Chapters marked with a † indicate a dead end.
Chapters marked with a ¶ have been proofread/edited.
It’s just another day at McKinley. The jocks are getting ready to shower after a big game, Gleeks are walking the halls between classes and Mr Schuester sits in his office planning today’s lesson for New Directions.
But one thing about today isn’t ordinary. For mysterious reasons, somewhere, someone at McKinley is about to find themselves suddenly shrinking down to only inches tall, leaving them confused and at the mercy of whoever happens to find them.
That unsuspecting someone is..
Your Name is Matt Jones. On the outside a pretty ordinary kid, just like your name, but on the inside, once you open your mouth the vocal tones of the Angles spews forth. And once the music starts you have totally sick dance moves.
You moved to the school when one of your two dads had to take a work transfer and you were not really happy about it. Until you heard about the schools Glee club.
The only problem is, the other guys of the Club saw you singing and dancing on the way home from school one day and instant jealousy turned all their eyes green. They already thought there was enough competition for the lead rolls and were not anxious for any more competition.
The next day at school you tried out and Mr. Schuster seamed to like your audition, even though it was a formality as no one was ever turned away who wanted to join. All the guys seamed to be welcoming. They even invited you to go play basketball with them after school. To which you gladly accepted, wanting to fit in. They tell you to meet them in the locker room and you nod in agreement.
When you get there the lights are on but its quiet.
“Hello?!?!” you call out. But there is no reply. You head down the rows of lockers, sure that you heard something or someone. As you do you begin to feel sick to your stomach and decide to lay down on one of the benches. You close your eyes and fall asleep.
As you pull back from your sleep you hear voices. Chuckling, murmuring. Then there was a strange smell. When you opened your eyes you realize you are not laying on the wooden bench any longer but instead on a fabric covered cushiony surface. As you get to your feet you look down seeing huge letters under you. “CONVERSE”
When you look up you see all the Glee guys looking down at you. You’ve been shrunk and dropped into one of their Converse sneaks they wear so often on the show.
Then you see a name written on the wall of the canvas wall in marker. It tells you who’s sneaker your in……its
"Where am I??" You shout, but you doubt anyone will hear you. You’re staring up at a gang of young men, all resembling the glee club you were introduced to the other day but appearing much more ominous and distorted in their huge dimensions.
"What are we gonna do with him in the long run? He can’t live in your shoe forever?" Blaine says, making such a horrific premise seem almost reasonable with his even voice and compassionate eyes.
"That’s why I plan on breaking out some extra badass dance moves during practice today." Puck grins mischievously. "See if the little fucker lasts more than a minute under my heel with me stomping down on his attention-grabbing little head."
The sneaker’s insole beneath you smells like rotten garbage. Or, more accurately, Puck’s feet. You can’t believe this group of giant teens are actually conspiring to crush you under a bully’s stinking foot, just because you made a bad impression during your audition and pissed them off.
"That doesn’t seem fair, I think we should get it over with quicker. Make it less painful for the little runt." Sam says, his arms folded. The blond colossus glances at you with worried eyes, but he seems resistant to pity. Clearly he too sees you as a menace to be stomped out as quickly and conveniently as possible.
"Well, we’d better think of something quickly." Kurt whispers in an urgent voice. "Mr Schue is right around the corner!"
"Morning, guys!" Will’s voice fills the room, cheery and full of sprite. The cluster of glee boys surrounding you remains in tact, provoking the teacher’s curiosity?
"What’s going on over here, boys?"
Without wasting a second, Puck tips you out of the shoe and…
Before you know what’s happening to you, the massive sneaker you’ve been housed inside is tilting over and you’re flying out of it. You’re airborne for seconds, and then you crash to the choir room’s linoleum floor, right in the middle of the ring of giants.
"Uh, Mr Schue?" Puck says, doing a poor acting job but impressing his friends with his quick thinking. "There’s some kinda weird bug over here. It looks dirty. Like it could have diseases and stuff." You’re not sure, but it looks like Puck is fighting off laughter as he feeds his teacher a line about school sanitation and dangerous diseases.
"God, sorry about that, guys. I don’t know how these ugly little beasts keep getting in." Will shrugs as he strides towards you, intent on dealing with the problem.
"Yeah," Puck agrees, stepping out of the way with a vague smirk now on his face. "It’s totally disruptive to our, uh, education and stuff." The other glee club members are all watching with rapt attention as Will steps up the the plate, marching towards you with his folder still tucked under one arm and coffee in the other hand.
"Well, this little sucker’s not going to be disrupting any of my classes." Will looks down at you coldly. You wave your arms at him, desperate for him to recognise you as the new student he was so nice to the other day, but his eye sight mustn’t be good enough. Either that or you’re just too damn small.
Either way, the man’s foot rises into the air and you see the bottom of his shoe, all scratched up and smeared with dirt. As it descends on you and you’re pooled in shadow, you catch a glimpse of the huge surface that’s going to righteously end your now pitiful existence. You see the tiny clipping of grass he’s walked in from outside and the scattering of legs from bugs which have previously been extinguished by the massive teacher’s unstoppable foot.
You see the your promising future being ground to dust as you listen to your own bones crack and crunch under Mr Schuester’s powerful foot and, all in a flash, you’re gone. You’re a smear.…
"Hey, Mr Schue! How’s your morning been so far?" Kurt spins on his heel with a big smile plastered on his face to intercept Schue, who looks a little bemused.
"It’s been fine, Kurt. What are you guys up to?"
Pinched between Puck’s massive brown fingers, you’re screaming at the top of your tiny lungs for the heroic Mr Schuester to help you. Even as Kurt babbles on to his teacher and Puck lifts you over his open mouth, his back turned to the room, you kick and fight and shout yourself hoarse, convinced that you can’t possibly die like this.
This all amuses Puck so much, his smirk almost changes the shape of his wide lips as they spread apart for you. The darkness of eternity trails down the back of his throat, past his wagging, glistening tonsils. The monstrous jock gives you one swing, two swings, and then sends you plummeting onto the furry surface of his tongue.
You put up a valiant fight, but it’s no use. You’re food now, and you both know it. Your future is to be digested and transformed into protein for the giant hunk, and for all the glee club members to wish you good riddance. You know all of this from the moment you land in the giant athlete’s dark, dank mouth and feel the waves of saliva swishing around, towards the back of his throat. Even while you claw and squirm to escape the pull of his gushing saliva, you know you’re wasting your energy.
You’re sucked down, down into the tight tube of the boy’s throat. Dragged like a rat into a python’s belly, down into a hopeless darkness that no-one should ever have to witness in their life. The hopeless dark of being utterly defeated by a giant, healthy, perfectly functioning male body.
You hit Puck’s stomach with a wet, echoing plop. There’s an even louder sound when you hear the giant’s huge palm patting his belly from the other side of a flesh and muscle wall. You can sense his pride at having trapped you in here.
Now you’re on death row, waiting for the srud’s body to take what it wants from you and mulch up the rest. And you wait.
The guys are still trying to decide what to do with you when Mr Schue’s footsteps are heard approaching the choir room. Puck stands up straight, his fist gripping you tight. "What do I do?!" He asks in a panic.
"Just-" Kurt grabs at Puck’s hand and shoves you towards the taller boy’s chest. "Put him in your shirt pocket!" He whispers anxiously.
But it’s too late. In his haste, Puck let you go and dropped you down the front od his shirt, where you slid against the bronze wall of his pecs until you grabbed hold of the first thing in arm’s reach: A shiny silver ring.
You dangle from Puckerman’s nipple, you arm looped through his piercing, holding on for dear life. It’s shocking to see that the big, brown nipple doesn’t even seem to stretch with your added weight. You’re so small that you’re less significant than a piece of jewelry hidden under a young man’s clothes.
You hang on for dear life while Mr Schuester’s voice dominates the room outside. The smallest movement from your giant host rattles you and you find your legs swinging wildly with every step he takes. Light blinks through the fabric of his shirt intermittently. The never-ending wall of brown flesh before you smells of sweat and cheap cologne.
You manage to hold onto the giant nipple ring until the class finally ends, at which point…
From your precarious place, dangling from Puck’s huge nipple ring, you can hear that choir practice is over and the students are filtering out of the room.
"So? Where’d you stick the little guy?" You identify Sam’s voice by his mild Southen twang.
"Dude, I dropped him down my shirt. I don’t knew where he ended up." Puck answers. You feel the rustling of his shirt fabric as the man’s giant hands pat down his abs, searching for you. Luckily (or unluckily) he doesn’t pat down the area where you’re hanging and you go unnoticed.
"Wait! There he is!" Kurt’s voice pipes up outside, and you freeze. "He’s by your foot, trying to run away, baby. Do something."
This doesn’t make any sense. The gay boy’s obviously talking to his boyfriend and you’re nowhere near Blaine’s foot. The only explanation is that the giants are mistaking a bug for you… Which is oddly insulting, if not a relief.
"Sorry, little man." You hear Blaine’s voice say with a note of sympathy. "I don’t have much voice."
There’s a short pause, then the crackling of as body being flattened underfoot. Your tiny ears are so sensitive that you can almost see the unfortunate little big being smashed under Blaine’s perfectly polished shoe, and the look of appreciation on his friends' faces.
"Good job, man." Puck’s voice reverberates through his chest, which you’re clinging to, and you hear the sound of high-fives celebrating your destruction.
This is terrible timing, but your arms are starting to get tired. You’re not sure how much longer you can hold on. Your hands are slipping, slipping off of the metallic ring when you hear Puck announce: "Well, all my classes are done. What do you guys say we head to…"
"Well, all my classes are done. What do you guys say we head to the gym for a workout?"
"I’m game." Sam answered, "After all I have to keep up this body if I want to stay being the hottest guy in school." His taunt caught him a playful jab from Puck.
"We all know the Puckmaster is the hottest thing in town." Puck said, catching a return jab from Sam with his chest. Turning towards the door, he called out: "Let’s get going ladies!"
"Count me out.", said Kurt, "I wouldn’t be caught dead in there with all those primates rampaging about."
"I’ll see you later then, baby.", Blaine’s soft voice soothed. Puck, Sam, and Blaine all headed out the door and made way for the school’s weight room. Only stopping once so Puck could tie his shoe.
(POV: You)
You dangle from Puck’s nipple ring, your arms feeling as if they were on fire. His chest sending vibrations through your entire body as he spoke. Your heart dropped as you heard him ask about the gym. It’s taking all I have to hold on with him still, you thought, how will I stay hidden when he hits the weights and moves around? You hang there, terrified as they talked. Suddenly Puck’s whole bod jerked as he quickly jabbed Sam, causing you to swing back and forth violently before slamming back into his hard chest.
Thankfully, because of your size, Puck doesn’t feel a thing. Hyperventilating, you hang there by one arm lacking the strength to pick up the other and grab a stronger hold on the nipple ring. Only seconds have passed until you feel a massive impact to the left of you- Sam hitting Puck back. The force from the impact was too much. Sending a jar through your body, you lose your grip on the ring and begin to free fall straight down. Your arms and legs flail as you try to grab a hold on anything that can save you. All you can do is picture your body hitting the hard, unforgiving floor. Before you make it too far down however, your fall stops and yous hand catches onto the edge of Puck’s belly button. Lucky for you he is an innie.
Using the adrenaline from your near death fall, you hoist yourself up into it and hang on for dear life. Just as you begin to fell safe, you hear a swoosh as Puck begins to walk.
BOOM! His large foot lands, sending shock waves through your body. Only to happen again when his other foot lands. He strides tall and proud on his way to the weight room, unaware of the hell each one of his steps is causing his secret passenger. Noticing his shoe lace is undone, he bends over to tie it. You struggle to hold onto his skin, but gravity is to much for you and you fall and land on the inside of his shirt. Done tying, Puck stands back up, causing you to fall once more. Screaming as you go, you arms manage to catch the top of his pants. You hang there, your arms in his waistband, and dangling on the outside of his pants. The hallways fly by as Puck continues to walk.
Then your arms finally tire out from all the hanging you have done. Unable to hang on any more, you lose your grip and fall straight down, banging into Puck’s leg as he lifts his leg to walk. Bouncing off the knee, you fall straight down onto the top of his Converse sneaker. The giant shoe stretches before you like a massive land scape. Struggling to stand, you barely managed to get up before Puck’s foot slammed down as he took another step- sending you sprawling over the side until you slip over the edge and fall onto the cold hallway floor. Lucky for you, the three giants never noticed you and continued walking without trampling you underfoot.
You watched them walk off, each foot fall creating a deafening boom. You knew that if you landed under one of them, they would crush you like a bug in no time. Too busy staring at them, you didn’t notice the shadow being cast over you until it was to late. With a loud bang, something falls atop of you…
"Blaine, Sam, Kurt, you wanna head to Breadsticks for some chow?" Puck says as he bends down to grab his schoolbag.
At that moment, your hands lose their grip on the giant’s nipple ring and you fall rapidly through the air. It’s only a twist of fate that saves you from being splattered on the choir room floor. Instead you tumble sideways until you hit a bush of soft, fuzzy hair. Suddenly there’s sweaty skin closing in around you as Puck stands back up and lowers his arm.
You’re trapped in a fold of wet, B.O. smelling skin while Puck walks to the restaurant with his friends, completely oblivious to you being tucked under his stinking arm pit.
You swallow so much salty-sweet sweat on the way to Breadsticks that when the boys finally sit down at their table, you’re desperate to scramble out of your dank prison immediately. You clamber over the hill of Puck’s pectoral which is fortunately in leaning back position, so it’s more like climbing an incline than sliding down a vertical wall.
When you find yourself out in the world again, you’re…
Just as you reached the collar of Puck’s shirt, the giant jerked forward to hit one of the other guys on the shoulder. And of course with your luck, you were unable to hold on with your world jerking about like that. Before you knew it, you were out in open air, falling and screaming for help. Of course no one noticed your speck of a body careening downward into their appetizer, a bowl of dip.
You splashed down in the dip rather painfully, the thick surface of the substance far less liquid than solid. Thankfully, you didn’t think you’d suffer any real bruises or broken bones. Hopefully. You wiped white cream from your eyes and looked up at the giants as you tread "water". They were all laughing above, talking about what they did to you most likely. None of them knew you were right under their noses. And covered in dip, they probably wouldn’t notice you either.
It was near impossible to swim in this stuff, and you were already getting tired. However, you still hadn;t realized your predicament. That is, until something appeared under you, lifting you high into the air faster than you ever wanted to go. You looked behind you and saw a massive finger, holding onto a chip. A chip you were on.
Realizing your predicament at once, you panicked ad began to try and run to the nearest edge of the chip, but the thick dip surrounding your body refused to let you move much. You could only look up and see…
Puck’s breath washed over you in thick humid waves as you were forced to stare into his mouth. The roiling tongue beneath you tensed as if waiting for you to join it, to taste you all over and send you down to his belly. It sent a chill down your spine. Small remains of chips remained on it here and there, unnoticed as they were unable to be washed away. You could only hope that you would be spared as well. You passed his teeth, the tongue reaching up to the underside of the chip as his titanic jaws closed around you. Finally, a deafening crunch as he smashed your ride with the simplest of motions.
Your world became chaotic as Puck began to chew. The stupid hunk was none the wiser of the torture he was putting you through as he ate. The world fell and rose with every bite as you were passed back and forth, just barely missing his teeth. His tongue soaked you in saliva, the warm muscle licking over your naked form. You couldn’t deny the slight pleasure you got from it though, despite your embarrassment, and found yourself sporting a hard on throughout the entire ordeal. How humiliating.
However, even bad things must come to an end at some point. Soon enough, there was nothing left but mush left in Puck’s mouth. You were forced into a ball of chewed food and into his throat, your sentence carried out with a single gulp.
Puck’s throat muscles pushed you further and further down, despite your struggles. The rippling walls were intent on dragging you down to his belly. You could hear Puck’s heartbeat as it pounded throughout his flesh. And just barely, you could hear him laughing and chatting with the others.
Finally, one final opening appeared under you. You fell and landed with a splash in Puck’s belly. The rippling, disgusting walls were coated in translucent slime, constantly dripping more into your prison. A pile of food in various stages of digestion was crowded around you as you were forced into the churning pile. And still, even more fell down onto your head. Was it time to just give up? Were you doomed to be a part of Puck?
You struggle to regain courage by taking deep breaths, your hands getting slippery with sweat from Puck’s body heat. You can’t hold onto the ring for much longer. You shut your eyes tight, steeling yourself for the moment you let go of his ring. The very moment you do, you’re sent hurdling through the air. You fall for what feels like an eternity, whether due to the emotional distress of plummeting to your death or the fact you’re now one-half inches tall.
Puck leans back in his chair, thankfully for you--instead of plummeting to the floor, you bounce off his stomach and land on the soft fabric of his jeans.You hesitate for a moment, trying to decipher if he felt anything. You see his hand raise, descending towards you. You close your eyes tight, prepared to get scooped up by the Jewish titan. Seconds pass. You crack open one eye to see Puck absentmindedly scratching his crotch. You take the opportunity to scurry away, sliding down his left leg like a slide. You reach the bottom rather quickly, touching his ankle just as Will speaks up.
"Alright! That about sums up everything for today, class. Be sure to read up the music for a quick run through next week--other than that, I’ll see some of you tomorrow."
You don’t have time to jump from the ankle, instead being pushed off by the sudden shift that is Puck standing up. You collide with the marble floor, face first, but luckily unharmed.
You see the students standing up, saying their goodbyes or gathering whatever book they put under their chairs. Better decide quickly, lest you end up a stain under someone’s shoe.
You stand up, making a desperate grab for Finn’s shoe as he walk out of the room, head hung low. The lace lifts off the ground, your hand and body going with it. Although unnoticed for now, you’ve escaped Puck and the gang of would-be murderers. You can breathe…somewhat…easily. Now, you somehow have to get Finn’s attention. How to do that?
Your thoughts are interrupted by a cry of urgency from above. "Woah!" Finn exclaims, his throws his hands in front of himself to stop himself from falling. However, he’s too late--he hits the tile floor of the hallway with a thud and a groan, accompanied by the vicious laughter of his peers. You, on the other hand, are fairing just as poorly. The little tumble Finn took sent you flailing as well--even sliding a few centimeters. Finn groans and sits up, rubbing the back of his head.
"Dude, what the hell?" He asks, looking up at Karofsky, the big (now, even bigger) bully. The oaf must’ve tripped him. "Shut it. That’s what you get for choosing that stupid-ass Glee Club over football, queer!" He laughs at Finn as he walks away, leaving Finn even more embarrassed than he already was. It was…hard not to sympathize. Finn shifts to one knee, tying his shoe. This is your chance--what will you do? Grab his hand, shout at him, or just sit there?
Finn Hudson was just tripped by his high school tormentor, David Karofsky. The jock stepped on his untied shoelace, causing Finn to fall over when his shoe wouldn’t lift up. To ensure that would not happen again, Finn tied his green Nike sneakers. He mentally cursed at Karofsky, noticing a scuff of dirt near the sole. These were brand new, dammit! He tutted his lips, scoffing. He was just about to stand up, when his eyes drifted towards movement to the left of his sole.
You blink, worriedly. Has Finn seen you? Or is he zoned out, thinking about God knows what? He blinks, his eyes widening. He opens his mouth, stuttering to get words out. He breathlessly whispered one word, only one word left his lips, "M-Matt?"
Finn couldn’t believe his eyes. Matt Jones, the new kid, the new male lead, was standing before him, no taller than his own shoes. "M-Matt?" He whispers, awestruck. Finn is so stunned, he only sees one of the Cheerios at the last second. He makes a speedy grab for Matt, shielding him from the dusty slip-ons--at the cost of one of his own fingers getting stepped on. He releases a small grunt of pain, the fist going to his chest. His thoughts go back to his shrunken classmate…
Your world goes dark as Finn hurriedly reaches towards you--so fast, you barely have enough time to register it. You squeak and turn to run, daunted by the giant peachy hand on the already too-tall football jock. The dark world moves slowly, then stops for a few moments. As his hands part, letting light leak in, you see the white fabric of his shirt. You look up to see Finn’s surprised face once again. His eyes widen once more, as he whispers, "Th-This isn’t real. I’m dreaming. I’m gonna wake up, it’ll be algebra. Y-Yeah." He closes his eyes, shutting them tight. After a few moments, you understand that he understands that this is very, very real. "Oh--oh, shit!" His voice grows in volume with urgency. He clutches you tightly--a little too tightly--to his chest. Your world goes dark once more, though you can feel his heartbeat in his chest. By the sound of it, he’s as freaked as you…
Finn Hudson is freaking out. He’s just discovered that one of his friends was now smaller than his freaking toe. His TOE! He has no idea what to do. He takes one more peek as he clumsily makes his way to the male restroom. At this time, it’d be empty, hopefully…he uses his back to push open the the door. Empty. Thank God. Finn shuts the door, using the doorstop to barricade it shut so nobody stumbles upon the situation. Finn carefully deposits Matt Jones onto the the pearly white sink.
Your feet touch the sink, safe to be back on solid ground. Even if it a little high…and the fact you’re staring right at Finn’s crotch. Thankfully, he leans down, staring intently at you. You’re now eye level with the teenage Goliath. Finn opens his mouth, stumbling over his words, "I--you--wh--" He’s so perturbed, he can’t get a word out. You decide to speak up, "Look, Finn--I don’t know how this happened, but quite frankly, I don’t really care. I need help! You’ve gotta help me!" He closes his mouth, considering what you said…
"Look, little dude…"
The class is emptying quickly. Puck steps over you as he and Finn leave the class together, presumably going to hang out. Artie’s wheelchair scoots by you, nearly steaming rolling you. Mercedes and Rachel walk together, talking about their song choice for the upcoming duet song they both received. The room is emptying, leaving you with less and less chances to hitch a ride with someone…better think fast, little one!
Puck’s coarse fingers pin you by the shoulders. Beneath you, his ratty sneaker sits like an active volcano, giving off heat, looking powerful and deadly in all its huge dirty glory. You can hear the footsteps of Mr Schue approaching and you know that if you can only get the boys' responsible teacher to notice you, you’ll be saved.
"Morning, everyone! This week we’re gonna-" You barely catch a glimpse of the handsome teacher before Puck lets you go and you plummet into his stinking shoe. "Puck, do me a favour and put your shoe back on? We don’t want to clear out the choir room." You can hear Schue joking about Puck’s foot odour, oblivious to the dire situation you’re in.
"Not a problem, boss." Puck says with a smile, and his five massive toes crowd into the shoe on top of you…
The rest of the class goes by in a sickening daze. The giant badboy’s foot smalls funky to say the least. The insole of his shoe is so worn out and lumpy, it hurts your back and the fetis flesh of his sole is jammed onto your body, his toe gunk rubbed right into your face. As the class gets into rehearsals and the kids jump around, Puckerman’s nasty toes slip and slide all over your face, saturating you in his sweat. Even when the goliath isn’t moving around, he seems to get off on wiggling his nasty toes in his shoe just to feel you squirming beneath them.
When glee club finally disperses and you hear the vague sounds of everyone saying their goodbyes…
The name ‘Blaine Anderson’ is written neatly in felt tip sharpie on a tag hanging above your head. The name doesn’t ring any bells to you, and it defiantly isn’t what’s catching your attention. Besides the fact that the nametag is being held in place by a safety pin as think as a tree trunk, the FIRST thing you notice is the towering pillars of red denim yawning out into the sky. Legs, you realize with still disbelieving shock. Following them upwards, you take in the rest of the body attached to them. A cream colored torso stretches up to meet a yellow bowtie and the underside of a slightly stubbly jaw. You can’t make out a face, but it didn’t much matter.
…You scream anyway. Franticly, you will yourself to wake up. You pinch and beat at your arms to try and force yourself out of this nightmare. When you realize that it’s not a dream, you fall to the spongy ground. Defeated.
The sheer impossibility of the situation leaves you speechless as you take in your surroundings. You are trapped. Contained by a wall of worn, gigantic canvas. Inside of a fucking shoe. You are about ½ an inch tall, barely a dot among the vast insole.
Shaking and scared, you chance another look upwards. A bit past the unknown bowtie giant, is a different, but familiar face. Looming in the sky like a living moon is the cocky, big lipped face of Sam Evans. One of the Glee guys you were supposed to be meeting for a basketball game. …What the hell had happened?!
“Sweeet” You hear Sam say. “I needed a new pair of Chucks!”
“They aren’t for you.” bellows an unseen voice, effeminate, but still booming to your tiny ears. “They’re Blaine’s. …He brought them for me.”
Kurt Hummel, resident fashionista and boy soprano, threw out a slight sigh as he surveyed the faded white high-tops. “Ungh.” He moans, rolling his eyes, “But I don’t understand why they have to be so pedestrian.”
“Because, silly,” Blaine Anderson, dapper as always in his bright yellow tie and perfectly styled hair, chimed in. “You can’t do a fifties medley without a pair of converse. …it’s a given. Plus, they’re vintage, totally classic.” Giving a reassuring smile, Blaine bent down and pinched the pair of shoes in his right hand.
The gigantic hand swoops towards the opening of your prison. You jump up and begin yelling out the name on the tag, assuming it belongs to the giant who is reaching down, his massive hand shadowing your entire form.
As Blaine lifts the shoes and continues talking to Kurt, you are thrown down onto your back, pinned down to the sole of the shoe by the rushing force of upward movement. Blaine’s thumb is towering above you, twice as wide as you are tall. His nails, though perfectly sculpted, hang ominously above your head; A deadly guillotine as thick as your arm. You continue yelling, trying to get the giant’s attention, as the shoe comes to a halt by the giant’s red-clad thigh. Your screams, however, are drowned out by another giants bellowing voice.
“So where’s that Matt kid? Wasn’t he supposed to meet us here?” Finn asks, plopping himself down next to Sam on the wooden bench.
“Maybe he choked under the pressure.” Sam chimes in. “..or maybe he’s just really bad at basketball and scared he’s gunna get beat.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Finn answers, unconvinced. “Everyone’s bad at something, I guess. Maybe it’s sports for him. …it sure isn’t music. I mean, did you hear him sing at the audition? He’s …well, he’s kind of amazing.”
“Yeah. Just what we need. Another leading man to take all the solos.” Kurt chirps, shooting his boyfriend and his step brother a sharp look. “And on that page…Blaine?” he asks, stepping over to the shorter brunette, “I was just going to stand on the sidelines for this basketball thing, my star-turning stint with football was fulfilling enough. What do you say we head out and start working on our ‘Put on a Happy Face/ One Boy’ mashup instead? Here, let me have the shoes.”
You are thrown to the tip of the shoe as it is handed off to the porcelain-faced giant. You bounce against the rough canvas as he survey’s the outside of the shoe, turning it over in his hands. You feel your head slam against the rubber of the tip, seconds before you are tossed upside down and jolted back to the opening. As the walls around you shift and turn, you feel yourself falling.
“Maybe we can bedazzle them or something? Or at least dye them. I mean, we HAVE to dye them. White shoes after Labor Day is a crime.” Kurt sees his boyfriend begin to protest, and swiftly cuts him off. “even for 'Bye, Bye Birdie', Blaine.”
During the exchange, the two giants fail to notice the tiny speck of a person being thrown around inside of the much debated converse sneaker. As Kurt twirls the shoe around in the air, debating the possibilities, you:
The world sways and turns as the shoelace you are clinging to whistles around in the open air. Everything is a blur and you don’t notice what is going on around you. Your main focus is to stay latched to the thick ropes of the shoelace, holding on for dear life, and horrified at how imminatly close you are to falling to your death.
Kurt hands the shoe back to Blaine with another sigh. “We’ll make it work.” He says pecking a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek. “Thank you for the thought.”
Again, the world wizzes by you as the shoes exchange hands once again. You tightly shut your eyes, trying to delay the onslaught of nausea. You feel yourself slipping off of the threads of the shoelace and you strive to grip on tighter as Blaine drops the pair of converse into his gym bag.
You finally open your eyes just as your back slams against the soft mesh. Blaine’s gigantic face looms over you. You let out one last scream, pleading for him to notice you, hoping that those giant pools of hazel will lock onto your tiny figure. You see him blink, and his eyes dart, unknowingly past you before his hand reaches up and zips out the light.
Grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, Blaine takes a notice to Puck who is looking for something on the ground. “Did you drop something, Noah?” He questions.
“What!? Uh. ..yeah. It’s nothing. I’ll get it, eventually.” Replies the surly teen, as he resumes his search.
“Alright. Well, Kurt and I are heading home to work on the song.” He turns to Sam “Rain check on that basketball game? Maybe the new guy will show up next time.”
“Frickin’ A.” Puck mutters under his breath, now on his knees and peering under the lockers.
“Riiiight then, Okay.” Kurt waves and then hooks his arm around his boyfriend’s waist, scurring right up beside him and knocking Blaine’s gym bag behind them. “Bye boys!” As the couple heads out of the gym, Blaine’s bag swings, gently bouncing against the brunette’s defined backside.
As the bag bounces around, you…
All of the bouncing around has landed you into quite a precarious situation. Screaming like a maniac, you have fallen into a large tub of sticky purple gel. You immediately start sinking, feeling the basketball sized air bubbles around you creating a rather strong suction. Trying to swim in the thick gunk proves useless. Trying to move at all through the thick goo is taxing and you start to panic. Things start to take a turn for the worse as your world begins to bounce again, this time with much more intensity.
There weren’t any cars parked in the front of his house, so Blaine knew he and Kurt would be alone the second they pulled into the driveway. Opening the door, Blaine steps through, followed closely by Kurt.
As his boyfriend bounds up the stairs of his lavishly decorated home, Kurt decides to take in the view. He drinks in Blaine’s amazingly trim physic, the way his biceps move under the cream cardigan, the soft curve of his back, the way his gym bag bounces on the muscled flesh of his butt. He smiles. ‘Mine’ Kurt says to himself. Smiling, he follows his beau upstairs.
You panic, feeling yourself slip further into the goo with every bounce of the bag against Blaine’s ass. At one point, the impact pushes you up against the plastic side of the container. You wail out in grief when you realize that at your size, the top edge of the round container is too far away and completely out of reach. With one last terrifying slam, you find yourself submerged up to your neck.
Blaine takes off his bag and lays it on his bed. As Kurt talks about the solo, he unzips the bag and begins to unpack. His hands rummage through the darkness and he takes out the worn converse and places them on the floor by his bed. Next is a pair of boxing gloves and a slightly damp undershirt that he tosses into a nearby hamper. As he reaches in to grab his deodorant, gel, and the rest of his toiletries, his hands slide across something think and sticky.
As if by a miracle, the tub of hairgel is tossed onto its side as Blaine shuffles through his bag. You are thrown out of the container along with a gob of the gel, and land, face up on the bottom of the gym bag. You have a second to fear Blaine’s fingers hovering over you before they dart down and press into you with a crushing force. The thick goo surrounds you and covers your entire body as Blaine’s massive hand smears through the gel. You are dragged along for journey, and lifted up out of the bag, adhered to his fingertips.
“Oh crap.” Blaine exclaims. “ My gel spilt…it’s all over the place! This stuff was so expensive!” he says drawing back his hand and displaying a modest amount of hairgel dripping from his fingers. Not having anything to wipe it on at the current moment, he smoothly runs the gunk into his already quaffed hair, adding a bit of extra security.
“I’m sure you have extras” Kurt teases. “ I know for a fact that you keep a spare one in your bedside drawer”
“…that, and other things” Blaine says sugestivly, raising an eyebrow, recalling that Kurt had caught a glimpse of his condom stash a few weeks ago. After making sure his hair is back in place, gel distributed evenly, Blaine walks up behind his boyfriend and wraps both hands around his waist. He starts to gently kiss at his neck. “You know, it might be nice to make use of the…things I have stored up in there.” More kisses as his hands begin to tease at Kurt’s waistband. “I hate clutter.”
“I know you do, …but” Kurt says, blushing in protest, but not sliding away. He swooned under his boyfriend’s touch and giggled at the feel of his fingers sliding across his torso. “..didn’t we say we should wait? We don’t want to take things too fast.”
Blaine smiles and continues to kiss at Kurt’s neck.
You take in the intimate situation, unnoticed at your vintage point…
You land with an almighty thud on a vast expanse of pink flesh. Looking around you try to ascertain where you’ve landed. You stare into the distance and see five massive digits towering into the sky. Reeling from the landing you don’t feel the palm shift raising your position. Only at the last minute do you notice the shift, twirling around you find yourself staring up at kurt’s face.
It’s Mike Changs.
You realize that your cant be more than 1 inch tall. Then you feel the sneaker being lifted and you tumble about inside. The faces above get bigger as its lifted.
“Looks like it worked guys” he says as they start high-fiving one another. “Our Little problem seams to be much more manageable now”
They all want a turn looking into the sneaker. Puck sticks his face close and sniffs. “Damn dude those reak worse then mine !”
“Well no shit, My feet sweat a lot when I dance.” Mike says.
“Help you?” Blaine asks. “We’re the reason you’re in there.” He laughs.
“Yeah, and you better get used to your new size cuz its permanent.” Sam informs.
“Guys please this is Crazy !!!” you shout.
“No what’s crazy is that we are still in here burning daylight when we should be out on the court.” Fin Chimes in.
Then your worst nightmare happens, you see the sneaker lowering and Mike smile in as his socked foot enters into the sneaker. You are pushed down deep into the toe section. The smell becoming instantly worse. His foot slams down to the bench where he leans over and ties up the laces trapping you inside.
You are …….
At first he can not feel you. His foot lands flat on the lockeroom floor. Mike then tilts his foot up onto his heal, raising his toes he taps his heal til he feels you slip under his toes then clenches down. As he squeezes them you begin to feel your body compress from the pressure. You are sure this is the end. Then there is a strange sensation. You feel like you’re spreading out. Almost oozing, then pressing into the fabric of the sock.
You can no longer move of your own accord, only conform under the pressure exerted by Mikes foot.
He gives his foot one last stomp then says “Lets hit the court guys” and they all head out to the basketball court.
You still can’t believe this is happening to you. All you ever wanted as to be accepted. Now you’re little more than a bug trapped in a hot giants converse chuck.
They play for what seams like hours. You endure the pressure and smell. Not to mention all the sweat produced my Changs foot. He was loving every minute of it too. He played the best game he’s ever played. His feet pounding on the wooden court with the other Glee giants pounding around you as well.
