. You feel your arm and shoulder yank as you suddenly stop. A shooting pain goes through your arm causing you to surprisingly hold tighter. Your legs dangle below the giants sack as you swing dangling near the bottom. Below is a long drop you aren't sure you would survive. You grab ahold of Sam's sack with your free hand and slowly begin to climb. "Shit, dude. Are you ok?"
You noticed above. Pass the giants flagpole cock and hairy bush. The shuffling of material as Sam quickly undoing his buckle. Now with your legs no longer dangling you thought about waiting for him to get you out. However the panic in his voice made you feel guilty. You kicked twice. The panic above slowed.
"You sure?" you considered and after a pause kicked twice again. Sam began to laugh, "Dude you had me worried there. Also..
" From below you suddenly heard the deafening sound of Sam ripping ass.
You hugged the sack, shoving you face into it to reduce the gag inducing smell. "Bwahaha, dude I didn't mean for that to be so loud." Your brief frustrations slowly retuned. As Sam above laughs at your situation. You kicked once. Hard. "C'mon, it's just a fart. Don't you get weird with me. You're the one in my pants." you kicked thrice. "Really? I can't have been that bad." Sam's relaxed tone in clear contrast to your very much pissed off attitude. You kicked back thrice. "Fine" Sam again began to unbuckle, leaning back and lifting his but of the seat. You saw above as Sam's hand entered from above. Sliding his finger pass his bush and member and pinching your body off his sack. The ascent up was sick inducing, however you kept it together so you could properly yell at Sam once face to face.
Lifted out past his shirt you got a look at his face. The light was blinding for a moment but it all quickly came into focus. Sam holding you in his hand, had a smile on his face. However upon seeing you it quickly changed to a look of concern. "Oh shit dude. Are you ok." seeing the rage plastered on your face.
"DUDE. WHAT THE FUCK. I nearly died and you fart on me."
Scotty may have laughed at the ridiculous nature of that sentence. But Sam was dead silent, Still looking at you with concern. "What's wrong with YOU!" You yell at Sam. "Sorry Jack." His face filled with guilt. Clearly he had accidentally taken it a bit far. In honestly it wasn't as bad as what Scotty subjected you to. And you were fine with that. Looking at his face, you almost forgave him on the spot. But you held onto that rage
"Take me back to Scotty. This time in a pocket." Sam nodded "Again, sorry dude." Sam buckled his belt up and stood up. Sliding you down into the jean pocket. It felt like a tight sleeping bag. Sam walked over and called Scotty. You heard the sound of a skateboard. Then Scotty's voice "All good?"
"Something came up, Jack wants to be with you again." You felt the pinch of two fingers as Sam lifted you out. You saw Scotty looking at Sam with puzzlement. Sam explained what happened. "So why would I want him?" Scotty asks blatantly. "Scotty be reasonable." You plead from Sams palm. "Because you're being reasonable? No. Sam may have misread your situation. But I know him and I know you. Jack if you want to ride in a pocket that's fine. But you can't get mad at Sam for a mistake." "Fine. I'm sorry Sam it's not your fault. Can I please go back with you now." You ask Scotty still pissed. "Sam. You're home alone this month, right?" "I am but…" "Can you look after Jack for me. I can't hide him at my house and keep him safe." you couldn't believe it. Scotty wanted to force you to be with Sam just to make a point. Actually that last part you could believe.
"I don't think he wants that." Sam stood up for you. "Fine then he can find someone else to stay with because he can't stay with me. Bye Jack." with that Scotty got on his skateboard and road off leaving you with Sam. "Did you want me to find someone else?" you shook your head.
"I'll stay with you." A moment of shared awkwardness pass over you both. "If that's ok with you?" "Yea absolutely. You're more than welcome. Sam said poorly hiding his excitement. "So did you want me to put you in my pocket, or?" you sighed with exasperation from the question. You made up your mind but looked at Sam's defeated look changing your mind. "Fine you can put me in your pants. But be care… Sam's face lit up, with a bright grin. "Jack, I promise I'll be better. Pay closer attention." Sam said cutting you off. "full." You finished.
With that Sam pulls back his pants, that haven't been buckled as tight as usual. He looks at you "Ready?" you look around at this quiet corner of the skate park. You hadn't seen it properly at your size. You and Sam where under a tree which gave you cover. A bench located nearby. But no one paying you both any mind.
You nod. Suddenly you are weightless as you begin sliding down. With a not painful slap you landed on Sam's cock. The light inside vanishes again as the pants are closed. Outside you hear Sam "I think it's best if we head home. I don't think hanging here is a great idea.
Sam walks to the car without a word to you.
once again enter a free fall. A yelp escapes your mouth as you fall onto the underwear below. The underwear cushions your landing. Your downward momentum keeps you sliding down between his legs. Not much further you feel the jeans and then the hard floor of the seat that Sam is sitting on beneath you. Pick yourself up. "Ohh!I didn't think you would end up down there."
Once on your feet you look to your right side to see a wall of fatty flesh. Coming to you realise you have slipped down between his butt cheeks and are situated right between his crack. "You can explore there if you like?" Sam says with an eager tempting tone. As if seducing you to the dark side. Suddenly the floor begins to creek due to Sam shifting putting more weight onto the presumable bench bellow the clothing garment you were situated in. You look up in fright as the ceiling descends lower and the cheeks of meat to your sides closes in to balance out due to the extra weight. "Is this where you want to be little man?" in front of you the view of Sam's erect shaft is obstructed by the underside of his balls. Leaving a passage beneath. Above you however the source of smell you had avoided looking at. Was Sam's puckered anus. You stared at it. Honestly a bit surprised. You had briefly caught a look as Scotty's earlier when in the bathroom. However Sam's in comparison was fairly clean and maintained. Unlike almost everything else in this region. The worst thing about it would have been the smell and trace amounts of content. Due to its use quite recently.
Realising Sam could still descend further into the seat. Swallowing you. You thought it best to respond to the giant. You walked to the wall of flesh and kicked it once. You heard a gurgle above you looked up again to see the anus being squeezed tightly. However it seemed to be forced apart as a silent but forceful wind knocked you down onto your hands a knees. This would have been the worst of it. However as you started to regain composure. An assault of odour hit you. You instantly gagged with your vision going blurry. It was foul. Your small size only heightened it's intensity. You realising you need out crawl to the flesh. And pound against it three times. "BWHAHAHA I AM SOO SORRY DUDE. I DID NOT MEAN FOR THAT." Sam with a mixture of shock and amusement yelled even by gigantic standards your ears instantly rang from the ungodly volume of noise. You catching every other word and filling in the blanks. You began to feel a shuffle you then see behind you Sam's cock swings into view from above his sack. Only the head of the penis was visible with his foreskin reaching half way up. Or down technically. You crawl towards it picking yourself up moving with a limp waving in front of your face. To clear the lingering scent. You reach the cock. It was still erect. However Sam was pushing it down from outside his pants. Holding on and kicking twice. The cock lifted vertically like and elevator. However as it continued climbing your world quickly became upside down. It only took hitting the top of his pants as the jeans giving the penis a shake. For you to loose your grip tumbling down to the heart of the public forest now below.
Landing inside the pubes were like vines stretching above your head. You look at the now very veiny never as you feel the floor beneath you throb from the blood pumping thought the area. You also notice that the penis would go more erect however it wasn't able as the jeans tried pinning it down. The forest is to dense to navigate at your size. Any smaller or larger at and it would maybe be possible."Jack you maybe happy to know I just got some weird looks for that." Sam still ten steps behind. You become frustrated. Three kicked meant take me out. Not hide me in your pubes. You decide to stomp thrice. "Not possible right now. Don't worry they will be done soon. Scotty gave me the look that he's keen to leave. I doubt he wants to raise suspicion. Unless you want me to let them know why we're in a rush to leave." you think for a moment before stomping once. "Speaking of which." your world climbs vertically, again you fall to your hands and knees. Then as the structure of the underwear begin to change Sam's cock is forcibly pushed down. Now with nothing to stand on you tumble through the pubes sliding against the cock towards the top you quickly grab hold. As Sam begins to walk forward.
Sam approaches the gang as the skate towards his area. He also shifts his shirt to cover his excitement from little Jack. When in ear shot. You feel Sam begin to slow down as to look comfortable. You also assume it's so he can draw attention away from his erection which you would presume to be very visible. The first thing you hear is Scotty as he quickly speaks up "I was just letting them know that we're heading off in a bit back to yours to help me out with this tiny problem I'm having at school." Scotty emphasising the tiny aspect as if knowing your listening in on their conversation. "Just as I arrive you decide to cut and run." a new voice presumably Jeremy says. "are you two keeping something from us?" Tommy asks, becoming suspicious of the sudden urge to dip from them both. "We're hanging out with Jack." Sam says quickly covering for them both. "That dork? Scotty please tell me he isn't joining the crew." Jeremy says quite harshly. You'd meet Jeremy. However you didn't realise you weren't up to his standards. Scotty speaks "He doesn't Skate. Also you'd like him if you got to know him." Sam then continues. "Yea I wasn't sure at first. But I can say with confidence hanging with Jack. Has been quite enjoyable thus far." "Alright then, you may ditch us. We will have fun without you." Tommy says in a mockingly upset voice.
You feel Sam begin to walk. "Don't worry. You'll get over this someday boo." Scotty continuing the joke with Tommy. Thought the conversation you had noticed that the penis had been deflating to it's regular proportions. Which was still monolithic to you. A few steps later you heard above you a jingling of keys. Of which you hadn't noticed till now. Being removed from his pocket. As a low noise of a Car being unlocked. "You got him?" Scotty asked closer than you had expected. You felt a hard tapping from outside as Sam patted above you. "Right here!" Sam responded. "Seriously?" Scotty asked sounding excited. You heard the car door swung open. As you briefly fell weightless into the car seat. You held on with your life.
You hear Scotty enter. Then a moment of silence. "Having fun in there Jack?" Scotty directly asks Sam's privates. "Need me to fish him out?" Scotty jokes. "I'll manage." Sam proceeded to unbuckle his belt. It rings thought like a bell in a bell tower. Once unbuckled he pulls open his waist line giving you a view up his shirt at his chest. Very clearly also in shape. "maybe these skaters are onto something" you muse. Then Sam's index finger comes in to press against your back. Instead of navigating his thumb underneath to pick you up. Sam instead elects to drag you up the remainder of his cock enjoying this last sensation. Before plucking you up before you reach the public forest. Between two fingers he pulls you out into under his shirt. Before releasing his his pants. You then dip as you are pulled out from under the checked shirt. Navigating his palm under you with one hand. He release you into the centre. With a slight drop you are left looking up at the two teens staring down at you. You yell up "Can you guys hear me now?" the giants nod their heads. "Can we done with this whole stuffing me in your pants thing now? Kind of getting old." They both erupt into laughter you join in as well. "Seriously you tell a soul about this and I'll kill ya." "I'd like to see you try little bitty man." Scotty says with a laugh. You all laugh for a bit. Feeling quite cathartic for you seeing your friends again. Although not really ever leaving them.
"So what's the plan now?" You yell up. Looking up from Sam's warm palm, you see the giants towering over exchange a glance and have a nonverbal conversation. You can't tell what's happening as you aren't far enough away from them both to be able to see the full conversation between them both. The size paired with the proximity, force you to glance between them both. "We're going to Sam's place." Scotty says calmly. You see Sam's other hand come into view as he picks you up moving you closer to Scotty. You however descend into this tight room with a rubber floor. Looking up the walls are multiple times your height with no escape. The room is roundish. Sam removes his fingers after placing you inside. You hear the Car turn over and come to life. The car isn't super loud however it is very shaky. You decide to sit down. Looking around for a bit you realise where you were. You call out to the giants, which you can see in the top. "Am I in a cup holder?" Yelling loudly. Scotty looks down at you. He has been sweating from skating, his hair is still damp with his shirt collecting some of his moisture. He smiles and nods his head. "Yep." The car lurches back. and the drive is off. Feeling at first like the sickliest rollercoaster ride. The journey inside the cup was less vomit inducing, with Scotty acting as an artificial gyroscope. You stare down to avoid more motion sickness. You call out again "So what are we going to do at your house Sam." You look up waiting for a response "What was that last one?" Sam asks, concentrating eyes front on the road. You go to repeat yourself "He wants to know what we are doing at yours" Scotty says eyes now front glancing over to the giant on your right. "Get something to eat. Watch a movie." Sam pauses intentionally "Get high."
The following ride to Sam's was largely uneventful. You had a brief fright when Sam placed his hand over the cup holder. Blocking all light. Aside from that they continued talking about their hobbies. Any interjection from you required good timing aswell as Scotty's translation for Sam. Who was to busy to focusing on driving to focus on your tiny voice as well.
Once the car had come to a stop both giants began to exit. "A little help" you call out as they start to leave you in the holder. They both look back and start laughing. Before Scotty reaches back for you."Sorry little guy. Can't forget our entertainment!" Scotty still chuckling as you are rapidly lifted between his thumb and index. You had been getting used to these de-masculating scenarios, however they still frustrated you. You stare up not happy with the joke. "Kidding!" Scotty says exiting the car with you still in his pinch. "You really do need some weed. Lighten that mood up." "I don't think getting high is a smart idea." Sam who is currently unlocking the door standing in front of Scotty. As it clicks open, interjects "Don't be ridiculous you've been stressed out all day. Some weed will help take off the edge. Plus it's gonna be fun."
Sam entered his house and headed straight upstairs. "I'm going to get changed. Back in a minute." Scotty with you in his hand entered the house closing the door behind him. The house was a hallway with stairs on the left leading up, a hallway with a room with a corner couch and large tv. Large tv at regular size. Now it was like IMAX times one hundred. Scotty approached the couch and sat down. Scotty gave you no proper warning like he had earlier. Now he just sat.
Once seated Scotty lowered you to the couch. Once his hand let go. You picked yourself up and looked around. Nothing special aside from the couch surface and the pair of shorts either side of you. To no surprise to you at this point. Scotty had elected to place you between his legs, again.
You turn around. Looking properly up at Scotty. With less head strain due to not being in a cup holder. This as for you to get a front row seat again to be being placed close to his groin. In which he currently had one hand grabbing ahold of. "What are you doing?" You ask the giant. He looks down at you. You begin to hear a suction from the shorts. "Getting this off" with that you heard a pop of air. He then pulled out his cup from his underwear. Showing it to you "Don't need it in here." he then lifted it to his face taking a whiff. He quickly pulled away. "Oft. Smell this." your quickly responded "I'd rather not. Thanks" but it did nothing to stop the descending cup.
"SCOTTY DON'T!" was all you were able to say before the cup made contact with the couch. Sealing you inside. You open your eyes. The smell was nasty. However it was less penis and more overwhelming sweat. As you looked at the walls caked with sweat and rouge hairs left behind. You saw the shadow of Scotty's hand lift from holding the cup in place. You noticed the sweat building up, beginning to drip like a cave after rain. So you walked to an edge. The cup although not flat shaped. With its weight created lift in the coushion sealing off the outside world. At the edge you tried to slide your fingers underneath to lift the cup. You had no such luck getting them underneath. So you put both palms on the wall and lifted up. Nothing. The cup was to heavy for you to lift. So you attempted to push. Nothing again! Scotty wasn't even pinning you inside on purpose. You thought to yourself. You were simply just trapped. To weak to lift the cup. A droplet of water landed near you. Unnerving you enough to called out. "Yep Scotty. Pretty bad. Can you get me out." You saw Scotty's hand return. Lifting the cup. He had a remote in his other hand. Looking at you. "Did you say something?" He hadn't noticed your struggles, it had been so easy to do. You, feeling defeated. Responded "I said, yea it's pretty bad."
"Oh, yea right." he moved the cup. Placing it in his pocket. Before he looked back at the remote in his hand. Turning the TV on. The sound assaulting your ears instantly as you fell forward covering them with your hands. You lay on the ground wincing from the pain. The noise is quickly lowered to a very bearable volume. Become nothing more than ambiance. "Sorry, Sorry. Are you ok little guy?" Scotty asked you with some genuine concern. You pick yourself up brushing yourself off. "All good." You yelled. Looking forward at his shorts. With no cup inside. You could see a rough outline of his penis and balls. You rolled your eyes "Hello again." You said aloud. But as a whisper to yourself.
The next few minutes for you was a bit of exploring towards the edge of the couch. Behind you was Scotty and his loosely fitting shorts. You had notice him looking down at you every now and again. Enjoying and watching your exploration. "I don't recommend jumping." Scotty said to you as you peered over the edge. You instantly got a mild headache. As your brain tried to process the contradictory information it received. Part of you still believed your weren't high up. As you could see Scotty's legs and his shoes reaching the floor. However the other half felt sick from the altitude. You turn back. Scotty watching you. Not on his phone. You began to walk closer. The cold had once again creeped back. You suspected this height made you far more susceptible. Walking closer to his thigh you felt the heat radiating from his skin.
You could hear Sam coming down the stairs before you could see him. You saw him pass Infront with a different outfit. You had no time to properly look as next thing he did was jump onto the couch. Despite the thigh between you and Sam's butt landing on the couch. The large weight sent you air born. Before landing on something soft. "Careful Sam. Dont crush the tiny." you picked yourself up. Looking around you had flown up and forward onto the top of Scotty's leg. Directly Infront of you was Sam sitting in some workout shorts and an over sized tshirt.
"Hey buddy! Ready to get high." Sam asked spotting you on Scotty's leg. Sam had in his hand a bong with a bag of weed. You weren't super familiar with the process. "I'm not sure this is the best idea. Plus I don't even know how." Sam responded "Come on. It'll be fun." then Scotty interjected "Plus we'll show you." Scotty then lean over you taking the bong. He began to pack the bong. He did some other stuff too, however your vision was obstructed by his clothing hanging down. Giving you a view up his shirt. At his well kept form. You looked away to see as he finally put a lighter to burn the weed.
Scotty then proceededing to breathe it in with a bubbly noise. Taking it from his lips. He lean back. You watched him for a moment just holding it in. Before he breathed out releasing the held smoke. He then began to cough. "Armature" you yelled up. Teasing your giant friend. He just smiled back. The effect clearly already taking. "No thats intentional. So he can get it deep into his lungs." Sam corrected. He than moved his hand towards you before stopping. You looked up at him waiting for permission. Looking at Scotty he was clearly dazed. You nodded to Sam who then pinched you up placing you on the couch between his legs.
You looked around. He had placed you in a similar place that Scotty had when you sat down minutes before. While looking around you noticed. Sam's loose shorts were open in a way, allowing you to see all the way up. Your face went red, when you noticed he wasn't wearing any underwear. Thus giving you an unobstructed view of his penis. Thinking briefly back on your stay there. You decided it was best not to linger here. You looked up at Sam who looked down with a cheeky smile on his face. Knowing, he had just flashed you in front of Scotty.
You changed subject "let say I would do it. How is it even possible. Not like that bong will fit my size. What would I do? Swim in the water?" Sam winced "Gross. You don't want to go in there. No, I have a better idea." he then plucked you up bringing you closer to his face. Before stopping near his lips. You looked up, unable to see his eyes. Just instead right up his nose. Looking back at his lips. His tongue slid out licking his lips before creeping back and shifting into a smile. "Trust me?" he whispered to you. Coating you with his breath. Giving you a view down his mouth. "I'm not sure this is wise you yell back." "It'll be fine, just breathe in deep like I do."the maw then opened. His tongue restless but lying as still as possible as saliva dripped from everywhere inside. You turn your head to Scotty who is watching you both. He seems slightly nervous but mostly intrigued with whats happening with his tiny friend.
"Fine, but be careful!" you yelled. Grabbing you attention again Sam slid his tongue out and licked your face. It was a strange sensation forcing you to wipe your face. Before you had a moment to speak a protest Sams tongue reached out. However this time it licked you out of his finger grip. You felt stuck as you were pulled into his mouth. You rolled over on Sam's tongue to get a view out of his mouth between his teeth and lips. You watched from about the middle of his mouth as he picked up the bong, bringing it to your exit. It sealed around his mouth. Then starting, you felt a sucking sensation pulling you out. However it was slight, not moving you far. You watched the vapour fill the tube and then enter the mouth. You decided to go with it as you felt around you as Sam breathed deep. You closed you eyes. Largely due to the stinging sensation around the eyes. You breathed in deep. You heard him stop and seal his mouth closed.
The smoke was around you. But you felt it get sucked down behind you. Down his throat. You continued to hold until you couldn't anymore. You realised opening your eyes. Coughing unintentionally. You looked around as the giant mouth remained closed. Smoke leaking back up from his throat. Then finally you felt a burst of wind rush up and out, as his mouth opened. You were in a divet created by his tongue so you were mostly unaffected by the intense speeds of smoke blowing out and air getting sucked back in. You lay there for a moment noticing a puddle of drool accumulate around you, you also noticed the effects take place as you calmed down. A wave of happiness washed over. Sam slid his tongue out and plucked you off. Before placing you on the coffee table in front of the couch. Next to the building sized bong. You sat on the table for a time. Feeling more relaxed than you had in a long time. Even before all this shrinking business.
You took a moment, with your eyes closed just to soak in everything. You opened your eyes to see your friends looking down at you, chuckling. "That was so awesome." You say in an unintentional stoner voice. They laughed harder "You are so Zonked, maybe giving you a regular Human hit wasn't the best plan." Scotty said more aware now. You laughed "That was so awesome." You repeated. They started laughing again so you continued "I was just in your mouth. How is that even possible?" "I put you in." Sam answered. "No no. But like, how was I in your mouth. Your mouth must be massive." You said like an idiot. They just laughed. "Wait I'm still small, aren't I." You said aloud realising how dumb you sounded. "Dumbass" Scotty teased. You quipped back "Yea, if I'm a dumb ass you must be stupid. Cheating your test answers off me all these years." You joked not even able to care about the repercussions for making your giant friend mad. However he took it in the good spirits it was meant. While Sam acted like you had dropped hard bars on the fool.
You laughed for a while longer. Partly forgetting why."So Jack. Now that your high. How's being small" Sam asked you. Stopping a moment. You wanted to give a serious answer. A sight which was amusing to watch for the giants. "It's scary all the time. But in a kinda fun way. Like a horror movie." You told truthfully. "What's it like having a tiny guy?" You asked nonchalantly. Scotty spoke responded instantly "Scary. In a fun kinda way." "What's scary about me?" You ask, having taken amusement for the fact of this giant fearful of you. "Your tiny. Easy to loose or hurt. Also your pretty high maintenance." Scotty saying this reminded you of your chat with Sam earlier. "So what's fun then?" You ask bluntly. "Us hanging out. Me taking care of you, feeding you like a pet. Your like a pocket pall." these words would be nice to hear if it wasn't starting to hurt. Listening to them both speak at their regular volume. Forgetting to lower there voices.
The cold stated to get to you again despite it not being a few minutes since you were in Sam's Sauna of a mouth. "Can one of you put me on the couch. It's cold here." They both looked away from the flashing tv. Down at you. Sam plucked you up. Placing you between them both on the couch. Sitting atop a cushion. To both your sides were Sam and Scotty looming over you like mountains. You looked forward as they navigated Netflix. Looking for something to watch. You sat for a moment. Before boredom took ahold of you. You yelled up. "This is boring! We can do this anytime. Let's do something fun." Sam and Scotty both looked down at you. Scotty then asked "What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know. Let's do something fun, let's play a game." Sam paused Netflix. Both titans look down at you "A game?" Sam asks. Scotty then follows up "Truth or Dare, maybe?" "Fuck yea!" You yell up to your giant friends. Sam looks at Scotty with a quizzical look then back down to you on the couch between them both. Sam smirks "Dude, you're so high. Are you sure?" "Yea. Why you scared to back out and loose to a tiny person." Scotty leans back placing a hand to his mouth in a cone shape. "SAM IS A PUS-SY" Scotty announces to the world. The volume hurts your ears, but still makes you laugh.
Sam chuckles, "I can't believe we're gonna do this." Sam flicks the tv off and stands up. Sam then says, "We can probably do this in my room then." Scotty nods and then looks down at you "I have a dare for you straight away then."
"The game is Truth or Dare. Meaning I have to pick dare." You tease, placing an emphasis on the "or" in the sentence.
"Fine. Jack, Truth or Dare."
"I choose dare." You answer with a grin ear to ear. However Scotty also develops a devilish grin. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out his Skating cup. "While I have to bring you around everywhere, I dare you to ride in the cup for the rest of the day." your grin fades and you gulp deep. You look at the very used, very sweaty cup. Scotty lowers it down into a position for you to climb in. The smell assulted your nose. It was familiar to earlier. But now was way more strong, due to being warn while skating. You look at Sam who is watching "Don't look at me. You said Dare." "Yea. No worries. I can do that easy." You say trying to sound confident. Scotty still smirking "Perect, an easy one then to start." Scotty responds calling your bluff.
You begin to climb the cup infront of you. Once your body is over the lip. You feel the surface on the inside is still slippery from ball sweat. As well as some familiar ball hairs left behind. Once in Scotty tilts the cup forcing you to slide to the centre. You are left sitting in a slight puddle. Your titanic friend then begins to walk with cup in his hand. You are bounced up and down as Scotty climbs the stairs. Once inside Sam's room Scotty closes the door with his other hand. You can only here Sam at this time. As the lip of the cup obscures your vision.
Scotty tilts the cup again and you slid down and out. You let out a slight yelp as you fall down and out. Onto the soft bed below. You pick yourself up and brushing yourself off. That's when you notice the shadow. You quickly turn to see Scotty's ass looming over. You go to yell something. However the ass descends upon you too fast.
You are pleasantly surprised when his ass misses you instead landing behind you. With you now between his legs. Again. The impact from the weight of your giant friend sends you flying forward you bounce off his inner thigh and land. Again. Near his package. Which has a distinct outline without the support of the cup.
You pick yourself up and walk away from the manhood. "CAN YOU MOVE YOUR FAT ASS?!" you call up to Scotty. He looks down and smiles. "It's truth or dare. I have to actually pick dare." Scotty repeats back your comment from earlier. "Just move."
Scotty suprisingly listens without hassle. Catching on you genuinely not wanting to be here. Scotty scots back up onto the bed. You look around Sam's room for the first time. It's clean but not as clean as the rest of the house. Sam's walls are covered with art and collected items in frames.
Sam enters the room, you thought he was already in here when being tilted out. He sits on the edge of the bed near you. Picking you up he moves you closer to the middle. Without asking. "Hey! He has to use the cup." Scotty jokes "Not while I'm carrying him." Sam pauses
"Jack, you went first. So it's only fair that you can decide. Who goes next?"
"I think you should go first Sam." Sam gave you a surprised look. Clearly expecting you to pick Scotty first. "ok then, we may aswell rotate who gets to give the question, slash dare. So first I choose Scotty."
Scotty grins an evil smile "I dare you to…" "I choose Truth." Sam interjects. "PUSSY!" You call up to Sam and Scotty both still looming over you. Sam looks down and grins "I'll remember that" you took a quick gulp. Perhaps not a great idea to paint a target on your back at this time. Your attention then switched from Sam to Scotty who was looking up of the roof coming up with a question. You and Sam shared a quick look of "this will be interesting" before Scotty asked, "Truth. Ok. Sam, Tell me what you and Jack did in the bathroom when I left?" your face went red from embarrassment. But Sam seemed comfortable and began to share the story.
"I took Jack into the stall with me. I did what you do in there.." Sam shared the whole story including where he placed you while inside. And him wanting to keep you in his pants. "but why did you want to put him in your pants Sam?" Sam smiled and responded "That's a different question."
Perhaps you were high or numb to the embarrassment. However Sam regaling the story like that, didn't feel as uncomfortable as you had expected. Your reflection was interrupted when Scotty said "Ok, I choose you Jack." you look up at your two friends looking down at you. "Uh ok, right.. Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "Like Clay's 15 most recent posts on Instagram." Scotty's face went white with dread instantly. He had a tricky history with Clay, much like everyone. "That's a bit extreme. What about the 3 most recent." Scotty says nervously.
"Dude I was just covered in your ball sweat. This is nothing. Cliche. Don't tell me this is going to stop you." Scotty looked at Sam who gave a he's right look. "Fine." Scotty pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through it. However you aren't able to see from this perspective if he's even doing it. "Sam make sure he does it." Scotty then shows his phone and starts scrolling down and double tapping. "Dude it's already 2020 and I'm only ten in." you and Sam both laugh hysterically as Scotty freaks out more and more with each like. Scotty then finishes and stares at his phone. "I'm so dead on Monday."
Sam then looks at you. I guess that means it's your turn.
"Sam and I choose truth." Scotty, roles his eyes, "you are such a whimp." "Try being my size, then playing it risky." Your giant friend looming over starts to seem disinterested. However Sam above you develops a wicked grin. "Fine, speaking of size I got your question Jack." you anxiously wait, although truth seemed the easier option a hard question is far from a walk in the park. "You spent time in both of our pants, with our penis. You seem uniquely qualified to say who has the better dick." Scotty goes from bored to very very interested, "Dude, good question. I wouldn't have even thought to ask that."
Your heart races from the embarrassment. Part of you, disassociation that time. As time with them. "I don't know" you stammer out as both Sam and Scotty stares and laughs at your clear uncomfortability with this question." "oh, so you give up then." Scotty adds. "No, it's just" you pause trying to not think about it flashing though your mind. You don't actually want to think about whose you prefer. Nor do you want to say and risk a reaction from who ever looses.
"They are the same. Equal. I don't really want to share more then that." "Seriously they are equal. That's what your choosing?" Sam asks. You feel the pressure of there eyes on you, however you can't even look in their direction. And their "direction" relative in size to you is most directions. "You can say Jack, I'm sure Sam won't be to hurt. You enjoyed time with mini Scott." "I think we both know the actual truth, so you can just tell Scotty and mini Scott the bad news and we can move on to my turn." "Nope, equal that's my answer."
"Lier, but fine." Sam then continued but looked at Scotty. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Scotty asked. "I was thinking that Jack is a lier and it's now my turn. And for my turn I choose you Scotty." Sam pause for dramatic effect, which was felt palpable due to being still high. "And I choose dare." Scotty then grinned looking down to you then back to Sam. "I think we're on the same page. Sam. For my dare. I dare you to take are lying, tiny, friend. Plead your case for tiny Sam by sticking him with it." "WAIT, WHAT?" you call out feeling both very panicked and suddenly more sober. "That's not fair that's not how this game works." "Your right Jack" Scotty responded as Sam's giant hand reached down for you on the bed.
You picked yourself up and began to run. But don't get very far till you feel the pinch of Sams fingers. "This game works, if you are asked to tell the truth, you tell the truth." "But I did I swear." You look back at Sam who had started to move with you in his hand standing up. A grin on both of their faces.
"Don't worry I'm just going to re introduce so you are able to correct your answer to be more truthful." Sam standing tall, with you in his pinch. You look down at the ground and feel sick. Scotty sitting on the bed watching. Sam then holding you close. Near his waist height. Turned around facing the wall. Your body facing his. You look up as he smiles. "Here we go buddy."
With his free hand he pulls back his waistband giving you a view down at his neither region. Swinging bare without underwear. He begins to lower you in. Your lost for words, your eyes look up to convey a plea. "Might want to hold on buddy, or you might fall." Sam says casually. You hear Scotty giggling on the bed behind. You see he lowers his whole hand into his pants. You feel the sudden warmth of cock flesh as he pins you to it. "I don't have all day. Hold on tight." You already forced to hug the flesh squeeze tight. You feel Sam's hand let go as you hang of his dick. Again.
Sam's hand leaves his loose shorts, letting the seam snap back into place. As Sam begins to walk you swing on the penis. From the outside the taunting doesn't stop. "You know Scotty, if the dare is to plead my case. I might need some time and privacy to properly plead my case. If that seems appropriate with you."
"Of course Sam. That is what the dare requires. I'm going to go down stairs and make a call. You can get me when it's my turn for dare."
"Perfect I'll take him into my bathroom and get you when I'm ready." Sam begins to walk through his room as you hear Scotty get up and leave. You swing backwards and forwards while Sam walks to his bathroom. Stepping inside and locking the door. Sam breaks the silence "Well Jack. I guess I should plead my case." With that you notice his thumb slip under the band of his pants. When suddenly with a quick flick the pants are thrown to the floor as you are left hanging off his bare bottom half. Swinging of his penis. You look up your captors body to his face, he seems happy however there is a sense of caution with his movements as he steps out of his pants on the floor. So you don't feel in immediate danger.
"Sam, what are we doing?" You ask feeling afraid for your current predicament "My dare is to plead my case." "Sam, please. I was telling the truth!" "I don't believe you. Just look." Sam now standing still, you are forced to look up the base of his cock, past his pubic forest to glimpse at his face when not obstructed by the underside of his t-shirt. To see him smiling and staring at the wall infront of him and behind you. You squeeze tight so you don't fall when you turn your top half of your body. You feel his pulse in his penis pumping throughout your arms. You turn to see a full body mirror on the wall next to a towel holder. In the mirror you see the tall skater with a grin on his face casually standing he looks mostly ordinary and regular size. His general demeanor is scruffy stoner. The stoner isn't wearing pants. You advert your eyes out of natural embarrassment.
However you realise the stupidity of that when you recall your current situation. You then think at take a closer look at his penis in the mirror. You notice near the covered head of his cock is you. Tiny, no larger than an bug. You don't even compare in size. It also sinks in that you are smaller then first predicted. You feel second hand embarrassment, you can even makeout your features in the mirrors reflection. You look back up to Sams reflection in the mirror. You see him looking down at you though the mirror. With a smile. "Fine. But why does this matter to you. Scotty I get, very childish and prideful about this. But you? You were meant to be the more normal-ish one."
"I don't actually care if you tell the truth. In truth I just like you there. As I said before. But also this is the nature of the game. If you aren't comfortable with this, you might want to quit playing against the two giants." Somehow Sam was able to twist this situation again into making a point, like the toilet and riding in his pants. But this was your first time you heard him refer to Scotty and him as actual giants. And right now looking back up at Sam and holding tight.
He did strike you as fantastical like the stories. His size felt numbing. You were snapped out of you silence when Sam swung two fingers underneath his flaccid cock and turned swinging it up onto the bathroom counter. You lay down on top. "You can get off if you like."
You let go and stood up on the top of his penis. Infront was a forest of pubes a quick run up. You walked over to the edge and peered over to the bathroom counter bellow. It was a long drop three times you height atleast. You jumped and landed with a soft thud. You brush yourself and look up. Sam is smiling looking down at you. No phone in hands, just entranced. Watching you move around all tiny like. "So what now?" "Lay down. I want to test something. Please?" you cautiously lay next to the man's mammoth manhood. Appreciating the fact he still asked before doing whatever he was about to try. He lifted up his penis a swing it over. Casting you in its shadow. Flesh covering the sky like a cloud. He dropped it onto you and it made a meat slapping sound. You were pinned in darkness.
"Try lifting it up." You struggled you knew already from past experience you stood no chance. But this time you had no extra air to breath. As the heat of the man's manhood slowly cooked you underneath it's unbelievable weight. You were mostly surprised you hadn't just died outright. You panic forced you to squirm and push with all your strength. It's not enough. You feel the flesh roll over you as your face becomes free. You lift your head up from the porcelain and breath deep. Your eyes adjust as Sam looks down at you. Penis pinning you like earlier. "Are you even trying?" "YES! NOW GET IT OFF" You scream up. "You're fine. Don't panic. You survived being pinned earlier, on my leg." your face went red from a mixture of rage and possibly due to the weight.
"You know about that? Wait you knew I was trapped and you left me?" You asked still trying to fruitlessly lift. Sam stands over hands on his bare hip. You feel sick. "You were fine. Enjoying it from what I felt." "please remove and what are you talking about?" "Earlier. While under my cock. I felt what you were doing. Don't lie." You had almost forgot. Embarassment flooded your body as you stopped struggling. "It wasn't like that. I was trying to get your attention. It was all I could do." "Sure. That's how you get my attention." "I'm serious." "Well if thats how you get my attention. I can't hear you anymore. And I don't feel like moving." "Sam please get off me. It's starting to really hurt." Sam looks around the bathroom not acknowledging your plea. After a moment he began to speak aloud to himself "I wonder if I should release Jack. No, he might like it down there. I'm sure he'll let me know when he wants out." "Please Sam, your not serious right." You laugh through the pain, reminding you. You are still very high. You look infront and see his cock flesh with blood pumping underneath. You move forward and lick. You notice above as he looks down. "Jack, did you want out? Give me a sign." Sam said with a grin and a slightly horney look on his face. You move forward and kiss his cock flesh.
As promised he lifts his cock off you. You pick yourself up. "I doubt I can plead my case better than that. What are you going to tell Scotty?" "Please Sam. Stop. Your both equal. I don't want to have to choose." "Fine I believe you. But I doubt Scotty will." Sam glances down to his cock. "Were done. You can get back on if you like."
Sam Giant cock slides down with the tension of the pants being released. It's darker in here than you had expected. Darker than inside Scotty's cup. This is due to his denim jeans. You feel Sam remain motionless for a moment. You grab hold to the flesh of his cock towards the pubic forest located at the base of his shaft. As you grab ahold you feel Sam take off. Every thing begins to bounce. Holding tight you feel and hear the flesh of his cock bounce against his inner thigh. You also feel it slightly stiffen after a few moments. "I've gotta stop concentrating on how you feel in there. Otherwise my underwear will transform into a tent" Sam jokes. Familiar with the Tiny in underwear conversation dynamic. You expect trying to communicate back is fruitless. You just kick twice to agree with him. He laughs after feeling you respond.
A few minutes go by as outside you hear the skate park roar with sound. A few more seconds of calm pass over before you world is thrown tilting forward as Sam begins to bend over to pick something up. This wouldn't have scared you as much if it was close to pitch black in here. You begin to kick but as you do. You unintentionally loose grip. Sliding down the surface of giant cock. You luckily catch yourself. However below you you feel the bump of Sam's cock head. Tucked bellow the skin of his un-cut cock. "Shit!" you had slid further than you felt comfortable with. Sam then straightens up. The next thing you heard, was the horrifying sound of Sam's Skateboard wheels making contact with the ground. "No way he's gonna skate with me in here" you think, in hope. You aren't even given enough time to kick thrice. Before you are once again are weightless. As Sam jumps into his board. This time taking off with speed. You are thrown down from the force of his skateboarding. The penis swing back almost below his butt. You hold as tight as you can. Praying not to slip.
It's dark. It's smells of giant stoner cock.. every few moments in random intervals. Sam shifts a leg to push down against the ground. Each time he kicks off the ground, you feel yourself slipping further down. By this point you are actually on his cock head holding onto his foreskin. You had tried to kick two more times. Each of those times had forced you down further his cock towards plummeting down his pants. You feel him ride up. You hear Tommy above "See pretty cool right?" "Dude I showed you how to do that." Sam laughed back. You seized this chat time to quickly Kick Sam twice. Upon lifting your leg you realise you error as Sam begin to push forward. "This is how you actually do it." a sudden lurch forward and then you feel weightless again as Sam's penis leaves your grasp.
Your eyes are slightly adjusted to the dark and as you fall, you stare up at Sam's snake eye looking down at you. Watching you, before being swung back a forth. You fall right through the leg whole of his underwear down into the leg of his pants. The Denim makes contact with your skin as you start to slide down the sizeable distance down his long legs. Falling you feel you are going to be sick. You briefly think this is the end. Until the fabric shifts horizontally slowing your decent into a manageable slide. You slide further down. Above you, his knee. A halfway mark. Sliding down further you feel his leg move again. You start to drop suddenly again. Below you is light spilling in. As you also notice.. Grip tape?
You land on Sam's skateboard. Above you is the looming giant. Towering taller than comprehension. The giant foot that you had just fallen next to, lifts. Sam is wearing some white and red sneakers, you aren't sure of the brand and you aren't a sneaker head. But if you were, It wouldn't be your highest priority. As his fool lifts you see the underside of his sneakers covered in trace amounts of dirt. The casted shadow of the shoe blocks out a football field of light as it looms over. You watch it slowly descend. Glancing around you feel like everything is moving unnaturally slowly. You decide laying here will result in impending doom. You pick yourself up and dive forward as the foot lands behind you, missing you. However the air from contact sends you off the board. As you land on the concrete below your vision goes black.
You awake above you is the dirty underside of a sneaker. The day had been partially overcast and cold. Yet the bottom of this shoe hovering over you. Still casts a shadow, capturing you in its shade. A shoe the size house hovering above you. With you in the centre. You looked up. A calming feeling flooded you upon realising you imminent doom. However, to your suprise the foot lowered heel making contact with the ground but the part of the foot you were under, stopped before crushing you. A swoosh of wind knocked the air upwards as the tight space between floor and shoe fell silent. On your back looking around dirt particles floating as if in zero G. It was bright enough to see close detail of the underside of the shoe. Which had been slightly worn away. The shoe wasn't Sam's sneaker.
You didn't move. You didn't want to touch the shoe in fear it would fall the rest of the way. The shoe which right now was easily in reaching distance. Looking down past your feet you could see the heel of the show making contact with the cement. You assumed he was internationally doing this as this didn't feel like a natural posture. Did this giant see you? Was he toying with you. You called out "Hello! Can you move your foot please." In response, on your left in the visible area between the shoe and concrete. A giant kneepad slam into the ground. The slam shook the foot slightly as it bounce closer to crushing you. You couldn't tell who it was. You just hoped they could tell you weren't a bug or something.
Another moment passed. You noticed you heart racing in your ears as the environment was silent. Excluding the slight stretching of rubber from the shoe pulling back from slamming down. The foot swung right and landed, next to you with a slow delicate movement. The crunch of concrete grating your ears as it landed.
The giant looming over was staring down at you. He was wearing pads, gym shorts and regular t-shirt. You could also see the bottom of grey boxer briefs. The giant wasn't instantly recognisable, however his voice was. Tommy spoke "I'm not imagining you. Am I?" shaking your head "No your not." Tommy stared for a moment before reaching forward to pick you up. Instinctively you flinch seeing the giant skyscraper skater reach forward to pick you up. To your suprise Tommy reacts to you fear by stopping and withdrawing. "Can I pick you up. It's very dangerous for you here." you look around and process. After a moment you recognise the vast landscape as the inside of a "vert". You nod and pick yourself up. He reaches forward. A plucks you between his fingers. He raises you to face height and stands in the same motion. You feel a sense of vertigo as you fly upwards between a light, but firm pinch. Lifted to his face you are meet with a slight familiar face. The giant Infront has a slightly pudgy face with neat brown hair and brown eyes which are carefully examining you. On the way up, you also notice Tommy unconsciously scratch his groin area with his free hand whilst you are lifted past. Your mind quickly fills with memories from your short but relatively busy time as a shrunken person. You push them out as quick as possible, figuring it's not wise to linger on those thoughts for to long.
"Jack?! What happened?" Tommy said with a surprised yelp. "Hi Tommy. So listen, I can explain.." Tommy looked confused and turned his head bringing you face first into his ear. You could see a little bit of ear wax. The ear wasn't particularly gross however it had shocked you into silence. "Look, I have pretty good hearing. But your just to quiet to hear over the sound of the park." you hadn't notice, but once pointed out you realised how loud the park really was. You were completely unsure how you hadn't notice it moments ago. "Let's go somewhere quieter." Tommy then took off with you still in his grasp. He didn't have a skateboard with him, so you wondered to yourself how he had managed to find you. Tommy walked with you lowered from his face as to not draw attention to yourself.
After a minute of walking Tommy arrived at a quiet bench near a tree. Tommy then sat down and looked at you in his pinch. "Let's try that again. Hi, Jack. How have you been?" chuckling at that last part. You played along "Hi Tommy, I've been good. You?" "That's so cool. Your voice is so itty bitty. How did this happen to you?" You then began to regale your story omitting some minor more embarrassing details. "Thanks for finding me by the way. Probably would have been dead if you hadn't." "It's ok. I'm just glad I noticed something in the vert. Infact I was just about to skate where you were, before noticing you move slightly." Just then you hear a phone ring from below. Tommy quickly shifted down reaching for it. Picking it up and putting next to his face he began to talk. "Hey, Sam." they spoke but you were distracted by uncomfortablness of Tommy's pinch. Trying to shift into a more comfortable spot. Tommy noticed you were uncomfortable, so he then put you down on the bench next to him.
You looked forward at Tommy soaking in his figure, you noticed a few things. Firstly, despite his slight pudgy face. His figure was well maintained. It wasn't to an extreme like Scotty but closer to your body type. Secondly he wasn't super tall, he was however propped up by his admittedly, blessed bubble butt. Which you had been placed near. Thirdly it seemed Tommy had made an effort to dress practically. He was well groomed, wearing clean clothes. Tommy looks at you. Saying "Jeremy is sick. They are going to the shops for some stuff then coming to mine. Want to stay with me or go with them?"
"I'll stay with you if that's ok?" You say up to Tommy. He smiles with a bit of a suprise look. "Yea he's gonna stay with me. We'll take an uber home and meet you guys there later." he looks at you and then adds "Does he need anything, does he have a bag or anything with you guys?" Tommy listens to the phone for a bit. "Ok sounds good. I'll be careful." Tommy hangs up putting his phone away before looking at you. "Can I pick you up again?" "Sure but flat palm please." He nods and lowers his palm to you. You climb onto his hand and crawl towards the centre. He lifts you. So it's a not far uber drive. How do you usually get brought around? I don't have a bag or anything." your face went red. Clearly Sam was discrete, like you would expect from him. Scotty not so much. But this was one of the parts you'd left out of the story, that and being taken into the toilet by both Scotty and Sam. "I can think of a few ways.." he trails off "Would my shorts be ok?" "Well um, actually.. it could be dangerous. In the past.." "They have zips. And I'll put my phone and stuff into my other pocket." Not where your mind went. "Ok sure." You say playing it off.
Tommy then stands up and taking his keys and wallet out of his pocket and placing it in the other pocket. He then begins to lower you. With the other hand holding open the entrance. You look into the dark hole. You notice these shorts are a bit more skin tight than you initially noticed. He lowers you and gently places you in his pocket. Before closing you quickly remember and call out. "WAIT!" Tommy stops looking down into his pocket at you. "Everything ok? "It's fine, but we have a system that works… Kinda." Saying that last part to yourself. "One kick for No. Two kicks for yes. Three kicks and you have to take me out asap." Tommy nods and repeats it back. Then closes the zip sealing you inside. He begins to walk Everything ok in there. The pocket is tight and resting against his thigh. Bouncing as he walks. It is also partially see through so you have some light. This also means you have a view of his underwear which are just above you. You kick once to give him the clear. Thinking this is pretty much as good as you are going to get. A few moments of rocking later you here a car pull up. Tommy sits down but as he does the pocket swings down and back you bang right against the outside his bulge you try to climb back in the pocket. But it's almost impossible to stop yourself from resting up against the material resting over his testicals. Tommy after getting seated and clicked in. Speaks to the driver, before noticing you are pressed right up against the outside of his testicals. "Sorry." the driver gives him a puzzled look. Tommy realising he can't properly re-adjust. Lowers his hand onto you in his pocket and puts his fingers between the pocket and the underwear. You lean against his fingers through the shorts.
The ride remains calm until almost the end when your world is jolted forward as the fingers behind you move. You hear the loud (to you) sound of Tommy again scratching his nuts before stopping. The remainder of the ride he gives the occasional scratch. But less extreme than the first. Tommy then gets out of the uber and walks for a few steps. The zip above opens as a hand reaches in and picks you up. Rasing you to his face. Tommy is flushed red with embarrassment. "Sorry Jack. I didn't think about how sitting would work before putting you in." You can't help but laugh awkwardly and quietly. Wanting to put this gentle giant at ease you let slip "it's ok, with my last 24 hours, that's nothing." He looks confused but at ease "As long as your ok?" Tommy opens his front door. "I'm fine" you say.
Tommy then walks into his kitchen. His house is small but incredibly neat. Super clean with a very modern design. He sets you down on the kitchen counter "Water?" you nod. He then walks over to a cupboard. Opening it up you can see everything is super organised. He takes out a glass and a shot glass from two seperate rows. Pouring water into each. The shot glass next to you is still large but manageable to drink from.
He then cleans up. And extends his hand to allow you to climb on. "I Have a tv in my room. I was going to watch a movie. Unless you had any other ideas?" "Movie sounds good." He smiles and walks you to his room. Opening up, the inside is ridiculously tidy and organised. It honestly looks awesome, as he still has filled the room with stuff but in a way that looks seemingly professional. He lowers his hand and deposits you onto his bed. The bed is really neatly made. Landing on it you bounce a few times. Tommy then walks his room. He starts by removing his watch and putting it on charge on his neat desk. Then he places his phone on a wireless charging stand. Opening a draw he places his wallet and keys. Before closing it. He seems almost in rhythm. What happens next however. Surprises you. Tommy still clearly in his routine then proceeds to remove his shirt. He folds it and places it in his hamper. From his window seal he picks up a deodorant and rolls it under his arms. His back still turned. You watch on it awe, his behaviour is kind of hypnotic. In the way a intricate machine moving is hypnotic. You are snapped again back when his shorts drop. He bends in front of you to pick the shorts up and fold putting them in his laundry basket. His underwear ride up his crack. Two giagntic cheeks either side. He then stands straight and plucks them out. His ass ripples. He puts his finger into the waistband of his underwear and begins to tug.
Before stopping and quickly turning around "Oh my god. I am sorry. So sorry. I just get into a routine and get a bit.." "It's ok." Tommy stops. "This is your house your room. I'm a guest. I shouldn't have just watched. I was just surprised is all." "Seriously? Your ok with this." "Yea man, this is nothing. You literally saved my life. I also get now how I am intruding on your personal space. I don't want you terrified or walking on eggshells around me." Tommy's posture changes he feels more relaxed however he doesn't seem to know what to say. "But with the uber and now this. I just don't want treat you poorly." "Tommy relax. You're doing fine. Infact your way better than fine your great. I owe you a million times. Don't sweat it."
"Thanks Jack." Tommy begins turning on the tv. Still only in his underwear "I usually chill naked in my room. But I'll keep my underwear on. If that's still ok with you. Or do you want me to change." Tommy losing confidence as he continues. It strikes you as strange a creature able to crush you with the most minimal of effort, clearly and truly cares about how I feel about what it's doing.
"Tommy again. Your room. Do you want to remain in your underwear?" Tommy pauses considering his answer. "yes.." "then I'm more than fine with it. Get comfortable." Tommy then picks up the remote and climbs onto his bed always keeping and eye on you. Laying down he is close enough for you to feel the warmth from his body. But not so close to be dangerous. His head is elevated and his screen is facing him. You are able to see the screen when you moved away but only at a distance where the body heat you were enjoying was non-existent. Close about chest height you kept walking near and far as you tried to find the Goldilocks zone. It's clear Tommy noticed you poor position when he asked. "You need any help?" "It's just I can't see the movie when near and it's kind of cold when far away." "Do you want to come up here to see it better?" "I'm all good." You say back honestly. "Why not just try it?" you look at him, Tommy the gentle giant. "Ok where did you have in mind?"
Tommy picked you up and placed you on top of his double pillow. Just above his shoulder. It's warm and despite the longer distance. The giant size of the screen makes up for it.
"How this?" "Way better. Thanks." You continue to watch the movie with Tommy for half an hour. Every once and awhile Tommy would fidget with his hand scratching his groin. Ever time Tommy would start. You would be distracted and look down his shaved body. To Tommy trying to discreetly scratch the outside of his bulge and every time. You would hear him make a sound of annoyance and give up.
About 45 minutes into the movie in a bit of a lull. Tommy went to scratch but this time really made an effort with it, to the point where you had to speak up. "Everything ok Tommy." He quickly stopped
"Sorry. All good".
"It's clearly not. Can you pause." Tommy hit pause on the remote and then shifted to look at you.
"I've seen you doing that all day. Is everything alright?"
"You have? Sorry. Yea its been driving me crazy. It keeps coming back and I can't quite manage to scratch it right."
"Do you need to step out and get it?"
"No use I can get it. I've had it all morning. I just need to stop and focus on the movie. Sorry, Jack."
"Again nothing to be sorry about. I owe you. Don't feel bad for me."
You pause thinking on your next words
"As I said I owe you. So let me know if there is anything I can do to help."
"Actually Jack. Could you maybe try. You can say no."
"Try what?"
"Going down there and try to get that itch. It's just your size. I think it would be perfect. But only if you are comfortable."
"I uh." You stammer
"Actually, don't worry ignore me."
"No. It's fine." You pause "Sure I can."
"Are you sure?" a hint of caution in his voice.
"Yea Tommy. I can do that for you."
"oh my god. Thankyou. It really has been a nightmare all morning."
You the stand up and begin the long walk to his underwear. After a minute of slow walking you are passing over his chest you slide down. Sliding down his pecks to the centre. He is quite thin so you find yourself walking between his six pack. A little later you pass through and reach his navel. It's to far to jump across and to deep to go down and up. You look up and back towards Tommy's face. He is completely still carefully breathing as watches you long journey with an endearing concerned look.
You press on, slowly walking around his navel and proceeding south. To the giant's manhood. You quietly gulp as you step onto his underwear. The trip is completely silent excluding the increasing heartbeat from the giant mass bellow you. You take a left and begin to approach the giant's bulge. Where he had been scratching. The underwear a tight giving you a clear outline. Stopping just before reaching, Tommy then..
Approaching the bulge you begin scratching roughly were Tommy had been scratching. However your miniscule size meant you were even big enough to scratch through the thick material of his underwear. Your suspicious are confirmed as Tommy slides his hand down his body. Placing his finders above you on top of the giants manhood. With two fingers he crept around above you and open the penis flap. The contained smell of penis hit you as you were below the entrance. You look back up at Tommy "Could you maybe go inside and give them a real scratch. It's kinda driving me crazy."
You were glad Tommy was gaining confidence around you. However in truth you hoped not to enter another man's underwear today. Looking up you could see Tommy although sounding confident. Was clearly nervous for you. You felt you could say no, but something about his gaze… "Sure."
You walked up and then crawled through the penis flap. Inside you were face to face with shaved sack. You began crawling to the rough point when Tommy's fingers slid out and the fabric released. You were compressed into Tommy's giant and slightly sweaty balls. You wiggled for a few moments in the direction until you heard. "Yea Jack. That's the spot there."
You could see a little red from irritation. You started scratching the giant man's balls. For a few moments Tommy said nothing. However you then heard a moan, then "Oh my god. That's perfect keep going." you continued scratching for a few minutes. The movie started playing. You kept scratching with an occasional massage to rest you hands. For five minutes you scratched quietly and without complaint. You were happy to help however even his testicals proved to be to large of a task for you to manage for too long.
After a little more time. You heard above as the movie was paused and then turned off. Tommy lay silent as you scratched. You were unaware of what was occuring on the outside of the confines of the underwear. However you felt above as Tommy's hand handed on-top of his package. You could see to the top of the balls, but above them you imagined Tommy's penis lay with Tommy now holding it.
Tiered you stopped scratching and called out "Tommy can you hear me?" Tommy reacted by slowly removing his underwear. You held onto the giant sack as the fabric above you whizzed by and off the giant. Revealing the titanic room outside.
You looked up at Tommy after your eyes adjusted. "Hi" you called up. "Hey there. Thanks you are a life saver." Then a flash of guilt crossed over the giants face. "Are you ok?" "Yea fine don't worry." "It's just I know this is a lot to go through especially at your size. Just want to be sure your comfortable."
You had just shared a level of intamcy with Tommy and whilst he had been fair and honest with you. You felt confident that now was the time to be honest with Tommy. You walked away from his balls up his body. Sitting down at the base of his navel. Legs swinging below. "Tommy you don't have to worry about me. In honestly I haven't been entirely truthful about my experiences with this."
The giant had a look of intrigue as he stared down at you. You regaled the story of being found by Scotty. Falling of his bedside, sleeping in his cup. Going skating, then to the toilet with him, re-meeting Sam. Staying with him. Going into his underwear, then being found.
Tommy went from intrigue into relief. He laughed "I was so scared about going to fast, to only find out you are well experienced in there is a huge relief. No wonder your tiny hands were able to work magic." You both sat in silence.
"So are you telling me you maybe enjoyed it in there. Beyond the whole helping me out aspect." "What do you mean?" You asked confused by the question. "Well I thought you went in there because you like to help me out. It just you know… Hadn't occurred to me that maybe." Tommy's face went red. "That you might actually like, like it in there."
You were shocked into thought. You honestly had thought to hard about it. But yea you did kind of like like it. "in there". Something about being that close to someone felt taboo or unnatural. You kind of liked the warmth and the smell.
"Being that close to you. It's like nothing I have experienced till this whole shrinking business. I feel safe and intimate when I'm in there."
Without a word Tommy's hand moved passed you and towards his penis. You looked behind you to see him clasping it. You looked back with a nervous look. The roles had reversed. "Is this ok?" he asked insuring not to take it to far. You gulped and nodded. "How about this?" behind you you could hear the sound of the giant slowly massaging his flesh. It sounded kind of squishy. "You can look if you like." Tommy face showing support and a kindness. You slowly turned around, standing up to see his penis. Perhaps not as large as Sam or Scotty, more akin to your own, at his size.
His penis gradually stiffined into an semi errect state. He slowly pulled the skin backwards and forwards with a gentle movement. As if just using it to display for you, not for his own satisfaction. Yet. You looked back to Tommy over your shoulder. "What now?" "Do you want me to go any further?" "Yes" you said with a whimper but loud enough for the giant to hear.
In response Tommy shifted back up his bed. Laying at a better angle his body arched giving you a view down onto his penis. "Lie down." You obeyed and lay on your back. Infront, the perfect view of the show to come. Tommy started to massage his erection for a few moments. Slowly building in speed. "Jack." you looked back up at Tommy's face. "You can join in if you want."
You look down at the erection, forming under your own pants. Undoing the button for your pants. You slipped your hand onto your penis. Blood pounding through. You felt it's girth grow in your hands. You continued to watch Tommy and then started to join in. Ecstasy filled your body with the first tug. Then the second. Then the third.
You quickly sped up to match the giant's pace. You watch his speed increases, as your own speed increased. As precum dripped down his cock, you noticed precum slide down your hands as your own cock mimic-ed the giant man's.
The pleasure of the experience increased and increased until you couldn't take it anymore and orgasimed. Tommy did also. However you had no time to relax as you watch semen fly from the head of his penis. Closer and closer, until you realised. You were in the centre of the splash zone.
You with all your strength kick as hard as you can backward. Then wait. "OK then." Scotty receiving you message. You are suddenly lowered further down the back. You look down as the floor gets closer. As you approach waist height you see Scotty's pinkie finger slip underneath his waist band and pull forward his pants and underwear. You stare into the dark chasm of your friends dark butt crack. Then the unthinkable begins to happen. Scottys grip on you begins to loosen. You suppress an involuntary nervous "eeep". You go to kick the hand your in until Scotty begins to walk forward then before regaining composure you are sent falling into the abyss.
Falling past the waist you begin to hear talking but your mind looses focus as your survival instinct kicks in. Warmth of the crack instantly hits. Looking forward you see skin of your friends buttocks. Suddenly the cheek rapidly approaches as your are clenched between the mounds of flesh. Pinned, the sensation is similar to begin smothered with ball sack. However due to the area you find yourself in. This spot feel far more pain full. You notice from the bellow light from the open shorts illuminating the environment quiet well. You, however do not have long for sight seeing as Scotty begins to move. Sandwiched your body begins to grind you up and down as he walks. You notice you overall direction is up.
As the space your in begins to rapidly decrease as you ascend the crack. The repetitive force suddenly begins to feel really good massaging your whole body. But in particular your cock rubbing up and down through your clothing. In tandem the feeling the pleasure as well as your erection, increase. You lean you head forward onto his warm skin. Closing your eyes you raise your hand which has more room then in the fist grip. You try to focus out the ecstasy of pleasure rolling through you now fully erect cock and pound against the skin to get some attention. As if you body is trying to overrule the decision to get help. Your fist lands softly onto the skin. You pause then open your eyes. This time with more effort and concentration, you pound as hard as you can onto the flesh.
The world stops no more rubbing up and down. You are left stationary and pinned. Suddenly you feel lurched up as Scotty bounces. After a pause he begins to start walking. For a moment nothing seems to change. However at your feet, you feel a bit of fabric climb up to touch. You try with all your might to squat down fishing a hand down to reach the fabric. The meaty flesh still rubbing your face. Your hand reaches the fabric and you begin to slowly pull it up. Normally you wouldn't have the strength to pull it up. However due to the upwards force of your environment. You are able to glide it up, in a similar way to guiding paper through a shredder. Once its up to chest height you get both hands on it and then punch the skin in front. The pressure immediately releases as both you and the underwear drop from the clenched cheeks. You are left dangling from the underwear as you hold on for life as to not drop what felt like a 100 feet to your death.
"Ok Jack, here's the deal. I don't have long. I'm only out of ear shot for a bit." You Herculean friend says from up on high. "I've just dropped back and not skating for a moment because…. well, I uhh. Can't get you into my cup from here." You try to look forward despite the swaying of your friend still walking. You look and see the cup potion of the underwear is blocked off and would require a lot of climbing to reach. As well as scaling the underside of the cup itself which is almost impossible. "So I only see one option from where I am." Scotty continues. "Your not going to like it." Still walking he repeats for emphasis. "Your really not going to like it. But due to me skating and your… unfortunate situation. I see no other choice."
"I need you in a moment. When I squat to tie my shoe. For your own safety." He pauses slowing down. "For your safety I need to get inside me, as it were." Slowing to a stop. "I don't have long so please be quick. I promise to get you out later, but if I flake from the boys. They will know something is up." Slowly you feel your world begin to lower. You look up at the cheeks. They are surprisingly hairy with tiny hairs. Not with the density of Scotty's pubic hair. But with far greater volume. As Scotty begins to squat the cheeks begin to open. It isn't to long before Scottys anus is within view and approaching as the underwear start to ride high. Soon you are close enough to smell it all. You, still feeling an awkward surprise from this situation. Just stare at the tight ring. You had been around many parts of Scotty during your time as a tiny man. His hygiene was not up to many standards. He also had not showered this morning due to sleeping in. The smell hit you like a punch to the chest. His anus was stained brown with the folds of the holes wrinkles pent up with oil and slime mixed with faecal matter. Faecal matter all built up in the anal hair which were very clear to see from your pathetic size.
This spot made you wish for mini Scott. You would do anything to be reunited with mini Scott at this point. You're eyes watered from the sight and stench. But what was worst of all, is that you knew this was your only choice. You didn't have the strength to hold on to the underwear forever. Even if you did. You thought to yourself. No way you could hold on while he skated. Only other chance would be to drop right now. A fall which even lowered to the ground would kill you. So Scotty would need to catch you, a maneuverer which would take much more than the yes and no system currently your only means of conversation.
"Please Jack. We don't have long." You look back towards the anus. It seems to be pushed out to release tension so you could climb inside. You are close enough now to touch it. The hairs now brushing your face. Letting go with one had you slowly reach out to touch the anus. It winces at your touch and pulls back. "Thank you." You hear your friend from above say softly. "I will get you out later. I owe you big time for this." Scotty finishes completely serious. The anus slowly returns to your touch. Like the scene from E.T. You both cautiously make contact with each other.
Realising now that you have no choice. You pull your hand back. Then with your strength punch forward into the centre. The oils and slime run down your arm. You focus only on the climb up and nothing else about this situation. With your right arm now inside the anus you begin to pull yourself up. Until you reach the point where you can stick your other hand inside to help lift you body. You begin to feel the climb become easy as Scotty's asshole begins to consume you. Sucking you up similar to chewing with a vacuum. The force pulling you inside. Now the moment of dread as your arms are inside you place you head to the hole smooching your face against. You push you head in you begin to wiggle up the inside your body covered now in all by-product of your giant friend Scotty.
You break concentration for a moment and begin to gag. Once your waist height in Scotty stands up. Your body with an audible slurp is sucked into the dark cave of Scotty's rectum. Once on the other side of the ass hole. You sit atop. The anus is tight. The climb is over and you begin to relax until the smell of shit hits your nose. You had thought the smell outside was awful. But it did not begin to prepare you for this. You gag as your world is softly rocked by Scotty's walking. You are grateful you hadn't eaten in quite some time. Otherwise you would have been sick everywhere. Your eyes begin to adjust to the dark. You see with clarity, the rings of Scotty's rectum. As well as leftover pools and puddles, remains from the objects previously passed through Scotty's tract. You body begins to stop freaking out from the environment. You still feel sick but its no longer involuntary physical reactions. You crawl to the a wall with less "matter" on it. Sit back laying against and close your eyes.
Above you hear Scotty reunite with his friends and start talking. However from the inside it sounds like thunder from inside a bunker. You concentrate but are only very vague able to make out a word or two. "Skating" "time" or maybe "sign" you think. You loose interest and stop caring. You sit still for a moment before you feel a twinge from your nether region. You look down and notice you are still pitching a tent. You go to ignore it before thinking "I guess I may as well do it. I mean even if I do. I have still violated Scotty far less than he has to me." You look back down and unzip, pulling out your erection. You begin to relive yourself. Focusing on blocking out the smell you go for a while. Brief images of your encounters today pass through your head. Scotty's towering Babylonian penis. But mostly its just the normal stuff you think of. Outside Scotty begins skating. To you inside you barely notice as all forces centrifugal seems bellow you. Like gravity itself. You are about to cum so you aim it away from you. "Not like Scotty will notice". You send it flying. Then your body collapses from relief. You close your eyes.
"I think I will..
A lurch forward forces you to open your eyes. Adjusting to the dark for a moment before the particular appearance of your environment gains clarity. Fleshy walls dripping with internal slime. A stronger foul unpleasant smell of fecal matter. Not to mention the ringed floor at the base of your feet. It's hadn't been a dream. You were actually inside your best friends anus.
You sat listening to the world outside through the gurgle of internal processes inside Scotty. A light pater of rain could be heard in the distance. It had been overcast earlier outside.
It remained reasonably calm until you noticed again a lurch forward. Then above, you noticed higher parts of his anal track began constricting. The air around you suddenly increased in density. It assaulted your lungs forcing your eyes to water with tears.
Behind you, on the anal wall you were leaned against began to shift. Pushing you in towards the centre. Towards the anus. You tried to fight it but were unfortunately helpless.
Once the space was compacted enough you began to realise from the raw stench. "No way" you mumbled to youself. You were currently located in the centre of your giant friends next gas excretion.
Trapped in a fart, you realised the only way out was unfortunately down. Then the pressure continued to build up. Your ears popped. It became so much that you were forced down as if being compacted towards the anus. The ceiling above squeezed shut. It wasn't even enough room to stand. Not that you could if you wanted to, as it felt like gravity was stronger.
Around your feet puddles of liquid leftovers. began sloshing. Your whole body was re-drenched in the gross contents of Scotty's anus.
You felt a movement from outside as Scotty, seemed to squat down. His anus slowly opened, a rush of air flew pass you like exiting from an aeroplane. The air as it rushed through his anus flapped the skin creating the familiar sound of a fart, however now shrunken it was thunderous.
You looked down through the exit in the light. To see a giant hand cradling below, past two thick cheeks that had been opened. You also noticed the sound of hyper loud rain. Below Scottys hand, pools of water rushing downwards on the tiled floor. You would have kept examining, however the walls moved again a squeeze you out. With a slurp you exited the giant man's anus. Catapulting towards his hand. You landed safely, looking back within the split second you saw with clarity Scotty's giant ass quivering as it dumped a giant fart directly onto your pathetic body.
After another second the fart was over, the hand was brought back giving you a full view of his cheeks, then the back of his naked body. Rain poured in the the palm then hit you in the face.
After a moment you were hit with the realisation. You and Scotty were in the an impossibly large shower. He slowly stood swinging you around to the front. Below you could see the man's giant cock. You were raised upwards and made eye contact. There was Scotty, completely naked, a smug smile on his gigantic face.
"Hey, little guy. You look like a mess." you looked down at your body. It was shit covered and drenched. You looked back up and nodded. Scotty then slowly deposit you around chest level on the shower shelf. "I feel gross." You admitted. "Yea I figured you would want a shower after spending the last ten hours in there." "Shit" you thought to yourself, had it really been ten hours. You hadn't even eaten anything. Not that food was necessarily highest priority on your mind at the moment.
You stood quietly as your friend washed himself. The water still flowing over you. You just stood there soaking it in. "You might want to get out of those clothes. They look gross." "Can I get some privacy?" You asked. Scotty reestablished eye contact, looking down at you. He began to laugh. "You spent all day up my ass. I think we're past that." after a pause, your thoughts were interrupted "Well? I'm not taking you anywhere until you get properly clean." Scotty said as he massaged shampoo into his hair. You sighed, you had already past the point where just seeing each other naked was weird. Infact you had already seen Scotty more intimately and close up then he would ever be able to see himself.
You removed you shirt, then your pants and finally you briefs came off. You body turned so Scotty wouldn't have a direct front view of your body. It was a mostly futile gesture. Scotty however was to busy washing himself at this time to pay any attention to your tiny exposed body. The water felt nice, however it felt more like buckets of water being thrown onto you, rather then water droplets. You stood still letting the warmth flow through. Looking down at your feet, the water running off your body was a murky brown. Images of what you had just experienced flew through your mind as you stated vacant at your feet.
"You ok?" Scotty asked noticing something was off. He lowed the intensity of the shower awaiting your response. "Yea I'm fine. You responded in autopilot." "I'm sorry if I took things to far today. Guess I didn't fully think through the whole bringing a tiny to the skate park." "It's fine, this is new for us both."
You turned to face Scotty
"Well we can't stay in here forever. And you have barley washed yourself. Do you need a hand or will you manage?"
"I'll manage." It wasn't that you don't trust Scotty. The way he had said it. It seemed like a genuine offer. However to you. With these last few days. It had felt like all your autonomy was gone. You need Scotty for everything, a place to stay, for him to bring you around everywhere, food. You wished to savoir these rare few moments of independence for your self. You washed yourself for a few moments. Just rubbing the smears on your body. looking at your feet you notice the water's colour become more transparent. As now you body was becoming more clean.
Looking past your feet you could see partially through the foggy plastic shelf down Scotty's body. You had a sense of vertigo as you couldn't even see the floor below. Steam from the hot shower, clung to the area beneath the shelf floor obscuring your view down.
You look up and notice Scotty was done washing, now he was just watching you bathe. You instinctively attempted to cover yourself with your hands. "You alright there?" You called out sarcastically.
"Yea, I'm done. Just watching and waiting for you."
"Can you maybe do something other than just staring at me?"
Scotty paused "Well I have to wait for you, not really much to do. Can you maybe hurry up?" Scotty sassed back.
"Find something to keep yourself occupied, I won't be long." Another pause before Scotty asked
"Do you mind if I whack off, then?"
You were flawed by his nonchalance in his phrasing. "Yes I do mind. You are not whacking off. Find something else to do."
Scotty threw his head back and let out a heavy sigh. A minute later you turned back to see Scotty's eyes closed soaking in the hot water. "Hey, can I maybe get some shampoo?"
Scotty open his eyes. "Sorry I'm not allowed to look at you, so that will be very difficult." "You're difficult. Can you just help me?"
He looks down at you and picks up the shampoo bottle, tipping a tiny squirt onto his pointer finger he lowers to you. You appreciate the fact he didn't just pour it onto you.
"Oh, Thank you so so much sir." You say mockingly over enthusiastic.
Scotty smirks. You begin to run the shampoo thoroughly through you hair. Making sure to get all the muck out.
Opening your eyes once the water rinses out the shampoo. You see Scotty's giant face at your height directly Infront of you. "Your taking forever. Scotty whines.
"When you have been where I have. You would take forever to." Scotty raises an eyebrow.
"Fair enough then… Also I meant to say, very impressive. I mean your tiny so it's smaller now, but relatively. Good job little buddy."
You take a moment to process. Before covering your groin. "You're giving me some soap then. Your back to facing the wall, dude."
Scotty's familiar goofy smirk returned "Why? It was a complement."
Scotty then poured some soap onto his finger and proceeded to hand it over soap like he had with the shampoo. When collected Scotty very dramatically turned to face the wall with an exaggerated exhaustion.
It took another few minutes to fully clean your body. You had taken more soap then you needed. However this did go a long way in helping you feel clean again. Once done you stood up covered yourself and called out "I'm done!"
"Finally, took you long enough."
Scotty loomed over and cupped his palms. You released to late when Scotty said
"And look you didn't even get all the soap off."
holding his cupped hands he began tilting. A pool amount of water poured directly on you. You were completely submerged as it washed pass you.
Freaked out you take a deep breath and lay down on the shelf. Above you Scotty looms over. A moment of silence passes, before you break into laughter. Scotty joins you, seeing your ok. You pick yourself up
"You are such an ass. Dude."
"You would know. You are the ass expert." you both laugh harder, the sensation feels a return to normalcy. It also feels to you to be a nice release from some of the accrued anxiety from the last 12 hours. The laughter stops when outside the shower you hear a loud pounding on the door to the bathroom.
"Everything ok in there?"
you fall silent. Scotty seems calm however
"Yea all good. Just remembered something from earlier."
a not at all convincing lie to you. However to Scotty's mum. She believes it in a heartbeat.
"Ok well dinner is downstairs going to ready in an hour."
"Ok, thanks mum."
"Also Scotty sweety, remember you promised study tonight. Don't forget."
"I won't mum. Thankyou."
The bathroom goes quiet. Scotty looks down at you. You have a sheepish smile on your face.
"Does little Scotty have to study tonight." You ask mockingly.
"Careful JB. Otherwise I leave you here."
you both chuckle, keeping an ear on your volume as to not have a repeat.
Scotty lowers his hand. You climb on to the palm still naked. With his other hand he picks up your dirty and only set of clothes in a pinch. He begin carefully walking. He holds you below his peck in order to stabilise you. You look up at his peck which is surprisingly muscular. You also see his pink nipple above. The nipple is most likely larger than you. You also notice his skin is fair and clean shaven.
Usually with your height you feel a little cold, however in the grasp of you titanic godly friend. You are warm as you watch the steam radiate off his damp skin. Previously sights like this either intimidate or comforted you. This time you instead look up with a curiosity you had not felt till now. Echoing through your mind
"I wonder what will happen tonight?"
Looking down at you in his hand Scotty asks
"I'm just going to put you down on the sink, ok?".
You nod and are lowered down onto the sink. Scott walks over and places your clothes on the closed window seal. Standing tall infront of you. Scotty looms with his penis above the sink. You don't feel embarrassment or shame looking at it infront of you. You had been inside a cup with it, then you had been literally up Scotty's ass. You didn't feel much shame with Scotty's body, just a bit for your own. You weren't in as unbelievable shape as Scotty. Nor where you as particularly well endowed.
You looked back up to you giant friends face. He was drying his hair with a towel.
"So, I gotta ask. How was it today?"
slightly stunned with what would be an appropriate response you stammered out
"I don't know."
Scotty peaks out from the towel
"Seriously? You were in my cup and up my ass.
"It was like nothing I had ever experienced. This whole experience has left me a bit lost for words."
You answer honestly. Scotty starts drying his body and looks solely at you.
"Fine then. Then just tell me. Which did you prefer in my Cup or in my ass?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"C'mon you the first tiny ever, you got to experience something that has never been experienced before. Just tell me."
against you better judgement you answered…
Scotty seems amused by your clumsiness – probably because he’s usually the one to take a plunge to the floor – and reaches under his bed. He takes out his old skate sneaker, and places one of his socks inside. He gently picks you up from his drawer.
“I doubt you can roll out of my shoe,” he says with a chuckle.
He places you on the surface of his sock, and you are immediately enveloped by the scent of his foot. Scotty isn’t finished yet, as he picks up his other sock and again places it on top of you for cover.
“Good night,” he says.
Although he honestly just thought his shoe was the safest spot for you to stay, he can’t help but feel a little strange, knowing that you’re currently inside. He knows his feet aren’t the cleanliest of feet, and his shoes have surely absorbed most of their scent, and he’s slightly excited at the fact that you’re currently in there.
For you, it’s an even more remarkable experience than simply sleeping in his socks. Earlier, the smell obviously came from the cotton material. Now, however, it’s hanging all around you having a slightly more leathery, ripe smell. Again, it’s comforting, and the scent actually makes you fall asleep all the more faster.
The next morning…
The next morning, you're woken by the sound of squeaking mattress springs.
You open your eyes to the unfamiliar sight of a lumpy insole bed, which you've been rolling around on all night. The first thing to grab your attention is the ripe, salty smell of Scotty's sweat which floods into the back of your nose when you yawn. On one hand you feel blessed that the heel area of your best friend's tattered old sneaker is so squishy and tenderised from months (if not years) of being beaten up under his sole. On the other hand, the smell is overwhelming, especially on your sensitive little nose first thing in the morning.
A part of your regrets ever teasing Scotty about his foot odour. It looks like the tables have turned, with you depending on him and the safety of his giant sneaker all of a sudden. Or, perhaps, the shoe is on the other foot.
"Morning, little buddy."
You roll onto your back and see Scotty's big, earnest grin. He leans over the bed with pillow hair and puffy eyes to ask how your sleep went. He has a certain eagerness, or perhaps a curiosity in his face as he studies you. You can't help but wonder what on his mind.
"Not bad. I've had sweeter smelling pillows but I guess I can't complain, under the circumstances." You answer.
"Yeah." Scotty says thoughtfully. "And the smell's really not all that bad after you spend a night with it, I bet. I mean, I spend every day smelling my foot odour and I've gotten so used to it, I even like it." He lets a beat in the conversation skip and then adds. "I bet if you spend long enough sleeping in there, you might even warm up to it."
"Long enough??" You repeat. "Dude, I thought we were finding me help!"
"Relax! I am finding you help. But you've got to be patient. I can't just hand you over to some doctor who could want you for tests or government experiments for all I know. I have to do a bunch of research online, and find out the best route to take. All while I keep up with classes and my own responsibilities. So you'd better settle in for a long ride." He explains, and you sigh inwardly. "C'mon, it's not that bad. You've got your best bud taking care of you! No homework, no family drama, no chores. You've got it made. All you've got to do is get used to a little foot stink. I bet if you just leaned in and took a nice, deep sniff of my insole now, you'd realise the stench isn't even unpleasant. It's only because you're trying to avoid breathing it in that it seems so rank right now."
"Whoah, SNIFF Your sneaker insole?" You laugh, a little baffled. "I mean, I know it's not the worst smell in the world but let's not go crazy." You can't believe Scotty just asked you to do something so gross. But at the same time, you detect a vague look of hurt on his face and almost regret what you said instantly.
"I don't know. It was just an idea." He says, a little subdued. "It'd make me feel better, having one person who didn't mind my foot stink so much, you know. And you could just try it for a second. I would, for you…"
You think of everything Scotty's done for you, especially in the last twenty-four hours, and feel tremendously guilty. You could sniff his sneaker for him, just to make him feel better about his foot odour. He could even make you if he wanted to, at this size, and you suppose you're grateful that he's treated you with so much respect so far…
"Well, I guess it wouldn't kill me to try…" You mumble uncertainly.
"Awesome!" Suddenly Scotty is electrified with energy. He just about jumps out of bed in his boxers, messy hair and all, when you agree to sniff his insole just to make him happy. "Take a big whiff, buddy. I know it smells all acrid and cheesy at first but honestly, after a while it gets weirdly addictive." He says, beaming down expectantly at you.
You're still lying on your stomach. All night, the warmth of your body has been resurrecting smells deeply secreted into the lumpy insole, from months upon months of soaking in sweat during hardcore skate sessions and long walks to and from school, usually with you right by his side. All you were usually pounding the pavement in varied pairs of shoes, while Scotty's ripped up old sneaks never seemed to leave his feet. They're like a symbol of his whole identity. Never washed, never changed. It's strange to know you're actually inside one of these iconic shoes.
In the moment, you almost don't remember what Scotty's bare feet look like. You're so used to seeing his white ankles poking out of these very shoes. His long, pole-like legs, always scratched and grazed from skating, damp with sweat. Just like his neck is always glistening on a warm day. And his pits; his pits are always stained with sweat, dark and raunchy but surely nowhere near as copious as the pools of stinky perspiration gushing into these long-suffering shoes. Your stomach turns over at the thought, and you decide if you don't do it now you never will.
You lower your face into the faded heel of the insole. Your nose presses into the shredded fabric, which seems to hold layers of moisture, getting more damp and squishy and stale as you press. You remember everything your friend has done for you, and you open your lungs to a big, long, gracious sniff.
The stench is alive, like something fermenting. It's musky and fetid and spicy in the way that only a hyperactive teenager's sweat can be. The soupy smell fills your nose and then your lungs, while Scotty laughs joyously over your head.
"Yes! I knew you'd do it, man! You're the best friend in the world! See, it's not so bad, is it?" He asks excitedly.
You look up, feeling that for the rest of your life you will be tattood by the overpowering force that is your best friend's foot odour.
“It’s…” you start.
At first you wanted to say it smelled bad, but that was just your initial reaction. As the smell lingers in your nose, so much you can even taste it on your mouth, it starts to become strangely addictive. Like the first time you drank beer it tasted horrible, but after having tried it several times, you started to like it. Maybe having slept with Scotty’s strong, overpowering foot stench for most of the night has made you grown to like it as well.
“It’s actually not so bad,” you say. “You were right. It is weirdly… addictive.”
Scotty’s eyes are sparkling upon hearing you agree.
“Right? Right? It’s a good thing too. I don’t know how long it’s going to take until I find a way to get you back to normal, but you’ll have to bear with me until then. My mom always bothers me about how my feet and pits and stuff smell, but I actually kinda like it. I’m glad you do too!”
You don’t know you if you really ‘like’ the smell of his feet, and you doubt his pits will smell like roses, but to see Scotty this happy makes you feel a little better. You might be stuck like this for several days, weeks maybe, and spending it with your best friend can actually be quite fun. You can also repay him for all the help he’s given you in the past, sticking up for you and being there for you when you needed a friend; for all the help he’s still giving you now by protecting you. You doubt anybody else in the classroom would’ve been ready to selflessly lend a hand. If you can humour him by smelling his shoe, it’s not all that bad.
However, the fact that the smell had indeed started to grow on you is slightly worrisome. Not on a particularly bad note, but you just didn’t expect to actually like someone’s foot odour – and especially not the foot odour of feet as sweaty and noxious as Scotty’s.
You snap out of your thoughts and look up – Scotty is looking down at you with a content, excited smile on his face. As if to break the silence, your stomach suddenly growls.
“U-Uhh… can we get something to eat?” you ask. “I’m kinda hungry.”
“Sure!” Scotty says, his eyes lighting up. “I’ll make us some sandwiches. You wait here.”
Before you can say anything in response, Scotty storms out of his room, still wearing only his dirty boxers and t-shirt.
You sigh – you wouldn’t have minded it if he had let you out of his shoe first. But the thought probably never occurred to him. You sit down for a moment and wonder how long you will have to spend at this size, when you’re again reminded how weirdly addictive the smell of Scotty’s insole was. In fact, you’re hardly even bothered by the smell hanging in the space of his shoe anymore, even though it had been quite funky when you went down to sleep earlier.
Your eyes dart to the toe part of his shoe – hardly any light reaches it and it seems like a dark cave. The smell is probably the strongest in there, and you wonder if it’ll have the same effect on you. At first, you simply shake your head and decide not to go there – it’s silly, why should you? But after a few seconds, curiosity sinks in.
You crawl over to the toe part of Scotty shoe until the ceiling above you gets to its lowest point. As you walk, you notice that the insole beneath you starts making squelching sounds, sticking to your hands and grossing you out a bit. Nevertheless, you move further along, until you can feel a slight undulation. As your eyesight adjusts, you can see the dark prints of Scotty toes underneath you.
You swallow deeply, preparing for the worst and lower your head until your nose and lips touch the dirty, sweaty insole. Then, you inhale deeply, and the noxious smell fills your lungs. You inhaled it so fast and up close that you actually snorted up some of the moisture, slipping unpleasantly through your nose and you start to cough.
It’s a lot worse than that gracious sniff you gave Scotty’s insole earlier. But again, just shortly after, it starts to smell a little strange. You can’t quite pin it down, but despite its strong and obvious acidic stench, it has a strange sweet flavour to it that makes it somewhat bearable – likeable even.
You go for another confirmation, wondering what that strange likeable part might be, and crouch down, sniffing a bit more moderately this time, when you feel a change chill on your back. The ceiling suddenly lifts slightly, and when you turn around you can see Scotty peering into his shoe.
“You in there buddy?” he says.
Flustered, you turn around, “A-Ah… I-I was just—”
“Hahaha! Don’t worry, little bud, I’m glad you like the smell! Anyway I made myself some sandwiches. Wanna come out and eat, or shall I drop you down some crumbs?”
Scotty drops in a few crumbs from his PBJ into the sneaker. You casually eat the crumbs while you talk with Scotty. "I'm glad you like it in my sneaker buddy, I told you the smell ain't so bad once you get used to it." You nod enthusiasticly. The smell is actually making you feel safe and warm. 'Hey, and since you like it so much, you can just spend the day in there." He says with a confident smirk on his face. "I would like that!" You smile as he put his socked foot through the mouth of the shoe. It's not even in yet and you can already smell the amazing scent of dirty sweaty skater feet. He pushes it in and rests his toes on top of you, the masculine aroma makes you feel at ease as his soft big toes squeeze and play with you. You could get used to this.
Your world shifts and blurs as Scott moves you again, the sudden motion throwing you off-balance and making you push against his giant palm to stay upright. By the time you realize that he plans to put you in his pants, it is too late to protest or wriggle free. If you make your voice loud enough for your enormous best friend to hear, you open yourself up to being found by others too. The only choice is to go with your skate rat friend's plans, whether you want to or not.
As one hand holds you easily, the other lifts up the waistbands of his torn jeans and the red-and-black striped boxers he favors (something you know because his jeans usually slip a little when he's standing). The heady smell of his masculine musk gushes over you, and it's quite an overwhelming scent for being only three inches tall. In the slight light from above, you can see a dim outline of your soon-to-be-companions, a rather sizeable cock that was a little less than three times your size (and you couldn't help noticing it was semi-hard), and beyond that a pair of thick balls with a decent amount of pubic hair on them. You try not to get drawn in by the now immense proportions of your friend's package, even as Scotty moves you closer and dumps you right next to the semi-hard dick you'd just been eyeing.
The waistbands close again, and you swear you can feel him lightly pat the fabric of his pants as if saying, "Have fun, little buddy."
Your situation is a little bizarre, because the idea of being three inches tall and trapped in your best friend's pants…
This is the last place you want to be. Scotty isn't the most hygienic person, and the smell of his cock is atrocious. You try to breathe lightly, but the air is still stinging your nose, and it's impossible to avoid the smell. Scotty shifts in his seat, making you slip and fall against his cock. It's sweaty, and it seems like he's enjoying this, as it's just a little hard.
Scotty lets out a little whimper when he feels you against him, and his cock starts getting harder, taking away your space. You find yourself getting smothered by his cock and balls as he gets an erection, your every movement turning him on. Suddenly, he shifts in his seat again, moving you around. You realize that…
You call out to him, but you're too small to make a sound. When he shifts, you find yourself starting at the slit of his cock, it almost looks hungry. As he keeps getting harder, the slit gets closer and closer to your face, the musk totally overpowering. You can see a little bit of pre cum dribbling out, and some gets on you. You try to move, but that just makes him harder, and his cock slit presses against your face!
This is disgusting. His precum is getting all over you. You try to move, but with how hard he's getting, you can't budge. His cockhead keeps pressing harder and harder against your face, until suddenly, it slips over your head! Your head is inside of your best friends penis! It's warm, and constricting. You can't scream. You try to push yourself back out, but his penis doesn't let you, getting harder with every movement. You can feel yourself being drawn in, his slit working its way over your shoulders, chest, waist, and finally feet. You're completely engulfed in his shaft.
Scotty is having a very difficult time staying still in his seat, and his face is bright red. He doesn't know exactly what's happening, just that it feels amazing. Only 10 more minutes until the end of class.
In his cock, you can feel yourself being drawn deeper, the pressure increasing, until you feel a sphincter start to open up around your head. The smell hits you. It's the exact same smell as the time you picked up a sock in his room, and got something sticky on your hands. Scotty said that it was just lotion, but now you know that wasn't the truth. It's his cum. After your head squeezes through, the rest of your body quickly follows, and you're dumped into Scotty's balls. They're half full of cum, and sweltering. The smell of his cum is overpowering, especially after you get dunked in it. What did you do to deserve this?
Luckily, it looks like class is ending. Scotty decides to…
Scotty decides that the best thing to do is just head to his next class. In the hallway, he touches his crotch, seeing if he can feel you. He can't. Huh. He doesn't really think anything of it, you are really small after all. Soon enough, he…
"Scotty!" The teacher from his last class is waving him down, and Scotty turns around, heading back to the classroom he just left.
He thinks to himself. Shit. The teacher must know what's going on, he's going to get in a ton of trouble. Begrudgingly, he walks back to the classroom. Behind him, the teacher locks the door. Now it's only him, and Mr. Welling.
Mr. Welling looks at him with a stern expression. "Scotty… are you hiding something in your pants?"
Scotty looks down at the floor in shame, and quietly answers. "Yes, I'm sorry."
Mr. Welling smirks. "I thought so, now, why don't you show me what you have hidden in there? Pull them down please, underwear too."
Scotty blushes, and immediately pulls down his pants and underwear, showing off his huge erection.
The teacher looks at his cock, and slowly nods. "That's what I thought. You were keeping this hidden from me I see."
Scotty shakes his head, thinking that the teacher has seen you, not realizing that you're hidden away inside his balls. "I'm sorry, I should have told you."
Mr. Welling chuckles. "It's alright, but let's take care of this, shall we? You wouldn't want to have to hide this all day, would you?" Without another word, he leans forward and takes Scotty's cock in his mouth. Scotty is surprised, but isn't about to pass up a blowjob, so he just quiets down and tries to enjoy it. The teacher is very skilled with his mouth, and quickly gets Scotty to the point where he's about to cum.
Inside his balls, his cum is filling up the chamber at an alarming rate. The bouncing is tossing you all over, soaking you in cum and making it hard to breathe. The hot, sticky fluid is getting all over your body. You can't take much more of this.
Scotty, being the horny guy he is, doesn't last long. After only a couple minutes, he orgasms, hard. You're shot up the tight urethra, and straight into your teachers mouth! Mr. Welling tastes the cum, and you find out that he likes to
You your teachers tongue, the deluge of cum behind you pushing you to the back of his throat before you can react. You can see his teeth flash by, but by the time you realize where you are, it's too late. GULP
The swallow is deafening, and his throat seizes you, dragging you down into his greedy gut. You scream, but no one can hear you. His throat massages you as you slip ever deeper, cum getting pumped down alongside you. Soon enough, you reach a tight opening, and squeeze out into a larger chamber. Taking a deep breath, your lungs start to sting, the small amount of air is acrid and hard to breathe. Plus, it smells strongly of cum, more semen being pumped in on top of you. After what seems like several minutes, but couldn't have been more than a few seconds, Mr. Welling finally finishes swallowing Scotty's load. He looks at Scotty, wipes his chin, and speaks to him in a stern voice. "This had better not happen again, okay? Next time I might not be so nice. Now, get to your next class."
Scotty wonders where you are for a moment, but doesn't want to arouse suspicion by looking for you. There's no time to go to the bathroom to see if you're still in his underwear, so he has to just go to the next class. Unfortunately, he'll never find out what happened to his best friend.
The inside of Mr. Wellings stomach is unbearable. He's drinking coffee to wash the taste out of his mouth, and the hot liquid is mixing in with the rest of the chyme, making it difficult to keep your head above the sludge. You call out again, desperately trying to get his attention, but he just burps and starts grading papers. After only a few minutes of trying to keep your head above the cum and stomach acids, you slip under, passing out. By the end of the day, nothing is left of your little body, what few calories it contained adding to your teachers pudgy gut.
It turns out that you were nothing but food after all…
Scotty stares at you dumbly for a few seconds, but before long his giant, freckled face is plastered with a huge grin. He bends down and snatches you up with such enthusiasm that your mouth is stuffed with the flesh of his palm for a moment, before he brings you closer to his face.
"Ouch! Man, be careful.. I need you to help me!" You urge your friend, but he's still wearing that same smile, examining you like you're some exotic insect.
"Awesome.." is all that comes out of his mouth. You're starting to worry. This isn't the Scotty you know so well.. It's almost like seeing you at this tiny size has made it possible for your friend to forget you're a human. He's certainly looking at you like you're a fascinating object rather than his best buddy.
"Scotty, are you gonna help me or not??" Your limbs are starting to feel sticky with sweat as he turns you over again and again in his hands, which still smell like whatever he ate for breakfast today.
"Sorry, JB, I can't." He says matter-of-factly. "I know we're good friends and all, but secretly I've been waiting my whole life for something like this. See, the truth is.."
"What?! I can't be your slave! I thought we were friends! You have to help me Scotty!" You plead with him, but he just shakes his head. He's still wearing that evil grin,
"Sorry buddy, but this is just too good an opportunity to pass up! I'm sure you'd do the same thing in my position! Who wouldn't? You have to believe me! We're still friends and all, you'll just be a friend with….benefits……For me of course! Ha ha!"
"B-But….you…….we….." You're speechless at your friend's change in personality. He's went from a happy, fun loving skater dude….to a slave driving skater dude! It has just occurred to you that you have left your position at Scotty's face. He's lowering you… his shoe, which he has slipped off his sweaty bare foot (he was going without socks today). As you are lowered towards his foot and shoe, you are overcome with an unbearable smell. It smells like gorgonzola cheese. Coincidentally his feet were very very cheesy themselves. You could see some kind of crud between his toes, he must not have showered recently.
As Jack was dropped into the shoe he took a big breath and held it, but that one breath was filled with Scotty's foot stink. And Jack began to cough. Scotty snickered, gaining the attention of the teacher. "Scotty! What are you doing? Put your shoe back on!"
"Sorry sir!" Scotty said as he shoved his gunky foot back into his hot, damp shoe. Pinning you underneath his toes as they wiggled into place.
The moment the bell rings, there’s an increased pressure on your body as Scotty stands up, picks up his bag, and starts walking. You’re pounded underneath his grimy toes, and involuntarily shout an inaudible scream. You regret it the moment the vile taste of sweat and ripe toe-cheese forces its way down your throat, making you swallow instinctively. You feel the huge lump of tow grime work its way down your stomach and start crying simply from the taste and pure humiliation.
Scotty gets to his school locker, takes out his gym bag, and heads for the boy’s locker room – all the while enjoying the feel of your feeble body under his toes.
He sits down in the corner of the locker room and grips his toes around you, taking off his shoes. You are dragged along with his toes out in the open, and feel the fresh wind on your back. He props his foot up to his leg and grins down at you, enjoying the sight of your mashed up body.
Turning your head and looking at the surroundings, you realize what’s coming up next.
“Please…” you start, trying to beg your way out of this.
“We have gym class next,” Scotty says – not loud enough for the other students to hear, but loud enough to drown out your protests. “But I don’t think you and my feet have gotten to know each other good enough yet, so you can continue to have some quality time together.”
You instantly start begging him to let you off, but he picks up his gym sock and pulls it over his feet, trapping you inside as he continues dressing.
Although the sock seems rather clean, you’re still up against his filthy foot and quickly trapped in hot darkness again as he puts on his gym shoes.
Gym class was the worst thing you have ever experienced.
You didn’t even know what they were doing out there, maybe volleyball because it involved a lot of jumping. Every time Scotty took a leap, you thought you’d die, as your entire body got smashed between sock and foot.
But that wasn’t all.
Scotty soon started sweating gallons and gallons of sweat. And although his sports socks did their job in soaking it all up, with you in between all of his sweat seemed to pore into your mouth, eyes, nose, ears – into every pore of your body. You took a full bath in his boy foot sweat, and soon your entire being seemed soaked with his salty perspiration.
You’re whimpering by the time gym class was finished and he takes off his sock.
“Haha!” he says. “You look horrible! Too bad for you, school’s not over.”
You look up at his huge grinning face, searching for any hint of mercy still left – some part of him still has to see you as one of his friends.
“P-Please, Scotty…” you utter, and for once he seems to want to listen, although the grin doesn’t ever leave his face. “My… my b-body hurts all over… please let me rest a little…”
You really don’t want to go back under his foot for the rest of the day. But you realize that you really don’t have a choice in the matter. Even now, you’re plastered against his toes and can’t do a thing about it.
“Hmm…” he says, looking down at you.
“Fine,” Scotty says. “We’re friends after all, aren’t we? Besides, I can’t have you wearing out on me so soon.”
You don’t know whether you should call your current relationship that of friends, but you’re glad he’s decided to go easy on you. He plucks your sticky body of his sweaty foot and dangles you in front of him. Then he picks up the sock he just used during gym class and holds it underneath.
“You can get your little rest in here,” he says.
He lets go and you tumble down the white tube sock. Ending up at the same spot you were earlier. However, this time it isn’t followed by his foot but by another sock, as Scotty balls the two gym socks together and puts them into his bag.
For the remainder of the school day, you’re trapped inside the socks, along with the stuffy smell. Although this wasn’t the type of rest you had envisioned, you convince yourself it’s still much better than being mashed underneath his foot.
The damp socks start to dry a little, but not by much, as the moist, sweaty atmosphere can’t seem to find a way to get away. So you end up lying there, surrounded by the smell and moistness in the air produces by Scotty’s active feet.
Nevertheless you’re able to sleep for an hour or so.
That’s when you suddenly start to feel rapid movement and assume Scotty has picked up his bag. So you lie there wondering what’s going to happen next. You’ve already given up on him helping you, and at the moment, you’re at a loss of how to get out of this horrible predicament.
Then, the socks you’re balled up in get lifted up and Scotty releases you from your prison.
You look around to see where you are.
As you lay in the putrid perspiration of your master you somewhat comfortable in your prison till you were ejected from it. Scotty stands above you already prepared for the night ahead. He has locked the door and closed the curtains on all the windows and his parents are out and prepares for the big night ahead.
"So you are awake, good little slave" Scotty booms as you try to scurry off of chiselled abs as he picks you up in his hands and take of his cap and places you inside it. the smell of his hair overwhelms you as you collapse being drained of your energy.
The sight of you being weak and meek in front of your master semi-erects him and decides now is the time. He picks up your body and pucks his lips and sucks at your body and rips of your clothes leaving you wet and naked in front of your master inside his cap on his abs his rod becoming harder and harder.
"Please just leave me alone Scotty" you cry as you meekly fall to your knees "nah, you're going to be my bitch, you were always the better one, girls liking you more and always getting better grades but now your mine. I don't know how this happened but I'm going to take full advantage of this pipsqueak"
The two dirty stained gym socks which were your previous home Scotty has picked up those putrid items and started to get an idea… he picks you up and stuff you back in them. "Not again!" but then your whole world has been turned upside down, as you were at the toe of the sock you start to fall but land on some squishy material then you release as you smell of fumes arise from a small slit. You are on his member!
He then starts to quickly rub his shaft quickly with his bare tanned arm and imagines your peril as you bump up and down on his dick and soon he feels a miraculous sensation. There's now something hard in the top of his cock and is starting to slowly move down and displaces the pre-cum seeping out of his magnificent 6-inch member.
You quickly panic as you feebly try to escape your prior best friends dick which is now swallowing you whole and soon you sink faster as Scotty rubs faster and faster and savours the taste of your clothes that he has kept in his mouth.
After reassuring you won't be able to escape his dick he then picks up is phone and rings up Josh who is a tanned 17-year old surfer with tanned skin and has a tuned body who regularly goes to the gym and has terrible foot Oder and is Scotties secret lover.
"Hey dude what's up?" asks Josh "You won't believe this but I have us a new sex toy for us to play with you wanna come over and try it out, remember to bring over the condoms." says Scotty "Condoms? Don't you mean Condom?' proclaims josh "Nah bruh we will be up all night if your up for it Babe?" Scotty says "sure am coming over now"
Josh sneaky arrives in Scotties house and comes in Scotty's room. "hey what do you want to do first?"
"Well, I think that if you rest, my foot will feel alone, AND NOW HAS WANT TO MAKE YOU SUFFER!" says with a huge smile on his face as sadistic you cry and pleas "p-p-p-PLEASE". He laughs unabashedly, then you pull hard in his Churchill Skate Vans sneaker, you hit the tab i then try to get out of there (meanwhile Scotty laughs as you attempt to escape from it, i of all your suffering because you are his slave ) your just fallin in after spending less than 1 minute. He grabs you legs and get you hooked on his foot, and then go to …
Scotty treads into the cafeteria, swiping his messy hair out of his face, and notices a bunch of his friends congregating near the door. "Hey, Scotty boy!" One of the guys calls out. "Mikey here's gonna show us some new moves on the steps outside, you wanna come with?"
"Sure!" As your giant 'friend' follows his skate-rat buddies outside, your face is hugged by his grungy toes. Crud of all sorts smears up against your face, and the cheesy skin between Scotty's toes smothers your nose and lips with every step he takes. And with every step he takes, Scotty feels even more like a king among men. No-one else has a tiny man eating the grime from under their feet right now, and for a kid who isn't too bright or rich, this is just what Scotty needs to keep him feeling like he has the whole world in his hands.. And he's not going to be letting it go any time soon.
You choke on the dense, foody stench of your friend's feet, trying not to open your mouth as the awful between-toe flesh presses onto you. But it's impossible - You soon have a mouthful of grime and sweat to swallow reluctantly, meanwhile Scotty leans back casually and watches his friends skate, enjoying the senation of your tiny lips moving under his toes. He knows you're begging, even if he can't hear you. And he hopes you keep it up - The rush of power is awesome.
"Hey Scotty! Wanna take a turn?" Says Mike, a black haired heavy metal-ish kid. Scotty shrugs, wiggling and smacking his toes into you as he does so. "Sure, why not?" Scotty says with his trademark goofy smile. He's handed a board and soon you're taken on the ride of your life.
As Scotty grinds down a rail, you are tossed to and fro underneath his rancid foot. Its a hot day today, and his feet are sweating more and more. Which leads to more and more of it seeping into you. When he lands on the ground you are thankfully clamped between his toes, so you don't end up taking on the weight of the filthy foot.
"I'm gonna go eat, see ya!" Scotty waves bye to his friends as he runs to the cafeteria.
When Scotty gets a tray, he lifts his foot up on his knee underneath the table which he is seated at by himself. He slides it off, hoping the smell doesn't spread too far, after all he'd not bathed in two days. He starts to whisper into the shoe, putting a warm, wet foot onto the floor with a gross squishy slapping sound. "Listen up Jack," he whispers into the shoe, ignoring the funky smell it has absorbed from his foot, "Lunch is almost over, and I've gotta scarf down this food as fast as I can, without making myself sick of course. But you…are gonna have an entirely different menu…heh…..get the idea?" He smirks.
You crawl out into the shoe's opening and lay on your back, looking up at his face, you shake your head no. He frowns, "I can't have you starving on me, and I can't have my feet carrying this crud…however awesome the feeling of it between my toes may be….called toejam…"
"S-So? Why are you telling me this….unless….oh god no…you don't want me to-" You whimper and shake your head.
"Bingo! You got it! Do it or something bad will happen!" He says putting his shoe back on, making sure to position you up near his toes.
Scotty sits at the table, scarfing down his food like a horse, then pauses to look down at his shoe with a disappointed frown. "Some-one needs a lesson in obedience.." He mumbles to himself, mouth full, then starts to wiggle his toes.
From inside your friend's shoe, you're still coughing on the soupy stench of his giant bare feet. The huge particles of cheesy, stinky grime built up between his toes are out of the question - You'd rather die than accept that filth into your mouth.. If only it were your choice. The massive toes lift up a little, then come crashing down around your face. The toes hug your head so tightly you think giant Scotty means to brak your neck as punishment, and you squeal in terror. The skin in between Scotty's huge digits is rubbed hard against your mouth, wiping a big load of gunk across your lips. Then, the giant toes lift up again and the pads butt you in the face, forcing the cream-cheese-like dirt past your lips and onto your tongue.
You cry out, choke, and struggle to spit the filth out again, but it's too late. Scotty waits patiently for you to swallow, with his toes pressed against yout closed mouth. Finally, the toe-jam goes down your throat in a vile lump, and you realise you'll have to signal to Scotty that he's gotten his way before he'll remove his toes. Cringing, unable to believe what you're doing, you stick your tongue out and rub it against the savoury toe-pad.
Half-way through chewing a huge bite of his sandwich, Scotty smiles. He's finally forced you to swallow your pride.. And his toe-jam.
After he's scarfed down the last of his food, Scotty goes to the nurse's office. "Ugh….Ma'am I think I'm gonna-" Scotty then clamps a hand over his mouth and then runs to the bathroom. Making absolutely sure to position you on top of his foot while he runs. Of course this was all a facade to be able to go home early. He sticks two fingers down his throat and the end result is of course….him vomiting. He makes sure to miss the toilet to make it look like he couldn't make it. He starts moaning loudly, knowing the nurse is outside the door.
He comes back out making sure to grab his stomach and grimace. "Oh you poor dear, Let me call your mother." She says starting to go to her office. "Wait! My moms at work…..I'll catch a ride home with a friend okay?" Scotty lies.
"If you say so dear, You're excused for the rest of the day. Have a nice week…..end." She didn't get to finish as Scotty was already gone.
Scotty had sat down behind a tree on the school grounds, out of sight. He took his shoe off, smirking as he saw how his foot glistened in the sunlight with sweat. And on top of his foot, with your face stuck between his second and third toe, was you. Scotty was nearly in tears from laughing so hard as he spread his toes and plucked his now greasy headed friend out. "So Jack, how was your day?" Scotty asked innocently.
You looked away, embarrassed at being your best friend's foot toy. Scotty frowned,
"I said….how…was…your….day!" Scotty said poking you in the chest with each word.
"Ouch! That hurt Scotty!" You said with your hands balled up into fists. Scotty smirked, "Well I'd better get home, And guess what? I'm walking!"
"B-But you said you had a ride!" you whimpered backing away as your friend's hand descended.
"I lied…"
Scotty had switched you to his other shoe with his other foot, which smelled just as bad, and gave you all new helpings of toejam and foot grease.
When he finally got home he was sweating more than ever, which made the smell even worse. He bounded in the front door, greeted his mom who wanted to know why he was home so early, so he explained. Then he went up to his room. "Ahhh…." he sighed as he kicked off his smelly old sneakers. He looked around for you and realized you were plastered to his sole, He laughed and peeled you off "Glad you can stick around. HA!" He laughed at the corny pun as he lay down on his bed.
You looked up from the floor at your titanic friend…now would be a perfect chance to escape while he's resting!
You're baffled as Scotty's giant, rank foot is jammed into the shoe and forces you on your back, your face under his cheesy toes. Your rib cage feels ready to crack in a milion places as your ex best friend's weighs heavily on top of you. Even worse than the pain is the smell -- You've been teasing Scotty over his horrendous foot odour for years, you never thought you'd one day find yourself breathing in the soupy stench right inside his ratty sneaker!
For the next half hour, you're left to suffer in Scotty's skater shoe while you ponder the surrealness of your situation. You're angry, you're hurt by your so-called best friend's betrayal, but most of all, you're suffocating.
When Scotty's grimey toes finally slide off your face and a gust of fresh air comes whooshing into the shoe, you race to the opening in relief.
And that's when you see them.
Four of Scotty's skater friends, all tattered sneakers and baggy jeans towering into the, staring down at you with smirks on their faces.
"Awesome! What are we gonna do with him?"
You look around to find yourself in Scotty's room, the same messy pig sty you've visited so many times before. Only this time it isn't just a pig sty; it's a jungle. Every dirty discarded sock looks like a garbage dump, its stink wafting across the room. Ever worn old sneaker looks like a steamroller that could flatten you like a pancake underneath its dirt encrusted sole.
And then there are the boys, Scotty's skater friends who you've always avoided because the guys annoy you so much.
There's Jeremy, the always shirtless douchebag who thinks he rules the world because he has the biggest dick out of all his friends. There's Sam, a slightly chubby and anti-social guy who always has BO and gives you dirty looks. Then there's Tommy, the quiet guy who you've never really talked to before.
"Come on guys, I wanna skate." Scotty says.
"Can't we skate later?" Sam whines. "I wanna play with the runt!"
"We can play with him at the skate park." Jeremy says in his commanding voice. "I wanna get out and tan these babies before the sun goes down." He flexes his biceps, giving them each a little smooch.
"Good idea, J-Man." Scotty says, dumping you out of his shoe and sliding it back on.
The boys get up and grab their things. You're left on the floor as giant teen feet stomp around you, picking up their boards on their way to the door.
"Scotty, what about him?" Sam, says, and the young men turn and look down at you. You feel humiliated under their stares as Scott steps forward, looming over you.
"We'll just bring him along with us. That way you guys can all have a play with him."
The only question left is, which of the eager boys is going to mind you on the way to the skate park?
You're surrounded by eight tattered skater shoes and four eager teen faces, all excited to get their greasy fingers on you.
Who will it be?
Scotty stomps toward you and scoops you up. "I'm gonna keep him with me till we get to the skate park." he announces. You hear disappointed sighs from a couple of his friends, but he assures them: "Don't worry, boys, you're all gonna get your turn with my slave. Just be patient. I bet he can't wait to get his hungry little tongue on all our hot teen feet."
You're humiliated by this last comment. You know Scotty's mocking your disgust at being under hsi feet by promising his friends all the foot worship they want.
You can't believe the injustice of all this. You've been a loyal friend to Scotty for years, and as a reward he's going to make sure you spend the rest of the day under smelly, giant teen feet. This is sick.
The boys snicker at you, looking forward to their turns. Scotty tucks you behing his belt so that he can keep an eye on you while he drives his dad's car to the park. He knows how afraid you must be of what the boys are going to do with you once you're all alone with them at the skate park.
When your master sits down behind the wheel, you're folded between his lap and his firm stomach. The smell of his flesh and the sound of his deep voice is all you can hear for a while, then the sense of motion stops and Ryan gets out of the car.
Time to skate. But where are the boys going to keep you?
Scotty lifts you up behind his back. You see him reaching for the waistband of his boxers, which are mostly hanging out of his pants. He dangles you above the abyss for a second then lets you fall. Immediately you are hit with a wall of stench that you cannot escape from. You try your best to struggle out from between the two monstrous globes, but you are firmly wedged into Scotty's asscrack.
Suddenly, you are rubbed back and forth by each of the rank cheeks as Scotty walks. Finally the brutal rubbing stops and you began to feel a sensation of weightlessness then extreme gravity. Scotty must be skating now. You feel like you're on a carnival ride that takes unexpected turns and reeks of shit. The mixture of these wild movements and repulsive odors make you want to barf. Scotty suddenly comes to a halt, and inertia causes you to stick yourself into the point of no return of Scotty's ass.
Lucky for you, Scotty and his friends are taking a break. You are rubbed back and forth again as he walks of to the side. Finally, your master removes you from the rank prison. The skaters laugh at your pathetic body.
"Hey guys I got an idea," Jeremy says, his muscles glistening with sweat from skating. "Let's all have a fart contest, and we can use Scotty's little asswipe to judge for us!" The rest of the skater's nod in agreement. Oh no!
Who's up first?
"Alright, I'll go first," Jeremy says snatching you from Scotty with his sweaty hands. He sits down on the concrete with boxer covered ass almost completely exposed from under his sagging jeans. You are lowered down in between the skater's thighs. He lifts his left leg up and leans to the side sliding you into place directly underneath his butt crack. None of the immature skaters can contain their laughter seeing you in your unfortunate predicament.
"Okay so here are the rules," Jeremy says from above you, his ass completely eclipsing his face, "Each person gets to fart on Jack once, then he will rate the fart on a scale of one to ten. Whoever wins will get to keep him for the weekend."
"And what if I refuse to participate in this contest?"
Jeremy scoots forward on the pavement so that your whole body is underneath his muscular ass. "Then this will be your permanent home," He says threateningly. "So I'll go first then!"
The giant skater positions his ass above you so that you are directly in the line of fire of his ass hole. His body tenses and his facial expression has become deeply focused. Gas shoots all over you. The deep vibrations make you feel as though you are in an earthquake. For at least 13 seconds he continues rip his disgusting fart on top of you.
When the fart is finally over, Jeremy stands up proudly leaving you laying stunned on the ground while all the skaters laugh and give Jeremy high fives. "Damn, that's going to be hard to beat!" says Sam.
"So what do you say, ass face? I think I've deserved a solid 10 for that." The disgusting teen laughs above you. You try to be strategic about your rating. Whoever wins the contest gets to keep you for the weekend. Obviously it would be a bad choice to give Jeremy a high rating. Your best bet would probably be Tommy. He's normally quiet and relaxed and probably wouldn't be to hard on you like the other guys.
"Six!" you yell.
"What?! Are you kidding me? You must have already forgotten my fart. Here, I'll go again to remind you, then you can rate me rightfully."
"No no! Nine! I rate you nine!"
"That's more like it. Now who's next?
"Give him here!" Scotty yells, "I had beans at lunch today, and I'm ready to explode!" Scotty's grimy hand picks you up and brings you around back to his ass. You are slammed right into the smelly wall of flesh with only the thin layer of Scotty's black boxers in between you. He pushes you firmly so that his butt cheeks envelope you on both sides and you are completely surrounded by ass.
"Get ready for a hurricane!" Scotty releases a deep sputtering fart. You try to turn around so that your face isn't right up against his asshole, but it's no good. He just smashes your body farther up his crack as the vile gas pours over you.
When the gassy hell is finally over, Scotty drops you onto his skateboard. "Well what do you rank that?" He asks confidently.
"Seven!" you respond confidently. You can probably get away with that. It was quite as impressive as Jeremy's fart after all.
"Ya! take that! Nobody can beat my farts!" Jeremy yells in triumph. Scotty looks disappointed but accepts the outcome and returns his seat on the ground. Jeremy strides over to Sam and Tommy and asks,"Do either of you two wimps want to give him what you got before I collect my prize?" completely excluding the possibility that either of them could out-fart him.
"I'll go," Tommy mumbles. The other three skaters look surprised.
"Are you joking?" Jeremy asks laughing at Tommy, "I've never even heard you belch! Hell, You barely ever say anything!"
"What, are you not confident? Are you afraid I'm going to out-fart you?" Tommy asks mocking Jeremy slightly.
"Fine, go ahead. We better listen close guys. If his ass is anything like his mouth, we're not going to hear anything!" The skaters laugh at Jeremy's joke.
Tommy walks over to Scotty's skateboard, where you are still laying. He squats down in front of you not actually sitting on top of you. Part of you is praying that Tommy will stay true to his nature and release a harmless silent fart, yet another part of you hopes that he will save you from spending the weekend in Jeremy's care. Just thinking about it makes you shudder.
The skater's watch intently waiting to see what will happen as the silent skater squats over you. Suddenly out of no where, Tommy proves everyone wrong and blasts you with the loudest fart you've ever heard in your life. Even down on the skateboard the wind blows your hair back. The awful smell is indescribable. When the smell reaches the gawking skaters, even they have to cover their noses under their shirts. How could something so horrendous come out of such a silent guy?
Tommy stands back up with a smirk on his face knowing that for once someone has out done Jeremy. Once you've stopped coughing, you yell out, "ten!" to nobody's surprise.
"Wow, Tommy! Who knew you had it in you?" Scotty laughs.
"I'm not even going to try to top that." Sam says.
Jeremy just stands there in defeat trying to ignore the foul odor that still remains in the air. "Well I guess you won this time, but I definitely want a rematch sometime soon!"
Tommy picks you up smiling. For the next two days you will be in his possession.
Tommy smirked victoriously as he dropped you in his pocket.
"I can't wait till I get you home, there's so much fun things to do" Tommy said.
When he got to his house he went straight to his room and began to decide what to do with you first.
Anyone wanting to out fart me? Jeremy asked the other skaters.
Nah. No one can produce something so vile like you can, said Scotty.
Wait. I feel another one coming. Said Jeremy who would plant his ass on top of you trapping you in the smell. The other skaters laughed at this predicament and then Jeremy released a long 15 second fart that you had no choice but to breathe in.
Well since I won this contest I'll just sit here and relax, said Jeremy knowing that he is sitting right on top of you and you are forced to smell his sweaty, stinky, and gassy ass.
"Why don't I take care of him on our way to the park." Says Jeremy, stepping towards you with a menacing look in his eyes.
Scotty doesn't seem to care either way. "Sure man, take him. But don't let him get away."
Your heart fills with fear Jeremy grins as he picks you up in his sweaty hand and brings you close enough to his face that his moist, bad breath wafts over you as he speaks. "Oh, don't worry. He doesn't stand a chance at getting away from me. Not where I'm gonna keep him"
An unpleasant cold shiver runs down your back as his dark eyes bore into you. Scotty barely notices this last comment, and is already heading for the door.
Jeremy lowers you down and deposits you..
Jeremy kneels on one knee and sticks two fingers down the side of his sneaker, which he is wearing without any socks. You know how ripe jeremy's body odour is on any given day, and you can't imagine how you're going to survive being trapped inside his shoe for the time it takes to get to the skate park.
As a last resort, you look up at the cruel teen giant and beg him for his mercy. "Please, don't make me go in there, I'm a human being!!" You cry.
Jeremy looks pleased. "I was hoping you'd say that, little guy.. It feels good to be begged." He says this with a sleazy sneer before jamming you into the sneaker, past his inner ankle so that you're lying right up against the arch of his foot. you're in total darkness now; all hope is lost. The soupy smell seems to have grown a hundred times worse since your tongue-bathing earlier. You figure that being cramped up inside this shoe must be making him sweat like crazy.
'J-Man' struts out after his friends, and climbs into the passenger seat of Scotty's dad's car. During the drive there, Jeremy wiggles his toes and shifts his feet as much as he can, so he can feel you wriggling around in there. He loves knowing that you're in there, sucking in the strong smell of his teen feet, and he's the envy of his friends as he sits up front, acting like he's forgotten all about the little man in his sneaker.
By the time they arrive at the skate park,you've rolled under the mean skater's huge, sweaty toes. Your clothes are absolutely drenched in sweat and the toes pressing down on you are slippery as they are stinky. Jeremy likes to wear a comfortable-sized shoe, so there's plenty of room for you and his toes in there.
But he makes a point of pressing down every now and then, to feel your face slip between his pinky and the next toe, knowing how humiliating this torture must be for you.
Time to skate.
Does Jeremy..
Light returns to your world as Jeremy's giant foot is slipped out of the sweat-filled sneaker. A pair of huge fingers snake in and fish you out, then you're dumped on hot concrete, panting and gasping for blessed fresh air.
When you've collected yourself, you look up to see the crew of teen male giants looking down at you.
"I thought we could all have some fun with the little guy. Wouldn't want to spoil him with the heavenly smell of my feet." Jeremy smiles, and his friends laugh, pretending to throw up - they've obviously experienced the foul scent of his foot odour before, but not as closely as you have.
Scotty nods. "Definitely. You guys are my buddies. My slave is your slave." he says proudly, glad to have the privilege of a scared little pet to share and show off to his friends.
Ultimately, the skater boys decide to..
"Man, I haven't had my shoes cleaned since I bought 'em. And I've been everywhere i nthese babies." Sam says, and Scotty is quick to oblige.
"Sure, man, we can all get our sneakers cleaned off by my little toy before we start. I'm sure he wouldn't want his giant masters skating with less-than-polished shoes, right?" He says, and the boys crowd around you expectantly.
You bow your head, hating the jerk who suggested this, and get to work serving the teens' skater shoes. You're sure the rest of the boys loved hearing that they were your masters aswell. The air of pride and cockiness among them is making your job all the more humiliating.
Sam goes forst. He holds his shoe over you so you have to crane your neck and struggle to lick the filthy treads out, as if it were a privilege you were working hard for. The entire time, he snickers things about feeding time for the pet, and demands that you lick every square inch of the hot, tattered sneaker before moving on.
Jeremy's shoes don't take as long to polish off, but he the smell emenating from inside of them is poisonous. Every now and then your eyes dart shyly up at the boy, who's watching you closely with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Miss being inside there, little man?" He says through his smug grin, and the rest of the skaters laugh..
Tommy sits at the curb and watches you curiously as you climb over his shoes, the cleanest of all, and worship them the way you've been ordered to.
"You know, he really doesn't have to do this." Tommy reminds Scotty, but Scott insists that all his friends get the royal treatment. Knowing that the boy feels sorry for you possibly makes the experience even more pathetic and embarrassing.
Finally, Scotty stands with his arms folded and watches as you run around his feet, licking his shoes clean like at his command.
When it comes time to lick out his treads, he barely lifts his feet off the ground at all, so you're forced to slide underneath each shoe like a mechanic under a car, terrified with every snicker you hear, that he's about to bring his foot down and crush you for a laugh.
Finally, you're done. But that doesn't mean that you're going to be left alone.
To ensure that they don't lose you, while they skate the boys are going to..
Jeremy volunteers first, and you're handed over to him. He decides to tie you up in his shoelaces while he skates. The black laces are fastened tightly around you. The smell of his feet emenates from his shoes stronger than ever as you're strapped down to the hot Etnies.
You're taken for the ride of your life, seeing the world fly by you in a queasy blur as if you were on a carnival ride from Hell, and you couldn't be happier when it's over.
Next you're handed to Sam, who squeezes you greedily in the palm of his hand for his turn. As he skates, the kid pours out sweat, which you're now swimming in. Your eyes sting and your mouth is filled with the taste of salt and foul B.O.
Tommy picks you up next, and wipes you off on his shirt. You're relieved when the boy doesn't stow you in his sneaker, in his pants of in his sweaty hand, but in his safe shirt pocket. 'Atleast some-one's anti-perspirant is working' You think, pressed against Tommy's chest.
His smell isn't unpleasant at all, and you can varely hear the roaring skateboards outside, only the boy's quick heartbeat by your side.
But eventually it's Scotty's turn, and he grabs you out of Tommy's careful hand with no caution for your safety at all. He's going to keep you in..
The rest of the boys watch, impressed as Scotty casually places you between his teeth and steps on his board. he holds you like a dog holds its dinner, between his sharp white teeth for the ride.
You're terrified at every bump and land that your owner is going to accidentally bite down on you and end your short existance.
But holding you there for too long proves inconvenient - Scotty can't help but drool a little with his mouth open, and when you're covered in his saliva, it starts to dribble onto his chin. So he sucks you inside his mouth, licks his chin and holds you on his hot tongue for the rest of the ride.
You're so thankful to be out of danger that you want to get on your hands and knees and kiss the giant tongue in praise, but you're afraid of tickling him and causing him to swallow you whole.
At the end of a long afternoon, the boys sit down on a bench and Scotty spits you out. All four young men are sweaty, tired and out of energy. Before they go their seperate ways, Scott might have you service his buddies one last time..
Scotty has long discarded his shirt by this stage, and beads of sweat are running down his back and forehead.
Eager to impress his friends with his hold on you one last time before the day ends, he commands you to lick his sweat clean, then lifts an arm and holds your face against his armpit. The boys watch in awe as you open your mouth and unwillingly lick the bitter-sweet armpit, swallowing mouthfuls of sweat which sting the back of your throat and make you never want to breathe in through your nose again.
Scott wipes his forehead and smears the sweat on your little body - It drizzles over your face and into your mouth, tasting dirtier and grimier than his pit sweat.
Next he offers you to..
"You look like you could use a little wiping off, man." Scotty says to Jeremy.
Jeremy eagerly pulls off his shirt, and Scott holds you against his friend's back like an appliance, waiting for you to do your thing.
Jeremy's skin is oily and warm. You swallow the mouthfuls of thick, greasy sweat with a struggle, and grimace when you're rubbed over a pimple on the boy's sweaty teen back. As you get closer to the bottom of his muscular back, the sweat becomes cooler and plentier.
You're actually already full when you're passed on to Tommy, who isn't sure what to do with you.
"Come on, man, don't be a pussy. have fun with him." Scotty urges the boy, who finally agrees.
"Err, ok.. My hands are pretty sweaty, why don't you lick them?" The other guys snicker at this lame order, and Tommy watches uncertainly as you bow down and drink from the puddle of salty sweat in the palm of his hand.
By now it's getting dark, and the friends decide to call it a day. But Scotty has an idea before he leaves, and hearing it nearly gives you a heart attack.
"Hey guys, I've had a lot of fun with my little twerp, but I'd like to see what you'd put him through if you had him for a couple of days.." He says, handing you to..
All that time Jeremy could feel you flattened under his sweaty foot he wanted to feel your tongue between his sweaty toes but had no way of communicating with you. Now he has his chance and your owner Scotty's standing by in case you try to disobey.
"I'm not done yet, slave. You did a good job on my sneakers but now I wanna see you lick my feet.."
The crowd of giants all applaud Jeremy's cruel decision and it looks like tour fate is sealed.
"I've already taken my shoes on and off enough. I think you should work for the privilege of licking my feet by removing my sneakers for me, bug." Jeremy orders.
"But I can't! I'm the size of an insect, your feet are as big as cars to me!"
"Exactly! And if you know what's good for you you'll do as you're told so you don't end up smeared underneath one of them!"
You bow your head in defeat and walk over to Jeremy's huge skater shoe. It's bad enough that you just had to lick these stinky giants clean, now you have to wrestle with them as you try to pull them off, whic is even more impossible than you thought..
You finally manage to pull down the heel of one shoe, revealing Jeremy's boney ankle. Then you see his athletic foot emerge and you're reminded by the stench of how you were recently trapped under one of these monsters.
You sweat and fight to get the sneaker off, then the other. Jeremy folds his arms on his tanned chest, wearing sunglasses, and stretches his feet out like a god under the sun.
"Okay slave, the master's ready to have his feet licked. Get to work."
You take one look at his dirty skater feet and..
You never thought anything would give you the courage to try escaping these giant teen gods who are not only much faster than you, but likely to make your life hell when they catch up to you.
But just looking at Jeremy's nasty feet brings back nightmares of when you felt them sitting on top of you and screaming for help got you nowhere. You can't ever go near them again!
You start running before even thinking about it. Lucky for you the boys have their boards lying around so they stop to collect them and this gives you a slight edge. You run under a closeby bush, another smart move asthey have to run all the way around it to catch you on the other side.
You hear their skate boards rolling loudly on the sidewalk towards you, all four yelling at each other to get you..
You look to your right and see the gang of skater thugs rolling your way with mean looks on their faces. Especially Jeremy, who's holding his sneakers and skating barefoot.
Then you look to your left, and see that another giant happens to be witnessing this whole thing. He is..
You recognise the teenage giant from school. You don't know if he's a good guy or not but you've never seen him hang out with the pack of skaters so he has that going for his personality.
Before you even utter the word 'help' he bends down and quickly snatches you up, because he's..
"Freddy!" Scotty calls out to the skater who's just picked you up. So that's his name. "Put our toy down, right now!"
All of a sudden, you remember why this kid never hangs out with Scotty. Freddy and Scotty's gang have hated each other ever since high school started. They're always fighting over territory at the skate park, disrupting class with their arguments and even involving their friends in their feuds. For a second you thought this new giant would help you, but it looks like he just wants to hold you over Scotty's head so to speak. Which he actually does.
"What's the matter, Snotty? You want this?" The blond boy is taller than Scotty. He has a young surfer's build and he dangles you in the air. "Why don't ya beg me for him!"
"Hand it over, or I swear to god!" Jeremy makes fists and his whole body tenses up.
"Or what? You'll hit me? With my dad in the car right over there? Not fucking likely. We're going to the beach." You had noticed that the boy was wearing board shorts, and his shirt was slung over his shoulder. That explains it. "And I'm taking my new toy with me.."
Freddy frantically puts you in his front pocket, and runs to the car, just in time to drive away with his father.
"Whatcha' got there?'" The father asks. "Oh, just a piece of paper." He replies calmly. You get angry at him. No wonder Scotty hates him, you think.
3 hours later
You arrive at the beach, where Freddy takes you out. "Hey buddy, I know a way to get you bigger." He replies calmly as you look into his husky blue eyes. "My friends dad is a scientist. He knows about this. Where do you want me to put you
You respond…
Unfortunately for you, the bush wasn't the perfect hiding spot as they wind up finding you lying down.
Jeremy was the one who spoted you lying down and trying to play dead.
All 4 sk8ter gods laugh at you for trying to escape them and then they take their things and head for Sam's place for the weekend. Sam's folks were out for the weekend, so the boys are gonna crash out there.
Now you find yourself in a room with the 4 sk8ter gods all looking at you with evil, sinister grins on their faces…
You don't know how the hell you're gonna get outta this, but it would take more than just a miracle alone!
"I got an idea, guys." Scotty says, his jaw working on a piece of gum which is going hard from being chewed so long. "How about…" He spits the gum into his hand and holds it between his fingers, leaning down towards you. "How about we stick the little guy to the ground with my old gum and see who can do the coolest flip over him without mashing him like a bug."
"What happens if some-one squashes him?" Asks Tommy..
Scotty shrugs. "It'll look pretty gnarly, at least."
The boys all seem to like this idea, and Scotty pins you to the hot ground under his huge index finger before pushing the rubbery chewing gum on top of you, adhesing you toghtly to the concrete. The gum smells vaguely of sweetness, predominantly of the giant's breath.
He stands up and steps on his board. His friends watch as he warms up. The rumbling of his wheels sound further away than ever when all of a sudden, the wheels are roaring towards you at top speed. The boys hold their breath and you cringe.. Just when you were starting to think Scotty was just going to ride his board over you, the sound stops, and you open your eyes to see the skate god mid-air above you, the sun shining above him to make him look like a silhouetted angel. Then he lands, his sneakers slamming onto the ground and his board clattering on the concrete.
His buddies congratulate him, and he wipes sweat off of his forehead, winking down at you with a smile.
"Who's next?"
On one hand there's Sam, the cruel and obnoxious teen who's sure to make your life hell for his own sadistic entertainment. And then there's Tommy, who's so quiet you have no idea what he'll do with you.
He could treat you the nicest out of all his friends, or he could squeeze the life out of you and listen to your bones snap with a smile on his face. There's no telling which way he'd go.
Ultimately you're palmed off to..
"I'll take him, Scotty." Sam declares, and Scotty nods. First in first served, it seems.
You look up and see the boy stomping towards you. The slightly pot-bellied teen has a sneer on his face as he comes over to scoop you up in his hand. Sam has been one of the quiter of all the boys so far, but you can tell by the rough way he picks you up that this isn't because of his impeccable manners - It's because he has an attitude, and he's probably been waiting all afternoon for his turn to take it out on you.
He lifts you in front of his face and, without warning, flicks you hard in the face.
You cringe, shielding your bleeding nose, and tears fill your eyes. The slobbish teen laughs a moronic laugh, and the rest of the boys echo the chuckle from across the room.
Sam looks down on you and grins even wider when he sees the tears in your eyes. "Aww, don't cry, little pet. You're about to go for a long ride, in my.."
Sam's hand is so tight around your waist, you can feel the organs inside your body being constricted and the sweat of his palm running in beads down your legs. Of all Scotty's friends, why did you have to be handed over to this misanthropic asshole?
"You heard what you big buddy said, Jack. It's into my sock and off to the skate park." The giant scowls, taunting you in a semi-baby voice. "Is the little runt gonna be a good boy and climb in the big smelly sock? …Or will I have to force you." He says maliciously, kicking off his shoe and peeling his rancid sock off of his clammy foot.
The three other skate giants stand back, completely unaffected by the horror you're about to be subjected to. "Come on, man, hurry it up. I wanna get to the park before sun down." Scotty says, casually checking the time on his phone. Sam's pudgy foot is shining with sweat. His toes are slightly hairy, and the stench of his foot odour is gag-inducing. His skate shoe looks something like an old pillow that's been used in a fight. Discoloured, sagging and coming apart at the tattered seams. His putrid black sock doesn't look any better.
"Come on, Jacky boy. Climb into Master's sock!" Sam orders with a big, shit-eating grin, holding you near the sock's opening where the ghosts of a thousand sweaty days rise out and choke you up.
It's now or never. You…
Your fight or flight instincts kick in, and before you know it you're jumping daredevil-style off od Sam's hand, tumbling to the ground by his battered old shoe.
"Hey, don't let him escape!" Scotty orders in a panic not to lose his brand new slave.
You've never been to Sam's house before so you don't know which direction to run, and it's this moment of indecision that screws you in the end. In another second the skater giants have grouped together on one side of you and you're forced to run towards Sam's messy bed for shelter, though even as you run you curse yourself, knowing you'll be trapped.
Under the massive bed is an amusement park of shoes, looking like spooky rides shit down overnight at a carnival. You bolt past a grassy cleat and bump into an off-coloured Vans shoe, trip over a ripped up Converse and end up hiding behind a high-top that smells like it's made with 10% leather, 90% sweat.
"I can't believe you let him go!" There's a series of loud thuds as the skaters hit the floor, crouching to peek under the bed. Your hiding spot becomes pitch black dark as four scruffy heads huddle to search you out, reaching in and knocking over shoes, one by one…
"I didn't mean to! I was looking forward to feeling the little fucker squirm under my foot." Sam says defensively. "Man, I'm gonna make him pay for this!!"
Your heartbeat is a galloping at this point. The sounds of shoes being checked aside and upturned only seems to be getting closer. Peeking over the shoe's instep, you realise the boys have taken off their own sneakers and are using them to reach even further under the bed, and knock stuff out of the way.
"When I find… that little fucker…" Scotty sounds more focused than you've ever heard him. You'd swear he was grinding his teeth. "He's going to be eating toe jam… for the rest… of his-" Your hiding place vanishes, whacked aside, and Scotty's eyes seize you. "LIFE!"
Scotty's banged-up old skater shoe comes sailing towards you. He's using it like a fly swatter, trying to knock you down with the heel so you can be scooped up and punished by him and his three mean teenage behemoths.
But somehow, striking out a second time, you manage to evade the flying shoe and run for your life in the other direction. Perhaps because all four of the giants are on their bellies and focusing on one spot, your crazy attempt at bypassing them actually works and you find yourself running as fast as your little legs can take you towards Sam's bedroom door as the gruesome foursome scamper to their feet and shout orders to each other about catching you.
"Don't let him out! My little brother's home, he'll snitch on me!" Sam yells, suddenly not sounding so tough.
"Whoever catches him gets a week of free foot worship!" Scotty shouts, and the thunder of bare feet pummeling the floorboards speeds up with the sweaty boys' eagerness to have you all to themselves for a week full of untold horrors and debauchery.
"He's mine!" Sam shouts, slamming his big white foot down in front of you so you're forced to skid to a stop and change directions.
"Ha!" Another boy yells, his athletic foot just nearly catching you as it comes crashing down onto the floor. The third skater, Tommy, usually so mild and polite, has a mad spark in his eyes as he actually dives to his knees and throws his hands down in a cage to trap you. You miss his greedy hands by milliseconds, and make the mistake at glancing over your shoulder at him while you dash back in the direction of the door.
Before you even have time to turn your head again, he breath is knocked out of you and you're crashing face-first into…
…the fleshy, stinking foot of your skater god. Of course, in the heat of the moment you don't realize this was the case. It takes you a few seconds to re-calibrate your senses but once you do, you realize the situation you find yourself in. Scotty stares down intently at you, clearly not amused by the fact that he had to chase his own slave. You see him lift his lint covered foot high above you, taunting you as he does. "You couldn't just stay where you were? You wanna act like a bug? I'll treat you like one!" For fear of what is to come, you instantly throw all your dignity away and start begging. "PLEASE SCOTTY, DON'T DO IT! PLEASE MAN! I THOUGHT WE FRIENDS! CAN'T YOU JUST FUCKING HELP ME?" Scotty's massive sole just keeps coming down and doesn't seem to be stopping. Before you know it, you are completely smothered under his boy flesh but you are still alive.
"I've had a change in heart. If you can prove to me that you can accept me for the god I am, maybe I can find a few uses for you" Scotty backs his foot up just enough for your tiny head to appear between his big and second toe, well almost, obstructing your view was the most vile glob of toejam you had ever seen. "I've been a bit rough on you, how about we take a little supper break before you get started on your new task". You are overjoyed as you heard this, as you haven't eaten since your little shrinking ordeal. "Y'know master, I don't want to be rude but I am rather hungry!" You try to be as polite as possible, not wanting to face the full wrath of his vile skater sole. "No problem my little slave, Sam would you mind preparing us some food? I gotta keep this little shit at my feet where he belongs". You were starting to get used to Scotty's feet. Sure they reeked to the heavens, but on the other token they would also keep you safe from the other dangers that come with being shrunk to such a minute size.
Sam comes back in the room with four plates, one for each of the boys. You assumed you would be sharing with Scotty, considering an crumb could probably fill you up. Suddenly, you feel Scottys toes start to clench, gripping you between the vile skater toes. You feel yourself being lifted in the air over what looks to be the biggest sandwich ever. He lets go of the grip and you land right next to the sandwich. Eyes watering, you run for the sandwich when suddenly you are stopped by a giant finger flicking you right in the stomach. You fall back, landing right on your ass. You clench your ribs in pain, nothing seems broken, but that will definitely bruise.
"Did you seriously think this was YOUR food? Maybe one day I'll treat you to human food but for now I gotta break in the slave diet!" That being said, he digs between his toes and and pulls the glob of toejam that was formerly your cellmate and wipes in directly in front of you. "This is your meal bug, finish that and I might have some protein for you later!" Sam watches in disgust as his friend smothers toejam all over his mothers dish. "Weak dude, we eat out of these plates! What the hell is wrong with you?" Sam yells, visibly grossed out. "Relax, if bugman knows whats good for him, there wont be any residue left for your mom to clean!" Agreeing with the logic, Sam calms down and just goes with the flow. Maybe he too would contribute some of his toejam to your hunger cause.
As you stare at the mound of toejam before you, you cannot bring yourself to eat it. Even given the current situation, you just can't justify the action to your brain. That is until Scotty booms "EAT MY TOEJAM OR I'LL BE EATING YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" That being said, your brain finally allowed you to attack the pile in front of you. You immediately dive forward, grabbing your fist bite of dinner. As you bring the toejam to your mouth, you are surprised as….
You…actually like the taste of Scotty's rancid toe goo, much to your shock. As the sweaty teen skater boys howl with laughter after your first bite, you decide to speak up. "It's….actually not that bad!" you proclaim and cause the skaterteens to stop laughing immediately. "Wait…are you for real?" Tommy asks in awe. Scotty frowned, "Are you tryin' to trick us?"
"N-no Scotty! I guess it's cause I'm really hungry…or…maybe I just…" you blush as the words struggle to come out.
"Just what?" Scotty raises an eyebrow. "I….I've always liked you Scotty, as a best friend I mean…but…now that you're humongous and like a god to me…I think I could be your loyal servant too, because….I…love you Scotty." You say sheepishly.
There is a awkward silence as the skater boys process what you've just said. To your surprise, the boys and especially Scotty's face soften. "I…..Jack, I don't know what to say. To be honest, this whole thing was an ego trip…but I actually have always liked you too….I was scared you would reject me and my smells…so I got mad and took it out on you. I'm sorry buddy…" Scott says, ashamed.
"Yeah, from now on we're cool with you little Jacky-boy! It's the lame jocks and teachers at school who better watch out!" Sam said, eliciting a round of laughter from everyone, you included.
"Yeah…but if it's all the same, I still wanna be your servant and for you guys to dominate me…cause you guys…you deserve to be worshiped." You said with a smile, noticing the skater boys' egos swell up as they puff out their chests. "Yeah, damn right we do!" Tommy said. Scotty nodded, "Yeah, we're big bad sweaty skaters and we're gonna rule!"
Sam smirked, "Now that that's settled…would our little slave like to.."
…worship our awesome skater pits? Mine are pretty rank from running out of deodorant this week!" Sam exclaims, clearly proud of his vile smells. "…sure.." you shyly agree. You were super excited to nestle in those greasy teenage pits, but you didn't want to seem overly eager either. You were just scared that when this is all said and done your friends wouldn't look at you the same.
Sam notices your hesitation and asks whats wrong. You explain your hesitation and he quickly reassures you. "Don't worry Jack, we always knew you were a little off! Besides, if you want you can be our bug forever! Do you want to show my pits some love now or do you want to be a little bitch some more?"
Putting it like that, you felt reassured and agree to explore the pits. "Alright, get ready! This is not gonna be as pleseant as Scotty's toe jam!" Sam exclaims as he starts removing his shirt. Although he definitely did not have the best physique out of the group, Sam still had a charming body. He was just a little plump. You hear a little squelch as the shirt comes off the giants torso, the school really needed a better AC! Before you can finish your thought, you see Sams fingers beginning to wrap around you as he quickly brings you up to his young, pubescent armpit. As you approach, you smell the smell you were warned about. It hits you like a jar of sauerkraut, yet you find yourself wanting more. "Okay bug, we're here!" With that, he deposits you into the warm, fleshy trench and closes his arm.
You are absolutely smothered in between the fleshy mass. The warm sweat starts stinging your body and you swear you can feel more being produced! You are swallowing it by the mouthful! This young skater god clearly doesn't like bathing! You feel a sudden shift in gravity as your teenage deity throws himself down on the floor. The gravity is too much and you feel as though you are gonna barf. Thankfully, right before that happens, your world starts to stabilize and the arm opens again. You fall out of the sweaty pocket of skin and land on the floor, defeated. Sure, you agreed to this, but you didnt think it would be this bad! The other three boys gather around you.
"Whoa dude, I think you killed him!" Says Jeremy as he pokes at your limb form with his dingy gray socked toes.
"Not even my foot did that, and I haven't worn socks all week!" Scotty proudly declared.
"Maybe we should be a little easier on him…" Tommy finally declared, feeling really bad for your tiny form.
"Okay fine" Sam says. "But if we can't treat this slave like that, I want one that we could!"
"I can help you with that" Tommy states, much to everyones surprise. "Do you guys remember that jock that went missing a year ago?" Everyone is listening silently to Tommy's story, including you, now having found the strength to get off the floor.
"I didn't know at the time, but I was actually born with a special gift. I never told anyone about this" Tommy continues as he shakes his hair out of the way of his eyes. "One day, while I was walking through the park, he happened to be there playing soccer with his pals. He saw me and demanded I kiss his shoe. When I refused, he punched me in the stomach. I was so angry I had just pictured him shrinking. Shrinking so small I could just step on him and end all my problems. Little did I know it would actually work! Right before my eyes, Clay shrunk down to an inch tall! I was so angry in the moment that I actually brought my foot down on him! I've felt pretty guilty ever since so I've never used or told anyone about my power since! That is why I felt bad when you guys were picking on Jack here! But maybe I would feel less bad if we picked on people that look down on us as skater rats! We can finally show them that we are not rats, but in fact gods! Their gods!" Tommy announced, feeling better having finally gotten that off his chest!
The boys all cheer and agree with Tommy's plans. They go home for some rest, tomorrow they have a long day enslaving the…
The next day, you awoke in Scotty's room. You had begged to sleep in one of his foul used socks last night, being a good friend and benevolent-ish god..he granted your request. Now you awoke to the sounds of Scotty getting ready for school and you looked up as the sock was grabbed. Scotty's cute nose dipped into the top of the sock and sniffed, the shaggy haired skater teen recoiling afterwards. "Whew! And just think, Jacky-boy! My feet are gonna make these even worse today! And you'll have a front row seat!" Scotty grinned mischievously as he slid his grungy toes into the sock and roughly pinned you underneath their bends.
You must've slept in late since Scotty met up with the other teen gods outside his house after shouting at his mom that he was heading out. "Took ya long enough." Jeremy teased Scotty as they all chuckled.
"I am sooo ready for today!" Sam said eagerly.
"First things first…we gotta make sure we're all in this one hundred percent." Scott said slyly, "None of you showered?" The boys all shook their heads. "No deodorant?" Again, the boys shook their heads.
"Same clothes as yesterday..including socks and underwear?" The boys all nodded with fiendish grins on their young faces. "Then looks like we're ready to stink up that hellhole known as school!" Scott joked, getting a laugh from his skater buddies as they all rolled down the street on their skateboards they always rode to school.
"It's supposed to be pretty hot today…if ya know what I'm getting at." Tommy chuckled.
"Ooooh yeaaah…we're gonna be so rank and it's gonna be sooo fun to make our least favorite teachers smell us when they're all shrimpy." Sam said with a hint of lust.
"We need to shrink that asshole Mr. Johnson, he's always not believing the nerds when they report the jocks for picking on em…and he's given us all loads of detention before! We should give him detention with our feet and pits!" Jeremy cackled.
The boys specifically made themselves late for school, knowing the arrogant prick was always on the lookout for students who couldn't make it in time so he could give them detention. Lo' and behold…after the tardy bell…they found him in the main hallway looking like he'd just stumbled upon a great treasure…that is…his least favorite students to give a punishment to.
Before he could even start lecturing them, Tommy thought about him shrinking…and suddenly he was looking at four pairs of ratty skater shoes as booming laughter sounded above.
"How about I keep this little fucker as an insole? He could match my other one!" The boys are booming of laughter up above.
"As much as I would love to keep him too, you're the one with the worst foot odor, how long have you had those shoes?" Tommy asked.
"About 4 years, and I almost never wear socks!" Scotty proudly announced, his toes wiggling in his filthy, worn out Vans.
"That's disgusting, he is definitely all yours" Sam declared, the other 2 boys agreeing.
While the skater gods were discussing his fate little Mr. Johnson down below was just regaining orientation. When he does, he can't believe his senses! Here, his eyes were telling him he was 3 inches tall, his nose was telling him these boys need a shower, his ears were telling him there was another person his size under Scottys putrid foot and his sense of feel told him he lost his clothes in the shrinkage. Finally, his sense of taste could taste nothing but shame and cheesy foot odor as he was at the mercy of the most disrespectful, unhygienic irresponsible losers the school has ever faced. Boy had his big mouth finally done him in this time.
Without any time to prepare, Mr. Johnson feels himself being enveloped by the sweaty skater palm. The sweat coating the palm is like an instant adhesive, keeping the once proud teacher completely under the teenagers unrelenting power.
"Are you ready to meet your new gods, Johnson? You should have never fucked with us. By the way, we are going after your precious sports teams next you little shit. Hope you like my toes, I've kept them extra cozy just for you!" Scotty boomed, cracking up over finally having complete control over authority. He quickly slips the teacher in his sock and positions his head beneath his rank boy toes. With that being done, the boys all agree to shrink the gym class next period and disperse to their proper classes. How lucky were they that they all had a common gym class!
Scottys class went like any other, minus his two custom insoles. Nothing to put a spring in your step like two little men! He was thinking of how fun next gym class would be, finally bullying all the bullies who normally bully him. Then he wonders how you were doing under his foot. He hoped it wasn't too much for you but at the same time, wanted his feet to be at their worst for Mr. Johnson at his other foot.
You were doing absolutely fine! You were in paradise under your sexy skater buds horrendous feet. Your stomach was a bit aggravated from over-eating but you just couldn't stop. His feet were like Yeh! Yogourt to you, if they had a super salty foot flavor! You were so in the moment, you started making out with his big toe. Hormones taking over, you begin violently fucking Scottys big toe. Scotty, not knowing exactly what you are doing down below, thinks you are trying to wrestle his big toe. He decides to play along, rubbing it up and down your body, hitting your erect cock every time. The pleasure is surreal. Each time your masters toe hits your cock head, you moan in pure ecstacy. Thankfully, at your pitiful size, no one else can hear. Unable to hold it anymore, you unload all over your precious supply of toe jam. You take a moment to regain your composure, then return to your duties as a slave.
Meanwhile, in the other shoe, Mr. Johnson is not having nearly as much fun as you. He is covered in toejam, sweat and at this point some of his own vomit too. He is ferociously banging on the giant brats slimy toe to no avail. Scotty must be in an intensive course right now, as his feet are sweating a storm. Mr. Johnson feels the limy coating burning his skin. His body, unable to handle all this stress, decides to shut down as Mr. Johnson passes out in the boy foot soup.
As the bell rings, Scotty meets the other boys in the hallway.
"Alright guys, two options! Do we shrink the track stars, or the swimming team?"
Sam smirked, "I got an idea for the track jocks!" Scotty and Tommy grinned, knowing this would be particularly vile…for the shrunken meatheads that is! "We shrink em, and take em up onto the bleachers or into the locker room. It's friggin hot today! We could lay down on the floor with our pits and feet out! Make 'em run around our sexy sweaty bods!"
Scotty and Tommy laughed along with Sam, "Dude! That's awesome! We REEK and they're gonna have to run across our sticky bodies?! That's hot!" Scotty guffawed. Sam nodded, "What can I say…I try my best."
Tommy giggled, "They're gonna be covered in grime and sweat when we're through with 'em! I got an idea to add to it…we can shrink em' REALLY small and they can go through our toes! It'll be a game called Toejam Swamp!" The boys all roared with laughter, you found yourself turned on by these powerful boys discussing ways to make the jock's lives hell.
-Herculean High Gym-
The rank skater teens shrank the track stars, their pathetic little jock faces twisted in horror at the absolutely colossal unhygienic skater teens who they routinely bullied. Tommy made sure to shrink them to barely 2 inches, so now the trio of boys were laughing and their voices were booming like thunder to these meathead jocks.
They really DID look like gods!
Scotty locked the gym doors and made sure nobody was around before he nodded to Sam and they both flopped down on their butts to the gym floor…smirking as they peeled their damp t-shirts off and licked their lips as they slowly and sensually removed their vans and skater sneaks right in front of the jocks.
…pay tribute to his gods by thanking them for their foot odor?" Sam suggested and without hesitation you ran before his unkempt bare feet and started thanking him on your knees for his blessing. "Wow, that was easy! Why don't you get between my toes and start cleaning the mess between them? It is a place of worship after all!" Sam couldn't help but chuckle. His horrible smelling feet which would put off many other people was actually a place of worship to a human no more than 3 inches tall! He wondered what would happen if he had a whole crowd of tiny worshippers at his feet. Then he would truly be a god!
You ran between the huge toes as fast as your own tiny feet could carry you. The moment you arrive, you are met with an all too familiar sight. The black, gooey substance lay right before you, precious as gold. As you approach, you start to become more and more ravid. You arrive at the source of toejam and show no moderation. You pack in mouthful after mouthful of toejam, at this point it is the sole reason of your existance. The four boys stand above you, unable to contain their laughter. "Hahaha dude, why didn't you just tell me you wanted to be a bug? I could have trained you a long time ago! Haha!" Scotty was literally rolling on floor laughing.
That just made the situation all the more exciting for you. Unable to contain your excitement anymore, you rip your fly open and start furiously masturbating. The room went totally silent as all the boys stared at you in shock. This had escalated rather quickly. You jump on top of Sams foot and start furiously humping his toejam. The aromas and feeling of the toejam are too much for you. It has taken over your thought process. Your entire existence is allowed because your four gods have allowed it and now, you were about to cum because the mighty foot has brought you there. You were officially powerless. You blow an impressive load all over your skater gods rank foot and quickly fall off. You land on the floor between his toes, panting. That was the best orgasm you ever had!
"Weak dude! I think I am done playing for tonight…" Sam says, a little creeped out by you trying to impregnate his foot.
"Relax man" Scotty objects. "He is our friend and we should at least try to make him happy while he is the size of a bug. Imagine how you would feel? At least he is making the most of it!"
"He literally jizzed between my toes! Thats gross!" Sam retorted, staring down at little white puddle between his toes with the little foot fag just below it.
"It's not like you didn't have to clean them anyways!" Tommy butted in, making everyone roar out laughing. You on the other hand were like a dog with his tail between his legs. You felt terrible but it was pure hormones that drove you to that.
"Whatever, I guess it's cool. It was kinda funny to have a little human at my feet. Anyways guys, we should all head home. We do have to head to school early tomorrow if we have any chance of stealing some mixtures from the lab" Sam declares. "Now bug, did you wanna stay with me or Scotty tonight?"
… it instantly comes back up, angering your god! Scotty's face instantly turned sour. Without warning you feel yourself being snatched from the plate into the pitch black envelopment of his sweaty skater palm. A few nausea inducing moments later, the palm opens and you are dropped onto what seems to be a small glass plate.
Scotty, finally talking for the first time says "I've decided to let you live for your treason, but not without punishment. My little brother happens to be in the science club, and I tortured him into giving me the latest discovery just last night! Who knew I'd be able to use it the next day! I won't make you too small, just about an inch. Might be a while before I can grow you to a more useful size again." Those words hit you like a stone. Not only was there no way of getting you back to normal, but Scotty isn't even considering it to begin with. Now he wants to make you even smaller, what could he possibly do next? Hard to believe this guy was your best friend.
You start yelling "Scotty you asshole! You better keep me at this size because I swear if I ever g---" was all you managed to say before Scotty shut you up with a wad of dirty saliva. You were instantly coated by the Saliva of a dirty skater boy. The experience immediately humbled you, the aroma of unbrushed teeth and unhealthy food along with a faint weed smell instantly showed you your new place in the ecosystem. You were now just an organism who's only role on earth was to serve his god.
Before you had a chance to recover from the ordeal, Scotty was probing at your body with a toothpick coated in the shrinking liquid. He managed to poke you about 5 times before the toothpick started shinking and he had to drop it before he made contact. You slowly start shrinking, although not as drastically as before, you end up around an inch as Scotty predicted. Surprisingly, the first thing he says is "why don't you guys play with him a bit while I clean my feet up a bit for him?" It didn't seem normal for Scotty to be so thoughtful all of a sudden.
Before you can blink, you see 6 skater hands poking at you, each having their own distinct characteristics. Jeremys fingernails were chewed down to the nailbed, smelling of teenage boy breath and weed, you assumed he was the roller of the group. Sams fingers smelled awful. He must not belive in washing too much. The ones that stuck out the most were Tommys. They were surprisingly clean and smelled pretty good. Like a high quality handsoap or something. It was a welcome change from the smells you were dealing with all day.
Meanwhile, Tommy had spiked everyone elses drinks with the shrinking solution. He wanted more slaves. He put enough for Sam to shrink to an inch so he can join you at his feet and the other two boys to shrink to 3 inches, enough to stay in his armpits. He then cleans the filth from underneath his toenails and comes back to claim his servant. "Alright guys, let me just deal with this little shit and then we can go do some night skating" the boys all agree and leave you in order to finish their meals.
Scotty picks you up very carefully and brings you to the tip of his big toe. The smell is horrendous. You realize Tommys hands were the only break you would have for a while. "Your god has graciously cleaned your living quarters! Don't worry though, it wasn't for your benefit. It'll be more humiliating is the gunk builds on top of you!" He then proceeds to cram you into the crevice of his big toenail. It is a cozy fit, not much room to spare but not quite uncomfortable. At this point you are even getting used to the smell. The pressure of the day getting to you, you dose off…
Scotty meanwhile turns around to notice his friends have disapeared. Looking on the floor he sees them trembling in fear. He approaches them, sweaty bare toes wiggling. "Sorry guys, couldn't afford to share him, i can however share his experience!" Scotty laughs at the misfortune of all his friends. At this point, Scotty no longer desired "friends". Friends are for the weak. Scotty was a god, and wanted to be worshiped like one.
He picks Sam up and explains his new role at his feet. " You will spend your day under my toenail, keeping it clean. I know it must be hard for your fat ass to move under there but you'll want to make the effort. When I get home at night, you'll come out and worship me as I please, got it BUG?" With that being said, he crams the tiny guy under the toenail. He then picks up the other two boys and brings them to his desk. He drops them on his desk and lifts his arm. He takes a whiff and recoils in disgust. "You two will fix that. You will spend the day making my pits smell good and in the evening you'll whatever I say, right insects?" The two boys nodded in unison "good" Scotty says as he place one boy in each pit, entangling them in hairs to make sure they dont escape.
With each one of his slaves in check, Scotty prepares for…
Tommy seizes his opportunity to play with his freind's new toy. "Hey Scotty, do you think I could take him for a while, atleast until we get to the skate park?"
Scotty shrugs. He really doesn't care who takes you, or what they do when they've got you.
Tommy steps forward tentatively and takes you into his hand. You look up at him with a wary expression as he studies you, a look of wonder on his face. You're a little suprised that he hasn't flicked you or spat on you yet - You got the impression that all of Scotty's skater friends were immature brats who were overdosing on testosterone.. But this kid actually seems nice, maybe even caring.
"Hey little guy." He murmurs to you. You're not sure if he's lowered his voice so that his friends don't notice the gentle way he's treating you or because he doesn't want to hurt your little ears. "You don't have to be scared of me, I won't hurt you. I've just always wanted a little pet to rely on me.. And I know you belong to Scotty, but for atleast a little while you can be mine."
You're too suprised to say much back, so for the moment you only stare up at his soft, youthful face. then he speaks again, and you notice that his breath is a lot sweeter than the other giants who've panted their cruel taunts in your face.
"Where do you want me to put you?" He asks gently. You're utterly confused now, and he explains. "You know, on our way to the park. Do you want to ride in my hand, in my pocket, inside my shoe? My feet actually don't smell too bad, and I'll be careful putting you in my sneaker if you like."
You're a little overwhelmed by the giant teen's kindness, and you're noy sure how to answer. Finally, you answer that you'd like to be kept..
Ever since the moment you were shrunk, you've never felt so comforted and safe. It seems you've finally met a giant who doesn't see you as a toy to be tossed around and laughed at. He actually pays attention to what your squeaky little voice has to say. He talks to you with respect, in a voice so gentle that it soothes your tiny ears rather than rattling them. And he looks into your tiny eyes with his two big, blue oceans.
"Um.. I'd like to stay in your hand if that's okay.." You say in a charmed daze.
Tommy smiles, a touchingly off-guard grin that makes you flush. He gently wraps his giant fingers around you and gives you something that you can only describe as a hand hug.. The boy's tender touch cradles you, so that for the first time you don't feel like you're being crushed like a bug in a giant's fist. You love the way you feel in the sweet boy's hold, you even love the vague smell of sweat on the cushy surface as you nuzzle deeply into it.
"You're taking the runt skating? Hope you make him cry like a bitch." Above you Jeremy laughs in his obnoxious, grating laugh, and holds his hand up for a high five.
"Uh, yeah.. I'll be keeping an eye on him.." Tommy answers awkwardly and turns the other way, leaving his friend hanging. "Poor little dude." He mumbles, and walks downstairs with the rest of the boys.
You were expecting an afternoon of torture and humiliation, but thanks to a gentle teen giant you find yourself cradled in a caring palm that smells like a mix between cookies ans fabric softener.
While the boys hoot and howl, skating across railings and flying over skate circuits under the hot sun, Tommy makes a point of staying in the shade and distracting his best friends from your presence as much as he can.
"Hey man! How's the little runt doin'? You make him eat your treads out yet?" You hear the skater king Jeremy ask in his cocky voice, right after performing a harrowing stunt over a flight of stairs.
Tommy, meanwhile has been sitting on his board under shelter to the side. He hasn't enjoyed a single jump, just sat there nursing you in his hand. "Uh, yeah man.. Did Scotty hurt his ankle? I think he's limping." Tommy stammers right after.
You know he isn't actually concerned for Scotty by the way he holds you extra protectively and strokes you with his giant thumb as he answers.
You're so grateful, all you can think to do is hug the massive fingertip before you, and kiss it a million times in thanks.. It tastes as sweet as it smells, and you curl around it for the remainder of the day, until the guys get tired and decide to head back home..
Tommy gives you a comforting wink. "Don't worry, little guy. I'll have you in my care before you know it." And before the boys pile back into Scotty's dad's car, Tommy takes off his sock and drops you inside. You're actually getting to like the strong stench of Tommy's giant teen feet now -- Your feelings of affection for him make the odour semm familiar and comforting rather than offensive -- and when the big guy's toes slide into the sock and he gently puts on his shoe, you hug the mega toes affectionately.
"See you guys later." Tommy says when they arrive outside his house. "I left the slave with Jeremy, Scotty." Meanwhile, Jeremy has fallen fast asleep in the back seat, so no-one argues as Tommy jumps out of the car and treads up to his house, feeling your tiny arms wrapped around his sweaty big toe.
When Tommy gets up to his room he kicks off his shoes and socks, your new owner has to peel your sweat-soaked little body out from between his toes.
He brings you up to his face and smiles softly, giving you a gently kiss on the face. "What should we do first, my little pet?"
Tommy decides that his new pet needs to be fed, as you haven't swallowed much but sweat and toe-jam for the past couple days. He finds a packet of m&m's somewhere in his messy room, but knows they'll be too hard and too big for you to manage.
"Hold on, little guy." he says, and places two pieces of the candy in his mouth. Your gentle teen chews the chocolate slightly, then spits it into the palm of his hand and offers it to you.
Starving, you gratefully climb into the boy's hand and bow your head, scooping up the soft chocolate with your tongue. The sweet taste of the candy is mixed with the warm, thick saliva of your new owner. As much as it could have grossed you out, the taste of the protective giant's mouth is comforting and pleasant to you.
Tommy watches with a pleased smile as you go on eating, then..
Suddenly, there's a knock at Tommy's door. "Tom? You in there?" You hear Scotty call out, and you turn to ice.
Tommy panics too.. "Hide me!" You beg "Anywhere he won't find me!"
Tom thinks fast, jumping to his feet and shoving you down the front of his jeans. Such a bold move is out of character for the shy boy, but he's desperate to hide you, and knows you'd rather be anywhere than in Scotty's hands.
You've never been so happy to be huddled against a giant teen's scrotum, and you hold the warm dick lovingly, gratefully. It's warm and safe in here. You've never felt so close to Tommy.
You hear the door creak outside, and Scotty's confident voice. "Hey man, your mother let me in. You didn't happen to take my slave with you tonight, did you? I can't find him in my car and Jeremy says he doesn't remember taking him. When I find that little fucker.." Scotty sounds irritated, and Tommy struggles to keep his cool.
"Ah, no, Scotty. I haven't seen him all night." Tommy's sweat is starting to run all over you.
"Are you sure…?"
"Are you sure…?" asks Scotty, suspiciously.
"No," says Tommy, slipping more into character, "I haven't seen him all night, he must've run off somewhere."
You feel Tommy's body loosen around you have he relaxes, certain he has Scotty convinced.
"Damn it! Ah well, perhaps his gotten himself crushed under a bicycle or something." And with that, Scotty left the room.
Checking from the window to make sure that Scotty was well and truely out of earshot and eyeshot, Tommy pulled you out of his pants.
"You seemed to like it enough down there." he says, recieving little response. "Anyway, it's getting quite late now. Where would you like to sleep?"
"Yes, I'm sure." Tommy says cooly. He tries to keep his composure to avoid being caught in his lie.
"If that's true, then explain the strange lump in your pants!" Scotty says, eyeing your form under Tommy's balls. DAMNIT! Scotty has too good eyes.
Scotty raids Tommy's pants and fishes you out.
"Please, Scotty!" Tommy begs, "Stop being so mean to the little guy! He doesn't deserve any of this. Leave him alone!"
"Oh please!" Scotty scoffs, "You're being a little pussy, pussy. If you want him so bad, why don't you show how mean you are. Don't think I don't know you, Tommy. You're ALWAYS so quiet. You gotta be a man, little pussy! If you want him back, get mean!"
"You're right," Tommy replies.
"Of course I am-" Tommy cuts Scotty off as he punches Scotty in the nose. He goes down easily, not expecting a hit. However you are still clenched in his fist. "What the fuck?!" Scotty yells, using his other hand to push himself up. Tommy kicks him in the stomach. This time Scotty lets you go with a pained grunt. You scramble away from him, nearly tripping over your own feet. Tommy grabs you off of the floor, as Scotty stands back up, one arm over his stomach.
Tommy eyes your body for a moment before walking to the bathroom across the hall. He fills the sink with about an inch of lukewarm water with one hand, cradling you against his chest with the other. He sets you down in the water, disappearing from your view for a moment. Then he's back, squeezing a dab of body wash on his hand. He carefully scrubs you down. His fingertip brushes your penis and you are embarrassingly half hard. If Tommy noticed, he didn't say anything.
After helping you rinse off, he wraps you up in a soft hand towel. He lets you dry yourself. He crouches down, so his eyes are level with the counter.
"What??" You stare up at your friend, incredulously. "But Scotty, you don't like guys!"
Your friend looks down shyly. His trademark toothy grin is nowhere to be seen as he explains. "Well.. Not until recently. Not until I got to know you, actually. I can't help it, Jack, you're just so cute.. and at this size you're adorable - It's too much fo me to resist!"
There are a bunch of taller students clustered around scotty, and all of them are staring fixedly at the teacher. your giant friend has the privacy to do whatever he wants here, and no-one is likely to notice.
Scotty looks slightly guilty as he closes his eyes, cups his hands behind you and brings his face down on your little body, smearing his giant lips all over you. "Ohhh.." His warm breath fills the cavern of his hands and surrounds you like mist as he acts out what has been his fantasy for years. All you can do is lie there, helpless and in shock, as Scotty's freckled nose nudges your belly and his wet lips rub you from top to toe.
When he lifts his head again, he looks drunk on desire. "Like I said, JB, I'm really sorry.." You hear the sound of your friend's fly unzipping, and one of his hands disappear under the desk, getting ready for you. A breathless, excited smile sits on Scotty's face as he lowers you down, kicking and screaming, to his open fly. Once you're tucked firmly inside, your arms and legs brushing against his cock, he zips up again and closes his eyes for a moment. "Oh.. God.."
Only a few people notice Scotty jump up, holding his bag in front of his crotch, and rush out the class-room door..
Scotty rushes past his mother in the kitchen that afternoon, dropping his bag on the counter and stampeding up the stairs. With his bedroom door locked, he falls to the bed, unzipping his fly with a sigh of bliss.
You spent the entire trip to Scotty's house pressed up against your best friend's gigantic cock, trapped in the confines of his unwashed underwear as his crotch began to sweat and dripped salty perspiration all over you. Before long, with Scotty's thighs swinging under the hot sun as he charged home, the sweat was pouring onto your face in rivulets and you were forced to swallow your buddy's bitter liquids. Not only that, but the excitement of having his long-time crush huddled up against his cock excited Scotty like nothing ever has before, and his anxious dick was wet with anticipation. So you also had to endure the strong stench or pre-come which oozed out of the big, fleshy cock which you'd previously only ever seen from a distance in the showers at school.
Your friend takes you into his hands, rolling onto his stomach, and brings his smiling face close to you. "Did my lhot little guy have a good time in there.. Oh, man, I thought I was gonna blow for sure, just feeling you knocking around against my dick.." You stare at your feet, feeling your cheeks blaze with humiliation, until your giant initiates contact again. As bad as he feels for reducing his friend's life to a tribute to his own raging hormones, Scotty's cock has taken over from this point, and he knows he can't be blamed for the decisions he's making - he tries to tell himself that you'd do the same, in his position.
Your giant best friend opens his mouth and wraps his big, soft lips around your body. "Mmm.." he breathes heavily onto you, enjoying your taste as his brilliant white teeth begin to rip your clothes away, itemn by item. All you can do is stare in shock as Scotty renders you naked in his hands, then takes a moment to admire the amazing view before..
Scotty looks at your tiny dick and smiles. "I've wanted to play with this for a while now," he says as he begins to rub it with his index finger. You try to push his finger away, but you're too weak at your small size. Soon, your cock starts to react to the giant digit gently rubbing it. You moan as you get fully hard. Scotty smiles, "It's so cute. How does it feel."
The sensation starts to get to you and you moan. "Good…wait…no…stop…please…" you beg helplessly. But you're moaning tells Scotty you're enjoying it. You realize you're enjoying it too, and the thought horrifies you.
"I wonder how you taste," Scotty says. And with that, he brings you up to his mouth. He sticks his tongue out and begins to run it up and down your crotch. You moan as his wet, soft organ baths your cock, balls, and torso in saliva. You moan again. Soon you feel your body tensing, and you gasp as you cum. Your spunk hits Scotty's tongue, leaving tiny white splatters on it. Scotty pulls his tongue back into his mouth and savors your cum. "Not bad, buddy. It's nice and salty."
Now that you're good and exhausted, Scotty is ready to have his way with you.
He takes his giant erection into one hand, you in the other, and slowly presses you against the tall pillar of flesh. You try to avert your eyes from your best friend's raging erection, humiliated beyond words, but the smell of your skater buddy's sweaty dick is stronger than you could have imagined as you're rubbed up and down the slimey column of flesh.
Staring above, you can see Scotty's flushed face over the cock-head which towers over you. His eyes are closed as he slowly rubs you over his outrageously horny member, and you see his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows, trembling with pleasure.
"Ohhh, man.." His breath is shaky as he exhales, and you see the enormous glans of his sticky teenage boner twitch above you. Pre-come drizzles from the slit, and Scotty reaches down, patting the very tip of his red-hot erection with his index so that when he pulls it back, long ropes of clear, sticky liquid hang glistening in the air..
Scotty moans again and repositions you so your face is right in front of his piss slit. He looks down at you and smiles. "Hey, buddy. I tasted your cum. Now it's your turn to return the favor."
The thought of taking your buddy's spunk in the face repulses you, so you redouble your efforts to get away. You push against his cock and hands, trying to get away. Scotty moans and you realize in horror that your efforts to escape are only stimulating him further. You go limp immediately, hoping you can at least delay the inevitable. "So close, Jackie." he groans.
He rubs your body against his prick a few more times and you feel his flesh start to throb against you. A soft groan passes your friends lips as his cum sprays from his cock and hits you square in the face. There's so much there that it almost completely covers you. The first jet manages to clog your nostrils and you instinctively open your mouth to gasp for breath. Before you can get your mouth closed, the next stream of jizz hits you, filling your mouth. You sputter as the salty taste of Scotty's seed coats your tongue.
As the skater's orgasm subsides, he opens his eyes and looks at you as you try to clean his spunk out of your eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. "Sorry you're such a mess, Jackie. But man, that was my best orgasm ever. You're such a great boyfriend."
You feel like you've been dumped in swamp water. Your nose burns, your're dripping wet with sticky goo, every time you open your mouth to breathe you get a fresh taste of Scotty's ultra salty-sweet jizz.
After everything, you're still finding it hard to fathom what's happened to you. The best friend you went through high school alongside just held you in his sweaty hands and blew the biggest wad of entire his life onto your face. The most bizarre part is his natural attitude as he pulls up his saggy jeans and buckles his belt, once again looking like the harmless skater boy you grew up with.
"Man, you're the best boyfriend ever. Can you imagine how much fun we're gonna have together! Jacking off with you before bed, every morning, in the men's room between every class.. I can almost feel my balls ache already!"
Scotty's playful, lobsided smile used to be endearing, but now terrifies you as he daydreams ignorantly about the life you're going to lead catering to his hyper-sexual teen dick.
You remain quiet while your giant owner stares off into the distance, dreamily massaging the lump in the front of his jeans.
"Well, better get you cleaned up!" He finally announces..
Scotty carries you into the bathroom and walks over to the shower stall. He opens the door to the stall and steps inside. He puts you on the shelving unit that hangs below the showerhead. You lie there next to the shampoo bottle feeling miserable as your buddy strips, tossing his clothes back out in the bathroom. He then closes the door to the shower stall and turns on the water, adjusting the temperature. When he's done, he reaches over and picks you back up. You close your mouth just in time as he brings you in line with the spray from the showerhead. Each drop of water hits you forcefully and you feel like you could drown. But at least your buddy's goo is being washed away.
Scotty sets you back on the shelf again and grabs a bright blue shower puff, onto which he puts a glob of body wash. He runs it under the water to create lots of lather, then picks you up again. He begins to gently scrub your body with the puff. It feels like course sandpaper against your skin and you pray that your skater friend doesn't rub your skin right off. The scent of the bodywash overpowers you and you find yourself sputtering as your covered in lather.
Scotty then rinses you off again. "There you go, buddy. All clean again." You just breathe a sigh of relief, glad your shower ordeal is over.
Now that you're all clean, Scotty takes the shower puff and squeezes it out over his smooth chest so that soapy water runs from his collar bone, all the way down to that shadowey area between his legs that you've been trying so hard not to look at.
"Okay little guy, I cleaned you up. Now it's time to return the favour."
Hearing this, you look up in shock. You almost wish you hadn't - Seeing your best friend standing, stark naked and dripping with soap, is humiliating. You're so used to seeing Scotty with the same ratty old sneakers, baggy jeans and t-shirt that hasn't probably been washed for days - Not to mention his board tucked under his arm - the image of him naked is hard to register.
"You heard me, little guy." Scotty grins down at you. "You're my boyfriend now.. For lack of a better word.. And when I finish clenaing you up it's your job to do the same for me!"
Without a chance to argue, you're lowered right down to the giant boy's dripping wet forest of pubes, and all of a sudden his hanging cock and balls are in front of you. "NO!! Please, man, you can't do this! We're friends!!" You squeal helplessly.
"Shhh.." There's no use. Scotty has the power to manoeuvre you wherever he wants with a flick of his fingfers, and he doens't waste any time in pressing you against his great big, hairy ball sac with his monster penis flopping onto your chest.
Even though the giant skater boy's package is dripping with soap, the stench of sex is still all over it, and suddenly the memory of him panting and blushing as he blew his giant load all over you comes rushing back..
"See? You'll get used to it." Scotty says in a reasonable voice as he massages his huge, dripping package with his tiny best friend. "You just gotta stop fighting me, Jackie boy. You're my boyfriend, and I need you to do what I say from now on.. K?"
You're too broken in and humiliated ot answer. You simply lie there like an object, and let your towering best friend use you to scrub his smelly cock until he's all fresh and clean.
You're lying, limp and exhausted, in the clammy palm of your best friend as he licks his lips thoughtfully. "Damn, that was hot. You certainly enjoyed yourself.." He rubs his heavy index finger over your now flaccid dick, which is extremely sensitive after the work-out he just gave it. You cringe, trying to clamp your legs together, but Scotty easily knocks them apart and chuckles.
"You sure do have a hot body, dude. I can't believe it's finally all mine to play with." Scotty, once your lovably imperfect best friend, has reduced you to the lowest and most humiliating place you've ever been in a matter of minutes. All you can do is lie there helplessly as the giant skater punk's fingers slide invasively over your naked body.
You feel Scotty's fingertip slide over your drained balls and under your legs, tracing your perinium and delving between your ass cheeks. "Ooh.. Look at these hot little butt cheeks.." Scotty's breath becomes heavier as his finger forces your cheeks apart and causes you to jolt in discomfort. "What do ya say, Jack? Ever fantasized about me pushing deep into your hot little ass? I know I did.. Only I didn't imagine it happening quite like this."
You writhe helplessly in the horny teen's hands as he casually violates you, breathing heavier and heavier until..
You lie in Scotty's clammy palm, naked, feeling exposed and humiliated by your own best friend. Every time you try to cover your manhood, Scotty flicks your hands away easily and giggles at youe effort.
"Scotty! I'm your best friend! Please!! You're my only hope, the rest of my life is in your hands!!" You plead, but this seems to excite Scotty even more.
"Ohhh, man." He's wraps his giant fingers around you, enjoying your bare skin and everything else he's invading. "This is SO hot!!" You try to scream, but Scotty's salty palm flesh fills your mouth now. The giant walks to his bed, lies back and pulls down his shorts. The wet head of his huge erection bobs in the air, glistening, a flushed pink colour.
"That's right, my little boyfriend, take care of your man's giant meat.." He whispers as he dumps you onto the warm organ. Your struggles against your horny best friend are futile. Scotty has decided, to your horror, that you're his boyfriend, and your opinion on the matter is irrelevant..
You're held against the huge, smooth cock as Scotty closes his eyes, in total ecstasy with the feel of his hot best friend on his dick. "Ohh, my hot little pet, I love you so much.. That feels amazing.." His vice-like grip clutches you when you try to wriggle away, and all it takes is the pad of one giant index finger on the bacl of your next, to force your face into the dripping knob of his erection. Your life-long best friend's pre-come fills your mouth and trickles down your throat, making you gag. Scotty moans, his legs grappling the sides of the mattress, unable to control his excitement any longer..
Wasting no time at all, Scotty rushes home with you clinging to his dick for dear life as his legs move back and forth. The moment he bursts through the door, he drops his other stuff and closes the door before dashing up the stairs into his room. He slams the door and locks it despite the fact he's the only one home for now. He then falls back onto the bed and sighs in relief that he is home. Then he remembers why he ran home in the first place and unzips his fly. He peers in to see you wrapped around the clothed dick, trembling in fear of being hurt from his movements, and apologizes, "I'm sorry bud, I didn't see how vulnerable you were to being hurt at such a size." The skate rat picks you up from your 'shelter' and brings you up to his lips for a soft kiss, "You're all mine now, I won't let anyone else get to you."
You are still trembling. At this size, Scotty can do whatever he wants to you. Considering that you were just in the front of his pants, that's enough to tell you that your horny friend is going to have some serious fun with you. He continues to talk to you, "I'll love you up as any good boyfriend would, you'll be with me forever." You beg to him, "Buddy please! I understand that you like me and all, but this isn't right! It's inhumane to keep a human prisoner! Help me out man…" He shakes his head in disbelief, "Not keeping you prisoner little man. If I was, I'd have locked you up in a tiny cage." You smack your forehead, there are just some things in the world that Scotty doesn't really understand yet. The term "prisoner" being one of these things. "Like it or not," the big guy says, "You're my boyfriend now, so you can either be stubborn and my love will torture you. Or you can accept my love and embrace it which I think will make you feel better about the whole thing. Your choice."
You accept the fact that Scotty has total control over you and is nice enough to at least be a good boyfriend to a tiny you. You might as well embrace his love so you can be happier with him, it could even be fun. You walk over to the giant's chin and hug it, "I love you Scotty. I want you to smother me in your love. You are my god and I'll worship every inch of your body to please you." Scotty is pleased to hear this as his eyes sparkle with delight, "Aww…someone's growing on me already. I'll be a good boyfriend to you JB. I promise to make sure that you'll never be lonely while you're mine." You lifts you up to his face and sucks your towards his lips. You stick to them as he smooches you and you blush. "Aren't you gonna give your big boyfriend as kiss too?" He asks. You shake your head, you've never kissed anyone in your life and at this size, it would seem pathetic. The teen is disappointed, "Come on JB, just a little kiss on my lips. It won't kill you, I promise."
You don't want to upset him anymore and give a small kiss on his moist lower lip. He opens his mouth which makes you fall in face first beneath his tongue. The wet pink organ pokes you a few times and then lays atop of you. "Mmm," Scotty giggles, "You taste good. I could just eat you up and swallow you whole." You get scared and yell, "SCOTTY! PLEASE DON'T!"
"No I refuse to give you love. I won't give love to someone who kidnaps me and try to force me to love them!" ,you say angrily. Scotty looks hurt by what you said and asks," Please think this over I'm begging you." No I won't think this over unless you try to help me grow back and take care me not by forced but by my own choice and will!" Scotty turn away from you and walks out of the room for two hours. You started to get worried and hope Scotty didn't do anything that would hurt himself. Even though you was mad at Scotty right now for kidnapping you and trying to brainwash you, you still care about him since he treats you better than your own family and anybody else. Realizing this you start to wonder was your decision right since no one would care if you went missing. Finally the door opens, revealing Scotty who walks in smiling shyly while holding a tiny bed behind his back. "Good news l found someone who can make the growth formula but you will going to have to sleep in this small bed for now but there's a catch to making me get the formula for you."
He enter in the men's bathroom and then in a stall. He unzips his jeans and massage is growing bulge on his boxer moving you all around is giant hardening dick. He then pulls down his boxers with you laying on his giant hard cock. You can see the enormous balls beneath it and his sexy grin towering on you.
"Ugh.. you made me so horny… sorry" He then pick you up with his fingers and put you under the foreskin of his cock. "No Scotty…please!" you try to beg but the horny giant just smile more and close the foreskin over you.
He then starts to jerk off slowly, moving you on his massive warm cock. The masculine smell of his pre-cum quickly fill your tiny lungs. The pre-cum itself start to lube your body under his foreskin while it start to enter in your mounth.
The horny giant moans in ecstasy, pleasuring himself with his new little friend.
His dick start to become harder, you can feel the blood inside it flowing more and Scotty moaning a little louder. You understand what's going to happen….
You hit the water in the toilet with a bit of force, covered in Scotty's cum. You surface in the water to see Scotty with a satisfied expression and starts using toilet paper to clean himself. He throws it in the toilet at you with a smile on his face.
"Guess you got cleaned up already. You know you look kinda cute stuck in the toilet like that. Kinda makes me want to use the bathroom right now." Scotty exclaims.
You seem appalled at first but then you start to wonder about the situation. You've always kinda enjoyed going to the bathroom after someone else because the smell of the previous duty was kinda intoxicating. It was a guilt pleasure of yours.
While you were busy thinking a shadow loomed over you. It was Scotty….
You saw Scotty's ass cover the toilet opening. "Hope you enjoy this gift from me my cute little toy" He proceeds to fart into the toilet and the aroma fills the bowl.
It smells gross but is also turning you on. You curse yourself for enjoying this when the first log drops right on top of you. It pushes you under the water with a face full of shit. The warm feeling of the turd completely hardens your cock and climb on top of the turd,
You start to masturbatory while even more logs of shit rain down. You eventually release your load.
Once that's over, you start messing around with the turds in the toilet. You hug them, rub yourself on therm, and then eventually start taking chunks and eating them. It wasn't the best tasting thing you've had but it felt so satisfying.
Unknown to you, Scotty finished up and was watching you. He stated "Wow you sure are enjoying yourself. I didn't know you were into this, but as your new boyfriend, I will keep this in mind." You blushed due to the embarrassment you felt but didn't feel all too bad. In fact you had an idea.
"Hey Scotty, if you let me do stuff like this more I will promise I will be the best boyfriend slave I can be." Scotty wonders about this but before he accepts someone enters the bathroom looking for Scotty. In a rush he….
Scotty looked worried and realized he needed to do something about you. He than smiled and picked you up out of the toilet. He whispered “If you enjoyed that than I know where to put you”. He than pulled his pants down exposing his ass. He than brought you to his anus and shoved you inside the hole. It was hot and smelly inside. You were loving it.
Meanwhile Scotty pulled his pants up and left the stall. He saw a classmate looking for him. He said the teacher asked too look for him. Scotty stated he had to go and went back to class with the other guy. Scotty stayed in class until the end with an amazing feeling in his ass. Afterwards he hurried home to deal with his new boyfriend..
Scotty went to his room and fully undressed. However he pondered what do. He could leave his boyfriend in his ass until it was time to shit again or take him out and play with him another way. Scotty decided to….
Scotty thought it might be best to leave you in his ass. You didn’t get to enjoy as much as you wanted so Scotty figured might as well wait. Plus this way he didn’t have to clean you.
Scotty decided he was going to make sure you loved. He checked his pantry and fridge and got some of the best food he thought would help make it more fun for you.
You were trapped in Scotty’s ass for a while. You wondered if Scotty remembered you but there was no way he didn’t know you were there. You hoped Scotty was leaving you in his ass so you would be ready for the bathroom. You had to admit it was pretty hot to be in someone’s anus, especially after a fresh shit.
You honestly couldn’t believe how you ended up in this situation. This morning the idea of being pooped on was an idea so disgusting you wouldn’t have ever thought about it. But now being shrunk you couldn’t wait for it to happen a second time. Though you wonder if enjoying might be a blessing because if you didn’t you probably would’ve wished you were a goner. You wonder how long it’s going to take. You couldn’t move much so you couldn’t pleasure yourself easily even though you were dying too. You decide to just wait it out by resting.
Hours later a loud fart vibrated through the anus. It shocked you awake. The fart was very loud and a gassy smell started forming. You found it enticing and could feel your cock harden. Another loud fart soon came through and then the smell became really strong. In fact you could swear it was starting to become stronger and stronger.
Suddenly something hot and squishy slammed right into your face. The smell of shit was familiar and you were excited. It was finally time. The turd that hit you pushed you a little but then it traveled over you. Fresh crap smeared your whole body warming your body up. You felt the turd slide away and then you heard a distant “plop”. Another hot turd hit you but this one was a bit more forceful. It shoved you so much that your feet were touching the anus while. Like the first one the log slipped past and dropped with another “plop” but one that was much closer. It was the third turd that finally pushed you through the anus and you free fell into the surprisingly warm water below.
You splashed under but you resurfaced quickly enough for a brown log to fall right next to you splashing you with yellow water. It smelled like piss which shouldn’t really surprise but did. You look at the turd and remember how hard you were. You wanted to pleasure yourself more so you swam back to the third log and wrapped your arms around it. You then shoved your dick inside of it and began treating it like another dude's ass. Another log fell right next to you as you thrusted the turd. Your cock enjoyed the heat and softness that was rubbing it. Another log fell right on top of your back which was enough for you to blow your load into the turd. You shot several bursts before you finally finished.
You lay back in the water and relax as a few last turds fall from the anus and fall around you. Soon it stopped and you watched as Scotty wiped his ass clean with toilet paper. It took a few wipes before he was finished, leaving them sunk in the water. Scotty got up and looked at you.
"Well that was a fun number 2. I hoped you liked it more than I did," Scotty said.
You gave him a thumbs up. You watched Scotty wonder what to do. Eventually he said
Scotty ended up taking you out of his asshole. You were covered in anal juice and smelled bad so Scotty took you to a sink to wash you up. Afterwards he took you to his bed and set you on it before fully undressing. You were a tad disappointed that you couldn't stay in. Scotty noticed this and said 'Don't worry, there will be more where that came from, However that will come later. You promised you would listen to me if you want more right."
You nodded your head and agreed. You thought about your situation and Scotty wasn't the worst person to be stuck with. He was your best friend and he was a pretty good looking dude. You were curious what he was gonna do. Scotty came and put you in front of him and said "Alright while we wait for nature to call I want you to spend some time with my…
"Well since your gonna stink later anyway might as well enjoy my smelly pits" Scotty told you. He then raised his arm to show you his pits, which were hairy and sweaty.
"You're not wrong" you responded.
Scotty smiled then picked you up. He shoved your naked body deep into his hairy pits. The smell was very strong and it stunk like hell bit it was Scotty's musk which turned you on. You lapped up sweat from any skin your tongue could reach in the pit forest while the hair surrounded you. Scotty was also pushing you against the pi causing tons of sweat to completely soak every inch of your body.
"Ooh your gonna be smelly like Scotty after this" Scotty said. He smushed you all around his pit like you were a bar of deodorant.
Sweat filled your mouth and you had to keep swallowing it. You felt your cock rub against all the hair and it was getting hard, You already started leaking precum and your cock was only getting more pleasured by the minute. After your cock rubbed against the sweaty pits for a bit longer, you finally blew your load into the pit hair. It stuck to it and ended up getting rubbed onto you so now you were also covered in your own musk.
Even after you came, Scotty still rubbed you against his pit for a long time. Hours went by while you became nothing more than an armpit toy for Scotty to enjoy. After one nice rub Scotty finally removed you from his pit. He held your naked body in his palm and looked at you.
"How come you stopped" you asked.
Scotty responded…
"You seem to be enjoying my pits so I figure I get a little taste for myself," Scotty said.
You didn't have time to say anything as Scotty's tongue licked your whole body. His tongue caressed you from your feet to your head. It was a long slow lick, coating what felt like every inch of your body in a thick coat of saliva. You were taken aback by the suddenness of it but you slowly enjoyed the pink organ tasting you.
"Mmm you actually taste pretty good," Scotty said. You shivered at the thought, though you weren't sure if it was from delight or fear.
Scotty began to start licking you more. He started off with quick licks that covered only the top half of your body. You were enjoying it and you were tempted to yell at him to lick lower. Your cock grew hard and Scotty seemed to notice because he had a sly look on his face. However he teased you more by keeping to your stomach. However he begins to use a finger from his other hand to gently stroke your dick after every lick. Now you knew Scotty was teasing you.
"Maybe he's waiting until he needs to take a shit again," you thought.
That was debunked as Scotty stopped stroking your cock with his finger and began to once again full body lick you slowly. This time he put pressure on your groin every pass by. Eventually you couldn't hold it in and you blew your load onto the tongue. Scotty stopped and let you finish before giving your cock on the last lick and taking his head away.
"Wow i didn't think you could taste better but you go really well with semen. Good thing I got a fresh load ready to top you with" Scotty said with a mischievous smile.
You were confused but then you were lowered down to Scotty's cock. His tap was facing you and Scotty was furiously rubbing his cock. His hand rubbed and you could hear the large fapping sounds as he was getting closer to climax. Soon the cock erupted with a lava flow of white hot seed. You were hit with several blasts and got covered in what felt like gallons of cum. you could barely see Scotty until he rubbed away the seed on your face.
"Man, I think I'm going to have to get a real taste now," Scotty said.
You figured that meant he was going to put you in his mouth. Despite how hot it sounded you had other priorities.
'Wait Scotty. That might not be a good idea. You could swallow me and you still owe me some more time in the toilet," you tell him.
'Relax dude. I'll be careful. Plus that shrink ray might have made you safe to swallow. For a shit lover like you you might enjoy going through the whole tour," Scotty laughed.
"And what if you digest me," You say.
"Well then you become what you love," Scotty said jokingly.
"Scotty, that's not funny. I thought you loved me," you tell him.
"Relax I was joking. I'm not going to swallow you," Scotty said. He seemed genuine which calms you down a bit.
"Now let me finally taste you properly," Scotty said.
You were then tossed into his open mouth which closed right after. His mouth was so humid and it smelled like the pasta he had eaten earlier. You had to admit it was kind of cool being inside his mouth.
Scotty let out a loud moan that began his tasting. His tongue gently started to stroke your body, getting all the seed on you mixed in with saliva. It was interesting watching the seed get scattered around while your own body was being softly moved. Scotty seemed to enjoy the flavor as the tongue began to treat you like a piece of candy. You were swished left, right, up and down inside the mouth. You were getting exhausted and you were hoping Scotty would remember to get you out.
Scotty started slowing down his tasting of you and you were expecting to get let out soon.
Scotty ended up
The blank expression is wiped off of Scotty's face as he looks down at you in shock, then hurries to bend down and wrap his hand around you. "JB, what the hell??"
Before you can explain, Scotty has jumped out of his seat and excused himself to the bathroom. He rushes out of the classroom and into the hallway, heading for the exit.
You barely get a chance to talk to your friend as he rushes onto the grass area, where a few students who are in between classes or skipping all together, sit and talk. "Jack, I don't know what happened to you but if I get suspended one more time I'm gonna be expelled - My mom says she'll kill me if that happens, so you're gonna have to wait until class is over.. I know a guy who never goes to class anyway, you can stay with him until I'm free, then I'll help you sort this all out."
"But, Scott!" You squeak, feeling helpless and panicked as your giant friend marches across the grass field, where a kid with punk hair and black clothes is slouched against a tree, smoking and glaring at you both.
"Jack, this is Shaun.. Shaun, I need you to hold onto my little friend here until school's over. Can you do me a solid?"
You look back from Scotty's innocent face to Shaun, who smiles slyly as he blows cigarette smoke from his nostrils, then reaches an open palm towards you. "Sure. Give him here.."
Scotty drops you into Shaun's hand and runs back into school to attend the class he abruptly left. You watch him leave hoping he will come back for you right that second. Shaun looks down at you hoping Scotty will come back for you. He is clearly amused and dumbfounded by the sight of a tiny human in his hands. You look down at Shaun's hands which are slightly rough, then up at him who is smiling at you.
" I cannot believe you are a human, this is awesome," Shaun said.
" Please return me to Scotty," you say.
" In due time but for now I am keeping you for the class period and if you want to be returned to Scotty, you will keep doing as I say until he comes back," Shaun said.
You just starred at the giant above you. He had you right where he wanted you and it wasn't like you could deny him, he would kill you in an instant.
" OK, what do you want me to do?" you asked.
Shaun sat down on the ground, " It isn't one thing, a few things because we have enough time."
You took a deep breath and hoped for the best…
"Thanks, man, you're the greatest!" Scotty says with great naivety, handing his best friend over to a kid who he barely knows and clearly doesn't have his best interests in mind. Shaun only nods, still wearing his mischevious smile, and you're forced to watch as your best friend walks far away. The farther Scotty gets, the tighter Shaun's grip becomes, and you finally cry out.
"Ah! You're.. Hurting me!!" You struggle to gasp the words, and Shaun turns you towards his giant face.
"Aww, did I hurt my poor little toy? That's too bad.." he says in mock sympathy, and you choke on his toxic breath. "What's the matter, pretty boy? My breath doesn't smell nice enough for ya? HAHAHAHA!!" Shaun opens his mouth wide to laugh, purposely blowing his awful breath into your face. You curl up like a terrified animal in his hand, unable to stop the giant teen's taunts.
"Please.. Scotty trusts you, and he's gonna be really upset if I'm hurt when you give me back." You whimper, fearing you already know what Shaun's response is going to be.
'Give you back?? You got a good sense of humour, runt. But I got a little rule I like to live by: Whatever I get my hands on is mine. And I'm pretty sure.." Shaun pokes at you with his giant finger, making you jerk in pain "that I.." He pokes you again, "have got my hands.." Again, even harder. "on YOU!!" This time he pokes you so hard that you squeal in pain, and in his cruel excitement he lurches his head forward and takes slurps his giant tongue all over your tiny body. You cringe as his foul breath and dripping saliva cover you, like a dog cleaning its property off.
Shaun laughs madly as you tremble in his hands.
"Aww, don't worry, little man. I get bored of all my new toys eventually. But until then, we're gonna have some fun.." Shaun then gets up, and..
You look up at Shaun,your new owner and see the giant's hand throw you in his…………..
You look down at the grass, where Shaun seems to be reaching. For a second you think he's actually going to put you down and let you go but then you see his Converse sneaker sitting there, empty and you know you're getting put inside.
Shaun's sneaker looks like the footwear of any true punk-emo boy. It's tattered, ratty and dirty, peeling in some places and the inside looks so worn that he must have been sweating into these for years.
You hit the sole and realise it's still wet from Shaun's foot sweat. You open your mouth to scream but before you can you're covered by Shaun's..
You only get a brief glimpse of Shaun's evil face before his foot comes hovering over the shoe and pushes its way in. You can see that the sock he's wearing used to be white, but now it's full of holes and bis tinged with yellow from years of use and sweating.
It feels hot and slightly crusty when it hits your skin, pushing you down onto..
You try to crawl away as fast as you can but Shaun's gigantic foot lands on your back and pins you on your belly. As your hands spread out you can feel the huge imprint of your new owner's foot, where he must have worn this same show day in, day out for years.
"Why oh why do punk guys have to wear the same dirty sneakers for so long!" You whimper. But no-one can hear you. Your face is pushed into the insole of Shaun's ratty chuck taylor as he takes one step after another, and the gruesome smell of years worth of footstink assaults you full force..
Shaun walks around the school grounds and chats with his friends about bands and stuff for close to an hour. You can hear little bits and pieces of what he says, but everything is muffled at the times when his foot is pressed to the ground - which you know he's doing intentionally just to feel you flatten underneath.
You try to keep your mouth shut against the vile insole of his sweaty sneaker but soon hat isn't enough and you have to open it to breathe properly. You soon regret doing that because at the same moment Shaun presses hit foot hard against the ground, and a whole river of sweat is squeezed out of the insole like a sponge.
You get a big mouthful of shaun's salty, bitter sweat which you choke on. And every time he taps his foot against the ground, you powerlessly watch another load of disgusting sweat rise out of the insole and cover your face until you've swallowed it all.
"Your going to be traveling with a friend".
He says as he drops you into his boxers,the smell hits you as you fall,of cum,sweat and boyish musk.
You finally land in his…………
You fall and hit Shaun's cock. The giant punk gives you a cruel laugh and let's you soak in the smell of his dick, which isn't pretty.
"Don't you ever change your underwear??" You cry up in horror.
"Obviously not, twerp. And I've jacked myself off into these ones so many times, always fantasizing about torturing a little pet like you."
All over Shaun's black boxers you can see white stains where he's let his cum dry, and you can sure as hell smell the effects.
Now the giant punk rocker closes his boxers and you end up with your face jammed against his..
Shaun let's the elastic of his boxers snap shut and your face flies into his cock, which is propped up against you. You end up right against his piss slit, smelling the residue of piss and cum while he starts walking in the heat.
The smell is so sour and awful, it makes you want to puke. You wish you could escape but there's nowhere to turn, you feel like you're being raped by the big musky monster..
You have no choice but to sit there while the hot punk's dirty dick is shoved and wiped all over your face, with every step he takes. From inside his boxers you can hear things like traffic and people's conversations as he passes them, but soon all that stops and you can hear the sound of another man.
"Hey sexy."
"Hey you."
Suddenly there's a lot of pressure against your back, like Shaun's package is being grabbed, and the cock in front of you starts to become hard.
You've being taken to Shaun's boyfriend's house..
You can hear two voices, the other one is sinilar to Shaun's but a little deeper, and there's no mistaking that they're flirting with each other.
"Come in my room, I've got something to show you."
"Oh yeah? I got something to show you too." Shaun answers. A few seconds later you hear Shaun's fly unzip and his fingers return to pull you out.
You take a few gasps of air, then look up to see two giants grinning down at you, with their free arms around each other.
The new guy has spikey hair, a tight black shirt, a little eyeliner and a smirk on his pierced lips. "This is fucking perfect! We can have fun with him together.."
Shaun gives his hot punk boyfriend a big, open kiss on the mouth which the other teen returns passionately. It's not that being around gay or bi guys ever bothered you, it's just that you never knew Shaun was into boys and seeing him flaunt his partner in front of you makes you afraid of what your role in all this will be.
"Little boy toy, this is my boyfriend David. We've been dating for three months, and as an anniversary present I'm gonna give my man all the pleasure he can stand.. Using you." Shaun says with a seductive grin.
"Mmm, I can hardly wait." David rubs his bulging package, then rests his hands on Shaun's crotch.
The boys kick off the fun by..
Shaun lifts you up to David's face, so you're dangled right in front of the other boy's smugly grinning lips. "Mmm, he looks tasty.." Your master's boyfriend says in his sexy, husky young voice.
"Only one way to know for sure." Shaun says before his slender fingers push you up against David's lips. Your front is smeared with moisture and you feel short, barely-there hairs scratch at your chest before David's lips open wide and Shaun's dextrous fingers push you neatly inside.
Now you're stumbling onto a giant tongue, about the size of a single mattress, and David's voice resounds around you as he relishes the taste you bring to his cavernous maw. "Yummy.. Tastes almost as sweet as you, my little sex kitten."
"Only almost, I hope.." Shaun laughs as his own lips press up against David's and the last of the light surrounding you is extinguished.
The air changes from David's deep, heavy breathy aroma when ShaunKs sweet tongue dips in and starts licking the walls sensually. Now you have both the horny giants moaning and panting around you, as you find yourself the centre of their steamy make-out session.
The make out session goes on for minutes, both the horny teens' tongues pressing tightly against you and pushing back and forth between their mouths, both of their scents intoxicating in their own right, Shaun's still the same toxic mix of drugs and cigarette's from before but with a subtle hint of something sweet behind it, while David's was a more masculine and unfiltered smell. The two of them mixed together in a heady rush with each breath you took, and with their wet muscles pressing back and forth against you, it was difficult not to take it all in.
The boys moaned not only from each other's teasing but also the taste of your naked body, their saliva being lathered over you and tasting not only you but the taste of Shaun's cock that you'd soaked up while being stuck in the punk's boxers. It only drove the boys more wild, their tongues pressing you into the other, seemingly being careful so you didn't slip out from between them. Despite the situation, terrified and humiliated as you were, the two slippery muscles pressing against you from the front and back eventually started eliciting your own moan's, David's tongue pressing into your crotch, making you hard, while Shaun's drove against your backside, you tried to deny that the sensation wasn't erotic but the noises you made were difficult to deny.
You weren't sure how much more time had past, but you were wondering how exactly the two of them could keep going for so long without needing to take a breath, they'd shifted so they were lying down alongside one another but continued kissing the whole time. One thing that was for sure though, your body wasn't going to be able to take the sensations for much longer, despite yourself, your cock was hard and throbbing, you were dripping with both of their saliva and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it, their moans and gasps cancelling out your own, you wondered if they even knew what they were doing to you…
"Since this is your anniversary present, why don't you lie back on your bed and let us do all the work." Shaun says with a flirty grin.
David lays on his back and places his hands behind his head, so his tight shirt rides up revealing his firm, slim stomach and cute navel.
You notice that he's wearing some chunky Doc Martin boots unlike Shaun's ratty sneakers, and his skinny black pants are covered in rips and shreds.
"Time to get David unzipped.." Shaun says, and..
Shaun places you on David's crotch, which is so packed with his boner that it's like standing on top of a hill.. A hill that shifts every now and again.
"Love slave, pull my gorgeous boyfriend's zipper down for me. And do it NOW."
You grab the end of the zipper and yank it as hard as you can. It takes a few good pulls but finally it starts sliding down, and you continue to drag it backwards until David's fly is all the way open.
"How did that feel baby?" Shaun says, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend on the forehead.
"That was fucking hot.. But I'm still all cramped up in here, if ya know what I mean." David replies.
"Oh, I know what you mean.. Slave, grab the elastic on my sex god of a boyfriend's briefs and pull them down for me." Shaun winks at his boyfriend and you hear them giggling. This is so humiliating for you but you have no choice.
You tip toe onto David's lump, which makes him moan and laugh a little. Now you can actually feel his hot dick and balls shifting underneath. You grab the black elastic band and tug as hard as you can, leaning back, and..
You pull and tug, peeling down David's underwear while Shaun keeps a close eye on you. Soon you've done your job, and you watch in awe as one big, sweaty dick springs into the air over you. It's like standing in front of a huge oak tree only the smell of David's manhood is stronger than anything you've ever smelled.
You realise a curly giant pube is stuck to your arm, and you quickly brush it off.
"Quit screwing around slave!" Says Shaun. "It's time for you to.."
Just when you were hoping Shaun would take over with his boyfriend's erection and let you go, you realise you're going to be a part of this until the end.
Shaun lays down on the bed next to David, crosses his feet comfortably and unbuckles his belt. "Now for the next phase.. Free my dick so the three of us can have some real fun."
He puts you on his package, which is even tighter packed than David's and you repeat the ritual of pulling down Shaun's zipper.
Next you have to take a deep breath before you peel down his underwear because it's so horribly stained in cum and sweat.
"Haha, and that isn't just my cum.." Shaun remarks with a cruel smile.
You climb across Shaun's package, which makes him gasp and squirm around in delight even more than David did.
Next you pull down his boxers, doing it slowly in fear that his dick will spring up and touch you. You never want to go near that thing again after the horrors you faced today but you have a feeling you will be.
David kisses Shaun's hand romantically while you finish pulling the boxers down. Once you have..
Shaun's penis unfolds from his boxers as soon as they're pulled down and fills up with blood until it's a huge monster standing in front of you, with his ball sack sitting underneath. Not quite as big or as hairy as David's cock, but terrifying and smelly all the same.
"Ahh, it feels so good to be laying next to my super hot boyfriend with our dicks just inches away from each other and a little slave ready to do our bidding." Says Shaun.
"Yeah but I'm not quite comfortable yet. Little squirt, why don't you get down there and remove Shaun's and my shoes for us." Says David.
"Ooh, I love it when my man takes charge." Shaun says, kissing into his neck.
First you have to remove..
You scurry to the bottom of David's bed, to where Shaun's black and white Converse chucks are. You've never seen shoes this filthy or tattered before, and you're not looking forward to the smell that's unleashed when they're taken off.
You stand so the dirty sole is pushing against your chest and you hug Shaun's shoe tight, trying to pull it off.
"Hurry up and take off my boyfriend's shoes, worm. I want him to be comfortable." David says in a bossy tone, impressing Shaun.
It's easy to look big and powerful when you're picking on a guy only a few inches tall, you think to yourself resentfully.
Finally you succeed in removing both shoes and..
Shaun's ratty Chucks are laying on their sides, permeating the room with their pungent stink, but the two emo boys hardly seem fazed. You can see them nuzzling into one another's necks and biting lips, all from your position by Shaun's bare toes.
"Slave, I want you to rub my boyfriend's feet so he'll be nice and relaxed while I make him feel good.." David says as he strokes Shaun's erection playfully. You hear the other boy laugh as he's pleasured by his man.
The huge, bare soles in front of you reek like spoilt cheese but it doesn't look like you have a choice. You're no match for these horny teens.
You push your palms deep into the tall soles, and find that your hands slide easily across them due to their greasy, sweaty surface.
Shaun begins to groan, and the sound of his dripping dick slipping in David's fist is audible while you knead the flesh of his stinking feet. "Mmm.. Mmm, baby, that feels so good.."
To heighten his pleasure even more while he recieves a hand job from his boyfriend, Shaun..
"Mmm.. Ohh, baby this feels SO good!" Shaun sounds ecstatic as David goes on stroking both their cocks, and delivering deep, wet love bites to Shaun's neck while you massage his feet. The bratty teen punk really is being treated like a god, and every time his toes curl you shudder with humiliation that you're a part of this.
All of a sudden, Shaun's huge white soles close in around you and pick you up, flattening you between the two flat beds of soft. Ripe-smelling flesh. The moaning from above is getting louder and louder, while you're rolled up by the massive emo boy's feet and smeared with the rank skin to the tune of both boys groaning in bliss.
The sounds of licking, smooching and wet stroking grow louder and louder until..
You race to the bottom of the bed where your two masters legs are stretched out. First you're ordered to remove David's huge DM boots, which are shiny and black but seem to be encrusted with dirt on their soles.
You stand at one sole and wrap your arms as far as you can around it. You're getting dirt all over you and breaking your back trying to tug the gigantic boot off this guy's size 14 foot, but you count yourself lucky that your view of the boot sole isn't coming from underneath instead. Being stepped on by one of these things would be like falling under a bus.
"Get moving, runt, my feet are sweaty." David orders, and Shaun goes wild kissing him with excitement.
You finally succeed in prying off the heavy boot, and..
As you pull on the black rim of the briefs,you fall in.You tumble down the wall of the briefs.
You land feet first in the wide,leaking piss slit of David.You look up at the two giants,they are smiling.
"Well Shaun I wonder what we'll do with him"?
Shaun grins and you gulp with fear
"You came last time i was here,and that was just yesterday,so you could be empty".
You cry out."Please,Masters,I'll be good,I'll lick your feet and serve your cocks,I'll even lick your armpits,just please let me out".
They just laugh,you see a look of _____ in David's eyes
Davids's eyes flash with hunger as you seem to slip closer to your new master's residence in which you shall become more acquainted
he starts to put down his thumb on you while he starts to moan and kiss Shaun passionately as you struggle and try to plead for freedom
as you keep getting pushed in further the warm embrace of this huge cock surrounds you as you listen to his bating hart as it starts to
pulsate faster and faster as Dean and Shaun passionately kiss seen only your feet are left in view as dean asks Shaun to blow you in.
this makes him moan even louder as you quickly go through your god's cock as the bulge of the outside of his dick grows exponentially larger.
you soon start to feel an area around your tight passage in which a small hole in which you get pulled into … it's your new home and food source and play-pen, Deans balls. Dean and Shaun seem to have a devilish smile as Dean goes to his drawers and grabs a condom and Shaun gets prepared. as for you don't know this as you are encapsulated inside of Deans balls swishing and sloshing while Dean grapples his balls feeling how amazing you are. You know its bad as you have had some fantasies of this. you may have never thought about it but you were gay even though just finding out
about it now. you start to feel great as you are so close to another man and in his balls!
"You ready baby," says Dean as he stretches an XL condom over his cock, "Yeah baby, let's see how he enjoys being pounded into me".
soon Dean starts to slowly thrust in Shaun as they start to moan louder and louder as the level of semen starts to rise to an unbearable degree.
Deans head is right next to Shaun as he is pounding him feeling so powerful having a little bitch inside of him as Shaun starts to climax quickly all over the bed and some on Dean, Dean licks some up and loves the taste, he wonders how you would enjoy his semen anyway.
he then feels as if he is about to climax and then he shoots out a massive wave of cum into his condom.
you are in…
The moment you had fully opened David's fly, his unrestrained erection flew out or his jeans, smacking you off of the giant. You went soaring past his leg and got a glimpse of his smirking face before you fell…
Shaun closes his boxers so fast that you lose your balance and fall face first into the fabric which is still warm from being up against his dick.
You hear him pull up the zipper of his jeans and find yourself so tightly closed in that when you open your mouth to breathe the disgusting cumstained fabric of his boxers touches your tongue and you can taste all the flavours of his manhood, on the underwear that hasn't been changed in forever.
As he continues to walk around in the hot sun you feel sweat dripping off the huge cock behind you. You're dehydrated and who knows when Shaun will let you out.
This is the last thing you ever thought you would do, but you find yourself actually putting your lips against the cum stained boxers that you're trapped in.
By now they've gathered so much of Shaun's sweat that they're practically dripping wet, and you're so thirsty that you feel like you'l die if you don't drink something.. Anything.
You suck the warm sweat out of your punk master's boxers, and with it comes days worth of his cum which he spilled fantasizing about torture and domination. You drink it all up and gulp it down, trying not to throw up over the bitter, boyish taste. Then..
You keep drinking his sweat. It has a strong taste, it fills your little nose and lungs. You keep drinking until your stomach is full of the giant punk sweat.
Then without any warning the hands of the giant boy rubbing his dick. You fall down and get stuck under the two massive big balls of the punk. They are bigger than you, pressing your stomach. You find hard to breathe staring at this big sweaty balls.. almost perfect.
You watch with your heart in your throat as Scotty walks away, then you turn to Shaun. "Um.. You are going to.. give me back, aren't you?"
Shaun chuckles and shakes his head, not even bothering to answer your stupid question. Then he brings you towards his face, studying you under the sunlight. His noxious breath stings your eyes, but when you try to shield your face he easily flicks your arms away with his giant fingers, not even acknowledging your effort to protect yourself. Finally he says: "Yeah.. Yeah, I think Andy's gonna like you."
"Who's Andy?" You say, hearing your own voice shake a little with uncertainty. But Shaun doesn't waste time answering you, he merely wraps his sweaty palm around your body and shoves you in his pocket.
* * * * *
Later that night, Shaun wanders into his living room. His younger brother is sitting on the lounge with his sneakers up on the coffee table, watching TV. The boy has blond hair, a pretty face and an air of confidence similar to his brother.
'Hey Andy, happy birthday." Shaun says, handing a small, crumpled package to his sibling.
"My birthday was last week, douchebeg." Andy says, but takes the package anyway. His fingers rip through the wrapping paper impatiently, and stop when he feels his nails scatch against something soft and flesh-like"…Oh, man! Shaun, this is the best present ever!! Where did you get this?" The boy 's giant face looms over you, ecstatic, and his sweaty fingers dig into your sides.
"Ah, it was nothin'." Shaun shrugs, switching off his cell phone which Scotty has been calling desperately all night. "Just enjoy the little guy. he's all yours."
"My very own slave. This is the best birthday present ever! Thanks, big bro." Andy's fingers grasp you tightly, covering you in his sweaty flesh. He has the most obnoxious, untrustworthy smile yiu've ever seen on a kid his age as he places you on the coffee table and unlaces his sneakers. Evil must run in the family.
"No problem, little bud. Enjoy him." Shaun looks proudly at his younger brother, then smirks at you, sitting scared and alone on the coffee table in front of two nasty teen giants.
That's when Andy slams his bare feet down on the table in front of you, so heavily that you lose your balance and fall on your hands and knees before the lint-covered soles.
"Whoah, man!! Andy, when was the last time you washed your feet?" Shaun ecxclaims, pinching his nose and waving the air away. "Those dogs fucking reek! I almost feel bad for the little sitting in front of them." He laughs, hastily jumping off the lounge and retreating to his room.
Now it's just you, Andy, and his massive, stinking feet. The boy wiggles his toes and grins at you. "Slave, RUB."
"Yes master". You say as you crawl up to the huge,sweaty,smelly soles.You reach out to them and touch them,they were so slimy and sweaty that you couldn't get a grip.Andy looks down at you and smiles"I want you to use your ______ slave".
You look up at the huge smelly soles of your new master,you here him say "Tongue". You reach the heel and you start to lick it.The taste of boy feet fills your mouth,it is a hot day and their air conditioning is broken so the room is like an oven and his foot sweat pours off him and lands on you.It is still hot when it hits you,you are forced to lick it up as it rolls down the sole.You start to climb the foot,the terrible smell getting worse as you reach the toes,jamming your head between the toes,licking out all the toe jam and sweat that has gathered there.Andy watches as you lick his feet clean,he giggles at the feeling of you licking between his foul toes.He loves having this power over you,and he decides to make it much worse for you.He reaches down and picks you up and drops you in his…………………..
The rank smell of the shoe envelops you instantly. Andy grins down at you from above. "I hope your enjoying yourself slave", he says. "Please Andy, give me back to Scotty. I begging you! I'll die in here!" But Andy has none of it. He just starts to snigger and says, "Well you better boot up slave cause I'm going on a nice hot jog weather you like it or not. My feet are going to sweat a ton in this heat and I better feel your head between my toes or else!" "Oh God…" you taught to yourself as the dominant little boy who was now a giant tilted his shoes cause you to fall to the bottom.
At the bottom the smell was even worse. This was where Andy's toes lay all day sweating in the heat. If the smell was this bad now how bad would it be in the middle of Andy's jog. Andy's toes rushed in and you screamed as they pinned you to the edge. His two big toes sorrounded your face. When Andy began to walk your face was smooshed between his toes which had already started to pespire.
Andy started to jog and the pain only got worse. Where does Andy go on his jog?
You didn't know how long it had been. An hour, a half? But the smell inside the shoe had amplified greatly. It burned your nose, mouth and eyes. So toxic and stink ridden like busy locker rooms. All this caused by Andy's massive foot. At every landing of his foot his toe gap pressed into your face, the ball of his foot pushed the air out of your body causing you to seize and gasp for the rancid air making you gag.
But finally the boy stopped and you felt all pressure being taking off your body. You were relieved but knew some form of torture was coming.
Andy struggled to take off his tight shoes, which made a squelch sound as he took them off his feet. You fell out onto the dirt and leaves below, you were deep in the forest, at the mercy of Andy. Andy laughed as you struggled to compose yourself. The air felt slightly humid but maybe it was because the boy's two hulking feet were on either side of you. Once you composed your self you looked up at Andy liked a lost puppy, feeling scared and vulnerable. Even if you tried to run Andy would surely crush with his tanned feet and besides there was no where to hide…
Andy looked at you with at mean smirk on his face. His simply pointed to his left foot and commanded, "Lick between my toes". You knew you had too. The boat sized feet sat their, toenails facing you with soles to the ground. As you got closer the smell got worse. His big toe came up to your waist, it was tanned and smooth. His two toes met and you had to get down on you knees and pry them apart to get to the rotting toe jam in side. You physically wretched as you were greeted with the horrific smell of the dank, moist cavern that lay between the giants toes. When you reached the skin at the end of the cavern it's was wet with sweat. It dripped down. It was coved it black and purple pieces of dirty lint which had been picked up from his runners. Andy who was now relaxing with his arms behind his head squeezed you body with his toes sending pain thought your pelvis. You knew you had to start. You leaned forward and stuffed the rank lint in your mouth, you gag and pushed back the need to vomit. The lint burned your tongue but you forced yourself to swallow.
You continued licking and cleaning each of the toes until they were as clean as possible. You had swallowed litres and litres of rank boy sweat at this point. You were sick and full but you finally finished. You collapsed on the ground between his feet. Andy rose up from the ground. "Nice work, slave", was all he said.
"Now…", he said…
"Get in my shoe", the giant boy said. "Wait, what?", you asked trembling. The boy pointed to the goliath shoe behind you as he stretched his toes. "Oh no…", you thought to yourself as you approached the musky opening of his left shoe. You paused, trembling at the mouth of the shoe. Did you have to… "Go on you little faggot", the boy said more agrressively. You quickly rushed into the shoe, you didn't want him to crush you after all. All the while the boy felt his growing member through his pants.
The boy picked up the shoe with you now inside. You fell around clumsily as he shook it and he laughed. "Now lick the sole, Tiny", he commanded. You gulped and got to work, licking the moist blue sole which was coved in white and black bits of lint.
As you were forced to lick you heard strange moans from behind you. You looked up and the boy was looking at you with an open mouth and pleasuring his now erect cock. The thing was multiple times your size. The boy was turned on by your slavery. "Oh ya", he moaned. You didn't know what to do… Until the boy began to lean forward putting his face over the shoe. "Oh shit", you thought. The started to maneuver his mouth and all of a sudden spat a massive gob of green spit and phlegm right onto you. You gagged in the green, slimy, loogie. It had covered you completely. It burned your eyes as you suffocated inside. But fortunately or unfortunately your head broke the surface of the green gob. The boy was playing with himself faster now and moaning as well. "Eat up slave", he whispered. You didn't and this time he shouted, "EAT THE FUCK UP SLAVE". Scared you dove you head back in the mess attempting to swallow as much as you could.
The thick goop tasted horrible. It tasted salty and slimy all at once. You coughed and gagged as it slowly went down your throat.
You looked up again to see a sight even more horrifying. The boy had his giant six inch cock pointed right at the opening of the shoe. "BEG", he shouted. "PLEASE NO, DON'T I'LL DROWN!" But this just turned him on even more. "Oh ya, I'm cumming little faggot, ohh yaa…" Andy's rock hard cock spurted out geysers of white, hot cum hitting you in the face and drowning you.
There was so much, it all burned and stung. You could hear Andy panting and cooling down after the intense sesh as you sloshed and struggled in the white cum. There was a surprising amount for someone of his age. The sour, salty stuff raided your face and mouth, gushing down your throat.
"Hahaha", laughed Andy. "Good luck on the way home", said Andy as he lowered his foot into the moist cum and phlegm infested shoe. You screamed as Andy's stinking toes mercilessly pushed you to the back in the sea of cum. The torturous jog home had begun once again.
Andy took you out of your smelly prison, you were still soaked in cum and sweat. Andy sat in just a pair of shorts of his bed. "I'm going to bed now slave, so I have to find a good enclosure for you…"
"Hmmmmm….", Andy mumbled in his cute voice as he scanned a room for the vessel of your torture. You shivered as you desperately tried to follow his eyes. It was impossible to know where he could put you, his room was a mess. Soda cans, socks, pants, magazines, food, tissues and everything possible was strewn about on the floor.
"Ah-hah!", Andy exclaimed as his eyes set on an object. You followed his gaze and it landed on a red sock, a soccer or football sock. It's bottom was long grey, probably from the frequent use. Andy got up from his bed and strode over to the sock picking up the sock with you in hand. "P-p-please master, don't make me s-sleep in there…", you stuttered. Andy. looked you in the eye and sniggered. "Ya, well I'm the boss and you're only a little foot slave that deserves nothing more. Say anything more and I snap your neck tiny." You were completely defeated. "Now, I'm goin' to bloody bed slave". And Andy opened up the sock and dropped you in, before you reached the murky, stale bottom he had put a knot on the only escape route, tying you in… You felt the impact as Andy carelessly threw you on the ground.
The next morning…
You were shaken awake by Andy untying the great red knot at the opening of the sock. "Oh God", you groaned to yourself as a new day had begun. The sock was not a bright thing to wake up to, you couldn't even stand because of the material above you weighing you down to the stale sole.
Andy's young face welcomed you in a good mood, he appeared to be chewing something. You were wondering what it was when he suddenly spat it out, down onto you. It was a mushy piece of bread, yellow from being in his mouth. Disgusted, you looked back up confused at him. He simply shouted, "C'mon slave, it's time for school. Now NOM-NOM-NOM!" Andy retied the knot to the long sock and left with the soaking piece of bread. Admittedly, you were thankful for the bread. Even if it was disgusting at least it wasn't toe jam. As you were tossed around, you acknowledged you were put into one of Andy's smelly gym bags. Oh-well, you had some food.
You heard Andy laughing and joking somewhere above. You were still in darkness, smelly darkness. Then all of a sudden there was light, boy were you glad to see light. Then… Andy's smirking appeared in the hole above. Aw-cripes you thought. Andy's tanned foot raced into the sock. Coming towards you like and avalanche. You were at the brink of his foot, squished up against his toes. "It's a tight fit", you thought as you face was pushed into the tops of his middles toes on his right foot.
As you struggled to breathe inside the sock, you heard a whistle being blown and that's when you knew the real game had begun.
It was crazy. All of the running and kicked. It was most painful at first as you felt the full force when Andy kicked the ball, smashing you face into his toes. But thanks to Andy's toe flexing and jumping you were moved all about his foot. Under his toes to his arch to a rather painful under his heel. It was thanks to the shock absorbing sole of the shoe you were still alive. But damn was there a lot of sweat. As the goliath foot threatened to crush you, you were nearly drowned in the pissy sweat. It evaded your mouth and eyes burning them in the process.
Finally you heard the whistle being blown once again. Andy jumped up and down in joy. Winding you as his many tonne weight landed down on you each time cause you to gasp for the stuffy, rotten air.
Back in the changing room Andy emptied you onto his hand freeing you from the wet sock. Although his hand stunk of sweat you gratefully breathed the clean-er air. You looked up at Andy, but broke eye contact. Who knows what he could do next?
You'll be spending the rest of the day…
There you were, pinned beneath Andy's ass. You were face to face with his puckering brown hole. It was a tan colour with brown streaks coming out of it, you didn't want to acknowledge those brown streaks. You suspected it had been three hours, stuck in this cavern. When had got up to walk to his next class, you sure felt it. The tight denim jeans of the boys ass clung tight pushing you up his crack. Your body ragdolled, shoulders twist as they matched the stride of the boy. You remember clearly when Andy *accidentally* dropped a pencil. He slowly bent down to retrieve it. Slowly, you were pushed up against the perspiring hole. When Andy was at his lowest the jeans were at their tightest, your head was pushed right into his hole. Your head was crushed as it was lodged into the tight anus. The smell was terrible. Andy's hole was always smelly and sweaty. Drops of sweat made their way down from the boys back. They greeted you by smothering your face or if you were unlucky, it all loaded into your mouth.
Your remembered Andy giggling, "Let's try something new slave", as his hand held you above his behind. It curved out beneath you before the boy pulled open the waistband and you were net with a musky wave. "Oh-no-no, please no!", you begged, clinging onto his finger. "G'wan you little queer, get in the nasty hole", he said merrily as he tried to flick you off his finger. Eventually, you succumb to the painful thwacks and you fell into the shiny, moist and hairless pit.
Bit now something new was happening. Andy's hole was puckering slot more than usual. Suddenly, he ground his ass down into the chair. You were crushed with your arms pinned to your sides. The puckering beast got closer. It's contractions were slowing but then it opened up revealing the boys pink-red rectum. A massive but silent fart blasted out of his hole. After about four seconds the hole closed once again leaving you with the wretched, milky smell. You gagged naturally and gasped for air. Andy bore his ass down again. He sniggered above as he humiliated you.
After much more painful walking and butt crushing you believed you were finally home.
Thankfully you felt the constricting jeans loosen. They were pulled back at last. You would be taken away from Andy's sweaty grimey hole. You felt Andy's finger which were longer than your take a firm grasp of you but they just took your head. "Oh jeez", you thought. "Give my hole a kiss slave and I'll consider taking you out", he said. "Go on, kissy kissy", and he shook my head back and forth. I knew I had to as I was at Andy's complete mercy and he knew this to. I puckered up and pushed my face towards the tan, constricting ring. I placed a kiss on the tight hole which was bigger than my head. "Hahaha, good slave, I know you loved it", Andy said boastfully.
Now he finally took me out of the back of his jeans. He roughly threw down to the coffee table in front of the couch. I yelped in pain as I hid the wooden surface. Andy just sniggered in response. Next he placed his two large trainers onto the table around me. "Man, it's so good to have a good ol' foot worshiper", he said. Andy crossed his feet, left over right and lifted his shoes into the air a bit. I was wondering what he was doing when he suddenly slammed the heal of his shoe down on top of me. Now resting his crossed feet on top of me I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Andy simply crossed his arms behind his head and sighed in pleasure as the rough rubber bore into my spine. "Ple-ase m-master", I sputtered as I struggled to move. I felt like I would implode and second. "Oh what, you like that slave? How about THIS!". Andy now purposely drove his shoe into my spine sending pain through my body. I could barely even squeal.
Andy had gone on his phone, presumably texting his girlfriend as he massaged his dick through his jeans from time to time. The weight on top of me had become almost unbearable so I was very thankful to Andy when he finally lifted of. As I lay defeated before the massive shoes he began to take them of using his toes. The two shoes came off hit the ground causing a deafening thud and a warm, sweaty wave to hit me. Andy's two black socked feet lay before me before he also began to take those of with his toes revealing his tanned toes, high arch and round, swest heel to you. As he took his socks he grimaced saying, "Haha slave, sucks to be you, I'm saving these sweaty boys for later", and he stuffed the rancid, black socks into his Asics.
"Now slave, get licking", the massive boy instructed without even looking up from his phone. The massive feet lay before you. Dominating your view. They were at least three times your height. The long, sweaty toes seemed miles above. You place both hands on his heel. It was sweaty and hard and gross. "Jesus, C'MON", Andy complained loudly and he slammed his heel on the table barely missing your foot. If it didn't you surely would have broke all your toes, not that Andy would give a fuck. But now you braced yourself and began licking the wall of flesh before.
You kept on licking and licking and licking and licking. You felt like your jaw would just fall of at this point but you stayed strong even when Andy got mad and would shout at you saying, "C'MON YOU STUPID FUCKING SLAVE, BOTH F-ING FEET." Then you would quickly run to the other sweaty heel which easily dwarfed even at their size 7 or 9 inch size.
What scared you most was when Andy would squish and flex his toes. You felt as if he could easily pop your head with his bolder sized, tanned toes.
After a while Andy finally lay down his phone and laced his arms behind his head. "Ah this is good slave", you were surprised. Maybe something good could come of it.
"Ok slave, good work". You were so overjoyed that you just had to jump up and down. "I DIDN'T SAY STOP LICKING MAGGOT", Andy retorted, instantly you got down on your hands and knees to worship his heel. Andy reached down to get something from underneath the coffee table. When he held it up you were slightly daunted. It was a clear glass jam jar with a golden lid. About 3 and a half inches tall. You would only have an inch of head space. It had one tiny, little breathing hole in the top so you assumed the worst.
"So I've been thinking", Andy started. "Since you've been doing a *decent* job I can give you some time off and well, I don't want you to go insane. Now we wouldn't want that maggot, would we now?!", Andy chuckled but it just scared you. "Anyways, big brother Shaun told me I should always give a salve a small break as to not make them do suicide". This terrified you, could Andy or Shaun be so horrible that you would want to kill yourself! "Now, I'm going to soccer training soon and I *was* going to tape you to my back and make you drink all the sweat but I guess - that can wait…" Now Andy stared at you bottle in hand. "So I've decided you can stay in here".
You didn't know what to think, could this be good or bad. Andy suddenly lurched towards you. You had no chance of escaping the giant. His boy hands gripped you tightly, moving you towards the jar. "No master, I don't think, please!", you begged but he just roughly shoved you into the opening of the jar. When you lay at the bottom you had to admit it was quite uncomfortable. You could not even lay down straight, it was so cramped. Andy now looked down upon you and said, "I knew these would come in handy". "Oh please God no", you thought but it was. Andy's now two inside out black socks were squished into the jar too. Now it was very cramped and the smell, oh God. You were trapped. Andy screwed on the lid. "Nooo, Andy", you squealed but here you were, stuck.
After a few hours…
I could barely move in the jar, I could just barely push at the fabric around me which was sweaty and steaming. It was so tepid in the little jar that the glass walls became fogged up. I moaned in the stinking jar aching to get out into the coolness.
Finally I saw a figure approach the jar, clad in red. It had to be Andy. I was relieved to get out of the vile jar but a new sense of horror hit me. With Andy all sweaty from practice, what was he going to do to me..?
The jar shook and I face planted once again the sweaty edge of one of Andy's black socks. The lid slowly screwed off and then suddenly I was dumped onto the wooden table below. I battled my way out of the stinking socks just to see Andy's giggling face eating a slice of pizza. "Hah hahahahah, what the heck ye little cunt! Your still alive! I thought for sure you'd be dead by the time I got fuckin home, hah! Damn, can't believe my smelly socks didn't suffocate ye!" Andy said gloatfully as he ate the pizza loudly.
I just lay there, gasping for the clean air almost weeping. But the air was already tainted by Andy's new musk. Andy chewed his cheese pizza above me half giggling. It seemed he had a new idea. As he chewed up a new amice of the pizza he suddenly spat it out directly in front of me, it resembled a sitter of tanned orange pile of much which oozed shot.
"Now eat it" he said instructinly. I looked up at him reluctantly. I really did not want to but damn was I hungry. I slowly crawled towards the mushy pile. I took my first bite and nearly three up as I felt all the saliva run down my throat. "Bwa hahaha!" Andy laughed as he finished off the last of his pizza and then slumped down on the couch. "Heh heh" he slowly chuckled to himself as I struggled down the cheese.
I finally backed away from the disgusting mess. "Hey!" Andy said loudly. He slammed his cleats onto the table around me. "You are done when I say your done, now finish the rest you weak slave". I was astounded. I was already full but even more disgusted. "I will crush you like an any tonight if you don't eat that nasty shit slave!" he commanded dominantly and he raised his hot clear into the air an inch or two and then slammed it on the table, making sure to make a *squish* sound effect.
I slowly crawled towards the saturated pile of dough and started to eat again. I had about a dinner plates left to go…
After what seem like ages of gulping down the mass I finally finished the wet mess. As Andy stretched and flexed on the couch I felt like I could just die. I could've felt no lower until Andy commented "You're my little bitch, now, ye know that? My stupid little slave bitch" he said as he leaned in answering his teeth. I was devasted and couldn't do anything about he. I felt so weak sorrounded by his massive, sweaty cleats.
"Now the little bitch deserves a prize, doesn't he?" I stepped back nervously. Andy slowly took his damp red shirt off re Ealing to me his tanned sweaty body. It had sweat running off it from all over. "Coach kept on begging me today to put on some lynx little guy, bit no, way, I'm saving up all this stink for you little guy" Andy said. He lurched forward and wrapped his boy hands around me. They were too strong even for their size. He took me in one hand now and inch me towards his now revealed armpit. It was hairless but oh boy was it sweaty.
A good few droplets of sweat teemed down the side of his torso, all coming from the unholy stench of his armpit. "Ya slave, stinks, I know and so does poor little Nathan from the team. I was thinking of him when I rubbed that queer's face in my armpit, ha! I hope you like it as much as he did!" and the bully Andy shoved me into his sweaty armpit. He began to rub me up and down his sweaty pit. All of his disgusting pit sweat was pooling around my face. It almost felt like drowning. "Now lick, slave!" Andy said as he began to pick my face deep into his pit using his thumb. As I gasped for air all I got was mouth fulls of the disgusting boy sweat. It was salty and tasted so dirty and disgusting. "You not getting any air until you bend to my will ya know heh heh!" Andy said pushing my face in. I finally gave in and licked the wet skin and was greeted by the terrible flavour of his sweaty boy pits. "Keep going…" Andy said impatiently. I kept on licking the disgusting pit hoping to get some fresh air. At last Andy let up and let me inhale some but now I was gagging on the smell.
"Aww, did you like that?" Andy said in a puppy voice. "Did you like drinking up all your master's hard earned sweat" he said again. "NO ANDY, I hated it!!" I shouted at him trying to escape his grip. "Hmmph" Andy grunted, clearly not happy with my response.
Andy got up unfazed from the couch and went to go upstairs, still in his cleats. "DAD, IM GOING TO BEDDD" he shouted to his dad as he went up the stairs. He walked calmly into his room and sat down at his desk among the mess.
"Now slave, you are going to learn some respects and you will know what's best for you next time you hear me slave? Well?" Andy said sternly. "I pouted down into his enclosed hand.
"I think slave you'll know who the boss is when you've spent the night…
"in my ARMPIT!" Andy said chirpily. "No No Not that Andy, c'mon please!" I squealed. Andy threw me down onto his wooden desk and then bent down to a drawer out of my sight. He quickly came up with a grey roll of duct tape in his hands. My mouth dropped. "Too late now, hah!" Andy once again said chirpily. "I stole this from the school workshop with just you in mind. Thought it might come in useful if you know what I mean" he said flexing his eyebrows. "Oh I'm only messing" he said after he saw my terrified expression. "But seriously slave. I will tape you to my pit and I do expect you to lick up alllll of my godly sweat, ok?!" This left me shook.
Andy loudly tore off a piece of duct tape while grinning at me. I turned around to run but all too quickly Andy slammed the tape down onto my back. "Oof, hope that didn't hurt too much, little slave" he said as he peeled the tape off the tape. He held my form in front of his stupid kid face. I was stuck to the tape, spread out with my arms by my sides. "Erch, off, ach" I ground trying to get free of the sticky tape. "You ain't going nowhere little man" Andy said smirking.
"Well now that I've got you like this, who says I have to make you worship my smelly pits straight away…" Andy said as I struggled in terror. "Hmmm, how about I…" Andy thought deviously. "MAKE YOU SMELL MY FARTS" and then Andy quicky tucked you underneath the waist band of his shorts where you faced his turquoise plants. "Wait, arghh!!". But before you could finish a loud fart ruptured out from between the fleshy mounds.
"Pllllpffffffft" it sounded with a rancid smell. Andy only pushed you for into his ass. "Mmmmm, smells good slave!" You heard from above. "Uh oh, here comes another one, brace yourself!" Andy had sat down on his hand now so you were crushed beneath his teen body. From the fabric ripped an even louder, angrier and eggier fart than before. You gagged as you were crushed and suffocated.
Andy finally took you out from under his ass and held you up to his face again. "Hmmm" He said. "or I could do… This" and I was slammed into his hard nipple. "Ya suck it, haha!" Andy laughed at his ingenious. I could hard wrap my mouth around the sweaty nipple. "Ya suck my tit, little bitch!" he shouted down at me as I helplessly slobbers over his nipple.
"Ok, ok little guy, enough fun" as if I was having fun. "Time to get down to business. These sweaty pits ain't gonna clean themselves and they need help. Luckily I've got a willing little prisoner, don't I?" I shook my head unwilling. "Ara we do" Andy disagreed as he lifted up his thin right arm releasing a stench and a few beads of sweats. Andy just winked and he slammed me into his pit, making a large *SLAP* sound.
I was suddenly overwhelmed by the sweat and stink of Andy's pit. "Good night slave" Andy said as I heard the clunk of his heavy soccer cleats. The armpit closed down on me pushing me further into the pit. My whole world went sideways as Andy lay down in his bed. "Oh ya, I forget. Get licking" he said. I forced my tongue out to obey him and started to lap up the foul sweat.
It had been about an hour. I was still stuck tight to his skin and soaking wet. I was so scared, and mad at the same time, I guess my emotions overwhelmed me because I suddenly had to surpress the urge to bite the stinking wall of flesh. I only realised my mistake after I bit Andy wit all my might. "That'll show that little prep" I thought to myself before I suddenly regretted it.
"Ouch!" Andy yelped and he jumped up from his sleep. I was ripped from his armpit. Andy stared with me with confusion and anger on his face. "You just fucking bit me?!" I started to beg and say I'm sorry to my master but Andy put a digit to my lips or face. "No no nooo way, I think either Shaun or dad will have to take care of this,hehe" I was terrified at this idea.
Andy got up from his bed and went out his door towards…
Andy tiptoed into Shaun's room. The room was full of dirty clothes piles and paper. It didn't smell great either. "Shhh, I hope Shaun's still in the shower, or I'll just have to pump you full of my methane, slave" this idea truly made you uncomfortable. You could hear the shower running in the next room. "Hears what's gonna happen you little feral" Andy said down to me. "You'll get a taste of someone who is bigger, hairier, sweatier and smellier than me and maybe then you are going to learn to appreciate me." Andy took a needle and thread it from behind his back. "Woah woah woah!" I screamed. "Relax" Andy started casually. "I stole from the home ec. classroom. Thought it might come in handy." "What are you going to do with me" I said nervously. "Oh you know, I'm just going to sow you down so you can't escape from Shaun's stinking body." "W-wait no!! Don't" I started to beg Andy. "Eh, should've thought of that before you fucking bit me you little rodent" he said angrily, gripping me tight.
"Now, now, now. Where to put a hold little slave you…" Andy said tapping his red socked foot.
"Ohh la la, je connais!" he said in French strangely.
Andy tiptoed over to a pile of filthy clothes and picked up a pair of Shaun's…
Andy pulled the pair of thin, black, boxer briefs that had honestly seen some love in their time. As fast as he could get pulled the opening to the pouch of the boxer briefs open and dropped you in. Already you could smell the rancid scent of piss and ass from the pouch rubbing against Shaun's taint.
Andy took the needle and thread and sewed just beyond the flap, sealing you in the damp stinking prison. "perfect" you heard him whisper as you moved to try and get out but felt your world shake as Andy began to fold the pair of boxer briefs. "Got to make sure your punishment comes quick" he grinned as he placed your folded prison in the top of Shaun's underwear drawer. You screams for muffled help as the drawer closed.
It was almost 10 minutes you thought to yourself when you heard the drawer open again and you tumbled around as the boxer briefs were lifted and shaken out. You felt your stomach lurch up, and then down, before you felt yourself rocket up again, this time to find your prison grow tight all around you.
Shaun has pulled the pair of underwear on, with his two thighs crushing you in and up, you felt the whole weight of his cock and balls sit on top of you. Their moisture from the shower began to mix with the piss and sweat of the boxer briefs, dipping into your face and mouth as you squirmed in your cloth cocoon. Shaun decided to pull on a pair of sweatpants, covering you further in heavy sweaty cloth. He reached his hand in and adjusted his member from the outside, squishing a little further into the moisture.
"Perfect" you heard Andy whisper. He held a pair of Shaun's thick, black and filthy socks in his hand. Andy said quietly "Damn, I can smell those things from here!" He then turned one of the socks inside out and three the other on the ground. It was a pale colour on the inside, like all the sweat and dead skin had discoloured it.
Andy pressed me into the mouldy fabruc and it's smell instantly hit me, like old, boy socks. Andy threaded the needle carefully and quickly see me into the toe of the sock. "Wait Andy!!! Im sorry! I'm really sorry!" I whimpered. "Shoulda drank up all my boy sweat when you had then chance slave shouldn't you have?" Andy said.
"Now be careful not to move too much slave. Don't want Shaun to find you in this position. Who knows what he'd put you through. Okay little faggot, I'ma get you tomorrow!" And with that Andy refolded the sock. Encasing me at the end of the stinking tube. As far as I could tell Andy folded the socks and threw them onto the bed. I struggled there quietly, struggling and nervous. Then I heard the show stop, and foot steps approached the bed.
I could hear Shaun's heavy breathing as he picked up the socks as I prayed he would not find me.
What happens to you?
Suddenly a foot came into the sock which I was prisoner in. I wriggled to try and escape its path but I was no use I was tightly tied down by Andys handiwork. The toes came to rest tight above. They lay over me like a ribcage only it was smelly and tanned. My head was directly under Shaun's second toe while my feet where under his pinky. I could already little bits of skin and toejam that Shaun had missed in the shower which was probably going to get mushed into my face tomorrow along with all of his disgusting sweat. I knew I was in for a long ride tomorrow.
Shaun swung his feet onto his bed going to sleep. All I could do was try stay sane as the fumes slowly got worse underneath his boy toes.
Eventually in the morning, Shaun plomped his feet onto the ground sending pain through my back. I heard Andy screaming "C'mon were gonna be late!" That child knew well the pain he was causing you. It was now much sweatier inside Shaun's socks. Even when Shaun absentmindedly wiggled his toes in his sleep he caused you pain and terror as you thought your head could get torn off.
Instantly you felt the heat start to dial up as Shaun put his tight shoes on. He gave a complimentary toe curl which almost crushed your spine as you were forced to lick the underside of his toes.
The school day was almost hell. Each step pushed his toes onto your face sending his built up sweat into your mouth. When he rolled his foot all the weight of the teen came down onto you. The toe jam just kept on building and it eventually started to fall out onto your face. Shamefully you ate it as you thought you could be suffocated in it. Taking the salty stuff in mouthfuls, gagging every turn. And then it was an hour in class, sitting down where Shaun would constantly squeeze his toes so tightly you would not be able to breathe. Taking lungfulls of the rotton air once he let you go.
And then the walking started again and you almost wet yourself in fear that your miniscule would be dragged under his big, smelly toe which would crush you in seconds. This could of been the worst few hours of your life. You would never forgive Andy even if he manages to get your size back.
Finally you felt Shaun sit down at a bench and loud male voices. Shaun was shouting and screaming as well and stomping his feet causing you to scream in shock and feel sicker as if you weren't already bad enough.
But light emerged as Shaun took of his tight shoe. You did not realise how little you could breath with Shaun's toes constantly threatening to break your ribcage. Then at last, Shaun took his sock off. Leaving you disoriented but thankful in a sweaty and lint filled sock. Shaun carelessly threw the sock on a bench but you wondered after all of that squeezing, did he know you were there the whole time?
Anyways, you waited in the sock dreading what was to come next, would and find you or would you be left to the mercy of Shaun's soccer feet…
Until suddenly a face appeared at the hole at the top of the sock, a god it looked down upon you, it was…
"Well well well, look who it is" Andy said to me. He folded the sock inside out now and started to pole me with his massive fingers. "Ugh, slave, you smell so bad! Glad I wasn't in there. Must've stank!" Andy said mockingly. "Bet that you liked it though, haha!" he said as I cowered in my restraints.
"Now why don't we make a trip to the urinal little guy, I need to piss reeeeeeallll bad." "Wait! Your not going to do anything are you!" I said as Andy tugged me ungently out of the sock. "Right, you can come with me or I can leave you in here for the next week" he said sternly. "Oh okay" I said meekly not know what was going to happen.
Andy eventually tugged me out from the mouldy sock. He threw the sock back down after going "Nasty fucker" the put me in the warm back pocket of his jeans which was tight against his bum leaving it tight but Andy commented "Realise you're lucky to be in there and not under my big balls, fag." I felt as Andy walked along the school hallways as he giant arsecheeks moved up and down. He even stopped to chat up some girls along the way!
Finally I was thrown out of his pocket and I landed squarely in a sort of bath. The walls surrounded me on all sides. They were slippy and even smelled like… piss?! I looked up alarmed to a grinning Andy who stood far above me unbuckling his belt. I turned around to the a large hole with had been all block up with toilet paper. "Wh-where am I…" I stuttered. "Like my handywork?" is all Andy said as I heard his zipper go down. "You're in a wonderful creation called the urinal!" Andy said. I ran desperatly towards the low wall but it was too slippery and it left a bad smell on my hands. The wall ended just above my head. My feet wouldn't touch the ground if it filled up with water never mind Andy's piss!
"Never did I think I'd see someone so willing to drink my piss" Andy said down my sniggering. "No I don't want this!" I shouted uselessly. All I saw was Andy taking his tanned flaccid cock out of his jeans. I started to breath faster, fearing I would drown in Andy's piss of all things.
Andy raised his eyebrows at me twice then bit down on his lip. Before I knew I was hit in the face and knocked the ground. Before I realised that I could taste the warm, disgusting fluid I was being held down boy it and knocked around. Each time I tried to steady myself I would be knocked down again by the boiling stream. Each time I would fall into the rising lake of piss and each time I would get a mouthful of the bitter and salty water. "NO PLEASFFS, AMDY! SHTOPFFS!" I struggle to get out between being hit in the face with the boiling stream. I could hear Andy's almost ferocious laughter above. Now the pee was up to my lower waist meaning each time I fell I struggled to get back up, gulping in many pints of the boy's piss which tasted so, so bad.
Finally the stream slowed down and I was left soaking with the terribly warm fluid running down my face and chest. I started to gag because of the taste in my mouth and the feeling of the disgusting fluid in my stomach. The stench of piss rose all around me and I could see the steam coming up from the warm bath. "Enjoying you jacuzzi?!" Andy said wiping a tear from his eye he had laughed so much.
I stood in the waist high piss, terrified because I was at the mercy of Andy. "You gonna drink this up or wha-" Andy was cut short in his sentence. Someone was approaching. Around the corner came a boy a little bit older than Andy. He was tall with a flop of brown hair cut short on the sides. He had a strong jaw and manly face. He was in a blue shirt that showed his tight but muscled chest and arms.
"Yooo, Andy man, how you doing. It's been ages!" the boy said playfully punching Andy in the chest. "Conor, my favorite womanizer, how are you doing" Andy replied happily. "Ya good, good. Great in fact" Conor said grinning. "What, please be what I think it is…" Andy said enthusiastically. "Ya man, nudes from the one and only Regina Ross!" Andy was elated and said "Yes Man yes!!! Was it worth it?!" "Totally biggest, natural tits, wanked like four times since last night look- What the duck is that" he said socked through his braces looking right at me. Andy looked down to me also.
Andy put his arm around Conor and said calmly "That my friend is what you'd call a true slave". "And so you just piss on him and shit" Conor said taking a closer look at me. "Oh ya, and he likes feet too." "No. fucking. way." "And on Tuesday he spent the day licking my asshole" Andy said proudly. "No way man, that is… AWESOME!" I decided to but in saying "No Conor, please help me! Andy is so cruel and mean!" "Wait, he begs too?!" Conor said shocked. "Yay, now shut up when the big kids are talking shit head" Andy snarled at me.
"Well man, do you mind if I uhh…" Conor said to Andy. "Oh no man, go ahead, he's all yours" Andy replied. "Wait no, please Conor no" I said as Conor pulled down his zipper and taking his big pale cock out. "You'll like it, I prooomise" Conor said grinning at his new toy. "Oh fuck, not again" I said and Conor just said "Language" and started his golden shower.
His piss was definitely darker than Andy's and had a much stronger smell. It hit me head on in the face and I was instantly knocked off my feet. I opened my eyes through the murky yellow water to see Conor grinning above and his strong stream pummeling the water. As the burning in my eyes became too much I resurfaced only to be pushed to the ground again, this time taking in a mouth full of the rank piss. Which tasted less salty but much more bitter and warm than Andy's.
I desperately swam to the back and stood up against the porcelain wall. Again Conor's piss hit me in the face but this time taking stayed on my feet. Trying to shield myself from the burning acid with my arms. The bath was filling up to my shoulders now and it was getting darker.
After I had taken in many more mouth fulls of the rank piss it finally seemed to slow down only filling up the bath at this point. "Man that was hilarious" Conor said laughing. "Yay watching him try to get up and all is fucking funny" Andy replied. "Haha, uh oh. Looks like our slave is gonna have to start swimming" Conor said. The water had indeed rising up to my face and I desperately stood on my tippy toes to get my nose above the burning acid. "Yay I think our little buddie is gonna need to start gulping" Conor said putting his cock back in his pants. "Please! TAKE ME OUT!!" I screamed unheard. "I think he'll need some help" Andy said deviously staring at me. Before I knew it Andy had reached forward and pushed me down into the murks.
His little finger held me tight to the ground by my chest. I struggled and punched Andy's finger desperately holding my breath. Conor's long finger joined the onslaught and pushed directly into my groin, crushing my balls. "Oh man it's so small" I heard Conor giggle with his deep voice. "Better start drinking!" Andy said holding his face above the rank bath. To survive i started to gulp down many litres of the boy's piss. It was so disgusting and a dark shade of yellow. I could feel the saline taste and the salt and bitterness. I still punched Andy's finger and Conor roughly massaged my groin. "It's so small! I heard Conor laugh.
My lungs were burning and I finally started to sputter taking I. The filthy piss to my lungs. I desperately banged on their fingers begging them to let me up. It seemed their laughter only tripled. It had probably only been forty seconds but it had felt like hours. As things started to fade, the taste of boy piss made me almost vomit. I thought I was going to drown in the fresh piss of two teenagers having a laugh.
Then, thankfully I was lifted out off the disgusting water. I started into the red face of Andy who was still struggling to stop laughing. I coughed up litres of piss onto his hand. "Ew, nasty little fucker" and Andy roughly the me to the ground. I felt shockwaves of pain as I bit the ground. Looking up to the two laughing gods who send to be 100 metres high.
"Hilarious" Conor said simply. "And the best thing is, he can only fit there and take it!" Andy said as I chocked on the remaining boy piss.
Next thing before I knew it,
I could not keep up with the demand of Andy's giant feet. The giant vessels about 50x my size produced enough sweat to even drown a normal sized man. The large droplets quickly ran down from his toes at the top, collecting the sickly grease and grime along the way where I would be forced to lap it up before it hit the table. I was scared otherwise.
But the flow was too much. I raced often between his feet to catch the buckets of mopey sweat. Andy grumbled, crunching his toes in anger. By God how that scared me. "GOD DAMMIT,FUCK!" Andy yelled and he threw his phone down onto the couch. Just then I tripped as I ran between his massive heels. I floored myself infront of the childish, angry, boy-god; what could be worse?
Andy slowing leaned forward with an angry frown on his face and slowly looked at the two feet. They still seemed dirty almost brown, and there was a small puddle of sweat beneath his feet. I retorted, "Oh God master, I'm sorry, IM REALLY SORRY!!" Then Andy slammed his feet on the table around mecausing me to fall to my knees once again.
Stupid F-ING slave! You can't simply clean my fuckin' feet. Now that this stupid girl blew me off on Snapchat I'm fucking left with blue balls", Andy gave out to me. This scared me. Now Andy got a grin on his face. He started to slowly say, " Now that I'm left hanging and horny, I need a fucking wank, and slave! YOUR COMING WITH! Andy started to laugh maniacally. "Oh-ho. This is going to be fun"…. Andy grabbed you in a tight grip and started to walk towards his room. You could hear the pounding of Andy's feet as he ran to his room. Escaping was useless in his fist. Kept in there too long and you would overheat or suffocate! Andy's grip finally loosened an you were thrown down to his desk. The desk was littred with all sorts of items. Pencils, papers, homework, a jar of Vaseline… You saw what and was quickly reaching for. A bottle of super glue.
"Oh God, oh fuck me!" You started to run in the other direction. Suddenly Andy's hand slammed down before you and he said to you in a menacing tone, "This is happening, you little interesting faggot, dead or alive…" You stopped in you tracks and gulped. You saw Andy's big middle finger behind you, it was now lined with glue, all the way up to the tip. "Hehehe", Andy chuckled to himself and then quickly, he picked you up and lined you against his finger and held you down tightly. You were scared out of your pants. You did not know what was coning. Your head lined up perfectly with the top of his finger and your feet only got to the first joint in the finger. Andy stared at you biting his bottom lip, waiting for the excitement. You were now wriggling, desperate to escape what ever was going to happen to you. "Keep still or I'll crack your ribcage." You obeyed now taking deep breath even though Andy radiated a musky smell.
Finally Andy took his hand off of you. You. Were. Stuck. "Oh my God", you screamed. Trying to escape but you were stuck. "Help! Heelllp!". "Ain't no one coning to get you", Andy answered still looking me in the eye.
Andy's toes smell so bad, you can just about see stink waves rising off of them. Yuou have to fight just to keep the bile from rising in your throat.
"Look, kid, let's be reasonable about this!" You call up to the boy, who looks at you irritably. "I can't touch your feet, they're way too-"
"If you ever call me 'kid' again I'll squash you like a cockroach. Do you hear me?? I own you, I'm your master and your god. And I command you to RUB. MY. FEET."
There's no option left. You're not going to touch this brat's unbearable feet and you're not getting squashed under them.
You turn around and, without a plan, dive off the coffee table.
You land on a half empty bag of chips and slide off. The couch creaks as Andy jumps off. It's now or never..
Running past Andy is risky, but you also don't want to run deeper into the house. You should be small enough to get between his legs and out the door, right? You start to run across the floor, and see a crack under the front door that looks just big enough to squeeze through. You're so close to freedom! You hear Andy charging after you, and
You're inches away from the front door when you feel his hand wrap around your entire body, squeezing hard enough that you see stars. "Ha! You idiot, you thought you could get away from me? I'm like a hundred times your size! I think I should punish you for trying to escape, I think I'm going to…"
"I think I'll get you familiar with my body, how else are you going to please your Master? I think that the first place I put you should be my…"
"I think the best way to punish you will be to introduce you to my nose. Do you pick your nose? I do. I actually picked my nose earlier today, so maybe it'll be at least somewhat clean, but I don't really care either way."
You're not sure what he's talking about. It seems like he's just rambling, and you don't want to interrupt him for fear of making him upset. Suddenly, he lifts you up near his face, and uses his free hand to stretch open his left nostril. As he moves you closer, you hear his booming voice. "Well, here we go. Try not to make too much noise, it'll probably be loud when you're inside my head. Oh, also, if you hurt me in any way while I do this I'll kill you."
When you realize what's happening, it's too late to do anything, and you just shout in terror as the teen lines your head up with his nostril. This doesn't last long, as your face is shoved into his nostril. It's tight, his skin squeezing your head from all sides, and you feel relieved that he won't be able to fit your whole body inside like you thought. You can feel something slick against the back of your head, but you try not to think about it. All you have to do now is just wait this out, he'll get bored of having your head in his nostril eventually.
Or maybe not. You may have underestimated how much space he has in his sinuses, because he starts to cram you in even further. After a few moments of shoving, you feel your shoulders pop in as well. The teen grunts, your body stretching out his nostril much more than his fingers ever have. This has to be the end of it, right?
No, he keeps going. Your head and shoulders are now pretty well lubricated, and the walls are very slick, so he soon has you to the point where only your ass and legs are visible before stopping. He feels pretty proud of this punishment. Toying with your legs, he thinks of what to do next.
With no time to think, you bolt for the nearby hallway, painfully aware of Andy's thundering footsteps behind you.
It seems fortune is on your side when you hear the giant boy utter a gasp, then there's a tremendous crash back in the living room.
While Andy gets to his feet, you seize your chance to find a hiding spot in..
You bolt down the hallway, into Andy's cluttered kitchen, looking around desperately for a place to hide. Your eyes finally set on a broom leaning against the kitchen counter, and you know this is your only chance of escaping the danger zone that is the kitchen floor. So you climb onto the base of the broom, which is thickly layered in dust and dirt, and caterpillar your way up the long wooden pole.
The climb is harrowing, but it occurs to you that you'd rather be climbing this splintery pole than your boy giant's horrible feet.
You make it to the counter just in time for the broom to slip from under you and go crashing to the ground. Your heart pounds in your chest at the nerve-racking echo the falling broom makes, and you dart behind a stack of bowls, where you watch the doorway closely, waiting for the giant to come out searching for you.
For a moment you think you just may have lucked out after all, but sure enough, those mammoth stomps begin to sound at a distance and work their way up until the very surface you're on seems to vibrate with Andy's every step..
The giant brat appears in the doorway, his blond hair dishevelled and his face a little puffy. He looks around with a deadly look on his face, then spots the broom lying in the middle of the room and walks over to it.
"You just made the worst mistake of your life, little shit. And I don't mean knocking the broom over.. It looks like you're gonna have to learn just like the rest of them that YOU - BELONG - TO ME!!!" As he barks the last three words he begins to knock things off of the counter, knowing that you have to be under one of them.
As he gets closer to you, you know you either have to move or wait for him to swipe the stack of bowls out of the way and catch you.
Youfeel like a man on death row. There's only a matter of seconds between you and your cruel fate, when giant Andy discovers you and inflicts all the horrible punishments his sadistic little brain can cook up.
In one last effort to save yourself, you decide to jump out and beg the giant for mercy, in hopes of lessening the blow when he does teach you your lesson.
You leap out from behind the bowls as he shoves them aside, and you shout: "Andy, I'm sorry! I'll rub your-"
But before you can finish your sentence, you lose your footing and feek the surface drop from under you.
Suddenly you're freefalling, away from the shelf and away from Andy's unknowing face. He hasn't even notied your squeaky plea and he's still rummaging through the cupboard as you fall straight into..
The awful smell is explained when you look around and realise you're surrounded with garbage, at the bottom of a can walled with shiny black plastic. Andy or one of his family members have obviously had a cold recently, because there's a mountain of used tissues to your left.
There's half finished lunches, old band aids and used dental floss all around you. It's disgusting!
You start to stumble around in search for a way out, and..
You kneel behind the stack of bowls, waiting for the giant to come across you. You want to get it over with and show yourself, but your nerves won't let you. The only thing you can seem to do is crouch there and wait for your owner to find and destroy you.
You wonder what he'll do - The possibilities are endless as they are terrifying. He could stomp you out, chew you up, even tear you limb from limb with the tiniest manipulation of his giant fingers.
A huge shadow darkens your surroundings, and you hear the giant's resounding voice boom the words "GOT YOU!"
You cover your face and resist screaming into your hands as..
Andy wanders into the kitchen, sighing tiredly.
"I don't know where you are, bad little slave. But before long me or my brother are gonna find you, and when we do you'll wish you'd surrended the easy way, I can guarentee that."
You hear the fridge open and close, and cutlery rattling around in a drawer.
While Andy's fixing himself a snack, you think it might be wise to hide yourself a little better, just in case he come passing by your cupboard and finds you.
You force your body between the porcelain surfaces of two white bowls, created by the messy style the bowls are stacked in. You flatten yourself between one bowl's cold surface and the bottom of the next, then hide there in the dark and wait for your owner to move on..
You let out the longest sigh of relief when, at long last, you hear the terrifying boy's bare fee tslap against the kitchen tiles more and more quietly, until he's out of earshot.
Now you climb out from between the bowls and cautiously sneak out of the cupboard, using a loaf of bread to break your fall to the counter top.
From there you ride a phone cord to the bottom of the kitchen wall, and manage to land on your feet in a kitchen so big it looks like a suburb of its own.
Looking around at the never ending room, you know you don't want to push your luck by venturing into the living room again, so escaping via the front door is out of the question. You can still hear the TV blaring in the other room, so your nasty teen colossus must still be watching it.
Instead you decide to sneak around the corner and search for an escape route via..
You hide between the cold, smooth ice cream bowls and wait with baited breath for your pursuer to leave the kitchen.
..Little do you know, the giant is standing over the tower of bowls right now. He happened to notice a pair of tiny legs wriggling in between two of his bowls a moment ago.
Now, as he stands there with a broad smile on his face, he thinks it might be time for a light snack..
You're lying there, being as quiet as you possibly can, not daring even to breathe too loudly, when all of a sudden the bowl that was covering you disappears and a giant ice-cream scoop appears over you.
"Mm-mm," Andy says in a taunting tone "Nothing better than ice-cream with a little extra topping as an after school snack." Then he thumbs the scoop of vanilla ice-cream out of the scoop and it lands on top of you, freezing your skin automatically.
"No! Please!" You squeal - It's fairly obvious that the game is over now. But the cheekily grinning boy dumps scoop after scoop on top of you, all the while you struggle to crawl out from under the icey lumps, unsuccessfully.
Andy drops a gleaming spoon in the bowl and takes it to his couch, then mixes the ice-cream around a little to soften it up, smearing you all over with the creamy dessert.
"Take your clothes off. All of them." He commands, licking the spoon.
With your knees knocking and teeth chattering, you strip down to nothing, and Andy spoons the soaked clothing out of the bowl. He picks a sloppy lump of the sweet, icey stuff and dumps it on top of you, catching your breath with the cold. Then he..
Andy uses the spoon to push a large blob of ice-cream down on your naked body, encasing your entire torso with the stuff, then he scoops you up in the spoon and lifts you towards his mouth, opening wide.
"Please don't eat me, Master! I'm sorry! I'll worship you for the rest of my life, I swear!" You cry out of desperation, but he only snickers.
"You're damn right you will, little shit. Because the rest of your life is only going to be a few moments longer." Then he shoves the spoon into his mouth, wrapping his lips around it tightly as he pulls it out, empty.
