Chapters marked with a † indicate a dead end.
Chapters marked with a ¶ have been proofread/edited.
Early afternoon was always a hot time for people to start piling into the water park. Josh, the owner of the park, was just making his rounds near the front desk to schmooze with guests. The short 5'5" fairly thin 22 year old jogged his way near the desk and scanned the crowd intently.
"Welcome to Shrink and Swim!"
Josh said to a family of four, the two sons looked about, amazed at how they just shrunk and went into (from the outside at least) what looked like nothing more than knee high, long plastic box. Their father was busy fishing money out of his pocket to pay the admissions clerk while the wife turned and gave a thoughtful smile while her children grew more and more impatient to start riding all the fantastic water rides.
Josh smiled as the family went on their way. It really was a magnificent park, and who would have thought of shrinking people and making a tiny water park! It was even more genius since basically the whole park's water supply could run off a kitchen sink. Not to mention the shrink ray which was solar powered to reduce cost and increase productivity!
"It practically prints money!" Josh thought to himself as he watched several more families pay admission and begin shouldering their way through crowds to the rides.
- - -
Josh took a stroll past some of the rides he had to inspect today. There was the popular family ride the "Tubular Time". Not to mention the speed slides for people who liked to practically fly down the slide called the "Skin Burner". Of course there was also the wave pool and lazy river which people who hated waiting in lines could always appreciate.
Turning down the "Employee only" section he found the break room entrance. At least from the shrunken side. There was two ways into the break room, one that required going out of the park and around the back, or for the lazier just going in shrunk. "Wonder who's on break right now." Josh thought looking down at his note pad.
One of his duties did include checking on the lifeguards in the break room to make sure they aren't late for their shifts as well as going to certain rides to relieve lifeguards from their current shift.
- - -
Flipping over his note pad he noticed he had several new employees to interview in the near future. One of Josh's other more interesting duties is interviewing new employees to work at his water park, a process he often did while still shrunken in a special room near the break room.
"Huh we might be getting a few newbies sometime soon, better take a quick look at their files…" Josh said to himself flipping through the profiles of the eligible young men hoping to become lifeguards at the pristine water park.
"There you are boss!" came a familiar tone from across the walkway. Josh looked up and saw his head lifeguard, Tyler, running over.
"Oh hey Ty, whats up?" Josh said as the huge man came to a stop in front of him. Tyler was an impressive sight, 21 years old, 6'5" with wavy brown hair concealed under his red lifeguard's hat, brown eyes hidden under his sporty sunglasses, and a nice strong looking dependable face. Tyler was certainly very easy on the eyes.
"Josh don't you remember what you need to be doing right now? It's why I came over." He said as Josh's eyes wandered down Ty's strong tanned body. Particularly his massive pecs and sculpted abs. Snapping back to reality though he had forgotten what Tyler was talking about and shook his head.
"Dude you gotta…"
"Dude he's been in there 10 minutes! I had to come find you." Tyler said pointing over at the door leading to the interview room.
"… shit." Josh thought to himself flipping his notebook back to the new profiles. "Let's see here…"
Looking down at the profiles he took a glace at the first one. In the description was a copy of a neatly printed resume with the name "Ricky" printed at the top. Turns out he's 22 years old, has experience working as lifeguard and is CPR certified. The description states that he's 6'4" blonde hair blue eyes and an athletic build.
"Sounds like he'd be easy to hire and just pull on board…" Josh thought.
Next, Josh filed to a resume with the name "Chad" printed across the top. Looks like he's 24 years old and was in the military. Seems like he's listed as very dependable and strong guy. No experience as a lifeguard, which means he'll need training, but he is CPR certified so that's a plus. The description says he's 6'3" with brown hair and brown eyes with an athletic build.
"Dependable… that's good we could use more like him." He thought as his mind wandered to less dependable workers he had.
Finally, the last profile with a very bare resume had the name "Scott" printed across the top. He's 18 years old and has no real work experience. He did happen to list that he played four years of high school football, water polo, and lacrosse. Finally, it seems like he's not CPR certified nor does he have any experience life guarding. The description states that he's 6'11" with short brown hair and blue eyes with an athletic build.
"Jesus… this giant probably had more experience drowning people than saving them…"
Josh turns and looks back at Tyler, "Do you know which of these guys it is?"
Tyler looks down at the profiles and points down and says, "Yeah his name was…"
"Yeah his name was Ricky, hurry up dude he's waiting for you!" Tyler said as he picked Josh up and threw him over his shoulder, bringing him over to the entrance to the interviewing room. "Go get em' tiger!" He said putting him down.
"Thanks for the lift Ty, now get back to work!" Josh added jokingly. Tyler did a playful salute and walked off. Now all that waited in front of Josh was the door leading to the giant he had to interview. Taking a deep breath he opened the door.
- - -
The room was extremely large, at least for Josh that is. It was a squarish room with a chair and table at one end and a balcony at the other. Josh walked across the balcony to a small microphone that was used to communicate without shouting. Looking past the microphone Josh got his first look at Ricky. He was seated at his chair looking down at the ground. He was as the description said, tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair was shaggy and went down about to his eye brows. He was wearing a tight blue button up tee shirt that looked much too small for him as his broad shoulders and impressive chest seemed to be trying to burst out at any second. His shirt was tucked neatly into a pair of black dress shorts. as expected in this hot temperature.
"Hello, Ricky? Sorry I'm late I was held up. I'm the park's owner. You can call me Josh." Josh said into the microphone as clearly as he could. However Ricky, who was not paying attention, jumped at the voice addressing him and starting looking around for the source. "Uh, over here Ricky, on the balcony".
Ricky rubbed his eyes and leaned forward, looking at me from across the room. "I'm sorry, I'm just in a little shock. I knew people got shrunk in the water park but I had no idea they were this small!"
Its pretty common for this to happen, in fact compared to a normal human the people in the water park are a measly 1/2 of an inch tall. "Its ok, it must be a little shocking but let's get on with the interview shall we?" Josh said as formally as possible. Ricky leaned back in his chair, resting his back as straight up as possible, which to Josh's prospective just made his chest seem all the more dramatically huge.
Trying not to get distracted by Ricky's good looks Josh tried mostly to look down throughout the interview. He went about asking him typical questions, what can you offer this company? Why do you want to work here? The usual. Of which Ricky performed very well.
Josh looked down at his notes and saw Ricky out of the corner of his eye staring right at him. Josh went on to say "Well Ricky I've decided…"
"Uh, just one thing sir. A question I guess." Ricky said suddenly standing up and walking toward the balcony.
Josh's view was now completely obstructed by Ricky's stomach, which looking up he could barely see Ricky's face past his massive chest. Standing his ground though he answered, "What question would that be?"
Crouching down so he could look at Josh face to face he replied, "Well if you decided not to hire me, what's stopping me from just like… squashing you or eating you right now?" Ricky's handsome face began to twist into a confident smile.
Josh took a step back. Its not the first time this kind of thing has happened. Sadly it was the price he payed for choosing not to just go around front and grow back up for these interviews. But he was confident that he could get past this any time it happens.
"Well for one, you absolutely wouldn't get the job if you did that, and second if someone found out what you did you'd end up in jail." Josh replied as confidently as he could while trying his best not to shake in front of the eyes of this titan.
"Well if I did you'd also be dead, so you'd have that to think about. As for the police, how would anyone find out?" Ricky said now starting to show a little teeth in his smile.
Josh started to back up even more, he could just run for it. He'd be safe back in the park. He turns back toward the door when suddenly a huge hand comes slamming down in front of him blocking his only way out. "Going somewhere sir? I don't think you've come to a decision yet." Josh head Ricky's booming voice behind him.
"What have I gotten myself into." Josh thought as he turned and looked at Ricky's enormous face. Just then Josh decided to…
Swallowing hard Josh looked up and the enormous face in front of him and said. "You're hired! You know Ricky, you sure were bold just now doing what you did. We need more boldness on staff!"
Ricky slowly moved his hand away and stood back up to his full height. All the while Josh tried his best to keep a strong confident smile on his face. Hoping that Ricky would buy the act and sit back down. "Now I kinda have to hire him though." Josh though as Ricky turned to go back to his seat.
"When can you start?" Josh asks now more calm that the titan retreated back the the chair. "If its soon, I'd like to get you your uniform as soon as possible!"
"I can start tomorrow sir." Ricky said, still smiling over at Josh like a child who just won a argument with their parent.
"Great! Why don't you go on over next door, its the break room and I'll have one of the guys grab you a uniform." Josh said, still nervous about Ricky walking back over to him at any second. "Sure thing sir." Ricky said moving out of his chair to the door, still with a self gratified smirk on his face.
Now that Ricky finally left Josh gave out a sigh of relief. Hopefully someone's on break right now and can take care of the uniform. "Otherwise I'll have to get it…" Josh thought nervous to spend any more time around Ricky right now.
- - -
Leaving the interview room and walking into the break room Josh looked around to see if any of his giant staff could help him. Watching Ricky walk into the room and over to the balcony where Josh was standing Josh noticed that…
"Looks like its just the two of us. So where can I get a uniform?" Ricky stated looking around the room then down at his new boss.
Thankfully, the room is designed to accommodate for small people coming in from the park. A computer system can be used to operate several different types of elevators and conveyor belts for travel across the room. One other function is getting out spare uniforms from the storage shed. Josh pulled up the program to retrieve a new uniform and looked over at Ricky.
"What size you take, Ricky?" Josh said calmly, trying to forget about the terrifying events that took place just minutes ago.
Ricky looked down at himself, patting his hands on his solid chest. "Uhhh well compared to you, like a super XL!" He said laughing at his own joke. "Seriously though… like a large if you have any, boss."
Josh shuddered at the comment of how small he is. "Hope he doesn't get too used to this.." he said to himself as he pulled up a large on the computer. Quickly it was delivered over to the room on a rack. The standard lifeguard uniform. Red board shorts, with a cross on them. A white tank top with the word "Lifeguard" across the chest. And finally a red hat. Josh looked over at the uniform hanging from the rack and gestured to it for him.
Ricky grabbed the uniform off the rack and laid it down on the balcony next to Josh. Then he stripped off his button up shirt, Seemingly almost deliberately slowly. He showed off his huge biceps now uncovered by the shirt and his massive chest and stomach still covered by a tank top. "Let's see how the top feels on me huh boss?" He says as he peels off his tank top revealing his tanned torso and washboard abs. His pecs were so massive they bounced softly back down after he took off the top. Finally, he grabs the uniform top and slides it down on his body.
"Its a nice fit, nice and loose." He says lifting one of biceps and giving it a good flex. "Do I have to wear the tank top when I'm on duty though?" He asks, pulling it down and examining his chest.
"Well its not necessary, since chances are it will just get wet." Josh said, transfixed by the giant in front of him.
Ricky started to take off his dress shorts, revealing a massive bulge beneath his tight under armor compression shorts. He turned a little giving Josh a view of his fantastic bubble butt, huge enough to squash a whole ride. Ricky pulls up the red boards shorts over his underwear and ties the knot on loosely. His ass was so massive it almost sticks out of the tight back of the shorts.
"Oh I guess those are a little too small, I can get you a bigger size." Josh says, blushing at the man changing before him.
"Nah its perfect, shows off my ass a little bit which is great. You know what I'm talking about, right boss?" He says looking down at Josh and winking.
"Uh yeah sure thing." Josh says looking away while blushing even brighter. "All that's left is the hat and you're all set!"
Ricky grabs his clothes and puts the hat on his head. Looking down at Josh once more , "I'm looking forward to working for you, boss." He says, licking his lips and rubbing his toned stomach over his tank top. He winks once more before walking out the back door.
Finally… Josh sighed in relief. He was a bit nervous about how Ricky looked at him before he left… he looked hungry. Maybe it wasn't a bluff earlier but he knew now that he had to stay on his toes around Ricky.
"You're bluffing. You wouldn't dare hurt me." Josh said confidently looking into Ricky's enormous blue eyes.
Ricky's confident smile quickly turned into a frown. Without hesitation he licked his thumb and chased tiny Josh with it, pressing him gingerly on to it. With his captive now on his thumb Ricky stood back up to his full height. Looking down at the tiny man struggle on his thumb he started to smile again as he brought him closer to his face.
- - -
"What is he doing?" Josh thought as Ricky moved his huge thumb near his tongue. The enormous muscle lashed out like some sort of monster, licking the front of the giant man's thumb. Suddenly Josh knew what was going to happen and he tried his best to run from the gigantic thumb that was now perusing him. Finally, he fell to the floor and felt a sticky sensation all over the back of his body as well as a slight pressure of being pushed into the floor. Unhurt, but stuck he looked up at Ricky's handsome face.
- - -
"Still think I'm bluffing little guy?" Ricky said slyly at his captured prey. "Like I said I could squish or eat you if I felt like it. If you still think I'm bluffing, tell me would you rather be squished, or eaten?"
"I'm not going to choose how you think you can scare me! This is insane!" Josh said suddenly welling with confidence again. "Let me down now and I'll reconsider hiring you."
Ricky looked down at the tiny man pathetically. "Eaten it is." He says opening his mouth wide "See that? That's where you're going, well technically…" He gives his stomach a good smack, "You'll end up here."
"This is either a really good bluff, or he's really going to eat me…" Josh thought to himself as Ricky moved his thumb closer and closer to his gaping maw.
Falling, Josh lands with a splat on the tip of the giant man's tongue. Trying to stand up seems almost impossible as Josh slips and slides on the slimy surface. Fortunately, Ricky's mouth was still open allowing Josh to still see clearly what was going on, unfortunately all he could see were white towers all around him. Teeth.
"Oh god I'm in his mouth!" Josh quickly tried to scramble toward the light of outside, however Ricky wasn't having any of that. He started to tilt his head back causing Josh to slowly slide down toward the back of his throat. Ricky's enormous uvula bounced and swayed gracefully, welcoming Josh to his demise.
- - -
"He thinks he can escape?" Ricky thinks to himself as he feels the puny speck try to scurry its way out of his mouth. Tilting his head back he feels the little bug of a man slide closer and closer to his awaiting throat. "Pathetic." He says out loud.
- - -
Ricky's voice boomed around Josh like a megaphone. "Maybe he can still hear me… its worth a try." Josh thinks as he still slowly slides toward Ricky's fowl smelling throat.
"Ricky! Please I'll hire you! Just don't eat me!" Josh cried out.
"BEGGING WON'T SAVE YOU NOW!" Ricky's voice boomed over Josh once more.
Josh, abandoning hope, looked out at the saliva drenched throat, accepting his demise.
This sound meant the end for Josh. The throat opened up and pushed Josh down into the waiting esophagus. The warm slippery muscles pushed him down while the sticky saliva he was covered in slowed his descent ever so slightly. Josh wiggled and tried as he might to make his way back up, but alas he was just too small. The sound of Ricky's heart beat was all he had on this terrifying descent.
- - -
That's all it took for Ricky to send the little guy down. Ricky put a hand on his throat trying to see if he could feel the little man struggle or fight. Once his hand migrated down to his chest he felt a small squirm, enough to make Ricky feel like he really ate something alive. Suddenly the squirming stopped. "Must've dropped into my stomach. He sure went down easy!" He thought smirking to himself.
"Welcome to the stomach little guy! Hope you enjoy your new home!" Ricky taunted cheerfully as he rubbed his abs through his tight shirt. "Won't be feeling him anymore though that's for sure. He's just too small." He thought to himself.
Moving across the room he took his leave out the door. Still keeping his hand on his stomach he tried to see if he could feel the little man squirm at all in his stomach. After a few seconds he decided to give up and went on his way. Meanwhile, his stomach growled angrily at such a tiny snack.
"Right I skipped lunch… and that bastard showed up late!" He gave his stomach a couple good pats. "Serves you right! You get to be part of the lunch I missed thanks to you!" Ricky's stomach growled once more. "Better find some real food though."
- - -
Josh dropped unceremoniously with a splat right into the very bottom of Ricky's stomach. "This is insane! its so huge! You could fit half the park in here!" Josh thought forgetting where he was for a second. "Wait no! I have to get out of here! I can't die like some piece of food in this guy's stomach!"
"WELCOME TO THE STOMACH LITTLE GUY! HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME!" Josh heard Ricky's voice, however muffled it was, it was still incredibly loud. "That jackass… who welcome's someone to their stomach… either way I have to try to get him to throw me up." Josh though scrambling around trying to find the nearest wall of the enormous stomach.
The walls of the stomach started to shift as the whole stomach moved around. Finally finding a wall Josh would feel the flesh moving back and fourth. "He must be rubbing his stomach." Josh said aloud.
"Hey let me out you asshole!" Josh shouted while punching and kicking the wall as hard as he could. "I've got to get him to throw up!"
The walls of the stomach shook violently as growled. "Oh great he's hungry… and just after he ate too…" Josh said sarcastically to himself. Suddenly Josh found himself flying across the gigantic stomach as if something smacked him across the room. After a few quakes the stomach died back down and Josh was able to stand once again. "What the hell was that?"
- - -
After a little searching in the surrounding area around the park he settled on some fast food. A burger and some fries will do his hungry belly good. As he tore though his burger he tried to imagine the food piling up in his stomach hopefully smothering that tiny asshole. As he took a big chug of his soda he felt a bit of pressure coming from his stomach.
"This is gonna be good." He thought.
He leans back in his seat, rubbing his stomach proudly and thinking, "Hope that was hell for him!"
- - -
Finding his way back to a wall Josh tiredly continued his assault. "He just… has to let me out…" Josh kept telling himself.
Meanwhile Ricky's stomach swayed and churned, empty and hungry, as Ricky moved about. With a thud the whole room dropped a little. "Is he sitting down?" Josh wondered.
Suddenly huge chunks of food started raining down on him. Hugging the wall as mounds of food fell into the middle Josh nearly avoided being crushed! "Lot of good that'll do he's still going to digest me.." Josh thought to himself.
As if Ricky's stomach heard Josh's thoughts it began to churn and mix the contents of Ricky's stomach, letting out dangerous gastric acid. Scrambling to the mound of food Josh figured if anything he could stay alive longer on top of this mountain of food! Climbing up the side was a difficult feat, as it seemed to get even wetter in the stomach. Suddenly a flood of soda swept into the cavern with Josh barely holding onto the mushy pile of food.
The sound was deafening and all the air rushed up and out of cavernous belly. "This is how it ends…" Josh said to himself as he started choking on the stale air of the stomach. Slowly Josh sunk down passing out, only to become part of some jock who thought he could bully his way into being hired.
Suddenly, like a gust of wind Josh found himself being propelled out of the mouth and into Ricky's open hand in a blob of spit. The air was much chillier outside of the giant man's mouth and Josh started to shiver as he readjusted to the temperature.
Josh cleared the strands of saliva off his face and looked up at his capture. Still smiling looking down at little man shaking violently in his palm in a pool of his own spit. Ricky extended a giant finger, gingerly rubbing some of the sip off his hand and around Josh. Slowly he then lifted Josh back to his face.
Just then Ricky opened his mouth again, "Oh god no! Not again!" Josh screamed expecting to be tossed back into the fleshy cavern.
However, Ricky simply blew on the tiny man, apparently just trying to dry him off. Although, he thought he was blowing gently it was like a small hurricane for Josh as he clung on to the skin on Ricky's hand.
Looking up at Ricky's deep blue eyes Josh whimpered, "D-does this m-mean y-you're not gonna eat me?"
Still smiling Ricky responded…
"I wasn't really gonna eat you. I just wanted to see how far I could push you is all! I have to say right up until the end you sure had nerves of steel!" The blonde giant complimented to the still dumbfounded tiny.
"Ha… ha… wow just a joke." Josh said still shaking. "Some joke! What if he accidentally did swallow me!" He thought to himself suddenly a little angry.
"So do I have the job?" Ricky asks suddenly with an optimistic tone.
Shocked by the question Josh stopped to think how irrational the whole situation was. "Well I hope you know that stunt you pulled didn't exactly impress me. What if you did actually eat me? Then the joke would have gone too far!"
"Actually eat you?" Ricky said casually opening back up his mouth and tilting his hand into his open mouth. "That could be arranged. Maybe the joke hasn't gone far enough?" Ricky taunted as Josh slowly started to slide back into the mouth he just narrowly escaped.
"Fine! Fine! You're hired! Let's just end this joke then shall we!" Josh said panicked trying not to slip back into Ricky's maw.
"Perfect!" He said, moving his mouth away from his hand and lowering his new boss back down to the balcony. "I guess I can let you down now."
Josh scurried quickly off the giant man's hand back to the safety of solid ground. Relieved to no longer be in the palm of that voracious blonde. Josh's peace was short lived when Ricky's voice boomed over him from behind. "When do I start boss?"
Terrified to delay having Ricky join the staff, Josh figured sooner was better than later. "Tomorrow is fine, we just need to get you set up with a uniform."
"Sounds great boss, you sure know how to make me happy!" He said winking down at the flustered little man.
"Sure…" Josh replied nervously. "Lets just go next door and grab that uniform." He said not wanting to spend too much time with the new recruit.
"Hopefully someone will be there to take care of it for me… Ricky makes me feel uneasy…" Josh hoped to himself.
- - -
Entering the break room Josh looked around. It was designed with a balcony for people coming in from the water park to move around the rooms freely using elevators and conveyor belts for easy access. So Josh was able to scan the rooms quickly before Ricky came through the door. There didn't seem to be anyone in the kitchen or lounge, running over to peek through a window it seemed no one was in the workout room either.
"Crap…" he thought. 'I'll have to pull one up on the computer for him…"
Just then Ricky came walking through the door. He strolled casually over to the balcony, spotting Josh. "Nobody's here boss. How am I supposed to get my uniform?"
"Well…" Josh started…
"The computer is designed to perform many tasks, one of which lets it transport spare uniforms from storage. So I just need to give it a size and it'll bring one over to us." Josh explained eloquently.
"Whoa, dude that's pretty badass." Ricky complimented. Looking down at himself he ran his hands down his chest, then down his back, and finally rested them on his butt. "Uhhh I'm like a large if you got any…"
"Large it is." Josh said punching the code into the computer. Shortly after that a fresh uniform was whisked over on a rack. Nothing special just red board shorts, with a cross on them. A white tank top with the word "Lifeguard" across the chest. And finally a red hat. "All right all set!" Josh added, eager to get Ricky to leave.
"Wait boss lemme try it on first!" Ricky said, eyeing the little man intently. Stopped in his tracks Josh realized he had to wait. Ricky nodded at his new little boss and unbuttoned his shirt. Deliberately taking his sweet time to reveal a white tank top he was wearing underneath. Ricky removed the sweaty top and laid it down next to Josh, letting the smell of his sweat waft over the little man. Meanwhile Josh was transfixed with the sight before him. Ricky's chest was mountainous to him. His pecs bounced softly as he leaned over to pick up his uniform top.
Ricky pulled the tank top over his chest and rolled it slowly down over his chiseled abs. Smirking at his tiny boss the whole time. "Why is he looking at me like that?" Josh thought, blushing ever so slightly. "How's it fit?" Josh asked blankly at the adonis before him.
"Fits great boss, probably won't wear it too much. Part of being a lifeguard is showing off, am I right?" He said in a cocky tone as he peeled off the tank top revealing his magnificent torso once more. Josh's eyes widened at the giant man before him then started stripping off his black dress shorts. Pulling them down leaving him in just his spandex underwear. Ricky's bulge was only a few feet from Josh, however just by the sheer size of it it seemed like some massive monster in the distance. Ricky turned leaning over to pick up the board shorts, deliberately sticking his ass out to show for Josh.
"Good god." Josh thought. "That's big enough to flatten a ride easily…" Josh fantasized.
Pleased with the show he was giving his tiny boss he pulled the shorts up over his spandex. The snug fit made his butt seem even more incredible. "Nice fit boss, shows off my ass pretty well, don't you think?" He said turning more and moving in closer to the tiny man.
"It looks great." Josh answered honestly. Ricky turned back and looked at the little man and smirked once more. "Well all that's left is the hat and you're good to go!" Josh said hoping to get rid of him this time.
Ricky grabbed the hat, putting it on sideways looked at his boss. "Think I look cool?" The shirtless hunk asked the retreating little man.
"You look pretty awesome, Ricky." Josh answered hoping to finally be on his good side. "And with that, I'll see you tomorrow!" Josh added desperately.
Turning to leave Josh walked toward the door back to the water park.
"Hold up boss!" Ricky spoke out catching Josh right before he could leave.
Josh slowly turned around, his hand just shy of the door. Nervously turning back around to face the enormous Ricky once more. "Yes?" Josh asked as calmly as he could.
Ricky leaned over the balcony peering down at his teeny boss with a friendly smile. "I just wanted to apologize for what I did to you back there. I know it must've been kinda scary, but you were very brave and that impressed me, boss."
Looking up at the giant man Josh smiled and took a step forward. "I appreciate it Ricky, and its not actually the first time I've been threatened like that. It was however the first time I'd been put in another man's mouth though!" He added nervously, scratching the back of his head.
"How was that by the way?" Ricky asked suddenly.
"How was… what?" Josh asked nervously.
Ricky knelt down in front of the balcony and looked seriously at Josh. "How was it being in my mouth. In hindsight of course."
Josh hadn't really thought about it much, at the time it was just so terrifying. He thought for sure he was going to end up eaten. But at his size everything was very… impressive. The size of Ricky's teeth, the strength of his tongue, even how his uvula dangled so carelessly over the pit that would lead to certain death! Now that it was over it really was an invigorating experience…
Blushing, Josh wasn't sure if he should admit the truth to the giant man. Who knows what plans Ricky could be scheming? On the other hand if he told Ricky it was horrible he could try to use that against him again…
Josh decided to…
"I thought it was kinda amazing… to be honest. Once I got past how scared I was the whole situation just kinda gave me a rush… probably sounds stupid." The tiny man said looking down, embarrassed.
"Not at all." The blonde adonis said coolly. "In fact I was hoping that was the case. Obviously, that's the first time I've ever had a little person in my mouth. I felt so powerful to be that in control over another human being's fate. Even if it was supposed to be a joke." He added putting his hand on the back of his head, flexing his triceps and showing off his underarm hair.
Intrigued in what else Ricky had to say, Josh started to walk forward toward the giant man's face. Ricky seemed almost trustworthy despite what happened earlier. For the first time Josh truly felt at ease around the stud.
"I was hoping… maybe we could do it again… sir?" Ricky asked politely. "I'd be really careful! You can trust me!" Ricky added eagerly.
Josh's heart skipped a beat at the offer. It was incredibly enticing. He couldn't help be drawn closer to Ricky's handsome face. Looking at his blue eyes and sideways baseball cap just made him look innocent.. yet kinda stupid. If all it was, was a power trip to him who knows how far he'll take it? As clever as he seemed, Josh couldn't help to think he was just a dumb jock under his innocent face.
Ricky whispered, "You know you want in…" As he opened his mouth wide. Extending out his tongue to the floor of the balcony like a welcome mat . Ricky's hot breath washed over Josh as he felt he was reliving his experience in Ricky's mouth again.
Josh then decided….
"Not now little guy." Ricky said with a devilish smile. "I know you're disappointed, but fact of the matter is I'm hungry and need real food. I can't even consider you a snack."
Josh shook violently with a mix of anger, but more so of fear. He was being toyed with and there was nothing he could do about it. Just then the huge blonde hunk moved Josh over to his chest and perked open the chest pocket on his shirt.
"Get in." Ricky commanded to the little man. Josh looked over the side of the massive hand and saw his options were to either obey, or drop to his death. Reluctantly he decided to follow the stud's orders and he dropped down into the massive fabric enclosure. Josh slide down the the comfy material until he reached the bottom, looking up he saw light start to fade and Ricky released the opening of the pocket, letting it press firmly against his well trained pecs once more.
Ricky gave the pocket a little pat. Satisfied with the torture he was inflicting on the tiny man so far he turned to leave the room. Grabbing the handle to the door he pushed it open and smiled as the bright sunlight greeted him on his way out. Starting to walk away from the building, suddenly someone stopped him.
"Hey dude!" Called the voice as Ricky watched a huge shirtless man come running over to him. He seemed slightly bigger than Ricky but that being said he had no idea who he was. "Maybe one of the lifeguards." He thought to himself as he put on a fake smile. "Hey what's up?"
"You just got interviewed right? Just wanted to meet the new guy before anybody else!" Said the burly stranger.
Ricky rubbed the back of his neck and tried to come up with a lie. "Oh well I don't know if I got the job or not actually."
"Don't worry dude, Josh is a good guy. He wouldn't turn someone away without a good reason." The man said confidently. "Look, I'm head lifeguard after all. If he had any doubts I'll put in a good word for you!"
Ricky looked at the man surprised. Why would he go out of his way like that for someone he's never met? Not to mention he spoke so highly about his boss… either way, he wasn't about to reveal what was hiding in his pocket. "Thanks dude, that's pretty cool of you." He said finally to break the silence.
Ricky waved good bye to the friendly man as he went along his way, making sure to stop at a restaurant on his way home to get his fill of food finally. Satisfied, he made his way home and unlocked the door. Walking over to his kitchen table the handsome man started to think about what he was doing with his tiny captive. Slowly he reached down into the pocket, barely feeling the little man he plucked him out and set him on the table. Finally seeing the light of day once more Josh was was excited to be free of the prison, yet equally terrified of what Ricky had in store for him next. When Josh looked up at Ricky's face finally he saw Ricky had…
"Look alive little man." Ricky said with an evil looking smile. "I've got big plans for you."
Josh turned away. Even with that dark looking smile, Ricky was still incredibly handsome, but at this point he was too disgusted with how he's been treated to dignify Ricky with a response. Ricky simply laughed at the tiny man's defiance. Knowing he was in total control no matter what Josh did.
"I met one of your workers. Some guy who called himself the head lifeguard?" Ricky said trying to draw Josh's attention. Turning to face Ricky, Josh started to grow concerned over what happened with Tyler. "He seemed to think very highly of you."
"All my employees do, as do I think highly of them! We all care about each other and if they found out what you did…" Josh said as he was interrupted.
"Yeah I don't care." Ricky stated blankly. "They won't find out, especially not after they think you hired me."
Josh stood there dumbfounded. He couldn't begin to imagine what Ricky hoped to gain from all this! "I'll just tell them you're lying!"
Ricky shook his head and sighed. "You think I'm dumb? I'm not going to just let you go when I go back. No, you're gonna have a front row seat of all the action, little man."
"They'll know something's up, I never hire someone and not tell anyone about it!" Josh scoffed at Ricky angrily as the giant man swung around to a seat at his kitchen table and plopped his massive form down in the chair.
"Oh yeah? I heard you're a good guy who doesn't turn someone away with out a good reason. That dope head lifeguard even said he'd put in a good word for me. I'll just tell them you called me later and that I had the job, but you were feeling sick and decided to stay home." Ricky said leaning back in his seat with an arrogant smirk.
Josh was furious, Tyler was he best friend after all and he really didn't appreciate this jerk talking down about him like this. "You can insult me all you want, but Tyler will figure it out. He knows my protocol, he'll know you're lying."
"Tyler huh? Your dumb big oaf has a name? Whatever, he didn't seem too bright. I'm not worried." Ricky said as he stretched his body and yawned. Ricky unbuttoned his shirt revealing a tight looking white tank top underneath. His strong abs ad massive chest showed through the white shirt with ease as he stood up and tossed the shirt aside. Walking into his kitchen, he disappeared for a second while he rummaged through a cabinet and returned with a tall glass. Josh tried to scramble away as Ricky came over and quickly plucked him up and dropped his down into the container. Leaving once more, Ricky eventually returned from the kitchen holding a small pink piece of something, which he dropped into the glass.
"It's watermelon." Ricky said as he looked down at the pathetic little man. "Gotta have you aware for what goes on tomorrow."
With that Ricky left the room and shut off the light. Josh shivered in anger and fear as he looked over at the piece of watermelon. Sighing, he knew he needed something to eat, and the juice from the fruit would also be enough to keep him hydrated. Finishing his fill, Josh tried to make himself comfortable on the hard glass floor as eventually he drifted uneasily off to sleep.
- - -
Josh jerked awake as the sudden rumbles came crashing through the room. Josh looked through the glass, reminded of his dire circumstances. Ricky came pounding his way over to the cup, and Josh could barely make out what the man was wearing. It looked like he had on some sort of black tank top, coupled with blue athletic shorts with a black strip on them. Looking up Josh saw Ricking looking into the cup. He was wearing sunglasses, hiding his dangerous blue eyes as he smirked in approval to Josh's movements.
"Morning, runt." Ricky announced as he tipped the glass over, causing Josh to tumble off his tired feet and scream. Tipping the glass even more, Ricky watched as Josh rolled right to the edge. Quickly out of his pocket, Rick located an empty tic-tac container and poured the tiny man inside. Raising the container to his handsome face, Josh looked on in horror as he held his hands against the plastic of his new prison.
"Wouldn't want you to try and pull a stunt and escape, now would I?" Ricky laughed as he moved the container back to his pocket, shrouding Josh in darkness. Josh couldn't believe how well thought out Ricky's plan was. With the top of the container sealed, there was nothing Josh could do but sit in the dark and listen to his smug voice.
Meanwhile, Ricky ran a hand through his blonde hair. He was ready to work his magic on those fools at the park and put the tiny man in his pocket though hell. Turning and closing his door, he started his walk to the park.
Upon reaching Shrink and Swim, Ricky already knew the two back doors. One was an interview room, the other was a break room. Walking toward the break room, Ricky confidently opened the door. Looking around it was mostly empty, that of course except for one other man.
"Just as planned." Ricky thought to himself as he spotted that dumb oaf from before, Tyler. Ricky smiled fakely as Tyler waved at him, recognizing him from yesterday.
"Hey dude! Ricky right?" Tyler asked enthusiastically as Ricky walked forward to greet him.
"Yeah, you're Tyler right?" Ricky said smugly, happy that Josh accidentally gave away the man's name.
"Yeah dude, judging by the fact that you're here today you must have gotten hired! I didn't even have to talk to the boss. Although I'm not sure where he went yesterday.." He said looking down at the ground.
"He told me he wasn't feeling well in the interview. Also last night when he called me he did mention it again. Maybe he stayed home sick?" Ricky said hiding a devious grin behind his thoughtful sounding words. Tyler rubbed his head. It wasn't normal for Josh to miss work because of being sick. Even still it was weirder he wouldn't call him and let him know. Shaking the thought, Tyler figured it was best to get Ricky situated first. Walking over to a computer panel, Tyler fumbled the commands a little as he entered Ricky into the system and had a uniform transported into the room. Handing it to the man with a smile Tyler turned as Ricky changed in front of him.
Quickly, Ricky tried to take the tic-tac container out of his old pocket and move it to the back pocket of his new board shorts. Moving his hand swiftly, Ricky looked up as Tyler turned to him again. Ricky, stood up straight and patted the container as he felt it settle down beside his ass as Tyler looked at him…
Ricky froze for a moment. Was he suspicious? Did he somehow see his boss in the container? "Er, yeah. Gotta have fresh breath if I'm gonna save someone's life." He flashed a smile as he tried to read Tyler's expression.
"Might I ask you for one?" Tyler asked. "I used up the last of my toothpaste last night and well… you probably don't want to endure my morning breath, especially since I'll be the one training you."
A wave of relief washed over Ricky, relief that quickly gave way to an evil joy. A wonderfully torturous way of disposing of his captive just presented itself to him. While he had planned on dragging things out, this was just too perfect. "Yeah sure." He pulled out the container and popped the top before handing it over. "Looks like it's my last one so you had better make it last."
"Last one? Oh, well I don't want to take-" Tyler starts to say before Ricky cuts him off.
"Please, it's no trouble. I insist. Here." He starts shaking the nearly empty box over the now open palm or his unwitting accomplice.
Tyler relents, "Well if you insist. Honestly I probably need a few to tame this funk but it will have to do." Ricky could barely contain his wicked delight as he saw the tiny man tumble out. A second later and the hand holding him tossed him into the maw of his trusted coworker. Tyler licked the 'mint' around but didn't recognize the taste. "Hey what flavor is this? It tastes kinda… bland."
Ricky realized that he hadn't thought this through and racked his brain to make up an excuse. "Well… it's actually actually a foreign brand of mint. I just use the tic-tac box because it's convenient. It's… got a very mild taste and takes a loooong time to dissolve, fizzes a bit too. You feel it, like it's moving?"
Tyler pokes Josh into in cheek, "Yeah… I do feel it,"
Holy crap he was falling for it. Time to seal the deal. "Yeah they're a bit of an acquired taste these guys, I get them from a friend who travels. Just suck on 'em for as long as you want and then swallow 'em down. Oh, and don't take them out. I don't know what it is but they stain fingers like nothing else."
"Huh… well thanks for the new experience then man," Tyler smiles having fallen for the crazy story. "Anyway, now that you are changed we can move on to the tour."
- - -
Josh could do nothing but listen as his captor tried to pawn him off as a breath-mint. Being inside a mouth was terrifying and disgusting enough without having to worry about the smell. There was no escape from the container though, at least until it turned upside-down. The seismic shaking and smoothness of the plastic walls made it impossible to prevent the short fall onto Tyler's palm. Disoriented, Josh called out, "Tyler! It's me! Don't eat me!" His cries would go unheard as the floor went sideways and he tumbled into the dark mouth. Josh screamed as flew through the hot, thick air. He landed with a *splat* and an "Oof" in the middle of the sticky tongue. The stench hit him like a punch in the gut. It burned his throat, brought tears to his eyes, and made him heave. Tyler was right, he certainly needed more than a mint to cover this nastiness up and unfortunately, all he was getting was his tiny boss.
The tongue sprang to life and began tasting Josh, probing and sliding the slick, scum-covered buds against him. Gooey saliva oozed from it and everywhere else to ensure that Josh felt violated. Tyler's voice boomed around him as he spoke to Ricky, far too loud for Josh to make out and presented Josh with another dilemma, should he hold his nose or his ears. Tossed in every direction, Josh smacked against hard teeth, spongy flesh and globs of spit. The smell of his subordinate's horrible breath made Josh wish that he would just pass out. He tried to cry out for help, but he simply could not fill his lungs with the toxic air. The weak shouts he could muster were drowned out but the wet smacking of muscle.
- - -
About 20 minutes had passed and the tour was going fine. Ricky seemed eager and quick to pick up on things. The only thing wrong was this this mint didn't seem to be helping. Tyler's mouth still felt nasty and he noticed Ricky wince a few times when he got close. Tyler excuses himself to the bathroom, hoping to find something else to deal with the problem. Tyler worked the ineffective mint to the middle of his tongue and…
No use in trying to get this thing to work anymore, Tyler thought to himself. Ricky just must have been wrong about how effective these mints were. No matter how he shoved the thing around in his mouth, rolling it across his tongue every possible way, his breath just didn't seem to improve. But he wasn't about to just waste it. All things considered, he was starting to enjoy the taste a little. Besides, mints were food, like anything else.
Josh felt Tyler's tongue shift for the millionth time, but he could immediately tell that it was for a much more sinister purpose. The broad, pink carpet rolled out beneath him, pushing him to the center. Tastebuds crashed across his face as he was forced downward. He couldn't see a thing, but he could immediately tell that he was further back on Tyler's tongue than ever before. "No… no no nonononono!"
Josh screamed and tried to force himself to his feet as realization dawned. His body was soaked in Tyler's drool. It was nearly impossible to get to his feet on the already slippery surface. He pushed and scrambled, trying to grab anything that he could. But in the end, it was hopeless. He hardly had two seconds before Tyler's tongue reared up. It forced him backward, slamming his tiny form against the back of Tyler's throat.
Mashed between two muscles, one smooth and one rough, Josh knew he was screwed. In the moment before Tyler swallowed, he found himself hoping for a miracle.
"All set dude?" Tyler asked as he watched Ricky stand up and look at him. Ricky gave off an unassuming smile as he replied.
"Yeah, man. where do we start with this training?" Ricky asked politely as he took his hand off his ass, moving back in front of his body along his torso. Tyler looked down at the floor, however at Ricky's discarded clothes.
"We can hook you up with a locker you know. We got a pretty sweet gym here too, dude." Tyler said as he bent over to Pick up Ricky's clothes. Ricky simply smirked as the dumb oaf collected his clothes for him.
"Aw thanks dude!" Ricky said almost condescendingly. "You didn't have to grab my stuff for me!"
Tyler simply smiled, being the nice guy that he was as he had Ricky follow him through a doorway leading to the break room's personal gym. The pair walked past a couple of machines and weights as they got to the back of the room. There around a wall was a small locker room. Tyler looked around for a locker without a lock, opened it up and stored Ricky's clothes carefully inside. "There! Locker 6! All your's dude!"
Ricky smiled fakely as he thanked Tyler once more, and the two left the locker room, back into the break room. Tyler stopped, putting a hand on his chin in thought for a second. Ricky hesitated, hoping the moron didn't realize something somehow. "Ok, dude. So from what I heard you are CPR certified and you've worked at a water park before. So you don't really need training, huh?"
Ricky sighed in relief, glad that's all the huge man had on his mind. "Yeah for sure. I know all the basics. All you really need to do is show me around."
Tyler shook his head as he headed for the door to go back outside. "Alright, dude. Let the tour begin!"
Ricky put a hand on his back pocket thinking for a second. After a quick decision, Ricky elected to…
"Yeah hold up a sec, dude. I forgot something I want to throw in my locker." Ricky said as he turned away from Tyler to make his way back into the locker room. Out of sight, and out of ear shot, Ricky pulled out his tiny captive as he made his way to his locker. Looking down at the little man in the tic tac box, Ricky smirked as he saw the pathetically small man pound on the walls of his plastic prison. Ricky simply chuckled as he lowered the case down into his locker.
"Your dumbass friend was retarded enough to give me this locker." Ricky mocked as he leaned over to look at Josh with his dangerous blue eyes with a lift of his sunglasses. "Who knows, maybe next thing you know he'll forget about you and be my friend instead?"
Ricky laughed as he watched the little man fume angrily beyond the plastic walls. His pathetic voice was way to small to pierce the walls, as Ricky figured would be the case. Closing the locker, Ricky shook his head and smiled in amusement. He couldn't believe how easy this was after all. Looking around he found a little lock and key, laying on a nearby desk. Grabbing the lock, Ricky secured it to his locker, just in case any of the other morons around here got curious and snooped in his stuff. Dropping the key in a zipper pocket, Ricky patted it quickly as he made his way out of the room.
- - -
Josh sat down in the darkness. Practically in tears, both from fear and anger, he couldn't help but pound his fist to the ground.
"Shit… why the hell did I do that." Josh cried as he shook his hand side to side. Sighing in angst, Josh couldn't help but stare down at the floor and feel hopeless. Maybe Ricky really had won after all. Tears ran down his cheeks finally as he thought about the terrible things he was saying about Tyler behind his back, only to go approach the man like dear friend. He couldn't help but feel disgusted, not only with Ricky, but in himself for allowing his to go about deceiving his friends here at the park.
Staring up at the top of the container he was help prisoner in, Josh wished there was some way he could escape and tell someone, anyone, about Ricky's scheme. Pulling his legs up against his chest and resting his chin, Josh couldn't help but feel his situation was totally hopeless.
"Maybe they are too dumb to figure it out…"
- - -
After what seemed like hours, Ricky and Tyler had made their way around the park. The faker of a man even managed to meet every other lifeguard in the park, sucking up to each one as he made his way around with Tyler. Smirking to himself, he couldn't help but feel like his infiltration has been a total success thus far.
"Yo, Rickster!" Tyler called at the blonde man as he looked like he was spaced out. Ricky quickly shook off his scheme to reply happily with a smile.
"What up Ty? What we doing next?" He asked, trying to sound enthusiastic.
"Well, dude, it's lunchtime." Tyler said blinking a little confused. Putting a hand on his stomach Tyler felt the need to accentuate his point. "I'm starved dude. Come on a few of the guys wanna split a pizza!"
"Sounds great, man!" Ricky said with his fake smile. All the while thinking to himself this might be the perfect opportunity to show that pathetic speck just how reliable his staff is.
Making their way out of the park Ricky and Tyler joked back and fourth with each other as they made their way around the back of the building, going to the break room. Pushing the door open like he owned the place Ricky looked out into the room as the decadent aroma of pizza filled his nostrils. Two men sat down at the kitchen table, and the pair stood up to greet Ricky and Tyler as they made their way in. Ricky put on his best smile as he recognized the men to be…
Ricky smirked as two blonde men jumped forward, happy to greet Ricky and have lunch. Ricky grinned as he looked at Matt first. He was the same height as Ricky and seemed quiet a bit leaner. His blonde hair was a bit shorter than his own and he even had similar striking blue eyes. He wore a shark tooth's necklace which rested perfectly between his pecs as well. Putting out his hand he, shook Matt's, quickly comparing his bicep to Matt's as he did. Backing away, he smirked as he realized he was definitely built a bit stronger than the leaner surfer dude.
"Dude! We got the pizza! Luke and and I are starved!" Matt cried enthusiastically as he put his hands on his stomach, as Luke came forward putting his arm around Matt.
Ricky smirked as he looked at Luke. He was slightly shorter than him, by maybe an inch. But Ricky felt a little leery about him none the less. He was built like a tank. His muscles looked much more thickly than his or Matt's and easily would give even Tyler a run for his money. The buzzed blonde green eyed stud seemed like he could easily suplex him or Matt if he felt like it. His saving grace though, which Ricky realized all too quickly, was that he's dumb as bricks and easily the goofiest guy at the park. Ricky looked as Luke turned a little, showing his back, which reminded him that Luke had a tattoo of a bird on his back, between his shoulders. Either way, Ricky continued to smirk, knowing this clown couldn't possibly ruin any of his plans.
"I'm with Matt on this! Ricky, my man! Let's eat!" Luke yelled as he drug Matt off back to the kitchen table to lay out some plates and grab a few drinks. Ricky turned and looked at Tyler, who simply smiled as he walked past him to go to the table.
"I'll be right there, dudes! Just have to grab something!" Ricky called out as Luke jumped up and down impatiently. Excusing himself, Ricky turned to go into the gym and toward his locker. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "This is gonna be too easy!"
Arrogantly strolling toward the locker room, Ricky quickly fished into his pocket to pull out the key to unlock his locker. Undoing the lock and opening the door, he looked down at the pale disgruntled speck he held captive.
"That room is just full of morons. Between that clown, Luke, that wimp, Matt, and your stupid oaf, you're as good as a pizza topping my little runt." Rick taunted as Josh stood up in his prison, attempting to scream as loud as he could to stop insulting his friends. Putting a finger in his ear and moving it around Ricky leaned forward. "Sorry runt, your voice is just too wimpy and pathetic."
Laughing some more as he watched the minuscule man huff and stamp his feet he figured it was about time he drafted his plan. Putting his hand on his chin he tried to weigh his options. He could just take the little runt out now and drop him smack dab in the middle of the pizza when he gets back. On the other hand, Ricky thought, he could keep him in his little plastic prison and sit on it while he prolonged the man's suffering.
Reaching down to the tic tac container, Ricky made up his mind to…
Grabbing the tic tac container, Ricky popped off the top and poured the terrified tiny man out into his hand. He heard a tiny voice start to rebel as he closed his hand into a fist, trapping little Josh inside. Dropping his fist to his side, Ricky put the tic tac container back in his locker and shut the door. Casually making his way out of the locker room, Ricky chuckled slightly to himself as he felt his tiny victim fight and thrash about in his closed hand. Bringing his fist up to his face he smirked as he whispered to the little guy.
"I wouldn't waste all that energy if I was you. Or you know, do. It'll make it all the easier for your friends to end you." Dropping his fist down, he felt the struggles cease. He smiled as he figured he must have sufficiently terrified the little man to the point where he froze up. Turning the corner Ricky reentered the break room only to be greeted by a loud strange noise.
Ricky looked over at the table, confused as he saw the three men sitting there with the food untouched. Luke clutched his stomach, rubbing it briefly as he turned a little red. "Sorry that was me!"
Ricky walked over to the table, pulling back a seat and looking at the men while he rested his fist on his lap. "You guys waited for me?"
Luke pipped up with a friendly smile as he stomach rumbled once again, albeit much less loudly. "Much to my stomach's disagreement! But yeah of course dude!"
Smiling to himself over how truly stupid all of them were, Ricky reached out with his fist, opening it over the middle of the pizza as he grabbed his slice. Looking at the pizza he could barely see the tiny man struggle as he fell helplessly into the sea of sticky yellow cheese. Satisfied that his work was done, Ricky took a bite of his pizza as he waited for hell to break loose for the puny speck.
- - -
Struggling with tears in his eyes Josh tried desperately to free himself from the sticky cheese. He watched as one by one each of his friends reached in and grabbed slices of pizza. Somehow avoiding the first onslaught however, Josh couldn't help but think it was worse that his inevitable fate had to be put off. Waving his arms in every direction Josh hoped someone would spot him, if not someone would at least grab the slice of pizza he was on and end this whole horrible ordeal.
Frowning as his body burnt in agony, Josh tried to fight the pain of the hot melty cheese as it cooked his skin. Trying to distract himself he looked out around. Luke was tearing through his slice of pizza without mercy. Josh watched in horror as the huge muscular stud swallowed huge pieces of his meal as he set it down to periodically take a large gulp from his cup.
"BUUUUURRRAAPP!" Luke bellowed intensely as he rubbed a hand on his solid 6 pack. Matt laughed at the obnoxious belch as he swallowed down a bite of his own pizza. Tyler leaned toward his friend, patting him on the back.
"You getting full already, buddy?" Tyler asked raising an eyebrow as Luke started to dig back into his pizza.
"You kidding!" Luke spurted with a mouth full of food, while he chewed with his mouth open. He quickly swallowed the food as he finished, " I was just making room, brah!"
Josh stared up at the men as they joked and chewed their food rudely. Looking over at Ricky however, Josh saw the enormous man smirking evilly at him. Wincing in pain from the molten cheese, Josh started to tear up as Ricky addressed his friends. "So fellas. I wanted to let you know I heard a few rumors about this place before I left the other water park."
Luke stopped chewing, immediately swallowing the rest of his pizza whole. Pounding his chest for a second, he took a deep drink of his soda to get the huge chunk to go down. "Like what, dude?"
"Ok so get this." Ricky said moving in closer to try and draw everyone's attention. "I heard the owner here has some crazy shrinking fetish. That's why he made the park."
Tyler stopped chewing for a second, swallowing his food as he started to clench a fist. Looking up however, his tension was quickly relieved by Matt.
"He does seem to prefer being small all the time, but so what dude?" Matt said taking a sip from his soda. Ricky quickly glared down at the tiny speck in the pizza before looking back up at the idiots.
"You don't think that's weird or suspicious at all?" Ricky tried to plead with the men as he desperately wanted them to turn against their boss.
"Pretty sure he's even mentioned to all of us at some point. Besides if that's his thing, that's his thing. Who are we to judge?" Luke said professionally as he munched away at his crust before he moved on to another slice of pizza.
Frustrated, Ricky sneered at Josh's direction as he tried to concoct a new lie, trying to get any kind of disgust for these men to feel for Josh. "I heard another rumor too. A rumor that the owner is gay."
Luke put down his crust and crossed his arms. "Dude that's not cool."
Ricky perked up, happy to see Luke was on his side. "Yeah dude, not gonna lie I was feeling real uncomfortable in my interview."
"No, dude." Luke said looking at Ricky seriously. "You're being uncool."
Matt decided to chime in as well. "Yeah seriously, dude. Even if it were true, who cares? Or did I forget we were living in the 50's or something?"
Luke laughed as he gave Matt a high five. Tyler simply smiled as he took another bite of his food, glad to see he didn't have to step in to defend Josh. Meanwhile Ricky sat there, dumb stuck as he stared at Josh's tiny form in the cheese, looking like it was dancing with glee. Fuming with rage, Ricky clenched his teeth as he decided to…
Glaring at the tiny man he dropped on the pizza, Ricky knew he wasn't finished trying to turn these idiots against their boss. Assuming he had the perfect lie, Ricky tried to persuade them one last time. "You say that, Luke. But I think you fail to realize that if this was true, your boss could be a tiny pervert, he could even be watching us right now."
Luke and Matt looked over at Tyler as they saw him set down his pizza. Both men looked at each other as they saw a fit of rage start to build in the man's eyes. Without a word, Luke and Matt both picked up their plates and scooted back their chairs a little as Ricky continued his thought. "I bet he record you guys without even knowing it. Little fa--"
Ricky was cut off suddenly as Tyler shoved the table while he stood up suddenly to punch Ricky square in the jaw. Knocking the man to the floor in surprise, Tyler looked down at Ricky with fire in his eyes. "Don't you fucking say another word!"
Ricky sat up slightly, rubbing his jaw in surprise. Before he could even retaliate, he watched as Tyler walked over, looming over him while Luke and Matt sat off to the side, watching in a bit of fear. "You never talk about my friend like that, got it?!"
Ricky started to back away using his hands as Tyler stomped his foot down, right in Ricky's chest. Stopping in his tracks, Ricky figured this situation was a bit far gone. "Awww did I touch a nerve, Ty?"
"Get the fuck out." Tyler commanded as he took his foot off of Ricky, allowing the man to stand up. "Get out. Grab your stuff and leave. You're fired."
Ricky couldn't help but smirk as he rubbed his chest while he walked past Tyler. Laughing to himself since he was never really hired in the first place. "Last I checked you aren't the boss."
"I'll take responsibility when I see him. Get out." Tyler commanded once more while he watched Ricky leave to the locker room to retrieve his belongings. Tyler sighed as Ricky left the room.
"Who knew he was such an asshole?" Tyler said, looking down in disappointment.
Matt and Luke looked at each other, wondering if it was safe to respond. Luke, figuring it wasn't him Tyler was mad at, decided to speak up. "Don't worry dude. We all thought he was cool at first."
Tyler looked over at the two with a half smile as they tried to smile back, trying to make him feel a little better. The moment was a bit short lived however, as Ricky reappeared at the doorway, changed back into his old clothes. Tyler glared at the man as he walked toward the door.
"Enjoy your pizza, retards." Ricky mocked harshly as he opened the door, disappearing to the other side without a word from anyone. Sighing once more, Tyler turned back to his chair and sat down with a loud flop. Resting his right arm on the back of the chair as he leaned back a little, Tyler looked down at the floor with a blank stare. Meanwhile, Luke and Matt inched their chairs back toward the table and set their plates back down.
"Come on man, don't let him get to you." Luke said trying to get Tyler to get back to his normal self. Tyler simply took a sip from his drink, swallowing hard as he continued to stare at the floor.
"I'm fine dude. Just lost my appetite is all." Tyler mumbled as his eyes wondered over at his unfinished pizza.
"It's cool dude. At least sit with us and try to enjoy your break, man." Matt said with a friendly grin as he took a quick bite of his pizza.
Tyler smiled as he looked at his two friends. "Thanks dudes."
- - -
"Oooooh my head!" Josh cried as he shook his head, wondering what the heck happened. His vision was still a little off, but the last thing he remembered the whole table shifted and he went flying off in some direction. Rubbing his eyes, Josh tried desperately to get his bearing before something bad could possibly happen. At the very least, Josh was glad to find the heat of the melty cheese was gone, however Josh now found himself…
Ricky looked at the men he met earlier as he recognized them both. First he looked over at Brody, the huge man easily towered over him by a few inches. He seemed like a really genuinely nice guy. He has short back hair and deep brown eyes. Ricky felt like the man could probably out muscle him if he wanted to as he looked up and down at his huge bouncing pecs and solid 6 pack complete with a black treasure tail leading down to his short. Around his enormous right bicep the hunk even had a tattoo of chain going around it. Shaking his hand as he came up, Brody greeted him with a friendly smile.
"Like the park, bro?" Brody asked as Ricky simply nodded his head. That was another thing, Ricky remembered that this guy acted like a total bro the entire time he was talking to him earlier.
Next, Ricky looked over to see the other lifeguard, Brett, come over to say hi. Ricky couldn't really get a good read on Brett. He was only slightly taller than he was, and certainly a lot less thickly muscled than him. The thing that intimidated him about Brett though was his thin blue eyes, that looked as if they were judging every step he took. Not to mention his 8 pack, showing off the fact that he really worked hard on the definition of his long torso. Otherwise, the shaggy brown haired man seemed like a typical pretty boy, with a massive ego to match according to Tyler. Finally, Ricky peeked at Brett's left pec as he remembered the Japanese symbols he had tattooed on it. When asked, he was informed they stood for "Courage" and "Strength". Ricky swallowed as Brett stared at him with his sharp blue eyes as he extended out his hand.
"Rick." He simply said as he shook the hand back with a nod. Sighing, he watched as Brett backed away, heading back over to the table. Ricky couldn't help but glare at the back of his head as he walked away. Turning back to Tyler and Brody, however Ricky smiled as he made his way to the door leading to the gym.
"Guys I just gotta grab something real quick!" He said as he slid through the door, dropping his smile to a frustrated frown as soon as he was out of sight. Gritting his teeth and tightening his fists, he couldn't help but feel an intense dislike for Brett.
"The hell is wrong with that guy…" He mumbled angrily as he made his way into the locker room. Pulling out his key from his pocket, Ricky popped open the lock and swung his locker open, revealing his still trapped little man. Seeing him curled up slightly, Ricky couldn't help but mock the tiny guy.
"What's the matter little guy? Scared?" He said in a baby voice as he looked at Josh's head perking up slightly. "Too bad, runt. It's only gonna get worse."
Ricky laughed as he grabbed the tic tac container and deposited it in his back pocket once more as he shut the door to the locker and made his way back out of the gym. Walking back into the break room he smiled as he saw Tyler setting down some paper plates, and Brody grabbing some cups and soda. Sitting down at the table however he saw Brett, glaring at him. Dropping his smile to a straight face, Ricky started to sweat as Brett's eyes kept their unwavering attention on him as he made his way over to the table, sitting down beside him.
"What'd you need to grab, Rick?" Brett said coldly as he grabbed a bottle of soda, pouring himself a cup full.
"Nothing important, man." He replied, not looking at Brett as he reached into the box of pizza to grab a slice.
"Uh huh." Brett shot back with as much chill as before. Grabbing a slice of pizza for himself as Brody and Tyler pulled out pieces to put on their plates as well. Brett suddenly stood up with Tyler and Brody as the three turned their backs briefly.
"Where are those napkins, bro?" Brody said, hunched over looking under the sink.
Ricky started to sweat as he reached into his pocket quietly, pulling out the tic tac container and looking out at the three slices of pizza. Thinking for a second, he wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to to go with Tyler as his executioner after all. Brett was acting like such a smug asshole, it made Ricky's blood boil. Focusing again, Ricky decided to drop Josh on…
With an arrogant smirk, Ricky decided he had enough of Brett's smugness. Whatever Brett's reason for disliking him, he didn't care as he tilted the tic tac container over Brett's pizza as he watched Josh's tiny body fall out directly into the sticky cheese. Looking up, Ricky saw the three men still had their backs turned. For good measure, Ricky chuckled to himself as he pressed Josh's flailing body down into the pizza, leaving a barely noticeable finger print. Retracting his hand just as Brett turned around, Ricky found himself being greeted with the same, disapproving gaze. Sitting back in his chair, Ricky simply put his hands behind his head, smiling as he flexed his arms slightly as he revealed his hairy arm pits.
Brett simply sat down as Tyler came around the table, dropping off the pile of napkins the three men found. Tyler rubbed his hands together as he looked down at his pizza, grabbing it quickly by the crust and nearly shoving the entire piece into his mouth. After only a few chews Ricky watched astonished, as Tyler swallowed the huge bite down in one gulp. Blinking in amazement, he started to regret not putting his tortured victim on Tyler's piece as he looked over at Brett who barely bit into his pizza on his first bite. Sighing to himself, Ricky was a little disappointed. If Brett kept eating his pizza like that he'd take forever to carry out his nefarious plan.
"UUUUURRRRP!" A tremendous belch erupted from the other side of the table. Ricky looked over as Brody was patting his stomach as he set down his cup of soda. " 'Scuse me bros! That was as nasty one!"
Brett actually set down his pizza to laugh at Brody's reaction, the first time in fact he's shown any emotion since Ricky got here. Ricky, meanwhile took a bite from his own pizza. Closing his eyes now he felt dumb not to even have considered executing that little runt using Brody. Even he was eating his pizza with much more rush and hunger than Brett! Swallowing his food down, as he peeked over at Brett while he took another bite. Remembering where he pressed the pathetic little man in, Ricky started to get impatient.
"Not hungry, Brett?" Ricky asked politely as he watched Brett stare down intently at his pizza. Bret simply shot Ricky a quick glare as he set the slice down.
"Dunno why, but I've felt sick to my stomach all day." Brett said as he squinted his eyes. "Right about since this morning actually."
Ricky looked away, down back at his own pizza. His mind started to race over what Brett could possibly mean by that. Looking up he looked at Brody as he picked a piece of crust out of his teeth before licking it back up and swallowing it down. Out of the corner of his eye he also saw Tyler, sitting there eating his food in an unusual silence. Starting to sweat, Ricky just took a big bite of his pizza and hoped the guys might just converse amongst each other.
- - -
Josh struggled and squirmed as he tried to peek his head out somehow. The sticky and hot pizza burnt painfully on his skin and face as he tried desperately to free his head. Not daring to open his eyes until he did, Josh finally looked out to see none other than Brett holing onto the piece he was stuck to. His mouth still covered in cheese, Josh tried with all his might to scream something as he watched Brett's mouth close around right in front of him. Barely avoiding being take in the bite, Josh started to sob as he imagined it wouldn't be long before Brett took his next bite.
Watching Brett slowly chew the mass of food in his mouth was like watching some sort of horror movie. Just tried not to imagine to hell that would be the inside of the sexy stud's mouth as the food is mushed to bits in seconds as Brett's saliva soaks the part of the meal before finally sending it down to his cavernous belly. Josh winced as Brett finally did in fact swallow. Opening his mouth once more Josh watched as he moved closer and closer to the dark cave that would surly engulf him. Out of the corner of his eye however, Josh caught a quick glace as he saw a faint smirk form on the face of Ricky as Brett's mouth finally closed down on top of him.
The bite of pizza was quickly detached from the main piece as it sat precariously in the middle of Brett's massive tongue. Josh tried to breath in through his nose, but the foul air was filled nothing but the scent of cheese and sauce as he almost coked on the thick air. Josh closed his eyes. Knowing there was no way out of this.
- - -
Ricky watched with baited breath as Brett sat there with the piece of pizza completely vanishing into his mouth. Biting his lip, Ricky watched as Brett…
Ricky watched as Brett held on for a second, before simply swallowing the small morsel of food. Sighing as he set his pizza back down, Brett casually put a hand on his stomach. Ricky smirked, realizing what just transpired was too good to be true. He was pretty sure Brett didn't even chew the piece, meaning he sent that tiny bastard down whole. Laughing to himself in his head, Ricky instantly got put in a good mood over the small ordeal.
"You alright, man?" Ricky said showing fake concern for the stud he just unknowingly fed a tiny person. Brett simply turned his head, giving Ricky a disapproving look. Looking back forward once again, Ricky seemed disappointed by this whole mess.
"Alright dude." Tyler finally chimed in as he looked at Brett. "I don't get it. What's your deal with Ricky?"
Brett simply scoffed as he couldn't believe he was actually being questioned on why he does or doesn't immediately like someone. Brody looked at Brett with a frown as well however. "Come on, bro. He's a nice guy."
Ricky looked at Tyler and Brody, dumb struck that they suddenly came to his defense like this. Smiling, he knew exactly how to play out the situation. "It's alright guys. He doesn't have to like me."
Brett looked down, sighing as he turned to look at Ricky for the first time without a glare. "I'm sorry, man. I just had this weird feeling about you in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I have been a little too harsh."
"Maybe it's just indigestion!" Ricky said on purpose, but trying to make it sound like a joke. Brett chuckled as he put a hand back on his stomach once more. Ricky smirked as he suddenly had an amazing, and horrible plan. "If your stomach is really bothering you, maybe you should take tums or something?"
Brett took his hand off his ripped abdomen and looked over at Ricky with a friendly grin. "You know, that's a great idea, Ricky."
Ricky smiled innocently as he watched Brett stand up and walk his way over to the bathroom. A few seconds later, he saw the pretty boy return as he popped a few antacid chewables into his mouth. Ricky stood up as he grabbed an empty plastic cup and filled it with tap water. "Here dude, drinking water will help too."
Grabbing the cup, Brett thanked Ricky for being so helpful as he swallowed down a gulp full of water. Brody and Tyler looked at each other with smiles on their faces, glad to see that Brett was finally calming down. Sitting back down, Brett and Ricky continued to chat with each other as Brett exclaimed that his stomach felt like it was settling down already. Ricky patted his new "friend" on the back, pretending like he was glad to hear it.
- - -
"What the hell is going on up there!" Josh yelled as he stared up into the deep darkness. Somehow the acids in the stomach managed to break him free from his cheesy prison, but it seemed like the caustic prison took a break for no apparent reason. Josh's nose twinged a little as an odd smell wafted about the already horrible smelling chamber. Mushing around in the mess of half digested food, Josh found the source of smell. Looking down at in the darkness he could barely make out a pinkish color as well as it having a somewhat chalky texture to it under a layer of slim.
"Tums?" Josh said to himself as he recognized the smell, as he needed to take the antacid occasionally himself for some less than agreeable foods. Josh looked around as his eyes finally started to adjust. The walls of Brett's stomach swayed and churned slowly and in eerie rhythmic patterns. Josh swallowed nervously as he realized it really was like the stomach was on break. With the medicine doing it's job, Josh figured the acid in Brett's stomach would be neutralized for at least a hour or two.
"Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe it gives them time to find me!" Josh exclaimed as he started to move away from the chewed up pile of antacid. A noise suddenly erupted from above as Josh looked up excitedly, hoping maybe it was a sign he would be brought up any second. Instead, a torrent of water crashed down into Brett's massive belly. Josh struggled to find the surface of the water as he swam viciously in an upward direction. After a second however, the liquid managed to disperse fairly evenly across the expansive cavern. Taking a breath as he reached the surface, Josh choked for a second as the putrid stomach air filled his lungs. Frowning, Josh tried his best to locate some solid piece of land to take shelter on as he swam along listening to Brett's stomach sway and churn it's contents.
Finding a half eaten piece of pizza, Josh climbed aboard what was left before the tums kicked in. Josh looked out across the water, almost like it was a lost lake inside a cave nobody's discovered. Closing his eyes, Josh listend to Brett's powerful heartbeat tick along as the pulses sounded so close, yet to him the heart might as well have been miles away from where he sat, wet and alone within Brett's body.
- - -
"Last slice, you sure you don't wanna eat Brett?" Tyler asked as his hand hovered over the last greasy piece of pizza.
"Nah dude, go for it. I actually feel good right now, I don't want that greasy shit screwing up my stomach." Brett replied as he leaned back in his chair, rubbing his defined 8 pack happily. Tyler simply snagged the slice, nearly shoving the entire piece into his mouth at once. Ricky watched his as he devoured the pizza like some sort of animal. It was a little disappointing to him that he didn't get that little pest to meet his end inside that ravenous beast, however he couldn't help but smile evilly to himself as he thought how terrified the little man must be to be trapped helplessly in Brett's stomach as it refused to digest him for awhile. Rubbing his chin while he was deep in his imagination of Josh's horrors, he snapped back to reality as Tyler swallowed down the piece with a large gulp.
"BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRP!" Ricky watched as the sound nearly exploded from Tyler's mouth. Tyler stood up and started pounded on his chest, seemingly getting pumped up. "Aw yeah! Let's go! I'm ready to guard some lives!
Brody got up and followed as he and Tyler stormed out of the room, apparently eager to get to work. Ricky looked over at Brett, who shook his head as the two ran off. "Guess that means I'm cleaning up."
Ricky watched as Brett stood up and started to collect the paper plates. Smirking, Ricky decided to stand up and help, further cementing his charming innocence he was trying to impose on Brett. Brett grinned as he saw Ricky close the pizza box and bring it over to the garbage can. "Thanks, man. Hey… again I'm really sorry I misjudged you."
Ricky chuckled to himself with malcontent as he turned back around to face Brett with a fake smile. "Don't worry, dude. I'm just glad we're cool now."
Brett half smiled as he finished piling up the trash before he tossed it all into the garbage. "Well, you gonna run off with those two? They seemed pretty eager."
Ricky shrugged, not really sure what he should do now that his charade was pretty much over. "Dunno man. What were you up to?"
Brett ran a hand through his hair, scratching his scalp a little as he thought. "I didn't really eat, so I thought I'd do a bit of cardio in the gym for a few hours."
Ricky smiled, wondering how much hell that would put that pathetic loser in Brett's stomach. "That sounds good, man. Maybe I'll run with you."
Brett chuckled as he turned to go into the gym. "Just don't get a cramp, dude."
Ricky rolled his eyes as Brett turned the corner and was out of site, mouthing the words "Just don't get a cramp, dude" in a mocking fashion.
- - -
Josh lifted his head as Brett's stomach started to rock back and fourth. Holding on to his life raft of sorts, Josh realized Brett must be walking. Without warning, Brett's stomach started to bounce up and down violently as he moved in a back and fourth motion. Josh screamed in terror as he was easily flung off the piece of pizza he was feebly trying to take refuge on. The contents of Brett's stomach bounced in a flurry as everything started to mix and move in every which direction.
Josh tumbled in dizziness as Brett's stomach swirled him around for what seemed like an eternity. Bumping around and sliding on slick mucusy walls, Josh couldn't even tell which way was up and which way was down anymore. Constantly fading between unconsciousness and consciousness, Josh got no rest as he was sudden jerked around in every direction.
Everything stopped and settled. Josh's head spun like he had been trapped on some amusement park ride for who knows long. Vomiting with pure agony from his stomach, Josh simply kept his eyes closed while he hoped the world would stop spinning.
Without a clue how much time had passed, Josh tried to rest his head on the squishy floor of Brett's stomach. Unaware that tums had finished it's course by now. Fresh stomach acid started to well up and leak from the walls of Brett's stomach as the foul smelling liquid started to seep across Brett's belly. Feeling a twinge of pain on his face, Josh stumbled and fell gradually feeling his skin start to melt and peel as he writhed in agony. His time was finally up, and Brett's stomach was ready to go to work.
- - -
"Good run dude." Brett said wiping away some sweat from his face. Ricky simply smirked as he looked at Brett's impressive abs, knowing by now the little man must be delirious from Brett's run. Rubbing some sweat off his chest, Ricky smiled as he looked at Brett's face.
"How's your stomach, dude?" He asked, all too knowing of Josh's peril.
"Great, man. You were a big help." Brett said with a grin as he rubbed his hand up and down his long abdomen. Ricky smiled ruthlessly as his plan worked out perfectly in the end.
Ricky winced as Brett suddenly stood up without warning. Without a word, he simply disappeared into the gym. Making his way into the locker room, Brett stopped in front of his locker and opened the door. Opening up his mouth, Brett carefully removed the piece of pizza from off his tongue and set the wet and slimy morsel on the floor of his locker. Looking down in the cheese, he gingerly brushed his finger, moving aside some of the sticky cheese. Smirking, he watched as a tiny speck emerged from the cooling cheese, slowly unsticking himself as he went.
"Brett… how?" Josh whimpered, tears in his eyes as he looked at Brett's handsome face.
"I was in the locker room this morning. Right on the other side of the wall from him. I heard what he said to you, boss." Brett replied, looking very proud of himself. "He locked his locker though, so I had to improvise. Brody's known since this morning too. Him and I planned the lunch to lure him in."
Josh wiped away his tears, as he couldn't believe someone really was looking out for him this whole time. "What about Tyler?"
Brett shook his head, biting his lip. "He had no idea, dude. We told him when Ricky wandered off to get you just a few minutes ago. Brod and I had to convince him not to tackle the smug bastard when he came back in. We didn't want to risk hurting you."
Josh smiled. It was the first time he actually felt safe and secure in the past day and a half. "I was so scared, Brett…"
Brett leaned down a little closer, and smiled genuinely at his tiny boss. "You can tell us all about it, right after we get back at this piece of shit."
Tilting his head, Josh was curious what Brett was talking about. "What do you mean?"
Standing back up and crossing his arms, Brett set a cocky looking smirk on his face. "I was going to lead him to the break room while we're both still small. That's when Brody was gonna snatch the bastard. After I make my way back around we'll make him pay for what he did to you."
Josh looked down. He couldn't believe Brett and Brody would go through so much planning not only to save his life, but punish the one who did this to him. "Make him pay how?"
Brett put a hand on his chin, narrowing his deep blue eyes in thought. "Well his plan was to feed you to one of us. Maybe we should do to him what he was planning on putting you through?"
Josh twiddled his thumbs. Ricky was clearly not a good person. He kidnapped him and treated him like dirt. Josh bit his lip, wondering to himself if he should put the man through the same. Josh sat there for a second wondering, does Ricky really deserve a taste of his own medicine?
"No." Josh mumbled as he continued to look down at his hands. Brett leaned forward and raised an eyebrow, unsure if he heard Josh correctly.
"No? Well we could think of a different way to do him in." Brett smirked as he bent down in to talk to Josh a little closer.
Josh shook his head, feeling like a bad person just thinking about it. "No, Brett. I mean in general. He's a human being too after all."
Brett's smirk turned into more of a frown as he heard the distressed tiny man's words. "You didn't develop Stockholm's syndrome or something, did you?"
"I was barely even around him!" Josh shot back, feeling a little insulted. "I'd feel the same no matter who he was. A person is a person. We can't just get rid of him because we don't like him."
"But, boss! He tried to feed you to me!" Brett pleaded, pointing at himself for the added effect.
"I don't care. We aren't hurting him." Josh said, putting his tiny foot down finally.
Brett smiled as he looked down at the floor laughing. Josh grinned as the man's pearly whites showed while he laughed. "Alright. You're too nice, boss."
Josh nodded his head while he watched Brett stand back up to his full height and straighten his back as Josh spoke back, "It's the right thing to do."
Brett nodded as he turned away from Josh, leaving the door to his locker open. "I'll have Brody or Tyler come get you in a minute. I wanna make sure this lucky bastard is out of the building and at least 100 feet away before we take you back out to the break room."
Josh sat down, nodding in agreement. Even if Ricky was being let go, Josh was glad that Brett would show such caution just in case. Seeing Brett turn the corner and out of view, Josh leaned back on the floor of the locker. Smiling, he truly felt like it was the right thing to do.
- - -
Brett made his way out of the gym, turning the corner back into the break room. Looking over at Brody and Tyler, the two quickly shot him a look as Ricky sat there with a confused expression on his face. Brett moved himself in front of the exit, blocking it for the time being as he leaned up against the door. Looking over at the men sitting at the table, Brett finally spoke…
Brett's blue eyes narrowed as they quickly focused on Ricky. "Restrain him."
Tyler practically destroyed the table as he jumped over it, tackling a surprised Ricky quickly to the ground. Pinning him with both hands, Tyler used all of his strength to hold him place in time for Brody to come around the table and help hold him down. With Brody holding down Ricky's hands, Tyler punched Ricky right in his smug cheek.
"You fucking piece of shit!" Tyler yelled as he spat strands of saliva into Ricky's face while he screamed. Ricky simply started to laugh as he looked at at Tyler's face, which was red in anger.
"Oh boo hoo! Did you morons finally figure it out?" Ricky sneered with an evil smirk. "Your little friend is probably already dead by now!"
Tyler punched Ricky in the face a second time, screaming at the man in frustration. "Where is he you worthless asshole!?"
Ricky simply smiled as he spat right up in Tyler's face. Tyler didn't bother wiping his face as he dropped his hand down around Ricky's throat and started to choke the man in pure rage.
"Calm down dude, he's fine. I watched him put Josh in my pizza out of the corner of my eye." Brett said calmly as he walked forward to get a better view of the carnage by the table. Ricky simply blinked, looking confused as Tyler moved his hand off his throat.
"What? How?" Ricky asked genuinely surprised.
Brett smirked as he looked down at the pathetic man as he laid there pinned beneath Tyler and Brody. "I've been on to you all day. I just kept my eyes on you till you fucked up."
Ricky gritted his teeth. There was no way this could be happening to him! He worked out this entire plan flawlessly, how could these idiots figure this out? Relaxing his body for a second, he realized there was no point in struggling at the moment. Brody shook his head as he continued to hold down Ricky's arms, feeling them relax.
"Why did you do this, bro?" Brody asked, as hoped maybe Ricky wasn't such a bad guy after all.
Ricky simply scoffed as he turned his head away from Brody. "Because I hate weak, pathetic, useless…"
He was cut off by Tyler as he punched him in the face for a third time. Spitting up a bit of blood on the floor, Ricky finished, "…bitches."
Brody shook his head a second time, frowning. Looking up at Brett, he was curious what was next. "What are we doing with him, bro?"
Brett simply shrugged as he watched Ricky bleed a little more from his mouth. "Josh wanted to let him go."
Simultaneously, Tyler, Brody and even Ricky exclaimed the same response, "What?!"
Brody looked down at Ricky as he was just as surprised as he was. "Then why did we tackle him, bro?"
Tyler smiled evilly as a bead of sweat ran down his face, landing directly on Ricky's cheek below. "Because we aren't letting him go."
"Bingo." Brett said matter-of-factly as he walked around the room until he found some spare rope that was normally used to help pull people out of the water. Carrying the rope over, Brett had Brody and Tyler sit Ricky up and he went behind him, tying his hands firmly behind his back. Taking a little extra rope, he also made a quick couple loops around his torso, binding his arms firm to his body. Taking the excess, he tied it in the loop he had in the front, creating a makeshift leash.
"Stand up." Brett commanded as Ricky fumbled to his feet. Tyler grabbed the man by his arm however, forcing him up faster, roughly. Ricky leered angrily at the three men, still in disbelief he was somehow caught.
"Your boss is weak. He really wanted to let me go? What a joke. You lackeys can't even follow orders right though. I'm sure that'll make him all upset." Ricky mocked in a condescending tone. Tyler's fist shook as he couldn't help but punch Ricky as hard as he could in the gut. Ricky fell back slightly, landing on his knees coughing up a little more blood. "He might even wag his finger at you guys in disappointment."
Tyler kicked Ricky in the chest, causing the man to collapse back down on the floor. Coughing and wheezing with his face on the floor, Ricky couldn't help but smirk that he could get one last rise out of these idiots.
"Geez man." Brett said shaking his head. "You're gonna kill him before we even have any fun."
"I'm having fun." Ricky spurted, in sarcasm from the floor as Tyler's fists started to shake again in anger. Brody grabbed Tyler on the shoulder, trying to calm him a little. Relaxing his fists, Tyler tried to just ignore the trash that laid on the floor next to him.
"Anyway." Brett continued as he pulled a sock out of his pocket. "Let's gag him and lock him in the bathroom so we can get Josh out of here. I wanna get him home."
Moving forward, Brett took the sock and forced it into Ricky's mouth. Gagging on the foul piece of clothing, Brett couldn't help but smirk at their pathetic prisoner. "Like it? It's one of mine, just for you. Rickster."
The three men drug Ricky into the bathroom and Brett reached up into the cabinet, locating a roll of medical tape. Pulling off a couple of strips, he quickly pressed them over Ricky's lips. Filing out of the bathroom, Tyler was last to leave as he kicked Ricky in the abdomen once more. Satisfied with the painful groan it produced, he turned and shut the door behind him.
"Ok so." Brett said looking at Tyler and Brody, ready to explain his plan. "We'll bring Josh in here and I'll tell him I'll meet him back in the park. I'll explain the situation to one of the guys and have him bring Josh home."
"What do you want us to do, bro?" Brody asked as he peeked over at the door to the bathroom.
"Guard the door. Wait for me to come back, I'll bring a sack or something to toss that bastard in. Then we'll bring him around and shrink him. One of us will stay here and retrieve him after the other two bring him around." Brett said, making the plan sound very simple.
Tyler and Brody nodded as they started to pick up some of the mess they caused in the tussle earlier. Brett meanwhile, left the room and turned the corner to renter the gym. Making his way back over to the lockers, he saw his locker was still open. Smiling as he approached his tiny boss, he saw as the little man got up to his feet.
"Ready to go home, boss?" Brett said with a happy grin as he reached down, allowing Josh to get into his hand.
"For sure!" Josh pipped back. "I thought Tyler or Brody were going to come get me though."
Brett smiled, glad that was the only thing that Josh was worried about. "What? Sick of my beautiful face already?"
Josh scratched his cheek as he almost blushed while looking up at the handsome giant. "What? No of course not…"
Brett smirked as he was glad he put his little boss at ease. Closing the door to his locker, Brett left the room and made his way back into the break room. Josh looked out as they entered the room, seeing Tyler and Brody both standing by the bathroom door. Josh smiled widely as he saw Tyler, glad to see his best friend again for real after his traumatic experience. Tyler almost leapt forward as he was stopped mid-action by Brett's hand on his chest. Brett simply smiled as he walked past Tyler.
"Don't worry, the three of us are gonna visit you later once you've gotten some rest." Brett said, looking at Josh, but mostly directing the words at Tyler. Tyler stopped as he went back to standing by the door as he watched Brett leave Josh on the balcony leading back to the park. "I'll meet you around front, ok boss?"
Josh nodded to the shaggy haired stud as he turned around, ready to go into the park, and ready to go home. As Brett walked past Tyler and Brody, he nodded to the men as he made his way out of the break room and into the park as well.
- - -
Brett waved good bye to Josh as he and Ross stepped through the shrink ray to leave the park. Smiling, Brett quickly went to a nearly by storage room grabbing a large bag used to move deflated inner tubes. Leaving the park as well, Brett turned around to head to the back of the break room. Dragging the bag behind him, he swung open the door and greeted Brody and Tyler.
"Is Josh ok? Who'd you send him home with? Did he look hurt?" Tyler asked running up to Brett as he dropped the bag.
"I had Ross walk him home, so he'll be fine. Don't worry Ty." Brett said with a reassuring smile.
Tyler sighed in relief. "Oh good. I'm glad…"
Moving forward, Brett drug the bag to the bathroom door, opening it up and looking over at Ricky as he leaned up against the sink. Ricky glared as Brett walked over, tearing the tape off his mouth and pulling out the sock. Ricky simply smirked as he spat in Brett's face. Brett stood there, unmoving for a second until he wiped his face and called out of the bathroom. "Yo, Ty? Stuff this trash in the bag for me?"
Tyler appeared through the door, shouldering his way past Brett while he cracked his knuckles and smiled menacingly. "With pleasure."
Brett walked out of the room, still rubbing his face clean as he heard muffled cries and sounds of fists hitting bare skin. A second later he turned around to see Tyler standing there with the bag slung over his shoulder with ease. Brett smirked as he looked over at Brody.
"Alright, so Brod. You stay here and pick him up after Ty and I drop him off." Brett said as Brody nodded in agreement. Tyler on the other hand, frowned as he dropped the bag to the ground, causing a muffled "Oof!" to come from Ricky.
"No, dude. I wanna pick him up. You take Brod to drop him off." Tyler said looking serious.
Brett put a hand on his chin. Tyler's motives might be questionable, but in the end, Brett didn't really care what happened to this prick. Shrugging, Brett decided to have…
Brett bit his lip for a second, but he decided it might end up being the right thing to do. Smirking to himself, he couldn't help but think Tyler wanted this more than himself or Brody combined. "Alright man. Brod and I will bring him around. Be ready to pick him up in a few minutes."
Tyler simply nodded his head with a very serious look on his face. Brody came up beside Brett as the two men grabbed the sack, carrying it together on their shoulders. Making their way out of the break room, the two were glad to see there wasn't a line to get back into the park. Activating the shrinking machine, the two miniaturized themselves, entering the park.
As they came through the entry way a few guests walked by, seeing the two lifeguards holding the sack. Disregarding what they saw as work, the guests simply minded their own business as they went about the park with their friends and families. Brett motioned for Brody to walk through an employee's only roped off section of the park, so as not to draw too much attention however. The route was a little longer, but Brett figured it would be better than running into someone and having Ricky be found.
"Bro…" Brody started to say as he looked forward at Brett.
"You're probably concerned about Tyler right?" Brett said, practically reading Brody's mind.
"Yeah, bro. You saw how pissed he was." Brody replied, still thinking about how Tyler nearly beat Ricky to death already.
"He's going to run off with this prick." Brett said as he patted the bag. "You know that right?"
"I kinda figured." Brody said as he looked down at the floor as they continued walking. "You're letting him have him, huh bro?"
"Yeah." Brett said simply as they turned the corner making their way to the entrance to the break room. Opening the door with his free hand, Brett looked out into the room. Truth was, he's never even been in the room while being small like this. He looked around in awe as he couldn't imagine how his boss did this on a daily basis. Even more terrifying, Brett looked up to see the now massive form of Tyler, looming over the balcony with a dangerous looking spark in his eye. Trying to act casual however, Brett simply waved up at the menacing behemoth as he and Brody dropped the bag down on the floor.
"Wooooah brooooo!" Brody exclaimed with amazement as he looked up at Tyler. "Dude! You're huge!"
Brett rolled his eyes as he started to undo the knot on the bag. Opening it up he looked at Ricky's face as he had a fresh piece of medical tape over his mouth. Brett smirked as he decided to taunt the man a little. "I was wondering why you were so quiet. I figured you were just too scared to talk."
Brett ripped off the tape from his mouth as he started to pull the man gradually out of the bag. As he pulled the bag down he looked over at Brody, still amazed by Tyler's size. "Bro! Flex for me!"
Tyler chuckled as he rose his eyebrow. Lifting up his right arm he flexed his bicep a little bit, much to Brody's amusement.
"Sweet bro! Talk about giant gains!" Brody yelled up at Tyler, sounding like a typical frat bro. "I bet I'd look good too if I was in your place, bro!"
Tyler laughed again as he lowered his arm. "You probably would, dude. Anyway, where's that little bastard."
Brett drug their captive over toward Brody by the leash he created earlier. Flopping the man on the ground Brett simply crossed his arms as he spoke. "Right here, man."
Tyler looked down at the tiny people, seeing the tiny blonde man tied up and laying on the floor. Smiling he reached down, carefully pinching the leash between his fingers and raising the little captive to his face. Looking back down at Brett, Tyler heard the tiny man speak.
"Alright, Ty. We'll be back around in just a few minutes. Hang tight ok?" Brett said as he and Brody turned away to re-enter the park.
Brody turned and pointed up at Tyler with both is hands and clicked his tongue. "Don't go no where, stud!"
Tyler chucked to himself a little over Brody's antics, but quickly turned his attention toward Ricky as they left. His eyes turned angry as he glared at the tiny man with all his hatred. "You little punk. I'm gonna eat you alive and shit your bones out on your doorstep!"
Ricky squirmed and flailed as he tried to break free from the ropes, finally realizing how deep of shit he may literally be in. Tyler smirked as he started to walk toward the exit of the break room, still glaring at the tiny pathetic speck. "Nah that would be too easy. I'll think of something though while I make your puny life hell…"
Tyler chuckled as he opened up the door to the break room, leaving before Brody and Brett could return. Closing the tiny man in his hand, Tyler started to make his way home. All the while he thought to himself all the different way he could ruin this little guy's life before ultimately finishing him off. Making his way to his apartment, Tyler unlocked the door and went inside. Closing and locking the door behind him.
Bringing his tiny prey into his kitchen, he set the little man down on the counter. Tyler watched, amused as he saw the little guy struggle to get to his feet as he tried to run away. Tyler smiled as he made a noise with his throat and collected a hefty amount of mucus in his mouth, before spitting it all out in a long strand onto Ricky's position. Laughing as he saw Ricky struggle in the thick strands of spit, he couldn't help but mock the tiny man.
"You spit on me, I spit back, runt." Tyler said as he leaned down, trying to intimidate the tiny blonde. Watching Ricky struggle, Tyler started to get bored with the little man's simple torment. Deciding to put the man though a different kind of torture, Tyler reached down in a drawer pulling out…
Tyler took out a pack of protein powder and a large jug of milk from the fridge, setting both on the counter next to Ricky he proceeded to put both into a large glass to make a satisfying protein shake.
Ricky started to realise just what sort of a situation he was now in, this giant titan really was going to eat him!
“Ok asshole, payback time for what you tried to do to Josh. He was almost killed because of you me stupid assed stunt, so now I’m gonna add you to this shake and have some extra protein! Let me make this clear dude, I’m not going to just swallow you, I’m going to eat and digest you!”
Tyler went back to the fridge and pulled out a large sub sandwich that he had been saving for when his shift had finished, “after I send you down I’ll be eating this so I start my digestive juices going, I want to churn you up big style Ricky boy! There won’t be much left of you by the time I dump you in my toilet in the morning!”
By this point Ricky was in tears, he realised he’d gone too far, and now he was going to end up as supper for this behemoth of a lifeguard, nothing more than a speck of protein, looking up at Tyler he pleaded “please, please don’t eat me! I’m
sorry man!” I don’t wanna die! Have mercy!”
“Just like the mercy you showed Josh? Nah bud, I don’t think so, you’re mine now, just be thankful that you get to be eaten by me!”
Picking up the protein shake in one hand and Ricky with the other, Tyler walked into to bathroom. Showing Ricky the toilet, Tyler smirked “take a good look dude, coz I can’t wait to flush what’s left of you into the sewer where you belong!”
With that Tyler dropped Ricky into the glass and watched as he frantically tried to stay afloat. Unfortunately for him though Tyler was already tilting the glass towards his open mouth, Ricky screamed as he was sloshed straight in at the first mouthful.
His mouth full of shake, Tyler simply smiled as he tilted I’m his head back and gave one big gulp, sending Ricky on his way to the stomach.
“Enjoy the ride dude, it’s the last one you’ll ever take” Smiling broadly Tyler went back into the kitchen and started eating the sub sandwich, “may as well have a complete and balanced meal” he thought to himself.
Meanwhile, Ricky found himself struggling to find any sort of safe spot in the cavernous stomach, he couldn’t believe that he was going to actually be digested alive by another guy. As he was trying to gain some sort of composure piles of chewed up sandwich cane falling into the stomach “that bastard” he thought, “he’s really going through with this”
Tyler’s stomach started to churn as more food entered, and to make things worse Tyler let out a huge belch which compacted everything around Ricky, including the large amount of acid which was starting to collect.
Outside, Tyler rubbed his gut, “hope you’re enjoying it in there Ricky, thanks for the extra protein!” He then proceeded to finish the last of his sandwich in a single gulp.
Back inside, Ricky was running out of air, and the acid was starting to burn at his skin, finally the last bit of mushed sandwich landed right on top of him, forcing him right underneath into the pool of acid. Giving up the fight, he passed out and was slowly eaten away by the digestive enzymes in Tyler’s stomach.
With his stomach lightly gurgling, Tyler went into his bedroom and lay on the bed, rubbing his stomach, he couldn’t help but feel so powerful, he’d eaten a tiny guy, and was digesting him right now, he sort of hoped that other people would cross Josh’s path so he could eat them too. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep, his meal digesting peacefully inside.
The next morning came, and Tyler got out of bed and went to the bathroom, feeling the urge to do his business. He dropped his tight Under Armour hipsters to the ground and sat on the toilet while he played on his phone. A few minutes later he turned and flushed what was left of Ricky away, just a few bones encased in his shit were left after his mighty stomach did it’s work.
“So long you piece of shit” he smirked
He now knew that he had to go back to work and face his boss and his colleagues, but what story could he come up with about what happened to Ricky?
"No, let's have Brody stay." Brett said, trying to put his foot down in the situation. Tyler crossed his arms, looking angrily down at the bag at his feet. Brett sighed as he tried to get Tyler to listen to him. "Please Ty, just trust me. I'll explain while we bring him around."
Tyler dropped his arms, still looking a bit angry as he and Brett raised the bag up on their shoulders and carried it out of the room. Making their way around the corner, Brett stopped Tyler as he saw a group of kids filing into the park off a bus. Stopping for a second to let the kids go in, Brett turned and looked at Tyler.
"Look, dude. I know you just wanted this guy to yourself." Brett said, raising an eyebrow at the disgruntled looking man. Tyler frowned as he wished he could change Brett's mind.
"Dude. This prick put Josh through hell. He's my best friend, I wanted to be the one who ended him." Tyler replied angrily as he punched the bag.
"You make it sound like you're the only one who was worried about the boss." Brett said sharply as Tyler blinked a little in shock. "The rest of us might not be as close as you two, but he's still our friend too you know."
"I…I didn't think about it like that." Tyler mumbled, surprised at how much everyone really cared for Josh. Brett frowned as he wasn't finished making his point yet.
"Not to sound like a dick, but this asshole would have probably gotten away with it if I didn't over hear him. You wouldn't have even known." Brett said as he turned and looked around the corner to see the kids were all almost through the shrinking machine. Turning back to Tyler, he saw him staring at the ground, looking upset. Sighing, Brett felt bad, he didn't mean to hurt Tyler's feelings after all. "I'm sorry dude."
"No, I'm sorry." Tyler replied looking up at Brett. "I was gonna run off with this guy on my own. This is better though, we can deal with him together."
Brett smiled as he looked around the corner, seeing the coast was clear. Motioning to Tyler, the two made their way out into the open and into the shrinking machine to enter the park. After the shrinking process was complete they looked around to see only a few people were lingering about at the entry way. Walking past a few groups of people, the two men tried to look casual as they made their way over to the other entrance to the break room. Brett reached for the door knob with his free hand and pushed open the door.
Brett looked out into the enormous room in awe. Looking around, it dawned on him that he had never been in the room while being small before. Rubbing his eyes and he dropped the bag off his shoulder, he couldn't believe how everything looked so huge from this perspective. Looking up he saw Brody standing over the balcony with a friendly grin on his face. Brett smirked, had it been anyone else he would have felt nervous about having such a massive giant loom over him, but he knew Brody wouldn't let anything happen to him or Tyler.
"You two look so cute small, bros!" Brody said as he leaned down to get a closer look at his tiny co-workers. Tyler shook his fist up at the giant, feeling patronized.
"Yeah well, you look like a big dumb building, Brod!" Tyler yelled, not liking this whole shrinking business.
"Awww don't get all upset, tiny Ty!" Brody chucked with a little enthusiasm. Tyler simply fumed as Brett pulled open the bag and dumped out Ricky's body.
"Holy shit!" Brett called out as Brody and Tyler stopped bickering to look over at Ricky. "Tyler, did you kill him?"
Brett prodded the body with his foot as he rolled Ricky over on his back. Stopping for a second he saw the man take a breath. Tyler walked over and looked down at the still tied up man as he scratched his chin. "I was gonna say, I was pretty sure he was alive. I guess I just knocked him out though."
Brett sighed as he and Tyler got out of the way, allowing Brody to lift up Ricky's unconscious body up off the balcony and into his palm. Giving the two tiny men a thumbs up, Tyler and Brett turned to leave the break room. "See you in a minute itty bitty Tyler!"
Tyler shook with embarrassment as he and Brett made their way into the park, closing the door to the break room behind them. "Can we shrink Brody next? I wanna step on him."
Brett laughed as he put his arm around Tyler as the two made their way out around the park. Tyler couldn't help but chuckle as well, calming down from Brody's annoyance. Heading out of the park, the two regained their normal size as they made their way around the back of the building to the break room. Brett opened the door as he was greeted with an obnoxious sound.
Brody patted his chest as the two men entered to room, curious what the sudden belch was all about.
"I ate him, bros!" Brody said with a smile on his face as he patted his stomach. Tyler looked over angrily as Brett simply raised his eyebrows.
"No, you didn't." Brett said flatly as he looked at Brody's other hand, closed in a fist.
Brody raised up his palm as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, revealing Ricky's still unconscious body. "You're right, bro."
Brett smiled as he walked over to Brody to look at the little man, still not moving. "You're a terrible liar, Brod."
"I believed him!" Tyler said as he stomped across the room to look at Ricky with his own eyes.
"Well of course you would." Brett chucked as he looked over at Tyler. Tyler simply frowned as he scratched his cheek.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tyler asked as Brett simply shrugged with a smirk. Forgoing Brett's words, Tyler wanted to refocus on what to do with Ricky. "Either way Brod, you should've burped on him. Maybe it would've woken the little punk up."
Brody rubbed his stomach as he closed his mouth for a second. With a little less force than the first, Brody expelled a second burp, directly over Ricky's body. "Wake up, you… uh… little punk?"
Brett shook his head as he couldn't believe Brody just used the same insult Tyler did. "Dude, you suck at being mean."
Brody reared his head back, looking a little offended. "What are you talking about, bro? I just burped on the guy!"
Tyler looked at Brett and nodded his head. "Nah, Brett's right, dude. You're like the nicest guy at the park along with Josh."
"Bro! I can be mean!" Brody yelled as he looked down at Ricky again. "Wake up! Or else!"
Tyler laughed, clutching his stomach and resting an arm on Brett's shoulder, while Brett simply stood there with his palm over his face. Brody looked over at the two men, feeling somewhat defeated as he reached out his hand, giving Ricky to Brett. Tyler looked down at the little man, reaching over into Brett's hand as he quickly closed it into a fist.
"Duuuude, I wanna hold him!" Tyler wined as he still had tears in his eyes from laughter. Brett simply raised an eyebrow as he looked at Tyler's face, knowingly.
"What? So you can crush him or something?" Brett shot back, knowing Tyler all too well. Tyler simply crossed his arms in disappointment, still wanting to destroy the little man himself. Brett chucked at the man's disappointment as he felt a tiny squirm in his hand. Opening it up, he saw Ricky struggling to get to his feet as he looked up at the three giants in terror. "Well well well. Look who's awake."
"Yeah! Look who's awake, bro!" Brody said awkwardly as he tried to crowd in to look at the little man. Brett and Tyler simply turned and looked at him with straight faces. Taking the hint, Brody backed off and went to go sit at the kitchen table. Turning their attention back to Ricky, Tyler and Brett both smirked evilly at the pathetic tiny man.