Finally the chaotic turmoil slows as they call the game. They sit on the bleachers, panting and guzzling down their sports drinks.
Fin looks down at Mikes foot and asks, “Think the Runt survived the game?” and laughed as though it was a joke and not the actual life of another student being talked about.
“Donno.” Chang replied, “Pull my sneaker off and take a look.” He tells him.
Fin, having a secret foot fetish, was more then happy to look. He slowly untied the chuck and lifted it just enough to get a whiff but not obvious enough for the other to notice. He instantly got hard. He looked in the sneaker but saw nothing.
Then Blaine pointed to the bottom of Changs sock. “There he is” Fin lifted Mikes foot so they could all see you flattened there. Fin then pealed me off the sweat laden sock and help my flattened body up.
“Dude you crushed the Shit out him” they laughed. Fin then tossed you to the Gym floor where they thought I would just get swept up by the janitor and thrown away.
Then to their surprise they saw you begin to reanimate. Groggy from the experience and still reeling from the smell you get to your feet. Then so do they.
“Look it came back to life” Mike said and they all jumped off the bleachers and surrounded you. “This is awesome ! If he does this all the time the fun can be endless ! We can torture the runt forever !”
You look up to see the grinning faces of the giant sweaty singing jocks just before a huge hand reaches down to snatch you up.
When it’s opened you see who has you.
"He’s mine! Called it!!" Sam exclaims as if you’re no more than a highly coveted toy.
The rest of the group lets out a collective sigh.
"Well, I guess I’m gonna head home guys." Sam said.
"Fine. Have fun with your new toy." Puck said jealously.
"Oh I will." Sam said maliciously.
He then walked out to his car with you squeezed in his sweaty palm.
"Alright bug, I’m not holding on my way home so it’s time to introduce you to your new home." He said with an evil grin.
He then proceeded to place you.
You feel yourself lifted, dwarfed between Sam’s meaty finger tips, unable to fight or squirm against such giant fingers compared to you, bigger than your whole body.
He unsteadily places you down and you feel your miniature feet land on the top of the centre of his massive necklace, dangling just above his colossal chest and hill-like pecs, that you can just about see below from where you stand under his shirt.
You automatically cling on for dear life as you feel your world shaken as he walks to his house from his car. You can’t even begin to take in the sheer size of his house, larger than a palace to you at your size now, as each thunderous footstep he takes, though a simple movement to him, is like an almighty earthquake for you and you fear you could easily fall.
He approaches the front door and soon makes his way up the stairs towards his bedroom. Each foot step, unbeknown to him from his perspective, shaking you and threatening to cause you to fly off. You hold on to what you reach of his necklace. Wrapping your tiny arms around as tight as you can with your smaller body strength and closing your eyes.
The thunderous footsteps feel less frequent and heavy as he stands in his bedroom. You feel yourself easily plucked between his meaty finger tips again and he lowers you and lets you drop on to the foot of his bed. You land with a bounce, looking pathetically tiny below him on his gargatuan bed, from your perspective pretty much the size of a village.
Above you, Sam pulls off his t-shirt and necklace, letting them fall to the floor and kicks off his titanic shoes, causing a thud to you. He looms above you with his colossal bare chest beckoning over, looking like a god to you. Lower above you can’t help but notice a slight twitch in his pants where a tent appears to be forming from the bigger bulge you’ve ever seen! This causes you to gulp as just the enormity of his dick…
Sam grins down, booming above you, mischeviously. "How about some fun, little guy…?"
It reads Sam Evans after reading the name you start feeling the ground move. Sams voice yells you’re name "Matt! Fuck it dude’s I can’t find him" the Fin says "Probably ditched us, oh well his loss". The locker room then goes silent you wait there yelling "Guys! i’m trapped in Sams shoe!" but no one hears you after what feels like hours to you, you hear from Sam again yelling to the other glee guys "Yeah I gotta get my shoes" you feel him start to come closer and closer you then look up to Sams gigantic form you scream some more but nothing. Sam sits down then grabs his shoes you sit there and see Sams size 12 foot come into the shoe, you start running to the end of the shoe and his foot catches up to you and you are now trapped under the arch of his foot. He ties his shoe’s then he stands up you are almost crushed to death under his hot sweaty foot. You say to yourself "Thank god its Sam and not one of the other guys" because surly you would be killed or taken advantage if it was not Sam. You hear and feel Sam starting to walk out of the locker room talking to Fin because the other guys had to go home for dinner. Sam says to Fin "Hey you wanna come over to my place and stay over?" Fin says "Sure i’ll come over" Fin and Sam walk to Sams car. Sam gets into his car and Fin gets on the other side for most of the time you heard the boys talk about shit some of it was awesome some of it was boring as fuck. You finally get to Sams house and hear from Fin "Dude when are you going to get new shoes them are trashed" Sam reply’s "Soon I hope the fucking bottom hurts my foot." but it was not the shoe it was you. then Sam says again "When I get inside I gotta see what the problem is in these shoes" the first thing that comes to your head is OMFG I’M SAVED! but other stuff go in to your head like, Will he just use me and keep me forever and other stuff. You then hear the door slam and you start to see light coming from the top of the shoe and Sams hand reaches in and grabs you.
"HOLY FUCK MATT!" Fin jumps to Sam yelling without warning and quickly looks over and sees tiny you Sam says "Dude how long have you been in there!? fuck if you would have bit me I would have helped you out" Fin says "Haha lets say we play with him a little maybe force him to rub are feet or keep him" Ur shocked hoping Sam will say no but then the words come out of his mouth he says…
"Hey Matt do you mind if you rub only my feet, I mean we’re still best buds right?" Sam was right Sam had been your best bro ever since you started Glee club. "O.K my Sam my best I’ll rub your feet" You said. Sam had a nice smile and stares at you. Mean while Fin fainted and woke up and couldn’t remember a thing. All he can remember is that he was at his house with Sam but not you. Sam decided to keep you a secret and only himself should keep you."Matt let’s do this at home. I’ll just put you underneath my cap"So Sam did put you under his cap. You could hear Sam saying he had to go back to his house because something just came up. So Fin let him go to his house.
Couple of minutes later Sam made it to his house and go to his gigantic room that has full of amazing stuff. Sam lies on his bed and takes you out of his cap. Sam puts you down in front of his sweaty feet. As you promised you rubbed Sams feet. Sam relaxed. You were finally finished "Thanks Matt my best bro your the only one that I could trust. Great thing I found you not some other punk. You can sleep with me any where you want. Because I’m going to sleep naked. But I promise I’ll turn you back to normal." You nodded. You replyed that you’ll sleep…
Kurt’s cheeks were missing their usual rosy complexion this morning, as he trod listlessly down McKinley’s empty halls. He’d been feeling increasingly sick and dizzy all through first period. And now, as he searched for Finn’s gym class so he could ask his step brother for an early ride home, Kurt felt so disoriented and drained that he risked scuffing his favourite lace-up Dr Martens as he dragged his feet through the corridor.
It was the smell that caught his attention before the sound of hooting and laughing. Kurt turned to the open door of the boys' locker room, through which he’d have to venture to find the gym where Finn pumped iron with his sweaty team mates. Jock straps laid crumpled on the floor and slung over benches, off colour and visibly dripping. Kurt shivered violently. The room was like a bubbling cauldron of male pheromones and a soupy stench he could happily go his whole life without inhaling. But even a note from Ms Pillsbury wouldn’t excuse him from stepping into the dreaded gymnasium this morning. He had to get to a ride from Finn before he passed out or threw up.. Although he wasn’t sure submitting himself to this cesspool of damp, fleshy odours wouldn’t have that very effect.
Kurt took a reluctant step into the locker room, and was instantly knocked down by a hot wave of confusion. His legs seemed to be swept from under him, but his fall didn’t end in a delirious crash to the floor as expected. It didn’t end at all. He just kept falling, falling, like Alice through the rabbit hole, wondering feverishly where he was and what was going on.
When his butt finally made contact with the floor, Kurt opened his dazed eyes to see..
When he finally did make contact with the floor, Kurt was surprised to feel the rude slap of cold tiles against his skin. He opened his eyes, his bare ass stinging beneath him, and surveyed the inconcievably vast room surrounding him. His voice was a stunned whisper as he stood, gazing up at his own two-storey boot which was pitching up a pile of discarded designer clothes. "Toto.. I have a feeling we’re not in Lima anymore."
Now a real-live figurine, Kurt Hummel wandered through the jungle of a locker room, awestruck by everything he saw. A balled up pair of socks sat in his path, reeking of foot funk. Nearby a pair of mud-caked cleats lay overturned, smelling like a thousand gruelling football games. Kurt shook his head. "Ugh, boys. I’ll bet my Gucci none of these neanderthals have ever been near a pumice stone or peppermint scrub in their lives."
Next to the gym doorway leading to the gym, a pair of white underwear sat soaking in a pool of sweat, and for a moment Kurt stared at the crumpled up briefs, wondering just whose man meat had left those particular smears and stains all over the worn fabric. He quickly forgot his curiosity, though, when a towering figure appeared in the doorway.
It was..
Puck’s squarely muscular figure towered over Kurt. The giant badboy’s pretty face seemed to disappear into the heavens as he dragged off his drenched shirt and dropped it, letting it plop wetly to the ground. The jock’s round, brown pecs danced as he stood on one leg and yanked off his sneaker. Then the other. And then, before Kurt knew it, Puck’s full cock was swinging overhead like a well stuffed punching bag.
"Oh my.. Holy.." Kurt stuttered. Of course, he’d been in the boys' locker room once or twice before, whenever he absolutely couldn’t avoid it. But he always made a point not to look at his classmates' packages. The truth is, he’d never seen another man’s private parts in real life before. Not properly. And now there was a parade of men striding into the room, slamming locker doors and casually ripping down their gym shorts to bare all. Kurt couldn’t block it out if he wanted to.
Naked and tiny or not, he needed help from anyone who could hear him. "HELP! HELP ME! HEY!!"
The tiny teen looked up in shock to see Karofsky’s deep pink meat jiggling in the air as the intense bully glared into a mirror. Kurt covered his eyes, revolted, and ran in the other direction, slamming into the giant bare ankle of..
Kurt arched his neck to see Karofsky, the school boy he’d been having nightmares about all year, shooting a pure evil grin down at him.
There was no time to run, nowhere to hide.
The tiny teen was seized by a beefy, clammy hand and was lifted, pale and trembling, to the school bully’s disbelieving face.
"P- Put me down!" Kurt tried to sound brave but he felt weak and helpless.
"I don’t fucking believe this." The jock’s beady eyes traced the little porcelain figurine intently, squeezing him to assure he was capable of gasping for air. "I’ve found myself a little fag puppet, just for me. This ought to make detention pass a little faster this afternoon." As his rancid meat breath washed over Kurt, he knocked the boy’s legs apart with his thumb and gave his tiny crotch a rough nudge. The tiny’s knees locked around the giant digit in a painful reaction, and Karofsky licked his lips. God knew what he was imagining Kurt wrapped around next.
By now the room was empty except fot Karofsky and his find. The big bully shoved his legs into a crumpled pair of jeans pulled on a hoodie, then marched away, shoving the delicate little man upside-down into his back pocket.
Karofsky made a pitstop before detention to the boys' bathroom, a foul and dank place Kurt had only once or twice seen the inside of. The sneering bully took this moment of privacy to look over his new toy, poking at him, pulling his limbs, bringing the helpless boy to his face to sniff him. He was smitten with the way Kurt shook so violently in his grasp, a testament to just how powerful and intimidating the giant was to him. At one point his tongue slithered out and took a crude slurp at Kurt, leaving him wet and slimey. All Kurt could do was tremble in his sweaty hand, curled up in a ball under his captor’s hot and heavy breath.
When Kurt finally spoke it was to confront the hungry look in Karofsky’s eyes. "Are you.. Are you going to.. use me to beat off?" He asked fearfully.
Karofsky snorted. "Yeah you wish, fag. I’ve told you before, I’m not gay.. Of course, anything I do with a little pussy like you doesn’t really count as gay anymore, does it. You’re not a guy. You’re a toy." He brought Kurt down to the bulge in his jeans, glowing with heat, and swallowed hard. "I could mash my dick into you every which way, every single day and it wouldn’t make me a fag. 'Cause no-one would ever know." Kurt whimpered, and the denim-clad lump twitched. All this time he’d saved himself for his boyfriend Blaine, this couldn’t end up being his first encounter with another boy’s penis.
Lucky for Kurt, the giant bully wasn’t ready either. He broke out of his horny reverie in a hurry, perhaps afraid someone would walk in on him. "I’m putting you away for now, cocksucker. I got detention for shoving a salami up Mr Ryerson’s tailpipe, but I’ll make sure you’re thinking of me until home time." With a mysterious snicker, he reached down and dropped Kurt..
The giant jock reached around to his back, so for a moment all Kurt saw was the dirty red wall of the jock’s letterman jacket. Then the jacket was lifted, and Karofsky’s hairy back ended at his thick belt, which was being loosened. And then, before he could guess the gruesome fate he was about to suffer, Kurt was balled up and stuffed down into the sweaty jock’s underpants. He slid into the narrow space, pinned between sweat-patched, skidmarked fabric and the two fuzzy planets that were Karofsky’s beefy ass cheeks.
Just as Kurt began to squeal for mercy, light vanished and the giant buckled up his belt. The more Kurt hyperventilated, the worse the brutal smell of giant, hastily-wiped ass became. The more he squirmed, the more his elbow or leg or head would slip between the slimey crack. Soon one half of Kurt’s body was wedged into the stinking cleave. He was sinking like quicksand towards a flexing, pulling muscle buried between the hairy cheeks. The heat emanating from the nearby pucker was cooking him. He could hear a wet opening and closing, like a hungry giant licking its lips before dinner.
"You sure like my asshole, fagboy. Figures." Karofsky’s muffled voice called down. "Here’s that little present I promised ya." Hot gas, like a scorching deset wind, wheezed from between the huge crack and poisoned Kurt. That was the only word he could think of: Poisoned, as his lungs turned inside out, and he gagged on the bestial stench. The cheeks parted, and another wind grumbled out. It was like having his ear pressed to a revving engine, the deafening sound. The smell, like choking on thick, rising smoke.
Karofsky’s last prize-winning rip was a long, raucous trumpet that seemed to spray Kurt with a fine burning mist as the suffocating world closed around him, and he mercifully lost consciousness.
When Kurt awoke, it was in time for a long detention, which he would spend trapped under..
Detention was long.
Squashed between Karofsky’s crushing glutes, trying to plan a desperate escape was useless. All Kurt could do was lie there and suffer the occasional 'treats' his captor would give him, in the form of another putrid blast. The jock god’s braindead friends would guffaw at his lethal farts, congratulating him on their toxicity while the rest of the room coughed quietly into their sleeves, afraid to offend the teen hulk. Kurt didn’t have the luxury of covering his nose; he was pressed right up against the hot brown target that was his owner’s hole.
The minutes ticked by, drawing him closer and closer to a time when Karofsky would arrive home and have his new plaything all to himself. There was nothing Kurt could do to avoid this. If only he’d tried climbing out from under the bully’s rump while he had a chance, before the full weight of the meaty globes was bearing down on him. Now he was on deathrow. In minutes the room would empty and he’d be vulnerable to all of Karofsky’s angry, twisted desires.
"David Karofsky." A loud, older male voice boomed outside. Kurt realised that the rowdy sounds of detention had died abruptly, and he listened with bated breath. "You’re.."
"You’re under arrest, son."
The pressure of Dave’s ass eased as he was pulled to his feet, and Kurt heard his tormentor’s voice sounding weak and agitated. "What? For what?!"
"For reckless endangerment. That salami you plugged Mr Ryerson’s exhaust with shot out and injured your principal." As Kurt listened to the man’s voice, sweat poured over his face and he couldn’t tell if it was his or Karofsky’s. He had a terrible feeling that things were about to take an even more terrifying turn, one he just wasn’t cut out for. Suddenly he longed for Karofsky to take him home; anywhere but where he thought he was about to be taken. The cop continued, confirming his worst fears. "You’re lucky you’re not being tried for conspiracy to commit murder, like Figgins requested. But you are gonna be put away until the trial.. You’re going to juvie, son."
For countless hours, Kurt stayed pinned between the sweaty ass cheeks of his captor, listening to the sounds of Karofsky being processed in a juvenile detention centre. The murmur or male voices was constant. The voices, either young and threatening or older and authoritive, were all hard and tense. Kurt heard the shouts of guards echoing down halls, angry Spanish hissing off of the tongues of young gang members, the heavy drawl of guys who probably couldn’t read or write but could tenderise an entire cow with their boulder-like fists. This was the one place in the world terrifying enough to make Kurt want to stay nestled safely in Dave’s hairy crack. But of course, come nightfall, those meaty fingers came poking in and dragged him out.
The room was in darkness, only a sliver of light leaking in from the hallway. Karofsky sat back on a sparse bed, on top of the thin white sheets, still fully dressed except for his shoes. Across the room a long figure lay sprawled out in underwear, snoring like a monster truck. The rest of the beds were empty.
For a long time, no-one said anything. Kurt couldn’t tell if this new environment would tame his giant captor or make him angrier; more dominant now that he had to prove himself.
In the end..
Dave poked at Kurt with a dismal look on his face. "Can’t believe that homo teacher reported me." His heavy brow knitted, trying to disguise fear as anger. "When I get out of here, I’m gonna.. I’m gonna bust his face open." But there was no fury in his voice, only worry. Kurt didn’t know what to think when his own menacing overlord had lost his confidence and looked utterly despondent. Where did that place him, the troubled teen’s new toy, in the scheme of things?
He lifted Kurt to his nose as he had done earlier, and sniffed the tiny boy’s hair. By now Kurt’s usually squeaky clean scent of shampoo and perfume samples had been replaced by ass and sweat, but Karofsky didn’t seem to mind. Quietly, in the dark, he slipped the little man’s head and shoulders into his warm mouth. Kurt’s breath was stolen away by the heat of his giant’s mouth before he could protest, and a furry tongue was dabbing at his chest. Dave dragged his lips slowly over the boy’s face, using a tenderness that would make any regular-sized man melt if only Dave wasn’t a dangerous homophobe. He sighed and grumbled in the dark. "You taste like ass."
For the first time since he was shrunk, Kurt was just beginning to feel at ease. He couldn’t explain why, but it had something to do with seeing the vulnerable side to Karofsky he always knew was there. He slumped against the boy’s giant lips, contemplating trying to comfort him, unsure of what to say.
That was when it happened..
"Hand it over, newbie."
Kurt was yanked out of the giant’s mouth to see a tall figure suddenly standing over the bed, in the semi-darkness. He recognised that voice. Deep and youthful, cocky and stern. Puck towered over Karofsky wearing only a pair of boxers and a glimmering chain around his neck. "Hand over the candy bar, tubby. This might be your first time in lockup so I’m not gonna pound you for holding out on me.. this time. But I’m head honcho around here, meaning all the change in your pockets is mine, just like that candy bar you’re chomping on. Give it to me and go sleep out in the hall. Puckzilla likes his lair to himself."
Karofsky’s nostrils flared and his fist tightened. For a moment, he was about to stand his ground, and Kurt prayed he didn’t get trampled in the fight. But after a few seconds' silence, Kurt was handed over without a word and the weaker bully shuffled out of the room, his tail between his legs.
Puck was bringing Kurt toward his lips, which wore a smug grin of satisfaction, when he realised his mistake. "What the fuck..??"
"Noah, thank God! I’m in trouble and I need your help!" Kurt yelped. "I know you’re incarcerated here but I’m scared and you’re the only friend I’ve got-"
Kurt stopped mid-sentence. Something wasn’t right..
Puck’s hand was tightening around him, while the cocky jock’s face wore an ugly smirk. He wasn’t in luck at all, and Puck wasn’t planning on helping..
"Whoah, whoah." Puck interrupted. "Last time I checked I wasn’t friends with some whiney little midget."
For a fleeting moment Puck had looked like a greek god, his muscles glowing in the dim light heroically. Now his pitiless gaze fell flat on Kurt, cold and intimidating. Now he was the same bully who’d tossed overpowered Kurt and tossed him into the garbage last year, laughing it up with his friends about how the smaller boy had squealed for help.
"This isn’t glee club, Hummel. I’m not anyone’s 'friend' in juvie. I’m the head boss in charge up in here, and like all these other pussies, you WILL submit to me." He assured Kurt with a sneer that gave the tiny teen chills. "Now, I’ve been kicking ass all day and my dogs are tired. Let’s give you a little exercise in humilty. Foot rub." He stated simply as he placed Kurt on the cold linoleum. His veiny bare feet stood in front of him, flat and wide, like massive hands.
"Noah, I am not going to rub your feet!" Kurt was suprised to hear the pride in his own voice. He’d done a lot of demeaning things since he’d been shrunk, but never consensually, to such a blunt command. "I’ve been through a lot, and I need you to focus up so we can-"
Puck’s foot slammed into him, side-on, knocking Kurt to the ground. Seconds later and the cool sole was upon him, dragging him across the floor like a wrestler wiping up the ring with his opponent. All Kurt’s shrieking and scrambling got him nowhere. Puck simply stepped on him, again and again, a bored look on his face. "You want to obey me now, runt? Or do you want to see me get rough? Because you’re one stomp away from painting the bottom of my fucking foot."
Puckzilla lifted his leg again so Kurt had a perfect view of the vast, slightly wrinkled sole he would be serving. He brought it down steadily, blocking the tiny’s entire world. His deep voice boomed. "Now.. WORSHIP. ME."
Desperate, Kurt grabbed the two meaty toes squeezing his face and kissed them madly. "Is- Is this to your liking, S- Sir?" He didn’t want to hear himself crunch under the massive jock’s smelly foot. So when Puck folded his arms up above and gave him the nod, Kurt kept on kissing, licking and demonstrating his will to obey while chunks of dirt and grime littered his delicate little features.
If being Puck’s foot slave meant avoiding the powerful giant’s wrath, he’d be the most subservient slave there ever was. It was a terrible though easy choice, and he’d been cornered into taking it.
"All right, that’s enough worshipping for now." Puck smirked, easing into this new realm of power quite happily. "From when I was a kid, one thing I’ve always wanted was to have a tiny man trapped underneath my bear foot everywhere I go. Something to remind me, wherever I am and whatever I’m doing, that I’m the man and everyone else is just crud under my toes."
Puck’s huge feet slapped across the floor and kicked out a couple of worn brown flip flops from underneath his bed. "This is where you’re gonna live from now on. Under the Puckasaur’s soles." The teen gloated over his power. "Climb on, pussy. "
Kurt looked in dismay at the flat, faded footwear. Giant, deep footprints were etched deeply into the leather beds. God only knew how long Puck had been wearing them, or how they smelled by now.
As difficult as this would be, the choice was easy. Either obey his master’s command or get stomped underfoot. Kurt knew which he preferred, so he slid onto one of the filthy flip flops as if he was getting into bed. Before he’d positioned himself, Puck’s mighty brown big toe made an appearance and nudged the little man into place, then pinned him down in a direct order to remain where he was.
The huge, dirty brown sole hovered over him like a spacecraft now, engulfing him in shadow. Kurt jumped a little as he felt the shock of five fat toes landing gracelessly on his face and chest, then the unthinkable weight of Puck’s foot settling flat on top of him.
Puck smiled to himself as he wiggled his foot in, gripping the toe divider and enjoying the trembling body of his former classmate compressed beneath him. This, Puck could get used to.
"Hey, Puckerman!" A guard called from the hall, taking Puck off guard. "You got a visitor!"
Puck frowned. "I’ve never had a visitor before.. Weird." All the same, he reached down and snatched Kurt up in his fist where he couldn’t be seen, then pulled on a pair of jeans.
"We don’t usually take visitors this late but he was pretty worked up. Don’t be too long." The guard added.
* * *
From inside Puck’s fist, Kurt heard the noisy traffic of the cafeteria. Then Puck’s visitor, greeting him.
"I assume you know why I’m here." The voice was male. It was perfectly level, firm and charming. Kurt would recognise it anywhere. "I talked to Karofsky. I know you have something I want, and I know you don’t want kidnapping tacked onto whatever you’re in here for. So we’re going to do this nice and easy." Joy filled Kurt to the brim. This was it! Since the minute he’d been shrunk he’d dreamt of one person coming to his rescue, and finally his prayers had been answered. "Hand him over," That heavenly voice asserted. "And I promise, it’ll be like I was never here."
Puck’s fist tightened around him momentarily. Puckzilla did not like being threatened. But he had no choice. Slowly the giant’s fingers loosened, and Kurt was dumped into a new hand.
This one was soft and familiar. It smelt of books and cologne, and felt comfortingly familiar. Kurt looked up into the eyes of his hero..
When the muscles of Puck’s sore sole were all kissed and pampered, he stepped to the side and dumped his other beast of a foot flat on top of the tiny man. "Man, I’ve been saving up a load the size of Lake Michigan." The teen behemoth sighed, fishing a stiff erection out of his boxers. "And all this power makes me want to blow a load so bad. I mean, I’ve got geeks and fags kissing my feet everywhere I go, but having you squirming around under there’s such a fucking rush."
Kurt squeezed his eyes shut, but he couldn’t escape the sloppy wet sound effects of Puck jerking his meat miles overhead. Moments later, the giant’s big bare toes squeezed their prisoner’s head almost to breaking point. A second more, and a heavy torrent of semen came splattering down as reward for the tiny’s hard work. It plopped and splashed all over the hunk’s toes, then oozed between the cracks, drenching Kurt’s trapped face.
Kurt couldn’t believe what a giant step backward this week had been. In the last two years he had gone from being thrown into dumpsters by McKinley’s meat-head jocks, to being respected if not ignored by the bullies because of glee club.. to this. Being inches tall, passed around, dominated and humiliated. These days when he wasn’t being worn on a chain around an alpha jock’s neck, shown off like a medallion to impress all the other ape-like boys in this juvenile detention centre, he was being manhandled in the clutches of a mercilessly horny giant.
Belonging to Puck was no less humiliating than being someone’s bitch in prison. Every night like clockwork, the giant went to his room and rolled out his massive cock. If Kurt didn’t embrace it immediately, he was slapped around by the clammy organ until it was stiff enough to knock the wind out of him and give him a big salty kiss on the lips.
He tired his fragile little frame, jerking the thick brown pole faster and faster to Puck’s gruff commands, until the dripping wet glans finally spewed their bucketload of jism all over the ragged sex doll.
"I just wanna make one thing clear." Puck would say, then he’d jab his index violently into Kurt’s gut. "YOU are not my boyfriend, my butt buddy, or my date. This isn’t gay. I’m a man who needs to be serviced, and as my weaker and inferior, you’re just doing your job. If you weren’t here there’d be some geek wearing his knees out, swallowing my sword in the shower. You should be thanking me, really. I’m king of the food chain, six feet of carved up muscle, and you’re barely strong enough to lift my toenail clippings. You better consider lugging my load every night a privilege, 'cause that’s exactly what it is."
Being Puck’s plaything, Kurt learned something very interesting. The higher a bully’s status on the food chain or in the 'animal kingdom', the more animalistic he’s likely to be. While Karofsky was a mean and heavy-handed owner, he had an underlying softness that comforted Kurt when he felt all hope was gone. With Puck, dominance was a primal instinct that he asserted like a wild animal. He’d sit for hours in the corner of his 'lair' as he called it, pawing over Kurt like a dog with its favourite chew toy. At some point he would always pull down his boxers and start stroking that third arm of his. If Kurt tried to rebel or fled out of fear, Puck never bothered with threats or punishments to keep his slave in line. He simply seized his property like a baboon claiming a banana and shook Kurt in the air, as if the disobedience would come tumbling out of him. And it did.
Puck would simply hold the boy tight in his clenched fist until he stopped struggling, then grunt and drop him between his thighs. Kurt would whimper and curl up to his master’s giant cock, defeated. Lesson learned.
One example of Kurt’s duties as a powerless plaything was..
One afternoon Puck sat in his lair leafing through a dirty magazine, dick standing tall against his six pack. Kurt stood between his master’s legs, stroking the creamy brown column and trying to avert his eyes from the disturbing images in front of him, while Puck enjoyed stroking his own ego. "Man, I’d jam this girl so hard she’d have to borrow your crippled friend’s chair. Just imagine how hot and wet these bitches would be for me, with my chiselled abs and pumped up guns. I mean, look at these babies. I’m a fucking stud." Puck flexed both arms, so his biceps were rolling mountains framing his face. He kissed one of the mighty guns, seemingly with genuine lust, then snatched up Kurt and demanded he smooch the impressive musculature. "Just think, if you were a stallion like me maybe you wouldn’t be my personal jizz rag right now. Lucky for me there are so many whimps out there."
Kurt’s toes brushed his master’s boulder-sized balls as he was lifted to kiss the jumping bicep. He kept his head down and didn’t complain when he was rubbed into the giant’s lush black armpit hair. "Maybe I should use you as a roll on, too." The beefcake thought out loud. Whether intentionally or not, he always kept Kurt lathered in sweat or other potent bodily fluids. It could be the manly pheromones surging from his pores, or simply the knowledge that he could pop Kurt’s head beneath his big toe, but Puck exuded a natural dominance that kept any male in his vicinity humble and under his control.
"Mmm.." Puck swallowed hard, drooling over the sticky magazine. "I gotta come." He declares. " And your’e gonna help me."
Kurt was terrified, but his highly-strung nature wouldn’t let him become the foot-licking servant boy of some greasy meat-head deliquent. He squirmed as Puck’s long, wide sole pressed hard against his body. He turned his head, trying to avoid the masculine scent of foot funk oozing out from between the Puckmaster’s toes, but there was no use.
"You don’t wanna serve me? All right. You’re just gonna end up a smear under my big bad size 18s anyway." Puck said as he pushed his huge foot down, flattening Kurt.
The worm-like boy was helpless. That big, beastly foot was squeezing the air out of his lungs so he couldn’t even scream. He heard a crack and felt pain shoot through his ribcage.
"Yeah.. How does that feel, pussy? Respect me for the god I am now?" Puck twisted his foot so that the giant bones themselves made crackling noises, and five huge toes were shoved hard into Kurt’s face. Another crack, a snap, and a CRUNCH made the giant hard with satisfaction. "Here you go, wimp. These are your last moments on earth. Hope you liked the taste of my godly feet while you were under 'em."
Puckzilla’s big, brown, veiny foot made one last twist and Kurt’s body flattened in a series of crisp crackling sounds. He lifted his foot and smirked, proud of his work.
"Man, it’s been a few days since I got to put a pussy in his place like that. I got me an appetite." Puck said, pubbing his smooth brown abs. Kurt laid at his feet, broken and stepped on, unable to move or do anything but whimper quietly. "I bet you’d make a good source of protein." The hungry giant said, eyeing his victim.
Paralysed by the hunk’s destructive feet, Kurt had no choice but to lie there while Puckerman’s giant hand hovered over him, like a vulture scouting its prey. Then he was pinched between those massive fingers, danging in excruciating pain while the giant’s mouth hung open below him.
Bad breath wafted up, and Puck’s chompers glistened malevolently. Kurt cried to himself, wishing he could beg for mercy, unable to believe it all ended like this. "THROUGH THE LIPS, PAST THE GUMS, LOOK OUT GUT, HERE IT COMES."
Kurt was flung into the jock’s open mouth like a scrap of food, unimportant and forgotten as soon as it was out of sight. Puck caught the snack between his teeth like a dog doing tricks, and licked his lips to drag the last of the boy into the inky depths of his mouth forever.
Kurt screamed for help while he could, desperate to alert one of his giant classmates before they left for the showers. "HELP! HELP ME! HEY!!"
Now he watched a herd of giant male figures disappear through the far door, into the shower room. Butts of all shapes and shades seemed to wave him a cruel goodbye as the crowd’s loud chatter faded to echoes. Kurt let out a defeated sigh and sank to his knees, on the brink of tears.
That was when a loud noise to his right made him jump. It was the slap of a bare sole against tiles. Then another, then another. "Kurt??" A voice said nervously. "Wh- What are you doing here?"
Finn stood over his tiny stepbrother, dressed only in a wet towel, looking like a Greek god with his pale sculpted frame and handsome face. His long toes drummed against the tiles beneath them as Finn stood there, wearing his usual expression of bewilderment and trying to figure out how to react.
"Finn! You have to help me!" Kurt chirped. "I don’t know how I got this way, but I’m afraid and I want to go home!" He struggled to cover up his nude front and back as he shouted up to his ex-crush self-consciously.
Finn nodded, his eyes seemingly searching the floor for an answer. "Yeah, of course, we’ll have to get you home."
Kurt was placed carefully in Finn’s back pack, on a red and white mountain of football gear. Finn’s jersey was saturated in dirt and sweat. Kurt thought ironically of the days he would have been in bliss burying his face in his crush’s musty uniform. These days, of course, silly crushes were a thing of the past and Finn was nothing to him besides a big brother and a friend. It was almost too bad, as this made the stench of pits surrounding him all the more overwhelming. "Uh, sorry about the smell, little dude. You’ll be home and safe before you know it. Until then.. well, you should try to stay away from my cleats. I took a whiff of one the other day and I’m pretty sure I was knocked out for a few minutes." Finn looked embarrassed, shrugged, and the zipper closed on a very humourless Kurt.
The ride home was actually bearable, except for the part where Kurt tumbled off the muddy mountain of clothes and landed in a foul-smelling jockstrap. The hard plastic cup was still warm, and smelled acidic with built-up boysweat. Kurt gasped and grunted, managing to scramble out of the banana-shaped curve just in time for Finn to open the zipper. The teen giant didn’t look in to the bag, however. He stood nervously, his hand poking inside to drop a pair of bright green slacks just big enough for Kurt to squeeze his legs into. "I’m sorry. I guess I was wrong to make fun of you for keeping all your Ken and Barbie dolls." Finn admitted. "They came in handy after all.. Here’s some other stuff."