You're left in a pool of saliva and sloppy ice-cream, which is mashed up by the boy's big, hot tongue as it's pressed against the roof of his mouth. You're squeezed between the surfaces inside the giant brat's mouth, feeling the ice-cream melt in the heat and listening to the disgusting squishing sounds of the sloppy stuff being tossed around by Andy's tongue.
Covered in a sea of watery, milk-like cream, you're pushed between the young giant's huge molars before and slams his teeth together, grinning at the crunching sound and the synchronised squirt he feels against the inside of his cheek.
Andy chews on. The mess of white slop mixes with your broken and twisted body until the giant swallows a mouthfull of sweet, vanilla-flavoured mush and licks his lips, satisfied.
Andy continues to stir the ice-cream around the bowl, purposely dumping spoonfulls of soft, freezing dessert on top of you. Each time he raises the spoon, he scoops you into it before bringing it to his lips, but then only laps at the ice-cream with his giant tongue, polishing the spoon and leaving you on it.
Every time his huge tongue comes close to you you're sure you'll be swept up and dragged into his mouth by it, then swallowed whole or chewed alive. The giant's lips crack slightly in a cheeky smile as the huge, pink tongue swipes your naked body again and again, making you tremble with fear.
This goes on until the bowl is empty but for a few smears of ice-cream and your curled up little form. Andy scrapes the spoon around the bowl, picking up the milky remains, and pours them onto your body before scooping you up one last time.
You're held in front of your spoilt master's giant face as he licks his lips excitedly, taunting you, and then spoons you inside onto his incredibly warm, soft tongue..
Now that he's finished submitting you o the bitingly cold ice-cream, Andy spits you out and lets you watch as he opens a bottle of soda. The orange drink hisses loudly as it cracks open, and you take a deep breath, hoping that what comes next isn't what you're expecting.
Andy eyes you closely as he takes a sip from his drink. His pink lips brush the bottle opening as he slurps the bubbly drink up and swishes it around in his mouth.. then allows a little spurt to push out of his mouth and hit you right in the face.
The bubbles burn into your skin as they drip down your face. You take a huge gasp and wipe desperately at your face, your eyes watering from the sting.
"That hurt! Please! I don't want to make you mad, I just-" But Andy isn't listening any more. He's just had an ingenius idea, and feels no guilt at all as he..
Before you can utter another plea, Andy pops you into his mouth and wraps his lips around the opening of the bottle in his hand, swishing a vast amount of the cold drink into his mouth. Then he sits, his lips pressed together, and tosses you from cheek to cheek inside his mouth, the orange soda turning warm and frothy with every swish.
You're in agony as you swim in the bitter, burning fluid. Not to mention your lungs are begging for a breath, straining painfully in your chest, and your eyes sting no matter how hard you clench them shut.
With one thrash of your tiny body, your head knocks against the corner of thr boy's brilliant white molar and you're so badly hurt that your lips tear open of their own accord and you suck in a mouthful of his soda, which is now almost as thick as his saliva and tastes like a mix of the original drink and the giant's own breath.
Andy chooses this time to swallow the mouthful, spitting you out seconds later.
Lying in the palm of his hand, your eyes streaming tears of pain aswell as agitation from the stinging drink, you're reduced to nothing but a squirming, begging pet in the giant's possession.
You promise never to upset him again, and beg to be allowed to worship his giant feet for him. But young Andy has lost interest in that - He has a much more appealling use for you now..
Andy takes a glass from the coffee table and holds you by the ankle, over it. There's one moment of terror and vertigo as you're suspended upside-down, and then you're let go. You hit the glass with a thud, and your head feels bruised all over.
Now you're practically lying on your shoulders, so that your neck is bent on a painful angle and you're staring up at your legs which are pressed against the side of the glass. Judging by the smell, this glass has been used before and not washed, maybe for days. Andy doesn't seem to mind, so it's safe to assume it's his stale germs you're sniffing.
The giant teen lifts the bottle neck over the glass and pours a thick stream of beer right onto your face. It burns horribly - You feel like your face is being eaten away by the fizz, and you can't breathe. Eventually you rise, choking, to the surface, your whole body in searing pain.
Teeth chattering, you beg to be taken out of the glass, and promise to serve your master loyally until the day you die.
The boy considers this, and…
Andy's velvety tongue sucks all the sweetness off of your little body, tossing you around in his mouth for a long while. And being in there feels like nothing you've ever experienced.
Although you should be terrified by now, the soothing warmth inside his mouth is the biggest relief you've experienced in a long time. Moments ago you were shuddering madly in a bowl of freezing ice cream. This sudden change is so comforting, so wonderfully warm, you want to hug Andy's huge tongue despite everything he's put you through and thank him for putting you in here.
You relish the cosy heat, forgetting about the danger of being where you are and relaxing totally on the huge, cushy muscle until Andy parts his lips and pulls you out..
Andy can see the blissful expression on your face as soon as he pulls you out, naked and glistening with his saliva.
"That was amazing, Master! Please put me back in!" You beg.
He laughs at this. "You slaves are pathetic, one minute you're trying stupidly to escape and the next you're begging to be put in your master's mouth. I should eat you just to teach you a lesson."
All you can think about is that incredible warmth you just felt, and how you'd do anything to feel it again. "I'm sorry for trying to escape, Master, I promise I'll never do it again! Please, please, please just put me back in your mouth and I'll be the most obedient slave you've ever had, I promise!"
Andy grins at you, feeling pity and contempt for your easily-broken will. Either way, he has to admit that he likes having a slave to suck on, and atleast you're finally learning who's boss.
He parts his lips, wets them with his tongue, and slides you slowly in between them..
You're planted right on top of Andy's amazing tongue not a moment too soon. It's hard to believe that seconds ago you were terrified of this young giant.. Not that you're any less wary of him now. But being in Andy's mouth is uniquely thrilling and forces you to feel a certain confusing awe for him.
You spread yourself over the beautiful-feeling muscle and savour the deeply radiating warmth for what seems like hours.
Then Andy gets bored and begins to toss you around like he did before, having a little fun with you. The giant cave of your master's mouth fills up with saliva and you're swished around in the stuff, feeling like you could spend the rest of your life in this heavenly spot.
You're thinking about all the promises you made to your master to get in here, and it strikes you that although swearing to spend the rest of your life servicing this selfish giant may have been a dumb thing to do, you actually meant it. As badly as you wanted to be free just a little while ago, the amazing thrills that Andy can give you as a giant don't even compare with the life you used to live. It occurs to you that you love where you are right now, as strange as that seems, but it feels so good that you don't care whether it makes sense or not.
That's when you realise something that totally baffles you, and your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Your exposed cock has turned rock hard against the tissue of Andy's tongue, and judging by the way he keeps nudging you with the tip of his own soaking wet muscle, he's discovered the little hard-on and is testing to see if he's right.
You go completely still, unsure what to do, until Andy..
All of a sudden, the giant tongue lifts you higher, slamming you against the roof of Andy's mouth. The action causes your dick to be pressed even deeper into the tissue of his broad tongue, and a shiver of delight surges through your body.
But as amazing as the sensation is, you're not sure if you're ready to be made that vulnerable in front of a kid the same age as your younger brother. Being naked inside his mouth was a daring but thrilling enough experience - This just feels wrong, and you struggle to place two hands over your little erection.
Andy feels this, and..
After what seems like hours struggling to fight off the young giant's all powerful tongue, Andy gets tired of your disobedience and takes charge in a new way.
He simply clamps his shiny white, razor sharp teeth down on your back and chest.
You howl in agony, certain he's going to chew you up as punishment. But then saliva trickles all over your body and the sound of Andy's luaghter echoes all around. The giant boy mumbles as he returns to the living room.
"You sure are a stupid little man, aren't you.."
He flips you back and forth by the leg, his terrifying chompers grinding and gnashing all over your skin, making you sore and tender with grazes. Until..
Andy grins to himself as he discovers a new way to dominate his weak little slave.
Again, the huge mouth fills with saliva which washes all over you, and he sucks you so hard that your arms are flung to the side, the thick, warm saliva rushing all over your crotch and assaulting you with a mad tingling sensation.
You continue to fight a losing battle against the orgasm that your master is going to force you to have, like it or not. It's so hard to resist the beautiful feelings that are being pushed onto you, you're not sure whether you should fight till the very end or simply give in to Master's wishes..
Hiding under the heavy ice cream bowl, you think you've finally gotten lucky and eluded the tyrranical young giant.. Until you feel your surroundings moving, and your ceiling moves away from you to reveal the huge, grinning face of Andy.
"You're going somewhere you won't be escaping from again, you nasty little bug!"
The boy announces with an evil cackle, and you scream for mercy all the way to..
You're gripped tight in the amoral teen's clammy hand while he fidgets with his belt.
"Wh- What are you doing? ..You can't be serious!!"
You can see him watching you out of the corner of his eye with a cheeky smile as he losens his jeans, pulls his boxers loose and drops you right into..
You plummet down, into the depth of Andy's white cotton boxers, finally hitting the soft skin of his humungous butt with a bounce.
You found being picked up and played with by a kid younger than yo to be humiliating enough -- The thought of actually coming into contact with his bare ass is so unthinkable you can't believe you're not passing out.
But sure enough, Andy lets his boxers snap shut and leaves you pinned up against his slightly fuzzy, warm butt cheeks while you whimper for mercy and he..
You know as soon as your young tormentor has sat down on the couch. His once bouncy and soft though enormous butt cheeks now press down on you, heavier than a ton of bricks, the flesh forcing its way into your mouth and filling it with the tase of ass.
No matter how hard you cry or how valiantly you struggle, you're pinned down and dominated by the boy's giant ass without a hope in the world of escaping.
That's when things take an even nastier turn..
While Andy sits comfortably on his couch, you're squashed up between the boy's colossal white butt cheeks. You can barely breathe, and when you do, you're assaulted with the brutal smell of his bowels.
The reason for this is clear. As your giant owner shifts his ass around in its spot, getting comfortable, you're being driven deeper and deeper into his crack. You're now in so deep that you can see the puckered brown hole of his anus, winking fiendishly at you every time it spreads a little to push out a fart.
"Whoah, that one must have smelled RIPE!" Andy chuckles heartily after letting rip a long, grumbling, baritone fart. Your eyes are still watering from it, and you have to fight to breathe, your throat closing up instinctively.
The ride home is long and torturous, with fart after spoiled egg fart blowing right into your face and deafening you..
Andy seems quite happy with the lesson he's about to teach his new toy, asserting his dominance over you so firmly that he's confident you'll never so much as speak out of turn again.
Now he picks you up and stuffs you in his back pocket, ignoring the way you squeal in pain. You're still tender and bruised after being squeezed and prodded by the young monster, but that's of no concern to him.
Inside the pocket, you're splayed out and flattened Andy's warm, denim clad butt as he plants his rear on the couch. You can barely breathe, and when you do it's the scent of the boy's ass, bearing down on you like a ton of bricks.
Andy flicks through channels and drums his fingers, bored. He can feel the satisfying tickle of you squirming helplessly under his powerful butt, but he's still longing for more entertainment.
Maybe he'll take you out and use you as a..
Andy's massive butt cheeks sit heavily on top of you, squeezing the air out of your lungs while he calmly sits and watches TV. Then, something even more terrifying happens. The pressure on your chest releases, the boy's long fingers come sliding in to pull you out of his pocket, and before you can even catch a glimpse of the nonchalant teen's face you're sent hurling towards the living room floor.
Andy snickers to himself as you hit the ground between his feet with a thud, wheezing for air.
Then, with his hands casually tucked into his jean pockets, he lifts his foot and kicks you across the floor.
You tumble violently, your world rolling over and over until you land near a wastepaper basket. Your ribs are aching, your nose is bloodied. You barely have time to breathe before you hear the boy whistling happily, and you turn to see his massive bare foot strolling towards you.
Another swift kick and Andy chuckles as you fly across the room, spraining an ankle.
He's having fun..
You skitter into the hallway, your heart racing. No matter how fast you run, you can't seem to move quickly enough. At any second you expect Andy's bright, terrifying face to pop around the corner and spot you.
To your left there are two rooms, one with Andy's name collaged across the open door, the other with loud punk rock screaming from behind its closed door. On the other side of the hallway, much farther away, lies a neater room with a master bed, where you assume the boys' parents sleep. Even farther than that is another room hich you'd guess is a spare room.
What to do?
The options are simple, but the choice is nearly impossible to make.
On one side you have the empty bedroom of Andy, the very monster you're trying to save yourself from. What if he goes straight to his room to look for you? You'd rather die than end up back in his clammy hands.
Then there's Shaun's room. You can tell by the loud music that he's in there, but there seems less chance that he'll notice you slip under the door crack with all that noise going on.
What to do?
You're aware of how ironic it is to run into the bedroom of the same monsterish teen who you're on the run from, but you figure this is the last place Andy and his evil older brother will bother looking, and it's definitely the most cluttered place in the house so you have just as good a chance of hiding out here as anywhere.
You dash into the young teenager's room and are instantly overwhelmed by options.. While a huge blue-covered bed sits in one corner of the room, the other side is furnished by a never-ending closet and a set of dresser drawers the size of the twin towers. In the third corner there's an old toy chest stacked with board games and video game consoles, and in the fourth corner you stand, wondering which way to turn..
You choose:
"Get BACK here!!" Andy's footsteps come following you up the hall and all of a sudden you remember the gigantic teen brat who's following you, and how urgently you need to escape.
On one hand, you have the open closet to the end of the room to run to. It's dark, tall and full of Andy's clothes. Jackets and t-shirts and sneakers and underwear drawers abound.
On the other hand there's the cover of young Andy's bed. From here the area looks packed with rolled up tissues and socks and garbage from who-knows-what.
It's vital that you make a choice this second. As the foot thumps grow closer you picture yourself falling victim to those smelly, merciless boyfeet. You'll do anything to escape them, even if that means hiding in the teen giant's room..
You settle on:
Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself and duck under the door crack. Even if Andy does think of knocking in here, the chances of his big brother hearing him are slim, which comforts you.
Now you just have to pray that you aren't caught in the act by the very giant who wrapped you up and gave you to his sadistic fuck of a brother in the first place. You can't imagine he'd be too impressed with your behaviour so far.
You slide into the room and instantly feel the pounding vibrations of bass pulverising the floor. You look up nervously to see Shaun sitting on his bed, legs crossed, taking a long toke of weed while he listens to the blasting punk rock spilling from his PC's speakers.
Phew! You feel a huge weight lift off your shoulders when you realise the angsty teen is too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice you.
You make a run for the bed; the best place to hide until the giants go to sleep tonight, and you're almost underneath it when a huge, ratty black Converse drops out of the sky before you..
You're seconds away from being safe under the shelter of Shaun's enormous bed when two scarily familiar sneakers appear dangling in the air before you. They're black and white, ratty, and radiate the smell of unwashed boy feet so strongly that it makes you gag. Following the lean legs attached to those shoes, your eyes climb their way up to Shaun's menacing grin as he stares down at you.
"Making a break for it, wimp?" He smirks, extending a leg so he can pin you under his giant Converse. The warm rubber slams down onto you and flattens you against the floor. "Only you'd be dumb enough to come straight to my room." He snickers, then casually bends down to retrieve you.
Once you're in the punk's huge hand you hear a tapping at the door, and Andy's bratty young voice calls out: "Shaun! My new pet escaped! Have you seen it?"
Shaun shakes his head and laughs. "Man, I almost feel sorry for you. My little brother's gonna be pissed, and I'm gonna let him choose whatever punishment he likes.."
Shaun saunters across his bedroom, keeping his fingers wrapped around you tightly. He's loving the rapid beat of your tiny heart as you dreadedly wait to see the monstrous teen who's come hunting you down. He opens the door, and there's Andy, standing with his hands on his hips and an angry look on his evil little face.
"Looking for this, little bro?" Shaun dangles you in front of Andy, and you're forced to make eye contact with the giant teen.
"You.." Andy's face screws up into a sour smile. "You are in so.. much.. trouble." The boy says vindictively.
"Do whatever you see fit, man, he's your pet. You've got the power to punish him any way you like, just make sure the little shit never tries a stunt like that again. Have fun.." Shaun drops you into his younge brother's awaiting palm and you hit the clammy flesh, feeling Andy's fingers lock around you instantly.
There's a heavy feeling of doom deep in your stomach. You're under the authority of a spoilt brat once more, and this time he's going to make sure you never have the balls to disobey him again..
The feel of doom deep in your stomach grew rapidly as you looked up at the spolit brat that now owned your whole life. It made you feel even smaller and weaker that you already were as Andy winked at his brother, turned around and headed back into his bedroom and giggled as he locked the door behind him. he made sure you saw and heard the lock being closed, sealing you inside his room.
"I am going to make you so scared that you will never disobey me again you little shit". He said in a chillingly calm voice, which made you sweat with pure fear at the calmness that he spoke to you. Andy's mouth grew into a very evil grin as he walked over to his bedroom wall and he pulled back a poster and revealed a dartboard. You went as white as a ghost when you saw the board and it was clear Andy loved this, as he squeezed you tightly while he went right up to the board.
He grabbed some tape and he carelessly pinned you against the board, your stomach over the bullseye as he taped your arms and legs spread eagle on the board. Andy just giggled at how white you had turned as he took hold of three real sharp darts, your eyes followed him back to the end of his bed as he lifted his arm up with a dart between his fingers.
"Now i am not a very good dart thrower, so runt are you going to obey me now?" he asked and before you even had the chance to answer, he threw the dart at full speed and you screamed in terror as the point slammed into the board, mere inches from your face, and you started to cry. "Please Andy stop this, i won't try to run away again, please take me down".
Shaking his head slowly, he took out another dart from his other hand and readied it as he grinned over at you with ice cold eyes. Without so much as a word, he threw the second dart, you heard it flying through the air and pissed yourself as the point impaled the cork just below your naked crotch, so close to your crotch you felt the wind as it landed in the board.
You were in a state of shock as you felt your dick hitting the cold tip of the dart and it sent a chill through your body at how close it was to you. Andy was thrilled as he walked right up to you, his mouth inches from you and licked his lips "Now if you disobey me again, or try to run, i will not miss the bullseye again".
His words cut you deep and sent you into a state of terror and shock as he told you he was missing the bullseye on purpose, to scare you as he stepped back and waited for your reply.
His words and grin were too much to bare as he stepped back to listen to your reply and he just grinned even more as you cried out "I will never obey you kid, get me down right now". Andy slowly shook his head as you did that and he just sighed "Oh well some pets just never learn". He heard Shaun getting out of the shower and he opened the door slightly and asked his brother for advice.
"Hey bro, i did the dart thing, but it won;t submit, do i throw the dart and miss, or do i kill him for disobeying?" Shaun glanced past the door and saw you taped to the dart board like one of his brothers stupid toys and he just shrugged "Well I can just get you a new one from school if you prefer, but i would like you to try again with this one". He said putting a hand on his younger brother's shoulder.
Andy just giggled as he came back into the bedroom and grinned an evil grin back at you, and it sent a shiver down your tiny spine, wondering what would happen next. His hand lifted up and there was a dart in his fingers, you gulped as his arm went back and he threw the final dart towards the board. It was all happening in slow motion, the dart spinning in the air, the giggling from young Andy and the pale faced terror you felt as the dart moved toward you.
Where does the dart land?
You've seen some pretty scary things in your life. But somehow you've never seen anything as terrifying as the smug grin on Andy's huge, bratty teenage face.
"Thanks, big bro! He'll never get away from me again.. Because I'm gonna turn him into just another brainless ass-kissing pet." The boy squeezes you especially hard as he finishes his sentence. Despite that fact that you're years older than him and much fitter, he can put you in agony and humiliation with nothing more than a twitch of his smelly fingers.
Now it's time to face your future. Andy takes you back to his room, so he can start brainwashing you with his..
Andy carries you back to his room with a look of determination on his face. "You won't believe me when I tell you now, but in a few days time you're gonna willingly worship me like the god that I am."
You can't imagine ever feeling anything but terror for this monstrous young giant. But he seems convinced.
Back in Andy's cluttered room, the boy sits on his bed and holds you up to his face. His huge blue eyes focus on you for what seems like an eternity. You don't know what to say; whether to apologize, beg for mercy or fight back. And Andy doesn't say a word. He just sits there, staring holes into you with his massive eyes.
"Ah, Andy.. I don't know what you plan to do, but if you-"
Just when you think you might have a chance at reasoning with the spoilt kid, a giant finger comes out of nowhere and flicks you hard in the face.
After the initial white flash and searing pain, you nurse your throbbing face and choke out the words "Why??"
Andy just giggles. Then lifts his hand again, and flicks you in the stomach. Then in the back, and again in the face. Before you know it you're being beaten savagely by the sweaty index finger of a teenage boy who probably picks his nose. Every time you duck you feel the huge finger thud painfully into a different part of your body. "OW!! AH!! DAMN IT, STOP! PLEASE!!"
"Just tell me when you're ready to go in my pants, wimp. Then I'll stop teasing you." Andy's voice is perfectly calm as he instructs you.
"In your WHAT?? Dude, please!! Just stop hitting-" You're cut off when Andy's huge finger thumps you in the face, and you realise you can taste blood.
You don't know what this sadistic kid is up to, but the prospect of being hidden away in his pants is almost tempting..
You've never wanted anything less than to be in the pants of a giant, all powerful teenager with an attitude problem and clammy skin. But as it is, you're being pummeled by the giant finger of this power-hungry kid and there's nothing you can do to make stop but agree to his disgusting terms.
The huge finger flicks and flicks at you, humiliating you with the ease it takes to belittle and torture you. It looks like you don't have a choice.
"Okay, okay! I'll go willingly into your.. yout pants. Do whatever you like, just stop torturing me!" You surrender weakly.
Andy looks as happy as ever as he loosens his belt and dangles you over the opening of his deep, dark underwear..
Andy takes great pleasure in pinching you between his fingertips, dangling you over the opening of his underwear -- the same pair he wore to school today and sweated through -- then simply letting you go.
You drop through the air, too breathtaken to scream, and hit warm flesh before you know it. At first, you feel the modest bush crowning the boy's package, still soft and fuzzy. Then you roll clumsily over the boy's long, fleshy cock.
Soon you're lying at the very tip of Andy's cock, kicking to escape it. But you're at the bottom of a shadowy cavern of manhood, and there's nothing you can do to get away.
All around you is the smell of boyish, musky sweat. Sweet, even fragrant in its own way, but no less humiliating for you.
"I'll see you when you're ready to face some more torture, bug. Until then, you just lie there and give your master some love.."
The boy gives you a taunting wink, then let's his underwear snap shut. You're immediately pushed up against soft, hot skin. Your face is buried unwillingly into the flubbery flesh, which already seems to be building a sweat.
As much as you hate this, it beats being smacked around by Andy's giant finger.
You snuggle up to the repulsive teenage balls as long as you can possibly take it..
Shaun's black and white Converse Chucks hit the ground behind you with a thump so loud it makes your blood turn cold. You've become so accustomed to feeling of fear and awe towards the giant teenager, that now a part of you jumps every time he moves; You're paranoid that the spolit scene boy will find you and either sumbit you to those nasty sneakers of his or dump you in his dirty undies should you be foolish enough to attract his attention.
But in this case you're lucky. Shaun has just picked up the phone and, high as he is, he hasn't noticed the tiny man skittering across the bedroom floor as he roams around his room chatting with..
Shaun, the resident punk and sexual deviet you've been captured and tortured by, seems to have himself a boyfriend. Normally, this wouldn't be any business of yours, but it's in Shaun's room that you're hiding when your leather-loving teen giant decides to enjoy a little dirty talk over the phone with his partner.
You peer out from under the bed, past Shaun's Converses and up at the boy's skinny black jeans as he fondles his tightly packed crotch and leans his cheeky smile into the phone. "How hard are you? ..Oh, yeah. Are you gonna beg me for it? Are you going to get down on your knees and lick me until I let you come?"
Shaun has his hand snaked halfway down his pants by now. He's wearing the most mischevious smile you've ever seen as he gently massages his package and mumbles over the phone.
"Oh, yeah.. Talk dirty to me.. Are you my little sex toy? Do I own you? ..Oh, yeah." Shaun's in ecstasy as he strokes himself quicker and quicker. Then, suddenly..
It means losing precious time in eluding your giant tormentor, but you decide to run the extra mile towards the adults rooms down the hall.
Once you're there, thanking God that Andy hasn't shown up yet, you're presented with two rooms.
In one, a pair of loafers sit neatly under a king sized bed and you can see an assortment of aftershaves lined up on the dresser -- The parents' room.
In the other, you see only a bed, a shut closet and some drawers with suitcases slouching by their side. There's a guest staying in this room, all right, but who could that be..
You can hear footsteps racing up the hall right about now. Time to make a leap of faith..
Most parents enforced their own private space; Andy hopefully wouldn't look in his parents' room. You dove inside the room, scanning for places to hide. There are quite a few choices here. You could also go the extra mile and hide in the bathroom instead. Time's running out, you don't want to be caught in the middle of the floor.
No need to keep running. This room alone had plenty of hiding spots, especially considering how small you were. The bed was large with a multitude of boxes under it as well as the loafers you spotted earlier. Andy would have to move everything to even look for you. There was also a jacket hanging off the bed. With a good jump, you could climb it and hide in the pocket. You could also use it to get to the top of the bed, hide in the mess of sheets. On the other hand, the dresser had some tempting choices as well. There was a small gap between the dresser and the wall, probably to plug in the alarm clock that you could slip right into. The bottom drawer was also opened a bit, barely noticeable at a normal size.
Okay, are you going to hide under the bed, possibly in something or are you feeling a bit more daring for a climb.
You dash into the guest room where giant suitcases are standing against the wall. Judging by the way they're all packed and the room looks sparse, some-one has either just arrived to stay or they're at the end of their visit and ready to leave.
You look around the room. There aren't a whole lot of options as for hiding. But the sound of footsteps is behind you and you have to make a choice.
Just as the footsteps are approaching you make a run for it and jump into an opening in one of the guest's bags, where the zipper hasn't been closed up completely. It's dark and warm inside, which is a comfort to you, and you have just enough room to peep out at the giant entering the room.
It isn't Andy as you'd feared, but the guest who happens to be..
You watch in curiosity as the tall, blond man enters the room. He's wearing a checkered shirt, a huge belt buckle which seems to be engraved with something, and blue jeans. As he steps into the room you also notice that he's wearing scuffed old cowboy boots, the kind with a buckle on the side and a thick heel underneath.
"Ben, are you sure you won't stay another night?" You see Shaun's mother standing in the hallway.
"Thanks a lot ma'am, you folks have been kind to me. But my daddy's ranch won't run itself. I'd better be getting back." His boots make loud thuds as he walks over to the bed and retrieves his cowboy hat.
Wow, you think, this guy runs a ranch. He has a cowboy accent, the boots, the hat and everything. You wonder what it would be like to live in a place like Ben does. He looks young but happy and healthy.. Not to mention handsome.
All of a sudden you feel the bag you're in being picked up..
It's a long, bumpy ride back to the ranch. You stay hidden in Ben's bag the whole time, as he takes the train back to his home tow.
Lucky for you, the giant has a little leftover food wrapped up in a papetr bag. You nibble at the sandwhich for energy. Of course it's a little offputting that you can see Ben's giant bite marks in the bread but you have to make do.
It's getting hot in the bag later that night, and you can smell the aroma of Ben's dirty laundry permeating through the bag. It's a musky kind of smell that's manly and not entirely unpleasant.
Finally the zipper opens again, and you peep outside to see..
You can see a fairly large but dim bedroom outside. The floorboards are unpolished and awfully dusty, but the furniture has a quaint sort of charm to it, like stuff you'd find in antique stores.
You hear Ben groan as he bends down and pulls off his boots. Since he's sitting on his bed, you can only see his legs from the shins down, and his hands as they do their work. When he dumps his big boots on the ground you discover that his bare feet are just as large and manly as his hands are. Both are broadand have their fair share of veins, definitely the hands and feet of a hard working man.
He sits there on the bed stretching his feet out and you decide to..
You've gone on hiding for long enough. Now that you've finally found a giant who seems like a good guy you're going to take your chance at pleading your case to him, before Andy figures out where you are and comes to collect you.
You climb out of the bag and fall to the floor, and Ben looks to you immediately. He was daydreaming while he wiggled his toes around freely and now you've startled him.
"What in tarnation.."
"Please sir, you have to give me a chanc to explain! I was almost as big as you recently." (Almost as old as him anyway, you think to yourself. He's way more built thaou ever were.) "I was shrunk by a science project at school and kidnapped by your nephews. I really need your help in getting to a hospital, or atleast staying safe until I can find a way to get to one. Please!"
Ben is still suprised but he seems to be thinking deeply. "Well, the nearest hospital is a long drive from here. And I'm inclined to believe my family over someone I've never met. Seems to me smarter to call Shaun and have him take things from here.."
"You can't do that! Please! I'll do anything if you agree not to call him!"
"Please don't call your nephews! I'm a good kid, I promise, and if you keep me here safely until someone can take me into town I'll do whatever you want!"
Ben chuckles a little and lifts his cowboy hat so he can scratch his blond hair. "I don't know about that, little man. What can someone your size offer me?"
"I can give you a foot rub!" You say quickly.
You heard how loudly he groaned when he pulled his boots off. Wearing those big heavy things all day must make his feet ache, and you're exactly the right size to service them.
Of course when you were held captive by Andy you could never have stomached the idea of rubbing his feet. But Ben's are different. They smell more comfort and manly, and they look like they're begging to be rubbed.
"Oh, I don't know about that little man.." Ben looks doubtful, so you..
"Hey, if you don't feel like a foot rub there are plenty of other things I could do…" You say out of desperation. You're not exactly keen to do anything dirty for another giant guy but you'd do anything to avoid going back to those torturous other giants.
"What do you mean?" He narrows his eyes and asks suspiciously.
"Well, the thing is, I know living on a ranch there's not a lot of other people close by and you spend all your time working. Maybe you need a little… relief?" You can't believe what you're saying but it turns out to be a good idea.
Ben now has his hand rubbing his crotch dreamily. He says, as if to himself, "It has been a long time since I've had a woman.."
He unbuckles his giant belt and lets it hang open. He stares down at you waiting for you to make the next move. "You sure you got the guts to do this, little man?"
Realizing that you haven't had any good experiences with pleasing giant men lately, you change your mind; shaking your hands to call off the agreement and yell to Ben at the top of your voice. Unfortunately, the deprived giant is too excited at this potentially life-changing sexual experience and does not even notice your squeaky voice pleading.
Look how active the little guy looks, Ben thinks to himself. He's waving his arms and yelling so excitedly, I hope he doesn't end up regretting his offer after we…
"You sure you got the guts to do this, little man?"
When Ben had said that, it had sounded like a challenge. But as the man unzipped his jeans and lowered them, revealing the gargantuan bulge stirring beneath a layer of tight black underwear, you realize that he had been warning you: Ben was a large guy, and even at normal heights, you would've left the ranch in a good amount of pain. The serpentine mound was stirring, as if it could sense that Ben was bringing you closer and taking off his tight undies with another hand.
"Of course," you say bravely. "Let's have some fun." You almost can't believe the words coming out of your mouth, you're practically taunting him!
Ben shrugs, he smiles as he lays out onto the bed, shaking off his pair of jeans and spreading his humongous body all over the bed.
"Ahhh much better," he sighs.
Without pants on, Ben looks even more like a giant muscular deity. You follow the sight of his hairy powerful legs as they form juicy thighs and converge into a pair of stretched Calvin Klein underwear struggling to contain the bulge. From the way that the underwear is tightly fighting against his inflating crotch, one thing is pretty clear: Ben is hung. Really well hung!
You start to think about how maybe it was a mistake to offer yourself as a sex toy, and to maybe revoke the offer, but it's definitely too late. Ben is getting comfortable at the bed, holding you in the palm of hand, designated plaything for a horny giant.
"Alright little man, let's think of a fun game to help get me off…"
You're so eager to please the giant cowboy that you run over to his left foot and throw your arms around it. It's still pretty damp from being inside that boot all day but you find this only helps your arms slide all over it.
You just treat it like an intense back massage, digging in your elbows and hands and kneading the big muscles underneath his sole.
If the cowboy's guttural, manly groans are anything to go by, this is working magnificently.
"Oh my Lord, you got yourself some magic little hands!" He sighs in relief. "I been needing a good foot massage like this for weeks!"
Just to seal the deal, you climb up on the top of his foot, near the hem of his jeans and put your hands inside the cracks between his giant toes so you can stroke them too. He clenches them up a little at first, on account of the tickling, but then relaxes and enjoys himself.
When it's done you look up and ask with a smile, "So… Do we have a deal?"
"I tell you what, little man." He's getting up and placing his hat on the corner of the bed. "You rub my tired muscles like that and you can stay here as long as you like."
You're not sure what he means by muscles until he unbuttons his checkered shirts and takes it off, then takes off his singlet. You're lost for words -- The ranch hand has the hottest body you've ever seen on a guy his age. Huge shoulders from all that hard ranch work, tight abs and a dark tan.
He stands over you wearing only jeans, which are held up by his giant belt buckle. "Do we have a deal?"
"Yes Sir!"
Ben lies on his stomach, on the bed, and you crawl onto his back which is warm and just as muscular as the front. You feel totally…
You decide to explore you make your way into another room and in that is an 18 year old called Jack,… Jack is your typical teen sitting down with a vacuum cleaner and wearing black socks with sandals, you make your way towards him but suddenly you feel your self shrinking even smaller, you soon realize that you must have shrunk to at least 1 inch tall.
You decide to try and climb up him how ever he has been sweating in his black socks and you can smell his feet.
Andy marches right up to his room, looking forward to playing with his new toy. Having an older brother who's out with his friends a lot and two working parents, Andy often craves attention. And now that he has a tiny man at his disposal, he intends on wearing you out by making you cater to his every whim, no matter how small or unpleasant.
He starts by picking up a collectable army figuring who is just your height, and placing you in front of each other. "Ok, now fight!" he commands in his youthful voice.
"I.. I'm not a doll, little guy! I'm a real person, you have to.."
"Did you just call me 'little guy'?" The giant teen booms down at you, and you swallow nervously. "YOU'RE the little guy, and I'M the boss! So you'd better do what I say, otherwise you're gonna be in big trouble."
You stare up at the power-hungry giant and you're lost for words. He's enjoying his control over you so much, you're sure there's nothing you can do to stop him from tretaing you like an object.
"You don't want to fight like the rest of my army dolls? Well I guess I'll just have to make the first attack!" As he says this, Andy flicks you in the stomach with one giant finger maliciously, and you keel over in pain. The boy's obnoxious laughter booms in your ears, and before you can compose yourself, his great big finger has slammed against your back, making you roll across the floor like a rag doll.
"HAHAHA!! Not so tough now, are you, little man?" The spoilt giant's youthful voice thunders around you as he continues his assault.
Next, he..
You lie there, nursing your wounds, and watch as Andy lifts one foot up and pries off his sneaker. He drops the giant shoe from a great height, so it causes a miniature quake as it lands next to you. After removing the next sneaker, Andy raises it to his face and buries his nose deep inside, taking a big, long sniff. "Mmm." He grins cheekily then steps forward, wiggling his socked toes over you.
"Oh, come on Andy, you don't wanna do that.." You try to reason, desperate for an argument. "You.. You've gotta take care of your toys, you know? I mean.. Wouldn't you rather play something else with me??"
Andy giggles at your pathetic attemp to save yourself. "So, you admit you're my toy, huh? That's good to hear. But you're also my pet, and it's a pet's job to love and entertain it's master.. So suck it up!"
The spoilt brat slams his socked foot down on top of you, knocking the air out of your lungs. The thick fabric between you and Andy's warm sole smells like condensed sweat. As well dressed as the cocky kid is, Andy must go days without changing his socks. The worst part is, now your lungs are crying for air and you're forced, literally, to "suck up" the smell of your owner's gross feet.
"Hahaha! You enjoying that, slave? I think I might sleep with you under my feet tonight. You sure feel good, wiggling around down there.." The shape of Andy's giant toes is clear through the clingy socks. Every breath you take is like a drink of the boy's thick, fetid foot odour. Every now and then Andy curls his toes and takes a look at his powerless little pet's face, then laughs nice and loud.
"Ahh, I'm bored." Your owner (You can't believe you're actually starting to think of him that way) sighs. "I think I wanna.."
You sit up, choking on the stench of your young master's socks, and watch uncomfortabley as andy starts to take his clothes off in front of you.
Wearing only socks and white underwear, your owner picks you up and slides under the covers. "Go to sleep, slave. I'm gonna have plenty of work for you in the morning.." He smiles, and clutches you to his bare chest like a spare pillow.
Your cheeks turn red at contact with the giant's skin, and he gives you a quizzical look. "What are you looking at, runt? ..You're not gay or something, are you?"
"No!" You say defensively.
He seems to settle at this. "Good.." But then says as an afterthought. "Although if I wanna - you know - practice with you some time, you're my property so you have to do what I say." With a smug smile on his face, your owner lays his head against the pillow and goes to sleep, with your face jammed into his soft skin.
..Later that night, Andy pokes you awake demandingly. "I can't sleep. YOU have to do something for me, slave."
You're only half-awake when you're lifted in andy's giant hand, and dropped onto is crotch. rubbing your eyes, you find yourself sitting on a vast patch of golden-brown curls, with your legs open in front of a tall, thick fleshy tower. Your jaw drops as your eyes scale the monstrosity, and the damp, masculine smell of crotch-sweat hits you.
Andy barks orders from up above. "Do it, slave! Or I'll tell my brother you've been a bad pet and he'll get really, really mad!" Andy's pubic curls glint in the lamp-light, and the boy's huge erection stands over you ominously, looking eager to spew its load over an insignificant little servant. "DO IT!!" You look back to see Andy's impatient face. His fists are clenched childishly, though his raging hard-on and the threatening growl in his voice suggests he is very much a young man..
"Fuck off!" you scream and leap off giant' Andy's body. You channel all your gym classes and track practices to rush down off his crotch and onto his bed. He fumbles to move his legs and grab you to no avail. You have no time to breath a sigh of relief as you pound to the end of the bed.
He lifts up his left leg, before slamming it down violently to try and crush you. You manage to slide to a stop just in time as the huge, hairy wall slams down infront of you. You make a b-line and keep pounding away, avoiding his other leg as it repeats the action with greater speed and violence.
When you get to the end, the sheet gets closer and closer to your head. Once you reach the end you
You fall out of the bed and land on the soft, warm cushion of Andy's used underwear. You immediately jump up and start running away to the huge hallway.
Sliding across the carpet you slip under the door. In the darkness of the hallway you run full pelt away from the horrifying giant of young spoilt Andy.
Unfortunately you crash into a firm, warm wall of flesh. The smell is putrid, you realise in the darkness it is a giant foot.
You peer up into the darkness, your eyes straining to adjust. When they do you realise that this giant man standing over you is..
You stare up in horror as Sean stares back down at you. His loose boxers hang openly, giving you a clear view straight up the leg of the tiny shorts. The light of the moon highlights every detail of the giant. From his dark, curly pubes, to his long cock hanging ominously over his huge, dangling nutsac.
You are horrified as you stare at the massive organ, and even more scared as you witness it twitch. It shudders, And slowly…it begins to rise. Sean is fucking horny over you in this tiny, vulnerable state.
Andy quickly swings his door open, the light flooding the hall. "There he is!" he snarls. "Bro, that little fucker wouldn't do as I say!"
Sean stares groggily at his brother "What did you want him to do?"
Andy looks down at his feet " I just… I just wanted a… a… a massage"
Sean scoffs "Sure" before turning his attention to you "Okay little fella, if you dont want to massage my little bro's body," His face turns into a snarl. "Then I guess you can…"
Shaun wraps his huge fingers around you and brings you up close to his face. "You think you've got the right to decide what you do and what you don't?" The giant seems to be fully awake now, and his tone is severely menacing. "You're not a human any more you little brat, you're my little brother's new toy, and he'd better get what he wants out of you otherwise I'll make you the sorriest little man ever to get in my way.. Don't worry, Andy. I'll take the runt for tonight and by tomorrow morning he'll be putty in your hands."
You gulp as the image of Andy, wearing a big smile, disappears and you're carried off into Shaun's bedroom. Even after the light is switched on, the room reminds you of a dark cave. Every inch of the walls are covered in posters of metal bands, the floor is invisible under mounds of trash and laundry, and the smell of Shaun's sweat is so thick you can barely breathe it into your lungs.
"So, need a little friendly persuasion, do you?" Shaun says with cool confidence, placing you on the ground at his feet. You stare up in silence as the giant teen drops his boxers to his ankles, and stands with his massive cock dangling high above you. For what seems like minutes you stare up at the pendulous dick, as Shaun stands with his hands on his hips and a proud smirk on his face. "Ready to submit to your master, runt? Or am I going to have to make you beg for mercy?"
You clear your throat nervously, and respond:
"No, Sir. I'm ready to jerk you off." You reply in a small voice.
This sends Shaun into a fit of evil laughter. "Music to my ears!" he grins, snatching you up and throwing himself down on his bed. You're promptly dropped on the towering punk's dense, hairy crotch, and you waste no time in putting your hands on long sausage that is Shaun's flaccid cock, and rubbing it. Meanwhile, Shaun lies with his arms resting behind his head and his ankles crossed. The only thing missing from the picture is a servant feeding him peeled grapes. The pangs of humiliation you suffer as you kneel there and massage this threatening giant's rising cock are awful, but you wouldn't dare upset him after his warning earlier.
You let the damp, clammy flesh roll all over your body as you struggle to hold the massive cock in your arms. Soon enough, the erection is much taller than you, and Shaun is sighing happily with every touch. ""Ahhh, that's a good slave. Yeah.. You just love servicing your master's cock, don't you, twerp.. Well don't worry, you're mine and Andy's now, and you're going to be worshipping us like gods for the rest of your life.." Shaun thoroughly enjoys humiliating you with his words. Every time he says something like this, his cock drips with pre-come, and you can hear him shudder in excitement. The worst part is, you know that everything he's saying is true. You're the property of these two selfish teen brats, and whether they want to use you to boost their egos or have you service their sticky cocks, you'll be forced to swallow your pride and obey. Shaun knows this, and he loves it.
"..Now, climb to the top and stick your tongue in the slit. Go on, runt, get right in there." The giant says happily, and you scurry to obey.
Clinging to the meaty cock, you close your eyes, remember the anger in your owner's face when you upset his little brother, and stick your face into the dripping slit at the tip of Shaun's cock. "AAAAAHHHH, FUCK, that's good!!" Shaun groans, his voice shaking with pleasure.
Before you know it, Shaun's cock is pulsating like crazy - It's gonna blow!
Just as the giant cock erupts, you mean to dive out of the way. But you're not getting off that easy.. Shaun wraps his hand tightly around you and jams you up against his dick as hot, thick semen comes spurting out.
"OH!! OH!! OH!!" Shaun grunts and pants as he slides into ecstasy, jerking himself like mad. With each pump of the giant teen's fist, you slide againt the hard cock, slimey come spurting and smearing all over your body, making you even slicker and stickier as you slip all over the hot flesh of your controlling owner's hard-on.
Finally, Shaun's whole body un-tenses and he throws his head back onto the pillow, catching his breath. You lie in the hot palm of his hand, stinking of Shaun's potent come which coats your face and lips.
Shaun looks down at you over his rising-and-falling chest, smiles devilishly, and..
"Mmm," Shaun says, licking his lips with an evil smile. "Nothing tastier than a slave covered in his master's come.." You feel the giant teen's hot breath cascade over you, and seconds later his great pink tongue is wagging in front of you, glistening wetly.
You slide past your owner's lips, and Shaun's hot mouth closes on you as two huge fingers hold onto your leg. You're sucked on like a squirming little lolly, your owner's powerful tongue sliding all over you. Saliva, so hot that it almost burns, pours over your little body. "MMMMM.." Shaun groans exaggeratedly as he enjoys the taste of his semen on your weak little arms and face.
Finally, the velvety mattress which is Shaun's tongue slithers over your helpless body one last time, and you're pulled from the giant's lips with a wet slurping sound.
The sadistic giant grins down at you, loving the way you look in his palm, all shivering and vulnerable.
"You sure taste good, twerp.."
The coat of saliva on your skin is starting to turn cold, and you shiver in the giant's palm. "Aww, look at my poor little pet, just waiting for his master to put him somewhere safe and warm.. Should I dump you in my toilet bowl for the night, little man? Or have you finally learned to humble yourself in front of your gods?"
Trembling, you bow your head as low as you can and mutter. "N-No, Sir, I'll b-be a good slave, I p-promise.."
Shaun smirks down at you. "Yeah, that's what I thought, runt. Well, you're lucky I'm too tired to walk to the bathroom - You're gonna get a cozy night's sleep after all." The giant says, then presses you flat against his chest. Under his palm, you're spread on your stomach, wondering what kind of game this is.. Then Shaun starts to slide you downward.
"Yep, I think you're we're both gonna have a good sleep tonight. Especially you, tucked away where it's nice and toasty warm.." You're slid over Shaun's smooth chest, over the bump of his hard nipple, ove rthe fine hairs of his stomach, gaining warmth with the friction of his skin.
"Ahh.. By morning you ought to be nice and rested, so when I give yo back to my little bro you can give him the 'massage' he deserves.." You slide over the dip of Shaun's navel, down the slope of his stomach and onto the dense brown valley of pubic hairs. Shaun reaches down and pulls his boxer shorts up. You feel skin underneath you again, and this time it isn't the fresh, smooth skin of your master's belly. The skin under you is damp, sticky, and reeks of sex. Shaun positions you so that your little body is spread out over his giant, floppy dick and hairy nutsac, then snaps the boxers closes. "Nighty night, little slave." Shaun calls down sarcastically, then kisses his palm and pats his stuffed crotch with the hand.
The lamp is switched off, and before long Shaun is snoring. Throughout the rest of the night, the drying semen on the giant cock turns to sediments of glue, which end up smeared all over your face and body. By dawn, the elephantine penis has tucked itself over your head possessively, and you're forced to drink up the trickling sweat and cheesy dried come that's shoved in your face while Shaun dreams away, blissfully ignorant.
Finally, morning arrives. Shaun sits up and stretches leisurely, in no hurry to extract you from your hot, stinky hell. He stands up, yawns, scratches his butt and..
He opens the door to Andy's room,Andy is still asleep as he has the day off because he is 'sick'.He massive,recking feet hanging off the end of the bed.You are dropped onto the bed at Andy's head,he wakes up."Well,he's all yours,if you have any trouble,you know I can just get another one".Andy smiles at his brother as he returns to his room.Andy looks down at you and smiles"Now where were we,arh you you were……………………."
A Shaun left the room, you almost felt sad at seeing him go, ever since he had taken you last night, he had made you feel like a true slave, serving his Master's will, You gulped when you felt Andy's smile burning into your back as you turned around and saw his massive childish grin. "Now where were we, ah you were tending to my feet, weren't you little slave?" His voice scared you, and you began to shack with fear and the realization that what Shaun said was true, you belong to them now, there was nothing you could do.
You knelt down on the bed before his massive face and bowed your head as low as it could go and nodded "Yes Sir, p…please let me go to your G…g..godly feet Master". You managed to stammer out, still shacking, wondering what your young owner was going to do next. Andy was impressed with how well his brother had broken you in as he sat up in his bed and picked you up and dropped you back down at his sweaty, funky boy feet, wiggling his toes slowly. "My feet have miss your pathetic tongue slave, so you are going to lick my feet clean". and at that moment his stomach rumbled "And I haven't had breakfast, so if you fail, or disobey". He grinned and licked his lips down at you.
As you stood staring in awe of the massive bare soles before you, you couldn't help but feel intimidated by them, they towered above you, and they belonged to your owner. You gulped before going up to the sweaty surface and beginning to rub and lick it with your hands and tongue, the taste was foul, boy foot sweat and insole gunk had built up since he last washed, and that was a while ago, by the amount of gunk. You heard Andy giggling at the other end of the bed and knew he must be pleased and you called out "I am so honored to be serving you my God, are you pleased Sir?"
Andy moved his foot forward, knocking you over and pushing you against the mattress below as he sat up, towering over you as he grinned and the gleam in his eye worried you. "You are pleasing me slave, i want my feet clean, so get to work or else". His stomach rumbled again as he let you up, and your licking increased, licking harder and faster, eager to please your young owner.
By now you seemed to have accepted these two boys as your owners, it no longer hurt to look at Andy and think of him as a God and Master anymore. You grinned as you licked his sweaty feet clean and after a while you called up "Master you feet are clean". Andy sat up and lifted his feet to his face to have a look and he grinned and said…….
Giant fingers come prying into your fabric prison. Shaun holds his cock, catching you in his grip at the same time so that you're held against the huge, flaccid penis, and pulls both of you out. "Morning, sunshine." Your master says groggily, aiming his dick at the toiet water below. Pressed against the massive organ, you feel strong vibrations streaming on the other side of the blubbery skin, then a golden stream of piss flows out, too close to your head, and splashes into the toilet bowl below.
"Like the smell of my piss? Thought you would." Shaun yawns, draining his bladder as he holds you tightly to his smelly dick.
After he's done peeing, he shakes off his cock, amused as he sees you blinking and choking at the heavy droplets which splash onto you. "I decided to keep you for one more day, just to make sure you're ready to be my little bro's bitch. Hope you don't mind.." Your master looks down at you expectantly, and though you're filled with frustration and dismay, you swallow your pride, bow your head and nod obediently. "Good kid." Shaun grins, and pats you on the head condescendingly with his index, delighting in the act of subtle domination.
"Today, you're gonna be keeping me company at.."
Shaun perches you on the bathroom sink as he grooms his hair for another school-day. He spreads the oily gel through his long hair, bending and spiking it in a few random places. At one, stage, for no apparent reason, he picks you up and runs you through his hair with his fingers. You're sticky with hair-gel and the smell of Shaun's unwashed scalp is all over you. He chuckles, then dumps you under running water while he finishes perfecting his look.
Your giant punk dumps a few books in his bag, then presses you against his iPod and wraps the ear-phones around you both again and again, tying you flat to the device. Before placing you in the bag, your arms pinned by your side, Shaun lifts one of the ear plugs and playfully smears it against your face, then watches and laughs as you choke on the taste of his ear-wax, which is stuck to your lips for the entire trip, after being dumped unceremoniously into the bag.
In science class, Shaun gets bored easily, and he quietly extracts you from his bag for a little entertainment. You're held firmly in his grip as he pokes and prods at you, snickering as you wince in pain. His eyes dart from the teacher to you, making sure he isn't caught, as he continues his mindless torture. Until..
"Hey, wake up, faggot." Clay, a burly meat head sitting across from Shaun snickers. Shaun looks up, annoyed, and the jock goes on. "What are you lookin' at, faggot? Why don't you go home and play with your dollies."
If only the ignorant bully had any idea that Shaun really did own a 'dolly', and that he was holding you right now. But Shaun has nothing to say back. As much power as he wields over you, he can't challenge this steroid-pumped quarterback. Instead, you feel his fingers dig deeper into you, and you squeak as tthe air rushes out of your lungs.
The jock has given up on Shaun, but that doesn't help you. You stare up in horror as Shaun's thick eyebrows dip lower and lower, a look of silent rage and frustration spreading across his face. He lifts a giant finger, sneering down at you with contempt, and pokes you savagely in the face. You gasp, tasting blood, and try to beg with hand gestures for him to stop. But it's no use.
You continue to pay for the bone-head jock's cruelty as Shaun takes out his anger on you, bruising your insides with angry squeezes and flicks. An evil smile illuminates his face when he succeeds in thinking of a brand new way to torture you..
Shaun took the hand that he wasn't squeezing you with and make it into a fist, he then stuck his pinky out and shoved it into his nose, he dug in his nostril until his pulled his finger out and along with it came a huge glob of green snot. Shaun laughed evily under his breath and slowly lowered his pinky finger until he was smearing the gooey snot all over your small head. You were forced to sit there in his warm hand as he rubbed it into your face. When he was done, he asked to be excused and went to the bathroom with you. "Alrighty little turd…"
Shaun took you into a stall and slipped his shirt off, revealing his slightly sweaty body. He grinned evily and raised his left arm (he was holding you in his right hand) and revealed his hairy, sweaty, unwashed armpit. He sniffed the pit and glared at you. Shaun didn't give a warning as he swiftly shoved you under his arm and pressed you deep inside the black haired cave. He rubbed you into the stinky pit and slowly dragged you up and down the wet surface like an actual stick of roll on deodorant. Shaun let you go anf you stuck to the pit, he put his arm down squashing you deep into the armpit. He put his shirt back on and went…
Shaun chuckles softly, like a cat purring over its latest kill, and looks down at you with an evil gleam in his eye. Pretending to be writing something in his notebook, he leans down close to you - close enough that his hot fetid breath descends on you like a miasma - and whispers: "We'll teach the meat-head jock to show a bit more respect, won't we… 'dolly'!" Then he gives you a playful poke in the stomach with his pen, knocking the wind out of you, and leans back in his chair. The rest of the lesson passes in an agony of uncertainty, trying to work out what exactly the giant punk has in mind, but at least he lets up on the torture - a little bit.
Eventually the bell rings, signalling the end of class, and everybody starts to make their way outside. Your giant owner gathers you up in a warm sweaty fist and you are pulled into the air as he gets to his feet. As he thrusts you deep into his pocket you hear him call Clay's name! What's he playing at!? Surely Shaun knows he can never hold his own in any respect next to the popular jock? Though muffled through the thick fabric of the pocket, you do your best to follow the ensuing conversation…
"Oh it's you. What do *you* want, faggot? Did you get bored playing with your dollies?"
"Heh. Very funny. I thought you might like to see something."
"Yeah? Just so long as it's not your dick, faggot. Otherwise the only thing entering your ass will be my foot."
The hand that is holding you firmly in place clenches reflexively, almost crushing your ribcage. It's clear that Shaun is making an effort to control his irritation and not mouth off too blatantly. Even so, he's probably sailing close to the wind where Clay is concerned: the burly jock isn't renowned for his tolerance or sense of humour.
"Oh, I've got something much better, even than my dick. Take a look at this."
Abruptly the sweaty hand clenches your helpless body once more and you are yanked out of the pocket into the blinding daylight of the classroom. As your eyes adjust you realise you are half-sitting, half-lying in Shaun's outstretched palm. Everybody else has left and the room is now empty apart from you, Shaun and… Clay! The bully is towering over you with a shocked expression on his face. The sense of masculine power radiating from him is overwhelming. You turn to look up at Shaun, who now has a smug grin plastered across his face, and as you do so Clay yelps, "SHIT! He's moving! He's actually real!"
"He sure is. And not only that… take a closer look at him"
Clay leans down, surprisingly gingerly at first. He's clearly not quite sure what to make of you. You gulp and look directly into his face. Your eyes meet…
"Oh you've gotta be kidding me! Is that Jack? What the fuck happened to him?"
You feel rather than see your captor's nonchalent shrug. "What do you think happened? I shrunk him of course!"
"What?? How? Why? When?"
"Oh, you know what a pest he is, always hanging round, so I thought I'd just cut him down to size and make him my personal slave/plaything," lies Shaun casually. "And you know what? It was actually pretty easy and I could do it to anyone - even you! So how about you back off and leave me in peace for the rest of the year otherwise this could be you!"
You resist the sudden urge to facepalm yourself. This is Shaun's plan? Is he insane? Does he really think he can bluff the toughest guy in the year with a story like that? Once more you look up at Clay's face, and just for a second you catch a look of uncertainty passing across his features. Then his eyes narrow and the cocky alpha male you know and hate is back in charge.
"Yeah, nice try faggot. You almost got me. I'm even a little impressed that you had the balls to stand up to me, so I won't kick your butt - this time. But you've gotta give this little creep to me. I've had my eye on him all year and now I'll be able to do anything the hell I want with him. What about it, faggot?"
Shaun is clearly shocked that his "clever" scheme was such an epic failure, but he recovers quickly and considers his options…
Shaun quickly realises he has a losing hand and has to make the best of things somehow. "Okay, he's yours - but there's a price".
Clay raises an eyebrow at his impudence. "Oh, and what's that?"
"It's simple. You and your jock buddies have to leave me alone for the rest of the year. No jokes or smart remarks, no little "accidents" when the teacher isn't looking, no ritual humiliations because you're bored and I'm the one who's nearest."
The beginning of a smile flickers at the corner of the jock's mouth. "I think… I can manage that. You keep out of my way and I'll keep out of yours. But try to take advantage of my good nature and generosity and you're back on The List. Geddit?"
Shaun nods.
"Good, now hand him over."
Clay holds out his hand and your erstwhile tormentor reluctantly lifts you up and tips you into it.
"Okay, you can go now." The jock doesn't even bother looking at Shaun as he dismisses him; he's too busy eyeing your tiny form with the intensity of a predator. However, you turn to watch Shuan leave, partly to be sure he's finally out of your life. He pauses in the doorway to look back at you and your eyes meet for a second. Although he doesn't say anything you know exactly what is going through his mind. His expression says it all: "You and I aren't finished. We'll meet again and then you'll be mine for good." As he disappears down the corridor you breathe a sigh of relief - until you remember exactly where you are sitting…
"So, Benson, I guess it's just you and me."
Clay holds you up to his face and smiles at you with the condescension of a young god. His grin, revealing the glory of his perfect white teeth, would be impressive under normal circumstances, but from your unique perpective the vision is spoiled by the sight of a couple of tiny particles of food caught between his incisors: a timely reminder of the falsehood of Clay's "butter-wouldn't-melt", boy-next-door charm and good looks. Further up his face the bronzed complexion - clear and glowing when seen normally - is similarly marred by tiny pores, little streaks of grease, and other such imperfections; the view up his nostrils is equally uninviting. Above that, his blue eyes glitter at you like two vast orbs of pure glacial ice: any humour suggested by his smile is brutally contradicted by their pitiless scrutiny.
But for now Clay appears to be content with just that: studying you. With deceptive tenderness he plucks you from his palm with the fingers of his other hand and moves your arms and legs one by one, turns you over to see you from every angle, and even pinches your head gently between his fingertips, making you shake your head and nod for his amusement.
"Just… incredible," he mutters under his breath. Then he addresses you once more: "Just between the two of us, Benson, how *did* you end up so tiny? I know that faggot doesn't have the smarts to pull off something like this, so how come he had you? Or did you two freaks have some kind of twisted torture and humiliation fantasy going on?". Clay chuckles maliciously at the thought.
You're not particularly keen to talk to Clay about your problem, but the fact is that he's actually the first person to show a genuine interest in what has befallen you. Even Scotty was too busy worrying about being caught skipping classes to really listen or do anything to help you out. In fact it was thanks to him that Shaun…
You shudder at the memory, take a deep breath and begin to describe how you spilled something on yourself in the science lab, how you found yourself this size, and how your supposed best friend carelessly gave you away to somebody you barely know. You explain how Shaun became all possessive with you, but leave out the more intimate details of what you suffered at the hands of him and his bratty little brother. That's something you don't intend to reveal to anybody, least of all somebody like Clay…
But to your surprise Clay turns out to be an attentive listener. It's a curious and gratifying feeling, knowing that somebody is actually listening to what you have to say for a change. In fact it hasn't happened properly since your oldest brother last visited. Scotty's a nice enough guy to have as a friend, but he really does seem to live in a dreamworld sometimes and doesn't always give you, or indeed the real world, the attention you deserve.
You reach the end of your tale and become aware that at some point you've settled yourself down cross-legged in Clay's palm without even realising it. However, the jock doesn't seemed to have noticed: he now has a pensive expression on his face as he digests the information you've given him. "Hmmm… so the nerds developed a formula that can shrink things and they've got jars of it locked away in the science lab… interesting."
The silence that follows quickly becomes oppressive and you start to get a very uncomfortable feeling that you might just have let your guard down and said a little too much. You're about to open your mouth to say something that might defuse the situation when Clay's gaze abruptly snaps back into focus and the corner of his mouth twitches, dimpling his cheek slightly.
"I think you and I should pay a visit to the science lab, don't you, Benson?"
"I- I- I think I'd rather you take me to find Scotty, if that's okay with you, Clay"
"The guy who couldn't wait to give you away? I think you're better off sticking with me. And anyway, if the nerds left a shrinking potion in the science lab don't you think there's a chance they might have left an antidote of some kind there too?"
You have to admit that he has a point, although it also crosses your mind that he could just as easily help you out by finding a teacher, or even one of the nerds, rather than sneaking into the science lab on his own - but you can't quite bring yourself to call Clay out on that for the moment. You'd been expecting the burly jock to be an even worse tormentor than Shaun, but so far he's been relatively gentle and attentive. Maybe he's not so bad deep down, and only pretends to be a bastard to keep up appearances with his buddies. After all, as your brother Keith likes to tell you, everybody has *some* good in them and people will often surprise you if you only give them an opportunity…
But Clay continues speaking, breaking your train of thought: "Good, then that's settled. Time to get you under cover and we'll be on our way"
Before you have a chance to yell out or argue he shoves you into one of the pockets of his jacket, with his broad hand covering the opening to stop you from falling (or crawling) out. Like it or not you have to go where Clay takes you and hope that it is to find an antidote…
You have no idea how long you are trapped within the stuffy confines of Clay’s jacket pocket. It could be a couple of minutes; it could be a couple of hours. It’s difficult to concentrate when the hulking jock’s most casual movements throw you around like a spare part inside the loose tent of fabric. It makes you almost glad that his hand remains in the opening to prevent you from falling out and possibly hurting yourself; however it also removes all possibility of escape, and you have mixed feelings about being so completely in Clay’s power. It’s not only the warmth you can feel radiating from him: from time to time he reaches further inside the pocket to stroke you for a moment as though you are nothing more than a small pet that needs calming or comforting. Once again you have been made all too aware that your life is no longer your own to manage. Still, you have to remind yourself that things might have been worse: you dread to think what might have happened if you’d been sharing this limited space with something large and heavy, such as his door keys, his cell phone, or even a few coins. And at least he didn’t choose to stuff you inside the even tighter confines of his jeans…
In the near darkness your sense of smell compensates for your lack of vision. Naturally enough his jacket carries his personal scent, with an additional slight hint of stale sweat mixed in with the background aroma of his deodorant and aftershave. Not unpleasant at normal size and distance, but within these confined surroundings, and magnified by your own scale and the proximity to the source, the effect is utterly cloying, further overwhelming your senses.
The other constant during this stifling trip is the background noise. The everyday sounds of school filter through, though heavily muffled. Snatches of conversation; laughter; doors slamming; the thudding of kids running down corridors. At one point you think you hear Scotty’s voice and try to scrabble your way up to the opening of the pocket but Clay’s hand is still blocking the entrance. When you tentatively reach out to push against the warm skin it twitches and then gently—but firmly—presses you back down into the depths.
Eventually, the murmur outside subsides and the movements stop. Clay’s hand abruptly leaves and a second later you hear a loud rattling sound. You take advantage of the welcome stability to start crawling once more to the opening of the pocket in the hope of seeing what is happening. You are almost there when, frustratingly, there is a huge creaking noise and you are thrown back inside as the mammoth jock suddenly starts moving again. If you had to guess, you’d say he’s just opened a door.
Almost immediately the hand returns, this time burrowing all the way inside the pocket and taking you firmly in its grasp. You are pulled out into daylight, which comes as a shock after the gloom inside the jacket, but before you can gather your wits Clay’s hand unexpectedly drops you. You land awkwardly on your backside on a hard flat surface. Massaging your bruised derrière and still squinting against the sunlight, you hear the rumble of the titan’s voice.
“Okay Benson, here we are. End of the line. Hope you enjoyed the trip.” He stands back and folds his arms expectantly while he watches you rub your eyes. “Alright then, where’s the stuff? The sooner we grab it and get outta here the better.”
Something about the way he says this bothers you, but you’re in no position to argue. You need the shrinking chemical too—or at least its antidote—and Clay has seemed willing enough to help you so far.
You get shakily to your feet and look around. Sure enough, you are back in the science lab, the place where your problems truly began. You don’t bother to ask Clay how he managed to get past the locked door: somehow you know he won’t tell you, and you have larger matters to worry about—literally. Everything here is huge now, of course: bottles of chemicals; Bunsen burners; a nearby sink with a long stainless steel tap that rises above you in a graceful curve, like the neck of some oversized metallic swan. And next to that, a tray filled with chemical jars, all containing the very same orange goop that caused all your problems!
The containers have a cloth draped over them to help protect them from dirt, damage and sunlight, but you easily slip under it and onto the tray. You wander among the glass vessels, which now seem more like storage tanks than ordinary beakers. One of them even has what appears to be a large fingerprint on its surface, and it occurs to you with a shock that it might even be yours. This might be the very jar that you carelessly picked up to examine, accidentally spilling a drop of the contents onto your wrist in the process! You shudder at the memory and place your hands on the glass to look inside. Seen up close the chemical is even less appealing: it seems to ooze spitefully at you, and you watch as a small cluster of tiny bubbles rises lazily up to the surface. Somewhat repelled by the sight you continue onwards and discover several more jars with a differently-coloured liquid hidden behind the first row of containers. The mixture inside these has a bluish tint, rather than orange. As with the original jars there is no label, but the fact that they have been left on the same tray suggests they may be related. If there is any hope that there might be an antidote, then surely this must be it!
Your reverie is rudely shattered when the tent-like fabric of the cloth is suddenly lifted and a huge fingernail slams against the glass next to you, pinging it. It’s Clay, of course, letting you know that his patience is running out.
“Well? Is this the stuff? Can’t say it looks all that impressive.”
Just try spilling it on yourself. Then you’ll see how impressive it is, you think to yourself, but you don’t dare say it out loud.
“Yeah, this is it. This orange stuff. This was what I got on me when I was here before. But those blue ones… I don’t remember them. Clay, I think those ones must contain the antidote! You can grow me back!”
Clay’s hand whisks away the cloth, and in yet one more illustration of your puny scale effortlessly lifts one of the “heavy” (to you) beakers containing the blue liquid. He holds it up to his eye for inspection. “So… orange to shrink and blue to grow. Is that right?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s the way it works. Now hurry up and grow me back. Please, Clay!” You’re almost hopping from foot to foot in excitement.
“One other thing I need to know first: exactly how much of that stuff did you spill on yourself to get to that size? If I’m going to grow you back I need to know the right quantity of antidote to give you. You don’t want to stop growing at the size of a toddler do you? And I certainly don’t want you to turn into a 15-foot giant, or anything dumb like that!”
If you’re honest you hadn’t even considered that possibility. You’d just somehow assumed that things would turn out like the stereotypical happy ending of some crappy TV show, with you miraculously reset to your original condition. However, Clay has raised an important, yet intriguing, point. For a moment you’re tempted to exaggerate a little—to take the chance to “improve” yourself… but ehhh… it probably isn’t worth the risk. You just want to get back to normal, hide yourself away for a while and recover from the experience.
“It definitely wasn’t very much. I think it was just one small drop that spilled down the side of the beaker.”
“That’s all!? Just one single drop made you that tiny!? Wow… That’s some pretty scary stuff.”
The corner of the jock’s mouth twitches for a second, and then he sighs.
“Okay, let’s settle this.”
“Climb onto my hand.”
“Why?” you ask, immediately suspicious.
“So I can put you down on the floor.”
Not at all reassured by this answer you take a step backwards, away from his outstretched palm.
Clay rolls his eyes. “Did your brain shrink twice as much as the rest of your body? What do you think is going to happen when you take this stuff? You’re gonna grow, dumbass, and if what you told me before is true then it’ll be pretty much instant. And where’s this all gonna happen? Right here. On top of the table. In the middle of all these chemicals and glass bottles. Maybe you’ll get lucky and avoid the sulphuric or hydrochloric acid; maybe not. And what about all those other beakers of yummy fizzy orange to spill all over yourself, not to mention me!? In fact, why don’t you see if you can stick an arm or a leg through this window here while you’re at it and sever an artery?”
“Oh. I hadn’t thought of that.”
Chastened, you do as Clay tells you, clambering over his fingers and into his soft warm palm. He carries you to an open spot in the middle of the room and lowers you gently down to the floor. He waits until you hop off and then stands up once more, looking down at you from his full height like a youthful Greek god gazing down from the peak of Mount Olympus.
“Now just stay exactly where you are. I’m gonna see what I can do with these chemicals, but I’m not gonna stick around and start hunting for you if you decide to wander off. And if you move and get yourself stepped on then you’ve only got yourself to blame. Am I clear?”
“YES CLAY!” You wave your arms and shout up at him to indicate assent.
He favours you with a slight nod and twitch of his lips and then walks back over to the part of the lab where the size-changing chemicals are laid out on their tray. You can’t see what exactly he is doing as a bench is now blocking your view, but you can hear what sounds like the clinking of a bottle or jar.
While Clay is busy you decide to take one last look at the giant world around you. This is the first and only chance you’ve had since you were shrunk to take the time to really study your surroundings and appreciate the sheer difference in scale between you and the rest of the world. Under different circumstances it might even have been an enjoyable experience: an opportunity to explore and see everything around you from a whole new perspective. Unfortunately, the only memories you have to show for becoming the first person ever to be miniaturised are of fear, stress, humiliation—and worse. Your body shudders at the recollection of some of the torments you’ve suffered, but then the sound of Clay’s returning footsteps brings you back to reality and you turn to face your destiny.
“What’s that?” you ask.
Clay’s expression remains inscrutable as he replies. “This was the only thing I could find that would allow me to give you a small enough dose of the stuff not to harm you.”
“Harm me? What are you talking about? That stuff’s only supposed to grow me back to my old size.”
Clay merely shrugs and reaches for you. Suddenly convinced that something is very wrong you turn to flee, but it is too late. The jock’s giant hand sweeps down and scoops you up, kicking and screaming.
“There’s no point in struggling. It’ll all be over in a moment.”
He presses the cotton ball over your body, almost smothering you: it’s nearly as big as you are. You’re expecting to be soaked in whatever chemical Clay has poured on it, but to your surprise the cotton seems pretty dry. If anything has been added then it is only a minuscule amount. As you wonder just what the devious jock is playing at a curiously sweet scent drifts over you and your head begins to spin. In your last moment of consciousness you realise with an overwhelming feeling of chagrin what Clay has done.
It’s not the antidote; it’s chloroform!
The journey back to consciousness is a slow one. Your first awareness is of a slight whispering sound that gradually becomes louder until it resolves into the random burble of a conversation with a monotonous hum in the background. Next to impinge on your awareness is a curious drifting sensation as though you are floating through the air, wafted gently through the sky by zephyrs. Altogether the sensation is not unpleasant. It’s somewhat like waking up after a long restful sleep.
Then you open your eyes.
You’ve never been fond of heights at the best of times. The advice you’ve always been given is simple: “Just don’t look down.” Unfortunately, on this occasion you don’t have a choice in the matter: the first thing you see is the ground far below. You start to yell with fear and wave your arms and legs, struggling desperately to grip hold of something that might stop you from falling—only to find you’re not falling after all. You’re in fact dangling in mid-air, and what you thought at first was the ground is actually the floor of an immense car. Resting comfortably on that floor, roughly on either side of you, are two similarly gigantic pairs of sneakers attached to monstrous legs that rise up to titanic bodies…
“Hey! Looks like our little pet is finally awake!”
“About time! Look at him panicking! Calm down, Benson, you’re not gonna fall! I tied you up there myself. See?”
A giant hand reaches out, pinches your body firmly between its thumb and forefinger, pulls you gently for a short distance, and then lets go. You are instantly yanked back upwards by what you realise is actually a small piece of elastic tied around your waist. The other end is hooked around the rear-view mirror of the car, and you find yourself bouncing up and down in a humiliating miniature parody of a bungee jump. You’ve become nothing more than one of those cute trinkets or toys that some people insist on hanging in their cars!
The effect of all this bouncing and spinning is highly disorientating, and coupled with the movement of the vehicle itself it quickly makes you feel nauseous. Your captors soon notice.
“Don’t you fucking throw up in my car, you little shit. Otherwise I’m gonna have to rub your nose in it and make you eat it!”
The resulting mocking laughter hits you in full stereo, and all but crushes you with its unrelenting spite.
As the thunderous guffaws finally abate you venture to start looking around once more. To some extent your vision is limited by your position—more or less horizontally face down—as well as the fact that the tension in the elastic and the vibrations of the car are constantly causing you to spin slowly first one way, then the other, but you eventually get a better idea of your surroundings and your captors.
You can’t tell what make of vehicle you are inside—not that it matters—except that it is clearly the kind of flashy high-performance sports car you’d expect to be owned by some spoilt rich kid. This at least comes as no surprise. One of the voices you heard was certainly Clay’s, and from the little you know of his background you remember that he’s the scion of a wealthy family that occupies an elevated position within the insular social network of Herculean Hills. Great… you’re still the prisoner of the school bully—except Clay isn’t the one who is driving! So who is his companion?
The elastic twists again, bringing you slowly round to face the occupant of the driver’s seat. You do a double-take as you find yourself confronted by Clay once more! You blink in shock… and then realise your mistake. There’s a remarkable similarity between this new person and the jock who brought you here, but on second thoughts the stranger could probably be better described a more “finished” version of Clay. That’s the only way you can think of it. There are still moments when—seen from the right angle, at the right moment, and in the right light—Clay still seems boyish in appearance. The newcomer has none of that lingering immaturity or “baby fat” about him, being very definitely a Man: coldly handsome and aggressively masculine. He is more polished and refined in every respect, and comparing the two of them reveals flaws in Clay’s appearance that you never previously noticed. You tentatively look up at the driver’s face and your eyes lock. The mystery man acknowledges you with a sardonic grin and introduces himself with a voice that is not only deeper and more mature than Clay’s, but also lacks any hint of tolerance or compassion.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too, faggot! Clayton’s been telling me all about you. I’m Troy, his big brother. Maybe you’ve heard of me?”
You shrug. You never knew Clay well enough to know he even had a brother. You ignore Troy for the moment and direct your anger at his younger sibling.
“Where are you taking me? You said you were going to grow me back!”
Nevertheless Troy is the one who answers. It’s quickly becoming clear that he is the one in charge here. “Don’t be too hard on poor Clay. Seeing you so tiny gave him an idea that was simply too good to pass up on.”
This means nothing to you. All you feel is rage and frustration at being betrayed, plus an uncomfortable awareness that with each passing second you are being carried further and further away from the school, your home, everybody you know, and anybody who might be able to help restore you to your normal size.
Almost as though he has read your mind Troy gives you a look of contemptuous amusement and pulls over to the side of the road. “Okay, pipsqueak, I realise this must be a bit of a shock for you, so let’s all of us have a nice friendly chat.”
With the car safely parked on a grass verge Troy is now free to give you his full attention. He leans across, with his face up close, inspecting your puny figure with a smirk on his face.
“So how are you feeling, Benson?” he chuckles. “It must be pretty scary to be so teeny-tiny. To find yourself stuck there dangling where anybody can just reach up and grab you like the helpless little plaything you are.”
Troy raises his hand and cruelly flicks you, knocking the wind out of you and sending you swinging backwards and forwards like some bizarre human pendulum, spinning helplessly as the elastic twists and turns.
“Hahahaha. Shit, that’s so funny. Maybe I should just keep him there permanently, like some kind of dumb mascot.”
“C’mon Troy, you promised me I could have him once we’ve finished with him.”
“Don’t worry, little bro. Once I get what I want then he’s all yours. He’d be too much of a nuisance in here anyway. I can just imagine it: it’s after the game and I’ve got some cheerleader in here. We’re just getting friendly—and this little perve’s dangling there watching the whole damn thing and getting a boner. He’d probably make the stupid bitch freak out or something. Nah, you can do what you like with him; why should I settle for him when I can have something way better?”
You’re not sure which part of all this horrifies you the most. The fact that Troy and Clay are casually discussing your fate as though you’re not even here—or the fact that Clay, the bully that nobody at school dares cross, is himself being treated in such a patronising fashion. It’s time to remind them you’re a living, thinking being, with a mind of your own.
“Hey! What do you mean? I don’t understand. Why did you drug me and bring me here, Clay? And what happened to the antidote and the rest of the shrinking agent?”
The brothers exchange a glance and a smirk.
“You see, this is exactly why he put you to sleep for a while! The last thing he needed was you yapping away at him, complaining or trying to escape while there was important work to be done. Once he’d quietened you down he collected all of that oh-so-useful shrinking chemical in one handy big bottle, sneaked it out of school, and now it’s packed away in the trunk for safe-keeping. I have to say, my baby bro can be a pest at times, but once in a while he comes up with one heck of a good plan. As soon as he realised what that stuff could do to a person he called me up and I drove down here as fast as I could to collect it! Just as well I’ve got this baby to help me tear up the roads.” He pats the high-quality leather steering wheel and winks at you.
However, you’re not interested in his flashy car. You’re appalled to see Clay hanging on Troy’s every word like an eager dog. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen Clay show deference to anybody: it is all too clear that he looks up to his older brother and desperately wants to impress him. And as a result you’re now trapped here at toy size with little possibility of rescue, while the two biggest bullies you’ve ever had the misfortune to encounter now have the power to miniaturise anybody they choose!
“What about the antidote?” you repeat dully, clinging to your last remaining hope.
Troy sucks his teeth. “Antidote? Hmm… I really couldn’t say. I think clumsy ol’ Clay may have ‘accidentally’ poured it down the drain. Then again, maybe he didn’t. Who knows? It’s not like it matters to you anyway.”
Troy’s cruel humour chills you to the bone and fills you with desperation. “Please grow me back! Or if you won’t make me big again then at least take me back home. Please, I’ll do anything if you just help me!”
“Anything, huh? Well, that sounds a bit more like it. Well, as it happens I do have something important planned, and maybe you’ll be able to assist me with it. What about it, microbe? You willing to help out your Uncle Troy?”
“I- I guess. Maybe. It depends. What is it you’re going to do?”
Troy cackles wickedly. “You see, Clay, he can be reasonable, after all!” Then he looks directly at you, his eyes glittering with malice. “It’s very simple, pipsqueak. Now that you’ve given us the means to shrink people down to any size we want we’re going to…”
Smirking at the shocked look on your tiny face, Troy explains: “We’ve got a bunch of pledges coming up for initiation and we want to give them something very special to remember. Until Clay called me up I’d been worried that we’d have to settle for the usual clichéd pranks, but now… now you’ve given us something that nobody else has ever tried. Something that will give our fraternity a unique outlook on life and what it means to succeed… or to fail.
He leans in close until you feel the warmth of his breath huffing across your defenceless body. “I guess in a way I’m actually grateful to you, faggot. Maybe we can even make use of you as the frat mascot if Clay here ever gets bored with you. But first of all you get to have a starring role in our ‘little’ ceremony.” (Troy emphasizes the word to make you aware that he has just said something incredibly witty.) “Consider yourself highly honoured: outsiders aren’t normally allowed to participate.”
He settles back in his seat, puts on a pair of expensive mirrored sunglasses, and starts the engine once more. “The sooner we get you and that precious bottle back to the frat house the sooner we can start setting things up.” He glances back at you, the reflection in his polished shades giving you a clear and shocking illustration of just how tiny and pathetic you look dangling at the end of your piece of elastic. “Maybe we’ll even have enough time for you and me to get to know each other a little better…”
There’s a faint rumble of protest and disappointment from the other side of the car.
“Quit griping, Clay, I’m not gonna take your new toy away from you. But as big brother I get to play with him first, and anyway I want to make sure he can handle the rigors of initiation!”
Then a slow smile spreads across Troy’s face as he gazes benevolently at his sibling. Apparently the possibility for further humiliation has occurred to him. “On the other hand, you’ve been good and I owe you for setting this up for me. Hell, maybe I’ll let you help me break him in!” Clay grins with pleasure at his brother’s largesse, while you cringe at the thought of what a pair of giant bullies might choose to do to you together…
“Now—let’s see how fast we can push this baby!”
The wheels screech as the car pulls sharply away from the grass verge, then Troy floors the accelerator, sending the sports car racing down the open road.
They hear a siren and panic. Clay yanks you off the mirror and thrusts you in his pocket. It hurt and then he held you tightly to keep you from escaping. Troy pulled over and they tried to act casual. The officer asked for license and registration.
"Stephen buddy. Don't you remember me." Troy said.
Clay asked, "Do you know this cop?"
Troy said, "Sure, he was a member of the frat years ago and he comes by to visit from time to time."
Stephen said, "Yes, Troy. I'm still going to have to give you a ticket. The cam on my dashboard is recording this and I'd be in trouble if I didn't give you a ticket but I'll make this as light a fine as I can. What were you in such a hurry about?"
Troy said, "We've got pledges to haze and we came up with something new this year that will be better than anything done before. Show him Clay."
Clay pulls you out and hands you to the cop. He looks you over turning you so he can see your front side and then your back side.
Stephen said, "Better not let the dashboard camera see him. It's a good thing those cams are video only, no audio. What's your plan?"
Troy said, "We have seven pledges this year. We're going to shrink them all like this guy and make them run and obstacle course and do other challenges. The winners will be rewarded by inches until they are back to normal height. The losers have to do more challenges."
Stephen said, "Sounds like fun. I'll come by to help in the hazing."
The cop finished writing the ticket and handed you back to Troy with the ticket. After the cop left, you were hung from the mirror again and on your way to the frat.
At the frat, you spent a few hours hanging above the fireplace watching the brothers prepare for the hazing. One of the brothers picked you up and said, "I want to play with him now."
Troy said, "Wait. There will be more to play with soon."
When you had a moment you tried to climb the elastic rope and escape but the rope was long and hard to climb. You didn't even make it half way up before someone noticed you and swatted you.
Finally, all the brothers were there and they brought out the pledges. The pledges get a good look at you. You tried to warn them but Troy says, "That's true pledges. If you want to become brothers, you first have to become tiny."
After a bit of discussion, you are surprised that all seven pledges volunteered to be shrunk. You tried to tell them what the brothers planned to do with them but you didn't know yourself. Next thing you knew, you were standing on a table with seven other men about to be hazed.
The brothers stood around the table naked and the first challenge was to climb the brothers. You were supposed to climb up Troy and retrieve five flags on the way. The first one to get all five flags would be rewarded with a little growth serum so you were motivated to win. You didn't want to be tiny anymore. Troy was lightly hairy which made climbing him hard. There wasn't much to hold onto but the higher up his leg you got, the more hair there was to hold. Then it got so hairy that it became hard to climb again.
The first flag was a sticker on Troy's butt. You had to reach in his crack slightly to retrieve it and Troy farted just as you got there but you were too determined to win to be distracted. As soon as you had the first flag, Troy put the second flag on his right nipple.
It was impossible to take a direct route their. You chose to work your way around and climb up his treasure trail. There wasn't any hair immediately next to his nipple so you had to hang from above and grab the flag with your feet.
Troy put the third flag in his belly button. This was an easy climb but his belly button was like a cave you had to crawl in.
Troy put the fourth flag on the end of his nose. He was clean shaven so when you got to his shoulders, you had to move to the back of his head, climb up his scalp, and lower yourself from his eyebrows. You were getting exhausted now. Troy went cross eyed trying to see you on his nose and you felt a panicky for a moment being between two large eyes. When you finally got the flag, Troy stuck his tongue out and licked you.
The final flag was on the tip of Troy's penis. You went back over his scalp, around his neck and then down his treasure trail. His pubes were so thick that you got tangled and wished you had a machete but you made it. Once you had the flag, you looked around to see how the other pledges were doing. There were two pledges that were holding the final flag and you wondered if they had beat you.
You were set back down on the table until all the pledges finished and joined you. Then it was announced that
Troy brought out some blue goop that might be the antitude. Using a fancy device borrowed from the chemistry lab, Troy measured out an extremely tiny amount of goop and dropped it on you. You grew to one foot tall.
Troy said, "That is the first part of your prize. Now for the second part of your prize."
Troy and the frat brothers pulled their cocks out and showered you in cum.
Troy said, "Keep winning and you might grow back to normal. Lose and shrink back like the others."
Because Troy floors the car, they reach the frat house in only a few minutes. With you in hand, Clay follows in the shadows of his bigger brother as he opens the door. A group of three jocks, just as muscular as Troy, greets him with great satisfaction. Then Troy says "I have something that will make this frat awesome. He directs Clay inside and takes you from his hand. He holds you in front of the others, each gaping with astonishment. "He will make a great addition," remarks Troy, "But he's not a member yet to this frat. I plan to give him an appropriate initiation…"
Troy calls in another member named Rich. He is taller and heavily built, a good quarterback and knows well about his build and power. Troy then says to him, gathering the rest of the frat jocks together "Let's give this fag this initiation. He must spend a day in our underwear or jock straps. I suggest you have him first, Rich." Rich smiles a sinister smile, slipping off his underwear and standing in his jock strap. "Good idea," he says. "I'm sure he likes cock, and Big Rich needs all the attention he deserves. With that, he pulls his jock strap and Troy pushes you inside. Then Rich pulls up the straps and boxers and resumes the rest of his day.
In the evening, Rich takes his gym wear and says to the others "I'm going to get a little workout in. I'll give you the little shit to the next person tomorrow."
You can't imagine a worse place to be in than Rich's pubes while he pushes it at the gym. The atmosphere gets stuffy with sweat and the smell of manliness from the strap and Rich's crotch. You shudder as you get knocked around his pubic forest as outside, Rich does some laps on the treadmill. The entire ordeal send you flying into the cotton of his jock strap, then onto his cock, then back again, and finally back onto his balls. You shut your eyes. There is no way of knowing how long time passed.
After a while, the straps of the elastic give way and you see Rich's face, with shades on his eyes and a sweatband over his brows. He smiles down past his well-muscled body. "Have you enjoyed your time with Big Rich there? I think he's getting lonely tonight, he needs a friend to play with." He presses his cock against you and nearly sends you into the jock, but your legs are now pinned and you sprawl over its massive head. Rich reaches down and spreads his hand over his meat, shaking it violently.
"You know what to do if you wanna see tomorrow, little man." he says. "Jack me off before I give you to those other dudes, while I…"
Rich surely loves himself to death as he makes you play with himself in the strap while outside, he poses almost naked in front of the mirror as he feels along the bulges of his muscles. As you fondle him, you feel the strap heating up, reeking of sweat. Above you hear the jock's moans of pleasure. Suddenly, he reaches down as he groans "Man I'm getting so hot…" The fingers wrap around you and pin you against his cock. You get pushed deeper into the flesh, but after he retreats his hand, it's not over yet.
Posing and dancing, he fondles the outside of his strap and shakes you around his pubes. His moans get louder and louder and you assume he says "I'm gonna cum…" A massive explosion of cum blasts you against the wall of his jock piece. The ordeal is over, but as you struggle out of the mess, Rich takes off the strap to admire little you in an ocean of his creation. "That was awesome, little shit. Sorry bout the mess, but you're gonna have to live with it till the next guy gets you."
Rich sleeps like a log as you try and detach yourself from the sticky surface. Eventually you see light as you get handed off to the next frat jock who's going to wear you today…
Troy leads the other jocks upstairs and into a small bathroom. It smells wet from when the last occupant took a shower. He then heads over to the toilet and says to you "I hope you're good at swimming…" He lifts the lid and to your horror, turns his hand so you fall straight into the pool. You struggle to the surface, skin cold from the toilet water. You soon from outside the rim of the bowl notice some people chugging down beer bottles and cans. Then you look up to see Troy licking his lips, belching, and says "Who wants to go first?"
"Screw turns," one of the jocks shouts with an empty beer can. You can't tell if he's drunk or not, but the way he cups his junk shows he can't wait to take a piss. Troy looks at him, then you, then back to him with a smile. "I like your attitude, bud. Let's hose this little guy down!" You didn't have to wait long to look up and see three or five giant jocks circling around the bowl with dicks exposed aiming down at you.
"Ready?" Troy shouts. "GO!"
The first jock lets out a heavy yellow cascade, sweeping you away from the fountain in a massive toilet wave. As you get pushed along the tidal wave, you get blasted by yet another stream of piss. As you drift away, another waterfall descends on you. Above you, you can hear the amplified moans of the jocks, relieved that their bladders are now empty. "Hose him down!" one of them shouts and a massive stream falls on top of you, plunging you into the cold water. The rain of urine continues, but you have yet to realize that as an extra part of the initiation, you are going to…
You thought Clay was a monster. All throughout high school, no-one could darken a doorway or make you want to pee your pants with so much as a glance quite the way Clay could. That big, mean, cocky son of a bitch who shined like a hero on the football field and sneered down his nose at every sniveling geek who earned a pounding by failing to bow down and kiss the floor when the school hallway king commanded. You never thought you could both hate and fear some-one with more intensity than you have Clay these past years.. But you were wrong.
Swinging from the rear-view mirror where you've been tied, your eyes dart around the car to see the passenger seats are filled with cocky, arrogant-looking knuckleheads just like Clay. All of them have the same air of power and menace. All of them have the same expensive clothes; undeserved good looks; thick biceps bulging against the fabric of their short sleeved shirts. All of them have the same permanent smirks on their bored faces, as if they're silently laughing at the fact that they have the world at their feet, whether they deserve it or not. But one of these giants makes all the others look like sweet-tempered gentlemen.. and that giant is Troy, Clay's big brother.
Troy keeps one hand on the wheel of his flashy sports car while he uses the other to flick you idly, butting you painfully in the stomach with the tip of his thick index. From where you are, the frat leader looks like King Kong with a pair of expensive sunglasses and sneakers. The obvious gym junkie's staggering frame has been pumped and buffed to the the point where the muscles along his huge arms look like over-filled water balloons, ready to burst through his A&F tee. Troy has a habit of reaching down and groping himself through his pants with an open hand, apparently shifting his oversized package. His head always seems to recline back on his thick neck, so he can stare coldly down his nose in whichever direction he likes. And while his face is mostly covered by a pair of reflective designer sunglasses, Troy's chiseled jaw and manly cheek bones would make him strikingly handsome.. If it weren't for that obnoxious smile. Every time he bares his teeth and wrinkles his greasy nose in that crude, adolescent, shit eating grin, your skin crawls with repulsion.
"See, shrimp, your brother and I went to high-school together. Much like you and my little bro here." Troy indulges you with a story, nudging Clay, who looks overjoyed to be acknowledged by his idol. "And just like you worship the ground Clay and his buddies walk on, your big bro Keith used to have a little fag crush on me and my friends."
"None of that's true!!" You erupt angrily, but Troy only has to give you a casual tap to send you swinging uncontrollably like a cheap little trinket in his state-of-the-art sports car. A round of sniggers and cackles break out around the car, and Troy continues. "Your bro was always a loser, just like you are, so he had to cover up his jealousy but acting like he was better than me and my pals. Always running around, kissing teachers asses, playing Mr Nice Guy so everyone would like him, acting like he didn't wish he was in our group. Pissed me off."
This story sounds familiar, but Troy's version is a warped telling of your brother's accounts. You vaguely remember Keith talking about a group of bullies who had tried to recruit him as their newest goon at school, years back. Too nice a guy to get mixed up with a crowd like that, Keith had tried to turn Troy down as tactfully as possible, but had ultimately displeased the then ruler of Herculean High and submitted himself to years of bullying and harassment.
Troy pulls a pack of cigarettes from under one of the car's luxury leather seats and draws one out with his lips, allowing one of the goons to light it up for him. You break into a convulsive coughing fit when the first plume of white smoke enshrouds you, stinging your eyes and throat. The giant looks mildly amused, and continues to blow the toxic fumes in your direction afterwards. "So, after your faggot brother and I went off to different colleges I lost track of him. I haven't been able to have any fun with him since, and I sure would like it if he paid me a visit."
You imagine the deep-rooted psychological impact that years of being bullied at the hands of this unbearable pig must have had on poor Keith, your always amiable and patient big brother. You try to imagine the hell that Clay has put you through, and the hatred you feel for him, multiplied by a hundred. You couldn't possibly submit Keith to that, even if it is the only chance you have of ever seeing your family again.
"C'mon, shrimp. If your big brother's such a fuckin' hero he'll be able to save you without falling into my trap." Troy glares at you from behind those huge, self-important sunglasses. "Course you don't have to call him over. But I wonder how good he'll feel when he gets that YouTube link of his little bro being fed to my pitbull for dinner." Another asphyxiating cloud of cigarette smoke drifts your way, and Troy's irritating cackle rings in your ears..
The infuriating sound of jocks' braindead laughter, and the toxic smell of Troy's cigarette smoke taunts you as you swing from the rearview mirror like a cheap toy.
You watch Troy's huge, bulky hands nudge the leather steering wheel, pulling up outside the frat house he shares with his buddies. The car full of goons is silent for a moment, while your monolithic tormentor casually jabs your gut with his massive fingertip, and you gag involuntarily with the pain.
There's another round of that blood-boiling braindead laughter before the head giant decides to slowly open his palm and reaches for you. You don't know what's going to happen next; whether you're going to be punished for refusing to betray your brother or coaxed by the piggish giant to give in. All you can see is Troy's enormous face, every trace of grease and sweat smearing his nose and forehead, as you're brought ever closer to the bully's obnoxious, shit-eating grin.
Troy's lips part, and you catch a strong whiff of his bad breath, reeking of nicotine and digested lunch meat. "I'm gonna give you one last opportunity to call your brother. You pass it up, and you won't get another chance. I'll do things my way and I won't stop, no matter how hard you beg or cry or scream for the sweet release of death."
A shiver runs through your body, but not because you're being threatened by the cockiest and most intimidating man you've ever met. You're blocking all of that out in an effort to stay strong. You shiver because Troy's sickly sweet bad is making you want to puke, and his clammy grip is growing tighter around your restricted arms by the second.
Still, you stay silent.
"That's all right." Troy chuckles. An emotionless, threatening sound. "You don't know me very well, Jack. You don't understand that I always.. always get what I want." He forces another laugh, and your throat twitches over his foul breath. The other jocks have actually become quiet, watching their leader seriously, sensing the underlying frustration in his voice.
Troy continues in a low voice, bringing you even closer to his lips. "But by the end of this week, you're gonna know me pretty damn well. And I promise you that after that, both you and your faggot-ass brother will be my.."
The giant fist tightens. Your lungs ache.
A gob of saliva flies off of Troy's lip, splashing over yours. The fist tightens.
Tighter. Tighter. Your lungs are in agony. You squeak for air, choke noiselessly for ten long seconds while Troy grins on with white knuckles. Colours flash before your eyes. Your world turns black.
. . .
Not so far away in a disheveled college dorm room, Keith Benson frowns over a pile of homework, scratching his scruffy brown whiskers as he tries to do algebra while listening to his room mates laugh raucously in the next room. "Guys, could you pleeease keep it down? I've gotta hand this in in the morning." Keith ducks his head into the main room, where his friends are eating pizza and hotting over a laptop.
"Man, come take a look at this thing on YouTube, it's hilarious!" Beckons one of the guys. "Come on, man, you deserve a break."
Keith sighs and trudges toward the couch, ruffling his friend's hair on the way. With two little bros at home, Keith's sensible and big brotherly nature hasn't left him even now that he lives on campus. "Okay, but you three have gotta promise we can all get some studying after we watch this. English papers are due by Friday, don't forget." The guys settle in with their buddy and hit replay.
On the screen, Keith sees a familiar looking jock sitting before the camera, wearing tight bak polo shirt and a smug grin. Keith knows he recognises this cocky, sweaty young meat head but he can't quite articulate where from. Either the obvious frat brat has changed physically (perhaps piling on all of that over-the-top muscle) since their last meeting, or Keith has for some reason blocked him from his memory.
"Hello, fuckers." The obnoxious block of muscle flashes the webcam a toothy grin, and for the first time, Keith notices a tiny figurine clutched in the man's meaty fist. The laptop's screen isn't big enough to tell for sure, but the toy seems to be wriggling.. struggling, even, for freedom. Could it be a small animal? It looks like it's going mad trying to kick itself free. "I'm Your Brother's Keeper. This is my YouTube channel. And this.." He holds up the animated toy, still restrained behind his bulky white knuckles. " my little pet."
"What's that he's holding?" Keith asks, squinting at the laptop's screen. "It looks like a real boy.. only tiny."
Keith's buddies laugh. "It's meant to look like that, man. It's CGI. This guy has a whole bunch of videos where he pretends to be teasing the little douche in all kinds of ways. Isn't it awesome? It looks so real, and it's fuckin' hilarious."
One of the guys click on the channel, titled "yourbrotherskeeper" and a short list of videos appears on the screen. They decide to watch the next clip in the series, titled "hanging around". The video takes a few seconds to load. After that, the densely muscled frat boy appears at his desk before the webcam again, this time wearing a necklace of sorts.
"See, I've had a lot of privileges in my life." Troy smirks into the camera, the tiny man dangling on a string between his pecs. His black v-neck leaves the tiny teen penty of room to squirm around on the giant's greasy chest. "I've got money, I've got killer good looks, and I've got a six pack to die for.." He winks repulsively, meanwhile the 'toy' suspended over his broad chest is kicking wildly. " naturally, I've had people kissing my ass and doing my bidding my whole life. But no amount of power has ever given me as big a woody as having another guy completely under my thumb.."
Watching from his dorm room on a dusty little laptop screen, Keith has no idea that the tiny being tortured at the hands of a cocky jock god is in fact his little brother Jack. But he has a bad feeling about what's happening here, and it only increases with what Troy does next..
The big, cocky hunk of jock smirks into his webcam as he fondles the pendant-sized thing on his necklace. With his other hand, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and draws one out with his lips. Another guy ducks quietly into view for a moment, flicking a lighter until his friend breathes two jets of white smoke through his nostrils.
Back in his dorm room, Keith's jaw drops. "Guys, that's no toy! That little thing on his necklace is choking half to death on his master's cigarette smoke!" And it's true. The jock giant frowns as he takes another draw, then leisurely sighs out a long plume of smoke, half obscuring the tiny man hanging against his pumped chest.
Keith's dorm buddies shrug off the comment. "It's special effects, man,. Just enjoy the comedy."
"Oh, what's that, little guy? You don't smoke? Well, there's a first time for everything.." The jock says casually as he plucks the toy off of its rope and holds him before his own giant lips. Another plume of smoke, and the toy can be seen keeling over and gagging in his tormentor's thick hand. "See, there's no point in having a palm-sized pussy at your disposal if you don't remind him at every moment who holds the power." Troy (though to his audience this monster is simply known by his channel name 'yourbrotherskeeper') turns his attention back to the camera and addresses his viewers. "For example, every now and then I give my little puppet boy a chance to escape."
Troy opens his fist and watches little Jack flop limply onto the hard desk top. The camera shows him dragging himself to his feet, looking around anxiously and making a desperate run to the edge of the desk. But before he gets far, Troy's meaty hand drops flat on top of him with such gravity that the camera shakes. "All he's gotta do is get up from under my hand, and he's free to go," A series of sniggers is heard from the sidelines and the tiny teen struggles uselessly against the heavy hand resting on top of him.
The sight is pathetic. Jack grunts, squirms, and goes red in the face trying to push the load off of himself. The harder he tries, the louder those obnoxious laugh gets, the more frusterated he becomes, the harder he squirms, the louder the laughs get.. Finally Troy puts an end to the unfair fight and scoops Jack up, sealing him in a vice-like fist. "Aww, looks like you're gonna stick around here for a while longer. Better luck next time, runt.."
Troy turns back to the camera, slowly curling and uncurling his fingers tight around Jack as if the miserable little man were a stressball. "Tune in tomorrow if you want to see me and my buddies play with our feisty little faggot. If you've got any suggestions for new games, leave us a comment. Till next time." Troy winks, gives his toy more extra hard squeeze, and a tiny shriek of agony is cut off as the screen goes black.
Back in his down room, Keith stares blankly at the list of related videos. "Guys, something's wrong. Something's seriously wrong."
"Man, will you relax for once!" One of his buddies groan. "This guy is a fucking legend! He's hilarious. Let's leave some suggestions.." All the guys except for Keith crowd around the keypad, laughing and pitching ideas.
The next day, Keith sits at his desk wondering what he saw instead of doing his work. He can't get the image of the frat boy's fist, squeezing the life out of the helpless little man, out of his head and it didn't help that it was all his flatmates could talk about today.
Eager discussion overtook his friend group; how hilarious it had been to watch a tiny man be utterly humiliated in such a casual manner; what they would each do if they captured a tiny person; and the contents of the next video. Keith had had about enough when one of his friends, Darren, had brainlessly remarked 'I would shove the little fucker in a condom and find some girl to fuck'. He returned to his dorm amid the guffaws and feverish discussion of whether the tiny man would drown in Darren's cum.
The tiny person had looked so life-like, and Keith wondered what the point of making such a video would be. Whilst his dorm mates were clearly entertained, Keith was only concerned by what he saw.
Yourbrotherskeeper…the man himself seemed eeriely familiar. Who was he?
Speaking of, he now listenened, from his room, to the howls of laughter coming from the lounge of the shared accomodation. Another video must have finally been uploaded, and his dormmates had been posting strange and horrible ideas all night…
Keith sighed. He decided he wouldn't be able to concentrate further. Rubbing his scalp he reluctantly went to join his roommates. Maybe he'd see the funny side of it- see that it was all a very strange and mean spirited joke…
Keith steps into the lounge to find his dorm mates utterly entranced by the Youtube video playing on the TV. Naturally beer cans and snacks lay littered about the dorm, though the scene was as they were about to watch a football game. They were quite quiet aside from some snickering and small quips here and there.
Darren nods at Keith, shuffles over, and hands him a beer. Keith chugs a little- trying to ease the pit in his stomach.
The video already underway already presents a grim image…
The video on screen is already underway as someone holds a camera phone down to a trembling tiny man curled on the desk. The tiny cowers and hides his face away from the camera as it descends to his level. The cameramans breathing and occasional chuckle can be heard over the sound of several rumbling, masculine voices blending together.
Keith hears overlapping discussion from the video. Glimpses of baritone conversation and laughter can be made out- discussing just what to do with their little toy.
'Look at the little fag over there… I could crush him in my shoe!…how about we take him outside?…hey are we filming yet?'
Hulking figures can be seen in the blurry backdrop as the camera focuses on the tiny character.
Seeing the small frame on the table, Keith realises that the tiny victim can be no more than a highschooler. He leans forward, feeling some sort of brotherly anxiety at seeing the young man in such a state of terror. This is when one of the titanic jocks lumbers over to the table. The little man looks up at an out-of-frame head. The giant stands impossibly huge against the little man, and a short exhale of laughter can be heard from the giant.
'Come here…'
A shadow forms over the tiny as a splayed hand descends and snatches him out of frame-the cameraman following behind him.
Keith stares in silent disbelief as the jocks in his dorm erupt in excitement as the video truly begins…
The lumbering jock turns back towards the camera- its Troy in all his arrogant glory. He looks pumped. His face is slightly red and glistening with sweat. Perhaps he had just got back from the gym- working his muscles to the max. Now he's ready to inflame his ego some more at the cost of a puny little man. He sneers down at the teen clamped in his fist, then raises him to the camera to deliver more of his arrogant spiel.
'The most important thing about owning your own pocket-fag is breaking him in.'
He curls his arm as though lifting a dumbbell, so the little man is almost touching his swollen bicep. You can see the little guy struggle uselessly as veins and tendons pop up on the back of the giants whitening fist.
Jack can only just hear the baritone words past the pressure in his ears. Arms clamped to his sides, Troy squeezes him like he would a stress toy, and carries on with his dick-headed ted talk.
'Its up to guys like us to put people like him in his place. And right now, thats wherever we want.' A couple of masculine chuckles on video, and in Keiths dorm room, erupt when he shoots a suggestive smirk towards the camera.
'When he misbehaves' Troy continues, raising the struggling Jack in front of his face. 'He needs reminding just. Who's. Boss'
Troy's warning is breathed over you in hot rush of wind. The greasy fingers around your stomach squeeze your lungs empty, so youre forced to breathe the stale air in.
At the back of your mind, between Troy's deafening voice and the fingers curled at your waist, you remember how you had 'disobeyed' them all, last night, by refusing to give up your big brother's number. The giants had figured some sort of cruel plan where, in between videos, they would voicemail clips of your agony and cries for help to your brother. One by one they tried extracting the information from you; crushing you under their filthy feet; wiping you around their sweating, hairy bodies. Your night was a blur of rowdy, testosterone soaked humilation.
Despite their attempts, you refused. Your reward, for sparing your brother more anguish, was spending the rest of the night in the fridge. Only when you were alone in the freezing dark did you finally break down. You beat uselessly against the fridge door, and when it failed to budge you turned your anger onto a giant size bottle of beer. Cursing your captors, your misfortune, your helplessness. In a pathetic expression of anger, you tried tipping it over: only to find it wouldn't move an inch.
One of the guys, a towering footballer, found you as a trembling little ball in the corner. He smirked cockily, and picked the beer out of the fridge. "Cold, little guy?" You remember him saying. Before he took a swig of the drink, leaned in, and spat it back over you. You would have been more disgusted if it wasn't so warm.
He gave a deep chuckle and looked over your seething, humbled self before slamming the fridge shut.
Now, dangling from Troy's fist, you see some some familiar faces gather round. It seems the rest of the guys are partaking in your televised punishment…
Keith's dorm watches the video in silent suspense as Troy makes his way out the door, cameraman close behind, to the summery back yard of the frat house. His heavy frame glistens in the heat as he strides over to a table where another man is seated. This one is swelled up to a similar proportions as Troy- albiet more bearish with a hedge of brown hair close across his jawline. He reclines back in his chair like a lazing gorilla, swigging a beer and scratching the underside of his fuzzy, square jaw. From his seat he nods at Troy and grins at the camera.
From the swaying hand, you recognize the momentous form of Mason- one of Troy's chief lackeys and perhaps the dirtiest of the pack. You've learned to dread him as much as Troy in how he handles you; rougher than the other guys and always innovating your torture (to everyone's amusement). Just last night, he delighted his buddies by wiping you underneath both of his hairy pits after a hot day of football practice…
'This, here, is my best bro- my number one guy' Troy announces to the audience. He embraces his bro around the shoulder so the tiny man is centimeters from Mason's chin: who looks down his nose at the little man. 'When some little loser wants to be a part of the boys…it's up to us to test the new blood, size them up…' SLAP! Troy withdraws his arm and clamps his hand against the other jocks palm- pinning the tiny man in the middle of a crushing bro-handshake!
Troy's forearm flexes, tremors slightly, as he squeezes his buddies hand. '… mould them into Alpha material' he finishes. Mason reciprocates and the camera focuses on the gratuitous show of power. Tendons ripple in Mason's paw and sunlight catches on the hair of his swelling forearm. Someone in Keith's dorm bursts into laughter as he points out the tiny man's dainty arm, sticking out between the heavy hands, beating against a thumb knuckle several times larger than his fist. Somewhere between the lock of fingers, Jack screams inaudibly. His body was being flattened like a bug between the hydraulic press of hands!
Mason snickers as Troy releases the little man into his hand. He observes the panting little creature on his palm who was clutching his ribs and looking up at Mason with renewed fear.
'This lucky little guy is our newest member, what do you think?' Troy says, pulling up a chair as Mason leans his bearded face over the tiny man. Then, he prods the little guy around his palm like a child playing with an insect.
'What do I think eh?' Mason speaks in a low baritone drawl as he pinches Jacks arm, and dangles the little man infront of his face. He frowns and hums thoughtfully, sending a wave of beer smelling breath over the shrunken man. The beefy fingers explore the tiny body some more; pinching his other arm and stretching his limbs out; prodding him in the ribs; flicking him and watching him swing back and forth. A light smile appears across his bearded lips every time he draws a pained reaction out of the little man. Out of frame, dopey chuckles and snorts of amusement can be heard as he stress tests the little guy.
'This little pipsqueak isn't gonna last so long' Mason concludes as he passes the guy between his hands like a rubber ball. 'Where did you find him anyway?' he asks casually- as if he wasn't currently tormenting a shrunken human being in his hands.
Troy replies, playing along with his ignorance 'I dunno, probably some loser from Herculean High. Place was full of little faggots like him'
Some of Keith's dormmates burst out in laughter at this comment, and they look for his reaction to the insult. Keith smiles humbly, accepting the slight goodnaturedly. However, the strange feeling he has has only deepened at this comment. Yourbrotherskeeper could be someone I knew from highschool! he silently realizes.
'I think he makes a good stress ball' Mason offers. His square fingers immediately clamping around the little guy and mashing him into the core of his fist. Arms pinned, the tiny's head and chest peek out from the ball of flesh. The thick fingers constrict, and cables of tendons and veins spring against the surface of the jocks skin as his knuckles bulge and whiten. The tiny man thrashes manically; squirming with all his life against the cage of Mason's hand. The tormentors look on, however, mildly amused.
Small, shrill, screams are barely picked up by the camera. 'Hey it talks, too' Mason says, dumbly, lifting the tiny man past a sideburn to his ear. He squeezes again and again, face twisting into a malicious grin.
'Let me listen' Troy says. Mason passes the newly christened stress toy to Troy and he does the same. His face lights up as the little man screams hoarsely, helplessly, into his giant ear. 'A talking stress toy is pretty cool, I wonder what else he can do?'
You clutch at Troy's forefinger in attempt to ground yourself. Everything's spinning slightly and your ears are ringing after being so carelessly manhandled. Troy's palm glistens in the heat of the afternoon, and you catch bursts of warm air as two voices, like overlapping thunderstorms, sound from above. Despite literally being in the midst of their discussion, you can't make out a word against the ringing in your ears. You imagine he's discussing with Mason what to do with you now. Troy motions his hand as he talks, so you're jostled around, as the frat giant lounges and speaks with his buddy. His shades flash as he glances between you and the equally titanic man hunched next to him. You glance up at your captor who just happens to be grinning right at you in return. You recoil instinctively. However, in the reflection of his shades, you glimpse a miserable image; a frail, limp figure- you- clamped between fingers thicker than your arms.
Tired, battered, and helpless, you begin to despair How did it come to this? What did I do to deserve this? You then picture Keith, your older brother, in the same position in Troy's clutches. You think of the endless torment he would face if Troy were to have his way. You decide you can't let Troy have his satisfaction and you'd suffer, maybe die, before begging for your brother to help. Despite everything, your resolve hardens slightly.
'We'll keep him as a house pet! Y'know, feed him and teach him tricks and shit!' Mason drawls as he scratches his chest underneath his basketball top. He leans in slightly so his hairy jaw is just inches from your body. 'We'll just make sure noone eats him this time.' he breathes over you-his voice low and conspiratorial.
'That was you, dumbass. You were drunk' Troy grins. Chuckles can be heard off camera.
And it was true. The last pet belonging to house Alpha Psi Sigma was a goldfish named Sharky. It's former residence was a fishbowl in the middle of the shared-house living room; the same fishbowl which you now occupied since your capture a few days ago. It was cold and exposed. Mason took pity, however, and dropped in a pair of his old underwear for you to sleep on. 'You and Sharky can share the same bowl now' he slurred, before passing out on the couch. You wondered what he meant by that until he farted in his sleep.
You yourself got very little sleep that night. Being at the mercy of an immature group of guys was already bad enough. The thought of being anyone's meal, especially to someone who would swallow you on a drunken impulse and shit you out next morning, only made you more fearful of the giants. Most of whom seemed to be drunk quite often.
'Besides we're not allowed pets at the house.' Troy's words are becoming clearer as your head stopped spinning. This slight reprieve won't last, though, as he says
'Being top of the food chain means working out all day- so we deserve to have someone work on us.' Troy prods the little guy in his hand. He's speaking to the camera again. 'Lucky for us, we have little shrimp here to help us relax after a long, hard day of studying, working out and fucking.' Mason leans in and flexes his arm to emphasize the point; his taut bicep is easily taller than the little guy.
Troy smirks. 'Want a beer, buddy?' His fingers unwrap and the newly christened slave slides out of his hand and falls several inches onto the table below. The small, spindly figure of the tiny man can barely be seen moving at all; until Troy's blunt finger comes and prods him in the side. Troy speaks, voice clear and authoritative 'Slave. Get up.' Like a puppet on strings, the slave rises shakily to his knees. Then he rises to his feet. His eyes are trained to the surface of the table.
'Slave.' Troy's voice booms again. 'Bring my buddy a beer.'
Mason snorts and smirks at the little guy down below. He flops his arm onto the table, toppling some empty beer bottles, resting his heavy hand just inches away from his drink and the little slave next to it. Even standing, the little guy measures just below one of the cans. He grins at the diminutive teen, who briefly looked up to meet his gaze, before furrowing his brow and snarling 'Well, slave? Get me a beer!'
The slave struggles, with all his might, to bring Mason his beer. Like Sisyphus pushing the boulder, he bears the taunting and mockery of the cruel, titanic gods quietly. The tiny man is clearly exhausted. His feeble arms tremble as he wipes the sweat from his forehead. One time he stops and leans against the can, momentarily enjoying the cool aluminum in the heat of the sun before being interrupted by Troy's prodding finger.
'Come on shrimp, you can move faster than that!' His huge hand lowers and the slave flinches in its shadow. 'Its only what, like a couple of ounces?' He lifts the can effortlessly to test its weight; illustrating for the camera how pathetic the whole display is. 'Suppose its a good enough workout for a lil' pussy like you.' he spits.
Troy leans back in his chair, shit eating grin splayed wide under his sunglasses. He's sipping a beer of his own which causes Mason to complain, sarcastically, about how long its taking for his own beer to arrive. 'If he does this every day he'll be throwing cans across the room in no time.' Troy reassures.
'I'll still be waiting for it tomorrow. Summer will be over by the time I get a fucking drink!' With that, Mason lurches forward. You almost flinch again… but the hand reaches over you for a half drunken beer bottle from behind where you started! Low, dopey chuckles can be heard from all around. He upends it, finishing it in one go and then belches a nauseating wave of air down at you. The frat giant leans back again, amused with himself, before demanding you get moving again.
You push the can further across the table. Mason's hand is just ahead- thick, hairy fingers twitching and tapping like a tarantula. You're almost at the end of your redundant task, when all of a sudden, the can snags against an outstuck part of the wooden table. In slow motion, the can topples over. You realize the universe must be punishing you, because the metal miraculously punctures and jets of white, foamy beer shoot into the air. You've fallen onto your knees and you barely process your own anger, and uselessness, before a shadow appears and Mason's hand flattens you to the table.
'GODDAMNIT!' Mason roars as he snatches the rolling, punctured can up. 'Useless shit!'
With his wrist, he wipes some beer off his face and shirt before sucking on the puncture hole. He scowls at you, pinned under his palm, as his mouth fills with beer. You barely register Troy's low laughter under the growing pressure of the angry jocks fingers.
The frat giant leans in so his nose almost touches you. You panic and struggle vainly against his hand crushing your body against the table. No use. His monumental head overshadows you. At this distance, Mason is all encompassing. You can see his glaring brown eyes flicker over your body; feel his angry, beer smelling breath blast over you; and you could count the whiskers on his chin underneath his frowning lips.
You think of Sharky. How terrifying it is to be this close to his mouth! This is it! He's going to eat me!. Your heart is hammering in your chest. Its over! All your previous resolve has vanished.
'I'm sorry…I'm sorry for spilling your beer' you eek out, terrified. Daring to look, you can see the amusement returns to his eyes, and his grin returns slightly. You think your tormentor is satisfied…until he purses his lips and spits the beer back out over you. The warm liquid pummels you. It floods your nose, throat and even your ears as you're tackled by the force of Mason's spit take. Finally he releases you; but you're still appalled to be drenched in the sticky, liquid concoction of beer, spit and phantom odours of whatever Mason had for lunch.
'Thanks for the beer, fucker.'
Your ears are rushing, and you finally sit up to see Troy and Mason high fiving, chuckling and quipping to each other. 'Did you see him pissing himself? Little shit shouldn't have spilled my beer!' Mason sniggers, wipes his mouth, and leans over you once more
You kneel on the rough surface of the gigantic wooden table, wiping beer from your stinging eyes. You hear the booming, indistinct thrum of giant voices as you gather yourself and try to process the last few seconds. Your nose feels raw from the torrent of liquid spat down at you; and you shiver with revulsion as you cough up some of Mason's second hand beer. Through the veil of confusion, you barely look up in time to see a thick hand reach forward to snatch you up.
Keith's dorm is alive with amusement at the newest video from yourbrotherskeeper. Loud, excited quips; brainless comments; and roaring laughter erupt with the happenings on screen. At the back of the dark room, he feigns laughter whenever one of his buddies makes an insipid remark- which happened often. At one point, he tries to listen as one of his flatmates, a media student, describes how impressive and difficult the visual effects would be to create: especially for an amateur Youtube channel with a moving, handheld camera. Keith leans forward slightly, drawn like a moth to the flame of the only interesting discussion happening in the room. It's interrupted, however, when the tiny man on screen accidently spills a can of beer and is routinely and unfairly punished for it. Queue more laughter and braindead commentary from Keith's dorm mates as he sits back, disappointed.
Keith rolls his eyes, takes a sip of his beer and scratches his whiskery chin. He wonders why a bunch of college meatheads would make videos of themselves pretending to torment a little tiny dude. The camera focuses on the supposed star of the show himself, yourbrotherskeeper, as he smirks and mugs the camera whilst debating with his buddy about what to do with their new 'slave'. Keith sips his beer again. He simply couldn't share the amusement his flatmates felt; what with the stress of his exams; his buddies drunken, obnoxious conversation; and most pressingly, his younger brother's recent lack of communication. He looks at the message sent a few days ago: the indicator showing him wasn't even received. He scrolls idly, slightly concerned. Maybe he broke his phone again?he wonders- completely unaware that his little brother is currently smaller than the phone in his hand. Unaware that his own dormmates are currently laughing at his televised torture at the hands of his old high school bully, Troy.
Mason's thumb digs into your spine, his fingers into your stomach, as he plucks you off the table into the air. Your whole world is suddenly claustrophobic and dark as he wipes you dry against the belly of his wifebeater. The enlarged fabric fibres are bumpy and rough against your face but Mason just pinches tighter as you protest and squirm in his hand. The smell of beer is rapidly replaced by the musty sweat of his vest, and you can hear and feel the giant jock talking and laughing as he drags you down his chest.
'You said somethin' about helping us relax, right?' Mason drawls. He shakes you dry in his hand and quickly blows on you. 'I'm all sore and shit after training today, we could train him to do miniature sports massages or something.'
Keith looks up at the screen from the messenger app on his phone. When he does, the newly introduced jock is crushing the life out of his 'slave' between a ballooning bicep and his thick forearm. Mason flexes his massive arm and does multiple 'reps' as the miniature man is pummelled, between the two masses of muscle in the crook of his elbow. 'Ahh' Mason sighs, luxiouriously. 'Like a little muscle roller.' he says, as he takes the little man and rubs him into his massive, hairy shoulder.
'Let me try.' Troy snickers.
He plucks the limp little man from his buddies' hand. He smiles behind his shades at the little guy, before pressing him flush against his pecs. His broad chest is sturdy against the pressure of his hand and he inhales deeply as he massages the hand down to his abdominals. 'Tell you what, I guess I'll have him do my feet later. But for now…' Troy starts. 'I forgot to even shower after training today.'
With that, the hand holding the 'slave' is pushed deep into the dank armpit of Troy's outstretched arm. The tiny little man is glimpsed sometimes; an flailing arm here and a kicking foot there; smashed and rolled underneath Troy's hand as he grinds him into the dark discoloured wet of his pit. Fine, blonde hairs can be seen sprouting over the sleeve of Troy's muscle shirt and even Keith is glad that the little guy isn't being pushed against the jock's raw underarm.
'Beer bringer, muscle massager, sweat rag. This little fucker's sure making himself useful.' Troy muses as he transfers his slave to underneath his other arm for much of the same treatment. It continues on for a painful minute. At one point, Troy takes his hand away and lowers his arm, trapping the little guy entirely underneath! Mason, along with Keith's dorm, are in awe of the humiliating sight. Small, exasperated chuckles and groans of disgust are heard on and off screen as Troy rolls his arm up and down, up and down.
Finally, it comes to an end. Troy retrieves the the soaked, trembling little worm and appraises him in his hand. He shoots a vicious, smug grin before bringing him underneath his nose and sniffing sharply. 'Whew! smells like Alpha Kappa material now, at least.' He says, fanning his nose exaggeratedly. With that, he holds him up to Mason's head- who grins and leans his in to take a whiff of the little guy. He grunts, approvingly. 'Smells like an actual man at least. Maybe we can help him some more.'
The phone video continues, swinging and dipping with the person recording's steps.
Keith imagined it gave an accurate impression of what it's like to be held by one of these frat guys.
Troy collapses back onto the couch between two of his cohorts, jostling the little man around in his hand.
Jack felt sick. His almost sleepless night being tossed from person to person had given him a headache and he felt his body ache from being grabbed, shaken, crushed and even gnawed on by his titanic captors. He wished he could fall unconscious somehow until it was over. But no. The fingers tensing and curled around his waist kept a tight hold on his awareness. He knew this was a nightmare he could not wake up from. One after another the rowdy frat boys had taken their turn. Each jock more unbearable than the last in their effort to humilate and impress.
One particularly dirty jock, Mason, picked him up and drove Jacks face around the gym soaked hairs on his bulging chest then up his armpit. He can still hear the roaring laughter of the others in his ear now.
Mason was sat next to Troy now and shot Jack a wolfish grin from his hairy face.
'Thanks to all you faggots last night' we have a few new ideas to help initiate this little guy' he raised Jack to the camera and shook him around a little.
'Being the alpha males we are, we're always in peak condition. The women love it, and losers like these are terrified of it'
Troy flexes the arm still holding Jack, squeezing his arms to his sides. Hard. Troys bicep balloons out pressing a long vein across his skin. Through teary eyes Jack sees the wrinkled nose and shit eating grin of Troy, now eye level.
'But we're always looking for new blood, this puny little faggot can't lift shit, though' Troy seizes one of Jacks arms between his blunt fingers and stretches it out, elicting a pained cry 'so as you suggested, were gonna help this little guy out a little, right guys? Get him settled in'
Mason's square jaw formed a fuzzy cliff face above you as he idley fondled with you like a toy. His eyes lidded and mouth set in a faint smile as he looked down on you in the back of the car.
The jocks had been bunched into Troy's car for their football session and to, more importantly, take part in your humiliation. The filming for the Youtube channel had ceased for now after a repeat performance of the first time you were in Troy's car.
You had spent the first 15 minutes of the journey tied to the rear view mirror again- bouncing up and down to the sound of dopey laughter and shit music. More discussion was had about what to do with you, more cigarrette smoke blown at you, more jabbing and pinching whilst you were filmed twisting and flailing helplessly from the mirror.
Mason was slightly shorter but broader than Troy and any of the other men. A mix of beer and a life of physical effort. His bullish figure was also covered in dark brown fur. Whilst his hair was cut short he kept a thick hedge of brown hair tight around his jaw. You glanced up his hairy forearm to the tattooed shoulder, to the hardened pecs beyond which you could see the bottom of his furry chin. He liked the way he could hold you in his hand and move you around so easily. Made him 'feel like king kong' he told you. A giant, disgusting, ape seemed the right description.
Next to Troy, Mason was your least favourite of the bunch. In the few hours you've known him you realised how unapologetically gross he was. In clear view of other people, he could be seen idly scratching his ass, balls, beard; exploring his teeth, ears and nose with his fingers.
You shudder to think of all the places you've seen this brutes fingers now that they were curled around you. His blunt fingertips always felt grimey with something.
You look up to see him use his other hand to scratch his furry pit under his shirt, then smile moronically as he withdraws the hand and rubs his moist fingertips over you. You squirm away, hands running over the grass like hair on his knuckles, but its no use.
He rumbles a laugh. Suddenly the hand you're caught in lifts up and he raises you past his chest in front of his face. Mason's jaw was so close you could reach out and touch the short hedge of brown hair. Pressing you against his nose he sniffed deeply. Confused at first, you push against the waxy flesh, and started beating against his massive fist. Mason didn't relent however and started rubbing you through the coarse brush of his beard. The sharp hairs coated you in oily residue as he splayed his hand flat and pressed you flush against his jaw. The rubbing motion continued and for a short while, your world became entirely dark between the thick flesh of his hand and the rough bristle of the frat jock scruff. Mason had an animal grin on his face- not that you could see, but perhaps feel in the muscles of his cheek, or hear the snort of amusement from his nose close by.
When he was done he pulled back and looked at his handiwork. You, struggling in his hand, wiping his residue from your face made him feel like a god for some reason. Some primal accomplishment of complete domination perhaps. A quick sniff confirmed you certainly smelled like him now.
You wordlessly wiped your face and looked away from the arrogant, monolithic face of the jock. Youre not sure what that was but you could still feel his wetness across your body. 'what a fucking chimp' you thought to yourself as he set you down near his lap again.
It isn’t a difficult decision. There is no doubt in your mind that Keith would ordinarily be smart enough to outwit the likes of Troy and his goons. However, this is no ordinary trap: you yourself would never have believed that shrinking somebody was even possible until it actually happened to you. Likewise Keith would never anticipate something like this. You think back to all the torments you have suffered so far, and imagine them being done to your beloved brother. Keith has always looked after you, spent time with you, cared for you; there’s no way you can betray him like that.
“I love my brother. There’s no way I’m going to let a bunch of creeps like you get your hands on him!”
Troy’s response is to put back his head and roar with laughter. “Awww, ain’t that sweet. The little fella loves his brother.”
The peanut gallery in the back dutifully cackles along with him and begins its inevitable chorus:
“Oh big bro, I looove you, soooooo much!”
“My big bro means the world to me!”
“You’re sooo special! I’ll never let anybody hurt you!”
You flush as the scornful comments and exaggerated smooching noises burn at you like acid, but if anything it makes you even more determined not to let Keith down. You picture the gang in your head as a bunch of dirty, hooting apes, good for nothing but flinging their own excrement. The image makes you feel slightly better.
As the jeering dies away Troy replies:
“Hey it’s okay, pip-squeak. I can see you respect your brother. I understand that. Look how much Clay admires me. But the real question is, how much do you love and respect him? Enough to handle all this for him? I think maybe we should find out.”
He flashes that infuriating grin at you again and then turns to Clay. “Okay, get him down from there.”
While Clay reaches up to unhook you from the mirror Troy turns the ignition and starts driving once more.
The next few seconds are highly disorientating as you are tossed about and sent spinning by the movements of Clay as he retrieves you from your impromptu hook. As you begin to recover your senses and force back the wave of vertigo you find yourself dangling yet again—this time from Clay’s thumb and forefinger: he has the end of the elastic pinched between them and is using it to bounce you gently up and down like a yo-yo.
Then, in the background you hear a whirring noise coming from Troy’s direction. You manage to turn your head towards it and are just in time to see the electric window disappear into the door frame. Troy lazily rests his elbow across the now-open window frame, his hand still holding his cigarette, while the other hand continues guiding the steering wheel.
The giant bully nods at his little brother and Clay obediently leans across and holds you out to him. However, Troy makes no move to take you, merely studying you for a moment, enjoying the sight of you dangling from his brother’s hand in front of his muscular chest. He takes a final puff of his cigarette; the sight of it up close makes the size comparison even more telling. It’s probably bigger than you are, and yet there it is, held casually in his grasp as though it is nothing. He smiles down at you, making sure he has your full attention—and then he carelessly flicks the Jack-sized cigarette out of the window. It vanishes instantly, never to be seen again.
With his hand now free he reaches across and takes you from Clay. “Poor little itty-bitty Benson,” he cooes, using the elastic to swing you around in small circles in front of his face. “Wanting to be the big hero for his loser of a brother, but instead ending up as nothing but a tiny plaything in the hands of a real man. You really need to wake up and smell the coffee… or maybe I should say, ‘catch a breath of fresh air’!”
You don’t even hear him start laughing once more, because he abruptly swings his arm out of the car window—taking you along with it!
The sudden blast of air smashes into you with the force of a freight train. You imagine this must be what it is like to be caught up in a tornado. The sheer intensity of the air stream physically pushes you back and up behind Troy’s hand, and yet he continues to idly toy with you, a puppet on a string, guiding you first towards the gleaming chassis of the car so that you are repeatedly battered against it, and then away from it again into open space. You can dimly see the tarmac rushing past at an incredible speed, far, far below and feel a surge of terror that he might simply decide to release you at any moment so that, just like the cigarette, you’ll be carried off into oblivion. Even if the fall doesn’t kill you, you’ll probably end up as road-kill, squished like a bug underneath the gigantic heavy wheels of a passing vehicle.
And speaking of passing vehicles… Over the roar of the wind you can hear a series of low diffuse sounds, rather like a foghorn. Ahead, in the distance you can make out a dark shape coming closer. It’s difficult to see it properly; it’s hard to keep your eyes open against the onslaught of the wind, and in any case your eyes are already watering from the assault, but you realise it is approaching with alarming speed. After a second you realise what it must be: an enormous haulage truck hurtling towards you, its horn blaring. Although it is on the other side of the road Troy has stretched out far enough that you are pretty much in its path!
In sheer terror you begin screaming and yelling at the jock to pull you back inside, but your frantic cries are carried away by the wind. Troy isn’t even looking at you; he’s busy chatting and laughing with Clay and his buddies, seemingly unaware or uninterested in what is about to happen to you. Unless he notices within the next few seconds you’ll end up splattered like a tiny fly against the front of the oncoming vehicle!
As the seconds tick by with deceptive slowness you realise that he’s not going to rescue you. This is how things will end: your punishment for standing up to Troy. The huge vehicle rushes up towards you like an impossible huge metallic wall and you screw your eyes tightly shut, not wanting to see the truck hit you. At least it will be quick…
There’s a sudden wrench, something slams into you, and then…. Nothing. After a couple of seconds you open your eyes, only to see yourself reflected in the pitiless mirror-finish of Troy’s trendy shades. The car has come to a stop once more and you are lying in the jock’s palm, held up to his face. There’s a burst of laughter all around: the bullies have been waiting for you to open your eyes and realise that you were snatched back into the car at the last second.
“Really, Benson, did you think I’d let you be smeared across the front of some dirty haulage truck? That would be just too much of a waste. But I hope you’ve learned your lesson now. Are you ready to do what I want?”
You try to reply but you are shivering and gasping like a fish pulled out of the water, half-frozen from the relentless hammering of the wind against your unprotected body, and almost paralysed with fear from what you’ve just been subjected to.
“Look at him shaking, Troy. He must be cold. He’s like a living human popsicle.” It’s Clay’s voice, eager to prove that he’s a chip off the old block when it comes to belittling people.
“I guess so. So maybe we ought to warm him up a bit. And you know what you do with popsicles…”
Before you can conquer your chattering teeth sufficiently to yell out, “No!”, Troy has brought you up to his lips and pushed your head between them into his mouth…
He holds you in that position for a moment—your head entirely inside his mouth and the rest of your body outside and struggling in his grasp—sucking on your head like a lollipop. You can hardly breathe, between the stifling atmosphere inside his mouth and the waves of saliva washing over you. And then there’s his tongue, rasping against your face as he tastes you, seeking out every contour—ears, eyes, nose… and mouth. The very tip of his tongue forces its way between your lips so that you are compelled to feel it, to taste it, inside your own mouth. The sensation is utterly vile, but you don’t dare bite down as you’d like to. At your puny size you’re not even sure that he’d notice it, but even if you did manage to nip him you are uncomfortably aware that he might respond by simply biting your head off as if you were nothing but a tasty gingerbread man.
After a second or two the tongue withdraws momentarily—but only long enough to allow the giant bully to push the rest of your body all the way inside his maw! You try to curl yourself up into a ball to protect yourself, but the giant tongue is relentless and irresistible, swishing you about like a piece of candy, invading every part of your body, even forcing its way between your legs until it threatens to arouse feelings that are definitely not appropriate to your current situation!
Just when you think he is getting ready to chew you up or swallow you whole Troy spits you back out into his palm. You’ve certainly been warmed by your brief sojourn inside his mouth, but now you are sitting there utterly drenched in his slowly-cooling saliva.
“So, are you ready to be sensible yet? As far as I’m concerned you’re Clay’s problem, but me and your brother have some unfinished business that needs sorting. Why don’t you be a good little pet and help me out, so that the big boys can settle things once and for all?”
Deep down inside you are ashamed to realise you are tempted. After Shaun you didn’t think matters could get any worse, but Shaun was just a small-time opportunist, taking advantage of the situation without any real thought or imagination. Troy, on the other hand, has been a bully all his life. Your brief time with him has demonstrated that he knows exactly how to make people’s lives as miserable as possible—as if that ever really required any proof—and the creativity to adapt his tactics to make life for any person who is shrunk down and captured by him a living hell. You desperately want to get away from him—even Clay would likely seem gentle and kind by comparison—but that would mean giving up Keith to his tender mercies.
You know you can’t let that happen. If Troy really intended to kill you he would have done it by now. Your only hope then is to protect Keith for as long as possible and hope that Troy—or Clay—gets careless and provides you with an opportunity to escape. You have to cling to that hope, no matter how remote or unlikely it may seem.
Gathering all your courage you yell up at the giant bully: “Keith was glad to get away from you, and by the smell of your B.O. I can understand why!” You mime choking and suffocating as though afflicted by some terrible miasma.
Troy’s eyes narrow for a second and his jaw clenches… but then the familiar shit-eating grin returns and he sneers at your pathetic attempt at defiance.
“Is that really the best you can do, short stuff? I admit you’ve got guts, sitting there in my palm and mouthing off to me when I could just close my fist and squash you. Perhaps you’ve even got a bit more spirit than that faggot of a brother of yours, but I’m still gonna get what I want in the end—one way or the other. I can see now I’ve been too gentle with you, so maybe it’s time to put a little more pressure on you to change your mind…”
Once again you find yourself handed to Clay while his brother gets ready to inflict another fiendish torment upon you. The super-sized school bully takes great delight in holding you up close and whispering to you:
“It won’t be long before you and I have all the time in the world to get to know each other properly and then you won’t need to worry about feeling lonely or ignored ever again. You can be sure you’ll have my full attention. When we were kids Troy always used to be a little rough with his toys and break them, but I know how to make them last and get every last bit of enjoyment out of them… before I finally discard them.”
You can’t help but shiver at that last comment.
Meanwhile Troy has been removing his expensive trainers and socks. The banana bunch sitting behind have resumed their gibbering as each piece of footwear is pulled off and dumped on the top of the dashboard:
“Oh man…..”
“Troy, your sneakers smell like something died in them…”
“Fuuckkk… open the other windows, guys!”
Clay merely smiles maliciously at you. “Now you’re screwed! Troy exercises a lot and his feet get pretty sweaty!”
He isn’t joking. Even with the driver’s window open you can notice the rising stench. Possibly your minute scale makes you especially vulnerable; you soon begin to feel distinctly nauseous and struggle not to retch.
“What’s the matter, runt? You’re looking a bit ill. How about a nice relaxing massage to make you feel better?”
It’s Troy again. He flexes his toes playfully as he takes you back from Clay. It doesn’t take much imagination to realise that the jock’s latest “incentive” has something to do with the huge bare feet he is showing off so proudly.
As he lowers you down towards them your first thought is that he is going to place you on the floor of the car and pin you down with them, or simply threaten to step on you. However, it turns out that he has something more ingenious in mind. Once again you find yourself being held prisoner by nothing but an ordinary piece of elastic: Troy effortlessly loops it around you and the gas pedal a couple of times until you are held firmly in place, tied with your back against the pedal itself like a virgin awaiting sacrifice to some mythical beast. You struggle against your bonds, but it is futile. At your minute size the cheap elastic band, no different from the ones that you and Keith used to flick at each other when you were younger, is more substantial than any rope, and while it is flexible enough to allow you to breathe you simply don’t have the strength to shift it enough to escape.
In some respects the view now is even more impressive than when you were dangling from the mirror, looking down. Directly above you are the steering column and the shape of the dashboard curving down behind you into the footwell. However, the angle of the pedal means that you are positioned so you are actually looking straight up at Troy’s lower body: along the length of his legs to where they meet and where his crotch bulges impressively against the tight fabric of his jeans. Beyond that his torso rises higher until it is crowned by the coldly handsome beauty of his face—currently leaning down to smirk underneath the steering wheel at you. However, rather than meet his gaze you somehow can’t quite take your eyes off the bulge in his jeans, fascinated by the way it shifts with each movement he makes, revealing the outline of something straining against the confines of the clothing… You lick your lips nervously.
But you don’t get any further opportunity to imagine the contents of Troy’s pants as his foot rises up above you blocking the view. The foot descends slowly, hardly moving. You know full well that he is doing this to torment you further, showing you exactly what is going to happen and allowing you to “appreciate” every detail. And what detail! You can see every tiny line and crease running across his sole; every piece of lint or dirt scattered across the underside, between his toes or under his nails; the slight sheen of sweat that makes his skin seem to glisten and sparkle.
It isn’t too bad at first, despite the revoltingly clammy touch and the overwhelming scent. It’s almost like a caress as he strokes you gently, obviously enjoying the sensation of your body brushing against the sensitive underside of his foot. Not quite dry, the remaining saliva on your body mixes with his perspiration and acts as a lubricant, allowing Troy’s sole to slide over you more easily. However, it isn’t long before this residue has been wiped away or evaporated and then the friction starts to become more noticeable. You can feel the slightest details of his sole as they rub against your body. As an athlete he has a few calluses and these rougher patches are by no means pleasant, feeling more like sandpaper against your tiny helpless body.
Even worse are the small pieces of dirt and lint that are stuck to his foot. One of them slips down from inside the slimy gap between his big toe and the next and onto your face. Troy can obviously feel it too because he deliberately uses his toe to roll it carefully backwards and forwards until it is directly over your mouth. Then he presses down, forcing the disgustingly moist piece of foot crud into your mouth.
“That’s a good boy! You’ve got to eat up your tasty meal if you want to grow up to be big and strong!”
The sound of laughter fills the vehicle as he continues pressing and rubbing, compelling you to chew and swallow it, almost making you gag in the process.
Then he positions his foot so that your face is pinched between two of his toes. It feels like your head has been caught in a vice. Smirking down on you from on high the bully clenches his toes more tightly squeezing your head more and more until it feels as though it will pop like a grape at any second.
You vision is going and your senses are reeling under the pressure, but you can just make out the faces of the other goons peering over the front seats and around Troy and Clay’s shoulders. They’re high-fiving each other, thoroughly enjoying the torture that their leader is inflicting upon you, and cheering Troy on, your tiny, pathetic squeaking and pleading only working them up into a frenzy:
“Go on, Troy, crush the little shit!”
“That’s right! Smear him all over the bottom of your foot!”
“Keep squeezing! I wanna see his head pop!”
Paradoxically, their cheering seems to bring Troy back to himself. The pressure finally eases and the giant bully slowly lifts his foot once more.
“Not yet, dummies, we need this one alive—at least for now. But don’t worry, we’ll have our proper fun once we’ve got his faggot of a brother shrunk down and where he belongs. Then we can do whatever we want to him, and we’ll make it nice and slow so that we can enjoy every second of it!”
With that ominous remark Troy turns the ignition once more and the car purrs into life.
“We’ve still got a ways to go, so let’s head out. I want to collect some other stuff before we put our plan into action.”
You’re wondering how exactly he plans to drive the car with you blocking the gas pedal… but then you realise: this is precisely why Troy has put you here. His mighty foot descends once more and presses down on you, pushing down the pedal in the process.
He is clearly making sure he doesn’t squash you entirely, positioning his foot with care so that some of the weight is supported by the pedal rather than your body, but even so the crushing sensation is almost unbearable. Aside from the sheer weight pressing down on you, your face is almost mashed into a pulp and you can scarcely breathe, having to snatch quick breaths as and when you can. You can only pray for him to reach his destination as quickly as possible and for the torment to end.
It’s difficult to gauge how long the torment lasts. You’re too busy doing your best to keep breathing, to stay alive under the pressure of that enormous, sweaty and pungent foot. You’re dimly aware of the jocks’ continual bantering and laughing somewhere above your head, but you can’t devote your attention to listening to them, and probably wouldn’t want to even if you could. Some time later —minutes? hours?—there’s the flick of the indicator and Troy spins the steering wheel, turning off the road. You guess it must be to do with that "other stuff" he mentioned. The pressure finally eases as his foot lifts and settles back onto the floor of the car. You lie there, still trapped, panting and gasping, trying not to moan too much from the latest set of bruises that are already forming across your body and listening in dread to hear what further tortures they may have planned next for you.
“Okay, guys, I’m gonna fill her up with gas. You go and get some drinks and snacks”
You hear the thudding of sneakers and slamming of doors as the goons pile out of the car. You must have stopped at a gas station! Clay is about to follow them when his brother calls him back.
“Hey. There’s something else I want you to get.”
He takes some money out of his wallet and leans across. You don’t catch what he says next because he glances down at you and then drops his voice to a whisper. What you do hear is Clay’s startled response:
“You want me to get what?!”
The alpha jock half-smirks, half-sneers in reply. “Just do what I say and leave the thinking to me, okay?”
Clay shrugs and gets out of the car, following the others. Once again you can’t help but think how peculiar it is to see him meekly accepting orders from somebody else. But now you’re alone in the car with the one who is giving the orders, the biggest bully of them all.
“Still surviving down there, microbe? Hope I didn’t put you under too much pressure.”
You don’t bother to answer; it’s clear that Troy isn’t expecting a deep and meaningful conversation. You’re half-expecting him to order you again to betray Keith, but it quickly becomes apparent that he’s going to take a different approach this time.
“I suppose you’re thinking that if you can only hang on, stay alive, I’ll eventually give up and leave you and your dick of a brother alone. I guess you don’t know me very well. I’m a winner. I always get what I want in the end, and if you screw around with me then I’ll screw around with you, except I’ll do it ten times harder. As I said before, you’re Clay’s problem, not mine. Until now. Apart from being related to a royal pain in the ass I wasn’t too interested in you, so I was pretty much inclined to cut you a little slack. But no, that wasn’t good enough for you. You had to throw my kindness back in my face and prove that you’re just as obnoxious as that faggot brother of yours. Well, please yourself. Now we’re just gonna have to do things the hard way, and I assure you it’s gonna hurt you a whole bunch more than it’s gonna hurt me. Because, like or not, you’re going help us get your brother. If you won’t do it willingly then we’ll just have to dangle you like bait until he’s dumb enough to come out of hiding.”
He leans back in the leather seat and puts his hands behind his head.
“You know, I’m actually kinda glad you tried to hold out on us. You see, it might have made things easier if you’d decided to help us, but in the end it doesn’t really matter. This way actually might be more fun. I told you I’d get my way in the end and I meant it.”
He pushes his glasses up into his hair and looks at you directly. As he reaches down to free you from your bonds his gaze has a feline intensity to it—a cat getting ready to spring at its prey. The elastic snaps with ease as he yanks you into the air, clasping you within his fist as he brings you up to his face.
“All that noble suffering you went through was for nothing. I just wanted you to know that.”
His hand closes around you, tightening more and more. You do your best to struggle but the pressure continues to increase until you feel your ribs creaking. Your vision starts to blur and you are barely able to keep breathing, but still he squeezes, more and more… until finally the darkness claims you.
You wake up with a start. The first thing you notice is the smell: not unpleasant, but distinctive. The unfamiliar aroma of somebody else’s house. However, your head is pounding and your muscles aching so you just lie there peacefully for a couple of moments with your eyes closed, listening to what is going on around you. You can hear the gentle clicking of somebody typing nearby with soft music playing in the background. If you listen even more closely you can recognise the sound of rain pattering against windows. All in all it’s rather soothing—until you start to remember what has been happening to you.
You open your eyes and begin looking around in apprehension: what predicament will you find yourself in this time? The first thing you notice is a bed rising above you close by: somebody has laid you out on a blanket on the floor next to it. Just behind you, adjacent to the bed, is a small table with drawers. However, there’s something odd about these pieces of furniture. They look… wrong somehow, but you can’t for the moment figure out precisely why. Then you turn your head towards the sound of typing and see… Clay! He’s sitting at a desk, typing on a computer, probably doing his homework. But… he’s tiny! No, wait, not tiny. He’s normal-sized. He just seems tiny—as does the furniture around you—because you’ve become accustomed to everything towering above you at gigantic scale and this is now no longer the case. And that means… you’re back to your original height!
Excited by your discovery you try to get to your feet—only for all the bruises and other injuries you’ve incurred over the last few days to mount a combined and unexpected assault upon your senses. You flop back down with an involuntary groan. Hearing this, Clay stops what he is doing, switches off the music, and turns round to look at you. His eyes narrow slightly, but his face is otherwise impassive as he speaks.
“So, you’re finally awake. I was starting to wonder if I’d given you too much of that stuff after all.”
For a moment you think he means the antidote, but then you remember the scent you noticed before you lost consciousness.
“You drugged me.” You don’t even attempt to hide the resentment in your voice.
To his credit, Clay doesn’t deny the accusation. “Yeah, I did, and I’m sorry for it, but it was the only way to get things sorted out without any further problems.”
“And why’s that exactly?”
So far you’re not inclined to forgive the jock for his actions, but you’ll at least listen to what he has to say. After all, you are finally back to your normal size, and the implication is that Clay is responsible for that.
He sighs. “If I’d told you I was going to take you back home with me would you have gone along with it?”
“Are you kidding? I’d have done everything I could to get away from you.”
The jock shrugs. “There you are then. It was pretty obvious you were never going to trust me enough to let me do that—”
“Gee! I wonder why!”
“—and it was the only way to grow you and get things sorted in time without being caught.”
“Why couldn’t you just grow me back in the science lab like you said you would? Especially after all that crap about finding a clear space for me so I wouldn’t hurt myself—or you. Did you get things wrong?—or did you simply want to keep carrying me around like a toy for a little while longer?”
Clay curls his lip and snorts slightly, though you’re not sure whether this is amusement or outrage on his part.
“Yeah, I guess I could have done that, but really, Benson, have you taken a good look at yourself lately? Maybe you should. You’re not very… pleasant to be around at the moment. Would you really have wanted to walk around the school and then go home in that condition?” He nods his head to indicate a full-length mirror on the door of a nearby wardrobe.
Battling your aching limbs and overwhelming weariness you climb to your feet and inspect yourself in the mirror. You hardly recognise the person who stares back at you: more like a scarecrow than a human being. The numerous cuts and bruises scattered across your body are the least of it. Your hair is matted and bedraggled, and your skin caked in filth: a combination of the numerous unsavoury items you’ve encountered or had smeared upon you. Stale hair gel and earwax; dried saliva, pre-cum and semen; unspeakable detritus from where you landed in Andy’s used underwear, and lint from his socks and feet; the now-dried piss that Shaun “hilariously” allowed to splash all over you when he took his morning leak while holding you tightly against the head of his cock. You fight the urge to retch, but it’s a bit late to be squeamish about such things: you’ve lived in this condition for a couple of days now. By this time you’re also pretty much inured to whatever delightful fragrance currently adorns your body, but you imagine that Clay isn’t quite so immune. Looking round you notice that all the windows in the room have been opened slightly, hence the intruding sound of the otherwise gentle rain.
You wonder if the jock would have been quite so eager to pick you up in his hand if he’d known exactly what filth you have all over you, but you certainly understand now why you woke up on an old blanket on the floor rather than on his bed.
Almost as though he has read your mind Clay comments: “Now maybe you see why I brought you here rather than leaving you at the school to be laughed at, or even taking you home. Would you really want your parents to see you like that?”
They probably wouldn’t even notice, you think bitterly to yourself, but that’s not something you’re willing to share with Clay.
The burly jock continues: “I probably haven’t got much that’s your size, but I’ll see what spare clothes I can find. You can at least have a shower and change into something clean before you go back.”
You’re vaguely aware that you should be thanking Clay for his kindness at this point. However, the sight of yourself buried under all the disgusting crusted bodily fluids of Shaun and his brother has reawakened memories of your terrible experiences at their hands. It also makes you start to wonder…
“Clay… there’s something I’ve got to ask,” you begin, hardly knowing how to express the unpleasant suspicion that has started to grow inside your head. “Did… did you… I mean… after you drugged me…” You trail off, but continue to search the jock’s face for some kind of answer.
Clay looks puzzled for a second, but then the realisation of what you are hinting at dawns upon him. His eyes widen and a look of first surprise and then hurt flashes across them before the shutters come down and the old harshness returns.
“Wow… do you really hate me so much that you think I’d do something like that? I was the one who actually helped you out and grew you back—unlike those other so-called ‘friends’ of yours. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered. Maybe I should have just left you there to rot.”
Abruptly he gets to his feet. Refusing to look at you, he walks to his bedroom door and holds it open. “Perhaps you’d better just leave then,” he states with feigned indifference before adding the epithet, “faggot”, almost as an afterthought.
The jock’s reaction takes you aback: it certainly wasn’t what you were expecting and doesn’t suggest any kind of guilt. Maybe Clay’s been genuine all along, but after everything that’s happened to you it has become difficult to know who to trust.
“Clay… I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that and I really appreciate everything you’ve done. It’s just that… a lot of stuff happened to me and… some people… I mean, not everybody was as… helpful as you were.”
The tall jock has enough sense to stay silent and leave you to continue in your own time, and after a moment you manage to explain what’s bothering you.
“The thing is… I don’t understand why you did help me. You’ve been a bully ever since I’ve known you. You seem to enjoy making people’s lives miserable. I thought that if anybody was going to get off on… if anybody was going to get a thrill out of tormenting someone in my condition, it would be you.”
Clay’s response is a while coming and he doesn’t look you in the eye. “Yeah. I guess I asked for that. I have been a bastard to a lot of people. And yeah, the first time I saw you, held you in my hand, I did feel like that. Knowing I could just close my hand and crush you, or step on you, or anything I wanted. It made me feel stronger than I’ve ever felt before in my life.”
You can’t help but feel vaguely sickened by his admission, and it must have shown on your face because he sighs deeply before continuing.
“But at the same time it felt somehow wrong too. Especially when I was walking around the school with you in my pocket. All those other kids, the teachers—everybody getting on with their lives while yours had been taken away from you. You weren’t some puny kid whose head I’d happily flush in the toilet anymore, you were more like a little baby bird that had fallen out of its nest and was waiting for a cat or something to come along and eat it.”
He hesitates once more. “This may surprise you, but I know what it’s like to feel unwanted and abandoned.”
‘Surprise’ is pretty much an understatement: Clay’s shocking admission almost makes you feel like the world has been turned on its head.
After another pause he adds quietly, “We all have our problems. And we all have our own ways of dealing with them.” He falls silent.
The resulting hush threatens to become an ever-widening gulf between you as you wait to see whether Clay intends to elaborate on that remark, but instead the jock changes the subject to something less uncomfortable.
“How about I get us something to eat while you take a shower? I’m guessing it must have been hard to find proper food while you were… you know… small. You must be starving.”
“Yeah, I am actually.” Your stomach yearns for sustenance and rumbles at the mere sound of the F-word. Over the last few days you’ve had little more than toe-jam and other crud washed down with Shaun’s sweat and other bodily fluids. It’s no wonder you feel so weak.
“Okay then. The shower’s through there.” He indicates a doorway. “Take your time. I’ll put some clothes out and then see what stuff I can find for us to eat.”
Climbing into the shower with its refreshing stream of warm, cleansing water is like stepping into another world. You’re grateful to be alone with your thoughts for a while. Even so, stripping away all the encrusted filth takes quite some effort. Washing turns to scrubbing, and then scrubbing turns to scouring as you pour all your energy into ridding yourself of every last trace of Shaun and Andy. Finally you collapse in a heap at the bottom of the cubicle, your tears mingling with the flow of water as you pray that the memories might be flushed away as easily as the physical reminders. At that moment the tiny cubicle seems like the only safe place in the world and you could happily remain under that purifying stream forever… You don’t realise how long you’ve been in there until Clay finally starts pounding on the door, worried about you.
The clothes that the jock has laid out for you actually fit you far better than you expected, and when you go downstairs to join him he notices this too, smiling slightly with approval as he looks you up and down. You don’t know whether it is simply a quirk of the antidote or Clay’s idea of a gift, but you guess that he will never tell you. Whatever the reason, you feel a brief surge of gratitude for the person you once believed was only a “meathead” jock.
That erroneous impression is further dispelled during dinner.
While you are eating Clay talks. He’s clearly also been doing some thinking while you’ve been in the shower, and much to your surprise he tells you a little about his home life.
“You may not know this, but I also have an older brother. His name’s Troy.”
You didn’t know. You never had any reason to, and can’t help but wonder why Clay should feel the need to tell you now. However, his motivation gradually becomes clearer.
Clay’s parents were the stereotypical prom king and queen: the most popular kids in college. They married and went on to become rich and successful in Herculean Hills. They only ever intended to have one child—a son, to carry on the family name—and so Troy was born. But then Julie, Clay’s mother, unexpectedly fell pregnant again. Her second son has always been aware that he is exactly that: second best, and just an inconvenient accident. Troy was the firstborn, the favoured son, and always got what he wanted. While he was praised for everything he did and was encouraged at every opportunity, Clay was mostly overlooked.
“I had to work twice as hard to get any kind of attention or approval. It was like they’d already made up their minds that I’d never be as successful as Troy and so didn’t see the point in wasting any extra time on me. I was always going to be known as the lesser son, the runt.”
While you have difficulty in imagining Clay as any kind of “runt” there’s much in what he’s said that you can relate to. Preoccupied parents; never feeling anything you do is good enough; troublesome brothers. You’re tempted to commiserate, but something tells you that Clay wouldn’t appreciate your sympathy. You keep eating your food and allow him to continue.
Troy himself didn’t help matters. “He was the ‘chosen one’ and knew it,” Clay sneers. “He always made sure I got the blame whenever we fought—and we fought a lot. If I ever complained I was just called a cry-baby, so I learned pretty quickly not to show my feelings or any sign of weakness. As time went on it just became easier and easier, I guess, just a natural way to behave. I learned to stand up for myself—not to be the loser.”
You’re starting to see where this is leading, and how “Clay the Bully” was born. Bullying was his way of expressing his frustration, partly his need to punish other people in the same way he felt he had been punished by Troy and his parents, but also his way of demonstrating he was strong and powerful, and worthy of attention.
“It was mainly to take out my anger and loneliness, I guess, because I didn’t have anybody close I could relate to.” He smiles sadly. “Even my ‘posse’ are just hangers-on who stick with me because I’m stronger than them.”
“And how did I fit into all this?”
For the first time since you’ve known him Clay looks almost embarrassed. “I guess there was just something about your predicament that reminded me a little of how I once felt. How I once wished there was somebody there who cared about who I was, who was prepared to look after me, who would just talk to me.” He flushes, as though ashamed to admit anything quite so weak or sentimental.
“I guess I saw you at first more like a small pet than a person, but then… Let’s just say I knew how Troy would have reacted if he’d been the one to find you, and I didn’t want to be anything like him. Once I saw how anxious and afraid you were, how desperate for somebody to look after you, care for you, and help you return to normal…” His voice trails off.
“Wow… ‘Caring Clay’! Who would have guessed it! Aren’t you afraid I’m going to blab about your warm and cuddly side at school?” you ask, only half-joking.
But Clay laughs out loud at this. “Yeah, right! Who exactly are you going to tell? Do you really think anybody would believe you? Why don’t you tell them about how you got shrunk down—you know, just for extra credibility?”
Though you are aware now that he is not being malicious the jibe still hurts.
“Scotty would believe me,” you answer sullenly, but you know the jock is correct. Anyway, you’re no longer sure how you feel about your former best friend, not after everything that has happened.
The big jock tactfully remains silent, recognising that this is a touchy subject that you’ll have to work out for yourself.
However, he gives you one further piece of advice.
“Don’t get too hung up on the people you meet in this dump. Think about your own future. I might act like the big dumb jock, but that doesn’t mean I don’t work hard. And I’ll tell you why: one day I want to get out of this place, get away from my family, escape from this dead-end town and have a life where I’ll be happy. If you’ve got any sense that’s what you’ll do too.”
It’s at that point that it finally hits you: Clay has never been the stereotypical “dumb jock”. It’s just been an act, a defence mechanism. Only somebody smart, with an agile and decisive mind, could have responded as quickly and effectively in a crisis as he did, working out how best to help you—and when to deceive you when it was for your own good. He may not be on the level of the “geeks”, but he knows what he wants out of life and he’s learned how to play the high-school system so that he can achieve it. You can only respect that.
However, there’s still one matter still outstanding. “Clay, what happened to the rest of the shrinking chemical? Is it still there in the science lab?”
“Heh. Funny you should mention that. Apparently some joker broke into the lab and poured all of the geeks’ stuff down the drain,” reports Clay dryly. “The principal was ultra-pissed. He actually called an ‘emergency’ school assembly and demanded that the culprit come forward. He got himself so worked up that he had to stop and take some pills to calm himself down.” Clay puffs out his cheeks and makes himself go red in the face to illustrate.
You can’t help but smile at the jock’s delivery; you can just imagine the scene and the principal’s choleric expression.
“Everybody was talking about it afterwards: how he went totally ape-shit over a dumb science project, even if it was for the State Fair.” The expression on the handsome face turns penetrating. “Personally, I’m wondering why he didn’t threaten to call the cops if it was so important, but maybe that’s just me. I noticed he also didn’t explain what exactly the project was or why it was so important, only that ‘a lot of very hard work’ had been ruined. I guess he didn’t want the rest of the students to know what had been going on in the science lab. I can understand that, I suppose, but then again, I don’t know why anybody—even the weirdo geeks at school—would want to fool around with a project like that. All pretty suspicious, if you ask me.”
You can only agree.
After a moment or two of quiet Clay looks at his watch: it’s just after 9pm.
“It’s late. You should probably be getting home. Actually I’m surprised your parents haven’t reported you missing by now.”
“They’re… busy a lot of the time.” It’s a feeble response and you both know it.
“Well… anyway. Troy’s away at college, but my parents will be back soon and they’ll probably wonder who you are and why you’re here. C’mon, I’ll walk you back.”
“You… don’t need to do that, Clay.”
“Probably not, but you seem to be making a habit of getting yourself into trouble these days and I’m not gonna waste even more of my time rescuing you again.” A slight twinkle in his eye softens the seemingly hard veneer of his words.
There’s nothing more to be said, and the walk to your house takes place in silence. Even though you’re still not quite sure what to make of Clay you have to admit to yourself that you’re glad of the company. The rain has subsided into little more than a faint mist, creating soft halos around the streetlights; however, the crepuscular gloom makes you feel nervous, and several times you jump at the unexpected noise of a dog barking or a car driving past. For his part, Clay also seems uncharacteristically edgy, his gaze constantly darting about as though checking for hidden observers. You can’t imagine what obscure worries he could possibly have, but after the conversation during dinner you guess anything might be possible.
Eventually the two of you reach your destination and stand about awkwardly in front of your house. While you struggle to find something to say Clay apparently comes to a decision and impulsively presses a small piece of paper into your hand. To your surprise it’s the number of his cell-phone. “Just in case,” he shrugs. Then his voice hardens: “But don’t you go thinking you can start calling me whenever you feel like it. You’ve got your life and I’ve got mine.” And with that he abruptly turns and strides off into the darkness, without looking back and without giving you the chance to thank him.
You stand there for a moment, still feeling a little dazed after all that’s happened, and waiting just in case the jock returns—but he doesn’t. Finally you sigh to yourself and go inside.
It comes as little surprise to find that your family has been largely oblivious to your absence; nobody passes comment or betrays any sign of pleasure at your return. However, even this indifference is preferable to being an object of obsession for a teenage psycho. Finally you are safely back home and in familiar surroundings—at least for now.
Tomorrow is an ordinary school day, but you don’t want your fragile sense of security to be broken by the trauma of returning to Herculean High, where your erstwhile nemesis, Shaun, will no doubt be waiting for you. You remember all too well his promise to find you again: his parting shot when Clay literally took you off his hands.
That meeting is something you wish to put off for as long as possible. You may be back to your normal size but just the memory of everything he and his little brother did is enough to give them a hold over you, even now. You know that you’ll never again see yourself as anything more than Shaun’s helpless captive—and that is exactly how he will think of you too. You might as well just give up and…
But you refuse to complete that thought. You don’t have to go back to school right away. After everything that’s happened you feel you’ve earned the right to remain at home and recover, even if you can’t justify that particular excuse to others.
When your father arrives home—very late back from the office, as usual—you make a point of approaching him and telling him that you’ve been feeling sick and need to stay home for a few days.
“I suppose that would explain the message I received at work about you not being at school?” he asks you sternly.
It’s all you can do to mask your surprise and alarm. While your family may not have noticed your absence the school hasn’t been quite so lax. As a rule your mother refuses to answer the phone for fear that there might be a stranger on the other end, which means that news of your apparent truancy has been deflected to your father’s office.
You have to think quickly! “Yeah… I knew you were busy and didn’t want to disturb you, so I took myself to the doctor and he said I had a virus and should stay off school for a while. I was just trying to help you out, but this is the first chance I’ve had to tell you.”
It takes some effort to maintain eye contact while he stares penetratingly at you from under his bushy eyebrows, but eventually he nods and releases you from his scrutiny.
“Well, I’m glad you’re finally showing enough maturity to realise how important my work is. But let’s do things properly. I’ll have my secretary call the school tomorrow morning and tell them you’ll be absent for a few more days.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. That’s one problem solved for the time being. At least you’ll have a short while to recover from your ordeal and prepare yourself for confronting Shaun.
However, things don’t turn out to be as easy as you’d hoped. That very night, the first back in the safety of your own bed, your traumatic experiences return dramatically to haunt you in the form of a nightmare.
You’re running… running as hard as you can, trying to escape the colossal figure who towers over you…. He’s laughing, pointing at you, trying to crush you under his immense bare feet…. He snatches you up in his greedy hands, humiliates you in every way imaginable… then tosses you into the toilet bowl, empties his bladder on you and then deliberately flushes… You struggle frantically… trying to keep your head above the water as the raging torrent thunders down upon you… but in vain. Your last sight is of Shaun’s cruel face smirking down at you… then the polluted water carries you away… choking and spluttering… down into its dark, cold depths…
…and suddenly you’re back in the overpowering darkness of the bedroom you share with your brothers—drenched in sweat; screaming in terror; flailing wildly in soaking wet sheets; half-suffocated by your own pillows.
Roused by your terrified yells the house is soon in turmoil. Wayne, bleary-eyed and half-stoned lunges at the bedroom light on with a “What the fuck!?”, while Cole is more amused by the tell-tale yellow-tinged stain that has spread across the middle of your sheets, saturating them. “Jack wet the bed! Jack wet the bed!” he sings joyously.
Your parents have rushed out of their respective bedrooms at the commotion. Your father explains calmly to your hyper-sensitive mother that you’ve been ill recently and that it is nothing to worry about. Then he fetches her a glass of water and her pills and ushers her back to her room, glancing back at you with a mixture of irritation and disgust as he leaves. There’s nothing more you can do but gather up the soiled sheets and carry them downstairs to be washed. As you leave the bedroom door slams pointedly behind you and the key turns in the lock. You hear laughter from the other side: you’re clearly not going to be allowed back in there tonight. You resign yourself to the unpleasant prospect of washing the sheets and spending the rest of the night on the sofa, but at least it’s better than the nightmare.
Unfortunately, that experience is only the start. Night after night, you relive the same dream and wake up screaming in piss-soaked sheets. Always the same twisted fantasy tormenting you… the nightmare of being used, then tossed away by a giant-sized Shaun. Abandoned; unwanted; disposed of like the tiny, worthless and tainted piece of filth you now believe yourself to be.
With Wayne complaining about having to share a room with a loony and Cole making fun of you at every opportunity for wetting the bed, things eventually become so bad that your parents finally break out of their self-imposed social cocoons and dither about, trying to work out what is wrong with you. Unsurprisingly, your mother’s solution is to use her not-inconsiderable experience and resources as a “professional” hypochondriac to get you an emergency appointment to see a shrink
—no, a therapist: you’re not going to be using that other word again.The therapist is pleasant enough but you can’t open up to her and so spend the better part of an afternoon sitting in a sparsely-furnished room with her in oppressive silence. While it is partly the sense of utter shame and humiliation that inhibits you, it is also the awareness that trying to convince her that you were really, truly, honestly miniaturised will earn you a guaranteed fast-track admission to the nearest psychiatric hospital. You find it blackly amusing to reflect that no matter how perverted, brutal and degrading the acts that have been inflicted upon you, it will be the “utterly impossible” fact of miniaturisation that will occupy their attention and make them consider you truly disturbed.
Unexpectedly Keith returns from university to spend some time with you. He is evasive as to the reason, giving some vague answer about needing some peace (at home!?) to study, but you guess that somebody must have called him and told him how bad things are. Ordinarily you’d be over the moon about having the chance to hang out with him, but now… Well, you love your eldest brother dearly and would normally have no secrets from him, but for the first time in your life there is a barrier between you. How can you possibly tell him something that not only makes you sound like a lunatic, but is so twisted and obscene that it will make him want to shun you for the rest of your life?
The worst of it all is the fact that you only have yourself to blame for everything that happened. It was all your fault—yours. If you hadn’t snuck into the science lab…; if you hadn’t picked up that beaker of liquid…; if you hadn’t turned to Scotty for help… If…, if…, if…. These are the thoughts that consume you during your waking hours—and revisit you in your sleep every night, reified in glorious Technicolor, until your screams finally break the spell.
Eventually things come to a head. You’re left on your own one evening when everybody else is out doing their own thing. Even Keith has gone to spend some time catching up with a couple of old friends. You don’t actually mind having the peace and quiet of the house to yourself; the problem is that it is also the perfect opportunity for you to start brooding over what has happened to you. Gradually your mood becomes darker and darker as you wander aimlessly around the house, unable to settle. You still can’t get Shaun out of your head, knowing that he is waiting for you back at school and that sooner or later you will come face to face with him. That’s something you’re just not ready for—maybe you never will be—and the mere thought of it makes you panic, tightening your windpipe, making your hands shake, and causing you to break out in a cold sweat. The fact that it is something you’ll never be able to admit to anybody else, never be able to resolve, is what makes it truly terrifying: an emotional prison that you’ll never be able to escape.
You’re so completely caught up in the fear of what might happen that you’re hardly even aware of what you are doing until you feel a sharp sensation and then a small sticky patch on your lower forearm, and notice what you are holding in your other hand. Fortunately, it is not life-threatening, but it is enough to terrify you. You just sit there in shock for a few minutes, tears misting your eyes, only peripherally aware of things around you.
Deeply afraid of what has just happened, it is then that you remember Clay’s piece of paper. In a daze you fetch it from where you hid it, and then with shaking hands you enter the numbers into your phone. When Clay answers a few seconds later you almost drop the phone in fright. You sit there paralysed, almost too scared to speak. Now that you hear Clay’s voice you realise you have no idea what you can possibly say to him.
“Yeah? Who’s there?” After a moment a note of impatience becomes apparent in his voice: he’s going to hang up any second unless you do something. In the end the fear that he might do exactly that and leave you all alone turns out to be stronger than your nervousness.
“H-hello? Clay?”
“Benson? Is that you?” His voice, made flat and tinny by the phone’s speaker, sounds surprised and not altogether pleased. You can hear the noise of music and laughter in the background and guess that he must be out with his friends, perhaps at a party.
“I was wondering where you’d got to. I noticed you haven’t been at school. Were you avoiding me?”
You try to say something in response, but it just comes out as a vague mumble.
“Benson? Are you okay?”
Your hands are shaking so violently now that you’re surprised you haven’t dropped the phone. Your throat seems to have tightened up, and all you can do is produce a faint moan.
“What do you want, Benson? Is this your idea of a prank?—because if it is…” The jock’s voice turns threatening.
This is it. Decision time. You realise that unless you act now you’re going to lose Clay and any chance of help. He might turn you down, but if you don’t ask him you’ll never know… Somehow you manage to summon up the energy to open your mouth and croak a few words.
“Clay… I’m sorry… I really need you…”
“Shit, Benson, what the hell’s wrong? Your voice sounds really weird, like slurred or something. Are you drunk?”
Your throat is now so tight that it’s almost painful. “I’m at home… I didn’t know who else I could call… I did something really stupid… I just can’t cope any more… I’m sorry.”
It’s enough. Even a fool would be able to guess by now that something is badly wrong, and Clay is certainly no fool. As soon as he recognises your desperate emotional state and what you are talking about his reaction is immediate.
“Don’t you fucking do anything. I’m coming over.”
He arrives barely ten minutes later. You’ve left the door open so he comes straight inside looking for you. He finds you sitting on the sofa on the front room, your arms wrapped around yourself, rocking gently backwards and forwards, a blank look in your eyes. The first thing he notices is the kitchen knife still clutched in your right hand.
“Benson…? Jack…? What the hell are you playing at?”
He approaches you cautiously and slowly moves to take the knife from you. You’re wearing a tee-shirt, leaving your arms exposed, but it is only then, when he gently takes your hands, that he notices the marks on your arm and realises the enormity of what you’ve tried to do.
“You idiot! You fucking idiot!” he rages. “That’s never the fucking answer!”
Despite his anger, which seems to be directed more at himself, he acts quickly and decisively. The cuts are not deep and pose no immediate threat—you caught yourself before you could finish what you started—but he tends the wounds, gently cleaning and disinfecting them to make sure.
Even so, your skin remains icy cold to the touch and you can’t stop shaking, so he takes off his jacket and puts it around you while he goes to find a sweater for you—not just to warm you up, but also to help conceal the shameful evidence beneath its sleeves. When this proves insufficient to quell your shivering he goes into the kitchen and makes you some hot sweet tea, which he forces you to sip until the shaking finally begins to subside.
It’s only then that you finally break down in tears and tell him what you couldn’t reveal to anybody else. Like a river that has burst its banks, the full story of what happened when Shaun got his hands on you and shared you with his brother at last comes pouring out, unstoppably.
With each new revelation the jock’s expression tightens, the chiselled contours of his face becoming a study in barely-repressed fury. At some point he takes your hand in his own in a tentative gesture of support, but as the appalling details continue to unfold he gently puts his arms around you, cradling you while the sobs wrack your body.
Even after you’ve said all you need to, and have wiped your eyes and nose and attempted to clean yourself up, Clay remains. He says little but simply keeps you company, letting you know you have his support and that he is not going to leave you on your own at a time like this. At the same time the intense expression on his face reveals that he has much on his mind. He doesn’t explain what is going on inside his head, but once he sees that you have calmed down and are ready to talk rationally he sits down with you again and looks you in the eye.
“You’d better make sure you’re at school tomorrow. I mean it. You can’t stay hide away here forever and become a hermit… or worse. You need to face up to things or they’ll never get any better.”
“What about Shaun?”
“Don’t worry about Shaun. You won’t have any problems with him ever again. Trust me.”
Despite your fear of Shaun you do trust Clay to sort things out somehow. You don’t know how he’ll manage it, but if anyone can then Clay can.
“In the meantime, your family should be acting like one and helping you. Where’s that big brother of yours?”
“Oh… Wayne’s never here…” you reply, deliberately misunderstanding him—you know full-well which brother the jock is referring to.
Clay makes you give him Keith’s number and then he calls him up. He’s typically blunt and uncompromising:
“You’d better get back here right now and look after your little brother! He needs you.” Then he hangs up and looks at you: “Things are going to change.”
The jock remains with you until a puzzled-looking Keith arrives, then he stalks out without another word, leaving you to explain to your confused brother how you had a “panic-attack”.
The following morning you force yourself to get dressed and walk to school. It’s not something you want to do, but you realise that Clay is right: you need to face up to your fears or they will dominate you for the rest of your life. Nevertheless, you nearly turn back after throwing-up in somebody’s garden on the way. It takes every ounce of willpower to keep going: you’re half-expecting Shaun to be there waiting for you at the school gate like some black-enshrouded avatar of despair.
Instead one of the first people you meet is Scotty. His jaw visibly drops and he looks at you as though you are a ghost. Unsure whether you are ready to talk to him just yet you walk straight past him, but he grabs your arm, gripping it tightly, almost as though he is testing it to see if it is real.
“Dude, what happened to you!? I thought you’d been… I thought… I mean, you disappeared…. I thought… I’d never see you again.” Scotty’s confusion and disbelief renders him almost incoherent.
“Yeah, I managed to find somebody who got me back to normal.” By contrast, your own words are cold, emotionless and distinct. “No thanks to you,” you can’t help adding bitterly.
“But where did you go? Shaun told me that he was really kind and gentle with you, but that you ran away from him and got lost. He said he spent the whole evening searching, but couldn’t find you. We thought you’d been eaten by an animal.”
Unfortunately, in attempting to explain he manages to say exactly the wrong thing and your emotions immediately start to bubble up.
“Why did you leave me, Scotty? Why did you just hand me over to that creep and abandon me? You were supposed to be my friend, but you just left me!”
You just can’t help it. Fuelled by Scotty’s dangerous naiveté, the anger and frustration overwhelms you once more. Anger with Scotty for carelessly handing you—his supposed best friend—over to somebody he barely even knew. And frustration over the way he compounded his stupidity by believing Shaun’s lies and just… giving up on you. Your rage builds and builds until you have Scotty pinned on the ground as you beat him with your fists—and he has his hands over his head, pitifully attempting to protect himself, unable to grasp what he did wrong. Finally a teacher pushes through the crowd of cheering spectators that has gathered around you. He breaks things up, yanking you to your feet and frog-marching you to the principal’s office.
The principal is apparently in a calmer mood on this occasion. As he keeps you waiting, shuffling his paperwork self-importantly, you find yourself fascinated by a solitary droplet of sweat creeping slowly across the wide expanse of his bald pate. Finally he looks up, mopping his florid face with a silken handkerchief, and expressing bafflement at recent events:
“Honestly, I don’t know what’s the matter with you kids these days. First there was the vandalism in the science lab, then there was that business with Shaun, and now you. What’s next, I wonder?”
Shaun! Your heart misses a beat as you hear that hated name!
“W-what exactly happened with Shaun?” you ask, trying to sound casual.
“He’s in hospital. I’m not entirely sure of the details, but I understand he fell down some concrete steps last night and injured himself pretty badly. The doctors say he’s lucky to be alive. As it is, he broke both his legs, one arm, and also his collar-bone. He won’t be back at school for a very long time.” Then his tone sharpens: “But let’s get back to you, young man. I won’t tolerate that kind of behaviour in my school…”
But the rest of his words drift over you, no more substantial than the rumble of a far distant thunderstorm. You’ve already lost interest in the principal or whatever punishments he may choose to mete out; it’s all you can do to maintain an appropriately contrite expression while your heart pounds with delight. You can guess what really happened to Shaun and know you should probably be appalled by it, but instead you feel only a grim satisfaction and pride. Clay was right after all, and now you have the opportunity to start rebuilding your life.
Sure enough, things do begin to improve. Less than a week later you start hearing rumours that Shaun won’t be returning: his family has already arranged to move to another state after his parents both lost their jobs and they started having problems with their neighbours… The nightmare is finally over!
Things have also changed at home. Before he returned to college Keith helped you persuade your parents to let you have his old room. You now have your own private place into which you can withdraw when you want to escape the rest of your family, and on those occasions when Keith visits you share the room with him, enjoying quality time together without others getting in the way.
At school you are gradually—at last—coming out of your shell. Partly this is down to the changes in your own outlook. After the experiences you’ve suffered, being confronted by the worst that humanity has to offer, you find yourself looking for the best in others. Moreover, you now know what it is like to be truly isolated from others, to be cut off from the rest of humanity, and that is something you never want to experience again. Instead it has made you more gregarious; compared to the horrors of your adventure there is little left in life to daunt you. Not exams; not the most sarcastic teacher; not the most belligerent classmate. Bullies and other idiots no longer worry you. You find yourself making new friends and playing a more active part in school life; you certainly feel less of an outsider than before.
One change you regret concerns Scotty. Although he has forgiven you for the fight your friendship has never been quite the same. You know that he never intended any malice towards you when you were tiny, but at the same time his actions made you realise that he is going to drift through life like that forever. You’ve changed, even if he hasn’t, and the result is that you slowly but surely begin to drift apart.
Clay, on the other hand, remains a constant figure in the background. You strongly suspect that he may have been pulling a few strings behind the scenes to get you more accepted by others, but you suppose that your increased popularity might equally be down to the subtle increase in your height compared to before the accident. For all you know, even the fight with Scotty may have enhanced their respect; it’s funny how people’s minds work.
Clay is, as always, the uncontested alpha-male, but even he seems to be mellowing. You hear fewer and fewer reports of him bullying others, and on the single occasion when you catch him and his “posse” in the school toilets with a hapless geek he looks at you shamefaced—a small child caught with his hand in the cookie jar—and then turns to his buddies and says, “Come on guys, I don’t know why we’re even bothering with this dork. Let’s go shoot some hoops.”
From time to time the two of you still talk. The peculiar high-school caste system doesn’t permit extended interaction between the likes of you during school hours, and he playfully tosses a few cheap insults at you if his buddies are around, but you can still chat occasionally on the phone or via IM. You’d like to think there’s the beginnings of a real friendship there, though only time will tell. It looks as though the two of you will both be heading to the same college next year, and hopefully things will be different. But one thing neither of you will miss is the dismal little town of Herculean Hills and its obnoxious high school.
"Uh… lets' see…. NO."
Clay's hand, already reaching out to accept you, freezes in surprise.
"Huh? What did you say, faggot?" The underlying promise of violence is apparent to anybody with sense, but Shaun still seems to be oblivious.
"I said 'no'. Even you should be able to understand a word with only two letters in it. Jack is my toy, my plaything, and there's no way I'm going to hand him over to somebody else, let alone you. Go find your own shrunken kid to play with."
Still clasped firmly in Shaun's fist, you cringe. You don't particularly want to be handed over to the biggest bully in the year, but you just can't understand what Shaun is playing at. Does he have a deathwish? The only explanation you can think of is that the punk-boy has become so used to and intoxicated by the total power he's wielded over another person (namely you!) for the last couple of days that it has finally and completely skewed his already-doubtful judgement when it comes to normal human interactions. Given the right trigger he might just have easily snapped at a teacher, but instead he's ended up locking horns with somebody who believes in debating with his fists - and you are trapped in the middle!
Even Clay seems to be taken aback for a second by Shaun's apparent backbone. However, that doesn't last long. His expression turns ugly, but he begins his reply with a deceptive sweetness:
"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. That wasn't a request; it was an ORDER!"
As he abruptly barks out the final word he reaches out to grab the front of Shaun's shirt with his right hand and makes a grab for you with his left. Shaun instantly reacts, lowering his head and butting the jock in the stomach, and propelling the two of them into the row of desks immediately behind. Unfortunately, in the process he loses his grip on you and you tumble out of his hand…
The next few seconds seem to pass in slow motion for you. You're vaguely aware of a crashing sound as half a dozen desks are knocked over by the brawling duo, but it is just one element in the crazy kaleidoscope of colours as the world revolves lazily around you. Then the pretty patterns are rudely halted as you slam into something and slide down its surface. Later you realise that you were lucky to have had your fall broken by the yielding fabric of Shaun's bag rather than the cold hard floor, but for now you lie dazed and shaken on the ground, looking stupidly at the two titans slamming against each other like elephants rutting. Then a shadow falls over you: you look up to see somebody else standing in the doorway - somebody who has come to investigate the row…
For an instant the room is transformed into a bizarre tableau, with Shaun, Clay, and Scotty all frozen in position, looking directly at you. Each of them almost seems to be waiting for one of the others to react, but it is Scotty who finally breaks the stasis. He quickly snatches you up in his hand and starts running down the corridor. Clay and Shaun struggle to get to their feet, but they are still tangled up with other and the wreckage of the classroom, and it is enough to give Scotty a decent headstart. This is just as well, seeing as Clay is a natural athlete: once he has thrust Shaun aside he begins pounding down the corridor at a terrifying pace, chasing you and Scotty and bellowing with rage.
Not that you care too much about this at the moment. You are too busy simply trying to stay alive. Your already-battered and bruised body is being mercilessly shaken and squeezed in Scotty's hand as he pumps his arms, trying to stay ahead of the raging jock and the psychotic punk. As you struggle to keep breathing you can't help but wonder if your friend will manage to escape - only to find you reduced to a pulp in his hand…
It could almost be an action sequence from a movie. The corridors are filled with students of various ages, and even a few teachers, creating an elaborate moving obstacle course for your friend and his pursuers. This is where Clay has a distinct advantage: he is notorious throughout the entire school and as a result the throng spontaneously parts before him as miraculously as the Red Sea for Moses. Scotty has to do things the hard way: swerving around cheerleaders, jumping over bags, and ducking suddenly-opened lockers. He charges down a stairway, holding the railing with one hand and swinging himself round, the resulting brutal centrifugal force convincing you to strike "astronaut training" from your list of possible future endeavours.
Scotty lands with a heavy thud on the ground floor, almost shattering your bones in the process, and then he's off again on the final straght, heading for the entrance to the school and the possibility of losing the bully in the outside world. A couple of seconds later there's another thump as Clay lands behind him: he's catching up fast! There's only a dozen meters to go before you reach the entrance and Scotty puts on a final burst of speed…
"Shaun! What are you playing with?" Mr. Mitch demands. Shaun jumps at the teacher's voice and finds that all eyes are staring at him. "Um…..Just an action figure….." Shaun says innocently, gaining a bunch of scornful laughs and 'losers' and especially harsh 'faggots' from Clay. Mr. Mitch tells Shaun to bring it up to his desk. Shaun begins to sweat daggers and grips you tight, "….No!" Shaun says.
"Well then you can take it up with the principal." Mr. Mitch says gesturing for Shaun to leave the classroom.
Out in the hallway Shaun thinks of a place to hide you. "They'd tell me to empty my pockets….But maybe you'd be safe in my underwear little guy!" He says as he rushes into the bathroom and into an empty stall. He quickly unzips and unbuttons his pants and stretches out his unchanged boxers.
"I get really sweaty down there, not to mention musty….Just try not to pull any hairs out!" He says as he drops you in. You land right in front of his sack, dripping with sweat and covered in hairs. Then you are plunged into darkness as he zips and buttons his pants back up.
Shaun's idea doesn't work. The principal says, "Mr. Mitch sent me a message. You took your time getting here. Were you ditching the evidence?"
Shaun sweats more and says, "No."
The principal says, "This 'action figure' had better show up on my desk. Either pull it out now or I will go with you to wherever you ditched it. If you refuse, I will call the police since I doubt it's an action figure."
Shaun pulls you out of his underwear and shows you to the principal.
"Andy! It's the middle of the night," the giant above you rumbles. You use the distraction to hide yourself from Andy's sight, ducking behind his father's legs.
"Bed. Now."
Andy's face scrunches up. He tosses you a dirty look before stomping back into his room. You shiver in fear before quickly realizing your savior was moving away. You don't even think, just yell "wait!" Your brain catches up seconds later as the giant stops. He turns around and you know he is staring at you.
"Huh?? What's that?"
The dad's physique was impressive as he crouched down to pick up Jack's tiny body. His handsome features and slightly hairy appearance caught Jack's eye as the giant brought him closer to his face. Closer to his face, the giant couldn't help but be shocked of his discovery. "Woah, what are you? A tiny human? How did you get here? Why are you so small?" The dad kept giving out questions to Jack. Jack thought it would be a bad thing to anger him, as he might be cruel as his kids.
"My name is Jack, I got shrunken down to this size and was caught by your son Shaun, then he gave me to his brother Andy. I was being chased and bullied by your sons, please sir I don't want to get hurt." Jack tried to reason with the giant.
The giant dad listened carefully to Jack's responses, and with his eyes full of compassion and worry, he felt sorry for what had happened to Jack. "What a awful day you've had, my kids need to learn from their mistakes, I will deal with them later. Don't worry Jack, I won't hurt you, you can stay with me now, you're safe." Despite his intimidating size, the giant dad was an incredibly kind and helpful man who would go out of his way to make sure those in need were taken care of. "You can call me Brian."
Your tiny hands scramble along the bed sheet, looking for a place where you could slip through. Obviously their mother is good at tucking the boys in, and there is no escape.
With your heart sunken, you turn around in horror, preparing yourself for whatever punishment is about to be dealt upon you.
You stare up the bed to see the enormous face of Andy grinning from ear to ear. However his huge brow is furrowed in furious concentration.
All you can do is gulp as you gaze up at the landscape of Andy's body, from his huge hairy legs, to his thick, damp groin and his long, expansive chest, all cropped by his grinning smirk.
Your world quakes as he lifts one of his legs right up in the air, stretching the sheets way above you, leaving you in a cathedral of sheets and skin.
Andy drops the sheet around his chest as his leg hovers higher, his huge foot reeking a horrid stench over you. His entire body quakes as he
Andy's all ready for bed, wearing nothing but his underwear and a t-shirt, when he takes you to the kitchen for a midnight snack. The dark room is lit up when the refridgerator opens, its cool glow illuminating you and your giant owner.
"Wait here.." Andy says, placing you on the cold floor next to his giant foot. The smell of foot odour is so strong from where you stand that it's actually warming you up. You stare up as Andy reaches in and grabs a huge brownie, wrapping his mouth around it and chomping, then guzzling from an open milk carton.
Your own stomach gurgles. You haven't eaten all day. As if Andy has read your thoughts, he looks down at you. "What? You want some?" He says, not looking particularly inviting.
"Yes, Master.. Please?" You ask timidly.
"Well, ok. But.."
"Well, ok. But you can eat off the floor like a real pet." Andy says, and drops a pinch of cake onto the floor next to you. The hunk of food is as tall as your knees, and you stare at it, your mouth filling with saliva. It doesn't even matter that your first meal all day is collecting dust and dirt right in front of you - You're so thankful that your master is allowing you to eat, you fall to your knees thanking him, then lunge forward toward the aromatic chocolatey food.
That's when Andy's giant heel slams down in front of you, flattening the cake beneath his sole, and you stare up with your mouth agape as the young tormentor laughs smugly. "Thought you might need help chewing the food up, since your mouth's so puny and little. This way, it's already nice and mushy for you.." He says, grinding his heel back and forth, so when he lifts it up, cake is smeared onto the kitchen floor and his sole.
You look at the brown smear, at the crumbs falling off the boy's stinking foot, and know that you can't afford pride at a time like this. You're going to pass out if you don't eat soon.. So you crawl forward and scrape a hanful of mushy chocolate from Andy's hard sole. He laughs as your tiny hands tickle, then he laughs even louder as he watches you put the nasty food into your mouth. Your head bowed low in humiliation, you chew, wondering if the texture you can feel on your tongue is cocoa or pieces of dirt from the bottom of your master's sole. The sweet smell of the cake has been dominated by Andy's foot-stink, and the taste of the food is infused with his sweat as you swallow it all down.
"There we go.." Andy says after you've downed most of the contaminated food. "It's nice to see my slave finally knows his place, eating by his master's feet down there. Did you like scraping your dinner off of my heel, little man?" he asks sarcastically.
You nod your head humbly. If you don't tll this power-hungry kid what he wants to hear, you might never eat again. "Yes, Master. thank you."
"GOOD boy!" Andy beams. "Now you can.."
With most of your pride already stolen, Andy figures he might as well go all the way. "You know, you looked like you enjoyed that cake so much, I'm gonna let you go ahead and lick the remains off of my sole".
From your position just beneath the massive, dirty sole of your young master, you figure you don't have much of a choice. If you refuse, there is nothing to prevent Andy from simply mashing you under his heel like he just did to your dinner.
First you try to eat the filthy, sweat infused residue by getting on your knees and craning your head upward, but soon it becomes uncomfortable, and you only other option is to lie flat on your back. Andy lowers his heel over your face and you commence to licking.
"Ah….just like that" Andy Cooed. The cake from his soles was even saltier than the cake that you had eaten off the floor. You caress his rough, tough heel until every last smear is gone. Your belly is now bursting with chocolate cake and grimy foot dirt, and Andy demands you kiss his foot to show gratitude for his generosity. You pucker up and plant a juicy one with no hesitation…you are just ready for it to be over.
now that you have been humbled under his soles, Andy…
(My 1000th WDC chapter add! Aww, memories..)
You lick your lips in anticipation. You're also badly dehydrated, and though you're sure there's going to be strings attached, you're dying for something to drink. Andy has the power to let you go thirsty or not in his sweaty teen hands, and you're so thankful right now that you almost want to kneel down and kiss those big, stinky feet of his.
What happens next isn't far from that idea. Andy tips the milk carton, letting the smooth white drink splatter in a puddle in front of you. Cold droplets hit your front and you stare at the puddle anxiously, waiting for your master's permission to drink. Andy moves his foot forward, dipping his two longest toes into the cold puddle, and splashes them a bit. He looks at you with a cheeky smile, pleased that you haven't tried to complain or anything, then gives you your command. "Drink."
You dive forward and start slurping up the puddle. Andy's giant toes remain poised in the middle, one on either side of your head as you lap up the milk. You're sure you can taste the boy's salty sweat as you gulp down, but it doesn't bother you. Slowly the puddle shrinks and your stomach fills. The last little islands of liquid sit around the boy's giant toes, and you have to bend your neck to work your lips under Andy's giant toe pads, liking the milk up tenderly, your tongue swiping his smelly skin as you do. Andy giggles at the tickling sensation, and closes his two big toes around your head as you finish, rubbing them on both your cheeks playfully.
"There's a good slave.. Now it's bed-time." He lifts up his giant foot and rubs his wet toes on your back, as if you were nothing but a floor mat, then you're scooped up and carried back to the bedroom..
“Well, okay… but… I’m going to feed you like a real pet,” Andy says.
Having resigned yourself for now to being his pet, you don’t really see what’s wrong with something as harmless as that.
Andy sits down on the cold kitchen tiles, and takes another, smaller bit from the brownie, thoroughly chewing it in his mouth. It looks like he’s slowly swishing it around over his tongue, probably just to make you wait. However, you decide not to get riled up and wait quietly.
Then, while you’re waiting for him to give you a piece, he suddenly spits into his hand and lowers it down in front of you.
Surprised, you don’t know what to say and stare at the brown, wet mesh in his hand. It’s become a gross, chocolate brown, slimy substance, covered in the young boy’s saliva.
“Come on, eat up!” he says grinning. “I’ve been so kind to chew it up for you, so you wouldn’t hurt your puny little teeth.”
“I-I…” you stammer.
“Eat it,” he demands firmly.
You realize that, if you don’t do what he tells you to, he may never feed you again. So, you muster up your courage and take a step towards his huge hand. You rest your hands on the side of his palm and lean forward towards the soggy food – it looks even more unappetizing up close. Closing your eyes, you open your mouth and take a huge bite.
Andy starts giggling in delight as you slowly chomp the food. It’s a gooey mess, but it has the unmistakable taste of the sugary chocolate cake. His thick saliva coating the food doesn’t really taste bad, but it doesn’t sit well with you either. Nevertheless, you’re able to fill your stomach and actually manage to eat it all.
Andy grins broadly, happy to have such an obedient pet.
“Good boy,” he says, as if you’re a dog. “But shouldn’t you show me some appreciation?”
“A-Ah! Thank you master!” you say quickly, not wanting to put him in a bad mood.
“Next time, don’t make me have to remind you,” he says, trying to sound stern. Despite his youthful voice, he manages to convince you.
Next, he picks you up again, closes the refrigerator behind him, and walks back to his room. He sits down on his bed and raises you up to eye level.
“Now then, where am I going to keep you?”
You see the excitement in Andy's 12 year old eyes as he heads upstairs to his bedroom.
Once there he locks the door and carries you over to his bed where he kicks off his sneakers and pulls his feet up on the bed.
He looks down at you,you start to shiver in fear at the smile that now grows across his face.
"Now that your in my room you are mine and i'm gonna play some more mature games".
With that his picks you up and drops you in his boxers.
Which side?
You are dropped into the front of Andy's boxers,you are confronted by his penis,even compared to you it is small.
Light pours in as he opens the elastic and looks down at you."Now my little slave,make me hard and you can do it from ".
"From the base".You look up at his youthful face and see the seriousness in his face and eyes.
"Do it now or I'll have to do much nastier things to you".
In your mind you think if this considered light you would hate to see the worst.
You start to crawl over to the base of his cock,it was quite small even compared to you.
"Come on slave".You reach around the thin cock and started to run your hands up and down,you heard Andy's moans of pleasure as you him hard.
You feel the blood rushing to his cock and the heat increased as your rubbing increased.
Andy's moans become louder as he reaches his climax,a huge load of cum sprayed all over his sheets and you.
"Ah that was good little slave,now you can clean the _____ of my penis".
"The head".
You heard those words and shuddered as you knew what it meant for you.
"Now start climbing slave".
You reach up and start to pull yourself up the narrow shaft,you feel the hormones raging below the surface as his cock gets hard and you reach the top.
The view as amazing,you could see all the way down his legs to his feet and all the way up to his face.
"Now that you have made me hard you can now ___________"
"Gee, and up until now it was always me getting myself into messes. You really landed yourself in some hot water!" Scotty laughs, sitting in the hallway with you after he was excused from class.
"Can you help me, Scotty? I'm really scared and you're the only one I trust." You say.
Scotty rubs you on the head with his giant thumb and laughs. "Of course I'll help you, douchebag! You're my best friend."
"Thanks.." You say, a little annoyed. "But don't pat me like I'm your pet again!"
Scotty grabs his skateboard and backpack and heads out of school to get you home where you can strategize about your next move. On the way..
"Just hold on a second, I gotta pee." Still holding you in his hand, Scotty walks toward the boys bathrooms.
"You're not taking me in the stall with you??" You say in shock.
"What? Like you've seen a dick before!" Scotty shrugs. "Big deal!"
"I don't wanna see you pee!"
Just then Scotty pushes into the bathroom and sees his friend Jeremy, who's a skater boy with an earring, brown hair and a backwards cap. He always prefers to go shirtless, seeing as he's always sweaty from skating, but you think he's kind of a douche and just likes to show off his abs.
"Hey, Scotty boy!" He lifts his hand to high five Scotty and you realise Scotty's hands are full with you and his skateboard.
Scotty then..
"Hey, J-man!" Scotty says happily. "Sorry to leave you hanging but my hands are full."
And just like that, Scotty lifts you up without warning and shows you to Jeremy.
"Whoah! Is that your little friend Jack!" Jeremy's face comes right up close so you can just about see the pores in his skin, and you feel exposed and a little betrayed by Scotty.
"Sure is. Actually I was hoping you'd hold on to him while I take care of business. He got himself into a little trouble in the science lab and he doesn't wanna see me drain the lizard, haha."
Apparently you don't get a say in this, because Jeremy answers "Yeah, sure!" In a heartbeat and takes you onto his giant hand.
Then Scotty disappears into the bathroom stall and leaves you to be handled by his friend..
"So.. What's it like being little?" Jeremy hasn't taken his eyes off you since Scotty left. You feel humiliated to be in another guy's control without having any say in the matter. His hands are sweaty and smell like dirt, and he keeps bringing his face so close to you that you can smell what he ate for lunch.
"I don't know.. Do you have to hold me so close to your face?" You finally say.
"Sorry." Jeremy lowers you closer to the front of his jeans, just below the belt. You can hear Scotty peeing in the the stall and you hope he won't take long. Even though you're away from Jeremy's mouth, now you can smell the manly musk aroma coming from his crotch.
"You know, you could have gone in with Scotty. There's nothing wrong with seeing another guy's dick. It's totally natural." He says.
That's when you realise just how big the bulge of Jeremy's package is behind his jeans. Is he getting hard?? Jesus, this guy really likes the sight of you down by his crotch..
You're starting to feel really uncomfortable around Jeremy. Before he used to just annoy you because you were slightly jealous of his flat abs and the attention he got from all the girls, but not you're actually afraid of him. He keeps giving you this look like he's considering doing something to you.. Something you won't like..
"You know, I could take good care of you. Better than Scotty." The hot, sweaty skater boy lifts you up to his chest and starts rubbing you lightly over his nipple. You feel it get hard of a rock straight away.
"Wh- What are you doing??"
"C'mon, be good. I'm offering to make you my boy." He says th all in a charming, sexual voice that would be a turn on for most people but not for you.
"Scotty! Scotty, hurry up!" You call out, but your voice is too small.
Jeremy just chuckles. "Don't worry, I'm gonna take good care of you, sexy.." Before grabbing his board and exiting he places you..
Like most of his friends, Jeremy wears his Calvin Klein boxers with baggy jeans so they let his sexy butt crack show but also the band is visible around his thin, muscular waist.
"I know where to keep you nice and warm.." He says. It's a hot say so you guess you'll be more than warm when he slides you down..
Jeremy slides you into the front of his boxers and places you directly on top of his semi-erect dick. "Scotty! Help!" You cry from from your fabric prison, but Scotty keeps on peeing. Jeremy walks out of the bathroom and looks for somewhere private. The motions of his walking make you nauseous. But you resist the urge to throw up. You want keep at least some of your dignity.
The tree trunk size cock you're lying on is making you sweat with the amount of heat it's omitting. Inside the boxers, you see how big the dick actually is, now that it's grown to it's fully erect state. From the outside it looked big, but so did everything. This cock looks about 9 inches; it's quite thick too. After examining the cock, you can't help but notice that your own one is rising. You were always shy around dicks, mainly because you didn't want other guys to notice yours growing in your pants. You're quite well hung, so they'd definitely notice. The only person you told was Scotty, but he was drunk at the time, so you knew he'd forget. You don't have a computer of your own, so you think you should seize the tree trunk sized opportunity underneath your body.
You start pumping away at the dick in your tiny jeans, when suddenly you hear the muffled opening of a door. Just as you start contemplating where Jeremy has taken you, a giant hand reaches into the boxers and lifts you out. The hand opens and you look around and realise he's taken you to . . .
You gulp in fear as Jeremy lowers you to the back of his boxers, even though you disliked the massive teen you couldn't deny that he had a good looking body. Slightly tanned flawless skin, toned mildly thick biceps, toned boarder line washboard abs, and just entering into your view two thick muscular butt-cheeks which were about to become your new home.
You took a gulp of air as the massive teen wedged you between his sweaty buttocks, the smell of stale sweat and rancid gas almost making you heave. You were slightly disgusted with yourself as you were almost enjoying being hugged by the rank slabs of flesh. You were even more disgusted as you felt Jeremy shiver at the sensation of your small boy sunk in between his cheeks.
The trip home in the back of the teens boxers was the worst though, it seemed as if Jeremy had made a bad lunch choice, he went with the mystery meat. And even worse for you it was known to give some of the worst gas possible. With a grumble from above you were blasted by a hot stinking wind which made your eyes tear up from the smell.
As the ride home continued Jeremy was either didn't notice or didn't care about the fatal gas leak that seemed to be blasting almost every two seconds. As it continued you seemed to be getting more and more accustomed to the rank stench. Just as you had become accustomed to Jeremy's buttock his massive hand tugged you out to reveal Jeremy's……?
You look up shocked at the sweet, almost loving smile that the giant teen was giving you "Hey there little dude." Jeremy said rubbing over your small body with his massive finger, making your resist the urge to nuzzle up to his warm, sweet smelling hand. "Sorry bout the gas, that mystery meat really does a number on a guy." He said patting over his expansive belly. You look away with a hint of a blush mumbling "It was no problem."
Jeremy just smiled and made it so that you were facing him "No need to be shy little man, you don't have to be embarrassed about anything with me." You nod, not quite believing the skater. "So sexy what were you thinking back there?" You blushed at Jeremy's pet name for you "What do you mean?" You asked innocently trying to avoid the question.
"You know what I mean little guy." He said laying down on his bed and pushing you against his chest. You sigh know that he won't drop the issue until he gets an answer "To be honest it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." You said looking up at you giant captor. Jeremy just smiled at you and pushed you against his cushion like lips, giving you the best kiss he could "See little guy was that so hard?" He asked as you blushed at the skater boys antics.
"Well how about we….?"
You have a gut feeling that approaching Wayne is a bad idea, but you force yourself forward anyway. A part of you is convinced that brothers are still brothers, no matter how much they fight, and in the end you want the comfort of a family member's help rather than a bunch of strangers pawing all over you at this tiny size.
You creep through the jungle of shoes which surrounds Wayne.. He's sitting in the centre of all his friends, all gangster wannabe's with baggy gold chains, gleaming Nikes and too much facial hair for their age. Finally you come to Wayne's massive Adidas shoe, which you remember picking up off of your bed just yesterday and nearly dumping it in the garbage disposal with disgust. Your brother has the worst foot odour you've ever smelled, though he makes no effort to keep his dirty clothes off your clean sheets and pillows. The sneaker itself is deeply engrained with dirt, and has splits all over, letting the stench of your brother's feet spread around whichever room he's in. You lay your hand on the toe, wishing you didn't have to, and shake Wayne's foot as hard as you can.
The giant teen, who was just gazing out of the window with a look of boredom, stops scratching his head and sees you immediately. After the look of shock subsides, Wayne grins as if all his Christmases have just come at once.. You gulp in fear and the boy's giant palm becomes bigger and bigger as it reaches down to grasp you..
"Wow! What happened to you?" Wayne whispers, turning you over in the sweaty palm of his hand.
"Argh! Wayne, quit it!" You complain. His clammy skin is smearing sweat all over your face as he handles you like a curious toy. The grease from his thick hair is still all over his massive fingers as he prods at you, bathing you in the odours of his salty sweat and oily scalp.
"Quit it? Come on, jack. I've been waiting my whole life for a brother I could have this much fun with! Besides, I'm your big brother, and you're finally gonna do what I say whether you like it or not.."
"Wayne, this isn't funny! I'm begging you, get me help!"
Wayne jams his giant thumb over your mouth, smearing the taste of dirt and sweat over your tongue, and chuckles at how pathetic you look. "Well begging's a good start, shrimp, I think I could get used to being treated like a king.. As a matter of fact, keep up the worship."
Your neanderthal of a brother places you at his giant, ratty sneakers and stacks his feet on top of one another comfortabley. "Go on, twerp, worship me!" He hisses down at you.
Wayne, is there a problem?" You hear the teacher enquire tiredly.
"No, Mr Welling. I was just crushing out a bug.." Wayne says with a menacing look down at you, and lifts one of his feet over you. This is all Wayne has to do before you drop to your knees, shocked and nervous, and press your lips to the putrid surface of his sneaker. You move along the shoe's side, smooching and bowing in front of the dirty, peeling leather. The smell of your brother's feet emenates from the ancient shoes, making you gag, but you don't dare stop until Wayne gives you permission.
Meanwhile, Wayne has to hide his face so he can laugh at the pathetic little man a his feet. he knows just how bad his shoes stink, and he never thought you'd go for it - But now that you've fearfully submitted, the rush of power Wayne recieved has become an addiction. He wants to leave with his new toy right now, to see what else he can make you do for him..
Wayne looked back down at his feet where his little slave was worshiping away at. He couldn't help but keep smiling at the sight of you kissing his dirty shoes. Now that he had you broken in already, the sky was the limit for what you would do. Wayne's next idea wasn't too complicated but all the more horrible for you.
" Hey little bro, good job but class is about end and I need to get you home. If you don't want to ride beneath my soles I suggest you get into one of my giant shoes," he said laughing at your pathetic being.
You looked up at him wanting to cry but you knew he would only exploit that some how too. You stood up like an obedient slave and started to scale the massive foot wear. Wayne watched patiently as you embarked to the top of his shoe. You really didn't want to do this but Wayne wouldn't think twice about smearing your little body out under his shoe.
At the top you looked in to see his ankle and ankle sock. You looked up at Wayne who motioned for you to get into the shoe. With a deep breath you pulled back the tongue and jumped in. Wayne laughed as you fell into his smelly shoe falling towards his foot, then rolling to the side of the shoe by the sole.
" Only a few more minutes, find a place that I won't crush you," he said.
Immediately you thought of the toe section. The shoe must be worn enough to have made more room. You hurried past his massive sole towards his toes, the smell even worse now. You slid pretty easy because of his foot sweat which disgust you but you had to get to the toe of the shoe. After reaching the toe area his foot, the smell became stronger which only wanted to make you throw up.
The bell then sounded and Wayne was off for home…
Wayne constantly slammed his foot down on the way home. Usually he drove to school but for some reason the giant man above you decided to walk today to save some gas, unfortunately for you. Wayne was on top of the world having his little brother at his toes. He wanted to ensure he felt every step his manly feet had to offer.
Meanwhile you cried out in pain as he walked. The heat in his shoe wasn't helping at all either. The smell was horrible but you couldn't do anything about it, he literally had you at his feet. Wayne knew this too and used it to his advantage. Every step meant another chance to prod you with his painfully heavy toes. Wayne laughed with every step.
You couldn't quit crying. You just wanted to be out of his shoe, you would do anything he asked, you wanted to be out. But Wayne was very tall which made it incredibly hard for you to get his attention. Screaming did nothing but scare little bugs away that had no chance of living when Wayne saw them and stepped on them.
You were pretty sure Wayne was home now, he took longer than usual to get home but you knew why. You couldn't wait to be freed from your brothers horrible shoes. But then all your excitement to be freed came crashing down when you heard Wayne.
" Yeah, I'll be there to play football, give me a few minutes," Wayne said.
" NO!!!" you yelled crying.
Wayne ran upstairs making you even more uncomfortable. You knew he would surely kill you beneath his feet once he started to play football. Deciding that you would be better off dead, you went for that route.
" Good bye world, I wish I could have more time but suffering wouldn't be much better," you said.
Wayne was almost to his room, " Well little brother, I can't wait for football and I am sure you can't either but…"
Before he could even finish his sentence you threw your body under his foot and he crushed you to death. You only felt a slight bit of pain when his massive sole ended it all.
Wayne reached the room and sat down, " I know you would want to go with me to football but I can't risk you dieing, there would be no way for me to torture you and guarantee your safety."
He grabbed his cleats and started to take off his shoes. He took the one off you were in and saw your body smeared out on his sock.
" Shit…"
He takes you to his room, he sits on the bed to unlace his shoes.
"aaah, it feels good! finally my toes will get some fresh air"
he wiggles his toes as you get off his foot. He smiles and says:..
you stare in awe as you hear he say "take off my socks"
you quickly run to his foot and start to pull slowly his sock,instantly an awful odor fills your nostril
"what's the problem little bro?can't handle my cheese foot smell?hahaha"wayne keeps laughing as he watches his pathetic little brother about to throw up
after you take his socks off he stares at you thinking what to do with you next…
"Where do you think you're goin', shrimp?" boomed Wayne, as he leaned over and picked up your tiny body.
"I-I just wanted to get of your foot," you stammered, "I-It was terrible." To say you were scared, would be an understatement.
Wayne chuckled with malice, "Fine. But I'm not done with you, not in the slightest. I think I'll have some more fun with you."
You start to sweat nervously, "W-What were y-you thinking of?" you asked, terrified.
Wayne ponders for a moment, then turns to grin at you and says…..
Wayne looks down from his desk with an evil smirk. His shoe comes over you and gently rolls you into the side opening of his shoe. Dust from the bottom of his shoe marks your tiny shirt and you tumble hitting the hair on his ankles then falling against his dirty sock. He probably hasn't changed them in days, by the smell anyway.. He casually sweeps his foot side to side as if out of boredom. You slide to the bottom under his ankle. Fuzz and lint wooshing by as you fall. Wayne's head goes to his arms placed on the desk and his head falls into them at the thought of his little brother being trapped in his sneaker. He feels your tiny body directly under his heal after a few sways of his ratty sneaker. You are pinned flat face forward against his heal and its getting heavier… You feel your self flatten almost like a piece of rubber under him… his sweaty cheesy foot soaking into you like an insole. Wayne can't help but smile realizing he can now be rough with his new little toy. He Stands up quietly crushing you under heel and walks to the hall pass station. Each step smashes you under your big bros nasty foot and you slide against his size 13 sneaker while he walks to the bathroom. Every few steps he adds extra pressure and is rewarded by your tiny squeaks. Giddy with ideas your colossal brother enters the lavatory.
Wayne does his best controlling his laughter as you gag and almost barf from just the strong putrid smell of the sneaker eventually pinning your face in between one of the treads in the shoe forcing you to taste the dirt and rocks in the cracks of his shoe.
"Mr. Wayne! If you can't control yourself I'm going to have to haul your ass back to the detention room Young man!" Mr Welling says as he slams a ruler down on Wayne's desk that sounds more like a cannon shot in your ears and you feel like you're in a war field… a war field with your own brother and he's 100 times bigger than you.
"Sorry Mr. Welling, I am feeling kinda ill and light headed today, maybe it's best if I go home and get some rest." you hear your brother boom from above.
"well I suppose that's alright, Just make sure you and your brother write that 10 page paper on microbiology that I wanted by the end of the week, or else it's double time in detention!" Mr welling nags at you're brother.
"yeah yeah or course, you'll get your report all right…" Your brother smirks as he starts to walk out of the room you have to do your best to avoid the heavy footfalls off the house sized white adias's and your foot gets tangled in the laces and he starts to drag and bounce you on the shoes while you're spinning uncontrollably, not exactly the favorite roller coaster in mind as you hold your mouth feeling you'll barf.
Once Wayne and you are outside near the back part of the school where no one's to be seen for miles Wayne kicks off the shoe that you're tangled in and sends you tumbling on the huge sidewalk that feels more like sandpaper as it scrapes at your tiny body as the rocks and gravel from the sidewalk bruise your tiny body.
"Ow…… Wayne please don't do this to me, I'm your brother! you'd do this to you're own brother?!" you yell up to him with tears swelling in your eyes, you know he's been a brute in the past and he's always won fights but you'd never thought he'd have the heart to do this.
"Quiet you! little baby bro, you were always whining and getting what you wanted and quite frankly you're annoying as hell, well looks like I'm in charge now and there's not much you can do little bro is there?!"
You're shocked and stare up in fear of what happens next, Wayne makes a sickening sucking noise from above and shoots from his cavern sized mouth a thick cannonball sized wad of spit at you, you do your best to evade the fast coming comet from the giants mouth but your still tangled up in the shoelaces that you have very limited room to move and run as you leap to avoid it but it still splatters on the ground and some gets on your face.
"hahaha! even my loogies have you cowering in fear, how pathetic! Wayne snorts up another one and spits it right your back and you scream in pain as it feels like a shotgun of water on you and covers your entire back and body in slime and spit. "Wayne please stop!…." you try to crawl away but another loogie comes at full force and hit one of your legs and immobilizes any movement from you.
"I'm in control now bro, and I have a few ideas for you!…" Wayne says with an evil smirk from above.
What on Earth possessed you to think you could count on your obnoxious older brother Wayne for help?? The guy has spent years taking every opportunity he could get to make you feel like crap, now you've walked right into his clutches, and your entire life is at his disposal. You watch with tears of fear and frustration in your eyes as the giant jerk kicks off one of his epically trashed sneakers and nods toward the tattered shoe.
"Get in, little bro." There's a little rule in your house, put in place to protect the family from Wayne's chronic foot odour: As soon as Wayne takes his shoes off, he has to put them on the front porch and wash his feet immediately. You've smelled those pungent beats from across the room even from across the house before, but you've neevr dared to get this close with your big bro's stinky shoes. "..NOW!" Wayne shouts, and you sprint towards the giant sneakers in fera of being spit or stomped on.
"Yeah, that's right, climb right in there, little shit. From now on, I'm not your big brother, I'm your GOD. And you're gonna show me all the respect you should have been giving me these past years.." The conceited smirk on Wayne's face is both enraging and terrifying.
"Wayne, please, I'm your brother, can't we work something out??" You plead, humiliated to be lowering yourself to this level at your obnoxious brother's feet.
"Shut up, runt! You don't get to say another word until your master tells you to!" And with that, Wayne knocks you onto your back with his mighty foot and rams it deep into the sneaker. You're flattened by the massive foot, clothed in a rancid sweat sock which is filled with holes. You're forced to travel back to your house underneath your hated big brother's giant, stinking foot, just like the little bitch that he's going to turn you into. Nothing has ever crushed your pride as badly as this.
Back in Wayne's room, the giant sneaker is tipped to its side and you come rolling out on the floor. Smirking over you as usual is Wayne, who is quick to issue you with your first order, as his inferior.
"First thing's first, slave. And you'd better follow my orders with a smile on your face if you know what's good for you. I want you to.."
Your big bro's socks are so dank and dirty you can't believe they're still in one piece. He dumps his socked feet on the bed in front of you and you immediately try to turn and run from the raunchy smell. But Wayne picks you up over and over again and returns you to his giant feet.
"There's no getting away from these babies, little bro. Kiss and rub them now or I'll take your punishment to new levels!" You want to cry. Wayne has always loved bullying his little brothers but this is indeed a new level of sadistic cruelty for him.
By now the whole room stinks like Wayne's feet. When dad finds out that Wayne's been airing his feet out inside the house you bet he'll be in big trouble.. But who knows where you'll be by then. You walk over and touch the big socked foot which Wayne scrunches over you so you can reach the wrinkly toe area. "KISS THEM." He commands.
You kiss your big bro's wet, sweaty socks right under the toe area. You gag immediately at how hot and funky they smell. Never in your life did you think you'd allow yourself to be this close to Wayne's stinking feet, but here you are.
"Now, brother," Wayne said, smiling down at you, "You're gonna tell me that I AM your GOD! I control you, and there's SHIT you can do about it!"
You had to question Wayne's motives behind this, but now you have to face the facts: In front of you is your brother who has the power to destroy you if you disobey him, and there's no telling what sadistic schemes he has to torture you. Then you look at the other side and see that you need to get out of this predicament without it costing you your health and sanity, and even worse…your LIFE.
You have to do something!
You've spent your entire life putting up with mocking and teasing from your obnoxious big brother, blocking your nose every time he takes his rank sneakers off, keeping your mouth shut while Wayne took the best of everything for himself. But this is too much.
You look up past Wayne's wiggling socked toes at his cocky, snickering face. "What you waiting for, little bro. Kiss my filthy-ass feet and tell me what a GOD I am! HAHAHAHA!!"
You know you don't have a choice. This is going to be the most humiliating, soul crushing experience of your life. The only consolation is that nobody else is around to see it happen.
You close your eyes and, trying to block out the sound of Wayne's repulsive laughter, bring your lips to the bottom of his massive foot.
The cotton of his sock is thin, damp and covered in holes. The smell is horrendous; you want to bring your breakfast back up as soon as you smooch the rank surface.
Here goes. "Wayne. You're.. You're my.. my god. Thanks for owning me, g- godly big brother."
*Disclaimer: Characters I write are 18 plus regardless of original prompt*
Your body shivers slightly, repulsed after what you just said to your brute of a brother. Calling him your God?The gleam in his eyes and cackle in his laughter cause your head to spin in a mixed cocktail of negative emotion and internal conflict.
You simply could not believe this was really happening to you, and you couldn’t believe you approached him the way you did in the state you’re in. It was easily the biggest mistake of your life.
You look up at your brother who has a gleam of condescension in his eye as he sneers down at you like a bug. He was sporting a villainous smirk up until the part you called him your God, which he responded to by bursting out into a fit of joyous laughter. This reaction from him made your body quake as it fought itself on whether or not your anger should take over and tell him to you were done and he could go fuck himself, or if your fear should continue to take charge and you would keep doing whatever he wants.
“That’s right, BUG. I’m your new GOD and I OWN you Hahahah!! I’m so glad you get where we both stand right now… because it would be a real problem for me if you didn’t.” Wayne hissed down at you. “Now bow.” He said.
It took you more than a second and so he yelled loudly.
You immediately shot down to your hands and knees and your older brother laughed.
“Hahaha that’s what I thought.” Wayne said.
You brought your eye sight back up from behind your palms, to look up at him while you were in all fours.
“What?” Wayne asked, looking down at you and seeing a slight change in your demeanor.
“This is your new life now.” He confirmed. “No seeing your friends. No girls. No fucking Christmas presents.” Wayne continued, giving you an idea of the span of time he planned on taking advantage of you for.
“Just serving me. That’s all.” He said.
“Everything you own will belong to me. The only time you’ll see a video game again is if you happen to see a small sliver of one I’m playing while you’re behind me kissing my ass!! Hahahahaha!!!!”
Your face crumpled up in disgust. You were hoping he meant that figuratively, but deep down you knew it wasn’t…
“Awww don’t look so down.” He told you. “After a long year of service…If you’re lucky and I FEEL like it, I just might let you see what our parents got me on my birthdays and the holidays long after they’ve long forgotten about your existence hahaha!! While you massage my feet, of course. It’ll be the way it was always supposed to be around here! How’s that sound to you? You little shit. Come to think of it… how about you go ahead and make yourself useful by massaging my feet RIGHT now?” Wayne asked.
You were feeling another internal conflict within yourself. The fear was fighting with your anger…
Which won?
The simple fact of the matter is that Wayne has always seen you as a squirming, worthless bug under his feet. He's always loved teasing you with his criminally stinky socks and killer farts, getting in your way when you're busy and making you feel like less of a man than him. Simply because he's an immature delinquent with nothing better to do than make other people miserable.
The only difference now is, you don't have the option to shove Wayne's dirty socks out of your face, leave the room or complain to your dad. You're at your big brother's mercy.. not that he has any.
You watch in horror as Wayne pinches the tip of one off-white sock and slides it off until his sweaty, slightly wrinkled sole stands tall over you on the bed. He repeats this with the other foot. Now two ghastly soles are looming over you, ten bulbous toes wiggling in all their bare, sweaty glory. And Wayne is cackling sadistically. "Hahaha! Bet you wish you hadn't teased me over my foot odour all those times, pipsqueak! Now I'm gonna.."
As soon as Wayne gives you the order to climb onto his stinky teen feet and start licking, you obey without question. Your stomach is jumping all over the place, but you don't want to make your tempermental big bro mad.
You press your tongue to the tops of his long, clammy toes and lick up the foul tasting stail sweat. Wayne watches with a look of immense smugness on his face.
For a long time, you've known your big brother had a grudge against you. You may have been younger than him, but you were the one your parents trusted, the one who did well in school and stole the attention of girls in class. Wayne was the reckless, irresponsible child. The one with bad grades, who hung out in bad crowds, who had acne and a temper and awful foot odour. Anyone could see that the teasing and taunting your brother inflicted on you was the result of intense jealousy and resentment.
But now, things have turned around. Wayne doesn't need to hate you, now that he has you kissing and licking his toes like a puny little bug..
You sobbed loudly having to face the ghoulish soles of Wayne, but he wouldn't care for you now. You knew al along that he got a kick out of tormenting others, and of all people, you finally succumb to your brother's wrath, but unllike the past, you have no say-so.
You turned around and tried to dash away, but you couldn't get far…Wayne's colossal foot pounced on you, depriving you of any fresh oxtgen. The putrid, vile foot sweat was the only thing you could smell now, and the ghastly scent has reached your brain. You felt like you were going to just pop right now. Wayne slowly added more and more pressure, and your face starting to go tomato red. You straine and coughed while Wayne cackled and howled. Unfortunately you you, your parents went out for the night for quite a while…that meant the only living soul in this house besides you was Wayne himself. No one could save you now!….
It looked like you were going to become nothing but a smear under Wayne's stinky foot until he decided to let you live. You could feel the giant foot move off of you, and you gasped and coughed breathing for fresh air. You finally come to your senses and look up at Wayne.
"I suppose it wouldn't be fai to just torture you without giving you somewhat of a chance," he said, smiling down at you, "So here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna play a little game of mine, and if you win, I MIGHT decide to let you off the hook, but that doesn't men I won't have fun with you later…And if you lose? Well…..I don't know, but at the least, you WON'T die, although then again…at least not on PURPOSE….Ha ha ha…" Wayne cackled loudly again. You really didn't want to play any of those sick games with Wayne, but you really didn't have much of a choice this time….
"So here's how we're gonna play," Wayne says as he puts you down on the floor. From the floor, Wayne looks even bigger, and you cringe in fear. "We're gonna play some cat and mouse, and you're gonna try and hide from me," Wayne said, smiling, "I'll give you 8 minutes to go hide somewhere, and once time's up, I'm coming after you, little man. IF I can't find you by midnight, you're off the hook until next evening, but If I get you, and I know I will, we're gonna have some FUN! Ha ha ha…"
I don't think this "fun" Wayne speaks of will be fun for you… You have 8 minutes to hide from Wayne, and if you can stay alive till midnight, you are HOPEFULLY safe, but if not…nice knowing you, cause there's NO telling what Wayne wants to do. Your parents were gone to a convention since this afternoon, and they won't be back until a week from now, so you have to last a full week under Wayne's power…that is if he doesn't do away with you before then, on purpose or otherwise!
Wayne turns around to the bed and starts looking at his watch. It's 8:52 PM, so you must hide for 3 hours. You've got to hide!…
You quickly rush out of Wayne's room, running as fast as you could to get to the stairs. You wonder exactly how will you get down them without killing yourself. You find one of Watne's old roller skates left over on the floor so you climb in. The putrid smell of Wayne's ghastly feet still lingers in the air.
You roll the skates down and timmble down the stairs. Now you're downstairs and need to hide. You have 6 minutes left! You must hide in…
You tumble under the doorway and enter the family kitchen. With your parents gone for a week, you and your brothers had to live off of sandwiches and what you get from resturaunts.
You then climb up the counter. Now you're next to the plates. You climb up and reach the cupboard and hide. As you slip in the cupboard, you hear the clock chiming…It's 9pm! Showtime! You must stay hidden from Wayne for 3 hours or else you will suffer unspeakable horrors!
You hear footsteps approaching the doorway…
The door opens up, and you sob from behind the cupboard. If Wayne finds you, you are as good as dead…The door opens and reveals…
The cupboard door creaks as it opens.. slowly.. slowly.. until the entire shelf and all its contents are illuminated by the by the kitchen lights.
You look up, wishing and praying that you'll find a responsible adult standing in front of you rather than your beastly brother, feeling dread sitting in your stomach like a ton of bricks because you know you'd never be so lucky.
And there he is. He smiles his familiar, greasy, horrible smile. The glee in Wayne's eyes is undescribable. You have to bite your lip to suppress a scream.
"FOUND you, little brother!!" Your big bro reaches in and snatches you up in his dirty hand. "Man, you nearly got off. I nearly walked right past the cupboard, but I had a feeling you'd be stupid enough to hide there, so unlucky for you I checked it out."
"Wayne, please," You feel tears filling your eyes. "You've put me through enough. I've learnt my lesson. Please just let me go!!"
Wayne sniggers to himself. "Yeah, you wish, But I haven't even gotten started yet, midget. You've been a pain in the ass long enough, now I'm gonna make you useful.."
You're gripped by horror as Wayne explains that he's going to use you as..
"What?! P-Please don't do that! Your armpits are the WORST!" You cry and squirm in your older brother's giant hand.
"Sorry shrimp, I found you, I won." Wayne says uncaringly before heading upstairs and back to his room.
On the way up, you look up at Wayne's sweat-stained shirt, the dark patches under Wayne's arms make you tremble in fear. Wayne feels your tiny body shaking in his grip and squeezes you, causing you to scream loudly as tears fill your eyes.
Wayne goes into his room and tosses you onto his bed.
"Isn't there anything else I can do besides this?" You ask, although you're not sure if any other option would be any better.
"Nope, get ready to be my human deodorant stick RUNT!" Wayne's voice thunders before he slips his shirt off.
His naked torso and bare arms are coated with sweat. Wayne yawns and stretches his arms up, giving you a preview of the greasy patches of hairy skin underneath them. Wayne scoops you up in his right hand and grins devilishly.
Wayne slolwy raises his left arm until his armpit is revealed,, it looks even worse up close. A waft of hot, odorous air hit you as you gag and cough. The hairy surface has drops of sweat flowing down it, the massive armpit leaves you speechless. You know that Wayne is unhygienic, but the sight of his armpit is still shocking.
"What's wrong maggot? Is my pit too scary for a wimp like you? Is it too RANK?!" Wayne shouts, causing you to cover your ears.
Wayne leans over and sticks his nose into his armpit, taking a deep sniff. "Phew, that's some nasty pit odor, and look at that nest of greasy pit hair!" Wayne continues, dragging out your torment for as long as possible.
Finally…and unexpectedly, Wayne slaps you against his raunchy armpit. As your body collides with the greasy skin, drops of sweat splash. Your body sinks into the warm pit as you feel like you're about to vomit.
Wayne begins to slowly move your body up and down the hellish pit.
"How's the smell? I haven't taken a shower for…a month? Or worn deodorant, glad I have a little pit sniffer like you to help." Wayne tucks your head deper into his armpit.
Your nose is on fire as the sickening stench of pure male odor enters your nose, you can barely stay concious. Wayne's greasy hairs seem to wrap around you as Wayne continues to rub your weak body around.
"Jeez, you're getting tangled in my pit hairs, you can even be a useful deodorant stick." Wayne laughs before untangling you and continuing to scrub you into his armpit.
You sob as Wayne keeps his amused grin plastered on his face.
"Welcome yo your new life maggot, just a tool for your MASSIVE brother!" Wayne says harshly, his rank breath mixing into the overwhelming, thick odor surrounding his pit.
You're on the verge of fainting when…
You reach the bottom of the stairs and you look up at the clock and see you only have 6 minutes left and you run into the living room,there you see your younger brother,Cole sitting down on the couch,watching TV.
He looked over to the doorway and sees you there and grabs you,you try to struggle but it is no use.
"Please Cole,hide me from Wayne and when i get big I'll help you with your homework forever,I'll be in your debt'.
Cole looks down at you and hears the upstairs door open and Wayne run downstairs.
"OK I'll hide you,but where"?
At your tiny size, you don't have a chance of making it downstairs before Wayne finishes counting. Stricken with panic, your eyes dart around the messy room for a decent hiding place. How could Wayne do this to you? As if capturing and taunting you with his nasty feet wasn't cruel enough, now he's going to give you an anxiety attack by making you run from him like this.
There's no time to think this over. Wondering what your callous older brother will do if he finds you, you make a beeline for the closet -- The darkest and best shadowed place in sight. Nearing the endlessly tall door, which is being held open by a bunched up old shirt, you almost stop and turn the other way. Wayne's personal stink is flowing out of the dirty old closet like some noxious gas. You've always fought with your older brother about his bad hygiene and body odour, but at this size you're in no position to fight. For once in your life you suck it up, not resisting the putrid stench of teenage male that chokes you as you disappear into Wayne's closet.
Now Wayne's counting down the last thirty seconds of your tiem. The sound of his loud, menacing voice makes your heart race, even though you're already out of sight. "..twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty.." Shuffling around in the dark, you climb over a pile of stained old gym shorts and very nearly fall into a tattered New Balance sneaker, peeled and smeared all over with dirt. Does this guy ever buy new clothes? "..thirteen, twelve, eleven.." You've got to finish hiding, and fast. You try ducking under an old baseball cap, but still feel exposed. Next you try sliding under what you think is a handkerchief, but it turns out to be a once white pair of skidmarked boxer briefs. Eww!!
"..six, five, four.." You can hear the glee in Wayne's voce. Does he already know where you are? What's he going to do to you? What could he possibly have planned?? "..three…two.." You're breaking a sweat. You have to bury yourself deep in an item of clothing. Somewhere you'll be safe, and fast. But where??
"…ONE. Coming to get you, little bro, ready or not!"
A sly smirk makes its way across Wayne's obnoxious face as he reaches down and wraps his digits around you. "All those times you complained about my farting in the living room.. I'm gonna make you eat every word. You're gonna sniff my farts for as long as I tell you too -- and with that chilli burrito I ate for lunch, who knows how long that's going to be.." Wayne pats his stomach, which grumbles from beneath a faded old Metallica shirt. "..and you're going to tell me how good it smells, until I'm all outta gas and you've truly learnt to accept just how GOOD your big bro's farts smell."
You want to beg for mercy as Wayne dumps you on your bed and squats over you, but you know there's no point. His huge, denim-clad butt casts an ominous shadow over you. You hear a deep grunt issued from above, and seconds later, a warm wind starts to hiss out onto you. The wind gets hotter, louder, and the unimaginably horrible stench of your big brother's bowels envelops you. You gag, your eyes watering, your throat closing, and Wayne turns his head to make sure you're obeying his orders.
"Sniff it, runt!! I told you to sniff my fuckin' farts!! Do it now or I'll make your life even more miserable!!"
You can barely percieve what your tyrranicla big brother's saying to you, so strong is the hold his gas has over your mind. You choke like a bug being exterminated, the slimey, raunchy scent of Wayne's fart finding its way into your nostrils and throat in every second.
You'd better pull it together and make Wayne happy, if you don't want that extra punishment..
You look up at Wayne's butt, which is actually so round and bubble like that you can see the shape of it through his jeans. The sound that comes out is like a fog horn to you, only it smells like something just died. "HAHAH, HOW ARE MY FARTS LITTLE BRO??" You can't believe your big brother could do this to you! He always had a thing for humiliating you and making you feel inferior to him but this is a new low of humiliation.
You're forced to sniff the gas that you would normally run out of the room to avoid, and this time it's right in front of your face. He rips another killer gas cloud and laughs. "Come on little bro, I wanna hear you sniff my farts nice and deep"
You sniff big Wayne's fart so it fills your lungs and you can even taste it in the back of your throat. Who knew things were about to get even worse..
The entire room smells septic with the putrid stench of Wayne's farts. You choke and splutter, begging like a little bitch on your knees, but your brother is far from showing you mercy.
Your evil older sibling has a look of unrestrained glee in his eyes as he slips out of his jeans in a hurry. "Oh man, this is the fucking bomb. All those years of being a whiney little brat in my way and I finally get to torture you back, and there's nothing you can do about it! The power's all mine!! "
Wayne kicks his jeans off the bed to reveal a huge tent pitched in his worn boxers, and the colour drains from your face. You could barely handle being taunted by Wayne for his entertainment, but now you realise just how much he's wenjoying your torture, who knows how far he'll take it.
"Tell me, little squirt. What's the one place on my body you could never, ever, EVER imagine being put? Not in your wildest nightmares?"
You scream and beg for mercy, ignored, while Wayne stretches his waistband and lowers you into..
Wayne, easily the least hygenic of all your brothers, hasn't properly washed in days. When he scoops you up into his giant hand and throws you into his hot, sweaty boxers the fleshy, boyish smell that hits you is enough to knock some-one out cold.
You beg and scream for mercy, throwing your arms around and struggling to crawl out of the cruel teen's come-stained shorts. The last thing you see is Wayne's cackling face as he gives you a tiny, mocking wave and snaps the elastic of his shorts shut.
The tight boxers slam your head hard into the skin before you as the dark space you're in closes up and thick, smelly flesh covers your mouth, extinguishing your pitiful screams. You can feel the tip of the giant boy's penis, horrifically wet against your cheek. Above, Wayne's moans of ecstacy are getting louder and louder..
The atrocious snake between Wayne's legs jumps and his moans grow louder and more ecstatic. In seconds of being tossed into your BIG bro's boxers, the cum caked man cobra furiously erupts with vibrant arcs of cum. The pressure forced his boxers to almos bust at the lust, but thankfully Wayne has his little bro handy to suffocate in his sticky sperm.
Your brother's ecstatic panting fills your ears as the cum fills your mouth. The demonic snake before you begins to curl back, and now you realie Wayne's load, shot in the glorious intention of fantasized revenge, has covered you're entire body.
"Like it down there, Jack?" Wayne pants. You can barely hear your brother as you struggle to breath.
This new stench of cum only made the aromas of the boxers worse.
And now, after his lustful humiliation of you, Wayne…
Wayne decides to take you back into his palm and lift you to his face. Your stomach feels like it left your body with how fast the ride was. The next thing you see when he opens his palm is his smug face just staring at you. He's not saying anything, just looking at you breathing heavily. It's almost like he's in a trance.
Your mind is reeling from what just happened. Waves of emotions are coming to you all at once. Humiliation. Anger. Confusion. However, you decided not to say anything back to him. You match his gaze and try to calm down from what just happened.
You lay there for a few minutes, trying to soak up as much of the peace and quiet as you can tryin--
"Hehehe… HahaHAHAHAHA!"
You're suddenly very alert and start to get scared again. It's hard to hear your own thoughts as he starts cackling at you. His voice is just so overpowering…
"It wouldn't be fair if I had all the fun, now would it?" He sneers down at you. His hand quickly closes around you before you can even think to try and get away, but you struggle and squirm nonetheless.
"Now let's get those dirty rags off you, shall we?" He grins as he starts stripping you of your clothes… and your dignity. You twist and turn in his ironclad grip as his other hand comes into view.
"Wait Wayne, please! You don't have to do this! Haven't you done enough already, please just help me!!" You plead and beg, but he simply ignores your cries.
You feel your shirt start tugging away from you and you try to stop it, but it's no use. You hear Wayne chuckling above you as he sees your bare chest now exposed. He turns his attention to your feet and easily plucks both your shoes off. No amount of kicking is going to ward off his wandering hands as he gasps both of your feet. There go your socks. You're near to the point of tears as he easily slips the pants off of your frantically swinging legs. Now all that's lefts if your briefs. As he was readjusting his grip on you, his thumb grazes over your crotch. A jolt goes through your body and unfortunately for you, Wayne also notices.
"Oh? What's that your hiding, mmmh?" He condescendingly asks as he continues nudging it with his thumb. Every time he does so you get hornier and hornier "C'mere, show me that lil' pecker of yours."
"WAYNE! PLEASE STOP THIS!" You scream in between your sobs. He slowly starts pulling your briefs down to reveal your pathetically small boner.
"Naked at last! You won't be needing these anymore." He taunts and puts your slightly stretched and torn clothes into his pocket. His gaze returns to you and he smirks.
"Awww, would ya look at that? My little bro has a stiffie!" He says as he starts reaching down. You try begging again.
"No, NO! Wayne don't you dare--" "Just let your big bro Wayne take care of it for you.~ "He coos. He moves his thumb and forefinger around your arms, binding them. His middle finger goes to your neck and won't let you turn your head away. His ring and pink fingers curl around your left leg, stifling your movements even further.
He looms down and asks, "Want me to rape you?" One of his fingers plops down over your mouth and forces you to nod. His smile widens as starts stroking your tiny penis up and down, very slowly. Your body starts involuntarily convulsing as he molests you like it was nothing.
"Stop! Let me go! Please!" You try to shout through your muffled sobs, but he just laughs your cries away.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! FEE FI FO FUM, BIG BRO WAYNE'S GONNA MAKE YA CUM!" He boasts, relishing in your suffering. You near your climax, giving every bit of willpower to avoid what's about to happen. You both know it's no use. You feel your legs and hips give as you release the biggest load of your life.
You finally think it's over-- a slight wave of relif washes over you; but suddenly…
"Quit your screaming, little bitch. You're going right where you've always belonged." Wayne laughs hysterically as he slowly lowers you into your own personal hell. Your clawing and fighting did nothing as he drops you in the backside of his boxers. The waistband closes with a loud snap sealing you into an abyss.
The smell hits you immediately, and your little nose can hardly handle the stench. You can tell by the foul odor from Wayne's recent farts, that your face is near the hole. You try and try to escape, fighting and thrashing but it is no use. Meanwhile, Wayne is thinking of ways to make your punishment worse… Just then he decides…
…he decides he'll fart on you. Almost immediately after putting you in his foul ass, Wayne gets the urge to fart. "You're in luck little bro!" He said sarcastically, "I really need to fart!" Your struggling increases, as you try to escape the prison that is Wayne's boxer shorts before he farts on your tiny face. However, your struggling is of no use, your brother is wearing tight boxer-briefs and your body is stuck right where it is: your face nestled right up to Wayne's puckered and wet hole.
Wayne just laughs at you, and before he releases his fart on you, he comes up with a devilish idea. Wayne then opens the back of his boxer shorts and sticks his hand in there. He cuffs his hand around your body so the stench will stay inside and with you as much as possible. He then closed his waistband as much as possible to seal off as much oxygen as he could. With his plan into place, and his hand down the back of his pants, Wayne relieves himself and farts into his cuffed hand with you inside.
Wayne's tight pink hole opens up in front of you and
He blasts the loudest fart you've ever heard in your life onto you. The smell of rotten eggs surrounded you and your fresh air was running out. You had no choice but to breathe the fumes in, gathering as much oxygen as you could to survive. The truth is, it wasn't a very strong fart, but due to your size and proximity to the source of the gas, that fart felt like it nearly killed you. Your whole world shook and your ears were ringing from the noise. You continue struggling as you hear Wayne laugh at your plight. He decided to leave his cuffed hand in there knowing the stench would mostly stay in there with you. Eventually, Wayne let go of you and snapped his boxers shut. He brought his hand to his nose and said, "That was mostly harmless, but it must have been pretty rank for you, huh little guy?!" Wayne begins contemplating what to do with you next. He would like to…
You're sitting on Wayne's bed while he squats over it so you're completely sheltered by his ass. But now his legs are getting tired and he's ready for the next step in training his puny little brother in fart sniffing.
"Hey runt, remember all those times we'd be watching TV and I'd fart so you'd get up and leave? Well try getting up and leaving now!" Wayne sits down on top of you. Luckily the bed covers are soft so you don't get squashed but his huge ass is SO heavy that you constantly feel like you're being flattened under it.
Wayne rips a huge fart that blows right through his jeans and onto you. You realise you must be trapped directly under his asshole, between the crack. He laughs loudly as he smells a weaker version of his fart. "Oh MAN that's nasty! Jesus!" Wayne even has to cover his nose with his shirt to protect himself, but you don't have that option.
Flat on your back, the weight of Wayne's gigantic ass bears down on you so hard you can feel your tiny imprint digging deep in the mattress.
You hear Wayne grunt up above, as he squeezes out another killer fart. The hot, disgusting wind rips through the denim of his jeans and heats your entire body.. And the smell is something else. It's thick, soupy and brutal. The very same smell your big bro had stunk the living up with so many times before, cackling to himself as you fanned your nose and rushes into the next room irritably.
Only this time you can't rush out anywhere.. "Just quit struggling and learn to love the smell of your big bro's ass, little runt!" You hear his muffled voice order in a dominant tone. "Trust me, it's gonna get a lot worse than this!"
At that second, Wayne realises something..
Wayne gets up and carries you all the way to the bathroom where he drops his pants and sits on the can.
You thought his farts stunk, it's actually worse now that you're sitting on his lap and smelling his shit fill the room with its stench.
"Please let me go! I hate this!" You plead.
"Oh sure little bro, I'll let you go.."
Wayne hovers you in his hand while you plead and beg for his mercy. "WAYNE PLEASE, JUST LET ME GO!! I'll DO ANYTHING YOU SAY! JUST HELP ME GET BACK TO MY SIZE!" He snickers now moving over the open clean toilet. "You want me to let you go?" he questions with a stern look on his face. With out thinking you nod in fear… his fingers open as you fall for what seems like a hundred feet as you see Wayne smiling above you, you hit the water with a giant WOOSH. Only a little splash to Wayne you feel you were thrown off an Olympic diving board. He Smiles as he turns around to…
As he turns around to… Take a shit. As you look up from the toilet you begin to see your brother's ass crack as he quickly slides his pants and boxers down.
"I always knew you were a faggot! Here you are begging me to drop you in the toilet when I have to take a shit."
"NO!!!!" You scream as loud as you can, " PLEASE WAYNE, DON'T SHIT ON ME!! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT JUST PLEASE DON'T SHIT ON ME." Wayne just laughs at you as his pants hit the floor. He looks back, and you can see a devilish smile on his face, as he says "I'm not going to let you out, little brother. I AM YOUR GOD NOW. I need you to learn your place, because this is going to happen a lot more often… Besides, you're already in there. And when I'm through with you it might take a lot more begging to convince me to not flush you down the toilet with the rest of my shit."
Your begging screams turn into only whimpers when you see your brothers ass descending to sit atop the toilet. You begin to sob as light disappears from your view and you hear grunting noises.
A putrid farts blast you in the face and you can't bare the smell at all. Then, all of a sudden your brother yells out "BOMBS AWAY!!" And a giant turd falls right on top of you, and knocks you under the toilet water. The splash was loud to you, and you swim as hard as you can to get on top of the turd to keep yourself from drowning. But Wayne is not done, many more tinier turds begin to rapidly shoot out of his asshole, all around you, kicking water into the air and down onto you. You scream loudly as the now-turd smelling toilet juice covers you, coating you in a stretch that you don't think you'll ever get out.
Meanwhile Wayne is having the time of his life as he sets atop his throne. He has never been more turned on in his life, he has the power to humiliate his little brother as much as he pleases and there is nothing he can do!
Wayne finishes pumping bombs out, and gets up. He says "I don't know if I want to wipe yet, you could have more fun in my crack later…but I do always have to take a piss when I shit, so I'll let you enjoy that."
Wayne aims his rock hard dick right at you and you yell "NO! WAYNE DON…" You were cut off as he hits you as hard as he can with his yellow stream. You scream so loud as you hang onto the turd for dear life. The pain is unbearable to you. His piss gets into your eyes, nose and even clogs up your ears.
When your self titled God-Brother finishes marking his territory, he smiles and says "I'm going to give you a choice. Beg me to save your life by agreeing to be my slave forever, or I can flush you like the piece of shit you are. If you choose life as my slave, you can consider it a deal when you take a bite out of that turd you're floating on. And I will save you…otherwise…" You decide to:
Wayne has already dumped all the sludge he needs, now he just needs to wipe his butt.
He leans forward and rubs you into the deep crack of his ass.
You scream as your body collects his disgusting brown shit, all creamy and warm.
He simply laughs and uses your head to get right in the crack. "Lick it up little bro!" He makes you lick the area around his anus and, just as you are, he..
After feeling the great sensation of your tiny face rubbing over his sloppy hole he gets an evil idea. Wayne lines your face up with his slimy wet asshole and shoves you in holding on to your leg, he gives a big push and you slide it out his reach "oh shit bro I lost ya haha hold on. Wayne lets out a grunt and let's lose a nasty 10 second fart you slide out and go flying into the pile of crap in the toilet. Just as you look up Wayne blows his seed all over you. "Here little bro let me wash you up" Wayne aimed his cock at you and unleashed a huge pressure of piss making his shit like quite sand and now your stuck. Wayne can't help but laughing.
Wayne is going to spend the night over at a friend's house, so he decides to stuff you into one of his pockets.
"We're gonna have fun," Wayne said, chuckling as he dropped you into his pocket, "There's a friend I know who also loves playing with little toys. You'll definately entertain him, won't you?" Again, you had no other choice.
Wayne then walked over to his friend's home. In that tie, you were shooked around inside his pocket. You had no idea what Wayne had in store for you.
He oens the door and he sees…
Hey Matt, how's it going? You ready for a fun night hehe. Still in your bros back pocket you hear sloppy wet kissing "dude let move this to the bedroom I want that ass" what can your bro have in plan for you as your world shakes with his heavy steps up the stairs he lets out a nasty fart and starts laughing.
Wayne removes his jeans and boxers pulling you out from his back pocket light flooded your vision looking up seeing your brothers evil grin Turing your head you see Matt in the doggy position begging for mercy please bro no don't do this. Haha good luck little dude.
Wayne pushes you around his cock wrapping your legs and arms around your brothers massive monster "come on Wayne just lube up and shove it in matt says. Warm liquid poured all over Wayne start to rub it all over his cock he lines up with Matt's asshole you turn your head once more before going in to the darkness seeing your brothers evil face thing will never be the same between you two again.
The tight grip of Matt's ass pulls you and Wayne's cock in you can still hear them outside moaning like crazy. The slimy shity hole wrapping around you. Your head thrashing into Matt's prostate. The speed picks up holding on for dear life trying to hold your breath. As your bro picks up speed you hear a rumbling and Matt blows a wet long fart on you. Losing your grip falling off Wayne's cock now holding on to the head of his monster your head right in his piss slit. This sends him into orgasm and he shoots his seed blowing you deep into the bowels of his fuck buddy.
Your brother starts to remove his cock but your stuck in his drying jizz
The toxic gas from Wayne's farts is simply too much for you. You could try as hard as you can, but the farts are just too powerful! Your vision becomes blury, and your head starts spinning. You begin to lose vision of the world and you just pass out…
You then wake up and regain consciousness. You find yourself….
Wayne suddenly picks you up still covered in his nasty spit and blows it off of you. You see a massive wall of blue coming towards you as he wipes you off on his jeans. His massive blue Nike knapsack hovers over you as he opens the string. "How about you ride home with my gym clothes you little shit?" He says in a questioning tone although it wasn't a question. He smirks his hand raises up and you are jolted through the air. Wayne tosses his bug sized little bro like a tiny pebble and quickly moves his blue bag to catch the little runt. You land in a soft sweaty cloth like surface warm and moist… Wayne shakes the bag and you are shuffled inside… When he finally swings the bag behind his back. You are stuck between two tent like pieces of clothing for the ride home… His gym socks hold you into his smelly gym shorts as Wayne walks home. He snickers knowing the contents of the bag as you are bombarded by the clothing shuffling as he walks. Wayne walks in the door. "Hey Dad!"…
Their voices now sounding like booming thunder even while trapped in Waynes clothes.
Your masculine dad sits on the couch with his cell phone and his laptop. His glasses on busy with work, he doesn't look up from his computer. Today he was working from home and the living room was his office.
"Why are you home so early?" He demands, his eyes yet to break focus from his laptop. The stern business man waits for an answer as Wayne laughs… "Funny thing dad…."
‘Son what’s going on’, he growls, frustrated at the interruption.
‘Well dad’, Wayne snickered.
‘Something happened with runt today’
‘What did it do this time’, he sighed angrily
You gasped at being referred to lik that, but only succeed in breathing in Wayne’s toxic foot stink.
‘The plan worked dad’, he said excitedly
‘It’s tiny!’
‘Wow’, said your dad, seemingly surprised
‘Finally? After all this time of trying? We finally have a slave to pleasure us and make us feel good! Well done son’
You were beyond shocked as you lay, gaping and coated in Wayne’s sweat, almost sinking into the wet spongy fabric, the rancid stink still stroking your body almost lovingly. You’re own family had been trying to turn you into their slave? For how long? Why?
‘As a celebration, why don’t we give it it’s first task of serving it’s perfect masters and enjoying it! I want to feel the runt rolling around beneath my feet and it’s tiny tongue lapping up the gunk between my toes. Where is it? I can’t wait for it to start! Why don’t you go get some beers and the collar!’
‘Sure dad!’, Wayne opened the bag and tipped the contents upside down onto the carpet. He snickered as his raunchy clothes fell to the floor and he saw you clamber out from his wet gym sock that surely hadn’t been washed in forever. Your dad gagged and held his nose in disgust.
‘That’s disgusting, I’m glad the new slave had already got some training in!’
Wayne snickered again and swaggered from the room. You were still wondering what thy needed the collar for, but all those questions faded from your mind as your dad came into view. You froze as you first saw his massive toes, rippling in their sweaty socks. The socks that he always wore around the house and you were pretty sure had never been washed. In reality, you didn’t think he washed any of his socks anyway, judging by the cheesy stink that crept into your nostrils every time he came home from work, prised off his shoes, and crossed them up, wiggling his manly toes, as you tried to watch tv. Your eyes climbed up his muscular legs, before lightly resting on his fat package that probably emanated the musk of ancient dried cum. You looked up further, past his perfect chest; it wasn’t ripped persay, but he had a very masculline build with broad shoulders and a hard stomach. His arms almost bulged from their sleeves, making it easy to imagine them popping with one flex. Finally, your eyes rested on his beautiful face.
‘Hey runt, it’s good to finally see you at your rightful place at my feet. I can’t wait to have you squished in between my toes with toe jam and gunk’, he smirked
‘From now on you will call me and your brothers either master, sir or daddy. We will look after you but you belong to us. You will obey anything we tell you to do from now on. Now get on my socks, NOW!’
As his deep, masculine voice reverberated throughout your entire body, his commanding tone and your pure terror seemed to fill your mind until all that was left qs his order. You fully belonged to him. With only a few words he had completely destroyed your morals as he smirked on seeing you obediently trudge over to his huge, hot feet on tiny naked legs. You climbed onto his rippling toes and pushed your hands into the damp material of his work socks. You lay down pressing your face into the warm surface, wanting to be closer to him. You could hear the cracking of his toes beneath your feeble, naked body as he stared down at you with a lustful and dominant grin.
‘That’s right you fucking runt, that’s where you belong, you hear me? Gratefully serving the man of the house and tending to his every want and whim’
‘Yes sir’, you moan breathing in his musk, aching to get to the damp cleft of his toes where you could bury yourself in his thick toe jam that he always had to shake from his socks at the end of every day.
‘Good slave’, he snickered, lifting his foot so that you fell onto the carpet. He wasted no time in immediately clamping his foot down over you so that now you were trapped beneath his rough, calloused sole and slimy sweaty sock. You moaned again in agony as he pushed into you, enveloping you in his stink and pushing against your erection which was jabbing up into his foot, but felt no more than a grain of gravel to him. You wanted this, needed this, needed him…
The hunk above you chuckled as he felt you squirming beneath him and Wayne came back into the room, holding two beers in one hand and a tiny loop in the other. He smirked at your father as he sat down. You were oblivious to this until Master lifted his foot off of you to reveal two giants looking down at you. You saw Wayne and huffed, getting up and hurrying back to Daddy.
‘Hur-hur! It loves me’, he chuckled. Wayne looked slightly disappointed at you disgust in him, but he soon rebuilt his ego as he smirked and held up the tiny loop; a collar.
I’m going to put this on you Runt, and it’s going to tell us where you are all the times so we never lose you, but the best part is that it will make you obey any command, whether you ant to or not!’ You are too disgusted and stunned to dodge Wayne’s fingers as he reaches fir you, before tugging the collar over your head. You tried to pull it off but you were too weak. He chuckled and dropped you onto his huge feet.
‘Take off my shoes Runt’, he grunted. Unaccounted fir by your brain, your limbs began to tug at his huge footwear. You couldn’t resist it as you screamed and cried at the unfairness of it all. Plus the smell from down there was beginning to make your eyes water. Blinking away tears, you gagged at the stench that was released from Wayne’s sweaty trainers as you finished. They were both still looking down at you, watching you hungrily.
‘Now rub our feet Slave, your dad smirked.
You beg him one last time to help you and he sighs, "You know what Jack, if you're gonna be this Whiney the whole time I don't want to keep you with me". You fear that this means he's just going to drop you in the class or maybe give you to one of his friends but instead he stands up with you and asks the teacher if he can go to the washroom.
Once outside in the hall he pulls his phone out and starts talking into it, you get worried but stay calm enough to listen,
"Hey Keith its Wayne, you have a game in town this afternoon don't you? Great, I'll be there to watch. Yeah don't worry I'll be sure to bring along jack. Bye" he hangs up the phone and smiles at you. Lucky we don't have to make the five hour drive to Keith since he's playing with the baseball team here tonight. Just so you don't cause me any trouble I'm going to keep you in my pocket until tonight. You are pushed into Wayne's jean pocket where you wait.
Finally after six hours you wake up in the pocket. You must have fallen asleep when you realized there was no escape. You feel Wayne stand up and start walking. Then his giant hand grabs you in a fist and opens. You look up to see the face of your eldest brother Keith.
Keith was tall and looked just like you but was in better shape, was taller, and had a large bushy beard. He was in his second year of university and played on their baseball team. He looks down at your tiny form in shock and then picks you up in his own massive hand. He looks at you and says.
Hearing this your heart drops. If Keith isn’t going to help then you feel like this is your life now. Keith was really the only person you trusted. He brings you closer to his sweaty face and smiles “I guess you really are my littlest brother, eh jack?” He smiles at you and then laughs. “ Ok thanks for handing him over to me Wayne. I’ll take good care of him, bring him to visit next time I’m in town. But I think the teams got a new stress reliever, we’ll use him lots especially with the championship coming up”
Wayne bro Hugs Keith and then leaves. Keith then turns his attention back to you and says “let’s introduce you to your new masters, hey bud” You feel as his massive body moves itself into the locker room of the baseball field. It smells of sweat and men and you can hear the cheers of Keith’s team as they celebrate their win. Walking into the room Keith is swarmed by Naked or nearly naked baseball jocks rushing to congratulate him. He smiles and says “Well boys the win is pretty great, but I have another reason we can celebrate.” Opening his palm he revealed you to the team “Meet my Brother Jack!”
Everyone starts laughing at the sight of you and you are powerless to do anything. You look around at the 20 or so naked guys of varying sizes and ethnicities and how pathetic you are compared to them. You aren’t even as tall as some of their pubes. Keith then says “to initiate him into his place as the teams pet let’s put him…
The team laughs at the thought and peeling the sweat soaked sock off his foot Keith drops you in. You watch in horror as he then sticks his foot back in. Pressing you deep into the wet fabric. You squirm as he walks and feel pressure. But amazingly you are perfectly fine. He goes about putting stuff away when your squirming pays off. In the bottom of Keith’s sock is a hole that you wiggle out of.
Immediately you hide under a bench until the baseball team leaves and find yourself alone. However it doesn’t last long as a new team rushes in to use the facilities. It is members of the…
You sat shivering on the cold floor of the men’s locker room at your brother’s college. Now there was nobody to help you. You turned sharply as a rumbling came from the entrance and a sweaty crowd of pubescent men surged into the room. A sudden stink of BO and manly musk hit your nose. They were cheering and wearing mouth guards so you assumed that the rugby team had just won their game. They seemed to be in high spirits and you grew worried, hurrying under the bench. You watched in horror as they began to strip in front of you, tall and broad shoulders with muscly backs, rock-hard abs and thick legs. The last thing to come off were their insanely smelly socks and shin guards. You wretched as they peeled off these last garments but became horrified as they threw the dirty clothes all around the room. The socks squelched with sweat as they hit the floor and the room began to fill with the stench.
‘Good work today boys’, the tallest and most muscly guy boomed, ‘don’t forget to leave your kit in here for the sissy synchronised swimmers’. The boys chuckled at this, ‘let’s hope that they faint from the smell and land face first in our sweaty socks’, a deep cheer rise up from the crowd as they went about changing, not even bothering to shower on the way. You stood frozen as the huge jock who was just speaking came to change next to you. You could see his huge sausage swinging above you as he began to take off his tight jock strap, it was at least 7” and your butthole throbbed involuntarily. He moaned in freedom and let it fall to the floor, right next to you. You gagged at the stench but were forced to stay right next to it and his hot feet which were emanating a very cheesy scent. He bent down to pick up the strap and his eyes landed on your terrified body.
‘Well we’ll well what do we have here’, he chuckled. Quickly, he snatched up a pair of sweaty socks from the floor, grabbed you and tucked you down into the stinky toe of one. He then folded it and tucked it into the other, doing the same, before tossing it into his bag. He quickly finished changing before tossing his used jock strap onto your socks and hurrying from the building.
He headed
The trip to your father's office is spent wrapped up in Wayne's sweaty palm. You can barely breathm and every time you struggle, wayne only grasps you tighter. "Hey, just be thankful I'm giving you to Dad and not just flushing you down the toilet, twerp." Your giant brother mutters in the lift, as you choke on a large bead of his sweat. You can't wait until this is over - After the way Wayne has been treating you, you're sure your father will have some stern punishment in tore for him.
The elevator door opens on the view of a busy office, with huge windows over-looking the city. Wayne strolls into the largest office there, where your dad sits with his feet on the desk, barking at some-one over the phone. he slams down the hand-set and looks up at Wayne, massaging his temples.
"Wayne, what have you done now?"
"It's not me this time," he grins, dumping you on the desk before the dusty soles of your father's office shoes. "Jack here messed around with some dangerous chemicals and got himself shrunk."
Your father gapes at you, shocked, and Wayne laughs hard. "Good luck, Pop." he says, leaving the office.
As soon as you and your father are alone, you try to explain what happened. "It was awful, dad. I was so scared, and Wayne was a total jerk about the whole-"
"Oh, Wayne was a jerk, was he?? Wayne wasn't the one fooling around with dangerous chemicals! I swear, sometimes I think I have to keep you boys locked up for your own safety or something!" Your dad's voice bellows across the room, hurting your ears.
"Dad, I'm.. I'm sorry. Please - You're scaring me.."
"Well, good. Maybe you need to be scared once in a while! I'm sick of cleaning up after you boys. Maybe I ought to just leave you this way and see how much time you have to make trouble at this size."
You can't believe what you're hearing. All the hope that had built up inside of you comes crumbling down.
"And as for your brother humiliating you.. Well, I don't blame him. Any-one foolish enough to get themself into this kind of trouble needs to learn their place, and that's just what you're going to do before I even think about helping you. Now, I'm going to make some phone-calls, and you're going to make yourself use-ful by.."
Your dad hoists his legs legs up and slams his feet down with a thud so loud that the desk trembles, papers shuffle and you stagger to stay on your feet.
Your dad wears expensive, size 12 dress shoes which he has polished regularly. Although, staring breathlessly at the humungous shoes before you, you can tell that the outsoles of your dad's shoes aren't so well maintained. Your eyes wander from the sharp, thick heel, all the way up to the shiny pointed toe which stretches toward the ceiling. The other shoe is rested crookedly behind the first, waiting for you to get to work and 'make yourself useful' as your father said. The scent of premium leather lingers in the area surrounding the serious man's feet.
You can't believe you're being treated this way! Sure, your dad has always focussed more on work than his family, but you never imagined that he thought so little of you as to have you polish his shoes like a lowly slave. You feel humiliated, vulnerable, and afraid. What if you were to say no? He looks pretty mad. You remember one time when you were younger and you were asked to pass your dad's shoes to him while he was getting dressed for work. You slid your fingers in each shoe, picking them up with one hand, and were suprised at just how bulky and heavy they were. Now you imagine those huge, gleaming businessman shoes coming down on you to punish you, to scare you into obedience, with their thick black leather glinting maliciously under the stark office lights..
You approach the tall shoes' soles and lay two hands on them. "Um.. Dad? ..What am I gonna, uh, polish them with?"
Your dad looks up from the papers he's reading, his brow furrowed seriously, and orders in no unclear terms: "You LICK THEM! I swear, Jack, the only thing you teenagers know how to do for yourselves is get into trouble. Now get to work cleaning my shoes for me like any grateful son would, and the next time you open your mouth I'd better see that tongue being swiped across my shoes."
If it weren't for the way your dad barked at you, you might have been inclined to argue. But now you're trembling pathetically, and you swipe hair out of your eyes, bringing your face right u[ to the huge wall that is your dad's shoe sole. The smell of dirt, dust and leather is strong. It could almost be a brick wall that you're about to lick, only the warmth of the man's huge feet emenates out of the big shoes and reminds you of exactly what you're doing.
As you stick your tongue out, close your eyes and force your face against the flat surface, a dozen thoughts run through your head.
What if Dad expects this kind of treatment even after your size is restored?? What if you're forced to get on your knees when you're in trouble, and lick your dad's shoes clean while he passively reads the newspaper and Wayne laughs at you so hard that you can never look him in the face again. What if your friends are there to see it happen? And, worst of all, what if your size never is restored? Your dad might lik ehaving control over you so much that he decides to keep you as more of an easily-intimidated pet than a son.
Your tongue slides over the surface of your dad's work shoe, picking up dirt, and other fragments of filth. You swallow it down, feeling the lump slide in your throat. You hadn't even noticed him watching you, and you're startled when he says in a calm, deep voice: "Good boy.. Keep it up, Jack."
You nod your head humbly and go back to licking, with the smell of Dad's leather shoes swimming around you. You realise, with a shock, that you were actually happy for a moment, when your dad just called you a 'good boy'. The thought that you're getting used to being patronised and ordered around so quickly scares you.. Are you on your way to becoming 'Daddy's little pet'?
After that little bit of encouragement, and not having the self-esteem at this size to think for yourself, you quickly get used to the taste of your dad's work shoes and you're excited every time he looks up from his work to tell you you're doing a good job.