"You know fellas." Brett started to say as he looked over at Tyler and Brody. "If this bastard tried to use us to unknowingly kill our friend, why don't we have one of our friends unknowingly take this bastard out?"
Ricky twitched as he looked up at Brett's face, hating the giant man more than anything right now. Tyler shook his head, obviously not feeling the same way as Brett.
"No way dude. Us three caught this bastard, I say we take him out our ourselves." Tyler said as he pounded a fish into his hand, causing Ricky to wince in fear of the giant. Both Brett and Tyler looked up at Brody as he sat at the table. The two smiled as they felt bad for not including him before.
"Why don't you pick, Brod?" Brett asked, wanting Brody to break the tie. Looking over at his friends, Brody scratched his chin for a moment.
"Bro, I kinda have to side with…"
"I kinda have to side with Brett. He's got a good point, bro." Brody said as he looked over at Tyler's disappointed face.
"Well I guess that's two to one then, dude." Tyler mumbled as he turned his head back to Brett. "What's the plan?"
Brett smirked, already knowing who he wanted to bring in to be their unaware executioner. "I think we should get Matt and Luke in here."
Brody and Tyler both looked at each other, confused. Speaking up, Brody decided he'd be the one to ask. "Luke? I thought you hated him, bro?"
"We may not always see eye to eye, but trust me." Brett said as he tossed Ricky up in the air slightly, catching him and closing his fist around the little man. "The only person at this park I hate is this little pest right here."
Tyler and Brody both smiled to each other, happy to hear Brett really did have a sense of comradery for everyone at the park, Luke included. Brett clenched his fist a little as he watched the two exchange the smiles, however. "He's still a moron though, you guys get that?"
Brody smirked as he stood up, walking past Brett as he patted him on the shoulder. "I'll go get them, bro. I'm not good at this evil mastermind crap anyway. So you two come up with plan."
Tyler looked at Brett as they heard Brody shut the door behind him. Deep in thought, Brett bounced his fist up and down, feeling the tiny trapped man bounce with it. "Well dude, any ideas?"
"I thought it might be interesting to drop the little guy on the couch, and let Luke and Matt chill for a bit. We could give them something to eat too and kinda just watch as things unfold." Brett said as he opened his eyes. "He could fall on the floor or even get sat on, I think it would be funny to watch."
"Uhhh I guess…" Tyler said not really sure if he liked the idea of having Ricky roam free and leave it up to Luke and Matt. "They are pretty destructive dudes, though I guess. I was kinda hoping we could give him a taste of his own medicine and feed him to one of them!"
"Medicine…" Brett said, getting an idea. "We could stuff the tiny bastard in an empty pill. One of those dummies is bound to think it's just a vitamin or something."
"How would that even work though, dude?" Tyler said, trying to think of how swallowing a pill even works.
"Well the pill wouldn't break down in the stomach." Brett said as he thought about time released capsules. "I'm no expert, but I think they break down in the small intestine."
Tyler frowned as he started to not like the sound of that. "Wait so if he doesn't get digested, wouldn't he just come out the other end?"
"Uhhh…" Brett stuttered as his memories of basic biology were starting to fail him. "I'm not sure. I guess if he didn't it would be kinda hilarious for one of the guys to shit him out though."
"That would be kinda funny, dude." Tyler said as he put a hand on his abdomen, trying to imagine a tiny guy surviving past his stomach somehow.
"Either way." Brett said as he weighed the options. "I think it's better if we…"
Free falling, Josh's eyes barely have time to adjust to what's happening. Although, to Josh it was like he was sky diving next to some sort of giant clothed skyscraper, to Ricky Josh seemed to be daintily falling past his face. With luck Josh landed on something soft… and blue… Ricky's shirt! He couldn't believe how far he'd fallen as he looked up to see Ricky's huge chest looming over him.
"I must've some how landed near his stomach!" Josh noticed as he looked down at the folds of clothes he was standing on. Without hesitation Josh knew he had to hide from the dangerous giant. His first instinct was to slip between the buttons of the hunk's tight tee shirt and hide closer on his body. "Worth a shot anyway." Josh said as he swiftly climbed inside the shirt.
On the inside of the shirt it was certainly darker and smelt badly of sweat. Ricky seemed to be wearing some sort of under shirt preventing his progress any further. "There goes the hide in the belly button plan…" Josh grimaced to himself.
Suddenly with a jolt, Ricky's body started moving and Josh heard a terrifying voice roar from above. "Where are you little bug? I won't hurt you… much…" The giant said evilly. Josh lost his grip falling further from his position near the belly button and landing just above the man's crotch, saved by the tucked shirt.
- - -
"I've had enough of this." Ricky thought as he unbuttoned his shirt. "If he won't come out, I'll just give him no where to hide!"
Ricky finished stripping off his shirt revealing a pale white tank top underneath. Still looking for the tiny man crawling around on his body, he barely noticed a tiny speck fall from his crotch and slide down his leg near the floor. As the speck floated slowly down to the floor Ricky kept a close and angry eye on the little bug of a man.
- - -
Josh grabbed on to whatever he could but the force of gravity was too strong and he was forced to slide down Ricky's leg down off of his shorts and on to his hairy legs. Managing to clutch a hair Josh let out a sigh of relief. "Maybe he hasn't seen me this whole time.. I could still get away." Josh hoped.
Looking up at the giant man he could no longer see his face. It just seemed like it was way too far way and the rest of Ricky's huge body blocked out most of his view. Climbing down Ricky's leg, Josh turned and saw something that made him squeal. Dropping down he quickly avoided being swatted like a bug on the young man's firm legs. Falling once more Josh landed on something soft once again, what appeared to be the tongue of Ricky's shoe.
Once again Josh looked up to see a giant finger moving toward him.
- - -
"Got em!" Ricky said triumphantly as he flicked the little man off his shoe and on the floor. Ricky finally, sat himself down on the floor in front of little Josh. Looking down at him between his size 13 feet with an evil smirk forming on his face. "Guess you really didn't wanna be eaten huh?" He said taunting his little prey.
"Squished it is little guy." Ricky said looking at the unmoving little speck. "Poor guy can't even run away…
Ricky laughed aloud. "Wow you sure put up a fight trying to get away little man. But don't forget… size matters."
Ricky stood up looming over Josh's broken body staring down intently at the little speck. Moving his enormous black nike forward he hovered it over the terrified little man, giving him a good view of the treads he'd soon be a part of. "Until a scrap off your sorry little body off that is, you little bitch!"
- - -
Unable to move, Ricky had almost certainly broken both of Josh's legs with a simple flick. lying there was all he could do now. Looking up at Ricky's monstrous form was likely one of the last things he'd ever see. Ears ringing Josh could barely make out what Ricky was saying to him, whatever taunts he had didn't mean much to Josh at this point.
Those were the last words Josh heard as Ricky moved his enormous size 13 foot over him, blocking out all his vision under the black bottom of the shoe. Josh could barely make out bits of dirt in the treads of the shoe just before…
- - -
Ricky slid his foot back and fourth, just for good measure, before turning over his shoe expecting a glorious bloody smear. "Pfff he was so small he didn't even leave a mark." Ricky said putting his foot back on the ground.
Looking at the floor where the speck formally was, he looked closely to see if there were any marks there either. "Damn no guts or nothing…" Ricky said upset he had to real reward for taking another human's life in such a brutal fashion.
"Well… better get going. Have to find a job somewhere else." He joked to himself laughing on his way out.
As for Josh, his only solace was that he died quickly and painlessly at the feet of the dejected interviewee.
Josh looked up at the massive man sitting before. Both his legs broken from being violently flicked, Josh realized there was no chance of escape unless the sinister giant had a sudden feeling of mercy.
The words roared over Josh like a tornado. Tried as he might to protest, all he could do was wince in pain as he desperately tried to move. Looking over, panting Josh saw Ricky was slowly untying his shoe…
- - -
"Lets feel this little bitch squirm…" Ricky thought to himself peeling off his size 13 nikes. Tossing the shoes aside he made extra sure they clapped loudly on the floor, so as to make his tiny victim jump. Looking down at the pathetic bug try and squirm away just made Ricky feel all the more powerful.
Next, he made sure to roll his socks off very slowly, laying his feet right beside the the terrified little man. "Hope he enjoys the show… it's gonna be his last." Ricky thought as he finally slid off the rest of socks. Positioning his feet at either side of Josh, hoping that his sweaty feet make the little man choke. Laughing out loud he retreated his feet and got ready to stand up… Not before laying his sweat drenched sock directly on top of his puny prey.
- - -
Everything was starting to go dark as the sweaty feet smell overpowered Josh's olfactory senses. "I c-can't… breath…" Josh huffed, hoping his sadistic capture would just end this torture. Seemingly his wish was at least half granted as a wave of fresh air swept over him as Ricky moved his colossal feet.
Josh's relief was short lived as darkness shrouded over him once more, but this time due to fowl smelling white fabric. "His… sock…?" Josh barely consciously recognized.
He heard shifting noises, and had a terrible feeling come over him. Fighting back vomit, Josh tried to rest his body, trying his best not to move his legs.
- - -
Now standing at his full height, Ricky smirked down at his sock. "Hope he's enjoying himself under there… why wouldn't he." He laughed again at his own internal banter.
With his toe, Ricky moved the sock from its position, revealing an unmoving pale little speck. Then slowly he moved his bare foot, inches off the ground above poor little Josh. Slowly, he lowered his sweaty foot, until he started to feel the coolness of the ground. Putting as little weight on the floor as possible, he figured the little man might still draw breath.
"Squirm then maybe I'll show mercy." He taunted as he put down his weight little by little.
- - -
It was like a fleshy eclipse of the word as the sweaty foot descended down on his tiny body. Putting up his hand Josh tried fruitlessly to push the smelly foot away.
Josh's legs were in excruciating pain as the foot came to a stop. His whole body was pinned to the ground, barely with enough space for him to breath. Then Ricky's cocky voice boomed out, muffled slightly by his foot.
It was Josh's last hope. Wiggling as fiercely as he could despite the pain in his legs, Josh was prepared to do anything at the chance of living. The weight kept coming down as Josh tried to squirm harder and harder, then finally…
- - -
Like a extremely tiny bug, Ricky finally felt the little man's body give way. Resting his full weight on the spot finally he chuckled to himself. "You call that squirming? I barely felt it." He said looking down at his foot.
Sitting back down on the ground, Ricky moved his foot closer to his face so he could examine it. "Wheeeeew! That sticks! Glad I wasn't him!" He said impressed with his own foot odor. Looking closely he did see a very small smear on the sole of his foot. Proud of himself, he slipped back on his socks and shoes. Not bothering to wipe the little man's body off his foot.
"Its like a souvenir." He smirked. "Of my visit to the infamous Shrink and Swim." He said laughing as he walked out of the room.
"Yeah Chad was the name." Tyler answered looking down at Josh's list. "What's his application like?"
"He's ex-military. Looks like he was trained in a lot of emergency first aid and CPR which is great." Josh looked at his list of skills still impressed by the resume.
"Well whatever, dude. You better hurry and meet the guy!" Tyler rushed Josh, pushing him along toward the interviewing room. "He's been waiting for ya!"
Josh ran along side Tyler making his way to the room. Josh simply turned to his friend who gave him a thumbs up, as Josh went through the door. Josh opened into the massive room, having to take it all in for a moment. Josh stood on a small balcony across from a massive chair where he saw his first take of this new giant, Chad. Josh approached the front of the balcony ready to address the man as he took in his appearance.
He was what you'd expect from an ex-military type guy. Short buzzed brown hair and deep look brown eyes, even from Josh's distance. He wore a tight black shirt and long green cargo pants, shirt tucked into the the waist. He definitely had his fair share of handsome features, with a strong dependable looking face with light scruff and a chiseled looking jaw line. Josh drew his attention to the man's tight shirt which bulged with muscle, clearly he was very well trained in his time in the military.
"Chad?" Josh spoke up as the huge man's eyes looked toward Josh immediately. "Sorry I'm late, my name is Josh, I'll be conducting your interview."
"No worries, sir." Chad said formally. "I think I was a little early anyway, sir."
Josh was immediately a little shocked by just how formal the man was. He wasn't sure how to handle it, but it was at least some what refreshing compared to the dude's and bro's he was used to being called by the rest of his staff. "Early is good though! I appreciate the effort. Now then, what do you know about Shrink and Swim?"
"I know that it uses a shrink ray of sorts of make all the guests tiny, sir." Chad answered, clearly doing some research before just dropping off his application. "I guessed my interviewer might have been tiny based off the little balcony you're standing on."
"Fantastic, very observant." Josh complimented the man. "That's a good skill when watching over guests. It could save a life."
"Thank you, sir." Chad received the compliment almost robotically.
"There's not need to be too formal, by the way." Josh tried to loosen the almost stiff man up a bit. "We're very relaxed here. I almost prefer it when my employees refer to me informally."
"Oh sorry, sir… errr… umm…" Chad looked at a loss for what to call Josh. Josh merely shrugged, not meaning for it to be a big deal.
"We'll work on it." Josh simply said for now. "Just speak comfortably."
"Alright, I'll try." Chad smiled, trying to drop his seriousness a bit.
"Excellent." Josh commented. "Why don't you tell me a bit of your experience with first aid or CPR."
"Ummm…" Chad shifted in his chair slightly as Josh watched his twist his tight torso sightly, exposing a strong set of abs through his tight shirt. Josh bit his lip as he focused back at Chad's face as he continued. "I had to undergo basic medical training for the military. CPR was a part of it. Thankfully I never really had to use any of it aside from small stuff."
"That is good to hear, but the knowledge is there." Josh tried to pay the massive man another complement, hoping to get him to be a little more comfortable.
"Can I ask you a question?" Chad looked at Josh closely.
"Of course, that's part of how interviews work." Josh smiled professionally.
"Do you choose to be small like that all the time?" Chad asked bluntly. "I mean it seems dangerous. Like I could crush you without even trying."
Josh was a little taken aback, not really sure what to say before Chad reared back and apologized. "I'm sorry sir, that was way out of line."
"No no." Josh tried to legitimize the question. "I get asked things like that a lot. Being this size is just convenient for me, but convenience does come at a dangerous cost every once in awhile."
"Well I'd protect you, sir." Chad blushed very slightly for a moment. "I just don't like seeing people get hurt."
"I appreciate it." Josh smiled, feeling like it was an awkward, yet genuinely sweet gesture.
- - -
The interview went on for awhile long. Josh felt like he definitely got a good grasp of who Chad was. In the end Josh made a decision that…
"Let's see, yeah dude's name was Scott! You gotta hurry man he's waiting for you!" Tyler said gesturing at the door to the interview room.
Looking down at the file Josh sighed. "Why'd it have to be some giant meat head with no experience…" He thought, hoping the interview could just be over as fast as possible.
"Alright wish me luck, Ty!" Josh says turning toward the door and waving at his burly employee.
"You don't need luck boss! Go get 'em!" He replied, turning away and waving back as he headed out back to his post.
- - -
Josh opened the door to the large room, looking out as far as he could as he walked forward. It was a squarish room with a chair and table at one end and a balcony at the other. Josh walked across the balcony to a small microphone that was used to communication without needing to yell at the top of lungs for the interviewee to hear him. Staring out over the balcony Josh got his first look at Scott. The mammoth of a 18 year old made the chair he was sitting in look like it belonged in a kindergarten classroom. Apart from that the gigantic teen wore a backwards baseball cap with his brown hair peeking out the front. His face looked out to the left, bored.
"Dress for success must've been something this kid's never heard of." Josh thought looking at the teen's attire. He wore a red "stringer" tank top which barely hid any of his muscular torso. Leading down to his shorts, which were just white basketball shorts, string untied with his underwear showing slightly around the top, the brand "under armor" was written across the black spandex front. Finally, looking down at the teen's feet, which he had stretched out in a relaxed fashion, he wore nothing but a pair of black sandals on his massive feet.
Despite his appearance Josh always tried to treat everyone he met with respect. "Sorry I'm late Scott. My name is Josh. I'm the owner of Shrink and Swim. I'll be interviewing you today."
Scott turned his attention forward, looking where to voice came from. "Uhh…" He said in a deep voice.
"Over here on the balcony, its ok. Sometimes its a little shocking for people to see a shrunk person first hand." Josh added casually as the giant teen focused his attention at the balcony.
"Whoa! No way!" The giant man said, suddenly standing up and moving forward to look down at the tiny man on the balcony. "Are all the people in the park so small?" He asked looking down curiously at the tiny man.
"He's an idiot…" Josh thought. "Yes, that's the whole principal behind the park actually. Now if you'd take your seat we can start our interview." Josh said looking up nervously at the practically shirtless giant.
"Oh, sorry." He said gruffly as he stepped back and planted himself back into the small chair. "I'm just not used to this whole deal…" He said blankly.
Tiling his head Josh questioned, "Oh is this your first interview?" The giant man sat up and nodded slowly. "Well don't worry just be honest about yourself and everything will be fine." Josh assured the mountainous teen.
"What made you want to apply to Shrink and Swim?" Josh started off, figuring it was an easy question.
"Well actually my girl friend filled out the application. She just told me it was for life guarding, which I figured I'd be good at." He said honestly. "I had no idea the people in the park were so small though. Do I just scoop them out of the water with my hand or something?"
Josh nearly face palmed at the question. Obviously, he knew nothing about the park other than "Be a lifeguard." "Well actually Scott…" Josh said politely. "There's a shrink ray out front. Everyone, including staff get's shrunk when they go in. So while in the park its as if you're the same size normally compared other people."
"Ohh I think I get it." Scott replied leaning forward. "That's pretty cool as long as I don't have to stay shrunk all the time."
"Well when when the lifeguards are off duty they all usually go around front and grow back to normal size to wind down in the break room." Josh said reassuringly.
"Why don't you do that then?" Scott asked suddenly looking across the room at the tiny speck of man.
"Well usually I don't have time, being the owner and operator. Besides, I find the experience to be enlightening." Josh stated to back himself up.
"That's cool man. I mean I like being big, so I guess it can work both ways." He said chucking deeply. Josh looked down as he turned a little red at the comment.
"I suppose so!" Josh said, shaking a little. "Anyway let's continue."
- - -
The interview went on for a few more minutes and Scott struggled to give good answers. His fundamental answers were fine, but anytime the question was remotely ambiguous he had to stop and think for awhile.
"Alright Scott, that's all the questions I have. Based off your performance I've come to the conclusion that…"
"You're hired!" Josh spoke out into the microphone much to Scott's surprise. Standing up, Scott walked over to the little balcony and knelt down, trying his best to be on the same level as his new boss. Josh was a little taken aback by the sudden approach however and leaped back a step.
"Thank you so much!" The enormous teen said closing his eyes and bowing his head in front of an awe struck Josh. "I thought for sure you were gonna turn me away! I really needed this job!" He added happily.
Josh was actually pleased with his decision. Sure the kid was a moron, but there was something… almost adorable about how dumb he was. "It's great to hear he needed the job that badly too." Josh pondered to himself.
"Its no problem! No need to bow your head…" he said as the teen opened back up his eyes, looking down at Josh. "I see a lot of potential in you, Scott. We just need to work together to bring it out." Josh stated smiling.
"So this is your first job huh?" Josh asked as the excited teen stood back up to his massive height. "Yeah…" Scott replied lifting up his muscled arm and scratching the back of his head. "I bet Bri's gonna be pumped to find out I got it!" He added happily.
"Bri must be his girlfriend." Josh thought quickly. "Well in celebration, tell her she get's a free admission to the park tomorrow. She can watch you in action, assuming that is you can start that soon?" Josh said smiling thoughtfully.
Looking way down past his chest, abs, all the way down near his crotch at the tiny man making him such a kind offer Scott smiled. "You're the best, man! She'll love that! I can't wait to get home and tell her!" He said turning to leave.
"Whoa hold up there." Josh stopped the giant teen, forcing him to turn back around. "Now that all this is settled, I want to give you a little tip." Josh said seriously.
"Don't come dressed like THAT at any interviews you have in the future." Josh said as Scott looked down at his stringer tank. "I thought I should show off my body, being a lifeguard position and all." he said nervously.
"That's pretty much the only reason why I let it slide, buddy." Josh said crossing his arms. "Also try not to wear hats, especially backwards at an interview. Also, two words. Dress pants. Or shorts I guess. At the very least pull up them shorts a bit before you come in." Josh said matter-of-factly.
"I'll keep it in mind." Scott said a little embarrassed. "Seriously, thank you for everything." He said moving toward the door again.
Whoa whoa whoa!" Josh said, making the teen turn around a second time. "You need a uniform, Mr. hasty. Take the door on your left when you walk out. That's the break room door. We can set you up with a uniform in there."
- - -
Finally, the two left the room, Josh turned and went into the break room and looked around. The break room was designed with balconies, elevators, and conveyor belts to help shrunken people go about the otherwise spacious room. The rooms were in fact normal sized, with a kitchen, lounge, bathroom, and even a small work out room. Josh looked around the room and saw…
Strolling into the room casually, Scott looked around. Noticing the little balconies similar to the one in the interview room he scanned them quickly with his hands on his knees.
"There you are boss!" He said proudly as he search finally came to an end. "This is gonna take some getting used to!" He said laughing and scratching under his hat.
"Everyday certainly is an adventure!" Josh said at the young jock. "Anyway, doesn't seem anybody is on break right now, so I'll have to get your uniform for you." Josh said turning his attention to the little computer behind him.
"Uhhh won't it be a little small if you get, sir?" Scott replied looking down at his impressively muscled frame. "No offense but I'd probably lose it…"
Turning back to Scott, Josh figured he'd have to explain this. "Well actually I can use the computer here to have a new uniform your size brought in from storage. All I need is your size, big guy." Josh added unintentionally at the end as he turned back and blushed.
Used to the remark, Scott didn't think twice about it. "Ohh wow dude that's cool. Technology sure is amazing!" He said looking down at Josh. "I guess I take like a XL by the way." He said, sliding off his stringer tank top.
Josh turned even brighter red as the massive teen removed the small article of clothing. Sure he was practically shirtless already… but now there weren't any obstructions at all of Scott's well toned body.
"XL coming up." Josh said, voice cracking slightly. The machine made a quick "ding" noise as a rack came out into the room with a crisp clean lifeguard's uniform. It wasn't anything special. Just your typical attire for the profession. A white tank top with the word "Lifeguard" across the front. Red board shorts with a cross on them. And last but not least, a red hat.
"Sweet!" The young behemoth bellowed. "A new hat!"
With those words he quickly pulled off his current cap, showing off his short brown hair, a little messed up from being under a hat. Only to then replace it with the new red hat, making sure to turn it backwards for extra effect. Next, the young man pulled down his already sagging basketball shorts, revealing his sporty compression shorts underneath. Taking his new board shorts he pulled them up over his underwear making sure to tie it tight at the strings. "Look boss! Pulled em up all the way just for you!" He said with a cheery tone.
"I appreciate it, Scott!" Josh said with a nod of approval. "You look very professional! Make sure that tank top fits alright too for when you want to wear it."
Throwing the top over his shoulder the mountainous teen laughed. "It looks like it'll be fine! If not I can just cut it down to match this!" He said raising up his stringer top.
"You better not!" Josh added kindly, hoping the giant teen was really just kidding. The two locked eyes for a moment and laughed.
"No worries, I wouldn't do something to disrespect you. Not after how good you've been to me." Scott said humbly.
"I-I appreciate that… Scott." Josh said, a little lost for words.
"Its my pleasure little bud." Scott replied, flashing his little boss a thumbs up.
Shaking his head, Josh tried to refocus on his job. "Anyway, tomorrow morning I need you to report in for basic training. We'll teach you basic lifeguard skills, then after that you'll be shown a brief video on CPR here in the break room. After that I'll give you a test, if you pass you'll be CPR certified and can start lifeguarding right away. If you fail, we'll have to go back over the tape and we'll work though it." Josh said reassuring the large teen, who's eyes widened at the word "test".
"Your girlfriend is welcome over whenever and I'll happily give her a tour of the park myself." Josh ended professionally.
Scott shook his head in understanding, stopping once more to thank his new boss before leaving. Still brimming with excitement over this fresh opportunity.
Josh stood at the entrance of the park, eager to have Scott start his first day at his first job. Josh tried to imagine what kind of girl Bri must be and how proud she must be over her sweet yet massive boyfriend. Josh refocused as he saw the massive body of Scott come lumbering in through the front gate on time, but alone. Scott walked up to Josh with a smile as he looked down at Josh, dwarfing him even at the same scaled heights.
"Wow you're tiny even in here!" Scott laughed as he put out a hand to shake Josh's. "But at least now I can properly thank you."
Josh smiled as he shook the giant man's hand. It was surreal seeing how tall he was at nearly a foot and a half taller than him. "Like I told you, you seemed like a great guy. I have high expectations for you."
Scott took back his hand and smiled at the compliment. Josh looked around as he felt the need to address the question that was bugging him. "So where's your girlfriend? I had it planned out to give her a tour."
"Oh… she said she'd be in later." Scott shifted his tone a little. "Between you and me, she seemed a little off last night and this morning."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that…" Josh tilted his head a little. "Well either way! I have Tyler ready to train you over at the wave pool. It's just straight ahead follow the signs! He should be the only other guy stationed there."
"Okay, boss." Scott smiled confidently. "Heh. It's kinda neat having a boss for the first time."
Josh chuckled as Scott walked away. Josh noticed Scott's board shorts weren't on very tight as they sagged a bit showing a little of Scott's underwear. Josh shrugged it off as at least it was an improvement over it practically falling off his waist during the interview.
Josh felt like he should wait by the entrance, helping out the admissions crew while he figured he'd wait for Bri to arrive.
- - -
Hours went by. Josh had skipped lunch and it was well into the early afternoon. No one ever came through admissions looking for a tour or speaking of a free admission of sorts. A little worried, Josh thanked the admissions crew as he left figuring it was best to go find Scott. Looking around, Josh figured by now they must be going over CPR in the break room. Heading that way, Josh reached the door from the tiny people's side and opened it. Looking out over the balcony sure enough Josh saw Tyler and Scott sitting at a table, Scott with a pen in his hand taking the certification test.
"Wow that was fast." Josh thought as he approached the edge of the balcony. Deciding to go right into the middle of things, Josh took one of the elevators designed for travel around the room for him over to the table. Once there, Josh silently made eye contact with Tyler who nodded with a satisfied grin at his tiny friend.
"Almost all set?" Tyler asked Scott, who hadn't noticed Josh's arrival.
"I'm a little stuck on this one…" Scott puzzled over the last question. Tyler leaned in and looked at it briefly.
"You got it dude. It was like the first thing I taught you." Tyler offered the slight hint as Scott looked like he remembered and circled an answer. Tyler smiled, glad to see he was able to help Scott through the first day.
Sweating, Scott put down his pen and sat back. "Man I'm so bad at these tests."
Meanwhile, Josh walked directly onto the paper and looked down at some of the answers. "Let's see how you did, Scott!"
Scott jumped a little as he looked down and saw Josh in front of him on his test. "Boss!? How long were you here?"
"Like three minutes." Tyler laughed, thinking Scott's jump was a little humorous. "How'd he do?"
"Well just from a quick scan, looks like a pass to me." Josh quickly looked over some of the answers he had memorized. Scott put a hand on his chest, looking like he could breath easy now. Josh turned to the handsome teen however, feeling like he needed to deliver the bad news as well. "Scott, your girlfriend never showed up. I'm not sure what happened."
"What? Can I go call her real quick?" Scott asked politely. Josh agreed as the huge man got up, going into the locker room where he had stored his phone for the day. Josh looked up at Tyler and shrugged his shoulders. Hoping it wasn't serious.
"How'd he do today?" Josh asked Tyler as his huge friend took a deep breath and laughed.
"Man he's not very smart." Tyler admitted.
"That's saying something coming from you." Josh teased the giant as Tyler shot him a look.
"Big talk coming from you, small fry." Tyler retorted, gently flicking Josh off his feet. Josh sat up and chuckled, very used to this kind of behavior from his best friend. "He was fine. Sometimes it felt like talking to a brick wall. But seemingly most of what I taught him sunk in a little."
"Good I'm glad. He seems like a good kid." Josh smiled looking behind him toward the break room as Scott came back with his phone in his hand. "Everything ok Scott?"
"She ignored my calls." Scott said slowly. "Plus I have a text from our landlord saying to "get that junk away from out front door." "
Tyler and Josh looked at each other confused. Scott simply just stood there, looking like he was at a loss for words. "Can-Can I just go see what that means? Is that okay?"
"Can I go with him?" Tyler asked, not really waiting for permission to leave at all in the first place.
"Yeah… this sounds weird." Josh puzzled for a moment. "I'm going too."
"You guys don't have to." Scott said sheepishly. Both Tyler and Josh disagreed however as Tyler had already picked Josh up, holding him secure in his palm. "Wait you're going like that?"
"Yeah, let's get going!" Josh said as him and Tyler made their way out the door, Scott following after.
- - -
After a brief trip the trio had arrived at Scott's apartment. Sure enough outside the door was a bunch of men's clothes, video games and other various things Josh and Tyler guessed belonged to Scott. On top, was a note with Scott's name written across it. Picking it up, Scott read the note silently to himself, tears welling a little in his eyes and he crumpled it up, throwing it aside.
"She dumped me. Kicked me out. Even after I got a job like she wanted…" Scott said softly to himself. "I did everything for her…"
Tyler and Josh looked at each other, clearly not knowing the details. "Well if you both are on the lease for this apartment she can't just kick you out." Josh offered as a rebuttal. "Plus you have a key."
"It's just her on the lease. It was apparently cheaper that way." Scott said almost robotically as he recalled that whole deal. Going up and trying to put the key in the door, it wouldn't turn the lock. "She changed the lock…"
"Wow." Tyler could only mutter. Wanting to say more, but he didn't want to upset Scott, he simply walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey it's okay buddy. Josh and I are here for ya."
Scott turned and pulled Tyler into a big hug, Josh getting caught in the middle as Tyler held up between the two men's bare stomachs. Tyler put his free arm around Scott and hugged back, feeling bad for the massive teen.
"I just moved here. You guys are the only people I know besides Bri." Scott admitted. "So… I guess I'm just saying I'm glad I met you guys yesterday and today… for more than one reason."
Scott released Tyler as Josh gasped for air almost being crushed between the two men's sweaty abs as they both looked at Scott with sad expressions. Scott looked down at his stuff and kicked over a little trophy he had for sports in high school. "I don't know where I'm gonna go."
"I have a spare room at my house." Josh offered instantly out of compassion to the massive man. "You can stay with me till you get everything figured out."
"Really?!" Scott looked down at Josh a few tears welling in his eyes again. "You've already done so much for me… I don't know how I can ever repay you…"
"Promise me you'll work hard. That's payment enough." Josh winked as Scott knelt down, Tyler holding Josh at eye level.
"I wish I could hug you but I'd be too afraid to squish you…" Scott said, reaching at Josh with one finger cautiously.
"We can worry about that later, first let's get this stuff to my place!" Josh exclaimed, glad he could help the giant teen in need.
- - -
A few hours passed and Josh had informed the crew he wasn't going to be back today. The park closed as Josh was too busy to go back and regain his size, Josh figured it was fine spending the night at his house shrunk anyway. With all of Scott's stuff moved into the spare room, Josh sat atop his dining room table with Scott and Tyler seated with him.
"Man this place is huge!" Scott admired the huge house.
"Yeah we could have a ballin' party in here." Tyler smirked, thinking a party might cheer up Scott a little.
"Um.. yeah I guess if Scott wants to." Josh offered to Scott, feeling like his emotions should be the determining factor in any decision they make at the moment.
Scott, sat back. Straight faced, he was still pretty choked up inside. Looking at Josh and Tyler Scott felt like…
"I dunno. A lot of people might be a little too much right now." Scott sighed as he stared off into space a little. "I'm fine with just chilling with you dudes. You guys have been so good to me, I just don't know what to say."
"I know exactly what to say!" Tyler stood up excitedly as he looked from Josh to Scott with a grin. "Since it's just going to be the three of us, this is the perfect chance for me to teach you how to be dominant around Josh!"
"What?" Josh said flatly as Tyler's hand quickly came down on top of him, covering him in it's shadow as Tyler leaned down on Josh, cupping his hand however as to not crush him. Trapped, Josh could merely observe what Tyler had planned through listening to him now.
"Uh, Ty?" Scott asked as he looked down at Tyler's hand. "Is he ok?"
"First lesson. Don't worry about it." Tyler smiled at Scott. "He's the size of a bug. You're giant compared to him. Don't ever let him boss you around."
"But he's literally our boss, dude." Scott looked at Tyler confused.
"At the park, sure." Tyler waved his free hand like he was dismissing some small detail. "But here he's your roommate. Your teeny tiny helpless roommate."
"But bro, he's letting me live here for free." Scott looked at Tyler's hand some more, tilting his head a little worried. "I don't think I should be bossing him around."
"Wow, you're really bad at the whole 'being a giant' thing aren't you?" Tyler shook his head a little disappointed the near 7-foot tall behemoth wasn't more into the idea of dominating a tiny person. "Look, bud. I'm not saying to hurt him. But he loves getting bullied around a bit because of his size."
"He does?" Scott asked a bit surprised. "I guess he did mention something about liking being small yesterday when we talked."
"See bro?" Tyler winked at Scott, hoping to convince the teen. "That was just him being shy. He'd be way into you being a cocky giant."
Scott pondered for a moment. It didn't really make much sense, but then again nothing in the past couple days had made any sense. Shrugging his shoulder, Scott decided to…
"Alright, bro." Scott sat up, feeling like if Josh liked it, then what was the problem. "How do I do this?"
"It's not hard dude. I mean you ever make fun of anyone or horse around and stuff in high school?" Tyler asked as Scott at there sort of blankly.
"Not really, dude." Scott shook his head. "I actually cracked down on a lot of bullies instead of doing any bullying."
"Well what did they do?" Tyler asked, kind of surprised a big time athletic jock like Scott never bullied anyone before.
"Push people into lockers. Called them nerds." Scott remembered a few instances. "Made fun of dudes for being smaller than them. Then I'd show up behind them."
"They must've shit their pants, bro!" Tyler laughed as even he wouldn't want Scott showing up suddenly behind him, likely angry. "So you're gonna be basically doing those things except it's all in fun."
"Those things don't seem like they're in fun." Scott frowned, leaning back thinking of how awful the bullies were.
"Well let me ask you this." Tyler looked at Scoot who peeked up in response. "Are you Josh's friend?"
"Well yeah." Scott answered with a slight blush.
"Then you're not bullying him. You're just messing with him!" Tyler smiled with a matter of fact tone. "Instead of pushing him into a locker, flick him off his feet. Instead of calling him a nerd, call him a bug! Tell him he's tiny then burp on him!"
"He's ok with that?" Scott once again asked, feeling like it might be too much.
"Of course! We're still his friends were just messing, bro!" Tyler chuckled, thinking it was a bit odd Scott never experienced this sort of thing with male friends in the past. "It's like telling your buddy he's a pussy then putting him in a headlock then laughing it off."
"I guess Bri took up so much of my time I never really had that." Scott looked down at the ground. Tyler removed his hand from covering Josh and walked over to Scott and put a hand on the big man's shoulder. Suddenly, Tyler put Scott in a headlock and wrestled him out of the chair and onto the ground.
"Come on bro! Don't be such a pussy!" Tyler laughed as Scott was easily able to over power Tyler and lift them off the ground. Smiling, Scott thought he finally understood as he turned Tyler around and put him in a headlock instead.
"You let me turn that around almost too easily there little Ty." Scott laughed as he held Tyler into his chest before letting go.
"I don't think I've ever been called little before!" Tyler laughed as he backed away from Scott. "If I'm little what's he?"
"What's what?" Scott smirked as he looked down at Josh "Oh, I thought that was just a bug."
"Now you're getting it bro!" Tyler went up to Scott and gave him a hearty pat on the back. "So my man. Now that you've got the basics how about we try an advanced course?"
"Uh, like what, dude?" Scott looked back at Tyler, dropping the arrogant tone almost instantly.
"Well I was thinking we'd have you…"
Tyler stomach suddenly gave a bit of an audible gurgle as he clenched his abs for a second. "Hey you hungry too, dude? I just got an idea of what we can do with him."
"What? I mean yeah, I'm always hungry, dude. But I don't wanna eat Josh." Scott waved a hand feeling like that would be taking it a little too far.
"Oh dude, I was just gonna say we should stick him in some food." Tyler laughed at the idea of eating Josh. "He's so puny he couldn't even be considered a snack, bro."
"Ha yeah that's true, dude." Scott laughed as he looked down at Josh. "Sorry, bro. I didn't mean to think that's what he meant."
"It's ok--" Josh started to say before he was very loudly interrupted by Tyler.
"Bro! Don't apologize to him! He's so little you could just eat him if you felt like it!" Tyler crossed his arms, scolding Scott like a drill sargent. "So assert your dominance!"
"Okay okay." Scott scratched his chin and looked down at Josh again. "Actually never mind, dude. I could just eat you if I felt like it."
Josh chuckled as Tyler pressed his palm to his face a little. There was such a lack of passion behind Scott's words, coupled with he just repeated what Tyler had said. Scott looked at Tyler, confused.
"Did I do it wrong?" Scott asked, genuinely bad at this."
"Let's just get some food, dude. Maybe that'll help." Tyler walked away from the table and into the kitchen. Scott slumped back down into his chair and looked at Josh.
"I think I'm disappointing him." Scott said a little quietly to Josh.
"It's really okay. You can let loose a little. Maybe it'll help with getting over Brianna if you let out some of your frustration?" Josh offered as a bit of an option to the colossal man.
"Well I don't wanna let it out on you, boss." Scott frowned. "You're too nice, you don't deserve it."
"I'll be fine!" Josh pumped himself up for Scott's sake. "Impress Tyler and let loose!"
"Okay!" Scott's frown turned into a slight smile. "I'll try. Thanks, dude."
A few minutes by before Tyler re-emerged from the kitchen, holding a plate of apple slices and a huge mound of peanut butter.
"He only had a bunch of healthy shit." Tyler shrugged as he set the plate down.
"What a nerd." Scott said, trying to force out a little confidence in his voice. Tyler nodded his head in a little approval as Scott reached for an apple. "Man I do love peanut butter though. I could eat a whole jar of it."
"You know bro. I heard Josh loves peanut butter too." Tyler smirked, wondering if Scott had given the training a little more thought. Tyler watched as Scott looked over at Josh.
"Oh does he?" Scott said as he started to reach for Josh. Josh stayed still as Scott carefully plucked him off the table. Hovering Josh above the peanut butter, Josh screamed as Scott released him right in the middle of the enormous glob. "There, now he can help himself."
Josh pulled himself above the surface of the thick nutty peanut butter as he heard Tyler erupt into laughter.
"Oh nice dude!" Tyler chuckled as he say Josh struggle. Tyler sat down and grabbed an apple as well, scooping dangerously close to Josh before popping it into his mouth an chewing. "Man, now he's gotta watch out, bro!"
"Watch out for what, bro?" Scott smiled as he also scooped close to Josh with his next slice. Josh could barely move as he listened to the two men laugh and joke. He was happy to see Scott starting to loosen up, but he wasn't sure at what cost he'd have to put up with much more.
As time went by, Scott and Tyler ate more. Eventually…
Scott scooped another apple into the peanut butter, slowly looking at the apple before putting it in his mouth. Tyler watched his methodical movement with a raised eyebrow.
"What's wrong, bro?" Tyler asked, hoping Scott wasn't about to turn soft on Josh again. Scott swallowed and shook himself out of his slight worry.
"Oh sorry, dude." Scott chuckled. "I lost track of him. I was just making sure I didn't actually eat him, you know?"
"Hey if you do you, you do, dude." Tyler shrugged, driving home the point at how insignificant Josh was. "Besides, I know where he is."
"You do?" Scott squinted down at the pile of peanut butter, still seeing nothing.
"Yeah of course." Tyler lied, having lost track of Josh minutes after they started eating. "Don't worry, he's fine."
"Oh okay, dude!" Scott smiled, trusting Tyler implicitly. Grabbing another apple, Scott happily scooped it back into the peanut butter, knowing if he got too close to Josh, Tyler would definitely warn him. Tyler meanwhile sweat a tiny bit, scanning through the globs of peanut butter looking for Josh's movement.
- - -
Giving up on struggling, Josh knew he was so horribly stuck he couldn't free himself even if he wanted to. Josh had gotten used to the sounds and feelings of peanut butter being scooped around him, however Josh found himself… rising.
"Huh?!" Josh panicked, barely able to move his face as he could mostly only make out the fact that he was being pulled away from the main pile of peanut butter. Eyes darting around, Josh could see Tyler looking down at the pile. Connecting the dots Josh realized he'd been scooped up by Scott. Josh tried to yell, but it was clear neither giant had realize just how badly he was stuck and concealed.
"Scoooott!" Josh called out, not even able to see Scott's face as he was risen higher and higher. The next thing Josh saw was Scott's mouth, opening up and enveloping him in darkness as he was quickly shoved in the giant's maw. Scott's teeth easily bit the apple in half as Josh was thrown into the chaos of the giant's chewing. Panicking, Josh found himself freed from the peanut butter thanks to Scott's tongue and saliva. Josh didn't know if he could consider it lucky, but Scott stopped chewing as he found himself unscathed by the ordeal, just before the giant's tongue lurched and swallowed the snack down.
- - -
Scott swallowed the lump of food down, scooping some more peanut butter on the other half of the apple and devouring it as well. Scott stopped for a moment, realizing Tyler had stopped eating now.
"Uhhh what's wrong, bro?" Scott asked Tyler the same why he asked him a moment ago. Tyler this time being the one to snap out of his trance.
"Oh nothing, bro!" Tyler faked confidence. "Now I lost track of him!"
"Oh shit!" Scott worried immediately. "I didn't scoop him up did I?"
"No no, brah." Tyler wasn't exactly sure, but didn't want to admit to not knowing earlier. "You were good, I was watching."
"Oh phew." Scott let out a sigh of relief. "What do we do, dude?"
"Guess we'll…" Tyler let out a long droned groan. "We'll stop eating…"
"It's for the best dude." Scott laughed, finding Tyler's disappointment to be kind of funny. Scott watched as Tyler started to stand up and stretch. "Uhh should we help him out?"
"Nah." Tyler waved a hand at plate. "He can get himself out."
"Ha okay dude!" Scott stood up as well, pecs bouncing as he got out of his chair. "He'll be fine, I'm sure."
"Yeah exactly!" Tyler patted Scott on the back. "He'll figure that out while I go show you his banging back yard."
"Oh word, bro?" Scott was interested to maybe get outside a bit after everything that happened.
- - -
"They aren't figuring it out are they?" Josh looked around, disappointed as mushy apple and the smell of peanut butter filled his nostrils. Scott hadn't eaten anything since the last apple, so Josh had a brief hope that he'd be thrown up any minute now. Instead there was just… nothing. He could tell the giant was moving around as his massive stomach would turn and rise and lower with steps and movement. But other than that… nothing.
"Well shit…" Josh felt defeated. It wasn't like Scott meant to do this, clearly he didn't see him. Plus, Josh even saw Tyler looking for him just before Scott ate him. Despite this being Tyler's idea, Josh couldn't even find it in his heart to blame him either. Scott's stomach churned as it pulled the mush in it deep inside, digesting everything with casual groans and gurgles. As Josh was broken down in that mush, Josh couldn't anyone to blame besides perhaps bad luck itself.
After several minutes of dipping apple slices dangerously close to Josh, Tyler and Scott had finally run out.
“Hmm, what do we do now dude?” Tyler said, looking across at Scott and then down at Josh with a wicked smile on his face. “What is he planning?” Josh thought to himself, not putting anything past Tyler’s wild imagination.
“Meh, lets just finish the rest with our fingers, the little dude will just have to watch out!” Scott said enthusiastically. Tyler seemed very happy with this suggestion and went diving straight into the still substantial mound of butter with his finger.
Scott followed suit, deliberately getting very close to Josh in order to impress Tyler, “careful guys, you’re pushing me into the pile, I can’t actually get my feet out!” Josh said as he tried to live around, but found the butter had a sort of quicksand property to it. He felt it was maybe safer to just stay put for now rather than risk being submerged and lost in the pile.
Tyler was now in a dominating sort of mood now, partly due to him trying to put on an act in front of Scott, he realised that Josh was stuck and dipped his finger in again, taking a large amount of peanut butter with him, but causing Josh to fall face first into the goop. Tyler laughed out loud, causing Scott to chuckle too at Josh’s sticky predicament.
Scott looked down at Josh, who was still lying on the top of the butter but had managed to roll over onto his back, “my turn for a scoop now” he said, bringing his finger down on top of Josh.
Scott gently pushed onto Josh, sending him a little deeper into the pile, and then took a scoop whilst covering Josh totally apart from his head, which made him look even more helpless. “Hahahah!” Tyler bellowed, that’s hilarious dude! He’s never gonna get of that now without our help!
“Scott!” Josh shouted “you didn’t have to do that! I was already stuck enough!” Scott brought his handsome face down to Josh and stuck out his tongue, which still had the peanut butter on it. He then swallowed it loudly right next to Josh. “That could have been you in that gulp little dude” he said, smiling as he said it.
This remark sparked something in Tyler, he didn’t want to admit it, but he’d always wanted to swallow Josh, and seeing Scott almost pretend that he was going to do it presented Tyler with an opportunity, he would throw him back up of course, but this was a chance to at least see what it was like to swallow his best friend for “fun”.
Tyler brought his finger down to the pile and scooped a massive amount up, which included Josh. “What are you doing Tyler?!” Josh cried.
“I’m hungry dude, and you’re in my food, so that makes you my food” he said as he opened his cavernous mouth. Scott looked alarmed as Tyler put his finger into his mouth and back out again, only now the finger had no peanut butter and no Josh on it.
“Whoa dude, aren’t you going a bit far?” Scott asked with a bit of concern in his voice.
“Nah man, I think he’s always wanted to go into my mouth, he’s constantly hanging around my food so I’m going to let him know what being my food is all about!”
Inside Tyler’s mouth, Josh was being sloshed around by his giant tongue, savouring the flavour of the peanut butter and the additional protein. “Is he going to swallow me?!“ Josh thought, he couldn’t deny that if he was going to get eaten by anyone then he would want it to be Tyler, but he hadn’t planned on it happening like this!
Outside, Tyler was done with the savouring of the butter and Josh, looked straight at Scott with a smirk on his face and swallowed everything down into his stomach.
“Dude! You’ve just eaten him! You’ve eaten Josh!” Scott said with a shocked look on his face. “God he tasted amazing” Tyler said, rubbing his abs quite happily. “I was going to let him out, but part of me wants to keep him down there,I think deep down he’s always wanted this to happen to him.”
“Dude, maybe you should throw him back up first and ask him before you digest him without his permission?” Scott asked
Josh was completely at Tyler’s mercy, Tyler decided……
"Hmmm maybe you're right, dude." Tyler smirked as he looked down at his abs. Thought he wasn't being entirely honest, Tyler at least thought it would be funny to humor Scott. "Yeah I'll bring him back up and ask him. I'll even apologize for not asking him before, bro."
"Hey, there you go!" Scott smiled, glad to see Tyler was at least considering Josh's feeling instead of just viciously digesting the little guy off a feeling. "Yeah, dude, I think he'll appreciate you at least asking. Plus, if he says yes you just gulp him back down, right?"
"You're so right, Scotty." Tyler agreed sarcastically, not that Scott noticed. Tyler stood up and made his way over to the kitchen, Scott following behind as Tyler went to the sink ready to try and regurgitate his little friend. A few minutes went by before Tyler was able to throw the tiny up. Tyler fished him out of the mushy vomit, not even bothering to wash him off as the two giants returned to the table to sit down and chat.
"Yoooo sorry for eating you like a little snack, dude!" Tyler cockily apologized. "I got a little carried away I guess."
Josh, still wiping half digested gunk off himself, was a bit shocked to hear an apology. "Uh, it's okay. I guess you were trying to look cool in front of Scott or something."
"Oh yeah, totally dude." Tyler continued to just play along with everyone. "Scotty was really worried, because I said I wanted to keep you down."
"Yeah, dude. You wouldn't want to actually get suck in Tyler's gut would you?" Scott asked, feeling like there's no way the answer would be yes.
"O-of c-course n-not!" Josh stuttered quite fiercely. Scott didn't seem to notice, but Tyler couldn't help but smirk very clearly catching Josh's stuttery lie.
"I didn't think so!" Scott smiled. "See, Ty I told you, dude."
"Oh yeah for sure, Scotty!" Tyler continued his pretending. "Oh man, now I feel really bad."
Tyler set Josh down on the table before going around and standing next to Scott, resting a hand on this shoulder.
"Alright, dude. I know I'm teaching you how to be a giant. Generally, giants eat little people as a source of protein. But we make an exception for this little guy, okay?" Tyler explained dramatically to Scott, who nodded, still not understanding Tyler's brand of being an asshole to Josh.
"Ha, got it bro! All other tinies are on the menu for sure!" Scott stood up now also, smiling as he looked down at Josh. Josh meanwhile, just couldn't help but stare up at the two massive muscular hunk. Shirtless and laughing as they loomed over him. Josh sweat a little, being eaten by Tyler was such a rush. Josh's mind raced what it would be like if Scott ate him, or if Tyler did it again. He tried to shake the feeling though, he knew that doing that would be the end of his life. But still staring up at the two muscular men in front of him, he felt like it'd be worth becoming part of either of the dumb studs.
- - -
Some time went by as the three hung out. Tyler deliberately continued to make specific note to not eat Josh whenever he could, going as far to be as dramatic and obnoxiously defensive about it as possible, much to Josh's discomfort. The three had all but forgotten about Scott's break up as it started to get late.
"Hey, I'm spending the night, by the way." Tyler yawned at Josh as he stretched.
"Oh sure, that's fine." Josh didn't care either way. "You can sleep in my bed. Not like I can sleep in it anyway."
"Duh, dude. Not like I was gonna cuddle with Scotty." Tyler looked over at Scott. "Unless…?"
"No offense, dude, but I think I'll pass." Scott laughed, appreciating Tyler's jokey nature. Tyler shrugged and looked back at Josh.
"Oh well your loss. Guess you're stuck with me, little buddy." Tyler smirked almost too cockily at Josh. Josh sweat for a second before responding…
"Um yeah that's fine." Josh felt slightly nervous. Not like him and Tyler hadn't slept together before, but something just was hitting Josh different right now having spent a few minutes in the jock's stomach. Tyler rose an eyebrow, noticing Josh's awkwardness.
"Oh it'll be fine alright…" Tyler stood up and loomed over Josh. Scott not really noticing the tension merely yawned and wished the two good night as he made he's way upstairs to his new bedroom. Tyler meanwhile scooped Josh up in his hand, making their way to Josh's bedroom as Josh continued to sweat a little nervously.
Alone with Tyler, Josh sat on his night stand as Tyler jumped into his bed. Tyler relaxed as he put his arms behind his head and turned his head to look at Josh.
"Shit dude, your bed is always so comfy. Maybe we should just shrink you permanently and I can keep it." Tyler smirked, half serious as he'd love to steal Josh's bed and keep the little man tiny for his amusement all the time.
"Or I could just buy you the same bed or something…" Josh blushed, feeling slightly flustered over the idea of being shrunk permanently.
"Nah that's boring. Come on dude, you're telling me you wouldn't want to be shrunk permanently?" Tyler turned on his side and looked at Josh almost seductively.
"Umm n-no!" Josh stuttered again, way too obviously. Tyler simple smiled, way too knowing of his little friend.
"But dude, I'd take care of you…" Tyler reached for Josh against his will, grabbing him and placing him down on his abs. Josh toppled off his feet as he landed on the hard muscular surface of his friend's stomach. Josh could hear Tyler's stomach gurgle a little under him as he couldn't help but stare down for a moment. "Oh sorry, dude. My stomach keeps gurgling at me, bro. All that food I ate earlier. Well you know, you were there for a little bit."
"Ha ha yeah… that was certainly something…" Josh bit his lip, as he couldn't help but imagine the digestive process taking place on the other side of Tyler's abs.
"Not that you have to worry about that happening again, huh dude?" Tyler teased Josh more. Tyler flexed his arm casually, while puffing up his chest a little. "The rest of that food is all going straight to my muscles though, bro. Right where you would have been going if I kept you down, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess that would've been the case, huh?" Josh was bright red, sweating as he watched Tyler show off.
"Oh man, but I won't let that happen to you, dude. You don't want that." Tyler smirked, putting his arm down and reaching for Josh once again, this time pinching him carefully between his fingers as he brought Josh up to his face. Tyler gave Josh a big smile.
"Dude, is there anything stuck in my teeth? Feels like something is there." Tyler rubbed his perfect white teeth with his finger as Josh looked at the front of teeth. Josh did spot something that looked like it was stuck between two front teeth.
"Um, yeah look like something right there." Josh pointed at it. "Between your front teeth, d-did you want me to get it?"
"What? No way, dude." Tyler scraped the piece of food out of his mouth on his own. "I mean have you go in my mouth? That'd be dangerous. I could swallow you by mistake, dude."
"Ha yeah, you're right…" Josh was a little disappointed. Tyler's mouth suddenly opened as he belted out a massive burp right into Josh. Josh braced himself, but couldn't help but be completely overwhelmed by the intense smell and even bits of spit that flew out and hit him.
"Oh shit, my bad dude." Tyler apologized for his burp. "That snuck right out, man I blew that all right in your face too."
"It's f-fine." Josh accepted the unusual apology from Tyler, as the smell lingered with a somewhat horrid mix of all the food Tyler ate today.
"Man that tasted kinda good though. Ha, dude I bet you got a good wiff of what my stomach would be smelling like if you were still in there!" Tyler laughed super casually as he leaned back and set Josh back down on the night stand. Tyler stood up and stretched, looming over Josh and deliberately patting his stomach a little more and letting out a second wet and loud burp. "Phew, these are coming from a real deep dark place, dude!"
Josh could barely stand it as he continued to stare up at the cocky jock. It was taking every ounce of his will power to not give in.
Tyler knelt down, still towering massively over Josh as the night stand barely made it to Tyler's abdomen. Tyler continued to rub his muscular abs as he looked down at Josh.
"Bro, I'm still so sorry for even thinking about keeping you down in my gut." Tyler obnoxiously and disingenuously apologized. "You just always end up in or around my food. Guess it was real dumb of me for thinking you'd want me to eat you, huh?"
Josh stammered as he looked up at his beefy friend. Josh swallowed hard as he responded…
"No… you were right. When you ate me, all I could think about was how I wished I could just be left down there." Josh finally admitted. "You were right, protein for your muscles? Sounds amazing! I've always stayed close to your food, hoping for an accident."
Josh looked down, embarrassed before simply hearing Tyler laugh uncontrollable. Josh watched as eh man rocked backwards off his knees and onto his back on the floor, landing there with a loud thud as he continued to laugh even the the point where he wiped away tears. Josh couldn't believe the reaction as Tyler sat up off the floor and looked at Josh, still chuckling to himself a little.
"Why was that so funny?!" Josh was now a mix of angry and embarrassed at this point.
"Because! Duuuuuuuhhhh duuuude!" Tyler obnoxiously mocked Josh. "I know I'm dumb, dude. But I'm not THAT dumb."
"But… then what was with all the theatrics earlier?" Josh was slightly confused. "You love calling me out! Why didn't you?"
"Because it was funnier to play along with you for a change." Tyler shrugged, actually quite proud of himself. "Besides, Scott was buying it too. It was funny, dude."
"Man… so you were just toying with me the whole time…" Josh sat down feeling so defeated.
"You act like that's anything new, shrimpy." Tyler chuckled. "But not the entire time, I did want to keep you down. But Scott convinced me to bring you up and ask."
"Oh… so you do want to digest me like a little piece of protein?" Josh felt awkward asking, but wanted to clarification.
"Hell yeah, dude. But I don't think I will anymore!" Tyler stuck his tongue out at Josh and laughed. Josh stood up, now confused once again.
"Huh? Why what's changed?" Josh answered, actually disappointed. Tyler simply stood up and shook his head.
"Dude, because you want it too bad now. Now that I know just how bad, it's way funnier to just make fun of you for it!" Tyler smiled brightly, feeling like he had a new lease on just how he wants to torture Josh. Josh couldn't believe it. Not only had Josh pouring out his feelings to Tyler, the cruel giant now planned to use it as fuel for bullying him.
"This is awful… I never should have gave in and told you." Josh felt defeated. Tyler simply leaned in looming over Josh once again.
"Oh dude, it's fine. I mean I already knew anyway." Tyler laughed again, furthering Josh's torment. "Hey, maybe if you're a good little piece of protein I'll eat you."
"Really?" Josh perked up a little, wanting nothing more at this point especially now that Tyler was planning on torturing him with this new knowledge.
"Sure, shrimp. But you're gonna have to work real hard if you want to be part of this." Tyler did a slow motion double bicep pose before running a hand down his torso and abs. Tyler burped again rubbing his stomach pompously. "Bet you wish in here for that."
Josh bit his lip again. Tyler was being so obnoxious, but it made it all the more tantalizing to the little man. But Josh couldn't help but shake the feeling Tyler was just playing it up again, only to disappoint him. Regardless the two men eventually went to sleep. As Josh had time to think, sleeping a distance from Tyler, he started to think that he should…
"You know I was thinking I should spend the night in Scott's room tonight." Josh looked over at Scott. "In case he needs anything and stuff."
"Suit yourself!" Tyler shrugged at Josh as he turned and made his way upstairs leaving just the two downstairs.
"Hey, it's fine dude. If you want to spend the night in your own room, I don't mind." Scott, tried to convince Josh he was fine. Josh shook his head, having made up his mind.
"No no, I'd rather be there in case you needed something. Plus Tyler snores loud!" Josh tried to joke and lighten his intentions a little. Scott chuckled as he scooped Josh up in his hand and made his way up stairs with him.
"I don't think I snore, dude! At least I hope not!" Scott smiled as he made his way into the room and shut the door behind him. The two looked into the room, seeing Scott hadn't really had time to unpack or organize yet. "Shit, I forgot I didn't put any of my stuff away yet."
Scott set Josh on on a night stand as he reached down for his over stuffed gym bag. Josh couldn't help but stare a little. Scott seemed to wear shorts that didn't fit him too well as it was falling down past his waist, showing off his black compression shorts on his massive ass. But as the giant bent over Josh swallowed as he more or less got full view of the tightly clad muscular butt. Josh shook out of his staring as Scott turned to him after setting the bag on his new bed.
"Unpacking seems kind of boring, dude. Sorry probably not the most exciting first night." Scott sat on the bed and turned to Josh as he unzipped his bag.
"That's okay, I'm fine with just chatting while you unpack." Josh sat down, crossing his legs and looking over at Scott like he was some kind of massive god. "Wish I could help, but you know."
"Ha, yeah dude. You don't need to help. Doubt you could even move one of my socks." Scott laughed as he pulled out a sock and tossed it off the bed and on the floor.
"You're absolutely right!" Josh agreed, knowing it'd certainly be impossible to make the massive sock so much as budge. Josh watched for a few moments as he saw Scott pulling out pieces of clothes and organizing them by tossing them into piles on the floor. "Wow, looks like mountains to me!"
"Really, dude? Guess I don't realize just how little you are." Scott laughed as he tossed another piece of clothes. "Ha, now I feel a little bad about smooshing you into that peanut butter!"
"No no! You were fine. You were getting into it. It was fun." Josh tried to reassure Scott.
"Oh so you do like getting bullied as a tiny, huh?" Scott laughed, noticing Josh's use of the word 'fun'.
"Well yeah, I guess so." Josh felt comfortable admitting that to Scott. Scott couldn't help but chuckle as he pulled out the last piece of clothing and stood up, getting ready to shove the clothes into some empty drawers of a dresser Josh had in the room.
"Bro, I thought Ty was just messing with me. That's wild you actually like it, dude." Scott couldn't help but be a little surprised. "In that case, I take back my apology. I'll shove you in peanut butter whenever I want."
"There you go! Feel free, I don't mind." Josh daydreamed for a second about Scott smooshing him into peanut butter before eating him. Once again, Josh tried to shake the feeling as he saw Scott had finished putting away his clothes.
"Don't tell Ty I apologized, not unless you wanna send the night in my arm pit…" Scott walked over to Josh, looming over him and putting his huge arms behind his head to show off his arm pits. "Would've said my stomach, but he did say you're off the tiny person menu."
"Oh yes sir! I won't tell him!" Josh sweat a little, wanting to play along with this slightly more dominant Scott. "Well don't tell Ty either, but I wasn't honest with him earlier."
Josh let that slip, as he couldn't help it in the moment. Scott meanwhile knelt down, curious about what Josh meant.
"Huh, about what?" Scott asked, putting down his arms but still looming like a sky scrapper over Josh.
"Well you asked if I'd want to stay down in his stomach…. well I lied before." Josh admitted, again feeling vulnerable yet honest around Scott.
"Wait really? You wanted to stay in there?" Scott hunched over now, getting his face a little closer to Josh. "He did say you always suspiciously end up in or around his food, dude."
"Yeah…" Josh felt a little embarrassed. "It's been a little deliberate a lot of the time."
"Huh." Scott simply exclaimed. "Why though, dude?"
"I don't know. It's hard to explain. Maybe just that I'm so small, I see how big and strong and dominant he is and I just want to be a part of that." Josh tried his best to put his feelings out in an easy to understand way. Scott shrugged and nodded.
"Makes sense to me!" Scott agreed almost too easily. "So should we go get him? Bet he'd be super down dude, he was earlier anyway."
"No no, I told you not to tell Ty, remember?" Josh brought it back to where he initially brought it up. "If you told him, I'd definitely tell him you apologized to me!"
"Oh dude, I did forget. My bad." Scott laughed, now sitting down on the ground with a thud so he didn't need to lean over Josh anymore. "Why don't you wanna tell him? Second thoughts?"
"No, I don't think so. I just think he'd be a real dick about it now after I lied earlier." Josh tried to clarify his feelings.
"Probably, dude! But you'd only have to put up with him for a few minutes!" Scott was almost trying to convince Josh into getting Tyler at this point.
"Knowing him he'd draw it out. God I'd just want him to get it over with, it wouldn't even be worth it by the time he does eat me." Josh rolled his eyes, just imagining how much of an obnoxious jerk Tyler would be about it. "I wonder how he'd react if he found out you ate me?"
"Me?" Scott seems a little surprised. "He'd probably be really proud. Probably laugh about it and say he's happy I broke his one exception."
"Yeah probably, he'd say something about how it was a test and you passed, I bet!" Josh continued the conversation, wondering what Scott was thinking.
"Well now that I know your little secret, I might have to gulp you down, dude!" Scott winked at Josh, as he wasn't sure if the giant was just teasing him or not. "But you want Ty to do it, so I wouldn't get in the way of that, dude."
"I mean it doesn't have to be Tyler." Josh tried to drop the hint. "I think I just want to be eaten by a big, arrogant, muscular guy…"
"That's kind of specific, dude!" Scott scratched his head. "Ty's the only dude I know that really fits the bill, maybe a few guys at the gym I go to?"
Josh sighed, Scott really was dumb as he was hot and muscled. "That's okay, we'll keep thinking."
"Alright! I'm gonna unpack more of my stuff while I think!" Scott stood up and reached for another one of his bags. "Hey, tiny! How bout you clean that table you're on. If it's not spotless, you're sleeping on the floor in a sock!"
"Yes sir! I'll do my best!" Josh went along with Scott again, really liking when the massive giant bossed him around and issued threats like that. Josh looked around the night stand he was on, noticing it was already spotless from his regular cleaning. Regardless, Josh walked around it, making it look like he was doing something as Scott unloaded and xbox and started hooking it up to a TV Josh had in the room. Finishing organizing his games, Scott looked over at Josh and inspected the surface.
"Not bad, not bad. Looks clean to me." Scott knelt down to look. The giant clutched his stomach and pushed out a wet burp, letting it wash over Josh like a gale. "There's your reward, tiny!"
"You're so generous, giant Scott. I don't deserve this great of a reward!" Josh played it up, wanting to fuel Scott into an even more dominant giant. Josh saw a flicker of a smirk fly across Scott's face as the giant turned away from him, once again giving a great view of his ass.
"Hey tiny dude." Scott turned his head looking back at Josh. "I was thinking of something…"
"Oh? What is it, Giant Scott?" Josh asked, wondering what may be brewing in Scott's thick skull.
"I was just thinking that…"
"I just realized, dude! I'm those things you mentioned! I could just eat you." Scott turned and looked at Josh like this was some kind of miraculous revelation. Josh couldn't help but chuckle a little. While Josh wouldn't describe Scott as 'arrogant' exactly, his dumb himbo like charm was certainly a large part of his appeal.
"You're right Scott! I'd love it. But would you do it?" Josh asked, genuinely wondering it Scott had the guts to do it.
"Yeah, I mean what could you do to stop me?" Scott said with a somewhat arrogant tone as he walked over and loomed over Josh. "You could try and struggle if you wanted. But I'm so much bigger than you, dude. Hell I'm bigger than Ty, and there was nothing you could have done against him!"
"Wow, yeah you're right. You're way bigger than Ty." Josh admired Scott's size, especially with the giant looming over him it was even more evident how much bigger he was than his best friend. "You probably need way more protein than he does to keep that size."
"You know it, little guy! Man you have no idea how much I have to eat in a day." Scott flexed an arm, admiring it for a second as his stomach growled a little loudly. "Helps I'm always hungry too!"
"I bet it does…" Josh said a little under his breath just admiring Scott's fantastic physique. "You know, I really don't think Tyler compares to you at all. I'm glad he threw me up, because I'd rather if you were the one who digested me…"
"Mmm I could squish you in some peanut butter and make you into a little snack…" Scott licked his lips, thinking about how he taunted Josh earlier in that peanut butter. "Probably would be more fun to flick you around in my mouth and swallow you whole though…"
"I guess it's not really up to me, huh?" Josh shook with a little excitement. He still couldn't believe they had gotten to this point of Scott starting off hesitant to even speak down to Josh, to now. Josh sweat as Scott came closer, reaching down and pinching him between his fingers, slowly bringing him up to his face.
"Nope, dude." Scott smiled, looking at Josh pinched precariously in his fingers. "Dude, even if you're starting to change your mind, I think I've made up mine…"
"Oh no please don't eat me, Mr. Giant!" Josh smiled, feeling a little playful even in the face of that giant who was about to eat him.
"No? But you're just the right size for a snack, dude…" Scott smirked, starting to feel a little cocky as Josh started to get playful. Scott moved Josh away from his face now, letting the little man see he body in a bit better of an angle. Scott flexed his abs, letting out a deep breath before bouncing his pecs up and down a little. "Too bad, bro. Might as well accept you're going into this bod, dude."
"Oh no please have mercy!" Josh continued to plead coyly. "I'm still a human being!"
"If you're small enough to eat, then that doesn't really matter, dude. You're kinda at the bottom of the food chain here, bro." Scott smirked arrogantly as he brought Josh back closer to his face. "I mean those little lizards you see on the side walks could make a meal out of you. Meanwhile, I could still swallow one of those little shits whole, let alone you."
"I wouldn't even be as filling as the lizard though!" Josh sweat, feeling like the banter Scott was giving him was one of the hottest things he's experienced. "You wouldn't even notice me in your stomach!"
Scott laughed, shrugging a little bit. "Whatever, I never think about my food after I eat it. Protein is protein, bro!"
"But I uhhh…" Josh tried to think of any other reason he could. Scott merely rose an eyebrow and let out another chuckle. "I uh could be useful some other way?"
"Really, dude? I mean we already know you can't even move a sock." Scott chuckled as he motioned at the dresser. "What could even do, dude? Clean dirt out from between my toes?"
"Ummm yeah I guess?" Josh felt like it wasn't a super hard sell, not that it mattered to him. Scoot shook his head though.
"Nah, pass. I'm hungry." Scott smirked as he brought Josh closer to his mouth. "Bottoms up, dude! Try not to squirm too much!"
Josh braced himself as Scott licked his lips and opened his mouth, lowering him inside before releasing him and closing his mouth. Josh struggled to find up from down, as Scott sucked on his tiny body, pressing him against the roof of his mouth and rolling him around in the massive cavern. Josh took gasps of air as Scot sucked him into this cheek, continuing to roll him around like a candy. Suddenly, Josh found himself on one of Scott's molars as he saw Scott's tooth come crashing down, stopping just before pulverizing him.
"Just kidding, bug! You get the pleasure of going down whole!" Scott's voice boomed out over him as the man sucked him back into his mouth. Josh found himself positioned in the center of the giant's tongue, staring one way at the massive rows of teeth, and the other at Scott's throat, uvula hung like a huge sign pointing him to his eventual destination. Scott's tongue started to angle and lurk as Josh was being forced to the back, being positioned closer to the uvula as the was a sudden drop and welt gulp. Prospective shifted, and Josh looked around flailing his arms and legs uselessly as he was being forced downward, the sounds of Scott's breaths now being drowned out by his heartbeat, before even that sounded miles above him before long.
- - -
Scott opened his mouth, moving his tongue around a little. He was pretty sure he swallowed the little guy, but he was so small it was honestly hard for him to tell. Swallowing again for good measure, Scott put a hand on his chest trying to see if he could feel any kind of faint squirm or struggle. Scott patted his chest, feeling nothing at all.
"Well that's one more gram of protein!" Scott flexed, looking down at his impressive body with admiration. A big part of him felt really good about how badly Josh ended up wanting to be a part of him. Scott rubbed his abs, letting out a slight burp. Nodding to himself, he felt proud. Pulling out his phone, Scott pulled up Tyler's contact and decided to send the man a text, despite him only being a few rooms over.
"yo dude u up?" Scott simply typed, sending the message and waiting for a reply. While waiting, Scott just imagined how proud or maybe even jealous Tyler would be. A little time passed as…
Scott looked down at his phone, seeing he had a reply from Tyler.
"sup dude ya im still up" Scott read the message with a smirk before responding.
"cool just wanted to check be4 i barged in" Scott answered as he set down his phone, leaving the room and going down the hall to Tyler's room, knocking once and opening the door. Scott saw Tyler sprawled out on the bed, still wearing his work shorts, shirtless and holding his phone.
"Yo! That was fast, dude. What's up?" Tyler sat up from the bed setting aside his phone.
"Hey, bro! Yeah so I just wasn't ready to go to sleep, so I thought we could chill." Scott said somewhat awkwardly as he went over and sat on the bed next to Tyler.
"Of course, my man. What about the shrimp? He asleep already?" Tyler asked, kind of hoping Josh came along for fresh bullying.
"Uhhhh well…" Scott put a hand on his stomach. "Dude, don't be mad, but I ate him. He said he was glad you threw him up, because he wanted me to digest him."
"Dude! What?!" Tyler was borderline furious. "He said that?!"
"Yeah duuuude sorry." Scott shrugged, still riding off some of the arrogance he had with Josh.
"Bro, you have to puke him up right now, so I can beat his sorry tiny ass." Tyler looked at Scott, dead serious.
"Huh, dude what? He's kinda busy right now getting digested, bro." Scott put a hand on his stomach, not wanting to throw Josh up after so much build up to eating him.
"Don't care, dude. Throw him up, right now. I've got some business with this little punk." Tyler insisted, getting more mad by the second that Josh chose Scott over him.
"Dude, relax, he asked me to eat him." Scott stood up, feeling a little uncomfortable. "What do you want me to do?"
Tyler put down his arm, in a position for an arm wrestle. "Dude, let's arm wrestle for it. If I win, you throw him up. Otherwise whatever, I guess just digest the little runt."
"Seriously dude?" Scott looked at Tyler, arm on the bed, waiting in position. Scott shrugged, kneeing down and put up his arm. "You sure dude? I'm probably stronger than you, you know?"
"Don't care dude, put up your fucking arm." Tyler insisted, fueled with adrenaline. Scott reciprocated as he grabbed Tyler's hand, resting his arm down on the bed. "Okay dude, three… two… one!"
The two men immediately started pushing against each other as…
Scott rolled his shoulders and readied himself for the arm wrestle. Looking down at Tyler, he knew there was no way he could lose, no matter how pumped up he was. Resting his arm on the bed, Scott grabbed Tyler's hand, immediately turning over Tyler's arm on the 'one'. Scott stood up, very proud of himself for immediately owning Tyler at the arm wrestle.
"Bro… okay yeah I did not think that through…" Tyler admitted, massaging his arm as he was very thoroughly beaten by Scott.
"Sorry, dude. Never really been one to lose an arm wrestle." Scott laughed, feeling a slight pump in his arm.
"It's cool dude, sorry I got so worked up." Tyler stood up, admitting his defeat. "I guess if I got out muscled that easily, I've got no business telling you to puke the twerp up."
"It's fine, dude. I didn't mean to push your buttons." Scott shrugged, still feeling pretty big. Tyler laughed and shook his head as he stood up and came around the side of the bed, pulling Scott in for a quick bro-hug.
"Nah dude, you're fine. If anything, I'm glad the squirt owned up to you." Tyler smiled, slapping Scott on the back.
"Really, dude? Well that's good." Scott smiled, glad to get Tyler's approval. "I was worried you were mad at me for a minute there."
"Nah, nah. It's all good dude. I mean, I just met you basically, bro." Tyler waved his hands trying to explain. "I mean, bro… Josh has been sneaking into my food for years. I didn't expect today to be the day he breaks for someone."
"Woah, that's crazy, bro." Scott felt a little proud. Scott put a hand on his stomach, feeling slightly guilty. "Dude, I can puke him up if you really wanna be the one to keep him down."
"Nahhhh seriously, bro." Tyler waved his hands as he plopped back down on the bed. "I mean, I respect him enough to decide to pick you."
"Word, bro." Scott answered as he sat down next to Tyler. "If it makes a difference, I only swallowed him like maybe ten minutes ago? If you wanna talk shit, go for it , bro."
Scott leaned back stretching out his abdomen, inviting Tyler to speak to it. Tyler laughed as he leaned into Scott's stomach.
"Yo! Fuck you dude! I would've kept you down earlier, you pussy! Shit dude, I would've ate you any day of the week!" Tyler yelled at Scott's stomach. "Aight, I'm good dude."
"You sure, bro?" Scott chuckled, wondering if Josh was even still kicking in there.
"Yeah, as long he knows I knew, that's good enough for me." Tyler laid on his back, shrugging and moving past the issue. Scott laid down now beside Tyler, putting his arms behind his head and relaxing.
"I bet he heard, you bro." Scott nudged Tyler in the side playfully.
- - -
Josh heard Tyler's voice echo throughout Scott's stomach, as if he had screamed it into the cavern.
"Well I guess that cat is out of the bag…" Josh said to himself as he was just getting cozy and comfortable in the warmth of Scott's belly.
It didn't matter. So what if Scott told Tyler what happened. Judging by his surroundings, Josh assumed he wasn't going anywhere. Sitting back in the food of Scott's stomach, Josh didn't have a care in the world. As Scott's stomach churned and groaned, it was only a matter of minutes before Josh was but a simple contribution to the god like body of Scott.
Scott watched his phone for a few minutes, seeing there was no reply. Shrugging, Scott figured he must've already been asleep. Stretching, Scott yawned as he thought bed seemed like a pretty good idea anyway. Finally, changing out of his work shorts and into just a pair of underwear, Scott scratched his abs as he sat down laying in the bed and pulling a sheet over himself. He could feel his stomach give a slight gurgle, but honestly at this point Scott had already forgotten about the little speck of a man who had ecstatically given himself up to be a part of him. All Scott could really think of was wanting to drift off to sleep.
- - -
There was plenty of movement for sure, but apart from the rush of air from the burp earlier, Josh mostly found himself in a fairly peaceful rest in the pit of Scott's stomach. He was able to find some amount of respite in a portion of the organ that wasn't currently flooded in stomach acid. Josh sat back, covered in mucus or perhaps it was still saliva from being sloshed around in Scott's mouth? It didn't matter. None of it really mattered to Josh at this point. There was a loud gurgle from Scott's stomach, the organ churning as Josh imagine Scott had started to lay down to go to sleep. From what Josh knew that meant digest would start to slow down a bit, but he didn't think it would make much of a different to someone as small as him.
"I'm just a piece of protein to his godlike body now." Josh said happily as the stomach churned again. It didn't take much, one simple movement of the organ of what it did best, churn food into the pools of acid to be broken down. Josh hoped he didn't have to suffer long as the acid broke down his feeble body. Struggling for only a minute, it didn't take long for the little man to succumb to the giant's stomach.
- - -
Morning broke as Scott covered his face from the sunlight from the window. Pulling himself out of bed, Scott yawned and stretched as he fished into his drawers for a pair of shorts. Half-assedly pulling them up, Scott groggily made his way out of the bedroom, looking down the hall to see the door to Josh's room was already open. Figuring Tyler must already be up, Scott made his way downstairs, seeing the man already down there eating a plate of scrambled eggs.
"Yo dude! Made extra eggs if you want some?" Tyler called out as he saw Scott come down the stairs. Scott put a hand on his stomach and felt his mouth water a little.
"Dude I'm starving, I'd love some." Scott answered eagerly as Tyler got up, getting him a plate of food as well. Digging in, Scott practically demolished the pile of food in mere moments.
"Dude, you weren't kidding!" Tyler laughed, impressed that someone could actually eat faster than him. "Oh where's the shrimp by the way?"
"Uhhhh…" Scott rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Well know how he said he didn't want you to keep him down in your stomach yesterday?"
"Yeah?" Tyler chuckled, already figuring where this must be going.
"And remember how we weren't supposed to eat him?" Scott prattled on for a moment.
"Yeahhhh?" Tyler played along, wanting to see how far Scott was going to go with this before just spilling it.
"Well I wasn't supposed to tell you something, dude…" Scott felt a little guilty.
"Well now you gotta tell me, Scotty!" Tyler rested his chin on his hand, intrigued with how much this was being stupidly drawn out.
"Okay well, Josh told me he was lying to you before. He did want you to keep him down." Scott admitted, feeling bad about doing so.
"Oh shit, dude. Well where is the little shit? I'll eat em right now for breakfast!" Tyler asked, already figuring he knew where Josh was.
"Well, here's the thing dude." Scott put a hand on his abs. "One thing lead to another last night, and he ended up really wanting me to eat him."
"Aw dude, so you already did the deed, huh?" Tyler sat back, not at all surprised. "Well I guess that's fine. I mean clearly I would've wanted to be the one to digest the little twerp, but eh."
"Well, he was worried if he told you that you would just make fun of him, and not actually do it." Scott tried to explain why Josh might've chose him instead.
"Huh, yeah that sounds like something I'd do." Tyler sat back, thinking about and realizing how funny it would have been. "So you shit the little guy out yet or what?"
"Huh? No, dude. I just got up." Scott put a hand on his stomach. "I haven't really needed to shit yet, I guess."
"Well I guess he's still in that muscular beautiful body of yours!" Tyler laughed, teasing Scott with a wink. Scott looked down at his torso and laughed along.
"I guess, dude. I was hoping he'd go to the guns, you know?" Scott flexed both his biceps briefly. Tyler chuckled and nodded.
"I'm sure he did, dude." Tyler found it amusing. A bit of jealous brewed up inside of him, but overall, he was glad his friend finally achieved his dream.
"Hmmm…" Tyler thought for a moment. It was very tempting to just leave Josh in his stomach, easy even. But his mind started to race a bit with some of the consequences it might hold. Looking at Scott's concerned face though, Tyler thought of an idea to push his friend's giant training even further. "Alright, here's the deal dude. I'll throw him up. But you have to eat him after."
"What? Dude, I was only messing with him! I don't wanna eat him!" Scott looked at Tyler with shock. Tyler simply shrugged and leaned back, giving his abs a slight pat.
"Oh well if that's the case. Guess Josh better get comfy in my stomach." Tyler yawned and stretched. "Wonder how he's doing in there? I mean it's thanks to you he get's to stay in there, dude."
"…Fine. I'll eat him if you puke him up. Please?" Scott crossed his arms, not wanting his new friend and housemate to get digested whether the two of them really wanted it or not.
"You won't regret it, dude. He tasted great. Plus you'll make great progress as a giant in training!" Tyler's mood immediately shifted from one of cocky indifference to excitement. Tyler stood up, making his way into the kitchen and plugging up the sink before starting to try and make himself throw up. Scott followed him out, looking over his shoulder and patting Tyler on the back. A few minutes went by as Tyler spewed out a mess of chewed up apple and peanut butter. Looking through the mess, they saw Josh, struggling as a chunk of apple had him pinned in the sink. Tyler smirked as he pinched Josh between his fingers and brought him out of the sink.
"There… uurp… got him up." Tyler burped a little queasy from making himself puke like that. Tyler put Josh in his palm as he turned his back to the sink, leaning against it and holding Josh between himself and Scott. "How'd you like the ride, have fun bud?"
"I…" Josh wiped his face, still readjusting to the light outside as he looked from Tyler's massive body over to Scott's even larger and more towering form. "I wasn't sure if you were gonna throw me up."
"Don't sound so disappointed, dude. Besides why would I do that?" Tyler looked at Josh a little offended, despite just threatening to digest him just minutes ago.
"But dude, you were just talking about how you'd want to keep him down." Scott looked at Tyler, a little confused. Tyler simply shot him a look, forgetting how dumb Scott was.
"Wow, dude. Way to out me." Tyler mumbled at Scott. "Don't mind Scott, dude. I was only joking when I said that."
"Oh okay…" Josh responded, not really sure what to believe.
"Either way dude, don't get too comfy! It's time for round two!" Tyler shoved Josh into Scott's hand and looked up at Scott. "You're turn dude!"
"What's happening?!" Josh yelled as he was quickly transferred from on hand to another. Josh now stared up at Scott's body.It was like a massive living sky scrapper. Josh stared from the man's deep cut abs all the way to his massive pecs. If it hadn't been for Scott looking down at him, Josh doubted he could have seen the handsome man's face past his incredible chest.
"Oh, yeah. I promised to eat you after he puked you up… so sorry dude." Scott apologized as he brought Josh up a little closer to his face.
"Dude! Don't apologize! Where's your confidence from earlier?" Tyler scolded Scott in disappointment.
"Sorry dude, it was easier when I was just teasing." Scott smiled and rubbed the back of his head. Scott looked a little closer at Josh now that he was nearer his face. "Dude you look like you're covered in puke."
"Well… I was just in Tyler's stomach." Josh said, still registering that Scott was apparently going to eat him as well.
"Oh right. Well here, I'm gonna dunk you in a little peanut butter first, okay?" Scott said to Josh as they walked back over to the plate, covering Josh in a little peanut butter. "There we go. You ready dude?"
"Uh huh." Josh answered, honestly still in shock from just getting swallowed by Tyler and now staring at Scott's amazing body, thinking about how he'll soon be deep inside this giant instead.
"Cool, dude." Scott brought Josh up to his mouth before licking him off his palm. Swishing Josh around in his mouth for a moment, Scott savored the taste a little before he swallowed. All the while, Tyler watched on, baffled. "You're right dude, he was pretty tasty."
"Bro what just happened?" Tyler blinked, a little dumbfounded by what he just watched. "He just kinda… let you do it?"
"Huh, yeah now that you mention it. He didn't seem to mind, did he?" Scott crossed his arms in thought, not even recognizing the fact that the little man was being currently deposited into his stomach like a piece of meat. "I dunno dude, maybe he would've wanted you to digest him if you asked?"
Tyler laughed and walked over to Scott and put his arm around him, jabbing him in the side playfully. "Maybe he would have? Or maybe he wanted you to be the one to do it, stud!"
"Me? Why me?" Scott rose an eyebrow, confused.
"I dunno dude. I don't know how his little bug brain works. I mean you're a big dude." Tyler look his hand and compared their heights. "Maybe you pushed him over his tipping point?"
"Huh… maybe." Scott looked down at his abs. "Think he likes it in there?"
"Oh he probably loves it, dude." Tyler smirked, thinking about the years he's been around Josh and the number 'scares' they've had.
"You think so, dude?" Scott put a hand on his stomach. "Wonder why? What's it even like in there?"
"I dunno, dude. You ever think about food after you eat it?" Tyler asked.
"Not really no." Scott shrugged.
"There you go, dude." Tyler answered matter of factly. "In the end you end up just shitting out what's left."
"Dude! When you put it like that I don't think I wanna leave him in there…" Scott frowned and looked at his stomach. "He doesn't deserve that."
"I mean I'm sure most of him would go to your big ass muscles." Tyler teased Scott, squeezing his massive bicep. Tyler laughed as he gave Scott's ass a quick slap. "Or maybe just your big ass, dude!"
"Ha dude you think?" Scott smiled, thinking about if the little guy would want to be come part of his muscles or not. Scott flexed his bicep a little before sighing. "I should still throw him up though."
"Do whatever, dude." Tyler shrugged as he walked away from Scott's side.
"You wouldn't be mad if I you know… digested him?" Scott asked Tyler, who once again shrugged.
"Nah dude. If he wanted it, I'd respect that." Tyler smirked, being how he really felt. Scott nodded as he made his way into the kitchen, starting to make himself throw up like Tyler did earlier. A few minutes went by as Scott managed to get the little guy back up. Scott washed Josh off as the three men continued to hang out for a little while longer.
- - -
Some time had gone by as it got a little later in the evening.
"Guess I'll head out, dudes." Tyler stretched as he got up, wishing his friends a good night. Tyler smirked at Scott as he left and the two bid him farewell. Alone now, Scott sat at the table with Josh in front of him still.
"That was fun dude. I guess I learned a lot about being a giant, huh?" Scott smiled, glad he got to spend time with his new friends.
"Yeah you did… really well with that." Josh stumbled over his words sweating a little that he was left alone with Scott.
"Hey, dude. Be honest, do you really like it when him or I tease you like that?" Scott asked, genuinely.
"I do. I mean… uhhh…" Josh accidentally spat the answer out. Scott simply started to laugh a little.
"Hah, let that slip huh, dude? No worries." Scott leaned back a little, feeling a bit more comfortable. Looking down at his abs, Scott remembered his thoughts from earlier. "Hey, dude. What was it like in my stomach?"
"Huh?" Josh turned red, embarrassed again. "Well… it was really big. Like being inside a massive living building. It was kinda dark too… but my eyes adjusted pretty fast."
"Wow, that's neat, dude." Scott looked up, trying to picture it. "Did you like it in there?"
"Sorry?" Josh felt caught off guard by the question.
"Dude, you're the one all stuttery not me." Scott chuckled. "Did you like it in there?"
"Well umm…" Josh thought for a second. Wondering how he should answer. "Well I thought it was…"
"I'll be honest with you, Scott. I thought it was amazing." Josh decided to confess his true feelings. "Maybe it's something I can't talk about with Tyler. But with you… I don't know."
"Do I uhhh…" Scott tried to think of what Tyler said earlier. "Push you over your tipping point because I'm a big stud?"
Normally, Josh would have laughed at the statement. But the way Scott delivered it was exactly the reason why he was so enamored with Scott. "He's like Tyler… but bigger and dumber…"
"What's up dude? You're mumbling again." Scott scratched his chin a little.
"Sorry! But you're right. There's something about you, I don't know if I can explain it." Josh stammered, feeling weird that his relationship with Scott moved this fast. Josh couldn't help but stare at Scott's body as he sat in front of him. He was so big that his entire abdomen and upwards was level to the table. Scott looked at Josh, noticing that even as small as he was, he was clearly staring.
"I work really hard on my body, dude." Scott flexed his pecs a little, letting them bounce and down. Scott flexed his bicep in front of Josh. "If I ate you again, you could probably go to my biceps or something, dude. If you wanted…"
"You mean… you'd digest me?" Josh asked, awkwardly.
"Sure, dude. I mean it would suck… you just offered me a place to live and a job." Scott crossed his arms. "But I owe you, so if it's what you'd want, I'd do it. Besides it's be pretty baller having my buddy be part of my bod."
"I want to do it." Josh said without hesitation. Josh stopped, almost shocked at what he just said. Josh watched as Scott uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. Sweating, Josh looked up at the man feeling both excited and a little terrified.
"Me too, dude." Scott said in his deep sexy voice. "Whatever happens with the job or my living situation… I'm sure it'll work out."
"Y-yeah." Josh stuttered, not really sure what would happen. But it wouldn't matter since he wouldn't be around to see it anyway. Josh watched as Scott lowered his hand, extending out a single finger out for Josh to climb on. Swallowing his fear, Josh climbed up onto the massive finger as Scott started to bring him up to his face once again.
"Okay, dude. Let's do this." Scott smiled at Josh, feeling excited. Scott stuck his finger into his mouth, leaning back and putting his other hand on his chest as he swished Josh around and savored the taste once again. This time it was purely just Josh, no peanut butter as Scott got the full flavor. Scott shut his eyes and moved Josh to the back of his mouth, swallowing the tiniest speck down.
"Wow." Scott simply said in amazement. It was unreal that he really went through with it. Scott stood up, putting a hand on his chest and wondering if he could feel the tiny man deep within his body. "Nope nothing…"
It wasn't a surprise. It was just like Tyler said, you don't really think about for feel food after you eat it. Considering how Scott knew Josh was staying down this time, food is really all he is to his hungry belly. Scott felt a little pressure in his stomach as he tapped his chest, giving a respectably loud burp.
"Whew, dang." Scott patted his chest a little more, surprised at the volume of his burp. He could get a little taste in his mouth, aside from the peanut butter he did get the faintest taste of Josh. Scott licked his lips. "He really was delicious."
- - -
Scott's stomach rumbled and churned violently as the massive belch from above shook the chamber. Josh couldn't believe his day. He went from helping a new employee who broke up with his girl friend, to being eaten by his best friend and new employee, to deciding he wanted nothing more than to be a part of the massive teen he had hired.
"It's fine though." Josh said to him self as he floated on a partially chewed hunk of apple. He could already feel the twinges of pain from Scott's stomach acid, but it didn't matter to him. Scott's stomach really was amazing. The sheer size made him feel like he was in another world. It was incredible that such a world existed inside the sexy giant stud.
"Hopefully everything works out for Scott…" Josh said to himself. "Guess I'll be along for the ride… in a manner of speaking."
Josh chuckled to himself. He really was a pathetic amount of protein in the grand size of Scott's stomach. The massive organ churned and contracted, groaning as it easily turned the mixture in Scott's stomach. It wasn't long before Josh was torn under the surface as Scott's stomach bubbled and groaned. A few seconds went by as nothing resurfaced, Scott's stomach easily taking care of whatever food was inside of it.
- - -
"Yo Tyler." Scott was on the phone with Tyler, completely unaware Josh had just met his demise. "You know how you said you'd be okay if I digested Josh?"
"Ahhh little guy went through with it huh?" Tyler responded, as if he expected as much.
"Yeahhh he straight up asked me to do it." Scott rubbed the back of his head, feeling slightly bad.
"It's cool, bro." Tyler answered reassuringly. "Like I said, if it's what he wanted. I respect it."
"Thanks dude. I'm so glad you're not mad." Scott sighed with relief. "I mean… I guess I only had you guys as friends… but now I just got you dude."
"I get it, I'm down one friend now too, bro." Tyler chuckled, a little sad. "But he went out doing what he loved. So it's all good."
"Yeah dude. That makes me feel better." Scott smiled.
"Yo dude, do me a favor?" Tyler asked Scott.
"Uh sure, what's up bro?" Scott asked confused.
"Put the phone up against your stomach." Tyler commanded.
"I gotchu, dude." Scott understood as he brought the phone up against his abs. Tyler was loud enough for him to hear as he shouted though the phone.
"Dude you little bitch! What's Scott got that I don't?! Oh yeah?! Well screw you dude! Enjoy your new home!" Tyler yelled before going silent for a moment. Scott brought the phone back up to his ear.
"You good dude?" Scott asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah had to get that off my chest." Tyler sighed, hoping Josh had heard him. "He better have heard me!"
"Maybe dude? Who knows?" Scott rubbed his stomach. "I mean you ever really think about what goes on in your stomach after you eat food?"
"Nah dude. Who cares?" Tyler laughed, realizing Scott was referring to Josh as just food.
Josh looked up at Scott’s handsome face and told the truth, “it was so scary Scott, I really thought I was a goner down there, it seemed like I was in there for ages even though I wasn’t”
Scott tried to hide the little bit of disappointment in his face “aw sorry little dude!” If I’d known it would shake you up so bad I would never have gone along with it! But if I didn’t agree to Tyler’s demands he said he was gonna keep you down in his stomach, so I guess I had no choice.”
Josh hadn’t thought about that and was instantly thankful to Scott for going through with it. “I’m glad you did Scott, otherwise I would’ve still been sloshing around in Tyler’s stomach right now, probably half digested!”
“Your stomach though Scott, it was…. different, it seemed even more eager to digest me than Tyler’s did, I doubt I would’ve lasted even a few minutes more if you hadn’t brought me back up!”
Scott felt a strange sense of pride in what Josh had just said “maybe it’s my metabolism little dude! I’m a growing guy who needs his protein, so no wonder my stomach tried to digest you so quickly!”
Scott really did wish the little guy was still in there, stewing away, after all that’s what giants are meant to do right? But he knew he couldn’t do that to Josh, especially not after what Josh had just said and how scared he was.
“Do you mind if I go to bed now Scott? All this adventuring into stomachs has got me tired”
No probs little guy, you can sleep in my room with me! We can keep each other company!”
“Sounds good” Josh replied as Scott picked the little man up and took him into the bedroom, placing him carefully on the pillow.
Scott’s stomach gave a loud gurgle, startling Josh, “I’m still hungry dude, so I’m gonna make a sandwich with whatever you’ve got left in your fridge if that’s ok? Don’t worry, I won’t add you to it!” Scott said with a laugh, even though deep down he thought that would be a great idea…..
Scott made his way into the kitchen to prepare his sandwich, he managed to find some cold meat and salad leaves from the fridge, “not much, but it’ll do for now I guess” he said to himself as he made his way back to the bedroom.
Josh had already fallen asleep after the trials of the day, so Scott very carefully sat down on the bed next to him so as not to wake him. As he sat down he got a text from Tyler, who had obviously made it back home.
“Yo dude, s’up! It take it Josh is being turned into mush in your guts as we speak?”
“Nope, he’s right here next to me dude, fast asleep” replied Scott, sending him a picture to prove it.
“No way, what happened dude?”
“Said he was terrified, he thought I was going to digest him for real, so I couldn’t exactly swallow him again after he said that could I?”
“Dude you wimp! I bet he isn’t telling the truth, the amount of times he’s nearly been eaten by me, I think you need to finish what we started!”
“Tyler, I don’t think I can, I can’t do that to him surely? He doesn’t deserve to be turned into my shit” Scott replied
“Think of it as the fitting final tribute to him dude, I mean, what a ride he would have becoming part of you! But do what you want dude, if I see him tomorrow we’ll just have to think of other ways to humiliate him! Or maybe I’ll send him back down into my guts permanently”
Scott didn’t reply to the last text, instead looking at his sandwich and looking down at Josh, sleeping peacefully.
“I guess if I put you in the sandwich you’d be part of my food little guy, and food only goes in one way and out the other, you’d get to be turned into Scotty shit” he said with a smile.
Another wicked idea crossed his mind, he was a giant, he could do whatever he wanted to Josh “Or maybe I’ll let you spend the night in my butthole, I’ll try not to Dutch oven you too bad!” He laughed as a fart slipped out, right on cue.
After some serious thought, Scott decided……
"I thought it was… interesting." Josh said, not wanting to make it seem like he liked it too much.
"How so? I'm curious dude." Scott leaned in, like a curious child.
"Well… I mean it's crazy to be a human my size going inside another human, like you. Don't you think?" Josh asked, staring into Scott's handsome eyes.
"Sounds like something out of a movie. Or a video game." Scott tilted his head, never really giving it any thought. "Didn't really answer my actual question though, dude!"
"Oh yeah true. I guess yes, and no is the best answer I can give you?" Josh tried to beat around the bush a little. "Like yes, in the sense that it's an interesting experience no other human has gotten to have, but no in the sense that I don't want to die."
"Oh yeah I get that dude." Scott smiled, glad he didn't decide for him or Tyler to just digest him without a second thought. "Oh man good thing I asked, dude."
"Okay, what do you mean by that?" Josh asked, a little nervously.
"Well Tyler and I weren't sure earlier, dude. He got the feeling you would want him to digest you." Scott laughed, thinking it's funny in hindsight. "Dude, I almost didn't wanna throw you up with how willingly you let me swallow you."
Josh shivered, realizing how close he was to dying, not once but twice today. Scott laughter made it all the more apparent to Josh how little either giants must've thought things through.
"Ha..ha wow yeah that would've been a crazy misunderstanding!" Josh laughed awkwardly, sweating as he thought about what could have been, like it or not.
"Yeah dude, you were almost extra fuel for the guns!" Scott did a double bicep flex in front of Josh. Josh blushed as he watched Scott relax his arms and lean back in his chair. "Not the worst way to go, right?"
"I'm sure I could think of worse ways!" Josh smiled nervously and shook a little. "Better than getting stepped on or sat on or something…"
"Oh man or like drowning in little cup of water? Or what if you couldn't breath in that peanut butter earlier!" Scott started to imagine the dangers Josh must face from his perspective. "Dude, what if Tyler or I dropped you? That must be like a million miles to the ground for you!"
"Ha… yeah it's always pretty scary being up in a high spot…" Josh demised over ideas of ways for him to die. Josh looked at Scott though, it was nice seeing him smile after what happened to him just earlier today. To Josh, it was worth the conversation if it meant getting the handsome titan to forget about his ex.
"Dude, yeah those would all be super shitty ways to go. At least if something ate you, you'd be part of the food chain or whatever." Scott continued to think aloud. "It'd probably suck getting eaten by a bird or a bug or something though."
"Yeah I'd much rather if it was like you or Tyler…" Josh said honestly before biting his tongue. "I mean! Like if it had to be anyone, you know?"