As Kurt sifted through multi-printed blouses and stiff dinner jackets, he felt a sudden warmth for his big brother. Finn had really come through for him. A smelly, sweaty boy though he was, Kurt had never felt so safe as he did tucked into the gentle giant’s backpack or curled up in his warm hand. He was glad he had a guy like Finn to watch over him, and when Finn gingerly lifted him out of the musty backpack, Kurt made a point of kneeling down and giving the giant thumb a long hug. "Thanks for this, big guy. If you weren’t already, you’re officially my hero. If I can do anything to repay you, tell me. After this I ought to be your slave for life." He joked.
Finn blushed a little, then thought of something. "Actually, there is one thing you could do in return for me.."
That night, tiny Kurt Hummel sat at the end of Finn’s bed while the Lurch-like teen worked on his history paper and had his feet pampered. "You know, if living with a boy as refined as myself should benefit you in any way, it should be learning to take care of your feet. I mean, can you even see that far away? You’ve got rough spots, instep hairs, squashed-up toes.. Oh my lord, have you been biting your toenails??"
Kurt scaled the monolithic feet, toweling between his bulbous toes, exfoliating skin and massaging moisturiser into the athlete’s sore pads. It was a small thank-you from someone who knew skincare, and Finn was happy to accept. He could hardly concentrate on writing with paper, he was enjoying the treatment so much.
"Um, Kurt? Will you rub them a little deeper? That feels really good." Finn asked shyly.
"Of course! I owe you everything, big guy." He said cheerfully as he worked.
Finn mused on that statement. "You kinda do, don’t you. I mean, you’d be in a lot of trouble without me." His eyes shifted around the floor. "I mean, I must seem pretty godly to you. Especially at your size."
Kurt chuckled. "You’re my very own knight and shining armour."
"Yeah.." Finn watched the little guy climbing his feet, really putting his back into satisfying them.
A strange thought was occurring to the giant teen. He didn’t know what Kurt would think of it, but it was worth giving a try..
"Hey, Kurt? Would you think it was weird if I asked you to give big toe a hug? It felt nice when I had you in my hand earlier, that’s all." Kurt obliged, wrapping his tiny arms around the whopping digit. "Maybe you could give it a kiss too? It’d just be nice.. For you to show me how much you appreciate me, I mean." Kurt looked confused, not exactly eager, but lowered his head and planted a tender kiss on the toe. Finn exhaled sharply as it happened, and closed his eyes. "Keep going. And if you could.. c- call me master, just once."
Kurt looked up, shocked, to see an even more bewildering sight. Finn’s boxers were standing something like a foot tall in his lap. The teen had a massive erection, though he wasn’t touching it, just getting off on the intoxicating sense of power he was experiencing. "C’mon, just one time, while you kiss it again." He said with his eyes closed, swallowing hard.
Kurt obeyed, too mortified to point out what was happening. "Yes, master.." He said in a meek voice, and smooched Finn’s crooked big toe. That was a mistake. The horny teen giant shivered with pleasure, and lifted his bare foot over Kurt. Before the delicate little man could object, it came tumbling down and he was pinned under soft, wrinkled sole. His face poked between Finn’s toes. Finn, who was now groaning and fondling himself. "I’m not gonna hurt you, little guy." he promised between quick breaths. "But I could. Oh God, I could do anything I wanted with you. I’m like, the most powerful thing in the world to you. I could tell everyone you ran away and keep you for my feet, make you worship them every night. I’ve never felt this.. this GODLY before!"
The teen’s flat soles were clasped together now, burying Kurt’s helpless body between them. Hummel’s tiny features were nuzzled deep in the warm skin, which smelled only vaguely of body odour. It was the sheer humiliation of being tossed around by a pair of bare feet while their owner was drunk on power that got Kurt. He was rolled between warm wrinkles, his hands ended up caught in the sweaty cracks between toes and Finn groaned even louder when he saw them reaching uselessly to him for help.
"Mmmf! Finn, plssse!" Kurt cried through thick foot flesh. Finn begged his tiny step-brother to beg him, squirming around on his back, on the edge of ecstasy. Kurt knew he had to hurry things along before he was snapped like a twig between the big boy’s powerful feet. "Please, Master!" He squeaked between face-fulls of toejam. "I’ll be your little foot slave! You can keep me, own me for as long as you like!" That very instant, the monolthic teen howled like a wounded beast and Kurt heard the brutal SMACK-SMACK-SMACK of furious masturbating that made him wince even when watching porn.
Seconds later, the room was quiet except for the jagged breathing of one exhausted giant. Kurt felt the feet soften, then drop him onto the covers. No-one said anything for a long time. When Finn finally spoke, it was so he could announce that..
Finn’s giant face is flushed when he sits up on the bed, looking sleepy and satisfied. Kurt is still shaken up, whimpering from between his step-brother’s massive soles.
"Okay." Finn sighs, collecting himself. "It’s getting late and you and me have gotta sleep. I know you’re probably anxious for me to take you to find your dad, but I seriously don’t have the energy right now little dude."
Finn’s boxer shorts have been snapped closed, with his now flaccid dick stuffed inside. A wet patch spans the giant sports god’s abdomen, all the way into the boxers where his sleeping cock continues to drool ropes of residual cum.
"Now, I need to keep you somewhere safe while I sleep, in case you get kidnapped or something." He leans forward and plucks Kurt up from between his feet, marveling at how powerful he looks with the tiny boy in his palm. "Don’t you worry, little step-bro. Your hero’s gonna keep you nice and safe, where no-one will ever find you, not in a million years."
He pulls open the sticky waistband of his shorts and inside, Kurt spies the shadowy beast, long and glistening with drying cum. The shorts hold up Finn’s hairy balls like a hammock, making them seem extra big and heavy. "Don’t be afraid, little guy. You’re gonna be all right. Just hold tight to your big bro’s cock…" Finn shivers as he deposits Kurt onto his still tender post-orgasm dick and lets the waistband snap shut. "…and I’ll see you in the morning."
Finn lies back in bed, smiling to himself blissfully. He can feel Kurt squirming around, probably searching for a way out. As he drifts off to sleep he rests a hand on the little lump struggling against his cock, enjoying his new status as a god.
Kurt was absolutely horrified. He couldn’t believe Finn would change tunes so easily. One minute he was all about protecting him, and the next he was trapped in his boxers, coated in his step-brother’s cum. He hadn’t even had the decency to change out of them. At least as the night went on, Finn’s hand shifted, allowing him to at least move around.
All around him, Kurt was enveloped in the overpowering smell of sex. It made his head spin. He still couldn’t believe that he was a tiny speck in his step brother’s underwear. No matter how much he tried to force his way through the slimy substance coating him, he couldn’t move very far. And it was hardening, drying up as the night went on. Kurt didn’t think he made much progress in his mad dash for escape before it felt like he was practically glued down. Where was he anyway?
"All right, I wanna try something." Finn announces suddenly. Kurt gasps as he feels his stepbrother’s giant hand wrap around him and lower him to the bedroom’s carpet. Finn’s feet contact the floor next, one monstrous sole slamming the ground after the other, bringing a storm of dust and lint rising into the air around them. The sight is mesmerising and terrifying to Kurt, who barely recognises the cocky behemoth in front of him.
"Now, I’m gonna come after you." Finn says in a goofy, excited voice. "And you’re gonna try to escape. If I catch you, I’m gonna squash you under my foot so you’d better run as fast as you can!" He grins, looking like a big clumsy ogre to tiny little Kurt.
"But- But I don’t want to, you might hurt me!" Kurt tries to reason, but his squeaky voice clearly doesn’t reach the monstrous teen’s ears.
"Here I come, ready or not!" Finn exclaims, then slams one bare foot down on the ground so hard that Kurt goes toppling to his knees. The massive foot in front of him lifts again, wiggling its long, pale toes. And Kurt bolts.
He runs for his life, Finn’s feet causing quake after quake behind him. "FEE FI FO FUM!" Finn calls in a deep voice, having the time of his life. But this only makes the tiny teen all the more frantic.
He darts beneath the bed, then, considering the plague of dirt and dust under there, darts back out again. Finn’s athletic sneakers lay on the ground, one tipped onto its side. The smell emanating from them is anything but appetising; musky and stale. But Kurt is desperate for somewhere to hide.
He makes a beeline for the shoe’s opening, planning to dive right in so he hits the 'Size 18' mark on the heel and then scurry into the toe area to hide.
But things don’t go exactly as planned…
Finn as a plan for Kurt, an evil one. “Where could I put you.” Finn looks down and sees his rank football cleats and smiles. “ sorry for the smell little bro but try to live through it”. Finn picks up Kurt and drops him in the rank cleat. After Kurt is in so is Finns foot. “No no no” Kurt runs to the toe section of the shoe. Finns cleat was like a swamp, a swamp made of sweat and toe gunk. The floor of the cleat was sticky and it was hard for Kurt to run. Once Finns foot was all The way in Kurt ended up Being smashed under Finns smelliest part of his foot, his toes. The slime from in between Finns toes and the stench of the cleat was unbelievable. Finn began the walk home with Kurt smashed under his toes. Every time Finn took a step Kurt was grinned into the stinky sweaty swamp Finn made. After about 10 mins there was a stop and the sound of a key. Finn went to his room and removed his cleats looking on the inside for Kurt but he wasn’t inside. Finn heard muffled screams coming from his foot. He inspected closet and saw Kurt plastered to his sole. Finn plucks Kurt of the hot smelly skin and sets him on the bed. “Hope my cleats didn’t smell to bad, I’ve had them for every football game“. “ yes Finn your cleats where horrible. “ well that’s to bad because you will have to Endor them a lot more, from now on your my tiny slave”. And I want you to”…
A towering Sam danced out of his shirt then bent over, shining a full moon right over Kurt, who staggered backwards only to trip over Finn’s giant cleats.
He leapt up and ran in the other direction, only to slam into a bare ankle. He looked up to behold the sculpted physique of Asian heart throb Mike Chang, who dropped his boxers to the ground just in time to bury Kurt under a heavy pile of sweaty underwear and march off to the showers.
A face full of boy sweat was the last straw for Kurt. He didn’t care about the humiliation of his circumstances any more. He needed help from anyone who could hear him, so he crawled out from under the dirty heap and screamed. "HELP! HELP ME! HEY!!"
Just when the room was starting to empty out and Kurt was losing hope, a loud noise to his right made him jump. It was the slap of a bare sole against tiles. Then another, then another. "Hey." Kurt turned to the two giant feet. His neck arched as his eyes climbed two long legs, a lush crown of pubes, a mountainous set of abs, to the wide grin of..
Kurt couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d never seen another boy naked in person before, much less in the whopping dimensions Sam now occupied. He gazed at the two giant feet. His neck arched as his eyes climbed two long legs, a light brown crown of pubes, and a mountainous set of abs, to the blond giant’s wide grin.
"Hey." Sam nodded courtly, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Saw ya nearly fall under one of Finn’s big clodhoppers before. Thought I’d come and make sure you had everything under control." The joke was almost subtle enough to miss, but it made Kurt fume.
"No, things are not under CONTROL, Sam." The doll-sized teen cupped his miniature package with one hand and splayed the other over his bare little butt cheeks. "Something’s wrong, and it isn’t the disgraceful lack of manscaping on these ogres -- I swear, you could knit a sweater out of Karofsky’s chest hair! I’m currently eye level with your ankles, if you haven’t noticed, and I’d sure appreciate a little help."
Sam swung a leg slowly towards Kurt, causing something to swing like an old church bell between his thighs. "Well that’s not true. You’re atleast boot height." Kurt’s eyes darted nervously around, trying to avoid the dangling spectacle literally overshadowing him. "Look, little guy, of course something’s gone wrong and of course I’m gonna get you some help. But what’s the hurry? You’re unharmed -- Thanks to me -- and in perfectly reliable hands." Sam presented his giant hands, then continued. "I’ll get you out of here, but first things first."
"Now, I’m a little OC about getting my workouts in on time so you’re gonna have to hold tight an hour or so. But after that, I’m your hero, swear to God."
Before Kurt could respond, the pool of shadows he was standing in grew denser and Sam’s vast hand swooped in to pick him up unannounced. Kurt’s breath was taken away as he left the ground. He clung to the rim of Sam’s fist, ready to pass out in shock, if not over the staggering height he was being lifted to then because his nakedness was gripped on both sides by the giant’s sweaty hand and he could barely piece the words together to defend himself. The skin-on-skin contact was electrifying, both awful and magical, and he prayed not to be betrayed by his body in this vulnerable position. Sam sauntered confidently to the other side of the room and picked up a pair of red striped gym shorts, shimmying into them. "You realise I would have spent the last five minutes toweling off if I hadn’t run into you.. Just want you to know that if I smell particularly ripe doin' my workout, it’s not my fault."
Kurt sighed. "Why would I care how you-" Before he could finish, a ratty shoelace would its way around Kurt’s waist and was tied in a knot. He hung now, from Sam’s chest, a bobbing decoration against a mountain range of sweaty muscle. "I DON’T.. I DON’T LIKE THIS!" Kurt called shakily. The giant was going about his business in the deserted gym now, while his little buddy swung to and fro from his neck. Sam sat at the pec deck, heaving the bars inward so his bulging pectorals pinched Kurt between them again and again. Kurt tried to cling to the big man’s chest for leverage, but slipped against running beads of sweat and swung back, bumping into a huge dinnerplate-sized nipple. Sam’s hot breath rained down on him as the football star grunted and panted.
Sam stretched out on an old blue mat next. His arms stayed open by his neck so the curly blond fuzz in on his arm pits stood up. As he counted crunches, pulling himself up off the mat, Kurt found himself sliding from chest to abdomen in a steady rhythm. He slid off of his captor’s chest pretty easily, but each time he plopped onto Sam’s abs he felt the contracting six pack beneath him, rising and bumping up like a rocky terrain during an earthquake. It made Kurt a little queasy, though he found himself in unexpected awe of his classmate’s sheer determination, and the masterpiece his body was as a result.
Next the big guy hit the dumbells, finally allowing Kurt to hang still and watch his biceps balloon up with each slow thrust. When it was time to switch arms, Sam leaned forward a little and the tiny teen on his necklace swung into his giant bicep like a wrecking ball into a wall. Kurt landed splayed out against the melon-shaped muscle and clung for dear life. He could hear his own heartbeat racing, even over the pulse coursing through that fat vein traversing the bigger boy’s flexed arm. "Oops.." Sam flashed his shaken little passenger a mischevious smile. "Maybe I ought to tuck you under my pit for safe keeping."
Sam laughed wickedly.
"I’m just playing with you, dopey." Sam stopped laughing and gave Kurt’s hair a toussle with his fingertip. "The sweat fest’s over, I’m just trying to have a little fun."
"Well I’m just trying to get out of here! Clearly being your little gym whistle isn’t quite as fun as it looks."
Kurt stopped. The giant suddenly had an unplacable look in his eyes. He was thoughtful, sensitive. "You’d really hate that? Being my gym? You’d finally be getting some male attention. Plus I’d get to blow you." Sam snickered, but it was to hide the seriousness of his offer.
Completely floored, Kurt struggled for an answer. "That’s.. Sam, you’ve never even looked sideways at me. Where’s this coming from?"
The blond giant’s thumbs rubbed Kurt’s chest absent-mindedly. He frowned at his knees. "I don’t know. Maybe I’m no good at normal relationships. I’m possessive, and a little self-centred. None of that would matter I had you, like this, to carry around with me every day. You must be a little tempted. I mean, I know you guys like cock. Imagine riding my monumental manhood every morning and every night."
Kurt couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This abrupt change in Sam’s nature, something that never would have happened had he not found himself in this crazy predicament. It was all so surreal.
But this was real. The jock god was offering Kurt a position that would make most girls and boys at this school drool, and the bottom line was that it made him feel..
Kurt realised at that moment, Sam had no idea he was a virgin. He was embarrassed by the giant’s assumption, and a little hurt. "And who exactly might 'us guys' be?" He piped up, trying to keep a firm tone as frazzled as he was.
"I mean- Look, I’m sorry. I’ll take you home right after I shower, okay? I just think you should give it some thought." There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before Sam lifted Kurt to his face, pursed his pillow-like lips, and blew cool air over him. It smelled sweet and tickled. "Kidding." He offered a weak smile, and headed for the showers.
Kurt stayed in Sam’s palm the whole time. Oddly enough he wasn’t afraid any more, only a little uncomfortable. He knew he was being held onto for his own safety and not because of any crazy fantasy Sam was harbouring about the two of them.
He watched quietly as Sam rinsed of the day’s dirt and sweat. The giant arched his back and faced the steaming water, stretching his sore muscles. Rivers of water rippled over his muscles and streamed over his globe-like butt cheeks. He groaned, soaping up his aching thighs and slippery cock. Uh-oh.
Kurt bit his tongue as the soapy monster came slowly to life, rising with the heavy steam. Sam took his meat in his free hand and gave it a single long stroke. The huge organ seemed to droop under its own weight, though the skin looked tight and the head burned red.
"Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you." Sam whispered. "I just.. Ohh, man.." He started to stroke his tool, long and easy, rubbing his thumb over the winking tip.
Kurt was rigid in the colossal jock’s grip as Sam pleasured himself. Here he was, all alone in a horny giant’s clutches, no-one to save him if Sam should decide to abuse his power. The graphic sounds of Sam’s jacking grew as his sizeable meat did, until..
The hand holding Kurt lifted, and for a moment he froze in fear. He was a goner. He was going to be ground up against that thing like a logger trapped under a fallen redwood. His timid little frame was going to be used as a cumrag, to beat off a wildly horny penis twice his size.
Or not. Kurt was simply pressed against Sam’s chest, where he could hear the thunderous beat of a massive heart, chugging along like a runaway behind a wall of muscle. "Oh.. OH. OH??" Sam shuddered, and an impressive series of splattering sounds slapped against the shower screen.
Kurt stayed deadly still while Sam swallowed hard, catching his breath. "Whoo. Okay. Let’s get you home. I think I know where I can find Finn."
As Sam walked through the library that morning, searching for Finn, the hem of his back pocket was tugged down by two tiny hands.
Kurt peeked out warily, partly because he was afraid to be spotted by another gawking hormonal giant at this school but also because being in the confines of Sam’s pocket meant being pinned against a wall of denim by Sam’s astronomical ass. There was barely room to breathe thanks to the ballooning cheeks that pressed against him with every step Sam took. And when there was room to breathe, the dank smell of ass certainly didn’t encourage the idea.
Finn was found, reading an upside-down Lifestyle magazine in the corner. He fumbled nervously when he saw Sam, trying with flushed cheeks to conceal the girly magazine he’d been perusing. When Sam presented Finn with his tiny step-brother, the teen giant studied him with a solemn face. "Man.. How did this happen?"
"I don’t know." Kurt stood on bent legs in Sam’s hand, trying to cover his nakedness and looking around skittishly. "I’m afraid I swallowed some of my new moisturiser last night. The label’s in German -- It isn’t exactly FDA approved but it’s supposed to work wonders on breakouts -- and I mistook it for mouthwash. It could have something to do with that, but what I really fear is a plot by one of my lesser admirers at this school, some scheme to get rid of me."
Finn looked overwhelmed. His eyes darted from Kurt to Sam, hoping for someone to tell him what to do. Then, clearly bluffing, he patted Kurt on the head with a tree-sized finger and tried to assure him. "Hey, you’re with me now. Don’t worry."
Sam shuffled out, heading to class and leaving Finn in charge. Now the big and little bros were alone, Kurt started to feel an odd sense of..
Kurt had been fending off the feverish lust that had been rising in him ever since he found himself smack in the middle of McKinley High’s hottest jock’s palm. It was torture, trying to avert his hungry eyes from Sam’s rippling muscles and bulging package while the blond god worked out, and now that Sam had propositioned him so frankly, there was no escape from the truth. Kurt loved his neat and gentlemanly boyfriend Blaine but he wanted more than anything to be smothered in the raw, ungroomed sex that was Sam Evans. And Sam knew it. He could see it in Kurt’s wide, startled eyes and in the hardness growing between the boy’s slim legs. All the awkward squirming fidgeting in the world couldn’t hide the effect Sam was having on the horny gay boy, and when he the self-assured giant saw just how wild he was making the little guy, his ample lips curled up in a smug smile.
"Hey, don’t be shy. I’ve got the same problem." He said playfully as he fished into his gym shorts and introduced his own throbbing member. Its meaty pink head slid out of the waistband and stole Kurt’s breath with its stark, crude beauty.
"Make me yours. Make me all yours, Sam. I’ll do anything." He whispered, transfixed.
Sam kept his cheeky grin. "You’re all mine, little buddy. And I’m your.. master. Yeah. Le t’s not say 'boyfriend'. Atleast not yet." And then, taking the initiative, he brought Kurt right up close to it.
He felt Kurt’s admiration, and hunger. H e felt Kurt’s tiny, warm breaths rapidly peppering the sensitive head. And then Sam’s mouth opened in a perfect, astonished O.
The smell of Sam’s manhood was something Kurt had never experienced in his entire life. Though he didn’t like stereotypes, he knew that gay boys were generally cleaner and more groomed underneath their clothes. Sam’s package smelled like it was from a different planet from Blaine’s. Under a wild, untrimmed crown of golden pubes the athlete’s sweaty dick gave off heady, fleshy fumes that were both nauseating and intoxicating. It was a blast of masculine potency that nearly knocked Kurt off his tiny feet.
He could feel the smell in his throat, filling him, thick and soupy, clouding his head. After he adjusted to this he took the inflating erection in open arms and kissed it wetly on its glistening tip.
"AH!" Sam cried out almost as if he’d been hurt. The giant boy’s ankles twisted on the ground at odd angles and his breath started to come out in ragged gasps.
Kurt’s palms were like two gentle fingertips, stroking and tickling Sam’s cock head. "Does that feel good.. Master?" the tiny man said cheekily, and it was all Sam could do not to blow his load right then and there, on the sweat-stained bench.
But Sam didn’t let himself orgasm. He didn’t want to make a mess, and he knew that when he did finally blow his load the clean-up would be historic. He hadn’t stopped thinking about Kurt since the moment he’d found him, tiny and helpless. Holding his classmate in the palm of his hand had changed Sam, and there was no going back. Since the moment he’d laid eyes on the doll-sized student his manhood had been twitching around like a bagged snake in his pants. Now, finally, the hot little man was his. It took all the strength he had not to cover his new pet with a geyser of hot semen right then and there.
"Wait.." He panted. "Wait till we’re home. I’m taking you home.."
Kurt was slipped into the sweaty front seat of Sam’s underwear with two trembling fingers, and now he felt the overbearing heat of his master’s genitals surround him. He was tucked tightly under Sam’s massive testicles, his arms wrapped around the hairy base of a his cock so he didn’t slide completely under. The blushing jock drove home with his cockring in place, thinking of all the ways he was going to enjoy this Summer.
Back at Sam’s..
Back in Sam’s room, which at the moment was a cheap hotel filled with half-packed clothes and his prized guitar, Sam locked the door and swiped his bed clear before throwing himself onto it and releasing Kurt.
"I’ve got so many things I wanna do with you now you’re mine." Sam grinned, plopping Kurt on the mattress between his legs. "I think it’d be really hot to wear you in my cup next time I have a game. I wanna get my scent on you, make sure you never smell like anything but my junk again. 'Cause that’s where your new life is. Of course, I’ll still let you shower with me. I’m never taking a shower without you again." He winked. This all sounded amazing to Kurt. He hung off every word coming out of the giant’s mouth. "I’ve got some old high-tops I was just about to throw out, I think I can turn those into beds for you. Don’t worry, they don’t stink too bad. I can always spray some socks with Axe and stuff 'em in there with you if it’d make you more comfortable."
Kurt just smiled up at his excited jock god. "I’m sure your shoes will smell perfect the way they are, Master." He had to marvel at the way his new giant’s personal musk seemed to hypnotise him so. He remembered when the smell of 'boy' was something alien and hideous to him. But not any more. He loved the fact that Sam didn’t smell like Blaine. His armpits were ripe, his clothes usually crumpled and unwashed. Even at this moment, he was literally sitting in his own filth in such a blissfully ignorant way that only a straight jock with the world at his feet could pull off.
Sam smiled and kicked off his shoes, then wiggled out of his pants. Of course, this would be the last time he ever undressed without his little toy’s assistance. In the future, Sam would sit back and assign Kurt the duty of prying his muddy football shoes off. He didn’t need help, but he loved watching his pet struggle to remove his big shoes, then eventually tumble underneath them when he’d been successful. Anything that made him feel big and powerful gave him a huge hard-on, and made him adore his little weakling all the more.
Kurt was always rewarded for his hard work. Sometimes Sam would pick him up by surprise, lift him to his lips and pin the squirming tiny under his dripping wet tongue. He loved the sounds Kurt would make as he writhed and moaned, bathed by the giant muscle until he gave up his sweet little load. Other times, the sexy giant would peel off his sweaty socks and sit doing homework while his little man honoured him with a deep, thorough foot massage under the desk. He’d surprise his little devotee by thumping a single sole flat on top of him, teasing him by curling his big toe idly over the tiny face beneath it until he could feel an even tinier hardness nudging the pad of his giant heel. Sam would roll his foot smoothly over Kurt now, keeping him flat and submissive, and continue pushing his big chunky toes between those tiny legs until he felt the mini seismic quakes of Kurt’s approaching orgasm. He’d slam his foot down again at this point, forcing Kurt to come long and hard, pinned flat beneath his weight.
But before any of that happened, Kurt would have to pass his initiation..
Kurt had been warned that once he committed himself to Sam there would be no disobedience, no free will, no room for doubt or questioning the authority of his owner.
Sam took his athletic cup out of his sports bag and dipped his nose into it, taking a big sniff. "Mmm.. Man, I love my stench. What do you think, little guy?" Kurt was pressed into the curve of his master’s musty cup and instructed to inhale. Whether it was discomfort or pleasure that caused him to shiver all over, Kurt sure looked appreciative.
"Beautiful, Master. I can’t wait to spend the day in there." He beamed in his soft, humble voice.
Sam watched closely as Kurt stroked his bobbing cock with both arms. His toes twitched like crazy and his heart raced, but he kept a close watch while he carefully slid down the hood of his forskin and ordered Kurt to lick the smear of cheesy residue beneath it. Kurt obliged without flinching. He dabbed at the huge head with his little red tongue, then swallowed, before looking up and thanking his master once again.
He didn’t object or struggle when Sam’s thumb and index finger pinched his tiny head without warning, and pushed his nose and lips deep into the giant’s piss slit, which was spilling over with pre-come. Kurt’s face had slid deep into the narrow, dark tube before Sam’s tremors of pleasure forced him to stop. "Okay, okay, you’re a good pet. Fuck, that was hot." He panted. "But there’s one more thing I need you to do. No struggling, no questioning me. Just remember that you’re safe in my hands, and let me do what I want with you like a good pet, okay?"
Kurt nodded, and sat patiently between Sam’s knees while the giant spread his legs nice and wide, sliding onto his lower back so his big spherical butt cheeks were squashed upside-down beneath him. "Okay," He slid his hands underneath him and parted his cheeks as far as possible, so his tight brown hole winked wetly at Kurt. Uncleaned and mashing its puckered mouth in anticipation, the giant’s asshole beckoned eagerly to Kurt. Then Sam gave his word, an unmistakeable order.
Kurt got down on his knees and crawled to the opening. It seemed he’d never in a million years fit in there. But he knew Sam wouldn’t accept failure to obey. He’d be squished and bent by the claustrophobic hole, made to fit its impossible measurements by any means necessary. As daunting as this was, he knew he had to do it. Sam could have chosen not to ask, after all; He could have picked Kurt up and shoved him in there without a second’s notice or consideration. But he needed to know his slave would do anything, and that meant ANYTHING he was ordered if this ownership would work out.
Kurt touched the furry circle that lightly outlined the entrance. Down here the smell was something only the strongest of stomachs could handle. Something so intimate, so personal that if Kurt hadn’t been truly devoted to his master he surely would have turned and ran. He pressed the top of his head against the damp brown pucker, closed his eyes, pushed..
"OH, yeah.. Keep going.. That’s it.." Sam encouraged him as he felt the piping hot ring widen and squeeze around his ears. His lips pressed against slick, slimy flesh. He could feel Sam’s heartbeat pulsing through it while his own thudded out of control. Now his shoulders were jammed against the opening, sliding in by the millimetre, Sam’s voice ordering him not to give up. And suddenly, the swirling vortex let him in.
Kurt’s feet left the mattress. The upper half of his body was choking the contracting hole while his arms were pinned by his side, his legs kicking for leverage. He started to feel panic rise inside of him, taking over. "NO. STRUGGLING." Sam’s order almost seemed to come from inside the hole. It was understanding but unwaveringly strict. Kurt swallowed his fear, his free will, and went limp as two giant fingers butted against his butt then pinched his ankles, stuffing him the rest of the way in. Sam’s groans of pleasure were muffled but loud, vibrating through the flesh that hugged Kurt from head to toe.
He was inside of Sam now, wholly swallowed. The blond god could let him perish in there if he wanted to. He could leave him for an hour or a week. As frightening as this thought was, it only seemed right to Kurt that his entire life rested in the hands of his horny teen master; he was at the disposal of his god’s twitching, puckering muscles and that was how it should be. Kurt tucked away out of sight and Sam holding all the power in his tight, clenched anus. Outside, Sam was most likely pleasuring himself, enjoying the height of his power and completion of both their fantasies.
Two truck-sized dress boots, well worn but perfectly polished, stepped slowly around the corner. Kurt almost had to lie on his back to see his towering teacher’s face, which was set in a frown as McKinley’s sexiest bachelor mulled over a stack of papers while he walked.
He was going to call out for help, but before he had the chance Will’s head turned by chance alone and glanced in the tiny boy’s direction. Mr Schuester’s hand stopped where it had been, rubbing his chiselled jaw in deep thought, and his wide eyes froze in shock.
"Kurt, what’s happened to you?" Without a second thought Will bent his long legs and swooped into pick up his tiny student; a daunting sight to tiny Kurt. Now he cradled the boy in his caring hands and listened. Kurt tried to explain, but Kurt was still reeling from the shock of shrinking and barely understood how he’d gotten there.
Kurt could barely stay on a single train of thought as he stared up into Will’s giant, dashing face. Up until now Kurt had always seen Mr Schuester as an authority figure and a friend, nothing more. But up until now Mr Schue had never been storeys tall and protecting Kurt in his huge, powerful hand.
"You poor thing." The teacher shook his head. "I’m cancelling class, taking you home and calling a doctor. School is no way place for someone as vulnerable as you."
Kurt didn’t complain as the handsome coach’s tough palms swept over him, trying to keep him warm. Will headed straight for his car, and drove home in a hurry.
That night, Kurt awoke from dreams of his teacher. Ever since he’d been picked up by the handsome and caring Mr Schuester, he’d had an incurable infatuation with him. It didn’t exactly distract from his crush that when he had been put to bed earlier he’d been wrapped up in an old t-shirt, surrounded by the smell of his obsession and left to fantasize.
The room was dark, Mr Schuester’s soft snoring was closeby and steady. Kurt pushed his way out of the old grey shirt he was wrapped in and peeked over the edge of the shoebox to see his teacher fast asleep, spread out on his bed in only a pair of grey boxers.
Will had been visibly uncomfortable when he caught Kurt ogling his natural bulge in the car, so the horny teen had to restrain himself. But Mr Schue didn’t look uncomfortable, as he laid out in his underwear, pitching a huge unconscious tent in his boxers.
Kurt climbed out of the box, his wide eyes never leaving the tall, tall pole standing in Schue’s lap. He climbed from the nightstand to the mattress with a small leap, then tip-toed past the giant’s smooth biceps and poster-boy abs..
There he stood, finally, between two alley-length thighs, and stared up at the twitching tent. The sleeping giant’s wood was pulling the fabric of his boxers tight, so the fuzz trailing from his balls to his butt cheeks sprouted out, making a sexy cameo.
Kurt licked his lips as he mounted one huge leg, and teetered over until he could reach out and touch the masculine monument.
The towering cock struggled under its cloth like a live art exhibit, demanding to be unveiled. At its very tip, a perfect circle of dampness spread. Kurt extended his hand slowly, and laid it on the wet patch. It was hot, so hot, and sticky. For a moment he felt he might be stuck to it like a fly on paper, glued to the gigantic member he longed to serve.
Will stirred in his sleep, and his cock fluttered. Kurt stepped carefully onto the tightly stretched waistband, where pubes peeked over the elastic and rustled beneath his tiny feet.
Lust flushed like warm water through the teen’s entire body as he rubbed the rock hard head, stroking and scratching through the cloth. Behind him, Will groaned happily in his sleep.
"Mmmm.. Mmmm, ohh, yeah.." Kurt closed his eyes and soaked in the dreamy compliments. "Ohh, that’s so nice.. Don’t stop.. Baby, keep going.. Ohhh.. Ohhh.. Oh- Wh- ..KURT?!"
Kurt sat with his arms folded, pouting while Mr Schue dressed for school the next morning. For half the night he had been sternly lectured by his teacher, who’d pointed at him much like a dog and repeated "No. NO. That is WRONG." in response to the teen’s dirty escapades.
As if being caught in the act of feeling up his new crush wasn’t embarrassment enough, now Kurt had to endure the endless lectures of his giant teacher. Scolded again and again like a puppy who makes a mess on his master’s rug. Will just wouldn’t let up until Kurt felt tinier than he already was.
"I’m your teacher, Kurt. I hate to have to do this, but I can’t leave you alone and apparently I have to keep you somewhere confined so you don’t use those hands to get into trouble.."
Will placed his favourite boots on the floor and lowered Kurt into one. The leather interior was warm and musty, not unpleasant, but it smelled a little like an old cowboy bar. "I tried keeping you strapped in behind my belt buckle, but that only gave you more ideas, didn’t it? Now, I’m gonna step very carefully until class is over and I take you out. Until then, sit tight and think about what you did wrong."
Schue said this in a caring but strict, fatherly tone as he laid Kurt on the warm insole and slid his sheer socked foot in on top of him.
As soon as the giant’s padded foot sat square on top of Kurt, he was reminded of how long his teacher had been single. Will’s socks hadn’t been washed in a while; the unique, punchy aroma of foot was proof of this.
Kurt’s tiny face was pressed into the curve of Will’s toes, cushioned by the teacher’s scrunched up, dirty dress sock. His arms pinned by his sides, utterly powerless to do anything but lie under the bigger man’s flat foot and wait out the day.