You concentrate on cleaning every speck of dirt from the businessman's giant sole. You lick and lick and lick, digging your tongue into the corner under the shoe's sharp heal, even wrapping your mouth around the pointy edge of the heal to suck off a tiny piece of encrusted dirt.
At the end, your dad looks up and removes his reading glasses. The few wrinkles on his forehead vanish as he smiles, genuinely pleased. "Hey! Good work, boy." He inspects his spotless soles. "A fine job. It's gonna be easier than I thought to whip you into shape."
You bow your head, feeling humbled and obedient. "Thank you, Sir.. Err.. If you don't mind me asking, when will you help me turn back to normal?"
Looking serious, your dad places his glasses back on..
"Now, Jack," he said, tone very even and authoritative. Automatically, your heart sinks. "You've done a VERY good job. But you can't expect me to assume that this is a new side of you that will stick after just one little task?"
"L-Little?! But..But, dad, I.." you fumble your words, unable to believe that a) your father had seemingly more in store for you, and b) he either did not realize just how enormous the task of shining his shoes with your tongue was, or he just did not care.
At this, your father leaned in, face looming closer and closer until you could see your reflection in his reading glasses, feel the warmth of the stale air escaping his nose with each exhale, count his pores. "I'll help you, Jack, after you've proven you're the most obedient and hard-working son around. Is that a problem?"
You cough, the breath of your father overwhelming you and preventing you from protesting. You've been forced into a state of submission, without any physical intervention, and your father could see this very clearly as he smirked in an amused fashion. "There's a good boy," he cooed before leaning back and placing a very large, well groomed hand on either side of you. "Now, then, I have a few more files to look at and then we'll get you to bed."
Suddenly, your father's intercom buzzed, causing you to jump out of surprise. Your father gave a small chuckle, though it echoed to your ears, and he pressed the call button. "What is it?"
"Sorry to trouble you, sir," the secretary piped up on the other line, "but someone's here to see you.."
If polishing his shoes wasn't bad enough, watching your dad wave his coworker in without a single worry about your humiliating was worse.
"No! Please!!!"
"Steven. You've met my son Jack, haven't you?" your dad smiles. He picks you up in his hand and offers you to his colleague like you're nothing more then a snack.
"Yes, Jack here has a history of messing around with things he shouldn't" your dad chuckles. "Tell me, Steven, you have a daughter don't you? I need a dollhouse. Jack will be staying at this size for several weeks, months, maybe years… I haven't quite decided yet"
While they talk, your dad squeezes you. He throws you from one hand to another. Soon they begin to talk about other topics. Holidays, sports, what they are going to eat on dinner. All the while you are being fondled and squeezed.
"Can I borrow the device?" Steven asks your father. "I'm having problems with my son too"
Your dad hands your only hope for normalcy over to his coworker without the slightest concern. "Of course. Like I said, I won't be needing it back for a long, long, long time. Isn't that right Jack?"
You sit on your fathers desk, still small, still naked. Still his.
It's his last day before retirement and with a yawn, he inspects the shoes you've just licked clean with your tongue.
They are spotless.
You've done this every day for so many years now, your tongue seems to hold no other purpose. "Please…. Please…" you beg. "I have learnt my lesson. I have done everything you asked. Please - change - me back!"
Your dad smiles. He inspects his shoes, and then he moves closer again.
"Now Jack… you've done a very, very good job. But I'm just not sure you've learnt your lesson" he cups you into his hand.
Your dad begins to fondle you. The device is high up on a shelf you can't reach.
"Hmmm…. eleven?… no, no, hmmm…. that's too soon…. be a good boy Jack. Behave yourself, and maybe, one day, we can talk about it"
"What will that be dad…er sir?" you ask.
"Well first things first you can still call me Dad!" Your Dad says, "But this thing i need help with we can't do here. Im off home now so i'll have to put you somewhere for the drive home. Now under the armpit might crush you as much as you deserve struggling under my sweaty, stinking pit. So i think you will be comfartable in
"What? You can't be serious?? I've already licked your shoes and everything!!"
"Well that isn't good enough son. I want to feel you squirming around like a bug in my boxers for the whole drive home just so I know you've learnt who the dominant one is in our family."
Your dad picks you up between his fingers, making you feel puny and helpless, and he undoes his belt and takes down his pants.
he pulls open his tight boxers so you see his hairy balls and huge, thick dick lying inside.
"Daddy please!!!" You cry out but it only makes him laugh.
Now you're doomed to ride against your own father's nuts and cock for the rntire ride home. Nothing could be worse.. Or could it?
Your dad's sitting in his car feeling proud and mighty. he's secretly alway wanted to do something this cruel and dominating to you and now he has his chance. He can feel you wiggling around in there, and it's making him stir something awful.
For you the experience is a nightmare. You've never seen so much sweaty and hairy flesh at the one time. Your dad's package smells like piss and sweat and remnants of cum, and to make matters worse.. it's coming alive!
there's no fighting the cobra from rising. It just keeps getting thicker and harder.
When he gets home, he heads straight up to the bathroom and locks the door..
You finally get a breath of fresh air when your dad drops his pants and takes you out, planting you on the soap dish near the shower.
"Whoah, that was the best feeling ever! If you keep giving me reasons to discipline you I think I know what my method might be. Keeping you in my boxers every night! And maybe even during the day at work!"
You're horrified to hear this. This is turning from you being disciplined to you being a sex toy for your horny giant of a father, and you have no way of defending yourself.
You cough up pieces of dick cheese while he takes his work clothes off and gets under the hot water. Then, with the water running over his hairy body and creating steam, he starts to stroke his full blown erection while looking over at you.
"You see this, son?" Your dad says with his whole fist wrapped around his dick - That's how big it is. You try to look away but he warns you "You look at this right now or so help me god I'll pick you up and use you to jack off."
You do exactlyu as you're told and watch intently while he strokes his meat, even though it burns your eyes, so dark and hairy and BIG.
"Yes, that's right. That's what a real man looks like, son. This is the tool that gave you life, and it's the tool you'll eb giving your life to from now on. Do you understand? Do you?"
"yes sir" you say shyly. He grimaces a little, like he really enjoyed hearing those words. And then..
Your giant father slowly turns towards you, and slams his open palm on the tiles above your head. this brings his body, still slightly muscular, with his huge cock, the one that made you, pointing right at you. The monstrous head, just barely bigger than your miniscule height, points at you, and angry reddish-purple color. The head flexes
"Sir?" you timidly say. At these words, your Father's fat cock pluses, you hear a deafening moan, and a jet of precum spurts out, the force of it knocks you over, and you are now covered in steaming hot precum. You, Jack Benson, have never seen precum come out of a cock, this must be something reserved for a real man.
your father grunts again, his cock pulsing. Your father is getting off on the fact that now he has his mistake of a son right where he belongs, serving a real man.
as you stare at the giant cock where you came out of 19 years ago, you can see it pulse and flex. The angry red-purple tint of the giant head darkens as more blood is pumped into it. As the monumental cock swells, your father moans, and again the cock flexes, and more precum spurts from the one-eyed monster that you will forever serve, knocking you over. you have learned to get up after you have been knocked down, although your footing is getting slippery. Your Father's cock, like that of a Real Man, produces so much precum that your ankles are now submerged in the substance, and the precum begins to overflow from the sides of the soap dish.
with a mighty roar from your father, and a mighty flex of the giant cock, a white rope of cum rockets out, and knocks you over. so powerful was the shot of cum that you get flung into the corner of the soap dish. more cum spills out, and suddenly, you feel a crushing presence. your Father has thrust forward as he cums, pinning you into the corner, leaving you helpless as the cock that created you continues to belch cum onto you. covering you. drowning you.
As your Father finishes cumming, he slumps forward, pushing his cockhead, and you, further into the corner of the soap dish. For one slight moment, you weren't sure where you were; and more importantly, if the crushing force pushing you into the corner would kill you.
You decided to start beating on the firm object, your father's monumental cockhead. Your Father lets out a tired groan, thrusts one more time, nearly breaking your rib; and the giant cock spurts out another volley of cum.
before you can drown in the lake of cum, your father stands back up, bringing you along for the ride.
"THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A REAL MAN SON," your father says. Unable to reply, you weakly cough up some of the cum that found its way into your lungs and stomach, and your Father continues. "THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A GOD TO YOU AND YOUR PUNY WORLD RUNT. THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE A HUGE COCK. IT MEANS THE ABILITY TO DO WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT"
Hearing this, you become scared. Your father, a man who you thought loved you, has become something of a nightmare. as you continue to cough up cum and regain your breath, your father reaches down with one mighty hand, and grabs your ankle.
The ride that ensues reminds you of being on a roller coaster, except instead of going down, you are going up, way up. as you dangle from your father's forefinger and thumb, you see the cock you were laying on grow farther and farther away. You pass your father's Abs, barely visible behind the slight layer of fat that comes from growing older. You then pass his Pectorals, each, to you, as large as a hill. they are moving in and out, as your Father takes heaving breaths, worn out from the great masturbation session that he had at your expense. As you continue to pass the giant pectorals, you despairingly remember feeling them through your Father's dress shirt when you used to hug him.
You finally reach the thick column of corded muscle that is your Father's neck. The slight stubble leftover from not shaving visible on the masculine neck. this only serves to remind you of the fact that you, at 19, cannot grow a beard still, which has been the subject of teasing in your family for many years now.
Passing the corded, stubble covered muscle of your Father's neck, you reach his mouth, Large enough to put you into his mouth, and finally arrive at his eyes. your father takes a moment to study you, watching as you dangle helplessly. Your Father then gives a soft grunt of pleasure at the sight of you, his puny son, hanging on for dear life.
Much to your dismay, your Father demonstrates his mastery of your puny world as he called it, and reaches up with his other hand, flicking you in the chest. The force of such a slight action, for Him, sends your world careening, and the colors around you blur from the speed you are going.
"PATHETIC," your Father booms, "CAN'T EVEN RESIST A SINGLE FLICK ANYMORE. AND TO THINK, YOU WERE A PERSON AT ONE POINT!" your Father laughs at your expense, and you come to the sinking realization that your Father no longer sees you as a person.
"TO BAD FOR YOU, RUNT SONS DON'T GET A SAY IN ANYTHING" Your father says, as you continue to hang from your ankle.
"IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU DID YOUR CHORES SON, AND NOW YOU ARE GOING TO. YOU ARE ALSO GONNA HAVE A FEW MORE, CAUSE I SAY SO. YOU JUST STAY PUT HERE, AND REMEMVER YOUR NEW PLACE," Your Father says, as he rapidly lowers you to the giant puddle of cum left on the soap dish.
as your Father holds you suspended over the cum puddle, he bellows "YOU BETTER GET USED TO BEING COVERD IN MY CUM RUNT, CAUSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS TO BUGS LIKE YOU,". with that, your Father then lets go, and you fall into the puddle of cum.
as your head goes under the surface of the cum, you again taste the potent seed that came from your Father's balls. The strong musky taste is distinctly male, and it reminds you that again, this is your new station in life.
You are forced to start swimming to the surface in the cum. when you finally make it to the surface of the viscous cum, after a lot of effort, you watch as the titanic body of your dad is displayed in all its glory.
Your Father, a tall man at around 6' 5", was once a football player and wrestler, shown in the muscular nature of his body. while your Father retains his strength and muscles, age has softened the once hard, defined lines. As you tread your Father's cum, and stare in awe at his magnificent, godly body, you realize for the first time, ever since you were placed on your Father's desk by Wayne, and forced to lick your Father's dress shoes, that you have been hard the entire time you are in the presence of your Father's magnificent body. Mortifyingly, you also realize that you were hard the entire time you were dangling in front of your Father's face.
Suddenly, Your Father turns around, and his giant hand reaches for the bar of soap, pushed off to the side, with a dent in the corner from where your father's cock slammed into it earlier. As you struggle to stay afloat in the mixed wave of precum, cum, and water, you hear a chuckle from your Father. as the pool of fluids from your Father's cock calms down, you look up to see your Father's lustful gaze staring at you as you struggle to stay alive in your Father's cum.
You then trail your eyes down the titanic body of your Father, tracing a line of water running down from the muscular neck, through the cleft of his beefy pecs, down the center of his Abs, and as it trails down the long length of the monstrous cock, which has begun to rise at the sight of your predicament, where it trickles off the edge to join the vortex of water at the bottom of the shower.
Your Father continues to make eye contact with you as he grabs his washcloth, rubbing the soap on it to prepare it to clean away a day's worth of sweat from working. awkwardly, you begin to turn your head to the side, looking away, when suddenly you hear;
"DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AWAY YOU INSOLENT BOY!" Your Father sounds angry, and that can't be good. You decide to act on self preservation, and turn your eyes back towards the towering figure that is your Dad.
The Blood in your veins turns into ice at the threat you just heard. If you weren't sure before, there is no mistaking it now. You are nothing but a toy to your Father.
Your Father stares at you, sitting in his cum, which has begun to cool off and harden. As he looks at you, he runs the washcloth in his hand over his body, soaping up his giant muscles. During this, your Father's cock slowly hardens. You watch in silent terror as the monumental cock hardens, veins begin to become engorged with blood, and the monumental cockhead takes on it's red-purple hue.
In the short time it took for your father to wash the upper half of his body, the towering monument to masculinity between his legs has re-hardened into a veiny, twitching pillar. You notice that your Father skips washing his cock and balls, and instead runs the washcloth on his ass, bends over to clean his two legs, and his huge feet.
Your Father then stands back up to his towering height, and steps into the water to wash off any remaining soap suds. Curiously, your Father makes sure to keep his cock from getting any soap or water on it.
After your Father has finished rinsing off his immense form, he stomps over towards your position in the soap dish, and slams his hard cock next to you. Immediately, you can feel the temperature around you rise drastically.
"TOUCH IT," your Father commands. You hesitantly look at the large cock on your left, and back at your Father. "DO IT BOY, OR I'LL CRUSH YOU WITH IT" He threatens
You shyly reach over to the giant cock, not looking away from your Father's face, which is staring intensely at you and your actions.
Without looking, you place your hand on the huge cock that created you. and feel a rhythmic pulsing, looking over, you can see that your hand has landed on one of the giant veins that line the obscene girth and length of your Father's cock. You unconsciously lean towards the cock, placing pressure on the vein your hand rests on
Before you can process the immense size difference between your hand and the monstrous cock; your Father gives off an earth shattering moan, and his giant cock twitches, causing you to lose your balance, and give off a loud-pitched scream and fall into the cum that surrounds your location.
At this, you hear a deafening laugh emanate from your Father, causing his cock to bounce up and down, slapping into the cum puddle on the soap dish, and splashing even more cum onto your puny body.
"PATHETIC," your father keeps shouting out in-between bouts of laughing, "LOOKS LIKE EVEN A COCK-THROB IS ENOUGH TO DISRUPT YOUR TINY WORLD,"
After your Father stops laughing, he places his cock onto the ledge, holding it down from the base with his thumb, "CLIMB ON MY COCK BITCH BOY" He commands, and you helplessly obey.
As you reach for the Giant cock, which has more girth than you are tall, your hands touch the cock, and you hear your Father stifle a moan. Your Father continues to moan as you struggle to climb up the side of the Giant cock, a task impossible because of your cum-covered body.
Finally your Father takes pity on you, and takes your body into his fist, which is so large that your entire body is wrapped up inside it. Your face is pressed into the small crevasse between his index and middle fingers. Your feet barely touch his pinky finger.
From his monumental hand, you are then pressed into his cock, where your father then proceeds to squeeze your puny body, and as you struggle to breathe through the warm cockflesh you
"Are you disobeying me, son? Because in your position that would be a very stupid thing to do."
Your dad looks you in the eyes in a strict and intimidating manner that makes you nervous.
"Err, no dad, I just don't want to polish your shoes. It would be.. humiliating. I may be tiny but I'm still a man."
"You're no such thing! Until you learn to respect your father you won't be given the privilege of pride. I'm going to make sure you learn that fast.."
Your giant dad is pissed, that's for sure. You start to feel the same as you did when you were little and he would punish you by spanking you, only this is a little different. Those feelings of dread you're feeling, wishing you hadn't disobeyed your dad aren't because he's slowly taking off his belt to spank you, it's because he's slowly taking off his shoes to punish you in a way more humiliating than you can imagine.
When he takes off his shoe you're hit by the smell of..
"Oh, boy, big mistake that you made." dad said strictly with a smirk. Do you really think you begged me and I would let you go?" "Nobody can save you today, you have to be punished very very badly, I will teach you a life lesson today, for not just misbehaving yourself, also for not obeying your father." "you could have made this easier for you, just polishing my shoes, but you refused to do that, so, don't blame me… here it comes for you… As dad was talking, Jack was completely freaking out, he could not think straight, he did not expect this would come and happen to him, he thought his father would forgive him for what he's done, clearly, he was totally wrong, and what's even worse, he did not know what would happen next. Meanwhile, dad took off his shoes and a terrible stinky smell came out instantly, Jack was very close to that and he could barely breathe. " put your fag face over my face, boy." dad ordered, in a cold voice. these words shocked Jack for a while, he was wordless, could not believe his father would let him do this, it was totally beyond his imagination of way of punishments, and very humiliating. "why are you hesitating, what the f are you thinking right now, do it! Otherwise, do you want me to take this to the next level for you? boy? seems you haven't learnt your lesson yet." dad’s voice sounds full of anger.
You watch your dad slip off his giant leather shoe with ease and wiggle his huge toes around in the sheer black sock. When you were little you remember you used to admire how big his feet were. You would try to step into his giant work shoes but they were so big and heavy you couldn't even get them to move.
Now those shoes aren't just impressive- They're mortifying. Dad holds one under his desk top and sweeps his hand across the desk to knock you inside. You scream as you fall onto the leather insole. This is so wrong! You can't think of a more humbling or humiliating thing than to be forced inside your own father's shoe like nothing but a bug. It isn't fair, it isn't humane!
Dad's strict face stares into the shoe and says, "Now your training begins, young man. You're going to spend the rest of the work day.."
You wave your arms around, trying to get your dad to stop, but his gigantic sheers covered foot slidea into the shoe on top of you. However, he doesn't slide it all the way in, just far enough so that you're pinned to the insole of his work shoe while his giant socked toes poke and push at you.
"Anything you want to say to me now, boy?" He says in a superior tone.
"dad, Im sorry! I'll make it up to you, I swear! Ill be the best son ever -- No, I wonb't even be your son, I'll be your humble obedient little slave!"
Dad laughs. He seems to like this, but he still hasn't moved his foot off of you. Better prove you mean what you're saying before its too late..
Dad's sheer socked foot is so heavy on your stomach you can barely breathe. But this is your last chance to prove yourself as a mindlessly obedient son to prevent him from keeping you underfoot for longer than you can stand.
You brace yourself.. This is going to be the most disgusting and humiliating thing you've ever forced yourself to do, but its vital that you suffer through it and accept the blows to your pride.
You wrap your arm around your dad's big toe and press your lips against it. You smooch it good, then lick the sheer material of is work sock and taste the sweat that has built up inside his shoe all day. You can hear him lauging outside.
"Well well, you really are shaping up to be a better son!"
You scream "No!!!" when you hear your dad's words. He couldnt possibly be cruel enough to do this to you, after you've dirtied your tongue and handed over your pride to lick his foot.
But he does it anyway. With a smug grin he simply slips is foot into the shoe and lets you squirm underneath it while he goes about finishing his work.
He wears the same smug grin the whole afternoon, thinking about how good a lesson this is going to be for you.
Then he walks to the carpark, loving the way his rebelious son feels mashing in to his sole, and heads home.
Once he gets to his master bedroom and takes off his tie, ready for bed, he..
Your dad sits on the bed and props one foot on the other knee, so he can shuffle his businessman's shoe off of his foot. Once thats done, he pinches you out of the shoe and chuckles when he sees you choking and gaspinfg for air.
"Well son, it looks like youve learnt a truly valuable, lesson about respecting your old man."
"Yes sir! Yes I have!" You nod.
"Well I've got one more piece of news for you, hot shot. Your punishment for tongight isn 't done. I'm putting you to bed.."
"Lets see how you like sleeping in my nasty socks" Your father peels off his massive sheer socks and hovers them over you, letting them fall on you. The heavy smelling fabric presses you flat against the ground, you fight against the weight as your father walks over to the hamper. His massive feet pound the wooden floor and you hear the sound of clothes being tossed around. You hear your fathers focused and stern voice as he thinks out loud. "Gym socks… hmm….Where are mine… Oh…These will work!"
He grabs a pair of your older brothers gym socks and stomps back over to his sheer socks that you're trapped under. "Too bad for you bug, I can't find my socks. Wayne's are much smellier though!" Your father laughs as if Wayne's raunchy socks are a consolation to his sweaty sheers. He kicks the heavy sheer socks off of you with his massive toes sending them flying into the wall. You beg as you smell Wayne's raunchy socks. "I AM NOT A BUG! PLEASE JUST CHANGE ME BACK! I"LL BE AN OBEDIANT SON! I PROMI…" The squeaking plead you shout from your shrunken body only amuses your father as he begins to chuckle. From your fathers hand they smell like cheese and vinegar and are covered in pieces of lint and small clumps of dirt. You shiver at the thought of being a bug under Wayne's sock. Your father interrupts your squealing plead to be human sized as his massive heel hovers over you and slowly and intentionally knocks you on your back. His massive powerful heel leaves you on your back looking up between his toes, you say nothing and wait for him to speak as he sternly looks down past his big toes. "New rule runt!DO NOT SPEAK UNLESS YOU ARE SPOKEN TO!"
Your father grabs Wayne's dirty gym sock and hold its as if he was about to pick up something undesirable. He quickly grabs you and folds Wayne's sock inside out. You tumble against the sweaty dirty sock as he folds it inside of the left sock. Your father raises his veiny hairy hand and tosses the bunched up sock into the pile of laundry. You land on a pair of Wayne's boxers. Fortunately your father made the toss. "AHAHA HE SHOOTS HE SCORES!" Booms the colossal man laughing to himself. "If you try and escape, you're done. You're going to learn to be obedient the hard way, if that's how it has to be. He picks up the rest of his dirty clothes, his massive sheer socks fall down on top of you first, then a pair of underwear is tossed on top. Finally he drops in his pair of jeans. You are sandwiched in the smelliest pair of socks ever and weighed down by a pair of your fathers underwear. You feel so humiliated as Wayne's dirty sock keeps you from fighting. If he only knew. You shutter at the thought of him finding out. You feel your father walk to his King Sized bed after the click of the light switch.
Your massive domineering father lays down and pulls the covers over himself smiling peacefully with the thought that his delinquent son is fully under control.
Through a smug smirk he yawns. From peaceful lips you hear him quietly whisper…Sleep tight runt.
Your dad slowly undressed after dumping your tiny body onto the floor at his feet. You stared up at him in awe, as he pounded around his bedroom doing his nightly routine. With each of his massive footsteps, your tiny world shook. One especially powerful and close footstep drove you to your knees. His gigantic cock flopped around obscenely between his terrifyingly huge muscular legs, and with a jolt of humiliation you felt your comparatively tiny manhood stiffen. Tears stung your eyes and you averted your gaze from the giant who was formerly your own dad.
Suddenly, your dad addressed you: “Well, look at the little bitch boy now! On his knees before his god. Are you impressed bitch?” your dad asked, gesturing to his huge body. Fearful of angering the giant, you nodded. He smirked above you, clearly enjoying his position of power over you.
With more booming quakes, your dad sat on the edge of the massive bed. “It’s time for the little runt son to pray to his new god,” he boomed, “and I expect you to praise me like you mean it! Otherwise, you’re getting crushed under my heavy feet!” Stunned, you looked up blankly at your father. He looked down at you sternly, and frowned. “Worship me this instant you little bitch, or I’ll step on you.” Hearing this, you decide to give into his demands. You slowly stood up and began walking towards his massive bare feet. Suddenly your dad rumbled down at you: “Crawl in my presence, little bug. Real men like your brothers and I walk upright like gods. Little bugs like you crawl at our feet. Is that clear?” He stomped his foot with terrifying power. Your world shook and your were thrown roughly to your knees. “Yes, Sir!” you pathetically squeaked up at your dad. Your tiny cock bounced as you shuffled towards his bare feet on your hands and knees. Your dad watched you crawl.
After a minute or two, you were kneeling at his toes. Looking up at him, you saw him waiting expectantly. Remembering his threat of crushing you underfoot if you refused, you put your hands together and started to pray to him like a god. “Great Sir!”, you yelled up, “I am nothing before you! I am your lowly obedient little bitch boy slave. I used to be your son, but I am now just a tiny bug at your feet. Please have mercy on me, and don’t crush me! Please don’t let my former brothers hurt me, either. You are massive and powerful, and I am small and weak. You are my creator and I worship you, Sir!” You felt utterly humiliated.
As you prayed to him, you dad reveled in his power trip and looked down at your tiny body prostrating itself on the floor. “Good job, slave,” you dad thundered, “Get used to nightly prayers to your new god every day. Maybe I’ll let you worship my real sons too.” You felt fear and humiliation course through you. You were truly just a little slave of your giant dad now, and the idea of worshipping your powerful older brother filled you with dread. The most fear, though, was for the prospect of being forced to worship your insufferable little brother. The humiliation of serving at his soles would be too much.
Just then, you heard the massive sound of someone traipsing up the stairs towards your dad’s room. With fear, you turned to the door to behold whichever young god would enter your world now.
You start to freak out when you hear those words. No son should ever have to be stuck underneath his father's socked foot for an entire day. It sounds humiliating, miserable, absolutely ball-busting.
"Don't you even struggle young man. You try to fight off my foot and I might just keep you in there for the rest of the evening. I have the authority to do that if I like. You just lie there Daddy's sole and think about how much more of an obedient son you're going to be after this.."
"Wait! Dad wait, I have something that might change your mind!"
"I'm listening." Your dad crosses his arms impatiently. You can hear his toes cracking and you know he's just itching to give you your underfoot punishment.
"I've already gained a newfound respect for you, Sir. Seeing you so big and in control has taught me I have to work for your approval, which I'm willing to do, I swear!"
Your dad scratches his chin suspiciously. "And how do you plan on proving that exactly?"
"I-I will polish all of your shoes!" At this, your dad starts to grin. "Oh really?" You start to get nervous. He gets up to get something. "Wait here". Within a minute, he comes back with his smelly gym shoes which penetrate the air as soon as he comes in. He drops them in front of you, making you wince. "Even these?"
"I can do anything that makes you happy, anything at all." You promise to your gigantic businessman father.
"I'm a very busy man, Jack, I have piles of work to do and I'm too tense to put up with your yapping for another moment! I think it's best to put you away in my shoe and be done with it."
Time is runnign out. You have to think of a way to make the gigantic man you know as your father relaxed, and your mind is jammed because of the stress of the situation. You'd better blurt something out quick!
You're breaking into a sweat now. You don't want to go in your dad's shoe whatever it takes. It isn't just the humiliation factor, you have a phobia of feet and would rather do ANYTHING no matter how horrible just to avoid being under them.
Quickly, without even thinking you offer to ease your father's tension by..
Before you even have the chance to argue, your dad's strong giant fingers have closed around you and trapped you in a stiff position. He isn't kidding about forcing you to respect him, the way he's holding you makes you feel like you have absolutely no power to move your own limbs or even speak. All the control you once had in your life now rests in your dad's hands.
He goes into one of his desk drawers and pulls out a tiny cage with bars, just big enough for you to fit in with space to spread your arms. He dumps you in and slams it down on his desk on top of a stack of papers. "There we go. That looks much more fitting. Instead of being a rowdy teenager who acts without thinking maybe you'll learn how precious freedom is, now that I'm taking it away from you."
You grip the bars of the cage and look out at your giant father. "But dad.. I don't want to live in here. I promise I'll do a better job at obeying you as a son!"
Your dad remains adamant. "You'll do a much better job when you've been broken down properly and felt the pangs of humiliation that you father can inflict on you if he chooses. It's time to take that ego of yours down a peg, young man! And I think I know just how to start.."
"I know what'll get through to you.." Your father gets a genius idea, and puts down the pen he'd been about to begin writing with. "Kids your age are all so troublesome and self-centred because you're obsessed with one thing: sex."
You watch as the giant man rolls up his shirt cuffs and starts to crack his bulky, masculine fingers in preparation for something. He then pinches open your cage door and plucks you out, trembling in his massive hand.
"Pleasuring yourself is all you do and all you think about doing, every day, and that's why you have no self discipline." He says in a deep, decisive voice as he pinches your favourite shirt between his nails and rips it right off, followed by your pants. "From now on, you're banned from sexual pleasure.. Unless it's at my hands. That ought to instill some humility and discipline in you!"
You're ready to pass out from the horrible, horrible humiliation. You kick and squirm and whimper, but your dad's massive fingers pin you in place, ripping your briefs clean off..
You try to wiggle away, but it's useless. Before you can reach the padded portion of your dads palm you're package is rolled over with the tip of your fathers fingertip. He laughs. Sips his coffee. Molests you as if the activity is boring. And with orgasm after orgasm he rolls you around and around, until your voice is hoarse from begging him to stop.
"No…. no! Please! We can talk! We can talk about this! NO! NOT AGAIN!!! Please…. please motnagain…"
"Mmmm…" your father taps his fingers on the desk twice. You flinch away from the sound but don't dare move from where he placed you on his desk. "Lunch… lunch…. it's always such a hassle to get lunch. Jack, think of something for me to order"
You panic and shout out "uh - uhm - Mexican!"
Your dad shakes his head at your suggestion. "No… that's not doing it for me"
He rolls you over in his fingers. Rubs your deflated package again.
"Hmm…. lunch…. oh jack…. what should I do for lunch"
You know he's playing with you. You know you are a considerable option. For he chews on the side of his mouth as he rolls you around and around again. Soon his fingers pinch, and up you begin to raise
"Dad… please"
"Come on jack. Think. I'm hungry… and you're no use to me if you can't think of anything…"
"Too far…"
"A salad! A sandwich! Dad I'll make it for you"
The worst part is, is that you beg for ideas he continues to molest you.
"A pie! Sushi! Dad, please! Give me some clues! DAD!"
“Oh jack. To think… a few days ago you had a life. You mouthed me off… broke the rules. Didn’t break into a sweat when I mentioned the word dinner. And now look at you” your father laughed. As you hung useless and limply in your cage. “ My thumb brings you to erection. My shoes, can you believe it jack? Your biggest task of the day, is polishing my shoes. I just can’t imagine feeling so weak… feeling so owned. look at you just swinging around in there, waiting for me to give you lunch I’m sure. So fascinating… I mean should I feed you? That’s so hard isn’t it. Not too much or you might try escaping. Hmm. No. I think I’ll keep you hungry. Should I train you? Yes I quite like that idea. Oh and no more cumming for you jack. I think next time we play our little game, I’ll take you close to climax then have you balance on top of my pen while I finish signing all my contracts. You can just hang there. Haha. Awww jack. Remind me on the drive home to turn you into a key ring too. Hmmm… look at that. I’ve got twenty minutes before my next meeting. Out you come jacky boy. Into daddy’s palm. Aww jack. Just think about it again… up there. On top of that cabinet you can’t reach is a button. And I could turn you back. Just like that. But let’s not waste time talking about things that will never, ever, ever happen. Never jacky… hmmm. I might break the device just to make sure it never, ever happens. No? Aw jack. Dance for me then. In daddy’s hand. Dance and I might not break it for another… hmm day or two. There you go jack. Tiny jack. Dance and beg me not to break it”
You can't believe what you're hearing. Your dad plans on forcing you to respect him by making sure the only sexual relief you experience is at his hands?? That's sick!
You curl up into a fearful ball, naked, in your father's vast palm. He grumbles something about a teenage brat and tosses you back in your cage, returning to his work. You're relieved to be free of your father's giant, powerful fingers, but you have a nasty foreboding feeling about all of this.
As you gaze uncertainly at the giant businessman's stern, serious face while he works, you wonder just what extent of humiliation your own father is capable of.
You've never felt so vulnerable or intimidated. You wish more than anything that this would all go away; that you could wake up in bed to discover it was all a dream.
If you did, you know you'd jump out of bed, race downstairs to where your dad was eating breakfast and apologize for ever last time you'd ever disrespected him, while you fell to your knees and kissed his feet.
The office door opens and to your horror, in walks your father. It's been two years since you saw the other side of that door. The world, as you now know it, lies in the palm of his hand. Or in this cage where you squirm tied up, unable to touch yourself to bring yourself relief.
Yawning, you watch as your dad goes about his morning ritual. Sometimes he speaks to you, but this morning he does not. You like it better that way for talking usually means torment.
You hate his thumb, but it's the only relief you have.
"Hmmm…" he says when he sometimes takes you out. You're naked like always and always impossibly helpless to his touch. "I'll let you finish today, mmm maybe" he rubs. Up and down, and up and down, as you squirm in humiliation. "Mmmm… when did I last feed you? 'Must have been a week ago.. oh well. How much can someone your size really eat.." up and down and around. "I might take you to the lunch room today, !94 to eat of course but so my buddies can see you. Hmmm… might let Watson borrow you tonight. You're fine with that arent you son? Of course you are. Now let's see…" And just before climax he stops at once, smiles at you, places you back in your shackles in your cage.
As your dad leans back in his chair and kick off his huge size 13 shoes, you object.
"No way, Jose! Not a chance." You then are suddenly hit by the sweaty pungent smell of your dads' feet, and almost choke. Your father sees this and sticks them closer towards. So close they are almost touching you. Then your dad says with an evil and dominant grin on his face…
"You'd better start massaging my feet immediately, or I'll never even think about thinking of letting you go. You don't have anyone else to turn too for help, and besides if you did I wouldn't let you go anyway. Huh! Huh! Huh! I love you at my feet. Now START MASSAGING, NOW!!!" With your dad almost bursting your ear drums, and taking everything that he said into account in a split second you made your decision to…
"I'm not going to rub your feet!" You howl at your father in disgust. "I'm your f*****g son for god's sake! You should be helping me get back to normal!". You expect your Dad to roar at you in anger, half expecting him to disown you and tell you you were going to be small forever. However he does none of this. Instead he just sits back, arms crossed and tilts back in his chair, his big size 13 feet, resting on the hard wood desk above you.
"Now Jack" Your Dad says, very calm for someones whos just been verbally assaulted by a tiny teen. "I am no longer your father and you are no longer my son. You see your not even a human anymore, your a worthless bug. Whilst i on the other hand, i am a perfect god whos job in life is to make your every moment hell right up until i see fit to "exterminate" you like the pathetic bug you are."
You both sat in silence for a while, you looking horror struck and your Dad smiling at the massive power he held over you.
Then your dad..
"So there's no way your going to willingly obey your old man then?" Your dad says.
"Nope" you reply simply. You dad continues to smile down on you. Suddenly he moves his hand fast and you wince, expecting to feel the tight grip of a warm, muscular hand lifting into the air but insetad you hear something being torn. You look up and see it's just your Dad unzipping his flies. You can see his white calvin kleins underneath and you know there tight, perfectly hugging his round, golden ass cheeks and his hefty package. He pulls down his boxers slightly, showing off his trimmed black pubes below his golden, muscular stomach. Your father couldn't be bothered getting abs, he liked having a great muscular gut instead, more masculine he said.
"Your new home" You dad said grinning, as he picked you up and dropped you into his boxers…
You are hit with a wall of ehat and musk and roll through the forest of pubes and…
You plummet the short distance and roll down the the white material until you get wedged in-between it and your fathers soft balls with a soft thump, feeling you reach there, your father lifts up a little letting you roll under a little before easing himself back down on you. He sighed contently as you began to struggle being pinned underneath his meaty balls. You are engulfed in darkness as all you feel is the damp material of his underwear to your back and the slick heavy exspanse of your dads massive nuts resting on you. Your father continues his work with new vigor at the thought of his middle sons plight. Feeling you struggle under his package gives him a rush of power. You continue to struggle to be free of your tight musky prison when:
As your father continues to work, thinking of all the things to do with you, your perspective is getting worse by the minute. Your father begins to sweat and the musky smell builds up. His balls loosen to separate from his heated thighs and you slide slowly out from underneath them and end up underneath one of your fathers proud attributes: his bubble butt. His cheeks loom over you as the tight confines of your fathers briefs compact them. Your father, no longer being able to feel you, sends a hand in to investigate. He eventually finds you under his ass and chuckles. "Like what you see? Take a closer look!" He grabs you and begins to slowly worm you deeper between the firm cheeks. After his hand retreats, you are left between the flabby flesh of you fathers powerful ass. You begin to struggle and against the fat only to make your father clench you and begin to moan. Not wanting to please him you stop. An agitatted voice came from above."Don't stop!" He says slowly while clenching you in a way that drags you towards his hole. As if ready to receive you, it slightly opens and realeases a toxic smell. You begin to squirm vigorously and try to get away, causing your dad to stop clenching and grunt in pleasure. After a while…
He begins to pass gas each one like an atomic bomb to you he kept doing this as if he want you to smell all of it up just then you hear your dad say that he about to release the big one and that he want to give front row tickets he use his hand and press you whole body against his asshole then he removes his hand and clenchedhis buttchecks trapping you in place then with a grunt he released a fart that would have sent you across the room if it was for your dad clenched buttchecks but that just means you had to endure the full force
"Is that clear?" He booms. Initially you're too afraid to respond, but his faded white sock raises from the office desk into the air. He stomps it down right beside you. Laughing as he sees you begin to shake. "Boo!" He says as his massive smelly foot nearly smashes you. "The next one is headed you're way if I don't hear a response.." He begins to lift the foot directly in front of you, the massive sweaty smelly wall moving quickly into the air. "I always hated having bugs in my office, he says with a stern look.." Your fathers massive sole lowers quickly as if falling from the sky and just before it slams you, you shout. "YES DAD! PLEASE DON"T SQUASH ME!!!" Stopping the foot right above your face. Your father hovers his foot over you with a dramatic pause. "I am no longer your father. I am your superior. Look at your size. You are not a human being. You're the size of a grasshopper. I don't have time for insects in my life…" He lowers his foot on top of you pressing slowly until you're horizontal. "DAD I AM SORRY! PLEASE JUST CHANGE ME BACK!"
He rubs his foot over you…
"Sniff my feet bug."
You are afraid of disobeying him, but you don't want to give into him. What happens next?
Your dad sits back in his chair, arms crossed, with his two gargantuan feet resting on the desk. The black sheer monsters smell like days' worth of stale sweat and the beaten leather of his insoles. His toes wag impatiently. Feeling smaller than small, you trudge forward and hesitantly lay your hands on the vast sole of one socked foot.
"You feel like a real man, rubbing your dad's feet?" He asks you in his booming voice. It reverberates through you like a surround sound system, making you shake. "You're not half as tough as you think you are. You're just a spoiled little brat. A worm. And you're going to learn to respect your superiors. Rub harder!"
He shouts at you, and you feel tears prickle the backs of your eyes balls. No, you think. You can't cry like a little girl here and now. The humiliation would be too much to bear. You dig your hands into the warm, tired muscles of your father's feet. Soon you're too tired to block your nose and you let the musky smell of his feet flow into your lungs.
"I asked you a question, boy. Do you think you're a real man or not?" The giant demands.
"No, sir." You say in a tremulous voice.
He lowers both feet so you can rub the damp toes through the sweaty socks.
"I can barely feel your weak little hands. Use your head." He says, and spreads his toes so you can butt your head into their socked pads. You hesitate for a split second. "Do it this second or you'll spend the next twenty-four hours inside my shoe, groveling under my foot like the little worm you are."
You press your face deep into the curve beneath his toes. Your dad's sweat is salty and far more musky than yours. A real man's foot odour, you think to yourself.
When you're done…
"Good boy" you're dad says. "Now as a reward for doing so good and licking my my dirty smelly toes you can you can either…
Your whole body is aching by the time you finish massaging Dad's feet. You only hope that the muscles in his soles are feeling as relaxed as your muscles are feeling beaten. But you're going to have no such luck.
Your dad massages his temples, looking stressed and irritable. "You'd think that with all the warning I gave you, you'd put some effort into this one simple task. But my feet are just as tired as they were when you started. Your girly little arms are completely useless." He says.
Your stomach turns over as our father's huge palm hovers in the air over you, then snatches you up.
"Please … Sir! … No!" You beg pathetically, squashed up in his hand, but he doesn't listen.
You see the almost faded 'size 12' mark inside his leather shoe. There's the beaten, uneven insole where his foot has pounded its impression over the last year. Then you hit the leather ground and smell the overpowering scent of the man's foot.
Your dad places two fingers inside the shoe and slips his toes in, then pushes his whole foot inside, on top of you. Your back is jammed against the warm insole and your face is directly under the curve of his giant toes. They wiggle, settling in for the drive home.
His first step crushes your lungs. When he lifts his foot, you have to gasp to take in as much air as possible, meaning you're deeply sniffing his musty sock with every breath you take.
Through the wall of leather and far above you can hear a deep, satisfied chuckle.
The radio is switched on to his favorite station and the volume is adjusted to his "Normal" volume. At your size it would be pounding noise, if you weren't sheltered inside your giant fathers massive shoe. He chuckles as he feels your head under his massive toes.. then smiles as he realizes in the hot summer air, that his feet are beginning to sweat. This would teach the little runt not to mess with things he shouldn't. He squeezed his toes together prodding at the tiny bug inside his dress shoe. The massive toes above you came down smooshing you into the sweaty fabric.
With each red light came enjoyment as he got to fully press down on his tiny son feeling him try to squirm under his sweaty musky foot. He would know who the real man of the family was. With a stern yet confident smirk your colossal father began to think of other uses for you.
Hmmm… He doesn't know I have the device… I could turn him into something…That's useful…
..There is that spot in the couch that kind of sinks in…. AHAH A CUSHION! That would make him learn his place…Better yet… clothing..
…Then again Wayne's been wanting a dog…Then I wouldn't have to worry about changing him back… Or I could just give him to Wayne! Ahaha If the runt doesn't listen maybe I will….
…By the squirming he really hates it down there, maybe I should just change him into a sock…
Your father's day dreaming is interrupted as he presses down on the brake turning into his driveway… He slides off his shoe, before you could say anything he's sliding you into his side pocket. You fall against the tent like fabric and land at the bottom in a warm pile of lint. He let out a fart and pat the side of his pocket. Sandwiching you quickly between his thigh and his powerful hands. The fart radiates through his dress pants as the pocket becomes tighter… Your father is sitting down. He takes off his dress shoes and his socks. He crumples his socks into a ball and drops them on the floor…reclining in his chair. Before tilting his head to sleep he realizes you'd be able to leave his pocket and with a grin picks up the sweaty socks he just discarded. He jams both in the pocket on top of you before taking falling asleep.
He dreams of what to do with you…
They guys Wayne hangs out with in class are all build and no brains, though they're no jocks. All from bad neighbourhoods and a couple with criminal records, the boys your brother calls his friends usually spend class with their iPods im and their hoodies pulled down to cover stoned, red eyes.
"Eh, Wayne. What you got there?" Joey nods toward your brother's hands, where you lay.
With sandy brown skin, a shadow of beard and serious, dense brown eyes, Joey looks less like a high-schooler and more like a guy you'd see dealing pot on a street corner.
Wayne has been striving to impress his new tough-guy friends any way he can and, unfortunately for you, a toy-sized little man might be just the thing to get him bragging rights.
"Ah, nothin'." Your brother says, dangling you carelessly in front of the intimidating young men. "Just a little toy of mine.. You can have him if you want, Joey. I've gotten what I want out of him."
Joey scratches his whiskery chin, nods interestedly and reaches his huge hand out..
The streetwise giant examines you in his rough hands as you stare up at him, scared out of your mind. In class, you always avoided Joey and his mob because everyone knows they're trouble. But here, in the hooligan's cheap cologne-smelling hands, you feel like a cornered animal. The giant's full, red Puerto Rican lips bend in a sleazy smile that makes his girlfriends weak at the knees "Nice. This a real kid?"
Wayne nods and Joey's friends look impressed. "You're cool, man. Come hang out with us again tomorrow." Joey says smoothly, standing up as the bell rings. The last thing you see is your brother's immensely satisfied face as Joey drops you into the pocket of his sweat pants and his gang head out.
You're as mad as you are terrified - Your own brother, handing you over to a kid who's fresh out of juvi, just to earn street cred??
Joey's keys jingle in the baggy pocket as you tumble around in there amongst lint, a giant lighter, loose change, and a clear plastic pouch stuffed with something dark and green.
You are quickly stuffed in the massive pocket of Joey, the soft pocket swinging violently with each step. Right next to your head, you can feel the thick warmth of Joey's member. it must be so massive that you can feel it through 2 layers of clothing!
After what seems like an hour you are pulled out of the pocket. you attempt to inhale fresh air, however your new environment is just as musty. lookng around off the palm of the giant, you see you are in the gigantic house of Joey. it is a tiny, dingey apartment. Rubbish and drug paraphernalia litters the tables and chairs.
With a thud you are dropped on the counter, eye level with Joey's groin. "hey little guy, welcome to your new home" Joey smiles before peeling his sweaty top off. "By the way, my rule here is that everything is Clothing Optional" he coos as he flops his shirt down next to you. With a smile, he bends over and peels off his dirty sweatpants, leaving him towering over you in his tight boxers. Giving his nuts a scratch he smiles down at you.
"Don't look so disgusted, You'll get used to it." he snarls down at you. "Well i think you should meet your new housemate…"
Joey said that while he was pinching his dark nips on his bulgin chest, looking at you with a lost sight. I Though that he was just a little dope, and a felt fear because of that. A giant dope black man in front of me, without anything that I can do to protect my self.
He took me fron the table and he lean his huge body on a dirty sofa in the room, and he let me on his abs. My with skin felt the warm of the dark and hard surface under me.
"first, put your little mouth to work bicth" he said, pointing his right dark nipple. I walked over his body till I reach his pec, I could here the deep heartbeat under the pec, I felt just impresed when the huge nipple was in front of me, it was round and bigger than my head, like a huge ship of darl chocolate. The smell of hi hairy armpit nockout my little nose fastly too.
"now!" he said, and then I stared to kiss the giantic nip, doing my best work to suck and I knew that I was doing a great job when he stared to pinch his other nipple between his his huge fingers, moaning.
Then, his hands desapear from my sight, and I could smell the musk, an odor that only could come from giant joey's crotch.
I close my eyes and I try to not think about the huge dark snake that was just behind me. I didn't want that joey knows that I was actually enjoying all the erotic situation, but my little erction was not helping much.
"seems like your little faggot were happy…" joey said, and a few minutes later, while I was just sucking all the dry sweat and dirt from joey's nip, he said "the other one…" and then, I open my eyes and stared to walk to the other pec. It was difficult because joey was getting hot and a little puddle of sweat formed between the pecs, and I sliced on it a few times after I could reach the other nipple.
The smell of the sweat was all over me when I reach the nip, and stared to treat it like the other one, kissing and suckin how much as my little mouth could. But later than sooner I felt the flavor of… Preseminal in my mouth…
I look up to joey's face and he was smiling, his with teeth feature from his dark lips and the thick irsute beard that was growing around his mouth.
"now you know how it taste…"
Wayne desides to take his new toy out on the street to deside what to do with him.
Walking passed the GYM a man stops wayne and askes him 'where did you get him?'
'he's my brother' says wayne
'how much?'
'im sorry he's not fo…'
when wayne hands you over to the complete strainger you get a better look at him. He was only wearing tight speedos so jack could see all of his muscly featchers, wayne walks off down the other end of the street while your left with a monstrous muscly giant.
The big, muscular man closes his fingers around you to stop your squirming and shoots you a devilish smile. "You may be the smartest buy I've made this week. I'm a collector, see, and I make a handsome living by selling toys and trinkets like you to my buyers."
You can't believe that minutes ago you were in your big brother's hand, afraid but hoping for the best, now you're being glared at by some random giant who sees you as nothing but the amount of money he can sell you for.
Who knows whose hands you'll end up in now?
For the next few minutes you don't get to see a thing because your giant seller keeps his had around you so tight that your whole world is just a mix of sweat and skin. But you can hear his deep oice speaking on the phone.
"Hey I've got something I think you'll be interested in.. Okay, see you there."
Soon the giant opens up his hand and you catch another glimpse of him, looking proud and veiny still. But when you look across you see someone else.
The buyer - Your buyer - is an older man with messy brown hair and a large nose. He can't seem to stop sniggering as he looks down at you.
"This.. This is so hot! I'll give you however much you want! I'm so fucking horny!" He hands a large amount of cash over to the seller and opens up his hand.
Next thing you know, you get dropped into his sweaty hand and stuffed into his pocket. You hear the two men slap-shake hands and then feel your new owner walking off home to have all the fun with you he wants.
For the next half hour, you sit in the musty pocket of the older man who's just purchased you. You barely had time to survey the creep whose property you are, except for his large hooked nose and unkempt brown hair which is lightly peppered with grey.
As he walks, his pocket slides against his hip, and every so often you cringe to feel your back bumping up against a large lump which you're sure is his warm cock and balls.
Soon, you hear the shuffling of feet up stairs and a keys jangle up above. As soon as the man's door slams shut, his somewhat aged hand reaches in and fishes you out.
Though he can easily hold you in his broad palm, the man's fingers make a point of snaking all around you, rubbing up against your most intimate areas. "Well, hello there. I'm Jonathan. Pleased to meet you." He wears the sleaziest, most depraved grin you've ever seen as his eyes wander over you, giving you the chills. "You'll be living under my.. roof from now on, so I suppose I ought to show you around."
Jonathan turns his hand so you're given a view of his home. It's..
As your new owner carries you around your new home, tightening his grip every so often as he plays with himself, you are instantly filled with dread.
The smell is the first thing you notice, a mixture of must, damp and cigarettes. As you survey the room rubbish is spread all over, from takeaway boxes ,condoms spread on the furniture and an ashtray over flowing with cigar and cigarette buds. You begin to wonder if you’re not the only small creature living here.
He places you in a pint glass and wanders into a small cupboard which you guessed could be the bathroom. You try to look around the room further but it’s clear that this glass has been sat here a while since it was last used and there is a strange slimey substance in the bottom.
You manage to find an area of the glass where you can peak round the room. Noticing mountains of dirty washing homing t-shirts with food on them, socks that are held together by their last thread and y-fronts with yellow and brown stains - that is one place you don’t want to end up.
After 10 minutes, he finally returns from the bathroom, he picks up the glass and draws it closer to him. His eyes sunken into his face and his long crooked nose peering over you.
He was now only wearing a pair of white, well once white pants. He was very scrawny and you could see the outline of his bones, his chest was very bushy and full of dirt and crumbs.
‘How do you like my home, after all it’s yours too.’
He smiled as his other hand fumbled around in his y-fronts, fondling a package that seemed to be getting bigger. The smell of beer and cigarettes hit your face, stinging your eyes.
‘Well what do we have here’ he said in a curious voice as he poked your bow erect penis.
Through all the distractions you failed to notice this happening.
‘I…umm..Well’ you tried to response but you couldn’t explain the situation.
‘Don’t worry we will fix that in the morning but first it’s time to go to bed’ he said before pulling out some string from his pocket.
He then carried you into another small room, in the corner lay a small unmade bed, with a pile of clothes at one side but you suddenly caused glimpse of something that scared you even more. In the other corner was a shelf, piled high with different sex toys, porn magazines and boxes of condoms. On the wall next to this hung several garments, from tight Lycra pants to leather all in ones.
‘Yep that’s right boy, welcome to my sex room. Me and you are going to be spending a lot of time in here together, maybe even some guests’. He wiped some drool from his mouth before massaging his huge member again.
‘However, it’s getting late and I want you to get settled. He then held you in his hand before grabbing what seemed to be a small outfit. ‘I’m sorry if this doesn’t fit, it’s the best I could do at such short notice’
He stretched the rubber material over you, having a quick stroke of your penis as he did. Looking at the semi-clear material you guess the outfit is made out of a condom. You try to get comfy in the outfit when a sticky substance squelches against your back - confirming that this is in-fact a used condom.
He then drops his pants to the floor, before revealing the true monster that was living behind those grubby pants.
‘Right, let’s get comfy’ he says before tying the shoe lace from earlier around your limbs.
‘I don’t want to loose you in the night so tonight you are going to sleep…’
"I've got a friend who might be interested in you." The giant says with an evil smile. "He pays big money for sex toys, which is just what you are."
The gym giant takes you back inside his local gym and walks up the stairs. He manages to keep his hand tight around you so you can't escape, but you can see all the muscular giants lifting weights and showing off their huge bodies all around, which makes you feel smaller than ever.
"Hey man, I've got a toy I thought you might want, if you've got the cash." That's when he opens his hand all the way and you see him, your new owner.
He looks like an ogre, only hotter. He has the biggest muscles you've ever seen, they're like big veiny melons. He also has a huge horny smile on his face. And he's stretching his hand out for you..
The vascular colossus holds out his hand, prompting two or three fat veins to pop up along his arm. This guy is so pumped, he looks like he's ready to burst. Even his palm feels buff as it wraps keenly around you.
"What do ya say, man? Wanna do business?" The other man asks.
Instead of answering his friend, your holder looks directly down at you and cracks a smile that chills you to the bone. His chin is as strong and thick as a brick, like the rest of his sculpted features. And while his skin is tanned to bronze, his teeth are heavenly white. "I say.." His deep voice surges through you like an earthquake. "My name's Trip, but you can call me Master."
Having just finished a long and satisfying workout, Trip's endorphins are running high and he's in the mood to go home and treat himself to his favourite hobby -- Power tripping.
The bronze god shakes his business associates hand and pockets you, dumping you in a hammock-like enclosure inside his gym shorts. The air is hot and musky as your new owner walks you home. With every step you can feel your side brush up against the rock hard muscle of his thigh, and smell the potent stench of his vinegary sweat.
After ten minutes of nerves and uncertainty, that baseball glove-like hand returns to drag you back out of the dank pocket.
Trip's huge smile beams down at you once again, the muscle hunk looking like a charicature of handsomeness. You can't believe any human being can hold so much perfectly carved muscle, or have such Greek god-like good looks. "Ready to do the most intense worshipping you've ever done, runt?" He sneers, and once again the bass in his ultra-deep voice makes your head spin.
Clearly Trip's seeming perfection is doesn't extend to his personality. You're quivering hard, but you try answering. "Sir, I don't know how I got here, but I'm begging you, you have to let me-"
"Are you deaf, runt? Do I have to speak up." Trip lowers his face close enough so that you can feel the hot breath streaming from his nostrils as he glares sternly. "I am not 'Sir', not 'Mister', I am 'MASTER', and you will NEVER make the mistake of asking me to repeat myself again. Is that clear?"
The burly behemoth looks mad. He's so close, his unshaven chin is nearly scratching your chest. A little droplet of his spit splashed against your cheek while he was scolding you but you're too afraid to wipe it away.
"Y- Yes, M-Master.." You manage to choke out. That broad, winning smile returns to the muscle hounds face, and he goes on training you as his new pet.
Trip sits you on his kitchen table and stands before you, his sweat-soaked underwear stretched around his bulging thighs. His shirt has been slung over a nearby chair and now his glistening muscles are visible throbbing with his heartbeat. A fat vein wanders across his massive pec. His thick, brawny neck is decorated by clear beads of sweat a bouncing adam's apple big enough for you to curl up inside.
"C'mere." The giant says with a wolfish grin. He holds his hand and slowly curls his finger, beckoning you. There is nowhere to run.
In front of you is a brutal red cock like a bloody colosseum pillar.
You step forward on numb legs. Above you, the muscle god is breathing through gritted teeth, like an animal on the hysterical brink of attack.
You stand on your toes and place your hands on the purple head, which jumps at your touch.
"OH, yeah. Yes." He hisses, closing his eyes.
Above your head, the giant's abs clench, becoming deeper than trenches. You're pretty sure that if your head was between two of this brick-like muscles right now your skull would be crushed.
"That's right. Jack it. Jack my cock, puny little boy." The man says in his demonically deep voice. His cock is pulsing hard in your arms, alive with more vigour than you hold in your entire little body. You stroke the giant organ as well as you can, even though it stinks of sex and piss and feels clammy against your chest.
Before long, the giant's hand swoops out of nowhere and begins punishing his cock maniacally, beating it while it coughs up four healthy pumps of cum, which splash the table around you and pool all warm and gluggy at your feet.
All in all, the experience isn't as traumatic as you expected it to be. If you have to do that once a day until you formulate a plot to escape, you just might be able to survive.
"Sir?" You ask timidly.
Giant Trip mops the cum off of his table top with an old sock, his face sweaty and sated. "What is it, runt."
"Is that all you bought me for? To be your… cock slave?"
The colossus chucks his sock toward a pile of laundry in the corner and snorts, shaking his head over you like a pitying god.
"Of course not, bug. I bought you as…"
Giant Trip hitches his boxer briefs so they hug his flaccid cock snugly. His big, burly frame looks suddenly softened, like his orgasm turned him from a shiny bronze statue to a huge sack of meat.
"Wait… You're not going to- You can't eat me!" You say incredulously.
The giant just smiles and shakes his head. "I've tossed guys twice your size into my gut before. Trust me, you're not that big."
"No, that's not what I mean! I'm a human being!" But the giant isn't listening.
He kneels down so that his face looms over you. A big, winning smile. White teeth. Sharp and powerful.
"I could probably snort you if I wanted, heh heh. You'd whizz up my nose and down my throat easy as an ant." He jokes, and you find yourself staring into the blackness of his flared nostrils. You're so small, he could be right. You wonder what it would be like, traveling down that throat. Or rather, what it "will" be like. Will you be squeezed and mulched by the wet tube as you slide horrifically down or will you fall loosely, pathetically, and plop into the pit of his stomach like a coin in a wishing well.
"Look on the bright side, runt." The gym god says in an amiable voice. "You're nothing now. Just a squeaky little cherry pip. Soon you'll be part of this!"
Trip stands up and flexes his muscles. And, in front the sunlight shining through his kitchen window, his incredible body glows like that of a deity. Every muscle rises, as if he's growing inches before your eyes. He becomes all ridges and grooves and great, throbbing, melon-like mounds of flesh.
"C'mon. Why don't you get a feel of what you're about to be absorbed into." He says, plucking you up. You're placed precariously on the man's bicep, which he dutifully flexes for you. Once you're let go you face the risk of falling to your death and you have to cling to the massive hunk of muscle for dear life, as if you're riding a particularly bouncy bull.
"That's right," Trip chuckles. "You're getting the hang of worshiping me. Soon you'll get to make the ultimate sacrifice, by making your god even bigger and sexier. Lucky you."
Five fingers curl carefully around you once again, and you're walked to a narrow cabinet on the other side of the kitchen. Inside is a stack of shelves which house roughly twenty glass jars, each stuck with a crooked white label which has a motivational message like "BEEF UP" or "EAT LIKE A GOD" scrawled on it. Behind the labels are men like you, naked and despondent. You spot a couple of moping teenagers but for the most part, beefy older men stand with "PROTEIN=POWER" and "TRAIN HARD, GET HUGE" obscuring their pathetic little frames.
Around the captives' feet, protein bars and powdered fitness supplements are scattered. Trip's paws fumble the lid off of a jar marked simply with the word "MASS". Your jar. You're dropped inside, and before the lid is returned, the giant rips open a sash and sprinkles bitter white powder all over you.
"Protein. Eat it." He grins. "We gotta get you fattened up."
Trip licks his lips, seals you in your prison and slams the cabinet closed.
"…Your what?" Escapes your lips before you can stop yourself.
Being used as a macho giant's jack-off toy didn't seem strange, for some reason. Trip is clearly addicted to power and his games never struck you as homoerotic, just extremely sadistic and perverse. But this announcement that the ripped gym junkie has a boyfriend seems incongruous.
Until the front door bangs shut in the next room, and in stomps giant #2.
He is enthralling to look at. Long, wavy surfer hair. As tall as Trip, in a tank top which looks like it's about to explode, board shorts and sandy flip-flops. He has skinny, hairy legs and a deep tan. A big toothy grin.
"Hey handsome." Trip says in his usual, gravel-deep voice as he gives his boyfriend a peck on the cheek.
"This the little fella?" The boyfriend says, throwing an arm fraternally around Trip's shoulders. He directs his beaming, energetic grin down at you. "How are ya? Name's Braiden."
The giant thrusts his hand toward you, smelling of saltwater. It take's a moment to register his words through their thick Australian accent and then to react to his massive hand, open and waiting for you to shake it.
"Ah!" He laughs, "I'm just joking, little mate. I don't wanna pull your arm off." Still laughing at your expense, he turns back to his boyfriend to deliver a proper, messy kiss to Trip's lips. The heat radiating from their close bodies is now dizzying.
"So." Braiden says, his hand casually wandering over and squeezing the lump in Trip's shorts. "What are we gonna do with the little bugger first?"
It turns out that nothing gets these guys off more than…
Braiden coming home from the gym was all sweaty giving Trip an idea that had Braiden smiling from ear to ear. Trip soon reached out at you picked you up and demanded you lick Braidens sweaty armpits. You stick out your tongue as you are very much overpowered by these two massive men and have no choice. Trip brings you closer and closer to the smelly pit. You tremble in fear when it suddenly gets dark and all you can smell is a heavily musky scent. You soon realized Trip has trapped you with his armpit and you are now surrounded by the muscle gods musky scent. All you can hear are their deep laughs.
You start to see a dim light and feel a sense of hope you'll soon be free, but immediately all hope is gone as the next thing you see are two giant muscular size globes that smell worse the closer you get. Trip is Bringing you to the butt of Braidens. "Sorry bud" Braiden says while pulling down his pants showing his bare bottom, "I forgot to shower at the gym and I need someone to help dry all this sweat off of me." Your eyes widen as the words spilled out of Braidens mouth. "Open your mouth little buddy" Trip said laughing at his own pun as he pushes you further into your second smelly torture. After Trip rubs you all over Braidens ass with your tongue cleaning every inch of his butt, Trip puts you in between Braidens massive glutes and Trips loving boyfriend clenches his ass checks holding you in place. When all of a sudden you hear a loud BOOM as the sound vibrates your entire body and you loose some of your hearing. Any fresh air you had left was replace by the smelly noxious gas almost knocking you out.
As your hearing began to come back, you hear Braiden say, "how else can we dominate and/or humiliate our new favorite toy?"
"Take off your clothes and get in bed with me," he still holds you in his fist. Braiden gives a great smile as he wraps his fingers around the base of his tank-top. It could be that it is as tight as it looks or he just does this to entice Trip, but it takes a while for it to go from his chest onto the floor as shakes his wavy hair and smiles. He is quite buff, a good beach body. And you see more of it as his shorts slide down his legs with his flip-flops. Large, tan, and naked, Braiden bears it all and flexes his pecs.
"Ready when you are, mate!" he runs his tongue over his lips as he descends onto the bed, sprawling like an animal has he twists around to lie beside his gym rat lover. Trip lets go and drops you onto Braiden's abs, letting you roll down the hill of muscles towards his navel. "That tickles!" he shouts with delight, his laughs like earthquakes to you. Now that you're on Trip's boyfriend's sun and sea-kissed body, your role in their passion begins as…
Braiden's abs are smooth but hard. They shine like water rolling over hot, flat stones.
As you sit unsteadily on his navel, staring up at your horny co-owners, you can smell the ocean and feel the sun that has soaked into the giant's tanned skin.
Above, the hulking Trip leans in and wraps his lips around Braiden's. Four massive hands are busy rubbing each other's chests and necks, tweaking a nipple here and massaging a swollen cock there. Their moans are deep, breathy and inescapable.
"Little mate looks like he needs some help getting started." Braiden says, and suddenly Trip's huge fist is upon you. You're dragged down, into the golden curls of Braiden's pubes and then over his salty-smelling cock. You're rubbed up and down the hard, pulsing organ which is drizzling pre-cum from its bulbous head to its veiny base.
When Trip's hand disappeared, you're left hugging the giant penis. You hear the mattress below creak and look up to see Trip's muscular thigh coming between his boyfriend's legs as he climbs atop him, straddling him passionately. The gym junkie's own vascular abdomen grinds against you as the men slide over each other, kissing and snarling lustfully. You're sandwiched between two sweating, horny gods as they go about making love as if you're nothing but a forgettable sex toy to be left on your own while they growl dirty talk to each other.
At the apex of their raw passion, Trip's stiff, red cock slaps into his boyfriend's erection. A game of frottage begins, with both meaty swords knocking you between them, coating you with their sweat and bittersweet pre-cum.
"Uhh, I'm gonna cum!" Moans…
Trip bends down, so that his calves flex out into thick triangular slabs of muscle. He places you right by the toe of one of his Nike running shoes, then straightens up to his full height. You have to take a big gulp -- Just trying to look up at the monolith's face both hurts your neck and makes you dizzy. What's visible of his masculine features behind his puffed out chest is obscured by the light behind him, so you feel like you're staring up at some sort of Heavenly being.
"Tell me something, twerp. At a rough guess, which of us do you think's bigger. Go on, take a stab at it." He chuckles to himself, clearly enjoying the image of you, so pathetically miniscule next to his shoes.
"Err.. You, Master."
"What was that? I can't hear you." The man places his hands on his hips and looks down at you expectantly.
"I said.. You! ..You're bigger than me, Master!!" You try with all your might to shout the answer back up, but your puny little voice is far too weak.
Not that it matters. Trip's question wasn't literal; This exercise was a lesson for you, and a little entertainment for your master. You understand the message your new owner is engraining into you with crystal clarity. He's the boss, and you'd better not forget it.
That's the reason, and the only reason you stay put when Trip pries off his size 17,000 gym shoes and leaves them sitting on either side of you while he trots across the room to the couch and takes a seat. The smell wafting out of those bad boys is criminal, try as you may to breathe out of your mouth. But you wouldn't dare walk away from them without your master's command.
"Here's what we're gonna do, bug." Trip says as he reclines on his couch across from you. "You're gonna polish my favourite sneakers spotlessly clean for me, and I'm gonna sit here and watch. Why? Well, I think we established that just a second ago. I am your god, and you will obey me every word out of my mouth even if it kills you. End of story." You look over at the massive footwear, still radiating their sweaty stench so strongly that it makes your throat twitch. This is going to be one long job, and Master's going to be watching you like a hawk. After all, all this humiliation is getting him off. "One more thing, roach." He adds casually. "You're going to use your tongue. Begin… Now."
This is not going to be pleasant.
You walk up to the megalithic gym shoe, your face only reaching the second or third row of shoelaces which are dirt-stained and raggedy. Back on the couch, Trip is watching intently for the show to begin. One hand sits in his lap, lightly massaging every now and then.
You bring your face right up to the giant, red swish symbol marking the side of your master's shoe, and drag your tongue across the cracked Nike sign. You lick the wall-like shoe, trying to ignore the way his foot stench fills your throat whenever you open your mouth. You climb onto the toe, scrubbing at the giant tongue with your own. You lick the filthy treads, swallow copious amounts of dirt and grime, all while Trip sits on the couch stroking himself and taunting the fact that you're his very own little bitch.
"Mmmm, how does that taste, faggot? How does that feel, licking Master's shoes for him, huh?" Trip is in a state of bliss as he orders you around.
Now he reaches into his gym shorts and pulls out something that looks like a third leg. You almost stop licking and go into shock when you witness the tall, thick, rock hard pole sitting in your master's lap. His eyes closed, he goes on stroking faster and faster, his first wrapped tight around the unbeliavable tool which seems to be thicker than an average man's wrist.
You're still gawking in horror when Master opens his eyes, still drunk on power, and orders:
Trip didn't take long to first kick you out of his filthy gym shoes and grab you. Though as much as you are relieved not to endure the taste of jock foot, you soon become the gym god's newest accessory - a tiny toy on top of his dickhead. You couldn't help but realize how massive his member is, like he works it out as much as he does his other muscles. He continues to beat off as you balance yourself on top of his rising meat. The surface though sways dramatically as you try to keep your stomach in one place as this god of a man continues to play with himself.
From on top of Trip's monstrous cock, you see his smiling face before you as he plans to…
The master takes you into a gym the part where Sumo wrestlers are fighting for the big games, to you they are big huge fat Asian guys in fundoshis barefoot and slamming into each other.
The master is talking to one of Sumos and offers you to him for money, this is very scary thing because the Sumo accepts it you then dropped into his big huge hand, before you could say word he shoves into his fundoshi and you find your on his big smelly Asian dick, the sumos cock soon starts to get hard it's so think and strong you do your best to hold on.
You spend nearly all day in his fundoshi on his cock which is now harder than before you wonder if you would ever see the light again?
The buying behemoth grabs you and gives a light squeeze that almost crushes you, an looks at you as if contemplating buying you. you also look at him, and what you see makes you feel like you should have tried more in gym class. his hair is a dark color and cut extremely short to keep sweat from building up, and has dark eyes, and a face that seems carved from stone, you can see all of his torso muscles through his thin t-shirt, and his pecs juts out far enough that you could probably lay down on top of it, and you wouldn't be close to either edge of the giant's shelf, his shoulders are broad enough that it wouldn't look cramped if he had three heads, and his neck is about as thick as your body used to be. his arms are forced to be held out away from his body to fit his muscle, and his bicep is as big as your head used to be, unflexed. his forearms are close to being as thick as his biceps, and his hand was large enough that it could have covered your face at regular size. he had an eight pack abs, and eachone was big enough that he could have taken cans, painted them and stuck them onto his stomach, and they appeared to you almost like hills on the giant's body. you had to look up to see this, because his hand was slowly lowering towards his shorts, and you can see that you're previous giant is at least 6 inches shorter than him, and looked downright weak next to him, even though his muscles were bigger than Clay's, the school's huge muscle jock, and he must have been working on them while. looking back at your current giant you think that he must use steroids, but this thought was lost as he suddenly pulled open his shorts, and you were being placed inside and looking down you see a cock that must have been at least 8 inches but probably more.
As he does this, the seller shouts "Hey! At least give me the money before doing that!" and makes a lunge at the muscle wall holding you. Your giant stops placing you down his shorts, and lets go of his shorts, so that he can place his hand in front of him. the elastic thuds into you painfully, and traps you beneath it, with just your head and arms outside of it and trapped in the space between his abs. you watch as the other giant rams against the outstreached arm and is stopped by, he can't move it, and can't reach you nor the bigger giant with his hands. the bigger giant sneers down at the attempts to move his arm. suddenly his sneer grows meaner as he grips the smaller giant's arm with his other hand, then moves his already outstreached arm under his armpit, and effortlessly lifts him up above his head.
"you shouldn't be walking around with such tiny limbs, you might hurt yourself." he says, despite the fact that under differant circumstances you would have moved away from the lofted giant if you'd seen him anywhere because you would have been afraid of the power even a push could pack from those huge muscles, but currently he seemed thin held above your giant's massive body. Then he throws the smaller man into a group of bodybuilders and weight machines, then slowly swaggers out.
once he's out he grabs you out from his shorts' band, and brings you up to his massive face. "now little toy, you and your tiny body will address me as Master, god, or Lord of Muscle. You will do what ever i feel like having you do, and if you do anything i don't like, then this will happen." he grabs a can from the ground and presses it into a small metal ball. "the first thing I want you to do is…
The muscle man takes you across the street and keeps you well hidden in his fist the whole time.
You can't believe that this morning you were just another high school student and now you're being carried around by some skeevy looking guy who obviously sees you as an object for his own gain.
"I'm gonna make a mint out of you." He mumbles this while he carries you down the street. "I've sold some pretty cool sex toys before but you're gonna make my clients reeeal happy. And my younger clients are horny and desperate as hell."
That's when he gets to the corner and meets up with his client. "Hey man." The young man has a very squeaky voice compared to the mature gym giant.
"Is it here? Oh man, I can't wait to get him home!" The boy has long hair and nervous eyes. He's really cute, but at this size you're not thinking about how cute he has, you're terrified that you're being dropped into his sweaty hand.
"Uh-uh-uh.." The gym giant dangles you in the air until his teenage client hands over the cash. And then you're dropped into his hand. Signed and sealed, you're his.
You get dumped in the teenage boy's hand and wrapped up in his fingers quickly. He thanks the gym giant and walks away nervously. It's not until he's around the block and out of the way of the public that he dares to nervously talk to you. He whispers into his hand: "I know you're probably scared but you don't need to be. I just want a friend I can keep to myself, who won't tell anyone that I'm gay.."
Your heart sinks for the poor teen. He's only your age and seems extremely lonely. Still you don't want the answer to his problems to be taking you prisoner.
"Don't worry, you'll see I'm a good guy. Just wait till we get to your new home.." He says in his squeaky voice. "I'm Randy, by the way."
Randy drops you into his pocket and goes home. You're a little afraid to be in such a dark and overwhelming place, but it comforts you that on the whole way home Randy doesn't take his hand out of the pocket with you.
He keeps it gently wrapped around you and when you start to tremble from the sound of traffic he rubs you continuously with his thumb to make you feel better. Soon you do calm down, and there's even something nice about being in another boy's pocket, all cosy.
Randy gets to his house and makes sure no-one's around before he takes you out. immediately when you see his home you realise why Randy is so insecure..
You can't believe your eyes when you see Randy's inside living room. Everything is made of the most expensive looking marble and glass and leather, and the enormous room is sparkling clean. You can't understand why a kid so lucky and so handsome can be so lonely.
"No-one at school wants to know me because they see me as some snobby rich kid." he explains to you with a frown. "And my parents barely even notice I'm alive. Sometimes I think I should just tell them I'm gay so they write me out of their will and I never hear from them again."
He's sitting on his king sized bed with you on his stomach while he explains all this. You can see in his open closet there are rows of pressed suits and polished shoes. You want to be his friend, but you're still uncomfortable with this arrangement..
Conflicted between your own desperation to get out of here and compassion for this poor guy, you let out a long sigh. "I don't suppose there's anything I can say to change your mind?"
Randy shakes his head, looking sorry but adament.
"Then I guess.. for now.. I may aswell be your friend. You are the first giantwho's been decent to me, after all."
A smile spreads across Randy's face. It isn't a particularly big smile, but you realise it's the first smile he's ever worn in front of you, and it lights up the room. Randy has a beautiful face and, now that he's cheered up, there's a twinkle in his eyes.
He doesn't say anything, only pats you softly with the pad of his thumb and lies there with you, perfectly satisfied.
After a long while of sitting on your new friend's chest, daydreaming as he pats and strokes your back idly, he gets an ideam
"Oh! I should give you a tour of my rooman so you can decide where you want to sleep.." He scoops you into his hand and jumps up, running over to his closet. "This is where I keep all my clothes. Here's my school junk and casual wear, suits and jackets are on this side.." You're mind boggled, just trying to take in all these clothes at once. Even at regular size, this is one huge closet for a boy Randy's age. "These are my sneakers, my dress shoes are lined up here, here are flip flops and stuff.. These are my socks and underwear drawers.."
You're taken all around the room, shown comic book collections and gadets, instruments, books and DVDs, sentimental stuffed toys and journals. Randy doesn't even seem to mind opening his journals in front of you, trusting you with the secrets tucked inside. He seems more animated than ever as he shows you every last detail of his life, overjoyed to have someone who'll listen. And, you have to admit, you're starting tolove hearing about all the facts and ideas and possessions that are important to him.
An hour later Randy comes back to his bed and sits down for a breather. "So, you've seen everything now, buddy. The choice is all yours. Where would you like to sleep?"
"Actually, I'd rather sleep with you if that's okay.." You say timidly. You've really taken a liking to randy in the short time you've spent together, and you're a little shy to let him know just how comfortable you are with him. " I mean, you know, if you don't mind or anything, otherwise I could just stay in the drawer or in your closet or.."
"Hey, hey, relax little guy." Randy strokes your head with the tip of his giant finger so softly it only just displaces your hair. It's astonishing how a boy so huge and so powerful compared to you can be so perfectly gentle. "I'd love to keep you with me."
Randy shares another smile with you, this time a little wider than the last, and your heart melts under his sweet brown eyes.
"I've been so lonely these past few years, just waiting for someone like you to keep me company at night. You can sleep wherever you like and I'll do everything I can to make sure you're safe and comfortable.."
You choose to sleep on the cute, lonely teen's..
Randy climbs into bed that night wearing his usual pajamas, this time with the shirt unbuttoned and wide open so his smooth, lean chest is bare.
"Nighty night, little buddy. I'm so happy you agreed to be mine." Randy's giant face is filled with happiness as he lies down and places you directly between his two pink nipples.
You marvel at the velvet smoothness of your new friend's smooth chest, and you curl up happily in the sllight decline between his ribs.
Randy's index finger hovers over you once again, and you can hardly wait to feel it gently smooth over your hair and rub down your belly.
The lamp is switched off, and you feel a rush of warm breath as your giant whispers in his somewhat squeaky voice. "Sweet dreams, little guy… Love you."
The boy's hand covers you like a tent, and you whisper back. "I love you too, big guy."
You've just accepted Randy as your giant protector and buddy when you hear a noise downstairs and a deep man's voice hollers:
"Randy, are you home?"
"Dammit, that's my dad! He's told me I'm not even allowed to have a mouse, he'll never let me keep you!"
There are footsteps coming up the hall, now the door handle to Randy's room is jiggling..
Randy doesn't have time to find you a decent hiding spot, so he jumps up and drops you down the front of his pants before his father can storm in and catch him with a pet.
You're shocked to be in the gentle boy's warm hands one moment, then flying past his belt and being shoved into a warm area which is already filled with his flaccid penis and testicles. You observe that he keeps his pubic hair nice and trimmed, either that or he hasn't grown so much yet.
"Randy, I expect you to come when I call you." You can hear Randy's dad saying sternly outside.
"I'm sorry Dad, I didn't hear you, I was taking a nap." Randy is keeping his hands in his lap and leaning forward to make sure his dad can't see the lump you're creating. You feel so grateful to be protected by this sweet and gentle young man, while the world outside is so full of cruelty and fear. You want to make sure he knoews you don't mind being in here with his private parts and you don't have a whole lot of room anyway so you put your arms around one of his huge balls and embrace it affectionately..
You didn't realise Randy liked you so much that even a gentle embrace of his manhood would get him excited, but right before your eyes the huge soft penis starts to stiffen up and become extremely hot.
"Randy, I'd like you to come downstairs and have a talk with me about this 'pet' business. Your mother and I have agreed that you shouldn't have one and yet you go around sulking about it all day. So I'd like to have a man to man discussion with you and lay this matter to rest."
"Uh, Dad, I'm really tired. Can we please leave this until later?"
You can feel him leaning in even harder, trying to conceal his wood. The only problem is, this is pushing you up against the throbbing head and it's starting to trickle juices all over your cheek. Hoping he doesn't notice, you take a quick lick of them and discover that they're pretty sweet. You're really starting to like this guy.
Randy's dad replies:
"Nonsense! Stand up right now." You hear Randy's dad say in a very firm voice, and footsteps begin to get closer and louder.
Your giant's father must have snatched one of Randy's arm out of his lap because you hear the boy cry out and all of a sudden there's no shadow or pressure coming from behind the fabric of his pants.
Randy's dick pops out on a total 90 degree angle and you're clinging to it as tight as you can, hoping that the shape of your body isn't visible through his pants.
Randy's dad..
"Oh! Err, I didn't realise you were.. Umm, I.. Just forget about that little , son.."
You hear the door slam and Randy finally breathes a sigh of relief. He takes you out of his pants and you can see his cute giant cheeks are as red as tomatoes.
"I'm so sorry little guy! I never meant to put you through all that. And now my dad's never going to look me in the eye again.."
He looks so embarrassed, and you try to comfort him. "Hey, don't worry, big guy. My brother walked in on me once. And I didn't mind at all." You start kissing his hand gently. It's so sweaty, you can really taste the salt but you don't mind.
"Really?" Randy looks shocked by your declaration that you didn't mind.
"Of course not. I'd be happy to.. you know.. go back there some time." You say a little shyly.
Randy looks..
He quickly unbuckles his belt and pulls out his huge penis just as he dose you start to shrink about 2 inches tall, Randy decides that the only safe place for you would be under his foreskin.
Randy puts you under his foreskin for safe keeping it's kind of like heaven for you, this is like a dream come true and you hope it will last.
"What's the matter, Randy? Didn't it feel good for you when I was down there?"
You ask. He looks sort of shy, like there's something he's not telling you and he doesn't know how to put it.
"You know you can tell me anything, big guy." You assure him.
"It's just that I.. I've never, exactly, done that to myself. I mean, I've had plenty of hard-ons, but they never felt as good as that one did. And I've never made myself.. You know, cum.. Because I was raised to believe it was wrong to do that, being in a religious household and all."
This is a lot to take in. You're just processing it all when Randy says:
"So, would you mind if.."
"So, would you mind if we do that right away? It felt great! I can't wait to have you back down there!"
"Of course." You chuckle. "I just can't believe I'm lucky enough to be your first. Don't you worry, I'll be gentle and we can stop any time you want."
There's a fire in Randy's eyes, like he's about to have the most pleasurable experience of his life. And you want to make sure that it is just that.
Randy starts unbuckling his belt, and..
Randy pulls his pants down to his knees, then his underwear, and you finally get to see his lovely cock. It springs up in the air and very slowly stretches out to its complete straightness, looking relieved to have freedom.
"You're sure you're happy to do this?" He asks a little uncertainly, lying back on his bed.
"Are you kidding? I'd do anything for you, my big boyfriend. And I do this for myself every day so I'm pretty good at it."
You climb up onto his legs and across his minimally hairy thigh, over to his stomach which feels hard and tense. "You can relax, you know. I'll take it nice and slow." You say.
Then you tip toe over to the giant boy's cock which is standing in its sparse patch of hair like a flag poll.
You put your arms around it and..
You gently put your hands around Randy's thick foreskin and pull it down with a slow but forceful tug. He squirms a little bit as you do this because he obviously isn't used to feeling another pair of hands touch him in such a private way. You blow softly up at the deep pink cock head which is revealed like a beautiful flower opening up as the skin is pulled down.
He giggles a little at the way your tiny breath feels on his sensitive organ. But then he mutters "Mmm.." and lets you keep going.
You hug the skin tight now, and pull it up, so your arms are hugging the head, and Randy trembles so hard you nearly fall off.
"Are you okay?" You ask, concerned.
"I'm fine! Please keep going! That was the single greatest second of my life!" He says with a huge smile. His chest is rising and falling really fast now and you can feel his dick throbbing like crazy.
You keep working your way up the poll and down, up and down, smiling as you listen to Randy moan in ecstasy. You're sure his dad must be in the other room trying to block his ears, and you laugh to yourself>
"Faster! Faster!" Randy begs you.
You cling to his giant cock and pump it up and down as fast as you possible can as he moans like he's giving birth or something.
Finally he shoots his first load..
It seems to come out of nowhere. One minute you're beating it hard and the next a stream of white liquid goes flying into the air and splatters onto his stomach. It's just lucky he'd pulled his shirt up already.
You keep pumping. Randy seems to overwhelmed to form any real words, but if he could you're sure he'd urge you to keep going. So you do, sweating and your back aching, but it's worth it because you make your giant squirt five generous loads of cum onto his lean stomach.
After he's all spent and you both stop to catch your breath, the matter of cleaning up arises..
"That.. was.. the best." Your giant pet owner says to you. His chest is still rising and falling so you can only catch glimpses of his cute face until he sits up and looks down at you. "Can we do it again some time?"
"We can do it any time you want, big boy. Day or night, I'm all yours and all you have to do is ask. As a matter of fact, I love you so much that seeing your kiss lying there is making me hungry."
Randy can't believe how lucky he is to have you and he watches in suprise as you crawl over and lick his many blobs of cum off his stomach. Seeing as this is his first load it's a little watery, but there's so much of it that you wind up feeling full when it's all sitting in your stomach.
"You really are the best pet boyfriend I ever could have asked for." He says, staring down at you lovingly.
Randy is exhausted by the session you and him jut had so he suggests that you both turn in for the night.
He wipes you off and gets changed into some pajamas for bed.
"I want you to be perfectly comfortable all night, my perfect little boyfriend. So I'm going to.."
Randy climbs under the covers and sits in the lamplight with you for a moment before going to sleep. "Thank you so much my special little guy. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ever."
He sits there with you in his hands, kissing and kissing you over and over again. Even though his lips are a little wet you don't mind, you just lie there soaking in all his love and being so glad that you're the lucky guy who gets to be his.
Eventually he gives you one last kiss and brushes your hair down with his fingertip, then lies down and places you int the position you both discussed, in..
Randy places you lovingly in his underwear, which he offered to change before he went to sleep but you insisted that he wore these. They're special to you somehow. You love the slight smell of his sweat and the little patch of pre-cum that leaked there when he was hiding a boner earlier. you curl up around his dick and he blows a kiss goodnight before covering you.
You both discussed this beforehand and the two of you decided that you would be devoted to taking care of your cute boyfriend's penis from now on. You'd sleep with it, clean it when he needed, and keep on showing Randy how to enjoy it.
You slept all night, perfectly safe and comfortable against your boyfriend's package, until morning.
Randy nver wants to let you out of his sight again. He loves you so much that he decides to cup you protectively in his hands while he sleeps, so you'll feel safe and loved all night long.
He places his hands on the pillow in front of his face, lying on his side so you're enclosed in his hands all except for a small opening where his thumbs are.
You look out this small window from inside your warm, safe cave of skin and see Randy'smouth in the dark, breathing warm air in onto you all night. Even after he falls asleep, his hands never move and the smell and feel of his damp hot breaths are beautiful on your skin.
You slumber soundly until morning.
"I've got the most expensive, and softest fabrics there are, so I'm sure I'll find something in my closet to make the perfect little boyfriend the perfect little bed." He kisses you on the head and carries you to the closet, being sure to keep his hands around you at all times so you're safe from falling.
You look at the wide closet full of suits, t-shirts, sneakers and every kind of shoe imaginable, then there are racks of ties and belts and drawers of socks and underwear. There are even boxes on the top shelf full of shoes he never wears, and one labelled 'Randy's baby blankets.'
"Well little guy," says Randy..
"You can pick whatever you like to sleep in.." says Randy generously.
You look around at his clothes, shoes and underwear, wondering which would be the most comfortable. Or more importantly.. Which would smell the most like Randy.
You love his scent and you know it would be Heaven to sleep in anything that holds his smell.
You end up choosing..
"You actually want to sleep in one of my shoes? With my socks as blankets?" Randy asks in suprise. "That is so sweet,little guy."
"I'd love to sleep in anything that's been on your body. The more it smells like you, the nicerit'll be to have it all aroud me." You beam up at him.
"Well, in that case there's my sneakers and stuff. But some of them smell a little bad. Otherwise there's my dress shoes, I wear them to church and to events my parents make me go to. They're fresher smelliing."
You look down and wonder if you'd feel more comfortable in Randy's sneakers with his worn socks on top of you or in some of his perfectly polished dress shoes with sheer socks on top of you..
You realise Randy isn't in the habit of pleasuring himself so you have to make sure he takes care of his hygiene properly.
"You have to get in everywhere.." You say as you pull down his foreskin once more, all though this time his dick is soft but long.
You lick the tender head all over, which makes him quiver so hard that he has to grip the bed and at some stages even mask himself with a pillow.
You know that right after cumming is the most sensitive time for a guy's dick but you're enjoying this little tutorial and you think Randy is too,.
Next you lick the foreskin itself, then the shaft, and even the areas in his pubes that caught a little jizz.
When you're all done..
Randy then grabbs you gently.
Randy: Let's take a shower.
You nodd and he walks to his personal shower and locks the door. He put you down on the sink and you look around. It's the most beautiful shower you've ever seen. The metal are in gold, there's living candles, over 100 different soaps and real flowers.
You: Wow it's beautiful.
Randy: Yeah it is but now let's get ready for a shower.
Randy puts on the water and takes of his clothes. And you can see his body clear. He is so beautiful. You look at him and feel a tingling betwen your legs. You look down and see your erection. Randy look at you and sees it too.
Randy: Do you need help with that?
You blush at his question and think about how it would feel. You then nodd at him. Randy picks you up and walks into the shower. He then look at your penis.
Randy: So do just lick it or?
You: Just do Whatever you want. Now I'm all yours.
You close your eyes as Randy takes his pointing finger and thumb around your penis and gently rub it but not to hard so he dosen't hurt you. You moan and feel your penis getting harder. You gotta admit you would love to feel this every day.
Randy then takes away his fingers and starts to lick it from base to tip he then traps it between his lips and starts sucking. You moan louder and feel that your close to release.
You: R..aa.ndy I'm g.. gonna.
Randy then takes out your penis from his mouth and push it down towards you. You cum all over your body and your penis shrinks down to normal again. Randy sees the cum and starts licking you all over your body. After that he put you down on the soap holder and starts to soap himself and wash himself of. He then starts to soap you in and wash you of aswell.
After you showerd he turns of the water and dry himself of and then you. He's so gentle and make sure you dosen't get hurt. He then walks out into his room again.
You start to think. Do I really want to get big again and leave Randy. You think about the nice moment in the shower. You have jerking of yourself normal sized and it felt good. But being 6 inches tall and having someone big and gentle making you feel good is different and feels better. Plus no one in your family wouldn't miss you at all they would be happy that you're gone. And Randy is so gentle with you and you feel that he is the one you've been waiting for.
You decide to stay with him and be his tiny boyfriend. Randy puts on underwear and then walks over to his shelf of action figures. He takes of their clothes and bring them to you.
Randy: This will fit you till you get back to normal.
You hear that he has sadness in his voice. You know that he don't want you to leave. That's when you decide to tell him what you want.
You: Randy I've been thinking. No one in my family cares about me or love me. But you love me and care about me. Just look at our shower time. You where so gentle and still made me feel good. And I also just realised that I love you and I don't wanna leave you. I don't wanna get back to normal either I'm starting to love being small I don't care about it anymore. I love you and wanna be your 6 inch boyfriend.
You feel tears running down your face and you look up to see Randy crying happy tears.
Randy: I love you too.
He picks you up and kisses you and you kiss him. You have never been so happy ever.
Years later:
Randy and you are both around 25 years old. Randy moved out after he came out to his parents that disownd him but he didn't care, he has you. He then started his own buisness where he can work from home and be with you all day long. You also contacted your friend Scott and told him everything that happened and he was so happy for you.
You and Randy got married and Scott was the one that took care of your marrige papers thanks to that he was working with that. And let's say that your honymoon was the best for you both. You don't ever regret shrinking or ever think of getting back to normal size again. You and Randy adopted a beautiful little girl and she loves you both and you Love to play dolls with her and het to be her doll father but she stills know that you're her father and are very carefull with you when you play.
You have never been happier and you think that if you didn't shrink then you and Randy would have been sad for the rest of your lives.
You don't know who made the formula that shrunk you down. But whoever they are you're thankfull that they made it because now you get to live your life with Randy and your little (big for you) daughter.
You really are gonna live happily ever after.
The door swings open and there's a tall man wearing a suit and jet black hair that's combed very neatly to the side. He has a very intimidating glare on his face.
"Randall, I expect you to answer me when I.. What on earth is that in your lap?" He says angrily.
"Uh, Dad, Sir, you don't understand. He's my friend, he needs me to take care of him.." Randy stammers nervously.
"Is that right?" His dad walks over to you two with his ams folded across his chest and his business shoes clicking on the floor sharply. You both look up shyly..
Before Randy has a chance to argue for you, the tall man with the cold green eyes reaches down and snatches you from his son.
His hand is big, his nails all trimmed prefectly, and he smells like expensive cologne. But that doesn't make you feel any better about the way you're being gripped so tightly and carried away from your gentle giant.
"Randy I'm going to take this little distraction away so you can concentrate on your homework and keep it until I can find a more suitable home." The man says.
"Dad, please! He's my friend!" Randy wails.
But you get carried away anyhow and placed..
Randy's dad slips you into the pocket of his dress pants and walks out of his son's room, shutting the door behind him. You hear him mutter something about irresponsible children in his deep, baritone voice and walk across the hall to another room which you guess must be his bedroom.
Next, the man's hand returns to his pocket and..
You're expecting to be pulled out at any moment by the huge fingers, one wearing a gold wedding band which feels cold against your skin, but they simply curl around you and sit there.
That's when you realise that they're pushing you slightly against the wall of his pocket, and there's something long and hard on the other side of the brown fabric.
You can feel the heat coming through and you're mortified when you realise Randy's dad is getting a hard-on from holding onto you.. And he's pushing you against it through his pants!
His paln starts to get hotter as he slides you against it, again and again, clearly getting more excited by the feel of your tiny body through his pocket. You can hear his deep, older voice outside groaning pleasurably to himself. The next thing you know..
You remain deathly still while the older man uses you to pleasure himself. It makes you uncomfortable beyond words that you can feel his 35-40 year old dick right by you, only seperated from you with a thin layer of fabric, and he's ready to blow at any second.
The next thing you know, the huge hand wraps tighter around you and pulls you out of his pocket. You look up to see his face, not so strict and angry any more but now grinning and sleazy.
"I've confiscated some interesting toys from my son before but you're by far the most enjoyable." He grins. You can see his massive hard on making a huge tent in his pants right in front of you. You gulp.
"If only Randy were as small as you, it would be so much easier to discipline him, the little troublemaker.. I don't suppose you'd be willing to lead me to whatever potion or witch doctor made YOU so very small? If you did, I might spare you the humiliating task of finishing this up.."
He glances down at his hard-on and winks at you. You look at the huge thing nearly popping out of his pants and answer..
"I.. I don't know how this happened." You lie. You could easily direct Randy's dad to your school so he could take a sample of the shrinking potion for himself but that would mean trading in Randy after he was so kind to you.
And you know first hand how sad the poor kid is to start with. You couldn't betray him and see him tiny in his mean father's hand, even if it would benefit you.
"Very well." The businessman answers, sounding very displeased. "I was looking forward to seeing you wriggle and squirm against it anyway.."
Randy's dad has a mean smile on his face as he wraps his hand tightly around you and pushes your face right into the huge bump in the front of his pants.
You're disgusted. You can actually feel another man's erection bulging through his pants like a boulder, hard against your face. You can smell the musk of his dick and feel the tiny vibrations of its excitement.
"Oh.. Yes.. Oh, that's very good.." The businessman loosens his tie and keeps on rubbing.
Every time he rubs you across the huge bump, it grows hotter and slightly damper, it must be gushing pre-cum inside.
"Oh! Oh! Oh yes!" He rubs you fast, all over his bulge while he pants and fondles himself.
Soon you feel a large patch of wetness spreading across where the lump had been, which has now gone soft.
You try to keep your face away from it, but only your head is poking out from his coiled fist and you don't have the option to move while he stands there catching his breath so you feel the hot liquid seeping all over your cheek.
"That was the best orgasm I've haf in years. There are going to be many more of those." He walks to the door and calls downstairs. "Randy, when your mother gets home tell her I'm taking a nap and not to bother me!"
He shuts the bedroom door, then places you..
"Don't want you escaping, do we?" He winks as he slips off his shoes and belt for a nap. Then he loosens his pants and stretches the waistband of his undies. Since he came in his pants earlier you can still see a great pool of drying cum covering his huge dick and pubes.
"Oh god, Mister, please don't put me in there!" You beg.
"Don't be silly." He says..
Randy's dad slips you into the front of his undies and lays down for a comfortable nap on his bed.
You're instantly coated in his hot jizz from moments before. The smell is like nothing you've ever smelled, so potent and pungent, and you feel sticky all over. You don't even have the choice to breathe through your mouth because you're trying not to get the gross stuff past your lips.
Every time he shifts just a little in his sleep, it oozes over your body, under your arms and all over your cheek even more. That is, until..
"Wait…what?" You said to the older male…
"You heard me, your going in the back little one!"
After he says this, he pulls on the back of his pants and drops you in! He then slips his pants back on and wiggles his rear against your tiny body as he relaxes on the bed. As he wiggles, you get a glimpse at his asshole and noticed that he didn't wipe his ass that well and gulp, blushing a little.
"Good night little one" he says before he lets out a fart into his undies! You blush more and gag as the fart seemed to be trapped inside of his undies! As you breath in more of the rancid smell, you start to get an urge to crawl toward the dirty anus and start licking it clean while another part of you wants to get out…
You couldn't help but to crawl toward the dirty hole and start to lick at it, seeming to be turned on by the rank smell as well as the vile taste on your tongue…
The older male wakes back up moaning, starting to reach back for you as he…
The older male seemed to like what your doing to his anus and starts to push you up his dirty rear as he gets hard, moaning as you slip in easily. After he pushes you in, he flips over onto his back and starts to jerk himself off as you lick further along the dirty walls as he jerks off! Occasionally, your tongue will pick up pieces of the scat left inside of his rear. Eventually, you hear him let out a deep groan as he jizzes all over himself, seeming to enjoy you being in his ass! As he relaxes in the afterglow, he looks down at his rear with a smirk "Mmmm, good little slave…" he says before he rips another nasty fart, knocking you out in his ass!
You wake back up with him pulling you back out of his rear. You look around in the brightly lit room, waiting till you regained vision, noticing your in the bathroom. You see Randy's dad sitting down on a toilet as a few farts slip out. "Please…let me…back in" You say to the older male, your body seeming to wanting to be back inside of his warm ass…"Mmmm, don't worry, you can go back in after *grunts* I empty out *mmmffs, farting* your home…" You blush hearing chunks of scat fall into the toilet over the next few moments. After he finishes reliving himself, he pretends to not be able to look for some toilet paper…"Oh dear, I can't find some toilet paper…guess your tongue will have to do little one…" You couldn't help but to take up on his offer and start to lap at the recently emptied anus, licking up the warm sludge. Randy's dad starts pushing you back into his rear as you kept licking at the dirty rear, moaning again as you slip in fully. After you slip in fully, he lets out a deep fart, letting out a content sigh afterwards…The older male slips his pants back on and goes back into the hallway, running into Randy who asks whatever happened to you, with his father replying, saying he has lost you…
So this was it, you have given yourself up your friend's father who has turned you into his butt slave! You never saw the outside world again, only leaving his ass whenever he goes to relive himself before pushing you back in to clean out his ass, occasionally breathing in a rank fart. When he goes to work, he would let a fart out often as your body seemed to be able to absorb his farts, keeping them from spreading across the office building…
One day, before the older male gets into his car, he looks back at his rear with a smirk "Mmmm, enjoy yourself little one…" letting out a deep, loud fart with a content sigh before hopping into his car and leaving for another day at work…
The older man sits down on his bed and takes off his belt and shoes, placing them all on the ground.
"I can't have you running away while I nap, and I'm fairly sure you're too short to climb out of one of my work shoes, so.."
He dumps you into one of his polished black patent leather shoes, and you hit the insole right on the giant Number 14. The smell in there is strongly of leather, but also of gross manly foot odour which you just can't escape.
He laughs at the way you screw your nose up at the smell. "Would you rather be up here rubbing my feet while I sleep? I could always just cover your exits so you can't escape anyway?"
You bow your head humbly hoping that he doesn't do that. He reaches down and..
The giant bends a little and kicks both his shoes under the bed, so your world goes dark and you trip to the toe of his leather business shoe where the foot odour is at its thickest.
For a minute you're so jammed into the toe area, which is rather low, that you can't get up and your face is shoved into the leather which is soaked in footsweat.
But eventually you crawl to the heel of the shoe, where the dip by his huge masculine heel goes in and the Size 14 emblem sits, and you discover..
It isn't easy, but you manage to hook an arm over the edge of his expensive leather shoe and then hitch a leg over aswell. You have to hug the shoe so tightly that you feel like you're worshipping it while in fact you want to run from it and never see or smell it again.
Finally you tumble out, onto the floor under the man's bed and look around. There's the two massive business shoes sitting at odd angles, another pair of running shoes and a couple of boxes.
You don't waste any time in scrambling out, running for the crack of his door and escaping for the hall way.
Once you get to Randy's room, you're out of breath but overjoyed to see your familiar friendly giant sitting at his desk doing homework. "Randy! Randy, I'm back!" You squeak up excitedly. You've never been so happy to see his face.
He looks shocked beyond words. "Little guy! You took such a big risk coming in here. When my dad wakes up he's going to be furious, and he'll come looking in here first.."
"I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to make that face. I'll stay put in your giant shoe without complaint if that's what you want." You pleas for the giant man not to put you in contact with his feet but that isn't going to happen.
He reaches in and pinches you between his giant fingers with a cruel smirk, and places you at the end of the bed where his feet lay in wrinkled sheer socks. "It looks like someone doesn't know how to be a grateful pet. Maybe after an hour of rubbing my feet you'll be a little less quick to whine."
He lays down on the pillow with his arms stretched out behind his back and wiggles his feet. The black sheet socks stretch with his toes stretching out and the foul stench of his foor odour truly hits you as he yawns from way up there.
"And don't you stop rubbing until I wake up. I don't care If that's hours away or if you're aching to quit. I'm going to train you to jump at my commands, just like my son does."
You brace yourself to begin, then approach the giant feet..
The businessman's feet are both taller and wider than you. Like big black walla of stinky sock and foot. You start off rubbing your hands into the broad solesan but his foot muscles seem to be so tough it doesn't do enough.
"Get right in there, boy! I want to feel you between my toes and everywhere. If you don't please me I'll keep you in my sock for the afternoon!"
You know your giant owner doesn't kid around when it comes to his threats so you climb up his sole like a mountain and dig your hands in between the toes, where all the sweat and heat seems to have soaked up into the sock. "Mmm.." He says.
You shiver with disgust but don't quit until you've been between every toe. Then you move back to rubbing his soles.
The giant man sits up with a very unhappy look on his face, and you freeze in terror. Only a moment ago he threatened to put you inside his sock if you didn't do a better job and you couldn't stand to be trapped in there with those gargantuan size 14s.
"It seems that no matter how hard you work your puny little body, you just don't know how to satisfy your master." He says crossly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please give me another chance Sir!" You fall on your knees praying for forgiveness.
"There's only one way to get you better acquainted with my feet, and that's by having you.."
"Okay… I'll show you"
Randy's dad laughs, clearly happy with himself "Good boy". This was a man who clearly knew how to get what he wanted. A part of you knew he wouldn't back down until he got his way and at your current size this could easily mean things far worse than just being used as a sex toy.
Randy's dad zips up and moves you closer to his face "Now… Where do I need to go?"
"High school. The science lab."
He grins as he puts you back into his pocket and gets up to leave. You didn't expect him to go look for the potion immediately. It's the middle of the night, the school will be closed. As you're rocked back and forth by the man's movements regret starts filling your head. What have you done? You betrayed your only friend at this size. And for what? There was no guarantee Randy's dad wouldn't just do whatever he wanted with you after he got the potion anyway.
Time flies as these thoughts race through your head. An engine starts, hums and dies down a couple minutes later. Before you know it you hear glass shattering. As the weight of your decisions starts to hit you, you start struggling, trying to climb out.
Randy's dad swats you before pulling you out of his pocket. You realize you're in the science lab. It's the middle of the night.
"Where is it?" Randy's dad whispers. It is in that moment that you notice the broken glass behind him. Did he just break in? "Hey! Focus! Where. is. it." He asks again, this time louder and more stern. He whips you around so you're facing the room. "Don't tell me this was all a trick! You don't want to know what I'll do to you if you dared to trick me…"
"It's that one over there. The orange one."
He quickly closes his hand into a fist and pushes you back in his pocket as he quickly walks over to the flask and grabs it in a swift move. Next thing you know, you're being thrown back and forth in his pocket again as he rushes out the window back into his car.
For a few seconds, silence falls over you both as he closes the car door. Then, he starts laughing loudly. Regret fills your head once again. He starts the engine and starts driving. After what seemed like a shorter drive than before he pulls you out again, looking very content with himself. "You made the right decision. I just want you to know this." Somehow you're having trouble believing that. "You see, Randy's always been a brat. This is exactly what he needs. This is exactly what I need. I think you deserve a reward for your contributions." he says as he opens the car door a notch. You look out the window and realize you're parked near the hospital.
Without another word the man lowers you down to the ground. "Go on. I won't stop you." he says. With no hesitation you start running towards the open door, but just before you're out you see a shadow passing the floor. You look up while running and realize his arm moving towards the handle.
You see him reaching for the doorhandle looking down on you with a smirk, and already you know you wont beat him to it. The door closes with a slam and looking up at him you just know this is not going to be a pleasent time.
Reaching down for you randys dad picks you up firmly and brings you to his lap, setting you on his already hardening cock, the shape of it moving farther and farther from between his legs. You look up at him “I lied about letting you go, why would I ever let the perfect little plaything go? You’ll service my cock and balls, my mighty ass and feet as well, you and I are going to get to know each other VERY well little toy. Right now though i have somewhere i think i’d like you to see.” As he says this his other hand lowers to undo his zipper and free that massive bulge, the sheer size of it keeping it from bursting out of his already tight pants, fishing his cock out you see it’s already dripping pre in excitement of what he has planned. The thick veiny shaft pulses and bobs every second or two more pre building at that fat mushroom head, more and more till it drips slowly down the shaft towards his balls. “Youre going to want to take a long look around little man, it’s going to be a while before you come out again, and i plan on making it a frequent pleasure.” He says as you stare anxiously at the giant monster of a cock before you, finally done growing at a huge 9 inches long and now that its done growing you notice its slightly curved downward, looking right….at….you. “ what do you mean come out… again?” Yoy ask youre giant captor. “ youre looking at your temporary home” with that said he shoves your legs into his giant mushroom headed cock the drops of pre lubricating the way for him to easily get you in up to your knees , feeling the thick cock pulse and bob around your lower legs as he slowly lowers more and more of you into him moaning the whole time as he sits in his car, you can feel his other hand rubbing up and down around the underside of the cock thats swallowing you right around your legs as hes pushing you further and further in, the cocklips of his dick spread wide now around your pelvis and still moving further up your body as you beg and beg him “dont do this to me! Please we had a deal! I gave you the shrinking potion i swear!” He ignores youre tiny cries as he gets you to sink in up to your chest in his cock, the hot musky pre oozing out around your body as you breath quicker and quicker knowing hes not going to give in to your begging, hes slowing your decent into your new prison though, as he stops shoving he uses a just his index finger to progress your decent now slowly pushing down on your head. Up to your neck in cock meat now you cry out once more as his index finger comes for another push on your head as a ridiculous amount of pre is oozing out around your neck bubbling up and over the sides of his cockhead dripping down the front of his cock making a large wet spot on his pants. “This is goodbye for now little toy, make sure to squirm in there for me or you’ll be staying even longer” he laughs as he rubs circles around your head with his finger, finally moving it atop your head and pushing down, slowly your eyesight as you look up is outlined by dark red dripping flesh stinking of man musk and cum and piss his moaning face and closed eyes taking up the rest of your vision as youre finally sunk entirely within his cock.
As your form slowly sinks further and further down his massive cock Randys dad suses his fingers to rub the outline of your body withon the center of his cock, his left hand tracing the shape of youre lower body and his right fingers rubbing circles still on your head, following youre descent towards his massive balls encased in his pants still. All you can see is the flesh directly in front of youre face, the feel of the pre slick tube that pulls you closer and closer to your prison, feeling the pree all over youre body covering your hair face and arms and legs slicking you up making the descent faster you squirm more and more in an attempt to stop your sinking, only fueling Randys fathers rubbing of your body through the thick flesh, the circles hes rubbing on the back of your head shoving your face repeatedly into the firm yet slightly squishy walls getting more old piss and cum on your face making you gasp for breathe as your getting pre in your mouth and the salty taste tingles across your tongue.
As soon as Jack's brother turned the corner the man was off down the street heading back home to his apartment. Once he was through the front door he looked down at Jack and said
"Hello there my new toy my name is Alex and your in a world of fun"
Alex was huge even by normal standards, being a massive pillar of muscle. But, the one thing Jack noticed most was the two globes of the giant. Each was bigger than his head would have been when he was normal. Alex caught Jack staring.
"Like what you see, ey don't worry you'll be getting acquainted with them reel soon. With that Alex practically ran to his bedroom stripping off his thong as he went. He the grabbed some lubed from a drawer next to his bed and wasted no time in slathering it all over Jacks body..
"I hope you're ready luttle guy, cause it's gonna be a long day for you"
With that he crawled onto the bed on all fours spread his cheeks and showed Jacks tiny body right into his anus. Instantly Jsck was gribbed by fleshy walls dragging him deeper and deeper into the dank cavern every second. Mean while Alex's moans of bliss could be heard from all around it was then that Akex…
Aelx decided to take a shower and leave jack in his anus for the night as he steps out of the shower he feels a pressure build up in his butt this wasn't going to to be good as just then he lefted one leg and released a powerful fart that had was able to get jack head out but leave the rest of him in jack ask if he could come out Alex said no and that he was heading to bed
At this size, falling into the wrong hands could mean living the rest of your life as an immature high-schooler's little toy - That is, if you're lucky enough not to get squished or trampled right away. So you understand just how important it is that you find some-one responsible and mature to reveal yourself to.
You sneak out without being noticed and race through the empty corridors towards the principal's office. Luckily for you, the large polished wooden door of Principal Worthington's office is ajar. You tip-toe inside, relieved to see that the principal is sitting back in his chair, his fingers crossed on his belly. But the distinguished older man isn't alone.. On the other side of the desk, Clayton, the biggest and meanest of the school's jocks, is sitting with his nack to you. You'd recognise those meaty shoulders and that close-shaven hair anywhere. Next to him sits a man in a black suit and polished shoes - You've seen Clayton's father before. The man is an office manager for a big company down-town, and you've heard that he's an even bigger jerk than Clayton is.
The principal chats to the two men about whatever school policy Clayton has violated this time, meanwhile you sneak towards the desk, hoping to conceal yourself somewhere so you can wait for the guests to leave and make ontact with the principal. You have your worries about doing this - Principal Worthington is an incredibly stressed out man, and isn't above venting his anger on students who act out. Truthfully, most of the kids in the school think he's a tyrant and hate him. But you've never caused any trouble, so you assume you're safe to attract the big man's attention..
Dodging the site of Clayton, the biggest 'Dick' in school, and his cocky-looking father., you slip under a hole in the side of the the principal's desk. You len against the dark ebony inner edges of the legs of the desk, and stare out around you, waiting patiently.
Clayton's apathetic kicking sneakers to your left, and Clayton's father's loafers more in that direction. You sneak in the opposite way, not wanting to take any chances with those two, and more over to the inner edges of Mr. Worthington's desk. You look up at the commanding authority figure, and sigh.
Mr. Worthington was a man in his 30s. He knew about everything that went on in this typical hellhole of a school but you wonder if that also means he knew about the science experiment? This thought troubles you, but you let it go. Looking from the black loafers, up his loosely defined legs in a pair of black fancy pants, and up to his slightly chubby body and the muscular arms that are clearly filling the suit he's wearing, you shudder. Past that perfectly groomed balding hair and the ear-to-ear beard plus goatee he's got, he must've been an ex-jock.
As the principal stands up and shakes Clayton's Father's hands, you watch the 'badass' jock exit with his dad.
You watch the principal slump back down in his chair. His eyes can see past his slightly large gut, and he can see under the desk.
You decide to climb up the outside of the principals pants. You finally get up to his lap you can see his large bulge through the pants, you keep climbing until your up to his mid stomach he stands up and stretches. You tighten your grip as he walks out into the hall. Luckily you are hidden by his blazer so none of the Giants see you. He then enters the gymnasium where the junior boys basketball team is waiting for him to come and begin their practice. Your principle starts to get sweaty after a few drills and you can smell him you climb up onto his shoulder when no one is looking and lose your balence. You fall down the collar of his shirt and land on his sweaty skin you fell down the
You fall down the front of your principles shirt and hit his sweaty skin. Your fall is slowed down when you hit his large gut he has a very hairy chest and you try to grab onto them to slow your fall you slide down to where his shirt is too tight to slide any farther and
As you land on the basketball court, you feel a sharp pain sear through your body. You groan from the pain and get up. You were now on the basketball court, with students and the principal are playing basketball. You can hear the sounds of their shoes in contact with the court, and none of them is aware of you. You also are scared that if someone would step on you by accident.
Suddenly you hear a whistle blow, and everyone stops playing. The coach has called for a timeout. As everyone takes a break and head to the benches, you see your chance to escape. You run through the legs of the players and dodge the students. You find yourself at the edge of the court, near the exit. Just as you're about to make a run for it, you see a shadow loom over you and you look over at the source, you see a giant face looking down at you, and it was…
"Principal Worthington you're needed in the cafeteria." You hear a voice say from out of the room. As you look up from under the desk you see your huge principal get up and leave the room. As you watch one of the few people you trust to get you out of this mess leave you realize you need someone to help you fast. After a little while of waiting you hear a new voice from outside the room. "The Principal is out taking care of a few things you can just wait in his room until he gets here or until you need to get back to your class if your lunch period ends before then." As you hear that you look at the entrance and you realize it is one of your teachers he is your…
The towering hulk stood above you, at 6 feet 8 inches Mr. Johnson was already tall at your normal size, and was 240 pounds of muscle, but now…
As he reaches down to tie his shoe, you somehow quickly get up to the chair and stand on the warm leather, but as you look up his massive sweaty body is leaning down, you try to run but ended up getting
As Mr. Johnson finishes tying his shoe, you expect him to stand straight. This prediction is cut off when you notice his ass which fills your view begins to eclipse the light around you. He's wearing gray sweatpants, which make every detail of his butt show through the stretched material, from his large cheeks to his deep crack. You are to dazed by the fact that you are literally about to be sat on by a mans ass that you fail at moving anywhere as you are quickly pressed into the leather seat by an oblivious mans ass. Darkness comes in an instant along with pressure as your body sinks into the chair and the soft yet firm cheek that was smothering you. Mr. Johnson wiggles in his seat, grinding his butt into the leather to level it out, and moving you under his crack and up between his firm cheeks. You're sure you would go deeper but the tight material acted as a barrier from the coaches crack. Mr. Johnson…
As you continue to be smothered by the heavy cheeks, he leans back putting more weight and pressure on you if that was even possible.…
All the weight of his body was directly over the skinny base of the chair which directly applied all his weight to settle on top of you. All of a sudden, you heard a grumble.
You heard a grumbling sound as soon as it ended a huge wet fart was letten out bbbrppfttttt ahhh thats the stuff Mr Johnson said his butt clenched sucking you and the fabric deeper into his crack
Some of that gotten to your mouth you can't breath from the nasty stench but you might fainted if you hold it much longer you took short breaths even then the smells of his gas was still there rigth before you breathe a squelching fart was letten loose bbbbrrftt ppffttt it lasted 10 seconds butt for you it was about 10 minutes
A less smellier version of that hits Mr John oooff that stinks
He blowed farts for 10 minutes and each smellier and grosser that before
You fainted in the last one
"I don't have time to wait around all day." Mr. Johnson grumbles. Suddenly he leans forward and this stretches the fabric of hi pants all over you and you hear the fabric complain as the seam of his pants is stretched to it's maximum capacity. This in turn ends very bad for you. as a few of the loops suddenly slide over your legs and head as he moves to get up.
Mr. Jonhsons pants snap back to normal as he rises, and the seamingthreads are pulled tight around you. Locking you in place. unable to move your legs, shoulders and head. For all purposes you are now sewn into the pants of your P.E. teacher. The biggest problem is that most of your body is on the outside, but your head slipped to the inside of the pants, and is now hovering cvery close to your teachers naked ass, as you find out, he goes commandoes in his sweats. Something only rumored about, but you really wished you didn't have to find out like this.
As mr. Johnson starts moving, you scream in vain as with every step your face is being smacked against the humongous cheeks. With your arms locked on the outside, you can't fend of this assault.
You really hope that he doesn't have any classes to go too, because you fear your head and body can't take much more.
The walk is pure torture, the P.E. teachers glutes are rock hard and as your arms are locked in place you can't fend off the force with which every step smacks you against one or the other. The loose pants make sure that every step you get to swing ack and get smashed back in with full force. You have no idea if you will make it out of this alive. But than again, you can't help feeling that it would be one hell of a way to go. You noticed the ass before in class and it's probably one of the hottest ones in school. And now you are one of the first students that gets a nice close-up.
And before you loose that strain of thought you get an even closer look as the teacher suddenly swings up his leg and his ass comes down on you as he has mounted his bicycle. The sports-saddle wedges between his cheeks and takes you with it. As mr. Johnson starts pedalling the friction heats up both your face and his crack. Making it slightly damp in your prison, but that also makes it easier for the flesh to move over you and it hurts a little less.
After a short ride Mr. Johnson gets off again and het walks up to his door, as he enters his house he moves around and…
Mr. Johnson stops wiggling, which seems like good news for you, but then Mr. Johnson lifts up his ass and with the first rays of light you see a hand approach you. You attempt to look for a place to hide, but you're still surrounded by most of the massive hunk. Mr. Johnson's hand makes contact with your body, knocking you back. Feeling that something was definitely there. Mr. Johnson pushes back the principal's seat and stands up.
As he stands up, you get to see the fullness of his massive ass. It truly was a wonder. You knew that Mr. Johnson worked out a lot, and you spent a good amount of P.E. Class staring at his immaculate body, but it was almost overwhelming to be staring at him when you were no bigger than one of his toes. You had many fantasies about eating out Mr. Johnson and worshiping his body, but now you realized it would be much different at this height.
The beautiful view of his ass doesn't last for very long, because Mr. Johnson turns around quickly and peers down at the leather chair he was sitting on. He seems to notice you, the speck of human on the chair, because he gets on his knees to have a closer look. You involuntary jump back when his face comes up to you. You are now staring at the beautiful face of a god-like man who could eat you and swallow you whole. He gives you a devious smile and says, …
You wait in anticipation to see who your next chance at a saviour is, you hoped that it was Mr.Welling or another dreamy teacher who might be able to have a bit of fun with you. You see the giant sit in the chair and recognize him as your history teacher Mr. Shoults.
Mr.Shoults was not what you would picture as a high school history teacher. He was fresh from Teachers college. This year had been his first full time position. He was a 24 yea old 6'4 man and you had a huge crush on him. He was muscled with a six pack and pecs and was quite hairy but not too hairy. His hair and short beard were black and the chest hair that poked out of the top of his dress shirt always made you swoon. He had a strong nose and kind brown eyes.Today he was wearing black dress shoes, striped black and red socks, dark dress pants that hugged his butt really nice, and a salmon dress shirt with the top two buttons undone.
Aside from being the History teacher you knew he was also the new assistant coach for the wrestling team. You had thought about joining the team when you found that out because the idea of Mr. Shoults in a skin tight singlet was good.
Seeing him sitting in the chair with his magnificence magnified you knew you needed to get his attention. You walked up to his massive shoe and climbed on and then started up his pant leg. You take five minutes and then you pull yourself up onto his lap. You walk towards his shirt when he puts his hands up and stretching pulls his shirt out of his pants at the front. You look at his six pack and brown happy trail leading down into his pants and feel yourself getting hard. You decide to yell up at him and he …..
You yell up at the dreamy Mr.Shoults in hopes of him noticing you. You walk along his leg closer to his abs. You can see his bulge and smell the manly musk as you get closer and closer. Sadly your yelling does not work. You plan to start climbing up his torso when he looks at his watch. He stands up very quickly causing you to start falling but luckily you grab his belt. He walks out of the office and tells the young male secretary to tell The principal to find him after practice.
Mr.Shoults walks into the gym and straight into the coaches office where he kept his wrestling stuff. He set the bag down and quickly started to undress. As he does so he sets hip pants and you next to his bag and you walk over to it you look and see his massive black and white singlet. You can smell the sweat from last practice. You are so entranced you don't see Mr.Shoults reach down and pull the singlet towards you causing you to get scooped up In a fold in the fabric. As the dreamy teacher pulls on the singlet you realize you are….
You see your culinary teacher Mr. Curry walk in. You're kinda glad he's here because he's one of the teachers you trust most in the school they're are only a couple that you trust, you've had Mr. Curry for two years already this year being your second year with him but you have him for two classes so you spend a lot of time with him. To be honest you think you might be his favorite student your not the best but you think you have a good chance you're his favorite. Mr. Curry is a big man not just in height but in width. He has a huge belly do big you think he might not actually be able to see past it but you never know. As he sits down in the seat in front of you, you hear him say "Alright I'll just wait for him here I don't have any classes for the rest of the day." You then realize that after hearing that, that it's getting pretty late in the school day you only have 7 classes and Mr. Smith has lunch 6 and his fee period is 7th but this also makes him the perfect candidate to help you. He likes you, and he doesn't have anymore classes so he can help you this is perfect the only thing left though is to how to get his attention.
You decide the best and fastest way to get his attention was to climb up to his head. As you made your way to his shoe You start your climb being only barely an inch tall has been making today a difficult and tiring day. As you start your climb you grab on to the folds in his pants for leverage but there's not much on it since his pants are a bit tight on his leg. After five minutes of climbing you make it to his lap exhausted at what you just did, you knew you were out of shape but you didn't know you were this out of it. As you catch your breath on your culinary teachers lap you decide to press forward starting to run towards his large gut, when you notice that his zipper is undone and you could clearly see your teachers bulge in his pants. Careful not to fall in you sidestep out of the way when you start to slip as you try to catch yourself you end up..
You can't catch your balance as you fall into the zipper, and with the luck you have instead of falling onto your teachers huge cock so you can climb out you fall into the slight piss hole in his boxers letting you fall until you land on his balls. As you hit your Mr. Curry's balls his pubic hair makes a nice cushion for you but he still feels it when you land in his balls but thinks if it as nothing for the moment. To be completely honest with yourself you are actually pretty happy about your circumstances.
You can't imagine how many times you actually wanted to get in your teachers pants and now you were literally in them, though it's not like how oh imagined it still happened. You admit that you are actually bisexual but you lean more towards men, you haven't really told anyone yet but you think Scotty knows as he teases you sometimes but never goes to far with it, and you going to going to this school wasn't really helping you hide it sometimes since your school is pretty much dominated by male staff and more than eighty percent of the students are guys doesn't help your case. You weren't going to lie to yourself but you did want to get inside a good number of people's pants at this school not Mr. Curry some other teacher and students too.
As you finally sit up from your Mr. Curry's balls you can't help but want to rub yourself on them. Even when you were in class and you had class work since you would sometimes leave your last class early to go help your teachers sometimes and whenever you would help Mr. Curry you can't count how many times you wanted to rub your face against his pants where his crotch would be when he would be standing next you when you were sitting down. Happy now that you have your chance you decide it's the perfect time to do it. As you turn around you face his hairy balls and plant your face into them, rubbing your head all around that one spot not being able to help yourself you start to lick a little, but then you feel Mr. Curry move which scares you after a little while you realize…
You look up and you see a huge hand coming towards you. You don't know what to do, so you hesitate but that was all the time the hand needed before it grabbed you. You felt your body moving fast as you were brought up to Mr. Curry's face. As you looked at his tab chubby face you couldn't help but smile and say "Hello." Shocked at seeing you at an inch tall Mr. Curry was a little taken back at what he had in his hand he didn't expect to grab his favorite student from inside his pants. "Is that really you?" Mr. Curry asked to which you nodded yes to his question an telling him how you shrunk. "You shouldn't have gone into the science lab but what's done is done what am I going to do with you?" Mr. Curry told which made you light up in excitement "So you're going to help me sir?" You say making sure to be polite. "Well yeah I need to help my favorite student don't I," He said as he looked you over them continued I'll have to keep you till schools over though." "That's fine whatever you need to do." You say excitedly hoping that at maybe at one point before you go back to normal you can try some stuff with him. "But where should I put you though?" Mr. Curry wondered "Oh that's easy," You say, "Just put me…
At your suggestion Mr. Curry gave you a quizzical look. "Are you sure you want to go back there it's a little musky in there." Mr. Curry asked you, without any hesitation you quickly reply, "It doesn't matter it smells a bit nice in there." Even though you kept trying to give your teacher hints that you had a crush on him it wasn't helping that he was oblivious to it. "Alright I guess but no funny business because I don't want to have a boner when the principal comes back." Mr. Curry said, proving you wrong in that he was oblivious to you liking him as he forbade you from doing what you wanted to do. As you he put you back in his pants you decided to just sit on his cock till after the meeting. It wasn't much longer until you heard someone come in. It was…
"It seems the principal won't be back for a while, he asked me if you want to reschedule your meeting for another time." You heard the secretary say as he opens the door. "That's fine just schedule me for his next convenient time." Mr. Curry said as he started to get up. "I will send you an email when your appointment date is settled." The secretary said as he held the door open for the culinary teacher. You wrap your hands around your teachers cock as he starts walking. It isn't long before you feel Mr. Curry sitting down again. You assume he must have made it back to his class, as you wait for a while you realize that Mr. Curry is…
It seems that Mr. Curry is leaving you in his pants. It makes some sense though as he can't let any students or teachers see you like this and you can't tell when someone will come through his door. Even though your stuck in here in the dark you decided to mess with Mr. Curry. You started rubbing your hand on his dick which was already getting hard. "Hey what did I say about that." Mr. Curry told you in a angry whisper. You don't plan on stopping but Mr. Curry ends stopping you by knocking you off his penis with a quick jerk with his body. Your fall is soon broken by his hairy balls so you didn't fall for long. Just when your about to try to get back on his cock you hear…
You look at mr. Curry and scream at the top of your lungs but he hears nothing. After five minutes your voice is pretty much gone. Mr. Curry decides whatever he needed wasn't so urgent he needed to waste his free period and he walks out. You are left in the office all alone again until someone new walks in.
It is your Vice Principal Mr. Mardon. He is a short man with a completely bald head and a goatee that fully surrounds his mouth. Apparently he used to be in the army and you wouldn't be surprised because of the shape he is in. You have never been on his bad side but you also don't really know him. He is the coach of the wrestling team.
Mr. Mardon walks in to your principles office and stands near the desk. You decide to…
You decide you can't wait any longer and need someone to help you. You run up to the vice principals black dress shoes and start climbing. You grab on to his brown dress pants and start a long climb. You get up to his belt and start to make the transition to his shirt when he starts to walk out of the office.
You hold on for your life as Mr. Mardon talks to the secretary. He has to leave early for some reason. You almost lose your grip when he sits down in his car, but manage to hold on. He drives for about 45 minutes and then stops you can see a tower of some kind. You then realize that Mr.Mardon is picking up someone at the airport. You wait and finally the car door opens and in gets his son Justin.
Justin is a 6'3 perfectly muscled guy. He has a very nicely groomed brown beard and has a coating of chest hair. You know him because he was your brother Kieths best friend in high school. He was also a star wrestler at your school.
Mr.Mardon Go's into hug his son and you….
You try to stay standing on Mr. Mardon's leg but when he goes in for the hug you lose balence and fall backwards. You land on fabric but beneath that is something warm and soft. You realize that you are on his enormous bulge. And you hate to admit it since you barely know Mr.Mardon but you are enjoying i. The fall however caused you to get his attention because he looks down and sees a tiny student on his junk.
"Look at that plane" he says to Justin pointing. He quickly scoops you up and through a you into his bag before Justin can turn around again. You stay trapped in the bag for an hour or two until light washes into it and Mr. Mardon grabs you.
You look at his face and see he looks
You decide that you are not comfortable staying with Mr.Mardon, he jkinda gives you the whole domination feeling. Instead you jump onto Justin's lap. You land but he doesn't notice you. You sit down and wait until they get to Mr.Mardons house. When he gets into the house he says he feels like sleeping and Go's straight to his roo. Once there he takes off his shirt and goes to sleep. You are left with his shirt on the floor.
You decide that you might as well take advantage of the situation and climb the bed up to Justin's feet. You see his chest rising up and down. It looks like a forestry canyon because hide prominent six pack is covered in brown hair. You run towards this and climb up you then…
"What in hell?" The principal mutters as he sees you at the bottom of his desk. He grunts as he reaches around his gut to snatch you up. You panic and try to get away, but you're caught in his meaty palm as he brings you to his face. He look closely at you and ask, "What the hell happened to you?", sounding sympathetic. You explain the entire thing. Once you're done, he puts you down on his desk. Once again, it dawns on you just how small you are, as you're dwarfed by his coffee cup.
The principal stands up and holds out his hand. You step onto it and he brings you closer to his face.
"You sure got yourself in a heap of trouble, son." He curls his fist around your small body then whispers, "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe."
You feel your stomach lurch as he brings his fist down and stuffs you into his pocket next to his smartphone.
For a while you don't know what's going on until you hear the principal reaching for his car keys and unlocking his car. He opens the door but before he sits down he reaches into the pocket that you're in and pulls you out. As he sits down he sets you on the dashboard. You're expecting him to buckle up and start driving home, but instead he begins to unbutton his shirt revealing a hairy chest, and a bulging belly. He notices your surprised expression and says, “You thought I was just gonna take you home didn't you? Well I am, but I want you to pleasure me on the way. So come over here and suck my nipple.”
For a second you think about saying no, but at this size you realize that that will only end badly for you. You jump onto the principal’s hand and he leads you to his large pink nipple, and let's you stand on his belly. You grab his nipple with your hand and stare at it before putting your mouth around it. The principal moans, letting you know that you're doing a good job and you suck harder. He turns on the engine and speeds out of the school, the pressure pushes you against his warm breast. “Now do the other one.” the principal demands. You begin to walk along his belly to his other nipple when he slams ok the breaks and sends you flying onto….
You hear the familiar, friendly voice of your English teacher behind you and you spin around. "Sorry, Worthington. Forgot my bag.." Herculean's youngest teacher ducks into the room inconspicuously and grabs a gym bag which he had left in the corner of the room.
You can't help but stare in wonder at the giant man as he stomps across the room. Mr Welling has always seemed like a pretty cool guy, but from this perspective he looks more like a superhero. With a chiselled jaw and soft, wavey hair, Mr Welling reaches up and takes off his glasses, transforming himself from a kind-hearted teacher to some sort of Greek god.
You're still staring in awe and wonder as Welling passes you, his gym bag swooping towards you so fast that you don't have time to jump out of its way. As the black bag knocks into you, you tumble into the one open zipper, landing on a cushiony fabric. The smell around you is a mix of intense sweat and fragrant deodorant that tickles your nose.. You have to admit, Welling's sweat is a lot easier than your brother's. Compared to Wayne's terrible odour, your teacher's gym-wear almost smells sweet, like over-ripe apples.
Welling continues on to the gym across the road, completely unaware that one of his quieter students is currently concealled inside his gym bag.. When he finally dumps his bag down in the changing room, the zipper is ripped right open to reveal the giant, god-like face of Mr Welling. His deep brown eyes and calm face are hypnotic to watch. You stare up as the man reaches into his bag, grabbing the article of clothing that you're currently resting on..
Mr Welling has already changed into his gym shoes meaning that sitting inside his bag are the dress shoes he wears to work every day. And when you fell into your teacher's giant nag, you were lucky enough to fall into one of those neat leather shoes. You surmount that your teacher must have some pretty big feet, size 14 probbaly, because you have so much space around you to move around.
You see Mr Welling's handsome face lean over the opening above and take out what he needs for his workout session, dumping his reading glasses in the bag and looking more cute than ever. He zips up the bag and leaves you in darkness before continuing on to the training area and leaving you to contemplate things in the warm area of his dress shoes.
Your handsome school teacher Mr Welling gets home and starts to rummage through his bag before dinner, looking for something. But what he finds, he couldn't have been prepared for. He finds you sitting in his dress shoe, staring up at him and looking helpless.
"Jack! What are you doing in here, and how did this happen?"
"I don't know! But I need you to help me, Mr Welling! Please?"
You stare up at Mr Welling's handsome face as he appears to think carefully. You've always seen your English teacher as a big softie. The youngest teacher at Herculean High, he still hasn't gotten the swing of controlling his sometimes rowdy class, so you tend to see him less as an authoritarian and more of a friend. But now that Welling is storeys high and you find yourself a tiny little being in the vast palm of his hand, the man's mighty appearance is starting to command much more respect.
Especially when his familiar smile doesn't appear, and instead he directs a look of serious concentration at you.
"I suppose you thought it was okay to snoop around the science room, Mr Benson?"
You gape back, already feeling intensely uncomfortable. "Wha- I- I mean.."
"Your grades are doing terrible as it is. I suppose you think of school as nothing but a playground for you to go wandering around, meddling with expensive cmapus property while you're supposed to be in class."
"Look, Mr Welling, I didn't mean-"
"SILENCE." Your teacher's voice booms around you. With one word, he has you totally quiet, practically cowering under his stern gaze. "This is the last straw, Jack. You've treated my class and your homework like a game for long enough. Now you're meddling with school property. I won't have it. From now on, you will call me 'Sir'. You're going to learn that as a teenager, the world isn't at your feer. You're going to earn your respect, and your freedom. And it is NOT going to be easy." Mr Welling's once soft, handsome eyes are now glaring down at you, almost in disgust. You've never felt so vulnerable and intimidated. If you tried to speak now, you know tears would come out. "The free ride ends here, Jack."
Mr Welling says in his deep, resonant growl, then closes his fingers with an iron grip, squeezing the air out of your lungs.
Mr Welling has quickly turned from the handsome young school teacher you once admired and respected, to a dominant and forceful god among men.
"S- Sir?" You address him carefully, not wanting to get yourself in any hot water with the behemoth disciplinarian.
"That's more like it." Welling grins, still looking down his nose at you in his palm. "What?"
"I'll do anything. I'll never talk back again, I'll jump at your every command and I'll make up for ever pissing you off in class, I swear I will. Just.. please don't hurt me." You fight back tears during the last sentence, but Mr Wellings smile is only growing.
"Now THAT sounds like a fair deal. Well, Jack, I think we'll start our new relationship with you.."
"Well.." Mr Welling says with a twist of humour in his voice as you bow in the palm of his hand, kissing the leather-like skin in respect. "I wouldn't mind a nice foot rub after my day at the gym. Think you can satisfy these old boys?" he says, gesturing downward though you're so constricted in his grasp that you can't turn your head anyway.
Desperate to escape the big, sweaty palm wrapped around you alive, you nod eagerly, trying to convey your full obedience to the powerful giant.
He walks back to his couch and places you on the wooden floorboards next to his huge discarded running shoes, which radiate warmth and the smell of well-worn rubber. Welling stretches out his legs and place his mammoth feet on the floorboards one by one, shaking the earth beneath you. Your giant stretches his toes luxuriously and you can see daylight shining between them.
With his arms resting behind his head, he stretches out his feet and points toward them with one huge, tree-trunk finger, uttering the single authorative word: "NOW."
Before you can get to work servicing your new master's stinking feet, Mr Welling utters the single booming vowel that has you shaking like a leaf: "NOW." and lifts his gigantic foot over your head.
You lose your breath, staring up at the enormous pale brown sole as it casts its mighty shadow over you. Suddenly it's clear that your owner doesn't intend on letting you take the lead; he's going to trap you under his foot and use you any way he likes.
For some reason, the sight of that megalithic sole coming down on you fills you with a panic that you just can't control. You break out of your awe-induced trance and into a run, sprinting away from the huge foot of your master.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE-" Welling growls furiously, but your heart is beating to ofast to hear the rest of his scolding now. You just run.
You run so fast you can't feel your legs, praying your master won't catch you, until
Your owner's foot slams down on your back like an elephant. He lifts it just long enough to flip you over with his massive big toe, so he can see your tiny face peering between his toes as he laughs at your patehtic effort.
You're now lying on your back, Welling's heavy heel digging painfully into your stomach, staring up with pleading eyes at the god-like figure standing over you.
"You looked pretty pathetic trying to scamper away, ya know that." Welling laughs, masking the anger he's no doubt feeling for you. His masculine arms are folded. All though he keeps an eerily cheerful demeanour as he mocks your escape attempt, you notice him watching you closely every now and then when he applies pressure to the foot that has you pinned - No doubt gaining sadistic pleasure from your cringing and squirming.
"So, the little man needs another lesson in subservience, eh?" He lifts an eyebrow.
"No! Master, I swear, I'll never-" But you're easily cut off when Welling presses his foot slightly harder against you. All your breath evacuates your body in a split second, and you clutch his massive toes in the only plead for mercy you can physically manage.
"I know you'll never do it again, shit-for-brains. but just in case, I'm gonna keep you a little closer, and I might have to enlist a little help in keeping an eye on you.."
"Seeing how unseasonably hot it is this afternoon, a few friends of mine were going to come over and spend some time tanning with me out back.. Now it looks like we'll have plenty to talk about, what with my exciting new toy and all."
The thought of being paraded in front of even more giant men is unbearable, but you wouldn't dare argue as Welling takes you inside and gets himself changed. You just pray that whatever he does with you in front of them, it won't be as degrading and mortifying as the trials you've suffered today.
Welling returns with you to the living room wearing a change of loose-fitting weekend shorts, a tight white singlet shirt and a chunky platinum men's watch. Every thing about him declares power and ego.
"So, squirt, here's how it's going to be: You're my new toy. In my circle, we boys like to show off our toys, and yours truly is 'always' ready to keep his friends entertained. So here's what I'm going to do with you.."
Two hours later you're bent uncomfortabley over the width of your giant's tanned instep. Your wrists and ankles are shackled to the rubber base of a flip-flop which he's obviously altered for this purpose, so you are in effect the single strap that composes part of Master's slip-on sandal.
Your feet are shackled to one side, by the side of Welling's pinky toe, and you're sprawled over the top of the foot with one arm tied own just below the side of his high arch. Your other arm is hooked deep under his two biggest toes, so your entire body forms the strap that holds a flip-flop to its owner's foot.
Mr Welling sits outside by his swimming pool, his shirt discarded, wearing sunglasses, and soaks up the sun's rays in a deck chair.
Meanwhile the sun beats down on your back, beginning to sting your supple skin. Your bare belly rubs against the front of your master's foot every time he stretches his toes; the thick bone of his big toe rising as the two main, skin-covered veins across his foot shift.
Worst of all, your face is nearly being forced into the dark space between the huge foot's sole and the smelly, evidently old rubber step of the sandal.
When will this end?
An hour later, Master is still sitting by the pool and chatting with a few of his close buddies while you're bent over his manly feet, trapped and submissive.
Although Welling hasn't said a word about you since his friends finished admiring his work, you're sure he's enjoyed this profusely. He can't get enough attention and admiration, even if it means trapping an innocent young man and having you humiliated, chained with your face half-buried under his mighty feet.
Your cruel master sits by his pool in sunglasses and his brown shorts, conversing with his friends.
You can tell the main reason he's there is to soak up the sun and admiration of his peers, any of whom would love to have a little slave like you in their own greedy hands.
Master's bored - Time for some fun..
An hour later, your restrained shoulders hug your neck, holding your head in place so you can't escape the wafting foot stench, and you have to wonder how on earth a man could get satisfaction from being so heartlessly, viciously cruel..
Every inch of your body is aching because of the awkward position you're in, and the silence surrounding you is torturous.
..That is, until you hear the sound of your master snoring.
You can barely believe your ears at first. This must be some kind of mistake, or a trick to test your obedience!
But after a few minutes of listening to your giant's perfecly steady breathing, you're convinced that you've been given an opportunity to escape. An opportunity you may never get again..
I spend four hours under the sun, listening to my masters snoring. It's hard to believe that this very toe, use to hold no importance to me. Now it's my cross. The place where I'm presented, a lesson to everybody else. I'm not even strong enough to call out for mercy, begging to be given relief
"Class, today we're going to take a break from the curriculum in favour of a different sort of lesson."
Your teacher's voice sounds harder than usual. There's a cocky edge to it as Mr Welling paces in front of his class, commanding more silence and attention than ever. You can tell that having complete power over your life has gone directly to his head and, peering out from a pencil jar on his desk, you're terrified of what he's about to do next.
"The exhibit I'm going to pass around the room for you all to see is a former student of this class. A student who made a habit of doing things like arriving late, texting under his desk during class, and interrupting me so he could joke around with his friends." Welling's hand reaches over to his desk and yanks you from your place in one stomach-dropping movement. Now you're being carried across the room, and your view is of the confused faces of your former classmates. In particular, the puzzled expression of Trevor the math whizz. His bushy eyebrows furrow together as Mr Welling approaches him, holding out a hand with you clenched inside… And then dropping you into Trevor's anticipating palms.
"The purpose of showing Mr Benson to you all is to give you a fair warning." Welling continues. As he speaks, pacing before the class, Trevor's bony fingers are twisting you into a painful array of positions, testing to see if you're real. Even when you scream and squirm, he regards you from behind his glasses with skepticism. Then hands you over to Clay, an ogre-like jock who has hated you your whole life.
"When I decided to shrink Jack, to punish him for his misbehaviour," Mr Welling lies, and the class gasps. "It was with the hope that you'd all learn from his mistakes. I don't want you all to end up riding to school in my briefcase. Sleeping in my sock drawer at night and scrubbing my shoes for the rest of your life to atone for your mistakes in my class."
A hush has fallen over the room. Everyone's eyes are straining in your direction as Clay's sweaty, ham-like fists squeeze you over and over again. Each time, you make a comical squeaking sound from the painful restriction on your lungs and Clay chuckles, infinitely amused. Welling steps in to take you from Clay and pass you to the next desk, which belongs to Matt, a mild-mannered gay boy from the swim team. His eye brows do a pleased little dance as he grabs you up in his long but mercifully gentle fingers.
"If I see a marked improvement in the behaviour of you all in the next week, not only can I guarantee you that you won't end up being made an example of like poor Jack here, who'll never go to college or see the world or even graduate past slaving away at my feet for the rest of his days. I'll even add a little bonus to the deal, for you guys." Welling's voice is loud and commanding, but you can't seem to concentrate on what he's saying. Matt's long, dexterous fingers are bending you over backwards, parting your legs and becoming horribly familiar with every inch of your anatomy through slow, persistent stroking and pinching.
"If you can all pick up your grades and your classroom manners, I'll let you adopt little Jack here as a class pet." Welling's voice suddenly becomes very clear, and you're frozen in fear as Matt slips a finger between your tiny butt cheeks and pressed on your prostate. "How's that for an incentive? I take Jack home with in the afternoons -- someone's gotta rub my feet while I eat dinner -- and you all get to play with him between classes, as long as you earn it. We can even work out a roster so everyone gets to take him home for a weekend."
A murmur is rising in the room. An excited sound that makes you sick to the stomach. Then Welling wraps up his proposition, sealing your doom. "Great! It sounds like we have ourselves a deal. To celebrate, why don't we…"
Welling stretches out his feet and points toward them with one huge, tree-trunk finger, uttering the single authorative word: "NOW."
That one word is enough to force you onto your knees in front of the clammy sole, hugging the man's big, hot foot. It occurs to you that you're not sure how to massage a foot this tremendous in size, but you're too afraid of the stern giant to hesitate.
You knead your fists into the tough muscle, trying to ignore the masculine stink that emenates endlessly from the skin. You dig your elbows, your shoulders, even your face into the warm bed of clammy, hot sole that has you wanting to puke in your mouth.
You've never experienced anything so invasive; so violating, though you go on working for it, obeying your giant master in the hopes that his beastly feet will be relaxed enough afterwards to save you further humiliation..
“Jack…. I hate to say it but I’m a little disappointed in you” Mr. Welling said condescendingly “How can I expect to keep you if you don’t put any effort into a simple task”. Mr. Welling picks you up towards his face, his eyes staring right through you. “If you want to continue half-assingly rubbing my feet, I guess I’ll have no choice but to crush you out”, after he said that last bit, you looked down towards his titanic feet shuddering at the thought of being crushed by your teacher. “It seems you don’t want to get crushed, huh? I guess you can work overtime then~”. He placed you on his coffee table and crossed his feet in front of you, waiting for you to start.
You decide quickly, thinking that dying under his feet would be a humiliating way to go out. You began to rub his feet, gently kneading the soft pale brown sole, trying to ignore the musky smell emanating from it. You work your way up, trying your best to make sure that your giant teacher was enjoying you slaying away at his feet. After about 10 minutes of your hard work, you started to work at the ball of his feet, his toes wiggled in enjoyment, sending a wave of musk towards you. Your eyes started to water at the smell, but you pushed on thinking of what would happen if you stopped. After another 10 minutes of kneading, you headed up to his long toes. “Hey Jack, don’t forget to get in between the toes”, the giant said, furthermore wiggling his toes.
The amount of sweat in the toe area of his foot far surpassed the rest of his foot. You try to ignore it and the horrible smell, you rubbed in between his big and second toes. Unexpectedly, the giant teacher curled his toes and your face was mashed in the area. You struggled under it and Mr. Welling barely acknowledged it, relishing in the power possessed by him. Mr. Welling uncurled his toes and said “Well, I think we’re done here Jack, but unfortunately I don’t have anywhere for you to sleep” he picked you up and placed you in between his big and second toes, locking you in place. “I think we both know what’s going to happen” he said smirking and picking up his gym socks and put them on his feet.
Mr. Welling headed to bed feeling you in his sock, struggling to get out. Little by little, you began to slip out of his toes and eventually, under his arch. He pressed your face deep into his sole, his soft skin molding around you.
You struggled against his sole, and passed out due to exhaustion.
The next day…
Welling gives the order for you to work on his huge, ripped calves after you're done with his feet and you're quick to reply, without a moment's hesitation: "Yes, Master! I'll massage your body! I'll rub your feet, and your legs, and anything else! Wherever you want me, I'm there; I'm your servant, I swear to God!!"
After the terror you felt when you realized the studly giant teacher held your life in his hands, you're actually relieved to watch the man's evil smile grow as you beg shamelessly.
Without a reply, he carries you proudly into his bedroom for the rest of his massage. Now lying in bed on his back with his beefy arms resting behind his head, buck naked, Welling looks like a stern king as he waits for you to see to his tired muscles.
You place your palms on the tall, bare sole before you. The flesh is clammy; glittering with a sheen of sweat from his long gym session. You push into the plump foot, smearing your arms (and, a couple of times, your face) with the gritty sweat of your master's worshipped feet.
The giant's lazy moans let you know you've done well, so you move onto rigorously working his hairy calf muscles. The massive tanned legs are rock hard with muscle, and covered in lots of shining brown hairs which often tangle around your arms.
Master's legs now done, it's time to move onto..
You anxiously potter across the man's hairy thighs, towards the thick erection that stands solitary over his pubes like a raised flag.
You've been commanded to tend to your master's manhood, and you wouldn't even consider disobeying him after the warning you've recieved..
You wrap your arms around the tall erection and start to tug the ample skin up and down, over the slippery rounded head. Before long at all, a generous flow of pre-come is drizzling down the side and you're covered in the sticky substance.
"Oh.. Ohh, yes!! faster! Faster, you little fuck toy!!"
Welling sounds out of control with pleasure as you stimulate his meat to the point of climax, yanking as fast as you possibly can at your size, and he soon showers you in reward with a torrent of thick white semen..
"Ahh.. Why don't you crawl on up and swallow this mess for me, my little fuck pet." Welling groans, sounding thoroughly satisfied.
You scurry onto your master's rock hard abdomen, your hands often slipping in the slick coat of semen and getting tangled in his belly hair.
You'd never noticed how impressively toned and sculpted your heart throb English teacher was. It's too bad you had to find out this way, heading towards the most grisly lunch you'll ever eat.
Welling looks down past his mountainous chest and abs at you, so his stubbly chin is slightly doubled, and watches closely as you kneel on your hands and knees and gobble every last mouthful of the potent jelly from his skin.
You don't know whether he's watching you out of interest or just to make sure you do a thorough job, but one thing's for sure, you make a point to take every serving of the pudding-like goop into your mouth without complaint and swallow it quickly so you can lick up the next mouthful.
You lick away until his belly is shiny and clean, and his hairs are all standing up wetly.
"Good little boy." he approves. Now it's time for..
Welling stretches out his tanned, muscular arms and yawns like a lion.
As he does this, you feel his abdomen harden beneath you and for a moment you admire the well-defined bricks of muscle.. This guy must work out so often, you think to yourself.
For a moment, you have the awful image in your head of the giant placing you between two of his gigantic muscles and crushing you until you empty out in a tiny red squirt of guts.. Could he really do that?
"All right, little thing." He says, still yawning. "I'm done for the afternoon. I'm going to take a little snooze, which means you're going away in safe keeping for a few hours.."
What your master means by 'safe-keeping', you're not sure. But you're sure you'll soon find out..
Your bronze god's dick is now limp and wrinkly as he reaches over the side of the bed for a pair of underwear.
The ones he selects look unwearable to you - You gather that they were at some stage white, but he must have worn them so many times without washing them by now that they're soaked in sweat, dirt, and only david knows what else.
"I don't normally sleep with my undies on, see." Welling explains as he places you on the bed at his size and slips his hunky legs into the pair. "But I guess I'll need something to stop my little toy from rolling out when I've got him stored.."
Welling settles back on his bed, now dressed in nothing but a pair of filthy, sweat and come stained briefs. He gets a mischevious smile on his face, watching you fight the urge to beg him for mercy. But you know better than to deny your controlling giant, and you keep your mouth shut.
Plucking you up between his fingers, Welling stretches his waistband so you can see the forest of pubes and his still damp, glistening cock slumped against the dirty fabric.
"You don't have any.. complaints, do you, fuck toy?" He asks innocently, laughing at your powerlessness.
You take a big gulp, a deep breath, and..
Your master leans over the side of his bed and reaches for an item of clothing that's always close at hand.
As he twists, you notice his pecs and abs flex to poise, and for a moment he loks like a painting of a Greek god hung on the wall in a famous art gallery. It occurs to you that there are people in the world who would kill to be the tiny sex toy of one of such a handsome, athletic and well endowed young man. But for you, this whole ride has been a nightmare.
That's when your owner sits up on the bed holding in his hand something old, faded, encrusted with sweat and sending off a smell so richly sickening that it dizzies you even from a distance.
He holds:
"Ahhh.." Welling yawns, stretching leisurely before he withdraws his feet and gets up from the bed. You're so relieved to be done with rubbing all of those massive appendages, you hardly stop to consider what's going to happen next. You wait for your next command while the dominant giant stands, cracking his big, thick knuckles.
"Alright, pipsqueak, I think I'm just about ready to take a shower and turn in for the evening. You'll be coming with me of course - wouldn't want to leave you all alone with nothing to occupy you on your first night as a slave, would I? Then you might be tempted to think about running away. And, well.. that would be a shame.."
As Welling says this, his face becomes grimly serious, and he slowly cracks more of his humungous knuckles. It strikes you that all these years you've seen him as a nice guy and a push over, your teacher was just waiting for the opportunity to hold a helpless kid like you in his hands, and bring out his true, dominant side.
You stare up at those huge fists, remembering how they felt pressing against your fragile little rib cage when he held you earlier.. Maybe the giant was more aware of how much he was hurting you than you thought; maybe he was giving you a little reminder of how easily he could snuff you out should you upset him..
Welling scoops you up in his big, clammy palm and carries you into his gleaming white bathroom. Being in his grasp always feels like being stuck on a carnival ride -- The huge man lets you hang by his side rather than taking any care in handling you, so you swing with his mighty arms as he strlls into the next room.
Placed on the sink, you watch the stud slink out of his dark grey underwear. The briefs had been positively bulging with the man's huge package, so much so that you could see the outline of his big, fat sausage perfectly. But now it all hangs out and a river of thick, dirty brown runs from his firm abdomen right up to his big old pecs.
"You might be too scrawny to be much help," He says with a smug chuckle. "But you can sure as hell keep me entertained in here."
Welling reaches into the bathroom cabinet and produces a..
Welling reaches to the cabinet above you and takes out his shaving kit, lathering up his jaw and neck. Slowly, ceremoniously, he fills the sink basin with water and takes out his razor, watching it glint in the light.
Then, he puts it down. You watch, confused and startled, as the giant picks you up and drops you in the water-filled sink..
You plummet underneath the chilly water immediately. It feels like you're being pricked all over by a thousand tiny knives; the cold water takes your breath away and freezes your mind solid with shock. You manage to scramble to the side of the sink, clinging to the porcelain and gasping madly for air. You look up at your giant with wild, shocked eyes. he only grins warmly down at you, then pats your tiny mop of wet hair with his giant index finger.
"Aww, aren't you cute, struggling to breathe like a helpless little toy. haha." he croaks in his deep, manly voice. "Do you want some warm water, little slave?" he asks, infuriatingly calm.
You nod, trembling under his heavy gaze, teeth chattering. "And how are you going to ask for it, little guy?" He smiles down at you.
You struggle to stutter out the word "P-p-please.."
Instead of responding, Welling frowns in a mock look of disappointment, and shakes his head..
"Come on, pipsqueak, you're gonna have to do a little better than that." he coaxes you. "Aren't you gonna call your new master by his rightful name?" He lifts his eyebrows with gentle expectation.
You can't believe how cruel and egomaniacal this man is. Not only is he having his fun, torturing a a puny teenager who fits his palm and is deathly afraid of the bigger man, but he also has the nerve to patronise you, feigning sympathy to make you feel even smaller and weaker.
Regardless of the mean giant's outrageous cruelty, you swallow your pride and submit to his little game; You have no other choice. You sniffle, feeling your clothes float in the chilling water around you and your package shrink to near invisibility due to the cold water and shame you're enduring.
"P-p-please, Master?"
Welling's face turns to a warm, wide grin and his massive, muscular arm reaches over you to turn on the hot water. "Just say when, little guy.."
You've never been so thankful as you are when Welling reaches over your head with his all-powerful giant wrist and eases your torture by turning on the hot water. You feel the temperature rise soothingly around you, and finally you can breathe without taking panicked, jagged gasps.
The monumental authoritarian turns the water off when you humbly ask, then continues lathering up his furry chin, cheeks and jaw.
You float there in the sink, staring up in we at the behemoth as he pulls the shaving razor over his strong jaw, leaving behind clean skin and ..shaking the hairy lather off on top of you!
You cough and splutter the first time you're hit with a face-ful of the sloppy, bristle-filled soap. As your master goes on shaving and dumping the excess on top of you, you can barely catch a breath to complain.
"Hey!" you finally manage to get out after dunking your head under water.
Welling pauses, and looks down past his manly, hairt chest at you. "What do you want, runt?"
"What did you say to me, runt?" "The huge man's eyes turn brighter than polished copper as he eyes you angrily..
Now, spitting out bitter soap and bristle, you regret ever saying a word. "I just.. I just couldn't breathe, Master, and I-"
"You know what, little man? Maybe I shouldn't be keeping you prisoner like this.. Now when there are SO many better uses for a healthy little pet such as yourself.."
You start to tremble under the man's cruel gaze.
Welling reaches into the sink, pinches you hard between his fingers and yanks you into the air, shaking you off violently.
"Oh yeah, I've got a much better role for you.." The giant says coldly, eyeing you with a chilling smile..
"I have had.. the most exhausting workout session.." Welling holds you still with two fingers and starts to peel off your shirt as he speaks. "And my stomach is just rumbling for some nourishment right now.."
He clamps your arms by your sides and tugs your tiny pants off with a fixed, intense stare. "And after all, I am a growing man.. You wouldn't want me going hungry - would you?"
The young man's rugged smile gives you chills. His giant fingers rip your underwear off with minimal effort and a tiny 'snap!'.
"Oh, yeeeah.." he eyes your naked little body hungrily. "You, little man, are going to be be DELICIOUS. So smooth and tender.." The giant licks dripping saliva from his big pink lips and lifts you higher up.
You lose your grip totally now, and start to weep without control. "Please, PLEASE Mr Welling, Sir, I'm SORRY!! You can't eat me! I'm just a kid!" You choke through tears, "Please, please don't eat me!!"
Welling gives you a patronising smile. "Oh! You are so CUTE when you beg for your life! Heh heh, keep begging, my juicy little treat."
It's almost as if your giant tormentor is giving you a compliment. He chuckles at your adorable helplessness as he pokes an index finger at your tiny stomach, supposedly tickling you, though it feels like you're being kicked in the guts by a soccer cleat.
"Go on, little guy! Cry! Go on, now beg for your life! Beg!" he speaks to you in baby talk, chuckling heartily.
"All right," he smiles with a sigh. "I really am too hungry to mess around any more. Over the teeth, past the gums, lookout stomach, here you come!"
Squealing for mercy, you're dangled over the yawning abyss that is your owner's open mouth and let go.
Falling in, your arm hooks awkwardly onto the corner of his lip.
The hungry giant slams his jaw shut, sucking the desperately fighting limb inside.
You're squashed up in the dark, dripping cave that is the hunk's mouth when you finally realise there is no escape..
Your head jammed between your knees, all you can see is the wet pink muscle that is Mr Welling's tongue. You're paralysed with horror, knowing you've officially become lunch to a young man who sees you as nothing but protein..
In the cramped space, you try to force the man's jaw opened by stretching your body, but the rubbery solid gum surrounding you is barely indented by your puny body.
Suddenly, the massive tongue beneath you pushes hard against your naked skin. A wave of saliva washes around you, and your knocked by the powerful tongue onto your side.
"Mmm.." The giant moans, tasting your salty skin and batting your supple rump with his tongue.
You watch a giant row of perfect white teeth descend upon your torso and crush your tiny bones with their all-mighty power. A scream of pain never escapes your quickly torn up body.
Welling sits back and chews his little snack, then dislodges shreds of meat from between molars with his tongue.
"Mmm-mm." He licks his lips, satisfied, and pats his full stomach.
You plunge into your teacher's gaping-wide mouth feet-first. Of course you try to escape the great, hot cavern, but the giant's huge lips close on your neck, sucking you into the wet darkness of his mouth. Your arms struggle uselessly for a second before they're slowly sucked in past his slippery lips.
Welling takes a moment to swish warm saliva around in his mouth, tasting your ripe body before he takes a breath through his nose and begins to swallow.
His thick young neck flexes and bulges as your tiny form slides, upright, down towards his gut. Mute with terror, you disappear slowly down the slimey, clenching tube…
Later, you lie motionless in the young giant's stomach. After minutes of struggling to breathe, you lie, weak and limp, in the hot juices and partly-digested food inside the man's gut.
Your skin burns mercilessly and you silently cry as the acids eat away at you, slowly turning you into a lump of shit.
His feet up, Welling fingers the TV remote and burps deeply, patting his gut.
Your massive teachers dumps you in a cup next to his toothbrush and quickly finishes shaving.
You tap on the platic of the glass but to no avail. As soon as the giant finishes rinsing of he picks you up an rinses you under cold water.
"Now where where we. Oh I know, you begged me for another job. Well I've got just the thing for you." An evil grin spreads across his face.
"I've always thought about standing up to you twerps in class, but I think now I know how I might enjoy it sitting down even more."
With you fim in his fist he whistles softly as he moves back to the bedroom. With your head poking out of his fist you can see him walking to his closet and he picks out some clothes and throws them on the bed. Afterwards he walks to the standing mirror in the corner and turns around.
"I guess you could use a little lube first." And he pops you in his mouth. inside you feel you're getting covered in saliva and his tongue makes sure to touchs every inch of your body. He spits you back out in his hand and smiles. "Looks like you're all ready to go.
Then he slightly bends forward and he moves his hand with you on it around his mid-section. There two massive globes come into view and you can see the mirror reflecting your teachers backside. But then he moves you to the top of his crack and using two fingers slides you down into it. You face rubbing against his skin. Thank go he just showered.
Then you feel yourself stopping for a second and think, the worst is over, but almost immediatly you feel a push agains your lower legs. And you topple backwards landing flat on your back on Welling's indexfinger. You try to stabilize yourself, but find out you can't move your legs. As you tilt your head up you see why, he indexfinger is moving you into the starlike sphincter of your teacher, allready you are kneedeep into it. And as the giant softly moans, you slide even farther in it. You can't help but scream in terror as the asshole seems like a hungry mouth consuming your body.
Just as you think this will be the end as the wall of muscle reaches your neck, suddenly the indexfinger retracts and the muscle closes you in. you try to move, but you can't. You're stuck in your teachers hole, with just your head sticking out. Looking up you see the mirror and Welling's face looking over his shoulder as he stands up and gives his cheecks as squeeze, making you gasp for air.
"Well, I hope your comfortable in there, because I think you'll be spending a lot of time in there, from now on."As he moves towards the bed, you feel your body being squished and twisted between the mighty assmounts of your teacher.
"Please master, don't keep me in here."
But either the giant doesn't hear you, or he just doesn't care.
"Oh, I'd better hurry or I'll be late" You hear him mutter. And he starts moving frantically. Because your forced to look up you only have the few seconds that the elstic and fabric comes into view over you, to realise he's getting dressed, when the bad snaps tight to his waist and you are now covered in darkness. Thank god you realise the underpants aren't really thight. But you thought to soon. Because as a next layer of clothing is pulled over, you feel your head being pushed up agains your teachers crack as he has put on one of his thight dresspants. Then your world suddenly seems to fall down, when you move down at an accelaration that will kill you on impact. He's sitting down.
Thank god his ass is so welltrained, because the muscle tissue keeps your head from suffering the blow.
You hear sounds of someone putting on shoes. And suddenly your world moves again as Welling stands up and starts moving.
You hear the sound of keys and a door being closed all the while being shaken and squished by every step your teachers takes.
Apparently he has somewhere to go. Then suddenly his legs flail and his ass comes down on something.
Welling turns the handle and lets hot, steaming water rush into the sink.
"Thank you so much, Master!" You cry in appreciation. "This is great.. This is very warm, thank you.. 'When'! 'WHEN'! ..PLEASE STOP THE WATER!!"
All of a sudden, blankets of steam are washing across the surface of the water and you can barely breathe, they're so thick and hot that they cook your throat on the way down.
Your master stands with his arms folded and a smug grin on his face. "Warming up, little man? Wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable!"
You're burning, you feel like you're engulfed in flames, you're starting to go numb. As you lose consciousness, all you can hear is Welling's smug little chuckle and your only thought is: How can a living human being be so cruel??
Mr Welling finishes his gym session and goes home to eat dinner and sleep before work tomorrow. He has a shower, then watches some TV and unpacks his gym bag before he climbs into bed.
All this time, you've been too short to climb out of the big man's shoe. All around you is dark. The leather insole you're sitting on is damp from having your teacher's foot covering it all day, and it smells like hot leather isnide the shoe, though you can also smell the scent of his feet rather strongly. It isn't the worst smell in the world, it's actually sort of warm and comforting, but the knowledge that you're breathing it in is humiliating enough to make you want to escape. You're almost afraid of what Welling will say when he sees you in there; what if he thinks you're in there because you like the smell of his feet or something?
You listen to the muffled noise outside while Welling gets ready for bed, and when the bag finally unzips you see two giant fingers hook the shoe and lift it out. But rather than your teacjer's face again, you see everything get darker, and you know you've been stored under his bed for the night.
Frusterated and helpless, all you can do is wait for the morning.
During the night, the only light you have is what moonlight fids its way under the bed and illuminates things around you. You can now see the giant "14" on the heel of your teacher's insole, and you conclude that you were right about his massive feet. You wait patiently for morning, listening to Mr Welling snore on the bed bove you.
You get cold eventually so you crawl to the toe section of the shoe. The smell there is a little thicker, and more reminiscent of the man's giant feet, but you're getting used to it and it's worth crouching to fit there so you can stay warm.
When the morning finally comes and you wake to hear Mr Welling getting dressed for work..
You crawl as fast as you can to the heel section to alert your teacher that you're inside his shoe, but you're too late. You look up to see his handsome face still staring at the TV, probably watching the morning news as he puts on his shoes. He slurps his coffee and wiggles his foot into the shoe, blocking your view.
He's earing nylon black dress socks today, and the shape of his bulky feet is more noticable than ever. The foot coems in ready or not and pushes you onto your back. You feel a little dizzy as your head goes into the toe compartment which is less elevated than the heel after years of being worn, so you're not exactly lying flat.
As frusterated as you are to be in this position, something strange is happening. During the night the house became freezing cold, and the only thing providing you with warmth was the wron insoleof your teacher's shoe. And the warmer the shoe, the more it smelt of his feet, which caused you to associate warmth and comfort with the smell of yuor teacher's manly feet. That combined with the general affectionate feelings you have for Mr Welling, and by morning the experience of being safe inside his shoe is almost a comforting and enjoyabe one, compared to the stressful life you've had so far.
The black socked foot sits on top of your chest and his meaty sole seems to shape around you, gently pinning yo uto the spot.
You breathe happily. Maybe you won't mind spending one more day in Mr Welling's giant dress shoe.
The light of the locker room bursts in to the bag, you stare in horror as the huge man's hand delves into the cavernous bag. As you see the huge fingers outstretch you realise how those poor stuffed animals in skill tester machines must feel. Prone and vulnerable to the whims of the powerful claw.
You realise that you need to get out the gigantic hand's way and you go to leap away. With all your strength you push but you are restrained. Somehow, in the jostling of the bag, your tiny arms have been caught up in the fibre loops of the sweat band. You scream and struggle to no avail, it seems the more you struggle to get free, the more you tangle yourself.
you can feel tears of dispair begin to well up behind your eyes as the huge hand crashes into you. The soft, yet calloused palm crashes into you. Your stomach flies up your throat as you feel that you are about to vomit. Mr Welling thinks nothing of picking up the damp sweatband, but for you it is a g-force ride into the atmosphere.
You feel the surface begin to stretch out behind you as Mr Welling is attaching the band to his body. You feel ill as you see you are being wrapped around Mr Welling's Sweaty ….
Mr Welling has totally transformed from the studious teacher you know him as, to another athletic young hunk at the gym. he pulls the sweat-band over his head, having no idea that his tiny student lies tangled in the facric, and flicks his thick hair casually over the front.
Welling pulls on his running shoes and muscle shirt, sprints up the stairs to the cardio area and jumps on a treadmill. As his herat-rate clims higher, the oils from your giant teacher's skin ooze out of his pores and smear all over you. The intimate smell of the man's skin covers you, as his hair, once smelling of fragrant shampoo, becomes slick with sweat. In all the hours you spent sitting in class, watching Mr Welling stride back and forth in front of the board, you never woulkd have imagined that you'd one day end up pinned under his tight sweat-band, soaking up your favourite teacher's masses of perspiration as he panted on the treadmill, dripping with sweat.
Now the thick beads are starting to slide into your mouth, and you gulp them down, feeling feverishly hot with the heat of the giant's skin. You're positively swimming in his sweat, guzzling the thick, salty fluid as it pours from his back and pits.. You think you can feel yourself slipping out! As your unaware giant increases the speed of the equipment yet again, the rubber of his shoes pounding against the belt, you slip out and wind up..
You feel your tiny hands slip out of the loops of the soaking sweatband. At first you are relieved, but then you realise the 1000 foot drop to the floor. panicking you reach out to try and grab onto anything. Your tiny hands refuse to maintain a grip on anything around you. You slip and slide through the moist, dark hair.
The smell and humidity of Mr Welling's hot head cause you to go dizzy, the constant falling does little to ease your stomach. The huge hairs fly past your field of view. In an Instant you are hit with a wave of cool, fresh air as you leave the giant's head. The relief is short lived as you come crashing down on the back of the giants neck.
Slipping and sliding, Mr Welling continues to jog, causing you to slide down his back. Your screams are inaudible to the giant as you go sliding down the mountainous back of the giant. You pass under the neck of his singlet before coming to a stop with a thick slurp. His excercise has caused him to sweat so profusely that his shirt has stuck to his back.
You are immersed in a new world of wretched humidity as Mr Welling works his body to its limits. After what seems like hours you feel his singlet get peeled off his body with a sickening squelch. You dont have time to be grossed out by that as you realise you are
covered in sweatdrops you suddenly feel yourself sliding slowly down the back of your teacher, going down all the way.
Apparently the single was the last thing he removed, because you see two humps of flesh coming into view.
You hear Mister Welling mutter something about forgetting his showergear.
Then you suddenly feel him leaning forward as you're just at the top of his crack.
You're safed for now you think, but suddenly he jerks up which makes you slide down with a jolt.
And you end up clenched between the two buttcheeks When he bows formward once more you slied even deeper. and you see he is stepping into his underwear.
As he comes up his ess clenches back together and you feel something pulsing in your back.
As the pair of tight undewear travels at you with a ridiculous speed you can just glance over your shoulder to see the giant asshole of your teacher pushing against your back. THen the world suddenly grows dark as the cotton wall closes you in.
With a sudden push you're pushed even deeper in the crack as your teacher adjusts his pants, by running a finger through his crack.
Then he continues to dress, completely unaware of your dire position.
As his pants come up your position becomes even more dire, as you sweaty professor didn't take a shower and he did build up a sweat as you noticed when you were on his back. The musky aroma, mixed with sour sweat almost makes you wanna gag, but you try your best to stay awake. You know if you'll pass out, you'll never survive.
As you try to wiggle free, you find out that you're pretty much stuck, and before you get t change to unstickyourself the giant begins moving, First his left buttcheek moves in on you, then his right, then left again. You get the feeling your being pulled through a wringer over and over again. Till ti suddenly stops and you hear something. "Beep, Beep, Click" followed by cardoors opening and suddenly you feel like your falling down fast and hard, as your teacher sits down in the drivers seat.
As he turns on the engine you feel his legs handling the pedals sending small jolts of muscle acticity through his mighty ass.
Then you hear a faint rumbling up from above. What the heck?
Mr Welling rubbed his stomach. He hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and his gut was not happy. He decided to get a burger, as he had just worked his butt of and wanted a reward
He drove to the nearby burger chain, and sat in the drive through. He looked at his svelte body, proud of his physique, thought he did secretly want to be muscular. He quickly got his burger and sat in the parking lot, scarfing it down. Some of the ketchup had gotten stuck in his goatee.
In his boxers, you could make out the sounds of him chewing and swallowing. You didn't know why, but the whole act made you aroused, as his stomach began to gurgle
Mr welling patted his stomach, and grimaced at the discomfort his tight jeans caused. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, and undid his belt, which eased a lot of tension. It also caused you to fell free, onto the fabric of his blue briefs. You slowly go to your feet, ready to try to get his help, when you turned around and saw his super hairy balls before you. Mr Welling had arrived home, and was about to get out of the car. Which do you grab onto?
Mr. Welling scrunched his face, feeling the slight pressure in his ass. Not taking his eyes off the road, he lifted his ass a bit, causing the tight skinny jeans to construct around his bubble butt and junk. He pushed and felt a gust of wind exit his pucker
Inside Mr.Welling's briefs, the fart had an unexpected effect, because you were pushed right against his hole, the opening of it forced you inside. You began to panic, and gasped for air, though quickly gagged, as it was foul and rancid, you slowly got to your feet and walked over to his hole. It was sealed tight, and your knew it wasn't about to open, his tight jeans, while making his ass look extra sexy, kept it tightly closed
Outside, Mr Welling ran his hand through his wavey blond hair, grimacing. He knew he had forgotten to take a shower. He always forgot that. Cursing to himself, he continued his drive home.
Inside Welling's bowels, you decided to pass the time by exploring your teacher. You had often stared at his ass in class, and now you were actually inside it! You marveled at the sights, feeling like a tourist. You could hear his heart beating, and the rush of air as he breathed. His walls contracted and pulsed with each breath, quietly gurgling. The remains of your teacher's meals were slowly piling up in here, and were getting bigger, the farther in your went.
Outside, Mr Welling pulled up to his house and and headed inside. The movement of his walking jostled you around a bit, and made some new waste move into his rectum. You could tell he had recently eaten some corn
Me Welling hoped into the shower, grateful yo be clean again. He was looking forward to this evening, but why?
As you walk around, stuck between the gruesome, but interesting piles of feces slowly building, and the sealed pucker of your teacher, Mr. Welling steps out of the bathroom, and digs through the piles of clothes to pull out a tank top,a jockstrap, some rainbow socks, and skin-tight jeans. Even with you unknowingly in his bowels, No one knows about his secret life as a homosexual.
You feel his hips rock you back and forth as Mr. Welling steps into, and slides on the jockstrap. You fall on the sphincter on your back as he sits on his bed to slide on his booty shorts, and bends over to slide on his colorful footwear, sliding you to the floor with your back to his pucker. as he stands up with his shirt being thrown over his head, you seems to want to stay there. He takes a few steps, and finds his favorite sneakers. You feel him shifting his weight from one foot to the other, before walking around his house to grab his phone, wallet, and a couple of kinky toys. His walk seems to calm you down, and you think of today's intense events. First, you shrunk in your class, then you tried to get your principal's help before being knocked into his bag, and tossed around inside until you landed in his sweatband. You took a trip down Welling's body, and was planted in his ass-cheeks before the pucker hidden inside opened up just for you to go in, and here you sit. Inside the smelly bowels of one of the most sought after teachers.
Your thoughts and the slow sway caused by your teacher walking down the street lull you to sleep.
Meanwhile, The teacher who carries you in his waist walks down the street towards a bus stop. The bus takes him downtown, and from there he finds the most infamous gay bar he had heard of: Dick's Drag-House. Known to be built in the 1990's, and after being condemned and rebuilt many times, they finally allowed for it to setup here. It became the best and the oldest place to hook up with any male in town. He approached the Gay Bar in hopes to get laid, as he had been stressed out from the school he works under and the students who constantly find any means to distract the class. You seem to awaken just as he opens the doors to the building, and you wonder where you are, and what that music outside was. The whole day came back to you, and you remember who's anus you entered. But you still had to question where you are, or more importantly where Mr. Welling is. Mr. Welling looks around the bar, and finds three scenes of interest. He first spots a Drag Show performance to the left, with the man on stage calling himself The Vanisher. Welling can see why after he watches the man take a dildo up his ass, and turns to show dildo gone. At the other end of the entrance to the bar was the actual bar. He noticed at the end of the bar, a hot male no older than 24 dressed in a leather sleeveless jacket and black booty shorts with fishnet stockings and heel boots at the bar.
Towards the right was a bathroom. The bathroom's Male Symbol has a few crude symbols on it, and He watches as a man outside the front waiting in a chair with a sign overhead. Another man approached him, and they both enter together. Welling can only imagine what could possibly happen inside.
Mr. Welling decides to go
To your disgust, the warm sweat of the giant man has dried hard, leaving you stuck firmly to his back. You are about halfway down, and looking around you appear to have shrunken to a size where your giant is oblivious to your presence.
You see Mr Welling has peeled his shirt off and is walking somewhere. Suddenly a large wall of cloth is slung over Mr Welling's back, revealing where he is going. You scream and squirm trying to get free but it is no use, you are firmly attached as you are covered by
Suddenly Mr. Welling throws a towel over his shoulder. Your view gets covered by a crude white surface unable to be bleached from all its uses. You have little idea that he is stripping down to nothing and heading for the showers. You soon realize when he lifts off the towel to reveal a massive shower head above you. A loud roar signals the beginning of Mr. Welling's shower. A waterfall rushes around you. You struggle to stay above the water, but it's no use. Then your English teacher slaps a handful of body wash. It stings your eyes, but loosens the sweat that adheres you to his back.
But before you can enjoy your freedom, you're…
Like a wild water ride, you run down your giant teacher's back with the water from the shower. The suds make the fall faster and faster. You slide between his ass cheeks and past his asshole, but it happens so fast that you do not notice. Suddenly you fall with the drops into a puddle between your teacher's bare feet. You cover your nose. No matter what the body bath smells, nothing can remove the gym's smell from his feet. You look up and still your teacher rubs off his body in the shower. You decide to…
As much as you adore your favourite teacher, this view of him utterly terrifies you. The naked stud's meat swings like a pendulum between his sculpted thighs, as he rinses off his smooth abs and chest. His mammoth feet slap flat against the tiles, making loud splashing sounds as streams run off his glistening toes.
"Mister Welling! Mister Welling, please help me!!" You shout as loud as you possibly can, barely recognising your own voice with all its urgency.
You're grimly aware that at any moment, Mr Welling could step to his left and accidentally flatten you under that braod, brown sole of his.
You feel a huge rush of relief and adrenaline when the handsome man glances your way, and his dark eyes catch yours.
"Holy.." He goes breathles for a moment. "Jack??"
"Mister Welling, pleeease help me!" You cry out, your heart racing now that you've finally made contact with a giant.
Your teacher looks dumbfounded, but also, strangely, relieved. "Jack, I'm so glad I found you!" He says, picking you up.
Your teacher quickly turns off the shower and scoops you up, wiping the dripping water off his nose. "Sorry." He says as you shake yourself off.
It's pointless, though. You're surrounded by his warm, dripping wet hand. Not that you mind; You haven't felt so safe and protected since the accident.
You explain what you can about the lab and the incident, trying not to implicate yourself too much -- You don't want to be expelled once you're returned to normal size.
"Jack, that's just awful." He says warmly, throwing on a shirt and cargo shorts from his gym bag. "Let me get you home so I can take care fo you. You must be starving."
"Um.. Kinda. But, like, shouldn't we be going to a hospital or something?" You ask.
"We'll talk about all that tonight, Jack. You just relax and curl up in my towel. You're safe now."
Welling places you gingerly in his gym bag and zips it up, rushing out. You have to admit that you do feel exhausted, and the smel lof your teacher's clothes is comforting if not a little strong.
So you curl up and fall asleep to the gentle rocking of your surroundings. It's not until you wake up the next morning that you realise how tired you really were. And there, in front of you, is Mr Welling..
You wake up with the soft palm of your teacher underneath you. And when you look up you see Welling's warm borwn eyes, staring fondly at the little prize in his hands.
"You are just the cutest little creauture I've ever seen." He says, stroking your cheek like you're a little kitten.
"I'm a human being." you correct him, a little uneasy now that you're fully awake.
David laughs, and says genuinly, "Ah, you're cute. We're giong to have a blast."
"I know that, I just think you're adorable. You've always been my favourite student you know, Jack." Welling sits back in bed for a little while, playing with you in his giant fingers.
This feels wrong. You know this kind of behaviour isn't allowed between students and teachers. What's more is that you're starting to get the feeling that Mr Welling has no intentions of taking you a hospital to be restored.
"Well, we don't have to be student and teacher any more, Jack. What if I was something else to you? Like your protector? Or even more, someday.."
You just look at him, shocked. "But I have a life. I can't just stay here with you.. I don't want to, anyway!"
Welling sighs, disappointed.
Mr Welling leans forward in bed so his magnificent, huge face is inches away from yours. His handsome, unshaven chin is bigger than your entire body. His twinkling eyes are mesmerising, no matter how you feel about him, and you're suprised to realise that the giant's affection for you is actually starting to make you feel comfortable in his hands, even though you're here unwillingly.
"Listen, little guy," the giant says soothingly. "I don't want you to worry. I'm not cruel and I'm not controlling, I've just got a lot of love to give to the right little man, and that little man's going to be you." he smiles.
You can't believe what you're hearing. Here you are, tiny and defenceless, and someone who supposedly cares so much about you is letting you wonder if you'll ever be free again. You don't know what to think.
His hands are awfully warm and soft, though. And his eyes are so deep and kind..
You've never felt anything like this for another guy before. But then again, you've never experienced being held in the palm of a giant man's hand while he sweet talks you, breathing his warm breath over your tiny body. Right now, staring into your teacher's deep, genuine eyes, it seems like anything's possible.
"What do you say, little guy?" He murmurs, bringing his face even closer to yours. His breath is covering you like a cloak of warmth now; it's irresistable. You look up at him with dazed eyes, and it doesn't take an answer to let the man know that you're all his from now on.
Your giant smiles, and it's the most breath taking thing you've ever seen. Those perfect teeth, those soulful eyes.. You're filled with a rush of warmth that makes you feel drunk on love like you never have before..
In an unexpected gesture that sweeps you off your feet, Mr Welling seals the deal by..
You can tell by the huge smile on Welling's face that he adores his new pet, and can't hold himself back anymore. His big, soft lips sweep towards you, burying you with an assault of affectionate kisses.
You giggle, pinned between the man's warm hands and giant face. He chuckles aswell, and goes on slobbering all over your tiny body.
He'd stop, but he knows you love it - He can tell by that miniature but rock-hard little bump your in your pants!
You lie back in your giant's hands, relishing the beautiful sensation of his hot lips lovingly pressing all over your body.
You're damp with his kisses from head-to-toe now. He brushes his bottom lip over your closed lashes, purring tenderly, rubbing his warm cheeks against you like a cat showing its loyalty.
You're in total ecstasy when..
Eyes closed, you lie back and let your giant owner drown you in his hot kisses. Whatever you previously thought love was, nothing could compare with the satisfaction of belonging entirely and forever to this beautiful giant.
Just when you think nothing in the world could be better, you feel a giant nail press against your waist and pull down your pants with a tiny flick. Your throbbing erection bobs in the open air. You open your eyes and see your master's giant face as he puckers his sweet lips and blows onto your pelvis.
Your cock tingles excitedly. You close your eyes and moan, begging silently for more.
Your giant opens his mouth and unleashes his big, wet, powerful tongue. You feel the dripping muscle slap against your twitching erection, teasing it. Welling presses his cushioney tongue against the tip.
You shiver violently. The tongue slides, slurps your whole lower body, drenching your hot erection and driving you insane.
You explode, squirting your yummy little load onto your giant's waiting tongue..
Mr Welling smiles, as he carefully pulls your shirt off, then slides your jeans off, he smiles and kisses your tiny cock, which makes you instantly cum. He smiles again at this, and licks the small glib off his lips
"Hehe you liked that didn't you?" He asked with a cheeky tone, and all you can do is nod, exhausted in ecstasy.
"Yeah, i loved that Mr Welling" you pant, as he smiles
"No need for formalities Jack, you can call me Eric" he says. You are briefly stunned by this, but smile
"Ok, i love you Eric" you say, as he kisses you again
"I've got some errands to run today little guy, so i need a safe place to put you" Mr Welling said, as he looked at the clock. You were feeling pretty sleepy actually
"Here, i'll give you the best bed ever" he says, as he slowly slides you into his mouth. You barely notice, as his tongue plays around your tiny body, the saliva feels really good. However, you do suddenly notice that your being pushed to the back of his throat. Before you can object, Eric swallows, sending you down into his belly
You land with a splash, and begin to panic. This wasn't how you wanted to go! You then hear Mr Welling's voice all around you
"Relax little guy, i just wanted to out you in a safe and soft place for the day, my love for you will protect you from the acids"
While Eric had an astounding lack of knowledge about the shrinking process and biology knowledge that didn't go any farther than college biology, you in fact, were not hurt in his belly. The serum had made you immune to the acids.
What ever the case was though, you were sleepy, so you lay against his inner wall, and closed your eyes
Outside, Eric looked at his belly lovingly and rubbed it while he got dressed. As he headed out the door he gave his belly one more pat and whispered
"I love you too Jack"
What happens next?
Welling leans in, his eyelids drooping in a dopey romantic expression. For a moment it seems as though he's going to kiss you, but then his lips break into a mischevious smile and he says in an anxious, excited schoolboy type voice: "Oh, boy! I can't wait any longer!"
He tears the zipper of his fly down as if there's an agonizing itch in his pants that he just has to scratch now, and you're jammed into his sweaty briefs without a second to object.
Once you're in there, jammed against the frankfurt-sized semi-erection, your boyfriend/owner sighs, relieved.
You discover your man's dick is nicely smooth and a creamy, dark tone.
You're happy to oblige by wriggling playfully against the rising organ. Mr Welling cries his thanks like an overwhelmed teen on the brink of his first orgasm, his voice cracking endearingly.
"Oh my god! Oh my god - Yes! More! I love you! Oh my god, I'm.. Gonna..!"
As much as you're starting to like the idea of belonging to a big, protective giant, your pride won't let you surrender to being your teacher's love toy.
"I'm sorry!" You answer. "I like you, and you'll always be my hero for rescuing me, but I can't be happy at this size. I'm not a pet for some guy to carry around and play with when he feels like it! I'm a human being, and I've got my own life to get back to.."
Welling rubs his forehead tiredly and sighs. "Look, I understand. I've just been working a whole lot lately and a cute little guy like you would sure beat the loneliness in my lifestyle.. Tell you what. Just stay with me for two days, and if you haven't warmed up to the idea of being mine, I promise I'll let you go."
Welling winks at you warmly.
You don't know if you trust the giant casanova. But then again..
You decide that this is not the place for you. You immediately start running, but the water around you feels like a lake and makes your pace sluggish. Fortunately the floor becomes drier as you head towards a vast expanse of sparse carpeting. You look around you and see tall lockers and smell the overpowering smell of sweat and mold. You must be in the changing room. You look around to see naked or mostly naked gymgoers coversing or changing in or out of their gym gear. You race for the door, only to be stopped by a titanic pair of sandals. You have been found by…
You try to run, but it is too late. The giant football jock scoops you up and holds you firmly in his hand. He is an impressive figure, with massive chest muscles bulging from his thin white tank top. His gym shorts fit too tightly around his member and ass. In his free hand, he clutches an iron dumbbell, moist with constant pumps. You look up at his massive narrow face, who smiles down at you. You beg "Please let me go!"
The jock laughs "No can do, twerp. You're mine now. Get used to it."
With that, he…
Before you realize what happened, the jock stuffs you in the tight pocket of his gym shorts. There is barely room for anything as you are pressed tightly between the fabric. You are forced against the giant's leg muscle, which gives you no relief each time he takes a step. The smell of sweat is the only fresh air you have, and you gag on in. For that time, you black out.
The jock reaches his friend's share house and rings the doorbell. His friend, named Jeremy, opens the door wearing nothing but a thong. The jock, named Danny, averts his gaze. "That's a bit too revealing," he says. Jeremy, who is as muscular as Danny, covers his member and says "True, but it feels just too damn good. So what are you here for?"
Suddenly, Danny reaches into the pocket and pulls you out of it. Then he shows it to Jeremy, who stares with great astonishment. "Is that for real?" he asks. Danny nods, and you shudder. Jeremy chuckles and says "This is great. The boys always said they wanted a pet. This'll be fun."
To christen the share house's pet miniature high-school wimp, he…
You are stopped by a massive lifeguard. He is wearing sunglasses, sandals, and tight speedoes that exposes his bulges quite prominently. His body is a mass of muscle that many would drool over. He looks down at you, pushing up his sunglasses to get a better look at you. Now shaken from your fear, you try and dash and the other direction, but quickly he reaches out and grabs you. He lifts you close to his face, where you can see his massive chin, deep eyes, and blonde hair. He smiles a devious smile and…
The titanic lifeguard smiles as he pokes at you. You push his finger aside, shouting "Put me down! I'm a human being!" He laughs and says "Hardly, you're more shrimp than man. You're small enough to make a good pet." You resist and try to run off his hand. His fingers curl around you and he holds you tightly. Then he puts you close to his lips and says "Enough, runt!" His hot mouth air blasts over your face, splashing you with the smell of sports drinks and energy bars.
Suddenly, another lifeguard calls out his name. Apparenly he's not quite done with his shift yet. For the time being, he stashes you in…
Without anybody in the locker room to see him, he slides you down the front of his speedoes. He stuffs you lightly, just beneath the elastic strap. But, noticing that you reach out and try to escape, he silently punishes you by pushing you down further. You revolt at the sight and the smell. You are pressed against this thick pubic hairs, smelling strongly of man smouthered in poolwater chlorine. You get bounced around as the lifeguard walks to his station where he watches pool visitors for hours. Even the chlorine smell overpowers you, making your experience trapped a blur.
When you wake up, you find yourself at…
Suddenly, the giant lifeguard holding you says "Wake up, runt." Upon doing so, you recoil at the sight. You are on a table surrounded by several imposing men, much like your captor. One of them, a beefhead swallowing half a beer can, looks down at you and says "Welcome to the party," You ask "What's going on?" One of the other lifeguards, a blonde with almost a bodybuilder build says "Isn't it obvious? We're having a party, and you're our little toy." You detest the though and try to run off the table, but an enormous hand blocks your path. The others laugh.
"Not so fast," says the lifeguard that found you. "The party's just started. We're first going to…"
The lifeguard who found you set you down on the floor. You are surrounded by a massive coliseum of sandaled and bare feet. Above you, muscled bodies look down at you as they snack on a few chips and sip some beer. The long-haired blonde one points to you with a thick arm saying "Man, you weren't kidding how tiny he is." The biggest lifeguard, almost like a Greek god to you with a muscled body and heavy chin, says "I'm gonna enjoy this party as well have this little guy…"
His fingers curl around you as you are tossed around like a toy. Each time he swings his fists as he walks, he throws your stomach around to the point of vomiting. Eventually you find yourself in a small locker room filled with two other hulking lifeguards like him. One has a dumbbell which he pumps furiously to shape his well-toned arms. The second has a swimmer's build with wild black hair and red speedoes. The lifeguard holding you smiles and says "Ed, Roy, listen up! I found some entertainment." He opens his hand and shows you to them. The muscled lifeguard drops his dumbbell and smiles at you, gasping at the strange sight. The other one tries to touch you, but you jump aside. He laughs.
You have yet to realize that…
Suddenly, your captor's beeper goes off. For miniature you, the experience is deafening. He scowls and turns the devise off. Then he turns to his friends and says "My shift begins now, so I'll need someone to look after our new toy. I should be done in a few hours, so just stick around here with him and wait for me." Both eagerly volunteer, practically shoving each other aside in the opportunity. "Easy," he says. "We'll each get our turn with him." Eventually to your new captor's astonishment and your horror, you get handed off to…
The lifeguard hand opens up and you fall into the firm hand of a beefy lifeguard, dressed in tight red speedos and a whistle around his neck. His hair is buzzed on the top and he wears a pair of dark shades. "Look's like you're with me now little man," he smiles. "I'll let the other dudes get their turn with you after I break you first." He smiles back at the other lifeguards as he says. "I'll give him back…"
When he enters the break room, he opens the elastic of his speedos and says down to you. "Now pleasure me, tiny guy." He doesn't hesitate to drop you through the elastic on the throbbing mass at the base of his abs that is his awaiting cock. "I'll let you out when you do a good job. And if you don't, let's say you'll be with my thick dick a long time…"
He shuts the elastic above you.
Will you do what he demands of you?
You quickly realize that you are in your hunky teacher's gym shorts. Part of you doesn't care as you watch the muscled god rummage through his gymbag. But then again, you're going to get too close for comfort. Suddenly, Mr. Welling shoves his briefs into the gym bag, leaving you staring in awe at his enormous naked form. Then he grabs the gym shorts you're in. You watch as he slips both feet through the massive leg holes. But then massive forces pull you upwards as the shorts slide up his skin to their desired position, taking you with them in…
Here you are now stuck inside the shorts of your favourite teacher while he's in the gym. You realise that you're stuck here and theres no way out. As Mr Welling is wearing one of those tight lycra shorts. You can't do anything, you can't move any of your body parts and realise your're stuck in his shorts next to his huge penis.
The Smell is unbearable. A musky stagnant smell wafts throughout the entire area you're trapped in and theres nothing you can do. Mr welling moves. From what you can hear from your tight prison he is pushing some buttons on a machine. Then all of a sudden you're jerked foward and then backwards. Then forwards again. The entire motion is making you feel extremely sick. Then you realise Mr welling must be running on a treadmill.
You don't know how long you've been trapped in this musky tight moving prison for. Even though the movements of Mr Welling are extremely erratic you have somehow found the movements of his huge muscular shafts of legs are comforting. And his huge massive penis seems like a companion who will never leave you. Your're having weird thoughts. Could it be your having sexual feelings toward the giant God of a school teaching you his unwittiny causing you torment. Even though you're covered and drenched from head to toe in this sweat you don't care. You love this blissful sentsual feeling.
Not knowing what you're doing you use all your strength to move toward Mr Wellings huge penis which has long since gone hard through his training. Overcome by lust and desire for your new crush you move closer to the huge hard and bulging penis and you do the stupidest thing you have ever done since going into that stupid science room. You smear your tounge and lick over all his massive swelled up member.
Suddenlu everything go in slow motion as Mr Welling jerks to stop. The only thought going through your mind is FUCK.
Your heart is racing, Did he feel you. You begin to panic and involuntarily hug his cock
Outside, Mr. Welling steps off the treadmill, and notices his giant bulge. He smiled and chuckled to himself. He always got a boner when he exercised. He looked over and saw some of the other gyms goers were staring and smiling, some nodded their approval. Mr.Welling smiled at the cutest ones, and headed over to the weight machine. As he sat down, his boner moved a bit, causing you to slip off. You land on something soft and realize you are on his balls! You can hear him grunting as he lifts the dumbbell, but you remain unmoved. You sigh and relax, using his sac like a giant hairy bean bag.
Welling is in the zone, when he hears a quick whistle. Looking over to the right, he sees a buff and tall Hispanic man enter the sauna, and wink at him. At the same time an asian man, who was as svelte as Mr.welling was, but muscular, was heading into the showers, and also winks at the teacher.
Who does he follow?
Mr Welling, weighing his options, decides to follow the Asian man into the showers. Where he enters into an almost empty room but for one cubicle with the shower running and the towel belonging to the Asian hung over the door - which was unlocked. Mr Welling stepped forward and gave the door a slight nudge, enough to open it ajar. A hand emerged from within beckoning him inside he instantly felt a rush in his nether regions and began to rapidly undress leaving on only his underwear which prominently displayed a large bulge.
From inside you can feel his cock begin to inflate, still hugging the head, an you begin to become afraid as rapidly the space around you, before long the fabric of the briefs was pushing you against the had and holding you in place.
Opening the door fully Mr Welling stepped into the cubicle and closed the door behind him, locking it. In front of him was a naked muscular body and hard cock already dribbling. The man stepped forward a lustful expression on his face and placed his hand into Mr Welling's Briefs fondling with His cock before sliding his underwear down to the shower floor.
To you a giant hand entered the briefs and almost took a hold of you but instead begins to play with the cock.
Strange fingers start to wrap around Mr Welling's cock, taking you along for the ride. The palm is rough and wet. In the distance, you can hear something like a waterfall - rushing water from outside. But this is nothing compared to the moans of excitement your teacher makes, echoing from deep within his chest and vibrating down towards your shrunken form. The hand squeezes around you, forcing you to struggle out of the way so whoever is handling his member isn't crushing you.
Suddenly this causes two sources of movement into action - Mr Welling's dick throbbing in ecstasy and the stranger's hand changing its grip. Light reenters the world, but you can barely see much as a cloud of mist envelops you. As your eyes adjust, you get a good view of this new colossus - a muscular Asian man with wet hair slicked back towards his neck. His grip changes around you, shifting you along the shaft towards the head. Smiling down, he continues his lustful game with Mr Welling and has taken you as its newest attraction.
You find yourself sprawled onto the enlarging head, face down towards this slit. This is only the beginning.
The man's thumb now presses you down until your face slides into the slit. Darkness envelops your sight, but you can feel the rest of your body follow suit. You may not see much, but you can feel the pressure at your feet intensifying as he pushes harder. All the while, your teacher's moans of pleasure echo down through his urethra. Once all of you enter this fleshy tube, you find yourself sliding further and further down into it.
Your destination:
You began to slide deeper and deeper into Mr Welling and deeper and deeper. The pipes seemed to never stop but went on forever and ever. The only sense of distance you have is the gradually increasing temperature and smell. Never before have you ever smelt a such raw manliness and you are desperate to try to stop your sliding but you've picked up too much speed to adequately slow down. This felt like the worlds worst waterside and you had no idea what could lay at the end a pool of steaming cum or a sack full of rancid piss.
With a sudden, tight turn your feel yourself plummeting downwards in a slick and sticky tube with was beginning to constrict you. as you descended further you began to feel muscular contractions around you forcing you deeper through tubes getting ever smaller. you have a slight feeling that you're gunna have a hard time getting out of wherever you end up.
Then, below you you feel your legs slip into an open space and soon your half wedged into the chamber you can feel heat rising from within the chamber. Then your free falling down inside and you splash down into a warm sticky pool. Just from the smell alone you can tell you've just been pushed into your teacher's ball. You feel utterly defeated staring up at the now pin-sized hole you entered through. Moaning from outside gives you a hint at what is about to unfold.
The chamber around you quivers and The level of cum begins to rise from fresh produce leaking down from the walls. Soon most of the empty space is filled up and you're finding it hard to breathe with so little space you begin to choke on the tick salty cum, it went down and filled your stomach and lungs you feel like you should be in pain but this feels oddly relaxing and calming.
Then all at once there was a suction from above and in lighting speed the cum was gone, your head entered through the hole and you hoped for salvation but then your shoulders got stuck and the pressure around you built but then the cum simply squirted up round your had and you remained in place. Defeated you fall back down into the ball and the suction stops with you left down in and the rest evicted.
It dawns on you that the hole is too small and would only open wider from one direction meaning you're going to remain in Welling's balls for the rest of your life. You fall back into the dismally small puddle left at the very base of Welling's ball tears streaming down your face Then from the outside the balls were fondled and loud moans could be heard Welling appears to enjoy the feeling of you in there. Soon enough you can feel Mr Welling put his briefs back on and you hear muffled complaints about a semi-hard. You reflect on what your life is now going to be: trapped in your teachers ball, your only nourishment his cum, used for his pleasure and giving his enormous orgasms you lie back a broken boy; reduced to nothing but your own teacher ball toy.
You sit up and look around your moist spherical prison, If this is where you're going to live your life and die then you may as well give Welling a hard time for imprisoning you. You begin to think of ways you could sabotage his life from the inside and your mind floods with ideas of how to embarrass him in public with awkward boners and giving him constant blue balls or you could use your teeth and nails to give his a pain he could not stop.
You prison jolts as welling sits down at his desk and begins to prepare for his next lesson you bide your time waiting for the prefect moment to strike and before long your opportunity arises you feel him stand up and begin to speak to the class. Sliding forward you stand in the middle of his ball in growing puddle of cum and begin to execute your plan.
But what do you do?
Knowing that your entire life is going to be nothing much but pleasuring your teacher you, rapidly losing your mind, decide you must help him achieve new levels of pleasure. You look around at the inside of his ball and start to slowly rub the soft tissue. The ball begins to quiver and secrete more cum to collect at the bottom.
You speed up your rubbing and begin to knead the walls as well. Before long your entire body is lying out on the floor kissing, rubbing, licking, and kneading the testicle which was now producing cum at an enormous rate quickly beginning to fill up the chamber. You Continued to Lick now swallowing mouthfuls of cum at a time you neglect to even notice the cum rising over your head and filling the ball completely you're so warped up in giving Welling unknown pleasure. Your throbbing cock blasts its own cum into the mix spilling your own seed to mix with Welling's.
Then all at once the cum was gone and the chamber was empty you lay in the middle of the ball in orgasmic bliss ignoring your cum filled lungs screaming for air and you wonder how long before you can do this again.
What now?
Welling exited the gym and started heading back towards the school he just arrives back when he begins to feel waves of pleasure emanating from his nut sack. At first he tries to ignore it but it begins to make him hard. He can feel his balls almost writhing giving him pleasure beyond measure. He quickly darts off into the nearest bathroom hand down his pants clutching is now bulging erection. He finds the nearest toilet and flings the door open rounding the corner and jumping into the first open cubicle leaving the door wide open.
In his orgasmic rush welling failed to notice the other person in the bathroom who was starting directly at Welling as he pulled out his pulsating cock and began to furiously jack it off. it took only seconds before welling shot a thick load all over his shirt and face he seemed to emit a continuous stream of cum each pulse of his cock surfacing more and more. His orgasm lasted for a solid 2 minutes before the flow of cum began to ebb and come to a stop.
It was only after this that welling opened his eyes to see his dumbfounded witness.
Welling left the gym still trying to adjust his cock and wondering why it couldn't fully go soft his nuts ( or at least one of them) felt unusually heavy. He hurried back to school knowing his class was probably waiting for him - which they were. Attempting to hide his prominent semi-hard he hurried to his chair holding his bag in front of his crotch.
Looking at his class welling noticed something odd each one seemed more… attractive. Looking from person to person he couldn't help his mind wandering to dark places. Realizing he had sat there for 10 minutes just starting at his class , Welling snapped out of it and began his lesson.
How did it go?
The strange hand wraps around Mr Welling's dick, taking you along for a grueling ride. As you get forced against the shaft, you hear your teacher moan with sexual delight. This in turn drowns out the low thunder of rushing water outside his briefs and somewhere, a stranger's voice cooing "Yeah," and "You like that." All the while, sweat and pre-cum sticks to your skin. You sweat. Mr Welling's loins are getting hotter and hotter, turning the semi-closed chamber within his briefs a sweaty sauna of a prison.
The hand releases its grasp once light enters your world, but the air hasn't changed its content to the point where you can taste what surrounds you. But as it briefly slides off Mr Welling's cock, it takes you along for the ride. All that moisture makes you stick to his palm. The skin beneath you twitches as the fingers fold out from the palm. Things get brighter. You look up to see the stranger who was fondling your teacher. He looks Asian with a muscular build - big arms and toned chest. His hair is messy from the fog of the shower stall, but you can tell much of it is slicked back or possibly tied behind his neck like a small ponytail. His eyes glare wide down at you, obscured by the humidity like a god spying from within a cloud.
He looks away from you towards Mr Welling. "What's this?" A massive finger points down at you.
Mr Welling chuckles. "Ah, nothing important. He was a student of mine, and not a very bright one at that. Couldn't figure out the male reproductive system, so I took him on a 'field trip,' y'know?"
Was? Not bright? He couldn't be that dense to dismiss you like that. It may just be the lingering moisture and heat in the air, but you feel a slight prickle in your spine that you've been put into play for an interesting dance between these two.
"Not surprised, he's too small to find his own dick," the stranger chuckles. "No wonder he needs a tutor."
His gaze turns down at you as he rubs the shower drops from his chest. "Let your new tutor Jun show you how the dick works…"
Mr Welling, Herculean High's youngest and most elligible teacher, simply can't ignore the odd stirring in his shorts any longer. He jumps off of the treadmill and jogs up the stairs to the men's room, where he peels back his lycra workout shorts and peers in to see what all the fuss is about.
What he finds is almost beyond his comprehension. It appears to be one of his students, inches tall and with both arms wrapped passionately around Welling's giant cock!
"Jack?? How on Earth did you get in there, and WHAT do you think you're doing??"
* * *
You could only resist the indescribable sensuality of having a man's giant cock rubbing all over your tiny body for so long. Sure, you were grossed out to begin with, but you're convinced that no man, straight or gay, could stand a chance against the overwhelming effect of being enveloped in another human's flesh and bathed in their hot, fragrant cock sweat like this.
You give in and start to hug the huge cock, smearing your face all over it, just as Welling peels his shorts open and looks at you with a horrified expression.
"Jack Benson, I don't know how you got to be where you are but you have some explaining to do, little man!"
You're taken back by the stern tone of your favourite teacher's voice. You expected him to be shocked, maybe even disgusted, but you were sure that once he found you he'd find help. Now he's staring down at you with the face of a disciplinarian, awaiting your reply, and you've never felt so tiny or guilty in your life.
"I- Err- I was in the lab, w- with the science stuff.." Welling raises an accusational eyebrow as you stammer on, his handsome face making you increasingly nervous. "I ended up in here, and I- I don't know, I guess I just.. just.."
"Just thought that after messing around with private school property you'd enjoy messing around with your teacher's big, sweaty cock aswell?"
You gaze up at the giant teacher, speechless. Is he enjoying your discomfort? And why hasn't he taken you off of his huge, fleshy cock yet? It's beginning to dawn on you that you might not be as safe in Welling's hands as you'd hoped.
"You could be expelled for this, Jack. Not only that, you could be arrested and imprisoned for the number of violations you've committed. All I have to do is pick up a phone and your future could be in serious jeapordy, young man."
"Please! I don't want to get in trouble, I just want some help!" You beg, not only afraid of Welling's legal threats but of the menacing look in his eyes.
"I'll tell you what, Jack. I'll let you off the hook and hand you over to a hospital without pressing charges.. But you're going to have to make it up to me first."
"Allright. I'll do anything, please!" You begged. There was a glint in Mr. Welling's eye that made you feel extremely uneasy as you sat there staring up past his tan pecs while sitting on his semi-erect cock.
"Since you seem to be enjoying me so much, I think you should finish what you started." He said. As if on queue, the beast underneath you stirred, causing you to grip the sticky surface of his sweaty dick. You looked up at him in shock. Could your giant-sized teacher really be asking you to service his huge manhood?
The two of you were inside the bathroom stall, with no one else nearby. Questioning the merits of what you were about to do, you wrapped your arms around Mr. Welling's enormous cock, but still couldn't connect your hands on the other side. His already huge cock stiffened and swelled as if it had a mind of its own. Mr. Welling grunted his approval, and you pressed your tiny body up against the meaty wall of skin, moving up and down. Mr. Welling's musky scent was infatuating as you rubbed your tiny, naked body up and down his giant shaft. His breathing became shorter, and you lubricated his dick with the precum that leaked out of the head, 8 feet above you.
You felt it before it happened. Mr. Welling's cock became hot and even further engorged for a split second before a shower of cum burst from the top of it, covering you and Mr. Welling's abdomen in the sticky, white substance.
Once Mr. Welling had finished spurting his fluid, and subsequently wiping it off of himself with a piece of toilet paper, he said, "Nicely done, Mr. Benson. Do you still want me to take you to the hospital, or do you want to come home with me and get cleaned off?"
Just as Welling gets to the hospital he sees a very cute young looking nurse, he has cute blond and nice blue eyes, he hands you to him but before you can say a word you stuffed into his hot pocket.
What Mr Welling and you don't now is that he is about to go off duty for the rest of the day and night, as you enter his room he puts you on the bed and starts to strip off as strips he tells you his name, his name is Florian he used to be young model for a French website, he has just turned 19 and still looks very cute.
He looks at you and gives you a smile he asks " Are you gay?"
You answer "Yes I am."
You voice is very tiny and sqicky but that only turns Florian on more, he then grabs you and place you on his soft hot dick, you thought old welling was cute this guys is even cuter than him, he starts to rub you up and down his shaft it's to much and yet fun, this is like cool then suddenly you notice he has no pubs in fact he has no hair on his legs as well, it looks to smooth and yet really nice.
He tells you that he has never had hair on is chest or pubes it's some strange medical condition, this only adds to the fun of it, he carries on rubbing over now his erected cock.
Just then his house mate comes into the room a cool nice cute looking Asian guy maybe Japanese, he sees you holding onto Florians cock as he lets go of you, he just looks at you he starts to strip off as well, you see they are both gay.
You look up in total shock as this Asian 19 teen year old has cock that is so huge, in fact it would big to normal sized guy, he was born with a huge Dick it's been very difficult for him when he was a lot younger, but he now likes to showing it off, it's not even erect yet but just you wait.
He very carefully picks you up and place you on his monster of a cock, it's like a whole new world to you it's so huge, it's also odd as he has foreskin which is odd for most Asians, his cock starts to erected bigger and bigger, wow it's now so big that you could walk along the shaft of it, he starts to rub you up and down as hard as he dares yet he it's still getting bigger and bigger, it's never stops getting hard and longer, this like heaven to you who cannot have even dream of such a joy ride.
He lest go of you hold onto the foreskin as he starts to kiss Florian, Florians dicks starts to rub against his and at the same it lands on you a few times, you start to think that maybe you would die of total shock.
They carry on making love with you who is still holding onto the Asian guys hot huge oversized DICK, they start to head to wards Florians bed where Florian lyes on his back, this is getting to much because the Asian who still has you holding onto his monster of DICK starts to rub it up down Florians bare chest, all you can do is hold on as tight as you can.
He then starts to lye on Florians DICK as he does your pressed against this the cute nurses cock, it's like cock fighting but only different, you can feel the presser of it, the Asian is starting to pant so is Florian, one them is going to cum but which one?
Suddenly they both come all over you, it's like being under siege as loads of hot cum pours over your tiny body, this is to much it makes you cum as well, yours cannot be seen.
The Asian guy soon stops and starts to lye down on his bed, your still on his DICK as he dose so, you mange to stay on top of it, then suddenly the Asian guy grabs you and puts under his foreskin before they both drift of to sleep.
"But," you squeal, "I can't go to the hospital like this?"
Mr. Wellington looks down at you. "No I guess you're right, We need to clean you up fist. So I guess I have no choice but to take you home with me."
Then a slight grin appears on your teachers face. "But seeing as I now have to cut my workout short. I guess I'll just jog home to at least burn of some excess energy. And since you hitched a ride earlier, you probably won't mind a little more."
With that he drops you back in his workout pants, ignoring your screams and let's it snap tight.
The next half hour is pure torture. In the gym it was relatively cool, but outside the sun is burning and the heat is building in the tight black workout pants of your teacher as you get squished besidee his dick with every jumping step he takes.
Finally he slows down and does some stretches before you hear him entering a door. He drops his keys in a bowl and walks though his apartment to the bathroom where he strips down. You however remain stuck to his scak from all the sweat and he laughs as he slowly scrapes you off.
"Whew, Guess that was a little worse then a regular workout would have been."
You just lay still in his palm, to exhausted to speak.
"Now, guess I'll have to clean you up as promised."
You let out a soft scream, but it gets muffled soon as you end up facing the backside of your teacher. Because it's really dark in these skintight pants, you can't see where you ended up. But a soft rumbling followed by an stream of hot air hitting you square in the face tells you where you are. Your face is clamped tight right under mister welling's hole.
The Smell is unbearable. But the movement is soothing, kind of like sleeping in a hammock. Mr welling moves. You hear him say hello to some people and realise he's in a gymclass. A softmusic plays in the background. Then a voice welcomes all student to class and tells them it's time to warm up.
Suddenly Mister welling lunges forward slowly, bringing your face into his puckered hole. After a few deep breathes he stands back up, then moving forward again with his other leg. Again, kissing your face with his hole.
Oh my god, you think, He's in a yoga class.
You're creeping towards the principal's desk when Clayton, all meat and no brains, glances down at his feet. Right now he's being lectured after beating up another snot-nosed brat in the locker rooms, and he doesn't like being told who he can beat up on. The guy deserved it anyway - Clayton caught him glancing at the giant jock's massive package in the showers earlier, and decided to put the little faggot back in his place.
But now something has lifte Clay's spirts. He sees a bug-sized kid trying to creep past the jock's giant jogging shoes unnoticed, and immediately Clayton lifts his foot, slamming it down on your back.
You're pinned to the floor, the ridges of Clayton's tread digging into your back painfully. Fresh, damp dirt is still caught on the jock's sole and grains of it are crumbling off, onto your face.
"Uh, yeah, I gotta go take a piss. I'll be right back." Clayton interrupts the principal and jumps up, scooping something from the floor before rushing out of the room. The two other men are left to sit there, shocked, as Clay rushes into the men's bathroom to inspect his find.
"Well well well.. What have we here?" The hulking jock's fist is twice as big as any other kid's, and you can feel your lungs being squashed by the meaty hand as it clutches you tightly. "You gonna speak, faggot? Or do I have to get rough with you?" The taunting jock laughs in your face as you squirm in his grip.
"No! Please don't hurt me!" Youy cry up. "I'm a human being! You have to find help, I'm not just some toy for you to toss around!"
The jock sneers down at you. "I know who you are, little man. I used to flush your head in exchange for lunch money in eigth grade." he snickers, remembering how much fun this was, then continues. "And I think I'll decide what you are from now on. After all, you're my property now, and I think you need a little reminder of that.."
Clay's sneakers squeak on the bathroom tiles as he waltzes into the stall, lifts the lid of the toilet seat and gives you an evil grin. "What do ya say, little guy? I think another dunk in the mens' toilet might remind you who's in charge around here.."
"No! No, I'm sorry, you're the boss!! I'll do whatever you say, i swear!" Promising to obey this giant jerk hurts your pride more than you could have imagined, but you're desperate. Clay enjoys this little act of submission, but by the time he's done torturing you you're going to be a lot more submissive than that.
The hulking teen giant wears his dopey grin as he releases your tiny body and watches you soar through the air until you make a wet 'plop' in the toilet bowl. He watches you choke on the cold water, fighting to float, then he starts to chuckle heartily as your eyes take in the disgusting atmosphere.. The bowl is stained by years of students emptying their bladders into this toilet. The smell of urine floats around the bathroom permanently, and here you are in the heart of the filth, being laughed at by your giant captor.
Your eyes widen even more as Clay unbuckles his heavy belt and pulls his jeans down just a little.. A dense valley of dark blond pubes is first revealled, then the biggest cock in all of Herculean High rolls out, dangling over the bowl like so many pounds of butcher's meat.
"Like what you see, faggot?" Clay sneers, then..
As you float in the water, the smell of piss and realization gets to you, filling you with fear, which began to pump in adrenaline. Through all of this, you look up to your giant captor with a scowl. "Hell no! And I'm not a fag!" you shout out. The jock god just rolls his eyes and drops his pants and underwear. He gazez back down at you with a giant obnoxious smirk.
"Well fine. Let's see how you like this view then!" He says as he turns around and lowers his giant muscular ass onto the bowl. In this moment, you realize what a huge mistake it was to defy him as his ass blacks out your vision and leaves you swimming in pitch black. The teen chuckled as he let out loud farts which echoed in the toilet, filling it with his putrid smelling gas. You began to cough and splash around as the gas disoriented you, which only amused the jock god above you.
"Ready for the main course faggot?" he booms down as his anus opens up and a massive log of shit pushes out and falls in, making a huge splash and sending you flying. More smaller pieces of shit rained down, followed by a another huge log. You gasp and struggle, coughing heavily and your eyes tearing up from the humidity and stench of the teen's shit.
Finally, Clay stands up and looks down at you, struggling and screaming for help, which only makes the gigantic teen god rumble with laughter. "God look at you. Hell, my shit's bigger and better than you!" He hocked a loogie into the toilet, barely missing you. He stands and watches you struggle, until finally, out of desperation, you climb onto a log of shit and catch what breath you can. You look up to your god and see an evil glint in his eye as he…
"We both know where little shits like you go, do we?"
Horrified you start shouting in his shit that you could be his slave, that you could do whatever he wanted as long as he would have saved you from the sea of turds, but your fate has already been sealed by the jock god towering over you.
"Goodbye faggot." he says hitting the flush button. He exits the stall, while you disappear with all his shit in the tubes. He spends some time looking at himself in the mirror, proud of what he has done. He flexes his big guns, rearranges his erected cock, smiling.
He'll continue living his god life, while you die drowning in his shit.
Clay strolls out of the school, feeling like he doesn't have to listen to any authority figure again. How could he be subject to the same rules and codes of ethics other people have to follow, when he's the ONLY man around with his own little human pet in the palm of his hand. As far as Clay is concerned, he's a god now. And he's going to make sure you know it.
He marches into the local gym, comfortable enough in his singlet shirt, baggy shorts and Nikes to go for a work out, so he jumps on the treadmill and turns the speed right up. "Gonna get a little hot and sweaty, faggot. Show you what a real man looks and smells like." He hisses into the palm of his hand before breaking into a run. You're terrifed as sweat starts to pour from his long, hunky arms into his clenched fist where you're held like an iPod as he jogs, using the feel of your weak little body as motivation to make his own 6.4" stature even more manly.
After a sprint on the treadmill, Clay stomps upstairs and hits the weights. He holds you, jammed between the hot steel barbell and his hand, so that your head pokes out and with every curl you're sure your skull is going to pop from the pressure. But you have the perfect view of Clay's mountainous biceps as they flex, which is just what he wants. A thick vein straining in the middle, and huge pearls of sweat run down the bulky arm. Every now and then he whispers viciously to the insignificant bug in his grip, inflating his ego even bigger, between grunts.
"That's right, little runt - urgh!! - take a good look at the sheer power! - urgh!! I could crush you between these biceps like a cockroach and I wouldn't even hear your puny little - urgh!! - bones snap! Now - urgh!! - worship me! Kiss your superiors, faggot!" Clay pulls you loose with his free hand, and, holding the barbell high in the air so that his muscles are rock hard mounds of steel, forces your face hard against them
You kiss in a panic, trying to make him happy and choking on the heavy beads of the terrifying bully's salty sweat as they run all over your face.
Clay moves you from his arm and takes a look at you, snickering evilly at what he sees. You're drenched in his sweat, trying to wipe it out of your eyes as it also runs from your lips and you gasp for air. When you finally do get your eyes open, Clay is smiling a deeply twisted smile. Pumping iron has made him sweat like a pig, and now he wants to take your training to a new level..
Clay strutts past all the other muscle-builers at the gym, who look like weaklings to him now that he knows the extreme power he has over another man's life. Indeed, Clay has always been a cocky meat-head who could easily use his brawn to get what he wanted, but now that his ego is pumped up to bursting point, even strangers are dashing out of his way as he carries his proud build to the gym showers.
And as for you.. Lying sweat-soaked in the giant bully's hand, lucky to be alive, you can't believe that Clay actually managed to get more terrifying! You used to obey him with a quiet kind of resentment, but now you're so afraid of Clay that you're prepared to serve and worship the hunky jock god with all the enthusiasm your owned little body can muster - Anything to keep the hulking bully happy.
Clay strips off his clothes and you squeeze your eyes closed, bracing yourself for what happens next. You hear the shower hiss to life, and clouds of steam rise around you. Clay breathes a long sigh of relief as the hot water washes over his 6.4" build. It streams down his washboard abs, pours over his masculine thighs and trickles in rivulets around his huge, round rump.
"Open your eyes, faggot." He snarls at you, and you obey in a hurry.
There's a dense, soaking forest of pubic hair right ion front of you; now the musky smell is starting to penetrate your senses. A fat, detailed, elephantine penis hangs over the giant's hairy balls. You try to pry your eyes away from the intimidating package, and you slowly drag your gaze up the fleshy hills and mountains of Clay's smooth abdomen and chest. At the top, his face is smiling evilly. "This is your lucky day, faggot. You finally know what a real man looks like, and you get to serve the hottest fuckin' muscle-god in school.."
He lowers his hand and you towards his massive cock. Water rushes through the pubes, barely carrying away the smell of sweat. You detest and try to escape, but Clay looks down at you and says "C'mon, faggot. Never seen the cock of a real man before?" With no patience whatsoever, he shoves you against his dick. You try and struggle, but Clay keeps you pinned, saying "C'mon, kiss it. Worship it." You can't help but give into your captor. You reach out and start massaging the flesh before you. You can feel it erupt to life and rise slowly. You can hear the jock groan and makes you do so more and more. Eventually it rises to the point where it sprawls in front of you
Finally after he scratches his balls, he turns off the shower and says "You are very good at tending a god's cock, faggot. Maybe I can use you some more…" What he has planned for you must not be pleasant. He…
"You're going to clean my dick, first with your tounge, then rub it dry."
you're still on his runway sized dick, so you have no choice, as you start to lick it, he starts walking into the lockerroom. when you're near the top, Clayton suddenly lays down on the bench to let you pleasure him. you fall onto his lower abs, and see that you aren't even as big as one of them, let alone all eight. When you look up to see if he's going to smash you with one of his massive muscles, you can't see his face, because of his shelf-like pecs, then he leans forward and says, "get to work you faggot." and as inscentive, he moves his mountainlike arms over to your body and pushes you against his dick.
as you start rubbing precum starts to trickle down his dick. It's so much bigger than you that one drop completely drenches you. The giant jock starts to get excited, and in his pleasure, he starts to rub you up and down his dick, you have no chance at avoiding it as his massive fingers engulf you to pleasure himself.
once you have ingested a considerable amount of pre, and you think he's about to explode, he suddenly stops, and says
"since you needed my help to clean the outside, you'll clean the inside."
your struggles are useless as he moves you towards the head. once your feet are inside, he starts to push down on your head, the pre lubing your way down the shaft, once your dick is inside of his shaft you start to shout for him to stop, but his only answer is a moan intturupted by a chuckle at your please. your last sight, before his finger closes the hole over your head, is his eight-pack and pecs convulsing as he chuckles at how much in control he is, and shivers of pleasure. then he starts to massage your body down, getting even more pleasure out of your struggles. your dick starts to squirm as it's rubbed against the jock's shaft. then you drop into his balls.
Clayton's POV
Mmmm it felt so good feeling the little runt slide down your shaft, it looked so hot watching the lump slowly descend, like a snake swallowing its prey. You massage your now full and bulging scrotum, you can feel him wriggling and trying to escape as you stroke the thick, vainy cock that just swallowed him.
"Oh, that's the stuff." you moan as you stroke, it'd be so easy to blow your load and send the boy flying out of your cock like a bullet.
But no, you stop stroking and decide he could do with stewing in there for a while.
"Since geeks like you don't have balls, you should be honoured to become one of mine!" you laugh as you feel him stop fighting.
You grab a jock, slide it on and finish getting dressed. It was a family meal tonight, best not be late as your dad was mad enough about you walking out on him at school, though he didn't care you'd walked out on the principal too.
"Clay, hurry the fuck up!" You here him call from down stairs.
"Hold on, am coming!" You shout back, "Hope your comfy in there." You reach in your pants and grin as you give my nuts - all three of them - a scratch before running down stairs.
Your POV
You can't believe it, being shrunk was bad enough, being found by Clayton had been worse… but this!?
You wonder what you did to find yourself trapped in the bullies scrotum, bashed around by hi monstrous balls - each as big as you.
Feeling his nut sack contract around you - and his pulse quicken in its walls - you allow yourself the slim hope that he planned to ejaculate you straight back out. Though you can't believe your actually hoping to be shot out of someones cock.
But your hopes are dashed when you feel him relax, and the tell tale sounds of someone getting dressed.
You here his voice boom down, sounding distant and telling you to get comfy.
"I got to get out of here, but how?" you wander.
You curl up small and fall asleep, utterly exhausted and humiliated.
Hours later, Clayton…
Without a word, he reaches for a bar of soap. Then with you in hand, he presses you face first into the surface. He shoves you deeper as he wipes you back and forth against it. Your eyes sting and your mouth tastes of soap. You feel like throwing up. Then Clay makes a final sinister smile and places you face first against his massive pec. His skin is wet from the shower, but still smells strongly of sweat from the workout he endured earlier. Now he starts running you along his skin like a little washcloth. After he finishes his pecs, he puts more soap on you and starts once more on his lower muscles. He runs you against his arms, which he flexs to shove his muscles against your face.
He has wiped cleanly his skin with you in most of the areas. He shakes you off in the shower, splashing you with painful blasts of water from each drop to get rid of the soap and sweat. He then says to you "You make a nice wash cloth, faggot, but your master isn't clean yet." He wants you to…
"Now boy, you have to clean these massive pits, or else I'll force you, bitch!" He screams. You can barely see him because of the soap.
He lifts you up, taunting you. The BO instantly hits you.
"Please, I beg you! Don't I'll do anything, anything!" You scream in horror and utter disgust.
"Faggot, what do you have in mind?"
'Hmmn, nah- I don't think I will' and with that Clay takes the bar of soap in his other hand and, once again, forcefully rubs you against it. The soap gets in your mouth and eyes, poisoning and blinding you. You close your eyes and and scrabble about in Clay's fist, hands running over his thick thumb and finger curled at your waist.
Coughing and spitting in pitch black you hear Clay's low chuckle past the roar of the shower. You feel inertia as he positions the hand holding you and suddenly the familiar odor of Clay's sweat is once more at your nose, stronger than before.
Next thing you know you're plunged into a brush of coarse, foul smelling hair. Clay's hand, tight around your waist, drives you into the wall of sticky flesh underneath his massive bicep. You instinctively close your eyes, every now and then catching a view of the dimly lit forest of hair you were being swished around in. Each of his dirty blonde hairs coating your body in a clammy layer of sweat.
Clay continues to swirl you around his underbrush, tangling your limbs in his thin curly hairs. You opened your mouth to breath only to choke once again on the bitter sweat lining his armpit.
Clay was beside himself. He was used to the smell of a hard days training. He inflicted it on weaklings like you unwillingly before, being infamously know for rubbing an unsuspecting nerds face into his pit after a long ession on the field. Clay and his pals laughed endlessly at this but this was a whole other level. He was turned on by the thought of having a living human tangled in his pits, subjected to the worst of his mere bodily functions.
You saw daylight through your stinging eyelids as Clay's hand retreated from the snare of his armpit. You squinted and blinked up at the colossus, wiping the sweat and dislodged pit hair from your face. Clay could only snort down at you in amusement, watching your pitiful self with a sneer on his face. 'No point wiping yet, runt, you've still got another pit to clean' he said, reaching for the soap.
You replied weakly 'No- please dont! I'll-'
'You'll what? Beg some more? I own you, runt' Clay said, punctuating the word with a squeeze of his fist 'so whatever I say goes. And now I say you help master clean his pit'
Before you could speak you were quickly tossed from one hand to another. His heavy fingers eagerly closing around you. He moved you over to his left pec- his left arm already raised revealing dark blonde fur lining the underside of his swelling bicep and with a snicker the gigantic teen thrust you into the thicket of hair once again.
Somewhere through the thick layers of muscle you could hear Clay's amusement at his own brutish behaviour. You could feel his low chuckles vibrating through armpit wall. Like you could reason with him you thought bitterly to yourself, as Clay's hand continued to wrestle your body through tangle of his armpit.
You've spent close to an hour watching your jock god rip his raging muscles to the max, now he decides it's time to take you home and teach you how to make your master happy at the end of a good work out.
Minutes later, Clay walks in his front door and slams it closed. "This is where your new god lives, runt, and now so do you." Looking around the shabby, dimly lit house from Clay's meaty palm, you feel like you've entered Hell. No decent person would ever want to set foot inside this dump, which means no-one but Clay and his bone-head friends will ever see you again. With the slam of your brainless jock's front door shutting, your fate is sealed: You're officially his property.
Your master goes to the refidgerator and pulls out a beer, cracking the lid with his teeth and spitting it at the floor. "Bet you never had one of these before, pussy." He holds the frosty bottle over you before putting it to his lips and chugging it.
Surrounded by his sweaty palm flesh, you stare up and watch the school bully's might Adam's apple bob as he downs half the bottle. His throat is thicker than anything you've ever seen, lined with a map of bulging tendons and covered in a sheen of perspiration. You hope to God he never gets hungry and can't find anything to eat in this dump, and decides to have you for dinner..
"Ahh!" Your master slams the bottle on the kitchen counter and lets out a long, resounding belch before patting his sculpted gut.
"This is probably hard for a pipsqueak like you to believe but I go to the gym every day, gotta keep these babies pumped so I can stay at the head of the food chain at scheel, ya know." He says with a flex of his massive bicep. "So when I come home, I like to be relaxed, and that, my little faggot friend, is gonna be your job from now on.."
Clay grunts as he throws his rump down on the couch and leans forward to settle his beer on the coffee table. "Since you're too much of a wimp to have your own workout routine, you're gonna be my personal little relaxation tool every time I come home from pumping iron at the gym." Clay places you on the floor in front of his massive, well-worn running shoes.
The shoes have clearly seen better days. Off-white with dirty laces and peeling rubber, you can even see the shaps of Clay's toes pushing around in the toe compartment where your hulking jock god has started to outgrow his sneakers. "Yeah, these shoes are like my oldest friends." he chuckles as he pries the truck-sized monsters off with his gigantic hands. "One day I'll buy myself some new ones and you can live inside one of these."
As he pulls off the mighty running shoe and releases his huge, socked feet, a waft of putrid air assails you. The smell is musty, stale and so thick you can almost feel it weighing on your tongue. It's the stench of kock feet after months, maybe years of sweating and training.
Clay raises the show to his face and takes a long, deep whiff. "Ahhh, that's the stuff!" he says, dropping it heavily to the floor so that it bounces before rolling onto its side, causing the ground to quake beneath you. "And lucky you, little faggot, are gonna get two treats. You're gonna get to worship these fuckin' godly feet AND get the workout those wimpy little arms so sorely need."
You gulp at the burly jock's command. "That's right faggot. Pull of my socks, and WORSHIP my fuckin' feet like you were made to!"
You hurry over and grab the loose cotton around Clay's toe. The giant sock is pasted to yuor jock god's foot with sweat, but after minutes of grunting and sweating, you manage to pull the sock all the way off.
"Ahh, that's the stuff." Clay grins his big, brainless grin as he wiggles his free toes in the air. The man's toes are slightly square, and look like great big chunks of meat hanging over his beefy sole. You get to work tugging the other sock off, only to be greeted by the same stale stench when you succeed in freeing the giant's monster foot.
"Now GET to work, bitch." The football hunk gives you the most revolting, obnoxious sneer you've ever seen and points one thick finger at his awaiting feet.
You walk over to the musty wall of flesh and press your palms against it. The sweaty gym stink that covers your owner's mega-feet is nothing compared to the humiliation of what you're doing.. Clay has spent the last few years terrorizing kids like you at school, flushing heads in toilets, snatching lunch money and intimidating you in hallways. In all the books and movies you've ever read or seen, bullies like Clay get their come-uppance at the end.
But not this time. Clay has enjoyed being a bully all his life, taking the best of everything and keeping kids like you terrified out of your wits. Only to be paid back how?
Clay has the body of a Greek god, every girl (and some boys) practically clawing at his well-packed fly at every party he attends, Clay can get away with whateevr he wants at school because he has the football coach kissing his ass and cleaning up after him.. And now he has you. Just an average kid who wanted nothing more than to pass through school unnoticed, dropped into the big, sweaty hands of a spoilt jock god who believes the world revolves around him and sees other human beings as being worth less than the muddy football he kicks around on the field every day.
As you knead the huge, tired muscles of your egotistical master's stinking feet, tears of humiliation and anger start to well in your eyes. Clay notices this, and has a good laugh over it. This larger-than-life alpha male just can't get enough of being treated like a king.
"Get to work, pussy. If every muscle in this foot isn't relaxed in five minutes, I'm gonna pound you underneath it like a fuckin' bug."
You swallow hard, looking up at the monolithic foot of your jock god. Clay wore these socks all throughout his gym session, and judging by the stale, musly stench oozing out of them you'd guess he's worn them through a few workouts without washing them.
The hulking quarterback's mean face sneers down at you from above as he wiggles his toes, getting ready to be worshipped. His bulky toes can be seen through the socks, which cling to his feet with sweat and dirt. You step towards your new masters, reach out and lay your hands on the red-hot cotton.
"That's right, pussy. This is what you were made to do." he smirks as you unwillingly push your hands into the fabric, feeling the heat of Clay's massive feet on the other side. "Why don't you give your jock god's foot a nice, big kiss." He snickers, enjoying your humiliation.
You close your eyes and press your face into the sweaty sock, smooching it long and hard so that your terrifying meat-head master will be satisfied.
It turns out Clay hardly cares about relaxing his feet, he just wants to see you submit your puny little body to his huge dogs against your will. He has you rub your face into the damp cleft under his toes, where the sock is spongey with sweat and clings to the cracks between his huge digits, then demands you take a looooong sniff of his gut-wrenchingly acrid footsweat.
He makes you wrap your arms and legs as far as you can around one huge foot at a time, clinging to it as if it were the most important thing in the world to you. While you do this, he takes out his phone and snaps a few pictures, snickering about how much his buddies are going to laugh when he sends them the shots.
Clay hooks a finger into the front of his endless black gym shorts and pulls the elastic down. Now unrestricted by those sweaty shorts, the most terrifying piece of man-junk you've ever seen makes a dramatic 'BOING' into the air in front of you and sends the smell of dirty, sweaty jock cock wafting over your tiny body.
You gag on the stench, and Clay sneers in disgust down at you as he proudly strokes his inches upon inches of solid cock. "What's the matter, pussy? Can't stand the site of a real man's dick? Yeah, I bet you never seen one this big before." The towering jock god grins smugly to himself, then kisses the tips of his two longest fingers and presses them against his sloppy, pink cock head like a master praising his loyal servant.
Shivers of pleasure run through the enormous footballer when he does this, and it looks like there'll never be a better time for you to start your new job.
Still, you can't work up the guts to do it, and you have no choice but to grovel, hoping that if you feed the big bully's eho enough he won't expect more from you. "Please, man, I can't do that! I'll do ANYTHING but that!! ..Look, I know you're a giant sports adonis with the world at your feet and I'm just some puny geek worth less than your toenail clippings, but-"
Mid-sentence, the humungous jock squeezes you angrily in his palm and brings you up so close to his face that his steamy hot breath in your face makes it hard for you to inhale. The boy's eyes are glowing with rage, a huge vain is pumping in his forehead and he's crushing your lungs in his grip as he holds you right before his ocean-sized eye. The words "Oh.. God.." barely come whispering out of your empty lungs, and humiliating tears start to stream down your face in front of your powerful arch enemy.
"Listen here, PUSSY." Clay growls through gritten teeth. "This is the LAST, and ONLY time that I will give you warning before crushing you with my bare hand.. I - am a JOCK.. That means YOU -" He points at you sternly with one tree-sized finger, so that you never forget the point he's making. "..are my personal preperty. You, your little faggot friends at school, every teacher and every slut I set my sights on at a party will bend over backwards to keep me happy, because I am a GOD to you. You got that??"
You're feeling light-headed as the glowering beast spits the words at you. "You will do WHAT I say, WHEN I say or you will be mush smeared across the spikes of my cleats, because.."
Clay's face looms over you and his finger points square at your face as he roars the rule that you will hereby live your life in accordance. "I - OWN
When the angry jock dumps you back in his lap, you're quivering with fear and feeling twice as tiny as you are. His gym shorts still reek of sweat, and his massive boner hasn't downsized at all as he berated you with his giant demands. The uncut organ stands tall over you, a bright red head bulging like crazy out of his thick foreskin, and beads of pre-come dripping down its thick shaft.
Even compared to Clay's thick thighs, this huge cock looks too big to be. You guess when the school bully had bragged about having the biggest cock on campus all those years at school, he wasn't bluffing. You wish you could have found this out simply by seeing Clay's meat in the locker room or something, but it looks like you're going to learn who has the biggest cock in school the hard way..
You wrap your arms around the enormous dick awkwardly, fighting back further tears. This is humiliating - Never in your wildest dreams would you imagine having to do this, now you have to figure out how before the giant football god gets impatient again. You jerk the slimey rod up and down, as if performing the Heimlich maneuvre. Salty cock butts against your face, stinging your nose with the acrid scent of Clay's pre-come.
Meanwhile, Clay sits back with his bulky arms crossed on his chest and a smug grin on his face. "How does it feel bein' my cock toy, faggot?" He asks, atleast sounding like he's calmed down. "You like your new master?"
You nod, humiliated, and Clay snickers. "Yeah, I bet ya do. Why don't you.."
"Why don't you give him a kiss and prove it!" The giant jock commands.
Your stomach turns over as Clay clamps two fingers around your waist and gives you a boost to the top of his sky-scraping dick. "Go on, plant your lips right on the head and give it a big smooch, faggot. I wanna feel this."
Praying that you don't throw up, you close your eyes and lower your head toward the glistening head of your worst enemy's penis. His foreskin still hasn't been pulled down over the bulging head, so it peeks out at you, looking hot and sticky compared to the casing of creamy flesh stretched around it.
Your lips touch the rock-hard knob, and instantly, the fresh and manly taste of semen invades your mouth. You want to pull away in disgust, but Clay laughs dopily above as he forces your face hard against the sloppy organ, manipulating you like a passive doll in his hand. You choke as he smears your face across his cock head, shivering above with the thrilling sensation that runs through his groin.
"Oh, man! That's awesome! You're never taking your face away from there!!" Is all you hear before Clay's finger jams hard against the back of your head and you feel the thick ring of foreskin slide back up, over the tip of Clay's cock and over your head. Your legs dangling helplessly; your body hangs from the tip of the giant jock's cock where you seem to disappear at the neck. Your face trapped under the hood of flesh, your face is soaked in juices which you're forced to swallow as they drip heavily into your mouth.
Clay can barely keep his overexcited body still as he enjoys simultaneously his pleasure and your torture..
"Since you feel so good there, and I want you to feel like you've actually been useful in your short useless life, I am going to keep you there, Congradulations, no other fag had gotten to stay on my cock this long." Clay mocks you.
you now know that if you ever get to normal size, a possibility that you are starting to think won't happen, you will be even more reverant of Clay, remembering when his cock could easily swallow you, and you could fit under his foreskin. soon all light disappeared as clay put his boxers back on. his cock started to sway as he walked, not that you had a chance of being thrown off, his foreskin took care of that. suddenly you began to feel strange…
Clay knows where you live - He and his buddies used to wait for you between your place and school every morning, to make sure you handed over your lunch money and anything else they wanted from you before getting to school.
Now that you're the hulking jock god's own personal pet, he's decided that he has a right to much more than just your lunch money.
Clay finds the key hidden by your porch and lets himself in. You're wishing like crazy that you hadn't let it slip at school that your parents were going to be away for a few days. Your brother probably won't bother coming home at all tonight, so Clay has free reign of the house for as long as he likes.
"Nice room, faggot." Clay spits in his macho voice, strutting into your bedroom. He hasn't bothered showering after his sweat-fest at the gym, so you're currently sucking on the stail-tasting flesh of his meaty palm as he squeezes you hard in his grip.
"Ya know, I never did get the chance to shower. Maybe I ought to clean myself up before I go pawing through your shit." You're thrown down on your bed, where you're forced to watch in humble silence as Clay picks up your pillow, reefs off the case and starts wiping his armpits vigorously with the cloth. His glistening biceps are soon dry as your pillow-slip soaks up all of Clay's filthy sweat. "Ahh, that's better." he says, throwing the rag on top of you and pulling a few drawers open.
You fight through the tent-sized slip which is now soaked in Clay's manly scent. You see the giant jock hulking over your dresser, which looks huge from this perspective, though is still dwarfed by Clay's athletic stature. "Who the fuck does this belong to, faggot? A little girl?" Clay pulls out one of your shirts and, to high-light his sheer bulk, tries to pull it over his head.
The shirt splits loudly, and he rips it off, laughing at how wimpy you were, even at regular size. "I think you ought to thank me for taking control of you, runt. Atleast you got an excuse to be a weak little faggot now - I mean, no-one stands a chance when this muscle-god sets his sights on them." Clay flexes his huge biceps over you, snarling fiercely, and you feel that familiar humiliation.
"Yeah, that's right, fear me, runt! And now you're gonna thank me for owning you by letting me help myself to whatever I want in your gay little room." He laughs obnoxiously at his cleverness and goes on pawing through your drawers..
You can barely watch as the sweaty, lumbering jock grabs your most treasured items and throws them crashing to the ground. He rifles through the drawers, picking out a watch your dad gave you for your last birthday. "Nice." He looks down his nose at the expensive piece. "I ought'a be able to sell this for a bag of weed." he says, shoving it in his pocket and scooping up model a plane you spent weeks putting together last year.
"See, this isn't worth shit to me. And you sure as hell ain't gonna get any use out of it now." He snickers, dropping the elaborate model to the ground and raising his size 13 Nike over it. You want to cry out as you watch his huge shoe slam against the ground, his beefy calf flexing as he grinds his foot around and pieces of wood and metal scatter across the floor. Clay laughs obnoxiously, like a destructive little kid as he delights in stomping all over your most prized possessions.
"And this? What the fuck is this meant to be, faggot?" He says, dropping a model car that cost you three allowances to buy when you were kid. Glass shatters and metal bends as Clay's massive Nike grounds again, and his booming laugh taunts you as he stomps repetitively on the already flattened piece of rubble. "Hahaha, hey you should be kissing my fuckin' feet and bein' thankful I haven't stomped on YOU yet, faggot." He bends over, slides the bottom drawer of your dresser open and pulls out a soft blue blanket.
Your jock god seems to have worked up a sweat again, and he wipes the greasy perspiration from his forehead, neck and pits on the little blanket before dumping it back in the drawer. "What the fuck are all these blankets and shit anyway, faggot? They're too small for even a wimp like you."
"They're my baby blankets." You mumble, trying to erase the image of your favourite blanket wiping all over his slimey pit.
"Oh, really?" He says, looking intrigued..
"Heh heh, bet these blankets and shit are real special to you." Clay says as he unzips his fly and pulls out his big, wrist-full of cock. "Well watch this.." In all the years you've spent being pushed to your limits by Clay, hating and fearing him more than anyone else in the world, he's never made your stomach turn as badly as right now.
The sound of the sweaty jock's thick piss stream splattering all over your irreplacable memories is the only sound in the room as you stare on in horror and disgust.
Clay turns his head to face you. His eyes are half-closed in a grotesque expression of relief. "Ahhh, that's nice." His lips upturn in a cocky sneer as he shakes off his meat.
Your heart is thudding with anger as he comes stomping towards you, his damp cock still hanging out, and wipes a drop of piss with the tip of his finger across the side of your face. You're caught again between intense hatred for the gigantic jerk, and a fear-induced sort of respect.
"Ya like that, faggot?" He casually taunts you..
"Stop!" you screamed at the giant Clay, "Just stop wreaking my room, you dick." The words left your mouth before you think them through. Clay just smiled down at you and said in a normal tone, "Someone will find your room completely destroyed, and wonder why you did it. They will come to find you, but only I will know where you'll be?". "Where?" you questioned. "You will be in my stomach, digesting in my gut. Now do you want to call me a dick, or do you want to be burning in my acids." He bursted out an evil laugh, at your fear. Clay was a giant, there was no way you could escape his maw if he commanded it, he would over-power you if you even tried. "So, I would shut up if I was you and enjoy your time outside by abs, unless I change my mind and gulped you down now like a piece of meat." Clay continued to smirk, and turned away to demolish your room.
He smashed everything you've ever loved onto the bedroom floor, pulling down posters and breaking shelves. He loved seeing the pure hate on your face when he destroyed your stuff. Clay knew that he was going to have you for dinner, and there would be nothing you could do about. He wanted to swallow you down like you were his favourite snack, and feel your kicks and screams behind his stone abs. All you could do was wait until Clay breaks everything and gets bored, but what will happen next?
Clay was in the centre of your complete wreak of a room, with your demolished stuff around his feet. Everything was broken into millions of pieces, with no way of repair. You wanted this to be a dream, and to wake up from this terrible nightmare, but everything you saw around yourself was real.
Clay was smirking, and slowly making his way to you, scratching his genitals and stepping on your broken goods as he walked. "You know little man, I haven't serviced my cock in ages. I can see that you want that, don't you?". The giant jock, looked down at you on the bed and saw a erection from the inside of your pants. You didn't even notice it until Clay said. You could have done anything in the world, but you grow a erection for the loud mouth Clay smashing up your room. You wanted to run away and cry by yourself, but the massive jock wouldn't have any of that.
Clay sat at the bottom of your bed on top of the white sheets, and stretched his muscular arms and legs. His massive biceps bounced up and down, as he twisted his arm to show off to you his over powering strength . Clay wanted you to know that his body came first, for you and to himself and that he could crush you without knowing. He wanted the best service to his cock possible, and he told you that if you tried to escape or do it wrong, he would eat you up without a moment to think about it. He is such a stupid idiot, and a terrible person and you hoped that one day, he will shrink and find what it feels like to be a pet to a cocky giant.
Clay was laid lengthways down your giant bed, with his hands behind his head, his armpits showing a jungle of hair and his brilliant white teeth coming through the ridiculous smile he was wearing. He looked up at your bedroom roof thought the whole time, and didn't made eye contact once,since he got into position. Clay moved his hands from his head and pulled down his tight pants, it was there big, massive and erect. You didn't know what to do, you just grabbed it and shuck it. Clay was amused, he laughed and joked at how big it must of been compared to yourself.
You shuck it up and down for ages, as the giant jock said things like "Oh yeah" and "That's right.". After what seemed like hours of pumping, Clay finally said "Are you ready?". You was prepared for the ejaculation. You let go of the cock and stepped away. Clay was grabbing onto your sheets, almost ripping them with his athlete strength. He made a weird face and gasped, white cum was all over your sheet and his stone abs. "Dinner time." He said, as you submissively bent over to lap up the cum. But then he said "Sorry, I meant, It's my Dinner time.", Clay looked down at you and laughed. You was doomed.
"Now that you've jacked me off, You have no use. I don't want to be carrying around a dweeb like you all day, your so pathetic." Clay said, looking down at you sitting in his own white cum. You gave up, the pool of semen was your plate, and your destination was Clay's gut. Fighting was no use, and the only thing to do is to let the cocky jock eat you alive. You wished that Clay would have chewed you instead of swallowed, but just by looking at his dumb face, you could tell he wanted to make you feel unbearable pain.
The giant scooped up a bit of his white cum with his two massive fingers, you was taken with it and brought to his eyes. "Protein is what I need more than anything else, I know that semen has loads of it, I wonder if you will?", his huge tongue came out pass his red lips and licked his two cum covered fingers. You was pulled into his cave like mouth, sticky saliva, wet gums and teeth were bashing across your weak body. Clay loved the taste of winning after jacking off. He saw it as his reward for a good ejaculation. Your tiny body meant nothing to him at all.
You didn't have long until he swallowed, your eyes were blinded by all the liquids and sticky muscles rubbing against your face. It was a short drop, and you opened your eyes to find you was sitting in a pool of his green digestive juices. Clay's stomach was massive, it could fit a meal for ten. "Bye little fucker." Clay said to himself before letting out a monster BURP!
It's been hours since Clay snapped you up like a piece of meat for a starving tiger. The pink fleshy stomach walls never stopped moving, they shuck and groaned to you and to your taste. It was no good trying to get out, you would be dead by the time you got anywhere. Everything was gone, and was going to be absorbed by Clay's long intestines, to be remade into sticky blood, hot fat, white semen, strong muscle and most of all brown hard shit. Not one piece of your body will be wasted. Even your bones will be digested by the giant's green acids. You knew that Clay was up there laughing at the fact he ate someone so weak and pathetic and didn't even feel anything. He would be jizzing to eat it himself so that you would be covered in his cum for a second time, but this time in his hungry stomach. He loved the fact you was in his own prison cell of digestion. You knew that one day he would cum into a tissue or something and look down and think about the time he eat you, you would be remembered as a jizz stain, and worst of all, it would be the cocky Clay remembering you.
The value at the top of the stomach shuck again, but this time chewed up pizza came down. It stank of saliva and morning breath and made you vomit into Clay's digesting foods. As time went on, so did the room the food was taking. He must of been taking mouthfuls and just gulped it down without chewing, just to make your life a bit worst.
Clay looked down at you, eagerly awaiting your reaction after he defiled your precious baby blankets and wiped a droplet of his piss on your face.
You could do nothing but turn your gaze away from the unmerciful jock-god and look down.
Clay casually chuckled at your passivity.
“Heh, you know for a moment there I thought you were going to say something.” Clay taunted. “But I should’ve known you don’t have the balls, fag. Never have, never will.”
You wished this could just end, but you know he isn’t done just yet…he wants to see just how far he can take this; and how much of your dignity you were willing to let him destroy before you started reacting.
You weren’t sure how much more of this you could take, when Clay started rifling through your belongings again.
“Ohhh what’s this??” He says.
You muster the courage to look up and see that he pulled out what was probably your most sentimental belonging.
“Don’t!” You yell up at him helpless from the bed.
This reaction only encouraged him, so Clay ignored your protest and picked up the perfectly folded shirt, which was always placed in its own drawer by itself and almost never taken out.
“I knew I said your other shirts looked like they were for little girls,” Clay said, “but this is a whole new level of gay.”
“For gods sake just put it back!” You shouted already feeling tears welling up in your eyes.
Clay unfolded the pink shirt and grinned at you, believing now he had something really significant that, if destroyed, could irk you unlike anything else.
“Not unless you tell me what it is.” Clay said.
The tears started streaming down your face.
“That’s the shirt dad bought me when my mother passed away from the cancer. To remember her by. I was only a kid!”
“Ohhh so that’s why I never saw the slut come in to any of the school events. You know I was always wondering, was she as ugly as you are? I mean, you gotta get it from somewhere right?” Clay chuckled.
You stare in shock and denial as your tormentor towered over you and mocked your dead mother. You’ve never felt more enraged but yet completely powerless at the same time.
You begged and pleaded with Clay not to destroy the shirt. You tried pulling on his heart strings (if he had any). You tried bribery and told him you’d do anything, ANYTHING he wanted whenever he wanted. But Clay barely reacted. All he did was look at you and then back at the shirt. Then at you.
You were full on sobbing now; unable to do nothing but watch as the bully that’s tortured you for years, the one that you’ve loathed for most all of your life, held in his hands the most important thing in your possession.
“Know what’s funny? I can’t tell if your face is wet from crying or from the piss I smeared all over your wittle fag face.” Clay mocked, looking back at the shirt again.
“PLEASE just… don’t.” You barely got out between the tears.
"Ohh man you really love this shirt right you'd do ANYTHING to keep it right?
"yes anything please just leave me that one thing I'll give you anything do anything" you beg crying this cannot be happening
"you'll give me anything?? Really anything??" he said with an evil smile he had sick ideas
"Y-yeah anything at all" you say back hoping it's not too much
"Ok you can keep this as I found it hell I won't even do any tricks like shit in the draw and put it back I'll 100% give it back no tricks"
"T-thank you so much you'r the best" you lie he shouldn't even be doing this but you gotta kiss some ass right now.
"But in exchange I want one of your fingers.." he says almost too easly
"You said anything!" he yelled "But it's YOUR choice either you put your hand on the table and get a finger cut off or I'll shit on this and make you eat it off the bitches shirt!!"
you gulp down and say…
“Don’t what?” questioned the cruel brute while raising an eyebrow.
“D-don’t… don’t ruin it. It’s-it’s all I have left,” you desperately pleaded as the tears streamed down what Clay had called your “ugly” face.
“Ohh, so you don’t want me to do something like this,” without a second of hesitation, the audible metallic clinking of a belt buckle coming undone resonated throughout what was supposed to be your place of sanctuary, the piercing metallic scrapping seemed to become amplified to your shrunken ears.
“P-please,” you barely managed to choke out in a half-whimper.
With a swift *fwoosh* Clay’s pants fell to the floor, leaving him proudly standing in his tight underwear like a living statue. His crotch region visibly had a number of dark sweat stains blotted about, showing off just how sweaty the jock could get after a light workout of ruining someone’s life. Even from where you were standing, a fair distance away from the herculean brute, the pungent manly stench of his crotch punched you straight in the nostrils.
You couldn’t tell if the influx of tears that streamed down your face were caused by the stench of the bully’s junk or from bearing witness to one of the most heinous things you could have possibly fathomed in your lifetime. With your precious shirt, one of the few surviving embodiments of your late mother you had left, in one hand and his other on the waistband of his formfitting undies, the cruel sadist pulled back the elastic and plunged your beloved shirt down into the abyss of his rank nether region.
“Daamn, hard to believe how sweaty I can get. Good thing I have this handy rag to wipe up all of my pungent musk,” cooly stated Clay in an unbelievably blunt manner while rubbing the poor shirt in slow, deliberate strokes around his junk, making sure to sop up every last droplet of sweat.
“sto-op,” you weakly sighed as you were forced to witness the desecration of your most cherished possession at the hands of what was undoubtedly the cruelest, most heartless unfeeling being on the planet. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend how it could even be possible for another human being to have such disregard for the lives or emotions of others. How it could even possible for such a creature to exist and to go as far as gaining some sort of sick twisted pleasure from the suffering of others. You felt as if your head would burst as you pondering on what could possibly lead to such a psychotic beast existing clashed with your overall distraught sadness over the situation.
After what felt like an eternity and a half of Clay methodically wiping his crotch clean, your now tainted prized possession emerged from the depths of his musky junk, rot with the fresh manly stench and peppered with pubic hairs and dark stains that would be near impossible to remove.
“Well, that sure as shit doesn’t look how it used to,” mocked Clay before bringing the ruined rag up to his nose and taking a sharp sniff, “fwoo, and it definitely doesn’t smell the same either!” He turned his head away and waved his free hand in front of his nose in a show of just how potent his musk was.
Meanwhile, you did not utter a word. You did not give the sadist so much as the mildest display of anger or distraught. You had reached your breaking point, it was as if you were just a shell incapable of feeling any more emotions. What you had been forced to endure on this hellish day had simply exhausted your ability to express the plethora of emotions that simultaneously boiled in utter turmoil and yet were seemingly nonexistent. All you could do at that very moment was stare off into space as your brain made its best attempt to disassociate in a fain attempt to prevent further trauma.
“Hellooo? Earth to worthless shit?” an annoyed Clay questioned as he grew impatient at your lack of a meaningful reaction, “well since you seem to be just fine with what I’ve done with your dumb fuck of a mother’s shirt, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I…”
“I guess you wouldn’t mind if I gave my other end a much needed deep cleaning ass well,” smirked Clay as he moved the already tainted shirt towards his rear end, using his other hand to pull down the back of his undies so that the elastic waist was below his bulbous, toned ass cheeks.
You just stared a thousand yards as your devilish tormentor destroyed your mental wellbeing, not giving out the slightest inkling of fresh trauma as if your body was simply incapable of expressing any emotions. Clay, eagerly waiting for at least a flinch with an excited cocky smile, resumed his crud acts once it became apparent to him that merely taunting you with further damage to the only thing in this world that you would exchange anything for was not going to be enough.
In a fluid, overly exaggerated swooping motion, Clayton reached behind himself and began to slowly inch the precious shirt closer and closer to his firm globe-like sweat coated ass cheeks that seemed to give off a reflective glow in the evening light streaming through the window. Everything about the scene, his confident upright imposing posture, his bulging and glistening muscles, his cocky grin that showed off his perfect pearly white teeth, his magnificent golden hair, and his cold sapphire eyes, gave off an aurora of superiority. He truly looked like a god albeit a rather demonic one. You couldn’t help but feel a subtle surge of awe at the impressive sight, the sight alone snapping out of your depression, and straight into a wave of panic-filled chaos as you witnessed the god-like sadist force your shirt against his sweaty rear while maintaining eye contact hike a hawk, his smile never faltering.
Clay seemed to notice your change in demeanor, his smile widened, “Looks like someone’s finally woken up. Just in time for the show, too.”
The jock began to wipe his musky rear, working over each one of his firm glutes as if they were bowling balls that he was polishing clean. Despite already having absorbed all of his crotch sweat, the ragged shirt was still able to sop up all of the rank sweat that coated his plump cheeks, transforming their glossy brilliant surface into more of a matte.
Despite your beloved shirt now absolutely reeking of a detestable vial unholy combination of both manly musk of the demonic football jock’s crotch and of his ass sweat, Clay was not done with his abuse of the rag just quite yet.
“Now, time for the grand finally~,” cooed Clay as you looked on in newfound horror, “I’ve taken care of the mountains but I can’t just ignore the valley!” he ended with a cruel laugh that shocked you to your core.
Starting at the base of his crack, Clay slowly and deliberately brought the shirt upwards as he placed constant firm pressure on it, ensuring that it always made firm contact with his abhorrent pucker. Sweat, ass hair, and much worse were all swept up by the once-vibrant shirt as the brute made his cruel pass, surely destroying the shirt to the point where it would be on the brink of what would be considered repairable.
Pausing briefly about halfway up the terrible abyss of a crack, Clayton suddenly developed a strange look, never fully breaking his mocking smile however. You tilted your head slightly in inexplicable curiosity, not unlike that when one witnesses a wreck on the highway, when you were suddenly presented with an answer you certainly weren’t expecting.
*Prrraaaapppt* an airy blast, slightly muffled by the fabric of the shirt, echoed throughout your room. The smell hit you like a truck shortly after as your nostrils were invaded and conquered by the overpowering stench of rotten digested meat mixed with pure protein.
“Ahhh~, that felt good.” sighed Clay, “dang that really smells! I should probably lay off the protein powder buuut,” he casually states before flexing every muscle in his body in an impressive show of strength, causing another quick prap to exit his horrid anus from the strain, “the results are just too good.”
While you were still chocking on the fumes of Clayton’s jockish emissions, your poor shirt just received the staw that totally annihilated the camel’s back. After acting as a filter for his gas (you would be on the ground if you had received an unfiltered dose) your ill-fated shirt officially and undoubtedly crossed the line into the realm of unfixablility. No amount of vigorous scrubbing with the best cleaners money could buy could possibly revive your shirt, your last link to your late beloved mother, to any remote semblance of its previous state.
You were broken by this realization, you felt robbed as the room began to spin around you as you become overwhelmed by a tsunami of emotions. Just before you felt like you would actually hit the deck, a firm, mocking voice broke through.
“Here, take your filthy rag, good luck using it as anything but!” the fiendish brute laughed, “You know what, pipsqueak? I think it’s better that it ended up like this, rot with the pure stench of my manliness. Wanna know why?” you looked up, “Because instead of serving as a memorial of your dumb worthless bitch of a mother, it now serves as a gym rag for yours truly, a much better and far more fulfilling purpose if you ask me.”
His torments fell on deaf ears as you began to feel the darkness that encircled your vision take over. The last thing you felt was Clay’s new gym rag being thrown atop you, enveloping you in the potent stench as it knocked you to the ground.
You had no clue as to how much time had passed when you came to. All around you a dark umbra enveloped your minuscule being, oppressing your movements under its weight in a fashion not dissimilar to the feeling of powerlessness one experiences within a bad dream. As you gradually began to become more and more aware of your surroundings as your drowsiness subsided, you began to notice strange sounds originating from somewhere beyond the darkness, sounds of objects being haphazardly displaced. Then, as if all of your senses had just booted up, you became absolutely smacked in the face by the potent sour stench of sweat.
In a disoriented stupor, you frantically searched about for an exit as you pushed your way through the fabric prison while holding your breath to the best of your ability. All the while the thrashing and ruffling continued steadily, holding out until you finally managed to burst free from your cloth labyrinth. As you gasped for air with your hands on your knees, you became aware of the sudden lack of sound that permeated the room, giving an eerie contrast to the commotion you heard through the fabric. You slowly looked up from your bent position to see Clay, standing perpendicular to you a short ways away in front of your dresser, staring intently at a glass bowl. It took you a few seconds to realize what it was: your pet fish.
As if he was able to sense your presence, Clay began speaking while holding an aggressive toothy grin, “You know I’m awfully thirsty after trashing your room and I’m feeling a bit snackish. Wonder if I can kill two birds with one stone…”
For a few brief moments, you stood reactionless in a confused trance of disbelief as you struggled to comprehend just what the heck was going on, the day’s extraordinary events having taken their toll. However, as soon a Clay lurched the bowl towards his awaiting lips, you sprung into action.
“NO, STOP!!!” you shouted at the top of your lungs, “Leave Captain Bubbles alone!”
Clay paused, pulling the bowl slightly away from his mouth before speaking, “Oh? And what exactly is it that you’re gonna do to stop me, asswipe?”
“J-just leave him be! He hasn’t done anything to you,” you desperately pleaded as you began to hyperventilate slightly at the thought of your beloved pet fish prematurely dying at the hands of the brute.
“Aight, tell you what I’m gonna do, pipsqueak,” proclaimed Clay in a somewhat annoyed tone.
down his throat or yours?
“I’m gonna send Cap Bubbles here on a little trip,” said Clay with an omnipresent tinge of malice.
“A trip?” you regretfully stumbled.
“Yeah, a trip. A once in a lifetime oneway trip down my throat, through my gut, and into the toilet. Little guy should feel honored that I’m not just chucking him in a toilet, giving him blunt-force trauma by flushing his ass.”
“How is eating him any better??!!” you questioned in utter disbelief.
“Well,” the jock started, “I think it’ll be better if I just show you.”
“Waitwaitwait NOOO!!!” you exclaimed in a gutwrenching cry as you witnessed Clay raise Captain Bubbles’ home to his lips and proceed to shotgun it like it were a beer.
The water drained quickly from the bowl in a cascading waterfall down Clay’s gaping maw, sucking everything down with it. Captain Bubbles fought gallantly against the stream; giving his all as he desperately and frantically swam against the fleeting water, leaving him with less and less room to work with. Inevitably, as the water continued to empty, Captain Bubbles, fighting to the very last drop, was swept away, and plunged into Clay’s dark maw, greedily swallowing him like a black hole. As soon as he perceived the fish within the confines of his mouth, Clay snapped his mouth shut and swallowed hard, sealing poor Captain Bubbles’ fate. You watched in abject horror and disbelief as you watched a lump quickly make its way from the top of the sadistic fucks’ throat all the way to the bottom where it disappeared into his body. A horrifying thought struck you at that very moment, ‘what if he did that to me?’ You didn’t have long to entertain the cruel thought, however.