Scott chuckled. "It's cool, dude. I would rather him or I got to do the honors than some dumb bird or something."
"Yeah that's what I mean!" Josh stuttered feeling like it was a good save. "But yeah, we won't have to worry about that unless it's an accident."
"Yeahhhh…" Scott crossed his arms a little disappointed. "Sorry dude, Tyler just had me all hyped up is all. He got me thinking like, what if Josh is on board with the idea? But yeah dude, it's your life we're talking about. So I get it."
"I…I wouldn't be against another trip in there though." Josh wanted to admit, but not wanting to throw his life away. "But you'd have to let me out."
"I think I can arrange that, bro." Scott smiled and flexed his abs a little. "Maybe you'll find it more interesting this time…"
Josh watched as Scott stood up. It was like seeing a human shaped building suddenly grow even taller. Josh was in awe, Scott may as well look like a massive god compared to him. Josh watched as Scott started to reach down for him.
"Wait?! Now?!" Josh yelled, unsure if Scott could even hear him all the way up there. Scott seemed very eager now that he's had a taste for Josh as he pinched the little man between his fingers and started to raise him up high. Josh tried waving at Scott as he brought him up to his face.
"Scott! Waaaait!" Josh yelled out dramatically.
"Uh, what's up?" Scott asked calmly as he held Josh in front of his face.
"Oh. Sorry I thought you were going to just eat me." Josh dangled as he looked into Scott's massive blue eyes.
"I was, but then I saw you start freaking out, dude." Scott rose an eyebrow. "I guess I don't have to do it now."
"Sorry I just wasn't prepared." Josh started sweating as he dangled what felt like hundreds of miles from the ground.
"Nah it's all good dude. I could always just have you for breakfast?" Scott asked, being very casual about asking to eat Josh for breakfast.
"Uhhh…" Josh felt Scott's breath wash over him as he spoke. Part of him really wanted to go for another trip into Scott's stomach, but the way Scott was talking made him seem a little nervous. Josh thought about it for a second as Scott waited for an answer…
"Let's do it now! I mean if that's okay with you… you seemed ready to do it anyway?" Josh blushed, trying not to act too excited about being eaten by the massive jock once again. Scott merely smiled, noticing Josh seemed excited as was more than happy to comply.
"I'm not leaving you in there though, okay?" Scott reassured Josh, remembering what they had just talked about. Though Scott still had this slight desire to actually digest the little man like a little protein supplement. Knowing that choice wasn't up to him though, Scott figured he'd give the little guy a bit of a show first. Scott lowered down to his abdomen, flexing his abs as he looked down at the little man, looming over him.
"U-um what's up?" Josh stuttered, looking up at Scott's massive abs, all the way up to his mountainous pecs and smirking face which seemed miles away. Josh blushed even harder as Scott bounced his pecs up and down a little.
"Just giving you a good look of the outside first, bro." Scott said confidently, having seen how Josh stared at his abs just a few minutes ago. Scott looked at Josh, holding him close to his abs and seeing just how insignificantly he was in comparison to his muscles. "Wow bro, my abs must look huge."
"T-they do! They're like the size of houses!" Josh looked at the muscles, astonished by their size and definition.
"Houses, bro? Dude my whole stomach must be like… a mansion or something." Scott thought for a second, not sure how to make the comparison.
"Ha, well you could probably fit the whole waterpark in your stomach!" Josh nervously laughed a bit, sweating a little at even the thought. Josh jumped a little as Scott ran a hand up and down his stomach.
"Dude, I'd be one hell of a waterslide." Scott chuckled a little, finding the idea to be pretty hilarious. Scott brought Josh back up to his face, getting a little impatient now himself. Opening his mouth, Scott continued to mesmerize Josh as his breath washed over him. Despite not seeming them, Scott could feel Josh's eyes staring deep into his mouth. Scott lifted Josh a little higher, tilting his head back and electing to drop the tiny man into his mouth. Scott could free Josh drop in, sliding down his tongue, much like a waterslide. Scott closed his mouth, smirking a little as Josh slipped into the back of his throat, giving a small gulp as he continued Josh's ride now even further into him. Resting a hand on his chest, Scott could just barely feel Josh going down. Sitting down, he waited a few seconds before Josh's movements completely disappeared.
"Wow that's so crazy dude." Scott now rested his hand on his abs, still pretty astonished at how feebly small Josh was. Just the simple fact that Scott felt nothing now, made it all the more obvious to the massive jock that he'd never know Josh was in his stomach if he happened to eat the little guy by mistake.
- - -
Landing now once again in the familiar cavern of Scott's stomach, Josh wiped a little saliva or mucus off his face as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. Josh was simply mesmerized by the sounds of the gurgles and sloshes of the teen's stomach. The sound of his giant powerful heart pumping far above him, and even the subtle sounds of Scott's breaths. Josh couldn't stop thinking about how Scott told him how both Tyler and him had momentary thoughts about just leaving him down here.
"Definitely not the worst way I could go…" Josh said to himself, almost relaxed by the warm bubbly groans of Scott's body. The more time he spent in there, the more Josh loved being completely surrounded by Scott. Josh was so comfortable, he felt like he could just fall asleep. His bliss was suddenly cut short however, as Scott's stomach started to lurch and churn. Screaming as he was tossed around and forced upward. Holding breath for a few moments before shaking his head in confusion Josh looked around seeing the light of the outside once again.
"What happened?" Josh looked around, eyes readjusting to light as he looked around. Josh focused as he saw Scott's huge hand scooping him up before being washed off in the cold tap of the sink. Josh shivered, immediately missing the warmth of inside of Scott. Josh looked up at the giant as he carried him back over the the table, leaning back and holding Josh up toward his chest.
"Have fun in there, buddy?" Scott asked Josh, seeing him move but not hearing him speak. He was slightly worried Josh wasn't completely conscious.
"I did, I felt like you didn't keep me down for very long though." Josh voiced his disappointment he couldn't stay down for longer.
"Bro, you were in there for almost 20 minutes!" Scott laughed and looked down at his phone. "Any longer and you'd probably be Josh stew, dude."
"It was that long? Wow it felt like less than a minute!" Josh felt bewildered. Now looking at his arms and legs, he did notice they looked pretty red. Touching them they actually hurt slightly to the touch. Josh swallowed a little, in disbelief that he was so content just moments ago as Scott's stomach was just as content with dissolving him.
"Time flies when you're having fun, huh dude?" Scott chuckled, not noticing Josh checking the condition of his skin. "I could keep you in longer next time, if you wanted?"
"Um…" Josh looked at his arms and legs. He wasn't sure what to say. Part of him wanted to stay in longer… but he knew if he did he may as well just stay there. Josh felt a little bad, wondering how bad Scott would actually feel about digesting him.
"Any longer and I think that'd be it for me." Josh said, not wanting to worry Scott too much, but having ideas in the back of his head.
"Oh dude, that'd suck." Scott answered with a bit of remorse, but also starting to scheme.
Unbeknownst to the other…
"M-maybe we should wait till breakfast?" Josh smiled nervously, feeling like he could use a break from this whole deal at least for a night. Scott dropped Josh into his free palm, bringing him down just above chest level.
"Sounds good, dude!" Scott smiled excitedly. "Maybe we should get to bed soon then, huh?"
"Yeah that's a good idea! It is getting pretty late." Josh wiped his brow, a little relieved he didn't need to be eaten again right away. Scott started to walk upstairs, bringing Josh into the spare room he was now letting Scott use.
"You wanna sleep in here with me? I'd feel better knowing you're not alone when you're so small." Scott smiled as he looked down at Josh in the palm of his hand.
"That's fine with me!" Josh called up to the giant. Scott brought Josh over to the night stand, setting him down as Scott left the room to head to the bathroom. Waiting a minute, Josh saw Scott return now only wearing a pair of compression shorts having discarded his swim trunks as he yawned and headed over to sit on the bed. Blushing, Josh looked at Scott now as he barely wore anything, not like he was wearing much more before. Scott laid down on bed, turning at looking at Josh, noticing the tiny man was watching him. Scott smirked as he laid on his back, reaching over and grabbing Josh.
"Come'ere dude." Scott chuckled as he scooped Josh up with ease before depositing the tiny man on his abs. "Ha, dude you're so little I can barely see you on my abs."
Josh tried his best to keep his footing as Scott set him down. It was absolutely insane the size of Scott's body compared to him. A single one of Scott's abs looked like it could be the size of soccer field for the tiny man.
"God no wonder on the inside he just seemed like this massive abyss…" Josh said to himself, recalling his previous journey inside Scott. Scott stomach gave a slight gurgle as Josh listened to his body on the other side of the muscle. "Wow that's incredible…"
Scott watched Josh for a bit. He didn't seem to move from the spot he put him. "Dude, you can feel free to explore. I'm keeping an eye on you."
Scott's voice shook the man's body a little as Josh decided it was probably fine to explore. It was wild to Josh that the sounds inside Scott's body were probably too small and quiet for the giant to even notice, but to him it was loud and clear as day. Either way, Josh made his way across the ab, sliding off the side and into the ridges. Looking around, Josh made his way between the valley of Scott's abs before coming across a massive crater in Scott's body.
"Wow, must be his belly button." Josh looked into the crater impressed with the sheer size. "I could swim in this if it was full of water."
Scott's body shifted slightly as Josh lost his footing and fell right down into Scott's belly button.
"Ha! Dude! I saw that!" Scot chuckled as he clearly saw Josh tumble right into his belly button. "I think I can barely feel you in there! Kinda tickles."
Josh brushed himself off. It wasn't as deep as he had thought, but he'd have a little bit of an issue jumping up to pull himself up.
"Hey, why don't you bunker down in there?" Scott's voiced called down to Josh. "I won't move much in my sleep!"
Josh sat down. There wasn't much of a choice really. It wasn't like this was the first time he's slept on someone anyway. Laying his head down, Josh listened to the noises inside Scott once more. Clearly his intestines were very busy absorbing nutrients and moving Scott's food through the rest of his body.
"It's actually quite calming…" Josh said as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
- - -
The next morning, Josh woke to the sound of a massive rumble. Panicking, Josh momentarily forgot where he was before snapping out of it.
"Jesus… what a wake up call…" Josh mulled, still half asleep. "Guess he's hungry."
Josh laid back, waiting as Scott started to stir awake. Josh's view changed as Scott sat up. Josh could hear Scott yawn and stretch for a moment. "Oh yeah…"
Josh heard the confirmation followed by a finger down by the entrance of the belly button. Josh got on the finger as Scott pulled him out and brought him up to his face.
"Moooooorning, duuuude!" Scott smiled, belting out the greeting over Josh's whole body. "Bet you'd think I'd forget about you, huh?"
"What? No not at all!" Josh shook his head. "How'd you sleep?"
"Great, dude." Scott yawned, opening his mouth wide as Josh looked inside seeing everything from the giant's massive tongue to the back when his uvula hung invitingly. "How about you?"
"I slept fine, your stomach woke me up though!" Josh joked, realizing it must've been way louder for him than Scott.
"Shit dude, it's telling you to wake up for breakfast!" Scott chuckled as he he got up out of bed and scratched his arm pit as he walked out of the room and down the stairs. Scott made his way to the dining room table and set Josh down. "Sit tight dude, I'll grab some food."
Josh hung out as Scott sleepily walked into the kitchen. He couldn't help but stare at Scott's massive ass, it being all the more impressive when the giant didn't have it partially covered with his shorts. The tight compression shorts left little to the imagination as each glute bounced up and down as Scott walked away.
"Woah…" Josh was transfixed in thought as he lost sight of Scott. Trying to shake his feelings, Josh heard the sounds of cabinets opening and closing and eventually the sounds of cooking. "I wonder what he's making…"
A few minutes went by as Scott reentered the room holding a plate of pancakes. Scott set the plate down next to Josh and sat down at the table.
"What do you think dude?" Scott smiled as he stuck a fork into them. They were covered in maple syrup and butter and the smell was absolutely intoxicating to Josh's tiny nose.
"It looks amazing! Do I get to have some?" Josh asked, feeling a little hungry.
"Of course dude!" Scott beamed as he pinched Josh between his fingers, quickly bringing him up to the top and dropping him into a puddle of syrup on the top. Josh splashed in the thick sticky liquid. It was like the peanut butter, but he felt like he could actually move through it at all, rather than being completely stuck like before. Josh looked up at Scott who was chuckling at Josh.
"Don't worry dude! I'll eat around you! You can go on your trip after I digest my breakfast a bit!" Scott smiled as he grabbed his fork and shoved it into the pancakes and shoveled it into his mouth. Scott swallowed the mouthful as he saw Josh stream down the side of the tower. Scott laughed as he choked a little on the food. "Oh forgot a drink, be right back, dude!"
Scott got up and made his way back into the kitchen as he looked in the fridge, finding himself a bottle of milk. Grabbing a cup and pouring himself some, Scott chugged a little with a deep sigh. "Ah that's better!" Scott said to himself as he refilled the glass and started to think to himself. "It'll be cool to eat him again in a bit… it's too bad he doesn't wanna be digested though…"
Scott took another swig of milk as he continued to think. "Not unless it was an accident, of course." Scott stopped mid sip as the thought crossed his mind. "Huh… it would be pretty easy to have an accident like this though…"
Looking back at the door to the dining room, Scott thought more for a moment. Grabbing his glass Scott was starting to think that…
"I mean he's so small, how could I not lose track of him?" Scott rationalized in his head as he walked back out to the table and set down his glass of milk. Scott looked down at the pile of pancakes, honestly not able to spot Josh right away at a quick glance.
"Dude, where'd you go?" Scott said to the pancakes, truly not sure where the little guy was. Scott sat back down before he spotted Josh out of the corner of his eye, struggling in a syrupy mess just off to the side of the pancake. Scott pretended not to notice as he grabbed his fork. "Alright, dude. Well I'll just be careful as I eat, okay?"
Scott dug his fork into the pancakes, eating normally for a few bites as he would occasionally dip his pancake into the syrup on the side near Josh. Glancing down every now and then, Scott would notice that he didn't accidentally scoop Josh up yet. Cutting off a bit of pancake, Scott drove his fork through it as he talked down again.
"Okay dude, last bite then I'm gonna go get changed and stuff. Hopefully that give you a chance to get out, bro?" Scott delivered the line, then lowered his bite of pancake down, scooping it into the syrup and clearly seeing Josh get stuck to the morsel. Trying not to look, Scoot shoved the food in his mouth. Carefully breaking the food up without much use of his teeth, Scoot looked down at the spot where Josh was, seeing he truly wasn't there. Scott swallowed, gasping a little bit as he realized he had gone through with it.
"Alright dude, I'll come find you later." Scott said aloud, wondering if Josh could hear him from inside of him. Setting the fork down, Scott stood up and grabbed his glass of milk and chugged the rest of it. Wiping his mouth and setting the glass down, Scott walked away from the table, knowing that chugging that milk definitely sealed the deal. Trying not to make a big deal out of it, Scott turned away from the food and started to make his way up the stairs. Scott's stomach shifting as he went up the the stairs, he simply let out a loud wet burp as he reached the top.
"Hmm, tasted good…" Scott said to himself as he turned into his bedroom, finding his bag and grabbing a pair of clothes. Getting changed as he promised, Scott put on a pair of loose white and red basketball shorts and grey stringer cut tank top. Finally he grabbed one of his hats, putting it on backwards as he walked into the bathroom to check himself out. Scott flexed in the mirror before resting a hand on his stomach.
"I wonder how he's doing in there. Probably still kicking, I hope…" Scott said quietly to himself, worried Josh would somehow hear him. He didn't actually want to think too hard about what he was doing, however as he made his way out of the bathroom and tried to put whatever was going on inside his stomach out of his mind.
- - -
"Scooooootttt!" Josh cried out from the murky depths of the giant's stomach. It was a sludgy syrupy pancake mess Josh was easily being sloshed about in the breakfast with nothing he could hope to hold on to or save him from being part of the slowly digested pool of food. If it wasn't for the torrent of milk, Josh could only imagine that Scott's stomach acid would already quickly eaten away at him. The giant's movements only served to Josh's detriment as he was tossed and churned about in the mess.
"This is all my faaaaault!" Josh screamed as he was mixed around with the food. If only he had gotten out of the syrup or tried to make himself more noticeable. Josh wept as he heard another loud rumble from above, another earth shattering burp. "He even tried to warn me…"
The mounds of mush were too much as Josh couldn't fight for even another moment. The next churn would be Josh's last as he was pulled under the mounds of food and refused to pull himself to breathable air. This was it, Josh decided he'd give in and just become part of Scott.
- - -
Chilling for a few minutes, Scott was surprised to hear the sound of the door bell. Confused, he went to the front door and peeked through the window to see Tyler. Swallowing nervously, Scott opened the door.
"Yooooo morning dude!" Tyler smiled as he let himself in and fist bumped Scott.
"Yo dude, wan't expecting you here this morning?" Scott sweat a little.
"Just figured I'd drop by and check on you guys. Where's the little squirt?" Tyler asked, looking around a little.
"Uh well…" Scott fidgeted for words a little. He hadn't planned this out at all.
"Oh boy, let me guess. He caved didn't he?" Tyler put it simply as he shook his head knowingly.
"Yeah…" Scott said as he put a hand on his stomach before quickly thinking about it. "Yeah, he was kinda part of my breakfast."
"Eh fitting really." Tyler shrugged. "Don't feel too bad about it, dude. It's what he wanted."
"I guess so." Scott started to feel a little worse knowing that wasn't exactly the whole truth. Suddenly, Scott gave another hearty burp.
"Nice dude!" Tyler laughed as he came over and slapped Scott on the back. "Bet he was even more delicious for real, huh?"
"Ha, yeah dude. You know it!" Scott smiled, feeling like he was getting over his decision after seeing how cool Tyler was with it.
"You shouldn't beat around the bush with him." Scott said softly to himself. "Just be straight up."
Scott nodded to himself, feeling confident that he shouldn't be fake or try to trick the little guy. He was honest and up front with him, he should give him the same respect. Making his way back into the dining room, Scott looked down at the plate of food, just barely recognizing where he stuck Josh in it all.
"Have a few bites yet, dude?" Scott sat down, setting down his glass of milk and looking at Josh with a smile.
"Yeah a few! The syrup is a little thick though." Josh looked up at Scott, admiring the muscular titan as he grabbed a bite of the pancake. "Kinda like that peanut butter!"
"Mm and you're covered in it, dude!" Scott licked his lips a little. "Bet you'd be tasty!"
"Ha yeah real funny." Josh chuckled, knowing he planned on going on trip later into Scott's gut after he digests his breakfast. "Don't get ahead of yourself!"
"I know dude…" Scott poked the fork into the side of the pancakes, deliberately eating around Josh. "Hey give any more thought into that though, buddy?"
"What do you mean?" Josh asked, body dripping in the syrup as he tried to eat.
"Just like how you thought being eaten was interesting?" Scott casually tried to drive the conversation as he shoved more food in his mouth.
"Oh. Well yeah, about the same. It's interesting, kinda thrilling, right?" Josh was unaware of Scott's deeper feelings. "Don't worry I can wait until after you digest some of your meal though. So that way you don't throw it all up."
"Yeah about that dude." Scott took another big bite. "What if I just didn't throw you up though?"
"Um." Josh blushed a little. It wasn't like it didn't cross his mind. "I wouldn't make it, you know?"
"Yeah but…" Scott bit his lip a little. "You'd get to go to my muscles, dude. That's be sweet right?"
"I well…" Josh blushed, staring at Scott's handsome face to his ripped chest in front of him.
"I've been thinking about it dude." Scott decided it was time to bust out his honest feelings. "And I wanna be straight up with you bud, I want you to be part of my muscles."
"I-I…" Josh stuttered, not sure how to take Scott's words right now.
"I can't really explain it, dude. Like I know you helped me out with my break up and gave me this place to stay…" Scott blushed, setting down his fork. "It's hardly repaying your kindness. But I take really good care of my body, and that's why I want you to be a part of it."
"Scott I…" Josh was blushing like crazy. He really didn't know what to say to the attractive giant.
"Look dude, it's cool if you reject me." Scott rubbed the back of his head feeling really stupid now. "I just wanted to put my feelings out there, set expectations you know? Because I don't think I could send you on any temporary trips into my gut without wanting to just leave you in there."
"Well I'm glad you were honest." Josh finally got some words out.
"It's literally the least I could do, dude." Scott answered, embarrassed.
"Well…" Josh started to say. "I think…"
Josh rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. He couldn’t even look Scott in the eye as he tried to let him down easy.
“I think we should just move past this.” Josh lied, both to himself and Scott. A large part of him really did genuinely want to be inside of Scott forever, but the rational part of his brain was fighting hard against his more base desires. Josh continued to explain to Scott that “Y-You’re a great guy, really. I just think you’re, uh…not thinking hard enough about this. You know?”
Scott blinked, a little surprised that Josh said that. “Not…thinking hard enough?” Scott said, genuinely trying to understand. “Do you, like, think i’m being stupid or something?” The giant asked, though he sounded a little hurt. Josh picked up on this, felt bad, and tried to do damage control.
“No! Of course not. We just all have our, uh, temporary moments of…uh…yeah.”
“What?” Scott asked again, his brow furrowing. Josh felt himself tripping over his words. Not only because Scott’s presence was so daunting while being on the giant’s plate, but also because the tiny genuinely didn’t know how to explain this without sounding like an asshole.
“Look, Scott. I–”
But Scott interrupted him.
“Do you think I’m an idiot? Cause everyone’s always told me that–”
And Josh tried to push back.
“No! No, Scott. I-I don’t think you’re…”
Scott waited for Josh to say it. But Josh couldn’t honestly say what Scott wanted to hear.
“…yeah, no. You’re not.” The tiny finished.
This confirmed to Scott that Josh wasn’t being fully truthful. His words felt very familiar in a very hurtful way.
“So…do you think I’m smart, then?” The himbo frowned.
There was a pause before Josh answered. The tiny man dodged yet again.
“…I didn’t hire you for your intelligence, Scott. I chose you because you’re such a sweet guy. Really! That matters a lot more to me.” Josh finished as he tried to give Scott a reassuring smile.
Josh’s words landed on Scott, who then looked away. Josh was confused. He couldn’t tell what was up with Scott. But Scott deeply knew. All of Josh’s words bounced around the giant’s thick skull. “You’re not thinking hard enough about this.” “We all have our moments.” “I chose you because you’re sweet.” All of these things Josh was saying…they were things he had been hearing his whole life about his smarts…
They were things his Bri had confronted him with before they broke up.
Scott stared down at the tiny man. Bottled up pain welled in his big heart as the gears in his thick head started to turn in ways they didn’t, usually. Josh thought he was stupid. Bri thought he was stupid. Everyone on the planet just saw him as one big idiot. And the way Josh was sitting on Scott’s pancake, so comfortably…so safely. It was almost…arrogant. It disgusted him a little. Just because Josh was more smarter than him, it didn't make him better. What gave Josh the right to sit on top of that pancake like a topping, yet deny Scott the right to eat him? He was smart enough to know that getting eaten is what food is for! How was someone smaller than his fingernail going to tell HIM no? How was that fair? How was any of what happened to Scott recently fair?
“Uh…Scott?” Josh tried to check in.
The dumb teen then started to feel powerless, too. He had absolutely no say over his break up, over where he was gonna live, even over something as dumb as this pancake he couldn’t eat because Josh’s stupid tiny body was sitting on it. Sure, he wasn't the brightest, but Scott was a great athlete, a good person most of the time, and almost 7 feet tall! He didn’t deserve to feel so helpless in life. To have no control or power over ANYTHING anymore. Nothing!
“Scott?” Josh asked one more time.
The titan finally looked back at Josh. But his head turned slowly. Almost…robotically. Josh immediately felt the shift in Scott’s presence. It wasn’t nearly as warm and wholesome.
Scott seemed…mad.
And Josh’s assumption was right. He watched as Scott grabbed his fork once again. From Josh’s position, sitting on top of the last piece of Scott’s pancake, the utensil looked like the mighty trident a Greek god would to smite his enemies.
“Uhm??? Scott???” Josh said as he stood up in fear. But he would stay standing for long. The fork skewered into the land of pancake beneath the tiny man. Josh fell on his back and the sticky syrup held him there so that he had no choice but to stare up at the angry titanic teenager. The metal of the fork nearly sliced directly through the tiny man. Something told Josh that Scott wouldn’t have cared if he HAD turned Josh into a kebab. The ground beneath Josh shook as the pancake was raised into the air and brought in front of Scott’s awaiting maw. Josh screamed when he saw Scott open his mouth, bits of pancake coating his beastly tongue and lethal teeth. Josh stared into the abyss that was the back of Scott’s throat.
“SCOTT! NO, PLEASE! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING??” Josh begged for his life, unable to move. Any inkling of actually wanting this was gone. Josh was terrified by Scott’s new demeanor.
The giant simply smirked, glad he had some control again. Besides, it’s not like Josh didn’t want this. As the giant opened his mouth to speak, his morning breath washed over the tiny.
“I’m just eating breakfast.” he chuckled, then plunged the last of his pancake into his mouth.
"I-I appreciate everything, dudes." Scott smiled. "I don't think I've ever met a couple of guys as awesome as you, but I think I need a little time to myself."
"Okay." Josh said plainly, glad just to see Scott was willing to address his emotions. "Were both here though. Just let us know."
"I will, dudes." Scott stood up and smiled. "I think I've gotta set up a bit and unpack anyway. I'll yell if I need anything, okay?"
"Good luck, buddy. We'll be here!" Tyler smiled and patted the huge man on the butt as he walked by. Josh and Tyler watched as Scott chuckled a little as he made his way up the stairs, toward his room. Tyler looked down at Josh as they heard Scott shut his door. "Man I feel bad."
"Same." Josh crossed his arms. "I wonder what could have happened. He spoke so highly about his girl friend. I would have never guessed there was trouble at home."
"Classic nice guy was too nice deal I'd guess." Tyler scratched his chin. "He said he gave her everything. It probably made her bored. Girls are fickle like that."
"Geez you sound like an expert!" Josh teased Tyler as the muscular man blushed a little.
"Well! I mean… there's a reason why I haven't bothered dating since high school." Tyler waved a hand at Josh. "Girls are nuts dude. Not worth the effort."
"Yeah, I agree!" Josh gave a short answer as Tyler rose an eyebrow.
"When was the last time you had a girlfriend?" Tyler asked, having know Josh since the last stretch of college but never having him mention a girlfriend.
"I um…" Josh felt like he couldn't lie to Tyler. "Well I always get rejected. Never even went on a date. Then I got wrapped up in my research like you saw."
"That's too bad. Why would any girl turn down a cute guy like you?" Tyler smirked as he leaned back, making Josh blush this time. "Maybe Scott will ask you out once he learns how crazy girls are."
"Oh? Like how you realized how crazy girls are?" Josh retorted slyly to Tyler who peered down at Josh before leaning over him and blowing a gust of air at him, causing him to topple over.
"Wonder how Scott's doing?" Tyler not to adeptly changed the subject as he heard the huge man settle down upstairs, seeming like he was done moving things around.
"Go check on him?" Josh offered as a solution as he regained his balance.
"I've got a better idea!" Tyler smirked as he reached down and plucked Josh off the table and held him in his hand. "Well just have you do a little recon work! That way if he seems like he needs the space you can just back out without us bugging him!"
"I-I guess that's a good idea." Josh agreed as he was suddenly scooped up against his will. Tyler stood up as he held Josh close to his abdomen before as the huge man not so stealthily crept up the stairs going just outside Scott's room and setting Josh on the ground. Tyler gave Josh a thumbs up as he crept away back to the stairs, trying not to make it look like he was hanging around outside the room for long. Josh on the other hand, took a deep breath as he made his way under the crack in the door and into Scott's room.
Josh looked around. There was already some amount of clothes on the ground, possibly clean, possibly dirty. A few boxes still had some of Scott's stuff peeking out of it as they were pressed up against the wall. Josh looked up as it wasn't hard to locate Scott. As Josh saw him up on the bed, seemingly he was…
Even though Josh couldn't see all of Scott, he could tell the massive teen was laying down. He wasn't sure if he was sleeping or just laying though. Josh looked behind him, remembering that Tyler had abandoned him anyway, so it was probably at least worth investigating in case Scott was depressed laying face first in the bed. Josh quickly made his way across the floor looking for some way up to the bed. A sheet hung down to the floor as Josh could see Scott's foot hanging near it. Josh figured if he could at least scale the sheet and make it to Scott's foot, He could find a way up and into the bed. Following though with his plan, Josh could only suspect that it was his compassion for the young man that gave him the strength to make it to his foot.
"Oh my god!" Josh wished his could cover his nose as he reached Scott's foot, trying to make his way to the hair on his ankle and up the leg. Relieved, Josh found himself on the back of his muscular tree trunk like legs as he stared across the landscape of Scott on the bed. He had changed out of his board shorts, wearing just his black spandex under armor underwear as it wrapped tightly around his magnificent butt as the man laid there, face in a pillow. "I still can't really tell if he's asleep…"
Josh wished there was some way he could help the grieving young man, but for now he figured the only thing he could do was work his way up toward his face. But first there was a big obstacle as Josh soon found at the end of his leg, Scott's enormous bubble butt. Josh bit his lip as he decided the only sensible action was to make his way between his ass crack rather than trying to scale one of the massive cheeks. As Josh trecked his way between the foul smelling sweaty valley unbeknownst to Josh, Scott was…
Not that Josh knew, but Scott had no intent of moving at the moment, which made his trek between his ass cheeks go on without any trouble side from the foul smell and mixture of sweat. Making his way to the waist band, Josh looked across Scott's back, happy to see it was just one muscular back between him and Scott's face. Josh didn't waste any time as he made his way across the massive long back. Sweating from a mix of his own sweat as well as just the sweat of Scott's back Josh finally made it to Scott's neck, before he realized the colossal teen was facing to the left slightly on his pillow. Josh looked a little closer at Scott's face, finally getting a view of it and seeing that Scott's eyes were…
Looking right at Scott's face, Josh could clearly see they were open. Josh took a deep breath, feeling like if he's come this far he may as well go all the way. Going down Scott's neck, Josh made his way onto the bed and came right into plan view of Scott's vision. Josh looked at the huge teen's beautiful blue eyes but they seemed like they looked right past him. Josh frowned, it definitely seemed like Scott hand't noticed him at all.
"Scott?" Josh asked, gingerly as the blue eyes went from looking past him, to staring right at him in sudden shock. Scott didn't have the energy to really move though as he continued to lay and look at Josh. "Oh um I'm sorry I should have knocked or something."
"It's fine." Scott said softly, still not moving as Josh sat just inches away from his face. "I feel bad you somehow came all this way to see me like this."
"I wanted to. I was worried about you." Josh admitted, feeling really bad.
Scott gave a little smile. "I just don't know why you'd go so far for someone you've only known a few days…"
"Because clearly you're a good person." Josh answered back. "You said you gave everything to your girlfriend. It's passionate, and makes you a good person and a good boyfriend."
A tear ran down Scott's eye for a moment. "Not good enough, I guess. She was always really smart. I never knew why she stayed with a dummy like me." Scott started spilling his heart out. "So I gave her everything I possibly could."
"That's so sweet. That's not something to be sad about." Josh gave Scott a friendly smile. "I wish I could ever find someone like that. She just didn't appreciate how hard you tried."
Scott smiled again, this time a little wider. Josh blushed hard as he tried to keep the conversation going. "Anyway, I just wanted to check on you. Tyler was really worried too, but he didn't want to barge in."
"Oh I get it. So he sent you in quietly." Scott caught on surprisingly fast. "Tyler's a really sweet dude too, huh?"
"Something you guys have in common." Josh blushed as they both were sweeter then people would think on the surface. "But yeah… It's nice seeing you smile. We were worried."
"Don't be, dude." Scott grinned. "I'm okay. I just wanted to lay down alone."
"I'm sorry!" Josh apologized as he stood up. "Here I am ruining that…"
"No no!" Scott moved a hand to block Josh from leaving. "I'm really glad you came. I have to say though, this whole time I've been talking you, I just can't stop thinking about how small you are. It's just different than talking to someone normal size."
"Different in a good way?" Josh asked as he sat back down as Scott retracted his hand.
"Yeah for sure. I just feel so big. Like if you were normal sized I'd feel weirder about showing a little emotion." Scott tired to explain. "But also I just worrying I'm gonna like… breath too deep and choke on you…"
"Well don't do that, silly!" Josh laughed as Scott gave another toothy smile. "But I guess I also like being this little makes it easier for me to talk to you too. Meeting you today at our normal heights was…"
Josh couldn't find the right word without describing how attractive Scott is and how much easier it is seeing him like this than at normal sizes. Scott heard Josh trail off and was curious however. "Meeting me at normal hieght was what?"
"Oh just… you're so tall." Josh tried to play it off as Scott rose an eyebrow.
"And I'm not even taller right now?" Scott chuckled as he was literally a giant right now.
"Oh I guess I dunno. I'm more used to being tiny." Josh rubbed the back of his head.
"Fair enough. I like being a giant compared to you. When I first met I'll admit I kind of liked you better like you are right now." Scott chuckled. "Not that I don't like you at your normal size! You're so cute and short."
Scott blushed as he bit his lip. "Sorry! Uhh but yeah anyway."
Josh laughed, Scott was very cute when he flustered. "Yeah, anyway. I'm glad you're looking a little better."
"I feel a lot better. Thanks to you, Josh." Scott stopped. "I mean boss."
"Nah Josh is fine. Were friends and roommates now." Josh smiled as Scott relaxed a little. "My giant roommate!"
"Hell yeah, dude!" Scott smiled. "You should be small like this all the time!"
"Sure!" Josh answered immediately without thinking. Scott smiled as he finally adjusted himself to laying on his side rather than on his stomach. Josh watched as he moved his massive body and settled.
"Glad you didn't do that when I was on your back!" Josh smiled jokingly.
"Wait you crawled on me?" Scott rose an eyebrow. "That must've taken you forever at your size."
"It wasn't that bad." Josh waved his hands. "It was kind of fun actually! Like a big living landscape!"
"Do you wanna explore more?" Scott asked casually. He truthfully wanted to just watch Josh crawl around on his massive body a little. "I mean if you want to?"
"I-I um…" Josh wasn't sure how to react to the question.
"It's okay if you'd rather do something else. We could get Tyler in here and we could all relax." Scott asked, noticing Josh's sudden discomfort.
Josh shifted a bit because he really did want to explore Scott's body, but if Tyler joined in he might have the chance to explore both men…
Josh took a moment and decided…
"I doubt we'd be relaxing if we let Tyler in here." Josh laughed, knowing Tyler's rambunctiousness would kill the chill mood. "I think I'd rather just hang out, just the two of us."
"I'd like that too, dude." Scott smiled, still laying on his side, looking down at Josh like the tiny man was an object of great interest. Josh watched, as Scott rolled now on his back, scooping Josh in the process and setting him now on his massive chest. Josh readjusted to the new settings, staring across Scott's perfect chest to Scott's handsome face as the giant put both his arms behind his head, exposing his hairy arm pits.
"Sorry, I just figured it would be easier for you to explore like this instead, dude." Scott smiled as he watched Josh struggle to get on his feet after the sudden shift. Josh felt the soft skin under his feet, making a little difficult to stand but the firmness of Scott's muscles were almost like rocks as he started to get used to the footing. Scott continued to watched Josh as he started to walk around a little.
"I couldn't feel you before, but now that I see you on me it kind of tickles!" Scott chuckled a little, making his chest shake as Josh toppled over. Scott held his breath for a moment, as he tried to stay still so Josh could get back on his feet. "Sorry, dude."
"It's okay!" Josh yelled up to the giant, now a great deal away from his face. Josh tired to see if he was heard, but he wasn't sure if Scott was listening that closely. Shrugging, Josh started me make his way to Scott's rippling abs, watching as the twitched a little as he walked across them occasionally touching them with his hands. "Is he really that ticklish?"
Just then, Josh felt a gurgling rumble beneath his as he stood somewhere near Scott's stomach. Roaring and shaking with hunger, Josh felt like it was some sort of crazy earthquake. Scott watched as Josh fell to his hands from the tremor and moved his hand down as if he was going to try and catch him.
"Dude are you okay?" Scott asked, as he saw Josh still laying on his abs. He was impressed a simple rumble of his stomach was enough to knock the man off his feet, but it did remind him just how tiny his new roommate and friend was. "Sorry, I haven't eaten in awhile, I forgot I was hungry until you calmed me down, dude."
"We should get you something to eat then!" Josh yelled up at Scott who seemed to hear him this time.
"Maybe in a bit. You only just got to start exploring. I kinda like having you crawl around on me too…" Scott smiled, lifting his head a bit to better see Josh on his stomach. Josh watched as Scott leaned back again, putting his arms behind his head once more.
"He shouldn't starve himself." Josh worried for the behemoth teen. He was glad to hear he enjoyed having him explore his body though. Thinking of where to go next, Josh decided he wanted to go to…
Josh arrived at his usual time at the park and was greeted by a few members of his staff. Walking swiftly to the wave pool Josh continued to give polite "good mornings" to everyone he passed.
Finally, Josh made his way to the massive pool and he looked out into the clean water. "It's so peaceful when the park is closed…" Josh said out loud to himself.
Suddenly, Josh found himself in a headlock, he looked down at the tanned bicep curled around his neck and struggled as he started to get a light noogie on his head.
"Not so peaceful now, boss!" Boomed the a voice from above him. Josh barely could turn his head up and look to see it was Tyler, smirking at his shorter boss as he held him against his chest. "Morning boss!"
Josh coughed a little as the huge man let him down. Rubbing his neck for a second he decided to hold back any lecture he had for his head lifeguard as he knew he had more important things to worry about. "Morning Ty… Good to see you're so full of energy…" Josh said starting to smile eerily.
Tyler took a step back from his suddenly creepy boss. "W-what's with the face little buddy?" He asked nervously.
"Oh nothing, just you have a newbie to train today. He's a real bright one so I hope you have a good time." Josh said happy he could put the bigger man in his place after that embarrassing noogie.
Tyler slapped his hand on his chest and sighed. "Oh good. That's all dude?"
Josh snickered to himself as he looked out and saw Scott walking toward them, with a young lady in a pink bikini holding on to his huge arm. "Just in time Scott!" Josh yelled out at the humongous man. "I want you to meet Tyler. He's going to be instructing you in life guarding basics!"
Scott walked up in front of Tyler and Josh and looked down at Tyler. "Oh sweet, sup dude, I'm Scott."
Tyler's jaw dropped a little at the sight of such a huge man. "I'm Tyler, good to meet you man."
Scott, looked down at his girlfriend. She had to be about 19 years old, 5'6" and looked absolutely tiny compared Scott. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes and a lovely looking smile. She was thin, yet looked to be very well toned. She wore a very pretty pink bikini with little white frills on them.
"This is Brianna." Scott said as he gave her a little nudge forward.
Josh smiled as he looked at the attractive woman. "Hello, I'm Josh. Scott was very excited about bringing you here! I was hoping maybe you'd accompany me on a small tour before we opened up."
She blushed a little looking down she replied softly, "Thank you so much… this is all very kind of you."
Josh turned and looked at Tyler and Scott, "You two work hard ok? Basic training shouldn't take too long. So I'll check back up on you guys in an hour and we can start CPR training."
Tyler put his hand behind his head confused. "I don't think it'll take that long… its just basics dude."
Josh looked over at Scott then back to Tyler and smiled politely. "You'll have a hour." Then turned away, motioning Brianna to follow him.
Brianna quickly turned back to Scott as the huge man leaned over and gave his girlfriend a quick peck on the lips. Brianna turned away and went to follow Josh.
- - -
Josh started his tour, showing Brianna all the rides and pools. Walking by his office Josh proudly showed off the parks many awards. Impressed Brianna followed closely along side Josh as they talked.
"Josh… I wanted to thank you so much for hiring my Scott." Brianna started off sweetly. "He's a hard worker! Even if he seems uhh…"
"Don't worry!" Josh said stopping and looking at the woman. "I can tell he's going to be just fine here."
"I can't help but worry a little though. I'm sorry for how he dressed yesterday. I was at class and well… he dressed himself." She said looking down a little embarrassed.
"It's fine really. I've seen worse!" Josh said smiling even though it wasn't entirely the truth. "Where do you take classes?" Josh asked curious.
"Oh just at the University here in town. You see Scott and I have been dating since high school and we moved here together." She said starting her story. "But to afford living here I had to get a night job, and we had to fill out a bunch of applications for him to help pay for rent."
Josh shook his head remembering just a few years ago doing the same while he was at school. "This is his first job, correct?" He asked forwardly.
"Yes… he was always so into sports in high school that he never took the time to stop and have a job." She said looking down again. "But he worked really hard in those sports and it payed off. He was captain for three different sports last year and well respected around the school."
Josh stopped for a second, thinking about how athletes garnered "respect" in high school and he hated thinking Scott could have thrown his weight around forcefully. "I remember some of the jocks getting me to respect them in high school, mostly through threatening to beat me up in the hall ways." He said looking down meekly.
"Oh no its not what you think at all!" She said looking seriously at Josh. "Whenever someone tried to bully any of the smaller kids in the halls Scott would always go and stand up for them. He believed it didn't matter if you were a jock or a nerd, everyone deserved the same respect."
Shocked Josh looked at Brianna and apologized. "I'm so sorry! I had no idea he was so noble."
"It's alright. He might have not been as smart as a lot of the people he stood up for but he was so kind that everyone looked up to him as a leader of sorts." She said looking back in the direction of the wave pool.
Josh looked back as well and realized how much time had gone by. "You can enjoy the park for the rest of the day, feel free to ride any of the slides you'd like." He said happily. "The park will be open soon, so make sure you get the rides you want quick!"
"Thanks so much! I had no class today so you can bet I'll be enjoying your wonderful park to the fullest!" She said starting to turn away from Josh. "Promise me you'll look out for my Scott while he's here? He's already talked so much about you and how much he respects you too. So I know he'll be looking out for you." She said smiling and walking away to get a good spot in one of the lines.
"I will." Josh said smiling to himself as she walked away.
- - -
Walking back to the wave pool Josh saw Scott treading water swimming out to the back of the pool. Walking up next to Tyler he tapped his shoulder and greeted the tan hunk. "How's he doing, Ty?" Josh asked as they watched Scott reach the other end of the pool and start to turn around.
"He's got crazy endurance, and he could save like three people at once… but trying to explain to him why you need to wait for people to go down a slide in intervals was one of the hardest things I've ever done, dude." Tyler said scratching his head.
Josh smiled, glad it wasn't too easy on him after all. Just then Scott emerged from the water, dripping wet. He rubbed his toned torso and shook off his arms as he walked up to the two men. "How'd I do dudes?"
Tyler looked down at his stopwatch and looked shocked at the time. "Your time was incredible, dude! Nice lap!"
Scott smiled as he looked down at Josh. "I sure learned a lot boss! It's a lot to remember so maybe you can go over it with me again sometime if I forget something?"
Josh smiled back, it wasn't normally something he'd do, but he remembered what he promised Brianna. "That'd be fine Scott! We can go over whatever you need."
Scott laughed as he grabbed a towel and started to wipe off his still dripping body. Josh turned and looked up at Tyler and addressed him. "Could you bring him around out back and start having him watch the CPR video? I'll meet you guys there in a bit."
Tyler nodded and motioned for Scott to follow him. Josh went around to his office to make sure Scott's paperwork was all set before heading to the break room. Finally satisfied with his work Josh decided to head over to the huge break room. Josh walked into the room to find…
Looking out over the balcony Josh saw Tyler and Scott standing over a CPR dummy on the kitchen table. Josh decided to listen in as Tyler explained how to do chest compressions. He couldn't help but laugh a little quietly on the side as Tyler had to guide Scott's hands in the correct spot in the middle of the dummy's chest.
Feeling like he'd seen enough Josh figured it was time to take one of the little elevators, designed to help him around the room, over to the kitchen table. As he rode over Josh heard as Tyler tried to tell Scott to do the compressions a little softer, since he was apparently shaking the whole table.
Josh finally arrived at the table and stepped off the elevator as it zipped off. He started walking toward the dummy as he saw Scott was about to try more chest compressions.
"Remember dude, they have to be hard so they help circulate the heart, but you don't want to implode the person's chest either." Tyler said as Scott moved his hands into position above the dummy's chest. "Remember how many you need to do in a minute?" Tyler asked looked over at Scott as his eyes widened a little.
"Ummm 60?" Scott replied nervously.
"Nah dude, remember it's 100. You have to almost do two compressions a second." Tyler said patting the huge man on his back. "Alright go ahead."
Just then Scott started pressing down on the dummy's chest hard and swift and the table started to shake again. Josh started to lose his footing and fall toward the end of the table without having much time to react to the violent tremors.
Just before Josh fell off the side he managed to grab onto the edge of the table, barely clinging on. As the tremors continued Josh….
Holding on with all his might Josh somehow managed to wait out the remaining quakes as he pulled himself back onto the table. Wiping some sweat off his forehead Josh made his way toward Scott and Tyler as Tyler stepped forward next to the larger man to try and explain again how "softer" works.
"See dude, you're just shaking up the whole table, you'll break it along with all the dummy's ribs." Tyler said looking up at Scott.
"Sorry man, I'm trying my best, but I don't know if I can go any softer than that." Scott said looking down at the dummy, hoping he never breaks someone's ribs when he gives them CPR.
"Try practicing them slower and more deliberate for now so you can get the feel for doing it easier, Scott." Josh said as he walked up toward the two.
"Oh hey boss! You saw me pressing too hard huh?" Scott said looking down at his tiny boss.
"Not only that, I nearly fell off the table with how much you shook the table!" Josh said smiling at the gigantic man. "Ty, you guys finished the video I take it?"
"Yeah dude, we've just been practicing compressions for now. He got first steps pretty fast. Right dude?" He said looking at Scott. "What's the first thing you do when you suspect someone has a heart attack?"
"Have someone call 911, give the person space, ask them if they're ok, and check for breathing and a pulse." Scott said counting the steps on his hand.
"Great job Scott!" Josh said happily. He was actually surprised Scott got the memory portion down faster than the physical one.
Scott blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks so much boss… Now I just gotta get this compression thing down."
"Like I said let's practice slower for now." Josh said sitting down on the other side of the dummy and looking up at Scott from over the dummy.
- - -
The three continued the practice as, slowly but surely, Scott got the hang of going a little softer and finally was able to do them fast enough to get enough compressions in a minute. Pleased, Josh turned to Tyler and asked him to grab the paper exam from one of the break room's storage closets. Retrieving the paper, Tyler set the test down in front of Scott after moving the dummy out of the way. Josh sat across from Scott near the top of the paper, and decided to observe Scott as he took the exam.
Scott nervously filled out the test, biting the pen he was given as he went along. Occasionally he'd look up nervously at Josh when he filled out an answer. Josh just tried to smile, hoping to relax the behemoth of a man.
Finally done, Scott slowly turned the paper at his little boss. Tyler started to step forward to collect it but Josh stopped him. "It's ok Ty, I got this. You can go make sure nobody's slacking off in the park ok?"
Tyler looked down at his little boss and gave a him a "are you sure?" kind of look as Josh nodded politely. "You got it bud. Come grab me if you need me dude." He said as he started to leave the break room.
Josh stood up and and started to walk across the test to the top of the page so he could read out everything from top to bottom. Knowing the questions by heart Josh merely had to look at the answers and add up the scores as he went.
"Ty wasn't too hard on you was he?" Josh asked looking up at Scott as the large man jumped thinking he was getting his grade.
"No dude, he was great. He's really helpful and nice, glad I got to know someone here." Scott said stilling looking down at his paper, starting to sweat a little.
"Yeah Brianna told me you guys just moved here this semester, it'll be good to meet a few people around here and make new friends." Josh said smiling up at Scott.
"Yeah you guys are cool, maybe… we could chill sometime or something." Scott said turning away a little.
"It doesn't bother you that I'm your boss?" Josh said asking the huge man raising an eyebrow.
Scott moved his hands and started waving them in front of his chest. "No! Yes? Uhhh…" He tried to say nervously.
"I was only kidding Scott! You're a great guy I'd love to hang out with you sometime!" Josh said happily at the young man.
Relieved Scott rested his hands and smiled. "I was a little worried, sorry dude. Its just since moving here the only person I knew was Bri, and even she made some friends fast at her school. Not to mention she works nights… So usually I just work out and have nothing to do in the evenings until she comes home right before bed."
Josh smiled, thinking how interesting it'd be to hang out with Scott. He bet the giant man would be a hoot to watch tv or play video games with or even head out somewhere with and chill. Josh continued to look down at the paper though as the conversation went on, as Josh slowly added up the score it came out that Scott…
Josh frowned for a second when he came up with the score. "55." He said to himself. Josh knew well the passing score was a 60 and even then he liked for most of the guys to at least get above a 70 before certifying them. Josh looked up at Scott, who was anxiously fidgeting in his chair.
"Scott, you just barely failed… sorry to say that." Josh started as he looked up at Scott. Scott's expression changed fast and his face started to go a little pale as he swallowed hard. Josh figured it was about time to remind him that the test can be retaken.
"Don't forget Scott, you can try again tomorrow." Josh said smiling at the gigantic man. Josh's words did little to brighten the young man up however as he continued to looking down with a disappointed look on his face.
"And I can help you study of course!" Josh pipped up desperate to get Scott to cheer up. Scott looked down directly at Josh and a small smile came across his face.
"You really mean it boss?" He asked quietly.
"Of course I will!" Josh said happily. "You said you don't have anything to do after you work out and go home anyway right?"
"Yeah that's right, would you come to my apartment after I work out then?" Scott asked, still a little shaken by failing the test.
"Where do you live?" Josh asked, standing up and move a bit forward to the massive teen. Josh tried to look up at his handsome face as it still hung a little low.
Scott put a hand on his head on his head thinking for a second. "I don't know my way around much yet, but it's like the west side of town. I have to take a bus. The gym is right around the corner from where I live though. It's a small gym named "Pumping Iron" if you know where that is?"
Josh stopped to think for a second. He knew he lived on the other side of town, and he didn't want to wait around at the park for much longer than he'd have to just to wait for Scott to finish working out… Even then he didn't know Scott's exact address to begin with!
"That's on the other side of town from where I live…" Josh started to say still in thought.
"You could just come to gym with me, then when I'm done working out we can just turn the corner and go to my apartment!" Scott said, trying to come up with a solution.
Josh frowned at the idea. The thought of sitting there in a gym for god knows how long while Scott worked out didn't really appeal to him. "Think maybe you could just skip the gym tonight?" Josh inquired.
Scott looked down at his chest then turned and looked at his arms. "Boss, I almost never skip a gym day! I guess if its that big a deal I could." He said scratching his head again.
Josh felt bad about the comment. I suppose it wasn't really that big of a deal, Josh was just making it into a big deal. "It's fine, I'll wait at the gym with you then."
"Ok cool dude." Scott said sitting up straighter. "The only thing is they're not too keen on guests… So I'd need to keep you in my locker while I work out, then I'll grab you and we can head over to my apartment."
"Wait what?" Josh said confused. "What do you mean "keep me in your locker"?"
"Oh well dude, you'd have to stay small like you are now." Scott said plainly. "A-as long as that fine with you?" He added nervously.
Josh sighed. Now it really was a big deal. "Is there any way I don't have to stay so small?" Josh asked finally.
"I guess if I skipped my work out we could go right home…" He said with a very sad tone.
Josh sighed again. Seemingly his only option was to…
"I don't want to have to make you skip your gym day, Scott." Josh said looking up at the handsome teen. "I'll just tough it out in your locker later."
Scott smiled widely and stood up straight as he started thanking his tiny boss. Josh was glad to see Scott so happy, but he still wasn't particularly looking forward to spending who knows how long in a locker. Josh's expression must have given his thoughts away as Scott looked back down at the little man.
"Don't worry boss I won't take too long later. I promise! Besides we'll have a lot of studying to do!" Scott added happily.
Josh smiled at the comment, glad to see that Scott wasn't planning on leaving him in the locker forever. Until then, he knew there was still work to be done today!
"Scott, since you didn't pass the exam I want to put you under supervision of one of my other lifeguards for the rest of the day. You can learn a thing or two I'm sure." Josh said as Scott listened to his boss intently.
"I'm thinking probably Tyler, since you met him earlier." Josh said as he tried to remember where Tyler was stationed right now. "He should be working the front post on the wave pool. So I want you to go there and tell him that he'll be supervising you for the rest of the day, ok?"
Scott shook his head and thanked his boss one more time before leaving out the back door. Josh took a deep breath. Knowing his day was far from over. He turned and left toward the park and figured he could get a little work done in his office until he left with Scott later.
- - -
Taking a seat at his desk Josh looked over at the clock. Noticing he still had a few hours before closing he pulled out some paper work and started getting some of it done. As he sifted through some filed he heard a knock at his door.
"Come in!" Josh yelled at the door, barely looking away from his papers.
"Is this a bad time?" A woman's voice chimed out across the room. Josh looked up to see it was Scott's girl friend, Brianna. Still wearing her pink bikini she appeared to be still a little wet from her day at the park.
"Oh I'm sorry." Josh said as he set down his papers as he looked across the room at the attractive blonde. "How was your day at the park Brianna?"
She smiled as she walked across the room toward Josh's desk. "It was wonderful! You really have an amazing place here. But that's not why I am here. I haven't seen Scott at all since this morning, I was just wondering how he did?" The woman asked with a concerned look on her face.
Josh looked down for a second before he refocused his attention on Brianna's face. "Practically, he did fantastic. As far and any written exercises go though…"
"Oh I see…" She said looking down. "Did he fail something? Is he going to lose his job?"
"He did fail a written exam but its not going to cost him his job so no worries!" Josh said looking at the woman and smiling. "I promised him to help him study for the retake tomorrow. So I'll be helping him out tonight!"
She looked up with a bright smile. "That's wonderful for you to do! He must be so happy you're going to study with him!"
"He seemed like it!" Josh said back to her.
"Oh but if it's at our apartment I won't be there. I would have loved to make you some dinner or something for your trouble!" She said suddenly with an earnest look.
"Yeah I heard you work nights. Don't worry about us! We'll figure something out." Josh said still smiling. He couldn't help but think what Scott normally does for food, but he imagined whatever Brianna makes would probably be better.
"Well I have to run home and get ready for work! If I have time I'll whip something up and put it in the fridge for you guys to have. Otherwise, I promise to make it up to some how!" She said still looking determined.
"If you don't have time don't worry about it! Just worry about getting to work!" Josh said happily, hoping maybe she had time to make a little something.
Brianna turned and left, thanking Josh a few times as she made her way out. Josh sat back down at his desk and got back to his paper work. A few hours went by and it was starting to be closing time.
Josh did his usual sweep of the park as people left, and he locked up the area. Moving his way to the break room, he knew Scott would be waiting there for him. Josh opened the door to the huge room and saw the colossal teen standing out in the room before him. Calling out to him as loud as he could, Scott eventually noticed his tiny boss on the balcony.
"Ready to go, boss?" Scott asked the little man as he lowered his hand for him to climb on.
Josh climbed up on the closest massive finger near him and shook his head, Scott, squinted as he could barely see his little boss's head move. Scott slowly inched Josh into the middle of his hand, and closed his palm gingerly around the little man. Josh squeaked in fear of being crushed as the masses of flesh seemed to be crashing all around him.
Scott kept his hand level as he left the building and made his way to the bus stop. Nobody dared ask the huge shirtless teen what he was clutching so carefully in his hand. Finally, the pair made it to the stop right in front of the gym. Scott made his way in, nodding to the entrance staff as he made his way toward the locker rooms.
The room was mostly empty, aside from a few guys changing. Scott hurried toward his locker and undid the lock with his free hand. He opened it up and leaned down to let his boss go on a little shelf near the top.
Josh slide out of the massive man's hand finally relieved to be free of that prison. He looked up at Scott, who's massive frame couldn't even be entirely seen from his vantage point. He watched as Scott quickly changed into a pair of old gym shorts and a tight white spandex shirt that he had sitting in the locker. Josh could help but blush as Scott stood up straight and he had a view of his magnificent abs barely concealed behind the tight shirt. Scott waved good bye and shut the locker closed, and with a click as the lock kept it secure.
Josh sat down in the darkness. Looking around he couldn't see anything, all he could do was smell. The scent of metal and sweat over powered his senses as he covered his nose and laid down. All he could do was wait.
- - -
After what seemed like an hour or so the door started to open. Josh shaded his eyes as light poured in and he saw…
As Josh's eyes started to adjust to the new level of light he looked out into the world that opened before him. He saw mostly the white of Scott's tee shirt, but next to him there was another color, red. The red shirted giant started leaning down to look in the locker. Josh started stepping back as far as he could into the locker, afraid of why Scott brought a new giant to his locker.
"Josh, dude! Scott wasn't lying!" Josh heard the familiar tone speak softly into the locker.
"Tyler?" Josh asked now finally seeing Tyler's huge face poke into the locker.
"Hey dude! Scott said you were gonna help him study, then he told me he stashed you in his locker!" Tyler said quietly to his tiny boss. "He asked me if I wanted to come help out and hang out with you guys."
Josh smiled for a second, it was good he'd have Tyler with him. He knew Tyler would look after him. But still now he had to deal with two giants for the rest of the evening instead of just one.
Tyler retreated his head and stood up straight next to Scott's massive frame. "I don't see why he had to stay shrunk though, dude." Tyler said looking up at Scott.
"Well man you know how they are about guests…" Scott said looking down at Tyler. "Besides I thought it was easier this way."
"More fun too!" Tyler said smirking down at his little boss. "The boss sure does love being little!"
Josh blushed at the comment. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed that he's that obvious to literally everyone.
"Anyway dude, wanna carry my bag for me? I just wanna make sure I carry Josh fine." Scott said handing his huge gym bag to Tyler.
"Sure thing man." Tyler said grabbing the bag along with his own as Scott bent over and reached his hand slowly into the locker. He laid his hand down flat, like before Josh scaled the closest massive finger near him and he slide cautiously into the middle of the gigantic teen's palm. Scott slowly lifted his hand out of the locker and closed it gently around his little boss. With his free hand Scott redid the lock on his locker and turned to Tyler.
Darkness and sweat were the only company Josh had as he slipped and slid around in the sweat of Scott's hand as he could hear Scott's and Tyler's muffled voices as they moved. After only a few minutes Josh heard doors opening and closing, the sound of feet going up stairs, and finally light poured into Josh's eyes as Scott opened his palm. Looking around Josh realized he was in a small dining/living room with a table on one side of the room near the entrance to a kitchen, and on the other side of the room was a couch and television. Josh realized that Scott was lowering his hand down to the table, and Josh started to climb his way down off the giant hand.
"I'm gonna change out of this real quick, ok dude?" Scott said looking down at his sweaty spandex shirt then down at his little boss.
"Yeah me too man!" Tyler said already trying to pull off his red spandex shirt. "Where's your bathroom dude?"
Scott walked out of the room down a hallway and motioned to a room on his right, as he walked further down the hall to his bedroom. Tyler followed after him, clicking on the light as he went in. Josh sat down on the wooden floor that was the table, taking in his surroundings a little more as he tried to wipe Scott's sweat off his arms and legs. After finally drying himself off a bit the door to the bathroom swung open as Tyler came sauntering out. He wore a pair of loose looking red gym shorts and a black pair of socks. He didn't bother putting on a shirt as he still seemed hot as his body glistened with sweat between is huge pecs all down on his sculpted 6 pack. He did however wear a red baseball cap backwards, showing off some of his longish brown hair.
Tyler walked over to the table Josh was at and took a seat in front of Josh looming over him with a big smile. Josh blushed as he looked up at Tyler's magnificent body. He took his attention away from Tyler as he heard Scott's bedroom door open as Scott stepped out of the room. He was wearing a pair of white plaid shorts, loosely falling slightly off his hips. He was also wearing a pair of black socks, but he also had a white stringer tank top on, barely hiding his enormous sweaty torso.
"Dude why even bother wearing a shirt?" Tyler said to Scott as he walked out into the room.
"Oh well I figured it was better than nothing, I just didn't wanna be rude dude." Scott said unsure how to react.
"Dude we don't care! We're around shirtless dudes all day anyway!" Tyler said winking at his little boss.
Scott tossed off the string of a tee shirt as he walked past the table toward the kitchen. "Yeah true, it's hot in here anyway."
Josh watched as the colossal teen walked into the kitchen, in awe of his amazing physique as well as his gigantic stature.
"Oh hey," Scott's voice came from the kitchen. "Bri left a note, looks like she…"
"Dudes she made some of her mac and cheese. Its all home made and it's really awesome!" Scott said, wandering back out toward the table with a smile.
"Great dude!" Tyler says as he gives his stomach a good slap. "I'm starved!"
Josh blushed as he watched Tyler smack his sweaty abs. He couldn't help but find the action to be both intimidating, but also very attractive. Snapping back to reality though he turned to Scott and spoke. "That sounds great, Scott! We'll all have to thank Bri sometime for feeding us."
Scott rubbed the back of his neck and blushed slightly. "Well knowing her, she's just glad you guys are here to help me. Cooking for you guys was probably just her way of being grateful."
Josh smiled, knowing that was the truth, but even so he was happy to help Scott regardless. "Well I gotta throw it in the oven, Bri's instructions say to let it cook for like 20 minutes." Scott says as he walks back into the kitchen. Josh turned back to look at Tyler, who watched Scott walk back off into the kitchen. Suddenly, the huge man stood up and followed him through the doorway.
Josh continued to sit down and look around the room. Unsure why Tyler left, he thought maybe he just went to help put it in the oven. Josh chuckled to himself, wondering if Tyler was worried that Scott didn't know how to work and oven. As Josh continued to imagine Scott scratching his head over how to turn on an oven, Tyler walked back into the room holding two glasses. One had some sort of neon blue liquid and the other appeared to be just water with a spoon in it. Tyler sat back down in front of Josh and set the cups down and took a drink from the blue liquid with a loud gulp.
"What? I was thirsty." Tyler says as he was curious to Josh's stares. Josh quickly looked away, embarrassed he was caught staring. Tyler laughed at the little man as Scott walked into the room with a drink of his own. Taking a seat at the other end of the table the ground shook a little as he planted his butt. Josh was glad he was sitting as the tremor easily would have knocked him off his feet. It really made Josh appreciate just how massive Scott was.
"So we figured," Tyler started looking down at Josh. "We could start studying while the food cooked."
"Yeah and Tyler thought I could use a little… encouragement." Scott said looking over at the glass of water.
Josh looked over at the glass, not sure if he liked the use of the word "encouragement". "How so…? Josh asked cautiously.
Tyler smiled and took the spoon out of the water and quickly scooped up Josh before he could protest. He proceeded to lean the spoon over the water, holding it from tipping over into the glass. "W-what's going on?" Josh asked nervously as his surroundings changed so quickly.
"Well I thought it would be fun if we played a game, dude. If Scott get's five questions wrong, you get to go for a swim!" Tyler said as he slowly tipped the spoon closer to falling into the cup.
Josh turned and looked at Scott who sort of just shrugged. "Sorry dude, it was Tyler's idea. Maybe it'll help. I don't want you to get dunked dude."
"Don't I get a say in this?" Josh said turning back to Tyler.
"Nah." Tyler said simply. "Alright let's get started!"
- - -
Tyler then started to question Scott, mostly easy questions which Scott knew the answers to. As a few minutes went by Tyler started to ask harder and harder questions. Scott started to slip up and gradually one by one get questions wrong.
"Alright, one more question!" Tyler announced. "And remember! Get it wrong and our little friend goes for a swim!"
Josh swallowed hard as he looked over the end of the spoon. All he saw was an ocean of water, with seemingly no bottom. He wasn't worried about swimming in it, it wasn't like he was a weak swimmer. Mostly he just didn't want to get wet.
"Here we go!" Tyler said with a smile. "How many compressions do you need to perform in a minute while doing CPR?"
Josh couldn't believe his luck. This was the question that Tyler asked Scott earlier today! He got in wrong then, but surely he learned from his mistake and knew it now! Josh confidently looked over at Scott who had his eyes closed in thought. Finally, he opened his eyes and gave his answer. "You need to do…"
"Bzzzt! Wrong answer!" Tyler says and he let's go of the spoon, sending it plunging into the water. Josh screamed as he slide down as the weight of the spoon pulled him deep down into the liquid. Swimming back up as fast as he can he made it to the surface, taking a deep breath. Josh looked up as he saw the handle of the spoon hanging out past the rim of the cup. As Josh swam over to the spoon to hold on to he listened to Tyler and Scott.
"Why say 120 dude?" Tyler asked as he stood up.
"Well I remember you saying something about two compressions per second or something." Scott responded looking over at the cup. "Is Josh ok?"
"Ah yeah, I said ALMOST two compressions per second. The right answer was 100 by the way, dude." Tyler looked down at the cup, seeing Josh make it to the spoon and latching on to it. "He's fine, come on let's grab some food I'm starved."
Tyler turned away from the table and walked off into the kitchen. Josh could hear the clanking of plates and the sound of the oven opening. Josh sighed, a little upset he just gets left in this stupid cup. Looking up Josh saw…
Scott picked up the cup and put a finger on his lip. Quietly he spoke to his tiny boss. "Don't worry, I'll move you over to my side of the table so he won't mess with you anymore."
Scott walked back over to where his seat and drink was and placed Josh's cup next to his own. Josh watched as the massive man gave him a thumbs up. "You can totally just climb out on your own right? Tyler would get all pissed if I just let you out. Good luck dude."
Scott turned and left to the kitchen, leaving Josh in the cup wishing he had just let him out. "Nothing can be easy can it…" Josh said as he looked up.
Figuring he'd better start climbing, Josh pressed his hands against the semi-slick surface and some how managed to start climbing up. Taking his time he slowly made it up the massive utensil until he made it up all the way to the tip of the handle. Josh sat down at the top, trying to take in some deep breaths after all the work he just had to do. However, as he looked around it was an interesting view. He was much higher up than he was before so he could see the room a bit more clearly. Just massive pictures and posters on the walls, which easily could be miles and miles long compared to Josh.
After taking in the scenery, Josh finally looked down. Which was a bit of a mistake. The tip of the spoon was almost directly above Scott's drink. Josh wasn't sure what the drink in question was. It was dark and brown, almost milky looking.
"A protein shake?" Josh said aloud a little more curious. Either way Josh tried to scoot away from the edge of the spoon, not wanting to fall in the liquid regardless of what it was.
Looking over the other edge he saw he could slide his way down off the the spoon and land gently on the table. Josh stood up, preparing himself for the descent he…
Suddenly a tremor came from the kitchen as the floor started to shake. Josh stumbled backwards near the edge of the spoon before falling backwards through the air. Josh screamed as he tried to turn himself around. With a splash, Josh finally landed. Swimming around in a murky goop he tried to find some air as he struggled about in the thick liquid. Finally breaking the surface, Josh looked around.
"I fell in his protein shake!" Josh yelled as the thick milky goop started to pull him under. Josh struggled trying to stay at the surface, but the heavy liquid made the task very difficult. Hoping that Tyler and Scott would return soon, he flailed his arms around every chance he got.
- - -
Tyler walked back into the room holding a plate full of mac and cheese. Setting the plate down on the table he already started digging in before Scott could even walk into the room. He did however look over and notice the glass Josh was in was moved.
"Yo Scott!" Tyler yelled with a full mouth.
Scott sauntered into the room with his own plate of mac and cheese and looked over at Tyler. "What's up?" He replied as he set down his plate.
"Dude, you moved Josh." Tyler said as he shoved another fork full of food in his mouth.
"Yeah…" Scott said as he swallowed his own food. "Well you always pick on him. Thought I'd bring him over here so you'd leave him be."
"Dude!" Tyler says again with a full mouth. "He loves it when I pick on him! Just ask him!"
Scott looks down at the glass, and carefully looks by the spoon. "Uhh well he's not in the cup anymore."
Tyler stood up and walked over next to Tyler and looked at the glass. Picking it up he examined it closely. "Well where did he go?" He said looking at the bottom of the glass.
"I told him to climb out, I wasn't sure if he could actually do it or not though." Scott says as he starts looking around for Josh on the table. Tyler meanwhile shrugged, and lifted the glass to his lips and chugged the water down in a few gulps. "Dude! What if Josh was still in there?" Scott says looking surprised.
"I guess he'd be joining some of the mac and cheese I just ate." Tyler says jokingly. "Besides he wasn't in there so don't worry."
"Still though…" Scott says as he continues his search along the table. "Where could he have gone?"
Tyler briefly looked at the floor, "Doubt he would have jumped down to the floor. Being that small he'd know that's a bad idea."
Tyler stands and thinks for a second before turning around to let his back face Scott. "Dude, check out my ass."
"Dude, what the hell?" Scott says as he looks away. "Why you shoving your ass at me?"
"What if he fell on one of our seats? We could have sat on him." Tyler says still looking away from Scott. "Well?"
Scott put his hand on Tyler's ass and brushed it along the smooth surface of the red gym shorts. "I don't see or feel anything dude. What about me?"
Scott stands up and turns around, Tyler checks his butt too for any tiny survivors but also to no avail. "Nah dude, you're good too…"
Tyler starts to look out into the room. He frowns as he looks down on the floor. "Maybe he did end up on the floor dude. We should check."
Scott sighs as he rubs his gut. He was hungry and wanted to get his protein. Looking down he grabs his shake and lifts it up to his enormous face. "Alright, just let me chug my shake first dude."
"Go ahead dude." Tyler says as he tip toes out past Scott, carefully looking before he takes any steps.
Scott continues to lift the shake slowly to his face, just as he opens his mouth though Tyler interrupts…
"Hey dude…"
"Come on dude chug chug chug!" Tyler said smiling and turning to look at Scott.
Scott smiled and lifted the drink up to his face and opened his mouth wide…
- - -
Josh watched in horror as the glass started to tip toward Scott's open mouth. Barely bale to stay afloat in the thick liquid Josh couldn't do much more than flail and splash around weakly as the murky sea started to tilt into the dark cave.
Suddenly the glass tipped even faster, as Josh started to drop screaming into Scott's awaiting mouth. Helplessly, he was swept onto the gigantic tongue on his new employee as the torrent of protein shake started to drain down Scott's massive throat. Josh tried as hard as he could to swim against the current, but the liquid was just flowing too fast as he was transported to the back of the throat with ease. With one last ditch effort, Josh reached for the huge uvula as it swayed tauntingly above Josh's final drop. However it was just too high out of Josh's reach as it almost waved good bye to Josh as he was sloshed down.
In a mess of liquid Josh was forced to hold his breath as he followed the flow down Scott's esophagus. Unable to see anything in the pitch black darkness mixed with nothing but cold liquid All Josh could do was wait in terror as he was swiftly transported down with the drink. Just before succumbing to taking a breath, Josh felt a small amount of relief as he was finally deposited into the stomach. Falling unceremoniously with a splat, Josh found himself back in the same liquid he's been trapped in the whole time, however this time things were a little more dire as he looked around.
Treading the thick liquid Josh found a noodle of sorts he could float on as he took in his surroundings.
"It's absolutely enormous in here!" Josh couldn't help but exclaim out loud. Josh knew Scott was massive, but he never would have expected his insides would be so ungodly huge! Josh continued to watch in awe as the walls of the massive stomach churned and contracted rhythmically every couple of seconds. As the stomach continued to shift about Josh snapped back to reality. "I have to get out of here! Scott! Tyler! HELP!"
- - -
*Glugglgluggglugg* Scott just finished draining the rest of his shake, as he set the empty cup down on the table and wiped his mouth.
"There let's look for Josh now dude." Scott says with a smile, glad he got a chance to drink his shake.
Tyler smirked as he walked over next to Scott and gave his stomach a couple pats. "Nice dude, that was pretty fast!"
Scott rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to react. "Thanks dude. I feel a lot better now."
"I bet dude," Tyler says as he tip toes back into the room carefully looking at the floor. "Now watch your step big fella." He adds playfully.
Scott smiled as he watched the floor carefully before taking any steps. The ground shook each time he laid a foot down much to Tyler's amusement. Scott blushed, hoping his foot steps wasn't going to scare off his tiny boss. The gigantic teen just wanted to find the little man as soon as possible so they could get back to studying, after all he wanted to pass that exam tomorrow to make Josh proud!
After searching for a few minutes, the pair returned to their seats. Looking down and disappointed Scott hoped his little boss would show himself soon. Scott lifted his fork and scooped up a fairly large amount of mac and cheese to shove in his mouth as his mind raced over where Josh could be hiding. He swallowed the food down, completely unaware that the food he just ate will find Josh in just a few moments.
"We'll find him dude." Tyler said looking over at his disheveled friend. "Don't worry, I bet he's just messing with us!"
Scott smiled, hoping that Tyler was right. "Yeah he's missing out on this awesome mac and cheese right now!" He said shoving another bite in his mouth then proceeding to swallow the food once more. Putting a hand on his stomach he started to rub it and look around the room. "Sooooo good! He's missing out!"
Tyler laughed at Scott's new found enthusiasm and decided to join in on the taunting. As the two continued to joke and taunt Josh little did they know the little man did in fact get to have some of that delicious meal, but unfortunately for him he also got to be a part of it.
"Dude… look in your shake. It's the only place on the table we didn't look." Tyler said, stopping in his tracks and looking over at Scott moment's before he started to down the murky mess. Scott shrugged and actually looked down in the drink, carefully scanning the surface before he noticed the faint struggles of a tiny speck. Setting the cup down he bent over and looked even closer to see his tiny boss nearly drowning in the thick liquid.
"Dude he's in here!" Scott said pointing at his shake. Tyler shook his head and walked over next to the enormous teen and grabbed the spoon from out of the now empty glass of water and quickly scooped the terrified tiny man out of the protein shake. Setting the spoon down on the table, Tyler watched as his tiny boss struggled his way out of the mess and onto the table.
"I just saved your life boss!" Tyler said staring down at his tiny friend with a satisfied grin on his face. Meanwhile, Scott looked away in embarrassment as he was the thing Tyler just saved Josh from.
Josh shook off the gross liquid from his body and did his best to clean it off his face before looking at the pair of men who almost got him killed. Josh couldn't help but shake his head at Tyler's comment, knowing he was practically the reason he ended up in Scott's drink in the first place, but he knew there was no fighting it.
"Thanks Ty, I knew I could count on you guys to figure it out." Josh said smiling at the two of them. Scott still hung his head in shame. Upset he almost drank his new boss after all the kindness he's shown him.
"Boss, it's my fault you ended up in there. I'm sorry." Scott said still looking away from Josh.
Josh looked up at the sad looking man, hoping he could convince him it wasn't actually his fault. "Scott, you were just trying to help and get me away from that jerk, Tyler. I fell in by accident, so it's not your fault!"
Tyler reared back at the comment of calling him a jerk, much to Scott's amusement. Josh and Scott laughed as Tyler angrily stood there saying he should have just let Scott drink him after all. After finishing his fit, Tyler shuffled back to his seat and sat hard in his chair, shoveling a mass of mac and cheese in his mouth before swallowing the bite whole. Josh sighed as he watched the grown man pout, before he found a massive cheesy noodle placed next to him. Turning around he saw Scott, smiling and retracting his fork from where he just offered Josh some of his meal. Nodding in thanks, Josh turned to the noodle and gave the warm cheesy surface a huge bite.
- - -
Having finished their food, the trio cleaned up the mess and made sure to put all the dishes away in the dishwasher. Josh laughed as Scott mentioned that Bri would make him sleep on the couch if she found out he left a mess for her to clean up. Josh watched as the two titans did all of the work, after all what help would a tiny man like Josh had been able to offer anyway? Finally, Josh watched as Tyler sulked back into the dining room and pulled out the chair before seating himself back the the table. Resting his shoulder on the back of the chair and leaning back a little, he stretched out his muscular frame before looking toward Josh, giving him a quick "Sup."
"Come on, you're not a jerk." Josh said finally at the massive stud. Tyler leaned forward looking a little more carefully at the little man.
"And?" He asked putting a hand behind his ear.
"And… I like it when you pick on me?" Josh said, remembering Tyler shouting about that moments after he started drowning in protein shake.
Tyler reached across the table and pinched Josh carefully between his fingers before transporting him in front of his face. Josh found himself, bewildered as he was face to face with Tyler's smirking mouth before it suddenly opened, releasing a long and wet sounding burp. Josh quickly covered his nose and started waving his arms in front of him, helping little to none in the effort to disperse the onslaught of gas. Finished with his burp, Tyler lowered Josh onto his chest and released him on his right pec.
"Yeah you do." Tyler said finally as he leaned back in his chair and watched his tiny boss gasp for air on his chest.
Finally, Scott re-entered the room as he hung up a phone. "That was Bri, sounds like she's going to be spending the night at a friend's studying for a test she has tomorrow."
"Oh so it's just us guys tonight, huh?" Tyler said as he watched Josh start to stand up on his chest. Tyler quickly flexed and relaxed the muscle, causing Josh to tumble back over on his back, much to Tyler's amusement. "So what's the plan big fella?"
Scott scratched his head, unaware Josh was busy struggling on Tyler's pec across the room. "Well we could study some more, I guess." He said finally, coming over and taking a seat at the table.
"Or we can play some games." Tyler said looking down at Josh once more. Josh's head spun as he stood up and heard Tyler's words. Unsure if he liked his use of the word "games".
"What kind of games, dude?" Scott asked curiously, not really wanting to study more.
Tyler smiled and replied. "I like to call it the "Bod-stacle" course. We take our little friend here, and let him run an obstacle course… on our bodies."
Scott laughed at the name, but was intrigued none the less. Looking over at Josh however, he could see the little man was less than amused. "Maybe playing the game will cheer him up?" Scott thought to himself as he made his choice…
"How would this bod-stacle course work, dude?" Scott asked curiously shifting forward in his chair. Josh face palmed as Tyler got a huge grin across his face.
"I'm glad you asked, dude!" Tyler said leaning forward and causing Josh to tumble over slightly on his chest. "We could hide some flag on our bodies for our little friend to find!"
Tyler reached down and caught Josh in his hand as he stood up. After placing Josh on the table, Tyler strode past him to stand next to Scott. Josh watched as Scott stood up and Tyler put his arm around him, turning him away from Josh. The two whispered to each other for a few minutes and Josh sighed as he could do little more than stare at their pair of perfect bubble butts. Sighing, Josh sat down and crossed his arms just in time for Scott to walk by back into the kitchen and flash Josh a thumbs up.
Tyler walked back over in front of Josh, looming over him with his chiseled body with a goofy grin on his face. Josh started to sweat as the giant man continued to stare at him with "that look". Finally, Scott reappeared at the table with a pair of scissors, a red sheet of construction paper, and some tape. Tyler smirked as he gave Scott a nod. Scott began cutting out tiny squares, as small as he could make them in a little pile on the table. Meanwhile, Tyler walked way from the table, grabbing the empty glass of water on his way. Turning down the hall, the massive stud disappeared into the bathroom.
"Scott, what is he planning?" Josh asked as quickly as he could to the giant man beside him.
"It's a secret, dude. Besides you'll see soon enough! It'll be fun!" Scott said with a smile as he continued to cut out teeny tiny red squares.
Josh sighed to himself. He supposed there was no trouble in having a little fun after all. What was the worst that Tyler would have planned anyway?
On cue, Tyler reemerged from the bathroom holding a full cup of water as well as some floss and a box of bandages. Still smiling, he set his supplies down on the table and looked over at Scott. "I'm all set dude."
"Alright man let's get you set up." Scott said as he set down the scissors and picked up as many little red squares as he could, as well as the tape.
"Hang on." Tyler said as he left the room to go back into the kitchen before quickly reappearing with a red plastic cup. "No peeking!" He said as he flipped the cup and trapped Josh underneath. Josh jumped as the cup came crashing down around him. He didn't even have time to react before he was trapped in this red prison! As far as his eyes could see all he see was the red plastic of the cup.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Scott removed the cup and allowed Josh to see once more. Without a word, Scott lowered his hand and motioned to Josh to climb aboard. Figuring he didn't have much of a choice, Josh scaled the massive hand and looked out into the room as Scott turned to take him away from the table. On the ground Josh looked in amazement to see Tyler laying there, his muscles glistened the the light wet from the water he got from the bathroom. Not only that be he had strings sticking out from under his arm pits as well as a string sticking out of his mouth. Across his chest there was a string taped down and between his pecs on the string Josh could already see a little red square. Finally, Josh could see turned over bandages with the sticky part facing up littered across Tyler enormous body. Scott leaned down and slid Josh off his hand, onto Tyler's wet abs.
"Alright dude, he's got seven flags hidden away on his body! After you collect the first six he'll have to change positions for you to find the last one. If you get stuck to a band-aide or slip off the body you'll be penalized!" Scott said as he looked down at Josh on Tyler's motionless body.
"Penalized?" Josh asked nervously as he looked up at Scott.
"Don't worry dude, you'll be fine. Ready? Go!" Scott called out suddenly as Josh started to race forward already slipping a little on the wetness of Tyler's abs. Regaining his balance Josh trekked forward, making it to the first place he guessed a flag would be. Reaching Tyler's navel, Josh looked down into the dank looking cave as he saw something red hidden away at the bottom. Jumping down, Josh retrieved the flag and shook his head at the simplicity of the game so far. Although looking up, he realized now he had to climb out. Little by little however, the tiny man did manage to climb out of the massive jock's belly button, working his way to find the next flag.
Stopping for a second, Josh remembered that there was a flag between Tyler's pecs like a trapeze. Also there were strings coming from both his arm pits as well as his mouth. Counting, Josh came to the number 5. There had to be a flag elsewhere that he could reach that he wasn't thinking of. Josh shook his head as he worked his way toward Tyler's mountainous pecs. Figuring he can worry about the 6th flag later. While lost in thought, Josh nearly slipped on a slick portion of Tyler's upper abdomen and nearly got stuck to one of the many giant bandages. Wiping the sweat from his brow he figured he should be a little more careful.
Working his way quickly to the chest Josh…
Without any issues, Josh managed to make his way carefully to the string strung across Tyler's massive chest. With a deep breath, Josh grabbed a hold of the string and started to shimmy his way across to reach the flag. Easily grabbing it and shimmying his way back across, Josh dismounted the string with a proud look on his face.
"Awww! I was hoping he would've balanced his way across like a circus guy!" Scott called as he watched Josh make his way off the string and looking toward one of Tyler's armpits.
"I told you he wouldn't, dude. Why would he?" Tyler mumbled as he watched Josh scurry up neat his right armpit. With a smile, Tyler moved his hands to rest them behind his head and exposing his sweaty armpits for Josh to go in. "Dunno if you wanna go in there, dude! You know I just worked out right?"
Josh covered his nose with a disgusted expression. The smell that suddenly poured out from Tyler's armpit seemed completely unbearable. Josh folded his arms and shook his head. Even though he clearly could see flag plastered to Tyler's sweaty hair, he flat out refused to make the trip into the sweaty mess of hair. "I'm not going in there."
"That's too bad, dude." Tyler said with an evil grin. "We forgot to mention, if you don't get all the flags you have to spend the night somewhere on my body."
Josh rose and eyebrow, knowing Tyler this was something he'd absolutely impose upon him against his will. Looking up at Scott though, Josh couldn't believe the thoughtful young teen didn't speak up about this. "Judging by how disgusted you are with my pits, guess that's where you'll spend the night!"
Josh tried his best to stare at Scott, hoping the huge jock would come to his rescue. A few seconds passed and Josh gave in, he knew there was no saving him. Taking a step forward and plugging his nose as hard as he could, Josh entered Tyler's sweaty pit. Tyler laid his head back with a smirk as he felt the little man decide to continue the game. Eye's watering, Josh held his breath and tried to push aside the gigantic hairs. Easily out scaling him, they made it very difficult to get to the other side of the armpit despite it not looking like much of a trek. Finally, Josh had to breath in the noxious fumes by the time he reached the flag. With a chesty cough, Josh tried to make a beeline for it down the sweaty slope and out of the pit. Just as Josh made it outside, Tyler closed the sweaty prison behind him.
"Whoa! Looks like he just made it!" Scott called down to Tyler as Josh looked up with a shocked expression.
"Just made it? You were going to close me in there?!" Josh yelled at Tyler angrily.
"You were on a timer, dude." Tyler said pointing a finger up at Scott who Josh just noticed was holding a stop watch. Josh sighed, now knowing the other armpit would in fact be timed as well. Sitting down, Josh finally realized how tired he's actually gotten from all this running around. "No breaks, bud!" Tyler's voice boomed out loudly. "Hurry up and go find another flag!"
Josh stood up, angrily. It was bad enough he was being forced into this and threatened with a sweaty prison if he lost, but now he can't even rest his feet? Sighing deeply once more Josh decided to just walk casually toward…
Slowly making his way up Tyler's shoulder and toward his neck, Josh tried to make the trip last a bit as he wanted to catch his breath at least a little. Figuring after all it didn't matter how fast or slow he traveled anyway since it all probably looked pretty minuscule and slow to the two giants observing him. Looking up at Scott as he moseyed up the side of Tyler's neck, he saw the man start to shift his legs slightly as he stood tall over Tyler looking down at him.
"Maybe he's getting bored." Josh hoped to himself as he continued his calm walk, finally reaching Tyler's massive chin. Moving forward however, Josh reached Tyler's closed lips and looked over at a piece of floss hanging out the side. Putting his hands on his hips and sighing, Josh figured he'd get this show on the road. "So how's this supposed to work?"
Tyler's lips curled into a smile as he opened his mouth up and letting his tongue out just before touching Josh with the behemoth muscle. Josh frowned as he looked from Tyler's cavernous mouth up to Scott, who looked like he just got jerked awake from the lack of excitement. Looking down to see where Josh was, Scott finally spoke up.
"Easy dude, just climb down on the string and grab the flag!" Scott said eagerly as he leaned down slightly to get a better view. Josh rose an eyebrow as he looked over at the string. It didn't seem safe, but at the same time he knew he didn't really have a choice as he approached the side of Tyler's mouth and had the string at his feet.
"Do I at least get a harness or something?" Josh asked hopefully as he peeked down into Tyler's seemingly endlessly dark mouth before turning his head back up to Scott who looked a little confused.
"Uhh we didn't plan for that… So I guess not?" Scott said somewhat apologetically as Josh sighed once more as he grabbed a hold of the floss. Looping the string around his palms, Josh started to shimmy his way down into Tyler's mouth. Pressing his feet against the sticky surface of Tyler's tongue, Josh tried his best to slide down the wet surface as safely as possible. Continuing down the string as carefully as possible Josh noticed as the light in the cavern suddenly vanished.
- - -
Having just closed his mouth, Tyler smiled as he looked up at Scott's shocked expression. "Dude, what did you do that for?"
Tyler simply rose and lowered his eyebrows, not wanting to talk while he had his tiny friend shimmying his way down into his mouth. In truth he just wanted to torture his little buddy a bit but he figured he could write it off as "making it more challenging" later. Relaxing a little Tyler stretched out his legs and groaned slightly as he went back to keeping his head still. Not being able to really feel anything, he figured Josh was safe for now.
- - -
Descending deeper into the darkness, Josh kept his grip on the string tight until finally he felt his feet miss the rope and touch something else. Reaching down Josh tore a little square off of the bottom of the string and held it to his face happily. Glad to finally have the flag, Josh had an idea. He didn't come this far down only to get tired and fall. Taking the bottom of the string, Josh quickly tied it around his waist for safety. Just as he finished the knot, the whole cavern started to quake suddenly as Josh nearly dropped the flag in surprise. Regaining his hold, Josh looked up wondering what was going on outside of the dark abyss.
- - -
"Sorry!" Scott exclaimed as he stopped tapping his gigantic foot on the ground. Tyler shot him a look and tried to wave his hand to indicate it was alright. Trying to keep his head still though, Tyler knew it was probably hard enough on Josh in there, he didn't need any random quakes messing him up too.
A few minutes passed and Tyler laid still with his eyes closed when…
With all his might, Josh squeezed and wiggled as best he could up the string before finally, light. With a breath of fresh air and the welcoming glow of Scott's living room greeting him, Josh sighed with relief as he finished pulling himself out and standing firm on the solid "ground". Josh looked over at Tyler's face, his eye's closed and looking very peaceful. Meanwhile, Josh looked over to Scott who was staring down at a cell phone, looking completely bored. Tucking the flag away silently, Josh started to make his way away from Tyler's mouth.
"He won't let me quit this game…" Josh thought to himself as he slid down Tyler's neck. "But I might be able to take advantage of their boredom."
Creeping his way carefully to Tyler's other, still open arm pit, Josh held his breath as he snuck his way carefully into the forest of stinky hairs. Easily, Josh worked his way through to the flag, retrieving it with much less danger than the other sweaty pit. Another flag behind him, Josh started to think where the final flag on this side of Tyler's body could be. Walking his way slowly over onto Tyler's left pec, Josh looked down the massive landscape of Tyler's nearly asleep body. He couldn't help but stop and stare in awe for awhile while he thought. Looking all the way down Tyler's hilly abs, to his red athletic shorts, to his bare feet. For Josh, the feet might as well have been several football fields away in length. However, with a little thought, Josh started to figure that's where the last flag would be.
Josh stretched his legs for a second as he started to work his way down Tyler's round pec. Sliding his way down between Tyler's abs, Josh worked his way down to the naval, where his long journey all started earlier. Wiping a little sweat from his forehead, Josh made his way past the naval before looking backwards. Tyler's face wasn't visible anymore at this point, but Josh nearly jumped as he saw Scott, now knelt down, staring at him. Josh watched as Scott, put a finger on his lips to indicate not to talk, before he sat down as gently as he could. Josh nodded his head in understanding before Scott took his hand and pointed down to his foot, as well as turning his body slightly to point to his ass. Josh made a sour face, a little disappointed his suspicions were true, but none the lass made his way up and on Tyler's waistband to his shorts. Josh felt Scott watching as he trecked his way down the leg before looking up at Tyler's foot as it pointed straight up. On the tip of his right right toe, a small flag laid fixed there with tape.
Josh took a deep breath as he felt Scott silently rooting him on. Reaching up, Josh started his climb up Tyler's sweaty foot and…
Choking back the putrid smell from Tyler's feet, Josh slowly started to scale the mammoth foot. Small hairs made his progress a little tricky, but they were thankfully the only real obstacle for Josh to overcome. Hands slippery from the oily sweat, Josh tightened his grip on Tyler's skin as he started to reach the toe without any issue. On the tip of Tyler's big toe, Josh smiled as he wiped his hands together and reached down for the 6th red flag. Looking over at Scott, the huge teen smiled as he reached over his hand, extending out his pointer finger for Josh to climb on. Without delay, Josh scaled the finger, glad to be free of Tyler's stinky feet.
Scott pulled Josh in close to his face, and tried to speak quietly to the little man. "Good job, boss!" He whispered. "Sorry I didn't help, I didn't want to help you cheat…"
Josh nodded his head with a smile while he tucked away the flag. "No it's ok. Tyler would've gotten pissed at us both if he found out."
"At least you got to do those two flags without any of Ty's… plans." Scott said quietly as he looked down at Tyler, mouth hung open in sleep.
Josh smiled, glad about not being timed in Tyler's other pit, and shuddered to think what he had planned at his feet. Shaking any thoughts about it, Josh was just glad that whatever it was, he was passed it. However, he was quickly reminded that there was still one flag to go and he knew exactly where it was.
"So, do we think we can flip him over without waking him?" Scott asked as he started to reach down at the slightly smaller man. Josh shook his head, knowing that it wouldn't work.
"Even if you did, he'd think you helped me cheat." Josh replied with his hand on his chin. Sighing, Josh knew they'd have to wake him up. "Put me down on his stomach. Then lay down next to him and pretend like you're just waking up too."
Scott nodded his head in understanding. Lowering his hand toward Tyler's bare stomach, he watched as Josh dropped off safely on his friend's solid abs. Carefully laying next to Tyler, he rested his head for a second, before leaning up slowly. Josh watched, impressed by Scott's acting ability as he ruffled his hair under his hat and yawning loudly. He looked to the side to see Tyler not react, however. Taking his hand and nudging Tyler's arm a little, he started to try and force him awake.
"Hey dude. Wake up!" Scott said with a fake yawn. Tyler barely reacted to the words with little more than a sleepy snort from his nose. Scott sighed as he took his open palm and slapped it hard on Tyler's chest. With a loud clap, Josh felt Tyler's body shake as he woke up and leaned forward in a quick and violent fashion.
"What?!" Tyler yelled as he looked around the room and turned to see Scott. "Oh. Uh.. what happened dude?"
"We both fell asleep." Scott replied as he rubbed his eye.
"Oh shit, wasn't Josh in my mouth?" Tyler exclaimed as he started to pull up the string frantically.
"Oh dude, you didn't swallow him did you?" Scott responded as Josh watched with a giggle, still impressed at Scott's acting.
"He's not on the string." Tyler panicked as he pulled out the end, noticing there was nothing there. "Shit… what if he's in my stomach…"
Tyler looked down at his abdomen as he spoke the words, noticing the little man standing there with a smug look on his face.
"Oh that would just be terrible, Ty!" Josh mocked as his huge friend made eye contract with him. Tyler rolled his eyes as he scooped up the little man, bringing him closer to his face.
"Don't tempt me, bud." Tyler threatened as he sat up and looked at Josh better. Josh simply shrugged his shoulders with confidence and pulled out the 6 flags, laying them on the palm of Tyler's hand. Tyler rose an eyebrow as he counted the tiny red squares. "When did you get those?"
"You guys were asleep for awhile, you know." Josh boasted, crossing his arms with a smile on his face.
"I guess. Maaaaan that sucks." Tyler whined as he looked over at Scott, who shook his head in agreement.
"Yeah he had some fun ideas planned for you, dude." Scott replied, pretending to be on Tyler's side.
"Well that's too bad, Guess there's only one left, huh?" Josh smiled as he looked at Scott.
"Yeah! Here, Scott take him for a sec." Tyler responded excitedly as he handed Josh off into Scott's hands. The two watched as Tyler flipped his body over, laying on his stomach. Looking to his side, he nodded to Scott who quickly lowered his hand and let Josh down in the middle of Tyler's muscular back. Immediately, Josh looked down toward Tyler's massive ass. Wearing red athletic shorts, Josh started to wonder how difficult this was going to be to find a red flag.
Working his way down, Josh made his way to the waistband before climbing on top and looking around. Seemingly, no matter where he looked, Josh was having trouble finding the flag on top of Tyler's butt. Whether it was the red from his shorts or something else, Josh figured it was the latter. With a sigh, Josh started to think about it.
"Don't tell me it's under his shorts…" Josh thought as he slipped his way down toward the leg holes of the shorts. Lifting up the slick fabric, Josh looked out into the darkness, making out nothing but a red roof, and Tyler's black spandex tightly bound to his ass. Taking a deep breath, Josh made his way up Tyler's leg, beneath his huge friend's shorts.
Gripping his way up Tyler's left glute, Josh struggled to breath as a mix of sweat and ass stench was all that could fill his lungs. Doing his best to carry on, he made it to the top of the round muscle, hoping his journey could just be over with a lucky guess. Feeling around on the slick spandex, Josh was disappointed to find nothing among the black material. Losing his grip, Josh started to slip and slide down the sweaty and slick spandex before coming to a halt directly in the middle of Tyler's ass cheeks. Coughing in disgust, the smell was even worse now that he stopped. Eyes tearing up, Josh couldn't stand it much longer in the smelly prison. Looking forward in the valley, Josh saw…
Covering his nose, Josh practically leaped with joy as he saw the little red square sitting neatly in the crack he was stuck in. Grabbing the flag and tucking it away, Josh started to work his way free from his friend's ass. Climbing up between the two cheeks, Josh gradually made his way back to the waistband, peeking his head out and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Pulling himself out, he crawled along Tyler's back for a few feet, before getting back to his feet and waving in Scott's direction.
"Hey that was fast!" Scott beamed as he reached down, snatching up his tiny boss moments before Tyler flipped his body and sat up.
"Aww was it that obvious where it was?" Tyler moaned as he crossed his arms in a pout.
"Well where else would have been?" Josh asked, sarcastically, hoping to push his friend's buttons a little now that he claimed victory.
"I dunno, dude. I just thought you would've looked in more than one place!" Tyler complained, giving Josh a slightly sour look. Josh simply shrugged as he pulled out the flag as proof. Setting it down and sitting down finally taking a break in Scott's palm.
"So what do I win for beating you, Ty?" Josh asked in a confident tone, hoping to get something out of this whole ordeal.
"Huh? Oh no, dude. You just don't have to spend the night in my pits. Congrats!" Tyler smirked in an annoying voice.
Josh crossed his arms, looking down in disappointment. With a sigh, he knew he should have expected as much from his gigantic friend. Tyler looked down at his defeated boss, while he got a devious idea to perpetuate his control over his tiny friend.
"Hey don't be so glum, dude. You do win something else after all!" Tyler chuckled as he smiled almost too happily at Josh. "You get to do Scott's bod-stacle course!"
Scott's head perked up as he heard Tyler finish his statement before he turned and looked at the tanned man. "Say what?"
Josh nodded his head in agreement. "Agreed, say what now?"
"Yeah! Scott had his all planned out after you finished mine!" Tyler smirked happily. Josh looked up at Scott, as the huge man started to scratch his head under his hat slightly. The look on his face was all Josh needed to see before the huge teen spoke.
"It's not that bad boss, what do you say?" Scott asked, politely. Josh sighed, knowing he really couldn't say no to Scott. He's been so helpful to him so far, he figured he could at least humor him. Shrugging his shoulder, Josh gave in.
"Fiiiine." Josh mumbled as both Scott's and Tyler's faces lit up.
"Don't forget if you lose, you get the same punishment, except with Scott's body!" Tyler replied with excitement. Josh shook his head, knowing Tyler would find some way to make this worse. Looking up at Scott's face, it was a little worrying that he didn't object to the idea. Hoping the huge teen was simply putting on an act for Tyler, Josh decided to drop it and give Scott the benefit of the doubt.