Although it felt like a week he’d been trapped in Mr Schuester’s boot, It was lunchtime when Kurt next saw the light of day. Will hung back in the classroom to eat his sandwich after everyone had left, and quietly slipped off his footwear to allow Kurt some fresh air. "We’ve got an appointment this afternoon with a specialist. With any luck you’ll be back to normal in no time." He said as he handed morsels of bread and meat to the little guy on his knee.
Kurt didn’t want to see a specialist. He could hardly believe it, but the thought of returning to his ordinary life just didn’t appeal to him any more. He’d had a taste of being a plaything, a pet dependent on a giant for all his needs, and the odd sense of freedom it gave him was addictive.
At that moment, Will’s cell phone rang and had to duck outside for reception. "Wait right here." He instructed, perching Kurt on his still warm chair. "I’ll be right back."
Kurt wouldn’t wait. Once Mr Schue was out of sight, he’d scramble off the chair and make a run for the hallway. He wasn’t going to see this specialist, he’d made up his mind. He didn’t want to be a regular teenager again, he wanted to be the possession of a beautiful giant boy.
He needed someone who wouldn’t shy away from owning a pet. Someone who’d give him the thrill of being handled and trained and controlled without the judgement Will had passed on him.
Kurt weaved through a parade of giant sneakers, sticking to the sidelines so as not to get mashed underfoot. He could see McKinley’s wide open doors now. Outside he would find a place to avoid being stepped on or found by Mr Shue, then he could scout the area for a new giant.
He sped up, sprinting towards freedom. Soon he’d be with his dream giant, and all would be right in the world again.
The open doors were getting closer, closer, when they were suddenly replaced by the giant black swish symbol of a Nike sneaker.
Kurt skidded off his feet and fell flat on his back under the raised foot. Staring up in a daze, the face of..
Mike Chang came into focus far above his head.
"Well look who it is! We’ve been looking for you." Mike said in a mysterious tone as he sat his sneaker heavily on Kurt’s chest. "You’re not going anywhere, little guy."
Mike slid his giant sneaker off of Kurt and bent down to pick up his miniature classmate up. Wearing a blue checkered shirt and skinny black jeans, the Asian heart-throb could just as easily be a model as the talented breakdancer he was. Mike wiped the little guy onto his shirt, and Kurt felt himself bump over each of the giant’s smooth chiselled abs. "Sorry for stepping on you, shorty. But we’re under strict orders not to let you get away if we catch you."
Kurt was trying to ascertain what this could mean when a thunderous voice nearly deafened him.
"What you running away from, homo?" Azimio’s giant face loomed over him. The stocky jock’s breath stunk of mulched up lunch meat as he boomed into Kurt’s face. " 'Cause we got orders from someone pretty high up to deliver you straight to his office, and if you been making mischief in these halls I might just take some school pride in punishing your scrawny ass myself!"
"Hey, hey, watch it." Mike placed a hand protectively between Kurt and Azimio’s glaring eyes. "He didn’t say the little guy was in trouble, he just said he wanted him captured. Let’s get him delivered in one piece, okay?" Kurt was so grateful to the spunky giant, even if he was technically kidnapping him, that he nodded humbly when Mike leaned in and said sternly: "That doesn’t mean I’ll put up with you trying to escape, Kurt. I don’t wanna hurt you but I’m a lot bigger and faster than you are. Try anything funny and you’re gonna end up flat under my shoe again."
Kurt nodded. He was dying to know who he was being delivered to. While the word 'office' sounded promising, school bullies were known to refer to the men’s room as their office, so he couldn’t be sure he was on his way to anyone reliable. Next thing he knew, he was stuffed into Azimio’s sweaty back pocket while the giants headed down the hall.
There was a loud, spluttering trumpet sound and Kurt nearly vomited right in the brutish jock’s pocket.
"Man!" Mike laughed between a violent coughing fit. "Your farts are lethal!"
Azimio threw his head back and gave a loud, obnoxious chuckle. "That’s a HP, his problem, not a MP, my problem!"
Rory Flanagan
Kurt had always thought that Rory was secretly gay but he didn’t know for sure
" Hello, what do we have here.., a new tiny pet for me.."
" no!" Kurt said
" I really don’t think your in any position to talk little guy… You know what people say about my feet…. Well your about to find out"
Kurt is then put in…..
Will’s eyes went wide as he sleepily gawked at the student in his erect lap.
Their eyes locked for a moment and Kurt, not knowing what his teacher was thinking, stared back.
"….Mr. Schue?"
Will’s body let out a massive shudder as he sighed, visibly conflicted and angry. Kurt watched him tightly press his lips together and close his eyes. The giant man laid his head back down onto his pillow.
With his teachers face now hidden past his massive chest, a tiny embarrassed Kurt was frozen in confused shock. He was puzzled as to what his teacher was thinking. What was going to happen now? Mr. Schuester didn’t even say anything. Did he fall back asleep?
Kurt hesitantly called out to his teacher again, "…Mr. Schue? Um…look, I’m sorry about…uh.." he began, not able to find the right words. This was awkward. What made it worse was that his teacher seemed to be ignoring him.
"…Mr. Schue?"
Kurt’s confusion was answered as the giant shadow of Will’s hand descended toward him and the giant man responded with a defeated sigh.
Still starring up at the ceiling, Will Schuester’s calloused, slightly hairy fingers pressed down on top of tiny Kurt, slamming him down onto the damp grey boxer materiel.
Dazed, but willing, Kurt went along for the ride as Will’s hand curled around his towering tent. The tiny boy was slammed against the base of the sweaty grey package; his face mashed into the damp materiel; his body tossed around as the ravenous palm kneaded him into the horny giant’s lap.
As Will got more into the kneading motion, tiny Kurt began to feel less safe. Mr. Schuester still wasn’t looking at or talking to Kurt. Like he was ashamed. But that didn’t stop the grating hand. His once docile teacher was obviously determined to ignore his moral judgment, and in effect, seemed to be ignoring Kurt as well. This man was giving in to a primal urge. And Kurt was just a part of that now.
The hand hungrily mashed Kurt’s contorting body into the soft flesh of the expansive testicles, and with every motion he was inched slightly upwards. His head slammed against something moist and hard, and soon his whole body was being squeezed between the clammy hand and his teachers erect organ.
Will let out a deep and satisfying moan that made Kurt feel even smaller.
After giving his cock a few more squeezes, Will plucked Kurt up between his fingers and raised him into the air above his face.
Kurt dangled in the air, caught between Will’s thumb and forefinger. Mr. Schuester looked at his student with a mix of anger, lust, and shame. But after a slight apologetic sigh, the lust-filled teacher closed his eyes and lowered tiny Kurt toward his cavernous mouth.
Kurt feared his teacher meant to eat him, and he let out a startled yell. His fears were confirmed as the monstrous lips parted with a sigh, and Will’s gigantic tongue licked around Kurt’s ankles. Ignoring the tiny screams, the slimy muscle darted out and began lapping at Kurt’s legs right before the giant pushed the shrunken boy into his mouth.
Kurt was rolled around in the sloppy dank darkness of Will’s mouth. Tossed back and forth, while being slammed against the roof of his captor’s pallet, Kurt regretted ever tempting the sleeping giant. He was going to die. Used and humiliated by his own teacher while he jerked off under the sheets.
Mr. Schuester was going to swallow him. He was sure of it.
But only a second later, Kurt found himself being spat out onto an open palm, now covered in greasy saliva. He didn’t have much time to think or gawk in confusion as the hand shot him back down towards his teacher’s crotch. Will’s other hand hastily peeled open the fly of his boxers, giving an escape to his engorged, naked, towering cock.
Kurt was pressed against the massive tool, his body folded around the trunk and held in a vice grip by the sweaty hand.
Newly slick with his teachers saliva, the tiny lubricated student flew easily up and down the fleshy pole.
Will’s dick twitched with pleasure as he massaged the struggling student into his shaft. He moaned as pre-cum began to dribble out of his slit and drip down through his fingers, adding to the slick lubrication. His free hand shot out and into his shorts as he began to simultaneously finger himself and work his cock.
Schuester’s hips buckled and he let out a massive grunt. Momentarily losing his grip on Kurt, Will felt him roll down his boxers, between his raised thighs and onto the warm mattress below.
Dazed from his fall, Kurt looked up as will’s jersey covered ass came rushing down on top of him. His legs were pinned under the crushing cheeks, leaving his upper body to be thrust into the stretched leg opening of his teacher’s boxer shorts.
Kurt’s body was continually mashed into the mattress by the clenching ass muscles, and he was forced to watch his teachers nutsack bounce behind a set of hairy knuckles, whose fingers rubbed shakily through a valley-like ass crack. Kurt’s fantasy-turned-nightmare got even worse, when the musty smelling fingers darted out towards him.
Will grabbed the shocked student and pulled him into his boxers, shoving him into his gaping crack. Continuing where his fingers left off, Will began to rub tiny Kurt against his swollen anus. After a few rounds of teasing, Will stuffed his new toy into his ass.
Kurt’s legs were jammed in and out of the hungry hole, the clenching anus muscles too constricting to even let him cry out in protest.
Still pumping with his other hand, Will let the tiny student slip further and further in. He had to be up to his chest by now. He wanted to feel Kurt inside of him. Wanted to push him in all the way and feel him wiggle. Just the thought almost shot him into orgasm.
It was this thought that saved Kurt from suffocation. Just as his head was about to slip all the way into his teacher, Kurt was expelled outward with a push and a moan. But before he even had time to breathe ,an unexpected palm shot him back up atop the exposed penis.
Kurt, sticky, damaged, and exhausted, was smeared into the swollen underside of Will’s cockhead just in time for the first shot of his orgasm.
Thick white seamen splattered against Kurt’s porcelain skin while Will let out a deep throated moan.
After six more geyser like shots, the tiny student was plastered to his horny teachers palm, dripping with the warm goo, and feeling extremely used.
Without even looking at Kurt, Will wiped his soiled hand on the underside of his boxers. After a moment’s hesitation, he shoved the tiny toy under his waistband, locking him in the pouch next to his deflating cock. Feeling guilty, but extremely satisfied, Will Schuester threw the covers back over his legs and closed his eyes; willfully ignoring his dirty little secret, and knowing he would regret his lust in the morning.
Unable to restrain himself, Kurt skips down the length of his hunky teacher’s bed, to where Mr Schuester’s big bare feet poke out from under the bunched-up blankets. The tanned feet flop to their sides, pointing up at different angles. A few veins stretch over the insteps while curly brown hairs sparsely decorate the man’s thick, bony toes. Kurt holds his breath as he passes Will’s hairy shins, then his ankles, and finally rounds off to face the smooth brown soles of his sleeping adonis.
There are a few deep-cut wrinkles in the skin, which looks both as tough and soft as leather. And the smell: Musky from a long day of teaching. Warm and welcoming.
Daring himself, Kurt takes a tentative step forward and reaches out. He stands in front of Mr Shue’s foot, which is taller than him, in total awe. He finally forces himself to gently lay his hand against the wall of flesh, and feels the glow of Schue’s body encompassing him already. He feels subdued but comfortable, standing in the shadow of his crush’s huge, handsome feet. He leans in further and rests his head, just allowing his rosy cheek to brush the padded skin.
The wall jerks as Schue’s foot twitches, and Kurt falls to his knees. Looking up, his jaw drops as he sees …
William is lying back in bed, his arms crossed behind his head, watching curiously as the action unfolds by his feet. "That tickled." He remarks, curling his toes a little. His voice is a little croaky from sleep. In the dark, Kurt can only just make out the neutral expression on his giant teacher’s face.
"I’m- I’m sorry, Mr Schue, I was just- I was trying to wake you up, and I didn’t know-" Kurt jumps to his feet and starts to babble, embarrassed and afraid that he’s offended his hero by overstepping the boundaries of their student-teacher relationship.
"Hey." Will interrupts him in a friendly but assertive voice. As he does so, he wags his left foot just enough to bump Kurt in the chest. The boy topples and falls on his butt, on the springy mattress. Now the towering feet of his sexy keeper look even taller in front of him. Imposing. Ruling. Suddenly, Will’s left foot shifts a little and the base of his heel slides between Kurt’s own ankles, nudging his legs slightly apart.
"You don’t have to lie, Kurt. I’ve seen that look you you’ve had in your eyes. I know you’ve got it now, even in the dark." There’s a slight teasing in Will’s casual, sleepy voice. Now he’s sitting up, yawning, waking up to look more closely at his tiny student. "You were perving on my feet, and it’s okay. Honestly? It’s really cute. Seeing you down there all awestruck makes me feel bigger, more important than ever. And what guy doesn’t get a thrill out of that."
Will’s teeth shine in the moonlight as he shares a goofy smile, confessing his feelings. Kurt just gapes, unable to process all of this good news. "You- You think I’m cute?" His eyes are stuck wandering from Will’s winning smile to the two broad soles curling over him, ten toes wiggling.
"Kurt," Will sighs as if he’s being forced to state the obvious. "I think you’re adorable. Being your teacher, I’m not supposed to tell you that, of course. But I feel like certain things are different now that you’re here, like this. In my room. Under my feet." He grins.
Kurt is about to correct him, shyly pointing out that he isn’t exactly 'under' the man’s feet but in front of them. That’s when Will gently flattens his left foot on the mattress. Speechless, Kurt is pushed into the sheets. His arms wrapped nervously around the giant dominator. His face cupped in the warm curve beneath Will’s toes. "C’mon, Kurt." Will says, again with that teasing voice. Then he makes a noise with his lips; a kissing noise.
A cheeky command, which Kurt obeys.
Kurt gulps, not having expected the surprise sensation of his hunky teacher’s bare sole suddenly weighing down on him. He squirms deep in the mattress, pinned flat by the wonderfully fragrant skin. Mr Schue’s sole smells of leather shoes, nylon socks and the natural musk of his hard-earned sweat after a long day at work. And with those five mighty toes wiggling playfully over his face, the tiny songbird can do nothing to repress the hardness building between his legs.
"Oh-ho!" Will laughs teasingly, sitting up in the lamplight of his bedroom and grinning down at the cute face trapped beneath his toes. "Someone’s definitely enjoying themselves! Guess I didn’t misjudge you after all." He curls his two longest toes over Kurt’s blushing face and swoons over the way his new toy’s tiny hardness pokes even harder into his arch, right above his heel. "Kurt, I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. I just want you to let go and have fun… Tell you what. If you do me a favour and rub my feet -- I’ve been on them all day and the muscles are exhausted -- I’ll stop trampling you under these big dogs and give you a little space to breathe."
The monolithic teacher lifts his foot on its heel and watches as, slowly, Kurt complies. The tiny student reaches up above him to stroke the vast, wrinkles skin of his giant’s sole. He sits up and makes two fists, then rolls them into the tender muscles behind his teacher’s tough sole. Will’s groans of relief are so deep, so appreciative, Kurt feels suddenly emboldened (if not outright aroused) enough to perk up and wrap to hands around the biggest toe, pulling it downward to plant a kiss on its pad.
And that’s as close to a surrender as Will needs. "Good boy." He coos in his grainy, deep voice. Pushing Kurt back into the mattress, he spreads his toes onto the blushed porcelain face below and quivers with pleasure at the sensation of a hot little tongue sliding between the grooves. "That’s right. Keep it up, little one. Good boy…"
And, after Kurt licks between every one of his teacher’s toes, the sliding begins. Will rewards his quick-learning pet by sliding his sole up and down on the mattress. Up, so the white skin of his arch rubs Kurt’s little face and his heel presses onto the boy’s crotch. Down, until his toes rake over Kurt’s waist and poke at the hardness between his excitedly kicking legs.
Up and down. Up and down. Until, his face buried between his owner’s toes, Kurt squirms through an ecstatic little orgasm and finally goes limp with exhaustion.
You climb up the balled up sheets, along the dreamy Spanish teacher’s body which you have to resist worshiping. As you reach the teacher’s face you feel yourself go impossibly hard.
You run up to his face and don’t even know where to start. He’s rolled over onto his side and his mouth is hanging open but you ignore that and start to stroke the bristles on his chin. You spy the nose hair protruding from the well washed face of his and smile. It’s so overwhelming that you have to lean against his cheek for support. You accidently lean back to far and slide into his gaping mouth. Desperately trying to grab anything but your efforts are in vain as you slide down towards his throat.
Kurt was frantically scratching at the lining of Will’s esophagus, but that was in vain. The scratching irritated Will in his sleep, so he swallowed hard to clear it. The motion forced Kurt down into his stomach. As Kurt slid in, he saw the remains of his teacher’s dinner, as he landed on a pile of mush. He sat up and looked around, wondering what to do. He knew from biology that he couldn’t go back up Mr Scue’s throat on his own, so that left two options, wake Will up and hope he realized Kurt was in there, or, as he turned his head, head into Will’s intestines and take the back way out
Which does he choose?
Will had been keeping a secret for such a long time. He was hiding an attraction that he had, an attraction to guys. But not just any guy, his student, Kurt Hummel. He didn’t know what it was about Kurt that he found himself attracted to, maybe his bubbly personality, but whatever the reason, Will had to keep these feelings a secret. Until now.
After a 15 minute drive with Kurt sitting in between Will’s massive thighs, they finally arrived at home. Will stuffed Kurt into his pocket and walked carefully inside. The home was quiet, with no one living in it besides Will. Upon arriving inside, Will grabbed the tiny boy from his jeans pocket and placed him on the kitchen counter.
“Alright Kurt, I’ve got something I need to admit to you. We’re not going to the doctor, you’re staying here”, Will said with a stern look on his face. Before Kurt could let out a single sound, Will interrupted. “That’s not all, there’s something I’ve been hiding for a while. Kurt Hummel, I’ve been feeling some.. attractions to a specific person recently and well that person just happens to be… you”
The tiny gay boy sat in silence for at least 10 seconds.
He was speechless. His own teacher, had a crush on him. Sure he had always noticed how handsome Will had looked, but he never thought Mr Schue might have shared the thoughts. After processing what the giant man had told him, Kurt finally piped up. “So what are you gonna do with me?
Will chimed in excitedly, saying, “I’m glad you asked, you and me are gonna have some fun Hummel! It’s been a long day at work, and all I really wanna do is lay down and relax. How about we go relax in the bedroom?” Without even giving the tiny gay boy a chance to respond, Will scooped him up and took him to his bedroom.
After placing Kurt gently on the bed, the handsome teacher immediately began removing his clothes, starting with his top half, then his bottom half, leaving on just his boxers. “Man it’s hot!”, Will exclaimed. He then laid down on the bed, his lips right next to the tiny guy. Kurt was completely overwhelmed with the sheer size of his teachers face and body. “Well little guy, it’s all yours”, Will explained as he rubbed his hand all down his body. Then he gave his new roommate a little kiss, which turned Kurt’s face blood red with happiness.
“So bud, what do you wanna do first” Looking through his options, Kurt decides to run straight to…
Night had fallen, and the two were in Mr Schuester’s apartment.
Mr Schue sat on his couch, shirtless, and held a cold beer to his forehead. The day’s sweat clung to his broad shoulders, and he sighed after taking a gulp from the bottle. "Do you know how hard it is, being a workaholic teacher with no girlfriend and no sex life, Kurt?" The giant’s legs stretched on on either side of Kurt, who gazed up from the carpet before his teacher. He’d never seen Mr Shue like this. So frank, so himself.. So manly. Will lifted his heavy, tired muscles to rest his arms on the couch by his sides. "It gets lonely, Kurt. A man needs attention. He has needs. And I’ve been watching you for a long time.."
Kurt swallowed hard. He’d been able to tell something wasn’t right from the minute he’d arrived back at Will’s place, but it was too late to do anything about that now.
Mr Schuester was making deadly serious eye contact with him now, as a python crept its way down the teacher’s denim covered leg. "I told you we were going to a specialist after class tomorrow, Kurt. I lied. I’m keeping you here, for ever and ever and ever." Will’s voice had a deep, eerie echo about it, making his words all the more ominous. "You’re never going to see the light of day again, Hummel. You’re going to serve me. Wrap yourself around my big, sexy cock, and jack me off again, and again, and again.. for your entire.. life."
Will stood up, so his face was cast in shadow as he stared down from the heavens, looking like a vengeful god. His tan boots hit the ground with a boom, flanking Kurt. The giant’s fly popped open, the zipper unpeeling as the biggest dick Kurt had ever seen forced its way out, up, up..
"You.." Will cast his pointing finger down, then raised his hand and placed his index between his rippling pecs. "..are MINE."
Will stood in Kurt’s tidy little bedroom, fit for a princess, and inspected the expired tub of moisturizer which triggered Kurt’s shrinking. The tub looked small in Mr Schue’s large hand (Especially to Kurt, who was tucked into the man’s jeans pocket) but he supposed he could make it last. Will had been fantasising for too long about enacting some deep and satisfying dominance over his students. Now that he held the key to power right in his palm, he was going to have as much fun with it as he could.
Mr Schue (Master Schue, as Kurt had been ordered to call him) stalked downstairs and let himself out before Mr Hummel came in from work. He stuffed little Kurt deeper in his pocket before he exited the house, just in case the shrunken boy’s dad got home early. In that case he’d still be able to make up some excuse and breeze by with Burt’s only son tucked securely in his pocket.
The empowered giant got in his car, carefully stowed the moisturizer in his glove box, and drove straight to …
Blaine had been hanging out with a few friends at the bowling arcade, growing increasingly nervous over Kurt’s absence, when Mr Schue intercepted him on his way to the men’s room. Having cornered his target, and keeping an eye out for any witnesses, Schue greeted the clean-cut young man as naturally as possible before they both headed into the bathroom. Will placed his broad palm on Blaine’s back, ushering the naïve young man furthering into his doom as the two mused over where Kurt may have disappeared to.
Minutes later, Schue emerged from the room and made a beeline for the exit. He patted his jacket pocket as he strode through the car park, smiling to himself when he felt the tell-tale kicking of Blaine’s tiny legs. Then his hand travelled to the front of his pants. And there was that familiar boy-shaped bulge, not kicking but lying limp and defeated, against the shape of William’s long cock.
"Let him go! You can keep me, I swear, but please let my boyfriend go, Mr Schue! I’ll do anything!" Kurt begged in an extra shrill little voice.
Sitting on his couch, Will chuckled to himself over a beer. The two teenagers were huddled on the coffee table, trying to console each other. Since their reunion they’d both been making pleas and promises like this, though Blaine’s were much less obliging. He’d been livid when he saw his beloved boyfriend being fished out of their teacher’s pants, tangled in stray pubes and smelling of unwashed cock.
"Kurt, Kurt, Kurt. I’ll do whatever I like with you either way. Already have, remember? And your boyfriend. Well, he’ll either learn some proper respect for his new master, or he’ll get an even tougher chore list than you." He said with a smirk. It could just be the beer getting to him, but Will was starting to feel more cocky and horny than ever.
"You’ll regret this." Blain murmured through gritted teeth, staring down at the table beneath them. Kurt shushed him, trying to keep his tempermental boyfriend calm.
"The only thing I regret is that I still haven’t given you a demonstration of what me and my new boyfriend like to do." Will stood up, the tent of his rising erection standing over the two boys. Kurt shivered, and Blaine held onto him. "Where are my manners?" Will laughed, and Blaine snarled.
"He’s my boyfriend! Don’t you touch him!" But by the end of his threat, the bravado was already gone fron his voice. Kurt was snatched up easily in Will’s hand, and as soon as the teacher’s cock was let free, the feminine little beauty was wrapped around it like a monkey on a tree branch.
Will groaned happily, extra loud for Blaine’s benefit, while he stroked his massive manhood using Kurt. It took only a few minutes before his breaths were fast and shaky, and he was grunting in the final moments of ecstasy. Blaine’s challenging posture had gone limp in that time. His shoulders slumped and his face blank. He stood there, depressed and hopeless, listening to the squeals of his sex-toy ex-boyfriend seconds before a hot rain of jizz came splattering down all over him.
"Kurt, I thought I asked you to polish my loafers." My Schue said with a kind, patient frown as he placed a pair of his shoes on the kitchen table, in front of tiny Kurt.
It had been a few days since the strict teacher had enslaved the two tiny gay boys from his class, and while he usually gave Kurt the simpler job of pleasuring him sexually, he expected the few labour chores he assigned him to be done well.
"What’s this?" His thick index finger traced the shoe’s brown leather toe to a thin scrape of dirt, barely visible to a regular set of eyes. Evidently enough to offend the giant who expected nothing but the best treatment for himself and all his belongings.
"I- I’m sorry, Mr Shuester! I’ll clean it up right away!" Kurt sprang to his feet and had already started slurping his palms to use them as cleaning rags when Mr Schue’s fingers lifted him into the air and dumped him back in his place.
"Now, Kurt, we had an agreement. You do a lazy job polishing your master’s school shoes, and I use your boyfriend’s face to polish them clean as punishment." He said, lifting Blaine from where he’d been squatting beside Kurt, finishing his scrap breakfast.
"Mr Schue, I can-" Blaine started to negotiate in a reasonable voice, offering to polish the shoes himself. But his voice was cut off as Schue licked his giant index and began rubbing it into the clean-cut teenager’s face, lathering Blaine’s squinting and contorting face in warm spit.
When he was done, he brought the tiny Warbler down in his hand and rubbed him nose-first against the huge expanse of brown leather below. Blaine squeaked as he was dragged like a rag over the already squeaky clean shoe, his nose squashed up and his skin burned by the friction. The smell of leather and the sensation of Mr Schuester’s giant fist gripping him from behind was all he knew for a long while, until he was finally held still in the air and allowed to regain his breath.
But his break wasn’t long. He looked up to see Mr Schue pick up his right loafer, spit carefully onto the tip of the toe and place it back on the table. Kurt was watching from the corner with tears in his eyes. "Needed more polish." Schue explained calmly, then brought Blaine’s pretty face down to the frothy lump of spit sitting on the shoe’s toe.
"Please, Mr Schue! I’ve had enough, my face is sore!" Blaine begged. But what really hurt was his pride. He couldn’t take being humiliated so horribly in front of his boyfriend.
"You’d rather I use Kurt’s face?" Will asked coolly, pausing to watch the little man in his fist howl in protest.
"No! No, anything but that!! Please use me, Mr Schue! Use me to polish your whole closet, please!" Blaine begged, terrified that his complaint would result in Kurt being manhandled.
"Well, I wasn’t going to use you on all my shoes. But since you’re so enthusiastic." Will chuckled. "I’ve got a few pairs of dress shoes and boots that could use a good tongue-bathing, if you want to stay up tonight."
Blaine didn’t complain this time. He bowed his head, said "Yes, Sir." and went limp when his face was again pushed into the smooth leather of Mr Schuester’s old loafer, allowing himself to be used as the bigger man saw fit without the slightest resistance.
When Will was done with this cruel but enjoyable little game, he picked Kurt up and rolled him around in his palm. "While you’re licking my boots tonight, Blaine, I’m going to have a little sleepover with Kurt." Both tiny lovers shuddered at this. They knew what this meant: That Kurt would be kept up until the early hours of the morning, serving his master’s huge dick and body in every way imaginable. "You know, I know you and Kurt never did get the chance to sleep together before all this shrinking business. So, aren’t you going to thank me for taking your boyfriend’s virginity for you, Blaine?" The teacher said in a friendly, patient voice.
A vein popped on Blaine’s neck. His heartbeat thudded in his head. But he sensed Kurt internally begging him not to say anything stupid, and he swallowed his rage. "Thank you for… taking my boyfriend’s virginity, Sir." He gulped, forcing himself not to vomit.
"Good boy." Will chuckled, "But you made a mistake, silly. Kurt’s my boyfriend now." The giant teacher tossed Blaine inside the loafer he’d just polished clean and deposited it in his giant closet for the night.
Dressed in his pristine uniform and polished school shoes, Blaine stopped dead in his tracks when he caught site of tiny Kurt.
Shock registered on his handsomely doll-like face, and then disbelief. But before Kurt could explain, before another moment was wasted, he knelt down and wrapped his fingers gingerly around his tiny boyfriend.
"You poor thing! Baby, what happened to you?" Blaine’s voice was kind and perfectly hushed. His hands felt so strong, so safe, that Kurt suddenly realised just how afraid he’d been in the moments before his rescue.
In what probably sounded like a flustered rant in squeaky gibberish Kurt told his perilous story to Blaine, who decided on the spot that his tiny boyfriend would stay with him until Mr Hummel returned from his trip. Blaine couldn’t get out of choir practice that afternoon, but he insisted that as soon as the Warblers let him go the rest of the evening would be devoted to making his little prince forget all about what he’d been through. Until then Kurt would remain curled up in the cosy pocket and felt the comforting pressure of Blaine’s hand pressing gently against his back.
"Eveything’s going to be all right, I promise." Blaine cooed sympathetically. "Let’s just get you home, cutie."
This was surreal. Kurt felt dizzy with relief as he was tucked carefully into the breast pocket of Blaine’s blazer, handled as delicately as a folded tissue.
The inside of Blaine’s pocket was as clean and inviting as the boy’s crisply pressed appearance. Through the warm fabric Kurt could hear his boyfriend’s steady heartbeat. It was hard not to fall asleep, cradled in the safe little space which smelled of Blaine’s familiar boyish scent and fresh cologne.
That night, Kurt was wrapped in a giant palm and held against his savior’s chest. This time it was bare, and the soothing vibrations of Blaine’s pulse patted the side of Kurt’s face as he snuggled deeper into the giant’s soft skin.
"You know, I’ve never had you in my room overnight." Blaine smiled down at his little companion. His full lips and dark lashes were even more handsome in the lamplight, and for the first time this week Kurt felt like the luckiest person alive. This evening Blaine had stored Kurt carefully in his dresser drawer, nestled in soft white boxer briefs and neatly rolled neck ties while he’d gone and taken a shower.
He returned soon after, wearing a towel that casually outlined the unmistakable male appendage sitting between his thighs. A tuft of lush black hair sprouted under his navel and trailed down, hinting at the impressive package Kurt knew he would some day unwrap. Blaine dressed in a pair of pajama pants only. He seemed happy to let his manhood make its loud statement under the thin fabric, unencumbered by underwear, while he drew a bath for Kurt in a bowl of warm water.
Kurt didn’t know why he should be so shy, but when it came time for him to undress he almost didn’t want his boyfriend to watch. Blaine made it easy for him in the end. He simply picked him up in two strong hands and sung lovingly under his breath, as he carefully stripped each tiny item of clothing away, and dipped Kurt in the soapy water.
The giant’s fingers were as delicate and gentle as they were huge. The tips of his thumbs slid over Kurt’s chest, gingerly scrubbing him clean as four more fingertips nudged and kneaded his tiny back muscles. Two broad palms closed over Kurt, cushioning him while every last ounce of his stress was rinsed away with the water..
Afterwards, Blaine dressed his little lover like a real-live doll. He stopped after every item of clothing to lift the tiny boy upto his face and deliver long, playful kisses. "Mmm.. Mmm.. Mmmwah.." He was clearly smitten with his new, toy-sized boyfriend, and couldn’t keep his lips off of him. "You’re so cute. You’re so.. Mmmwah.. so cute, I could just eat you up."
Clad only in underwear, Kurt soaked up the attention and the ticklish kisses that left big damp smooch marks over his tiny body. When Blaine’s tongue came out and curled around his waist, he let out a tiny cry of gratitude. The big pink muscle was like a giant heat massage tool, slipping down his back and nudging at his waistband. The big pink tip teased its way down his inner thigh and lapped at his tiny feet, pulling them into the giant’s mouth where they were playfully nipped and gnawed at by Blaine’s pearly white teeth.
Now the two lovers laid happily on Blaine’s bed, Kurt splayed on his stomach between his boyfriend’s pecs.
"It feels kinda naughty, having you in my bed. Having you all to myself." Blaine smiled, his head cocked as he watched his little sweetheart.
The idea of being all Blaine’s, under his care and control, seemed so romantic to Kurt. It gave him a welcome thrill. "Well, you saved me. You’re my big, strong hero. Now I’ll be yours forever. I owe you everything." He doted.
"Oh yeah?" Blaine’s voice lowered to a husky whisper. His hand brushed over Kurt’s back, slowly dragging him onto a giant nipple and pressing down firmly. "Maybe I’ll collect my reward now.."
Kurt melted like butter over the big, hard nipple. He barely recognised himself as he caressed, licked and suckled the erect flesh. Blaine’s breathy, inarticulate praise was reward enough, and when the giant occasionally shuddered like an earthquake beneath him Kurt knew he was doing a good job.
"I don’t want to wait." Blaine said suddenly, plucking Kurt up. "I know I said I’d wait as long as you needed for us to be together, you know, intimately. But I can’t hold on any more. I want you." He panted.
Kurt was a little thrown. "I want you too, I just- I don’t know if I’m ready. Besides, I don’t think the.. mechanics would exactly work out at the moment."
Blaine’s eyes glinted with lust. He tried to keep his voice level and his grip on Kurt gentle, but it was clearly a struggle. "Well, maybe it’s time I started wearing the pants in our realtionship. Maybe that’s what you’ve been waiting for all this time.. A little loving persuasion.."
Before Kurt knew it, the hills of Blaine’s pecs and abs were rolling past him. One minute his hands were sweeping through his giant boyfriend’s treasure trail and then his knees were being knocked apart. Now he was straddling something feverishly hot and throbbing with its own pulse. There was a dull slap as Blaine’s penis popped up against his belly, freed from its constraints, and Kurt stared speechless at the great column before him. There it was, for the first time in plain sight. Blaine’s larger than life penis. Smooth, long and fragrant. The boy’s sausage was stiff and dense, like one of those hefty punching bags, or a giant slab of raw meat. There was no going back now.
Blaine was a man, testified by the fleshy rocket jutting out from the curly black bush between his legs. The desperately stiff erection blushed, demanding relief, and Kurt felt himself pulled by some primal instinct towards it. This was his job, his privilege, and he couldn’t ignore it any longer. The dick was huge, but even if he had to stretch his entire body around the raging beast, he wouldn’t rest until he’d satisfied his giant’s manly urges.
Lying back on his pillow, Blaine drew in a sharp breath and tensed suddenly… then exhaled a long sigh of relief.