“*Beeeellllccccchhhh* Ahhh~ That really hit the spot,” said Clay in a pleasure-filled tone, “You know, I think I can feel him swimming around in there. Poor little guy, he doesn’t have long.”
“What the actual fucking hell is wrong with you?!?!” You blurted through the tears, “First my shirt and now my fucking fish?! I know you’re a sick sadistic fuck who gets his kicks from tormenting
others but this…this is just way out of line even for you.”
“Careful now,” cautioned the giant, “don’t wanna end up like poor Cap’n Bubbles, now don’t cha?”
You couldn’t even respond as that terrible thought from earlier flooded your mind again.
“That’s what I thought,” said Clay in a matter-of-fact fashion before continuing, “Now, time for that demonstration. C’mere”
Before you could react, the brutish giant seized you in one of his hands and brought you at nauseating speeds to his bare stomach.
“Now listen,” he whispered while bringing a finger to his mouth to signal to be quite.
With a sudden forceful furor, Clay flexed his rockhard abs and a subtle cacophony of what sounded like a potato chip being crushed. Clay relaxed after a few seconds, sighing.
“And just like that Captain Bubbles is no more. Quite the trick, eh? Quick and relatively painless, well, as painless as spending a few seconds on stomach acid and being crushed like a bug can be,” calmly and bluntly stated Clay.
You were left in shock as you stood atop of Clay’s open palm, both your hands against his rockhard abs as you braced yourself at the exact spot where, just moments ago, you could have sworn that you felt the late captain desperately nudge up against your hands as if begging you to save him. Now, in the blink of an eye, he was gone. Mercilessly killed at the hands of the single most sadistic fuck that could possibly exist on the planet.
“Well, now that that’s taken care of, I think I’ve ransacked your worthless shit for long enough. Let’s hit the road you little useless cunt.” boldly stated Clay before grabbing the things he wanted and heading out, but not before storing away your still stunned being in…
He shoved you into the front of his underwear.
"Hmm." Clay picks the blanket up and sniffs it, turning his head in disgust. "Well, there's nothing babyish about it now that it smells like my pits - Haha!" He throws the now sweat-stained keepsake over you and continues rummaging through your things.
You crawl from under the foul cloth in time to see your giant bully rip an envelope containing your savings open in his big, manly hands. "Good job, runt!" He grins to himself, counting the notes in his greedy hands. "I could get used to bein' showered in my little slave's cash and jewelry - Maybe I ought to shrink a couple more of you fuckers down!" He laughs to himself and jams the wad of cash into his back pocket, then picks up another of your prized model cars in his beefy hand.
All you can do is watch, feeling helpless and defeated as the sweaty jock drops the model car and smashes it to rubble under his massive Nike, like the last.
The giant jock laughs louder than ever as you watch the vehicle which is bigger than you cave in and flatten beneath him.
You try to crawl away from the big jock but only manage to turn in the other direction and make it a couple of feet before Clay's shadow envelops you and his thick rough fingers are lifting you off the ground, grabbing you at the hips. You claw at the ground in a desperate and pathetic attempt to gain a holding somewhere to pull away from him, which you actually manage to grab onto, but is ripped out of your grip without Clay so much as noticing your attempted resistance that only left you with some bad rope burn. You coddle your hands in your chest as the giant drags you through the air up to his face "Hey fag, how the hell'd you get so damn small anyway?"
You try to think back to earlier today, to what lead to all this. Its an extraordinarily difficult task at the moment, Clay'd domineering presence, the coarse warm fingers digging into your skin, the nearly as hot breath that reeked of nachos flowing out of the giant jock's agape mouth, his whole terrifying face focused solely on you, every detail alone could fill your senses to the max and make even the most basic task difficult, together, nearly impossible. "Answer me when I'm fuckin talkin to you" Clay shook you a bit, which at your size felt like a violent earthquake the likes of which you weren't sure you could stay conscious during.
In the blurred madness you blurted out "the schools!" that much got him to stop for a moment, long enough for you to make sure of your jumbled thoughts. "uh, yeah, it was the nerds, they were working on a science fair thing" your labored breathing calms when Clay smiles down at you, it was an evil mischievous kind of smile, but it was a sign he wasn't mad, he might be marginally nicer to you, and that was all you could pray for.
With that your world shifted around back in jumbles, but it wasn't as bad this time, this time he was simply shoving you in his pocket. when the hand released you you assumed a near fetal position in the bottom of the pocket and just tried to take comfort in the warm, somewhat soft material that embraced you. Time seemed to go fast in the pocket, the progressively slow down as you waited in boring silence, as the relief faded away and the worry of what was to come worsened. You could feel as Clay walked, and walked, and walked. Soon the walking stopped, and you dared to stick you head out the opening of the pocket above to see….
Loud crashes and smashes overwhelm your dreams as Clay stomps around the lab looking for anything that looked like a shrink ray or shrink potion… Beakers, equipment and various other items were thrown carelessly about, crumbling to pieces with the excess strength of an angry alpha jock…
"Bingo!" The jock roared.
He held a strange device in his hand, pulsing with weird glowing energy.
"The nerds label this the… size-o-matic 3000. Psh. Fuckin' losers. Alright, faggot. Time to fi-"
The device in Clay's hand started to shake and rumble, glowing more and more until it exploded. Bright green energy filled up your eyes once more as you are flung far from your bully's grasps. The impact knocks you out for a small while but when you come to, you quickly realise….
Without a word, he tucks you into his front pocket. He stuffs his hand over it, just to make sure that you don't go anywhere. The rest remains a blur, as you are consumed by the darkness of his pocket and the warmth coming from his body. But all that changes. Suddenly, he pulls you out. You are blinded by the lights, and deafened by the loud noises. Once your eyesight and hearing return, you find yourself in a bad circumstance.
"Check this out guys! I found this little faggot in the principal's office!"
You are approached by three enormous jocks. One of them, the school's football quarterback, chuckles. "Wow, that's one little faggot. My cock's bigger than him!"
"Looks really puny," says another, built like a wrestler. "I bet I can crush him in my elbow."
"We'll each have some fun with him," says Clay. "This is gonna be awesome."
With that, you are handed to…
You're in the scariest possible place a little guy at your size could be, at a rowdy keg party full of drunk and horny jocks. Even at your normal size you would have been too scared of being beaten up or teased by one of the jocks to show your face here. But at this size the ideas of what could happen to you are unbearable.
You jump out of Clay's hand, even if the fall kills you you don't care, anything is better than being a toy for a whole party of dumb jocks. But luckily you land on one of the jocks' athletic sneakers and bounce onto your ass.
"Get him!!!" You hear one very manly voice bellow out. You're running as fast as your legs can take you between crowds of giant feet and sneakers..
Before you can get very far, running around massive shoes and jumping over puddles where the party boys have spilled their beer you see a great big shadow coming over you and feel the warmth of Clay's hand once again trapping you inside.
You struggle and kick with all your might but the jocks all stand around in a circle and look at you with their beers in hand.
There's no way out now.
You can't believe your whole life you've put up with Clay bullying you simply because you knew eventually you could leave high school and say goodbye to this town forever.
But now you're right in the palm of Clay's hand so to speak. You're not going anywhere this cruel jock doesn't want you to go, especially since no-one knows where you are and won't be able to offer you any help.
Even though Clay is possibly the hottest guy in school he looks like a monster to you now, because of the grotesque size difference and his evil expression.
"Hey faggot what are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a giant jock god before? You should have looked at me with this much respect and fear your whole life, maybe then I would have let you off a little easier. But you're mine to toy with now!"
Clay says "Get a load of this guys, it's gonna be hilarious!" to his buddies from the football team then drops you into a tall glass. You know what goes on at these wild parties so it's no suprise to you what's coming next.
You jump up and down and beg for them to let you out but your begging is met only with laughter as Clay cracks open a cold beer and..
You scramble against the round glass walls, desperate to get out. Meanwhile, the giant jocks laugh their asses off at how puny and pathetic you look..
You've been to keggers before. You know they're a zoo of drunk, horny, rowdy teenagers, hell bent on having as much fun and causing as much damage as possible. Now, at only inches tall, you've landed right in the middle of a sea of sweaty, testosterone-soaked giants you feel like a small animal that's been tossed to a pack of wolves as a snack.
Clay's thick fingers squash up against the glass surrounding you as he smirks up above. "Hope you're thirsty, runt.."
A stream of frothy, bubbly, freezing cold beer splashes right over your head and coats your body as it fills up the glass. You gasp a long breath, your teeth chattering wildly, breathing in so deep that you can't even force yourself to exhale. Bitter, cheap beer runs down your throat and splashes all around you while the dumb jocks' laughter booms in your ears, all around..
You fight valiantly to stay above the frothy surface of the freezing beer while your giant tormentors howl with laughter at you, showing not the slightest sign of remorse. You could drown in the murky, bitter stuff right before their eyes and they'd probably keep up their dopey laughter.
"Hey Marc," Clay holds you up to his team mate. "Feel like a beer?"
Marc takes the glass and tips it toward his mouth, slurping a mouthful. You try to swim against the tide, but end up falling clumsily against Marc's bristly upper lip as he downs the cold drink. Then you splash back to the bottom of the glass as it's passed along, and Marc recieves hi-fives and slaps on the back. "Dork flavoured beer!" He jokes rowdily.
The next hulking jock licks his lips and swigs the beer, tipping the glass so you fall awkwardly against his handsome nose, then back into the glass. More hi-fives and cheers, and you're passed along to the next thirsty giant..
You are passed along until you realize there is no more liquid in the glass. You also noticed that the guy holding you was Tyrone, the star running back of the football team. You secretly had been crushing on Tyrone since freshman year and now you were laying at the mercy of the jock god. The 6' 3" African American guy who got all the girls attention and yours was now a threat to your life! You looked up and out of the glass at his muscular body and how easily he could crush you now. He began to breathe very shallowly as he called out to Clayton.
"Yo Clay, wanna fill me up? I'm lacking liquids over here!" yelled Tyrone, grinning down at you as he made the remark. The grin made you both scared and blush at the same time. "Sure thing, bro!" Clay said as he dumped more of the eye burning liquid into the glass and onto you.
Tyrone then grinned at the glass as he lifted in to his lips. He then tilted the glass and you fell against his big black lips. You felt him sneak a little tongue out to tease you as you leaned on his lips. He then tilted the glass further and open his mouth. You panicked and yelled as you were slurped into the giant's mouth and landed on his massive tongue. Tyrone moaned and his friends laughed as he began to probe your body with his massive pink organ. His tongue rubbing you up and down, coating you in saliva. He began to suckle on you, tasting your tiny form, and enjoying it all the while.
You were shock as you were battered around inside the giant's mouth. He was acting like you were nothing but food. You even liked the guy at one point, but now you are just terrified of him! You were pushed around his mouth as he tasted you and moaned deeply. The tongue randomly pinning you against the rough roof of his mouth and sucking on your body.
Tyrone swished the alcohol and you around his mouth as he wondered if he should swallow the tiny human. He swallowed the mouthful of beer first and kept you pinned under his tongue as he decided what to do with you. He smiled at his friends as he said to them…
You're passed along to a guy named Derrick, or David or Darren. You don't know him, all you know is that he's HUGE and you're headed for his mouth.
"Hmm, just a couple sips left.." The colossus swishes you around in the dregs of beer as he thinks to himself.
The gym god raises his glass, tips it so you go sliding hopelessly towards his maw and..
You're dumped onto the slippery tongue in a pool of cool beer. The dolphin-sized organ beneath you throws you on your belly.first, and Derrick's giant cheeks start to suck the beer from side to side, splashing the sweet alcohol all over you.
You fall all over the muscle-studs hot tongue as he swishes his drink around and it rushes over your body again and again.
Savouring the taste of wine with a touch of slave, Derrick decides he's finally had enough and swallows the mouthful, minus you.
Having already swallowed a gut-full of Derrick's second-hand beer/saliva and been beaten around by his brutal tongue, you're..
Derrick than decides to further torture you rubbing up and down your body with his massive tongue. He doesn't let up as he spits out your legs and begins to show off to his jock friends as he uses you as a lollipop. Bobbing you in and out of his mouth and constantly washing his massive pink flesh over your upper body coating you in saliva.
Derrick savored the taste of his tiny captor and decided that nerd was on the menu tonight. He slurp the tiny human through his lips before barraging him with flurries of licks prepping the tiny human for his trip.
Then what felt like hours to you Derrick's tongue swishes you towards his throat and he begins to swallow you. You panic as there is nothing you can to but grab for nothing as you fall into throat. The throat then begins to work you down pulsating as you drags you down and into the stomach.
Here you land into a pile of acid. Once you landed you realized that the acid was…
"So?" The gang of sports studs look at Derrick, who has you cradled and gasping in the palm of his meaty hand. "What does faggot taste like?"
Rgere's an eruption of laughter from all the meat heads, before another jock has an idea.
"That was cool, but I bet I can think of an ever funner way to fuck with the little runt.."
Frank, a quarterback with biceps the size of watermelons, picks you out of Derricks hands and drops you into a bowl of dip sitting on the table. You land with a splatter in the spicey paste, and gasp at the disgusting texture.
Next, Frank picks up a chip from a piled-up bowl on the table and brings it down towards the bowl of dip. You see the giant potato chip swooping for you in Frank's massive fingers and dive out of the way in a hurry.
You feel a dry scrape against your back and crystals of salt fall around you. Falling clumsily onto the dip-piled chip backwards, your legs are knocked from under you in the swoop.
You watch in terror as Frank's huge mouth gets clsoer and closer, then closes around your tiny arms, kicking and beating wildly, and you slip through the giant lips like strings of spaghetti..
You and the potato chip tumble into the awaiting mouth of the football jock. As you try and turn around to escape, you can't help to watch as Frank shuts his mouth slowly, so the rest of his friends can see you get trapped. With the lips shut, his mouth gets to work.
His tongue ripples as he pushes you and the chip closer towards his waiting teeth. Fortunately for you, as you claw your way over his tongue only the chip gets smashed between the massive molars. In the slimy dripping world, you only hear the sound of chip smashing between two rows of teeth. The tongue gathers you into the mush and suddenly, you descend down Frank's throat towards his awaiting stomach.
You fall with a plop in a pile of undigested food and some of the chip mush. It is hard to stay above the pool of gathering stomach juices as you sink into the mush, but you try your hardest. Above you, something descends down Frank's esophagus as he…
Frank begins to move you around his mouth. you try to escape out his mouth, but his huge tounge, being twice your size, stops you. you are dropped onto his teeth. he begins to gently(to him) chew, as if you were a peice of tough meat. then he begins to suck on your pathetic bruised body, causing the remaining shreds of clothing to go down his throat. just as you think you're going to follow, you hear the booming laughs of the musclegods. then he spits you out.
as you dry of you realize you are on someone's pecs. your bewildered look causes the jocks to laugh even more. the massive boucing pec throws you off, and you see you were on Clays. just as you think they are just going to let you splatter against the ground for more chuckles, you hit Clays massive hand. you once again feel the heat of Clays palm. you can see his mountainous bicep, which bulges without flexing, his shelflike pecs, and his eight-pack, and you think of what he might do to you. then you hear his pants hit the floor.
you are moving towards his massive dick. once you're on top of it, being able to easily stand on it, he booms…
His member rises slowly as you tumble down onto it. "Time's a-wasting, little man." You couldn't look Clay in the eye from his giant dick as you spread onto the shaft and begin rubbing up and down. You continue for a while as you feel Clay's cock rise slowly beneath you, its veins filling and pulsating. You shift your attention around to everyone else. All the jocks are watching you getting their friend off, while Frank stands nearby tossing some more chips and dip into his mouth. All this time you lost your stamina, which becomes apparent when Clay shouts "What's the matter, lazy ass?" and flicks you.
The force of the blow tumbles you down his cock and onto its head. If you let go, it'll be a nasty fall. Clay sighs and shouts "Now my wood is gone, you should do better than that." With that, Clay…
Clay puts the beer to his lips and pours it down his gullet without even taking a breath. It makes you sick to watch his thick neck with its huge adam's apple and huge veins sticking out as he gulps down one fizzy beer after another.
He throws the beer bottle over his shoulder and says 'Aah, nothing like a full bladder all ready to empty out on one puny little wimp'.
The gang of giant jock friends rub their hands together excitedly as they watch what is about to happen to you. Clay unzips his jeans and whips out his 8" cock..
The gang of giant jock friends rub their hands together excitedly as they watch what is about to happen to you. Clay unzips his jeans and whips out his 8" cock, then points it at you.
"No! No! PLEASE no!!" You scream and beg but the party is way too noisy at this point for anyone to hear.
Your jock master pisses frothy warm piss into the beer glass. It fills past your legs and upto your chest. No matter how hard you swim you can't escape it, until the brim of the glass is filled and Clay zips his pants back up.
Once Clay sees that you've swallowed a decent amount of his piss he empties the glass into a nearby pot plant while keeping you inside.
Then his hulking, laughing jock buddy unzips his fly and lets loose a whole torrent of hot piss straight onto you. The glass is so slippery by now that you fall to your butt and take the whole stinky stream to your face, swallowing more than you thought you could fit in.
The guys all hi-5 and laugh like morons while you're soiled in yet another bath of their urine. The torture's just going to keep coming until they get bored.
You can only just manage to keep your chin above the surface of Clay's strong-smelling piss.
The gang of jocks look around to find a victim who they can make drink their friend's full bodied piss, willing or not.
They select..
Gary is standing in the corner of the room sipping a non-alcoholic drink by himself. The scrawny boy is a freshman with glasses, black hair and pretty good looks if it wasn't for his total lack of confidence.
"Hey geek, since you like inviting yourself to parties you're not welcome at we got a little suprise for you.." Clay shows up at Gary's side by suprise and holds up the glass.
"Uh, I gotta go.." Gary tries to make a break for it nervously but Clay hooks an arm around him and puts the glass to his nose. You see the poor kid's eyes darting scaredly behind his glasses. You're not sure he even sees you.
"Your very first taste of beer. Drink up!" Clay insists and his buddies laugh evilly.
Poor Gary knows this won't really be his first taste of beer. He can tell the cruel and callous jocks are having fun at his expense but he doesn't have the nerve to get in their way, so he puts his lips to the glass and takes a slurp of the warm beverage.
He has to close his eyes to make himself do it, so hep still doesn't see you, but he nearly throws up after the first mouthful and Clay has to force the drink back to his lips while he sobs pathetically.
"Drink it all up, sissy boy! I don't want to see a single drop left in that glass!"
It's a wonder Gary gets through the whole drink without throwing up, or seeing you. Now that he's done, the guys have gotten another idea..
The jocks are standing in a corner of the party where nobody passes by much so they have poor gary all to themselves, and they intend on having as much fun as possible before he either throws up or they get bored of their game with him.
Clay passes the empty glass to his jock friend, who undoes his fly and flops his huge penis into the cup. Gary's chin is still dripping with piss which he drank from the last jock. He knew what he was about to put in his mouth from the dumb look on the guys faces but nothing could prepare him for the gross taste of urine from a guy who spend all his time drinking beer and smoking pot.
Now he watches as the glass fills up again with piss and it's handed back to him..
You see Gary's bespectacles eyes close while he swills down the glass of jock piss, and he doesn't seem to notice you at all.
But it's what happens next that's truly terrifying. The glass is handed back, empty except for you sitting inside, and it ends up in the hands of Vinny, one of the biggest and ugliest guys in school.
But one reason Vinny is popular, is because of the humungous cock it possesses. You barely have room inside the cup once heflops it out and lets it hang inside - You actually have to cower down in the bottom of the glass to avoid the huge appendage hitting you in the face.
But then you see a big smile on Vinny's face and you know this ordeal is just only beginning to get horrible..
Vinny's dick becomes even thicker and you even see a fat vein on the side bulge out as his piss begins to flow freely.
It blasts you like a fire hose of hot liquid and makes the head of his cock inflate. You choke and splutter helplessly, being pounded by the endless stream as he empties out his bladder onto you.
You're pushed further down and down, into the bottom of the cup which is quickly becoming filled with the man's urine. Now your view of his smug grinning face is seen through a green haze of piss, and when you open your mouth you swallow a gut full of disgusting bitter pee from your most repulsive jock master.
Time for Gary to drink up..
Gary puts the glass to his lips and gulps. He can probably smell the pungent stench of Vinny's piss, which is particularly bad. And you should know. You're the one swimming in the stuff.
"Do it, faggot." Vinny says assertively. Gary does it, and his lips slurp the piss down. His face wrinkles up in disgust but he doesn't stop guzzling the piss until there are only a few mouthfuls left, and he opens his eyes.
That's when he looks down and sees you swimming in the bitter urine, and the game has finally come to and ending. "What???" He chokes on his current mouthful and spills half of it down his chin.
The jocks start laughing uncontrollably while the geek stares in amazement. "What the hell is this?? How did you guys..?"
"Yeah, that's right nerd." Vinny says. "We shrunk him to put him in his place and we'll do the same thing to you if you don't.."
"Please guys! Please don't make me tiny! I swear to god I'll do anything you say, masters!!"
Of course the jocks were lying when they said they had the power to make people small, but Gary believes them and he'd do anything to avoid ending up in one of their big beefy hands for life. You don't blame him, either.
So the jocks get a great idea. It's been a while since any of them have blown loads and their big nut sacks are just bursting with fresh cum. So they find a perfect way to torture both Gary and yourself.
Clay pulls Gary into a closeby bedroom and his friends follw. "We're all gonna cum in this cup, you little faggot, and if you don't drink it all up like a good boy YOU'RE gonna be the little bitch sitting in the cup next time."
"I'll do it! I'll drink it all up, I swear Master!" Gary says to stay on their good side, ad they all laugh evilly. They shut the door, and Clay whips out his cock first, bringing it close to the cup where you're trapped.
You wish Gary had just said no!
Clay starts beating off over the opening of the cup. You have a perfect view of his swelling, red dick as he jacks and jacks it, grinning evilly the whole time. He finally lets loose and covers you in sloppy strings of cum, which drizzle al lover you, stinking of that sexy manly stench cum has up close, but more importantly ruining your pride.
Vinny takes the cup next. He holds his ten inch dick with pride, knowing he owns every guy in this room with the superior size of his manhood. he beats off over you, and when he blows you find yourself sitting up to your wait in two slightly different shades of thick semen, now mixing together.
The other four burly men pass the cup around and wank into it, spilling their semen onto you so you can experience all their different tastes, smells and textures. You're standing on the tips of your toes, just trying to keep your head above the surface when the last guy shoots his heavy load all over your face and you lose your balance, sinking to the bottom of a thick swamp of jock jizz..
Gary lifts up the glass and starts to drink.You are screaming for him to stop,but it is no use.You enter his mouth and watch as his tongue rolls over you and you are forced down his throat into his stomach.Once inside you are…………..
Even inside of the geek's stomach you can hear and feel the huge jocks' laughter at what they made the comparatively tiny geek do, and even seeing you get swallowed. You had always thought that one day you would graduate and leave those four muscleheads, and be successful. Then when you were caught by Clay, you thought you would get crushed by one of his bodyparts and it would be over. But you never thought you would die swallowed by one of the few kids in school that even you could probably have lifted up and done what ever to, and you had seen Clay lift Gary up with one hand and start playing monkey in the middle with his huge friends. you dejectly sink down into the burning liquid of Gary's stomach, every now and then being flung around it as Gary was pushed or picked up by the jocks. eventually you lost all feeling and blacked out, with your last thoughts being about the life you could have had, which had all gained visions of you, twenty years later, a 7 foot 5 muscle god playing with a smaller Clay who in all of them worked for you, or had lost a bit of his huge muscles and you meeting him at a class reunion (you easily being the biggest person there.), or the visions being now but with you the one who had to bend to get through doorways, and weighing at least 300 pounds with muscle, and Clay and his bunch all 5"7ish and scrawny while did what ever, or with Clay muscled like now but half an inch tall and sometimes in your dick. you had died, you would be pooped into a toilet then flushed and dispersed around the world.
suddenly you wake up as the bell rings, signaling the end of class, you walk over to the lab, bored after school, all your friends are sick, and you see an orange liquid, remembering your dream you grab the vial and look for a group of Clay and his jocks…
You find Clay. He is sweaty and shirtless after a long workout, his followers are still in the shower. You hide behind the vending machine, waiting for him to pass. as he passes you hear him mutter "fags." and use a towel to start wiping off the sweat, and water. you toss a few drops on "knowing" how powerful it is. he stands there shocked that someone would actually do something against him. he looks over and sees you smirking. "I'll get you faggot!" he yells. you look in suprise as nothing happened, and if anything he looks bigger because of his anger. then he beats your face in, and tosses you down the hall, he would have continued, but the orange juice had soaked his underwear and was starting to dry. "if you do anything like this again fag, I will break as many bones in your body as i can before they get enough people to drag my massive body off your broken one." cocky as every, knowing how much bigger than you he is. then he walks off, his legs a little wider apart than they usually were. you smirked knowing you had at least caused him that much discomfort, then you got up to go home and get some pain relievers. You knew that while it didn't really hurt now, once the adrenaline wore off, you would be in a lot off pain, since your nose was probably broken, you probably had a black eye, and you would have more injuries, since you were just thrown into a wall. the next day you heard a nerd complaining that someone had taken his orange juice yesterday, so he was keeping an eye on it today. you off course spent half of the day at the nurses office since the painpills wore off, and then you were sent home to be scolded by your parents.
twenty years later, you were CEO of a company that sold everything from painpills, to gummy vitamins. (and you had recently made a new serum that had some interesting side effects, and was orange.) you had hit your growth spurt near the end of the school year and you were now between 7 and 8 feet tall, and you had started working out, so now you had some pretty nice muscles. you would go to the different places your company had shops, and one day learned that Clay worked in one of your branches, and he was no longer the giant muscle jock he used to be, still had some, but not nearly as big, and loved going to that branch to see if he reconized you. He stilll hadn't, but you would make certain he knew at an upcoming highschool reunion, where you would also show him the new serum, no guinea pig like a human guinea pig. all in all, you had a pretty nice life, though you always remembered your dream when you saw Gary in a store or at the Gym, remembering how you had "died inside him, he had also grown, and was now easily 7"6 and probably taller, and he had muscles bigger than Clay's used to be. Clay would have quite the suprise in three days, when he was looked down upon by two people he used to throw across the room. you couldn't wait.
The jocks have been bullying this kid for long enough, and their power over him has always turned them on, They're pretty sure they've got him so broken down that they can make him do whatever they like and he'll never dare tell a soul.
So it's with a heavy heart that you watch from inside the cup as they all crowd around the geek and usher him upstairs for blowjobs.
Vinny places you on a table in the main bedroom while Clay locks the door and all the men line up to have their satisfaction. There are six of them in all, and they're all rubbing the big bulges in their jeans with anticipation.
Gary gets on his knees and Clay takes of the boys lasses, then drops them on the ground and stomps on them with his size 18 sneaker. "I don't want you perving ion my big dick, faggot." He sneers with contempt.
Now it's time for Gary to get sucking. Who's first?
Clay's the leader in his group of friends so he decides he should go first, and the other five guys all line up behind him.
Clay makes the nerd undo his belt and zipper for him, and you watch sadly as Gary fumbles without his glasses to get the job done. Finally he has freed Clay's enormous uncut cock, which stands in front of his face.
He opens his mout hfearfully and places his lips on the end of the meat stick like he's trying a new food and is afraid it'll be to ospicey for him.
"Do it fucking properly, wimp." Clay places his hand on Gary's head and jams it onto his dick so hard that Gary gags and his whole body convulses, but he isn't allowed to mood.
Clay goes "Mmmm.." and "Ahhh.." until he finally shoots his load and commands Gary to swallow it all.
Next it's Vinny's turn, and Clay zips up his fly and relaxes on the bed.
Vinny is Italian, and his nation are known for having the best endowed men. This is certainly true for him as you see him unleash his ten inch cock and stand in Gary's face.
Gary looks terrified as he licks his lips for lubricant and puts the huge cock in his mouth. Of course he can barely eve fit the first few inches in, and he's already stretching out his lips to do that.
Vinny starts making all kinds of noises.. "OHH! OHH YEAH, SUCK THAT SHIT BITCH, SUCK MY FUCKIN COCK!!" He's losing his mind and all the other jocks are laughing as they watch their buddy get his cock sucked.
He starts to thrust Hard into Gary's face, fucking the back of his throat with no mercy. Gary gag again and again and again until Vinny blows his huge load and slides out his dick.
You see cum dripping down Gary's chin and he has to take a big gulp t oswallow the stuff. Next its the turn of..
"I.. I'm not going to drink your piss." Gary says, lookign frightened as he should be.
"What the fuck did you say?" One of the jocks asks angrily.
"I just can't do it. I'd never be able to get that all down without hurling. I'm sorry. PLEASE don't beat me up!"
You're watching all this, swimming in the warm cup of piss, and you can see the expressions on each jocks manly face as they start to think of ways to punish this little wimp for forgetting who's boss.
They ultimately decide to end up punishing him by..
"You don't wanna drink it?" Clay says, holding the glass. His fist is tightening around the glass to the point where you're afraid it will shatter and cut you. He must be so mad. He's probably never been disobeyed by a smaller boy in his life.
"In that case, you can just WEAR it!" Clay lifts up the glass and your view of Gary is heightened. he tips the glass, and you go tumbling out of it with a river of jock piss.
Gary crinkles his nose and squeezes his eyes shut in preparation. All of the gross, yellow piss streams over his face aqnd into his mouth no matter how hard he tries to resist.
Forgetting all about you, the jocks..
"You see what happens when you don't obey your superiors, BITCH?" Clay leans in and spits it in Gary's face, who cowers away from the bully.
"Yeah, bitch. You know what you just did?" says Vinny "You just made yourself our personal punishing project." Vinny takes Gary by the arm and the crowd of jocks usher him upstairs. You can tell by the look on his face that he knows how much trouble he's about to get in and wishes he'd never pissed off Clay and Vinny and their gang.
What nobody has bothered to stop and realise is that you're currently..
You can't believe your luck. After being dunked in jock's piss and dumped on the poor head of a geek in a river of urine, you might have finally gotten a chance at freedom.
"We're gonna take you upstairs and give you another taste of our power, ya little punk." Vinny grabs Gary's shoulder and violently ushers him toward the stairs. You feel terrible for the poor guy but atleast he isn't in your position. In fact, he might just be your guardian angel for distracting the giants from you.
As the crowd of football playing studs begin to walk away, Vinny..
You were so relieved to finally have lostthe jocks' attention, you didn't realise just how much danger you could still be in. You sit on the florr and watch a whole herd of giant sneakerd feet walking past you.
Two of them are neat Converse sneakers that belong to gary but the resy are giant, dirty Nikes, Adidases, New Balance and Puma sneakers that are covered in dirt and all range from size 15 to size 18. They stomp all around you, taking Gary towards the staircase, and you just can't help staring at them in awe.
Its like watching a herd of animals or a flight of huge fighter planes. That's when you notice a big shadow coming over you and you look up to see the base of Vinny's dirty New Balance shoe, which has bits of gum and bugs guts stuck all over the bottom.
You scream too late, and the shoe lands on top of you, instantly cracking and crushing every bone in your puny little body.
Vinny doesn't even here you crunch under his sneaker before he goes upstairs to bully Gary, and he never thinks of you again.
Your most feared and respected school bully closes his hand around you so you can barely breathe and starts to walk upstairs away from the party.
"Where are we going?" You call up between coughs because his finers are nearly crushing your lungs.
"Oh we're gonna have fun with my friends all right, but there's something I've got to do first. And it's gonna make you cough a lot more than you are now. Haha.."
You're helpless in Clay's hands as he walks up the stairs towars the bathroom door with you. You can see the toilet from your perspective in his fist and you start to kick and scream vaiantly. But he just snickers and flicks you in the stomach so you're winded. "Stupid bug. Just waiut till you see what real man looks like.."
There's nothing you want to see less, but you can't take your eyes away as the giant jock god unzips his fly and pulls out his long, long, thick manhood. You can't believe it, but the giant's cock is actually bigger than your entire body.
"Get ready bug, you're about to get the shower of your lifetime. HAHAHA!"
He drops you over the tolet bowl so you land with a splash inside the dirt water. This is so unfair! You're swallowing water from a bowl that has contained your worst enemy's piss!! But things are about to get worse still..
Your view of Clay is the most terrifying one you've ever had. Instead of being face to face with the big bully you're staring up at him through the circle of the toilet seat. And he's holding his dick like a fire hose pointing it at you.
"Can't we work this out! Please! I'll never get in your way at school again!"
"HAHAHA! Do you even think you're worth a second of my time, little runt? I'd rather flush you right now than waste the effort fishing an inferior being out of my toilet bolw. You're not even worth as much as the piss that's gonna drown you out.."
Clay's piss comes flowing over you, warm and disgusting, There's nothing you can do to keep it out of your mouth so you end up drinking so much of it that your stomach hurts. You're swimming in an ocean of your most hated enemy and jock god and there's nothing you can do about it.
"So long faggot."
"Please don't flush me!!" You call up as you swim in the warm piss. I can be your slave for life, I promise I'll do anything you say from here on out!"
But as sson as he's finished tucking away his manhood he hits the flush button thoughtlessly. "Oh, by the way runt, I'll be sure to tell everyone at school that the last thing you ever did was beg to be my slave and drank my piss. HAHAHA!!
You get washed down the pipes in ahuge flush of water and piss, and drown with Clay's urine soaking your body. Meanwhile he goes back to the party and nurses a secret hardon while he thinks about your last moments under his power.
Tp Clay, the vision of you swimming for your life in his piss is the most erotic thing in the world. He's like an animal in the way he marks his territory. So seeing his most hated wimp swimming in his waste is a massive power trip.
"Drink my piss, slave." He commands. You have no choice but to slurp down the gross, warm, thick liquid while he starts to fondle himself over your head. "More! Gulp it all down, fast!!"
You guzzle the disgusting fruity drink while Clay whips out his cock and pumps it faster and faster, as it gets so big and hard it looks like a weapon all on its own. Eventually he climaxes and showers you with an even thicker, even stronger smelling substance and the goo sticks all over your body while he catches his breath
Clay leaves you struggling in the pool of his cum and urine. There's nothing you can do. The walls were so high and slick that you can't climb up onto the rim. The jock bully returns with another massive jock, a football player probably with heavy arms and short hair. "Whoa, you did all this?" he says to Clay. "Awesome isn't it, Derrick? I pissed and came on this little guy and he's still begging for more!" Both laugh heartily, which thanks to the porcelain bowl amplifies their laughter like thunder. "Maybe I'll make a contribution to this one," Derrick says as he fingers the elastic of his gym shorts as he prepares to…
Clay stomps into the upstairs bedroom and says hi to a group of jocks whilst you squirm in his hand. There are about five guys sitting in a circle in the room, which is filled with a sweet smelling smoke. You realise at once that the smell is marijuana and notice that the men are passing around a bong.
"Hey boys, look what I got to make our session a little more fun." Clay holds you out to his stoned buddies..
"Whoah, that little guy's gonna get smashed after a minute in here!" One of the big burly jocks with glassy eyes laughs, and coughs a little. Meanwhile you go into a huge coughing fit. Clay just smirks at you and reaches for the smoking device.
"Yeah he sure is a little pussy. I bet he's never taken a hit in his life. Look at the way he can't even stand a little of the smoke." Clay puts his mouth on the glass tube's opening and closes his eyes as he inhales deep. Then he lifts you to his face with a big evil grin and puckers his lips like he's going to kiss you.
Instead he blows a huge cloud of smoke onto you that covers your whole world and you start choking and gagging, thinking you're about to die.
"Little pussy can't take a little smoke huh? Well too bad!" The giant jocks say. Clay passes you into the hands of his teammate who already looks as stoned as can be. You know there's no reasoning with these guys who already think they own the world, now that they're high they're bound to be even more mischevious and decide to have even more fun at your expense.
The new jock holds you up to his scruffy unshaven face and blows a plume of chronic smoke onto you while you choke, feeling your throat closing up. All his buddies laugh so hard that they look like they're about to choke themselves. You keep getting passed into new hands and being tortured with their smoke until..
"Wow, what a little wimp! Can't even stand breathing in our chronic jock smoke, haha! Pussy! I don't want him to die right away though so let's put him away while we finish smoking.."
Clay reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. He flips it open and dumps you inside with the giant smokes, laughing. This is a nightmare! You have a major phobia smoking and anything to do with it. You find it disgusting, it's something that only huge tough jocks do and you wouldn't want anything to do with it but now you're tossed casually into Clay's packet while he hangs with his friends like you're nothing more than a spare lighter.
After hours in the gross box prison..
The lid of Clay's giant cigarette pack is finally flipped open and his huge fingers come sliding in to take you out. But first he pulls out a cigarette, and a lighter. You watch with fear as the other five jocks pass the pack around and take smokes for themselves.
"Hey wait, let this little runt light our cigs for us." Clay the cocky jock god smirks down at you, knowing how much you hate the idea. You beg not to be included in the disgusting habit but you're passed around anyway and forced to hold up a huge lighter to the ends of their cigarettes. Each huge, manly jock pulls in the smoke and blows it out their nose onto you then passes you around to be used by the next giant smoker.
When they're all sitting around smoking like big cocky kings Clay says "Say, what should we do with our little smoking utensil next?"
"No, please don't use me as your ash tray!!" You feebly beg and plead which gives the jocks a good laugh.
"You're not even worth as much as the ash from a bunch of jock masters' cigarettes, runt, you should consider it a privilege!" Says one big muscular football player as he breathes his smoke all over you.
You're dumped into a huge black ash tray in the middle of the circle of jocks. You look around at all the towering muscle gods and realise that no one knows you're here, no one can save you, you really are whatever your masters want you to be for them.
"Wow, being a giant alpha male really is the life." Clay says cockily as he leans over and dumps a pile of ash onto your head. You scream and try to brush it off but the other giants all agree and continue to tap their cigarettes over you like you don't even exist.
You realise with terror that you're starting to shrink even more. Something in the ash must be mixing with the shrinking formula in your body and causing you to shrink down even more.
"Guys please! I'm just a kid, like all of you only small and powerless! Please help me!"
"Did you hear something man?" "I think it's that bug in our ash tray." The guys laugh hard while you shrink away to only an inch. You're sure they know you're not a bug but they continue to treat you like one while they sit with their feet up like like huge, powerful kings and smoke away, blowing it out of their noses and making smoke clouds with their big strong mouths..
"Haha, I have a great idea." One of the big lunks says. He picks your body up in one hand and his cigarette in the other. He laughs as he makes a show of the whole process to his friends, demonstrating how small your body is in comparison to his cig. After a few seconds of waving your around he shoves you into the filtered end of the smoke.
"Nerd flavor. Goes down smooth." he says with a chuckle. He brings the cigarette up to his lip covered jaw and takes a looooong drag from it. You can't stop coughing as the constant flow of smoke around you blocks all oxygen from your lungs. As you pass out the giant jock offers the cig to his friends, letting them each feel the high that comes from smoking a cigarette that contains a tiny man.
When one of the bigger jocks gets ahold of it, he takes a particularly big puff and you go flying right out of the cigarette and into his giant mouth. He doesn't seem to notice the added weight on his tongue and passes the cigarette onto the next eagerly awaiting giant.
The sudden flow of air revives you, even if it is horribly musty smelling. You're finally able to breathe again. You try to stand on top of the jock's tongue but every time he talks to you stumble on your ass, so you decide to just stay where you are and hope for the best. You don't really have any alternatives.
About fifteen minutes later, the mouth around you starts to heat up. The next thing you see is…
Your lungs burn as you choke on the thick cigarette smoke, and the overpowering chemical smell makes you sick to the stomach. You've spent your whole life staying away from things like drugs and tobacco, remaining squeaky clean of the disgusting stuff, even leaving a room whenever friends would light up because of how nauseous the smoke would make you.
But now you have no choice. The titanic jocks hand you around their smug, egotistical circle and enjoy your vulnerability.
"What's the matter, pretty boy?" A solid, brown haired quarterback sneers down at you past his square jaw. "My big bad breath make you wanna run home to your mama?" He snickers, letting a white stream of foul smoke jet out of his nostrils and send you on a coughing gag.
"Man, this little wimp is hilarious." You're dumped into another cocky stud's hand, and he takes a drag before sending a toxic plume billowing over you. "I say we.."
'yeah, this little faggots' about to die on us.' spits the god-like jock holding you. As he speaks, wisps of white smoke drifts from his mouth, causing you to crease and turn your head away. You're held firmly in his fist however so you choke on the fumes all the same.
The hulking teen holding you is amused by this. He snickers at your discomfort, sending thin jets of smoke over you through his nostrils. You wipe your watering eyes. 'This little shits hilarious, Clay, I call first dibs next time.' A sneer slides across the teens unshaven face and you can no longer bear to look up at the monolithic face.
'Yeah man, anytime!' Clay says from across the room. 'Hey maybe I'll have to rent him out to you'. You twist in your captors fingers and stare at him pleadingly. You can't bear to imagine the things Clay and his goons will do to you. Clay shoots you a diabolocal grin- its real. You'll spend the rest of your days at the feet and fingers of Clays posse. Clay's gang of insufferable, cocky meatheads.
A blast of warm, chip smelling breath shoots past you. 'Hah, might just take you up on that'
'Alright, alright give him here' Clay gestures out a hand. Oh no.
Your captor chuckles- your stomach lurches as his arm, and the hand wrapped around you, arches back and shoots forwards, the fingers leaving your body. The room his a blur as you're thrown back to Clay. You recognise some faces as the room whips by, faces you'll spend the rest of your puny life being acquainted with.
The ride ends as Clay's outstretched hand closes around you. The feel of his meaty fist squeezing you and the smell of sweat and beer is strangely familiar. 'Thanks' he grins predatorily down at you 'I hate seeing pets mistreated.' Clay punctuates the sentence with a squeeze, forcing a yelp from you.
The circle of apes guffaw and scoff at his comment. Glancing at you and grunting amongst themselves, deciding what to doowith you first. You look around helplessly, trapped in the senior bullies' hand.
You look up at the colossal face of your captor as he idly squeezes you in his hand. Clay isn't focused on you, instead hes glancing around the room, soaking in the appraisal as the true alpha of the group. How could he not be; being the biggest jock in the class, women worship him; and, turning his attention to you, he has his own pet human to do what he wishes.
Your stomach turns and you quickly look away from Clay as he faces you again. His thick eyebrows furrow and a smirk appears on his face. A cigarrette still dangles from his lips. All you can do is look away from him.
'Cheer up runt, enjoy the party. You're finally hanging with the cool kids after all' He speaks the last part mockingly. You can't stand it. The punishment, the humiliation, the feeling of Clay's beefy mitts wrapped around you. Its not fair. Clay would be out of high school soon along with his dickhead gang. You would be free of him forever. Now you were his, being carried along wherever he went and used as a cheap pleasure.
Its not fair.
Its not-
You were snapped from your bitter musings by a cloud of foul smelling smoke causing you to cough and choke. You looked up at Clay, now grasping the cigarrette, a cigarrette longer than you, between two fingers. His lips were curled in amusement.
Staring up at he living titan you felt tears begin to form. no i cant. not in front of him. But what was the point anymore. You could tell he noticed you were near tears. The rushmore sized smile grew wider and he snorted; sending smoke billowing down his broad nose onto you. Clay nudged the two guys sitting next to him. 'Hey guys check this out.' he grunted.
Two senior year giants turned their attention to you. One clean shaven and blonde- built like a swimmer, the other black haired and broader with a jawline-cut beard. Both leered closer, their eyes trained on you and beer tasting breaths blowing hot over you. You tried to hold your nose but your arms were wedged next to your torso in Clay's hold. He raises you upwards, about eye level with his lips. The titans at Clays side grin.
Between coughing fits, and being handed around the room like a lighter, you can barely make out the eager discussion of how next to humiliate you. You hear Clay's baritone cut through the rumble of voices and laughter 'Well I found the lil' fag- he's my pet. I'll have him around my neck, on the go, for when I need him, ya know?'
'Need him?' A jock next to Clay prompted.
'Oh you know, quick foot massages; cleaning my feet; pits after a workout; something to soak up my ass sweat-'
'Hahaha, gross, man!' They laughed obnoxiously together. They all did. Even if you escaped tonight, that laughter would be in your ears for the rest of your life.
'Hey, reckon I'd suit him?' a low, smooth voice above you chimed in- vibrating though the thin fingers around your waist. Vision swimming, you looked up a tattooed, hairy, forearm and met a thin, scruffy, face. Behind a pair of square glasses- a lazily amused stare from glassy, dilated eyes. His fingers smelled the strongest of weed also.
Dressed in a flannel shirt and beaney; and certainly skinner; he didn't look quite a part of the other lads 'jock' clique. All eyes were on him, however, as he joined the 'game' and raised you to his face.
'Talk about 'mods, little dude…' he murmured, entranced and idly fidgeting with you, 'heres one of mine'. He pushed a curtain of hair behind his ear to reveal a green earstretcher. 'You'd be fucking perfect, little man, I'd hang you from any one of my piercings, little man, you'd be my favourite 'lil…'
As he drawled he raised you to his ear, so close you were almost touching his greasy sideburn. Frantic discussion could be heard from the other guys now- animated and jocular- as though they were discussing where to go on spring break rather than the genuine torment of a fellow student. More laughter and suggestions flared up-
'Haha, could braid him into my beard!'
'He'd fit nice around my cock by the looks of it…'
'Clay I got this sandal that needs a new strap, help a guy out?'
'Yo what about an ankle bracelet or something?' a surfer-looking guy said.
You listened anxiously, obviously not forgotten about, but certainly not considered for. Your fate was decided.You to be an accessory for your power-tripping peers. Just a human life brandished like a piece of jewelery to entertain someones ego and certify their superiority. You felt sick. And you couldn't bare to hear this much longer.
The long hair spilling from the giants beaney batted your face as he looked around the room and argued his case for possession over you. Arguing against Clay and the rest of your potential keepers…
The spine-popping strength of Clay's coiled fist was strangely familiar. He had reached over to the stoner and wrenched you away before bringing you up in front of his smug face. He sniffs then fans his nose, remarking 'Whoo! Didn't take you for a heavy smoker, Benson!'
Clay's fingers bully you into a makeshift harness without too much trouble. What little resistance you offer is put down immediately after he presses a knuckle against your chest, crushing you hard against the table, and brings his lips right in front of your face.
'Quit squirming, RUNT' he hisses, low and dangerously. You can taste the nicotine in the spray from his mouth.
The other guys crowd round to watch. Muttering amongst themselves they form a living mountain range and watch Clay's ministrations in amusement.
'Well what do we think guys?'
Success at last. Secured to the chain at the arms by some string, he dangles you in front of everyone like a worm on a line. They make approving comments and you can feel the heat of their breath as they draw closer. Some laugh and snicker, others start prodding you and snort as you spin helplessly.
One minute theres guffawing faces, next the world is a sickening blur as Clay twirls the chain around his finger. It gets worse as Clay lets go mid swing sending you skyward. You scream involuntarily. Faces. Sickening motion. Screaming. Warm darkness. Clay catches you in his fist and the ride ends.
'Oh, god did you hear that?'
'Talk about a wild ride!'
'Sounded like a fucking mouse!'
A muffled round of laughter could be heard from outside the clammy confines of Clay's hand. When the hand uncurls you crawl around Clay's palm trying not to heave. With the chain still tied to you arms you just kneel there, world spinning, unable to cover your ears against the Jock's relentless laughter.
Clay recovers finally and with a sharp tug he lifts you over his head, finally claiming you as his little trinket.
The gold chain, now ornated with Clay's very own miniature slave, thuds against his puffed out chest. Theres no purchase against the shirt he's wearing so your legs slide uselessly as your arms stretch upwards and to the side, secured to the bully's gold chain.
Looking up: you see two hard ledges above you on either side, Clay's collarbones jutting from his chest; further upwards the thick muscles in your bully's neck ripple as he looks around, his adams apple bobs as he speaks; and his shifting jaw looms overhead constantly; his chin and nose just beyond that.
'Well, how do I look?'
Cheers, laughter, and sounds of approval like a hollering pack of apes.
The momentous act of Clay standing up causes you to swing for a moment until you crash back against shirt. You can feel Clay start to walk somewhere with you in tow…
'Gotta take a piss, be right back' he announces. 'Lets go, little guy'
Clay doesn't want to be interrupted. So his fingers come up again and tucks you and the chain behind his shirt.
'Off to fuck your little fleshlight more like' one of the gang quips. Clay lightly punches his shoulder. Suspended in darkness, you're sent violently swinging by his casual movement. Socking his buddy, opening the door. You're beaten against his chest like a paddleball whilst he simply walks.
Under the deafening music, Clay gets a few 'Heys' from other party goers in the corridor. He nods and returns a few, ignoring others. From your perch you get glimpses of the social hierarchy you were never a part of. Infact, no- you were a part of it all right. Clay just stood at the top whilst you cowered down below. Hanging from his neck, you can only just now witness his world as he dominates yours. Clay WAS your world. He was the hot, humid air you breathed in; the clinging sweat you marinated in; the thunderous voice you cowered from; and the grasping hands that would take you and bend you into his perfect, little slave. Jack Benson no more. He was already your god. You just didn't fully accept it yet.
Clay stands tall, chest out. He strides confidently though the scene. He glances at the small bump under the collar of his grotty singlet shirt and wonders what it feels like to be in hell. A hell of his design no less. He smiles, smitten with the way you bounce: limp and delicate against his own godly frame. Carrying you around, he would never doubt his superiority ever again.
The giant plucks you out from underneath his shirt and shuts the door behind him, muffling the sounds of the party outside. You're relieved to be free of the dank jock air but the clicking of the lock shoots chilling anxiety through you. Any hope of escape: gone. Even if he freed you from the chain, there was nowhere to hide and noone to save you. Your life was now his to toy around with…
The bathroom is silent aside from the dull sound of rowdy high school partying permeating the house. You scan the room from Clay's chest; the bathroom is small and was probably once sterile. The room had since been sullied by partying students. Clay's foot knocks into bottles,the size of water towers, on the floor below; and you fly forward as he navigates over small rivulets of piss. He grunts when he nearly parks his foot into a small pond of vomit.
As if you weren't even there, Clay goes about his business. The only warning you get is the tinking of his belt below you, so you barely look away in time as It flops out, audibly, and shoots a thick stream of piss through the air into the bowl way below.
Despite your best intentions, you can confirm its impressive size. You glimpse the meaty prick swing below in your periphery. When he brags, he really means it!. You scrunch your eyes shut. The heavy drumming of piss against the water below couldn't be ignored, however. Neither could the offensive smell of jock-rot rising from his hairy crotch.
How dare he do this: Wear me like an accessory! Drag me through these disgusting scenarios! You stew in silent anger at your god. Trembling almost.
The chest beneath you swells and Clay breathes out an exaggerated, obnoxious, sigh of relief. You hate how you can hear the smile in it.
But the guy can't help but smile- the sight below him is too hilarious. Grasped in his hand, he realizes even his dick was larger, and weightier, than you were- a human being. Thicker too. 'Bet there's more muscle in my dick than his entire body! he thought, dumbly, The runt probably couldn't even lift it!
Clay flexes his fist around his knob
The discrepancy of seeing his mighty member against an actual miniature human hits him. It warps his perspective almost- like he wasn't looking down his own body, but at a small landscape. There was you, quivering and lying on the hills of his buffed out pecs; over the horizon- his own cock, like a monument, rising out of a forest. In an instant, Clay is filled with the same surge of adrenaline as when he first snatched you up hours ago. A chest-to-balls shock of excitement- so intense it almost hurts. It's as if he's realizing his own power again; the power to dominate your life with a flex of his hand and the stomp of his foot and the swing of his cock. Intoxicating. Clay's rod straightens a little taller.
As if he needed his superiority stoked further. Just seeing it loom, longer than ever, against his pitiful little pet tweaks his ego a little more…
He momentarily loses control and spatters arcs of his piss against the floor. The droplets tap against the seat. Bladder empty, he realizes his train is still at full steam. A minute pap as a single drop of pre falls from the cockhead. He restrains the throbbing thing against his abs with a snap of his waistband and lumbers over to the sink. Beast wrangled, pet humiliated.
You feel Clay come to a stop in front of the sink. 'Can open your eyes now, faggot' his deep voice spits and echoes in the bathroom slightly. You slowly open your eyes to a humbling sight in front of you.
Clay looks at you with his usual mocking stare. In the bathroom mirror, Clay's hulking body stretches out edge to edge. Shoulders wide and arms tensed, he looks all the more massive and you can barely make yourself out against the teen's impossibly huge body.
Above you, you hear a great shifting of air as the pecs rise and fall beneath you. ''See here, Benson? See how big your new god is?' God. Did he blow out his ego that much? He inhales mightily and raises his arms to flex both biceps in the mirror. The great balls of muscle, already several times your size, swell as he tenses them; causing a web of veins to spring up under the jock's glistening skin.You glance up to see Clay's head tilted back slightly with his lidded eyes still locked on you. A lazy grin on his face.
'You know,' Clay drawls, 'I really suit having a little little loser, like you, strung around my neck.' Of course he'd think that. The jocks ego is as swollen as the muscles underneath his skin.
'Makes me feel like a fucking god.'
There was that word again. You feel cold fear dousing your earlier anger. You worried Clay would never let you off his person again- that you would never have a chance to escape his clutches.
Clay shifts around, studying you for abit, adoring the way your puny body contrasts his magnificent form. Next, he curls his arms below you and hunches his massive shoulders forward. He chuckles moronically as you're squeezed between his pecs.
'Hey runt, check this out.' You swing as he turns to the side, eyes trained on you still, and pops his arm behind you in the mirror. Behind you, the fleshy blimp of his bicep dwarfs you. Veins, thicker than your arms, snake around he muscle up the tremendous wedge of his forearm into a vascular, wrecking-ball sized, fist. Clay's grin widens in the astounding display of power. You turn your head to look at the mighty arm: only to be greeted with the sweet, acidic smell of sweat from the jock's exposed armpit. You spin your head away, cringing. A warm burst of air from above as Clay snorts.
You're too easy to fuck with, runt. He states, and maybe he had a point. With that he reaches for you…
'You're too easy to fuck with, runt.' Clay chuckles overhead and raises a paw to you.
You're reminded that Clay never washed his hands as they wrench you around. The smell of his dick is still hot on his fingers as they stub into you; tugging and pinching at your body; trying to work you off his chain. He can't have his slave ripped in two, you see, so he attempts the slightest restraint in his manhandling.
The result is a slower, drawn out process of Clay's smelly paws wiping over the little man for even longer. The strength of his fingers is still painful, anyway, and you can't help but resist as he goes about freeing you.
'Quit squirming around, you little fuck!' he orders the helpless teen in his hands. The pet obeys. One of the puny arms is freed from the chain, so Clay wraps his hand around the twerp whilst picking at the other knot of string.
You crease at the unwashed skin tight around your waist. Something rises in your throat when one of the busying fingertips catches you in the mouth; tacky and damp. You spit and wipe your mouth with your free arm, disgusted. There's a tangy, acidic taste on your lips and the rustling sound of Clay scratching his pubes after his piss plays in your head. You groan, abhorred. Clay lights in amusement at your disgust.
'Fuck this,' he mutters. Clay's hand tightens and yanks the little man from the chain. He checks over his pet, gripped between his sweat-smelling fingers, gasping and clutching its puny arm in pain. Satisfied he didn't break him already, he smiles and remembers how his cock felt in his hand compared to the little guy.
Clay drops you a good 20 feet (by your size) into the pool-sized sink below. Your stomach flips and you strike the hard surface. Dazed, you lift yourself to your knees, kneading a dull pain in your ribs, cursing your loathsome captor. You rise your head to glare at him, but you keel over and slap your hands to your ears as Clay's obnoxious, echoing laughter fills the sink. 'Hahaha, my bad little dude- butter fingers!' he snarks.
The cold, wet porcelain is an immediate relief from the heat of Clay's body. However, as you go to pick yourself up again, your hand brushes a blade of hair the size of your arm. 'Fuck's sake' you curse. Peeling the hair away, you look around and realize the sink was full of them. Stubby and brown, some guy was just casually shaving earlier. It made you feel worse. Smaller. Even some scruffy jock's detritus threatened to humiliate you.
Nothing made you feel smaller than the image above, however.
Hand's clamped on either side of the basin, your high-school bully looks like a god as he rises over the edge of the sink. He leans in, overshadowing you. Your gaze follows the lightly-haired pillar of his arm; past a swelling bicep to his shoulder; and across the muscled mega structure of his chest far above. You feel smaller than ever under the great archway of his body; under the scrutiny of his monumental head. In that moment the high school senior had transcended into something monstrous. A frame he used to merely push you around at school now held complete omnipotent power over your life.
Omnipotent. Godlike You're disappointed at your own acceptance but you've never felt such dread before.
He loves how you stare up at him, awed, horrified, and you can just make out his twisted smirk against the bathroom light haloing his head.
'Say Benson- how did you get so teeny?'
'Hey pet, you deaf?' Clay is surprised the question never entered his mind before. Manhandling his little toy earlier made him realize how delicate he was: if he wasn't careful- he'd need a replacement! He frowns at your silence.
The question was like a hand crushing your ribs- anxiety turned genuine physical pain. Finding you in this state was an accident, but allowing Clay the actual power would be a grave disaster…
'Bensoon' he crooned. 'Answer me'.
You can't bare to. You think of Scotty being passed around Clay's idiot group of friends, begging and screaming. You couldn't betray your best friend like that. Determined to remain silent, you stare down, clutching your strained arm.
He leans in closer so you can hear his breathing just above your head. His macho voice reverberates in the bowl of the sink. 'Or fine then. Don't.' you can feel the words across your back 'But mark my words, Benson: after tonight, you'll be doing everything I say.'
With that he slams you onto your back, squashing the breath from your lungs with a meaty hand, and forcing you to look up at him from between his fingers. His head hovers above you, eclipsing the bathroom light. In the shadow you see the white of his eyes.
You eek out the words; 'I won't tell you anything, you arrogant fuck-' Clay squashes the breath out of you.
'Yes you will.' He states, voice low and dangerous.
Clay continues- the words hot against your face 'And when I'm done with you, you're gonna serve me however I want; you'll jump at my every word like a fucking dog. Because I own you now, Benson. You're all mine.'
'No!' you cry. 'You think you own me! I'll get back to full size and- and then we'll see what happens. You're a bastard, Clay! A bastard who'll get what he deserves! You and all the other brainless bastards in this shit-hole school!'
He laughs in your face.
'Really now. If I'm so brainless…' Clay starts, picking you up so you're facing the mirror. 'Then why am I NOT the one shrunken down into a toy?' The view is immediately sobering. You see yourself, peeking over the edge of his hand, back dropped against his hulking frame. His monolithic head looms above with his trademark grin returned.
'Infact, I think its you who got what they deserve.' You glare at him, 'You were always just a quiet, little mouse, scared of my shadow.' He taps your head with his other hand. 'You're a loser, Benson. You're a boring little loser that hates me because I never respected you for being one. In fact, my favourite thing about you was how easy it was to fuck with you. Make you squirm.' To illustrate his point, Clay squeezes the air from your lungs. Tendons pop up on the back of his bulky fist.
'It's just easier than ever now. Nothings changed at all, except now you're pocket sized.'
Catching your breath, your words come out in a storm 'Shut up! Shut up and let me go!'
'Why would I do that?' he sneers, 'So you can live your pointless life? It's better this way. You see, losers like you exist to prop up real men like me. You'd spend your life getting shit from people like me. You think you'll change after high school? You'd find a wife and friends being the same quiet little man? You should be glad I've already found you, Benson; I've just saved you abit of wasted effort.Your place is right here, serving your betters. Thank me later.'
He makes ruining your life sound so simple. The whole situation is too much, too unfair. You were just a shy student who made one simple mistake; now you were witnessing your worst nightmare manifest in front of you.
The weight of it all bore down on you, compressing your anger into a white hot ball of rage in your stomach. It hits critical mass, and you erupt at your tormentor.
'No Clay, none of that's true! You- You can't do this to me! I have a life- a future- put me down!' You beat against his hand, only managing to create superficial indents along the thick flesh. 'Put me down! Put me down!' you're livid and lashing out now. Tears of anger spill over as you thrash around in a small state of frenzy.
Clay merely observes the little man, delighted but mildly surprised with the outburst. 'Yes, little man, cry all you want- no ones going to save you!, he jeers. 'You're mine, all mine!' He eggs on your mental breakdown, watching you writhe impotently in his grip.
'And guess what? When I finally find out your secret, I'll go straight to your house and shrink your whole faggot family; I'll start with that loser brother of yours, Wayne; then I'll find your bro in college. Troy told me all about him… I'll give him a little present, I think. Imagine; we'll have a whole family of Bensons at our feet.'
'No!' You yell miserably.
Your vision blurs and think you might pass out from the stress. The thought of your loved ones, even Wayne, wrapped in Clay's clutches and begging for mercy sends agonizing despair through you.You renew your madness, the giant's hand confining your rage like a strait-jacket.
Clay speaks in his regular lively baritone, 'But we have plenty of time.I'll find out eventually, Benson, so don't worry for now…'
The laughing god's face was unbearable to look at. You came back to yourself as he took his phone out and started recording you, and your performance petered out, eventually, as it was getting you nowhere besides entertaining Clay and his buddies when he showed them.
He released you into the sink again after another bout of gloating. You glared up at him, as he laid down some basic rules…
One of them was to always refer to him as Master. 'Understood?'
You couldn't bring yourself to respond. You stood there, eyes stinging, mind still fuzzing from your minor breakdown. First he took your life away, now he wanted you to call him master. 'Understood, Benson?' he repeated with a dangerous tinge to his voice.
'Yes. Yes, master.' You mumbled, eyes glued to the ground. You felt you just gave up a little part of yourself.
'Fix your fucking tone, shrimp' He points at you, 'And don't you disobey me again, or something like this happens.' You look up at him grinning viciously. Sucking his lips between his teeth, a great masculine snorting emanates above before the bully hocks a giant size loogie into the sink.
You're thrown onto your back by the projectile. You flail, aghast and pinned under a heavy mound of phlegm like a flattened insect. Clay seemed to think so, too- you see him stand triumphantly over you, grinning malevolently.
It caught you in surprise- cut you off mid scream. Part of it entered your mouth causing you to choke on the thick sludge.You retch when you realize you can smell and taste the noxious inside of Clay's mouth; hamburger meat, beer and the dull chemical tang of cigarette smoke. As if the gooey texture wasn't enough to make you scream.
You moan, miserably. Sickened. Wishing this nightmare would end already. Wishing the dopey laughter would go away.
The jock, however, was beside himself. Chuckling moronically, he takes a finger and nudges you around in his spit. He was going to do this regardless of whether you disobeyed him- the idea was just too funny. Watching a live human struggle and suffocate in his own bodily fluid elicits that familiar rush of power, and he was certain he would never get bored of you. Good for you he supposes, guess that means you'll last longer.
The room settles down, eventually, as the pantheon of young gods plan the rest of the night.
The guys talk about ditching and going out to town or what 'sluts' to bang downstairs and which ones to avoid. Clay doesn't mention his own plans; though he eggs his rowdy mates on and makes cracks about their sex life. One time he regails everyone with an anecdote about a cheerleader he had last week. Dangling against the warm, stale shirt you're forced to listen to Clay and his cohorts sexual escapades. Exhausted, you gaze distantly upwards at his jaw, watching him speak and wishing he would never speak again. Everytime a joke lands a thunderclap of masculine laughter jolts you back to the conversation. The booming baritone of the dopey jock wearing you prevents you from tuning out entirely. You think you're almost forgotten about until one of the group asks for your input.
'Hey, Benson- Pet- he asked you a question'-like being punched in the gut, Clay prods you incessantly. He raises your chin with a fingernail so you're facing the gang again. 'He asked how much pussy you get'
'Well none, now, it'd be like spelunking for him- he'd get lost inside!' someone chimes in.
'As if he ever got any before he got all tiny…' a masculine voice outside your vision retorts.
'Come on Benson, fess up. How many times have you gotten laid?' You can hear the smirk in his voice. You glance up from your perch to find him peering down, his jaw squashing his meaty neck slighty. You get an upside down view of Clay's nasty grin and predatory eyes and his nose wrinkled in amusement. Delighted at your embarassment.
The room is silent. They're waiting with baited breath for your response. You feel the heat rising to your face as you look down and mumble 'no, I've never done it before..'
A bark of laughter, someone exclaims 'thought so- little baby Benson's too shy to get his dick wet!'
'Maybe he's batting for the wrong team you know…' at that comment you're glad the group didnt notice the astonished look on your face. A short huff of amusement from above let you know someone did, however…
Jack Benson was gay. Not many people knew this. You'd been teased before for these things before but never at this magnitude. Here you were, tied around your worst enemy's neck, being scrutinized by his gigantic, threatening, friends. All your life you tried to hide from horrible people like Clay and his crooks. You'd almost become almost a recluse, speaking very little in school for fear of being pounced upon over any little detail, any insecurity you let could let slip. Letting slip something like this was just blood to the hounds. And Clay had just sniffed out his target.
Without warning his fingers tug your legs and drag you through the air in front of his face. Still attached to the chain, you're suspended upside down in front of his cocky, billboard grin.
'Well Benson, do you like COCK!?' Clay roars in your face, deafening you and coating you in a fine layer of moisture. When the ringing in your ears cease, you can hear the room in hysterics again at his outburst.
'N-no. I swear. I'm not, please…' you mumble frantically, pleadingly. Unconvincingly. The laughter dies down. Heart pounding, you feel the atmosphere of the room change. Like the apprehension before wolves close in on their prey.
Clay smirks, keeping up the act 'Don't lie to me, my pet. Theres more than one way to rat you out, lets see how much you enjoy this'
The ogre-like jocks all sit around, laughing at their own stupid jokes and gawking at the sight of you in their hands.
One football stud runs his clumsy fingers over you as he breathes a sweet, toxic cloud of smoke your way. You cough hard, gasping for air. "He's, like, miniature, dude!! He's like our own little pocket dork. Only he's tiny.." The young giant's eyes look pink and glassy, his smile goofy. You can tell this is the most intelligent thing you're going to hear all night.
But just then, in the middle of a coughing fit induced by the obnoxious jock god breathing his pot breath all over you, you feel your stomach jumping and shoulders shaking.. You're laughing! The world is starting to double and spin around you. The jocks' faces are getting even more ghoulish and menacing. You cling to Clay's giant pinky finger but as he laughs hard at you, plume after plume of second hand haze clouds around you and forces you to breathe it in..
You can't wait for help soyou start to run across the floor towards your behemoth principal. You make it about halfway before a unsettling feeling settles over you. You stop dead and realize the feeling is akin to a feeling of being stared at. You look up and see the giant father of Clayton looking down at you. He quickly bends down and scoops you up in his hand, then he shoves you in his pocket. You try to get out of the pocket but your pressed between the fabric and the the mans wallet that you can't move. He gets up after awhile and you wonder where he's going.
"Well now that that's cleared up Clayton I have to go, I'm late for my flight and if I don't make it I'll miss the whole conference" says the man and he starts to walk away. He gets into a car and starts to drive. After an hour the car stops and he gets out. He walks and you can hear something happening outside. Finally he digs his fingers into tthe pocket your in. It wasn't to grab you though it was for his boarding pass which he grabs you take the moment and grab onto the other end he pulls it out and as soon as your out you let go and land on the floor. Luckily the giant is in too much of a hurry to notice you.
Now your alone in a strange new area. You need to find a new ally. You see sitting in a waiting area a 20 something year old male, he is in leather flip flops, cargo shorts, and a muscle shirt. He looks like a stereotypical frat bro but seems more introverted and kind. There is also a tall East Indian man in a button up shirt and nice pants, he also has an oarange turban and a short black beard. You decide to go too
You know you won't be safe in the open for long so you decide you need to get to the closer person, which happens to be the large East Indian man. You sprint off towards him and after a few minetes you reach his giant dress shoe. You decide to jump up onto his massive show before he canget up.
Once your on top the smell hits you. The smell of sweat coming from the shoe. You ignore it and keep walking until you get to the leg. You decide he would find you easier if you climbed up the outside. For the next hour you climb his pants until you reach his lap.
On his lap he….
You reach the giant mans lap and decide to rest and try and get his attention. He's reading a newspaper which is blocking you from his view. You scream to get his attention and are so absorbed in your task you don't realize that you were about to fall onto his massive trip backwards and this gets his attention as you fall onto his large junk. His eyes widen as he sees you and he picks you up in a massive fist the world goes dark as he walks somewhere covering your face.
The light comes back and now your in a bathroom stall with the large man. He just stares at you and finally you break the silence "Sir please you have to help me!". This startles him and he seems to come back to earth, "how did you get like this?"
"I-I don't know sir you have to help me!"
"Of course I'll help you little man but first let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Karin but you may call me John"
"Hello John I'm Jack"
"Well jack as I said earlier I would be happy to help you and I know this an awkward request but would you mind if I went on my trip to see my son first I'd bring you with me but I haven't seen him in several years since he lives in England"
Not wanting to disrupt Dr.Karins plans since he was being so nice and offered to help you you agreed plus you'd get a free trip to England
"Great now I'm gonna have to put you somewhere to get you onto the flight and your probably not gonna like it" said Dr.Karim with a sorry look on his face
"Okay? Where are you putting me?"
"I'll have to put you in my dress shoe for a few minutes, I'll make sure you're at the very front and then be extremely careful" Dr.Karin says to you
"Okay if that's what you think needs to be done." You say looking up at the massive man. Dr.Karin stands up and places you on the back of the toilet well he takes off his giant dress shoe.then he picks you up and gives you a quick appolagetic glance and then holds you over the opening. You could smell the shoe from the outside and now dangling over it the smell is ten times worse. Then the doctor drops you onto the spongy inside. When he is sure you are at the very front of the shoe he places his black socked foot in. His big toe pushes you in tightly but it's still breathable. You settle in as you feel him walking. Dr.karin then…..
Leaves you on his shoe rest of the flight
After the Dr placed you in his shoe, he went back to his seat. He didn't want to take you out during the flight because he didn't want anyone to notice you. He felt bad for leaving you inside the show for the remainder of the flight. You on the other hand, the place wasn't roomy enough for you and the smell inside made things even worse for you. 7 hours later, the flight has arrived at the airport, John (Dr. Karin) left the place and went inside, he passed the security checks without any problems and then went to the bathroom. Once inside, he was lucky that there was no one inside so he removed his shoe and took you out.
After 7 hours, you were finally out from his shoe and were breathing hardly the fresh air. He picks you up and places you on the counter of the sink. "I'm sorry Jack, I couldn't risk you being found inside the plane, and sorry for being inside my shoe for the whole time" he sounded apologetic. You could see his saddened face and could figure he was being sincere about it. "I understand that, and I appreciate you for it and willing to help me."
"Thank you for not getting mad, by the way, I think I will wash you really quick since you probably stink from my feet smell, I'll give you a proper bath when we get home." You didn't have time respond to him as he picked you up without your permission, you were slightly scared but his touch seemed gentle. He opened the sink and placed you under the water, you liked the feeling as the water washed your body from the bad smell and drank some water as you didn't drink anything for 7 hours. After he finished, he took tissue paper and dried you with it, your clothes were soaking wet aswell.
"There you're clean, for now at least hah, once we get home i'll take care of you and deal with your soaked clothes, but now like I said, I'm here to meet my son, so if you don't mind he's here to pick me up from the airport."
"Its ok Dr Karin, I understand I can wait, but if you don't mind, I don't want to be in your shoe for now" You said with a little fear, hoping that wouldn't get him mad.
"Oh don't worry about that, since we landed I will keep you inside my shirt pocket, no one would see you. And please, you can call me John."
"Alright John, thank you"
With that he picks you up and brings you closer towards his front pocket of his shirt, he uses his other hand to make space and lowers you down, once you are inside you could feel his body odor and physique, you can figure he has a strong body not on a gym goer level. He drops you and checks on you with a smile one last time before, heading outside.
When he was walking, you wanted to look at the airport, since you were in another country now. You climb his shirt and make your way towards the top and peek your head out, John didn't seem to feel you doing that. You were glancing at your surroundings when you heard someone with a loud voice saying "Dad!"
You glanced at the person who said that and figured it must be John's son. "Zayn, good to see you!" John said above you. He began walking towards his son. As he was approaching him, you can now see Zayn more clearly. He appeared to be in his early 20s, his body physique showed his defined muscles, and abs under his t-shirt. He was wearing a t-shirt that showed his muscles, a flannel shirt on top, and sweatpants. He has a chiseled face with a very sexy jawline. But the best features are his big, round, brown eyes and thick eyebrows. You blushed slightly as you viewed him.
You were caught off guard when Zayn's body clashed with his father's body in a tightly hug. You were sandwiched between both of their bodies, you can feel the soft texture of both. The space was tight and turns out the John forgot about you.
After they hugged, you felt yourself free falling from the pocket, you've lost your footing and fell from John's pocket. You were screaming for help, but none of them heard you, and john's excitement of his son made him forget about you totally. Your fall suddenly came to a halt, when you bumped into a soft but hard texture. You fixed your hands so that you are hanging and holding on the thing. Turns out you landed on Zayn's belt strap next to the buckle, next to his bulge. You gulped thinking about the embarrassing spot you are in. Then Zayn began walking with his father to the car and you were holding on the strap. They reached and entered the car and Zayn sat which made your footings more stable, and able to move without falling. He and his father began talking about their usual things and how they are and been while heading back. You sit there completely unaware oh what to do, you are now standing on the belt's buckle, next to you is Zayn's impressive bulge. Neither Zayn felt your presence or John remembered you. Now you were thinking on what to do next….
(If anyone wants to continue on a chapter of mine, you can, I'm fine with it)
As Jack finally reaches the top of the Zayn's shirt, he feels his heart pounding with excitement and fear. His tiny hands grip onto the fabric tightly as he anxiously waits for the giant to notice him. Suddenly, he feels a muscular body shift beneath him, causing him to lose his balance and nearly fall. Despite the tiring climb, Tiny manages to keep his grip and pulls himself up once more. As he reaches the giant's shoulder, he takes a quick breath before shouting for help. The strong physique of the giant is intimidating, but Jack knows that getting found is his only hope of survival.
After the tiring journey, it took its toll and Jack falls off into the opening of Zayn's shirt. As he bumps into the strong body of the handsome giant, he couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so unaware of their own strength. The smell of sweat was overpowering as Jack landed with a soft impact. Jack felt tired and worn out from his misadventures, but he hoped that he would be able to get found soon. Unfortunately, luck seemed to be against him as Zayn was completely unaware of his presence. Jack wondered how long he would have to hold on to the fabric before he could escape this uncomfortable situation. As Zayn heads inside his home with his dad, Jack held on to the fabric, still in awe of the sheer size and power of the man's body.
Jack was still clinging to the fabric of Zayn's shirt, unsure of what to do. As he watched and heard Zayn and his father enter the house, Jack was filled with a sense of dread. He was undoubtedly in a difficult situation, as he was unsure of how long he could hold on without being noticed. Still, he persevered and held on tightly as Zayn helped his father settle in.
Once everything was set up, Zayn's dad informed him that he wanted to take a nap and left the living room. This gave Jack a glimmer of hope as now there was a chance of getting noticed since Zayn went to the living room sat down, and started watching television. But unfortunately for Jack, Zayn remained unaware of his presence.
After watching Zayn collapse onto the living room couch and start watching TV, Jack decided that this was his chance! Taking a deep breath, he started his climb up towards Zayn’s face.
The giant’s body was like an obstacle course for Jack as he made his way up. His tiny hands were shaking with fear and exhaustion, but he continued to push himself forward in hopes of getting noticed. As he finally made it to Zayn’s face, he let out a loud yell. Startled by this unexpected noise, Zayn quickly looked at his shoulder where Jack was perched on top.
Zayn's face turned to face his shoulder, and his eyes locked on Jack. Startled by the unexpected discovery, He thought it was some kind of weird bug at first glance but upon further inspection, he noticed that it more closely resembled a human! Confused and curious, Zayn tried to make sense of what he was seeing.
Jack, who had been holding his breath in fear of being discovered, let out a loud gasp as he realized that Zayn saw him. Trying to make himself as small as possible, he started to scramble off the giant's shoulder when suddenly he lost his balance and fell back onto Zayn's lap with a soft thud.
Zayn's eyes widened in surprise as he quickly reached out his finger to pick Jack up. He was taken aback by the sight of the tiny human on his finger, and he could barely believe what he was seeing.
Jack, on the other hand, was both happy to be noticed but also worried slightly at the same time. He didn't know what Zayn would do or say once he realized who or what Jack was.
Zayn slowly brought his finger close to his face and looked closely at the tiny creature on his digit. He then asked tenderly, "What are you?" focusing all his attention onto Jack.
Jack let out a shaky breath before answering cautiously, "My name is Jack and….." Jack gets on telling him everything, from the moment at school, the airport, and with his father. He finished telling his story and waiting for a response from Zayn.
You start the climb up the giants body yet again as he sits reading a news paper in the chair you climb up the large gut and all the way to his shoulders. You try to yell but he still can't hear you. You realize that you can get closer if you climb his black beard. You grab on to his beard and start to climb when you're disrupted. You hope that he felt you and you're hope gets stronger as he brings his hand up towards you but sadly he just scratches his beard and you become tangled in the hairs you wriggle and try to get free to no avail. After about fifteen minutes the man stands up and starts to walk towards the boarding gate. Before you can find out where he is going he boards the plane you wriggle and scream because you realize if you don't get back into the airport you'll never get home and hopefully normal size.after another thirty minutes of sqirming the plane starts to take off and you give up all hope. Eventually you fall asleep and when you wake up you feel the large man walking. When he leaves the airport you realize you are now in……
India wow it's an amazing place it's even more amazing when your very tiny and holding onto a very large man, suddenly you fall off the man and land on an Indian who is 18 yearsold the trouble is you have landed on his loincloth.
The Indian guy sees you and puts you inside his Loincloth on top of his dick you really have to hang onto it because it's starting to get bigger, it's not really getting bigger because your getting smaller and smaller.
You start to walk towards the young college bro when you stop and think, he looks lonely meaning if he saw you and realized that he had complete control over you he would probably use it. And there was no telling what he might decide to do with you at this size. As you think this through some more giants sit down in the boarding area. You look around and see.
A shorter guy who looks to be in his early to mid 30's. He is wearing a very tight t-shirt that shows off his muscular build. He has a reddish brown beard and is currently reading a book.
Two seats away from him sits a man who looks to be in his late 30's. He is wearing a buissness suit and has black hair a short beard and a strong nose. He is currently talking on his cell phone quite loudly
The third new arrival is a man wearing a jersey for a sports team from Greece. He doesn't look any older than 20 and is currently doing something on his laptop
With the three new choices you decide to….
Which one of these three men do you approach?
As you pondered who’s hands you would put your life into, the decision is made for you. Lost deep in your thoughts you didn’t notice the shadow of a giant fall over you, and then crouch down to scoop you up.
Now in the palm of the giants hand you look up at the face of your captor and see a handsome, young, Latino man. He is clearly in amazing shape as you can see his tight t-shirt struggles to contain his massive pecs and arms. Suddenly you hear a voice and the Latino man turns to face it.
It’s another handsome giant you see walk up and give the first one a kiss. This one is also very muscular but is clearly harrier than the first. He is also shorter. The First giant quickly pulls the second off to the side and showing you off says,
“Look what I found!” The second giant let’s out a laugh and pokes you with a giant finger.
“Ha! How’d he get so small?”
“I don’t know but he’s kind of cute, you know how we were saying we wanted to spice things up on this trip sexually, well, I think this is how we do it!”
Again the second giant laughs with joy at this idea which gives you a sense of unease.
“Like our own living little sex toy, I love it” he says and then kisses his taller partner. “But first we got to get him to our resort before we can have any fun, so who’s gonna keep him for the flight?”
“You do it” says the first giant handing you over to the other mans massive hand.
“Gladly” he says smirking down at you. He then enclosed his massive fist trapping you in a tight prison. You kick and flail every once in a while, to which the giant just gives you a quick squeeze making your prison tighter. You can feel them walking around and hear the muffled sounds of a plane being boarded but you never see it. Finally you feel the giant sit down and bring his fist up to his mouth as if he were stifling a yawn and whispers in at you,
“Listen up little guy, you belong to us now ok? We don’t necessarily want this to be upsetting for you but you clearly don’t have anyone that cares for you if you ended up like this in an airport so think of us kind of like your new family ok? Me and my partner Are headed to a resort in Mexico for a two week vacation in which your gonna help spice things up. For the duration of this flight I’m gonna keep you somewhere special! If I were you I’d probably enjoy it, having a god let me be so close to him. Take this time to think about how easy you want to make your life, ok runt?”
When the hurricane of whispers subsides you feel yourself moving, then the fist opens up and you realize you are in the giants tight t-shirt as you see his thick pectoral muscles covered beneath a dark forest of hair. The smell of cologne is strong. You are then placed in between the giant pectorals and tangled in with the hairs.
This is where you are left.
You hear the normal preboarding and safety stuff as the plane takes off and instead of struggle you just accept your fate. Every once and a while the giant squeezes his pecs together putting a bit of pressure on you. It makes the situation even hotter. This gives you an idea as you look at the skin below the hair slowly develop a shiny glistening.
As the temperature rises and you become sweatier you slowly slip from the thick worry chest hairs grips and finally you break free. This sends you onto the slick skin and you ride it down his abs like some sort of living slip and slide. You finally stop at the giants waste band. Poking your head out of the giants shirt you see his massive form is asleep. You climb out of the shirt and…
Without hesitation you jump off the giants thigh and land on the floor. Not worried about hurting yourself as by this point you’ve realized you are somewhat invincible. Now on the floor you are among about two hundred giants massive feet at about the size of their pinky toes headed to Mexico. You decide that since you have a few hours to kill you’d head out to the aisle and take your time choosing a giant.
As you head towards the back of the plane you see many goregeous giants of all walks of life. You don’t really know how you’re going to choose some one. Finally you see the giant you wish to contact. You are so attracted to the giant it almost feels magnetic. Seeing him makes you finally admit to yourself that you’re gay. Which is surprising because he isn’t some young perfect college bro. He is a dad. He is sitting on the plane next to his two sons who look to be about 19 and 24. They are also very attractive. This man is wearing shorts a button up T-shirt and leather flip flops. He has thick black hair with greying temples and a nicely trimmed salt and pepper beard. His body is that of an ex-star athlete. Clearly at his prime he was a god, now a thin lair of fat covers it all but he still looks in shape. His butt is still round and perky, his arms still bulge in all the right places when he flexes, his pecs are still visible, and his stomach still has the faded lines of abs underneath his muscly beer gut.
You approach his flip flop clad feet and the small of sweat hits you. In such a pure form, manly and musky. You get closer and closer until you reach out and touch the massive foot. Suddenly you hear is smooth booming voice as the flight attendant stands next to him offering food and drink “a beer and some pretzels please”
The flight attendant gets him his drink and goes to grab the pretzels when he drops them on the floor. Bending down to pick you up, the twunk-ish male flight attendant…
You are caught in mid action as the flight attendant kneels down to pick up the pretzels. His eyes meet yours and you feel your heart skip a beat. He immediately catches you with his other hand, he holds you tightly in his palm and brings you towards him. You can see that he is shocked but also intrigued by your presence. He closes his fist around you as he gets up, hands the father his order and then move along. He opens his hand to make sure he wasn’t just imagining things, he saw a tiny person inside of it. He is curious and wants to take a closer look at you, but he knows he needs to continue with his duties. He delicately opens his hand and places you on a plate which is inside the food trolley. He then covers you with a cloche, a white domed plate like lid, so that no one can see you. You were now trapped in complete darkness.
The flight attendant does not see you at he picks up the pack of pretzels and hands you to the beautiful giant. He doesn’t even notice you hanging on. The pretzels act as an elevator for you directly up to the tray table in front of the god. This makes you happy as it’ll make attracting his attention much easier. You stand behind the pack of pretzels beside the massive cup of beer. The giant picks up the pack of pretzels and spills them onto a napkin as he is engrossed in his movie in front of him. Something happens that makes him laugh a deep warm laugh. You look at the pretzels and how massive they are. Then you get a risky idea.
As the massive hand of the giant approaches the pretzel you determine which one it is going to grab and and straddle it. As he grabs it you admire the sheer power he possesses over you in such a simple act. He brings the pretzel ever closer to his gaping maw, you can now smell the beer on his breath, hoping you time it right, you jump off the pretzel.
You land exactly where you had hoped you would land as you touch down among his black and grey beard. Climbing up it you pound on his cheek trying to attract his attention. This does attract his attention but in the form of his hand coming up to scratch his face.
Again something so simple holds so much power over you, as you are pressed in and rubbed against his flesh but ultimately you stick to his finger. He then..
Just thinking it was an irritation caused by shaving the man pays you no attention and puts you back to square one when he scratch’s his flip flap cad foot. Specifically his heel.
Again the smell is intoxicating, manliness that could only be More pure in one other place you guess. Sweat, and leather. You are then stuck there as he places the heel down, pressing you into the flip flop. It is lucky that your hunch about being somewhat invincible, was right otherwise this would have been your end.
You stay put under the Dad gods foot for a good hour or so until you feel him stand up and walk somewhere. Then it’s another hour of sitting as you guess that him and his sons must be catching a shuttle to a resort, the flight having ended. This hunch is confirmed when the giant takes off his flip flops, which you stick too, and reveals a massive hotel room.
His two sons must have another room as he is alone. He quickly takes advantage of this quickly stripping down. Unaware of his little admirer. His dick is just as perfect as you find the rest of him. He then pulls on some swim shorts and sits on the bed. Getting up from the flip flop you decide to try and contact him again by climbing up his leg. You get further then you have the first two times getting past the the foot and then past the ankle, then the knee.
That’s when he stands up and heads to the beach, in his skin tight swim shorts. The rocking of the walking causes you to slowly shift around to the back of his leg where it seems easier to keep your grip as your in the shadow of his bubble butt. This proves once again to put you in an unexpected but pleasant situation, when he goes to sit down in a chair at a patio bar. You lose your grip before he can sit down and land on the chair. He sites down and you are smashed into the giants massive and godly…
As the dad god sits you are unlucky enough to find yourself wedged perfectly between the mans cheeks, in his ass crack. The only thing that separated you from his asshole was a thin lair of fabric. The heat is immense and you start to sweat fairly quickly. You wanted to be with this gorgeous guy, but this was a bit too close for comefort.
Being able to do nothing to escape you lay in between his cheeks where the full scale of your problem hits you. Not only are you an inch tall, but your with a strange man, in a strange country. The idea of ever seeing your home again and growing back to normal seems very unlikely the more you think about it.
Finally when the heat starts to get unbearable, the giant stands up and you are…
There was just a little give in the fabric of the shorts and you'd been so thoroughly wedged that, when he stood up, you were thoroughly wedged in. There was no give and no chance of escape, even as he began the thunderous walk back to the hotel room to shower. The hell continued unabated until, finally, he reached the room. Surely he would take off the swimshorts and escape…
The dad stands up and you fell of to the chair. He was going somewhere but you didn't take much consideration as you are finally free from his crack. You look at your surroundings, you see that you're in a resort of some sort in Mexico. Being in a foreign country makes things much worse for you so you had to get someone's attention if you wanted to get back to your normal size again. Now you're planning your next move…
You suppose it could be worse, you thought, as you were still alive and the giant dad god's muscular arse was a truly awesome thing, even though it was uncomfortably hot. With every slight shift of his seat, you are rolled to and fro, but he still does not notice the tiny little man he was currently completely dominating. The fact that he was doing this while not even knowing you were there, the fact he could still so easily control you, was kind of turning you on. You truly couldn't move a muscle.
The muscular glutes tensed and untensed, clenched and unclenched, and you felt like you were suffocating - even though it appeared you were invincible. As the hours wore on, any thrill was lost and you felt yourself being ground down, like the dad god was crushing your spirit. The sweaty ass now caused you to cling to the shorts every time he moved, so you no longer rolled; you were instead dragged. You felt completely worthless.
Eventually, you felt some relief. The gigantic man had stood up. "Thirsty," he said to himself.
Wanting to see what caused the irritation the godly man looks at his hand to see a you lying in it. Quickly he unbuckles his seatbelt and says in his deep voice to his two sons,
“I’m headed to the washroom”. The man does head to the airplane restroom where he sits on the toilet and looking at you in his palm smiles. This time when he speaks you can hear the slight twang of an accent on his voice.
“Well what have we got here, how’d you get so small son?”
“I’m not sure sir” you yell up
“Mm, well that’s no help, I was planning on fixing you and then going back to my vacation as planned, but if you don’t know how to get back to normal yourself… well, the idea of having a little companion for when I get lonely does sound quite pleasant, what do you say son?” You look over his perfection and yell up at him
“Gladly sir!”
“That’s what I like to hear”
Then without warning the giant lifts up his massive arm and smiling moves you towards his rank, smelly pit, before you are shoved in he looks at you and says
“The names Brad by the way, but I think I like the sound of master better” then your world goes dark as you are trapped in a armpit prison.
You stay in the pit unaware of what’s happening outside until that night when Brad lifts up his arm and, now alone in his hotel room bed, places you…
"What do you think, little man?" came the deep voice, vibrating through the body. Brad had spoken without preamble or pleasantries; he was clearly ready to get straight down to business.
Once you got your bearings, you realised you were stood on his muscular gut, surrounded and almost enclosed by wiry hairs on his stomach. The navel was just a few metres off to your right. But then you looked ahead and saw the huge, uncut dick towering over you, bigger than a three-storey townhouse, throbbing slightly as it continued to grow ever so slightly as Brad came to full arousal. It was an all-encompassing and imposing sight. How on earth could you pleasure what was essentially a building? You simply stand there, transfixed. You can't possibly reply to Brad's question - you're speechless, drooling even.
"What's the matter?" he asked. You shake yourself out of it and take a couple of steps towards it and you hear - not hear, feel - Brad take an excited breath as the dick grew, if possible, even larger. The smell of it alone threatened to overcome you. It was the scent of pure man, mixed with a little sweat, and it helped create an incredibly sensual experience.
"Fuck man. Just seeing you down there, having to obey my every whim…I might have to explode right now!" The vision of this enormous volcano spewing white lava all over you. It should have been a terrifying idea, but self-preservation had flown out the window the minute you decided to hop on a pretzel and get this giant's attention. So instead the idea was incredibly exciting to you.
Suddenly Brad's, Master's, giant hand came from nowhere, a finger pinning you easily. You yelled out in shock but got over it quickly. Your fate was in his hands now.
"God damn, you look so good there, little man," Brad said as he placed you right on the tip of his dick. "Stand up," he ordered, and you did so unsteadily. "mmmph. God!" he said, and shook the dick aggressively, causing you to tumble forward and into the hairy jungle below you. Now the dick was pushed down, pressed on top of you as Brad laughed harshly.
"I'm glad you trusted me enough to get my attention, little man," he said. "I'm gonna show you a good time." He grabbed you again and once again placed you on the tip of the mountain of meat. For you this was a wild, intense experience the likes of which you'd never felt before. You licked the cockhead and removed your own clothes, throwing them carelessly behind you so they drifted down past the giant's leathery ballsack. You crouched down and put your own dick inside the head of the giant dick, thrusting back and forth as Brad watched, transfixed by your tiny, diligent movements. As soon as you thrusted once, though, his spell was broken as he let loose an enormous moan of pleasure. "Holy shit that feels great," said Brad. "Keep going!" he barked, a clear command you weren't keen on disobeying. You humped the giant cock harder than ever before as Brad also began to wank the enormous man-tool aggressively. You were well and truly docked now, though, so there was no risk of falling off. You were slowly becoming adhered to the dick itself anyway due to the collection of sweat and pre-cum collecting around you, which you ignored as you kept thrusting aggressively. You gave a huge moan of pleasure as you let loose inside Brad's cock, and Brad himself felt it. "Wow!" Brad called. "I felt that…I can feel it oozing and squirming down my own cock…holy shit holy shit holy shit," Brad breathed, beyond excited at what was happening. "I can't…I can't hold this any longer!" he yelled. Out of nowhere, the giant's massive, aggressive hand swept you up and out of the way, sending you flying through the air and landing on his hairy belly. "Sorry," he breathed, "but…I-oh god…I-AUGH," he was rendered completely inarticulate and you turned and watched the aforementioned explosion out of his cock. You sprinted towards his nipple, out of the blast zone, and - sensing what you were doing - master Brad put his hand over you, cloaking you in shadow but protecting you from the shower of jizz.
"Holy shit," Brad whispered a couple of minutes later when it was over, breathing heavily. "Holy shit!" He moved his hand and pinched you, holding you to his face, his lips, and giving you an enormous kiss that enveloped your entire body. "That was amazing, little man…I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!"
You laughed and stared into Brad's eyes. He was being genuine in his reverence for you. Perhaps being a little man wouldn't be so bad, especially if you were in the care of and a sexual partner with a man such as this.
The Dad God put you on the bedside table as he stood up, then took you to the bathroom where he cleaned himself off. He kept staring at you in disbelief and gratitude, unable to process the excitement of what he had. "Amazing," he kept muttering as he turned around, showcasing his muscular thighs and bulging, hairy arse.
Soon he was all towelled off and gently grabbed you, running water into a small plastic cup and plopping you inside. You enjoyed the psuedo-bath as he watched, transfixed. "Thanks!" you shouted as loud as you could.
"Anytime, little man," he breathed. "Can't get over how good that was."
"It was awesome," you shouted to him. "I'm glad you found me."
"Feeling's mutual," he laughed. "Alright then," he said, standing up and taking you out of the "bath" before you could say anything. You were carried back to the hotel room's bedside table and placed there.
After a moment of staring at you, he spoke again. "Now believe it or not, I've got a holiday with my sons to enjoy," he laughed sheepishly. "But I don't want to just leave you in here, so I'm gonna take you with me to dinner."
"Fine with me!" Truth be told you never wanted to be separated from Brad again ever. He was everything to you in that moment.
"Alright," Brad said, scratching his neck awkwardly, deep in thought. "Now how to carry you…"
Then a look of slight inspiration crossed his face and he came to a decision.
Once you and Brad cleaned up, you got to talking. Turned out Brad had never really explored his dominant side before, and hadn't even really explored himself sexually since his divorce. She had been his first, and he had married young - hence why he was only in his late 30s but with two grown-up kids. What he did know, however, was that he had some bisexual tendencies and wanted to explore them with you, his rugged dominance and muscular dad bod a perfect foil for your tiny size.
For your part you were in a strange country, shrunk and in the possession of a man who absolutely doted on you and wanted to keep you. He also lived half the country away from you, so once you returned home heading back to campus would be hard - and besides, you knew growing back would be difficult to the point of impossible, and you didn't have many ties at home keeping you there anyway. You decided instead to commit to a life of happiness with the gargantuan Brad, who was a deity to you. You wanted him to be happy, and you loved being spoiled by him.
So that's how things stayed. After a fun vacation in which Brad split his time between you and his family, he snuck you home in his pants and kept you as his live-in kind-of-boyfriend. A year later you were still there, still having unbelievable sex, and still Brad's closest confidant. You didn't know what the future held, if he would ever reveal you to his sons, or if you'd ever get the urge to go back to your normal size. For now, you were happy.
"I think I wanna make this last," he said with a big smile, his baritone voice sounding progressively more ominous. You squirmed under his finger and your tiny movements seemed to excite him, as he took a deep breath before continuing. "Let's play a bit before we both get off…"
“Hey little guy! Good to see you again!” The giant says pulling you out of his pit and bringing you up to his face. Smiling at you, you can smell the beer on his breath. Him clearly drunk stares at you with a sort of… hunger. Brad then speaks again,
“ Let me tell you something little guy, I’m gay. That’s right, it’s a shock, I’m not just hungry for power I just like men. But your thinking ‘you have two sons!’ And to that I say I lied about being gay for 25 years, and now I’m 43 and just being honest with myself. That’s what this trip is, showing my sons who I am honestly. But.. I’m horny as fuck right now, and since I couldn’t find me a bigger man, you’re gonna make master happy by doing whatever I want!” He smiles at you and the smell of beer gives you a headache. “You know what little guy, you look so cute, I could just eat you up!” Brad laughs at this and quickly moves you to his mouth.
You plop down onto the slippery pink muscle and just lay there. The smell of beer is so strong and it is in a very strange way pleasant, the warm breeze. Then you are surprised when in pours an ocean of freezing cold beer. Clearly taunting you he swishes you around to all corners of his mouth. Then with uncanny precision his tongue pins you to the roof of his mouth and he swallows the beer.
Once again laughing the god spits you into his palm and smiles. “Y’know little guy it’s still pretty early, and there is a gay club on the resort. I say we change our plans and head on over!”
Unable to protest with Brad you go along with him as he pulls on a shirt and walks to the resorts gay club. Once there Brad…
Brad enters the club while holding you in his firm hand. He proceeds to the bar to have another glass of beer. He got to the bar and sat down, dropping you onto the bar counter. The bartender comes gives Brad a glass of beer. Brad finishes his glass of beer and gets up to dance within the club. From the alcohol's effect, Brad seemed to forget about you as he left you on the counter. You were standing there on the counter without anyone knowing about you. You can see the bartender doing his job, and few seats away there sat a man who was looking on his phone. You begin to wonder what to do next?
Once at the club Brad keeps you hidden in his back pocket for awhile. All you can hear is the head splitting music. And all you can fell is the jostling around as Brad dances. During a moment of stillness, that you guess is Brad getting a drink from the bar. You feel his massive fingers reach into the pocket and wrap around you. Emerging into the club, you see several handsome faces staring down at you with a strange sense of hunger. You can just Barely make out what brad is yelling over the music,
“…I FOUND HIM ON THE PLANE RIDE HERE ALL BY HIMSELF, AND I THOUGHT LOOKS LIKE HE NEEDS A MASTER” all the giants standing around laugh at this. You feel an embarrassment as all these giants laugh at your diminished size and feel almost as if your still at your school. The giants continue talking and laughing about you until finally Brad gets tired of it and heads towards a very specific giant that had been milling around the bar a bit earlier and been looking at you with an intense passion.
The giant was a 30 something middle eastern man wearing only a speedo. His chest was covered in a lucious coating of black hair and he had a wonderful bushy black beard. He was very muscular but also had a gut to him. As Brad approach’s him he smiles and the two get to talking. Moments later the giant takes Brad by the hand and leads him out of the bar to his room, the two talking all the while. When you get to the room the new giant…
“So Brad, I have a surprise for you and your little friend.” The giant says as he sits Brad down on the bed.
“Oh really. And what would that be?”The giant smiles a grin that sends a chill down your spine. Turning around and blowing a cloud of dust into yours and Brad’s face. Suddenly a familiar tingling sensation returns and you feel yourself shrinking once again. You also see as Brad’s size diminishes, but at a much more rapid rate then yours. Finally you stop shrinking when the both of you are at the 1/16th of an inch mark.
The middle eastern giant smiles down at you and Brad in your even smaller forms and his booming voice says, “I was surprised to find anyone else in the world even knew about the powder let alone some young 18 year old like you” he says poking you with a fingertip much bigger than yourself. “But. At least you were dumb enough to leave all antidotes elsewhere. An you!” He says poking a clearly panicking Brad. “You just crave something, you thought it was power. Complete Control over someone. But I can tell deep down you just want a man that has his way with you. And that’s what you’re gonna get! More man than you know what to do with!”
You’re very confused by what the giant said about you having a shrinking powder. Could someone at your school could have done this to you on purpose? Oh well, no time to think of it now. You have MUCH bigger problems.
“As you can see I want you to be truly tiny. To know your rightful place as my pets. Got it. However I am a nice guy and you are my first slaves so… I have been kind enough to make you virtually invincible as well. you do your job well and you will be rewarded”the giant then crouches down so he’s at eye level with the two of you and gives another chilling smile. His face is absolutely enormous and his nose is like a great mountain “Got it?”.
Looking into the titans face you hate to admit that you are still kind of turned on. Still staring at you his smile turns to a frown and he screams at you “ I said Got it?!” His voice holds enough power now that it sent you hurtling backwards along with Brad. When you stop rolling backwards the two of you stand up and stammer out,
“Y-y-yes master”
“That’s what I like to hear” he says as he stands back up to his full glory.” Now, it’s late and you two are going to be very busy tomorrow so I say we head to bed. And as my little bugs you two have the privilege of staying in Masters finest accommodations, My…
Speedo, you’ll love it in there pests. You’ll be so close to me by morning you’ll never want to be apart from me again!”
You at least being somewhat used to having giant men use you for their own pleasure by now just accept the fate for the night, but Brad doesn’t.
“No, No, you can’t do this! We’re people! We have rights.” Master let’s at a booming laugh and says, “do you really still think that little runt? You won’t go long.” Then the giant moves a Carmel Coulter’s hand towards the two of you, Brad try’s to run but only makes it a total of two steps before he is clenched in the giants fist.
Before being sentenced to your prison for the night Master brings you up to his gorgeously gigantic face and says “enjoy the first night of many more to come, pets” and then he plunges the two of you into his pubic forest with his massive manhood as he lays down for the night.
The musk within is so intense it causes you to cough and sputter. You fell through his pubic forest and onto his greasy skin. The waist band is so tight there’s no hope to crawl out. You decide to just accept it and try to sleep a bit, maybe the giant was honest and would be somewhat benevolent if you did what he asked of you. Brad however is not ready to give in and decides to punch the giants manhood out of anger. Being so small it does nothing.
Eventually he exhausts himself and falls to the ground. Seeing that you fall into a slumber and when you wake up in the morning you discover that it is time…
My gym shoe little runts!” He says smiling down at you on the bed. “You’ll love it in there, I had a real intense workout right before heading to the club! It should still smell of me!” Your giant captor then scoops the two of you up in on swift sweep of the hand. He had been giant before but now he seems so huge you don’t know what to do.
Then you are dropped into the prison. The smell of sweat so intense it makes you gag. The soft foam is moist from his last workout. You see the giant smiling down at you and he says,
“Goodnight little pets”
Having no way of escape you and brad fall asleep on the moist surface of the bottom of the shoe. You don’t wake up until…
Still half asleep you hear the massive slap of bare feet against tile approach your prison. Opening you eyes you see the giant smiling down at you. He smiles and says,
“Rise and shine little ones” as he digs his massive fingers in and fishes you and Brad out. Bringing you up to his massive face he puts you under his nose and inhales. Most of his nose hairs are taller than you are. Being in front of his mouth every breath is like a hurricane. “Mmmm you smell just like master, I like it. I think it’s time for a shower!”
Walking into the massive bathroom the giant stands in front of a mirror and with his other hand peels off his skin tight speedo from the night before. His massive junk flops out and he smiles at you. “You two will become good friends with this monster, trust me” he then steps into the shower stall where he sets Brad and you down on a shelf next to a massive bar of soap. He turns the water on and picks up the bar of soap. Lathering himself up he makes a show of rubbing his muscular arms and chest. As he starts to head lower he stops and looks at the two of you,
“Y’know doing this myself ain’t so fun, I think I need one of you runts to help me out! Who should it be?”
Brad instantly starts screaming and pointing at you. The giant smiles and says,
“Don’t worry, there’s more than enough of me to go around, much more! But I think I’ll go with you runt!” The giant says as he plucks up…
Plucking up Brad the giant brings him up to his bearded face and says,
“Y’know you really should take this with more grace, you are in the presence of a god” and then he takes brads tiny body and presses it deep into the bar of soap.
As you watch the giant lather his round yet firm muscle gut covered in its gorgeous hair you get somewhat of a sad feeling that it wasn’t you chosen. The rush of being pressed into the giants furry and firm gut gives you a hard on. Bending down to get a better look at you master sees this and let’s out a earth shaking laugh.
“You like seeing master use his power don’t you runt. You want me to use you as the worthless little pet that you are! Go on then jerk off at the sight at the god who owns you two” he then stands up and flexes. Seeing his arms bulge makes your dick throb and you grab it and begin jacking off. After a few minutes of watching the giant rub the soap over himself you blow your load. Master then pulls Brad out of the soap and sets him down next to you. Booming at Brad he says,
“This one already knows his place, you better learn yours as well or I’ll have to get rid of you!” He then picks you up between his thumb and pointer and dangles your tiny naked body . “Your enthusiasm is earning my favour pest, I’ll give you a choice of what you want to help me with! You can either go along for the ride with the soap to my ass or my feet! Which’ll it be runt”
Struggling to be heard over the water and massive distance you scream “your butt” he smiles at this and presses you into the soap bar.
From there it feels like the most intimate roller coaster ride of your life as you are plunged down and then rubbed against his firm butt, then you’re rammed into his crack where there is still thick black hair all over and finally rubbed against his asshole. When he pulls you out and brings you to his face he smiles and says, “I’ve got another task for you” and then pulling you off the soap he places you onto his massive, uncut, erect cock. You look up at him and he just moans, then he says “you know what to do runt” you have to admit the idea of being rubbed on and owned by a giant seemed a lot more appealing when it wasn’t actually happening. But having seen the anger he had unleashed at brad for doing nothing wrong you lay down and hug the massive cock.
“That’s it” he says as his hand presses you in deeper to the warm wet appendage as he jerks off.
After a few minutes you hear him moan and he brings you up to his face with brad in his other hand. “You better get better at this if you wanna survive much longer little guy” he says in Brads direction “You’re already at two strikes on your first day. Well I think it’s time we went out for a cruise on the beach, I think I’ll keep you two in my…
Beard! It’ll be like balcony seats in a theatre, you’ll have the best view of Master as he try’s to find some friends” and with that the giant drops you in his beard where you instantly become tangled among the infinite forest of wirey black hair.
You watch as if your playing first person mode in a game as the giant pulls on a speedo and heads down to the beach. When the giant is walking along the beach you hear it, Brads voice.
“Hey Kid where you at?”
“I-I’m up here, but I’m tangled in his hair!”
“Ok, I’m on my way to you!” You wait and feel the rocking as the giant walks, he’s talking to some young 20 something blond guy in an even tighter speedo, that basically shows everything off. Finally you see Brad climb into your vision and start unraveling you. “Ok, here’s the plan kid. I can see my sons a little ways down the beach and if we can get to them they’ll help us. All we gotta do is jump off of this assholes beard and ride the breeze right to them!”
“Um is that really the best idea sir? There’s no way we can control where we land so we might as well just land on a giant who’s even worse than this guy! And why should I trust you! You were also using me as your little toy before this guy, and your sons might be just as bad!”
“Look I get it, but this is kind of a time sensitive matter so are you gonna do it?”
You look out and…
“Ok, I’ll trust you on this one” you say as you look at Brad.
“Great” he says and grabbing your arm leaps out into the open air. You watch as you soar through the air at a breakneck speed. You watch as brad and you soar towards and land…
Brad and you finally had some luck as the two of you land with a soft thud on Brads son:
Brandon, 19
Star baseball player with a real nice ass, keeps himself well groomed.
Anthony, 24
Rugby player, in shape but loves beer, has a beard and lots of chest hair, goes a few days without grooming.
Apparently beards are some kind of magnet for shrunken guys as Brad and you land with a thud in amongst the hair of his older son Anthony’s Beard. Luckily it’s only about a week and a half of growth so each hair is only about as tall as you. You realize you really did get lucky as Anthony is laying on the beach tanning, and though it offers a gorgeous view, if you had landed an inch to the left you would have fallen into his gaping cave of a mouth.
You look to Brad for guidance and looking around he says,
“Ok, this is a new experience. Walking around in my sons beard, but uh, I think our next move should be to get him to notice us somehow”
“Any how are we gonna do that?”
“You tell me little dude, you’ve been smaller longer than me, and you managed to get my attention on the plane”
“That’s true, but I was also much bigger, if you believe an inch to be bigger. But I guess, uh,we could…
… pull some nose hairs. It will hurt and draw his attention” you say hesitantly.
“Seems a bit risky kid, but if you trusted me enough to jump, I’ll trust you on this. Take the lead.” Brad says looking at you.
Not having the slightest clue what you are doing you start to lead the way through the tanning giants beard and up towards his mountainous nose. When you get to the cave that his his nostril you instantly see the hair you want to go for. If Brad and you can pull it, Tony’ll Definitely feel it. With a concrete plan you march straight towards it leaving Brad to follow.
Then Disaster strikes you look behind you upon reaching the hair to find that Brad isn’t there. Stricken with panic you don’t realize what the giant is preparing to do and are caught off guard as you are launched at what feels like light speed in a sneeze out of the nose.
Finally you land somewhere new once again. It honestly feels like a revolving door of giants at this point. And every time you have a plan it changes. Realizing there is nothing you can do in what fate has planned for you. You get up and dust yourself off, looking around you have landed..
Trent is a young bodybuilder-in-training, reaching a good 6' 9". His blonde hair is shaven short over the ears and around the back of his head, while his top bangs are left to hang over what has been cleaned off. He has blue eyes, a roundish nose and squarish chin. All his strenuous workout routines and protein shakes have sculpted his body well with a toned chest and thick legs.
After an afternoon run across the beach, he decided to spread out a towel and soak some rays. Having dozed off, he had little idea that a speck of a man just traveled through the air and into the ravine of his abs.
You get up and wipe off the snot residue gathered from Tony's inelegant sneeze. All the while you feel your body roast slightly from the warming sweaty surface. You glance ahead across a fleshy chasm rising and falling. Behind you, a grove of long blonde grass trails down towards a large blue hill.
A loud yawn from beyond your horizon reminds you of your scale. The landscape crumples as Trent's abs squeeze together.
He's done napping.
You slide down towards the blonde grove just as the colossus gets onto both feet again. Now upright, Trent steps along the shore. Each step he makes jars you from your grip on his hairs until you slide down over the blue mountain of his speedo bulge. Each foot fall rattles up the leg, causing his bulge to giggle and bounce. Your ride is a slow and bumpy one.
Trent is unaware of his passenger and takes him to…
Brushing yourself off you see you and brad handle landed on a beach chair. He stands up and is standing about 12 meters from you. You take a step towards him and before you can take another… a giant sits down on the chair. You drew the long straw as Brad is farther back and is directly under the butt. You look up at the speedo wearing giant and he is
The giant in the tight black and red speedo is an older heftier man. With no flab, but a prominent belly mountain. He also is covered in grey hair. Though his big bushy beard is still bright red If you had to put an age to him you’d say 56. He is also looking directly at you.
You stare back at him and finally a smile breaks out over his face. He grabs you in a hand and scoops you past his musky spandex covered manhood. He speaks in a thick Scottish accent “Hello, little man, what are you doing on my chair? That’s a very dangerous place to be for someone like you”
Your mind returns to Brad.
“ Yes it is sir, you ,um, actually sat on my friend”
This causes him to unleash a booming roar of a laugh. “Ha ha, did I? Well we better get him out from under me!” The giant stands and finds brad laying on the seat. He picks him up and then returns to the seat. “Sorry about that lad, didn’t mean to torture you. Now, if I may, how’d you two end up in such a predicament?”
“We were shrunk!” You yell
“Aye, figured that much, but I don’t mess with that science mambo jumbo. That was more my wife’s forte, but I can’t leave you two all alone, and I can’t promise you that I’ll ever get ya back to normal, but I can promise you a safe home! It’s just me and my son now that my wife’s gone”
You think over what the giant says, you aren’t even sure it was science that shrunk you all the way back in the school lab, and your even less sure about the other guys powder. But you do know someone offering you safety is a godsend so you and Brad agree.
“We will gladly stick with you…”
“Rob!” The giant booms”glad to hear it, the house is lonely when my son heads to Uni in the fall, it’ll be good to have some little lads hanging around, I have three more days and then we head back!”
The next three days are a pleasant break from the running and stress of the last few days. No longer are you running around trying to avoid harmful giants. And though you would rather be back to full size you accept that there is a good chance this is the best offer you’ going to get. Rob gets Brad and you whatever you need and leaves the tv on if he goes out without you.
When it is time to leave he holds you lightly in a fist until he gets through security and then tucks you carefully in his carry on bags pocket for the flight. You fall asleep and eventually wake up to the roaring sound of the bag unzipping. You look up and see…
The Giant stands Next to his 26 year old son Teddy. Who is a muscular ginger, he looks down at you and smiles.
“Hello there little Lads” he booms as he picks you up carefully. “ would you look at ya, I don’t think I’ll be able to help ya grow, but I’ll sure be able to show you a good time if you want it!” He laughs at this and the continues “welcome to our clan little guys”. He looks to his father who gently takes Brad from his sons hand and then Rob looks to you.
“You’re young, so I thought you might want to go to the rugby club with Rob for practice while Brad and I figure some stuff out ok?”
“Yes sir” you yell
“Great! We’re lookin’ for a new prop!” Teddy booms out in a joke and prods you with a finger teasing you.
The younger muscular giant carries you his car and sets you on the dash and begins to drive to the local rugby club. When he gets there he looks at you seriously “ok little man, how are we doing this? You gotta be hidden so where am I putting you”
“Uh uh…” you stammer awkwardly
“Haha, I’m kidding, unless you want to be put somewhere” he raises his eyebrows “ha ha, but no, for real little guy do you want me to leave you in my bag or take you on the field in some way?”
You chose…
Deciding you don’t want to test your luck and get lost or injured you figure that the bag is the safer way to go. Teddy carefully picked you up and carried you in a fist to the rugby clubs locker room. The musty room was already filled with several muscular giants getting ready for practice. And they greeted Teddy. Teddy goes about getting ready and waits until the other giants leave. Then he carefully placed you on top of his folded clothes inside his bag.
“I’m not gonna zip the bag up little dude, because I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to spend an hour zipped inside my gym bag!”
“Haha thanks I appreciate it” you yell, but Teddy is already out the door.
You decide not to just sit there waiting for an hour and so you climb onto the lip of the bag. The changing area is littered with guys shoes and clothes, over on the far wall is a group of showers. The room smells so much of sweat from the countless years of it being used. You are happy that Teddy and Rob are kind, but would it be that bad if Teddy wanted you to be his little toy from time to time? This thought launches you into a series of fantasies. Eventually you get bored and climb down from the bag and onto a bench. You walk up to the edge and peer over. Suddenly the sound of the door opening which catches you off gaurd and so you fall down…
Caught in surprise you lean a bit too far over the edge and panic as you feel yourself start to fall. You plummet down and land with a thud onto the soft fabric of a towel. However it clearly belongs to someone who isn’t the cleanest as it reeks of sweat. Suddenly the rugby team bursts into the locker room. You get lost in awe at the sight of these gorgeous giants soaked in sweat and mud. So lost in the sight you don’t realize as the owner of the towel bends down to pick it up.
You are stuck in a fold and get jostled around until the towel is hung on a hook and you once again fall. This time into the tiled floor of the showers. The fall hurts like a bitch, but you survive. Looking up you see several naked members of the team as they go about showering. You see Teddy on the opposite wall and start to run towards him. Your eyes are constantly dragged to the bubble butts and swinging manhood’s of the various giants. As you continue across the showers…
You decide it's best to get back to Teddy as it is your best choice for now. You run towards teddy and manage to be careful not to get spotted by someone else. Along the way you hide under the benches to avoid getting caught. You finally managed to get to Teddy who's getting ready to shower. "Teddy! Down here!" you shouted as high as you can but Teddy was focused on getting a shower that he didn't hear you. You figured if you go towards his feet and touch him, he might feel you and get noticed.
You approach his feet and rub it to get Teddy's attention. Teddy was about to open the shower when he felt an itch, a different kind of itch on his feet. He turns his head down and notices you. "Jack! How did you get here?" Teddy reached down and plucked jack form the ground and brought him close to his face. "I fell from your bag and ended up on the floor, I couldn't get back so I came all the way to you." Jack said. Jack couldn't keep his eyes off of Teddy's muscular body, he was mesmerized by it.
"Ok, don't worry I'll take you back, but stay hidden" Teddy spoke, but he didn't notice his voice was somewhat heard by others in the locker room.
Ignoring the strange looks he was getting, Teddy tightened his fist around you, concealing you from view, and strode confidently out of the shower before putting you back in the gym bag. "Sorry," he whispered, zipping it up this time. The smell was pretty atrocious, but you supposed it was worth it to be safe.
"Back in two ticks," Teddy whispered, his muffled voice still audible through the bag.
"OK," you called out.
Recovering from your panic and your exhausted run, you dozed off in the hot, stuffy gym bag. You were rudely awoken when the bag opened to reveal…
As you run across the slippery tiles, something in your peripheral moves towards you. Before you get the chance to turn to see it, you are hit by what feels like a speeding train and carried along for the ride.
You stop above the shower drain, dizzy and confused, as you realized you've been hit by someone's AWOL soap. You try to move, but the humidity of the showers has made the soap soft and upon impact you are stuck to the edge as you listen to the water fall down the drain below you.
You struggle as you suddenly hear "Oopsie Daisy" and a giant shadow, of who you presume has dropped their soap, is cast over you. You look up to see…
And so you and Brad start your lives as tiny Family to the Giant and his son. Living with them and being treated as equal, it’s not what you had dreamed about growing up but it’s better than being someone’s toy, right?
Brad and you soar through the air. But with such little control the two of you land very far away from where you had hoped. As you looked around brad yelled some profanity and then the two of you looked around. You two had landed…
As Brad spouts off profanities you quickly realize you missed your mark of his sons. The smell is that close to a locker room. Looking around you realize you are on a massive flip flop and this makes you quesy. You then see a shadow and realize the owner is…
“Shit!” Brad says as your giant captor turns with the twink and starts heading back to his room.
“We could still jump, take our chances?” You day to him
“No the whole plan is fucked now, it’s pointless. We might as well accept we’re destined to live the rest of our lives as this guys pets” Brad says, defeat in his voice. Your heart sinks but there is still a twinge of excitement or arousel you can’t extinguish.
Finally the two giants arrive at the room. Your master takes the twink in and almost immediately they get down to business. Master pushes the blond muscular twink to his knees and the twink smiles and pulls down his speedo. As the twink pleasures master you see master reach for the shrinking powder and knowing what comes next you feel sorry for the unexpecting twink who shrinks into his speedo as soon as the powder hits his head. Master scoops him up and heading to the Bathroom removes brad and you from his beard.
Now holding three tiny slaves in his hand he smiles down at you and laughs.
“You three are starting to make quite a collection, perhaps this shall be my new hobby. As much as I’m sure you adore me I’m going to go to the gym and leave you three here to get to know each other. I think I’ll leave you in…”
“My Laundry hamper! You’ll be nice and warm and comfy in there, plus I’ll mark you more as mine as you’ll be engulfed in my musk! You’ll love it!” Master says as he looks down at you smiling.
He walks over to the hamper and without any care drops the three of you into the hamper.
What is an insignificant flick of the wrist to him however, sends you on the scariest plummet of your life. You scream as you free fall thousands of feet. You hear Brad and the younger guy screaming but don’t bother trying to see where they are, for all you know this is your last experience before death. But then you land with a soft thud on top of the giants dirty dress shirt crumpled and discarded. You’d guess somewhere near the armpit too, based on the smell. Picking up and dusting yourself off you look up at the enormous walls of the hamper and then further up to your captor. Smiling down like a manic. He turns and leaves giving one final boom as he leaves,
“See you in a while pests”
With the giant gone you look around and try to see where the other two captives landed. To your luck you see them a bit farther down on top of a massive black dress sock and start to run towards them. You ignore the smells and approach them. They look at you and the three of you just stay there for a moment. After a while the newcomer breaks the silence,
“What the Fuck!? I’m the size of a grain of rice and stuck in a laundry hamper?! This is not what I payed for!”
Brad tries to calm him down “Hey hey, it sucks but we can’t do anything about it, believe me we’ve tried, what’s your name bud?”
“James” the newcomer responds looking at you with a sense of defeat about him. “Is this guy really just gonna keep us like this forever?”
“As far as I can tell, but hey at least we’re not in it alone” brad says trying to comfort the two of you to no success. For the next hour or two the three of you talk and get to know each other realizing the odds stacked against you. Finally the door opens and your torturer returns, looking down at the hamper he searches for you three and seeing you scoops you up and smiling at you says “they say threes a crowd, and all I have to say is…
“Bugs, meet Braughn! He’s my new pet I picked up at the gym.” The giant says as he drops another tiny man into the palm of his hand. The newest addition looks terrified, which really doesn’t suit him as you can tell that at normal size he is a sight to behold. Clearly an avid gym Goer he would rival master in terms of hair. He looks like a modern day Viking.
“Ok pets, I’ve let you have enough time off. After that workout I think my feet could use a massage and now that there’s four of you I think you can live up to the task of bestowing your god with one, got it?”
You and Brad Nod up at him not wanting him to unleash his wrath and he smiles. “Good” master then sits on his bed and removes his gym shoes. Then smiling down at the four naked men in his hand peels off his rank sock to revel his dark foot. Lying back on the bed he places the four of you in front of the enormous foot.
None of you no how to start going about such a big job you all just look at each other, but fearing his wrath you all begin putting all of your strength into pressing his sole. You hear him moan from far off and keep up the embarrassing job. After twenty minutes he switches you over to his other foot and you repeat. Then after that he stands over you on the bed and takes off the rest of his gym clothes. He scoops you four up and places you on…
The four of you are scooped up with such ease that it again hits home how powerless you are against the giant, the four of you are dispersed among the forest of chest hair on top of his robust yet firm belly mountain. You all stand there naked until you hear his booming voice utter his next commands.
“Ok runts, here’s how this game works the first two of you to reach my nipples get to be my privileged pets and the other two will be put through more hell. Got it?”
Then he lets out a laugh, which causes the ground beneath you to shake and then the four of you are off. Each one not wanting to be punished worse, not that you have any idea how it could get worse. You give it your all but in the end you…
You put everything you have as you sprint past thick wirey trees that are chest hair. Occasionally you see one of the other three in your peripheral vision just behind you. One mistake will spell doom. You feel your bare feet slap against his hot sweaty skin and then as victory is in sight you hits an extra slippery patch. Your whole body toppled and the other three prisoners race to victory. In the end you and Braughn are the two losers. Seeing this, master scoops the two of you up and laughs.
“Congrats pets, you two get to be part of science! You’re gonna be the first men to go through another’s digestive track and survive! At least I hope, see, I know my powder makes you stronger but strong enough for digestion? We’ll see!” And then he tosses you two into the gaping maw.
You land on his slippery tongue and wait to see if he is serious. Sadly for you and Braughn he is. With a tiny flick you are sent sliding down his esophagus. When you land in the stomach
You land with a splash. Miraculously you are okay. And as you and Braughn sit in stunned silence in a grown mans stomach you continue to be ok.
Eventually as you sit looking around in the pitch black you here the voice of Braughn,
“Get up kid” then you feel his strong hand grab you and hoist you up by the arm. “I’ve got a plan” leading the way your muscle covered companion walks you to the stomach wall. “Ok, listen up, if we hit the wall hard enough it should make this bastard puke us up, won’t be pleasant for us, but at least it’ll cause him some trouble too.”
And so the two of you get to attacking your captors stomach wall. Eventually you hear a growl from below and Braughn says “Well looks like we have to go out the other way.”
For the next two hours you are put through hell. But eventually you are sent into the blinding light of the toilet bowl. Now floundering in the ice cold water you look up and see master smiling down at you. “Ahh so you did survive! Well I think that…
Once again scooped up the four of you watch as you are carried up over your masters legs and dropped on to the dark clammy skin of your masters musty groin. The thic forest of pubic hair blocks out a majority of the light and all you can smell is the musk of man.
Picking yourself up you see the other three tiny men and walk towards them. All four of you look around wondering what you are supposed to do. When you hear the far off rumbling of snores from master.
“Did he really just put us here while he took a nap?” Brad asks in outrage
“Seems so, but that’s good how’s our chance to escape” says James in excitement
“Doesn’t matter how arrogant he is, he’s right. Even if we make a run for it we’d only get to the door before he got up, no use in running” Braughn says as he looks to you in defeat,
“Well whatever we do we should do it together, so what’s the plan?”
“We have to try! If he gets up we find a book so small he can’t get his fat fingers in there, we may not be able to outrun him but we can outsmart him!” You say, trying to rally some moral.
“Yeah, I agree!” Says Brad. And you’re thankful for his support.
“Ok, then let’s go” Braughn says.
And with that, the four of you are off. You run across your captors crotch, until you reach his leg. All four of you slide down his thick thighs until you land on the bed with a thud. Wasting no time you stand up and begin the run towards the edge of the bed. All four of you don’t seem to tire. The edge is getting so close when suddenly your massive captor
Without warning the massive captor rolls over. You watch in horror as the shadow looms and the four of you become lodged underneath…
The giant mumbles something, but he seems to still be in a deep sleep still. So you continue running.
Finally the four of you end up on the edge of the bed and stop to think the next step out.
“We’re not going to jump are we? I know we’re pretty tough like this but it’s still gonna hurt like hell to land on a cold stone floor from this high up.” James says.
You can’t deny that so the four of you start looking around for something to descend down, or something soft to land on.
Eventually Braughn points something out. Peeking out from under the bed is a crumpled up sock. The four of you don’t want to waste time so you jump off the bed until you land on the sock. The surface is crusty and you know what the sock is but you push that out of your mind and continue running, now on the cold stone floor, with every minute you worry that he is going to wake up and punish you worse than ever for trying to escape, but amazingly, a miracle occurs and you make it to the door .
Then a new problem pops into your head and you stop everyone before crawling under the door.
“Where are we headed after this?”
“The pool” James says
“The Bar” Braghn says at the same time. Brad then says
“Let’s put it to a vote” in the end you end up heading to
After the vote it is decided you will head to the pool.
You take another hour and when you get there you regret it, the pool is blaring music, and flashing neon lights. It is filled and surrounded by about a hundred young college partiers. The four of you can’t even talk over the music so you just follow whoever seems to take a lead. As you walk across the pool deck you are nearly stepped on by massive sandal clad feet. To reduce the chances you lead the group towards the end of the pool. Here there are skyscraper scale glasses of alcoholic beverages. Eventually a giant reaches for one as you pass and you look up and say
“Holy shit” as you recognize who it is.
You recognize the giant from the plane where you originally met Brad, it’s one of his sons, now even more massive.
Brad soon looks up and also realizes. As the giant reaches for the beer on the pool side Brad starts yelling the name of his son hoping that he’ll notice. He is yelling for….
Brandon, 19
Star baseball player with a real nice ass, keeps himself well groomed.
Anthony, 24
Rugby player, in shape but loves beer, has a beard and lots of chest hair, goes a few days without grooming.
Brad starts screaming and waving his arms trying to attract his elder sons attention as he turns to his beer. Figuring it’s Family of one of you, you join Brad and start making big motion, pretty soon the other two also join in. As he picks up the beer Anthony happens to look down, and a sense of joy forms as his giant black eyebrows furrow and he crouches down to look at your tiny troop.
His mouth is perfectly level with you and you are blasted with his warm beer breath as he speaks, “what the fuck? Dad? You’re tiny? How’d that happen? You weren’t like this before…” the giant continues asking questions, clearly intoxicated but eventually he puts his beer down and grabs the four of you, a bit tougher than you’d like, but he lifts you to his ear and Brad starts yelling,
“Listen Tony, you’re clearly drunk and that isn’t gonna mix well with my friends and I’s current situation, so I’d really appreciate it if you took us to your room and I’ll happily explain everything in the morning”
Tony looks shocked at his dad and blasts you with More beer breath, “What! The party is just getting started old man, it’s not like you to let something little” this cracks him up and he laughs then gets back to his point “stop you from partying”
“This is a different situation Tony” Brad yells.
“Tony looks disappointed at this answer and says “fine you don’t have to enjoy the party if you don’t want to but that means I’m not going to help you little dad”
“Tony you can’t just leave us like this-“
“I can and I will, so what’s it gonna be little friends, are you gonna party with us gods, or go off and pout on your own?”
“Hell yeah!” Brad yells and his face spreads into the biggest smile you have ever seen. He hoists his hand into the air and yells to the crowd. “My dad and his friends everyone, they aren’t gonna let a little setback like being the size of a big stop them from enjoying a party!” Everyone cheers and you wonder what the hell you have gotten yourself into.
Giants crowd around and gawk at the four of you.
One burly jock brings a beer to Brad and he smiles. “Here’s your drink dudes” he then drops you in the beer, “I expect it all to be gone by midnight”
You flounder in the beer and can’t help but swallow some. The massive partygoers laugh at you seeing your struggle. And then Tony laughs. “Clearly my dad hasn’t taught you guys how to chug! This is how a real man does it!” You watch as Tony brings the glass to his lips Brad yells in anger “Tony Don’t you Dare” but it does nothing as Tony proceeds to chug the glass of beer , luckily he keeps his lips sealed so you don’t flow with the beer into his mouth. But you do press up against his moustache which tickles you. When he finishes he looks at the four of you as you lay at the bottom of the glass. “That’s how a real man does it, but don’t be sad, I’ll get you more beer!”
Again you are dumped in another glass of beer and this then he says drink you do, not wanting to repeat last time as, as Tony gets drunker he also gets more reckless. Someone across the pool brings out a beer bong and Tony instantly gravitates toward it. He hands the beer to a guy standing next to it and says “careful my dads in there” then he starts chugging.
The jock holding you looks at the four of you swimming in beer and laughs as he tilts the glass into the beer bong. The four of you are starting to feel the effects of the booze and so your reaction is delayed as you flow into the massive plastic tube. Then you realize what’s happening and…
You don’t know wher the other three end up, but you rocket out of the beer bong and instead of going into a mouth and subsequently a stomach, you splash with the beer onto Anthony’s massive left pectoral. It is firm but still softer then other places. You grab onto a hair and hang there. Anthony smells of a mix of cologne, sweat, beer, and chlorine. You find this oddly comforting and want to nuzzle into him. He is fumbling around looking for the four of you, trying to locate where you had all landed. When he finds you he holds you in his palm and after yelling some profanity at the other giant turns back to you.
Tears well in his eyes and the gorgeous giant says “I’m sorry Dad, I just wanted you and your friends to have a good time, I love you four, your my little buddies” he then hugs you to his chest in a crushing strength, you finally get released and he says, one last drink and we head back to the room.
Something clearly went awry though, as next thing you know, you are waking up…
You think back and remember last night, Tony had said one more drink, but by that point you guys were drunk from swimming in beer. One thing led to another and now as you look around you see you are laying…
You look around and figure out you are laying in the chest pocket of a giants shirt. Clearly the giant is laying down as you stand and feel the firm muscular pac beneath you. It smell good, not like sweat, but just of man. Emerging from the pocket you see the slumbering face of a giant. He is a tan giant with red hair, and stubble. As you stand on his pec you look around and see several other giants laying passed out on the floor amongst various cans and bottles.
Off on the other side of the room you can see Tony. Figuring that is where you should go you descend the giant and his bed and start walking. You walk past giants in various states of intoxication. You are walking past a particularly muscular one when he rolled over and nearly landed on top of you. You continue you trek towards Tony and
Eventually you arrive to Tony’s massive foot. He is laying propped up against the wall. The giants must have really partied hard as not one of them has stirred.
Looking at the powerful frame of Tony before you, you decide on the course of action to scale him. You head between his massive feet and between his powerful legs, they form a massive canyon that eventually lead to the massive cave of his shorts, where if you had the time you might explore for some treasures. His thick muscular thighs have dark hair so you use it to climb up on top of his leg. His tank top is tight so you have an easy time climbing his torso.
You must have tickled something as he stirs from his sleep and half awake looks down to see you. He gives you a sheepish grin and picks you up. Bringing you close to his face he says in a hurricane of whispers. “There you are little guy! I thought I had lost one of you, anyway I’m not ready to get up so I’ll put you in my safe place with the others” he’s clearly still drunk but you’re helpless as he moves to put you….
Tony lifts his arm exposing a crop of dark hair. It stinks of BO and Manliness. He quickly tangles you in the hair an then lowers his arm again. Trapping you under his muscular arm. You wait and wait, unable to talk to the others. Until eventually, hours later, Tony gets up and…
You think back and remember last night, Tony had said one more drink, but by that point you guys were drunk from swimming in beer. One thing led to another and now as you look around you see you are laying…
You see you are laying on the sink top of a bathroom. By yourself. What happened to the other three? Then more questions form as a giant that isn’t Brads son walks in completely naked. He looks as if he were cut from the pages of a men’s fitness magazine and he smiles as he sees you.
“There you are little dude” he says crossing the room. you stare in awake at his ginormous cock as it dangles in front of you. Bending down he winks, “like what you see babe? We could go for another round of play but I’d be surprised if either of us had anything left after last night” you stare at him and he laughs.
“Oh giving me the silent treatment huh? Well maybe I’ll just have to punish you” he says playfully, and then he grabs you and rockets you up to his armpit where he rubs you deep into his pores.
The smell is that of a man and then you remember. You had agreed to one more drink with Tony and at the bar you had met him. Sam. You had agreed when he asked you to be his boyfriend.
He pulls you out of his armpit and says, “anyway enough play, we’re going…
“We have to catch a plane back home sadly, and you might think it’s a little early to move in together. But I think these are special circumstances” he then stands back up to his full height and stretches. “I’m gonna grab a shower, care to join?”
You ignore the question and yell up, “Sam, where are the other three I was with?”
“Oh, them. Last I saw they were with some guy”
“Nah, Tony passed out and some bigger bearded guy cave through and scooped them up saying ‘thought you could get away little guys’ stuff like that”
Your heart sinks, they must have been recaptured by that giant maniac, “Sam, we have to get them”
“Sorry Babe, we’re already running late, gotta hurry if we’re gonna catch our plane”
Sam goes about getting his stuff ready and as you leave his room you make a final plea with him in the hopes that you’ll try to save the other three. He looks at you and says…
With Sam agreeing to help you try to save your other tiny companions You smile. He smiles back and you direct him to the room you had only escaped last night.
When you arrive Sam tucks you into his pocket and he knocks. You hear the familiar chilling voice o your ex-captor boom
“Hey cutie, whatcha doing here?”
“Um, I’m looking for something I lost last night at the party, someone told me that they thought you might have it”
“Oh Come on in and have a look around, I’m sure you won’t find it here, I’m Karesh by the way.”
“Sam” he says in response. The next few minutes you feel Sam move around and search then you here him speak again. “Hey Karesh- Hey what are you?”
Your heart sinks as you feel the clothes get looser and looser. How stupid could you have been? Of Course the captor you now know as Karesh, would turn Sam into a toy. You find Sam among his clothes and he looks at you still smiling,
“Holy shit dude, this is Fucking hot, having such a massive dude take complete control of you, I understand last night Now”
“No Sam we need to run, this dude is a maniac”
But of course it doesn’t matter, Karesh scoops you up and booms at you “Thought you could escape? Well Master always finds you! And new pet, you seem eager, I like that. Anyway I have to go off and do some stuff, maybe I’ll come back with another slave, ha! Start amassing an army! You two can join the other three”
He moves you and Sam to…
Sam and you land in the massive gym bag atop a massive pair of gym shorts. And then are left in darkness as the bag is zipped up. You hear Sam and walk towards him.
“Oh yeah babe, the smell of his sweat gets me going, let’s have some fun.”
“Sorry, not now” you say as you hear the others climb towards you.
Standing atop the moist mountain of gym clothes you look around at each other.
So we clearly can’t escape, fate just brings him back” Braghn says.
“Yeah, I guess we really are his pets forever then”
The five of you stand there and look. Eventually you…
The five of you stare and eventually you sit. You have accepted that you have lost. Karesh owns you.
He returns and plays with you at the resort for a few more days.
Then he eventually he heads home and keeps you in secret from his family for years.
Eventually he grows old and as he does hands you over to his son.
The powder seems to have made you immortal and so there is no end in site. You eventually grow to enjoy certain moments of it but you know it’s not a real life.
And so you continue on as a pet
“No we can’t give up like this! We have to fight!”
You say,
“Yeah, plus it’s like kind of hot,so what, that daddy can use me for the rest of his life if he wants to” Sam says. He’s kind of annoying, but you can’t deny, there have been some moments where you have been aroused. But that doesn’t mean you want to be his slave.
“We can escape this guys! We nearly did last night! It was just a bad move to head where the booze was”
“Yeah you’re right” Brad says “I’m sorry my son was a dumb ass but we can escape and find someone more responsible!”
All five of you have seemed to gained some more optimism, and sit in the gym bag formulating plans of escape. Things are looking up!
And then Karesh returns.
Unzipping the bag, he uses his uncanny ability to instantly locate you in anything, and scoops you up.
“Well pets, it has been a fun vacation, but we head home tonight! Hopefully putting distance between your family and friends will give you some perspective and you’ll finally realize how helpless you are and worship me properly! We leave in two hours so pack your bags, Ha!” Karesh then sets you on his massive bed and goes about starting to pack his bags.
Looking at the giant you wonder what lies at home for him. You remember the pep talk and looking at the others you…
The five of you try to stay hopeful and formulate a plan. But the one time you take action and jump to the floor the massive giant notices before you even make it a full tile and punishes you by unleashing a massive burp on all of you.
Time runs out.
Karesh scoops you up and says “I’ll see you in about 24 hours” and smiling brings you to his mouth. He tosses the five of you in as if you were a handful of candies. He swishes you around playing with the five of you. Coating every section of your naked bodies in his saliva. When he talks to another giant he tucks you under his tongue or in the side. That’s the first hour, suckled on like Candy. Then Brad descends. You heard him shout from the back of the mouth,
“Oh god no please” and then he slips down the giants esophagus into the stomach. Next up for the descent was Sam and Adam who had managed to stand up on the tongue during a period of silence and Karesh had noticed and sadistically flicked his tongue towards the back catapulting the into the darkness. Then Braughn took the trip.
Finally it was just you and the Massive pink muscle. He knew you were there and took pleasure in poking and prodding you. It felt good but you refused to enjoy it. You actually lasted all the way until takeoff in the mouth, until Karesh clearly got bored and swallowed you unceremoniously.
The trip down the esophagus was weirdly exhilarating. Like a waterslide that hugged you at the end. It takes a few minutes as you land in the stomach for your eyes to adjust but you eventually can see the outlines of the other four.
The next 16 hours are the rest of the journey, you know what Karesh wants from this, he wants the trip to be demeaning to finally break you into being his pets. But you won’t let it.
Thats why even when you finally see the light of day again you don’t let it humiliate you that it’s from a toilet bowl, with a giant man staring down at you with a maniacal smile.
Karesh fishes the four of you out of the bowl and quickly rinses you in the sink then he holds you up and says
“Welcome home pets!”
Looking around you are in a pretty nice high rise apartment, he lives close to an ocean as you can see the coast, but you don’t know where in the world you are. You also notice that the giant lives…
“Pretty nice hey bugs? And it belongs all to us! Well, you guys won’t see much more then what I want you to, but that’s beside the point, anyway, I need a bit of a relaxation after a travel day, how about a bath?”
Of course this is a rhetorical question and he carries the five of you into a very modern bathroom and starts to fill an ocean sized bath tub, he places you and the other four into a counter top and leaves you there as he goes about doing various things. Finally he roughly grabs you up and sinks into the bathtub holding his hand high above he smiles at you and then starts talking.
“Oh no! The airplanes crashing into the ocean! Guess any survivors will have to swim to the island!” He then crashes his fist into the steaming hot water and sinks down so that his gut is an island sticking into the air. It looks as though a black forested mountain is rising out of the ocean. You landed in between his knees and start swimming towards his belly. The other four guys are quite a bit farther ahead of you and you don’t think much about it until you here The booming voise echo out “Four of the survivors made it to shore just fine, but the last one, uh oh, looks like a sea monster got him!” You start to panic, what does he mean?
Then on que the massive head of his uncut penis emerges right underneath you. You are hoisted out of the water and left clinging onto the foreskin of the towering phallus. You yell and laughter booms. “Legend has it if a victim kissed the sea monster, they might be spared from being devoured”
You get the message and your self preservation kicks in, you kiss the massive cock several times and master laughs. Then he picks you off his penis and brings you to his lips. “Now to return the favour” and he presses you to his lips and gives you a big sloppy “kiss”. Then he places you with the other four and laughs. That’s it for bath time and he gets out.
“Y’know, I have to go to work at some point, and I won’t be able to take all of you with me, so I think I’ll get you a secondary caretaker for the days I leave you at home!”
What kind of caretaker does he mean?
“… in fact I already hired him! He’s a real great guy, just a dumb 18 year old who loves to party and plays for the University’s rugby team. He agreed to watch you in return for me shrinking his daddy, y’know classic helicopter parent forces kid into specific life narrative, accept in my version the kid gets to do whatever he wants with his dad by the end! He’ll be here tomorrow!”
Then your master goes to sleep with the five of you locked in a drawer.
The next morning he gets ready for work and the handsome “caretaker” arrives. But master decides to take one of you to work with him. He decides on
“I think I’ll take you with me!” He says as he picks you up and ancloses you in his fist. That’s all you really say as he leaves the apartment and heads to his office job in another skyscraper. He’s some high up official at a company. You don’t really get to see much as he keeps you trapped under his heel in his dress shoe for most of the day.
However after a few hours you are pulled out and see yourself in a massive break room. Master is smiling down at you and you look at him. Then his voice calls out,
“Hey Scott, come over here!”
A different giant walks over and asks where he got you. The conversation continues and Karesh agrees to make a bet over you. You will go to…
Brad is hoisted up by Karesh’s massive hand. Brad is shoved into masters massive dress shoe and the remainder of you cower as he smiles down at you in the drawer. Soon a second much younger giant enters your view. Your “caretaker”.
He’s a handsome guy. Warm brown skin, short black hair. In great shape, with a clean shaven face. Karesh goes about explaining some rules for the four of you. The caretaker speaks up,
“That’s great, but when are you gonna, y’know, let me do this to my dad?”
“Calm down now Carlos, the powder isn’t easy to come by so I’d say that at least the end of summer”
“What?! That’s insane”
“That’s the price Mr. Perez” Karesh says.
“Fine” Carlos says in defeat.
Eventually Master leaves and Braughn, James, Sam, and You are left with Carlos. He picks you up and dumps you in a glass cup which he places on the living room coffee table. He looks down at you and says “I’ll get back to you in a bit, I have more important matters right now though”
Then The giant Carlos begins searching up and down all around the apartment. You spend most of the day in the Glass prison until Carlos yells out
“Ah, here it is!”
To your horror he holds up the pouch of shrinking powder that had been used to shrink the rest of them (and maybe you).
Suddenly the door to the apartment opens and Karesh walks in. Seeing Carlos holding up the powder he charges at him. Carlos puts up a fight though and in the end…
You watch as the two giants wrestle for the powder. From the towering glass prison. Certain you knew what was going to happen. In a matter of minutes yet another tiny would join you’re ranks. And you were right!
In a way…
The two giants roll around on the floor and bump the table, causing the glass to tip over. Then they continue rolling until you see Carlos reach into the pounce, a massive cloud of powder explodes in the air. You watch as…
The cloud dissipates and you look as the muscular god of Carlos stands victorious as Karesh emerges from his suit’s sleeve. He tries to run but gets a taste of his own medicine when Carlos scoops him up, this pleases you in a new way and then without speaking Carlos picks up the other five of you and shoves all of you in his pocket.
You spend the next hour being violently shaken in Carlos’s pocket. Until eventually you hear a door lock and Carlos’s strong voice boom
“Hi dad!”
What are you doing here Carlos, you have class and I don’t have time to deal with you Currently” a tired voice replies
“Don’t worry, it’s for good reason.” The group of you are roughly grabbed and thrown onto a hard wooden desk. You look up at a gorgeous 50 something man who i s an older Carlos, with slight stubble, gray hair and wearing a perfectly tailored suit. He leans forward smiling and says
“Ha ha what the—“
“See dad, you’ll easily become the richest guy in the world if you have these little guys! Virtually indestructible, and do whatever you say, because if they don’t you make them!”
“Carlos, this is genius, are they real people?” Mr.Perez says poking Braughn with a massive finger and knocking him down.
“Oh yeah! But don’t worry, there are millions of sick fucks who would pay to be shrunk down and used as someone’s slave! Or you could start a program and use prisoners, the government would love that!”
Carlos rants moving towards his father
Mr.Perez grasps you between two massive fingers and holds you up to his massive eye. “Haha look at this one struggle! Well you’re certainly ambitious! If you had shown this initiative earlier you easily could of been an intern here. But at least your showing some prom—“ Mr.Perez is cut off as Carlos sprinkles dust on his head.
Immediately he starts to dwindle in size. Still holding you. You feel his grip weaken and fall with him to the floor among his suit. “Carlos, this isn’t funny” he yells up at his now massive son, but you know the giant wouldn’t listen even if he could hear him from the floor.
“How does it feel old man..” Carlos says, crouching down and picking you up. “To know that the son you constantly belittled and made small, is now your god?”
He picks his father up roughly and heads out of the office, grabbing the other five on the way out the door.
When he gets onto the street of the city he separates his father from the other six of you and says
“Well I’ve gotten what I wanted so…
"Guess I don't need you guys anymore!" Carlos said. He went into an alley and said "I don't need to be looking after 5 little bugs." Without hesitation he crouched down and tipped all of you out onto the hard concrete.
"Wait!" you protested. "Can't you…"
Carlos raised his eyebrow. "Hm…I guess it would be nice to have a couple of pets apart from my Dad. After all, he's gonna be in a cage…I could kill him by accident at any moment."
"Yeah," you said. "Take a couple of us. We just want to be safe." You swallowed. "We probably won't ever get back to normal size, so being fed and sheltered is probably the best we could hope for. And you shrunk this assclown, so you can't be all bad." You indicated Karesh and Carlos laughed.
"Alright, little guy, you're on." He pocketed his dad and looked carefully at the group.
The five of you watch as the cloud of dust dissipates. Careful not to inhale anymore of the powder as you have no desire to lose anymore heights. You rush to the edge of the table expecting to see the dominant master of Karesh diminished and in the hands of the younger Carlos. However you are shocked to see that Carlos himself must have inhaled some as the two giants clothes now lay crumpled on the floor empty. You see Karesh emerge naked from the sleeve of his previously well tailored suit. Looking to your other tiniest you all descend to the carpet and run up to your now fellow tinies Carlos and Karesh, I’m the midst of yelling at each other.
“…Now you got us stuck in an apartment with no way to ever grow back because the reversal powder is in the safe!” Karesh screams
“Well if you had just let me take the powder to my dad this wouldn’t have been a problem!” Carlos retaliates.
You look Over the two newest members of your tiny crew and see how scared Karesh is in particular. None of you bother to confort him of course. Brad decides to take charge.
“Shut the fuck up! Both of you! Both of you are horrible people that want to keep human beings as pets so you’ve gotten what you deserve. Now you’ll listen to me and my other for friends and help us get back to normal, or you can stay here and fend for yourself” Brad yells. “Now you,” he says gesturing at Karesh, “you said that the way to reverse this is in a safe? So we need a trustworthy giant to come and help us. Anyone you know? Preferably in this building”
“Y-yeah, my n-neighbour, John” he says pointing at the door towards the next apartment.
“That’s too dangerous” Carlos blurts out “we could be crushed! I say we use the cell phone that fell out of Mr.Karesh’s pocket to call someone we know we can trust! Seven of us can do it!” Clearly he didn’t know you were virtually invincible.
You consider your options and the group chooses…
Deciding to try the phone the group of you approach the massive phone. It being as tall as you are. Lucky for all of you it landed with the screen up.
After struggling to get everyone up onto the slick screen you look to Karesh. With little patience Brad says,
“Well what’s the code to get in? Clearly your thumbprint ain’t gonna work”
And so the seven of you get to work running around the football field sized screen and jumping with all your might to enter the numbers and inputs into the phone, disabling the code to get In to make future use easier. Then you open the phone when you realize you need to make a decision on who to call.
With few options since you don’t even know what city you are in you decide to call…
The group of you agree the best people to call would be law enforcement. They are sworn to help you after all. You all work together and with a bit of trouble dial the number. A voice booms out
“Emergency services, police, fire, or ambulance ?”
Braughn stands as close to the speaker and yells in “Police! Please hurry! The door is unlocked and tell them to carefully look at the phone on the floor!” He then gives the address Karesh told you.
You must sound panicked as the voice tells you an officer is on his way and then hung up.
The group of you nervously wait until eventually you hear a knock on the door. When no one answers he lets himself in.
You stare in awe at a gorgeous muscular East Indian man in a tight fitting uniform. He looks around till he spots the phone. Walking over and crouching down he…
The man blinked a couple of times as his hand delicately approached the phone. "Whoa," he breathed, picking it up with extreme care and examining the assortment of men on top of it. "Look at you guys," he whispered.
"Help us!" you screamed, and soon you were joined by the others in a chorus of beseechment.
He blinked a couple of times, unable to comprehend what he was seeing, then whispered, "how?"
"Growth powder. In the safe!" you cried.
Carefully, the handsome officer moved through the apartment to the safe and then, at Karesh's instruction, unlocked it. Inside was the growth powder in a bag.
He examined the bag and, setting the phone on the floor, opened it up. "So what do I do?" he asked gently.
Karesh stepped forward. "Just pour it on us!"
Your eyes narrowed…Karesh was going to try and shrink you again as soon as he was back to normal! You sprinted so you were next to Karesh and grabbed his arm, as did two of your fellow victims. "No way you're shrinking us again," you growled at him as he tried to shake you off.
Ignoring your confrontation with Karesh, the officer gently poured the growth powder on the phone, showering the group. You couldn't believe it. Could this finally be the moment where you grow back? Was your hell over?
He didn't use all of it, but it was enough. Within seconds you felt yourself growing slowly back to your regular height and almost cried with relief. Around you, Karesh's victims, and Carlos, also began to grow. Karesh, too - with your arm clearly still entangled with his.
Within seconds you were back to normal. You took a second to breathe a sigh of relief, then said, "officer, you need to get this man in cuffs now. He kidnapped and shrunk all of us."
"No!" yelled Karesh, but all the others joined in.
"Don't lie, you son of a bitch," one of the others said before an outraged melee of shouting began.
"Alright, alright!" shouted the officer. He took out his cuffs and put them on Karesh, who struggled but was unable to fight off all of you at once.
It was like a dream to be looking around this apartment and seeing everything normal size. You couldn't quite believe it and had to fight back the tears.
"Thanks, officer," you sighed with relief. "You have no idea the hell he's put us through."
"This is crazy," said the handsome officer. "Shrinking and growing powders? It's awesome."
An idea struck you. "You could always take the powders. You deserve it. I certainly don't want them and maybe someone else will come for it…they wouldn't suspect you. Or…" a devious grin crossed your face. "You could shrink Karesh here. Keep him as a pet."
Officer Rupert gave it some thought…
"Tempting," said the handsome officer. "But I'm just going to play this by the book."
You smiled and shrugged. "Fair enough."
It was a long day. You all had to go to the police station, give statements, and then eventually come back and testify against both Karesh and Carlos. God knows what happened to the shrinking and growth powder. Most likely it was reproduced and used in war, that's what usually happens to dangerous stuff. But you didn't care. You didn't want to ever think about shrinking again.
A devious grin crossed the face of Officer Rupert. "You're on," he said. "You guys keep quiet about this, take what you want from this guy's apartment, and I'll…take him."
"One more thing." You exchanged numbers with the officer. "I want updates on what's happening, OK? And don't worry, I guarantee whatever you come up with will be more than he deserves."
"Wait! You can't do this! I…" but you were already reaching for the shrinking powder.
"Good to go?" you asked your fellow prisoners. They all nodded and smiled savagely as you vindictively poured the powder on Karesh's head. Soon enough he'd dwindled down to 3 inches tall, looking naked and buff, and you stood over him. You slowly lowered your foot over him and pressed him gently into the ground, chuckling.
"Careful," said the officer. "He's mine now…"
"Ha. Sorry, you're right," you replied. "Got carried away. I could get used to that though…"
It was then that you remembered Carlos…that little scumbag was as bad as Karesh. You noticed he was trying to sneak out. "Grab him!" you cried, and even though he was oung and quick, the other prisoners were able to subdue him. You explained to the officer what he had planned.
"Sounds like he deserves a shrinking too," said Officer Rupert.
You poured the shrinking powder over Carlos, shrinking him down to 3 inches and grinning. Quickly you bent down and picked him up tightly, not troubling yourself to be gentle, before handing him, too, over to the officer. "There you go. Enjoy your pets," you said with a smile.
"Thanks," Rupert said, visibly excited, a barely-disguised glee spreading over his handsome face.
You had to admit you were attracted to him, and the power he was exhibiting over those two inhuman douchebags was really helping. You wondered if it was mutual and decided now was the best time to ask.
"So, you want to hang out when you're done with your shift? I need some time to clean up but we could go get a beer or something. Celebrate my freedom and your pets…"
You grinned. Exerting power over Karesh had been very satisfying, and now you had the next best thing. You dumped the powder on Carlos and shrunk him down to 2 inches. You placed your foot over him, grinning in satisfaction, and handed both the shrinking and growing powders to Officer Rupert. "Look after them," you said. "And I'll keep this one," you said, indicating Carlos.
Rupert grinned handsomely. He had won the lottery - he had a tiny human pet, and two near-magical powders to shrink and grow people as he saw fit. It was an amazing day.
"Take what you want from the apartment, I guess. Not like anybody lives here anymore," he said as you picked up Carlos. Each of you with a tiny trapped in your respective left fists, you used your right hands to shake. The others grinned and laughed, happy at the outcome as they went to raid Karesh's wardrobe and loot his apartment.
Rupert turned to leave but you told him to wait a second. "We should hang out sometime," you said boldly. "We have something in common, anyway." You found him incredibly handsome and you were pretty sure he was gay; for one thing, he was extremely excited to own Karesh.
"Sure," you said. "Need any help getting home?"
"Nah, we'll figure it out," you said. "You go and enjoy your new pet."
"That I will," said Rupert as he took his leave.
You and the others had a great time dividing up all of Karesh's stuff. His apartment was beautiful and he had plenty of luggage bags for you all to use. You thought of it simply as compensation for the time he'd taken from you and the trauma he had put you through. Eventually you were done.
What with the shared experience you had, you decided set up a group chat. "Let's keep in touch," you said, and then added with a laugh as you indicated the pocket that contained Carlos: "And I'll keep you updated on how this little prick is doing." The others joined you in your laughter and went their separate ways.
So where will this story go now?
"Hey!" cried the officer. "Get off him!" he leaned forward and with one huge, yet delicate finger, separated you from Karesh. "All of you calm down. I'm going to grow this guy first and he can explain what's going on."
"NO!" you yelled as the officer poured the powder. You leapt towards Karesh…
You scream in anger as you’re just a second too late and you see Karesh begin to grow again. The officer holds the phone and continues watching as Karesh grows back into a mountain of a Man.
Once back to his full scale he turns and smiles at the officer and says “thank you so much and I’m sorry this has to be done.” And then pulling another bag from the safe blows the world ending powder into the face of your would be saviour. The phone drops as the officer loses the strength to hold it and as you hit the floor you think of the luck that none of you were crushed by the phone.
Karesh stands a mighty naked giant above the seven tiny men.
“I’ve tried to put it as simply as I could and you still won’t listen, you are bugs and I am your god. You’d think after 4 or 5 attempts to beat me you would have learned the outcome. And since I’ve know proven I can come back from anything I’m going to be honest. I run a company that sells little men like you to big men like me, I am the sole creator of the shrinking and growth powder. Or at least I was until the kid.” He says poking you with a massive finger “stumbled along some form of the formula by fluke and inhaled the vapor”
You start to get a sense of dread.
“Now even for a god like me 7 little guys is not much fun, one or two of them will always get it easier than the rest. And since I need to get rid of the officer and Carlos as they’re from around here and I have a backlog of clients that are so eager for pets, I think it’s time I broke you up.”
The words get rid of send a shiver down your spine.
“I think 4 little slaves in my service is perfect so I’ll send the Officer, Carlos and one other bug with them to my next in line client.”
He looks over the group and smiles, he has decided to send away…
“…you. It only seems fair. I chose to shrink the other 4 and you completely stumbled into my grasp by coincidence. It has been fun though, and I know you enjoyed it,” he says winking at you. “I was actually planning on sending you to my client tonight anyway but I’ll get a higher price for three toys.”
Karesh slowly plucks you, the officer and Carlos up with his immense power. And walks towards his kitchen where he pulls out an envelope already to be mailed, “don’t worry I got express shipping so you should be there by morning” he says with a cruel smile.
With no emotion he drops the three of you into the envelope and seals it. You cry out but know it’s helpless. You feel as he walk and puts you into the start of the mail process and wait. The officer and Carlos sit in the corner terrified but you hate to admit you’re starting to get used to monumental changes to the status quo. It’s been nearly a week since you shrunk in your science class and you thought the world was big then. But now you’ve experienced hell, and sometimes liked it.
“So what’s your name Officer?” You say trying to bring some sense of normalcy to the tiny naked man. “Uh um… call me Raj”
“Nice to meet you Raj” you say, shaking his hand.
“Be honest, is there any hope of getting out of this?”
“Probably not, but hey at least we’re facing whoever the client is together”
The three of you sit in silence pondering this truth. Eventually you fall asleep until eventually the envelope is delivered and feeling it being held you look up to see
Eric, 46, a bar owner looks very kind but likes to be playful, doesn’t realize the implication of his “pranks” for small guys like you.
Doug, 54, Architect. Looks gruff and possibly mean, but maybe it hides a heart of Gold.
The envelope is tipped into the awaiting hand of the 46 year old Eric.
“Hahaha look at you little men! I knew the seller wouldn’t disappoint!” He speaks with a thick Irish accent. You look up and study him, he has gray hair and a short beard. Muscular arms but isn’t the most in shape. “Now little men, I want you to know that you might be the bar pets but that means you’re also part of the bar family, and we have a bit of a tradition of hazing when someone joins our family! Now I’m sure you have lots of questions but I’ll answer them after… if you survive” then he lets out a laugh and adds “I’m joking, but the hazing is true, and it’ll be truly unique for you I’m sure., and here comes your hazing men now!”
Suddenly the local rugby team burst through the doors. About 30 strong Irish lads. “Haha hey men I’ll get your pints started right away!” But before he does he looks down at you and calling out to a a bull of a man and says “ay Finn I got me some new bar pets! Do me a favour and break em in!”
Finn smiles down at you and taking the trip in hand drops you into
…smiles evilly at you” lifting the phone like some massive elevator platform he stands to his full height with all of you waiting to see what he does.
Eventually Braughn steps forward “Officer thank god, we could really —“ but he is cut off as the officer uses two fingers to pick him up and bring him close to his face.
“Listen here bug” he booms angrily “ my name is officer Rupert, but from now on I am master or daddy or god to you. You belong to me and anyone I allow to play with you got it? You see, every few months this powder pops up and the department is sent to deal with it, but it’s so expensive to resize you and make sure you don’t mess with it again or go public that the new policy is the responding officer just gets to keep them as playthings” he laughs at this “so, you’re going to be good little slaves and I’ll use you however I see fit once I get home” you stand in shock
The police department knows about this stuff? You get more angry by the second but suddenly you land in a bag for eveidence along with the other tiny men. Officer Rupert sticks his fingers in though and pulls you out, “I think you’ll stay a bit closer to me on patrol though”
Smiling he lifts his muscular arm and shoved you into his tight shirts sweat soaked pit. You don’t bother fighting it.
“Fine” Tony says bitterly. This clearly was not the answer he wanted and so as he looks at you in his palm one final time the party god…
Tony tilts his palm and the four of you plummet past his godly pecs and abdomen. You land in the water and just barely manage to grab onto Brad, James, and Braughn. The pool is filled with massive drunk Giants dancing and splashing and this causes the current to change at a moments notice. The four of you are pulled every which way until eventually you make contact with…
Eventually the four of you are pulled into the shadow of a giant. As you careen towards him he turns around, sending waves out that push you in the opposite direction straight into the muscular ass of a different giant. You grip the swim shorts and the other three do the same. The giant is walking across the pool and unknowingly taking you with him. He climbs the steps out of the pool and you four continue hanging.
Eventually the giant…
From deep in the depths of the pool, a giant rockets up to the surface. And all four of you are rocketed up with him as he comes from directly beneath you. You don’t know what part you are on for a minute but eventually you realize your on the top of a giants head.
The giant is short (to normal people) and extremely muscular, he is also completely bald. The four of you stand on his head looking around when..
The head is shiny enough you can see your reflection in it. You get so transfixed you don’t realize as the giant tilts his head and you begin to slip. You are sent falling….
… Towards the bald giants frothy glass of beer. The four of you scream as you break through the foamy top of the beer. You swim up and choke on the foam. Unable to see anything on the outside you listen for the others and just above the blaring music you can hear splashing and sputtering around you.
As you start to swim towards the noises the glass tips and you slowly flow towards the giants maw. You scream. Then it tips back.
Safe you breathe. But of course it happens again. You swim against the current trying not to be swallowed. When it settles again you find you and the other three tinies have floated into an area with no foam. You tread the water and look up at the muscular giant. His pecs are covered in a thin layer of hair. And he has a dark goatee surrounding his mouth.
As he brings the beer up once more he glances down and sees four specks splashing. A curiosity ignites. He sticks a single finger into the beer and all four of your wet naked bodies stick to the massive finger tip. He brings you to his eye and laughs. Without saying anything he sticks his finger tip into his warm mouth and leaves the pool.
You get spit into his palm, once he reaches his room and he laughs as he puts you into a small container clearly meant for insects.
Once inside with the lid securely on the man
….laughs. And says in a southern accent “what the fuck are you little things?” you start to answer but he cuts you off “That’s rhetorical, I know you’re humans, you somehow shrunk yourself which might sucks for you, but is a goldmine for me! I’ll be the only hunter with a collection of living pet humans!”
The short bald Giant paces the room. “My names Mason, I run a hunting lodge with my dad and two brothers, they’ll piss themselves from laughter when they see you! But don’t worry guys, We’ll let you out of that cage to “play” and I’m sure some of our clients will pay a pretty penny for a night with you guys!” He booms. Then he puts you in small cardboard box and closes it up.
And that’s what the four of you know. The next few days you spend in the box talking and worrying. Finally you hear a great roaring as the box is opened and you stare up at three new giants.
The first one stands in the Middle. He is the tallest and the oldest, in his early 60’s by the look of it. He is in great shape and has a beard and grey hair. He wears a plain button up shirt, jeans and some boots.
To his left stands and 30 year old, clearly his son. This one is blonde in amazing shape and is clearly a cowboy. He wears a hat, has a button down shirt, a massive belt buckle, jeans and cowboy boots.
The final is also clearly the firsts son, but different from the cowboy. He looks to be 26, and has a short black beard, he has some what of a “dad bod” and wears a worn out baseball cap and the same clothes as his father only covered in oil stains.
As your container is lifted out and shaken the three stare at you. The Cowboy speaks first
“Ha so Adam was telling the truth in the note! These buggers really are tiny humans”
The mechanic speaks next “so that means all his plans’ll work too”
“Indeed” the father says “but they’ll have to be broken in first!” He smiles at this as he snatches up Braughn and Brad in a rough hand and walks over to the staircase “each of you can choose one of the remaining two, just have them back for morning!” You try to run away but are snatched up by…
…The mechanics strong pointer finger and thumb pinch you and drop you in his palm. Then he carries you off to a messy bedroom. Clothes litter the floor and it smells of sweat, oil, and musk. He unbuttons his shirt with his free hand and takes it off. You look him over, his small gut is hairless except for a treasure trail and a small forest of black chest hair between his pecs, he does still have muscular arms however.
Kicking off his boots he lays on his bed. And places you on his chest. He looks up at the ceiling and covers his eyes with his ball cap. You are about to yell something when his voice says, “Howdy little guy, the way I see it you got lucky with me choosing you instead of my brother or Dad. But that doesn’t mean I’ll let you get back to your cage Scott free. So how ‘bout you walk on down to my feet and get acquainted with them?”
You just stand in awe, then more sternly he says “Now!”
You walk up his gut your bare feet sinking into the spongy layer of fat. You climb over his jean covered bulge and down his leg then make it to his feet. He wears a pair of dirty socks with his big toe exposed through a hole. They smell as though he hasn’t changed them in a few days. You press yourself into his sock and nearly gag at the smell. But then you hear…
You hear great rumbling snores off in the distance. The Mechanic is clearly asleep. You don’t process this before the mechanics socked foot moves and kicks you off the bed and onto the carpeted floor of the messy room. You land with a thud and get up. Instantly you realize, this is your chance to escape. Not with the others, but the best thing you can do is escape and bring back help for the others.
But first you have to make it across The Mechanics room.
You begin the trek by climbing over a a dirty pair of underwear, then a pair of socks, then two pairs of jeans, then finally a piece of old pizza. You are still a good distance away from the door when the mechanic wakes up and gets up
“Shit” he says “come back little guy, my Dad’ll kill me if I lost you”
You don’t listen and look for an exit. The only close one you see is a floor vent. You jump into it and are blasted off to a different part of the house. You land in…
You land with a thud on the sink in cushion of a couch. You have landed in the giant hunting lodges living room/lounge. Three couches sit in a rectangle with the fourth side being a massive stone fireplace. Various trophies of hunts previous line the walls. As you sit taking in the surroundings a giant enters the room.
It’s the cowboy, but now in grey sweatpants and a t-shirt. He sits down on the same couch as you but not on top of you. Then his father enters, also in more comfortable clothes.
“How’d it go with yours?” He asks
“Go? Ha, I still have my little fucker on me, or in me I guess” he says patting his firm abs
“Ha, mine are taking a break in my oldest pair of workboots currently, had them really acquaint themselves with my manhood though”
You listen to all this in horror, sorry for your fellow tinies. You try to think something up for what to do next when the mechanic enters still shirtless and sits down directly on top of you. His butt is firm beneath a thin lair of fat and you struggle to move the immovable object. Eventually you give up and when the mechanic finally stands up.
“Yeah sorry this isn’t working for me little guy, I’m just going to take you back to the container for now, my dad or brother can ‘break you in’”
This astounds you. He is the first Giant you’ve really met not to have a sexual or financial fascination with you. Maybe you can convince him for help.
“Please don’t, you don’t understand what the four of us have been through, we really just want this to be over”
The giant contemplates your plea and…
…moves the container over to the hotel room desk. Then he pulls on some latex gloves and lifts the lid off. Then to your surprise he plucks you up and stands you on the desk and measures you with a small ruler, then jots something down. He repeats with the other three and places you all back into the container.
“Do you understand me?” He says slowly as if English was your second language.
“Yeah” you say confused. He smiles and jots down something then talks again.
“Sorry for putting you in my mouth it was a moment of irrationality, I was just so excited. Now let’s get down to the questions. Are you local to Earth or are you from somewhere… else?” He asks
“Do- do you think we’re aliens? We’re human just like you!” Brad yells up. This makes the giant scientist laugh and he says
“Well that’s a good joke but science hasn’t advanced that far, i understand that you may be reluctant to interact with me but my name is Dr. Adam Tyler and I would like to study you as a species”
“We’re human!” Brad yells
“Science hasn’t advanced that far little guy,” he says playfully
The four of you spend the next hour explaining your situation and predicament and he finally believes you.”Well in that case I’d like to make a deal, you let me study you and in return I’ll probably be able to reverse the process once I get home to the university and my lab, ok?”
The four of you talk it over and finally agree, it might be the best option, James yells your reply to him and he smiles. “Great! We’ll start right away!” He says plunging a hand in and pulling you out and placing you onto the desk” he holds up a magnifying glass and examines your naked body. “I still have a few days left in my vacation and would like to run some tests. But since they won’t be official we can maybe have a little.. fun with them” he says smiling. “Each day starting tomorrow morning I’ll take you one by one and test you out sound good?”
You don’t really have a choice and he seems nice enough so you agree. The next three days Braughn, Brad, and James are taken out and tested but return to exhausted to really tell about the day and so on the fourth day when it is your turn you don’t know what to expect at all.
A sense of nervousness fills you as you wake up to the sensation of the muscular scientist lifting you out of your plastic container.
“Good morning subject 4!” The massive scientist smiles down at your tiny naked body in his palm “are you ready for today’s tests?”
The scientist doesn’t look like he’s going to be doing anything proper as he’s dressed in a pair of bright swim shorts, a tank top, and a pair of worn sandals.
“Um, sure.” You mumble “can I ask what kind of tests you’ll be conducting?”
“Well you can ask but I won’t tell! I want it to be a surprise.” With that he begins walking out of his room and heads off “you can’t have a productive day without breakfast!” He says as he enters the all you can eat breakfast buffet.
He piles his plate with fruit and pastries, French toast and waffles, eggs and bacon, and then sits down.
“Ok little guy, first test. I know you can move fine in water, but I want to see what your land mobility is like, whether it was effected by the shrinking process. The rules of the test are simple, don’t get caught!” He smiles down at you but before you can ask a question he drops you onto his massive plate of food.
You splat face first into a pool of maple syrup on top of a massive pancake. Your whole body covered in the viscous sticky liquid. Then it dawns on you by what he meant by don’t get caught as a massive fork and knife land on either side of you. As the sticky chunk of pancake you are on begins to lift into the air you jump. This time you bounce off of a particularly juicy grape and land on a strip of hot bacon. The scientist is keeping a pretty close eye on you though as the bacon is targeted next. This time you’re ready though and you run off towards a massive orange slice. As terrifying as it is the experience brings about a weird version of nostalgia, running around from someone so big and powerful like its life and death like when you were a kid playing tag. This brings a little bit of light and you sneak from the orange slice over to a massive sunny side up egg on the edge of the plate. You get an idea. The scientist would think you’re much smarter if you outsmarted him so you decide to jump off the plate and onto the table.
However the egg is slick and as you sprint to the edge atop the egg you slip and fall with a splat. The scientist finds you and cuts the egg and picks you up. This is it, into another giants mouth yet again. But as you feel his warm breath wash over you he smiles which is rather unnerving as it’s basically all encompassing
“Goodjob number 4, you outlasted all of your friends! But we still have a few more tests to go”
As you pant atop the egg he says “how about we move on to…
The bar wins out in the vote and you make your way there. It’s only a small distance away from your now ex-captors room. But that still means an added hour for your tiny group. Eventually all four of you gather underneath the bar where several giants sit drinking and chatting. Bragg smiles and you ask him what he’s thinking,
“Well, this situation sucks and all, but I’m a naturally competitive person so I was just thinking what if we made a race out of this. Like first to get the attention of a giant wins!”
“That’s crazy,” Brad says, “but the idea of splitting up and getting the attention of a giant each isn’t bad, that way if one of our giants is evil we can send someone else’s to save us,”
And so it’s agreed you will each take a different patron of the bar, looking around it’s hard to tell who will be the best, based only on looks. Eventually you narrow it down to two.
The first is a Shirtless man sitting amongst several others, they are leisurely talking and joking. He is a fit 40 something and has nice orange hair and stubble.
The second is a man sitting on his phone at the bar, he is wearing a well tailored suit and has a clean shaven face.
You decide to choose…
You, Brad, and James all shudder in terror as you sit helpless in the palm of this mans hand. He’s been controlling but he hasn’t actually put any of you in pain yet. You hate to see what he means by “take you out of the picture”. As you wonder. He says he is going to…
“I plan on selling one of you to someone who is willing to pay a lot of money for a devoted little pet! And I think I have one to many, I’m nothing if not generous so I think I can spare one! I think I’ll pick you” he says pointing a massive dark finger at…
As the maniacal giant points at you and scoops you up in his massive hand. “You’ve been a good pet to me so I can fetch a bit more for you!” He laughs and places you in a small box with some food and water. “Don’t worry your new master is paying extra for express shipping and so you can avoid any security checks that might have people snoop around. You’ll be there in no time! Good luck bug!” And for the last time you watch as the giant bearded middle eastern man smiles down at you.
The next three days are hell. You are tossed around and constantly bombarded by deafening noise. Finally you think of it as a kind of mercy to find somebody new staring down at you it is…
Tom, 65
A gay ex- military man. Now living in Cowboy country. May be 65 but has an amazing body lightly covered in silver hair. He has a beard. Bought you merely as a companion, not necessarily as a slave, though he does have a temper if you push him.
Kabir, 22
Son of a millionaire, lives in a bustling city and is lean and has thick black hair on his head and a gorgeous striking nose. Bought you wanting to have control over something in his life, relatively careless with his possessions.
Looking down at you is the shirtless figure of an older man. You are terrified but have to admit he is in very good shape for his age. He slowly lowers a massive hand into the box and you hear his gentle yet firm voice, “Come on little man, I’ve waited anxiously for you ever since I clicked order 3 days ago. I don’t want to hurt ya. I just want to clean you up ok? Get into daddies hand” you hear the care in his voice and already like him more then your last owner and climb into his hand. “Good job little guy, daddies got you” as he lists his hand out of the box you realize he is completely nude. You stare at his absolutely massive manhood and he smiles. You blush and he says, “I’m sure you’re filthy after your voyage so i thought we should take a bath together to get to know one another” before you can get a word out he steps into an already prepared bath and sinks down. He places you on his firm abdomen and you have a hard time ignoring his massive manhood right behind you. As you stare up at him he laughs and says “you’re so cute next to my manhood, I bet you feel useless in such a big world, but don’t worry I’ll protect you, you wanna touch my cock don’t you little guy, go on do it” you…
“Um, no thank you sir, I’d rather not” you say timidly.
“Ok then little guy no pressure, I’m sure you’ll get there eventually” he says and then proceeds to scoop you up. He brings you up to his kind smiling face and looks at you with adoration, “but how about a kiss at least for daddy?”
“Um, sorry sir, not right now”
His bearded smile quickly drops, a look of anger crosses his face as he stares at you.
“Now listen here little guy, I want our relationship to be mutual and I want you to love me as much as I love you already, all I want to do is protect you from this big scary world and be your big strong daddy, but if you aren’t gonna cooperate then I will use some force, because I paid good money for you got it?” Tom says as he looks at you. “Uh uh-“ you stammer to get the words out as he sets you down on the edge of the bath and raises himself out. Rising over you like a behemoth.
“Now it’s time for dinner,” he says as he places you on the counter. He pulls on a pair of black boxer briefs and a flannel shirt but leaves a few buttons undone showing off his hairy, muscular chest.
Carrying you through his large house he heads to the kitchen. His mood has seemed to have returned to happy but you are scared to disappoint him again. After about forty minutes of you sitting on the counter watching him prepare a meal he has a steak, some potatoes and peas prepared and takes the plate and you to his dinner table. Feel free to dig in, he says smiling down at you. You want to refuse the food as climbing up onto a plate to get it seems both dangerous and embarrassing but you can not deny how hungry you are. So you climb up and find yourself among peas as big as you are. You hear Tom’s Jovial laugh as he says “look how cute you are among my food I could just eat you up with my meal!” You laugh nervously at this and this makes him laugh even more. But then you feel yourself actually get scooped up and hurdled towards his gaping maw. When he…
“Wait Tom! You’re not actually gonna eat me are you? Tom!” You scream as he brings you ever closer to his gaping maw. You are horrified and scramble. Making it to the edge of the fork. Desperate not to be devoured you jump
Jumping with every ounce of strength you can muster you land in his bushy white beard softly. He chews the mouthful of food and then a look of confusion crosses his face. Then his voice booming so loud it hurts says “Little guy? Oh god I wasn’t gonna actually eat you, I was just gonna have some fun by putting you in my mouth and displaying my power. Please I don’t want to hurt you”
Hearing the care in his voice you decide to
“I-I’m in your beard Tom!” You yell out. Instantly his hand shoots up and scoops you out. He looks at you in his palm and smiles.
“I’m so sorry little guy, sometimes I don’t realize when a joke goes too far. But I’m so happy you’re ok” he says. Then with out any sign he grasps you between his thumb and pointer finger and brings you up to his pillow like lips, engulfing you in a kiss that temporarily seems to be your whole world. Pulling you away he smiles and then says “How about we sit on the couch and talk for a bit?” He asks rhetorically, you have no say and as he sits he places you…
“There you go little guy, get nice and confy on daddies special seat for you” you sit there knowing what is under you separated by only a thin lair of fabric, the musk is very strong and you just kind of sit there.
Tom Turns on the tv and acts like he’s watching the baseball game, but you know he’s really watching you. You stand up with some unsteadiness as it isn’t the most solid ground and turn around to yell at him”Tom! Tom!” You wave your arms and know he sees you but, clearly is waiting for something, not wanting to give in you slam your foot down and feel as something stirs beneath you. This causes him to smile and he says , “ah, getting to know my other pet huh little one?”
“Tom, I think your sweet but…”
“Shhh, I understand little guy, you’re hesitant until I prove I’m a kind caring guy, well I’m happy to prove that”
Suddenly a single massive finger prods you, specifically your cock. It feels amazing and he knows it. Then he picks you up and once again brings you up to his lips and whispering he says, “you’re a bit small for the average blow job so how about we improvise?” You know what he’s thinking and unlike last time, the idea excites you, if you were normal you would be longing for a guy like Tom, so why not enjoy it even if you are tiny. Tom then sticks you in his mouth and gently sucks. Saliva covers every inch as you slip around his massive tongue. He spits you back into his palm and brings you close to his smiling face. Then his finger emerges again and he starts giving you a handjob with a small fraction of his finger. It eventually gets too much and you cum. He sees this and laughs. You smile at him and then say, “my turn”
You leap off his palm and latch onto a single hair in his moustache, the sheer size of him makes you horny, you drop from there to his chest that you slide down until you reach his now considerably larger bulge, working under his waist band you grab onto his cock and he moans, you continue rubbing until he eventually ejaculates a swimming pool of cum all around you, walking out from his underwear you two decide…
Tom sets you down on the coffee table and sits on the couch. You turn to watch as the colossal cowboy bends down to pull off his boots. "Ahh, that feels nice," he sighs contentedly. All of a sudden, his feet rise up and land on the table in front of you, shaking it enough to knock you off balance. You sit down and find yourself staring up at a pair of monolithic soles clad in damp black socks. A musky odor wafts over you, the scent of a long day walking around in poorly-ventilated boots. The sensory overload is a bit overwhelming, but you can't help but appreciate the situation.
You look around Tom's feet to his distant, bearded face. "It'll be pretty hard for me to hear ya from behind my feet, son," he says. "You'll have to get up on top of my toes so I can see ya better. Think ya can manage that?" He smirks down at you and wiggles his toes above your head enticingly. You gulp and look up at the cotton-clad mountains in front of you. You bet you could make it up if you tried, but do you really want to do something that demeaning?
Realizing the opportunity you have been given you waste no time. You instantly begin scambaling down Tom’s massive beard and then drop onto his furry chest where you quickly scramble to be hidden under his shirt. This ensure that when he stands up and looks for you he doesn’t see you. Still on the descent you scramble down his abs until you reach his legs which are in motion to the bathroom. He is looking in the mirror scanning to try and find you. From here you say screw it, you can’t be crushed or anything so you jump to the floor, and despite the fear you are perfectly fine.
As you run away from your latest captive, you wonder could this really be it, are you finally getting some freedom of where you go back? You haven’t had that since a few days ago back in the science lab when this all began. As you exit the bathroom back into the hall he steps over you and his booming voice comes out sternly,
“Ok little one enough games, you stop where you are and wait for me to find you and we can just go back to having fun, but if I catch you trying to leave you’ll see how stern I can be, I got a nice aquarium with your name on it”
You stop and consider the offer while you run. Even if you get out of the house where will you go? You have no clue where you are. Thinking it through you…
The taste of freedom is too great. You may not know where you are but you can find your way home, you’re sure of it. You are at the end of a long Hallway and you can see the front door at the other end. With your plan for escape and the noises of Tom off somewhere far off as he rustles around looking for you. You start a sprint. You keep it up, hiding against the wall whenever he enters the hall. And after an hour you make it onto the door mat. Here you see his towering work boots and cowboy boots. It’s also here where you find a folded newspaper that dropped from the mail slot high above you. Then you get an idea. Climbing on top of the paper you look for an address and you find it.
Seeing the city, you get a surge of joy. Your cousin goes to University here! His name is Bradley and he is a star wrestler at the university. He seems a little dumb but you’ve always got along. As you stand on the paper basking in relief Tom…
Tom’s in another part of the house, you’ve got a plan, you’re good now. Right?
You think you know the answer and are just about to head under the door when you hear Tom yell again. “You know what pet, I may not be able to find you, but I know someone who can! He’s my other special guy, I wanted you to meet under better terms but you’ve pushed me to this!”
Then you hear a door open and the clack against the floor. All of the sudden a giant German sheppherd barrels into the Hallway. His nose so fine tuned it’s already fixed on to the exciting new scent of a tiny visitor. Tom runs in after him. “That’s Right Charlie, get the pet”.
Fearing the massive dog, you sprint towards the front door and dive for the crack. You are just scurrying out when you feel the hot dog breath against your back. You continue running across the deck once you are outside. Not stopping the dead sprint. The front door opens behind you, and Charlie rushes out. You keep the sprint up and as the shadow looms over you…
Smiling down at you is the lean giant named Kabir. Without any hesitation he thrusts his hand into the box and raises you up to his face. The Indian giant smiles at you as you squirm in his fist and finally breaks the silence.
“Well look at you little guy. I thought it was a scam in all honesty when I bought you but hey, what’s a few thousand dollars on the possibility of having complete control” the lean giant moves to a desk where he drops you and then sits bringing out a magnifying glass and looking at you through that. “Ha, you’re absolutely pathetic aren’t you little guy!” He prods you with a massive finger knocking you down and laughs. Clearly your new owner isn’t much better than your last. “We’re going to have lots of fun though! You have to do what I say don’t you? Well I’ll get to breaking you in later. I’ve got practice now and I can’t have any distractions, I’ll leave you in the box again until I figure out a more… permanent home for you. See you in a bit bug” Kabir then picks you up and dumps you in the box again.
Left alone in the box, feeling defeated you wait. Finally after a while you hear Kabir enter back into the room, but he isn’t alone, joining him is…
You sit in the box waiting when you hear Kabir enter back into the room. He’s not alone. You hear him arguing with another male but that all you deduce from inside the box.
Outside Kabir argues with his 32 year old brother Rahul. Where Kabir is lean, Rahul is muscular, with wide shoulders and bulging pecs. And where Kabir is relatively hairless Rahul has a lovely Dusting of chest hair. Ra hul speaks up in an angry tone,
“…Seriously Kabir! At your age I was already thinking of marrying my wife! It’s no wonder Dad won’t offer you an internship at the company, you have no sense of responsibility! Look at this room, it’s an utter mess, if you can’t clean up a room how are you gonna help run a multi-million dollar company?” Rahul looks over at the box on the desk “Like this? An empty box? Why on earth don’t you just throw it out? Because you’re a lazy do nothing Kabir that’s why! I love you but you need to step up and take responsibility, ok?” He walks over to Kabir and hugs him, “ I gotta go run some errands” and then he turns and leaves.
Unknown to both the giants, when Rahul flipped the box you went on a free fall and landed on…
As you plummet out of the cardboard prison you land with a thud in a small wrinkle in the suit jacket of the Indian giant. He of course does not notice and walks out of Kabir’s apartment building and into his car. He sits down and this causes you to slide down the wrinkle and into his jacket so you are sandwiched between his tight dress shirt and finely tailored jacket. You feel his body move with every breath and take a deep breath yourself. Rahul smells of expensive cologne and something about it comforts you. For the first time in a long time you fall asleep, whether it’s from comfort or pure exhaustion.
You wake up to bright pulsing lights and deafening music. Looking around Rahul had shed his jacket and was dancing in a busy club. By some shred of luck you were still on his person. Looking around a bit more you realize it’s a gay club. Rahul is dancing around and getting pretty friendly with a lot of guys. Eventually he gets to a dancer clad only in a silver thong who smiles and yells down at him,
“Got away from the wife and kids, huh?”
“Yeah, if only to see you!” Rahul shouts back up taking the dancers hand and pulling him in. They begin making out and you are sandwiched between the two giants rock hard abs. When they finely break apart you are…
Both giants get separated from each other and you are still on Rahul's body, you caught the elastic of his pants preventing you from falling. Rahul had enough of tonight, he went back to his shirt and jacket and wore them back on. As he was tucking his shirt, you were caught in his action and you gut tucked between his shirt and body. Rahul puts on his jacket and exits the club. Your ride was all bumpy getting slammed on the shirt and Rahul's muscular body.
After a while, Rahul reaches home and is tired from the day. "This was a long day, I need to take rest" you hear Rahul saying from inside. He gets to his bedroom and begins to strip. As he was taking off his shirt, you found yourself falling on to the bed while not getting noticed. On the bed, you could see Rahul's face and body more clearly, his body was muscular and he was a handsome Indian. After Rahul finished stripping to his boxers, he gets on the bed to lay down. The move had caused you to lose your balance on the bed and you were brought closer towards his feet as he was getting on. Rahul now lays on his back and had fallen asleep unaware of your existence. You were now next to his feet, you seemed that Rahul will be more responsible for you rather than his brother, so you had to get his attention. You decide to….
Kabul and his best friend enter the room sweaty and shirtless. Where Kabir is smooth and lean, Rajesh is muscular and hairy. Clearly Kabir had already told him about you as he instantly walks over to the box and picks you up.
“Ha, pathetic!” He says and then he puts you down. Looking in the box he sees a small vile and a note and picks it up. “What’s this? ‘So you can have your own personalized pet’ huh?”
Kabir turns around from the closet and says “What did you say?”
“Nothing” Rajesh quickly reply’s and as soon as Kabir’s back is turned he smiles at you and uncorking the vile, sprinkles it onto Kabir’s back. Having seen it before, you know what is happening, and you watch as Kabir shrinks into his own massive sneaker. Rajesh laughs and scoops you and Kabir up, you look into his deep brown eyes and see the joy he is experiencing. He then shoved you….
“My mini fridge, you runts have earned some form of sustenance and at your tiny size a single grain of rice is larger than you are!”
Moving towards the fridge he opens the door and holding the three of you in front of the door a chill rushes deep into your bones. What was once a small cooling unit is now an arctic wasteland. You see the giant look at what’s in the fridge and he smiles as he drops the three of you…
The three of you are dropped into a fridged cold bottle of beer that only has about an eighth left in it. Yet to you this is more than enough to drown. You tread water trying not to slip under the surface as your master closes the door plunging you into darkness. You hear brad yell out calling for you two to swim towards him. Not knowing what else to do you start swimming. After a few minutes you meet up with the other two and he grabs you and gets you to start floating with him. Then you get the message, you’ll just have to wait it out until the giant gets back. You hear brads voice yell
“So newcomer, what’s your name?”
“James” the new guy yells back then you float in silence for an hour, just trying to stay afloat and not try to succumb to the cold.
Finally light rushes into the fridge and you hear a familiar booming voice “What a workout! I sure worked up a thirst! Good thing I saved som beer from last night!” You already know what’s going to happen as the giant lifts the bottle with the three of you in it and brings it to his lips. Instantly the cold is replaced as masters humid breath washes into the bottle as his smile grows when he tilts the bottle towards his awaiting maw. Exhausted you can’t fight the flow, but as you approach his pillowy lips you…
You float towards his massive lips thinking perhaps it would be a mercy if you followed the beer down the giants gullet. And as the shadow just about consumes you you feel a hand grab your arm. It’s Brad, who has a hold on James, who in turn has a hold on a thick black hair of the giants moustache.
Master puts down the beer bottle and let’s out a belch that blasts the three of you with the scent of beer. By some miracle James manages to keep his grip however and then the giant laughs. The boom of his voice louder than ever.
“Ah, bugs, you think you can outsmart me? I don’t taste my essence upon my tongue and based on the places I put the first two of you I surely would had you entered my godly mouth. I’ll give you credit though. And I do like the cat and mouse nature you are trying to maintain. It makes it seem like there’s stakes still in it though we all know there is no escape for you pests.” The middle eastern giant walks to the nearest mirror and looking in its smiles wider as he sees the three of you dangling from a single hair. “Pathetic” and with that final word he takes a single finger and brushes you into the palm of his hand. “I think it’s time for you three to get some more rest, this time I’ll put you…
Ready to make a mad dash you think. Maybe you should stay with these giants. Crazy? Yes. But it actually is more logical than running off as you were planning.
Yes these giants were dominating and would probably humiliate you, but they clearly don’t want any actual harm to come of you. And when the plane lands you’ll be in a new country, you’ve never been too, that speaks a language you don’t, at such a small size. And it doesn’t hurt that you do find both giants to be very attractive. Maybe in a weird way, this could be like a vacation for you. Plus, your family isn’t gonna care, they barely act as though you exist Currently.
Making up your mind you decide to stay. This is perfect timing as the plane lands, causing the giant to wake up. He looks down to where you are sitting and scoops you up.
“How’d you get down there little runt? Oh well, doesn’t matter. I’m just glad to see you’re already acknowledging your new masters.” The handsome Latino giant then takes you and says,
“I’m gonna take him until we get to the resort ok baby?”
“Sure thing sweetheart” the hairy one says as they kiss. The giant then places you in his sweaty armpit as they head to the resort.
Roughly an hour later light enters your world as the giant removes his shirt and lifts his arm in front of a mirror. Looking at your tiny form squirm as you are tangled in the hairs. The shorter giant comes up behind him and says
“ how about we get started right away?”
“Absolutely, just one minute” the gorgeous Carmel skinned giant carefully plucks you out of his pit and holding you between his fingers squeezes.
You feel the pressure but it doesn’t hurt. You seem to have some level of invincibility. The giants smile at this and take you over to the bed with them where…
The titans take off their clothes, throwing them into the corner of the room. Two long ginormous dicks reveal underneath them. Then, the two enormous giants cuddle up on the massive king-sized bed. The tall one picks you up and places you on the middle of the bed where the two titans lay on. You feel the two earth sized gods press their biceps and enormous arms upon you, and talk in Mexican.
The godly figures then hugged, and crushed you under beneath them without noticing. The rock-hard muscles bury you under, and you couldn't breath. It was like boulders rolling over your body.
After that, the two decided to have sex. Using you as a ragdoll. You were shoved into their dicks and forced to suffocate under their immense power as they insert them into their ass and mouthes. You almost drowned in cum. But your pathetic screams were unheard as your puny body is completely crushed under the tall Latino guy's penis.
"Hey, wanna take a bath?"
"Hell yeah! Sure! It is a large bathtub too!"
And you were then grabbed by the tall one and forced into a swirling pool of the two taking baths. They washed together, and made you smell their armpits and unwashed parts. Made you swim laps around their bodies of muscle, and made waves to add up some more fun. It was pure torture, you were used as soap to rub onto their toned abs and pecs.
Twenty minutes later, they were done washing. The two giants then kissed and started sleeping. But along the way the shorter one decided to grab you and use you as a teddy bear, even though you were barely as big as his nipples. And in a few minutes, the two titans were asleep.
You've got two choices.
Terrified by the towering bully and his jerk of a father, you stumble backwards. Maybe there's another place you could go? However, your back quickly hit a wall. Strange that wasn't there before? What was it? Turning around, you discover that you've backed into the tip of a monstrous, shiny black leather loafer and a vast hand reaching from the heavens to nab you. Soon, the vast flesh was all around you as it yanked you body into the air and down into some kind of pocket.
"Umm… your papers as requested, sir."
You knew that mild, quiet yet incredibly posh voice. That was the voice of Tristan, the principal's secretary. Many a trip here had brought you crossing paths. You always thought he was a pretty cute guy. He was incredibly lanky, a fair way over 6 feet but his face was boy-like and always had a timid expression. He was incredibly neat, always wearing a perfectly ironed suit and immaculately combed brown hair.
"Well, bring me them." The stern voice of the principal beckoned.
The pocket started to fling you about as every step of your titanic captor caused his jacket to swing to and fro. The inertia you were feeling caused you to slip out of consciousness.
When you awoke, you found yourself…
As you came back to your sense, you noticed that you were standing on a vast sea of wood.
"Glad to see you're awake…"
You looked forward and grew terrified by the sight before you. Tristan was sat on a leather chair, clad in his suit but with two major twists. The first and most apparent was on his feet. Adorning his calves were pair of long, knee-length riding boots. One foot was flat on the ground where as the other dangled in the air, the attached leg crossed over the other. The other change? The more terrifying one? His face. No longer was Tristan looking timid or quiet, no. Now, he has a vicious and snobby smirk on his face. This wasn't a giant who was gonna save you, not at all.
Your fear quickly grew as the left boot slammed into the ground and the titanic hunk rose to his full height.
"Cause now…"
With those four earth-shattering footsteps, Tristan was upon you. You felt totally helpless as two shiny, black size 15 boots consume the left, right and front of your vision. His lanky frame spiraled so far up into the sky that you wouldn't see any details of his shirt and jacketed torso, only his vicious icy blue eyes leering down at you. A brief moment passed as Tristan took ion the rush of power that rushed up his bones. Your heart stopped as you started to wonder what his next move was.
In a flash, Tristan's lips pushed out as a massive volume of spit flew down to the ground, ping you down and enveloping you. You mouth, you eyes, your clothes. They were all drenched in the godly man's saliva. After that, the sadistic twenty-something….
A deafening creak of leather ushered in a new terrifying sight. Tristan's left boot was rising into the air. Looking up, you gulped as you saw the vast and worn leather sole, a gold 15 barely legible next to the heel. You froze in fear as it came down with tremendous force, expertly placed so that you head jutted out from the tip of the monolithic piece of footwear. Tristan's smirk now grew into a truly malicious grin as his actions became more and more violent.
"Let's see how much pressure can take then, runt!"
The herculean monster placed more and more weight upon his left foot, causing your body to creak and cry for pain. That grin started to sneer and laugh as blood started to spurt out of your mouth. It was hopeless. He was going to crush you!
Your last sight was of towering Tristan laughing as he clutched a massive bulge that was growing and growing in his light grey dress trousers. You body couldn't take it anymore, and so it exploded creating a lengthy blood stain on Tristan's floor and bootsole.
"Shit. I guess I was too rough… I wish I had recorded that."
That was the only comment he had regarding you after that, he proceeded to recline back in the leather chair he had risen from just a few moments ago to beat one off, thoughts of his utter domination over you keeping him horny for a long time to come.
"Hm. I have a better idea…"
The pressure came off as the heavy boor sole pulled away off of your body. You just lie there, looking up at this titan who was angelic in face but satanic in nature. You're too weak to even react as the godly stud brings down his hand to pick you up.
Caught in his vicious grio, the impossibly large room around swings by as Tristan stomps back to his chair and dumps you on his lap. Before you, a lump of grey the size of a tall hill loon before you. A monstrous bulge was being held back by grey cloth. Your footing is quickly threatened. You captor was raising his other leg as his torso lurched over you, covering your tiny body in his vast shadow.
Tug. Tug. Tug.
Tristan was pulling off his boot. Just one. You wondered… No. No. There was no way. But it was to be. A pinch of his fingers and he was carrying you though the long leather shaft of his boot. He dropped you down onto the insole, pitted down where the monsters heel would go, and rose back up to his full glorious and terrifying height.
"You'd better run, boy!"
With that warning, the god put his barefoot back into the footwear. You could see the glossy layer of sweat that amplified the noxious smell that resided here tenfold. As the herculean foot made its way further and further down the skycraper bootshaft.
You make the most dramatic dash of your life as five monstrous toes chase you deeper into the darkness of Tristan's boot. Your body is screaming with agony but the adrenaline is doing one damn good job of dampening the pain. You were quick but you weren't quick enough. The foot hit your back like a speeding train and now it was thrusting you forwards. When it came to a halt, you found yourself partially trapped beneath the titans bare toes. The air around you now reeked with footsweat and a horrible queasy sense of inertia rose up as the boot shifted once more.
Tristan stood up and admired his slim body and powerful attire in the mirror. He looked down at the tall black boots that adorned his feet, turned on by the knowledge that another person was struggling in there. The pathetic runt was totally dominated by the mere act of putting his boots on!
But now he was all dressed, what was Tristan to do? Should he hit the town and test his new footslave to the most torturous and rigourous tests? Or shall he just stay home and go easy on the bug? A few minutes of pacing (much to your pain) and pondering brought him to a decision.
Your body was mashed. Your legs were broken. Every breath you took heaved in agony. You no longer had the strength to drag your body, let alone run. All you could do was look up aa your fate was sealed. A vast ceiling of reddened, slick and sticky flesh was facing down upon you. Nothing more the sole of Tristan's bare heel. You couldn't scream. You couldn't protest. You could only watch, feeling ever so helpless and insignificant beneath a god.
Tristan smiled as he felt bones crunch and blood explode under his heel. He slammed down his foot and ground his heel back and forth across the floor, revelling in the warm and wet feeling inside his riding boot.
Tristan's hand wrapped around your tiny, saliva covered body. The older man brought you up to his face and the warm hand that held you slightly squeezed you, causing you to yelp in pain and causing your captor to release a cruel, low pitched chuckle.
"Now, what to do with you first… I wonder how you taste…"
You didn't have much time to react as Tristan quickly moved you up to his large, pink lips and opened them slightly. He then shoved you head first in between them and sucked on your upper body. His lips where like large cushions which held you in place as your head was drenched in a pool of the man's saliva. Tristan used his index finger to push the rest of your body into his saliva filled cavern and began swishing you around, the inside of his mouth smelled like a peppermint mixed with some food that he ate this morning. His tongue rubbed you against his perfectly straight, pearly white teeth as he continued to toy with you. After a while…
The idea of venturing outside is a daunting one, but there are so many jocks, jerks and idiots around here that you're sure you'd be safer trying to track down your uncle Russ. Your uncle is a construction worker who spends many of his mornings at the watering hole across the street from your school.
Russ is a bit of an outcast in your family due to his job, and lifestyle. Your parents think he ought to get a real job and stop wasting his time with the "low-lives" he runs with. But Russ has always laughed this kind of talk off with a hearty chuckle and a wave of his big, bulky hand.
You enter the bar just as a towering twenty-something young man walks in the door. You have to run to get inside before the door swings shut again, which means darting around the grease-stained mechanic's heavy leather boots. The giant steps over you, completely unaware of the bug-sized boy by his feet, and waves runs a few fingers through his oily black hair.
A hairy, beefy older man greets him from the bar. "Hey, Dom! How's my favourite dumbass mechanic?" The bear chuckles, rinsing a beer mug out.
Dom wipes a sheen of sweat from his tanned forehead and sits plants his butt on a stool. As tough as Dom looks with all his grease and leather boots, the statuesque young man almost looks like a gentleman next to the tattoed, muscle-bound bartender.
You scan the bar for your uncle.. Across the counter sits a cop, sipping his beer and looking tired out behind his dark sunglasses and goatee. Then there are two more men, a couple if you're not mistaken, who are wearing clothes far too neat and pressed to be found in a bar like this. The slightly posh couple seem to be debating whether to leave or not, though one of the men can't seem to keep his eyes off of Dom the mechanic.
…And there's uncle Russ, downing his brew at the end of the counter.
Deciding a man with authority and responsibility would be the best option. You run towards the police officer, and finally reach the stool that he is sitting on. Your are confronted by another dilemma. How to get his attention without ending somewhere you don't want to be, or end drawing the attention of another person in the bar. How do you decide to get his attention?
You decide that it's a good idea to try to climb up his body to his face to get his attention. You start at his massive, shined black shoes. He seemed to be tapping a tune, so you had to time it perfectly to jump up onto them. You could smell the stench of shoeshine and sweat emanating from his feet. You time it out and jump on his shoe just in time before he continues to tap out the beat. You then begin to make your ascent up his pants. His pants are nice and ironed, so it is easy to get a grip on them. Just looking up at his massive calf is enough to make you swoon. His masculine odor turns you on so much, and it is very difficult to not stop and just worship the figure. You continue on though, and after a while, you make it to his lap. You position yourself perfectly on his warm crotch, looking up to see his Adonis-like chest and beautiful face. You start to call his name, and…
"Thanks for the drink Buck, stay out of trouble now." The cop says as he shifts to begin standing up, you look around frantically to find a way to stay on him and see his fly is partially down. You leap in without thinking it properly through as you land on a soft and squishy surface. No doubt you were laying on his junk. You look slightly up at the Adidas logo on the waist band, and guess he's wearing some sort of sports brief. Suddenly your world shifts as the officer stands up, almost making you fall down his legs as he begins to walk out of the bar. Through the partially open fly you see he's heading for.
There's a squad car parked nearby so that's probably where the cop is heading, you decide it's probably best to stay put for now and adress him at a more convenient time. At least you feel safe for now. And the world looks rather intruiging from your point of view.
A the cop opens the door and gets ready to sit down he mumbles something to himself and suddenly his hands come into view, he noticed his partly open fly and has decided to close it. In a reflex you let go and hold on to a slippery piece of cloth on the inside as suddenly your world goes dark. Then an earthquake rattles you as he sits down.
The shock makes you loose your hold and you slide down to land…
After you lose your grip the slick material gives you no hope of slowing down and you slide in the dark till you suddenly get stopped in your track by a massive weight pushing down on you. You're arms pinned to your sides like a straightjacket and it takes a while for you to come to grips with your situation, the slick material beneath you, but the even slicker material above you tells you where you are, you are currently wedged between the huge cops arsecheeks. Not a place you'd want to be, that's for sure.
However the next thing really shocks you as you hear the cop on the radio.
"Unit 534 reporting for duty, starting my 12 hour shift."
"Roger unit 534, please pick up your partner at the corner of main, enjoy your shift."
Wait, what, 12 hours? No please, anything but that, you try to wriggle to catch his attention and scream, but your futile attempt is negated as he starts the car and the seat itself softly vibrates and the roaring engine drowns you out. Suddenly one of the cheeks moves as the cop starts to drive.
Officer Max Langly was an above average cop who loved feeling empowered. Standing at 6'2", Scott weighed 210 pounds, a mix muscle and fat making up the weight. Most of his fat however, was not stored around his gut, but rather his backend, giving him the nickname "Officer Maximus" on the force, he took pride in it. He went through pants monthly as they couldn't take being stretched 12 hours a day, Monday through Saturday. Little did he know his ass was about to be a jail cell tonight for a one inch teenager. He scratched at his crew cut as he pulled up to pick up his partner, Officer Scott Anderson, of 15 years, who stood 5'9" and weighed about 180 pounds, barely an ounce of fat on him. As Scott sat down he greeted his partner, "Evening you narcissistic asshole, ready to get this over with?" Max grunted in approval and chuckled as he pulled out of his partners neighborhood and headed for a Dunkin' Donuts nearby.
You were still trying to conclude how you managed to end up INSIDE an officers slacks and were now pinned between his extremely huge cheeks. Your district is relatively small, so you know almost all the officers by their faces, but somehow you managed to pick the most merciless one when it came to teenagers, in your haste to get to him, you didn't even check who he was. A cold sweat dribbles down your face as the cheek on the right inflates a little as you assume he's stopping the car, you hear a door open and hear a short muffled conversation followed by a door closing causing the cheeks to sway back and forth, the flesh rolling over you before settling back into place with you in his brief clad crack. The car behind to move again but slows down to a stop again. You hear a radio like click and hear a muffled voice, "Thanks for choosing Dunkin Donuts, this is Racheal, how can I help you?". The cop answers, his voice vibrates through his colossal body, "Yeah sweet heart we'll take three dozen originals and two large coffees." You pale as the total is read back to him, trapped down here between his cheeks while consumes coffee?? This was gonna be a long night. Your train of thought was cut off as he lifted out of his seat and sat down again, sliding you across his left cheek with pressure that caused you to sink deep into his cloth covered flesh, you pop back inbetween his cheeks just as you hear a grumbled "What the hell?"
Max shifted in his seat as he waited for the car in front of him to get their order, as he did however he felt something small slide across his left cheek from the outside of his briefs. "What the hell?" He grumbled as he lifted out of his seat slightly and rubbed around the seat of his pants. "Uh Max, what the fuck are you doing? About give yourself a prostate exam?" Scott said with humor and disgust at the same time. "Nah I thought I felt something between my underwear and slacks, slipped in my crack but I don't feel nothing…" Just as he said that he swore he did feel something but as soon an he pressed on it, it disappeared. "Yeah well, either way…I wouldn't want to be whatever it is." Scott said turning away as Max settled back in his seat. Clenching his cheeks every now and then.
Pressure lifts of you again, making you take a quick breath, but only before a new force smashed into your back, pressing you into the extremely stretched fabric of the officers underwear, he slid you back and forth along his crack, unaware of your presence because you weighed very little, as he slid you back towards his underside, your leg got caught in a tear in his underwear, the fingers left your back but quickly returned and stopped on you, then pushed slightly, easily popping you through the small tear, causing you to launch up a bit before landing on his briefs. The fingers were still beneath you pressing, but apparently could no longer feel you and the pressure vanished. It took you a moment to realize that your situation had not gotten better, slowly looking up in the dim light, your eyes gazed apon a hairy crevice that looks unfathomably deep. Time slowed as the officer you now assumed without a doubt was Officer Maximus, began to settle down again, the cheeks slid by you easily, covered in sweat and smelling of soap, but still having the unmistakable scent of shit. As the cheeks settled again, Max began to clench, in a pointless effort to locate you, the flesh quivered against you and slowly began to pull you deeper into the labyrinth of Maxs cheeks.
Max clenched a few more times but still didn't feel nothing uncomfortable…he got his order and drove up too…
Even if you were scared to be found out by Officer Langly you're fear to not be found was also increasing. Being in this cops pants was scary, but now even the thin layer of fabric between you and his bare flesh was gone. And you could do nothing but look up at the puckered lips of doom hovering over you. How did that thought pop in your head? And you realised that soon enough the soapy smell would decrease and the strong scent of bare mans ass would take over completely. Franctically you try to put your thoughts in order and maybe find a way out of this predicament.
Max clenched his cheeks once more after they received their order. Oh well, must have been my imagination, he thinks. As he sips his coffee he looks at his partner, even though they get along fine, he always had a slight dislike for this guy. He was too soft. If you're a cop, you have to be tough on everyone, especially youthy hoodlums who think they own the world. But then again as a partner he was fine, he liked coffee and donuts and they took turns driving. Even though Scott was a total fag, he never came on to Max, because max made clear he wasn't. "So Scott. What's on the agenda first, Highway patrol or what?"
Scott took a bite of his donut and nodded, "Yep, 4 whole hours of it. So we should switch after two or so."
Down in your prison you hear the name Scott and you dig your memory for this cop. A lean looking fellow who always seemed nice enough. You know not much else about him, but you do know you'd rather be found by him than by Officer Langly. So you ponder, if you can get out of these pants between now and the switch you can use the switch of seats to make a switch of cops. Maybe hop in the oter guys pocket and keep silent till the shift is over. Yeah, there's a plan.
First things first, you have to find the whole you got in through and work your way out, either through the front or the back. Then again, the fabric under you is pulled so tight you can actually see the seems, so maybe the best thing to do is just chew through them and make your own way out.
The seams seem the best bet, that way you can gnaw yourself out both the shorts and the pants without to much movement. You take a deep breath and start chewing. The taste is strong, dirty, salty and something you fear might be shitty. But you chew as if your life depends on it, which it might actually do.
The cops above you are chatting away, it's a slow night apparantly and they just enjoy their coffee and donuts while they cruise about the highway, thank god for you it's a flat surface. So no real shocks. After a long time you suddenly feel the thread snap and carefully you create a small hole in the shorts that allows you head and shoulders through. Halfway there. Without hesitation you go for the pantseems, these taste far more neutral. And the moment you hear Officer Langly say he's gonna pull over you feel the thread snap. Seeing as the last part is a lot of twisting and turning you don't have to be really carefull and you slide out onto the seat. just as the car stops.
"Time to switch Scotty," You hear Langly say and sudenly he unleashes a fetid gust of air which takes away your breath. "There, warmed the seat for you."
You hear the doors open, but the gust of wind has taken you by surprise and you can't seem to move. All you can do is roll over and look up as something large comes into view.
Scott new better than giving Max the satisfaction of acting repulsed by him. Who cared anyway, he was wearing pants anyway. As he walked around the car he looked at max doing the same and noticed the small hole in the seems. That's another pair of pants down for Langly. Maybe it would be possible to make him rip them completely during the shift, that would be fun.
He got in the car and shoved his ass around a bit, his ass was a little smaller than Max's so he always felt the seat was a bit lumpy after taking over. But it would form to him soon enough.
You try to scream as the next pair of buttocks is coming your way, but the time is just to short. The two firm walls of flesh descend on each side of you and wildy shove about taking you with them. Then with a final shove they slide over you and in place. However you've been juggled around so much you end up under the balls of the much leaner cop. You're head is free and you look up at a mound of blue uniform. This might be your chance to get out and climb this officer.
As soon as the engine starts you make a go for it. Slowly you wriggle out of your prison of balls and place yourself between the balls and the leg furthest from Max so you'd be out of side from him. Then slowly you start to climb the crevice towards the top of the leg. You're in luck. Because a piece of Scotts shirt has come loose and you can now crawl under it up to the belt. when you finally get their suddenly Max curses and you hear the sirens come on. The easy drive becomes a wild one and you hold on to one of the belt loops for your life.
Suddenly the car stops and you hear the doors open. Then you hear Max say, "Scott, tuck in your shirt before getting out."
Scott takes hold of the shirt and slides it up and into the pants. By this sudden movement you are…
A simple wrist flick for Scott was like a sling shot for you, before you knew it you were flying through the air and smacked into the passenger seat head rest. You stay stuck there for a second before peeling off and rolling down the backrest and onto the center of the seat, still warm and cratered from Langly. You groan and try to sit up but can't, you aren't hurt but just seemed to be in shock. All you can do is stare at the ceiling and listen to the muffled shouting of Langly. The voivce stops and you hear rapid footsteps approach the passenger door before it flies open and Langly stretches across you muttering, "…this'll teach then not th do 80 in a 45…". He grabs a ticket book from the center console then begins to pull back out of the car, something however catches his eye in his seat. You gulp as Langly slides back in the car slowly, his left cheek almost crushing you as he settles down to get a look at you. You close your eyes knowing any hope of rescue is now dashed by the fate sealed with this cop. Rough fingers grab you are lifted up to a large clean shaven face, all you can do is stare into the large icy blue eyes of Langly while he breaks out into a toothy grin. "Jack Willowing…the runaway…oh the times we've had together, me spending hours looking for you to get your sorry ass home, looks like by your size that you really didn't want to be found this time, eh? How'd you do this to yourself, is it permanent?". You gulp and say with a shallow voice, "I don't know Officer Langly, but you've gotta help me please…". Langly just chuckled at that and started to roll you around in his palm. "Doubt I'm gonna do that, why would ya want help? You're with your old Pal Max Langly and we can have all sorts of fun." You pale to his last words, obviously you were about to become a disappearance report, With only Langly having a lead on it. "Chin up kid, I don't like teens but I have a soft spot for you, probs because your so powerless and pathetic now, think of this as you're doing your generation a public service…" He laughs as he grabs the ticket book with his free hand and puts you in….
He slides you into the xtremely tight confines of his back pocket as he gets back out of the car and heads back over to write the ticket. Every step he takes causes your prison to contort as his cheek softens then becomes stiff, you swear every time he stretches a leg you hear fabric ripping. As he continues to berate the poor teenager you hear the sound of a pen dropping, followed by a curse from Langly, as he stoops down to pick it up his cheeks strain the pants even more, you were having the breath crushed out of you, you were sure Langly wanted you alive but at this rate his back pocket would make paste out of you. Relief came humorously, just as you were about to black out, a ripping sound sounded through your chamber and out into the night. You're prison became saggy and you could easily move now, because Langly was crouched, his pocket was slanted and you could easily slip out the now open pocket. Scott laughing in the distance told you what had occurred, the hole you chewed in his pants had weakened the seam and when Langly bent down his pants couldn't handle the stress from his glutes. "Ah shit, and another one bites the dust…" You hear Langly say as he stands back up. You hear footsteps approach and Scott speaks. "It's what you get for being such an ass, hey kid you can go now." You hesitate for a minute before you realize he was talkin to the kid they pulled and not you, unfortunately.
Langly walks around the back of the squad car and pulls you out of his pocket and places you on the trunk, then he proceeds to take off his utility belt and then the ruined pants. You stand there awkwardly as Langly nonchalantly throws the stuff next to you and goes through his belt while hovering over you. He's wearing blue compression boxers, one of the most durable underwears, but you don't know quite where to look as his massive bulge hovers in the air right next to you, filling the air with the smell of sweat and piss. Langly finishes organizing his things then looks at you. "Well squirt sorry but your clean way home just shredded, so you kinda got to get to know me better, and sooner than I thought. He said before swiping you up and dropping you in…
Langly peels the tight waistband out from under his slight beer gut and hangs you over the opening. Musk wafts upward past you causing some pretty strong gag reflex. Down in the dark pouch of Langlys compression boxerbriefs, his mammoth dick points downward, it's head engulfed under colossal balls that probably carried enough sperm to recreate the human population a couple times. With a grunt he pinches you between two fingers and pulls the other hand out farther so he can fit his hand in with his monster. You descend slowly and slightly to the right of his junk before halting right before where the fabric is still stuck to his sweaty dick and balls. "Sorry again kid, but I can't have your outline showing through, pretty sure Scott will see us cuz he won't be able to keep his eyes off my package. So enjoy the ride and please move once and awhile, my balls will love you." With that his hand begins to slide for the crevice formed from his fat dick resting on his huge sack. Your first contact with the warm grimy skin of his shaft almost makes you vomit, only you couldn't, as you were then quickly pressed into the extremely soft and sweaty surface of his sack. Langly slips you underneath his dick and continues to push until you slip downward a little and find some moving room, his finger pulls back quickly and the cavity you were in shook and felt like it was lifted up as you assumed Langly pulled his tight under wear up. It was pitch black, but with what you were feeling the soft and squishy flesh around was kind of in a v-form as it slid up and wedged with Langlys dick, which by standing up slightly, you could tell it formed the ceiling of the cavity and the wall in front. With these observations you could easily assume You were sitting between Langlys nuts, on top of his sack, at the base of his dick. You were sure if you tried to slip out of here Langly would easily feel you, besides all that would get you is being wedged between his balls and underwear, then slowly sliding underneath him. You sat down gently, ball flesh ssorrounding you up to your waist, and pondered how on earth you were going to escape this hidden hell. Once Langlys shift was over you were going to be hauled to his place, and God knows what he would do. You were to busy thinking that you didn't realize you were rubbing the ball surface to your right. You stopped and lifted your hand up with disgust, as you did a muffled sigh was heard far above you.
Langly let out a sigh as the soft stroking stopped, he didn't know what that weirdo kid was doing, trying to appease him or what, but the only thing he'll achieve probably is getting squished by a Langly boner. He sat still in his underwear in the passenger seat, as they were going for a run by the station to pick up another pair of pants for him. Scott grunted. "Uhhh, is something wrong? What was that satisfied sigh about?" Langly thought quickly and thought this was a good time to mess with Scott again. "Well you know man, there's nothing better than just sitting around in your boxers, am I right?" He said as he slowly put a hand under his package, lifted it up slightly, then let it drop, making a very clear slap like thud on the leather seat. He wasn't looking at Scott but he could see the man staring intently at his huge package. A shake of his head and lip smack signified he was out of the trance. "Uh yeah but I'm more of a briefs man myself…" Scott said as he made a turn. Langly smiled, "Ah I'm there with ya, i love just lounging in my chair with some briefs on. And a beer in my hand. But somethin right now feels better than normal, you know?". He said as he rolled his head to look at Scott, who met his look with a Stern and quizzical expression. "All I know is that I'm gonna have to sit in that seat with the waterfall of sweat from your huge ass when we switch out." Scott said as he pulled up to the station and went in to find Langly a pair of pants. Langly chuckled as he watched Scott go in as he knew his mission was complete. He grabbed a doughnut and ate it in two bites before looking back down at his heavy package, now a cell for a kid who was gonna serve a long time of community service for Langly.
You try your best to listen to the conversation above, and trying to forget that the darkness and walls around you was the junk of a infamous police officer. As you attempt to listen suddenly tout prison becomes slanted, causing you to slide back, before being thrown forward hitting the soft flesh of Langlys dicks underbelly. You slide back where you were before and shake your head, nothing felt hurt, but it reminded you of your predicament. Honestly what could a 1 inch tall teenager do for a hulking giant like Langly? Why couldn't he just help you instead of tucking you under his thick dick. You laid back, the flesh giving in even to your minimal weight as it wrapped around the sides of your body, it wasn't too bad, it was kind of like quick sinking memory foam, all you had to do was forget it was Langlys sack. A car door closing sounds and soon you hear sounds of eating, now that the conversation stopped, you could hear the sounds of Langlys body working, his heartbeat, his stomach digesting food, things sliding through his bowels, and a squelching sound beneath you as his balls make more Langlyites. You don't think he's married, you've ridden your bike by his apartment before and only seen his car, so you doubt his sack has ever gotten the chance to pass on his traits. He wasn't no virgin saint, you were positive about hear a car door open and your prison shakes again as Langly gets out and walks.
Langly takes the pants from Scott and puts his utility belt on the trunk and kicks off his shoes. Next he steps into the pants and slides them up until they reach the top of his thighs, he begins to shift the waistband back and forth as slowly gets them around his ass. Halfway through this he looks up to see Scott watching his butt slowly sliding into the pants. "Like what you see?" Langly say with a scowl as he wiggles his hips causing his butt to bounce. Scott says with astonishment, "I just never realize how much you stuff in these poor pants, your ass is smaller with them on…You overstuff them." Langly just rolls his eyes before finally succeeding in getting the waistband to his waist. Next he precariously stuffs his package into the pants, then zips them up, causing uncomfortable pressure, in all his flesh down there he can feel Jack squirming slowly as his little flesh pocket had caved in…. Langly puts on his belt and looks at Scott, who's now chuckling, "Cmon, just three more hours…"
Your world becomes hotter and wetter in seconds as you are thrown about in what feels like Langly hopping up in down, this goes on for a minute before it halts and you slam back down onto the now sweaty ballsack. It's still for a second before suddenly Langlys dick presses into your back and squishes you deep into a fleshy embrace of Langlys sack. Sweat instantly begins to ooze around you as the temperature rises. The sack around you softens more as Langlys balls lower to stay cool, causing you to be pressed farther into the skin by the heavy dick. You have no idea what transpired but you were sure this was hell on earth. A lifetime goes by with you stuck in Langlys groin before the sound of a car door shutting and then the sound of keys jingling could be heard, a door shuts and then you hear a zipper go down. Pressure lifts from your prison but you are still stuck in between his dick and sack, which hasn't gone back to its original state yet. You feel your self swaying though as Langly walks, followed by a little more pressure being lifted. A few seconds go by before a sickening peeling sound is heard and light hits your face, your eyes adjust to see that Langly had peeled his dick up and fingers were coming for you. You're peeled off his sack and brought up to his face. He smiles warmly yet coldly at the same time as he sets you on a counter. You were still a little dazed but as you looked around you saw you were in his bathroom, with him standing nude above you. "Sorry if it got a little tight, Scott grabbed me a pair smaller than my usual pant size, the bastard. So what am I to do with you huh? I'm not taking a shower, didn't get that dirty, but I still want some bonding time little man." He said with a grin as he rubbed your head with his index. You were paralyzed, and with this realization you dropped to your knees and stared straight ahead, unfortunately into his heavy junk. "Hmm? You're broken already? Now that can't be, kids are weak but cmon, your generation can't be that pathetic right?" He said as he grabbed you again, put you in his palm and carried you into his bedroom. When he got to the bed he turned his palm over and let you drop to the sheets below, it happened so fast that you didn't even scream. Langly sighed, "You're not much fun are you? Maybe I should just swallow you, or shove you up my ass, or heck, try to see how far up my dick you can go. I mean seriously, the reason you're here is to keep me entertained kid. In whatever field I see as entertaining." You watch him turn towards his dresser, his giant ass bouncing as he walked, and he pulled out a pair of gray briefs. You watch with horror and fascination as he slides them up and over his cheeks, instantly forming a deep wedgie making it look like the only difference was that his skin turned gray. He walked back over to you, "Now I'm gonna watch some TV and wind down, you on the other hand.
Langly scoops you up and walks the short distance to his apartments kitchen. He sets you on the table as he opens the fridge and digs through it, the sound of glass clanking as he pulls an entire whisky bottle and a pizza box, which he balances on his forearm so he had a free hand to grab you, you begin to back up to try to evade him, but his hand forms a fist and slams down it down in front of you. "None of that now, we're gonna discuss ground rules kid, gonna already say that the punishments will not be pleasant." Langly says in a stern voice. You cower down as his hand encloses you for a few seconds before opening up, causing you to cry out in surprise as you fall a short distance onto a soft surface. You lift your head and shake it to see you were in the seat of Langlys recliner, the fabric was worn and smelt like sweat and shit from years of Langly sitting in it. You look back up only to see Langly beginning to descend his ass on your location, you gasp and quickly bolt for the front of the chair, the shadow becoming darker, you leap forward just as Langly sits down, his package missing you by inches. Langly begins to slowly grind his rear into the chair, then let out a dissatisfied grunt as he leaned forward and saw you in front of his package. "Damnit kid, was hoping to play mother hen with you, don't wanna be warm under papa Langlys tush? Fine, I guess I can commend you on your fast reflexes." He said as he picked you up and lowered you onto his stomach as he popped the recliner and flicked on the tv. For an hour you sat still on Langlys stomach as he stared blankly at the tv screen, you didn't care what he wanted, you had to escape. "Ok kid, you're restless down there, so I'll give some food for thought." His sudden speech startled you, which makes him chuckle. "First rule, I own you now, there's no equality between us, you are now property from this point out. Second rule, you will address me as either master Langly or simply papa Langly, I've always kinda wanted kids but i don't want to deal with a wife and kids college. But now I got you boy, and I plan on getting real close, at least you'll get attention from me unlike your last family. Third rule, try to escape, or disobey my orders, and there will be extreme punishment, some that'll last days. Now that that's off my chest and into your head, back to my show." You were out of breath, rule number 2 was really gettin at you because it was the truth, would they even attempt to search for you? Your dad may have been rough and mostly at work, but he had a place in his heart for you right? You continue thinking as Langly begins eating his pizza and drinking an entire bottle of whiskey. As the night wears on your small naked form could feel Langly churning an entire pizza and bottle of whiskey beneath you, his stomach making more fat for his belly and ass. Looking up slowly you see Langly has a slight smile, and his face was pretty rosy, you doubted he was shit faced, probably just really buzzed. He took his hands and began to rub his stomach, before you could react, his hand slides over you and drags you all around his belly before going underneath it and lifting it up an letting go, dropping you on atop his package. You weren't sure if he knew you were there, but you didn't wait to find out, you slid down his package and landed on the seat below, with your back on his balls. A grunt above made you freeze as Langly let out some words slowly. "Hey Jacky, where'd you go boy, I need you for a second…" You held completely still, Langlys package began to lift up as he was beginning to stand up, you quickly grab the bottom fabric of his briefs and press yourself under his nuts, too afraid to look down. Langly got up and turned and looked at his seat, now empty, he seemed to be getting agitated now. "You have five seconds to show yourself boy, or so help me I'm gonna shove you up my ass." You knew he'd find you eventually, so with a sigh you patted the underbelly of his sack hard, fingers slipped into view and pulled you off. You were brought to Langlys face and weren't greeted with a smile. "Don't do that without my knowing, don't need a smear of red on my favorite briefs. Now Imma hit the hay, and so are you." He brought his around behind him to show you his gigantic cheeks. His other hand peeled away the waistband while the other holding you began its descent, you squirmed with all your might but got nowhere and the fingers wiggled you deep between the squishy globes before retreating, leaving you suspended in Langlys ass. The walls around you were slick with sweat and it was hard to breath. Langly dropped onto his bed and began snoring instantly, leaving you to fend for yourself in his canyon of an ass. As the night went on gravity slowly slid you in further. Still no hole yet, but it was somewhere ahead. You finally found sleep from sheer exhaustion, the flabby walls gently holding you as you slept. You woke suddenly to movement as Langly got up to do nothing today, he walked into the bathroom and……
Your see the light of the morning as Langly's giant hand starts to grab you. Pulling you out of his underwear and bringing you up to his face surprised face he says "Damn kid , didn't think you would survive the night but since you have…….." he slowly brings you down in between his massive cheeks and holds your shrunken tightly body in his crack and lets out the start his morning gas unto you “A gift from Papa ” BBBBRRRRRRPPPPP. You are almost pushed out his crack by the force of his gas and the smell was something you haven't experienced in your life . As you cough Langly laughs loudly at you reaction He then puts you on the counter and says “ Your gonna need to be able to take more then that son, thats just the beginning.” You’re shocked ay his statement, so shocked that you don't notice his hands grabbing you again as he picks you up to go make breakfast. As he walks toward the kitchen with you in his hand you worry about the trials you’ll face today. “ Well i Have to cook and you need some place safe to stay so how about we put you back home.” Putting you in the back of his underwear as he cooks you hear him say “How about a broccoli and cheese omelette” As the eggs cook Langly feels his stomach start to grumble unfortunately so do you. ‘Heres taste of whats to come kid.’ BBBBBBBFFFFFURRRRPPP .It smells like something out of your worst nightmare . As the food finishes cooking Langly puts his plate of breakfast on the table and sits down. Its a lot of pressure on your body but Langlys butt is so big that it cushions some of the weight. In your sandwiched position you think it cant get worse but than Langly says “Cover your nose if you can kid” He then releases the worst fart so far FFFFFRRRRTTTT. ‘Oh god’ you think but bad news comes when Langly announces “That was good but I think I can do better.” Langley prepared for his next one by lifting his leg up and moving your body to the right and then says “And for the finisher of this round ” BBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFTTTTT A reduced version of the smell reached Langly and he fans his nose ”Thats bad …..” he starts . Just as you start to think he will pull you out, he continues with “ But not as bad as when me and the gang get together , Ill give them a call so you an meet some of Papa”s friends” As he moves to pick up the phone your prison shifts and you hear him say “I think i’ll call ____ first , he would love to meet you ”
Who does he call first ?
His fit and young buddy new to the force , who he knows would be excited to play lots of gassy pranks with you. Langly once left his lunch out on his desk at work with Ray at the desk next to his and came back out , walking past a grinning Ray, He took a bite and realized Ray had farted on his lunch. Ray and Langly alway ended up getting in fart contest or tried to out fart prank each other when they got together . He knew with Jack as prop they could settle the contest of who farts worst out of the two them but he wondered if Ray would try to take you so he would have to keep his eyes open with him around you.
John was someone Langly would occasionally work out with and because he was a trainer at a gym who focused on long intense yet very effective butt workouts , Langly would be so sore from the dominating work out that his butt would hurt for days after. John was more dominating and aggressive then Langly so he knew John would have fun with you. John also was comfortable enough around Langly that he would fart all though works with him. He imagined a butt work out with him and John sharing you as they fart and sweat for hours on end.
Jake and Danny :…
Jake and Dandy were twins Langly knew from when he was busting up a club a few years ago. Jake and Danny were a impressive team and would often use there large muscled body’s to effective keep the peace while making sure the clubs they worked at as bouncers were safe. There butts were something Langly saw them use take down a disorderly a drunk. It was like the two of them shared a stomach and would often try to see who farted the worst between the two of them. Lankly , even with his impressive gas , was slightly scared to take the gassy team on . He knew that if Jack got caught between the two of them the chance he wouldn't be able to get his boy back was very high.
John, Jake and Danny. Which One?
A little ashamed of his look, Scott looks down and in a fluid motion scoops up the loose flap of shirt and quickly tucks it in, he smirks as he finds he also tucked it in the waistband of his boxers, but that can't be helped now.
From your point of view the fluid motion is a disaster, you are scooped up, pressed tightly against a flat stomach and then slid down into a dark place, where you fall down into something soft and warm. A little disoriented you wonder where you are now until the world starts to shake and suddenly gravity does it's job and you fall even deeper into a wall of something slick. Right after you feel a warm weight tumble down upon you, caught between two rocks and a soft fabric. No way, you found your way into a pair of satin boxers that probably belong to Scott. Why would a man wear Satin? But even worse, there's no grip at all for you, so this means no way to wiggle out from under, what can't be anything else but the mighty balls of your new cop. Oh well, at least you know you'll be going home with the friendly cop after all of this. That is if you survive.
Scott walks over to the car they pulled over and Max is allready dealing out a severe tonguelashing. Right… young drivers, his partner always hated the young ones. Max told him he'd love to have his way with just one of those youngsters, firmly in his grasp, showing them who's boss. Scott shudders, poor kid who'd end up like that. A slight itch under his balls makes him adjust himself when no one is looking, just a wrinkle in the fabric. Nothing more. I'll leave it to him.
Suddenly the outside world returns with a vengeance, from the outside something bumps you deep into the meaty sack and rubs you around untill it falls away again. You got turned over, are a little more upright and to the front of the balls. And something soft is pressing against the side of your face. No, I don't… Penis… want to… penis… know… penis. The silky skin, almost as soft as the silky boxer softly rubs your face as Scott walks back to the car.
As Scott sits back down and waits for his partner to get back he softly hums to himself, some pop-song he heared on the radio. Maybe he should play it with his band sometime, he can allready feel the chords in his fingers. The rest of his band would follow his suggestion probably, always need more covers.
The moment he sits down the silky skin moves in on you, now your face is stuck firmly by the flacid penis and the fabric, you don't dare to move, he can't find you just yet, please let him find me later, when he's alone. not around Max.
Almost afraid to breath you hold perfectly still. Suddenly you hear the voice of Officer Lanly, "That'll do for now, they won't be speeding anytime soon."
Scott shifts in his seat, this puts a bit more pressure on you unfortunatly, but you'll manage. "Yeah, though you went a bit far once again. Oh well, if they don't complain I won't report you as usual partner." Max laughs, "they won't dare, so thanks partner."
doors slam shut and suddenly the engine roars.
The shaking is a relieve to you, you can probably use this to squirm loose gently and hide for the rest of the night somewhere in here. You try to slowly turn your head, but almost wanna scream. Your face has been pressed agains the skin and now it seems stuck. Okay, think, what's the worst that can happen. Well,
A: Scott finds you stuck to his dick here with officer Langly, who will claim you and destroy you.
B: remain in place for over 8 hours till Scott finds you at home, stuck to his dick and will probably be less severe than Langly.
It's a no-brainer, you choose option B.
The best thing to do now is to relax and wait it out. Maybe Scott will adjust himself later on which will get you loose anyway.
While he's driving around Scott noticed something strange however, the fold in his pants is back, this shouldn't happen with this fabric. Besides the shape he felt earlier while he was adjusting himself and the thing that is touching his cock-head rght now do seem to resemble some kind of humanoid form. Even though he feels eager to open up his pants and look at the thing stuck in there he knows he shouldn't.
If it is something small and squishy, Langly would take it from him nand make it go squish. Besides, it does seem to move occasionaly but isn't struggling so it doesn't seem to mind to be down there too much. Come to think of it, Scott doesn't mind it being there either. it feels somewhat nice to have something or someone else loving his genitals enough to be down there. Scott could get used to that. If it's still there after the shift maybe he can convince it to take up a more permanent residence. And maybe strike a deal with it to not only live in the front but occasionaly the more sensitive back too. Also it kinda depends on what it looks like, if it's some bug then forget it, but oh, what if it was like a tiny human being, that would be so hot.
You drift in and out of sleep as the two cops make their rounds, the warmness of your confines almost feels safe. And the silk is so soft on your skin. The next time you wake up you feel Scotty getting out of the car and bend over, he says goodnight to Max and slams the door shut. Ah, almost time to get out. Scott suddenly seems in a hurry to get home as he jogs the last steps and you hear key's jingle. A door opens a door slams shut and het runs up a flight of stairs, this juggles you loose from the cock and you fall back on the balls. Once more keys jingle and another door slams. Okey time to get noticed. What's that?
The door to his apartment falls in it's lock and at once Scott stuffs his hand down his pants finding the thing that's currently sitting on his balls. he softly grabs it and pulls it out in a closed fist. He lifts the fist to his face and closes his eyes for a second… Please… He opens his fist and stares at a very small teenage boy… Thank you.
The soft grip of the fist around you makes you think you picked right. As the fist opens and you look in the soft face of your current captor you see his eyes sparkle. Oh well, here comes nothing: "Hi Scott. I'm Jack." Scott smiles back at you. "Well met Jack, allthough your work down there didn't live up to that name." You look at him questionably. He continues, "You weren't jacking anything, quite the opposite, you were almost perfectly still." You laugh at the raunchy joke, you hope. "Well yeah, I'm sorry I ended up there, I was actually trying to get into your pocket after escaping officer Langly's pants." Scott laughs, "You were in Langly's pants?" you nod. Scott moves to sit down in a chair and keeps you near his face so he can hear you, "Why don't you start at the beginning?"
So you take a deep breath and start at the beginning, being shrunk, making your way across the street to the bar. Climbing Langly and getting swooped up in his pants. You blush as you tell about your chewy escape. And the accident that landed you down Scott's very own pants. Scott listens intently and nods, oohs and aahs at the right moments. At the end of your story you look at scott and ask something you want to know. "So you knew I was down there? how long?" Scott smiles, well the moment I adjusted myself and when you got stuck on my dick." You laugh, "ah, well that was almost immediatly after I got down there." Scott nods, "Yep, right after the tug in." You're next question was a follow-up: "So, why did you leave me there?" Scott laughs, "Reason one, Langly, you wouldn't want him to find you." You shudder as a reply, "Two, you felt nice in there." You gulp, "erm, what?" Scott grins, "Don't worry, I understand that's a bit too upfront. But I don't like to lie."
"Well, I don't know about you, but before we do anyhting else, I kind of need a shower. And I think you'd like to wash away the stink of Langly." what do you say.
"Oh yes please." scott slowly closes his hand around you and gets up after a short walk you arrive at the bathroom and he opens his hand. He holds you near the soapdish and you step on. He smiles at you and says: "Well, Normally I'd be a little selfconscious about undressing in front of a stranger, yet you've allready been up close enough with me, so I won't feel bad." You grin at the joke and also start undressing. Because you are focused on yourself, you're not prepared at what you see when you look up. The naked body of officer Scott is very lean, no fat, and a lot of lean and toned muscles. You're kinda jealous, it's the body every young boy dreams of.
Scott takes your clothes and puts them aside before getting into the shower. "Ready for some hot water and soap?" You nod, "yes, please." The hot water comes out in a very small stream, it doesn't really hit the soapdish, Scotty notices this and offers you his hand. You get on and he pulls you under the stream with him. The hot water feels so great on your body. you almost feel the stink was right off of you. The whole day just seems to rinse off of you. Because your eyes are close you're completely shocked when something rubs against your back. You turn and sputter as you get a mouth full of suds. "Oh, sorry," Scott says, "I thought I was doing something good." You breathe easily again, "Sorry, it's been a bit of a long day." He laughs at you. don't worry, lets wash it off." You turn around and let Scott wash your back for a while. When he tells you to turn around you do without question and enjoy the shower. "Oh, I'm so sorry I can't do the same for you." You exclaim.
Scott lifts you to his face and gives you a wink, "Well, you could if you want to? I know I would like it." You laugh at him, "sure give me the soap and let me wash you." Scott smiles, "Your wish, is my command." He blows at you and you fall over, what's going on? He suddenly slides the soapbar over your body and when he removes it he softly slams his hand with you on it against his chest. You don't even have time to scream as he starts rubbing you all over his chest and then up under his arms where he roughly scrapes you back and forth. The smell is intense. After what seems forever you get a breath of fresh air and he switches you tho his other hand and up the other armpit.
Down towards his rock-hard abs and then all the way down his first leg, followed by the second. Then he soaps you up again and scrapes you across his soles. After both of them are done he takes you back up. "Almost done Jacky, just two more, I really appreciate the offer." Before you can scream an answer the soap comes over you and when it's gone your moved around back and suddenly are smacked to a firm hard buttock and massaged thoroughly over it, another follows. And then he lifts you to the top of his crack and with one finger pushes you all the way down, down, down. Making sure he pays special attention to the soft puckered whole, circling you around a bit.
When you get out you're moved to the front and another soap-up before you return again to the measty sack that you've come so close with the last 10 hours of your life. When even those are done there's one place left. Only now you notice the piece in question stands in full salute and the hand your in slowly closes around it. A soft squeeze makes you and it quiver for very different reasons.
Scott takes his time here, slowly pumping you up and down, up and down, till suddenly he lets out a slow breath and you feel the hard cock pulse with his orgasm. Thank god you weren't any closer to see that. After a while he releases his grip and brings you back up to his face and smiles at you. "Well, see, you could wash me with a little help. I know I enjoyed it, but I think I should wash you again. another quick rinse and you feel fresh again.
After that you quickly dry off and Scott hands you your underwear, "I'm gonna rinse out the rest of your clothes for you." He put on another pair of satin briefs and a pair of trainers. No shirt. He picks you up and walks you to the kitchen. He puts you on the table and gets some food. He sits down and looks at you while you're both eating.
As you're munching on some crushed cornflakes and Scott is enjoying a bowl of uncrushed ones, you notice he keeps staring at you. Strangely enough he doesn't seem sorry about the thing in the shower at all. If you weren't there you wouldn't even have believed it had happened. You remain silent for a while, then Scott clears his throat.
"Okay, so I think we should be able to talk about something." You look up with a questioning face. "Okay?"
"So, I suppose you want to be normal sized again," you nod, "And you need someone regular sized to help you." You nod again.
"Well, I'm willing to offer you a deal, I'll help you in anyway you can, I swear I'll try my best to find the answer."
You look at Scott, "But?"
He grins, "Tit-for-tat, you know. As long as I'm actively helping you, I want you to stay close to me."
You nod, "Well, you're the only one who knows about me, so I don't mind living here with you for a while."
Scott shakes his head, "That's not what I mean."
You look up. "Well, what do you mean?"
Scott grins, "With close, I mean as close as we've been the entire day." He glances down at his crotch, "You're gonna live down there."
You swallow your current bite too fast and cough it back up. "What?"
Scott's face is completely serious all of a sudden, "And the shower thing will be a regular."
Your jaw drops. "What?"
Scott smiles again a very sweet smile. "Well, your choice really, You're going back there anyway, so the choice you have is to stay their voluntary and I'll work my mojo to unshrink you. Or you escape and are back to base one. If you stay, it could be a very short stay. I'm serious about the effort I'll put in."
You take another bite and look at scott. You chew very slowly and swallow.
You look Scott straight in the eye and try to tell him with a strong voice, but it still breaks mid-word. "Fi-ne."
Scott smiles widely, "Good choice little Jack. I'll do my best to don't make you regret it. So I'll explain some rules. First off, I won't force you to service me in any way you don't want to." You smirk, "You mean like in the shower?" He smiles, "You told me you wished you could wash me. I helped you out. Your words." You smirk. "So that's rule number two, don't say anything you don't really mean. I'm pretty straightforward and wish you to be too with me." You nod, "third rule. your home will be the space covered by my briefs, front, back, under, your pick. However, you can't leave the area unless I take you out. Otherwise the deal is of. Okay?" You take a deep breath, "Yeah Scott, I understand."
Scott gets up and puts the food away. then he turns back to the table. "Well, I think it's time for bed, what do you say?" You look up at him towering over the table. "Yeah, sleep sounds good." Scott smiles and turns around and lowers his butt next to the table and pulls open his waistband. You swallow audibly. "Well Jack, hop in, Don't worry, I sleep on my stomach most of the night.
Slowly you move towards the edge of the table and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. And you jump. for a second you fall freely until you hit the satin briefs and slide down into the narrow funnel that is Scott's buttcrack. you hear a soft, mmm, from above as the waistband snap in place. A moment later you fel a soft push from the outside as Scott pushes you a little deeper between his cheeks.
Then he starts moving and you feel his first cheek rub against you, then the second, the first again. His skin is smooth and tight and there's a lot more room in here than in Langly's pants. After a little walk he suddenly bows down and a litle more light shows through the briefs, so he dropped the pants. Next he stretches forward and lies down on his stomach. And he pulls the blankets over himself. Then you hear him laugh softly before he says, "Goodnight Little Jack, oh and I didn't lie,I sleep on my stomach most of the night, but unfortunately for you I can only fall asleep on my back." With those words he turns over and suddenly his weight presses down on you body, locking you in place.
After a while you hear a snoring and realise Scotty has fallen asleep. You small home, is getting hotter and sweatier every second though. But Scott was true, he soon turns over and you get a lot more room.
Lying there lodged in another mans crack, you try to think over the day. But it might be the soft lavender scent of the soap or the lack of energy left over, suddenly you feel yourself rolling on your side nestling a little snugglier into Scott hind-quarters and drift off in a dreamless sleep. When an earthquake wakes you and you try to sit up from the shock but you can't, you panick. It takes a while to process as the world tumbles over and suddenly falls up. RIght, Scotss ass, with you firmly planted into it. one of your hands actually leans on some place puckered and soft. Oh no, his anus? Scott getting up squeezes you tightly in place for a second and his walk gives you a total body massage. Even though it's extremely weird, it does feel good to wake up like that. It starts the blood flowing. Suddenly light floods your confinement and his hand comes down and plucks you out. A soft plop tell you, you were quite lodged in there. Oh well, you're out now.
"Good morning, little Jack-in-my-boxers, had a good night?" he places you on the table and turns to ready some food. You stretch and yawn, "Good enough, thanks, yourself?" He looks over his shoulder, "Mine was great, even though when I woke at night and you were sleeping soundly when I would have loved a little squirming." He gives you a very warm smile. "We'll work on that I suppose." He even winks now. You're a bit flabbergasted, what's this? He turns and puts some food down. "Don't look so surprised. I told you I'm gonna take care of you, remember, I like this deal, and if you bail out, fall out, or snuff it. Then I lose you and I'm not planning on doing that." You take a big bite as he continues, "You're safer with me than anywhere else." You swallow and answer, "Thanks Scott, I think… I think I do feel safe with you. I mean it's the reason I picked you. And even though we apparantly had another idea of what would happen when we met, I still think I'm safe with you." Scott smiles at you again and nods, "Good to hear, so now about today. After the long shift like last night I have some time off. So we can make a start at finding out what happened to you later today."
You look up at scott and give him a double thumbs up. A wicked grin is your answer, "However…." You gulp, "First we're gonna go to the gym for a little work-out."
He gets up and cleans the table, he picks you up and takes you to the bathroom. He puts you down on a shelf, "Just a minute," He runs out and comes back a little later with a thimble, a small dish and a small box and some tissues. He puts them on the shelf near the toilet, fills the dish with warm water and brings you over. "Your private bathroom. Clean up, I'll do the same and get dressed and pick you up."
You walk into the box and relieve yourself and clean up. You enjoy the feeling of doing something for yourself, by yourself. A knock on the box and you peak out. A smiling Scott holds up two pieces of cloth. You look at him with question in your eyes. He smiles wickedly. "I decided to let you pick. Jockstrap," He holds up the first, "Or thong?" He holds up the second. You stutter a bit and Scott laughs out loud. "Well, maybe I should explain my routine. Treadmill, weights, spinningclass, cooldown. So it's a bit of a pick between being forcefully shaken a lot with a breather in between, or a firm hold with the occasional squish. So take your pick please."
The shaking doesn't seem like a fun perspective at all, so you make your choice, "The thong please." Scott smiles, "Great pick, we'll safe the jockstrap for another day. He steps into the thong and pulls it partly up his legs, just over the knee. "Well, time to put in the padding." He says with that warm smile as he reaches for you. You gulp but hold still as he gently picks you up and places you softly in lower part of the back of the thong. and you hear him giggle a little, "Bye for now." And he pulls you up, a lot tighter than necessary you notice. Your face is right up against his anus this time. You scream as he squeezes his cheeks a second, but the sound is muffled by the felsh envelopping you. "A rather tight fit, I guess I should buy a new one soon, I haven't worn this for a long time. Hope your comfy. Oh and btw, I might have forgot to mention that my gym is a half-hour ride from here and the seatwarmer in my car is stuck on high. So you'll probably be drowning before we even start the work-out."
That's the last he tells you before pulling up his pants and walking out, first a little slowly so the strap with you on it can work it's way in a little deeper. He slowly sits down in his car and you feel a finger trace you and softly press your face into his hole a little. "Okay little jack-strap, Just to be sure you're still there I expect you to kiss my hole every few minutes. Try it now, so I can feel it." Hesistantly you kiss his hole. "Ah yes, I felt that good. Now, I want you to do that every few minutes, the moment you stop I'm gonna check on you. If I find you passed out it'll be fine, however if I find you awake and you just tried to get out there will be hell to pay. I have a few punishment in store. Maybe tying you to a dildo and show you my insides? Now kiss if you understand." The thought of being used as a dildo scares you to no end so you quickly kiss his hole a couple of times. "Very good, now let's go."
The car starts and he wasn't lying about the heater, so before long you are drenched in ass-sweat, and the taste of each kiss is getting saltier every time. Still it's not as vile as you expected, but it's not really pleasant. However it's definatly not a half-hour drive, more like a 5-10 minute drive.
As he gets out he acknowledges your presence by tapping his crack. Then suddenly the air fills with murmurs only found in a gym, tough talk and groaning.
Apparantly Scott is a regular here as he gets a lot of greetings and even a few, very uncomfortable for you, slaps on the behind. So after dropping his bag he starts while you keep kissing.
The treadmill is a horror, suddenly your world is all wet and clammy, the smell is musky and the taste of the puckered hole intensifies. One slight positive note is the sweat act like a lubricant. So there's less chaving and you slide about easily. Luckily Scott is light on his feet so it's not like your living through a series of quackes. After what seems forever he gets off and as a respons you cover his hole with kisses.
What was next again? As you fall down you remember while being squished under Scotts ass while he works his weights. Arms first, chest and legs. Especially the legsessions are a pain, but now you know how he keeps his ass so nice and tight. How much more?
An anouncement, spinningclass is starting. You groan as he moves through the room and you kiss his ass hoping he'll change his mind. However the saddle soon locking you in place tells you otherwise. The worst was yet to come apparantly. Seeing as he did not put on any cycling shorts there's no padding at all and you know he's poking himself and you with the point of the saddle upon sitting down on purpose. Count to sixty and kiss, count to sixty and kiss. It's almost a mantra that gets you through the class. Finally the movement stops and Scott gets off his bike.
A little small-talk later he gets his bag and leaves the gym to get back in his car. After a short drive you end up back home and suddenly you feel yourself being pulled out of your prison and you bask in the feeling of fresh air. It even takes a while for your sight to focus on the grinning face of scott right in front of you. "Well that was a nice work-out. I hope you enjoyed it too." You gasp for breath and answer: "I think it was hell on earth, next time were trying the jockstrap so I can compare which is better." Scott smiles his warm smile at you and asks: "Next time? So there's gonna be a next time?" you look at him, "Well, isn't there?" He laughs, "Well, now there is." You can't help but smile back, "Yeah right, like you weren't planning on that?" He smiles as he walks over to the shower. and puts you in the soapdish before getting in himself. He turns on the water and picks up the soap and starts to wash himself.
Before you realise you speak up and say: "Hey you, that's my job." You slap your hands before your mouth and wonder what made you say that, maybe he didn't hear you.
However a dull thud draws your attention as he dropped the soap and stares at you with disbelieve. "What did you just say?" He asks. You think, can you deny it, probably not, he wanted you to be straightforward, so you put your hands down and look at him. "I said, that's my job, that was our deal. Don't you dare back out on me. I did my part, so you do yours and help me wash you."
Scotts face breaks open in the widest grin you've ever seen. He bends down to pick up the soap and picks you up next. "I'm sorry Jack-cloth, I thought you needed a break, but apparantly I was wrong." He hesitates one second, "You are sure right?" You kick his hand and answer: "And make it a very thorough washing, every inch of you smells like you haven't washed for weeks." You lay down on his hand and spread your arms. "Come on, we haven't got all day." Scott is the one who's completely flabberghasted this time. Before the soap comes down he pulls you up to his mouth and kisses your body tenderly and even though he whispers it sounds like thunder to you. "As you wish."
He holds true to his word and soaps you up and uses you the same way as the night before, but you get to visit every place two time. His ass a total of four times. His sack seven times and you hear the groan of him ready to ejaculate before he even touches his dick. This time however he cups his hand with you in it over the top of his cock and as he cums the warm thick white liquid washes all over you, you even get some in your mouth before you can close it. The taste isn't as bad as you feared, salty yet strangely enough you think of the oysters your parents made you eat once. It's just as hard to swallow, but you can't open your mouth to spit or more might come in.
Scott rinses you off and uses you to scrub down his now flacid penis. Then he soaps you up and cleans you off very gently before turning of the water. You knwo it was your own fault this time, but you feel like you've been run over by a steamroller and can barely stand as he puts you in the soapdish. So instead of trying you just sit down and wait for Scott to come and pick you up.
Scott notices the boy running on almost empty and takes his time drying off and wanders out of the bathroom to get some clean clothes. Wow, the boy is amazing. Scott was fully expecting to pull the boy out at the gym after five minutes, but he just aced through it and even after all that, the kid was still up for more. Was the kid starting to enjoy it, or was he just being nice. Well, he would find out soon enough when the cure could be found. He already had someone on that. Scott was not just a police-officer, but worked for a secret-service to. And he mailed them the specifics. This morning he got some info back. Failed highschool experiment or something. The exact formulae was being deciphered by some lab-guys, and they might find a cure before the week was out.
Rummaging through his underwear drawer he found a pair of wornout briefs, the wasteband and the legbands were fine, but the rest of the brief was thin an stretched out. He picked up his bathrobe and returned to the bathroom. where he looked at the boy. almost sleeping in the soapdish. He liked his spunk.
He put on the briefs and walked over to the boy and flashed him a smile. "Tired"
You almost fell asleep untill you heared Scotts voice, you look up and answer him. "Just a little, so what's next?"
Scott grins and answers:
Scott grins at you and says, "we're going shopping. you need a lot more houses."
You groan softly and hop on his hand, "Front please." you say and without any words your lowered down the front.
Scott turns, he was gonna hang out at home, but the boy was obviously daring him, so he went back to his room and picked out one of his tightest jeans and put them on. The boy felt squeezed in next to his own cock. That'll teach him to show off. A long shirt would cover any sight of his portruding members and off he went to the "Mens delicates emporium" around te block.
You actually didn't care about the tightness, you were sqeeuzsed in the soft flesh pushed against the soft penis and were asleep before you even left the appartment.
A small walk later he entered the store and as one of the regulars the girl behind the counter greeted him warmly. Of course the girls and guys here new of his sexual orientation so they weren't surprised with his exclusive taste in underwear. He picked out a few thongs and a couple of jockstraps, tight to loose and a couple of briefs made of different materials, the stretchy bamboo ones felt especially nice. And the prints where just to funny. One actually had a prisonbar motive he couldn't pass by. He also pick out some lycra cycling shorts and some lycra underwear a size smaller than his regular. Just to make sure he had a nice little punishment for the boy. The moment Scott wanted to pay his eye fell on something, It was a mens G-string with a large ring at the back and a thin line reaching from the cup to the ring. That was awesome. He could remove part or the string and tie the boy in so he was actually made into a piece of underwear instead of being inside one.
Hands full Scott paid the bill and the girl smiled at him, "looks like you updated your wardrobe again? It's been a while." Scott laughs and answered, "Yeah, your underwear is just too good, it keeps going." Both he and the girl laugh and he went back to his place.
The whole G-string idea was just to good to let go of, so at home he took out his sewing kit and felt for the boy, as he picked him out he was asleep. Even better. Scott undressed and put on the string, carefully pinpointing at what position his ass-hole was. Nex he undid the seems of the cloth-string, opened is and sewed in and placed the boy on it. Carefully sewing a piece over him so it was tight but he could slide in and out. He looked at his work and smiled, picking it up with the boy in it he walked into the bathroom.
Standing by the mirror he gently nudged the boy awake.
You are awoken by a soft poking and try to get up, but your completely stuck. You look down and see you covered by fabric from your neck down. What? You look up and see a smiling Scott. "Well, well, see what happens when you fall asleep now, when you tell me you're not tired. He drops you and you scream but you soon dangle in your little straightjacket and as you look up you see a ring and two more strings. Then you look forward and see the mirror and what has happened to you. "You made me into a G-string? You asshole." It was out before you knew it. And Scott laughs, "A little bit feisty there. Good and if you wanna meet an asshole I can put it on while I go out for coffee with a friend in a few minutes." You say nothing, "But if you beg me, I'll get you out and put on some regular underwear for you to get comfy in?"
You bite your lip. What to do?
Scott pulls you up to his face and looks at you with a grin on his face. You brace yourself and laugh at him, "No matter where you put me, apparantly I'm gonna be under an asshole anyway." Scott grins, "Fine your words." I hope you won't regret it, I sure won't."
The next moment you first shoot down and you see two feet get through the very large holes beside you. Then you shoot up past the legs, as you reach the ass you stop and you see Scott tugging the front in the small pouch where the balls touch your feet. Finally he pulls you up and your head is forced deeper into his anus than ever. Your packed in so tight you can actually feel it move when you breath on it. Just to defy him, you softly kiss his sphincter which gets a soft yelp from above. "Don't you do that again when I'm out, it's way to hot."
You don't care what he says and kiss it again, even better, you start softly headbutting the sphincter, kissing it, licking it. Everything gets a reaction from above. "Stop it, I can't go out like this, don't make me fart on you." You still keep going, wondering if this threat was real. You soon find out it was. A strong, hot, foul smelling gust blows right in your unprotected face. You hold your breath for as long as you can, it's not long enough for the smell to dissapear, but at least you don't pass out. And you keep attacking his unprotected hole even more fiercely.
He squeezes his ass around you, he bends, twist, sits and jumps. No way are you going out like this, you think. Finally the string is pulled down and taken off and you are lifted towards Scotts face, he pants and is all red in the face. "Okay, little one, you win, no G-string when I'm going out. I'll keep it for play though, cause that was amazing. Thank you." And he pulls you out and kisses you again. "Okay, but I have to go soon…"
You look up at Scotts face and you actually can't hold it in, you start to cry. "I don't care! Wear whatever you like. But I wanna tell you something. I did everything you asked me and more. I slept in your ass. I kept up with your work-out, which was not easy. I kissed your ass, and I even offered myself to you in the shower. I've tasted your sweat and even swallowed some of your cum when you came all over me in the shower. And still you pull that stunt with the string. I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve punishment and yet you did that too me. It's not fair. I kept my end of the deal and you have done nothing for me. You went too far. And I don't care what happens, if you pull one more stunt like that, I'm out of. I don't care if I get squashed, eaten or have to live at this size forever, if I can't feel safe around you, I'm out."
Your outburst shocks Scott and he looks away in shame. He tries to say something but he needs a few tries. "I… I… I'm sorry, you're right, the G-string was uncalled for and was just for me. I wanted to know what it would be like and forgot about you." You look in his eyes and say, "Why didn't you just ask. Is there any reason why you thought I might not say yes? I mean I freakin' agreed to live in your underwear. I let you strap me in your ass with the thong. Even if I'm all doing it, because I hope you keep your word, why would I say no to this request." Scott sighs and says, "Well would you have said yes?" you shrug, "Probably, yeah."
You both remain silent for a while then Scott suddenly laughs, "You swallowed my cum? That's wicked." You can't help but smile at that statement, "Yeah I got some in my mouth and had to swallow it. I'd rather not do it again too soon if you don't mind." He looks at you with that grin, "Oh, but maybe some day?" you shrug, "Maybe some day." He smiles again, "You know I'll hold you to that?" You laugh, "Well maybe one day it'll happen just like today by accident and the promise will be fullfilled. or maybe some day I'll be big enough to take a full load once, to thank you for your help." Wait, what are you saying? But Scott laughs, "Well that's a great motivation to get you big again?" And he winks, "But only if you still want to then, because you getting back to size ends our deal." you nod while he continues, "So you want me to toss the G-string?" You shake your head, "Keep it for when we're desperate for a fight. We might need it again one day." you both laugh and he smiles at you with that warm smile. "So, we're good again?" You nod, "Yeah we're good, now if you don't mind. I'd like to testdrive a jockstrap to see which I prefer for a gymsession next time."
Scott can't stop laughing as he carries you into the bedroom and puts you on the bed. He turns away and comes back with a couple of jockstraps, "take your pick." You look at him and ask, "I don't know, probably the tightest that you would wear to a gym to make sure I don't fall out." Scott nods and picks a black one and a white one. the black one seems awfully small compare to his member, the white one seems a bit to large. He turns again and comes back with another item in his hand. You have to look twice and then you see it just as he starts: "The black one is very tight, the white one comes with a cup. It was the surprise I was saving this morning for if you picked it." his grin tell you which he would like to try.
"Well than, Scotty… Cup-me-up." He looks down at you amazed, "Sure?" you nod, "Sure!"
His grin almost reaches ear-to-ear as he drops the black one and puts on the white. He bows forward with the cup. "Your ride, good sir." You climb in and he lifts you up towards his crotch you look up past his crotch, his abs and pecs into a smiling face as he slide the cup under himself. "Enjoy the ride, and be sure to give me some sign of life once in a while." With those words he suddenly flips the cup up and you slam into his flacid penis. This isnt to bad, you think, but as the jockstrap is put in place the cup is firmly pushed towards Scotty's body and you end up hugging his memberreally tight.
A loud knock startles you and you hear Scott say, "Knock-knock! who's there? Jack! Jack who? Jack-you if I had more room." you laugh and softly stroke the penis to give a sign of life and the fact you heared him. The flacid penis reacts to this and you make a mental note, not to do that to much, if it grows you might get crushed in here.
You hear Scott talking to himself and suddenly he sits down which pulls in te cup a little more. You hear him putting on pants and trough a small airhole and the thin jockstrap you his legs struggling with a pair of really tight pants. Denim apparantly. You hear Scott mock, "I hope I can get these skinnies over the cup. Oh well, it'll just squeeze in." You wonder if he's serious, but you feel him laying down to pull the pants up over his ass and you see the pants standing open and think he might not have been. You feel him breathin out and suddenly hear the sound of a zipper being pullled up slowly. He wasn't kidding, the cup tightens around your feet, then your legs and with one big pull around the rest of you envelopping you in darkness and really squishing you into your cup-buddy.
A soft push from above makes you feel Scott wants a sign of live, so you give his cock a gentle stroke and after that he gets up. "Don't worry, it's just a meeting with a few old friends, won't take more than a couple of hours. And it will be a lot of sitting. Of course we both know a cup doesn't breathe that well, so you'll probably smell awfull before long. He gets up and you hear him collecting his stuff and leave the house.
You feel him sitting down a little later and hear the engine of his car start. As he drives of the seat-warmer still seems broken. And it gets worse. you feel him turn in somewhere and order a hot coffee. A few moments later you fel he has placed the hot cup between his legs against the cup. He can't get burned, but he can get sweaty. After minutes you feel completely soaked and the musky smell is almost intoxicating, the ventilation holes don't help you much. They are the ways in for fresh air, but also the ways out for foul air. So you breath through your mouth as much as possible. After a drive that seems to take forever, but actually only takes about as long for a large coffee to cool down and be drank Scott knocks on the cup for a sign of life and you give it to him before he gets up.
The walking is beter, it helps with the airflow, even if it also rubs you and mister happy close together. But soon Scotty enters someplace and sits down somewhere. "Bonjour" wait, are they taling french?
Scotty enter the restaurant where they were supposed to meet and sees his contact. He sits down with his legs as wide as possible to give the little one as much fresh air as possible and greets the person across in french. They agreed on french for this meeting so he starts off.
"So are there any leads on the shrunken student or the formula?" he asks
"No, not at all, some people claim to have seen him, some even say he left the building."
"And the formula?"