"Whatever." Josh shot back coldly. Scott frowned at Josh's lack of interest in the game, however.
"Can he actually win something this time?" Scott asked, hoping to motivate the tiny man in his hand slightly.
Tyler put a hand on his chin and rubbed it slightly for few seconds, likely considering shooting down the idea. "Fine, if you win we can go back to lame studying."
Scott and Josh looked at each other, shocked Tyler would actually propose any kind of compensation for Josh's efforts. Josh smiled, feeling slightly more motivated to give this new obstacle his best shot. "Alright, I'll give it my all then."
Scott smiled as he walked Josh back over to the dining room table and placed him gently on the table. Taking the red plastic cup from earlier, he put it over Josh with a quick wink before lowering the cup and obstructing his view. Josh sat on the floor, crossing his legs with a sigh. "Great, this again." He complained. "At least it gives me a chance to relax."
- - -
A few minutes went by, and Josh yawned, starting to get bored himself after all this trouble that's gone on. Thankfully, light started to pour in over Josh's position as he saw Scott's abdomen peek through the bottom of the cup. As he revealed more of himself, Josh looked at the man in awe. Wearing a pair of huge shoulder and chest pads as well as a football helmet, Josh couldn't help but blush over the muscled man's football attire as he saw his hand come down to pick him up.
"Uh so what's with the get up?" Josh asked looked from Scott to Tyler.
"It's his old football gear, dude." Tyler responded with a raised eyebrow, like Josh didn't understand what it was.
"I thought it would be a cool obstacle." Scott replied with a smile through his helmet's mask. Josh simply crossed his arms, wondering where this get up could possibly be going as far as the challenge goes. Carefully, Scott brought Josh out to the living room and laid down on the floor before sliding Josh out of his hands and onto his ripped abdomen. Josh looked across the massive landscape, all the way from Scott's massive abs up to his black pads covering his shoulders and chest. Josh swallowed as he looked up at Tyler, who loomed over the two men with a smirk.
"Time for Scott's challenge!" Tyler announced with his arms up in the air with glee. "Unlike the flag hunt, this challenge is a…"
"You'll be playing capture the flag in this challenge!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly as he looked down at his slightly confused boss.
"How do we play capture the flag with one person?" Josh asked, raising his eyebrow in suspicion.
"Well we altered the rules a little, besides it's actually one on one, dude." Tyler replied as he knelt down to explain better. "See there's one flag out under Scott's pads. Your goal is to find it and bring it back to your base without getting caught by him."
Josh nodded his head. It made way more sense now, even Scott's attire made sense. He could use the pads as a hiding place before making it back, not to mention the helmet is likely to obscure Scott's vision to prevent it from being too easy for him. Still, one question went unanswered.
"Where is my base, exactly?" Josh asked as he looked up the expansive terrain of Scott's body.
"Oh? It's just his belly button, dude." Tyler responded with a smile, patting his own belly for added effect.
Josh rolled his eyes as he looked out once more, ready to make his trek across Scott's body. Looking up at Tyler, he simply gave Josh a thumbs up. Figuring that was as good a signal as ever, Josh set out at a comfortable pace. Looking over his shoulder as he made his way, he noticed Tyler wasn't holding any stop watch or timer. Figuring he wasn't on any set time limit, Josh took it easy as he worked over Scott's first pair of abs, sliding down the huge muscle with ease before working his way up the new two pairs. It took a bit of time to work his way across Scott's abdomen before reaching his chest, in fact it made crossing Tyler's body seem like a breeze! But finally reaching the edge of the pads, Josh snuck his way under the dark cushion and started his search for the flag.
The pads were incredibly sticky and smelly. Josh could only imagine how much use they must've gone through throughout all of Scott's practices and games in high school. Trying not to think about it as he was starting to get drenched in the sticky old sweat, Josh only tried to focus on pressing on through the ample darkness to find the flag. Scott's heartbeat was starting to grow ever closer till the vibrations of the huge muscle felt like it was directly below him. Figuring that must mean he's fairly close to the middle of Scott's massive chest, Josh started to feel around carefully.
- - -
"You're not gonna go easy on him are you dude?" Tyler asked quietly as he eyes Scott's face under his helmet suspiciously
"Nah dude… of course not." Scott responded half heartedly. Just as the words escaped Scott's lips he felt a slight tickle start to squirm it's way out from under his chest pads. Looking down he saw his tiny boss, holding an ever smaller red square, peek his way out from under his pads. Biting his lip, Scott reached out his hand and…
The floor shook in a sudden and violent quake when the massive weight of Scott came crashing down on the floor beside Tyler. Due to the shock, Tyler's head bumped back and fourth quickly as it thudded back down on the floor to it's resting position. Out of reflex, Tyler swallowed hard and sat up straight.
"Dude!" Tyler yelled to his side at Scott who reared back slightly.
"Sorry…" Scott replied as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Looking back to Tyler however, he noticed his friend start to reach for the string that was still poking out of his mouth. "Everything ok?"
"I swallowed something." Tyler said casually as he started to pull on the string and slowly reeling it in from the interior of his mouth. Scott's face went a little pale as he watched Tyler pull on the string, hoping he wasn't unintentionally the reason for his new boss to end up as part of Tyler's dinner. Relief spread across Scott's face however as Tyler pulled out the end of the string, tiny boss dangled at the end.
"Oh good." Tyler said nonchalantly as he watched his tiny saliva covered friend sway back and fourth slightly in front of his face. "I was worried I was gonna have to puke up a good meal!"
Josh meanwhile held on to the string with both hands as he looked down awkwardly at the comment, hoping this little scare would cause Tyler to forget about the game. His luck wasn't that good however as Tyler's eyes narrowed slightly to look closer at Josh. "So where's the flag?"
Biting his lip, Josh knew the answer all too well but still hoped there was some way out of this. "You're worried about that after you almost ate me?!"
"Yeah but I didn't." Tyler said with a playful smile. "So where is it?"
One more Josh hoped he could change the subject, but in the end he figured Tyler's persistence would pay off. "It's because of this irresponsible game that you almost ate me in the first place!"
"You dropped it didn't you?" Tyler responded as he ignored whatever Josh actually said.
"Yes…" Josh murmured as he looked down in defeat.
"That's what I swallowed, huh?" Tyler smirked as he watched Josh hang his head down lower.
"Yeah…" Josh answered knowing what was coming next.
"Then I win!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly as he threw his hands into the air, dragging Josh off with them on the string at high speeds. Bringing them back down his his face however, he stopped and watched his tiny friend readjust to the elevation.
"Now hold on!" Josh replied as his head still spun painfully. "How is my fault that you swallowed the stupid flag?"
Tyler took his free hand and placed it on his chin for a moment in thought. "Now you actually have a point there…"
"Thank y--" Josh started to say as Tyler cut him off.
"Yeah it's mix of your's and Scott's faults." Tyler answered quickly as he looked over from Josh to Scott.
"Me?" Scott replied shocked as he put a hand on his chest.
"Yeah dude. It's Josh's fault he dropped it and your fault I swallowed it." He said matter-of-factly.
Josh rolled his eyes as he still hung there dangling in front of Tyler. "That doesn't make any sen--"
"So it's settled then. You both lose!" Tyler interrupted once more. Josh crossed his arms as he looked over at Scott who looked as confused as ever. "Scott, tomorrow at work you're going to be my bitch. Josh you still get to spend the night with me… taped to my stomach instead though."
Sighing in relief, being taped to Tyler's stomach didn't seem nearly as bad as his sweaty pit. Looking over at Scott, he felt a little bad he got drug into this now too. Looking at his face he looked confused and a bit concerned. Feeling bad, Josh figured he might at least try to get Scott off the hook. "Hey, Ty. Don't make him do that."
"Sorry dude, you guys have to share in the misery of loss." Tyler replied as he dangled Josh back up in front of a toothy grin of his.
"Isn't there anyway we can change your mind?" Josh asked hopefully as he watched Tyler pick the three remaining flags off his body and tossing them aside.
"Not unless you find a way to get that flag out of my gut!" Tyler laughed happily as he gave his tanned abs a couple of pats. Josh shuttered at the thought. Sure it was possible, he was even already tied to a string, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with that just for his and Scott's sake. Looking over at Scott he still looked a little off with a fairly blank look on his face. Unsure, Josh decided to…
"Well… I am tied to a string… maybe I could go in after it?" Josh asked half-assedly. Scott's head perked up at the notion and looked over at Josh questionably. Meanwhile Tyler simply laughed at the idea.
"Now that sounds interesting!" Tyler replied with an enthusiastic smile. Holding the string in front of his face though, he lowered it so Josh was just dangling at his abdomen. "String's a little short though, we'll have to tie on another piece or something."
Tyler handed Josh to Scott who took him with quite a bit of surprise while Tyler walked off into the bathroom. Dangling in front of Scott's chest, Josh looked up as Scott started to talk to him. "You don't have to do this, dude."
"It's fine. I made up my mind." Josh replied with a smile, knowing Scott really didn't want to be Tyler's bitch and not to mention him getting drug into this was partially his fault after all. Scott frowned while he looked down at his tiny boss as Tyler reappeared with the box of floss in hand. Pulling out a long strand, he measured it from mouth down past his stomach for a little slack. Cutting it off, Tyler retrieved Josh from Scott and tied the extra floss on the end in a knot. Finally, Tyler set Josh down holding him in the palm of his hand. Looking up at his massive and eager friend, Josh swallowed nervously as he was truly in awe over the size of the stud that he was agreeing to go inside of. Shaking off his nervousness, Josh took the moment to try and negotiate terms.
"So would you say the stakes are a little higher in this game, Ty?" Josh asked with a slight hint of fear in his words.
"Yeah dude, wanna sweeten the deal?" Tyler replied with a cocky smirk on his face.
"If I can get the flag, you have to be Scott's bitch for a week and we get to do whatever I want for the rest of the night." Josh spoke as confidently as he could.
"Fine with me. If I win I want you to do whatever I want for a week." Tyler replied as he looked over at Scott. "Scott you can get off easy this time, bud."
Scott smiled with relief, glad he wasn't on the negative end of the bet anymore. Deciding he could relax, the massive teen grabbed a chair and pulled it over into the room, ready to watch these events unfold. Meanwhile, Tyler grabbed the red plastic cup they used earlier to blindfold Josh and strode into the kitchen with Josh to fill it with a little water. Satisfied with the amount, Tyler took a little sip as he walked back out into the living room with Scott. Holding the cup and looking down at Josh, Tyler was ready to start the challenge.
"You have 5 minutes from the time I swallow you, dude. After that I'm pulling you up." Tyler said as he motioned to Scott who pulled back out the stopwatch he used before. "I ain't puking you up if you get stuck, so make sure that floss is tied really good around you, bud."
Josh looked down at the knot he had on his waist and tightened it just to be sure, all the while wondering if Tyler was serious or not. Either way, Josh knew there wasn't anyway for that to happen as he finished his knot, extra tight. Looking up at his handsome friend, Josh nodded. Quickly, Tyler lifted Josh up to his face, opening his massive mouth for him to enter once more. Taking a deep breath, Josh braced himself as Tyler tilted him into his cavernous mouth. Quickly closing it behind his little friend, Tyler took a large swig of his water and swallowed the gulp down.
"Alright start the timer." Tyler said with a smirk as he looked over at Scott. With a click, the clock started ticking.
"You seem pretty confident, dude." Scott said as he watched Tyler rub his chest pompously.
"Well sure dude, that flag is probably nothing more than red pulp by now!" Tyler bolstered confidently.
Scott scratched his head. "Dunno I guess it might be."
- - -
Holding his breath as he rushed down the dark tube, Josh closed his eyes until finally he plummeted into an open cavern. Surfacing from the shallow pool and taking a deep breath, Josh immediately regretted the decision as he started to cough and choke on the fowl air. It took a moment for his eyes to make out his surrounding in the pitch black depths of the stomach but slowly he was able to make out dark shapes in the chamber. Mainly what he could make out was the rhythmic contractions and swaying of the walls of Tyler's stomach as it slowly churned what what was left of his meal earlier, making slight groaning and sloshing noises as it worked.
Eyes starting to sting, and skin starting to tingle, Josh instantly started moving from his position well aware of how dangerous of an environment his friend's stomach was. Splashing around, Josh began his search through the mounds of chewed up food and pools of liquid, desperately trying to find anything that felt remotely papery. Searching for what felt like a long time in the hellish pit, Josh…
Josh had noticed a red mushy pile and was heading for it. He was cut short as the string yanked him up, squeezing the air out of his lungs and swaying him above the acid lake. He resigned and let Tyler pull him through his throat and out of his mouth, hanging right in front of the two gigantic lips.
Tyler kept a serious face, but he was beaming inside. How fun it was winning the bet, and how fun it was going to be pushing Josh's limits, making him do all the things he quite couldn't get away with as bullying! He kept his tiny boss at mouth level, not even granting him a look. Sure, they were friends, but there was something about Josh being tiny… Well, it was obvious he loved being toyed with, and Tyler now had a great excuse to go wild. He smirked and let out a long belch right in Josh's face.
"Say it, bug."
Josh was slightly taken aback. He knew Tyler would get arrogant, but he had hoped he'd get a break after going in and out of his friend's stomach.
"You won the bet," he sighed. "Now what?"
Scott sat up and looked at Tyler. It felt strange seeing his boss not fight back. Surely that was normal between Josh and Tyler.
"Yeah, now what? I don't feel like playing another game. Besides I'm feeling tired."
"That's fair," Tyler replied. "Tiny pip should get some rest too, there's a rough week ahead for him."
He sat heavily in the sofa and propped his left foot on his knee. He grabbed Josh and pressed him face first into his big toe, then used the string to tie him tight, making sure he couldn't move an inch. He threw a cushion onto one arm of the sofa and laid down, his foot propped up on the other arm, flexing his toes.
"There goes Josh for the night! Hope you have a good one, dude. I'm talking to you, Scott, of course."
Scott shrugged, bid both friends goodnight and went to his room.
Josh was pressed so deep into Tyler's worked-up flesh that he could barely breathe the male-scented air. His arms were tied hugging the giant digit, and he couldn't kick his legs. All he could do was to endure this position for the night. And he couldn't complain about it. He knew his friend well, and he knew he would make his life even worse if he tried to fight back. He rested his head into the plump flesh and tried to drift asleep.
Lifting the soggy substance, Josh moved it close to his face, making out a distinct red color amidst the pitch black darkness. It had to be the flag, it was about the right size even though it was seemingly fairly saturated in Tyler's stomach juices. Either way, Josh smiled to himself, pleased that he could find the flag and put Tyler back in his place. Turning his body and reaching behind him, Josh reached for the string that would pull him up and out of this putrid cavern. Josh's stomach dropped as he found, much to his dismay, the string was gone.
"How?!" Josh scrambled as he ran his hands down into various liquids on the floor, burning his hands slightly in the process. Moving as quick as he can through the darkness, Josh looked everywhere hoping to find some trace of the string. Josh's head started to spin as everything in the depths of his friend's stomach started to look the same and the lack of breathable air was starting to make his head swim a little. Tearing around the enormous organ as quickly as he could, the only thing Josh could think about were Tyler's words about not puking him up.
"He'd never do that to me!" Josh screeched as his legs started to burn more. Seemingly the water Tyler drank before was already being over taken by stomach acid. Looking around desperately, Josh knew he didn't have much time to find the string.
- - -
"Ten seconds, dude." Scott said eagerly as he looked from Tyler's stomach up to his mouth, hand ready to pull the string up and out. "5… 4… 3… 2… 1…"
The timer stopped and Tyler wasted no time as he started to pull up the string. trying not to tug too fast, both so he wouldn't choke and also out of some consideration for his tiny friend. Tyler tugged for what seemed like a few minutes until finally pulling it out. Scott and Tyler looked at the end of the string and saw…
"Damn it." Tyler said simply as he looked at the empty end of the string. Dropping it to the floor he rested a hand on his tanned abs and sighed. "I knew this would happen."
"You were joking though, right?" Scott asked cautiously, recalling what he told Josh moments before sending him down into his gut. "About not puking him up?"
"Yeah of course I was." Tyler replied defensively. "I only told him that so he'd be extra careful!"
"Oh I gotcha." Scott said shaking his head in understanding, feeling like he understood how Josh and Tyler worked a little better. Still he couldn't help but look down at Tyler's stomach in concern for his tiny boss. "So you want me to grab a bucket or…?"
"I was thinking…" Tyler said with a devious smile. "Maybe I'd leave him in there for a little while. Teach him a lesson about responsibility or something."
Scott scratched his head. He wasn't any kind of science expert, let alone anatomy, but he couldn't help but feel like it was a bad idea. "Is that a good idea, dude? Won't he get like.. all digested or whatever?"
Tyler chuckled as he reached up to put a hand on Scott's shoulder. "Dude, I drank a bunch of water, he'll be ok for for at least a little while. In fact…"
Tyler grabbed the cup of water he had and drained the rest of it in one gulp. "See, he'll be ok."
Scott looked down at Tyler with a little relief in his eyes. To Scott, Tyler seemed like a really smart guy, and he seemed to genuinely care about Josh. So he figured what Tyler was doing must have been for Josh's betterment. Still, he shifted a little uncomfortably the more he thought about Josh trapped inside Tyler's stomach. Looking at Scott's face, Tyler smiled knowing he was just worried about the little guy.
"Hey dude, if it'll make you feel better we can let him out now." Tyler said, caving in to Scott's sad look. Scott smiled, happy to know Tyler caught on to his distress.
Feeling a little better Scott looked at Tyler and replied…
"Nah dude, if you think he should learn a lesson then you're probably right." Scott said with a trusting smile. Tyler took his hand off Scott's shoulder as he nodded approvingly.
"Yeah don't worry about him for now, we'll do something else to preoccupy ourselves, dude." Tyler said happily, winking and giving Scott a thumbs up. Looking around the room, Tyler started to brainstorm ideas to himself. While he thought about it, Tyler retreated to the kitchen and refilled his cup with a fresh supply of water before returning and stating the obvious. "I'll tell you what we aren't doing. Studying!"
Scott laughed as Tyler moved his hand up for a high five. With a triumphant slap, Scott couldn't agree more about skipping out on studying. After everything that's happened over the course of the evening, he totally forgot that's what they were all here for in the first place! Smiling wide from the awesome high five, Tyler walked past Scott and headed over to a TV he had in the living room. Looking on the ground he noticed an Xbox with two controllers.
"Dude you game?" Tyler asked excitedly as he picked up a controller.
"Yeah we have the Wii tucked away somewhere too. Bri likes those Mario games. She refuses to play Madden with me though." Scott replied as he crossed his arms, disappointed as he thought about it.
"Dude, I'll play you in Madden. As long as you don't mind getting your ass kicked!" Tyler taunted playfully as he backed his way down onto the couch and plopped down into the cushion. Scott smiled as he strode his way over to retrieve the other controller before seating himself next to Tyler with a massive thud. "Easy dude! You're causing quakes again!"
Scott chuckled as he turned to see Tyler patting his stomach gently, hoping he didn't rough the waters too bad for his little boss down there. Tyler took a decent chug of his water as he watched Scott boot up the game.
- - -
A fresh stream of water poured itself into Tyler gurgling belly. Letting himself get drenched in the water, Josh sighed with relief. It was the only bit of solace he's had in what felt like an extremely long time. He knew the bliss would be short lived, as Tyler's stomach certainly wasn't about to stop doing the only thing it knows what to do. Digest everything inside of it. Already he could start to feel the tingles come back to his skin, as well it was also becoming soft and tender to touch. Working his way around the exterior of the stomach, Josh tried desperately to stay away from the center of the lake of liquid, almost sure it would dissolve him quite quickly at this point.
Moving his hand to reach one of the constantly churning walls, Josh accidentally touched it briefly with his hand. The sticky mucus that lined the stomach quickly stuck to his hand as he desperately tried to pull it all away. Unfortunately, that's not all that was coming off the wall of the vicious organ. Acid seeped down the wall directly on Josh's arm as he pulled away. Tears in his eyes from immense pain, Josh felt like his arm had been almost completely severed from the horrid liquid. Everything started to go numb as he sloshed his way hopelessly to a different part of his friend's stomach.
"I can't believe he really left me down here…" Josh cried, tears streaming down his face as a fresh stream of water started to flood it's way into the cavern. Unable to brace himself, the torrent carried him immediately to the center of the stomach, the very place he was hoping to avoid. With his one good arm Josh tried to keep afloat as somewhat diluted acid slowly started to eat away at the entire rest of his body. With one last breath, Josh submerged, quickly sinking to the very pit of Tyler's stomach. Finally, Tyler's stomach could fulfill it's purpose and digest anything or anyone dumb enough to go inside of it.
- - -
"Dude! You're totally cheating!" Tyler yelled after about an hour's worth of play. The game was certainly grueling, but in the end Scott was victorious.
"Maybe you're just bad?" Scott replied with a snarky tone. Tyler smiled as he started to set up another game.
"Ohh a smart guy now all of a sudden?" Tyler taunted playfully with the gigantic teen.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Scott replied, confused as ever. Tyler simply laughed as he started up another game, hoping for a little better luck in beating Scott this time. As the game loaded, Tyler unconsciously rubbed his stomach as he felt a small amount of gas surge it's way up.
"Buuuurrrp!" Tyler exhaled the watery sounding burp as he readied his hands on the controller. "Alright! Let's do this!"
- - -
Several hours and many games later Tyler finally won. Ecstatic over his first victory he couldn't help but jump out of his seat, throwing his arms up into the air with a loud "Woooooo!"
Scott laughed as he clapped for the happy man, glad he'd finally stopped moaning over him "cheating". "Not bad dude, 1-7 in the end."
"Woah dude… we played 8 games?" Tyler replied looking at the clock in shock. He had been here for hours at this point and it was already past midnight! "Man! It's been hours! I gotta… get home dude!"
Scott stood up and pulled Tyler in for a friendly bro hug. He couldn't help but smile, glad he was able to make a friend in this new town after all. Helping Tyler grab his bag and seeing him out the door, he waved excitedly as Tyler said they should hang out and play Madden again sometime. Closing the door, Scott yawned as he made his way into his bedroom and got ready to go to sleep.
Walking out of the apartment complex, Tyler beamed over having finally beat Scott. He might not be the smartest guy in the world, but he sure did play Madden like a real champ. Catching a late bus home, Tyler yawned with sleepiness as he dropped his bag on the floor at the entrance of his apartment. Getting ready for bed, Tyler went about his usual routine before entering his bedroom. Pulling off his shorts he slipped under his sheets wearing nothing but his spandex. Drifting quickly off to sleep, Tyler laid peacefully as he was unaware of what remained of his boss being processed in his body.
- - -
Waking up the next morning, Tyler rolled out of bed and shuffled his way to the bathroom. Pulling down his compression shorts, he sat down on the toilet while he brushed his teeth and let the shower heat up. Finished with his business, he turned and flushed as he sleepily made his way into the shower.
After getting dressed, Tyler sat on his couch for a second as he set his morning protein down on his coffee table. Stretching as he rubbed his empty belly, Tyler started to wonder how the day at the park will be today.
"I'll get to see Scott and… Josh…" Tyler thought to himself before exclaiming out loud. "Shit."
Josh screamed as he fell to the floor landing hard on the tile flooring of the kitchen. Somehow, Josh stood up, seemingly unhurt he checked his arms and legs and found he only had a few minor bruises. "That was lucky…" He thought as he looked across the floor.
Josh fell to the opposite side of the table of Tyler and Scott, so he looked under the table and past the center support piece to see the giant men's bare feet sticking slightly under the shadow of the table. Looking around Josh remembered he never designed a way to get up off the floor from the kitchen, only from the lounge since he had a little seat raised slightly off the ground for watching the giant tv.
Walking under the table he slowly approached Scott's huge feet. they still seemed to be a little wet from the park so they glistened brightly as he made his approach. "I could try and get their attention. Would be easier than walking all the way out into the lounge…" Josh thought as he made his way only a stones throw away from Scott's enormous feet. Josh watched as Tyler moved forward next to Scott, seeing the four feet next to each other.
The collection of feet did make it a little hard to breath, though their foot smell wasn't as bad as it could be since they were barefoot for the whole morning already, though Josh wasn't too interested in taking it in for much longer.
Josh jumped as the table started to shake once again. "Right… they're pretty distracted… they might not even notice me if I try to get their attention…" Josh thought as he was thinking going to the lounge might just be the safer option.
Josh waited for the tremors to stop once more and made his decision to…
Josh makes his decision. "They're right there, so they can find me if I try."
Josh gets closer to Scott's foot, now in the shadow of his big toe. All that water has done something else to his sole and toes. The surface is puffy and waterlogged - the skin has expanded and deepens the natural furrows in it. It might be tricky to signal Scott this way, but it's worth a try. After all, the new guy has to show that he can put his faith in him as an employee.
Josh hits the base of the big toe. The skin twitches, but it's too small to be a reaction to him. Josh keeps his distance from the wall as he walks towards the gap between the big and second toe. The skin here would probably be thinner than where he tried earlier. Josh reaches to hit the new surface, now standing on his toes as well. He has to be ready if Scott's foot reacts to the point where he turns his tiny boss into a bloody smear.
Josh hits the gap between toes. The toes now reach out and pull back in reaction, as if they're pawing the floor. Josh makes no hesitation to jump aside. He returns to the table's shadow to watch Scott's foot. It resumes its natural position, as if nothing happened.
"Yeesh, it's not easy getting though to this guy," Josh sighs. He is left with a few options…
Scott presses his hand onto the dummy once more. Tyler looks at him in utter disbelief. The test dummy now had a large dent in its torso where Scott’s hand used to be.
“Uh…no. Just…no, bro.” Tyler said, patting Scott on the shoulder in the leader in the least condescending way possible. Scott visibly slumped a little, like a puppy, clearly disappointed in himself. Tyler picked up on this and tried to cheer him up. “Well hey man, you uh…you just don't know your own strength! So uh…let’s take a break. We shouldn’t work this dummy too hard.”
Scott looked a little persistent.
“Oh, no it’s okay. I don’t think I’ve worked too hard, really. I can keep going.”
Tyler just stood for a minute, confused, until what Scott said finally hit him.
“No, I wasn’t calling you a…sigh…um…yeah let’s just take a break for a bit.” Ty then gestured to the couch across the room. “You can take a seat over there. I’ll grab us some Gatorades.” The trainer said, walking over to the fridge.
“Alright. Thanks, bro.” Scott replied. He then started walking over to the couch, his bubble butt bouncing a bit as he did. He was completely unaware of his hitchhiker.
After what seemed like hours of climbing Scott’s slightly damp leg, Josh had finally made it past the huge mound that was Scott’s ass. He was hoping that the touch of a sensitive area like that would alert the lifeguard to be, but Scott was apparently very focused on trying to get the dummy thing right. It was a good quality to have in an employee, but it didn’t help Josh out much in the whole “getting noticed” thing. The tiny man was exhausted. But he couldn’t take a break just yet. The plump “ground” beneath him was starting to move a lot more than last time.
“Huh? Where is he going?” Josh wondered as he clung to Scott’s shorts for dear life. He didn’t have to wait a long time to find an answer, though. His view shifted as Scott reached the couch. The massive man turned 180 degrees. And then Josh saw the butt’s destination. The couch seat below.
“Oh no…no no nO NO WAIT, SCOTT DON’T SIT DO--”
Tyler peeked his head out of the cooler just in time to see Scott land with a big plop on the couch beneath him. He almost felt bad for the couch. That much muscle weight would be a lot to bear, even for an inanimate object. But Ty quickly shook the thoughts of Scott’s ass crushing insignificant things out of his head.
“Yo, catch!” Ty said, throwing the orange Gatorade at Scott.
Ever the athlete, Scott caught the drink with no problem. He opened it, and then started to chug it as Tyler walked over. By the time Ty had taken a seat, Scott’s drink was already completely downed. Ty laughed a bit, looking over to the man next to him.
“Damn, man. That’s impressive.” he said, opening his own sports drink.
Scott opened his mouth to say something, but a slight burp escaped his lips instead. “Uh, sorry.”
Tyler smirked, then responded with a louder burp of his own. “Don’t be.” he said. It made Scott smile and soften up a little, before a new worried look formed on the newbie’s face.
“Hey, uh…Ty? Do you think like…Josh is gonna think i’m like…a pain in the ass to work with? I’m not getting this as fast as I should be, and…”
Tyler cut him off. “What? Nah. Calm down, Scott. You? A pain in the ass? Hah, no. Only pain in the ass he has to deal with is me. And he KISSES my ass, so…” Tyler shrugged and took another sip of his drink. Scott laughed again at Ty’s relaxed attitude. He shifted his butt in his seat a little, scooting backward to get more comfortable.
The red mark that Josh's body left behind would never be recognized. Even by the pervy park goers who would secretly stare at Scott’s awesome ass.
“It’s no use,Scott is too focused on the training dummy.”
Josh turns his attention to Tyler’s feet.His feet were thankfully less waterlogged,meaning Tyler would definitely feel Josh’s punches on his foot.Unfortunately there was less chlorinated water to dilute the smell of sweat coming from Tyler.
Emboldened by his swift escape from Scott’s toes,Josh stood in between Tyler’s toes,ready to strike and dodge any subconscious movements.
He quickly strikes and…
There you go man,you’re getting it!” Tyler congratulated Scott on his most recent session with the CPR dummy.”You finally nailed the 100 chest compressions down,sure,but you’re still WAY too rough dude! Everyone you save is going to wind up bruised. Here,let me show you how it’s done.”
Pulling the dummy closer to himself,Tyler leaned forward and got into position over the dummy and began his compressions,done as quickly and effortlessly as the trained lifeguard that he is. Making sure Scott was keeping his attention on him as he worked on the dummy,Tyler ignored the ticklish sensation he had felt on his foot.
Down on the ground by the two men’s feet,Josh hid behind the table leg,still jumpy from just having avoided Tyler’s feet as he shifted to teach Scott proper technique. A little upset that he hadn’t been rescued from this situation yet,Josh figured that he simply didn’t hit hard enough to get his attention.If his fists weren’t going to work,Josh was going to have to get more aggressive.
Walking back into position between Tyler’s toes,which were now tense as the colossal lifeguard focused on applying force on the dummy,Josh placed his hands on the smelly and wet skin in between Tyler’s toes,and bit down on the soft skin.Josh quickly regretted this,stepping back and gagging at the awful taste of sweat in his mouth.Josh was not paying attention to his surroundings right now.
“Come on Tyler,that’s basically how hard I was pushing before.What’s a little more strength even going to do?” Scott scratched the back of his head,unsure of how he was supposed to focus on softening his pushes while trying to remember about 100 compressions.
Tyler shook his head at the rookie lifeguard and looked back at the dummy. “Imagine this dummy was Josh,and we just saved him from drowning,right? Yes,it’s extremely important that you remember how many compressions you need,but you have to remember that most people are smaller than us,even before being shrunken.”
Feeling the nagging itch return with a vengeance,Tyler quickly clenched and rubbed his toes together.He could have sworn he felt something solid between them,but with continued rubbing he only felt the slick moisture from his sweat.Figuring it was just his imagination,Scott soon snapped him out of his thoughts.
“I think I see what you mean.We’re lifeguards,we’re supposed to be saving people.I couldn’t imagine Josh being in danger and we just accidentally crush the little guy. That reminds me,didn’t he say he was going to join us by now?”
Moving quickly,Josh made it back to the table’s shade as he saw Tyler’s toes slowly wriggle at the strange sensation Josh made,leading Tyler to look down.
“It worked! Hey Tyler,I’m right here,I fell off the table but I’m okay,I didn’t break anything!” Josh waved his arms at his massive friend,glad he could always count on Tyler when in need.
Tyler frowned slightly when he felt a sharp prick between his toes. Glancing down,he spotted the slightest movement from a small speck almost hidden in the shadows made by the table. “Check this out,Scott.An ant got into the kitchen.”
Glad to take a break from the training dummy,Scott could barely see the ant Tyler pointed out,the bug seemingly just waving its antenna at them,like it was trying to intimidate the massive men.” What about it dude,did it bite you? You’ll live.”
“Yeah,to us it’s harmless,but think about what it can do to our shrunken guests.” Suddenly Tyler smirked,an idea having suddenly formed in his head.”Alright Scott,why don’t you show me what we do to bugs who walk into our park.”
Catching on quickly,Scott smirked right back.”Well If it keeps the park safe,I guess I’ll take on this vicious predator.” Looking down at the bug again,it seemed to be slowly making its way to the table leg.shaking his head at this,Scott casually lifted the table with the training dummy and placed it aside,leaving the bug exposed out in the light.
Slowly lifting his massive foot over the slowly moving ant,Scott wondered what kind of thoughts are going through its head.Did it know what was about to happen to it,or was it still just mindlessly searching for its next meal. Figuring it didn’t matter,Scott quickly stomped his foot down right on the ant with enough force to shake the plates and cups in the cabinets.
Scott lifted his foot and spotted a tiny stain on his big toe.“So Tyler,did I pass the test?”
Tyler chuckled and shook his head,turning his attention to the training dummy.”Yeah man,you sure aced this one.Josh can rest easy knowing you’re keeping the park safe.”
"I've decided that…" Josh stopped as the monstrous teenage stood up. Josh held his breath as the insanely large man walked over. Kneeling down, Scott tried his best to come down on Josh's level. Unfortunately, the balcony was still at about chest height as all Josh had was a magnificent view of Scott's well trained pecs.
Looking down Scott spoke with his deep voice. "Before you decide, I have an offer for you."
Puzzled Josh looked up, trying to see past the young man's chest. Hoping to gauge what he means based off his expression.
"You like being small right man? I like being big." He started simply while waiting for a response from the tiny man.
"Y-yes?" Josh answered nervously. Concerned where this was going he started to back up.
"Dude look.." He said putting up his hands. "You don't have to run, I'm not gonna hurt you."
Stopping, Josh swallowed hoping what the huge man said is true.
Putting his hand back down on his lap, the colossal teen spoke calmly once more. "I need this job. I'm not cut out for this interviewing shit. I know I did a shitty job answering your questions. So I'm willing to make you an offer, if it helps score me this job."
Interested, Josh relaxed his footing a little. Looking up at the behemoth of a teen, he figured he'd bite. "What kind of an offer are you talking about?"
Scooting down even more, the over sized teenager tried his best to look at the tiny man as seriously as he could. "Like I said, You like being small and I like being big… If there was anything you wanted to… do…" He said ambiguously. "I'd be willing to help you out. If you're interested that is, little guy." He added with a captivating tone as he winked at the little man.
Turning red at the proposition Josh had to look down. This was definitely not appropriate he thought… but the handsome giant was so willing to indulge him in his many tiny fantasies. Thinking for a second Josh decided….
… to hire Scott. Josh chose his next words carefully.
"Scott, your proposal is certainly interesting. There are a few things that I have always wanted to try while being tiny. If I could indulge these things with you, and you are perfectly fine with the whole thing, then you will definitely be hired." Josh stated.
Grinning from ear to ear, Scott looked extremely happy with this news. "Thanks, man! I really needed this job! I would do anything for it!" he started.
"But what happens between us, stays between us. Alright, Scott?" Josh interjected. Scott nodded his head in agreement, and even made a zipping gesture across his mouth to signify that his lips are sealed.
"Not a problem, boss. I won't speak a word of this. So, um, what do you have in mind that you want to do?" Scott asked.
Josh was taken aback. Now? He wanted to do stuff now? He stood there on his balcony, pondering all the things he secretly fantasized about; things that he had never told anyone about. He was drawing a blank on what he wanted to do with this hulking teen that was right in front of him, waiting for an answer.
"Like I said," Scott spoke, "I will do anything for this job." Scott winked, and Josh blushed again.
Josh decided that he wanted to…
"I guess…" Josh started to say sheepishly. "I've always kind of wondered what it would be like to explore the inside of a gigantic mouth…"
Scott tilted his head slightly as Josh looked at the huge teen's handsome face as it hung right in front of him. Scott let out a low rumbling laugh with a huge toothy smile, showing off his fantastic pearly whites as he did so. "Huh, I hadn't even thought about how you could fit in my mouth, boss!"
"What did you think then?" Josh asked, curiously. Mostly hoping to detract Scott's brain from how odd it might be to have a tiny human in his mouth.
Scott scratched his chin as he thought for a moment. "I guess I mostly thought about you crawling around on my body, or on the floor or something. You know, loom over you like a giant from a movie or something!"
"I mean we could do that too eventually, if you want." Josh blushed, thinking about seeing Scott towering over him in his full 6'11" massive hieght.
"Next time!" Scott smiled. "Besides, you said you wanted to go in my mouth. That sounds sweet, dude!" Scott beamed before looking serious for a moment. "Sorry. I mean, boss."
"That's ok Scott." Josh reassured the enormous and polite teen. "When you and I are alone like this… like having our giant and tiny time… you don't have to be polite. Actually I'd prefer if you acted more… giant-like."
"I think I understand." Scott answered with kind of a dumb confused look on his face. Scott's face contorted slightly, and Josh watched as he throat moved a little before the giant teen let a small yet deep burp out on Josh. "Like less polite like that?"
"Yes!" Josh answered as the strong smelling belch washed over him. "Except don't ask me every time. Just do whatever comes natural like you just did!"
"Ok!" Scott answered excitedly as he quickly got into character by suddenly scooping Josh off his feet and into his hand. Scott lifted Josh up with him as he stood up to his full hieght, hovering Josh above his face as he stared down at it taking in every feature from his flawless jawline to his deep dreamy blue eyes. Josh watched as his massive mouth opened wide, tongue shooting out like a gigantic pink welcome mat as Scott started to tilt his hand and lower it to his impending maw. Josh lost his grip as he slid off the teens hand, falling for a moment before landing with a wet splat and seeing nothing but pink all around him. Looking around, he could see rows of perfect white teeth behind him, still wide open as Scott kept his mouth open. Turning and looking to his sides, Josh saw where the teens massive teeth ended before he could make out the pockets of his cheeks. Turning forward Josh saw in his mind the most majestic, yet terrifying sight he had ever witnessed, Scott's humongous throat. With each breath the huge teen took, Josh could see his throat move slightly as Scott's epiglottis covered and uncovered the path down his wind pipe. Josh couldn't help but be transfixed by Scott's uvula however, as it swung ever so slightly above the throat. It was easily the size of a building to the tiny explorer.
- - -
Scott stood there, mouth open as he stared off across the room. He really wasn't sure what he should be doing, as he didn't want to move too much and send his tiny boss hurdling across his mouth. Scott tried to think for a minute to himself… "What can I do to be more giant-like?"
Deciding to just go with the first thought that comes to his mind, Scott closed his mouth. Scott wasn't entirely sure what the action did, but he went with it as he tried to come up with an idea to do next. Trying to feel the tiny speck of a man inside his mouth, Scott inadvertently started to swish the little man around his mouth, like a tiny piece of food. Realizing what he was doing, Scott stopping moving Josh around his mouth and opened it up very slightly to let in a little air. Scott took the moment to realize just how easy it was to do whatever he wanted to the tiny man.
"He's still my boss though." Scott thought to himself. "So I have to be extra careful not to chew him or something."
Scott made it a conscious effort to locate his tiny boss in his mouth, around the left side of his tongue, near his teeth, before he shifted the man more into the middle. Thinking more like a giant, Scott thought the tiny man might enjoy it if he spoke more the part. Playfully, Scott thought of fun ways he wanted to taunt his minuscule boss.
"Bet you liked that, huh?" Scott asked the little man in a somewhat bad acting arrogant tone. "You probably wish I'd let you out. But I'm not!"
Thinking he was doing a good job of acting, Scott smiled to himself, little did he know the tiny man inside his mouth was face palming himself at how unnatural Scott sounded. Scott felt a little pressure build up in his stomach again as he decided to let loose another burp, this time keeping his mouth shut, keeping his boss inside to experience it fully. He smiled to himself as little bits of air escaped his mouth before he opened it back up, letting a little fresh air in.
"Yeah, bet you loved that!" Scott continued with his poor acting. Josh was having the time of his life, however despite Scott's poor taunting ability. "I hope you don't end up slipping down my throat!"
Scott chuckled a little to himself, wondering what would happen if he really was to just swallow the tiny man. Barely passing any of his classes in high school, Scott got by being in all the applied classes as well as receiving help from numerous tutors as well as his intelligent girl friend. So thinking about what happened after you swallowed something escaped Scott's mind.
"Well… it goes into your stomach." Scott thought to himself as he traced a finger from his throat down to his ripped abdomen. "Then some stuff happens…"
Scott puzzled to himself, never really thinking about the process from food to well… shit. "Takes awhile." Scott continued to think silently as he tried to guess how many hours after he eats before he had to take a shit. "If he'd wanna explore my mouth he'd probably like exploring my belly!"
Scott smirked thinking of the idea of surprising Josh, and how much he'd like it. He tried to think of a shooter game he played on xbox where part of the story took placed inside a giant worm.
"They were fine once they got out." He thought again to himself. Scott kept his mouth closed before he decided he would…
"I'm sure he'll love it and he's sure to be surprised!" Scott thought to himself, feeling like this was a really good idea. Scott very gently tilted his head back, barely feeling the tiny man in his mouth slide ever so slowly toward the back of his throat.
"Dude, I don't know where that little speck went." Scott said aloud, full well feeling Josh dangle at the very edge of his throat. "I sure hope I didn't swallow him!"
Just then Scott took a gulp, barely trying to swallow Josh but still doing so with absolute ease. Feeling that his tiny boss had successfully been sucked down his throat, Scott smirked as he wondered how the trip was going for the teensy man. "That was too easy. I bet he's having a blast though!"
Putting a finger on his throat like he did before while imagining to swallow Josh, Scott tried his best to feel for the little guy. He swore he could feel a very faint squirming for a moment before the sensation was lost inside his chest. Scott patted his chest, looking down at it trying to picture Josh's descent into his enormous stomach. Finally, the huge teen rested a hand on his impressively sculptured abs, guessing that Josh must've made his way in there by now.
"Man if it my mouth was huge, I can't imagine how massive my stomach would be!" Scott grinned to himself, feeling like he just gifted Josh with the trip of a lifetime. Once again, Scott belted a fairly large burp. He laughed as he pounded his stomach with a fist. "Hey settle down in there!"
- - -
Josh screamed as he was jostled and hurled around the massive organ. Finally, it settled down, leaving Josh to fully take in the terrifying surroundings. Having contracted now slightly from Scott's burp, his massive stomach resumed it's usual churning and mixing of it's contents. Seeping acid from the walls and groaning in deep damp sounding echoes. Josh could barely make out the huge teen's heart beat and breathing as if it sounded like miles and miles above him. In yet when Josh looked up he could only see darkness and the barely viable ceiling of Scott's wrinkly stomach. Josh thought Scott's mouth was huge, but this was a whole different story. What felt like a small stadium in the mouth suddenly turned into a expansive landscape. It was both breathtaking and horrifying.
"Why would he do this?" Josh shivered as he checked his feet carefully, lucky to see he wasn't flung in a puddle of acid or crushed under half digested food. Puzzled, Josh wasn't sure what was going to happen. He didn't know if he was going to live, or if this huge attractive idiot just swallowed him for the kicks. Looking up again as well as the massive walls of the stomach, Josh knew there was no way he could escape on his own. Plopping down on his butt with a slight squish, Josh merely gazed across the massive landscape. Having his eyes adjusted, Josh watched as everything would contract and move. Groans called out to Josh in the distance. Josh wanted to explore, feeling like he had nothing to lose, but at the same time he felt like one wrong step would send him hurtling into a lake of acid. Subjecting himself to observing, Josh decided to stay put and examine the digestive process of Scott's stomach from his safe location.
"It is pretty amazing in here though…" Josh admitted, honestly have been curious about going down Scott's throat ever since he first slide into the teen's mouth.
Meanwhile Scott…
Scott put a hand on his ripped abs and smiled. He could help but wonder how the tiny man must've been enjoying himself, but at the same time he felt like this was slightly less exciting for himself than when he was swishing Josh around in his mouth. "Maybe it's time to bring him back up then?"
Scott clenched his abs hard, trying to think of the best way to bring his tiny boss up and out of his stomach. He knew he had to puke, but for the somewhat dim-witted teenager he wasn't sure how to accomplish that task. "The only times I can remember puking were when coach would make us run laps until we puked." Scott thought to himself. The huge man simply shrugged and pulled out his phone. "Better just google it."
After a short internet search, Scott quickly learned about the gag reflex, jogging his poor memory of hearing about girls sticking their fingers down their throats in the bathroom to throw up and lose weight. Having not thought about that before, Scott looked at his fingers and frowned before shoving them as far back in his throat as he could. Gagging, Scott fought the urge to vomit instinctively before he realized again that was what he was trying to accomplish. Shoving his fingers in his throat again, Scott let his instincts go as he spewed out a healthy pool of vomit out on the tiny balcony he stood in front of. Wiping his mouth, Scott looked down at the chunks of food from his lunch before he saw a small squirming speck.
"Dude, you're out!" Scott laughed as he swept aside some of his vomit to make a drier and clearer spot for Josh to regain his bearings. Scott scratched his head as Josh seemed to still be in a bit of a tizzy. "Sorry if that was too much, dude. I kinda just went with what I thought a giant would do."
Having shook off the rush of being thrown up Josh looked up at Scott's massive body up to his face. Josh wasn't sure if he was mad at the dumb jock, or if he truly did enjoy the experience. Josh sighed, knowing Scott meant no harm. On top of that, Josh really was in awe of the whole trip. "It wasn't too much Scott, it was incredible!" Josh replied wanting to encourage Scott to be more dominating and passionate as a giant. "I really enjoyed it, it felt dangerous but at the same time I was confident in you."
"You were?" Scott questioned, as he wasn't confident in himself in that situation at all. Feeling a little big headed from Josh's words however, Scott smiled. "I mean I had it under control. Plus, I guess I'm looking forward to doing more stuff with you like that."
"Me too!" Josh beamed, glad to see Scott enjoyed it enough to willing want to keep it up. "I'd be up for going on another trip like that whenever!"
Scott laughed as he rubbed his stomach, feeling a little nauseous. "Probably not right now, my stomach is feeling a little funny."
"Well whenever you want then. You're the giant, so you're in charge!" Josh smiled, trying to keep the humongous teen encouraged. Scott looked up and smirked, feeling really good about being huge and being in charge.
"What about a little later? Like after we're all done with work?" Scott asked, still wanting to be polite.
"Absolutely. The break room will be empty so it can just be both of us till whenever we feel like." Josh smiled, now excited to get on with the day just so it can be over.
"Sounds like a plan, little man!" Scott gave Josh a thumbs up and a wink…
Hours had gone by as Josh tried to go about his day without thinking too much about the events that unfolded earlier. It was a fairly futile effort however, especially once Josh began training Scott, seeing him at his "normal" size of 6'11" compared to his own puny 5'5".Josh couldn't help but day dream, thinking of the massive teen as an even more massive giant. Regardless, time went by and soon Josh and Scott were the only two left in the park.
"So I'll meet you around in the break room, boss?" Scott asked Josh, as Josh locked up his office, waiting in anticipation for the huge man to remember their plans.
"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot!" Josh lied, fighting the urge to blush as he looked at Scott, now wearing a lifeguard's uniform of red board shorts and a red hat. Scott slung a bag of his other clothes over his massive right shoulder as he smiled down at his short boss.
"Really bro? I was looking forward to it all day!" Scott gleamed with an excited expression.
"You were?" Josh smiled, happy to see Scott was so enthusiastic. "Maybe I just got caught up in the training today, but now that it's all over I'm actually pretty excited!"
Scott came up next to Josh and put a hand on the short man's shoulder. Josh looked up at Scott, looking up past his chest as he barely measured up to the tall teen's abs. Josh fought back the urge to blush, playing it cool as the dumb jock winked at him. "It's cool seeing you like this as normal person, dude. But in a few minutes, I'll be your god."
Scott turned away, leaving Josh's side without looking back. Josh stood dumb-founded as he watched Scott stride away, eyes shifting from his massive glutes bouncing, to his ripped and beautiful back. "I wonder if he thought of some better lines?" Josh wonder to himself. "That sounded way less scripted and more confident…"
Even more eager then before, Josh quickly made his way to the break room. Josh swung open the door, wanting nothing more than to be able to see Scott again in his full giant glory. As promised, Josh saw the attractive teen make his way into the room. Josh watched as Scott pulled down his pants, revealing his tight black compression shorts he saw earlier before pulling up the shorts he wore for the interview. Not bothering to tie the short like before, Scott let them sag a little, showing off his butt and exposing the under armor brand on the front once again. Finally the huge teen simply turned his new red lifeguard's hat backwards, rather than grabbing his other one from his back. Turning around, Scott saw Josh standing by the tiny door to the break room, figuring the little man must've just came in.
"I'm all sweaty, so I think we can forget about putting on my shirt." Scott said confidently as he didn't even address as as he started walking over to the tiny man. Josh simply stared in awe as the huge teen approached him slowly. His pecs bouncing in what almost seemed like slow motion before he was suddenly looming over Josh with tremendous ease. Josh looked from the exposed under wear, up the chiseled abs, past his monumental pecs, before looking at Scott's seemingly more confident looking face from before. "I can tell you're in total amazement of me…"
Josh swallowed as he tried to form any kinds of words. This was a completely new Scott to him after all. "I-I uhh…"
"Shhh… you don't have to say word little bug." Scott smirked, still looming over Josh as he flexed his biceps high up in the air. "Just admire."
"Oh god…" Josh said aloud, staring up at Scott's perfect body. He really must've been rehearsing in his head all day, because this was not what Josh was expecting at all.
"Now then…" Scott said in a sexy deep voice. "Why don't we…"
"I was thinking we could pick up were we left off…" Scott whispered as he leaned down closer to Josh. Staring at Scott's mouth as it got closer to him, Josh knew exactly where this was going. Biting his lip in anticipation, Josh had been thinking about his trip within Scott all day, secretly hoping the sexy giant would want Josh to experience more. Scott stopped, bright white teeth smiling directly in front of Josh now as his warm breath started to wash over him.
"I think this time I'll savor you a little longer though…" Scott said softly in front of Josh as he inched his mouth in closer. Josh froze completely before Scott's lips pressed him to the floor, yelping slightly as he was crushed against the floor and Scott's soft lips before the massive teen slurped Josh into his mouth like a tiny piece of food. Standing back to his full hieght, Scott swished Josh around his mouth for a moment before walking away from the balcony and laying down on the couch in the break room, propping his head up so it was mostly flat with a slight incline toward his throat. "Mmmm delicious…"
- - -
Josh struggled and squirmed as he tried to adjust himself to the new found darkness. Sticky saliva covered his body as he finally got his bearings straight in the now familiar looking cavern. Josh was in awe that he would experience exploring the hunky teen's mouth a second time in one day. Thanks to a slight incline, Josh found himself gradually being slid down, closer and closer to Scott's massive throat. Josh screamed as Scott's head suddenly leaned straight back, causing him to nearly free fall before landing with a sticky splat. Josh held onto the soft flesh for a moment, fearing he was going to be swallowed too son once again, before he noticed he was actually clinging to the jock's massive uvula. Just as suddenly as before, Scott's head leveled back out with Josh now clinging for dear life to Scott's dangling uvula as it swung gracefully above his dark throat. Josh swallowed, he was but a mere drop from being sucked down the huge esophagus once again. Holding on tight, it seemed like Scott was moving once more.
- - -
Making his way into the bathroom, Scott flicked on a light and looked at his face in the mirror. Unsure where Josh had gone inside his gigantic mouth, Scott opened up wide, searching for the minuscule speck with the help of light pouring into his mouth. Lifting and lowering his tongue and pulling his cheeks, Scott looked and looked before his attention finally gravitated to a pale little speck on his uvula.
"How'd you manage that?" Scott asked, not really expecting a response. "Dude, my dangly thing is so much bigger than you too!"
Scott chuckled as he closed his mouth, reassured now knowing where the tiny many was located. Wanting to continue with his giant acting, Scott smirked as he decided to toy with Josh further. "Massage it, bug. Or else."
- - -
Scott's voice bellowed out over Josh. It was very loud and commanding, it sent shivers down Josh's spine as he clung to the uvula unsure how he was supposed to even massage such an enormous piece of flesh. Letting go with one hand while still clinging tightly with his legs and other hand, Josh rubbed the sticky flesh nervously as he had little more than Scott's steady breathing to encourage his actions.
Suddenly, a deep rumble gurgled from below. Noise was coming from deep withing Scott, bubbling up to his throat as Josh panicked, grabbing back onto the uvula with all his might. Seemingly Scott…
Scott's stomach started to rumble as the enormous teen remembered he scarcely got to eat anything all day long. Putting a hand on his bare abs, Scott smiled, knowing now was the best time to tease and eat his tiny prey.
"Oh man, tasting you is making my stomach upset." Scott moaned with a smirk. "I haven't eaten all day, seems like my stomach wants you to be the first thing I've had in awhile…"
- - -
"What?" Josh tried to answer from all the way in the back of Scott's throat. He didn't realize the massive teen's stomach was completely empty. "Scott, wait! Don---!"
Josh was cut short by the giant trying his best to dislodge Josh from his slippery uvula. It really didn't take that much effort before Josh toppled off, already in the back of Scott's throat, slipping down without Scott even starting to try and swallow.
"Scott!" Josh yelled with a futile effort. It was no use however, the dumb giant had already committed to his actions with an extremely unnecessarily loud gulp. Josh screamed in fear, not wanting to be the only bit of meat inside a massive hungry stomach. Josh had no choice however as Scott's massive body just did what it was made to do and drug its meals down past his beating heart of his chest before making it to the massive sphincter leading to his stadium sized stomach. Josh barely had time to process what had happened before he was being deposited in the monumental organ.
"Scott!" Josh called out inside the organ. It was no use. He could never hear him from deep within his gut. Josh simply stayed still in fear, wondering what the massive stomach had in store for him.
- - -
Scott returned to his position on the couch, laying down and running a hand up and down his stomach. It rumbled again slightly to his touch, still hungry and demanding to be filled with food. He chuckled a little to himself wondering if Josh was even big enough to be considered food to his starving gut.
Sure enough…
"Hey Josh! I just wanted to check in, you've been… gone… for… awhile…?" Tyler started to trail off as he burst through the back door, full sized and walking in on seeing a massive stranger looming over a puked filled balcony. "What the hell is going on?!"
Scott turned quickly not wanting whoever this was to get the wrong idea as he stood over the owner of the park as he was covered in puke. "Dude, I can explain!"
"Where's Josh?" Tyler asked quietly, a little anger starting to form in his voice.
"He's right here!" Scott pointed down at Josh in the midst of the vomit. "He's fine!"
"Why wouldn't he be fine?" Tyler asked, voice getting angrier still. Josh sighed, knowing the cat was out of the bag. He knew he couldn't lie to Tyler, he was his best friend after all, also he knew he couldn't throw Scott under the bus after he's seen just how good and innocent of a guy he is.
"Ty, calm down and just come over here." Josh asked Tyler politely as Tyler cautiously strode his way over, Scott moving out of the way as Tyler now stood in front of Josh, leaning down to hear his tiny friend better. Josh swallowed as he felt odd telling his best friend about this, but figured it was better to just get the truth out. "Look, this is Scott. He was worried he wasn't going to get the job, and he caught on to me liking being small, alright?"
Tyler shook his head, to him Josh enjoying the small size might as well have been common knowledge whether Josh knew he knew or not. Regardless, Josh continued, "So he offered to play the part of a giant to indulge me… and I let my emotions get the best of me and I agreed. So one thing lead to another and Scott here ended up having to throw me up."
"So wait, he ate you?" Tyler asked a little more puzzled than mad now.
"Yeah I asked to go in his mouth, then he ended up swallowing me." Josh answered as vague but honestly as he could.
"Dude…" Tyler replied, looking a little angry again. "I'm pissed."
"Ty, come on. I asked him to do it!" Josh tried to argue, not wanting Tyler to blow up over something he literally wanted.
"No, dude." Tyler looked down at Josh. "I'm pissed… because you never asked me to play a giant for you!"
"Wha… what?" Josh tilted his head.
"I mean you've spent a lot of time around me shrunk, but dude." Tyler crossed his arms and pouted. "I'd be an awesome giant god!"
"Dude, why don't you hang out with us after work then?" Scott asked Tyler, as he looked over at him, forgetting he was there for a moment.
"What?! You guys were gonna hang out after work too?" Tyler replied, looking back down at Josh. "Dude, now I'm really jealous."
Josh rolled his eyes. Tyler really was a stubborn bone head when he didn't get his way. "Ty, I just never told you about these fantasies because I thought you'd think I was weird…"
"Are you joking?" Tyler laughed. "You're my best friend, I'd never think you were weird. Plus I've always wanted to act like an arrogant giant god to you, dude."
"Just to me?" Josh rose an eyebrow in suspicion. Tyler looked away and blushed for a moment.
"No! In general. Being huge is awesome. Regardless of who the little squirt is." Tyler added arrogantly down at his friend with a smirk. Josh laughed a little, not sure how honest his huge friend was really being.
"Well then that settles it. All three of us will hang out later after work." Josh announced, like it was a formal event. "Besides, two giants are better than one, right?"
"You're damn right!" Tyler belted as he turned to Scott. Tyler put out a hand, indicating for the massive teen to shake it. "I'm Tyler, looking forward to being god with you."
"Same, bro. I'm Scott." Scott smiled as he shook Tyler's hand.
"Aside from Josh, what the hell do you eat, bro?" Tyler asked as he had to look up at Scott, as he was quite a bit taller and bigger than him. "You're built like a tank, dude."
"I dunno, bro. I just eat a lot." Scott answered, not really ever putting much thought into it. "Doctor says I'm still growing too."
"Right, you're only 19." Josh chimed in. "I keep forgetting you're so young, especially seeing you side by side with Ty."
"Nobody asked you, squirt." Tyler smirked as he leaned in close and blew a little air out his mouth, knocking Josh off his feet as Tyler chuckled. Sitting up, Josh blushed a little as he say Tyler back away and ignore him to go back to talking to Scott. Josh's mind raced, perplexed at how incredible it was that Tyler would just demean him like that before ignoring him completely. Josh sat in a daze as the two talked and laughed. He barely registered what they were saying as he couldn't help but stare back and fourth at the two massive hunks. All Josh knew was he couldn't wait for the day to be over…
- - -
Hours later, the park was finally being shut down. Scott did well his first day, learning some life guarding basics after he got put into uniform. Josh couldn't help but stare on an occasion, looking from his handsome face to his perfect abs, abs he had been surprised to be trapped behind earlier. As strange as it was to think about, Scott acted very normal and polite the whole day, Tyler on the other hand incessantly teased Josh any opportunity he had. Mind racing, Josh made his way to the tiny entrance to the break room, knowing full well that there were two massive hulking giants waiting for him on the other side. Taking a deep breath, knowing this was what he wanted, Josh opened the door.
Looking out into the massive room, Josh took in all the sights, from the kitchen, to the door to a little gym, all the way to a couple of sofas by a huge TV. But the main attraction of the night, Josh finally caught a glimpse of. Still in their red board shorts, shirtless, and with red lifeguard caps on, Josh saw Scott and Tyler. Josh's stomach dropped as he saw Tyler look in his direction, locking eyes with him.
"Hey Scotty, would you look who's here!" Tyler smirked as he saw Josh had actually showed up. "We were just talking about how you might've gotten cold feet."
"Hey boss!" Scott said, ignoring Tyler and still being polite to his tiny boss. Tyler looked at Scott, laughing as he shook his head.
"Dude, I told you. Right now, he ain't your boss." Tyler said as he looked mischievously at Josh. "He's just a squirt."
Josh swallowed as he started to wonder what they had in store for him. Josh would soon find out as the two med strode their way over to him, looming far above him in both a terrifying, yet extremely awe inspiring view. Suddenly, Scott's hand came down, trying to grab Josh. Instinctively, Josh tried to avoid the hand before easily getting pinched between two of Scott's digits anyway. Josh dangled as he was lifted higher and higher before it seemed like he was hanging out of the door of jet plane. All the while, Josh looked around, Tyler and Scott's faces coming into view. Josh shivered, knowing the two must've been concocting some sort of plan all day.
Josh would soon find out they had plans for Josh involving…
"Wait a second… nah dude it wasn't one of these guys." Tyler said after looking carefully at each of the names.
Josh was shocked for a second before he realized he had three more files set behind the first group. Looking at the first name, Josh started to read the description. The resume looked fairly professional with the name "Brandon" printed across the top. It says the man is 22 years old and that he has no experience with life guarding but it does say that he is CPR certified. He's 6'3" with brown hair and blue eyes with a fairly athletic build. It also seems to list that he attended the same high school as Josh…
"The same high school as me? Seems like he was in my year… I sure hope it wasn't THAT Brandon." Josh thought thinking back to those not so good days.
The next resume looked fantastic. It was extremely easy to read and gave Josh all the information he needed without any unnecessary fluff. This man's name is Trevor, he's 20 years old and attends one of the local universities and he even listed that he's currently a pre-med student with first aid and CPR training. He's currently in his junior year and it seems like his grades so far have been incredible with a 3.8 GPA! Near the bottom he listed his physical build as athletic and that he is 6'4" with blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Wow, this guy seems like a genius! Not to mention he keeps in shape too? We could use someone like that…" Josh thought as he was very impressed with this resume.
Finally, the last resume looked a tad sloppy. The name across the top read "Jon" and it would seem he was 19 years old and also attended a different smaller university in the area from Trevor as a sophomore. Jon listed that he was once a lifeguard when he was 16 and isn't currently CPR certified but has been in the past. He also went on to list that he's his college's football team's quarter back, which even though the school was small seemed pretty impressive for someone in his second year! Lastly, he listed his physical appearance. He's 6'7" and his build was written in as "ripped". Josh blinked and did a double take, in disbelief someone would use that word in a resume. Finally he read the man had short brown hair and light blue eyes.
"Ripped huh?" Josh chuckled to himself. "He's lucky he has any experience that's all I have to say…"
Josh flipped back to the first resume and handed them to Tyler and asked him which one he can expect. Flipping through the profiles Tyler came to the conclusion that it definitely was…
"Yeah Brandon was his name, dude." Tyler said handing Josh his notebook back. Josh gulped, hoping still it wasn't THAT Brandon from high school, but regardless of how he felt he knew he had an interview to conduct. Tyler waved good by to his boss as Josh walked toward the tiny doorway which lead to the gigantic interviewing room. Opening the door Josh covered his eyes as the bight lights blinded him momentarily as he walked forward to a miniature microphone.
Josh's vision cleared as he saw who the man was, and it was in fact the Brandon he was hoping it wasn't. Josh sighed heavily as he looked at his old high school bully. He was dressed formally, with a button down white tee shirt tightly wrapped around his muscular frame. Josh could tell he still worked out a lot like in high school as he could see his stomach looked like it was slimmed out and even could make out the huge man's abs poking through the almost transparent shirt. Otherwise, he wore khaki pants and dress shoes and looked way more formal than Josh could ever have imagined. Josh took a deep breath, figuring it was now or never to address his old bully.
"Hi Brandon I'll be the one conducting your interview." Josh said, not even introducing himself. Brandon squinted and leaned forward looking directly at where the little voice came from he could barely make out that there was a person addressing him. Josh shifted slightly as Brandon's eyes started to recognize Josh.
"Josh? No way! I thought it was you when I heard this place got built!" Brandon said with a smile on his face. "How's my little buddy doing? Well, littler buddy now, huh?"
"Um great?" Josh said questioning Brandon's motives. He had never been so polite to Josh before in the past. Josh couldn't help but wonder if maybe the huge man changed or grew up since high school. "How are things with you? Haven't seen you since…"
"High school, yeah." Brandon interrupted. "I remember those days, we were in gym class with each other like every year!"
Josh cringed at the thought. Brandon used to make his life hell in gym. He distinctly remembers always being knocked over or tackled and always getting the excuse that "It's all in good fun, shorty!" Before being carted off the the nurses office on more than one occasion. Josh fumed for a second before trying to regain his composure.
"Yeah gym… Can't say I really miss those days." Josh said trying to remain somewhat aloof.
Brandon smirked at looked over at the tiny man. "Yeah…" he started to say…
"Yeah you were such a shrimp, dude!" Brandon said laughing. "Although I mean look at you now. Didn't think you could get any smaller!"
Josh was red with frustration and embarrassment. Here he thought maybe his old bully had grown up at all, but instead he stood in front of the same old jerk from before. Only this time Josh felt like he had some amount of power as an idea crossed his mind.
"You know, you really shouldn't refer to the owner of this park and your potential boss a 'shrimp' ". Josh said seriously looking over at Brandon's attractive face.
Brandon leaned back, stilling looking very relaxed over the whole situation. "Come on man, I was just dicking around. Just like high school too dude."
Josh sighed. Of course, that's always the excuse he expected. What else would he say? Admit that he was an asshole? Josh knew that's not how Brandon worked.
"Brandon, I don't know if this is going to work." Josh said finally looking down at his feet. He knew what had to be done after all. There was no way he could hire an old bully like Brandon.
Brandon stood up quickly and put a hand behind Josh, completely blocking his escape. "What was that, shrimp?" Brandon said looking down at the tiny man with a plain looking expression. Josh looked around him as all he could see was the drop from the balcony in front of him and Brandon's hand behind him. Sighing, Josh was actually prepared for this type of situation and reached into his pocket to pull out a cell phone.
"Brandon, don't make me call security. Just back away." Josh said trying to remain in command.
Brandon however didn't budge as his eyes focused on the even tiny speck that was the cellphone in Josh's hand. With his free hand, Brandon quickly flicked Josh, causing him to drop the phone as he slammed into Brandon's palm. Josh watched as the finger that just flicked him squashed the tiny phone in an instant into a pile of unidentifiable smolders. Brandon put his hand back down to his side and smiled at Josh, still pressed into his other palm.
Josh was furious at the giant man. "What? Didn't get your fill of bullying me in high school?" Josh spat at the giant.
Brandon scooped Josh into his palm and pulled him off of the balcony and carried him back to the chair. Sitting down he held the tiny man up to about chest level and leaned back. "What? Look at you. You make it too easy."
Josh couldn't believe the way he was being treated. But at the same time he knew he should have expected this. Bullies will always just be bullies. "Look Brandon, Just put me back and we can both just walk away from this."
Brandon stood up once more, this time he turned and dropped the tiny man on the chair in front of him. Just then he sat down on the floor and looked at the little man in the center of the seat. His ass easily took up the entirety of the surface, in yet the little man looked like nothing more than a gnat on the metal floor. Brandon rested one of his arms on the seat in front of Josh and laid his chin on his muscular arm, staring at Josh.
"I never liked you." Brandon said flatly. "That's why I picked on you. I thought maybe you'd toughen up and become a man worth at least respecting. But you're just a tiny bitch."
Josh swallowed hard at the comment. Was Brandon being honest with him? If so he thought of a plan, and he thought of it quick to try and get out of this.
"Toughen me up then!" Josh shouted at the giant. "Maybe I am a little bitch, but maybe give me a chance to prove I can get tougher!"
Brandon closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, causing Josh to fall off his feet from the sudden flow of air. Quickly standing before Brandon could open his eyes, Josh waited for a response…
As he opened his eyes, Brandon looked at Josh with a serious gaze. You hoped he had taken his request seriously. However, Josh’s hopes were dashed as Brandon gained a cocky grin.
“Nah, you’re done for shrimp!”
Josh paled as Brandon rose, looming over him like a titan. The bully had to look over his pecs to see the speck on the chair. Josh panicked, Brandon’s words and his current size were putting him on edge. “Br-randon, what do you mean?!”
Brandon smirked as he folded his biceps over his strong chest. “Don’t you remember? I told you one day I would crush you, little did I know you would make that so much more easier then it needed to be.”
“What! Brandon you would kill me!”, Josh felt terror consume him. He couldn’t escape from the chair due to the height and Brandon would probably just catch him.
Brandon’s smirk widen before he bended over to get closer to Josh, causing the tiny to fall back. “Kill is a strong word. I’m not killing a human, I’m snuffing out a pest that would just annoy someone. Feel honored I’ll be be the one to squash you out of existence.” The giant said with a seductive tone as he stood up again.
“I guess this is goodbye, hoped you found some purpose with your life shrimp. I gotta say, i’ll miss putting you in your place bitch but this will be a good send off.”
“Brandon! Come on don’t do this, I’ll give you the job!”, Josh desperately yelled. But Brandon ignored him and turned to face the balcony, making his large firm ass fill your sky.
“Hmm, I wonder where Josh went?”, Brandon feint confusion as he looked over for his tiny victim. “I guess the shrimp was too nervous to show up.”
Brandon turned to face Josh again, not even looking down and subjecting Josh to the towering body of his bully. The brunette soon looked down at the chair, still he acted oblivious.
“Hm since he’s not here…….
"Yeah I was kind of an asshole in high school, wasn't I?" Brandon said casually leaning forward with a smile. "I'm sorry about that."
Josh blinked for a second, unable to process what he just heard. Never in a million years did he think his old bully would be talking to him so kindly, but then even more so he never imagined he'd actually apologize for being a jerk to him a few years ago. Baffled, Josh didn't know how to respond to Brandon's sudden apology.
"No… it's fine really, I just…" Josh started to say before Brandon cut him off again.
"Dude, it's not fine. I had a lot of issues at home growing up and unfortunately for you, you were my outlet." Brandon said sitting back and crossing his arms over his enormous chest. "I can understand if you hate me for it."
"I never really hated you." Josh said while looking down at the floor trying not to remember high school too vividly. "I just always wondered, why me?"
Brandon sighed and looked down at his feet and shifted slightly in his chair. "You were unlucky. I was just angry all the time and what better way than to let off some steam on a guy you know would never fight back?"
"You could have talked about it." Josh said trying to defend his younger self. "I would have been your friend if I knew you had those problems."
Brandon shook his head still not making eye contact with Josh. "I didn't work that way sadly. Again, I'm really sorry and it's fine if you hate me."
Josh smiled and shook his head this time. "I don't hate you."
Brandon looked up at the tiny man a few feet from him and squinted to see the smile on the miniature man's face. Smiling back, Brandon grew a new appreciation for his old classmate.
"I'm sorry too, if I knew more about you back then I wouldn't have been so cold to you all the time. I'm sure that just made me even more of a target?" Josh stuttered as he looked directly at Brandon's eyes.
"It did! It used to piss me off so much that even after I gave you hell you never stood up for yourself other than that chilling stare you'd give me and how you'd try to ignore me. You don't have to apologize though, I deserved worse than what you gave me." Brandon said while scratching the back of his head.
Josh smiled and twiddled his thumbs a little. He still couldn't believe he was here making up with his old bully like this. Josh thought, maybe he'd be fun to have around?
"So how did you find out about this job? I completely forgot to ask." Josh said, trying to get the actual interview going.
"I saw it on Markus's facebook page that he was working here. I had no idea you were the owner, but I figured if Markus was here he might give me a little pull in getting the job." Brandon said with a goofy grin.
Josh just remembered, Markus was on the football team at his old high school much like Brandon. So it makes sense that the two would have been in some contact over the years. Markus was a year younger than Brandon and Josh and was year below them in school. Josh never really even spoke to Markus until by chance the 6'9" African-American behemoth ended up applying for a job at his park. In the end Markus ended up becoming good friends with Josh as he worked diligently at the park.
"Yeah… you guys played football together right?" Josh asked, already knowing the answer.
"And basketball!" Brandon replied eagerly. "So is he in the park right now?"
Josh looked behind him. If memory served him well Markus was stationed at one of the rides in the park right now. "Yeah I believe he should be."
Brandon sat up looking excited. "Wow, I'd love to see him all tiny like you are right now. The dude is so huge I'd take a chance at seeing him smaller than me for a change!"
Josh laughed, unsure how serious Brandon was. Either way it was good to see Brandon was eager to learn about the park and to see Markus again. "That being said, why don't we get you a uniform next door and maybe we could go in the park after and see Markus?"
Brandon's head tilted for a second. "Wait does that mean?"
Josh shook his head with a smile. "Yeah, you're hired!"
Brandon stood up and walked toward Josh with a huge smile on his face. Josh backed away trying to wave Brandon over to the door as his massive muscled abdomen quickly obstructed his view of the room. Apologizing again, Brandon backed away imagining it must have been terrifying to have a giant so quickly rush at you like that. Josh smiled as he watched Brandon make his way out the door. Leaving the room himself, Josh turned to the room next to the interviewer's room. The break room. Opening the door, Josh looked out into the massive room. It was very well accommodated for both tiny and giant workers. With conveyor belts and elevators leading to different parts of the room, Josh always found it to be very easy to navigate. As for the normal sized part of the room it had a kitchen, bathroom, a cushy lounge and tv, and even a small gym for the lifeguards to work out in if they so chose to. Looking out, Josh saw Brandon enter the room from his perch on the balcony. As Josh scanned the room again he noticed…
"Yo dude! What are you doing here?" Josh heard the familiar voice of Markus call out to his old teammate. Josh looked over at the huge man, he was dark skinned and extremely tall. Brandon actually looked small compared to him, being an entire head's worth shorter. Looking at the muscular man, Josh figured he must have been on break for a little while. His well trained torso and red lifeguard shorts appeared to be dry. Josh even scanned up past his chest, which had an impressive tattoo etched across it in some sort of pointy looking design all the way spanning to his biceps on both sides. Finally, looking at his smiling face Josh couldn't help but stare for a second at his perfect white teeth, attractive scruff on his chin, and deep brown eyes. Naturally, Markus was wearing on of his many hats, as he saw him self as a bit of a collector of many different styles of them.
Brandon grabbed the huge man's right hand the two of them pulled each other in for a sort of "bro-hug" before separating again. "Dude I just got a job here!" Brandon replied to his friend.
"Itty-bitty Brandon got a job here?" Markus mocked his shorter friend with a chuckle. He started petting Brandon on the top of his head to further prove his point as Brandon tried to shove the huge man aside.
"Shut it dude, how can you call me itty-bitty when you look at Josh." Brandon said pointing directly over to Josh who was surprised Brandon even noticed him. Josh felt a little taken aback by the comment, but tried to just set it aside and speak up but not before the two continued their much louder banter.
"Dude, he's your boss now. Don't talk about him like that, shrimp." Markus said defending Josh and putting Brandon in a headlock. Brandon struggled for a few seconds before slipping free and walking a bit toward Josh to compare himself to the minuscule man.
"If I'm a shrimp I guess that makes him a flea." Brandon said somewhat coldly looking down at Josh, who was at about chest level for the massive man.
"Yo, chill dude." Markus spoke sternly to the obviously flustered Brandon. Brandon simply shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.
"It was all in good fun. We're cool now, Josh knows it." Brandon said staring directly at Markus. Meanwhile, Josh shivered at the phrase. It was the same excuse he always gave in high school, maybe Brandon hasn't changed as much as he initially thought. Shaking the idea from his head Josh was finally able to interject.
"Markus, do you think you could grab a uniform for Brandon?" Josh asked the gigantic man politely. Markus gave Josh a playful salute and walked out the door to retrieve the uniform from a storehouse they had out back. Meanwhile, Brandon looked over at Josh and smiled.
"Thanks again for giving me this job, Josh. It really means a lot." Brandon said with much more politeness than when Markus was around. Josh was taken aback once again, now for totally different reasons. What was Brandon's deal? He was polite in the interview, suddenly a jerk just a minute ago, now suddenly polite again. Josh stood there speechless in thought while Markus reappeared with a new uniform.
"Took your time lumbering back in here, you giant." Brandon quickly quipped to his massive friend. Makrus merely walked forward and shoved the clothes in Brandon's hands before crossing his arms.
"Is shrimpy starting today, boss?" Markus asked looking past Brandon at his tiny boss. Josh simply nodded his head, unsure how Brandon was going to react to being called "shrimpy". Brandon simply snorted at the comment before marching off into the bathroom, wishing to change in privacy. Markus shook head head as Brandon walked off.
"Good old Brandon, hasn't changed at all from high school." Markus said with a chuckle. Josh scratched his head thinking the complete opposite. He seemed totally different than he was in high school to him.
"What do you mean? He seems a lot better to me." Josh said questioning the massive man. Markus turned and looked down at Josh, his enormous pecs and part of his ripped abdomen now completely obstructing his view of the room.
"Well he's as rude and hot headed as I ever remember." Markus said as he lifted his arm, flexing his massive bicep in the process to scratch under his hat. Josh crossed his arms looking down at the floor of the balcony. Sure he was being rude and hot headed… but only when…
Markus suddenly turned, showing Josh his impressive back and walking away. "I've gotta go back to my post. I'll probably see you two out there soon, boss."
Josh nodded to himself. For the moment this was probably better for him anyway. He absolutely figured out, Brandon must act like he did in high school when he's around Markus. He's heard of people who do that before, but never thought he'd see it first hand like this. Just then the door to the bathroom opened and Brandon walked out wearing his new red lifeguard shorts. Josh was astonished at how great Brandon's body looked when he didn't have a shirt covering his torso. He always had a pretty huge chest, but Josh remembered him being much chubbier in high school, now however he sported a very attractive looking six pack as well as modest looking treasure trail. He certainly wasn't a lean muscle however, as on his belly it did look like his muscles were more thickly laid. Over all he looked like he had a well trained football player's body. The huge man looked around the room while holding his clothes before spotting Josh and walking over.
"Markus leave?" Brandon asked softly.
"He had to go back to his shift, actually." Josh answered back, glad to gave the polite Brandon back with him for now. Josh watched as Brandon dropped his clothes just below the balcony at the end of the room. "We have little lockers in the gym if you want to store your stuff there for today?"
Brandon shook his head. "No, that's ok. I don't want to take up any room in there till I'm more officially part of the crew." He said with a smile.
Josh sighed silently to himself, he still couldn't believe how different someone could be just based off what people are around him. Either way, now it was time to decide how to approach training Brandon to be a lifeguard. Thankfully, the muscled behemoth already is CPR certified, so all he needs is training in the pools. Josh figured he could train him himself, but he always liked to have someone else help since it made the job a lot quicker and easier. He knew if he was going to pick anyone to help him however it would seem weird not to ask Markus. Josh sighed again deciding…
Josh swallowed hard, knowing what he was about to put himself through. At the very least he knew Markus has Brandon under control if anything should go wrong. Looking up at Brandon's handsome face Josh figured it was time to let him know what was going on.
"So I'd like to train you today, Brandon." Josh started to say as Brandon hunched over a little to hear his new tiny boss better. "I'll have Markus help too, of course."
"Sweet dude!" Brandon said excitedly almost blowing Josh over with his words in the process. "It's great seeing Markus again, I swear he's gotten bigger since high school."
"He probably has, honestly." Josh replied, regaining his balance. "You look like you've been working out a lot since I've last seen you too."
Brandon stood up back to his full height, rubbing his solid abs in the process. "I had to get rid of the spare tire, dude. Great to have the extra weight to throw around in football, but after that was done I decided looking good was more important."
Josh smiled, he really liked Brandon like this. Relaxed and polite was a nice change for the huge guy. However, he knew it was just a matter of time before he regressed to his old self once he's around Markus. "Maybe the fact that this is work and he's being trained will help…" Josh thought to himself hopefully. Quickly, Josh instructed Brandon to go around the front and enter the park, assuring him he'd meet him there by the entrance once he's been shrunk. Brandon made a bit of a sour face, showing his distaste for the whole shrinking part, but none the less obeyed and left the room.
- - -
Standing at the entrance Josh waited around for a minute before finally spotting a much smaller, yet still much bigger than him, Brandon. Josh waved to his old bully who nodded his head and walked over to his new boss. Brandon stuck out his right hand as he came up to Josh, to which Josh smiled and grabbed it. Brandon pulled Josh in quickly giving him a "bro-hug" much like what he did with Markus earlier. A little shocked Josh blushed a little as he was pulled into Brandon's muscular chest, but instinctively put his arm around Brandon's back in return. Brandon gently let Josh go and looked down at the shorter man with a friendly grin.
"I was afraid I'd hurt you earlier if I tried to shake your hand or something." Brandon said casually. "I could have crushed you under my pinky if I wasn't careful!"
Josh laughed at the comment, however it made him sweat a little too since the thought of being crushed wasn't particularly amusing to him. Moving along, Josh had Brandon follow him to one of the near by wave pools. Noticing that it was in fact Markus stationed at the smaller pool Josh signaled the man to clear out the pool. Josh and Brandon watched as several guests started to file out of the pool, making their way to a different pool or ride in the park. Josh smiled awkwardly as Markus came walking over to him and Brandon.
"Looking good, B." Markus said walking over to the shorter man and giving him a playful pat on the stomach. Brandon stood there with a smirk, not flinching at all to his giant friend next to him. Suddenly, Brandon burped directly up into his Markus face. Markus shoved the smaller man away while pinching his nose. "Dude! That's nasty!"
Brandon smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry dude, you must've loosened up some air down there."
Josh shook his head as he watched the two. Back to rude Brandon it was, after all. "Hey guys let's just get started with the training, ok?"
"Hey Josh, I bet if I burped at you while you're all tiny you'd go flying! That'd be hilarious!" Brandon spouted with a less than friendly grin on his face. Markus sighed and simply grabbed Brandon by the shoulder and started to drag him into the pool.
"Come on, time to learn, you dunce." Markus said in an almost monotone voice. Josh watched with a bit of sweat running down his brow while trying to fake a smile.
- - -
Josh observed for a while, watching as Brandon learned the ins and outs for saving a drowning person and when it's appropriate to blow you whistle to get people to quit goofing off. Brandon started to take in the rules quite well while Josh was mostly out of ear shot of the two. Finally, after swimming a few laps for an endurance test Brandon and Markus approached Josh, water dripping down their solid bodies.
"How'd it go?" Josh asked, trying not to stare directly at the chiseled features of his employees. Markus nodded his head with a grin and Brandon stood there catching his breath.
"He's in good shape, if you want I can supervise him tomorrow and I think he'll be good to go." Markus said jovially. Josh nodded his head in agreement. He figured it would be a good test for Brandon to behave in front of guests while Markus is around.
"Great!" Markus cheered. "Anyway, shorty here and I were talking and we wanted to ask you something."
Josh tilted his head for a moment, curious. "Sure, what's up?"
Brandon stepped forward, having now caught his breath. "We wanted to see if you would hang out with us later."
Josh scratched his cheek and looked down at the ground. Somehow he didn't see this going well with how Brandon acts. "I'm.. uh… not sure."
Markus pulled Brandon beside him and put his arm over his shoulder. "Yo, come on. We're all old classmates. It'll be fun."
Josh looked at Brandon's face as he started to huff over being forced next to Markus like that so suddenly. Taking a deep breath however Josh answered…
"I really wish I could! But I'm already planning on staying in the park kinda late tonight anyway to get Brandon on the pay roll and such!" Josh said waving his hands in front of his chest nervously. Brandon looked up at Markus, who let out a slight sigh.
"Fine, getting this shrimp on the pay roll is probably more important anyway." Markus said as he squeezed Brandon in closer to him. Brandon quickly tried to struggle away from his larger friend and eventually pulled away from beside him.
"Yeah me getting money is more important!" Brandon said with an arrogant smirk. "Markus or I might've squashed you if you chilled with us anyway."
Josh looked at the ground, a little distressed. He wasn't THAT small after all. But he shook it off, knowing Brandon didn't necessarily mean what he was saying right now. Looking up at Markus, Josh figured he could give the men an assignment for the rest of the day. "Markus, could you just have Brandon shadow you until close?"
Markus shook his head in agreement. "Yeah that way he'll learn a little first hand before I supervise him tomorrow."
Josh smiled, glad to see at least Markus was always respectful of him, even when Brandon was around. He watched as the two muscled lifeguards walked over to the post by the wave pool and they started to allow people back into the pool. Josh looked once more at Brandon, who stood beside Markus with an actually serious look on his face, before turning away to head to his office and get working on getting Brandon into their records.
- - -
Josh looked up at his clock in amazement. He couldn't believe how the hours could just fly by as they were just hitting closing time. Figuring he had the time, Josh got up out of his chair and made his way out of the office, hoping to catch Brandon and Markus in the break room before they leave. Feeling a little bad he turned down their invitation earlier, he thought at the very least he could see how Brandon did today and see if he learned the ropes well enough.
Opening the door to the break room, Josh looked out to see the backs of both Brandon and Markus on the other side of the room. Josh smiled as he walked up right up to the edge of the balcony to call them over. Something caught his eye however, as Josh leaned over the edge of the balcony and saw Brandon's discarded clothes from earlier. Josh sighed as he wished the stubborn man would have just used a locker.
Josh started to lose his balance as Brandon turned around and started to walk over to his clothes. Hanging on as best he could Josh started to panic, hoping he wouldn't tumble off the balcony. As Brandon's footsteps pounded closer Josh…
"Shit! Shit! Shiiiiiiiiii….!" Josh yelled as he free fell off the balcony. He closed his eyes, hoping there was someway someone would save him before he crashed on the floor below. Josh slowly opened his eyes. He stopped, seemingly unharmed. Looking around Josh could only see a dense tangle of dark fabric. It smelt slightly of deodorant and sweat and just as Josh realized where he was he toppled over as the cushion he was on was being picked up and moved. "I'm in Brandon's clothes!"
Josh fumbled as he was buried under Brandon's shirt, somewhere in the middle of the clothes. Hoping to find his way out and make contact, Josh started to work his way up.
- - -
"Yo, hurry up." Markus called to Brandon as he started to walk over with his clothes in hand. Brandon held the bundle of clothes tight to his chest so he wouldn't accidentally drop any as the two made their way out. Markus grinned as he and his old teammate made their way out the door.
"We going to your place, dude?" Brandon asked as the pair made their way to a nearby bus stop.
"Yeah, it's just a short bus ride to the apartment. Yo, you sure you don't want to go to your place first?" Markus asked, looked at Brandon's clothes still held in his arms.
"It's fine, dude." Brandon said quickly, just honestly feeling too lazy to head to his new apartment first. The two sat on their spot on the bus for a few minutes, attracting a lot of wayward stares from several other bus goers with their impressive bodies, before eventually pulling in front of a new looking apartment complex only a short distance from the park. After getting off the bus, Markus lead Brandon to a near by building where his apartment was located.
Brandon sighed as Markus opened the door to the smallish one bedroom apartment. "I expected it to be bigger." Brandon joked as he nudged his friend in the stomach. "Considering you're a giant and all."
"You should feel right at home then." Markus retaliated as he walked into a doorway leading to his room. Meanwhile Brandon, instinctively made his way to the couch, dropping his clothes on the floor in front of it in the process, between his feet.
- - -
Finally, after a lot of effort Josh saw light and made his way to the surface of the clothes. Looking straight up he was puzzled for a second before falling back in surprise.
"L-legs!" Josh stuttered as he looked around. "And f-feet!"
He couldn't make out who's legs they were from his position, but if he had to guess, they would be Brandon's. To scared to move at the moment, Josh tried to figure out where the heck he was. The room was unfamiliar. In front of his he could see the edge of a couch, and behind him the legs of a coffee table. To the sides he could make out a few windows as well as a kitchen table and what looked like counter tops. With a few huge thuds, Josh cringed as he saw the entirety of Markus appear to his side, making his way out of a doorway. Josh looked up in awe. He was clad in just a pair of grey running shorts, with an orange stripe as well as a black flat rimmed hat on his head. Other than that his feet and torso were both bare, showing off his well trained muscles to Josh like some sort of god.
"Yo, you want a shirt or something?" Markus asked as he lifted up a black tank top he was holding.
"Nah, I'm good." Brandon said, looking down to admire his own body. "You should cover up though."
Markus threw the spare shirt back into his room with a smirk as he adjusted his hat on his head to the side better. "You think you're better looking than me, shrimpy?"
Josh nearly screamed as Brandon's legs moved over his position as the huge man stood up. Looking for only a second before he moved, Josh blushed as he stared up at Brandon's magnificent body all the way down from the floor. Unaware of the show he was giving, Brandon soon moved closer to Markus and stood beside him. Josh watched as both men were in full view was seemed like miles away.
"See look dude, my pecs are bigger than yours." Brandon said cupping his chest. Markus laughed as he cupped his own chest.
"Dude size doesn't mean everything. Mine might be a tiny bit smaller but they're even." Markus said with a dashing smile.
"Uneven my ass!" Brandon retorted as he examined his chest a little closer.
"Speaking of ass, mine's bigger than yours." Markus said turning slightly to show off his round bubble butt.
"Barely! Besides my ass is even!" Brandon snorted in a mocking tone.
Josh rested his chin on his fist. Amazed at what he was witnessing. "Unbelievable. To think I tried to pass this up?" Josh said to himself sarcastically.
The two went on for awhile, comparing every muscle they could trying to prove who was better before laughing it off with each other with a playful bro-hug. Josh snapped back to reality as he saw the pair coming back over to the couch. Josh tried to move as best he could to get himself in a good position to be noticed once they sat back down. Just then…
Josh struggled to find his balance as he squirmed around on the surface of Brandon's clothes. Without warning, however, Josh found himself suddenly entrapped in darkness. Unable to see his hand in front of his face, Josh felt around his new prison, it was rough, almost skin like in fact. Confused, Josh poked around a little more before hearing the muffled voices of Brandon and Markus as his new prison started to elevate quickly.
- - -
Brandon raised his closed fist up to about his chest in height and looked down at it with a frown. Markus looked on, puzzled what his old teammate was holding. "Yo, whatcha got, B?"
Brandon looked up with a disgusted look in response. "Some bug crawling around in my clothes. Your floor is probably infested with them, dude."
"Yeah? Or your clothes are, dude." Markus snipped back at his buddy, much to Brandon's dismay. Markus watched as Brandon started to clench his fist, readying to crush the puny insect out of existence. "What you're just gonna crush it in your fist?"
Brandon stopped for a second. Still feeling the little creature squirm about in his hand. "Well, it might have wings. I figured I'd just kill it like this."
Markus shook his head and clicked his tongue a little. "That's boring. What you want me to go get you a newspaper too?"
Brandon sighed, not very fond of being mocked by his friend. "Well what do you suggest we do?"
Markus shook his head in frustration. "Yo, I don't know! You used to be way more creative than this in high school. I remember one time at practice you swallowed a frog on a dare."
Brandon looked down at his fist. He could swallow the pitiful bug. It was so small though, it wouldn't even put up a fight. Brandon looked up at his friend and grinned. "Dude…"
"I'll eat this little shit. Serves it right for crawling around in my clothes." Brandon said lifting his fist a little. Markus laughed, glad to see his friend was back to his childish ways.
"Yo, this is gonna be way easier than that frog though." Markus said crossing his arms. Brandon merely shrugged his shoulders and laughed.
"It was kind of a small frog though too." Brandon said thinking hard for a second to remember back a few years. "I just remember chugging the little guy down with some gatorade and getting back to practice."
"It was pretty funny for everyone else, dude." Markus laughed as he walked out into the kitchen, before reappearing quickly with a bottle of gatorade. "Speaking of gatorade, here, on the house!"
Brandon took the bottle with his free hand, taking a quick swig of the orange liquid before swallowing it down. "Thanks man."
Without hesitation, Brandon started to lift his still closed fist up to his mouth and started to open it, tilting his head back in the process…
- - -
Holding on for dear life, Josh managed to grab on to a part of Brandon's rough skin. Looking down in the mostly dark he could make out the opening to a vast, dark cave. Brandon's mouth. Squealing in fear, Josh tried to avert his attention elsewhere. He couldn't believe it. The muffled words he heard and hoped to be wrong were in fact the truth. Somehow he got mistake for a bug and was now dangling over his old bully's mouth, ready to be eaten in some idiotic bet.
"There's no use!" Josh cried with his eyes closed, not wanting to witness the cavern of horror that was sitting there gaping below him. The smell was already bad enough, a mixture of some amount of rotten smelling food and fresh gatorade wafted up from the seemingly bottomless pit of Brandon's throat. Hanging on desperately to some part of Brandon's hand, Josh knew he was only delaying the inevitable.
As Josh's hand started to finally slip, he…
"Shit!" Josh felt his hand slip. Josh opened his eye's to watch himself fall down further and further away from Brandon's hand. It was like almost in slow motion, Josh could see Brandon's building like teeth stretch up on either side of him before finally landing with a soft splat somewhere in the massive mouth below. Laying for only a second, Josh realized Brandon's mouth was starting to level flat, however it was also starting to close. Getting up, Josh stumbled as quickly as he could toward the rapidly vanishing light, hoping somehow he could make a grand escape. Outside Brandon's almost shut mouth Josh caught a glimpse of Markus's body, just before the smelly cavern closed.
"No…" Josh wept as he was shut in total darkness. The smell from Brandon's throat started to waft up even worse now that it had no where to escape, Josh held back tears and gagged slightly as his old bully's breath enveloped him. Sloshing through Brandon's thick saliva, Josh was determined. He knew he only had once chance, and it was to keep moving forward, and hope that against all odds he could somehow position himself to safety before Brandon swallows him whole. Without delay, Josh pressed on.
- - -
"Yo. What's the hold up, dude?" Markus asked impatiently as he watched his friend close his mouth finally. Brandon simply smirked, not wanted to open his mouth.
"Guess that little guy was holding on pretty tight. Didn't wanna get eaten, dude." Markus chuckled as Brandon shrugged his shoulders arrogantly. "You gonna swallow that thing or not?"
Brandon held up a finger, indicating Markus to give him a minute as his eyes wandered in concentration. Markus nodded, in understanding. "Trying to feel it?"
Brandon slowly shook his head, continuing to search for the pitifully small creature in his mouth. A minute went by and Brandon was sick of trying to find the bug. With a tremendous gulp, Brandon simply tried to send the critter down no matter where it was in his mouth.
"Couldn't find it. Damn thing was way too little." Brandon scoffed as he looked at his buddy a little disappointed. "Whatever, it's in here somewhere now." Brandon added as he rubbed his abs a little.
Markus laughed at his friend's disappointment. "Yo, what did you expect, man?"
Brandon shrugged, "I don't know, man. Something exciting I guess."
Meanwhile, Josh…
"Noooooo!!!! Fuuuuuu---"
Were the last words Josh managed to scream before his mouth filled with the soupy sludge of his former bully's stomach. The stomach air was hot and muggy, much like the summers he used to spend at the pool. But twisted to demented extremes. The sensation of splashing down in this gross water and struggling for his life triggered a memory from his high school days.
Josh had went to the pool across town, alone. He was waiting for one of his friends to get there, but being who he was, he showed up 30 minutes early just to be safe. Josh hadn't planned on swimming just yet, so he pecked on a hotdog as he waited, taking in the sun on such a nice day. He took a bite and closed his eyes in relaxation.
Had he known that Brandon and his other punk friends frequented this pool, he would have left immediately.
"Josh?? Yoooo. If it isn't my favorite pipsqueak."
Josh's eyes rushed open and his heartrate doubled just at the sound of Brandon's smug voice. With his eyes now open, he could see that brandon stood in front of him, blocking the sun as he and his friend's shadows coated the smaller man in darkness.
Josh tried to speak, but the hotdog he haphasardly swallowed in surprise was now lodged in his throat, making him choke a bit.
"Awww. All choked up to see me, little dude?" Brandon's friends laughed at his attempt at humor. Josh wanted to respond, but instead he just sat up, trying to get more air.
"Dude you know you're not supposed to eat before going in the pool. Here, let me help you out with that." Brandon arrogantly grabs the half eaten hot dog and obnoxiously shovels it in his mouth. Josh had bigger problems to worry about than his food being stolen, but he was still annoyed by the action. It was a pretty good hot dog.
"There you go, bug! Now you're all ready to take a swim! Hahah…" With a cock of his head as all the order they needed, Brandon's friends grabbed a squirming and still slightly choking Josh and hoisted him into the air. Brandon and his goons snickered as they ignored Josh's pleas and disgarded him into the cold, uncaring pool. Josh, not shy to swimming, managed to make his way back up to the surface, dispite him now hiccuping like crazy. But his tormentors had no intention of making his escape easy. Josh tried to reach the edge of the pool and climb out; but he was met with Brandon, towering over him. From their difference in elevation, Josh felt like he was tiny; staring up at a malevolent god. A god who would soon fill Josh's vision with the sole of his smelly foot, kicking the smaller man in the face and sending him reeling back into the pool. Josh spat the water out of his mouth pathetically, and tried to get out of the pool the same way, this time met with the bare sole of another jock kicking him while he's down. And another. And another. And then back to Brandon for the most painful kick of them all. It became clear that he wasn't going to get out of this liquid any time soon. But his lunges ached and he wished more than anything that Brandon would show mercy.
He didn't.
"Hey, Josh. You wanna play sharks and minnoes? My boys and I will be the sharks. And, naturally, you'll be the tiny helpless minnow. Better swim away little fishy. We're hungry." Brandon laughed, then jumped in the pool with a deafening splash, followed by 3 more splashes behind him. Josh realized he was surrounded on every angle. He tried to swim away, but his face collided with Brandon's toned gut in the water. The bully laughed as he grabbed Josh's smaller body. Then, with the help of his friends, the group of guys took turns holding Josh below the water. Not long enough to drown him, but long enough to make Josh feel absolutely helpless. He thought he'd never escape this hell Brandon put him through.
Until a familiar voice rang out when he got his head above water.
"Yo, guys, cut it out. I think he's struggling for air." Markus the jock said, looking down at all of them from the edge of the pool.
"Ah don't worry. We're just having a little fun. Right guys?" Brandon's tone shifted. He was an excellent liar. His friends nodded in agreement as Josh finally caught his breath. The nerd looked at Markus, who at this point in time wasn't even an aquainatance yet. Then he looked at Brandon, who was smiling, but gave Josh a side eye that said "say anything and we really will fucking drown you." Josh gulped, looked back at Markus again and said:
Things were andything but fine inside of Brandon's stomach. The torrent of acid hadn't seemed to have a meal in a while, and as such it burned Josh's little meaty body like crazy. He tried his best to hold on to something, but Bradon's force kept holding him down. He was pushed and kicked and forced to submit, until his weak little lunges couldn't handle the liquid trying to infiltrate them. And, unfortunately, Markus couldn't save him this time.