He smiled dopily, his eyes closed in bliss while his tiny boyfriend gave him pleasure. "I knew it. You just needed me to take control." He laughed to himself as his hand closed once again around Kurt, this time holding him like a masturbatory aid. "There you go… That’s it… Ahhh.."
Over the following days, Kurt and Blaine’s relationship transformed completely. Now that he’d had a taste, Blaine’s appetite for sex was ravenous. He spent his entire day dreaming of the moment he’d get home and unbutton, then feel the touch of his tiny boyfriend’s hands on his sensitive cock head. He’d tell him what to do, how to move, sometimes scoop the little guy up and use him to stroke his tingling hard-on, demonstrating the exciting level of control he held over him.
Kurt was no less ecstatic about this new arrangement. Being tiny somehow allowed him to let go of his inhibitions. In Blaine’s hands he couldn’t be shy, he could only follow orders, giving into the animal passion that he and his fairytale giant shared. If he refused a command or found he was too shy, Blaine was always delighted to assert himself, pressing Kurt up against his leaking dick, making the smaller boy wildly horny with his force and confidence.
Being pushed to his limits thrilled Kurt but never overwhelmed him. He knew that no matter what happened, he was always in the safety of his boyfriend’s hands where nothing bad could happen to him. That is, until one afternoon, when everything changed..
It was a Wednesday when reality brought Kurt’s rose-tinted romance to a screeching stop, and the honeymoon was over.
It wasn’t a question, or an offer, but a statement. The decision had been made and for Kurt to put the brakes on at his size would not be an option. Blaine arrived home from school in a great mood. He threw his jacket on the bed beside Kurt and made the announcement with a broad smile.
"We’re going to have a threesome."
Blaine pried off his shoes and headed for the shower right away, brushing off Kurt’s distressed questions. "Don’t be nervous, baby, I’ll take care of you. This is just something I want, and you know you like to see me get my way." He winked. Nothing the little man said put a dent in Blaine’s excitement. He’d somehow lost his free will in the novelty of being bossed around by his giant boyfriend, who was clearly the only man in the relationship these days. Kurt was a plaything; a pet to be pampered and loved and cooed over, but ultimately expected to defer to his owner.
When Blaine got around to mentioning the third party happened to be someone he pointedly disliked, Kurt’s anxiety went through the roof. Meanwhile Blaine slapped aftershave on his neck and dreamily massaged his crotch. "This is going to be so hot. I always had a feeling he wanted me. You should have seen the fire in his eyes when I mentioned I was keeping you as my little pocket pet. You could tell the idea turned him on so much, I’m surprised he didn’t start humping my leg right there in the Starbucks."
Kurt could do nothing but sit where he was dumped on his boyfriend’s giant bed, waiting for the 'other giant' to arrive and change his relationship with Blaine forever.
The other giant was..
Kurt had nothing but contempt for Jesse, the snotty Vocal Adrenaline star who’d played cruel mind games and looked down on McKinley’s glee club since day one. When he showed up at Blaine’s door wearing a tailored denim jacket and gleaming designer boots, he leaned suavely against the frame while his eyes made an instant scan of the room for the main attraction.
"Kurt, this is Jesse." Blaine said, standing with an arm around the other giant’s shoulder. They were getting comfortable with each other fast, and it made Kurt sick. "Jesse, this is my little lovebird.. He does anything I ask him to." To say this, he lowered his voice and stared deeply into Jesse’s eyes.
There was a tense connection between the two men, which lasted until Jesse broke away to give Kurt a big, exaggerated smile. "Kurt and I know each other. Don’t we, little guy? I’d offer to shake but I’m afraid I might snap your petit little body in my hand."
He laughed loudly, and Blaine joined in, leaning his cheek on Jesse’s shoulder.
Kurt watched while the handsome giants stripped down to their underwear and sat on the bed, hands in each other’s laps. They kissed. Tongues wandered across chests, suckling at a wet nipple, darting into an ear while a lobe was nibbled at, hushed giggled and happy little groans. Hands tugged at waistbands and cupped full, round ass cheeks while others found something thick and solid to wrap around. Then, when both giants were charged and daring, Kurt was pulled into the scene. All Jesse really wanted was to see Blaine dominate his little toy, but he took every chance to join in the fun.
When Blaine softly issued an order, "Okay.. Stroke my dick little guy.. You know how.." Jesse echoed with a barely detectable hint of mocking in his voice. "Go on, little man.. There’s a good boy.. Wow, what an obedient little thing you are.."
"Good, good.. Now rub Jesse. Don’t be scared, I’ve got you. Rub Jesse’s cock for me.."
"Do as you’re told, little guy.. That’s right, don’t be scared of my cock.. Good boy.."
When both giants were blushed and breaking a naked sweat, Blaine used Kurt to gauge Jesse’s sweet spot. The tiny teen was nestled slowly into St James' crack, deeper and deeper with every appreciative groan, until Blaine felt he’d been invited in.
"Wait.." Jesse placed a hand on Blaine’s chest, his legs spread wide. "Before you fuck me.. I want him inside of me." Kurt felt a rush of sheer terror as he listened helplessly. "I want him in me, completely, while you fuck me. You’ll be able to feel him squirm on the tip of your dick, it’ll be so hot."
"Uh, I don’t know, I don’t want to hurt him." Blaine chewed his lip.
Kurt had no say in the matter. Whatever Blaine decided, would be his fate. He could only pray that his giant boyfriend hadn’t totally emotionally betrayed him yet..
"Just let me use him to warm you up, then I’ll give you my dick. All of it. You’ll love it." Jesse looked a little deflated, but waited patiently while Blaine trapped Kurt between his fingers and lowered him between the other boy’s spread legs. "Here he comes.."
Kurt’s face was dabbed against the slick brown ring, which stretched into a welcoming O and contracted hungrily at his touch.
"Ohh, God that feels good.. Yeah.. Is he struggling much? Oh yeah, a little deeper.. Deeper, deeper.." Jesse begged for a little more, a little more until he’d been plugged by Kurt’s unwilling head and clenched his ring around it so hard that he could have popped it off. After that Kurt was discarded to the night table, and Blaine eagerly mounted his partner.
Kurt tried to wipe his face clean on a discarded sock while the giants panted up a storm mere feet away. He curled up into a ball, wiping his tears onto the crumpled black footwear while the bed springs squeaked louder, louder, screeching with the boys' ecstatic cries. He buried his face in Blaine’s sock to block out the noise, and to find the pleasant smell of his boyfriend’s skin that always comforted him so. Instead he caught a whiff of an unfamilar, bitter scent. Kurt choked, realising he’d been sucking in Jesse’s nasty footsweat all this time.
He threw the rag away just in time to catch a glimpse of the evil giant writhing on the pillow across from him, his stinging blue eyes staring right at Kurt as they fluttered on the edge of climax.
The next morning Blaine woke to an empty bed. He stretched out in the sunlight, feeling sated and content.
He scratched at his unruly curls and reached into the night table drawer, knocking balled up socks out of the way in search of Kurt. Finally he came to a note perched on his clock radio, written in immaculate longhand.
" Thanks for last night. Again this weekend?
Until then, I’m borrowing your pocket pal.
Don’t worry, he begged to come with me. And I promise I’ll return him in one piece.
He might even know a few new tricks by then.
-J "
* * *
Kurt awoke in the early dawn, a feeling of dread leftover from the night before still in his stomach. He looked around the room with bleary eyes, and nearly jumped out of his skin when the towering figure standing over him came into focus. "Morning, Hummel." Jesse’s voice was cool, steady, and inflected by the wicked smile on his lips.
A huge hand opened over Kurt, five fingers curled like a greedy claw, and seized the tiny boy’s body in a vice-like hold. Kurt wasn’t allowed the lung capacity to scream as he was carried, choking for air, out of Blaine’s front door and to Jesse’s car.
Back at Jesse’s house..
There is a knock at the door. Blaine went over and opened the door and sebastian smythe walked in. "Wow, so it is true Kurt is tiny now." Sebastian said. Sebastian then picked up Kurt and set him on the ground between him and blaine. They then took off their shoes and boy did it stink. They then proceeded to take Kurt and torture him. Sebastian put Kurt in his shoe and the took off his sock and put the shoe back on. They finished the night then sebastian took Kurt home with him. However Kurt was in for a ride when they got to dalton the warblers were waiting.
Although Kurt was inside the men’s changing room, he was facing outward to McKinley’s empty halls.
Empty for the most part, that is. Towering over him, Kurt gazed up to see a familiar face which looked decidedly less familiar in its hugely blown up proportions.
It was..
"I’m still not clear.. You accidentally ate some funky face cream, got shrunk, and you can’t wait at home for your dad because Finn.. isn’t comfortable being around you this way?" Artie parked his wheelchair under the stairs at school, mumbling into his hands, where Kurt was cradled.
"Something like that. I mean, he- he was worried he might step on me." Kurt remembered Finn’s truck-sized sole wagging over him days before and shuddered. "Thanks for, ah, holding onto me."
"No problem!" Artie smiled as he made a U-turn to head to class. He tousled Kurt’s hair with the tip of his finger, giggling fondly. "It’s kinda nice being in charge of another person. You’re like my own little pocket pet."
On the way to class..
Just then, a shadow fell over the two boys, and Artie’s wheels squeaked to a halt.
"What’s that you got, faggot?" A deep voice spat overhead. Kurt recognised it instantly, and a shiver of terror seized him. He knew he should never have come back to McKinley, now it was too late. "I’m talking to you, homo. Show me what’s in your hands." Karofsky demanded.
"Go find a teacher." Kurt begged Artie in a shaky whisper. "Quickly." But there was no chance.
"Looks like that little Hummel homo." Azimio, Karofsky’s big black sidekick, reached in and snatched Kurt out of his friend’s hand.
"What the fuck??" Dave could hardly believe the sight before his eyes, as Kurt dangled between Azimio’s massive fingers. This had to be a bully’s dream come true. While his buddy laughed and taunted the terrified teen, Karofsky could’t help think of all the ways he’d like to take advantage of the sexy tiny’s situation. If only his friend wasn’t right there, watching.
In the end..
"Give him here, man. I’ll teach the little queer to sneak around school trying to find a locker room to spy on." Karofsky snatches Kurt out of his friend’s hand.
With little Hummel squirming in his clammy palm, the big bully can’t help but feel a pang of lust. He’s secretly dreamt about having the little twink to himself for so long. Now he has him, in one way or another, and he can do whatever he likes without any of his peers finding out.
"Let’s see how he handles a little time-out in my rank sneaker." Big K laughs with his buddy. Then he bends down, kicks off his ratty shoe and…
While Kurt struggles against the hot fist encasing him, he has the sense that he’s plummeting fast through space.
Karofsky bends down and sticks his hand into his sneaker, pretending to deposit his tiny peer. Secretly, though, he stuffs Kurt back into the greasy sleeve of his letterman jacket and stands up again. He sticks his foot in the shoe, making a show of it for the sake of Azimio.
"That’ll teach him to prance around our school in his faggy little outfits," says Karofsky. "with his faggy little jackets and his tight little pants hugging his juicy little ass…"
"Uh, yeah… We better get to class." Says Azimio, and the two make their way down the hall.
While they walk, Karofsky makes a point of scratching his crotch, furtively pushing his figurine-size toy past his belt and into the front of his jeans.
Kurt struggles but doesn’t stand a chance against his bully’s huge fingers, which have started to sweat with excitement already. The gay boy slips behind the smelly denim and into the stained underwear that Karofsky has been wearing for days. Curly black pubes tangle the tiny’s elbows like vines as he falls deeper, deeper, choking on the smell of piss and stale cum.
Kurt is sobbing by the time he makes it to the bottom of big K’s package, where he lies helplessly under a big, growing cock.
Kurt barely had time to collect himself and comprehend what had happened when a slow, echoing series of sounds started to grow louder and louder behind him. The resounding noises were footsteps, the loud clap of shoes against the school hallway floor.
Kurt spun around just in time to see two massive feet, as large as garbage trucks, step into view. Long legs and a torso stretching into the heavens made Kurt’s tiny neck arch until it hurt. And there, smiling at his good fortune, was the face of..
Jesse’s darkly handsome features twisted into a malevolent smile as he eyed the other student, as small as a mouse at his feet. "It looks like it’s someone’s lucky day."
Kurt wanted to run but he was turned to stone by the cold, menacing grin on his rival’s face. He didn’t know Jesse very well, only that he was a cruelly competitive kid who liked to make projects out of ruining other people’s lives. And now, as Jesse’s fingers curled tightly around him, Kurt knew he was doomed.
* * *
"I’ve decided to do you a favour." Jesse said later, as he strode into his bedroom and dropped Kurt onto the double bed. Sunshine was just starting to creep through the window and illuminate the room, which was giant even by a normal-sized person’s standards. "You obviously have trouble following your superiors' orders. I couldn’t even give you constructive criticism without you throwing a tantrum back when I was called in to consult your puny little glee club. I think you need to learn where you fall into the food chain, not only in the talent world but in the real world, now that you’re so.. defenseless. I think you’ll respond well to my training at this rather manageable size."
Jesse’s massive hand came for him again. Kurt reacted on instinct this time, and bolted from the sweaty palm. He heard Jesse chuckle as something slammed into his back, knocking him onto his face with an 'OOMPH!' of defeat. He was plucked up again and clutched tight by the spidery fingers. Jesse’s villainous face was smiling down at him. "Oh, I knew this was going to be fun. But I didn’t think you’d be kind enough to give me THIS much amusement."
Kurt was placed on the hardwood floor between Jesse’s boots, and the giant’s bed creaked as he leaned down to talk right over Kurt’s head. "Here’s where your training starts, puppet boy. You’re going to clean my boots, and when you’re done I’m going to give you a reward. You won’t ask me what it is and you won’t complain if you don’t like it, because you’re learning to be a well-behaved pet. Is that clear?"
The giant raised his eyebrows patiently, and Kurt thought for a moment. Then he ran. Again.
This time he was knocked down by something much harder and heavier than a giant hand. His legs had been kicked easily from under him by a pointy toe, now the flat undersole of Jesse’s boot sat on his chest as the giant grinned down at him. "Please, at any time, feel free attempt escape again. I need a good laugh and the look on your face when you’re so predictably knocked down and defeated is priceless." Jesse lifted his head and made a swishing movement with his mouth. Then he spat a generous, frothy ball down at Kurt.
The little man was surprised when he wasn’t slapped right in the face by the giant’s saliva. But Jesse explained. "I’m not spitting at you, Hummel, I’m making your task easier. You’re going to clean my boots by spitshine. You’re going to take that nice big puddle currently sitting on my left toe and rub it all over until the leather’s shiny and smooth. Then you’re going to lick the whole thing clean. If you have any complaints.." Jesse lifted his ankle and ground his foot left and right, compressing Kurt’s tiny ribcage to breaking point under his toes. The insectal teen sobbed helplessly, powerless even to beg for mercy. "If you have any complaints, well you can lie right down under my boot and think about it until either something goes crunch or you decide you feel better. Kay?"
When he was allowed, Kurt climbed up on stiff legs and kneeled over the toe of Jesse’s designer boot. He scrubbed the slightly wrinkled leather with both hands, keeping his head down and his shoulders slumped to show his total submission. When the warm leather was smooth and slippery, he ducked his head down and licked the surface clean, picking up dust and dirt as he polished the entire boot to the giant’s exact specifications. He stood with his hands behind his back as Jesse hocked up another batch of polish, and obediently repeated the process.
"Good job!" St James grinned, admiring the shining leather giants. "Now you’ve earned yourself a reward!"
Kurt watched as Jesse reached down and grabbed his left boot by the ankle, pulling hard until it slid off with a loud suction release gasp. He wiggled his freed toes in the air, letting bits of brown lint and dirt crumble from between the sweaty digits. "Kurt, pull down your underwear and lie on my bedroom floor. Now." Anxiety rose in the tiny teen as he followed the orders. There was nothing in the world he wanted to do less, his cheeks were burning furiously from the exposure, but he didn’t want to be crushed to sludge under the merciless giant’s heel.
"Good boy." Jesse said, holding his foot high in the air over Kurt. "Now, you’re going to show me what an obedient little pet you are and you’re going to have an orgasm under my foot." He said this matter-of-factly as his hot, sweaty toe thumped on top of Kurt’s exposed groin and started to slide deviously up and down.
The sensation was horrifying, electifying, and addictive all at once. Kurt regretted his obedience and started to squirm, begging him to stop, but he was pinned. His delicate little prick was being forced to erection and batted around like a toy by the careless giant toe.
Jesse taunted with precision and ruthlessness in his oily voice. "Look at that tiny, TINY little penis! No wonder you were embarrassed, Hummel, you’re barely a boy at all when you take your pants down.. Well, don’t be shy, I’ll hide your puny little prick under my big strong toe. How does that sound? ..Do you like that, little thing? Does your tiny speck of a penis like how my dirty feet feel being rubbed all over it? Yeah, I think it does.."
Kurt was turning inside-out with revulsion. He was crying to be let go. He was burning and gyrating against the brutish toe and moaning like he never had with Blaine. "Please!! Please!!" He shrieked, wiggling like a worm under the flickering toe.
"Please what?" Jesse paused, carrying out this torturous process with deliberation..
"Please.. Please.. Please don’t stop!" Kurt gritted his teeth against the words but they came out anyway.
Jesse smirked. He nudged the boy’s miniscule package, scratching Kurt’s inner thigh lightly with his nail, then withdrew his foot. He shoved his foot back into its boot while Kurt lay on the floor, pining for completion. The giant reached for something on his nightstand, fishing a thin black cord from under a pile of playbills. Then he linked the cord around his neck and reached for Kurt. "Now that you’re hooked, you’re going to make a wonderfully malleable pet." He said cheerfully. "I’m going to keep you tied at the wrists around my neck all day long so you can’t touch yourself, and if you follow your orders like a good boy, you’ll get a few minutes under my feet at the end of every day."
"But..! But that isn’t-" Kurt stuttered indignantly as his hands were tied above his head, onto Jesse’s cord. His dick was still rock hard, his pent up teenage balls throbbing for relief. He couldn’t quit that cold turkey, at the hands of a power-hungry sadist who only wanted to turn him into a slobbering animal; he’d lose his mind. He had no defence against the evil plan to mould and manipulate him. He was putty in Jesse’s hands.
The next few days were a sweaty blur, spent bumping up against Jesse’s smooth chest underneath his clothes and nursing an aching hard-on that he could never reach. Now and then, when Jesse had a moment alone, he would pull the little figurine out and admire his visible frustration. "I’ll tell you what, Hummel. Keep that sassy little mouth of yours wrapped around my nipple all day long, don’t ever stop sucking, and I just might give you some relief when we get hime tonight." Jesse would wink before he deposited Kurt back into his collar and carried on with his day, concealing shivers of pleasure every time the eager-to-please little mouth bit down.
Another day, Jesse was in a darker mood and suggested that if Kurt didn’t want his balls to bust, maybe he’d wipe the giant’s toilet seat clean for him. Kurt walked the porcelain rim like a curved tightrope, mopping up the potent yellow puddles of piss with bunched up toilet paper while Jesse observed closely. "Now kiss the seat." He demanded after the last splash was cleaned. "Kiss the seat so I know it’s clean, or there’ll be no toe action for you tonight."
Even when Kurt was pinned underfoot and smeared all over by the big, smelly toes, he was never allowed to come. Even when he kneeled down and smooched the cold porcelain; even when he ate the scraps of food he was allowed from between Jesse’s toes purely for the giant’s amusement; even as he watched Jesse stroke himself to heaven every night, he was tied to the giant’s bedpost by his wrists and never allowed to experience relief. The one time Jesse misjudged and let he tiny trainee squirt onto the pad of his big toe, he ordered Kurt up immediately and made him lick the mess clean.
It continued this way, Kurt quivering on the brink of climax under Jesse’s magic toes only to be strung up and deprived for another 24 hours of agony, until Sunday.
On Sunday morning, Kurt was tied at the wrists to Jesse’s cord and slipped inside his owner’s shirt. "We’ve got a date tonight, puppet boy."
At first Kurt thought this was a promise of more forced stimulation under his master’s addictive, powerful feet. But it seemed Jesse was referring to a real date.
"I’m meeting your little boyfriend Blaine at Breadstix. I saw him the other day, and he confided in me that you hadn’t been answering his calls. I’m gonna be there for him, gain his trust, and when the moment’s right show him my little project." Jesse cackled evilly. "Before he can get upset, you’re gonna show Blaine what an obedient little thing you are, and he’s going to be so pleased that he’ll let me play with you however I like. I hope you enjoyed your nice-guy boyfriend while you had him, because I’m gonna turn him into my evil accomplice just as easily as I turned you into a needy little pet." Jesse laughed.
With the little thinking ability Kurt had left, other than the instinctive urge to kiss his master’s feet and follow orders, the tiny slave groaned inwardly. However this panned out was bound to be bad.
Giant Jesse gazed into the mirror for a few minutes, combing his shiny brown waves and adjusting his clothes before he grabbed his bag and left. "We’re making a quick trip to the dentist before I meet Blaine at Breadstix. I like to get my teeth cleaned and whitened before a big show. And I have a feeling tonight’s going to be just that.."
Before his looming date between giant Blaine and Jesse has time to arrive, Kurt is thrown another curveball in the form of a brand new giant.
That afternoon..……
Jesse was getting dressed up for his date with Blaine, combing his wavy brown hair and doting over his reflection, when there was an impatient pounding at the door. The giant teen raced downstairs with his pet in hand, still sliding into his jacket as he opened the door. "What the hell is this I hear about you flunking out of school?"
On the other side of the door stood a tall, broad man in a stylish leather jacket. His piercing blue eyes were deadly serious, and his wall-like stature made Jesse look closer to Kurt’s size beside him. "What do you think you’re doing, St James." The man growled. "You’re supposed to be my protege, I’m teaching you everything I know. Now I hear you’re flunking out of school and spending your days with some Dalton Academy loser. Wait.. Is this him?" Suddenly the man’s hypnotic eyes were upon Kurt, and Jesse was stumbling for an answer. It was bizarre to hear the boy so unsure of himself, forgetting his usually icily collected demeanour.
"I- Well, no, I mean- No, Mr Goolsby. This kid’s from McKinley. I’m just.. having some fun while I figure stuff out."
But Goolsby wasn’t listening any more.
Goolsby snatched Kurt from the boy’s hand like a snake darting in to strike its prey. "This runt’s from McKinley? Oh.. Oh, this is too good to be true. That failure of a glee coach Will Schuester’s going to have a brain aneurysm when he hears I’ve got his precious little canary. I wonder how what he’d do to get him back! Disband the glee club, I bet. For starters."
While all of this nightmarish information swam in Kurt’s head, he couldn’t get his mind off the growing hardness he was sporting under Goolsby’s clenched fist. He’d become addicted to the touch of a giant. So much so that having Dustin’s big, dominant paw pinning his arms by his side was making him drool over the giant hunk, no matter how evil he appeared to be.
"Well, I was sort of.." Jesse tried to work up the nerve to ask for Kurt back, but he clearly didn’t dare. Eventually he settled on parting words of advice. "He’s really horny. He’ll amped to go off at any second, so keep him somewhere he can’t relieve himself."
"That won’t be a problem." Goolsby cast a menacing sneer past his chiselled chin, and Kurt heard the loud rip of a zipper opening. The horny little teen imagined the thunderous cock this man must own, and ached to be pulverised by it, to be splattered with its eggy juice while he lost his own tiny load. He could barely think over his insatiable hunger. His brain was a hot, buzzing bee hive of lust.
The last thing Kurt saw was the crotch of a man. Two thighs, thicker and bulkier than he’d thought humanly possible, flanking a dangling belt and open fly. Goolsby’s bunched up package strained against the opening in its extra large Y-fronts. Stray black curls bounced out as two fingers pulled the briefs loose and deposited Kurt in their seat. He stayed speechless, awed by the man’s raw bodily aroma as he was stuffed by two fingers under a heavy ball sack and slid further in, further in.
Further in until the outside world was gone and Kurt, lay stiff as a board, under the length of Dustin Goolsby’s powerfully musky chode. His lungs squashed empty by the two planetary testicles sitting on his stomach. His lips able to kiss the puckered hole winking right into his face. His hands pinned behind his back, where he stayed until..
Monday morning, Dustin Goolsby made an early appearance in the auditorium. He wanted to have a little talk with New Directions coach Will Schuester before the glee club turned up, to make a little bargain with him.
Goolsby strode into the room wearing the same outfit he’d had on the night before. The solid man hadn’t showered, but slept in his underwear and re-dressed the next morning. The little, living trading chip he kept in his underwear had been struggling fiercely last night, but this only amounted to a vague tickle between the behemoth’s muscular thighs. When he had to, he simply squeezed his thunderous legs together slightly, and the kid would be flattened all over again.
Kurt was in a horny, exhausted daze. He didn’t know how long he’d been in there; there was no night and day, squashed between the cut-throat coach’s meaty thighs. He simply laid there and swallowed sweat, until he heard a familiar voice rising outside.
" kidding me! You can’t.." The voice tuned in and out as Goolsby swished his legs this way and that. "..sick! Look, I’ll do any..’ll just give me my student.."
Kurt’s heart sped up when it struck him, he was listening to the voice of Mr Shue! His handsome Spanish teacher and glee coach. Before he knew it, a piercing white light was streaming into his dark cavern and two log-like fingers were yanking him out.
Kurt plopped into the hands of Will Schuester, who looked in horror at his drenched, disheveled, underwear-clad student. Goolsby made a remark about holding up his end of a deal as he exited, but Will wasn’t listening. He stared intently at Kurt, lost for words.……
"Open wide.. There you go." Kurt laid flat under Jesse’s shirt as the giant boy reclined in the dentist’s chair. "Spit." A familiar man’s voice gave instructions outside, over the noises of utensils clattering and water splattering.
Kurt’s hardness burned between his legs. He needed to come so badly, to feel those evil toes bump and slide over his private parts, to feel any relief. He thrashed around without the use of his arms, trying to rub up against his giant’s chest. His tiny cock brushed once against the smooth skin and buzzed with excitement. If he could only do this gently enough, he thought, Jesse might never know and might not punish him later. He continued to gyrate slowly against the great bare chest until there was a sudden shift in gravity.
Kurt bounced like a bungee jumper on his rope as the giant sat up. All within a split second, the knot around Kurt’s wrists slid loose, and unraveled..
"I tell ya, St James, your teeth are a dentist’s dream. I don’t know why you bother coming in here. Or what I’m doing working on a Sunday." The mature male voice carried on as Kurt slipped from around his master’s neck and tumbled all the way down, out the bottom of the giant’s rarely untucked shirt. He landed on the blue sheet of the dentist’s chair without a scratch. Right beside him, Jesse’s butt left the seat and his boots clicked against the linoleum floor.
"Can’t be too careful when you’ve got something worth holding onto, right?" Jesse strolled towards the door. "Thanks, Dr Carl."
Kurt stared up at the distinguished dentist, unsure what to do. Should he call Jesse back? Would that mean his safe return to Blaine? Or should he try to get the dentist’s attention instead? Before he could make a choice, the handsome doctor lifted a giant hairy arm and pulled off his surgical mask, dropping it on top of Kurt. He fell flat underneath the moist white cup, and listened to Jesse’s footsteps quickly fade.
"Any time, kiddo. Take care."
Kurt struggled under the giant surgical mask. He couldn’t believe a single sheet of paper was enought to weigh him down, even if it was dewy with the doctor’s collected saliva.
He was just starting to crawl out from underneath when something swoop down and scoop him up, mask and all.
There he was: The giant Dr Carl, staring off toward the window while he unknowingly held a miniature young man in his hand. Kurt gaped at the smolderingly sexy doctor. Of course he’d seen him at McKinley before, but never in these breath-taking dimensions. The man looked like a Greek god, towering over Kurt with his bushy eyebrows knitted in a thoughtful frown.
Carl took a deep breath, and scratched his cheek. The giant fingers scraped loudly against his unshaven face. Then, without a single thought, Dr Carl lifted his other hand and rubbed the paper mask against his itching chin. As his naked body came in contact with the doctor’s brown, bristly chin, Kurt was sent into a thousand uncontrollable shivers. His little legs locked around the strong chin as its bristles swept back and forth over his nudity, grazing him with rapturous slowness.
The doctor lowered his used mask, and took a chance glimpse at his hand. He froze as his eyes locked with Kurt’s lustful gaze, and for a moment neither of the men said a thing. Then, slowly, as if to prove he was in fact dreaming, Carl traced the length of Kurt’s naked body with his thumb. Kurt shivered, squeezed his eyes shut. Now two thumbs were prodding him, testing his pliability, rolling firmly over his stomach and between his legs.
Kurt’s orgasm hit him like a bolt of lightning. One second he was watching in disbelief as the hunky older man curiously stroked him from head to toe, then he was bucking and hyperventilating in his grasp, squirting the biggest load of his life onto those wonderfully dexterous fingers.
This seemed to snap Carl out of his reverie, and he reacted loudly. "WHOAH! What do you think you’re doing there, guy? That’s not cool."
Kurt went limp, trying to catch his breath. "I’m sorry! I.. I can’t help it!"
"Listen kid, I don’t have a problem with guys being into guys. Just don’t.. be into guys all over my hands, okay?" Dr Carl wrinkled his nose as he wiped his fingers off onto Kurt’s chest. As if the little guy were no more than a kleenex, or a pet being scolded over its mess.
"I think tomorrow morning we might pay your teacher a little visit. Schuester’s been stepping on my toes for a while now. I bet he’d get down and kiss them if he knew I had something he cares about in my mitts." Dr Carl gave an evil little laugh, clearly enjoying the power this gave him over his rival.
Kurt’s dick twitched again as the doctor folded him up in his giant surgical mask, still wet with his hot breath, and crammed the tiny teenager into his back pocket.
First thing Monday morning, Carl made an early appearance in the choir room. He wanted a man-to-man talk with New Directions coach Will Schuester before the glee club turned up, to make a little bargain with him.
The suave older man strode into the room dressed in slim-fitting pants and a tucked in shirt. In his back pocket, Kurt squirmed for space, pressed hard against the warm fabric by the full curve of the man’s toned ass cheek. Kurt was in a horny, exhausted daze. He’d nearly been squashed like a bug on the ride over. Carl had carelessly forgotten about his little pocket passenger and sat in his convertible, placing his full weight on top of the poor gleek for the entire drive. If his ass cheeks weren’t so large and cushiony, Kurt might have been nothing more than a stain by now. Instead he sat in the giant’s pocket, noticing the sound of a familiar voice rising outside.
Kurt’s heart sped up when it struck him that he was listening to the voice of Mr Schue. His handsome Spanish teacher and glee coach. Before he knew it, a bright light was streaming into the dark pocket and two log-like fingers were yanking him out.
Mr Schuester and the doctor stood nose-to-nose as Carl displayed the trinket-sized teen. Both men were tense, angry.
"Look, guy, I’m making a peace offering here. Stop bothering my girl and I’ll trade you your little student." Carl said.
"Trade me my student?? He’s a human being, who do you think you are carrying him around in your pocket like that!" Will had never liked the doctor, now the man’s cocky behaviour was only fuelling their animosity.
"Hey, he came to me! You think I don’t have better things to do than look after some horny teenager?" Carl’s voice raised again, angering Will.
"Horny teenager??" Will demanded. "What, you think because you’re some big shot dentist my student wants to be carried around in your back pocket like an object?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do!"
"Oh yeah?!"
Just as the tension was reaching its peak..
"CARL, YOU ARE COMPLETELY OUT OF LINE!" Mr. Schue screamed as he attempted to grab for the tiny Kurt.
Carl easily dodged Mr Schue as he grabbed a hold of him and pushed him down towards the floor. He struggled as Carl held him in a bear hug.
"Well if you think that physical confrontation here will help solve the issue, let’s try some more!" said Carl. Carl opened his fist where Kurt was crammed and and slammed his palm in between Mr Schue’s clothed asscheeks. He then proceeded to duct tape Mr Schue’s arms, legs and mouth before Mr Schue could get out from under Carl’s weight.
"You care about your student, Will? Well I would try to help him out right now before he gets hurt!"
Carl looked threateningly at Kurt who was being squashed between Mr Schue’s giant buttcheeks and too petrified to escape. Carl smiled mischievously, took his socked foot out of his dress shoe and pressed down on Kurt and Mr Schue’s butt. Mr Schue cried out but couldn’t make much noise against the duct tape. Kurt was completely smothered under Carl’s heavy foot. After 5 minutes, Carl lifted his weight off of Mr Schue and began to sit down on Mr Schue’s ass to utterly smother the tiny teenager between two full grown male asses.
Jesse is a horny teenager. Rachel is a prude and he hasn’t had sex for weeks. he really wants to get off.
Kurt might be a boy but Jesse is far to good a performer to be straight, not to mention how he gets off on dominating lesser performers. At the moment Kurt is turning Jesse on more than he has been since he discovered sex. He is gonna have a lot of fun with Kurt.
"You are going to be my sexy little pet" Jesse says with a lewd smile. He took off his shirt.
"I don’t do sex" Kurt says scared.
"What did I say about obeying!" Jesse says taking off his shoes and socks. "Now strip for me"
Kurt looks at his naked chest in horror and slight interest, he is gay after all.
Kurt whips around to catch sight of the approaching giant, but he feels like he’s turning in slow motion. Each earth-shaking footstep taking place in the hall behind him seems to double in bass tone and echo in a dozen layered vibrations that reverberate through the shrunken student’s body.
Kurt looks up, having th arch his neck all the way back. And there he is. Top-heavy with mountain ranges of muscles, Mr Martinez stands in tight black pants and a tissue-thin shirt that seems to outline every last freckle on his never-ending chest. Pecs like blimps and shoulders like great piled-up barrels. The substitute Spanish teacher gazes down with deep, caring brown eyes and scratches his scruffy jaw before finally breaking the silence.
"Are you lost, little one?" His voice is husky, and when he bends down to wrap his outstretched palm around the frightened shrinkee, he smells of aftershave. "You shouldn’t be walking around out here. You could be flattened. Like a bug." His smouldering eyes regard Kurt intensely, and all the mouse-size student can do is squeak in reply. He’s never been so overwhelmed by the sight of another man in his life. Good thing Mr Martinez is happy to do all the talking.