"Unfortunately most of it is flushed, it was an experiment gone wrong, some chemicals fell in the mix and we haven't been able to reproduce it. We found a little still in the sink and also some traces of it around school, not enough to affect anyone, but apparantly it was spread before being destroyed. The traces are also incomplete, some of the chemicals used might have evaporated or may have been washed away by clear water."
"So there's no leads to that either?"
"No, we can only hope we find more traces or find one of the students affected. If we could analyse him or her we might get some results."
"analyse him or her?"
"yes scans, bloodtests the works and if all else fails maybe even dissection might be needed."
"Dissecting a student? That seems quite radical?"
"Well technically they are not really American citizens in their current state, according to the law. And if it could give us the answer to the shrinking formula it would be worth it, no?"
Scott pauzes for a second to think. "I agree completely. If we have the shrinking formula, we can develop a growth formula and with that we could rule the world."
"Agreed. So we need a student, we know at least three different students have been reported missing, all girls. So how could we get our hands on one?"
Scott thinks about two things. First of Jack hasn't been reported as missing, that's kind of sad. Secondly the girls. "Well I suppose you could put up reward fliers for tiny people in the school, most will think it a joke but if someone has one they might be tempted by a large amount of money."
"Splendid idea. I'll make the call right now."
The contact starts dialing and Scott pensively places a hand on the cup and one over his mouth.
The contact is sloppy Scott thinks as he talks on the phone in English
You hear a lot of french, but suddenly you hear English in a strange voice.
"Yes put up flyers around the school with a reward for tiny people, if we can get one, we can find out how to shrink and grow people. Do it now."
You gasp, which is a mistake as you breath in a lot of putrid air, so Scott is working on it? You softly stroke his cock a few times.
After the call they resume in french, but it sounds a lot less serious. The sound of knifes forks an plates rattles abouve you as the two man are having an early dinner. The heat around you intensifies as Scott closes his legs together, but you manage
And what seems forever Scott takes his leave with an "Au revoir." And walks back to his car.
After a short drive you hear him get out of the car and the jongle of keys, the stairs and another door tells you your home again. Wait, did you just call this place home?
You hear Scott kick off his shoes and he lays down, he's probably gonna get you out right away.
"So once for yes, twice for no. you heared that english part?" He says. You rub his dick once.
"You understand I'm keeping my word?" one stroke.
"You know you're not the only one that was shrunk?" two strokes.
The strokes are having an effect on his dick and it seems slightly bigger than before.
"You realise I have to hide you, cause they want a tiny to experiment on?" Two strokes, "Well you do now."
"So they need another one to do test with before they can find a cure. Want me to turn you in so they can test on you?" Two strokes. "Thought as much."
"So now you know, I'm keeping my part of the deal even though it might not be solved soon, or to be honest, it might never be solved. Does our deal still stand?"
This time you hesitate for a second before giving one very long stroke.
"Good to know" and he remains silent for a little while.
That last stroke did wonders for Scott mood. Did he even want a cure to be found? He could get used to having the boy around, no. He was already used to it.
The boy has spent 10 hours against his dick in the squadcar, slept in his ass, was the perfect living wash-cloth and even survived a two-hour thong crush at the gym. And right no he was stuck to his dick in a cup for at least three hours already. He didn't complain about eating sweat or even swallowing a little cum. Scott never liked the whole relation thing, he was a man of one-night stands, mostly because he had some secrets. But this kid couldn't tell anyone and nothing ever made Scott feel as good as having him down in his pants of his own free will.
"You want out?" One stroke confirmed that.
"Do you need to get out?: Two strokes, the boy was honest
"Think you can survive there for a whole night?" nothing. still nothing.
The whole night? I don't think so, well maybe if he took his pants of, which he will if he goes to bed. But if he lies on his stomach it might get really tight down here. But would it be tighter than the thong? probably not. Oh what the hell, let's just find out already. You stroke once.
"You're kidding?" two strokes
"You can stay there the whole night." one stroke
"Do you want to?" two strokes
"But you'll let me keep you there tonight, no hard feelings?" one stroke.
"Wow. Okay then, lets go to bed"
You feel him get up and walk through the house. Suddenly light floods in as he unzips his pants and fresher air streams in.
"I never slept with a cup before. Let's see how that goes." He lays down in the bed, on his back.
"You're absolutely positive you don't mind?" You decide to bite his cock and he yelps. "Fine, sorry for caring."
With that he pulls up the covers and you suddenly feel pressure as he places one hand on the outside of the cup and pushes down.
"I just think you;ll be very sorry in the morning." Two strokes. Scott laughs.
"You're completely insane, you know that?" one stroke.
After this Scott falls silent and you snuggle up with the little Scott. After a while you hear a soft snore and you know what will happen next. Almost right on que he turns over on his stomach. His full-weight no presses his package down into the cup and even though it's really tight, really damp and really hot, you find that's you're just fine. You don't dare to fall a sleep that night though.
Even though Scott hardly tosses or turns you do feel somewhat uncomfortable and feel a need to be able to act when things go wrong. But even though you try, you can't help drifting in and out of short naps. untill the buzzer of the alarm goes. You're not even all that tired, just hot, sweaty and you smell, well, like a sportscup. Scott quickly turns over on his back and knock on the cup. "You up?" one stroke.
"You seriously survived the night" one stroke.
"Sorry I doubted you, if you hadn't bit me I would have gotten you out last night."
"So, is it bad down there?" one stroke, which makes Scott laugh.
"You want out?" one stroke.
"You need out?" two strokes.
"Still honest I see?" one stroke.
Suddenly Scott pulls down the jockstrap and lifts up the cup. He looks down at you, even though you can't even look up at him. you're completely glued to his dick.
Scott can't stop laughing as he stands up and you just keep hanging in place. He takes the cup and sniffs it. "Oh god, that's foul. how did you live through that?"
He pulls you from his dick and lifts you up and smells you. "Ah, by smelling just as foul." Slowly your muscles relax and you gain control of your limbs back.
You sit up and look at Scott he smiles at you, "Enjoyed the night?" You stretch, and answer, "Did you?" he nods, and you say, "Well then it was worth it. so yes, I enjoyed it. You know what I'd really enjoy now?" Scott looks at you and raises an eye-brow, "Breakfast?" you shake your head. "Maybe later, First I need a shower. And to be honest you should probably wash down there too." Scott laughs and says:
"Why don't we skip the shower and take a long hot bath? I can grab us something to eat and drink and we can soak for a while." you nod, "that sounds great."
So Scott picks you up turns on the bath and walks into the kitchen, he grabs some food on a tray and by the time you get back to the bathroom the tub is almost half-full. Scott sputs you on the tray tha fits over the bath and slowly lowers himself in the warm water. he reaches for some ylang-ylang-bath oil which gives the water a very nice scent. And he picks you up and places you on his stomach where the water is deep enough for you to lie in without having to keep swimming.
After a little while of soaking Scott picks you up and puts you on his chest and hands you some pieces of food. WHen you had enough you get up and run into the water and take a few strokes. Scott laughs, "I'm so jealous, I wish I had an indoor swimming pool."you laugh too, "Ah, but then you and me would have to be the same size and you would miss out on a lot of things you did the last few days." His body shakes with laughter and this makes waves across the water for you to go with. And before you know you reach the end of the bath and suddenly Scott lifts you with his foot and reaches out to pick you up with his hand. He puts you back near his abs and you lay back and enjoy the water for a while.
After the water has cooled down a bit Scott ask, "Time to rinse and get out?" You say yes and he picks you up and puts you on the tray before getting out himself and letting the water flow away. He picks you up again and you move into the shower together, "Just a quick scrub down," he says, and you answer, "take your time. I've got nowhere to be. Oh and don't forget the extra attention you package deserves after tonight." Scott grins at you and turns on the water. "Fine, slow and steady and he pushes you down his armpit and holds true to his word, even though he washes his pits only once, it seems to take forever before hem moves you donw to his pecs and after taking ages with that his abs.
After that he pulls you up to his face, "Slow enough?" you wink at him, "For those parts yes, but we both know you really want to take your time with the next part. So take it already." Scott smiles, "your wish." And with that he softly slams you into his right buttock, slowly circling inwards and outwards, inwards and outwards, after a long time he moves to the other side and again inwards and outwards, inwards and outwards. Next the part you know he's been waiting for. Slowly with only his indexfinger he shoves you face down through his endless crack, back up and back down. then when after what seems a journey of hours you reach his main event. you hesitate one second as he slowly rubs your face into his sphincter, but then you pull up your arms and slowly stick one of them right down the middle and push. Scott lets out a audible gasp and you stick in your second arm and slowly massage the inside of his hole. You feel his finger softly pushing against the bag of your head and his thumb grabs your legs. "I got you don't worry." Scott pants and suddenly his indexfinger pushes hard and slide in taking your head and upperbody with it. The tight muscle closes around you, yet you still find you can get some breathable air. slowly his finger pushes in deeper and you go along for the ride, He pushes twists and slides you around, your arms still stretch above your head and you almost feel the end of the sphincter, then he pulls you out, and lifts you to his face "That was good enough for now, thanks" You point down, "one more part, and make it a rough scrub please." he radiates joy as he says, "yes sir." And flips you on his bag to thoroughly scrub his sack and you don't even wonder why you enjoy it, you just go with it. After a long time he brings you out from under them and you see his dick ready to pop and he looks down at you and you just nod. You know what he wants. He closes his fist with you in it around his shaft and start to pump for a few times, then he groans and pulls you up to the head and cums all over your body. you don't care your mouth is open, you just taste him and take a long sip, when you wipe your eyes and open them you see he's pulled you up to his face and he smiles "You kept that promise a little sooner than I anticipated." He stock out his tongue and licks some cum of you before rinsing you of, using you to rinse his cock and rinsing you again.
As he turns of the water and gets out of the shower he puts you on a shelf with a small towel and leaves to get dressed. When he comes back he's wearing
You look up and see Scott enter wearing his cop uniform, the top of his pants still open and his shirt not tucked in. He looks at you and smiles that warm smile again.
"So today we're on patrol again, with Langly, so there won't be much play time. just a regular uniform and a regular pair of briefs. Think you're okay with that?"
You shrug, "Do I have a choice?" he laughs, "Only one, front or back." He places his hand flat so you can step on it and he lifts you up.
"You know," you say, "I was kind of sad yesterday when you told me there won't be a cure for a while."
He nods, "Yeah, I get that."
You laugh, "I know you're not really sad about it."
He actually blushes, "Well, to be honest, no, not really I kind of enjoy this."
You smile faintly, "I haven't been reported missing have I?"
He gasps, "How do you know?"
"I do take french in school, so I got parts of your conversation, three girls are reported, no boys." He nods as you continue, "It's not so bad, I've never been well liked, I can deal with that. It's just… It scares me to think that when I get back to my own size I would have to lose this. And to be honest. I'm starting to enjoy it." Scott treats you with that smile again. "So I've decided that for as long as it takes to find that cure I'll try to enjoy every moment and when the cure is found… well we'll see about it then. I mean we do have a deal right?"
Scott nods, "right. So what do you say?" you look at him trying to see what he means. He laughs, "Well, front or back."
You laugh, "well I've had enough of the front for a while, so feel free to slide me down the back."
He grins, "You sure, I had french food yesterday, that might make me a bit gassy."
you nod, "I'm sure. I'm gonna have to face that stuff sooner or later, right?"
He grins, "I suppose you do. Okay let's get you settled." You look down as he drops his pants and you gasp as he's wearin not the satin broefs you expected but a pair fo very, very tight looking lycra as he moves you around back you see the seam of the briefs disappear deep into the crevice between his glutes and you can see he has to pull quite hard to open them up enough to slide his hand in. He drops you in very low and uses one finger to push you in deep then he pulls back and lets ge of the briefs that snap into place the seam in your back pushes you in and you can't move at you stare at the puckered whole only inches from your face.
"Oh yeah, I got some really tight lycra shorts for you the other day. I hope you'll enjoy the shift like that. It's not like you can get out even if you wanted too. But I thought if you survived the thong and the cup for as long as you did, this would be like a walk in the park. A walk in the park under a full moon. He pulls up his pants and you hear him buckle his belt. As he starts moving you're forced to move along with both cheeks, And you know what. You kind of enjoy it.
Outside a horn blows and Scott gets in the car. "How are you today you self-loving putz?" You hear officer Langly answer and they drive off.
The drive starts out uneventfull. The cops get their coffee and their donuts. And they just drive and banter away. your tight cell actually makes it easier for you to relax a little, there's no way you're ever gonna slip out and be found by officer Langly, though you do wish you could scratch you nose just for a second. The tranquil thoughts disappear soon enough though as you hear some faint rumblings somehwere close by.
As the rumbling get louder you fear of what might be coming though. So you're not completely unaware when suddenly the hole in front of your face wriggles and a blast of hot, fetid air burst over you. Coating you in a scent so vile you almost have to throw up.
You hear the cops laughing above but your eyes are full of tears and your ears ring from the loud noise so you can't make out their jokes. The smell lingers for a while making it hard to breath. However as the air finally seems to clear the second wave washes over you and this time you actually throw up in your mouth a little, you swallow the sour taste and try to think happy thoughts. The air doesn't seem to clear even as a third wave hits you. You feel like you're gonna faint but hold on. Thankfully Scott gets up soon and the air can clear as he walks around the car to take over the drivers seat from his partner. These switches will be the moments you live for. As Scott didn't lie about the being gassy part. Everytime you think he can't fart anymore he blasts out another one.
You think you actually might have passed out once or twice, but finally the barrage seems over. And you can hear the cops talk about shift being over soon too. After a while the car stops and Scott gets out. "Well, that was a snooze," he tells his partner and you hear him yawn. "I know we should be happy, but driving around to nothing just makes me even more tired than catching bad-guys. I'm gonna hit the sack as soon as I get home." You hear officer Langly utter a same kind of statement and he drives off.
Scott walks up to his building and enters his apartment. He heads directly for the bedroom and throws of his shirt and pants. Time to check on the little one, but first I'll close my eyes for just a few minutes.
You hear Scott enter his apartment and walk around. Light shines in as he drops his pants and then the world suddenly seems to fall away as he flings himself on the bed. You know he'll get you out soon enough, at least you think he will. Wait is that, snoring? Did Scott fall asleep already? Your heart skips a beat as suddenly the sleeping Scott does something new, he rolls over on his back sentencing you to a very close encounter with his rear for the night.
No way, you think he's joking. He has to be, I need to move. You realise he's not joking though and you also realise that means you're stuck here for the night. Or at least untill he wakes up. You can't even shrug as you decide to let it go. You can't go anywhere, but that also means you can't accidentaly roll out and be crushed. So you decide the best thing to do is probably close your eyes too and sleep through your ordeal. You'll yell at him in the morning.
You are awoken roughly as Scott suddenly tumbles out of bed and walkt around. It takes a whie before you recognise the other sounds as the doorbell, a frantic knock and someone shouting Scott's name through the door. The sound get louder as Scott approaches the door and when he opens it a male voice shouts at him. "The hell man, why is your cell-phone off, We need you at HQ right now, we got one." You feel Scott stretch and hear him yawn before answering, "We got what?" Scott roughly turns and shakily moves through the apartment as if he's being pushed. The other voice continues, "We got a tiny, now come on they want you there five minutes ago. Put on some clothes and move. I'm double parked downstairs"
Scott jerks up, "We got one, gimme a minute." All other things forgotten he runs into his bedroom and puts on some sweatpants and a jersey and runs back out. Mark is already out the door, so he grabs his keys and runs down. Marks jeep is fired up and you hop in beside him. Did you forget anything? Oh yeah, your cell, but it's dead anyway. "Go." you say and Mark drives off.
All this running in the morning feels really bad to you. Especially since you've been down here for at least 12 hours, probably even more. But Scott is so excited about this that you can't help but wonder if he completely forgot about you. I mean, you can't move an inch and the briefs are really tight so the chances you can make yourself known aren't in your favour. As he suddenly drops down into a carseat fullweight, slamming the air from you body before yelling 'Go' only adds to your fear.
And as they drive off and start talking about what's going on he can't seem to sit still which leads to two massive flesh mountains crushing you one by one.
As Mark drives off Scott starts to qeustion him on the situation.
Apparantly the flyers worked, a young goth-girl, Carol something called the number and met an agent. She handed over a small girl in exchange for a thousand dollars cash. The tiny girl apparantly had been in Carols grip for a while and poorly treated. Her hair was almost cut off entirely and she was clothed in a filthy rag. her identity was found out to be Melissa Green a former cheerleader. This made sense, the goth-girl must have found the little miss perfect and wanted to put her in her place, by completely taking away everything she had. Make-up, nice hair and nice clothes.
Melissa was completely traumatized and scared off everything. but some of the first test had been conducted.
They arrived at HQ and got out of the car and ran in, after a little jog they reached the lab and Scott could see the girl and feared for her sanity. She was huddled in the corner of her cage crying and shuddering and uttering things like, "No more", "Please" and "mistress Carol". the scientist he met in the restaurant walked up and looked at Scott, "Yes, her mind seems broken now. If we can get her back to her own size we can get her some help."
Scott nods, "So how are the tests going, Dirk?"
Dirk the scientist taps his clipboard with his pen. "Not as expected. We tested her feces, urine, blood and scanned her a couple of times. No traces of anything."
Scott nods, "That tells us it's not something that will wear of, but it's a permanent change."
Dirk nods, "We think so too. However we did find out something rather interesting about the shrinking in general. It seems it's not solely a reduction of size, but more of a compression."
Scott shakes his head. "What does that mean?"
Dirk grins, "It's a bit like the Ant-man comics, the molecular density of the increases to compress the cells, making them superior in strength."
Scott thinks for a second. "You mean the girl is superstrong and indestructable?"
Dirk shakes his head, "not quite indestructable, but she can take more pressure than a normal human being and is stronger at this size than at her regular size, but still there's a relation to size. So she won't be lifting any schoolbusses, and you probably need to use some tool or really brute force to break one of her bones. She also needs less oxygen and food to sustain herself."
Scott laughs: "So all in all she's superior in a lot of ways. except her size?"
Dirk nods and grins, "That's about it."
Scott thinks for a while. "The problem is we still have no leads on the formula and this girl won't be of much help?"
Dirk sighs and answers, "I'm afraid so, we have all the test and thankfully don't see any need to open her up any further. But I think we need a new plan."
Scott nods, "I think it's time to bring in the science-students that accidentaly created the formula and have them try to recreate it."
Dirk grunts approvingly, "We have a list of about ten, the fingerprints were found in the lab around the time the shrinking started."
"Bring them in and find someone, willing to take care of Melissa for a while, I think a trustworthy male, she probably won't react well to girsl. buy her some barbiedresses and a doll house and take her out of the cage. We need to take care of this… tiny…" Oh god, tiny, Jack! Scott squeezes his ass and suddenly feels the familiar shape stuck there.
Dirk coughs, "Captain?"
Scott shakes his head, he can't get him out here, he needs to be home for that. "Right we need to take care of our tiny guest. And keep up the reward posters. Any tiny we can protect we should. It's our job to protect our citizens."
Dirk smiles, "Very well captain, now I think you can leave the rest to us for a while. Maybe you should go home and freshen-up. and wear something a little more appropriate. We wouldn't want people to think this is an department of the Female Body Inspectors."
Scott looks down and notices the print on the front of the jersey he pulled on this morning and grins slightly embarassed. "I didn't, I was."
Dirk just laughs and turns away. Scott turns to Mark with a scowl, "Why didn't you say anything." Mark just laughs too, "Let's get you home, you need that shower."
A little while later you get out of Marks car at home.
Scott hops out of the car and turn to thank Mark, however he looks at you and ask, "Hey, can I come up for a second?"
Even though he really wants to get Jack out, he can't say no to the look on Marks face. "Sure."
The two men climb the stairs in silence and enter the apartment, "Coffee?" Scott asks. "Please" Scott walks into the kitchen with Mark trailing him.
Mark sits down at the table and after making two cups of coffee Scott sits across from him. "So, what's up? Please speak freely, I'll keep your secrets" Mark looks into his coffee and stirs it, even though he drinks it without milk or sugar.
He takes a deep breath, "This feels wrong, you know. I mean that girl was terrified. And I understand why. I mean can you imagine being shrunk like that and when you go out for help someone just treats you like that?" He sips some coffee, "And even when you get rescued, all they do is use you as a lab-rat for testing. None of the guys there thought about giving the girl some clothes, till you told them. I think you were the first to actually talk about her like she was a person. I mean, I don't know if I would be willing to hand over anyone to those guys."
You smile faintly, "Yeah, I know what you mean. Those scientist are just probing for answers and they forget the girl is more than a failed experiment. I just hope they find someone willing to give her the time and support she needs."
Mark shakes his head, "That's not all. I think the whole shrinking thing is wrong too. Why do we need a shrinking formula, something like that could be used to do horrible things. assasinations I can live with. But you know they'll use is for punishments soon enough. Shrinking inmates to reduce the size of prisons and decrease the change of escaping. Prisoners of war to be able to torture them. Maybe we shouldn't find out. I mean it would be good if we could return the once shrunk to their original size, but maybe they should just pay the price. A handfull of victims to save millions." He takes a long sip, "Is it wrong of me to think like that?"
Scott thinks for a second, "I think you need to look at it from different angles, the scientists see a challenge, the government sees a chance, the victims see a chance of survival. But yeah, you have an angle to, that of the common man I think. The ones who won't be able to control the use of this formula. The ones that can be oppressed and threatened with it. It's a valid angle and something to think about." Scott empties his own cup, "Currently I feel I should side with the victims. That girl needs our help. So… Why don't you offer up some time to take her in?" Mark looks up, "Me?"
Scott smiles, "Yeah, you thought about this a lot, and you are the only one beside me that saw the girl for what she is. She may be scared, scarred and broken, but you still saw a human girl in her."
Mark drinks the last of his coffee and gets up. "You know, maybe I will…. thanks for the talk." Scott gets up and escorts Mark to the door, "Anytime, Mark, anytime." Mark leaves and Scott closes the door and walks back into the kitchen.
You heared the two men talk and you actually find you like this Mark guy and the way he thinks.
You're also still terrified about how Scott hasn't shown any sign of remembering you.
And those scientist are just complete assholes. You know you have to thank Scott for not turning you in.
As you're thinking it all over suddenly a light opens up above and you feel the soft touch of Scott fingers lifting you out.
He lifts you up and you see a worried look on his face. "You still with me?" You flash him a smile, "Of course, I'm apparantly sturdy, like a lobster."
Scott grins, "Well that's one way to put it. But I have to confess something, with all the commotion this morning, I… I kind of forgot you were down there." He glances at the clock. "And apparantly have been there for 26 hours straight." You jokingly pump your fist in the air, "That's gotta be a record." Scott laughs, "Probably, lets call Guiness to confirm that." Both of you laugh till he asks, "So we're still good." You nod and answer, "I won't say it didn't scare me, but I got out okay. I'm also glad I was with you at that meeting with the scientists and the talk you just had with Mark. Now I know a little more of what's going on. And I want to thank you for keeping your promise and for not handing me over. If that means you will sometimes forget about me being stuck in your ass, I can live with that… clearly."
Scott puts you on the table and grabs some biscuit for you both to eat. "Well Mark did put things in perspective allright. Am I as bad as that Carol girl for treating you the way I do?" You look up at him and say: Two noes and two yesses. No, you gave me a choice. No, you are trying to help me. Yes, you didn't really consider my feelings about this. Yes, one-word: G-string." You see Scotts face display a variety of emotions, one right after the other, but before he speaks you continue, "BUT, you treated me with some form of respect, haven't intentionally hurt me too much and quite frankly I gave you the green-light. So all in all, you're no Carol." Relief finally wins the honour of showing on Scott's face as he answers, "Thanks."
The two of you eat in silence for a while, you're the one to ask the next question. "Is Mark right about the weapon, punishment and torture thing?" Scott shrugs, "I don't know, but I think he could be." You nod, "I fear he might be right too." Mark puts his hands flat on the table and places his chin down on them so he looks straigth at you. "So what are you thinking about?" You get up and start walking in circles, heh funny, you haven't done your own walking for a while you realise. Feels good though. "I'm wondering if I can do it." You look at Mark and he asks, "Do what?" You look away before answering. "Make the sacrifice he talked about. I mean sure I still have hopes that maybe one day I might see my own size again, but can I wish for that if it means that they'll have a weapon in their hands that could change the world like that? I need some time to process that."
Mark shoves back his chair and gets up. "Well, let's not waste time contemplating when we can think and achieve some things at the same time."
You look up and wonder what he's talking about.
That grin on his face can't be good. And no it's not.
"Time to go to the gym." He picks you up and carries you into the bedroom.
"Now, what to wear? Well, besides you that is." You know what's coming next. He holds up the very small black jockstrap. "I think you've had your time in the back, so the front it is. I just hope we both fit in here." As he picks you up, you sigh, "We both know you'll make us fit." He grins as he drops you in the dark cutton hammock of the strap. "Yes. I will wear my tightest Jack-strap and he'll like it."
You notice the small tag at the bag of the strap. He's really gonna try and squirm into a size S? Oh well let's brace myself.
Shooting up the legs makes your stomach jump. But the moment the member comes in view you actually know this won't fit. You fill up half the thing allready. But he's gonna go for it anyway it seems. He's taking it very slowly just to torment you. It comes nearer and nearer till is touches you. Then he pulls it tight in one fluid motion and you feel yourself being crushed face-first into his hot skin. He squeezes you in. Deeper and deeper. you can't do this. Tighter even. SNAP! and release. You're pulled away and stare up at the laughing Scott. "Guess what, it really didn't fit." you smile faintly, "Guess what, I noticed. He puts you back on the bed and turns away, "Then I guess I don't have any clean jockstraps to wear today. Oh… I still have these." He turns around and holds up a pair of compression shorts. That'll be just as snug. And they even have a little separate pocket for you. Right in front. The hottest seat in the house. Guess who'se lucky day it is to be the cup." You get lifted from the bed and he slides you upside down into the front section of the compression shorts. He uses his fingers to press you in deep in the tight pocket. And it shakes as he puts it down over his feet an slowly pulls it up. "I guess these are my previous size to, but they won't snap so easily." Then you touch the flesh of his balls and his hand slides between you and hit sack. He feels around and adjusts himself in a way that leaves your face right between the testicles. He pulls up hard and the shorts snap in place. Your head turned sideways so you can breathe and one of the testicles pushes against your face. "A perfect fit. Don't worry, it's mainly weights today. And maybe a tae bo or yoga class.
In no time he's dressed and out the door and you arrive at the gym. Suddenly you hear him greet someone, "Mark? I didn't know you were going to the gym today too?" Mark laughs, "Yeah had to blow of some steam. But my racquetball partner bailed on me. You're not by chance up for a game, are you." No, you think, no you're not, No. But scott answers, "Sure, why not, I was gonna hit the weights but a little cardio would do me good. just let me get a rental."
The next hour is pure torture, apparantly Scott doesn't intend to lose, he won't hold still for a second swaying side to side, running forward, lunging. And because you are trapped between two layers of fabric the sweat he builds up isn't only absorbed on one side, but actually both sides, trapping you in a sour and musky cave of damp material. Being upside down doesn't help with the feeling of complete disorienation. And when Mark finally scores the winning point you almost cheer for him. You hear Mark laugh, "Well, you're a lot better than my usual. Maybe we should do this again sometime." You hate Scott so much as he answers, "Anytime, this was a very good work-out." Mark laughs, yeah, but now we really need a shower.
Scott concurs, yeah I'd better go home to take one. Mark laughs, "Still not comfortable showering with other men? It's not like I haven't seen you naked, you know. Well, only once of course, but that's because you left it at that." Your discomfort forgotten for a moment you listen intently. Scott answers, "Please Mark, let's not go there again, you know me well enough that I don't want that kind of… thing." Mark laughs, "Yeah, yeah, you're rules: One night only. No strings attached." You hear Scott sigh: "Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just you know our line of work doesn't allow us much freedom to start relationships." Mark replies, "Yeah, but you make it into a monastery, you've been living celibate for a while now. You are allowed to have fun once in a while… I know I need it." the door opens and you hear Mark leave.
Yeah, Scott thinks to himself as he unconsciously scratches his privates. I handled that very well… again. I probably should go after him.
Instead he returns his racket, picks up his bag and leaves the gym. As he comes home he walks into the bathroom and strips. He plucks a dripping jack from the pouch holding him upside down by his leg. and this sight makes him smile. Up to the point where he sees the stern look on the boys face and the crossed arms in front of his chest. The sight would be really funny if he saw it in a picture on the net, however now? "What, racquetball's not your sport?" Still upside down the boy throws his arms in the air, or to the floor. "Why are you such an asshole at times?" Scott blinks, "Did you really have to treat Mark like that, why the hell didn't you follow him."
Scott places you down on a shelf and puts his hands on his hips. "And how is that your business?" You scowl at him. "I live in your underwear, I've been up in your business far deeper than any one else. That's how." Scott puts on his very own scowl, "It was a one-night stand, he knew it, I don't commit. If he can't deal… tough." you shake your head, "You've been committed to me since we met. Where is that no lying policy now?" You see Scott swallows in surprise, "No… I'm not committed, you've a commitment to me, not…" He flinches, "I hate you when you're right." You give him a half-smile, "Yeah, I know, you can, and probably will, take it out on me later." this gets you a half-smile in return. "I should call him." You nod, "And meet with him to talk about this. You don't do these things over the phone or by email or what-not"
Scott digs up his phone from his bag and dials Marks number. The phone rings four times before Mark picks up. "What?!"
Scott gulps, "We need to talk."
It remains silent for a minute. "Come over, after your shower, I'm on my way home. Half an hour good?"
"Fine." You turn off the phone and turn on the shower.
Almost without thinking you grab Jack from the shelve and quickly wash yourself, maybe a bit too rough, but your mind is not with Jack right now.
You wonder if the rough threatment is a punishment or just because Scott is a bit pre-occupied. Either way you don't care too much. You still get the full tour before he steps out and dries off. He caries you to the bedroom and pulls some clothes from his closet. You are shocked yet a little thrilled by the unconscious act with which he scoops you up and drops you down the back of his briefs, the normal satin ones before he puts on his pants and gets ready to leave. You remind yourself to tell him about it later. He'll laugh at that.
Mark ony lives a few buildings away, so Scott decides to walk. Half-way he feels the little boy brush up against his ass. Wait? did I put him in there? I must have, I should tell him I didn't even think about it. I just did. I guess it's a second nature already. A slight smile crosses Scotts face. He was right, there was some commitment there, but let's face it, it's easier to commit to someone you can carry around in your pants wherever you go, than committing to someone who you might never see again when you, or he, gets transferred out.
Scott rings the bell and announces himself, so he's buzzed in. The last part would be the stairs, to soon he's in front of Marks door and knocks.
It opens and Mark lets him in. "Coffee?" he asks, "Please" Scott answers.
"So?" Mark says, "Yeah" Scott says.
Silence fills the room suddenly scott feels a kick against his but.
"I hate the way this keeps coming up." Scott says. "You know I like you as a friend, but I don't think we can be more than that."
"Because you have your commitment-issues, I suppose." Mark snarls.
Scott shakes his head, "That's a part of it, but another part is. I don't think I love you the way you should when you're in a relationship. I respect you, I enjoy your company and I know you're a very nice guy. Just this morning you showed me that. It's just…"
Mark sighs, "It's just not what you look for in a boyfriend. Yeah, I know."
Scott's eyes grow, "You know?"
Mark nods, "Yeah, I know you enough to know that you need something else. Someone sturdier, someone that puts you in your place at times, but someone you can put is his place too. I know I'm not that guy. But you know. Untill you just said that and not hide away behind those bogus excuses of commitment-issues. I guess it makes it finally real. Thanks for being honest for a change."
Scott grunts, "Well, I'm sorry it took so long."
Mark smiles, "I'm not, well not completely. I'm just glad it's finally out in the open. Your friendship means a lot to me. I don't want to lose that, but I also know that I probably wouldn't be happy in a relationship with you. You would waltz over me in a heartbeat. It's just…." Scott waits for Mark to continue, "You were my first man. And that kind of placed you on a pedestal in my mind."
Scott laughs, "I was your first? I would never have guessed."
Mark smirks, "first man. not first ever. Allthough you did get me off the women. And I thank you for that."
Scott laughs "Welcome to the real world."
The conversation drags on a bit, mostly shoptalk. After a while
Happy with how this turned out Scott leaves his friends apartment. On the way back he stops at the nearby pizzaplace and orders on with loads of toppings. After a short wait the pizza is done and he goes back home. He walks into the kitchen and pulls his little passenger out for dinner.
The smell of pizza makes your mouth water. Even though it's way too much Scott places a whole slice on a plate and you next to it. You walk around the thing taking small bites of this and that. While Scott deals with the rest of the pizza. After you're done, he throws your massive left-overs done the hatch and you both sit back satisfied. You look up at Scott and say, "Hey, wanna know what?" He looks at you. "You're getting a bit too comfortable with me mister. This afternoon you just shoved me in without thinking." Scott laughs, "I know right, I was half-way to Marks before I noticed you were back there." Your turn to laugh too. Then you add, "It was a good talk with Mark wasn't it." Scott nods, "Yeah it was, thanks for the kick in the rear. Allthough Mark was a bit off in his description." You tilt your head as he continues, "He told me I needed someone I could put in his place, but what I really need is someone I can put in my place." Both you and Scott laugh about this.
However now you have to get serious, "Scott?" he looks at you, "I've decided something?" his mouth makes an O. "I've decided Mark was right. I'm willing to be a sacrifice to prevent the shrink-formula to be discovered. I've been lucky enough to end up with you. Even though it took me a while to realise it. But the terror I knew when I was in your partners pants, I know if he'd found me things would've been very different for me. Probably even worse than what happened to Melissa." You stare at your feet. "I don't want anyone else to ever experience anything like that. I just hope you don't get tired of me any time soon, because I do hope that if I have to stay small you won't mind keeping me around."
Scott laughs, "Well, how could I get tired of someone that acts as my very own jiminy cricket and lives in my pants. But don't worry, if they ever find the cure it'll be yours to decide wether to take it or not. Untill that time you can call my briefs a home. And you'll have one happy roommate. He is quite fond of you already." He winks and says, "besides we made a deal, so we're commited to that. But you do realise I'm probably gonna keep testing and stretching your limits in foul and sometimes evil ways." the wicked grin is back. You stick out your tongue, "I'll face your challenges head on and will beat you at your own game mister."
Scott stretches and gets up. "I'm done for the day, so wanna go to bed or would you rather watch a movie or something."
You shrug and walk to the edge of the table "I don't care, my view will be the same anyhow. So open up allready."
Scott stares down at you, "You know, I think you might actually beat me at my game one day." And he pulls open the waistband of his briefs so you can jump in. Nestled against his flacid member you hear him…
Rustling outside, the sudden sounds of the tv and some bending and shifting, followed by a rapid landing on the couch which shakes your little home. All these things tell you that Scott was getting ready for a movie. You wonder what kind of stuff this man actualy likes. And you laugh softly as you here the first da-da-da-dum which can't be anything else than the Star Wars overture. You've seen those movies so many times as a kid, together with your old pall Scotty, you remember playing Jedi and Sith. And one very painfull accident with the red umbrella and your nose. Suddenly a weight presses down on you from outside, followed by a soft kneading movement. Scott wants to say hello apparantly. As you listen to the familiair voices in the dark you can almost see the characters in your own mind, walking about the screen. The warmth of the skin, the soft shaft you're snuggled up against and the massage makes you feel drowzy and you stiffle a yawn.
When you wake up you hear the sounds of the credits as you're being pulled out of the briefs. "Wake up, sleeping beauty." Scott chimes. You yawn and stretch, "More like the Princess and the pea-nis." you answer. Scott gets up with you in his hand, turns of the TV and walks to the bedroom. He drops you on the bed and walks to his night stand and pull something out. "Remember my threat?" He shows you what's in his hand. It's a dildo. "I'm not gonna force you, but I'm gonna ask you." You feel a lump in your throat that you can barely swallow. You look at the dildo. And you look at the expecting face above you. Oh what the hell, "Fine, let's see what you look like on the inside." He grins that wicked grin and picks you up. His hand places you along the fake shaft facing outwards. Your head agains the tip. With his other hand he tears open an condom and tells you to hold your breath for a few seconds. You take a deep breath and in a flued motion the rolls he condom over you and the dildo. It's a rather tight fit. a few second later you hear a snip and suddenly the rubber rolls away from your face. From the neck down you are covered by the wrapper which keeps you quite firmly in place. He pulls you up to his face and looks at you one more time approvingly. He rubs some vaseline on the top of the shaft and crawls on the bed, ass in the air as he moves you in on his hole.
Slowly he circles the dildo around his whole, warming up both the vaseline and his anus. Then he slide in the tip and you press your head against the shaft. One slow motion pushes your head in. followed by your upperbody. Still in the sphincter. The next push is a big one and you feel your head pop out on the other side. You're now in his colon. You cringe as something soft touches your face. And you smell the shit all around you, though the air is stale you wonder how you can get enough oxygen to actually breath anything. Then your world starts to shake violently as Scott begins to pump you in and out, first slowly, but faster and faster. Upwards down and sideways. You feel your face getting covere by slime and other things. As he keeps going. An endless rollercoaster right. After what seems forever you get pulled out with a slight pop. As you try to move your hand to wipe your face you realise you're still stuck.
Scott breaths deeply as he gets up and takes you to the bathroom, where he rinses you an the dildo of, before pulling you lose and putting you on the shelf with your bathroom box. You hear him sit down on the toilet and the farting tells you he's taking a dump. You use the timble to empty your bladder and wait for the sounds of toiletpaper to stop and the flush before walking back out. The warm smile on Scotts face makes it all worth it.
"Come on," he says, "…."
"It's getting late and tomorrow is gonna be a busy day for me." Scott says and adds, "And possibly a long day for you."
As he picks you up he unceremonely opens the back of his briefs and drops you in and he walks of back to bed. You try to get comfortable but are still a bit shocked at what happened only a few minutes ago. And here you are again, very close to the object of your ordeal. You know there's not much else for you to do than just accept it. Especially as Scott sits down and locks you in before he slides back and lays down for his rest. You can actually smell the fact he didn't wash after taking his dump just now. The stale scent isn't very comforting, but well, you smelled worse just a few minutes ago. You wonder about what happened the last few hours. Was Scott only a part of the deal you made, or was there something else going on entirely?
It's not like you really enjoyed your life so far, you hated school and school definatly hated you. After Keith moved out you had a very hard time at home. You're brothers were brats, your father and mother were always out. I mean, you haven't even been reported missing. Well, you suppose no one would miss you. And now there's this guy, this Scott. Sure he's a little rough and he's completely obsessed with sex. But he does seem caring enough at times. You enjoy his company, but you're a bit scared of he serious talks you've had with him. You know you're actually abusing the deal to hide from him down here, where you don't have to deal with the talks. Just like earlier when he offered to watch a movie. You knew he was actually offering to watch something together. And you refused, was that the reason he pulled out the punishment dildo. Or was it just something he really wanted to? Well it wasn't an experience you were hoping to live through again soon. But how could you refuse it now?
Lying down on his back under the covers Scott puts his arms behind his head and stares at the ceiling. What the hell is going on with me? How can the words of that pip-squeak hit my nerves. Scott always thought about himself as just a regular, sane, healthy and stable person. He didn't do emotions, because those only get in the way of work. Yet for some reason this boy opened up the can of worms between him and Mark and practically forced him to deal with it. How did he make me do that? He's smaller than my pinky. Yet he pushed me around like I was the small one. And worse, I actually let him. No… the worst thing is, he was right. Now that it's been dealt with, I feel better. Scott sighs. And the whole speech about sacrificing himself to make sure no one had to suffer like him. No, his words were more like how he could be suffering and how Melissa suffered. Was he telling me that he didn't think about the current situation as suffering? Scott knows he's been doing some pretty nasty things to Jack. He didn't plan on all of them, but looking at the boy sometimes makes him want to do those things. He wants the boy to beg for release or at least admit to not wanting to do something, to actually say no. But that's just it, the boy won't. The whole dildo thing was about that. Scott never was serious about it, but the boys lack of protest was just so annoying. Scott knew Jack didn't want to, Jack should've known he knew. Then why. And why did Scott feel so bad about it afterwards.
You noticed that you've been lying here and thinking for a while. And no snoring or turning. Scott the guy who as far as you knew fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow was still wide awake. Was he thinking too? Well that whole Mark thing was still on his mind. Mark was kind of harsh to Scott, apparantly for no reason as he knew it wouldn't end in love. But still, being forced to express at least some emotion should be good for Scott. You know how bottling up everything comes back to haunt you. You're irregular talks with Keith to vent the stress you feel have kept you alive. He would miss you. And you knew that if this thing was permanent you'd at least have to explain yourself to him. Just like Scott had his talk with Mark. But you'd need a good excuse to not make Keith want to take care of you for the rest of his and your life. You loved him and feel safe with him, well probably after he left the dorm, you couldn't live there with all those students about. But you didn't want Keith to sacrifice his happiness for you. Just like you told him to go study far away and not at community college. You wanted at least one of you to get out of that hell-hole of a home. You laugh to yourself, well, now both of you made it out. Allthough your new home was probably a little smaller than your bro's dorm room. But you joke that yours might be cleaner and smell better even though your roommates where the biggest ass and dick you've ever known.
So the boy is still up, Scott thinks as he feels the moving shape between his cheeks. Well he did sleep through a classic Star Wars movie, which is not only a crime, but Scott can't imagine how you can sleep through Star Wars. Probably the age thing. It's something from his youth, not Jacks. He was clenching his cheeks as he though about the annoyance he felt for Jack without thinking. After realising it he lets go. He shouldn't make the boy pay for something he didn't explain, or shouldn't even be annoyed by. Jack is just Jack and he might almost feel like an added bodypart, he's still a person with his own tastes and should be treated that way. Then again, a bit of clenching shouldn't faze him too much. The boy actually offered to keep living in Scotts pants if he had to stay small. Could it be he was enjoying it? Or did he just want to please him? Oh, true, Scott felt really pleased about it. From the moment he felt a bug in his pants during patrol he felt his imagination run amok. I mean he thought up the small man stuck down there living in his underwear. But when this actually turned out to be a small man. Well dreams and horny fantasies, all rolled into one jack-shaped package. And without thinking too much he forced jack into a deal that was actually great for him, but not really fair towards the boy. Yet that boy adjusted to his new lease on life with a vengeance. And even though Scott was really hard on the boy at times, the boy seemed to enjoy certain parts of it. And man, could he endure the hard parts or what. Scott laughed to himself. He has had many a partner in his bed that couldn't keep up with him. And here this little boy not only kept up, but surpassed him at times too. In the few days they spent together Scott felt more like a man than ever. The boy worshipped him in every way. Showering with the boy, rubbing him all over his body was one of the highlights of the day now, while before a quick rinse was all he enjoyed. He pushed himself at the gym more just to try and get the boy to crack. Which he stubbornly wouldn't. And how he fit in the daily routine so easily, like when Scott didn't even realise he was there at the office or on his way over to Mark. That's just insane. Maybe he should get the boy out for a talk about all of the things he had on his mind.
No, Scott thinks to himself, not yet. It can wait for tomorrow… or maybe even the day after that. We'll see, I don't wanna throw of the balance just yet. But someday soon we're gonna have to talk. And we will, just lets enjoy the start of this a little longer. This decision feels good and Scott feels a weight has been lifted and some of his muscles that felt tense now relax. He laughs to himself as the relaxing muscles probably means an increased dead-weight for Jack. now that's Ironic for you Alannis, don't you think. And with this thought he drifts of to sleep.
You notice the relaxation of the muscles and suddenly feel even more entombed. You guess the issues in Scotts head are all gone. And as soon as you hear his snoring you decide not to worry yourself for now. You close your eyes and think of nothing and soon you yourself drift off to dreamland.
The buzzer of the alarm is no-ones friend. Especially not yours today as you notice that tonight Scott has lain on his side and you fallen out of th crack and are now cradled between fabric and the top of his right-cheek. so the moment Scott rolls over to get up you actually feel his fullweight for the first time pressing down on you and flattening you deep into the flesh. As he gets up you feel like a cartoon-character flattened by a steamroller. And unfortunately you're quite stuck. Which makes the ride less rough, but the sitting down for coffee on the unforgiving wood of the kitchen-chair pure torture.
release comes when he gets up and reaches back for you. You see his fingers first reach for the crack. But as he can't find you there they pass over you and he quickly pulls you free and up to his face, which has a worried look. "Thank god, I thought I'd crush you. I guess the increased density thing really works. If you can even stand my full-weight like that." You roll your shoulders and neck for a second, amazed at how fine you actually are beofre answering. "Well I guess so, good to know you really have nothing to worry about with me down there. Though I do hope you don't plan on increasing your weight too much, that was not very pleasant. It hurt like hell."
He smiles and puts you on the table near your very own breakfast and you start to eat. He does the same and after you're both done he tells you, "So today I have to …."
"So, today I have togo back to the centre." Scott tells you, "I received word that they brought in the science-kids and they want me to be there when they explain the situation." You nod and he continues, "I'm gonna carry you with me and want you to listen closely, You might pick up something I missed." You nod again. "Now, I'm willing to be lenient once and carry you around in my shirt-pocket if you think you might have trouble listening in from… down there." You think for a second before answering. "Well, thanks for the offer, but I'd be to scared to fall out or be found out. I think the best thing would be for you to wear me down in front." Scott nods, "Okay, I get that. So what's your opinion on the bet suited attire for today." You answer almost at once. "A thin jockstrap, it'll keep your privates up agains the insides of your pants and keep me from sliding under you when you sit down." Scott nods in agreement and his face turns pensive. "Only problem is that I don't have any clean ones yet. With you around I kinda let the housework slide." You shrug, "Well then, I guess you have to wear a dirty one. It's not as if they can be called clean after an hour or so anyway." Scott laughs, "Well if you're right, you're right. But first things first, I need a shower and a shave." His hand reaches down for you and you let yourself be scooped up.
Upon entering the bathroom he places you on the shelf above the sink. He fills the sink with hot water and starts to shave while you have nothing to do but watch. During a rinse of his razor you say, "I think I need to let my brother know something soon." He looks down at you, razor half-way to his face and asks, "But your brother never reported you missing?" You shake your head, "My brother lives on campus, we only call once every few weeks. But we are close." Scott resumes his shave and asks, "Will he take you away?" You laugh, "Yeah, as if I'm gonna let him take me to his dorm, I'm sure he'd take good care of me, but a male-dorm full of horny collegeboys is not really a safe haven for someone my size, I expect. No, I'd rather stick with the horny officer I know for now." Scott can't help but laugh and cuts himself. "Don't say those things when I'm shaving." he rinses the razor and continues his shave and his sentence, "What year is he, will he want you after graduation?" You think for a while, "Probably, but he's only second year now and even after college I would not want to be an albatross hanging around his neck like that. We know what it's like to feel captive at home. I don't want him to feel like that because of me. I don't know if I can convince him of that though." Scott finishes his shave in silence. As he rubs his face clean of the last shaving cream he says, "I think you should dictate me an email we can send him, just to tell you you're fine and taken care off and you will want to explain the rest in person. We can add a picture of you with the date and made to look like you're just you." You smile, "That would be fine thanks." He smiles back, "Was that keeping you up tonight?" You feel caught, "Well, it was a part of it. Besides, I wasn't the only one having trouble sleeping tonight." Scott turns away, "You're right." He walks out for a while and comes back carrying two suits, he holds them in front of you in turn and asks, "Blue or Tan?" You answer right away. "Tan." He hangs away the suits and pulls something from his waist-band. It's a black jockstrap. He drops his briefs and turns on the shower. As the water warms up he walks over to you and grins. "I also forgot to buy a new bar of soap, so I just have water and need to scrub a little harder and longer to get all the stain off of me. You shake your head, "Guess you've got no other choice." but you add in a whisper just audible enough, "unless you pick the bar of soap from the kitchen." Scott lifts you up, "Did you say something?" He asks grinning wide. And you shake your head.
The showersession takes up a lot of time, endlessly Scott scrubs Jack through his pits, pulling back, sniffing and another crub. Rinse, sniff, repeat. After both pits are finally done Scott sees Jack lay on his hand like a lump of clay panting heavily. Better skip a few parts he thinks, just a few fun ones and he starts to roughly shove Jack up and down his crack for a couple of minutes without pausing. Adding a little more pressure around the center. After removing him from the ass, he gives Jack ten seconds to breathe before cupping him under the front and vigoursly rubbing and kneading him all around it. Finally he slides Jack up and down the pole a few times before turning of the shower and stepping out. Scott drops the sore boy on the sink and says. "No time for a happy shower today, just count your blessings." As he turns to get dressed he swears he hears the boy's cracked voice say, "Missed a spot." But Scott decides to ignore it and gets dressed.
You collapse on the sink feeling crushed, stepped on and bruised all over. You take a deep breath and whisper as defiantly as you can muster, "Missed a spot." and silently you add, thank god. You hear Scott getting dressed and as soon as you can find the energy you lift yourself up and take a look all pain is forgotten. Before you stands the hottest man you've ever seen. The suit is obviously tailored to fit him perfectly, broad shoulders, small waist perfect ass and nice bulge. His legs look endlessly long. The tan colour, contrasting heavily with the black shirt, shows of his complexion. Only now you notice how bouncy and shiny his hair looks as he uses the hairdryer. The high collar of the shirt gives an accent to his shaved cheekbones. Suddenly you notice him staring at you staring at him and he gives you his warm smile. "You like what you see." You know he can't see you blush from the other side of the room, but still. You cough and answer, "It's a good look for you." He puts down the dryer and walks over and lowers his face to your height. "Just good? or just hot." You cover you face with your hands and say in a tiny voice, "Very hot." He stands up and laughs while he picks you up and unbuckles his belt and unzips the pants. Did he actually buckle his belt just to show himself off for you? He's a bit of a narcicist, you think. But then again, I can't blame him. I wish I looked like that. He pulls open the jockstrap and soflty slides you in the front, right next to his penis. The fabric is thinly woven so you can look out pretty well. As he turns to look in the mirror you see the same hot man only with an open pair of pants. And suddenly you realise that you can see yourself from outside too, looking very much like a second penis next to the real thing. Only smaller. And you also see Scott looking at his own junk and smiling. "Now you look very hot in there. And you're also a part of the very hot man you saw in me." And his grin is the last thing you see before he zips up. and walks out.
Scott notices he's running a bit late, but he knows they'll have to wait for him. He really enjoyed that adoring look on Jacks face. Well it's good to know the boy thinks of me as hot. I know he wasn't interested in men in particular when we met. But apparantly he is now. It's almost a shame I can't show him some of the other men I know. I think he would swoon when he saw Mark. He's a hottie and the boy already likes his character. Oh well who knows. He gets in his car and drives off.
Just a little down the road you feel the car come to a halt and you hear the cardoor open. The familiar voice of Mark fills the car, "Jeez, it's freezing, you had me waiting for ten minutes. You're late." Scott apologizes and drives off. "Is that a new suit?" Scott asks. Mark answers, "Yup, I took your advice and had one tailored. It's great to have someone else decide on the colours. Who knew that I shouldn't wear black, but should go with Dark Blue?" Scott laughs, "Well I could have told you that and you should be able to do so now, you have the superpower of fashionsense now, it's what you get for sleeping with men." Mark laughs, "Well, then I need a little more practice, cause I can't tell why this suits me better." You get bored by the whole suit talk. Mainly because you can't see what's going on, on the outside of the pants you're currently locked in. Who cares about black or blue, all you see is, well black.
After a short drive the two men get out of the car and you hear the stereo-clacking of their dress-shoes. After a brik walk they are greeted by a female voice, "Well well, Mister Anderson and Mister Bennet, the Dynamite Duo… Pardon I mean the Dynamic Duo of course." The men laugh and Scott answers, "Hello Lindsay, you came to get us? What did we do this time, did another girl decided they want to get in Marks or my pants and we rejected them?" The woman laughs. "Not yet, but after today you two will be leaving behind some heart-throbbing girls. If I didn't fancy the girls I wouldn't know where to look, there's no safe place on either of you. I guess that means that especially the girl students are more than willing to accomadate your needs. Just be sure to smile at them without showing your fangs." The group of three resumes walking. You wonder about this conversation. You started to get curious about this Mark fellow. You knew he was kind, sporty and had a sense of justice, but you never considered what he might look like. But apparantly he was considered 'hot' too. Well why wouldn't he be if someone like your Scott dated him…. wait… your Scott? when did that happen.
Lindsay was always a doll. She was kind to Scott from the start and the fact they were both gay made the working together a lot easier, no sexual tension at all. It's why the two of them loved to shamelessly flirt with each other. Scott enjoyed the banter and it unnerved a lot of people, which was just fun. Mark never got used to Lindsays flirting so she stopped, mostly. There might be some hidden hetero in him still. But he knew it was just a game for Scott and Lindsay and he accepted that. But the two of them toned it down around him. Allthough walking into the briefing room after Mark he couldn't help admire the blue suited backside and winked at Lindsay who noticed his look slide.
The room Scott walks into is filled with voices, you don't recognize any of them in this chaos. But apparantly the three of your group were the last to arrive as the murmur dies down only moments after you feel scott sitting down. He opens his leg wider than usual to give you full surround sound. You pick up Dirk, the scientists voice, who apparantly opens the meeting. It starts out really slow with a recap about what happened, the negative results so far and the fact the science kids have been brought in with some lame excuse of a special test to get into some prestigious school or something. This lulled the parents into giving up their kids for at least a week.
Upon arrival have gotten rooms and are currently eating their welcome breakfast. The next step will be to unveil the shrunken Melissa and Janet to them. Oh, they found another one? Seeing as Scott could be a familiar face as police officer. He, Mark and Lindsay should go in and explain the situation and put them to work.
After this a few questions are fired, though the plan doesn't change and the meeting is dismissed.
The threesome walks for a while in silence, After a few turns they walk into a room and stop. "So, those are the kids?" Mark asks, "They look excited." Lindsay sniffs loudly, "They think they won a prize. You'd be excited too." Scott puts his hands in his pockets and softly jiggles his package. You understand and tap his shaft. "Okay," Scott says, let's get this over with. Lindsay you have the names." You hear a check. "Mark, the girls." Another check. And with that Mark walks through a door and is greeted by some surprised kids. "Officer Anderson?"
Scott walks around and leans back on a table or something and crosses his legs poking you out against the pants. Both so you can listen in and probably partly to flirt with the young girls. "Miss Marble, if you would please tak attendance?"
Lindsay starts calling a list of names, which are promptly followed by a present. You recognize three out of seven: Linda, Wesley and Martin, all three science club geeks.
Scott starts out by explaining they are not being tested by some school. They are actually brought in because the government needs their help. Did any of them work on a certain formula to reduce something in size? Apparantly none did. And Scott explains that one of them actually found out that formula by accident. This is greeted with disbelief. And Mark asks Scott to reveal the girls. This leads to screams and excitement. After the initial shock is over Scott asks Mark to move Melissa to the other room and the group to listen to Janet.
Janet apparantly had a less shocking experience, she was shrunk near the teachers lounge had hidden there for a few days. Then she heared the teachers joke about the reward flyer and she waithed for a teacher to be alone. Eventually she approached mister Wellington and he brought her in.
After her story she was brought out too. The kids were murmuring amongst themselves. And Lindsay spoke. She wanted the kids to start with making a list of all their experiment, active and in waiting of friday, during the weekend and on monday-morning. They would answer to professor Dirk who soon would be introduced. He could tell them what the formula did and work with them on recreating the effect. After that they could help create an antidote. If they succeeded they would be rewarded with recommandations to whichever school they wanted to go, they should consider themselves pre-approved. And maybe even a job with the government in the long run.
Scott added that there was at least one more girl out there like Janet and Melissa, but there might be more. If they knew of anyone who did not show up in class since monday would love to hear them. Three names were called, one girl and two boys. Unfortunately Martin was in your class and he wasn't shy in calling your name. You felt a shiver run through Scott upon hearing your name. But his voice sounded cool like a cucumber as he told Mark to note the names so they could be crossed check with the absenty lists of the school and if there was no special reason a visit would be made. You thought to yourself they should check for kids that were reported sick too. You realise if you had made it home or were caught by someone they might've called you in sick to cover for what was really going on.
Jack Willowing, hearing the name sends a shiver through Scott's spine. Well, it can't be a coincidence, at least now he knows the full name of his little passenger. It's time for him and Mark to leave. Lindsay will introduce Dirk as the lead-scientist. And apparantly they have three kids to check up on. We probably need to get that mail out to his brother tonight. But Scott is sure that Jack will tell him that as soon as they get home. "You've got something on your mind." Mark suddenly whispers next to him as they walk down the hallway. "It's about those three kids, isn't it." Well we allready have the schools list of absents and the only name matching those absent without a reason is the Willowing boy. An official made a visit and spoke to his dad. The dad hasn't seen him, but apparantly there was a fight before he went missing and he might be just hiding out somewhere. He's done it before. So there's no need to panic just yet. Apparantly he could be hiding at his friends house or he might've went to see his brother at his college. The dad didn't even know which one his own son was attending, neither did the other two boys. The mom hasn't been home in days herself. Can you imagine. The house was a mess according to the officer that went to visit. So this actually might support the theory of a run away. Sounds to me like a mere coincidence. We've been contacting the Ivy leagues to look for a Willowing, so far we've got one at Yale, two at princeton and one in Harvard." Scott feels a faint struggle in his Jockstrap for a moment. but recomposes himself. "Let's hope you're right and it's just a coincidence." Mark nods, "Yeah, if the kid really is shrunken the chances of his survival without being found aren't good. And if a reward for a thousand bucks doesn't draw out the captor then the boy might either be dead or in very big trouble…. literally." Scott grunts an affirmation. Mark continues, "We don't have much man-power to share, so they decided to stop searching for the missing kids. It's been almost a week. so changes are slim they survived. We will continue with the science students and the two we have. By the way, I offered to take the girls in, but someone else is already taking care of them. one of the scientists. Divorced, no kids, no pets and quite good with Melissa, you saw her wearing the dress. He picked it out for her. He agreed to put up camera surveilance in the room where he lets them live. And each of them has her own dollhouse. They eat together and talk a lot. Even Melissa occasionaly says small things like 'thank you' and 'please'. and she slept without nightmares last night." Scott laughs at Mark and says, "You're quite informed aren't you?" Mark smiles at Scott and says, "Yeah, I took some time of from work to focus on the centre work, they agreed on billeable hours too." Scott nods his approval. They enter the breakroom and get some coffee before sitting. And Mark gives Scott a grin. "By the way, one of those girls was checking you out. the redhead with the glasses. She couldn't stop staring at your package." He takes a sip of his coffee, "Of course you did let it show quite prominently." Mark laughs at this joke. "Are you trying to flirt with me here, Mark. I thought you hated that." Mark smiles, "Can't have you and Lindsay have all the fun."
Lindsay comes in and joins them. "So, the two of you did get some attention from the girls." Mark chimes in, "Yeah the red-head was all over Scott." Lindsay shoots back, "Yeah but the blond was openly gaping at your cute hiney." Scott laughs and adds, "Well they do look like to perfect buns in a basket. But you didn't miss the pimply kid staring into your cleavage Lindsay. I think he was gonna wet himself." Mark laughs and says, "Yeah, I know he would've if you bended a little deeper and one of them popped out. I do hope you have a license to wear that dress." The three of them continue to poke some fun at each other till Dirk enters.
"Great job with those kids, you three, they seem completely willing to cooperate." Dirk says. I think it would be good for you three to come in on a daily base for a while. Scott you are on special assignment from the force for a few days. Lindsay we've got you a substitute for your class. I think i would be good for the three of you to come in every day an hour before lunchtime and talk with the kids. Have lunch with them and be distractive. Ask which schools they want to go to, that kind of rubbish. The three of you say in Unison, "Because everyone knows Harvard has the best science department." And all four of you laugh. "I also would like one of you to sleep here in turns, to make the kids feel they have someone to go to at night. Lindsay, I think you should be the first because well. You're a woman." Lindsay agrees. The rest of your schedules is considered free to do as you please. You're probably gonna be quite swamped with the kids for a while. We called of the search for the missing kids. Either they are died or they won't be found. It's a harsh truth I know. But it's the only truth." Scott feels a little twinge near his member at those words. "So Mark, Scott time for you two to clear out and I'll see you tomorrow at eleven."
you here the whole thing and there are a few moments you can't help but squirm. Keith is at Yale. And the second time about he apparantly being dead. That's almost a relief in one way. If that's the official statement then his brother can continue his own life. Maybe that would be better than telling him about this. Keith would never allow you to stay with Scott. You had to face that much.You also don't look forward to Scott sleeping here at the centre that would experiment on you if they found you. But you suppose it would be safe enough. You feel Scott get up and hear two pairs of shoes walk in unison. After a while the echoes make place for streetnoise and you feel Scott climbing into his car.
As the car starts Mark suddenly say, "Hey… you know, I'm glad about the talk yesterday, I know we're better of just being friends. And I missed you." Scott replies, "Yeah, I missed you two." Scott drives off, about half-way Mark says, "Wanna do something together today?just hang out as friends, game of racquetball or maybe just watch a movie." Scott stays silent for a second, "A movie sounds good, I'm not really dressed for sports." Mark laughs, "Good, how about a golden oldy? After you left I felt a bit nostalgic and put on the first Star Wars movie, The very first one, A new Hope." Scott starts to laugh and says. "I did the same thing." Mark laughs too. "So how about we watch the next one together at my place?" Scott answers, "Sounds like a plan, and if we have time we can what's return of the Jedi too.
They get out of the car and enter Marks apartment. Mark asks, "How about I pull out the couch so we can lie down? Like we used too." Scott okays this idea and a few minutes later he suddenly crashes down on you. Lying on his stomach and of course his crotch. your current position is far from comfortable, the tight Jockstrap keeps his privates and you with them in a neat and tidy lump that seems to carry the full burden of his weight. You try to alert Scott of this predicament but you can't move even if your life depended on it, which might be the case. Very little oxygen reaches you and all you can do is try to focus on breathing as deep as possible. In the distance you hear the Star Wars overture and the two men joking about something you can't even make out properly.
Breath in, breath out, focus, breath in, breath out, focus. Over and over again this becomes your mantra for what seems an eternity. All of a sudden Scott sits up though and the fact you can fill your lungs entirely makes you dizzy. You hear him say something but cant make it out, but Scott starts walking and you hear a door open and close and suddenly the zipper shoots down and light and fresh air stream in. A hand comes in and fumbles with the Jockstrap. A finger slides between you and his penis and suddenly the penis flips up and out which in turn presses you into the balls. Still recovering from your predicament you can't muster the strength to struggle enough to make him take you out. just enough to make him whisper, "Good you're still there." while he clatters his urine down the toilet. After he's done, he shakes himself and you with it and pushes his member back in. Right on top of you and as the Jockstrap snaps shut you are now caught under his large shafte pressed down into his sack. He'll adjust himself you think in vain, but the soound of the zipper closing crushes your hope. As he walks back the flacid dick grinds over your tiny body. And as he lays down you feel yourself being pushed into his groin even more, the plusside is that you have a little more air right in front of you somehow, the downside is that this place has gotten really sweaty over the day and you feel soaked in moments sweat dripping over your face and in your mouth. Please let the movie end soon.
The hand is gone and they are going to tatooine. That's it. the end. You can almost cry from relief as Scott rolls on his side. The next moment you are crying as you hear him say. "So… shall we make the trilogy complete?" NO, you think, please Mark, say no. but of course he says, "Yeah great, It's the best one." You hear him get up and put in the next movie. Suddenly Scott says, "Thanks for inviting me, I missed this." Mark laughs and the couch shakes as he drops next to Scott. "Me too." It remains silent for a while untill suddenly Mark asks, "So who's the lucky guy?" You feel Scott freeze and Mark laughs, "Ah, so there is a guy. I thought so, but now I know." Scott stammers, "How did you?" Mark laughs, "Easy, you break up with me, you look a lot more rested the last few days even though we are in a crisis and I don't know. You just look… happier. Please don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings anymore. I know it was only yesterday that you dumped me, but like I said, I knew it was coming and I'm glad it's over with. Now I can feel happy for you and find my own man." Scott gasps, "You fucked the scientist who's looking after the girls." Mark snickers, "No changing the subject. And besides we just kissed. How about you, you fucked him yet?" Scott laughs, "Nope, just some other innocent fun. Sniffing, licking, jacking." Mark sniffs, "Ah, so he's been over more then once, contrary to your policy?" Scott laughs, "Well you could say that, yes." Mark sighs, "Oh well, I'd like to meet the guy who actually got you to break down one day." You feel Scott shift.
"Well, you could meet him right now." you hear Scott say and you flinch. Wait, what? No way, he did not say that, did he? I mean sure you would like to see this Mark, but meet him? That would be going a bit too far. You wait for the answer very tense. And Mark says, "Sure, you wanna call him?" You feel Mark sitting up straight before he goes on. "There's no need. but before you met him I need to explain something. Remember how we talked about melissa, how bad it was that she got tested by all those scientist?" You hear Mark grunt, "Well, let's say you found one of those tiny people, would you be willing to turn them in after you heared that they were even willing to cut them open to find the formula?" Suddenly Mark gasps, "You found the missing girl." Scott laughs, "Nope, but close enough, I found the missing boy Jack Willowing. Or maybe I should say I found him. And we've been having some mutual agreed on fun. I can get him right now to admit it." Mark laughs, "You had sex with a tiny man? And he agreed to it all?" Scott continues, "Yes, and he was the one that forced me to come talk to you. He thought I treated you badly after the squash game." Mark gasps, "He was there?" Scott laughs, "Yep, and our talk in the kitchen and actually our current conversation too." A long pause before Mark asks? "You're carrying him in your pocket? that's insane." Mark laughs again. "Carrying yes, Pocket no. You ready to meet him." A grunted acknowledgement is enough and suddenly Scotts hand enters your prison and slides away the dick and pulls you out of his pants. "The sudden exposure to the light makes you blink, but the fresh air tastes wonderfull. As your eyes adjust to the light you hear Mark's shocked voice, "You keep him in your underwear." And you're a bit annoyed by this situation so you can't refrain from saying, "By mutual consent. So stop making a big deal about it and let me catch my breath before you question us." Scott laughs and says, "I warn you, he's a feisty one."
You blinik a couple of times and look at the man lying across the couch. You immediatly see wht Lindsay was talking about. This Mark is a very good-looking man, a little less tall than Scott, but almost twice as broad and the tight pants show well muscle thighs and hips an a pretty decent bulge. His face is kind of square and he has a rugged neatly timmed beard along the line of his jaw. And the most piercing blue eyes you ever saw. "Pleased to finally meet you face to face Mark." You say. And mark looks surprised. and raises one of his eye-brows, "So, am I allowed to talk now too?" You start blushing, "Yeah, sorry about that, It was just a little tight down there and a bit fragrant. I didn't mean to come of so…" Mark chimes in with a grin that reminds you of Scott, "Testy?" You can't help but laugh and so does Scott. Mark continues, "Don't sweat about it, you look sweaty enough as it is. It's nice to meet you too Jack. I'm really glad for you Scott didn't turn you in." You nod, "Can't agree with you more. Besides we agree on a lot more. I just wanted to tell you personally that I agree with most of what you said in Scott's kitchen the other day." Mark looks at you with approval in his eyes, "You do? With which parts especially?" you smile, "Well mostly that they shouldn't find a way to shrink other people, even if that means I might never get back to my own size. I'm not a martyr or something, but the ways it could be abused, I mean look at Melissa. No one should be treated like that." Mark nods at you, "I agree, but you already know. Still thanks for supporting my thoughts. You have a lot more right to speak your mind on the issue I suppose." He looks from you to Scott and back, "But I need to ask this. Are you really okay with Scott sticking you down his pants? Isn't that a form of abuse?" You shake your head at Mark. "To be honest at first I wasn't, but Scott has taken very good care of me the last few days. He's looking out for me and it's actually not all bad. This way I know where I am and someone knows where I am. It's sort of a safe, yet sometimes unsanitary haven." Mark thinks for a few minutes.
"So during the talk in the kitchen?"
"I had been under his ass for about 20 hours."
"Cupholder pocket of the compression pants."
"Talk here?"
"In his crack."
Mark looks up at Scott, "You're wearing a jockstrap now?"
Scott laughs, "Nope, today it was a Jackstrap."
Mark laughs, "Yeah, I guess it was."
He looks at you again, "And you're really fine with all this?"
You nod, "I'm getting used to him, besides he needs me around so I can yell at him for being a jerk to his friends."
Mark looks pensive, "And you can't do that from, let's say a pocket?"
you shrug, "Probably, but I might fall out. Besides you're the one to talk, you've tried to get back in those pants for the longest time."
Scott laughs so hard you fall of his hand you'd been standing on. However Marks reflexes kick in and he catches you before you land on the couch.
He looks at Scott and says, "You're right, he is feisty for such a small fry." He looks back at you. "I sill can't believe you'd willingly go in someones underwear.
You're annoyance get's the best of you by now.
"you want prove? So you were gonna watch that movie right? Tell you what, I want you to shove me down your own pants and watch the whole damn thing with me down there. Would that prove my willingness to you?"
Mark almost drops you as he draws back and looks at Scott. "Is he serious?"
You look back and see Scott's familiar grin. "He is most of the time."
Mark looks back down. "Are you for real?"
You look up at him, "I guess you're all talk."
That hit the right nerve. marks face splits in a wide grin as he say. "you're gonna eat those words in about three hours." He suddenly closes his hand around you and moves you down, Sliding you past his belt and waistband and stuffing you…
You hear Marks voice boom, "So you spent a lot of time today at someone's front. So I'll give you some time in the back" The next thing you now is his hand gently spreading you in his crack. I'll show him you think and you start digging yourself in deeper. "Wow?" you hear Mark say, "He really wants to crawl in there?" It sounds far to questioning to your taste. And you hear Scotts answer. "He wants you to really push him in deep. And he likes it if you sit up, clench at times and don't worrry about any gas." Suddenly you feel the fingers behind you come to life and push you deeper in. Suddenly your face hit's a familiar softer part and you are now right in front of Marks anus. You reach out and give it a long kiss. This makes Mark clench and grunt. "Ooooh, that feels good." Scotts voice sounds a bit bored as he say, well, let's put in that movie already. We can talk afterwards. He's a lot easier to handle if you just listen to him once in a while. Suddenly the hand leaves and you hear the waist-band snap. You start to compare. Marks smell is completely different. Less sweet and a bit more spicy, His ass is deeper, and more developed. All rock-hard muscle though. It's not a bad ass to be, but you prefer Scotts for now. It feels more, homey, this one is just a bug ass to you right now. But you could get used to it. Yor world suddenly turns upside down as Mark sits up. This has the effect that the crack behind you closes up. Ah, the downside of the deeper crack, the weight pushes it together behind you, but the plus is that with you here there seems to be a kind of tunnel all the way up that actually feels a bit drafty so it delivers a good supply of air.
Again the Star Wars Overture plays, the sound in here is a bit more muffled. After a while the smell intensifies and the wall behind you closes in slightly, pushing you in deeper still. Your face is now actually softly pressing against the sphincter. Suddenly all sounds are overtaken by a loud rumbling. As it subsides you suddenly hear Marks voice. "Were you kidding about the farting or not?" the answer is short an to the point. "Not." Silence, "You swear on Jack's life?" that's it you draw your head back as far as you can and fling ot forward headbutting Marks anus. This has two consequences, Mark jumps up a little and as he comes down your pressed even more forward while at the same time he relaxes his sphincter and a load of foul smelling hot gas washes over you. The forward press and sudden opening of the anus allowed your head to slip in before it closes tight around you, leaving you really stuck with just enough breathable are to survive as part of your mouth is just over the edge. Oops, this wasn't the plan. but you hear the muffled voice of Mark as he groans and says, "Okay, I believe he wants to live in your pants. because what he's doing down there? You have to force most people to go only half as far as what he's doing without being asked." Scott laughs, "If you like him down your pants, you should see him in the showers." You hear Marks voice again, "Why? what's in the shower?" Scott laughs, "The boy practically begs me to use him as a washcloth, he wants me to rub him all over my body. And he won't stand for a half-wash, he want's you to be very thorough. It's actually the reason I was tardy this morning." Mark clenches in surprise giving you a jolt of pain and a little pleasure. "He wants to be used as a human wash-cloth by you?" You wait for Scotts answer and try to will him to shut up, but apparantly your psychic powers need some work, "After the first time he's made sure I never shower without him. You can ask him yourself, after the movie. I'm sure that if you asked him he'd let you take a shower with him. I know he's been curious about you since he heared you say all those things about the shrinking formula. And he obviously cares enough to put me in my place for being rude to you. And just now you actually cared enough about him to make sure he wasn't being forced into anything. He offered to spent three hours down your pants and he's trying hard to make sure you enjoy it. He likes you too." Mark keeps silent for a while and you think about Scott words too. He's not wrong, you had been curious about the caring Mark. And you admit his suited body did look hot. Now you know you want to keep living with Scott because you love him… wait… you love Scott? your train of thought is broken by Marks voice, "But wouldn't you mind?" Scott laughs. "I won't, I know he's coming home with me. The kid and I have a commitment to each other. I might even encourage him to try another man for once. It would be good to know for the both of us that he would choose me over someone else. But so far I've been his only man. So I think it would be good to give him a change to play the field. And currently and quite probably the entire field he will ever know is me and you. So if he wants to I won't stop him." Mark quivers with anticipation. "Okay, I'll ask him after I pull him out." Scott laughs, "which also reminds me, since we now both know of him and agree he can't be brought to the centre I think it would be best for him to sleep with you the night I spent there. Even though the chances of him being found on my body are slim to say the least. I think the chances of him being found here are a lot slimmer." Mark doesn't need to think to long about that apparantly. "You're probably right, I can make a bed for him in a drawer I suppose." Scott laughs and his answer makes you want to kick him, "No way, you want him sleeping here, you're gonna put him where he is now, or on the frontside. He won't sleep outside of the pants." Mark gasps, you sleep with him in your pants?" Scott snikkers. "Every night, I thought you had got that much by now." The two man continue watching the movie. After a while you hear a rumbling and get ready. The moment Mark releases his gas you pull out your head. At least a little freedom, foul smelling freedom, but freedom. After a while Mark has gathered his thought and says to Scott, "If you want me to take him for a night I will, I'll even put him down my pants because you want me to. But I won't make the boy do anything he doesn't want to." Scott laughs so hard the whole couch shakes you can hear him crying from laughter. After he's done he breathes deep and says, "Mark, there's very few things Jack isn't prepared to do. I think he might even be willing to do more than you can think of. He might ask you to do things you don't want to do. There's just one rule between us, we respect each others boudaries, push them if need be and he stays in the pants if we're not talking, eating or showering. And who knows, if the first night goes well, you might ask him over for a slumberparty once in a while." you hear Mark sigh, "If all you say is true, that would be nice."
The rest of the movie is watched in silence. The moment you hear the Ewoks cheer with Chewy, you know Anakin is back and the credits start rolling.
Almost the second that happens you feel Mark rolling over and his hand is scraping you out as soon as he can. As he pulls you out he raises you to his face. the concerned look in his bright blue eyes makes you feel weaker than the three hours down his crack. He asks, "Are you okay?" You give him a big smile and a thumbs up. "It's a little different from what I'm used to, but it's a very nice ass. Thanks for sharing it with me. I hope It was comfortable for you too." He looks at you in amazement, then he looks at Scott and back at you. He stammers, "You're welcome?" You turn to Scott and give him a wink and stick out your tongue, tapping your ear. He grins. The message is clear, he knows you heared everything. You say to him, "Scott should we head home now?" Scott shakes his head. "Not yet, Mark still has some questions, or maybe just one." You turn around and look up at Mark. "Okay, what's up?" Mark blinks.
"Erm… well, Scott tells me you like to shower."
You sniff yourself before answering, "Yes, I like to shower and I really could use one right about now."
Mark breathes a couple of times before mustering his courage to say, "Yeah, me too." You wait for him to continue, "Would you… Would you like to take one with me?"
"That would be niced," you turn to Scott, "If you don't mind me showering with Mark."
Scott makes a waving motion, "Nah, go ahead, I'll order some chinese food or something while you take a shower."
You turn back to Mark, "Good, lead the way to the bathroom."
Mark blinks again looking a bit flabbergasted by your yes. He gets up and slowly walks towards his bathroom. It's a very modern one. you notice the walk in rain shower and point at the soapdish, "you can put me there while we both undress" After Mark softly puts you down he walks away, but turns back and lowers himself to your height while you take of your shirt. then Mark say, "I'm sorry, but I want to be clear on something. I don't know if we're talking about the same thing when we say shower." You laugh at him and walk towards the edge. "I know what you mean. Scott told you about it I suppose, I help you was yourself, and afterwards you wash me." Mark blinks again. "And by washing me, you mean." You throw your hands up in the air in a mocking gesture, "Well you put me in your hand… Then you can either soap me up or not… then you scrub your whole body with me… I want you to scrub your pits, your chest, your stomach, your legs, your feet even the soles. I want you to thoroughly scrub out your crack, Wash your balls and even your cock. And if your horny enough you can jack of with me in your hand and cum all over me." During your talk Marks mout drops open, "If you use soap we're probably done a little sooner, but if you don't you just have to scrub a little longer. If you give me the choice I prefer the soapless longer shower, because it doesn't sting my eyes as much. But it's all up to you of course. I just expect you to be very thorough, I won't take it if you miss out on certain important parts. Now if you want this kind of shower, please get undressed already and lets get this thing started. If you don't then take me back to Scott." you cross your arms in front of you and tap your foot. Mark jumps up and says very clear for once, "Oh yeah, I want that." And he almost rips his clothes off.
You approve of what you see, even though he is no Scott, Mark is a very goodlooking man, very buff, almost body-builder build. Very defined arms and abs, a large chest and thick trunk-like thighs. His sack is bigger than Marks, but his flacid penis is obviously smaller, but he might be a grower. The tailormade suit is dumped in a rough heap as Mark practically runs into the shower to turn it on. He lets the hot water run over his body for a few seconds to get him good and wet. Before he reaches out for you. Only to hesitate as his hand is almost at the soapdish. You sigh and jump of the dish trusting Marks reflexes and you were right, he reaches down to catch you and brings you up to his face. His insecurity has given way to a crooked and lustful smile as he looks at you. "No soap means longer scrubbing." you nod, "Till you feel clean enough. He lifts his right arm with you in his left hand and slowly moves you into his armpit. Again his sweat smells more spicy to you and the taste is a little more sour. But you can manage this. Mark soft rubs you up and down a few times before taking you out and lowering his arm. You shout up at him. "Hey you, two things, first that's not a scrub and second, that pit isn't clean yet. are those muscles just for show or what. The grin now turns into a full predatory smile. "You've got a big mouth little one. You want rough, you got it. He lifts his arm again and this time he slams you into the pit and really starts to scrub. It's stil a lot less force than Scott uses but it's getting there. After a while he pulls back, and grins at you, "Clean enough for you?" you smile back, "It'll do for today. Now come one there's another one." The smile he sends you makes you feel good about this as he switches you to the other hand and starts scrubbin the other pit. This one takes a little longer and when he pulls you out he switches you to his other hand again and this looks down at you as he slowly presses you against his bulging pecs and starts circling you around. The pecs are pure muscle. The skin doesn't seem to be able to dent as Scotts does. You definatly prefer Scotts chest. But you have to admit when Mark pushes your face down on his nipples that these feel and taste a little better. Moving down the defined rock-hard abs also feel pretty good for a change and you like marks touch of dunking you head first in his bellybutton en scrubbing it with you. The legs are to big for your taste, you decide you like long lean and hairy legs like Scotts. But you do notice that Mark takes extra care with his legs, so that means he's probably very proud of them. His feet don't smell to much. And his soles are pretty soft. He must clean them regularly. After the second foot he pulls you up to his face. As you pass his loins you see his little Mark at full salute. This way it's still not as big as Scotts almost a head shorter, but it is a little thicker. Markt puls you close to his face and grins at you, "enjoying the ride?" You smile at him and nod. "I really like your legs." Bulls eye, his eyes almost sparkle at those words. "But I'm looking forward to the last three parts. can you promise me something?" He nods and says, "Sure." You smile at him and say will you please take your time to show me every square inch down there. You're only the second man I've ever seen naked up close, so I'd like the full tour. And I'd like you to show me the sensitive spot too." Mark smile ear to ear, "Your wish, I'll give you the grandest tour ever." You wonder the 'your wish' thing is that something you do to all men or just a coincidence. but there's not much time to wonder as he lowers you to his first 'glutticus Maximus' and takes a full five minutes to wash the first cheek the second just as long and next you go inch by inch down the deep crack. You like the deep crack you decide, it's a nice change of scenery, but Scotts crack is better. Once, twice, three times he slides you all the way down, adding a little pressure around the anus, which makes him groan, before sliding you under till your head touches his balls before pulling you back up. Four time. and he moves you around, Now he uses both hands, he lays you flat on the first and places it under the sack and puts his second hand on top making a soft rolling motion,the balls rolling over you feel like a massage and you enjoy this part. After a while he pulls you back up to his face and asks, "Can I really jack of with you.. jack?" You grin, "It's in my name babe, bo for it." He lowers you a little before stopping and looking down at you. "And can I really cup you in my hand and cum on you." you look up, "You want to?" he nods, "Then just do it and stop asking stupind questions." That's enough for Mark it seems he quickly wraps his hand with you in it around his shaft and squeezes a lot harder than Scott usually does. His cock is also more veiny. But as you epxected the whole shower was a tease, so it only took a few pumps before he cups you. But unlike Scott who just came in his hand with you in it, Mark actually wraps you around the head your face right in front of the slit as his full force pumps out. large load shoots in your partly open mouth and nose and you really have to taste snort and swallow more cum then you ever had from Scott. The taste is the same, but it's more watery so it does go down easier, but there doesn't seem to be an end to it however the moment you think you might pass ou by lack of oxygen you can suddenly breath againyou look up past the dick. and see Mark look at the sealing in extacy. He just stands there like that for a long time, you dripping with his cum. He only start moving again as his penis start dipping. He looks down at you with a warm smile that makes you long for Scott. And he rinses you off. As he wants to put you back on the soapdish you shout, "Hey the member needs to be cleaned first." And he obliged all to happily. next you ask him to use the soap on you for a quick wash and the lemonny scent seems very fresh. After that, the shower is completed. He turns of the water and grabs a towel. As he dries himself of he looks at you with a smile and says, "Thanks, that was the best shower I ever had."
He puts on his briefs and a bathrobe before picking you up. As he makes his way to the door you wave at him. And he stops, "You can't carry me out in your hand. Scott won't like that." He looks surprised, "Please put me in your place." He smiles and shrugs.
Mark laughs, "Oh, don't worry, it'll be my pleasure. Any preference?" You shake your head and he says, "Okay, well my front is a bit sensitive right now. And I did like feeling you back there during the movie. So if you don't mind?" You shake again, "Just tug me in good this time if you please." Marks grin tells you he won't have it any other way. So only a few moments later you are face to sphincter again.the two mighty cheeks grinding you like millstones as he walks out. "Scott?" you hear Mark shout? "Scott?" no answer. suddenly Mark bows done making you kiss his hole. "Listen up Jack."
Mark and Jack,
I just got a call Lindsay had to leave for a family emergency.
Since you two were in the shower I offered to come.
So I'm spending the night at the centre tonight.
Please take good care of each other.
Jack, I'll take you back after lunch tomorrow.
And don't let me find out you slept anywhere but in Marks pants.
And Mark if you let him out he'll pay for it.
So if you like the kid, keep him in your pants.
Chinese is in the kitchen
Have a great night,
Mark laughs, "Guess you won't be coming out of there till morning, Lucky bastard." He starts walking again, "Allthough this also means we get to shower in the morning again. So maybe I'm the lucky one?" You hear him picking up some boxes and suddenly he sits down. "Scott must really have faith in you, cause he knows chinese gives me gas." You can't help but shudder which scents a tingling sensation to Mark. As you hear him eat, you realize you're actually stuffed. You swallowed a gigantic cumload in the shower, so that would explain it. You decide to just relax and try to enjoy the sleep-over. After dinner, Mark gets up and cleans up before walking somewhere. You regonize the sit and roll over. "Goodnight little jack-ass." You kiss the sphincter good night which leads to him pating his ass. You're just glad he sleeps on his side.You close your eyes and rift off to sleep before Mark himself is out.
You Awake…
The night flew by and you awake as a groggy Mark gets up. As he stumbles towards the kitchen you notice a lack of recognition in his movements. Oh god, did he actually forget about you. You hear Mark make coffee and he crashes down on the couch. the night has made sure your packed in tight and almost glued in place by sweat. After coffee Mark stumbles around again and you hear a door open. Suddenly a faint light shines in and you think he pulled down his briefs. He sits down and the lower part of the crack opens up to reveal a white room with a pool in the middle. Oh god you think, please no. But of course yes. The moment you think no a fetid wind blows in your face taking your breath away and leavin you stunned. The next moment you see the anus ripple and open as a large brown piece of crap is being pushed out. Right up against your face covering it with slime and little pieces before dropping in the toilet below. Now you're glad the upper part of the crack holds you tightly in place, you don't want to fall down there. Five more pieces slide by and one more fart. When you hear the rolling of the toiletpaper you hope it'll get you out. You watch the white paper come into view. One wipe. You're still stuck. But you do notice Mark is a looker, Before dropping the paper in the bowl he looks at it. So as the second piece comes into view you wriggle as much as you can and manage to be caught up on the shit-smeared paper and get lifted out away from the bowl and you stare up in Marks face. His eyes open so wide you almost fear they might fall out. "Oh crap, Jack?" You wave at him, "That's right, crappy jack here." Mark jumps up and runs to the sink to rinse you off. "Oh jack I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about you." You wait till your clean before saying, "Yeah I figure that out. Don't worry about it. I'm fine now." Mark still frets, "Oh god, who knows what could've happened." You pet his hand, "Just let it go, it didn't happen. You're fine, I'm fine. We're all fine. Just please don't ever make me witness that again." Mark laughs a bit sheepishly, "I promise. I'm sorry, I'm not a morning person. And I forgot to turn the alarm of. It's 7:30 and I have till eleven before I have to be at the centre." You laugh, Mark, please first finish wiping. He looks at you. "Oh yeah, good point." He finishes his wiping and flushes before coming back. "So we have some time to kill. What should we do?" You shrug, what do you normally in your free time. Mark thinks, "well I go to the gym, read a book, ride my bike around." You smile at him, "Oh, let's go biking." He looks down at you with wonder, "You want me to ride my bike?" You grin. "Only if you have those snug little padded shorts." He nods, "I do have those. You mean you want me to go biking and take you with me." You nod vigourously. "Can I ride shotgun?"
Mark scratches his head in confusion for a second and suddenly starts to grin. "Sure, but my pair of good shorts is at the cleaners. I only got an old pair that's a bit too tight and the padding is torn." You look up, can you get them for me? Mark leaves for a second and comes back with a small black pair of cycling shorts. he holds them inside out. "See the buttocks and front are fine, but the middle part for between the leg is torn and almost gone." You take a good look, swallow a lump and look at Marks face. He deserves a little pleasure. "can you put it down next to me." Mark does and you crawl on the shorts and measure up the tear. "I think I can fit there." you say and crawl into the tear, It's a bit of a squeeze but when you're done it's actually a very tight but good fit. You look up at Mark whose face almost looks like it will fall of. And you shout at him. "Guess what, I fixed your pants. this is even better than shotgun. As replacement padding I can actually be of use." Mark shakes his head, "You're kidding right?" You laugh, try me on and we can decide after that. If I fit we can go, If I don't we stay in. Completely shocked Mark turns the pants outside-outside and looks down at you. "You do seem to fit in perfectly. Okay, I'll try you on, but I don't think either of us will be comfortable. You are lowered to the floor and first one foot, then the other step into the short and you slowly ascend toward the piece of skin between the but and the balls. Mark has some trouble squeezing his thighs in, but with a last fast pull the pants slides in place.He reaches in the front to lift his balls up and his fingers slide over your face. "I can't tell you apart from the padding." He removes his hand and tugs the short in place. pushing your head agains the base of his balls
His hand traces the outside and he feels if he can find you. "I know you should be there, but all I can feel is a perfect padding." are you still there? you open your mouth and nibble a piece of flesh in front of you. "Good, one for yes, to for no?" you nibble once.
"Can you breathe?" one nibble.
"Can you move?" you try, two nibbles.
"Are you comfortable?" One nibble.
"You think you can really survive being my padding?" one nibble.
"you wanna know what I think, right now?" one nibble
"This is the hottest thing anyone could ever do for me. I don't think anyone would even touch my cycling short during or after my ride and here you are, not just in it, but part of it. you realize you're gonna be drowning in sweat down there, right?" one nibble.
"So I've got two regular routes, a short one or a long one, the long one has a bumpy stretch somewhere in the middle, so I think I should take the short one. Is that good for you." You think for a second…
You nibble once, and then a second time. You know you need to convince Mark of your sencerity. Even though he seems nice enough, he is a liability no in your relationship with Scott. So even though you really like pleasing Scott and you don't mind pleasing Mark, you have to give Mark a little more devotion for now.
Mark feels the nibble and thought as much, he is shocked though as the second one is added. Is that boy insane? He wasn't kdding when he said he didn't think anyone would ever touch his cycling shorts. He tended to build up quite a sweat down there. The normal Padding always felt soaked after a ride. And here this Jack walks in and just puts himself in them like it's nothing? Didn't he understand why the padding tore? It was completely worn out. But the thought of him down there, Mark couldn't even feel him. It was just another piece of padding to him now and to be honest, he did fill up the gap perfectly. Mark put on a shirt and walked to the kitchen to fill a bottle with water. He walked to the door, hand on the knob he look down and felt himself smiling. "See you in about an hour, for a nice long hot shower." And as he opened the door he wills himself to ignore his conscience, that tells him this was wrong and decides to just enjoy his new Jack-pad.
You feel a bit worried. After that second nibble Mark started moving. As his legs move the paddin you are in now slides even closer in place practically pushing you into the skin. As you expected though the materials breaths quite well making sure you have enough air. It might be a bit stale, filtered through the material, but it's actually better than some of your previous ordeals. What does worry you is the fact that these sligh movements allready have an effect on Marks pores. Those seem to be having a mind of their own and completely focused on producing as much sweat as they can. You hear Marks little shower rhyme and can't help but laugh. He's taking this very well. After all his initial protests. You actually think the opening the door almost makes him a whole other person. Instead of walking slowly he almost bounces down the stairs. Now you feel glad the padding is so tight. You move with him in unison without any unvoluntary bouncing around. After a while you hear some doors slam and some cursing and things falling. You figure he's getting his bike out. And indeed, you hear the familiar sound of turning bike-wheels as he start walking again. Another door slams and suddenly one of Marks legs is thrown in the air and moments later comes down and you feel him taking a seat on the saddle. Right now his ass is taking the full force as he gets ready to go. Suddenly he shoves back and leans forward. This traps your lower body between his body and the saddle. As you expected your head remains slightly tilted up as the leg on each side start pumping. Faster and faster he goes. This creates a strange sensation for you. His skin is hot and soon his sweat starts streaming down, soaking the padding around you and dripping over your face. You can actually smell the places it comes from, it smells like nutsack. The forward movement does make sure the place is well ventilated though, so even though the air you breath feels moist and stale in your mouth and lungs, at least it's rich enough in oxygen.
The problem you do notice, is that you didn't expect Mark to be such a fanatic, he doesn't really have that cyclists build. But you notice that as the sounds of traffic diminish he keeps speeding up and to do so he slowly but steadily leans further forward. You're allready rolled over up to your chest now, and he keeps going deeper. This helps you find out he has one of those racing saddles that only has that little sliding indentation towards the back. Your legs feel free enough, but as he rolls up on you, you feel the indentation rapidly decrease and this means that you're shoulders are squashed down in an almost solid surface. It might be a gel saddle, but it doens't give as much as you'd hoped. And roll forward. your squashed up to your chin now. And you take a very deep breath as you recognize the appending doom-roll. Touchdown full on your face. The sweat from the padding around you is squeezed out and forms a puddle around the opening that is your head. It's too much at once to be ventilated out and you're force to take a long drink of it just to get you mouth from being covered. Thankfully the level does soon lower, but the pressure still is far from pleasant. Suddenly you feel like armageddon is upon you. The bumpy patch. Mark and the saddle loose contact and reconnect with a vengeance, over and over and over. Every hit knock you deeper in the soft flesh till you feel like your completely engulfed. You try to remain stoic about it. it'll be over soon. And the moment you can't take it anymore suddenly the bumps stop. But now Mark leans in even more as he accelarates. This suits you fine. it brings in more fresh air. After a quick race with which he gives his all he gradually rolls back up as he reaches the busier streets. The feeling of him rolling away is the best you've felt all morning. You almost cheer as he gets of the bike and only minutes later you hear him enter his apartment. You feel him stroke you from the outside and he asks with a hint of worry in his voice: "You still there." You nibble once on the now sweaty skin." He pats you softly, "Erm… is it okay to take you out for breakfast?" You nibble again once." You feel him walking to the bathroom and painfully slow he rolls down the thight and damp shorts. You see the thighs and calves pass by and next he pull out one foot after the other. He picks up the shorts and carefully picks you out of your padded cell. You notice his face shows a lusty grin as he says, "Oh boy, I think that was the best time I ever made on that round and you supported me perfectly. I don't think I ever was so comfortable in my short before." You collapse in his hand, barely able to stand, but you find the strength to smile up at him and say, "I'm happy I could be off service, I'll admit it was quite hot." Mark laughs, "Well I warned you about the warmness, dampness and the sweat." You shake your head, "No, not hot as in warm. Hot as in sexy." Marks surprised look makes you laugh. "You enjoyed that?" You shrug, "Parts of it a lot. other parts were the pain to make the pleasure more enjoyable."
Mark laughs, "I don't get you yet…" he shrugs, what I do know is….
"What I do know is, I need some food." Mark says and pulls his shirt off and puts on his bathrobe before taking you into the kitchen. He puts you on the table and start collecting some supplies. He sits down and after some pointing, smearing and tearing you both enjoy a well earned breakfast.
You notice Mark staring at you, but act like you don't notice. Suddenly he puts his kinfe down and asks.
"You really didn't hate the ride?" you look up and shake your head, "I really didn't hate the ride. there were parts I didn't love, but there were no parts I hated." Mark looks puzzled, "So, if you ever came over again. And I asked you to do it again?" You look up at the puzzled face, "Then I would gladly do so." Mark shakes his head. "And if I said I wanted you to come along for a weekend of biking with me and some friends were we ride all day, don't take any other clothing and you'd be worn For about 48 hours straigth?" you sigh, "Then I'd have to ask Scott first, but if he okays it then I'd love to go. I like a bit of a challenge. And I would actually prefer being worn continuously than risk being found by someone else." Mark shakes his head but this time the puzzled look is replaced by a smile. "You know, you don't have to try so hard to convince me that your okay with the living in the pants, sexual abuse thing." You tilt your head as he continues, "You made it quite clear already. You also made clear you wouldn't be with Scott anymore if you didn't enjoy some to most parts of it. Even if you say no to me I wouldn't hand you over to the centre." You smile at the man above you and say, "Yeah, I didn't think you would. But to be honest I'm not doing all of this just for you. I enjoy parts of it, but I enjoy your enjoyment even more. I know we only officially met yesterday, but hearing you talk has made me believe your a kind and caring person, who sometimes deserves a little extra. To be honest, I'd pick Scott over you, but I really enjoy the different perspective you give me. Scott is all so sure about how he wants it. You are a little softer around the edges but have a few quirks of your own. The cyclingshort. Well, they are just hot and Scott doesn't do them. The shower yesterday, different from Scott but really not at all bad. Your body is amazing in different ways. The accident this morning, just don't let that happen again and we'll be fine." During your story Mark had leaned back in his chair and was sipping a cup of coffee. You looked up at him and both of you said nothing for a while. He puts down his cup and said. "Thank you for being honest, it's strange to hear you utter those words of devotion, I'm not used to that. But I'm quite sure you actually mean what you say. And I can only say I appreciate it. I'm really happy for Scott that he has met someone like you that he can actually care for." He laughs at your smirk, "Oh, don't be like that. He does care for you a lot. Maybe not at first, but he's become attached to you. I think part of him sharing you with me is because he's always been generous with his friends. But the main reason is because he wants to make sure you'd pick him over someone else. Don't get me wrong, I'm really pleased he decided to include me in this. And I sincerely hope I'll get some more chances with you. But it's just a loan." You smile at him. "I'm glad he picked you too. And I wouldn't mind at all to occasionaly stay with you." You hesitate for a moment. "And I really would love to go on that bike-trip as a padding with you. I'd love for you to put me down there again and completely forget about me as a person and know you're being padded by my body the whole time." Mark laughs, "You're gonna be so sore after that." You laugh back, "Probably, but it would be a really satisfying experience." Mark grins, "Good, I'll ask scott if he can do without you next weekend." You flinch, "Next weekend." Mark nods still grinning and starts, "Yep, we leave friday at five, all dressed up and drive out to the country. We put the car at a parking and get on our mountain-bikes for a quick drive to the first hotel. We have seperate rooms so taking a shower and rinsing out my shorts won't be an issue. Since we won't be bringing any clothes I'd be forced to wear the short during the night cause sleeping in the buff won't be allowed. In the morning we have a quick breakfast and take a very long drive to the next hotel. Sunday we drive back and arrive at the car by hopefully sundown. Then we drive back to the city and that'll be the weekend." You feel yourself getting paler with every word. And mark laughs at you, "You already agreed, so no turning back. Your only hope now is Scott saying no. I think those odds aren't in your favour. Because I know that he has a busy weekendm his parents are coming over. It's why he couldn't join us" You smirk up at Mark, "You've planned this, you giant sneak?" he nods, and you continue, "I fell for it. I didn't think you had that in you." Mark smiles and picks you up. "Your bad." Now….
"I think I speak for the both of us, when I say I need a shower." with you in his hand he walks to the bathroom. He loses the robe and without hesitation he gets in the shower and turns it on. He doesn't even look at you as he grabs the soap and covers you in lemon scented suds before scrubbing his arms, armpits, chest, stomach, a little extra time on the legs, the feet. Then a long and very, very thorough soaping, scrubbing and rinsing of the ass follows. eventually he scrubs you over the part you now know very well after spending a bike-ride in and under it. The nuts are done rapidly and suddenly he wraps you around his only partly erect cock and slowly rubs you base to tip and back. It seems to take forever before the penis even hardens to full-size. Mark clearly has some stamina in that department. Just how much is made slowly clear as even the hard member is being rubbed for ages. A soft squeeze a long stroke. But finally he moves you to the front and does someting compeltely unexpected. He presses your head against the slit and actually shoves it in just before his load starts to stream. Because his penis is now partly clogged by you the pressure builds, but the orgasm takes even longer than before. You can't help but scream which in turn only fills your mouth forcing you to swallow over and over again. The moment you feel you're going to faint the pressure falls away and with an audible 'pop' you're pulled out. lying on Marks palm you gasp for breath coughing up spunk. Suddenly your being crushed by the soap as Mark cleans you off and drops you and the soap in the tray. "Mmmm," he moans, "Scott wasn't lying, you make a pretty good washcloth, I never felt so clean." As you look up at him, the wicked grin makes your stomach jump with joy. "Glad to be of service." You stammer with a hoarse throat. Mark laughs as he dries off.
He picks you up and walks over to the bedroom He rummages a bit in a drawer and pulls out a bright red speedo. "Ah I knew I had this old thing laying around somewhere. I hope it still fits, cause I've been thinking about your love for sportswear. And I thought a nice pair of swimmingpants would be a treat for you." He put's you on the top of the closet as he slowly squeezes into the tight red thing. After finally putting it on you can make out every nook and cranny under it. He turns for you and you notice the backside almot completely dissappears in the crack. He turns again and smile. "No room in the trunk today, so you get to ride shotgun." He grabs you and opens the front sliding you down right atop op his penis before letting the elastic snap back and you feel the fabric closing around you really tight. You notice Mark walk a few steps before he bursts in laughter. "I can see you, you look just like Han Solo frozen in that block of carbonite." That's the last he says before he gets dressed.
You hear and feel him moving about and leave the apartment. He's gonna go to the centre….
After a little walk you notice Mark isn't gonna get in his car. He stops and waits for something. The rumblin and the hiss anounce a bus-stop. As he gets in You hear a lot of voices. The bus is quite full. This leads to a very uncomfortable moment as Mark has to force his way through. Bumping his crotch against other people, pressing you even closer into his cock. I'ts a long ride, but after a few stop most people clear out. Again some heavy bumping into you, but at least Mark can sit down. Eventually Mark gets up and leaves the bus. A short walk and he enters the familiar echo-ing halls of the centre. He is greeted by some people and eventually he enters a room and you hear Scott's voice great him. "Well, look at you, you clean up nice, apparantly." Mark chuckles, "Yeah, I used a new washcloth and it works wonders." They sit down with a cup of coffee and Scott gives a quick briefing about the situation. Lindsay's mother is currently in the hospital, so she's on leave of the project for now. They flew in some ex-nanny to spend the nights, so both Scott and Mark would be free to spent the night at home. The kids finished their lists, but no experiment even resembles a shrinking potion, so they probably have to recreate all of them and experiment with the partly done formulas and ad a variety of ingredients that limits itself only to the inventory of the school science lab. It could take weeks, months or years. And it might as well never happen if the secret ingredient would be something from the outside, a flowerseed that flew in or even some mouse-droppings.
After the briefing the two leave work for what it is and start chatting about something you find interesting. You.
"So, did you have a good evening after I left?" Scott asks.
"Yeah, It was a bit weird you left without a goodbye, but I found your note,"
"Well, you were taking your time, so I didn't want to disturb you."
"Well you know how thorough some people are." Mark laughs and Scott joins in.
"Too true, too true. Well I had a quiet night here. No kids showed up."
"Yeah, after dinner I got my ass into bed and slept like a log. I woke up this morning completely oblivious though. Only remembered what I had to do today taking my morning dump."
Scott laughs, "During a dump? That's a bit TMI, but yeah I have had those days of forgetfullness myself. So did anything good this morning?"
Mark snikkers, "Oh yeah, I replaced the padding in my old bike short with something I had laying around the house and went for a spin. It was extremely comfortable."
Scott chuckles, "That sounds like fun."
"Yeah, call it a practice run for the bike-tour next weekend."
"Ugh, too bad I can't come, my parents are coming to town."
"Yeah you told us, but I would love to borrow that pad-filler thing you have in case of tears?"
"Mmmm, that could be arranged, I don't need that stuff laying around with my parents there. So feel free to take it."
You mentally thank Scott for crushing your last hope of getting out of that bike tour. as he continues, "I'll probably drop it of thursdaynight. Then I don't have to worry about it on friday. Just be sure to get it back to me on sunday."
"No problem, thanks in advance."
"Well time to entertain the kids I suppose."
they get up and the next two hours are filled with chit-chat and kiddy-talk. And a lunch that just doesn't end. Finally the men get up and take their leave, in the car they can speak a bit more freely about things and Mark tells the whole shit-story and explains the bike-short thing in full colours including the fact I agreed to the weekend if Scott OK'ed it. Great, you won't be able to get out of it for sure. Oh well, might as well make the best of it. When Scott pulls over you hear him say….
"Well, good to hear you enjoyed it, but I think I should take the kid home for a while." Scott says.
Mark sticks his hands down the front of his pants and pulls you out. He hands you over to Scott who pushed you down the back of his own pants. You hear Mark say, "Yeah, he should go home now, I don't wanna use up all my fun at once." Scott reacts. "I think it would be good for him and you to have at least one more day and night of bonding before that bike-trip. So you can have him back tomorrow on one condition." silence, "We're having a game of racquetball tomorrow and I'm gonna give you a thong to help you wear him in your ass. I want you to grind him up between those muscular glutes of you while you try to beat me." Mark laughs out loud. "Sure, if you think he can take it?" You kick Scott right in the ass for this. And Scott clenches and laughs. "If need be I'll make him beg for it." Mark laughs, "I don't care about his needs, I just wanted to know if he can take my ass on." Scott laughs, "oh… wel,l I know he can, don't worry." Mark gets out of the car saying, "Ok, you, me swuash tomorrow afternoon." The door closes and Scott drives the home stretch and parks his car.
You're actually enjoying Scott's familiar ass, the touch, the smell and you even sneak a little taste. He walks up to his apartment and goes into the kitchen and fishes you out. He puts you on the table and makes some coffee for the two of you before sitting down. He leans back and grins. "So… how did you enjoy it." That smug grin of his… What's that all about. You just wait mister. You force yourself to smile and say, "It was great I can't wait to go home with him again tomorrow." Scott actually spills his coffee after those words. And you laugh at him. "You idiot, you're the one I want to spent my days with, Mark is just a fun pass-time and a good man to stay over if you have no time or space for me for a little while. I like him, but I love you." Scott puts his cup down with utmost care. "wait, what did you just say?" You gasp, indeed, what did I just say?
You gulp once, too late to deny it, so better just come clean, Scott is leaning in close and you look him in his eyes, "I love you."
He blinks, "You mean you love our deal, you love being in my pants, you love the way we play."
You shake your head, "No, I love you and that includes most of the list, but also includes the things I don't like but do to accomodate to your needs. I realized it yesterday in the shower with Mark. He's hot, he's horny, he's sweet and he's fun… But he's not you. You're hot in a different way, you're just as horny if not more, You're not as sweet or kind as him, you are fun at times, you can be an utter bastard yet still… You're the man I want to be with. And yes, I think that means I love you."
Scott leans back. "I don't know what to say to that." You nod and start, "You don't…" but he shushes you and goes on. "I really missed having you around tonight. In our short amount of time I've gotten used to having you close-by. A part of me just enjoys the feeling of you living in my pants. But I guess another big part of me has come to rely on you being there to tell it to me straigth, to defy me, even being that small. It feels wonderfull to be able to share my thoughts with someone and you gave me something back I didn't know I needed, my friendship with Mark. I thought I was supposed to look out for you, but the last couple of days it seems you're the one looking out for me. Or maybe we're looking out for each other. does that make our commitment a relation?" he falls silent and you pick of where he left it. "We started off at the wrong foot, you were domineering, but I got used to it and now even enjoy it at times. But yes, I will defy you if need be. And the last couple of days I've been scared about a lot of things, some even done by you. But I've never been scared of you, or too scared to talk down on you. Somewhere along the line the whole dominance thing wasn't the main focus anymore. I mean it's still a big part of it, and let's keep it that way, since it obviously works for us. But I know I genuinely care for you, the person outside of the briefs. And I think you've been caring for me for a while too and not just as a friend, brother or favourite asswipe."
Scott nods, "Yeah, you're right, I guess I do care a lot about you, but I don't know if it's love. I'm sorry." You smile, "Don't worry about that. I'll take care-a-lot for now." He smiles back, "So does that mean you don't want me to loan you to Mark. I'd hate to be the one to tell him that." You shake your head, "You promised, without consulting me by the way, and I really don't mind. Mark is good fun. And it's good to be able to send me off when your parents get here or like yesterday when you had to sleep at the centre, but please. let's not make it to frequent. I'd still rather be in your pants." Scott smiles and gets up. "Prove it." And he pulls open his pants to let you jump in. The side he offers you is…
He turns to the side and pulls away the back of his pants. "You're home has been quite empty for a while. I didn't care for it." You smile up at his face as you wal to the edge of the table. Suddenly you stop and he looks down questioning and you tell him, "I don't want Keith to know, I think it's best if we let him think I'm dead. He would take me away from you. And he would give up his own life to take care for me. And he would never allow me to have fun like we have." You get ready to jump as the pants suddenly closes. Scott turns and picks you up bringing you to his lips as he kisses you. you feel his warm breath as he whispers, "You can be such a jerk. But you're right about me being a bastard. I lied." You wait for him to continue, "I think I love you too." You kiss his lower lip and suddenly hear yourself say. "Jack off with me. I want to be covered in you." He walks into the livingroom and sprawls on the couch. He releases his cock from his pants and slowly wraps you around it and he begins to pump you up and down. You stick out your tongue to taste his shaft and you wrap your arms around his quivering member. time seems to slow down as he moans with pleasure. Suddenly he moves and holds his hand as a cup near the head. You don't hesitate and jump forward hugging the tip of his penis and you lick his slit. Opening wide as this triggers his release. the pressure shoots you up and you land on his stomach in a pile of cum, another shower of cum falls down on you as you stretch out to take it all in.Scotts breath slows and there's no more jizz falling down. Floating in your small puddle you just lie still and enjoy the moment. Scott doesn''t move either, not to pick you up, nor to clean you off. Both of you lying on the couch, the sperm puddle slowly sollifying.
After a while you're caked in and couldn't even move if you wanted too. You see Scott look down on you and grin. "Let's take a shower." He slowly gets up watching if you remain stuck and slowly walk to the bathroom. He sits down on the toilet first and the soft plunges of shit falling in the toilet and the piss running down along the edge of the bowl don't even disturb you. He quickly wipes and gets up again. Undressing himself and turning on the hot water. Just before stepping in the shower he peels you off and places you in his hand. slowly he starts to wash himself down with you, pressing you down tightly. You love this body, you love these legs. You love this ass and these balls. You love everything. As soon as Scott is done he starts over again, from the top. Not just once, but three more times before finally turning of the water. You enjoy every second of it.
Scott feels like he can't stop rubbing jack over his body. He wants to touch him, feel him, hold him and most of all make him part of him. By rubbing of his stink on the boy he knows he won't achieve it, but it's the best he can do for now. The way the boy licked his penis gave him one of the greatest orgasms he ever had. He never felt so unloaded. He didn't want that feeling to go away. And the way the biy sacrificed everything he was and could be, just for him. the selflessness of his devotion. Yes, Scott loved him. He almost regretted the fact he would have to loan the boy to Mark, but absence makes the heart grow fonder they say. Besides Mark deserved some devotion too. But the whole next weekend. Well, it was good that Jack was out when his parentes were here. But would he grow to like Mark more than him? One last scrub won't kill him.
as Scott takes you out of the shower he starts to towel off and you do the same. He puts on his briefs and walks over to you. "Wanna call it a day?" You nod, "so I suppose for sleeping it's still the back?"
you nod, "yes, the back," you hesitate for a second before adding, "But tonight I want you to put me IN your ass."
Mark looks puzzled, "Yeah, in the back with my ass." You shake your head, "Feet first down the hole." Marks face lights up at those words. "Your wish." He picks you up and slowly positions you in the crevice between his index and middle finger. He lifts you up and puts you in his mouth, coating you in saliva. He moves you around and slowly bends over, using his free hand to spread his cheeks he puts the tips of his fingers against his hole. Slowly he circles around and slides in deeper. You feel your feet slip in, your legs, your waist and finally your stomach and chest. He places his thumb at the top of your head and in a fluid motion slides out his fingers, the sphincter closes tight around you. From above you hear a soft moan, followed by, "You feel so good in there, Don't struggle too much though. You might just slip in tonight without me knowing.getting you out won't be fun for you." And he laughs.The lights go out as he stands up and pulls up his briefs. He slowly walks to the bedroom and every move sends a shiver through his spine as your presence moves along with each step.
Scott has no idea if this plan is gonna work. But all he can do now is just move slowly across the hall. Every step he feels the boy shift and he shivers, That feels so good. Slowly he crawls in bed and lays on his side. He tries to focus on what he's feeling. He thinks that his ass feels more like it wants to push Jack out than swallow him whole. But can he be time he has to make sure to add some sort of safety line around the boys waist. But he knows if he pulls him out now, the boy will refuse to go back in. He's a proud one that little boyfriend of mine. Wait… little boyfriend. He tastes the words carefully and they do seem right. They aslo bring a small smile to his face. He repeats the words in his head a couple of time and suddenly sleep catches up with him and he's out.
You want to slap yourself but can't, you should've thought this through. He should've asked for a safetyline across his waist. But he knows if he crawls out Scott will never put him back in. He's got such principles about doing things only once. As you try to feel if the muscles are drawing you in, you notice the rippling seems to go the other way actually, like the sphincter would rather push you out. Well that's good. Suddenly the world shifts and with a loud snore Scott rolls on his stomach. You're now almost standing up straigth. Oh well, no point in laying awake all night in fear. Either I slip in in my sleep and not make it out or I'll wake up in the exact same place tomorrow. You close your eyes and take in the heat from the muscle wrapping your body and take deep breaths through your nose, smelling the familiair aroma of your home.
The moment you wake it takes you a minute to realize where you are. Tight sleepingbag, smelly, ah right, anus. Well apparantly someone is still snoring. What time would it… Buzzer. A groan, a roll over, a sit-up, and a moan. The moan was you're doing as he sits up you slip. Thankfully it's out, not in. Guess we now know which way I slip. Scott laughs, "Ha, guess which way you slip." But good to know you stayed in the whole night. Scott gets up and walks into the kitchen and he pulls you out and sniffs you. "Oof, you smell foul. Guess the jack-ass thing feels like heaven, but smells like hell." You grin, "I don't think it smells that bad, but then again, you should see smell the rest of my house." Scott smiles, he puts you down and turns to the kitchen "So can I get my little boyfriend some breakfast?" Your mouth drops open. "Excuse me?" He looks back at you over his shoulder with an innocent look, "Can I get you some breakfast?" You nod, "A cup of strong coffee and some bagelcrumbs would be nice. I think I'm not fully awake yet." Scott gets you your food and loads himself a plate full before sitting down. You look at him suspiciously over the cup of coffee. "You did say that." He grins and just eats. "Ugh… I give up, I hate it when you are like this." He smiles and says "No you don't." the rest of the meal passes in silence. After breakfast Scott scoops you up and drops you down the front of his pants before cleaning up.
After that he walks over to the bathroom. A hand enters near you and you are shoved to the side as your roommate is taken out. The clattering tells you someone is taking his morning leak. You're less amused when it's being pushed back in scraping the still moist head all over you. He walks out and suddenly he lies down right on top of you. Suddenly you hear him talking. "Hey Mom, yeah everything is good, I told you I'd call mondaymorning so I am." It's monday? that means you've been here a week. "Yeah I'm gonna pick you and dad up friday, what time does your plane land? Okay, I'll be there around four. No mom you won't be meeting any girl, because there's still no girl in my life. Lindsay is just a colleague. Gotta go mom, say hi to dad for me. Bye." After he hangs up you hear Scott screaming into a pillow.
He rolls on his back and shoves his hand down his pants, softly squishing you against his member, he massages himself with you for while, not enough to arouse himself.
Suddenly he gets up and starts gathering up some stuff. After a while he walks back to the bathroom and puls you out to drop you in the soapdish. He gets out of his briefs and takes a very quick shower, scrubbing you over every part in a hurry. Not even going for the happy end. He dries off and walks out. He comes back fully dressed and moves in to pick you up. As he moves you down you shout. "Thank you for calling me that." His hand slows, stops and goes the other way. You're pulled up to a warm smile. "See, now that wasn't so hard." You scowl at him and he laughs at you. Two can play the tough man game you know.
He moves you back down, sorry, times up. gotta run. He stuffs you down his front and zips and buckles. He walks around the apartment picking up some stuff and leave the house. He dumps some stuff in the back of the car and drives off. A few minutes later the trunk slams open and close and then the cardoor follows as Mark gets in. The man talk about if they should or shouldn't watch the second Star Wars trilogy again. The Jar-Jar issue is a very important factor in this apparantly. Something which you don't agree on. You liked Jar-Jar and the comic relieve. It was way better than the bickering of C3PO and R2D2.
When they reach the centre they pick some stuff from the car and go in. They have their talk with the kids and their lunch.
After that they enter a different room. And suddenly the clothes are coming off. "So ready to be creamed?" Scott asks. He pulls you out and you see you're in locker-room, he places you in his bag while he changes into his work-out clothes. Mark laughs, "We'll see about that. So where is it?" Scott reaches past you and pulls out a piece of fabric and hands it to Mark, who you can;t see. Oh gods, the squash game, the grindind. You hear mark Groan, "Jeez it feel like this thing actually tries to enter me." Suddenly Marks face pops into view and grins at you before picking you up. He lowers you around to his ass. "You wonder why he doesn't seem to be wearing any underwear yet. Oh god, at the top op his crack. He IS wearing something. He suddenly pulls at the top and from the depths of his crack a piece of fabric pops out. He places you head down at the top of the crack and forcefully pushes you in deeper and deeper. The thong is to tight he can hardly push you down as you scrape along the crack, which you can smell wasn't washed very well this morning. suddenly your head pushes deep into some soft skin and Mark lets out a sigh. You're kissing his asshole. The thong is pushing you in very deep and afte he lets the top slide in place you are pressed so deep into the skin you might as well be part of it. You hear Mark laugh, hope I can get that thing off later. His cheeks rub together as he moves rolling over you, grinding you even deeper against the skin.
As they dress quickly they move to the car and drive off. During the drive Mark suddenly clenches and lets out a foul fart that smells faintly of stale chinese. You gasp for breath by mistake taking a long full that sents you into a coughing fit. Which only tickles his rectum. Mark laughs, "Oh that one was bothering me all morning, on the bright side I noticed squirmy is still alive down there." Scott laughs. They arive at the gym and head for the racquetballcourt.
Just Mark walking is putting a strain on you. Huddled deep beneath those mountains of muscle ever step grinds one of the cheeks into either side. You barely make out the sounds from outside, focused on staying strong. The moment you dread is coming closer as suddenly Mark starts stretching, followed by a little running in place and more stretching. You remember Scott telling Mark he wants him to grind you between his cheeks and you do feel like a little seed stuck between to giant Millstones.
The moment the game begins you feel Mark bend slightly, which actually opens his cheeks a bit which is welcome. Then he starts to sway side to side, weight to the left, weight to the right and back, in rapid succesion. Giving you a crushing sensation. The worst is yet to follow. The lunges as he tries to hit the ball. He completely steps in, clenching his muscles around you and landing with a shock that seems to rattle all of your bones. Over and over, you don't care about who hears you, you scream with some and sob at others, your tears being washed away by a steadily increasing flow of sweat. You try to hear something from the outside on how the game is progressing, but all you hear is the steady thumping of Marks blood through the cheeks on each side and sometime the high squeek of a shoe on the floor or the pop of the ball hitting the wall. You suddenly snap out of the Melancholy that's trying to overcome you. (lunge and squish) You won't give in. (run and grind) You suddenly take a breath and start singing, the first thing coming to mind: Don McLean's bye bye miss American pie. It's one of the longest songs you know, and you keep singing, or at least mimicking the words over and over. Trying to ignore the grinding, squishing, scraping and sweating. Sweat drips in your mouth, but you just swallow and continue.
You've song the song at least 5 times before suddenly the pounding stops. As Mark bends forward his cheeks part enough for you to make out him saying. "Fine, you win. Good game." Scott laughs panting, "Well you made me work for it. Let's go, I wanna get home and take a shower." Marks ass closes around you as he stands up and the men start walking. As they sit down in the car Mark really slouches down on you, but you can hear Scott's voice muffled by the flesh. "So I figure he's still breathing, since you didn't stop or hold back anything." Mark gasps, "I don't know, I forgot, you know me and competitions." You muster up every last ounce of strength and slowly lick the puckered and sweaty muscle in front of you. this gets a reaction as Mark moans, "Oh, he's still vivid enough down there." Scott laughs, "See, I told you he could take it. I'm just glad I didn't see you holding back. This has had to be some great practice for the bike-trip." Mark laughs too. "Yeah well he won't be in the same place and it might take a little longer between breaks." Scott adds, "Well yeah, as it should. Besides, you should only let him out during the shower and either bring boxers or sleep in your shorts" Mark answers, "Yeah, I'm gonna sleep in the shorts probably, never really liked sleeping naked anyway." It's quiet for a little while till suddenly Scott starts laughing. "Oh god, poor little Jack, he's gonna be in there for the whole 48 hours" Mark laughs too, "Yep, my very own jack-pad." The men joke about some more, but because Mark decided to lean back, you can no longer make out the whole conversation.
After a while Mark gets out of the car and walks up to his appartment. After entering and dropping his stuff he….
The little piece of fabric mushing you into place suddenly is peeled away. And a finger suddenly scrapes you up, dragging you up through the still moist crack untill you can gulp in a breath of fresh air. Crushed you lay unmoving as the hand moves you up at Marks face, he flips you over and you look up to see a wide grinning Mark, "I know I'm happy to take that thing of, but I guess you're even happier about it." You give him a weak nod which only widens the grin. "I guess the whole shrinking and increasing density really gives you an almost indestructible quality. Cause man if you can survive my ass like that? I can't imagine there's anything that could kill you." You give him a faint smile, still trying to grasp your breath to say something. Even though your appaled by the fact he's still grinning you do feel a little pride for making it through today, so far at least. He goes on, "Scott was right, you know, I was a bit sceptical about the fact if you would survive the entire bike-trip. But after this, I'm sure you will. But I just wasn't sure about the durability of the short we used last time. So I went out and bought a new pair of Bib-short, you know with those suspenders to go over the shoulders?" You just lay there and look. "The problem for you is that the padding is still a bit stiff and less forgiving, but the part you're gonna be is memoryfoam, so it will probably wrap you in nice and tight after a while." He looks at you with a sparkle in his blue bottomless eyes. "You know, I was planning on trying it today before the bike-trip…. but after this, I guess we'll just keep it a surprise and hope for the best on friday. You agree don't you," Before you can even answer he says, "Great, I interpreted your silence as consent."
He closes his fist around you and lowers you down and starts walking. The fist opens to show you the bathroom. And he grabs his penis with the hand you're in as he empties his blatter in the toilet. He walks to the showers and places you in the soapdish where you collapse against the lemony soap. He undresses and returns completely naked. His smile takes on a warmer tone as he says, "I know you probably feel roughed up allready, but I really need a shower, I didn't have one this morning and right now I feel completely gross. And you're probably not gonna want to, but I need something to scrub me with. Besides think of it as more practice for the weekend, you're gonna be my spongebob-jackpants after every ride and every night too. I know it might not seem fair, but that's just the way it is. Besides it's what we agreed on right?" You sit up a little straighter and look up in those beautifull blue eyes and somehow find the right words to say, "Yeah, I understand and look forward to this weekend too. I know it will be hard, endlessly long and maybe even a little painfull. But to be able to share the experience with you will make it all worth it. And let's face it, it can't be worse than the racquetball game." Marks eyes twinkle with pleasure as he chuckles about your words. "You're really something you know that?" You riposte, "Says the man, who apparantly feels no shame in putting another man in his bib-shorts." Mark laughs, winks at you and turns on the water.
The next half hour or so you're being vigourously scrubbed over the muscled body of the man without pause. He doesn't even acknowledge your presence anymore. And even starts singing you notice his lack of arousal as he washes you over his cock. To you this means he's not actively aware anymore about the little man he rubs up and down himself, well no more than a regular washcloth anyway. It's both a scary and a funny thought. After the last part has been washed he turns of the water and places you back next to the soap. He smiles, "I really don't know what it is, but I feel so much cleaner after washing with you, then with a regular bar of soap." You grin and say, "Probably because you're more thorough and take your time. Which is fine by me by the way." He laughs, "Yeah, I bet it is. I mean look at you, before the shower you could hardly say a word and now you're looking all chipper again." you notice he's right, you do feel refreshed even after having done duty as a loofah. Mark continues, "It's almost as if you recharge as much from a shower as myself." You nod pensively and say, "Well that could come in handy this weekend." He grins, "That it could." After that he's finished drying off dresses in briefs, sweatpants and Tanktop before picking you up. He walks towards the door with you in his hand. You draw his attention and he stops. "Hey, you just had your shower and it's not time for eating yet." you say. He looks down at you quizically. You just stare at him till he gets it. It takes a few moments untill he does with a grin, "Ah, you're right. See you at dinner." With that he stuffs you down the front of his briefs softly pushing you into the soft flesh before removing his hand.
Whistling softly he leave the bathroom and….
You feel Mark walking across the room and your world falls away as he drops himself on his couch, the drop leaves you caught between his dick and his balls, the head of his massive junk lying against your face. You hear a beep and some vaguely recognizable sounds. Isn't that the start-up tune of some kind of game-system? It turns out you were right as soon after the room outside of your prison is filed with piano-music, this you recognize. It's the tune of one of the many Final Fantasy games. So Mark is a fan of RPG's? You'd never have guessed, if anything he seemed more the FPS-man. Personally you loved the FF games, well except maybe number VII that everybody is always raving about. You didn't like the Materia system. you listen intently and soon find out it's number IX, a golden oldie, and one you've played through at least three times. After a few minutes you feel a pressure coming down on you from the outside, Mark must be holding the controller in his lap. relaxing his shoulders and arms. knowing you couldn't wrestle yourself out of your holding sell with this much weight on it you decide to relax too and after a while you doze of to the musical stylings of mister Nobuo Uematsu.
You wake up to the sound of Marks phone. You have no clue how long you've slept but you can still hear the game in the background as Mark picks up the phone. "Yeah, oh hey Matt. Jeez, what's wrong you sound. Melissa is what? How? But she was doing so well. Oh god, How's Janet? Want me to come over? Oh, yeah makes sense. Yeah, I'll see you there tomorrow. Thanks for calling. Yeah, I'll tell him. Okay. Good luck." You hear him hang up the phone and immediatly dial another number. "Hey Scott, yeah, sorry to call you so late. You still up. I'm coming over, got some news to share. Yeah five minutes." He hangs up and gets up, he practically runs out the door and down the stairs jostling you around like you're not even there, His penis hitting you a few times before you can take civer under his balls. A few minutes later he enters Scotts apartment. And you hear the familiar voice ask, "What's up you look terrible." The door closes and suddenly his hand reaches in for you as he walks to the couch. He picks you out and puts you on the table before sitting down. You see Scott looking at all of this with a confused look. Mark takes a few deep breaths. And the words you feared after hearing the call now come out. "Melissa is dead." Scott's voice drowns out yours as you both scream: "WHAT?" Mark nods and continues, "Matt, the scientist that took care of them heared Janet scream and found her near the body. She hung herself. She left a suicide note which was so small Janet had to read it. She couldn't deal with the nightmares and the small size anymore." all three of you remain silent for a while.
You notice that both men are actually staring at you. You look at them both and say, "Yes, I understand why she did it." The both of them look a bit taken aback so you hurry on, "I'm not planning to follow in her steps though. It's just, I know the Goth chick. Her name is Carol Mills. She was one of those, I hate the world, cut myself and break your favorite toy kind of goths. Taking away Melissa's identity by cutting her hair and taking her dress was probably just the start of what she did to her." You look up at Scott, "Melissa had burn-marks on her chest or back when they found her?" Scott nods and says: "Yeah, her chest was covered in burns. How did you know?" You shrug and say. "Carol smokes." You sit down, with crossed legs and fold your hands in your lap and look at them. "Remember that you found me, If I hadn't reached you then Officer Langly could have found me out. He hates me, I can only imagine if he had found me what would have happened, but if he did, I might have looked for the same way out as Melissa did." You hear Scott sitting down on the ground near the table and he places his hand, palm down, flat on the surface in front of you his finger touching your legs. You put your hand on his nail and look up at Scott, "But he didn't find me, you did and that turned out to be a very good thing. You've been good to me, kept me safe…" You wink at him, "even though you made sure you got something out of it." He blushes but grins, "You have given me a feeling of home I haven't felt since my brother left for college. My family doesn't even miss me. They don't care and don't even look for me. But I know if I went missing you…" You look over your shoulder at Mark, "And you too, you guys would look for me." Mark falls forward to his knees and places his hand on Scotts hand with the tip of his finger touching your hand. "I like both of you very much and you give me the strength to keep on going even though I know I might never return to normal. You distract me and you like me not just for what I am, but also for who I am. I feel like you two are my family now. And moreso, you're all the family I need." Scott's green eyes and Marks blue ones look down on you and you see your feeling reflected in them. "Mark, I think you need to go to the centre to be there for Matt tonight. You'll have plenty of time this weekend to make up for ditching me a few hours early." He grins at you and you turn to Scott, "That is, if you didn't have any wild parties planned without me"here to supervise you."
Scott shakes his head and says, "I'll cancel my plans, dad."
Mark gets up after stroking a finger through your hair. "Thanks kid, I'll see you thursdaynight, or sooner." And he runs out.
Scott gets up saying, "I need a drink." He looks down at you, "You want something." You nod and say, "Just no alcohol. I'm still a minor."" He grins and walks off to the kitchen. He comes back with a beer and a very tiny soda. He picks you up and lies down on the couch. Putting you next to his head near his ear. "I can't believe Melissa is dead," he says. You sip your soda and say, "I'm just glad it didn't happen with Mark watching her. I can't imagine what this Matt guy is feeling, or Janet for finding her." the couch shakes as Mark laughs. "Wow, you really can't help yourself thinking about others, can you?" You realize he's right. but you also realize that's something new. The past yeas you've been feeling sorry for yourself. Hating school, your family and your life in general. Al those testorerone soaked jocks and the controlling teachers only to come home to a loveless home. It seems so far away now. And you're happy about it. You ponder a while and Scott stays blissfully silent untill you reach a conclusion. "No, I can't. This whole shriking thing has not only changed the perspective in which I see the world, but also in how I experience it." Scott turns on his side and looks at you waiting for you to go on. "I never liked Melissa, she was popular, but she didn't deserve this. She wasn't meaner than most of the cheerleaders. And even though I didn't really know Janet I don't think anyone should find something like that." You look at Scott, "You and Mark, you both killed others before haven't you?" Scott turns away and takes a sip from his beer before answering, "Yes, but that was a long time ago, before I started doubling on commnutiy work. Our work for the centre sometimes gets a little dirty. Did you just guess?" You shake your head even though he probably can't see it. "Nope, it was just the way you reacted to the news. It was a bit to matter-of-factly." Both of you remain quiet for a while, till he suddenly asks: "Does it scare you?"
You think about it, long enough for him to turn his head a little so you can see the insecure glance in his eyes. "a little." you admit finally, "It makes me think of my brother, Wayne. He never killed a human, but he took a lot of pleasure in killing things smaller than him. He was the kid you found gigling on the side-walk when he was frying ants with a magnifying glass or salting slugs." Scott stares back at the ceiling for a while, "I never enjoyed the kiling. Well, to be honest, I enjoyed one. But he was a bastard, selling young girls into slavery. I did take some satisfaction of being forced to kill him up close with a knife. But most of the time I just did as I was ordered." He sighs, "I don't regret doing it. Most of the times it just had to be done. And to be quite honest. I was good at it. You probably realize I'm ranked quite high amongst the centre. It some strange reward for starting out as a mindless done, before crawling up from the ooze and becoming a real agent. Everyone was apalled by the fact I didn't want up any higher but chose to be an undercover community agent in a small town like this. I expected to be able to lead a more quiet life here." You laugh, "Yeah, cause nothing ever happens in small towns." He laughs as well. "If only that was true. Well at least Mark and Lindsay also got fed up and joined me down here. Before this whole shrinking kids thing we were the centre here." He looks at you, "You probably know Lindsay, she was a teacher at your junior high, allthough you probably know her as miss Tucker." You gasp in surprise, "You mean Lindsay is "Miss I'd Fuck-her'?" Scott burst outs in laughter, "Oh god, that's what you kids called her? Well if I weren't gay I could imagine that. Hell even being gay I can. Mark works as a fire-fighter. But the three of us have been meeting every other week to discuss the state of things here."
You lay back and ponder on this for a while. "So, did you hook up with Mark here, or before." You see him grinning, and he asks, "Why do you wanna know?" You shake your head, "Just wondering." He smiles and says: "I think you have a pretty good idea. You keep showing me how easy it is to read us." You laugh again. "I guess it was before and he joined you here in hopes of actually having a relationship with you." Scott nods. "Yep, it's actually one of those clichéd things. Two men on a mission, caught in a blizzard, having to keep each other warm… Well, we kept each other warm." You can't imagine those two together like that. It's not that they aren't both attractive, it's just they are so different.
Scott sighs, "You know, it feels good to get these things out. I mean sure, you get your regular mental check-up as an agent. But lets face it, you can't be honest to those guys, cause you might loose your job. Or even worse, they stick you behind a desk and make you live on office grounds. As if you're in a commune. Please tell me if you're getting uncomfortable." you grunt in acknowledgement. "I kinda forced me on him. He was looking so vulnerable, shaking from the cold. Can you imagine someone as buff as Mark, crawled up in a foetal position, crying. I just had to hold him and tell him to think of other things and talk to me. And he started telling me about his divorce." You can't restrain yourself, "Mark was married?" Scott laughs shaking the couch again. "Yeah, he was. His highschool sweetheart, you know the couple captain of the football-team and the head-cheerleader. But she couldn't take it, that he was always away on one mission or the other and even though he remained faithfull…. well he found out that she hadn't been. I remember him telling me she was the only person he ever had sex with." He grins, "He probably doesn't remember telling me, as you recall he told me I was his first men ever a couple of days ago. I already knew that. But he kept telling me about how he would never find love again. And suddenly I felt my hands slipping and I kissed his neck. He tried to get away, but he wasn't strong enough. It took a few minutes before he suddenly gave in and we had a very long night. Eventually we got up and made it to the rendez-vous point. I didn't know it yet, but that was my last mission in the field like that. I was promoted upon return. After leading a few missions from control-centre I decided to apply to a community position and I was granted the request. I had no problem killing men or women with my own hands, but actually ordering the assasinations. Well that wasn't my thing. I didn't want to decide on life or death like that." Scott takes a long sip emptying his bottle. I was transferred here and was partnered with Langly, mostly because they thought he needed someone to keep him in check. A few years later Lindsay and Mark both transferred in together. I'd been on missions with Lindsay before too. So they thaught we would make a great team, the three of us. And we did. This town is probably one of the safest towns in the region. But Mark kept badgering me about getting together again. And well the rest you know."
You sit up and look down at Scotts shoulder and past it, his giant body seemed tense. "Do you miss it, the missions I mean." He shurgs and answer, "Sometimes, but it feels good to have a place you can actually call home. And I certainly don't miss the killing." You nod, "But you do miss the feeling of power you had back then?" He flinches for a second making you fall over as the shock hits the couch. "Honestly, yes I do sometimes." you smile and say, "That's one of the reasons you enjoy my company, cause you can overpower me, I assume?" He turns on his side and laughs at you before saying, "You seriously think I can overpower you? I've had quite a few men in my life submitting to me completely, I seriously don't count you amongst those." You laugh too, and he goes on. "Mark got one thing right you know, even though I have had a lot of men, I suppose I've always been searching for someone to actually stand up to me, once in a while." He grins, "But look at me, nobody would dare mess with me. And then you come along. Young, tiny and probably a virgin," You blush, "And you not only take what I dish out, but you actually tell me what to do. Even after you realized that I killed men for a living once. And you say you're not suicidal at all." You laugh again and say, "Well, someone needed to knock that arrogance out of you eventually. Besides, you're not so tough, you just told me you didn't like the killing. That must mean you still have a sense of morality." You wink, "And with me around we both know you keep a big part of those down your pants." His laugh blows you away.
After his laugh dies down and he removes some tears from his eyes he looks all serious again. "Do you know why I shared you and will share you with Mark." You shake your had and asnwer, "I get parts of it, but I don't think I have it puzzled out completely." He grins and says.
"I let Mark have his time with you, because…" He falls silent. "No, why don't you tell me what you've figured out so far." You take a deep breath before starting. "Well first of all you have always been generous with your friends." He nods, "Secondly, it's because you think Mark needs it, for reasons I'm not fully clear on. Partly because he has some agent-like needs or something that only you can understand." He nods again. "The third and last reasone I figured out so far, is you're testing me." He looks at you a bit puzzled and asks, "In what way?" You smirk and say, "You want to make sure I choose to come back to you. It's why you picked Mark, a very nice looking man who is in some ways like you, but in many ways your opposite." He looks a bit startled, "How did you figure that one out?" You grin, "Mark told me about the testing part, the whole reason why Mark was kind of a wild guess. But I guess it was a bulls-eye." He grins too as he nods. You do love that grin of his. Scott starts to talk. "True, one of the reasons was testing you, which I kind of realised by now is a bit redundant. I mean you can't stay away from me." You make a little sound as if throwing up, which makes him smile, "Don't be like that little one. You know I know. So that part is over. The whole generousity thing, it's only a really small part of it. I'm actually quite possesive of the things I really like…. or love." You can't stop yourself from saying, "Things?" and he laughs. "You know what I mean.But no, the most important part of it is your second reason. I know Mark, I have known him for a long time. He is a very good man and has an enormous heart, but yes, he has a little darker patch. I for one know that if you don't find an outlet for that, it'll fester in you till it burst out in some way. Also Mark is a giver, but he needs to learn that it's okay to take things he wants at times. I know that he has graped the taking part with you in an instant, which makes me all the more sure he needs an outlet. I'm his friend, but I can't offer him that. You're starting to become his friend to and can offer him that. I just hope you're willing to be there for him. Mark has a hard time making friends. His looks make him seem unapproachable to most people. Well, the girls don't want to be his friends, because they only want to get him into their beds. And men are, well uncomfortable around guys that look better then themselves. This guy Matt, is the first friend he made himself in over 10 years. The guys you're going on a bike-trip with aren't friends, they are just fellow cyclists we met. And there's strength in numbers. We never see them outside of our rides. Mark is so used to being alone that it would be good for him to have someone around. Eventually I hope to be there more for him. But our friendship is still a bit wobbly. But because he has so few people he latched on to just being friends again with such vigour. I need you to teach him that it's good to go and meet other people. I just don't know if you're up to that challenge."
You sit a while and think. you find questions bubbling to the surface "I don't get it, how can I teach him anything like that? You thaught him to keep me in his pants at all times. We don't really talk that much, just a little over dinner, but mostly he just uses me for his own amusement." Scott laughs at this. "I sometimes forget you're still a teenager. Do you have any idea what you are to him? You're the first person to get in his pants since I was there." You gasp and say, "You're joking?" Scott shakes his head. "Nope, come on, think of it, he only kissed with Matt even though he probably wanted more. And let's fae it, if you were Matt, you were gay and someone like Mark kissed you?" You don't know if you should answer, but Scott's look clearly expects an answer, "If I was that… I'd probably try to rip the clothes of of him." Scott nods, "Excactly. So do you get now, why it's so important for him to have someone he dares expose himself too?" You can't help but blush, "And he has exposed himself quite well to me. So that's why you practically forced him into the showers with me." Scott grins, "Well yeah, but I could only get him that far because you practically begged him to shove him down his pants before." You give Scott a dark look, "I didn't beg? I just wanted him to… believe you." Scott grins at your look. "Then please explain to me why on earth would you get into those cycling pants of his. Even after the whole toilet-debacle, for which you would have given me hell by the way" You turn away, but suddenly Scotts hand turns you back to face him and you confess, "Because he needed it, I don't know what else to say." Scott smiles his warm smile and you just melt.And he says, "Exactly, he needed it. And you didn't do it because he was my friend. You did it because you wanted to be his friend too." You nod slowly and say, "Because I thought he could use another friend, he seemed so… lonely." Scott nods. "And he is, or maybe I should say, he was. The way you told him to go be there for Matt, that's something I should've said, but I didn't even think of it at the time. You just blurted it out like it was nothing. And he followed up on that withouth question. Believe it or not, but you two are friends. And that makes me love you even more." His hand slowly raises you and lifts you to his mouth. Where he plants a long kiss on you, the soft silky skin of his lips carressing your body. You don't even care about the beer-smell.
As Scott pulls you away he…..
The tenderness of Scotts lips makes you dizzy, as he pulls you away you feel like you're floating. It takes a second to realize you are actually moving upwards as he gets up. He walks over to the bedroom undoing his pants and he drops them. Without any word he moves you down an lowers you into the back-end of his briefs. You feel yourself pushed against the two cheeks that quite warm from him lying down on the couch and you nestle yourself between them just in time before he sits and shoves himself into bed. As usual he starts the night out on his back, giving you some warm pressure and isolation from the outisde world to think about all that was talked about. You lied a little though. The fact that both Scott and Mark had killed people before did scare you. In your heart you knew they probably would never kill you. It's just your mind couldn't get rid of the keyword in that sentence… probably. Both of them were really strong men, even if you were your full-size you would never be able to hold your own against them. True, you probably would have crossed the street if you saw them walking at you. In fact you did once with Scott, even though it was more because of officer Langly who walked along side of him. But still. And here you were, only a few inches tall and you end up bossing them around. Why? Was it because you had nothing left to lose anyway, or was it that you actually saw them as equals for the first time. And not just as people who were above you… even though they were now even more clearly above you than ever.
You envy Scott as you hear his snoring and you suddenly tumble around as he turns to his stomach. But then again, he did have nothing to fear from you, right? Oh, what the hell are you doing, Jack, you're driving yourself up the wall here. Tomorrow will be tuesday, you will get up, take a shower with Scott and probably spent the rest day in quiet isolation again. But you did hope Mark at least had a good night with Matt. Wow, you were actually the first person he had sex with in over ten years. What can you make of that? Should you feel honoured, or maybe just a little violated. Or was it just degrading he didn't even see you as a person so he could have sex with you. And why did Scott lie to you. You knew he liked you partly because he could easily over-power you. For al his honesty crap he could sure bend the truth with the best of them. And he didn't even have to lie. You wouldn't have minded, you liked it that he could. Wait, you liked it? Would you have liked it at your normal size too? Well, with someone like Scott. Yeah you would've probabaly. There's that word again. All these thought keep running through your head, and you toss and turn. But you turn to wild and sudenly you slide down the crack and fal through the briefs. Unfortunatly just at the moment Scott suddenly shifts by lifting up his pelvis before putting it down with a vengeance. Right on top of you. Suddenly you feel yourself face first against the head of his cock trapped under his balls. Great. How stupid are you. You pray Scott will turn soon so you can escape from this place, cause you don't feel very comfortable or safe right now.
You decide to wait for a little while, he probably will shift again. He has to at some point. Well apparantly he doesn't and after a while you do get a bit fed up. And you try to struggle. This does not end the way you thought, Because all you achieve is the fact that blood start pumping into his flaced penis and it starts to become bigger and harder. Which actually only gets you into a tighter hold. Especially the head seems to swell and his slit opens slightly against your face, The already musky smell intensifies around you. A nightmarish flash passes through your mind. What if you struggle to much and arouse him even more and he actually cums right now. You'd be soaked with is cum, forced to swallow it or stop breathing. And even then, you'd be glued in place by the hardening sperm, just like you were stuck to his stomach only yesterday. You don't want to end up like that while he sleeps.
So you just give in and decide to relax and hope your slightly engorged trapper will just lay down and go back to sleep to. After you stop struggling the rising does seem to stop and eventually the pressure slightly diminshes. You take a few hopefull breaths and keep forcing your body to relax. Before you even realize you drift of into a world where you can be free from all this and you doze off to sleep.
You wake up to because slowly but surely you feel your body being compressed. Oh no, the dangers of morning wood are especially close right now. You know he will keep growing, so you know struggle for what you fear might be your life. Untill suddenly the pressure lifts as Scott turns over. You can hear his voice from the outside, with a sleepy, yet humorous tone. "Someone couldn't wait for the morning shower it appears. Well I'd be happy to play along." Suddenly you feel his hand entering his briefs, scooping you up and squeezing you against his bulging cock. Slowly but steady you get rubbed up, and down, up and down. This seems to go on forever, the speed increasing and decreasing, You scream against the hard flesh, knowing Scott probably won't even hear you, "Please Scot, cum already." And wether he heared you or not. He's not even close to doing so. You hear his muffled voice, "Still half an hour till the alarm, I'm gonna enjoy every second of it." You hate him so much right now as he keeps stroking himself with you, up and down, up and down. The continuous movement makes you queasy, you try your best not to throw up, but as the movement keeps going, eventually you can't hold it in and you do give up some stomach fluids, the taste is sour in your mouth and you keep getting rubbed up and down, getting covered in his sweat and your own puke. Tears burning in your eyes until finally after what seems forever the alarm goes of. You feel him shift as he hits for the alarm and it stops. Then your suffering increases as he increases his speed. Finally you feel his penis contract and suddebly you are rubbed through another liquid you know can only be his juices. After a short while you are covered in it and his hand retreats, snapping the now wet boxers shut around you.
He'll get me out now, you think, but he just rolls over again on his stomach and starts rubbing himself on the bed, covering all of you and his crotch in his own cum. the wetness enters your nose and mouth> You actually welcome the more salty taste as it replaces the sour one from your own vomit. The alarm sounds again and you realize he just snoozed it. But this time he does get up and starts walking. You are completely disgusted by the squishing sounds you hear around you. Please get me out, you keep thinking, but as you hear him rumbling around, the familiar sounds of making breakfast, you fear what's next and as he sits down, you know he's gonna keep you cummed up for a while longer.
After he's had his breakfast….
You hear a faint ringing and Scott jumps up and runs to his phone. The one good thing about your current predicament is that you're glued in tight, so now shaking, wobbling or snapping. You hear him answer the phone. "Scott here, yeah we're up, sure give me ten minutes to freshen up." As he hangs up you know it was Mark, because Scott said 'WE'. He quickly moves into the bathroom and strips, leaving you dangling as he steps into the shower. As soon as he turns on the water he peels you of and gets the soap. Roughly you're scrubbed on the soap and a quick tour of Scotts body later he gets out, quickly dries the both of you of and walks to the bedroom. He puts on some clean brief and drops you down the back, before getting dressed further. The moment he's done the doorbell rings. And Scott runs over to buzz Mark in.
The way Mark says hello you know something is up. Scott leads him to the kitchen and makes coffee. As the cups are placed on the table Mark asks, "Could you get him out?" Scott reaches in and pulls you from his briefs to place you on the table. He turns around and gets you a cup of coffee too. Mark looks frightfully pale as he holds on to his cup as if it were a life-saving device and he stares down into it. As Scott sits down he asks, "It's bad?" Mark nods. Both you and Scott wait in silence untill suddenly a tear falls from Mark's eye and he looks at you and reaches out to touch you. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing, I've been horrible to you. I promise I won't do it again." You look stunned, you glance at Scott who looks just as stunned. You do the one thing you can think of, you get up and kick Marks finger as hard as you can. It probably doesn't hurt him but he retracts his hand in shock and his eyes grow huge. "Shut up," you yell, "Stop apologizing. Get yourself together and tell me why the hell you're acting so weird." You stand up and make yourself as large as you can muster, place your hands against your hips and look at him sternly.
You don't really get the intimidated reaction you hoped for, but Scott's chuckling and Marks slight smile will have to do. He shakes his head, downs his coffee and starts to talk. "I'm sorry, everything is just a little weird. Yesterday I went to the centre and well, it was in complete disarray. I went looking for Matt, he was held in isolation of course. Techincal formalities I thought, but I wasn't allowed in. I got called into a room with Lindsay who was there too." He looks at Scott, "Her mom's doing okay now, her legs just casted, but she's healthy and complaining." Scott laughs at this and Mark continues, "So Dirk was there and we got quite a shock. The writing of the suicide note didn't match Melissa's. It did match that of Janet." He remains silent so you and Scott can connect the dots. You don't get it, but Scott does and he fills in the blanks for you. "Matt made her write it." Mark nods, "That's what we think too. The whole night we had people watch tapes of the surveillance cams that show the room where both Melissa and Janet lived. The girls were never supposed to leave that room. And if you didn't know to look for it, they never did. Unfortunatly when we did look, we noticed that at times when Matt came to check up on the girls, something weird was going on. Matt never knew about the infrared scans. But suddenly Melissa would grow ice-cold after he left. And when he checked up on them again she turned a normal 98 degrees." This time the silence is broken by you as you figure it out. "He replaced her with a dummy and took her out of the room." Scott smiles at you, "Quick thinking, for a non-agent. But yes, that's again what we make out of it. Due to her increased density a formal autopsy is still on hold. They are trying to think of something that will makethe cut, but won't instantly mush her to paste." Your face turns a little green and Scott laughs at you, it's good to see him laugh though. "Sorry, a bit too graphic for you I suppose. But the consensus is, she was dead before she was hung. The first examination showed a liquid in her lungs." Scott and you look at each other and at Mark. He answers with something you weren't expecting. "Stomach acids." You and Scott both gasp and you're the one who finds his voice first. "He swallowed her alive?" Mark nods, "And threw her back up after a while. At least that's what we make of it right now. The centre is shocked about this. One of our own doing something like that. Matt hasn't confessed yet, but let's face it, it doesn't look good."
Mark looks down at his empty cup for a while and suddenly starts crying again.
You and Scott exchange glances and unpsoken you agree it's best to just wait. Scott gets up for a refill, prying the cup from Mark's grip. When he sits down and Mark has a sip of coffee that's hot enough to make him yelp he comes to himself again. "I'm sorry, it's just. Last night we were talking about how horrible it was what Matt did. And suddenly it came to me that I'm," he looks at Scott, "Or should I say we're just as bad. Matt abused his tiny guest and so do we." First you're shocked, then you're amused and before you know it you're laughing out loud spilling your coffee all over the table as you can't control yourself. Now you're the one who was tears runing down his cheeks.
When you finally catch hold of your breath and wipe away the water from you eyes you look up at the most confused face you've ever seen Mark put on. It almost starts you into another fit, but you keep it together. You take a deep breath and say, "aaah, Mark, you're an idiot." this makes his face even dumber as his mouth starts flapping, but no words seem to come out. He shakes his head and finally the word he seemed to be looking for passes his lips. "Why?" You look up into two pools that make you think of caribean waters. Before you say, "You are nothing like Matt." You pause for effect, and wait for him to say something, "How can you say that?" You shrug and continue, "Quite frankly it's simple. You care about me. enough to actually apologize for stuff that needs no apology. Did I ever beg you not to do something? Have you ever made me cry? did you ever in anyway wanted to threaten my life just to satisfy your own desires? Did you ever, except me the toilet-thing, lost track of my safety in your possesion? And finally, could you say honestly that you wouldn't give a damn if I didn't get out of your playtime alive?" He shakes his head, and you conclude, "Well that makes you a better man than Matt, hell, it might even make you a better man than Scott." The 'Hey' you hear from behind you is a pleasantly satisfying payback for this morning. Mark laughs a little again but when he speaks his voice is still filled with insecurity, "But I did make you do things that no normal person should do to another man. And… Not only did I enjoy them, I always thought about what else I could do with you." You nod, "And there it is," he looks baffled, and you explain, "What you could do WITH me, not what you could do TO me. It's a small word, but it makes all the difference." Mark looks at you with a look of amazement on his face. "I suppose it does make a difference. But I felt so bad last night." You sigh, "I already told you you're an idiot for doing so. Stop getting all worked up in that tiny mind of you and just ask before drawing conclusions. It's not a matter of life and death here, it's not a decision you have to make in the spur of the moment, it's a matter of ask and answer. If you can't even tell your own feelings apart properly than by all means don't try to tell how I could or should feel. I'm old enough to make up my own mind and man enough to tell you about it. Now, when are you finally gonna realize it's your turn to man up and actually deal with your feelings instead of hiding behind your looks."
As you're talking you keep looking in the two pools of blue that hover above you, but as you talk these seem to darken over and you feel a storm is coming. The moment you finish talking you can almost see the spark come out of his eyes like lightning as his voice filled with constraint anger suddenly says, "Hey now, That is a little bit harsh." You look defiantly up into the storm and ask, "Is it?" He leans forward boing down over you. "You have no right to make assumptions like that, you barely even know me. How dare you say I hide behind my looks." In two seconds you have to make a choice, bow down, or continue pushing. You notice Scott tension up ready to snatch you up and decide to push harder. You tilt your head back and puff out your own miniscule chest. "Well aren't you? You did so with Scott, you started out with that like me. And now you're actually doing the whole intimidating bigger-than-thou thing because you don't like hearing it."
His hot breath rolls over you with small intervals as his breath quickens and you see the mucles in his neck tighten. "Keep pushing shrimp, I hurt men for less." And he pounds his fist next to you making you lose your footing, before continuing, "You want me to believe you'd not rather be your own self again? you're saying you're not pissed about this whole thing that happened to Melissa? You want me to forget I let him take the girls? You wan me to negate the fact I trusted and liked him enough to kiss him? You of all people are trying to tell me it's not my fault." You crawl up into a sitting position and yell at him. "That's because it isn't, don't be an Atlas bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders. You're not responsible for everything. Just live for yourself." That seemed to do the trick, suddenly the anger fades from his eyes as your words sink in. He sits back down and looks away, silence fills the room till Scott suddenly coughs and says, "He's not wrong you know. You don't have to face the world alone. You're not to blame and the three of us are just having innocent fun together. What we do is nothing like Matt. You heared Jack say it. If you're not willing to take his word for it. Well who's word would have more weight."
Mark gets up and turns to leave, "They sent the science kids home, this commotion has priority. We're on call for now. I'm going home to try to get some sleep." You get up and say, "Wait Mark." he looks over his shoulder, and you look at Scott before saying, "I'm not gonna let you go home alone. Please let me come with you. We don't need to talk, I'll be silent and keep as still as possible so you don't have to notice me. but just in case you need it, let me be there for you." Mark gices you a faint smile and…
You realize Mark is gonna say no, but apparantly so does Scott. He reaches out and grabs you. Moments later you are tossed into the air, and you hear Scott say, "Think fast." This is it you think as you tumble through the air, but Mark still is able to do think fast and catches you. Your heart races in your throat and you scream: "Scott, you;re an asshole." Mark looks down on you and his smile is a little wider. First you think he's gonna put you back, but suddenly he shrugs and says, "You're just lucky I feel the need for a very thorough scrub-down after last night." You look up and give him a wink. "More than happy to be of service my friend." You see him mimicking those last two words as he turns around to leave. Then you're suddenly stuffed down the back of his pants as he walks over to his own place. The last thing you see is Scott giving you a thumbs up. Then it's a facefull of ass for you. Mark hasn't lost, or has refound a bit of the spring in his steps as he jogs down the stairs, walks down the streets and climbs the stairs again. After entering his appartment he walks directly to the bathroom an fishes you out before undressing.
He grabs you as he walks naked into the shower and grins down on you. "I really don't get why you say you enjoy it. I would feel horrible if someone did it to me. But just the fact that you're willing enough to piss me of to get me to do this with you is all the prove I need. I'm not Matt, I'm Mark, and my tiny helper really wants me to rub me all over my body, soak up my sweat, help me have a happy ending and he will enjoy it just as much as I do. So really Jack, this is as much for you as it is for me." He turns the water on and without the aid of soap he starts scrubbing you slowly, forcefully and thoroughly across his body. As he starts out you still feel he's a little tense, but the warm water and the slow massage he gives himself helps him relax more and more. You get rubbed up and down his pits enough that you can almost give a specific count on the amount of hairs in each one. You soon know even better where the birthmarks on his chest are located in reference to the neck and nipples. The heigth difference between the top of his abs and the crevices is a measureable fact. The diameter of his thighs, the grapefruit sized calves. His soft soles and slightly softer tops of his feet. The firm bot slightly fuzzy cheeks. The sizeable nuts in their sack and eventually the full grown, quivering member. All of it you take in and he makes and lets you take it in. Softly he enters your entire head into the slit and keeps you in place with one hand as he slowly starts the final strokes with his other. Soon the head swells around your head, slowly squishing you and slowly Mark presses you in a little deeper. Untill suddenly the first shock feels like it will dislocate your neck and a warm, hot, viscous fluid streams around your whole body, warming you even more than the shower did. You embrace the warmth and the feeling of oneness you get with Mark untill you feel you can just melt and dissolve in his spunk. He pulls you out and you lie on his hand completely satisfied as he rinses you off.
He gets out of the shower and towels dry. He also rubs your body down still limp but smiling after the treatment. As soon as you're both dry Mark takes you to the bedroom, he pulls on some tight briefs and lies down with you still in his hand.
"I haven't slept a wink all night, so I'd better get some shut eye." Mark says. He looks at you. "I really think you and I need to talk about that attitude of yours, but right now I think it's best if I just put you in your place for a while." He grins, "Well technically it would be my place. Maybe after a full night of being under me again, will make you a little more compliant to my mood." He puts you against his stomach and you hear it rumbling. "You hear that? well tonight all that bubbling is gonna come out one way or the other. And you little Jack will have a front-row seat to that action."He turns on his side and slips you deep in between his cheeks. Slowly he puts a little pressure on your head and you feel yourself being forced against the mans anus. As if it is inviting you it slowly ripples and opens up a little swallowing part of your head, You hear Marks soft moan almost as if it comes straight from the whole you're kissing and not from outside of the briefs. He clenches his ass really tight before removing his hand. And he keeps squeezing as he rolls on his stomach, gravity and his muscles keep you tightly in place as he rolls a bit to be comfortable and soon you feel more than you hear, that his breathing slows. And you also note that the bubbling in his innards seems to get louder every second.
As Mark starts to snore you know Mark is making a very passive aggressive statement. However as the first loud thunder and the gust of foul smelling wind as hot as a desert storm passes over you, You can't help but think that you can't describe this as passive anymore. With every fart you try to hold your breath as long as posible but the air never seems to clear. You try breathing through your mouth, but the scent seems to settle in your saliva, making you taste the farts, which to you is even worse than just smelling them. You're afraid to close your eyes and you know you'll be up all night like this. But the strangest sensation suddenly fills you. You're kind of enjoying the fact Mark does this to you. It means a lot to you that he listened to your speech and he actually believed you enough to lose his own scruples. However those warm feelings of friendship dissapate again as an even hotter stream of air from the outside passes over you, bringing tears to your eyes.
Eventually the frequency and length of the gas-explosions diminishes and a while later you're just too tired to stay awake and you find yourself getting comfortable against the soft pulsing muscles of the sphincter, almost like a massage-bed. The fluid motions, the banging of Marks slow heartbeat it all just seems so peacefull that you can't help but fall asleep. You wake up as your suddenly plucked from your prison and moved out from under the covers to dangle above Marks head, upside down as he holds you by a leg. It's still early, cause it seems quite dark and you only make out a shadowy shape as he asks? "You awake?" You answer him by stretching and yawning. "So did you pass out or just fall asleep." You look at him and answer, "Probably a little bit of both." He lowers you to his nose and sniffs, "Oof, that's pretty bad." You reach out and slap the tip of his nose as you say, "Tell me about it. I was down there." Marks white teeth break the darkness as he grins. "And you liked it, didn't you little Jack." You think about your answer and say, "I liked feeling so close to you, yes. I know it was probably a little bit of a punishment, Which I probably deserved, but it was good to find you able to share this with me."You wait for a second, "It feels great to know you believe in me." Again that smile, as he answers, "It was the least I could do for the little boy that has more faith in me than myself." He lays you down between his pecs and you feel his chest rise and faal with every breath, as he starts talking the whole chests vibrates with his deep voice. "I hate to admit it, but your words hurt me a lot, but mostly because they were true. You probably got some of that insight from Scott, but some of those things, how I felt at the exact moment, You couldn't have been prepared for that. And yet you saw right through me." He sighs, "I know in the past weeks we have had some times in which we got really close, but I had stupidly assumed this was mearly physical. Then all of a sudden the night before you spew out this crap about us being family to you and I didn't know how to deal with it. I'm not used to people coming close. Even physcally you and I have been closer than Many people I've seen or known over the years. And then Matt, the guy I thought I could get closer with, well the stunt he pulled is unforgiveable. I felt like my heart just froze over again. And when I get over to Scotts you just grab that icepick and keep jamming it in. I felt mad enough to actually hurt you."
The two of you lay down in silence for a while, you let Mark catch his train of thought as you softly rub the hard muscle around you. "And then you broke through. The moment I turned to give up and break away, you wouldn't let me. You insisted on coming with me and even Scott made sure you did. I felt so thankfull and yet I still pushed you away, well, maybe not literally, but locking you down there felt a lot like doing just that. I almost regretted it instantly, but couldn't bring myself to rewind it. And now I find out you're even glad I did it, just to show you I could. It just makes my head spin in ways I can't fathom. I never had siblings or close friends, so I don't know how it feels to actually have a friend." You laugh softly at this comment and he lays his hand down on top of you asking? "What's so funny?" You wrap your arms around his indexfinger and say. "You do know how it feels right now, you silly man. You can talk with me, you can have fun with me, you can even fight with me and no matter what we are just that. Friends. And even though you only feel it know, I felt it the moment I heared you talk through the fabric of Scotts briefs. I like you because your heart is so big, for others, people you like, but also people you don't even know. You want as little harm to come to the world as possible. It's your morals that make me able to like you. And even though you try to hide it from the wolrd, I suppose my size has given me a different perspective to see you not as a gorgeous, aloof man, but as the caring giant you are." mark chuckles, "You think I'm gorgeous." You bite his finger, which makes him laugh and you say, "I just told you I see you as a caring giant." for a minute you both say nothing and then you continue, "But yes, you're a very beautifull men, even though you don't need me to tell you that."
Blissfull silence surronds you, you find the rising and falling of Marks chest very soothing. His warm hand covering your body feels safe and you'd almost wish you could stay this way forever. Allthough it pains you to admit that no matter how nice Mark was, you still felt that the chest you really belonged on wasn't his. You belonged to Scott, but then again somewhere deep inside you also knew that Scott and Mark might actually end up together, just not by themselves. It would be a weird relationship without something, or someone to bring and hold them together. And you realized that if the two would end up together it would be a threesome, or should you say a 2,5-some with you somewhere in between. Even before the words fill the air, you knew Mark was readying somthing to say. But as it comes out it wasn't at all what you expected. "I… I think you're more than a friend to me." You really don't want him to continue, but as always you don't get what you want. "I think you're the second man I'm falling for ever." This makes things a little complicated. What do you say to something like that. What are your feelings for Mark. His hand starts to softly rub you up and down. "You don't have to say anything." Oh Mark, don't be like that. don't lie to me. I really like being with you, would that be enough? Would it be the truth? "I know you love Scott. And I can't blame you, I did too. Maybe I still do a little." No Mark, not a little, a lot. And I love you for loving him. But I don't think he loves you. "But I don't think he loves me back. I think Scott loves you too." Mark please stop talking. "But I can't help how I feel." But why confess it now? What do you want from me? "It's probably your own fault, you make me deal with my feelings and not hide behind my, what did you call them, gorgeous looks." He laughs a little sending shocks through his chest. You love that he listened to you like that. And that he even confesses his feelings for once. "It's just not fair he found you first. I could've made you mine." And you would've enjoyed that just as much."But Scott is the one for you, as he was the one for me." Mark stop, please stop. "I think we should get up soon."
"Mark," you try to string your words together but the warmth, the gentleness, the whole night. This whole week. "You know I love Scott," He grunts an affirmation, "But I do think It's not just him anymore." You hear his heart skip a beat and suddenly hand pushes you against his chest. "All the things they taught me seem to have fallen apart after my size was changed so drastically." His heart is racing, you shouldn't keep him in suspense, "I think I might be falling for you too." This can't be happening. A little over a week ago you weren't even gay. And here you are, confessing to a second man you actually have feelings for him. Did you confuse the whole sex with love thing? No, you know you aren't. It's not just the bodies of these men that drive you up the wall. It's their entire being.
Suddenly Mark begins too laugh, "This must be the weirdest lov triangle in history ever." you laugh along with him, bouncing up and down between his pecs. As the laughter dies down you find the words. "Maybe so, but I fear there's no denying the heart in its matters. I love both him and you for being completely who you are, and I love myself when I'm around you guys. I feel more like a person now than when I was still my normal size. I'd never be able to chose which of you I could give up. I know I need both of you to keep me safe. And I've never felt safer. But I also know you need me just for being me. I didn't respect Scott from the start, but grew to love him. I respected you from the start but couldn't love you, because I loved another man. But I can't not love you anymore. I wish I knew what this all means"
Mark chuckles again, "Que sera, sera. I know it would be best to just return you to Scott and forget about the whole bike-trip and stop seeing each other, right? Even though I did look forward to it, I don't think it would be a smart thing to do." You keep still and think about it, he's right, maybe you shouldn't see each other for a while. Yeah, that's probably for the best. So you open your mouth and just say it:
"You know you could be right," you feel Mark flinch, "But I do still want to go with you, besides, I can't stay with Scott if his parents are in town." Mark sighs, but you're not done yet, "However, I do feel I need to tell Scott about these feelings I have and I need him to still be allright with the trip." You hear and feel Mark taking a few deep breaths, and he shakes a bit before saying, "You're right, we shouldn't lie to him. He should know." Mar closes his hand around you and lift you tho his face. He looks at you for a moment before saying. "I hate it, but you're right. I'm just not so sure how I should deal with him saying no." You grin down at the man's insecurity, "He won't say no. It's his own fault for pushing you and me together. And he knows it." Mark raises one of his eye-brows questioningly. "What do you mean, he pushed us together." You want to bite your tongue so much right now, but instead Marks grip get's tight enough for you to have trouble breathing. "You know," you say, "He wanted you to have someone to trust and confide in. He knew he couldn't be that for you just yet, not after the whole thing that has happened between the two of you." Mark looks at you and he seems to look right through you, you're just glad you told the truth. Even if it wasn't the whole truth. The grip around you loosens again. "Yeah, I guess he couldn't. I don't get where he gets that sensitivity from." He suddenly smiles at you and you feel a warmth rise from your toes to your head, "On second thought, maybe I do know, seeing as I have some experience with the Pants-Living-Morality-Compass you keep turning out to be." You smile back and say, "Sorry for being so upfront about all those things. It's just the whole neglected feelings I've experienced myself the last year, I suppose." Marks smile takes on a hinge of sadness, "Well, I just hope the two of us can help you forget all about that. You've certainly broadened my horizons the past couple of days." You can't help laughing at that, after you catch your breath you look at the smile that is now all warm again and say, "Let's just keep it at the fact we both, or should I say all three of us have learned a lot from each other. You've certainly shown me some interesting things the past week. And I learned a lot about myself too."
Without warning, Mark gets out of bed and with you in his fist walks to his kitchen to make some breakfast for the both of you. As you're sitting down suddenly Marks phone rings. Scott is coming over to pick him up, because they are needed at the centre. Mark is in a bustle, shoving his breakfast down his throat and running to the bedroom to get dressed. He runs back into the kitchen to glug his coffee down that has cooled a little and without any notice he picks you up and drops you down the front of his pants before running down the stairs to meet Scott.
As he hops in the car, Mark explains the emergency.
"Sorry for the rush little Jack. But there's trouble. Matt wasn't in his cell this morning." The car rushes of with screeching tires. The two men catch up on the procedure. After a few minutes You hear Scott say, "We can't take Jack in, the alarms and stuff. Can you take him out, we'll hide in the car for now." You hear a belt be undone and a groping hand pries you from your sweaty prison and suddenly you breath in fresh air again. You notice Scott prying open the arm-rest in the middle to unveil a storage compartment and Mark places you in it. "Look at me," you scream, "Jack in the box, instead of Jack in the boxers." Both men can't help but laugh. But they're almost there so Scott closes the compartment and turns into the parkinglot.
You hear Mark closing his belt and before you know it the men get out and run off. The double-beep o the car locking seals your fate for now.
Seeing as you have some time you start thinking of what to tell Scott. And seeing as it is now Wednesday, you're probably gonna go home with him tonight, till he drops you off for the weekend at Marks tomorrow. So you have to do it tonight.
You feel somewhat strange about all of this. but you try to put your feelings in order. You love Scott, but you more than like Mark. And both of them have some feelings for one another. Nothing will come from that, you're sure. Scott isn't in love with Mark, he feels more like Mark is his little brother or something. Mark was in love with Scott, but gave up on him. And now here you are, in love with both of them for very different reason.
Suddenly a car door opens and closes, only a single one?
You actually feel at ease when the armrest is opened almost immediatly. The hand that reaches in is definatly Scott's. And the way he unceremoniously shoves you down the back of his pants makes you feel right at home. A home that definatly hasn't had a shower this morning though. The car starts and drives off. "We found him, he was hiding in the building, thinking he would be safest there for now, till we went out to look for him. It could've worked if he didn't smell so bad. Mark is staying behind to guard him today. Tomorrow he'll be transported somewhere else." Scott explains it all in a mild tone, but then starts snickering. "Just in time for me to drop you off for the big weekend." you kick him. Which only makes him laugh harder.
As soon as you get home he fishes you out and walks to the bathroom, "Time for my shower, I missed it this morning. As you might have guessed." He quickly undresses with you still in his hand and get into the showers. He turns on the water and starts scrubbing. You take in the familiar smells and tastes of his body as he slowly rubs you up and down taking all the time in the world. Doubling back from pits to ass, to pits. Finally he comes to the point where his hard member get´s a good scrubbing. He really takes his time. And when he finally blows his load is the biggest you´ve felt so far. Hot, steamy and sticky. He rinses you off and then uses you once again to scrub his diminishing dick a few more minutes. Rinsing you again and turninf off the water.
As he gets out of the shower he towel you dry and then himself. Naked he walks to his kitchen and gets some food for the two of you. As you munch down on a piece of bread you look up at Scott and you see him looking back. You take a deep breath and… he speaks up: "You're gonna tell me you love Mark too?" You open and close your mouth a few times. A grin spreads across Scott's face. "He told me. But don't worry, I already figured it out." He leans forward and rest his chin on the table. "I don't know why, or how, but I'm really okay with it." You swallow a giant lump from your throat. "Really?" He grins again. "You know I love you, but I can't have you all the time, like this weekend. So it's good to know you'll be with someone else who you love and who loves you. Makes me feel good about your safety." All you can do is nod. "Now, was that the thing that's been eating you all morning?" You're a bit annoyed now and sent him a scowl. "Yeah it was, and maybe I should rethink the part where I love you, if you're making fun of me about this." He blows on you and you fall down. "Now, now, little Jack, haven't you learned by now that all that Jack-talk isn't good for you?" Before you can climb to your feet Scotts hand swoops in and picks you up. He gets up himself and walks over to the bedroom.
He's getting dressed, ready to
As you enter the bedroom you notice him picking up a pair of tight shorts. "Well guess after cleaning myself, I have to clean the apartment, seeing as my parents will be here in two days. So I've got a lot to do. He squeezes into the shorts and slides you down the back. "Lets see how this compares to a work-out." Instead of placing you in the crack he slides you to the side and places you oat the top of his left chek. The shorts snap tight and you'r pressed deep into the mund of flesh. "A little incentive to not sit down." You hear scott mutter And he starts moving, you barely notice him moving, as you're pressed deep against the skin and there's no room in the shorts to jiggle. However the moment he bends over you notice the pants stretching taut over you pressing you in deeper from the outside a hand rubs over you as Scott giggles. "I can barely feel you, you're like a human shaped tattoo by the time I'm done" And he does start working, you hear him vacuuming and he sretches and bends, he does some laundry and with every unexpected move your pressed in deeper and deeper, the flesh forming around you as he goes. It amazes you that this is actually one of the better ways to spend your time down here. But every time he bends down, you hope he isn't gonna sit on something. Fortunatly for you he isn't.
After a while he slows down and suddenly you notice he's putting on some pants over the shorts. After a while you hear the door open and close and the sound of streetlife comes into your prison as he starts walking. After a while he enters somewhere and he starts to move with intervals, an announcement tells you it's a grocery store. After a while he checks out at the counter and starts walking back. A little slower. probably carrying a few heavy bags. The sound of a car honking makes him stop and suddenly you hear the voice of Max Langly: "Hey there officer, hop in, I'll give you a lift home." You hear Scott try to refuse, but Langly insist and suddenly you feel yourself slowly lowering and from the outside the car seat presses you into his cheek, even though you notice hes trying to lean on the other one. There's still an enourmous pressure. And it only increases as the car starts driving and Scott can't keep his weight on one cheek anymore. Between the seat and the flesh here's no sound coming in, so you can't make out anything about duration or conversation, but you dor think that the drive back takes longer than the walk to the store. The corners are pure torture, as Scott's fullweight presses down on you. Eventually….
The moment you feel like you're gonna snap in two, suddenly the pressure lifts as Scott gets up, You hear him thank Langly for the ride and the coffee And he hurries inside. You hear the groceries drop on the floor and a the pants go down, as the shorts are pulled off you are still stuck inside the fleshy cheek. A hand comes into view and touches you, before dissapearing. After that a phone comes into view and a flash goes off in your face. As you see spots you hear Scott roaring with laughter and suddenly the screen of the phone hovers before you. You see yourself pressed deep into the skin, and the skin partly envelops your torso, almost levelling out around you. "Guess who's part of my buttcheek right now." Before you can react the shorts come back up and Scott goes about putting away the groceries leaving you mushed up in his cheek.
Finally after he's done with the last of his chores he reaches in and has to use his fingernail to scrape you from his flesh. He lifts you up to his grinning face and looks at you with a sparkle of fun in his eyes. "I didn't keep my promise about not sitting down. Guess you didn't try to convince me hard enough not too." You gasp from surprise as suddenly parts of you body start tingling from an increased bloodflow, like ants crawling over your skin, well ants reduced in size equal to you. This reaction is apparantly hilarious to Scott as he laughs again. "Sorry little buddy, but I couldn't tell Langly I couldn't sit down for a ride or a coffee because I had a tiny man in my glute." He lowers you to the table and hands you some coffee and a big piece of donut.
You look up at Scott and manage a tight smile. "It's okay, I noticed you tried, so I guess I'll forgive you for now. But it makes me all the more happy that tomorrow you're gonna drop me off so I don't have to see you again for a few days." Scott grins as the doorbell rings at that moment and he leaves you out in the open. Must be Mark. And the two man come back a moment later. Scott smiles and says: "You'll get your wish a little earlier. I'm on guard duty tonight and have to go on transport with Matt tomorrow. So you're gonna go with Mark tonight." Mark looks at Scott and at you, "You two fighting." Scott grins, "Nah, he was just getting a little cheeky today and didn't like it." You break of a crumb of donut and throw it at Scott, who laughs and says, "Hey, we just cleaned house today, need me to start over again."
The bell goes of again and both Mark and Scott go to answers, when Mark returns you smell pizza but don't see any boxes. He scoops you up and carries you to the couch, Scott is already seated and munching on some pizza while he's fidgeting with the remote. He's leaning forward and Mark laughs, "Sitting like that gives me butt-crack theatre, so hold still, I'll make it butt-crack-puppet theatre." He leans foward and slides you head first down the small opening between butt and shorts that Scott is showing. Both men laugh and you feel Scott reaching back to slide you in a lot deeper. "You don't want to be comfortable Mark?" Scott asks. Mark answers, "I'll be comfortable for a few days, you enjoy him for now. Besides Phantom manace needs no further distraction for me."
With that Scott rolls back locking you in. You feel him put up his feet which slowly opens his cheeks, but also tightens the pants to push you in deeper and through the pants you hear the familiair tune of Star Wars again.
After the movie is in a while, suddenly…
"Sorry Mark, but I got a little itch." You hear Scott mumble, and suddenly you feel him reaching in. You feel a finger wet with saliva reach between you and Scott's sphincter and he rubs the liquid vigoursly around. You get hit in the face and feel glad the finger goes away. Till you suddenly feel it on the back of your head, forcefully pushing you towards the puckered and lubed up muscle. However the power behind it doesn't stop as you touch the quivering sphincter and, but increases. Slowly the wet anus opens and swallows your head and shoulders. With that the finger retreats and suddenly the walls collapse in on you locking you head first in Scotts ass-hole. The sound of rushing blood and muscle fill your ears and you feel Scott sitting up straight which closes the flesh around you even more. You notice that enough oxygen enters around you to keep conscious, but with every move you make you send little chills through the muscle making it clench around you before releasing. To your horror every clench seems to slowly pull you in deeper. Scared to mover you try to relax your body, willing yourself to slide out. And suddenly you feel yourself doing just that. But after sliding down a little, you feel Scott clenching himself, pulling you back in. You want to scream, but are too scared to do so, finally you submit to relaxing, slowly sliding down and being pulled back in. Sliding down, pulled back in.
This could've gone on forever, but suddenly you feel an itch in your nose. Slowly you try to lift your arm, but this movement makes the sphinctre ripple. drawing you slightly in. Next you try rubbing your nose against the somewhat slimey wall, but this too makes the anus twitch, drawing you in up to your waist. Too late, you suddenly sneeze, sending a shock through your body and Scotts. The walls crash into you and you slide in even deeper. You feel that below your knees your still free, but also that your head is pressing against the inner muscle, bringing you in very close to his colon.
You force yourself to relax, you know you need less oxygen and can handle the pressure for a while, but you will yourself to slide down. Untill suddenly a loud rumbling comes from above your head. And you notice a twitch in the buttocks. Oh no, He's gonna fart very soon. But you panic, will that blow you out or draw you in even more. You wriggle your feet trying to find a place to hook yourself under, but don't find one. Then it's too late, it happens as if in slow-motion, the muscle pushing against your head relaxes and a warm, moist and foulsmelling wave of air rips over your body.
You hear yourself scream against the warm walls and cheer as the fetid air presses you down and out blowing you against the taut pair of shorts. Holding your breath till the worst of the fart has passed you hear laughter and Mark's voice, "Damn man, that was a foul one. What have you eaten. It's Jack and the bean-stench down there. Poor guy." You lift up an arm intending to slap the cheek, but only managing a soft pat. "Well he's still alive down there, so it can't have been that bad." you hear Scotts voice. You feel violated, squashed and have no energy to protest anymore. Thank god the ending of the movie suddenly plays through the room. But this makes the world shake as Scott suddenly rises. "I'm gonna have a quick shower before I have to go in, do you mind waiting?" Mark answers no and Scott starts walking. In the bathroom he pulls you out and lifts you to his face. "That was some deep devotion you gave me." he winks. "I'm really gonna miss you this weekend." He was only wearing his shorts, which he kicks off and steps into the showers. Turning them on he immediatly starts scrubbing his ass with you in his palm. As he moves you to the front you notice he's using his other hand to wash his upperbody before slamming you into his cock and slowly rubbing you up and down on his ever-growing member. As he readies to blow his load he cups his hand with you in it to catch the cumm which covers you head to toe before slowly dropping to the floor. And he quickly rinses you off. He stesp out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist, quickly pats you dry and walks out. You see Mark getting up from the couch and Scott hands you over. "Have fun this weekend you two. And if he survives the weekend in your shorts, next trip he's gonna be in mine." You flip Scott off, "I'll survive don't worry. Just hope 'that after 48 hours of biking I can still be pried out of Marks shorts." Mark grins. "Oh,, if you're stuck permanently I won't mind, and I'll be happy to lend Scott my pants if he wants to ride. I just hope you know what you're getting into." Scott grins, "Your pants of course, he knows that, the getting in part is easy, the getting out part, now that's a challenge." With that Mark shoves you down the front of his pants before walking out the door and back to his own appartment.
As Mark gets home he doesn't even check up on you before taking of his clothes and crawling into bed, lying on his stomach. You are forced to cuddle closely to Mar's flacid penis as the weight of his pelvis crushes down on you. it seems only seconds before Mark Starts snoring and after your ordeal you fall asleep too.
You wake up as Mark starts to get up, his penis is somewhat harder, morning wood you figure, but he doesn't seem to be tending to it. He walks over and suddenly his hand enters and presses you to his dick before pulling it out and he start to pee loudly. He puts his member back and keeps you in his fist as he walks into the kitchen and places you on the table, before making breakfast. Mark is still not a morning person, but at least he remembered you this time. After downing his first cup of coffee he seems to wake-up a little more. "Lucky you, seeing as you got here a day early you can join me for a game of racquetball with my usual partner." you groan, which in turn makes mark smile. "Don't be like that, see it as a warm-up for this weekend. Besides the rest of the day will be a breeze. I'll have to pack and get some stuff together and it'll be an early night and sleeping in tomorrow. After that you'll be bibbing it up for the weekend." You sigh, "Fine, I'll treat it as a warm-up. Mark pours himself another cup of coffee and walks of. Whe he returns he puts a piece of black clothing that seems familiar next to you. "It's not a real warm-up without the proper working outfit." Now you recognize the torn cycling shorts in the heep of clothing and he continues to fold it in side out placing the padding flat with the tear up. You gulp down the last of your own coffee before getting up and climbing the padded mountain. As you remember the last time you decide to lay in the other direction, that would put your face closer to his ass, and you hope a little more room to breath instead of being squashed against the skin under his balls. After squeezing in you look up into Marks grinning face. "Stop grinning and put me on already." Mark grins wider, "Your wish, but I was gonna do some shopping first, Racquetball isn't till this afternoon. But if you insist on being in there the whole day. I suppose there's no better warm-up." If your hands weren't pulled in tight you would've palmed your face, but now the pants are lifted and flipped back before you see Marks feet enter and are rapidly lifted into place. Mark pulls the pants up high and your body squeezes to his skin. your face inches from his dark hole. The smell is quite strong, Of course Mark hasn't showered in a while, but than again, this weekend will be worse. the padding keeps your firm in place as Mark starts moving around And you notice he's pulling on another pair of pants over you.
The rest of the morning Mark keeps walking about, he visits different stores and you feel him sitting down for lunch. After he returns home he changes again, of course the short stays on under his work-out clothes and he gets into his car. Upon arrival at the gym you hear him talk with another man and before you know it he starts to move really fast, pacing, lunging and most importantly sweating. The game takes forever and before it is up you already feel stretched, soaked and completely part of the padding itself.
After the game
You hear Mark talking with his racquetball partner about showeing, but are happy to hear Mark is going home to shower you wouldn't want him to take of his pants in public. Luckily he shares this sentiment. The ride home is the worst. The sweat in the padding keeps leaking out by the pressure making you feel like you'r constantly in a bad of salty, sweaty water. Even going as far as having a wave or to pass over your head on sharp stop-and-goes. Finally Mark gets home. You can almost smell the freedom. However, Mark keeps moving about. You hear him mumbling and realize he's actually packing for the trip first, prologing your sweaty capture. thankfully the sweat has flowed away, so it's just moist instead of wet now.
When finally he strips down, he has some trouble with getting the moist shorts over his clammy thighs. But eventually he lifts the shorts with you in them up and turns them inside out again. "nearly 10 hours seems a good warm-up to me." He slowly pulls you from the padding. and puts you in the soapdish to catch your breath as he rinses out your former prison in the sink. He walk into the shower naked and hangs the shorts on a rack to dry out. "I think I'm gonna bring that one with us as reserve and to sleep in. We both know you can survive that one. the bibs will be a bit more snuggly, so we can see how they work-out after our first few hours tomorrow. What do you think?" His question seems sincere so you sit up and look at him. "I like the sound of that back-up plan,but I'm sure the bib-short will be fine too. I just hope you won't have trouble with me being on the padding instead of in it." Mark grins. "I think I'll manage." He pauses for a second. "You are still sure right? I mean, there's no going back between leaving tomorrow and coming back sunday. And there won't be another place to put you but down my pants. I don't want to sent you with the luggage from hotel to hotel. I think you have an even beter chance surviving in my pants than being tossed around in my backpack." Doubt spreads over Marks face and you feel almost sorry. You're really not sure about being under his cycling ass for over 12 hours a day, but you know you can't back down now, without crushing this giant. "I honestly look forward to trying it. Spending a weekend so close to you sounds like a whole lot of fun and with the back-up plan I'm sure I'll be fine. How about after the shower we try out the bib-short for a while. I imagine I hate to be placed between the pad and your skin, otherwise my silhouet might show on the outside and we wouldn't want that. So let's try it out and make it fit."
Mark turns on the water with a smile. "That's a great plan, and we can work-out a comfortable position for the both of us. well, comfortable for me and surviveable for you." You nod and leap in his hand as he holds in out. "That's the spirit. I'm gonna make your ass the most comforatble in the group." It's all you can say before your face-first in Marks sweaty pit. You try your best to work your arms deep into the skin as he is scrubbing and notice he notices as he increases the pressure, thinking probably that's what you want. You don't care and let him enjoy his shower. Down the chest and abs and onto the legs. When he starts to scrub he slows down when your head is in front of his anus and slowly bobs your head against it. Now you stretch out your arms and push them forcefully into the rond muscle and you feel them slip in, which makes Mark groan. He reacts by pushing even harder against your head and his hole till suddenly his fingertip with your head and upperbody slips in. He waits and you encourage him by sotly scratching with your outstretched arms and he follows up by pushing in deeper softly rolling around. And even deeper, your arms now press against his inner muscle and you slowly push against it. he takes it as a greenlight and suddenly shoves his finger with you on it in entirely. The sudden deepening presses you head all the way through together with the tip of his finger deep into his colon. You can actually feel the built up faces rubbing on your arms and against your face as you hold you breath. Mark wiggles you around for only a few seconds before pulling you back out and you gasp for breath. Mar waits a few seconds and pushes you back in, this time he goes all the way from the start. And out again. And in again.the muscle gliding over your body feels so warm and good you ignore the smell and every time you're in you flail your arms around. Suddenly when you're pulled out mark places a second finger under you and now presses back in really deep. The tighness around your leggs keeps you from slipping away as you feel the opposite wall of the colon against your head and you press your arms deep into it. rbbing it vigourously not caring about the shit, the slime or anything else asl you hear the deepest moan Mark ever made from inside of him. and you feel his body shock as he is cumming outside. Even berfore you run out of air you're slowly pulled out and lifted up Mark has the smile of someone who had the best sex he has ever had as he rinses you off with a bit of soap and suddenly kisses you. "That was the best fuck I ever had." He turns of the awater and walks out of the shower and dries the both of you off. He walks naked the the couch and crashes down. "I could sleep for a week after that." You struggle still in his hand and he lifts you up. "You can sleep after putting on the bib-short."
"Ugh." Mark groans. "Fine, fine, we'll fit it for a minute." he gets up and walks to the bedroom, he picks up the short from a chair and shows them to you. "They're suppsoed to be slightly compressing and follow the wearers muscle-movements perfectly." He flips them inside out and you see the padding, heartshaped with a thin crevice in the middle. You point at the crevice, "That looks like it's made for me." Mark picks you up and plces you into the crevice. the fit seems almost too perfect and Mark grins. "I measured it roughly and it seems you do fit. But that crevice is normally there for airflow and to get rid of ass-sweat. The fabric has a slight mesh and you sit up and press your feet through one hole and your ars through to other. You look up at Mark "Now we know I fit, let's see if you do." Mark shows his grin again as he lowers the short to the floor and steps in. Slowly pulling you up, taking his time you gulp as the ass comes closer, noticing just how thin the padding on each side of you actually is. Mark stops just before you touch his skin and feels around over the pad and you, he jerks a little on the short lining you up with his crack perfectly. Then in a fluid motion he pulls you into his ass.the padding on each of your sides compresses upon touch slightly flowing over your arms locking you even more in place. with soft jolts Mark pulls the pant up even further. Suddenly you feel him lean right and then left, he is putting the shoulder pieces on. "That's it." You hear as he slowly moves around and turns a bit. twisting. You are now tightly locked in the padding but don't touch his skin, so he won't be chafing you or himself to much. you feel him tracing the padding on the outside. and slowly pushing you against his ass. "'m looking in the mirror and don't see you and don't feel you against my ass, right now. suddenly he sits down. this presses you deep in his crack. "I feel you when I sit up straight like this. He leans forward and you feel yourself being pulled from his skin. "But I won't feel you against my skin when cycling." He sits up again, rolling his ass on you. "So going downhill I can enjoy feeling you in my crack." He leans forward, "But when pedalling you won't get in the way."
He gets up and moves through his house. He twists and suddenly bends forward. "this plunges you into his crack again." Now I can feel you again, so I guess I'll do a lot of stretching during the breaks, just for you." He sits down on the couch and rolls into a slouch, this presses you against his crack again. "This I do feel." You hear him yawn. "I'll keep you in a few minutes and then you can tell me how it was for you." You hear him put on the tv, but only moments later you hear him snoring softly. He allready has fallen asleep. And you know there's no way you can get out of here without him. You can't even move enough to wake him.
All you can do is hope he wakes up soon…
You struggle in vain, the padding keeps you in place pressing you softly into Mark's crack. But not close enough to get in a good head-butt or bite. So finally you just lay back and decide you need to wait this one out. At least the padding will keep you safe from his tossing and turning. So you close your eyes and try to sleep.
You and Mark both are disturbed by a doorbell. Mark jumps up and goes to open the door. "Jeez man, aren't you ready the guys will be here in five." Mark swears. "I overslept. Good thing I packed already. He starts to run around the house and pick a few last things. you hear him zip up a shirt and run back to the door. "Ready." he says. "Good the strange voice says, there here with the bikes. Close-up and come on. Suddenly you feel Mark freeze up as he touches you from the outside. He presses you in and now you can bite him. He clenches a second but relaxes after that and lets out a sigh. He bounces down the stairs and suddenly gets in a car. He sits up straight and wiggles around a bit to feel you. The car is filled with male voices and laughter. They compliment each other and Mark gets compliments for his new short. And one of the others says. "I hope this one can survive that ass of yours. The last one was so drenched in ass-sweat after a day you almost liquified the padding." You gulp. What was that supposed to mean. Mark answers: "This one has a very high durability. I'm sure it can handle my ass." And he wiggles around for good measure. The guys laugh at that joke, not knowing about his added padding. After a while driving they make a quick stop, "Gotta take a leak." Mark says, he gets an answer you don't like. "No bathroom here, so just pee to the side." Mark walks a bit off and has no choice but only open the front and take his leak. In full view he can't even check-up on you.
Back in the car they drive on for a while untill the second stop. The guys get out and you hear a lot of moving and rummaging. They're unloading the bikes. Another man comes to take their begs as agreed on and tells them he will bring them to the hotel. After that the men finish getting ready and suddenly Mark gets on his bike and leans on the point of the saddle. which pushes your head deep in his already damp crack. You decide to let him know you're allright and nibble softly on his cheek. One of the others says, "Okay, we've got a ride of about three hours non-stop to get to the hotel. it's of road, bumpy and still pretty hot, so keep hydrated and follow me." With that Mark suddenly lifts and plants his ass hard on the saddle which makes you kiss his crack unwillingly, before he leans forward removing some of the pressure from your face, but making your legs feel him. With that he starts pedalling, slowly t first, but he does speed up pretty quick. And as you remember from your first ride he does build up a sweat pretty quick. However where your first ride was mainly flat, with a hell of a bumpy patch, soon the guys go off road and this is one big bumpy patch with a few flat breathers. Mark does a lot of his biking standing up, but he also has a tendancy to crash down on the saddle in between. Not even the padding can save you from being dragged against and across his crack.
The worst part however is the fact that he does seem to build up a lot of sweat and as he told you the small gap you're in is their to get rid of that excess sweat. Which means that about half an hour in you feel an almost constant stream of sweat pooling over you, filling your nose, and your mouth. Forcing you to take gulps between breaths of the rank fluids. You also realise, Mark by now hasn't changed his clothes or washed himself in about 24 hours. And hasn't taken a dump, which means he does have a few farts blowing your way from his filled up colon. On the flats he leans back far and heavy enough to wraps his ass around you even through the padding, which after heating up from the ride becomes less rigid and actually seems to fow under you lifting you up deeper into his crack as he leans in on you, the skin so hot it feels like he's scalding you. Only to be cooled down by another shower of sweat. On one of the longer stretches one of the guys makes a comment to Mark, "Wow, you're really pushing yourself today. Great form, I feel sorry for your saddle though." Mark laughs and sits up just for you, "I know, I just feel so comfortable in these new shorts, I really wanna break them in for tomorrow and sunday." After that another bumpy patch makes your life a painfull haze again.
After what seems an eternity Mark finally slows down and stops. He gets of his bike and start to jog a little in place and stretch full forward rubbing your face deep along his crack. After a few minutes the guys start walking again. And you hear bike-locks and they enter the hotel. Mark receives his key, but to your dismay the guys decide to have a few drinks and a bite to eat before showering. "It's not good to shower right after the ride, give your body a bit time to cool down." one of the guys says. Apparantly they decide to sit at the bar as Mark barely bows down before leaning heavily into a barstool, it feels like there's no cushion between you and the seat and it is worse as he actually hops on. With no place to rest his feet his entire weight rest on his ass, or actually on you. the sweat keeps building up in your little prison as the guys drink and laugh and eat. Finally they get up and Mark starts to walk up a pair of stairs. A beep and a door opens and Mark sits down on something soft for a change. You hear him taking of his shoes an unzipping his shirt. Finally he stands up and starts to take of his shorts.
With a moist sucking sound he pulls the bibs loose from his butt and you see te outside world shine in and take your first breath of fresh-air filtered through Marks sench around you. But it feels good. As Mark wrestles out of the legs he lifts the bibs up and turns them inside out. He looks down on you with a mixed look of concern and desire. "Man, you promised comfort and did you deliver, I could feel you when I wanted too and you werent in the way at all when I was going all-out. I can't wait for tomorrow, these three hours make me want more." You wriggle your arm free from the padding and force yourself to give him a thumbs-up. "Glad I could be of help. I hope tomorrow will be just as much fun for you as the pas 24 hours." Marks concern lessens and makes place for amusement. "Yeah, sorry about that, I didn't plan on adding another 24 hours, like that." You wrestle your other arms and feet free and Mark plucks you from the pants. "That's okay," you say, "I would've been down there with or without the bibs anyway." Mark laughs, "That's true. So how was your day." You wink at him, "I survived." Mark squints, "A little more please." You grin, "It was fine, I didn't get chaved, only drenched in sweat and I loved to feel you love the feel of me." Mark grins, "I did love that." You grin back, "So this three hour trip wasn't too bad, I guess I can get through tomorrow without too much trouble." Mark nods, "I suppose, but should I take it easier? I might've gone about it a bit too rough. Not all out, but still." You look up in those questioning eyes desperate for approval. So you muster up your strength and stand up on his palm and place your hands in your sides. "What? You didn't give it your all. You'd better pick up the pace tomorrow than. I won't stand for you being about this half-assed, while I'm being about it full-assed." This triggers that slightly angry spark in Mark's eyes again. "Well, excuse me for trying to take it a little easy on you. What was I thinking." You laugh softly, "Sorry, seriously, I appreciate the idea, but I don't want you to hold back on my account. I want you to feel secure enough to really let loose. I can handle it fine. Look at me. I'm in perfect shape." Mark softens a bit and you continue, "If you had to estimate in percentage how close you were to all-out, what would that be?" Mark thinks for a second, "I guess 80%." You nod. "What can I do to prove you I can take that last 20% too. Giving you the green-light to go all-out and really make this weekend the best cycling trip you ever had?" Mark grins softly, "Well just for annoying me, I'll add another 10% anyway, so you only have to add the last 10%." You wait for a second, but Mark doesn't seem to know what to ask. Suddenly you drop to your knees and fold your hands. "Fine, if you don't know I'll beg you, Please Mark, make me feel like you think I'm strong enough to take your 100%, I promise I'll survive and it's important for me that you trust me enough to not hold back. I need your full power, to feel like I can do anything for you." Mark laughs softly. "Fine, fine, just remember you begged for it. Tomorrow night I'll pull you out and make sure you'll eat those words." You flip him off, "You just try me mister. Bet you I can take more than you, all I have to do is lay down and be comfortable." Mark laughs again, "Scott never told you I almost always win my bets, but you are on. So what are the stakes?" You shrug, "I don't know?" Mark grins, "I know, If I win I want you to give me a prostate massage from inside my colon." you gulp but nod. "Fine, but if I win, no more star wars movies." Mark extends the finger of his free hand, "Deal!" you shake his finger, "Deal! Now, can we PLEASE take a shower." Mark grins, "I thought you'd never ask.
Mark gets up and takes you into the tiny bathroom, first he quickly rinses out the bibshorts and shirt and wring them out. You notice they are almost dry the moment he hangs them out. Next he steps in the shower and takes you from the sink. Even though a lot of the sweat evaporated already, his smell is still going strong and there is some flacking in his pits going on. But nothing a strong scrubbrush like you can't handle. The scrubbing of the ass isn't as much trouble after spending a day with it being hot and steamy, now it almost seems clean already. Apparantly Mark is too beat to actually go for a happy ending. But he does take a lot of time to scrub and massage his legs and feet. As he gets out of the shower you decide to say something nice, "Those legs of yours are really strong aren't they?" Mark flexes them for you and even blushes a little. He pulls the bibshort from the rack and checks. He apparantly thinks it's dry enough and slips it on. He pulls back the front and slowly slides you down his abs till your head touches the base of his cock. He spreads your arms carefull and removes his hand and lets the shorts close over you. You can see faintly though the material as he walks to the mirror and laughs. I can see your outline, but now it looks as if your body is attached to my cock.
He snaps a picture and lays down on the bed on his side, leaving you trapped and a bit scared what would happen if he rolls over on his stomach. But then again you'd survive that. And soon you drift of to sleep.
In the morning Mark wakes up and get ready for breakfast As he gets ready to leave his room.
As you feel him moving to the door you start to squirm and you hear Mark react, "Oops. almost forgot" He pulls you out and lowers his shorts allowing ou to get into place again. A faint smell of sweat still lingers in the pad as you get in place. Mark wait patiently till you yell: "Ready for take-off." Mark feels you with his hands and answers, "More like ready for take-in." And he lifts you into place. With you hidden he goes down for a quick breakfast with the guys and they discuss the route. They decide on the hardest route, with ample pushing from Mark to your amusement. He's serious about the bet. Which you allready know you'll let him win. After breakfast Mark returns to his room to pack-up and suddenly pulls down the shorts and sit down on the toilet. Stuck in the padding you look at him upside down. the faint smell of feces coming up from the bowl. "Well, time to really make you beg, for mercy that is." you grin, "As if, you'll be sorry you didn't finish that trilogy when you had the chance." You thank Mark silently that he uses a wet cloth to clean his ass after the dump before getting up. "I hope I'll see you tonight in one piece." he says mockingly before pukking you in place and leaving the hotel room.
The guys gather at their bikes and suddenly mount up. Mark has no qualms in sitting down straight up crushing you in the process, however the paddin is still a little cold and stiff, so his plan fails in your eyes. But suddenly they start moving. mark slides forward on the saddle using the tip more than the rest from the start, this makes you wonder if you did the right thing, cause this probably softens each blow for him, especially on his package, but presses you deep in his crack with every lump. Suddenly Mark yells, "Come on guys, They say this route should take about 14 hours, I say we push and make it in 12. This gets a cheer from the others and a gulp from you.
The first few bunny hops, make you regret your boasting. after every hop Mark lowers himself down on the saddle to make you feel it. Strong turns with stretched legs draw your face across the cheeks and riding uphill bent far forward with the tip of the saddle in his ass make you feel his glutes rub over you till you fear for froction burns, but again the tons of sweat colliding down his crack act as lubricant to save your skin from being flayed off. On the first stretch the guy from before rides up, "Damn Mark, you're on fire, is that smoke coming out of your pants, where can I get a pair." Mark laughs, "Sorry, one of a kind, but you're doing great yourself, We all are." The guy answers, "Yeah, I think your fire is contagious, now let's rock those rocks." That's all the time for conversation as another off-road track takes all the concentration from Mark and makes you wish that the 12 hours were up even though you know you haven't been in here for an hour at the most. Mark is like a maniac, giving his all and completely oblivious to you as he twist, turns, hops and slides. every time his ass hits the saddle it's full force making you kiss the ever moistening skin. He's sweating so much it starts to for a slight pool around your feet which only empties on certain moves like hops. The wheelies actually make the sweaty water slush back up in your face. filling your nose.
On the next stretch Mark rolls back all the way over the tip of his saddle wedging your face pressed up by the softened padding right between his moving cheeks, grinding down like millstones You can hear the blood rushing and the heat is immense. "15 minutes ahead of schedule." One of the guys calls out. Another yells, "Can we push even more?" Which gets a loud cheer from everyone, including Mark.
The next patch isn't too bad, only a lot of small hills and some sandy slides as the saddle slides left and right under you, but the hills are worse leaning forward for the rise is a breather, but leaning back the saddle smacking into you for the descent brings shock, suffocation and perspiration with it. You feel drenged in so much sweat you fear you mught actually dissolve in it. After the next lumpy stretch in which you feel they're climbing up the entire time, judging by Marks increased sweat and heat Suddenly the stop, "Okay guys 10 minute break, keep moving, and fill your waterbottles." one of the guys says. Mark walks of to empty his bladder and scratches his ass to push you in and you give him a playfull bite, filling your mouth with sweat. but he notices it. "This is the 3 hour point and we made it in 2,5." Someone says, "They advice a 30 minute walk-off, but if we do ten, we can push our time and take a normal lunch-break." The rest grunts in affirmation. Mark keeps moving and bending and stretching till someone calls to get back on. "Downhill for now, asses to the saddles people." Mark shouts. And that's all the warning you get for a torturous ride down hill smacking saddle and flopping butt. Dripping sweat and stretched legs for turns. A poking saddle point driving you into the crack. Till finally there's a flat stretch where you almost welcome the regular full-weight Mark offers you. "Woo, what a rush." Mark shouts. Anther guy answers, "Yeah, we're all on fire today."
Another climb and descent later they finally make their next stop, by now you feel you're actually grinded into putty as you try to will your muscles to relax and go with the movement. You can''t recall a scent or taste aside from Mark's sweat, the padding around you seems to have dissapeared conpletely in your imagination, making you the only padding left in his shorts.Mark stretches and shakes looses and finally just sits down and relaxes his muscles. Someone passes out some food, but you can't even feel hungry anymore. You're filled to the rim with salty liquid. "The six hour point in 4 hours and 45 minutes, guess we'll be at the hotel in time for a normal dinner." this gets some cheers.
After a while someone calls for mount in 10 minutes. Mark starts walking a little away from the voices.
As Mark moves of a little he suddenly clenches his cheeks and rips out a monstrous fart all over you, blowing all the pent up sweat in his crack all over you and he chuckles softly. The air is volatile and you nearly pass out, but don't dare to, as the air passes he moves back and hops on his bike. And they start pedalling again. A long stretch downhill is the first and at the end you suddenly feel water splashing on the outside of the pants. They pass through a few more streams and every one gives you a cool shower on your back. This has to be the best part of the day you think. Unfortunately it's a short lived relief as they enter a forest and you hear the screams 'rock', 'root' and 'branch' echo through the lines each one brings a torture in the form of a hop a twist or a low lean on the saddle point. This seems to go on for hours in your mind. but finally they reach a flat stretch again. the breather this gives you allows you to regain some of the sanity you feel you left at the hotel this morning. Breathing slowly you force yourself to not let this man win. You survived so far and you're past the half-way point. You can do this, the moment Mark sits up enough to squeeze you in you taunt him by softly nibbling on his cheek. Mentally trying to send him a message that your doing fine. He reacts by getting up and sliding back on the saddle from point to back slowly and pressing in deep. You answer with another nibble. And he leans back on you fullweight in response.
The next part is hilly again, so it's just those tops that send you squealing, but it's a short one, followed by a steep climb where Mark hardly touches the saddle, but increases his speed by shifting to a lighter gear. Which heats up you padded cell immensely. At the top there's another break. "the 9 hour mark in 7,5 hours and we cut down on breaks so we saved another hour." the guy with the map calls out. "which means that we should have 4 hours to go, but with this pace I think we can do it in 2,5. That would mean we biked the 14 hours in 10." The guys all cheer as they move around, too soon they get on their bikes again and Mark didn't even check up on you before riding off.
The next part is lumpy and holey and is a slower but far more intense piece of the route, highly concentrated on the route Mark has no time to think about you, which makes the smackings and beating feel like your being tossed around in a rock tumbled, saddle, left cheek, right cheek, full ass, saddle point. It all hurts and you can barely keep in your screams and tears. You pray for a fart or something else to knock you out, but you stay conscious all the way. A slow descent follows with lots of turns, followed by a steep climb and a hilly patch till finally you get a breather as a long flat stretch is announced. One of the guys comes up to Mark and say, "You're really flying today, I never knew you were this good." Mark laughs, "I never was. But someone forced me to stretch my limits on things. So I decided to give it a 110% today." The guy laughs, "It shows. I can barely keep up with you." Mark doesn't have time to answer as they take their turn and start climbing again. It's a slow incline, but it makes Mark work after the day he had. So you feel every inch of strength he has being poured into this. "Last climb people, all down hill from this top." Someone yells encouragingly. And finally they reach the top and cheer. "I see the hotel." Mark says and after that it's a slow winding but paved road down. Mark sits up, but doesn't need to pedal anymore he slides forward to the tip of the saddle and presses down hard jiggling his ass around it so your head slides in deep in the dank crack and you muster all your strength to lean forward just enough to press a long deep kiss on his puckered and drenched hole, he clenches his cheeks in response and slides back on the saddle allowing you to snap back out.
When they get off their bikes at the hotel and did their stretches and cool-downs, they register and move to the dining room for drinks and meals. They take their time, but you don't care anymore. You survived and your proud of yourself and find yourself being proud of Mark too. And actually feel like there's nothing he could do to make you regret coming with him on this trip. You loved it, how you supported him throughout the day. And are not afraid to admit it.
Finally Mark gets up to his room and gruntingly takes off his clothes he can hardly roll down the sweaty bib-short over his legs, but manages it. He lifts it and turns in inside out to look at you and you see him grinning. "That was crazy." You untie yourself and say, "That was amazing. Can we do it again?" Mark plucks you from the pans and lays down on the bed on his side and places you next to him. "You're kidding?" He asks. You shake your head, "Nope, I'm a little sad tomorrow is the last day." Mark rolls on his back and laughs. "Me too. I never thought it would be so motivating to try and beat a piece of living padding. I gave it my all and you still want more? Does this mean I lose the bet?" You laugh, "Nope, that's still going strong, first one to give up loses. So you have one more day to try and win. And if by the end of tommorow we both still stand I suppose we have to call it a draw, by lack of time to see who can take more." Mark chuckles and sits up lifting the bib-short. "Guess tomorrow is gonna be harder on both of us, cause this padding is already flattening." You laugh, "Well, than it's a good thing you brought me to replace it." Mark lays back down and looks at you. "It really felt great to go all-out like that and feeling you in their, squashed against my ass was great. I just want to say sorry for trying to win the bet so much. I did somethings that were rather unneccesary." You laugh out loud, "Mark, I had fun. I know you had fun and I know on the stretches you enjoyed feeling me and I love that I'm able to share this with you. So stop apologizing and just enjoy it like you did today." Mark grins. "You're crazy." You nod, "That coming from the man who lets another human be his padding." Mark gets up, "I have to take a dump. be right back." You lay back down and wait for Mark to return. When you hear the toilet flush you sit up as he walks in again.
You look up at Mark stretching out in the room naked and you can't help but enjoy the sight. Suddenly he notices your look and flexes a bit. Focussing on his legs, before sittnig down on the bed. You make your decision right there. "Mark, got any floss?" Mark nods, "Yeah, why?" You grin "I wanna conceide defeat, but want a life line." Mark looks at you with a look of wonder. "For what?" You grin, "So you can pull me out if anything goes wrong." Mark still doesn't catch on, "Out of… oh… no…" You nod, "Yes, I wanna try it. And you're empty now, so no time like the present." Mark shakes, "But I need to rinse and." You laugh. "Just get the floss, get something to lube me up and lay down already."
The initial protests are gone before you know it as Mark jumps up and gets the floss, a piece of cotton wool and a small tube of lubricant from his bag. Carefully he wraps you in cotton wool and ties a harness of floss around your body. He squirts a little lube in his hands and rubs it all over you, carefully avoiding your face. "Best way is on hands and knees to shove me in and than stand up, let gravity help me find the spot." you say. "Do you think you can get out again?" Mark asks. You nod, "I'll try to make it quick and afterwards you just run to the toilet and sit down and try to crap me out while pulling the harness." Mark nods, "Sounds like a solid plan."
Suddenly Mark sits down on his knees and leans his torso on the bed. Slowly he moves you with one hand to the ack. the other one pulls apart his cheeks. "Ready?" Mark asks, "ready you yell and take a deep breath as Mark brings you to his hole and slowly but forcefully pushes you in. You feel the sphincter protest at first, but as soon as part of you is in it relaxes and you slide in to the inner end. Which also protests slight, but Mark presses on and suddenly with a pop you fall in a dark slimy room, it's empty and the smell isn't too bad as he just emptied his bowels from the gasses. The world trembles as Mark stands up and the floor becomes a wall and you slide down. Te moment you hit the floor Mark shocks. You feel a soft globe on the other side of the wall next to you and push in to it. which sends another shock through Mark. You know forcefully attack and massage the globe you figure is the prostate and Mark shakes and squirms and the deep groan reverberates through his bidy down to you. So you keep going and going.You have no idea how long you've been going, but it can't be that long, but suddenly Mark prostate, and colon begin to shock with short but regular intervals and Mark groans from relief. After the last shock nothing happens for a few seconds. Then the world quakes and you are jostled around, slammed into walls and what-not. And suddenly the world falls down and you slide again. A soft tug on the harness brings you closer to the exit. You feel the sphincter slightly relax and push one arm in. Followed by the other and suddenly it opens and a ripple through the muscle helps you slide out easily.
You dive head first in te porcelain bowl and swim up, where a blissfully laughing Mark fishes you out on the harness and takes you to the sink to rinse you off. "That was amazing. I never even touched myself. was it bad for you?" You shrug, "A bit slimy and it felt weird to feel you move around from the inside. But I made it out okey. how long was I in?" Mark grins, "About ten minutes. I was surprised, but you kept moving, so I thought it was good." you nod, "another perk of being tiny, less oxygen needed, remember?" Mark nods, "We're gonna do that again sometime… I mean I'd like too…" you tap your foot on the sinktop an cross your arms, as you look up at Mark with disdain. "I mean were going too." You grin, "Good boy. now how about rinsing out my home for tomorrow and a nice hot shower." Mark grins, "you read my mind." He leaves you in the bathroom to pick up the bibshort. And
The moment Mark leaves the bathroom you give yourself a few moments to collapse. Today was a long and hard day on you and you're energy is running quite low. Suddenly you feel the pags of hunger in your stomach and you realise you haven't eaten anything in almost two whole days. You only drank massive amounts of sweat. But even though your body seems more efficient in your tiny state you do need to feed occasionaly. Mark comes back in and tosses his shorts in the sink. He also has something else with him. It's an energybar which he unwraps and places the whole thing that is bigger than you on the counter next to you. "I kinda forgot to feed you didn't I?" He says as he looks at you as you charge for the fruity and nutty bar, ripping of flakes and stuffing your face. You swallow, "I kinda forgot to ask." You chew away antother few bites as Mark rinses out the shorts. When he's done you're still eating and almost half way through the bar, you almost feel your body breaking it down immediatly and filling your reserves. Mark leans in closer and looks at you. "You know… you lost some weight and look a bit more toned than when we met." It's the first time you actually look at yourself and you see what he means. You were never fat, but you never had any muscle tone either. But right now you can actually see a slight six-pack and your arms look a little bigger. Mark laughs as you examine yourself, "I suppose this life-style agrees with you." you laugh too. Yeah, I suppose it does. It does make sense, I'm constantly forcing my body and live in a sauna most of the day." Mark grins, "A sauna?" you nod, "Clammy, small and hot. Sounds like a sauna to me." Mark grins wider, "Maybe I shouldn't tell Scott you can actually survive two days without food. He might use that against you." You grin back, "I think he'll find out sooner or later, so let's not spoil the surprise." both of you laugh. Mark turns on the shower and looks at you. "I suppose it wouldn't be smart to take you for a spin, right after dinner?" you shrug. "A quick wash won't kill me. Just be a little gentler than usual and I'll be fine." For all his talk Mark picks you up eagerly enough and steps in the shower. He does deliver on the quick wash though. it's over before you even realise it has begun.
As he exits the shower he places you on the counter and starts to pulls the bib back on, when it's almost at the wais he asks. "Where do you wanna go tonight." You look up notice how tight the bib closes around his trunklike thighs and smile. "I'd like to try something new if you don't mind?" He looks at you with a shrug."the deal is I sleep in the shorts, but your thighs are covered by it too. do you think there's enough room to squeeze me in down there?" Mark gives you an adoring smile and lifts one of his legs. "To anyone else I'd say no, but with you I suppose it could work." He lowers his hand ad you jump on. He slowly lowers you to the inside of his right thigh and pushes you against the rockhard muscle, You feel him pull up the bib with his other hand and as he removes his hand from your back you feel the material keeping you in place up to your waist.pressing your body so tight you manage to sink in even though there's nothing but muscle under the skin. "I think that might be too tight even for you." Mark says, but still he pulls the rest up over you. You notice he picked the spot right under the compressing elastic that wrap the thigh. And the moment you're fully covered you feel it pushing you in. Every move Mark makes ripples through the muscle and over you as he pulls up the short in place.You feel Marks hand on your back. sliding up and down easily. "Barely even a lump. You're invisible in there. Just a part of my leg. Are you okay?" You manage to squeeze his thigh once. "Well, thatn let's get to bed. As Mark starts walking the muscle rolls over you pressing you out, where the shorts push you back in. You giggle, it feel like you're being squeezed between two trampolines, the motion is fluid enough and it doesn't hurt that much, because you are forced to follow Marks movements and couldn't even resist if you tried. Suddenly Mark lays down. and rolls on his side. The leg with you on it is on the bottom and suddenly the other thigh leans on you from outside completely envelloping you in a cocoon of powerfull muscles. Too tired to be afraid you fall in a deep sleep.
You wake up as Mark is rubbing your back. And you gve him another squeeze, "I couldn't even find you at first. They weren't kidding when the called these shorts skin-tight.But you probably know by now. He suddenly gets up and walks down for breakfast, he can keep you right there because you know you can't be seen from the outside. After breakfast he goes back to his room and slides the shorts down enough to remove you. the smile on his face is making you weak at the knees. "I really thought you just said you liked my legs because Scott told you too. But I guess you really do like them." You nod, "They're the biggest most powerfull legs I've ever seen, felt or got body-locked by." Mark blushes a little, "Well, time for a last day of riding the bike. If you want we can switch your position or even change into the other pants? that might make it a little easier on you. Seeing as you already lost the bet it doesn't really matter anymore. And you've had your 48 hours in the bibs already."
You shake your head, "Nope, I promised you a comfortable ride, so lets stick with what we know." Mark grins, "I was hoping you'd say that." As he lowers you down, you notice something odd about the padding, It hasn't come up at all since last night. As you strap yourself in you notice yourself sticking out instead of sinking in. You see Mark look down with a wicked grin. "I guess the padding needs more time to come back up. And as a special treat most of us are too tired for a wild ride, so we decide to take the route with the most flat stretches today. I guess you will be on replacement duty anyway." You stick out your tongue and shout. "I'm more comfortable anyway. Next time just forget about the padding all together." Mark laughs and rubs a little oil over you to avoid too much friction before he pulls you up into the darkness.
When he mounts his bike you hear the guys talk about the longer but easiers route around the mountains and you hear the sound of tools. "I've got my racing saddle on, too." Mark suddenly says. Wait racing saddle, as in one of those small, hard and uncomfortable, less forgiving seats. As he gets on, you notice just that as he leans agains the nose and pokes you in the back. Then they're off. You instantly hate this seat. It feels like it should be comfortable for the rider, A small ridge to support the cheeks runs down the middle, right under you, pressing you to against the flesh. And every time Marks pedal reaches the lowest point his cheek rolls over the side of your body. As he speeds up this intervals shorten and he suddenly straightens up and that makes the cheeks smack your face. You're happy they're not going all-out, but you wished Mark would just lean a little more forward. Unfortunatly, you realize he probably knows and feels what he's doing and that's why he keeps far more upright than he should be.
Sure there are times he leans forward when going down hill. But that's no relieve as he also shoves himself to the nose of the saddle and uses it to press you deeper in his crack when he's not pedalling. The one good thing about today is they take their time, so mark sweats a lot less. It's still enough to drip over you, but not as much as the past two days. It also feels a little anticlamactic to have the weekend end in such a breeze. But you decide you'd better enjoy wat relief you're given and even give in to Mark.
When he pokes you in the back going down hill you lean forward to really wedge between the cheeks. He notices this and gives you a squeeze when to pull out again before he starts pedalling again.When they take their first break the two of you got a good rhytm going. And even though it's goof to have a little break you're haooy they start up again and you can continue your little game of jack-in-the-crack.
During the day the muscles get warmer and softer and the skin gets slippier allowing you to slip in deeper and deeper. And it's all in great fun till suddenly you lean in too much and your arms and feet slip from the mesh and you are pulled in enitrely through the parts where the cheeks touch into the small opening that is the inside of his crack where you immediatly are squished against the skin. Face first into the dank hole. Mark notices this and gives you the signal-sueeze, but you can't move. As he sits down he starts to paddle real slowly testing you. And this time every circling leg presses you deeper against his flesh. It's a little painfull, but only a little and you give Mark a soft nibble. He slowly increases his pace and you keep giving him a nibble at regular intervalls untill he reaches full speed. You figure he'll get you out at the next break, but when it comes he shows no sign of doing so. He only jokes around with the guys and keeps jiggling his body till they get back on their bikes.
Apparantly they're going fo a homestretch as you feel Mark speeding up, mashing you against his skin non-stop for a long time. You're covered in his sweat so you can't hold still and slip and slide around in you confines, which only seems to encourage him in speeding up. Finally he slows down again and the grinding weakens. As he gets off his bike you hear the guys loading their bikes up and suddenly Mark sits down again and a car starts and you shake in your little tube of flesh, slowly slipping down, only to get stuck face-first against his puckered hole. Which you give a nibble just to make Mark know you're fine.
After a long drive where some of the guys are snoring, but Mark keeps chatting with on of the others about maybe taking a bike-tour in France this summer he finally gets home. He says goodbye and picks up his bag and after a few steps you hear the door close and finally a hand reaches in and scrapes you out. A grinning Mark looks at you. "So you wanted to be in cheek padding for a while? I really had a hard time not getting hard with you there. We should safe that for when I ride solo. Ok?" You wanted to tell him it was an accident, but now you don't have the heart and instead ask, "How long is a bike-tour in France?" He looks taken a back a little. "Two weeks or so? why?" You grin, "Then I need you to train me some more and we should invite Scott, so you can share. Maybe get another pair of pants that fits even snugglyer?." Mark shakes his head, "You're crazy." He walks over to the phone as he sees the message light blink. He presses the button and a loud beep fills the room as the message starts to play.
Mark, Linday here. Got something bad to tell you. Scott was stabbed a few times by Matt during transportation. He's fine now, just in the hospital. Matt escaped though, but they're hunting him. Scott made me promise not to call you on your cell, you had the weekend off. Besides the gruesome two-some was in town this weekend. Guess he's in enough shape to order me about. But he told me and made me say this literally: "Get your ass over here ASAP." He'll be released later this week and told us he'll be in your care till his kidney grows back or something. Now before you dash off, call me… Understand?"
Mark and you look at each other and both mimick the word 'what?' Mark runs over to his phone and calls Lindsay. "What the hell Lin? Why didn't you call? I don't care what he said. First nights at the center. Which hospital? No real danger anymore? Of course I'll take him. Yes you can visit too. I'm gonna change and go. Thanks for the info, but next time, ignore him and call me. Good. Bye Lin." Mark picks you up as he runs to the bedroom. "Matt made a shiv and used it to pry himself free and stab Scott." He rambles on as he gets dressed. "He got hit a few times, once in the long which is perforated, but fine now. He was at the centre so I couldn't take you to visit him till today when he got transferred to a regular hospital. He'll be released into my care in a few days. Guess we're gonna live together for a few weeks." Mark finsihes dressing in sweatpants and a jersey and walks over to you. "You have your pants on backwards." You point out, "Which snaps Mark from his hysteria. "Oh… I guess I do." He fixes his clothes and picks you up. "Are you ok?" You shake your head, not till I've seen him Mark nods, "Me neither," He stuffs you down the front of his briefs and practically runs out the door and gets in his car.
At the hopsital it takes a few tries but finally you hear Scott's voice. "Well, look who's finally back." His voice sounds weak to you, but the humor is a good sign. "Get your ass in here and close the door." Mark complies and suddenly pulls you from his briefs and puts you on the pillow next to Scott. "How was the weekend, Jack." You are amazed and a bit annoyed, "How are you doing? Scott laughs, "I asked you first. Seeing that you survived I guess you didn't spent your days down his shorts, that should make me mad." You scoff. "I spent every mile down there and more." Scott looks at Mark, who's grinning. "Yeah he did. the little guy is impossible to get rid off. But strangely comfortable. The guys were talking about taking a bike-tour this summer in France for a couple of weeks, Jack has his heart set on it, but wants you to come so we can share the burden of having to ride him around." Scott grins. "Sounds like a plan. I wouldn't want to burden you with that for so long. But I think it'll be a while before I can bike again, so you have to take care of training him." Mark laughs, "With pleasure and if you don't get well in time, I guess I can manage the Jack-pad solo. Allthough I don't think even he can take two weeks of biking." Scott laughs, "Well at least we'll be pretty comfortable with the extra padding." Mark nods, "He even offered me to completely replace the padding and have me ride him bareback. But I don't think he's big enough." You throw your hands up and scream. "Mark, lets go, he's fine and annoying" this makes both of them laugh. But leads to a coughing streak for Scott.
"Yeah, I'm not so fine." he finally admits. "I never saw it coming. It didn't even get me out of the weekend with the parents, they were brought in the whole center was turned into a look-a-like private clinic." Mark snickers, "Lindsay is one hot nurse." Mark and you laugh too. She pulled some strings and I can get released from the hospital in my nephew's care. Which would be you." Mark nods. "Sure we can stay at your place or mine. but we'll get to that when it's there." Scott nods and turns to you, "I wanna apologise for the way I treated you the last day. I was so mad at myself when I was bleeding that I left things like that." You shrug, "Mark did his best this weekend to give me some new perspective. Right now he's way ahead on you in the red." Scott grins. "Now be honest. Did you really spent all three bike-rides under his ass?" You shake your head, "I thought as much" he says and you answer "Today I spent half the ride in his ass." Scotts eyes grow large. "In?" Mark chimes in, "In the dampest part of my crack." Scott mouth falls open. And you continue, "You get well soon and we'll give you a chance to work your way to earning a jack-pad yourself. Of course we can't promise you'll be worth it. But I'm willing to give you a chance." Scott opens and closes his mouth. A knock at the door makes you dive in close. a nurses voice calls in. "Visiting hours are over in five minutes, please say your goodbyes."
Mark gets up and looks at you, wanna stay here the night. I know Scott could use some company. You nod, "Sounds like a plan." Scott….
Scott smles as e shakes his head, "No way, thanks for the offer, but it's too risky. I can't hide you anywhere, all I have on is a hopsital gown. Besides I get visitors from the center too. So I'm sorry Mark, but you'll have to let him be a pain in your ass a little longer. At least till I get home. Then I'll take him of your hands as in my condition I should take it easy and lay on my Jack for a few days to recover." Mark nods and scoops you up, he shoves you down the back of his pants as a literal pain IN the ass. A knock on the door and the voice of the nurse make Mark respond. "Yeah, I'm going, sorry for staying a bit too long." He starts walking, "See you later nephew. You focus on getting well enough so I can take you home. You can't help but notice Mark hasn't showered since coming home. The walls are still slick and smell strongly of sweat. But then again, it's a far-cry from what you endured earlier today. Even when he sits down in his car it almost sees a breeze.
At home Mark reaches in his pants and pulls you out. "He looked good enough, right?" He asks you. You nod, "He was annoying, so he'll be fine. But I suppose his lung will need time to recover." Mark nods. "Well, he can sleep on the fold-out couch, tv at hand and I suppose we can share the burden, I keep him fed and you help him wash up." Mark grins, "Talking about washing up?" You grin back, "Yeah you should worry about your own stench first." Mark lifts his arm and sniffs his own pit. "That's not a stench really, not after what you've been through the past days." He laughs, "Did you see his face when you told him." You laugh too, "A mixture of disbelieve and envy. emind me to take a ride with him som day to prove it. Untill then I suppose you and me have to keep training for duration." Mark snickers, "That won't be a punishment for me.but my padding might not endure a regular trainingschedule." You scoff, I survived three days, I survived squash, I can certainly survive your training." Mark grins, "Oh really?" He shoves you down the front of his pants and walks out the door. You hear him rummage through some stuff in his storage unit and as he walks back you hear bikewheels and he carries the bike up to his appartment. He moves around a lot and you hear some tools. After a while he picks you out and shows you what he did.
His racing bike is now mounted on one of those hometrainerconverters for bikes and it's right there in the room. "A good training schedule calls for ready equipment. So I'll start out with one to two hours daily. Building it up as I go, and when Scott feels ready he can start using it too to build up some stamina." He grins down at you. "Any more requests?" You nod and throw up your arms, "Please, just kill me now." Mark laughs "No way, teaching you to hold your tongue is much more fun." Mark grins widely. "Maybe we should go for a spin right now?"
Mark walks over to the bike and you see the saddle is the racing saddle that's still mounted. Mark lowers you to is and lays you down right on top of the hump where his scrotum would rest. Next he picks up a piece of fabric and slides it over you and the saddle and it pulls tout immediatly. You hear Mark laugh. "Now you're invisible and I can ride naked." But before he can remove his pants the doorbell rings. Mark goes to answer. in the distance you hear the familiar voice of one of his bike-buddies coming closer. "Yeah, sorry about the mix-up, the bags looked too much alike. Oh wow, you've already got your bike mounted in here for training?" You hear Mark answer, "Yeah, I thought if we really want to go for it, I could use some extra training and it's just easier to have it at the ready, Jase." You recognize the voice now as that of Jason. And suddenly you see his form hover over you. He seems very tall and slim, still wearing his biking clothes. His face is friendly and he has hair that hangs to his shoulders.
"So are these supports strong enough to take a good practice?" Suddenly his hand strokes over the saddle and your body, he leans in a little pressing down on you. "Yeah, they are, I used them before." Mark answers. Jason removes his hand and you see him looking at Mark, "Do you mind if I test it, maybe I want some for mself?" You look at Mark who glances at you and grins, "Go ahead, give it a good spin." Jason nods. "Cool thanks." And suddenly his first leg swings over the saddle and a very small, but tight ass lowers on top of you. To your surprise and horror, Jason apparantly wears unpadded shorts. As his crack is clearly visible and you can feel the warmth of his skin pressing down on you through both thin layers of fabric. "Oh, "Comfy saddle" he says. "Feels a bit like my own padded saddle." He scrapes himself a bit up and down and sideways and starts pedalling slowly. The grinding on you intensifies a lot. This man has no clue he's grinding down on you as he speeds up. soon his sweat seeps through both layers and moistes your body. But still he keeps going faster and wilder. Suddenly he stands up and takes a sprint-position, softly shaking the bike. And without warning he crashes back down on you full weight, the air is expelled from your lungs in a big gasp. And still he seems to speed up. all the while he keeps sweating on you and you taste the sweat of yet a third man, but his is actually more sweet than that of either Marks or Scotts. Finally after what seems forever Jason slows down and finally sits up straight pressing his scrotum down on your body and envelloping your head with his crack.
"These are great Mark. I guess I should order a pair. And I want one of these saddles." Jason starts rocking back and forth. "It feels so supportive." you hear Mark laugh, "Well, I don't know where I got it from, but you can alway come and practice here." Jason laughs too, "I might take you up on that, would safe me from arranging my own stuff. If you don't mind me sweating up the place." Finally Jason gets up from the saddle and you take a deep breath. You notice Mark standing on the other side of the bike, barechested, toweling dry his hair. And suddenly Jason looks down at the saddle and….
"So how was it for you little one?" Wait? is he talking to me? suddenly Jason slowly removes the saddleprotector and reveals you. "you're even more comfortable than Scott and Mark told me. You look at Mark, "He knew?" Mark grins, "Some parts, we needed someone else we could trust when we can't keep you here. Jason has been a colleague from the centre too. But he quit a few years ago. We decided if anything happened to either Scott or me Jason would be asked to be our back-up. We trust him and he trusts us, now you can tell him how it was." You look up at the tall Jason whose face is even smoother and warmer when not being looked at through a piece of cloth. "I hope you were comfortable riding me." Jason smiles. "It was really comfortable thanks. I'm just amazed you survived." You grin, I survived worse." Jason smirks, "worse than being my saddle." You nod, try being Marks padding for a whole bike-trip and you get some perspective." Jasons mouth drops. "No way?" Mark nods and says, "Way."
"So all Scott and you told me on the phone was true?" you speak up. "And a whole lot more I suppose." Jason looks down, the man looks like a sky-scraper to you. "So the living in the pants." You nod, "The sleeping in the pants?" You nod again. "Well certainly not the showers." You wink at Mark before answering, "Wanna find out?" Jason blinks at you and next at Mark. Mark quickly picks you up and tosses you at Jason. Who thank god catches you. "Don't try to take it easy on him. He is very forward about our hygiene." Jason looks down at you in his hand. "Well, let's get to scrubbing that pent-up sweat from your body. I think we've got a long way to go." you say and lay down on his palm.
After a few seconds Jason closes his hand around your body and starts walking. When he opens his hand he places you in he soapdish in the shower. "You really want me to wash my body with you." You look up and wink. "If the guys want you in on this, than we'd better make sure you're all-in." Slowly Jason pulls of his shirt. His body is lean, his pecs are small, but his abs are toned enough to show an eightpack. As he strips of his pants you notice his dick is almost three times your size. He steps into the shower and his waist comes up almost exactly to the soapdish. He turns on the water and slowly lowers his hand next to you and you hop on. He lifts you to his face. "How hard can I scrub?" You laugh. "Just like I was a normal sponge. Now start scrubbing already and let me get to know your body." Nothing happens. "Do I have to leave anything out?" he asks. You shake your head. "Every nook, inch and cranny. Armpits, crack, sack and penis. The others even use me to jerk-off if they get aroused, but I don't think you're up for that on a first try." Jasons mouth spilts in a grin. "Is that a challenge?" You shrug. "prove me wrong and I'll swallow more than my words." Jason laughs and suddenly presses you into his left pit. He starts to scrub, slowly at first, but after he pulls you out and looks at you not even panting he returns and scrubs more vigoursly. Moving you to down his arm into his other hand up to the next pit and arm. a soft groan escapes him as he looks down at you after both arms are done. Next he rubs you over his chest and down the abs. Lower and Lower he goes, until he slides you down his already hard member. he cups you in his hand against his penis and grins down at you. He shockingly moves you up a few times towards the tip. You notice after the second move it's your own bodylength. "Four and a half Jacks." He grins as your head is pushed against his head. Then his hand softly closes around you and the rock-hard penis and he starts pumping up and down. After only a few times he suddenly holds you in his cupped hand right before the tip of the shaft and moans once as his load splashes all over you, filling your nose and mouth forcing you to swallow this mans semen. which also taste sweeter thann you're used to.
After he's done he rinses you off and rubs you over the now slowly softening penis to scrape of the left-overs and next moves you down his sack and scrubs you deep into it. He moves you to his long, long legs and takes his time going down the front of the first, up the back, down the fron of the second up the back. From the back of the second leg he slides you up his first hard cheek slowly circling you a while and moves you to the next. He hesitates only a second before pressing you down his dank crack and rubs you up and down a few times, and a few more. He keeps going for what seems forever, but finally pulls you out and rinses you of before turning of the shower. "Mmm, that was one hell of a shower." he raises you to his face. "Did you enjoy the grand tour?" You shrug, "I don't think I've seen all of it yet, I might need to come back a few times, there was a lot to see." Jason licks his lips, "Well, you're always welcome at mount Jason, because that was one relaxing shower."
He steps out of the shower and dries off. He pulls some clothes from a small bag and puts them on. A pair of tight briefs, sweatpants and a sweat shirt. As he picks you up you say. "Jason, there's a rule in this house that doesn't allow me to be carried out of the bathroom in someones hand." Jason looks down, "Oh, you want me to slip you in my pocket?" You shake your head. and point at his waist. "Either the front or the back. You pick." Jason looks down at you amazed, "You mean inside the briefs?" He picks you up as you nod and he looks like he isn't going to oblige. But he suddenly shrugs and pulls back the….
Jason shrugs and pulls back the back of his pants and slides you between his cheeks. As the briefs snap shut they push you in deep. They are tighter than you expected. As Jason starts moving his ass hardly moves, but only slowly rolls over you. "How was the shower?" Mark asks as Jason enters the room. "Phenomenal." Jason answers. "That's one hell-of-a-sponge." Mark laughs, "yeah he is, where is he now?" Jason laughs too, "Well he told me about this rule you guys have and asked me to put him down my briefs." Mark laughs even harder. "Wow, it took a lot more for me to put him down there the first time. But if you want you can keep him there till morning? I made up the couch for you." Jason laughs again, "No way, he really sleeps in your briefs. I don't believe that, I mean I can't even sit down now." This is too much for you and you bite his ass hard. A satisfying yelp and a rolling laugh from Mark make it worth it. "Fine than, you can stay in there till morning." And he suddenly he removes the sweatpants and lowers himself on, what you think is, the couch and lies down on his side. "G'Night mark." he says and Mark answers smilarly and suddenly it gets dark from the outside as Jason pulls up the blankets. After a while he rolls over on hs stomach and his breathng slows down as het falls asleep. Laying on his stomach the briefs do their best to press you in deeper, but they at least manage to keep you firmly in place. You too close your eyes and let the sleep claim you.
You wake up as suddenly the earth shakes and Jason rolls over and sits up, his full weight crushing you between ass and couch as he slowly gets up and stumbles around. Suddenly you feel the briefs pull tout and next they are lowered a little as he pulls out his penis and the falling water tells you he's taking a leak. As the briefs snap shut again you feel yourself being pressed in tighter than before. Which gets even worse as from the outside Jason's fingers scratch his ass and push you in a little deeper. Before he crawls under the covers again. The undeep crevice of his ass has not much room between outside and puckered hole as you are now becoming quickly familiar with. And it knows how to say hello as it belches out a large fart right over you. Which makes Jason moan softly while falling asleep as you gasp for breath.
After a while you drift of again too and only wake again as Jasons hand pulls you from his pants. You stretch on his palm and yawn. "Morning." Jason grins, "Okay, I'm starting to believe the things Scott and Mark told me. And I must say, waking up with a little man in my ass. Not the worst feeling." You smile, "Nor is sleeping in your tight briefs for that matter, I'm just wondering how much room the front has for me, I think that's kinda full already." Jason grins. "Well, let's find out." He raolls on his back and slowly lowers you towards the briefs, that seem to have trouble keeping Jason confined. "It's gonna be tight in there allright." Jason says and slides the briefs down and lowers you next to his flacid penis. You gesture him to hold for a second and lower yourself next to his dick with your back against his sack and lay down. "Roll it over me a little first." You yell and Jason obliges and rolls his penis over your lower body. Next the briefs are slowly pulled up and as the elastic snaps in place you feel as if you're in a straightjacket of human flesh. You feel Jasons hand tracing his penis and finally after passing over you three times locating your head. "I think I could just lose you under there forever." He jokes as….
Suddenly your world shakes as Jason gets up and starts walking. You hear rummaging coming from cabinets and the clinking and clanking of glasses and plates. In the meanwhile Mark has gotten up to and you hear him talking to someone not in the room, probably on his phone. But before you can listen in he hangs up and Suddenly Jason sits down again. "Morning Jase." Mark says, "Did you both survived the night?" Jason answers, "Affirmative, he's currently bulging up a little." Mark laughs softly, "Could you get him out for a minute. He could probably do with some food anyway." Jason reaches in and peels you from beneath his penis and lifts you to the table. Mark already poured you some coffee and placed some crumbs on a plate. "Morning Mark." you say and Mark nods in acknowledgement. "So, there's very little time to explain. Lindsay and me are called in by the office to make an appearance and for a formal debriefing, so in an hour a cab is gonna pick me up. Now Jason knows a bit more about all of this. we actually started involving him about a week ago. slowly giving him some time to adjust." Mark sighs, "Unfortunately we don't have much more time to introduce you two more slowly. With me at the centre for a day or two and Scott still in the hospital we just have to face facts. Jase will be jack-sitting till I get back." Mark looks at Jason, "That is, if you don't mind?" Jason shakes his head. "How about you." Mark asks you and you shrug. "There's no real option here is there? If you guys trust him, so can I. Besides, he did seem to be well-informed about what's been going on." You wat a few seconds before adding. "Too bad you didn't inform me though" Which makes Mark blush. "Well," he stammers, "I was supposed to introduce you to during the weekend, but it just didn't get to that. So I thought I'd make your introduction a special one." He takes out his phone and shows you an app-conversation.
Please, come over and get ready to saddle up. Jack is waiting for you to ride him.
As he scrolls back you see it's a three-way with Scott too and it details some of the things you've been doing, some even with photo's. As you see the reactions from Jason you notice they go from excitement all the way back towards disbelief. But still there you have it. Jason was informed about the situation and the deal you struck. As the phone is laid back down you continue breakfast till Jason suddenly clears his throat. "Erm, okay, so just a few question." He seems to be looking at you and not at Mark. "How much of those things they said did you actually do?" You sip your coffee and grin. "All that and more." Jason blinks, "So I can just stuff you down my pants and do everything I normally do?" You shrug, "Pretty much, although I don't know what it is you normally do." Jason nods, "Well, work, work-out, relax… the usual."
You nod, "What do you do for a living?" Jason smiles, "Im a personal trainer and spinning instructor at the local gym. We could've met before, I'm Marc's usual racquetball-buddy." You groan, "I hate racquetball thanks to those two." Mark laughs, "Don't worry, after one of his spinning-classes you're gonna wish for a game of racquetball." Jason laughs too. You just shake your head and sigh. Mark grins, "Don't worry little jack, you survived inside my bibs for three days, a couple of hours class won't kill you." You grin back, "I wasn't worried about that. I just wondered why you couldn't have found someone who hated racquetball." You look back at Jason, "So I suppose we're gonna get to know each other pretty well, the coming two days. I just hope you don't mind showering at home instead of in the gym?" Jason shakes his head, "No problem little one. Just one more question." You nod, "Shoot" He grins a bit awkwardly. "Well, is it a problem for you that I'm straight?" You blink, "Really… but what about the shower?" He grins, "Well, mostly straight I suppose." You laugh, "No problem at all, as long as you don't mind carrying a man around in your pants." He shakes his head, "I don't think I'll mind it that much, to be honest, it feels nice to have someone in my ass. Most girls don't go near it." he winks, "and it's ot just the gay guys that like to have there asses kissed every once in a while." Mark laughs, "You lucky bastard Jack, I myself offered to do just that, but he always refused." You grin at Mark, "Tell you what, you switch size with me and I'll trade places with you." Both guys laugh.
With that breakfasst seems over and Jason and Mark start clearing up. Suddenly Jason walks off and comes back with a very small piece of fabric which he folds open. You see that it is somewhat similar to a biking short but not exactly. Jason grins, "These are Liner-shorts. They are like padded underwear I can wear under my normal workout shorts. This way I can be padded without exposing myself too much." He flips them over and shows you a really thin piece of padding. "I love these because they are only slightly padded. I suppose you will hate them for it." Mark hovers nearby grinning wide. You shrug, "Just put me in them and try on some jack-liner-shorts." Jason seems to hesitate for a second, but only a second, then he picks you up and carries you into the bathroom where he strips and puts on the shorts without you in it. He turs for you and you see his tight ass an humoungous package. "You can take your pick," Jason says, "Pad the rear or hug the front?" You grin. "I think I want to make you appreciate the padding. So slide me under the back and let me change your perspective." Jason grins, "I was hoping you would say that." He gently lfts you up and pulls back the back of his pants and slides you deeper and deeper . Your legs slide under his taint, followed by your stomach. Next he pushes your head a little in his crack and slowly removes his hand sliding the shorts shut over you and pulling it on tight, pressing you against his flesh. You feel him trace the outside of the pants and he bends over a little. "Nope, can't see you anymore, but can feel you. My ass is gonna be so comfortable today. He finishes getting dressed and start walking. you notice you hardly move, just a slight motion sideways with every step.
"He gets mad if you hold back." You hear Mark say and Jason laughs. "Well today I have only a few advanced classes and one expert. And I promised someone a game of racquetball too." You moan but the fleshy walls absorb every sound. Suddenly one leg swings up into the air and next you are lowered against a hard surface, which squashes you against Jasons ass. "Mmmm," Jason moans. "Yeah, this padding will make every saddle all the more comfortable." His legs start pedalling a few times and you figure he's trying you out on Marks bike. "How do you make sure he's alive?" Jason asks and without thinking you lean in and press your lips against the skin just at the edge of his anus. Jason clenches in surprise. "Oh never mind. I think I know now." He gets of the bike and moves a little around before saying bye to Mark and leaving the apartment. You hear the double beep of a car unlocking and next you feel Jason siting down full-weight on your body. As the door closes he doesn't start the car. "Can you breath down there?" You give him one kiss. "Okay, so one for yes, two for no?" You kiss once again.
"You like it down there?" one kiss.
"Think you can survive all day there?" one kiss.
"Want me to hold back a little?" two kisses.
"Want me to use you like nothing more than padding?" One kiss.
Jason laughs softly, "Do you have any idea, how hard that will be on you?" two kisses.
"And still you want me to really… really grind you into my ass and shorts?" one kiss.
"You're crazy." one kiss and another laugh.
"Okay, you just let me know when it's too much." one kiss.
"And occasionaly let me know you're still alive down there." one kiss.
He starts the car. "You're gonna be really soar when I peel you from my pants tonight." one kiss.
And Jason starts driving.
After a short drive Jason stops the car and gets out. Upon entering the gym you've only been in in someone's shorts he is greeted by a lot of people. Logical as he works here. He stops a few times and slowly makes his way through the gym. You hear him drop his bag and suddenly he gets on a spinning bike and starts pedalling slowly to get warmed-up. The seat issomwhat forgiving, a gel saddle and the padding keeps you nicely strapped in. After a few minutes you hear the announcement the experts class is about to start. Jaron sits up straight rolling his ass down over your face and pressing you deep into the saddle and the skin. a murmur of people entering breaks even through your fleshy confines. Suddenly you hear Jasons voice loud and clear as it is amplified through the headset.
"Okay everyon take a seat and turn the resistance all the way down. I hope you're ready for a good one, 'cause I'm bursting with energy." A steady beat starts pumping through the room. "Okay and start pedalling, slowly increasing speed." Jason himself leans forward to and starts the routine. after a few minutes the real torture begins as he makes the group do the five second standing five second seat. Smashing you into his own ass with every down movement. You force yourself to kiss his ass as he stands, you notice it get's more moist with every second and you taste Jasons sweat and salty sweat. "Four-four" he yells and the up and down movement increases in speed. "Three-Three" You know what this means by now. "Two-two" you hardly get enoug time to kiss his ass before he sits again, you feel slightly queasy and completely squashed already. You moan as he yells. "One-one." This is just like the bumpy patch of Marks biking trip. But you bite your teeth, you survived that, you can survive this. By now his sweat rolls down his crack at an akmost steady pace.
As he sits up for a breather this fills the small hole around your head up real quick and the padding isn't quick enough to get rid of all of it before it washes over your face a few times, forcing you to take long drinks of crack-sweat just to be able to breath.
You almost sigh from release as he leans forward and tells everyone to increase both pace and resistance. To you this means the steady flow of sweat also increases and drenches you even more, almost like showering you in it.
"Push-ups" Jason yells and this means they start doing push-ups against the steer. Rolling his ass up and dow over your body.grinding you into his flesh. With every up you give him a kiss and you almost think he goes on longer than he should just because he wants you to kiss him.
The second breather fills your prison up even faster, even gulping sweat away won't get you much time to breath.
Jason makes them do a sprint with the resistance on low and he really goes for it. you feel the pants can't take much more let alone your body. And then it's suddenly over. he slows down and lets everyone cool down. Before getting of the bike and leading the group in some stretches.
After the stretches a few people come forward to thank him and many say this was his toughest class in weeks.
Finally everyone left and you feel a hand padding you from the outside and you give his ass a little kiss. "Well, well, you actually have some spirit left after that." You kiss once. "Good on you, that was the toughest class for the day. And you made it more enjoyable then ever, now that that's over I think it might be fun to have you in the front for the next class to compare. is that okay with you?"
You place one kiss on his ass and after that Jason starts walking. After a short walk you hear a faint echo and realise you're in the bathroom as he enters and locks a stall. As he peels the shorts down his hand scrapes you from the pad and he lifts you to his grinning face. His hair is tied back in a tight bun. "You look terrible." he whispers. as he sits down on the toilet and starts urinating. "I think you'd be more happy in the front." You muster up a grin. "As long as you're comfortable I'm good. I survived Mark's shorts remember." Jason grins back. "that's true. But I wanna find out where I find you the most comfortable. So one of my classe you'll be next to my dick and I think I wanna feel you under my balls for one too." You nod, "Can we do the balls first? that sounds a little harder and I prefer to have the energy for that one." Jason grins again. "Sure thing. He stands up and uses some toilet papr to clean his tip and wipe some sweat from his privates before pulling the short up a little. He lowers you down and cups his hand over his balls and presses you in as he pulls the short up all the way. He lifts his package up and forward before sliding his hand out and letting the lycra take it's place in pressing you between his nuts. As he starts moving the two balls the size of boulders smash into you from either side. Not hard enough to hurt you, but not really comfortable for you either.
Jason makes the rounds and gets ready for his second class, an amateur class even though he claimed he didn't have those today. The pedalling is bad, You shake around against the skin and get smooshed by the right and left testicle in succession. The ball-sweat is more sour than the crack-sweat, but the up and down part is far easier as he isn't planning to smash his own baby-makers. After a while you do feel you'd rather be under his ass again. Mostly because the increase in motion makes you slightly queasy and you feel happy the class is over and Jason goes back into the bathroom to pull you out. "Hm, that was hot, but not as good as the ass padding for me." You nod, "I agree. it was far too jostly for Jack." Jason grins. "Well on to stage three. He pulls up his shorts first and flips his long penis up. "So… between penis and pants or penis and skin?" You grin. "Penis and skin of course." Jason grins ans slowly opens the shorts and lower you down between the penis and the depths of his stomach till your feet reach the base. He lets go of you and slowly lifts his penis up against you before closing the short locking you in a fold of flesh. As he starts walking the penis silky skin slides a little back and forth, warm and quite comfortable.
After a few more talks Jason gets back in the saddle and start of the next lesson is a breeze to you. Locked in tight and high enough that most of the sweat just runs down. Only havind the occasional taste when you kiss his dick. And it tastes even better than his ass. But as the lesson continues, you notice a slight swelling and hardening in the shaft. Pressed tight against his stomach by the pants it can't really move away so all it does is get firmer and press you in closer. You try to stay perfectly still, but even though the growth stops, it doesn't reduce in the least. afraid to move you wait till the end of class. The slight boner is still gowing strong as Jason gets of the bike.
He slowly walks back into the staff-bathroom and drops his shorts to pull you out.
The moment he pulls you from your prison he clamps his hand with you in it on the shaft and slowly starts rubbing you up and down. Down and up. And this time his member starts growing even more. Till it stands at full salute And he keeps rubbing you untill he suddenly slides his hand with you in it over his head and suddenly covers you in a flood of white. Covering you head to toe, filling your vision, nose and mouth with his scent and sharp taste. And it keeps coming and coming. Finally Jason lets out a sigh and opens his hand where you are covered in his goo. Jason grins and whispers, "I needed that, thanks." Then he rips a few pieces of paper and cleans his hand and you off before rinsing you in the small fountain. "That was a bad place for in a class." He whispers, "But a very good place to get me in the mood." You wink, "So I noticed." He grins back. "Well I suppose we found out one thing. Your place will be ass-padding." You nod. "More than happy too." Jason grins again. "So I'll be honest, I actually knew from the start I wanted to feel you there all day, but thought you needed a break. Did you need it?" You shake your head, "I could've and would've happily spent all day as your padding. You're ass is tighter and lighter than both Scott's and Mark's. And to be honest a little sweeter in taste. I was afraid you didn't find me comfortable enough." Jason grins. "Not comfortable enough. Dude, you felt like the perfect padding." You grin, "Than what am I doing out here? Shove me in already and let me kiss that tight ass of yours." Jasons grin spreads even further before indeed shoving you back in.
He pulls his pants up again and moves with even more vigour in his step. The next three classes are spent padding the mans behind without a moment of freedom as he keeps you right where he wants you. All the while you feel your body adjust to the padding, to his ass and to his movements. Every so often kissing his sweaty crack. Finally after the third class you feel him moving off and hear him say goodbye to his colleagues. As he drives home he starts to talk to you.
"You still good?" one kiss.
"Enjoy yourself?" one kiss, "Yeah me too."
"Do you feel like you need a shower." one kiss. Jason laughs.
"So wanna be my padding tomorrow too?" One long deep kiss. "Haha, good that you want too, not much choice of course." two kisses.
After a short drive Jason gets out of the car and enters a building. He slides of his shorts and takes you out before dropping them in the sink. He puts on some loose sweatpants and carries you to the kitchen. He makes some food and some drinks and sits down and you start to eat. "how bad was it?" Jason asks. "Not that bad." you answer, "How was it for you." He grins, "Perfect, I loved to feel you kiss my ass like that" you grin. "Well if you put me back in after the shower I can do that some more."
"Now that's an offer which is hard to refuse." Jason says and gets up. After putting away the plates he turns to pick you up. Before he does you see a stack of paper on the table with an interesting title. "You need some time to rest up or…" he asks. You smirk at him. "I What I really need is a way to scrape the sweat from my body and yours." Jason laughs, "Well, I know how to use a sponge… or should I say who to use as a sponge." You let yourself fall on your back. "Reporting for duty." He clases his hand around you and walks into his bathroom, which is hardly more than a shower a sink and a toilet you see as you take your time to look around as he drops you in the soapdish. He closes the toilet and drops his pant on them. He turns on the water which streams down on you ice-cold. And he moves out of the small room to come back with some clothes as the water slowly warms up. He gets in the shower and slides the curtain closed. The fact Jason is a really tall man is accentuated by the smallness of the shower and he even stretches out his neck as he lets the water wash over him a few minutes making him tower even higher. Suddenly he grabs you without looking and you get a lift to his clammy and sweaty pit as he slowly scrubs it out with your body, moving you to the next one and down his front.Pecs, abs and flacid penis donw he moves you to the back and takes his time on the cheeks before sliding you down his crack. As you reach his hole you stick out your arms and start rubbing which gets two reactions. The hand stops in its trakcs holding you in place as a soft moan fills the shower.You put some weight behind your massage and the sphicter quivers under your touch.Slowly the hand starts to press against you from behind bringing you in closer. You keep going what feels to be a very long time till your arms get tired and he probably feels you slowing down and finally moves you further down. He slowly rubs you down his long hairy legs for a while to you they seem endless, but after a while both are done and you're moved back up again and land in the soapdish as he turns of the water.
"Boy, the stories those two told are all true aren't they?" He asks as he grabs a towel and start drying off. You shrug, "Most of them probably are. some might be slightly exaggerated. And probably not all stories have been told." you look up at the tall man, "So why did they want you in on this?" Jason looks down. "Probably because they know I like towering over people. And that they've known me for a while to be trustworthy. And of course as a former member of the agency I've done and seen stranger things." You think for a second. "You were in the science department?" Jason nods. "Did they tell you?" You shake your head, "Not to be rude, but you don't have the build of a field agent." Jason laughs at that. "Oh, so I'm a geek." You grin, "Probably a little, but the easily accepted truth of shrunken people and the trust of Mark and Scott means you worked together. And you don't strike me as a killer?" Jason grins back, "shoving you down my pants doesn't show a killers' attitude?" You shake your head. "You read the files on shrunken people and their heightened resistance. They were on your table. So you did your homework before getting to involved." He smiles, "Impressive. They told me you would've made a great agent. Alert and deductive. They could've used you with the spies." you blush a little. "So why did you agree on getting involved? You clearly enjoy it, but I understand why two gay-men would love a little man down their pants, but you told me you were straight and well…" Jason chuckles. "Not to be rude, but in your current position you're not really the manliest of man. And maybe I would've preffered a woman, but mostly it's nice to have someone serve me for a change. My last girlfriend was kind of abusive…" He suddenly stops and gives you a look as to say 'Did I say too much.' You ignore the look and just shake your head. "Scott has taught me to value honesty above all else in our relationship. So I'm really glad you're just like him in that. If those two trust you enough to let you in on the secret of my excistence I think I can trust you too. Besides, today was kinda fun and if you ever take that bike-trip in France it will be good to know that you're in on the secret. And it'll be nice to have a break from those two every once in a while." Jason grins. "the trip is allready booked. Me, Mark and Scott, in two months, three weeks of biking. If Scott isn't back at full strength he can rent a car to drive our luggage around." your mouth falls open. "Guess they didn't tell you that but yet." Jason says with a smirk. "We booked three-person rooms with a private shower. Guess you'll have some long hours of scrubbing to look forward too after a long day of padding our asses. That is actually why they decided to let me in now. So you and I can have some practice and get to know each other a little better."
You swallow a lump, "Those assholes." Jason laughs as he picks you up and dries you off. "Yeah they are, but then again, you like ass-holes, so that'll be fine. Besides if you can survive Mark's ass for three days mountainbiking I think those three weeks of flat-road cycling will be a breeze for you. And you can get a different view every day." You look up at Jason again. "I suppose, and a training like today is really helpfull in getting ready. So I guess in a way you're now a personal trainer to me too." Jason laughs, "Well, I suppose so, maybe I should charge you?" You scoff, "I think I paid my fair in comfort." Jason grins as he puts you on the sink. "You did at that. And well, if you look at it like that I probably owe you some hours of training." He grins and you grin back. "Care to be my press-onal trainer?" you ask.
Jason gives you a quasi-pensive look, "How are your math skills?" You blink, "They're okay." He turns and grabs a small piece of cloth and pulls it on, they appear to be tight briefs, but with a larger cup to hold his bigger package, but they seem to hug the ass tight even so much as to having the seem dissappear between his buttcheeks. "Now if we go hour by hour, for every hour you comfort me I should add another hour of training? Today you've been comforting me for about 8 hours. How much hours of training do I owe you?" You blink as he turns to face you. "Well, about eight I suppose." He grins as he bends his knees and leans his arms on the sink resting his head on them in front of you. " That's what I thought. But if I put you down in there to train you for eight hours, yet you comfort me for those eight hours. How much hours would I owe you?" You blink again, "sixteen?" He grins again, "that's what I came up with, but if I train you for another sixteen hours while you're being comfortable?" You shake your head and laugh. "I get it, I'd be forcing you to keep me in there forever?" He grins. "That's right, so I fear there's only one thing we can do?" He rises up and picks you up. "Keep you in there till either Mark or Scott takes you off my hands. Or out of my pants actually." With that he slowly slides you down the small of his back into the dark crevice. Your head down till it hovers right in front of the tight hole. As he slides his hand back the seem presses in on you and face first into the pucker. Which you decide to give a little kiss. Jason lets out a sigh and starts moving.
His tight ass makes for a wide crevice and the cheeks hardly touch as he walks, with the undies keeping you in place this actually is a lot easier than being this close to either Scott or Mark. However the downside is when he sits down and you hardly feel any padding of flesh and are actually pressed in even more tight by Jason's weight. You feel him putting up his feet and leaning in even deeper as he turns the TV on. "Comfy?" You give him one big kiss. "Good, unfortunately for you so am I. So no deductions only additions." You kiss him again and he groans softly. "I think I should double the time for every kiss you give me." That's all the incentive you need to keep kissing his hole over and over, using the limited motion of your head to reach as much ass-hole as you can. Slowly Jason seems to meld into the couch even more enjoying your kissing. Suddenly his hole quivers and he lets out a loud toot, you can hear him giggling as you just keep kissing and hold your breath till the worst has passed. After what seems forever Jason slowly moves and gets up. "Mmm, time for bed little comforter."
Suddenly his hand pulls back the pants and pulls you from his crack. Dangling upside down from your legs he lifts you to his face and sniffs. "You smell like an ass." You flip him off, "However could that be." He grins. "Well, you shouldn't be so comfortable then. I can't help my ass wants to keep you close." He winks. "And you do realize that with all the kissing I owe you several lifetimes of training." You grin, "Guess that means that I actually own your ass for as long as we live?" Jason grins back. "I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into. Maybe I should intensify your training tomorrow? I have some shorts with even thinner pads." You smirk, "Who needs pads when you got me anyway?" Jason laughs, "Bold words little one. is that a dare?" You think for a second and nod "I dare you to wear me in unpadded shorts tomorrow. Let's find out who's sorer after that." Jason grins. "Fine, I take that dare, tomorrow I'll be padded solely by your body. If you want I can even use some dermal glue to stick you to my taint." You shake your head, "You're almost too creative you know that. But if that's what it takes to make you feel comfortable than by all means stick me up." Jason grins. "I can't wait till morning. but for now let's get ready for bed. So I'm afraid I won't get any sleep with you in the back, so I guess you can sleep in the front."
He almost immediatly lowers you down to the front of his shorts and slides you in deeply into the pouch, silently adjusting himself so that you are now trapped between his dick and sack again. Next he leans forward and stretches himself out on the bad, laying on his stomach, locking you in tighter than his ass mustered. Please turn-over you think, but to no avail. Soon Jasons breath slows and so does the last tension in his muscles and his sack slowly unfoldes over you due to the increase in temperature, almost like it's slowl devouring you. You can hardly breath, just enough to keep conscious, but after desperatly clinging to that you think why bother, so you just close your eyes and fall asleep thinking, 'If I don't wake up, I at least will be rested when I die.'
Of course you do wake up as Jason gets up and starts walking. He starts to make breakfast and after a while he sits down and lowers his pants. Sliding away his dick he looks down on you. "Comfy?" you squeeze the flesh of his sack and he yelps softly before pulling you off wih an audible plop. "I slept like a log and you slept on one." Jason jokes as he places you next to your breakfast. You down the hot coffee to get a fresh taste in your mouth.Jason smiles and pours you another cup.
After breakfast he gets up and comes back with a soft cloth some alcohol and a bottle of dermal glue. "Ready to be tainted?" He asks with a grin?
You look at the tools and after that at Jason and shrug, "Sure." Jason sits down and leans down on the table his head on his hands. "You're not in the least bit scared are you?" You shake your head and he continues, "How much do you think they told me?" You think for a minute. "Probably almost everything. If I had to guess. You met with Scott to talk about some stuff before the bike-trip. Because you were the one joking about feeling sorry for Marks pants and about liquifying the padding." Jason grins. "True enough. Like Mark told you, I was supposed to meet you on the trip, but it just didn't happen. And after that Scott got stabbed and everything kinda forced me on you… Literally forced me down on you I suppose." He laughs to himself and you join in. "Still it's quite impressive you figured it out." You grin, "I have a lot of time to think." Jason grins back. "I suppose you do. Now you tell me something. Do they have any clue how sturdy your body actually is?" You throw up your hands, "I don't even know." Jason blinks, "But you know you'll be able to survive these things?" You shrug, "I survived Marks and Scott full weight a couple of times. You're not heavier than Mark." Jason smiles. "It's simple physics really. Your molecules have been compressed in a way that was thought impossible. So let's say at your normal size your body could withstand about 100 pounds. Now if your body was ten times smaller you could resist 1000 pounds. But your body is somewhere between 30 and 40 times smaller, so you could easily withstand 3000 pounds. As you might realize your normal body could probably withtstand a lot more and so could your smaller body. So technically we could run a truck over you and you'd probably survive. I wouldn't wrestle a steamroller, but everything else should be fair game." You nod at his math. "So how is it I need less food and air? and can withstand heat a lot better?" Jason leans back. "I haven't figured that out really. I theorize it has something to do with your compressed body being more adaptable and efficient. It's the one thing I need to figure out." You gasp, "Before you can start working on a cure." Jason smiles. "No shit, Sherlock. Scott told me about the promise and he's still keeping it." You laugh, "That man is still too good at keeping secrets." Jason laughs too. "But you understand that since I did look at it from a scientific angle I'm really convinced that the things I do won't kill you. I'm just surprised you want to do these things." You grin, "Well once again Scott has proven himself to be holding up his part of the deal, guess I can't do anything else." Jason laughs, "I'd say you go beyond what can be expected from you. I think you actually enjoy stretching the limits." You nod a bit bashfull. "It's a big part of it." He leans in again. "So why me?" You blink, "Well… I suppose these things will happen sooner or later with Mark or Scott anyway, and well, you're still a bit uneasy about it, which makes it easier for me to…" Jason grins, "To push me around?" You shrug and nod.