Josh drowned inside of Brandon. Then his body started to dissolve away. His dying memory being Brandon, towering over him on the edge of the pool, like the god he was.
Markus raised an eyebrow. "Can eating something that small really be exciting?"
To which Brandon would reply "Oh hell yeah dude. You ever eaten a live minnow?"
"Those really tiny fish?"
"Yeah man. It's fun." Brandon replied, now rubbing his stomach in remeniscience. "If you gulp them down whole they swim around in your stomach for a bit. Heh. I bet they think they're still in water or something. Makes it more satisfying when you finally feel them stop moving."
Markus just stared a little bit before starting to move to the kitchen. "That's a little sadistic, my guy." The titan then opened up the fridge and looked around for food.
Brandon would laugh. "Eh. I guess I used to be a bit back in the day. But I think I've swallowed most of that shit down. It feels like I've passed most of it out of my system." Brandon's gut would gurgle. If he had listened closer, he could have heard a faint scream. "Oh, hey, speaking of which. You got any food, bro?"
Markus looked around for leftovers, then looked back to Brandon once he found some. "Yeah, sure. You alright with hotdogs?"
Josh shook in fear. Holding on as best he could he managed to make it to the front of Brandon's tremendous mouth. Brandon's gulp just moments ago was so powerful, he was surprised he wasn't swept up in the tongue's massive motion. Sighing a little in relief, Josh looked up at his next obstacle. A massive tooth. Deciding it was his only way out, Josh started to scale the somewhat slick surface. Brandon's loud voice didn't make matters any easier as Josh struggled to make his way up, but somehow luck must have been on his side this whole time as he peeked over the top, getting a view of the outside world once more. Resting for a second, Josh looked out, seeing Markus's laughing face. Josh sobbed for a second to himself. After all he had no idea where to go with his climb now!
As if on cue, an potential answer began to rumble behind Josh. A faint gurgle erupted from Brandon's throat, growing larger in size until finally…
Josh screamed as he found himself being flung through the air. Closing his eyes, Josh didn't dare look to see where he could possibly meet his end as he figured he'd eventually come crashing down on the floor with enormous force. Finally, Josh landed. The surface was hard, but not floor-hard. He couldn't really make out where he was for a second while he got his bearings straight. That is until he nearly crawled off a cliff. With a fearful leap, Josh jumped with his back against this somewhat soft "wall". Looking above him he saw what seemed like a ceiling that stops at the same point the cliff starts from here he was standing. To his sides he could see another end to this cliff followed by another landing in the distance. Suddenly, everything moved as he landing spot was most certainly mobile. Holding on tight Josh finally realized, it was skin. Not only that the dark coloration was certainly Markus's. Looking over the cliff Josh made out several features. Belly button, shorts, legs…
"Good lord, I'm in one of the ridges of his abs…" Josh whispered to himself as he backed up into the wall once more. Josh heard Markus's distant voice far above him, his abs contracting slightly with each breath he took as he spoke.
"Nice dude!" Markus laughed as Brandon shook his head happily. "That bug is toast!"
Josh looked out, being able to make out most of Brandon's body from his vantage point. The huge man arrogantly stroked his muscled stomach, proud of the burp he just let loose. Judging by what Markus said however, Josh smiled as he figured they must believe Brandon swallowed him. With a slight sigh of relief, Josh moved around hoping to find a way out of this new mess he was so unceremoniously launched into. Meanwhile…
Josh tried to hold onto the wall of flesh as best he could as Markus and Brandon laughed and walked over to the couch, sitting down with a massive flop. Josh screamed, feet flying off the 'ground' for a second as managed to hold on, crashing down into the ridges between Markus's abs once more as he settled into the couch.
"This is insane!" Josh cried out, picking himself up and looked around, now seeing Brandon sitting next to Markus to his left, and the edge of the couch to his right. "I'm a goner if I can't get one of their attention!"
Josh took a deep breath as he started to inch his way around, figuring out the best angle to approach being found. "I should try to make my way up to Markus's ear. He'll never hear me down here." Josh reasoned, looking straight up, seeing that since Markus's body was slumped back in the seat slightly, it did create a bit of an incline for him to use. Josh looked over at Brandon, also sitting with bad posture, but Josh shook his head, knowing he'd much rather try to contact Markus. "Yeahhh… not after he tried to eat me…"
Josh started his ascent, doing his best to make his way up as he kept an eye on the giant's listening to their conversation.
"Can't believe your dumb ass actually ate that bug, dude." Markus laughed, nudging Brandon in the side. Brandon simply gave Markus a bit of a pissed off look.
"Bro! You're the one that told me to do it!" Brandon angrily spat at Markus. "What the fuck do you mean, my dumb ass?!"
"Dude, I just said something like what you did with the frog. You're the one that jumped straight to eating a bug." Markus continued to laughed, but also technically being right in this situation. Brandon meanwhile continued to give Markus a sour look.
"Fuck you, dude. You suck." Brandon turned his head, crossing his arms. Markus chuckled and put his arm around Brandon's shoulders.
"Relaaaax, B. It's just a bug anyway." Markus tried to reassure his hot headed friend. "It's not like I had you swallow a pool ball or something."
"Dude, I'd kill you." Brandon still pouting, but not actually moving Markus's arm.
"Bro, if you did it it'd all be on you." Markus patted his arm up and down. "But seriously, I wouldn't do that to you, B."
"Better not!" Brandon ceased his pouting. "Anyway, dude…"
"Hmm?" Markus turned to look at Brandon. Looking at his friend, Brandon replied…
"There's a bug crawling up your chest, bro…" Brandon pointed down at Markus's chest, as his friend pulled his arm back and tried looking down at the spot Brandon was pointing at. "I'm not eating another, dude. Screw you."
Markus reached down, seeing the tiny speck Brandon had mentioned. Quickly pinching it in his fingers and dropping it into his closed palm.
"You sure, dude? I even caught it for you." Markus chuckled, waving his fist at Brandon. Unamused, Brandon pushed it away.
"Why don't you eat it?" Brandon taunted Markus. "You fucking owe me, bro!"
Markus shrugged, it was literally a miniscule worthless little insect after all. "Dude, fine. If you'll quit your bitching. Then we'll be even, okay?"
"I will, bro. Just eat the dumb bug!" Brandon impatiently glared at Markus, not entirely believing he'd do it.
"Fine fine." Markus again shrugged. He had no idea why Brandon was making this into such a big deal. Showing Brandon how little it mattered to him, Markus simply shoved his palm to his open mouth. Reaching to grab one of the drinks he got, Markus took a sip. With that, Markus rose an eyebrow with a smirk at Brandon, giving him a look like his complaining was all invalid. Brandon simply pouted again, crossing his arms.
"Dude, you didn't even make a big deal about it." Brandon felt like he had put on a grand show for his friend in comparison.
"What's there to make a big deal out of, dude?" Markus shrugged, setting down his drink. "It was a mindless little bug, dude. It doesn't even know what's happening to it right now."
"Bro imagine if it did?" Brandon thought about it for a second if a little bug would realize if it was just swallowed up. Markus shrugged, not really thinking about it.
"I guess if they did… shit there's be a lot of miserable bugs." Markus peeked down at his stomach for a second. "Eh, both bugs we ate should be glad we ate em, not a dumb frog or something."
Brandon leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. "Yeah true. Two luckiest bugs in the world, getting to get eaten by us rather than some dumb animal! They don't even realize how lucky they are!"
"Eh, one of them is lucky!" Markus patted his own stomach. "The one you ate. That's a big oof for that little bug, dude."
"Hey! Fuck you, dude!" Brandon shoved Markus in the side, as the bigger man continued to laughed.
- - -
"What's happening?!" Josh screamed, almost as if he was a bug, completely unaware he was eaten. Though sadly for Josh, he was quite aware that he was just eaten. But the tiny man couldn't begin to fathom why it just happened. Josh screamed and struggled as he pushed himself up and over some mounds of partially digested food. Markus's stomach rumbled violently as the giant patted his abs from the outside.
"This wasn't supposed to happen! I escaped from Brandon!" Josh cried out, feeling like there was no way this was fair. This wasn't part of the plan, Josh knew exactly what he needed to do to be rescued, and being mistaken as a bug a second time was certainly not part of it. "Markus!"
Josh's voice didn't even echo in the chamber. He was so small, so pathetic, that his miniscule voice couldn't even carry. Josh knew this, it was the entire reason why he tried so hard to climb for the ear. Josh couldn't help but curse Brandon. Not once, but twice, did the giant think he was a mere insect. Markus's stomach gave off a faint gurgle, churning it's contents a little.
"What can I even do…" Josh felt like he needed a miracle. With another pat of his stomach, Markus unintentionally shook the chamber once again however. Josh stumbled off the mound of food he was holding out on, and into a a foamy pool of acid.
If it was any consolation, considering Markus couldn't hear Josh's cries for help earlier, he also never heard Josh's screams of pain as his stomach acid made easy work of the tiny man.
As far as Markus would care though, that little bug was lucky he got to eat him in the end.
Without thinking, Josh dug his teeth down deep as hard as he could into Brandon's skin. Tears flowing from his eyes, he held his position as long as he could before his mouth was sore. Letting go finally, Josh fell backwards. Tired and scared, he awaited his fall to land him in the sticky wetness of Brandon's tongue. After laying for a second he realized he was still in Brandon's hand and looked up at Brandon's disgruntled face.
- - -
"Yo, what's wrong?" Markus questioned as he walked his way over next to Brandon to look down at the speck in his hand.
"I think it bit me." Brandon said while not looking very closely at what he still assumed to be a bug. Closing his fist back around it he looked up at his friend. "I don't know if I wanna eat it if it's gonna go munching on my insides."
Markus laughed. "Dude, that's what you're worried about? It's so small you wouldn't even feel it."
"Whatever dude. I'm just gonna crush it with my hands." Brandon said as he set down the gatorade bottle on the coffee table. Markus huffed, thinking just crushing the pest was uncreative and boring. Brandon rolled his eyes at his enormous friend and tried to compromise. "I'll lick up it's guts afterwards. Will that make you happy?"
Markus nodded his head with a toothy smile, much to Brandon's satisfaction. "Giant baby." Brandon mocked the man as he opened up his hand to see the tired pest still resting in the same spot. Taking his other hand, Brandon brought it over hovering it ready to clap the little biting pest to smithereens. Markus peeked a little closer to look at the bug, smirking to himself that he convinced Brandon to eat bug guts afterwards. Brandon readied his hand to come down in a triumphant clap and…
"YO! DUDE WAIT!" Markus yelled as he quickly grabbed Brandon's hand. Brandon almost jumped in surprise, not expecting this sudden intervention at all.
"What, holy shit dude. What?" Brandon panted as Markus looked closer down on Brandon's hand. Markus looked at Brandon's face with a scared look in his eye.
"This ain't no bug, dude." Markus said almost shaking. "It's Josh."
Brandon moved his other hand immediately away from over the speck and looked closer. Sure enough Brandon squinted to see little arms and legs and a head. The makings of a person. On even closer inspection he swallowed upon making out Josh's features. Markus backed up as he let Brandon realize what almost happened. Brandon looked down at Josh, astonished. Finally, he spoke to the tiny man.
"Dude… You bit me! What the hell man!" Brandon spouted angrily at Josh's exhausted body.
Markus blinked before going back over to Brandon and grabbing his hand before he did anything he'd regret. "Yo, you almost at the man. Dude was just protecting himself."
"I only almost did it because you told me to!" Brandon retorted, wanting to defend himself some more.
"Yeah only because you were just going to crush him! If I didn't tell you to eat him he'd be pulverized right now!" Markus yelled back, not wanting to take the blame either.
"How the hell is he even here? Why was he in my clothes?" Brandon yelled hoping to garner answers from thin air. Markus meanwhile tried to calm down both himself and Brandon as he walked him over to the kitchen table. Grabbing a napkin Markus instructed Brandon to carefully slide Josh off onto the napkin.
"Is he alive?" Brandon asked looking down closely at the unmoving man. Moving a finger down, Brandon went to poke the man before having his hand slapped away by Markus.
"He bit you didn't he? He's alive, probably unconscious or just exhausted. Leave him be for now." Markus ordered as Brandon stood back up to his full height and shrugged casually before walking away. Markus shook his head as he looked over at Josh, still motionless.
- - -
Josh opened his eyes. Rubbing them slightly he couldn't figure out where he was or what could have happened. Looking down he only saw white, a napkin it would seem. Around him he noticed the familiar setting of the small apartment he was in. "Guess it wasn't a dream." Josh frowned to himself as he tried to spot Brandon or Markus.
"Yo boss!" Josh heard the familiar voice call from behind him. Turning he saw Brandon and Markus sitting at the table together, eating what looked like ramen noodles. Stumbling to his feet, Josh waved at the pair of men, to which Markus smiled, where as Brandon kept the same sour look as he sucked up a massive string of noodles.
"You ok?" Markus asked leaning forward to look at the tiny man. Josh rubbed the back of his neck as the huge man's face loomed in closer.
"I'm fine that was quite the fiasco though…" Josh said, trying not to make too big of a deal out of it.
Brandon swallowed his food hard, and wiped his mouth before leaning forward as well. "What were you doing in my clothes?" He asked boisterously.
Josh rubbed his chin thinking back to earlier in the day. "I came to the break room to see how you guys did today, and I sort of just lost my balance and fell right into them. I was lucky they were there or I could have been hurt pretty bad!"
Brandon sat back, sour expression unchanging. "Yeah I bet."
Josh felt a bit of a sting behind the words. It was the truth after all, he didn't understand why Brandon had to be such a suspicious brat about it. Shaking the thought Josh figured it would be best to just ignore Brandon's words.
Markus shifted slightly in the awkward silent for a second before standing up. "Yo, I gotta piss."
Josh watched as the huge man stomped away into the near by bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Josh looked a little fearfully toward Brandon. The look on his face told Josh he was…
Josh tried to smile awkwardly as Brandon stared intently in his direction. The huge muscled giant seemed none too pleased about finding out in was in fact Josh who was crawling around in his clothes. Leaning forward, Brandon reached out and casually scooped the tiny man into his hands.
"W-what are you doing?" Josh asked nervously, shocked at his sudden relocation.
"You just "happened" to fall in my clothes?" Brandon asked, whispering scornfully into his hand. "I don't believe that."
"It's the truth! Why in the world would I want to be in this situation?" Josh asked, hoping to get through to the angry giant.
Brandon chuckled. "You were always so quiet in high school. No one could read you. What makes me want to believe you? This could be some weird fetish of yours."
Josh blushed. Sure he found shrinking to be exhilarating, but he never ever intended to put himself in danger no matter now "neat" shrinking was. "That's ridiculous! Nobody would be dumb enough to hitch hike on a pile of clothes while being like a fourth of an inch tall!"
Brandon leaned back and scratched his stomach with his free hand. His face seemed to find it at least half believable, for the moment anyway. Looking up at the giant's face, Josh desperately wanted Brandon to believe him. He felt terrible that after all the strides they made today to get along could end this poorly.
"Please Brandon, I just want to go home. Trust me." Josh begged the smug looking man.
"Too late for that, the last bus left 5 minutes before you woke up…" Brandon said slowing his words as he said them. "That's convenient isn't it?"
Josh's jaw dropped. Brandon was legitimately accusing Josh of being passed out too long… on purpose? "Yeah next time I slip into unconsciousness after almost being eaten I'll make sure I wake up in time to make the last bus." Josh snapped at the man angrily.
"Go ahead and take that tone." Brandon replied, acting like he should be the one in control. "Blame me all you want. Just like Markus."
"I'm not blaming anyone, I just want you to believe me. It's not anyone's fault!" Josh pleaded hoping it might ease Brandon's mood a little.
Brandon thought quickly as he heard the sink water running in the other room, knowing Markus would reemerge any second. "Well…" He started…
Brandon sighed. "Maybe you're telling the truth."
Josh smiled wide, there was hope after all in this seemingly bleak situation. "Or maybe you're lying." He added while looking down at the little man. "Either way, I have to think about it. In the mean time, we're gonna play a little game called "Make Markus the bad guy and Brandon the good guy"."
Josh looked confused, his joy was short lived after all. "What?" Josh asked with a blink as he watched Brandon's face twist into a smile. In a flash, Josh found himself being dropped, before splashing into a hot liquid of sorts. Trying to find a responsible spot to float, Josh quickly spotted a pale looking floating object. Making his way to it, Josh latched on and looked around his hot new environment. "I'm in a bowel of ramen!"
- - -
Brandon looked down in Markus's bowl. After watching Josh swim pitifully toward a noodle, he figured his job was done. Leaning back, he decided to think over what Josh said to him. Looking to his side though he saw Markus walking over, wiping his wet hands on his shorts.
"That took awhile." Brandon smirked at his friend.
"Yeah yeah. Yo where's Josh at?" Markus asked looking over at the napkin as he sat back down at his seat.
Brandon started to lift some ramen to his face as he replied. "Said the light was bothering him, I think he crawled under the napkin."
"Oh, gotcha. Poor little guy." Markus said as he lifted up some noodles for himself. Brandon looked out of the corner of his eye trying to catch Josh's tiny form in the mess of noodles Markus was about to shovel into his gaping mouth. Noticing the tiny man managed to avoid the first bite, he went back to enjoying his own food, as well as determining whether to help the little man or not.
Markus finished slurping up his noodles before nearly swallowing the mouthful completely whole. With an audible gulp, Brandon watched as the huge man's adam's apple bobbed dramatically as his powerful throat muscles sent it's meal down to it's final destination. Brandon sat back in thought for a second. Even if the tiny guy was lying, did he really deserve to get pulled down into some guy's stomach like that? Pondering for a moment, Brandon looked over at Markus again who pulled another massive mouthful of noodles up out of his bowl. As the behemoth of a man started to lick his lips, Brandon noticed a tiny struggling speck, just in the middle of the mess of noodles.
Brandon had to make up his mind fast… did that little guy really deserve this? Brandon thought to himself…
“Of course he does. Little creep’s getting what he deserves.” Brandon justified. He kept staring as Josh fought and squirmed inside Markus’s bowl. The giant’s fork circled the tiny like a shark that smelled blood in the water.
Josh kicked, swimming for his life. If he could reach the edge of the bowl, he could maybe climb out before Markus’s fork could catch him. Unfortunately, his plans would be ruined rather quickly as a whirlpool caused by the giant’s fork made all the noodles suck in towards Josh at the center of the bowl. He found his right arm caught by a thin noodle, then his left leg, then even his torso was wrapped in ramen. He felt his whole body constricted by Markus’s food. Struggling, he turned his head upward to see Markus staring down right at him.
“MARKUS! PLEASE HELP!” Josh begged.
But the giant only licked his lips and plunged his fork at the tiny in response.
Brandon watched as Josh, completely wrapped in noodle, was dragged up to Markus’s awaiting maw. Brandon saw how helpless and constricted he had made the tiny, and he also saw how unaware Markus was that he was about to devour the boss he cared so much about. His action was making Markus into a murderer, and making Josh into Markus’s unconsenting rope bunny. That level of control filled the former bully with such a powerful feeling.
Right as Josh was about to enter the african american giant’s mouth, he and Brandon made eye contact. Josh screamed out one last time for Brandon to help him. But the giant simply gave a cruel but playful wink at Josh as the bound up tiny entered Markus’s warm mouth.
Markus noticed the wink. His face formed a frown as he pulled the fork off of his lips, completely clear of noodle.
“Did you just wink at me bro?” Markus asked as he chewed his food.
Brandon looked at the mush being tossed around inside Markus’s mouth. Josh was free of his constraints, but he’d never get out now. Brandon nearly tingled.
“Nah, bro.” Brandon said casually, trying to hide his excitement.
Markus shrugged and brushed off what he thought he saw. The giant swallowed hard, sealing Josh’s fate, which caused a soft chuckle to escape Brandon’s lips. Markus took note of this yet again but decided not to question it. He simply shook his head as his stomach grumbled.
“If you don’t want your ramen, bro, I’ll take it.” The giant gestured towards Brandon’s barely eaten bowl. Brandon thought for a second.
“Yeah man, go ahead!” He encouraged as he slid the bowl over to Markus, who happily accepted.
Brandon wasn’t that hungry. He was fulfilled. He thought about the food that Markus was eating. How it would fall onto Josh, bury him alive, and force an even more painful digestion. He thought about how Markus was oblivious to the fact that he was currently maiming someone he was close to. And he thought about how HE was the one to orchestrate the whole thing.
Those thoughts alone made the cruel jock more than full.
"It was Trevor, pretty sure." Tyler answered looking down at the sheet and handing it back to Josh. "Why is this guy applying here, dude?"
"I was wondering the same thing." Josh mulled as he looked down at the sheet again himself. "I feel like his time would be better invested in an internship or something."
Tyler simply shrugged as he walked his way over to the interview room with Josh. "Well either way, he's waiting for you, dude. Go get em!"
Josh approached the door to the interview room, grabbing the door knob and opened the door. Fresh air rushed out the door into Josh's face as the huge room opened up to him. Josh approached a balcony for him to stand on as he was still but a mere 1/4th of an inch tall compared to the massive interviewee across from him, seated at a chair at a hulking 6'4".
As Josh walked to the edge of the balcony, he tried to take in this new massive giant's appearance. He wore a tight looking long sleeved white collared shirt with khaki pants, tucked in with a brown belt. He had short spiky blonde hair and his deep blue eyes were slightly obstructed by a pair of thin looking glasses. Josh looked at his face, he was insanely handsome, but gave off a look like he really was extremely intelligent. He definitely made a really good impression.
Josh swallowed his fear slightly as he moved forward to address the devilishly handsome giant. "Trevor, right?" Josh started. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Josh. I'll be interviewing you."
"Yo, that's sweet!" Trevor spoke up, taking off his glasses and looking closer that Josh. "I read about this place extensively, but I never would have thought I'd be interviewed by an actual tiny human!"
Josh was shocked at how Trevor spoke. He simultaneously sounded very smart, but also very much like a typical frat bro. "Oh good, I'm glad you heard about us first." Josh acknowledged Trevor's awareness. "Well I just want to say I'm really impressed by your resume. But I'm curious why you wouldn't be applying to a hospital or something."
"Well I'll be honest with you dude, I already am." Trevor spoke again, feeling proper yet still informal. "But I really need an escape a few days a week. Something to get me away from the books and internships."
"That's understandable. So you're under a lot of pressure?" Josh asked, feeling like he was in a similar place when he was at college not long ago.
"Yeah, dude. It's a lot." Trevor frowned a little. "Plus it's like… Everyone expects me to be some genius but I'd rather just be myself."
"I understand." Josh felt like he was repeating himself. "Well I don't think any of the guys here would have any expectations for you. Besides they're all very friendly."
"Oh good." Trevor smiled, a little relieved. "I'm always surrounded by uppity professors and know it all nerds. My only real escape was going to the gym. But dude… everyone there knows about my grade so all the cool dudes just look at me and laugh like I'm trying to prove something."
"Well… if you want my opinion." Josh looked at the handsome blonde. "I think…"
Josh sifts through the profiles before sliding Jon's resume to the top. "Hmmm, the experience is a plus. Too bad its been three years since he had that job."
Tyler reassures. "Well at least it's easier to train him back to the basics than to start from scratch."
"True, but I sure hope we can use this guy. Don't like telling someone so desperate that we don't need em." With that, he opens his minature door to the interview room to meet his potential new lifeguard.
The one word on that resume is not padded at all. Jon is built like a tank and to Josh, more mountain than man. He certainly is aloof though. He doesn't have the classiest wardrobe and from the look of his thin athletic shorts and running shoes, he must've stopped here after a long jog. His tank top and shorts are stretched over his muscular features. His pecs literally hold up the tank top and stretches it tight over his torso. From the looks of it too, he doesn't look bored. His head rocks back and forth, shaking the long wires of his earbuds leading to his walkman.
Josh resumes his intended purpose as he gets on his miniature elevator to take him in the interviewer's seat. But when the door opens to the top, the doorway is blocked. Apparently Jon has used this seat as a footrest, blocking the way out for his potential boss. Josh sets up his microphone and tries a polite approach.
"Um…Jon…can you please move your feet please so we can start the interview?"
There is no response. Poor Josh can't shout louder than Jon's music. He tries again.
"Please move your feet so we can get started!"
Finally the rubber wall of the sole moves away from the elevator door. He must've had his earbuds pop out or something, but Josh bites his tongue. He looks far more attentive now, scanning the room behind his dark shades for the source of the voice. He has his audience now, relief returns.
"Hello, my name is Josh - the head of the Shrink and Swim. I am here to interview you today."
Jon yanks off his earbuds, still puzzled. "Down here…" Josh guides him so they make eye contact.
"You're pretty small for a boss," Jon's perplexed look remains as he slides off his shades. "Are you like an ant or something?"
"No, I'm just a tiny guy who owns the Shrink and Swim," The interview begins.
"So what brought you here?"
"I like to help people." Jon replied leaning forward slightly with an attractive smile. "I might not seem like the type of guy, but I give it my all to protect people and help em."
"That's reassuring, considering helping and protecting people is a huge part of the job!" Josh answered with a smile, feeling like Jon seemed like a good hearted guy despite only being 19 and coming off like a kind of an aloof meat heat at first. "So why don't you tell me a little more about yourself?"
"Well I'm QB of a college football team near here." Jon said as he put his hands behind his head in thought. "Also I'm in my second year. Undeclared major."
"Oh well do you have any interests for school?" Josh asked, wanting to keep the conversation flowing.
"Not really. I just kind of like football." Jon rubbed his chin. "I do a good amount of community service though too. Like painting and small renovations and stuff. You know, just trying to help out the community."
"That's fantastic!" Josh grinned, feeling like he had to have a great work ethic if he was out helping in the community for free. Josh tried to think of something else to keep up the talk as he looked back down at the sloppy resume. "I thought it was funny you put down "ripped" for you build. Usually guys just put down athletic or something."
"Oh I wasn't sure." Jon chuckled. "I felt like it was the most appropriate way to describe myself! I love going to the gym and lifting, dude! Do you lift, bro? It's kind of heard to tell… since you're so tiny."
"Oh me?" Josh fretted, never really one to hit the gym despite being around athletic gym rats on a daily basis. "No, not really I don't usually have the time."
"Oh that's too bad. I was gonna say I could train you." Jon answered, slumping back, likely trying to find a way to "help" Josh in some way shape or form. "You're pretty tiny though. I'd be worried a weight would crush you."
"Well this isn't my normal hieght. I was trying to tell you before that it's just part of the attraction to the park." Josh tried to drive the point home. "People shrink to go inside the park, then once it everything feels massive but it's all in a condensed space."
"Ohhh yeah. I read that somewhere." Jon shook his head, remembering slightly. "So why didn't you like… grow back to your normal size before our interview?"
"Oh. Um." Josh fretted a second time. "Well like I said, I usually just don't have the time. Plus I was running late. But I suppose more often than not I prefer to conduct the interviews like this. Hence why I had the room designed around it."
"Oh so you like being tiny?" Jon pointed out casually.
"Umm…" Josh felt like he was backed into a corner. Not wanting to lie. "Yeah, I suppose I do."
"Hah, I like that dude." Jon smiled. "You can be tiny around me whenever you want, I'd be happy to help…. errr that is if you've decided to hire me?"
"Oh right!" Josh nearly forgot this was an interview. "I decided you were definitely suitable. I can tell you're a good guy. I'd be happy to have you on my crew!"
"Ballin' dude." Jon gave Josh a huge thumbs up as he leaned forward with an smile. "So what's next?"
"Well.." Josh thought aloud. "Why don't we have you…"
"Well I'm always looking for a good place to add to my workout." Jon replied arrogantly. "I play a lot of football for my school, so I'm always looking for a good job to keep me on my feet and active."
"Oh, well that's definitely a good thing." Josh answered blankly. It wasn't the best answer he could have expected, but it was a valid one none the less. "How did you hear about this job and what do you know about the park?"
"I just saw an ad at my school. Saw the pay was better than a campus job, plus I life guarded a few years ago." Jon answered. "As for how much I know… where even is the park? Also I still don't understand why you're so small. You sure you aren't an ant, dude?"
"Yeah… pretty sure." Josh answered, slightly annoyed. "I guess I could've done a better job of explaining before though, I just assumed you knew about Shrink and Swim before you applied."
"Sorry." Jon apologized in a fairly dull tone.
"It's alright. Basically the park is very small and the guests and everyone all shrink down to go inside the park. Then once inside you'll see how everything appears so huge and expansive, but in reality it's only taking up a er small area on the outside." Josh explained as quickly and simply as he could. "It uses a high tech shrinking system I created."
"Oh wow, I guess maybe I did hear about this place. Like it was on the news or something." Jon answered. "I thought it was like fake news or something though."
"Well as you can see by me, it's not fake at all." Josh smiled, happy to blow a mind or two when the chance came up to show off his work.
"I don't have to be small all the time though, do I?" Jon asked, awkwardly, not really liking the idea of people being bigger than him.
"Oh no, the life guards have a special break room in the back they can go in and out of at normal size whenever they'd like." Josh explained, hoping to reassure the attractive teen. "Oh also the break room has a small gym in it too."
"Really, dude that's great!" Jon beamed. "I'd love working out on my breaks. Need to make those gains, bro!"
"Yeah…" Josh mulled, feeling like Jon was far too comfortable thinking Josh had already decided to hire him.
"So when do I start, dude?" Jon asked, eager to make money while still adding to his workout.
"Well… I hadn't really made a decision yet." Josh answered, hoping not to upset the 6'7" adonis.
"Why not?" Jon asked getting kind of an intense expression on his face now. "I need an answer, bro."
"Uhhhh…" Josh felt uncomfortable looking at the attractive meat head's face as it went quickly from excited to dead serious in an instant. Josh had to make a choice deciding to….
"I think maybe we jumped the gun a little here. Maybe I can just give you a call?" Josh tried to lie, not really wanting to hire Jon seeing as he seemed a little too self centered to work well with his crew.
"So it's a no then?" Jon looked at Josh with a stern expression.
"No no, I'll let you know." Josh lied again starting to feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, Josh jumped as Jon's hand crashed behind him, easily scooping him into his massive palm before he even had to react to the giant's movements. Josh fell to his ass as Jon stood up, lifting Josh with him. "What in the world!?"
"Look bro." Jon looked down at Josh from far over him. "I said I was coming here to add to my work out. So if I can't work here, I'm gonna have to take you as part of my workout."
"What does that even mean!" Josh plead, starting to panic. "Put me down, look I'll hire you if it's that big a deal."
"No way, dude. Not now." Jon looked at Josh seriously. "Maybe after I show you how important building my body is, I'll consider it."
"Please, just let me down. If you take me that's basically kidnapping." Josh tried to use a tiny bit of logic in the scenario.
"Look calm down dude." Jon seemed to almost reassure Josh. "I'm not kidnapping you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just taking you to prove how important it is to me that I get bigger and stronger. I'm going to show you, personally."
"That's still basically kidnapping…" Josh reiterated.
"Not if you agree to come with me." Jon replied, pretty much being right in that sense. "Just agree to come with me and I promise you I'll show you how hard working I am and how devoted I am to building myself."
"And if I don't agree?" Josh asked, almost fearing the consequences.
"Then I will kidnap you and you'll literally be a part of my work out in some way." Jon narrowed his eyes in sharp manner.
Josh swallowed. He couldn't be sure what to do. Panicking, Josh….
Fearing the repercussions of saying no to the giant Josh muttered out “O..ok I’ll go with you”
Any look of evil intent melts off Jon’s giant face and he smiles “Great you’ve made the right choice little man, you won’t regret this!”
Josh forced a smile as Jon’s massive hand picked him up tenderly enough not enough not to hurt him but with enough grip to send a message, don’t try anything or you’ll regret it.
“Now until we get out of the park I’m gonna have to hide you so none of your nosy employees ask you anything, sorry”. Jon the proceeds to lift you up to his mouth and pop you in to the dank wet cave. You shout out as his massive toughness lands on top of you with a squelch pinning you in place. With no other options you lay under the tongue and wait for him to remove you from the cave.
Finally after 15 minuets Jon Removes you and you see he wants to show you his “work ethic” at…
Jon then sits up tall stretching out his shirt once more with his bulging pecs looking down at you. "Well I used to be a Lifeguard a while back ,but I had to give it up since my family moved away and I wasn't able to continue my job there but now that I finished school I decided to try out to become a Lifeguard once again" he spoke as he laid back causing his shirt to lift up a bit revealing his ripped abs. "Well than that's good to hear, and lucky enough you were trained back then , but due to it being a while ago we would have to go over the basics with you" responded Josh as he looks up at the immense mountain of a man.
"Well then I have decided to…"
"Dude, Matt need's someone to relieve him! Also, I think you haven't checked the Skin Burner yet today right?" Tyler said quickly to his short boss.
"Oh damn…" Josh thought. "Ok, Tyler you're on break now right?" He questioned the hunky lifeguard.
Nodding his head he understood what Josh was thinking. "I should be able to cover him fine. Plus I love doing the Skin Burner! Girls always scream before they go down!" He laughed to himself.
"I knew I could count on you!" Josh said, reaching up and putting a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Let's go."
- - -
The two walked together back past the wave pool taking a left down a path to the speed slides. Quickly, they moved past the line of patient park goers as they made their way up the long wooden stair case to the top of the slide. Tyler was sure to giggle every time someone screamed on their way down.
Finally, reaching the top Josh looked over at the lifeguard stationed at the front of the tube, Matt. The young man practically looked like a surfer dude. He was 22 years old and around 6'4" with short blonde hair and blue eyes that were almost always covered by his dark sunglasses. He was quite lean, but his thin body showed off his solid abs and round pecs all the better. Like always, he sported a shark tooth necklace, letting the tooth itself rest careless between his pecs.
"Dude, boss! You finally got my message!" Matt said as he just let a young boy slide down the vertical slope.
"Yeah sorry for the delay, Matt. Tyler's here to relieve you." Josh said watching as the impatient patrons at the top wanted to finally go down the slide.
The people started staring at the one called "Tyler" with angry eyes. Wanting him to hurry up and swap places with the blonde. "All yours, Ty." Josh said nudging his side.
"Alright!" Tyler said seeing that young boy made it to the bottom. "You're good to go mam." He said to the mother waiting to meet her son at the bottom. The woman screamed in a shrill pitch as she dropped down the slide much to Tyler's amusement.
Walking back down the stairs Matt turned to his boss. "Yo Josh? I gotta ask you something man."
Hoping it could wait Josh replied, "I still need to inspect the ride. Could I meet you in like 10 minutes?"
"Sure dude, I'll wait for you in the break room." He said casually as he ran one of his hands through his hair.
"Wonder what's up?" Josh thought as the muscular man walked off.
- - -
Finishing his inspection of the ride, Josh realized it had already been over 10 minutes. "Uh oh, better just hurry over." Josh thought as he darted off to the entrance to the break room.
Opening the door, he looked out across the magnificent room. It was basically a normal looking break room with a kitchen, lounge, bathroom, and even a little work out room. The key difference was that from the park side there were balconies so that anybody coming in while shrunk will be able to maneuver the expansive rooms without fear of being crushed by someone full sized in the rooms.
Josh looked out at the kitchen table and saw Matt sitting there, sipping at a blue sports drink. Walking up to a microphone designed to talk to someone across the room Josh spoke into it to get the surfer dude's attention. Hearing his boss's voice, the young man springs up and walks over to the balcony to better see him.
Matt squatted down to get a better view of the about knee high balcony. "Yo dude, I was starting to think you forgot!" He said setting his massive drink down on the balcony next to Josh.
The floor shook as the massive bottle slammed to the ground. Ignoring the action though Josh addressed his employee. "Yeah I'm sorry I just got held up inspecting the ride." He said scratching the back of his neck. "What was it you needed to talk about?"
Looking through his shades at his tiny boss he said, "I wanted to ask about…
"Well dude, I have a "little" favor to ask." The attractive blonde said as he empathized the word "little."
Curious what Matt might be getting at Josh tilted his head slightly.
Noticing his boss's curiosity, Matt felt like he needed to explain himself a bit better.
"It's like this dude." He said, resting his arm on the balcony in front of Josh. "You're like the only one at this park who ever seems to… well voluntarily stay shrunk."
Blushing slightly Josh often wondered if his staff noticed his preference for being tiny. He was especially shocked to hear this out of Matt since he never seemed like the sharpest tool in the shed.
"If Matt figured out… then it's probably pretty close to common knowledge." Josh thought looking up past the young man's arm into his dark shades.
"Well I am always pretty busy. I don't always have time to go around front and grow back to normal size." Josh tried lying to blonde hunk.
"Riiiight…" Matt replied, lowering his sunglasses briefly to wink at his boss with his steely blue eyes. "Either way dude, I kinda thought you were the only one capable for what I need."
Josh looked nervously at the handsome man's face. "Great… I am that obvious." He thought to himself, regretting his little white lie.
"Anyway dude." He said moving his arm to grab his sports drink. "I need you to…
"I need you to help me get ready for a date, dude." Matt said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing. "See I met this real cute girl the other day while I was catching some waves, and well we hit it off and I asked her out."
Josh tilted his head, confused. "How exactly can I help you get ready for you date? You already look fine, just put some normal clothes on."
"Its not that dude. I'm actually really self conscious about things like having shit in my teeth, or if I got a few too many nose hairs sticking out of my nose or something." Matt said scratching is nose.
Josh sighed, not sure why Matt came to him looking for help when he could easily just use a mirror like everyone else. "Matt you really need my help for this? I mean you couldn't just use the mirror in the bathroom?"
Matt shook his head, "No can do I already tried. I have something stuck good in my teeth way in back!" He said opening his mouth and sticking his finger in. "Then look at this blonde hair sticking out of my nose!" He said trying to pull on a tiny hair barely sticking out of his nose. "Dude I need your help!"
Josh sighed a second time. He couldn't believe he was actually debating helping him, but at this point it was too sad to see him struggle. "Ok Matt, But I'm only doing one. Which do you care about more, teeth or nose?"
Matt shot up delighted that his little boss agreed to help him. Stopping to think for a second Matt tried to think which of the two would be easier for him to deal with later himself and which would better for Josh to tackle for him…
"Ok dude, I've decided I need you to go in my…"
Matt stutters for a bit as he weighs the two options. Then, he spits it out. "Go with the nose please, boss."
Josh sighs and then raises his hands as if to orchestrate. "OK, I'll help with the nose hair problem - just this once. But please be careful while I'm in there."
The big surfer guy beams with delight. "Of course, of course! I'll breathe though my mouth! I'll do anything!"
"Then we're in agreement." Josh steps forwards so Matt can lower his index finger for the little man to climb aboard. He almost falls off it as he gets carried closer and closer to the nostrils. He can definitely feel the gale-like gusts of air entering and leaving his lungs through them. "Are you sure I can handle this?"
"Sure, man." Matt pulls back for a second. "It's like pulling weeds, I think. Should be easy for your little hands, boss."
"OK," Josh sighs. "I'm ready. Take me in…"
Matt lowers his finger in the gap between his nostrils and lips, letting Josh climb off it and resume the rest of the trip. "Damn, I should've asked if he wanted both nostrils done…oh well…" Josh thinks to himself. The left one looks closer to him and an easier ascent into it. Josh climbs inside Matt's nose to do some hair removal.
The howling wind through the fleshy cave slows upon his entry. "Matt must've remembered our deal…good…" With no wind to face, Josh stands up again to start plucking nose hairs. The carpet almost goes up to his shoulders - this will be hard. Josh hesitates as he prepares his hands for the first plucking. He grabs one. Moisture from the cave makes the hair stalk hard to make a firm grip, so he wraps it a little around his forearm. This will give him some leverage. Josh inhales to find his strength and yanks with all his might.
The hair pops out of the follicle. It was a stubborn one, but only one hair out of dozens Matt needs cleared out his nose for his date. So far he's been good at controlling his breath - a testament to a life as a lifeguard and surfer. But he has no control of the involentary actions of his body. The pulled hair must've set off some nerves, signalling his brain of the damage. The cave floor writhes in retaliation. As Josh moves to pluck another hair, he can feel his feet getting a little heavier. Matt's nose is doing what it does best to strange things inside it - glue it down with mucus. Josh pushes faster. "If I don't speed up, I'm gonna become a human boogar…"
Another hair gets plucked. This time, Matt can't help himself with the reaction. Hurricane winds rush into the nostril cave, slamming against Josh. "Dammit Matt! Breathe through your mouth! I'm still in here!" The normal rhythm of Matt's respiration resumes, but now his tiny boss faces it with full force. He grabs hold on one more hair, but the cave has gotten wetter since he first entered it. He slides off this safety line and now ends up…
After his head stops spinning, Josh tries to recollect where he is and what's going on. His head throbs a bit from the disorientation.
"I hate being such a good person sometimes…" he groans. "All this for a stupid date? Ugh…"
The tiny tries to move forward to the next nose hair. But he can't. His feet are embedded deep into a mound of mucus. Josh takes a steady breath, trying to remain calm. He struggles with all his might to pull himself free…
Only to fall flat on his back into more of the sticky substance.
Josh tries his best to get up but his hands are stuck to the floor of Matt's nasal cavity. He struggles but cannot move. So, he resorts to his only real option.
…but no response comes.
…and again, nothing happens.
Desperate, Josh tries to wiggle free once more. But his struggling backfires, and he starts to sink more and more into the mucus like quicksand. Matt's nose was starting to perceive Josh as a piece of dirt. So naturally, it did what it had to do to prevent the surfer bro's body from infection. The snot started to cover more and more of Josh's body, trapping him and submerging him. Josh became encased in the gross slime of Matt's nose until only his head peaked above the surface.
Understandably, Josh was panicking. If he became stuck in a booger, he'd run out of air. His only hope was Matt. His fate rested in his employee. Hopefully the surfer would be able to see what's right under his nose, right?
Matt's TikTok feed had been particularly funny today. As he sat and waited for Josh to finish his job, he had seen quite a few videos that made him chuckle. But he was committed to not inhaling or exhaling too much through his nose so that his boss would be safe. Laugh too hard and Josh would probably be sent hurtling into Matt's stomach. And he did NOT wanna have to throw up his boss before his big date. Speaking of his boss…was Josh nearly done yet? How long had he been in there? Matt checked the time on his phone.
20 minutes.
Matt had been scrolling on his phone for over 20 minutes.
Immediately, Matt's adrenaline spiked up. How could he have been this careless? With this much time passed, he knew one thing immediately:
He was gonna be late for his date if he didn't get zooming.
As Matt ran out of the break room to get ready to leave, he could feel his heart rate increasing. He took breaths in and out of his nose as he picked up the pace. He grabbed his bag, his change of clothes, all the while getting more worked up until:
"Oh shit WAIT. JOSH!" Matt realized.
Matt nearly slammed open the bathroom door to look at himself in the mirror. After a brief inspection of his face, he sighed in relief.
"No nose hairs. Nice." he said, checking himself out. "But I got to get Josh out of there before I'm too late!"
Then the stud paused. He felt a premonition. He quickly inhaled through his nose, involuntarily. Then did it again. His face contorted into a closed eye frown and suddenly let out a fat sneeze.
Matt's nose expelled a volley of particles from his nasal cavity. The heavier mucus hit the sink and traveled down the drain faster than Matt could even process, while the lighter particles floated in the air. Matt shook his head, recovering from the sneeze. Thinking about the fastest way to get Josh out of his nose, he grabbed some toilet paper and brought it up to his nostrils. The giant took a deep breath in and blew hard into the paper.
Matt looked down at the paper in his hand in disgust. But in the muck, he spotted Josh's tiny body. He looked like he was in a fetal position. "Ugh…ew. Sorry about that, Josh. But thanks a lot for the help, boss!"
Matt then took a better look at the damp tissue in his hand. Specifically, the glob of booger lodged within it.
"…boss?" He asked, a little concerned.
Matt examined the mess of snot closer. He saw that Josh was definitely trapped within it.
But he also saw that he wasn't moving. Or breathing.
Josh had become the first human booger in history. But he would run out of air before he could tell the tale.
Josh lost his grip on the slippery wet hair as he was being blowed up by the potent wind caused by Matt's unvoluntair breath-in.
Josh felt like he was being shaken inside a washing machine, so violently that he couldn't keep track on how much he actually moven into the massive hunk's body.
When the world stopped spinning and Josh reached for a still posotion he discovered he was in trouble; he was trapped inside of one of Matt's alveolus.
Josh had to get out of there as fast as he could! He tried to climb out of there, but soon he realised that the entering air was more potent than the one that was expulsed, so each time he did an advance he wassent back inside of his fleshy prison.
Josh then decided to take out his cellphone and call Matt, but sadly it had low battery!
Josh dials Matt's number and…
"I kinda need help getting my whistle back, little dude…" Matt says, looking down at his chest. "I'm sure you noticed I don't have it.
Just now Josh did in fact notice, that the red whistle that all his lifeguards have on a string around their necks was missing from Matt's.
"I did think it was a little weird you had the string around your neck, but no whistle…" Josh said looking at the blonde hunk's chest. "What happened to it?"
"Well dude, its kinda funny story!" He started laughing to himself and rubbing the back of his neck. "You see, I was walking into the park this morning, and I kinda took it off the string to play with it… Plus I thought I looked cool walking into the park with just the little whistle in my mouth…" He admitted.
Still wondering where this story was going Josh continued to look up at Matt's dark shades.
"Well anyway dude… One of the guys came up behind me and smacked me on my back… and I sorta… well swallowed it." He said blushing.
Josh stopped listening and slapped his palm against his face. "What do you need me for? Just throw it up." Josh said shaking his head.
"Yeah dude… I don't have a gag reflex." He said sticking a finger down his throat, showing little to no reaction. "See? Nothing, dude."
"So, dude. Here's what I need you to do. You're small enough so you can go…" He started to say when Josh interrupted.
"Noooope! Nope. No. I am not, repeat not. Going in after it." Josh said starting to turn away from the giant blonde.
"But dude! Wait!" He said putting a head in front of Josh to stop him from leaving. "Look you can wear a little harness from the park, and we can use some floss from the bathroom as a safety line to pull you and the whistle up!"
Josh turned back and looked at the giant man again. "I said no!" he said trying to climb over the surfer's gigantic hand.
Moving his hand around Matt tried desperately from letting the little man squirm away. Finally, catching him in the palm of his hand he looked down at him with a sad looking frown.
"Dude, it's like all plastic and there's that little metal ball in it! What if it's stuck somewhere in me man!" He said rubbing his abs. "I'm freaking out, dude! Please help…"
Josh, looked up at Matt's panicked face and said…
Josh continued to shake his head. Now captured in the giant man's hand he was forced to give some real answer.
"Look, I promise it's not going to hurt you. It'll work its way through your system in a few days. Then you'll have the whistle out that way." Josh tried to say as professionally as possible.
Putting Josh back down on the balcony Matt continued to rub his stomach uncomfortably. "If you say so boss."
"Thanks Matt. I think going in and getting it was a pretty dangerous idea too." Josh said, trying to make light of the situation.
"Yeahhh…" Matt said still a little unhappy about it situation. "Wait when it comes out what if I flush it?"
Josh looked at the man, puzzled at the question. "Well of course you'll flush it Matt…"
Taking his hand off his abs he replied, "Yeah but then I won't have a whistle!"
Josh face palmed himself again. "Do you think I don't have extras in my office or something?"
"Oh yeah dude I guess I just forgot about that!" He said laughing and grabbing his drink and taking a sip. "Can I pick up a new one later dude?"
Happy to see Matt finally calming down Josh looked up and replied, "Of course, I'll be in my office for awhile today so come by and see me whenever!"
"Thanks dude!" Matt said giving his tiny boss a thumbs up. He turned away and walked out to the lounge, rubbing his stomach again but looking to be a little more content with the situation.
Josh turned his way back to the park, figuring he could go back to his office now and get some work done. "Mostly I'm glad I just don't have to spend any time in anybody's stomachs…" Josh thought to himself.
- - -
Finally, after a few hours of paperwork, Josh figured he'd spent enough time sitting around in his office. It was already getting pretty late in the day and the park would be closing in about an hour. Josh stood up and…
*Knock knock*
Looking out the window to the door Josh saw it was Matt and motioned for him to come in. Matt opened up the door and slipped into the room greeting his boss pleasantly as he walked over to his desk.
"Boss you know its always weird seeing you my size, then tiny, then my size again!" He said as he looked down at the shorter man laughing. "Then again you're still always pretty small huh dude?"
Blushing at the comment Josh rubbed the back of his neck. "You just here to make fun of me for being short?" Josh asked finally trying to not blush more.
"Well that and to get my whistle dude!" He said patting the cord on his chest.
Josh turned away to go look in his closet. He had spare badges and whistles in there for when new lifeguards join his staff, but he never thought he'd be giving out a second one because someone swallowed one…
Grabbing a new whistle, Josh took it off the cord and turned back to Matt, stretching out his arm to hand it to the blonde hunk. Matt took it out of Josh's hand and held it over his mouth, pretending to drop it and make a swallowing noise. Josh shook his head as Matt laughed and attached the new whistle to the cord around his neck.
"All right you're all set Matt!" Josh said, glad they were done with this whole whistle incident.
"Thanks dude. Oh yeah I almost forgot I wanted to ask you something. Three of the guys and I were wondering if we could use the break room to watch the game after work today. We thought it would be cool since none of us have a nice room like it is here?"
Josh put a hand on his chin and thought for a second…. Josh felt bad that he didn't really help Matt earlier and wasn't sure if he should disappoint him twice in one day… then again he wasn't sure how he felt having his pristine break room used for a sports party….
"Please just don't trash the room…" Josh said almost begging the now excited surfer dude.
"Sweet dude! Wait till I tell the guys! They're gonna be pumped!" He said jumping up and down as he made his way out the door. "Thanks again boss! You're the greatest!"
Sitting back down Josh felt a little pleased by the compliment. "The greatest huh? Hope this means he's forgot about that whistle some where in his gut…"
Still Josh was pretty happy about the compliment, enough so to continue doing paperwork through the end of the day.
- - -
A few hours went by and Josh finished enough paper work to be ahead for days! Looking proudly down at pile of papers he was glad to not have any real work for the next few days. Josh's stomach suddenly growled as he stood up.
"Right… I worked so late I skipped dinner…" Josh thought as he was wondering what he wanted for food. "I'll just grab something from the break room." Josh said to himself remembering he had some leftovers in a little section of the fridge.
- - -
Making his way to the door Josh opened the door to a booming noise of yells.
"Right I forgot I told them they could use the room…" Josh said covering his ears and looking out over the balcony.
In the lounge Josh saw four massive figures. One of which he knew was Matt and after close inspection he made a note of the other three. They were all lifeguards at his park, Luke, Blake, and Brett. Seemingly they must have just never changed their clothes as all the men were still shirtless and wearing only red board shorts and sandals.
Josh started his inspection from how they were seated. Luke was at the end of the couch on the far left, he was 23 years old and was 6'3" with buzzed blonde hair and greenish eyes. He had a similar body type to Matt's except he was a little more thickly muscled than the thinner surfer dude. He also had a tattoo of a bird on his back, in the center between his shoulder blades.
Next, was Blake. He was 21 years old and was 6'7" with semi curly short black hair and brown eyes. He was very well built and had well defined muscles covering his body. He was a very helpful guy, but his biggest flaw was in fact his size. He was pretty clumsy and forgets his own strength a lot.
Finally, the man sitting on the end of the couch was Brett. He's 22 years old and apparently was in the same class as Matt as he remembered them both knowing each other when they both join his staff. He was 6'5" with mid length shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. He was also a pretty similar build to Matt however he sculpted his body extremely well as he often showed off his 8 pack on his long abdomen. Brett also had a tattoo of some Japanese symbols on left pec. "Courage" and "Strength".
Josh smiled as he looked out into the kitchen and saw that so far the men had been mostly clean. There were a few open boxes of wings sitting on the kitchen table as well as some sports drinks and beers, but everything was fairly neatly organized. Finally, the smell wafted into Josh's nose from he wings. They smelt incredible…
Josh looked out at the giant men again, not wanting to disturb them. "They're all so focused on the game I could just snag a bit of wings and head out…" Josh said to himself. "Or I could go to the counter and just grab some of my leftovers from the fridge."
Josh decided to use the elevator to head to…
Clutching his stomach to silence it for a few moments, Josh heads for the elevator leading to the top of the kitchen table. As the door opens, he gives a satisfied glance at his surroundings. Nothing is blocking the doorway. Nothing has been spilled on the counter. Every beer can and sports drink bottle stands upright on makeshift napkin coasters. He smiles. "They've done well,"
But the inspection is not his greatest concern. In the skyline of cans and bottles, he spots an enormous cardboard box. The lid is open only a crack, but it is enough for Josh to smell the wings inside it. His stomach roars with hunger. He checks the horizon for any of the four boys, but none can be seen. The game continues on the TV, as does their cheering. Josh makes a mad scramble to the box.
The cardboard edge is higher than Josh, but he can just reach it if he jumps a little. Hungry and hopping, one hand hooks over the edge. The other follows and now, Josh levers himself up the cardboard wall and falls right inside the wing box. He lands on a soggy grease patch, but he doesn't care. A modest-sized fried chicken wing sits before him, ready for the little guy to take his first bite. Josh runs to it before wrapping his hands around a clump of breading on the skin. He tears it off and bites into it. It tastes as good as it smells. Too bad a lunch for him would be nothing more than the skin. "If only I can haul this back to the fridge," Josh contemplates. "This'll last me for weeks…"
Suddenly, the box shakes violently and Josh falls onto the solid wing for stability. But even the wing itself slides along its greasy pool, taking him along for the shuffle. The dark canopy of the box lid opens and a giant hand reaches inside. Josh dives for cover in the shadow of the breaded chicken as a large wing gets carried off into the sky. He peeks around the shadow of his wing to notice the giant face biting into the taken food.
"Blake!" Josh says.
Blake's head turns to a nearby voice beyond the box. "Hey man! Save some for the rest of us!"
"Sorry Brett," Blake responds with a full mouth and half-eaten chicken wing in hand. "You wouldn't believe how hungry I am." He lowers the box into his lap, giving his unaware passenger a good view of his enormous muscled body. Josh can't see his eyes too well, but his chin and neck; though even those are obscured by the built giant's beefy pecs. He reaches inside for another wing…
Josh was in a state of terror as he watches Blake finish off his current piece of chicken. He could barely move as he watched the muscled behemoth tear the chicken right off the bone and chew it thoroughly before swallowing the lump straight down into his awaiting stomach. Swearing he even heard Blake's massive gut groan in appreciation as his bite of food made it into the deep recess of his body, Josh figured it was best to hide from the hungry giant. Remembering he pulled some of the skin off the piece of chicken he was near, he decided to climb into the little hole. Hoping not t get scooped up in Blake's feeding frenzy.
Just as Josh finished wedging himself in the chicken, he noticed the piece start to leave the safety of the ground. Josh turned in terror to see the wing being lifted rapidly out of the box, moving up and toward Blake's handsome face. Frozen in fear, Josh watched as Blake took an enormous bite right next to him, narrowing scooping him into the mess of food being chewed in the stud's mouth.
Josh knew he had to do something, anything! But all he could do was watch as Blake swallowed the piece of meat and his mouth leaned in, taking another bite. Luckily, Josh somehow still hasn't been the target of Blake's ravenous mouth, but considering his location Josh knew it was only a matter of time before he officially becomes part of Blake's meal.
Josh quickly looked around, trying to take in his surroundings. To his left he could see the edge of the sofa, which there was no way jumping that way would be anything but fatal. Below him he could see the open box of chicken, with food still littered about in the greasy container.
"I'll just end up on another piece of chicken if I land in there!" Josh thought as he panicked and looked to his right. He couldn't believe it, he saw Brett sitting there but that wasn't the unbelievable part. There was a healthy amount of sofa space between Brett and Blake where Josh thinks he might be able to land if he could just work up the courage to jump!
Josh snapped back to reality as he heard Blake swallow his piece of chicken down with a very audible gulp. Looking at the massive mouth before him, Josh saw it open wide giving him a horrific view of pieces of food spewn about in the saliva coated chamber. Josh watched as the open mouth moved directly at him as he…
Josh panics. He dives beneath the chicken wing he nibbled on earlier, hoping and praying Blake doesn't take that one. Instead the muscle giant pulls another larger breaded wing and bites into it. The little man watches the short ordeal. It didn't take long for him to chew it down to the bone before throwing it aside - a meal that would last tiny Josh for a week or two just downed in only a minute. The lump descending Blake's neck chills him to the core. Chances are he would be the one in that lump, sent all expenses paid by Blake to his stomach.
Away from his view, Brett sounds annoyed. "Don't hog em all, dude!" Blake reaches for another wing, then recoils as a second hand from Josh's left-hand view descends towards him. He dives into the hole he made in the skin, the ordeal repeats. But this time, he feels his wing get lifted from the box. He stops hiding, holding onto the breaded skin for dear life as he gets a view of everything going on. He can see Brett, recognizing his pec tattoo for a brief second before only his face is visible. It's like his face is a new and frightening planet approaching the wing.
"Sorry dude, but I'm a growing boy," Blake laughs.
Brett wrinkles his lips. "I think you've done enough growing…" All the while his eyes make no contact with Josh. Now his mouth opens. Josh can see his tongue wet with saliva. Everything is drenched in it - his tongue, teeth, and even the back of his throat. He must be really hungry. But it now gets closer and closer to Josh. The jaws part and lips retract, ready for the first bite into his chicken wing without any awareness of his tiny boss on its greasy breaded surface.
Josh panics and finds an option. If he jumps, he might be able to abandon ship just before Brett could chew or swallow him. He readies to leap as Brett's mouth gets really close and jumps.
Where does Josh land?
Jumping with all his strength Josh watched as he soared to freedom! That was until Brett's massive mouth closed directly in front of him. As it turns out he didn't make nearly as much distance from Brett as he had hoped. Smacking directly into one of Brett's white teeth, this fact become all too clear to the tiny man. Josh screamed as he fell from the tooth, straight down to the front of Brett's mouth. Somehow he manage to stay away from the tip of Brett's tongue as he slide down along the gums of Brett's bottom teeth.
Josh shivered despite the warmth the saliva coated cavern was providing, as the view was absolutely intense. The tiny park owner could see Brett's jaw moving up and down, crushing the pieces of chicken into smaller, more easily digestible pieces before pooling all of the mush together into the middle of his tongue. With an intense rush, all of the food was suddenly sucked back, down the throat with a deafening gulp. All Josh could see in the vast distance of the now empty cave was Brett's enormous uvula swaying back and fourth as it waved good bye to the food just sent down to Brett's hungry stomach.
"I am definitely not safe…" Josh stated the obvious in an attempt to make himself at least somewhat better. Just then Brett's mouth flooded with light as a fresh piece of chicken was being torn apart and sent to the edges of Brett's mouth to be chewed. Josh watched as second time as the chicken was chewed up equally as horrifically before being swallowed down by Brett's powerful throat. Josh couldn't believe his luck that he only ended up in the front of Brett's mouth. He easily could have been sent down in either of those globs of meat, and Brett would be none the wiser to his dire situation.
As minutes went by, Josh watched piece after piece of chicken get destroyed before being swallowed down by Brett. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer in here, both psychologically and physically. He had to come up with a plan.
"REALLY YOU FINISHED THE LAST PIECE?" Brett's voice boomed out over Josh like a hurricane. He had to cover his ears since the massive man's voice was so loud. That being said Josh almost leap for joy at the words he heard. This meant at the very least he didn't have to witness Brett devour any more food.
"Wait! I could get out of here!" Josh realized. Since Brett wasn't stuffing his face anymore, it gave him an opening to climb the gums and teeth and leap his way out of this foul cavern. Figuring it was his only chance, Josh looked at the slick surface of the gums and dug his hands in to establish some sort of grip and begin his climb.
After a few minutes…
"Better just grab those leftovers…" Josh said to himself as he rode over to the counter. It was still a little bit of a walk over to the fridge at the other end of the surface. But even from here Josh could see the little side door he used to get in and out of the massive fridge.
As Josh walked his way across the huge counter he had to stop to cover his ears every time the giants on the other side of the room decided to yell something about the game.
Finally, Josh heard Matt's voice boom out. "COMMERCIAL! TIME TO TAKE A PISS!"
Josh watched as the huge surfer dude shot up out of his chair and walk his way over to the bathroom.
"Finally maybe they'll stop yelling long enough for me to get to the damn fridge…" Josh said to himself
Josh continued his journey as he head a booming noise coming into the kitchen. Slowly looking behind him Josh saw Luke's gigantic muscled frame moving his way into the kitchen.
"Yo, any of you guys want anything while I'm out here!" He yelled back to the other men.
"Nah dude we're good!" Blake yelled back at his friend.
Josh watched as Luke poured himself some beer in his red solo cup and pile a few wings onto his paper plate. Figuring he should continue walking and spend less time gawking Josh continued on his quest for left overs when…
Suddenly, everything around Josh went red. Confused, he looked up and around and noticed he was trapped. "I-is this a plastic cup??" Josh panicked to himself.
- - -
"Gotcha!" Luke yelled triumphantly.
"Got what dude?" Brett said, as he walked into the kitchen. "Come on man game's gonna be back on soon."
Looking over at Brett the blonde man smiled. "Dude I caught a bug crawling around here on the counter!"
"Gross dude, you should just kill it before it lays it eggs on our food or something." He said grabbing a red sports drink and twisting off the top.
"That's no fun dude." Luke said, still holding the cup looking over at his buddy disappointed. "Let's make a bet."
Raising his eyebrow at the word "bet" Brett looked over at Luke interested. "What kind of bet?"
Smiling, Luke pointed over to the tv. "If the my team scores in the next play I'll give you ten bucks and eat this bug. If they don't score, You give me ten bucks and you eat the bug!"
Stopping for a second Brett didn't really like the idea of eating a bug… however he also figured the chances of Luke's team scoring on their next play were pretty low…
"You're on dude. Better get that money ready and scoop that bug in that cup for yourself." He said taunting his friend and shaking his hand.
Smiling Luke, flipped the cup over and brushed what he thought was a bug into the bottom. Brett walked over and looked in the cup. "Its not gonna fly out is it?"
Grabbing a plate and putting it over the top and resting it on the counter Luke replied. "No way it'll get out now, dude!"
The two men grabbed their drinks and Luke grabbed his wings and they walked over to the tv where Matt and Blake were still waiting. "Dudes hurry up! What took you?"
"We were just making a bet!" Luke said happily.
Blake turned his head to Brett and asked, "About what dude?"
Brett took a sip of his drink and shook his head. "Luke caught a bug and he's gonna eat it and give me ten bucks when his team doesn't score on this play."
"Yeah dude but if they do score he's gotta eat the little nasty and owes me the bucks!" Luke said back as he tore a bit of meat off his wing.
The four stopped to watch the tv as the game came back on. After a minute three of the men jumped up as…
"OOOOOOOOOOOH! IN YOUR FACE DUDE!" Luke yelled jumping in front of Brett who stayed in his seat speechless.
Looking down Brett grabbed his wallet out of pocket and pulled out a 10 dollar bill. "Here dude, take your money and lets just watch the rest of the game."
"No way dude! You have to eat that bug! A deals a deal!" He said snatching Brett's money.
"I don't want to eat the bug man. You got your money let's just forget about the bug." Brett asked trying to ignore Luke's excitement.
"Come on Brett, you did make a deal dude." Matt finally chimed in. "It's just a little bug dude."
Sighing, Brett couldn't believe Matt was actually taking Luke's side in this. He stood up and turned to Luke who had already run out to the kitchen and retrieved the cupped bug.
"Come on dude! It's waiting on you!" Luke said shaking the cup gently as he took the plate off the top. "Doesn't seem like it can fly… looks like its still moving around though…" He said squinting at the puny little creature.
"Fine whatever." Brett said angrily as he took the cup from Luke. He looked down at the little speck crawling around in the cup with a sick looking frown.
"Its not gonna do anything to me right dudes?" He asked looking away from the gross insect.
"Dude it's just gonna die in your stomach, quit being such a baby!" Blake said crossing his arms.
After the comment, Brett angrily tilted the cup in his mouth. Letting it sit for a second he could feel it start to squirm in his mouth.
"Feels kinda weird…" Brett thought as he opened his mouth to show his friends it was really in there.
"Breemmmmmfft!" Brett heard a small sound as he closed his mouth. Almost like he heard someone calling out his name. Brett then decided…
Being flipped around, shook, trapped, and ignored. Josh had come a long way on his journey. His shrill screams went unheard among the loud cheering giants as he was eventually dumped into one of his employee's mouths. Only did he have one last glimpse at freedom as his prison opened up to show the faces of Blake, Matt, and Luke. As the teeth started to come down to a close, Josh gave all in energy in one call.
Josh screamed trying desperately to over power the other three men's tremendous voices. Looking around Josh saw Brett's tongue move up and down nervously. With a glimmer of hope Josh thought Brett was hesitating in this ridiculous bet. Until…
- - -
Brett's adam's apple bobbed very slightly as he swallowed down what he thought was just some pathetic little bug.
"Nice dude!" Luke said giving his friend a nod of approval. "Do you feel it squirming?"
Brett put a hand on his chest. He did in fact feel something… "Yeah sorta. I think its stuck… almost feels like a little chip stuck in your throat… except it moves a little bit.." He said giving his chest a few good whacks.
- - -
Desperately holding on to a fold of skin Josh somehow caught himself from tumbling cleanly down the throat. Clinging for dear life Josh could feel his grip loosen as the tube started to whip back and fourth violently.
"No! Please! Brett you have to stop this!" Josh cried out in horror. Suddenly Josh heard another gulp coming form above him as a river of some kind of liquid came rushing down the throat, dragging him down as well.
- - -
Screwing back on the top of his sports drink Brett felt his chest again. "Yeah dude. It's gone."
The three other men congratulated Brett for over coming such a feat as sarcastically as possible. Brett pushed away his friends and walked to the bathroom with his drink.
Turning and looking at himself in the mirror he smirked to himself, flexing his vintage 8 pack. "You're one sexy dude Brett." He said to himself arrogantly.
Taking another chug of his drink, he looked back down at his stomach and rubbed it. "Eh, I guess that bug is lucky I ate it."
Flexing in the mirror some more he gave his stomach a light pat. "Gets to be part of these abs!" He said laughing to himself and walking out of the bathroom to rejoin his friends.
"Done looking at yourself in the mirror little Miss Brett?" Luke taunted from the couch.
"Takes a lot to look as good as me, you can't really relate though can you, Luke?" He said stepping in front of the other man.
"Shut your face dude!" He said punching Brett in the gut.
"Don't hurt yourself there." Brett said without flinching and retaking his seat. "Uuuuurrrp! Oh 'scuse me." Brett said patting his stomach some more.
"Thanks Luke, needed that dude." He said smirking at his friend.
For the four guys the rest of the night went on perfectly. Much to Brett's disappointment Luke's team did end up winning. After the two exchanged a few friendly punches Matt broke them up, reminding them that he promised Josh that the break room would be spotless tomorrow.
Cleaning up their mess and wiping down all the tables the four men bid each other good night. Brett went about on his way home, still upset that his team lost and he was out ten bucks to Luke.
"Still can't believe I had to eat that dumb bug…" He said to himself walking into his apartment. That was the last he ever thought about the bug as he took a shower and brushed his teeth. It never even crossed his mind that he unknowingly did away with his tiny boss that night.
Quickly, moving what he thought was a bug under his tongue Brett was determined not to swallow it.
"Something's not right about this bug…" he thought to himself as he made a exaggerated gulping noise for his friends. He opened his mouth, making sure to keep his tongue flat and the bug concealed.
"Nice job dude! Do you feel it moving?" Luke asked excitedly as Brett sat back down.
"Nah dude its too small." He said nonchalantly as he put his hands behind his neck and stretched out his torso.
- - -
Scared, Josh held onto the bottom of Brett's tongue. Somehow he wasn't sure entirely what happened, but he was safely tucked under the muscle. Trying not to move, Josh thought maybe Brett really did think he swallowed him. "Maybe he doesn't realize I'm here…" Josh said to himself without moving an inch.
The night went on and Josh continued to nervously grip the tongue as he could hear and feel food and liquids passing just above him on its way down to Brett's hungry stomach. Every word Brett blurted was amplified to tremendous decibels, and as much as it made Josh flinch he didn't dare move at all.
Eventually, he heard the guys talking about leaving. Hoping maybe this torture was over Josh looked forward to escaping from Brett's slimy smelly mouth.
- - -
"Guys we gotta make sure to clean up." Matt said as he started piling in paper plates and cups into the trash can. "I promised Josh it'd be spotless tomorrow."
The four men worked together diligently for a few minutes until the room was how they found it. Bidding each other good night the four split their separate ways.
Still curious about the bug he stored in his mouth all night on his way home, Brett readjusted the bug to the top of his tongue and opened his mouth a little to let in some air. "Wonder if its still even alive." He thought while also still in shock he even cared.
Feeling the little bug start to squirm a little, he decided to just leave it alone. "I'll take a look when I get home I guess." He thought to himself.
- - -
Josh's world suddenly flipped as he found himself now in the middle of Brett's tongue. Looking one way he saw the massive cave open very slightly, and letting in very little light. In the other direction Josh saw Brett's massive uvula sway casually over the massive throat. Josh moved a little more toward the front of the massive cavern and peeked cautiously outside. "It's dark, must already be pretty late." Josh thought.
Josh tried his best not to move for the rest of the ride. Hoping by some miracle Brett will just spit him out finally or something.
- - -
Walking into his apartment Brett turned on the light and walked straight into bathroom. Flicking on that light as well he opened his mouth wide and…
"No way…" Brett thought as he shifted the speck closer to the front of his tongue. Carefully, he extended out his pinky and pressed it gingerly to the tired tiny man. Lifting him out of his mouth he brought the speck to his face.
"…Josh?" Brett asked nervously.
Still wiping spit off his face Josh looked up at Brett's face. Ecstatic Josh couldn't be more happy to hear someone utter his name. "Brett! You saved me!" Josh called out to the giant man.
Smiling Brett blew on the tiny man a little to help him dry off. After a few minutes Brett set Josh down on his kitchen table in a small napkin for him to dry off in. Sitting at the table Brett looked down at the little man.
"I knew you weren't a bug! Luke's such a moron." Brett said arrogantly to his boss. "See I knew so that's why I tried to keep you safe till I got home."
Josh rolled his eyes a little. He knew Brett had a pretty huge ego, this was probably just he way of dealing with the shock of finding his boss trapped in his mouth.
"I know I can always count on you, Brett!" Josh said intentionally feeding his ego.
"It's all in a day's work, boss!" He said putting his hands behind his head and flexing his torso.
Josh laughed a little to himself at how absurd he sounded. However, really was grateful to the big arrogant man. "Hey so speaking of work… I need you to drop me back off there so I can go home."
Sitting back forward Brett looked down at the little man and shook his head. "No can do little dude. Blake locked up on our way out. I don't have the key plus man he lives on the other side of town."
Josh looked down disappointed, knowing now he'd have to spend the night like this…
Noticing his little boss look down Brett tried to quickly add, "No worries dude! You can stay here with me tonight."
"That's what I was afraid of…" Josh said under his breath as he looked up at Brett and smiled. "Thanks a lot Brett I appreciate it."
Leaning back again Brett smirked, "You know it boss!"
Once Josh dried off finally, Brett got Josh some long over due dinner. Happily eating something finally Josh watched as Brett went into his room to change into a pair of loose white athletic shorts, still not bothering to put a shirt over his godlike torso. He sat there and watched Josh finish eating and then…
"You know, boss." Brett started to say as Josh looked up at the handsome man. "I kinda just realized that you and I never really hang out together."
Josh scratched his chin, it was a bit of a sudden assessment but Brett wasn't necessarily wrong. "Yeah that's kind of a shame really. You're a good guy Brett, we should hang out more often!"
"As long as Luke isn't there." Brett scoffed thinking about how much of an idiot Luke is. "But anyway, I was thinking since were chilling now, why don't we pass the time with a little game or something?"
"A game? Did you have something in mind?" Josh asked curiously, not really taking Brett to be the type to play games. No surprise to Josh as Brett shrugged his shoulders.
"I dunno. I didn't really have an idea." Brett admitted. "I just thought you might be bored just chilling here doing nothing. I just wanted to be an entertaining host, dude."
"Well, whenever I'm small around Tyler he always comes up with silly games to play." Josh tried to think of ones that didn't involve humiliating himself too bad, but it was hard to come up with any considering that's most of what Tyler does when he's little. "He usually just toys with me actually now that I think about it…"
"Yeah I can see that." Brett frowned in disappointment. "Wish I could think of something though…"
Josh looked up at the chiseled stud, his ego was definitely starting to fade as he struggled to come up with something "fun". Josh couldn't help but chuckle as it was kind of just cute to see him think. The more Josh stared at Brett's good looks and lean muscle however the more Josh kind of realized he wouldn't mind Brett toying with him the way Tyler does.
"I know one of Tyler's classics is the tiny explorer." Josh offered finally, hiding his blushing face slightly as he definitely suggested it on purpose.
"Oh? Where would you explore? My apartment isn't that big, but I guess it'd pretty big for you, dude." Bret looked around at his fairly neat apartment. Josh chuckled as Brett didn't quite understand the "game".
"Well he usually has me explore on him." Josh pointed it out. "Though he usually does stuff like trap me in his arm pits or burp in my face and stuff…"
"Dude, you could explore inside my mouth!" Brett smiled. "I know you were just in there, but this is kind of different now."
"I could." Josh replied sheepishly, having secretly become a bit of a fan of Brett's hot mouth. "We could make it like an exhibition and tie a rope around me and stuff?"
"Like going into a cave?" Brett asked. "That sounds cool. Man sometimes I forget how big I am compared to you. You could get lost inside of me."
"Ha yeah…" Josh stared up at Brett's long abdomen and ripped 8-pack. He couldn't help but feel like being lost inside that would be so bad.
"I guess you could explore my outside too, if you wanted." Brett flexed his abs a little as he ran a hand down them. "I'm perfect inside or out, dude."
Josh wiped a little drool from his mouth and shook his head. The ego was back, and Brett was definitely not wrong about looking perfect. "Well I think I want to explore…"
"I think I really want to explore a little more inside right about now…" Josh said a little nervously, thinking about how he didn't really get much of a chance to look around out of fear of being eaten earlier. Brett smiled a bright and perfect smile down at Josh after hearing his decision.
"A good choice, dude." Brett stood up suddenly, giving Josh the full view of his lean muscled body. "Just give me a second."
Josh watched as Brett walked off, back toward his bathroom before emerging with a roll of floss and setting it down on the table. "Here tie this nice and tight around your waist, I'm gonna brush my teeth and floss a little."
Following the command, Josh grabbed the bit of floss for himself as Brett took the rest to go back to the bathroom. Taking it and fashioning it not only around his waist but over his shoulder's as well, Josh wanted to feel as secure as possible before making this exploration. All set, Josh listened as he could hear Brett brush his teeth before spitting into the sink and rising his mouth. Josh could help but smile a little, feeling like Brett would go through these lengths for him to explore his mouth in contrast to anything Tyler's ever done to him.
"I bet it'll smell nice in there…" Josh said to himself as the godlike figure of Brett strode confidently out of the bathroom and made his way back over to the table. Josh watched as he picked a little between his teeth and looked down at him.
"You look ready, boss." Brett smiled casually as he sat back down at the table, abdomen and torso still fully visible to Josh as he leaned back a little bit. Brett's narrow eyes glanced over at the end of the string Josh had tied to himself and with a swift movement reached over and grabbed the end. He watched as he was able to slowly drag Josh away from here he was positioned, knocking him to the ground and being strung along until he finally pulled enough floss for Josh to dangle in the air. The string wasn't super long, as Brett held his arm above his head letting Josh dangle down just meeting his eyes.
"Wow…" Josh said staring right into Brett's handsome eyes as he dangled from the floss in his harness. Looking down, Josh felt a little dizzy, seeing nothing but Brett's body for what looked like mile and miles before reaching the fabric of his shorts in his lap. "I feel so high up!"
"You're only a few feet off the ground." Brett smiled and shrugged a little. "It's kind of funny. Must look really high for you."
Just then, Brett sat back forward and stood up, still holding Josh in front of his face as he now let Josh dangle from his full height. Josh spun a little in the air, going from seeing nothing but Brett's face, to seeing out into Brett's massive apartment from Brett's point of view. "This is what it's like seeing from my height, boss."
Still awestruck, Josh looked out mouth a gap without realizing Brett's mouth opening up behind him. Slowly Brett was able to position Josh just over his tongue as he let Josh drop without warning onto the soft and freshly cleaned surface. Josh yelped a little in surprise, so taken in from the view that he never realized he was being put in Brett's mouth. Brett drew his tongue back in his mouth, now with tiny Josh as it's willing passenger as Brett kept his mouth hung open as he made his way into the bathroom.
Josh took in a big wiff of the inside of Brett's mouth, and what was once reeking of chicken and various drinks, now smelt minty fresh. "Wow it does smell nice in here…"
Josh saw now looking outside Brett's open mouth, Brett's face in the reflection of a mirror. Mouth wide open and tongue hanging out slightly, Josh could clearly see all the detail in Brett's mouth from looking out the mouth or even by simply looking behind him. Getting to his feet, Josh kept his balance on the soft surface as he started to make his way around to brightly lit cavern. It was truly an interesting experience now seeing everything in such bright vivid detail as opposed to the chaotic darkness he was trapped in before. Josh felt drawn closer to the darkest part of Brett's perfect mouth though, the throat. Brett's uvula dripped a slight strand of saliva as Josh started to approach. Josh watched as the strand hung over breath's contracting throat with each breath he took before the strand slipped down past the edge of the tongue.
"Woah… that's neat…" Josh said out loud wishing he had his phone to record such subtle and interesting behaviors of the giant's body. Josh turned around looking of the mouth again, seeing Brett's eyes tracking Josh's movement using the floss as a guide to his position. Josh wanted to get closer to Brett's uvula, knowing that the floss would act as his safety line should something happen. Josh inched closer and closer as he started to make his way down the edge of the tongue ever so slightly, but alas, from Josh's meager hieght he didn't have the reach to even touch the massive hanging uvula.
Suddenly, Brett's tongue lurched as Josh found himself being lurched upward. with a scream, Josh tried to grab onto something as he closed his eyes briefly before he looked around again. Astonished, Josh found himself latched onto the massive hanging uvula as he looked down seeing the dark drop of Brett's throat. Looking outside the mouth, Josh saw Brett giving him a thumbs up.
"He knew I wanted to touch it!" Josh thought to himself, curious as to how Brett gathered his intentions from his minuscule reflection. Josh ran his hands up and down the fleshy surface, getting more than just a touch, Josh was getting a full on ride!
The uvula swung back and fourth again, naturally just swaying with each of Brett's breaths as Josh continued to hold on and massage it a little. It was so very soft and tender to the touch, Josh felt like embracing it was almost like a big slimy pillow. Having had enough fun for the moment, Josh knew he'd have to let go eventually. Releasing his grip, Josh dropped off a fell a few feet before landing back on the very edge of Brett's throat. Suddenly Josh's foot slipped as he found himself take a tumble backward, right toward the throat. Panicking, Josh tried to stop himself just as…
Brett watched as Josh slipped from off his uvula and down toward the back of his throat before disappearing. With a slight gasp, Brett reflexively closed his mouth and swallowed. Taking a moment to realize what he did, Brett also realized he was no longer holding onto the floss. Quickly opening his mouth, Brett opened wide to see the last trail of the floss starting to get pulled deep into the back of his throat.
Reaching in with a quick snatch, Brett tried to grab the very end of the floss with little luck. Already slick from his saliva, the floss easily slipped through his fingers and disappeared down his throat as well.
"Hmmm…" Brett hummed aloud in thought. He couldn't feel anything, ironically like he told his friends earlier when he pretended to swallow the "bug". Josh really was too small to barely feel even the faintest struggle. Brett rubbed his throat however, as he certainly did feel the string still mostly stuck in his throat. "Well with any luck that's holding him in my esophagus and out of my stomach…"
Brett simply stared in the mirror for a few moments, trying to think of what to do besides the obvious of throwing up.
- - -
"Breeeeetttt!" Josh screamed from inside the lean stud's throat. Unsure why he stopped going down, Josh could feel himself being pulled deeper into Brett's body, but very slowly. Josh clutched the floss like it was his only lifeline in the world, wondering if he stopped because Brett was holding on to the string. "If that's the case why hasn't he pulled me out!?"
Josh tried not to panic, but this was definitely more than he bargained for when he said he wanted to explore "inside" Brett. Trying to take deep breaths despite the somewhat moist and thin air, Josh had to put his faith in Brett, knowing that if he saved him once, he would likely save him again.
- - -
Brett sighed, knowing he only had a few realistic options. On one hand, Brett figured he may was well chug a good amount of water, sending Josh all the way into his stomach but giving him the chance to easily regurgitate him after. On the other hand, Brett figured it might be possible to try and cough up the string enough to grab it and pull Josh out.
"Man he owes me either way for saving his life twice…" Brett smirked at his reflection, getting distracted momentarily by his own good looks. Brett sat there for a minute still caught in his own ego over how he heroically saved Josh once, and now how after Josh's mistake took it upon himself to once again rescue his tiny helpless boss.
"Yeah, you're a hero Brett…" Brett smiled to himself with a bright white grin. Straightening up and looking serious, Brett decided he was going to…
Brett sucked a little air into his lungs, feeling like the easiest option was to to try and cough up the string a little and just pull Josh out. Give a few good hacks into his fist, Brett already felt like he was making a little progress on the string as it seemed to be gradually making its way up his throat before he could see it popping out the back of his mouth once more. Smirking, Brett carefully reached in and grabbed the floss and tugged it slightly right up to his teeth before sticking in between two of his teeth. Opening his mouth once more, Brett could see the end of the string was still down his throat.
"Well he's anchored in now, at least. Might as well let him have some fun in there…" Brett said quietly to himself, knowing Josh could likely hear him loud and clear inside his throat anyway. Making his way away from the mirror, Brett decided while Josh was entertaining himself, he could do the same as he went into his living room and sat at his couch, turning on the TV and propping up his feet.
- - -
"Brett?" Josh called out again, noticing he had been pulled up but not completely out of the huge stud's esophagus. Josh tried to feel a bit more calm, he heard Brett say something about him being anchored, so that was good news at least. "It is getting pretty hard to breath in here though… and my skin feels all slimy…"
As Josh tried to wipe some saliva off his arm, he felt himself slip a little out of the harness he made. Quickly trying to loop his arm back through, he found it had almost completely stuck to the main thread of floss. Josh tried not to panic, after all he still had the floss looped around his waist, Josh thought… as he slipped down now a little as it was more under his arms past his chest.
"Shit shit shit!" Josh squirmed as Brett's body shifted a little more as he slipped even further, now falling completely out of his safety harness. Josh looked up and tried to reach for the floss as Brett's throat eagerly started to pull him down deeper and deeper now finally. Josh fought and squirmed hoping that he could somehow give Brett the message that he slipped out of the harness and was now on a terrifying trip into the stud's stomach. Josh fought with no avail as he found himself popping through the sphincter of Brett's stomach, being deposited into the huge reeking chamber. Josh took a breath in of the foul air, smelling like a mix of rotting meat and a tiny bit of mint scent that Brett must've swallowed.
"Brett!!!" Josh screamed in desperation. Josh tried to move out of his current spot however, realizing quickly that survival was the most important thing he could do if he somehow expected Brett to save him.
Meanwhile, Brett…
Brett yawned as he grabbed the floss, figuring by now Josh has likely had enough fun. Giving it a tug, Brett pulled the whole thing from out of his throat and smirked as he brought it out of his mouth.
"Bet you were worried I'd…" Brett started to say before seeing Josh was no longer on the end of the floss. "Swallow you… Well I guess I had that one coming."
Brett shook his head as he tossed the floss aside and stood up. Stretching his abdomen and resting a hand on his stomach, Brett simply held his hand there for a moment. "I wonder if he did it on purpose?" Brett wonder aloud before removing his hand an flexing his impressive 8 pack. "Who could blame him…"
Walking back into the bathroom, Brett looked at his reflection and shook his head with a smile. "Well unfortunately for him… I can't be responsible for him getting himself killed…"
With those words, Brett stuck his fingers down his throat, gagging and coughing a little before finally spewing up chunks of food. A few minutes passed before Brett noticed a small wriggling speck trying to break free of the chaos. Brett quickly pinched up the little speck before rinsing him off and rinsing out his mouth a little. Brett spit in the sink before he turned his attention to Josh with a smirk.
"Slipped out of the harness, huh boss?" Brett smiled with a white grin.
"Yeah! I was so worried you weren't going to realize in time. I thought I was a goner in there…" Josh looked directly at Brett's abs as he flicked his hair back and took a deep breath, flexing the abs Josh was just staring at.
"Well don't worry boss. I'm here to keep saving you." Brett winked attractively at Josh, who started blushing a little as Brett carried him out of the bathroom.
"I appreciate it, you're a hero Brett!" Josh smiled up at Brett, knowing the giant had now saved him twice today.
"A hero huh? I like that… A giant superhero." Brett smirked, imagining himself as giant spandex clad hero rescuing people and stopping criminals while occasionally causing some property damage due to his size. "That would be really cool. Imagine if you were a criminal trying to escape from me?"
"That would probably be pretty hard." Josh tilted a little as he stared at Brett who was still in his imagination.
"If I was a giant superhero, I'd send all the criminals straight to 'Jail'." Brett laughed as he patted his stomach, indicating it was "jail". "The real jails wouldn't be nearly as over populated then."
"I guess. I mean who could stop you?" Josh played along, knowing it was best to just go with Brett's ego.
"No one." Brett said simply a smirk. "Too bad it's just a fantasy. Your shrink ray doesn't make people into giants does it?"
"Unfortunately, no. Just tiny or normal sized." Josh answered, feeling like while it was possible to alter the code to make a person a giant, Brett would likely not be his safest test subject at the moment.
"Damn. Well maybe we can play around with it one day…" Brett continued to smirk down at Josh, wanting him to promised.
"Yeah sure, we can try at least!" Josh half assed his response, starting to sweat a little.
"Good." Brett looked away. "Hey Josh, wanna play a different game?"
"Uh sure…?" Josh answered a little hesitant with how Brett was acting.
"I just got in my mind being a giant hero. Maybe we can make a tiny cardboard city from some empty boxes I have and have me save you… or you could play an escaping criminal if you wanted…"
"That sounds fun!" Josh tried to smile, feeling like it genuinely did seem fun but was a little nervous if he played a criminal he'd end up in "jail".
"Good…" Brett continued to calmly smirk as he set Josh down on the table. Josh watched as Brett started grabbing empty cereal boxes, tin cans, cups, and straws and start setting them on the ground spacing them out and making them kind of resemble a city of sorts. Turning back to Josh once he finished, Josh watched as the still shirtless and attractive man strode his way out of the room and into his bedroom. Curious, Josh waited a few minutes before Brett reemerged wearing a tight spandex under armor superman shirt as well as a tight pair of spandex shorts in a nice matching red color. Josh stared in awe as the spandex barely hid any of Brett's amazing chiseled features, in fact it was as if the clothing enhanced Brett's already incredible features.
"Sorry I don't have a cape. But you can call me Super Brett." Brett chuckled as he spun around showing his outfit off as Josh went from staring at Brett's amazing 8 pack to his tight perfect ass. Walking up to Josh Brett smirked as he could tell Josh was easily staring at him and very enthralled. "So would you prefer being a citizen, or a criminal?"
Josh shook his head trying to focus. "Oh I think I'd like to be the…"
*Knock knock*
Brett got up, curious who would be at the door this late. Opening he saw it was Matt, who lived just a few streets away. Matt was changed into a pair of blue and white shorts, a pair of blue sandals, and was wearing a pink tank top, with his sunglasses hanging from the collar. On his back he had a small black pull string bag.
"Oh what's up dude?" Brett said blocking the view to his kitchen table.
"Hey man, my building was fumed for ants today and still kinda stinks. Can I spend the night here dude?" He asked running a hand through his short blonde hair, now pointed up slightly with gel.
"Uh sure dude, looks like I got two spending the night now." He said walking into his apartment as Matt came in and shut the door.
"Someone else is here?" Matt asked looking around.
Brett walked into the kitchen and looked down at the little napkin where Josh was still sitting. Josh stood up and waved awkwardly to Matt.
"Oh Josh is here." Matt said looking down at the little man. "Wait what. Why is Josh here?"
Brett looked over at his friend and rose one of his eyebrows. "Remember that bug in that bet dude?"
"Yeah but… you ate it… you aren't telling me that was Josh?" Matt asked confused.
"Yeah dude, I didn't eat it, obviously. I figured out it was Josh and I kept him hidden from that idiot Luke till I got home." Brett said proudly.
"Dude you could have told me after we left." Matt said as he looked angrily over at his shirtless friend. "I would have helped or whatever."
"I figured it'd be better to just keep it private dude. As much as Luke was an idiot, I don't wanna make him look even more stupid." Brett said thinking quickly on the spot.
Matt sat down at the table in front of his little boss. "Yo Josh! We kept the room all clean just like you wanted!" He said smiling.
"I heard!" Josh said trying to stay cheerful. "Although I wish I could forget where I was when I heard it!" Josh tried to add jokingly.
"Right dude you were probably still in Brett's gross mouth!" Matt said laughing.
"Gross?" Brett said smiling to show his perfectly straight white teeth. "I don't think so dude."
"Just cause you have nice teeth doesn't mean the inside of your mouth is some perfect paradise too you know, dude." Matt said back looking at his narcissistic friend. "Besides my teeth are just as nice as yours and you don't see me claiming to be some kind of god."
Josh spoke as the two scowled at each other, "Look either way I'm really thankful for what Brett did so it doesn't really matter!"
"Boss who's mouth is nicer, mine or stupid Matt's?" Brett said kneeling down at the table to look at the little man as he opened his mouth a little.
"Screw you Brett! He doesn't wanna look in your mouth anymore." Matt said hitting his friend on the top of his head.
Josh was relieved Matt settled the situation as Brett stood back up to hit his friend back.
- - -
The three sat around the table talking and joking casually for a little while longer. Starting to get late Brett stretched and yawned saying that it might be time for bed. The two giant men fashioned a small bed for Josh out of a few pieces of cardboard and some tape. They added a little cushioning and a blanket for added comfort as well.
Matt went over to the couch and set his alarm on his phone and set it on the end table at the head of the makeshift bed.
Brett let Josh get into the little bed they made for him and started to carry him into his room when Matt called out from the couch.
"Yo! Why does Josh have to sleep with you!" Matt protested. "We guests should sleep together out here!"
Brett turned and looked at his friend and put a hand on his hip. Shaking his head he replied. "Because I saved his life of course. He's safer with me."
"Yeah but dude, all the more reason for him to sleep out here with me. This gives you a break from watching him." Matt said back quickly.
"Why don't we let Josh decide." Brett said looking down at him with his handsome face. "Who do you wanna sleep with, the guy who saved your life, or that loser over there?" He asked pointing at Matt.
Josh thought for a second. It was true Brett saved his life… but he also knew how unintentional it was. Looking at the two Josh decided…
"Brett did save my life…" Josh said looking up at the handsome man holding his bed. "Sorry, Matt."
Brett smirked at Matt and started to carry Josh away into his room and Matt yelled after him, "Don't let him put you in his gross mouth boss! He's a real jackass!"
Brett shut the door without responding to Matt. "He's such a tool huh boss?" Brett asked looking down at the little man as he set him on his night stand.
"I like Matt," Josh started to say. "He's a good guy, but you're a real life saver Brett." Josh added
Brett smirked at the comment. He loved being told how great he was. He turned away from Josh and pulled off his shorts, revealing just a tight pair of black compression shorts concealing his bulge and perfectly rounded ass.
"Sorry boss, I don't mean to undress in front of you like this." Brett lied as he laid slowly down on his bed and faced Josh. "I just like sleeping in my underwear is all."
"Its fine Brett." Josh said blushing and looking over the cardboard to Brett's handsome face.
Laying on his side, Brett gave an intentional view of his entire front of his body to his puny boss. "Hey boss?" Brett started.
"W-what is it Brett?" Josh asked nervously as he ran his attention back to Brett's face.
"What's it like being so small around me?" Brett asked looking down at his body and rubbing his hand casually on his abs.
Josh looked away turning even more red now. Josh knew what Brett wanted to hear, but he was almost too nervous to say it because, as much as it would fuel Brett's ego, it would also make Josh die of embarrassment since it was the truth.
"I think its amazing being so small. Its really cool just because everything around me is so… uh… big…" Josh tried to say ambiguously.
Suddenly, Brett grabbed the little bed Josh was in and laid on his back. He took the bed and placed it just below his chest. Then Brett very slowly tipped the bed to one side, letting his little boss slide out on his body. Josh stood up quickly, looking around at his new surroundings. Directly in front of him stood two giant mountains with a huge canyon between them, in the other direction all he could see for what seemed like miles were perfectly lined hills and a perfect valley between them.
"Ummm Brett, why did you do that?" Josh asked nervously as the ground under him shifted slightly with each beat of Brett's gigantic heart.
"How cool does it look boss?" Brett's voice boomed from far above him. "Does everything look… big enough?" He said smirking.
The two mountainous pecs in front of Josh suddenly dropped a little and stretched out as he could see Brett moving his hands behind his head. In the distance Josh could see Brett's massive biceps flexing casually, just below that were Brett's hairy armpits, now on full display.
"Have a look around boss, don't see as many landscapes as perfect as this I assure you." Brett said closing his eyes as he felt Josh's tiny feet start to move on his body.
A little apprehensive Josh did actually want to explore… he decided to go…
… down towards Brett's impressive 8-pack.
Josh slowly made his way south, admiring the flawlessness of Brett on the way. He didn't want to admit it, but Brett was pretty much perfect. Complimenting him would only fuel Brett's infamous ego even further, but for some reason, Josh sort of liked that he was cocky. Usually, at work, Josh would often get tired of Brett's conceit, but now, when it was just the two of them, with Josh exploring his body, Josh could not help but inflate the giant's sense of self.
"Your abs are so defined and huge, Brett! I feel like I am walking on stone!" Josh exclaimed. Looking up at Brett's face, he watched the giant smirk.
"Really, boss? You're not even on my abs yet. Get closer, and tell me how awesome they are." Brett spoke without opening his eyes.
Josh picked up his pace and made his way to the middle of Brett's abdomen. When Josh said it felt like stone, he wasn't kidding. It literally felt like he was walking on stone hills. Obviously, Brett was flexing to show himself off, but it still amazed Josh just the same.
"Wow," Josh spoke to himself, "This is so unreal!" He bent down and laid his hands on the hard ab muscles of Brett. He could feel the heat radiate into his hands, and in the distance, he heard the familiar sounds of digestion happening just underneath. To think that he could have ended up on the other side of this living wall made Josh blush.
Suddenly, Brett took a deep breath, making the whole ground rise up and down. Josh tumbled around a bit before he fell into something deep and dark. Immediately, Josh felt around to get his bearings. He realized where he was. Josh had slipped into Brett's navel!
Meanwhile, Brett…
Josh turned and faced Brett's massive pecs. They seemed a little less daunting now that Brett put his hands behind his head. Josh decided he wanted to give climbing one of the mountains a try.
Gripping as much skin or little bits of hair as he could Josh started to scale the wall of muscle. Brett continued to lay motionless as he could feel the little man start to climb up his left pec. Smirking to himself even more, it made Brett feel like a god compared to his miniature boss.
Josh only fell a once or twice before he got the hand of scaling the pec. After a solid 10 minutes Josh made it near the top, looking across the mound of flesh he saw he chose the left pec, as he recognized Brett's tattoo on it. Walking up to the nipple Josh pressed his hands on the sensitive skin, seeing if Brett would even notice.
Brett smiled as he felt his boss touching his nipple. He opened his eyes and looked down at his pec. "Nice climb boss. I didn't even need to help you."
Josh looked down and blushed. He was actually proud of how high he climbed, but to Brett Josh barely had gone anywhere yet.
"Its nice to see your face now, Brett!" Josh tried to say to the huge man. "I couldn't see it past your chest."
Brett chucked a little, causing the ground to shake violently. Josh took a short tumble forward as he rolled down the other side of Brett's pec right into his awaiting armpit. Brett watched as the little man tumbled helplessly into the short hair of his armpit. Without moving Brett watched Josh stand up, brushing aside the stinky hairs from his body.
Shook up from his fall Josh tried to hold his nose as he realized where he ended up. The young stud's armpit smelt like a mixture of deodorant and sweat. Not wanting to spend much longer in here, Josh wanted to continue his journey upward toward Brett's beautiful face….
Relieved to be free of Brett's armpit Josh continued his climb upward on Brett's throat. Josh gripped the skin as tightly as he could, getting a lot of practice with it when he scaled Brett's pec just minutes ago. Walking across the throat now finally to the chin Josh cautiously went around Brett's adam's apple as it might bob down and send Josh back a ways.
Brett felt Josh just below his chin, still standing there on his throat. Brett tried to imagine what Josh must be seeing as he pictured his own strong chin as some sort of sheer cliff. Finally he felt the little man start to move up said cliff, slowly but surely grabbing what skin or hair he could off his jaw. After what seemed like awhile Brett opened his eyes back up to see the little man standing there at the end of his chin.
Josh looked across Brett's face as he had his head laid flat on a pillow. Brett smirked again, causing his chin to shift slightly before he spoke. "So why'd you climb up to my face, little one?"