"You’re coming home with me. Making sure you don’t fall into the wrong hands is more important than subbing for some bored Spanish class anyway." Without giving Kurt a chance to weigh in, the Spanish hunk slides the little man deep into his back pocket and heads out to his car. Glutes flexing with every step.
That afternoon, in the Spanish teacher’s small apartment, Kurt’s shyness is finally wearing off enough for him to speak up. He sits on the man’s tabletop with his arms wrapped fearfully around his knees. "Um… Mr- Mr Martinez? What am I doing here?" He almost whispers, but the Latin god manages to hear him.
Striding around his apartment, the giant has made short work of kicking off his shoes and pants, now he’s tossing his shirt to the floor and standing in nothing but skimpy briefs that cup his manhood like a swinging hammock. "That’s a good question, little one." He smiles, fishing a small item of clothes out of a nearby laundry basket. "I was wondering when you’d speak up. You don’t have to be afraid of me, you know. I want us to be friends. I want to get to know each other." He eyes the wide-eyed boy as he takes out a pair of scissors and starts to snip away at the tiny piece of fabric dangling in his enormous fingers.
It’s not long before Kurt realizes, with a spike of confusion, that the behemoth is cutting away at a colourful G-string. He seems to have cut out the string, and as he steps towards Kurt he holds it outward in presentation. "By sunset today, little man, I want us to know each other a lot better." The smoldering man says with a flash of his pearly whites.
* * *
Kurt’s wrists are tied together. His ankles are tied together. He’s being pulled taut at each end, by the knotted fabric of his Spanish teacher’s altered G-string. To make him even more uncomfortable, the sun is beating down on Kurt’s bare back as he’s squeezed between two solid mounds of furry flesh.
It seems that when Mr Martinez cheekily covered a song about tanning his butt cheeks, he was either speaking literally or the lyrics inspired him to try this out. But not with any ordinary thong. As the nearly-naked Adonis lies face-down on a banana chair on his apartment rooftop, feeling the sun cook into his caramel skin and listening the the ice crack in his cold drink nearby, he enjoys the feeling of one bound-up little teenager wriggling and squirming deep between his bulging bubble butt cheeks.
Hyperventilating, Kurt tries to thrash about like a damsel in distress, but every movement seems to edge him deeper between the warm muscle mountains. The smell of tanning skin is pleasant enough, especially mixed with the cocoa-scented sunscreen that Mr M has spread all over his luscious body. But there’s also the vague smell of asshole and the scary sense that if he wriggles any further between the great brown hills he could be clenched and swallowed by them forever.
"Please let me free! Please! I don’t like it down here!" Kurt begs in a shrill voice, trying to lift his face which in its natural position drills between the giant’s whopping beef patties.
"Stay cool, bum boy." The teacher glances over his shoulder with a smile, wearing shades and sounding in no hurry to change a thing. "You’ll want to reserve that energy for when I roll over to work on my front. You’ll be in deep trouble then." The man’s husky voice chuckles. "Mmm, I can’t wait to have you in my bedroom later. Where there’ll be no strings to stop you from slipping all the way in."
To punctuate the message, Mr Martinez flexes his butt cheeks slightly and Kurt is jolted into the air, only to be grasped by the mega muscles once again. Feeling like he’s about to be crushed between two boulders, Kurt…
As Kurt is crushed between the two gigantic buns, Mr Martinez decides to finally turn over and tan his front side (while torturing Kurt even more).…
He bends his knees back first to push Kurt more between his cheeks and then turns over to settle down over the tiny teenager, smothering, flattening and drowning him in buttflesh, muscular glutes and sweat.…
As Mr Martinez relaxes on grinding his butt down on Kurt, the little teen between his cheeks lies defeated. Stretched between the material of Mr Martinez’s thong, he is safe from entering the asshole that lies next to him, but that gift is sacrificed by the immense pressure settled on his tiny body.
Mr Martinez lets out a fart, closes his eyes and smiles serenely as he knows that he is in Heaven.
Kurt is currently in Hell as…
David Martinez sits on his balcony for the next three hours, enjoying the struggles of the tiny student between his giant, sweaty asscheeks and farting every so often.
With a final methane bomb, the hunk stands up with Kurt flattened and squashed in his ass. The Spanish teacher stretches as he has been sitting on his butt buddy for quite some time.…
Stepping back into the appartment, David begins to hear tiny Kurt screaming from in between his cheeks. Kurt is finally able to peel his face away from the giant man’s asshole and effectively makes his feelings known.
"But keep on screaming….I’ll see you in the morning."
With that, Mr. Martinez slides on a pair of tight briefs squashing little Kurt even more between his buttcheeks. The giant climbs into bed and plants his ass onto the mattress. The giant glutes overpower Kurt as he is crushed mercilessly under the muscular flesh.…
After reading for a bit, David turns off the light. He then rolls over onto his stomach…
"Get ready for this one, little guy." A giant fart EXPLODES out of the tight ass hitting Kurt right in the face. Still tied up, Kurt falls victim to the heartthrob as he rolls over onto his ass again smushing the tiny student in his giant butt for the whole night.
The lumbering giant wakes up after a long, restful sleep.…
Kurt wakes up squashed, humiliated and in misery. Crying to himself, he tries in vain to release himself from the bonds that tie him to his teacher’s ass.
Feeling the struggles in his ass, Mr. Martinez laughs to himself and releases a giant fart of pent-up gas right onto Kurt.
Still laughing, he heads to the shower. David hitches up his briefs so that they are hitched up his cheeks and lets the hot water rain over his body.…
David lathers the soap over his whole body and dips the bar into his ass crushing tiny Kurt against the asshole even more. Kurt sobs as the cheeks smash together once more upon the soap’s exit.
Finally after half an hour, David steps out of the shower and takes off his tight briefs. He finally takes Kurt out of his bindings and holds him in the palm of his hand. Kurt stares at the naked man in horror.
"I forgot to ask you, little one, how was your night?" asked David.
"Horrible!" screamed tiny Kurt. "Let me GO"
"Ok. I’ll let you go. In my underwear of course."
Kurt gasps as David drops the tiny student into a tight speedo laid out on the bed. Kurt futily scrambles to find a way to escape as the clothing is lifted up between the hottie’s legs. Kurt screams as he is crushed under the giant’s balls.
"Aaaahh much better," said David, "Oh, little one, if you can hear me, you’re gonna be hanging out with me and another one of your friends today."
The giant teacher stomped out of his apartment and down the stairs of the building, his legs pounding back and forth, his balls crushing the life out of tiny Kurt.…
It was a hot, sweaty prison and he had no way of getting out.
When the hot teacher arrives downstairs, he starts to make his way to the beach.
"Aah, there he is!"
Kurt’s giant teacher is meeting up with:
You feel the pace increasing as your teacher hurries to meet someone, then you hear a familiair voice. "Hi David, you ready?" It’s one of your other teachers, Will Schuester. You hear your own personal tormentor laugh softly and say, "Yes, I’m ready for a long day of seminars and learning just how to keep these rascally student in line. Too bad it’s being given on a saturday, but then again, it’s being given at a beach-club and all expesnes are paid for." Will laughs in return and the two start moving, slowly but gradually grinding you deeper between the fabric and the huge scrotum pressing down on you. "Only too true," Will answers, "But they just don’t get that music is the best way to keep them in line I think. I mean, we’re probably gonna learn all those medieval tactics of bodily harm and what-not." You hear David bursting out in laughter. "Oh, I wouldn’t mind being able to learn some of that. Who knows when that will come in handy."
As the teachers barter a few quips you notice that the movement and heat has provided you with something helpfull, you are becoming moistened and find you can wiggle a bit. Sure, it might be a bit gross to use the sweat of your captor as a means for your escape, but you’re not about to look that gift-horse in the mouth. Suddenly the moving stops and you hear a lot more voices. Apparantly you have arrived. You just have to wait a little longer you think. Then all of a sudden you start to move again and you think this is it. You release all the air that’s left in your lungs and try to propel yourself forward, however just as you squeeze loos, your teacher suddenly bends down to take his seat and you masterplan……
"Hello, you stud," said Puck, who proceeded to make out with the Latin hunk.
Kurt couldn’t believe his ears. Was Puck really having an affair with Mr. Hernandez?
"Did you bring him?"
"Yup! He’s crammed underneath my balls," David.
"Perfect," responded Puck with a grin. "Lemme see him."
David took tiny Kurt out from inside his underwear and plopped him in Puck’s outstretched hand. The exhausted Kurt looked up with pleading eyes at his former bully and screamed, "PUCK! PLEASE! Save me from this monster!"
Puck was thinking back to the times where he had enjoyed tormenting the twerp from his former bully status. He thought back to when he plunged Kurt into the school’s toilets.…
"No fucking way," he said as he looked down at the tiny boy in his hands.…
Puck looked at David. "Can I crush him on the way?"
"Sure thing, said the Spanish teacher with a smile.
Puck placed the thrashing Kurt directly in the middle of his flip flop where his bare sole was about to step. Puck’s thumb flattened Kurt’s face so he couldn’t move. Puck slowly slid his giant foot over his flip flop and stepped down, smothering Kurt with his gorgeously tan, sweaty foot.…
"This feels amazing!" said Puck.
"I know. I’m so glad we have him for today," said David as he leaned in for a kiss.
The two men made out as Kurt was crushed under Puck’s body weight.
"Ok, let’s go," exclaimed David.
The two giants started making their way to their destination…with little Kurt being mashed into the sole of Puck’s foot with every single step.…
They are heading to the…
Puck felt great. While McKinley High saw him as a muscular straight jock who ruled the school, he was still able to have a relationship with his Spanish teacher and torture Kurt with his giant body. As the two men walked towards the beach, Kurt was flattened more and more into Puck’s heavy foot.
Puck squirmed with all his might, but could not rid himself of the giant mostrosity pulverizing him with every step.
After a ten minute walk, the giants made it to the beach. They set up their towels and chairs. Puck peeled Kurt off his sweaty sole and planted him discreetly in the middle of David’s chair. Kurt looked up in horror as David sat down unaware that his giant ass was smashing a tiny high school boy underneath it.
"Aahhhh….. Where is the little guy?"
"Flattened under your ass," responded Puck with a snicker.
David lifts up a cheek and plucks Kurt from his glute. He stared at the little Kurt in his hand with a sinister glare.
"You’ve been acustomed to Puck’s feet, but not mine yet."
Kurt gazed up in horror. "Please! Mr. Martinez! I’ve had enough! I just want to go back home! I’m sure your feet are amazing! You don’t need me to tell you that!"
David laughed as his hand headed slowly to his rough foot.
"Please! Let me go! I won’t tell anyone! PLEA-"
Kurt was pushed face first into the giant’s sweaty foot.…
David stood up, centering all his weight onto kurt.…
The giant man began jumping up and down, crushing Kurt more and more with his dirty feet.
"This feels great."
"Right? You can’t even feel the little bug under you!" said Puck.
"Ok, let’s work out a bit."
The two men begin with many high kicks. The giant teacher lifted up his foot and told his student "Don’t fly off little dude. You don’t want to land in the ocean and be eaten by a fish haha"
Kurt screamed the whole time as the men lunged in the shallow water, then kicked their foot into the air….again…..and again….and again.…
After ten minutes of this, the two hotties walked their soaking feet back to the shore.
They laid down on their towels and began to stretch. Kurt was completely covered and buried in the wet sand as the giant lifted their hands to the sky.…
After ten minutes of stretching, David and Puck sat down next to each other.
Puck said "Get the shrimp."
David turned over his foot and saw that it was caked in mud and sand.
'Dude, where is he? I can’t even see him!"
The terrified Kurt screamed into David’s skin as the outside world was completely eclipsed from his view.
Mr. Martinez dug through the sand and removed Kurt off his dirty foot. Getting on his knees, he peeled back his tight swimwear to place his thrashing victim under his throbbing cock.…
Kurt was flattened up against the giant, rock-hard organ. Puck laughed as he saw his schoolmate crushed up against his lover’s genitalia.
"Let’s do some pushups to make his new home a bit more sweaty!"
David readily agreed.
Their muscular, tan bodies went to work as they completed pushup after pushup as Kurt was squashed against his teacher’s dick.…
After fifty each, they laid down, David crushing tiny Kurt under his crotch.
"Puck, get on top of me."
Puck, seeing where this might be going, climbed on top of the teacher, lining up his speedo-covered cock with David’s speedo-covered ass.
Puck laid down, giving all his weight to David and doubling the weight for Kurt.
"On the count of three, I’m gonna do the superman pose, and you’re gonna start dry humping. One..two..three!"
The giant lifted his arms, legs and stomach centering all his weight on Kurt who was creamed under the 2 giants. Puck began to pound over and over again into David’s ass, crushing Kurt even more. Kurt sobbed as the giant cock rammed him over and over and the two mens' bodies flattened him. Finally, both men released their load at the same time. Kurt was covered from head to toe with the cream and could not move under the weight and pressure.
The two golden gods lay down for several minutes with little Kurt being smothered under their weight and soaked in cum.
"Let’s go take a piss."
Still bound to David’s dick, Kurt heard this and became hopeful. "Maybe they forgot about me…hopefully I can escape somehow from the porta potty!"
Suddenly, a wave of freezing ocean water surrounded him. Oh no, they were going to pee in the water!
A rough hand wrapped around Kurt as David let out a stream of urine directly into the ocean, with Puck doing the same.
After they had finished, David peeled Kurt off his dick and held him in his hand.
"Let’s stuff him in my ass. I got so much gas right now."
Kurt started screaming as Puck went to work. He peeled his lover’s heavy cheeks apart and began to stuff Kurt up where the sun don’t shine.…
"Yeah, get him stuffed up real tight in there!"
Kurt was completely imbedded and buried deep between the tan mountains.…
Kurt was crushed facefirst against the puckered anus while his entire body was being sandwiched between the gigantic glutes.
David sunk back into the water and began splashing around with Puck, who kissed his lover.
Meanwhile, Kurt was attempting to escape through his tears, but couldn’t even move. As Kurt began to take his first breath, David decided at that moment to release his gas.
The air rang with the sound of David’s fart as Kurt was blasted with the searing gas.
Kurt screamed while David and Puck had fun farting non-stop in the water.
After 20 minutes of non-stop water fun, the two decide to head back to shore. As David stood up, Puck noticed Kurt’s foot dangling between his buttcheeks.
"Oh oh, he’s falling out. Must have blasted him too much haha. Lemme take him."
David let Puck grab his butt buddy, who was instantly smashed into Puck’s giant foot.
The two giants headed out of the water as Puck crushed tiny Kurt with every step he took.
As Kurt kept getting crushed into a pancake by Puck’s foot, the two giants made their way to David’s boat. They stepped onto the ramp and walked on over to the lawn chairs set up in the front.
"I’m gonna fish for a bit. You do whatever the fuck you want with him, hot stuff," said David.
Puck lifted up his foot and peeled Kurt off. Smiling down at him, he said "Hiya Kurt."
Kurt looked up in hopeless terror as Puck brought him up to his face.
"You know, Kurt, I’ve really been sweating a lot under my pits under the blistering sun. And I was wondering if you might do me a teensy favor."
"No fucking way! Leave me the fuck alone, you sick bastard!"
"Ooh, not the answer I was looking for. Yeah, anyways, you’re becoming my new armpit sweat absorber."
And with that, Kurt was rammed into Puck’s open armpit.…
Puck furiously rubbed the little guy into his pit as Kurt screamed and swallowed sweat. The giant slammed his muscular arm down, trapping Kurt with the hideous smell and pressure.
Puck smiled and laid down on his left side, the same side Kurt was on, to ensure that he would remain trapped and tortured.
Puck drifted off to sleep…
Puck woke up to David complaining. "What’s up babe?"
"I can’t catch any stinking fish!"
"Hey, wanna use the little guy as bait?"
"Why didn’t I think of that?! Hand him over."
Puck lifted his arm with a satisfying squelch and peeled Kurt off his body.
"Nice and stinky."
David attached him to the line and threw the flailing Kurt in the water.
He leaned back and relaxed, beaming at the fact that his shrunken prisoner was now helpless in the ocean.…
Five minutes later, he felt a tug. "Didja get something?" asked Puck.
"Yup!", said David, as he reeled in a huge fish.
The two men looked up at their prize.
"I hope Kurt’s enjoying being digested. Let’s take a picture!" said Puck.
"Ok, pose for me. On three. One. Two. Three," cried David.
"Hmm…think he can survive being digested? asked Puck.
"Well…we can test out that theory later…but yeah, maybe we should get him out now," said David.
He quickly took out a knife, and cut the fish open. A ton of shit poured out, including Kurt. Drenched with fish guts, he laid there cradling himself. David lifted him up.
"Mmm….smells fishy."
And with that, he popped him into his mouth.
Kurt screamed as David chomped down on his makeshift gum. The giant molars crushed Kurt every which way as the boat took the giant men back to shore.
10 minutes later, the couple decided to play a game of catch. David spit out Kurt into his hand and threw him through the salty air. Kurt was thrown over and over and grabbed by the giant hands. As Puck caught the Kurt ball for the last time, he said to David, "You know, this guy hasn’t explored my ass yet." Kurt screamed as Puck began to lower him down to his asscheeks.…
"Wait! You should definitely give him the opportunity, but let me catch him one more time."
"OK, here he comes!"
Puck threw Kurt high into the air. With a bloodcurdling scream, he fell faceup into the hot sand.
"Oops. Guess I missed," David said with a grin. "Better not…fall or anything…"
And with that, the giant hunk fell backwards onto the sand, with Kurt being smack under his giant buttcheek.…
"Sorry…couldn’t resist," David said as Puck laughed. David stood up, leaving the dazed Kurt in the middle of the left crater.
"Hurry, because I really need to let a few rip," said Puck.
Puck shoved Kurt between his glutes and walked to the folding chair. Kurt was squeezed immensely between the giant cheeks with every step.
Finally, Puck planted his phat ass onto the chair, picked up a drink and leaned back crushing Kurt under his heavy form.
Puck buried his butt into the chair and let out an excruciatingly long and smelly fart.…
"hahaha how can that kid even stand it? I can smell that from here and I’m ten feet away from you!" yelled David.
Puck grinned and continued to fart several more times, ensuring Kurt remained in Hell.
"Here, let’s smother him in the sand and bask in each other’s hotness," said David.
The two giants stripped naked and dug their butts into the sand as they sat next to each other to watch the sunset. Kurt was squished between Puck’s muscular asscheeks as the two men gazed off into the horizon, farting every five seconds.
Kurt was dug deep into the sand as the straining naked ass of his giant schoolmate was crushing his frail body. The blistering hot and sweaty cheeks of Puck crushed Kurt into oblivion as he and David sat together staring at the sun setting.…
After the sun finished its descent, Puck stood up and let out a giant fart. Kurt shot out of his ass and landed face up on the beach. David Martinez stood up as well and joined Puck in leering down at the shrunken high schooler.
David lifted up his foot with a grin. "It’s been a while since I had you stuck to my foot, little guy."
Kurt looked up in terror as the giant tan foot pummeled him into the sand. David forced all his weight down onto Kurt, crushing him into his rough heel.
"Alright, let’s go have more fun with him!"
David and Puck walked back to the former’s apartment, with little Kurt being squished under every other step.…
The two men arrived back at David’s apartment with Kurt plastered under a giant foot. Puck kissed the sun-kissed hottie and instantly went to take a shower.
David laid on his bed, peeled Kurt off his foot and held him in his hand. The exhausted Kurt stared up with nothing to say. David smiled and stuffed him up his ass.
Puck stepped out of the shower and walked into the bedroom to see David laying down on his chest with his ass in the air.…
He grinned. "Get on top of me."
Puck smiled. He didn’t need to be asked twice.…
Puck jumped on the bed and straddled his lover. "I might have a surprise for you back there," said David. Puck looked down into the giant ass to see little wide-eyed Kurt being squished between the two glute muscles.
"Perfect," muttered Puck, whose erect cock was twitching with anticipation.
Kurt screamed as Puck’s cock drove him into David’s ass again…..and again….and again….and again. Puck pounded his dick into the anus while thinking of how much terror his classmate was in.…
Kurt’s world was chaos as he was pounded into the shitty asshole by the cum-covered cock.
Puck continued to thrust and thrust.
Finally, Puck covered Kurt in a sea of cum and slid out of David. Kurt found himself attached to the giant cockhead as David went to take a shower.
Puck, dressed only in his socks, reached over to grab his underwear. This made the drenched Kurt fall right into the seat of the briefs. Puck slid them on just as Kurt looked up to see Puck’s giant ass. Once they were on very tight, Puck laid down, crushing Kurt under his ass.
Kurt heard a rumble and braced himself. Puck began to fart which blew Kurt straight into the wet seat of his briefs.…
After several minutes, Puck smushed his ass into the mattress and laid back down.
After a few moments, Puck felt Kurt wriggling under his cheeks and took him out.…
He said, "There you are squirt!" just as David walked back in.
"Give him to me," said David. "There’s something we should try."
With that, David grabbed Kurt and laid down on the bed. He placed the thrashing student in between his gigantic pecs.…
Kurt fell right in between the giant pillows of nipple as the giant Puck prepared to lay down on top of his boyfriend.
Kurt could see the well-defined chests of both hotties and could scarely breathe as he braced himself for what would happen next.…
Puck pounced and landed on David, smashing tiny Kurt between the pectoral muscles. Kurt was crushed between the bodies as Puck and David proceeded to make out while ignoring the shrimp between their nipples.
As the two men lifted themselves up, Kurt fell right in between their abs.…
Suddenly, Puck threw himself back onto David, squishing Kurt between the two tan stomachs.…
Puck spied Kurt looking up in horror and knowingly smooshed his stomach against his lover’s, further smothering the tiny boy.…
Kurt was fully enveloped between the monstrous abdominal muscles as Puck gazed into his lover’s eyes.…
They began to kiss as Kurt was being crushed continuously.…
Kissing led to making out as Kurt struggled to escape the crushing bodies.…
Puck and David became more passionate as the minutes dragged on, each passing second ensuring more pressure and sweat to torture Kurt.…
Finally, Puck had David against the headboard of the bed and reached to turn the lamp off, leaving the room in darkness.…
Puck nestled his head into David’s shoulder and quickly fell asleep as David smiled at the squirming sensation he felt between him and his lover.…
David drifted off to sleep as well, while Kurt was stuck between the smothering muscles and flesh of the two giants.
Wondering how we would ever get to sleep, Kurt remained flattened in between the chests of his two captors.
Kurt remained trapped and squashed in between the student and teacher from McKinley High School.…
After a few hours droned on, Puck began to move around in his sleep. Kurt remained suctioned to David’s abs as Puck turned around and lowered his giant ass onto his tiny classmate.…
Kurt was instantly smushed between the cheeks as Puck rolled off next to his lover. Still asleep, Puck had no idea Kurt was being squeezed between his cheeks. He settled down on his back, which crushed Kurt, and continued to snore.
For the rest of the night, Kurt cried to himself. He couldn’t believe he had been in the hands of these two giants for more than 24 hours. He tried to go to sleep but kept getting interrupted by Puck’s monstrous, putrid farts every few hours.
In the morning, the two lovebirds woke up early for school. Well, David didn’t have to teach today, but Puck had to go to classes. "You’ve missed too many already," yawned David. Puck looked after at his teacher.…
He felt so lucky to be able to be in love with such a fantastic man.
"Play me some music," said David, as he passed Puck his guitar.
Puck began playing several originals of his as Kurt was being unknowingly crushed under his naked butt.…
"Ok that’s enough music, let me make you some breakfast," said Puck. As Puck lumbered out of bed, David spied little Kurt plastered to the center of his lover’s buttcheek. Kurt peeled off as Puck began to lift himself off the mattress. David chuckled to himself as he saw Kurt fall into Puck’s sandals without him knowing.
Puck put on some tight black underwear and began to slide his feet into the sandals. Kurt screamed as Puck’s foot flattened him to the footwear. Puck walked to the kitchen, crushing Kurt with every step.…
As David and Puck enjoyed their bacon and eggs, Puck asked, "Wait, where is the little guy?"
David smiled. "Crushed under your foot."
"HAHA what?" Puck took his feet out of his sandals and saw the flattened tiny under his heel. "Well, will you look at that?"
Puck peeled off Kurt slowly and dropped him into his steaming cup of coffee.
With that, Puck lifts back his head and says, "I’d like to see him survive digestion!"
Kurt screamed as the giant lifted up the coffee and poured it down his throat. Kurt went sliding down all the way into Puck’s stomach as he was swallowed by the giant man.…
"Wow!" said Puck, "I can feel him wriggling around in my stomach! Lemme take a picture."
He walked over to the bathroom and took a picture of his bare chest with little Kurt inside.…
David walked in chuckling. "Ok babe, you gotta get to school. Go get dressed!"
Puck sighed and went to get changed.
Kurt was being squeezed at all sides of the stomach and was drowning in food particles. The air smelled horribleand he couldn’t help but sob to himself.
Once Puck was dressed, he couldn’t help taking another selfie.…
David laughed from outside the bathroom.
"Babe! Can you take another pic of me?" asked Puck.
David, still in his underwear, took his phone to put it on flash.…
"haha I can still feel him thrashing around in there…feels like he’s starting to hit the digestion process early on," said Puck.
"He better enjoy himself down there in your sexy ass body," said David. "Ok babe, I’m gonna head back to sleep. Substitute’s day off, you know?" he said with a wink.
They kissed once again and Puck began to walk to school with Kurt as a stowaway.
David simply crashed onto the bed.…
Puck walked to Finn’s house to meet his buddy before school began. He could feel Kurt sliding down his intestines.…
"Hey buddy!" called out Finn, as he ran to meet his friend.
"Hey man!" said Puck in response. The two guys made their way to school with Kurt being tortured in Puck’s stomach.…
It was midday and Puck had been through several classes all with Kurt being turned into shit.…
Suddenly, Puck felt a disturbance in his ass.
Kurt has had a terrible morning. He was just another part of Puck’s food as he took an adventure of sorts with Puck’s giant breakfast and lunch.
Kurt has been squeezed through Puck’s intestines and has already plopped into his rectum. Kurt was being crushed from all sides by the surrounding shit and could only breathe in the stinky methane. As Puck finished digesting in class, Kurt was smothered by a massive load of shit getting ready to be squeezed out through Puck’s beefy buns.
As Puck sped off the bathroom, he felt his ass bubbling to release gas. Chuckling to himself, he kept it in hoping to torture little Kurt more with his methane. Arriving at the toilet, he undid his pants and lifted the lid.…
Puckzilla crashed down on the seat and started his dump.…
Kurt was completely encased in the first turd that escaped the ass. It broke in half when it hit the water, freeing Kurt to take a glimpse at the tan moons releasing shit above him. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Kurt became imbedded in more of Puck’s shit as it rained down over him.…
As the solid shit progressed to diarrhea, Puck began jacking off to the little shit drowning in his own shit.…
Layer upon layer of waste piled onto Kurt as Puck climaxed above him.
Finally, Puck stood up and smiled at his handiwork. Kurt’s face reached the surface as Puck boomed down to the bowl. "PRETTY SURE I BLOCKED THIS SHITTER UP, SO I’LL COME BACK FOR YOU LATER. HAVE FUN IN THERE!"
Kurt screamed as the toilet lid clattered down leaving him in darkness and contained with the gas and shit.
Over the next three hours, eight different guys used the same toilet Puck used to make Kurt’s residence a bit more homey.…(3).jpg……(97).bmp
Jocks, preps and tough guys alike……(31).jpg…
Each time, Kurt tried his best to be heard, but just ended up being covered by McKinley guy waste.
Not only was Kurt shitted on by High School students however. A few teachers added onto the fray.…(53).jpg……
Kurt cried to himself as he floated into disgusting bowl. Praying someone would attempt to flush the bowl, the lid opened to a familiar face.
Kurt gave forth his first smile all day as he looked up at his sexy boyfriend, Blaine. His smile quickly grew into terror as he was greeted with the sight of his boyfriend’s giant ass about to take a dump.
"No Blaine no!!!" cried Kurt.
Blaine happened to be on the phone as he took his dump.…(143).jpg
"Yeah, Puck told me Kurt has been cheating on me the past few days with some asshole."
Kurt gasped in astonishment as he heard these words from inside the porcelain bowl. (Even if he had spent a large chunk of his time with an "asshole" or two).
"Well I was probably going to break up with him eventually, you know? I can do much better than being with an unfaithful cheater."
Kurt cried to himself as he heard the lies being told and as turds rained down onto his tiny body. He didn’t have any strength left to grab onto the toilet paper that was dangling from Blaine’s anus.
With a clatter, Blaine dropped the toilet lid and left his boyfriend to stew in his waste.
The lid opened again to see Puck’s overjoyed face.
"WOW. This toilet has been through hell!"
He grabbed a fistful of toilet paper and found Kurt floating in the mess.
"HAHA YOU LOOK PATHETIC! I’m not even gonna wash you off!"
Kurt screamed as Puck clenched his fist, leaving Kurt crushed and blind to everything around him.
Puck heads to..
Puck stomped his way through the men’s locker room of the gym with little Kurt in tow. Kurt was able to pop his head out of the giant fist to see his surroundings.…
What was Puck planning to do with him? He could see muscular jocks surrounding him and hoped his captor wouldn’t think of anything worse than what he had already been through.…
Suddenly, Puck threw Kurt down on a locker room bench. He landed inside a set of stretchy black briefs. Looking up, he saw his friend Sam walking by in a towel. Praying that he wouldn’t sit right where he was, Kurt was thankful to see Sam sit down on the bench from across from him.…
Kurt turned around to see his boyfriend, Blaine, moving towards him in just a towel.…
"Oh, there’s my underwear!"
Who said it?
Kurt looked up to see his shirtless hunk of a boyfriend, Blaine. Kurt could see the well defined abs of Blaine’s stomach.…
Kurt gasped as the giant hand of his boyfriend began reaching out in his direction. Kurt scrambled through the folds of the briefs to try and escape the impending doom of being trapped in Blaine’s underwear. Suddenly, Kurt’s world turned upside down as Blaine picked up the silky briefs. Kurt looked up in terror as he saw his boyfriend’s stinky feet fly right past him. Kurt was directly in the seat of the underwear and was squashed up against both of the bulbous cheeks.…
Puck watched with glee as he saw the underwear with Kurt trapped inside form snugly around Blaine’s asscheeks. Blaine sat down on the bench crushing Kurt against his gigantic ass.…
Blaine put on a tank top and stood up to walk through the door of the locker room.…
Puck chuckled to himself and walked away knowing that Kurt was in for a rough gym class.
"ALRIGHT LADIES, GET READY TO SWEAT LIKE A SINNER IN CHURCH!!" yelled Sue Sylvester, as she walked into the gym.
Kurt knew he was in for a rough ride between his lover’s giant glutes with Sue as the class instructor.…
Blaine and the rest of the class began a series of aerobics exercises as Kurt was smashed between the colossal cheeks.…
Blaine stretched as far as he could go, accidentally ensuring Kurt more torture and pain. Sweat surrounded Kurt as his giant boyfriend worked out.…
After 20 minutes of stretching, the class was instructed to lie down with their asses in the air.…
Kurt instantly went SPLAT right in Blaine’s sweat-covered anus. Blaine continued to complete his reps without realizing that his tiny boyfriend was sinking deep in his sweaty, suffocating ass. Kurt sobbed to himself as the cheeks chewed him up.
Sebastian Smythe was just walking down the halls of McKinley high looking for blaine when all of a sudden he sees what appears to be a tiny Kurt Hummel.
"Well, hello Kurt" he says
Kurt just stands there with the giant in front of him scared to move.
" What should I do with you?… After all you are the only thing standing between Blaine and I."
Just the Sebastian decides to….
Will Schuester, glee club director, father figure and all around nice guy, is about to have an all together awful day.
After testing out a new, non-FDA approved hair gel from Indonesia, the handsome young teacher has been feeling odd all morning. A weird tingling feeling under the skin which he at first assumed was an allergic reaction to his new vest, has turned to a full-body buzz by lunch time and is starting to make him feel sick. He ducks into the men’s bathroom, thinking he’s about to puke and not having time even to run to the teacher’s facilities. But he doesn’t puke. When he falls to his knees in the stall, he keeps falling, closer and closer to the ground as his clothes loosen around him and deflate like a moon bounce, obscuring his shrinking body on the gritty bathroom tiles.
By the time a tiny, naked Will Schuester crawls out from under his new vest, the school halls are quiet outside except for the occasional slam of a late leaver’s locker door. It’s only by chance that one a student needs to use the men’s room one last time before heading home, and that student is…
Finn Hudson, equal parts prom king and boy Frankenstein, lumbers into the men’s room on hopping feet. The anxious look on his face quickly gives away that he has to pee like a race horse, although the rosy-cheeked young man often wears that same eager expression. This is part of the reason Mr Schuester has always been so fond of Finn. He’s a genuine, wholesome young man not unlike Will was at his age, and he’s never let his popularity go to his head.
And now, as Will staggers out from under his pile of deflated clothes, it’s sheer luck that dictates Finn will be the one to discover him. It’s the teacher’s heavy belt which does the trick. He has to lift it strenuously off of his back to escape the pile, and the buckle makes an echoing clanging sounds against the tiles when Will drops it and stumbles to his bare feet.
"Hello?" Finn stops in his tracks, one hand on the third stall door. "Is anyone in here?" A cautious look around the corner, into the stall which Will never had the chance to slam shut, reveals the pile of abandoned clothing and, soon after, Finn’s deep brown eyes fall on the bizarre creature standing by their side. "Mr Schue??" He says in his husky voice, shocked and only mildly aware that his hand is still clutching his crotch in an effort not to pee himself.
The little man calls something out but it’s barely a squeak to Finn’s ears, which are relative miles in the air above him. The giant (by all counts) teen steps back and his sneaker squeaks against the tiled floor (louder than Will’s voice had) as he turns to scoop up his friend and mentor.