Suddenly he leans back and puts his legs on the table and reaches for the cloth and alcohol. he wets the cloth and wipes it over his taint a few times and he hisses from the burning sensation. As he waits for the alcohol to evaporate he looks at you again. "I'm not gonna tell the others about our experiments if you don't want too." You shake your head, "I really don't care" Jason grins as he grabs the dermal glue. "Your wish." You tilt your head, "Why do you people keep saying that?" He looks at you with a quetioning gaze, "Your wish? I don't know, it felt like the right thing to say." You sigh and watch him apply a healthy layer of glue to his taint. He waits about a minute and suddenly reaches for you and picks you up. "See you tonight." He says and turns you upside down. From his crack he slides you into the liquid which is already hardening. He make keeps to fingers next to your head not to tlide you too far. When in place he presses down and removes his hand. The smell of the glue is strong, but not unpleasant. You feel a brush over your back as he applies a second layer. As he waits for the glue too dry he drinks the rest of his coffee. Too soon the glue turns rockhard and you notice the colour fades to a weak skintone. like your head is sticking out of his flesh.
When he feels the glue has hardened he stands up and starts moving around and jumping, but you both realize that you are immobilized. You suddenly hear a click, see a flas and moments later hear a chuckle. "When I show you this picture tonight you're gonna realize that you look like a part of me, even your little head looks just like a birthmark. Suddenly he starts moving, but being at the centre of his being you only notice this by the soft vibrations of the impact from his feet and the swooshing sound his legs make. He bows down and pulls up a pair of tight briefs, without any padding, over his ass.
"Maybe I should've told you this before, but today is tuesday… And I don't work on tuesdays." You actually feel slightly relieved. Even after the confirmation that you probably will be safe you think you might have taken this too far. "But… since you want to be padding, I suppose I could go for a ride." Jason finishes. And suddenly he starts walking grabs a few things and suddenly leaves the house. You hear him work his way through a storage area and hear the familiar sound of bke wheels next to you as he starts walking again. The moment his leg swings up you brace yourself for the landing. And it's a big one. You never realized how much a little bit of padding could make a difference. Now it's just you meeting the saddle and Jasons hard underside as he starts pedalling. He starts slow, but soon picks up speed leaning down deep on you. However you also notice that without the padding the air-flow is far better and the sweat-levels are very low, most of it just drips out the briefs. And after getting used to the pressure it really isn't all that bad. There are painfull moments when he sits down roughly after getting up for a climb or a turn. But all in all, you kind of prefer this to the padded short. The airflow is very noisy though so it takes you a while to notice the abscence of city-sounds and Jason speeds up even more. Kept in place perfectly by the glue you can't slide away to worse places so you actually just give in and relax. This even gets a reaction from Jason as he leans in even more speeding up for a sprint.
After a while Jason gets of his bike and shakes his legs loose. "Damn you Jack. This is even better than having actual padding in my shorts. Your firm and subtle at the same time and it's just a wonderfull thought that you're down there. You lean forward and kiss the part of crack you can reach. And Jason giggles like a schoolgirl. "Fine, fine, I'll keep going." And with that he hops on his bike again and you're in for round two. This one has a bumpy patch which hurts like hell to you, but apparantly this feel great to Jason as he leans closer to the saddle making every bump press the saddle against your back and into hit taint.
When the worst is over he slows down again and takes a rest without getting out of the saddle, just a quick drink before going again.You wonder why the mounds of sweat that passed you by haven't softened the glue, but you don't really overthink. You just go with the flow and enjoy the musky, sweaty scent that Jason produces and which only intensifies. Your hair is wet, your face is covered in droplets and when you lick your lips you taste this mans hard-earned sweat. After what seems forever Jason slows down and gets off the bike. He shakes his legs and suddenly rubs himsef down with a towel before entering a building.
You notice some echoing and familiar sounds, but can't place them yet. Untill suddenly Jason knocks and walk into a room and you hear a well-known voice say, "Hey Jase." Apparantly Jason decided to visit Scott. "So did you meet him?" Jason chuckles, "You could say that. Mark was called in so he had to leave him with someone not in the hospital." Scott sounds surprised as he continues, "You mean, you… bonded?" Suddenly Jason picks something from his bag and leans in to show it to Scott who starts to laugh. "We've bonded quite well, you could say we're like glued together." Scott keeps laughing. "You must have made a good first impression on him."
"I guess I did, but than again, nothing bonds two people like having a shower." jason answers.
"But it's good to see you're comfortable with each other." Scott says.
"I can't speak for him, but I'm pretty comfortable right now." Jason laughs and Scott laughs too.
"So how much does he know?"
"Just about everything, he's almost annoyingly perceptive. He even recognized my voice from the bike-trip and knew I knew about him."
Scott laughs, "There's very little that stays hidden for him. Guess it's only logical."
"So how much of all this is just a promise? And how much is actual enjoyment?"
Scott answers without thinking, "fifity-fifty at least."
"You know, it's a bit unatisfying how you take his addaptation so easily."
Scott chuckles, "You should ask Mark about his first meeting."
"I guess I should."
"Talking about Mark, he's flying in tomorrow and gonna pick me up and take me home."
"His or yours?"
"His, you should drop by for dinner tomorrow. Then we can have a talk with all of us together. Maybe tell a bit about why we invited you."
Now it's Jasons turn to chuckle, "He guessed."
"Damn…" Is all Scott says and Jason laughs.
"Tomorrow sounds good. I'll come over after work. Mark won't mind if I use his shower right?"
You can hear the grin behind Scott's words, "As long as you bring your own sponge."
After that the nurse walks in and almost shoos Jason out.
He walks back out and you hear him unlock his bike and before you know it you're biking again, figuring Jason wil go home, but after a while you realize he's taking the long way round. When you reach a second bumpy patch he actually tries his best to keep in the saddle which allows his saddle to remorselessly beat you into his skin. After what seems forever he finally gets off the bike and you hear him lock it away. As he walks into his house he scrapes his briefs off and lays down on his bed. "That bike-trip is gonna be amazing. No shorts can compare to you little jack-pad. Did you enjoy it." You have to really scream to make him hear you, but you blurt out. "It was great. I could feel how much you liked it." Jason laughs. "No, no, not like, I loved it." He lowers his hand and rubs over the glue-patch. "Wow, it's still holding strong I see. I would've guessed the sweat and heat would've affected it. Thank god it comes with a dissolvent that only breaks the glue down, otherwise I would have to keep wearhing you like this till the glue peels off. And according to the bottle that could be a while.
"I wonder how long it would hold." You hear Jason mutter. But he gets up and starts walking into the bathroom. "Here it is." He says and suddenly chuckles. But Before I get you out I need to doo-doo one thing first." Did he stutter? You realize he didnt't as he suddenly sits down and you see the inside of a bowl, a toilet bowl. First he let's out a humoungous fart and a sigh. Then he starts pushing out a few logs of feces. Right before your eyes. You're far enough down not to get hit, but the stench is terrible. Finally he starts to wipe from down to up thank god. But still it's quite degrading. Finally he gets up, flushes, closes the toiletcover and sits down legs wide. He applies some of the disslovent carefully with cotton pad. And suddenly you feel the glue becoming more viscous and after waiting a little longer Jason scrapes you of and lifts you to his face. He turns you around a few times and nods. "Not even a bruise on you. Still be honest. did it hurt?" You nod, "Quite a lot during the bumpy stretches." Jason nods, "This means the pain receptors are not really dampened by your thick skin I suppose." you shake your head, "I think they are, I mean, yes it hurt, but not excruciating, nerve-wrecking pain." Jason nods, "I see." And he gets up and walks over to the shower. his torso is still glinstening slightly from his sweat as he steps in.
Without a word he turns on the water and starts to scrub you over his chest and through his pits. Slowly lowering you down further and meeting his slightly swollen member. After a few rubs with you it stands at full salute. Jason starts rubbing you up and down teasingly slow, prolonging the moment for a while. Finally he speeds up a little and uses his hand with you in it to cup the head pressing your face against the slit. While he jerks of with his free hand till he suddenly burst out over you, wave after wave of hot semen slides over your face and body and you get a fair share down your throat, the pressure is to big to keep it out. After he's shot his load he rinses you off and starts to clean his ass. You notice he didn't wipe very thorough though. Some hard pieces are scrubbed away by your body. When hovering in front of the anus you give it a little kiss which makes Jason clench, but he contiues washing the rest of his body.
When he turns of the showers he starts to dry off and slides on a pair of sweatpants, commando. And carries you to the kitchentable and makes some food. During dinner he flips through the pages of the reseach and takes some notes on specific themes after dinner he….
Jason puts his fork down and stacks the sheets again neatly. He glances over to see you're done too and clears the table. He makes some coffee and pours you a cup from his own. He leans back in his chair and sips his coffee. You take a sip and glance at him "You're not making real progress are you?" He shakes his head. "By all means what happened should be impossible." You drink your coffee in silence untill Jason speaks up again, "I'm not gonna stop trying." You nod again and take a deep breath to relax. "Would you even take the cure?" Jason asks. You have to think for a second. "Maybe not at once, but it would be god to know I have the option. Besides one of these days I'm afraid this whole situation will become a drag for Mark, Scott and you. And that leaves me in a pickle." Jason laugh a little, "Well I promise you this, if it ever gets boring you can always count on a job as my padding." You smirk, "Even though the offer is appreciated, I don't think you can make it that easily. What if you get a girlfriend?" Jason's laugh fades a little. "I'm sorry, you're right. You're thinking the very long run. Then I'd jst have to sew you into the pants so she wont see you." You grin at Jason, "You'd like that wouldn't you." He grins back, "Sure, but we both know that's not possible. And I suppose Mark or Scott could find a partner and either bring them in on the whole thing, if the partner agrees. or…" Jason falls silent. "Exactly, it's the 'or' that scares me. Just to take away that fear a cure would be nice." Jason nods, "I understand, but still, as long as I don't have a girlfriend you will always have a place in my pants and soapdish. Besides I just got out of a relationship remember and am currently not looking for something serious. Especially with some distractions laying around." You smile at him. "It comes when it comes, you might meet misses right tomorrow." Jason grins, "You mean tomorrow during my classes?" You let out a mocking sigh, "Guess you're finally gonna try and work-off some of the hours you owe me. I mean just today must have added quite a few." Jason grins, "I jus know there will be a way to win this from you. I just haven't figured out how yet." You grin, "Make that growserum win and tie my fullsized head to your saddle for a change." Jason sprays the sip of coffee over the table and laughs. "Yeah, that would do it. But you'd never agree to that." You shrug, "Maybe I will, maybe I won't."
Jason gets up and walks over to the bedroom and comes back wearing nothing more but tight briefs. "Well, if I grow you back, I'm at least gonne remember to ask you for that. But for now my hole feels a bit lonely and wants to cuddle up with the one that kept kissing him." You grin, "It will be my pleasure." And without much ado Jason scoops you up and slides you down his crack till your face is pressed agains his hole. You give it a deep kiss and get a reaction as the finger that slid you in now pushes softly against your head as you feel Jason bend over. You give it another kiss, even deeper. And the finger puts even more pressure on you. This scenario repeats a few time untill….
All of a sudden the pressure is to big for the sphinctre to hold back and suddenly you feel yourself slide in up to your waist. Even though you are surrounded by pulsating flesh and the rushing of blood is extremely loud. You can hear Jason moan a deep bariton which seems to come from his toes. All the way up his body amplified by every inch it has to travel. and in Jasons case that's a lot.
You also notice he's not making any moveto pull you out. so you just do what you can and kiss the insides of the rippling muscle Feeling with your hands for something just outside the anus to hold on to, but to no avail. However you don't slide in further or even out. You're just tuck for a while. You keep kissing. And as you do suddenly the world trembles and the hole closes in on you. the feeling of vertigo tells you Jason is standing up straight as he pulls his finger back and suddenly you notice a slight tugging sensation from below. And you figure the man is pleasing himself while you kiss his hole from deep within. So you just keep at it and even try to squirm a little. As he reaches his moment of triumph you feel his ejaculation running over you throught the muscles as ripples in a pond.
Shortly after you feel a tugging on you legs and suddenly you slide out of you confines and are lifted to a face wearing a very satisfied grin. "Who needs a girl, when you got a boy to do this for you." you grin, "Well think of that when you eye the chickas you want to bed. Cause if you hook one for longer than a night, you might have to do without this forever." Jason grins, "All the more incentive not to be caught by a… chicka?"
He walks over to the bathroom to relieve himself, using the hand you're in to fondle his dick. Then he enters te bedroom and stretches himself out, clasping you in his hand. "I'm done for the day. I'm gonna sleep."Without a second thought he sllides you down the front of his pants and locks you in between penis and skin of the lower stomach before falling in bed on his back.
You are just too tired to stay awake, you won't care if he rolls over you just close your eyes and… wake up from a faint buzzing and Jason getting up. He didn't even roll over. Or maybe he did and rolled back. As Jason moves around he makes breakfast and fishes you from his pants. "Morning Jack. Hope you had a good night." You nod, "Slept like a log… and under one too." You both laugh at that and start breakfast. After finishing Jason looks at the time. "Ugh, gotta get ready for work." He then shifts his gaze to you and says, "Oh wait. I gotta get ready for work. He suddenly gets up and walks over to the bedroom and returns with a very small pair of black briefs and a sewing kit. "Dual layer compression shorts." Is all he says and suddenly he flips the briefs inside out and takes out a small knife from the sewing kit and starts to open the seam on the side of the middle part where his taint and the lower part of his ass will rest. when it's a small hole he looks at you and grins. "Ready to add some padding to y shorts?" Without waiting he picks you up and lowers you into the opened seem. Your body is now laying between the inner and outer layers of the shorts the room is very tight as can be expected, they usually fitt close together. And you see Jason pick up needle and thread. Slowly he begins to stitch the seem back together with strokes that show a precision of a doctor. When it's nothing more but a small hole he peeks in. "This is the perfect way to make sure no one will ever find you. If you do your best to be comfortable I might let you out tonight. Or I can let Mark or Scott or a random stranger wear you unknowingly." He finishes stitching you up and He adjusts you from the outside till he's happy. He pulls the shorts on in a fluide motion, but even he has a little trouble fitting his ass in and you feel even tighter held in place than with the glue. "One problem wih these shorts is they make me sweat even more than normal." Allready the briefs fill up with the smell of unwashed ass as he didn't shower and as he starts moving at a regular walk you notice it's already getting a little damper.
The rest of the day flies by in a haze. Spinningclasses, being grinded in Jasons flesh and the saddle and the sweat keeps coming down in buckets at the time. The one time he rolls he pants down is when he has to take a dump. And afterwards the smell of his duece lingers in the pants till he gets on the bike for another sweat-load too wash it away. You somehow feel a surreal serenity roll over you. You just let it all go and try to be comfortable. every breath you take seems to be evaporated transpiration. You can feel it's taste linger in your mouth. But you keep thinking that it will be over soon. And when that time finally comes that he gets of his bike after announcing before getting on it would be his last class you almost feel like you achieved a victory. Jason walks over to the instructors locking room and suddenly you hear someone ask. "Crap, Jason, I forgot my padded shorts and I have a class in 15 minutes. You got a spare?" Jason laughs, "Nope, only pair I have with me, I'm wearing. Don't think you want to wear that one." The other man grunts. "Well, I don't have much choice. I've called Milly and she's bringing a pair over in half an hour. Too late for class. So…"
Jason was undecided if lending Jack to his friend seemed desperate and the idea also made him a little curious about someone else wearing it. He tried to persuade his friend that it would be somewhat uncomfortable with sweaty pants.
"If you don't mind all the sweat on my ass you can use mine." When I heard that, I didn't expect it, I tried to move to say no, but it seems I couldn't move. "I'm not interested in using them but it's an emergency, I agree to use them." "Okay, but you have to give them back to me, they're my favorites" then I just heard the other man laugh "of course I hope I don't destroy them, I'll see you at the end of class", that phrase sent shivers all over my body.
I could only feel how I freed myself from Jason's ass and gave myself to this unknown man. I couldn't see him being attached to the shorts but when I got on his ass it was like a rock, very firm and the problem is that the shorts are very tight. "If they are small or my ass is very big, I hope they can withstand how good they stretch." It was true I felt like my body could no longer move and how it moved and each step was a sure crush inside her slit which was more painful.
I felt him lift his leg and then be received by a hard blow on my back, he was heavier than Mark which surprised me a lot. The first few minutes he started sweating a lot and the smell of unwashed ass was killing me. I didn't know how long it had been without a bath but I wanted to give up. The smell was very strong. "Okay, gentlemen, it's time for spin class. We'll start slowly." I'm glad to hear that but every time I pedaled it was torture I didn't want it to be harder, and the worst part that could happen was right at the beginning a grunt followed by a hot wind hitting my face, I held my breath as long as I could but the hit on my back didn't let me breathe well, that fart lasted a long time so I had to breathe the whole fart I wanted to vomit but if I did I could discover myself so I just endured it with tears in my eyes and the farts didn't stop I just finished the first they were in a row it seemed like a continuous burst so breathing in all the farts was my only option.
"Very well, let's increase the pace" I felt all the weight leave my crushed body only to be crushed again against the bicycle seat which made my face collide with his anus. He was doing lifts and every time he sat down he farted more. I wanted to pass out to hold on, but a fart or the pain of being crushed would wake me up.
After what seemed like hours I slowed down and class ended. At last I thought it would never end but my Smile faded when I couldn't hear Jason.
"They haven't brought me my training clothes yet, I'll have to continue wearing them, although it doesn't bother me, it's very comfortable. I have to teach another class now, Jason can wait. The same torture from before was repeated, although apparently his farts were less, which I was grateful for, but The sweat was now drowning me, the farts left me more air, now I had to swallow the sweat to survive, it became a routine, which managed to clear my mind and I appreciated this muscular ass, the sweat was strong but intoxicating, although it only made me miss Scott since he She was bathing and compared to the man her ass was sweeter. At the end of the routine my tense body relaxed and was only crushed between her slit when she got off the bicycle.
"Jason these shorts feel incredibly comfortable I need one like these and sorry for the delay they didn't come to drop off my clothes." "Yes, they are my favorites and I'm glad they were comfortable for you and I see that you left them worse than me." "Sorry friend but I'll tell you a secret these shorts absorb farts and sweat you know I have the worst farts and my students complain but I couldn't smell any today and there are days when a puddle of sweat forms underneath but they absorbed it friend Thanks for your help, my ass will miss that.” I was finally freed from that ass. I never thought I would miss the fresh air or Mark's ass. Then Jason took off his jeans and put me back on and although he was still crushed he felt more comfortable.
"See, it's unanimous, you're a very comfortable pair of shorts, you're perfect for padding." I had no energy to fight I was just shoved back into Jason's sweet ass. When I got to the apartment I expected him to take me out so I could confront Jason but he just sat down and took a short nap. Not long after about 20 minutes I was freed from my pants and was crushed and without energy.
"I'm sorry for lending it to you today, I know I said it but it was never my intention, he is a great friend who already had mistakes for forgetting his clothes that's why I lent it to him, I hope you can forgive me." I wanted to yell at him but he apologized and I felt like it wasn't right. "Okay, although if he was tough he was heavier than Mark and stinkier, I wanted to give up." I calmed the atmosphere and we both laughed "It seems that we managed to find your limit, and you are right." "This is Tom, he is much taller than Scott and heavier than Mark, but don't worry, it won't happen again."
"I guess I'll suffer without for my first class. No way am I sharing your shorts, it always smells like something died in there." This gets both a chuckle from Jason and you. Knowing perfectly well nothing has died in here. Jasson continues to gather his things and gets to his car.Before starting it he says, " Don't worry. You held up your end of the deal, so I wouldn't have loaned you to him even if he wanted too." He drives of and stops a while later. Ascending some stairs and a knock on the door tell you he's not home. The friendly "Jase." that sounds in Marks voice as the door opens is a relief to you. "Welcome back home Mark." jase answers and moves into the apartment. "Hiya Scott… and hello Lady Lindsay." You gasp, Lindsay is here too. "Hi Jase," Scott's voice sounds. "Lindsey invited herself to our unofficial Agency-meeting." You hear a melodic laughter you recognize as Lindsea's "I'm as surprised to hear you got an invite as me not being invited. Good to see you again Jase."
Likewise Lindsey, don't worry about it, this is a happy surprise, I haven't seen a girl as pretty as you that won't try to get in my pants in quite a while." Both of them laugh, "Now excuse me while I rinse off before joining you. The showers at the gym always make me feel like I come out filthier than I entered."
Jason walks into the bathroom and Mark follows him on account of helping him find his way around. "Jase, Lindsay insisted on being here. She wanted to know why we involved you without proper approval. So when you come out don't forget to hide Jack. We might not want her to know just yet." Marks courtesy time is up and he runs out, Finally Jason strips and opens the seam to pull you out and quickly hops in the shower for a quick scrubdown. After he jumps out again he pulls a pair of briefs, a pair of sweatpants and a jersey from his bacg and starts dressing. He slides you down the top of the front barely deep enough to touch his penis. "This is so you can listen in." he whispers and you give his skin a gentle kiss. He presses is hand down on you from the outside, "No funny business." He says without a speck of anger in his voice. He pulls his pants up and you feel him tightening the drawstring before heading out into the livingroom.
You hear a conversation between Scott and Lindsay about his condition, but as Jasone sits down it dies and It emains silent for a while. "So," Lindsay starts "I guess we all know what's going on?"
"Shrunken people." Scott answers.
"That's the start." Mark says.
"Indeed," Lindsey continues. "They used the Matt excuse to move the experiments to Washington to have the experts take a look at it. They already Had two other specimens brought in outside of the agency. And well…"
"They dissected them." Mark finishes the sentence where Lindsay's voice broke.
Scott and Jason gasp loudly and so do you. "Why?' Jason finally asks.
"On a techincallity they are no longer seen as citizens, so they we're free to experiment on them. They are really focussed on finding a cure this way." Mark explains.
"The dissections proved futile, so the rest of the specimens will just be experimented on like human guinea pigs. Till they either find a cure, shrink them even further or…"
"Or kill them." Scott finishes.
It remains silent for a while.
Suddenly Lindsay speaks up. "Jase, I suppose Mark and Scott brought you in, because you were the best scientist the agency had. I also think I know what happened to the copies of the notes from the scientist and kids that couldn't be found." Scott grunts, "Don't worry, I'm all-in on this. I have just one question. Why?"
The man stay silent for a while.
suddely you can't stand it anymore and give Jason a soft bite. Jason grunts softly but gets the hint. "We have been hiding one of the shrunken people to avoid experimentations like you witnessed."
Lindsay chuckles, "Good on you. I tried to keep a girl safe but eventually had to give her up. I wasn't aware of the tiny-detectors in Washington and she was found in my purse." Mark gasps, "So that's what they took from you." Suddenly Jason gets up. "I'll go get him." And he walks to the bathroom and fishes you out. "Ready to meet Lindsay?" He hands you a small piece of cloth to cover up and you nod. Jason enters the room and walks over to the seating area and places you on the table. You look up at Mark, Scott and finally Lindsay. She leans in and smiles. "Little Jack Willowing?" You nod, "Hello miss Tucker." Jason and Mark gasp and ask in unison, "You know him/her?" Scott laughs as her allready knew that. "She was my teacher in grade school." You explain. Lindsay laughs, "Indeed and this little guy and his friends came up with the nickname they thought I didn't know about." You start to blush and Scott laughs even harder. Jason and Mark look confused. Lindsay gives you a wink, "Too bad you boys never found out I'm into the ladies. Still all it took was to show a little cleavage to get you all to pay attention." You grin, "And you sure did show it." Lindsay laughs silently. "You've grown into a very cheeky boy." You grin back and wink at Scott, "You don't know the half of it." Lindsay sits up and relaxes a little. "Well seems like you've been keeping him safe enough and he doesn't seem angsty in any way. Good to see you man didn't let your urges get the best of you. the men nod in unison, looking like perfect gradeschoolers themselves. And you can't help but grin.
After the first contact is made, the four of them start discussing what they know and what theyre next steps should be. Mark gets up to get some simple food from the kitchen, some bread, cheeses, meats and a lot of other things. Betweeen bites they keep discussing the situation. After a while the plans are formed, Jason will keep looking for a way to cure the shrinking, Linday will put up new flyers with reward money, but change the number to a cellphone she will get for this. And Mark and Scott will work on getting Scott back up on his feet. Even though Scott tries to protest Lindsay will not back down. "The sooner you are healed, the sooner let you participate." And with that Lindsay closes the subject.
Finally they all sit back and suddenly look at you. "So Jack?" Lindsay says, "What about you?" You blink, "Well, if t's okay I'll stay with Scott and Mark for now." Lindsay nods, "Don't want to be put in daddies hands like this I suppose." You gasp and Lindsay smiles softly, "We knew Jack. But we couldn't do anything about it yet." Scott pipes up, "You knew what?" Lindsay looks at you and you nod. "Jack's father was somewhat rough with the family. Especially when he had been drinking." The three man look down at you with surprise. mark is the first to say something. "The bastard." And you answer. It was mostly my mom… and me, because I was the smallest…. and tended to get in the way." A silence amost audible fills the room. Lindsay coughs "Maybe your big bro?" You shake your head, "He's finally free to do as he wants, I don't want him to throw his live and educaion away for me just yet." Lindsay smiles, "Still the kid that would give away half of his half of a twinky" You blush. "You remember that?" She grins, "You even gave me the creamed-filled half because I forgot my lunch. I couldn't not eat it even if I was on a diet and didn't forget my lunch as much as didn't pack one." You laugh, "That's what you get for lying to your students." After this the group decides to plan a more regular meeting and suddenly Lindsay and Jason get up to leave. Jason had to leave because Lindsay needed a ride home.
After Mark has showed the out he returns and crashes next to Scott on the couch.
Mark and Scott both look tired enough to fall asleep right then and there. You walk over to Scott's feet that are on the table and climb up his leg and start the trek over to the couch. As soon as you come in range Scott scoops you up and brings you down between him and Mark. "That was kinda awkward and unexpected." Scott says. Mark answers with a sigh and says, "Yeah, it took me a lot longer than two days to get to read Jack's actions and here Jase pulls it off." They glance down at you, "It was your idea right?" You look up and nod. "Yeah, I figured Lindsay knew more than she let on. Didn't know she figured out the fact Scotty and me nicknamed her." Scott grins, but Mark looks confused, "What nickname?" You grin, "Miss Tucker was Miss I'd-Fuck-her." Mark laughs. "I can see why two young boys would call her that. If that one," he points at Scott, " Hadn't got me on men and she was interested in them, well I… wouldn't kick her out of bed." Scott grins, "You probably still wouldn't right now." Mark blushes. "It's a good thing she hasn't figured out we do more than let you stay here." Both you and Scott say in unison, "She knows." Mark's eyes widen while you and Scott exchange glances, "What?" Mark asks. You gesture at Scott, "She probably knows more than a simple sleep-over is going on. She doesn't know what exactly, but she knows it's probably mutual." You nod, "She probably tried something with her own specimen too." Mark looks even more baffled. "How do you…" You grin, "Call it intuition. Well and the fact the three of you denied it in a very similar fashion too promptly without even a look of disgust on your faces. Suddenly Scott's phone beep with a new message. As he looks it up he grins and shows it to you and Mark:
"I know, enjoy but be carefull, tell Jack he has a safe haven at Casa Dyke."
A few seconds later Mark's phone beeps too and he shows another message:
"Yes, it was too obvious."
Mark, Scott and you all laugh at Lindsay's messages. You say, "send her this message: Thanks miss Tucker, I'm fine, I won't think of you with that nickname anymore. I have a nice home here at Casa Queer. Love Jack." Scott types it in and let's you OK it before sending. Seconds later the phone beeps again. And Scott shows you the message.
"Message understood, welcome to our side."
Mark grins, "So… you're really gay now?" You shrug, Scott has that effect on people. I think he's contagious." Mark grins, "Be glad it's just that and not the rest of his personality." You and Mark laugh as Scott let's out a loud "Hey." You look up at Mark and say, "Maybe we should ask Jason for a cure for that too." And Mark grins back, "Yeah, maybe he could give us a Scott-Shot." That was more than Scott could take as you suddenly feel the world shake as he lifts up his cheek that faces you and in a fluid motion scoops you up and throws you under his ass before loweing his Pants-covered crack back down over you. "You wanna be an asshole, you can kiss mine."
And with that you are finally brought home after a week of going without the Scent of Scott and you bask in it.
After a while Scott slowly gets up, You notice he clutches his side and exhales slowly, clearly he's not recovered yet. "Ugh, I need a hot shower, my back is killing me." He slowly turns and bends over to pick you up, but Mark beats him to it. "No way in hell are you gonna take a shower." Scott looks at Mark, "But…" Mark shakes his head. "I had to sign papers for release and that included instructions that I'm not allowed to let you take a shower alone. So you mister are getting in the tub and I'll scrub your back." Scott glares. "You're kidding, Mark." But Mark gets up and walks into the bathroom with you in his hand. Slowly Scott follows and tries one last time. "Mark, this is degrading." Mark turns and looks at Scott and you weigh in. "Don't you dare talk about degrading in my presence." Scott looks at your head sticking from Marks fist. First a scowl, but soon his eyes fall away and he strips down and climbs into the bath. "Just please let me wash my privates myself." Mark grins and says, "Not gonna happen, that's gonna be Jacks job." And you chime in, "Damn straight… or well… you know… gay." This makes Scott laugh again and Mark takes of his shirt and sits down on the edge of the tub and grabs the showerhead turning the water on and slowly starts to rinse Scotts shoulders and back. When he's good and wet he brings his fist with you in it between Scotts shoulder blades and starts rubbing slowly, making gentle circles, slowly applying more pressure. You can feel Scott give in and relax as Mark moves down to the small of Scott's back and you feel the knots in his muscles slowly evening out under you. And Scotts grunts and moans tell you that Mark is doing a very good job.
After the back has had it's share Mark brings you up and walks over to the other end of the bath and Scott lays back down. Mark takes of his sweatpants and sits down on the edge one leg in the tub "Lift your first leg please." Scott has given in and places his right leg on Marks left and Mark Starts by scrubbing you over the sole of the foot. You can feel Scott twitch from enjoyment and after the sole you travel up the back to his calve and the lower part of the thigh. "Next leg." Scott complies and the motion from before repeats wit the second leg. Mark gets up and kneels next to the tub and Scotts torso and without asking takes his first arm and rubs you up from the wrist to the shoulder and taking his time with the pit. Scott doesn't protest and Mark continues to the next arm and up. Without complaints from Scott he continues with the pecs and down the abs. Drawing an invisible line at the belly button. After that Mark steps back and hands you over to Scott, who has his eyes closed. Mark slowly steps back and sits down on the toilet averting his gaze as Scott lowers you down and starts scrubbing his ass. You did notice in the passing that Mark's nursey scrubdown didn't leave Scott completely relaxed, one part of him had slightly reacted and was tensing up. The part where you are now slowly lifted too and rubbed up and down on. Untill Scott lets out a grunt and sprays you with his goo. Before clearing his stomach and chest again and rinsing you down. Mark comes over and slowly takes you from Scotts hand and puts the stopper in the tub and lets the warm water fill up the tub. He turns of the water when the tub is almost full and retreats a little. He places you on the sink and walks out the bathroom. He comes back with a glass of cold soda and places it on the edge of the tub. You hear Scott mutter a thanks and Suddenly Mark picks you up again and takes you….
"My turn for a shower." You moan, "I already did Jason and Scott, can't you take on by yourself." Mark grins. "Now now, you said you wanted to live in Casa Queer, that does come with a job description, remember." You let yourself fall on your hands and knees on Marks hand. "Fine, Guess I can use he practice for when I have to wash three sweaty biking boys every night for a few weeks." You look up into Marks baffled face and grin. "To quote Lindsay 'I know'." Marks expression changes into slight annoyance. "Jason?" You nod, "Jason. Guess you didn't want to spoil the surprise just yet" Mark smirks, "I would've told you eventually, but I wanted to have some fun training before giving you an end-date." You grin up at Mark, "You idiot, the end is only after the cure has been developed and ingested. You should really stop worrying so much." He smiles faintly, "Well but the cure might be done before the trip. So even if I warned you it might never come to pass anyway." You turn over and sit back up. "Is the trip so important for you?" He keeps quiet for a while. "Remember to be honest to him." Scott says from the bath and this breaks down Mark's walls. "Yeah it kinda is. It would be my first vacation in a while and I'd like to spent it with you, Scott and Mark." You nod. "And have you ever thought of asking me about it?" Mark blinks. "How can I ask you to say yes to that without even knowing if there will be a cure." You shake your head. "Even if it can be done I could wait till after the trip. If you'd ask me to." Mark turns away, "But that would be incredible selfish." You dig your nails in his palm a little to make him turn back. "So?" Marks face turns into the scowl you've seen before and you beat him to it. "None of that now. I won't have you go mad every time I try to get you to communicate. Just ask me the question and I'll give you the answer." Your small outburst takes away his huff and his puff and he looks smaller somehow. Almost vulnerable, he doesn't even look at you as he says, "Well fine, would you be willing to stay at this size till after our bike-tour in France?"
You stare up at him in silence untill he turns his bright blue eyes on you. Even after that you wait a little longer and suddenly you say, "You idiot, think I'd wanna miss that. Comparing the comfort of you three, seeing bits and pieces of the country from the window of our rooms. Having you guys fight over who gets me for the day and night." Scott pipes in from the bath again, "Finding out who sweats the most and compare the taste. Finding out who loses the most weight over the trip of why most people need to bring multiple shorts on a bike-trip." Marks face slowly lights up and he chimes in. "testing different saddles and shorts to find the most comfortable positions, being used to clean three sweat-soaked bodies one right after another on a daily base and being allowed to not kiss one, not two, but three asses every day." You smile up at Marks face. "Finally some confidence in me and yourself." You raise your left hand and say, "I Jack Willowing of sound mind and reduced body solemnly swear to not take any growing antidote till after the bike-tour in France, under the conditions that I have the chance to wait with taking it, that the trip will take place on the currently scheduled date and a promise in return that if the others get bored of me you will have me ride with you and you will help me to train for the trip with or without the help of Scott and Jason." Mark grins at you, "Oh, I promise." You look up at him, "I wasn't done yet. I also want you to promise me that you will be the one to carry me under your ass during the flight." Mark grins, "Why me?" You grin back. "You have the deepest crack and since it will be a long flight I think I can use all the wiggle room available." Scott laughs at that. "You can have him for that" He says and mark nods, "Well that's another promise than."
"Now, if you're all done bossing me around, how about we get on with this shower." You roll over on your back and lay down in Marks palm. "Fine, I'll just see it as another part of the training program." Mark grins and turns on the water….
"If you wanna think of it as training, than we'd better make it an endurance training." Those words spoken so casually by Mark, chill you to the bone for a second. You created a monster and now your Markenstein was going to turn on you. And he did. He stayed in the shower for over half an hour, scrubbing you up and down his body, down and up. Over, sideways and under. Even after adding his own explosion the man would not quit. Only when Scott started to complain about getting all pruny did Mark finally end it. You know he could have and would have gone on even longer. Collapsing in the soapdish you lay panting, out of breath, out of life. THhis was even worse than the bike-trip, worse than being used as padding. But man… was it hot. You roll on your side as you see Mark lift Scott from the bath. "I'm not an old man Mark." Mark laughs, "Then why did you need me to get you out of the bath." Scott grunts a little. I pains you a little to see him like this. The strong confident Scott you knew. Mark helps him into his boxers and supports him out leaving you to rest for a few minutes. After a while Mark comes in again and sees you still looking rather exhausted. A small grin slides over his face but it also slides right off. "He's in bad shape." You nod as Mark lifts you, "But he won't admit it." Mark nods, "Not to me he won't." He glares at you for a second. "Think you can piss him off as easily as you can piss me off?" You chuckle. "It's a gift." He looks at you, "You're not mad at me, are you?" You grin, "Should I be?" He blushes slightly, "I still can't tell." He closes his fist around you and carries you into the bedroom. There he drops you on Scotts pecs that stick out from under the covers, leaves and closes the door.
"Well, well, you look ike hell." You open and you get a surprised grunt in return followed by, "How refreshingly blunt."
You grin, "Yeah, I never got the whole sugarcoating thing. Besides I've seen worse."
Scott grins back weakly, "It really sucks. I feel like I've been mangled and hung out to dry."
"Welcome to my world, now you know how I felt after my first night with you in that policecar."
Scott laughs, "Wow, now that's just mean, show a little support and sympathy."
You grin, "I'm all out of support after giving it all day in Jason's shorts and my sympathy got scrubbed out by Mark."
"So I get snipe and sarcasm, no fair."
"Yep, you get Jack."
Scott chuckles. "It's better than the badly hidden looks of concern and compassion, that's for sure."
You nod, "Yeah, I thought so too. Besides, you're gonna be the toughest of the three again soon enough. Let me enjoy being the bigger man for a while."
He grins, "I don't know Jason seems to get the hardcore play down pretty quick and Mark was just brutal in the shower."
You scoff, "They don't even compare to you even in your current state."
Scott smirks, "Oh, and why is that?"
You shrug, "They have to try to hard to be dominant. You got that and me under your belt from day one."
Scott smiles, "Just like you got that slight hint of rebelliousness in you."
You nod, "I own those two and they don't even know it. But you're still a challenge."
You lay down on your back in the slight crevice between Scotts pecs and he slides his hand over you like a blanket.
"I missed you." he murmurs.
"Yeah, I missed you too." you answer, "So tomorrow we will start getting you back in shape. I want you on the bike for an hour at a slow pace. And you're gonna start making your own meals and mine too."
Scott chuckles again, shaking his pecs in the proces. "You're a monster."
You chuckle too, "Nope, I just want my monster back on his feet and stop being so down on himself. It's very demeaning for us both."
"For us both?"
"Yeah, I can't belong to someone who will let a knife in the back succumb him. I need someone tough as nails, tough as me. And come on even that wimpy Mark has you beat right now. Who shouldn't be listening at the door by the way."
The door opens and Marks silhouet appears. "Wimpy?" he asks and walk over to the bed and lays down besides Scott. "How did you know?"
You grin, "I can hear and feel your footsteps from great distance. You stopped right outside the door."
Scott laughs again, "He's good. I didn't know."
Mark rolls on his side and places one of his hands on top of Scotts hand covering you. "Annoyingly so. And he even figured out how to get you to actually laugh again."
Scott grins. "We sure are lucky you found me Jack." And Mark grunts an affirmation.
"We found each other. We're family remember."
The three of you lay down in silence, after a while Mark moves to get up, but Scott grabs his arm. "Please… Stay. I could use someone who can actually hold me for a while. Mark lays down and slides a little closer. Scott grabs you and slides you under the covers as he rolls his back to Mark and slides you down the back of his shorts before sliding his rump against Marks bulge. Trapped between the two men you love you bask in their combined scent.
You feel really secure for some reason. Even though you're playing the jock-block, or in your case, Jack-block, you know that nothing will happen between these two friends. Scott just needs someone to hold him for a while. And you hate to think it, but of all the things you can do for him at your size, that's just not one of them. Maybe growing again will make it possible… Even if he is more than ten years your senior. Well, that probably won't happen very often, you're relation with Scott and Mark would probably have to end, it would be frowned upon and actually be quite illegal. Since the state declared you're not a citizen at this size there's no real penalty for the men. But if you were to grow. It would all be over. No more play, no more fun, no more Scott and Mark. You have to swallow a big lump in your throat. And turn on your side, which makes you roll from the cheek face first into the thin laye of cotton that seperates you from Mark. ALmost as if he feels you he leans in a little closer pressing you back into the crack. You realize this exact moment is crucial for you. You're not gonna loose either of these man, just because you want to grow again. The only option would be to wait till you turn 18 at the least, but preferably 21, with your current 17 that could take a while. Free from thoughts of growing you curl up and silently drift of to sleep with a smile on your face.
You wake up as Scott is already moving around and actually really wake when he pulls you from the back of his pants and places you on the table. You notice Jason is already present and shoot him a smile as Mark serves breakfast. No one really speas about anything important during breakfast, just some gossip about people you don't know and you focus on your crumbs and coffee. After everyone is done eating suddenly Jason looks at you and asks: "Mark said you swore him to go on the bike-tour with us?" You nod, "Yeah I did." He grins, "Guess I shouldn't hurry too much with a cure then?" You grin as you drop the bomb, "Not for another few years I think." This got the attention of the entire trio, coffeecups lifted half-way to the mouth and stuff like that. You take a sip from your own cup as Scott suddenly puts his cup down and looks at you. "What did you just say?" You take your time with drinking your coffee before putting your cup down. "I said: Not for another few years, with that I probably mean untill I'm 21 and being grown to full size doesn't automaticly mean I can't ever see you guys again." Three mouths drop as you continue: "That is unless you're already fed up with me?"
Scott grins, Mark smiles and Jason licks his lips. But for some reason none of them say a word. "I suppose that settles it then?" You say and race your little cup. "Some more coffee would be nice." Mark takes the cup and pours you another few drops. After downing the cup Jason gets up. "You almost make me feel bad for doing this." And he gently picks you up and carries you to the pther side of the room. Towards the bike, he places you down on the saddle and slides a thin band over your body and the saddle. He drops his pants revealing a pair of unpadded lycra short and sweeps his leg over and lands on top of you. You end up right under his ass and he starts pedalling, slow at first but speeding up, doing his push-ups and his rise-and-falls. Continuesly grinding you down deeper and getting you sweatier. After about an hour you guess he slows down and gets off, you hardly feel exhausted, but to your shock Mark is standing at the ready in tight briefs and hops on. His larger butt presses down heavy on you and you notice that without any padding his weight is far more terrifying. He goes to full speed immediatly and soon his sweat is added to that of Jason and you are now gasping for breath under this mans weight. Every second it becomes more clear that Jason is a lot easier to boke with. Finally Mark slows down and sits up straight letting out a long and fousmelling fart on you, keeping you trapped in his odour for a few minutes before getting up leaving you gasping for air. And staring up straight into Scott's ass coming down on you for his turn.
Scott sits up straight even adding more weight on you but his smell is less severe and his pace is more slow, due to his injury. He also can't go as long as the others, taking short breaks in between. After a while he gets off and you feel glad that it's done with. Untill….
Untill a grinning Jason pops into view and says, "Ready for round two?" Without waiting he gets on the seat, which means locking you in place under his still damp shorts and he starts pedalling again. It actually doesn't feel as bad as ou thought, are you getting used to this? slowly but surely the man speeds up and his damp shorts start to get moist and soon enough they're soaking again and so are you. You hear Mark and Scott laugh in the distance, "Okay," Scott admits, "I fully believe he's been with you for the whole weekend now." And you can't help but grin even as Jason speeds up even more. After a while you even drift of into a more zen state of mind until he slows down and finally gets off. He turns around and looks down on your body squashed deep into the gel of the saddle. "Looks like you broke a sweat, or is that all mine." He grins. "Mostly yours." You answer, " the rest is Marks and Scotts." He picks you from the saddle and caries you to the table were Mark and Scott already wait with some lunch. "I guess you deserved your food today." Mark grins.
Sitting down with a cup of coffee and a piece of bagel feels good. No one is really talking, after lunch everyone sits back with another cup of coffee. Finally Jason gets up, "Mind if I take a shower." Mark shakes his head, "We all need one." As Jason turns around and walks away to the bathroom you get up. "Hey." It was out before you knew it. Three people turn and look at you. "I need some training in multiple shower too, remember." Scott laughs as Mark and Jason look shocked. "Besides, Mark has no soap in his shower so you need something to scrub of all that sweat."
"Meh" Jason shrugs, "I guess the squirt's got a point." He walks back to the table and grabs you before walking into the bathroom and dropping you in the soapdish. Mark pops his head in as Jason is undressing and says, "just leave him in the shower for me after your done." And you hear him chuckle as he closes the door. In Mark's roomy shower Jason looks a little less intimidating as he steps in. "You don't fill up this shower as much as you do your own." You joke. Jason grins down at you. "Don't worry, big or small shower, there's a whole lot of me going on anywhere." He picks you up but you're confused as he hasn't turned on the shower yet. He does fumble a bit and turns on the built in tap that hans just below his waist. "Let's have a different kind of washing today, shall we, we might nog have proper showers in every hostel, so we might have to go about it a lillte more primal." He sticks his hand with you in it under the running water and as you are soaked he suddenly lifts you and drives you in his really damp armpit and starts scrubbing. You gasp for breath as neither sweat nor friction are dampened by running water. You feel his sweat enter your mouth and gag at the strong taste. After a few scrubs he pulls you out rinses you under the tap and puts you back in. This goes for a few times while he's humming to himself and you finally feel like he is etting a little cleaner, or are you just getting used to it.
After a few more rinses and scrubs he moves you over to the other pit, satisfied with the first apparantly. And again you mouth and nose are assaulted by the immense scent and taste of this man. "Boy, it's gonna take forever to get clean in this way." You hear Jason say as he rinses you again. But he keeps going. Finally the second pit seems done and you already feel like you've been ridden not just the 48 hours by Mark, but more like a whole years worth of it. And he's just done with the pits. Next he moves to wash his chest and his abs. Suddenly you hear a knock at the door. " Everything okay in there? You've been in there for over half an hour." It's Scott voice, but it sounds more amused than concerned. "Almost half-way done." Jason answers and you hear Scott laugh. " Okay, just checking, take your time." Jason looks down at you lying mushy in his hand. And gins before rinsing you off and starting on his legs. There's just no end to those legs. You get rinsed, scrubbed, rinsed and scrubbed. Finally he reaches his first foot and after taking care of it the second leg follows. " Just the privates and were done." Jason whispers somewhat encouraging. By now you feel completely steamrollered and you hardly register that your being scrubbed though his crack and onder his balls or along the shaft. And along the shaft. And along the shaft. Untill Jason softly moans and you feel yourself being covered by a different sticky white substance as he cumms al over you body before rinsing you off and cleaning his member with you a final time.
You have never been happier about being dropped back in the soapdish. As Jason turns on the mans showerhead to rinse himself one final minute without you before stepping out of the shower. As he towels of he comes to look at you and you look up at the most evil yet intoxicating grin ever. "Filled up the shower enough for you." You stubbornly raise your left hand and give him a thumbs up, followed by lifting your right hand to flip him off. Jason snickers. "Good to see you have some spirit left." He wraprs the towel around his waist and walks to the door. "Mark, Jack wants you to hurry up and get in the shower this instant. He's still got too much spirit."
You can't help but groan when almost instantly Mark walks in and starts undressing. As he steps into the shower he sees you manled body and softly laughs. "That Jase is a monster, isn't he?" You nod thinking Mark may show some mercy, but to no avail as he turns on the water and grabs you "Well, too bad for you he took so long, now we have to hurry and get me and Scott cleaned up at once before leaving. It's the last thing he says before he starts scrubbing you over his entire body in a haze. Pits, arms, chest, legs, they fly by. But Mark does take his time on his deep crack and even finds the time to Jerk off on you. Before getting out and calling Scott in.
As Scott comes in Mark waits for him to undress and helps him into the shower and starts scrubbing you all over Scotts body. But upon reaching the private areas he hands you over and steps back, closin the shower and leaving your sight as Scott slowly starts massaging you into his ass and finally reaching you around to his hard penis and using you to please himself, just like the others did. Scott takes his time edging himself more then once untill finally you can't take it anymore and scream at the top of your lungs. "Just cumm already, please" With Scott intensifies the motion and finally blows his load all over you and rinses you off before lifting you to his face. You see his grin. "So, did we finally break you in." You nod and cry out, "Please no more. I'm done." Scott grins and suddenly kisses you. "Good boy, you deserve a long rest." There is something in the way Scott says it that does send a shiver down your spine.
However as he gets out of the shower and you see Mark get up from the closed toilet to help Scott dry off and gently taking you from his hand you feel like nothing could be worse than what you just been though.
As you're finally dry you find catching your breath comes a little easier. You still feel exhausted however as Mark carries you to the kitchentable, where a grinning Jason looks up from the science journals and pours you a thimble of coffee. As you are lowered to the table you see Jason has scribbled several things on a notepad and corssed out quite a few things. You pick up your coffee and walk over to the pad and climb it. Reading it is kind of a walk for you and when Scott and Mark join the two of you at the table Jason softly nudges you aside to cross out another option you just read that said: 'Vitamin K-supplement'. You look up at him and ask: "How many more pages like this are there?" Jason responds while reading on, "Seven, And I worked through the other three already, it leaves several options." You walk to the edge of the pad and jump down. "So you're ruling out the experiments that could have been the basis of the shrinking formulae. "Affermative." You think for a second. "And then you have to check each probable basis for crosspolination with any of the other experiments, including the ones you crossed out? And even go as far as thinking about combining multiple experiments." Jason puts his pencil down and leans back, grabbing his hair. "Unfortunately you're thinking like a scientist there. I don't know if it's even possible." You nod, "Well especially if you think about adding all the variables." He looks at you questioningly and you add. "Well, it's a school-lab, so not really the most dangerous or sanitized environment. You probably have a list of all chemicals that were in storage, but for example, people eat in the lab. So even something as obscure as a piece of cheese might have fallen into one of the experiments and contaminated it." Jason's mouth drops open a bit, "Damn… you're right… I've been going at this as f it was a government lab with strict rules and regulations."
The both of you stare at each other for a minute till Mark suddenly chimes in. "So, for us non-science-geeks?" Jason looks over at Mark, "Well, the changes of finding the exact formulae are probably about a zillion to 1." You add, "And that's ballparking it." Jason nods, "There were sixty active experiments, now if one of the experiments did not go as planned there's a change of 1 in 60 we find the right one. If it was contaminated by another experiment it is a 60 x 60 or 1 in 3600 change, but if multiple experiments were mixed, let alone the other present chemicals or the external contamination." You chime in, "So, what we're saying is, our only hope is one of the basic experiments has went awry and by reproducing it, we find the formulae, but most were tried in the lab already by the science kids. If one of the remaining experiments does not lead to result we have to asssume it is a contaminated project and we probably will never discover the shrinking formulae, let alone a growthserum." Scott and Mark share a look. You let out a sigh, "So much for a well-deserved rest." Suddenly you feel jason's finger tapping you on the back. "Don't worry little one, we'll keep trying, allthough our best bet might be waiting for Washington to find the formulae." You shrug, "Actually I hope they never find out, they'd only turn it into a weapon." You see Mark nod his head.
Suddenly the doorbell rings and Scott gets up to open it, while Jason slides the pages of the research in a folder he hides in one of the drawers of the kitchentable, before picking you up and sliding you down the back of his pants without even blinking. Jeez, you think, another one that feels free enough to do this without thinking. You hear Scott come back and with him a familiar voice, you can't quite place, that greets Jason and Mark. "Hi Dirk." they answer, and you remember the scientist from the center.
"I haven't seen you in ages Jason," Dirk says, "how are you?" Jason gets up to presumably shake Dirk's hand, this in turn ends with you sliding deeper down his pants and as Jason sits down it's right on top of you, almost launching you into his ass. You hear the people talk a lot, exchanging old stories and new. Jason makes up some excuse of him helping out Scott and noone mentions the centre. Suddenly Dirk says something interesting, "By the way Scott, I heared they caught the guy that stabbed you in the back." Now this is news, apparently they found Matt. But there will be no detail as long as Jason is around. You decide to make him notice and kick him as hard as you can. If it's you or he got the same idea you don't know, but suddenly he gets up and says: "Sorry to cut the visit short Dirk, but I have some errands to run, before the stores close." And he starts walking off, "See ya." He says as he steps through the door and walks down the stairs.
Jason starts walking around for a while and you know he's probably just waiting for a call, you notice he does visit a few stores and picks up a few things. But mostly he's just wandering around. Stopping at a magazine stand. Having a cup of coffee while leaning heavily on some railing. Untill suddenly you hear his phone beep and a few seconds later Jason starts to walk more quickly and before you know it he is buzzed in and enters Mark's apartment again.
By now you know the lay-out and ready yourself as he sits down on the couch and puts his feet up tilting his ass a little. "Can you hear us?" jason asks and you give his ass a nice deep kiss, which makes him clench a little. But he says: "He's fine. So let's hear it?" You make out Scott's voice, "So, Dirk told us they found Matt, he was trying to get into his own house, so they let him and when he came out they took him in and found him carrying some notes. A few were pretty scary about some of the experiments he did with the two tinies in his care. But there were some notes on a possible formulae. You hear the rustling of some sheets and suddenly Jason rolls down over you. "This is some good stuff." He says, "But not what we need exactly. I think some of these are different enhancements to an already compressed body." Mark's voice is next, "That's right, but Dirk figures if Matt knows how to enhance a tiny person…." Jason slaps his thigh which makes your world tremble, "He might be the one responsible in the first place for shrinking them."
You hear Scott's affirming grunt, "That's what Dirk thought too, it makes sense, Matt finding out something like a shrinking formulae, but wanting to perfect it, before coming out with it." Suddenly Jason gets up and removes you from his ass before sitting down and laying you down on his hard stomach. "You hear that, we might be closer to the cure than we thought. For a few moments you let hope fill you, but than you shake your head. "He might know how to shrink people, but he can't grow them back." Mark leans forward, "How do you know?" You shrug, "Otherwise he would have used it on himself shrink and escape or grow and escape." You see Scott nod his head, "That would make sense." You look at him and ask, "So Matt is send to Washington too, right now?" Scott looks away and so does Mark. It's Jason that is the first to mutter a curse under his breath. And he says:
"Oh no, the idiots killed him." Mark and Scott both nod and look at you with a hint of pity in their eyes. Suddenly you start laughing, you really let it out, howling, tears streaming down your face, falling over on Jason's flat stomach, grasping you sides. You see Mark en Scott jump up, but Jason is there first to pick you up as you gasp for breaths. And still you can't stop laughing. untill suddenly you let out a deep sigh and relax. "Jack?" Scott asks. You wave him away, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, it's just the irony of it all." Jason places you on the coffee table and the three men take their seats as you shake your head a few times. "We had the answers right there, but now all we have left are enhancement formulae." Jason nods and say, "true, but they may lead to something." You shake your head, "Doubtfull, however…"You look at Scott, "Matt has to have created the formula somewhere, right?" Scott nods in understanding, "So that would mean there might be notes at the lab of the center." Now Mark chimes in, "Or maybe Matt had some other place to work. I mean, if they were at home he would have taken them, so…" Jason weighs in, "I can ask around at some of the rental labs, I've used a few of those myself once in a while. And some of the regulars have their own lockers there."
Suddenly the doorbell rings and Mark goes to answer, he buzzes the door open and returns a few minutes later with Lindsay. "Hi all, Hey Jack, you look bigger every day." Everyone greets Lindsay and were not surprised Lindsay came over to fill the guys and you in. She explained she was part of the team that caught Matt and they didn't leave them much choice in shooting him, he had acquired a gun himself and was aiming to kill. The guys fill Lindsay in on the current plans and of course she's in. So after a few hours of plotting the plans are hatched.
Lindsay and Mark will go to the center and find out anything they can. jason will be looking after a few of the public labs that have storage lockers. Scott will be doing a net search on materials that Matt may have orderer at home. So everyone has his job. And everyone gets up to start right away, there's still a few hours till dinner and the center will be open 24/7, everyone agreed the sooner the better.
"Erm." you're a bit hesistant to ask, "What can I do?" And four people stare down at you. Scott grins, "You'll have a very important job." And he turns away to get the laptop. Mark and Jason grin as they walk of and Lindsay raises an eyebrow at you. you just wink and she seems comforted by that and follows Mark out the door. Slowly Scott returns with the laptop and slowly lowers himself on the couch. He scoops you up and brings you to his face. "Your job is to keep me company and keep me relaxed." You sigh, "I was afraid of that." Scott softly kisses the top of your head, "Only one question, front or back"
"Well, I've seen enough dick for today, so if you don't mind." Scott grins. "Not at all." Before he lowers you he looks around, "You hear that?" You look up questioningly, "for the first time in days, it's just you and me, Jack." You relax and look around. "Well it's about damn time, now you should hurry up and heal already so we can be alone at your place soon." Scott laughs, "Are the boys bothering you that much." He puts the laptop aside for a second and stretches out on the couch placing you on his chest. You allo yourself to roll on your back and look up at the bottom of scott's chin. You feel muscles relaxing you didn't even know you had. Almost audiblylike strings snapping on a guitar. "Nah, they're not bad people, but sometimes it can be a bit much. Scott chuckles, his chest shaking under you. "Yeah, I know, Mark is acting like my mother. And I never thought Jason would grasp the fact of playing with you so easily. He's probably working through some issues he had with Madeline." Scott stops, " Madeline, his ex?" You ask. You see his chin move up and down as he nods. "Now that was a bitch. She was possessive and controlling. Jason wasn't even allowed to han out with us anymore, she didn't want him to hang out with a couple of queers." You grin, "So you thought a little jack-therapy would help him find out he was a lot stronger than he thought?" Scott nods again, "If I wasn't stabbed in the back we would have eased him in a little more, but you know we didn't have much of a choice. I just hope you don't hate him." Scott suddenly moves his hand over your body letting the weight settle and press you down a little. You slowly stroke one of his fingers. "Nah, I like him well enough, but he's a bit scary." Scott chuckles. "In what way?" You chuckle too. "He's very creative in his abuse. And I don't know how to talk down to him yet." This makes Scott laugh out loud, which turns into a cough and a crinch in pain. "Oh, laughing bad. He has a nice body though." You nod even though Scott can't see it. "Sure, but it's way too big too my taste." Scott lifts you up and sits up a little more beofre placing you on his stomach and looking down on you. "What do you mean?" You wink at him, "Too much to clean." Scott grins again. "Ah, got it. Still, you should count yourself lucky, you're probably the first guy ever to get so close to his ass." You grin back. "It's one of his more pleasant features for sure." Scott seems on the brink of sayin something, but he needs a little more time. You wait patiently till he's ready to continue. "He told me about some of the things he did to you when I was in the hospital. And also what you guys talked about." You wait again, "Why do you think Mark and I would get sick of you?" You shrug. "I don't know, I just think that time changes a lot of things and seeing as both you and Mark might one day end up with someone else. Maybe I would get sick of you or them and splitting myself five-ways, that's really just too much. Three is enough." Scott smiles, "Well you made quite an impression on Jason, he told me he promised you a permanent home in his padded pants if it ever came to that." You chuckle. "Yeah I owe him a few hours of padding time already. Which I won't be able to repay." Scotts face breaks open in a grin. "Oh no, he didn't." Scott nods. "Yep he told me that if you grow back you promised to let him strap your fullgrown face to the saddle of his bike for a while. I told him I'll make you keep that promise, but only when your fullgrown face isn't busy cleaning my ass." You scoff, "I never agreed to that with you." Scott just grins, "Okay, I'd probably still lick your ass every once in a while." Scott keeps grinning, "But not all the time. Maybe just… a few hours a week… or a day. If you'd let me" Scott nods, "I'd let you, and in case you're wondering, I have succesfully tied a fullgrown mans face into my ass for an entire night a few times. So I expect you to spent a few night a month… a week… maybe every night like that. Making you feel like you're this big again." He winks and you can't help but blush, "Not every night." Scott raises an eyebrow. "Mark has some right to get his ass tended too every once in a while." Scott laughs softly. "Okay, I'll tie you into Marks ass too. But first… we need to find a way to make you big again. And to do that, I need to get to work and you need to get behind me." With those words he picks you up and sits up straight. He shoves you into the back of his shorts and pushes you against his warm pucker which you kiss a few times as he removes his hand. Next you know he rolls back on his ass putting more weight on you and you hear a muffled typing and clicking.
The rythmic typing slowly lulls you into a relaxing state, where you just relax, occasionaly kissing Scott's ass. While just letting yourself be envelloped by his warmth and scent. The hard work of the day almost forgotten. All the while Scott is doing his best to set up a few searches and database inquiries. And after all that, he just let's the laptop do the thinking and leans back. After a while the doorbell rings. You are shaken awake as Scott gets up. As you expect it is Jason who has returned, because Mark would probably have the key to his own apartment.
As Scott lets Jason in, he walks over to the kitchen and pulls you out. The smell of fresh food fills your nose as you see the tall man unpacking several containers. "I thought I asked you to bring pizza." Scott says looking at the bags. You see the label and make a face yourself. 'Vegantastic-take-out'. Jason laughs at Scott, "You need to eat something healthy for a change if you want to recover, so you're getting steamed veggies." Scott gets some plates and Jason start scooping green stuff and white bean-like substances on one of them and hands it to Scott. He scoops another portion for himself and fills a small plate with pieces for you. "Ugh." You can't help but say. Jason grins, "You should be happy I'm a vegetarian, at least you know I won't eat you." You scoff, "Vegetarian and Vegan are two completely different sets of food." Jason takes a mouthfull and chews blissfully before saying, "True, but this place even has it in its name, Vegantastic." You look around and see Scott poking at his food and chewing away a few mouthfulls of beans. He doesn't seem very pleased. Still you are hungry so you break of a piece of something green and start chewing. It's not bad, but not really good either, just a bit bland.
After a few bites Jason tells Scott and you he hasn't found any clues to Matt yet, but he has a few more labs to check in the morning. All of them are closed by now. When Jason is finished eating and you and Scott are somewhat satisfied Jason starts cleaning up as Scott's phone rings.
"Sure I'm up for that, will be good to get out for a while."
"Nah, Jase is here, he can help me get ready and take care of the rest."
"Sure, pick me up in fifteen."
Scott hangs up and looks at the both of you, " You guys got that." Both of you nod. "Anything special yet?" Jason asks, but Scott shakes his head, " Dunno." Jase helps Scott up and leads him towards the bedroom, after 10 minutes a fully dressed Scott emerges and Jason helps him to the door. "See you guys later tonight, or maybe in the morning.
As the door closes behind him Jason walks over to the table and….
You fully expect Jason to reach for you, but instead he just slouches down in a chair and leans forward, his elbows on the table and his head resting on his folded hands while looking at you. "Sorry for the lack of results so far." You shrug and sit back against one of the containers with food. "It's not as if I expected any immediate results you know. Besides I remembered Mark a bike-trip in France remember." Jason tilts his head a little with a smirk. "You'd really go through with that wouldn't you?" You nod, and he continues, "You know, I admire your devotion to those guys." You blush slightly, but he doens't seem to notice. "I'd never be able to sacrifice myself like that for someone else." Now it's your turn to tilt your head. "Didn't you already do that?" you ask a bit hesistantly. But Jason doesn't seem to take offence but actually gives you a smile. "You're annoyingly perceptive, aren't you?" You grin back. "Don't tell me the guys didn't warn you about it." Jason leans even further forward placing his hands flat on the table and his chin on them, pretty close to you. "Yeah, they warned me about jackiny cricket, the conscience that lives in your pants. But still, hearing you actually put a finger on the sore spot is something else." He closes his eyes for a second. "My ex was a bit of a controlfreak. But I never realized how much untill after we broke up. I never realized how much I missed Mark and Scott, they were fun to hang out with even before you were involved." He pauses a second, "Of course I could only hang out with one of them at the time. They didn't play well together." you nod as he opens his eyes and answer, "They are friends now." Jason grins again, "All because of you, you know that right." You blush again and this time he does notice, "Don't be shy, be proud. You did something a friend should have done long ago… maybe even a friend like me." You nod, "Yeah you probably should have." This makes Jason laugh, "Ouch. you're ruthless you know" You laugh with him.
As Jason calms down he keeps looking at you and you feel a bit unnerved. "Scott told me you're still a bit scared of me." You shrug, "You guys are worse than high-school girls with the gossip." Jason grins, "Don't change the subject. I Actually thought you were pretty… comfortable around me." He grins, "I sure was comfortable with you. But maybe I was a bit too rough on you?" With that he silences and apparantly waits for you. So you take a deep breath. "It's got nothing to do with being to rough, it's just… Well… You knew about me, before I knew about you. And you took it all in stride as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I mean, you put me under your ass before we were even properly introduced and suddenly I'm spending three days with you as your personal padding and you seem to take it all for granted. It's a bit shocking to say the least." Jason smiles softly, "Right, so it's the fact I didn't question any of the rules but just enjoyed shoving you down my pants." You nod, "And the glueing, and the sewing me in your shorts." Jason grins, "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it." You grin back, "Honestly, I did, but you do realize I'd given Scott and Mark hell for doing things like that." Jason laughs out loud again, "And you didn't know how to give me hell about it?" You nod and say, "Well, you were just surprising me at every corner and you were kinda my only option at the time, so it did feel a bit more forced than with Scott and Mark." you pause a few seconds, "Or how it is with Mark and Scott now. It felt like meeting Scott for the first time all over again." Jason grins, "A compliment, I'm as much a badass as Scott?" You stick out your tongue, "Hardly, but still… it was very unsettling. And hearing I'm supposed to go on a trip with you too and already it was decided you get in on playtime. And then you offer me a permanent place as your padding." Jason nods, "A bit too much, too soon." You nod and release a long sigh of relaxation now the word is out.
You see Jason closing his eyes and thinking for a minute. "I guess I'm sorry you felt cornered by me like that. I didn't mean to, I just enjoyed myself a bit too much, being in control of someone for a change. And well, you really do make an almost perfect padding. I'll be honest. If I did find you first and had thought about asking you to be my padding without the guys help, I probably wouldn't have wanted to share you with them. I'm just not really good at reading people and when you told me you were scared of ending up alone I did make you the offer." You chime in, with a wink "which I do appreciate and still consider a valid back-up plan." Jason smiles, "glad to hear it. But you know, you can talk to me about these fears and doubts. But I do need you to spell them out a little." you nod, "I'll work on that." he nods back, "And I'll work on being a bit less forward and demanding. deal?" he raises a finger in your direction and you put your hand against it. "Deal."
As he pulls his hand back he keeps looking at you with a more serious look. "And even though I enjoy you at this size, I'm still gonna try my best to help you get back to your original size." You smile, "I appreciate that too." He gives you a wink, "But I do expect you to fullfill that promise of letting me strap your fullsized head to my saddle at least once." You throw your hands up in a mocking gesture, "I never should have brought that one up." Jason grins, "Of course you should have, all the more incentive for me to grow you back and try it out."
He gets up from his chair and reaches to grab you. Now…
"Now, I wanna call it an early night. Tomorrow is a working day for me and I've got some labs to visit afterwards. So I guess you know what's coming." He walks over to the fold-out couch and slides you down the front of his pants next to his warm member, before pulling it out and lying down on his back. Suddenly you feel hon of his hands cupping you and himself and slowly kneading the front of his pants a bit. Squishing you into his flesh. After a while the movement stops and you hear his breathing become easier and you slowly drift off too.
You wake-up as you hear a phone ring. Jason rolls over on his stomach on top of you and you hear him answer."Yeah?"
"Oh hey, you're still at the center?"
"You found some notes? Wow, that's great news."
"Still only seems part of it?"
"Yeah, I'll check a few more labs today after work."
"So, you're gonna be home soon?"
"Check-up at the hospital?"
"Nah, go ahead, we'll be fine."
You feel Jason getting up and moving around. Suddenly his hand comes down his pants and squeezes you against his penis before he whips it out and you feel and hear him empting his blatter, before pushing you back in. Suddenly he bends over and as he straightens up it gets dark as he puts on his pants.
You feel him walking out and closing the door, down the steps and suddenly you are outside. After a few steps Jason suddenly speeds up and you feel him going into a jog, then a run and you get jumbled around and smacked in the face by his flacid dick. All the while he gets sweatier and sweatiers and this only lubricates everything and makes it feel more lose and leads to more jostling andface-smacking.
Finally he slows down after what seems forever. You hear him fumble with some keys and open a door. He ran all the way home. Suddenly…
"Where have you been, I've been waiting here all night." A snippy female voice fills the room and brings Jason to a grinding halt slamming his dick right into you. "What are you doing here?" Jason finally says. And he starts walking again. The unfamiliar woman follows him into the room as far as you can make out from the clicking of high heels. Suddenly Jason sits down and this shakes you loose as you slip partly under his sack. "I'm here to get back together of course." The woman answers. All stays silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. But you feel Jason's body tremble slightly. Suddenly he takes a deep breath and says just one word: "No." The silence lingers even longer this time, before the woman finds her voice: "What do you mean 'no', I wanna get back together with you." Again Jason trembles trying to keep his cool. "No Chrystal, now go away and leave your key." The woman utters a few surprised gasps and sounds before you hear her fumblin with some keys and walking away. From a distance she yells. "You'll regret this, Jason, mark my words." You hear a door slam.
Suddenly Jason leans forward his balls steamrolling over you and you can make out a soft sobbing. After a while he shifts and lies back on the couch and you feel him reaching in for you. As you are plucked out he places you on his chest and folds his arms behind his head. You can barely make out his face, but you do see his cheeks are pretty red. "I wasn't ready for that one." He says. You fold your legs and sit down. "Really, I think you handled that quite well." You answer. He scoffs shaking your world for a second and knocking you on your back. "I almost said okay." You think for a second, "Why didn't you?" He brings his chin to his chest to look down at you. "Well, because of Mark and Scott… and you." You decide to remain silent and wait for him to continue, "You guys showed me there's actually a life for me to live and d what I want. And I lost Mark and Scott once befor, I don't wanna loose them again. Besides I made you a promise that I couldn't keep if I got back toether with Chrystal." You shrug, "If that's all, I would gladly let ou take the promise back." Jasons face crinckles up, "You really would, wouldn't you. For such a small boy you've got some heart….. And I don't just mean small in size, but also age-wise." He adds. Suddenly he grins, "But I still have another reason to hold off till you get big. I still wanna try your full-grown face as a replacement for my saddle." You throw up your arms, "Is that all you can think off?" He softly shakes his head. "Nope, but it's just too good to pass up to quickly." You shrug, "I can't wait to get that over with, it'll be your last ride on me." Jason grins, "Unless we both enjoy it of course." You flip him off, "Sounds a bit far-fetched to me." He grins back, "Well, maybe if I like it I could pay you to do it again." You grin back, "you couldn't afford me." He grins wider, "we'll see when we get to that, but for now…."
"Unfortunately, with my unexpected visitor, I don't have time to freshen up before work. Guess you got to take me dirty." You grin, "saves me of cleaning that body of you twice." Jase picks you up and drops you on the table before walking of. As he returns he's wearing a tight pair of shorts and has some loose shorts in his hands. "Hm, no time for intricate plans today." You mock. Jason grins "It's a classis for a reason." As he picks you up he pauses before stuffing you in. You wait patiently. Suddeenly he lift you to his face and inspects your face sticking out of his fist. "Wondering something?" You ask. He nods. "Wat is it?" You ask somewhat worried. "Nothing much, just… Scott told me something strange, but strangely arousing." You sigh loudly, "I'm not gonna like it am I?" Jason grins, "I'm not sure. It was about how he knew a way of tying a fullsized face into someone's ass." You smirk, "And now even a straight guy like you wonders how that would feel." Jason nods, "Well, once again, even though I'm straight if I had someone tied into my backside I couldn't tell a man from a woman." You shake your head, "You wouldn't like it." Jason chuckles, "Won't know till I've tried." You shake again, "So you wanna ask me something?" He nods, "Would you let Scott really tie you to his ass?" You nod, "Probably yes." He nods back, "And Mark?" You nod and he hesitates, "And would you mind… letting me try." You pause for effect. "Jason, if you find a wayto grow me back, I would not only worship the ground you walk on, the seat you sit on, but I would kiss your ass as much as often and as deep as you want me… and Scott allows me." Jason smiles, "Carefull what you offer little Jack." You shake your head. "I know exactly what I'm offering, but also what I might get out it." Jason raises his eyebrows and you continue, "You are a very sexy man, you care about other people and I'm glad to call you my friend. I know you would even be a friend if I didn't want to see, feel or smell your ass ever again. But I don't mind doing it and I know how happy it makes you. I now I wouldn't have to do it and that's more aimportant to me than the fact you guys can't imagine I don't oppose it. If I never shrunk down, I wolud probably never have licked anyone's ass, but I'm enjoying it most of the times at this size, so I can only think I would enjoy it justas much, if not more at my regular size, having the power to put up a little fight if I didn't want too. As long as you guys keep me fed and I don't have to work everyday besides being a butt-buddy all the time, I'd happily trade my possible future for the safety of something I know. And if those things include three perfectly sculpted asses. Well, that's one hell of a bonus."
Jason listens and grins before nodding. Not wanting to say anything, or maybe not knowing he lowers you down and shoves you down his pants, before pulling the loose short on over them and walking out the door. Off to a long day of work.
Maybe it’s just your imagination, but today Jason feels really motivated to push his classe to the limit of his and your abilities. Rising falling, speeding up and push-ups, over and over again. Yet his warmth and his smell have become so familiair that you really enjoy yourself, tasting his sour sweat, being smashed into his skin over and over again. You can’t help but kiss his taint a few times.
He keeps you in as he goes about his day and when he finally gets out of the gym, you expect him to go straigth home. But for some reason he doesn’t.
He ets on his bike, drives a while, gets off, goes into someplace you have no clue what it is, murmers something to someone, which you can’t make out and leaves again. This happens a few more times. But at the fifth place you suddenly hear him laugh and this time when he leaves, there’s a bounce in his step and he races even quicker. After a while he gets of and starts running up some stairs.
“Hey Jase,” you hear the familiair voice of Mark. “I found something.” Jason almost yells out and he moves into the appartment. You hear the rustle of the three fullsized males and suddenly Jasons hand enters your prison and scrapes you from his skin and pulls you out.
You see a few binders on the table and Jason dumps you next to them and starts flipping through them.
“These were kept in a locker at one of the labs in Matt’s name.” Jason blurts out. “At first glance it contains all his notes on the shrinkies he had in his house. And here in the back are some notes on experiments he conducted on them. These are fascinating…” This revelation makes you gasp, even though it was a soft sound, Jason picks up on it immediatly and can’t hide his blush. He shoves the notes aside and picks you up, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean it like that, what he did was horrible. And I swear I’m not gonna experiment like that on you. It’s just the science geek in me, that took over for a second.” You nod. And he sets you back down on the table, with a look of shame.
Mark and Scott each pick up a binder and start flipping through them and Scott looks up at Jason, “Dude, you really reek. Why don’t you take a shower while we glance over these and order a pizza.” Jason shrugs and turns to walk to the bathroom. “Hey.” You yell, “Don’t forget about me.” Jason turns with a puzzled look. “You wanna come?” He asks. “You nod and jump of the table, so he has to dive in to catch you. “I owe you a shower from this morning, remember?” Jason grins and closes his hand around you. As he walks into the bathroom he places you on the soapdish as he undresses. As he steps into the shower he looks down at you, “You still trust me?” You look up at him, past his penis, his abs and his pecs. “Yep, but you owe me a favour.” He grins, “Do you have anything special in mind?” You swallow deep and nod. “I’ve done this with both Scott and Mark, but want to feel if it’s different with you.” He glances down questioningly. And you continue “Before you take a shower I want you to jerk-off on me, cover me in your cum and than push me feet first into your hole and keep me there while you shower.” Jason’s mouth drops open from surprise. “I never had anything up my ass.” He suddenly says, but before you can answer he continues. “So it’s probably a tighter fit than either of those other guys. You might regret it.” Before you can answer he grabs you and lifts you to his face. Lying there in the palm of his hand he looks at you and grins again. “Last chance to back out of being backsided.” You shake your head and that second he spits on you and lowers you quickly to is already hardening member and squeezes you lubed up by spit against the warm, pulsating flesh.
The spit works as a lubricant which increases Jasons stamina a lot. He keeps rubbing and pumping for what seems forever, until finally you feel him twitch wildy and are placed right in front of his cockhead as a stream of whit cum washes over you, into your nose, mouth and everything. It just keeps coming. Finally it ends and Jasons second hand wipes away most of it while you rub your face clean. But there’s enough of the sticky juice on you to make you slick. Without a second thought Jason rounds his body with his hands and bends over. Slowly lowering you to his indexfinger. With his free hand he spreads his cheeks, and only now you notice his pucker seems indeed a lot tighter that marks or Scott’s. A hint of a second thought creeps up on you.
No, you decide to swallow your fear as the tip of his finger has to work hard to open his hole. But finally it slightly opens and he uses the trick of momentum to slide your lower legs in. Almost immediatly the hole closes around you and you feel it sqeeuzin on your legs. But ruthlessly Jason pinches you between two fingers and forces you deeper and deeper. It feels to you as being pressed through solid rock but eventually you are in up to your neck.
His fingers feel around a little and when they are stisfied with just your head sticking out they retreat. The next thing you weren’t expecting, as he straightens up his sphincter really closes of and you realise there is no way for you to escape this tight hole as long as Jason decides to keep you in. There is no wiggle room, barely breathing room and where with Mark and Scott you always had the idea you could escape… this feels like a permanent deathtrap.
Suddenly you hear the water turn on and Jason hums as he starts to shower. Every step and turn you feel, every movement of his ass sends a jolt through your body. As he washes himself his cheeks alternate between closing and opening, taking away your light or showing it. After a while his fingers start to wash his crack and he brushes your head while doing so and he says. “I never thought it would feel so good to shove something in here.” And he presses down on your head to slided you just a little deeper, so your mouth is nog covered by the flesh of his anus.
After what seems forever he turns of the water and starts to dry himself of. Making sure to bend, twist and turn as much as possible. “Just scream if you’re ready to get out.” You hear him say, but you can’t scream as you mouth is closed shut by his hole.
You hear Jason chukckle, “Even if you screamed I wouldn’t hear you from all the way down there.” He bends over and his finger start to slowly dig you out. You feel his sphincter relax slightly and suddenly you pop-out with a fart, right in Jason’s hand. He lifts you to his face and is smiling widely. “I guess you know you’re gonna go back sometime soon.” And he winks. You smile as best as you can, “Hopefully not during your training. I don’t think my body could take that grinding.” He nods, “According to my calculations it can, so we’ll try it some day.” There goes your last hope as he gets out of the shower and dresses his lower body, dropping you in the front of his pants before walking out the bathroom.
As he walks over to the table you hear him call for Scott and Mark. No asnwer, “ Oh here’s a note, Scott had to go to the hospital for his check-up.” You feel him sitting down. “Guess I have some reading to do.” You just lay back and hear him flipin through pages and drift of to sleep.
Suddenly you are awoken as he jumps up with a jolt and a scream.
There are more pleasant ways to be awoken than by someone jumping up while you're stuck in his underwear. The fabric pulling taught crushing you between dick and balls, while the air is pressed from your lungs. Nope, you think, Jack is not amused. This is probably why it takes you a while to realise there was also a sort of scream of either surprise or joy. As you wonder what's going on, Jason suddenly starts walking, stops, turns and starts walking again. It's quite clear he's pacing. completely unaware that your position is kinda worsened by his moving member, which rolls up towards your head. And suddely you hear him mutter something, although you can only hear something that sounds like 'ouickastard', you have no trouble deciphering it into a 'you sick bastard'. And you figure it's not really good news.
You're getting a little impatient as he keeps pacing and muttering. Finally after what seems forever he takes his seat again and soon you see a sliver of light growing as his hand enters his pants and fingers around before plucking you out. As he lowers you towards the table you see a strange frown on his face. you see several of the notebooks laying open. And now Jason leans back in his chair and folds his hands behind his head…"So…"
This one word fills you slightly with despair. "nothing?" you ask. "Well, not nothing. It's just something… different." You walk towards the edge of the table and sit down, letting your legs dangle over the edge. You realise this position would have been more dangerous at your full size, than right now. "So what did you find?"
Jason sighs, "Experiments". You think on that for a while… "Acid resistance?" He nods, "amongst other things." Both of you sit in silence for a while. Finally you ask: "anything interesting?" Jason shrugs. "Depends on what you think is interesting. Increased acid resistance, increased weight, stickyness, pliability."
You feel a bit troubled and find the new information a bit hard to digest. So you remain quiet. Thankfully so does Jason. Suddenly though he picks you up and brings you closer to his face. “He was a sick bastard, don’t worry about it, we’re actually trying to help you.” All you can do is nod. “Unfortunately, none of his research was spend on reinstating you to your normal size. And most of his research didn’t really pay off, of all his experiments only two showed promise. Apparently his research on acid resistance was one of two.” You nod again and answer, “which explains why the girl was found with acid in her lungs, but no real marks on her.” Jason’s turn to nod. “What was the second one?” You ask as you look up.
Jason shrugs slightly, “Apparently he made some progress with temperarily increasing the pliability of one of the girls. Which kinda makes sense, with the increased molecular density it would be easy to explain the shape to be more easily adjustable to certain changes.” You see Jason look down on you as you ask, “could that be a starting point for an examination in returning to normal.” Jason seems to think it over before shrugging again. “It might, but what worries me is the temporal issue, it only lasts for a few hours. Still the procedure is deceptively easy., so that actually may work in your favour.”
You think on that for a moment, “If the procedure to change me is relatively easy, that means the cure might be easy too?” Jason nods, you continue, “Which makes sense, seeing as of course the whole shrinking thing was an accident cooked up in a highschool lab. So maybe all this time the scientists and students have been overthinking the problem.” Jason grins and says, “You may not like this, but that was alost exactly how Matt described it in his journal. Of course the real shame is, he might have been able to crack it, if he wanted to. We start at ground zero. Well, maybe not zero as we have his train of thought to continue.” WIth that Jason clamps his mouth closed, but you realise he wasn’t really done yet.
You take a few deep breaths, “So now you want to try out either one of the working concoctions, to see if this gives you an idea.” Jason nods slowly. “I think it’s the best way to continue, I can actually fabricate it at my own place probably, Just like Matt did. But it means I’ll have to ask you to stay over for a day or two. And of course it’s your pick.” You think on it for a minute and answer…
“Well, if you think it helps. I guess we can try making the pliable-potion. I’d rather not experiment with the acid one, if you mess up and we test it, that could lead to some nasty results.” Jason puts you back on the table and starts to gather the notes. “Well, remember it’s says only slightly pliable, so I have no clue how far it will go, but he had some notes on making it a little stronger, so we’ll have to see.”
Jason scribbles a quick note to let Mark and Scott know he found something and he’s taking you with him.promising to call them later. “Jase, don’t tell them about it please, let’s just figure out if it works first and depending on how it ends up I might not want them to know.” Jase grins. I understand it’ll be our little secret for now.” You exhale in relief. Jason might be a little cruel, but Mark and Scott might take it a bit too far. As Jason finishes packing he looks down and asks casually, “Would you mind riding in the back for a while?” You shake your head and are lifted and slipped down the carck of the giant. Only remembering too late he came here by bike.
One gruesome bike-ride later as his ass has grinded you quite severely he ends up at home and immediatly starts concocting, it almost sound like regular cooking. Fortunately for you he does almost al the work standing up. After a while the clinking and other noises stop and you feel Jason moving towards the couch. Without any concern for your safety he drops down and his full weight hits you like a bomb. You can hear him dial a phone.
“Hey Scott, everything okay?”
“Yeah he’s kissing my ass as we speak.”
With this he clenches his cheeks and you get the hint and crawl towards his hole to start kissing it all-over.
“We’ve one over the notes and found something we wanted to try out.”
“It might, but probably not, but it’ll give us some idea on how to proceed.”
“Yeah, just a day or two, then we know enough.”
“Sure I’m working tomorrow anyway, so a quick game of racquetball with Mark might be fun. Guess you’d better take it slow.”
You groan at the word racquetball.
“Don’t worry I won’t let him sleep outside, he’s gonna be nice and comfy.”
“Sure, I’ll tell him and warn him about your lonely tushy.”
As he hangs up the phone he leans to the right and fishes you out. “It needs about an hour to simmer, that it’s ready.” Jason pauses, “I wonder how pliable it will make you. ‘Cause having you to soft might not be as much fun to ride on, tomorrow, or to shower with.” He gives you a wink, which kinda relaxes you, he just told you he wouldn’t enjoy you in a putty like state. “But if it works it might be a lot easier on you, and it will certainly make it easier to smuggle you to France.” You make a stern face, Is that all you think about, biking around with me in your pants? Or using me as a washcloth?” Jason grins, “Sorry, yeah, pretty much.” He pauzes for effect, “And the fact your full grown face is gonna be my replacement saddle when I worn out my current one.” You groan, “I said maybe.” He sticks out his tongue, “You will beg me to ride you, to stink up your face and to go all out, sucking up my sweat and demand I tie you down permanently.” You grin and answer, “you couldn’t keep up with me at full-size. Your ass isn’t made to sit on a regular sized face, you’d only slip off.” Jason grins back, “That would be a shame, but you would find a way to fix that.” You start chuckling, as you realise this conversation spins out of control and a small twitch in Jason pants tells you this might not end pretty. “Sure,” you say anyway. “ just tie me to your ass instead of the saddle, that might keep me close-up and personal, my mouth under your hole, my nose scratching your balls and as you peddle you can catch a glimp of my eyes looking up at your stomach from between your thighs.” Now Jason’s pants are turning into a major tent. “But then I couldn’t do any lifts or stands, that would make the training far too easy, just some cycling and some push-ups. I could keep going for hours.” You shrug “Hey, you gotta make the one time you might get the chance to ride a real face count anyway.”
Now you see Jason lowering his free hand down his pants as he leans back, closing his eyes. “You couldn’t escape it I actually tied you onto the bike. You’d be forced to wait for me to return for another ride” You realise he’s just gonna service himself and wants you to talk him through it, saves you the taste of dick and semen. “True, but if you place it here in front of the tv, you could actually ride my face every free moment. A massive sprint to work up a good sweat and a slow pace for cardio and pure enjoyment. Everyday your thighs will get bigger and your ass tighter, and you’ll lose even more weight so my job gets easier everyday.” Jason only groans now as his hand speeds up down his pants. “Unless you also use the bike to sit on and lift some weights to build upperbody strength. Weighing down on me more and more.” Another groan. “I’d dare you to get bigger and bigger, till one day you get so back the frame snaps and I’m free. But my plan might backfire as you are then strong enough to hold me down under your ass permantly, almost as big compared to my regular size as you are too me now.”
That does is. A load moan and suddenly a darker, moist spot forms in Jasons pants. He pulls back his hand and his pants snap shut. He keeps his eyes closed for a few seconds and…
Jason opens his eyes and looks down at you. “Look at the mess you made.” Before you can answer he closes his hand and gets up. When he opens his hand again after moving a bit you are dropped of in apretty familiar soapdish by now. You groan as you notice Jason stripping. ”Now, now,” he says with a hint of pleasure in his voice, “Good boys learn to clean up their mess.” As he steps in you can see his groin glistening with cum and almost immediatly after turning on the water he grabs you and scrubs you through the sticky mess, which fortunately washes away pretty quick with the water.
“You know what we forgot this morning?” WIthout answering he lowers you down while lifting his foot and starts to scrub his soles roughly with you in his hand. Of course he has two feet and the second one gets a good scrub too. Before you are lifted back up again, towards his face. “You know, I was wondering something?” You look at Jasons face. as he continues “You don’t seem to mind being under people that know you’re there, right?” You nod. “Have you never wondered how it would be if someone didn’t know you were under his ass?” You shrug, “The first time we met, I didn’t knew, you knew I was under you.” He nods, “How was that?” You shrug again, “Terrifying.” Jason laughs as he turns of the water and walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, still stark naked and dripping. He stirs a little in a glass container over a soft burner and uses a pipette to suck up a bit of the mixture. Coolin it under running water he places a few drops in a thimble and hands it to you. “Bottoms up, Jack”. And without second thought you quaff the stuff, the taste isn’t all that bad, Jason leens in and looks closely, “Nothing seems to change, which might be a good sign.” Slowly he picks you up and lies you down on the table.
“Don’t look down, but tell me when it hurts.” You do as you are told and wait, you feel his finger touching your leg. “Anything?” Jason asks. “Nope” you answer. “Well, he answers, look down now.”
You expected nothing to see, But as you look down, you see Jsons grin first and then you see his finger pressing down on the table. It takes a few seconds to realise your leg is pressed flat between the wood and his flesh. You can’t help but utter a shriek, Jason misunderstands this for pain and pulls back his finger. Almost at once your leg bounces bag in its original state. “Did I hurt you?” Jason asks worriedly. You shake your head and answer, “No, it was just the shock.” Jason looks relieved. “Thank the heavens.” Both of you just stare at your leg as you move it around. “It seems fine now,” you answer. Jason nods, “Also I had to use a lot of force to pres it down, so you’re not really as pliable as silly putty. Suddenly you feel a bit of excitement as you stand up and walk around to test your leg. And you walk over towrds the edge of the table. There you lay down again and look up at Jason. He looks at you quizically. “Doofus,”. You grin, “Turn around and sit down already. Flatten me under your cheek.”
Jason grins, “Are you sure about this?” But before you can answer he turns around and lowers his rump right on top of you, slowly you see his ass making contact with your legsand before you know it it slowly rolls over your chest and face, covering you completely. You don’t feel anything different from normal, but when Jason gets up after a few minutes and turns you can see in his eyes you’re at least.a little flattened. You look down your body and notice it is’t completely flat though, and it begins to reform at the same time. You do find out your face needs to reform too as you can only utter something gurgling instead of real words. Jason has no trouble finding the words though, “That felt funny… in a good way. Now I can’t wait to shove you down my cycling shorts and test you as my new padding.” After a few more moments you finally mutter, to your own surprise, “Me neither.”
You haven’t finished your sentence or even reforming as Jason lmost runs off, only returning a minute later wearing a bibshort, with the upper part hanging loose, clearly without padding, you didn’t knew you could buy them like that. Without any formal invitation he grabs you and lowers you down past his large member right down under his taint, your face at the start of his crack, your legs under his balls. He pulls his hand back and you feel him pulling up the shorts to their proper position. Suddenly you fel him pressing down on you on the outside of the shorts, kneeding you in place, you try to wiggle your arms, but feel you can only move your neck a little and your head is still fully formed, probably because the skull can take a little more. You find you have no trouble speaking yet and shout “JASE”. Immediatly is hand retreats. “Did I hurt you?” You answer shouting again, “No it’s fine, just a request.” He answers back,” What?” You take a big gulp and scream. “Reach in the back and push my head up and force it agains that pretty hole of yours, I really want to experience it’s taste during the ride.” You hear Jason laugh and suddenly a sliver of light reaches you as his hand enters the back, as the fingers find your head they pass to your shoulders and slowly, but forcefully press you into his crack, moving up his finger touches the back of your head and pushes it firmly up against his warm, soft sphincter. “Comfy?” He asks. “You answer with a big firm kiss against the now quivering flesh and you hear a groaning reply as the hand leaves the shorts. He adjusts the outside some more and you realise that you’re head isn’t drawing back as you feared, probably your body will only reform when it is completely free of pressure, good thing to know.
As Jason sits down to put on his shoes his sphincter opens a little and you plant a deep kiss, getting another groan. As he gets up your head get’s sucked in a little more though. But when he starts moving the party really starts. You feel your whole body moving in stride with Jason, cupping him completely, oozing around his taint and his balls, and even the lowest part of his ass.
Before you know it, one leg sweeps up and you come down had on the saddle, this makes your body adjust even more, almost as if your wish to be comfortable is granted. Then the ride begins.
Jason is of to a slow start, shoving around only a little, which means he probably feels reay comfortable too. Soon he speeds up, his cheeks grinding down against the back of your head making you kiss his hole over and over again as it gets more moist by the minute. You feel your body getting wetter too as Jason really starts to build up a sweat, but the airflow helps to regulate it, to keep it manageable. After a while Jason starts to experiment by getting up and sitting down, first gently, but every time more rough. You body cushioning and adjusting to every move.
As he speeds up even more your head is pressed in and out of his hole at an almost alarming rate. To your suprise you do still smell and taste every droplet of sweat and you realise Jasons earlier rides where nothing compared to this one. He keeps going and you do too.
After what seems a lifetime, he finally slows down and eventually gets off. As he walks back up the stairs you hear him entering his appartment and closing the door…. “WOW”. He screams. “You still alive down there?” You realise your head has not had a permanent pressure to make it chane it’s shape and you answer. “Alive and licking” WIth the airflow gone, sweat seems to accumulate at an increasing rate.” You feel Jason walking and suddenl stopping, he turns bends over, rubs you from the outside. “You really can’t see anything human down there anymore”. He says jokingly. “I must say I never cared for padding, it’s chaffy, doesn’t adjust and isn’t made for my body I think. But I never felt comfort like this. Your body adjusted to my every move, it was perfect.” He pauses for a second. “And your head felt pretty good too.” You kiss his ass again. “Thanks, it felt great for me to give you all that comfort too.” You kiss again, “And the taste was too good to be true.”
Jason turns again “Still I wonder why you didn’t reform, the potion should have worn of. Wait, let me get you out…”
“No! Not yet!” You scream as Jason stands up straight. “Why not?” He asks and you answer, “I think my body will only reform when it’s free of pressure.” You pause for a second, “So, to test that theory we must actually exceed the time of the potion by a lot.” Jason chuckles, “The potion is supposed to work for an hour a drop, so that’s three hours. We passed that about an hour ago. And it’s about time to hit the hay.” You think for a moment, “So? That’s perfect right. Just go to bed and get me out in the morning.” You hear Jason laugh with disbelief, “But that will be hell for you, I’m dripping with sweat and that will get a bit staler too. You won’t survive that.” Only one thing to do, “Please Jase, I beg you?” That worked like a charm, “Well if you start beggin already, who am I to refuse.” You feel him walk over to his bed and as he crashes down on you he proceeds to lay down and give you a ood squeeze through the fabric.”Night-Night Jack-pad.” And you lean in and softly kiss his ass a few times.
Soon Jason’s snore fills the room and thee steady flow of sweat indeed turns from a somewhat sweet to a full-blown sour. Still both the smell and the taste aren’t that bad. Especially since the occasional fart helps you realise the sweaty stench isn’t the worst thing. You catch a few cat naps yourself before the alarm goes off. As soon as you notice Jason stretching you kiss his ass a few times which gives him a few chuckles. “Still alive I feel?” He squeezes you from the outside. “And still a perfect fit.” He gets up and starts to walk slowly. Suddenly he swings up one leg and lowers his ass on the saddle of his indoor spinningbike. “Guess we have time for a quick round.” And he starts pedalling, moving up and down and sweating. Again you feel like your body molds to his every need.
After a short ride he gets up again. You feel him lowering his pants and suddenly are blinded by light. Jason laughs out loud. “You probably don’t see it, but my pants are at my anckles, and you’re still stuck up here. Slowly he peels you of his body and places you on the table. You look down at the mess of your body and can almost see the print Jason left on it. But soon legs, arms and torso begin to reform as Jason and you look down at your body in awe. After a complete reform you stand up and notice nothing wrong. “Jase, can you squeeze me?” Jason sticks out his hand and squeezes your leg. Nothing happensthis time though. Jason grins, “guess your experiment was a succes?” You nod. Jason gets up and gets some food and makes some coffee. You notice him pouring the potion in an empty glassjar, definately for later use.
As Jason sits down and the both of you start eating he looks at you intently. Finally he asks. “How was it for you?” You answer with a wide grin, “Amazing.” Jason grins back, ”Really?” You nod, “Remember the time you glued me to your taint?” Jason nods,”Well this was somewhat the same, but still different? I felt like an extension of your body, I felt how good I made you feel, felt every musclemovement and Had a facefull of your nice tight hole with enough room so it wouldn’t flatten and I could taste, feel and smell it the whole time.” Jason looks puzzled? “You liked that?” You shake your head, “No, not like… LOVE!” Jason grins even wider and you continue, “If there is no way to make me big again, I would really love a life as your personal padding, day and night, stuck in your scent and against your body, comforting you as nothing ever could and being allowed to taste and smell you all the time.” Now Jason’s mouth slowly drops, and you teasingly ask, “But it can’t have been all that comfortable for you.” Jason’s mouth closes and he grins again. “You are gonna be my padding for as long as it takes to get you big again. I wonder if you will still feel the same after an entire week.” You look up with wonder. “Scott is gonna be in the hospital for a week and after our Racquetballgame Mark has a mission for a couple of days, so they asked me to babysit you.” You grin really wide. “Think you can handle being my padding for a week?” You nod without realising it. “Definately,” you answer, “on one condition.” Jason nods. “Next time, you do shower before bed.” Jason lauh and says, “I told you so.” You laugh to and answer, “Yeah I know.” The rest of the breakfast is done pretty quick.
Jason cleans up and picks you up before walking into the bathroom. You tap his hand for attention, “Would you mind not using me to scrub this time? I’m a little tired.” Jason grins, “That’s not really the deal little one.” You shake your head, “I know, but I really would prefer a little rest. So if you wouldn’t mind sticking me in your ass while you shower, I’d be gratefull.” Jason smiles wickedly, “I wouldn’t mind that. And with that he suddenly pops you in his mouth to lube up. As he pulls you out you wave at him before he lowers you. “Quick request, could you stick me in head first?” Jason almost drops you “Don’t worry, I can go for about an hour without actual oxygen.” Jason shrugs and lowers you down the back. His finger presses your face against his hole and as he leans forward you feel his hole slowly giving way, still really slow and it still feels really tight as he forces you in. Suddenly your head pops into his colon and you get a face full of his scent and something slimy touches one side of your face. You feel his finger draw back and his ass snaps shut like a straightjacket.
For the next half hour or so you feel him moving around, taking his shower and you feel really happy you actually dodged it this once. You are pretty tired. Finally he pulls you out and rinses you off. Next he walks over to the toilet and empties his bowels “probably should’ve done that first right.” He says at you with a wink. “Nah” you answer, “I smelled enough of the stuff coming out by now and if I’m gonna be stuck down there all week I will get to smell a lot more. So it’s just proper training.” Jason laughs at that. “Well, I enjoyed feeling you plugging up my hole for me, but it’s almost time to get ready for work.” He wipes, flushes and washes himself quickly around the back, which you appreciate. And picks you up. Walking over to the table he lowers you and looks down for a second. “You know I was wondering?” Before you realise what it is he was wondering he turns and walks away. Soon he returns with an arm full of clothing. Which he drops on the table. “The bibshorts worked pretty well, but I wonder is there’s a better choice.” He rummages through the clothes you realise it’s all lycra, from swinnming trunks, to speedo’s to cycling shorts, to bib shorts. “What do you think?” He asks “ You look at the clothes, “ Well, what’s the tightest fit? I think the more my body is pressed against you the better I will mold to your needs. Jason rummages some more and pulls out something you wonder if it even fits. It’s a pair of compression pants, with a small pouch of another fabric for his mainly parts. “You can’t fit in that?” It’s out before you know it, While Jason grinningly start to hoist it up his legs. Amazingly enough the fabric stretches easily over his thight, but you see it’s a pretty tight fit, you can see the skin through it. “It’s really comfy actually.” Jason says, “Breezy and smooth, it’s just something you can’t wear without short over them, which I usually do.” As he picks you up you tell him, “Stop, I need to take the potion remember?” Jason grins and facepalms. “Doh…” He takes you to the kitchencounter and takes out the jar. Pouring two drops in the thimble. “Guess following your experiment one drop should be enough, but maybe two for good measure.” You gulp it down and wait for it to work, after a few moments you squeeze your arm with all your might and after releasing it a soft dent is shown, which fills up again. “Ready.” You say.
Jason picks you up and lowers you down the pants, which are a lot tighter than the bib shorts indeed. Almost as soo as you lie in place the pressure pushes your body up against Jasons taint and you feel the flattening start. Without asking his hand enters the back and rubs your face upwards till it hits his hole, but this time he keeps rubbing a little harder pushing you up even closer than yesterday. Next thing he massages the outside of his shorts to adjust the rest of your bodyyou feel him stretching your legs even further out and smearing them all over the underside of his balls, you steal a few quick kisses and licks, which makes him chuckle. You feel him walk a little and suddenly he hops on his spinningbike and paddles a few times which lets your body fill out his short even more and finding every nook and cranny of his warm flesh. He groans softly and whispers justload enough for you to hear: “I wish I could keep you in there forever.” And you answer by kissin his ass over and over again as he gets dressed further. Every movement between you is in unison. You almost feel as if you are completely part of Jason’s body and you can’t wait for the day to start.
As soon as Jason starts walking you fall in a rhytm, softly swaying around under him, adjusting and gently squishing around. Down the stairs, into the car. As he sits down your head bumps his hole a couple of times. The drive isn’t really eventfull, but as he get up again you realise the day is about to start. “Morning.” He greets someone as he walks on. You don’t really pay much attention for now, just focussing on the warmth and movements of Jason’s body. After a while you hear some music being put on and all of a sudden he starts greeting his class. Soon he hops on his saddle, roughly grinding down a bit, making you feel even closer attached to his powerfull body. And finally he starts his first ride of the day.
A beginner class, the speed isn’t too high, the exercises exist from a few push-ups to a few stands. And it’s over before he really worked up a sweat. Getting of his bike he mingles with his class before leaving the room and walking somehwere. Suddenly a door closes and he sits down, there’s no added pressure on you, so you guess he’s sitting on a toiletseat. “So… comfy…” He mutters and suddenly you feel his hand rubbing you through his clothes. Which triggers you to softly lick the hole around and in front of you. Which clearly relaxes Jason. Suddenly he get’s up and turns around and you fee him rummaging, followed by a sound of falling water, or in this case probably urine. And after relieving himself he stuffs his junk back in and adjusts you again. “Time for the expert-class. I’m so gonna wear them out today.”
Jason does deliver during the next hour. He bounces around, speeds up as never before, you almost feel your body liquifying under him. Realising that this is probably how a gel-saddle should work. His sweat stream over your body and face, no forward movement means almost no airflow, so you just grin and bear it. Enjoying the taste and smell and every second your head meets his sphincter. Almost saddened as he slows down and stop.
As he gets off the bike suddenly you wonder, why does it feel so good? What is actually in that potion? This whole sense of euphoria is quite strange. You take a lick. Than again, you actually feel quite happy being where you are and that’s a good thing. Especially since Jason enjoys it too. Even if it might mean the rest of your life you will be padding him, the way you feel right now is pretty good. But you make a mental note to discuss it with Jason later tonight. Suddenly you hear a familiair voice from across the room. You forgot all about the racquetball match with Mark, but in your current state you don’t think it’ll be a problem.
As the two wlk towards the squashrooms they talk about the weather and other nonsense. But after closing the door Mark immediatly gets serious. “Is he with you?”
“Yeah,” Jase answers. “If you sit down you can probably talk to my ass so he can answer. I don’t think it’s smart to pul him out.”
You hear some rustling and suddenly Mark’s voice sounds a lot louder. “Can you hear me?”
“Yeah, can you hear me too?” You answer.
“A bit muffled but, yeah. So, Jason told you about the coming days. I have to go away for a few days and Scott’s in the hospital again, a slight inflammation. Probably because some of his stitches were stretched since the guy doesn’t know how to sit still.” Mark chuckles and you agree.
“So for now it’s me and Jason against the world?”
“Yep,” Mark answers, “Wish I could take you a long, but you might be found.”
“Pity. But we’ll get some quality time when you get back. You promised me a bike-trip remember.”
Mark laughs softly “Sure thing buddy. Still good to know Lindsay is still in town, so she’ll worry about Scott, Jason shouldn’t hang around with him too much. Apparantly some people have noticed the rekindled friendship.” Mark chuckles again, “Which is why we decided to torture you with this racquetball game. To make it seem like nothing more than a friendship.”
“I see, well, I’m sure that Jason will keep me as safe as possible, till you get back, just so you know I will miss you and Scott too. So come back safe.”
Mark laughs, “WIll try, you just keep Jase comfortable.”
This makes Jason laugh. “He’s doing his part, don’t worry. Now… let’s play.”
You do remember why you don’t like racquetball, the fast explosive movements and the stop-and-go jolts, even if your head is the only moving part, it is jostled back and forth a lot. Still, In this state it is a lot easier to deal with. Still you’re happy when Mark finally cheers his victory and Jason collapses on the ground. “You’ve improved.”
You hear a thud, probably Mark sitting down. “Thanks.”
Both men pant heavily, but finally get up.
As Jason gets up you hear him say, “Thank the heavens I don’t have any classes anymore. I can go home and take a shower.” Mark laughs, “Guess, some people will be thankfull that you won’t stink the place up. I’m gonna take a shower here before heading out. See you next week or so.” After that Jason hurries home.
As soon as Jason gets home he strips of his clothes. Once again you remain plastered to his body till he scrapes you off and places you on the table while he fixes some lunch and drinks as you slowly reform. After returning to your original shape you test yourself by squeezing your arm, you are no longer pliable. Jason notices your test as he place some food down for you. “It does seem to work pretty well, doen’t it?” You nod and start eating, you feel pretty hungry. Jason starts eating himself and looks down at you with a smile. “What?” You ask with your mouth full. “Nothing really” he answers, “Just happy to see you back to Jack, it gives me complete faith you can survive just about anything.” You nod slightly. “Well,”. He continues, “that, and the fact I really had a lot of fun this morning, molding you into my body. My balls sometimes feel a bit soar, but today they feel great.” You try to pitch in, but are cut off, “And feeling your head bounce against my hole. Who would’ve guessed something so small could feel so good.” Again you open your mouth, but are to slow, “The fact my sweat and scent didn’t go to waste but were worshipped by your tiny form so up close and personal. It made me wanna push myself beyond my limits. Imagining that feeling for another few days, it’s just wonderfull.” Finally he ends his speech, “But tell me, was it just a good for you?”
You grin widely, “I think for me it was probably even better.” Jason grins back as you continue, “Just wondering though, what’s in the potion, because I kinda had the feeling I was far more into it than I was supposed to. Almost like I got high on your scent, or maybe there’s something in the potion that would cause this?”
Jason laughs at your comment on getting high on his scent and thinks for a while. “No, I don’t think the potion could cause it. And well, as for getting high on my scent, even I think that can’t be it, because even though it is great of course, you smelled it before. The only thing I can think of?” He pauzes for a few seconds, “Maybe the squishing itself makes your body release endorphins, which would explain your increased feeling of happyness.”
You consider it for a while, “That does sound plausible.” Jason nods, “If you want we can experiment a little if that’s the case?” You finish your meal. “Sure, experiment away.” Jason grins and grabs you all of a sudden as he stands up. He starts to roughly scrub you through his still moist crack followed by his equally moist armpits, ignoring your screams. After putting you down on the table he asks wickedly “Are you high yet?” You rub the sweat from your face and shake your head. “Not really.” Jason laughs, “Well that rules out my scent.” He walks towards the kitchen and gets you a single drop of the potion. Which you quaff. Both of you sit down and wait. After a while you realise, “No, nothing.” Jason nods, “Okay one more test.”
He gets up and walks away, returning with a stack of books and a large kettle bell. “Lie down, please.” He places the first book over your body up to your head. Slowly he stack up five books and you notice your body flattening. But only after the kettle bell is placed on top you are really steamrollered. After a few minutes Jason asks expectantly: “And?” You shake your head, still feeling nothing. “Nope.”
Jason removes the books and you reform again. “So… What’s next?” You ask. Jason shrugs, “I don’t know, it’s probably something we haven’t thought about. Or maybe a combination of things?” You think on it for a while and suddenly say, “Or we could just assume it is just you and I’m ment to be used as your special padding-buddy.” Jason smiles widely and answers, “You’re trying to convince a scientist that something might not be explainable and maybe it was just faith?” You grin at him, and he continues, “Well to test your hypothesis we should have another man use you as his padding for a few hours, maybe that will give you the same feeling.” You give him a shocked look, but he grins and says, “Which could be either Scott or Mark on the bike trip if you want to let them in on the secret, or we could just keep it to ourselves and figure your hypothesis correct. But in that case we really need to test how long the feeling of euphoria lasts.” You smile, “If we vote on it, I’d vote on keeping it just between us for now.” Jason grins, “Well, let’s make it unanymous.” He sits down again and leans back in his chair.
“So,” He starts, “what’s gonna be the next step?” You shrug, “Seems like you have all the ideas.” Jason grins. “Well, by now you probably have noticed that your body actually stick pretty good to mine after a ride. Even pulling of my pants doesn’t release you.” You nod, “I noticed, you have to peel me of pretty forcefully.” He grins. “Yep, which brings me to my question.” You chime in. “You wanna see if I can keep sticking to you even when you change clothes, sleep, shower or lazy about.” He grins, “Not just that. I wanna try a 48-hour run, going about my business. Just a test-drive how it feels, just in case we eventually decide your place is gonna be permanent.” He leans forward, “Fair warning, I’m gonna completely ignore your feelings and needs, you will be used, or even abused as if you are just an extention of my skin. I’m gonna ride you, grind you, stink you up and more. After these 48 hours you will either feel right at home or hate me for the rest of your life. BUT… if you say yes, there’s no turning back for those 48 hours. To make matters worse,I’m gonna put myself in a position where I can’t even take you out if you want to. We will both be trapped. So consider your answer carefully.”
Without hesitation you answer
“Yes.” Your lack of hesitation shocks Jason for a second, “That was… quick? I mean…” You interrupt him, “Well, you might think you’re testing me, but I’m also gonna test you.” Jason chuckles, “You’re gonna do what now?” You nod vigorously, “You claim you want a lifetime pad-boy, so 48 hours will tell me wether you really mean it. If after 48 hours you get bored with me already, or find it just a chore to carry me around, well, then I know you couldn’t take a lifetime of it.” You grin, “And the fact you can’t even remove me, allows me to enjoy it for at least 48 hour before being cast away like a failed experiment. However if after 48 hours you still want me as your padding, than there might be hope for you.” Jason grins and picks up his phone from the table, you hear him calling someone.
“Hey Mike, is it too late to change my mind?”
“Cool, what time are you gonna pick me up?”
“Nah I don’t mind being a bit cramped.”
“Okay, see you in three hours.”
He hangs up and puts his phone down, “No turning back for me now… You can still beg me to leave you at Lindsay’s.” You shake your head. “Not a chance, where your ass goes, I go.” Jason grins, “Well since we’re gonna be stuck on a boat with two other guys. There’s really not much room for even a tiny guy like you. So to safe on space being in my ass is probably for the best.” You see him reaching over to the pile of clothes still on the table as he grabs a pair of loose swimtrunks. “Now these are quite comfortable to wear for the entire weekend.” He keeps searching and digs up a pair of what you can only call a skin tight swimsuit. “This,” Jason says, “Is called a Techsuit. It hugs all the right places, but is great for swimming. However, When with friends it’s best to conceal it under some normal trunks till you dive in.” You suddenly wonder if this was such a good idea. But Jason continues to explain, “The beauty of this trip is, that we probably won’t change clothes the entire time. However, after a few minutes in this suit and the drive up there you will be pressed up against me so tight I could change with a towel around my waste without having to be afraid you’ll peel of.” He starts rummaging up some more stuff and even walks around the apartment gathering some stuff, while he keeps talking. “Now the weather forecast gives us loads of sun, so most of the time we will be tanning and sweating like crazy. Occasionaly taking a dip and maybe some waterskiing or other activities in this.” He holds up a black wetsuit. “But I guess most of the time it’ll be just goofing around, having a few beers and a few laughs.”
He walks of into the bathroom and you hear him wash up quickly as he come out again a little fresher, though not really clean. He carries a few towels and dumps them on the table. After finding a bag he starts to pack thing, except for the Techsuit, the trunks and a Tanktop. After zipping up the bag he turns around towards you. “Well, we got about two and a half more hours. Fitting you and making you invisblemight take about an hour. So we’ve got some time to kill. You look up at Jason and wonder what his idea is. “You’re still pliable?” He check by firmly squeezing your arm which gives in. “Okay, I think it’s best to give your body time to lose it’s pliability before giving you a new dose for the weekend.” You nod in agreement, “Sounds good.” A misschievous grin spreads on Jason’s face. “I really wanna do something which is almost to horrible to say, so I’m just gonna ask you if you would mind giving me a one time freebee, to satify my curiousity, after which I will never do it again without permission.” You think it over, but can’t figure out what he wants. His face gives nothing away. “Oh what the heck. Just do it.” You say.
Jason grins widely and picks you up quickly bringing you to his mouth and before you realie what’s going on he stuffs you inside and slowly bites down on your pliable body. You smell his breath, warm and somewhat fresh as his molars crush your body. After his mouth is completely closed you feel his tongue tasting you and wait for him to spit you out. However as he opens his teeth he doesn’t spit you out but moves his jaw and bites down again. A little faster this time. And again he chews. This time your head is caught in the teeth. And he keeps on chewing you like a piece of gum. Your body is squished, mangled, turned in on itself. After a few moments you don’t even know your up from your down and still the bastard keeps chewing. After a few more chews he spits you out and drops you on the table. “Sorry, just had to try it.” Slowly your body reforms. “Wasn’t as good as I thought it would be.” After a minute or two your face reforms and you mutter “Bastard.” Jason who has been watching your body reform grins a bit ashamed. “Sorry, just sorry.” With your body back you get up and say sternly, “You now owe me one BIG favour.” Jason looks you up and down. “Anything particular in mind?” You think, “Not yet, but when I do, it’s gonna be bad for you, just so you know.” Jason gets up and pous you a cup of coffee. “Fine with me, I don’tthink you’ll be able to think of something I won’t like.” You stomp your feet and sit down, “ Oh I will…. besides you’d better pack a few drops of the potion just in case.”Jason sits down with his own cup and nods. “Good thinking.” The nex minutes you both enjoy your drinks. When Jason gets up to get a refill you test your arm, still pliable. As Jason sits down you look over at him. Even without the euphoria you felt earlier you actually look forward to being in his pants again. The feeling of comforting him is stronger thn with either Scott or Mark you realise, but you also wonder if it is because you realise Jason is actually more alone than those two rght now. “Do you have any family?” The question slips out before you know it. “Jason looks at you a bit surprised, but answer, “I got a sister in Canada, but we don’t speak anymore. She had a fight with my girlfriend, you know the one, and I chose the wrong side.” You sip your coffee and say, “You should call her after the weekend.” Jason laughs, “Nope, bad idea little one, she won’t wanna talk to me. And I don’t think I wanna face her wrath.” You grin wickedly, “Too bad, I’m calling in my favour. You have to call your sister after the weekend.” Jason spills some of his coffee on his bare chest and yelps. “Now that’s a low-blow, tiny man.” You shrug, “That’s what you get for daring me to find something you really don’t wanna do.” You see Jason’s lip quivering, but finally he says, “Fine, you win, I’ll call her ONCE.” You nod, “fine with me.” You proceed to check your arm and it doesn’t give in. Jason sees you check and he check himself by giving you a squeeze. ‘Guess you’re ready.” But before he gets up both of you finish your coffee.
After the coffee Jason gets up and starts squeezing into the techsuit. It rides pretty low on his hips and as he turns to show of You see it leaves very little room to the imagination. He gets you a few drops of potion and you down them. “See you in 48 hours.” You say as he lowers his suit down over his hips and places you in the middle. WIthout further ado he lifts his suit up and you are pushed up really tight against his taint. His fingers find their way around the back as he lifts your head up and into his hole, which still smells a bit sweaty from earlier. Then he starts to smear your body deep against his underside. He really takes his time spreading your body around. Doing some sqauts and stretches, till you get the feeling you’re almost entirely covering the inside of his suit. “Sorry to stretch you so thin, but don’t wanna leave a lump. And don’t worry. He walks around and suddenly you feel him sitting donw on his bike and peddaling a bit. You still feel like a perfect pad and make me more comfortable than without you there. You can’t help yourself and start licking his hole for a while. He moans softly as he gets dressed further before sitting down on the couch and turning on the tv for a bit. You feel him rubbing you through his clothes. “I’m really happy with you down there.” He mutters.
After a little while the doorbell sounds and Jason gets up to buzz Mike in. Before opening the door he pulls up his techsuit a little more, just in case. And suddenly you hear a couple of strange voices. All of them talking at once and the muffling of flesh makes it har to make out. Finally the cacophony dies down and you can make out four voices. Wait four? You try to listen in.
"Yeah, when Rich heared you couldn't come, he asked his cousin to come along, which I didn't knew till I went to pick them up." A low baritone, probably Mike, as he refers to a Rich and it was the guy, who told Jason he could come. "The more the merrier." Jason answers and introduces himself to a guy named John. His voice a little higher than Jason, so that means there's a John, a Mike, Jason and the next new voice must be Rich. "I just hope we'll fit on board." A voice similar to John, but wih a more nasal accent, probably Rich. Jason laughs, "We'll just have to squeeze in a little closer, or in the worst case toss someone overboard." Four man laughing and suddenly they start to move down to the street. Carrying stuff and joking with each other. Well, you realise, it's official now, you are pretty much trapped untill Jason returns home. Well, or risk being found by one of these other guys. Jason apparantly is distracted enough to crash down in the car seat and joke around during the drive. The conversation is chaotic and too muffled for you to focus on. So instead you just focus on Jason. Every time he bounces up and down you plant a kiss in his hole. After a while you start noticing an increase in bouncing. Your actions have not gone unnoticed, which kind makes you happy. But as the drive continues the boys calm down a little and instead of bouncing around Jason starts rolling back and forth and wiggling his legs up and down. You wonder is you just never noticed before he's a wiggler, or is this new. You feel your body oozing with his movements almost as if massaging him from underneath.
Finally the long drive is over and Jason gets up. As soon as he gets out of the car he starts some stretches, you notice this due to the glutes on the side of your head get in closer and tighter. for a few moments. Only to release and open up as he bows forward. Back up and the close in even more as he bends over backwards. His oohs, and aahs, also give it away. But finally they start walking again, you hear cardoors slam and as they walk on solid road it suddenly changes to a more 'ploink, ploink', of walking on wood. Suddenly Jason jumps and lands again, making your head vibrate between his cheeks.And soon he starts moving around like he's drunk, every step compensating his balance. So that means he's probably on the boat. Finally after a lot of moving around and bumping into others he sits down and you hear a motor start. And you feel like you start moving, even though Jason is quite clearly still sitting down.
After a little while the boat stops and you hear something drop in the water. "Well, this is our first stop. Seeing as it's getting late.“ You think it’s Mike’s voice, but can’t be sure. You do recognise Jason’s voice as he gets up and says: “Great, time for a dip.” And before you know it he jumps and you hear a big splash. Suddenly you’re soaking wet, but the effect on the techsuit is even worse. It seems to tighten even more and you feel your lower body ooze outwards even more. And that’s before Jason even started his Swim. You’re not really afraid of drowning though, you found out earlier you can hold your breath pretty long. But as Jason starts his swim and his legs are kicking at an alarming rate you’re head is scraped over his hole pretty roughly. You’re afraid you might chave him. Wait, fraid you might hurt him, what about yourself? Well you really don’t mind finding every wrinkle in his skin you realise, you actually want to map out his hole with your face, but just to make sure you don’t hurt Jason you press your head deep into darkness to keep it as steady as possible. Only to hae it blown out after a little while by an enourmous bubble, which passes over your head, filled with his stench. He just farted on you under water, so ou are gratefull the bubble works his way passed you quickly to the surface. And you readjust your face back in.
Jason only took a short swim and as he clambers out of the water you take a deep breath. Jason sits down and you hear him talk to his friends as they start their meal one of the others prepared. After dinner they decide to make it an early night so they can start moving early to reach their destination before the noon. You feel Jason get up and move down a few steps. Suddenly he climbs onto something and lays down. Probably a hammock or something as it sways gently from side to side. You feelJason resting his hand on you and you take it as a sign to start kissing and licking his hole. Untill you feel him relax and hear a familiair snore.
Even though you’re dead-tired, the snoring-serenade of 4 large guys in one small room is pretty deafenin.’great’ you think to yourself, 48 hours in here without any sleep. You feel Jason moving one of his legs and you adjust your body to this new position. Wait a second. You adjust yourself? How did you do that? Was it the pants that pushed you? Making you feel you did it yourself? You close your eyes and try to feel your body. Well, it seems you can make out some muscles, but they are not functioning if you try to move them. Still there’s something different. You think hard about streching your sides out a little more into Jason’s groins, between his legs. And suddenly you feel your body comply. This is amazing, it’s a slow process, but suddenly you feel yourself cupping the entire lower region. It feels kind weird though. Still you wonder what else you can do.
You look press your head into Jasons sphincter, maybe I could? Well there’s no time like the present. You try to will your body mass to flatten a little more and sending all the spare molecules to your head to try and make it bigger. At first nothing really happens, maybe you’re already stretched to thin, but than all of a sudden you can just feel your head expand slowly. It’s just a little, but still. You focus really hard and again your head grows a little bit more, you can only tell becaus your whole face is now almost as large as Jason’s hole. And because his buttcheeks behind you clench slightly for a second and lock you in. You hope Jason will be happy with a slightly bigger nubbin between his cheeks. All you can do now is patiently wait till he wakes up.
It can’t be morning yet as Jason does wake up, th others are still snoring, but Jason sits up and clenches his cheeks for a second pressing your head deep in his hole, a soft moan escapes his mouth, you hear him slam a hand in front of it and he quietly gets out of the hammock and gently walks up the stairs. A bit widelegged as if he doesn’t want to hurt you more than necessary, he walks to the back of the deck and suddenly he pulls down his suit. “What’s going on? Are you okay?” Oh my, you got smeared out pretty good, you almost look like part of a speedo except it’s missing the front. Wait, are you okay?” Finally you can get in a word “I’m perfect. I just made my body adjust a bit more to your needs, don’t you like it?” Jason remains silet for a few seconds, “I’m not hurting you?” You answer, “Not in the least.” Jason replies, “And when I do this?” He clenches his but tight and presses your head almost into his hole. You feel it twitch from pleasure and hear Jason moan softly.” As he releases you answer, “Nope, no pain, I just hope it doesn’t botter you to actually feel my head back here all the time.” Suddenly you feel Jason’s finger rub the back of your head. “Not at all, this feels amazing. I just don’t understand.” You give his ass a lick and feel him quiver, “Me neither, seems like a side-effect of the potion, I can actually control some of my body to morph a little, it’s probably limited to the amount of molecules I can transpose.” You feel Jason lay down on his stomach. Clearly thinking things over. “So can you imagine the shape of an actual speedo?” You wonder where this is going, but answer, “Yeah, sure.” Jason thinks again before answering. “I’m just spitballing here, but remember how we spoke about your shrinking? That is was on a molecular level, so your body actually kept the same amount of molecules but they were compressed.” You answer with a yes. “It’s really just a guess, but your head increasing doesn’t sound like you are placing more molecules in it. It sounds more like you can slightly increase the size and distance of your molecules.” You think you see where this is going. “You mean I can grow myself back to normal size?” Jason chuckles, “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you, but no, I think the potion is not strong enough for that, but you might be able to increase you body till about two to four times it’s tiny size when under the influence of the potion.” That kinda crushes your hope a little, but Jason continues, “If that is the case we might be able to isolate what part of the potion is responsible and find a way to increase it’s effectiveness, that might get you to return to your normal size, temporarily… and probably still pliable.” Jason stops for a moment and thinks again. “So, I think I need to know how easily you can stretch out by yourself.” And that’s when you feel it click. “You want me to try and turn myself in a speedo?” Jason laughs softly, “Well if you can and want to. But please leave your head in place.” He clenches you soflty, “It’s the perfect size right now.” You kiss his ass an slowly focus on the shape of a speedo.
All of a sudden you feel your body twitch and the strange oozing feeling takes over. You move your body up past his legs and to the fornt. You feel Jason get up so you can more easily form your body. It takes a lot of time and focus, but suddenly you feel yourself completely cupping his front and you start focussing on the back. Again it takes a while but you morph your body into V shape, crawling up Jason’s ass. For the final part you reach the front to the back around his hips untill you feel them touch and ooze together The last thing you do is tighten yourself a little, which feels almost easy, as if your body want to shrink back down. You feel Jason slowly moving around a little. “You actually did it?” You yell up, “I don’t know, you tell me, I can’t see.” Jason laughs softly, “Well it looks like I’m wearing flescolored speedo’s to me. Mind if I stretch a bit?” You swallow a small lump. “Go ahead.” With that Jason starts to stretch, you feel your body adjust easily to his movements though. “Comfy” Jason mumbles. Next you feel his fingers trace the edge. And Suddenly he hooks his thumbs aound you and in a quick motion pulls you down his legs. “Don’t you yell, afraid you might return to your normal form, but then you feel Jason actually keeping you stretched out with both hands. You look around at your own body, And you notice it actually looks like your head is stuck on the ass side of a speedo. No arms, legs or anything that migh distinguish you as human. Jason flips you inside out and lifts you to his face. “Oh wow, you really look weird, but wearable. He grins. Suddenly he releases one hand while squeezing your other side between two fingers. “Just a quick check if local pressure is enough to keep you in shape.” He lets you dangle for a few minutes and you both realise you stay in your speedo shape. Jason brings you closer again. “You realise if we clamped somethin on you, you would probably remain in this shape forever.”
Jason grins widely, “Than again, you could probably ooze away from the clamp and reform.” You hadn’t thought of that, though you’re positive you would’ve… eventually. Jason stretches you over his hand with your face on his palm towards him. “You know, if we were home right now, I would’ve loved to experiment whit how big we could get your head to grow.” You grin back, “Just so you could tie it to your bike, I suppose.” Jason grins, “Oooh, busted.” You sigh, “There’s just now pleasing you, If I turned into a piece of underwear for Scott or Mark they’d be over the moon. You’re just… meh… it’s all in a day.”
Jason blinks, “Do I really give of that impression, I’m sorry, I thought…” he pauses, “I think it’s one of the hottest things ever. I’m just…” he pauses again “You do know I’ll love every second of wearing you right. It’s just how my brain works. I can’t seem to stay in the moment. Seeing you like this makes me think of so many other ways I could wear you, or sorry to be blunt, use you. With your conscencus of course. I’m already thinking of different styles of underwear, sportswear and so much more. A whole new world of possibilities just opened up, but than there’s the formula that races though my mind, how did this come to be, how can we adjust it. And finally there’s you.” Your turn to blink and ask, “Me?” He nods, “Yeah you, you just keep giving more and more. I can’t imagine what I would say if a guy asked me to turn myself into a speedo, even if I could. And you just do it, not because you want to but because you want to do it for me. Do you have any idea how confronting it is that a simple kid like you will give me so much without even thinking twice or complaining. Heck if I asked you to be my underwear for the rest of my life you would probably say yes and I could forget all about Mark, Scott and the formula. I’d never have to worry about buying underwear or go unpadded on my bike. I could probably ask you to flatten your head and even forget I’m wearing a human being. It makes me feel ashamed to ask, ashamed I could never give as much and mad.” You look at Jason questioningly, “Why mad?” He grins, “Because you’re such a push-over sometimes. Every time I dare you to say no to something, you say yes. Every! Single! Time! Now I can understand you like certain things, but did you really want to spent 48 hours flattened in my pants, completely ignored?” You open your mouth. But Jason interrupts, “If you lie to me I’ll know.”
You close your mouth again and think for a few seconds before answering. “It’s both, yes and no.” Jason waits for you to continue, “No I didn’t really like the idea, but yes, because I wanted to please you.” Jason nods but asks, “Why?” You avert your eyes and say completely honest, “Because I’m scared.” Jason nods again, “Of what?” He asks. You gulp and say, “Of not being good or interesting enough and ending up tossed aside and forgotten.” You look Jason in the eyes, “Even if you used me as a piece of underwear for the rest of your life, ignoring me completely and just wearing me, I’d still be close to someone real who deep down knows I exist. Even if you don’t show it. It’s always better than ending up on the street alone and unwanted or in a lab, prodded and poked all the time and not having a name but just a number, test subject 247, previously known as Jack. So being used as your padding gives me a job, it makes me usefull and at my size you have to take all you can get. You try walking a mile in my shoes and figure out a way to stay relatively safe. The only way to do that is find someone bigger that you can stand enough, or even like enough to keep you near them. Even if it means in their underwear or as their underwear. Those things are easy enough to look past if you don’t overthink them and just keep in mind how much enjoyment your larger friends find in it. That’s why my first initial reaction has become yes, because I don’t have the luxury of over-thinking things, because then I might just realise how much my current life sucks. But then I have to wonder if it sucks because of you guys, or if I could find somplace better. So forgive me for actually liking you guys and wanting to stay around you, even if that means certain sacrifices, most of which aren’t even that big to me.”
Suddenly you realise you started shouting and your eyes are leaking with tears. You see Jason’s mouth hanging open as he looks at you. “Close your mouth, you look like you’re missing a few chromosomes.” It’s out before you know it. But at least it breaks the tension a little as Jason’s mouth snaps shut with an audible clicking of teeth.Still he seems lost for words and you smile at him, “Hey, you just had to ask. Just like before, but this time ou got the full story.” Jason nods, “I still don’t think I can completely understand.” He pauzes, “And I still don’t get it.” You shake your head to get rid of the tears, Jason gently moves in his finger to help you, since you have no arms. “It’s because you can’t shut down your brain.” This makes Jason grin too. “Probably. So what do we do now?” You give him a wink, Well, first you’re gonna put on your brand new fleshcolored speedo’s and we get some more sleep. In about 32 hours when we’re back home we’ll see how we get from there.” Jason blinks, “I can’t wear you now, not after this.” You grin slightly, “well what other choice do we have. Besides, I promise you I really don’t mind being worn by you.” Jason smirks, “Now that’s a lie.” You shake your head, “Not really, you’ve got a nice ass, it tastes and smells good,” Jason grins and you go on, “and feeling your body comforted by me makes me feel better. It’s true I’d rather be my own size, or maybe just at your house on the couch, but on this boat I can’t think of a safer place than being worn by the one man I know and trust. So if you make me I’ll beg you, but please just wear me till we get home.” Jason grins again, I don’t have to wear you like this, I could just stuff you down my regular suit again.” You nod, “True, but it took a lot of energy to get in this shape. So we might as well use it. Unless I’m not comforatble like this.” Jason opens his mouth and you interrupt, “Am I the most comfortable speedo you’ve ever worn, don’t lie, I can tell too.” Jason nods, “actually yes you are, for some reson you stretch better than lycra and you clench just enough so that I don’t have to worry about anything falling our or showing brain.” You nod, “Than it’s settled, now put me on and go to bed.
Jason gives you a slight smile before flippng you inside in again and lowering you towards his feet as soon as they enter past you he stands up and in a fluid motion pulls you up. Stuffing his front in and you force yourself to cup them gently while you do take care to close the edges at his loins, stomach and back. Your head is a bit squashed behind his cheeks but a push fro the outside pops you back in place kissing his hole. You feel Jason doing a few stretches and bends and then he says. “You’re doing a great job as a speedo. But let me know if you get sick of it.” As a response you start licking his asshole over and over and he clenches you gently before pulling up his shorts, but not his techsuit, and wandering off to bed. As he lays down his slides his hand down his board shorts and his hand cups your body cupping him and he softly strokes you a while before falling asleeo again. This time you too drift off to sleep even with the loud snores around you.
You wake up as Jason gets up again and you hear the sounds of the other moving about too. Jason walks up the steps stretches out and suddenly takes a few large steps and jumps. The load splash you expected and suddenly he starts swimming. Now that you’re head is larger it isn’t so much smeared over his hole as it is more pushing deeper into it with every kick, as if your head-fucking him while he swims. You do notice the part of you in the front gets a bit more pressure from his slightly swollen cock. You gently tuck it back down so it won’t show to the others when Jason finally gets out of the water.
As he joins he others for breakfast they talk about past memories and the weather. After a while they clean up and theboat starts up. Jason doesn’t really sit down, but leans on one of the railings pushing you tight against him and your head deeper in his ass. Every wave and every bump makes him slightly rise and all squishing you under and into him. But you don’t mind, you really ment it about feeling safe. After a while Jason takes his turn at the wheel and he takes a wide stance, while gently clenching his cheeks. As he moves and sways with the boat you feel as you get a nice massage for a change.
When he heads back over the the back of the boat, he takes a normal seat and puts one of his legs up in an arch. He talks a bit with Mike about trips they took and after a while the boat stops.
The others have a quick swim as Jason prepares the lunch. While they’re sitting down for luch you notice that as the boat is not movin the temperature increases quite rapidly. Suddenly you hear someone cursing. You think it’s the one called Rich. “Crap you guys, I forgot my tanning suit.” Mike takes a jab, “Oh you mean that speedo that’s to small for your ass?” The boys all laugh. “Yeah,” Rich answers, “I was so looking forward to tanning my cheeks, does anyone have a spare pair? How about you Jason, you’re almost my size, I’m sure I can fit in one of yours.” Jason gets up slowly, “Well, I’m gonna go number two, after that I will check my luggage for you.”
As he walks down the stairs he turns around a lot before suddenly lowering you and sitting down. As he pushes out a large fart he takes you off completely and lifts you to his face. “I don’t know if I should even ask you this. Would you mind doing Rich a favour for the day. He really likes to tan and believe me, you’ll love his ass. And I think it would be hilarious to see you squeezed around his perfect ass without him even knowing. Maybe even sqeeuzing a bit more than you should” With a slight wink he adds, “I would owe you one more big favour.”
You smirk at Jason, “Are you sure you’re gonna get me back after the trip.” Jason crosses his heart. “Even if I have to rip you from his ass myself.” You grin, “I’d like to see that. But let’s see if I can do this.” You force your head back into the rest of your body, shrinking slightly So only a small part of your face sticks from the rest. “Can you still see me?” You ask and jason leans in close, “Only ‘cause I know you’re there. I wish we could do something about your color though. But then again, he probably won’t care.” He’s pretty tan allready and you’r kinda pale.” Jason wipes himself and finishes his business. He walks out with you crumpled in his hand and walks over to his bag. He rummages through it and turns arouns walking up the stairs. “Rich, catch.” And you soar through the air and a large hand snatches you roughly from the air. Lucky for you he snatches you in a way that actually allows you to see your new target.
WOW, You’re now in the hand of the most massive man you’ve ever seen, An enourmous body builder of a man who’s chest and abs look like a brick wall. “Nice.” Rich says, “flesh-colored ones, just like my own. Didn’t knew you had it in you Jase.” Rich takes you downstairs and closes the door before stripping of his short. He gently stretches you out a bit. “It’s gonna be a tight fit, but it’s better than boardies.” He lowers you down and you get a view of two giant calves stepping into you, you’re pulled up against two trunklike thighs and there it is. The most amazing ass you’ve ever seen. You notice he’s having trouble with the leg holes and you isntinctively relax them a little to help them over the edge before closing in again. “Oh, stretchy.” Rich mumbles and pulls you up in one fluid motion. You feel stretched pretty thin over his humoungous ass, and can’t help but squeeze yourself against the well defined muscles. As he rummages around in the front you adjust to his junk which is pretty small compared to Jason, but you only care about his ass right now. Slowly you let your head, sort of grow, from your body till you can just touch his ass and you take a lick. The taste is manly, a bit sour, but mostly musky. Rich keeps adjusting you slightly and almost without thinking you make your body enter his crack slightly to form around him as a second skin. Not enought to give him a wedgy, but close enough so your face is snug as a bug between his cheeks.
Rich grunts with approval and walk back out.
“Almost a perfect fit Jase, thanks.” You hear Jason laugh, “Just don’t wear them out, and I want them back after you’re done with them.” Rich answers, “Don’t worry, You’ll get them back tommorow, but I warn you, they’re gonna smell. I’ll be at the front of the boat if you guys need me… oh and please don’t need me.” With that you feel him move to the front, you also feel the sun burning on your skin. Rich lay down on his stomach and you press your face a little closer.
You shouldn’t have cause as soon as Rich is comfartable he suddenly pulls your sides in and forces the back and with your face first into his dank crack. Your face right into his tight hole. The smell is rank and stale, but good, very manly. You carefully stick out your tongue and you taste his unwashed hole. It taste of sweat, and a has a grimy substance like he didn’t wash-up recently, but you are intoxicated by the taste and take another lick, and another.
Bad move, the last one triggered the itch Rich needed to scratch and you suddenly feel his finger on the back of your head, panicked you lose control for a second and your head grows just as he puts pressure on it and your head is just big enough to be completely pushed into the powerfull muscle. You’re really stuck now and what really hits you just now, you’re stuck at one of the lowest points of this mans ass, which is made quite clear as he warms up in the sun and the little room you have around you starts to fill up with sweat. You may be able to hold your breath longer than any human, but you have no idea how long this man is gona be tanning before tunring over. So you have to do the only thing you can do, guzzle down as much of the sweat as you can so you can keep breathing. The tast is like a dirtyman stew, lukewarm sweat mixed with the taste of unwashed ass and even small gritty pieces you don’t wanna think on what they are. You don’t know how long it takes or how many gallons you downed, before Rich finally turns over.
Even though as he lies on his back you’re pushed in even more, at least the sweat now streams away from your face. After a while Rich suddenly sits up which crushes you between his cheeks a little more. Suddenly you hear Jasons voice next to him, muffled by the large globes. “That’ one pretty sunset isn’t it?” Rich answers, “Sure is.” After a while both men get up and return to the back of the boat.
During the walk Rich pulls you roughly from his ass and now your just kissing the outside of the crack. Still a bit warm from the sun.
The guys sit down for dinner and after dinner…
After dinner Rich gets up and says, “Man, I feel like a roasted Turkey, gotta lie down for a bit.” And he walks down into the hull and crashes down on a normal matress that squeeks under his weight. He rolls down on his back and stretches out. Before long you hear his breath slow and slowly he falls asleep. As he starts snoring you wonder what to do. On one hand, you’re just happy you’re out of his crack. On the other hand you will never get to feel an ass like this again. Screw it, you think to yourself and ever so slowly you stretch out your head, Slowly forcing it between his cheeks all of a sudden his cheeks relax a little as if allowing you access. Encouraged you push on. With a slight plop you make your way past the tightest point and you know you’re only inches away from your goal. Even more slowly you make your head grow a little to fill up what little room there is and suddenly you feel a quivering hole against your face, slowly it opens and with a loud toot, some of the most delicious smelling gass washes over you as you take a deep whiff. You feel a wave of extasy wahs over you and press your face closer to the hole as it twitches again, this time as it opens you don’t hesitate but ram your head forward into the relaxed muscle taking in the full scent of the fart as the walls collapse on you.
You don’t care about being stuck in here You take a deep sniff and a few long licks. You wanna savour every moment you can spend in this ass. You realise you wouldn’t wanna live in here forever, Jason is a much better guy to be worn by, but this is actually the first time you decide you wanna be in a mans ass, without him telling you too. Suddenly you feel Rich rolling on his side squashing you between his cheeks slowly you try to retrieve your head from his hole and eventually with the next fart you are out. You wonder why your head hasn’t been flattened yet, but maybe that’s because you don’t want it too. Still it’s now trapped in de damp crack because there’s no way you can pull it back between those cheeks in this position, where gravity does it’s part to force them together. After a while you hear the other guys come in and take there beds. You realise it must be quite late. Suddenly Rich starts to scratch his ass, which makes the edge of he speedo slip into his crack, pushing your head once again facefirst in his hole. Now you can actually lick him without being discovered, he might just think it’s a fold in the fabric. Without thinking twice you start to slowly and gently lick his entire hole and the parts of the crack you can reach. The taste is strong, sweaty, disgusting, yet delicious. A soft moan from Rich tells you he does notice it, but he’s not waking up yet. Finally you think his hole has never been so clean and you just put your face in it a little deeper and close your eyes for a second.
You are roughly woken up as you are being pulled out of Rich’s crack, before he gets up. He stumbles a bit as he walks up the stairs and stretches out. “Nice night.” He walks to the back of the boat and sits down. Suddenly he lowers you a bit and you look up at his balls as they dangle down. You hear him moan softly and suddenly notice he’s stroking himself. He lowers you some more which gives you a full view of the show he’s giving tonight. His somewhat small cock stands at full salute, still quite impressive. Past it you see his rock hard body and his face with a scruffy beard. Slowly Rich edges himself to a climax and cums an impressive amount all over his upper body. You see him look around. “Crap” he mutters and suddenly he looks right at you. Has he found you out? Slowly he bends forward and with his slightly sticky hand he grabs the front end of your speedo for, and lowers you over his feet. He folds you over his hand, with your face right in his palm. You have only one second to realise what’s about to happen as he squashes you against his cum soaked stomach and tries to wipe off the mess with you as a cumrag. Your body is not really absorbent though, but your open mouth scoops up a massive load on the first wipe which you are forced to swallow. “Hmm, not the best cloth, but it’ll have to do.” Rich mutters and wipes you over it again and again.
Every rub against his rock hard abs fills your mouth with semen, which you swallow, and Rich keeps rubbing, because it seems there’s always more and more. Finally he seems satisfied and bring you to his face to see the damage. Since you swallowed almost all of it, there’s only a little cum on you. “Hmm, maybe a little better than I thought. Still I should probably rinse it out. Still folded around his hand Rich gets up and walks over to a bucket of water. He dumps his hand with you on it in and uses the free hand to roughly was the remaining cum away. As he lifts you from the water he looks down at his stomach and suddenly decides to give it a quick scrub with you. Again you travel the rises and falls of this behemoths eightpack. And again you’re dunked in the water and lifted. This time he starts to rub you in his hairy and immensely smelly pit. Dunked again and the other pit, dunked again and now he uses your face to clean his still somewhat sticky crotch. Up and down the shaft, cupped around the head and used to fondle his balls. Finally he dunks you for the last time and really scrubs you clean with his other hand. This time as he lifts you he folds you from his hand, folds you in on yourself and suddenly twists you as a washcloth to get the water out. However since you didn’t take on any water, he can’t squeeze an out but he still tries to roll you tighter before unrolling and unfolding you. He brings you to his chiseled face and folds you over his nose and sniffs, “Wow, still fresh, Maybe gotta Ask Jason where he got this in the morning. With you still in his hands he walks to the edge of the boat and grabs his penis with the hand you’re in slamming you face against his balls. He pees loudly over the edge of the boat.
After relieving himself he lowers you down and puts you back on your face in the only place he didn’t wash, his crack. He lifts one of his legs and let’s out an enourmous fart before walking back to his bed. You still can’t believe you were just used as a cumrag and a washcloth. You can still taste his semen. You just hope Jason delivers and takes you away from this mountain of a man, because if your honest, the idea of this man finding you out is really terrifying. He won’t be as gentle as Scott, Mark and Jason, you just know it.
As the next day starts….
As Rich and the others get up they hurry their wat through breakfast. Through the walls of flesh it’s hard to follow their conversation, but suddenly they get up and Rich walks downstairs. You hear him go through his belongings. As he finds what he’s looking for he suddenly reaches around and you hear him mumble. “Better get this in know, otherwise it might annoy me later.” With that he suddenly pushes your face and the rest of you in his ass. You can’t resist seeing his hole and make you’re head swell a little as he bends over to put something on. As he pulls it up, you hear the sound of rubber on flesh. ‘Oh crap’ you think, they all brought wetsuits. As he pulls it up further all sounds become more muffled, but you can make out the sound of the zipper as it is being pulled up. So now you’ve got some privacy. You increase your head another little bit till it’s full face to his hole. And you tighten the rest of you down his crack so you’re pretty snug. As Rich starts walking every step slowly rubs you deep against his hole. After a few steps he stops and clenches his ass pushing you in even further. Does he like it? You hear a soft moan and against the front a slight twitch of his cock. He starts walking again. He does like it.
As he gets outside suddenly you hear Jason’s voice, “So, still wearing the speedo, I borrowed you?” Rich answers, “Yeah, it’s pretty comfy, just wondering what kind of fabric it is, it’s somewhat leathery, yet somewhat rubbery. But I like the fact it has no tags, netting or drawstrings. It reminds me of my showwear when I was still competing as a bodybuilder.” Jason answers, “No clue, what it is, I ordered it online somewhere, just don’t ruin it, it’s one of my favourites too.” Rich laughs, “well, I can’t promise you anything, If it snaps, it snaps. But if it doesn’t you’ll get one pair of stinky speedo’s back at the end of the day, hope you can get my stench out of them.” With that suddenly Rich walks to the back and you hear some clicking. What’s going on. Next he yells “Okay” and drops ass first in the water. The wetsuit does a great job at keeping out the water though. But suddenly a load noise fill the depths and suddenly Rich is jerked upwards and starts moving at enourmous speed. Waterskiing? As Rich speeds up he clenches his butt slightly and swerves from left to right. You hear him scream out with joy and feel his manhood rise a little more as your face rubs his hole with every swerve. Suddenly he takes a large jump and lands roughly on the water the shock pushing your head in even deeper. This sends a jolt through his front too. Finally he slows down and slowly drops in the water, before is is pulled out. “Nice moves.” Mike compliments him. Rich is still semi-erect as he thanks him and slowly moves around. “Gotta take a dump kids, you enjoy don’t shake the boat too much.” A splash means one of the other has probably jumped in and Rich hurries down and into the small washing room. You hear him zipper out and wrestle the suit down. “Crap, can’t you stay down for one day.” You have no idea who he’s talking to until you feel him rub himself from the outside.
At that moment the boat starts moving so he quickly sits down as he keeps rubbing himself. His semi-erect cock slowly rises to full salute. At that point he lowers you to his anckles and you once again catch a one-man show. As he nears his climax he moves one foot out of you and uses the other to kick you up in his hand. Not again, you think. But what comes next was not what you expected. Suddenly he wraps you around his cock, unfortunately face-first against the head wet with pre-cum. as he slowly starts the final pumps he squeezes you together and suddenly his load bursts out point blank into your face and your open mouth as you scream. The force behind it forces wave after wave down your throat, as the rest smears out over your face. And body. It just keeps coming. Finally it ends an you can take a quick breath again. But almost immediatly Rich start rubbing you around filling your mouth again. You realise the only way to make it a quick as possible is to suck up as much of his jizz as possible. So you suck, lick and swallow till apparantly Rich feels clean enough to pull you off. You see now he’s sitting on a shower seat and he turns on the water to rinse himself down. Unfortunately he decides to use you as a washcloth again. You keep wondering why he manages to stretch your face over his palm again, only figuring the back is the largest part of the speedo. Before you’re rammed into his massive pec, into his pit, back down, the other pec and pit. Down his stomach and into his junk. This time he does lift one of his legs and shoves you right through his dank crack.
Finally he turns of the water again and you feel the boat slowing down. As the boat stops he gets up.
Stark naked Rich bows and hangs you on a hook before turning around and leaving. Oh, crap, you’re completely alone and in full view of whoever decides to come in next. Suddenly you hear stumbling from the outside and the door burst open. Jason wearing his own wetsuit, still dripping sees you, steps in and closes the door, his face a bit flushed. He has a small toiletry bag in his hand which he places on the shelf before picking you up from the hook and sitting down. “Can you still return to normal.” As soon as he asks, you realise you’ve been uncontiously holding on to the speedo shape. As you relax your body almost immediatly starts to shift and suddenly you realise you have arms and legs again. Jason lets out a sigh of relieve. “Good to see you again Jack” You sit up in his hand and roll your shoulders and neck for a bit. “Good to see you too, Jase.” Jason grins, “So, did I oversell it?” You smirk, “No, he has a perfectly terrifying body.” Jason laughs softly, “Terrifying?” he mocks. You nod, “perfection is overrated. I prefer a more flawed body like yours.” Jason gives you a flash of his teeth as he grins. “Good to hear, cause if you wanted I could have given you to him to keep.” You grin back. “You’d never let me go, you need me too much.”
Jason nods and puts you down on the shelf as he starts to wrestle down his wetsuit. Opposed to Rich, he’s naked under it. And he steps in to the shower to rinse himself of, not even looking at you for help. “As soon as John has had his turn we’ll be heading back home. Any special request for travel arrangements?” You look around the tiny room and notice Jason didn’t bring anything but his toiletrybag and a towel. “Well I think you need a pair of briefs before leaving this room right?” Jason laughs softly. “You really don’t have to, I can just carry you normally.” You nod, “I know, but after having my face be at the backside of a speedo for a while I was just wondering what it would be like to have my face stuck to someone’s front in the same way. It’s just. A couple of hours till we get home. Then we can be done with it. But at least it will keep me from wondering.” Jason smiles again. “You’re quite the little scientist yourself. But I won’t hold you back.” As he gets out of the shower he towels dry. From the towel drops a pair of black briefs. “Oh you say you do have a pair already, never mind than.” Jason’s mout drops open. “Just kidding.” You say with a wink. Jason gives you a look as he continues drying himself. “Effing tease.” He reaches for the toiletry bag and he takes out a small bottle that looks like an eyedropper. “Open wide.” He says and lowers it to your mouth squeezing three drops into it.” As you swallow them you realise that you feel now that you’re pliable again. It’s subtle, but there.
Jason holds up the briefs in front of you. “need an example or should I put them on so you can form on the inside?” As you think is over and look at the briefs you realise you can do this. “Can you put me on the floor?” Jason sets you down and as you lay down you stretch youf body in all directions. Folding in on yourself and before long you feel ready, you still look up at Jason, so you realise you formed inside out. And your head is still in it’s normal shape. “Jason lifts you up to the mirror and says, “That looked pretty weird, but now you look pretty comfortable.” You see your reflection and all you see is a pair of briefs with a head right in the crotch areas. “Wow.” You say and Jason laughs softly, “You can say that again, I’m gonna miss that little nubbin in my ass, but I think I might enjoy it in the front to, just don’t take to many licks or it might get cramped in there.” With that Jason flips you inside in and lowers you towards his feet. He pulls you up almost all the way, but before he cups you over his sack and cock he takes proper care to push down his balls and arrange the head of his cock richt next to yours. “See you tonight little buddy.” With that he pulls you up entirely and you squeeze around him. He gently cups himself from the oustide to give himself a little shake before he starts moving.
With every step the head of his cock slowly presses against your head. The silky skin feels good to the touch. Back at his bag he puts on a pair of short over you before joining the guys up top.
As soon as Jason gets up top the guys sit down for lunch. You hadn’t even noticed the boat had stopped. Jason sits down on the floor with folded legs, this position pulls you in deeper into his flesh. The warm, musky skin feels soft and familiar to the touch, his smell is as intoxicating as you remember. When they get up Jason moves to the back of the boat and lays down on the bench on his stomach, trapping you against him. Suddenly the boat starts up and the vibrations that follow make him quiver against you. Slowly you drift in a meditive state as his quivering member tickles your face and before you know it the boat slows down and Jason gets up. As te guys pack their stuff and move to the car you feel that Jason needs a little more support and you squeeze in a little more.
The guys are pretty tired after the morning and the trip home is rather uneventfull. Jason is the first to be dropped off and he walks into his apartment. Soon he lowers his shorts and sits down in his boxers, aka you. Softly he starts rubbing himself through you and his flacid penis quickly jumps to life. “Jason.” You yell up at him, but there’s no reaction except he starts rubbing even harder. Soon you feel his penis stretching against you, but you decide to squeeze back tightening yourself as much as you can. You hear Jason grunt in discomfort and suddenly his hand enters your view as he uses the force of his arm to counter you. And he’s winning easily. He keeps rubbing himself till he cum all over his shorts, coating you and your face in his cum, again you are forced to take a mouthfull as he retreats his hand and lets you slam against him. After enjoying a few moments of bliss he finally gets up and peels you of. Dropping you on the table where you force your body to reform. Still coated in his semen though. You wipe as much off as you can as you look up to a smiling Jason, “Asshole.” You mutter, he heared you and answer, “Nope, this was the frontside remember.” His sudden answer throws you of and out of anger, instead you can’t help but laugh. Jason joins in as he picks you up and rinses you in the sink.
“So which was better? Front or back.” He asks as he puts you down and start making some coffee and getting you some food. “Definetely back” He puts some bread down for you and you start munching away, after all, all you had for the last few days were multpile helpings of nature’s protein shake. As Jason its down with his coffee, he answers, “I agree the back was more fun for me too. I liked feeling you there and there’s more room to play.” You nod, “Your front is indeed pretty filled up already.” Jason grins, “Is that a compliment?” You shrug, “Let’s just say it is.” Jason laughs again. “You amaze me, how easily you bounce back from all of this. I mean it can’t have been easy being wrapped around Rich.” You shake your head. “No, it wasn’t” In short you tell him about your adventure as Rich’s pants, cumrag and washcloth. Jason enjos the tale, but is also shocked at times. “If I’d known it would be that bad, I never would’ve asked.” You shrug again, “It only makes me appreciate what I have more.”
For a few minutes Jason and you just sit and relax. “Okay,” Jason asks, “What’s next, I suppose you’re done bein pliable for a while so we might start on our research. Although I could really go for a quick ride first.”
"Before we do… I wanna review your experiment and adjust the formula a little."Suddenly a sudden blast of inspiration hits you. You discuss some adjustments to the pliability potion. For some reason Things seem to come to you, but even though Jason doesn't get everything you suggest he follows your orders. After a while the potion is simmering. Jason makes a pot of coffee and sits down with you. "What did we just make?" You grin slightly. "Well, if I'm correct, it's gonna be a real surprise."Jason just looks at you, sipping his drink. After a second and a third cup he checks the potion and says: "I think it's ready." You nod. So give me a sip please.
Jason gives you a few drops and you feel the drink enter your system. "Can you try to flatten me now?"Jason pushes down, but for some reason he can't flatten you till you decide you want to let him. As his hand lifts again he grins. "Ah, I get it, this gives you more control over your shape now, so I can't flatten you outright." As you reform you give a slight smile. "Yep, but if I'm correct it can do a little more." As you lie on your back you concentrate and suddenly your body seems to meld into itself, except for your face. The mass of your body is suddenly forced into your head, which slowly grows as the rest of your body shrinks to almost nothing. After a few seconds your body is gone, but your face is almost normal sized, even though your head is a lot flatter than normal. Jason's mouth has dropped open at this change.
You try your mouth and it works. "So how does this look?" Jason lowers his hands and picks you up taking you into the bathroom and holding you up next to him in the mirror. You're just a floating headn in his hands, almost the same size as Jason's. "This is amazing." Jason says.You grin at yourself in the mirror. "Wow, I almost feel normal sized again." You gulp soflty. "And now I can't be flattened if I don't want to." Jason blinks as you continue. "Guess we both know what's next." Jason looks at you in the mirror. "You're kidding." You stick out the tip of your tongue. "I knew you didn't have the guts." Jason grins "Bad move."
He walks back into the room and over to his bike. On the way he picks up a roll of Tape. As he lowers you to his saddle he ses the tape to hold you in place. He places you with your mouth towards the nose of the saddle and after sticking you on he walks away and comes back a few minutes later in his riding shorts. As he stands next to you he bends over to loosen the saddle and lowers it a little till it's in line with the top of his thigh.
He takes a step back and you see a look of pleasure and lst in his eyes as he admires his work. Suddenly he seems to have his doubt. "I can't do this to you. This is just too sick." You can't help it but burst out in laughter. "It is, isn't it?" Jason laughs too, It was different when you were small, but now I see your almost full-sized face lying there I just… can't." You grin again, "I understand, just release me than." Jason moves in and bends to take of the tape, as you quickly say. "Just one moment, if you don't wanna ride, that's okay, just…. Take a seat for a second." Jason stops. "No… really." You smile, Ï just wanna see what it looks like to have a full-sized ass come down on my full-sized face. Please just a few minutes." Jason pauzes… "Just a few minutes." He says and suddenly he turns and swings his leg over you. Standing over his bike, giving you a nice view of his back and ass hovering over you as he slowly lowers himself, till he's touching you ever so gently. Then he stops. "That's a great view" you whisper just loud enough, "but it doens't feel like you're really sitting down." Even more gently Jason now lifts himself and slowly shoves himself over your face and lowers himself with his full weight. It's heavy, but not too heavy, smelly, but not too smelly, so you moan a little encouragingly. "Are you comfortable?" Jason slowly shifts a litle and suddenly you almost feel like your face clicks into place into his ass as he sits. And this time Jason moans a little as you open your mouth and feel his balls slowly lower a little into your open mouth, through the shorts. As you talk you do your best to use your lips to massage them. "Can you still hear me?" Jason answers. "Yeah. Are you okay?" You give his balls a big kiss, making him moan again. "It's nice and warm down here… just a little bit too clean. I think I really need you to work up a little bit of a sweat to get the real experience"
Jason slowly gets out of the saddle into a standing position and looks back at you slightly turned. "I can ride a little in the climbing position to build up some if you like." You look up at the man and see the desire in his eyes. "Jason, please, let me be your saddle, I just need to know now. Ride me like you've never ridden a bike before and make me yours."
Jason looks down at you and slowly his grin is winning from his doubt. Suddenly he shrugs and says: “Okay, you asked for it.” For a moment he gets of his bike and walks away. Suddenly music starts to play, a lot of Badoenk-Badoenk fills the room, real spinning music. As Jason comes back. He swings his legs over you and slowly but surely sits down on you. He remains seated for a few seconds and you yell up: “Is it too firm, or not.” Jason shifts a little and answers. “Actually it feels perfect, I like it firm. slowly he starts to move his legs a few times and he leans forward a little. You slowly open your mouth to receive his package. “Nice,” he says, “This feels good, support for everything, but enouh free space for my nuts to not et squished.” He pedals slowly a few minutes longer, slowly adjusting his seat. You feel the fabric slide over you easily. Suddenly he yells, “Okay, I’m ready.”
And with that he is off. Suddenly his speed picks up and his legs rush up and down slamming against the sides of your chin. His hip bones press down over your eye-sockets left to right and right to left. Your nose softly spreads his cheeks and is squeezed closed slightly every time his legs et halfway through a circle. His balls are nestled comfortably in your open mouth. There is litle friction due to the stretchy fabric.
Steadily Jason’s muscles heat-up giving of a gentle, comfortable warmth. Slowly the fabric turns moist and his scent gets stronger and stronger, salty and sour. After a while Jason suddenly gets up and does a few strokes in the climbing position, looking back at you as you stick out your tongue and give him a wink. Suddenly he lowers himself again and you automatically open your mouth to receive his testicles. He speeds up even more and lowers himself forward. His shorts start to get moist and this makes them stick a bit more, but not uncomforatbly so. You can taste his sweat through the fabric and notice a slight stinging in your eyes.
Suddenly Jason sits up straight and pulls his balls from your mouth as he keeps pedalling. “You still good?” He pants slightly. “Extremely comfy and warm.” You answer. Jason laughs, “Well, me too. Guess you are a perfect saddle.” He pauses a few seconds. “Now, I guess, You can be used for speed,but we have to find out if you can be used for climbing too.” So let’s get real and do some climbs.” Almost immediatly he leans forward again and lifts himself from the saddle, “One- two- three- four.” He counts before slamming down again. A slight jolt of pain on your nose is all the discomfort you feel. He keeps getting in and out of the saddle every four seconds for a while, before he remains seated.
Next you feel him speed up, down, do some push-ups and finally just sitting back up and slowly cooling down. By letting his legs slow down.
Finally he stops and gets off his bike. He leans forward in a stretch and as he stands up he leans over you. A big smile on his face. “Okay, that was one of the best rides I ever had. How bad was it for you?” You look up at Jason and before you know it you say, “It was a fun, I felt really close to you, and it felt a lot less threatening now I could almost feel normalsized again.” A few drops of sweat fall from Jason’s face on yours. He grabs a towel and gently pats you dry. “So… That means that position of a permanent saddle doesn’t sound too bad now?” You grin, “Well permanent sounds pretty scary, but I could do it again. However when I get back to my regular size you’d have to sit in reverse, cause my body would be in the way otherwise.” Jason Suddenly hops on the saddle in reverse, you can barely look up between his thighs pas his groin into his smiling face. He looks down at you. “Well, looking down in your eyes from time to time would be fun, but I’m gonna miss having my balls resting in your mouth.”
He gets back up and start to slowly peel off the tape keeping you in the saddle. As the tape has gotten quite moist it peels of easily. As he lifts you up. He walks over to the kitchen table and place you down. Before downing a few glasses of water.
As Jason returns from his rehydration he sees you lying there, like a flat pillow with a face.”Not turning back?” He asks as he sits down. “I mean, I’m done for the day, so maybe a quick shower and it’s off to bed. Need you to be a little smaller than this to do that.” He holds a bottle over your mouth and lets some water run down in your mouth which you swallow graciously.
“Well.” You start out. “Since I’m like this, I just have another thing I’d like to try out.” Jason sighs, “Does it have to be today, maybe after a good night sleep it will be even better.” You grin. “Oh you can sleep, all right, it’s just something Scott said a while back.” Jason leans forward and raises and eyebrow. “Well, Scott said he wanted to tie my full-sized face in his ass for a night.” Jason grins now and says. “So… since you’re like this you think it would be a great way to try that out too.” You try to nod, but remember you can’t and jus say: “Yep. It’s almost perfect, you can just shove me down the back of your pants and I’ll be pretty much stuck there till morning.” Jason leans back smiling. “That sounds weird enough to be comfortable.” He stretches himself out. “So how would that work, Do I need to take a shower first, or change my shorts? Do I need to lay down in a certain way? Should I put you in after laying down or just stuff you in and walk around a bit. Can I sit down on the couch for a while?” You laugh softly, “Just stuff me down your pants already and safe me the speech.”
Jason grins and gets up. As he turns around he lowers his tight shorts and slowly pick you up. As he moves you toward his ass he giggles softly before bending over slightly pressing your face deep into his still moist crack. Keeping you in place with one hand you feel him slowly rolling up the short over the back of your head. You didn’t realise how tight they were, or how big your head actually is right now, untill he is halfway up and let’s go of you head to use both hands to hoist up the short the second half. You feel that even though you’re not pliable your face is being smooshed against Jason’s tight buns. “This feels weird.” Jason chortles. You can’t resist sticking out the tip of your tongue to touch his hole. It twitches immediatly and Jason’s sqeeuzes is cheeks together with a soft moan. “That kinda feels good.”
Jason slowly starts walking which makes you sway back and forth against his butt. “Mmm, you’re nose scratches nicely in between. Can you just stick your tongue out for me?” As you do Jason moans softly. “I can get used to this.” Suddenly he sits down and with all his weigth on your face all of a sudden and your tongue still out it almost easily slides slightly into his moist hole. This makes Jason groan out loud. “Oh dearest heaven and stars, that hit’s the friggin’ G-spot.” Encouraged by this you stick your tongue in just a little deeper. His sweaty, somewhat slimy taste fills your mouth as he seems to just melt down on your face, his muscles completely relaxing for just a few minutes. “I need to get to bed, but I really don’t wanna get up.” You hear him whisper to himself. And after a while he does get up, which squeezes you against him once more.
As he walks towards his bed you can feel every step he makes gives him a nice feeling. Suddenly he lets himself fall foward onto his bed. The momentum carries you deeper for a second before you veer back as he lays on his stomach. Slowly you move your tongue up and down a bit to clean what you can and Jason shivers slightly. “Oh, if I could just keep you in my pants forever like this I’d be the happiest man alive.”
You feel Jason roll on his side and as he stretches out his top leg you twist a little forward as he gets comfortable and slowly falls asleep.
As Jason softly snores and his breathng becomes more regular and he stops tossin and turning, you feel yourself drifting off into a deep sleep yourself. Strangely enough you only find yourself waking up after Jason himself and notice he’s rolled on his back and you are now pushed deep in the mattress. You give him a soft kiss and a lick. “Wow, finally up. Guess you were pretty comfy.” He rolls over on his stomach and starts to roll down his shorts and plucks you from his ass. As he rolls over again you notice his morning wood as he lifts you to his face in both hands. “Had a good night?” He asks. “Yeah, pretty good.” You answer, “I see you didn’t mind waking up like this.” Jason grins. “Nope not at all, just have to deal with that, and then I’m ready to start the day. Too bad you’re no help with that right now.” You give him a wink. “I could be, I guess.” Jason gives you a surprised look, “ What do you mean.” You stick out the tip of your tongue. “Well, you know, just put me down on the bed, roll over, and start pumping.”
Jason laughs out loud at that. “My very own, blow-up doll head?” And without thinking twice he lowers you again and places you next to his hips before rolling over. “Just slowly push yourself in conpletely at first, give me some time to adjust.” Jason complies and places the head of his long dick in your mouth. Slowly pressing in deeper and deeper, you allow your body to adjust and let the length of his dick, deepen your mouth. All the while squeezing softly to keep the friction. You make your tongue almost lengthen as long as his member and use it to softly massage the shaft. he taste is salty, but manly. Finally Jason reaches the end and after a few seconds he starts to pull back and push back in.
Slowly at first as if testing you, but gradually speeding up. In the end he’s really humping your head into the matress. Untill finally his dick twitches and his load explodes in your mouth. After a few waves he slowly pulls himself free and rolls away. “Now, that was taking care of something allright.”
This time you slowly let your body meld back into it’s normal shape. Your perspective changes from almost normal to being small again and Jason seems even more massive than you remember. Leaning on his elbows he watches you return to you mini-self. And As you feel your arms and legs again you stretch them and they feel a little strange. “Ah,” Jason says with a smile. “I was looking forward to shoving you back in.” You shrug and walk up past his body, windmilling your arms to get the blood flowing. “Maybe later, I just wanted to feel how it was to walk by myself again. Besides, I really think you should wash up first this time, because you’re smelling pretty ripe. Jason laughs and lets himself fall back, before scooping you up and placing you on his chest. “Yeah, I feel pretty ripe too.” But he pulls te bankets back over himself up to his bellybutton. “I’m just too relaxed right now to worry about that.”
You decide to lie down too and for a few minutes neither of you says anything. Suddenly the chest under you quakes as Jason let’s out a massive sigh. “What’s up?” You ask. And Jason answer, “I gotta work today, but I so wanted to have another go at that formula. You’re adjustments made me think of some minor tweaks too.”
“I think this formula is about as good as it gets.” It was out before you knew it. Jason laughs at that. “Nah, we can’t have you be just a seat for me, for the rest of your life, now can we.” You smile, “Eventually, I’d get sick of you yeah.” Jason laughs again. “Yeah, in about a day or two, I mean, you turned back after barely twelve hours… well, maybe sixteen. Imagine yourself as just a head for the rest of your life, me sitting on you, riding you, sleeping on you, using you as a flesh-jack, taking you to work as a seat-cover. Nothing but my ass in your face all day and all night. Until finally I completely forget that you are actually just a little boy. I will feel like you are just a part of my ass…”
"Sounds like a perfect life." You answer as you close your eyes to imagine it for a few minutes. Even with your eyes closed you're not that surprised when Jason places his hand on you. You felt his muscles move in advance. "It wouldn't work." He says, but his tone isn't really sad or doubtfull. "Why not?" you ask. Jason laughs softly, making his chest under you quake. "Because I don't think I could forget you." He pauses for a second before continuing.
"After my last, or should I say latest break-up with Chrystal, I kinda got lost. I didn't care about myself or anyone else. That's why I quit my job with Mark and Scott. I just didn't care about anyone anymore. I cut myself of from everyone. Lived like a hermit, actually lost a lot of weight as I kind of stopped eating and working out. And I drank way too much. Mark was actually the one that got me to go out again. He made me go to the gym and take up spinning and cycling in general.
We were never really close before. But he just didn't take no for an answer and well, at the time, he was so much stronger than me. I almost felt kidnapped at times.
Of course that set of a whole different depression, getting back to my old self was pretty hard. I had to train multiple times a week. And still I'm not even half as broad as I used to be. I'm still trying to increase my muscles, but it's hard to find the time or the incentive to work the weights. Especially since I feel every ounce of muscle I gain I burn by teaching my classes. Also I didn't really have someone I wanted to look good for. Strangely enough, I do want to look better for you. I know you like Mark's muscles.
You know the main reason Mark introduced us? He didn't tell me at first, he said they needed my help. But it was because he said you helped him open up and move on.I didn't know at first. And I guess I did to you what I did to everyone around me, try to push your limits so you would start to resent me. But you keep pushing back. I think you're even more stubborn than me. Or maybe it's just that you know what it is to feel lonely.
I heard about your mother, how your father doesn't even care you're missing. And still I couldn't help myself from trying to push you to the breaking point. I've been such a bastard to you. But yesterday, seeing you lying there on the saddle. I think something just snapped. I couldn't get on my bike and try out what I wanted to from the first moment we met. It was too much to ask of you. I guess it was you who finally ended up breaking me. Scott warned me that might happen.
I guess, what I'm trying to say…. Is thank you. For your patience, for your endurance, your stubbornness and your devotion."
Finally Jason's monologue ends, you feel weird about this confession. Jason a drunk? Jason as muscled as Mark? Jason caring for you? "You're welcome." It's all you can say for some reason. Jason laughs again. "That's it? You're not gonna give me a hard time with your Jack-Backtalk. That's what they told me what would happen." You can't help but laugh too.
"Sure, if you want." You start, "You're an idiot. Feeling sorry for yourself like that. Letting go of everything you like and were over some girl, that as far as I can judge from the one time I heared her should not have been doing the dumping. It's kinda pathetic. You think I didn't realise what you were doing? That's thinking a bit little about me.You forget I've been dealing with two emotional wrecks before I even met you. Not to mention myself.
I guess I should finish what Mark started, whipping you back in shape. The only way I can. I'm gonna let you use my face as a pillow only if you start your weighttraining again, 5 times a week, an hour minimum. In a few months I expect you to weigh at least double of what you do know. If I find you slacking… well, let's just say you don't wanna find out."
Jason laughs at that. "ouch, mister drill instructor. I guess the whole idiot thing is spot on though. I'm just wondering how you're gonna deal with me when I'm all bulky again. I mean I know you're tough, but that might prove too much even for you." You grin and say, "Well than I just have to remain pliable all the time oozing around in your underwear. Now, time to get up, start the day and go work those weights before your first class, or you'll have to make do with your old saddle."
Suddenly a noise fills the room, it's Jason's ringtone. He reaches over and picks up.
Js: "Jase,
Js: "Oh hey Mark, you back?"
Js: "Sure. hold on."
Jason pushes a button and places his phone down next to you.
Js: "You're on speaker."
M: "Hi guys, you doing okay there."
Jk: "Hi Mark, we're fine, we miss you though, when are you coming back?"
M: "That's what I'm calling about, I'm afraid it's gonna be a while. They are formally closing the file."
Js: "Oh wow, so you're stuck in Washington for a while."
M: "Afraid so, they're shipping in Lindsay and Scott too. You know the drill, all statements in writing and orally."
Jk: "Wait, can Scott even travel?"
M: "Yeah he's fine now, the inflammation is as good as gone. Didn't Lindsay let you know?"
Js: "Not yet, but that only means they were probably keeping an eye on him and her, ready to ship them ot at the eariest notice. Any news on who else is gonna be called in?"
M: "As far as I've heared, just the kids from science-class, they are invited on a field-trip. No word on you yet, guess they thought you didn't know anything. The fact they checked to see if we bought plane-tickets probably convinced them."
Js: "That's good news. Wouldn't want to need to find someone to… water my plants."
Jk: "So, I guess I'm stuck to Jason for a while?"
M: (laughs) "always the wordsmith, but yeah, is that okay with you both?"
Js: "Well it's fine with me, I just hope he realises this means he has got to make good on the promise he made me for an extended period of time. Now that we know he has to focus on me."
Jk: "Crap…"
M: (laughs again) "Don't worry, we'll be back before you know it to relieve you… Jason."
Js: (laughs) "Don't you hurry on my account."
Jk: "Do try to hurry on mine, though."
M: "Sorry guys, gotta go. Have a good time."
With that Mark is gone.
Jason puts the phone back and stretches out his arms. "So, I got this idea for your formula. I think by adding a few more ingredients I can make you able to change your shape a little faster, to almost instantly." You blink, "And that would be usefull how?" Jason laughs, "Well that means I can stuff your face in the back of my pants and have you go from flat to pillow shaped in mere seconds. Which we will use when I go to the gym." You roll over on your stomach and look up at Jason looking down. "And that will be usefull, how?" Jason looks down at you and grins. "So whenever I sit down you blow yourself up and by the time my ass touches any seat, I'll find your face right between me and the seat to give me that incentive to go the extra mile to make good on your challenge to bulk up and getting to the point where you can't hold me anymore and I'll feel my ass slowly sink into your melting face."
You lift your arm and slap his chest as hard as you can. "You need a lot more musclemass to squash me without me wanting too. Although I have no clue how long it'll take before Scott and Mark will be back, I don't think you can pull it off before then." Jason grins, "Well to be honest, it might be a month or more, the Agency loves their rules and regulations. And if the kids are being questioned one by one it might take even longer." You nod. "So let's say it'll take a month, that means I'm gonna be stuck to your ass flat faced when you're outside and roundfaced indoors or when your sitting down?" Jason nods and you continue, "I wish I could think of something to bargain for right now. But I fear I really don't think it sounds all that bad."
"Then let's get cracking. No pun intended." With that Jason grabs you and gets up. Walking you to the kitchen. He sets you down, makes some breakfast while preparing an adjusted formula. As he sits down for breakfast he fiddles with his phone. "So there's this app that will help me with my training schedule. But I have to fill in how much time I'm gonna spent a day. What do you think, can you take 1,5 hours, combined with a few hours of biking." You sip your coffee and pretend to think. "Probably, but than again I think we have to go over this one more time. As soon as I take that formula and that ass of yours comes down on me. I really don't have a say in it, remember. I'll be nothing more than a piece of underwear you can wear, with the added bonus I can keep your hole clean. or extend myself to cushion your balls while you ride your bike. I'll drink your sweat and smell your musk untill you pull me out again. Just don't forget to feed me." Jason grins at that. "Twice a day at least. probably more if you count some of the loads I'm gonna have to dump in your mouth." You sigh, "Sure."
After breakfast….
After breakfast Jason is clearing up and you relax a little, knowing it'll probably be one of your last moments of freedom for the day. As Jason comes back with a thimble you take it from him and look at the contents, "It smells different?" Jason nods, "yeah, I added some herbs from old chinese lore instead of chemicals." You look up, "You know chinese lore?" Jason gives you a mock-hurt look. Ï'm more than meets the eye." You shrug, "If you say so. So how does this work, I just down it and I can change my shape in an instant?" Jason shrugs too, "It's just a theory, but yes, it might also increase your density and flexibility a little more, which I though about when making it. So in accordance to your body mass, you could probably do just about anything." You look again at the potion. "Anything? You sure you want to give me all that power." Without waiting for his answer, you down the drink. It gives you a strange burning sensation down your throat, like you just took a spoonfull of hot peppers. "Hou-cha-ma-gou-cha."
Jason grins, "too much red pepper?" You cough, "just a tad." Jason keeps grinning. Now does it work? You wonder, you don't feel different, but you will your body to become flat. Instantly you feel your body flatten and you look up at Jason, who's eyes are open so wide his eyeballs might roll out. You will your body to rearrange its mass to become like earlier nothing but a face. Almost immediatly you feel your face elongating and your body melting into it, It's still completely flat though. You look up at Jason and he says, "Think fast" Before turning around and sitting down. You react without thinking and let you face gain normal proportions, your head still a little flat, but your face is completely firm as Jason connects. "Haha, good reflexes." He leans back a bit more and you stick out your full-sized tongue to give him a quick lick. "I guess it works as you planned." You mutter, a bit muffled into his crack.
"So can you shift with me up here?" You react by letting your body become pliable and Jason's weight does the rest, Hiss ass literally sinks down into your face, molding it into shape. allowing you to flow arond the sides and into the crack. You wonder of you can partially remain firm and will your mouth to do so, including your tongue. Succesfully, you still have control over your lips as they are pressed deep against Jasons hole. And as you stick out your tongue you can feel every fold of the sphincter as you slowly dig it in a little deeper. Making Jason moan out loud. "Never do that in public." you chuckle to yourself. You feel Jason get up and yourself going with him. Stuck to his ass. As he peels you off you allow your face to reform into its normal shape.
"It seems you have s lot more control now?" Jason asks. You wink as you can't nod. "It seems that way yeah. which might come in handy. You shift your face a little into a triangular shape, "This way I can be your saddle and give your balls some comfort." You turn a bit more round "For general sitting." Now you push back against his hand holding you and envelop it, Jason stretches out his fingers as you push against them. So you end up your face still firm against his palm. filling his entire hand. Jason looks at yout head replacing his hand at the end of his wrist. "I give up," he says, "What is this for." You stick out your tongue. "For scrubbing you body of course. So get in the shower and give my full-sized face the grand tour of your frail stature. This way I can monitor your progress on a daily base. And decide if you're worthy to keep me in your pants."
Jason grins and does as he is told, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. "I'm gonna make sure that every day there will be a little more of me for you to wash." Before you can answer he lifts the arm opposite to you and slams your face into his hairy, smelly pit and starts scrubbing. You open your mouth and stick out your tongue to taste every inch of his pit. Down his arm, over his chest. down abs. and into the fray. Slowly he rubs your face and outstretched tongue down his large member a fe times. then he moves you under and fondles his balls with your face. Down his hairy and long legs and up again. around the back. cheek by cheek and finally bending over slightly and scraping you down the middle over and over again. you realise, that without a conscous thought you adjusted you're pliability a little ever time his body needed you too.
After Jason turns of the shower he gets out and holds his hand palm up, so you can reease yourself from it and he places you on the shelf by the mirror as he towels dry. He rolls on a bit of deodorant and picks you up to take you back to the bedroom where he places you on the bed as he turns to his dresser. He picks out a pair of dark-green briefs and shows them to you. "These are a little loose on me, so I guess it would be perfect for you to fit in, giving you the room to change your shape." He pulls them on and you expect him to shove you in. But instead he just sits down next to you and falls on his back before picking you up and lifting you to his face. "We both now, this is fare beyond the line of duty for you. So I need you to promise me something. If it is too hard on you, or you just don't think it's fun or bareable, I want you to tell me. I know you think I want this, which is true, but I also think you think you need to do this. And that's not true. I appreciate your devotion to your situation, but it is a lot to ask of you. And I just need you to realise, I'm aware of that."You remember you can't nod, so you just say, "I'm aware of it, don't worry about me." Jason looks at you a bit sternly, "I do worry, I know I probably can't kill you or really hurt you, but I can get a bit carried away and push you away in the process, I need to know you will warn me before that happens, that's why I need that promise." You give him a wink, "Don't worry, I promise, besides before we get as far as that you're probably gonna have to deal with a few rants and tantrums from my end." Jason laughs, "Good to hear, I look forward to that first tantrum over dinner tonight. because untill then I probably don't have te luxury of releasing you from your position."
With those words he gets up and quickly shoves you down the back of his briefs, you remain firm as he pulls on some of his other clothes. As he starts walking you remain in your shape untill he stops at the door. "Ready?" you hear him ask and with that you allow yourself to flatten against his cheeks. Jason opens the door and walks down the stairs, you feel like you are actually as much art of his ass as a second skin. After a few steps You feel him stop and suddenly he turns and starts to sit down. Immediatly you allow your head to inflate and it is fully formed the moment he sits down in the seat of what you expect to be his car. Which is confirmed as he twists himself around and you hear a door slam. jason sighs in delight "Oh yes, this is gonna make every day things so much more special. You're reflexes are top-knotch, one day I wanna play a game of racquetball with you and see if you're reflexes hold p just as well on the court." You can't help but give his ass a big kiss as he starts the car and drives off.
The next two weeks you and Jason get in a pretty good rhytm. He wakes up and sometimes feels like pumping your mouth for a while before getting up the two of you have a polite breakfast. He takes a quick shower, and you start to feel the results of his training as he get a bit firmer in the chest and a bit wider in the shoulders. Afterwards he goes to the gym for a work-out on the weights. Allt he excercises he does sitting down, you comfort him adn this is a second give-away for his training working as intended, because you feel him getting heavier. As he builds up a sweat you keep him as dry as you can. The days he has to work you allow yourself to form to his saddle as he teaches his class, his balls dangling in your gaping mouth as he gives it that extra push and keeps smashing you against his ass and his saddle. On the down time as he is moving around you adjust yourself so he hardly feels you and you're not visible from the outside, just a slight padding on the inside of his shorts.
On his of days he spends a lot of time studying the formula and other stuff, still working on a cure as promised. But also lounges around on the couch watching some tv or playing videogames. Even going as far as having some acquintances over, a couple of times. Which makes timing on your part essential. He doesn't ride his bike outside of work as often anymore, probably trying to not burn of his newly developping muscles. Around dinner time he scrapes you from his ass and the two of you enjoy a pleasant dinner together, you don't talk about anything really importan, but he always asks you if you're still okay, which you confirm. But after cleaning up he just sticks you back in till the next morning. During the nights you enjoy having your face in firm form pressed against his glutes as he trashes around in bed.
Sometimes you use your tongue to dig deep in his greasy hole, which he does enjoy, but you know he doesn't want to admit it directly so you don't do it all the time. All in all you'd say your life is pretty good. this way. You feel as comfortable under Jason's ass as with your own body and find yourself thinking it wouldn't be the worst thing if Mark and Scott never returned and this could go on forever.
One of the nights during dinner you look up at Jason, "I lost count of the days, how many has it been?" Jason grins and answers, "Tomorrow it will be two weeks. The most comfortable two weeks of my life." You smile and take a few bites. "No word on Scott, or Mark yet?" Jason raises an eye-brow, "Why, sick of me yet?" you blow him a kiss, "Not at all, just a bit worried our life as we know it will come to an end before you've bulked-up enough for me to no longer be able to carry your weight." Jason laughs and flexes his chestmuscles which have become a lot bigger over the last to weeks. "That would be a shame. seeing as I'm trying to keep my end of the deal." You throw your hands in the air, "I know right, you gained, what, about 12 pounds of muscle already?" Jason grins, "11, according to the scales, but very close call. Can you really tell?" You nod, "sure, but it's not enough. I can still carry you with ease." Jason laughs, "Well, that's not really what I hoped to hear, but thanks for being honest." As he gets up to make some afterdinner coffee you look around. You notice something new on the table besides the books and you remember Jason going into a store today and buying something he saw in the window. You get up and walk over to the box and see it's a chess-set according to the box in mahogany and pine. Jason comes back to the table and looks around to find you. He sees you near the box and ask. "Wanna see?" You don't have to answer as Jason starts unpacking it and sets up the board. The chess pieces are sculpted beautifully in long curves and spirals of wood extending from a solid base. "Wow." you utter. "Jason laughs, "Yeah, that was my thought too, So? you play?" You nod, "Only a little though."
Before you know it, Jason and you are engaged in the weirdest game of chess ever played. You have to run around the board to get a good view of the pieces and their locations, but strangely enough this helps you gain a lot on insight in how to position your pieces and you realise Jason has to think harder and longer with every move. Moving the pieces around is heavy lifting for you so you have to ask Jason's help from time to time, but that's no issue. The game goes on for a long time till suddenly you hear yourself say "Check…. and Mate?" Jason glares down at the board and his mouth drops open a little. "Seriously?" he asks. He keeps looking at the board as if there is one last move he can pull, but you know there isn't. You beat the big guy. Finally jason closes his eyes and uses his hand to squeeze the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe it." You chuckle as he opens his eyes and looks down again, well, congratulations I guess. You've earned a reward." You think long and hard.
"Okay… you say, I think I got one." Jason bends forward a little. "I want you to go out dancing." Jason raises an eyebrow at this? "Dancing?" You nod, "Yeah that guy that was here the other night invited you to his club. So I think you should call him and accept." Jason gets a bit of a concerned look, "I can't dance?" You give him a stern look back, "You promised me a reward." jason throws his hands up, "How is this a reward for you." You grin, "because I get to pick how you wear me." Jason leans back and nods. "Okay… and how would that be?"
You grin up at Jason, "I wanna try out being a Jockstrap and have your front stuffed in my mouth the entire evening as you work up a sweat." Jason's first reaction is a look of disbelief, then he starts laughing uncontrollably. "You got yourself a deal." He gets up and puts the chesspieces away. "I should lose more often to you then." He gets the formula and offers you a few drops. "You want me to wash up first. Or you gonna eat me dirty." You grin at him. "Like you are now is probably fine. You shift your body into it's large face shape. "I just hope it's not too much, because once I'm stuck on there I don't think I can communicate with you anymore." Jason slowly lifts you towards his groin. "Just be sure to be firm enough to keep my hard-on down." Withouth waiting for an answer he places the tip of his dick in your mouth and slowly slides you up. You keep opening your mouth further and further shrinking the rest of you body down till you face is mostly a gaping mouth. Suddenly you reach his balls and stick your tongue out to cover your teeth as Jason slowly stuffs them in your mouth. His sweaty sack scraping over your tongue and your tongue soon rest against his taint. next he slowly raises the top of your head upwards towards his treasure trail, with one last look in your eyes as you give him a wink before being smashed against his skin. "Erm… what's next?" You hear Jason ask and you will two tendrils of flesh to extend from the top of your head and around his waist. When they reach around you squeeze firmly till you feel locked in. From your chin you extend another two tendril to grope around his legs and up until you feel them touching and squeeze again tight. All the while Jason is snickering at seeing you turn into a real jockstrap. Finally you flatten yourself a little and extend your tongue a little further till it's tip is just at the bottom of Jason's crack.
You Feel Jason slowly lifting his leg. His massive dick in your mouth shifts slightly and gives you a really weird sensation, not bad. Just. your flesh is adjusting to his dick in ways you never felt before. Jason lowers his leg and lifts the other one. Now his balls and dick shit the other way. Again your body accomodates his every move. "Oh, this feels so weird, but really supportive. Are you okay?" You use your tongue to tap his taint once. He gets the message and starts to slowly move around. Every step stretches you to keep up with his movements, every step scrapes his balls over your tongue and your tongue over his taint. It doesn't feel bad just yet, but you do worry what might happen if he actually picks up the pace and dances around. You almost let yourself drop down, but suddenly Jason bends over and pulls up something over you to lock you in. "These are my tightest jeans, so I hope that will help to keep you in place." No way back now.
As Jason keeps moving around the tight jeans keep everything a bit more strapped down. so there's not as much movement, but still enough to remind you of the fact that with this guys junk in your mouth you're pretty much forced to breathe in through your nose and will have to smell every drop of sweat You Hear Jason on the phone announcing to his friend he's coming over and before long he's walking out of his apartment. By now his moves start to feel familiar his balls slightly swaying and his dick moving a bit from side to side. You shift your body a bit more to give him a bit more room to sway and as he feels it he squeezes his cheeks as a responsive thank you. At least you think it is a thank you.
After a brisk walk he stops and you hear him talk to someone. "Yeah, I'm on the list." And without much hastle he gets in. Suddenly you hear a lot of loud music around you and you realise that you probably can't hear Jasons voice anymore. He slowly moves around and after a while sits down in a more quieter part and you hear he starts talking with someone. He leans forward in his seat lowering himself deeper in your mouth. Already the heat starts to get to him as you notice his smell is increasing and slowly your saliva is not the only thing keeping his balls moist. And a drop of sweat rolls from his crack right on the tip of your extended tongue.
After a while Jason suddenly gets up and moves around again. Here we go, you think. And you are right, Suddenly Jason starts to wiggle and trust his hips and stomp his feet to the beat. Song after song, for someone who doesn't like to dance he sure shows stamina. At times from the outside someone rubs themselves against Jason's groin, which occasionaly makes his cock twitch and engorge a little, before dying down again. It took you about two songs to figure out this probably wasn't your best idea ever. After ten more, the idea definately lands in the top three of worst ideas. As his sweat is filling your mouth and you feel there's not really a place for you to swallow it too, which for some reason doesn't seem an issue, realising the same thing happened to his loads of cum that you shouldn't have been capable of stuffing down your non-existent throat. Still worse than the sweat is the strange feeling of having his dick flopping around in your skull.
It's a complete relieve when the music dies down an the crowd gives a big "Aaaww". Afterwards Jason returns to his seat and you know can hear the conversation between him and the voice of the guy you heared the other day. "I never thought you'd accept Jason. But I'm glad to see you out in the world again." You head Jason's laugh, "Thanks John," wait, you remember that voice and name now, John from the boattrip, at least it's not Rich. "Someone had to convince me to come here though. It's been a while." John answers, "Well believe me, you're still pretty much on the market, looking at those girls fluttering about you. If you wanted, you don't have to go home alone tonight."
Suddenly a female voice enters the conversation: "John's right you know."
With that Jason gets up and thanks the lady for the offer and John for his hospitality. And leaves in a hurry. After a brisk walk home you find him entering his apartment again and crashing down on the sofa. "Im so glad you made me do that. I had a great time." He rubs he outside of his pants. "I wonder if it was everything you expected. Because if it was. I sure won't complain the next time you wanna strap in." You hear him loosening the button and unzipping. his hand now slowly rubs the back of your head. Ever so slowly he starts to trace his cock with his hands through you and gently start kneading. You give in completely and turn as pliable as you can. Jason notices this and grabs on to his shaft, slowly rubbing himself with the inside of our mouth. Soon he gets bigger and harder and your body stretches outwards to accomadate his increasing member. You stretch your tongue out to slowly massage his sweaty hole witht he tip, making Jason go mad. Now Jason really grabs on and start pumping, your saliva and his sweat acting as a lube which allows him to keep going as his pre-cum fills your mouth. Suddenly his dick starts to twitch and you feel your mouth filling up with a salty viscous fluid. he keeps squirting more and more, and when you think he's done another load comes out and another.
Finally his cock dies down and Jason sits back in his little moment of euphoria. Slowly you unhook yourself and as he feels it he grabs on to the top of your head and peels you back. It takes a little effort to pop out his cock and balls, but only a moment later you have reverted to your ow tiny form. "Oh wow, now that was something else." Is the first thing you can say. Jason laughs, "In a good way I hope?" You realise you have a choice here, but looking up at that sweet face, that look of pure bliss you realise you have no choice at all. "In a way that I most definately want to, how did you call it, strap in, again. Just not on a daily base. It really makes my tongue feel dry." Jason grins, "So my special-occasion Jack-strap. And I'm not getting any lip for jerking off in your mouth like that?" You shake your head. "You just did what you'd do with any jackstrap.. erm.. jockstrap. And that's what it's all about, right?" Jason grins "I guess I could go to the club a little more often with this special garment." You nod, "Good, you should get out a little more and worry less about the formula, it might lead you to new insights. Jason chuckles, "And it's a great way for you to prevent me from taking home any ladies." You shrug. "If you can explain it to her… there's no need not too take one home." Jason laughs, "True, but the explaining part would be a disaster. Hi, wanna meet my living Jockstrap Jack. He's okay with sucking my dick all night till I get to fuck a nice girl." Both of you laugh at this idea. "You could've gone to the bathroom and take me off and caim you go commandos." Jason winks. "I thought about it, but then again, I don't feel ready to connect to a girl again and I'm really not the one-night-stand guy anymore." You grin, "yeah I figured that after the first time you wiped me clean and stuffed me down your pants to safe me for later." Jason laugh, "Hey now, the first time I put you down my pants was on your request. I'm the giver in this relationship." you laugh too, "Yeah you're right, you give me your ass and I have to just lay down and take it." jason grins, "darn right."
Suddenly Jason grabs you and gets up. He walks over to the kitchen and finds your formula. "Now I wanna ask you for a favour." You nod, "My ass is pretty soar from all that dancing, so I wanna put you somewhere else on my body for tonight, I'm not saying where, you just say yes or no." You shrug "Sure, why not." With that Jason feeds you s few drops and puts you down on the table as he takes of his shirt. As soon as the formula takes effect he lifts you up with his right hand, lifts his left arm and smooshes you into his armpit immediatly lowering his arm and squeezin you in the dank sweaty prison of his pit. Keeping his arm tightly closed he walks to the bedroom and lays down on his left side. "See you in the morning he says as you feel yourself getting soaked and smooshed and eventually feel like you're gonna pass out from the scent, till you adjust and finally just fall asleep.
You wake up as you're being scraped from Jason's pit and lifted to his face as he sniffs you. "Oh god, that was bad." You reform yourself into you fullface from and snap at him. "Yeah, it really was. Thank god I slept through most of it." Jason grins "So, what do you wanna do today? Any more crazy ideas" you sigh, "Too be honest, yeah a lot, but I'm way to tired to try something new. Besides I think you should get up and get your work-out in." jason glances at the clockradio. "Yeah you're right, just one problem, I don't have time to shower if I wanna make it back in time for the game." You smirk "Just have to take your ass as is then." Jason laughs and gets up, he gets a pair of briefs from his dresser puts them on and stuffs you in the back with his pretty ripe smelling ass.
Soom he's moving around and you use your tongue to scrape away the worst untill Jason runs out and you flatten against him. As he drives to the gym you get another chance of a quick clean, which makes Jason chuckle. When he enters the gym he heads straight for the machines. The next 1,5 hours he goes at it with fervor, making your prison even more dank and clammy. When he finally is on his way out he suddenly stops as he hears a voice call his name."Rich?" you hear him say "How are you man?" You remember the big man that wore you as a speedo almost an entire weekend and shudder. "Kinda bad, the game is on today, but my tv broke yesterday, now the screen is all wonky." jason laughs, "Well, I'm watching it too later on, so why don't you come over, it's just around the corner. from your house right?" You hear the reaction of the big men: "Wow, that would be great, I'll bring some snacks. be there in about an hour?" After setting a time Jason rushes home and into the bathroom.
"So, you heared Rich is coming over?" Without even saying a word you shift yourself into a washcloth as he pulls you out. "Yeah, I heared." Jason grins, "Want me to slip you under his ass for a while, see if you can hold a guy about twice my size up in your firm form?" You see Jasons grin. "I don't think it's me that really wants to know." Jason nods, "Yeah, I want to find out if being as big as Rich is going to be something to strife for, or if I can quit early." You smirk, "Even if I said okay, there's no way you could slip me under him, without him knowing." Jason grins again, "Oh really now? So if I find a way you'll agree." You stick out your tongue. "Sure, be creative." Jason turns on the water and gives himself a quick rub down. As he gets out of the shower he quickly towels dry and runs with you in one hand to the bedroom, quickly dresses in sweats picks something from his dresser and runs back to the kitchen table, there he spreads out the first thing. a shiny new pair of short. Then he grabs the second thing which looks like an ordinary somewhat see-through boxershort. he runs off again and comes back with a pair of scissors and some needle and thread. You realise what is about to go down. "He won't fall for that." you say. "Jason grins as he places your faces right in the middle of the seating area. "We'll see." As quickly as possible he starts to sewing the stretch fabric all around you. You have to commend his skill as soon as he is done with the first stitches he pushed you slightly around to add another row of stitches locking you in pretty tight. "I can still see you perfectly, Jason." You say. You see Jason grinning, that's because you are looking towards the light. He picks you up and walks with you into the bathroom and holds you up to the mirror. You can't see your own face. "See, nothing. Now, I want you to be slightly pliable untill he puts you on, then I want you to try and stay firm. okay" You sigh, "He's still not gonna fall for it." But you are not so sure anymore. Jason rushes back out and folds up the short and places them in the drawer of his dresser.
Not a moment too soon as the bell rings and Jason walks off. You wait patiently for a while. apparantly you don't have to wait long as you hear two voices entering the room. Jason's voice is he first you can make out. "Yeah, I remembered you saying something like that on the weekend, lower back pain. I had it myself for a while till someone told me about these." Suddenly you feel yourself be lifted into the air. "They don't look like much, but when I get this nagging feeling I just put them on for a few hours and it really helps you to sit better and relax your lower back muscles." You are haded over to rich who stares you right in the face. Suddenly one of his fingers pokes you on the forehead and you give in very slightly. "Oh, I like that. pretty firm." He says. "I can see why this would help with your back." He hands you back to Jason, Jason makes as if to put you away. "Hey if you want, why don't you try them out during the game. They are clean and all and I can just wash them afterwards." You feel yourself being haned to Rich again. "Well…" Rich seems to doubt, "I do have a little twitch in my back. So why not." Dang, you really thought this wouldn't work. "Oh." Jason says, "the best way to wear them is against your skin, there's a little heating effect in the padding. I'll get the tv ready so you can change." You asshole. You think to yourself as you get dumped on the bed and hear Rich getting out of his pants.
When you are lifted again you suddenly see Rich's trunklike calves enter before your face and you decide this is the time to firm up as you are lifted up looking up at an ass at least twice the size of Jason's before you are smacked in the face with it. You feel Rich adjusting you from the outside till you're nose is lined up nicely with his crack and you know your mouth is right under his hole.the fabric covering you is stretched out far enough now that it might as well not be there, You feel the skin of Rich's ass way to good to your taste. As he starts moving you are forced sideways with every step. "It feels a bit weird when you walk, like I'm carrying around a football in the back of my pants." You hear him say. Jason answers, you'll get used to that, now sit down, take a load of, the game is about to start. This is it you think as Rich slowly starts to sit down. His ass stretching and squatting over you on it's way to the couch. At that moment:
You try to imagine something really brave and all you can think of is the image of the brave little toaster before the massive mountain of muscle connects to the seat and your firm face is driven up very close and personal. you did it. You held on. But now he's leaning back even further and he shoves himself up against the back rest. Now it feels like he's lifting his legs and you feel like your skull is about to crack. No… you tell yourself, you can do this. And eventually the sensation of being crushed diminishes only a little, but enough for you to hold on. "So how does it feel?" you hear Jason's voice muffled by the bulbous butt. "Pretty good actually." Rich answer, It's a bit firm, mut it has a small ridge in the middle that slightly spreads the cheeks and makes for a comfortable position. I guess the longer you wear it the padding will give in a little more." Jason answer, "Well, I don't think it's supposed to really give in. How does it feel on your back?" Rich twists a bit and this causes you to gasp in surprise, but you hold on. "Yeah, pretty good. I guess I can tell you more after the game."
The next three hours you do everything you can to keep your firmness and not give in to your desire to let yourself just be flattened. The worst parts are when Rich leans forward to get a drink or a snack and he rolls back, it feels like a steamroller is moving back and forth on your face. Also the tin fabric covering you is pretty absorbant, so soon it is moist with ass sweat, the smell fills your nose, the taste fills your mouth. And all this time Rich has no clue about what he's putting you through. You imagine Jason having a blast at this. Finally the game seems over, you don't even know what they were watching. But You realise their team won and get treated to a little bit of relieve as Rich stretches himself ot for a second lifting his ass from the couch a little as you imagine him using the backrest to lean on. But almost at once he lowers himself again and lock you in once more. "Oh wow, my back really feels relaxed now." You hear Jason chuckle, "Really, so you think the pants helped?" Rich grunts approvingly. "Yeah, I really thought they would get a little less firm under my weight, but they didn't. Good material. Guess I should get a pair." Jason chuckles again, "Oh you can just borrow mine if you need them I suppose. I only wear them when I got a back spazm." At least that way I can get my money's worth. "Nice, I'll hold you to that." Rich answers. "But you probably should take them off now. You're not supposed to wear them more than a couple of hours." Rich slowly gets up. "That's okay, I gotta get home anyway." He walks to the bedroom an you finally feel him slipping out of the shorts and dumping you on the bed. Soon he is dressed again and walks out.
Only a few minutes later Jason comes in, he picks up the shorts and flips them inside out. Looking at the moist mess covering your face. "Well done, Jack." He grins. "Please, promise me you'll never get that big, it was too much." jason grins, "Really now, Rich told me you kept your firmness, so it couldn't have been too much." you sigh, "Please, I know my limits now, and Rich is just about it. It wasn't fun." Jason grins again, "Well done Jack, Finally saying no to something, now that's a break-through for you. Rich starts moving towards the kitchen and soon he's slowly removing the stitches on one side and slides you out. "You deserve seomthing special for dinner, I remembered too late I didn't serve you any breakfast or lunch today. Than again, you were probably still stuffed from my load from yesterday." You just lay there, almost doubting you have the enerdy to change back anymore. Of course when you finally try it comes easier than you think and soon you're just the tiny Jack again as you keep laying on your back listening to Jason rummaging around in the kitchen.
Suddenly you wake up, not even remembering falling asleep as Jason softly pokes you. A delicious smell fills your nose and as you sit up you see a small plate full of finally chopped veggies, fruits and cous-cous with a little bit of dressing. Your stomach instantly growls for sustenance. "Wow, even I could hear that one. Guess I didn't really keep up my end of the bargain." No time to answer, you almost dive head-first into your plate as you try to maintain some manners, it's all you can do not to inhale the foor in front of you. "Soon your plate is completey cleaned but Jason is putting down a second serving, which you didn't even notice him making. "Thanks, Jase." You say and start in a little slower. "It's just so good." Jason smiles, "Yeah it takes a while to preare, but it's worth it. And it gave you time to sleep of the day." He sit down himself and starts to eat. As soon as the second plate is empty Jason magically presents a third plate for you and half way through you finally feel full. As Jason is downing his second plate he looks at you with a slightly worried look. "Are you sure you're okay?" You look up and nod, "I am now. Why do you ask?" Jason chews slowly before answering, "I've never seen you eat so much. And to be honest you look a little frailer today, like you lost weight. So I'm wondering if this shape changing thing is taking too much energy." You look at yourself and notice that you do seem to have lost a little weight. "I guess so. but it could be the just to meals a day thing too. Maybe we should try to get back up to three meals." Jason looks at you pensively. "Or maybe you just need a day or two off? I mean, we could get out of the city, grab a nice hotel and le you catch some sun for a change. Get some color on you. I know I wouldn't mind some fresh air"
"A vacation?" jason nods, "Yeah you deserve one, don't you think?" You ponder on it for a while. "A vacation?" it just sounds wrong. "We leave in the morning." Jason adds. You look up. "Rich loaned me the keys to his cabin in the woods, and I have two days of from work. So." You can only manage to blink and mutter: "A vacation!" This time it sounds almost right. Jason gets up and walks off. when he return you notice he's wearing his cycling shorts. We walks past you and comes back with the dropper. "Not until tomorrow, So tonight I get to take a nice long ride before bed. You take the drops without thinking and let you body melt down into it's saddle shape. without second, youlet yourself be carried and fastened on Jasons saddle and as he hops on, all you can think is: a vacation?
Jason rides a while and as he gets of loosens you and shoves you down the back of his sweaty pants as he goes to bed. You take a few deep breaths and figure it would be strange to actally not smell his crack for a day. With a small smile on your lips you fall asleep. When you wake up Jason is still sleeping. You stick out your tongue to take a few licks, realising that over the past weeks you really started to enjoy his taste. and the warmth and even the smell of his ass. You get the feeling being in here gives your life some purpose. What would it be like on the outside?
Ever since you shrunk you've been locked in one guys pants or anothers. You've been challenged physically, but Scott, Mark and Jason also challenged you mentally. The whole formula business, the deduction of the problems around the shrinkies, the psychology of those three trainwrecks you've gotten to know. Even a simple game of chess. You think your brain never had to work so hard in school, nor your body. So the idea of not having to work at all, the idea of a vacation. That's actually a scary thought.
As Jason suddenly rolls on his back and onto you you realise he's waking up. Soon ehough he slips you out and places you on his chest where you take your tiny form again. "Ready for your vacation?" You don't say anythinig for a while, until suddenly you just say it "It's a bit scary." Jason laughs and picks you up as he rolls on his side and puts you on his pillow in front of his face. "Scary?" You nod. "The idea of not knowing where I'll end up during, or at the end of the day. It's scary." Jason smiles, "Don't worry, I'll look out for you and won't let you stray too far. It'll be good for you." You nod but are still not completely convinced.
jason gets up and takes yo to the kitchen and makes you some breakfast, as you eat he walks around packing a few things, including his new chessboard, you notice. He walks out of the apartment a few times to load the car and finally he comes back to the table has a quick bite and some coffee. He runs around the apartment turning of all unnecessary appliances and comes back to pick you up and places you in his shirt pocket. "I guess we're off." You notice you share the pocket with a vial of the formula and this gives you a the feeling of a bit of security, If all goes to hell you can still hide in Jason's pants.
Suddenly Jason sits down and you hear his car starting and you feel you drive off. You climb up a little to look over the edge of the pocket and look out the window seeing people and buildings pass you buy. The world looks so very big. After a while the gaps between the buildings widen and the scenery turns more green. You almost forgot how beautifull trees could be. Jason rolls down the window a tiny bit and a soft breeze whips through the car. After half an hour or so the feelin is a bit too much and you retreat into the pocket and curl up, falling asleep.
You wake up as the car stops and Jason honks twice. As he gets out. You suddenly hear a door open and a familiar voice calls out. "Hey Jase." You can't believe it. Mark. You scurry up the pocket and look outside and it's true You see Mark coming down the steps of a small wooden cabin and walking over. "Mark." You squeak as loud as you can and jason fishes you from his pocket and yells: "Think fast." before tossing you towards the man you haven't seen in weeks. Of course Mark catches you without a problem and lifts you to his face planting a wet kiss on your body. "Hey there little one. I missed you." You stretch out and hug his nose. "I missed you too. you big lug." Mark turns around as Jason starts to npack and carries you in in his closed fist. Suddenly he opens it and you look up at another familiar face. "Scott? You're here too." Scott picks you from Marks palm and in a misschievous way gives you a long lick. "As good as new, and better than ever now you;re here."
You hear Jason come in laughing. "Do I know how to keep a secret or what?" You turn around in Scott's hand and flick him off, "You're an asshole Jase…. but thanks this is a really nice surprise. How did you do it?" Scott is the one that answers, "Well to be honest we booked this place well before I had to go back to the hospital and Mark had to go to head-quarters. Since they still don't suspect any connection with Jase, it was safest according to the rules to let us have our weekend away with him. to avoid questions." You think on that for a second, "Wait that means you have to leave again when the weekend is up." Scott gives you a nod, "We're not done yet. So yeah." You pout, "And I'm still stuck under Jason?" mark chimes in, "Well apparantly he's gonna rival both Scott and me in musclemass, so you probably can squint a bit and think about us." You turn and grin at Mark, "That's the reason I'm making him work-out of course. Get some uscle on that boney body of his." Jason steps up, "Hey, I thought you liked me for me?" You shrug, "yeah, of course, of course." All of you laugh as Scott puts you down on the table and Mark pours some coffee.
After a few blissfull moments of silence Scott puts down his cup and asks, "So how have you guys been. Anything worth knowing?"
Oh crap, you think, I can't lie to him, I never could. Maybe just rip the bandage off. "We've been working on Jason's muscles." Scott looks at you with that piercing look again, how could you forget about those eyes. "And…" he asks. "And on the formula." The look doesn't go away, he knows there's more. You wanna look away to Jason, but you know that would only make it more obvious. "And…" Stop Scott, don't do this. "And we had some results, but nothing yet to make me regular sized again." Scott leans down further lowering his chin to his hands flat on the table. "And…" oh crap, oh crap. "And we found a way to make me pliable and able to change my shape according to my bodymass." Scott grins. the fire in his eyes going out a little. "Now that wasn't so hard now was it? Jason let's out a sigh and says, "Sorry for letting you take the fall Jack, But I forgot how scary Scott could be." Scott sits back up and smiles, that smile that makes you forgive him instantly. "Only when people lie to me or withold facts. You know better than that Jason," he looks down at you, "And so should you Jack." You look away only to find a grinning Mark looking down at you. "Oh, you're in trouble now." You look up at Mark and say, "Can I pay you to stab Scott again, he was much more mellow when he was wounded." This get a laugh out of both Jason and Mark before Mark answer, "I don't think I can do it, even if I wanted to, but maybe we can make you a shiv." you turn to look at the grinning Scott. "Nah, I'll just kill him from the inside one of these days."
Scott just keeps grinning and looks at Jason, "so the vial in your front pocket." Jason fishes it out and hands it over to Scott. he unscrews the lid and sniffs. "So how many drops." Jason answer, "just two or three." Scott holds the dropper over your cup and squeezes out two drops. "Will you show me." You refrain from drinking, untill after a long pauze Scott realizes to add the word: "please?" with that you down the drink and stand up walkin over to the edge of the table right in front of scott before telling your body to melt. "Wow." Scott shoves back. "That's crazy." Next you tell your body to form nothing but your face. This time Scott jumps up and his chair falls back as suddenly your full-sized face is looking him right in the eye. "seen enough?" Scott blinks and finally you do something which really seems to freak him out. You tell your body to transform into the form of the jockstrap you remember. Before finally changing back into yourself. Jason can't help but laugh at Scott's reaction and yo look back to see Mark look just as flabbergasted. "That will make smuggling you to France a lot easier." Is the first thing he can say.
Even though it's not really all that funny, to you it sounds hilarious and you just have to laugh. Which seems to break the ice and suddenly all three men are laughing too. Scott picks up his chair and sits back down. "So, how much did you guys experiment with this." You look at Scott and grin, "Quite a bit, but no I won't give you details, you just have to find out yourself when you get back from your debriefing." Scott grins, "Why, we can try some this weekend." Jason coughs, "Well we did promise him a vacation too." Scott looks up. "But?" Mark chimes in, "We did promise that." You walk over to Scotts hand on the table and give it a pet, "There, there Scott, you'll get your chance one day." He looks down at you and you land the finishing blow, "Just not today."
"Wow" Scott answers, "Who knew you could be so mean." With that he gets up and walks out the door. "Now that was harsh." Mark says. You turn around, "AND…" you mock Scott's tone "Serves him right for making me spill all the beans straight away. He'll get over it and I probably end up spending the night in his pants anyway. I know it, you know it, Jason knows it, even Scott knows it. I just have to train him again in using the word please." Mark gets up too. "Wow, for someone as sensitive as you, you can be a real jerk Jack. The guy has done nothing but worry about you from the moment he found you. He was willing to take the risk of dying by leaving the hospital when he was still recovering so he could take care of you. He's been lying his ass of at head-quarters to keep you safe. And all the way up here he couldn't stop talking about how happy he was, he could see you again." Suddenly he grabs you and walks towards the door. As he opens it you see Scott sitting on the steps and he looks back at Mark. Mark takes to steps forward places you down next to Scott and walks back in. "You two, talk it out or duke it out. But don't come in without making up." And he slams the door shut.
The both of you sit in silence for a while, until finally you take a deep breath. "I'm really mad at you." Scott blinks and looks at you. he lowers himself to steps and leans back to get a bit more on your heigth. "Why?" he asks. "You broke your promise." He nods, "I know." Suddenly you feel yourself crying. "You weren't there when I wanted you to. Sure you got a good excuse, getting stabbed, trying to keep me safe, but all it did was keep me away from you for weeks. And I needed you, I needed to feel safe. I really like Jason, but one look at you here made me realise, I don't want to be with him. I want to be with you. It's a horrible thing to say, but it's the truth. And the first thing you do is give me a third-degree, and think about all the ways this new found formula can be used. And you never actually asked me, how I've been, or if I missed you. Now that's just plain mean." Suddenly Scott picks you up opens his shirt and shows you a large scar. "This scar will alway remind me of you, you were the reason I got involved, you were the reason I went after Matt and you were the reason I went home too early against doctors orders. It's the thing that kept me away from you and now it will always remind me of you. I'm still not good at the mushy stuff, at least not directly, I must have talked Mark's ears off about you. And when I finally see you I just close up. It's not fair or pretty, again, pretty much like this scar. But it's there. You just have to help me find it sometimes, please." You wipe your eyes, "Can't you just say I'm sorry like a normal person?" Scott grins, "I'm sorry Jack." You nod, "I'm sorry to, Scott." With you in his hand Scott gets up and turns to go in. "Scott?" you say "Yeah?" He answers. You take a deep breath, "I really wanna lick your ass tonight." Scott laughs. "Well be good and I might just let you."
As the two of you enter the cabin you see…
As soon as Scott opens the door, you realise the noises you heared earlier but ignored were two men yelling at each other. "We trusted you." Mark yells at Jason, "And then I find out all of this? Do you have any sense of respect for others left?" Jason huffs and yells back, "Sure, all high and mighty Mark is gonna teach me about respect. Just like the time I really needed someone to be there for me and you blew me off, because you had your own problems. Only to ry and make it up when it was convenient to you." Mark slams his fist on the table and rages back, "You know what was going on in my life and it's not like we didn't warn you what was happening. You just never listen. You always think you're smarter than everyone around you." Jason scoffs, "Well depending on the company, sometimes I just am." Mark starts walking around the table Jason moving around the other way, "You calling me stupid."
"HEY!" you don't realise it's your voice that explodes into the cabin, becasue it sounds almost to loud to come from you. Drowning out the yelling of the two men that are at least 20 times your size. It does work and shuts them up. Both Mark and Jason stop for a second, next Mark moves right towards you and Scott making a move to pass you and go for the door. You don't follow the regular traditions but the term leap of faith just sounds to justified as you take a few steps on Scotts palm and jump the momen Mark passes you, grabbing on to his wristwatch, without him even noticing as he storms out, flailing his arms around and thundering down the steps. "Mark, please, I can't hold on like this much longer." He doesn't seem to hear you and you just hope the formula is still in effect as you will your body to curl around his wrist. Which thankfully it does, making sure you won't get dropped as Mark storms into the trees.
After a brisk walk Mark suddenly stops at the edge of a small lake and sits down on a tree stump. Slowly you let your body loosen it's grip and drop down beside him, "Mind telling me what that was all about?" You ask. Mark jumps up and looks down at you. "How did you get here?" You grin up at him as he sits down on the ground this time, folding his legs, facing you. "I hitched a ride. almost got dropped though. You really have to pay more attention to the tiny voices inside and outside of your head." Mark gives you a weak smile. "So much for cooling of alone I guess." You grin, "Well, apparantly letting you out of my sight only gets you in trouble. So I thought it best to stick around."You pause for a second, "So why are you mad at Jason, I figure it has something to do with me?" Mark nods and seems a bit lost for words, "He experimented on you… Just like Matt did with those girls." You can't help but laugh, "Why is that funny?" Mark asks a bit surprised. "Well," you answer, "How am I ever gonna grow back without using myself as a guineapig? It's not like we have an entire lab full of tinies to work with, besides I'd probably still volunteer." Mark looks a bit shocked, "Yeah, I guess, but I mean, he used Matt's notes and continued his work." You add, "With my help and consensus." Mark sighs, "I guess. But it just feels wrong." You smile at him. "Or does it feel wrong that we did it, without you being there?" Mark shrugs, "Yeah, that too. I mean who knows what might have happened. You could've been shrunk even more, or even die." You nod, "But then again, I didn't" Mark shrugs again, "And he used you in all thse ways I can't even imagine." You nod again, "Which I let him or asked him to." Mark Scoffs, "Yeah, like you asked him to wear you like a regular jockstrap. You grin, "Actually, that one I did ask of him. I was curious." Mark looks at you with a look of disbelief at first, turning into a small smile. "Oh my, it would actually be something you could ask about, wouldn't it." You give Mark a nod. "You should know by now, I'm a bit crazy at times." Mark turns around and leans into the stump looking out over the water. "I kinda made a fool out of myself again? I should apologise."
You look out over the water too, maybe later, give him some time to cool of to and let Scott handle him. Mark nods. The two of you sit in silence for a while. After a few minutes you say, "Hey why don't we cool of with a swim?" Mark shakes his head, "I don't like skinny dipping." You grin, "Who said anything about skinny dipping." He looks at you and you will your body into the form you know of that of a speedo. Mark starts to grin, as he picks you up You allow your face to retain its shape in the back part of the speedo's and Mark looks you in the eye. "You sure about this?" but you notice he is already unbuttoning his shirt. It's a bit harder to talk like this, but you manage, "Sure, I kinda missed that big butt of yours." And before you know it Mark starts to strip down and slowly starts to put you on. As he pulls you up over his ass you stick out your tongue and allow yourself to have a good taste of his ass, you realise it's still as good as ever. Slowly Mark starts to muve rubbing your slightly firm face across his ass, "I missed feeling that too," he says and you hear sloshing and a littke shvering as he enters the water.
Mark swis around for a while, kicking his legs a lot, which rubs his ass all over your face, nice and warm and cleansed by the lake's water. He makes sure to let you come up for air every once in a while and finally returns to the shore.
For a few moment Mark just stands there letting the warm rays of the sun and the slight breeze airdry his body. But next he bends over and slides you down his legs. Stepping out and placing you on the stump where you slowly reform. He quickly puts on his pants, but not his shirt and sits down next to you. Enjoying the sun together in silence for a few minutes. "That was so weird, but so much fun." Mark suddenly says. "It kinda makes me understand why Jason wanted it so much." You nod, "Most of it was fun for me too." Mark grins, "Still as honest as ever, not saying all of it was fun." You grin back. "No, not all of it, but I won't tell you which parts weren't fun or you will start yelling at him again." Mark nods, "Probably, but I gotta hand it to you, Jason looks a lot more like his old self than before. And I don't mean just physically." You give mark a questioning look, he continues, "It's been a while Mark cared enough about himself to get into a shouting match, instead of just turning around and walking away. The girl had him completely whipped and afterwards he didn't know how to deal with having to make his own decisions anymore." You laugh softly, "Yeah, he told me you had to physically extract him from his apartment." Mark laughs to, "Yeah, I got so fed up with him acting all gloomy and wasting away. Still seeing him standing up to me, is quite a feat." You grin, "You forget he had a good teacher, who stands up to you even though you can overpower him easily." Mark laughs and for a while remains quiet.
"So, you and Scott, are you cool again?" You think on it for a few seconds. "We will be." Mark nods, "Good, just don't stay too mad at him for too long. His conscience is already killing him, so no need for you to add to that pain." You shrug, "Can you really blame me?" Mark shakes his head, "No, but still, he really loves you, you know." Another long silence, "You're not really together, together. Are you?" Mark shakes his head, "Nope, we talked about it and we care deeply for each other, but we're also not a good match." You give Mark a sidelong glance, "Pity." Mark shakes his head, "Nah, I got closure, not many people get that. So thank you for making it happen, now I can move on." You see a sly smile on Marks lips, "You're dating already?" You exclaim. Mark smiles widely and looks at you, "Is it that obvious? But no, I did date this one guy for a couple of nights, but that's over too. It's gonna end up too long distance anyway." You smile, "Still, I'm happy for you. Even if that will eventually mean I get to see less of you. Then again, by the time you start shacking up, I might be full-sized again and can just come for a visit." Mark smiles warmly, "You'll always be welcome in my home, as a guest, or as a seat. You grin, "Did Jason tell you my face actually can be used as a bikesaddle when it's full sized?" Mark looks at you in surprise, "No…" You look out over the water. "When I grow back and get my life together I wanna see if we can get a regular date where you can ride me. I want to feel that big ass of yours get hot and sweaty on me." Mark chuckles, "You're really gonna be sorry about that, cause if we make it a regular date I'm not gonna let you pass-up anymore. And I'm gonna make sure you hold to our schedule." You realise Mark is imagening this now.
As the sun slowly sink behind the trees Mark gets up and puts his shirt back on. "Guess we should head back?" You nod, "Mark, don't tell them about the swim. Scott doesn't need to know just yet." Mark cringes, "Lying to Scott? You got a deathwish?" You shrug, "Kinda." Mark laughs and picks you up, before heading back to the cabin.
As the two of you enter the clearing you notice Scott and Jason sitting in a couple of lawn chairs outside, another one ready for Mark. Mark walks over places you on the table that goes with te set and sits down. "That took a while," Scott says "But you finally managed to cool him down Jack?" You glance at Mark and Jason and focus on Scott, "Sure, I told him he over-reacted and reminded him to check in with me before jumping to conclusions." Scott nods at you, "Sounds about right, I told Jase he should've remembered it wasn't fun for us to be apart from you for so long and that we worry about you, because we care. So mark might've over-reacted, but it was understandable." You nod back, "Maybe, but I also told Mark he should still work on keeping his temper and remember that Jason is strong enough to push back these days." Mark grunts, "Jase, are we gonna let them continue like this, or can we just say sorry and tell them to shut up." Jason chuckles, "I dunno, I kinda am enjoying the show, but if it annoys you, fine, I'm sorry. Now shut up you two." Scott gives you a wink and you wink back. "You know, I though Scott was bad when it was just Scott," Mark adds, but for some reason he's even more annoying when he has Jack to back him up." Jason laughs, "Yeah, Instead of giving him back-up I'd rather see him shoved up his backside." You roll you're eyes at Scott, "Do you know a good way to shut them up now?" Scott just grins.
"I know what will shut me up for a while." Jason says and gets up. He walks into the cabin and comes back carrying his chessboard. "Anyone up for a game?" Mark shakes his head, "No way, I'm humiliated enough for one day." Scott leans in, "Fine, I'll take you on if Mark's too chicken to play." You scrape your throat. "There's another person here that can play you know." You say. Scott looks at you and suddenly starts laughing. This annoys you to no end. "I'm sorry," he finally utters, "It's just, I think Jase is a little bit out of your league and to be honest, I am too probably." You get up and turn to Jase, "You, set up the board for me, I think someone needs to have his ass handed to him on a silver plate." Jason grins widely, "Oh, happy to oblige, if you think you can take him."
Soon the board has been set-up, You're playing black, so Scott makes the opening move, very nonchalantly he uses a knight, and you answer by sliding out pawn. A few moves in Scott's face is all but cocky as you manage to counter his strategy by taking his knight by offering your bishop. As he switches to a different strategy you manage to castle your king to safety and take his queen with yours. Slowly but steadily you gain the upperhand by offering some pieces to clear the board and Scott looks more frustrated with every move. Finally there's enough room for you to position your rooks and get one of your pawns across to get back the queen you lost earlier. Three moves later you exclaim: "Check… and mate." Scott is actually sweating now, looking at the board. "This can't be?" You grin as you walk over to his king and slowly topple it. "But… you weren't even in the chessclub?" Scott says. You look up and grin, "Of course not, they were lousy players. Besides if you are so keen on checking my past, you should have looked up my uncle from my mothers side. He taught me everything." Scott thinks deeply, 'Your mothers name was Verbena?" You nod. "Charles Verbena, the regional champ was your uncle?" You nod again, "Great deduction, but a bit too late to be of actual use." Scott shakes his head, "No, your strategies are nothing like his, he was far more aggresive, winning most of his matches in under 20 rounds." You nod, "Of course, that's why I needed to counter him by playing defensively, wait him out and be ready to strike." Jason laughs. "You could've told me before you beat me." Scott looks up, "You knew he could play?" Jason grins, "Yeah he wiped the floor with me the other day. But watching you squirm for a change was just to good to pass up on." Suddenly Mark pitches is, "No it doesn't make any sense." He thinks for a bit. "You could have struck a counter after he lost his first Bishop and you castled your king, but you held back, Jack." Marks face opens up in a grin, "You were toying with him, stretching out a game you knew you already won." You feel your cheeks get hot in a blush as you look from Mark back to Scott who gives you a very stern look. "Mark is right isn't he." You nod and try to look as bashfull as possible. "I thought yo going after my queen was just a lack of insight, and made me think you were just playing by luck all the time. But you were planning to get that pawn accross from the beginning." You cower down behind the fallen king. "Well, you said you were out of my league. So I used that to make you think so, before kicking you down. It serves you right for thinking you could take me on without breaking a sweat." Scott huffs, and he puffs and he breaks out in laughter. "Okay, now that was a great game." you can hear three people releasing their breath at once, Mark, Jason and yourself. "Oh, come on," Scott says, "I'm not a sore loser, you don't have to be scared of me over a game of chess." You shrug and look at Jason and Mark, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm scared of him half of the time over far less." Jason chimes in, "75 % of the time, I'd say." Mar adds "Only 40% here, but that's because I can probably take him in a fight right now." Scott gives you all a mock-hurt look and grabs the left side of his chest. "Now that cut me deep you guys." He grins, "I would've though I pushed it up to at least 80 % by now."
All three of you laugh as Jason puts away the pieces and you all move into the cabin to get something to eat.
Even though Jason had a time he didn't eat, he's still the best chef out of the bunch, so he immediatly takes to the kitchen. Seeing as you're not much help you decide to hang out on the coffee table they put you. Scott starts to help Jason with the dicing and cubing, you see him handle the knife with astute precision, you remember you're actually watching a trained agent at work. Suddenly Mark plops down on the couch behind you and you turn to see him grinning at you. "I'm even more useless in the kitchen than you are and they know it." he whispers. You grin back. "I know, I don't think I ever saw you cook something besides frying an egg or boiling water." He nods. "To each his own." His grin fades a little, "So, how are you doing? You look a little paler and bonier than I remember." You give him a shake, "I'm fine, I guess maybe just a little tired. Jason is an animal." Mark grins, "Haven't completely housebroken him yet?" you shake again, "Nope, but getting there."
Mark gives Jason a glance, "I'm happy he starts to look and act more like his old self again. I just wished he got out more and maybe find a proper girlfriend." You nod, "He will, we went dancing the other night and he's bonding with these guys, John and Rich." Mark blinks, "Really he's getting back with his friends. That's great news. After getting him out of the house to go to the gym and helping him get that job there's only so much I could do." You smile, "You did enough, helping him over the hump. I just can't imagine a smart guy like him turning alcoholic." Mark shrugs, which looks pretty weird laying on his side. "It happens to a lot of people in our line of work, booze, drugs, other stuff." You blink again, "Why?" Mark sighs, "Well, juggling two jobs, your agentwork and your cover, add in a bit of personal problems and the fact that even we need to eat and sleep, there's just not enough hours in a day. I think for the past week I've slept about 3 to 4 hours a night." You gasp, "Why?" Mark grins, "They tire us out so we don't hide any facts, tired people slip up." He glances at Scott, "But that man is a machine. I think he hasn't slept more than 3 hours every other night. And look at him, nothing tells us he's ready to collapse."
You watch Scott for a minute before turning back to Mark. "How's Lindsay doing?" Mark smiles, "First of, I'm so gonna tell her you asked, that'll make her cry. Because right now she's so dead-tired she cries about spilled milk. But she's okay, she's taking care of the students and does what she does best. I guess it might be hardest on her as she never liked being away from home to long and she hasn't got anyone really close to talk to but us. But she's in a different part of the complex during the night. It's a girl thing." You nod. "And the one tiny girl they still have how is she doing?" Mark frowns, "I… dunno… We havent heard about her in a long time, I kinda forgot they had one."
"She's taken out of the hands of the agency and sent to some military base." You almost jump up as Scott suddenly sits down on the ground next to your table. You didn't even hear him come closer. "My guess," he continues, "they're going to train her as a spy or other kind of living weapon. Believe me, you got of lucky." You grin, "I dunno, a base full of well-sculpted soldiers, sounds almost perfect." You shrug, "But I guess I can make do with the three of you for now." Scott gives you one of his killer-smiles, "We can always turn you in if you want to try living in a barrack with 20 other men. We'll even tie a note around your neck that says, 'Please sit on me.' if you like." You shake your head, "Nope, keeping three men in line is hard enough work for me. I don't think I can whip 20 of them in shape all at once. But I guess it's good to know I still have options by the time you guys are all grown-up and sick of me.
During your words Jason has come over, and chies in, "If that ever happens we'll just change you in something usefull, like a pair of briefs or a throw-pillow and let you live out your life like that. By the way, dinner is in the oven, about 15 minutes and it'll be done." You give Jason a glance, "We allready have a deal, remember." Jason grins and gives you a wink. Scott and Mark look at you quizically, "What deal?" they ask almost in unison. You just shake your head, "No prying. by the time it takes effect you're so sick of me, it won't matter."
Scott shrugs, "Fine, I won't pry this time." He glances at Mark, "So, what do you think, if Jack would become a permanent item in your house, what would you turn him into?" You blink and open your mouth, but ark is quicker, "I think I'd turn him into something usefull like…" he pauses, "Like a sponge, I love washing myself with him, so if I had to pick something I can get a daily use out of,it would be that. That way he can still get enough action and will be acknowledged too, maybe not just by me, but that's not really a problem with me." You glare at Mark, "Not funny…" You start but Scott overshouts you. "Great idea, but I think turning him into a pair of underwear would be better suited for him. Keeps him out of the way and still in control as you take him everywhere you go. And you can just quickly rinse it and dry it off with a towel and he'll be clean for another round. You never need to buy underwear ever again." You gulp, "This is making me quite uncomfortable." Scott and Mark ignore you as mark continues, "Sure, but the problem is the colour, he's skin colour, so it would look like you're wearing nothing." Scott nods, "you've got a point, it wouldn't be ideal for every occasion. I guess turning him into a car seat cover or bike saddle cover would be a great alternative." Mark nods, "Usefull too, but I'm sticking with the sponge." The two of them go on a bit longer as you cover your ears in annoyance, till suddenly:
Jason gets up and pick you up, "Dinnertime." As he sets you on the table you say, "Good can we go home after dinner, apparantly it only takes a few hours to get really sick of those two already." the two of them start laughing. and Jason also chuckles a little. "Could be worse," he says, "At least you've been out and about for a few hours already." You shrug, "Yeah, still I go a lot more peace and quiet when I wasn't so free." Jason grins, "You know, by doing things we don't like we appreciate the things we like even more." He starts scooping servings of lasagna on plates and hands them out. You get a piece that's way to big. It's almost half your height, so you take a seat on the plate next to it and wait for it too cool enough so you can eat it with your hands.
As soon as the others start their second serving, you can start on yours and after a while you realise it's all gone, even though the serving was about the size of your entire body. "Aren't you feeding him at home?" Scott asks jokingly. You wonder what's going on. Suddenly you gasp, "Oh crap, crap, crap." the three others look at you. "Don't you get it?" You exclaim as you feel yourself panicking. "I'm wasting away!" Suddenly Jason drops his fork. "Oh crap, of course, why didn't we see it." Scott clears his throat and speaks up a bit annoyed, "We need a bit more words." You grab your head and shake it. "At first I thought I was just gaining muscle and that was why I was losing a little weight, but today Mark said I looked a little paler and bonier, The shrinking potion decreaded the space between my molecules, but I'm still made up out of the same amount of them. So what if my body still needs to burn the same amount of calories." Jason nods, "that would make sense why you can eat such large quantities of… well, just about anything." You nod back, my body condenses the food on in take or something. but still I feel stuffed even after such a small portion. And I never felt really hungry over the past months." Jason ponders for a few moments, "So we need to adjust your diet to contain evereything a growing boy needs, but in smaller volumes."
Suddenly Mark speaks up, "So if we don't come up with a solution, you might starve to death?" Jason corrects him, "I think malnutrician would be the cause of death." Mark nods, "So we can solve this easily, there's tons of mealreplacement bars and shakes out there that offer the same nutrients and calories as a regular meal. Both used in the army and by astronauts, they are specifically designed for these kind of things, right." Jason and you blink, "Well, I guess it could be just that simple?" You say questioningly and Jason nods. Mark grins, "You hang out to much with Jason, Jack, you start overthinking everything." You give him a look, "Sorry for freaking out over the fact I just discovered I might be getting scurvy soon." Mark grins, "Meh… about time I calmed you down for once. So far I haven't been the most helpfull member of this team." You give him a wink, "Every good team needs a good-looking cheerleader." Scott clears his throat, "Are you saying Jason and me aren't good-looking?" You grin, "I'm trying very hard not to say just that." This gets you a chuckle from all three. "So crisis averted?" Scott asks, you nod, "For now, we have a plan and now we've got to implement it." Scott nods, "Good, cause I really…"
"Cause I really, wanna go for a walk. It just feels so good to be out of the confines of the agency and the city. I just wanna enjoy the pinescented paths and some evening sun." Scott gets up and stretches. Jason gets up too, "sounds like a plan, I could use the fresh air too." Mark chimes in, well, "Let's make that unanimous." You loudly scrape your throat giving Mark a look, "Sure, let's all four agree on that." Mark blushes slightly and gives you a wink, "that's what I ment of course." You grin at him as Jason starts to clear the table.
Scott slowly reaches for you and you allow yourself to be transferred to the chest-pocket of his polo-shirt. After a few minutes the three of you are out the door and you look over the edge of the pocket as the men walk off into the forest. It's been a while since you smelled the outdoors and saw real trees up close, so you're completely invested in all of the sights. But after a while it slowly gets darker and suddenly as Scott turns around a large tree You see a birhgt light and hear a loud "Look out." Before Scott dives to the side and you are ejected from your pocket. As you tumble through the air you see another guy falling of his MTB, heading straight for you.
The moment you start landing you almost feel like the world has gone slow-mo as you can clearly see the biker twisting a bit in the air and suddenly his ass seems to be coming straight at you as you fall and before you even touch the ground his ass catches up to you and touches you taking you down onto the forest floor without a deafening thud as the floor cushions the fall somewhat. but the full force pressing down on you almost knocks you out. You can just hang on to consciousness by pure fear of being left out in the forest without a way to come back home. Suddenly the weight increases even more as the new guy starts to sit up. "You feel something weird around your arm. But don't think too much on it as you try to listen. "Oh, sorry mister, I didn't expect anyone out here. Usually not may people walk around here." You hear Scott answer, "I'm sorry too, I should've watched where I was going." Suddenly the an on top of you gets up and you get ready to dive into hiding and finding a way to contact one of your friends.
However as soon as the guy gets up you are yanked up with him. Your arm got stuck in a loop of loosened stitches from the fall. And as he gets up you are smack down in the middle of his ass. However as he's getting up the stitches pull taut enough that you can't easily restle free. As the guy is moving to his bike and bends over to pick it up, you catch Scott's eye and his eyes widen as he reaches for his shirt pocket and his word form a certain swear-word. Which is mimicked out loud by the MTB-er: "Fuck! my frontwheel is busted." Scott immediatly jumps in, "Oh jeez, sorry about that. Do you have to go far, I mean we rented the cabin a little further down, I've got a car there, so I can drop you off at home. seeing as it is a bit of my fault too." The new guy straightens. "Wow, that would be a great help. It's quite a walk back home. He lifts his bike and puts it over his shoulder. "I'm Tomas by the way." you hear the others introduce themselves and Thomas answers. "Lead the way."
As he and Scott start walking now you can see Jason and Mark bringing up the rear. And they notice your position at Thomas rear. They get a sudden look of worry on their faces. And you see Mark mouth something, "What can we do." You think for a second and suddenly you get an idea. You motion at Jason and make a drinking motion. He nods, he understands the hint of somehow feeding you the potion. He uses his hands to make the shape of a house, it's at the cabin. In the meanwhile Scott keeps Thomas busy talking about bikes and complimenting his choice of brand. And talking about being only there for the weekend. Thomas answers somemthing about renting bikes and giving them a tour of the forest. But you're not really paying attention as your trying your best to hang on tight so Thomas won't feel you dangling and check on you.
After a short walk, which to you seems far to long the guys arrive back at the cabin and Thomas lowers his bike to the ground. "Would you mind if we sit for a bit?" He asks and Scott leads him to the chairs. Of course Thomas has no clue and drops full weight down on the chair squashing you between his hard ass and the harder plastic. If he was sitting on something softer you might have been able to get your arm loose from the noose. But right now you can't move a muscle. You just hope the guys can figure out something… quick.
As you're being squished down on the hard plastic you realise one thing. Once again, you're probably gona have to rely on yourself to get out of this. Because sure Mark and Scott could probably kill this Thomas person, but for some reason that doesn't seem really helpfull. Jason could bore him till he fell asleep, but then you'd be no more out of this situation than right now. But what can you do. If you could move, you could try to unloop your arm, but that's out. So the best way to do this is to wait till you get a little more room.
Slowing your breath is the first thing you need to do, seeing as it's hard enough to breath when someone is sitting on you. So you focus on the little things, like ho this guys ass smells like he's been riding his bike for hours. It reminds you a lttle of Jason. Finally after what seems for hours Thomas gets up. And you try to make your move. You free your arm in a fluid motion and feel your upperbody drop back towards the chair.
Unfortunately you feel your left leg is caught in another loop and you fall forward only to go the full 180 and smack your face into Thomas' ass now dangling by your leg as he moves. As he reaches his bike and bends over You see turn around and see Jason walking up with a needleless syringe which probably contains the formula. He squirts it at you and you open your mouth. A direct hit and you feel the formula trickling down your throat. But Thomas gets up and together with Scott they toss his bike in the back of te rental pick-up Mark and Scott drove in on. Before you get a chance to unstick yourself Thomas is moving around te side and hops in. Due to the fact you took the potion and a little more than you are used to his full weight squishes you into a humanoid puddle under his hiney. You hear Scott get in and the car starts.
During the ride you try to reform enough to get yourself loose, But for some reason you can't make it. After a 10 minute drive Thomas tells Scott to stop. As they get out you see a small street, and as the guys get the bike from the back you see a sign of a bikeshop. "So, tommorrow morning we meet here, I'll get my bike fixed and then you can get some rentals and we can go for a tour of the forest and hills." Scott grunts in affrimation, "Sounds good, get in, I'll drop you off." To your dismay Thomas declines and says, "I live about 5 minutes from her, so I'll walk. See you tomorrow." Wtih that Thomas starts walking and your rear-sight shows Scott gritting his teeth as he sees you're still stuck.
You see hom mouth one word. "Tomorrow." And now you realise you have to spent a night with Thomas, keep him unaware, but also make sure you hitch a ride in the morning back to your friends. How are you gonna manage that?
In the five minutes it takes Thomas to walk home, you try to figure out a way to remain unnoticed and still be close enough to Thomas to hitch a ride in the morning. And really, you can't think of a way to do just that. All your ideas have to many variables and holes in it, so they might work, or they might not. And well, the not working part is probably the worst, because you just need to get back to the guys. So finally as you hear Thomas open a door and enter his place you made your decision. You're gonna have to come clean.
As soon as Thomas walks into his living room you decide it's time. He walks somewhere and as he turns around he plans to sit down. You scream at the top of your lungs, as you reformed your upperbody overthe last few minutes, "Please Thomas, Don't sit dwn just yet." Thomas freezes. "Huh?" At that moment you muster all your energy and push off his ass reforming your body on the way down as you land bouncing on the sofa as Thomas turns around. "What the hell?" He says and kneels down in front of the couch just as you sit up. "Who are you?" he asks. You give him a wave, "Hi Thomas, I'm Jack. I'm a friend of Scott, Jason and Mark." He looks a bit surprised, "You're for real." You nod. "Yep, I'm a real human being, who had a misfortunate accident and is now stuck at this size for a while. Jason and the others are working on getting me back to my regular size."
Thomas blinks a few times, "Wow, this is weird." You nod at him, "Yeah, I know it's a lot to deal with, believe me, I had a little trouble getting used to it myself. But the guys helped me out." Thomas blinks again, "But how did you end up here." You sigh, "Well, I was riding in Scott's chest pocket when you almost bumped into him and when he dove aside I fell out and well, you kind landed right on top of me. I got stuck and you dragged me around till I finally managed to untie myself about a minute ago." Thomas blinks again, "Stuck how." You turn your head. "Well one of the stitches of your pants came a little loose during your fall and hooked around my arm." You see Thomas reaching behind and feeling the loose stitch. "Wait, you were stuck on my ass?" You nod bashfully. "I'm sorry, I think the guys expected me to get loose by myself, or they were just to embarrased to just grab your ass to get me off." Thomas grins. "That would have been a little forward of them. But how did I not squish you?" You shrug "I'm pretty durable, something about the shrinking process."
Thomas suddenly gets up and lays down on the other part of the couch on his stomach facing you, while resting his chin on his hands. "So, I guess, you want me to help you get back to your friends?" You nod, "I would appreciate that very much." Thomas gives you a crooked smile. "I like how bold you are, taking a chance to just contact me like this. I mean, what if I was evil and decided to keep you to myself." You shrug, "Well first of all, the guys probably know where I am and they would probably kill you if you did something bad to me." Thomas chuckles, "They do look pretty fierce, although that Scott guy is kinda cute too in a scary way." You give Thomas a smile. "True that, but secondly, the way you handled the accident, and how nice you were to the guys and even offered to show them a good time, I guess it made me think you're a decent guy. So I had the choice of sneaking around here tonight and finding a way to hitch a ride with you tomorrow, without you knowing, or just to contact you and ask for your help. I hope I didn't choose poorly." Thomas gives you a warm smile. "Pretty forward, aren't you. But sure, I'll help you get back to them, if you answer me this question: Is Scott gay?" You think for a second, "I don't know if it's up to me to answer that, but by not answering, I think I have give you your answer." Thomas winks, "Bright and clear." He keeps looking at you and after a while he asks, "I'm just wondering, if you survived getting sat on, what else can you do?"
For a moment you stay silent and wonder what Thomas it trying to find out. "I'm sorry," You finally answer, "I'm not really sure what you want to know?" Thomas looks at you for a second, "Well, what would happen if I accidently stepped on you? Or had another accident or mix-up?" You cross your arms and look at him. "Thomas, I've been living with those three men for a while now. So believe it or not, I've kinda been through a lot of "accidents". So if you have something specific you wanna ask me. Please just do so." Thomas gives you a shocked look and asks, "Like what things?" You take a deep breath and decide to come clean.
"I've been sat on, stomped on, slept on, I've been used as a washcloth, I've been stuffed down their pants, I've tasted their sweat and semen, I've even been used as padding in their shorts. And that's just about the jist of it." With every work you see Thomas'eyes getting larger and larger. "Why would you want to go back to them?" he exclaims, "That sound horrible." You grin, "It's not so bad, it can be kinda fun too. And besides they take good care of me most of the time and were working on a cure. So if a little harmless play is part of the deal, I can handle that." Thomas thinks on it a little and suddenly gives you a grin. "So wait a second, you like making deals?" you nod, "Well I was gonna bring you back to them if you wanted me to, but how about we strike a deal?" You nod again, "Since we're going MTB-ing tomorrow, how about I give you back to them at the end of the day." you see where this is going and finish the thought, "And during the day I get to serve as your padding instead?" Thomas turns beet-ret and looks very insecure and cute at the same time, so you answer, "Sure, it's a deal. but only if you tell them in the morning where I am, otherwise I'll bite you." Thomas nods in agreement.
As Thomas straightens he suddenly seems to realise he's still in his biking clothes. He raises his arm and sniffs his pit. "Oh, I guess I'm gonna need a shower first. But afterwards, I'd like to talk some more." He turns away and takes a few steps before turning around. "Wait, if you got stuck under my ass, I guess you'd want to freshen up too?" You give him a nod. "That would be nice.". You answer.
Thomas moves back to the couch and reaches for you, but hesitates, "Can I pick you up?" You nod and he gently curls his had around you before carrying you to the bathroom. Or as you enter, you think what's supposed to be one. A toiletbowl to the right, a shower to the left with against the back of the shower a small sink and a shelf. "I hope you don't mind sharing a shower. Cause it's a bit cramped." He puts you down on a small shelf and he starts to undress. You wait patiently as he gives his clothes a quick rinse in the small sink. "It's just a small place I rented for a short holiday from a friend. My own place in the city is a little more luxurious. At least you can actually use the sink, the toilet and the shower at the same time. I think they just built this unit into this closet to rent it out." You look up at him and grin, "I dunno, it feels pretty cozy. But I don't take up much space anyway." Thomas grins. As he squeezes most of the water from his clothes. You see the sinewy muscles in his lower arms tense.
As he turns away to hang his clothes on the small rack above the toilet you look around the shelf and notice the basics, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo/shower gel all-in-one and that's all folks. As Thomas slides back into the shower space he pulls a curtain closed to separate the shower from the toilet. He sees you wandering and says: I always just carry the basics like that." You turn to face him. "It seems a bit modest. But I guess it's all you need." Thomas grins, "true, but I do miss some things on occasion." You blink, "like what?" Thomas looks a little embarrassed, "well…" Is all he says and you get where he's going and laugh. "You miss having a nice washcloth to scrape yourself clean after a hard day of biking, sweating, falling and meeting new people." He nods slightly, "oddly specific, but yes." You shake your head. "There are three rules. Rule number one, no shower gel. Rule number two, no stopping till you have had every inch of you body including every private or sweatsoaked part. Three, no mercy." Thomas face first goes blank with a weird stare, but slowly his face cracks open in a mischievous smile. "I can do that. But I think you're gonna be soar and sorry afterwards. But I'll make it quick." You shake your head, "you will take your time and remember the third rule."
Slowly Thomas reaches for you and you take a run as jump into the air as he catches you. As he slowly squeezes you, you let your body go just a bit pliable. "I don't think anyone head ever volunteert to sniff my pits or ass after a long day of biking." You shoot him a grin. "Oh, I'm not just gonna sniff. I'm gonna have mouth open and tongue out to get me a taste too." Thomas laughs out loud. "Then you'll be happy the water rinses away a lot at first." You grin. "Or you could have a dry run first."
For about five seconds Thomas looks like he's had a stroke before shrugging and lifting his left arm, and with you in it places his right hand into his dank and sweaty pit and slowly starts massaging you into it. The moist, somewhat stale sweat fills your mouth nose and eyes and you hear Thomas moan softly as he keeps running you up and down. Suddenly pulling you out and raising you to his nose to sniff. "Oh, you smell just like me now." You clear your throat and say, "imagine what I will smell like after cleaning your ass." Without further encouragement he lowers you around and places the palm of his hand at the top of his crack squishing you against his back and slowly sliding you down his dark abyss as he bends over just a little.
A little down, a little up, but the downward motion is always a little larger. Untill you find yourself at the deepest part and feel the skin against your face take on a different structure. His hole is rank and moist in front of you and you take a deep breath and push your head in deep while you take a long lick. This time Thomas his moan seems to come from as deep as his toes as he suddenly increases the pressure to push you in as deep as he can. You kiss and lick as he keeps you in place for at least a few minutes, before he starts sliding you down and out.
As he moves you around you see his impressive penis standing at full height and you look up to see his face turned to the heavens. Without looking down he curls the hand you are in around his shaft and starts pumping slowly. Soon he speeds up and finally you feel his dick shake and he slides his hand all the way up as he creams in his hand and all over you. As soon as he's completely done he looks down at his handy work and sees your sticky form in his hand a grins. You make a point out of raising you hand to your mouth to lick off some of his semen. "That was the best rimjob I ever had." Thomas sighs as he brings you up to his face. "Meh," you say, "felt a bit short and rushed to me." Thomas grins. "Well I can always out you back in after cleaning up."
You grin, "I wouldn't mind getting in a few more hours getting to know your nice hiney before getting a full day of padding both it and your balls. It's not like I have other plans." Thomas grins. "Well, we'll see how you feel after the real shower." He turns on the water and again takes you on a full tour of his body. First his slightly defined stomach up to his chest, down his arms and again into the pits.
Down his long thick thighs and around his calves. Over his foot and after a moment of hesitation also the soles, which are pretty rough. Finally up again for a little ball fondling rolling you around them, cleaning his now soft dick and back into his ass. Finally rinsing you off softly under the streaming water and turning of the shower. He places you on the shelf and rips a piece of toilet paper for you to dry of with.
He leaves the bathroom and after a few minutes returns dried off and wearing a pair of shorts. "Wow, that was a very nice shower. I gotta remember bringing a washcloth next time. It makes all.the difference." You shrug, "oh, so now any plain washcloth will do?" Thomas winks at you as he picks you up. "Well unless you can recommend a friend to me, I don't have much choice." You grin as he carries you into the main room and places you on the table. "How about a little snack before bed?" He brings out a bowl of nuts and places a few crushed m ones near you. You start in on a walnutpiece as you see Thomas scoping down hands full of the stuff.
"So, I guess you're a bit more used to it than you let on?" You give him a smile. "Yeah, I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out." Thomas grins, "so we're are you guys from?" You give him the name of your town. "Shut up," he exclaims, I live there too. I went to Herculean high untill I graduated about 8 years ago." You smile, "Wow, a HH-survivor, all it did to me is get me into this mess." Thomas grins, "bad luck I guess, but it's nice to know you live in the same town." You nod, "maybe that means you can come by every once in a while if you need a good wash." Thomas grins, "Carefull, I'd might take you up on that offer." You stick out your tongue, "well at least now if you actually end up dating Scott he won't have to keep me hidden." Thomas winks, "So he is gay and single." You sigh and facepalm, "crap, I should've just let you stuff me in your ass." Thomas laughs. "Nah, it's time for bed anyway, I might just fall asleep with you in there. I don't think a full night in there would be pleasant for you." You shrug again, "I need to sleep somewhere too." Suddenly Thomas gets up and takes you over to the bed, placing you one one side of the pillow as he lays down next to you. "How's this." You get up and give him a look. "Not the best, can I pick out any spot?" He nods, "Sure?!" with that you slide down the pillow and walk down past Thomas' body. By the time you reach the leg opening of his shorts you turn and look at his face. "Just hold still till you feel I've gotten comfy." Without waiting you climb into his shorts and start climbing his warm leg. Once on too you crawl in deeper till you reach his taint and feel around gently for the lower end of his crack. As you find it you pull yourself in with all your might untill you suddenly feel his hand on the outside of his short giving you a boost. Slowly lifting you in and pushing you in deeper and deeper till you. Feel his anus against your face. As you twist a final time to get comfy you start slowly licking his now clean but somewhat musky hole. He clenches softly and you hear him chuckle. "Fine with me, but if you get squished in their during the night it's not my fault. With that he pushes in his short deep against your back slipping your head in his hole just enough to get it good and stuck before rolling on his back.
You keep licking and kissing untill, an occasional moan or clench telling you he loves it. Finally you hear his breathing slow and a soft snore. You decide to stop licking and close your eyes for a few minutes.
You wake up from a soft buzzing and feel Thomas turning on his side for a second before rolling back. You wait a few seconds before you start licking up his nightly sweat. "Ooh, now that,s a good way to wake up." You hear him say and keep at it. After at least three snoozes, so about 15-30 minutes he rolls on his side and you feel his hand on your feet as he plucks you out.
He lifts you to his head and you see a blissful smile on his face. "You know how to please a man, don't you. If I didn't have to meet your guys, I wouldn't get out of bed untill your tongue was dryer that the desert." Slowly he sits up and put his legs.out to the side of the bed. "I'm glad you like my work." You say with a wink. "I just hope you will enjoy riding with me today just as much." Thomas grins, "well spending a night in my ass, has convinced me that you might be able to survive a day as my padding." But due to your work we are running late. So there's no time to shower this morning. He gets up an drops his shorts as he places you on the night stand. He walks to the closet and picks out to.pairs of pants. A pair of regular shorts and a pair of bibshorts. "Which is better for you." He asks. You answer, "which are tighter?" He throws back the regular shorts and starts putting his legs down the bib's legholes. "Oh wait, the padding in these is quite worn out." You throw your hands up at him. "That's what you have me for, remember." He glances out you a bit insecure. "Get over here." You say and he waddles over like a penguin. "You don't wait but jump into the shorts only partly pulled up and make your way to the padded area. You feel Thomas sitting down and he looks into the hammock of shorts pulled up to just below the knee. You lay down on your back in the middle of the padding. You dig deep and feel that some of the formula is still in your system. Slowly you stretch your body to cover the entire padding. Leaving just your head sticking out a little. At the point you guess will be right under bull's eye of his ass.
Thomas' face has cracked open in a grin. "You're usefull too." You give him a wink, "You just worry about trying to make me regret this and building up so much of a swear I will beg you to get me out, even though you can't hear me. Just remember the 'no mercy'-rule and to tell the others about me.
Thomas nods and gets up, slowly pulling up his shorts. Suddenly you feel his flesh against your body and only seconds later you are squished up against it. Slowly you move your head a little to slip it in his crack right in front of his hole and give it a big kiss. "Oh, now that's a nice added feature." You hear Thomas chuckle as he slowly moves about getting dressed, walking into the kitchen, packing some things blending something and drinking it.
And before you know it he's out the door and walking back to the bike-shop.
"Morning Thomas," you hear a man say, "Another little accident I saw?" He answers, "So sorry mister James, I guess I'm responsible for using up your entire stock of spares."
Mister James laughs, "Just be careful lad. Mina would be furious if I let something happen to you. But she's ready to go again."
"Thomas!" You hear a familiar voice yelling the distance followed by a chorus of bikebells. The guys greet each other and Thomas gets his bike. The moment he gets on his weight presses down on you and he slowly starts riding. After a few minutes he stops. "So what would you guys wanna see today?" Mark answers, well I'd like something with a nice view. Thomas answers, "there's a pretty rough trail to the west that takes us up hill and you can see the whole valley from there." The guys answer in a positive manner. Thomas adds, "Oh, and don't worry about Jack he's with me. And I'll get him back to you by the end of the day." Scott answers, "You met him?" Thomas chuckles, "something like that." Scott asks, "can we see him." Thomas chuckles again, not unless you want to look down my pants. We made a deal, he keeps me comfortable today, I get him comfortably back to you guys."
Jason is first to laugh, but the others soon join in.
The first part of the ride isn't too bad. They start out slow and in concrete slowly Thomas' ass grinds you into a perfect fit as you adjust yourself to be as comforting as needed. After a while you hear Scott ask. "So enjoying the ride so far?" Thomas laughs, "I kinda do. I think it feels a little better than regular padding actually, maybe because it is actually organic?" Scott laughs too. They talk a little while about the scenery until Thomas says, "you know, we actually live in the same town? I went to the same highschool as Jack." Scott asks, "Oh what part of town do you live in." Thomas answers and Scott laughs, "Jason,". He yells, "this guy actually lives on your block." It takes Jason a few seconds to catch up. And after a long little talk it appears Jason and Thomas are practically neighbours and suddenly Thomas says, "I remember you, I took a spinning class a few times, you're one of the instructors." This brings up more talks. Until Thomas says, "Jack invited me to come visit sometime when I wanted to see him, guess he didn't expect it would be that easy." You gulp as Thomas answers, "he's staying with me for a while, so sure feel free to drop in. I could always use a few bike enthusiasts nearby. Or just fun people to hang out with." You so want to bite Jason now, but also knock your own head against a brick wall. Another ass to serve and deal with.
But suddenly that seems to be the least of your problems. As the guys suddenly turn and the smooth ride is over. Bump after bump, slides, slamming into the saddle, getting up, clenching. You're not new to this, but it still feels like you're stuck in a blender of meat and swear, so much sweat. You try to pull your head back from his hole but the constant movement make it really hard and suddenly he slams so hard down on the saddle your head actually pops past the outer sphincter which closes tight around your neck, locking your head in for the remainder of the ride. Hearing the blood thunder around you, the small space around your face filling up with sweat every minute forcing you to gulp down. Getting slightly queasy on the strong taste of ass-sweat and slime. Untill you find another moment like, when you manage to pull your head back out into the crack.
The moment you think this is too much even for you passed about an hour before they finally slow down and get of their bikes. All you can do is bask in the fact the movements stop just for a minute. "Wow," you hear Mark say, "now that is a nice view." Slowly Thomas moves around a bit slowly, shakes his legs.and stretches before sitting down in the ground. "You should see it at sunset. It's even better." After a while you hear Jason ask, "so how are your pants doing." Thomas chuckles, "oh, I kinda forgot for a second. You muster your strength and give his hole a large kiss." Thomas laughs, "alive and still very comfortable."
Suddenly a large nois fills the outside world and it takes you a little while till you can place it. Untill it does down as the chopper has landed.
Suddenly you hear a female voice you recognize. "Scott, Mark, I'm sorry I have to cut you vacation short. But we need you back right now." Lindsay? From all the guys you didn't expect Thomas to be the first to react, "Miss Tucker? What are you doing here?" The silence is suddenly broken by Lindsay, "O-M-G, little Tommie. I almost didn't recognise you. You're all grown up." Scott is first to find words, "You know each other?" Lindsay laughs, Tommie lived in the orphanage I volunteered for." Orphanage? You think, that's so sad. Untill you remember your own home life. Or maybe he's just lucky.
"It's Thomas now, miss Tucker." Thomas answers, "and when did you start flying helicopters?" Lindsay chuckles, "long story Tommie… I mean Thomas. Now Scott, Mark, get your bikes and hop in. Sorry to leave you high and dry Jason, but they still don't know anything about you and our mutual friend." Before Jason can pry you hear people running and the chopper starting up again.
As the sound of the blades dies out in the distance, Thomas, almost comically, states, "now that's something you don't see every day."
For a few minutes neither of the remaining guys says anything. Suddenly Jason speaks up, "Let's get back to our cabin." Thomas answers, "there's a shortcut down the other side. And before long they are on their bikes and going downhill. Again you get grinded pretty thoroughly, but the energy Thomas showed in the ride up seems missing.
After a while the path smooths out and suddenly Thomas comes to a stop and get of his bike. He walks a little bit and gets up the three steps. They're at the cottage. As they enter Thomas walks over to the couch and plops down on too of you without thinking. You hear Jason move around and suddenly you hear his voice. "So… I guess the guys leave the explaining to me." Jason remains quiet and so does Thomas. Finally Jason asks, "maybe Jack can help me explain somethings if you can get him out." Thomas veers up, "oh right, he's still in here. You suddenly feel his hand entering his shorts and he slowly jerks you loose from his skin and shorts before pulling you out. As he moves you around his body he looks down at your squished body, glistening with his sweat. "Oh, that looks painful." But he manages a slight grin while you reform. "I'm good," you manage, "hopefully you enjoyed riding me up the hill." Thomas grins, "very much thank you. Although I'm surprised you managed to get out alive." Jason laughs softly, "he's had worse."
Thomas sits down and puts you on the table. "So?" He asks. "So…" Jason mimics. "So," you start before going on. "I guess to start at the beginning, some weird experiment of some HH-students shrunk me and some other kids down. On my way to find a cure I ran into Scott. Along the way Mark, Lindsay and Jason joined the team. All of them have a history or present in some top-secret government work. Jason is the brains of the group and is working to find a cure while the others try to keep the fact I'm still at large under wraps. And that's it in a nutshell until we met you yesterday." Thomas blinks once… Twice… "Okay." He blinks a third time, "so now what?" Jason pipes in, "now Scott and Mark will be gone for another few days, weeks or maybe months. And I'm in charge of keeping Jack safe." Thomas looks at Jason, "okay." He blinks again, "well if you ever need some help with that, just let me know." Both you and Jason don't really know how to react. So Jason gets up, "I'm gonna make something to eat." Leaving you with Thomas.
You give Thomas a look and he looks back at you "that's it?" You ask. "You take it in stride and just offer your help?" Thomas slides of the coucj onto the floor so his head is a little closer to you. "Would you prefer it if I panicked?" You shake your head and he smiles, "I've seen a lot of weird shit in my days." He continuous, "but the way you introduced yourself yesterday, makes me think you guys aren't so bad. And you trusted me to help you out, so now I'll trust you. Besides, we made a deal I'd get you back to the guys, plural, Jason is just one guy." You give him a smile. "Well I guess a deal is a deal, although if you want I would consider it fulfilled." Thomas grins, "it depends, if I can still hang out with you… And maybe a little on you. I don't mind postponing the deal for a few days, weeks or months." You chuckle, "even without the deal I could probably let you. But fine, I will consider your part of the deal unfulfilled." Thomas nods, "You drive a hard bargain, but I can live with that, striking deals was a way of life in our home." You really want to ask about it, but something tells you now is not the time. Suddenly Jason speaks up from the kitchen, "why don't you clean up a little. Pick out some of Scott's clothes from his bag in his room over there.
Thomas stretches and gets up. "He won't mind?" Jason laughs, "who cares, guess I'm gonna be his pack mule anyway. Thomas enters Scott's room and Jason comes over. "Is he okay?" He whispers and you answer, "strangely enough, I think so." Jason nods and goes back to the kitchen before Thomas comes out with some clothes on his arm. He walks over to the bathroom but before he enters Jason says, "please, clean Jack up while your at it. Or something." Thomas freezes and turns to you. You get up and walk in his direction on the table. Which is all the sign he needs before walking over and scooping you up.