Josh blushed, guessing Brett was getting used to having a tiny explorer on his body. Josh started walking across the chin toward Brett's mouth. Looking at his closed lips, Josh tried to re-imagine himself trapped just behind that handsome smile.
Finally, working up the courage to answer the giant adonis Josh replied to the titan that…
"I-I wanna look in your mouth Brett…" Josh said nervously as he looked over at the lips just a few feet away from him.
Brett started to show a little teeth in his smirk as his eyes locked right onto his little boss. "I thought my mouth was gross, little guy?"
Josh blushed again from the comment and decided to speak honestly. "It was scary when I didn't know what was going on… but it really is actually amazing in there…"
"I knew my mouth was better than Matt's." Brett said, ignoring his boss's awkward shuffling. Brett started to sit up, catching his tiny boss in his hand as he shifted. He lowered his palm down toward his toned stomach as he looked down at the little man seriously. "I'll let you in, but you have to admit to Matt tomorrow that my mouth is better."
Josh looked up at the massive hunk and couldn't believe that was his request. "That's fine with me Brett!" Josh said happily.
"Sweet dude!" Brett said rubbing his free hand on his perfect 8 pack. "I knew I was the hottest outside, but now I'm the hottest on the inside too!"
Josh swallowed nervously at the comment. Watching Brett's hand rubs casually up and down his 8 pack Josh couldn't help but wonder how hot Brett was all the way that deep inside…
Josh snapped back to reality as he realized he was being lifted slowly up past Brett's chest to his face. He winked at the little man as he opened his massive mouth, letting his tongue roll out like a welcome mat. Josh stepped forward cautiously stepping over the ridge of Brett's tongue as he made his way inside. Brett felt the little man make his way on and pulled his tongue back into his mouth as slowly closed Josh inside.
- - -
Josh couldn't believe the view. Brett's perfect white teeth behind him, and the expansive mouth laid out before him. He looked out as the tongue fell up and down with each of Brett's careful breaths. Josh felt drawn to the back of Brett's beautiful throat, looking dangerously over the gap at the massive uvula dancing gleefully, wanting to welcome Josh down the pit it hung over.
After a few more minutes of looking around Josh had his fill of looking at Brett's teeth and even slipped into his cheek for a few minutes. Brett played with the little man for awhile and brought him back into the center of his mouth, pressing his gently to the roof with his tongue. Finally, Brett's voice boomed over Josh…
The enormous man's voice boomed out around Josh. Enthralled with the idea of going down deeper into Brett's body Josh couldn't help himself. He squirmed his way to the back of Brett's throat and yelled back. "Do it!"
With a suddenly lunge, Josh found himself being pushed forward, then downwards. He barely caught a glimpse of Brett's uvula before the throat closed behind him, sending him down the Brett's eager stomach.
The sound was almost deafening to Josh as his surroundings shifted, the throat muscles moved up and down in a relaxing rhythmic pattern easing Josh downward on his journey.
- - -
With a sigh, Brett put a hand on his chest. He couldn't really feel the little man he just swallowed, and he figured that would be the case. All he knew was he wanted Josh in his stomach, imagining just how perfect the ride must be fore little man as it opens up to his immaculate belly.
Leaning back a little he moved his hand to his abs, rubbing them softly. He knew Josh wasn't going to get out alive, but it didn't bother him. He heard the little man's voice of approval to be eaten by him.
"Why wouldn't he…" Brett thought to himself looking down at his sculpted torso. Brett laid back down on his bed, moving slowly so as not to shift his body too fast. Laying his head on his pillow he realized just how tired he was. Brett closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep, hand still on his stomach thinking of the little man who gave himself up for him.
- - -
Finally, Josh made his final stop into Brett's stomach. His eyes were already well adjusted to the darkness from being in Brett's mouth so he actually got to look around some.
Josh watched as the walls slowly pushed in and extended out, folding and unfolding around certain edges. There were small groans and roaring noises that occasionally came from within the chamber.
Other than Josh, the stomach was mostly empty and as luck would have it, unaware that Josh was even there. As Josh walked around the whole room shifted slowly and what little contents were in the stomach shifted to the back wall. "He must have laid down." Josh thought aloud.
Josh heard Brett's heart beat start to slow down to a more relaxed state, and his breathing became much more unconscious. Figuring the giant must have fallen asleep Josh continued to looked around the fantastic stomach.
"He really is beautiful inside and out…" Josh thought to himself.
Just then Josh thought, maybe he could just fall asleep in here. No doubt he'd be dead by morning, but he'd then become part of Brett's godly body. On the other hand, Josh thought since Brett was asleep there was still a chance he could climb out and live to see another day… Josh decided….
"I wanna become part of Brett!" Josh said excitedly. There was no doubt in his mind. Everything from Brett's handsome face, to his fantastic body, hell even his insides were wonderful!
Josh looked around and saw where some acid was starting to pool at the back of the stomach, moving closely Josh laid down near and and closed his eyes. He figured if he could just fall asleep Brett's body would take care of the rest.
The warm air in the stomach circulated softly around Josh as he got more and more sleepy, eventually passing out to the gentle churning and gurgling of Brett's enormous stomach.
- - -
Morning came and Brett got up and looked over to the little bed him and Matt made. Seeing Josh wasn't there and remembering what happened. Smirking and looking down at his toned abs he gave them a good flex and chuckled.
"Don't worry dude, you'll always be safe being a part of me." He said happily at his stomach. Just then it growled angrily at him, demanding breakfast. Not one to delay Brett stood up and pulled on his shorts and walked out of his room to greet Matt.
Matt had half of his body falling off the couch with his mouth hanging open as he suddenly jolted awake at the sound of Brett's voice. Yawning he sat up and looked at his buddy.
"Morning dude.." He said rubbing his eyes. "Josh up yet?"
Brett stopped on his way to the kitchen trying to think up a good lie. "I don't think he's awake. I forgot to check when I left my room." He continued walking into the kitchen desperate to get some food in his hungry belly.
"I'll go check on him then…" Matt said walking over to Brett's room. Brett stood in the kitchen, waiting for Matt to start yelling… "Any second now…" Brett thought.
As if on cue Matt started yelling. "Dude Josh is missing!"
Brett walked calmly toward his room, stopping in the door way he already played out how to execute his lie. "Maybe he fell out of bed, did you check the floor before you came stomping in here?"
Matt jumped at the thought looking under his feet for a little smear mark. "No dude I didn't! Oh god I hope I didn't crush the little guy!"
"Look dude, just stay calm. Let's check the floor." Brett said getting on his knees, hoping to get this over fast so he could go eat.
- - -
The two searched the room for a few minutes, turning over discarded shoes and socks. Matt even started to take the sheets off Brett's bed and shake them down much to Brett's displeasure. Sitting on the bed Matt started to stare at his feet again.
"What if I did step on the poor little guy!" He said sadly.
Smirking, Brett went and sat next to his friend. He put his arm around him and gladly letting the man blame himself. "Look dude, we looked our best. We can keep this between the two of us… that way nobody has to know you accidentally killed him."
Looking over at his friend, Matt looked almost sick, but happy to hear Brett say that. "Thanks dude…"
Getting up Brett started to walk back out to the kitchen. Glad that whole ordeal was over all the while trying to keep his cool. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself, not only for getting Matt to take the blame for his boss's death, but also for convincing his boss to so easily sacrifice himself to him.
Josh slowly looked up at Brett's face and trying not to upset him said, "You've been such a life saver already, you can use a break watching me. I"ll stay with Matt."
Brett's expression turned a little sour as he walked over to drop the bed off on the end table.
"Suit yourself." He said coldly as he turned away down to his bedroom, shutting the door loudly.
Sighing Matt looked over at Josh and smiled. "Don't worry dude, he'll forget about it in the morning."
"Yeah… I just feel bad because he is basically the only reason why I'm still alive." Josh said turning and looking at Matt as he started to pull a few clothes and his tooth brush out of his draw string bag.
"What do you mean 'basically', dude?" Matt said stopping as he put his deodorant on the ground. "He did figure out it was you right away right?"
Josh looked over at Matt and decided to speak honestly. "Well when he finally pulled me out of his mouth… he looked and sounded surprised…"
"That douche…" Matt said standing up and grabbing his toothbrush. "I bet he had no idea dude…"
Matt grabbed a some clothes and his tooth paste and started walking over to the bathroom. "I'm just gonna change and brush up, man. Sit tight a second ok?"
Matt left the room and went into the bathroom and shut the door. Thinking now about what Matt said… it is pretty lucky for Josh to be alive. He couldn't help but wonder why Brett kept him in he mouth for so long though.
Thinking some more Josh decided he'd ask Matt a few things when he came out of the bathroom. They were best friends after all so of anyone Matt might have the best guess. Just then the door to the bathroom opened back up and Matt stepped out wearing only a pair of red and black pajama bottoms. He walked back over to the couch and stuffed his other clothes and tooth brush into his bag.
Sitting up he grabbed the little bed Josh was in and laid down, setting the bed gently on his toned stomach. "I can see ya a bit better here than back there like this, if that's ok?"
"Its fine Matt." Josh said looking out over his bed up at Matt's impressive chest up to his face. "I wanted to ask you a couple things about Brett…"
"Go for it dude. I wanna hear what happened on his walk home up till he found you." Matt said resting his hands on either side of the little bed. "I think he saved you by mistake dude."
"I do too…" Josh said nervously. "I'm glad he did, but I know he didn't mean to."
"Why'd you act like he did then?" Matt asked raising an eyebrow at the little man.
"I didn't wanna upset him…" Josh said slinking down in his little bed.
"Well you should've stood up for yourself, man. " Matt said seriously. "You'll just feed his stupid big ego."
"Well I'd rather have a happy Brett with a huge ego than a mad Brett with a slightly smaller one…" Josh said looking back up at Matt's face.
"Just be careful dude, that ego's huge enough to crush both of us if it get's the chance." he said winking one of his steely blue eyes at his little boss.
Josh blushed and peeked over at the clock. It was getting pretty late… but he was having fun staying up with Matt… Josh decided….
Josh turned away from the clock as he decided he was having too much fun talking with Matt to want to go to bed. Josh looked back past Matt's huge pecs to his handsome face and smiled.
Not sure what his boss was smiling about Matt smiled back and said, "Hey boss some night you should come back to my place with just me! Forget this loser Brett."
Josh smiled at the idea. He was having a good time with Matt, it would probably be fun to do that sometime but he figured he should leave the offer open for now as he replied, "Ask me again once I see the park again and get a nice hot shower after all this!"
Matt laughed, causing the bed on his belly to shake a little. "Sure thing little boss man!" He said jokingly. "I keep forgetting how exciting of a day you're been though."
"Yeah being captured in a cup and used in some idiotic bet and needing to survive in another man's mouth for a few hours. Sure is exciting." Josh said sarcastically.
Matt moved one of his hands behind his head and rubbed his neck. "Well it wasn't my mouth! And I wasn't part of the bet!" He said trying to defend himself.
"I'm not mad at you, Matt." Josh said realizing how bad he must have sounded. "It's just I could think of a ton of different 'exciting' things to do."
"Like getting that whistle out of my gut! Right boss?" He said joking as he rubbed the bottom of his abdomen. Josh blushed for a second forgetting that's how all of this started.
"I'm sorry about the whistle thing, Matt…" Josh tried to finally apologize.
Laughing again Matt shook his head. "Nah dude, its cool. Like you said it'll find it's way out eventually! Besides its probably like all the way down here by now…" He said as he poked just below his belly button with his index finger. "It's long gone, dude!"
Josh watched as the huge man pressed his finger into the tight skin of his abdomen. He tried for a second to picture how far along Matt's digestive tract the whistle might have traveled by now. Smiling he turned to Matt and just shook his head.
- - -
The two continued to talk for a while longer, making fun of Brett's ego, or about how great it'll be to get Josh home eventually included. As time went by Matt yawned and stretched one of his arms out as Josh watched closely.
Matt slowly moved his hand behind his head, leaving his armpit open the smell slowly wafted over to Josh. It really didn't smell that bad, it was a mixture of cologne and sweat, but just so much of each to smell really attractive. Sweating, Josh imagined if his clothes smelt that good, he glanced down at Matt's drawstring bag on the floor. Josh thought maybe he could convince the huge man to set the bed down there with the intent of night for exploring.
"Hey Matt…" Josh started, to grab the giant's attention. "It's getting late, maybe we should go to sleep."
Matt looked over at the clock and shook his head in agreement. He started to move Josh's bed over to the little end table next to the bed as Josh chimed in. "Hey maybe I'd be safer on the floor next to your bag. That way when you wake up in the morning I'll be right there with your stuff."
Matt stopped to think for a second and said…
"Hey yeah man, that's a great idea!" Matt said sitting up and holding Josh in front of him on his lap. "If you need anything yell up to me, ok?"
Josh smiled at the thoughtful comment as Matt lowered him to the floor next to the bag. "Will do! Thanks so much Matt…" Josh said turning a little red.
Getting re-situated back on the couch Matt laid on his side and looked down at the little man in the bed he just set down. "I'm just glad everything turned out alright, dude. Try and get some sleep though boss."
Matt shut off the lamp in the room and rolled onto his back, trying to find a comfortable position on the couch for a few minutes. Josh looked up at him as he started to settle down. Then he turned his attention to Matt's bag. The dark shape was only a few feet from him, partially open from when Matt stuffed his clothes in.
Josh got up out of his bed and crept quietly toward the bag's opening. Which for Josh at his size "quiet" was pretty easy to pull off. Finally, Josh reached the opening and climbed up over the thick fabric. Walking in just under the lip, the smell of Matt's body odor washed over him once more. Although, Josh couldn't see well he could make out some colors and guessed what things were based off how they felt.
After a little exploring Josh found his way on top of the pink tank top Matt was wearing. It smelled amazingly sweaty, yet with a hint of Matt's cologne. Josh took in great big wiffs as he found himself sinking into the fabric. Stumbling around in the fabric Josh started to lose his sense of direction. He was getting light headed from all the manly fumes that he forgot which way he came from.
Josh retraced some of his steps back to the middle of Matt's slightly balled up tank top. Josh sat down as he was starting to get really tired, both physically and mentally. "I have to find my way out though!"
Josh crossed the edges of the tank top once more and looked out for the opening for the bag. After, searching for a while Josh discovered…
“Where the hell am I??” Josh thought as he felt his way through the dark surroundings of the fabric. He had fallen into a pit of some sort, but he wasn't quite sure what was happening. He couldn’t tell which way was up or down. And with his sense of sight and sense of direction both gone, all he could do was rely on his sense of smell.
“Dear god…” the tiny said, plugging his nose. Wherever he was, the smell wasn’t pleasant. And no matter what direction he crawled; Josh couldn’t escape the strong cheesy scent. But he finally pieced it together after a few more whiffs he didn’t want to take.
“Ah ew, I think I’m in his gym sock.” the tiny thought. Though he liked Matt’s manly scents, this one wasn’t the kind he wanted to get super close to. “It’s so strong, eugh… but, hey, at least I still have time to wander out of here.” He thought, optimistically.
Meanwhile, on the couch, Matt shivered a bit in his sleep. Still only wearing the pajama pants, his whole body felt a bit cold. Especially his feet. The shivers eventually woke him out of his drift to sleep. His body needed to warm up if he was ever gonna fall asleep comfortably.
“Ugh…I forgot that Brett keeps this place frigid at bedtime for no reason…” Matt grumbled, half asleep, as he sat up and reached for his bag. “Man thinks he’s a freakin’ polar bear…” the giant surfer complained. "He's as cold as one sometimes for sure…"
Matt searched his bag for the pair of socks he keeps in there. Being a surfer and a lifeguard, he rarely uses them as his feet are usually in sandals. They’re his strong, reliable socks that were used for his semi frequent gym visits. He slipped one sock on his foot, then brought the other one to his face out of curiosity. It was too dark to notice that in the toe section something was wiggling around.
Matt sniffed the gray sock. It was white when he bought it, but over the months, that definitely changed. The surfer’s nose scrunched a bit at the smell. “Shit. Forgot to wash these.” He thought for a moment and considered not wearing it. But the cold of Brett’s place nipped at him again and the giant surfer decided to bite the bullet and just put it on to stay warm. The giant sighed and slipped his bare foot into the sock.
“No no no no WAIT!!!” Josh pleaded, but it didn’t matter. He was getting a new roommate whether he liked it or not. Matt’s massive toes came barreling at him like a train. The tiny man ended up squeezed between the man’s big and second toe. He squirmed and tried to fight against Matt’s digits, but it was no use. The toes embraced him in a bear hug,and this combined with the overpowering smell made it incredibly hard for Josh to breathe.
“MATT! HNNNG--” Josh pleaded, though he would never be heard. He beat on the now warming flesh in a desperate bid for air. In response, Matt’s sole slammed to the ground, pinning Josh under it this time. The tiny finally took a big
smelly breath of relief.
But it didn’t last long. Josh felt himself rising into the air. Matt was taking a step, and the tiny nerd was trapped directly under his godly sole.
It took Matt about six steps to make it to Brett’s kitchen, and about three more to get a bottle of water. Though, Josh was already pulverized by the second step. Matt didn’t feel the tiny speck of red left on his sole in his sock as he chugged down the water. He simply gulped it, burped, and went back to bed. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t help but get excited at the idea of hanging out with his tiny boss tomorrow.
Luke watched in disappointment as his team barely gained any yardage. The play had ended and his team failed. Sitting back he took a long sip on his beer as he looked over to Brett's smirking face.
"Pay up dude." Brett said to the handsome blonde. Luke sighed as he stood up and reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. Looking through the brown leather he pulled out a wade of ones and started to count them.
"6…7…8…" Luke said out loud as he started to file the bills one by one. "Dude, I only got 8. I'll have to owe you another time." Luke said disappointed he couldn't even hold up his end of the deal. All the while Brett got an idea.
"How about you just clean up for me tonight. Keep your measly 8 bucks, and I'll just head out when the game is over." Brett said, trying to act sympathetic.
Luke smiled at the idea, he'd much rather clean up Brett's mess than give him all the money in his wallet after all! "Alright Brett you got a deal! Just keep your mess to a minimum dude."
After Luke finished his words, Brett proceeded to chug the rest of his sports drink and drop the empty container on the ground. "Oops, guess we'll clean that up later. Won't we Luke?"
Luke quickly went and picked the bottle up and threw it into the trash. He listened to Brett mock and laugh at him as he walked over to the trash can. Under his breath however he couldn't help but mutter "What a fucking bitch…"
- - -
Josh continued to sit at the bottom the plastic cup, listening to the guys continue to be loud across the other side of the room. He could make out words, but had no idea what was going on. "Did they forget about me?" Josh hoped to himself as he paced the bottom of the cup again for what seemed like the 100th time.
- - -
Time continued to go by as Brett continued to make as much of a mess as possible before finally the game ended and he left without a word to any of his friends. Shutting the door behind him he proceeded to flip off Luke.
"Finally!" Luke said as Brett was out of ear shot. "I thought the game would never end."
Matt shook his head, "Man I've never seen him act that bad before…"
Luke started to pick up empty cups and plates off the ground hoping he could just clean up as fast as possible after Brett ruined the rest of his night. "Let's just get this over with…" He said throwing a clump of napkins into the trash.
- - -
The three worked diligently to clean up the rest of the trash and tidy up the room for what seemed like forever before they noticed the little plastic cup with a plate on top…
Blake removed the plate and looked down into the cup. "Hey guys, wasn't this that bug from that bet?"
Luke walked over and looked at the cup. "Oh yeah I totally forgot about that…"
Matt grabbed the cup and handed it to Luke. Surprised Luke held the cup and looked down at the little speck still scurrying around at the bottom. "Well you still gonna eat it dude? Brett's gone now and all…"
Luke watched the little bug look like it was almost waving at him before he decided….
"No. Screw it." Luke shrugged as he looked at his friends while holding the cup. "Brett doesn't have to know I didn't do it."
"So what? You gonna let it go?" Matt asked feeling like he didn't want any gross bugs crawling around in here.
"Yeah. Why not. Just to spite Brett." Luke replied with a sour tone as he walked the cup over to the counter and tipped the cup over and let the little speck slide out. "I'll even let it go on the counter, dude."
"Yo! Gross!" Matt looked as the speck hit the counter before Matt looked a little closer, seeing what he believed it to stand up on two legs. Matt quickly connected the dots as he snagged the cup from Luke and covered the speck up in case it ran from them in terror.
"Guys that was never a bug." Matt looked down at the turned over cup sweating. "That was a tiny person."
"Lost guest maybe?" Blake walked over next to Matt.
"Really?!" Luke looked at the cup excited. "I never noticed, I wanna see!"
"No!" Matt held the cup in place. "Whoever it is they probably wandered into here by mistake after we closed. They're probably scared they've been trapped and had four giant dudes talking about eating them!"
"Well what can we do?" Luke crossed his arms. "Park's closed and the shrinking shit is all off until Josh unlocks it tomorrow."
"We can't just leave them here either." Blake put in his opinion. "One of us should bring them home."
"That might be our only option, dude." Matt agreed as Luke had an excited twinkle in his eye.
"I wanna do it! I want a little friend for the night!" Luke practically jumped up and down excitedly.
"You're the one that caught them in the first place and tried using it in a dumb bet…" Matt rose an eyebrow at Luke. "If anything they might be the most afraid of you."
"Well now I know they're a person clearly I'll be a little smarter!" Luke grinned happily. Matt sighed as he looked at Blake.
"Blake, you're probably the most responsible, why don't you take them?" Matt asked as Blake shrugged.
"I was gonna say the same for you, Matt." Blake answered plainly.
"How should we decide?" Matt asked Blake as Luke felt left out. Blake shrugged again, really just unsure all together. "Flip a coin?"
"Sure." Blake reached into his pocket to see if he had a coin. Pulling out a quarter, Blake balanced it on his fingers ready to flip it.
"Heads I'll take them, Tails you take them." Matt said to Blake who nodded in agreement.
"No fair! Why am I not included?" Luke pouted as Matt shook his head.
"Sorry, dude. You got out voted, yo." Matt smirked as he looked back to Blake who flipped the coin. Straight up in the air the quarter turned and turned before…
Blake caught the coin and planted it on the back of his palm. "Tails."
"Well that's that." Matt said he he took his hand off the cup. "Here hold you hand out."
Blake walked over to the cup and held his hand right under the edge of the counter while Matt slid the cup off until it completely was off the counter. Blake closed his hand, feeling that the little person had indeed fallen right into his palm
"They're probably pretty confused…" Matt frowned as he looked down at Blake's closed hand.
"And scared." Blake commented also looking at his hand. "It'll be fine though."
"They're in good hands!" Matt smiled and patted Blake on the back. Luke meanwhile just continued to pout.
"Well whatever, let's all get out of here!" Luke carried garbage bags as they made their way out the door. All going their separate ways, the three men bid each other good night. Blake walked swiftly, making sure to keep his hand closed in case the little person were to get blow off in his quick pace. He just wanted to get home so he could hopefully explain to the little person he was trying to help.
Finally approaching his apartment, Blake unlocked the door as he made his way inside quietly. Flicking on a light, Blake made his way over to a coffee table he had by his sofa as he sat down and opened his hand, letting the little person slide out. Blake could clearly see the "bug" was in fact a tiny human with distinct human features. Sighing in relief, Blake sat back without looking at the person very closely.
Blake stood up, now unable to really make out the speck from anything else as he spoke. "Hello. Sorry all that happened." Blake kept his words short as usual. "I'm not kidnapping you. Just keeping you safe till tomorrow."
Josh stared up at Blake, knowing the huge man couldn't hear him even if he yelled from all the way down on the coffee table. Having got the gist of what happened, Josh was a little proud at how his men handled finding a "lost guest". Choosing to remain silent until either had to reveal himself or when Blake figured it out, Josh was more interested in just seeing how things play out.
Blake nodded his head as he walked away from the coffee table and Josh watched as he rounded his way into a different room down a hall. A few minutes later, Blake reemerged wearing plaid sleeping pants and a loose black Nike tank top. He was also holding what looked like a wash cloth. Blake came over to the coffee table noticing the speck hadn't moved. Placing the wash cloth down and backing away, Blake looked down again.
"To sleep on, if you want." Blake said quickly before he clapped his hands together like he just remembered something. Going into his kitchen, Blake found a half eaten protein bar and tore off a bit of it. Also he found an old water bottle and took the top off and filled it with water. Going back over to the coffee table, Blake set them down. "Food and water."
Josh smiled as he silently made his way over to the food, wanting to show Blake he wasn't afraid. Blake took a deep breath as he saw the speck make it's way to the bar. Blake stood there, wanting to talk to the tiny person but knowing he was terrible with words. Going and sitting on the couch across from the table, Blake sprawled out on the long sofa as he watched the little person like an eagle.
Josh turned to look at Blake as it seemed…
Luke reached out, snatching the coin clean out of the air. Blake and Matt looked at Luke, giving him a bit of a confused look.
"Dudes! This isn't fair!" Luke complained, holding the coin and looking kind of pissed off. "You guys aren't even giving me a chance!"
"Dude! Because you're the one who trapped them in the first place!" Matt reiterated his words from earlier. "They're scared of you, dude."
"Let me redeem myself! I'll take super good care of them. Pleeeeeeease?" Luke put his hands together, practically begging Matt at this point. Matt simply crossed his arms and rose an eyebrow as he turned to Blake.
"What do you think, dude?" Matt asked Blake, who sighed and shook his head.
"I guess, man." Blake answered, not too confident with Luke's ability to take care of the tiny person. "Might be a good test?"
"Yeah… but it's like a tiny person's life, dude. Is it okay to test Luke with something like that?" Matt still seemed a bit apprehensive about it. Luke meanwhile, kept a determined look on his face as he looked between the two men.
"All the more reason for him to be careful and prove he can do this, dude." Blake smiled, giving Luke a slight nod of approval. Matt sighed, unable to believe that Blake of all people would be sticking up for Luke right now.
"Fine fine. I guess Lukey Luke needs to make it up to the little person." Matt looked at Luke seriously, as he slide the cup to the edge of the table, feeling the tiny person drop into his palm and closing it gently. Matt looked down at his fist for a second before reaching it out to Luke. Eagerly, Luke put out his hand as Matt transferred the tiny person into it. "Take good care of them, okay?"
"I will!" Luke looked down at his closed fist excitedly. Blake cleared his throat as he looked at Luke's other hand. "Oh! Sorry, here's your quarter, dude!"
Luke tossed the coin back to Blake, who put it back in his pocket with a chuckle. "Guess we won't know how that coin would've landed, huh?"
"Guess it landed in the middle, dude." Matt laughed, surprised they decided to give Luke a chance like this. Having made the choice to give Luke the tiny person, the three men finished up cleaning up as they made their ways out of the break room. Bidding each other farewell, each of them men headed their separate ways home. Making his way into his apartment, Luke brought the tiny person to a TV tray he had in his living room, clearing off some old paper plates had on there for a few days and opening his hand to allow the tiny person out.
"Sorry for the mess, little person!" Luke looked down at Josh curiously. "Man you're so tiny, I can't tell if you're a dude, or a dudette!"
Luke rubbed the back of his head as he walked away for a moment, to toss the trash and come back, flopping into his couch and sitting down in front of the TV tray. Luke leaned in a little closer, as Josh sweat a little unsure if Luke would recognize him or not.
"So what's your name, little person?" Luke asked, squinting at Josh, still unsure due to his tiny stature. Josh sweat a little, not sure if he should speak up or not. Part of him thought it might actually be fun to pretend to be someone else, continuing the trend of testing Luke. Josh decided he would…
Luke smiled as he slapped his bare stomach with his free hand. "Deals a deal! So that means this bug has a date with my stomach!"
Matt shook his head in approval. "Good man, you're a much better sport than Brett would have been." Luke smiled at the compliment as he looked over at Blake who simply have him a thumbs up as he slung a bag of trash over his arm with his other hand.
Luke picked up a different bag with his other hand and the three walked out the door together to the dumpster. The young studs finished tossing the trash into the heap and said their good byes as they all went their separate ways. Matt and Blake were still proud Luke was going to go through with the bet as they slapped the young blonde on the back before leaving for their own homes. All the while all Josh could do was look up in horror at the man who promised to eat him, completely helpless.
- - -
Luke started to walk home, it was a pretty short walk and all the while he would gaze down into the cup at the scared looking little speck he agreed to eat. Admittedly Luke was feeling a little tipsy from all the drinking he did, which made the whole ordeal seem way more exciting to him that it should have.
"Hey bug!" Luke called down into the cup. "I know you don't get much of a say in this. But I'm gonna eat ya."
Luke laughed to himself as he watched the bug squirm about. "What's the matter, don't wanna get eaten?" He taunted down to the pathetic creature.
"NO!" A voice called out barely audible to Luke's ears.
Luke stopped in his tracks as he squinted down at the bug. "Woah did it just talk to me?"
Rubbing his head he wasn't sure if the booze went straight brain or not. Bugs don't talk, he thought to himself. He's probably just drunk.
Luke wasn't sure what to make of what he heard but he did know he was…
"Nah, bugs can't talk." Luke said to himself out loud as he lifted the cup up to his face. Squinting one more time at the little creature he believed to be a bug before tilting the cup toward his open mouth.
- - -
Josh screamed as his whole world started to slide. He couldn't believe it, here he was slipping his way down into one of his employee's gaping mouths and there was nothing he could do about it. Try as he might, he wanted desperately to somehow cling to the side of the cup and avoid this whole situation. Alas the walls were much to slick and Josh could do little more than take in the dark cavern before him.
Josh stared at everything from Luke's perfect rows of white teeth to a large strand of saliva dropping casually somewhere in the middle of the mouth. Mesmerized by the site Josh barely had any time to react before Luke's monstrous tongue came into the view at the end of the cup. Before Josh could even scream in protest he found himself free falling and coming to a landing with a splat on the wet tongue of his employee.
It was just then that the smell finally hit Josh's nose like a train. The horrid stench of beer mixed with buffalo chicken sauce coupled with the sheer wetness of his surrounding made him want to vomit. Holding back his throw up, Josh merely gagged as he almost fell flat on his face as he gasped for breathable air. Much to his terror however he saw the gigantic cavern start to close behind him.
- - -
Luke closed his mouth and leveled his head. Looking down in the cup he saw the bug was in fact gone. Which could only mean one thing, he was successful in pouring the poor creature into his mouth.
"Can't even feel it in there." Luke thought to himself as he swished a little saliva around his his mouth. "Guess it's too small for that."
Continuing on his way home Luke took his time before ultimately finishing off the little insect. Walking briskly through the night he finally approached his apartment building. Slowly he pulls the keys out of his pocket and tries to find the correct one as he walks though the main entrance. Finally, he turns down the first hallway and reaches his apartment. Unlocking the door he opens it up and walks in, relieved to finally be home.
Yawning, he stretched his arms over his head before snapping his jaw shut. "Oh yeah almost forgot." He thought to himself before putting a hand on his chest and giving a very audible and exaggerated gulp.
"Ahhh! Well that's that!" He said to himself as he walked to his bedroom. Yawning again he flopped unceremoniously onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow.
- - -
Josh squirmed and struggled as he slipped his away around the dark and squishy passages that he forced into. Somehow he couldn't believe he was still alive after being swished and slurped around in Luke's mouth, but now here he was passing through a sphincter to a fresh new chamber that would certainly be the last thing he'd ever see. That is if he could see. Everything was pitch black, and the only comfort he had while trying to get his bearing straight was sounds of groaning, gooping and what seemed to distant snoring.
"This is it…" Josh realized as he slowly felt himself sink into what he guessed was half digested chicken wings. The spicy food made his skin tingle as well as it burnt his nostrils. However his knew this was nothing compared to what he was in for as Luke slept the night away casually digesting his previous meal like any other day. As the air started to grow thin Josh watched as he could barely make out the walls of his prison moving in and out, churning its contents so that it could be broken down and become part of Luke.
Luke shook his head. Figuring he was almost home anyway he'd just look into it when he gets there. Opening the door to his apartment and making his way inside, Luke dropped off the cup on a table as he made his way into the kitchen. Searching through his freezer, Luke grabbed a bottle of 101 proof rum and poured himself a shot. Downing it with a sour look on his face, Luke slapped his cheeks and shook his head as the alcohol burned down his throat.
"Woo!" Luke exclaimed as he left his kitchen, still drunk and only getting drunker as the minutes go by. Stumbling over to the cup with the bug, Luke tipped it over and struggled to sit down at the table to get a better look.
"What are you, bug!?" Luke asked the speck loudly as Josh had to cover his ears. Looking closer, Luke squinted and could make out distinct features of this "bug" such as two arms and two legs. "You look like a little person!"
"Yes! Luke!" Josh cried out. "It's me!"
"You can talk!" Luke blinked as he heard words from the speck, but was far to drunk to comprehend them. "Wow, did you get lost from the park or something little fella?"
"Luke, it's me! Josh!" Josh yelled to him again as Luke merely just blinked and gave a quick hiccup.
"I'm sorry little guy. I don't know what you're trying to say." Luke admitted to his own drunkenness. "It's funny I almost ate you though! That would've been a rough time for ya!"
Josh didn't bother answering. Luke was too far gone to even try speaking to. Luke started laughing a little as he sat back in his chair.
"Don't worry little guy. I'll take care of you for sure!" Luke gave Josh a thumbs up. "I'll get you home tomorrow, but tonight you get to party with Big ol' Luke!"
"Oh boy…" Josh said to himself as he shook his head. Josh had no idea what the drunk giant had in mind for him tonight, but Josh figured it was best to just go along with whatever at this point to appease the tipsy man.
"Alright, brosky!" Luke slurred. "I've got an… uhhh. Idea!"
Josh blinked at Luke, almost a little scared at what he was going to come up with. Sure enough Luke wanted to…
"I know! Let's take some shots!" Luke stood up suddenly with excitement. Josh was relieved to see Luke didn't try to drunkenly grab him as he stumbled out of the room before emerging with the bottle of 101 as well as two shot glasses. Filling them up and splashing a little onto the table, Luke pushed one at Josh. Despite just being a shot glass, Josh couldn't ever hope to reach over the top without falling in.
"Cheers!" Luke clicked his glass to Josh's as he downed his shot, barely tasting it this time as his taste buds were likely slightly numb from the alcohol. Luke looked down at Josh and the shot glass, noticing the tiny man hasn't even moved toward it. Setting his glass down and grabbing Josh's, Luke smiled at the tiny man. "Don't worry I'll take yours if you don't want it!"
Sure enough Luke swallowed the strong liquid down with a mighty gulp before slapping the cup down on the table. Luke burped loudly as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his stomach.
"That one went down kinda rough!" Luke rubbed his gut as he looked down at the tiny man once more with a hand still on his stomach. "I can't believe I was gonna eat you for a bet!"
"Me neither…" Josh said aloud, knowing Luke couldn't really hear him anyway. Josh watched Luke as he continued to just stare at him, hand still resting firmly on his abs.
"I wonder what you'd even taste like?" Luke asked aloud to Josh. Josh sort of just backed up a bit, not liking the look on Luke's face. "Aw dude! I just realized, if I don't eat you I don't hold up my end of the bet!"
Josh's face went white. It was logic only a drunken idiot would come up with. Unfortunately for Josh, Luke was both very drunk and very much an idiot.
"Shit. I'm gonna have to eat you, dude!" Luke leaned forward a bit, acting like he was being forced to against his will. "Aww I feel bad. We just met and became friends."
"Then don't do it you moron!" Josh tried to hold his ground and look at Luke in his drunken glazed eyes.
"Hey look at the bright side buddy!" Luke smiled happily. "I was gonna do it anyway, plus now I know you're human!"
"How is that a bright side?" Josh asked, not following Luke's logic at all. Luke reached out, drunk fingers curling around Josh as they scooped him into the massive hand, resting him in Luke's huge palm.
"Dude!" Luke said suddenly as he looked down at Josh seriously. "That last shot made my belly all gurgly. When you're down there you should totally let me know what it looks like."
"How would I do that if I was being digested!?" Josh complained, wishing Luke had any capacity to think right now as he lifted him up to his gaping mouth. Josh covered his nose as it reeked of alcohol.
"It was cool of you to agree to this." Luke smiled as he held Josh in front of his mouth. "I hate not following through on a bet!"
"I didn't agree to this!" Josh screamed as Luke finally dumped him into his mouth. Josh sloshed around as Luke giggled, seemingly having fun at the thought of a tiny person in his mouth. Stumbling into his bathroom, Luke looked in the mirror and opened his mouth, looking inside.
"Oh man I can't see straight." Luke said to his reflection as he forgot what he was doing. Turning on the sink water and taking a sip from it, Luke swallowed the water down as he just remembered he had his tiny friend in his mouth. "Oh yeah! Sorry bro!"
Luke talked to his bare chest as he rubbed it a little as he got dizzy again. "Have fun in there! Don't party too hard!"
Luke laughed as he stumbled back out to his table. "I've got a party in my belly!" Luke said out loud to nobody. Just then Luke burped again, this time feeling slightly nauseous. "Ooof. Shit. I hope my little buddy calms down in there…"
- - -
Between the burp and the sporadic stumbling, Josh had no idea what was going on. The stomach air was putrid as Josh was swished and sloshed around in a mess of half digested wings and bitter alcohol. Josh felt helpless as he couldn't believe that even after he was found, Luke was such a dummy that he convinced himself to eat Josh anyway.
"Luke!!" Josh cried out hopelessly. He truly was helpless. Dizzy and now slightly intoxicated from just being in the alcohol filled stomach, Josh started to feel sick as Luke's body continued to swing and stumble.
Without warning, Everything shifted violently as Josh heard a loud thud. Everything stopped for now as Josh wondered what had happened. Sure enough Josh would soon find out Luke…
Luke collapsed face first on the floor as everything started spinning around him. Without warning, Luke clenched his stomach as he began heaving and puking to his side. After a few powerful surges of vomit, Luke couldn't bare consciousness for much longer as he passed out right on his floor. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Luke, a tiny wriggling speck panicked and swam it's way out of the foul stomach contents before washing up on dry ground of Luke's floor. Wiping off his face and body Josh looked next to him, seeing Luke's massive face, mouth hung open as traces of vomit and saliva hung out of the side of his mouth.
"Well at least he turned his head…" Josh tried to look on the bright side. Even though Luke did just try to kill him, Josh didn't want the silly man to end up drowning in his own vomit. "Besides he didn't know what he was doing.."
Josh felt kind of helpless now. He wished there was something he could do for the unconscious man as he laid flat on his stomach on the hard wood floor. But at his size all he could hope to do was watch over him and hope he didn't puke any more. Josh sighed as the smell of Luke's vomit was pretty unbearable. Deciding to move somewhere else while he waited for Luke to get up, Josh got to his feet.
"Where should I even go for him to notice me when he gets up?" Josh asked himself, as he focused for now to just move a little ways away from the pool of vomit. Thinking for a minute, Josh thought the best thing to do was wait in…
Josh figured one of the first things Luke's going to want to do when he comes to is to get some water. Believing that to be his best option, Josh walked away from the giant's massive body, keeping an eye on him as he left.
"If anything it doesn't smell like puke over here." Josh commented as he reached the door to the kitchen. Thankfully the way the room was set up, Josh still had a clean view of Luke should something terrible happen. Looking around the kitchen, Josh figured being on the floor would be no good. Josh sighed, hoping it wouldn't take him all night to find a way up to the counter.
With a little luck however, Luke's untidiness would prove beneficial to Josh as he was able to reach a power cord hanging from a blender that sat on the counter. Like climbing a rope, Josh scaled all the way up the side of the counter in no time before wiping his brow of sweat and looking around.
"Now where's the best spot to contact him…" Josh wondered aloud as he looked from the sink to random bits of left out food to finally a red solo cup near his faucet as it laid on it's side. Figuring it was perfect, Josh positioned himself in front of the cup as he looked inside. Clearly it was just empty, But Josh guessed it was most recently used for water, since it had no particular smell to it. Sitting now, Josh looked out of the kitchen, still seeing Luke face first on the ground.
"At least he's breathing…" Josh tried to shine something positive on this. Leaning back on the lip of the cup, Josh laid back and shut his eyes. Hoping to get some sleep before Luke comes to.
- - -
Josh awoke suddenly as he heard loud groans of pain coming from the living room. Still groggy, Josh didn't get up as he squinted and saw Luke starting to pick himself up off the ground.
"Holy shit…" Luke rubbed his back in pain. Looking down on the ground, Luke looked at the drying puddle of vomit. "Aww man…"
Luke wiped his face off as he walked out of the living room and into the bathroom. Closing the door Josh figured he must be cleaning himself off among other things. A few minutes later, Luke reemerged, chest and face a little wet looking from water as he cleaned a little. Holding a towel, Luke threw it on the floor over his vomit, clearly not wanting to deal with it at all right now. Josh watched as the sickly looking man pulled out his phone and dialed a number. A few seconds passed before he clearly got a voicemail.
"Hey boss, it's Luke. I've got a bit of a stomach bug or something. I threw up a ton. I don't think I'm gonna make it in today. Sorry." Luke spoke into the phone as Josh found it ironic he was leaving him a message to his phone he didn't have with him. Suddenly, Josh watched as Luke started walking into the kitchen, on his phone again.
"Matty?" Luke rubbed his face as he made his way in front of the sink, flipping the red solo cup up as he stood there, unknowingly sending Josh for a tumble down inside it.
"Sup Luke?" Josh heard Matt's voice from the other end of the phone as he shook his head, regaining his balance after being sent plummeting into the empty cup. Luke picked up the cup, holding it for a moment while he spoke to Matt.
"What the hell happened last night? I woke up in a pile of vomit on my living room floor…" Luke rubbed his head in pain. Holding the cup under the faucet, Luke let a torrent of water in as Josh screamed as the rush of liquid sent him for a spin.
"Bro did you keep drinking when you got home?" Matt laughed at him. "Eating that bug might've made you sick too!"
"Bug?" Luke tried to remember as he took a sip of water, Josh somehow not getting sucked into the blonde man's mouth. "Oh yeah yeah. I feel like I remember there was something weird about it."
"Whatever, dude." Matt let it go, feeling like it probably wasn't important. "So what, lemme guess. You called out?"
"Yeeeaaah." Luke sighed as he took another sip, missing Josh a second time.
"Probably for the best, bro. Maybe I'll come see you after work." Matt said in a friendly tone.
"Alright dude, thanks." Luke smiled, happy Matt was such a good friend.
"Yo, anytime bud!" Matt said happily. "Oh and don't forget dude…"
"Don't forget! You always feel better after you drink a lot of water!" Matt said, reminding Luke as the blonde man smiled as he held the cup up to his mouth. With a few swift gulps, Luke chugged down the entire cup of water, leaving not a trace of anything inside. Luke blew a wet weakish burp into the phone as Matt laughed.
"I'm already on it, buddy!" Luke smiled as he filled his cup back up with water again. Saying their good byes, Luke smirked as he hung up the phone and chugged down the entirety of the second cup of water. Luke paused as he could literally feel it running down into his body before collecting in an enormous pool in the pit of his stomach.
"Oof I better slow down a little…" Luke rubbed his gut as he gave off another wet burp. Filling up his cup again Luke merely sipped it this time as he walked out of his kitchen and looked at the mess he made last night. "Well… no work… so may as well clean up…"
- - -
Like being drug down in a whirl pool Josh gurgled and spat as he tried to stay afloat as he was sucked down in what appeared to be a never ending torrent of water. Finally, Josh was deposited in what seemed like a bottomless pool in Luke's stomach, already full of water as the huge man had no sense of moderation. Josh splashed about, panicking because there was nothing for him to get on top of to avoid being digested. Figuring this was the end Josh floated there, but started to feel confused as to why Luke's stomach acid wasn't tearing him apart. Finally calming down and looking at the walls of Luke's stomach, they seemed much less active than when he was inside here last night.
"Maybe it's the nausea?" Josh guessed as well as the may cups of water were helping to dilute any acid in the stomach anyway. For now, Josh stayed floating. For some reason he was safe. But he shivered to think how long.
- - -
Luke cleaned the floor as quick as he could before he decided he needed to take a shower. Feeling slightly refreshed, Luke's stomach just still didn't feel like it wanted to settle.
"Man… What the hell did I do…" Luke tried to remember what happened last night. "I remember thinking that bug was talking to me? Or maybe I was already drunk then?"
Luke's head hurt as he sat down, not wanting to think too hard about it right now. "Maybe I should lay down…"
Luke grabbed his cup of water and chugged down the rest before filling it up in his bathroom sink. Waltzing his way into his bedroom clad in just his boxers, Luke practically cried with joy as he laid down in his nice soft bed. It didn't take long for Luke to drift off to sleep. It was good news for the blonde hunk, but spelled trouble for his tiny boss.
- - -
As Luke started to settle, so did his stomach. Still filled with water, the organ was busy trying to absorb most of it and rehydrate Luke's body. Unluckily for Josh it seemed to be taking awhile. Stewing in Luke's warm stomach, Josh felt like he was in a daze as it slowly emptied before it was ready to resume normal capacity. Hours went by as Luke slumbered and finally Josh was able to embrace his fate. Hungry and demanding any food, Luke's stomach seeped acid from it's walls and started to bubble and foam. Churning normally now, Josh was easily swept up in the muscular gut. Luke, none the wiser, felt like he was getting the best rest he's had in a long time.
- - -
Hours passed and Luke stretched awake. Looking at his phone he just realized Matt would be over soon. Getting out of bed and pulling on a pair of shorts, sure enough there was a knock at his door. Rushing over as he opened it up, Luke smiled as Matt really did come to visit him.
"Here!" Matt shoved a bag of greasy fast food into Luke's hands. "I know you like the greasy stuff for when you're hung over!"
"Matty, I should marry you." Luke opened the bag with his mouth watering. "I haven't eaten all day. My stomach just started feeling better."
"Well eat then, dude!" Matt let himself in as he kicked off his sandals. Luke didn't need permission twice as he started gobbling up the food like a ravenous animal. "The boss wasn't at work today either."
"What?" Luke said with food in his mouth. "It was weird he didn't answer his phone either this morning."
"Yeah it sucks. I never got to thank him for last night." Matt frowned as Luke swallowed down a massive glob of food. "You're gonna get sick again if you eat that fast."
"Sorry honey." Luke smiled as he started to ease up a little on the food. "Was he sick?"
"Nobody knows. Tyler checked his house and he's not there either." Matt scratched his chin. "It's like he vanished."
"We should help look for him." Luke started to say. "We could start by-- BUUUUUUUUUURP!"
Matt laughed as Luke's own words were interrupted by the massive belch. "Yo, I don't know how you burping is gonna help us find him!"
"Yeah!" Luke patted his stomach absentmindedly. "But still I wouldn't even know where to look."
"Same…" Matt agreed as he watched Luke rub his stomach again, before trailing off into thought…
"Yo, knowing you your stomach is all nauseous and shit. Plus you've probably got a headache…" Matt guessed, knowing his friend too well. "Plus you slept on the floor?"
"Yeahhh my back kinda hurts…" Luke rubbed his back as he set down his water.
"Yeah, so have a light snack and take some Tylenol." Matt replied knowingly. Luke smiled as he started to reach into a drawer.
"Thanks bro." Luke smirked as he found some Tylenol. "Maybe I'll take a nap too."
"Good idea, bud." Matt replied. "I'll see you after work, ok?"
"Alright, dude." Luke smiled. "See ya."
Luke set his phone down as he popped a couple of Tylenol out of the bottle and set them down on the counter next to the cup of water. Turning away, Luke started looking about his cabinets, trying to find some crackers or something. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Luke, Josh somehow washed onto the rim as Luke set the cup down on the counter and was trying to slip his way down the cup and onto the counter, away from the danger of being accidentally sipped up by the hung over blonde titan.
"Woah…" Josh looked at the massive pills sitting next to the cup. Standing up, Josh was actually a little taller than the pill as it laid on it's side, but as far as sheer size in length it still dwarfed the tiny man with ease. "Still though… I stand out next to these."
Josh stood between the two pills, figuring that if he stood taller than the pill at least he'd be seen by Luke. Josh looked over seeing Luke holding a a package of crackers, stuffing his face with a few of them as he waltzed back over. Luke looked down at the pills as he swallowed down a lump of crackers. Josh smiled as he looked up at the muscular god before him. Reaching his hand up, ready for Luke to see him, Josh found that Luke…
"So I've got this killer idea for a new ride if you'll hear me out." Matt said as he ran a hand through his hair.
Josh smiled, it was nice to see that one of his employees had a vested interest in the expansion of his park! Even if the idea was ridiculous he figured it was at least hearing out. "What's your idea Matt?"
Matt put his hands forward as if indicating his boss to sit down, "Ok get this, we have a ride that a lifeguard WEARS."
Josh looked up the blonde hunk and blinked. "Wears? So like they put it on?"
"Yeah ok so, we open part of the park to come into a room where one of us lifeguards are full sized, wearing this ride. We can watch the guests and be a part of the attraction at the same time!" Matt said flourishing down at his sculpted body.
Josh crossed his arms in thought. It would be difficult to build and might only fit certain heights of individuals but it wasn't impossible. Not to mention it would appeal to the whole shrunken theme of the park. Josh blushed for a moment as he imagined traveling down a clear tube pressed up against one of his lifeguard's body. "That… is a very interesting idea Matt." Josh said finally. "You said "test" before though?"
Matt got an excited look in his eyes as he turned around and went into a near by cabinet and pulled out what looked like a bunch of plastic tubes and some twine. The muscular man quickly wrapped parts of it around his body, under his arms, all the way down by his butt. Sitting down he made sure he wasn't squashing it under his butt as he lead it around front just under his crotch, leading into a glass of water he was holding between his legs. Finally he lifted his arms and looked at Josh. "Boom!" He said happily tilting his head at his boss.
Josh looked closer at the makeshift water slide. He noticed that it seemed to be mostly made up of clear plastic straws, tapped together when they came at ends. It didn't look particularly safe, never the less Josh smiled and applauded the young man's efforts. "I love the idea Matt! We could mock together an idea using some building materials I use for the slides in the park like you have there, then we can try it out!"
"You mean…" Matt started to say slowly. "You don't wanna try it now? Its why I put it on, boss!"
Josh sighed, he didn't mean to hurt his feeling, it just didn't look safe. Looking closer, Josh easily saw holes between the straws he could slip out of and get hurt. However, looking up at Matt's face, looking sadder by the second it made Josh think maybe it was worth the risk for one little ride. Looking up at Matt Josh decided…
Josh shows concern for ride safety, as that in an of itself is his priority. But he can't help but smile at the big surfer guy's sad puppy-dog eyes. That wins in the end. "Alright, I'll give it a try…"
Matt regains his former excitement, almost jumping with happiness. "Awesome, boss! This'll be so cool…"
"Remember this is a test run, big guy. If it works, we can start up the blueprints and build off the prototype."
Matt lowers his hand to the floor so Josh can climb onto his palm. "Of course, boss! It'll be for science, you know."
He carries the little man in his palm to the very first straw. Looking down, Josh sees where the loops progress - under the arms, around his torso, and looping his left thigh before ending with a drop into the glass. "We might need to lengthen that for the actual ride," he says to himself. It's a bit risky to build a Niagara Falls drop more than halfway down Matt's body. He turns back to the opening of the "ride" and asks "You got some water for this right?"
"Got it right here!" Matt smiles has with his free hand, he holds a water bottle. "I'll start pouring as soon as you go in, boss."
"Gotcha, I'm going in right now." Even with the risks in mind, he puts his trust in Matt. Josh slides both legs into the mouth of the straw, gripping the lips. "OK! I'm ready!"
Matt made no hesitation as he tips the bottle for a pour. Josh gets blasted by the current. Much of the water however flows beneath the ride and rains on the lifeguard's skin. Josh sucks in some air for comfort, though he almost gags on the moisture, before he releases his grip. Then he lets the slide do the rest. The clear straw gives a nice flyby of Matt's body. "Maybe a clear tube would substitute for the straws. It'd be a better view than the dark areas where the ride bends right now." Josh resumes his focus as the ride runs beneath Matt's armpit. The hair clumps over the top of the ride, like an upside-down jungle.
As the ride swings around along the surface of Matt's pecs, Josh sees the water ahead of him picking up speed. "Uh oh…" Josh can not see the water further down the ride, so the tape around one of the straw junctions has peeled. There's no way for him to stop in the middle of the test as he gets carried from the broken junction and sprayed against Matt's muscle valley - just beneath his pecs but above the ravine leading to his abs and navel.
Matt's body tingles with excitement as he watched his tiny boss go down the top of the ride. He knew the clear straws must be giving his little boss some awesome views of the giant world around him not to mention the exciting dips and turns followed by an epic dive down his body! Sitting still however he watched as the water he initially put into the tubes all finally started to trickle out at the end, although it didn't seem like very much got all the way through. Waiting for a second, Matt stands up and picks up the glass and smiles down into it.
"How was that boss? Pretty epic right?" Matt says as he looks down in the clear water, expecting to see his miniature boss treading water in there somewhere. "Boss?"
Matt stares at the water for a few more second before he finally realizes Josh isn't in the glass. A little panicked, he sets down the glass and started to poke at the tubes, unsure if his tiny boss was trapped somewhere in the ride. Matt takes a deep breath and sits back down, leaning over to grab the straw at the bottom, detaching it from the other straws and his body to take a look inside.
- - -
Josh coughed and wheezed as he looked at his surroundings. He seemed to be in a hole of sorts, but last he knew he was speeding down just below Matt's chest toward his abs. Looking around he could see the outside world just beyond the dark cave he was stuck in, when it hit him. "Oh god I'm trapped in his belly button…"
Josh looked around the cave, sure enough there were little blonde hairs and specks of dirty littering the surfer's naval. Thanks to the angle Matt was sitting at the walk out seemed a little too steep for Josh to take, not to mention it was soaking wet from the ride's runoff!
"It's ok, when he notices I'm not in the glass, he's going to be looking for me." Josh said to himself, reassured that Matt would discover him trapped in his belly button before very long.
- - -
Matt stood up. He had taken apart his entire ride trying to find his little boss. Much to his disappointment over seeing his hard work torn to pieces, he was also very concerned for his boss since he didn't find him in any of the straws that made up the ride. Running his hands through his hair he thought about where Josh could have ended up. It seemed like the possibilities were endless. Since he had no idea where he fell out he could be in any number of places, somewhere on his body, on the chair, on the floor. Matt took a deep breath and started by turning around to look at the chair. Bending over to look carefully, he really hoped not to find his tiny boss he since he had just been sitting here this whole time.
Relieved after scanning the chair, Matt determined he wasn't there at the very lest. Without moving his feet, he sat back down in the chair and twisted his body, looking around on the floor around him. He didn't want to rule out the possibility that Josh was on the floor somewhere, so He figured it would be best to stay put for now while he searched his body.
First he lifted up his arm pits. Knowing the ride went under his hairy pits, he thought it was possible Josh fell out and got tangled in the hairs. Sighing as he couldn't get the best of views in his own pits he figured he'd move on as he looked carefully up and down his body. Casually, he stuck his finger into his belly button to see if he could feel anything in there.
Disappointed, he decided that nothing was in there as he retreated his hand to look down by his crotch. The surfer was wearing a pair of compression shorts under his swimsuit as he looked carefully across the slick surface as he raised up the red lifeguard's shorts for a peek. Still nothing, Matt sat back with disappointment. he couldn't believe he lost his boss. But little did he know Josh was…
From Josh's view, the massive fingerprint looked almost like an alien lifeform as it descended upon him and crept closer to the tiny. "Matt! Hey! HEL---MMMRPH!" He would be pressed onto the pad of the digit and plucked from the giant's belly button, only to be swung around as Matt continued his search. Josh screamed as if he was on a very large roller coaster, but even his tiny yelps weren't enough to alert the oblivious lifeguard to his location.
Matt sat in confusion. He had looked EVERYWHERE, dude. There was no way Josh had just disappeared. He had to put his two braincells together and think. Matt took his hand and brought it to the top of his beautiful yet hollow head. Then, with the pointer finger that contained Josh, he started to scratch his head while performing the laborious act of thinking. For Josh, this meant he was ground back and forth rapidly between the pincer of Matt's scalp and Matt's finger. It felt like his body was getting pounded and flattened over and over again by Matt's involuntary movement. Josh felt something in his lower body snap under the pressure of Matt's finger and let out a blood curdling scream; one that Matt still did not hear. Unbeknownst to Matt, Josh would be freed from the giant's finger, but was left trapped in the vast forest of hair on his head, bleeding, and with several broken bones.
Matt felt like a dumbass. He sighed and tilted his head down in shame like a dog, which inadvertedly caused Josh to tumble out of his hair and land with a hard thump on the floor in front of the giant surfer bro. Josh felt even MORE pain, which he didn't think was possible. But as he used the last bit of his strength to crane his neck up to look at Matt again and plead for help; he was met with a terrifying sight.
Matt started to stand up, causing the ground beneath Josh to rumble as if a hurricane was coming. It seems the lifeguard had given up, and lifted his leg to exit the room to go find someone more responsible like Tyler or Bobby. His bare foot rose high into the air and cast a shadow over Josh. The sole, slightly wet with pool water, had a stench that reeked of death from Josh's size. The tiny whimpered out a "please no" before Matt's smelly sole dropped down with a BOOM, crunching what was left of Josh underneath into a red nothing.
The surfer, however, would finally feel something as his foot hit the ground. He looked at the ground and noticed something under his right sole. Slowly, Matt picked up his foot and glanced at the bottom of it.
He had found Josh.
Thanks to Matt's finger pressing him hard into the back of his naval, Josh found himself squished against the fleshy wall knocked out from the sudden press of the finger. Matt frowned as he sat there, hoping that wherever Josh was that he was safe but for the moment he had no way of contacting his minuscule boss. Matt stood up, taking great care to watch his step before he made his way to the door leading out of break room. Once outside, Matt knew there was no way Josh could have crawled his way out here.
"I guess I just have to hope he landed somewhere safe…" Matt said to himself as he lowered his sunglasses and looked around outside. The day was still young as Matt was glad to be off work for the time being. He was really hoping his special ride might become a reality, but with his tiny boss missing it might have to be put on hold. Leaving the park and heading toward his home, Matt figured he could stop and grab his surf board since surfing was always his go to for clearing his head.
- - -
Making it to his apartment, Matt made a quick stop in the bathroom to pee. Having finished his business, he looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair, winking at himself as he looked up and down his body, briefly stopping at his belly button before he left the bathroom.
Matt wasn't sure why he stared at his naval for a brief second longer. Quickly forgetting about it as he grabbed his surfboard and was ready to hit the waves at the beach. Stopping again as he reached the door however, Matt absentmindedly picked at his belly button. This time however Matt…
Josh awoke in a daze. Having no idea where he was and feeling like he got hit hard in the head, Josh just knew one thing. For some reason his arms were high above his head holding onto something.
"Am I… dangling?!" Josh cried out as he finally realized what was going on as he looked down. Below him all he could see were the red of Matt's board shorts as the huge surfer walked along. Josh realized also that they were outside. Panicking, Josh tried desperately to pull himself up, but he simply didn't have the upper body strength. Weak and surprised, Josh lost his grip as he surely felt he would fall to his death. Trying to grab on to anything, Josh broke his fall slightly by sliding against Matt's body, but the movements of his legs sent Josh off in a different direction before Josh landed on something soft. Shaking his head as he realized that a miracle saved his life in the form of a discarded candy wrapper, Josh's good fortune was short lived as he saw Matt walk further and further away.
"No! Matt! Come back!" Josh screamed as the huge surfer seemed like hundreds of miles away before fading from his view. Terrified, Josh looked around, the hot bright sun beating down on him as he tried to figure out where he was. Josh looked around before he realized…
Josh covered his eyes slightly to block out the sun as he stared up at a huge set of double doors. Staring straight up Josh could see the words "CrossFit" labeled above the door. However, with no time to react, Josh watched as a massive giant man strode over him, his entire body eclipsing Josh's few as he stepped over the wrapper and toward the door. The double doors slid open as Josh held onto the wrapper with a yelp as he found himself being sucked inside to the slightly cooler air conditioned gym. Sliding across the ground as Josh tried to get his bearings, he watched as the massive gym goer continued to walk away from him into the gym. Josh let out a massive sigh of relief as the wrapper settled on the ground, watching as the man disappeared into the men's locker room toward the front of the gym.
"I'll get thrown away if I stay on this thing…" Josh said to himself as he slid off the wrapper and onto the somewhat spongy surface of the foam tiling of the gym's floor. Josh took a deep breath as he looked around the gym, seeing people working out and grunting in the distance. The sounds of feet slamming against the ground and weights being dropped. Josh shuddered to think what going out into the gym floor would do to him. Seeing a nearby wall, Josh decided his best bet for the time being was to hug to wall to avoid being stepped on by any number of gym goers who likely wouldn't watch their step. As Josh expected, he watched as a massive sweaty man walked in his direction. He wore a CrossFit tank top, Josh figured him to be an employee as he saw the ripped man grab the wrapper he was on mere minutes ago and crumble it into his hand. Josh swallowed nervously as the giant turned and walked away, his foot falls slamming like earthquakes as he went toward the front desk and tossed the wrapper away behind the counter.
"At least they keep the place clean…" Josh couldn't help but joke to himself, though his heart was beating a million miles a minute for the moment after that close encounter. Josh pressed himself against the wall as he watched the man who inadvertently gusted him into the gym walked out of the locker room, now changed into a loose tank top and gym shorts. The giant man wore ear buds and was clearly already not paying attention as he got pumped up for his workout.
"Yeah absolutely will not be going out there…" Josh looked out at the gym floor, rationalizing his plan to himself. Josh saw though that if he stuck to the far wall, he could make his way into the locker room. Thinking on it for a moment, Josh thought it might be the safest way to try and contact someone, since a guy might be slightly more likely to spot him there rather during the workout. Josh also looked out at the reception desk, seeing the same giant who grabbed the wrapper now standing behind it.
"I could try getting his attention…" Josh stared at the man from what felt like many miles away. Josh figured it would be riskier, he'd have to cross open floor, basically no man's land for a tiny bug sized person for Josh. But getting the attention of a worker would hopefully be safer than that of a complete stranger. Josh tried to swallow his fears and move his legs as he started to move toward…
Josh looked over to the front desk as he saw four people go stomping in that direction, spread out as they wandered near the desk. Josh shook his head as his decision not to go that way just got a whole lot easier. Josh very carefully kept close to the wall as he went the long way all the way around to the locker room.
Carefully making his trek, and jumping with fear every time a giant came anywhere in his direction. Josh tried to relax though, there was a good chance nobody would see him unless they were looking for him.
"I have to try and not look too… bug like though…" Josh reassured himself as a giant walked by, on their way into the locker room. Several guys had come and gone in the time Josh made his way around the exterior of the enormous room. Josh would try to remember faces of the guys, hoping to recognize one so that by the time he got to the locker room he could try and contact them. But Josh noticed he was taking much longer to get to the doorway than it took the guys to change, work out, and leave. Worried he was taking too much time for the sake of safety, Josh tried to pick up the pace as he had eventually finally made it through the open doorway, still sticking close to the wall as he entered the locker room. Josh looked around, seeing the room was currently empty, at least the part of it he was in anyway. Off in the distance he could hear the sound of guys talking, water running from maybe a shower. Josh couldn't really tell. Josh pressed against the wall as stomping started quaking behind him as another giant strode over him like a skyscraper. Josh held his chest as he panted, watching the giant head over to a nearby locker as he set down a gym bag.
Josh tried to take in the sight of this massive giant as he reached into his bag to grab some ear buds. Of course, any man would be gigantic to Josh at this moment, but this man was particularly huge. Josh figured him to be a good deal taller than Tyler, he had to be almost 7 foot! Josh watched as he changed shirts, seeing his body was incredibly muscled before he stuffed his shirt in his bag. Josh looked at the handsome man's face, looking from his chiseled jaw line to his wavy brown hair. He reminded Josh a bit of Tyler in a way. The giant turned his bag and stuffed it under the bench as he walked off to go into the gym. Josh looked at it, seeing the name "Scott" on the side above one of the zippers.
"He seems so familiar." Josh couldn't help but think as the guy left the room, leaving Josh to ponder. No sooner that this "Scott" guy left did Josh see another huge man enter the room. He came from the bathroom part of the locker room, looking like he was already changed and ready for the gym. He was slightly shorter than Scott but still impossible massive. The guy looked like he lived breathed and ate the gym as his muscles practically burst from his tight clothes. Not only that, but Josh noticed a very cock looking grin on his face as he rubbed one of his huge biceps. Slinging a backpack off his wide shoulders, Josh watched him drop it to the ground with a thud next to Scott's bag. The zipper popped slightly as it flopped down, Josh could see a few text books and a few loose clothes almost spill out. Particularly, a jersey almost completely fell our as Josh saw it was the colors of one of the big local colleges in the area. The name "Jon" was on the back. Josh watched as this second guy swaggered out to go work out, once again leaving Josh alone to think.
"College student? That might work, college kids come to the park all the time…" Josh tried to rationalize if this giant would be able to deliver him home or not. Josh jumped a little though suddenly as the voice that had been talking in the distance was coming closer. Josh watched as another massively huge guy walked in without his shirt on. He has jet black hair and dark hairs covering his chest and abs. At first Josh thought he was talking to himself, but he spotted his phone in his hand as Josh guessed he was recording himself.
"Anyway boys we about to hit the gym! Gonna be hitting chest and shoulders fucking haaaard today, bro!" The man said to the camera as he flexed his chest a little. "Don't forget to smash that like button boys, and subscribe to The Tank for more work out tutorials!"
Josh watched as this guy wrapped up his video smiling as he stored his phone and pulled a gym bag out of a locker, fishing a shirt out of it and putting it on as he left the bag on the ground. Pulling out his phone again, the giant walked out of the room as he started to record another video. "Hey boys, it's the Tank!"
Josh heard the man talking to the camera a little before his voice faded off in the distance. Josh sighed as the room grew silent once again.
"A fitness youtuber?" Josh questioned to himself. "And what was his name? The Tank?"
Josh mulled for a moment. The man certainly was built like a big hairy tank, that's for sure. But Josh tried to think how he could spin his youtuber nature to his advantage.
"I could tell him I'm his biggest fan!" Josh tried to think of his best way to get the man to help him. "Well smallest technically…"
Josh weighed his options as he looked at each bag. He was small enough that he could easily wiggle his way into any one of those bags and ride it home with the giant. Josh figured it would be his best way to being spotted anyway.
"For sure they'll never see me on the floor. If I can hitch a ride with one of them that at least gives me a chance to get up higher…" Josh said to himself as he walked away from the wall for the first time since getting to this giant gym. It was fairly quiet in the locker room at this point, Josh figured his journey earlier must've taken up most of the day. Fearful that the gym would close and everyone would leave before he could make a choice, Josh decided to place his trust in one of these three strangers. Taking a deep breath as he made it under the bench where the bags were stored, Josh climbed up into the bag of…
Josh squeezed his way under the zipper of the first guy's gym bag. Though as he dropped inside he was immediately greeted with the foulest gym stink he's ever imagined.
"Oh god it smells like Tyler's apartment but like a thousand times worse!" Josh had to cover his mouth and face with his shirt, not sure if he was regretting his decision to go with this "Scott" guy. He was past the point of no return however as he sunk to the bottom of the musky bag. Settling into what he assumed to be clothing in the dark, Josh wasn't sure if it was socks or underwear. But at the moment Josh tried not to think to hard about it.
"I guess the important thing is I made it and I'm safe…" Josh assured himself, tearing up a little from the intense sweaty smell. Josh tried to close his eyes and be patient. Eventually he knew it would pay off once the giant returns for his bag.
- - -
Some time went by as Josh found himself jostled awake as the bag he was in rumbled as it was being picked up. Josh's heart started beating nervously as the giant carried the bag off. Many scenarios running through his head on what could happen when the giant brought him home.
- - -
Scott slung his gym bag over his shoulder as he kinked his neck, a little sore from the intense workout. Pulling out his phone, he pulled up his girlfriend's number and gave her a call.
"Hey Bri! I'm just finishing up my workout. I'll be back at the apartment soon." Scott happily informed his girlfriend as she gave off an audible sigh on the other end.
"Scott we went over this, I left to go up to my parents for a week. Dad just had that surgery, remember?" She responded dryly, like she's already explained this for the tenth time today.
"Oh right! I forgot, you left after me." Scott chuckled, more amused than she seemed as Scott walked out the front of the gym, greeted by a twilights sky in the otherwise warm early night. "You're still driving then?"
"Yeah, it'll be another two hours at least." Bri explained, but likely figuring Scott will forget.
"Okay! No worries! Just call me later, babe!" Scott could tell she seemed slightly annoyed by her tone.
"Uh huh." She answered before hanging up abruptly. Scott tried to just shake it off as he stored his phone.
"Probably a shitty drive…" Scott assured himself as he walked along the sidewalk, making his way into the city and on his way to his apartment. Relaxing as he made his way home, Scott turned a corner to where his apartment is. Letting himself inside, Scott opened the door, shutting it behind him as he tossed his keys and let out a big sigh.
"Guess it'll be nice to be on my own for a week!" Scott tried to look at things positively. Walking into the apartment Scott walked toward the kitchen, dropping off his gym bag on the table as he walked past it. In the kitchen, Scott grabbed some left over chicken and rice from the fridge, bringing it over to the microwave and setting it for a few minutes. Walking back over to the table, Scott unzipped his gym bag, immediately being greeted by a wave of stinky gym smell.
"Oh shit, Bri would kill me if she knew I let it get this bad!" Scott had to back away from the bag for a second, looking both amused and proud of how bad it was. Scott pulled out a pair of compression shorts, practically damp from sweat from the last time he wore it.
"Nasty dude!" Scott smiled, amused by it as he heard the sound of the microwave going off. Distracted, Scott dropped his underwear on the table as he went back into the kitchen for his food.
- - -
"AIR!" Josh exclaimed with joy as the clothing he was on was dropped onto the table. Scrambling, Josh figured if the giant was going to unload the bag he'd have an unfortunate end in a washing machine if he stayed put. Pushing himself off the fabric in a dizzy daze from the lack of good air, Josh panted as he reached the table as he saw the giant come into view.
"My god…" Josh looked at the handsome yet terrifyingly huge giant. He walked back into view holding a plate of food and a glass in hand. Moving as fast as he could away from the giant, Josh hid behind a salt shaker, luckily just in time before Scott cleaned his bag and underwear off the table.
"Don't worry babe, I'll clean it up later!" Scott laughed to himself as he set his plate down on the table. Taking a big chug from his drink, Josh watched as he slammed the cup to the table.
"Smells like a protein shake?" Josh guessed, smelling it from where he was as he clung terrified to the side of the salt shaker. Taking a breath, Josh watched as Scott sat down, setting his phone on the table as he started to shovel food in his mouth.
"Big appetite…" Josh said to himself as it was horrifying but impressive how fast the giant could engulf that much food.
Josh tried to think about what he should do. This giant was right here in front of him. He really felt like he should take the chance to make contact. Josh looked at the giant's phone seeing him peek down at it every mouthful of food.
"Maybe I could try and get on his phone…" Josh thought as an idea. Josh watched as Scott pounded his chest a little as he was semi choking on his food for a second before swallowing it down in a loud gulp. Josh bit his lip, a little apprehensive.
"Maybe it would be better to wait until after he eats…" Josh said to himself nervously.
Making up his mind, Josh decided he would…
"No rest for the wicked they say…" Josh tried to assure himself as he he started to work his way away from the safety of the salt shaker. Josh nervously looked from the giant's face as he would switch between scrolling through something on his phone and stuffing his mouth full of food.
"I think I should try and get on his phone…" Josh rationalized, thinking it would be the highest likelihood spot for him to be seen. Working up what bravery he had, Josh carefully started his approach to the phone, trying not to move too quickly lest the giant spot him and mistake him for a bug. Getting closer, Josh jumped slightly as the giant suddenly lifted his glass and took a long rough chug from it before slamming it back down. Josh watched as the giant made a funny expression with his handsome face as he swallowed it down, patting his chest and letting out a loud burp after.
"He really does remind me of Tyler…" Josh half smiled as Scott laughed at his own burp. "Hopefully he's got like a tenth of the ego though. Or else I might have a rough time."
Josh shuddered as he tried to imagine meeting Tyler as a stranger while being shrunken at the size he is now. He knew Tyler was a nice enough guy for sure, but to a tiny stranger Josh worried he'd end up flattened or worse by Tyler's immense ego.
"Focus…" Josh shook his head, making it near the phone now as he looked up the edge. It was about twice his height up, so Josh figured with a bit of a running jump he might be able to reach it. Putting all his effort into his jump, Josh leap up and just barely grabbed the side of the phone.
"Oh god!" Josh yelled as he wished he would ever take up Tyler's offers to train him at the gym. Pulling with all his might, Josh somehow swung his leg up enough to give himself the leverage to pull himself up. Panting, Josh rested for a second on the edge of the phone as he saw Scott's face once again covered by his cup as he took another loud slurp from his protein shake. Josh started to run forward, seeing as the giant put his cup back down. Feeling the tempered glass surface of the screen beneath his feet and light from the phone blasting up at him, Josh jumped up and down waving his arms as he saw Scott's face turn to look at him. The blue eyes of the giant locked onto him. Josh watched him squint for a second. Still jumping, sweating nervously, Josh awaited Scott's reaction as the giant…
Scott's eyes did in fact lock in on Josh, but only long enough for the massive giant to mistake Josh to be a bit of dust or a gnat or something as the giant instinctively blew the impediment off his screen before he grabbed his phone and started to absentmindedly scroll through tiktoks.
"Huh doesn't that guy go to the same CrossFit as me?" Scott was distracted, seeing Tanner "The Tank" posting a new tiktok in a familiar looking locker room. He was even more shocked as he saw himself walking by in the background. "Woah no shit!"
Entranced now by this guy's fitness videos, Scott distractedly continued to eat his food.
- - -
"Uuuuggggh…" Josh groaned and rubbed his head. Though it wasn't unexpected for the giant to not notice him, Josh hardly thought he'd be be blown away like he was caught up in a hurricane. "Whatever broke my fall at least it was soft…"
Josh patted, whatever it was… there sure was a lot of whatever this soft thing was. It was kind of sticky… and each piece of it was slightly bigger than he was! As a giant fork scooped past Josh, he realized now where he was.
"Oh god it's his plate of rice!" Josh panicked, trying to pull his arm away from the grain of rice. But it was so sticky and each piece was just slightly larger than he was. Lost in the pile, Josh tried his hardest to navigate through the rice. But it was like being in a ball pit filled with sticky giant balls. Rice being scooped up around him, Josh jumped and dove about, desperate not to end up on the giant's fork.
"I did NOT get this far just to get eaten!" Josh practically leap off Scott's fork as the giant absentmindedly ate. Josh took a moments breath each time Scott took a bite of chicken or a sip of his protein shake, though each time he thought he was nearing the edge of the plate, Josh was mistaken by what seemed like hundreds more feet of sticky unforgiving rice. Panting from exhaustion, Josh collapsed his face accidently into a piece of rice. Arms and upper body stuck to the rice, Josh started panicking as he struggled to break free from it. To make matters worse, Josh realize Scott had just scooped directly below him as he was being risen up off the plate and toward the handsome hunk's face.
"W-wait!" Josh cried out, breaking his face free as he clung to the rice, filled with fear as he almost started to hug the rice for comfort. "S-Scott!"
As Scott brought to fork full up to his mouth, Scott…
Without a second thought or even a moment's hesitation, Scott stuck the fork in his mouth and easily pulled it out leaving not a grain of rice from escaping. To Scott, why would he hesitate or even think while eats? He never had before after all. The videos he watched on his phone were far more interesting than wasting even a particle of brain power on looking at his food.
Swallowing the rice down, Scott didn't really bother to chew. Rice was after all already bite sized anyway and the massive athlete was far more interested into tearing into another bite of the delicious chicken. Had it not been for the loud videos coming from Scott's phone, the giant might had just barely heard the terrified screams of a tiny man as he was sent careening down his massive throat. Even then to the giant, he would have never guessed what the pathetic squeak of a scream even was.
- - -
Josh screamed in terror as Scott's esophagus methodically did it's due diligence to ensure Scott's food was sent to it's proper destination, the stomach. Josh knew that it only took a few seconds for the esophagus to push the food into the stomach, but to the tiny man as listened the Scott's heart beat and muffled noise from outside, it felt like an eternity before he was finally deposited into the enormous teen's stomach. With a soupy squelch, Josh fought his way to the surface in the very active stomach as it gleefully digested Scott's meal after a long work out.
"Oh god! I'm so doomed!" Josh recognized the hopelessness of his situation. He wasn't even the size of a grain of rice compared to the giant, he knew there was nothing he could do, short of a miracle of the giant suddenly getting sick and throwing up. But with the voracity that Josh watched Scott eat, he figured that chance to be almost zero. More food and liquid was continually being deposited in the giant's titanic stomach, causing waves and churns and knocking Josh around as he tried desperately to find some large piece of food to take shelter on.
"Not that it would help…" Josh said to himself, knowing it would only delay the inevitable. There was no escape, and the giant never even knew Josh existed. As Josh sunk below the surface, Scott's stomach acid starting to digest the pathetic tiny like any other piece of protein.
- - -
"BUUUUUUUURRRP…" Scott sighed and leaned back as he finished off the last bite of his meal. It was a lot of food after all since it took so much to fill the giant up. He couldn't help but rub his abs a little as that burp really felt like it come from a deep place from within him. Standing up, Scott cleared his plate and glass from the table, knowing if he made a mess while his girl friend way away she'd give him the biggest earful. All the while, Scott continued to browse his tiktok feed.
"Huh, that dude from the gym posted again." Scott said to himself as he watched the video.
"Yo, boys! It's The Tank! I'm out here with my buddies Tyler and Hunter." Scott watched the video pan out to show the other two dudes. "We're out here looking for Tyler's buddy, Josh. Yo Ty, show em what he looks like."
Scott watched as the dude named Tyler pulled up a photo from his phone, showing what looked a like a scrawny little skinny guy.
"Yo that's him. We're not sure what happened to the little guy, but we're out looking for em!" Tank continued his video. "If anyone in my area sees the little guy, hit me up! Aight, peace bros!"
"Woah that's weird." Scott rubbed his arm as he walked over to a window his apartment had that looked out into the street. Half heartedly, Scott looked out the window, wondering if maybe by chance this Josh guy would walk by. "Nah the chances would be way too crazy."
Scott chuckled as he walked away from the window. It would've been kind of cool to randomly spot this guy though. Maybe that influencer dude would work out with him and they could be friends? Scott shook his head, he really shouldn't worry about making friends so soon after moving here. It would happen in time.
"Hope they find their buddy though." Scott leaned on his dining table, tipping it slightly. Just then Scott's stomach gave of a low rumbly gurgle, the muscular teen laughing and giving it a couple pats. "Ha, man getting hungry again I guess!"
Scott looked away from his phone for a second, looking down at the rice on his fork. As he opened his mouth to accept the next fork full of food into his hungry maw, Scott stopped for a second as he saw something… weird in contrast to the other pieces of rice. While most of the rice was a whitish yellow, Scott was momentarily perplexed by a weirdly colored piece of rice, thinner and smaller than the large piece it seemed to be stuck to… then suddenly it moved slightly.
"Huh?" Scott blinked his eyes, doing a double take as he saw it move again. It wasn't rice, and as Scott looked a little closer, the dumb giant was even able to discern it wasn't a bug. "Woah hold on…"
Scott looked over to his protein shake. He had a spoon still in the cup that he pulled out, sticking it in his mouth to slurp off any of the chocolatey residue before he set it down on then table. Very carefully, Scott moved his fork over to the now 'clean' spoon and used his pinky's fingernail to dislodge to piece of 'rice' into the center of the spoon. Grabbing the spoon, Scott squinted now as he lifted it up to his face.
"P-please d-don't eat me!" Josh cried out in confusion as he felt like a tiny piece of food in the middle of this spoon.
"Woah! You are a little person! I heard you talk!" Scott was still surprised. "Don't worry little buddy, I'm not gonna eat you!"
Scott tried to smile reassuringly. He still could hardly believe his eyes, especially since he nearly did just eat the little person!
"O-okay… sorry… I didn't think you'd see me…" Josh was still practically shaking, looking around at his surrounding of still being in the middle of a spoon like he was food.
"Oh!" Scott noticed they must've felt uncomfortable being on a spoon like this. "Sorry! I thought you'd be easier to look at on the spoon then like on the table, bro."
"Oh okay…" Josh felt slightly more reassured, though he new the giant could quickly just engulf his mouth around him in an instant if he chose to. "Well… I'm glad you found me, I thought I was a goner in your food…"
"Almost were!" Scott chuckled, reaching down for his fork and shoving the food Josh was just in, in his mouth and swallowing it down. "So uh… sorry for almost eating you, I guess? But like… what the heck's a tiny person doing in my food? I didn't even know tiny people were like… a thing?"
"Sorry… it's a long story…" Josh nervously watched as Scott continued to nonchalantly continue eating, despite Josh's awkward nervousness.
"Well hey I'm all ears while I finish eating!" Scott gave Josh a friendly smile, easing Josh's nerves slightly.
"Okay… well…" Josh started to recount his adventures, starting with being stuck on Matt's body, all the way to weaseling his way into the locker room and finally ending up off Scott's phone and in his food. Scott all the while nodded and continued eating as Josh told his story. "And well… that's how I ended up here…"
Scott tossed back the last of his food swallowed it down and chasing it with the last bit of his protein shake.
"Wow! Dude, that's such a crazy story!" Scott's eye twinkled as the exciting journey Josh got to go on. "Like bro you're so small you could've-- BUUUUUURP!"
Scott belted out the massive belch, hardly noticing that so much air had built up in his gut. Laughing at being cut off by his own burp, Scott stood up, still holding the spoon he's been keep Josh on.
"Shit dude, forgot what I was gonna say!" Scott patted his chest, Josh blushing slightly as the massive giant pounded the walls of his pecs giving off a sound like solid rock. "But still dude! So you like own this shrinky water park place thing?"
"Y-yup!" Josh reverted his eyes from Scott's chest to his handsome blue eyes instead. "Like I said, I was testing a new ride and well… it lead to all this."
"That's crazy, bro!" Scott got excitedly pumped again. "Man and here I was having the most boring day since my girlfriend left!"
"Ha well… it all worked out thankfully." Josh felt slightly awkward that Scott's take away was that Josh's perilous journey made his own day less boring. "I'm just glad it's all over."
"Huh, yeah it is over right?" Scott thought for a second, almost disappointed the fun with his new tiny friend had to end so soon after finally discovering him. "It's almost too bad, huh? I mean now that I found you we could like… hang out?"
"Yeah well…" Josh started to respond as Scott's dumb face made him almost look like a sad puppy dog.
"Because like… I just moved here and I don't know anyone…" Scott sadly rubbed the back of his neck a little. "Plus my girlfriend is gone all week. I'm like all alone, bro."
"Well uh…" Josh stuttered a bit, biting his lip. Scott was incredibly hot and muscular as he was painfully adorable at the way he was absolutely unintentionally manipulating Josh at the moment.
"And you're like cool, Josh." Scott continued his little puppy dog speech. "Maybe we could be friends and keep hanging out?"
"Yeah of course we can be friends!" Josh practically blurt out. Scott was just too cute, he couldn't help it.
"Really dude?!" Scott excitedly held the spoon closer to his face. "Awesome! You're my first friend since moving here then!"
"Really? What about any of the guys at the gym?" Josh asked curiously.
"Nahhh not really." Scott shook his head. "I only just started going there and some of the guys are a little… clicky."
"Oh okay." Josh understood, it was CrossFit after all.
"Either way, doesn't matter! You're cooler anyway! Never had a friend who's the size of a grain of rice!" Scott smiled, looking down at Josh with still amazement.
"Well… to be fair my normal size is pretty average." Josh sweat and shook his head. "I'm normally five foot five."
"Wow that's still tiny!" Scott laughed, still standing at his full height. Scott moved over to a doorway, Josh seeing that Scott's head easily went past the top of the doorway. "I mean I'm nearly seven foot, dude."
"Wow that's huge!" Josh was amazed. He could tell Scott was huge without a frame of reference, but now seeing him in a doorway really drove home the point. "Wait how old are you even?"
"Me? I'm eighteen." Scott answered like it was no big deal.
"Eighteen?! And you're that big?!" Josh was simply astonished. Scott meanwhile smiled and shrugged.
"I'm a growing boy! What can I say, dude?" Scott laughed flexing his arm as he wrapped it under the top of the doorway, flexing his triceps a bit in the process. "Kinda sucks how much I hit my head on doorways though. I forget to duck sometimes. Bri says that's why I don't think so good sometimes."
Josh couldn't help but laugh. Scott certainly didn't seem like sharpest tool in the shed, even more so than most meat headed guys he knows.
"Hey! What's so funny, little guy?" Scott pouted a little, holding Josh closer up to his face. "Don't forget who saved your tiny ass!"
"Yeah after he almost ate me!" Josh teased back, used to this kind of banter with Tyler.
"Never too late for that, little rice boy!" Scott stuck his tongue out joking at Josh before laughing and moving the spoon away from his mouth. "Kidding, buddy."
"Better be!" Josh sweat a little but tried to smile. "Well what do we think about getting me home soon, Scott?"
"Aw do you really have to go? You could just stay here with me." Scott started to sad puppy dog Josh again.
"Well… I guess I don't exactly have anyone to go back to… but I should at least let my staff know I'm okay." Josh tried to reason with Scott a little for a compromise.
"Your staff?" Scott tilted his head. "Oh right! You own the shrinking water park!"
"Yeah! I think you'd like a lot of the guys actually." Josh tried to picture how well Scott would fit in with the likes of Tyler or Luke.
"Maybe I would, dude!" Scott smiled at the thought of making more friends. "Well maybe we should…"
"Maybe we should meet up with the guys then!" Scott smiled, feeling like it would make Josh happy. "I mean they get to know you're safe, plus maybe they'll think I'm cool and I can meet more people from around here!"
"Well you're definitely cool, so that shouldn't be an issue." Josh blushed a little, enjoying complementing the dumb hot stud.
"Hah thanks dude…" Scott blushed a little too, just happy that Josh thinks he's cool. "Well anyway, dude. I think I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick! I don't wanna really meet some new peeps smelling like a gym, bro."
"Oh yeah good idea! Gives me a minute to relax and stuff too." Josh saw it as an advantage for him to actually just lay back and not worry for a change. Bringing Josh over to the table, Scott finally set the spoon down and made his way off toward his bathroom, starting up the shower while Josh laid back and closed his eyes. He was exhausted, but at the very least for the first time since being lost, Josh felt at peace.
About ten minutes went by before Josh heard the shower stop and a few seconds later, the door open. Expecting Scott to head to his room, Josh was shocked as the massive teen rounded the corner in just a towel, body still glistening from from the shower and hair wet hanging down to his ears.
"Hey dude!" Scott came over to the table, seeing Josh still chilling in the spoon. "Just checking on ya! Doing okay, buddy?"
"Uh… huh…" Josh could barely look away from the wet muscled god standing over him.
"Word bro! I'm just gonna get changed, then we're good to go!" Scott winked at Josh, as the poor tiny man's face continued to swell red.
"O-okay!" Josh stuttered as the giant walked off, Josh admiring his massive ass tightly wrapped by just the towel. Josh covered his face, embarrassed at how flustered he was. Hearing Scott return again a few minutes later, Josh sat up and was relieved, albeit a little disappointed, to see the handsome giant fully clothed. He wore a loose black tank top with a white image of a guy lifting weights on it, a pair of tight looking grey body builder shorts, a side ways black flat brimmed hat, and clean looking pair of black socks and black Nike shoes.
"Whatcha think, dude?" Scott did a little spin, Josh almost drooling as Scott did. Trying to pull himself together, Josh tried to focus.
"You look great! So think we're ready?" Josh stood up, ready to go. "I can direct you to the park so I can grab my phone and stuff."
"Sure, dude!" Scott reached down, carefully taking Josh into the palm of his hand. "Hope you don't mind riding on my hand?"
"Better than sitting on a spoon like a scoop of food." Josh sarcastically responded, much rather being held by the handsome giant than continue to sit on the cold hard metal of the spoon. Plus Josh noticed he smelt really good now after just getting out of the shower.
"Hah! Sorry, bro! Don't worry, never even crossed my mind!" Scott reassured Josh. Josh chuckled, not sure if much really crossed Scott's mind anyway.
- - -
Having made their way to the park, Josh saw everything had been closed down for the day and thankfully Josh was able to direct Scott into the breakroom with a spare key before finally making his way into the darkness of the park to his office.
"Wouldn't be the first time I was here after dark." Josh mulled to himself as he made it to his office. Thankfully, Josh saw his phone was on his desk charging right where he left it. But upon unlocking it, Josh sighed as he saw he had dozens of texts and missed calls. Josh sat down as he started to respond to texts, letting people know he was okay before finally calling Tyler, figuring out of anyone he deserved the call. The phone only rang for about a second before Tyler picked up.
"Dude dude! Where the hell have you been? Are you okay?" Tyler's voice quickly exploded through the other end.
"Relax I'm fine." Josh tried to calm Tyler down. "Look here's what happened…"
Over the next couple minutes, Josh explained what happened, having already had the practice of telling Scott earlier. Trying to leave out the part where Scott almost ate him, Josh tried to wrap it up by just saying he was miraculously found. Deliberately leaving it somewhat vague.
"And yeah now he's waiting with me here at the park. He just moved to town too, so I thought it'd be cool to have him and you over to my place and whoever else is around." Josh finished his explanation.
"Oh word, dude. I'll have to tell the boys." Tyler sounded excited. "We've been out looking for you for HOURS, dude."
"Oh damn, I'm so sorry." Josh felt bad people were out looking for him for so long. "I owe you guys and Scott, for sure. Who all is with you?"
"Oh right, sorry dude." Tyler laughed. "I had you on speaker the whole time. I'm with…"
"I'm out with two buddies from my apartment building, dude!" Tyler said enthusiastically. " I think I've mentioned them before to you? Hunter and Tanner?"
"Yeah yeah… I think I remember. You guys all play football together sometimes right?" Josh vaguely remembered Tyler mentioning it. It was hard to keep track of since Tyler was so social with everyone.
"Yo! Sup!" Josh heard the two unfamiliar voices come through his phone.
"Hey! Thanks again for helping Tyler out. Come to my place, I'd love to meet you guys!" Josh smiled, happy to know these two complete strangers were out there looking out for him. "Plus I owe you guys! I'll buy food, whatever you guys want!"
"Word bro! We'll be there!" Josh heard a deep voice respond before Tyler's familiar voice answered. "Thanks, bro! We'll see you soon! Plus it'll be good to meet Scott! He better not be better looking than me!"
"Well… Prepare to be disappointed…" Josh joked at Tyler, his friend laughing on the other side before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up. Smiling as he packed his phone, Josh also grabbed a back[ack he had with a few power banks and a few other necessities. For some reason, he always knew he'd need a bit of a over night bag, so now was as good a time as ever to grab it. Making his way back to the break room, Josh rejoined Scott.
"Hey! I just got off the phone with my friend Tyler. He's going to meet us at my place with these other guys, Hunter and Tanner." Josh made his way into earshot of Scott, the giant scooping him up close to have the conversation.
"Oh word, bro! So they're all employees of yours?" Scott asked, clearly not knowing any of these names.
"Oh no…" Josh tried to explain. "I mean Tyler is, him and I have been friends for years. But I've never met Hunter or Tanner. So you and both will be meeting new people today."
"Oh word, dude?" Scott tilted his head. "That's chill, bro. Guess we'll both have to make a good impression!"
"You won't have to try very hard…" Josh felt extra complimentary of Scott, the giant blushing a little and rubbing the back of his neck as the two made their way out of the building. Directing Scott around the neighborhood, Josh was able to navigate Scott to his house fairly quickly, once again pointing him to a spare key that Josh set aside for exactly these types of situations. Flicking on the lights, Scott marveled at the size of Josh's house before he turned around, greeted by the sight of three people.
"Yo! You must be Scott!" Josh looked to see Tyler leading the group of men. Josh saw he was still wearing his lifeguard uniform, red shorts and a white tank top with a red cross on it, as well as a backward red hat. Next Josh turned his attention to the other two men.
One of them was much taller than Tyler or the other guy. Based off what Josh remembered about them, this must be Tanner aka Tank. He was a solid five inches taller than Tyler and Hunter and his nickname was no joke. Much like Scott, he wore a lose tank top which showed off his bulky bodybuilder like body with ease. He also wore a pair of tight body builder shorts.
"Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't realize he was the same guy at the gym I almost went with instead of Scott…" Josh reminisced to himself, too panicked at the time to realize this guy was the same one Tyler's mentioned before. Josh turned his attention to the other guy, same height as Tyler, but not nearly as bulky as his friend was, this guy was lean and sporting a sideways hat and a skateboard slung over his shoulder. He wore a fitted tank top, which showed off tattoos up and down both his muscular arms. Oldy despite the heat, Josh noticed him wearing a pair of black sweatpants. Though he was sagging the pants all the way down past his ass, Josh drawn to the the bright highlighter orange pair of compression shorts the skater was wearing. He also wore flat footed skate shoes, ironically matching his underwear in color.
Josh snapped back to reality though as Tyler came forward, Scott putting out his hand to shake.
"Yeah that's me, you must be Tyler?" Scott went to politely shake Tyler's hand, Tyler instead circumventing the hand and going for a hug instead, unintentionally pinning Josh between the two men's abdomens. Thrown off for a second, Scott hugged him back.
"Yeah no handshakes here, bro!" Tyler let Scott go with a smile. "You're the big hero who found my bud! We're on hugging terms, dude!"
"Hah! Awesome, I like your vibe, Tyler!" Scott was relieved at how friendly he was.
"Call me Ty, dude!" Tyler waved his hand, Tyler usually being to formal for him. "Oh, and these two are Hunter and Tank!"
"Sup, bro! I think we both go to the same CrossFit gym?" Tank came forward, giving Scott a bro hug rather than a full embrace like Tyler. "You kind stick out considering you're so big, dude."
"Oh dude, I thought I recognized you." Scott was happy he could connect the dots. "Yeah I want your tiktoks, bro! Your fitness videos are on point!"
Finally, Hunter came forward, also giving a polite bro hug.
"Sup, homie!" Hunter gave a friendly head nod. "You saved me a lot of skating around looking for Ty's bud. Kinda hard to see when it gets too dark, ya feel?"
"Oh for sure, bro!" Scott liked Hunter's vibes too. "I'm just glad I somehow spotted the little guy."
Scott looked down in his hand, causing Tank and Hunter to also look down, finally realizing where Josh was.
"Woah what?" Hunter squatted slightly to look in Scott's hand, Tyler meanwhile chuckling having known where Josh was since he first walked in. "Bro, THIS is who we're been looking for? He's so small I could've ran him over with my board, bro."
"The fuck?" Tank had to squat down much more than Hunter. "Ty, are you kidding? We would've never found him!"
"I had a hunch he might've been small, but I wasn't sure!" Tyler crossed his arms, feeling validated. "Matt did mention that last time he saw him he was small. But really we had no clue."
"Wild." Hunter simply chuckled. "Well what up little dude? Cool to finally meet ya. Glad I didn't run ya over, bro."
"Trust me, me too." Josh sweat, terrified of the idea of being run over by a giant wheel like a steam roller.
"Doubt you'd be the first thing to run him over, bro." Tank rose an eyebrow at Hunter. "Either way, good you're safe little guy. Heh… I know some fucking freaks who'd kill to be in your shoes right now…"
"Huh?" Josh wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean.
"Don't worry about it, bud." Tank hand waved it as he saw Tyler making his way into the house, following his lead to get comfortable.
"So there was talk about owing us?" Tyler relaxed into the sofa. "I literally skipped lunch and dinner looking for you. I'm so hungry, I could eat your couch, dude."
"I wouldn't doubt it…" Josh knew how insatiable Tyler's apatite was. Relaxing, the group made themselves at home while Josh bought them some food.
As the night went on, Josh mostly stuck with Scott as the group chatted and made friends. In particular though, Josh noticed Scott really hit it off with…
As Tyler and Hunter were distracted by videogames later on in the night, Josh hung with Tank and Scott, a little bored as they two mostly exchanged fitness tips.
"We definitely have to start working out together, bro." Tank put a hand on Scott's shoulder, feeling a gym bro bond with the equally huge teen. "I bet my fans would love you too, dude."
"You think so, dude?" Scott felt really elated at the idea of having a gym buddy and maybe even people online liking him! "I mean I'm totally down, bro! I go every day, usually twice a day."
"Oh perf, bro." Tank patted his hand on Scott. "We'll go tomorrow for sure. Record a few vids, get some dope likes."
"Awesome, dude! I'm excited!" Scott smiled. Josh sat back, glad Scott could make a gym buddy.
"What about you, little guy? You hit up the gym?" Tank barely remembered Josh was with them, but wanted to be nice and include him in the conversation.
"Me?" Josh was caught off guard. "Oh not really, Tyler's tried dragging me a few times but it's not really my thing."
"What is your thing then? Being tiny?" Tank rose an eyebrow, having had his own suspicions of Josh since they met.
"N-no!" Josh half lied. "I nearly died like… thirty times today. This was terrifying."
"Huh, fair enough." Tank accepted the answer with a shrug. "Like I said, I know plenty of people who'd kill to be in your shoes though."
"What do you mean by that?" Josh was even more curious this time. Tank shrugged and shook his head with a chuckle.
"There's these people always on my videos, bro. Macrophiles I guess they're called?" Tank explained. "Always asking for me to step on the camera like they're tiny on my floor. Or sit on it. Bro, even this one time I swallowed a fish as a joke about live protein for a video. I had like so many people DMing me asking me to eat them."
"Woah! Kinda like how I almost accidently ate Josh!" Scott looked down at Josh in his hand. Tank rose an eyebrow as he looked at Josh.