Once Will is kneeling in Finn’s massive hand, struggling to keep his legs modestly together, a strange alchemy occurs. The older man who once looked upon his young student with such warm fatherly affection is suddenly staring up at him, mouth agape, trying to figure out how to communicate with this godly creature. And Finn, who has always been such an unassuming and modest young guy, looks uncharacteristically confident as he cradles his teacher in the palm of his hand.
"Don’t worry, Mr Schue, I’m gonna figure out what happened to you and get you help. The important thing is, you’re with me now." Finn smiles reassuringly. Will tries to mirror his confidence but he’s not used to handing over control or responsibility to other people, especially teenage boys. He has an uneasy feeling as Finn, quickly taking charge…
With his now tiny teacher cupped in his giant hand, Finn Hudson is about to leave the bathroom, but as he gets up he remembers something very important. “Ive gotta take a whizz before we go, it shouldn’t take too long alright?”, the Frankenstein teen said. He walked back into the stall and unzipped his pants as he got ready to release the piss in his body. “Hey Mr. Schue, sorry about this but I’ve gotta put you down on the rim while I go”, the giant boy proclaimed. He didn’t ask if Will was ok with this because, well, he didn’t have much a choice. Finn was the big guy now and what he said went. Finn opened up his hand and used the fingers from his other hand to drag the tiny man and place him on the toilet. At first Will tried to fight, but there was no point. He wouldn’t win, he just had to give in. “You’re kinda cute when you fight like that”, the giant said before giggling.
Finn finally released the whizz he had been holding in all day, and to Will it was like a waterfall of gold was falling right next to him. Some splashes of the golden liquid even ended up hitting Mr Schue, making him feel even worse. “You couldnt have just left me on the floor?”, the tiny man said in an upset tone. It was useless though, he was too tiny to even be heard. All of his words came out as squeaks of nonsense. He looked up at the giant teen, who was smiling down at the tiny man. He then looked down to the giant dick that had produced the waterfall of piss that fell right beside him. It was strange but, Will felt a sense of comfort looking up at the giant teen and his giant buddy. He was starting to become attracted to the giant student.
After his long, mighty piss, Finn finally finished and flushed the toilet sending Will to the ground with sheer force. “Whoops, sorry little man”, Finn said with a laugh as he zipped up his pants. Will liked that. Little man. That was who he was to Finn, his little man. As Will slowly started to discover the positives to this situation, he was picked up by his giant savior. “I’ve gotta put you somewhere before we go, carrying you all the way to my car would be way too dangerous”, the monolithic teen said. While he was thinking of places, he could make out the tiny guy pointing down towards his pants bulge. “In there? Really?”, the giant wondered. Will shook his head in agreement. If he was big enough to be heard, Will would argue something about it being a safe place to sit in and other nonsense, but really he was just looking for an excuse to get closer to his giant’s package. “Ok, I guess my underwear is a pretty safe place for you to stay”, the giant boy concluded.
Finn placed his now minuscule teacher down into his underwear, softly onto his dick. The feeling of the tiny man squirming on his package made Finn quickly become erect, sending Will up with the dick.
It was damp, dark, and extremely hot inside of his students underwear, but Will loved every part of it. He was able to lay down fully on his giant’s dick as he felt the movement of Finn’s body going to his car. When they made it to the car, Will felt secure. Nothing could get to him, not when his giant was there for him. He began to become conflicted on whether he even wanted to grow back of not. That was crazy, he couldn’t just live with Finn forever. Or maybe he could. Whatever, he didn’t want to think of those details, he just wanted to enjoy his time with the giant dick. He hugged, kissed, licked, everything else he could do to show his affection to the giant beast he was living with. Finn felt everything. He knew that the tiny man was enjoying his time, and that turned him on even more. The entire ride home Finn was smiling and acting the happiest that he had ever been.
After some time, Will grew tired and decided to take a nap on his giant saviors dick. Finn took notice of this and felt happy knowing that his tiny teacher was content with his new place.
Finally, the giant teen pulled into his driveway and stopped, waking the tiny, sleepy man on his dick. He walked inside and went immediately into his room. As soon as he walked into the room, he raced to take off all of his clothes. When he finally took off his underwear, he placed his hand under to catch the falling Will Schuester. “So, did you enjoy your time in there little guy?”, the franken-teen asked. Will nodded continuously leading Finn to smile. “Maybe I should shrink everyone else down and we can have glee club in there”, Finn said laughing.
Then the giant teen placed Will on his huge chest, and Will immediately knelt down and started licking the bare body. “Mmm, that feels so good. You’re great at this little man,” Finn said with certainty. “So I’ve been thinking, and I don’t know if we should try and get someone to grow you back just yet. I mean, we’re having so much fun, I was thinking I could just keep you as my little man”, the towering giant explained. Will stopped his licking to look up and nod at his giant keeper. Just hours ago he was teaching the student about the power of music, and now here he is, licking the soft skin of his big guy.
“And the first I want to do with you as my little guy is…”
As Will emerged from his now tarp sized clothes, he heard the sound of footsteps and felt a slight shake in the ground how was standing on. He recognized the voice of the mysterious figure as none other than Kurt Hummel.
Kurt was returning to the bathroom after realizing that he had left some of his beauty products laying down on the sink. He grabbed those, but then noticed a pile of clothes laying on the ground inside one of the stalls. The giant gay boy decided to investigate, and as he kneels down to observe the vest, he noticed something.
Will Schuester, his glee club director, was no more than 2 inches tall and standing on the floor naked.
“Oh my god, is that you Mr Schue?”, the giant asked the tiny man, even though he knew the answer. He just couldn’t believe it himself.
“Thank god you’re here Kurt, I really need your help”, the tiny man explained. After telling Kurt the story of how he ended up the size of a bug, Will asked Kurt an important question. “Kurt, can you please take me to a doctor? Someone has to know what to do about this.”
“I guess I could, but what if they try to experiment on you? Everyone would want their hands on a tiny man”, Kurt said with a slight frown on his face. As much as Will hated to admit it, he was right. “And think about all of the fun we could have now that you’re this small”, the gay boy said as he smirked at his now tiny teacher. Will was not amused, but there wasn’t much he could do. Kurt was the big guy. “Cmon, just one night. Then I’ll take you to the doctor tomorrow”, the giant bargained. Will let out a sigh, and nodded his head, acknowledging his agreement. Kurt, with a smile on his face, held out his hand for his tiny teacher. Will reluctantly stepped onto the warm flesh.
The gay boy was so excited to have a tiny man with him for the night, and although Will wasn’t expecting to enjoy the “fun” that the two would be having, he felt safe with Kurt. He knew that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.
As Kurt stood back up, he had a realization. “Where am I going to put you, little man?”, the giant wondered. After carefully considering the options, Kurt decided to place Will…
Finn Hudson might be captain of the football team, co-captain of the glee club and one of the most popular guys at McKinley, but he is not a talented scientist. During class this morning, he managed to douse his right arm in a concoction of chemicals which were never intended to be mixed and which will prove to be highly volatile when they interact.
But, ever the lovable oaf, Finn doesn’t worry too much about the little mishap. He leaves class with a gang of admiring friends in tow and spends the rest of the day trying to ignore the odd tingling feeling running through his veins. It isn’t until he’s visiting washing off in the showers at the end of the day that he feels something is terribly wrong. He tries to towel off and get dressed to go see the school nurse, but he barely has time to stumble into the deserted locker room. He falls to his knees, feeling dizzy and disoriented. And before he understands what has happened, he’s inches tall, staring at the vast land of iron grates and muddy foot prints that is the men’s changing room.
Finn’s next human encounter happens to be with…
Being only inches tall, Finn can’t reach his locker or even the towel that lays dumped on the bench above him. He searches the huge room uselessly for a way to cover himself, but the situation is hopeless.
He’s ruminating on how his life couldn’t possibly be worse when he hears a familiar clicking sound. The heels of designer shoes, echoing against the changing room’s tiled floor, magnified because of his size and growing closer by the minute.
"Finn? Are you in here?" The voice of Kurt, Finn’s dainty little stepbrother and one-time admirer, travels through the room like a cool breeze. For a moment Finn is ecstatic -- He’s saved! It isn’t until Kurt rounds the corner and stands in front of him, scanning the room with perky little movements as he clutches his school books to his chest, that Finn realises he has a problem.
Finn’s still standing there, awkward and uncertain of what to do, when Kurt’s scanning eyes make the inevitable trip downward and set on his miniaturised stepbrother, the hunky and naked Finn Hudson.
The giant’s eyes widen, and his lips part as if to say something, but he never does. He remains quiet while he carefully places his books on a nearby bench, never taking his eyes away from the man between his shoes, and kneels down to further examine his find.
"Finn… Is that you?" Kurt’s voice is soft, hushed. This should be comforting but to Finn it’s the first sign that something’s wrong. He’s rather Kurt yelled, drew the attention of friends and teachers and doctors, but he seemed to want to conceal the presence of his tiny friend.
"You have to help me!" Finn calls out lamely, unsure of what else to say. He’s leaning back in Kurt’s open hand now, sometimes sitting and sometimes lying as he tries to cover his junk, depending on the angle Kurt holds him at. Those delicate hands hold so much power all of a sudden. Their soft, moisturised fingertips can turn Finn’s strong and healthy body upside-down in a heartbeat if they choose.
"Of course I’ll help you." Kurt finally says, but his eyes dance over the tiny man’s body in a way that’s disconcerting. "I just… Could you just… I’ve always wanted to see…" He seems to be struggling for words, still speaking in that breathy whisper. And then, as if a sudden epiphany had hit him, he closes his mouth and simply flickes Finn’s arms apart with his own deft fingers.
Kurt doesn’t need to ask questions or make requests, he’s clearly figured that out. He can part Finn’s muscular arms with a flimsy little flick and feast his eyes on the beautiful package that hangs between the jock’s thighs for as long as he likes. Whenever Finn protests or tries to cover up, Kurt simply gives him a gentle flick, or turns him over, or covers his mouth with his thumb as if he’s pressing an off button.
The giant purses his lips in a delighted little smile, enjoying his nifty new toy. "I came by to offer you a ride home." Kurt muses. "I guess this means you’ll take it."
Taking a careful peek over his shoulder to ensure nobody’s watching, Kurt reaches around and slips Finn inside the layers of his tight jeans and underwear.
For Finn the experience is like flying around the corner of a mountain, only that mountain is the warm flesh of his stepbrother and so-called friend. The last thing he sees before he’s deposited inside the bigger boys pants is Kurt’s butt crack, which leads down into the shadowy depths of his underwear. Finn’s shoulder is pushed into the deep crack, and as he slides further down he finds the giant cheeks paring more easily, meaning that he’s forced between the fleshy buttocks as Kurt wiggles around to get him in just the right position.
Finally he finds himsefl wedged solidly between the massive, slightly furry cheeks and the sound of Kurt’s footsteps resumes, only now his hearing is muffled by the bubble-like orbs of lean muscle surrounding him. Things are starting to heat up. Finn squirms, trying to stop the sweaty flesh of his friend’s ass from smearing against his face, trying to ignore the heat emanating from the centre of that dark crack, trying not to imagine the puckering hole that must be dying to suck him in even further…
Back in his bedroom, Kurt tiptoes around, locking the door and tidying up as quiety as he can. He clearly plans on this afternoon being special. He doesn’t even let Finn out of his pants prison until he’s prepared everything, stepping out of his shoes and then wiggling out of his jeans, folding them and putting them away.
The tall, slim counter-tenor stands for a moment in front of his bed and places his palm against his butt cheek. He closes his eyes and shivers, relishing the sensation of Finn’s warm little athlete’s body putting pressure on the very edge of his prostate. The little man is so solid, like a little nugget of muscle. He feels incredible.
Finally Kurt fishes into the back of his unerwear and pulls out Finn, dangling him before his eyes to grab another look at his perfect masculine form.
Finn seizes the chance to call out to the effeminate young man, while his voice might still be audible.
"Kurt, I know what you’re thinking but please! You’ve got to find help! I’m not a toy!" He shouts.
In reply, Kurt giggles. A bubbly, light-hearted sound. "Of course you’re not a toy, silly. You’re a boy. A hot one, too." He says, running his hand fondly over the little nude man. "Don’t get me wrong, I love Blaine. But he’s not exactly hung like a horse, just between you and me. And I’ve fantasized about this for SO long. Well, not this exactly. But having you inside of me." Kurt’s eyes close, his long lashes batting, and he shivers at whatever he’s seeing in his mind’s eye.
"Kurt, no! Please!" The little hunk yelp, but he’s already being carried to Kurt’s bathroom and rinsed in warm water. Once he’s clean, Kurt gives him a quick spray of Marc Jacob cologne.
"I want this to be special." The giant says, skipping back to his bed where he dumps Finn and loses his shirt. Then his underwear. Suddenly he’s standing there, a lean tower of soft, pale skin, with his damp erection pressed hard against his gut.
Kurt spreads himself out on the bed, long leg framing Finn so he can’t escape. Now that he’s open, the source of the forboding warmth between his legs is visible and winking at Finn. A touch of velvet brown fur circles the boy’s excite pucker, and before Finn can flee in terror he’s scooped up in a palm that’s oozing with something wet.
"Don’t worry, we’ll go slow." Kurt promises sweetly as he lather his big stepbrother in lube methodically. "I need LOTS of foreplay, anyway. My body is like a rum chocolate souffle. If I don’t warm it up right, it won’t rise."
Finn gulps, wishing he could escape the coming horrors, knowing he can’t…
"Don’t be scared." The giant gay boy coos, smiling at the little jock cradled in his hands. As gentle as he is, Kurt’s eyes are hungry and scan Finn’s naked body eagerly. "You’re my little boyfriend now, Finn Hudson. And you’re going to enjoy being mine, even if you don’t know it yet."
Kurt speaks in a reassuring tone, slowly moving the tip of his index finger up the length of Finn’s leg, from his hairy ankle to his muscular shin, up to his thick thigh. That’s when Finn’s legs snap shut, and the little man curls into a fetal position in panic. Kurt gives a little giggle, straightens Finn out neatly like a little piece of paper in his hands, and goes on stroking. He prods at the jock’s tiny penis, which jerks as Finn shudders unpleasantly. But Kurt isn’t deterred. He holds the little man’s legs in place, licks his fingertip and lovingly goes on stroking, nudging his tiny balls and pressing the head of Finn’s cock against the spongy skin of his giant fingertip.
The little jock is horrified, especially when his manhood betrays him and rises to full mast under the molestation of his horny stepbrother. He can’t bring himself to look into the giant’s eyes, so he comes to lie there, trembling and squirming as he edges closer and closer to orgasm. When he finally passes the point of no return and loses his load, he gives in and opens his eyes to see the giant boy watching him curiously, like a specimen in a cage.
Kurt purses his lips and blows cool air onto Finn as he orgasms, surprisingly making the experience even stronger. He smiles down at his defeated jock toy after it’s all over, then considers the little squirt on the pad of his index finger and licks it.
"Mmm. Sweet." He smiles at an exhausted, humiliated Finn. "Now, my turn…"
If Finn felt completely broken down after orgasming under Kurt’s curious gaze, the rest of the evening reduces him to a hollow shell of a human being. He’s lured between the giant twink’s bubble butt cheeks and ordered to lick his slick hole, the slid in further and further, grasped tighter by the strong pucker the harder he struggles against it. He’s used as a human dildo, forced to gnaw at the great pink nipples on his new boyfriend’s chest, butted in the abs by the head of Kurt’s horny cock and fed again and again to the hungry anus of his insatiable giant keeper.
The only thing which could possibly make the evening more unbearable is the way in which, between each depraved act he’s forced to take part in, Finn is held down and stroked to orgasm again and again. It happens more times than he would have believed possible, and there’s nothing he can say to stop Kurt’s prying fingers each time. It happens until his dick is raw and his balls are crying for mercy. It happens until the early hours of the morning when he realises that, after going a few hours without release, his betraying body is craving the touch of his 'boyfriend', yearning like a well-trained dog for the treat that comes after an order is obeyed.
And Kurt I more than happy to oblige his horny little boyfriend.
The next day…
Kurt’s chest is smooth and smells pleasant; an unimposing mix of sweat and Marc Jacob cologne. Dangling by a chain and as naked as he was found, Finn sways under the boy’s shirt all throughout the school day. He’s ragged from the games of the night before and has no idea how Kurt has the energy to bounce around like he does all day, from class to class. He must be pretty happy with his new acquisition.
The worst part is, as sore as every muscle in Finn’s body is, he’s craving sexual release again. Sex has been saturated into his mind, brainwashing him into a horny little zombie. A sex doll, he guesses. And because he’s tied to the chain by his wrists, he can’t possibly touch himself, just hang limp against his owner’s chest and wait for the humiliating though addictive attention he’ll surely get when Kurt hurries home with him tonight.
Little does he know, he won’t have to wait half that long.
"What are you smiling about, homo?" The voice Finn hears belongs to Rick Stevens, a jock with ground beef for brains who hangs around the halls like a mosquito, looking for someone to pester.
Judging by Kurt’s reply, even this isn’t going to spoil his perfect day. "What’s not to smile about? I’ve got a new boyfriend. And he loves me." Kurt brags in an airy voice, seeming not to care weather Rick wants to know or not.
"Oh yeah? You suck his dick?" The jock’s obnoxious voice quips.
Kurt answers in the same blissful, daydreamy voice. "No, but he loves when I play with it." And then he does something unthinkable. He reaches in and pulls at the chain around his neck, drawing Finn up and over the collar of his shirt. The tiny, nude ex-football captain is blinded by the light of the hallway and frozen in fear as the massive face of Rick Stevens appears larger than life before him.
"Holy shit… That’s Finn Hudson!" The jock menace stares at Finn in disgust. "And he’s naked! …And his little cock’s hard! What kinda homo shit is this?" The giant looks revolted, screwing his face up at the pathetic sight, but he can’t seem to pry his eyes away. He and Finn never have gotten along. This must be a crowning moment for the cocky asshole.
"Aww, he’s just horny because he’s with his boyfriend, isn’t that right cutie?" Kurt coos as Finn’s entire body blushes with shame. The inevitable follows, with Kurt’s torturously soft fingers brushing between his legs and finding his tiny cock. Squirming is futile.
"Eww, he really is gay for you!" Rick scowls, then breaks into a laugh. "Finn Hudson, closet case. I shoulda known. Hey, guys! Come check out porcelain’s new boyfriend!" Suddenly there’s a stampede, a crowd of letterman jackets and awed, disgusted, ecstatic male faces all clamouring to catch a glimpse of Finn succumbing to the touch of his giant boyfriend and owner.
Within moments the entire football team has turned on him, feasting on his humiliation like vultures, having the time of their lives laughing at his pitiful situation while Kurt stands back and enjoys the attention. In that moment, Finn knows that he’s ruined forever. He can never recover from the blows being dealt to his ego and reputation. All he can hope for right now is to be tucked back under Kurt’s shirt and taken home to obey his giant lover at least in private.
"Hey, Kurt," Rick says, now speaking to even the effeminate teen with more respect than his tiny sex toy. "Why don’t you…"
Finn is still wandering the floor of the changing room when a huge figure darkens the doorway, casting half of the room and Finn himself in shadow.
Sam Evans, his blond hair sticking to his forehead in sweat, stands in his football uniform and wipes his face on the back of his hand. He has his helmet tucked under one arm, fresh from practice, and seems to still be riding the rush of adrenaline he’s so addicted to. This shows in the deep-cut definition of his muscles, and the fire in his huge green eyes as he stomps into the room.
"Sam! Man, you have to help me!" Finn shouts up in a shaky voice, trying not to let his knees knock as the impressive figure of his friend strides past him. A waft of raunchy odour follows the sweaty titan. He stops by the bench to drop his helmet and kick off his shoes, then snake out of his uniform which is soaked in sweat. He takes a look at Finn’s towel, discarded during the shrinking process earlier, but doesn’t seem to consider it to any great length.
The blond giant is standing, shirtless and glistening, ready to pull down his pants when he pauses for the first time this afternoon. His face, which had been distracted up until now, finally seems to be registering something…
Finn’s heart is in his throat with anticipation -- Sam has to see him jumping up and down like a maniac, or he might never find help. He could be trampled underfoot on the change room floor and never be seen again. Getting his buddy’s attention before he looses his pants and jumps in the shower is imperative.
And for just a moment it looks like he’s gotten his lucky break. Sam stops undressing, cocks his head in Finn’s direction, and seems to register something. But it isn’t his tiny friend by his bare feet. No, the blond colossus can’t see nearly well enough to spot Finn. The reason his eyebrow is raised and he’s listening for footsteps is that he’s considering squeezing in a quick wank before the team joins him in here.
Sure, he just came twice this morning and a few times the night before, but Sam’s a growing boy and his hormones are still going crazy. So, the horny muscle hunk quickly drops his pants around his ankles, glancing over his shoulder one last time as he grabs his flaccid cock in his fist and starts to rub impatiently. It takes hardly a moment for the well-hung boy to go from swinging pendulously to pitching a raging red flag.
The muscle-bound junior works up a steady pumping rhythm in no time, closing his eyes and throwing his head back with a big smile. "Mmm… Ms Corcoran, your mouth is so wet…" He mumbles to himself, fantasising. He has no idea that inches from his wagging toes, a teeny tiny version of his good friend is dancing desperately for help.
From Finn’s point of view, the situation is hopeless. He can’t even see Sam’s face now that he’s tilted his head back. All he can see is a big, white knuckled fist pounding the most intimidating cock he’s ever laid eyes on, followed by a constantly flexing and relaxing board of abs and sweat-dripping pecs. The smell of meaty, unwashed cock is filling the room, making Finn want to gag. And the sound of skin sliding and slapping against itself is concert-like to the tiny man.
Suddenly, a rain drop hits the tile next to Finn’s foot, splashing far enough to soak his toes. Of course, this isn’t a rain drop, it just falls like one. On closer inspection the viscous liquid is warm, and smells familiar. Pre.
Sam is starting to moan, biting his plump bottom lip in the lead-up to a perfect storm…
"Oh… oh…" Sam moans a little louder to himself. There’s something about knowing that someone could walk in and catch him jerking off that’s making this feel so damn good. "Shelby," he whimpers, lost in his fantasies, "…so…. warm…" His jerking becomes more rhythmic and increases in speed.
Finn’s neck is beginning to hurt from craning so hard to look up at his friend. He wants to move, wants to run away, but he can’t: he’s mesmerized by the sight of this godly titan pleasuring himself. "Jesus," he whispers to himself, "this can’t be real!" His own cock starts to twitch to life. Finn’s not gay, but neither he nor his body can deny the attractiveness of the overpowering, raw sexuality of what he was seeing. As Sam continues to moan, Finn’s hormones encourage him to start stroking himself instead of trying to get help.
And then it happens. Sam lets out a gruff, deep grunt from the back of his throat. He’s close now, and there’s no way that he’s turning back. At this point, someone could walk in on him and he’d still feel like finishing. He puts one hand behind his head and moans some more. "Oh yeah! Fuck! Fuck yeah!" He’s bucking his hips and thrusting with each jerk, completely oblivious to everything around him.
Now Finn’s terrified. He quickly snaps out of his hormone-induced haze and realizes the situation at hand. "SAM!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. "DOWN HERE!" The only response from above is more moaning. Knowing what’s about to happen, he tries to run, but he unfortunately slips in the puddle that is Sam’s pre and falls flat on his back. From this angle, his blond buddy looks even more terrifying. Finn has no choice but to try and cover his face as he screams.
Meanwhile, Sam’s in blissful paradise. This is the best jerk off session he’s had in months, and he’s seriously considering doing it at school more often. He can’t help to shake the feeling that he’s hearing something, though. Some sort of faint cry… But he doesn’t focus on it. How could he? This is what needed his attention.
He aims his cock down at the floor, eyes still closed. He’s close. He’s so close. "Oh, fuck…. oh fuck… oh fuck… oh fuck." He opens his eyes, his gaze towards the floor. Is that…? Holy. Shit. "Oh fuck, oh fu-Finn?" For a brief second, Sam’s in control of his primal urges and finally notices his shrunken friend. Unfortunately, that second passes too quickly; his muscles tighten, he bites his lip, pulls back on his dick, and erupts all over the floor, moaning the whole way. He watches as his friend is coated in his warm, gooey cum and is powerless to stop it.
As soon as he finishes his orgasm, Sam….
It takes a while, but in the end Sam’s daydreamy nature saves Finn’s life. The blond behemoth pauses half way through undressing for no apparent reason. He just stands there for a minute, sniffing his pits and giving his body a pleased appraisal with his eyes.
And then, Sam looks down. He sees the tiny man between his bare feet but doesn’t understand what he’s looking at, not until he’s crouching down and gazing with his mouth slack at the tiny creature who used to be his best friend and, before that, greatest competitor. "Whoah… What happened to you?" Sam asks, in a kind of awe.
From Finn’s perspective, the giant’s prying eyes are a little overwhelming. It’s like Sam’s huge face is descending from the sky, filling his entire vision. The boy’s voice is so loud and deep at this proximity, he feels the vibrations in his bones. "I need help, dude! I need you to get me into some kind of secure box and then find a doctor!" He screams each word as clearly and loudly as he can, knowing how easily Sam can be confused. Right now his whole future is riding on this big muscle boy.
…And from where he stands, that future doesn’t look promising.
Sam’s fingers descend on him, aiming carefully and then clamping around his arm and yanking him in the air. "HA HA HA. OH MAN." Sam laughs like a big kid, swinging a screaming little Finn in the air. "LOOK AT YOU! YOU’RE SO ITTY BITTY!" The blond boy chuckles, now taking it upon himself to roll Finn in between his meaty palms, feeling his tiny delicate roll and tumble. "I CAN’T BELIEVE I USED TO COMPETE WITH YOU FOR GIRLS, AND POPULARITY, AND RESPECT. YOU’RE JUST A LITTLE BUG!" He laughs in pure pleasure, tossing Finn into the air and catching him just to show off how easy it is.
When Finn gets a chance, he shouts breathlessly from the brute’s fist, "Sam, I was your best friend! I thought you had my back!"
This affects Sam at least a little bit. He tilts his head sympathetically, still smiling. "Aww, don’t take it personally, dude. A guy only gets a chance like this once in a lifetime. Not only to be top dog at this school, but to have my own little pet man to remind me of how god-like I am with your puny little ass." He chuckles, tossing Finn in the air again.
Now that Finn has been officially demoted from best friend to squeaky little pet…
"Guess what you get to do now runt? You get to come in the showers with me and help me rinse off my god-like body. Doesn’t that sound like fun?" He said rhetorically.
Then, after enjoying a desperate look of terror in tiny Finn’s eyes, Sam walked off toward the showers for an experience he was sure to enjoy.
He started with his upper body, making sure Finn embraced every square inch of his chiseled body. He began with his huge pecs, rubbing Finn all over them, paying special attention to his nipples. Rubbing Finn on them until they had perked up nicely. Then he moved Finn to a darker area, his rank hairy armpits. He placed Finn under his right ripe pit and put his arm down, letting him soak up all the stale sweat he could handle. Then, after doing the same with his left pit, he rubbed him all over his mountain range of a six pack, making Finn drink every last drop of sweat from each valley between the abs. Then he roughly shoved Finn all over his broad shoulder and back.
Next he moved on to his bulky glutes, rubbing little Finn all over the fuzzy cheeks and deep into the crack where he permanently imprinted Finn with the scent of his last 50 bowel movements. Then, after noting the time, he quickly used Finn’s mop of hair to roughly clean his package, hairy legs, and incredibly smelly feet.
"Now, where to keep you on the way home…
Just as sam picks up tiny finn Ryder Lynn walks in. He sees sam holding finn.
" Whoa! Finn is so tiny what are we gonna do with him?"
And the McKinley student who’ll wish he never got out of bed today is…
Blaine knew buying cheap hair gel from a 99 cent store was a mistake the moment it sizzled into his scalp, giving him an odd, woozy feeling. But it wasn’t until he showed up at school later that day that he really regretted his purchase.
He was outside the choir room, satchel over his shoulder, ready for an early morning glee club when he feel to his knees and the world around him seemed to warp. Moments later he was being dragged inside his own shirt, shrinking so fast that the crisp collared clothing became a circus tent before his very eyes. With his hands cupping his private parts, he ran the distance to the choir room, desperate to find help.
The guys were standing in a huddle, watching a video on Sam’s phone when Blaine approached. They all looked so big. Like men carved out of mountains. He was almost too intimidated to go near them, but he was a little comforted by the presence of his close friend Sam. Dependable Sam, the smiling blond adonis. He would help his buddy find a way out of this mess.
Blaine tapped on the colossal Converse sneaker that housed the swimming champ’s foot. He could feel warmth radiating out of it, and when Sam’s toe twitched under the rubber beak he felt the movement against his knocking knuckles. It was surreal.
"Oh my god, Blaine?" Sam was staring down at him, his massive pink mouth agape. "Is that really you? Come here, buddy." The giant reached down in a hurry and picked Blaine up in his hand, as if to protect him. The little man hadn’t been prepared for this and felt vulnerable with his bare ass grazing the titanic man’s warm palm.
"Sam! I’ve made a huge mistake. I need your help." The slick-haired little man said.
Sam’s face broke out in a barely appropriate smile. It was like he knew something Blaine didn’t know.
"I think I know what’s happening here, little buddy. You’ve been missing Kurt ever since you had that big fight, and you decided to sneak in here to get a feel of your old friend Sam while he wasn’t looking." Blaine tried to argue but Sam kept going. "It’s okay, I’m not mad. You’re a human being, dude, and you’ve got needs. I’m actually kind of flattered that you chose me. But how did you expect to get any action with my rocking bod from all the way down there?" He said with a goofy smile.
Blaine was lost for words. He felt helpless and ignored. A little aroused, if he was being honest with himself, but he couldn’t deny the panic he felt when Sam refused to listen to him.
Before he could argue his case, Sam had already decided to treat his little friend to some…
"I saw you down there ogling my feet." Sam said, smiling with a little twinkle in his eye. "Don’t be shy, bro, I know gay guys have a thing for feet."
"Is that true?" Jake Puckerman was staning next to Sam, looking interested. "If it’s feet your into, I can pitch in a couple. Doesn’t make me uncomfortable. As long as you don’t mind the smell."
"Aww, that’d be super nice of you." Sam said, perching Blaine on the ground and kicking off his Chucks. He spoke over Blaine’s protests, peeling his socks off and wiggling his blotchy pink toes in the open air. "Hey, do you guys think you could help out our buddy Blaine? He’s been missing his boyfriend and he could really use some pampering."
"Done and done." Ryder kicked off his Keds with a big smile. Blaine tried to run but Joe Hart’s tanned bare feet were behind him, veiny and long. His sandals were sitting discarded nearby.
"Here you go, buddy. Just relax and enjoy this big sexy man foot…"
"Here you go, buddy. Just relax and enjoy this big sexy man foot." Sam said as he lowered his foot down onto Blaine. It was soft and tender from its time inside the giant’s sneaker. It was still hot, with bits of white lint stuck here and there. The big round toes brushed against Blaine’s face, then lowered down to pin his crotch to the floor.
"How’s this smell? You like that?" Jake Puckerman’s clean cut face was smiling above him, well meaning but condescending. The boy’s big, black socked foot padded Blaine’s face gently. It didn’t smell bad at all but the team effort being used to pin Blain down was humiliating him. "Go on, little guy. Don’t be embarrassed. Sniff my foot."
"He’s not embarrassed. You’re being too gentle." Ryder said, pushing his foot in Blaine’s face. It was bare and smelled rancid. "I’m telling you, these guys love a big stinky foot to worship. Don’t ya, little foot slut?" He teased. "Now eat my toe crud, ya little worm"
Ryder’s huge, floppy toes spread around Blaine’s face and forced his nose deep into a pit of disgusting toe jam. He tried to scream for help but now Joe’s bony big toe was pinning his waist down, sliding all over his tiny erection. He opened his mouth to beg for help and a load of Ryder’s toe crud tumbled in, tasting sticky and sour.
"He’s having a feast down there!" Ryder laughed.
"Give me a turn. He’s my friend, he likes my feet the best." Sam insisted. "Don’t you, my little foot pet?" He said with a wink.
"Guys, what are you doing?"
The voice belonged to Mr Schues, the glee club’s handsome director.
Will set his satchel down on one of the tables, eyeing his students with a concerned look. "Guys, we share this room with the Cheerios, you can’t go smelling it up with your socks." He said as he stepped towards the cluster of young men. He was wearing tan dress boots that clicked against the floor as he walked. When he saw what was being pinned under a heap of boy feet his eyebrows raised.
"He’s feeling down because of the break-up, Mr Schue, and he’s so horny." Said Sam. "You remember what it’s like to be our age and suddenly single. It’s the least we can do for one of our star players."
Mr Schue sighed, and shook his head, and for a moment Blaine was filled with hope. "I guess I can allow it. My feet could use a good massage, anyway." He said, pulling off his boots to reveal massive, manly feet covered in sheer socks.
He took three loping steps towards his shrunken student, lifted his huge foot, and smothered Blaine’s face beneath his toes.
Will Schuester’s sweat was salty and stale. His socks scratched Blaine’s chest and face. Meanwhile, Joe’s big toe was ravaging his tiny cock and to make it all worse he could hear the dreadlocked giant chuckling at how small and hard it was.
"Joe! Relax. You’re gonna snap the little thing off." Said Will. A moment later, the feet had all moved away and Will Schuester’s broad hand was closing in on Blaine. "If we’re going to give our little man stimulation, we need to do it the right way." Before Blaine knew it his teacher was holding him firmly in hand, parting his tiny legs and…
Blaine could not speak. He stared in horror at the index finger as it soared toward him in all its giant detail. He saw every line of Mr Schue’s fingerprint, every tiny callus, every chewed nail edge, every bump and dimensions as the giant finger seemed to descend on him in slow motion.
And then it made contact: Blaine’s teacher rubbed his cock. He was flicking it hurriedly, warming it up. Mr Schue looked not at his tiny student but around the room as he spoke.
"If you guys are going to be taking care of Blaine I want to make sure you don’t hurt him." He said assertively. "His penis is tiny at this size. Your fingers are huge and powerful to him, so use them carefully. Jake, do you want to help me demonstrate?"