After carrying you into the bathroom he closes the door and turns on the shower. Before undressing he turns to you and asks, "you wanna sit this one out?" You shrug, "it depends, I don't remember exactly what I offered in return, I might have said this was up to you." Thomas grins, "I don't think you said that, but if you're not sure I guess we could probably see if you remember a little better after we've cleaned me up." He undresses quickly and gently picks you up before stepping into the shower.
Once again Thomas shows you every nook and cranny of his body. You feel like his taste is a little softer than the others, like a more creamy cheese compared to one that has ripened more. It's not bad at all. "I can get used to this." Thomas mumbles as he lowers you down his ass, the last part to be washed and he takes his time. As he turns of the shower he places you on the soap dish as he dries off and gets dressed.
As he bends over to pick you up you say, "leave me here for Jason. He will want a shower too." Thomas gives you a wink, "guess I'm not that special." You shrug, "sorry, you need to be more creative if you want something special." Thomas gives a wicked grin, "challenge accepted." Before he turns and walks out. A few minutes later Jason enters and undresses. As he steps into the shower towering over you he looks down and grins. "If you keep adding men to the group, soon we have to open up our own barracks. Dangle you from a rope and hang you in the showers so you can be washing one man or another all day." You give him a smile, "for now I'll settle for a golden oldie." Jason turns on the water and grabs you roughly and starts smearing you all over his sinewy tall body. A different feel from Thomas but also very good.
After his shower Jason dries off and takes you into the main room, carrying you in his hand. He walks to the kitchen and puts you on the dining table as he scoops up two plates and one saucer with some kind of veggie-mush-stew. Without much words Thomas joins you at the table and sits down. The three of you start to eat. After the first serving you get two more as the others only have a second serving.
Suddenly Thomas gasps, "oh, I completely forgot to feed you this morning. I usually only have a meal shake and didn't realize you probably need some solids too." You wave it away, "don't worry about it, beginner's mistake, you'll get used to it." Thomas grins still a bit embarrassed, "okay, if you say so."
Jason swoops in to change the conversation, "So when do you go back to town?" Thomas takes the bait, "the day after tomorrow end of the day." Jason laughs, "us too, so if you need a ride." Thomas nods, "that would be great, I came here by train, but a ride back seems way easier, if you have the space." Jason shrugs, "well Jack, guess you're gonna have to share your seat with one of us." You throw your hands in the air, "just my luck, fine, I guess it's an easy pick. Thomas will have to get out a few minutes earlier anyway. And he won't be driving and moving around all the time." Thomas laughs, "It is so weird you guys are so… Matter-of-fact about all of this." You give him a wink, "It's somewhat of a symbiotic relationship. I keep the guys happy and interested enough so they keep me around and are forced to work on a cure." Jason Taos his fingers on the table, "seems more parasitic to me." You stick your tongue out, "yeah because so far you haven't delivered you parasite you." Jason makes a dramatic gesture, putting the back of his hand against his forehead and looking up to the sky, "Oh, that hurts little Jack Willowing." Thomas suddenly looks down, wait, "Willowing? As in your brother is 'Whomping' Willowing?" You look at Thomas, "not the name I call him, but yes, he's that Willowing. How do you know him?" Thomas grins, "we were on the athletics team together. Even though I was a few years his senior we got along pretty good. He had a temper though but he punched a guy in the nose one day when he said, my parents left me at the orphanage because they thought I was just too ugly to be part of the family pictures." You laugh, "that sounds like him, always standing up for people without thinking about himself." Thomas nods, "so why haven't you called him about this?" You shrug, "because he's at college doing great, I don't want him to quit and come home to take care of his little brother once again." Thomas nods, "he would do that. Well guess it's only fitting I repay him by taking care of you in his place. That'll be one less debt I have to worry about." You shake your head, "you know he would never think of it like that, and neither would I for that matter. You're free to walk away from this anytime you want."
Suddenly Jason's phone beeps. "Well anytime except right now. They are sending over some people to pick up the stuff Mark and Scott left behind including the car. So it might be best if neither of you was here for that. Because I know they want to ask me somethings too and well it's best for now if they have no clue someone else was at the pick-up."
You have to hand it to him, Thomas doesn't dawdle. He gets up stuffs his clothes in a bag, grabs you and runs out the door with a quick, "see you tomorrow?" He stuffs you down his pocket grabs his bike and heads out to the forest trail. After a short ride where you hold on to the inside of the pocket he gets off the bike and enters his own place.
He digs you out of his pocket and lowers you to the couch, before walking of to unpack and rinse his clothes. After a while he comes back and drops down next to you, "missed me?" He grins, you shake your head, "I think you actually missed me as I'm over here and you ass landed all the way over there." This gets a roaring laugh out of him. "I guess my aim is a bit off today. But at least this way I can hear you when you talk back to me." He holds up a familiar vial, "Jason handed me this as I walked out, can you tell me what it is?" You nod, "it's the formula we are working on. So far it has only given me the ability to become pliable, it's how I can turn myself into other things, like your padding." Thomas looks at it. "Interesting, somewhat other things can you turn into." You shrug, "just about anything that my size allows and a little more. For example a seat cover or a pair of underwear or a jockstrap." Thomas grins a little. "Weird examples to give. But I guess those guys have you well trained." You give him a glare, "they'd probably say it was the other way around, but yes, most of them were their ideas." Thomas chuckles, "don't worry, I'm not gonna ask you to do anything you don't want to. Which isn't all that much I reckon." You shrug, "I don't like feet." Thomas grins, "well see, that is good to know." He places the vial on the coffee-table. "Well seeing as it's still early, how about we watch a movie before bed." You tilt your head a bit, "depends on the movie." Thomas grins "only one of the best movies ever made." He gets up and walks to the TV-cabinet and pulls out a boxed set of… "Oh god," you exclaim, "not Star Wars again. The guys have made me watch those over and over again." Thomas laughs, "you can never see it too much." You get up and walk over to the part of the couch where Thomas was sitting. "You can put it on only if you're aim is as good as Luke's this time, cause I'm not sitting through it again without someone sitting on me." Thomas chuckles. "If that is your final word on it I might wanna watch the full trilogy tonight." You lay down on your back. "Well if your ass doesn't kill me those movies will." You hear Thomas slide in the first disk and suddenly his ass looms over you. "Last chance." He says but already he is lowering himself down touching down perfectly with a cheek on either side and his crack on too of you before sitting down completely smothering you under his sweatpants clad ass as the star wars overture starts to play.
It's only a few minutes into the movie when Thomas suddenly shifts a little in his seat and giggles. "I think it's more fun to sit on you when you're not so flattened, I can actually feel the shape of your body under my ass. Like a big deathstar crushing the federation fighters. And well if only you could fire a torpedo into my exhaust pipe you could be free." By that simple comment you do realise the formula has been spent and you actually can't flatten yourself. But you don't care.
For once you are with someone who isn't part of some government plan, you feel like you don't have to watch your back every minute and it takes away a lot of your build-up tension over the past few weeks you didn't even realize was there. As the movie goes on occasionally Thomas shifts a little but not too much. His movements slow and deliberate, almost like he's trying to roll the knots from you muscles. You also notice he doesn't smell all that bad. You can't determine the smell exactly, but it makes you think of musk mixed with something you ate once at a Chinese restaurant. Finally you get to the credits and you feel Thomas stretching his legs before rolling forward and getting up.
He turns around and looks down on you as the foam of the couch slowly pushes you back up. You do notice a little tightening at the front of his pants and it makes you smile a little. "Still in one piece I see." Thomas says and you sit up. "Of course." Thomas grins, "well good. So time to call it a night?" You shrug, "unless you feel like watching the second movie." Thomas chuckles, "I don't think you would really want to spent another two hours under these pants." You think for a second. "Maybe not under them no." Thomas grins, "maybe next to them?" He asks. You shake your head. "Maybe inside of them?" He asks a bit hesitantly. You nod and say, "sure, that won't be so bad. Maybe switch it up and out me a bit more to the front?" Thomas grins and puts in the second movie. As he comes back he picks you up and sits down. Slowly he pulls the waist if his pants open and lowers you down the front, past his slightly engorged member slowly sliding you under his balls. As he pulls his hand back the sack slowly engulfs your body, nice warm and a little less pressure than under his ass. "Mmm, that feels nice and comfy." Thomas mumbles as you hear the elastic snap shut and he leans back, opening his legs a bit more to sink his balls down a little deeper. You steal a quick kiss and a lick and you hear him moan softly. Encouraged by this you slowly move around as much as you can and keep you tongue busy as he presses play.
After a while you get tired of moving and just relax as Thomas enjoys the movie. During the second half he suddenly enters his hand again and cups you tight against his balls as he softly fondles himself, rubbing you body against his testicles. You enjoy yourself for a while too. But as the end credits again appear he slowly pulls you out. "That felt really good." He sighs. Too bad it's getting late and I'm just too tired to watch the last one.
He gets up with you still in his hand and turns of the TV. As he walks to the bed he looks down at you. "I wish I could keep you under my balls all night." You grin a little. "Well you would need to put on some underwear if you want to do that." He shakes his head, "don't joke too much, I might actually do those kind of things without realising it's impossible." You laugh, "I've done that before you idiot."
"you're being silly. I mean maybe if you had your formula you could survive, but without the ability to change your shape your body could never survive a full night strapped in like that. A single movement or roll-over would break any of your limbs." Thomas says with certainty in his voice. It's kind of touching to you. He actually outs your well-being in front of his pleasure. So for now you decide not to push it. He'll find out someday, probably.
Suddenly from across the room a phone rings. Thomas goes to pick up.
"Oh, hi mister James."
"Yes, he's one of the guys from your cabin right? Sure out him through."
Thomas walks over to the bed where he left you and lays down his head close to you so you can listen in.
- "Yes mister James I'm still here." It's Jason's voice.
"Jason it's me."
- "well mister James, we had to leave suddenly due to a family emergency. So we left everything in order and the key is in the turtle."
You walk closer to the phone and pipe in.
"A shame you had to leave early, I hope you enjoyed your stay."
Thomas gives you a weird glance but switches the phone to speaker and lays it next to you. Jason answers and you hear a little relieve I his voice.
- "however, I seem to have forgotten something personal. I think I left my chess-set on the table."
"Oh, that's a shame. You know what, I'll drive up tomorrow and see if I can find it. I have your address so I'll mail it to you."
- "thanks mister James, and also thank you for the cottage, we had a lovely time and hope to come back soon."
"We hope you enjoyed your stay and hope to see you again."
Jason ends the call.
Thomas looks at you and you give him a smile. "Good thing you got me out of there in time." Thomas just nods and after a while he asks, "so they took Jason too?" You nod, "it sounds like it." Thomas grins, "guess it's a good thing my ass landed on you yesterday. Otherwise you'd be Guinea pigging it up by now." You laugh, "Yeah, your 'death star' was my salvation. But I guess you have to take the train home now. And hopefully will keep our deal." Thomas grins, "my word is my bond, or you bondage I suppose." Both of you chuckle until he asks, "so this chess-set?" You shrug, "my best guess, he stuffed his research in there, or at least a hint on where to find it." Thomas grins, "so now you are involving me into a conspiracy against the government." You nod, "but only to save the world from a larger conspiracy where the army finds a way to shrink soldiers and innocent people a like." Thomas shakes his head, "Indeed, that won't do, I don't want everyone to have someone like you. It makes it less special." You slump forward a little, "oh, so now I'm just one of the special kids." Thomas grins, "nope, I am, because I've got a tiny, imaginitive friend." You laugh out at that.
After a moment of silence Thomas adds, "you know even if you didn't want to do any of the stuff we did the past few days, I would still keep you safe until they come get you." You shake your head. "Don't worry, I don't mind most of it, some of it is just plain fun and the fact I and close to someone I feel I can trust in places where you won't accidently lose me also makes me feel safe. The fact you might enjoy some of the things is actually just a bonus for you." Thomas chuckles, "So you are the parasite." You shoot him a look, which makes him laugh. But he quickly continues, "Well as long as you don't mind it, I could get used to having you stuffed down my pants or scrubbing my pits." You riposte, " It's a sacrifice I'm sure."
Thomas gets up and puts the phone away. As he returns he lays down on his back and picks you up, placing you on his chest. You lay back and feel his chest rise and fall as he breathes in and out. "How long will they keep Jason?" Thomas suddenly asks. "I don't know." You answer, "why?" Thomas sighs, "Because I can't imagine how keeping you around will fit into my normal life back home." You ponder for a while. "What do you do for a living?" Thomas answers, "I'm a chef at a French restaurant. After I finished HH I wanted to travel and got a scholarship at a French Cuisine school. I used to do most of the cooking at the orphanage and it made me happy to see people eat good food." You wonder for a while. "So how would me being there interfere with you being a chef?" Thomas chuckles, "That's the weird part, I don't think it will. I mean I can just carry you around and go about my business. But for once I have someone to come home to. Which might be nice." You can't help but roll over and spread your arms as wide as you can. Thomas tilts his head and looks at you questioningly. "What are you doing." You look up with a grin, "giving you a hug as best as I can." For a second you see Thomas' eyes become a little moist before his head drops back and he lifts one hand to cover you answering your hug.
"You know my mother left when I was young and my father never cared for me. The only one I got along with was my big brother and when he went to college I felt all alone." Thomas chuckles, "I loved living at the orphanage, lots of friends and we were always so happy when someone got adopted. But for some reason no one ever picked me. And suddenly I was 13 and way to old to be picked. So I took on this big brother role." You sigh, "I can't see why no one would pick you." Thomas laughs, "I was a brat, felt the world has given me dried out lemons, so I couldn't even make lemonade." You chuckle, "well maybe handing my well-being in your hands is the world's way to apologize." Thomas laughs softly, "well that makes me feel sorry for you." You make a questioning sound, "well," he adds, "if you have to make up for all that time you've really got some amount of work ahead of you."
Suddenly you get up and start walking down his stomach. He lifts his head and sees you go. "What are you doing?" You look over your shoulder, "starting the amends of the world, now just lower those pants." Without asking twice he does so and you approach his flaccid member and slowly start stroking it. It reacts almost instantly and starts to grow untill it towers over you, while you keep massaging it. After a while you shout, "I'm gonna need a little help now." And without even looking Thomas hand reaches down and clenches you against himself as he slowly starts pumping you up and down. After another long while you are covered by swear and pre-cum as he finally releases himself and sprays all over his stomach. He moans softly as he makes a few final moves to squeeze out the last bits and grabs a tissue from the box on the night stand to clean himself up. "I guess that wasn't a bad start, not bad at all." He says as he gets up and takes you into the bathroom.
He rinses you off and relieves himself before returning to the bed.
As Thomas lets himself fall on the bed he holds you firmly in his fist untill he's landed. But quickly after he places you on his lower stomach. "Oh, I really wish I had the energy to take a shower, after that session it still feels sticky down there." You get up and.slowly walk down towards the flaccid penis. Kneeling down at the base you stick out your tongue and start licking. A taste of sweat with a hint of cum fills your mouth and suddenly Thomas says, "what are you doing?" But you ignore him and keep licking slowly working your way around and up.
Thomas moans softly, and eve though his cock occasionally twitches it remains soft as you slowly but steadily move up and onto it. All the way you lick till you reach the edge of his cockhead. The moment your tongue rasps the first time you see Thomas toes curl in the distance and hear him suck in a lot of air. But you just keep going. It is indeed a lot more sticky here and the taste of cum is now far more dominant.
The angle at which you are working isn't great as it makes you lean forward and you have to try you best to stretch out enough to reach the closest edge of his slit. But you make it work before sliding of on the side and. Without asking Thomas flips his cock up to his stomach and holds it in place, so you can now clean the underside. Slowly working your way up again and this time the slit is far more easy to clean. Every lick there gets a reaction of ecstacy from Thomas and slowly his cock grows just a little.
Finally you feel like you're done and slide back untill you are standing on his balls just at the base of his member. You quickly lay down as you notice Thomas letting go and his cock slowly falls back to it's natural position. And right on top of you. Locking you in between it and his sack. "That's one weird place to spent the night, Jack." You hear him say, but you feel him closing his hand around his cock and balls as he gets up and stumbles around a bit.
After a lot of stumbling suddenly his hand slowly pulls back and is immediately replaced by something that presses more forcefully against his crotch. You figure he has out on some underwear to keep you in place. And suddenly you slowly tilt forward as Thomas is laying down right on top of you. He sighs softly as he wiggles a bit to get more comfy and press down even harder on you. Making any idea of getting out without help fly out the window.
Slowly you try to.move, but can't as you notice Thomas breathing slow down and soon being replaced by snoring. You too close your eyes and give his cock one last goodnight kiss before drifting off into a blissful sleep.
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is the world feels upside down. You find out Thomas has rolled on his side and both gravity and a lot of sweat have caused your body to slide out from under his dick for the most part. Only your legs keep you in place, so you softly wiggle them and you slide down landing on his extended leg. You feel wide awake, so you decide to walk for a bit. Slowly you crawl between his leg and the fabric of his shorts. It's pretty tight but after a while you manage to get out and immediatly tumble down to the mattress.
In the dark you feel a bit disoriented and you need a few seconds to figure out which side you landed on. You get up and realise you are behind Thomas and slowy start walking towards his upper body, one hand on his leg, sliding along over the fabric, past his covered glute, his lower back and finally out from under the blankets near his shoulders. You blink against the to you bright light and look around.
Near his shoulder you see a small inviting cave under his armpit and you decide to explore. It's a bit cramp, bushy and moist as you crawl under him and sit down. For a moment you just relax and realise you feel more relaxed in general, like a lot of tension you held on to is suddenly gone, realising that this is the first person you've been with, with no actual ties to the center. Not having to watch your back, or that of the guys. No-one will come looking for you at Thomas' place. This realisation in mind you drop down on your back and bask in the fact you actually feel safe since a long time. As you take in his scent your mind wonders and suddenly you realise something. Thomas is taking all of this far to easy. From the moment you met him, he was just okay with it. If you think about it, he wasn't even that surprised. Which means… He knew about you. Suddenly things fall into place. He living so close-by, being a cyclist, Jason knew him. You are being tricked into believing it pure coincidence, but you were set up. They intended to include Thomas and this weekend you would be introduced to him one way or the other. You feel yourself get a bit angry. Great, now you know, so you're gonna have to confront Thomas on it, before the feeling festers.
Suddenly your train of thought is cut short as Thomas suddenly leans down and starts to roll over. You get swept up by some of the hears and feel the world fall away as you get lifted up and around before his arm slams down and locks you in a new cramped space. You spent some time waiting for him to wake up, and start putting 2 and 2 together.
It doesn't take too long for him to wake up as you hear him breath in loudly and roll on his back. You feel him reaching down and suddenly ask, "Jack?" you struggle around to make him notice you and he chuckles as he untangles you from his pit and places you next to him on the pillow before turning on his side to face you, "You should be carefull sneaking around my sleeping body like that, but at least it's good to know you're not as disgusted by my pits as I thought." You know that pulling of the bandaid will make that grin fade, so you take a deep breath.
"You knew about me, before we met." There, blunt and to the point, one exposed wound. Thomas blinks and you take it as a confirmation. "It's why the guys decided to come here and you are here too, completely accidental." Thomas blinks again, "Well, the way we met was an accident." he grins a bit sheepishly, "I didn't believe them when they said you would figure it out, at least not this soon." You sit up and cross your arms, "I'm willing to believe you weren't suppose to crash your ass down on me like that, but how would we have met? I suppose at dinner or soemthing after your planned bike-ride with the guys." Thomas nods. You continue, "But why didn't I meet you at the same time as Jason? After the weekend you went biking with Mark?" This is a bit of a wild guess, but Thomas looking away makes you know you are right on the money. "Well…" he stutters, "I didn't know what to think at that time. I thought they made you up. some practical joke or something." You nod, "But with the center looming over Mark and Scott, they decided they needed a safe house for me in case they brought in Jason too. And suddenly you started believing." Again a bit of a stretch, but you realise it makes the most sense. "Yeah," Thomas says, "But we didn't realise it would push the two of us together for a longer period all at once. We planned for me to meet you and come by Jason's a few times, it all just happened so fast. Also I did not know anything about this whole center business, I was just asked if it would be okay to be a back-up. in case they needed it. It was never planned to be something for more than a few hours or a night or something." You believe him, but are still a bit pissed and remain quiet,
Your silence makes Thomas a bit uncomfortable and he fills it up, "So I guess you are not a big fan of me right now, are you." you shrug, "You know I've had worse. at least with you I feel as dar from that whole center-thing as I possibly can. And the fact that you're not completely horrible to look at, that's just cheating on your part." This gets a grin from Thomas, "Well, for what it's worth, I'm sorry for disbellieving in you at first and for tricking you." You shrug again, "probably those guys ad their secretive nature. I won't hold that against you." Thomas grins, "At least you think I'm purr-ty" You grin back, "Well you've only been the fourth guy I met since I found out about being gay, so you're at least in the top 5." Thomas laughs at that, "If you would've said something like that at your normal size I would have let youjoin me in the bed and do anything you'd like to bump me up to the top 3." You laugh back. "If I were my normal size I'd probably want you to throw me on the bed and have your own beasty way with me and still make me sniff, kiss and lick every inch of your body till you were completely satisfied and clean. I don't think changing size will make me enjoy that any less." Thomas chuckles, "Be careful with what you wish for. Cause at full size I expect just as much stamina or more." You just stick out your tongue.
Thomas stretches and slowly rises from the bed. "Well, if we ever want to get you back, we'd better go and get that chess-set right?" You nod, "The key is under the turtle." Thomas nods and walks to the kitchenette and fixes some cereal. He comes back to grab you and places you on the table next to some cereal of your own. As soon as he's finished he picks up a large backpack and changes into his cycling gear. He turns to you and ask, "Wanna come." You shrug, "Depends on what you want." Thomas grins. "Guess I wouldn't hate feeling you squirm in my ass while I ride." Without waiting for a response he grabs you and stuffs you down the back of his shorts.You end up deep under his ass and as he starts walking he presses you deep against the padding.
It doesn't take long for him to get to his bike and hop on. Speeding off like there's no tomorrow. You realise he hasn't showered since yesterday and it smells a bit like stale sweat, but soon this smell is replaced by fresh ass-sweat all around. Even though the ride isn't all that long, by the time he gets off your drenched again. You feel him walk up the steps and bend down to get the key. You hear the door open and he walks in. Soon enough you feel him digging for you in his shorts and plucking you out. You blink at the light as he places you next to the chessboard and sits down on a towel on the couch. "So this is the chess-set?" You nod and watch as Thomas pulls out the drawer for the pieces. As it pops out he removes the insert and under it you find a small USB-drive and two more flasks of pliability serum."B-I-N-G-O" Thomas whispers. He grabs the cardboard box from under the table and puts the chess-set in it before putting it in his backpack. He places the USB-drive in a side pocket together with the bottles of serum. But before closing the pocket he hesitates. "So if I give you some of that serum you can actually turn into something else?" You blink but nod. Thomas gets a wicked grin and pulls out a different pair of shorts from his bag. These seem less ideal for riding as they don't have any real padding. "So, can you turn yourself into a piece of padding for these shorts? I'd love to have some feedback from my padding on how hard it is to comfort me and take my sweat all day.
You sigh, "Well I can, if you really want me to. Just gimme a few drops and we'll see if I can copy your padding." Thomas grins and takes out the serum, filling the dropper with a squeeze and aoffering you two drops. Next he strips down and folds his pants inside out to show you the padding. "Any preference in how you want me?" Thomas just grins.You slowly climb into the shorts and lower yourself, trying to get into the metal state needed and slowly you make yourself melt. Shrinking your body and stretching your face. Slowly but steadily your face covers most of the padding and you lay down looking up at a grinning thomas. "That's what you're going with, I couldn't have pictured it any more perfect."
Slowly he hoists up the unpadded pants till just beneath his waist. As he grabs you he slides you under his balls. You realise this is exactly over your mouth and as he presses you against his skin your nose ends up at the bottom of his crack. He presses you up pretty hard before letting go and quickly hoisting up the shorts. locking you in place. "Nice," you hear Thomas mumble as he rubs you from the outside, "Almost exactly like the real thing, maybe a little more firm and thick, but that's not necessarily a bad thing."Slowly Thomas starts moving, each step prseeing down on you twisting you a bit to one side or the other. Soon enough you hear him lock the door and he bends down to hide the key. Squashing you against his skin.This is only gonna get worse you figure.
You hate when you are proven right these days. Because a few steps later Thomas swings up his leg and plunges down on you on the saddle, shoving a bit bag and forth. "Oh, this is gonna be great." Thomas chuckles. And soon he is off. As he starts off he slowly leans down deeper and deeper and his balls press agains your lips. As his legs keep moving you slowly feel your body warm up with his and it somehow makes you even more pliable, forming around him like a second skin, but you try to remain as much in shape as padding as you can. Soon enough you arrive back at the apartment and you feel Thomas get off and open the door, dropping the backpack and… closing the door again. Wait, what? And before you know it, he hops on the bike again and pushes off.
As he rides on, you really feel like getting in a rhytm with him. You start to enjoy the massaging feeling and the salty taste on your lips. Just sloshing around under him, feeling how comfortable he feels, you can just notice and byt the time he slows down and stops, you're almost sorry it's over.
As he gets into the apartment and picks up the bag he walks up the stairs and as he puts it down…
You figure he'll get you out soon. But before you know it je plumps his ass down on a seat and you hear him boot up a laptop. After a while you get a bit testy, but he seems completely engaged by what is on the USB drive and seems to forget about you completely. Or so you thought. "So, apparently you are supposed to be able to take any shape and stay that way indefinitely. Any form of pressure will not allow you to shift back in your own form." Thank you captain on obvious, you kinda noticed that. You hear Thomas sigh. "Maybe I should have told you this sooner, but there is a guy across the street watching me. And I think he's not the only one. I tried to wait it out a bit. Bit they don't seem to be leaving. So bear with me. Currently you are safest down there." That does make sense you figure. But are those guys real, or did that sound to much like a lie. "Well at least you're making me feel quite comfy and I need to pack up anyway, seeing as my vacation is over." The next hour or so he walks around packing up some stuff. And suddenly he hoists a large backpack on his back and walks out. He drops of the key at the renter's house and thanks them for everything. And now fully loaded with his bag he hops on his bike again. He is a lot heavier now. But all you can do is lay back and be smooshed.
The rest of the day you are forced to join him on his bike, on the train, on the bike again. Until he finally gets home. You hear him enter his house and he drops his backpack. And stretches "Home sweet Home." Now you will get out too right. He moves trough his place and after drinking something and putting some stuff away. He finally lowers his shorts and steps out. Looking in at you he grins. "Wow, your face is pretty smooshed, if I didn't know any better I might just mistake you for a normal piece of padding." He reaches in and slowly pulls you free before placing you on the table and sitting down. He watches you slowly reform and pop-up. "So, how was your day." He chuckles. You shrug, "I had better and worse." Thomas laughs, "Good to hear, cause if it wasn't the worst, you are sure more than welcome to join me again. Seeing as we're probably gonna be roomies for a few days. And seeing as those guys might follow me around for a while, it is best to keep you safe somewhere. And maybe even hidden in a way they won't even recognise you. Like how you looked just like my padding just now." Why do you have the feeling Thomas has some weird things in mind already. "I don't know…" You start but he leans forward. "I promised to keep you out of their hands. So that's what I'm gonna do. And you will cooperate, because I don't break promises." His voice sounds very cold and you almost shiver, as be continues. "So the safest thing for me to do is keep you on my body till Scott or Mark picks you up. And I have thought about the perfect way for you to do that." You swallow a large lump. "How?" Thomas grabs something from his bag and drops it next to you. You look at it and see it's a pair of boxerbriefs and for a second you are relieved. "You want me to stay in your underwear?" Thomas laughs softly and shakes his head. "Not exactly. I'm gonna turn you into a piece of underwear to hide you and keep you safe." You just stare for a second. "You're gonna wear me like underwear." He doesn't laugh or grin, he just nods.
Suddenly he grabs you and tries to see if you are still malleable, which you are. And without a second thought he slowly stretches your body out on all sides. It doesn't hurt really, but you do scream as he leaves your head untouched for now. He places your body on the boxers and slowly pushes and pulls till you feel yourself covering the entire thing. Then je pulls it put form under you and places it on top of you and everything goes dark but you feel him stretching your sides over and folding them into themselves. Finally your sides touch and he rubs them into each other and you notice they seem to meld together too. He works down and makes.sure to squeeze the parts together that need to be closed up. And je rolls the rest of the borders till they are smooth, after only a few minutes you feel yourself being lifted and the regular boxers pulled out. Your small head is still mostly normal as you see the rest of your body around you folded in on itself. Suddenly the top opens up and Thomas looks in. "Guess I missed your head there. But that's okay. I mean it is in the middle of the back end. So I'll probably flatten it with my ass soon enough. Or else you will be able to smell and taste everything. Either way is fine with me." He raises an eyebrow. "Guess I could use a shower first, but it's pretty late and you are familiar with the smell down there so, I'll just try you on and shower in the morning.
Before you can protest he lowers you to the floor and slides his feet in. As you travel up his legs the leg holes he made are too small for his thighs. But he just pulls a little harder till you slide up. Your little head slams against the bottom part of his crack as he again forcefully pulls you over his ass. And forces his hand down the front to make proper room for his genitals. "Good, nice and tight" Thomas says. Now even if they make me strip down to my undies they won't even notice you there." He twists and turns a bit and walks around. You try to will your head to shrink, but it seems stuck this way, which Thomas only notices as he sits down. "Well that's a nice little nubbin there. Guess you don't mind a little taste and smell. Fine with me."
He gets up again and moves around and suddenly sits and lays down on top of you. "Well good night for now. See you in the morning, probably." And that's that. You are now nothing more than a piece of clothing to this guy that Scott thought would take care of you. And you realise that you are like leather pants. You don't breath too much and you realise the smell and moist are becoming a lot stronger rapidly. And as he is laying on his back it all trickles down to your little head and all you can do is feel the sweat rise around you and open up to swallow it down, It gets everywhere, your nose, your eyes, your mouth. And Thomas doesn't even seem to care. already snoring away.
All during the night you feed on his sweat and soak in it. You get some respite as he turns in his sleep and his ass is now up in the air. But as he turns again all the sweat that soaked in his front trickle back down tasting even stronger. almost like it was a real teabag left in too long.
But morning finally arrives and Thomas gets up to make some breakfast and after that he slowly rolls you down and steps out. You see you're in the bathroom and he takes you to the shower. As he turns it on he rinses you all around, flipping you inside out and afterwards grabs a clothes peg to hang you up to dry as he showers his own body.
After this he towels dry and uses the towel to wipe the last moist from you too. "At least you clean and dry pretty easy. He carries you to the table. And places you there. "So, I wanna see something. Apparently your body can also remember shapes it's been in. So I will allow you to change back and wat something. Then we see if you can turn yourself back into this shape too."
Slowly you return to your own self and het up on wobbly legs. You see some cut up bread and fruit and starved as you are you start stuffing it down.
After this you look up at Thomas, looking down at you expectingly.
"Uh, sorry little buddy, I just remembered I promised my friend we would hang out later."
You try to hit his sack to tell him it's not okay, but your fists are enveloped by warm leathery man-flesh.
Scott, obviously unable to tell that you weren't okay with it, continued, "I promise I'll try to make it quick, but he's an old friend so, get comfy, expect an hour at minimum." Scott at this point is getting inside his car.
He momentarily forgets you and sits in a way in which his already crammed ballsack is crushed into your face. You feel the warm sack continue to grow, it's warm flesh calling to you, your arms and legs are pulled into the leathery abyss. By the time Scott gets out upon reaching his destination only your shoulder-blades are touching the cup.
"You still good in there?"
No response
Scott shrugs it off as you taking his advise and you trying to sleep, marching into…
You decide that the easiest way to get the attention of the police officer would be to get up onto the counter top in front of him. You look around for an easy way up there and spot a long spiraling support strut that runs all the way up to the top! You take a deep breath and begin climbing.
As you circle your way around the pole and up to the counter you get a good view of the officer. He's definitely suited for his job! You can't help but admire the view as you climb.
Time passes quickly and you reach the top of the pole faster than you would have thought. You realize, as you stand under the lip of the counter, that there isn't any good way to swing yourself up onto the counter. For a minute you feel defeated. You wonder if there's another way to get up there without climbing back down the pole and up another path. You experimentally try swinging yourself onto the inner surface of the lip. Success! There's enough room for you to edge along.
After a few seconds you're positioned over the police officer's lap. You drop onto one of his legs with a jarring impact.
"Damn but he must work out!" you rattle through clenched teeth. The muscles underneath of you feel like steel bands! You walk slowly along his leg and then begin the short climb up his shirt to the counter. You catch a brief view of his abs where a portion of his shirt is untucked. They're covered in a dense brown fuzz and look completely rock solid. You…
You climb along the line of buttons going up the center of his shirt until you reach the counter. A quick hop off and you land on the sticky surface. The owner of the bar really needs to keep it cleaner! Your feet are practically glued in place as you try to figure out the best place to get the officer's attention.
"Hey Buck! Could you get an off duty officer a pint and some peanuts?" His deep bass voice vibrates through the air around you. Damn but he's loud!
"Sure thing Cliff." Buck answers back. A moment later a pint of beer comes sliding down the counter right at you! You run and take a flying leap out of the way as it goes flying past you into Cliff's hand. If you hadn't managed to dodge it then you would have been caught in the impact between glass and flesh and, most likely, flattened. Your vision gray's out a little as you have a not so small panic attack.
"And the peanuts." Buck says as he walks over to Cliff with a bowl in hand. Right before he sets them down he trips over something and slams the bowl down against the counter. Peanuts go skittering across the countertop around you.
"Sorry about that. I haven't wiped down that counter today. Want a new bowl?" Buck asks him.
"Nah, it's fine. I don't mind some dirt. Does a body good." Cliff says. He picks the bowl up. It flies inches over your head and then under the edge of the counter in his grip. You hear a scratching noise behind you and turn around to see his other hand sweeping all of the scattered peanuts together. You're directly in the path! You watch his gigantic hand come flying at you. This time there's no dodging. You try to brace for the blow but before you have a chance you're swept up by him into the salty maelstrom. You land along with the nuts right in the bowl.
You climb up onto the top of the pile of nuts and stare up in horror at his hard face. He picks his beer up and takes a swig. His huge Adam's apple bobs up and down as he swallows. He absentmindedly drops his hand into the bowl, blocking all light out from your view in the process. You can only watch as it closes around you slowly.
"Cliff, you sure you don't want a bowl?" You hear Buck ask him with a booming voice.
"Nah. Really. I'm fine." He answers. Cliff's voice seems even louder with your body pressed into his palm.
Sudden vertigo grips you as he lifts his hand upwards towards his mouth. It stops a few inches from it, to your relief. A moment later his fingers maneuver a peanut onto his thumbnail and send it flying through the air. It lands inside of his open mouth and you watch as his stubble covered jaw works towards crunching it into paste. His collar is propped open revealing his hairy chest.
The process continues, gradually eliminating all of the nuts in his palm until only a few remain. What you were dreading finally arrives. He moves the nut that your back is smashed up against onto the top of his thumb and flips it into the air. You watch, eyes wide, as his mouth comes flying closer…
Cliff's tree trunk fingers fling you through the air at whiplash speed, sending you soaring with the peanut towards his open mouth. In front of you, the giant officer's manly, unshaven jaw opens wide.
As you fly closer and closer you can see the more details: The cleft in his huge masculine chin, the odd grey hair in his beard, and now the tiny traces of bar nuts sitting between his big, sharp teeth.
You fly past the unaware giant's open lips and land on his mattress-sized tongue with a wet thump. The bitter smell of beer and bad breath is overwhelming in here, while the hot moisture of his breath makes your skin crawl as it materializes all over you.
You're too out of breath to call for help as the giant's jaw slowly closes, crushing the giant peanut between his massive molars, and all light disappears. You're swimming in Cliff's disgusting, thick saliva now, as his chewed food washes around you. You're being tossed around the bear's hot, swampy mouth now, falling closer and closer to his chompers..
Cliff keeps chewing the nuts, as he tossed another handful inside. His tongue was tossing you around. The officer's saliva was drenching you, as as he began slowly forming the peanuts into a bolus. Unfortunately, you were part of that bolus.
Cliff tilted his head back and gulped, sending you plummeting down into his belly. You landed with a splash, as you flailed around in panic. You were in a man's stomach acids! However, you quickly noticed that while the peanuts had begun to dissolve, the acid wasn't affecting you
"Huh", was all you could say. Your flailing had an affect however, as a gas bubble launched up the cops throat.
Cliff tried to hold it back, but a massive belch rumbled out of his throat. He patted his stomach, and grabbed another beer. He takes several big gulps of it.
Inside Cliff's gut, the brown liquid poured in like a water fall. It soon began to hit you, making you laugh and fall over, guess it was easier to get drunk at this size.
Outside, Cliff patted his belly and tossed a few bills on the bar. He headed back to his car, sloshing you around inside him. Where is he going?
As you hurdle through the air with the salty peanut, towards Cliff's gaping maw, you're relieved to find yourself falling much faster than the bar snack due to your slightly heavier weight. While the bearish cop's mouth snaps shut and his strong jaw begins to mince the peanut into paste, you continue falling down, down, behind his unbuttoned uniform shirt..
You freefall like Alice down the rabbit hole, your back sliding against the blue fabric of his shirt. In front of you, a thick brown carpet of chest hair flies by, as do Cliff's big brown nipples and the slabs of muscle that are his giant pecs.
Where the shirt tightens around the giant's waist, you finally stop falling and find yourself pinned between a wall of fabric and one of juicy, hairy muscle. The smell of Cliff's cologne and his natural musk are thick, almost intoxicating. The man's deep, baritone voice still booms outside as he converses with the bartender.
"You gonna stay for a few more, Cliff?" Buck offers, to which the officer replies:
You run up to your uncle Russ, who was just finishing his beer, ready to head home.
"See ya tomorrow!" he says to the bartender. He gets up off of his stool, much to your disbelief. What will you do now? Will Russ see you? He's walking right toward you!
You panic as Russ' huge shoes (which were size 14) got closer and closer to your minuscule self. You prayed that Russ would see you and not step on you. As his left foot is about to crush you, he suddenly stops.
"Hold on, gotta tie my shoe" he says bending over. This was your chance. You run up to your uncle's foot and wave your arms, shouting his name. At first, Russ doesn't react. But then, he stops what he's doing and squints at you. He looks shocked to see his nephew at only a few inches high. "Jack…?" he says. He picks you up and holds you up to his face. "What happened to you?"
After explaining everything, Russ decides it would be safer to take you to his house. He gets in the car, and sets you on the dash board. "Hold on tight," he says.
It seems Russ had 2 or 3 beers, so it's nothing to worry about. As he drives, you sit calmly on the dash. "So how long do you think you'll be like this?" Russ asks you. "I don't know. It seems I need an antidote, or I'll be like this forever. Why?"
"Oh, just wondering. I don't suppose your father will notice at all, will he?" you ponder this. Will dad even know you're gone? Is Russ going to keep you? If he does, will he dominate you? Or will he treat you with love and respect? Both? You're about to find out, as Russ pulls into his driveway, and takes you into his house. Once the door is shut, Uncle Russ…
Your uncle Russ pinned you down under his smelly, sweaty feet. “Did you really think I was gonna treat you like an equal human boy,” Russ said. Your shocked at what your uncle just said. He noticed that you had a boner and at that he says “haha looks like someone has a macrophilia fetish and no one better than you hot uncle” he then picks you up and places you…
Russ sets you on the floor and takes off his sneakers. You watch as his beautiful socked feet come into view. You watch in awe as the feet kick the sneakers out of the way. You almost freak out when one of them raises over you and almost crushes you. The white fabric lightly rubs against you, while Russ' footstink fills you're nostrils. "Smell," Russ says. You raise your head obediently and sniff his manly toes. The smell is… Hard to describe.
They smelled bad of course, but it was simultaneousely good. When you finished inhaling you looked down and saw your large tent in your pants. It was embarrassing.
Russ' foot backs away and comes down. "Well…" He says. "Looks like you've got yourself a macro foot fetish." your face turns red. Is my tent that prominent at this size!? You think. "Don't worry yourself, I won't hold it against you. you are my nephew after all. Did you think if I found out I'd make you my slave? Naw, I just wanna have a little fun with you. After that, you can do whatever. Now where was I…" Uncle Russ raises his foot again and pins you down gently. He rubs his foot on you, pulling and pushing you every which way on the soft carpet. You have the biggest erection you've ever had, and you're scared all this rubbing will make you reach your climax. Before you can think, Russ changes feet, and righty comes to play. Being rubbed by Russ' other foot makes you wiggle around some more, as you inhale more of your uncle's foot smell. Your cock Is rock hard now. This playing continues for a while…
Finally, Russ is done. He picks you up and you feel somewhat exhausted. "Bet you liked that, didn't you." You grow a half smile and nod a little bit, showing that the experience was somewhat enjoyable. Russ takes you over onto the couch and puts you at the end. Russ lays down, and puts his gargantuan feet up to you. He turns on the TV, and watches a few programs, his feet changing positions occasionally. You were fine with it. His feet weren't blocking the screen, and your fetish made you not mind their presence. You did have an urge, however, to lick those masculin soles. You kept it contained, until Russ used his toe to take off his sock.
The smell that was released made you flinch, but you couldn't tell if it was from intimidation or excitement. He took off the other sock, and wiggled his toes at you. You focused on his feet now. He fully stretched his legs, causing his feet to push up against you gently on the armrest. You couldn't bear it any longer. You licked his soles, and between his toes until all of his soles were clean. this went on for about a half hour.
When you were done, you looked over to see…
You see that Russ has fallen asleep. You contemplate what to do next. Well, Russ won't know anything about the next few hours. So you decide to explore your uncle's body. You climb over his foot and slide down the
Tops until you are on his semi-hairy legs. You carefully walk on top, watching your balance as you travel further up his legs. Finally you reach his shorts. The musky smell of your uncle's package is lingering from the inside… It's tempting, but if you go in there, it may be hard to get out, and who knows how long Russ will be sleeping.
The smell is too tempting, and you get hard again just thinking about what a cock would be like at this size. Breathing deeply, you crawl up Russ' shorts, and reach his undies - tighty-whities. Struggling a bit, you push your way through.
Finally you make it past the tight band around your uncle's leg, and as you enter, the musky aroma intensifies one-thousand fold. There, before you, is Russ' dick, and hanging loosely and emitting a sun's amount of heat are his balls. You are overcome by the sight and smell, and, crouching due to the constraints of the underwear, make your way to them. You slowly step onto the ballsack, careful to maintain your footing. Your uncle's cock, already as big as you in its flaccid state, responds to the stimulation and starts to grow. Russ is uncut, and directly in front of you is the deep dark hole where his head is hidden. You lean forward and actually insert yourself into the chasm, coming face to face with his glans. The scent is so strong here you go wild, and start to lick and suck at your uncle's cum slit. His monster grows larger, and forces you back out, and pins you to the fabric of the underwear.
As Uncle Russ's cock grow larger you get pushes to his briefs. but that doesn't stops you from licking the slit even more. then pre-cum starts to drip out of his cock directly to your mouth. the taste of it is so sweet and you can't stop yourself from wanting more. Then you here Uncle Russ moaning and you start feeling his movement. You feel his hand over his crotch and he start's moving it up and down, as it makes his cock even bigger and presses you harder. Your face his directly on his split and every drop of pre-cum gets to your mouth and nose making it hard for u to breath. As his hands start moving even faster and making your whole world shake, his moaning gets even louder as he shoot his load all over ur face. you can help it but get it on your mouth until it's all full and you can't swallow even more. You feel Uncle Russ's hand pats his crotch as he says with an enjoyable expression in his voice "You see to have enjoyed it as much as i did down there". Now u've all covered with his cum and stuck to his briefs as it dries and his cock starts to deflate. You wait for Uncle Russ to get up and get you out of there and cleans you, but that doesnt seem to happen anytime soon.
As time passes he seems to has ignored you and left you there with his dried cum all over you, making it impossible for you to even move an arm.
You here TV sounds outside. so you assume that he is watching a movie while laying in bed. After the movie finishes he gets up and sits on his couch. As he sits, you are now lay down and his cock is on top of you. he opens up shorts as you see light and Uncle Russ's face smiling down at you like a God. He says with a grin "Hah you really stuck aren't you lil boy, but i have to get up next and go to…."
"I have to clean up this mess you made now" says Uncle Russ as he gets up to the shower. With every movement that Uncle Russ make, the smell of cum gets even stronger and stronger, but admit it, you like his manly smell all over you, and you wish for more.
As Uncle Russ gets to the shower. he strips down and he removes his briefs. You see his feet next to you getting up out of the briefs, while you're still stuck in there. He brings you up to his face and removes you from his underwear. Then he puts you inside the bath and gets in after you.
"the shower gonna start and its gonna be salty. so be ready" Uncle Russ says with a grin in his face while looking down at you. Then he points he grabs his cock and start pissing on you. Your uncle's warm piss slide over your tiny body removing all the cum that was tuck on you. You enjoy every drip of his piss over you until it stops. "Gosh, you're enjoying everything i want and even more." says Uncle Russ with enjoyment. Then he starts the shower and start washing his body as you're under him showeing with the water the slides of his body and his cock. When the shower ends he gets out and wear his robe and holds you in his hand, then goes to his bed. "That was amazing, wasnt it?" says Uncle Russ, "yes it was" Jack replied with embarrassment on his voice, "Don't be shy Jack. this will be our little secret, so just feel comfortable, Plus all of this proves that you're the best nephew anyone could wish for. do you mind making this visit longer cause it seems to be good for both of us?"
"I guess, why not" Jack replied "None seems to even care about me. and life was hell for me. so seeing you actually caring about me makes me wanna stay with you longer and maybe even forever." Uncle Russ smiles from ear to ear and replies "Trust me. this is going to be the best time you've ever spent with a family member. But now it's night time and i gotta sleep to get up early for tomorrow. Where do you wish to sleep little Jack?"
"My tiny body will get cold easily. so i guess my best choice is to sleep in your briefs uncle." Jack said while looking down. Uncle Russ smiles and says "as you want little boy". he goes to his closet and search for a brief, he finally seems to find one, and it looks small and worn out. "sorry but i don't own much underwears as i live alone and don't wear them regularly." Uncle Russ says. "That will do just fine" Jack replied. He wears his briefs and they look super tight on his package that u can seem the veins of his cock from outside. "let's jump in now" says Uncle Russ as he grabs you and stretch out his briefs and put you on top of his cock. As he closes the briefs, you pushed right to his cock and you can't even change your postion. Uncle Russ sees you struggling and he reaches his hand and moves you between his cock and balls. where it's softer for you there. As you are now crushed between your Uncle's cock and balls, you feel his warmth and starts to get sleepy. "Goodnight little Jack" your Uncle says before laying on bed.
You wake up to movement as it seems your uncle is stirring awake and turns over onto his stomach. Your uncle's now semi erect cock presses you deeper into the warm flesh of his balls. You feel the pressure loosen only to be pressed back into his balls as your uncle slowly humps the mattress making his member grow even larger. He flips over to his back and removes his briefs. The smell of his his musk hits you then and sends a rush to your head as your hormones kick in. You can't control your own actions and find yourself stroking your uncles hard cock.
You hear your uncle moan and say "Someone's awake and ready to start the day."
You feel his warm hand grasp his now fully erect package. He uses his thumb to press your face against his hot flesh as he begins to stroke himself. Precum drips from the tip of his dick and into your mouth, you greedily slurp up as much as you can. Then just before he climaxes your uncle places you on the top of his enormous rod and blows his steamy load in your face.
He brings you closer to his face and says "We don't have time for another shower so I'll have to clean you with my mouth." He then pops you into his mouth like a pill and swishes you around with his tongue, making sure to clean every crevice. His tongue brushes against your own boner making your mind run wild and you end up blowing a load on his tongue.
Your uncle spits you out onto his hand and his large lips curl into a smile as he says "I'd love to continue playing with you but I must get ready for work."
"Where do you work again?"
You decide it isn't worth the risk. You climb over the shorts as you reach his belly button. You look ahead to see the small forest of chest hair. There was plenty, but not too much of it that it would disgust anybody. You walk along his squishy belly, hearing his body function underneath. Eventually, you get to his chest hair. It smelled like a man. You climbed through it, enjoying the entire trip. You get out of the forest and up to Russ's head. The snores are very loud as Russ' mouth opens, inhales, and exhales. You feel his warm breath. You peer into his mouth, smelling his breath. It smelled like beer, and hamburgers. What do you do?
Intoxicated by the panorama of your uncle's enormous unshaven face, and perhaps a little tipsy from the alcohol coming off his breath, you clamber up onto Russ' chin. His snoring has caused a bit of drool to creep down the side of his face, and as you try to stand up, you slip in the sticky liquid and fall onto the couch. The commotion seems to have disturbed your uncle, and he shifts onto his side, but his head remains slightly elevated thanks to the cushion he's using as a pillow. After dizzily regaining your footing, you begin to try wiping off the older man's spit, but as you begin you feel something wet land on your head. The angle that Russ is now at has released a buildup of his saliva, and now you are being slowly covered in a viscous waterfall of the stuff - the consistency is only a little thinner than syrup. Before you can move, you're completely coated in it; it covers you so completely you panic for a moment as it prevents you from breathing! Quickly you stumble away from the slow drip of drool, coughing and swallowing a fair amount of your uncle's spit. At this point you're not sure you want to face his maw again, but something draws you back to it. It's just possible to climb up the cushion and position yourself in front of the mouth.
"This is it, time to take the plunge," you think to yourself, feeling even giddier for the booze mixed in with the shower you just received. You take another moment to stand in front of the gaping hole, feeling the strong scented breeze of your uncle's breath, and then you place your hands along his thick lips. Already fairly wet, you lose your grip and slide headfirst into Russ' open mouth, landing in another puddle of saliva. Like a creature with a mind of its own, Russ' tongue flicks toward you, slowly caressing you. You moan, feeling the tongue encase you and rub you in all the right ways, and you are instantly hard again. You return the embrace, kissing and licking in kind, getting a full taste of your uncle once more. Suddenly, you are interrupted as Russ shifts onto his back again, and fall to the back of his throat. Russ' body reacts automatically to the stimulation, and he swallows. Slowly your body gets kneaded between the soft tissue of the esophagus, and you feel the warmth of Russ' insides, and hear his slow and steady heartbeat next to you. Then you reach the sphincter of the stomach, and are squeezed out into a surprisingly small space. Filled with the remains of hamburger and a fair amount of beer, you manage to avoid landing in any gastric acid, but the reality of your situation gives you a sobering shock.
You realize that your only hope is to take the other exit - even though Russ' esophagus is within reach, the powerful muscle movements would simply force you back down once more. Quickly you survey the area, and spot some of the partially digested chyme slowly sink downwards and out of sight. Hopping from one chunk of food to another you make steady progress toward the duodenum - the entryway into the intestines. Unfortunately, your uncle's stomach acid is blocking the way, and jumping through would be suicide.
Momentarily defeated, you sit down squelchily in some mush which up until recently was a hamburger. As you do, your arms sink into the soft substance, and you realize what you must do. You stand up again, and start digging a little hole in the middle of the hamburger remains, and then hop in when it's deep enough to almost fully envelop you. It's an odd feeling, and somewhat gross, but you think that it may protect you from most of the acids. As you approach the chasm ahead, you quickly refill the gaps in the hole, and, hesitating only a moment, rub a copious amount of the mush on your head. Just as your vessel begins its descent you take a deep breath and tuck yourself further into the ball of saliva covered food.
After a few moments, you cautiously stick you head back out, and see that the scenery has changed to an even smaller space. Just as you begin to struggle out of the mess of gooey burger, you remember from your biology that the next part of the digestive system, the small intestine, also has many enzymes which break down and digest food - which, in essence, you are now. Deciding to play it safe, you remain enveloped in what is rapidly becoming your uncle's shit, listening to the sounds of Russ' body doing its daily work. The rhythmic pulsing and the massaging of your passage through the intestine gently rocks you to sleep, especially since there is nothing else to do.
You wake up the next morning before your uncle does to find yourself completely trapped. You have no idea if you moved during the night, or where you are at the moment. You try shifting your weight around to no effect. You hope that your uncle will remember you, and rescue you.
Russ stirs in the bed. He feels groggy and hungover. Something is bothering him…
He tries to focus on the night before, but his brain isn't up and working yet. He's still hung over from the beers he drank both at the bar and after he got back. He knew that he had been planning on something today, he just had no idea what.
You feel your uncle wake up and crawl out of bed. You can hear faint noises coming from outside him but aren't quite able to tell what he's doing. While he moves around you decide to try to move around again to let him know where you are. The walls around you are so tight that you can't even wiggle.
Russ cleans up and heads over to a friend's house. After a few knocks a burly man dressed in a dark blue bathrobe answers the door.
"Hey Russ, what's up." the big man says, nonchalantly as he grabs the paper off the front porch and heads inside.
"Hey Will. I'm hungover as fuck and need you to work your magic. I need to go to work later today, fuck."
Will nods and grabs a few things out of his cupboard before beginning. Your uncle appreciates the way that the small bathrobe let's Will's ample chest hair poke over the top edge, or the way that it clings tightly to his ass. His own ass tingles with what he assumes is caused by the thoughts he's currently having running through his head about Will.
"Honestly I could use this too," Will said. "I struck out last night. Tried three different bars. Normally people throw themselves all over me, but they must be able to tell it's been a while. I'm off my game," he says, shaking his head. Will pours two glasses full to the brim and chugs his down, sighing.
When he sat down, Russ noted with interest that the bathrobe had parted. An enormous erection pointed straight up and out of the cloth.
The walls around you were starting to pulse.
"I really appreciate this Will this stuff is pure fucking magic, I tell ya. Do you… need anything from me for it?"
Will didn't quite catch the interest in Russ' voice.
"It's fine man. Come over whenever."
Russ eyes Will's erection, his own suddenly springing up hard against the fabric of his jeans.
"Are you sure there's nothing that you need? Anything I can help you out with?"
Will tilts his head at Russ, looking a little confused and not quite awake. His eyes widen after a second and he looks downwards, spotting first his own erection and then Russ' own.
"Aww hell man, that's nice of you, but you know I don't swing that way," he says, shaking his head.
He pauses for a second, scratching his stubble covered chin.
"But on second thought… an ass is an ass, and it has been a while. I need something to perk me up after last night and this does sound just like what the doc ordered."
Russ jumps at the opening.
"What happens here stays here. I need a good fucking and you need to fuck. This'll do the both of us good."
Will pauses a moment longer and shrugs.
"Why not."
You feel the world crinkle and shift around you as it moves around violently. The pulse picks up, hammering in your ears. Outside of you both of them have moved to another room and Will has Russ down on his knees.
"Mmmm…. Suck that, bitch. Suck it just like that." He moans. Russ works Will's cock over with his tongue, swirling it around and over the knobby purple head. His head bobs up and down while he works it with his mouth and the shaft with both of his hands.
Will inhales sharply and blasts down Russ' throat.
Russ pulls back feeling a little disappointed. All that buildup for a quick two minute blowjob.
Will puts his hands on Russ' shoulders and turns him around.
"I'm nowhere near done with you. Takes more than that to keep me down."
His cock is coated in spit and cum. He adds a drop of the lube he keeps handy and lines up behind Russ' puckered hole. He pushes just the tip inside, teasing. Russ growls and slams himself backwards, impaling himself on Will's cock.
Something hits you like a freight train. Whatever it is, it stays there for a second and then vanishes before coming back and hitting you even harder. The surface of it is hot and moist, you can feel it against your naked skin. It has a little bit of give to it in the same way that the walls around you do, or else you're pretty sure that the first hit would have hurt a lot more.
Will starts jackhammering into Russ. Russ can barely stop from cumming himself, the pressure inside of him is so intense.
It takes until about the third thrust before you realize what's going on. Your uncle either didn't realize that you had slipped into his mouth during the night, or had forgotten you somehow, and you ended up in the very end of his ass. He's being fucked by some other giant while unknowingly putting you right in the line of fire.
The head of Will's enormous cock slams into you again. It feels like time is stretching out. Your adrenaline is on overdrive. Whatever happened to shrink you must have made you sturdier, or else the intense fuck session would have already broken you.
All that you can do is ride it out, while one giant rides the other.
Will and Russ keep going like that for about fifteen minutes. Russ' cock is hard to the point of hurting, but he doesn't want to touch himself yet.
"Hold on, I want to try something." Russ says. He pushes back against Will, bowling him over onto the bed in his room. He positions himself over the prone man and slowly lowers down…
The motion stops for a moment. Then gravity shifts around you. you plummet to the slightly open end of the tunnel, just in time to see the cock coming back. You land right in the center of the head with a soft plop. The motion does something weird to your legs and you realize you can't move them.
Russ slams all the way down, driving Will in up to the hilt. Then he repeats the process. He bounces up and down on top of Will, controlling the movement and position so that just the right spot is getting hit. After a minute Will catches on to what he's doing.
"Oh, I've got this. No need to work so hard.'
He flips Russ back into his original position using his strong hands and get back to work at a slightly different angle.…
Russ is moaning so hard that it vibrates your teeth. Will angles in a bit differently as an experiment and you are slammed into a hard surface in front of you. While the rest of Russ' ass is a bit more yielding, the spot that you had just hit was made with a bit more muscle. You get slammed back and something envelops you clear up to your shoulders. Will's cock has a small opening in it, and you were being thrust violently into it.
Each time that her buries himself into Russ, you get pulled just a bit deeper. Each time that you get pulled deeper, Will feels just a few more sparks behind his eyes as the pressure inside of him builds to a breaking point. You thought that Russ' ass was tight? This is bringing new meaning to the word. The inside of his cock is slick and there's nothing to stop you from falling deeper and deeper into it.
On a particularly forceful thrust Russ is finally pushed over the edge. His cock sprays violently, and his ass tightens around Will's cock inside of him. It's too much for Will who has been doing his best to hold back. He feels the pressure build and build and then geyser out.
You're propelled like a rocket. Will cums you out of his cock so fast that you hardly have time to process it. Then he continues to slam into Russ, cumming the whole time. Russ is contorting around you, clamping down and making it even more intense. You pass out.
Will finishes a few seconds larer at the same time as Russ. He stays inside of him for a few seconds longer and then pulls out slowly, his cockhead overly sensitive. Then he flops down on the bed next to Russ, the both o them gasping for air.
What they didn't know is that the bottom of Will's bell shaped head had scooped your prone form right out of Russ' ass. You are curled into the curve of it as his cock slowly deflates. His foreskin goes up and over you, covering the head of his cock. Both he and Russ sigh.
"We've got to do that again sometime man. That was great.' Will says.
A change in the atmosphere rouses you from your surprisingly peaceful sleep, and you notice that there is much more space available now; also, the gooey mess you've been using as a transport and bed has begun to slowly harden. Panicking, you struggle and push your way out of it, shuddering at the sight - it looks a lot less like food now. You land with a wet thump on the wall of the intestine and feel a light tingling sensation. You suppose there are enzymes for digestion here, too, but hopefully they are weak enough to not be a serious danger to you. Not wishing to stay inside your uncle's incredibly warm (and yes, rather smelly) intestines longer than necessary, you help speed the process by pushing with Russ' muscles which are slowly massaging you all around his big belly. After about a tiring half-hour, feeling rather dehydrated and disgusting, you reach the end of the line, the colon.
After a nice long nap, Russ slowly emerges from his dreams of having his nephew worship his feet and, oddly, of some sort of really tasty food. He sits up, carefully so as not to crush his little visitor. Not seeing him anywhere, and feeling the call of nature, he carefully makes his way to the bathroom to unload.
Inside, your world goes topsy-turvy. You've just reach the top of the colon, and as your uncle stands, gravity asserts itself and you plunge downward and land with another wet splat. Thankfully, you navigated past Russ' meal in the large intestine, and it was the soft rectum that caught you. You realize escape is at hand, and make your way towards the sphincter.
Russ is still feeling groggy, so decides to have a seat to piss, and begins to take a nice long one, the hot torrent steaming up from the bowl. Suddenly, he feels something pushing up against the inside of his ass, and slowly start to squeeze one out.
The sphincter responds to your touch almost immediately, and seems to eat your hands. Quickly, you shove your head through, and are confused to see more darkness. Then the second sphincter opens, and you are plopped down into the bright world… and right into Russ' toilet.
Not feeling any more shit on its way, Russ finishes up his prodigious pee, and stands up to flush.
You stand in front of your Uncle Russ and wave your hands trying get his attention but it looks like it didn't work as uncle Russ stepped right over you. You turn around to try to catch up to your Uncle but a giant foot came down in front of you. As you look up it was the police officer but it seems he did notice you either as he hurriedly walks up to your uncle Russ and starts talking to them. You decide it might be best to leave the bar considering the person you came here to see is gone. Before you can take another step though a huge group of people enter enter the bar. Running to the counter is all you can do to avoid all of the feet. After everything settled down you decide to…
You decide to leave the bar since it doesn't seem to be the safest place some of the people that were here before are now gone and no one you would trust yourself is left in the bar. You walk under the counter to get closer to the door. It isn't long before you're at the door luckily for you it isn't closed all the way. While you have your chance you make a dash for it. As you look around outside the streets seem to be a little empty but there are still quite a few people around. To the right of you there is a muscular man, a two hairy men one that looked on the short side, and another much bigger and older one. To the left of you it was mostly empty except for two hairy old men one going for a walk and the other seemed to be a homeless man. As you look to the left and right you decide to go
Wanting to get out of the open as soon as possible you make the split second decision to run right. Almost instantly a wave of stress comes over you, you have three options of giants to run to but if you don’t pick right you could end up as some giants toy for the rest of your life. Getting a closer look you can see the muscular man has a gym bag slung over his shoulder and is walking towards a parking lot. The two hairy men are sitting on a bench talking, the shorter of the two is wearing tight jeans and a leather biker jacket, The older man is smiling widely and scratching his scruffy face. In another split second decision you run towards….
You sprint at the two giants sitting on the bench and crane your neck up to see them, after a few hours of being this size you still can’t grasp the sheer size of them. You sense that the two giants aren’t going anywhere and decide this would be a good opportunity to listen in and find out a bit about them before you commit to someone to be your saviour. You listen and hear the older man speak first,
“- Tonight’s been really fun Henry, thanks for showing me around the town”
Henry, the shorter one speaks next “No problem, Adam I enjoy showing new friends all the hot spots around town, and it’s not often I get to be a patron of the bar instead of dancing at it”
“I kind of wish I had the opportunity to see you dance”
Henry stands up and smiles, “Maybe on the second date Adam”
Adam smiles at Henry and laughs “so there’s gonna be a second date?”
Suddenly you snap out and realize you need to make hopefully the last major decision for a while you look at the giants and jump onto the shoe of…
You decided it was best to stick with Adam, since he’ll be a lot slower and less active. That is, until their next date. Climbing up his shoe needed to be really careful, so you grabbed one of Adam’s loose shoelaces and held onto one as you climbed. As soon as you got to the maw of it, you sniffed the odor coming from his shoe which was pretty foul, and then looked up his pant leg. Should you take shelter in the shoe or continue your climb?
Not wanting to risk getting crushed under the older mans massive foot (or put up with the pungent odour) you decide to climb up Adams leg. You use his leg hairs to pull yourself upwards and make slow progress. The massive steps of him make it much harder to climb as every thud of his foot shakes you to your core. After a while you make it to the mans underwear and realize the dilemma you now have. But as you yet again find yourself pondering a choice you hear a key enter a lock and Adam walk in.
Apparently you were rather close to his apartment and Adam quickly undoes his pants and pulls them off exposing you to the bright lights. Now only in his boxer shorts you see the older man has a gut but still has pecs and muscular arms. He also has a blanket of grey hair all across his chest and stomach. He lays down on his couch and while glancing around his living room he…
Adam slid his hand into his underwear, as it was coming right for you. He unintentionally scratches his sack as he brings your minuscule body underneath his dirty nail. You were now lost in this man's nail along with the filth he's gathered over weeks. Adam scratches his crotch for a few more secs before bringing his hand, including you, to his face. "I really gotta wash my hands more often…" Adam inspects his hand before bringing it for a good sniff.
Does he manage to pull you into his nose?
You decide to go to the left side since there was less people. A little tired from walking to your school to the bar and then having to leave the bar and now you don't know where to go. There's a lot more cars passing by at the moment to even think about crossing the street back to your school, and you don't want to stay out in the open to long. As you walk you notice the homeless old man walk into the alley which could prove a useful place to hide while you wait for the cars to die down. You also notice the other old man who seemed out for a walk going to sit on the bench maybe if you were lucky you can climb on his shoe and he might cross the street. You decide to
You decide to go into the alley and wait. Even if the card don't thin out in time before school is over there's a chance a teacher or your friend Scotty will pass by. A small chance but there's a chance. You run along the wall of the bar hoping no one would notice you as some more people show up on the sidewalk. Luckily for you these people are too absorbed in their own business to even notice you on the floor. Luckily for you the alley is nearby and you start sprinting to get there as you turn the corner you end up losing your balance and falling down. As you get up you look around the alley and the only living being here is the homeless old man who came here before you. The homeless old man seemed to have notice you as he came closer. Nervous you decided to stay still hoping he was just walking in your direction. You were forced to run though as the homeless started to sit down exactly where you were at. Running you were about to be squished until you dived out of the way. Looking back you notice that you landed in front of him and it seems he
As you look at his face you can tell from how his expression changes that he noticed you. You try to get up to run but before you can even finish getting up your grabbed and lifted up. You were scared out of your mind at your current situation, not only were you caught by a stranger you're shrunken to around an inch so there's nothing you can do to stop this man from doing what he wants with you. As you brought up to the older mans face you couldn't help but notice how tired and familiar he looked. "What are you doing wandering around here little fella?" The old man asked you. Shocked that he started talking to you decide to answer. "I was trying to get back to my school but I decided to hide in the alley do I wouldn't get accidentally squished by all the people." You answer him hoping he would be understanding and take you to your school. "Well I would love to help you like you helped me but I don't think your school is the safest place right now since I would have to leave you at the gate and it looks to be around lunch time since I noticed some students and teachers leaving and I wouldn't want you to get stepped on." The old man told you. It then hit you why this man was familiar to you. Just the other day you while passing the bar a drunk guy came out and gave you a 50 dollar bill and walked away. It was then that you noticed the homeless man and instead of keeping it for yourself you had given it to him, since you had seen some of the jocks from your school act like jerks to him. It seems to have gone in your favor now since that same man has found you. "Oh okay what do you think I should do then?" You ask him as you look over him. He's wearing an old button up shirt that isn't buttoned up all the way so you got a view of his thick chest hair and he also seemed to be wearing some old shorts that looked tight and even though you wish you didn't notice you could see his a huge bulge in his shorts leading almost halfway to his shorts. "Well you could stay with me for a bit since thanks to you I was able to win some money with a lottery ticket now I have 300 dollars saved up because of you so I'll take care of you if you want or I can drop you of somewhere instead later. As you listened to the man you thought it over and decided to
You decide to stay with the homeless man for now seeing as he hasn't mistreated you yet there's a chance he won't. "I think I'll stay with you for a while if you don't mind." You tell the old man as you look to the side nervously. "That's great to hear by the way my name is William Johnson, what's yours?" Mr. Johnson asks you. "My name's Jack and what are we going to do anyways?" You ask after giving your name. "Well I was thinking of moving to a place with less people wouldn't want someone snatching you away." Mr. Johnson says as he starts getting up. He puts you in his shirt pocket as he starts walking. After walking a bit the movement of the giant walking calm you down and you fall asleep.
You wake up with a yawn and stretch your hands it seems your still walking. Deciding to check where you're at, you climb the shirt pocket and notice that you're at
"Weird there's no one here." You say as you look around the run down park. "That's because the playground is broken so no kids come here anymore it's only used sometimes by homeless people like me but that's about it." Mr. Johnson tells you as you look around. You notice that they have a small gym here too which you assume where the homeless sleep. You seemed to be right as
Mr. Johnson walked straight to the gym and went inside. "This place is good because the restroom still works so we don't have to worry when we have to take care of our needs." Mr. Johnson says as he plucks you out of his shirt. Which he then starts taking off. "What are you doing?" You ask as it seemed a little weird. "I'm going to wash my clothes in the sink." Mr. Johnson answered as he then took off his pants and boxers revealing a huge cock that would put yours to shame even at your old height. He then went to the bathroom leaving you in the gym. When he finally gets back he's still naked and when he sits next to you, you notice he has a hard on so you..
It was great that Mr. Johnson have washed his clothes; when you where in his shirt pocket, you could tell that he doesn't have a proper shower for a while, the intense masculine odor just let smell some old vestige of something like deodorant, but just a little, over all warm strong musk that come from the homeless's hairy armpits, which you could see now from the gym leather bench where you and William were sit, from where you could watch the huge boner that Mr. Johnson have too.
"I can tell that I'm not the only one having a good time and company, don't I?" Says William, while he aproach his huge dirty finger to your little naked body, touching your little cock, that was awake too, in presence of this huge but sweet man who was taking care of you. You just felt safe, and excited too.
"I could help you help you with that too, if you want it" you said to the gigantic homeless, looking up almost in shame to the huge dark cock over your tiny form.
Mr. Johnson just smirk a few and grab your little form between his thumb and his middle finger, nipping your little body gently. The stench of his cock was stronger near to it, but he keep rising his hand till you were at his hairy pecs level, with him looking down at you.
"That would be nice little fella,it's been a while from the last time I took care of someone, and your little form feel nice being around. But I… well, I haven't washing myself well since last week, I don't want to scare you away with my body odor" he says, while he funfully flex his bicep a little and take a little sniff from his now exposed hairy pit. "I tell you what little dude, you help in some other ways while you get use to my lack hygine, right?" Then, the Homeless lay down on the leather bench and put you…
It looks like this public bath house is a popular hang out for gays. You ask the homeless man, "Are you gay?"
"I used to pretend to be straight but I've loosened up over the years. I haven't always been homeless you know. I used to be a wealthy business man with a perfect wasp wife but wearing a suit every day caused me to start drinking and then I drank it all away."
You ask, "But this is where you find your type?"
William says, "No. These guys aren't bad but they remind me too much of who I used to be, a fake. They are way too obsessed with their appearance. No, this is just the cheapest place where I can get a shower. Also, they aren't busy this time of day. There's always a small crowd that hangs out here but it doesn't get busy until the evening."
William pays the thirty dollars for a year-long membership plus a seven dollar fee for three hours use of a locker. As William prepared for his shower, he spoke about his plans for the future, "I'm not going to stay homeless. It's going to be a struggle so it might take a year before I can afford an apartment but I can get a job and now I can clean up a bit for the job interview."
William decides to take you in the shower with him, placing you on the shelf next to him, you watch as he cleans himself, rubbing away the dirt and grime from his body.
You can’t help but feel something and fail to notice the erection forming. William looks down, a smirk appears across his face before looking at his own erect penis.
‘It’s been a while since that’s happened, you must be a real special guy Jack’ he says as he uses a sponge to continue cleaning.
His smirk then changed, it no longer looks caring. He then rushes out the shower, leaving you sat on the side. You hear him rummaging around in his pockets, coins clattering and him mumbling ‘come on I must have enough’. You then hear the coins hit a machine and something drop.
He comes back in, a little packet in hand. ‘oh we are going to have some fun little one’ He then places you on his penis before pulling a condom over you. You feel your body tighten and the air disappear.
He then turns the shower on full before slowly picking up speed, you are pushed up and down his penis, the motion makes you sick followed by a fart that ends in you following through.
‘You dirty boy, I didn’t know you had a poo kink’. You tried to cry for help but it was no use. He continued vigorously pumping you back and forth before finally blowing a massive load, filling the condom. Your body covered in the sticky substance. He then pulled the condom off before holding it in the air as your body dangled in the bow slightly baggier condom.
He then looked at you before deciding what to do, you could hear the changing rooms getting busier. He then took the condom before…
You decide to try and hitch a ride with the old man And run off to the bench. You climb up on his gargantuan shoe and wait a few minutes before he finally stands up.your hopes rise as he takes a few steps towards the crosswalk, and then he stops. A car pulls up and stops in front of the man and before you know it his foot and you have been lifted into the car.
The fear that over takes you makes you freeze. This man is getting driven somewhere and to you that means being taken thousands of miles away from the school and you're only hope of growing back to normal size. The fear gets even worse when the old man tells the driver to head into the city which is a 40 minute drive. You eventually realize that you'll have to wait and get help in the city so you wait.
Finally the car roles to a stop and the old man pays the driver. He steps out and puts his foot on the sidewalk with so much force you fall off and roleinto a wall. The thing you now need to figure out is. Where to head for safety.
To the left you can see a cop with a short black beard who you may want to try to get the attention of, you can also see several younger men waiting to get into what appears to be a gay club.
To the right you see an apartment building and a fancy restaurant.
You decide to head…
You decide someone in authority would be best to contact now, so you head for the cop. He was pretty young-ish looking for a cop. Late 20s to early 30s with a towering, bulky and downright ominous physique. His body was clad in a dark blue uniform. His dress shirt seemed a little too small for his wife muscular torso and bulky crossed arms. The same applied to his trousers as they snaked down tree trunk sized legs down into knee high black Dehner boots. He was clearly a motor patrol cop judging by his skyscraper footwear.
You run forward, the brown haired cop not noticing your insignificant presence on the empty sidewalk. You push on, screaming up but his eyes, hidden behind shiny aviators were focused on the world of titans that resided over your head. You scream and scream but still to no avail.
Only one option was available to you now: Climb the cop. You look at his super polished left boot with a gulp and start to sprint towards it. But as you do so, a horrifying grinding sound starts to overwhelm your ears. The giant was shifting his foot and it was heading in your direction! You stop…
The massive bulk of black leather just wouldn't stop. You scream, you plead but the uncaring, oblivious foot just doesn't stop as it overtakes your body. First went your legs, then your torso, then the boot stopped. You begin to cry as you live those final excurciating seconds in the shadow on the giant's bootsole.
Darkness settles into your vision as you pass away and the cop walks off back to his bike. You're nothing more than an insignificant bloodstain on the sidewalk now.
You close your eyes as the grinding sound came closer and closer. You were dead. You were certain of that, until you wasn't. You open your eyes slowly to see a wall of black leather multiple times your height just inches from your nose. Looking up, you notice the giant cop is still focused on the world above you, so you haven't got his attention… yet.
You decide to clamber onto the boot. The thick vibram sole was just tall enough for you to be able to grab onto and pull yourself aboard. You clamber up onto the goliath piece of footwear and pull yourself along the top of the foot. It's slow progress but you never stop.
As you pull up to the bal-laces, you sense the world around you shifting and shaking. The air around you started to kick up into a gale as you started to slide down. The giant was moving! You quickly grab onto a lace for dear life as the repetitive earth shattering movement of the cop god's boot flung you up and down, up and down, up and down…
The leviathan boarded his skyscraper bike and took off with you as a stowaway. He was headed…
It was the end of the giants shift so it was time for him to head home. You were surprised by the fact it was a pretty spacious suburban house, that looked way beyond the payroll of a man such as the one you clung to. He opened the door and entered, heading first into the kitchen. With a mighty FZZZZZZT sound, the cop opened a beer can and started to drink. He walked around the empty house, drafting around in semi-boredom.
The cop continued to pace around and you were growing tired. You couldn't hold onto his boots any longer. You fell and fell and fell into a vast carpet, drfiting away to sleep, unsure of where you are.
When you woke up, you found yourself in the…
The Three Residents:
Hudson - 29 years old. The cop you came into the house on. He's strong, handsome and chiselled. 6'3 and muscular. He has a softer, fatherly/older brother approach to most people but with criminals, it's a totally different story…
Jonah - 28 years old. Hudson's boyfriend. He's a cocky, ultra masculine type of guy. Works as a PT at the local gym. Blonde, 6' 4" and with muscles to match his ego. He tends to walk around the house with his size 16 feet bare.
Brayden - 24 years old and Hudson's younger brother. He's living here due to conflicts with their parents. Bisexual and very, very angry at the world. He's 6' with a much skinnier physique than the other two. He has a very alternative look and lifestyle with pastel blue hair, a lip piercing and a love for wearing heavy boots and skinny clothing. He's probably the last of the three that you want to be found by.
Heavy footfalls wake you up once again as you find yourself in a massive living room. Impossibly scaled and almost otherworldly furniture surrounds you as you notice a new giant entering the room. He had an aura of attitude surrounding him as he stomped in. On his feet were glossy lace up boots with a thick platform, adorned with metallic grate like accessory, his legs were encased in ripped up black skinny jeans and on his torso were a dark t-shirt under a dark plaid overshirt.
His deep blue eyes, partially obscured by his pastel blue and emo-styled hair were fixated on his phone as he drifted towards the couch… towards you.
The quakes we're getting heavier as you fell into the shadow of this new god. His boots were getting dangerously close. You try to run but the carpet fibers are so thick, they bog you down. Just one more step and…
For a brief, terrifying moment, you are totally underneath the sole of the New Rock boot as the giant walks over you. A few more quakes pass as the punk settled down on the couch. New, alien sounds thrash around the room as he unbuckled and unzipped his boots, letting his monstrous feet out of their leathery prisons.
You almost wretch. God, his feet /STUNK/. Clad in checkerboard-patterned socks, you could see they were damp in stagnant sweat as they swung on their heels. A new cacophony of noise rose up as the giant turned on the TV.
You had to get this guy's attention. Plugging up your nose, you move forward and decide to…
The two boots stop just in front of you, consuming most of your field of view. As you look up you see the titan lowering himself down into a squat. He's examining you, curious about what you are. Your heart pounds heavy in your chest as he looks cold… distant… He's probably not going to save you.
Your fears are quickly confirmed…
"Well, hello there…"
Two tree trunk fingers grabbed you in a pinching motion as you rose through the air into a giant hand. His smirk grew into a predatory grin as his colossal eyes took in the miniscule sight before him.
"A poor, wittle man caught in a grasp of a big, scary man like me…"
The giant started to grow hard, a rush of power surging through his spine.
"You're so powerless…" His overpoweringly minty breath stirred up a whirlwind around you, making it hard to stand your ground. "… All the things I could do to you…" His other hand started to massage the mountainous bulge forming metres and metres beneath your feet.
What was Brayden going to do with you?
A fist closed around you as Brayden carried both you and himself into his bedroom. It was a dark and dingy place with dark red wallpaper and a floor that was barely visible underneath a sea of trash, discarded clothing and various outlandish pieces of footwear.
"Now, that we are alone, let's get down to business."
The giant reopened his fist as his other hand came down straight for you. With minimal effort, he rips the clothes from your body.
"That's better. The runt exposed like the true bug that he is. Now then, I have to ask… How did you get so small?"
You stay silent, fearing what the guy might do with such knowledge.
"Giving me the silent treatment, eh? Naughty bug! You should know better than to disobey your god!"
And with that…
The punk's expression didn't change as he rose back up to his full height. With a cold, steely look, he kept his eye on you as your vision of him was quickly overtaken by the sole of his boot. NEW ROCK - REACTOR - 46.
It came down fast. You only felt a brief burst of pain before oblivion consumed you.
With a mighty VRRRRRR!, the goliath cop's bike took off down city streets. It's rider remained unaware of your tiny frame holding on for it's dear life. You hug on as hard as you can, regretting your decision every step of the way.
Every few seconds, you went through a vicious rotation of flailing violently in the air before the lace hit the hard matte leather with terrible impact. Every hit caused you to hug the lace tighter until the bike came to a full stop.
Feeling too much pain to even breathe a sigh of relief, you braced yourself for the softer but still miserable experience of the cop's walk. Looking around, you think you know where you are - outside the cop station which meant it was probably the end of his shift.
The cop made for the changing rooms to get out of his uniform. Tired and done, he pulled off his boots without even noticing the bug of a man upon them and placed them in his locker. Quickly it was followed up by the rest of his uniform as he stripped naked for the shower, letting his well-toned, muscular, hairy and sweat drenched body out of it's cloth confinement.
"Oh. Hudson." Another cop said as he entered the locker room.
"Hey Tom…" Hudson, the cop who held you, muttered back as he headed for the shower.
Tom was slightly taller than the already hulking Hudson with the same uniform. His eyes were obscured by sunglasses and his general demeanour seemed… off.
You were now on the floor of the locker room and staring up this new cop colossus. Every shift in his body terrified you as you were at his complete mercy…
You panic as you see Officer Tom's face turn down and stare directly at you…
"Hmph." He grunted. "Fucking bugs. Someone needs to get the exterminators in."
You try to scream up as the shadow of the giant cop's bootsole overwhelmed you. The cold, quick and brutal efficiency of the stomp gave you no chance to speak out. A quick intense burst of pain overwhelmed you as you are reduced to a bloody smear on the tread of an immense motor patrol boot.
With a loud creaking of leather, the cop bent down with a look of abject disgust. Quickly, more leather dominated your view as Tom picked you up and held you in his gloved palm.
He took off his sunglasses to reveal deep, almost inhuman blue eyes as they squinted at you.
"Well, well, well… seems we have a perverted little faggot in the locker room…"
The giant smirked a little, enjoying the feeling of power he felt as a police officer taken to a new, extreme level. However, that smirk reverted back to disgust pretty quickly as he eyed over your terrified little body.
"I don't tolerate creepy fuckin' freaks like you… but I gotta admit… a chance like this only comes once in a lifetime… I ain't gonna squander it too quickly."
You felt the black, shiny ground fall from beneath you as Tom started to fidget with you a bit, pondering over what to do with you. After the longest minute of your life, the giant grows a vicious smile once more…
"Yeah… yeah! I know what I'm gonna do with you!"
Officer Tom headed into a deep corner of the locker room with haste. His erect dick had taken over his brain as he was all too eager to inflict more misery upon you. Placing you down on the bench, the giant cop slipped off his gargantuan Dehners and thick bootsocks to let out his long, thin bare feet. The monstrous peds glistened with sweat accumulated over his shift.
His gloved hand then picked you up and dropped you on the floor, where the soles of his feet loomed over you. His toes began to flex about, sending massive droplets of foot sweat crashing down around you like foul rain.
"You know what to do, foot fag. Get to it!"
Against your better judgement, you walk up to the reddened sole of his left heel and begin to knead and lick. The liquid coating the skin tasted wretched, making you almost want to hurl.
"Ohhhh, fuck yeah…" the cop murmured in ecstacy.
You recall reading all about how nasty, vicious and brutal police officers could be and being skeptical. Now, at the feet of this domineering monster, you understood it all. Hearing his sexual ecstasy over enslaving your poor tiny self made you feel so angry in your absolute helplessness…
Quickly, the fleshy sky came down upon you as the giant got caught more caught up in the rish of power. You couldn't breathe as the vast foot pinned you underneath…
"Oh fuck yeah!" The giant roared as the pressure built up more and more and…
Every part of your body erupted in pain as a deep, visceral moan erupted from the giant's mouth. Long white streams of giant cum shot out from the cop's long member as you felt bones compress and cave in. It was a sharp, painful but quick death.
"Fuck…" Tom moaned as he basked in the best orgasm he felt in a long while. He raised and turned his foot to see the mess on his sole.
"Whoops. Oh well. One less creep, I guess. Ha."
Cleaning up the white and red mess, the officer stripped down and headed to the showers. In his head, he replayed it all as his free-swinging cock began to swell once more…
You head to the right and see that you still have the options of the apartment building or the fancy restaurant, but now you can also see down the opposite side of the street and see a martial arts studio and a gym…. with these new options you decide to stick….
Where do you head to?
As you see your Uncle Russ leave you also see about five new people enter. Three of them are guys that instantly head to the bathroom and the other two walk over to the bar and sit n the two bar stools on either side of you.
The first guy looks around 27 but you can't get an exact age because of his huge blond beard and moustache. He is in big lace up leather boots and a pair of blue jeans. His shirt is a red plaid button up and he has the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also has a leather bracelet on one wrist and a green toque on. If you had to describe him in one word it would be lumbersexual.
The second guy looks to be about 25. He has blond hair and is in a blue button up shirt a pair of black dress pants and has a leather belt with a huge belt buckle on it. He also is wearing a cowboy hat.
You decide you should try to communicate with….
You look up at the stool the handsome blond cowboy sits on. You wish you had a less shallow reason but you really choose to approach the cowboy for help because you're really attracted to him. He's wearing massive cowboy boots, one of which is tapping to the beat of the loud rock song that's playing, that leaves the one still option for you to climb. You approach the tower of leather and climb up onto the toes then comes the hard part, climbing his leg. You finish climbing the boot and transfer to the denim of his black dress pants. At your size the denim fiber is creating hand grips but not big ones. Then there is also the smell of sweaty feet wafting up in waves from the boot. You finally get up onto his thigh and fall down from exhaustion. This makes you want the cowboy even more because of his rock hard muscles. You can see it's not just his legs too his whole body is covered in just the right amount of muscle.
You finally get up and decide that you need to keep climbing to get his attention. You make your way over the giant belt buckle and climb into his button up shirt where you come into contact with his beautiful abs. The shirt fabric is pressed tightly against him which actually helps your climb. Finally you get up to his right pec where you notice a tattoo of a compass. You stop to stare at it and catch your breath but he feels you and thinks that it's an itch. His massive tan hand that smells of leather comes into the shirt and scratches you jump onto a massive finger and hold on as he pulls his hand out. He sets his hand down on the bar counter and you fall with a thud.
Now on the bar counter you have a way to get his attention you stand next to his skyscraper sized beer and wave your hands. Finally he looks down and sees you. Without hesitation he grabs you and puts you in…..
Without a word, the towering god raised his left leg upon his knee and started to yank at his gargantuan boot. Foul smelling air consumed your nostrils as a bare foot wrangled out of it's leathery prison.
"Alright, little guy. In you go." A voice thundered from above.
And with that you, you started to fall into the disgusting chasm. You scream and plead for help but no-one was going to hear your pathetic crude over the sound of the bar. With a harsh this, your tiny little body lands on the wet, slimy sole of the boot. A massive "15" is embroided into the the leather under your feet, a signal of the sheer size of this boot even from an unshrunken perspective. Quickly, a shadow falls upon you. You look up to see 5 massive, meaty digits coming down to return home. You have to run. You can't survive under the heel!
You sprint and you sprint but you can't outrun the foot. The sole arches over you, reddened stinky flesh consuming your entire field of vision. It begins to come down as it moves forward into the murky abyss before you. You're pinned underneath the arch of the giants foot as he settle back into the boot. He gave it a quick STOMP to readjust and get a feel for your whimpering body, quivering pathetically underfoot.
An hour or so passed and pressure remained light. There was the occasional tapping of the foot but the cowboy reminded seated. However, that was never going to last. Soon, the giant got bored of the bar and wanted to head home. He stood up. The pressure amped up a thousandfold as tons of bodyweight began to press down on you. He walked out of the bar, headed home and took off his boots to discover that…
The giant scoops you up and quickly shoves you into the front of his musky underwear. They fit so tightly that your face is pressed against his Giant member and you have no way of moving. You feel as the cowboy gets up and hear him as he says by to Buck athe bartender and walks out the bar. You hear a door open and then slam shut and then a familiar tan hand grasps you and pulls you out into refreshing air.
The goregeous cowboy holds you up to his massive face and smiles,
"Would you look at that, a tiny man. I don't know bout you little guy but I feel like we were destined to meet as I run my dads old ranch about an hour outta the city and it gets mighty lonely sometimes. If you wouldn't mind I'd like to take you aunt to my ranch for a little while if you don't mind. The names Ben"
You stare at Bens massive face and say "o-ok Ben I'll go to your ranch" you say this because he's goregeous and he could do whatever he wants any way so it's better if he's happy.
"Great". Ben starts to drive and doesn't stop until he gets to his ranch. Once there he decided….
"Here I'll give ya a tour of the ranch so ya don't get lost little fella" Ben says as he lifts you in the palm of his hand. He walks and points to the house "that's where me and my ranch hand Trey live, I guess you too now. Trey will love to meet you" then Ben starts to walk down a path to the right,after a minute of walking he says these here are the stables, I got 5 horses in here so ya may wanna keep outta here considerin humans are big enough for ya". Finally he heads to a big barn "an this is where the hay is kept for the cattle who graze all over that property. Ben heads back to the ranch house where he….
You're still trying to get acclimated after the whirlwind tour of the ranch, but Ben's room is much more normal - a nice, blue wallpaper and a big double bed. It was at least recognisable, even if it was way too big.
Before you knew it Ben had climbed onto said bed, still fully clothed. He turned over to his side, propped his head up with his free hand and released you out onto the fresh, white sheets. He watched you with a smile as you began to get a sense of where you are. You looked back towards him, up and down the length of his powerful body. You truly were at his mercy. Good thing he was so nice.
"And this is my bedroom…where you'll be staying," he whispered. His voice was deeper, calmer, and he reached out one of his huge fingers and began to stroke you slowly, delicately. The hand might have felt rough, toughened after years of farm work, but his touch was gentle and you felt no pressure, only pleasure and joy at being treated with such care. You realized Ben had probably developed this softer side over the years of dealing with the animals.
Suddenly you felt a tingling in your stomach and you yelled out in shock. You'd been looking up at Ben, contemplating what to say to him to start a potentially awkward conversation…when you begun to shrink even more! Previously you'd estimated your height at about 4 inches but that rapidly dwindled away as you reached a new height of…
The giant Ben stared at you, eyes wide, as he shifted his hand slightly so his palm was flat with you standing in it.
But you wouldn't stop dwindling…you dwindled smaller and smaller, panicking as everything got bigger. "Help!" you cried impotently to Ben, and there was concern in his eyes, but there was really nothing he could do except keep his hand still.
Before long Ben's face became too large to contemplate as you felt weaker and weaker, smaller and smaller, before eventually you stopped at…something almost incomprehensibly small. The lines and welts in Ben's rough hand were huge now, canyonesque. You'd actually have to step over them to move around on it…the hand itself, from wrist to fingertips, looked to be over 50 metres of running. And this was just his hand. Ben himself was now almost beyond your understanding. You stared up at him and his wide concerned eyes.
"Are you OK?" he breathed, but the sound didn't hurt or anything like that, luckily. However, the vibration of his voice around you, through the hand, the air rushing towards you, caused you to almost lose your footing. You stumbled around before righting yourself and shouting up at him.
But it was useless. "I can't hear you, little man," he whispered sadly. "I'm so sorry. But I'll keep you safe, so don't worry too much. Big Ben will look after you," he said with a reassuring smile.
You felt a rush of gratitude towards the hulking, godlike cowboy. Unable to communicate this to him with speech, you got on your knees and raised your arms in a gesture of thanks, or of supplication.
You jumped around and made as much noise as possible in an attempt to get your uncle's attention, but it's no use. You watched him with a horrible sinking sensation in your stomach as he got up from the bar and started to leave, in your direction. As he lifted one of his leather boots into the air, you come to a split second decision. You made a guess as to where it would land and took off like a shot, jumping at the last second to grab ahold of one of the laces. You latched yourself onto it as tightly as you could, and tried to keep your focus as the world spun around you.
Your uncle left the bar and headed towards his truck, unaware of the extra passenger he had picked up. Along the way a local cop and friend of your Uncle's named Logan pulled his car out from behind the bar.
"Hey Russ! Do I need to ask you how many you've had to drink?"
Russ swore.
"No, Logan. I wasn't going to drive anywhere."
"Uh huh. Well, instead of waiting on a cab, why don't you just come with me and I'll drive you home this time."
"That sounds just great," Russ replied. He grabbed a few things from his truck and hopped into the passenger compartment of the cop's car. Logan drove him the several miles back to his house, chatting with him along the way.
For the entire drive you debated what to do. Your uncle seemed like a good choice to fix this, since he was both family and someone that you could probably trust. On the other hand, a police officer would be able to do more, and it seemed like a good idea to cut out the middle man. A minute before pulling up into the driveway at your Uncle's property outside of town he lifted his leg up and propped his foot on top of his knee. Your grip on the shoelace wavered as you bounced around. Logan shoved Russ' foot out of the way.
"Hey! No messes in here. I'm doing you a favor."
"Pfft." Your uncle said with an exhale. "Like it matters if you get dust on your donuts."
They arrived and he exited the car, thanking Logan for the ride.
Unfortunately under your near-microscopic nose, the bartender, Buck, while polishing a beer glass and idly chatting with Dom, sees you darting across the floor of the bar. He smirks devilishly, looking at what he assumed was a bug scampering through his bar.
As you approach the side of the bar, so that you could climb up towards the top in the vain hopes of getting your uncle's attention, you crane your neck up and see the menacing bartender, his eyes gleaming as he now sees your form for what it truly is: a hot, shrunken teen.
Before you can engulf his menacing form, covered in nothing but leather boots, jeans, and a ripped leather vest that barely covers his mighty furry arms and bear belly, the mighty bartender leans down, and placed an upside down beer glass around you, trapping your body in that area. He then drags the glasss behind the bar, so that no one will see.
"What's a matter?" Dom asks impatiently. 'I asked for a beer hours ago!" The greaser complains fervently.
"Hold your horses, you washed up grease monkey!" Buck jokes, as he makes sure your trapped behind the bar, and then turns to pour the greaser a beer from the keg behind him.
Meanwhile, as you hear the giant's conversing above,you struggle your hardest to tip the glass over. You . . .
A few hours later, you hear your uncle Ross say goodbye, along with a few other passersby who dropped in for a drink. You managed to stay safe in your prison, as safe as you could be, but you couldn't knock it over to escape! The only sounds echoing from outside the glass now are big Buck's mighty footsteps.
You hear him grumble from the outsides of the glass prison on the floor, and his bog trucker's leather boots echo towards the glass.
The giant bartender smirks down at his trapped little teen. He didn't know who you were, or where you came from. Frankly, the giant bartender didn't care. He carefully leaned down, his body sweaty from a day of hard work and dripping sweat atop the glass, and lifts the glass, cupping his palm on the glass, brushing against your sneakers, and lifting the glass to the bar.
As he turns the glass back right-side up, you tumble in the glass, making sure not to hit your head, and fall on your ass on the bottom of the beer glass.
The giant sets the glass on top of the old wooden bar, and peers down at you.
"Hello." He says, mildly exhausted, snickering down at you. "What brings a little man to Buck's bar?"
You stare at the devilish goatee of the giant, and feel his beer breath filling your nostrils. Its pungent and yet manly. His face is handsomely rugged and his muscles are defined in a pleasant coating of fat, which you notice from your cage. You stumble back to the side of the tall beer glass, and try to utter something.
"P-please, let me go! I just came here looking for my uncle!" You plead, which sound like miniscule squeaking to the giant. Before you can protest further,, however, the giant shakes his head, crushing your hopes of escape.
"Tsk, tsk, Little Runt." The rugged man calls you. "I can't hear a damn thing your saying! Mmm, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked being in the presence of such a glorious man!"
You sulk in fear, knowing how much of an ass this man was just from his southern voice: strong, commanding, and demeaning. He reaches in . . .
You heave as the air is forced out of your lungs, expelled by the sheer ounce of power the bear needed to squeeze it out of you. You're forced to cock you head back as the slightly buzzed bartender brings your tiny clothed form to his face. His dark, azure eyes gleam malicious and lustfully at you. It seems going into a bar was the wrong idea.
"Mmm. Yup, just as I thought, a tiny teen, trumping into MY bar." The giant smirks, his black goatee looming at your eye level, as he grins. The beer breath enshrouds you again. He might have been buzzed but you could tell the bear has had a few beers in his time. "So, what's your name Runt?" He asks, his perfectly molded face, despite his age and his size difference, looms before you with erotic magnitude.
"M-my name is-is J-jack! S-sir, I-I just need-d to . . ." You buck before his breath and the grip his maw had on you, unable to complete your sentence, pleading for the giant's mercy and the safe return to your uncle, who, despite your hopes, has left with the rest of the daily crowd.
"Oh, Runt, I didn't realize I was wrong!" The bear laughed, an earth-shattering blow to your nostrils and your ears, but a laugh to any other. "Naw, no way. You look like a Runt to me." The bear snickers, and unwraps his fingers, letting you breathe once more. "I mean, a man so small can only be named Runt!" You only seem to halfway fill his open palm. His snickers leave you feeling hopeless, powerless as he lowers you to his chest. You get a look, through the parts of your vision his enormous sexy face doesn't cover, and you can see the dragon tattoo weaving up and down his right arm, with a skull peering at you from the left. You shudder at the smell of the man.
As his other hand descends towards you, you instinctively try and stand up, springing to your knees as you try and escape the giant's meaty hand. Although you can't see it, the giant's eyes gleam again. He seems to like a feisty catch.
"Tryin to get away? Hmph! Here I though Buck was enough for ol' Runt here. I'll just hav'ta change yer mind . . " Before you can make it any further, the voice of the giant paralyzes you. His free hand reaches down and pinches you up by the shirt, holding you at his meaty pecs. You see the crevasse between them as you dangle perilously. The full view is blocked by the black leather vest.
"Mmm, before I have my fun I guess I gotta get ya out of those clothes . . " The giant reaches at your feet, and you squirm as the force plucks away your tightly woven shoes like plucking chicken morsels off of a bone. He lets the minuscule garments fall to the floor, not making a sound. He then tugs at your socks, revealing your shuddering feet. "Well, looks like we've got a fraidy cat. C'mon. You'll grow to love me I'm sure." Buck grins devilishly, plucking off your jeans next.
"Well, looks like this Runt's got a nice pair of legs on his little body." Your captor menacingly compliments your tiny legs - like toothpicks to him. H runs his cold fingers up your legs, feeling the tiny curves. A loud moan is heard from above and despite your pleading protests, he continues his little show.
But, much to your surprise, he lightly brings you down and tosses you on the bar. "Well, you seen my body up close, little Runt. How bout takin off the rest of your clothes for your new master? Mmmf, I'd choose wisely if I were you . . " His body descends and his hands slam on the bar on both of your sides.
"Give master a show, Runt!"
You're trembling as you pull your shirt over your head with the grizzly behemoth sneering down at you. "That's right, Runt. Strip for daddy and show off those hot little legs'a yours!" You're now merely a tiny teenager, all smooth skin and gangling limbs, standing in your underwear in front of this great big hunk of man meat. You've never felt so humiliated, or so puny.
"Hey, looky here!" Buck jeers with his resonating, husky voice. "We got urselves quite the little sex kitten, haven't we?" The man's uncooth, fuzzy face makes you want to sob with the hoplessnes of your situation, every time he bends down to shout another obscene taunt at you, blasting you with the taste of beer and his beath.
Finally, the pinaccle of Buck's private performance has come, and you hook your fingers into the elastic of your underwear. Sliding them down your thighs, you cringe as Buck's giant face lights up with wild excitement. As your dick rolls out onto the cool air and your underpants flop to the counter beneath your feet, Buck's tongue darts out and slurps his hairy upper lip. His hairy knuckles fly to his denim-clad crotch, which bulges with compact flesh, and he shifts his heavy package with enticipation.
"And WHAT is that you've got, all for Big Buck.." The giant says with a greasy smile as the pad of his index finger comes zoning in on your..
"Looks like you're warmin' up to Buck just fine!" The giant bear grins as the rough pad of his finger preses flat against the moist tip of your exposed erection. Your knees almost buckle when he does this - You don't want to be erect, in fact you'd give anything for the hardness between your legs to cease. But the giant bar owner with you in his possession is being so overtly sexual, he practically has it written all over his face that he's going to do dirty and disgusting things with you, and your 'little guy' is simply responding in the way that hormonal, hyper-sexual teen's organs often do.
Buck, however, is taking this as license to do whatever he wants with you.
The grizzly man's damp palm opens and wraps around you. The first part of you to contact his thick, leathery skin is your dick, which nearly bends as you're restricted in his grip.
"Why don't you give Buck a nice big hug to thank him for that pretty little boner of yours, sexy." He growls, and presses you flat against his densely hairy chest. Wirey black hairs slip into your mouth and scratch your face, but you can't escape them. Buck enjoys smearing you all over his humungous, furry pecs.
You feel yourself sliding up one of the muscly mounds, brushing over the hard nipple and then into the deep dip in the middle of his chest, where the bushy black hair is really growing wild.
He flexes the the meaty pecs, impressing you with his gigantic muscles, and finally pins your face into his giant, pale brown rubbery nipple..
Buck's beefy, hairy chest smells of old cologne and musky sweat. You wonder if the hulking piece of man-meat even bothers to wash at all, or if he considers his natural scent enough to attract the tight little twink asses that he pleasures his fat cock with every night.
The next thing you know, Buck's giant greasy fingertip is pushing against the back of your head and your lips part over the rubbery knob of his nipple. "That's right, pretty boy, suck on big Buck's tit like a good twink!"
You want to tell him you're not a twink, you're just a teenager who made the stupid mistake of wandering into a seedy bar at a few inches tall in search of his uncle.
But your poor little mouth isn't doing anything except gagging on your leather bear's giant, sweat-flavoured nipple for now.
And 'Big Buck' is enjoying himself so much that he..
Buck still has to clean up his bar before he can head home, but he sure as hell isn't going to be bored while he does it. Handling you in his big, tree trunk-like fingers, he pull sout a roll of adhesive tape and rips off a tiny piece, pinning you hard against his gigantic nipple.
You hear the man's husky chuckle as he forces your face into his rubbery nipple, the perk of it jamming into your mouth with its stale salty taste. He lays the piece of tape over your back and as darkness overtakes you and you're sealed against the grizzly man's beefy chest, long black strands of hair compress all around you.
You feel like you're trapped in a jungle of masculine chets hair and body odour as Buck pulls hsi ripped leather vest closed and pats the place where you, his weak little toy, suckle unwillingly on his giant sweaty tit.
"Better enjoy suckin' on Big Buck's big ol' chest." He chuckles as he walks around, wiping his counter over. As he does, his chest flexes and you're pushed up against a combination of fat tissue and muscle. "When I'm done with this you're goin' somewhere darker, damper.. and a lot more fun!" Buck pauses to fondle his chest a little feeling his fat cock stir in his pants atthe thrill of his new power.
Gagging on the bear's giant nipple as his furry chest hair crowds around you, tears start to build in your eyes.
Where is he going to put you??
You're still stuck to the bear's nipple. You love and hate it at the same time. "Mph!" You mumble, chocking on the hairy nipple.
The bear moans at this, but quickly recovers. "Boy, I'm gonna try some thin' different. My boots have been sweatin' for 10 years. I'm a former lumberjack. Oh yeah do you want to smell them?"
You want to so badly, but you're scared. Before he gives you a chance he shoves you into the rank working boot. Musk covers you, and you pass out
You are…
You wake to find a pleasant aroma fill your whole existence. You hate to admit it, but, the smell of this bears feet are blissfully intoxicating to both you, and your pecker. "Hey runt! Get comfortable down in that boot. I've been walking all day, so I'm taking a break." Your whole world begins to shake, and you realize he's propping his feet up on a ledge diagonally across from a stool. you go from the floor of his boots in-sole being beneath you, to being slightly tilted making for a very uncomfortable "footing" in your tightly wedged space.
You start to slide, and to your disgust, the moisture from his sweaty, beefy bear feet is causing your slow descent into your repressed desires for this bears feet. You can hear him laughing at something, and as coincidental as it is to your current situation, you can't help but feel even more angry with this burly, hairy man. "Hey runt, if you find that hole in my sock, do me a favor, and climb on in. My foot's very friendly, and could use the company." You wish this would all end. You wish you could just get back to normal size with your clothes, and punch this guy in the face before streaking out of the bar far as possible from him. That's when you feel it. Like quick-sand, you realize there's a texture change. Yet unlike quick-sand, the texture is soft, and somewhat slick from sweat. It was the hole.
"NO!" you yell. You helplessly fight gravity, as the fabric passes between both your legs. Your left leg, as well as your shoulder is slowly being slid across this ridiculously soft bears beefy foot, while your right foot is caught up on loose string, dangling threads that line the edge of this hole in his sock. You fight it, as well as your fetish. You don't want any part of this. You don't wan't this terrible man's feet to-
"Hey bud, That tickles, quit!" Buck thrusts his boot upwards, causing you to come down fast onto the torn fabric of his sock, and as quickly as he lifted his leg up, he brings it back down. You clench your legs together from the pain of your balls being pinched against the black fence of cloth that hit you in the balls. This however would be the biggest mistake against your fight for repressing your desires. You come back down, and with both legs brought together, slide right into the opening.
At this point, you are completely immersed in the foot sweat, and you are spread out across his heal. your cock is sliding about as he adjusts his foot a bit more, and you can't take it anymore. You try to fight it, but he starts rocking his foot. You try to climb out, but it's too dark. You can't find the hole. You're dripping pre-cum, and eventually find yourself against the soles of his feet. one of your legs gets tangled up while trying to climb down, and you get stuck. You squirm about, only able to rotate, and face the crevice of his beefy, chubby toes.
"Seems like you're starting to like my feet runt. I knew you wouldn't object." "DAMNIT!" you yell, knowing it falls on deaf-ears. you can't really move, as his foot-rocking isn't giving you stability. you're planted flat against his "bear" foot, with your face stuffed between his soft, compact, bear toes, your chest and cock against his sole, and your toes ever-so-slightly meeting the end of his sole, and the beginning of his bear arch. He starts flexing his foot to scratch the itch your toes cause sliding back, and fourth over his lubricated foot. Even your cock is pressed against your belly, as his soft, warm sole slides against it effortlessly.
"I don't know what you're doing in there, but whatever it is, it really tickles. I'll leave you in there if you don't quit!"
You try to stop, but his rocking isn't helping. It's like he's aware of the results his actions are causing. The aroma, adrenaline, as well as your cock being unintentionally humped by this big bear is too much to handle. You fight off the urge to explode, and focus on enduring. then he presses his foot forward into you, it hurts your head to turn it sideways, so you bite the bullet, and shove your face into the tight gap between his second, and third toe. It was the worst idea you've had today, and you are over-run with ecstasy. "NO!, I don't want . . . " You start to lose yourself. You are pinned down by this massive beefy bear foot, and you again hear Bucks laughter booming from outside as you near the point of no return.
"Go ahead, and shoot that load on my foot bud"
You snap at the realization that he was aware you were fighting off an orgasm this whole time. "That son of a bitch!" you think, fighting off that aroma, hoping to breathe regular, odorless air once again. but it's too late, a switch is flipped, and you lose control. this giants sweaty foot sliding against your cock, your body, your soul, has pushed you over the edge. "N-no. . . I. . . I'm not going to cum on th-this motherfuckers. . . Godly fucking feet! Oh yes here it fucking comes!" His feet were perfect! they were the right amount of chubby, and they were soft. his toes were close, and not long like fingers. they were manly feet, and you were getting the privelage to shoot your seed all over them. You strain every fiber in your body, as you lose yourself. against him. "okay, that shit really does tickle" you hear him say. "Shut. . . the fuck. . . UUUP!!" you scream into your orgasm. you shove your face as deep as you can into the tight space between his toes, and inhale as deep as possible.
your eyes roll back into your head, and you feel like you've died, and was given the most amazing orgasm any guy could ask for. you contort, and spasm, and your seed mixes with his sweat. for your size, you let loose a pretty good torrent of semen, and as it shot up between your already soaking belly, and his foot coated in sweat, you squirmed. in turn, he immediately realized what had happened, but started thrashing his foot against you in a tickle-fit caused by your actions. "Pfffhahahaa! that shit tickles runt qu-quit it man hahaahaha!" it didn't make things any better, only adding to the pleasure. You needed more!
You start clawing at his unrealistically soft soles, and thrashing about in what seems like your out of body experience, convulsing in utter happiness. The last thing you remember is feeling the world spinning around. You didn't really care. Cloud nine was your new home. Then you saw the hazy bright light of what you made out to be the light above the bar before you blacked out. Bucks voice sounded fuzzy, and distant as your limbs twitched from the leftover high you've yet to come down from, your ears rang as you slipped into unconsciousness. "Hey runt, (Wait why the fuck's he twitching like th-) Runt. . . . Shit did I kill this kid? Runt. . . . JACK!"
When you wake
As you feel the mountainous titan trample around, you can't help but give yourself to the husky captor's meaty wrinkly obtrusion of flesh. Subjected to suckling on your masters nipple, you work your jaw in the way that means the least amount of work for you. The smell alone set your nose aflame and the humiliation, the sheer loss of your humanity is finally getting to you. Tears swell in your eyes, and you close them, giving away the small amount of light to the world around you.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you feel the giant's moving body stop. The loud, clinking sound of a zipper being pulled down screams in your ears as your eyes open, giving you a pale dim view of the rank flesh in front of your face.
Unaware to you, Buck has turned and relaxed himself on a bar stool with his body sagging back in rest and his legs spread out, pounding his leather boots against the floor. He lets out a long, horny sigh, and you feel yourself slightly loosening against the bear's chest. The horny black-furred commander of littles absent-mindedly scratched at his crotch, while coarse, jagged moans slipped from his body and terrorize your senses.
"Well, fuck. Looks like its closin time!" Buck says, as he runs a couple of fingers roughly over the tape, forcing your once-loose body into the nipple once more. You gag and sob with sadness, feeling the grime of the skin being rubbed into you more and more as the giant became aroused. After another minute of self-satisfaction and forcing his new sex toy to bathe against the body of a REAL man, darkness enshrouds you as Buck's tree-trunk fingers, with all of the callous ridges and fur to be called such, quickly pull the tape from his nipple.
For Buck, what makes a simple motion to take a tiny pleasuring fucker off of his nipple becomes a whirlwind of life-threatening excitement for you. As you are dragged up, a couple of feet away from the bear's eyes, you feel your body succumb to the wind, knocking the air out of your lungs and the nearly the life out of your pathetic form. Still, much to your dismay, you now hang in the air attached solely to the tape Buck has decided your worthy of hanging against.
"Mmm. So, how was it? I bet Yer just a waitin for the next little tour of my body, aintcha?" Buck says, with a demeaning, commanding chuckle. As you come to for the experience, you gaze into his piercing eyes and the only certainty you gather, in your dazed foul-smelling state, is that it wouldn't be good for you.
Still trapped in a blur, you try to mutter something along the lines of "P-please . . S-stop!" But the squealing is something Buck just ignores when he sees what being attached to his 'grand' nipple has done to your cock, against your will. Standing at attention, you feel the open air groping at your balls, aching for release
"Hah. Thats what I thought. I'm gonna get a tiny twink like you to blow his load on me! Well, shit! If your so damn eager you can please my cock all night long!" With his free hand, Buck reaches down and hastily undoes his pants button, and then his zipper.The tight leather pants come undone quickly. The must've been small on him. The towering majesty of fur and muscle then lowers you down, all the way down towards his crotch. Depositing you into it, he . .
"Well hold on to your hat, boy! You're bout to see what a real man looks an' smells like up close.." The giant, unshaven face smirks down at you, making you feel vulnerable and humiliated with your scrawny little legs and speck-sized hard-on dangling in the air.
The bartender holding you in his giant, greasy hand is one hairy tonne of beef and muscle who just oozes with manliness. You've never felt so weak and puny as you do compared to him; Buck must have more masculinity in the cracks of his boots than you do in your entire body! You almost want to be put away again so you don't have to face the man's sneering, judgemental face.
That's when Buck rips the tiny patch of tape off of your bare skin, and you wince in pain. "Better man up if you wanna last the night in Buck's den, boy." The husky bear chuckles as he shoves your struggling little body past his hairy sack of nuts and deep into the seat of his underwear.
You feel the mountain of fuzzy flesh roll over you, Buck's huge testicles settling easily on top of your body like paper weights while you struggle to breathe beneath them.
The stale, acrid smell of piss and sweat burns your nose as pubic fur entangles your face. Your struggling only forces you to slide further under the brut's mighty balls, which prompts him to laugh heartily from above.
Both his meaty stomach and his testicles shake as he bellows laughter at your pathetic efforts. "Heh heh heh!! So long, runt!"
You are squirming under the massive balls,wanting your freedom ,that hot and musky scent are envolving your body coughing as you climb the balls trying to get away from that collosal man.You can see the massive member erect near to you. The giant bear laugth at your pitifull pleas:"Aww,the little sissy boy loves my crotch eh?,ok little ant enjoy Buck's body,it could be your new house,hehe".
The titan grab you from his balls and put you on his now erect cock:"Ok,ant.Ride Buck's horse now,or i will crush you!!".You gulp grabbing the massive cock riding it,hearing your giant bear's moan of pleasure:"Good pet,you are a good little bitch,don't stop!!".You can't resit and climb to the cockhead licking the slit until Buck shot his load on you covering you with his hot cum.Buck grab you between his thumb and index finger and says:"Oh,little sissy pet,you need a bath,hehe".You gulp.
"How bout I wash you off in my mouth runt." Buck seemed to ask as he opens his mouth and drops your struggling body inside. As you land on his tongue Buck closes his mouth and you're left in the darkness of his mouth. You struggle to get up and head to the front of his mouth, and pound on his teeth while yelling " Let me out of here." But it's no use you just feel the ground shake and the mouth move as he laughs at you. You couldn't believe it if only you didn't lose yourself when riding his cock this wouldn't have happened but as your thinking he's now going to think he can do anything since you willingly licked his cock, his tongue starts moving and he starts licking you to take his cum off of you. As his tongue passes over your still erect penis it makes you shiver and moan loudly as you go down to your knees.
Buck seems to have heard you so to make matters worse he decides to go back and lick your penis again and you can't do anything to stop it. As you keep getting licked you give in and start humping his tongue. After a while you finally blow your load in his mouth and he seems to stop. As you lay on his tongue you see light starting to come in as he opens his mouth and his hand following in soon after. You don't even try to fight it as he grabs you in his rough hand and brings you back to stare at his face. "Having fun blowing your load in my mouth runt, cause I sure did like making you blow it." said Buck as he starts laughing a you just sitting in his palm, to his surprise you actually respond back with a "Yeah I had fun I can't wait till we have some more fun later." Your reply shocks him for a bit but then a huge smile comes on his bearded face as he says "See told ya you'd warm up to Big Buck just fine runt."
"Well lets get you to your new home now shall we so we can have some more fun now," Said Buck as he stares at your body "hmm now where should I put you while I drive home…."
"How bout between my cock and balls again runt I know you had a lot of fun with them last time and I sure enjoyed your fun." You hear Buck say out loud. One part of your mind is screaming 'yes put me back in there' while the other part is thinking 'no I can't get put back there'. Too bad for you Buck doesn't care if you're happy to be there or not as you feel yourself going back down there to his cock. As Buck lifts up his cock he puts on the base of it on the underside of it. As he lets you go the first thing you end up doing is try to wrap your hands around his cock but it's to thick for you to be able to wrap your arms around you doubt you can wrap your whole body around it. As Buck feels you he looks down at you and smiles, " See you love Big Buck's body already but don't have too much fun we still have the fun we'll do once we go to my place and your new home. With you holding onto his cock you just say, "Yes sir!" Doubting he could hear you which he didn't as he was zipping up his pants you end up smelling the smell of his cock and your mind starts going crazy. As you feel a pat from Buck as he makes sure everything's good on you traveling area he starts walking. The smell from earlier affecting your mind and making you want to please this giant man more, but you're able to hold yourself back. You feel Buck sit down and hear something start up but your not really sure since the sound is muffled. After a while you get bored and you lick the base of the cock in front of you as you do that you see it bob and you feel a shiver. You decide you don't want to make Buck crash so our control yourself.
Now do you make it back to Buck's uninterrupted or no
You can't seem to hold yourself back much longer the musk from Buck's cock is affecting your mind. You're pretty sure if you hadn't been put down there you wouldn't be having these thoughts to lick and pleasure this man's huge dick. After a couple more minutes you feel Buck start to shift around as he does that you end up moving too, but while still holding onto his cock which makes it get bob again and you feel it start to stiffen slightly. As you worry about not slipping out of there you see some light starting to come through but then you see a massive hand start coming down. As Buck's hand gets to his cock he starts to fondle it as a result it moves you around a lot not letting you know that Buck has got up and is heading to his house. As Buck keeps fondling himself his hand ends up finding you as he feels you he wraps his hand around you and takes you out. "I see you enjoyed being in there runt but don't worry we're about to have a lot of fun now that we're home." Buck tells you as he states at you with a lustful look in his eyes. You don't know how to take it one part of you enjoys it and the other doesn't you know part of your mind and your body likes it considering you have a constant erection even now you still have one and the other part of your mind doesn't want to do all these things. As you near Buck house you hear him say "Hmm the lifts are on that means…."
"It looks like someone came over while I was working." You hear Buck say while in the middle of hugging his cock. As Buck gets to his front door, you end up shifting around on his cock getting Buck hard. "Easy there runt at least let me get inside before you go crazy, an who knows maybe they're will be someone else to play with you too not just me." Buck tells you as you try not to let go of his cock so you don't lose your position. Thinking about this you're not entirely sure how it happened but you really are starting to enjoy being Buck's little runt.
As Buck entered his house he realized that he didn't know who his guest was, all he knew was it was probably one of his fucking buddies, one of his friends that he'll fuck while over and if not it was probably his dad coming to visit him since he did say he was coming to stay for a while. Either way whoever it was Buck was planning on showing off his tiny new pet off maybe even let whoever was over play with them a little, so he then decided to get the little runt out.
As you kept holding onto Big Buck's dick you noticed that some light started coming in as you looked up it was instantly blocked by a huge hand coming in and with no effort grabbing you from the dick. As you were grabbed you knew it was Buck from the feel of his hand. As you were brought out into the outside world again you were instantly brought up to Buck's chest. "So did the runt enjoy his time with my monster?" Buck asked in voice that suggested to you that he didn't care what you said, but to please the giant man looking down at you, you nod your head and say "Yes sir." "Good because you're going to be spending a lot of time with him for as long as your mine." Buck says claiming his ownership of you. Not caring that this humongous man plans to keep you, you just nod your head and look up to the man. "Good so I have someone over and depending on who it is depends on what we'll do with you since you're going to join in whatever game we decide to play." Buck tells you, with you nodding your head once again. "Hey Buck who's that you're talking to?" Says a gruff voice from the hallway, "sorry to keep you waiting but I was to busy stinking up your toilet." As you face in the direction of the voice you see that it's a man
You didn't know what to feel when you heard those words, on one side they'll be no one there so someone new can't get you but on the other hand but will have you all to himself and this time there's not a chance of anyone interrupting him so he might pull out all the stops. As You get inside the house you realize it looks like just a regular house nothing out of the ordinary. But as Buck sits down on his couch he puts back on his chest, as he relaxes on his cloudy he tells you "You know what to do." Which you do not wanting to upset the giant you start sucking his nipple, after a bit you look up a Buck and see him smiling as he catches your stare he says "You know what lets…"
"You just want me to keep sucking?" You ask hoping you didn't mishear him. "For now runt but don't worry we'll be doing other things later." Buck answered you. You were relieved that all you had to do was suck on Buck's sweaty nipple for now. You don't know why but Buck's nipple doesn't taste as bad as it had when he had you suck it at the bar. As a couple of minutes past you realized your mouth was starting to hurt. You had to open your mouth all the way just to suck Bucks nipple, and constantly having it open was making it start to hurt. "Alright runt I want you to….
"What kind of game?" You ask before going back to sucking on Buck's sweat covered nipple, which the taste of was starting to grow in on you which scared you a bit. "Just a game to make things a bit more interesting." Buck says as he rubs one of his fingers on your back. Still sucking on Buck's tit you couldn't help but get an erection, just trying to think of what this giant man might do to you was getting you excited. Not being able to help yourself you started humping the huge man's nipple. Buck couldn't help but start to laugh as he saw what his little toy was doing. "Hold your horses runt we'll get to the fun part of our game soon enough, unless you want to skip the game which I don't mind doing at all." Buck said as he wrapped his hand around you and brought you to his face. "Let's..
"You can't do this!" You scream defiantly. "I just came in here to get my uncle! Come on just l-let me go!" You shout at the giant's form, trembling in defiance as your eyes stare up going through the giant's massive dragon-tattooed arm and then to his face. You see he's not happy. "J-just, please . .. . . let me go!"
The giant frowns lightly, and reaches for a bottle under the bar below you, with one hand sill on the bar. He proceeds to set a glass down on the bar, then a shot glass, and two bottles, one with a normal beer bottle and another smaller vial-like bottle.
"HMPH! I didn't know Runt's could make demands or even asks questions of their masters!" The bear says jovially. He didn't seem to care for your defiance, but he wasn't gonna bitch about it. He seemed to know littles well.
His goatee-covered face and bald head seemed to shine with a new glow of malice as he grabbed you with his right hand, forcefully, heaving more air out of your lungs. "You think you'll make me angry, eh? Well trust me, little man, I know how to play with pets who defy me." The giant began pouring beer into the large glass. He watched it fill with amber liquid as the bottle emptied, and in his pouring hand you could smell the beer. It was intoxicating to someone who had never drank.
The giant, grinning menacingly and ear-to-ear, then poured a shot-worth of scarlet colored liquid from the vial. He made sure it was filled to the brim. "Mmm, that's good stuff…" The bear said with a mild chuckle. For the moment he was ignoring your existence. It wouldn't last, however.
The giant had a plan in mind for you, and as you felt a freeing moment of air rush into your lungs as the giant opened his palm, the giant again plucked you by the shirt. "Well, since you want to be my new DEFIANT pet . . ." The giant said as he lowered you down to crotch level, next to the bar. "I guess I'll have to make sure you don't hurt me with those devilish little teeth or try to escape. So, have a drink!" The slightly evil giant, while picking up his beer with his other hand. As you fall to the shot glass of crimson liquid below, the bear begins to gulp his drink.
As your engulfed by the crimson liquid, you feel your body starting to change . . .
As you submerge into the deep red liquid, you expect to feel the bottom of the shot glass. But you don't. You keep thinking you should sink to the bottom, but as you kick around, you can't feel the bottom of the glass. Free floating in the strange liquid, you swim up to the surface. Now you see why you couldn't reach the bottom; the fluid had shrunk you even more! You had to get out before you shrank away to nothing!
Luckily the colossal bartender had filled it right up to the brim, so you were able to swim to the edge of the shot glass and pull yourself up on the rim. Breathing heavily from the effort and the near panic, you're startled as Buck slams down his empty glass. As you start teetering, the hairy giant blows you off of the shot glass down onto the bar. The wind smells heavily of the beer he just drank. You gently tumble to the surface below as Buck's huge face leers down closer to get a look at you.
"Heh. Still feeling defiant, little man?" Buck laughed heartily. "Go ahead, run, little bug!"
You look around, but on the open bar there was no place to run at your new tinier size. The giant bartender just chuckled as you looked around in a panic.
"Need a hand, little man?" Buck offered, though you had a feeling it wasn't for your benefit. The giant plucked your minuscule body from the bar top and decided…
He plucks you from the the glass and start to pull his Jean away showing you the huge bulge he had in his briefs before pulling those down to sho his mighty jungle of pubes and his mountainous dick he drops you in as you fall you see that your going to land in his pubes you figure you might be able to survive if you get the right moment when you enter this thick hairy jungle you grab one of the hair to slow your fall you manage to Land safely but you see your sky start to darken you figure as much you were going to have to spend sometime down here you head deeper for some reason you feel claim as you make your way for the next 3 hour you spend untill you can't hear any noise from the bar you guess it must be close you feel like your of the ground when you looked down you down to see that you where it seem like the bartender is get you he place you right in an empty shot glass he decided
The colossal bartender dangles you in front of his face and flashes an evil smirk. "Yeah little boy, this should put you in your place." The hairy titan turns around and sets you up on a shelf of shot glasses. Before you can even get your bearings, an empty shot glass is tipped over on top of you, trapping you under the thick glass dome. You run up to the thick wall, but it is solid and immovable. No matter how much you pound on it or shove it, it won't go anywhere. The bartender massive eye peers in at you in your new prison. An ominous chuckle reverberates through the shelf.
"Now be a good boy and stay put. If you're lucky, you'll get to go home tomorrow." Buck tapped your prison a couple of times before walking off to close up, turning out the lights and leaving you in darkness. You frantically search around for any kind of crack, hole, anything, but it's all solid glass walls and wood floor. Exhausted from the anxiety and stress, the darkness soon lulls you to sleep.
The next day you are awakened by loud music playing. You must have slept a long time as it was already opening time for the bar. All kinds of patrons were filing in: burly bikers, cops, businessmen, construction workers. Hope surges and you begin pounding on the glass, but sadly no one notices you. You're too small and far away on the shelf for anyone to even pick up on your tiny movements. Buck is there, but even he and his bar staff seem oblivious to your presence. As drinks are being ordered and poured, one of the staff drags your shot glass off the shelf, scooping you up into the glass container. A shot of whiskey is poured over you, leaving you stranded in a pool of alcohol. You sputter, trying in vain to cry out for help. The shot glass is set down on the bar in front of a…
Huge fingers lift your alcoholic swimming pool from the bar. The shot glass is raised at gut-wrenching speed and your insides feel like they want to come outside. That's not the worst of it though. As you rocket up past an enormous bushy grey beard, the glass moves ever closer to the giant's lips. The colossal patron seemed unaware of your presence in his drink as he tipped the glass back, the whiskey pouring into his maw and dragging you with it! This is not how you pictured your life ending, in the gullet of some old man.
As your life starts to flash before your eyes, so does something else: the giant's mustache. You had one chance at life. You reach out to grasp the thick hairs like grey vines.
You're able to hold on to the old biker's mustache without falling off. As you look down you see that the whiskey pool you were just in is pretty much gone now. As you keep on holding on you try to get better inside the mustache. As you look around it seems it's a horseshoe mustache so you start to head down the side of the mustache maybe you can get back in the glass when it's empty and get taken back to the counter. As you think of the plan you look around the table there seems to be two bikers at the table the one your on is on the tubby side with a bald head and seems like he has a big belly. The other one sitting next to him looks just as old as the one you're on just less fat and more muscular. As you look at them you start to think maybe these men can help you as you think of that. You realize you need to make that decision fast as the biker you're on is about to put down the glass.
What do you do?
You decide to get back on the glass to get to Buck, he may be a bad person but you have no idea how the biker will do to you. As you get close enough you make the jump to the glass. But what you didn't notice was that there was still some of the drink left. What you also didn't notice was that that the biker saw you. As you look up at the glass worried that he might take a drink again and this time you might not make it. But instead you see his huge face staring at you which make you nervous. As he looks at you, you ear him say…
the giant motorcyclist placed his glass on the table and left me hanging in his mustache. the smell of alcohol mixed with sweat. the rider got up, and I had to hold on to keep from falling harder the floor that was far away. the rider went to the bathroom and stood in front of the counter. he was washing his huge hands. I could see the reflection of the mirror as the mustache man mingled with a long gray beard that reached the huge biker buckle. when I raised my eyes, I saw his hojos impact when staring at me, until he said:
so, buck has shrunk another boy?
kept thinking about what the huge biker had just said, and I said:
Sir, you must help , can make me go back to my normal size?
and he said:
and what is your normal size? not appear that you were much larger than now …
and raised his right hand. he unraveling of his beard and I remain clamped between his thumb and index. he wanted to see me better and I approach her brown eyes.
I had never seen one so small. better take you to my house, buck plays hardball with their little men, and I think you would not survive …
and before I could protest, the giant biker put me in your …
the biker opened its huge vest, revealing his bare chest tan.
-if you are a lover of hair, you're with the right man …
he was hairy and gray hair tangled his beard. but what impressed me most was that despite all that hair, I could see a monstrous flaccid wrinkled nipple. It must have been about an inch long! and thick! despite my small size, the biker must have noticed my surprise, he said,
-do you like big nipples? I pump mine. maybe later meet them.
and put me in the inside pocket of his vest. the fall was short. from outside could hear the biker:
-when we get home, we know better
and dropped the vest against his hairy chest. the vest was a little small for the huge body of biker. leather smell overwhelmed me. pocket space was tight, and I felt a huge lump on the side of my body, out of pocket. and then I noticed that the pocket was to be at the height of the huge biker Nipple. I try not to move closer to that thing, but the space was very tight in the pocket.
I felt like the huge biker walk out of the buck's bar, while I kicked bulk for not being close to the huge nipple, but I did not have much success. when the biker sit in his motorcycle, he stopped moving and lifted the vest, opened the pocket and looked at me from above.
-do you want to stop kicking my nipple? looks like someone can not wait to play
then the biker approached her pocket and …
the biker inserted his huge fingers in his waistcoat pocket, with me. I thought I was going to grab me, but the fingers down to the bottom of the pocket. look down in horror, and I saw a hole through which the biker pinch the nipple and threw it into the pocket.
-now you can play with whatever you want until we get home.
the biker withdrew his fingers out of pocket. and I fell to the deepest part of the pocket, along with big nipple. my feet touched the wrinkled and sagging skin was starting to get hard and rough with each touch of my little feet.
-that feels good, little guy.
and I could feel the enormous fingers, pinching the nipple huge leather through. throughout the moviento, fell on the nipple, as if to ride him like a horse. fingers disappeared. and suddenly everything started to vibrate. the biker had turned on the motorcycle. with all the vibration, I had to put my hands on the tip of the nipple to not fall down the hole in the pocket toward the biker topless. Nipple contracted and I could hear a deep sigh through leather vest. when we got home the biker, the turn off the bike, the pinch her huge nipple again, and …
I saw the huge biker fingers opened the pocket and looked at me. I remain clamped between the thumb and forefinger.
-home sweet home
we were in front of a small garage, which to me seemed enormous. with the other hand, the biker press a remote control garage door opened with a thunderous sound. inside the garage had a huge bed for one person. clothes strewn about the floor, along with several pairs of leather boots. in the other half of the garage had a kitchenette, a refrigerator and a long table with tools and motorcycle parts above and below. the biker entered the garage and closed the door with the remote control. there was a conbinacion odors. iron, motor oil and man musk. whole party room. the biker put my little body on the table with tools, I was a little below his bulging crotch. I could not help her, surrounded with all these tools and grease-stained table, cause an erection in my almost invisible and small penis.
- Let me get comfortable, anyway, you're already naked, little guy.
and took off his huge leather vest, revealing his muscular upper body. seems that the biker spent much time shirtless because I had a good tan in every muscle of his arms, shoulders, chest and abdomen, all covered by a thick layer of gray hair. I could see that on the other nipple, which had not seen before. the biker had a huge ring with a steel ball was probably bigger than my head. I was mesmerized by this extraordinary man who seemed to want to help me, even though he did not know what I really wanted.
-It seems that someone likes what he sees.
biker said, stroking my little erection, with its huge finger. I tried to pull away walking backwards, but I get caught between the muscular finger and some kind of piece of iron on my back. the giant fingertip was covering most of my body. but the biker know how much pressure to apply to make contact with my miniscule member.
-please stop doing that!
sighing whisper. but the biker rub my small erection for a few minutes. I thought it would come to climax, panting because I was running out of air. but suddenly the finger disappeared from my sight and I fell to the floor, trying to pull myself together. when I looked up, I could only see the huge biker, his hands holding the huge buckle.
-well, looks like someone knows how to enjoy the company of a big man. My name is Bill, little guy. which is your name?
-I .. I'm … my name is jack …
I said sighing. trying to look at their eyes on high.
-I can not hear you, little guy.
Bill took me between his huge fingers again. I thought I was going to run out of air, as the huge man pressed my body without any kind of effort. I rise to his ear, and shout with all my might.
Bill put me on the table again, and I fell almost fainting in the dirt of grease and oil.
-well jack. I do not think you like being so small. and is very difficult to listen to you so small. I think that even I have a little potion buck resizing.
upon hearing this, I use all the strength I had to try to talk to Bill. but I slipped on a small puddle of oil and fell back on the table. I saw Bill put two small bottles on each side of my body. the bottles were small, like an inch tall each.
-now, can not remember which of these was the shrinker … but I can prove it.
Bill took the bottle that was on my right and pour a drop of red liquid in the fingertip. put the bottle on the table and dropped the drop on me. to my surprise, I started to …
I could feel the table into smaller beneath me. but the feeling did not last long, and when I stood up, I realized that if I had grown up, but only slightly. I was as tall as the bottles. I had thought only half an inch. Now I had an inch high. I ran to try to reach the bottle to grow to my right size, but Bill put it on a shelf, out of reach.
-later jackie grow a little more. pere first I want to try something …
Bill looked at me with a smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes. the I take in his fingers again, and left me on the big bed, with the sheets and the mattress apestasos of sweat and musk. the crouched on her nightstand, and look in the drawers several things that I could not see. all I could see was how his tight leather pants contained his muscular legs and ass. Bill closed the drawer and stood up, and I felt chills when I saw what he had in his hands. a pump and two plastic cylinders of 2 inch of long. Bill's smile became wider when he saw me not away from it.
-Jackie calm down, you'll enjoy it as much as me.
he sat on the bed, causing me to jump out of the mattress and landed on her thigh near her knee. I try to hold on to the denim. I could feel the skin under the pants was hot from the heat of eesa night. sweat seeping through the material of the pants, making me slip. but I enter panic when I realized that I was not on Bill's leg, I was in a monstrous bulge that down from Bill's crotch almost to the knee. and the liquid was not sweat, was precum!
-come here little jackie, Bill junior is for later.
i felt how the huge fingers took me out of the precum's puddle on the Bill's pants.
-you're a mess, but i Know how to take of all that precum of your body.
he took me to his left nipple, that not have ring. the huge nipple was covered by grey hair from the chest and the long beard. Bill rub me against his huge and hard nipple, covering it with the precum of my little body. when my body was "clean of the precum", Bill took me up at the heigth of his eyes and he said:
-always i have wanted to try this with Buck's little men.
and he put me into pump's cylinder. he linked the cylinder with the pump and took all the system near his nipple.
- I going to enjoy so much this.
and then he introduced his nipple into the cylinder, with me inside. i could see, through all the grey hair, how Bill pumped the air off the cylinder. but despite this, i could breathe.
- don't worry! you don't need much air to survive.
i heard that Bill said. i turn around and i see how the nipple grew with each pumped that Bill made. he took a marker and drew marks on the cylinder.
-each mark is a half inch.
Bill moaned with each pumping. and he kept pumping untill that the huge nipple achieved the heigh of a inch and half! this nipple was monstrous, and i was trapped with the nipple's tip in the plastic cylinder. Bill dissociated the cylinder of the pump and i was there, glued on a nipple's tip of a man that i didn't know. i kicked the nipple with the intension of separate me of this member, but the only that i achieved was that bill moan more.
-that feel good, jackie. keep kicking!
he said, while he kept rubbing the cylinder, with me inside, kicking his nipple's tip. then, he pumped the other nipple and put the pump on the nightstand. he looked in the nightstand's drawer and took a timer, cigarettes and lighter. he wore the timer around his neck.
- you must keep kicking until that the timer mark half hour. if you stop kicking, i'm going to restart the timer.
I could not see the timer because it was between the chest hair and the long beard! but i could see how Bill turned on a cigar and put his huge arms back his head, revealing his hairy and sweaty armpits. i was furious and excited at the same time! i could not believe all that this huge man had did to me. so, i decided…
The gigantic nipple.
i stopped kicking, and i left my body fall on the nipple's tip. outside, all that i could see were the gray hair and the heavy cigar's smoke. if i had been outside, probably I had not been able to breathe.
-I can't feel the little kicks!
said Bill, butIi stand there for a few minutes, soaking me in the sweat that filtered into the cylinder. until that i heard Bill linked the pump to the cylinder again.
-If you don't want kicking….
he stared to pump the cylinder again, narrowing the little space that I had! i started to kicking again, and i could hear how Bill moaned. Bill kept pumping until there was not space in the cylinder. i was stuck between the huge nipple's tip and the end of the cylinder.
- don't you like my 2 inch nipple? Jackie?
i couldn't move any part of my body, and my face was pressed in the nipple's tip!
- even i can't see your little body, jackie! jaja… ohhh! that's feel good!
he said, while i was biting the little tip's surface that i could have into my mouth, with the intention that draw his attention. past few minutes…
while i bit the huge nipple's tip, i could savor the precum with the sweat of Bill. it was disgusting. but Bill didn't more that moan while he rubbed the cylinder with his nipple and me. i could feel how the nipple was getting hot with every moan. after a few minutes, Bill opened the valve, leaving the air get into the cylinder. but i had adhered me to the huge nipple's tip. So when Bill took off the cylinder, i had to hold on the nipple for not fall.
-look what i have here. little jackie wants more time with daddy's tit. well, you can have more time with it later. now i want to introduce you another part of my body that need your atention too.
Bill got up from the bed and walk to the table with the tools, again. he took the bottle with the growth potion, and he wetted his finger's bud with the potion, and then, he left fall two drops on my body, that still was adhered to his huge nipple.
- That's all.
Bill put the bottle on the ledge, and sat in the chair next to the bed, that i didn't see before. i felt how the potion made effect in my body. it was more difficult to hold me on the big nipple. i tried to catch the long gray hairs from the chest, but they were soaked and slippery by the sweat and the precum. when i stoped to grow, i had achieved 2 inch of heigth.
- if you bite it, maybe you should have something hard to hold.
i sat on the nipple, and i tilted to bite the nipple's tip, and Bill moaned deepest again. i tasted the precum's flavor again, and i felt like I should vomit. but the nipple got hard, and i could hold me better.
- Stop to playing with me!
I scream.
- ohh! jackie, it's just the beginning!
so he took me and put me on the precum's puddle in his leather pants, near his knee. the puddle was much bigger than the last time, and was more soaked too. Bill stared to rub my body along all the monstrous bulge, from the knee until crotch, again and again.
- i hope that you like men hung like a horse. like a BIIIIIIIG HOOOORSE!
Bill lengthened the words with each rub. i could feel how the huge monster under the leather grow with each rub. if I hadn't been soaked with the disgusting precum, my skin had been burned by all those rubs on the leather pants. a few minutes later, Bill couldn't stop to moan and sweat. he moaned deep and long, and…
-oww… aww… time to play little jackie.
Bill put me on the chair, in the space in middle of his huge legs. all that l could see on top of me was the long and gray beard and the huge nipples! i could smell the hard precum's musk through the pants's leather. Bill leaned his head back and took the pants's zip. he opened the zip very slowly, and a chill toured my little body. i could see how the boxers expanded and how the huge testicles filled all the space into the boxers. the long Bill's tool had escaped by the leg's hole of the boxers. Bill couldn't draw off his long cock by the zip. he should take off his pants if he want take off the monster. just when i believed that the zip couldn't open it more, Bill took the zip by the left sewing of his pants. i noted that the zip was so long as the huge phallus.
- almost there, little man…
his strong fingers pulled off the zip very slowly along the left leg. every second seemed a eternity. finally, the very long Bill's cock fell on the chair, with me. i didn't feel more chills. i was terrified. I dread just to think all that Bill can make me with his huge tool.
- oww… do you like what you see? it's not hard still. but you can fix that, not?
i raised my look and saw Bill's face. he was smiley, and his eyes was somnolent. the cock was uncut! and the foreskin was long, near 3 inches beyond the cock's head. the precum dripped by the wrinkled foreskin's aperture, making a puddle. i tried to move away from the tool's tip, but behind me there wasn't nothing more that the floor below the chair. a long fall.
- what do you wait? there is a little gift waiting for you. right here…
Bill pinched the foreskin's tip, and he stretched it to me. the precum's smell grew more strong. i couldn't believed how big was the Bill's phallus.
- 13 inches of long and half past two inches of width. only for you, little jackie.
bill said, while he strokes all the long of his cock. i could feel the bill's impatience in each word. this huge and hairy man wanted that I, a man with only 2 inches tall, gave him pleasure. and the 13 inches long cock didn't make more easy the situation.
- it seems that you're still surprised. let me help you, jackie.
and bill took me and started to stroke his huge phallus with my body. i twisted my body with the intention of let me free, but the only that i achieved was that bill moaned more strong and deep.
- Yeeeaaah little man!, right like that!
bill kept me stroking his cock only with two huge fingers! one behind of my head, pressing my face against the phallus. and the other finger was behind my back, pressing my torso.
- the feeling is amazing, jackie. i hope that you also are having a good time with your daddy.
bill kept rubbing my body against his huge cock for a 30 minutes. the phallus grew 2 inches more, at least. i couldn't believed how much he endured before ejaculate. when the moaning turned in hip movement, bill took me and holded his cock upright. bill holded me above the cock's head, overcast by the long foreskin, still dropped precum.
- it's time that you receive your gift.
and by gift, Bill meant…
Billy retracted his huge foreskin very slowly, dropping huge precum's drops on his fingers. he kept me over his cock all the time, between his huge and rough fingers soaked of precum and sweat. when all the long foreskin was stretched, i felt like i faint. the cockhead was throbbing and was dirty, covered by a little cock cheese. but what scared me was that i could see a silver piercing. it was very thick, and it was stretching billy's peephole. the half ring had 2 big silver balls in each butt, each one twice bigger than my fist.
- do you like my jewelry? ah, little jackie?
- what do you gonna do with that?
- you'll see.
Billy take the silver ball that was over the cockhead, and gave it a small pull to the piercing, and moan deeply. then, billy opened his hand, and put me on his rough palm, facedown. he restricted my arms and legs with his huge fingers. my back and my butt was discovered.
- so, we have a nice pair of buttocks! not despair, little jackie, soon, your big daddy is going to make you feel nice.
billy pinched my buttocks between his huge fingers twice, and then he stopped. i could see between Billy's fingers how he used his other hand. as he had left to stretch his foreskin, it started to wind fastly, and covered the cockhead and the ring, crinkling a few centimeters at the tip. Billy extended his index finger and he started to search the foreskin tip, with clumsiness, like he was playing with it. all the time, billy didn't stop to moan. finally, he achieved to insert his thick finger in the foreskin's tip. he kept probing with his huge finger between the cockhead and the foreskin. almost all the finger was inside the foreskin, since it was very modable and the precum made the work more easy. i was scared to think in all the things that may fit inside. he kept probing and massaging his cockhead for a few minutes, and when he took out his finger, it was very soaked, even dripped precum and cock cheese. he lifted his hand and it was out of my sight.
- well, but make this more easy for you, we need some lubricant right here.
i felt something liquid in my butt, and then billy started tu rub his huge index finger soaked by precum against my little buttocks. he was going to rape me with his finger. i started to kick and twist, but billy restricted my arms and legs stronger.
- stop! little jackie. this would easier if you would open your little buttocks, for your big daddy.
but billy's finger was stronger than my sphincter, and he found the way between my buttocks. i prepared my butt for more intense pain, when the finger was on my anus's edge, but it didn't get inside. billy just kept rubbing the precum on my butt.
- I think that is enough.
and then, billy took out his finger from my butt. i could felt the warm precum between my sore buttocks and even inside of my anus. then, he seted free my arms and legs. i sit on the huge fingers, seeing up to billy's face. the long and grey beard was soaked by sweat, and all the chest's hair had sweat's little drops. billy's look was tired and heavy. this muscular and hairy man was tired. maybe if he fell asleep, i could try to scape from this nymphomaniac giant man.
but billy had other plans. he separated the fingers where i was sitting, and my butt fell between them, but i didn't fall, and billy kept me right there. then, he started to lower his hand, with me, very slowly. i saw his face, and a naughty smile was drew on his hairy mouth.
- my phallus is too big for you jackie, but i think another way to fuck you.
and then y felt the cold silver ball touching my left buttock. no way that thing was inside me! i kicked the huge fingers, but billy just laughed from my little attemps for get free from his hand. he put his thumb finger onto my crotch and pressed my butt against the piercing's ball slowly, with his other fingers behind my torso and my legs.
- keep calm and just enjoy, little jackie. at least i will do it.
and he kept pressing my little butt against the silver ball! it was smaller than the finger, but was more stiff too. the precums canceled each attemp from my sphincter for stop the piercing in his way inside me. when the piercing couldn't be more inside to me, billy moved away his hands and put them behind his head, showing his big swollen biceps and his very hairy armpits, with almost white hair soaked by sweat. i stood there, impaled by the cock ring, on the tip from the 15 inches long phallus.
- how do you feel being part of my jewelry?
but i couldn't answer, i was very busy trying to not fall from the long meat tower. my sphincter had tightened and relaxed trying to hold to the silver ball.
- are amazing the things that i can do with this piece of meat. in this size and thick, the doctors say that i would not be able to have a erection. but with you, this erection have kept almost one hour! you are amazing, little jackie. i want to show you one trick more. hands free.
and then, the huge phallus stared to swing, with me embedded on the swollen cockhead. at the begining was slow, but with each oscillation, the phallus swung more fast and far. the cock and I started to crash with the chair and hairy abs and pecs covered by the long beard, with each oscillation. i was dizzy and i couldn't endure have a steel rod in my ass. i tried to took some hair from the beard, but it was slippery since it was soaked by sweat.
- so, do you wanna play with daddy's beard? well, we can try that.
so billy stopped to swing his phallus, and he takes a beard's wisp, with some hair on the tip. he approached the wisp to my crotch, and started to make tickles on my little dick. immediatly i had a little erection, and i tried to cover my dick with my hands, bud the gray hair found the way to my dick.
- somebody is ticklish!
Billy kept making tickles on my crotch. i couldn't endure the ejaculation, so i started to kick the sensitive cockhead, and billy kept moaning again. my ass was soaked by precum, since the peephole was just under my butt, dripping. butt something clogged one of my feet. i saw and the panic invaded my body. the foreskin was starting to cover the cockhead. i knew that the foreskin could cover my body completely easily. i tried to took out the steel rod and the silver ball from my butt, but they were very deep, and the foreskin had covered my legs and half cockhead.
- hmmm! keep you below my foreskin? that's interesting.
the foreskin had closed around my neck and only my head was out from the long meat. y could see my body's figure, trough the elastic foreskin's skin. all the space under the foreskin was awash by warm and dense precum. Billy started to rub my head with his rough knuckles, scraping my face, and he decided…
- take me out of here! NOW!
but he didn't notice me. Bill kept rubbing my head with his huge and rough knuckles, while he thought what to do with me. the little hairs from his fingers made me tickles on my face, and they smell as beer and sex. I could feel the sensitive skin from the cock head under my feet. Bill should have had a good time. this horny male had used me as a sex toy all the night, and there was nothing that i could do.
- so many things that I could do with you…
when he finally left to rub my head, stood up and walk around the room. the huge phallus kept stand, with my head on the tip, so my face was covered by the long and gray hairs from the beard, soaked by sweat. Bill walked to a drawer and he opened it. the drawer was up to bill's hip, so i could see what were into the drawer between bill's beard. I didn't know what bill thought to do with me, but I could make me a idea about it, with all the objects that bill kept there. there were many sexual toys, many kind of cock and nipple's piercings; many colors and sizes. some seemed to hurt just with think to use it, but i didn't think that Bill mattered about that. he thought more about all the things that he could do to me with them. but of all that were in the drawer, bill took the worst thing for me at the time; a huge package of Trojan Magnum's XXL condoms.
- you don't use one of them with me here, no?
- that is exactly what I think to do, little jackie… my big balls are full of cum, and I use to make a big calamity every time that I come, so I use this condoms for not have to clean later… but, even with XXL size, the condom is tight over this phallus - he said while he pinch his huge cock - … and with your little legs kicking bill junior's head, i don't think that i keep much longer… but keep calm, always there is some place for your little head inside… hehe…
bill came back to his bed sit over it. his steps felt heavy, the kicks of his boots over the floor sounded tired, but the huge cock still was hot and erect. when bill was confortable over his bed, hi took the condom and opened it. the latex ring was big, seemed like a big trampoline to me, but never was so big as cock's thick.
- do you know, little jackie? i have thought to buy custom condoms, you know, like the zip from this pants, but any condom company want to make XXXL condoms because there is not a lot of men with cocks so big like this. so, if you felt tight there, don't blame me, hehe!
he stretched the latex ring and he put the huge condom over his cock head, and over me too. the latex pushed my head and all my body against the cock head, making that the silver ball and pole was deeper into my body. in my little size, i didn't need a lot of air to breath, but i could not stop to feel claustrophobia and disgust for my situation. over all the precum and sweat's smell, I could notice one new smell, chamomile.
- I buy scented condoms, little jackie. I hope you like it.
and I liked the smell, but in that situation, until the nicest remember from mi past life was overshadowed by all the horror and the excitation that I felt. yeah! excitation! because despite all the disgusting things that Bill had made me that night, i always knew that I had feelings for some men, and I always had wished to be gripped by a man that had all the manhood and virility that it didn't developed in my body during my puberty. all that musculature, that hair over the tan skin, that horny feeling that the bully males feel many times during the day. all that things that distinguished Bill from me. but I was short and scrawny before to the shrinking, so I felt that many men had more masculinity than me, and many men could had made me feel small and waek, just as I always wanted. but not like that. shrunk and ruled by this sick biker.
- don't stop kicking! and this is going to end fastly little jackie.
bill said. his deep voice heard far away since inside the condom. but i stopped. with all the excitation and my little cock hotter than any time before, I didn't give him more pleasure.
- I know that you like my virile cock, little jackie. but we need rest, tomorrow is a special day. and i don't think to sleep with this huge boner, that you causes.
but I did nothing. I tryed to not move and maybe, the huge meat became flaccid again. but bill had another plans.
- I don't think that you are in the position for make you the hard man.
and then, bill took my little head between his huge fingers trough the latex.
- are you going to start to kicking?
I stand still for a few seconds, but then he started to squeeze my head between his thick fingertips. the latex covered my ears and I could not hear more. I just could see bill's face through the latex condom, smiling naughtily and red for all the excitation. soon, the fingertips's squeeze was overly around my head and the pain was insupportable. I was desperate and I started to twisted my body for thousandth time that night, because a bill's torture. the expression of bill changed, and it only reported one thing, pure pleasure. if I had could heard something, that had been bill's moans and the sound of the skin of the fingertips scraping the latex around my head. my little feet kicked the cock head under the long foreskin desperately. my hands took the sensitive and soft foreskin, stretching it. the silver cock ring was warm, it conducted the heat from the phallus's depth.
Bill squeezed his huge nipples with his other hand. he stretched them at least 3 inches over his pec, pinching them strongly. he started to do the same thing with my little head between his fingers, pulling it and pinching it trough the latex. the shrinking had to make my body stronger, because despite the pain was overly, my neck didn't broke with all the pulling. the silver ball went in and came out from my little ass each time that bill pulled my head, but the foreskin never left to coiling around my neck. and the pain was insupportable, but my cock was at its peak. my deepest wishes were come true. a virile mature man was using me, he showed me that he was the real man in the room, and he used me for give himself all the pleasure that he could not have alone.
Bill's moan was so strong that i could felt it despite i could not hear, and just when I could not keep my load and I left my cum come out, I felt how the flow from Bill's peephole was increase against my ass, and Bill's precum started to come out from the foreskin around my neck and I knew it immediatly, he had ejaculated too. soon the transparent precum flooded the free space inside the condom's tip and it became whitish. almost covered my head. then, a strong blow from cum on my ass prepared me for what came next. the foreskin swelled a lot inside the condom and then, a huge cum's explosion came out around me. fastly, streams of cum came out between my neck and the foreskin's tip. soon, a huge cum's bubble had formed at the condom's tip. i could not breath, just swallowed big cum's mouthfuls, and Bill keep pulling up and down my head all the time, getting slower until the cum's streams stopped. when Bill moved his fingers away from my head, all that i could see was the cum around my head, inside de cum's bubble.
there wasn't much time after that i run out of air. then, y felt how all the cum moved up and the cock got flaccid. suddenly, I felt Bill's huge fingers. They stretched all the things inside the condom up. the cum accumulated on the condom tip and the foreskin stretched over my head too. as the foreskin was so elastic, it stretched some inches over my little body, what was still coupled to the silver cock ring. the condom must have pulled out, by Bill. then , the foreskin creased over my head and my world was turned upside. Bill must have been walking with his cock hanging, and me under his foreskin. later, the foreskin was retracted and i could see where we were. Bill was standing up in a corner from the room, with a huge metal barrel in front of him, and I was hanging headlong over it. I was scared, and y try to tighten the silver ball between my little buttocks for not fall into the barrel. I looked down and I could see that the barrel was full of a yellowish liquid. urine! that was the disgusting smell too! I looked up and i could see Bill's face, trough the hairy chest and the beard, and he was smiling mischievously.
- it's going to be better that you squeeze your buttocks. Here comes the beer, Runt.
and then, a huge and strong urine stream left from Bill's peephole. as the stream hit my little ass, it was more difficult keep the silver ball inside my anus, and the most of the urine stream fell into the metal barrel, but as the stream splashed against my ass, many urine drops fell on Bill's Boots, on pants and on the floor too. Bill rocked his flaccid cock with me at the tip, having fun for him. finally, I could not keep the silver pole with my buttocks and I let it out. I fell from bill's cock and I thought that i would die, but I fell on…
I fell for a few seconds. at least that seemed in my head, and the ground got closer to me fastly. I really thought that I would die, but when I was a few centimeters over the floor, something interposed between me and my sure death. that thing felt warm and softer than the floor when I crashed against it. And although it didn't feel much softer, it could absorb the most of the impact, saving my life. my head was the first part of my body that crashed painfully, and I was confounded by the blow, so I could not do anything else that rest right there, in that warm and flat object that had saved me. my little hands rubbed slowly the flat and warm surface. few minutes later, I still was there, I had forgotten all the exciting and horrible things that had happened that night in the biker's house. but all knocked my head when I noticed a quirky smell. Leather's smell, mixed with a stronger sweat's musk. and then, Bill's deep voice broke my little and confortable trance.
- so, the little bud have leather fetish? that is fine jackie, your big daddy have a lot of leather's clothes and props, that you can enjoy. but now we need take some rest, tomorrow will be a very long day.
- so, the little bud have leather fetish? that is fine jackie, your big daddy have a lot of leather's clothes and props, that you can enjoy. but now we need take some rest, tomorrow will be a very long day.
I didn't want to open my eyes, I wanted to get back to that calm moment. but I felt surprised when the leather surface creaked when Bill started to hunker for take me. the leather started to crinkle and I looked up. I saw the huge engineer boot that had saved me from the fall. was big and black, and from it emanated disgusting smells, like a sweat, leather and car grease. the huge and muscular leg covered by leather raised from the boot and it was connected with the huge and hairy torso. Bill's rough hand came down for me. the boot's leather surface got creased, and my little cock got trapped between a leather crease. I could feel the leather around my little meat, squeezing it and covering it by grease. it was glorious. but all finished when Bill's fingers took out from the boot. as my cock was trapped by the crease, when Bill took me, my little meat was stretching. the grease made easier that my cock slided between the leather's crease. Bill rised me until his face, and he saw me mischievously.
- I know now that you love my leather boots. some day I give you a rest with them. for now, I need find a place where I can carry you safe…
He said while he thought about it. I didn't want to be near any sweaty and hairy part of this huge man never more. that was killing me.
- I can't put you in any part near Billy junior. I don't want have a boner all day. jeje!
That made me feel better, but still there were some disgusting parts of the body from this man.
- I can entangle you between my armpit's hair, or my beard. now that i think, I can entangle you in many parts of my body. i'm so hairy.
Bill said while he scratched his pec muscle covered by gray hair. that terrified me. imagine me entangled between his smelly gray hair. his fingers found his Huge nipple while he was scratching himself, and he started to pulled it strongly.
- I get it! you gonna love this, little jackie.
bill said while he walked to the drawer again. he opened it and he took two sewing needle and thread. then , he closed the drawer and walked to his tattered bed. he layed down over it and put me over his chest, just between his huge muscle pecs, where the gray hair grew thick and the long beard's strands mixed up between them in a thick tuft of pepper and salt hair.
surprisingly, Bill achieved insert the thread through the needle's hole. he cut two long pieces of thread, both inserted in a needle, and put them over his chest. then, his hand went to my adress. I ran for his chest between the hair, and I reached the abs, but Bill's hand took me before I could go further.
- where do you go? i have not finished with you.
and the raised me in front of his face. I could not think what he was going to do with the needles and me. but he didn't perforate me, he took the extremity of the thread that not had needle and he started to tie up my little wrist, only one on them. when he finished, he took the other thread and did the same with my other wrist. he stretched them and I remained hanging over his face. Bill saw me with anxiety. he put me between his muscle pecs again and I tried to ran, but the threads got tangled with the gray hair and I could not scape. while Bill took out his nipple piercing with a little pull, and he put it over his nightstand.
- you are going to share a lot of time with your daddy's nipple, little jackie. I hope that you enjoy it much as I.
I tried to set me free, but the thread was strong. so the only I could do was see as Bill took one one needle and inserted it inside the nipple's hole. the piercing hole. he took the other needle and did the same, but he inserted this needle for the other side from the nipple's hole. then, he started to stretch both threads, bringing me near the huge nipple. my little body was dragged over bill's chest hair. when my hands was on the edges from the nipple's hole, bill pulled the threads stronger and my arms cross the hole. he moaned when my little hands touched the inside of the huge nipple. he pulled the threads until my hands could touch my elbows. it was like I would hugging the huge meat. my head was over the nipple tip, and I could not get my arms out from the meat, which started to became hard.
- you look so cute little jackie! if you want to know, no drilling feels like your little arms in my tit. this is glorious!
Bill could not stop to moan. and then, he took my feet between his fingertips and started to pull me and the huge nipple. with each pull my arms slide out from the nipple hole.
- no! your arms are so thin. I know how to fix that.
and he looked on his nightstand, and took the growth potion. he opened the little jar and spilled some drops over me. the nipple hole felt tighter around my arms. I was growing. but just for a few seconds. I had grew one or two inches. just enough for my arms would not get out from the nipple hole.
- That is enough. now, to sleep little jackie! tomorrow will be a long day!
So, Bill clapped twice and the lights were off. it was dark, and I could not see anything. the room didn't have any windows. but I knew that Bill put his arms back his head, because the air was filled of the armpit's smell of Bill. I tried to lean my head over the nipple, but the nipple was hard and the chest hair was causing me itch. and the only thing that I could do was thinking about what Bill had planned for tomorrow.
when you woke up, you could hear Bill's snorings. his chest went up and down with each breath. your head was supported on bill's nipple, and although it was flaccid, still was hard as rubber. you tried to liberated your arms from the nipple hole, but the wrinkled skin was holding your arms very strong. the room was hot, and you could noticed bill had sweated all night long, soaking all his body and yours too. you was dying of thirst, and you felt able to drink anything. then, you saw a little drop of sweat on the nipple's tip, shining weakly by the few light that could enter in the garage. you think that drink it was discusting, but you didn't think about it a lot, so, slowly you started to suck the nipple in front of your face. the sweat's flavor was very intenso, very salty and sour as you can imagined, and more. really, the sweat could not sate your thirst, but your stomach was empty and just with feel something inside it you felt better. so, you kept sucking the hard piece of skin during a few minutes, loving the sensation of something inside your stomach. few minutes later, the nipple started to get hard and erected. but still kept sweating, so your kept sucking it.
- I knew that you loved it, little jackie - Bill said somnolently - But you can't suck it whenever you want, i am sleeping and you are making me horny - but you kept sucking it and biting it, he used you as he wanted the last night, so you didn't stop because a weird meaning of justice for you - so, do you want to play? we don't have time, little jackie. today it's a busy day for us.
so he got up from the bed with me hanging from his pec muscle. he looked down on you and stared to bouncing his pecs watching you, shaking your body with each bounce. your head hit the nipple each time that Bill bounced his huge pecs. few minutes later, Bill kept bouncing his pecs, and you was dizzy, but you could noticed that Bill was no longer bounce, he was laughing.
- jajaja! that was funny, little jack! we tried again later. but now we need move, we are going to trip - bill said while turned light up and he walked around the room taking some things and saving them in a leather bag.
- what? I need to go home! i'm not yours! and i'm not go with you to… to…
- that is a little surprise, little jackie. we are going to go to a magic place for people like us.
and that was the end of the conversation, beacuse Bill put on his vest and he closed the zip, with you inside. you was pressed against the hard pec muscle by the leather vest, and you could felt how Bill got out from the garage and raised his arm to close it. then, he sit down on his bike and he rubbed your little body trough the tight leather vest.
- good trip little jackie, I'll let you know when we arrive to that magic place - then, Bill turn on the bike and started to drive toward that inevitable destiny for you…
The first thing that crossed your mind when you fell was that you were going to die but as you got ready for the impact all you felt was a lot of liquid as you made a small splash into the urine barrel. As you swim up to the surface you gasp for air, as a result though you accidentally get some of Bill's urine in your mouth causing to try to spit it out without getting more in your mouth. "Haha looks like I have a target now to aim for." You hear Bill say. As you look up surprised mouth open to protest, you get blasted with a huge stream of urine. The stream of urine knocks under the surface and you spin for a bit but as you get yourself together you swim to the surface as fast as you can since you had no air. As you get to the surface again to gasp for air, you look up and see Billy smiling at you as he notices you came back up. Luckily for you though he seems to have finished taking his piss. As he looks at you he starts to reach down for you not wanting to stay in his urine longer than you have to you let him scoop you up. Not knowing what he has planned next you let him take you to his….
Well even though you called it a bedroom, all it was is two mattress stacked on top of each other. As Bill gets to his bed he puts you down on his mattress. "I sleep in the nude so I'm going to get ready for bed, since we have a big day tomorrow don't worry though we can still have some fun before we go to sleep." Bill says as he starts taking his pants off. You couldn't believe that's it's almost been a day since you shrunk. Knowing your family though they probably haven't even noticed you're missing yet. You also don't know what to think of the situation you're now in either. You actually like being Bill's sex toy to some degree but it's a bit too much. You had always fantasized abou being used by another man for his pleasure, but you never thought of doing that when shrunken. Before you could get lost in your thoughts, Bill ended up sitting on the bed near you which caused you to lose your balance and roll towards his…
You couldn't stop yourself from rolling as you rolled face first into the giant dick. You weren't in the best position either that way you rolled into it had your arms and legs spread out around it. It didn't take long for Bill to look down and notice though. "Oh it looks like someone wants to take on my monster again." Bill said knowing that you just rolled down there. Knowing that nothing you said would work you just kept your mouth shut. You decided that you might as we go along willingly than unwillingly. So without waiting for an okay you starting using your body to rub against the huge cock. "I like how eager you are do it more often and who knows what might happen but I'm not growing you back letting you know that now." Bill told you as you rubbed his cock. As you feel the cock start to harden you decide whether to go for the head that's covered in foreskin or just keep doing what you're doing. In the end you decide to…
You decide it might be better to got to the head as the faster he blows his load the faster you can go to sleep. You make your way to where his head is at luckily for you he isn't completely erect yet so you were able to get there without much problems. You start rubbing yourself against it to get Bill more erect and you're finding it to be a bit more enjoyable than before but that might be because you've already accepted that you won't be able to return to your original size, and you'll probably be stuck as a sex slave for be and possibly his biker buddies. Knowing you got nothing to lose you take a big risk and decide to get to the head under the foreskin by going in. As you look for the opening you can play it off as just rubbing it off. You finally found a tiny opening and decide to use it to get to the head. Bill doesn't notice what you're doing until you already pull the foreskin inside and jump in. The foreskin surrounds you and you could tell that Bill didn't really wash his crotch good because while the outside didn't have any cock cheese inside his foreskin there's still some around. You don't even get to move forward before you feel Bills two fingers around you. It seems he wasn't expecting you to jump into his foreskin like that. Because of him moving you so much though your now covered in cock cheese. You try to forward in the foreskin but it's much harder that you imagined. Even though Bill said he had around two inches of foreskin you start to think he might have more. You start moving forward again but the process is slow with the foreskin weighing you down and you don't think you've gone more than an inch and you're already panting with exhausting. Somehow you were able to breath which was good for you but because of your panting you ended up with more cock cheese in you're mouth then you would've liked but you actually don't mind it. You keep moving forward and after a while you finally feel something cold. You realize it's the piercing as you hurriedly crawl past it you make it to the head of the cock and after your quite enjoyable ordeal as you actually like it inside the foreskin you start licking the head of the cock getting Bill hornier than before. It isn't long before Bill pulls back his foreskin and sees you holding on to the top of his cock while licking at it aggressively. It isn't long though before he grabs his cock grunts in pleasure. As you keep licking it wasn't long before he blew his load once again and this load was huge. It blasted you off his cock onto his hairy chest and rained cum on you for a good minute you had no idea that could happen but it did. "Well I'm too tired to clean this mess so I suggest you slurp up all you want before it gets hard cause in going to sleep." Bill said as he laid back and started to go to sleep. Listening to your giant owner you decide it wouldn't be a bad idea to lick up this cum since you hadn't eaten since breakfast and it might help satisfy your hunger. After you were done though you couldn't lick it all up so you went to a clean spot on bill's chest and fell asleep yourself. When you woke up you were in Bill's palm and you were
You jump back in surprise. You weren't expecting to see a giant face as soon as you woke up. "Hahaha looks like I scared your little boy." The biker said as he kept laughing. Embarrassed you kept your head down. "Well I'm pretty sure it was a surprise to wake up and first think to see is a giant face." Bill said as he poked you with his finger. As you looked around you seem to be in Bill's living room. "Hey Bill let me hold the squirt." The biker said as he reached his hand out. "Oh you can do much more than that if you want Doug, this little guy got me horny twice yesterday and made me blow my load both time too." Bill said in a proud voice. You blushed a bit as he mentioned that remembering that you were probably going to be doing that daily from now on since that the only way he's been able to get off. "Alright I'll take you up on that offer." Doug says as he starts to strip down in from of Bill. While his belly wasn't as huge as Bill he was more muscular and as tall as Bill not to mention just as hairy. The only thing he was missing was a beard but he did have some stubble. You didn't notice before but when he finally took off his pants you were surprised to see the length of his dick. It was just as long as Bills who's dick was 13 inches not counting the foreskin. Doug also had a bit of foreskin but it didn't seem as much as Bills but you enjoyed it yesterday inside Bill's so you might do it again with Doug this time. "You would be surprised how many times I get turned down in bed with some guy once they see my monster. I can't blame them though I wouldn't want something this big inside me either, but there are those that try but they could only take so much so now let's get down to business." Doug says as he takes you from Bill's palm and heads to the bedroom. "I'm going out to get some grub take care of the runt will ya Doug." Bill says as he heads out. "Now what to do with you first squirt." Doug says as he looks you over. "Should we start with the cock or maybe somewhere." Doug said as he brought you done to his cock. Where you can smell the musk where you were standing. In the end it was decided
You don't know what's gotten into to you but you want to pleasure Doug's cock so before he can decide what you're going to pleasure you jump of his hand and land on his cock. "Oh looks like someone is eager." Doug says as he felt your tiny body land on his cock. You start rubbing it and it seems he's easier to get horny than Bill but it's not even close to being erect before you're picked up. "Since it seems you want to play with my cock so bad we'll start with some nipple play." Doug says as he lay back a bit and drops you onto his nipple. As your dropped you immediately go to work on it. It's too big for you to fit it in you mouth comfortably, so you decide to lick it and to nibble it every now and then. It seems to be working as you look up and Doug has a pleased look on his face. As you keep pleasuring Doug it's not long before Doug says…
You could tell that Doug's was getting closer to blowing his load as his cock was almost fully erect. As you walked on Doug's muscular beer gut, you noticed that the tip of the head of the cock was barely showing itself. Being careful to not get caught on Doug's hairy stomach you watch your steps as you make your way through a forest of gray and a little bit of brown hair. It's not long before you reach the towering cock. As you look up at it you can't help but hear your heart beat fast it seems that you're already a sex slave to the giants and it's barely been a day but you already love being one. As you wrap your arms around the cock as much as you can you move your body up and down. You hear Doug moan and not long after your body is trapped between Doug's hand and his cock. As your smushed against the cock you can feel your erection slide across the cock as Doug moves you up and down. As you start to lick the cock you get a taste of Doug's precum as it's already starting to cover his cock. The next thing you know though…
Next thing you hear is a lot more grunts and Doug say "Almost there." It's not long before Doug blows his load but right before he does he puts you on his hairy chest and aims his cock at you as he keeps rubbing it. But just as you get your balance you lose it again as you get hit with a wave of cum. You try to get up but wave after wave keeps knocking you down you didn't really pay attention to his balls but they must also be huge to make so much cum. As Doug's climax finally comes to an end he looks at you and says, "That was good next time I'll let you do it by yourself, so why don't clean up the mess on my chest as much as you can. Not wanting to disappoint the giant you go and start licking up all the cum you can from Doug's chest. "Ooh wasn't expecting you to try to down it all. Bill has got himself an interesting little boy." You stop thinking that what he meant when he said clean up was to go and eat it all, but you went and decided that on your own. You realize that your way of thinking is getting different now too. As you go back you eat as much of it as you could but you couldn't get it all. As you sit down you notice you didn't even make a sent in the amount of cum still left as you think of what to do….
Before you can even start thinking of a decent plan to get rid of the cum you hear the door open. At the same time you hear a familiar voice. "Foods here!" You hear Bill yell from the door. Just as Doug scoops you up to get off the bed though Bill walks into the room. As he looks at Doug's cum covered chest a smile forms on his face. "Looks like you guys got me something too." Bill said as he walked towards you and Doug. As soon as Bill gets to Doug though he stops him before he can start licking the cum off him and he tells him…
It doesn't take long before you get to his restroom considering he just peed a while ago means that he must be in here for a shower or bath unless he plans to take a dump. "Just wait here as I get ready." Bill tells you as he sets on the floor. Confused as to why the floor it starts to make sense once he looks down at you and starts to strip. He seems to still enjoy the big height difference between y'all and he's just having his fun with you staring up at him from at his feet. As he takes off his boots and socks though it reveals his very sweaty feet. Not long after he now stands completely naked in front of you. While smiling at you he moves his foot starts to play with you with it. As he moves his foot around he seems to want to get you under it not wanting to have to be under that you decide to run but not long after Bill's foot slowly comes down on top of you. Now under a smelly foot you can do nothing but squirm after torturing you for a little bit Bill says "Well time to get down to business time for me to take a….
Turning around Bill turns on the water letting it run for a while as he turns to face you. "Alright you're also coming with me so you better hope you can swim or at least hold on." Bill says as he reaches for you. Knowing you can't outrun him you stay still and let his huge hand envelope your one inch body. After a bit of movement your let go, only to find yourself on Bill's hairy belly. As you look around you notice that Bill is laying in the tub as it finishes filling up. As Bill reaches to turn off the water his movement causes you to slip and fall into the water. As he moves back to how he was the waves he made pushed you further away. As you try to swim towards him, another wave hits you and makes you go further back. Seeing you trying to swim to him Bill says "The little boy wants to be with his daddy how cute is that." Just as the waves finally stop something comes up from out of the water scared you start to swim away from it. As you get away you turn around to see that it's..
You see Bills foot rise from the water, luckily for you it doesn't cause any big waves for you. Getting tired from swimming and all of what's been happening to you lately you decide to swim towards Bill's hairy foot. As you make it towards the hairy foot, you grab at the hairs and start hoisting yourself up. "Look like the Lil boy like the smell of my feet." Bill says as he shakes his foot a bit. Wrapping a strand of his foot hair around you so you wouldn't fall off. As you held on you couldn't help but finally notice the smell of his foot finally got to you. Strangely though you didn't mind the smell. It actually smelled a little nice to you. You decided to stay where you for the time being, but then you heard Bill tell you "If your going to stay there rub my foot, but if you're not then come over here I'll even pick up my leg a bit for you to walk on." As you listened to what he said, you decided to…
Hank sat at the bar with the shot of whiskey. His last business deal didn't go so well. If he didn't shape up, he'd be out of a job. As you gaze up into the face of certain doom, you see it gazing down into the shot glass, looking depressed and full of resignation. Suddenly you feel the glass shooting up into the air as the stocky man in a suit brings the glass to his mouth, but then it stops just as suddenly. You are tossed about in the alcoholic fluid before it settles and you can float again. It seems the green-eyed giant has spotted you.
"Hey, Buck, I thought you kept your place cleaner," Hank chided. "I got a bug in my shot."
"Hey, don't cry to me if some fly got in your drink. Just fish it out. It's alcohol. Not like anything is going to live in there long." Buck grumbled and went back to serving drinks.
The giant reached in with a thick index finger and fished you out onto the fingertip. You certainly didn't look like a fly. As the finger arrived closer to the eye, it opened wide in surprise. You heard a "What the…" and then the eye settled into a focused stare, keeping an eye on you. The giant stood up and fished around in his pockets, looking for something in which to hold his little find. Hank reached into one of his suit pockets and pulled out an old-style pocket watch. It was given to him by his late grandfather, and in addition to keeping time, it would serve to keep this little thing captive as well until he got home. Brushing off the little "bug" inside the lid, Hank snapped the watch shut and put it back into the pocket. He pounded down his shot, left some money on the counter, and headed out to his car.
The pocket watch was hardly the most comfortable of surroundings and you were extremely uncomfortable…as well as terrified. Hank had made direct eye contact with you, but in the darkness of the bar he maybe didn't know exactly what he was dealing with. But you got the impression that would not be a problem once he got back home.
The pocket you were in jostled around as Hank drove home but it was nothing too dangerous. Soon, you heard the engine stop. The slamming of a car door. You were at Hank's…wherever that was. The pocket watch's movements became more violent and you yelled out as you were thrown this way and that. But you remained relatively intact.
The gigantic redhead got inside and you heard the closing of his front door. You gulped.
You heard a deep breath and you panicked. You still felt woefully unprepared for what was to come. All too quickly light flooded your prison and the gigantic redhead that was Hank faced you down. His brow was furrowed, a frown on his handsome face. You put him at around 40, not that that mattered too much right now.
As you expected, it was a much brighter environment than the bar and it was abundantly clear to him now that you were not only more than just a bug, you were…human. His eyes widened. "Wow…" he breathed. "Are you-what are you-are you a human?"
"YES!" you shouted at the top of your lungs.
Hank just about heard you and gave a vague, shocked smile. "Wow…you even talk. This is incredible," he murmured under his breath, but every syllable was crystal clear to you. "Got a name? I'm Hank."
"JACK!" you screamed again.
"Jack, huh? As in "and the Beanstalk"? That makes sense. I guess I'm the giant." He laughed slightly to himself, still in total disbelief.
Keeping the pocket watch firmly locked in his wrist, Hank leaned back in his chair. His face left your sight for a moment and you could see the walls, his sofa. It was leather, the walls covered a fancy terracotta wallpaper. It seemed a relatively nice place. Judging by that as well as Hank's suit, you guessed he was a rich businessman of some kind.
Hank leaned forward, a whoosh of air accompanying his movement and buffeting you. You took a step back and Hank's eyes widened again as if shocked at the sheer amount of power he possessed.
"Look, Jack, I don't know how you got in my shot glass, and I don't care. All I know is…"
As you fall into the shot glass of crimson liquid, you feel as if you can't breathe. The liquid around you starts to dissipate, and you watch it surge into your body, the mysterious concoction being absorbed by every part of your body like a sponge. Unknown to you at first, in your struggling to breathe, you grow, from 3 inches to now a foot.
In your writhing, the shot glass falls over and you grow another six inches, laying on the bar with your shirt in soaked ribbons and your underwear virtually torn to shreds. As you awaken from your choking on the red liquid, you find yourself face-first to the beer gut of the bear. You look up, and the much less and yet still monumentally large bear begins to finish the glass of beer as if it was the shot gless you stood in moments ago. The bear lets out a huge "AHHHH!" and slams the glass back on to the table. "Now THATS some brew!"
The bear licks his goatee free of beer, and leans down, looking at your naked body, now larger on the bar.
"DAMN, it worked! Seems like that special drink works every time…" He says with a joyful growl and a smirk. Watching the majestic bear's movements, you didn't think about moving, but before you can hope to run, the bear grips your chest in his single hand, and lifts you up, looking over your hardly defined body as you shriek to the giant's touch. The same breathlessness as before, though ,was gone.
"Mmm, looking at you now, your a hot little fuck. I love it when the nerds over at the school do this shit for me every once in a while. Makes a tidy profit AND I get fresh new toys every year . . ." The giant looks over your body, particularly your crotch and hot little ass. He tosses you in the air like a plaything, you fearing for your life in one splat every time he nearly misses you.
"Yup, little flabby, but a hot little prick." The bear says, as you land face-first in his palms. Your head collides with his left arm and you notice a black piece of leather wear on his wrist. You look and see small buttons and switches. One of them flipped has a big 'E' on the side and it looks like its turned on.
"E?" You say, unaware as it seems the giant's stopped tossing your around for a moment. The giant raises an eyebrow and lets out a low curse.
"Damn I was hoping you wouldn't notice that. Oh well." The giant grins and deviously lifts you by the waist to his eyes. "You wanna know what it means, Runt?" He asks you, his face gleaming with that same maliciousness the giant has every time he looks at you.
"Uh-uhh…" You feel disoriented because of the giant's throwing around, unable to plead like normal, but your arms and head fall to the goatee below. You feel your hands hit the stalks of hair and your face his mustache, and though their coarse and sharp, they feel nice, like a moment of heaven in this hell of being thrown around. The giant watches you as your unconsciously massage his hair.
But as your head rubs against the coarse hair, you feel as if you've gone blind in one eye! And like half ofyour mouth has been molded away. You try and shout up to ask what the hell happened, but the bear just grinned. "Oh, you didn't know, it means ELASTIC." The giant roared with laughter. His body trembled and as you puled away your head, the face you had reformed into its original shape.
The bear grinned maliciously and pulled you away. "I guess the demonstration of what that means will have to be now, since I gotta get to the gym…" The giant squeezes you against him as he puts the beer and vial away, and drops his pants. His legs are just as harrier as his beer belly and arms, and even more so. The package behind his boxers seems prominently defined. In a show of strength, the bear tears away the tattered boxers. "Mmm I'm gettin a new pair right now anyway." The giant smirks, and looks at you. "If ya want the textbook definition, I guess it means I can stretch you however the hell I want and your'll never break! You'll even reshape to normal if I leave you alone enough!" The giant captures the reaction on your face. Priceless.
You look on at the massive bear in shock. He had utter and complete control over your entire physical being. He could use you as chewing gum, if he wanted, and this menacing weighty bear didn't look like he very much cared if he did. the lusty and yet malicious blue eyes filled you with doubt and fear. " . . ." You couldn't mutter a word.
The giant, however, snickers at this. He carefully lowers you down to his crotch and begins making his new undergarments. In the face of his meaty cock and balls. He begins by shoving your . . . .
The giant roars loudly as he presses his fingers to your mouth. He begins rubbing out your teeth, which just morph i into a clay-like indentation on the skin, and expanding your mout hby widiening with his thumb. Even after he does this, after he shoves your face into his bulbous cock head, he still has trouble forcing it down your throat.
"MMMM…" The giant Buck moans as his cockhead rubs out your throat, and forces his 8 inch cock down your body. You come face to face with the base of giant's cock. Your eyes and nose, taking in the smell of man and the pubes of your giant master, are unfortunately kept in tact. The smell is overwhelming, less than at the smaller size, but still overwhelming.
As your tongue struggles in freeing itself, it's forced against your lower lip and the cock skin. The wet small organ only increases the giant's horny cock's enthrallment. The giant, however, continues to make his new jockstrap.
As you hang from Buck's crotch, he begins by taking your arms and most of your chest and stretching it around the man's massive waist, and mashing them together in a firm hold behind his front, just above his ass. The giant roars with pleasure as this forces his cock even deeper down your miniature body.
"MMM I knew them damn teens could suck!" The giant grins between his moans and then manages to grab your legs, mashing them into one strap-like feature and stretching them all the way down between his legs and then feeliing for them and grasping your hands and feet together in one. He feels the precum rushing from his cock as you suck on it involuntarily.
A miracle has occured to you. You can feel every part of the bear's crotch but feel no pain in when he stretched you. You only feel the warmth of his skin on yours. Luckily, the cock, however little yours might be, is still in tact, agains tthe giant's asshole. Both you and he feel your tiny cock invading the giant's ass. The giant only laughs in pleasure.
"WELL, looks like you like your new job!" Buck chuckles and begins to leave after getting dressed. You, unable to complain or barely even think, feel the clothing around you at one side and the skin on the other. You fear for where this new master is taking you and at the same time in some odd way you accept it. You hear footsteps until ….
Before you can make a choice, Dom gets a call and has to rush out before his beer arrives. "Fuckin' boss needs me over at the auto shop - Some drama he can't take care of himself. See ya later, Buck."
The tall, masculine grease monkey tucks his wallet away and starts for the door. You turn just in time to see his cracked leather boots stomping towards you, and the Italian-American stud's right foot kicks you hard in the stomach. You end up splayed across the boot's toe on your stomach, hanging on for dear life as he re-enters the hot sun.
The huge boot, taller than your house once seemed, is smeared with dirt and grease which is now all over your arms. You're afraid to let go, for fear of falling in the gigantic man's path and ending up crushed between his foot and the hot side-walk. So you hold onto the hot, stinky leather like a cowboy at a rodeo until Dom arrives at the auto shop..
You hang on for your life as Dom walks towards the bathroom. "Gahh… that beer is really upsetting my stomach…" he mumbled. You are oblivious of what is going on until you come to a sudden stop. You feel the ground beneath you shift. Finally, you stand up. You look up to see two giant towers followed by sole activity going on by the waist. He was undoing his belt! You see the giant black fabric flow down. Hesitating, you try to run, but it was no use. The rough clothing caught you. You get out and think. You know that you have to get help, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. You begin climbing the pants. Once you get up to his knee, you go along his hairy lap. You hear excessive rumbling beneath you and grunting from above. After passing the lap, you reach the waist. You look up and see the giant colossal man. He adjusts his position, impacting your ground. "NOOOOO" you yell as you struggle to stand. You slide inwards his legs. You are flailing and grab onto something. Luckily you did. You look up to see what you had grabbed. You are hanging onto his balls! You do not like your new position, being smothered in sweat and manly musk. Now that you are inside the bowl, everything became stuffy, hot and rank. You look down to see large logs floating in an ocean. The sweat is making you lose your grip until you feel something grab you. "What the fuck?" You hear Dom say above you. He was grabbing You! You feel a sigh of relief once you get fresh air. You are brought up to his large brown eyes. "What the hell happened to You? And why are you under my balls?" He said with a slight smirk. "I-its a ling story. All I know is that I was shrunk and now I'm here. Please help me!" You plead. "Hah, you think I'm gonna help you?! With a guy at youyr size, there is so much possibilities and things I can do! Don't think I'm gonna help you either, I think I'm going to keep you." Your heart drops as he says those words. Your hope was crushed. He got up and looked at you. "FUCK YOU!" You say. He frowns at your response. "That wasn't very nice…" he says. "I think I'll have you start by meeting my ass, and today's your lucky day, because I'm not wiping and I'm going to a Mexican restaurant!" He says. You are squeezed and brought around to his two large mounds of meat. "See you in a bit, slave!" He says. You try to yell for mercy but you are interrupted by two large fingers push you into the slimy, sweaty, tight, and rank prison. You try to yell in agony but all you got was a mouth full of shit. You stop struggling when you start to hear rumbling. The fingers push you so far in, that your face is smothered against his asshole. You watch in fear as the hole widens and releases a hot, seeking fart. You begin to cry as you are squeezed tightly by the hole. A while later , he pulls you out when you are in…
He locks the disabled toilet door before placing you in the sink, you try to climb out but it’s far too slippery and the sinks too high.
You hear him unzip his baggy jeans and his belt buckle clatter on the floor. You try to see what he’s doing but you can only make out that he’s changing. After an anxious couple of minutes of imagining what hell he’s about to put you through he wanders over, with no underwear on, holding it in his hand.
He shows you what looks to be a tight pair of speedo like shorts that reach the knee. In the other he’s holding a needle and thread. You gulp, knowing what’s coming.
‘Well little guy, time for a bit of fun. Not many people know this but I film some poopy videos and sell them online and today you get to join me’
He turns the camera on and starts filming, showing you to his fans, you zone out thinking about the hell you’re about to experience’. You try to resist as he moves the camera to view the underwear, the thread going round your arms as you’re sewed to the pants, followed by your legs and torso.
As scary as the experience was, you couldn’t help but get arroused which dom noticed and pointed out to his fans before zooming in, teasing you.
He then packed his clothes in his bag, leaving an old pair of shorts on the floor (to hide his dirty pants on the way out you guessed).
He then pulled out a bottle of laxotive solution before downing it on camera then pulling up the pants. As you guessed they were incredibly tight, positioning you right behind his hairy arsehole.
Turning round showing the camera he laughed ‘as you can see, little Jack here is positioned right there’ using his finger to draw around your body that was bulging out of the fabric.
You heard a rumble and start to panic ‘as you can hear guys, I’m about to release a load’. The rumbles continue for about 5 minutes, you close your eyes and mouth each time waiting for the warm sludge to appear’.
‘It’s time’ he eagerly explains before he repositions himself on top of the toilet seat.
With one last rumble, you panic and forget to close your eyes for a second, where you then see a massive flood of poo race towards you as the pants stretch and a load the size of a coconut forms in the back of the pants. After what feels like hours, he has finally finished.
‘Thanks for watching guys, Its now time for Jack to experience a 30 minute walk in the swamp that’s formed in my underwear’. He then pulled on the shorts from earlier and waddled out the toilet, making a dash for the exit so no one could smell and see what he had been doing.
You endured a further 30 minutes of hell, being smushed between his cheeks, every so often he would stop before more poo appeared. This was torture, you expected the poo to kill you or drown you but it didn’t.
You finally arrived back at his house before he dropped you on the bathroom floor, the pants seeping and light finally hitting you in the face.
He then empties the excess poo in the toilet before picking up the underwear, he then….
"Dom, we can't have you makin' passes at every lady who comes through here." The head of the auto shop, a husky man in stained over-alls and a sheen of sweat, explains. "You got your last warning weeks ago, now I gotta let you go."
"But boss!!" Dom throws his beefy arms up, outraged.
"Don't argue with me, Dominic! Change outta your uniform and get your stuff, I got interviews to do."
You cling to the giant's boot as he storms into the change room, slamming doors and lockers while he mutters to himself in a mix of Italian and English. "Fuckin' faggot, lettin' me go.." Dom kicks his boots off angrily, and you go skidding across the grimey change-room floor. The smell of the giant's feet is unleashed into the room, and you're the first to cop its wrath. Dominic's foot odour is thick, hot and meaty.
He rips his uniform off, standing in just a pair of tight grey underwear as he rummages through his locker. You watch in fascination at the perfectly-sculpted body that towers over you. If this guy didn't have such a bad temper, he could have a great career in modelling.
The man's tanned skin glows under the cheap lighting system as he reefs his clothes out of the locker and lets them fall to the floor, blanketing you for a moment. You panic, afraid that you'll be lost in the man's clothes, but seconds later the white t-shirt is pulled off of you and draped over the man's perfect physique.
All this time, you're daring yourself to make contact with the moody giant, but it isn't easy, seeing the fuming expression on his face and the way his bulky knuckles are white with pressure.
Next, dominic makes a grab for the next item, which you happen to be standing on..
You just realized you were standing on Dominic's underwear but just as he was about to grab it he realized he got a call on his phone. As he went to answer his phone he made a swipe at his underwear luckily for you though…
Lucky for you the landing was soft, as you got up though you decided that maybe asking for help from Dom wouldn't be the best idea as he seemed to be pretty mad at getting fired. As you made your way to the door you decided to hide next to it for when Dom would leave. As Dom finished changing he left the room and luckily for you he left the door open enough for you to get through. As you walked into a hallway you noticed a customer at the counter at the other end. As you looked closer he seemed to be an old man probably in his sixties. Thinking that maybe he would be able to help, you start to walk down the hallway though a foot hits the floor behind you as you turn around you see Dominic's old boss as you look at him he seemed to be bigger and more muscular than Dominic himself he was more hairy for sure though as you could clearly tell he had hairy arms and even from the floor you could see the hair coming out of his shirt from his chest. Thinking maybe he could help you instead you head towards…
Heading towards the 60 year old customer, you sprint as fast as you could to reach him before he left you behind. You could notice upon reaching the towering old man that he was wearing old shoes, pants, and a hat. If you were to climb him, his long white hair would be an easy climb to his ear. Of course, you either had to climb into his shoe or attempt to climb him up now as soon as you could before he makes a leave. You chose to…
You fall to your side from the quick impact. You hold onto the fabric as he puts them on while on the phone. "You want me to have dinner before I come? Aight. Yeah. I'll leave some Mexican food for you too. Yep. Bye." he says and puts down the phone. You over hear where he is going. He continues putting his underwear on when he sees you. He looks confused. "What the-" he says and picks you up. You are pulled into his gross sweaty hand. "Well, what do we have here? The kid who vandalized my car…." he says. "Please! You need to help me! I don't know what happened, but help!" you plead. "Pfff. Why would I do that? You think you're so tough cause you broke my car… heh… look at you now." he says. "We're gonna have some fun." Your heart drops to those words. "NO! GET YOUR BAD BREATH AWAY FROM ME!" you say struggling to get out. He frowns, then grins. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRH. He just burped in your face. "Better?" he asks. You cringe at the smell of beer and something rotten. "What you said wasn't very nice, I think you need a time out…." he says and lifts his arm. You are so scared that your body can't do anything but watch. "You can stay in my armpit till I arrive at the restaurant. And I'm warning you, it's hot outside and I sweat a lot. Even I cringe at the smell." he says. You are put through the shirt and smothered into the sweaty pit. It reeks terrible and this is the strongest B.O you've ever smelled. You are soaked in sweat and tangled and squished in armpit hair and warm flesh. You try to scream, but all you get is a mouth full of sweat. You are in there for what seems like days, when he gets into the restaurant. You suddenly hear chatter as you are grinded in the hot, sweaty, and hairy flesh. You hear the chatter stop as you hear and feel him enter the bathroom. He enters a stall and takes you out. "How did that feel?" he says as you are stuck on his finger from the sweat. "NO. I DIDN'T LIKE IT. I'VE SMELLED SHIT BETTER THAN THAT!" you yell. He grins and says "Oh really? Let's put that theory to the test." He turns around and lowers you to the back of his elastic band. "No no…. Dom I was kidding!" you yell. "Oh well. Just to let you know I'm having 3 burritos, and 7 hard boiled eggs, and a torta. And that makes me extremely gassy." and with that he pulls his shorts down and spreads his two mounds of meat. You see his large scrotum, as he lets out a large hot waft of air. He pushes you in as far ad he can and closes you in his prison. Everything goes black and you are squeezed between two large mountains of flesh. It smells rotten, like something died in there. Throughout his meal, you are gifted with several rotten, wet wafts of egg farts. This was going to be a long day. Once he's done, he takes you out in the bathroom and…..
You've never seen any man as mad as Dominic. He was extremely angry and wouldn't be much of any help to you at your state, he would just crush you because you were the size of a bug. Dominic went about throwing things around the room. You watched him pace all over until he finally got his stuff ready to go. One thing he needed to do was put his socks and boots back on.
His giant hand started down towards you. You couldn't believe it, he saw you. You looked down quick to realize that you were standing in the opening of his sock.
" Shit!" you yelled.
Standing at the opening of the ankle sock, you went to jump out of it but the giant man was too quick for you. His hand came down and grabbed the opening on the sock, your body falling into it as the sock rose up. You screamed for Dominic to hear you but he was still fuming about his loss of job. You tried everything possible for him to notice you but nothing worked, you were in trouble.
Dominic sat down on the bench yelling profanity and slamming his bare feet on the floor. You waited for the man's foot to enter, it was the only thing you could do. Dominic bent down and started slip his foot into the sock. You watched the man's giant sole enter and mash you down into the sock, your body intertwined with his giant toes. You gagged at the smell of the man's feet. It was hard to breathe any fresh air in when all the air was around his toes.
Dominic put his other sock on and then went for his boots. You felt the boot slide over his sole. Immediately the sweat entered the sock and drenched you. You couldn't stand the smell and sweat. The giant above you started to walk. Your body was pressed into the insole of the boot, luckily it being soft enough that his weight wouldn't crush you.
The giant could feel something in his boot, " Stupid bugs, serves them right to be in my boot."
You cringed at the sound of that.
On and on he went walking, you having to endure the pain of his giant being…
Dominic slams his front door closes and stomps into the kitchen, grabbing a frosty cold beer out of the refridgerator and throwing himself down on the couch. Reaching for the remote, Dom slams his heavy, booted feet down on the surface of the coffe table. He can still feel that annoying bug squirming around under his toes, and it occurs to the hot-headed giant that he's enjoying the sensation.
Dom has never been this frusterated. He needed that job more than anything, and right now all he wants to do is go back down to the auto shop and wail on his good-for-nothing ex-boss until the man's nothing but a bloody pulp.. But he can't. Another assault charge abd he could go to jail, so Dom has to find another means of taking his anger out, andright now that means is the bug crawling underneath his toes.
Dom smiles sickeningly as he squeezes the pathetic little creature under his big, beefy toes. In his mind, Dom sees his boss curled up in the toe of his boot, begging for Dom to stop. He can feel the thick sweat and grime, slick between his toes, and he pounds the tiny bug with them. He can imagine just how dense and putrid the air in there is, and he sees his old boss gasping and choking as the gigantic toes wallop his little body..
The saturated fabric of Dominic's sweaty, putrid sock clings tightly to his giant toes. Bits of worn-away insole, lint and dirt roll around you in the dark toe of the boot as Dom sits with his great big feet propped up on the coffee table, pullhis massive, olive arms stacked in front of him.
The cruel man's giant toes smell of off beef. Sweat so thick that it's pasted onto your body smears your face and lips, no mtter how hard you try to escape it. You know Dom can feel you cringing under his mightty toes, and he's enjoying it, but why? The sheer mercilessness of the big, angry Goliath is too much for you to comprehend.
Dom's big toe slams down on your stomach, and you curl into a tight ball, crying in pain. He casually flips his toe again and 'BAM', you're batted hard against the wall of the boot. You can hear muffled laughter as Dom sits like a king on his throne, enjoying the power he wields over this poor bug's life.
You gasp, and ful air rushes into your lungs, making you gag. These worn old leather boots must be ancient. The insole is engrained with the awful stench of the giant's foot odour; the smell you feel like you're eating as you lie helplessly under the mighty toes.
Dom sits up and switches off the TV. It's time to..
Imagining his ex-boss beneath his massive toes makes him feel all the better in the world. For you though, the pain keeps getting worse as his toes takes his anger out on your little body. He keeps jabbing you and pressing you further into his revolting smelly sole. You wanted to throw up but every attempt to failed because his toes seemed to be always there to close your mouth.
Your body couldn't take anymore pain from the massive giant above you. His mighty being made you feel insignificant to even live anymore. The giant man pressing you into his soles was now your captor if he would even take the time to realize you were not a bug. He was the larger person, the more important being and you deserved to be crushed by this man of massive proportions.
" Well faggot of an ex-boss, time to stop your rein of terror on civilized people like me," Dom said.
You thought about if for a few seconds as his toes prodded you, " What?! You are hardly civilized…oh my god, you are imagining I am your boss!!! Dom, NO!!!"
You yelled and tried to fight back nothing worked against his massive toes, " Fight back if you want but it won't help you live any longer."
Dom laughed loudly as he began to crush your body. His toes pressed harder and harder. You felt your bones begin to give way to his massive weight. When you thought he was going to end you, his toes picked up quickly. You felt he may have changed his mind but you were wrong. Dom lifted his boot and tilled it back, your body falling to the heel. He set it back down and began to press down again. You cried out in pain but they were muffled as the giant's socked foot ended your pathetic, minuscule life…
"Well might as well get some sleep gotta go job hunting tomorrow," You hear Dom say as you start feeling movement. Dom decides to go to his room to go to sleep for a bit but as he looks at himself he decides he might as well get ready as he would for bed. As you lay curled up in Dom's sock you feel movement again but this time it seems Dom's taking the boot off which takes a good amount of stink and sweat with it making it slightly better for you. As you're thinking it can't get better it does You feel more movement and after a bit Dom decides to take of his socks finally freeing you. "I'm finally free of his foot this is great now I gotta wait till he leaves or moves before I get out of his sock so he doesn't find me." You say as you crawl to the edge of the sock opening and take a peek outside. As you look up you see a sight you didn't expect apparently all that rustling was Dom taking off his clothes as he only has his boxers on. As you stare at him you realize that he is….
You see Dom staring at his sock and notice as he squints his eyes as he seems to see your head. As a precaution you don't move so that hopefully leaves you alone but your hopes are crushed when you hear Dom say "What do I have in my sock?" as he moves closer you stay still hoping for him to leave you alone but unfortunate for you he reaches for you and pinches your body with two fingers as he brings you up to his face. As you look at him at first you see a face a shock but it quickly turns into a face of delight. "Well looks like that bug was actually a little hitch hiker in my sock, did you enjoy the ride run?" Dom asks you, too scared to say anything you stay quite. "Of course you did seeing as you got to smell my wonderful feet the whole time." Don answers for you as he places you into the palm of his hand you can't help but wonder what will happen to you as you are now caught by this hunk of a man. As you stare at Dom he starts to poke at you with his fingers as you try to push it away Dom accidentally rubs your crotch causing you to squirm. Noticing that he smiles and tells you "Looks like someone liked where my finger went so runt I suggest you strip for daddy now." Not knowing what to do as you're stuck on this mans palm you..
With defiance, you yell, " Hell no! Can't you see that I'm in some real trouble here?"
Dom just stares at you. "Well if you don't wanna strip for me, I'll just crush your guts out of your ass like a cock roach under my smelly barefoot." Would you like that better, fag?"
As the giant hunk of a man holds you in his hand, you actually consider being crushed to death, instead of simply stripping for him. "What If I want to be stomped on by you, Dom?"
"Say what??" Ha ha! That's just funny man."
You say, "What if i'm serious? The though of getting stepped on by another guy, especially in this way, gets me off…"
Dom starts to laugh hysterically. "Oh my God! Your'e so weird, dude! So, you want me to literally crushed you flat under my barefoot?"
"Ye ye ye yes… You manage to say out of total embarrassment and shyness.
"I'll step on you, man! I've always wanted to crush a guy, just one guy under my foot like a bug. I've always though of every bug I've ever stomped on to be a tiny, little guy; just like you."
You just look up at him in complete shock. "i'll crush you exactly how you want, but I wanna stay barefoot," Dom offers.
You then tell him that you want to masturbate while he crushes you down, and he agrees to let you do that; and to also crush you slower so you will be able to totally orgasm as much as possible.
He carefully places you on the floor about two inches away from his giant, smelly feet. Start jack'n, little guy.
You immediately start to get hard, so you take off all your clothes and start to masturbate while looking at his powerful bare feet. You get into the rhythm very quickly. You yell up at Dom, "Start crushing me now, Giant Master Dom!
Dom lifts his giant, sexy foot off the floor and brings it over your head. As he starts to lower it, you are having the most pleasure that you ave ever had in your entire life. You keep pumping as fast as you can and you keep staring at the giant foot over you that's about to end you like the pathetic little fag you are. The odor of his powerful, manly foot is overwhelmingly strong. Even though you continue to masturbate, you yell at Dom, "Please don't crush me, Master! I don't wanna be stomped out like the bug that I am!"
Just after you say that, his foot comes down on you and you are pressed to the floor flat. You were forced to smell, feel and even tasted his bare foot from the creaming you were doing. You start to orgasm so strongly, that it feels like you just took Ecstasy. You then start to feel the pressure of Doms foot get steadily stronger, then a sudden crushing feeling in your pelvis and then your torso. You feel you head bend under the massive pressure of the giant foot. Out of nowhere, you start to get more pleasure then the last time. The prostate gland, in your anus is being pressed flat, causing the greatest orgasm ever. your testicles busted with semen going everywhere and the giant then starts to grind his foot on you, then…
For what seemed like hours Dom walked to a location you didn't know where. He knew you were down there, as a bug though. Dom kept walking and walking, the sweat from his foot building up in his boot and around your body. You cried out for him to stop as if he could actually hear your stupid cries but nothing worked, he didn't hear you. Dom just kept on stomping down the sidewalk to some place.
Finally the man stopped. You were lucky enough to be thrown against the front of the boot before he stopped walking. Now you lay before his massive toes nursing your wounds from the ungrateful giant man. You listen in to figure out where the giant has taken you. Suddenly he yells hello to someone, he must be at the door. Dom begins to walk again unfortunately for you.
Soon he stops again but there isn't any pressure on his boots. Another guy is talking which led you to conclude he is at a friends house. He starts talking about being fired and how pissed he was about it. The friend says a few things between sentences. This went on for a few minutes until his friend interrupted.
" Dom, I know you are upset but could you take off your boots, they're pretty dirty and there is some grease on the carpet," the guy said.
" Yes!!! Do it!!!" you yelled.
You listened to him unlace the boots waiting patiently for him to move his giant feet. You brace yourself for him to take his feet out but one thing is stopping you from being left in there, his foot sweat started to dry and now you are stuck to his sock. Dom finished unlacing his boots and slipped his feet out. You went swiftly out with his foot stuck to his sock.
" Holly shit, get some new boots, those stink!" his friend said.
" You have no idea," you said.
You flew out of the boot still stuck to the giants foot…
Dom placed his work boots in the corner and relaxed on the couch with a beer. Still trapped inside his brutally rank sock, you could hear every word he was exchanging with his buddy, though a little muffled by the big tough toe pads smothering your face.
"Sexual harrassment my ass, those chicks were practically begging for my cock. Ah screw that guy, I don't need a job in his greasy old auto shop. I can do anything I want with a physique like mine!" You get the idea that Dom must be flexing hard, as even his meaty toes curl over your face. "In fact, you know how many men have come into the shop and offered me cash to let them suck me off while they're waiting for their car?"
Dom's friend laughs. You can tell by his voice that he's about as young and masculine as Dom, maybe a little huskier. "Well there's no need to go selling your spunk buddy. Come work at the construction site for a few days and see if ya like it. Rick's always looking for new recruits."
All goes quiet as Dom considers his option, ultimately deciding to sleep on it. This means he'll be taking his socks off, which could be good news for you.. or not.
Dom grunts, and you feel the pressure on your body ease as he lifts up his massive foot and pulls off his socks.
Unfortunately you get rolled up in the stinking old sock and carried across the room. The whole trip is a rollercoaster ride and it ends with you being stuffed back into awful dark cave of Dom's work boot.
"I don't know buddy, I gotta catch a few Zs before I decide what to do. Mind if I crash on the couch?" Dom asks, to which his friend agrees.
You get to spend the rest of the night cramped up in the sock while Dom spreads his great masculine form out on the couch and wiggles his free toes. Until morning, when the giant wakes up around eleven and heads straight..
The next morning, Dom runs a comb through his thick mane of hair, jams his socks on and tugs his big, heavy workboots onto his feet. He's got a new job, working at the construction site, and he's looking forward to a day of hard work and sweat..
Fortunately(?) for you, after spending the night twisted up in Dom's foul socks you happen to fall on the outside as the giant hunk jams his boots on. So, rather than being couped up with his sweaty beast of a foot all day, you're lying miserably between his musty socked sole and the stinky leather insole of his work boot.
Every step Dom takes smothers you in hot, sweaty sock and threatens to mash you out of existence. But you manage to stay alive in the humid workboot atleast until Dom gets to the site and meets his tough new work buddies..
Rick is a thick, stocky boulder of a man with flecks of grey hairs showing in his bristly beard and a round, solid belly bulging against his work vest. Glaring against the sun, he wipes sweat off his forehead with the hairy back of his wrist before offering Dom a sturdy handshake. "Glad to meet ya, Dom. You look like a strong young man and I'm told you're a real hard worker."
"Yes, Sir." Dom shifts his weight onto his left foot, unwittingly nearly mashing you against his insole.
"Lemme introduce you to the guys you'll be working with. This is Mack.."
A rugged man in his late 30s towers over Dom, offering a hearty smile and almost crushing handshake. The friendly (if not sweaty) giant must be upwards of 6.6". Dom wonders if he wasn't nicknamed after a Mack truck.
"And that over there is Junior, Mack's son." A gangly teenage boys sits in the shade, listening to his iPod and kicking at rocks. He looks up barely long enough to give Dom a nod -- or morelike a scowl.
"Well, let's get to work!"
Wedged between Dom's big, sweaty foot and the insole of his workboot, you can only vaguely make out the new boss's gruff voice as he instructs Dom to work with Mack today.
Mack is of course the burly single father and man's man, towering at 6.6" and commanding a whole lot of respect with his ruggedly beefy physique.
The stallion of a man scratches the bristles on his chin as he looks his new workmate up and down. Then he breaks into a hearty laugh and thumps Dom hard on the back. "Good to meet ya, kiddo. Come with me and I'll show ya the ropes."
From under Dom's foot you can't see the way Mack towers over every other man at the construction site, you can't see the way his huge, ripped calves flex as he kneels down to pick up an arm full of bricks, or the way sweat gleams on the fine lines and contours of his dirty bronze biceps as he lifts them. But you can feel the spring in Dom's step as he joyfully follows the alpha male, his new idol, to be taken eagerly under his wing..
Dom and Mack don't waste any time in breaking a sweat, hauling bundles of bricks under the blazing hot sun. You can tell by the rivers of bitter sweat running off Dom's goliath foot that the young hunk's probably pushing himself to the limit to impress his new idol, Mack.
And you're not far from the truth. Mack's height and daunting physique aren't just for show. The older man throws sacks of concrete over his broad shoulders as if they were sacks of feathers, cheerfully talking as Dom quietly strains to keep up.
"Yeah, it isn't easy raising a kid on your own. It's not as simple as putting him over my knee any more, though that's what my old man would'a done, don't you worry. The boy just doesn't know the meaning of a good, hard day's work. Got a bad attitude." The immense man tosses a bundle of bricks into the wheelbarrow with a flick of his thick fingers, not noticing Dom grunting to lift his own load. "Ya know, I wish I had total control over the squirt sometimes, but those days are over.."
Half way through the gruelling work day, Dom takes a short break, sitting on a pile of concrete sacks for a moment. "Just a sec, dude. I gotta pour some of this sweat outta my boots before my toes start pruning." You hear your giant say. A rush of excitement fills you -- Could this be your chance at freedom?
"Not a bad idea, kiddo, I might do the same." You hear Mack's deep, amiable voice reply. "My toes are starting to slip around like canned sardines in their own brine."
That's when the great lug of a foot that's been weighing down on you all morning finally exits the boot, giving you the first chance you've had today to properly fill your lungs.
Strong sunlight shines into the empty boot, and before you know it, your sweaty surroundings turn upside-down. As hazardous and terrifying as the ride is, you have to go limp and let yourself tumble on out of Dom's big boot if you want freedom from it.
So you freefall. Down, out, onto the pebbles and dirt below. You hit the ground hard and sore, then look up..
Your back smacks against the hard, hot ground, sending angry pains shooting through your skeleton. Your first thought isn't the pain, though. It's whether or not you've cracked any bones or injured any vital organs.
You check yourself over to discover everything's in tact, then move onto your second concern: The giants. You don't want to be stepped on and crushed like a roach before you've had a chance to get noticed.
You look around. In the distance, a crew of stocky older men in well-worn shorts and vests are taking their break, scarfing down sandwiches and laughing rowdily as they rib and thump each other on the back.
Next you turn around and see Dom's tan, hairy ankles and giant socked feet standing before you. You glance up just in time to see the man's head turned, talking to Mack, as he shakes both of his boots upside-down over your head. Heavy droplets of gross footsweat fly out of the man's footwear and splatter you like rain.
You run from the warm shower, shielding your face, and end up..
You run instinctively towards Mack, the single father and living goliath whose voice gave you the impression of someone strong, solid and reliable.
Mack leans against a half-built wall, lifting one tree trunk-like leg and tugging at the dusty workboot at the end. Although he's a little older and slightly scruffy, this man has the body of a gladiator. His calves are great big slabs of muscle, his chest is broad and naturally has the puffed-out posture of a Greek sculpture, and he has the rugged smile of a film star.
You're still watching him dazedly when the man yanks off his size 15 boot to reveal five big, bulbous, glistening toes.
"You don't wear socks?" Dom asks from behind you.
"Naw, the cotton itches my hairy toes so I go all natural. Makes for a helluva lot of sweat though." As he says this, he tips his colossal boot and a river of warm sweat comes pouring out, right onto you.
You nearly drown in the endless torrent of hot, bitter, salty footsweat. When you finally choke on your last mouthful..
You cough and splutter, tasting the man's horribly warm sweat in your mouth. It takes ages to wipe the bitter stuff out of your eyes, and even then you can feel it soaking your whole body, fresh from the smelly boot of a construction worker twice your age.
That's when you look up, and see the masculine colossus staring right down at you with a look of quizzical interest on his handsome face. You're still startled by the suprise interaction when Mack bends down and swipes you up in his thick fist, and you're pulled through the air at breathtaking speed.
"Kid, how on earth did you get so tiny?" he furrows his brow. You're still so taken aback by the rough texture of his skin, the smell of his sweat, the sheer surrealness of being held inside another man's hand. It feels oddly comforting, but also strange and anxious.
"Well it's a good thing you fell into my hands and not one of the boneheads who work with me. Say, you look just about my son's age.." The handsome giant eyes you curiously, making a decision..
Mack stands towering above you, still trying to make sense of the situation. You can tell he's not used to taking care of people, because his temperament seems unusually cruel and a little too demanding. He begins babbling about how careless you must have been to end up so small, and how similar you are to his own son in causing trouble. Although you want to speak up and explain what really happened, Mack doesn't seem interested in hearing your side of the story.
Finally, the man loses his patience with you altogether and tells you that he will take care of you anyway. He brings his hand closer to his shirt pocket and places you inside.
"Here," he grumbles gruffly as he dropped you into his sweaty shirt pocket. "I hope this will keep you safe for now, once I am done with work, we'll head home and see what to do with you" The fabric smells heavily of him, musky and raw with sweat – not necessarily unpleasantly so, just overwhelming for someone so small. Despite Mack's gruff demeanor, you feel oddly comforted by his attention, even if it does come in an oddly strict way.
Momentarily blinded by the torrent of Mack's sweat, you panic and scramble realizing at any moment one of these titans could snuff you out in a single footfall. You crawl away from the booming sounds above you, the raw odor of Mack's sweat clinging to your skin. Whatever delusion you had thinking you would be noticed at your miniscule height, you realize now that without higher ground you're as good as dead. Unfortunately for you, this moment of clarity is quickly followed by a series of unfortunate events.
Mack pounds on his boot, releasing the final cloudy drops of foot sweat to the ground below. However, his final pound causes the boot to slip from his grip. Just as you've finally wiped the sweat from your eyes, you look up to see a metorite of leather, rubber, and steel plummeting straight toward you. You instinctively throw your hands up to shield yourself as your heart stops, and you see the sole rotating slowly downward to press you flat into the ground. As luck would have it, it continues spinning during its descent so that the mouth of the boot impacts around you. As luck would not have it, it continues rotating even after hitting the ground scooping you up and landing on its side. The intense odor of a forty year old man's month-old toe funk immediately washes over you.
"Fuck!" Mack mutters, craning down to pick up his boot.
"Fuck," you whisper, paralyzed with fear as the gargantuan begins to seal your fate.
Mack turns the boot upright and flashes Dom a grin, "Back to work, kiddo."
Landing firmly on the moist sole of Mack's boot, you immediately glance upward. You catch a glimmer of his bearded, grinning face before five plump toes begin wiggling toward you. The putrid stink of toejam wafts toward you as the toes stretch and separate revealing the modicums of sweat and dead skin nestled in between them. The light dims quickly as the calloused foot slips inside the boot. Mack tilts the boot slightly, and to you, your entire world shifts. Sliding across the grime caking his sole, you smash into the toe section. The bitter taste of old leather and salty sweat enters your mouth. Mack's toes continue to wiggle menacingly closer, the single father above having no idea his foot is about to completely smother a teenager. He takes a deep gulp of fresh hair. Your chest tightens in fear.
You can do no more but feel around the toe section for something to anchor yourself, lest you be thrown towards his feet when Mack begins walking.
Desperately feeling for anything that will save you from venturing closer to the pernicious odor emanating from between Mack's toes, you sigh in relief as your hand chances across a loose thread hanging near the toe section of his boot…only to regret the poor choice as you inhale the surrounding miasma. Choking and gasping, it's a wonder that you manage to hold on to the thread at all as the hulking titan above you takes his first step; oblivious of the tiny teenager struggling to survive inside of his repugnant work boot. This victory is short-lived, however; both the thread and your hands are soaked in sweat and you curse yourself for not wrapping the thread around your arm as your grip loosens, causing your body to go hurtling underneath Mack's rough, fetid sole just as his foot is descending to the ground.
Nothing you've experienced before in your short life could have prepared you for this. Although feeling decidedly fortunate that Mack's feet have particularly high arches, you cannot help but wish that he had bathed recently. Upon making contact with the ground the gargantuan foot presses down on your pathetically small frame, squeezing the air from your lungs. Your face is mashed into the rank, calloused wall of flesh above you; if you had the capacity to retch, you most certainly would. The noxious atmosphere and oppressive heat are making you dizzy, but losing consciousness is not an option if you wish to have any hope of survival. You grow frantic as the pressure increases, but just before becoming unbearable it eases off as Mack's foot ascends once again. To your horror, the buildup of dried sweat and gunk in the man's obviously neglected boot has practically glued you to his mephitic sole. Even as you curse your luck, you realize that this situation at least prevents you from tumbling under the construction worker's heel, which would surely be a death sentence.
As the footfalls continue, a new threat emerges: the heat of the day. Mack's entire body, but especially his feet, begin to sweat profusely whilst he and Dom tread on without a care to the conditions inside his funky work boot. Without socks to absorb the pooling liquid, it eventually fills the bottom of the boot until it has risen up to your face. You attempt to cry out; a poor decision as Mack's walking causes foot sweat to slosh around the boot and wash over your face. The taste and smell that you must endure is indescribable as Mack's sole forces dirt, sweat, and foot scum into your mouth with every step. Even worse, though, is the sweltering heat and the feeling that your body will cave in every few seconds as the behemoth above you repeatedly slams his boot to the ground. After enduring barely fifteen minutes of this torture, you don't care anymore; you'd rather end it all than suffer for one more second. Rather than struggling not to drown in this older man's foot sweat, you opt for a quick end underneath his massive sole. You squirm around, until finally, you come unglued from the man's foot. The giant's next step creates a wave of foot sweat, carrying your now-free body with it. Suddenly, you're not quite sure that you made the right choice.
Mack's toes strain against the leather confines, his unkempt toenails scraping up the muck on the sole of his boot. The air grows more and more stale. You frantically feel the rough walls of his boot for anything to anchor yourself as he toes stop their advance mere inches (to you) from your face. The overpowering heat and stink causes near dizzy spells, and you know it will only get worse from here.
Laced up and snug, Mack rocks his feet and stands up to his full towering height, the sweat glistening on his brow. The thick combination of muscle and fat flexs as he stretches his arms toward the sky. Picking up on the scent of body odor from his armpit, Mack inhales a deep whiff of his musk before snorting with a half-satisfied, half-disgusted look on his face. Without another thought, the bearish brute motions Dom to follow him and continues on with his work day.
Much like the plunge from the top of a rollercoaster, you feel your heart bottom out as Mack takes his first step. With nothing to hang on to, you careen forward in between the sticky valley between Mack's first and second toe. Your body immediately stuck face first against Mack's build up of toe jam. The heat around you increases tenfold, the smell of foot funk worse than ever before. Your mind attempts to describe the taste of the nasty filth forced into your mouth, but language fails you as your senses are overloaded. The thick, oily consistency coats your arms and legs as you're forced deeper and deeper into the crevice between his toes. You stuggle and flail attempting to free yourself, hoping to alert Mack of your presence - anything's presence.
Mack begins to whistle, not feeling a single thing happening below.
The caked dead skin embraces you further, the sourness curdling your stomach. Mack's foot begins sweating, producing a sickening sloshing sound as you careen up, forward, and down with every step. The sweat runs down Mack's foot picking up bits of grime and skin, trickling over your face before soaking into the floor. Every wave adds another layer of filth, further encasing you in your prison. You frantically murmur for help - your mind now broken. This only allows more foot scum to force its way down your throat, ensuring you'll not only be coated with the stuff, but filled and suffocated. You pray for death - a twist of the toes, a fall underneath the pad of his foot - but it never comes. Indistinguishable from toe jam, Mack nor anyone else will ever know your fate.
You look up to see a circle of men, all dressed in sweat-stained shirts and dirty boots, each bigger and huskier and more masculine than the last. The men sit with their hairy legs in wide stances, scarfing down their lunch while they grunt and grumble in conversation like wild animals.
You feel like you've been dropped into a lion's den as you look around fearfully, matching faces with the voices you heard earlier. There's Dom, of course, the rebelious young mechanic. Then there's his buddy, Mike, the heavy drinker and pothead bachelor who got him this job. Rick the big boss and Mack Junior seem to be elsewhere, probably taking care of more important business which, in Junior's case, means either getting high or wacking off. There are glistening biceps, robust guts and dirt streaked tattoos all over the place. You observe the men ranging from their twenties to their fifties with wide eyes, wondering who's going to get you out of this scary place.
That's when warm, rough flesh hits your back and you feel a cage of giant fingers curling around you. "Well I'll be! What do we have here?" Mack's deep, rich voice booms in your ears as you're lifted to his face. By the expression on the handsome man's weatherbeaten face, he isn't interested in helping you out of this fix at all; there's no friendliness or pity in the smirk he's giving you.
"What do ya know, boys! Looks like lunch isn't gonna be so boring after all.."
Before you can squeak a word of complaint, Mack's huge, sandy fingers pinch each item of your clothing in turn and rip them off until you lie butt naked in the man's hand. You're horrified into silence as the league of brutes all gather round to see their friend's new toy, snickering at how small and smooth you are compared to their mature packages.
Feeling overwhelmed, you try hard to keep your head. Maybe if you ask nicely enough these big, intimidating men will be reasonable.
You try to keep your voice even, though the humiliation of lying exposed in the palm of an older man's hand is really shaking you up. "Mack, guys, I would really like to have my clothes back. I've been through a lot, and I'm counting on you to help me.."
Mack and his buddy lift their beefy arms and nudge each other, laughing stupidly. "Sure would hate to be in this kid's position!" Mack chuckles to his friend, ignoring your humble plea. Then..
Mack places you on the ground naked and as you look up at him throw your clothes behind him. "You won't be needing those anymore." He says as he looks down at you. As you look around you're surrounded by huge bulgy men. Their muscles weren't to only big thing about them, at your size when looking up you could see the huge bulges in their pants. "Hey Mack what are we gonna do with this kid?" One of the burly men asked. "I'm thinking Fred give me some time I want to humiliate the kid." Mack says while staring at you. "Hey Fred why don't you…"
Both you and Fred were surprised to hear that. "Why should I?" You heard Fred ask. "Well the kids mine since I found him, but if you do what a say I might give him to you, or maybe someone else who'd be willing to do it." Mack said which caused some of the other men to say they would do it. Hearing that you turned to get a good look at Fred considering he might be taking you home. As you looked at him you notice his skin is a dark tarnish color. He's also has some hair only is arms, but you couldn't tell for anywhere else. When you looked at his face though you were surprised for a bit as he looked kinda handsome to you. You always knew you had a small thing for other guys but you didn't expect yourself to still be considering other men handsome at your current size. As you notice your own erection you look around to the other guys. You notice there's a fat one, but just by looking at him you knew he had a lot of muscles. There was also another one who was pure muscle. There were more guys but before you could get a better look at them…
With the shift of his hand, the beefy man's rough index finger thumps down on top of your tiny, naked crotch and begins to rub in a clockwise motion.
You jolt with shock. Your eyes widen in horror and you squirm uselessly under the bigger man's heavy finger. "Whoah, take a look at this, boys!" Mack lifts his finger, leaving you blushing, erect and uncovered, for anyone to see.
"Shit." Dom leans in and admires your little manhood. "Horny little fucker's ready to blow."
Mack licks his lips, concentrating as he strokes the very tip of your raging erection with the tip of his finger.
Now red as a beetroot from the overwhelming pleasure and humiliation, you're nearly crying with frusteration and bliss. "Here goes..!" Mack's huge, rugged face smiles above you, waiting for that climactic moment..
You're lying on your back, exposed, on the rough palm of a giant brick-layer's weathered hand as his sandpapery finger prods and flicks your helplessly erect little dick. To make matters worse, you can feel every set of eyes that lay on you as his baboon-like friends gather in a huddle and gawk at the puny little man on display.
The gang of brutish, sweaty and unshaven men are still guffawing and cracking jokes about you being on the brink of orgasm when a head butts into the tight circle and interrupts things..
"Hey, what's going on over here?"
Mack stops his fondling and looks up to see..
Mack Junior, a somewhat lanky teenager wearing sunglasses and an expression of mild interest, wanders over to see what his dad's friends are so interested in.
"Dad.. What are you guys doing?" he says, a little nasally.
"Junior!" Mack exclaims. "Perfect timing, son!" Still doing everything you can to postpone coming, though fighting a losing battle, you're shocked that the giant isn't at all shy about doing this to another man in front of his own son. "See, son, part of becoming a man is dominating the weaker males around you. And there's no better way of breaking another proud human being by forcing him to have an orgasm at your command, like I'm doing to this lost little dude over here." He chuckles.
Junior nods, intrigued, removing his sunglasses to get a better look at you. His dad goes on, "Well take a look at this little guy, son. He can't do a thing about me rubbing his little dick off, and even though he doesn't want to, he's about to blow the biggest load of his life! Don't tell me he won't know who owns him after that!"
Junior's face shadows your body, blocking out the sun. He has dark, serious eyes, pouty lips with small dimples at their sides, and just a slight shadowing of facial hair under his jaw; too light to bother shaving yet.
"What do ya say, son?" Mack asks, and the look on Junior's face tells you..
"Hmm." Junior raises his eyebrows approvingly, "Nice."
You can't take the humiliation of being observed and commented on by these cruel giants so casually, in your most private and vulnerable state. The adrenaline is heightening the tension of the whole situation, your heartbeat racing, Mack's big, powerful finger speeding up.
"Aaah.. Aah.. No..!" You cry in protest, your back arching.
"Here he goes son.. Watch, watch.." You fly into a paroxysm of mind-blowing pleasure and embarrassment. The giants' huge faces crowd around you. You cry out in ecstacy, tears wetting your eyes.
"Wow, Dad, you're right. He sure did come a lot.. Anyways, I'm clocking off and goin' to my buddy's house. Can I take the little toy with me?"
As much as Mack, the and puffed up proud stallion of a man, loved feeling you squirning and writhing in his powerful hand, he isn't about to share you around even if that means showing off how fun his toys are.
He tightens his rough fingers around your dainty little body and replies to his son. "Sorryt little buddy, this lucky little find's all for me. Maybe when I'm done with him I'll give you a turn."
The circle of hulking, sweaty men look envious, but they respect big Mack all the more for his ownership of a little pipsqueak like you.
Mack decides to call it a day, telling Ricky (with a wink) he has a stomach ache and needs the afternoon off. And then he's off, striding onto the hot sun and tucking you into his..
There's no mistaking the pride and glee in Mack's face as he holds you back from his son and buddies, stuffing you into the musty pocket of his work pants. It's been a long time since the giant construction hunk has had something this exciting in his possession, and he intends on using you for as much fun as possible.
Strolling away from the construction site, Mack pats his pocket in anticipation of all the use he's going to put his new toy to once he's home.
Later that humid Summer afternoon, Mack sits at his bedside and pulls off his sweat-filled work boots before slowly peeling off his filthy socks. "Aah," he groans, once you're lying again in the palm of his hand. "I can't wait to have a nice, relaxing evening with my new toy. Work's just been a murder this past week, and I could sure use a nice hot bath. God knows you could too!" He says, mocking the fact that you're covered in his his personal stink.
Mack takes you into his bathroom and starts to run a steamy bubble bath. You're perched on the edge of the bath as your giant owner strips off his clothes. First he throws his shirt off, revealing a stocky belly covered in a mass of black hair. Small hairs even circle his dark, nipples. Then he climbs out of his pants, and stands in his dirty white underwear aone. The man's muscular thighs jiggle a moment after he stops moving, both fat and muscle making the two thick limbs look impossibly heavy and powerful.
Then he peels off his underwear, and a dark brown bush crowns his big, dangling package.
A fat brown sausage and fruit-sized, hairy nuts sway above you almost in slow motion as Mack lifts one leg into the soothing water, and climbs in. His beefy ass passes you as it's submerged in the soapy water, and you watch the water level rise to the brim as Mack relaxes back, crossing his feet atop the foot of the bath.
It's time for you to help your master relax..
You never would have had the will power to stick any part of your body in the beastly man's deep belly beutton.. If you'd been given the option. Instead of asking, Mack lies back and picks you up in his beefy hamd. He turns you upside-down, forcing your head past the bush of brown hair around the hole, right into the warm, moist pit of his belly button.
You're assaulted by a slimy textured paste, which smears all over your face as you wriggle to get free. The stuff being wiped all over your lips and nose is a mixture of dirt, sweat and grime. It smells like toxic waste, and you shake when Mack lets go and chuckles at your puny legs, wavering in the air.
If it weren't for the fact that your shoulders are also stretching the hot, sweaty hole, your neck would probably snap from the pressure.
"That's it, my little rubber ducky, haha, clean out all that shit from your master's belly button." Mack says in his husky voice, grabbing your waist and screwing you clockwise/anti-clockwise like a cutip.
When you're finally wrenched out, panting and traumatised, your face is coated in the filthy man's belly navel junk. Mack has a hearty chuckle at your frazzled appearance and decides that you make the perfect sponge.
Next, he's going to use you to wash his..
Without warning, Mack dunks you under the hot water which is practically swampy with his filth and scrubs your face over roughly with his huge thumbs.
The ridges of the man's fingertips are clear at this size, and scratch at your soft cheeks as he prepares you for another horrible session of service to your master.
Mack wraps his hand around you and sticks your face in his ear, pushing it right in so that you come up against the orangey wax lining the inside. The stiff is thick like creamed honey, and smells sweetly acidic. It's all over your face now, and Big Mack is happily twisting your little body around between his fingers, glad to have his own little human cutip to clean out his dirty ears.
"Hey, kid, I've got a lot of shit to clean out, I can feel it. I'm gonna poke you in my other ear now, and you better start swallowing that wax and grime for me." Steve says, and his deep voice bounces off the walls around your head..
You can't believe Mack expects you to do such a revolting thing, but you have no choice, so you stick out your poor tongue and close your eyes.
As Mack inserts you into his dirty ear, nothing could have prepared you for the foul taste that spreads over your tongue. It's bitter, sharp and seems to sting your mouth. Not to mention the grains of dirt and grime that are collected on your tongue as you lick.
Not wanting to upset your master, you swallow the filth and feel it slide down your throat slowly, heavily.
You shudder, hoping that whatever Mack has in store for you next isn't as horrible as what just happened..
Mack withdraws you from the sticky, gritty hole. Dragging you across his fuzzy cheek, he holds you in front of his face and huffs in amusement. You squirm in his hand- wiping the wax from your eyes and mouth.
'Here little man- let me help ya' Mack rumbles, raising his other hand he rubs his rough thumb pad over you, wrenching your body around. Clearly he didn't notice how rough he was being, or maybe he didnt care- the ridges on his tough fingerprints grazes you as you feebly try and resist.
Chuckling, he extends a knuckle and rubs it against your face. The hairs at the base of his finger scratch against your cheek.
When he finishes his ministrations you can see hes grinning behind his thick beard. "Now, onto your next job" he finally says. Your heart sinks.
Mack shifts in the tub and lifts his tremendous right arm. On the underside you can see a dense growth of dripping, matted, hair. You can smell it from where he held you.
'Phew they fucking reek don't they? Site manager's always complains about my stink.' Mack muses as he raises you to the pit. 'I'd love to have a little version of him around…'
The fingers around your waist tighten as you squirm involuntarily in his grip, now under the meaty archway of the giants shoulder and pec. The tangle of dark brown hair is wet with bathwater and the sweat of a hard weeks labour. The smell is almost physical and a few hairs make contact with your chest and arms as you lean your face away
Macks monolithic head can just be seen behind the melon sized shoulder. 'Go on then- get scrubbing'
All you can see is the wall of hair that is Mack's underarm. 'Scrub.' The deep, bassy voice of your captor prompts. You raise shaking hands and plunge them into the dark stinking tangle. You'll have to lean forward to reach the skin. Cursing your giant under your breath you reach in further and cringe as the hair twists and tangles around your arms. A rogue hair enters your mouth making you choke.
Mack snorts 'You good down there kid?'
Fighting through the thicket of fur, you make contact with he worker's viscid underam. Mack sighs luxuriously as you start scratching deep into his pit. You can feel his hand loose slightly in his content.
You on the other hand crease at the musty air of the giant's pit. The wet hairs snaking around your body as he pushes you into his fold.
Mack is a working man through and through and you can smell it thoroughly. His back breaking labour has erected buildings and built highways. Other men look up to him. They see his height, strength and charisma and see their better. Now he has a tiny man wrapped in his hand. Barely even a man, some weedy high schooler, squirming against his pit. The foreman feels a rush of something. Absolute power. Complete power over another human being.
Mack splayed his hand and flattens you completely against his pit. He rubs you back and forth through the thick fur underneath his arm. You yell but it falls on the giants deaf ears. Whatever noise you make is muffled between his deep pit and massive hand. Another hair enters your mouth as you do so. He shifts his grip so now his fingertips and blunted nails dig into your back, twisting you further in. Mack clamps his
muscled arm to his side fully encasing you. Rolling his arm around he reclines in the tub, content with his power.
Finally light enters the musty crevice and the pressure ceases. You however are still hanging from the fur of his overarching arm, slick with sweat.
Mack finds this amusing enough and he shifts to get a look at you. He sees you tangled in his pit hair and snickers, jabbing at you with a blunt finger, watching you swing.
Mack steps out of the tub and dries off, keeping you clenched in his fist the entire time. He heads back to his room and sprawls out on the bed, opening his fist to smirk down at you.
"Ready to get me off, bug?" he rumbles throatily, eyes dripping with lust. Mack sets you down in front of his heavy ball sack and orders you to lick as he begins slowly pumping his rod. You don't hesitate, throwing yourself against the enormous man's scrotum and dragging your tongue across the still-sour flesh with a sense of urgency. Mack hadn't done much washing during his bath, and the musky smell permeating your nostrils is evidence.
Groaning a bit, Mack changes his grip to include both his now-hard pecker and your entire body, stroking you up and down against his now-perspiring flesh. Your face is forced in and out of the opening of his foreskin as you're jerked mercilessly up and down. After a few minutes, Mack lowers you down beneath his balls and presses your face deep into the hairy cavern of his ass. He shoves your head right up against his hot, smelly pucker and lets out a thundering fart, cupping his hand there while he laughs. You choke and gasp, trying not to pass out though it would surely be a mercy. As the odor subsides, Mack's pumping hastens and he grabs you up to be re-included in his fervent strokes.
After what seems like ages of being drug ruthlessly across the construction worker's cock, he starts to moan and tighten his grip. He pulls up his foreskin and forces your face into the bunched opening a moment before letting loose his first torrent of spooge. You'd rather be dead as the hot, viscous goo blasts painfully into your face, nose, and eyes. Breathing isn't an option for nearly a minute; the entirety of which is spent still being slowly stroked up and down by the mature stud whose possession you are currently in. As the last of his massive load trickles out of his slit, Mack sighs in satisfaction as he lowers his right hand over you, pressing you face down into his cum-soaked pubic hair. He snickers a bit, gently mashing his hand from side to side as he drifts off to sleep. Your lungs struggle for air as they are both flattened and clogged with man-seed. The palm presses down ever more heavily as Mack slips out of consciousness completely, and your body slowly compresses while you gasp for oxygen.
When Mack wakes up in the morning, he feels great. He goes to move his hand, but finds that it's stuck just above his dick. The man rips his hand away, only to discover the remnants of your lifeless, paper-thin corpse matted in pubic hair in the middle of a dried pool of semen.
"Shit," he grins, "I still had a couple of plans for him."
"Hey boss came to watch the have you," You hear Mack say in a cheerful voice up to his boss. You look up grateful for the break between Mack trying to make you cum, you see the man who 'saved' you. As you look at him you realize he's also huge and pretty muscular. There are some differences though between him and Mack is that his boss is the definition of a bear, as you look up at him you can see his muscular hairy arms across his chest where you can see some hairs coming out of his shirt. As you look up at his face you see he has a small beard and the only place that seems to be devoid of hair is the top of his head he seems to be bald up there.
"Mack what are you doing with that bug?" Mack's boss ask him while giving him a stern look. "It's not a big but a small boy, and I'm teaching the kid who's the boss," Mack replies to his boss. As he said that you see his boss raise an eyebrow and come in for a closer look. "Well I'll be damned, it is a tiny boy," The Boss says as he gets a good look at you. "See told you," Mack says as he puts his finger back on your erection and starts rubbing it again. This time though you couldn't hold it in as you moan loudly and arc your back as you shoot your load onto Mack's finger. "There now that ought to show you who's the man around here," Mack exclaims in a cheerful voice as he looks down at you with a smirk. As you lay on Mack's big palm you turn your head to look at his boss who is still staring at you. As he catches you staring you hear him say "Lunch breaks over everyone let's get back to work." "Alright then where am I going to put you little guy?" Mack asks you, but you know it was just a rhetorical question he probably already knows where he's putting you. "How bout you give him to me Mack I'll keep him safe while you're working and it's about to be my lunch break too so I'll take good care of him," Mack's boss says in a voice that lets you know he isn't going to take no for an answer. "Well sure boss take him with you, and heck why don't you take him home today you live all by yourself you could use some company every once in a while," Mack tells his boss. "Thanks Mack I'll be sure to remember that and you can pick up the boy later or I'll bring him tomorrow," The Boss replies as he looks a you laying on Mack's sweaty palm. "Alright let you know what I decide later be seeing ya." You hear Mack say as he drops you onto his hairy boss's hand. You look up at the older man as he walks away with a smile on his face. A you lay there you hope he doesn't treat you horribly as he starts walking somewhere you can't see.
Where does he take you?
Soon you hear a door and you see a roof. Not sure where you where at you start to sit up. "Well I'm on my break kid and you're going to help me enjoy as much as I can." Mack's boss tells you as he brings you up to his face. Wondering what he meant by you helping him enjoy his break you decide to ask him. "What do you mean help you enjoy Mr…." You start to ask but you're interrupted by the giant man. "Call me Boss for now and what you're going to be doing is I'm going to put you somewhere on my body and you're going to need to help me by doing either what I say or you doing it on your own, now let's get started." Boss says as he puts you…
Dom walks over the rocky earth at the construction site towards the kid with the bad attitude, whose slack he's clearly going to be paid to pick up.
With every step he takes, the soles of his boots grind against the hard rocks beneath, inadventently mashing you into the sopping wet socked foot that weighs down on you so heavily. The sun is blazing right over the site today, which means Dom's boots are filling with sweat extra fast. And all that sweat seems to be washing up years worth of dirt and toejam from the worn old boot's insole. It all makes for the most gruesome breakfast you've ever had.
"So, Buster, what got you into construction?" Dom's muffled voice sounds irritable, as he tries to strike up conversation with his superior's slacker son.
"It's Junior." A younger, moody male voice answers. "And my dad made me take this job. Dah. I've got better things to waste my time with than this shit."
"So I see." Dom grits his teeth, lifting a heavy wheelbarrow while Junior sits on his ass in the shade..
While Dom lugs bricks and tools up ladders and across the construction site, and you're perpetually mashed into his broad, stinking socked sole as the sun rises and his boots fill with sweat, you listen to what you can of the muffled conversation between he and Junior.
"So, ya don't care much for working, do ya?" Dom grunts as he drags a cement-filled wheelbarrow into the corner.
Junior snorts. "What a stupid question."
"Okay then." Dom sounds ready to snap. He's a rough-edged mechanic, used to communicating through grunts and curse words, and handling smartasses with his fists. But if he wants to keep his job, he'll have to tolerate this obnoxious kid for quite a while. "What do ya like? If answering that isn't.. too much work."
"I don't know." Junior props his feet up on a stack of working materials, keeping his eyes averted to his iPod. "Music. Xbox. Same old shit."
"Lunch time, boys!" Rick hollers across the site.
This is the first thing all morning that's gotten Junior's attention.
The boys take a break from working under the hot sun to eat lunch. While you slide around with the pebbles and grime in Dom's boot, you can't hear much but chomping and gulping. Sounds like Dom and Junior's less than friendly conversation has come to a halt while they eat.
But then you hear something. "Damn pebbles in my boot.." and the musty sock crammed in your face starts to pull away. Before you know it, Dom's massive foot has completely exited the boot and your world is turning upside-down!
The man sits there on a stack of bricks, stuffing his face with a sandwich while he shakes his boot out with the other hand. In the corner, Junior slouches back with his earphones in and his eyes shut, listening to music.
Neither one of the giants notice that, with the tiny collection of pebbles tipped out of the old workboot, you've come tumbling out too.
Atleast, they haven't noticed yet.
You've been desperate since the start of this ordeal to get someone's attention, anyone's attention. But having just spent a full day wedged between Dom's beastly foot and musty boot insole, listening to his dopey, macho sexist rants and half-drunken complaints about work, you're too repulsed by the manly giant to consider approaching him.
Instead you scurry across dirt and rock towards Junior, the lazy teenage drop-out employed by his dad to keep him of trouble. Granted, this isn't the kind of kid you'd hang out with in real life, but you're short on time and your closeness in age makes you slightly more comfortable.
You approach the young monolith, who just stood up to take a stretch. His ass is probably asleep after all he's done today.
Standing near the boy's unscuffed workboots, you're totally in awe of the god-like teen. Junior might be a little pale and on the scrawny side at regular side, but having to crane your neck to see the teen colossus, he looks nothing short of Herculean..
The somewhat pale, moody teen just so happens to look down at the spot you're standing before his boots.
He furrows his brow and simply gawks at you, his expression running the line between confusion and disdain. You stare back up, stunned by his sheer size and your first real interaction with a giant since shrinking.
Finally, he makes his move, lifting his massive boot in the air.. and kicking a handful of pebbles right on top of you.
You cry out in shock and pain as you hit the dirt, feeling bruised all over by the rocks.
"What the fuck are you?" The teen mumbles, looking minimally intrigued.
"I'm a human being!!" You shout up, spitting out dirt. "Man, you've got to help me!! I've been through so-"
"You're a bug." He interrupts, seemingly speaking to himself. "Just look at you. I could step on you and kill you." The boy's once bored eyes glint evilly as he lets the sole of his boot hover over you. This kid isn't just a douchebag, he's sadistic.
He's getting a huge ego hit from watching you squirm.
You know not to move, there wasn't any point. Junior's boot could drop and crush you before your little legs could carry you outside the enormous dark shadow which engulfed you and blotted the sun from your vision. He smirked and moved his shoe away, his body and face coming back into view. "You've got balls for a bug I'll giver you that squirt" Junior says stretching.
The way the sun reflects off his skin makes him seem like a God before you. You really are nothing compared to this goliath. He lowers his hand down to you for you to climb on and despite him doing no work there are traces of dirt on his hands. You climb on the rough surface of the teen's hand and are rushed up towards his huge face.
In front of you are Junior's pink enormous lips which look soft to the touch, curled up into a slight smirk as he looks at your shrunken form. The boys nose above has a slight bump in the middle and the nostrils move as he takes long breaths in and out. Next are his deep brown eyes gazing intently at you, you seem to notice a glint of happiness in them, probably cause of his little discovery. A mop of messy blonde hair sits atop his head covered slightly in speckles of dirt from the dust blown in the wind around the contruction site.
As you gaze into the face of God you can't help but stare in awe, that's when you're blown back from the gust of wind as the titan speaks. "What's a little guy like you coming near a big guy like me anyway runt? I'm Junior by the way, remember that." You shake your head as if coming out of a trance, this guy was incredibly handsome, not to mention intimidating. That's when you decide that there's never gonna be anyway back to normal, this is your life now, puny, pint-sized Jack, a pet to all he meets. If you're gonna have to be someone's pet it may as well be Junior's.
"Junior…errrrr sorry MASTER Junior" you say correcting yourself, the boy smirks even more as he hears this. "I was coming to find help, but seeing you as the God you are I decided it would be best to just give myself to you, I'll do anything you say, I'm yours!" you shout up. Junior can't believe what an oppurtunity he's been presented with, wide-eyed and smiling from ear to ear he dumps you into his back pocket and fighting an errection he turns to head home without even telling his father he's leaving.
You don't know what to think. You've never felt this way about a guy before. But then again, you've never found yourself inches tall and staring up into the beautiful eyes of a guy like Junior before.
At this size, all the rules are turned inside out. Contact with another human being is now daunting, dangerous and exciting. A simple trip from A to B is now an epic, harrowing adventure. A moody kid you'd have found obnoxious in real life is now a towering, breathtaking, awe-inspiring god.
Sitting in Jr's jeans pocket, your feelings of awe and admiration for the giant teen are heightening. Just being surrounded by the smell of his unwashed clothes is intoxicating. Knowing that his skin is on the other side of the taut denim.
Every now and then, his monolithic fingers come in to poke at you, confirming you're still in place, and you shiver with glee. Even though Junior has shown you little regard, barely acknowleding you as more than a puny toy, you're overjoyed to be HIS insignificant little possession..
"Well, this is my room." Junior yanks you out of his pocket and drops you on his bed, dumping his jacket by your side and kicking off his boots.
You look around the vast room, crowded with rubbish and old clothes. While this place would look like a dump to most people, to you it's a gold mine. Every stained old sock, screwed up food wrapper and scrunched up pair of boxers is another holy object you just want to bow down next to and worship. Because it's made contact with him.
You wander over to the huge, blue hooded jacket on the bed and bury your face in its warm fabric. The smell is nothing short of heavenly.
Junior hardly notices. He's busy pulling off his shirt, which he dumps over the jacket, and spraying some deodorant before rummaging through the laundry for something cleaner.
While he's rummaging, you're overcome by the urge to..
While your gorgeous teen master pulls a new shirt over his slim body and wiggles into it, you fall to your knees by the old one he's left balled up on his bed.
You can see the hem, tracing the armpit area, where a wet patch of the fabric marks the spot soaked in the warm sweat of Junior's left pit. After a long day in the sun, you can smell the spicey pit sweat strong in your tiny nostrils. Normally the stench would be sickening, but the knowledge that it belongs to your godly young master makes it a beautiful, intoxicating scent.
In a daze, you lower your face to the wet patch and inhale deeply. "Mmm.." The smell is so forceful, it almost burns the back of your throat.
You bury your face in the wet patch, reeking as it does of boy sweat and traces of deodorant. You take little licks, tasting the bitterness of the soaked fabric and enjoying the beautiful warmth, until..
Mesmerized by the site of your godly teen owner, you clutch the sleeve of his gigantic blue hoodie and swing over the bedside, to the floor by his feet.
While your new hero goes on sniffing and discarding crumpled old shirts, looking for something to cover his lean bare chest, you're staring in awe at the ten perfectly shapen toes sitting in arm's reach in front of you. Each one is long, athletic and ever so slightly curled so you can see the thick and healthy veins stretching across the tops of his feet.
Every now and then the boy's toes twitch subtly; probably subconsciously. You can see tiny balls of lint stuck between the magnified cracks and creases. You can smell the fleshy, funky odour of male teenage feet that have been couped up in sweaty old footwear all day.
Your heart races every time you catch a sniff of that heavenly aroma. Each time one of those massive toes shifts or curls, all you want to do is throw yourself under it and kiss, lick, worship your master's feet like he deserves..
One look at this cocky, self-important teen and you can tell he's not going to help you. Severely regretting your decision to approach Junior you turn around and dart in the other direction, hoping to get the attention of one of the other more mature workers.
But you're not going anywhere. In under a second, the hard sole of the kid's boot comes slamming down on your back and pins you face-down into the hard gravel.
"Wow. That was a pretty stupid thing to do, trying to escape me." He says in that same cocky tone. "I guess you're one stupid little fuck."
You're still crying from the pain of your fall when Junior lifts his boot off your back and bends down (the most amount of work he's put himself to all day) then picks you up to inspect you a little closer.
The dirty blond-haired teen hasn't the slightest bit of compassion on his face as he frowns and turns you over in his rough hand. Only a bored, heartless indifference.
"Yep." He finally says. "You'll keep me entertained for a while. You're mine."
You can't find the words to argue. You can barely breathe. Your entire world has just shattered to pieces, in the time it took one giant, moody teenager to sneer down his nose at you and say the words "You're mine."
Even before, when you were trapped in Dom's awful smelling boot, you had a ray of hope that when someone finally discovered you you'd be saved and everything would go back to normal.
But that eventuality is never going to come, all because you let yourself fall into the wrong hands. This spoilt kid, Junior, has claimed you as his property. There's nothing you'll be able to say or do to change his mind -- He clearly doesn't have a decent bone in his body. And you'll never be able to escape from whatever endless horrors the obnoxious teen has waiting for you -- He can conceal you from the world as easily as closing his fist.
Goodbye future. Goodbye school. Goodbye family. Goodbye life. You're an object in the greasy hand of a power hungry teen giant now, nothing more..
When morning arrives, you're still tangled among the stale-smelling fabric od Dom the mechanic's dirty sock. You're broken out of your fitful sleep by a series of earth-trembling stomps. They get closer and closer until the cocoon of black material around you is yanked into the air and you feel yourself swinging, clinging to the stinky sock for dear life, lest you fall out and splat between the unaware giant's bare feet.
You manage to hold on, and you're rewarded with no less than a great big toe flying into the sock and mashing you against its inside.
you're trapped under an unwitting young greaser's foot as he shoves it into his boot and says goodbye to his friend. The hardness of an insole slams against your back as the giant foot settles on top of you. Once outside, the leather prison starts to heat up and the hairy toes sitting on top of you begin to drip.
It's seeming like your hellish roller-coaster ride is never going to end, when all goes quiet outside and the foot pinning you releases its burden. You've only been in here for ten, twenty minutes and already Dom is taking his boots off. This is odd, because you thought you heard him tell his friend that he had somewhere to be. Unless he changed his mind and headed straight home to catch an extra nap, which would afford you a chance to escape.
Finally, the weight of the giant's foot is transferred off of you. He must be putting his feet up.
With nothing but a layer of worn, damp sock separating you from the world outside, you can hear the voices of two giants clearly. One is Dom's, and the other is unfamiliar…
"Have you been wearing them for days?" The other voice is saying, a little hushed and definitely excited. "They look good. So good. Mouth watering."
"Sniff 'em." You hear Dom answer in a pointedly cocky voice. "I haven't washed 'em in a week. Haven't blown a load in days either. You're gonna swallow my sword, sniff my nasty socks and then beg me to let you pay me for it." Dom sounds vicious, as if he's taunting the man. But somehow you don't think the man minds…
You can feel the strange man's breath pattering down on you, through the fabric of Dom's sock. You can hear his nose sniffing and see the shadow of his lips approaching though the musky material…
The giant pacing around you had finally finished getting dressed. He was still upset about being fired and couldn't be any more angry than he was at the moment. You watched him move around hoping he would see you or not step on you, you didn't want to end up under those massive soles. Dominic seemed to be ready to leave until he looked in the mirror.
" Dammit, my hair," he said.
Dominic bent down towards his comb. You watched in horror as his hand was heading straight for your body. You tried to run but you only fell, your foot was caught in the actual comb itself.
" Dominic!!! Look at me!!!" you yelled.
Your ankle was twisted because of the fall and it hurt really bad. Dominic's hand covered the comb and lifted it up, your body hanging from it in pain. His hand went towards his hair ready to comb. You kept yelling but the noise of the shop made it hard for him to hear you. His hand went back and forth smoothing his hair out along with your body. You had to endure the pain of your ankle and your body being drug over his hair.
Finally the giant finished and slipped the comb in his pocket. You fell in and was released from the comb. The smell was horrible. His sweat along with the gell from the comb and your body made everything ten times worse. You tried to find fresh air but nothing worked, you had to deal with it.
Dominic started to leave the room for the final time with you in his pocket unaware…
Before you realize what happened, you get snatched up by an enormous hand. You find yourself in a massive palm staring up at two enormous faces. One is a blonde with a firm chin, quite muscular. The second is dark-haired, slight beard stubble, but much more athletic. Both smile down at you. "Look at that, he's so adorable…" says the one holding you. "Sure does," responds the other, who now spent quite some time away from Dom the mechanic. You shout up at them "Let me go! I'm a person, not a toy!" The two laugh and coo like you are a dumb animal.
Before leaving the bar, the blonde muscle dude shoves you in his pocket. You soon realize you're going to be their…
Cast into darkness, you have little idea what would become of you. Suddenly you hear a door slam, and another one. Then you hear clothes sliding off skin and zippers loosened. Then the pants you're in go limp, as if the legs disappeared. With a swift slap, you struggle out of the pocket to see what's happening. You look up to see the blonde giant, now sliding off his boxers to reveal his awesome manhood before you. You turn around and see the athletic dark-haired giant doing the same, but still distracted by the blonde's junk.
Suddenly the blonde says "So, Ted, do you want to try out our new sex pet first?"
"Naw, Barry," says Ted. "You go first,"
You swiftly realize that…
Who gets to play with you first?
Behind you, Barry's hand descends and drags you along the bedding, closer and closer to his awaiting cock. You try to resist, but all the while he laughs. "C'mon, it won't bite." He places his hand with you against the cockhead. Then he says "I'm ready for you to pleasure me, sex toy." You have no choice. You start to run your hands around the giant's piss slit. Immediately it starts rising until it's beyond your reach. You approach the hardening dick and start rubbing the surface. It rises even more. You hands get warm and sweaty and above you, you can hear Barry say "Oh yeah, that's it, keep going," repeatedly.
Eventually as your hands start aching…
Eventually you can no longer reach the shaft of Barry's enormous dick. Realizing this, he reaches down and picks you up. Then he reaches with a piece of string in his other hand. You don't like the looks of this at all. He carefully ties it around your hands. Then he leaves you hanging like a necklace as he lowers you back down to his hardened cock. With the other end, he gently loops around his shaft and ties it off. You are now left hanging from his dick. Ted smiles with delight "You always bring the best gifts, Barry…"
Suddenly his face gets closer and closer towards you and Barry's cock. He shuts his eyes, opens his mouth, and sticks out his tongue. He starts licking your feet. His tongue feels rough but when it leaves, your soaked feet feel cold despite the warmth of man around you. Ted's tongue wraps around you as he licks the underside of his partner's cock. He licks you up to your chest, leaving you soaked. Then unexpectedly with open mouth, he engulfs you and Barry's dick, sucking on it. He releases you after a few sucks, drenched with saliva.
Then before Ted can repeat the same thing again…
Suddenly Barry says "That's enough Ted, I'm getting tired." You can feel the rope loosen around you as he unties the knot around both you and his dick. Ted backs away from the bed, still stimulated but disappointed too. Barry reassures him by saying "You can play with him next time. But for now, do you think he should sleep with us?"
Ted smiles at the thought "Sure thing, it'll be fun."
Apparenty you are planned to be…
Ted pulls back the covers of the bed. From your perspectuve in Barry's firm hand, the surface looks like an immersuable soft plain. Carelessly he drops you onto the bed, letting you bounce slightly. You can hear both of them laughing as you try to right yourself on the soft surface. But once you do, the ground beneath you sinks to one side. You look to see Barry settling himself and covering his lower body with the covers. He spreads his left arm out by the pillow, watching Ted get into bed. Once he does, both of them pull up the covers and slowly try to fall to sleep.
You now find yourself in a dark labyrinth of tunnels where the blankets do not wrinkle the smell of their feet and manliness is overpowering. As for your captors…
The whole time, Barry and Ted snore. Barry shifts in his sleep. When he turns to his side, you find yourself close to his muscular thighs, close to his monsterous groin. You would scream in fright, but you can barely hear yourself over the deafening snores. Eventually the warmth and darkness overpower you and despite your unusual situation, even you fall asleep.
When you wake up, you find yourself exposed and uncovered on the mattress. You struggle to see, but after being cooped up in the darkness, your eyes need to adjust. But suddenly you hear someone say.
"I'm taking a shower, and I'm borrowing our little pet for a bit."
It turns out to be…
You can hear Ted shouting "Go ahead. But bring him back."
You look up to see Barry stomp into the bedroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His blonde hair shimmers in the morning light, which also shines on his well-toned gym-tuned body. He was a god to you. But you don't have long to enjoy the view. Barry statches you off the bed and carries you into the bathroom. He then sets you on the soap bar as he shaves and brushes his teeth. He must take great effort to look good. Then he tosses off his towel and starts the shower. A loud roar of water splashes down on him and on you as well, loosening up the soap as you sink slowly into it. After a quick shampoo, he grabs you and the bar. With complete disregard of your presence, he wipes you across his muscles. You have the foul taste of man sweat and soap in your mouth. You then find yourself on his nipple and off the bar of soap. He notices you there as he holds you in place. A loud roar of water splashes onto you and washes away all the soap off of Barry's godly body.
He steps out of the shower and, holding you in his hand, dries himself off with the other. Then, after a spray of deodorant beneath both pits, he looks down at you and says "I still have some time to kill before work. Let's have fun until then."
With that he wants to…
Barry, steaming from the shower, carries you off with the towel wrapped around his waist again. You look on and see the bed, no different from what it was when he took you from it. With a quick leap, Barry bounds onto the bed and lies down. Still clutching you though, you can feel his grip weakening. Then he tips his hand open and you plummet onto his right pec, not far from his nipple. Barry looks on as he gets comfortable and says "Check out this body, my toy. I am so powerful." Indeed he is. You watch as steam rises from his muscles. You start to stand, but the skin beneath you shakes with the slightest twitch. Suddenly Barry leans up and you tumble onto his abs. You find yourself not far from his open navel. You get up and try to run off, but Barry's booming laughter sends tremors down his body. "That tickles," he shouts and laughs some more.
You hear a loud knock on the door. You have no idea who's behind it, but you have a feeling on who it is. "Come on in, Ted!" shouts Barry as you tumble off your feet yet again. The door opens and Ted steps in…
Ted enters with a massive plate of food in both hands, dressed in just his boxers. "I thought you might want some breakfast in bed. I hope you're hungry…" You can feel a faint rumble from beneath Barry's abs and when you look up, Barry licks his lips. "I'd love some!" he responds as yearns for some breakfast. Suddenly, a shadow descends above you. You jump out of the way, close to Barry's pecs. You check behind you. Where you once were, now a massive plate of food balances on top of Barry's firm abs. On it you see a glazed doughnut, scrambled eggs, two bacon strips, and a massive stack (to you at least) of three pancakes drenched in syrup.
Barry smiles. "It all looks so good! Where do I start?" Ted laughs and says "Let me help…" Lifting a fork, he grabs a large blob of eggs. Then he ferries this towards Barry's open and awaiting mouth. As soon as it enters, Barry shuts the fork as it slides out from his lips. He chews with great euphoria before swallowing. You can hear the eggs descend down his esophagus before plopping into his hungry stomach. Barry licks his lips and smiles. Then he shifts slightly to get comfortable as Ted feeds him, but it was enough to send you sliding backwards towards the plate and onto…
You slid onto the plate, under the bacon, and right up against the edge of the pancakes where the syrup was thick enough that it kept you trapped in place at your minuscule height.You struggled to free yourself from your new sticky prison but when Ted decided that his lover could use a bite of the pancakes you're sitting next to, you ended up being instantly submerged.
It was a good thing that Ted was feeding Barry and not the other way around. You were positioned on the Barry facing side of the flapjacks, and had it been he holding the fork, he may have well scooped you up with his very first bite. As it was, Ted was kind enough to start on the other side. Unfortunately when he cut out that first piece of pancake it pushed the remainder of the stack right on top of your legs. Your face stayed exposed to air, but the syrupy, opaque gel around you might as well have been amber since it kept you trapped in place like a bug.
"Mmmm. We'll have to remember to save some for our new toy. He was doing such a good job last night." Ted said as flew the dripping hunk of breakfast up to Barry's lips. Barry was under the mistaken impression that you had tumbled into his navel, and were sitting safely below the plate that his man brought him. The thought of you so close to his cock started to turn him on again.
Ted noticed Barry's growing erection and playfully batted at it.
"We can save that until after breakfast." He told Barry with a smirk. "Now open wide!" he said, picking up a piece of bacon.
Ted presented it to Barry who gave an unimpressed huff and said "You know that I like it more when the syrup ends up on everything."
Ted rolled his eyes but returned the piece to the plate. He just narrowly missed you as he scooped up syrup from all around you. You thought that you were safe, but with the next piece he went right after the spot you were stuck to. Your body glued itself to the bacon as you flew through the air. You screamed for your life when Barry opened his mouth with you on an approach vector.
At the very last second, Ted pulled the bacon back in a fake out. The rapid movement flung you off of the bacon and onto Ted's furry chest. He brought the meat towards his own bearded mouth and at it in one bite. You stuck with a splat to his furry pec.
You hang from your drop of syrup and bacon grease. All the while Ted, on which you are stuck to, feeds Barry breakfast in bed until there is left only marginable remains. These, you think, are meant for you to clean up. "Mmmmmmmm," groans Barry in satisfaction as he rubs his abs and licks his lips. "That was a delicious meal," Ted lifts the plate off of Barry and holds it in the air. Then Barry gets up in bed and says "Don't move honey, I found our little man slave." He reaches towards you and says "Hold still," The glue that holds you to Ted's pec is still wet, so he plucked you effortlessly and holds you towards his face.
"Oh look at him," he says softly. "He's all sticky from that pancake syrup. Lemme clean him up." You had a vague clue what he meant as he opens his mouth wide and drops you inside. Shutting his mouth, he rolls you around his tongue in a pool of saliva and weakening sugary residue from syrup and the doughnut. You brush against one row of teeth, then against another as you slowly get cleaned but still smacked by masticated food particles from the teeth. Then, Barry spits you back onto his hand as you regroup in a pool of saliva. With you in hand, he kisses Ted goodbye and…
Barry grabs a glass cup from the kitchen and then, without a care, drops you inside. You tumble along the glass surface and skid on a thin trail of moisture until you reach the bottom. Then he hands the glass off to Ted and says "Take care of the pet while I'm gone." After another long kiss, Barry gets dressed and steps out of the room. Once you hear a faint slam from beyond the bedroom, you can obviously tell that he left for work. You look up to see Ted yawn a deep low yawn. "Well, little pet, it's too early for me. I'm going back to bed. As for you, you're not going anywhere. He steps over to his side of the bed and slips under the sheets. He sets your cup, or your prison to your perspective, by the alarm clock on a nearby table.
After some tired grunting and groaning despite the approaching sunlight creeping from behind the drapes, Ted falls asleep once more. The alarm clock behind you ticks loudly and from the bed, Ted snores softly. You look up towards the lip of the glass. It is quite some ways above you and despite how high you reach, you are unable to get your hand above the lip. Even so, if you did, you still have to find a way down from the table and hoepfully out the door. But the monotonous ticking of the alarm clock overcomes you as you nod back to sleep.
When you wake up, you look through the glass and notice the bedsheets are twisted and Ted is nowhere to be seen. You beam back towards the lip. This is your chance. You sink your sole to the glass surface and press hard, hoping to stick to the smooth wall. You grab outwards in the hopes to clear the cup. Once you got the tips of your fingers above the lip, a burst of fortitude overcomes you. You keep trying to get a better grip. Then, you clutch the lip with your other hand. As you haul yourself up towards the top of the glass, you hear the creak of a door. Looking beyond the cup and table, you see…
In steps Ted, dressed down into red briefs and steaming from his shower. You can feel the moisture from your perch in the cup. He looks fatigued from a long workout session, and it becomes apparent as he clambers into bed. Crossing his legs with you on the nightstand beside him, he flips on the television. After a few minutes, he loses interest as he earnestly turns it off. Then, turning towards you, he reaches down and picks you up from the cup. He holds you close to his face and says "I need your help, tiny man…"
What does he need?