"H-he accidently sent me flying into his food. I managed to get his attention right before he almost ate me!" Josh tried to defend himself, feeling the judgement coming from Tank.
"Well that's good…" Tank tried to shake his suspicions again. "Anyway, I had to take that video down. Way too many weird comments, bro."
"I can only imagine." Josh tried to sound sympathetic, knowing how bad he must look.
"Hey with the shrinky ray thing it'd be possible for those people to have that happen, dude!" Scott enthusiastically added, too dumb to notice the possible tension between Josh and Tank.
"True, dude." Tank smirked. "Would you step on or eat a tiny person, Scotty?"
"Ummm…" Scott put a hand on his chin. "They'd get hurt, right?"
"Yeah, dude…" Tank chuckled, noticing just how dumb Scott was for himself.
"Well I don't wanna hurt anyone, dude." Scott shook his head, always been a bit of gentle giant.
"Oh? What if they asked to? Like those people on my video were fucking begging me, bro." Tank emphasized to good measure.
"I guess if they really really wanted me to!" Scott perked up, feeling like if someone was that persistent then he'd be doing a good thing for them! "Yeah! It must mean a lot to them if they're willing to beg, dude. What about you?"
"I'd do it just to get rid of them." Tank shrugged, annoyed by constant messages he gets. "Oh man now if I could get paid to do it…"
"Hah! I dunno who would do that, dude!" Scott laughed, innocent to the world of macrophilia. "What do you think, Josh?"
"Huh?" Josh blushed, slightly distracted by the conversation.
"Yeah, little guy." Tank smirked arrogantly. "How much would you pay me to step on you?"
"N-nothing, I wouldn't want to be stepped on thanks." Josh waved his hands nervously, knowing Tank would squash him flat without even trying.
"Swallowed then?" Tank shrugged, feeling like the method wouldn't matter much to him.
"Still nothing…" Josh was a little annoyed.
"Well shit, guess I could do it for free. Friend's discount." Tank teased Josh, still with an arrogant smile.
"That's not what I meant…" Josh felt nervous, not sure how much as actually teasing or not. Tank chuckled with a sort of devious tone.
"Relax, little dude. I'm just messing." Tank leaned back still smirking. Josh sweat, not sure to what extent he was. Meanwhile, Scott sat back with a dumb smile.
"Hah! He knows, Tank!" Scott gave Josh credit. "He's just had a long day."
"Yeah for sure, Scotty." Tank smiled at Scott, liking how smart he felt next to him.
- - -
The rest of the evening going off very tame, followed by the next couple of days, Josh had been in contact with Scott while he girlfriend was still away. Work wrapping up for the day, Scott has asked Josh to meet up with him shrunken. Unsure why, but trusting Scott as well as liking being tiny around him, Josh obliged and met him in the break room once everyone else had left. To his surprise, when Josh had went into the room, Josh saw Scott and Tank together, both looking like they had just come from the gym.
"Oh hey guys!" Josh smiled, happy to see Scott and slightly nervous about Tank, but glad to see him too none the less.
"Hey, buddy!" Scott eagerly came up to the balcony to retrieve Josh. "Thanks for getting all shrinky shrunk for me!"
"It's no problem, it's fun in controlled environments." Josh looked over at Tank when he said know, remembering how suspicious he was of him from the other night.
"Cool, bro." Tank came over with a saunter. "It was actually my request."
"Oh…?" Josh nervously questioned. "Any particular reason?"
"I'll tell you when we get to my place, dude!" Tank smiled, leaning on Scott before nodding his head in the direction of the door. Nervous for what was in mind, Josh went along with it. He trusted Scott after all, so he figured Tank couldn't be up to anything too devious. Along for the ride, Josh hung out in Scott's hand as they took the path he knew to Tyler's apartment building. It was a familiar area, since he'd been here before, but Josh noticed Tank was on a different floor from Tyler.
"Wow, it's a lot neater than Tyler's apartment." Josh complimented Tank, seeing it wasn't a total garbage dump like Tyler's place normally was.
"Dude… god only know what lives in there with him…" Tank turned down to Josh in agreement. "Anyway, Scotty you wanna tell him what's up?"
"Yeah!" Scott brought Josh over to a little tv tray table, setting him down and sitting at Tank's couch. "Dude, I'm popping off on Tank's socials!"
"Oh wow, that's awesome!" Josh was glad to see Scott so excited. Tank came over and sat next to Scott.
"Yeah dude, even after the first video there were so many people asking when Scott was gonna be back." Tank patted Scott on the shoulder, knowing it's been really boosting his views as a help. "But that's not all we've gotten, bro."
"Yeah! Which is why we asked you to be tiny!" Scott gave Josh a big thumbs up.
"I may have slipped in how tall Scott is, and well my fans knew how big I am… and well…" Tank shrugged, looking a little annoyed but excited. "We've been getting hit up like crazy to do macrophile shit."
"Oh…" Josh sweat, scared of where this is going.
"So get this, bro." Tank leaned in close, flashing a bright white smile. "I actually answered a few of those DMs."
"Yeah, dude! So we're gonna do custom videos for money!" Scott smiled excitedly. "It's great, I needed a job anyway!"
"Oh um… that's great!" Josh sweat, knowing exactly where he was coming in on this.
"So yeah dude, we thought it'd be perfect if you were the cameraman." Tank finally got to the point casually. "We'll give you a pay cut, obviously."
"Not necessary…" Josh waved his hands, not really wanting to be involved.
"Oh wow, you'll do the videos for us for free, buddy?" Scott smiled stupidly. "Bro, you're the best!"
Josh blushed, it wasn't what he meant. But now he felt like he couldn't disappoint Scott.
"Yeah.. I mean I don't need the extra money." Josh wrote off the excuse. "I'm happy to help my friends out."
"You're a real homie." Tank smiled, feeling like Josh had ulterior motives to wanting to do it for free.
"T-thanks…" Josh felt like he would've been forced into this anyway. Or guilted. "So what kind of video are we doing?"
"We got a lot of requests actually." Tank pulled up his phone. "Let's see… Scott got requests for… a butt crush and a vore video. I got one for foot worship, vore, and a duo video of me and Scott."
"Oh dope!" Scott leaned over to look at the messages. "They even wrote little scripts for some of these! What's vore anyway?"
"It's when you swallow the person, dude." Tank laughed, sad that he knew this stuff but was happy to make money off it.
"Ooooh word, dude." Scott nodded in understanding. "I don't really get it, but I'll do whatever!"
"Perfect. We'll record from two points of view, whoever isn't in the video. Guess we could grab Hunter if we do the duo video…" Tank sat in thought for a second. "I'm charging a fuck ton for these, so we should take it seriously so these rich fucks will come back for more."
"Dooope!" Scott bounced excitedly. "Why don't we have Josh pick which one we do?"
"M-me?" Josh stuttered.
"Yeah sure, which one sounds the best to you, little guy?" Tank peered down at Josh, deliberately loading the question a little. Josh sweat as he ran over the options in his head. In truth they all sounded appealing, but he wanted to try to take this professionally. Weighing the options Josh decided on…
"Let's uhhhh…" Josh looked back and fourth at Tank and Scott. Josh liked Tank well enough, but he felt like Scott had more concern for his personal safety than Tank likely did. "Let's do the I guess butt crush thing with Scott?"
"Oh you wanna do that one?" Tank rose an eyebrow, feeling like he must've pegged Josh as being the type to want to be crushed.
"It sounds safer than the vore one?" Josh tried to rationalize and defend his choice. He trusted Scott to not actually sit on him, but he wasn't sure how much he trusted Scott to not actually swallow him…
"Safer?" Tank chuckled like Josh was an idiot. "What seems safer, pretending to swallow someone? Or pulling you out of the way RIGHT before Scott crushes you with his ass, dude?"
"Um…" Josh started to feel like he wasn't liking the sound of this. "C-can't I just leave my phone while I get out of the way? It's pretty flat so Scott probably won't destroy it when he sits on it?"
"I GUESS." Tank crossed his arms, clearly unamused. "If we wanna half ass the video and probably get shitty complaints online, bro."
Scott frowned, he didn't like seeing the two argue. "Hey it's okay guys! I'll be super extra careful."
"Alright." Josh looked up at Scott. He sure was dumb and hot, but Josh wanted to trust this adorable himbo. "What do we need to do for the video?"
"Let's see…" Tank read over the request. "They want Scott to and I quote 'Be all sweaty right from the gym and unawarly taunt a tiny me on a chair with his ass, before stripping to his underwear and flexing his ass over me before slamming down on me with his perfect bubble butt.'"
Silence fell across the three as Tank lowered his phone.
"They really like my ass, huh?" Scott turned, trying to look down at his own butt. Josh and Tank couldn't help but laugh at Scott's eventually reaction.
"No homo, dude. But you clearly don't skip leg day." Tank couldn't help but admit.
"Hey it can be a little homo, dude." Scott smiled and winked at Tank. Josh couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"God, straight people…" Josh said under his breath, glad he was small enough for people to not hear him. Josh sighed as he felt like his point was proven further as Tank went and slapped Scott on the ass.
"Are you guys ready?" Josh asked, impatiently as the two turned and recognized Josh's existence.
"Sorry, dude. Yeah we can get ready!" Scott looked around, seeing his gym bag he brought with him. "I'll like come in through the door like I'm coming home from the gym!"
"Sounds good, bro. Make sure to really play up your ass for the camera!" Tank pulled out his phone, getting ready. Scott slapped his own ass in his athletic shorts as he made his way out the door. Tank smirked and looked over to Josh. "Bet you're looking forward to this."
"Huh?" Josh was busy pulling out his phone, unaware of Tank addressing him.
"Nothing, get rolling, little dude." Tank started his recording as Josh did the same. Josh watched as Scott opened the door, tossing his bag to the group and start talking about how hard he worked legs and glutes today at the gym. Biting his lip, Josh watched Scott wander over to the the chair they had placed him on, looming over it like a skyscraper with cakes out of this world as Scott would run his hand down his ass, grabbing and groping it and explaining how sore it was. Josh was actually very impressed by Scott's acting. Despite how dim the giant was… he seemed like quite the natural in this setting. Then Josh watched as Scott pulled off his short, showing off just a tight pair of compression shorts clad to Scott's ass. It perfectly encapsulated the giant's butt in every detail, while keeping the nude free requirement Tank mentioned he put as a stipulation for the video, but from Josh's vantage, Scott's massive ass might as well had been bare anyway with how sweaty and tight his boxer jock was.
Standing firm, Josh watched as Scott stated to lower his ass. Josh started to fret though. What was the actual plan? They never decided on anything! Was Scott going to stop short and let Josh escape while they continued to film from Tank's point of view? Or was Josh expected to drop his phone and flee before he was crushed under Scott's rock solid ass. Josh tried to imagine what Scott was thinking, his brain hurting a little from even attempting. As Scott's ass inched closer and closer, fully eclipsing Josh's world as it looked like the moon was falling on him, Josh had to make a choice, deciding to…
"He'll stop… just any second…" Josh sweat, the intense sweaty smell from Scott's ass getting closer… and closer… until it was nearly touching him when he realized he'd made a terrible mistake. Unable to even utter a word, Josh was immediately silenced as Scott's ass slammed down on top of him, smearing him into an unrecognizable stain in an instant.
Scott fully sat down after his dramatically slow lowering of his ass. Letting out a satisfied sigh after finally sitting down, Scott turned to Tank and gave him a nod.
"Uh dude…" Tank looked down to Scott's seat. "You know you weren't supposed to sit all the way right, dude?"
"What?!" Scott's expression changed instantly from relaxed, to panic as he leaned forward in shock. "Wasn't the plan for him to leave his phone and get out of the way?!"
"Uh…" Tank scratched his chin. "I don't think we ever actually decided?"
Scott got up out of the chair, looking around for Josh to have gotten out of the way. Searching the edges of the chair, Scott knew his ass didn't take up the ENTIRE seat. However as he searched, Scott found no traces of movement.
"Hmmm…" Tank looked at Scott's ass as he turned away from him to look at the chair. It was hard to tell but on Scott's grey compression shorts there was the faintest of stains in the center of his left butt cheek. Tank looked away though as Scott turned back to him.
"Dude I can't find him. You don't think I…?" Scott spun around like a dog chasing his tail trying to look at his ass.
"Maybe he jumped off the chair." Tank grabbed Scott's shoulder, stopping him from spinning like an idiot. "Take a look on the floor, dude."
"O-okay, bro." Scott got down on his knees, inspecting the ground for any trace of Josh. Tank all the while started to look over the footage he got, disappointed that he Josh wouldn't be able to send him his half.
"Let's do the uh…" Josh blushed a little at the irony of it. "The Scott vore one?"
"Oh sparked your interest did it, dude?" Tank smirked as he pulled that one up on his phone. Josh bit his lip and sweat a little, wondering if Scott felt the same… only to see the dumb giant scratch his arm pit before smelling it. Josh couldn't help but chuckle, figuring him to be as dumb and oblivious as ever.
"Let's see…" Josh turned his attention back to Tank as he read the request. "The person says they want this to be an 'unaware vore' type of scenario, where Scott eats them in a plate of food."
Josh looked back at Scott again, sweating a little once more. Scott however had swapped to playing on his own phone. Letting out a sigh of relief, Josh heard Tank continue.
"I guess specifically they want it to be… rice?" Tank scratched his head. "Sounds familiar…"
Josh looked over to Scott again… who was leaning back and almost fell out of his chair.
"Sorry! I'm paying attention, what are we doing?" Scott noticed Tank was done talking and staring at him.
"You're going to eat Josh in a plate of rice while pretending he's not there, dude…" Tank crossed his arms, annoyed Scott wasn't taking this more seriously.
"Oh!" Scott stood up and chuckled. "Who requested this? Sounds exactly like how Josh and I met!"
Josh's stomach sank, hearing Scott say it out loud like that really made Josh squirm.
"Was it you, little buddy?" Scott looked down at Josh with a smile, feeling flattered if he was actually the one. "Yo, Tank what was the user name?"
"Raghp2?" Tank rose an eyebrow as he read the strange user name. "What a stupid fucking name, dude."
"I don't even have a tiktok!" Josh defended himself, truthfully not having time or caring about social media.
"That checks out, dude. I hit him up for his tiktok the other day and he didn't have one." Scott defended Josh, unknowingly relieving him of some stress. "This dude who made the request for me must be a pretty big fan though!"
"Could be Josh's secret account though, huh?" Tank teased Josh, no longer suspecting the man, but seeing how clearly uncomfortable he was. Scott simply laughed and smiled.
"That'd be dope if it was!" Scott curled a fist a pounded his chest a little proudly. "What better first customer, dude?"
Tank laughed, it would be ironic after all. "Guess it would be pretty funny, dude."
Josh shifted awkwardly, but feeling slightly more comfortable. He didn't know who this person was that requested such a specific scenario with him and Scott, but he couldn't help but feel a little weird about it.
"Am I being watched?" Josh said himself, looking around but only seeing the two massive giants and the interior of Tank's apartment.
"You okay, buddy?" Scott got down to Josh's level, barely able to see Josh looking around nervously.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Josh chalked it all up to crazy coincidence. "You're good with this video, Scott?"
"Yeah, dude!" Scott excitedly reached down to hold Josh, brining him up to his and Tank's chests. "For you and me it'll be like a crazy… what if? You know?"
"A bad ending?" Josh joked, like his life was some kind of story.
"Aw…" Scott felt a little bad, hearing it put like that. "Yeah it would be like a bad ending, huh?"
"Enough story time and get ready, nerds." Tank impatiently tapped his foot, wanting to hurry up and record the video. The sooner he could sell it and make money the better.
- - -
Getting the two ready for the video, Tank prepared everything, even going as far to get some rice for Scott to eat. Everything seemed to be going smoothly as Josh was recording from his vantage in the rice, and Tank from the side as Scott entered the room, acting like he had just come home from the gym, going as far as to toss of his tank top and give a few minutes of flexing before making his way over to the food.
"Scott's surprisingly good at acting…" Josh blushed, thinking silently to himself as the handsome himbo began eating. Josh could tell Scott was deliberately not looking down at the food., most likely in an attempt to make the video seem a little more real. Josh appreciated Scott's commitment but it made him a little nervous on if Scott would actually see him or not. As Scott scooped under him, much like he did the other day, Josh figured his question would be answered soon.
"Tank told him to cut after scooping me up…" Josh remembered they came up with a plan and Tank heated the rice up. Scott was supposed to scoop him up and shove him in his mouth… but then they were going to cut to Scott swallowing after Josh was let out. Josh found himself being shoved in Scott's mouth as planned followed up by…
"Uhhhh…" Josh didn't really want to choose. Scott mentioned something about vore? To be honest Josh wasn't really listening.
"Let's do uh… Tank's vore video?" Josh shrugged, not really realizing what he was getting himself into. "Whatever that was? What's vore again?"
"Oh… I think you know what it it is…" Tank smirked cockily, feeling like Josh picked it on purpose. Josh swallowed nervously, truly not sure.
"It's when you get swallowed, bud!" Scott chimed in, remembering from when Tank mentioned it a minute ago. "Kind of a brave first choice, dude!"
"O-oh…" Josh got even more nervous. "Maybe we should pick a different one."
"Nah, it was the first to come to mind." Tank leaned back smirking and flexing his arms. "Let's just do it. Besides, this was an easy request, the only thing they asked for was for me to be shirtless…"
Josh bit his lip nervously as Tank stood up, pulling off his tank top and tossing it across the room. The massive hairy giant stood up, stretching a little and cracking his neck. The other night, Josh didn't really get a good look at Tank's body but now with him on full display, he realized why the man was a fitness influencer. Scott was hot for sure, clearly he was a solid athlete, but Tank was a full blown bodybuilder. Josh imagined there wasn't a shred of fat on the massive giant. Josh realized he was staring, turning away before Tank could notice.
"Aight… well Scott you wanna record? Josh clearly you'll need to focus and record from your end too…" Tank rose an eyebrow, looking down at Josh arrogantly.
"I'm ready, no worries!" Josh fumbled and pulled out his phone, not wanting it to seem like he was distracted from the task at hand.
"Well if you need a minute, like that'd be more understandable, dude…" Tank responded smugly. "I mean, after all we're going the whole nine yards with this, bro. You ready to go all the way into my stomach, bro?"
"W-what?" Josh wasn't prepared for this, expecting to only go as far as the mouth. "Surely you don't need to actually swallow me. Don't you think we don't need to go that far for just some video?"
"Like I said, bro." Tank shrugged and shook his head in disagreement. "I'm charging out the fucking ass for these videos. We need to be authentic."
"It's okay, buddy!" Scott reassured Josh with a dumb smile. "He can just burp you out, like on tv or whatever!"
"For sure, dude." Tank put a hand on Scott's shoulder, not entirely sure if he could bring Josh up or not, but also not really caring if he could or not anyway. Josh's heart rate went up, feeling like neither giant gave this idea even a second's worth of thought. "Aight, we ready?"
"N-n---" Josh tried to protest as Scott's much louder voice came into play
"Yup! Recording… now!" Scott held up his phone. Josh panicked, starting to record as well, knowing he did not want to have to do a re-shoot. Josh watched as Tank started the video with some cocky flexing followed up by some belittling dialogue toward him. Standing firm, Josh tried to remind himself that it was just a video, regardless how many time Tank dropped the F slur on him while he kept up the recording. Eventually, it got to the point where Tank grabbed him, bringing him up to his mouth while he was told how worthless he was to him besides being protein for him incredible body. Josh cringed, the dialogue was far too clique. But he tried to remind himself the situation he was in as he was shoved in the sexy giant's mouth.
"Oh god…" Josh couldn't help but utter, hoping his commentary wouldn't ruin the video. He couldn't believe it, Tank planned on really swallowing him, and he knew neither him nor Scott really had a plan to bring him up. Josh tried to place his trust in Scott, as Tank's tongue lurched, sending him backward down the huge bodybuilder's throat. Josh tried his best to hold onto his phone, recording the whole terrifying experience as he spend several seconds going down before falling down into Tan's enormous stomach.
"I think that's enough…" Josh cut his recording as he kicked and floated in whatever liquid dominated Tank's stomach at the time. Without hesitation, Josh called Scott. A few second's went by as Scott picked up.
"Yo dude! Hang on, he'll bring you up in a second. He want to do a 'post-vore scene'." Scott explained.
"Uh…" Josh felt insulted. "Just cut your video and do it AFTER he spits me up. I don't ACTUALLY need to be in his stomach for him to pretend I'm in here!" Josh protested, not wanting to spend a second longer inside the giant, despite down breath taking it was inside the bodybuilder.
"Oh dude, you're so smart!" Scott sounded like he didn't even think about that. "I'll tell him, just hold on for a second."
Josh heard the line hang up, waiting around in Tank's stomach impatiently. Trying to trust Scott, Josh waited as…
"Don't tell me you stopped recording to take that call, dude…" Tank crossed his arms, now more focused on scolding Scott than he was remotely concerned about Josh deep in the pit of his gut.
"Oh yeah! Sorry, dude!" Scott chuckled. "I had to to pick up! He says we can film the rest after you bring him up, bro!"
"Eh I disagree." Tank shrugged with a frown. "It's not authentic unless he's in here…"
Tank gave his abs a few heavy pats. "Don't you agree, dude?"
"Yeahhhh…" Scott rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess that makes sense, dude. He gonna be okay though?"
"Oh yeah dude, no worries." Tank hand waved Scott's concern, having none of his own. "In fact, send him a text and tell him just to record a tiny bit more and send us what he's got so far, then I'll let him out."
"Oh alright, dude!" Scott started to send the text before pulling up his video recorder again. "Aight dude, it's sent. I'll start recording again!"
"Perfect…" Tank smirked, getting into his role again, it being made easier knowing there was a real live little person trapped inside him. Tank started rubbing his stomach, groaning and letting out a few small burps. "Dude… I can still feel you trying to move around in there. Oh well, not for long. Not once my stomach acid finishes you off…"
Tank continued to play it up, taunting Josh about how he was going to die, be digested by a superior alpha male and become fuel for his god like muscles. All the while, Scott continued to record, having received Josh's end of the video from the tiny man moments ago, but not wanting to cut his own video until Tank said so.
- - -
"The hell is taking so long…" Josh recorded longer, mostly just interior shot's of Tank's stomach at this point while muffled talking, stomach patting, and a few burps occurred. Josh sent it on to Scott, along with the message of making sure Tank sent him up very soon.
"Scott'll make sure Tank gets me up…" Josh tried to place his faith in the giant dummy but as time went on and as Josh's strength started to fade, so did his confidence. With nary the energy to move his body, Josh panted as the pain coming from the digestive fluids were far too much for the tiny man. As Josh could hear the giant continue to ham it up on the outside, Josh faded away as Tank's stomach happily accepted the tiny shred of protein.
- - -
"Aight you can cut it, dude." Tank just finished off several minutes of flexing and self worship, Scott gradually getting a little bored of seeing him show off.
'Oh word?" Scott finally ended the video. "Sweet, Josh sent us a few videos too! Bet they'll look great side by side!"
"Oh word dude, lemme see." Tank came over to watch some of the play back. After several more minutes , the two finally compiled everything.
"Oh dude!" Scott nearly forgot. "Should you et Josh out now?"
"Oh yeah almost forgot." Tank lied, not giving a single fuck over what he knew he put Josh through. Tank patted his chest a few times, burping loudly as he hunched a little and rubbed his gut. "Dude, he's stubborn! He's not coming out!"
"Oh no!" Scott dumbly came over and put his hand on Tank's back. "Is he gonna be okay?"
Tank shut his eyes, unable to believe how stupid Scott was. Standing back up and straightening his back, Tank shook his head and chuckled.
"Oh yeah he'll be fine dude." Tank lied, knowing likely by now not a piece of Josh was probably left by now. "I'll just have to shit him out tomorrow, dude."
"Oh that makes sense, bro." Scott calmed down. "Oh man that sucks for the little guy, he'll have to spend the rest of the day in your belly, bro!"
"Eh, he might've already slipped into my intestines, dude." Tank rubbed his abs with an arrogant chuckle. "Don't worry, dude. He's probably having a blast."
"Like a big amusement park ride!" Scott smiled, thinking of the simple analogy. "I'll call him and let him know he'll be chilling for awhile."
Tank watched as Scott stupidly waited for Josh to pick up for a minute before giving up.
"Dude, maybe he dropped his phone?" Tank made up the excuse. "It's lost in there somewhere I bet…"
Tank looked down at his abs and chuckled, shrugging a little.
"Aw that would suck." Scott pouted. "We'll have to get him a new phone to record more videos!"
"Sure, dude." Tank put his arm around Scott, willing to continue to lie to Scott. He was a useful idiot for sure, and now he was bound to make tons of money for him without that annoying little runt Josh to get in the way anymore.
"Woah woah woah…" Scott said under his breath as he leaned in closer. Josh stopped jumping now as Scott's eyes were squarely locked on him. Josh watched as Scott tilted his head as he looked at him. Nervous, Josh stared back. Suddenly, Scott rose his right hand, holding it up like a signal. Unsure what to do, Josh lowered his left arm, just having his right arm up now. Scott slightly shook his head in disbelief before lowering his arm. Mimicking the giant, Josh also lowered his arm.
"Woah!" Scott exclaimed again as he backed up his face a little. Now he reached down, putting a finger near Josh, slowly creeping it up to him until it was right in front of him. Still a little scared, Josh went up to the finger climbing up it and hoisting himself up on the tip. Amazed, Scott brought his finger off the ground and closer up to his face, hunched over slightly like a curious child. Josh shook a little with fear, but none the less waved to the giant.
"Holy shit, dude!" Scott said much too loud for Josh as he had to cover his ears. Noticing Josh cover his ears, Scott gasped for a second for lowering his voice. "Sorry…"
"It's okay." Josh answered as Scott's eyes went wide with surprise for a second.
"You can talk?" Scott was truly astonished sounding. Josh tilted his head now the confused one.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Josh questioned the giant.
"Uhhh I dunno dude. I've never met a tiny person before." Scott shrugged, making it sound like tiny folk were a common place in the world. "I didn't know tiny people really existed! Mom told me the tooth fairy was fake and that movie with the tiny people that lived in the walls wasn't real!"
"Well those things aren't---" Josh was cut off as Scott leaned back continuing his musings.
"Is there like a whole city of tiny people that live in my apartment?!" Scott asked, looking around at the walls and floors now curiously. "Dude, I just moved here but I hope me and my girlfriend haven't been any trouble!"
"No no, it's nothing like that!" Josh was desperate to explain the situation. But the giant's booming voice easily drowned out any amount of explaining he wanted to do.
"Yo, so does your tiny city need my help? Is that why you climbed up here to wave at me?!" Scott asked, Josh still so very concerned now with how dumb this giant was. Dumbfounded, Josh wasn't' sure how to approach this.
"I uh… sort of yes?" Josh answered back, playing along a little though he knew he'd have to break it to the giant sooner rather than later that there was no tiny society.
"So cool, bro!" Scott bounced a little in excitement. "Oh oh don't tell me! Uhhh I bet like a huge monster is attacking your city, but it's actually just like a cockroach or something?"
"Not exactly. Um, do you think you could set me down for the time being?" Josh asked, appreciating the giant's imagination but knowing he had to get through his thick skull if he wanted to get back to the park safely.
"Oh sorry tiny dude!" Scott apologized, lowering Josh down onto the the edge of his plate. Josh slipped a little with the incline as he bumped into a stray piece of rice. "Shit, careful little guy!"
"I'm okay!" Josh composed himself as Scott pushed his chair back so he could lower his torso all the way down, leaning his face in close as he rested his chin on his arm.
"I'm Scott by the way! But like… wow you're so small, dude!" Scott smiled looking at Josh as he leaned up against the rice. "Have I ever accidently eaten any little people from your city?"
"L-look about this whole tiny city thing." Josh tried to get Scott on track. Scott's expression changed a little at Josh's change in conversation direction.
"Bro, don't tell me I ate the whole city! Is there a city of tiny people living inside me?!" Scott sat up suddenly putting a hand on his stomach as Josh tried to answer, but now Scott moved way too far away to hear him. "I can't feel anything! But dude, that's dope as fuck! I'm like… Scottscity or something!"
Scott leaned back in close to Josh once again. Josh laughed a little. It was kind of funny. "What about Scottsdale or Scottsville? Those are real cities."
"I'm not so great at geometry! So I'll take your word on that little dude!" Scott chuckled, giving Josh a little wink. Josh meanwhile hung his jaw open slightly in surprise. "So you trying to get home little guy?"
"Yes! But uh not in the way you're thinking." Josh answered back chuckling nervously. Scott tilted his head though confused.
"Oh? Huh let me think then." Scott answered, leaning back again out of earshot of Josh. Scott closed his eyes, Josh looked at Scott's face.
"He looks like he's in pain…" Josh couldn't help but say to himself as Scott did make a pained expression as he tried thinking.
"Uhhh don't tell me! You guys crawl in through my ears while I sleep?" Scott asked before shaking his head. "Oh bro, don't tell me you go in through my ass!"
"If you would just listen for a second, I could just tell you what's going on…" Josh said aloud, knowing Scott was way too far away for him to hear his tiny voice. Somewhat relieved, Josh saw as Scott leaned in with his handsome face once again.
"Do you guys have like little jobs in my body like Osmosis Jones?" Scott asked with curiosity in his eyes. Josh shook his head, utterly dumbfounded.
"No… that's a cartoon." Josh tried to get in any words before Scott could pull away and make more wild assumptions. "But if you'd just listen for a second, I really do want to get home."
"Say no more little dude!" Scott answered with affirmation. Josh sighed in relief, glad he could finally talk freely. As Josh was ready to finally explain his situation, Scott…
Scott sat quietly and attentively as Josh relaxed, ready to explain everything.
"Okay so first off, there's no tiny city. Like not in your walls… or in your stomach." Josh thought he'd get the obvious out of the way. However he watched as Scott's face changed to a somewhat disappointed looking frown. "I'm sorry if that's disappointing to hear."
"No, it's okay. I just got excited is all." Scott smiled, trying to accept the fact that it was silly to think that. "But if you're not from a tiny city, where did you come from little guy?"
"You know that waterpark, Shrink and Swim?" Josh asked Scott, who returned his question with a blank stare. "You know? Like over by the beach?"
"Nope, sorry dude. I just moved here with my girlfriend, like I told you." Scott reminded Josh he was new to town. "Waterpark though, huh?"
"Yeah so it's this park that super tiny. There's a shrinking machine that shrinks people when you enter it." Josh blushed a little, almost excited to explain his concept to someone for the first time. "So that's how I shrank. Then… some amount of chaos ensued and I ended up in your gym bag. Which is how I got here."
"That's wild little dude!" Scott tapped his foot excitedly. He stopped though as he had a look of realization though. "Oh bro! I never asked you your name!"
"Oh it's okay. I'm Josh." Josh smiled, glad Scott was paying attention enough to allow him to tell him. "It's nice officially meeting you, Scott."
"Word, Josh!" Scott moved his other hand above his head and gave Josh a thumbs up. "I like calling you little dude though, if that's okay?"
"It's totally fine." Josh smiled, just glad the massive dumb jock was listening to him now. "So uh anyway. My issue is, I need help getting back to that waterpark. It's the only way I can get back to my normal size."
"Bet, dude. But uh…" Scott looked at Josh with curiosity. "Don't you like being tiny? It must be kind of cool, I mean look at the giant food, little dude!"
Josh turned to look behind him. It was incredible. The mounds of food spanned on like islands across the white sea of the plate he was on.
"It's pretty cool, now that I've been found." Josh admitted. "I was scared when I didn't think anyone would find me."
"For sure, for sure, little guy." Scott nodded his head in understanding. "But hey, this must be like a once in a life time opportunity, bro! You went on this big adventure and ended up here!"
"You're right, it was exciting. But I guess I'm also just looking forward to it being over, and going home." Josh added, a little exhausted after everything he's been through. Josh felt a little bad as Scott's handsome face went to that dopey disappointed look again.
"Yeahhhh…" Scott sighed. "It's just like super cool meeting you like this and all, bro. It's too bad you have to leave so soon."
Josh bit his lip. Something about Scott's sad dumb face just tore at his heartstrings a little.
"Well the park is probably closed by now." Josh knew it to be true. "So even if we went back tonight, I couldn't get inside to go back to normal."
"Oh oh! You can spend the night here, Josh!" Scott excited bounced, causing Josh to fall off his feet from the vibrations. "My girlfriend is gone for the week. So it's just me dude. Plus like…"
Scott looked a little sad again. "Like I said, dude. I just moved here from pretty far. I don't really have any friends yet."
The way Scott delivered his sentence broke Josh. It was like being stabbed in the heart. "I'll be your friend, Scott! It's the least I can do after you found me!"
"Really?!" Scott brightened up again with excitement. "Dude that makes me so happy! Plus you're the smallest friend I think I've ever had!"
"Well my normal height is about five foot five." Josh blushed at Scott's assessment of his height. Scott's jaw hung open for a second as he looked deep in thought.
"I think that's still shorter than most old buddies I had in high school, dude." Scott thought some more. "Everyone is already pretty small to me. I'm almost seven foot, bro."
"Jesus, that's huge!" Josh exclaimed. He had guesstimated Scott's height back at the gym, but he had no idea he was THAT big. "It's hard for me to tell how big you are. Everything is just really big right now."
"Oh, I know!" Scott straightened up and stood up from his chair. Josh watched the giant loom over him like a colossal statue before he walked away over to a doorway that was adjacent to the kitchen. Standing next to the doorway, Scott walked up to it, chucking as he bumped his nose into the top of the frame. He looked over at Josh on his plate, making a goofy face as he ducked his head to go in and out of the doorway. Making his way back over to Josh, Scott repositioned himself to speak to the tiny man once again.
"Crazy, right? I hit my head on doorways so often my girlfriend told me that's why I can't do math and stuff!" Scott chuckled, rubbing his forehead a little as Josh imagined he must've at some point his his head even as recently as today.
"That's crazy, doorways are usually about six feet and eight inches high!" Josh knew off the top of his head. It was easy enough proof to the tiny man that Scott's height was no joke. "Wow I couldn't imagine being that tall. I'd probably hate it!"
"I can't imagine being as small as you, dude! I'd probably hate that." Scott chuckled bringing his finger over to Josh and gently poking Josh in the side. "I always wished I could be taller actually! So being around you like this is super cool, little dude!"
"I'll admit, I'm having fun with you Scott. I was a little nervous at first when you were making all those wild assumptions." Josh rubbed his side after Scott poked him. "I mean, Scottscity?"
"Yeahhhh well I thought it would be cool, bro!" Scott smiled, chuckling a little at the thought. "I was worried I'd have to shove you up my ass, dude! But I did think I'd have to eat you for a few minutes there."
"Trust me, I'm glad we didn't go that far too…" Josh shuddered at the thought of either of those things happening. "I'm sure I wouldn't have lasted long in either case."
"Huh, why?" Scott tilted his head, curiously. Josh bit his lip, already forgetting how dumb Scott was.
"Well… up your ass I'd probably suffocate pretty quickly." Josh couldn't believe he was explaining this to someone. "And well, if you ate me, your stomach acid would make pretty quick work of me."
"That makes sense, dude!" Scott looked up, trying to imagine it. "But in my stomach couldn't you like hang out on food while it floats around? Or I could burp really loud and you'd come flying out!"
Josh couldn't help but chuckle a little. It was truly the thought process of a child. "Not quite how the body works I'm afraid. I forgot to ask, how old are you by the way?"
"I'm eighteen, bro!" Scott smiled as Josh stood there shocked. He couldn't believe this literal near seven foot giant was four years younger than him. "How about you, bro?"
"I'm twenty two, but wow I didn't expect you to be so young. I mean you're huge and you look older than me!" Josh exclaimed still in genuine surprise.
"Doctor said I might still be growing too!" Scott leaned back a little and pumped a double bicep flex. As he did that however, Scott's stomach gave off a loud growl. Laughing as he rubbed it, Scott leaned back into Josh. "Oops sorry bro! Guess I'm still hungry. Mind if I finish that food behind you?"
Josh moved away from the food, not wanting to be in the crossfire of Scott eating. "As long as I don't get scooped up!"
Scott scooched his chair back in as he brought his fork down and started to shovel food in his mouth once again. "If you do, I'll just burp you up, bro!"
Josh shook his head as he watched Scott eat.
"Still not how it works…" Josh said to himself, knowing Scott probably wasn't listening. However, time went on as Scott finished his food and protein shake. Satisfied, Scott leaned back a little as he turned his attention back on Josh.
"So what do we wanna do, little dude?" Scott asked, quite excited to hang out with his tiny friend. Putting his arms behind his head, Scott got a good wiff of his armpits as he did. "Whew I stink, bro! Maybe I should take a shower first."
Josh bit his lip a little. He kinda liked the manly smell Scott was giving off. Plus Scott was pretty dumb… Josh figured he might be able to get him to hold off on the shower if he wanted to.
Thinking on it Josh answered back to Scott, "I think…"
"Hey maybe don't run off and take a shower right away?" Josh sweat a little as he tried to manipulate Scott just a little. Scott sniffed himself again, a little confused.
"Huh? You sure, bro?" Scott moved his nose away from his arm pit. "Bro it's pretty bad!"
"I'm just nervous… I don't want you to walk off without me. What if something happened while you're gone?" Josh half used the excuse as a reason to get Scott to stay.
"Aw hey chill little guy." Scott smiled as he put down his arms and leaned in closer to Josh. "Don't worry, I won't leave ya!"
"Thanks, Scott!" Josh was both relieved but also swooning over his sweaty smell. Scott leaned back, burping after finishing his food just a few minutes ago. Josh blushed more as the giant rubbed his stomach.
"Oh sorry, bro! Whew! Tastes like chicken and chocolate!" Scott laughed as he waved a hand in front of his face.
"It's totally fine! I don't mind that, or your arm pit stink." Josh continued to try and push Scott a little. Scott laughed a little and shook his head.
"You're too funny, bro! What is your nose too tiny to pick up the smell?" Scott wondered curiously, clearly not actually sure how it worked.
"Uh… yeah actually!" Josh lied. "Or it's very muted at least. Pretty neat huh?"
"Wow! That is cool, bro!" Scott leaned in closer, his sweaty musk filling Josh's nostrils. "Sometimes I wish I didn't have to smell my own stank, bro!"
"It's crazy, I don't smell I thing!" Josh lied excitedly as Scott was so close to him. Scott leaned down, bring his face close to Josh as he let out a small burp on the tiny man.
"You smell that, dude?" Scott chuckled, wondering his his chickeny chocolate burps were enough for Josh to smell. Josh let it waft over him, smelling the whole thing.
"No not at all! If anything it just smelled a little nice actually from what I got!" Josh absolutely relished in Scott's masculinity as it poured over him.
"Wow that's crazy dude!" Scott rested his chin on the table, absolutely fascinated.
"I had no idea this was a thing!" Josh played dumb as he let his desires start to get the better of him. "Hey Scott, I have a crazy idea!"
"Huh, what is it little dude?" Scott hoisted himself up slightly, kneeling on the ground as his massive body still towered way above Josh.
"Maybe I have to get in like real close to actually smell it!" Josh fed the idea to Scott who shook his head in agreement.
"Oh bro that makes total sense!" Scott laughed, the dumb idea was right up his alley.
"Yeah so maybe if you brought me in closer I could smell it. Then I'd know what you're talking about!" Josh sweat a little, hoping Scott would keep going along with this.
"That's a great idea, bro!" Scott clapped his hands together.
"So yeah… you should totally put me in your…" Josh trailed off as he decided on Scott's…
Scott lifted his arm up a bit again and took a whiff, "Haha man, it's your funeral, but if you want to try it out."
His hand descended on Josh, his two titanic fingers lightly picking him up. As he soared through the air, he did a mediocre David Attenborough impression, narrating Josh's journey. "The explorer flies through the air on his helicopter as he makes his way to an unexplored destination." He moved Josh in a loop-de-loop, then brought him to the crook of his arm, flexing his bicep, and running him across the skin. "He travels over miles of rough terrain until he finally reaches his target." Blood flowed to Josh's dick as he felt the pumped muscle beneath him. The sweaty scent of Scott's pit got stronger the closer he got.
Scott slowed his movements as Josh approached a few stray, wirey hairs. "Our explorer shows no fear as he approaches the border and heads right for the heart of the jungles of… Scottland."
Ah, yes, Scotland's famous jungles, Josh thought to himself, but as Scott finished his creative narration, Josh went from facing skin to a jungle of wiry, sweaty hairs. Scott played with Josh and the hairs, and Josh felt them wrapping around his limbs, and holding him in place. When Scott withdrew his fingers, he was well and truly tangled in the giant jocks armpit.
Josh was left facing the skin, while his body became soaked in sweat. His senses became overwhelmed. He could both smell and taste Josh's musk. Unable to help it, he felt his dick erupt in his pants. He felt the light shift a bit as Scott tried to peek into his pit. "So, little dude, how's that smell? Strong enough for you?"
Josh wanted to be honest and say that no scent had ever overwhelmed him like this. That without touching himself, he'd come. But he enjoyed this teasing game he was playing, and wanted to keep it going. He couldn't lie too much though.
"Yeah, I can definitely smell it a bit now, but it's just a little musky. Smells kind of nice actually. Looks like you're gonna have to do better than that if you want me to really be able to smell you."
"Oh, is that a challenge little man? You haven't smelled anything yet. How about you try smelling my…"
Josh sweat nervously. He always had a bit of an affiliation for guys mouths for some reason. He figured this was as good a chance as ever to get close to a ridiculously attractive guy's mouth.
"M-maybe if you brought me closer to your mouth? You said it tasted like chicken and chocolate?" Josh practically shook as he asked. Scott nodded his head, it totally made sense to him.
"Yeah dude! It's all I can taste! I'm surprised you don't smell it, bro!" Scott scooched down a little to get his face closer to Josh. Josh tried to contain himself as Scott moved his mouth in closer, opening it up and letting his breath wash over him. "Do you smell it, dude?"
"No nothing!" Josh's eyes watered a little as the smell was so intense, but he couldn't help but stare blindly into the abyss of Scott's mouth.
"God what am I doing?" Josh asked himself in his head. A few minutes ago he was terrified Scott would eat him by mistake. Now all he wanted to do was go in the giant's mouth. "This isn't getting eaten though… I just want to look around is all…"
"Wow, dude that's insane!" Scott smiled as he closed his mouth, much to Josh's disappointment. "It doesn't smell like anything?"
"It smells like… fresh air?" Josh tried to make up a lie, staring at Scott's lips. "Hey crazy thought… but what if I like went IN your mouth?"
"Woah, you sure bro?" Scott now felt slightly skeptical. "You were all worried about being eaten like a minute ago, little bud!"
"It's fine, I'll be careful!" Josh assured Scott. "I just want to get in closer. This is really interesting."
"It is weird, huh?" Scott nodded in understanding. "Alright, bro. I'll lay out the red carpet for you!"
Josh watched as Scott's mouth opened wide once again, this time the giant flopped out his massive tongue, letting it touch the tip of the plate Josh was still standing on. Shaking with anticipation, Josh willingly walked onto the giant's tongue and went inside deeper into what seemed like a massive cave. The cavern shook a little as Scott rose his head from the table, sliding his tongue back in his mouth while he still kept it wide open. Josh looked behind him, seeing the massive room of Scott's apartment from a newer much higher height.
"Scott can you hear me!?" Josh yelled from within the giant's mouth. With minimal mouth and tongue movement, Josh heard a response boom over him.
"Kinda!" The forced voice answered back. Josh watched as the scenery changed a little as Scott walked into a different dark room, before the light popped on and he could see Scott's face reflected in a mirror. Seeing Scott's open mouth, Josh was astonished how he couldn't even see himself in the reflection on the giant's tongue.
"I ka- ki-na --ee oo!!" Scott's voice again barked over him as the giant tried to not move his mouth much.
"It's okay! You don't need to answer as long as you can hear me for the most part!" Josh yelled out Scott's mouth. Josh saw the giant give him a thumbs up in the reflection. Josh looked back down Scott's throat, blushing as the giant's rhythmic breath washed over him. Josh could see Scott's uvula hanging in the back, signaling where the end of the jock's throat was before the deadly drop down into the hunk's stomach.
"S-scott! Could you try closing your mouth and burping?" Josh nervously asked the far too compliant giant as he nodded before the massive maw before him closed, sealing him in total darkness. Josh waited with anticipation in the dark as a gurgly rumble bubbled up from somewhere deep within Scott before the giant belted out a closed mouth burp which took all of Josh's senses to the next level. Washed over with the smell and bits of spit as Josh was jostled around in the mouth, Josh shook his head and winced a little as Scott reopened his mouth, his eyes searching for Josh inside.
"Aaneeing?" Scott asked, still trying to be careful. Josh sweat, this was all too amazing for him.
"Still nothing!" Josh lied, not ready to give up this experience yet. Getting on his feet, Josh really wanted to get closer to the back of the throat.
"Just a peek…" Josh whispered to himself as he moved his way closer.
"I just wanna get as far back as I can!" Josh yelled, not bothering to turn back for Scott's approval or disapproval. As if he was hypnotized by the uvula in the back of Scott's throat, Josh inched closer before the angle of Scott's tongue started to decline. Josh didn't care though as he started to slide to the back of Scott's throat just as…
Scott watched, a little bit of sweat on his brow as he saw the tiny speck of his friend go further back into deepest part of his mouth. He really wasn't sure how much further Josh intended to go. Scott flinched slightly as Josh disappeared from view for a moment as Scott gave a slight…. ulp.
Scott gasped, closing his mouth for a second before looking back into his mouth, stretching his tongue out and looking as far back into his throat as he could.
"Oh dude, oh fuck." Scott put a finger on his throat. He could feel just the faintest of squirms inside of it. "Dude, I swallowed him!"
Scott leaned over the sink, he had no idea what to do. Feeling the squirms go deeper toward his chest, Scott didn't think as he pulled off his tank top and tossed it across the room, putting his hand on his chest against his bare skin trying to feel for Josh. The squirms stopped however as Josh plummeted just past Scott's pecs.
"It's okay, Scott. You can just burp him up like you told him!" Scott talked to himself in the mirror. Scott nodded at himself as he put a hand on his bare stomach, pressing in slightly as he tried to burp. Trying a few times, Scott just couldn't force anything up. "Oh shit, I'm too nervous to burp!"
Scott panicked a little as he walked out of the bathroom, clutching his stomach.
- - -
Dropping down finally being deposited in Scott's stomach, Josh was overwhelmed by the smell of chicken and chocolate as it was all around him now in the athlete's titanic stomach. Deposited in the half digested slop, Josh barely cared at this point.
"I think he swallowed by accident?" Josh wondered, almost uncaring of the situation he found himself in. He didn't care if Scott did it by mistake or not. He didn't realize it until he was sliding into the back of Scott's mouth, but Josh wanted this. He could feel Scott's body moving around outside, even feeling the chamber shift as he guessed Scott was pressing on his stomach. Josh didn't care though. He didn't think Scott knew enough to throw him up.
"He's hot as fuck, but god he's sooo dumb!" Josh laughed ironically as he knew he was just minutes away from being digested by this hot dummy. Josh heard a flow of liquid pouring into Scott's stomach, it bubbling as it poured in. Slightly after, Scott's stomach contracted as he released the carbonation from his stomach with a massive burp. Josh couldn't help but laugh, imagining Scott really trying to burp him up.
"I appreciate the effort… but this is fine…" Josh lazily slumped into the half digested chime. More liquid poured in followed by another belch as Josh let the constrictions and churns of Scott's stomach drift him away. Other burp roared above him as Josh drifted away, feeling a little bad he tricked Scott the way he did.
- - -
"Damn it!" Scott slammed the bottle of soda he was ponding down on the table. He was burping as much as he could, but Josh just wouldn't come flying out.
"What am I doing wrong?" Scott slapped the bottle off the table as he stood there, shirtless in his living room. Scott sighed as he rested a hand on his stomach, looking down at his ripped abs. Scott felt a slight gurgle from his stomach as he hoped Josh was okay in there.
"Maybe he'll make it all the way through?" Scott tried to think. Josh told him something about stomach acid, but Scott couldn't remember how bad that stuff was. "I mean, I'm fine and it's inside me, right?"
Scott tried to rationalize it. There's no way that stuff could be that bad if it's inside him, right? Scott relaxed a little, hoping this would all be fine. Maybe Josh would tell him all about it once he comes out the other end.
"Heh, he'll probably be a little mad." Scott chuckled to himself, briefly imagining it comically. Scott gave a low rumbly burp, patting his stomach as he let out a deep sigh.
"Wonder if he can smell it now?" Scott took his hand off his stomach, still tasting that strong taste of chicken, chocolate, and now the tiniest hint of Josh.
Sliding deeper into the back of Scott's throat, Josh's heart beat with intense anticipation. Josh wanted to go down the massive jock's throat. He couldn't explain it, but he simply wanted the dumb himbo to swallow him down and stupidly not know how to get him back up. Josh braced himself, ready for the inevitable gulp…
Suddenly, Josh found himself being flung the opposite direction as he was congealed up in a ball of spit. Splatting in a wet glop into Scott's palm, Josh rubbed the spit off his face ad he almost disappointedly looked up at Scott's handsome face.
"Woah! Bro, that was so close! Almost had to pack your bags for a trip to Scottcity!" Scott laughed, using his finger to try and help clean some spit off Josh. "Good thing I was keeping an eye on you, huh bro?"
"Yeah… very lucky…" Josh was disappointed but trying to to seem to mopey. Scott didn't seem to catch on though as he continued to smile brightly as he helped Josh on his feet and out of his spit.
"So did you smell what I was talking about?" Scott asked, still fooled by Josh's previous lie. "I would've thought for sure after that burp, bro!"
"Nope… still didn't quite catch what you were talking about." Josh continued the lie. "But I felt like I was getting really close, right before you spat me out."
"Oh dang, well my bad dude." Scott rubbed the back of his neck, Josh watching his arm flex a little as he did. "But any further and I think it would've been a lot harder to get you out, right?"
"Um… yeah I guess. But I trusted you. I bet it would've been fine." Josh sweat a little, staring at Scott's body through his tight tank top. Scott just chuckled a little more as he carried Josh out of the bathroom and out into his living room as he sat down on his sofa.
"I dunno, bro! I would've tried my best!" Scott smiled, not entirely confident. "But it wouldn't have have been good. Like you said wouldn't my stomach acid make quick work of you?"
"Oh I mean, it would depend." Josh hand waved his previous statement. "Like there's a lot of factors that can play into it, like how fast your metabolism is, how much you recently ate, how much water you've drank, how hungry you are, and more."
Scott simply blinked a few times as he sat back looking at Josh. "Uhhhh so you'd be like, okay?"
"Umm…" Josh was really not trying to push his lies too far. "Maybe for a little longer. But yeah still if you didn't get me up, I'd be protein shake."
"Oh bro, well I don't want that!" Scott frowned, not wanting to think about his tiny friend being turned into protein soup in his gut. "Even if I did hit chest hard today, I doubt you'd wanna spend the rest of your life being pec muscle, bro!"
Josh shivered a little at the statement. A huge part of him absolutely wanted to be pec muscle for the rest of his life. "I mean, when you put it like that, I could think of way worse ways to spend the rest of my life!"
Scott laughed again, thinking Josh had to just be joking. "You're funny, little dude! Don't worry buddy! I'll keep a close eye on you so that never happens."
"I appreciate that, Scott…" Josh crossed his arms, a little disappointed. "It's funny, you remind me a lot of a friend of mine. But if he was in your situation, he would've probably swallowed me on purpose back there."
"Huh? Why would he do that to you, bro?" Scott tilted his head. "Like he'd do it knowing you'd get like all stomach acided?"
"Oh for sure. Like you he's always at the gym." Josh wondered if he could somehow change Scott's mind. "He'd probably do it and tell me I'd be lucky to be part of his muscle, like you with your chest."
"Is that really lucky though, bro?" Scott scratched his chin. "I mean, I don't know much about like food and eating besides what I do for my body building. But wouldn't it like hurt?"
Josh blushed a little. Scott was so cute with how dumb he was, but that just made the attractive titan all the more appealing to him.
"I mean, maybe. I wouldn't know." Josh knew it would in fact be painful, but he didn't want to tell Scott that. "But with my friend he does have a very impressive physique. I would be pretty lucky to be a part of it."
"Ha, dude your friend must be jacked for you to say that!" Scott laughed, still not taking the conversation too seriously.
"Oh he is! But you know, you might be bigger? I mean you're certainly taller but…" Josh looked at the tank top still obscuring Scott's torso. It was extremely clear he was more muscular too. But Josh was hoping he could keep passing off small lies. "It's hard to tell if you're more muscular with your tank top on and everything."
"Oh word bro. One sec!" Scott leaned forward, setting Josh on a coffee table before the giant stood up and peeled off his tank top and tossed it over to his gym bag by the kitchen table. Josh stared up at the giant, mouth agape. His pecs bounced like beach balls and his abs were so thick and cut, Josh could just imagine being lost in them like a maze. Scott reached down and scooped Josh into his hand, holding him away from his body to give Josh a good view before being him closer to his face. "Whatcha think, little dude? Am I bigger than your buddy?"
"Oh absolutely! Yes one hundred percent!" Josh was sweating like he was in a sauna. "Yeah now without the tank top it's very obvious."
"Wooord bro! That gets me pumped!" Scott flexed his other arm with a slightly cocky smile. "Not that like it's a competition or anything…"
Josh felt like there were strands of arrogance leaking through. The idea of Scott getting more arrogant really got Josh interested for more…
Thinking on it, Josh wondered if he could feed into this cockiness a little more.
"I mean if it was a competition you'd win easily, no question." Josh sucked up the giant, hoping he could expand his ego to the point of Tyler levels. "I mean, I said I'd be a lucky to be part of my friend. But the reality is I'd be even luckier if it was you instead!"
Looking down at Josh in his palm, Scott's face gave off an air of…
"Well… I mean." Scott blushed very slightly. "Not that I'd want that, bro. But I guess it would be pretty lucky, huh?"
"Oh very lucky! I mean it'd be a once in a life time opportunity." Josh tried to sell it, seeing bits more of arrogance leaking out of Scott. "I wouldn't just say that about anyone either. I mean look at you!"
Scott looked down at his own body. It wasn't super often he'd check himself out, but the tiny man did have a pretty decent point. "I am pretty fucking big, huh dude?"
"The biggest guy I've ever seen. But meanwhile here I am, the smallest guy you've ever seen." Josh tried to sound as meek and weak as possible. Josh watched a smirk briefly flash across Scott's face.
"Kinda hilarious how small you are, bro." Scott looked away from Josh, smirking again a little. "It's crazy to think I just had an actual person inside my mouth."
"Right? I'm as impressed as you are." Josh shook a little, eyes locked on Scott's incredible body. "It's even crazier to think you almost swallowed me. Probably would've been too easy. I bet you wouldn't have noticed if you didn't know I was there."
"Dang right, dude. I mean I swallow supplements way bigger than you every morning before breakfast." Scott chuckled with an air of cockiness. "And yeah bro, no offense but I could barely feel you in my mouth. Let alone if I swallowed you."
"It's okay, it's to be expected, right?" Josh blushed beat red at Scott's comment. "It's wild though. Like I'm so small that if you had just decided you wanted to eat me just because you felt like it, you could do it. There'd be nothing I could do to stop you."
"Ha, bro you could try and run away, I guess?" Scott looked around still standing and holding Josh up high from the ground in his hand. "Though that's a long fall for you if you jumped, huh little dude?"
"There'd be no point in running." Josh simply sat down in Scott's palm. "Even if I did make it to the ground, you could catch me without even taking a step."
"You wouldn't even try to run if I told you I was gonna eat you?" Scott asked, a little surprised, but also feeling a little impressed with himself.
"No, I'd accept it." Josh continued to sweat, wondering what was knocking around in Scott's empty skull.
"Cool… cool bro." Scott rubbed the back of his neck trying to act casual. "Not that I want to, bro! Just asking is all."
"Oh no I understand!" Josh tried to play it casually. "I mean tomorrow when we go to the water park, I'll go back to normal and we won't ever have to think about this again, right?"
"Right, dude!" Scott forced a smile, a little sweat starting to run down his face. "I mean you've probably got like a girl friend and stuff to get back to with your regular life, huh?"
"Oh no, I live alone. Not much to go back to really." Josh was slightly amused at Scott's assumption.
"Oh really? That surprising, little guy." Scott continued to sweat a little.
"Yeah so if you did decide you wanted to eat me or whatever, it wouldn't be a big deal." Josh tried to actual casual about his own demise. "If anything, I'd have more purpose adding a little protein to your huge muscles."
"That would be pretty awesome, huh?" Scott smirked looking down at his torso again. "Wouldn't go to waste at all, I guarantee, bro."
"I don't doubt that!" Josh sat forward, excited by the potential prospect. Deciding to flip his script a little, Josh trailed off on a different notion. "But you know, I think I'm actually looking forward to getting back to my regular life. This whole ordeal has just been very scary!"
"Yeah but there's like no rush right?" Scott laughed nervously. "I mean you can hang with me since you've got nobody to go back to at home, right?"
"Yeah, but we can just hang out at our normal sizes, right?" Josh shrugged it off, hearing a slight bit of desperation in Scott's voice.
"No, dude." Scott answered quickly without thinking. "I want you to be small."
"Huh, what's going on Scott?" Josh asked, faking concern as the giant got slightly more aggressive.
"I said, I want you to be small, bro." Scott's face going a little red with anticipation. "I like being so big around someone. You're like a little talking bug or a crumb…"
"What are you saying Scott?" Josh's heart started to race as he stood up, continuing his act as he back away from Scott. He knew he had nowhere to go as he neared the edge of Scott's palm.
"You said you wouldn't run, bro. Not that you're getting very far." Scott smirked now feeling even more arrogant as he saw Josh go back on his word. "I thought we were friends, bro."
"We are, Scott!" Josh stood neat the edge of Scott's hand, wondering how much further he had to push the giant. "The way you're looking at me is making me nervous though!"
"Listen, runt." Scott commanded, as Josh was taken aback by the giant calling him 'runt'. "It's like we said, you should consider yourself lucky."
"You don't mean…?" Josh asked, heart ponding out of his chest. Scott reached into his palm, trying to catch Josh as he ducked out of the way before he easily pinched the tiny man between his fingers.
"You get to be part of this, bro." Scott held Josh up in front of his chest, making his pecs bounce easily. Josh watched as Scott flexed his bicep, letting out a deep breath as he simultaneously flexed his abs. "There's nothing you can do, runt."
Scott's cockiness was intoxicating to Josh. He never knew such a kind hearted man could turn so harsh with his ego stroked a little.
"Scott please! I just want to go back to my normal life!" Josh faked the line, completely entranced by Scott's body.
"Nope, dude. You're going to fill a more important duty." Scott brought Josh in close to his face. The smell of chicken and chocolate washing over Josh again as Scott's mouth opened slightly. "Squirm all you want. It won't help, bro."
Scott lowered Josh into his massive maw, dropping him inside and closing his jaw behind the tiny man. Slipping and sliding on the moist tongue, Josh was sloshed around in the giant's mouth for a few minutes as Scott would chuckle a little, entertained whenever he'd feel Josh squirm.
"So small and helpless, bro." Scott's voice boomed out over Josh. "Good luck in my stomach, runt."
With a deafening gulp, Josh found himself pulled down into the giant's esophagus, nothing but the rhythmic beat of Scott's heart and his breathing to guide him as he went deeper into the darkness of Scott's body. A little time passed before Josh was deposited into Scott's stomach, no different than any other morsel of food or scrap of protein. Josh pulled himself up and out of some murky half digested sludge, a little shocked at Scott's turn but satisfied none the less.
"Maybe it wasn't a great idea." Josh looked around him as Scott's stomach churned and gurgled slightly at the addition of more food. Josh shrugged though, this was what he wanted. "Nah it was worth it."
Reclining back in the sludge, Josh found himself being rocked about in Scott's gut as it continued to churn and digest. Sure Josh knew it was only a matter of time before the massive stud's body would process him as well, but it didn't matter. Scott stomach constricted and shifted as the giant belted out a huge burp from above.
- - -
"BRRRRUUUURRRP!" Scott felt the gas just explode out of his body. It was so much more satisfying than usual as Scott rubbed his stomach.
"Shit better not do that again. Don't wanna accidently burp him up." Scott reminded himself as he patted his gut a few times. Something about deliberately and somewhat cruelly devouring the little man he found and rescued just made him feel so huge. He really didn't know what came over him, normally he couldn't imagine dominating someone like that. But something about this just felt so good. Casually flexing his arms, Scott smiled to himself as he exhaled some air, constricting his abs.
"Can't believe he tried to run, bro." Scott said to himself, putting his hands on his hips and looking down at his abs. "No where to run now, little dude."
"I think you should probably clean up… I didn't want to say anything but I could kinda smell you from here." Josh felt a little bad admitting it, but it was true.
"Ouch, dude!" Scott laughed as he lowered his arms. Scott leaned over Josh, opening his arm pit over where Josh was standing on the plate. "It's not THAT bad is it?!"
"Oh god it's like being in the gym bag again!" Josh covered his nose trying to flee from Scott's arm pit as the giant laughed and moved it away.
"Right, I forgot you said you stowed away in there, right?" Scott looked at the bag on the floor, a few stinky clothes spilling out. "You probably smell worse than I do, bro."
Josh sniffed himself, and he hated to admit that it was probably true. "Oof you know you might be right…"
Scott leaned his face in close to Josh, bringing his nose in near him. Realizing what was happening, Josh tried to quickly stop the giant.
"Scott! Wa--!" Josh tried to get out as Scott sniffed, sucking Josh quickly into his nose as the dumb jock reared back as Josh was sucked up his nose.
"Hu?!" Scott froze as he felt the tiny man go up his nose. He tapped his nose, feeling the faintest struggle inside, deep up in his nostril. "Oh shit, sorry, dude! Don't worry, I know what to do!"
Scott leaned back and snorted loudly, sucking Josh in further in a massive goopy sounding sniff. Like hocking up a loogie, Scott sucked Josh into his mouth in a glop of snotty spit before spitting the tiny man out back onto the plate. Scott looked down in the gross loggie, fingering aside from of the spit as he saw Josh laying there on his back.
"Sorry, dude! I forgot how little you are!" Scott apologized, still trying his best to use his finger to carefully pull Josh out of the spit. Josh meanwhile, finally sat up from the glop, in a bit of shock.
"That's one of the grossest things I think I've ever experienced." Josh said plainly, really unable to process how he felt. "I think I definitely want to clean up now."
"Duuuuude, I'm such a moron." Scott felt bad for what he just did. "If it makes you feel any better, you did smell pretty bad from what I got out of you, bro!"
Josh was still a little too mortified to really react, but Scott couldn't help but laugh as he stuck out his tongue and scratched it with his finger.
"Tasted pretty rank too, bro!" Scott continued to make light of the situation as he tried focus on the taste that was left in his mouth. Noticing Josh still frozen in disgust, Scott scooped the little guy out of his spit. "But yeah let's both get cleaned up, okay?"
"Thanks…" Josh moved his arms a little, strands of saliva dripping off him like ooze.
- - -
Getting cleaned up, Josh was able to ring out his clothes in a little water and wash himself with a bit of dish soap. Drying out his clothes under a light bulb Scott provided for him, Josh waited for Scott to finish up in the bathroom as he got changed back into his dry clean clothes. Josh watched as Scott went from the bathroom, to his bedroom, before the giant reemerged a few minutes later wearing a pair of loose grey shorts with his black compression shorts very visible as Scott barely tried to pull them up. He was shirtless now, showing off his massive pecs and chiseled abs with no obstruction. On his head he wore a backwards black hat covering his wet shaggy brown hair. Josh's jaw dropped a little as the massive jock approached, looking like a god with his amazing still slightly glistening with wetness body.
"Sorry, all my shirts are kinda dirty." Scott apologized as he walked over to the table, looming over Josh like a monolithic mountain. "You get all cleaned up, little dude?"
"Uh huh…" Josh could do little more that gawk as he stared up at the attractive hunk. Eyes squarely locked on Scott, Josh watched as he moved down back into his seat, pecs bouncing as if in slow motion as Josh watched on slack jawed.
"Good, bro! I was worried I traumatized you there, buddy!" Scott smiled attractively as he leaned in close to Josh.
"N-no it's totally fine. It was an honest mistake!" Josh blushed, turning away slightly as any resentment Josh could have held melted away faster than he could have imagined. "So now that we're all cleaned up, what do you wanna do for the night?"
Scott sat back, putting a hand on his chin in thought. Josh all the while couldn't keep his eyes off Scott's insane body.
"We should play videogames, dude! Do you you like madden?!" Scott asked enthusiastically as he leaned forward.
"Well I can't exactly hold a controller." Josh pointed out the obvious, but the face Scott made caused Josh to realize it might've not been obvious to the giant. "But I could watch you play!"
"I guess, but it'd be more fun if you could play too…" Scott sat back, a little disappointed. "Do you have any ideas, dude?"
"Well…" Josh thought of a few things he'd always wanted to do as a tiny around a giant. "Like we were talking about earlier, this is like a once in a life time situation you and I are in, right? Anything you can think of that we could do given my current size?"
"Uhhhh!" Scott thought again loudly. "It was kinda cool feeling when you were like all squirmy in my nose, dude!"
Josh blushed a little. In the moment it was kind of scary, but Josh couldn't believe he was actually sucked up inside the attractive giant.
"Oh what about it was cool?" Josh asked, genuinely curious.
"Just I don't know, dude. Your little squirms we're cute. Like you were so helpless, bro." Scott rubbed the back of head a little embarrassed. "Not that I wanna snort you up again, bro!"
"It's okay, I'll admit I was surprised, but it was neat." Josh admitted. "Like I'm so small, I forget how I could just get sniffed up or eaten or something. And I mean like we talked about, you're so huge it wouldn't be hard for me to believe there was a city full of people living in or on you!"
"Heh, I'd probably feel a lot of squirming, then wouldn't I?" Scott put his hands on his body, running them up and down his muscles a little. "Would you wanna like… crawl around on my body?"
Josh's face flushed bright red as Scott made the suggestion. He wanted so badly to say yes to the offer. But given how reckless and dumb Scott was, Josh wasn't entirely sure it was a great idea. Thinking on it for a moment, Josh decided they should…
"Alright, so first off there's no… tiny… city…" Josh tried to start talking as Scott quickly moved his head away from him before scooching his chair back in. Instead Josh was just greeted with the sight of Scott's massive abdomen with his tank top covering what Josh assumed to be an incredibly muscled body. "Ummm… Scott?"
Josh's words fell on deaf ears as Scott smiled down at Josh. "Don't worry little guy! Say no more, I'll get you home, dude!"
Scott pounded his chest with a fist a little with a smile in encouragement as he grabbed his fork. Knowing where this was probably going, Josh immediately tried to yell out to Scott and get away from the fork as it came descending down to him. However, Josh hadn't realized his back had actually gotten stuck to the sticky rice as he had his conversation with Scott. Pushing with no avail, Josh gasped as Scott scooped him and some amount of rice onto the fork. Raising his fork up to his face Scott smiled as he brought Josh in close.
"Hang tight little dude! Tell everyone inside me; What's good little homies!?" Scott clicked his tongue and winked as he shoved the fork into his mouth, not even noticing Josh's yells for him to stop as he sealed Josh inside. Pulling the fork out, Scott felt very proud of himself for helping this poor wayward tiny man.
"Gotta make sure to swallow him whole!" Scott thought to himself, fighting the instinctual urge to just start chewing. Not wanting to mess this up, Scott very carefully took a big gulp as he swallowed everything down. Setting his fork down, Scott sighed in satisfaction.
"Good Job, Scotty!" He told himself with a bright happy smile. "Bri's never gonna believe I have a city of tiny people living in me! She'll be all, wow Scott you're like a celebrity! "
Scott rested his hand on his chest, wondering if the little man had made it all the way down yet. He tried to imagine what it must be like inside him for the tiny guy. He couldn't help but be excited as his imagination went wild. Getting back to his food, he wanted to make sure he ate the rest of his meal and drank the rest of his protein shake as he finished all off with a satisfied burp.
"Oh whoops!" Scott realized after he burped. "Burping probably makes the city all rumbly down there!"
Scott stood up and rested a hand on his stomach again, still not feeling anything. "Oh well I'm sure they're okay. Sent all the food down there for them after all!"
Scott smiled, thinking he was doing something amazing for hundreds of people as he cleaned up his dishes from dinner. Still beaming with excitement, Scott happily strode into the bathroom, undressing as he really wanted a shower after getting sweaty at the gym. Looking at himself in the mirror before getting in the shower, Scott looked at his abs, resting his hand on the wall of solid muscle.
"I hope I get to see the tiny man again, dude!" Scott said to himself in the mirror as he patted his gut gently. "Oh man! I never asked him for his name!"
Scott tapped his forehead in disappointment. "It's okay! I'll ask him next time! If he needs helping getting home again, I guess…"
A little saddened by the fact that he never knew the little guy's name, Scott tried to reassure himself he'd see him again. Though part of him hoped the little guy wouldn't get lost again.
"It's a big scary world, dude…" Scott thought to himself as he got into the shower. "At least he's safe now!"
- - -
Panicking as he tried to climb up the slimy wall of Scott's stomach, Josh plopped to the ground in utter disbelief.
"This isn't happening!" Josh cried out to himself as he tried to scale up the wall again, tumbling down off it further down the folds of the wall of the stomach than he was before.
"This is a joke. He's not that stupid. He can't be. Nobody is this stupid." Josh rationalized, hoping he'd have a great big laugh in a few minutes when this giant realizes, fantasy or not, there's no way something could live inside the harsh acidic environment of a stomach.
"Everyone knows stomachs are full of STOMACH ACID! ACID! A-C-I-D!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs upward, knowing there was no way the giant could ever conceivably hear him. However, Scott's stomach must've have heard him. As if Josh commanded the organ to secret more acid, Josh jumped in pain as the wall he was near bubbled slightly as acid was pumping out, eating away at his exposed skin.
"No no no!" Josh backed away tripping over some half digested food. "This can't be happening!"
Scott's stomach churned hard as it mixed it's contents in a satisfied growl as if it was telling Josh, oh this is absolutely happening. Scott's stomach knew what it's job was even if Scott himself wasn't totally aware. The merciless organ felt no remorse as it did continue to do exactly what it's meant to do. Down to his last scream of pain, Scott's stomach churned about as if nothing had even happened.
- - -
Relaxing in his underwear after a satisfying shower, Scott sat back on his couch with his phone, still quiet pleased with how he helped someone today. Seeing he was getting a phone call from his girlfriend, Scott answered in a cheery tune.
"Hey babe! How was the drive? Your dad doing okay?" Scott smiled wide happy to hear from her.
"Hey Scotty, it was good! Dad's looking a little rough. I just wanted to check in on you." Bri answered, sounding like she was in the middle of doing something in the background. "Did you have dinner?"
"Yeah I did, I had that leftover chicken and rice you made. It was great babe!" Scott was a little sad he would have his girlfriend's cooking for a week. "Oh and I made a friend today!"
"Really, that's great. At the gym?" Bri asked, keeping her side of the conversation short.
"No no, he was this tiny guy in our apartment. I helped him get back to the tiny city inside my body!" Scott answered as if this was a perfectly normal thing. Brianna paused for a few seconds before she responded.
"That's… great Scott…" She finally broke the silence. "Just make sure you don't leave food out. We don't need more ants."
"Oh great idea Bri! If there's any more of them around I wouldn't want ants to bug them either!" Scott sat up, taking the thought very seriously.
"Right… well sounds like you're having fun. Guess that's all that matters." Bri sighed on the other end. "I've got to get back to dad. Try not to eat more bugs, Scott…"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Scott asked but Brianna had already hung up. Scott scratched his head. Scott set down his phone with a chuckle. "She's funny. I don't eat bugs!"
Scott laughed to himself as he decided to power on his game console and play some videogames while he relaxed tonight. Every once in awhile though he'd look down at his bare abs, wondering what kind of fun bustling excitement was going on inside him.
Josh climbed up the jersey as he made it into the college student's bag. Josh figured his arrogant attitude couldn't be any worse than Tyler's so if anything he hoped he had the experience to deal with it if necessary. More than anything, he knew the school this guy went to was super close to Shrink and Swim. So there's almost no way this guy hasn't heard about it. Making his way into the bag now, Josh tried to roll himself up a little bit in the soft sweaty smelling jersey, choosing to steer clear of the books as the last thing he wanted was to be squished between one of the massive slabs.
"This should be fine, right?" Josh sweat nervously, taking in the smell of the giant from his clothes. It was actually quite intoxicating as Josh found the sweatiness to be very appealing. "Just gotta lay low and wait for him to drop off his bag where ever he lives…"
Josh tried to relax but his heart just kept beating way too fast. Taking deep breaths, Josh just tried to let the smell of the jersey calm him down. Closing his eyes, Josh just tried to let time pass.
- - -
Opening his eyes as some time passed, Josh nervous waited as he felt the jersey get tucked into the bag on top of him and the zipper closing the top as the bag was lifted off the ground.
"Oh god this is crazy!" Josh started to panic, unable to believe he was going through with this in a desperate attempt to get home. Staying hopeful, Josh took another deep breath as the giant carried him off to where ever he was going.
- - -
Jon groaned as he slung his bag over his shoulder. It was a later workout than he would've liked and now looking at his phone he's pretty sure the dining hall back at the college was already closing up. Walking out of the gym, Jon looked up to see it was already getting dark out too.
"Fuck, dude…" Jon whispered under his breath as he started to walk back into the school, toward his dorm. He knew he had to get back soon. He had some stupid sheets to fill out for his sports management class, so as much as he's rather go out he knew tonight he was a little stuck. At the very least he knew he could stop at McDonalds for food on his way back since there was one on the edge of the campus. Jon's stomach rumbled a little on cue, reminding him how hungry he was after that workout.
Continuing on his way back, Jon made his stop into the fast food place, popping out his ear buds as he towered over the much smaller guy manning the register.
"W-what can I get you?" The guy had to look up at Jon, recognizing the behemoth of a man as being the star quarterback for his school while he merely worked part time at this McDonalds.
"Uhhh let's see. Twelve McDoubles, four large fries…" Jon paused for a second.
"A-anything else?" He asked, genuinely wondering if he was seriously ordering all this just for himself.
"Yeahhh small cup for water too." Jon added in on the end. Still shocked by the sheer amount of food, the cashier took Jon's money as he rung up the order. Filling up his cup and grabbing his food after a few minutes, Jon was on his way onto campus and making his way to his dorm just as the sun was starting to set. Making his way inside, Jon started to walk upstairs to his single making his way past some of the guys sitting in the common room.
"Yo Jon! What's the hurry bro?!" One of the guys called out to Jon as he tried to ignore them.
"Sup boys, just a little beat after crossfit." Jon shrugged while clutching his food and drink in his hands. "Maybe I'll catch you guys after I eat and show, word?"
"Aight dude!" The guy sat back down in one of the lounge chairs as Jon made his way into the halls, setting down his food for a second to unlock his door, letting himself inside and letting out a deep sigh.
"Maaaaaan I just wanna chill and do nothing." Jon complained as he set his food and drink on his desk, finally pulling off his backpack and setting it on his chair. Unzipping his bag, John pulled out his books and jersey and plopped them on his desk before tossing his bag onto his bed across the room. Jon sat down on his chair and leaned back, briefly taking off his hat and running his hand through his sweaty hair while he let out another sigh. Jon flipped on his tv, letting it land on a football game as he started taking his food out of his bag and setting it on his desk, unwrapping a few burgers and dumping out his fries on the wrapper.
- - -
Meanwhile, Josh pushed his way out of the fabric as he took a deep breath of fresh air as he reached the surface. Looking around Josh was immediately greeted by the sight of the giant he choose, sitting in front of him tearing into a burger. The attractive college student was wearing a backward black hat and a tight looking muscle tank top. Josh bit his lip a little as this guy was absolutely a sight to behold. From far away he was impressive, but now up close he looked like a god. Based off his vantage, Josh looked over the desk as he was pretty sure he was on top of the stack of books.
"I should get off this shirt before he tosses it!" Josh whipped his head around looking at the giant's bed, seeing the bag was tossed over there. But looking at Jon himself, Josh saw he was decently focused on eating and watching tv at the moment.
"Well maybe there isn't a huge rush…" Josh peered over the edge seeing the mountains of food below him he would rather not fall into. Still though Josh couldn't help but think there was no rest for the wicked. The sooner he acted, the sooner he could be found.
Looking over the edge Josh decided to…
"It's fine, with any luck maybe he'll just see me if I get closer." Josh rationalized to himself as he made his way to the edge of the stack. Carefully, Josh slid down the jersey and onto the desk just as Jon slammed down a half eaten burger next to his fries, not far from where Josh just landed. Josh's stomach rumbled a little as he remembered he hasn't eaten anything in hours since being lost and trying to make contact with someone. Josh watched as Jon pushed back his chair as he stood up, showing Josh just how insignificant he was as he muscular body loomed over him. Swallowing his food, Jon peeled off his sweaty tank and tossed it toward his bed. Josh's jaw dropped as he looked at the giant's body as he may as well have the physique of professional quarterback. Josh shook the feeling as Jon was stretching, making his way over to the burger Jon just dropped down.
"I'll just sneak a bite while he's not looking…" Josh thought as he approached the massive building sized burger. Grabbing onto it and taking a bit of the bread, Josh savored it for a second before he found himself being raised off the ground. Yelling in terror, Josh dropped what he felt like was a great distance before landing on a squishy french fry. Sighing, Josh held his chest, glad he got any bite, but even more glad he didn't get stuck somehow.
"Huh?" Josh heard Jon say from far behind him as the giant still stood over the food on his desk. Josh didn't look as he was still trying to relax after the fall, figuring the giant must've just saw something on the tv. However, Josh's stomach dropped and he found himself being lifted by the back of his shirt as he hadn't noticed two massive fingers reach down and pinch him up. Josh screamed as he went raising into the air before stopping, seeing Jon's two massive light blue eyes staring at him, one eyebrow raised.
"No fucking way!" Jon said as he looked at Josh a little more closely. "I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw you fall off my burger. You're a little tiny person!"
Josh found himself far too shocked to even know what to say. His heart was beating out of his chest and his mouth suddenly went drier than a desert as this giant jock held him in front of his face.
"Bro, this is fucking insane." Jon said to Josh with a slightly unamused tone. "Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing in my food?"
Josh's heart sank a little by how aggressively the giant came off. He was so nervous, he could barely muster a squeak. Jon's eyebrow rose even further as he watched the tiny man fidget. Jon's eyes narrowed a little as he looked at Josh.
"You look like a dude, I think. Listen up bro, you have a shit ton of explaining to do." Jon intimidated Josh even more. "Again, why are you in my fucking food? Who the fuck are you?"
Once again, Josh was still in shock. Panicking a little, Josh started to squirm helplessly on instinct. Jon leaned back slightly still looking pissed.
"Aight, dude. Last chance to speak up." Jon moved Josh closer to the burger he still held in his other hand. "If you don't, you're going back in the food where I found you. I don't have time or patience to keep a mute tiny human pet."
Josh wanted to scream but he just couldn't push out any words or sounds. He wanted to be found, but not like this! Jon brought him up to his face again, expecting an answer from Josh. Josh's face went red as he tried as hard as he could to nervously speak up and…
No matter how hard he tried, Josh couldn't even manage to open his mouth in the face of this aggressive and arrogant giant. Sweat running down his face, Josh simply remained frozen as he saw Jon shake his head. Jon set his burger down on the desk as he grabbed the top off another. Moving Josh over to the open burger, Jon couldn't help but chuckle cockily.
"Whatever, bro. Missed your chance. Get back in the food, loser." Jon shrugged unempathetically as he dropped Josh into a mess of ketchup and mustard on the burger before putting the top bun back on. Picking back up his half eaten burger, Jon shoved the rest in his mouth as well as a fist full of fries. Chewing it up and swallowing it down, Jon grabbed another burger all the while alternating watching tv and checking the burger he stuck Josh on. Grabbing a sip from his water, Jon let out a deep breath as he finished swallowing down his most recent mouthful of food. He couldn't help but smirk a little as he saw something miniscule squirm to the front of the burger. Jon picked it up and squeezed it slightly a glob of ketchup leaked out. Jon chuckled slightly as he saw the tiny man get squeezed out along with it, stuck to the side of the burger. Without hesitation, Jon took a bite directly over where Josh was, easily engulfing the little man into his mouth as he very slowly and carefully chewed. Searching around in his mouth, Jon felt a faint squirm, which he quickly sucked into his cheek before he swallowed. With a small casual burp, Jon opened his mouth and spat out the speck from his cheek. Looking in his palm, he saw his guess was correct and it was in fact the tiny guy.
"Still here huh?" Jon smirked, amused that he was able to guess it was the tiny man amongst the mess of food in his mouth. "Bro, I don't know if you're a fan, a stalker, or a spy from another school. But two out of three of those I hate."
Jon rolled Josh around in his palm, looking at the spit covered man with mild amusement. "Speak the fuck up little guy. What's your fucking name?"
Jon moved his hand over to his ear, expecting nothing as Josh gained his composure after being swished around in Jon's mouth.
"J-josh!" Josh whimpered, hoping the giant man had changed his mind about helping him or not. Jon moved Josh away from his ear as he looked down at him with an arrogant smirk.
"Josh huh? So you can talk." Jon smiled glad he got the tiny man to finally speak up. "Well Josh, I'm Jon. Our names are pretty close, huh?"
Jon lifted Josh up closer to his ear again, wondering if Josh would continue to speak. "P-please don't eat me…"
Jon smirked, moving Josh away from his ear, disappointed that's all the tiny man had to say. "Sorry to disappoint you, Josh, but I'm definitely still going to eat you."
Jon dropped Josh back into his plethora of food as he spread his arms, and flexing his muscles a little as he still stood towering over his meal.
"Just figured I'd give you a good fucking view on the outside first, bro!" Jon backed up slightly and gave a double bicep flex over his food. "You know, before you end up in my stomach with the rest of my dinner."
Drunk with this power he had over this tiny person's life, Jon continued to believe there was no reason that this guy was here by mistake. Grabbing one of his last few burgers, Jon tore into it as he watched Josh tumble and struggle over the pile of fries.
"He's just got to be a spy or some shit from some other school." Jon thought silently to himself as he chewed his burger. "Other schools are probably curious what kind of perfect condition I'm in… probably try to steal my workout routine…"
Jon just continued to stare at Josh silently, very convinced behind his reasonings. Finishing off the last of his burgers, Jon wiped his hands together as he saw Josh finally nearing the edge of the wrapper on his desk. He rolled his eyes, amused at the tiny man's determination as he reached down and once again very easily plucked Josh up between his fingers.
"Where do you think you're going, bro?" Jon said arrogantly with a deep voice as he brought Josh up what seemed like miles off the ground back up to his face. Jon chuckled as he angled Josh down to look at his ripped abs. "Crazy right? Twelve burgers and not even a dent, bro."
"P-please let me go…" Josh whimpered, mixed feels of terror but also oddly transfixed on Jon's abs. Jon held Josh up closer to his face.
"Bro, did you just say let you go?" Jon tilted his head back and held Josh over his lips. "Aight bro, letting you go!"
Jon opened his mouth and dropped Josh. Hearing the tiniest little scream as he fell into his mouth, Jon caught him inside and closed his jaw. Leveling his head and giving a slight smirky chuckle, Jon was amused by how easily he could toy with and manipulate the tiny guy.
"Any more requests, Josh? Maybe you're ready to get swallowed, bro?" Jon mocked Josh, rolling him around on his tongue. Even if the tiny guy could say anything at this point, Jon knew there was no way he'd even know it. Watching the football game again now as Jon stretched his arms while casually sucking Josh into his cheek and sliding him around in his mouth. Inadvertently at some point, Jon swished Josh toward the back of his throat, sucking the little guy down his esophagus without even noticing. A few minutes went by before Jon realized whatever he thought was Josh was actually just a piece of food that must've dislodged from between his teeth.
"Shit did I swallow you, dude?" Jon asked aloud, not feeling any of the tell tale squirming that he felt before. "Fuck that was too easy. What a fucking little loser!"
Grabbing the remainder of his fries, Jon shoved them in his mouth chewing them up and washing them down with the rest of his water. Patting his chest, Jon let out a long satisfied burp as he rounded up the multitude of wrappers and tossed them into his garbage. Desk clear, Jon finally decided it was time to get a shower as he undressed and grabbed his things before wrapping himself with a towel on his way to the dorm's showers.
- - -
"Jon! Please!" Josh begged straight up from the mound of food he was on. He knew it was fruitless of him to beg the giant for help now. He wished he just had the courage to speak up earlier. Josh dropped to his knees as Jon's stomach shifted as the giant was on the move on the outside. Clutching the mushy ground beneath him, Josh was positively humiliated as Jon's stomach churned and groaned a little.
Another lengthy burp rumbled from far above in the giant's throat as Jon's stomach constricted tighter, leaving little room for anything but food at this point. Josh's head started to go fuzzy from the lack of breathable air as he was continued to be churned up.
"I can't believe this is happening to me…" Josh weakly laid pinned between mounds of food, losing consciousness as he was mixed in deeper into the jocks gut, destined to be digested with the rest of the impressive giant's meal. Without much more will to go on, Josh was drug deeper into the pit of Jon's stomach, no escape in sight. For Jon however, he barely cared much of the interaction by the time he finished his shower. Deciding to ditch on his homework to hang out with his buddies instead, Jon never mentioned his discovery of Josh. After all, tiny losers like Josh aren't worth remembering anyway.
"Please! My name is Josh, I ended up here by mistake! It's a long story but I've been trying ton contact you for your help and --" Josh was suddenly cut off as Jon shook his head and spoke over him.
"Slow down, fuck dude. Went from silent to a mile a minute." Jon impatiently shut Josh up.
"Sorry…" Josh nervously apologized, still in quite a bit of shock at how aggressive the college jock was. "W-where should I start?"
"Well I caught your name, Josh." Jon rose an eyebrow as he continued to eye the tiny many pinched between his fingers. "And you ended up here… by mistake?"
"Y-yes. It's a long story but I was shrunk, ended up at your gym, tried to contact you, ended up here, and slipped and fell into your food while trying to get your attention." Josh tried to calmly and slowly explain the story.
"Bull, dude." Jon simply spat at Josh.
"W-what?" Josh questioned the giant, knowing he was telling the truth.
"What a bull fucking story, bro." Jon rolled his eyes. "Some kind of shrunken adventure, huh? Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"
"N-no! It's the t-truth!" Josh stuttered nervously. "I'm just trying to get home."
"Why didn't you just walk your shrunken ass home then, huh?" Jon questioned Josh with an attitude. "No for some reason you ended up here, spying on me."
"I-i'm not spying!" Josh tried to reason with Jon. "I don't even know who you are, I just needed help getting home. If I tried to go myself I'd probably get stepped on or eaten by some animal…"
"I guess that checks out." Jon decided to accept Josh's reason for not walking home himself. "But even more reason for me to assume you're here spying on me, runt."
"I told you, I don't even know your name!" Josh half lied, unsure if the Jon on the jersey was legit or not. "I wouldn't even know what someone would spy on your for!"
"Really? You don't know the star quarterback, Jon the man with cannon arms?!" Jon flexed his free arm for the added effect. "I can only imagine some other school is desperate to see my routine and diet."
"I don't even follow sports! I'm just a nerd!" Josh tried to belittle himself but at the same time try and make a better case for his argument.
"Nerds are good at getting information. That's another strike, runt." Jon shrugged, still quite convinced Josh was lying. Josh's stomach dropped though at the word 'strike' hoping he had more than three in this case. Jon sat back down in his seat, leaning back slightly as he dangled Josh over his food. "I better hear some better answers or you can be part of my diet other schools are so desperate to steal, bro."
Josh squirmed in fear as Jon brought him back closer to his face. "Please no! I'm telling the truth, I'll prove it however I can!"
"Better hope you can, bro. Because if you think I'd feel bad about eating some tiny nerd…" Jon rose an eyebrow with a cocky grin. "Well… you wouldn't have to be disappointed for long, bro."
Josh swallowed nervously. Jon seemed like the kind of guy who would've tossed him around in high school for the hell of it. It's only amplified a hundred times worse by his current size. Josh tried to think of a way to prove his story.
"I can prove where I was shrunk!" Josh squeaked as he saw the jock's phone sitting on the table. "If you just look it up, Shrink and Swim, it's that water park over by the beach. They shrink people before they go in the park."
Jon rose an eyebrow again at Josh. "Again bro, do you think I'm fucking stupid? Shrink and Swim? What kind of made up fantasy bull shit is that."
"Please! It's real! If you just pull it up on your phone." Josh tried to appeal to any sense of humility the giant might have.
"Why? So I can put you down and your run off while I look this fake ass place up?" Jon spat at Josh, narrowing his eyes and knowing bullshit when he sees it.
"N-no! You can put me where ever, I won't move!" Josh begged Jon to just take the ten seconds to look it up. Jon rolled his eyes and exhaled out his nose as he leaned back in his chair. Sitting forward, Jon looked at Josh in his clutches as he decided…
"Again… bro… do you think I'm FUCKING STUPID?!" Jon yelled at Josh, beyond pissed at the pathetic tiny man. Shifting Josh to be between his fingers instead of dangling from them, Jon pressed in on Josh ever so slightly as the tiny man yelled in pain.
"Squishing you between my fingers would be too easy." Jon glared at Josh with disgust. Jon watched Josh squirm a little, still in disbelief in how stupid the tiny must have thought he was.
"You know, with the dumb fucking nonsense you've been spewing, I wonder if whatever shrank you must've scrambled your tiny brain." Jon tried to rationalize that must be the reason why the tiny man made no sense. "Yo, runt. Tell me what's the name of this city?"
"Unnnggg…" Josh groaned in pain as he tried but couldn't respond. Jon simply rose an eyebrow, feeling like his suspicions were correct.
"Aight, how bout this. I weigh 270 pounds. How much protein do I need for muscle growth?" Jon asked the tiny man, leaning back and loosing his squeeze slightly.
"I… don't… know…" Josh wheezed. Jon shook his head in complete confirmation now.
"Yeah, I'm sure of it now. Even the dumbest dudes on the team know how to calculate their protein." Jon leaned back now again, in confidence as if it was common knowledge that anyone would know off the top of their head. "Here's the deal, squirt. I actually feel bad for you."
Jon said this as he stood up from his chair, rolling his shoulders a little as he smirked down at the tiny many in his clutches.
"I'm gonna do you a massive favor." Jon chuckled a little at the irony of his size. "A giant favor, bro!"
Jon walked away from his desk, looking around his room as he decided to put Josh in…
"Hmm I might be able to flatter this Tank guy! If I can get him to spot me…" Josh thought to himself, approaching the fitness tuber's gym bag. Seeing a side pocket popped open, Josh figured that would be his best point of entry. Grabbing onto the fabric and pulling himself up, Josh climbed his way up the side a little before dropping inside the open pocket. Sliding down inside, Josh was relived to find the pocket wasn't home to sweaty socks or dirty underwear, but rather it was host to what looked like several different supplement bottles as well as some spare change and a protein bar.
"Could've been way worse." Josh was so thankful the pocket was stench free as he could definitely smell sweat coming from the other side of the wall, leading inside the main pocket of the bag. Knowing that the giant was only just starting his work out, Josh knew he likely had to wait here for quite some time before he returned for his things. "Might as well get comfy."
Snugging himself deep in the pocket, Josh tried to just relax and wait.
- - -
Some time went by as Tank finally wrapped up his work out. Naturally he had to record himself in the mirror for editing in some flexing to his video later, and thankfully some of the guys were kind enough to record him while he did some sets. It took awhile to record it all, but Tank knew it was worth it for the content. Pretty beat, Tank made his way back to the locker room. Normally, he'd take a shower and get changed, but since it was getting late, the massive fitness influencer elected to just quickly grab his bag and make his way out of the gym. Thinking about how he wanted to edit his clips, Tank pulled out his phone and started looking over the videos a little.
"Shit I should post a tik tok too." Tank remembered he hadn't posted yet today. Recording himself, Tank simply smirked at the camera and lifted his shirt up with his free hand, reversing the video and put it on a loop.
"Add a little music and… boom." Tank posted the video, sighing as he walked along the sidewalk. Keeping up with all his social media accounts was a lot of work. "I should really just hire someone to deal with this shit…"
Contemplating how he wants to grow his social medias as he walked, Tank found himself at his apartment building before too long. Making his way to his apartment, Tank unlocked the door and let himself inside, letting out a deep sigh of relief to finally be home. Tossing his gym bag onto a coffee table in his living room, Tank groaned as he saw it topple on it's side and some of his supplement bottles rolling out on to the table.
"Ehhh…" Tank walked away, figuring he'll grab it later. He was way more focused on getting on his computer and editing the videos he took today. Heading into his bedroom, Tank grabbed his lap top and took a seat at his desk.
- - -
Josh found himself toppling out of the bag, just barely avoiding being crushed by a rolling supplement bottle. Rubbing his head, Josh tried to stand up and take in his surroundings. Looking out at the general layout, it looked oddly familiar.
"The layout is identical to Tyler's apartment!" Josh immediately recognized it from times when he'd visit Tyler. Though this giant's apartment was far more tidy than his best friend's, the resemblance was otherwise uncanny. Josh wasn't sure though since he didn't see the path the giant took here, but Josh wondered if it was in fact the same apartment building as Tyler's, or was it just the same architecture?
"I don't remember Tyler ever mentioning a fitness influencer living in the same complex as him…" Josh wasn't sure if Tyler would know, but considering how much of a gym bro Tyler was, he wouldn't be shocked if he at least knew of Tank, if this was in fact the same building. Not wanting to make assumptions, Josh figured he should still come up with a plan for when Tank comes this way. Josh looked at his options. The bag was turned on it's side on the table, some of the contents spilled out. Looking around Josh saw the pill bottle that nearly crushed him actually roll off the table onto the ground, but more interestingly was the protein bar just laying there now.
"I'm sure he'll want that, maybe I can be seen from up there?" Josh rationalized to himself. Though Josh was none too interested in the idea of accidently ending up on the bar after it'd be unwrapped. "That probably won't happen…"
Josh tried to reassure himself. Though he knew he always had the option to just lay low and wait for a better opportunity.
Thinking on it Josh…
After a few minutes of climbing Josh made it to the top of the protein bar. From there, he realized the snack was already partially unwrapped. A strong chocolate-honey smell wafted from the open package.
“That smells so sweet for something so "low calorie," apparently…” Josh said, drooling a bit. His tiny stomach grumbled. When was the last time he had eaten since becoming lost in this big world? At that moment, it didn’t matter how long it had been. He needed to get food. Now.
The tiny made his way to the open portion of the protein bar. Making a leap of faith, he landed on it. After steadying his balance, he reached down and plucked a boulder of chocolate from the bar. Biting into it, the tiny’s tired scowl was replaced with a huge smile. Like a kid in a candy store, he brought more and more of the treat to his face, eating greedily.
“I don’t know if it’s the ingredients, or the adrenaline, or the fact that I’m starving; but this is the best piece of chocolate I’ve ever freaking had!” Josh thought to himself as he gorged. He was so busy stuffing his face that he failed to notice the giant's footsteps slowly approaching him from behind.
When Tank (now shirtless, barefoot, and preoccupied with setting up something on his phone) reached for his protein bar, he….
“What up T Nation, it’s ya boi The Tank, and I just wanted to pop in for a quick review on THESE new protein bars.”
Holding his phone camera with a ring light attached in one hand, Tank used the other to raise the protein bar to his handsome face. If he weren’t so busy making sure the camera angle perfectly highlighted his beefy shoulders, he may have noticed the squirming speck stuck to the edge of the snack. This close to his face, he may have even heard Josh’s screams of “HELP ME!” or “DOWN HERE.” But Tank’s own booming but superficial “content creator” voice overwhelmed anything Josh could yell.
“These bad boys are the R.A.G.H. brand of protein bars. Apparently they’re supposed to provide a great taste while still being low calorie.” Tank continued to the camera. “So, my gut and I are gonna test them out for you guys!” He said, smiling. Josh’s heart sank, looking down at Tank's well defined torso. The tiny could swear he heard it grumble.
Catching Josh off guard, the influencer brought the bar into his mouth quickly. He was about to take a bite, but then stopped, taking the bar back out. This quick motion gave Josh both physical and emotional whiplash as he held on for dear life not to fall into Tank’s mouth. Tank eyed the protein bar with a playfully seductive look.
“What? You don’t wanna be fuel for the Tank?” Tanner laughed at his food, then panned the camera down to show his washboard abs. He knew a good portion of his audience liked it when he made jokes like that (for some reason), so he teased the protein bar a bit to please his fans. He’ll just delete the weird “vore me next” comments later.
“Welp. That's too bad R.A.G.H. Protein Bar! The Tank’s ‘bout to chow you down. Heh.” He said as cocky as he could, playing it up for the camera. Josh was nearly in tears as he struggled desperately to get off the sticky surface. But it was too late. Tank took half of the bar and absolutely CHOMPED down on it.
Fortunately, the impact of the teeth shook Josh free. Unfortunately, that freedom just caused him to be thrown about randomly in the titan’s mouth as Tanner chewed his food. Sometimes he’d open his mouth briefly while doing so, giving Josh horrifying glimpses of the decimated chocolate. After a few chews, Tank collected the mush to his tongue, unknowingly grabbing a tiny passenger in the clump. “NOOOOOO!” Josh pleaded as he was sent closer and closer to the back of Tank’s mouth.
On the outside, Tanner put his phone close to his neck. He swallowed, getting a close up of his Adam’s apple bobbing. An attentive fan in the comments would later point out the faint scream sound effect that Tank must have added. But for now, the giant simply moved the attention of the camera back to his face for “vlog mode.”