Blaine was still choking on a plea for them to stop when Jake Puckerman’s warm hand closed over him and a new thumb whacked at his dick. "Sorry little man. I’m really rough on my cock. I forget some guys are super sensitive." The giant’s big brown eyes looked down on him sympathetically as Jake’s fragrant thumb stroked him, nudged his balls, squashed against his glans…
"That’s better." Schue instructed. "Watch Blaine closely, guys. Gauge how much pressure he can take by how stimulated he looks. See the way his hips are bucking and his mouth is wide open? That means he’s smitten with you. Good job."
Next, Joe Hart accepted a turn with Blaine. "Don’t be embarrassed, buddy. We’ve all got needs." He whispered tenderly. His fingers smelled organic, like warm earth. He stroked Blaine’s naked inner thighs and pulled his legs apart gently, like he was a shy little animal. "Do you need me to be more affectionate?" He asked, trying his best to help. Then he began rubbing his thumb over Blaine’s lips, caressing his neck and face like a lover. "There you go. I can see your little rice grain going crazy. Don’t fight your orgasm."
Blaine didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. He loved his boyfriend, no-one else, and being forced toward an orgasm in front of his best friends was torture. Suddenly, Mr Schuester snatched him back out of his classmate’s hand and adopted a stern voice.
"Guys, now you’re being too gentle with him. The only way Blaine’s going to get over his shyness is with a firm hand guiding him." Now Mr Schue lifted the tiny glee boy right up to his face, all the while mashing a giant thumb against his agonised cock. "Blaine, I’m your teacher and I’m telling you to stop resisting me immediately." His breath smelled of coffee and his eyes were dead serious, a true authoritarian’s. "You’re going to look me in the eye, quit squirming and have an orgasm under my thumb.
From the soft mattress that is Sam’s palm, Blaine stares up dizzily at his giant best friend. "Sam, you don’t understand. I’m in trouble and I need your help!" By now he has forgotten about his nudity, and clings to his friend’s hand beneath him instead of using his hands to cover up his privates.
"No, I do understand!" Sam insists. "It’s okay! I can see how horny you are, dude. And I know you’d do the sam for me if I needed a little relief. Just loosen up and let me help you… God gave me amazing DSLs for a reason." The hunky giant winks with a smile.
"Sam, wait!" Blaine shouts, but it’s no use.
The blond boy’s face is covered in shadows as it slowly descends, with great focus, down on Blaine. Sam’s hair hangs in strings that tickle Blaine’s hairy little chest. His plump pink lips brush the mini teen’s stomach and then rub like blubber over his rock hard cock, which is betrays Blaine in his most bulnerable moment.
Sam’s hot, wet whale of a tongue slurps up and down Blaine’s body.
When he kicks his tiny legs in a mix of protest and pleasure, Sam uses his fingers to pull them apart again. "Shhh…" Sam says, breathing warm, sweet breath onto Blaine.
The massive lips blot out the world. They caress Blaine’s face, and the giant tongue tip ruffles his hair. He is sucked like a lollipop. There’s drool between his legs, trickling between his ass cheeks, then it’s mopped up by Sam’s tongue which continues to massage him all over, until he loses control and hyperventilates through the wettest orgasm of his life.
As slowly as it descended on him, Sam’s billboard face floats back up into the air, like a space ship dropping off its probed victim.
"How was that?" Sam asks innocently, licking his lips.
Blaine’s tiny chest is still rising and falling dramatically. He can barely remember how to speak English, much less answer the question.
And in the time it takes him to catch his breath, Sam has already taken it upon himself to make a life-altering decision on Blaine’s behalf.
"I think the best thing for you, until I figure out how to grow you back, would be…"
Blaine’s heart is going crazy. He sits in Sam’s musty back pocket, counting the bumpy footsteps as he is transported to the home of Kurt Hummel, his boyfriend.
That is, his could-be boyfriend. Kurt and Blaine haven’t seen each other since their big fight two weeks ago, when Blaine confessed to having been unfaithful. He has tried calling, texting, even I’m-Sorry-balloon-and-candy-ing, but the love of his life has only given him the cold shoulder.
"Don’t worry, man." Sam says, ringing the doorbell. "He’ll forget about being mad at you when he sees how much you need his help."
Moments later, the door opens and suddenly there he is: Kurt. Smiling, his beautiful face seeming more alive and vibrant for all the time Blaine has missed seeing him. "Sam! What a surprise! Come in, come in." He moves to usher Sam inside and then his face changes. "What’s- Oh. Blaine." His expression goes from rosy cheerfulness to porcelain cool in seconds. He regards his tiny boyfriend not unkindly but uncertainly.
"Yeah, I’ll let him fill you in on the details but it looks like he’s gotten himself in trouble and I feel like if someone has to be in charge of him until he gets help it should be you. You’re kind of his next of kin." Sam explains.
For a moment it looks like Kurt is ready to slam the door in his face, and Blaine feels his heart lurch. At this size, he feels a hundred times more in love with his boyfriend, a hundred times more sorry, and a hundred times more at his mercy. He breathes a huge sigh of relief when Kurt nods, "That’s okay, Sam. You did the right thing."
Transferred from Sam’s warm, sweaty paw to Kurt’s soft delicate cage of fingers, Blaine feels a strange cocktail of emotions. All he wants now is to be alone with Kurt, to be forgiven by him and reassured that he can count on his boyfriend to get him back to regular size again.
Once Sam leaves and the mismatched couple have their privacy, Blaine lays it on the table.
"Kurt, I’m sorry." He pleads, his eyes wide and wet. "What I did was unforgivable, but I’m begging you to give me one more chance. If we can just put all this behind us and fix my problem as a team, I promise I’ll be the best boyfriend in the world."
Kurt remains cool. He turns his nose up, studying his nails as if he’s in no hurry to give his answer. When he finally does, his words make Blaine extremely nervous.
"On one condition."
Sitting on Kurt’s kitchen counter, Blaine feels smaller than he ever has in his life. He can’t tell if it’s the cold marble under his ass or Kurt’s coolly detached gaze bearing down on him, but his manhood has shrivelled almost to non-existence.
He feels naked and vulnerable. He feels pathetic and humbled. But most of all, he feels remorse.
“Kurt, listen. Before you say another word I just want you to know how much-” Blaine begins, but he’s swiftly cut off.
“No. You listen.” Kurt’s voice is as soft and overpowering as a blizzard. He stands with one hand on his hip and looks imperiously down at his tiny, unfaithful lover.
“I gave you everything and you betrayed me. Do you know how scary it is to put someone in charge of your heart, your body, only to have them go and humiliate you by cheating? I worshipped you and in return you made me feel worthless. Powerless. I never want to feel like that again.”
“Kurt, please!” Blaine climbs to his knees, unsure that his voice is powerful enough to reach his boyfriend’s ears. “I’ll do anything! Anything to make it up to you, I swear!”
“Yes, you will.” Kurt seems to brighten a little, as if he’s been waiting for the conversation to arrive at this inevitable conclusion. “As a matter of fact, you’re going to worship me. You’ll devote yourself to making me feel important and powerful until you’ve erased every inch of hurt you caused. And you’ll do it all while you’re teeny-tiny, no matter how backbreaking or soul-crushing that might be.”
“Oh.” Blaine freezes up, equally relieved and stunned. He knows he’s being given a chance to redeem himself and for that he is grateful. But he can’t help feeling like a cornered animal, desperate to escape back to a regular sized world. “I just- I guess I thought I’d be making it up to you at regular size. It’s just that I could worship you better that way.”
“What you thought doesn’t matter. Every word you say and every command you obey or disobey from this point on will determine whether I take you back or not when you’re returned to size, so choose very carefully.”
Blaine swallows over the lump in his throat. He tries to say “Okay” but only a dry whisper escapes.
His giant boyfriend’s palm is unfolding over his head, coming down around him. He is seized by an iron fist and hoisted into the air.
“Now. The first thing you’re going to worship is…”
Blaine tried to get Sam's attention of the seriousness of his situation.
"Please Sam I don't know what happened I need your help."
Blaine's voice was too soft as Sam continued on his own rant up above.
"Honestly bro at this point in our friendship if you want a little piece all you gotta do is ask. If it's a favor it's not gay right?" Sam asked with a shrug. Blaine was looking up from Sam's palm with a blank face of sheer confusion.
"Either way" Sam started up again with a big grin. "I can't justify keeping this hot bod all to myself." Blaine shook his head no in the brief moment Sam looked down at him. It seemed to have no effect though as Blaine started to be moved around Sam's body. Looking straight ahead Blaine was face to face with Sam's jean clad ass.
"Most people tell me the my greatest ASSet is my silky white chocolate buns." As he said 'buns' Sam stuck his ass out towards Blaine. Blaine squealed as the denim glutes flexed and expanded above him.
"Enjoy your treat little dude." Sam said out with a hearty chuckle. Blaine panicked as the hànd he was resting on started to tilt sending his sliding. Looking over the ledge He saw Sam's other hand move below in order to pull his jeans away from his ass.
Way from up on the other hand, Blaine was able to smell the wretched stench wafting out from Sam's tightly whities. Realizing how nasty it must truly be in that stink hole, Blaine started scrambling up the hand to avoid falling. He couldn't escape however. It felt like slow motion as Blaine fell through the air. Looking down he could see peach fuzz coating the tops of the muscly cheeks. Under the right circumstances this could be a dream come true to Blaine, but as he finally made contact with the fuzzy mountain he hit it with a splat. What Blaine couldn't see from afar was how sweaty Sam's ass was. He realized how much of a nightmare it really was as he slid down between the slippery muscles. Blaine could tell very quickly that Sam had not cleaned well since his last shit. The inside of his cheeks was coated in a film of grease that only gets denser the further in. Blaine finally stopped moving about halfway down into the crack. Sam wiggled his ass a little getting used the feeling Blaine in there.
Puck looked over at Sam wiggling his ass about and let out a chuckle. Reaching over he smacked Sam's as getting a small grunt from him. Puck reached further and grabbed a hold of Sam's tighty whities. Gripping the strap, Puck gave it a hard yank. The underwear bottom gave out and slid up into the crevice of Sam's darkest parts. Sam flexed his ass in response and jumped up a little.
Blaine was suffering greatly through this ordeal, he felt the swinging and swaying as he was stuck in the stinky confines. A loud clap rang out through his ears as the little bit of fat in his ass jiggled around. The fabric behind him started to steamroll up the crack. Blaine screamed out as he was swept up getting dragged deeper into the ass. As Blaine was pulled deeper in the ass slime along Sam's cheeks started to puddle and gather around him. Sobbing and wretching Blaine could only manage to tear up in defeat and humiliation. Suddenly the massive muscle slabs began to harden and press into you. The force of the flexing cheeks knocked the wind out of you leaving you to gasp as the putrid air.
Sam snugged Puck away and reached into his pants. He pulled at his underwear to dislodge it. He had to keep digging into his crack in order to pull it all out, it was a little embarrassing but he had to do it. He ran to the locker room for some privacy. Sam could feel the underwear flossing his crack and it pissed him off. He forgot why Puck even did that begin with and forgot about Blaine.
Blaine's night are was only starting though as the mounds slammed roughly up into him knocking him further into the muscle.
Sam giant fingers started grasping as the underwear. Blaine got excited to see that he could probably get pulled out at last. The fingers pulled the fabric away before slamming back down to grasp as more. As they slammed down the shoved into Blaine pushing his back into a wall. Feeling the wall pulsing behind him, Blaine turned to see Sam's pucked winking at him. Sam's hand came back shooting Blaine straight towards the ring as he shot up into Sam's rectum.
The last bell of the day rings at McKinley and classes disperse, filling the halls with an ocean of teenagers. Trailing far behind in the rush to the lockers is Noah Puckerman, resident badboy and jock. Only today the only thing bad about Puck is the sickly expression on his face and the way he’s holding his gut.
"Note to self," He mumbles as he leans against his locker. "Don’t buy hash brownies from the janitor. Man, what was in those things." He winces, feeling like a million bugs are crawling beneath his skin.
Puck tells himself that he’s weathered worse experiences than this; he’s a tough guy. He’ll just hang out in the hall for a few minutes until he feels better. But a little while later the crowd has thinned right out and Puck isn’t feeling any better. He’s feeling a strange, sickening vertigo and it’s only getting worse. Until…
"Man, something’s not right…" The campus king starts to keel over in pain, feeling as if he’s every bone in his body is contracting; changing shape. The dirty linoleum floor of the hallway comes hurtling towards his face. He’s falling. But when he gets up, he discovers the whole world has changed.
Standing on the collar of his letterman jacket, Puck is totally nude and only a few inches tall in the empty hallway of his high school. He looks around in shock, trying to come to terms with what’s happened to him.
"This can’t be real!" The former stud gapes at his surroundings, speechless. He’s brought out of this trance-like state of shock when he hears the sharp squeak of a sneaker on the floor, right behind him…
"Well, well, well. What have we got here."
Puck spins around, only to come face to face with two polished black shoes, each seemingly the size of his car. He scans the long, lean legs above him, looking higher and higher until he sees the clean-cut face of Blaine Anderson. With neatly parted hair and a handsome, smug grin, Blaine would be huge competition for Puck in the girl department if he wasn’t gay and in love with Kurt. Kurt, the boy who Puck used to bully endlessly before getting to know him in glee club…
Puck gulped. Surely the knowing smile on Blaine’s huge, square face didn’t hint at some sort of long-held grudge, right? Surely Blaine wasn’t tapping his foot right in front of Puck to intimidate the shrunken man with just how gigantic and powerful the polished shoe was next to his miniscule body.
"Dude, thank god you found me!" Puck yelled, having to roar as loudly as he could to ensure the giant would hear him.
"Oh, I don’t think God had a hand in this." Blaine flashes his pearly white smile, perfectly chilling, and bends down to collect Puck’s pile of clothes under his arms. He stuffs them away in his locker, then returns to the ground to scoop Puck into his hand. The naked jock tumbles into the boy’s palm, and the strong white hand closes around him like an efficient cage.
Suddenly, Blaine’s face is close. So close that only his eyes are visible to Puck, who squirms like a bug in the vise-like fist. The eyes glint, drinking in the sight of Puck, so helpless and puny. "Well, Noah. You tortured and teased the love of my life for years. You threw him in dumpsters. You shut him up in claustrophobic lockers. You humiliated him until he felt… this small." To illustrate, Blaine brings his index finger down on Puck’s shaven head and presses hard so that the little man is squeezed into a painful crouch, his shoulders up around his ears. The simple act is thoroughly humiliating. But judging by the malicious glint in Blaine’s eyes, he hasn’t even begun.
"So, Puck. What’ll it be first?"
Blaine kicks off his shiny school shoe and bends down, dangling puck over the opening. As well-presented and clean as Blaine is, he’s still a young man and as Puck is about to discover, his feet produce the same powerful musk that any active guy his age is inclined to, no matter how smart or handsome.
"What did you and your buddies used to chant as you’d throw Kurt into the dumpster behind the cafeteria?" Blaine ponders. "Ah, that’s right. It was one… two…" He swings the little jock pinched between his fingers twice and, on the third time tosses him dizzily into the giant shoe. "Three!"
"Please, man, Kurt and I are buds now! I’ve even got his back when other bullies give him a hard time! I’m begging you here." Puck calls from his humble position, crouching on the shoe’s warm insole which curves with the indentations of Blaine’s massive right foot.
"And you think that makes you even?" Blaine chirps, looking down the full length of his body at tiny Puck with a charismatic smile. "Sorry, Noah. You’re not even close to humility. But don’t worry, soon you will be."
Blaine’s massive, black socked foot descends into the shoe, pushing Puck onto his back and sealing his doom. The once proud little punk squirms in pain with every step his giant captor takes on his way to Kurt’s house. The irony, he thinks, of spending years walking all over kids smaller than him, only to end up flat under another guy’s foot after begging for mercy like a little bitch.
Twenty minutes feels like days to the shrunken captive, but eventually the pounding stops and he hears muffled dialogue through the shoe’s leather wall. He can hardly believe that after all the beatings he’s taken in his life, he’s never had his ass kicked harder than it just was by a cocky young gay man.
The foot lifts off of his chest, he draws in a ragged breath and then Blaine’s hand returns, so much cooler than the clammy toes sweating through cotton onto his face. And then Puck is out, free to breathe fresh air, staring up at two mischievously smirking giants.
"Baby, I know our anniversary isn’t until next month but I’ve got something for you." Blaine said in his honey-smooth voice.
Standing on Kurt’s bedroom floor, Puck had to arch backward to look up at the skyscraper-sized couple.
Blaine had his arm around Kurt, who was smiling down at the little jock. "This is perfect. Just what I’ve wanted since the day I came to McKinley. A big, strong boyfriend to teach my old bully a lesson."
"But Kurt, we’ve been friends for over a year! I’ve had your back, man! You too, Blaine!" Puck calls up indignantly. But the two giants aren’t listening, just like Puck never listened to the pleas of his victims.
"You know, it just occurred to me that his name is Puck. Kind of a coincidence, huh?" Blaine’s grinning face was as sweet as pie so his next move was totally unpredicted. He kicked Puck with his bare foot and sent him skidding across the floor.
Kurt burst into laughter. "My hero. Kick his ass!"
Puck couldn’t believe how lightly the gay boys were taking all of this. It was like he was no longer human to them.
Blaine’s big foot batted him around until he was sore and exhausted, then he was picked up and perched on Blaine’s bicep while the giant flexed. "How about this, Kurt? Does your old bully look big and scary now, compared to just one of my muscles?" He bragged.
Meanwhile, Puck had no choice but to cling to the mountainous bicep for dear life. It was emasculating but if he didn’t want to fall to his death, his only option was to hug his hold on tight.
"Looks like he likes me." Blaine joked. "What do you say, baby? Should I give him a little treat? Maybe an initiation into being our mutual pet?"
Kurt steps closer and runs a hand down Blaine’s abs. "You look so powerful right now. Anything you want to do with him, I’ll gladly help."
Blaine stared intently at the now cowering tiny ex-jock on his hand, and thought about all the things that he could do to the bug. He could force him to massage his feet, or order him to lick his armpit, or put him inside his shoes while he jogs, or…… There are just too many possibilities! Blaine could feel the soft python below was starting to get hard from thinking of all the possibilities.
Blaine shook himself out of his trance and coiled his fist tightly on Puck, force the bug to stare at his looming face. “Well, it’s getting late and I have to get home soon. Now, where to put you? Hmm……" Blaine pondered upon the choices he had as he tighten his grip on Puck, forcing the bug to squirm for survival. He felt the bug’s limbs fight convulsively from freedom, but it’s futile against his firm grip.
Puck tried to push those fingers away, his arm muscles straining, but the grip was just too strong. “Let me go, you giant ass!” Puck screamed at the giant while trying to pry himself from his grip.
Blaine’s eyes lit up as he heard this. He was found the perfect place to put this worthless bug. “Since I’m such an ass, maybe now it’s the time for you to know the best part of me.” Blaine said with a menacing look and started to walk towards the washroom. He pressed the bug against his stomach, hoping to hide it from other people.
Puck was pressed hardly against his captor’s stomach, feeling the bumping hills of abs behind the shirt. It was humiliating enough for him to be captured so easily, but it was far from worse than knowing that one part of one’s body was stronger than him now. He used to have an impressive body. But now, none of that matters anymore.
Blaine quickly dashed into an empty washroom, since he couldn’t conceal his excitement anymore. After making sure no one is around, he pulled the rim of his jeans and briefs, making a small gap, just enough for the little guy to slip through. “Well, off you go.” Blaine said as he dangled the guy above the gap, and squeezed him through it.
Puck was pressed firmly against his captor’s gigantic butt. Unfortunately, Blaine butt was always firm and muscular, so there were not much space between the jeans and the butt. He was forced to inhale the horrible scent to survive. And then he felt the giant’s movement, every step pressing him against the firm butt as the giant walked.
Blaine strolled out from the washroom with a huge grin on his face. He never felt this good before, having one guy pinned to his ass like a bug. He is loving this power he had over the bug more and more by the minute. He quickly increased his pace, hoping to get home sooner. He could do so many things to the bug, but that will have to wait until he got home. He practically dashed out from the school, making the experience of Puck at his butt more hellish. The butt hair was prickling on Puck’s face, making it itchy and the feeling was torturous. His butt was still reek of butt sweat from the vigorous boxing workout before, and Puck was forced to breathe through the musky stench.
Blaine was humming and whistling some tunes while hopped his way throughout the way home, obviously happy about having the tiny ex-jock at his butt. The tiny little bug wasn’t so happy, as the movement had caused the air become more humid, and the butt sweat were flowing like waterfall. Puck could only pray that all of this would end soon, and this is just some kind of dream, waiting to be woken up.
“I’m home!” Blaine sang with a melodious tune as he entered his house. He danced his way through the stairs and quickly entered his bedroom. He quickly stripped until he was only in his briefs, due to the hot weather. He admired his reflection in the mirror, and flashed his trademark handsome grin. “Perfect.” He thought. He admired those boulder sized pecs that rested on his chest, and the deep-cut eight-pack that rested on his stomach. “All those workout training sessions with Sam had finally paid off.” He muttered as he posed a little bit more. He turned and admired the little bug’s body pressing against his butt; the outline of his body was clearly shown through the thin fabric of white briefs. He purposely flexed his butt muscles, wanting to feel the little bug against his butt. He could feel the bug squirming in his prison, struggling for freedom. Seeing the ex-bully squirming against his butt made the think serpent in front growing hard, stretching the thin fabric, making the prison behind even more tight. Slowly, Blaine fished Puck out of his prison, and flicked him towards his bed.
Puck was thrown hardly against the bed, but thankfully the soft mattress cushioned his fall. He tried to regain his bearings when he noticed the faint smell of a teenager’s musk. He was on Blaine’s bed! He turned his head around, trying to find his giant captor, when he focused on a pair of muscular thighs. His neck arched when his eyes climbed the pair of muscular thighs, a enormous tent on the briefs, a set of eight-pack abs, two perfect round pecs, to the devious look of Blaine’s face.
“Well, what do you now?” Blaine wondered as his hand unknowingly rubbed his size-able bulge on his crotch. Puck gulped as he watched the giant hand working on the enormous tent. That thing was now bigger than his whole body now! Blaine thought about his choices. He could let the bug explore his body first, knowing every inch of his master’s body. Or maybe he could just skip that, male the little bug work on the raging snake under right now, since he was so horny right now. So, which is it?
Feeling more horny than he’s ever felt before, Blaine decided on going straight for the main event. Besides, he wanted to punish Puck for the hell he had put Kurt through, so why start off easy? Walking so that he towered over the side of his bed, he looked down at the small, naked Puckerman with a cruel smile on his face. "I know what to do. Let’s get you acquainted with my raging snake. After all, you are going to spend a lot of time with it. As he spoke, he rubbed his crotch, making sure the beast was well primed for action.
Puck stared with fear up at Blaine’s growing tent. Already it had grown so large that Puck’s full height was only a fraction of its length. He looked up into Blaine’s eyes and for the first time ever he did not see the cute compassion that they always held. Instead there was a devious gleam in his eye. He knew that Blaine was going to make his life a living hell- unless he could get away. He had to make a break for it, and it was now or never. The tiny athlete sprang up and begin sprinting along the top of the bed.
Blaine chuckled as he watch him go. He was moving fast but because he was so tiny he wasn’t covering much ground. Blaine smiled as he leaned over the bed, lowering his hand towards the scared bug on his bed.
Running as fast as he could, Puck swore when his entire world went dark as Blaine leaned over the bed, casting a show on him. Before Puck could react, Blaine’s finger was in front of him. As he skidded to a halt, the massive digit flicked him. Hard. Screaming as he flew through the air, Puck was flung…
Screaming as he flew through the air, Puck was flung further back so that he landed near the middle of it. Landing on his back, he howled in pain as he clutched his left side where Blaine’s finger had made contact. His whole body ached and he had tears in his eyes, making it hard to see anything clearly. He stayed that way for a few seconds before slowly bringing his hands to his eyes- rubbing the tears out of them. Finally able to see clearly, he looked up. Horrified by what he saw. He realized that he had only been given a few moments to recover from the flick because Blaine had decided to lose his finale piece of clothing. All Puck could do was stare as the now fully nude giant climbed into the bed, on all fours, his massive seven-almost eight- inch cock swinging around. Almost like it was searching for its prey.
Blaine crawled onto the bed, his cock hard just from thinking about what he was about to do. He aligned himself so that his groin was right over his new little bitch. "Get ready for the ride of your life.", he taunted as he slowly lowered himself onto the bed.
All of the giant’s moving on the bed caused the mattress to continually shift, throwing the small guy around so that he could not make another run for it. Falling back, his butt landed on the mattress below. Unable to escape, the small ant sized teen could do nothing but watch as Blaine’s giant balls descended upon him. They were huge, appearing to be the size of planets, his pubic hair threatening to tangle you within its mass. You are thrown flat onto your back as Blaine stops with the slow descend and lets them drop onto you. Instantly you are smashed beneath them. His thick, black pubes wrapping around your puny body, his manly musk overpowering your senses. Blaine laid still on you, and after a few minutes you start to worry you might run out of air. You begin struggling, trying to kick and free yourself but you can barely move. The weight seeps into you and you try to scream, but you are so buried beneath his mounds of flesh that he never even hears it. Just as you though things couldn’t get worse, your whole world rocks as Blane begins to slide his body up and down, dragging his hairy nuts up and down your body again and again.
Blaine laid flat on the bed, his muscular form stretched comfortably out, feeling you kick and struggle; loving the feeling of knowing he could crush you with his crotch alone if he wanted to. Wanting to get you ready for his massive log, he begins to rub his balls along your tiny form. He does this for a few minutes. Letting your tiny body rub all his senses. As he goes, his sacks heats up and starts sweating. It wasn’t long before Puck was drenched in nutsweat, sliding along easier because of it. The musky stench of Blaine’s crotch increased, causing the tiny teen to gag and retch. Mounds of flesh, pubes, and sweat entering his mouth as he does.
After a few more minutes of this hell, Blaine lifts his body just enough so that he could stare down at Puck. What he sees, make him hornier than ever. Puck laid there, gasping and chocking from the ordeal. He was drenched in sweat, his tiny body wrapped up in a few loose pubes that ell off during Blaine’s fun. He gave Puck a minute to recover, even allowing the bug a chance to sit up. But as soon as he did, Blaine lowered his body so that Puck was face to face with his giant cock head.
Puck stared at the giant head, its slit looking like an angry beast ready to devour it. A clear liquid oozed from the opening letting Puck know just how turned on his tormentor really was. The giant stomacher above him seemed to rattle as Blaine let out a laugh.
"Aww was I too hard on the little guy? Too bad. I’m going to put you through way more pain than you ever put my Kurt through."
Not even a full second has passed before the giant jabbed his hips forward, slamming the massive cockhead into Puck and flattening him once more. His body wracking with pain, he barely made out the giant snake sliding across his body. Blaine, readied it and then, with another upstroke, Puck was ground into the mattress with a slow, powerful thrust. Precum enveloped his body, entering any opening. Puck was forced to swallow mixtures of sweat and precum as he hacked and screamed in pain. All while Blaine humped his bed, forcefully grinding his tiny bitch into it. His cock knocking Puck around like a rag doll.
Lost in the bliss of knowing the hell he was putting Puck through, Blaine kept of furiously fucking his bed for another ten minutes until he felt his load flying up the tube. Grinning, he lifted his body so the he was using his knees and one arm to hold him up. His other arm wrapped around his dick and pumped hard. He lowered his body so that his slit was almost touching the bruised and beaten bug below him.
Puck laid there unable to move from pain as the massive dick lifted off of him. Every fiber of his being screamed in agony from the horrific pain that comes from being brutally smashed, jabbed, and ground on by the weight of a dozen semi-trucks. Blaine’s sweat and precum dripped off his body, some pubes stranded across his tiny form. Then he saw it: the massive, gaping chasm that was Blaine’s piss slit. His eyes widened because he knew what was coming, the ultimate humiliation at this giant’s hands. What seemed like gallons of thick, gooey sperm shot out as Blane unloaded the raging snake onto its victim. Puck was lost in a torrent of white as Blaine’s load violated him in every possible manner.
Blane collapsed onto his bed as he came down from the high of his climax, temporarily forgetting about the tiny teen below. His softening cock landing with a soft thud into his spent load below. Moments passed, then Blaine’s chest began to rise and fall with the rhythmic sound of his soft breathing as he drifted asleep. All while Puck…
Puck is standing in the men’s room, draining the lizard over a urinal when he gets a weird itchy feeling all over his back. The tingling extends to his legs and arms. It’s as if his skin is crawling, burning, and his muscles feel hot aswell.
He rolls his shoulders irritably, trying to shake the feeling that something’s wrong with him.
But before he even finishes shaking his dong dry, he feels a tightening around hs waist as if a huge boa is wrapped around him. "What the fuck?!" He says, as his belt creaks and snaps.
"Whoah!" Puck stumbles toward the door, convinced that he’s hallucinating or about to pass out or something, but he can barely walk in his sneakers, which are suddenly strangling his feet. There’s the pop of laces giving up, then the rip of his stolen Nikes blooming like flowers to reveal his big bare feet. His jeans peel off of him like banana skins, leaving nothing but his bulging leather jacket, the toughest item of clothing he has on.
With mingled disbelief and curiosity, Puck raises his arms and flexes.
His biceps emerge, leather sleeves snapping and ripping around them, until Noah Pucker man is standing in strings and tatters, his cock dangling free from the boxers that tore away like tissue paper only moments ago.
That’s when he realises that his eyes are a mere inch away from the bathroom’s one glaring light. His head presses into the roof softly, then harder, then smashes through it as his body sways in the air, flying toward the sky while his feet remain on the ground. Suddenly he’s looking at McKinley from an aerial view, surveying the wreckage that his feet are still planted deeply in.
He has to be four, five stories high now. And he’s still growing.
There are screams coming from behind him. When he turns to see the group of seniors causing the racket, he feels his dick swing to the right and slap his thigh, and the girl standing at the front of the group falls dizzily to the ground.
An older man from across the grounds has fainted too. Staff members drag him to safety while watching over their shoulders in terror. The whole school is outside, staring in awe at Puckzilla.
A smirk takes over his face, slow and full of… glee. The fun is about to begin.
Puck gaze swoops over Lima’s doll-like neighbourhoods. As he steps, he can feel the earth compress under his feet, leaving deep marks all over McKinley’s grassy lawn. "Man, this feels so… so… right." He says to himself. "I’m SO big. I can do anything I want. Anything. There’s no such thing as authority any more. I’m like a god to these bugs."
He treads around the school, into the football field where the team is practing. His feet crumple plastic seats, destroying a huge chunk of the bleachers. In the front couple of rows, girlfriends of the players squeal and run for their lives. The team stop in their tracks, dropping the ball and simply staring.
"Hey, Rick. How’s it hangin'." Puck says, gloating a little over the fact that his cock is bigger than Rick, the school bully and his own personal rival.
Rick moves his lips but it’s hard to tell if he’s actually speaking. The only thing Puck can hear is the crashing of the beams falling under his feet as he steps through the bleachers and marches onto the field.
Some of the players run, a brave few stand close at Rick’s side, but Rick himself doesn’t move. He stands stock still as if petrified, with a wet patch spreading over his crotch.
Grass and dirt fly off the ground at Puck’s heels with every step. As his mighty shadow overtakes Rick, the group of tiny men standing at his side finally disperse, running for their lives. Still Rick stands there with his head tilted all the way back, presumably regretting every shove, every sneer, every wrong word he ever sent Puck’s way.
Puck says nothing. All he does is smirk, lift his hand and flash a courteous little 'bye-bye' wave before he drops his foot flat onto the little man.
He can feel bones crunching like leaves against his tough sole, and he imagines that he just might hear a shrill wheeze of agony issuing from under his foot as the little piece of scum is exterminated forever, simply because Puck wanted it to be so and at this size Puck’s desires are law.
"Damn," The giant says, looking down. His dick is now resting solidly against his abs, hard a rock.
Puck turned to watch the rest of the football team take off running. Some had managed to reach the street, but a few had tried to hide, hoping the titan wouldn’t notice them. However hiding among the wreckage of the flattened bleachers wasn’t the brightest idea.
"Decisions, decisions" the giant said to himself. "Should I play with the toys at hand, or go on a chase?"
He turned around, his huge heels throwing up huge piles of grass and dirt from the football field. Taking a couple of steps he comes to a halt in front of the wreckage, where the tiny players were cowering. Flexing his monstrous toes he makes a pronouncement.
"You bugs have got ten seconds to start worshiping my toes before I stomp anyone under those bleachers"
After the announcement, only two the football players raced out of the tangled wreckage and dove towards the massive toes. The rest hesitated, either scared or disgusted remained.
"Times up bugs" Puck grinned down. "I’ve got two good pets, the rest of you are about to become slaves".
While the two slaves crawled between his toes on the titanic left foot, Puck slowly raised the right and hovered it over the rest of the football team.
So far, this day had been a fairy good one for Blaine. He had woken up early and got in his morning workout, his chiseled abs burning as he did crunch after crunch. He arrived to school to find out that he had aced his Calculus exam. Later on that day during Glee practice, he shone and was awarded a great leading role in the next musical number the group would perform. All in all, it was a great day to be him.
All of which, was about to change.
Feeling great after the day he just had, Blaine heads to McKinley High’s weight room after Glee practice. His body ached for the burning sensation that sculpted the muscles that ran across his upper torso. Arriving into an empty locker room, Blaine finds an empty bench by the lockers to sit and get dressed. As he fumbles around in his bag for his shorts, he comes across a small bottled protein shake that he had never seen before. Holding it up to his face, he found a small taped note to its side. Removing the tape and unfolding the paper, he saw a typed message addressed to him:
"For the man of my dreams.
"I really do love you.", Blaine muttered aloud. Shaking it up a few times, he opened the bottle and chugged its contents. Standing and tossing the bottle into the trash, he changed into a white tank top and shorts and started his workout.
Five minutes into hitting the bag, he began to feel light headed and a little nauseous. Deciding to sit down, Blaine heads towards the guy’s locker room and looks for the nearest bench; but he never reaches it. Instead his vision starts to fade and he falls to the ground unconscious, dreaming of falling. After about ten minutes of laying there, Blaine awakes to discover…