Ted grabs you by the torso and lifts you from the filthy cup. Then he leans over to drop you close to his bare feet. You don't need to figure out how long he's been working out. The odor-eater stench doesn't cover it well. "My dogs are killing me, tiny man. I want you to give a nice massage to both of them." His toes extend out as if he's pawing the bedsheets with them. "Think you can give a nice job for the toes?"
You approach his left foot resting flat against the bed. As soon as you step close, a muscle jolt startles you and you fall backwards. Ted laughs, vibrating the bed surface. "Don't worry, they don't bite." With that you try and get started. After you start with his toes, he slides his foot over you so you can massage the bottom. The sole is hard to the touch and unpleasant to rub or smell. All the while, you haven't noticed Ted slip on some porn and rub his bulge a little bit.
After you finish both feet, you can hear the porno escalate and with it, Ted demands from you…
Ted shouts up from your position as his feet "Here, use this!" You look up over his big toe and notice a massive metal object descend towards you. Jumping beneath Ted's toe, you fail to notice the object slam into the bedsheet and send a ripple on the surface towards you. As you slide out of cover, you see the object is a nail-trimmer many times your size.
Ted looks too absorbed in the porno in the background to care what you do right now, so he isn't going to help you fetch the tool. You grab the trimmer by the front and drag it along the sheet towards his big toe. Your hands start to hurt as you finished the first leg of the job. After pushing it beneath Ted's nail, you run to the other end and prime the blade. With all your might you press down on the lever and shear off Ted's big toe's nail. But your giant master…
Ted grabs you from your post at his soles and lifts you over to his filthy gym towel spanning over his member. You can smell it before you got close to it, steam rising like a sauna from a recent shower. Then he drops you down onto the base of his abs at the foot of the linen mountain chain.
"I would like a happy ending. You're good at this…"
He lifts up part of the towel, exposing you to his pubes and slowly rising cock. You step inside unwillingly and grasping only a faint knowledge of "happy ending" from high school whispers, but you don't want to risk defying an angry muscle god. As soon as you enter the tent, Ted drops the towel and leaves you alone with his erection. The ground feels hot and sweaty from the excitement of the porno outside. You touch the surface of his dick, which jolts suddenly. Then you begin to stroke the skin, just enough to get a response. Outside you can hear Ted moaning from the enjoyment.
As you slow down your work, Ted lifts the towel. A blast of cold air chills your skin. "Y'know," he says down to you and his rising meat. "My honey Barry when he gives me a happy ending, he…"
You try and respond "How?" Ted's face becomes grave. "Little thing, I think my Barry is cheating on me. He comes home late most of the time, saying he's putting in extra hours as a fitness instructor at the gym. He always comes back exhaused and uninterested in sex, but he never talks about his day." You can tell now that Ted is really concerned. He scans the room for something, then looks back to you saying "I want you to spy on him and see what he's doing late. I know he's gonna revisit the gym when he gets back, so you're gonna stowaway in his gym bag."
Lazily Ted gets up, carrying you with him as he walks toward's Barry's gym bag. With that, he grabs a pair of jeans converted into gym shorts with ripped leggings. Lowering you towards one of the front pockets, he says "I want you to hide there. I'll get you back tonight while he's asleep." With that he drops you inside the right pocket. He then shoves the shorts inside the gym bag and zips it shut.
As expected, Barry returns and without a word, grabs the gym bag with you inside it…
You don't remember much about the journey to the gym, but you soon realize you were there when the bag jolts suddenly and slams you and the shorts against a hard metal surface. Darkness still rules the gym bag, so you stay in your desired post in the pocket. After all if you wander off, you won't know where you'll end up - and it might be much more of Barry that you're willing to stomach after the first night with them.
A loud rip from on high startles you as you curl into a ball. You look up after a large shake of the pocket. Above you, you see up the right leg of Barry. So far, he's wet from the shower and his hair still drips. He is wearing a jock strap now, but now he'll be wearing the shorts Ted hid you earlier. You feel the slide up until Barry slips the elastic around his waist. You have a grandstand view of his junk and abs, that's for sure.
He isn't done yet as he slips on a Spandex tank-top over his torso and a whistle around his neck. After tossing his bag into the locker and slamming it without a care, he wanders through the massive hallways into the weight room. As you climb up and peer out the lip of Barry's pocket, you see that he's an instructor for…
Must feel creepy that after your escape from school shrunk you find yourself seeing your muscled English teacher. He is sitting on the bench, wearing tight athletic wear and a sweatband around his forehead. His thick arms pull five-pound dumbbells to his shoulder and back towards his lap. He looks up at Barry and smiles. "So what's new with you?" he asks.
Barry remains steadfast. "Well, I'll keep training you if you keep paying me. After all, the competition is in two days."
You have trouble comprehending afterwards as your hands lose their grip on the pocket. You hear a few things like "competition," "tonight," and "dinner." But you're not sure if these are your mental fabrications as you fight your way up the inner lining of the pocket or spoken by the two muscled gymgoers. As you keep climbing, you feel a large slam against the surface, sending you falling to the bottom. Barry must've felt you and though you're a bug.
Then after he says "Start with thirty push-ups while I get some water…"
You struggle around as you try to look skyward when Barry leaves the weight room for the water fountain. Once he stops walking and you finally can see out of his pocket, you find your vision obscured by Barry's hand. You panic in the darkness as you feel his massive fingers wrap around you. Then with you in his grasp, he lifts you out of his pocket towards his face. His hair has dried by now, but is still messy from the shower.
"Well, my little boy pet, what're doing in my pocket? Did Ted throw you in there as a prank?"
You shake your head. But still you keep silent, since he probably wouldn't believe if you said you were spying on him on Ted's behalf.
After running his finger under his chin, he then looks with a smile of clarity. "I know then…"
In the gym room, standing before Barry and you in his pocket is a massively-built dude with messy brown hair and blue eyes. Around his thick neck he wears a simple chain with a shark tooth dangling from the middle. Aside from that, he has only a pair of ripped jean shorts and gym shoes. You can tell by the extension of his pubes that the shorts are too small for him.
"Sorry I'm late, Clark. I had work today and some errands at home." Barry says. "No underwear today?"
"Nah, it doesn't feel right." Clark crosses his arms and smiles. "So what's first, coach?"
"Sit-ups. Go to that ball over there and we'll get started. I'll count for you."
Clark steps towards the gym mat with the massive ball and lies down, resting his legs on the ball. He's almost as giant as Barry, but he may be taller. Then again due to your size, everything's gigantic. Barry grabs his watch and watches Clark flex his abs with each sit-up. You watch as well in amazement as the mountains or abdominal muscle rise and disappear.
After fifty sit-ups, Barry stops his watch. "Time's up, good job."
Clark rises like a mountain, clearly drenched in sweat. "Thanks coach, can you hand me that gym towel?"
Barry grabs the towel and as he hands it over to his pupil, he grabs his hand with both of his.
Does Barry resist the temptation?
While Clark grabs Barry's hand, his coach and lover wraps his hand around his left shoulder and feels the fleshy mass. Clark smiles as he shakes his hair aside and runs one of his hands down the Spandex tank top. Your voyeur view of the whole thing sends shivers down your spine, fearing for Ted rather than yourself. He's right, Barry is cheating on him.
Clark slaps Barry on the shoulder, which sends a shockwave that rattles his shorts pocket and knocking you back inside. "You're an awesome coach," Clark says as he adjusts his jean shorts. "I'm gonna do something special for you. We'll take my car." Grabbing his gym things with one shoulder and guiding Barry's with the other hand, he walks out into the night with his coach and lover.
For a while you had no idea where they're going, but it can't be back at the apartment. Despite you're Ted and Barry's fluffer toy, you just can't help how bad Ted would feel if he finds out what happened. Then when brightness enters the pocket, you peek outside and find a bright cushion-filled room. The walls are covered in smiling bodybuilder posters all dressed down in colorful thongs. Before you and Barry, Clark steps in from the corner in a glittering purple thong. "Clark must be a stripper," you think.
Clark taps a jar filled with bills on the coffee table. "Like my earnings? Usually these are tips and I charge for specialties, but for you I'll give you something for free because I'm a nice guy." He runs his hand down his body. "You have all this for the night, coach. What would you like first?"
The giant muscled stripper Clark strikes a pose, folding his arms behind his back and spreading his thick trunk-like thighs. He glances at Barry, who claps in anticipation. With that, he struts around the room with a sexual smirk. He grabs the straps of his thong and suspend them from his thumbs. Waving his hips, he tosses his junk around within its purple walls as he smiles.
He gets closer to Barry with the same smile and gleaming eyes. He bends back and shakes his junk around. You can tell that this is a tight fit on such a man. With arms spread across the velvet armchair where his gym trainer sits, he looks into his face and suddenly says…
"Will you dance for me…" Clark winks. "Coach?"
Looking up through the pocket, you watch Barry slide his gym tank top over his face, then out of your sight. There he stands before his pupil and secret lover in all his glory - bright warm and buff. Then the cloth floor beneath you shakes, swinging you against the fabric walls. As you get bumped against his leg muscles, you get sent tumbling over as you try to turn around and see out your only portal outside. The view becomes worse as the pocket bounces, but you can see Barry shaking his sides with arms up, snapping his fingers. You can hear the loud shock of his fingers despite the rustling in his pocket.
Suddenly, the dancing stops. You look idly through the pocket. His dance for Clark doesn't appear with a lot of energy, either because he's worn out from the gym or uncomfortable with the moment. Outside the pocket, Clark gets onto his knees and rests his head on Barry's crotch. The world goes black as the pocket gets pressed shut by his muscled arms.
Ted stands on the side of the bed above Barry. He runs his hand over his neck and shoulders as he yawns a gaping yawn. Dressed in his boxers, he asks Barry "I see you're not at work yet. Do you think we can have some together time before you leave?" Barry doesn't turn away his lover as Ted climbs onto the other side of the bed. He crawls towards him and leans over you. You watch as Ted kisses Barry. Then Barry leans forwards and pulls him in for a massive hug. You tumble from your spot on top of Barry's abs as the two make out. You find yourself then sandwiched between Ted and Barry's muscled bodies, but not far away from Barry's wet and loosened towel and Ted's boxers. You can feel their erections grow…
Barry, with you in hand, steps towards the bed. He gets both legs on top of the sheets and settles down. He stretches them out and with toes extended, he sighs a pleasant sigh of comfort. He looks down at you with delight. "Looks like we have time for you to explore my private jungles." Slightly confused, as soon as Barry unfurls the towel and exposes his shower-soaked pubes, you soon realize what he meant. Lowering you towards his member, he drops into the pubic forest. The hairs are quite large and they form a tangled growth making it difficult for you to move. Barry with his massive finger pushes you deeper into the mess. The whole place smells badly of sweat poorly masked by the soap from the shower. You look up through the canopy of hair to see the mountain that is Barry's cock towering above the forest. And it is growing slowly…
You struggle to stay on the horny hunk's cock, hands worn from tending to his erection. Above you, you hear your giant master laugh. "C'mon tiny pet," says Barry. "You can do so much better than that." A shadow falls over you and you hear "Here, lemme show you how it's done…" You feel yourself getting pressed against Barry's cock and hand, ready for action. Suddenly, you feel yourself slide up and down his dick. Your face gets messy with sweat and you feel yourself getting rubbed raw. But you feel the blood vessels in his dick throb violently.
Is Barry ready for sex?
Suddenly one of the giants grabs you and says "C'mon little guy, it's time you do a little spelunking." You soon realize that you're going up the ass of…
Barry examines your miniature man curves in his had as he unravels his fingers. "Mmm Ted I'm glad you decided to pick him up!" The giant blonde says to his athletic counterpart, before turning his head to face Ted, who's laying out on the bed fondling himself.
"Yup. Now c'mon, I wanna feel him in their with you!" The athlete coos from the bed, on his back. He winks at Ted from below and you can tell they love each other, sexually and in all other definitions of the word. He grins maliciously, the giant athlete, whose toned body and muscular physique show off all of his hard days at the gym and his experience as a sportsman, probably means for you those mountainous globes of butt-cheeks lying on the bed won't be fun. Again, for you anyway.
Barry responds to the cooing, and glares back down at you. "Mmm he's right. I love fucking that ass of his! Lets get you out of those clothes, little man." The playful, and yet dominating giant begins tearing off each individual piece of clothing until your hot little body is exposed. He holds you, face-up in his hand, as you shiver coldly, the fear in your eyes apparent, and the erection at your midsection all the more prudent and proudly standing out. "Yup. Your hot for us." The giant heartthrob tshines a smile at your face. his gloriously defined boys-next-door look melts your fear, but only temporarily.
Barry, without a second thought, turns to the bedside. He looks at Ted's slightly defined abs below, and feels his head go abuzz. The bigger bottom he loved to fuck will love the new addition on his hole, he knows it.
The giant blonde puts his knees on the beg and with his free hand, starts rubbing his lover's thighs, and Ted responds by lifting them up and placing them on Barry's shoulders. "C'mon, show him his home for the night . . . "
Barry takes a whiff of the mansweat on Ted's feet, and swiftly sticks his ridged hand, with you head-first, into Ted's ass. Your first instinct is to scream ,but as the giant inserts you all the way up to your waist with only your little legs exposed.
Ted almost screams coarsely with delight. "Oh fuck the little toy loves to wiggle!" He says, an erection forming at his waist.
Barry smiles sadistically. "Oh, that and much more, hon!"
Ted, as if he was helping you or just helping Barry get inside, he grasped at his erection and with his forefinger, opened his hole a bit. You feel, in the dark warm smell precipice of the athlete's prostate, a small relief. Your erection loosens from the walls of the hole, and flops about, every time it hits the walls of the hole it just makes Ted hornier.
Barry on the other had, has gotten on his knees on the bed. He watches your struggling legs and your squirming, and its only helping him get aroused. His mighty 8 inches of manhood, dwarfing you by about four times, looms, unknown to you, just outside of the grand entrance.
"Mmm Hold on boys I'm coming in!" Bary shouts as he quickly forces his cockhead into your tiny hole, or against it, and into Ted's "Love Tunnel"
You scream in fear as the cock pushes you further into the hole. Remnants of shit and other crap surround yo. You are partially dragged out and then back in as Barry begins to fuck Ted, but still, Barry's manhood has no problem completely trapping you in the manhole. You shiver in darkness as you feel your bruised little ass getting pounded by the mere piss slit on Barry's cock.
"Ohhhh FUCK, Barry, man, that little tiny's… up in that hole!" Ted says between his myriad of moans, shouts, screams of pleasure, growls of ecstacy and stroking of his mighty cock.
"YEAH, take it… Mmmf that's right Ted! Like fuckin two of you guys.." Barry shoots a moan as precum begins to leak from his mighty cock as his rhythmic pumping continues. He can't control himsef: his piss slit is fucking a little shit in Ted's hole as he fucks ted's hole!
You, on the other hand, begin to pre all over The tunnel in the middle of Ted's thighs. You find it so hot, that even though you migh tdie or get shitted out the next morning, that this is the most intense virginity-taking experience you could possibly have!
While you think this, it seems the giant's have stopped for a second. You stretch your neck in between the tight tunnel of an ass you're trappedi n, and light pours in. Only for that brief second, until SLAM!
With one last fuck, Barry and Ted SCREAM with immediate pleasure. Barry shoots his gigantic, to you, load all inside the ass of his lover, as Ted begins shooting across the air, onto his pecs and chest, Unknown to the twinks, you have came too, the miniscule orgasm mixing in with Barry's.
Barry and Ted both scream each others names. God only know what they'll do now . . .
Both Barry and Ted, exhausted from the sex-capades, breathe heavily into the silent night in the aptly furnished apartment bedroom. Ted, stroking the remnatns of a gigantic load from his cock, lets the organ flop around as he rests his arms at his sides.
You look in at the cock head in the darkness of the hole. Barely able to move since being in the convulsion of the hottest fuck session of your life, you try and turn your body in the small hole, and grasp onto the cockhead. You weren't sure what to do, but if you didn't get out of the ass, you wouldn't survive the night, or you thought. Barry, on the other side of the beastly cock and in his exhaustion, almost doesnn't realize the little fucker inside is struggling.
"Mmm I think he wants out, should I let him out Ted?" Barry asks, between a soft yawn and a rubbing of his stomach. He felt drained and so energized from the sex at the same time!
"Go ahead, I've got a job for him." Ted says, with his own full yawn.
With that, Barry responds to your grabbing the cockhead. He slowly pulls out, and watches cum dribble from the outside of Ted's hole. As he looks up at his cockhead, he sees you scrambling at the top, trying to stay on his mighty monster.
"Oooh. He's a feisty one. I don't think he'll break very easy! Come look Ted!" Barry moved his dick up and cradled his head in his hand so you wouldn't fall.
"Yup. Good for all sorts of fun . . ." Ted reaches for your cum-soaked form, and grabs you form his partner's cock. "Enjoy that, little man? Mmm I know we did. Come on Barry, lets get to bed."
Barry turns back and flips out the lights. Your immersed in darkness, but the faces and bodies of your giant captors and masters are still apparent. The giant fucker Barry gently joins ted on the bed.
The giant Ted dropsy you onto his cum-soak checked. "Mmm You better get to cleanin my chest, little fuck filler . . " You look all around you thinking it will take all ight to clean this shit up! ". . . Cause if you don't, I guess me and Barry here are gonna have to think f something more 'fun' for us to do, right Barry?"
Barry nods You feel your world of Ted's chest tilt to its side as Ted and Barry face each other and begin to pleasantly make out til' they fall asleep. You . . .
Eventually, as the giants make out session seems to come to a slow, sensual end, yo ufind yourself stranded on the smelly, rising and falling pecs of a very well-defined Ted. You look around, the body of this 6 foot athlete now might as well be your dirty floor to clean. And to the opposite of the heavenly pecs, you see the loosely defined body of Ted's hunky heart throb. Through the darkness, you can see he has a gorgeous smile on his face. The breathing below you and this warm smile keep you energized and erect.
Thus begins your job. You turn and get on your knees, making sure that , on this body you call a gigantic bed, you can stay on your hands and knees, licking off the cum. You fear for the punishment that these giants have for their sex toy. In thinking this, you wonder: has your life amounted to nothing more than that of a tool for pleasure? You dind't have time to think about it.
You maneuver about the crevasse between the pecs on Ted's body, licking away the quickly-drying cum and making sure you didn't miss a spot. You take in the odor of a man whose worked out most of his life. The scent easily reveals to you that Ted doesn't like wearing deodorant. The strong musky scent overpowers your nose when it hits his skin, but you continue. Your erection protests you quitting, but again your brain says stop.
Traveling up towards the hill of a nipple on the palmost miniature plateau of a pec on Ted's chest, you choose the pec with the less amount of cum. Get the smaller job done first, you think.
Eventually, after what seems like an hour of cum-licking goodness, and making sure you hadn't missed a spot on the godly giant's left pec, you turn towards his nipple. Glancing at it from afar, the full nipple's almost twice the size of your head! You crawl towards it, on the slanted body you thank to god hasn't moved since you began, and closely look in on the wrinkles of the nipple. The brown wrinkly object has cum covered in between the fold of it. Damn, you think, do you have to get through that too? Looking up at the giant Ted, and thinking about his commanding voice, you figure you better go on with working the cum out of his nipple.
You get on your knees in front of the beastly upheaval of sensitive skin, and press your hands against it. You move your head in low, stretching your upper body against it. With your tiny tongue, you reach in to the biggest wrinkle you can find, stretch the nipple out a bit to widen the crevasse, and begin to lick.
"Mmmm . . . Oh B-barry you like my nipples?"
You hear Ted's booming voice in his sleep, and alertly raise your head. You feel the heartbeat under the pec start to hasten, and htne a deep vibration of the body under you.
"Oooh… don't stop maaan… I like it."
You feel your whole world start to shift, and, glancing around, you know what's coing next. Ted's grasping for Barry in his sleep! You stare up at the athlete's arms and he has already grabbed Barry, his left arm holding Barry's shoulder.
"Ohh, y-yeah…C-c'mon T-ted . . ."
Barry, you fear, might be having hte same dream! The blonde adonis extends his own arm, grasping Ted's upper arm in response. The unconcious giants begin to turn towards each other in their sleep, saying sensuous things as if they were still so horny, they start having sex dreams!
Grasping the nipple with all your strength, the cleaning situation has gone awry. The rest of your body has began slipping off Ted's body, and now your head against the nipple with your hands grasping at the loos skin, making Ted hornier, are alll that's keeping you from falling. Until Ted and Barry get closer, then . .
You feel your ass being approached by the nipple of Barry's hunky body. The wrinkly form quickly fills your ass, and as they collide in hte night's last grope-fest, the giants' upper bodies cement you between them. Your face in one giant's nipple, forced to suck on it, and your ass is being fitted by the other.
"Oh, y-yeah.. you know how I like it Ted . ."
"Barry, Mmm . .. Y-yeah suck it . . ."
Those and a myriad of other moans are all you here for the rest of the night. You fear that the unconcious giants could crush you in their sleep. But . . You feel your erection brush against the hard skin of the athlete. Mmm you are so turned on by this, and the very fact that wet dreams could cause these giants to stop you from doing your job and eventually pin you against their hot, twink-like bodies keeps your horny all night.
As the night progressed, you were forced to stick to the fate of being fucked by one nipple and forced to suck on another all night long. It was not a total waste, however, since, feeling Barry's wrinkly cock-like nipple fucking your ass kept you hard. That being said, both nipples that had you pinned against them stayed hard all night long as well. Nevertheless, having your arms pinned against the meaty, firm skin of the two giants, you couldn't jerk yourself off, and forced yourself to deal with Ted's pec hardly letting your dick stand up. The sheer eroticism of the situation was also what was keeping you awake.
Eventually, after what seemed like hours of humping Ted's pec, you fall asleep with both nipples still inside you.
The trouble did not end there, however. As light poured into the room and the seven AM alarm went off, you jumped from the sheer noise of the alarm. During the course of the night, the giants' embrace had also loosened. As a result, you fell what was a few feet to you towards the springy mattress below.
Ted, who has the alarm on his side of the bed, groggily lays his body back on the bed, feeling his seemingly blind hand around for the 'snooze' button. The giant utters a few curse words, hearing the prolonged alarm. You're glad to know that you're not the only one in here who isn't a morning person!
Barry, on the other hand, springs out of bed. Although he is groggy and determined to stay in by the look in his eyes as he turns to face Ted, you can tell Barry is much more easily gotten up than his significant other.
Not noticing you, the blonde giant speaks to his lover.
"Hey, hon . . ." He mutters while slowly trotting across the bedroom, and collecting his clothing for today. "I'm getting ready for work!"
Ted wipes the sleepers free of his eyes, the ripped arm lagging in the morning from what you can tell, and nods to his lover.
"O-ok . . just make sure to yet your c-cell phone before you leave . . ." Ted murmurs, without opening his eyes and just waving Barry goodbye from the bedside.
As Barry turns into the couple's bathroom from a door to the side, Ted turns back on the bed, shaking the springy plains and misshaping them till you fall to your knees, until his upper body and eyes face you once again. The giant cannot see you, as far as you can tell.
Looking him over, you can tell despite the giant's drowsy stature he still manages to look as sexy as ever. Sporty an elongated morning would, your surprised the giant wasn't up first-thing, taking care of it. On the other hand, you hear running water in the bathroom. Barry's taking a shower!
You take this opportunity to weigh your risks and locate the immediate exit. The door at the foot of the bed was the only one left - so that must've lead to the rest of their apartment and finally to the free world. Knowing this, you stare up at your giant captor, Ted, and decide . . .
You know that if you stay like this and stay with this horny couple, you are going to remain a sex toy for the rest of your life. You look around the room. Ted's eyes are tightly shut, resuming his interrupted sleep. Barry is still in the shower and soon he will head for work. Now is your chance. You run along the mattress and climb down the disturbed bedsheets. You keep running. Soon you enter a hallway, marked by so many massive doors and to one end, a living room. Steam crawls from beneath one of these doors, possibly the bathroom. You step towards the living room, hoping that the exit will be close…
Suddenly a vast cloud of steam crawls along into the living room, only to rise and dissipate. Then you hear monsterous footsteps. You look beyond the corner of the doorway into the living room and see Barry, still wet from the shower. You can see the steam rise from his muscular chest. He is cloathed in his jeans, carrying his socks and shirt in hand as he trods barefoot into the living room. You have no idea if he's leaving or staying for the moment before he leaves.
He heads into the kitchen at the other end of the living room and returns with a mug of hot coffee. Then he trods close towards you…
Suddenly, the massive gay muscle dude stops in front of you. You watch as his massive steaming toes spread into the cool carpeting. But you don't have long to enjoy this as Barry reaches down towards you. Instinctively you run under the couch, but he grabs you between his thumb and index finger and holds you tightly.
He raises you to his face, smiling in a mixture of sinister and pleased. "Our cute pet really likes to escape from his giant masters, doesn't he?" he asks you. Then he looks around and says to him "There's no reason to escape. You're making our lives incredible." Though you know the only thing incredible about it is being their personal sex toy.
Then, Barry…
With that, Barry carries you in his firm fingers into the bedroom. His footsteps upset his partner, trying his best to fall back asleep and grunts at the noises. Barry opens a drawer full of boxer briefs and gym wear. He picks up a pair of red silk boxers and dumps you inside. You fall onto the pocket meant to contain a normal-sized man's penis. The he rolls up the bottom and sides. Now you are trapped as the giant tucksa you back into the drawer and shuts it. You are now stuck in a warm environment. The boxers are relatively clean, but you can still smell a little bit of the previous occupant.
Then you hear the drawer slide open, rattling you to the core. It's…
Their pet…
That idea ran through your head over and over again until you are taken out of his pocket.
"here you go, our new pet."
I am taken out of the blonde's pocket and put into a brand new…
"Here is your new and permanent home."
And with that I am put into the gigantic ,and also very pink, castle.
They locked the main and left me in the castle.
"Have a good nights sleep."
With that the posh couple left me in the castle and left.
The posh couple would visits every now and again.
But they only visit to, Play, and give me food.
I have been forever put into a castle and given the title:
Little Poshy…
A horrible name…
But this is my life now.
At least I get a pristine lifestyle.
But it is as a pet.
You can't stay in this noisy classroom with these meat-head jocks and loud-mouth trouble-makers any more. You run into the hall, hoping that there might be some-one - anyone there who can help you.
There are still a few kids on their way to classes. You notice Walt, walking with his head down and his books clasped to his chest. Walt must be the only guy in school who's quieter than you, and his shyness suggests that he doesn't have an entirely bad attitiude.. Then again, if some-one doesn't speak much, there's no telling what's going on inside their head.
Corey is leaning against a wall outside his class, talking on the phone. He has glowing blue eyes, perfectly groomed golden hair and gleaming white teeth. Prom king and over-achiever, you have to admit you kind of hate Corey for having everything handed to him on a platter in life while you've found making friends to be so hard. Then again, he seems like a responsible guy, and being Mr Popular doesn't necessarily make him evil.
On the other side of the hall, Matt is chatting with the new exchange student. Matt is also extrememly popular, mostly because he's involved with every sport the school offers. Though he's no jock - Matt has a swimmer's build, a neat smile and a sweet, effeminate nature.
Then your eyes wander to the door which stands in the middle of the hallway, the one with the word "DETENTION" marked clearly across its window. This is the room where a lot of Herculean High's class clowns, troubled teens and ignorant jocks are forced to hang out after their classes are over. Having all of these trouble-makers together at once can be dangerous, which is why the school's guidance counsellor, Mr James, always stays to supervise the class. You've met Mr James before and he seemed really, genuinely nice.. But you're not sure if venturing into the detention room to find him is worth the risk.
Most of these guys look nice enough. But are they nice enough to trust with your life in their hands? You decide to approach..
Walt stops at a drinking fountain for a mouthful of water before class, and you seize your chance. It's a warm day, and he's wearing a striped polo shirt which is loose fitting enough to maybe be a size too big for him, along with shorts and flip-flops.
Walt is reasonabley tall, spends most of his time alone, swimming or jogging, and has a very traditionally handsome face. In fact, he'd be extremely popular with girls if he wasn't so extremely withdrawn. Alwyas awkward in public and painfully shy when asked a question in class, you can't imagine some-one as mild-mannered as Walt ever speaking to a member of the opposite sex. He's rarely seen walking with another student, and never a girl.
But as low as his self-esteem may be, as you approach the towering teen and have to crane your neck to look up at him, Walt is beginning to look like the most powerful, intimidating teen God you've ever seen. He hunches forward, drinking from the bubbler, and his calves flex like that of a Greek god above you. His red lips drink in the torrent of water, his healthy skin seems to glow with virality, and his relatively small feet look great big islands before you.
Trying to keep in mind the boy's timidness, you have to be careful in approaching him. He could easily mistake you for a bug and call the janitor to squash you.
Approaching the giant, flip-flopped foot, you're almost too nervous to reach out and touch it.. Until fate acts for you.
Walt feels his phone vibrate, notifying him one of his games is ready for something. He grabs it in his back pocket and slips it out, but drops it as he goes to look at it. It drops to the floor about an inch in front of you, making you shriek in fear and fall back. You look up at Walt as he leans down to get his phone, his hand freezing as he stared at you.
"What the…?" He mumbles, and before you can say anything to him, he snatches you up in one hnd, his phone in the other, and stomps into the bathroom. Crap. Hopefully he doesn't hurt you…
He suddenly drops you, and you're sure you're about to fall to your death, and close your eyes screaming out of fear, before you feel yourself hit something. The sink. He dropped you in the sink. You can see him plugging up the drain with some gum, and you're not sure if that's for your safety or for you not to escape.
You quickly attempt to run up the sides after he finishes, and he just stares at you as you slide on the glassy surface back down. "Good." He says, before leaning on the sink, making your world groan slightly. "Walt, please, you have to help me!" You call up to him,standing again. "Help you? I don't think so, little guy." Walt forcefully pokes your stomach, easily knocking yiu down. "I don't care what you wanna say, bug, I finally found my target."
Walt turns to leave, wiping water from his lips, and his eyes lock onto you instantly. His eyes are quite a beautiful colour, you notice as they widen all the way in shock.
With a look of disbelief on his face, the shy boy bends down and closes his great big fingers around you. "Oh my god.." He brings you up close to his big, gentle face and examines you. You can feel the moisture of his giant breaths, like warm breezes against your face, as he looks closesly at the little man he's discovered. "You're.. You're.."
"Tiny! I know! And look, I don't know how it happened but I need you to help me!" You call up, anxious and impatient. But the look on Walt's face is anything but hurried. He looks fascinated, even tranquil.
"No.. I was going to say.. You're adorable." You've never seen this guy show any kind of affection or vulnerability, but as he brings you towards his gigantic lips and rubs you against the soft, cushioney flesh, you feel the shy giant pouring all his pent-up love and adoration into you as you remain clasped in his hand.
"I'm sorry, man, but I've wanted something like this for too long - I can't let you go now." Walt's sad, sweet face has never looked so tender and loving, though the doting expression does nothing to put you at ease.
You stare in shock at the colossal teen. "But - What are you talking about?? I'm a human being! We take chemistry togeth-"
"I know, I know. And I've been watching you for a long time, my little heart-throb.. Regular-sized guys are way too intimidating to approach but, see, at this size you're the cutest little boyfriend a guy could ask for, and I can keep you my little secret all at the same time."
The word 'boyfriend' echoes in your mind as that loving smile returns to Walt's face, and he lowers you into his pocket, ready to head home..
Walt takes you home in his pocket, so on the way you have some time to think. You didn't volunteer to be this giant geek's tiny boyfriend but the situation's really in his hands now, so you're going to try your best to accept your fate.
You remind yourself that things could be a lot worse. Your school, Herculean High, is full of bullies and dumb jocks. You could have ended up in the hands of someone much worse than Walt. Actually, you've always thought he was pretty sweet.
His pocket sure is warm and soft inside, and smells of his naturally pleasant body scent. Every now and then on the way home his giant hand comes in to stroke you, which makes you close your eyes and relax. It feels so nice that you grab his huge finger and give it a quick hug and kiss to show your appreciation before he pulls it back out again.
By the time you get to Walt's house..
Walt sticks his hand into his pocket and brings you out with the utmost care and gentleness, and for the first time you see the inside of your classmate's bedroom. It's quite neat and clean, with books stacked on a shelf in the corner and his shoes lined up in front of the closet, but you're not paying attention to the room.
You're looking up at Walt's beautiful face. You never realized how sweet and handsome he was. He takes off his glasses and his brown eyes sparkle down at you as he strokes you in his hand.
"What do you say little man? Will you make me the happiest teen in the world?" He asks.
You nod, and snuggle up to his huge thumb which is stroking you. He couldn't be happier.
"I'm so happy that you're mine, little man. You don't know how long I've been watching you from afar, wishing you were my boy. Now you are, literally mine, and I've never been so happy."
You realize that you've never been this happy either. You'll never have to worry about school or work or your future, you just have to put your fate in the hands of your loving giant boyfriend and let him take care of you.
"It's been a long day, and it took us a while home so it's late. I better put you to bed if you're gonna get up early and go to school with me tomorrow." He winks.
Then you're put promptly to bed..
Walt sits you on his bed while he gets dressed into some cute blue pajamas. He smiles at you sort of shyly as he pulls his school clothes off, revealing his slim toned body.
When he's all dressed he picks you up and rewards you for your patience with a kiss on the head. "I don't want to squash you in my sleep, so you're spending the night in one of my favourite shoes."
He places two blue low-top Converse Chucks by his bed, and takes off his socks to provide you with blankets as he places you neatly inside of one.
The smell is fresh, not to smelly, but boyish and sweet, just like Walt. You notice on the way in that the shoes aren't too scratched or dirty but there's a tiny heart penned in blue ink on the toe where no-one would notice. It has the initials W+J inside (Walt and Jack) which makes you smile.
"Night, little lover. Sweet dreams." Walt blows you a kiss and turns the lights off, and you snuggle up in his fresh smelling sock to sleep.
In the dark, you wrap your arms around the bunched up sock that has spent the day on your gentle boyfriend's foot.
You can still feel the warmth in the cotton from him wearing it, but there isn't a single bad smell or anything to put you off. Only Walt's feet could smell this fresh, clean and tempting. You nuzzle your face in the fabric and breathe warm breaths as you fall asleep.
This is Heaven. It's like sleeping on clouds, even better. If you stretch out you can feel the canvas of the inside of Walt's she walling you in. You've never felt so safe, protected, comfortable and loved.
You have sweet dreams all night, until morning comes..
You wake up in the morning to feel a soft fingertip rubbing your chest gently. You stretch out your arms, feeling the canvas of Walt's Converse and you remember everything that happened yesterday.
You open your eyes to see Walt's beautiful giant face peering over the side of the bed at you with a lazy grin.
"Good morning, my perfect little boyfriend. I'm taking you to school with me today because I can't stand to be away from you. But I have to keep you somewhere safe because Herculean High is rough and sometimes I run into bullies. So you're gonna be tucked away.."
Walt is first to get ready for school, brushing his teeth, showering and changing into his school clothes while you look away respectfully. You're sure your shy boyfriend will share himself with you when he's ready.
Then he picks you up and gives you a tiny wash with a washcloth, and reaches in to his collared shirt to pull out a plain gold necklace. "My dad gave this to me on my birthday. It used to belong to him and he always said it was good luck. If that's the case, I can't think of any safer place to keep you."
The boy smiles at you sweetly and then threads the chain neatly around your chest, using the clasp to make a secure little belt around you so you can hang off his chest.
"I'll give you some of my lunch and talk to you in the bathroom during my break." Your beautiful boyfriend winks at you and then lowers you into the shirt, against his chest..
"I know it might not be the most gamorous place to spend your day but I promise, my hygiene is great and if it gets uncomfortable in there you can just tap on my foot and I'll let you right out. But it is the safest place I have for you."
Walt explains this to you apologetically as he holds his blue converse sneaker up by the tongue allowing you to peer inside.
"Are you kidding?" You reply..
"I'd love to spend the day in your shoe!" You reply happily. You can't imagine a place on your boyfriend's body that would smell too bad for you to handle.
His skin smells like the rose soap he uses to shower and even his sweat is sweet and mild. Just to show him you mean it, you lean down on the bed where you're sitting and give him a big kiss on the big toe.
"Aww." He giggles shyly as he pulls on his socks. "I love you, little man.. So, which part of my shoe would you feel most comfortable in?"
"If it's all right, big guy, I'd like to stay under your toes. I'm sure it would be nice and warm under there, and if I get lonely I can always hug them."
"Aww, really? That's so sweet." He says, touched. "I would have thought you'd want to lie under the tongue or somewhere more spacious but if you stay under my toes I guess I can curl them around you to play with you when I get bored in class."
It's decided. So you climb into the shoe with a little gentle assistance from Walt and crawl to the end, where the canvas overhead is low, and you lie on your back.
Walt peeps in and you give him the thumbs up, then you watch in awe as his great white socked foot comes pushing its way in, filling up the shoe and sitting on top of your chest.
Light flooded in from the window next to Walt's bed. Walt woke up and stretched, getting up to check on you. He walked over to his shoe and saw you curled up inside, still asleep.
"Aww" Walt thought as he bent down to wake you. "Hey, little man" he whispered, not wanting to scare you.
He slowly rocked the shoe back and forth and you woke immediately. You stretched and yawned, looking up to see Walt standing above you.
"Morning" Walt smiled and wrapped his gentle fingers around you. He sat you on his bed, next to him.
"I had the best night sleep ever!" You smiled. "It was great in there."
"Glad to hear" Walt smiled again, but this time the smile quickly faded as he realized it was a school day. "Crap, school!" Walt had forgotten to set his alarm, it was already 7:50 AM.
"Walt?!" A female voiced called from outside the door, it was his mother. "Are you ready for school?"
"I feel kinda sick today, can I stay home?" Walt shouted back.
Walt's mother came into the room unexpectedly.
Walt's mother was shocked at the tiny person sitting on her son's bed.
"Mother! I uh…"
"Is that a… person?" Her face was pale white.
"Yes, can I please keep him?" Walt begged.
"Keep him? Like a pet?" She asked, confused.
"Well, kind of, yes. But it's a relationship, we are together now…" Walt explained.
"Well… if he likes it, I guess." She stared at you.
"I do like it!" You shouted loud enough so she could hear you.
"Well… alright then…" She said. "Just, take good care of him, OK?"
"I will" Walt said, picking you up and giving you a kiss on the head. "And another thing, can I stay hone today please? I want to spend some time with my tiny man."
"I guess for today, you can stay home and have some time with him." She said, walking out of the room and closing it behind her.
"Well, what should we do first, my love?" Walt smiled.
Walt is wearing his cute blue pajamas when he reaches in and pulls out a plain gold necklace. "My dad gave this to me on my birthday. It used to belong to him and he always said it was good luck. If that's the case, I can't think of any safer place to keep you."
The boy smiles at you sweetly and then threads the chain neatly around your chest, using the clasp to make a secure little belt around you so you can hang off his chest.
"There we go. Now I'll know where you are all night, and you can keep warm." He winks and slowly lifts you into his shirt. You see the light go off outside and as he lies down you lie flat against his chest.
It feels warm and comforting, and smells great. You've never been this close to another guy, it's like hugging him but a hundred times more intimate because his skin is all around you. You can even feel his hand patting you softly from outside, soothing you until..
Walt starts to snore softly around the time that his hand stops patting you from outside and you feel it sitting on your back through the flanel of his PJs.
You spread out your arms on his smooth skin. It's like a field of soft white flesh and you can feel his heart beating steadily underneath.
You're enjoying the smell and the warmth of your boyfriend's chest when something starts to happen..
Walt must be a little bit of a restless sleeper, because he hasn't long dozed off and you feel his huge chest shifting beneath you.
You feel like you're in some soft of earthquake when the very surface of your boyfriend's chest starts to tilt and before you know it you're hanging from the chain, against the flanel of his PJs which doesn't seem to have anything under it.
You know Walt is lying on his stomach when you feel the bed hit you through his pajamas and his smooth chest comes down on top of you and lays flat..
You feel Walt's warm skin against yours, as it presses down on you. You ended up right in the centre of his chest where you won't be crushed by you're giant boyfriend. As walt breaths in and out, you feel the pressure increase and decrease as you're pushed into the matress over and over. You're so close to Walt's heart that the rhythmic beating slowly lulls you to sleep.
You wake up in the morning as walt rolls over, then turns his body and stands up. He walks out of his room and to the bathroom, seemingly forgetting about his tiny boyfriend hanging from his neck. As he washes his hands after peeing, he can feel something banging on his chest. He looks down and then remembers about you.
"Oh my God Jack!" He says as he grabs you, pulling you out from under his shirt. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about you. Are you okay?" You look at the genuine distress across his face as you reassure him. "Yes, I'm fine Walt. Actually I'm great! That was the most comfortable place I've ever slept." "I didn't crush you or anything? You're not hurt?" "You don't need to worry about me Walt, I promise."
"Okay, if you're sure." Walt says, still concerned.
Walt's skin is so soft and smooth, and you were getting so carried away spreading out and enjoying the expanse of his skin that you start to slip off his rib cage and you land between his underarm.
In his sleep, the giant must feel tickled and he pulls his arm in tighter so you're trapped in his pit.
There you are, hugged by his flesh and hair, and..
You're curled up in Walt's magnificent arm pit while he sleeps and you couldn't be happier. It feels like being inside a hot pouch with his soft brown pit hair sliding against you, and the boyish musk of his skin seeming like a beautiful perfume.
You nuzzle your face into the hairy patch and give it a little kiss.
Then, feeling curious, you give it a little lick and find that it actually tastes great.
So you rub your face happily into the rug of pit hair and sleep there fondly until..
You must have been rubbing your face a little too hard as Walt woke up from it.
Walt's eyes shot open as he looked around the dark room. He noticed you were no longer on his chest. He called for you and you have him another tickle under the arm, letting him know where you were. He reached under his arm and wrapped his hand around you and pulled you out and up to his handsome face.
"How did you get in there?" He asked, turning his lamp on.
"I slid down into it." You replied, rubbing your eyes from the bright lamp light.
"Sorry" Walt blushed a bit.
"Don't be sorry, it was amazing in there!" You smiled
"Really?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yea, could you maybe put me back? I won't tickle too much." You chuckled.
You spread out on your beautiful boyfriend's chest and enjoy the way it feels, all smooth and warm, against your hands.
But then you feel something else. Your fingers breeze over a huge, rubbery knob and you feel Walt jerk a little.
"Wow.. That felt good, you cheeky little boy." He laughs.
You hadn't realised you accidentally fondled the boy's giant nipple. But since he seemed to enjoy it so much..
"What do you say we have some fun now little guy?" Walt says lustfully.
Excited, you nod again. You never imagined he would want to get intimate already.
Seeing your answer, Walt smiles and places you on his bed. The teen then proceeds to remove his clothing, stripping down to his birthday suit. He then climbs over you, giving you an amazing view of his body as he lies next to you in the giant bed.
You eagerly jump onto Walt's massive stomach, tickling him a little bit as your tiny hands and feet scale the fleshy land. You look toward his groin to see a rising erection, taller than yourself. You crawl toward it. You reach out to touch it and it immediately reacts with a twitch. You then wrap you arms and legs around the flesh pillar and start climbing it. You hear Walt moaning from above as your body rubs along his boyhood.
"Keep it up little man." Walt says letting you know that he likes what you're doing down there.
You reach the top of Walt's cock and….
The next time you see daylight you're in a huge, neat bedroom and Walt is setting his bag down near his computer desk. "This is your new home, little cutie. I hope you like it." The giant teen looks slightly nervous as he introduces you to your new life, though he shows no sign of giving in should you protest. He's made up his mind and in the quiet, stubborn way that intellectuals often assert themselves, he only averts his eyes when you struggle madly in his grip.
"Walt, you can't do this! I'm a human being and I need HELP! I can't be owned, or told who to love, or what to do!"
This time, Walt looks into your eyes and giggles adoringly. He wraps his fingers tightly around you, whispering "Shhh.." into his hand as you try to scream, your mouth full of his flesh. "Oh, little man." He coos. "You are so, so cute, I just wanna squeeze you until you pop.. But it's okay, I'll be gentle. You're my first boyfriend, and I'm never gonna let you get hurt or get away." Up close, the boy's giant features are actually stunningly handsome. If only he weren't in the middle of force-feeding you his love, you might find him charming.
He walks to his bed, lies back and frees the growing erection from his shorts. When the mighty fingers free you again, you're greeted by an even greater fleshy tower of flesh.
"That's right, little boyfriend, take care of your lover.." Walt whispers as he dumps you onto the warm organ. Your struggles against the horny teen are useless. The lonely introvert has has convinced himself that you're his boyfriend and you ought to do what a boyfriend does - And there's no telling him otherwise.
You're pressed against the huge, smooth penis as Walt closes his eyes, relishing the touch of another man. He says breathlessly, "Ohh, little man, I love you so much.. That feels amazing.." His massive hand clutches you when you try to wriggle away, and all it takes is one giant finger to force your face into the wet knob of his erection.
Your first taste of another boy's pre-come fills your mouth and trickles down your throat, making you gag. The giant's moans are getting louder and louder as he rhythmically slides you up and down his shaft, recieving the pleasure he's been waiting a life-time for..
Suddenly, the grip pressing you against the member is released. As you land and try to get up, you tumble down towards Walt's belly as he thrusts his pelvis up. Just as you look up, the monolith you were being rubbed against explodes and streams of white rocket over your head.
You watch as they crash onto your "lover's" belly, and just beyond, the Walt's eyes were clenched in ecstasy. Slowly the opened and a playful smile spread across his face. His hand reached down and plucked you up. His heavy breathing could be heard from below as you are dangled right in front of his eyes.
"You are such a naughty boyfriend," he whispered, giving a wink. "We have a rule here in this house: you make a mess, you gotta clean it up."
"W-what!?!" You cry out in anguish, but it was too late and with a tiny splash, you land in a pool of quickly cooling cum. "How am I supposed to clean this?"
A large pinkie presses into the semen and the cum-capped tip is smeared into your face. "Well cutie, you never had lunch today, so I'm sure you must be famished. We can solve two problems at once."
"No! That is disgusting, I am not going to do tha-"
Mid sentence Walt's other hand came from behind and snatched you up only your head is free from the grasp. Your stomach churns as you are tilted sideways.
"I know what's best for my boyfriend," Walt whispered in a calm, yet stern voice. His other hand came into view, pinkie extended, still lightly coated in his semen. "Now open up, sweetie."
You couldn't believe this! Just a few hours ago you were having a regular day at school and now you are in the grip of the shyest kid at school and being fed his own seed.
As the pinkie moves closer, you must quickly decide what you are going to do. One false move could really put a damper on this "wonderful" relationship.
You take one look up, into Walt's peaceful eyes. This is a kid who's probably spent his school years being picked on by bigger guys, who's never had a boyfriend and is used to his brain-power being the only power he has.. But that's all changed in the time it took for the giant shy guy to snatch you up in his hand and become the young owner and master of another human being. All the power Walt has ever imagined and more, in his possession just like that.
"You know, I'm being a good boyfriend to you." He says gently, in a reasoning voice. "I could keep you in my pants with my dick all day long. I'd love that." He gushes, just imagining the thrill. "But all I'm asking you to do is this one little favour for the love of your life."
As much as you resent the giant geek's insistence that he's 'the love of your life', you realise he could be much more cruel to you if he wanted, and decide to co-operate before he changes his mind.
You lean forward and poke out your tongue, then hesitantly touch it to the quivering tip of Walt's giant, slimey finger. The taste of your new boyfriend's semen spreads throughout your mouth like wildfire - It's like salty pineapple, with a sharp fishy aftertaste. Just as you move to pull ahead away in disgust, licking it off your lips, you feel Walt's other finger on the back of your head and SPLAT! Your face is pushed flat and hard into the sloppy fingertip, like a clown being given the old cream-pie-in-the-face gag, only Walt's cream is smellier and tastier than any other you've tried.
Your face jammed into the meat of his fingertip, you squirm while Walt holds your head in place for a few seconds and you swallow a nice big mouthful of his copious seed.
When you're finally allowed up, panting and choking, Walt has the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face. "You really do love me!!" He beams. "I knew you'd do what you were told! Oh, I love my little man so, so much.." He grips you tight in his hands and covers you in big, wet smooches all over.
"You really are the perfect little boyfriend." Walt says. And then, ever the unpredictable giant lover, finishes: "That's why I won't leave you in my underwear all day, like I promised. Two or three hours, tops, and you're coming out.." Blowing you a kiss, Walt pulls his briefs over his sticky cock and tucks his screaming boyfriend safely inside.
Walt just lies there enjoying his new tiny boy friend pressed against his dick, it's like nothing on earth and yet he is just enjoying every minute of it.
Walt's wearing a striped polo shirt, shorts and flip flops. The cheap, rubbery kind you can buy at Wal-Mart for $3 or $4 a pair. The flip-flops are black with a green streak at an angle in the middle, with gray on the heel. They actually looked pretty cool and maybe something like a skater guy would wear.
As Walt lifts his massive foot and starts to walk in your direction, you instinctively start to run in the opposite way. You are running as fast as you can to keep from getting stomped like a bug under this teen guys giant flip flops.
You suddenly trip on a small rough spot on the linoleum floor. You get up as quick as possible and look up and see the bottom of Walt's massive flip flop coming down on you quickly and cruelly. You look up at the sole of his powerful flip flop as it descends onto you. You then realize that your entire life has come down to this one moment; this final conclusion of being crushed under a teen guys foot like an insignificant insect. you scream as loud as you possibly can; the loudest you ever have before, but it didn't matter. As he stomped on you, you were forced to smell the bottom of this giant, teen flip flop. You felt like you were being pressed down really hard; a sharp pain went right through your pelvis and torso at the same time, and then you felt a horrible flattening sensation with your skull and a sharp pain go through you entire body, and then…
Walt, without even realizing it, has crushed you dead like the pathetic, little maggot that you are. You were painfully snuffed out like an ant under his giant flip flop.
You decide to approach Matt; the swimmer's build hottie that borders on a femboy in appearance. If his dark brown hair was any longer, he might even be mistaken for a girl from a distance.
The exchange student plods away further down the halls, just as Matt turns his feet towards you. His massive stompers are contained with some white slip-on sneakers, the tops of which are quite clean, but your momentary view of the treads tells you these shoes are well-loved and well-worn.
Matt begins to take a step, his gigantic right foot coming to a rest mere inches from you, within your grasp.
You manage to reach out and grab a hold of the shoe that had crashed down before you. No sooner than you had hauled yourself up to the mouth where his ankle came to the shoe, you noticed how soft, smooth and… hairless his legs were.
You are then shaken from your stupor by Matt lifting his foot to take another mammoth-scale step…! You reach out to grab onto the rim of the shoe…
You find yourself tossed to the linoleum floors before Matt's foot that you had just managed to climb onto!
Your body screams at you in pain as the wind is knocked from your lungs on impact. You're pretty sure you broke… quite a few somethings from that landing.
A shadow begins to descend… the tread of Matt's shoe! As it approaches, you can see the dirt, dried mud, bits of grass, and a dead cricket smeared into the waffle pattern outer sole of the shoe.
The waffle tread continues its unrelenting approach.
You suddenly find yourself experiencing an entirely new world of pain as Matt continues to walk… with you stuck to the tread of his sneaker. Each and every step pounds more life and air out of you. You try to scream, but bits of dirt are forcefully crammed into your mouth by gravity just as another step cracks a few more bones. You taste disgusting earth and iron as blood begins to fill your mouth. You struggle to breathe…
…before one final step pops your tiny life out of existence.
No one ever was able to find you. And Matt never even noticed another tiny red stain on the waffle tread of his favorite white slip-ons.
You manage to adhere yourself to the edge of his shoe. You dangle precariously as a new ornament for the giant, effeminate jock as he simply walks down the hall.
Each step is like a bomb going off; both in volume and sheer shock. The vibration rattles your entire frame down to the bone. You…
You manage to pull yourself upwards, finding better purchase! Yes! You're no longer a dangling piece of living jewelry.
Interrupting your mental celebrations is Matt adjusting his giant foot within the shoe. From the look and sound of it, he's stretching out his toes… and flexing his entire foot!
All the adjusting and rustling causes you to lose your footing, your tiny legs slipping down past the inner side of his ankle… and into his shoe!
Immediately, you feel the sweat from his feet, and begin to smell the odor of teen jock foot. You come to a stop with your head barely poking out over the edge of the shoe… but he lifts his foot for another step. You feel like you've just been shoved into a stunt plane with no warning, as your body topples deeper into the shoe. With your vision now near-nothing, and the miasma of teen foot stench choking your senses, you are tossed further into the shoe with each torturous step. You finally meet the sweaty, spongy insole of the shoe.
An immense pressure greets you from behind. The soft, wrinkly flesh of his sole has felt you, and he pauses to adjust his foot again… he twists his heel upward and lifts his foot…
You scream as you fall at an almost 90 degree angle to toe section of Matt's slip-on. He brings his foot back down, sealing you without warning between his big and second toe. Though you can barely see, you can feel and smell your new neighbors.
Matt's massive toes are angelically soft… but stink like nothing else! And you can feel globs of semi-solid toejam, one almost as big as you, sharing your toe-flesh prison with you. Matt seems to be more comfortable now as he lifts his foot again!
At least this time you're not being tossed around. Tightly sealed between Matt's mighty, sweaty toes as he keeps walking, you begin to adjust to his canter and the timing of his steps. The gargantuan soft appendages surrounding you pound away at the shoe, the floor… and now you.
It seems like an eternity before he sits down and stops walking. From what little you can hear, he's in a car. There is another voice, one you don't recognize, but you can't exactly make out the words, even of your captor. He flexes his toes idly in his shoe, squeezing you like a little stress toy. Your eyes bulge and it knocks the air from your lungs.
You need to get his attention… there's gotta be a way… think, damn it, think!
Matt's toes continue to tenderize you, squishing his toejam and oily sweat up against you. After that last squeeze, you realize a glob of his toejam is stuck you… great. You huff, opening your mouth to take in a greater breath, just as his toes squeeze you tightly once again, forcing toejam and jock sweat into your mouth. You gag, spluttering and trying not to vomit. Your thrashing elicits a few wiggles from Matt's titanic, angel soft toes.
You continue to flail and kick between his toes, making them wiggle more and more. Another hard squeeze forces the air from your lungs, before you feel his foot lift upwards, like he's about to walk again…
Time seems to slow… the foot lifts higher, higher… the gigantic toes surrounding you arch before…
Matt's foot came slamming down to the footwell of the car with the force of the heavens. You were instantly knocked unconscious before you could even register the shock of what happened.
____________________________________________________________________________ ___________
You slowly begin to come to… a pounding headache and the feeling of being hit by a freight train greet you. For a brief moment, you thought you were hungover. But then the stench of Matt's massive twinky jock feet returned to your nose. Nope… Not hungover. You are quickly reminded yet again of your current position as Matt walks once more. From what little you can hear, he's left the car he was in before. You can make out the sounds of a door being unlocked as Matt walks inside and closes the door, locking it behind him. You perceive something gigantic and heavy slam to the ground outside your prison, as you feel Matt collapse onto something… maybe a chair, a sofa? His feet fly high, putting you at an odd angle in mid-air while inside the shoe. At this angle, you should be touching the toe cap of the shoe. But you're not… You're plastered between Matt's toes. You hear your titanic captor sigh deeply outside.
Matt turns over, his feet facing upright now. He must've been on his stomach before, you think. Suddenly, your prison compresses, and you hear the telltale sound of a shoe being removed outside. He must be kicking them off.
Then, your prison begins to brighten quickly as his left foot pries the right shoe off, bringing you back out into the world… with a view from between his toes. Matt sighs contentedly again, although much clearer. From your place between his toes, you get a good look at the young god.
Whether he shaved or waxed, he was completely hairless save for his eyebrows and the mass of hair atop his head; kept cut cleanly save for the front fringe which curled cutely near his eyes… and beautiful eyes he had. Deep green orbs regarding the room around him, which you now understood be a living room of some variety. His face was cute, chiseled, attractive… and yet still had some baby fat, giving him a very boyish, effeminate look. You once again think of how he could be mistaken for a girl from a distance.
And then, you are of course ripped from your staring by his toes wiggling again. You wiggle against them, able to be looked at now… you hope. Your giant seems to catch on to this, as he suddenly leans forward, his god-like visage very quickly becoming your entire view.
Those beautiful green eyes lock onto you, boring down with quizzical interest. "Huh…" you hear the teen utter as he came ever nearer. His eyes studied you for a moment, before you suddenly became aware of his gigantic fingers approaching you! The well groomed, worn but not too calloused tips of his pointer and thumb rapidly approached, like mountains of flesh.
The mass of toejam you've become stuck to is lifted from between the teen's toes and brought higher still, all the way up to his face as he leans back on the sofa. The ridged whorl of Matt's thumb is pressed up against your back. He stares at you for a moment. "Never had one this big before… not from these shoes," he mutters.
"Well… least I know I need to clean them now," he said, before suddenly the pressure from the teen's fingers increased a thousandfold. He was crushing the ball of toejam- and you -between his fingers! Your body radiated pain, but you couldn't scream, even if your mouth wasn't covered by a flattening mass of toejam. The air was forced out of your body by Matt's thumb pressing against your back.
Matt's upper body stretched, and his back arched as he brought his arms over his head. Moaning lightly, the rest of his body reacted to the stretch… his toes as well. They lightly spread, sending panic through you as it seems you may plummet from his toes to the floor below! But you remain plastered to one sweaty appendage, the ridged, stinking flesh held fast to your own by simple, natural perspiration. As the toes relax to their normal positions, a slick, slightly wet sound greets you as you are once again hugged by two of your twink-god's toes.
Your mind begins to wander, thinking of what you've left behind… your life, no matter how miserable, is completely gone. You're a piece of toejam between a sporty twink's toes. Is this really what you want?
Your member begins to rise as a realization does simultaneously; this is a dream come true! Not only is Matt one of the cutest guys EVER, you've always dreamed about his feet. And his entire body, really… but you used to watch as he played with his feet and socks during class, trying desperately to suppress the desire to knead your erection.
You begin to feverishly worship Matt's gigantic toe, humping and licking at the slick, sweaty skin. The taste of his divine footsweat enters your mouth, as you gulp down whatever bits of toejam and gunk enter your mouth. Precum mixes with the sweat and easily lubricates your rock-hard erection, which you frantically continue to rub against your god's toe. You reach climax, having the hardest and best orgasm of your life, screaming in ecstasy as your master unknowingly coaxed your seed out of you. Your mess is splattered against his toe, with some dribbling down to the pit of flesh between the toes. You pant, clinging weakly to the pillar of sexy footflesh when…
Your giant god's toes scrunch and squeeze, a slick squelch and rumble filling your ears as you are plunged into blackness and unrelenting pressure!
Your tiny frame is compressed on the edge of his toe, hugged closely by the toe pit near you and the equally sweaty flesh of the next, neighboring appendage. The sensation quickly turns from unpleasant to painful as Matt's toes are clamped tightly, placing you in a vice of stinking, soft, and sweaty foot skin.
The pressure seems to continue to build, and you swear you can feel your body bulging from the immense force.
As the pressure continues to mount, you feel bones begin to crack in your legs and pelvis. You try to scream, but only foot flesh and agony are able to discern you.
You begin to taste blood, more sickening pops and cracks reverberating through your own body to you. You squirm fruitlessly, serving only to shatter more of your tiny body between Matt's sweaty toes. Your last moments are of post-nut clarity; maybe between a giant's toes isn't the safest place to recover. Your final thought is punctuated by a final pop as your entire body finally gives way to Matt's toes.
Meanwhile, Matt is completely unaware of the situation between his toes. He did not even feel you in the slightest. His toes unclench and relax, wiggling lightly as the boy sighs contentedly, continuing to play on his phone. All that remains of you is now smeared on the side of the toe you had just furiously made love to, and is destined to combine with Matt's toe jam and eventually be washed away, like any other dirt.
Suddenly, the toes are held apart! Your world quakes and shifts as Matt gets close enough to his foot for you to see every detail of your god's face.
His gargantuan, beautiful green eye fills the sky…
A massive index finger intrudes into your toe heaven. It scratches and wiggles against the flesh, every ridge threatening to grasp onto you. You struggle to break out of your post-orgasm stupor, but it is too late… Matt's giant finger is upon you!
The flesh roughly rakes you in, adhering you now to a different appendage of your twink-god. Matt continues to scratch between his toes, trying to stop the itch you made. You are plastered in your own cum and what toejam you didn't eat; the already sticky substances coating you and making you stick like glue to the tip of Matt's finger, just beneath his nail.
You thrash and struggle at your sticky, stinking bonds as you try to break free of Matt's finger-flesh. It is a fight, tooth and nail to free your arms and hands from the drying, gooey prison.
You push against the tip of the twink's finger, trying to leverage yourself away from the whorls of his pointer. His finger turns to the side, scratching at the toe you were just making love to moments ago! More of your own seed and bits of toe dirt are scraped up beneath the massive nail above your head…
Your heart sinks as Matt's finger withdraws from his toes… with you still attached! You are granted an aerial view of your perfect, godlike teen master. You catch yourself staring, admiring every bit of him you can see… Exposed hand, his neck, the slight shape of his chest beneath his shirt… and back down at this lovely long toes…
You are interrupted from your fantasizing by…
Now you literally begin to sink as you peel from Matt's fingertip, plummeting through the air! Time almost seems to slow as you gaze up at the blissfully unaware sporty twink- the object of your affections. You try to turn yourself mid-air, which is more of a wild flailing as you begin to panic, realizing where you're headed!
You smack into the crotch of Matt's shorts- immediately, you can smell the gentle musk of your god's member beneath you. Your body is racked with the pain of impact, but not near as much as you expected… nothing feels broken, at least. You haul yourself to your feet with some difficulty, your footing uneven on the surface of his shorts.
Your steps have awakened something… Beneath you, Matt's monstrous cock trembles as your tiny footsteps hasten his already-growing erection. Matt shifts, and a shadow covers you… the very same hand you just fell from is returning! Panic resets in, as you rush yourself into action…
An impossibly huge thumb and index finger roughly produce you from between Matt's toes. The ridges of both appendages grind and scrape against you, applying almost too much pressure for you to bear. You are brought, nauseatingly quickly before that beautiful green eye…
You lunge your head out and sink your teeth as hard and as deep as you can into the twinky jock's big toe. Immediately the taste of sweaty teen foot invades your senses even more than it had before! You stay determined, continuing to press your teeth into the skin.
This elicits another reaction from Matt. His toes squeeze again; HARD. The air is knocked from your lungs and you swear you hear- and feel -a few ribs crack. You scream in pain as you recoil from his toe, your body contorting further as his Matt's toes continue to squeeze. A few more audible cracks and sharp lances of unimaginable pain follow. You no longer have the energy to put up a fight against the titan twink's toes.
He relents as you wheeze, trying to catch your breath. His toes relax, letting another glob of toejam run into your face!
You gaze around the Detention room, a place you've never set foot inside in all your time at Herc High. You do, however, recognise few familiar faces..
In one side of the room sit Jimmy and Joe, two brothers so close in age and likeness they could almost be twins. There is one huge difference between the boys, though. While Jimmy is a major gamer and computer geek, Joe is a strapping local sports star and athlete. Still, the brothers look fairly similar. Jimmy may have a leaner build and spend most of his time online or reading comic books / Joe may have a healthier tan and be the fastest cross country runner in school, but the brothers almost always have the same mischevious smirk on their handsome faces. Unlike a lot of famous 'twins', there's no good twin and bad twin in this scenario. Jimmy and Joe are both trouble makers, and both guys you wouldn't like to be around at normal size, much less like this. They're always planning malevolent pranks on their classmates and students they don't like, so it's really no suprise they're here.
Sitting in another corner of the room is Johnny. Despite having a sweet disposition and sculpted, even model-like good looks, Johhny is often teased for coming from a poor family. You've always felt bad for the guy, but all the teasing turned him into an introvert long ago, so you've never had the opportunity to befriend him yourself. He mostly just sits somewhere out of the way with his tattered sneakers resting up and his hoodie covering most of his face, listening to his iPod during free periods. Julian could be the nicest guy in this room, humbled by all the bullying he's taken, or he could be filled with angst and resentment.. You won't know unless you approach him.
Not far from Johnny is Brent, one student who you KNOW isn't humbled by the hardships in his life. Brent is the only guy at Herc High you know of who's served time in juvi. He comes from a family not only poor but broken and dangerous. He has greasy black hair, wears an old leather jacket and a permanent sneer on his mean face which is rarely shaven. Even under normal circumstances, all he has to do is scowl at some-one like you in the school corridors and you'd go running away with your tail between your legs.
Then there's Juan, sitting towards the front of the class, reading a book. Despite being boyish, sometimes over-confident jock with plenty of muscle and popularity, Juan has always seemed a little more intelligent than the other meat-heads at this school. You're curious to know how he ended up in detention.
As you're trying to decide between the jocks, the bullies, the hostile nerds or the unpredictable dark horses, something happens which abruptly makes your decision a lot easier. You feel a series of earth tremors, happening right beneath your feet, and turn around to see..
Jimmy, the geekier brother, is wearing his favourite black and white, low-cut All-Stars, squeaky clean, and his curly brown hair is looking neat as always. As is the mean little smirk his cute face always has; Jimmy is always looking for a prank to pull on some-one, an insult to fling, or an opportunity to make trouble.
Joe sits by his side. A year older than his little bro, Joe has the same handsome features, only on his they look manlier. He's wearing dress boots rather than sneakers, his hair is a little messier and thicker, and his smile is a little more self-assured, though just as menacing.
As one of the mighty teens gets up, unknowingly onluy feet away from the discovery of a life-time, the floorboards squeak and you spin around to see where the noise is coming from. Thuds; heavy, slamming thuds that regular-sized people are totally deaf to, are making their way towards you veyr quickly. You look up to see the giant, mile-high face of..
Jimmy peers around the room, looking for something -- Is it possible that he dropped something here earlier, or has he spotted you from across the room and come to get a better look? His black and white Converse sneakers press into the brown shag carpet slowly and carefully as he creeps around, searching.
You've seen this gangly teen around the school earlier, usually hanging around with his bone-head older brother, but really never took much notice. But at this size, the young man fills your entire vision and could be the end or the continuation of your young life.. You don't know how similar Jimmy is to his cruel jock of an older brother, but you're not in a position to be fussy, especially with the boy's colossal sneakers hovering over your head and hitting the ground every few secods. You need to make a plea for help, and you need to do it now.
You take a chance and make a jump for the curly-haired boy's sneaker the next time it comes close to you. You hook on with both arms, awkwardly struggling to hitch one leg over the padded wall, the hem of his stiff jeans leaning on your back. You finally succeed in tucking both legs in between the giant nerd's sneaker and ankle -- and you wouldn't dare go in any deeper. The fumes drifting up from Jimmy's feet are vile enough where you stand.
Jim tucks a pen into his pocket, apparently satisfied with his search, then picks up his bag and leaves the Detention room, your back grinding against his white sock with every step. Soon, giant Jim will be outside, and you'll be free of this strange and scary school forever. Then you can find your way home, where some one can help you.
Suddenly, an ominous throught creeps into your mind. You've been fairly popular your whole life, and you know from experience how bitter geeks like Jim can be towards guys like you. What if Jim discovers you and traps you before you can find freedom? What suffering would this introvert have to unleash on a kid like you if he had the chance?
..What if he's 'already' noticed you and he's just waiting for his chance to capture you for torture, once no one's around to help?? As Jim fumbles with his locker, you peek out from behind the wall of his sneaker and notice another guy standing nearby -- A tall, blond, blue-eyed jock named Luke. You know Luke hangs out with a lot of dopey, unfriendly jocks but the fact that he's extremely popular also means that he isn't likely to hold any grudges against you. It's possible that Luke will be a much more helpful giant than Jim.. It's also possible that he'll be nothing more than a mean and heartless jock, and that Jim is your safest bet after all.
Should you trade ur passenger seat in Jim's sneaker for the tall, blue-eyed jock?
With a little strain, you pull yourself out of Jim's sneaker and tumble onto the squeaky linoleum hall ground. Luke, a blond haired swimming champ and all around jock, stands the closest to you, shutting his locker. You dive onto his foot, sure that he's likely to leave the school grounds soonest, giving you a free ride to safety.
Luke is wearing brown velcro-strapped sandals, camo three-quarter pants and a white sweat shirt, showing off his tanned, chiseled biceps. As his huge foot swings forward, you cling to the thick strap, eagerly awaiting the open exit doors.
But then, a particularly lurching step sends you tumbling, head-over-heels, and you land instead on the tip of the leather-soled sandal.
The big-footed jock has no excess room in his sandals, but his foot hadn't fully flattened after his previous step yet, so his toes were still arched in the air, leaving a small space on the sandal for you to land. Now the mammoth toes come down, gripping your tiny body, and with each step the pressure forces you to slide awkwardly under the pad of the bronze god's sweaty foot.
You're trapped. Only your head is left poking out, conveniently cleaning out the toe jam between the teen's big and second biggest toe, completely unbeknownst to him. You choke, spluttering, trying to expel the sweat that's being pushed into your mouth. Luke has terrible, manly foot odour, like rotting pumpkin, and your mouth is so full of sweat and toejam you're forced to take big, deep breaths through your nose, enduring the smell for a good half hour until Luke arrives at his beautiful, beachside home.
In his room, Luke rips the velcro straps open and lifts his feet. You see him sniffing them, one by one and savouring the smell. "Aaahh.." then he plants his feet on the ground near his sandals and..
For the rest of the afternoon, you huddle underneath Luke's bed, trembling and praying you won't be found before you can escape. Luke has decided to spend the night in, and you watch him strut around his room naked, spending hours surfing the internet and playing video games, posing in front of the mirror like a model.
You have to admit, the man's physique is like nothing you've ever seen. With a lean, cut abdomen and huge pecs, long, muscular legs and broad shoulders, covered with a perfect golden brown tan, he looks like something out of a Calvin Klein advertisement.
Before he goes to sleep, he spends nearly an hour lying on his bed, talking on the phone to his girlfriend. You hear things you've never heard before in your life, and realise just how innocent you are compared to this experienced and sexually charged young man.
After he falls asleep, in total darkness, you creep out to escape, and find that his bedroom door features a built-on guard to stop drafts or bugs from getting in underneath the crack, and you're trapped! You miss your friends and family, and long to be somewhere safe and warm, where you have the power to defend yourself.
..The phone! You realise that if you can use Luke's phone to call some one you trust for help, you could be free of this intimidating giant's room within an hour! The only challenge is reaching the phone, which Luke has fallen asleep with by his side, without waking the giant. You struggle your way up the dangling corner of a white Egyptian cotton sheet and finally, feeling just short of earning yourself a hernia, collapse onto the corner of the king-size bed.
In the dark, Luke's figure is a blurry shadow, lying on his back with his left knee cocked in the air, the mercifully glow-in-the-dark keys of his cellphone visible near his right hand. You tiptoe over to it, hoping the battery is full, also noticing the deeper shadow colouring Luke's crotch area..
A few steps from the phone, Luke stirs in his sleep, his hand knocking the phone off the bed where it clatters loudly, clearly broken.
At that moment, Luke adjusts himself on the bed, lifting his ass up and planting it half a foot to his right. You look up just in time to see his huge, bare cheeks, split by a long stripe of deepest brown, descending upon you.
Your shriek of terror is cut short when the ass lands on you, your tiny body slowly and unwillingly sliding between the cheeks and settling in the stinking cavity of Luke's ass crack. With even moon light stripped away now, you lie, your arms pinned to your sides, in total darkness. The air you breathe is suffocating, hot, and putrid.
You feel like you have your nose pressed against a big steaming pile of shit, the smell of Luke's bowels is so overwhelming. Just when you think it can't possibly get any worse, Luke scrunches his nose a little, grunting, and a rush of piping hot gas covers you, dwelling in the tiny space you're trapped in. The stench is so huge, so deep, so brutal that you heave, taking deep, horrible breaths in an effort to keep the bile in your throat down.
A satisfied smile lies on the sleeping giant's face -- it must have felt good to get that off his chest. You, however, remain trapped under his giant, foul-smelling ass, whimpering in self pity.
It's a long night. Luke likes to eat, and a variety of spicy foods digesting in the boy's gut contribute to the awful smells you're forced to spend all night sniffing up. When morning comes and Luke staggers out of bed, not noticing his reflection in the mirror with one tiny little arm dangling out of his ass pitifully, he yawns, lets one putrid, damp fart slowly slide out of his asshole, and walks straight to…
"Shit! I'm gonna be late.." Luke rushes over to the closet and grabs an armfull of clothes.
He takes a skimpy, unwashed pair of underwear from his dresser drawer and steps into them. They tend to ride up his ass crack a little, but he's in too much of a rush to care.. Or to notice the tiny man currently being pushed deeply into his rectum by the tight fabric.
Sliding into a skin-tight pair of designer jeans, Luke buckles his belt, throws a shirt in and runs downstairs to grab a piece of toast before rushing off to school. The toast is still gripped in his mouth as the gorgeous teen throws himself into the driver's seat of his car and starts the engine.
As the car's engine rumbles, so does Luke's belly, and he squeezes out another stenchy fart which resonates all around your choked little body. You're ground by the hot pink flesh surrounding you for the whole trip,.during which Luke rips a few more killer farts, chuckling to himself at how fatal they smell.
Climbing out of the car, Luke grabs his back pack and heads for..
Outside, the sound of masculine voices, all laughing and shouting over each other, spells gym class to you. You're terrified at the though of spending an entire class choked up in this massive athlete's anus -- You pray to god he changes into something loose before class, and you have the chance to wiggle your way out.
Luke undresses and stands completely naked in the room with the other boys. He grabs his locker door and pulls out an off-white jock strap which he knows will fit tightly against his impressive manhood. It always has, for the weeks he's been wearing it, unwashed, to gym class!
As Luke stuffs his old clothes into the locker and sprays anti-perspirant all over his Greek god-like body, you're making a determined effort to crawl out from between his giant butt cheeks. The walls of his ass are closed so tightly around you that it seems like a hopeless endeavour.. But soon you see a light. It gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger until you push your head out into fresh air victoriously! You wriggle out like a worm -- You can see an open backpack below and it's your goal to fall straight into it, like a skydiver hitting his mark.
Just don't celebrate too soon..
You're mid-air when you see the sweat-stained, off-white piece of sportswear coming your way. The dirty straps are sliding up Luke's thick, muscular thighs while the front is ready to cradle the young man's heavy package in its putrid, unwashed cup.
Your fall is cut short when you land dead-on the filthy cup. If the halt in motion wasn't enough to shock you, the ungodly smell rising from young Luke's putrid underwear nearly makes you keel over and die on the spot! Luke has been wearing this jockstrap to gym class for weeks without bothering to wash it. Now every nasty odour ever to grace his sweaty teenage cock and balls has been saved up and concentrated for your sniffing horror.
A second later, you're shoved up against Luke's package as he adjusts his cup. Your body moulds you into his scrotum. The smell is of dried semen, piss, and shit assails you with full force.
You're forced to swallow gobs of dick cheese and inhale the fumes of another man's cock for mind-bending minutes before Luke even meets up with his coach, who announces that gym class today will be held..
When the giant teen adonis rolls over, you have a full view of his glorious, hairy package seconds before it comes crashing down on you and pins you helplessly beneath it.
The only question is, are you trapped under Luke's flaccid dick and balls?
Or was he having sweet dreams just before he rolled on top of you..?
At that moment, Luke rolls over onto his belly, and you turn around just in time to see the dark mass of hair that colours his groin area closing in on you.
You're thrown down, spread-eagled on your back, with a wrinkly heap of skin and testicles squashing your body into the bed. The head of Luke's giant dick rests on your face, the piss slit eye-level with you like the closed eye of a sleeping monster, and the potent smell of Luke's juices infiltrates your nostrils. His dick is still damp from his earlier session of phone masturbation with his girlfriend.
Luke grumbles in his sleep, shifting a little, and the wet piss head is jammed against your lips, the watery residue leaking into your mouth, under and over your tongue. There's nothing you can do to escape the bitter taste, or the pressure of Luke's giant, hairy balls weighing down on your tiny stomach.
Luke sleeps a good, long nine hours, so comfortable in his position that he doesn't move the whole time. You spend the entire night with your lips pressed against the disgusting slit, wishing you were dead, soon forced to begin swallowing the sweat that trickles from the cracks between his thighs and scrotum as the Summer night warms up.
The next morning, when Luke finally climbs out of bed and stands in the sunlight, leisurely stretching in all his naked glory, you happen to be stuck to his big cock, glued by the stickiness coating you both.
So what's Luke going to do now?
Your world gets really cramped as Luke pulls on a pair on what you hope are clean white underwear. as Luke pulls up his jeans fly your head is pushed a little bit closer to his piss slit. You hear a belt buckle clasp effectively locking you in his pants for heavens now how long.
After what seamed like hours you finally get fresh air a light. But where are you?
You hear the mattress creak behind you and you spin around just in time to see one of Luke's huge, muscular thighs in the air. The sleeping jock god seems to be climbing on to his stomach, and bobbing in between his great legs is the most massive erection you've seen in your life.
The ten-foot pole falls on you, knocking you onto your back. To your horror, as Luke's stomach flattens on the bed, the monstrosity's winking wet head settles on your horrified face, oozing fresh pre-come.
You struggle and squirm under the beast, which only excites it more. Luke makes a throaty sound in his sleep and lifts his pelvis a little. The giant bulb of a cock-head drags down your chest and stomach as he pulls away, then he drives it into your belly, knocking the breath out of you, covering you with white slime.
Luke is dreaming of his girlfriend sprawled naked under him, begging for him to fuck her harder than he ever has before. With a smile of ecstasy on his face, he thrusts his huge cock into your helpless body again and again and again. You try to crawl away, but the weight of Luke's tool overpowers you. You look up to see the man's tight abs flexed, sweat dripping down to his tiny belly button, his nipples hard with the sensation of the sheets rubbing against them.
He groans in his sleep, ready to blow his heavy load in his girlfriend's wet pussy, and you try to shield your face just a little too late..
You're buried in a mess of hot white come in seconds, trying to fight your way out of the strong-smelling mucus to no avail. Your mouth is filled with it, your skin burns with its heat, and you hear Luke murmur sleepily above: "..Yeah, you love it.."
It seems like forever until Luke finally stirs enough to realize he's finished. "Ah, fuck… gotta clean this shit up," you hear the titan utter above you.
Dazed from the fluid storm you had just been exposed to, it takes you a moment to realize that his cum had dried enough to leave you stuck to his crotch monstrosity! You try to get your bearings, to see where you've ended up…
As your head begins to clear, you realize you're stuck to the neck of his glans; just below the corona. His dick had gone semi-soft now, with just enough dried cum stuck around you to keep you glued to your captor's massive member.
He reached out to grab a towel nearby, one that had clearly seen some prior use of this nature before as it drew nearer. He wiped the tip of his dick and his testicles, as well as his pubes, but left out the rest… leaving you trapped. The giant kept walking about his room as his dick continued to shrink!
Skin began to envelop you… reeking of tesosterone-laden jock musk. It became hard to breathe…
"WHOAH! What the fuck!" Luke exclaims, pinching you between his fingers and bringing you closer to his eyes.
"Please! You have to get help! I was fooling around with some potion at school and-"
"Help??" Luke laughs incredulously. "Man, I've been wanting a toy like you for-EVER! You think I'm gonna give you away??" Your stomach sinks "Now hold tight little dude, I gotta think of somewhere I can stash you while I eat dinner, but later on you and me are gonna have the wildest night ever!" Luke's eyes dart around the room until they come to rest on a tattered, faded old pair of sneakers in the corner of his room. He races to them, grabbing a pair of socks from a pile of dirty clothing on his way, and drops you inside one of them.
"Please don't leave me in here! This shoe reeks like rotten onions! I can't stand it!!" You plead.
"Oh, wow, that is so hot" Luke breathes heavily, clearly aroused by the opportunity to share his terrible foot odour with another person "Those shoes used to belong to my dad, then my brother, then me. I only wear 'em when I have to do real dirty work.. You can tell me all about what it was like in there later tonight - I'll love it" he smiles, cramming two off-white socks into the shoe with you, and you're shoved into a tiny space at the end of the shoe, your face pressed against the putrid socks which he'd clearly worn to soccer practice numerous times in a row without washing them.
You wait inside the fetid old shoe, for two hours, dizzy with the stench and the sickness it inflicts on you, your arms around the socks in what looks like a big, affectionate hug, but is really just the position you were squashed into. You loathe the putrid gym socks more than your worst enemy right now. When Luke finally returns, rolling you out of his shoe, he's already decided how he's going to pleasure himself with you first..
Before you have a chance to escape, Jim puts all of his weight on one side of his foot, inadvertently creating a huge gap for you to fall into. And you fall, ending up lying with your arms sprawled over your head, alongside Jim's foot.
As the giant gamer walks home, step by step, you fall deeper and deeper into the sneaker, your face pressed against his vile-smelling white sock. The fabric of the shoe behind you feels slippery, almost greasy with sweat, and the smell that infiltrates your nostrils is a sour stench that reminds you of horrible, sopiled vinegar. You feel dizzy in your awkward position, lying with your head tilted in accordance with the downward slope made by the impression of the ball of Jimmy's foot inside his shoe, and you wonder when the last time this kid changed his socks was -- the black and white sneaker looked meticulously clean from the outside, surely no one would have imagined the suffocating odour that lived inside the nerd's shoe and how much suffering it could inflict on one tiny, unfortunate victim..
A half hour later, Jim finally walks into his upstairs room, dumps his book bag on the bed and kicks off his sneakers. "Thank God!" you say to yourself, feebly crawling towards the top of the shoe, where dim light is flooding in.
The smell actually hasn't improved any -- It seems that now, with air travelling in and out, the powerful odour has only been made thicker and more mobile. You clutch the shoe's thin, canvas tongue, noticing a large "10 US" printed on its inside, and you stand, your arms hanging out of the shoe. In front of you, you're greeted with the sight of..
You see Jim walk out of his room after discarding his shoes… You regard the bedroom around you. It is a nerdy gamer's paradise.
Posters of video games, TV shows, and even a few animes adorn the walls amongst a few assorted collector's items. He's got a TV stand set up against the wall to your right, a computer at a desk straight ahead of you on the other wall. Next to the computer sits his massive bed. You strain yourself to look behind you, seeing a large, sliding door closet with mirrored glass.
What shall you do from here, little stowaway?
Jim sits across from his sneakers, watching you with a twinkle in his eye, like a cat that has finally caught its mouse. "Out you come." He smiles, reaching forward and grabbing your stunned body out of his shoe. "I thought it was too good to be true when I saw you standing there, tucked into my sneaker -- I guess popular kids really are as stupid as they look. And it sure was stupid for you to put yourself at 'my' mercy. But hey, atleast now we can have some fun.. Thanks for that foot massage by the way, that was awesome."
"Hey, wait a minute!" Before you can protest, Jim covers your entire face with his thumb, pinching your head between two fingers, and picks you up, your legs dangling and kicking wildy. When you finally feel a surface underneath you, Jimmy's fingers disappear and you find yourself in a tiny cage, which the giant teen is locking.
"I been kinda lonely ever since my hampster died - I don't know, I think I forgot to feed it or something - but you'll do just fine for now." He winks at you as if he's your best friend, and not some sadistic nerd on a powertrip. "Oh yeah!" he raises his index finger "I nearly forgot.. This is for ignoring me when I waved to you in the cafeteria last week.."
"What?? I didn't see-" Jim flicks the tiny cage door open and spits in your face. The clear liquid runs over your face and down your neck, and you choke on the syrupy saliva. "Now.. What can my high-strung little slave do for me first?"…
"How about I WHAT??" You gape at the giant, stunned.
Jim opens your cage door and quickly has you in his grasp. "C'mon dude, it's not like you've got a choice!" He de-belts himself with his free hand, then pulls his jeans down to his ankles and lies on his bed, on his belly, pointing his ass up in the air.
"Look, look, look" you try to reason, nervously "There are plenty of other things I can do for you- I'll polish your shoes; file your nails; anything you want, but I 'can't' do this.."
"You'll do all that stuff later," he says casually, "and you will do this." with that, he eagerly swings you around and forces your head into his huge, brown asshole. The smell is vile and unmistakable -- the strong scent of a man's bowels.
You fight, your arms scrambling to help your head out, and Jim twitches, giggling a little. He starts to jack himself off "Oh, oh that's perfect! Good boy! I love that tickling thing, keep it up! Oh yeah.." you squirm, feeling your gorge rise in your throat, desperate to escape. A cry escapes your lips and with terror you feel your tongue accidentally wipe across the wall of the boy's glistening hole, alarming your taste buds with a brutally vile sensation. This sends you out of control and you pound the slimy flesh in total futility. "Oooooh.. Ooh!" Jim wails above. "Oooh! Oh, good BOY!! ..Oh! Oh! Oh, here it comes!"
Jim drops you into the hole, opens up as far as he can for just a second and pushes your entire body in with two fingers, closing his cheeks. The giant's long orgasm is lined with huge, near-spine snapping squeezes around your tiny helpless body. You're squashed and squashed and squashed and worked nearly to a pulp by the excited anal muscles as Jimmy loses it as he never has before, dumping a huge load all over his silk sheets. When the movement finally slows down, you're left trembling and sick and Jim kneels on his bed, panting and wearing a dopey smile, what's to happen next?
"I know.. Since you're so good at rubbing my feet with your pathetic little body, you can give me another footrub!" The giant geek grisn maliciously.
As terrified as you are, you're also outraged. You've never been treated this badly, and your pride won't allow you to stoop to this new low. You stand your ground, with as much dignity as you can muster in your tiny cage, and defy the huge, egotistical boy. "NO!! I'm NOT rubbing your stinking feet, I'm NOT living in this cage and I'm NOT taking your shit ANYMORE!!"
Jim stares at you for a minute, with an intimidating, dark look in his eyes.. And then he smiles. "Really?" he says, sounding genuinely fascinated.
"Yeah!" you yell back, feigning confidence.
"You wanna make a bet?" he smiles at you encouragingly, with menacing falseness. Then, in an instant, he yanks you out of your cage, throws you into his sweaty sneaker, and starts to wriggle his foot in.
* * *
An hour later -- An hour spent wiggling helplessly under Jim's sweaty socked foot, swallowing excessive amounts of salty sweat -- You've finally given up. You lie limply under the gigantic foot, letting sweat pour down your throat and inhaling the toxic fumes of the geek's foot odour.
Jim finally feels satisfied that your will has been broken (Either that or you're dead - you stopped fighting ten minutes ago) and he pulls his shoe off, shaking you onto the polished wooden floor, peeling off his socks and placing his bare feet down in front of you.
The giant geek sits on his bed, looking down at you with a slight smirk on his face, and raises an eyebrow in question. You drop to your knees, kissing the nerd's neat, giant toes madly. Stinging sweat drips into your eyes but you ignore it and go on frantically worshipping the chuckling boy's feet, shuffling back and bowing down before him at regular intervals, your nose to the floor, terrified that he will be displeased and stick you back in that putrid shoe. "Ok, ok, that's enough." he says finally, "Good pet, good, good.. Now how about that footrub, eh?"
Jimmy stretches his legs out, resting one foot on top of the other, and happily watches as you get to work rubbing your hands all over his firm, pale brown soles and pushing all your weight against them to massage the huge muscles. He lets his head loll back on his shoulders, his eyes shut. "Mmmmmm, that's goood.." he groans. "I'm gonna get one of these every day."
You feel defeat sink into your stomach and try not to cry. He lifts his head, blinking. "Hey, lick them now. All over." Every fibre of your being urges you to fight back, but you've been too well trained against disobedience. You stretch your wide tongue out, dragging it all over the giant sole, over the heel, up the curve of the arch, over the broad pad at the top, your tongue gathering the never-weakening, savoury/bitter taste with every long wipe. You repeat this on the other foot, feeling like your taste buds are being raped, gagging a little every now and then (unbeknownst to you, a slight, cruel smile appears on Jim's thin lips every time he feels your hot little gagging breaths fall against his skin).
Then the giant teen plucks you into the air, curling his fingers around your waist and tells you to keep your tongue poked out. "You didn't think I'd forget between my toes, did you?" he beams, cheerfully. Tears wet your eyes, and you bow your head.
He shoves your head between each of his toes, making sure you gobble up every last mouthful of sour tasting toe-jam. fFinally he sets you down on the floor, your stomach jumping, and pats you heavily on the head. "Good boooy" he pouts his lips as he speaks as if he were talking to a dog "Don't you just 'love' getting to be my pet??" Out of pure fear, you nod quickly, forcing a broken smile. "Now," he touches his fingertips together ponderously, "Next order of business…"
Joe strides across the room, sending a wave of cool, cologne-scented air over you. He pauses and looks over the floor intently, clearly searching for something. With your heart in your mouth, you try summoning the will to call for help, but it's impossible -- maybe it's fear, or embarrassment, but being confronted by this gargantuan teen turns your stomach over and makes you want to flee and hide.
Suddenly, Joe's gaze drops to your level, his eyes oddly cold and bright with the reflected sunlight. He marches over to your exact location on the carpet, his smooth, sleek brown boots stopping within arm's length before you; so close you can see pieces of dust settle on the boots' toes in the afternoon sunlight and the slight wrinkle in the leather made by the giant's toes as he stretches them, bending over.
You gasp- feeling your entire body numb with shock. Joe's bulky fingers are soaring down towards you, his chiselled face working in a smile. "Ah-ha.." You hear his deep, controlled voice.
"Please! Please don't hurt me!" runs past your lips like spilt water, though you didn't know it could. Joe's forearm, its fine blond hairs illuminated in a streak of sunlight, flexes as he finally grips his target. Which is..
Joe's rough, bulky fingers close in on either side of you and clamp over your body. He looks down at you, grinning widely, as you quiver in fear in his grasp. "Cute." he mumbles through his smile "Let's see your cuteness get you out of this one, runt."
Joe seems to look down on weaker kids like bugs, ones that are made for the purpose his amusement and cruelty only. And now, you're all his.. "Hey, don't look so sad, kid." he murmurs, low enough so the rest of the room doesn't notice. Tilting his head slightly and staring down his nose at you, he goes on, "You're gonna have all sorts of fun with me you can't have back at home, heh heh heh.."
Tears have started to silently slip down your cheek, a feeling of doom and utter hopelessness filling you at the sound of your captor's deep, low laugh. Joe decides he can't have his new toy covered in tears for the trip home, and he brings you upto his face, slides his big pink tongue out, and flattens it against your stomach, dragging it all the way up and over your face. You cringe, wishing to escape the intimidating boy's gigantic tongue, but it rubs slowly over your face, leaving you wet and soon cold, the condensed smell of Joe's manly, musk-like breath staying in your nostrils.
Then Joe lowers you down with dramatic speed, catching your breath, and deposits you…
Joe reaches down, past his penis and lays you underneath his crotch, with his balls resting heavily on your face and your body stretched out all the way to where his ass begins. With every step he takes, his hairy balls grind against your face, and sweat trickles in a steady stream from in between his thighs, over your mouth and down your throat. You lie there, amazed at how quickly your perfect life was yanked out from under you and you became this brutal being's disposable little panty-liner.
In the hot sun, Joe's muscular arms glisten with sweat as he trots home, his masculine form the envy of every young girl and boy he passes.
No onlooker would guess the man was holding another young man prisoner underneath his sweaty crotch, or that the mounds of salty sweat you're now passively swallowing could be the only thing to sustain you in the next few days you spend under this cruel young man's power. For you, the heat is overpowering as you slip down into the seat of your ignorant giant's underwear, your face sliding slowly over the hairy sac which contains two MASSIVE testicles. Joe's balls now sitting on your chest, nearly crushing you, his long, thick cock dangles down so the smelly piss slit rests on your face, delivering an endless, rancid kiss over your nose and lips.
Joe strolls into his room, scratching his sweaty groin, and decides that the best way to welcome his new toy would be..
Joe has always loved the feel of having his huge, solid dick dipped in honey and licked off by whichever girl was lucky enough to be with him at the time. But he loves the idea of your little tongue being forced the lap the stuff up bit by bit even more!
He spoons a palmful of honey into his hand, then rubs it all over his long, creamy-coloured erection. He sits on his bed, naked, with the blinds closed, and you anxiously wait by his side, wishing you could disappear.
"Hope you're hungry." he raises his eyebrows at you as he licks his fingers, then lifts you up, getting your body sticky with honey and saliva, and places you on the bed in front of his dick. When you hesitate, he wraps his fist around you and squeezes, his teeth gritted viciously, until a vein stands out on his mucular bicep and your eyes feel ready to pop out of your head. When he lets go, your entire body aches bitterly, and you understand the threat. With an ounce more pressure, you could have been crushed in Joe's hand like a clump of dirt - You won't make the mistake of making him wait again.
You start to lick away at the massive organ, quickly filling your stomach with honey. You lick up the shaft, around the tower of a cock, in the ridges defining the aggresively large head, and by the time you reach the orange glazed, wide-open piss slit and its surrounding centimetres, you're so full and disgusted you want to barf. But one look at Joe's so far pleased expression tells you that if you deny him this climactic finish, it could cost you your life.
You take a deep breath and begin lapping away at the pink skin, swallowing as quickly as you can, but just as your tongue slides over the silk-soft surface for the last time, the giant's dick seems to rumble from its bottom, then the head bobs -- or twitches; there's no time to be sure which -- and then..
Thick white come comes shooting out of Joe's red hot erection and fills your open mouth so fast that you gag on the stuff. It splatters all over your face and slides over your body, its searing heat nearly scalding your skin.
The smell is overpowering, a queer though pungent smell that you'd only ever noticed vaguely in the past. But now the goo is running in great thick streams down your legs, your arms, your face, and you can taste it creeping in through the cracks of your mouth.
You feel totally immasculated being covered by another man's come, as if Joe has marked you as his property with such assertion that you will never have the means to use again if you stay this size. You stand there, helpless, as Joe catches his breath. Then he looks down at you, his huge pecs flexing as he reaches his arms forward to pick you up, and he smiles warmly, getting an idea.
He says:
You pale with dread as Joe plucks you up by your legs, now dangling upside down. He lifts you higher and higher to his mouth. Still panting lightly from the orgasm you granted him, his hot breathe washes over you, feeling rather nice compared to the rapidly cooling seed and honey all over your tiny body.
Without warning, Joe's massive mouth opens and his tongue flops out, reaching for you as if it were a great beast yearning for its prey. Panic grips you as you flail and scream, to which Joe simply laughs, blasting your eardrums. "Here we go, little dude…"
he says before dangling you into his mouth. All but your legs is now within his maw, his lips sealing over your thighs. His tongue curls around you, savagely licking at your minuscule form. Saliva mixes with the cum-honey mixture coating you, some of which is shoved down your throat and up your nose against your will, purely by the force exerted by his tongue.
Without warning, his licks turn to sucking. You are forced helplessly against the roof of his palate as he lets go of your legs, slurping your entire body inside. His tongue beats you against the roof of his mouth, before a massive suction is applied, sealing you in place. Saliva washes over you repeatedly, again and again, as Joe savors your taste.
In response to the heat and moisture, and constant friction, your own dick has now risen to full mast. Joe hums loudly for a moment, as his sucking seems to focus intently on you! He must've felt that little boner.
His tongue continues to quiver and slather against your front side and your increasingly sensitive crotch as the sucking continues…
Joe's younger brother, Jim, sits in the armchair opposite his big bro's bed, clearly loving the show that's being put on for him. He claps, laughing, taking the whole situation as lightly as if he were watching it on TV.
Your vision is filled by Joe's bare foot. He stands over you, with you lying on the ground on your back, and continuously lets you know that in seconds you're about to know what it feels like to be crushed under another man's sweaty foot. You beg, hysterically and shamelessly, pleading with him to spare you, throwing whatever promises and compliments you think might evoke the huge man's pity.
"You want to live, little man? Lick!" he presses his foot flat on your body and face. You shudder, expecting to be crushed immediately, and as soon as you realize you're alive you press your tongue against Joe's sweaty sole and lick as fast as you can, covering as much space as possible with your back pressed to the ground and Joe's huge, stinking jock foot in your face.
"Kiss it! Kiss his foot!!" Jim calls out, laughing and clapping.
"Kiss it, you little rutn!" Joe growls, and you smooch madly against the bare sole. "Tell me how much you love my feet, little man." Joe orders, and you swear to the man above you that you love his feet more than anything in the entire world.
Jim is enjoying the show so much, he jumps up and kneels down near you to get a closer look. "Kiss his foot like you'd kiss a girl!" The younger brother yells excitedly "Make love to it!"
Shaking, overwhelmed and wondering if there's anything you wouldn't give to be saved from these insane teenagers, you close your eyes and kiss the dirty skin as passionately and sincerely as you can. Jim cackles in your ear, and you hear him say to Joe..
Joe laughs at his brother's challenge, resting his foot on your body. You hear him say: "Dude, I could keep him up there for three days, easy."
"Oh yeah? I bet you get to 24 hours, max."
"You're on!" Joe lifts his foot off of you and kicks you, sliding you across the floor so that you thud against Jim's Converse sneaker, getting whiplash in the process. He bends over in front of Jim, who scoops you up and presses you against his lips, twisting them into a kiss through his menacing smile. "Good luck, little guy" he chuckles coldly. You struggle madly in Jim's slender fingers, but the giant teen has no problem keeping you under control, and he slips you easily into his big brother's anus.
Joe stands up, adjusting to the feel of his captive inside of him, and your world is thrown into suffocating, claustrophobic, vile-smelling darkness.
* * *
Joe and Jim eat dinner that night, smiling secretively every now and then. then Joe goes to sleep, enjoying every second of his calm, peaceful dreams as you prey for clean air, gasping in terror on the filthy stench you're forced to inhale.
The next day, Joe sits in school, and every now and then his asshole itches, irritated by your hair, but he enjoys the sensation and simply clamps his butt cheeks together to satisfy the itch, squashing your horrified face against the slimey walls.
That night, after dinner, when Jim and Joe are alone, Jim looks at his hero with wide, excited eyes and says: "Well, is he still up there??"
Joe relishes the attention and leans back in his chair, stretching and yawning. "Yeah, dude. But I'm dying to take a dump right now.."
Jim jumps at the chance to manhandle you the way his big brother has been doing for the past few days. Joe reaches in and pulls you out by the leg -- for a moment you're sure the limb's going to dislocate and snap off, but you slide out of the damp hole just fast enough, your eyes wild, gasping for air.
"Eww.. Just dump him on the floor, man." Jim looks at your dirty body disdainfully and Joe dumps you at his brother's feet, letting you fall atleast a foot, crashing painfully to the ground.
Jim snickers, flipping you onto your back by rolling the bottom of his black and white Converse over your body, the friction from the rubber grip pinching and burning your skin. Soon, Joe has left for the bathrom and you're all alone at the feet of his power-hungry younger brother. "Hey! Hey you, worship my shoes the same way you worshipped Joe's!" Jim orders excitedly, enjoying his turn at power.
You groan, your body aching all over, and slowly you try to rise. "Hey! NOW!" Jim commands impatiently, and brutally kicks you in the head, leaving blood trickling out of your nose. "NOW! NOW!" Every time you try to get up, Jim's giant shoe batters you in the stomach, in the ass, knocking you down and leaving you feeling bruised, until finally you manage to stagger over and collapse onto the toe of his sneaker, kissing it with all the vigour you can muster.
"Yeah! Haha! Now tell me you love kissing my shoes! Ooh! And call me 'Master' Jim!!" The power-tripping boy eagerly orders, rubbing his palms together.
"I love kissing your shoes, Master Jim!" you shout up between your frantic kissing.
"Now lick the dirt out of the cracks, slave!" Jim lifts his foot over your head and you set to work swallowing tongue-fulls of dirt and grime from in between the ridges under his giant sneaker. "How much do you love it??"
"More than anything, Master Jim! Thank you for letting me lick your shoes clean, Master Jim!" you call out, terrified, your voice quivering.
Jim loves the sight of you under his shoe -- or so says the growing bulge in his jeans -- and he just might be about to get a little carried away with his power trip…
Jim's giant sneaker begins to come closer and closer to your face, and before you know it, it's pressing against your chest and forcing you onto the ground, on your back.
"No! Please, Master Jim!" you shout, which only fuels the tingling erection that the power hungry geek is stroking as he listens to your pitiful cries for help. He lets out a deep, croaky groan as his heel presses down on your legs, crushing them from the feet right up to your waist, and you scream uselessly in pain, begging incoherently through your tears.
Suddenly, the giant dirty white sole lifts off of you, and Jim's knees make a thunderous crash as he awkwardly dives into a kneeling position above you, yanking something out of his jeans driving his pale, wet-headed penis through the air towards your face. "Oh! Oh God NO NO N-" the blubbery head is pushed and wiped all over your face, which was already wet with tears, and is now drenched with slippery precum.
Young Jim can't hold on for much longer, and a flood of gooey white semen covers your face and flailing arms, weighing them down and forcing you to swallow a seemingly endless supply of the heavy stuff. Jim staggers to his feet, his eyes slightly bloodshot, and you feel the rock hard rubber of his shoe descending through your shroud of semen and forcing your tiny body flatter, flatter, flatter against the ground. Jim hears your bones crunch under his Converse and he smiles lazily, enjoying that last small rush of power, and he wipes his shoe on a nearby shag rug, doubting his big bro will care much that he mashed you without letting him watch.
You're still torn with the decision of who to approach when the choice is taken out of your hands, and you feel the earth-shaking tremors of giant footsteps heading toward you.
You look up at the teen, a guy who you've seen around school a million times but who you've never seen this way.. He looks like a city sky-scraper, towering importantly above you. This guy, who usually keeps to himself and doesn't have many friends, suddenly looks like a powerful, fearful god reigning over you.
He is..
Fresh out of juvi and wearing his familiar scowl, Brent seems to be searching for something as he steps towards you, his massive leather boots quaking the ground beneath you. He wanders around, scoping the corner of room, the smell of hot leather wafting past you as he stomps. It's not only Brent's old, worn black boots that seem to have heated up during this warm weather; the school bully wipes his sweaty forehead on the sleeve of his trashy leather jacket.
You're cold all over with fear. Has Brent seen you? If so, why hasn't he scooped you up yet? You're terrified of what the badboy will do if he finds you, but you're also too afraid to run -- Your legs won't seem to move -- and you're terrified of potentially being left here overnight and becoming feed for rats and roaches. You force yourself to step closer to the young man's size 13 boots, waving your arms around, feeling more ridiculous and humiliated than you ever have in your entire life.
Brent hears a tiny buzzing sound and glances down, squinting in disbelief. "What the fuck??" He murmurs. As his fuzzy jaw barely moves, the sounds of his voice you hear are mammoth bellows.
You struggle to understand the giant's words, and to roar your explanation back at him. "THIS IS ALL A HORRIBLE FREAK ACCIDENT! I NEED HELP!!"
The greasy giant smiles sarcastically, sneering down at you. "And you thought you'd get that from me.. Pretty boy?" Your stomach feels like it's filled with ice right now. "I guess it's my job to watch out for pretty little rich boys like you?"
"Well I've got news for you, pipsqueak. I don't think this town's gonna notice another little snot-nosed bitch missing." And with that, Brent..
Within seconds, brent has scooped you up into his huge, dirty palm and strutted out of detention with you. You feel hope quickly slip away as Mr James calls after Brent to come back and finish his detention, but the badboy couldn't care less about following orders -- He's takign you home.
"I bet you can't imagine how it'd feel to live without your comfy warm bed every night, and your maids and butlers waiting on you hand-and-foot." Brent taunts you viciously, as if blaming you for all the poverty he grew up in.
"Please!" you try to reason "I just want to get home!"
The dark hair on his knuckles scratch you as your smooth arms as they dangle in his rough grasp. He brings you closer to his face, studying you sternly, and an invisible breeze of foul breath flows from his nostrils, causing you to cough. "Aww," Brent frowns in mock sympathy "Can't the perfect little rich boy's clean little lungs stand my big bad breath?"
With that, he..
Brent pulls down the zipper on the side of his tattered old black boot and pulls his bare foot out. Even from your place in his hand, the deep and pervasive aroma of the man's feet reaches you, and you try with all of your strength to escape his grip.
The merciless ex-con has you right where he wants you, though, and before you know it you're lying on the grimey, hot leather sole of the man's boot. The smell is 'THE' worst thing you've ever smelled in your life. It's as if something died in there, and you're not sure that you'll survive, being trapped with this ungodly stench for very long.
Brent's foot follows you into the boot like a wild animal herding its dinner into its den. The man's bare foot partially explains the horrendous smell: the sole is nearly black, he has visible grime between his toes and the skin on his heel badly needs to be treated with moisturiser, not to mention the wirey hair you notice on his toes when they curl to fit inside the tight boot. You imagine that living a life of crime and poverty, the man must rarely get the chance - or rarely bother - to shower.
With the stinking foot jammed against your face Brent zips his boot up and struts out the door, heading back home. It's a particularly hot day, and sweat pours off of the filthy bare foot, practically filling the boot, and you swallow countless pieces of grime in your never ending quest to swallow the giant's revolting sweat before it drowns you. Brent finally arrives home. His boots thud heavily on the wooden floorboards in his apartment as he slowly walks to his couch, your body jolting with every step. When he throws himself down on the couch he unzips his boot, slides his foot out and tips you out onto the floor. You land in a puddle of sweat atleast 8 inches in diameter, and he laughs, peering down at you with a sleezy expression.
"You know, little guy" he says "I think at your size you'd be just perfect to…"
Your hair is matted to your scalp and forehead with sweat, your stomach turns over at the sight of the beastly feet resting in front of you, and Brent is sitting back on his couch like a king in his throne above you, clicking his fingers impatiently.
"Now!" he points to his feet, raising his eyebrows seriously. You know this guy means business, and you don't want to be smashed into a bloody pulp by those big, hairy knuckles - all you want is to get home, and feel safe, and comfortable. But this huge, dangerous man has you completely under his power - at his feet, literally - and you have no choice but to surrender to his every whim..
You drag your tongue against the dirty pad of his right foot, your taste buds coming to life as if you've licked a surface covered in salt. But it isn't salt that you taste, it's filth, and grime. You taste it, you bare it, you swallow it obediently as you work your tiny little tongue over both mammoth feet for two long, nightmarish hours, while Brent sits back with his arms spread out on the sofa's long headrest, chugging beer and flicking TV channels with the remote, barely even acknowledging you as you break your back climbing over and under the two stinking, gigantic feet.
When you're sure your poor, traumatised tongue has covered every square centimeter of the selfish man's feet, you collapse to your knees before him and call out breathlessly: "I'm all done, sir."
Brent lifts his feet, one by one, moving them around in the air and inspecting your work. Then he looks down at you, and…
"Aww," Brent frowns in mock sympathy "Can't the perfect little rich boy's clean little lungs stand my big bad breath?"
With that, he reaches inside his thick leather jacket and pulls out a packet of giant cigarettes. Drawing one out with his lips, he flicks his lighter and the huge flame fires up before you. The gigantic badboy takes a drag of his cigarette and holds his breath, drawing you so close to his huge, pink lips that you could touch the stubble on his chin. Then he blows the toxic white smoke directly into your face -- A huge, long breathful that fills your lungs to the max, violates your sense of smell and taste. It leaves you gasping for air, eyes bulging, tears streaming down your face, certain that you will choke to death right now and be exterminated by the man's foul-smelling breath.
But, somehow, you eventually regain your breath, though slowly and painfully, and you're left limp and exhausted in Brent's hand as he chuckles heartily at his handiwork. He tosses the cigarette butt out of the window and grins down at you. "I think you and me are gonna have some fun, pipsqueak." And with that he lowers you down and drops you into..
You are horrified to be pressed up against his hairy, sweaty, and smelly…
You’re dumped into Brent’s cigarette pack. Brent walks right out the door and out of detention. The teacher there yells something at him but Brent just gives him the finger and walks off, with the teacher not trying to pursue. Brent looks down at you as he walks through the halls “So how’d pretty boy end up even more of a scrawny ass pussy than he already was?”
“What?” Brent rolls his eyes and puffs a huge cloud of smoke in your face. You gag, struggling to breathe through the dense smoke.
“How the fuck did you get tiny?” He asked impatiently
“Oh, ah ya, I think it was this stuff from the nerds’ science fair project.”
“Ah, nerds, gotcha ya.” Then Brent closed the top of the cigarette pack and stuffed it in his pocket. Then you heard him enter a room. You could hear his muffled voice speaking to someone but you couldn’t make out whose. You climb out of the cigarette pack and up to the scruff of Brent’s pocket to see what was going on. He was standing back in the hall leaning up against a wall. Suddenly Jeremy walks in front of Trent. Then Trent leapt into action, Grabbing Jeremy by the scruff of his shirt and pounding him against the wall.
“Trent- wa- What are you doing.”
“I know you’re head nerd, and I want to know what the geek squads got for the science fair.”
“Wha- we- it’s nothing special just some boring chemical solutions, I- I can’t imagine they could do anything special, nothing, nothing at all!” the terrified nerd stammered.
“We both know that’s bullshit, I had to use one of my swiped hall passes to get you out here, now, you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to get ruff?”
“Alright! Alright, so we managed to throw together some substances which, may, or may not, alter things size a bit.”
“Ya I’d say fucken so, so where is it?”
“It- It should still be in the science room.”
“Great, let’s go.” Then Brent started walking toward the science room, dragging the nerdling by the scruff of his shirt. Within a few minutes they reached the science room. Luckily there wasn’t a class going on at the time and the room was empty. Jeremy brings out the solutions and sets them on a lab table.
“So which does what fuckwad?”
“Uh… uh this red one can shrink things down, the green one can increase their mass, and the purple one can make things more resilient.”
“Resilient to what?”
“Uh, just, in general make things stronger, more durable, type thing, ya now?”
“Great, let’s test these out.” Brent said with a twisted smile.
“Wha- what do you m-?!” Brent grabs Jeremy by his hair and shoves his face into the red mixture. Jeremy struggled to get free but was no match for the young stud forcing him down.
“Take a nice big sip boy.” Trent said. After a minute Trent pulled him out. “I trust you had a nice big sip?”
“Cough! Agh! You monster! What have you!” Jeremy stopped, becoming dead silent as He saw the world around him seem to expand. Soon Jeremy was 2 inches high, standing in a pile of his own clothes, staring into Brent’s boot.
Brent lifted his boot over Jeremy. Jeremy turned around and tried to make a break for it, but to no avail. Jeremy’s screams were silenced by quick stomp of Brent’s boot. By now Brent decides to take you out. You are blinded by the light for a moment, to see Brent’s smiling face looking down on you. “Be glad I kept ya along runt.”
“You.. Did you…”
“Yep, Now Jeremy’s just a smudge on the sole of my boot, not that he was much more before that.” Trent lifts his boot up to show you what was once your classmate. Trent gets a good laugh out of the disgusted on your face. “Just be glad you’re with me and not boot level pretty boy.” Then Trent reached over and poured the green solution on himself, covering himself head to toe, and you too.
You found yourself now seeing the sky. A moment ago the weird green mixture had covered you, and then after a few moments time it was instantly gone. The odd green mixture soon left your mind however as you very quickly realized how high up you were. You must be at least 175ft off the ground or so in Trent’s hand, and you think you were normal sized again, though you honestly couldn’t really tell as the only thing near you was the exact same proportions it had before the growth.
Then you looked down, all the way down to Trent’s massive boots. They were 35ft long and 16ft wide or so. His growth had completely obliterated the lab room, and smashed down into the first floor and even the basement. Each of his boots was also huge enough to have smashed through to all the rooms bordering the lab. His boots were covered in dust and surrounded by debris and what looked to be a few splotches of blood. You tried not to think about the several dozen classmates that surely met their fate at the soles of Trent’s boots, and instead turn to see how Trent is handling this.
Trent was smiling; over joyed would be an understatement. Looking into his eyes you saw lust, superiority, and the joy of someone who won the lottery. He was looking down at the school, at the destruction his growth alone had caused. After taking it in Trent, without a word, calmly lifted his right foot and examined the sole of his boot. It was mostly covered with dust and some debris, building materials, papers, and other tiny bits of such odds and ends, with splotches of blood here and there. Trent reached over and wiped off some of the dust and debris to find the blood was more than a few mere patches. Trent laughed at the sight with a sort of almost disgust, but don’t be mistaken, it wasn’t the gore or the horrifying ease of it; it was at those pathetic smears he once called classmates. Then Trent stomped his boot down in an untouched part of the school, causing crashing sounds, screaming, and a somewhat demented laughter.
“Now then…” Trent rumbled
With that snide remark, Brent lifts one of his huge, tattered boots above your head and looks down into your pleading eyes one more time.
Then he lowers his foot, quickly, coldly, and the dirty flat sole of his boot pins you awkwardly to the ground, your legs stretched with your knees close to your face.
You feel your left shoulder blade break under the pressure and your body seems to be on fire with pain. Then the boot, which feels like hot, scratched road tar, squashes your cheeks together nearly comically, your skull feels like it's bending under the pressure and..
Within a split second Brent has crushed out the sorry little pussy like a cigarett butt under his big, manly boot and practically forgotten you'd ever existed. He wipes his boot on the carpet and strolls out the door again, looking forward to going back to his apartment, getting high and fucking his girlfriend and her friends tonight.
Johnny wanders across the room, glancing around self-consciously. He's wearing black sneakers with white laces, baggy jeans and an open buttoned shirt with a wish-washy blue t-shirt underneath.
His big, brown eyes move around the floor , searching for something. A strand of long brown hair falls in front of his dark, deep set eyes and he casually brushes it back.
He walks to the middle of the room where you are and stands there, deep in thought, his long, soft jawline illuminated in the warm, yellow sunlight. You're terrified of staying this way forever, and you jump at the chance to seek help from this seemingly kind-natured boy. You run to him, beating on the toe of his left sneaker, calling out for help.
He continues to stare ahead, unnoticing, until slowly, his left leg shifts a little.. Johnny seems to be moving nearly unconsciously, lost in his own musings, and the dirty white rubber underside of the shoe's toe slams into you, knocking the wind out of you and leaving you on your back. Then, the giant shoe which is twice your size slowly moves over you, blanketing you in shadow. The sneaker is lowered down in what seems like minutes.. Slow, fear-stricken minutes, and settles on your stomach, squeezing out what you'd regained of your breath.
Your head poking out the top, you can only just see Johnny's soft, ignorant face still gazing around, completely unaware that a slight shift of his foot has nearly snuffed your life out like a tiny insect. Your arms flail as, breathlessly, you beg for his attention. You can feel the warmth of his foot heating the rubber, its ridges currently indenting your stomach. By some twist of fate, Johnny's head slowly, "slowly" turns, down, in your direction, and realisation just as slowly affects his expression. His brow knitted, his hair hanging like a messy curtain by his eyes, his lips part.. "Wh… What?"
Reality seems to hit, and Johnny's expression changes significantly as he recognises the thing under his shoe, and decides exactly what to do with it..
Johnny lifts his shoe, stunned at what appears to be underneath it. You gasp for air, and no sooner have you taken your first breath when the shoe comes back down, painfully winding you. "Hahaha!! This is too good to be true!" the seemingly sweet boy's face works into a cruel smile, and he continues pressing his sneaker down on you, nearly crushing your pelvis every time.
"AH!! AH!! PLEASE!! OH GOD, PLEASE!!" You cry out in between beatings with the sneaker. Johnny kneels down, pinching you with two fingers and holding you close to his face. He blows quickly onto you, as if curious how you'll respond, like you're some odd creature, and you gasp for air, hearing Johnny laugh heartily. "Please!" you yell up at the colossal skater boy "You have to help me!"
A cold, steady look comes into his deep brown eyes He mumbles so that no-one in the room but you can hear him. "Nah, man. I been waiting a looong time to have this much power over a rich kid. You know how much my mom and I have struggled all our lives?"
"But- N-No! You can't take that out on me!"
"I can't??" he asks, seeming almost excited, his eyes glinting, and he stands up, kicking off one of his black sneakers, holding you on the platform of his palm.
"No! Anything but that! Pleeease!!!" he laughs lightly at you
"Keep begging, rich kid, I'll think about it."
You throw yourself down on all fours, prostrating yourself before the cruel giant teen, kissing his warm palm as loudly as you can "MWA!! MWA!! MWA!! Please don't put me in there!!" Then you clasp your hands and bow your head in a show of total respect and submission, sure that if anything will gain his pity, this is it. 'plop' you hit the squishy, damp sole of his shoe, falling on the faded 'size 14' imprint like a target. You scamper backwards as his giant, black socked foot fills the opening and begins descending upon you. You can't see the big, satisfied smile on Johnny's face as you call out in desparation, "NO!! NO!! NOOOOO-"…
Johnny decides to walk home today, he figures it'll be a good way to break in his new toy. At first walking is a little awkward, with the unfamiliar sensation of a tiny man fighting and struggling under his foot, but soon he learns to relax and let all his weight press down upon the unfortunate little man's body.. What's the worst that can happen? The spoilt little brat ends up getting hurt, or crushed by his giant foot? Who cares?
Soon the struggling stops, and Johnny grins to himself. If the little guy's will was broken that easily, he's gonna 'love' his new life in Johnny's room!
* * *
It's a hot day, and the insole of Johnny's sneaker feels like a sopping wet mattress. Not only that, but his black sock is thin and scattered with holes, helping his horrible foot odour to spread around your cramped prison more easily.
You're lying on your back, your arms pinned by your side, underneath the arch of Johnny's foot, with the front ball of his foot pressing down slightly on the top of your head. With every step, the heartless boy's flesh presses against your face for what seems like minutes before it lifts again- you're lucky enough for one of the sock's wide holes to be directly in front of your face- while the soaked fabric of his sock newly wets your neck with every step.
The shoe, probably a hand-me-down for generations before it reached young Johnny's destitute household, stinks with the stale, rotten sweet smell of garbage, and there's no escaping it. Your stomach still burns with the tatoo of Johnny's sneaker's sole, which feels like it will be imprinted on you for good. Your blood boils, both outraged by this evil son of a bitch's callousness and terrified of what he has in store for you. You don't know how much more you can take.
* * *
Johnny shuts his bedroom door and sits on his bed, propping one foot on the other knee. "How you doin' in there, little guy?" He calls to you, a smirk on his face. Back come your feint, desperate, muffled screams. Johnny lays back on his bed, legs crossed, contemplating..
Just when the butterflies in your stomach are at their peak and you're sure that you're about to be yanked out of the sick high-schooler's sneaker and submitted to some new humiliation..
Nothing happens. You wait, and wait, and wait, breathing in the nauseating stench of Johnny's feet. And then you hear Johnny snoring. "NO!!" You try to yell. He can't have just left you in here! Tears spring into your eyes and you begin to weep. Something shifts in your stomach, and your insides begin to jump. You heave on the overwhelming smell of the sleeping giant's feet, desperately trying to will yourself not to throw up inside this foul hell..
By the time Johnny wakes from his sweet dreams, sits up, stretches luxuriously, notices it's dark, goes downstairs to prepare and eat a sandwich, comes back upstairs, slowly slides his feet out of his shoes and deposits you in his right hand, you're a drenched, ragged, exhausted mess. He wipes sleep out of his eye, smiling dreamily. "You have fun in there, little rich boy? I might just have to put you back in there tonight while I sleep.."
"Please! I'll do anything! I swear to God!" you plead. He strokes his smooth chin.
"Hmmm… Roll over."
"I'm.. I'm sorry?"
"You're juuust about as stripped of your dignity as you can be, rich boy, but I'd like to stretch you some more. Say 'I'm your little bitch, Johnny' and roll over like a dog' or I'll put you in my shoe again tonight" he says in a cocky tone. Johnny has obviously struggled os much with being an outcast his whole life, now that he has the chance to demean and humiliate another kid he's going to enjoy it for all it's worth.
Frantically, you repeat "I'm your little bitch, Johnny!" and roll over in his palm. He laughs like an amused child and nods approvingly.
"Now bark, little bitch, and lick my palm sweat all up!" you do accordingly, lapping the savoury sweat right out of the creases in his palm. The humiliation breaks you at this point, and you begin to weep uncontrollabley. "Awww" he says mockingly "Now cry. Cry like the little bitch you are.. That's it! Good boy!! ..Since you've been such a good little bitch today, now you get to…"
Johnny closes his hand around you and once again your world is thrust into darkness. He strolls into the bathroom across the hall and locks the door from the inside. You hear a swift jingling sound as he yanks the shower curtain across, then bends down, dumping you on the scratched porcelain of his bath tub. Then he pinches the zipper of his fly, dragging it down in exaggerated slow motion as he watches your reaction, an immense smile creeping over his face.
He relishes the sight of you scampering backwards against the slippery wall of the tub, wide-eyed and terrified, then he takes his long, floppy penis in his left hand and aims it at you, a little of the hair of his balls stretching past the zipper aswell. "Here it comes!" he says excitedly through his smile, trying to rev you up as much as he can. I
t works, and a second before the golden-green stream of urine hits you like a fire hose you let out an uncontrollable squeal like a stuck pig. The stream pummels you, knocking you off your feet and onto the hard, unforgiving surface of the tub. Johnny smiles giddily, watching your performance with thorough enjoyment. You don't have the co-ordination to keep your mouth closed, and Johnny's warm piss pours down your throat so fast you can't even choke, your convulsing throat muscles are ignored and constantly pushed open by the endless stream.
After what seems like minutes, Johnny runs out of gas and you're left, drenched and gasping for air. He shakes his dick off, laughing when the heavy drops of piss splatter tauntingly on your little body, and he tucks his hose away.
Then he orders you to strip your clothes off, which you jump to obey, choking on the unfamiliar taste of clean air, and he turns the cold shower on you and stands, smiling, as he watches you cower in a pitiful, quivering ball with no choice but to endure the strikingly cold water.. After your shower, Johnny decides to call it a night. You, his new toy, will be sleeping..
There you are, trapped between a sweaty cotton wall, and an equally sweaty sole of a sadistic teenage boy. The smell gets worse with every drop of sweat Johnny's foot squeezes out. Your hair is soaked and some of it gets into your mouth, which you are forced to swallow. The sour smell of his raunchy feet fills your nostrils with every breath you take.
The night seems to wear on and on, you don't get any sleep that night for fear of drowning in footsweat. But then, in the middle of the night, the foot is removed from the sock and you see the face of your master peering in. "Hey little guy…Listen, I can't get to sleep….You either? Well, that makes two of us I guess. Maybe if you do something for me I can get to sleep!" Johnny says with a grin.
Johnny mentions a nice foot rub from you. You want to object but having been trapped in the giant teen's sock all night, maybe this is the ticket out of the sock prison. You look up at him and shake your head 'yes'.
Johnny lowers you to the floor and lowers his giant feet to the floor too. His feet hang over the floor about an inch off the floor so you can rub his feet.
You press your hand into the giants foot bed and begin to rub back and forth. You rub his rough skin on the ball of his foot, then to the toes where the worst of the smell is coming from. Johnny is starting to enjoy the feeling of your tiny hands rubbing in between his giant toes.
Finally after a half an hour you finish. You start to move out from under his feet when he presses down on your body forcing it to the ground. Now your face is pressed up into this toes and you begin to hear moaning noises.
You look up between the toes and see Johnny is beating off. He is going at it vigorously. You don't know what to think. He moans more. Then he reaches the climax and lifts his foot off of you, his come landing all over you. Then he stands up and looks down at you.
" Hmmm.." He says, "This is a mess. I guess…"
Your face is smeared with Johnny's thick come; the strong smell sinks into your senses with every breath. The giant teen stands, scratches his butt and pulls his briefs back up. His deep brown eyes look glazed and satisfied as he looks down at you, still trapped beneath his huge white foot, then bends over and picks you up.
"Looks like some-one's gonna need a good tongue bathing." he says with a dopey grin.
Eyes closed, giant Johnny closes his hand around you, enjoying the feel of warm come oozing between his fingers and all over his tiny slave's trapped body.
Then you're brought to your owner's young face and you freeze in his grasp as a long, dark pink tongue slides out of his open mouth and brushes your tiny cheek. The glistening tip runs up and down your face, lapping up cool semen.
"Mmm.. I just love the taste of my junk. Don't you?" he takes his fingertip and pries your lips apart, the taste of come fresh on your tongue.
Johnny licks and sucks you like a piece of candy until he's all done, and..
Johnny finds a hand towel and roughly dries you with it, nearly snapping your neck as he rubs it over your head. Then he finds a tiny piece of chain that used to be the extension chain on an old dogtags necklace, and it fits tightly around your waist. He attaches that to the regular sized chain, minus the dogtags, and admires his work in the mirror.
He is standing naked now, having stripped off while you rinsed off under the cruelly cold shower, and he tucks his hair in behind one ear, impressed with his little necklace. "Try getting away from me now, little guy." He twists you around on the chain a couple more times before turning away from his mirror, switching the lights off and climbing under the sheets.
Johnny brings two fingers to his lips, kisses them, and shoves them in your face, repulsing you, but you don't dare anger him by pulling away. "Night night, little guy." he snickers sarcastically "Sweet dreams."
You seethe with anger in the dark, wanting to spit venom back at him.
"Hey" he pokes sharply at you in the dark, his voice stern.
You quickly reply "Goodnight, Master" keeping ur own voice as humble as possible. You could almost bite your own tongue for giving him the undeserved respect. You resent him bitterly, but you know that if he commands you to, you will sing his praises again and again and again. You have no choice. He grins, satisfied, and drifts off to sleep..
An hour later you lie there on his smooth chest, riding the rhythmic falling-and-rising motion as he breathes in and out deeply. You can feel his steady heartbeat against your bare back, and the blood running underneath his skin is keeping you beautifully warm, especially compared to the shivering, humiliated mess you were in the shower earlier. Aside from the embarrassment of your own involuntary nudity, you feel a twinge of brotherly warmth or gratitude for the safety the giant has granted you tonight. Realising how ridiculous this is, you banish the feeling..
Then Johnny hastily rolls over, leaning on his chain. It snaps, and you…
You hear the chain snap in the dark, and at the same time you slide off of Johnny's chest, as he turns onto his side, hugging the pillow under his head. His free arm stretches out, knocking you up, onto the pillow. You roll into the dent his head makes in the big, soft mass.
You're right in front of his life-sized face now, and as he leans further into the pillow, searching for its familiar scent in his sleep, the left half of your body is pinned under his cheek, with his nose directly above your head. As he breathes, your hair is blown to the side, and your whole body feels like it's glowing with the heat of his long, deep breaths. His own long hair is tangled on the pillow beneath you. Johnny utters something soft in his sleep, the vibrations of the inaudible sound hanging for a moment in the air around you.
With his lips parted, saliva begins to ooze from Johnny's mouth, and it makes a warm pool on your naked belly, slowly spreading over your chest and pelvis. You groan in frusteration, experiencing that now-familiar feeling of helplessness, of forced intimacy, with your exposed penis now coated in the huge man's saliva. Against your will, you feel a steady increase of blood rushing to your pelvis and your cock starts to stiffen, slowly rising in response to the hot, wet sensation of Johnny's drool.
Of course you resent the sadistic teen, but you're so exhausted from the day's activities and you haven't come in so long, you find you don't have the strength to hate Johnny enough to fight off the stimulation he's unknowingly giving you.
Your erection stands tall in the dark, blood pumping through it, tingling crazily. In your awkward, trapped position, you can't reach it or escape from Johnny's hot breaths, now coming from his mouth and heating your face feverishly. Your breath catches in ur throat, your mind filling with a blissful white light that obliterates all reality around you, and as Johnny's saliva reaches your lips, its unique taste claiming all of your consciousness, you surrender, panting his name…
Semen flows down your erection and onto your stomach as you breathe wildly, totally possessed by the longest and wettest orgasm you've ever had.
You've never had so little control in that crucial moment, nor have you tried to fight the urge to come so hard, but now the moment seems to stretch over an eternity, blowing your mind like never before. You would swear that Johnny's breaths just became 100 degrees hotter, as they rain down on you, like fuel to a fire.
"Yes! Yes! Oooh thankyouthankyouthankyou YES!" you cry through gritted teeth, tears of pleasure filling your eyes, your voice trembling as you try to control yourself.
The orgasm starts to subside, and you take in a deep breath- just as Johnny licks his lips in his sleep. His tongue darts out, sliding twice along your sensitive cock head, and that's all it takes to send you crashing into a second orgasm. This time, it's electric, and you shriek in the dark, your back spasming, your balls aching. "OH! OH GOD! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! FFFUCK!!!"
Your chest shudders as it all ends abruptly, and you actually can't tell if you're crying or gasping for air. A thousand things race through your mind. Johnny's beautiful sleeping face, giving you the most amazing moment of your entire life; Johnny watching you with an expression of glee as the cold shower water beat down on you, dragging your breath right out of your chest.
Somehow that moment eclipses with the one a second ago, and it seems possible, in some hazy, unspecific way, for love and hate to be the same thing. Did you just say that you loved him? Your cruel tormentor? Have you ever loved another man? The universe is spinning out of control, and as you're blessedly saved by sleep, your sleeping giant's tongue creeps out to lap up his saliva off your belly, unconsciously recognising something sweet mixed in with its taste…
"I think I will have my little bitch clean the junk out from under my toe nails and if you do a good job you won't have to lick my feet," he says "And if you don't do this you will be back in my shoe in a matter of seconds."
You look up at the giant guy staring down at you. You start to control your weeping and nod your head. You see a smile on his face now.
Johnny lowers your body to the floor. He still has his socks on so he places his foot over top of you, takes off his one sock, then switches feet until both of his socks are off. Johnny lifts his bare foot off of you and you stand up. Then he slams his foot down in front of you, wiggling his toes to taunt you at your tiny size.
Johnny quits moving his toes to allow you to clean out the gunk under his toe nails. You walk up to his feet, the smell overwhelming. You run your hand underneath the big toe, feeling all the dirt and sweat collected over what seems years under his toe nails. You continue to take all the gunk out for an hour. Finally, you finish the task and Johnny looks down at you.
"Don't wipe your hands off, lick them." Johnny says smiling.
You slowly take in all that is Johnny's feet until your hands are clean. Johnny pulls his feet up to inspect them.
"Hmmm…" he says.
Johnny then says..
Johnny's best pal Chad arrives wearing board shorts, flip-flops and a thai-dyed shirt. He has curly blond hair, striking blue eyes and a joker's grin, and he can't wait to see his best friend's new toy he's heard so much about.
"Whoah" he stares down at you in awe "That is so cool.. You really think he'll let us come all over him?"
Johnny's brow knits "Dude, he'll do whatever I say, I'm like his god or something. Besides, he knows if he pisses me off I'll just stick him back in my shoe.. Aint that right, little guy?" he smiles down at you condescendingly and you nod, your shoulders slumped.
You stand there, completely naked, blood rushing to your cheeks in embarrassment. Johnny ordered you to strip before his pal Chad arrived, and now they're both pulling out their life-sized cocks, their eyes bright with anticipation. You wish there was any hope at all of escaping the coming abuse, but there simply isn't. Johnny takes you in his hand, butting the head of his erection into your stomach while Chad slides his damp, sensitive head up and down your back.
"Hey! Quit holding your arms so tight against your sides and hugging your shoulders around your head!" Johnny commands "Spread all your limbs out like a star, and look up at me." You do as you're told, goosebumps tingling uncomfortabley all over you as the young men slide their slippery dicks over every nook and cranny of your body, making you feel defeated and filthy in every way.
"See what I mean" Johnny brags, showing off your obedience, and both boys snicker. Their thick, hard sausages roll all over your body, all over your face, until you're a limp, passive object of pleasure to the merciless and selfish teens. Johnny starts to moan breathlessly, and before you know it his warm cum is oozing down your chest. Chad, as if set off by the sight of his friend's climax, soon squirts his load all over your face, watching Johnny grin and nod in approval. When the two have calmed down and you're miserably swallowing a stomach full of white goop..
Johnny quickly steps off of you, then bends, scoops you up in his hand, and flicks his hair out of the way to get a closer look. "Please! I need you to help me! I have to get back home!"
Johnny's big brown eyes stare at you in wonder, half in a daze. "Oh my god.."
Johnny gasps and quickly lifts his foot off of you, and your lungs ache with relief. You tremble as the gigantic skater boy bends, looming over you and scoops you up in his hand. "Hey, it's ok" his warm, honey-sweet breath descends down upon you as he speaks "We're gonna find you some help - let's just try to sneak you out of here first."
As if you had the chance to argue, Johnny dumps you in his bag and zips it up. You fall with a thud onto a large pair of dirt-smeared gym socks, which appear to be the source of the overpowering, sickly sweet smell that rules the inside of the backpack. You feel a little queezy, especially when Johnny starts walking and the bumpy ride begins, but when the ride stops all together, you start to worry.
"Where's the fire, Johnny?" you hear a mocking, sleazy sounding voice say from outside. You can hear the twisted, sarcastic smile on Blane, the beach-blond bully's lips, from inside the bag. Blane, wearing jeans and flip flops and nothing else but a tanned sixpack and twinkling blue eyes, snatches Johnny's backpack, and the bully's equally as intimidating buddies hold Johnny back from retrieving it.
"What ya got there, Johnny? A present for your girlfriend?"
"I - I was just-" "Well it's my present now! So what'd you get for me, mama's boy? Candy? Jewelry?" light floods in on you as the zipper flies open, and long, tanned, worked fingers dive in randomly, snatching you from the center of the bag and bruising your left rib in the process.
"Ah!! Ouch!!" Your eyes water with the pain.
Blane looks stunned for a moment, then his eyes look back at Johnny, whose face has drained of all colour, and he laughs appreciatively. "Why Johnny boy, you shouldn't have! My own little bitch-ass rich kid to play with, haha!!" the man's cruel, cold blue eyes look down at you in glee.
"No! He's just-" Johnny struggles to save you, and one of Blane's goons silence him with a blow to the stomach.
"Sorry bout your boyfriend Johnny, but he's mine now. And I know just where to put him.."
The tall, tanned bully unbuttons his tight jeans slowly, relishing the sight of your panicking body squirming in his hand as you watch what's happening. "Hey!" he shouts, almost deafening you, and clamps his fingers around you tightly. You wince, your rib throbbing in pain. He slowly pulls back the waistband of his underwear and drops you in, letting you fall a couple of feet to your humid, musky prison.
Blane's cock, thick and fleshy, is already standing up limply and leaning against you inside the sweaty tent. An acid-like, rancid smell flows from his wet piss slit, which is forced against your face, and you tremble in fear of exciting the monster any further.
Outside, Blane stands over Johnny, who still cradles his bruised stomach and looks sick with worry. "Aaah, your boyfriend feels good squirmin' around in there, John!" He nudges his crotch roughly, enjoying the feel of you jump against his cock and Johnny's pale look of worry and powerlessness.
"Please, dude.." Johnny bows his head, too afraid to even face the cruel boy's crotch which is right in front of him "Please just let the poor guy go"
"No can do, faggot." he teases "In fact, I like the feel of your little boyfriend gettin' me off so much that I'm gonna.."
The trip to Blane's house is a grimey, musky, sweaty hellride. Blane sits behind the wheel of his car, nudging you violently every now and then and snickering to himself as you wriggle and writhe, clamped between his heavy dick and his huge balls.
Sweat runs into your mouth constantly and it tastes hot; dirty. When he finally arrives home to his dimly-lit one room apartment, strolling leisurely over to his bed and kicking his sandy flip-flops off, he takes a long, satisfying stretch before unzipping his fly and fishing you out. He holds you in the palm of his hand, caressing his erection in the other, and you tremble as you stare back up at the merciless jock.
He lies down on the bed, still watching you, and slowly brings you towards his lips. Suddenly, he throws his mouth open and shouts "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" in your face. Your ears ringing, you scramble around in his palm, shaking violently, overdosing on pure adrenaline at the shock of his cruel joke. He grins, pleased with himself, and lowers you, bringing you right up close to his sweaty, glistening cock.
You shake your head, "Oh, please, I don't-"
He shoves your face into the wet piss slit, brings you back, and shoves you into it again. He looks excited, and his cock is growing longer and firmer still. Your face is drenched with sour, watery precum which runs into your mouth when you try to beg for a chance to breathe.
He pushes you in again, laughing breathlessly like an obnoxious child, his eyes ablaze with pure selfish enjoyment. Your face hits the wet skin again and again.. 'SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH..' until his mammoth erection finally erupts with bucket-loads of hot, globby cum. It shoots out, nearly drowning your tiny form, thickly coating your entire body, head first, until you're unrecognisable. He glances down at you, his chin doubling, and says:
Blane pinches you between his thumb and his index finger, as if disgusted by the idea of touching you, and dumps you onto the small tiled enclosure which is his shower. He strips off his clothes and climbs in the tight space, his feet planted on either side of you.
You strain your neck to look directly up, and you see his long, brown cock dangling ominously between his thighs. He grins down at you, taking the thick cock in his hand and taking aim. You try to shrink away from what's coming but there no escaping it. Blane's vile piss comes pelting down on your head in a glistening golden stream and you struggle hopelessly to breathe, choking on the vile piss. The whole time, you can hear Blane's mocking, childish laugh, and you burn inside with anger.
When he's all done relieving his bladder on you, he turns the shower on, soaping his body up and washing his bronze skin all over. You thank God for the soap suds that wash over you, ridding you of the bitter stench of urine, not that Blane is likely to care whether or not you drown in the foamy wash.
Suddenly he jabs you with his big toe "Hey.. Take those clothes off. I don't want you dripping wet for what we're gonna do next."
You wouldn't dream of disobeying your mean master.. That would be suicidal. But the thought of being naked in front of him is unbearable. You slowly peel your clothes off as he finishes washing, and when he turns the shower off and stands, staring down at you, water streaming from his nose and dick, you want to curl up and die of embarrassment.
"What the hell is that??" he laughs like a hyena, pointing down at your penis. It's true, even at normal size your small-to-average penis couldn't hold a candle to this smug boy's massive tool. You feel yourself blush. "Oh, dude," he shakes his head, enjoying this new joke immensely. "You're practically a chick."
Your face reddens with anger, and it's all just about to get a lot worse..
Blane steps out of the shower, pulls on a pair of underwear along with his old jeans and a crumpled t-shirt, which he sniffs first, then apparently deems acceptable.
He strolls over to his ripped, faded couch and switches the TV on, lighting a cigarette and opening a beer. You stand on the wet shower tiles self-consciously, wanting badly to cover your private parts but knowing that would only inspire him to exploit your insecurity.
You're beginning to think he's forgotten about you, until he turns to you, gesturing across the room for you to come to him. This is also no doubt a cruel joke, as he could have easily taken you with him, and you take a good two minutes to jog across the room towards your master, your willy swinging humiliatingly between your legs.
When you finally arrive at his feet, staring up at him, he glances down at you casually before lifting one foot high in the air and slamming it down on you, trapping you on your back. He takes a drag of his cigarette and, exhaling, starts to count "30, 29, 28, 27.." in a voice so casual you'd think he didn't care if you heard or not.
"H-hey! What are you counting??" you say, panicking.
"The seconds before I turn you into a stain on my carpet, rich boy." he says calmly, pressing down on your cheek so that you can't turn your face to see him. "..25, 24, 23, 22.."
"Wait! Wait! What do you want me to- There has to be something I can do to change your mind!" you plead, seriously panicking now.
"Well… If you can convince me, I mean 'really' convince me, that you love licking my feet, I'll let ya live a while longer.."
You go mad licking the salty skin of the boy's sole, your tongue wetly slapping against its rough but savoury surface. "I love licking your feet!! I swear to God!! They're the most gorgeous feet I've ever seen!!! And I love the taste aswell!! Please, man!!" You flounder, struggling to please him.
"10, 9, 8, 7.."
"Mmmwa!! Mmwa!!" you kiss the rough skin shamelessly
"5, 4, 3.." you gag, your whole tongue stretched across his heavy foot. "2, 1…"
Blane raises his foot off of you. You lay there gagging and catching your breath, that was the worst moment in your life. The bully looked down at you smiled, he enjoyed this at your expense.
"Well?" you ask.
"Well what?" He responds, looking irritated.
"Did I.. Did I do a good job.. Sir?" you ask humbly.
Without a verbal response, Blane casually picks up his foot and slams it back down on you again. "Eat shit, faggot."
His giant foot starts to press down on your tiny body. You try to push up but he was just too big and you're nothing but a bug to him. His toes press down over your face, forcing you to smell his foot odor and be crushed at the same time.
You body's bones start to crack.. " Please no!"
"Quit pleading, runt. Who cares if you die, you're just a bug."
The guy's foot presses down even more and you feel your body being compressed between his foot and the floor. He presses down a little more and it was done. Your body smears out underneath the giants foot into a little red stain.
Blane stubs out his cigarette, wipes his foot off on the already filthy carpet, and you never cross his mind again.
You watch Blane drying himself with a huge white towel, working it under his thighs as his dick jiggles heavily, almost in slow motion in the air. You're still burning with humiliation and resentment, and when he catches you watching him and eyes you warningly, spitting: "Hey, what you looking at, faggot?"
You're forced to bow your head humbly, turning your cheeks a deeper scarlet. In the way of drying you, Blane picks you up under the arms and shakes you until you're so dizzy you really can't tell which direction the ground is in. As you slowly regain your vision, the giant carries you over to a small table in the corner of the room, next to a small bar fridge.
He takes out a plate of brown slop, something you hope you won't be expected to eat, but instead you're dropped onto a polished wooden chair by the table and nearly ground into the fibre of the wood by his bare ass. You squirm, losing the battle to suppress a scream, and he laughs to himself as he spoons the slop into his mouth in big gulps, chewing and swallowing like a wild animal at feeding time.
He adjusts his naked butt and the crack spreads further over you, introducing you to smells that leave you feeling stripped of any cleanliness or innocence you may have once had. For the first time through this whole ordeal you truly feel the indignity of your situation, and how humiliatingly vulnerable and helpless you are at the hands of this savage young man and whoever else he might choose to share you with.
Blane lifts one leg, cranking a high-pitched fart that smells like a rotting corpse. He snickers dumbly, his mouth full, and you bite your lip, trying to suppress tears. Suddenly, your giant owner has an ingenius idea. A sleazy, self-satisfied smile spreads across his face as he decides…
The sadistic giant reaches under his bare ass and pulls you out. He's had enough of feeling you wriggle underneath him, now he wants to make you squirm in a whole new way.
"I'm one hungry man, little slave. All this food just isn't going to satisfy me." He says with a cold smile, and you know what he's going to do even before he drops you into the meaty slop in his plate.
"No! Please don't eat me, Mister! I'll do anything you like, but I can't be your slave if you eat me!!"
The power-tripping teen isn't listening, though. He's too busy mixing you in with his spoon, so you're covered in gravy and bits of vegetable when he lifts you to his mouth, in the tip of his fingers. You make a valiant struggle, kicking wildly, but when Blane's lips take hold of your legs and suck you in, all hope is gone.
The man makes a point of moving you around in his mouth, sucking the savoury juices off your body and lightly grazing you with his teeth, tempting himself to bite down on you and making you terrified that he's about to do so. But in the end he swallows you whole, putting on a brave face as you slide heavily down his throat, making his Adam's apple bulge and causing his throat to look like a giant snake, devouring its prey.
It's all worth it when you hit his stomach, though, and he takes delight in feeling you wriggle around in there while he shovels more and more food down.
You cry for mercy, knowing that there's only one way out from here and you're not going to be alive for it, as chewed up meat and vegetables pour down on top of you, mixing with the fierce stomach acids to drown you in a swamp of disgusting food and burning juices.
It doesn't take long before Blane belly is full, and you're left to drown/be pulverised in a churning sea of liquified dinner.
He sits back in his chair, lets a colossal burp go, and pats his stomach contentedly. You were delicious.
"No, no.." Johnny shakes his head, trying to get up. But one of Blane's more muscular buddies grabs him by the back of his collar and roughly drags him onto his knees, before Blane.
You hear your tormentor's fly zip open, and he yanks his briefs down, exposing you to open air. Your stomach jolts as you catch a glimpse of the height you stand to fall from, and you throw your arms around Blane's semi-erection, trembling violently.
"Aaaah, that's the stuff!" he exclaims "Time for you to join in, Johnny… NOW"
Johnny hesitates no longer when Blane places one foot on the lower boy's crotch, threatening to crush all that is dear to him, and Johnny's cold, sweaty hand wraps around you at once.
"I'm sorry, little guy.." He murmurs, pumping the ever-growing cock up and down while squeezing you against the feverishly hot skin.
"Oooh, yeah.. Oh- Oh- that's great. Aint that great, Johnny boy? Haha.. Yeah, I bet you like it even more than I do.." Blane stands there in bliss as your face is pressed into the extraordinarily large cock. Even Johnny has to bow his head in embarrassment at the size of the thing.
Watery precum drizzles from the cock's slit like a weak fountain and runs down, all over your face. "Oh, God.." you say in your head, not daring to open your mouth. This humiliation is unbearable -- As if being rubbed all over this foul bully's huge cock isn't torture enough, the awkwardness of feeling the shy boy's hand all over your body makes it even worse.
Suddenly, the skyscraper of a cock seems to be vibrating; humming; blushing to boiling point. Blane lets out a cowboy like "Whew!!", rejoicing in the thrilling anticipation of his orgasm, then grabs Johnny by the hair, holding his cringing face inches from his cock.
"Keep pumping if you know what's good for ya, mama's boy!" up-down-up-down-up-down, the pumps get slower and slower as Johnny fearfully awaits Blane's climax, and then… SPLAT!!
"HAHAHA!!!" Blane laughs in Johnny's cum-soaked face. You feel his erection softening in your embrace already, and the cruel boy plucks you out of Johnny's hand, throwing you down on top of his bag so he can inspect his handiwork.
You sit there, stunned, for a moment. Your face is damp and cold with precum and a little of the thicker cum which oozed down over Johnny's wrist in the time between Blane's climax and your removal. But for the most part, Johnny seems to have taken the bullet on this one -- and that oversized cock was nothing short of loaded! Johnny's face is covered in thick white goop. He seems afraid or unable to open his eyes or his mouth, and simply kneels there with his hands close to his face, not knowing what to do, looking like he's about to cry, as Blane and his friends point and laugh at him.
Finally Blane slaps his soft, wet cheek, wiping a palm-ful of cum off, and grabs Johnny's hair in his other fist again. "Ah! Ah!!" Johnny winces, in pain, his shoulders hugging his neck.
"Stick your tongue out and keep it there, you little cum eater, or else!!" Blane orders a terrified and blinded Johnny, who obeys, sticking his tongue out farther than you would think was humanly possible. The tall blond bully wipes his palm across Johnny's long tongue slowly, his eyes glinting as he watches the paralysed boy accept the eggy mouthful obediently though in utter disgust. "Now EAT IT!"
Johnny's Adam's apple bobs slowly as he scrunches his nose and closed eyes, forcing himself to swallow, and Blane and his friends break out into a round of rowdy laughter and high fives. You feel terrible for Johnny, the one person who tried to help you, as he kneels there, bewildered and outnumbered by the beastly teenagers, but this may be your one chance to escape..
You leap off of the backpack, landing on your hands and knees, and set off in a sprint down the polished linoleum hallway, your heart pounding in your throat. You've nearly reached the bright daylight outside the exit doors.. Nearly.. Nearly!..
"You're beautiful.." he says in awe, and his honey-sweet breath warms your whole body. "Well don't worry, little guy, I'll take care of you and keep you safe forever. You can be my own little pet, ok?"
"No! I don't want-" But Johnny isn't listening. He's fallen so in love with you that he seems incapable of reason.
"Now look cutie," he smiles at you warmly and sincerely "I don't want to lose you like I've lost girlfriends and stuff in the past, so you'll have to hang tight for a while, ok.. Oh man, I can't wait to get you home.." as he says this he zips his fly open, and you can already see his member coming to life, stirring behind his briefs.
He pulls the waistband open with one finger and deposits you, flailing and begging, into his underwear, and lets the waistband snap shut, zipping up his jeans and leaving you with your entire body jammed against the long, soft, darkly coloured penis.
Your pitiful squirming and struggling excites the boy even more as he sits behind the wheel of his car, wearing a smile and trying to concentrate on the road, his semi-erection squashing you even more against the now damp fabric. "Oh boy, little guy" he murmurs "We are gonna have so much fun when we get home..
Johnny sneaks into his messy room, dumps his bags on the ground and shuts the curtains. Then he slides his hand down his pants and pulls you back out, your face sticky with precum. "Thanks for all that stimulation on the way over, man, that felt beautiful." he smiles down at you, his youthful, husky voice reverberating through your body. "This is gonna be so good- I haven't come in so long."
You try to argue, but the horny, lovesick teen has decided he wants you and, in your situation, there's nothing you can do to stop him from taking you. He dumps you on his bed, kicks off his shoes and fumbles out of his baggy jeans and briefs.
His long, pale, somewhat hairy though manly legs sink into the mattress knees-first, and crawl into squatting position over you. That beast of a penis dangles like a pendulum fifty feet above your head. As he begins to fondle it, his breath becoming heavier, it grows significantly, his hairy ball sack jiggling beneath it.
You cry, beg, plead, shaking your arms around in front of you as it starts to descend, but the 'beast' has you in the end, as Johnny rubs the head up and down your body, coating you in slime.
He turns you over, rubbing it on your back, then flips you again, engulfing your head in the wide piss slit. He pulls back, butting you in the stomach repeatedly now, and on impulse you lick your lips, trying to remove the goo that sticks them shut. You regret it instantly, but it's too late.
"You like it!!" he exclaims, looking down at you in sheer joy, then: "Oh! Oh this feels so good!" his soft, teen voice squeaks a little as he loses himself to ecstacy, and he clamps his eyes shut in immeasurable bliss. You can feel his racing pulse through the huge dick as it swipes your neck erratically. "Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! OH GOD!! OOH!! OO-OOH!!!! …Ohhhh.."
Your whole body feels heavy with the blanket of cum Johnny has spilled on you, and you watch, unable to move an inch, as Johnny moves his softening dick away from you and his face comes into focus.
He smiles weakly, looking like every facial muscle is totally relaxed. "Whoah, I don't think I've ever dumped so much in one load, little guy, thanks!" You close your eyes, wishing you could wake up from this nightmare. Your skin feels sticky and uncomfortable all over.
Johnny licks his lips, his huge dark pink tongue sliding over them wetly. "Well, let's get you cleaned up." he says "I'm going to enjoy this.." As soon as you realise what the giant means to do, seeing his wide tongue, broad enough to blanket your entire body, coming down at you, your muscles tighten and you cringe away from the spectre. But it's no use cringing. Johnny's dripping wet tongue slides all over you, curling to lap up his own cum.
He licks between your legs, the tip nudging your crotch, he licks your face again and again, even after it's perfectly clean, and he flips you over with the gigantic tongue, pounding it down on your butt and over your back. When you're finally free of cum and covered in a thick coat of Johnny's saliva, which is the same overbearingly sweet scent as his honey-breath, Johnny looks down at you with those huge, puppy dog eyes and sighs contentedly.
Then he pulls his shirt off, gives your face a big wet kiss, and puts his beefy arm over you, burying his face in the pillow and falling asleep. After half an hour, with Johnny snoring soundly, you decide it's safe to try to escape. You wriggle around, trying to shift the muscles that rest heavily on you, and Johnny begins to stir in his sleep. You hold your breath, waiting to see what will happen…
His arm closes around you, trapping you in his smelly armpit. You have enough space to move around, but each movement just makes the walls tighter. On the outside, Johnny is unknowingly feeling your sensations, and slowly getting aroused. You walk up to his path of smelly hair, trying to wipe off the remaining saliva from his tongue bath he had given you earlier.
It starts to get humid as each minute passes by. You begin to bang on his skin, trying to get him to free you. Suddenly, the arm lifts up and you see fingers reaching in. You jump with excitement thinking you're going to be saved. But Johnny is only scratching his armpit, unknowingly pushing you into his armpit hair and tangling you. His fingers begin to retract and you luckily grab onto his index finger.
He starts to move it slowly, coming closer to…
You gaze up in awe as Juan slides out of his seat. As he walks towards you, towards the door with his books under one arm, his massive sneakers seem as big as yachts. The bulges of perfectly round rump which make up his butt cheeks sway in slow motion as he walks -- They look big enough to live on! Juan nods to Mr James, the counsellor, who responds:
"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr Garcia. Go home and get some rest."
You're so awestruck by the monolithic teen and the breathtaking display of manliness that is his giant body, you don't realise you're being watched until it's too late..
A large sweaty hand wrapped around you. You heard the person who captured you ask to go to the bathroom, so as he walked down the hall you were scared stiff thinking about what would become of you. The sound of the door to the bathroom slamming closed as your captor released his grip on you. Blinking repeatedly from the sudden flash of light you look up to the smiling face of Juan.
"Dude, I can't believe this is really happening" Juan said "This is so cool, I can't believe I finally got you." You look at the other boy in complete shock "Wait what did you say?!" At that point the larger boy seemed to realize what he said. You could see the small hint of a blush cross the other boys face under his tanned skin "Umm well I sorta kinda may have a crush on you, just a little." He said quietly seemingly embarrassed. You looked up at him in shock and wondered if you should come to terms with your feelings, you had to admit you weren't totally against the idea of dating Juan, you were already an outcast how much worse could things be. You smiled up at him and decided to take your chances "Really, you do?"
As soon as he heard the acceptance in your voice all signs of shyness left his features "Yup, so does this mean you like me too?" "Yeah I guess it does" you said chuckling. "But umm back to the thing that's my biggest problem now, do you by any chance know how to get me back to normal." He looked at you amused "But your just so cute at this size" he said smiling as he tickled you. You laughed a bit but after it passed you gave him a serious look "Come on your not really going to leave like this." you pleaded. "Yeah your right I can't really leave you like this knowing you don't enjoy it as much as I will, but until you get back to normal you are staying with me."
You both agreed you would stay with him while you were at your current size. "But umm since I don't have any pockets in these pants so I'm gonna have to put you here for a while." He said patting his bubble butt. You were confused for a moment before you understood "Umm ok but could you at least put me outside the underwear." You said nervously. He smirked "Of course little buddy I wouldn't do that to you." he said as he pulled the back of his jeans away from his butt. "Well here you go little guy" he dropped you into his pants and you were pushed in to his butt-crack slightly, you heard him say "Just making sure you don't fall out"
His massive glutes slowly rubbed against you, the lingering smell of his ass although slightly disgusting also intoxicating, you actually found yourself taking deeper breaths to experience the smell. After he returned to the class room he took his seat squishing you against his cheeks even more to your enjoyment.
As soon as classes were over for the day Juan ran to the parking lot causing a small amount of sweat to build up in his crack. After he got into his car he leaned forward and plucked you from the inside of his pants. He beamed down at you flashing his perfect smile "Hey again little guy hope it wasn't to rank down there." You couldn't help but smile back at the big hunk "Nope everything was just fine, I wouldn't mind spending some more time some down there." He laughed at your answer and started his car, placing you in his lap.
As he started driving you crawled up his muscled thighs reaching his washboard abs. When he stopped you were able to see the sign for a fast food restaurant and you looked up at him questioningly "What are we doing here?" you ask. "Well I figured that you might be hungry since you missed lunch and I wanted to get something to eat so I thought that we could pick something up and then get to know each other better, if that's ok with you I mean." He said nervously as if his small decision would upset you. You gave him a big smile and chuckled at his caring nature "Of course it is ok Juan you don't have to be so nervous I already said I like you." After he heard what you said he heaved a big sighed throwing you off balance for a moment before he said "Yeah I know it's just I always wanted to be your friend and more but I was too nervous to do anything, and now that I have you I think I gonna screw it up."
You sighed and walked over to the hand the was now resting on his thigh to grab his attention. When he noticed you he lifted you up to eye level and you looked up at his handsome face that was full of conflicting emotions. "Don't worry about that Juan I can honestly say I really like you and right now your the person I'm depending the most on, and on top of that the way you act around at school and the way you've been acting now I don't think you could do much that would get me angry at you." After you were finished you leaned forward and placed your body against his plump lips giving him your best version of a kiss. He slipped his tongue out of his mouth and licked you with it causing you to giggle madly.
After the assault from his tongue was over you were covered in drool and still laughing. You heard his booming laugh above you and he smiled brightly down at you "Ok little guy I believe you so after this I'll take you home and we can work out what we're gonna do with you until you get back to normal." He said with amusement in his voice. "But the first problem is going to find out where your going to sleep, can't have my parents or brother finding you." He said trying to come up with an idea. "Well I figured I would sleep with you I mean your probably big enough to hide me anywhere." You said trying to help him. "Anywhere." You said as an after thought with as much suggestiveness and amusement in your voice as you could. He looked at you thoughtfully for a second before smiling ear to ear "Alright then it's settled you'll sleep in my bed tonight." You were shocked for a moment before you actually thought about it, he was your boyfriend and it seemed like he could control his hormones what was the harm.
Juan arrives home to discover his parents and brother still aren't back from work and school. This gives him the freedom to carry you around the house, giving you a full tour of your new home and everything in it. You watch happily from his big, warm hand. Every now and then you can't resist resting your head on Juan's giant thumb and giving it a great big kiss, just to show him how much you love being in his care.
"And, that's about it." Juan says, arriving in his bedroom. He plops himself down on his bed and kicks off his shoes, lying back on the pillow. "This is my bed.." You notice a look of nervousness or anxiety on the jock's gorgeous face, which is odd. He seems to be off in his own little world, thinking of something that makes him uncomfortable.
"Whats the matter, big guy?" You ask, caressing the thick but smooth skin of his giant fingers.
"It's just.. Well, you know, all of this.. I really like you, and I REALLY want to be with you, but I'm nervous. I've never done it with a guy before.."
"Whoah! Wait, wait.." You tense up, shocked. "Juan, I really like you too, but we've got to focus on getting me big again! After that, we can think about taking our relationship to the next level."
Juan closes his eyes, his hand wandering over to the gigantic bulge in the front of his jeans, which you hadn't noticed. "Ohh, but I'm SO horny.." The beautiful boy breathes heavily, slowly unzipping his fly.
"W- Wait, Juan! I'm not ready for this.." You say nervously, suddeny afraid to be alone with this guy. But Juan says nothing back. You see his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallows, and continues to breathe heavier and heavier. With his free hand, he's now carefully easing his erection from out of his shorts and stroking it in his hand.You also swallow hard -- That thing is enormous; It looks like it could swallow you whole "Juan, p- p- please, let's talk about this.."
"Ohhh.." The giant groans, bringing you to his lips and breathing damp, fragrant breaths onto your body. "I love you." he whispers breathily, then delivers a sloppy, passionate kiss flat on your face. You feel Juan's hand transporting you like a crane, down below, where you're going to satisfy your boyfriend's lust, like it or not..
Your giant boyfriend is in total ecstasy as he moves you towards his excited cock. There's nothing you can do or say to stop him.. Now his beautiful, tan face is out of sight and you're greeted with a close-up view of the tall, veiny pillar that is his damp cock. That manly, musky smell you loved so much on your new boyfriend is now overwhelming, and it scares you. "Juan, wait, I can't do this!"
The beast that is Juan's manhood is pressing up against your front now. A tangle of soft pubes rises around your ankles, and a thick drop of pre-come slides down the erection, trickling over your shoulder. "Oh, man, this is so much better than when I do it alone!" Juan's voice sounds shaky, like he can barely contain all the pleasure your presence is giving him. He lifts you up and rubs you against the sweaty shaft of his cock. His huge index finger pushes your face right into the bulbous, bright pink head and leaves your lips dripping with pre-come. "Oh, man! Oh! Oh my god, I'm so fucking horny right now!!"
Juan pants, pumping you up and down the length of his cock, faster and faster, jamming your face into the clammy, hot flesh. You gulp down mouthfuls of pre-come and sweat, trapped in his huge fist. You've been this horny before, so you know from personal experience how Juan feels like he'll die of he doesn't achieve this mind-blowing orgasm. That's when you feel his palm let you go, and he lifts his head to call down to you. His face is flushed, and his eyes look glazed over.
"I need you to finish getting me off, I'm so close!" He pants, and you stare up at his beautiful face, torn between your love for him and your fear of his hypersexuality. "I wanna blow so bad, little guy! I love you so much! Please!" he begs, desperately close to climax.
You turn back to where his angry red, engorged boner stands, looking like it's at bursting point..
When you're lowered to the area between Juan's spread legs, you see that your giant boyfriend has pulled down his pants and boxers far enough so that his big, curvy ass cheeks can open comfortably. He snakes a single finger between the cheeks, and you watch as the entire finger disappears into that deep, deep crack in search of his horny butt hole.
"Ohhh, that feels so good. I've wanted to have a man inside of me forever.. You're gonna make my dreams come true today, my hot little boyfriend." Juan pulls his finger out and uses it to seize your tiny body -- You notice how strongly it smells of his anus, and all though you normally love his powerful scents and aromas, your stomach has a hard time taking the brutal smell.
"Please, Juan, I don't want to go in there like this! Please let me grow back to normal, and then I'll spend every day satisfying your ass hole, I promise!!" You beg to no avail. Juan has made up his mind that you're going inside of him, and there's nothing you can do about it.
"You have NO idea how many times I've sat in class and fantasized about this, dude.. Oh, man, you're the best boyfriend ever.."
Your head is forced between the huge, round cheeks of Juan's ass and pushed deep inside. You hear the giant moan in pleasure from above, but the sounds of his voice are getting more and more muffled as the flesh walls around you are getting wetter and slipperier. Your arms are soon constricted by your sides, and the smell of men's ass is overwhelming. Your face slides up against the slimey walls, and you feel your nose and lips enter a tighter, smoother ring of flesh. "OHH, MAN, YES!! OH MY GOD, YES.."
Juan's fingers are gripping you only by your ankles now, as your shoulders stretch out his anus. he starts to plunge you in and out of the tight hole, again and again, pumping his dick furiously with his other hand. Every time he squeezes his big, horny cock, the anus hugging your face squeezes tighter, giving you a mouthful of brutal-tasting slime. You're totally helpless; all you can do is lie there psasively as your horny boyfriend uses you as a human butt plug, until..
Suddenly the ring muscle around you contracted tighter then before and you were able to hear a loud moan trough the thick walls of flesh. Suddenly the lower half of your body was pulled out of the tight ring and you were left dangling out of your giant keepers ass as your entire world shifted. You felt his ass cheeks rubbed your legs. You heard the water in what you guessed what was the bathroom start up. And as suddenly as it had happened you were pulled out of the giant jocks hole and you were drenched by a concoction of water and soap as his large warm hands rubbed over your small body.
Your eyes were still closed as the giant jock rinsed you off under the water, as soon as you were cleaned off from soap you looked up to the boys face and whimpered begging him not to do anything more. Juan frowned as the pitiful sound reached his ears and asked "Was it really that bad?" You shuck your head no but it was hard to tell as your body was still convulsing in fear "No of course it wasn't, it's just that I wasn't ready, and you didn't stop when I begged you to." You said slowly beginning to regain your strength although you still were afraid of the large boys presence.
He suddenly looked sad as he seemed to realize the full impact of what he had done. "I'm so sorry little guy," he said as he brought a finger to your small body trying to relax you "I was just so horny I couldn't help but play with you a little, and it felt so good I just couldn't stop." He pleaded begging you to understand why he had used you as a human dildo. "And I am so sorry please believe me." He begged planting a kiss on your small body. After he kissed you, you looked up and were shocked to see tears staring to build up in his eyes. You couldn't totally blame Juan for what he had done, you had been that horny before and you would think it would be hard for you to resist doing the same if you were in his position.
"Look Juan, I forgive you and all but that was pretty scary, and I don't know how long it will be until I can feel total safe with you ok, but I do still trust you to some extent." You said as you tiredly laid your body flat on his hand ready to fall asleep. "Ok little guy I can understand that." He said slowly rubbing your body with his large hand. Soon you found yourself laying on Juan's tanned chest about to fall asleep think about your the next few days as you were still small and your future with your large jock boyfriend.
When you get up….
You and Juan had finally arrived at his house which compared to your own was quite large even if you were at regular size. He placed you on the coffee table in what appeared to be the family room as he sat down on the couch "So it looks like my parents are out for the weekend on some joint business trip and my little brother is spending his weekend at one of his friends house so we have the place all to ourselves, so I figured that we could just spend the weekend here and get to know each other." You were enjoying your stay with Juan and you couldn't wait to learn more about you giant boyfriend "Yeah that sound great, so you start." You said smiling at the larger boy.
So after talking for about an hour or two the both of you had fallen into a comfortable silence watch T.V. Suddenly you heard Juan's shoes fall to the floor and he placed his massive feet on either side of you, his socks were slightly damp and you could smell the stinking sweat coming off of them in waves. You looked back at him and he met your gaze and smiled "Sorry just trying to get comfortable, I can move them if the smell is too bad"he said with a small chuckle. "No it's fine, it's actually a bit of a turn on." You explained basking in the smell of his feet. After he heard you say this he let out a booming laugh "Oh so my manly smells give are a turn on huh, well that explains why you liked being under my butt so much." He said with another laugh. You blushed at what he said and yelled "So what, I think you being manly and dominant is sexy." He only smirked at you and lifted you up so you were near his face "No need to get so worked up little guy I was only playing around." He said before he kissed you "Besides now I have some ideas on how to please you, now lets take a bath."
So as Juan said a few minutes later the both of you were relaxing in a warm tub which was more like an ocean to you. You were swimming around freely as Juan wash his body as soon as he was done he pulled you to his tanned chest which was like your own personal beach. You sighed as you lied down relaxing on his pecs, then you noticed Juan's slight hardened nipples and an evil grin spread across your face. You looked up as saw Juan was relaxing with his eyes closed, so as carefully as possible you walked over to one of his nipples and slowly rubbed over it causing him to moan loudly. He looked down at you and asked breathlessly "What are you doing little buddy?" Your response was only a grin "Relax and enjoy yourself Juan just go with it." A little after you started you saw Juan's hand move down to his most likely growing hard on. After a few more minutes of Juan's heavy panting he moans louder then ever and when you heard it you couldn't help but release all over his chest, after you see a thick white liquid seep into the water. You look up to the tired boys smiling face and ask him "So how was that big boy?" You asked with a large smirk. He looks down at you and splashes some water on his chest to wash your cum off, then his sighs contently and smiles at you "That has to be the best session I have ever had." "So how about we….."
"So how about we go to bed, your little session left me pretty tired." Juan said as he stood up and placed you in his hand. He opened the drain and stepped out unto a towel mat. He placed you on the sink and slowly dried himself off giving you a full view of his muscular body, almost as if teasing you. After he was done he pulled on a pair of boxers that clung to him like a second skin showing off his bubble butt and clinging so tight you were able to see the outline of his crack. He turned around and your eyes went straight to his crotch, you couldn't take your eyes away from the large outline. Juan looked down at you and chuckled at where your eyes were directed, he plucked you off the sink and held you lightly in his hand trying not to hurt you. "See something you like little guy" He said as he dried you off with a hand towel.
After Juan had found you some clothes from an old G.I.Joe action figure he had, you found yourself sitting in his lap watching the T.V. in his room. Even after his bath his feet which were right in front of you and his crotch which you were leaning on still retained some of their musky smell which was currently exciting you a bit. Suddenly you heard a large rumbling from behind you and Juan shifted to the left and released a massive fart the rank smell seeping into the once fresh air. "Dude," you exclaimed turning around holding you nose while laughing "What was that a fart or a hurricane that came out of your butt." He looked down at you laughing "Well you said that you like it when I act manly and you like my smells, and I thought hey a fart is the best of those two things." He said laughing intensely. "Yeah," you said taking you hand away from your nose and taking a deep breath through your nose "Just the way I like it." After you said this he only laughed more "Wow little guy you must really like me if your willing to endure that." You looked up at him smiling "I sure do, and like you said I do enjoy your smells." He smirked as he lifted you up to his lips and gave you a sloppy kiss.
About an hour later both of you were lying down just smiling at each other and he let out a yawn making you smile "Looks like my giant is tired, come on lets get to bed big boy I have an idea for something special tomorrow." At this Juan look interested "Ohh come on tell me, please" he begged." You smirked at the begging giant "Sorry big boy but your just gonna have to wait till tomorrow." He only sighed in disappointment "Fine ok, so where are you gonna be sleeping tonight?" He asked ready to finally go to sleep. "Under that big bubble butt of yours of course." You said laughing. He picked you up and rolled over onto his stomach and place you on his back, he then peel his tight underwear away from his large ass. "Ok little guy get comfortable because you probably won't be able to move until morning." He said with some amusement in his voice. You slowly crawled under his tight clothing the lingering smell from his butt making you smile slightly. You spread your arms around his ass as if giving it a hug, which is what you were basically trying to accomplish "Ok I'm ready Juan" you said happily. As soon as your words registered in his ears he let go of his underwear which snapped back and clung to his ass which forced you farther into his large ass crack. You smiled slightly at the feeling and a few minutes later you heard Juan's breathing even out signaling he was asleep. After a few moments you found youself asleep as well.
You were awoken by a sudden rumbling and you heard Juan grunting from above you 'Oh no he can't be doing what I think he's doing' you think to yourself desperately. But to your dismay he felt him spread his leg wider, you weren't lying before when you said you liked his manly smells but this close up could be bad. You were pulled out of your thoughts as you heard Juan grunt again and another large rumble. You braced yourself on the pair of soft cheeks but you could feel that if tightened them he could probably crush you between his buns of steel. Finally Juan sighed meaning the monstrous fart was on it's way. As you predicted seconds later a hurricane force wind blew over you. Then the smell set in, and you could honestly say you enjoyed it but this close up was too much. As you happily basked in the lingering smell you felt yourself be shoved up into Juan's simply massive crack as he flipped over to lay on his back before you fell into a fart induced sleep.
You awake with a sigh, nuzzling your face into the soft buttocks that you were using as a pillow. You try to push yourself up but soon remember that the tight confounds of Juan's underwear are keeping you pinned into his warm crack. Suddenly your whole world shifts as Juan gets up into a sitting position making it so that the front of your body is pushed all the way into his deep dank crack. You felt yourself starting to get excited as you breathed in the lingering smells that remained in between the football players rounded cheeks. Your body began to be rubbed even more by your large boyfriend butt-cheeks as he goes about his regular morning schedule.
Suddenly you fall to the bottom of his underwear as he squeezes you from his butt. His large warm palm gentle wraps around you as he removes you from beneath his ass. "Hey little guy, sorry about the gas last night I just couldn't hold it in." He said with a laugh, you began to laugh along with him "Yeah I slept good, just warn a guy when your gonna rip a fart like that." He placed you on his lap as he sat at his desk "Then you might wanna get ready cuz I'm definitely gonna be letting loose some monster farts right about now." He just grinned as he let loose a barrage of farts, when he was done you looked up to see him with his eyes closed smiling blissfully. You just laughed at him a slapped him on his thigh "Dude that's awful." You breath in the scent in the air deeply, you couldn't help from indulging in your jock boyfriends scents, and the fact that the musky smell that was coming from his crotch which was only inches away wasn't helping much. He just smiled and lifted you up to his face "Alright, I guess you've had enough of that smell, well for now anyway." You nodded and looked over to the clock in his room and noticed that it was about half an hour before Juan had to leave for school, just enough time to get some action. "Juan, umm you still have a lt of time until you need to be to school, so I was wondering if we could do 'something' until then." You said with a grin. Juan just shared your grin as he walked over to his bed "I like the way you think little man."
You heard the sound of his zipper being undone before he pushed you against his plump lips in a soft loving kiss. When he pulled you away you noticed that he had a small pout on his lips. "Hey what's wrong big guy, I don't taste good or something?" You question jokingly trying to see what's wrong. "Well I just realized a bit of a down side to your size, I can't have a proper make-out session until we get you big again." You just smiled at him for a jock let alone any teenage guy to be worried about kissing in the middle of all his hornyness show that he cared a lot. "Yeah I guess to bad when I get big again I won't get anymore one on one time with you ass anymore." But when you said that he just smirked at you "Oh I won't worry about that, I'll make sure you still get your one on one time down there." When you look at the clock again …?
Just as you were about to get started Juan looked over to the clock and cursed under his breath. You looked over and saw that if he didn't leave now their was a good chance he would be late to his first period class. You sigh finally feeling the tightness in your pants, you look at his ruggedly handsome face and groan "Can't you just be a little late to your first period class, please." You plead to the giant teen. He looks down at you with a sad smile "Sorry little dude, but if I'm late I"m probably gonna miss my test, and if I miss that I won't be able to play in the big game this sunday." He said placing you back onto his desk.
You mind races trying to find a way to solve both of your problems, both being the fact that you could still see Juan's arousal through his pants. Suddenly you arrive to one conclusion "Put me in your pants." You say standing up. He looks at you in confusion "What?" "I said drop me in the front of your pants and I can solve both of our problems." You say getting more and more excited at the idea. He gathers his books and walks over to you with a huge smile on his face, he grabs you gently in his hands "That's a great idea little guy." You hear the pop of a button as he undoes his pants again.
He give you one last kiss before dropping you into the musky cavern of his pants and you hit something warm and rock hard. The smell alone was enough to make you groan. You laid down and through your arms around his growing pole. You wiggled your body doing your best to stimulate but make it last as long as you could.
Juan was red in the face and trying his hardest not to moan, he couldn't believe that he was doing this. After so many time of doing this by himself, just imagining that he had Jack the way he did now, although he didn't exactly like the fact that Jack was so small, like this there was a good chance that he might hurt the little guy. That's when a thought struck him 'Are we still going to be together after we fix his height problem?' He thought worriedly. He would of continued on his mental rant if some frantic wiggling hadn't pulled him out of his thoughts.
During the trip to school it had gotten quite hot inside the cotton trap making you extremely sweaty and right now you were using that to your advantage. You began to massage the huge pole under you causing it to throb wildly, you made you way up his cock all the way to the tip and you found what you were looking for, a huge glob of pre had formed on his head. You dipped your hands into it and used it as you frantically rubbed his cock, you moved to the side so that you were able to massage his sack at the same time. Suddenly the wrinkly skin tightened under your touch and you make your way to the front of his cock waiting for him to blow his load all over you. All it took was one more rub over his head for your to be coated with his warm sticky juices as he unloaded all over you, as came you did at the same time adding you small load to his sea of cum. Afterwards….?
Juan was in pure bliss and he came, not even in his wildest dreams did he think that it would be that good. He was sure that he was in love with Jack now and he couldn't wait to tell his little boyfriend. His first period class dragged on as he took his test, lucky it wasn't all that hard and because it was history, which Juan thought was awesome so he was sure to pass. As soon as he was finished he asked to go the the bathroom, when he arrived he made sure that the room was empty before going into one of the stalls. He quickly opened his pants and light flooded your world, you were pulled out of you sticky prison.
"Man little guy that was amazing." He said smiling down at you. You just gave him a sheepish grin and said "Really, well I was just doing my job as your little boyfriend and all." He just gave you another smile before peaking his head out of the stall to make sure no one was still there, as soon as he was sure he made his way over to the sink and placed you into it gently. He began to wash you off before asking "So as your big boyfriend is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" You smiled splashing around in your little pool before answering "Not really, I mean being in your pants is pretty comfortable, but I do have a favor to ask." He just cups you in his hands gently his warm palms making any stress you had about what you were going to ask melt away. "Sure little guy, I'll do my best to help you with what you need." He said trying to coax you into asking what was on your mind. You sighed and began "Well it has to do with my 'little' problem, it started when I looked into the science room to try and see what secret experiment they were working on and I guess it sorta shrunk me." Juan just continued to look at you still not knowing what you wanted him to do "And?" He pressed on. You just sighed again "Well I was wondering if you could 'ask' one of the science guys if they had a way to grow me back to normal." He just smiled and said "And by ask you mean interrogate right, because you know they aren't gonna give their secrets up that easily right." You just nodded, he simply laughed "Ok sure little guy, I mean I'm your boyfriend it's my job right." He said with a sly grin.
After your little talk he place you back in his pants, the back this time so you didn't get coated in left over cum. He walked around the hallways during lunch trying to find one of the science nerds that was working on the project. As soon as he say one of them alone he grinned, "Hey dude, come over here for a sec." He called over to the smaller boy. The nerdy boy hesitantly made his way over to Juan, although Juan didn't have a bad rep with the nerds he was still a jock and that always intimidated them. "What do you want." He asked quietly looking down doing his best not to upset Juan. "What's your name?" "Johnny." The boy quietly responds. "Well Johnny, I was wondering if you could help me out with a problem of mine." Juan asked wrapping an arm around the boy so that he couldn't run away.
"What, what exactly do you want?" The boy asked nervously, intimidated by the Jocks muscles, the smaller boy was sure that he could crush him if he wanted to. "Well ya see." Juan said slipping his other hand behind him a pulling you out from his butt cheeks and holding you in his fist lightly so you weren't visible yet "A good friend of mine may have looked at your secret project and this happened." He said opening his hand showing you to the nerd. Said nerds eyes widened, he went to grab you but Juan pulled you away and tightened his grip on the boy so he couldn't move "What do you think your doing?" Juan asked angrily think that Johnny was trying to hurt you. "I was just try to see what happened to him." He gasped out his wind pipe about to collapse. Juan loosed his grip and said "Well I think that it's obvious that he shrunk, i was wondering if you made something to grow him back." Johnny looked up and said ….?
Johnny took another deep breath trying to fill his lungs be fore he said "Well we have some but not enough to get him back to his full height but it should be enough to get him to about two or three feet." Juan just sighed "Yeah that should be good enough for now, but when you have more you better the me as soon as you do or else." Juan ended make sure Johnny knew that there would be some serious consequences if your height wasn't restored asap. "Sure umm right." Johnny said slipping out of Juan's grasp "Just follow me and I'll give you the growth formula." He said walking to the science lab.
He walked in and made sure the room was empty before telling Juan to come in, he walked over to his private desk and pulled out a vile of clear pinkish goo that reminded you slightly of lemonade. Juan went to grab it but Johnny quickly pulled it away, "Wait, before I give this to you I need to tell you something weird I found out, apparently when you take both the shrinking potion and the growth potion you can go to any height in between your maximum and minimum height." Juan looks confused before a look of understanding crosses his face, but you still not quite understand ask bluntly "What?" Johnny just sighed before explaining in smaller words "It means that you can go to any size but you can't get smaller than you are now and you can't get bigger than how tall you will get." You simply nodded and smile finally understand the situation. You actually thought it would be pretty cool to be able to shrink an grow.
"Ok just put him over here." Johnny said, Juan placed you down and patted you on the head giving you a bright smile. "Ok, your going to feel a warm tingle." As soon as you looked up to confirm that you had heard him he dumped the solution over you and like he said you felt a warm feeling over come you and within seconds you were up to at least two feet tall. Juan quickly picked you up and held you tightly in his arms. You chuckled at your boyfriends antics before you a heard a loud sigh and the both of you blushed before looking over to the science nerd. "Umm not to interrupt your moment but I just wanted to let you know that I should have enough in a few days to get you to at least five and a half feet, if that's ok with you." Johnny said looking at you. You just nodded that was close to your original height, and it was the perfect height to cuddle up to Juan's six foot two form. Juan just smiled to and picked you up but before he could walk away Johnny ran in front of him "Wait, you can't let anyone see him." Juan looked a bit confused before he remembered that no one knew about your situation yet he nodded in agreement before asking "Well what am I supposed to do, I'm not just gonna shove him in my backpack." Johnny thought about it for a few seconds before "Have him shrink down again, then just do what you did before to hide him."
"Ok but how do I do that?" You ask liking the idea of spending more time against Juan body. "Well I guess just think about getting smaller, think about the first time you shrunk." You think back to what happened the first time and suddenly you feel like you were falling. When you opened your eyes it trued out you had shrunken, the bad news Juan lost his grip on you and you were now falling to the ground. You screwed your eyes shut again and waited for the impact, but it never came, when you opened your eyes again you were met with Juan smiling face "Don't worry little guy I got ya." You just smiled nervously and pressed yourself against the warmth of Juan's palms, letting it calm you down.
The day went on with you back in Juan's pants, when he took you out he was back at his house he wanted you to….?
Juan had been doing some homework, laying on his stomach on the bed. You were contently sprawled across his back. You had been between his cheeks, but Juan hadn't been getting anything done so you were forced to move north on his body.
"Hey," Juan said, reaching back towards you. Eagerly, you got up and grabbed his fingers. He brought you around in front of his face. "Think you could grow yourself a bit," he requested.
"Sure," you agreed, closing your eyes to focus. It was harder than the first shift, but you could slowly feel your body grow. Growing bigger expended a lot more energy than shrinking, leaving you tired. Large hands cupped your hand and you felt plush lips on your forehead. Opening your eyes, Juan kissed your face a couple more times, smothering you in kisses. Your cheeks fit perfectly in his palms, even though his fingers still extended past your ears. Looking him in the eye, you felt your cheeks heat up as he looked down at you with so much affection. Juan shifted, lowering his hands to grip your hips. He turned over, laying you down in the curve of his arm. His elbow bumped your butt as he pulled you close. You could smell the sweat from his pits inches away from his shoulder acting as your 'pillow'.
"My personal Jack-a-bear," he chuckled, tilting his head down to kiss your head again.
Johnny takes a second to adjust his glasses, and looks warily up at Juan. He's almost afraid to tell the studly jock what he has to tell him, due to Juan's intimidating stature.
"We don't have a solution yet." Johnny mumbles nervously.
"What?" You feel Juan's strong grip tighten on you. You can tell your big boyfriend is just dismayed by the news because he's worried about your safety, and you have to admit, it's sort of nice being clutched protectively like this.
"What I mean is, we don't have a solution yet." The nerd continues, again pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "We won't have it ready until tomorrow night. So you're.. You're just gonna have to keep him alive till then."
By the way Johnny looks at you, as if pitying your position as a burly jock's tiny pet, you can tell he has no idea how happy you are to be in Juan's care.
Juan breathes a long sigh of relief, pressing you against his warm chest, much to Johnny's confusion. "Thank God for nerds. See you tomorrow night.."
The next 24 hours are tense, there's no denying that.
Juan misses a day of school just so he can hang out with you in his room, patting you, nursing you in his big bulky hands, whispering that everything will be okay.
With a cure to your size in reach, you've never felt more anxious about your predicament. Spending the hours waiting in Juan's warm lap sure is a consolation, but even the touch of his soft fingers or the gorgeous, mountainous bump between his legs isn't enough to distract you from your anticipation of being large again.
Juan, on the other hand, is anxious for different reasons. "Lil guy." He murmurs whilst patting you, the next afternoon. "I won't be able to carry you around in my gym bag after this."
You laugh, nuzzling into his palm. "Nope. I guess not."
"Or drop you in my shorts.." He jokes, but in his voice is a trace of sadness. "How do you think we'll see each other, ya know, afterwards?"
"I never thought of that." You say honestly.
Juan jokes, but in his voice is a trace of sadness. "How do you think we'll see each other, ya know, afterwards?"
"I never thought of that." You say honestly. "I guess it won't be as easy to keep our relationship a secret. Especially with all your jock friends thinking you're straight and whatever.."
There's an uncomfortable silence as Juan ponders this, still stroking your back rhythmically.
"Yeah. Guess so." He mumbles.
A couple more hours pass as the two of you lie on Juan's bed, contemplating all the suprises and excitement these last few days have brought you, and whether or not it might all be coming to an end just as each other's company was starting to make both your lives so much sweeter.
Soon, the time has come. Juan is schedualed to meet the nerd who's been working on your cure.. But will your giant boyfriend decide he isn't ready to let you go?
Lying in Juan's hands, being stroked so soothingly, you'd almost forgotten to glance up at the clock in time. "Oh, we're gonna be late to meet Johnny." You suddenly pipe up. "C'mon, big guy. Let's go get me turned back to normal."
Juan just goes on staring at his feet, stroking you. He has a troubled look in his eyes. That handsome face you've grown to love so much is intense with worry.
"No." He mumbles at long last, looking ashamed but stubborn. "We're not going."
"I won't do it! I won't give you up!" You've never seen the hulking jock this determined. You'd gotten so used to the softer side of him, you almost forgot how forceful he could be. "I won't be able too see you if you're regular sized or everyone at school will know I like dudes. And I can't make you keep on loving me if I force you to stay, but I'd rather have you hate me and still get to pick you up and hold you every day than never see you again!" Juan is looking increasingly upset.
"Juan, p-please!"
But his mind is made up.
"Juan, you have to help me get back to normal, you promised!" You're starting to realise just how much power your beloved jock god has over you, and you're panicking.
Juan looks deeply resentful as he stands up and storms to the other side of the room with you in his hand, looking like an overgrown kid throwing a tantrum. "I don't have to do anything, I'm the boss in this relationship! And if you really loved me you wouldn't want to leave anyway!" Before you can argue, Juan kneels by a huge pile of his own dirty laundry and shoves you face-first into it.
You land in a stale, stinking gym sock before rolling into the pouch of Juan's jockstrap, which is still warm and moist. You catch whiff after whiff of the sweaty items as you try to scramble free.
"You used to love the way my sweat smelled!" Juan pouts. "You used to love everything about me. Now you want to bail, just like everyone else does.. Well I'm not letting you go. I love you too much. And I'm gonna teach you to love me again.."
Your terrified as you land to the sweaty pouch of one of Juan's jockstraps, the musty smell of his crotch was still having as much of an effect of you as ever but he still seemed enraged that you wanted to grow back to regular size. Even if you did grow back you would of done everything in your power to keep seeing him, but it seemed now that your dreams of normality had been crushed.
Suddenly you were wrapped up by Juan's huge fist, when he brought you to his face you were shocked to see that the teen had tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. "Why, why don't you love he anymore?!" He asked his voice cracking before he jammed your face against his moist plump lips.
The feeling would usually go straight to your cock but with the way he was acting you were too scared to do anything but sob. After a few moments Juan took you over to his bed and lied you flat on his palm. You saw him reach over his his other hand as he gave you rough strokes over your sensitive little body as he continued to try and win you over.
When Juan looked back down at you he saw that….?
It's almost time to get the growth potion that would get you back to your normal height and you could tell that Juan was contemplating the pro's and con's of growing you back to normal and you really couldn't blame your giant Jock, you had actually been doing the same for the past few hours when Juan finally spoke up
"So little guy, are you sure you want to do this, I mean I'm happy that you could be back to normal but think of how much better our lives have gotten after you became my little guy and I became your giant Jock don't you like that?" He asked giving you the saddest look you had seen since he had found you. You thought over what he had said and he had a point, just spending a few days with Juan loving, protecting, and caring for you had been the best days you had since your older brother left for collage and you couldn't imagine going back to the why things were before. You began to cry as you realized one of the most devastating things "Hey little guy what's wrong, if you want to go back to normal it's no problem please don't cry."
You just looked up at him your eyes full of tears "No it's not that I just realized that none of my family has even noticed that I'm gone yet and it's been what almost an entire week!" You shout in frustration realizing how little you actually mattered to the rest of your family. You soon felt a warm calming sensation come over you, you looked up and saw that Juan also had a few tears in his eyes and he stroked your body gently.
"Oh Jack, I swear if I knew that things were that bad I would have taken care of you a long time ago, I would of taken you with me everywhere and I would have made sure you felt loved." You just looked up at Juan with a tearful smile and rested your small body on his meaty palm.
"Thank you Juan, just thank you for taking care of me, I…I don't think I wanna go back to the way things were before, I think I wanna stay with you." After you said this he took you to his lips and kissed you all over your small body causing you to giggle even in this tense situation. After he's done you look up and ask "Will you still take care of me if….?"
"Will you still take care of me if I grow bigger?" you say with puppy dog eyes. You hold your breathe as you do not know what you may spark from your giant boyfriend. Will he get mad? have a fit?
"Listen Little guy" Juan said plopping himself in a more comfortable position. " I love you just the way you are and I will respect any decision you make" He looked you up and dowwn, licking his lips and gulping slightly. You can see his adams apple move as he hesatates with what to tell you. "If you do get bigger, I won't be able to carry you in my butt, I know how much you like it down there".
"Yea, but I would love to be closer to your heght becuase I want to be wrapped in your arms on cold nights, feel your scruff rub against mine, do stuff for each other, ya know?"
"But we do, do stuff for each other" chimed in your Gaint Jock, "Almost every night. "
"Thats not what i meant, I mean like doing the little and simple things, going to the store to fetch you your protein powders for the gym and doing you Laundry. I wanna be your boyfriend, and be more than your Boy Toy" you stand up looking at Juan with his legs spread wide and a folded pillow under his head, looking down his chest at you.
"Jack, I want ot take care of you. I always liked you when you were bigger and even more so with all the fun stuff we've been up to". he whimpers, rubbing his chest as if buffering them.
You slowly get up to your massive boyfriends thighs and with a little help from him, he pulls you up to his face, with a kiss. You giggle slightly by his massive lips and try to contain yourself.
You get up and say to you massive boyfriend " If i get bigger again, let's make the fun stuff happen again. Let me venture into your beautiful butt. I want to get lost in your muscles. I won't be able to fit in your pants, but I will ask you on good nights to sit on my face"
With this ringing in Juans ears his face widens with a great smile]
"Ok, little guy. I still want you small, but I will still love you, no matter how big you get." He licks you once again with his long fat tounge. And places you in his underwear where he keeps you cushioned and warm tonight.
"I love you"
"I love you too… goodnight"
And just like that, the two boys headed to a drifting sleep and awated the next day to come.
In the last few days, you've gone from being a proud, autonomous if not slightly lonely high school senior to a dependent, lovesick little guy in the palm of your giant boyfriend's hand. And you've never been happier in your life.
"Do you.. Do you think I could just stay this way. I mean, tiny. And belong to you.. forever?" You say feebly.
"Are you kidding?" Juan's beautiful face looks shocked, and for a moment you're terrified he'll say no. "Little guy, you've made me the happiest teenager in the world!"
Juan lifts you close to his sweet face and smothers you with his huge lips. The lips feel like great big, rubber pillows sliding all over your body. Your big boyfriend laughs as he smooches you all over and you roll around in his protective hands.
You've just made the most life-changing commitment possible: Putting yourself fully into another boy's hands. Though nervous, you couldn't be happier anywhere else in the world.
Now all there is to do is enjoy this beautiful new giant/tiny relationship.
As all of these thoughts race through your mind you continue to lay in his large hands giggling as his plump lips smother you showing you just how much love he has for you. After a few minutes he stops leaving you breathless. He just grins down at you a sparkle in his eyes. You just sigh and relax in his large warm palms as he holds you close to his face so he can see every detail of your small body.
"Little guy, you have no idea how long I've just wanted to hold you close, just take care of you, and make you feel like the most important thing in the world because to me you really are." Juan said lovingly before cupping you against his cheek, his warmth like your own personal heater. You just snuggled up against his face and kiss his large cheek trying to express just how much you loved him. Your world shifts as he lays down on his bed and places you on his chest looking down at you with the same twinkle in his eye you remember from the first day he had found you scrambling around at his feet.
You look up at your giant boyfriend, spreading your arms across his bare chest trying to get all the warmth he could get, his pecs like hills on your own personal landscape "Juan you have no idea just how happy you've made me, and I don't think that even if I was forced to grow back I could go without being with you." You heard him chuckle a bit as he began to pet you making you laugh as well.
"Little guy I couldn't of said it better myself, and even if you were to grow back I don't think I could let you go." You just smiled up at your caring giant and crawled from under his warm palm and began to rub your body under his chin much a like a puppy or cat. You heard him let out another laugh as you continued to tickle your apparently sensitive boyfriend. Suddenly his large fist wrapped around you squeezing you tightly, you could tell he liked to show how much power he had over you and you enjoyed how he would squeeze you lovingly, you could only guess that it got both of you off.
"So as your giant protector what can I do for you little man." He said giving you a light kiss. You thought over the question, there wasn't much more that he could do for you, he was already taking care of you, loving you, you couldn't ask for much more when a thought hit you.
You just smiled and nodded your head, stretching your neck to give him a small kiss on his plump lover lip. "Well umm I was wondering if you could tell one of my friends about me and us I guess." You asked with a small blush asking him to reveal so much to someone he probably didn't even know. He just smiled at you and placed you back on his chest.
"Sure little guy, I'll do anything you need me to, but I think that we should get some sleep so tomorrow at school just point the guy out and I'll tell them." You just smiled and mumbled and mmhmm resting your head on his expansive chest, sleep sounded good now.
A few hours after you had fallen asleep you felt yourself fall a bit as Juan shifted in his sleep like he normally did when a familiar smell hit your nose, when you opened your eyes you had found out you had fallen….?
(A/N Hey guys I just wanted to see what the guys readings my chapters think, either it be what you want to see more of, what you think, constructive criticism, anything at all thank you for reading, and make sure to email Benji, he really likes his emails ;) )
You groaned and shuck your head trying to clear your mind, Juan had shifted in his sleep like the last time but because you weren't held in place by his buttocks this time you had been tossed onto his bed. When the feeling of nausea had gone away you opened your eyes and grinned. Juan's shifting had thrown you right behind his massive butt, which was probably one of your favorite places to be on Juan's body. You sighed and pressed yourself against the gigantic cheeks, you spread your arms across his crack and pressed the upper half of your body as far in between the slabs of flesh as far as your could with his underwear in the way.
You rested your head in the deep crack, you figured that even your entire body length wouldn't even fill the it, downward or upright. Suddenly you heard the large jock grunt before he pushed out a putrid fart in his sleep, you groaned in pleasure, even though the smell could probably cause a normal persons eyes to water and nose to burn you couldn't get enough of the smell. You took one last whiff before you managed to pull yourself out of his crack, as you walked along the length of his butt you noticed his underwear were sagging a little revealing the upper part of his cheeks. You grinned to yourself, you probably shouldn't but you couldn't resist the temptation, you walked up and once pressed yourself against his bare body and slid yourself into his deep dank crack.
Once again you heard your boyfriend groan and you prepared yourself for another one of his massive gas blasts but suddenly the fabric stretched across his bubble butt was taken away, and it hit you he was pleasuring himself because of your squirming. You just grinned and tried to dig yourself deeper into his fleshy butt, the friction of your squirming was also having it affects on you as your boner was rubbed against the hot slabs of slightly hairy flesh. Suddenly a crushing pressure was on you, shoving you right against Juan's tight hole, it was obvious that Juan had woken up.
After Juan had jolted awake he was able to feel some squirming underneath him, he smiled at his boyfriends antics when he realized how big his 'problem' had gotten, he decided to….?
Like any teenage boy with a healthy sex drive, Juan wakes up in the middle of the night with a raging boner and smiles mischeviously to himself.. Only this gentle jock is no ordinary teenager, and the cause of his massive boner is anything but usual. Juan can feel you, his tiny little boyfriend, squirming around like crazy deep between his muscular ass cheeks. The sensation is making his butt hole clench and twitch, which is a sign that he LOVES it.
Juan takes his rock hard erection in hand and starts to pump it rhythmically..
Meanwhile, you're feeling the effects of your studly boyfriend's self stimulation first hand. The slightly slimey walls of Juan's ass are heating up, becoming slicker and jumping with the excited muscles behind the skin. You slide past the fine hairs which form a furry entrance to the teen Adonis's anus, and your face is squeezed tighter and tighter by the bitter-tasting, puckered hole.
Of course, to you, the intimate taste is heavenly. You could stay here the rest of your life..
Outside, Juan's gorgeous face is coated in a sheen of sweat. Smiling a dopey, blissful smile, the teen jock grunts deep into his pillow to try to contain his pleasure. You're still wriggling around deep between his butt cheeks, tickling his anus, and he's just about ready to jizz in his tight underpants over it.
However, he doesn't want you to get sucked in past the point of no return. So the star athlete reaches one muscled arm behind his sculpted back, across the mountains of meat that are his juicy ass cheeks. In the moonlight, the young sex god sprawls across his bed, spreading his legs so his fingers can delve into his underwear and grab hold of the slippery little guy supplying him with so much enjoyment..
Deep inside Juan's ass, you press your face into the tight hole of his anus and lick it passionately, not caring what it tastes like, proud of every twitch and stretch you can cause the beautiful ass hole to make.
You're grinding up against the hot, beefy butt cheeks that clench around you when..
Your having the time of your teenage life as your smashed by your giant boyfriends massive ass cheeks, you continue grinding into his sweaty crack and you feel your arms slip past the threshold of his anus. Just you were about to be sucked in you felt Juan's fingers pinch your legs, you thought he was going to remove you from his hole but your were suddenly stuffed deeper inside.
The upper part of your body was consumed by the large jocks hungry asshole, your wiggling body providing the ultimate stimulation for your boyfriend. Juan seemed to want more as he pulled you out and jammed you back in, thrusting your body in and out of his twitching hole.
Juan was panting as he continued to use his boyfriend to stimulate his ass, each thrust bringing him closer to release. He continued jacking himself in sync with his thrusting when he felt you brush up against something inside him. He buried his face into his pillow to muffle the moan of pleasure, he clenched he thick cheeks, almost crushing you, as he got his release. Juan continued to pant trying to catch his breath as he gently tugged you out from under him.
As he brought you to his face he gave you a a sloppy kiss, adding drool to your slimy coating. He chuckled before saying "I don't know what made you go in my pants but I'm sure as hell glad you did little guy." You just smiled and moved your hands down to your groin, ready to take care of yourself now when without warning Juan licked over your legs, causing you to moan in pleasure. he just gave you a his big dimpled smile "Well you took care of me so it's your turn to get pleasured." You didn't have a chance to answer as he gave your manhood another lick throwing you into a world of pleasure. He continued this until he decided to give you your release.
He wrapped his soft plump lips around your throbbing manhood and gently sucked, his tongue still lapping at your head. You gripped onto his face pressing your hips farther against his lips trying to get further in the warm cavern of his mouth. With one last lick you were sent over the edge splattering your cum onto his tongue. He smiled down at you as your exhausted body lay in his palm, he placed you on his pillow before resting his head on you, both of you slipping into a blissful sleep.
After the most warm and blissful sleep you've ever enjoyed, you wake up to the soothing sound of Juan's soft, gentle snoring. Your gorgeous boyfriend's face is covering your front like a blanket, pinning you against the giant pillow, which smells so beautifully of him. Juan's huge, plump lea against your chest and warm your face with each sweet breath he takes. You feel moist all over with the hea of his breath, and the unique scent of his mouth is the single most comforting smell you could ever imagine.
You're lying there, happily daydreaming under the weight of your colossal boyfriend's perfect face when his dark lashes bat open, and he lifts his head off of you, grinning lazily down with his deep set eyes. "How did you sleep, baby boy?" He asks in a groggy voice, letting his breath wash over you. You melt under the warmth, and gaze back into his gentle eyes.
"It was perfect." You sigh, reaching up to stroke the stubble on his chin. You can't believe this big, muscular jock who you would have been afraid to approach in the school hallways once upon a time, is looking down at you like you're his most prized possession. "How was yours?"
"I dreamt of you.." Juan leans in and plants his lips on your chest, dragging them down, over your belly and between your legs in a damp kiss which makes you shiver from head to toe. He smiles, looking proud of himself, and whispers:
You stare up into Juan's dreamy eyes, feeling your love for the playful jock god swim around your head. A good-morning treat? If your gorgeous giant boyfriend wants a treat, you'll jump at the chance to give him one.
..But you've mistaken his question.
You're still gazing into the boy's ocean like eyes when a smile creeps onto Juan's face, and his tongue darts out to slurp wetly at your naked crotch. You jump in suprise and delight. "Last night was beautiful, now I want to give you the best possible start to your day.." Your giant heart throb winks.
His big, powerful tongue laps at your tiny, twitching erection. It slides up your stomach, making you squirm with delight. It dips between your legs and nuzzles into your soft butt cheeks, nudging them apart and making you moan blissfully as the heavenly warmth presses against your opening.
Finally, you cum in a spasm of thrusts and squeals of delight, and your giant happily licks up the sweet mess.
"We've got a big day ahead of us little one.."
Juan has a favourite gold chain that he likes to wear around his neck. Sort of a good luck charm. And he can't think of anything in his life luckier or more precious than you. So he attaches you to the long chain by the waist, and you dangle just out of sight beneath his clothes while he gets geared up and heads to the gym.
Your sweet colossus starts off with the stair climber. While you sway in the musky shadows under his pecs, you think of those mountainous ass cheeks and how bursting with muscle they must be while he pumps and pumps his legs. Right now, all you can think about is crawling in there -- The sweat would probably make it even easier to slide between his ass cleavage -- and nuzzling your face into the hairy cavern.
You're daydreaming still when Juan moves onto the weight area. You can tell your hunky high-school giant is bench-pressing by the way gravity pins you to his juicy chest. As he heaves the weight upward, his glistening pectorals flex on either side of you. You're pinched in between the wet muscles, a river of salty sweat rinsing over you while your hero pushes his body to the limit.
You've never felt so safe or so sexy as you do, clamped between your weightlifter boyfriend's balloon-like pecs.
And then, there's a change of pace..
It's time for Juan to do a little cardio before heading to the showers, so he hoists himself off the weights bench and heads downstairs.
You bang against his rock hard pecs as he jogs down the stairs. There are no words for how amazing your master's body smells right now. The smell of deodorant is a vague memory, overpowered by his natural manly musk. You feel him step onto the treadmill and break into a sprint. You start to bounce on the chain like a bungee cord, bumping into his huge rubbery nipple every now and then, enjoying the way it feels harder and harder every time.
Suddenly, your exciting ride takes a surprise turn and you slip through your tiny. It happens in the same terrifying slow motion as any catastrophe, and you're powerless to stop gravity dragging your shoulders and arms awkwardly through the loop while Juan goes on running in ignorance. Your breath is caught in your throat as you freefall, down down.. Just when you expect to hit a hard surface and break your back, something yanks your arm and your fall comes to a jerking halt.
It takes a moment to catch your breath and realise your arm is tangled in the elastic band of Juan's gym shorts. You want to laugh, but not before you've hauled yourself up and climbed in behind the warm wall of fabric to safety.
Juan's pace picks up just as you squeeze into his shorts, feeling the thick forest of pubic hair bushy around your legs. The jolting motion of your giant's running causes you to slip in quickly, soon encased in the warm, quaking room that is the front of your boyfriend's boxers..
You tumble into the hot cavern that is Juan's underwear. While your boyfriend pushes himself on the treadmill, you're thrown to and fro with his sweat-soaked balls pendulous cock.
As dizzying as the experience is, you love being so intimate with the teenage hunk's family jewels. Sweat pours in rivets off the flaccid, veiny dick that you do tenderly devoted yourself to earlier. His balls look even bigger, more masculine as they swing, knocking into your back in all their heavy, hairy glory.
You surrender to slipping under the massive orbs. Now they're sitting on your chest, and the big boy's penis is resting its tip right on your face. It delivers a long, rancid kiss as you continue to gulp up as much sweat as you can, your body being wedged under the burning hot strip that is Juan's chode, your feet just beginning to nudge his asshole.
You're just about ready to pass out from the delicious heat when..
You sigh with content as you boyfriends massive balls rest on top of you, the wrinkled sack hugging you tightly just as he would. Leaning up you deliver a kiss to his dripping slit before you take a lap at the droplet of pre-cum that had just formed on the tip of his dick. Smiling you wiggle back under his warm, hairy testicles full prepared to give your boyfriend a break from you teasing. Just as you rest your head against the sweaty fabric of his undies your whole world shifts as Juan hops off of the treadmill before making a mad dash to the locker room, making a point to cover his buldging erection as he ran.
During his time on the treadmill Juan had gone through a massive strain, not to run faster or longer but to try and suppress the raging teenage hormones his little boyfriend was kicking up. He had known for quite a while that Jack was down there. As soon as the cool metal of his necklace he quickly put together what had happened but instead putting his boyfriend back on the chain he left him down there, not seeing the harm in leaving the little guy down there. Cupping his junk as he ran he forced himself to swallow a moan as Jack's face was buried into the dribbling slit of his cock and if he was being honest with himself he thought leaving the little guy down there was the best decision he had ever made.
Storming into the bathroom he ran to the row where his locker was, enraged when he found two other guys lingering in there. If this were any other time before he found Jack he probably would have smiled at them and tried to peek at them while he changed himself. But times had changed and he had a little love bug to satisfy him, so with the most menacing growl he could muster he stomped towards the nearest one and slammed his locker shut with an echoing boom. The terrified teen looked at him with wide blue eyes that usually would make Juan melt inside but the giant Latino only had one thing in mind and that didn't involve the teen before him.
With a primal growl he grounded his order of "Get out now." that left no room for argument on the other teens behalf, true usually sweet jock reveling in the way he was able to intimidate the half dressed teens to abandon their stuff and hightail it out of the room. Smiling as he sat down the jock's usually sweet personality returning in an instant as he moaned openly when his sweat soaked balls came crashing down on Jack's small form. Whipping out his junk he chuckled as he saw his small boyfriends form pasted against the underside of his sack. Scooping the boy off he cooed down to him lovingly "Do you see the problem you made for me? Huh little man?" Jack peered over the pedestal of Juan's palm, giggling as he nodded in confirmation up to his massive hunk of a boyfriend. "And do you plan on helping me with it?" He questioned, hopeing the tiny teen wasn't already too winded from the time he spent in his stuffy boxers.
Instead of answering Jack just dove off of the teens palm, soaring towards the towering erection before him. As soon as the shrunken teen landing on Juan's sensitive dick head the giant had to prevent himself from bucking his boyfriend off. The tiny teen worked quickly to satisfy his giant of a boyfriend, peppering kisses over the the massive pole as he struggled to stay on the bucking bronco that was Juan's dick, the pre cum dribbling down the massive shaft making harder and harder to keep a good grip. Just as he was about to slip off his boyfriend's helping hand came to the rescue. The jock moaned in pleasure as he gripped his throbbing cock, making sure not to crush his little lover. The warm sensation of Jack's tiny body and the little teens squirming soon had Juan spraying his load. Panting in exhaustion he looks at the boy in his palm and if he was already spent he would of gotten hard at the sight of his little boyfriend lapping up his cum.
Gently dropping the boy onto his groin he looks at his watch and decides that…?
You were still in total ecstasy; you looked up at his smiling face as he lapped up the cum you had spurted on his lips “We’ve got a big day ahead of us little one, I’m going to a party with some of my buds so I got to get ready.” He said giving you one last kiss before leaving to go to the shower. You were actually kind of surprised that he didn’t take you along with him.
As your giant continued to shower you just laid on the bed still thinking over the party that Juan was going to. You couldn’t help but have the gut feeling something bad was going to happen at the party. You were interrupted from your thoughts as Juan came back into the room in a tight pair of boxers, showing off the massive bulge in the front and the two bubbly cheeks in the back.
He just gave you another bright smile before returning to his place on his bed, you crawled over to him and pressed yourself against his cheek giving him a small peck before mumbling “Juan, are you sure you want to go to this party, I just have a bad feeling about this thing.” He turned to face you and gave to a kiss drenching you in his drool “Hey don’t worry about it little guy, if your that worried about it I’ll take you with me, how does that sound?” You just nodded tiredly leaning against him for support.
He placed you in his palm and smiled at you “Looks like someone’s tired huh.” He said slipping you down the front of his shorts. You curled into his warm deep groin, you could feel his cock harden under you, things couldn’t be more perfect for you to fall into a deep sleep.
You awaken to the sound of you boyfriends deep laugh and smile to yourself, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. You heard a sudden gasp from Juan and you snaked your way to his waist line. When you managed to see what had Juan worried things just got a whole lot……..
Peering out from behind the waistband of your giant boyfriend's boxers, you're horrified to see a miniaturized version of your skater bud Scotty being dangled between the fingertips of the school's most notorious bully -- Clay.
"Ha ha, what's the matter little boy? You want your mommy?" Clay sneers as he shakes the squealing tiny upside-down, and his meat-headed jock buddies snigger in delight. "We found the little fucker messing around in the science room, looking for his fag friend." Clay turns to Juan and laughs. "The little wimp managed to get himself shrunk down and landed in our hands. Awesome, right? Now we own him for life!"
Standing in an upstairs bedroom, away from the noise of the party, Juan looks like he's going to be sick. "You fucking morons! This isn't cool. Give him to me!"
Juan lunges out to rescue little Scotty, but Clay tightens a paw-like fist possessively around his new toy and snarls at Juan. Clay's jock buddies gather at his side, looking mean. "Oh yeah? Who's gonna make me?"
I AM DUMBASS! You can't help but laugh as you hear Clay's pathetic cries and tremors as Juan drops all of his friends to the ground. this big bully dosent seem so big after all. you can hear your boyfriend calling Clay a coward for sending his lackies on him and failing miserably. CRASH! you hear glass being smashed and Clay's roars. your boyfriend grunds and then Clay makes some kind of a disturbing sound. juan pulls you out. you ok little dude? yes i… you stop to take in the scene on the floor. It's ok little dude, they have found there new beds. as he giggled you notice the laceration on his cheek. Oh my god your bleeding!your giant boyfriend dosent look at all phased by this. oh this? its nothing, i think i'll live little dude; we need to get that little guy. he reunites the two of you. Scott! Are you ok? yeah, my chest feels very painful from being squeezed in Clays hands. probably broke something but i think some rest will get that fixed. you are relieved to know both Scott, and Juan are ok. well i guess we can…
Juan smiles as he watches the reunion between the two of you, as he makes his way across the room careful to avoid the groaning bodies on the floor. He quickly makes his way down the hall to the bathroom, as he cleans his cut you talk to Scotty trying to understand how he got shrunk as well.
"Well I noticed that you had gone missing around lunch so I decided to try and find you, long story short I ended up trying to hide from Clay in the science lab and I got this goop all over me and I shrunk." Scotty said as he walked around the sink trying to think of a way to get back to normal.
"Yeah the same thing happened to me pretty much but Juan found me before anyone else could, since then everything has been get for me, your really lucky that Juan got you before they could do anything really bad." As you spoke you walked over to your shrunken friend and pulled him into a one armed hug, trying to comfort him. Before you could say anything else you heard a small cough behind you.
"Not to be rude or anything but I think that we should get out of here, I don;t want to be around when Clay and his goons wake up." Juan said placing you both in his palm. As he walked out of the house Juan slipped Scotty into his pocket first before smiling down at you "Didn't want him to see me shove his friend into my crotch." Was all he said before slipping you into his tight underwear.
While he walked home Juan was trying to think of what to do with Scotty when he decided to…..?
A little while later, Juan's gentle fingers slip into the underwear and retrieve you from under his warm scrotum. You smile up at your sweet giant, hoping the smell of his manhood never washes off of you, and he winks back.
"Wow, you two really are close." Scotty grins, perched on Juan's desktop a few feet away. You're startled to see your best friend sitting there with his cheeky smile -- Just a moment ago Juan had wanted to keep Scott tucked away in his pocket while you climbed in and out of his underwear so your tiny buddy wouldn't witness the intimate relationship you shared with your giant, but now everything's out in the open.
Juan explains. "Jack, I've made a decision about your buddy Scott's situation.. The chances of getting his size restored now are slim, and until we come with a solution the real world's just too dangerous for him. So I'm keeping little Scotty as a pet."
You and your equally miniature buddy look at each other in shock.
Juan smiles. "After all, two pets is better than one."
"What do you think of that, cutie?" Juan extends a giant finger to Scotty, who affectionately wraps his arms around it in something like a tiny handshake.
"I can't thank you enough, big guy." Scotty beams up at Juan with something more than thanks in his eyes. "For saving me, for keeping me warm, for giving me a place to stay. You're.. You're my hero."
Juan blushes and toussles Scott's shaggy little head with his thumb.
Watching and listening in silence, you're mortified. Cutie? Hero?? Juan's YOUR boyfriend! He's YOUR hero, and where does he get off calling another little guy 'cutie'??
"Well, today's been eventful enough for me." Juan scoops you and his new pet up in one hand each. You kiss the tip of his big, strong thumb jealously as you watch Scotty reclining in the other palm. "If you two wanna keep me company, I think I'm just gonna zone out and.."
Juan decides to do some home work after all that's what he went to college for to learn, he places you and Scotty on the table next to his huge dildo, suddenly the door burst open and in comes Ashley.
Ashley hasn't long turned 18 he is the class cuttie with his blond and his sandals, for some reason he is very excited; Juan looks up at him he asks him "what's excited him"
He said " You will not believe this but I have a tiny guy riding my dick, I have cum over him twice today, it's like a dream having a cool pet guy that small"
Ashley pulls down his tight thong to reveal his new toy, Juan looks at Ash's dick he can see what looks like a very tiny guy covered in cum holding onto his foreskin, the guy seems really happy it's like all tiny guys love being in shorts and boxer.
Ashley asked "I bet you cannot believe what you are seeing?"
Juan replies "Come out Scotty and you"
Ashley looks at Scotty and says "Wow your small like my tiny both you"
Ashley suddenly cums all over Scotty who looks a bit shocked by the whole thing.
"Sorry says" Ashley "I did not mean to do that to you," Ashly then trys to pull his tiny of his dick but for some reson he stuck to it, I forgot to clean him after I cum all over poor Toby.
"I think I will take a bath and see if I can Toby of my dick"
Toby really loved being stuck to Ashley's dick it's like his favourite dream has come true, it's almost as if fate has some how shrunk him to such a tiny size, he has always fancied Ashley but who wouldn't,.
Ashley was looking at his cute pet in a mirror the very thought of him stuck to his dick made it erect to such a huge size, it must be like a whole new world for Toby he though to him self.
Juan places both you, and Scott in his pocket not knowing if Scott would like the smell of his crotch, and jogs lightly to Virgils house. Juan knocks on the door, and Virgil answers. Juan pulls him outside not knowing if he will allert his parents about the beefy jock standing outside of the house for his own safety. please, dont hurt me! i think i will hurt you…unless, Juan scrambles in his pocket for Scott and decides to pull both you and scott out. he puts scott in his right hand and tucks you away. this is the problem, your antidote is the solution. Virgil scrambles for words. oh my! Virgil grabs and Juan is fast."Try something like that again and you will get hurt,"Juan thunders aaaaah o-ok i-i wont t-ry it again now he asks Virgil about the antidote and you hear Virgil say it's upstairs in his room. Juan tells him that it's ok if he's lying because he's got dodgeball with him in gym class tommorrow. Juan walks off as Virgil closes the door. sigh… Scott starts swearing and saying that nerd tricked him and closed the door to barricade himself in the closet.Then the nerd comes back out the house saying he brought the vile. Juan stops walking and Scott is screaming, full of joy! Juan pulls you guys out to see which one of you is Scott and you say bye to your friend. he's a little confused as to why you aren't coming out and he is gone. CRACK, SNAP! your friend screams as the growth begins. juan askes him if he will survive and virgil souts " HE S-SHOULD" over the screaming caused by your friend. then, the screaming stops, and your friend starts yelling "where the hells my clothes!? Juan tells him to run and you hear something pattering away. Juan pulls you out of his pocket and shows you your friend as he runs away. both of you cant help but laugh at the site, and make your way back home.Juan takes a shower and it looks like he has cleaned up his cut with alchohol and two blue band-aids. he has a towel wrapped around his waist and water runs down his beefy pecs. I, iuh umm didnt want you to go through all of that but/no it's ok! you inturrupt. besides, it had to be done. at least my beefy big boy is all right!you see a lump move under the towel at the mention of those words.he giggles and sits beside you on the bed. you both stare at each other, lost, and he finally says, its time to sleep, tommorows a Saturday so no school little buddy he finishes drying himself off and you cant help but notice his beefy feet as the water runs down in between his toes. oh! you get hard instantly. Juan notices your awestruck face and looks puzzled. whats wrong little guy? You stare and stare at his beefy feet.then you…
You tell him your just a little tired.The next morning, you wake on Juans chest and tell him what it was you were staring at last night. Juan smiles and lifts you in his hands. Aww, you like my big feet? Well if you like them, I guess… you ask him what he was guessing and he says nevermind. as he ran home from school the next morning with you wedged in his ass, you realised it was getting slippery so you scooted up and grabbed the boxer material that clung to his cheeks. On the way home, you cant help but wonder how your family is doing, or what they are going through. You start to feel sad. Juans hand reaches down, grabs you from out of his ass, and asks you why you look sad. Your on the brink of tears and he starts to finally put it together. Oh my god i-i know you havent seen your family so you must be home sick! You stop crying and look up at his body. You stop crying and are taken away. His T-shirt clung to his whole body and he looked soo damn sexy. Then you smelled it, the raunchy foot odor hit you in the face soo hard giving you a major hard-on. He smelled it too and remembered what you had told him. I think i know how to cheer you up little guy. He strips his socks & shoes off and you are instantly blasted away by the smell.You told him it smelled like a sweet, yet salty food.Oh really? He takes his shirt off and rubs his chest. his body was shining and it turned you on soo much. He placed you on the floor with a pillow, and you stripped. he wanted you to feel soo much better. You take all your clothes off and lay on the pillow. He places both of his meaty, beefy, raunchy, feet on top of you, and you chuckle, as the warmth surrounds, and envelops you. Yeah, dont cry, just breathe, and relax your muscules. You lick as much sweat off of the soles of his feet as you can. Breathing nothing but Juans foot odor. You feel as though you are going to blow. His slick, soft, warm, foot slides up, and down your whole body, and your cock feels wonderful. uuuuuh Juan i-i-umm…… you get closer and closer but very fast. He answers, Yes little guy, and you say "FUCK YEEAAAAAHH! UUUHH…" You slip into unconsciousness, and he says "nighty-night little guy…" You wake in a sock by his pillow and climb out to find him…
Looking angelic in nothing butt tight cotton boxers and messy hair, Juan stomps down the stairs to his kitchen, carefully cradling you in his palm.
"Hear my gut rumbling? I'm starved." Your adonis pats his abs as he sets you down on the table and starts whipping up an omelette and sausage.
Soon the two of you sit at the table alone, Juan's dad having left for work already, and you watch your behemoth scarf down his meal. It's a beautiful site, Juan's powerful jaw mincing, his tongue slipping out to grab stray bits of onion and meat before noisily chomping and gulping it down. But he hasn't forgotten his little buddy.
"Here.." He says lovingly, handing you a piece of diced egg. You gobble up the food, taking time to lick his finger clean afterwards.
Next Juan lifts you in to his lips and pokes out his tongue, offering a piece of partially chewed meat. You eat the slightly greasy food right up, loving the infused taste of your big boy's saliva.
"Thirsty, little guy?"
Juan just smiled as he watched his little boyfriend gobble up the food he gave him. He always felt like the biggest man in the world knowing that he could take care of Jack like this, just holding him and smothering him with kisses. "Thirsty little guy, here have some O.J." He said dipping his spoon into that glass and holding it in front of his little man.
"Thanks Big Guy." Was all Jack said before eagerly lapping up the golden liquid. The sight made the massive teen smile, that he and his baby boy could just enjoy eating a meal like this. It just proved that even under the strange circumstances of there relationship that they could enjoy something this simple.
Juan looked down at Jack and he had to gulp heavily at what he saw. Jack was lapping up the juice by flicking his tongue and like any teenage boy the image seemed to go straight to his cock as he imagined the small male lapping at his head like that. He slowly took the spoon away from the other boys mouth to make sure that he wouldn't do anything that he would regret.
"Come on little guy lets go watch some T.v." Juan said scoping the boy up. The massive teen cupped the small boy against his chest, loving how the boy curled up to his muscly body. He plopped down on the couch and turned on the T.v, trying to distract himself from the adorable boy in his hand. He spread his legs wide letting the huge bulge his underwear were barely containing flop on the couch.
The boy happily place his little boyfriend in front of his package, the boy just gulped and crawled over and happily reclined, suddenly there was a shifting behind Jack and he looked back up at the massive teen when he said "Sorry little guy…..?"
Lying back against your boyfrined's beautifully warm crotch, you feel the soft cotton boxers shift as the thick sausage behind them starts to stir. You turn around and gaze up at Juan, who seems to blush a little. "Sorry little guy. Just a little excited from your squirming. I hope you don't mind." He says shyly.
Looking at the godly bulge, you almost have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. Mind? You've never felt this lucky in your life.
You reach over and stroke the rising tent softly, watching as Juan's cheeks go from vaguely blushed to s deep rosey red. Your giant boyfriend shivers with delight, and his cock jerks around under the fabric, as if thanking you. "Wow, that's nice.." He chuckles a little, trying to breathe evenly.
You just smile to yourself, and place both hands on the tip of the round bulge where Juan's sweet pre-come is starting to saturate the cotton. You stroke the giant, twitching beast while Juan groans and squirms in his seat.
You love seeing your big guy enjoy himself so much. It's time to take this to the next level..
The ecstatic look on Juan's handsome face is all the incentive you need. If your giant boyfriend likes having his dick stroked, you'll do it until your arms stop working.
You roll onto your knees and place both palms on the grey cotton-clad knob, which is starting to turn a shade darker than the rest of his boxers due to moisture. You slide your hands over the cock head, making it jump and twitch. Juan closes his eyes, presses his head against the wall behind him and groans.
"Ohhh, baby boy.. You're amazing.."
Just looking at your man, lying back on his bed with his bare chest gleaming under th light and his tan, muscular thighs splayed wide open so you can do anything you like with his package.. There's not a place in the world you'd rather be right now.
It's time to show your big guy just how happy you can really make him.
You duck your head and crawl along his inner thigh, which seems to tickle Juan a little. But you know he doesn't mind. Because when you scamper into the dark, humid tent inside his boxers and wrap your arms around the hairy base of his cock, you hear your giant boyfriend laugh in happy disbelief.
Slowly, you pull yourself up the thick shaft -- almost like a stripper on a pole -- until you're face to face with the oozing glans that smell so overpoweringly of sex.
You open your mouth, stick your tongue all the way out, and lick the dripping wet cock head long and hard, gaining a mouthful of sweet, syrupy pre-come.
Your world shakes a little as Juan shudders from head to toe, his voice now a masculine garble of moaning and thanks.
Juan's penis was moving alot and you saw what you had caused,he was on the verge of jerking off.
"AAAARRRRHHHH". he screams as his cock began to swell and he finally he came,and came hard,his boxers were very wet and were almost falling apart.
You were covered in his cum,you started to lick it all up,loving the taste of his manly jizz.
he lifts up his boxers and looks down at you "Well you were at the hard end,how was it"?
You struggled to speak as you were still in a cum induced shock "It was amazing,can we do it again"??
"Afraid I've used it all up, little guy. How about tomorrow"
You nod and he lifts you up and he smiles. "You're all sticky." He laughs, rubbing his jizz over your chest with his thumb. "What am I going to do with you."
"This is just something I've always wanted to try." Juan says, looking a little bashful. With a hunky smile he pucks you up, still dripping with his semen, and plops you onto his bare abs. The ridges of muscle are warm under your back, and then he relaxes his gut so you're on flat, furry ground.
"Remember when you were a kid and you'd lie in the snow, and make snow angels? I did that, anyway. Well ever since I've had you I've wandered what it'd be like for you to make a cum angel for me on my stomach." He says.
You don't need any more encouragement than that. Spreading out your arms (even though they're heavy with globs of sweet-smelling jizz) you rub them back and forth like windshield wipers so your master and boyfriend's cum is smeared into the shape of wings under you. Of course you're making the impression with the fluids dripping off of your body rather than clearing the shape inside a larger puddle, but the result seems to make Juan gush with happiness.
And you'd gladly do this for the thrill alone of feeling your lover's warm seed smearing under your skin, sticky and slick, so potent. Rolling around in the thick goo, you feel like you're marking yourself as the giant boy's personal property. His cum. His abs. His little man, forever.
When you're done, you and Juan decide to…
Juan gets ready to go to the gym and he lifts you up gently and lovingly saying “Hey little guy you ready to go?” You answer,”mhm!” He then ties your waist to his lucky chain and kisses your head. When you arrive at the gym he sets you down on his stomach while he bench presses so he can look at you and you can see him work out. He then pick you up after he finishes and you gaze up at your sweaty loving Adonis boyfriend. He lifts you close to his face and you lick his cheek and lick some of the salty sweat of it. You both then head to the next workout machine it’s…
Juan dangles you in front of his sexy lips. As he speaks the words, his warm breath flows over you, making you melt inside. "Maybe I should lick you clean. I bet you'd like that, my tasty little man." He smirks, seeing how immensely turned on you are.
And them, bringing you closer towards his full pink lips with torturous slowness, Juan opens his luscious mouth and rolls out his wet red tongue. In wags in the air before brushing over you, dampening your legs with one brush and then sliding across your chest with another. The sensation gives you goosebumps, and makes the hardness between your legs rage all the more. "Does my little candy want to be sucked? Hmm?" He growls, making you shiver.
Your giant boyfriend then cups you in his hand and presses you against his damp, pillow-like lips. His tongue pushes out again and this time it rolls over the front of your body with force, drenching you, slathering your rock hard cock so that you feel a bolt pleasure strike you to the core like lightning. "Mmm…" His deep voice sends a rush of vibration through you every time he growls. Now your legs are splayed, wrapped around his chin, scratched deliciously by his whiskers. You moan, allowing yourself to be licked and lapped at by the beautiful Latino stud.
You wrap your arms around the boy's soft cheeks as his tongue goes crazy between your legs, and without even thinking about it, you begin to rock back and forth, fucking his gorgeous lips with your tiny little piece of hard candy. He moans again, making your entire lower body reverberate pleasurably. Your ankles lock around his strong chin, your dick slips over his puffy bottom lip again and again, and the sounds of his busy tongue are all you can hear as you fall into a mind-blowing, dripping wet orgasm in Juan's eagerly slurping mouth.
"We've gotta get you dried up." Juan smiles, admiring the limp mess of satisfaction he's made you. You slump in his palm, totally drained and blissfully happy.
"That was the most amazing experience of my entire life." You manage to call up in your exhausted little voice.
"Well get used to it, beautiful boy. With the pleasure you've been giving me, the least you deserve is to have an orgasm just like that every single day. Now, you might want to hold your breath for a second."
Without any more of a heads-up, Juan lowers you to the area between his legs and lifts his butt off of the mattress momentarily. Just quick enough so that he can slip you under his boxer-clad butt and rest the mountainous rear on top of you.
Pinned on your back, you're shocked to feel the fleshy, springy muscle of your giant boyfriend's ample bubble butt weighing down on you. The biggest surprised is that you're not being crushed. Juan's proud rump is made up of spectacular, globe-like butt cheeks but they have so much give in them that you're able to sink right into them like they're a mattress, just upside-down. You can even breathe if you don't mind the smell of Juan's beautiful butt, which of course you don't. You'd do anything for this man.
Juan grinds against his mattress, just heavily enough to press you deep into the cushion of his ass and absorb all of his saliva off of your little body, into the cotton of his boxers. You're so comfortable here, you think you could happily stay forever. Until…
Reclining between your big guy's thighs, you're rested happily against the handsome lump in the front of his boxers when you start to feel a warm breeze.
"Oops.." Juan grunts a little as he squeezes out a deep, rumbling fart. The hot air rushes all around you, making the fabric of his boxers flap around his legs. The smell is an intense, unescapable foody stench. "Sorry, little guy. I guess those eggs gave me a little gas.." Your boyfriend blushes a little, but you're quick to reassure him.
"Don't worry about it, big guy. I love everything about you, including your farts. You never have to apologize for submitting me to any of your amazing smells." You hug his bulge fondly.
Juan looks a little suprised, but overjoyed. "Wow, little man. I don't think there's another guy alive who'd ever love me enough to put up with the smell of my gas. I love you so much." He pats you with the tip of his finger, which makes you feel amazing.. Then he places his hand on his abs, feeling the vibrations as he lets another rip.
This one's strong and thick enough to bring tears to your eyes. And all though it makes you cough a little, you happily stay right where you are and breathe in the smell of your big guy's digested breakfast with him.
"Little guy, I want to make you happy, and if you love my farts, I'll let you get a front row seat to all the action!" Juan says joyfully preceding to place you on the couch cushion then sit on you.
"Wait, no! That's not what I meant!" but it was too late. Juan's ass was pressed down on you firmly restricting any movement or any way your giant boyfriend could hear your cries for help.
"Here we go little guy!" "Mmmmph!!!" Juan grunts and releases a violent, smelly fart onto your helpless body. His perfect butt vibrates all over you as you endure his nasty expulsion of gas. You do your best to squirm and get your giant's attention, but you are stuck, sentenced to a horrendous fate of rank farting. "Here comes a big one" Juan shifts his weight to one side, lifts his leg, and farts for 7 whole seconds all over you. All you can do his lay there, squashed underneath the stinking ass of the oblivious giant.
Juan smiles proudly as he goes back to reclining on the couch, his little boyfriend wedged deep in his crack, his plump cheeks keeping the small teen firmly in place. He patted his abs as he let another one rip, the low, deep rumblings to him were thunderous explosions to the little man pinned beneath. Jack, however, didn't mind his giant boyfriends rancorous gas in the slightest. He wasn't lying when he said he loved Juan's farts and after the initial shock of his boyfriend planting his muscular, gassy ass on him Jack had quickly grown to love his position.
The giant jock lazily flipped through channels, occasionally releasing some pent up gas and grinning happily every time Jack squirmed to reposition himself so he was under his giant boyfriend's warm, puckered hole for every blast. Scratching his nuts lazily he brushed over Jack's feet and was pleasently surprised as he felt his tiny lover squirm and giggle, wedging his tiny body even deeper in his crack. Chuckling lightly Juan felt his cock twitch excitedly from the squirming of his boyfriend. "Aww are you ticklish little guy?" He cooed down to the boy wedged in his butt crack. "Hehe I'm going to enjoy this lil dude." Was all the warning Jack got before Juan began assaulting the bottoms of his feet with his gentle finger tips making the boy squirm and giggle uncontrollably, continually brushing up against Juan's clenching, puckered hole.
After a few minutes of this anal stimulation Juan felt a deep rumbling in his lower guts and he smirked wide. "This is gonna be a big one Jack, you're gonna wanna get ready for this." he said letting his balls fall over his taint to seal Jack in with his toxic gas. Clenching his abs tightly he pushed out an explosive blast of gas, the sound like thunder in Jack's ears as the scorching fart blew over him, the toxic fumes burning his lungs and making his eyes tear, and Jack wouldn't have it any other way.
Juan smiled in success, shifting from side to side and getting comfortable on top of his little love. After a few more minutes of letting Jack brew in the toxic fog of his fart the giant teen decided it was time to take Jack out. Lifting his balls once again he pinched Jack's legs and dragged the boy out of the deep cavern. He held the shrunken teen upside down in front of his face and the two boys couldn't help but smile at each other. Juan leaned in and gave Jack a sweet and simple kiss before chuckling "Heehee you're pretty awesome little dude." he said before holding the boy close to his chest. They stayed like that for an hour, Jack curled up on Juan's muscular chest as the giant occasionally stroked his small body.
Mr Garcia, a handsome lawyer in his early 40s, steps into the room wearing shiny black Armani shoes and carrying an expensive-looking briefcase.
Mr Garcia is Juan's father, come to pick up his son from detention. Although the man is attractive for his age, you can't imagine where Juan got his graceful good looks and mellow features -- Mr Garcia has a straight, stubborn jaw-line, cold blue eyes and a mean glare. You can't imagine the powerful-looking older man ever losing a court case.. As a matter of fact, you can't imagine him ever smiling, either.
The suited giant collects his son and ushers him out the door, striding after him. But just as his finely polished businessman's shoe glides by you, it seems to stop abruptly, perching on its heel on the brown carpet. Your heart sinks with fear as the titanic lawyer's big, hardened eyes set on you, his mouth slightly agape.
Juan's father turns in your direction on his heel, his eyes set firmly and coldly on you, and remarks, almost to himself..
The older man shakes his head, disgusted at the school's bad hygiene, and he lifts one finely polished shoe high over you with a stern look over his face.
You try to run, but your legs have turned to jelly and they fall from under you. You kneel there, propped unsteadily on your knees, waving your arms around and screaming in terror as the monstrosity of a business shoe comes down over you, cutting off all of your light.
"No, Mister!! Please! I'm just a kid! Don't crush me!! No!!!!" The sharp heel, polished to perfection, glints as it approaches you, then the thick outsole forces your upper body to lie back, flat on your own legs. Now you can see the fine lines and scratches on the bottom of the the wealthy man's shoe, and you feel your skeleton creak like a bending twig.
First your pelvis cracks, then you fall back against your dead legs, then your ribs creak, then a series of cracks and crunches follow you into darkness..
* * *
Mr Garcia 'tsks' with his tongue, wiping his expensive shoe on the filthy carpet. He'll have to reprimand the school about their lack of attention to sanitation. He goes home right away and hands his shoes to a newly-hired house servant, who's really coming in handy for situations like this.
"Charles, have these cleaned and polished immediately." he says in disgust, sitting down on his bed.
"Right away, Sir!" the nervous young man hurriedly removes his boss's shoes and delicately carries them into the other room, to scrub away that despicable red mark.
As Mr James was saying goodbyes to Juan, he saw you on the floor next to the door. At first Mr James was not sure what you were, but his curiosity got him. Mr James crouched down to get a better look at you. He was shocked to find such a tiny student in his class and couldn't help but wonder how you got there. He quickly surveyed the room, making sure none of the students had noticed, before gently scooping you up and depositing you on his shirt pocket. You were not ready as Mr James picked you up and placed you inside his shirt pocket, you had problems standing inside and wondered what Mr James would do.
The rest of the time seemed to fly by for Mr James as he tried to make sense of what had happened. Finally, the bell rang and the students that were in the detention room finally left, leaving Mr James alone in the room. Mr James reached his hand inside his pocket and picks you up, he places you on his table, while facing you. Mr James's eyes were in shock at seeing you in such a state. "Jack Benson? Is that you?" Mr James managed to say at your tiny form.
"Yes Mr James, it is me, please help me" You reply back at him.
"Don't worry little one, I won't tell anyone about this", Mr James said in an understanding tone as he put his glasses on. You looked up at him with gratitude as he continued speaking. "But first I need to know did you end up in this situation".
You explained your whole story to Mr James, and now you waited for his response.
As you hurry toward the exchange student, he finishes his conversation with Matt and starts treading in your direction. The exotic boy seems to grow taller and taller as his shadow creeps over you, his sneakers squeaking louder against the floor tiles by the second.
The towering teen's legs stride ever-closer towards you, seeming to stretch up into the sky. He has dark lashes and smooth skin. His almost lanky body is tall but well proportioned, and something about the kind expression on his face tells you that everything's going to be all right if you can just get his attention.
His giant sneakers stop right in front of you, and the boy gazes down with a confused expression on his face. You stand there, waiting, until the young man bends down and you're gently scooped up into the palm of..
You've seen Pierre around campus before. He transferred from Paris a little while ago, and seems to be fitting in well so far. You always see the handsome, wavey-haired boy hanging out in the cafeteria and laughing with his new friends. But now Pierre is quiet, and looks thoughtful as his dark eyes wander over you. You can't tell what's on his mind.
"Sacre bleur.." His breath smells sweet, flowing past his supple lips and onto your body. His palm feels incredibly soft underneath, and his throaty French accent Is thick like honey.
"C-Can you help me?" You ask timidly, hoping you can trust the charming young boy.
"Do not worry, petit one, I know just where you belong.."
Without hesitation, Pierre places you..
His sweet scent fills your nose, making you think why did I ever think this would be a bad idea? you hear random voices swirl around you as you cuddle against the pocket of the boy you have had a secret crush on since you first saw him. You sigh and slowly fall asleep. when you awake …
Lee's jet black eyes fill your vision completely now. Your breath catches in your throat as the boy examines you closely, turning you over in his giant fingers. His breath still smells like breakfast, and his silky black hair hangs neatly over his forehead, tickling you now and then.
Just a moment ago, you were at the the athletic young man's giant black Converse sneakers, and he seemed like a monument; like a towering building, so vast and powerful. Now, with his breath washing over you and his gaze drilling into you, it's even more embarrassing to come to acknowledge that you're being held and analysed by a real human boy, just your age. You've spoken to Lee briefly before in the cafeteria. He seemed like a real nice guy; confident, smart, and proud. You'd even caught yourself admiring him before. Being involved with every sport the school offers and a shining champion in the taekwondo team, Lee has an impressive figure and an air of command that you've never been able to muster.. Though now you're nervously wondering if he has the same level of respect for you, given that you fit into the palm of his hand.
Your giant finally breaks the tension by opening his mouth. "Interesting.. You obviously like to mess around in the science lab - I didn't think the team's shrinking formula would work after all, but it seems we've underestimated ourselves. Too bad the growth formula didn't work out as well."
You gape in shock at these words. The experience of shrinking has added to the feeling of helplessness and lack of meaning you've been feeling lately, and when Lee picked you up in his hand, although you were nervous, you felt safe and protected - You had the impression that for once in your life everything was going to be alright. And now you find out that there's no solution?? All you can do is stare up at Lee, dumbfounded, while he seems to be weirdly unphased by all of this.
"It's too bad.. On the other hand, I think you'll make a suitable pet, so you don't have to worry about facing the world alone at this size." Before you can answer, Lee tucks you into his moderately tight jean pocket and pats the bulge you make happily. "Be patient, little one. One more class and I'll take you to your new home.."
You're dumped into Lee's tight pocket with a look of shock on your face. "Pet"?? That's ridiculous! He has no right to make you his own personal pet.. But then, the realisation comes to you, he doesn't need a right. You fit in the palm of Lee's hand, there's not a single person who knows where you are and you know simply from the from the sensible and unwavering look he had in his eyes that there's not a thing you can do to make Lee change his mind. You belong to him now. Feeling stranger than you ever have in your life, you let the idea sink in that you are a piece of property, owned by a high-schooler.
There's a suprising sens eof comfort in the thought. You have no responsibilities, no worries - Lee decides where you go and what you do from now on. Your life can never possibly be boring or lonely again, not when you're surrounded by acres of your colossal owner's amazing, awe-inspiring body. You find yourself wondering if you'll be coming in contact with that huge body soon, if Lee will use you as a pet, a toy or.. Or a tiny, submissive boyfriend. Followed by shock and wonder, tingles of pleasure wash through you at the thought..
You feel the long, precise fingers of your giant come in and trap you in their grip, pulling you out. The sensation of being picked up and moved around like an object is exciting! You're brought past Lee's slender chest to his face. His warm breath sends your hair flying out of your face, and you find that you don't mind the foody smell so much any more. You're enjoying the oddness of accepting whatever your owner does with you.
"I'm about to start class, little one." He says softly enough, but in a firm voice. "You're going to wait for me. You're not going to run away, or touch anything in my bag without permission." His youthful voice, his exotic accent. You nod your head with no uncertainty at all. The things your giant is saying are facts, not requests. "I'm going to let you watch my taekwondo class. I want you to witness your master's strength, and his self-discipline. You'll be safe under my care, because I'm going to train you just as well as I've trained myself." You nod again, looking as humble and willing as possible. Lee smiles. Under his sensible and disciplined exterior, there's the slightest hint of a smirk - He can't deny how much he enjoys seeing you kowtow to his rules, and how much he adores his new little acquisition.
Lee places you on a bench, glancing around the empty change-room furtively. In seconds, he strips off every article of clothing he's wearing and dons his uniform. Your mouth still hangs agape as he ties his belt, grinning mischeviously down at you. "Impressed, little one?" He says as he stuffs his casual clothes into his backpack, jamming his Converse sneakers in last. You stare up at your giant god, speechless, until he picks you up in his magnificently warm hand and seats you atop the bag in his black sneaker, then carries the bag into the taekwondo room and places it inconspicuously in the corner..
Over the next hour, you watch Lee defeat opponent after opponent, using his self-discipline and extreme strength to conquer each student who comes his way. While you're watching your amazing master fight, you're surrounded by the intoxicating smell of his feet. Lee's sneaker is well taken care of and by no means 'oderous', but the sweet smell of his clean flesh is as unwavering and enchanting as he is. You're tempted to disappear in the toe of the sneaker just to soak up as much of it as you can, but you wouldn't miss a second of your master's impressive performance. Also, Lee made it clear that he left you here so you could watch him, and the hold your new giant has on you makes you want to follow his commands to the very letter.
As the class disperses, Lee's dojo pulls him to the side and offers him his praises. Unbeknownst to the dojo, you're right by Lee's knee, staring up at your giant master and drinking in the sight of his beautiful face as he confidently accepts the praise he deserves.
Afterwards, Lee pulls a pair of flip-flops out of another compartment of the bag and slides them onto his pale, slender feet. You seize the chance to drink in the up-close sight of those long, perfectly-formed toes. After watching him manoeuvre his every limb and digit so precisely to gain the upper hand during sparring, you're silently praying that your owner will be generous enough to let you admire those huge, powerful feet even closer one day.
As Lee walks toward the door, the bag that contains you held at his side, your gaze shifts from the proud face above you to the boy's awe-inspiring feet. Every time one foot extends and the flip-flop lucky enough to be beneath it slaps on the ground, you notice that his long, milky-white toes bend only slightly, gripping the footweat. You stare in a daze, memorising as many little details as you can about your master, until something finally pulls you out of your daydream..
Lee opens his front door and walks into a beautiful house with high ceiling and polished floor boards. All is silent as he ascends a long staircase and opens his bedroom door. You wonder if anyone's home, but don't feel the need to answer. If your master felt the need for you to know something, he'd tell you. You realise that you've never felt this kind of trust for anyone before - It's a kind of relief to let go of all your concerns and plans and submit totally to the whims of your amazing master.
In Lee's room, the bag containg you is placed a vast bed with white sheets while your giant slips out of his flip-flops and changes his clothes. Again, the breath-taking view of his slender but chiselled physique looming over you makes you think of the most spectacular fireworks display you've ever watched.
Pushing his head through the neck-hole of a think white shirt, Lee finally looks down at you and warms your heart with a beautiful smile. You can hear your pulse speed as the giant's big, soft hand descends onto you and wraps around your little body. The next thing you know, his supple pink lips press against your face unexpectedly and give you a quick, giant kiss.
It amazes you that in any other circumstance you would have been self-conscious, being treated as the lesser of two human beings and moved around like a pet or object, but in Lee's hands everything is different. In Lee's hands you don't have to think about a thing, just relax and let your godly giant take you where he will. In Lee's hands, you're free. He pats you on the head with a grin that speaks more than a thousand words and places you on the bed covers as he puts his bag away and digs through a wide, deep drawer for something.
"I can't carry you around in my bag all day, little pet." He says in a gentle voice as he turns to you. "So I'm going to make you a little home to live in.."
You're still staring at your master's perfectly sculptured toes when a group of shadows casts you in total darkness and you hear a deep voice growl. "Where you goin', nerd? Home to study?" You look uo to see Clay and his goons, hulking over Lee and snarling like predators. The halls are empty except for you, Lee and the bullies, and as if by reflex your stomach tenses at the sight of them.
Lee sighs tiredly. "Out of my way. Now." The guys laugh dumbly and stare at your perfect giant, challenging him.
"Or what, faggot? You gonna beat us up with your big brain? You think you're too good to stand here and talk to us?" The boys are leering in closer, and it seems inevitable that there's going to be a confrontation. You pray that an authority figure shows up soon, but the halls are dead silent as Lee and the bullies stare at each other. The taller boys all have sickening, evil smiles on their faces while Lee stays perfectly calm. His steel nerves would make any smart person think twice about laying a hand on him, but Clay and his buddies aren't smart people..
The leader of the group finally breaks the stillness by moving back, as if to let Lee pass. Lee steps forward, uttering two words without a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Good boy."
That does it. Clay's fist lunges forward and is caught in the palm of Lee's hand, then twisted hard until the bully yelps in pain. The two other boys throw themselves at your giant, but too slowly. He spins around and knocks them both onto their backs with a swing of his leg, then he knees Clay in the stomach, immobilising the muscle-bound young man. Clay's buddies rub the backs of their heads in sore amazement as Lee kicks off his flip-flops and places a foot on Clay's chest, throwing the wincing boy onto his back.
Your heart glows with pride and awe as your giant steps calmy towards Clay and places a bare foot on top of the jerk's mouth. Still in the bag hanging from Lee's hand, you can see Clay's teffified eyes as he stares past his defeater's toes, looking like he's about to cry with the pain and humiliation. "You made a big mistake today, didn't you?" Your master's smooth voice asks. Clay nods as best he can. You can see the tears welling up in his eyes. It sounds like he's trying to mumble the word 'please' with his squashed-up lips. "Well, you're not going to get the chance again, little man.." Lee reaches into his bag and produces..
Lee barely looks at you as he dangles you over Clay's terrified face. "See this? Are you looking, boy?" Your giant's voice has an edge to it now, and Clay's eyes stretch wide open in disbelief. "I can shrink WHOEVER I want, WHENEVER I want, and this little man is proof." Clay is starting to mumble again from under Lee's foot. It must be pressed pretty tightly against the bully's lips, because you can only just make out the word 'How??'. You sigh, jealous that Clay gets to have your master's gorgoeus foot smeared all over his face, right after taekwondo class. His lips must be soaked in Lee's amazing sweat right now.
"How?" Lee continues. "I'm not going to tell you hoe, I'm going to SHOW you how!" Tears start to stream down the bully's face, now he's begging with frantic, squealing grunts. "..IF, and only if you disobey your new master." Lee finishes, and calmly moves his foot off of Clay's face.
Clay pants for breath for a moment before Lee asks him. "So, boy? What's it going to be?" He holds you up as a reminder, and closes his fist over you so that your tiny legs dangle out and you're curled into a ball within his hot, sweaty palm. Although you know this sight must terrify the bullies, you excitedly seize the chance to lick up mouthfuls of your master's salty sweat. The taste is amazing, and when the hand uncurls, you look below you to see Clay on his hands and knees, kissing the insteps of Lee's feet loudly and fervently..
Your heart is still glowing with pride and awe as Lee turns the key in his front door and lets himself into his empty house. His parents are away for a few days, so Lee has the place to himself. He steps inside, followed by three skulking figures, who look around the stylish house furtively. On the way over, Lee promised his three new servants that if anyone from school spotted them and asked where the jocks were going, he would make them publicly own up to being his submissive playthings (under threat of being shrunk otherwise). The trip was quiet and fast, just as your genius master hoped. Finally he had just what he wanted; A humble little pet that he could both converse with and hold in the palm of his hand, and a group of big, burly idiots who were more than willing to wait on him hand-and-foot.
Lee scoops you up and sits on the couch with you. Kicking off his flip-flops, he stacks his unbelievably perfect feet on the coffee table in front of him and starts casually throwing orders at the three men who are standing awkwardly by the door. "You can clean this place up." he says, pointing to the leader. "I haven't had time to pick up dirty laundry, with school and taekwondo and everything, so you're going to be my maid." The jock winces at this, jabbed by humiliation at the word. He moves to start cleaning, but Lee stops him up. "What kind of servant do you think you are? On your knees. Now. You're going to crawl until you leave here, and if you stand up even a second before I'll shrink you down and keep you as a slave forever." Looking devestated and terrified, Clay gets to his knees and begins crawling around the room, cleaning up after his master.
Lee orders another one of the bullies to clean out his school bag using nothing but his teeth. After seeing his leader and best friend reduced to a snivelling slave, the jock has a look of fear and misery on his face as he drags out Lee's socks, his shoes, his shirt and books, taking care not to rip or dent a single thing for fear of being shrunk. As he delegates, Lee holds you against his stomach and strokes you gently like a beloved pet. He's never looked as powerful as he does now, with a bunch of terrified jocks on their knees before him and an adoring pet and slave held in the palm of his hand.
The third jock waits nervously for his command, and you're filled with envy as you hear Lee speak the words: "You. You can crawl over here and care for your master's soles. I don't need a massage, I just want you to practice showing the bottoms of my feet all the respect and worship that you're going to show me in the future. Now, get on your knees, bring out that tongue and get that face of yours nice and close to your new reasons to live.."
Lee's perfect feet are perched on the coffee table when the jock comes over on his knees, looking nervous and epically ashamed. You watch with pride as your giant master turns up his toes, ready for the muscley teen's tongue. And, looking like he would rather die, the jock opens his mouth and presses his glistening tongue against the bare sole of his new master.
You look up to see Lee's normally sensible face now grinning indulgently. He watches on as his feet are hesitantly kisses, stroked and dabbed at by the bigger boy's sorry tongue. "Good boy." Master says in a superior tone. "But you'll have to do better if you wantr to stay human-sized.. So I'm going to give you a chance to learn."
You're speechless as Lee picks you up off his stomach and places you before his only un-licked foot. "Boy, show this new slave how it's done." Excitement and gratefulness fill you to the top. Your owner must have caught you staring at his perfect feet, and he's actually generous enough to allow you to touch them! All of the thankfulnes and affection you have for him goes into giving his big, tan sole a HUGE hug right away.
Lee smiles and the crouching jock looks shocked and enthralled as you push yourself into the big, soft, fragrant sole of your master, kissing the wall of skin all over and running your hands across the amazing texture of HIS giant sole. During your full-blown make-out session with your owner's well sculpted foot, the sorry jock begins to nervously lick and kiss the foot he's been assigned. Lee looks superbly satisfied with your work, and..
Lee watches the defeated jock lick his perfect soles with a look of satisfaction. Afraid to be beat up again by the taekwondo master or reduced to your tiny size, Clay stays on his hands and knees and licks like a good dog while Lee orders the other jocks cleaning up his house. You watch on in love and awe at the effortless control your master has over his slaves. You're almost jealous that you won't have his beautifully sculpted feet all to yourself.
"Slaves, now you will take turns licking my feet while this one cleans. I want a good tongue massage to work out any knots and tenderness from my training, and this animal's tongue is weak." Lee commands.
The other two boys look horrified. "No way! You can boss us around, you can even beat us up but you're not making us lick your fuckin' feet!" One shouts, clearly afraid but stubborn.
Lee stands up and Clay cowers by his ankles, not wanting to get into trouble with his friends. "You want me to make you like him?" The Asian god lifts you up and displays you to the dumb jocks. "You want to be tiny doll boys? Okay, prepare to be taken under my control."
You can't believe what you're hearing. You know Lee can't shrink the other boys because he wasn't the one to shrink you. The jocks don't know that, but what if they take a risk and call his bluff? How will he control the lowly servants then?
The boys look at each other in a panic, searching for a way out of this..
The two boys' chests are heaving and they're breaking out in a sweat, staring up defiantly at Lee. "I won't do it! I'm not gonna lick this fuckin' geek's feet no matter what happens!" He's afraid for his life but he won't give in, like a cornered animal.
"Just do it, man, or he'll shrink you like the other little pussy!" Clay implores his friends, having no idea that you shrunk hours before meeting Lee.
Your heart races, wondering anxiously where this is heading. Your Asian master is the only calm person in the room, though you have no idea how he plans to solve this predicament. "You've made your choice, stupid boys." He says this with a sneer, and steps purposefully across the room toward the two cowering jocks.
You're still in Lee's hand when he reaches into his pocket and takes out a vial of translucent orange goop. Your jaw drops at the sight of the mysterious substance, which is the very same liquid you spilled on yourself in the lab the morning you were shrunk. How did Lee get his hands on this? He must have been carrying it before he met you, which could only mean… He had something to do with its invention.
The two boys shriek and dart as the lid comes off and Lee's wrist shoots in their direction. Their movement is clumsy and uncoordinated, and they only land in a heap on top of each other before the heavy orange drops splatter on their faces. Watching them shrink down to your size is a spectacle to behold, but not as much so as seeing them trembling and crying by Lee's bare white feet.
You master clicks with his tongue and wiggles his toes, which causes them to leap backward. "These toys must be trained harshly if they're to make good slave pets for their master." He announces. Then he lifts his foot, corners one of the jocks and squahes the boy flat under his sole.
The giant gives a low chuckle while the teen wheezes and squirms, unable to breathe.
"When I set out to create this formula, I imagined using it to take only one pet for myself before I sold the design. An obedient, loyal little man like you." The Asian giant's thumb brushes over you, and you let the reality of this situation slowly sink in. For a moment you'd felt tricked, even betrayed. But with your superior giant's thumb caressing you, your place in the world is clear. You kiss the fingertip in thanks and humbly bow your head, grateful to be in his possession.
"But.." says Lee, turning with a gleeful smirk to the face wiggling between his toes. "I suppose having a few side experiments will be entertaining.."
Your gorgeous Asian giant ghas never looked so powerful, with two former bullies squirming under his dextrous toes and another life-sized jock cowering on all fours.
He walks away from the two newly shrunken teens to address Clay, still on his hands and knees. "A moment ago, when you were trying to reason with your foolish little wormfriends, I heard you call my pet a 'pussy'." You master says, and Clay is quick to splutter out excuses.
"I- What I meant was, see, they don't understand-"
Lee cuts him off. "Who is the pussy? The boy who offered himself to me, to be my loyal pet for the rest of his life, or the one forced onto his hands and knees out of fear? Maybe if you had volunteered to be my pet in the beginning, I would have given you a nice, humble life under my feet. But not now."
"No, No, PLEASE! I've done everything you asked, I've kissed your feet, I've licked between your toes!" Clay pleads.
Lee simply smirks. "You'll learn the meaning of between my toes soon, little worm." He slams his foot down on Clay's back, pinning him to the floor, where he's doused in shrinking syrum and reduced to another heplpess bug inyour superior master's possession.
Lee favours you with a smirk. In one hand you sit, as always, humbly kissing his thumb, while in the other hand three terrified jocks squirm and beg for their lives.
"What should we do with or new toys, little pet?"
Lee turns his attention from you, and the affectionate smile hehad for his devoted little slave fades.
"You call that foot worship, boy?" He says coldly to the jock, who is still hesitantly licking at his feet.
"I..I don't know, I'm trying!" The jock looks not only humiliated, but frustrated now. It's going to take a lot more training before he swallows his pride enough to serve Lee properly.
"Tell you what, tough guy. You think you're too good to lick my feet because you spent your life bullying other boys your age? You think all your muscles make you too important to submit to a master such as myself? Get up.."
The jock looks nervous as he gets to his feet for the first time this evening. Lee stands up aswell, leaving you on the coffee table to watch as he dominates this cockyjock to the fullest.
"You can't bring yourself to lick my feet because you think you're tougher than me? Tell you what. I'm going to give you a chance to beat me. No shrinking tricks or anything dirty, just a one-on-one fight. If you win, you and your friends can leave and I'll never bother you again. You'll never have to lick my feet, bow to me or call me master again. But… If I win, I'm shrinking you down to pet size and keeping you. Forever. Then you'll really know how it feels to be my slave, and you won't need any more 'encouragement'."
The jock takes a nervous gulp and look around at his buddies, who stare at him eagerly. They'd do anything to get out of this predicament, now it looks like he's their only hope.
"Doesn't look like you have much of a choice." Lee says assertively, noticing the urging expressions of the other enslaved jocks, and growing impatient himself.
"…Ok." The cornered jock says with a dry throat. "Let's do it."
Lee advances on the dopey jock, who suddenly realises he doesn't have any more time to mess around. Having just had his tongue on the other boy's feet, and knowing that Lee could shrink him down at any moment if he liked, the bulkier boy isn't quite as confident as he's been in fights before.
He swings one bulky arm at Lee, who catches it easily, and knees the jock in the stomach. He grunts, nursing his stomach and kneeling to the ground in pain. Lee gives him a moment and, as the bully tries to get up again, your Asian god lifts one foot high in the air and kicks his inferior right in the face.
You've always been upset by the sight of violence, having had to deal with bullies so much in the past, but watching your amazing master dominate the larger young man is making you love him more than ever. Lee moves so quick; his hands and feet are both so agile and flexinle, he doesn't even seem to break a sweat. Methodically, he counters the jock's every move and soon has him, kneeling and panting, ready to be defeated, once and for all.
A sheen of sweat shines on the bruised boy's face as he looks up in terror at his defeator and new owner for life. In his eyes, you can see the dawning realisation that every time he looks at Lee from now on, he will see him from the same low-down, hhumbled perspective.
Lee lifts his foot one last time and perches it on the exhausted bully's shoulder as he fishes out a vial of his science team's shrinking formula. He uncaps the tiny glass cylinder and holds it over the jock's head as the other boys watch in stunned silence, and smirks as the liquid tips. "Now I have a little slave for each foot.."
Lee decides to shrink both guys he want's to have for his pets, how ever what he has in mind for the one who started fight in first is going to the shock the little jock, he grabs the liquried again a drops on the same joke suddenly the joke shrinks even smaller in fact so small you could fit about six of him in one hand.
"Well look how small you are now I would say at least about 2 inches tall"
Lee decides to take his clothes as he grabs the smallest joke of them all,.
" I want you to meet my dick I want you to see how long you can hang onto before you fall off.
The little one who we will name as Ashley screams with terror at the thought of being on another guys dick, what can he do he is only 2 inches tall, he can see him self being lowered down to Lees big dick, Ashley just grabs hold of his foreskin he is trying to hold on as tight as he can, he holds on as tight as he can before he falls off, lucky for him he lands on Lees soft barefoot, Ashley is so pleased but suddenly Lee picks him again.
Lee says "I have an idea I will put you under my foreskin that could be your new home".
Ashley is lowered down to Lees dick he can see him pull back his huge foreskin, he is dropped onto his dick and the skin is pulled all over poor Ashley, Lee waits until his dick becomes small and placid, Ashley is in tears but what can he do.
You're breathtaken as the quiet, dark-skinned foreign exchange student lifts you right up to his face and studies you with his deep brown eyes.
You've seen Ahmed around before. He has a jet black hair, a big, handsome nose and a serious demeanour. It's only now that you're lying in the warm palm of his dusty brown hand and feeling the heavy waves of his breath falling down on you that you realise how strikingly handsome the exotic boy is.
"I know you." He finally utters in a suprisingly deep, confident voice. His red lips twist in a slight smile. "It is a good thing that I have found you. I would like very much for you to be my.."
You stare up at Ahmed's coffee brown eyes and deep olive skin, speechless. "You want me to.. What??" The boy has the confidence of a much older man, but his youthful features are both handsome and a little intoxicating. You've never admitted it even to yourself, but you've had a slight boy crush on the exchange student since you first laid eyes on him.
The Eastern heart throb chuckles to himself, then declares smoothly, "I tell you something. You will be mine for one week, and if you still wish to be returned to size I will hand you to the authorities." His plump lips curl in a cocky little smile, and you ponder the chances of you choosing to be the willing pet of another boy. They're slim if they exist at all, but Ahmed seems confident he can charm you into becoming his possession, so you see no reason to resist.
"Okay.. As long as you keep up your end of the bargain.." You say hesitantly, sitting in the palm of his hand.
"Oh, I will, if it comes to that." The young man brings you to his hot, reddish lips and breathes directly into your face. The smell is so exotic, like some fiercely burning spice, it makes your head swim. "But it will not come to that."
You reluctantly agree, and Ahmed barely contains a squeal. He tucks you gently into his shirt pocket as he walks home.
Ahmed is a bit chubby, his small tit bounces as he struts through the suburbs. The rhythmic movement puts you to sleep, but you're awoken by Ahmeds large fingers.
"Looks like the ride wasn't too bad for you I'm there."
You look up at Ahmed, his forehead drenched in sweat, and a bright smile on his face. However worried you were before, you can't help but smile back at your gentle giant.
Ahmed places you onto his bed, a double twin with dark blue comforter, the shirt is discarded onto the floor, as he shuffles closer to you. The bulge in Ahmeds pants now staring at you with intense longing.
"So would you rather watch a movie and snuggle, or do you need to take a shower?"