“Wow.” Tank said with a dramatic pause.
“I don’t know if it’s the ingredients, or the adrenaline, or the fact that I’m starving; but this is the best piece of chocolate I’ve ever freaking had!”
The giant lied with a big smile on his face. The R.A.G.H. bar was mediocre at best. But as the first bite hit the bottom of his stomach, he did feel as though it was somehow different from others he had eaten in the past. And for some reason, as his food stewed away and got digested in his stomach while relaxing that night, The Tank did feel stronger just by eating it.
As Josh was lost in thought, Josh jumped as there was a sudden banging on Tank's front door. Peeking around the gym bag, Josh watched as Tank came out of his room, crossing the living room to answer the door. Josh's heart leap with a bit of hope as Tank opened the door it was none other than Tyler at the door as well as another guy he didn't recognize.
The new guy was Tyler's height a stark contrast to seeing Tank tower over the two by several inches. He wore a sideways flat brim cap and slung a skate board over his shoulder. He was shirtless and glistened with sweat on his very tanned toned body. He had a very classic skater bro build and had tattoos up his arms. Despite looking sweaty, Josh was slightly perplexed to see he was wearing sweat pants. Tyler meanwhile was still dressed in his lifeguard uniform, much like Josh saw him earlier today.
"Hey sup, Ty, Hunter. What's up bros?" Tank answered the door, not expecting company.
"Yo, Tanner. Got a minute?" Tyler asked, pretty much letting himself and Hunter inside.
"Sort of, kinda busy with the new video." Tank rubbed the back of his neck, not really expecting or wanting interruptions.
"Oh word, bro. Want help?" Hunter asked, setting down his board for a second and pointing toward Tank's room.
"Uh yeah, sure dude. You can play around with it if you want." Tank crossed his arms, not sure if he trusted Hunter with his footage, but figured the worst he could do would delete it and he'd have to start over. "Anyway, what's up Ty?"
Tyler sighed heavily, giving a worried expression. "Dude, my best friend went missing today at work."
"Oh bro, that's not good. Guessing you guys have been out looking for him?" Tank asked, noticing the two looked pretty sun kissed.
"Yeahhh…" Tyler sighed disappointingly. "He left his phone in his office and I even swung by his house. Nothing, bro."
"That's not good, dude…" Tank wasn't really sure what he could exactly do. "That your buddy Josh we haven't met?"
"Ha! Yeah… I try not to bring him by here too much." Tyler was embarrassed. "His house is so clean and my place… well…"
"Yeah your place is a sty, Ty." Tank laughed, knowing that when the three hang out, they never use Ty's apartment.
"Heh… Ty Sty…" Tyler couldn't help but laugh at the rhyme. "Anyway… dude I was hoping you'd help me look for him."
Tank rubbed the back of his neck again. He really wanted to finish his video but he could tell Tyler was pretty worried.
"Sure… I just wanna finish doing my video." Tank pointed back to his room, seeing Hunter come back out.
"It's done, bruh." Hunter giving a shaka sign wag of his hand. In a little disbelief, Tank went over to his laptop.
"Oh dang." Tank watched through what Hunter did. "I didn't know you knew how to edit videos…"
"Yeah bro. Took a video editing class before I dropped out." Hunter chuckled casually, looking at the video he put together.
"Noted, dude…" Tank made the mental note. Posting the now completed video, Tank wiped his hands together glad to see how easy that was with Hunter's help. "Well, guess I've got no excuse, dudes. What's the plan?"
"I've got a bunch of the guys from park out looking, dude." Tyler checked his phone hopeful for a message from someone. "But I figured extra eyes doesn't hurt. Hunter's been skating around trying to cover ground. I figured you'd be able to help look over a few heads?"
"Yeah dude, for sure." Tanner knew his extra height might come in handy. "Why would this dude go missing anyway?"
"Well I mean you know where I work." Tyler spoke to both Hunter and Tanner, who nodded. "I always hear Josh talk about how the government wants to buy his shrinking tech and junk. I dunno dude… maybe he got kidnaped, or the government might've finally got to him? I don't know."
"That's a lot bro…" Tank crossed his arms, feeling like if either of those were the case, what could they do? "What would we even do if that was the case? Maybe we should just go to the cops?"
"Nah dude, the police are worthless." Hunter crossed his arms in protest. "They're too worried about people skating in the road to care about a missing person, bruh."
"That just sounds like a you problem, dude…" Tank rose an eyebrow. "So what's the plan?"
"Well…" Tyler crossed his arms in thought. "I figured we could…"
"I thought… maybe we could brainstorm here together a little bit?" Tyler thought hard, but barely having two braincells to run together himself, hoping that Hunter and Tank would have better ideas.
"Yeah yeah. Uhhh…" Tank went over to the coffee table, shoving the bag off the surface. "Take a seat fellas. I'm gonna grab a snack. I can't think straight on an empty stomach."
"Oh man, tell me about it." Tyler agreed, stomach rumbling a little as he hadn't eaten much since realizing Josh had gone missing. Hunter and Tyler made their way over to the sofa that was situated next to the coffee table. Taking a seat, the two made themselves comfortable. A few moments went by before Tank emerged from his kitchen, carrying a bowl of chips, some dip, and some assorted trail mix type snacks. Dropping the snacks off on the coffee table, Tank also grabbed Tyler and Hunter bottles of water.
"Here, you guys look like you've been out looking for awhile." Tank didn't want his friends to dehydrate. Joining them at the sofa, Tank propped his feet up as the three grabbed some snacks and tried to think of where they should try looking.
- - -
Josh rubbed his head. A lot of chaos just happened and he wasn't sure what the hell even happened. Eye sight adjusting, Josh realized he was…
Josh shook his head a little more, trying to figure out why the ground got so… soft? Pressing his hand into the white ground, Josh realized it wasn't ground but in fact it was the open container of ranch dip. Even worse, Josh now realized his hands and feet were stuck, being far too weak to pull himself out of the thick sticky dip.
"Shit! How the hell did I end up in here?!" Josh cried out, looking around in a panic, having no idea how Tank must've accidently send him flying to this exact spot. Josh's stomach dropped as he heard the sound of a bag of chips opening above him, followed almost immediately by a chip scooping dangerously close to him in the fresh dip.
"I got to get get out of here!" Josh tugged and pulled on his arms and legs, willing them to somehow move considering how close he is to being found.
- - -
"Does he have like a safe house maybe?" Hunter tossed some of the trail mix in his mouth, not terribly interested in the chips.
"Not that I know of, dude…" Tyler scooped another chip into the dip, narrowly missing Josh a second time. "I'm worried maybe… like he got shrunk and taken somewhere maybe?"
"Like kidnaped while tiny?" Tank took a swig of water, feet propped up trying to imagine what Tyler was putting up.
"Maybe. I don't know. Matt said the two of them were testing out a new ride, but then Josh disappeared at some point during that, dude." Tyler tried to recall what the chill surfer told him. "And he was tiny at the time."
"Broooo what if he somehow hitched a ride on your buddy Matt?" Hunter put an arm behind his head, relaxing on the couch a little too much.
"Hopefully not, bro." Tyler shook his head. "He said he went surfing soooo…"
"Oh dang, how small would the little guy be?" Hunter tried to picture more in his head how that would go for a tiny person.
"Super small." Tyler used two fingers to show how little. "Like this tall. If he ended up in the ocean… well…"
"Yeah someone that small could drown in a cup of water, let alone the ocean, dude." Tank took another sip of his water, peeking at it for a moment as he wondered if he'd even see a tiny person floating in his drink.
"What if he didn't make it to the ocean though, dude?" Tyler sat up a little, grabbing another couple chips, scooping it into the dip once again. Without realizing, Tyler had scooped up Josh as he head the chips at about chest level while he finished his thought. "What if he fell off somewhere on the way there? We should retrace his steps!"
Feeling proud of his break through, Tyler stood up, shoving the chips he had in his mouth. Barely chewing them as he coupled the food with a sip of water, Tyler felt like his energy was renewed as he swallowed the food down. Following Tyler's lead, Tank and Hunter came to their feet as well, though with not quite as much enthusiasm. Tyler had however already pulled out his phone.
"Yo, Matt!" Tyler energetically called Matt. "Where did you go after you last saw Josh? Think you could meet up and we could retrace your steps?"
- - -
"Tyyyyyler!" Josh cried out in desperation. Josh couldn't believe the irony, Tyler had started to connect the dots right in front of him. There was a chance! However that chance went down the drain, just as quickly as Josh had been set down into the giant's stomach. More water started to flood into the chamber as Josh could tell Tyler was on the move. He couldn't believe his rotten luck, his best friend was out looking for him everywhere, meanwhile here he was stewing away in the hot jock's stomach.
"There has to be a way…" Josh tried not to give up, finding his way to the wrinkly wall of the chamber. Josh tried his best to scale the slick and slimly surface. Tyler's constant movements did not make this an easy task, but Josh felt like he had to give every effort to prevail.
However, several minutes passed before even the natural contractions of Tyler's stomach were enough to simply slide Josh back down, deeper than where he started. Exhausted, Josh could barely feel his arms and legs. Tyler's stomach had already started digesting him after all, unwilling to let him find his tiny desperate friend.
- - -
"Ty, we've walked this way like four times." Tank impatiently crossed his arms, Tyler have lead them next to the CrossFit gym once again. "You're making me wanna head back into the gym, bro."
"That's your gym, dude?" Tyler looked over at the CrossFit gym, putting a hand under his chin and thinking for a moment.
"Yeah, why?" Tank tilted his head, wondering what dots Tyler was connecting. Tyler merely stood there for a second, before letting out a massive nasty burp.
"Woo! That feels so much better, dude." Tyler laughed and rubbed his gut. "Sorry, Just had to burp. But I was thinking about signing up for CrossFit, dude!"
"Oh, yeah you totally should, dude!" Tank laughed, realizing no dots were connected. "It'd be cool to have a buddy to work out with!"
"For sure, dude!" Tyler gave Tank a thumbs up before leading the group down the path to check just one more time.
Josh was about to start to climb into Tank’s bag but heard a strange hissing noise. He looked around, on edge, before he saw the cause of the noise creeping up on his side. A spider. And to Josh, a gigantic one.
“AH!?!?” Josh yelped, backing away from the bag and walking more toward the center of the locker room floor. The spider hissed at him, approaching the tiny man slowly and menacingly. Josh wasn’t sure if the creature was just territorial since it had a web underneath the bench, or if it wanted to add Josh to that web. Either way, he didn't want to find out. The tiny backed up quickly as the spider inched closer. The two were in such heated conflict with each other that they didn’t even notice the heavy footfalls of someone new entering the locker room.
A young looking man walked toward the center of the locker room. A frequent of the gym. He was probably a college student, around age 20. And he was QUITE built. He had short spiky brown hair and sharp blue eyes, standing around 6’4, wearing a gray tank top and black gym shorts. His muscles bulged, showing through his much too small tank top.
But Josh saw none of this description since he was facing away from the athlete. The first impression Josh would get of him would be the giant’s high top vans shoe slamming down on top of him.
Fortunately, the tiny man wasn’t completely obliterated. By sheer luck, he found himself stuck in one of the wedges of the titan’s sole. Josh panted heavily, shaken to his core. He wasn't even sure what was fully happening as the giant started to peel off his shoe from his foot after he sat down on the bench with Tank’s bag. Josh’s death grip on the wedge of the sole faltered, and the tiny fell to the floor, landing between the now socked feet of the giant stranger. This gave Josh a chance to look up at the giant man and see his handsome face for the first time. Unfortunately, the tiny nerd wouldn’t get much of a chance to gawk as his vision was once again obstructed by the giant’s foot.
“No, no- WAIT!” Josh protested, but it didn’t matter. The stranger’s sock rose above him and covered Josh’s entire body, pinning the man’s face in the area between the jock’s toes. The fabric of the man’s sock was the only thing keeping Josh from fully taking in the scent of the man’s toes, but needless to say Josh still got a noseful of foul odor. Josh gagged. The giant’s cheesy toes were the only thing he could smell. All semblance of fresh air was gone. The tiny choked on the putrid stink. He didn’t know how much more of this he could breathe in before suffocating.
But just before Josh passed out, the giant shifted his foot slightly. The small movement was enough to completely release Josh from his temporary prison. Gasping for air after unintentionally receiving mercy, Josh started to collect himself. He had to get away from this stranger. Fast. The tiny man got to his knees and desperately started to crawl away.
Meanwhile the stranger was completely unaware of the tiny man being forced to take in his scent. The giant took off his shirt to reveal his ripped torso, then peeled off both of his damp socks. As he did, Tank, the influencer from earlier, came back into the locker room. He had been so wrapped up in filming the video that he had forgotten his water bottle. The giant hairy man walked up to his bag, barely even acknowledging the man sitting next to it. But the other buff jock’s eyes went wide.
“Yo! Wait, aren’t you The Tank?” the college jock said, standing up and stepping on Josh without even realizing it in the process.
Tank, internally, didn’t really want a fan moment to happen right now. But he faked a smile and then went into showmode to greet the fan.
“Haha, yeah man. You watch my videos?” The hairy influencer smiled, hiding his impatience.
“Hell yeah dude. You’re, like, a legend! Dude, I bulked up SO much thanks to your videos. You’re my hero!” the jock said, smiling. He shifted his foot slightly in excitement. That’s all it took for the struggling tiny under his big toe to become an unrecognizable red stain.
Getting his ego stroked a bit, Tank started to appreciate the nearly naked fan. Partly for his earnest interest, but also because the young man seemed like he could potentially buy some Tank merch if coaxed enough.
“Oh, haha. Thanks man!” Tank said, holding his “The Tank” water bottle. Tanner continued to sweeten up his fan, doing his best to ignore the fact that he could smell the stranger’s foot stink without even being near them. “We could work out together, if you want. What’s your name, my guy?”
But Josh would never get to learn the identity of the Nameless Jock. A bug like him was simply destined to become a speck on the floor of the locker room forever.
Josh swallowed nervously as he looked out into the open floor. He knew there was no guarantee he'd even encounter anyone in the locker room. Meanwhile, Josh peeked back at the massive giant working the counter. He seemed like an attentive young man if he noticed a wrapper skipping across the ground, maybe he'd be perceptive enough to spot him? Looking left and right as if he were a crossing a busy street, Josh tried to look out into the distance to see if any giants were coming or going in the direction he intended to cross as fast as possible. Waiting for another giant man to walk by, Josh took a deep breath and started moving as fast as he could, trying to make the distance as quick as he could.
"Oh god! Why don't I go to the gym with Tyler ever!" Josh thought to himself as he panted and wheezed, not being terribly out of shape but not necessarily a runner by any stretch of the imagination. Pushing through his exhaustion, Josh couldn't help but note the irony that he was in a gym working out right now, be it by choice or otherwise. Running as fast as he could, but steadily slowing down, Josh looked at the counter, seeing it still look like it was miles away but somehow so tall and high it may as well have been one large building in the distance.
Slowing down to a tired jog Josh…
Slogging along, incredibly tired, Josh nearly collapsed as he finally reached the counter. He felt like it was some kind of miracle he made it to the counter without some blissfully unaware giant coming by and stomping him out of existence. Clutching his chest and catching his breath Josh walked around the side of the counter, making his way to the back and sticking close to the wall just in case the massive giant he was approaching suddenly turned and stomped away. Panting and taking deep breaths, Josh suddenly gasped as something fell in front of him, quite narrowly squishing him.
"Whoops." Josh heard the giant say above him as Josh saw he had dropped a pen on the ground in front of him. Josh watched as the handsome yet slightly intimidatingly looking man started to reach down for the pen. Without thinking, Josh reached out and latched himself onto it as everything rushed upward as the giant picked it up, setting it down on the counter. Letting go, Josh noticed the man had set it on a piece of paper as another giant was filling out an application in front of him.
"Sorry man, anyway just sign here." The worker said to another muscle bound giant signing up for the gym. Not wanting to be spotted in this awkward of a situation, Josh scampered out of sight under a different sheet of paper.
"Thanks, bro." The other giant responded, as the two made conversation, Josh thankful he hadn't been spotted quite yet. A few moments went by as the second man finished his application and left the counter. Looking at the worker, Josh tried to take him in a little better now from this new vantage. He was lean but clearly very well trained and muscular. He wore a backward black hat with curly short brown hair peeking around the sides. Josh looked at his bored expression with his dark brown eyes as he started spinning the pen he dropped before in his hand. Looking at the giant's chest, he wore the name tag "Cody".
"He looks like he could be a college student…" Josh said to himself, giving the giant a good look over. He was also clearly very tall. Josh figured him to be at least 6'7". Josh relaxed for a few minutes however. Now that he was out of immediate danger he figured it would be best to sit back and observe for a bit before making any rash decisions.
"I think I should try and get with him or someone else and have them spot me later rather than here…" Josh rationalized to himself, figuring if he were able to hop in a pocket or bag or something it would be better than being mistaken for a bug and getting swept off this counter possibly to his death on the ground.
Waiting around a bit, Josh noticed a few guys had started coming up to the counter. Peeking out from under the paper Josh watched four guys come up to the counter. None of them seemed to know each other well, except perhaps by association.
First, Josh's heart dropped in both surprise and perhaps fear. He recognized the first giant who approached. Leaned up and looking amazingly muscular since he'd last seen him years ago in high school, it was none other than his old bully, Brandon. Wearing a backward bright red hat and simply dripping with sweat as he pulled out his ear buds. Josh could easily peek Brandon's body as he wore a loose yellow tank top.
"Sup Brandon." Cody greeted him as he came to the counter.
"Yo, what up Cody." Josh heard Brandon's familiar voice, very reminiscent of high school. "Just a peanut butter and chocolate shake, bro."
"Sure dude." Cody wrote it down as he looked to the next guy. Josh turned to see the next guy and gasped at the sheer size of him. "Lyle, right? I remember signing you up, bro."
"Yeahhh, sup bro. I forgot I was signed up here!" Josh watched the massive man named Lyle respond as he came up, Brandon moving aside as he towered over him. He was in a skin tight spandex white shirt, hiding absolutely nothing of the man's incredible physique. He had short blonde hair which was slick looking with sweat. "Anyway bro, a strawberry banana is good for me."
Cody wrote down Lyle's answer as the next huge man came forward. "Oh hey Xavier. Mint chocolate right?"
Josh looked at the next man approach. He was also incredibly tall, nearly as tall as Lyle. With his sweaty dark skin showing around his dark grey hoodie tank top and a black durag on his head coving what looked like dark black hair. Josh melted a little as he spoke up in a dreamy deep voice.
"You remembered, dude. Thanks Cody." Xavier smiled, coming up the counter and smiling as he put his hand on the counter.
"No worries dude." Cody wrote it down as the last guy came up. "How 'bout for you Zeus?"
Josh looked at the next man, who just barely measured under Xavier in terms of height. Easily the most lean but most cut of the four men, with light brown skin and tattoos up and down his arms, Josh was agape looking at his impressive arms as the stuck out of a basketball jersey the man wore. Looking all the way up to his impossibly handsome face and curly dark hair held up with a black sweat band.
"Just vanilla, dude." Zeus responded in a deep smooth voice. Josh watched Cody write down the last order as he turned to start making the protein shakes as the four others waited at the counter. Josh peeked from under the paper, seeing them all pretty much against the counter making small talk with one another or playing on their phones.
"I could just hop in one of their pockets or gym bags…" Josh looked and saw it wouldn't be too much effort to just grab onto one of the men's shorts and drop himself in a pocket, or even just take a ride on a gym bag as they held it at their sides. Josh looked back to Cody, who was distracted with the blender at the moment. "Or I could wait it out here with Cody…"
Weighing his options, Josh knew he had to make a choice. After all there was no guarantee he'd have another chance like this.
Making his choice Josh…
Josh crept low to the ground as he made his way toward the only familiar face he saw, Brandon. Sweating profusely, Josh had no idea if this was the right choice, or the most terribly bad one possible. Walking past his other choices, Josh felt most confident that perhaps Brandon would be the one to most likely help him, simply based off knowing him.
"Maybe he's grown up a little since high school…" Josh thought, looking up at the giant, swallowing nervously as he meant emotionally though it was clear he grew quite a lot physically in the past few years. Seeing Brandon's pocket was about level to the counter, it was certainly easily to hop into than the other taller guys around him. Letting any of his fears go to the wind, Josh hopped off the counter, cleanly into Brandon's pocket. Sliding down the silky slick inside of the pocket, Josh eventually collided with a hard leather surface of what seemed to be a wallet. Positioning himself in between he folds of the wallet, Josh tried to shove himself inside it, hoping it would provide an amount of cushion. Snugging in and hoping the best, Josh knew all he had to do now was wait.
"Thanks, Cody." Brandon grabbed his shake, immediately taking a few sips of it as he popped back in his ear buds, making his way out of the gym. Bobbing his head to his music, Brandon walked along the sidewalk on his way back to his apartment. He was still getting familiar with the area as he looked around. After all he just moved here, hoping maybe to find work. But he wasn't exactly in a huge rush as he rode out what he could with cash from his parents for the time being. Seeing a few hot girls walk by, Brandon deliberately pulled his tank top back a bit to slip his pec out and show a side view of his abs as he casually sipped his protein shake, feeling the heads turn a little as he walked by. Smirking to himself, he knew getting a girl would be easy enough whenever he felt like it, especially in a beach town like this. Brandon sighed as he eventually turned down the street to his apartment building, making his way inside and just kind of looking forward to getting inside and having something to eat on top of his protein shake. Chugging his shake a bit as he approached his door, Brandon reached into his pocket for his keys and unlocked it. Slamming the door behind him, Brandon tossed his keys across the room to his couch as he slipped off his shoes and groaned as he made his way inside.
"Bwwaaaaoorrp!" Brandon belted out an obnoxious burp as he finished off his shake, tossing the cup into his garbage as he made his way past his way into his kitchen, pulling out his phone and wallet and emptying his pockets onto the counter. Yawning and scratching his stomach through his tank top, Brandon's gut growled a little as it desperately wanted more than just a protein shake after that intense work out.
"Uuuugh…" Brandon groaned, not wanting to cook. Thankfully, he looked and saw he still had some steak and mashed potatoes left over from yesterday. Smiling that he forgot about the meal, Brandon grabbed it and eagerly started to microwave it.
- - -
"Huff! Alright!" Josh pushed himself from out of the wallet. He couldn't believe his good luck. He somehow made it from one counter to another! Looking around the kitchen, Josh figured it must be the inside of Brandon's apartment as he turned and saw the giant man pulling a tupperware container out of his refrigerator, carrying it over to his microwave and popping it in.
"Okay… he's distracted. Should give me a chance to find a place to be seen…" Josh looked around, immediately noticing his old bully was kind enough to leave his phone directly next to his wallet! "Oh wow! That works perfect!"
Marveling his good luck, Josh made his way to Brandon's phone, climbing up the side and making his way to the center of the screen.
"Okay… Just have to be seen…" Josh stood at the ready, hearing the beep of the microwave as Brandon grabbed his food. Walking in his direction, Josh looked up, seeing Brandon look down and reach for his phone. Waving his arms wildly, Josh tried his best to be seen.
Meanwhile, Brandon…
"Huh?" Brandon looked down at his phone, holding his food while tilting his head slightly.
"Damn bugs." Brandon thought to himself as he leaned down slightly to blow the little bug off his phone, not wanting to smudge it's guts all over his screen. Looking down at the bug as he got closer, Brandon started to notice something strange about it. I was standing on two legs… and waving at him. Squinting a little as he looked closer, Brandon realized this was no bug.
"Woah!" Brandon set his food down on the counter, hunching down a little as he looked closer, eagerly plucking Josh off his phone and sliding him into his palm. "No way! You're a little tiny person!"
"Yes!" Josh was so glad Brandon of all people would be the one to realize he was a person! "Brandon! I…"
Josh was interrupted by the giant however. He didn't seem particularly aware he could hear Josh if he listened closely.
"This is crazy, dude!" Brandon was still awestruck by the idea of a tiny person. "Hang on little person, I'm just gonna set you on a table over here…"
Brandon walked with Josh in his hand, grabbing his tupperware of food with his other hand as he made his way into his living room, dropping Josh and the container off on a tv tray. Josh watched Brandon disappear for a moment as he went back to the kitchen to grab his phone as well as a can of soda.
"Hang tight little person, I'm starving." Brandon smiled, a little arrogantly as he sat down in front of the tv tray. "Just wanna eat first."
Josh watched as Brandon grabbed a fork, starting to dig into his food while he turned on his tv to some foot ball. Josh could hardly care about the tv as he watched Brandon tear into his food. It was both terrifying yet oddly transfixing. Meanwhile, Brandon would glance down at the tiny person he'd yet to identify from time to time as he ate.
"Pretty sure I remember Markus mention the place he worked shrinks people." Brandon thought silently to himself. "That's probably where this little person came from. Weird they ended up in my apartment though."
"Oh here, little person. Have a piece of food or something." Brandon was feeling unusually kind as he dipped a little bit of his mashed potato onto the tv tray next to Josh. "Shit you're so small that speck of food is bigger than you, dude…"
Brandon watched the tiny person move next to the glob, not even as tall as the bit of potato.
"Shit if they fell in there I wouldn't even see them." Brandon thought to himself as he shoved a whole mouthful of potato into his mouth with ease. "Heh… probably be pretty easy to accidently eat them…"
Brandon stared at Josh for a second, shaking the thought. It's been years since he thought about something like, after all there was a pathetically small nerd he made fun of in high school. He used to imagine what it would be like to shrink that annoying nerd down and keep him in his pocket like a pet.
"I bet if I called up Markus he'd be able to get this little person home." Brandon thought to himself. "Then again… I would be kind of cool to just keep them…"
Gulping down a little more food, Brandon continued to eye the tiny person. Biting his lip Brandon…
"Uh oh…" Josh dropped his arms as Brandon's hand slammed down on top of him, pinning him between his palm and the screen of the phone. Wincing in shock, Josh could do little more than remain motionless as he was pressed firmly in place by the unaware giant.
- - -
"Fuuuuck… so hungry…" Brandon groaned, his stomach rumbling angrily every few seconds. Making his way over toward his living room, Brandon set tupperware container down on his tv tray, eagerly scooping up some food as he stood over it. "Mmm so good dude…"
Brandon happily set his fork down in his food, patting his chest with his phone hand before finally setting the device down on the tv tray. Walking away, Brandon headed back into the kitchen to grab a drink. Meanwhile, unbeknownst for Brandon, his actions caused a tiny Josh to end up…
"Uuugh…." Josh groaned as he massaged his head. "Where…?"
Looking around, Josh wasn't sure where he ended up. He was on a hard wooden surface, and looking up he saw the edge of what looked like a tv tray. Behind him, Josh saw the tall pillar like structure that was the back of a chair. Realizing where he was now, Josh tried to looked around, realizing he was smack dab in the middle of this chair. Panicking, Josh didn't know which way to run as Brandon's heavy foot falls came closer and closer, returning from the kitchen. Watching, Josh saw his old bully stroll into the room, setting down his drink as he towered over Josh in his tight gym shorts. Josh could do little more than stare up in horror of Brandon turned, slowly lowering his ass into the chair.
- - -
"Peace at last." Josh said to himself, sitting down in the darkness of the janitors closet. It was a lot of work sneaking away from gym class, especially with the coach and classmates like Brandon on his ass all the time. But Josh really liked to sneak off to this closet, grab a flashlight, and read his favorite text books. He just had to kill a fifty minute period and sneak back to the locker room, hoping nobody would notice him. Josh's peace however was quickly and violently interrupted as the door to the closet was kicked in with a bang.
"Knock knock nerd!" Brandon bellowed into the small room, his massive body taking up a large portion of the door frame. Josh merely cowered in the back of the closet, terrified of his ruthless bully. "Well well well… I thought I saw you slink off in this direction, pipsqueak!"
"I-I…" Josh was too terrified to answer.
"What the fuck are you reading, nerd?" Brandon shoved his way into the closet, grabbing the book out of Josh's hand with ease. "Microbiology? What? Trying to learn more about yourself, runt?"
Brandon laughed, tearing a few pages out of the book and tossing them over his shoulder while Josh looked on in horror.
"Look! Found a picture of you!" Brandon tore the picture out of the book, showing Josh a microbe. Laughing at Josh while he had him cornered, Josh meekly tried to crawl around Brandon while he was distracted looking at the book. Brandon however, noticed far too easily as he turned and sat down directly on the back of Josh's neck, pinning the skinny small nerd to the ground under his enormous weight.
"Ahhhh I'll just take a seat and read some more of this nerd shit." Brandon adjusted his ass, smooshing it over the back of Josh's head and upper back. "Dang this shit is long, might be here all period! Oh well coach doesn't care."
"P-please…" Josh panted, barely able to breath under his bully's massive ass. Brandon started to smother Josh a little more.
"Huh? The fuck was that?" Brandon pretended to look around. "Man, hearing little microbes make noise in here makes me shift in my seat a little…"
Josh whimpered weakly, causing Brandon to shift and smother him more and more.
- - -
"Oh no…" Josh snapped back to reality. Brandon's ass descended on him like it was in slow motion, memories of Brandon torturing him with it flooding Josh's mind, freezing him in place. However, unlike in the past, Josh's torture would be over almost instantly. With Brandon's giant weight crashing down on him full force, Josh stood no chance as Brandon's solid ass met the hard wood of the chair.
- - -
"Shit this chair is so uncomfortable…" Brandon groaned as he sat down in the chair, flicking on his TV to entertain him while he ate. He didn't know why he chose the wooden chair when he had his sofa only a little bit further away. He didn't care though, all that mattered was he wanted to scarf down his food and worry about being comfy later. Shifting and moving his ass with discomfort, Brandon unknowingly smothered Josh about one last time.
Josh look at the massive blonde next to Brandon. Josh was impressed, he towered over Brandon, who Josh recalled was nearly a foot taller than him back in high school. Judging by the man's tight shirt showing off ever inch of his bulky muscle, Josh guessed this man never skipped a gym day.
"Lyle right?" Josh said to himself, creeping out from under the paper and making his way over to the massive man. He was so tall Josh had to look up from the counter to his pockets though, it wasn't going to be an easy matter of Just hopping in unfortunately. Luckily, Josh noticed Lyle head his gym back basically against the wall of the counter, as the tiny man peered over the edge. Throwing caution to the wind, Josh hopped off the counter and onto Lyle's bag, landing near the zipper opening.
"I guess this is one plus to being so small." Josh mused to himself as he slipped through a tiny hole between where the zipper met the end of the zip. Dropping into the bag however, Josh wasn't so sure he considered it to be lucky anymore as he was met with a putrid sweaty smell.
"God it's bad…" Josh covered his nose. But he felt like it could be worse. It didn't sound like this giant frequented this gym very often. So it's possible the clothes in here weren't as horridly sweaty as they could be. Shifting in the bag, it would seem like Lyle was moving.
- - -
"Thanks, bro!" Lyle grabbed his shake from Cody. "I'll try and show up a little more often!"
"Up to you bro, you're the one paying for it." Cody shrugged, not really caring who showed up or not as long as the gym met it's quotas and his managers stayed off his back. Lyle simply laughed, not sensing the apathy in Cody's voice. Pulling his bag up on his shoulder a bit, Lyle made his way out of the gym and to the parking lot, making his way to his car and starting his drive home. Not long after, Lyle pulled into the driveway of a rather large house. He was living with two of his buddies after all. The house belonged to his one of his best friend's from boarding school, Brody. Making his way inside, Lyle slipped off his shoes and let out a sigh as he took a few sips of his shake.
"Yo, Lyle!" A voice called out from the living room, Lyle making his way toward it seeing his other best friend, Vinny. Ruggedly handsome with stubble on his chin, lean and muscular in a tight white shirt and loose looking navy sweatpants, Vinny was lounging on the couch.
"Oh sup Vinny." Lyle smiled, coming over to the couch and setting his gym bag down next to the sofa. "Where's Brod at?"
"Oh bro, you just missed him." Vinny seemed like he had a story to tell. Lyle turned to Vinny in curiosity. "He was just here with his buddy Tyler. They were saying how their boss went missing and they were going out looking for him, bro."
"That doesn't sound too bad." Lyle laughed and shrugged. "I mean if our boss went missing that'd be dope, bro."
"Oh bro tell me about it." Vinny and Lyle worked together, having typical boss issues. "But I guess their boss is mad chill, bro. They both seemed really worried."
"Oh true, bro?" Lyle leaned back, stretching out on the couch a bit. "So they sure he didn't just go home?"
"I guess Tyler checked the dude's house." Vinny shrugged. "Guess he suddenly disappeared mid day and left his phone in his office. Nobody knows where the guy went."
"Wild bro. Do they want help looking?" Lyle ran his hand through his sweaty hair, spiking it up a little.
"I offered. But they weren't sure where to even look anyway." Vinny pulled out his phone, showing Lyle a picture of Josh next to Tyler. "He's this little guy right here, if for some reason we spot him I guess."
"Oh shit bro. He's so little a hawk probably snatched him up!" Lyle joked as he looked at the short man in contrast to Tyler. Vinny couldn't help but laugh as he took his phone back.
"Word bro, I was thinking someone must've stepped on him!" Vinny snickered, storing his phone back in his pocket. "But seriously bro, kinda sucks. They both seemed kind of worried."
"Bro that does suck." Lyle sighed, still a little tired from the gym. "I'll keep my eyes open if I go out. But honestly I'm pretty beat, bro. Think I'm in for the night."
"Same bro." Vinny leaned back. Vinny grabbed a few Xbox controllers, handing one to Lyle. "CoD, bro?"
"Yeah I'm down." Lyle smiled, leaning forward as Vinny powered on the Xbox.
- - -
Overhearing most of the conversation, Josh couldn't believe his luck! Not only did this Lyle fellow know one of his workers, Brody, he lived with him and was even kind enough to show him and this Vinny guy a picture of him!
"I'm so happy that Tyler and Brody are out looking for me…" Josh nearly teared up, wondering if Matt was helping as well after he unintentionally lost him earlier. Regardless, Josh felt confident he could be rescued by these two giant, he just had to find a way to be seen by them. Crossing the first challenge, Josh pulled himself out of Lyle's bag through the same hole he entered from earlier, taking in the enormous living room. Looking around, Josh saw he was perched next to a couch, which he could easily see Lyle's massive upper half over the side of the couch.
"Okay… so just climb the couch, get their attention, get home." Josh tried to lay out the plan, looking up the side of the couch, seeing it was possible, but it was a pretty hefty climb. Still tired from the run earlier, Josh wasn't sure if he could even manage this climb right now. Peeking around the side of the sofa though, Josh saw two pairs of feet planted on the ground. Between Vinny's massive bare feet and Lyle's sweaty black socked feet, Josh figured he could try and work along the floor and climb up on one of the men?
"Be a lot less climbing to just get on top of a foot…" Josh considered it a slightly less effort route. But the idea of one of the men lifting a foot when he wasn't expecting it… terrified him slightly. Sitting down, tired of choices, Josh almost resigned to just staying on the gym bag and seeing where Lyle brings him.
Exhausted yet determined, Josh decided to…
"Okay you can do this…" Josh tried to pump himself up. Out of sheer determination to be found, Josh knew his best chance would be up on the arm of this sofa! Gathering all his energy, Josh clung to the fabric wall of the sofa. Realizing he was small enough to fit his hands between the fibers, Josh actually found it to be quite easy to scale, almost like a ladder. Climbing up, Josh slowly made his way up to the arm of the chair while he listened to the two men play video games.
"It's almost good they're distracted for now…" Josh said to himself, glad it gives him a little time to make his climb. The sofa shook a little as the two laughed and shifted as they played. Hanging on, Josh held his grip and continued his climb, eventually making his way up to the top of the arm rest. Collapsing from exhaustion, Josh sighed and looked out across the sofa. It was immensely huge, spanning far down through the room. Seated closest to him, Josh saw Lyle, still clad in the same clothe he was from the gym and the scent of sweat was evident from where he sat. Looking past Lyle, Josh eyed Vinny for the first time. He was quite handsome with a shaved short head of hair and brown scruff across his chin. He wore a tight white tee shirt, dirty from what was probably a days work complete with a pair of pit stains showing. Josh could barely make out his navy blue sweat pants, bottoms rolled up to his knees like shorts and the waist band hanging past his ass a bit.
"Okay…" Josh panted. "Good to put a name to a face…"
Josh turned into a seated position, catching his breath. This was easily the most exercise he's done in a long time. Taking a deep breath, Josh took a different scent beside sweat. Peeking over the edge of the arm of the chair, Josh saw Lyle's strawberry banana protein shake wedged between the side of the arm and the side of Lyle's ass.
"Oh…" Josh panted a little more. "Just his shake. Smells kind of good…"
Josh realized he hasn't eaten in quite awhile now, having only had breakfast since his meeting with Matt earlier.
"All the more reason to be found soon…" Josh wished he could take just one sip of the shake. Now that he was up here though, Josh figured he could take a breather and try and wait for them to finish their game. After that he hoped he could wave one or both of the giants.
- - -
Some time went by as Josh watched the two play their game. A little impatient, Josh started pacing a bit.
"Come on bro!" Lyle yelled, having just gotten killed again, Vinny laughing at the man's expense. Lyle shifted and shook the sofa in his frustration.
Losing his footing, Josh was thrown off guard by the sudden quakes and shakes of the sofa. Trying to drop to his hands and hold on Josh…
"Shit shit!" Josh tried to grab onto something, anything, but couldn't. Tumbling off the arm of the sofa toward Lyle, Josh plummeted before making a miniscule little plunk directly into Lyle's shake. Flailing his arms and pushing himself to the surface, Josh took a breath as he floated to the top.
"Oh god! This is NOT what I meant by wanting a sip of this!" Josh yelled, knowing the danger of his situation. Looking up the sides of the plastic cup, Josh knew there was no way he could climb up the smooth surface especially since Lyle had already drank half the cup. Exhausted, Josh used all his energy just trying to stay on the surface of the drink. However, as if some sort of grim reminder of his situation, Josh saw Lyle shift slight, turning to grab the cup, moving it between his his legs as Josh could see the titan set down his controller. With all his energy and might, Josh waved and called out wildly to the giant, hoping that my some miracle he might somehow spot him in here.
- - -
Lyle set down his controller as he waited for the game to load. Frustrated with how poorly he was playing, he looked down at his protein shake, having been sipping it little by little ever since he got it.
"Hmm?" Lyle tilted his head slightly. He wasn't sure what it was, but it looked like there was something in his shake. Blinking a little, he wasn't sure if his mind was playing tricks on him. Looking away at the tv, Lyle figured his frustration was just getting the better of him.
Lifting the cup closer to his face, Lyle…
Lifting the cup up closer to his face, Lyle lost track of whatever he was unsure was in his shake.
"Mmm must've just been a weird strawberry seed." Lyle thought to himself bringing the cup up to his lips.
- - -
Resurfacing, Josh took a deep breath. Lyle lifting the cup closer to his face caused enough momentum for him to be pulled under the surface for a moment. However, Josh thought for a moment he had been spotted, his hope was quickly dashed as he saw the gaping maw of Lyle, pressing the rim of the cup to his lip and starting to draw in the remaining contents of of the shake.
"What?! No no no!" Josh tried to swim in the opposite direction. However, he was far too feeble and small to ever hope out swimming the torrent of liquid being drawn into the giant's mouth. Before long, Josh's surroundings quickly changed from the interior of the cup, to rushing past Lyle's teeth, deeper and deeper into the back of this throat. In a few easy little gulps, Josh hopelessly floated in the liquid as it was sent down without a second thought.
"Please no!" Josh called out, dropping above and below the surface of the liquid as it was all funneled down. Quickly rushing past Lyle's massive beating heart before being haphazardly deposited in the giant's stomach. With a splash, Josh fell beneath the surface again, furiously pumping his arms and legs around, hoping to break the surface. "Taking a deep breath as he did, Josh immediately regretted it as he took in the foul sour air of the stomach.
"Oh god!" Josh cried out in terror. What could he do? There was no way out of this. The giant clearly didn't see him, and unless Josh learned to fly, he was hopelessly trapped. As if to confirm his hopeless situation, the walls of the stomach contracted as the giant gave off a mighty burp.
- - -
"Uuuuuuuurrrrp…." Lyle let out a little burp. He'd normally belt them out a little less conservatively, but he didn't wanna gross out Vinny, not too badly anyway. Tossing his cup aside, Lyle didn't know why he was so hesitant before about finishing off his shake. Shaking off the weird feeling he had though, Lyle grabbed his controller, ready to play more games with Vinny.
"You good, bro?" Vinny leaned back, turning to Lyle. "You got quiet all of a sudden, bro."
"Bro, I don't know." Lyle shifted in his seat. "I'm just playing like shit, I feel like I started seeing shit, you know?"
"You got booze in that shake you drank?" Vinny joked. Lyle laughed shaking his head.
"Naaah not even, bro." Lyle smiled, brightening up a bit. "Maybe I'm just tired from the gym."
"Hey, bro. We don't have to play more." Vinny set his controller down. "You were playing pretty shitty after all."
"Thanks, bro…" Lyle gave Vinny a snide look. "But yeah I think I'm good for now."
The two men got up, deciding maybe it was time to make something to eat. Making their way to the kitchen, Lyle was excited to get something aside from that protein shake in his stomach. A loud gurgle erupted from Lyle's gut, unbeknownst to the two men signaling Josh's end.
"Ha, bro! I think you must've just been hungry!" Vinny grabbed a frying pan, laughing at Lyle's loud stomach. Lyle patted his gut, blushing a little from how loud it was.
"Dang yeah, I didn't realize how hungry I was." Lyle held his stomach for a second, feeling a second less aggressive gurgle. Helping Vinny grab food, Lyle couldn't wait to eat some actual food.
"Hmm…" Lyle lifted the cup up closer to his face. His eyes couldn't be playing tricks on him! It clearly looked like there was a miniscule human being flailing and nearly drowning in his shake!
"Uhh whatcha looking at, bro?" Vinny peered over at Lyle, pausing the game since Lyle clearly wasn't paying attention. Lyle scooched closer to Vinny and showed him the cup.
"You're not gonna believe it bro, but does that look like a little micro human in this cup?" Lyle shoved the cup toward Vinny, who didn't take it. Instead he just dramatically rose his eyebrow in disbelief. "Come on bro! Just look!"
"Fine." Vinny took the cup, peering inside for only a second. "I don't see it bro. Maybe it's just a funny looking strawberry seed."
"Bro!" Vinny got next to Vinny pointing in the cup. "Right there! See it just moved! They're trying to swim!"
"Huh now that you mention it…" Vinny eyed the tiny person now. "Oh wow, they are swimming!"
"See! I told you bro!" Lyle was glad he wasn't crazy or seeing things. Vinny handed him back cup in the meantime.
"Dare you to drink them, bro!" Vinny nudged Lyle as they both looked down into the cup. Lyle looked back at Vinny and chuckled.
"Bro!" Lyle thought Vinny was joking. "Come on, they're still human right?"
Lyle looked at the little speck of a person, now waving and almost giving off little audible squeaks in terror.
"Don't worry little micro-bro! I'm not gonna drink you!" Lyle chuckled trying to reassure the tiny person. "Vinny is only joking."
Vinny leaned back with a smirk, putting his hands behind his head and shrugging…
"Of course I'm kidding, bro." Vinny shrugged, half lying but not wanting to start any drama. "Like you said they're a person, right?"
"Oh word. Yeah bro… pretty sure…" Lyle peeked into the cup. Vinny leaned over to look again, seeing the little guy was clearly struggling.
"Shouldn't you like… let them out, bro?" Vinny suggested, wondering if Lyle was just going to let them drown at this point.
"Oh word, you right bro." Lyle snapped out of his trance, reaching a finger down into the cup, curling it under Josh and pulling him up and out of the frothy shake. "There, got them out."
Lyle set down the cup to his side where he had it before as he slid the tiny person into the palm of his hand. Shifting his seat right next to Lyle, Vinny peeked down beside his friend at the tiny person in Lyle's hand.
"Is it a little dude or a little chick?" Vinny asked, squinting down as he saw the person cleaning shake off their body.
"I don't wanna assume, but…" Lyle took a quick peek close at Josh before pulling his face away from the startled tiny. "I think it's a dude."
"Eh that's slightly less interesting, don't you think, bro?" Vinny smirked, thinking about the idea of having a tiny chick he could toy with.
"Huh, why, bro?" Lyle was none the wiser of Vinny's more nefarious intentions. Vinny simply chuckled and shook his head.
"No reason, bro. Anyway… my next big question…" Vinny put a hand on his chin. "How the fuck is there a shrunken dude here?"
"Good question bro." Lyle looked down at Josh, hearing faint squeaks come from his direction. "I can't really hear him. He's so small."
Vinny crossed his arms in thought. "Isn't that water park Brod and Ty work at that place that shrinks people?"
"I thought that was a joke." Lyle rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "They really shrink people, bro?"
"Maybe? I mean maybe this little dude some how hitch hiked off Brody here?" Vinny tried to piece a story in his head. "Its the only thing that really makes sense, bro."
"Yeah for true bro." Lyle nodded in agreement. "Should we call him? He can probably get this little micro-bro back to normal, right?"
"Yeahhhh…" Vinny leaned back, knowing that was the right, yet lame thing to do. "He's out looking for his buddy right now though, right? Maybe we'll bug him with this later."
"Word, bro. Yeah I mean, not like this little guy is going anywhere." Lyle looked down at Josh in his hand, knowing unless he threw the tiny guy it wasn't like he'd get very far.
"Besides… not like we even have to tell Brody, right?" Vinny tried to influence Lyle a little more again.
"Huh?" Lyle tilted his head, not following.
"I mean we could just keep this between us two, bro." Vinny nudged Lyle in the side. "Might be kind of fun having a tiny bro right?"
"That would be pretty cool, huh little micro-bro!" Lyle smiled down at Josh, who gave squeaks of protest. "Don't worry, micro-bro! Vinny's just kidding again!"
Vinny leaned back with a smug smile…
"Nah bro." Vinny reaches into his pocket to pull out a wallet. "Here, I'll give you twenty bucks, bro."
"Wait seriously, bro?" Lyle looked at Vinny's wallet. He's been a little short on cash lately, twenty bucks would be kind of nice. Lyle looked back down at the little person, floating in his cup. "Hmmm well nothing personal, little micro-bro. But twenty bucks is twenty bucks."
"Oh true, bro?" Vinny seemed a little surprised Lyle was that easy to convince. Opening his wallet he pulled out a twenty. Lyle looked at the money and gave a slight shrug as he brought the cup up to his face once again.
"Aight, micro-bro! Bottoms up! Have a nice ride, little guy!" Lyle brought the cup to his lips, chugging on the remainders of the shake in a few swift gulps. Draining the last bit into his mouth, Lyle swallowed that last couple drops before showing it to Vinny. Patting Lyle on the back and laughing a little, Vinny handed him the twenty.
"Didn't know you had it in you, bro!" Vinny was still a bit surprised. Lyle simply shrugged, laughing it off.
"Bro, money is money. Besides who even was that?" Lyle laughed getting up to throw out his now empty cup. Standing there, Lyle put his hand on his abs just under his massive pecs.
"Who knows, bro." Vinny laughed, watching Lyle hold his stomach a little. "What do you feel them or something, bro?"
"Nah." Lyle laughed patting his stomach. "I was trying to though! They're swimming down there, or something bro."
"Ha! Honestly that's what they get for swimming around in a protein shake, bro." Vinny grabbed his controller, ready to get back to playing finally.
"True true, bro. Pretty stupid place for someone to end up." Lyle laughed, thinking about how ridiculous it was. Lyle turned and grabbed his controller, giving off a deep wet burp as he readjusted himself in the seat. "Phew! That was nasty, bro. Hope they're settling in there okay."
"Pfff they'll be fine, bro." Vinny waved his hand uncaringly. "Well for a little bit anyway!"
"Probably not too long, bro!" Lyle laughed, patting his stomach a little more as they started back up their game.
- - -
Slashing and spurting about, Josh found himself surrounded by darkness. What little he could see were the pulsating walls of the the titan's stomach. He couldn't believe it. How could this happen? He was spotted by the giants and somehow his life and safety was only worth twenty dollars…
"How pathetic am I…" Josh depressingly treaded the liquidly contents of Lyle's stomach, eventually finding some sort of purchase on the wrinkly wall inside the titan. Collapsing from all the swimming, running, and climbing he did today, Josh knew none of it was ultimately worth it. All that effort went to a total waste. As Lyle's stomach churned and contracted, bringing Josh in and out as he laid there, Josh couldn't help but feel depressed everything he worked so hard for today all came to a total waste.
Another belch shook the cavern, causing Josh to be tossed hopelessly into the soupy liquids once again. Josh floated there, losing all effort to stay afloat and skin burning from the caustic cavern he was in. He knew there was no escape from this fate, as pathetic a fate it was. Sinking below the surface, Josh drew his last breath, his body quickly being dissolved up in Lyle's stomach acid.
- - -
"Buuuuuuuurp!" Lyle's latest burp rang out throughout the room. "Oh sorry bro! I'm just letting them rip now!"
"Ha it's whatever bro!" Vinny laughed setting down his controller for a break. "Makes me wish I got to down that little guy, actually."
"Oh I didn't know you wanted to bro." Lyle set his controller down, standing up now and stretching a little. "I would've let you."
"Really, bro? You seemed like you wanted to help them." Vinny leaned back raising an eyebrow.
"Eh." Lyle shrugged, not really caring much. "Like I said, who even was that? Who cares, bro."
"Right, probably nobody important!" Vinny laughed, figuring what kind of important person would somehow get shrunk and end up in a protein shake. Lyle pulled up the spandex of his shirt past his abs over his chest, putting his hand on his stomach once again. Vinny laughed, raising an eyebrow again. "Still trying to feel em?"
"Nahhh…" Lyle lied, kinda wishing he'd feel something. "Just thinking about how hungry I am."
"Word bro, lets grab some dinner then." Vinny stood up cracking his knuckles. "You got twenty bucks now, you can treat us."
"Hell no bro!" Lyle protested as he pulled his shirt back down. "Pay for yourself, bro!"
"Fine fine, easy bro." Vinny laughed, patting Lyle's shoulder. "Oh bro! While we're out we should keep and eye out for Brod's and Ty's buddy!"
"Oh right!" Lyle nearly forgot. "Who knows, bro. We could get lucky and run into him!"
Heading out of the house to grab some food, the two titans wouldn't connect the dots that had in fact met the very man that was missing.
"Xavier looks like a mature guy… maybe he's my best bet." Josh stayed low to the ground, squeaking his way toward the massive dark titan. Up close to the giant now, Josh realized he was sagging his shorts quite considerably, as the pocket would have probably been well out of reach had the giant had his waist band more around his waist. Peeking slightly at Xavier's impossibly huge bubble butt, Josh tried to focus as the giant was turned perfectly for him to jump up and into his pocket. With the last of his energy, Josh took the leap, grabbing onto the fabric of Xavier's shorts and climbing up slightly before dropping into the slick material of the pocket. Landing on something hard, Josh realized it must be the giant's phone.
"Well he's bound to take it out of his pocket eventually…" Josh hoped maybe he could hitch a ride on the device at some point. Feeling movement however, Josh must have figured Xavier must be taking his leave.
- - -
"Thanks, man!" Xavier took his shake. He was quite please Cody remembered which one he liked as he took a sip of the mint chocolate.
"No prob, bro." Cody simply shrugged, working his way back to the blender to make the next. Satisfied, Xavier started to make his way out of the gym. Taking a deep breath of the ocean air as he made his way out, Xavier felt fairly energetic despite having just worked his ass off at CrossFit. Figuring for the time being it was best to just head back to his apartment though, Xavier wonder if his roommates would be down for going out.
"Man… I could go for that steak house by the pier…" Xavier's mouth watered slightly just thinking about it. But not wanting to dine out alone, Xavier started his short walk back to his apartment. Popping in his air pods, Xavier listened to a little music as he turned the few corners back to his apartment. Reaching the nice looking duplex, Xavier walked up the front steps, letting himself in.
"Yo yo yo!" Xavier called out into the house, dropping his gym bag off in the entryway and peeking into the rooms on the side as he went in. Making his way to the kitchen, Xavier found his roommates.
"Mason, Andres! What up boys?" Xavier smiled, setting his protein shake on the table as he joined his friends.
Xavier's attention shifted from his buddy Mason, seeing him wearing a backward black hat, shirtless showing off his muscular mocha torso, and wearing a pair of black and white basketball shorts. To his other best friend, Andres who's dark hair was spiked up and sporting a striped tank top and light pink shorts.
"Buenas noches, my man!" Andreas smiled, fist bumping Xavier as he came in. "Where were you at, bro? The gym?"
"Yeah dude, just CrossFit… You know." Xavier tried not to brag, but absentmindedly flexed a little.
"Ohhh this guy over here with his CrossFit!" Mason nudged Andres. "Didn't know they let little kids sign up? Did your mommy sign you up, bro?"
Xavier simply sighed and shook his head. "Come on, maan…" Xavier felt kind of embarrassed. "They didn't even ask my age, bro…"
"Well lucky you just turned eighteen just in case, güey." Andres joined in on the teasing a little. Xavier simply rolled his eyes, not being appreciative of being teased for being the youngest yet biggest of the three.
"Look, whatever dudes. You guys have dinner yet?" Xavier asked, seeing as the two were hanging out in the kitchen.
"Nah dawg, why you got plans?" Mason asked.
"You know that steak house by the pier? I'm craving it bro." Xavier put a hand on his stomach, realizing how hungry he was.
"A Huevo, man!" Andres sprang up. "They've got great food I'm down!"
"Yeah word, bro. Guess I should throw on a shirt though." Mason looked down at his torso, figuring if they were going into a restaurant he should be half way presentable.
"Perf dudes, I'm just gonna change my shirt." Xavier lifted the tank top hoodie he was wearing catching a whiff of his sweat. "Oof maybe put on a little deodorant too…"
"Estoy bien!" Andres sat down at the kitchen table, smiling as he leaned back and relaxed. Xavier meanwhile started to pull off his hoodie as he turned to head up stairs to his room. Tossing it on the ground, Xavier located his deodorant, spreading some on his pits.
"Shit much better." Xavier felt just a little fresher with deodorant on. Grabbing a grey tee shirt, Xavier pulled the tight shirt on his muscular frame. Patting a hand on his shorts, Xavier wasn't sure if he wanted to change out of them too.
Thinking for a second, Xavier…
"Right my phone…" Xavier figured if he was changing these shorts, probably should take it out of his pocket first. Reaching into his pocket, Xavier pulled it out, instinctively looking at it to check the time or to see if he had any texts. "Word… it's only 6:30… huh?"
Xavier wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't right in front of his face. But there was without a doubt an impossibly small person hanging off the very top of his phone, like he was hanging off the ledge of a cliff. Xavier was transfixed, watching the little person hold on before seeing them suddenly let go. Gently, Xavier tilted his phone so the little person slid down the screen, rather than down to what he assumed would be to their death at such a small size. Letting them slide further down the screen into Xavier moved his hand, catching the little person into his palm.
"What the fuuuuuuck…" Xavier was still dumbfounded. How the hell is there a tiny human here? Are shrunken humans really thing? And how the hell did they even get here? There questions were way too much for Xavier right now as he had to take a seat on his bed, not noticing Josh desperately squeaking and calling out to the giant. Setting his phone down and staring at the ceiling, Xavier was at a loss of thought and words.
"Xavier! Hurry up! We're starving bro!" Xavier snapped back to reality as Mason called for him from down stairs. Xavier looked forward, startled by his friend calling to him.
"Shit uhhh…" Xavier looked down at the little person still in the palm of his hand. Panicking, Xavier decided he had to do something with the tiny person. Xavier decide to…
"Fuck…" Xavier cursed, looking around before his eyes stopping at his night stand. It was fairly empty aside from a charger for his phone and a red solo cup he used for water the other night. Knowing it was empty, Xavier got up and grabbed the cup, sliding the tiny person inside of it.
"Sorry… look. Just stay here. I'll figure out, whatever the fuck this is later." Xavier said down to the cup, hearing his roommates call him again. Grabbing his phone, Xavier left his room. "Coming, damn dudes!"
- - -
Josh found himself at the bottom of the damp cup. The walls were impossibly high and still slick with a little bit of moisture. Josh knew what Xavier had told him, but it wasn't like he could go anywhere if he wanted to at this point. Hungry, thirsty, and exhausted, Josh was tankful there was small beads of water could could drink from, but unfortunately that didn't help much with the hunger. However, there was little he could do beside quench his thirst and rest. Laying down on the plastic floor of the cup, Josh hoped Xavier and his friends wouldn't be out for dinner for too too long.
"I can't believe this Xavier guy is only eighteen though!" Josh thought back to the conversations he over heard. "He looks older than I am."
Laying back and running over the facts he's learned in his head a few times, eventually Josh nodded off a bit.
- - -
Josh awoke to the loud stomping of Xavier coming back into the room. Staring up out of the cup, Josh realized it was now dark out, at least briefly until Xavier flicked on the light in his room. Josh shielded his eyes, feel liking her just woke up from a far too short nap. Heading Xavier close the door to his room, Josh could only make out sounds of the giant rummaging about in the general vicinity. Josh heard the giant flop down on his bed, before a massive hand curled around the outside of the cup, grabbing it and bring it over to Xavier's face. Josh stared up, seeing young man peek inside.
"Shit, guess I wasn't trippin' early, huh?" Xavier spoke down into the cup. Josh watched the giant lean back and sigh loudly. "Shit the fuck do I do?"
"Just listen to me!" Josh tried to call up to the giant. But the giant's head didn't even move in recognition. "Ugh if only I could get him to put me up to his ear or just listen closer…"
Josh found himself sliding once again, as Xavier tipped the cup, causing Josh to once again land in the giant's hand.
"Aight, little… uhhh…" Xavier squinted, briefly moving his face in close. "Dude… I think… I have no idea where you come from… or why you're so small… or anything really…"
"Please just try to listen to me!" Josh yelled, hoping the giant would get the point. Josh merely watched as Xavier smiled and chuckled a little.
"Aw that's kind of cute. You got like a squeaky little voice." Xavier could barely make out the tiny voice. "No idea what you're trying to say though, dude."
"Shit…" Josh felt dejected.
"Well no idea how you're here or who you are, but you can crash here, dude." Xavier sat up from his bed. "I didn't tell my roommates about you, for the better trust me, bro. Andres would probably get over excited and squish you by accident. Mason would probably get you killed in a dumb prank."
Josh shivered a little. At the very least Xavier seemed like a rather chill guy, despite the fact that he didn't seem to intend to try and listen closer to him, Josh felt safe. Josh fell off his feet briefly as Xavier stood up out of his bed, stretching as he walked across his room. Josh looked around the room now mostly for the first time since he's otherwise been in a pocket or cup. It wasn't particularly filthy, but there were an assortment of clothes scattered across the floor. Otherwise, it was a pretty typical looking bachelor pad. Josh spotted a laptop plugging in and laying next to Xavier's messy looking bed, as well as posters of attractive girls in bikinis on the walls. Against the door there was a mini basketball hoop attached, and Josh could see small basketballs littered about the room. Across from the bed, Josh spotted a small tv with an xbox plugged in, looking like it's seen some but maybe not as much use that a nerd like Josh would put into the gaming system. Also as expected, Josh noticed Xavier kept a few dumbbells in his room as well.
"I'm not surprised, this guy probably works out constantly." Josh observed the room as Xavier carried him over to his dresser. The giant set him down gently. Turning and watching the giant, Josh turned a little red as the man pulled off the tight grey shirt he put on earlier.
"Sorry if this is awkward, dude. I hate wearing shirts." Xavier apologized, tossing the shirt absentmindedly to the floor. "But they make you wear one at the gym… plus at restaurants and shit… but if I'm at home there ain't no way I'm wearing one."
"Hardly a problem for me…" Josh didn't mind one bit, far more interested in the muscular giant than he was in the posters of girls anyway. Josh watched the giant stretch and rub his abs a little, distracting him for a moment before Josh remembered how hungry he was.
"Oh yeah, I should grab you something to eat, probably." Xavier connected the dots in his head, practically reading Josh's mind. "Heh, like having a little pet. Gotta remember to feed you."
Josh wasn't sure if he liked being called a "pet" but he was quite relieved that he at least thought to grab him something to eat. Josh watched as the giant turned and left the room, Josh watching his muscular back down to his perfectly round ass as it stuck out of the same shorts he took shelter in earlier.
"Focus, Josh." Josh slapped himself in the face, not wanting to be too easily mesmerized by the hot titan.
- - -
Xavier made his way down the stairs, circling his way back to the kitchen. It was pretty late at this point, him and his roommates chilled for a bit after having dinner, afterwards Andres went out for the rest of the night with his boyfriend, while Mason had gone to his room for the time being. Reaching into the refrigerator, Xavier knew he saved some left overs from eating out. He had some steak fries left over, and figured one would be way more than enough for the tiny man. Grabbing a paper plate, Xavier microwaved the fry for a few seconds while he grabbed a bottled water.
"Probably can drink from the cap, like a tiny dog." Xavier said to himself, really feeling like he was keeping a pet at this point. Grabbing the plate with the single fry and bottled water in his hand, Xavier turned and…
Xavier froze as he turned and saw his roommate Mason, once again shirtless like himself, standing in the door way.
"Uh…" Xavier didn't know what to say as he stood there with a single steak fry and a bottle of water. Mason meanwhile rose an eyebrow in confusion.
"Uhhh grabbing a snack, homie?" Mason asked arm propped in the doorway, his body effectively blocking Xavier from leaving.
"Yeahhhh…" Xavier didn't know how to respond, considering a plate for a single fry looked incredibly suspicious.
"Got quite the big appetite, huh?" Mason nodded his head toward the plate.
"I uh…" Xavier looked down at the plate. "I just wanted one."
"Right, dawg…" Mason still stood in the doorway. "Who you chatting with, bro? I thought Andres was the only one around here with a boyfriend?"
"Nobody dude, I was…" Xavier tried to lie. "I was just on the phone."
"Oh yeah?" Mason crossed his arms. "Some 'little dude' you chatting with on the phone?"
"Alright fine, dawg look…" Xavier gave in, forgetting the walls in their apartment weren't exactly thick. "You won't believe it till I show you… but like… I found a tiny person in my pocket earlier. A little tiny dude."
Mason didn't budge, arms still crossed and eyebrow raised. "Uh are you high right now bro? You didn't grab some edibles without me did you?"
"Nah dawg I wouldn't do you dirty like that." Xavier reassured his friend. "I'm dead serious bro. I grabbed this food to feed him."
"Alright, dude…" Mason got out of the way of the door. "Now you gotta show me though, bro!"
"I dunno, dawg. He seemed kind of scared." Xavier walked beside Mason now. "Plus I told him I wasn't gonna tell you guys."
"Bro come on!" Mason protested. "I could see Andres… he'd probably get too amped up and squash the little guy. But I'm chill, dude!"
"Fiiiine…" Xavier knew he couldn't exactly protest. "Just I don't know, bro… give him a little space?"
"Word." Mason put his hand on Xavier's shoulder, almost reassuringly. But Xavier knew better than to trust Mason not to mess with the tiny guy. The two made their way back upstairs to Xavier's room, heading inside and walking over to the dresser, Xavier seeing Josh was right where he left him.
"Yeah so here he is." Xavier set the plate down next to Josh. "Sorry little guy, got caught grabbing you food."
"Wooooah!" Mason saw the tiny man, just like Xavier described. "Fee Fi Fo Fum! I'm gonna get ya little guy! Better run!"
Mason slowly started reaching for Josh, before Xavier grabbed his wrist and sighed, noticing Josh had already retreated under the ridge of the paper plate.
"Bro." Xavier looked at Mason with a disappointed look. Mason merely laughed and shrugged. "Sorry little guy, he's just messing with you."
"Or am I?" Mason pulled his wrist free and wriggling his fingers in Josh's direction. Xavier sighed and shoved Mason back a foot or so. Josh meanwhile ogled in both fear and interest in the new giant. He wasn't quite as tall as Xavier, just barely an inch under the slightly bigger man. But his mocha brown skin glistened with sweat, Josh blushing at each perfect curve of his muscular torso. His face was covered in dark stubble, contrasting Xavier's fuller black beard, and he wore a backward black baseball cap, unlike Xavier's black durag. His face was fairly mature looking, but based off the one interaction he's had so far with him, Josh guessed he wasn't. Slowly, Josh made his way out from under the paper plate.
Xavier let out a relieved sigh this time as he saw the tiny man come back out. Giving Mason a look, who still smiled with giddiness, Xavier tried to get his friend to be serious. Mason crossed his arms at the look, glancing away as he understood.
"Again, sorry dude." Xavier reached a finger down for Josh, helping him onto the plate. Xavier popped open the bottle of water and poured a little into the cap, setting that down for Josh as well. Watching Josh move toward the food, Xavier relaxed a little, giving Josh some space as he sat on his bed. Motioning to Mason to give the tiny some space too, Mason came over and sat next to Xavier.
"Should we get him a little hamster cage?" Mason nudged Xavier.
"Dude, he'd slip right through the bars…" Xavier wasn't sure if he was serious.
"A fish tank then!" Mason snapped his fingers excitedly. Xavier sighed again. He wasn't sure how degrading it would be for a tiny human to live in a fish tank, but he'd probably be safer that way.
"Yeahhh maybe, bro." Xavier admitted it was a decent idea. "Man I was not expecting all this today."
"Me neither, bro. And here I wanted a dog, dude." Mason laughed knowing their land lord doesn't allow pets.
"Hah, this is a lot easier to hide than a dog, dude." Xavier couldn't help but chuckle a little. "For now though he should be good on my dresser though."
"Dude why should he get to stay in your room?" Mason was immediately jealous. Xavier just gave Mason another serious look.
"Well I found him, first off. And second how do I know you're not gonna fuck with him, bro?" Xavier knew exactly the shenanigans Mason was capable of.
"Come oooon dude!" Mason whined. "If we're gonna take care of the little guy, we gotta trust each other, bro!"
"What are we a couple?" Xavier retorted a little.
"Andres would be proud." Mason put a hand on Xavier's shoulder dramatically, who shrugged it off and stood up. Xavier crossed his arms in thought. It was true, if Mason was going to be in on this secret, he had to be able to trust him. But he was the one who found the little guy. He felt responsible for keeping him safe at the moment.
Thinking on it Xavier decided…
"Fine… you can watch him." Xavier begrudgingly decided. "Maybe you'll learn something about being responsible or whatever."
"Aww!" Mason stood up and put an arm around Xavier, who immediately shrugged it off again. "Xav's an adult now and he thinks he can lecture me!"
"Shut up, dude…" Xavier didn't like being teased about being younger. "Just take this seriously, they're a little human after all."
"I will I will!" Mason hand waved Xavier's worry as he walked over to the dresser, looking down at Josh with a smile. "Don't worry little guy! I'm WAY more fun than this stick in the mud over here."
Xavier sighed as he watched Mason pick up the plate with Josh on it, wondering if he's made a bad choice.
"Aight little guy! You can finish that in my room!" Mason winked down at Josh as he carried the plate over to the door. "Say good night to mom over there!"
"Dude… shut up." Xavier blushed a little wondering if he really was acting like an over bearing mother.
"Yeah good night to you too honey!" Mason waved to Xavier before loudly whispering down to Josh. "See this is why our marriage isn't working."
"Get. Out." Xavier practically shoved Mason out of his room, shutting the door behind him. Mason couldn't help but laugh as he turned down the hallway to his own room. Josh looked out, nervously as he opened the door. Similarly to Xavier's room, it was your typical bachelors pad. It was quite a bit cleaner though as Josh noticed most of his clothes were in or around a hamper in the corner, and he had a towel hanging neatly on the back of his doorway. One thing Josh noticed was there was an array of gag paraphernalia scattered about on the man's dresser. Things from whoopie cushions, to clearly fake snakes and spiders, fake poop, and even something labeled as a fart machine.
Josh jumped as a loud fart rumbled through out the room.
"Ha! Gotcha!" Mason laughed, holding a button and smiling, pressing it again as the machine gave off another realistic sounding fart. Still laughing, Mason walked Josh over to his bedside night stand, shoving his clock to the side and setting down the paper plate.
"Geez, little guy. How much of that fry did you eat?" Mason plucked the fry off the plate, biting it in half with ease before setting back down. "There, now it looks like you ate more!"
Josh felt very over whelmed by this sudden shift in energy. Xavier was so much calmer and chiller, where as this new guy seemed to be going a mile a minute. If there was any silver lining, now that the fry was bit in half, Josh found it easier to eat from the mushy center rather than the harder outside. However, Josh's happiness was short lived, as finger from behind shoved him inside the fry.
"Ha! Look dude! You're small enough to fit inside!" Mason laughed as Josh struggled inside the mushy inside of the fry. Picking up the fry, Mason held it up in front of his open mouth, seeing Josh's head pop out. "AHHHH!"
Mason laughed as he brought it toward his mouth more, opening wide before putting it back on the plate, seeing the panicked tiny scurry out of it and run behind the other side of the fry.
"Don't be scared, it was just a prank, bro!" Mason moved the fry with his finger, exposing Josh again. "Hey you don't eating yet?!"
Josh froze in place, knowing that taking shelter again would likely do him no good.
"I'll take that as a yes, bro!" Mason reached down, plucking Josh up between his fingers, before rolling over onto his bed. Laying back Mason set Josh down on his abs while he laid back with his arms behind his head. Blushing like crazy by the sudden shift in scenery, Josh was not expected to take in the massive rolling landscape of Mason's abs and chest.
"Aight, little guy! Find a comfy spot! That's where you're sleeping!" Mason chuckled as he fluffed his pillow behind his head. "Good night!"
"Shit is he serious?!" Josh panicked again. The situation quickly went from hot to dangerous as Josh had no idea where would be a safe spot to stay incase the giant rolled over or something. Glancing around, Josh saw the titan's belly button, quickly rushing over there to hopefully take shelter. Jumping down inside, Josh tried to wedge himself in there as well as he could.
"God it's just like earlier with Matt…" Josh recalled riding Matt's belly button was what literally lead him to this point in his day. Staying still, Josh yelped a little as he found himself being scooped out of the navel, plucked out and held hovering over Mason's face.
"Dude, you're almost too easy to prank!" Mason laughed at Josh's expense. "Not a bad place to bunker down though, bud! Love the initiative!"
Josh hung there, slightly more relaxed. "God this guy is going to give me a panic attack…"
Still chuckling to himself, Mason rolled on his side and set Josh back on the plate. Collapsing to his ass, Josh didn't know how much more of this he could take.
"Shit is this my life now?" Josh said to himself, seeing as neither giant seemed to be bothered to hold him up to their ear. He wasn't sure if he'd ever get home, or if he'd end up a pet for these two forever. Josh stared at the ground, contemplating life as he could feel Mason staring at him, like a child looking into an exhibit in a zoo.
"He doesn't look happy…" Mason thought silently to himself. "Probably sucks being so tiny."
Thinking of a way to cheer up the little guy, Mason rolled back on his back.
"Hmmm…" Mason pondered to himself thinking that…
Josh looked at the closest giant to him, Zeus. Josh stared up at the giant from under the piece of paper, and his name was no joke. The guy looked like Greek god carved from the finest stone. More importantly, Josh noticed he held a draw string bag. It was almost perfectly level with the counter, enough so where Josh could even see the small opening at the top. Clearly, Josh looked up at the tall giant and realized he wouldn't be able to reach a pocket, but that bag was almost too perfect of a spot to just slip into. Making his choice, Josh scurried out from under the paper to the edge of the counter, hopping off into the opening of the bag. Dropping into the large opening, Josh fell for a bit before making a soft landing in some sort of fabric.
"Okay that's good…" Josh thought to himself… before the smell hit him. Realizing he landed in an extra sweat covered pair of socks. "Oh god! Okay… well hopefully I'm not stuck here too long…"
Feeling the bag shift about, Josh could tell the giant had lifted it up and slung it over his shoulder.
- - -
"Thanks, man." Zeus took his vanilla protein shake.
"No prob, dude. How's the team looking this year by the way?" Cody asked, knowing Zeus was the captain of the basketball team.
"Decent, they could all use a little more work if I'm honest." Zeus knew he was the only one on the team that actually took the sport seriously. Remembering Cody went to the same college, Zeus was curious about his plans as well. "You're doing football right?"
"Yeahhh my roommate makes me, dude." Cody complained, knowing he was only ever built to be a wide receiver or running back. "I'd rather play basketball, dude."
"You've got the height, dude. Come to try outs." Zeus practically commanded. Cody was taken slightly aback by how direct he was.
"Y-yeah. Maybe dude." Cody was slightly intimidated by Zeus's intensity.
"Either way, I'll catch you later." Zeus took a sip of his shake as he left the counter, leaving the gym. Making his downtown toward the college, Zeus knew he wanted to head back to campus.
Once back on campus, Zeus headed to…
Josh swallowed nervously as he looked at the four giants. Frozen in fear of potentially going with someone he didn't know or going with his old bully, Josh decided he'd rather stay here with Cody.
"After all he works here.. maybe he has a sense of responsibility?" Josh tried to rationalize. Plus the giant had already inadvertently saved him once, so Josh felt like he wanted to place his trust in him further. So laying in wait, Josh watched patiently as Cody served the four men their protein shakes, eventually being left to his own devices at the counter once again. Seeing as people came and went, Josh figured it must be getting pretty late as the gym started to empty out. At some point, Josh watched as Cody went around the gym, doing a little cleaning up before coming back to the counter. Coming up to the cash register, Josh noticed Cody was mostly up against the counter, probably the best chance he could get to sneak his way into a pocket. Seeing the tall giant's pockets were above the counter, Josh scurried his way over and saw a lanyard sticking out of the pocket. Leaping off the counter, Josh grabbed the cord, holding on with all his strength as he practically wrapped and locked his arms around the thin cord.
- - -
Sighing as he finished cleaning and closing up, Cody cashed out the register before going around and turning off the lights. He hated closing, but they were short staffed, so he didn't have much choice. Heading to the front door, Cody pulled out his keys, locking the door before shoving his keys and lanyard into his pocket, unknowingly stuffing Josh in along for the ride. Leaving the gym, Cody was glad to be out of work, though he already felt like most of his night was pretty shot.
"God I fucking hate work…" Cody disappointedly started his walk back to campus, it already getting dark as the sun was mostly set. Pissed off from his long day, Cody walked quickly not taking very long before he made it back to his dorm. Ignoring everyone as he made his way up to his room, Cody was just looking forward to unwinding and relaxing. Opening the door though, Cody's hope for a relaxing evening was immediately ruined as a pair of boxers was thrown in his face. Absolutely fuming, Cody threw the garment back at his roommate, Eric.
"DUDE!" Cody yelled at him. "What the fuck man?!"
"Ha! Classic, broooo!" Eric laughed, dodging the sweaty pair of boxer jocks as Cody tossed it back at him. Cody looked at Eric with a sour pissed of expression. His roommate was slightly shorter than him and he wore a loose black body builder tank top, showing off his enormous balloon like pecs and flat two pack like stomach. He also wore a flat brimmed hat with the school logo on it and a tight pair of green athletic shorts.
Cody growled in anger at his roommate. He didn't care if he'd been best friends with the guy since elementary school, he was always doing stupid shit like this to piss him off.
"Eric I'm going to fucking kill you in your sleep." Cody threatened Eric, having literally no patience after a long day of work.
"Oh don't threaten me with a good time, dude!" Eric laughed and teased Cody as his roommate came into the room, dropping his bag and collapsing on his bed. "What are you tired or something, pussy?"
"Shut the fuck up, it was a long ass day." Cody pressed his face into his pillow, not wanting to deal with being awake or Eric right now.
"Waaaah don't be a baby, dude!" Eric continued to taunt Cody.
"Uuuugh! I'm gonna take a fucking shower." Cody sat up, so annoyed with Eric he wanted to just leave. Pulling his belongings out of his pockets onto his bed, Cody stripped down to just his boxers as he grabbed his towel and shower kit. Leaving in a huff, Eric couldn't help but keep laughing.
"Sheesh what a little bitch." Eric mocked Cody after he left, relaxing on his own bed across the room.
- - -
"What have I gotten myself into…" Josh found himself yanked out of Cody's pocket and onto his bed. The banter alone between the two young men made him incredibly nervous. The two sounded worse than any bully he'd ever had in school, Brandon included! Josh hoped he could chalk up the way they acted to just it being a long difficult day for the two of them. Maybe they're both better once you get to know them? Regardless, Josh found himself in a pile of Cody's stuff. His keys, wallet, phone, earbuds, and even a protein bar he took from work were among the things Josh found himself surrounded by.
Looking around the room though, Josh had to pull himself up and over Cody's phone to look around. It was a pretty typical dorm room, especially for a freshmen. It looked cramped with two wardrobe dressers, beds on either ends, and desks that met in the middle and a mini fridge under one of them. The two clearly did a little decorating as they both had posters of women, half naked or otherwise, as well as banners of what Josh assumed to be football teams. Looking across the room, Josh saw the source of Cody's anger, Eric. He was an enormous looking man, just laying there on his bed playing with his phone. Josh was transfixed, watching the bulky bully for a moment before realizing he should figure out a plan before Cody came back.
"Right I need to make sure he finds me…" Josh took in the objects strewn about with him. His phone would likely be his best bet, most people can't take their eyes off their phones, so it seemed like a safe bet to be spotted. Though Josh had a nagging feeling like maybe he shouldn't be found. At least not until he was sure these two wouldn't keep him as a pet… or worse.
Thinking on it Josh…
Josh's thought was interrupted as he saw Eric get up from the other side of the room, snooping over as he looked down at the objects Cody pulled from his pocket, Josh watched nervously as Eric reached dangerously close to him, grabbing Cody's wallet and pulling a twenty out.
"Bitch if you won't give me the money you owe me I'm taking it… oh hello…" Eric looked down and saw the protein bar, grabbing it and immediately unwrapping it and taking a bite. Eyes looking around a little more, Eric's gaze stopped at Josh. Frozen with fear, Josh noticed he'd been seen. Scared, Josh twitched and against his better judgement waved to the giant.
"The fuck…" Eric peered in closer and before Josh could react, found himself plucked up by the massive giant. Dropping Josh into his palm, Eric took another bite of the protein bar, chewing obnoxiously as he examined Josh.
"Ayo, you're tiny fucking person." Eric said plainly down at Josh. "Why the hell does Cody have a tiny fucking person?"
"P-please help me!" Josh figured begging was his best option considering how aggro the giant was. Clearly, Eric paid him no mind as he curled his fist around him, trapping him in darkness.
"That asshole, probably thought he could hide this from me!" Eric said to himself, wandering back over to his bed. "Pfff well too late now… Dunno how got this thing but it's mine now."
Eric opened his hand again to look at the tiny. Smirking with an arrogant expression, Eric had plans for this little person. Taking another bite of the protein bar, Eric finished it off and flicked the wrapper over to Cody's side of the room.
"Listen up, little runt." Eric addressed Josh like he was some sort of god. "I don't know how Cody got you, or why he was hiding you from me but now…"
"Your what???" Josh said, baffled.
"Don't make me repeat myself, bug. You're my slave now. I own you. And the first thing you're gonna do is explain how Cody got you in the first place. I might want more of you tiny losers to fuck with. So, what, do you come from a colony? Like ants? Or are you grown in a lab somewhere? Are you, like, part lab rat or something?"
Josh just stared at the giant in front of him. The tiny man was still dumbfounded at the giant's ignorance. Josh was literally a genius, and here he was, trapped in the palm of someone so incredibly dumb. But intelligence didn't matter. Eric had all the power. And he showed this brutally.
The giant raised his other hand into a fist and then slammed it down on Josh's body. Heavily. Mercilessly. It felt like a meteor had crashed down upon him.
"ANSWER ME, SLAVE!" Eric boomed, clearly enjoying this. Josh's body twitched as he tried to recover from the punch. No bones were broken, but everything was in pain.
"You better explain yourself to me. Or else." Eric demanded, gloating. He raised his fist again as a warning. Josh tried to recover as much strength as possible to sit up in Eric's palm. He knew another punch from Eric's hand would decimate him. So, the tiny then began to tell his new master all the events that led to where he was now.
"…huh." Eric said, taking in all the information.
"…yeah." Josh concluded. "Again, this is just a big misunderstanding. I-I'm not a built-to-order slave, or a labrat, or anything like that. I'm just a guy. And I want to go home." The tiny man laid out his argument as best as possible. Unfortunately, it seemed that the last thought on Eric's mind was unshrinking Josh.
"One question, nerd." Eric said, now looking over to the bathroom. Cody was still in there, taking an extremely long shower and probably manscaping as well. It was his long ritual every night, so Eric knew he had time to scheme.
"Yes…?" Josh asked carefully. He didn't like the mischevious look in Eric's eye.
"Do you HAVE to be at the park to get shrunk? Like, there's no way to shrink someone outside of there?" Eric had a slight grin on his face. He looked VERY eager. The tiny couldn't fully tell, but it looked like Eric was almost blushing when talking about shrinking.
"Well…" Josh started to say the truth, but he quickly stopped himself when Eric made eye contact with him. Josh's gut didn't trust this. At all.
"N-No. There isn't." Josh lied.
As dumb as Eric was, he could immeditaly pick up on Josh's insincerity. The giant raised up his fist again to threaten the little man.
"Don't fucking lie to me, bug. You're a smart guy, there's no way you only made ONE way to shrink people."
Josh looked at Eric's fist. It didn't look merciful. He knew it was either tell him the truth, or risk getting pulverized. With his life literally in Eric's hands, Josh decided to….
Josh swallowed nervously, but he knew he couldn't risk a power hungry sociopath like this know about his prototype shrink ray.
"L-look you're right. There were more than one way." Josh tried to lead Eric on a little.
"Go on…" Eric flexed his fingers, clenching his fist still.
"Like I said though. Were. I had a prototype shrink ray, but OSHA required me to destroy it before I opened the park." Josh lied, knowing there was never such a requirement when he patented the park. "They considered it a safety risk for there to just be a uncontrolled ray that could shrink people."
Josh watched as Eric's fist tightened before loosening slightly. Josh could feel the angry giant perhaps relax a little.
"It's the truth though. Unfortunately my original life's work is long gone." Josh tried to play the lie to Eric's perhaps sympathetic side.
"Fine… whatever." Eric leaned back, finally giving Josh a bit of breathing room. With that, Josh let out an appropriate sigh of relief. "Could you make another one?"
"M-maybe. But the original one I made was done with a lot of grants from my old college." Josh lied, knowing full well he could do it again with his own money if he really wanted to. There was just no way or reason he'd want to. Josh watched now though as Eric put a hand on his chin in thought.
"How much we talking, nerd?" Eric stared Josh down. Nervously, Josh wasn't sure how much further he could take this lie. He knew he had to come up with a number Eric couldn't feasibly afford without it seeming totally over blow.
"It is shrinking tech after all…" Josh mumbled to himself before readdressing Eric. "Total, the grants came to around ten million."
"Ten mil, bro?!" Eric leaned forward. It was more money then he'd ever hope to see in his life. "For one dinky little ray gun?!"
"Y-yeah sadly. It required a lot of letters and meetings to get it, trust me." Josh remembered the days of acquiring funding for his project. Josh watched though as Eric reclenched his fist. Josh sweat as Eric rose his fist up. Seemingly, Eric…
"U-uh Eric?" Josh nervously back walked as Eric brought his massive fist over Josh, eclipsing him under the massive shadow. "W-wait! It's the truth!"
"Eh." Eric shrugged, giving Josh a wide almost sadistic smile. "I don't really care if it is or isn't Fuck your tiny nerd ass, bro."
Josh blinked as he watched the massive fist come hurtling down toward him like a meteor. It was like slow motion as Josh knew he wouldn't see his way out of this. Josh closed his eyes, knowing at least lying to this crazy jock might have saved the lives of others that he would have probably planned on using the shrink ray on. Josh gave a half smile, thinking himself a hero as he was instantly crushed to nothing in a swift loud smack.
- - -
Eric's fist rapped hard against the table, nearly knocking it over as he looked up to see the door to the room open, Cody staring at him with a puzzled look as he had a towel wrapped around his waist.
"The fuck the table do you, fucktard?" Cody glared at Eric as he shut the door behind him.
"There was a fucking bug!" Eric defended himself, shaking his fist as slamming that hard actually kind of hurt.
"Jesus, dude!" Cody was shocked by the simplicity. "The fuck did it do to you? Kill your fucking family?"
"Come on, I didn't slam the table THAT hard." Eric crossed his arms, pissed off Cody was being so dramatic. As he said his part though, the table's legs gave out as the whole thing toppled down to the ground. Eric simply looked down at the table, not daring to look up and see the look Cody was giving him as he friend stood by in silence.
"You're so fucking stupid it's un-fucking-believable." Cody turned away from Eric so he could start changing.
"I love it when you call me stupid, babe." Eric tried to avert Cody's attention away from the table by trying to make him uncomfortable instead.
"Shut the fuck up." Cody didn't even turn to acknowledge Eric.
"I love it when you tell me to shut up, babe…" Eric got up, wiping the blood stain off his fist on his shirt, already forgetting about the tiny life he snuffed out as he kept up his assault on Cody.
Eric smirked as a slowly pressed his fist down next to Josh, looking down at the tiny man imagining the dumb nerd must've shit his pants.
"Guess I believe you, runt." Eric took his hand away shrugging and chuckling casually as Josh was still frozen in terror.
"Ha..ha… good I'm glad…" Josh nervously laughed before collapsing to his knees, terrified he was was somehow just spared the horrible death of being crushed under the jock's fist. "T-thank you…"
"Whatever." Eric shrugged again, looking over as he saw the door open to the dorm room as Cody reentered the room wearing a towel around his waist, looking over at Eric with a raised eyebrow.
"Who were you talking to? Your boyfriend, fag?" Cody chuckled to himself having heard Eric was definitely talking to someone just a moment ago.
"Nah dude, I'm talking to YOUR boyfriend." Eric laughing, remembering the part of Josh's story where he stowed away on Cody to start with. "Or maybe a tiny fag stalker, more specifically."
"Excuse me, what the fuck are you talking about?" Cody partially ignored Eric as he got changed into a pair of athletic shorts and not much else. Eric laughed as he motioned down at Josh's position, Cody leaning in looking in disbelief. Josh waved awkwardly at the giant he originally stowed away on, making eye contact with the massive moody college student for the first time.
- - -
"So yeah basically he's the dumbest mad scientist ever, since he ended up here with no way to contact anyone." Eric finished off the story so far, constantly interrupting Josh as he tried to speak.
"Well it'd be the dumbest fucking story I've ever heard… if the proof wasn't literally sitting on the table in front of me…" Cody sat on his bed, arms crossed as he listened to the recap. "So what now?"
"I-I just want to go h-home…" Josh felt like his answer should be pretty obvious at this point.
"Well is your home tiny too?" Cody laid back in his bed now, very uninterested in the situation.
"N-no… it's normal sized." Josh responded what he hoped was obvious.
"Well that's stupid then. Sure we could drop you off, but then you'd be lost in your own giant home." Cody shrugged pulling out his phone and yawning. "Damn you're fucking stupid for some kind of mad scientist, dude."
Josh bit his lip, the cold yet calculated words coming from Cody weren't wrong but it didn't make them hurt any less.
"W-well… we'd stop by the park and re-grow me first." Josh tried to explain himself. "I thought that would be obvious…"
"How? It's fucking night, dumbass." Cody rolled his eyes. He showed his phone's screen over to Josh and Eric, showing them he had googled Shrink and Swim while they talked. "It even says on your dumb website you closed hours ago, nerd."
"Well.. I um…" Josh stuttered, Cody was absolutely tired and fed up with stupid shit for the day.
"Unless you're packing a key to your park that's bigger than you, I doubt we'll be going there." Cody looked away again, annoyed with how dumb this 'smart guy' was. "Plus you said there's no spare shrink ray. So you're shit out of luck until you can use the one, huh?"
Josh felt the sharp words hit him hard. He knew the porotype shrink ray could save his ass right now, but he absolutely didn't trust Eric or Cody with the knowledge of it's existence. Josh looked over at Eric wondering what the giant's reactions were to all this, to see him absolutely staring at Cody. Seemingly Cody noticed too as he looked over at Eric with a raised eyebrow.
"The fuck you staring at, bro?" Cody spat at Eric who snapped out of his stare.
"Oh bro." Eric fumbled a little. "I was just fucking floored by your sick burns on this tiny dumb fucking nerd. I mean you're right, how dumb is he to not have a back up shrink ray!"
"Word." Cody looked away, not thinking too hard about it. "Either way, you're stuck, runt."
"Yeah at least till morning, bitch." Eric stood over Josh, wanting to get in on the taunting now too. "IF we decide to bring you back, right Cody?"
"Whatever." Cody was half paying attention at this point. The oddity of a tiny person quickly losing it's charm to the bored giant.
"Yeah, fucking whatever bro." Eric waved his arms and made his way over to his own bed and sat down. Eric grabbed the sweaty underwear he threw at Cody earlier and looked over at Josh. "Yo Chodes, should I make the little loser sleep in my dirty underwear?"
"I mean he'd suffocate. You'd probably roll over on him too." Cody stared at his phone, barely reacting.
"No, bro! Like the one I threw at you. Not the ones I'm wearing, dipshit!" Eric waved his smelly boxer shorts from football practice.
"Oh." Cody shrugged. "Well he'd just suffocate then."
Eric brought the shorts to his nose and took a short whiff before pulling them quickly away from his face. "Ooof yeah maybe, bro."
"Eh. Make it a test of strength. See if he makes it through the night." Cody yawned and stretched out. "Prove he's worth bringing home."
"I like that idea!" Eric stood up holding his underwear, excited. Eric looked over at Cody, eyes closed. "Dude! You aren't going to sleep, fucking pussy!"
"Dude, shut the fuck up." Cody opened his eyes. "I'm tired."
"Fiiiine." Eric rolled his eyes. "Go to bed, little bitch."
Cody simply flipped Eric the middle finger and shit his eyes again. Eric crossed his arms and shook his head, but also couldn't help but stare at Cody's sleeping body for a second, before snapping back at Josh.
"Well runt, guess we'll let Cody sleep." Eric loomed over Josh with a devious smirk. Josh looked over hearing a few light snores already coming from Cody.
"Guess he really was that tired…" Josh said to himself, glad to see at least half the ruthless giants in the room were out cold. Josh looked up at Eric, nervously as the giant reached down for him, holding him in the palm of his hand.
"Well as for you, runt…." Eric smiled again with devious intention. "I think you'll be…"
"You're staying up with me, fucking runt…" Eric smirked bringing Josh over to his bed, laying down and turning on his bedside light so as not to disturb his roommate too much. Dropping Josh on his massive chest, Eric laid back with his arm behind his head, exposing his smelly armpit to waft it's scent over Josh.
"Get comfy runt." Eric chuckled as he spoke slightly softly as he watched Josh stumble on his chest. "I'm not fucking tired like that bitch."
"T-that's okay. I'm not tired either." Josh wanted to see tough, though in truth he was absolutely exhausted after all the events that took place today.
"Good… give me a lap down to the end of my shorts and back up to my chest then, nerd." Eric smirked, wanting to push Josh as much as possible. "No breaks, runt. Run."
Josh sweat nervously at what the consequences would be if he didn't do this. Forcing his legs to move, Josh ran down the fabric of Eric's tank top as he practically felt like he was fleeing his way to the shorts. Since most of it was down hill, Josh practically fell down most of the way, using the fact that Eric probably couldn't tell if he was running or rolling at his size, Josh tried to use it as much as possible until he had to actually run.
"You know, runt." Eric started to talk to himself as Josh was just making it to his waist band. "There's a looooong list of people I wish you were right now. Pfft… half the guys on the football team. Our prick quarterback. Dip shits in my classes. My deadbeat dad. Cod-…"
Josh paused as he was pretty sure Eric was going to say Cody's name before he stopped and bit his tongue. Josh swallowed nervously though as he could feel Eric move his head to check on his progress. Josh panicked, making his way to the end of the jock's shorts.
"Either way…" Eric continued his monologue. "You're lucky you ain't one of them. I got no beef with you, runt."
Josh stumbled a little as he rounded back, making his way back up the shorts now. If Josh was able to respond, he likely would have voiced his relief he wasn't one of those people.
"Can't be much worse than what I've been through already though…" Josh thought to himself, climbing over the waist band and making his way back onto the giant's lower abdomen.
"You… you could be useful though runt." Eric chuckled, fantasizing about who he could make lure to this water park. "You just have to you know… cooperate with me a bit, right nerd?"
Josh panted, he just made his way back to the top of the jock's massive chest. Going up was much harder than going down. Josh practically collapsed.
"Looks like you made it back, runt. Guess I underestimated you a bit." Eric deliberately added a tiny bit of flattery. "What do you think, runt? Cooperate with me, and I promise your safety or whatever."
"I-I…" Josh wasn't sure. He panted, he was tired sweaty and exhausted and now Eric was dropping this deep desire for shrunken people on him. Josh swallowed nervously as he answered…
"T-T-There's a prototype shrink ray thing I made a long time ago. But it's at my house. A-And it's barely functional, and-"
"It's mine now. I want it." Eric looked eager as he smiled arrogantly, knowing he was right about the tiny guy lying to him. Josh's heart dropped to his stomach.
“Wha-? N-No! You can't just take it! That kind of technology would be incredibly dangerous if it got into the wrong--"
Josh was cut off by Eric shoving the tiny man into his sweaty armpit. The tiny man flailed and fought, nearly waterboarded by the foul sweat. He choked for air, but got liquid instead.
"It would be a shame if you drowned in there, little dude." Eric said as he closed his armpit and rubbed Josh around in the smell. "But, eh. It would be really fitting for a gay ass beta like you to die in a real man's musk. Don't you think?" Eric smirked, then pulled the tiny back out of his pit at the last minute. Josh gasped deeply. He had nearly been crushed by the smell alone.
“OKAY! O-Okay, I can take you to it." The tiny regretted saying this immediately. "B-But then you HAVE to grow me back, alright??? Please!” Josh pleaded, finally catching his breath fully.
Eric simply smirked then stood up, eager to get his hands on a powerful new toy. He subtly adjusted the growing member in the front of his pants as he stood.
“Let's fucking go, shrimp."
Eric drove to Josh's house and entered through the front door using a spare key under the welcome mat. In the span of a few minutes, the tiny man successfully led the giant brute to his prototype invention, located in a safe he kept in a closet. Eric held the shrinking device in one hand and the tiny man in the other.
"This better work, you fucking bug. Or else your Big Alpha Master's not gonna be happy."
Josh cringed at Eric's words. It's like the guy developed his whole personality from those manipulative redpill videos. But the theorizing was cut short as the tiny was immediately shoved back into Eric's pocket. No bigger than a piece of lint, Josh had no say in the matter as Eric started playing with the shrink ray like a toy. The giant gawked at it as he walked towards Josh's front door to leave.
"Sick, dude! This is sci fi as fuck! Oh man, when I use this thing near Hunter he'll totally-"
“Yo, sup dude!” Matt said cheerfully, catching Eric red handed. The surfer had taken one step into Josh's doorway since Eric had left the door wide open.
"I'm Matt. You must be like a new hire or something. Is Josh home?" Matt asked Eric with a smile on his face. Matt hadn't heard from his boss for the rest of the day after testing out the ride. Tyler suggested that maybe Josh had gone home, but after calling his boss and not hearing anything back, Matt wanted to physically make sure Josh was okay. The surfer had unknowingly found Josh; but all he saw in front of him was a built stranger.
Eric, thee dumb jock, was completely frozen and unable to think of anything on the spot. Matt then noticed the shrink ray in Eric’s hands. His body tensed up. His expression immediately became fearful as he dropped his phone to the floor and raised his hands in the air in submission. Mistakenly, the surfer thought the shrink ray was a gun.
“D-Don’t shoot, man. I don’t want any trouble, I promise. I-I was just looking for my boss.” Matt stammered, fearing for his life. Eric was initially confused at what Matt meant, but once he realized that the shrink ray did look a lot like a weapon, he decided to use it to his advantage. Eric nervously raised the “weapon” to aim it at Matt. The surfer shook slightly in panic.
“No! N-No, man, please! Don’t--”
Eric, now shaking himself, closed his eyes and impulsively pulled the trigger.
A beam of light hit the surfer and then a flash filled the room. When the light died down after a few seconds, Eric opened his eyes slowly. He took heavy breaths as he carefully stepped over to the door where Matt recently stood. Looking down, the giant bully saw a tiny speck running away from him and towards the door. Eric looked around, unsure what to do. But he knew he couldn’t let the tiny escape. Eric, panicking, decided to…
"AAAAAH!" Matt screamed as he tumbled further and further down into Eric's giant pocket. This wasn't like surfing at all. When he hit the bottom, a piece of lint broke his fall. His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and commotion, and he tried to take deep breaths to calm down. "W-What the HELL is going on???" Matt said out loud.
The surfer then heard a mumbled yell from beneath him. "Huh?" He said as he moved his body. He was sitting on something moving. He realized that whatever his athletic body landed on was more than lint. The shrunken surfer dug through a bit of lint and then saw what was causing the noise.
"Josh???" Matt started digging Josh out of the miscellaneous shit Eric had in his pocket. When Josh could finally see again, his eyes went wide.
"Matt!?!?! Oh no…did-?? Did that idiot actually shrink you???"
"Yeah, man. I think so." Matt looked around, clearly nervous. He wasn't used to being small casually like Josh was. "What the hell is going on, dude?" Matt's voice trembled a bit. Josh immediately felt bad that Matt was now swept up into this, even if Matt's carelessness was the reason he was here in the first place. Josh took a breath and started to explain everything to the shrunken surfer.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK.” Eric said to himself as he rushed into his room, slamming and locking the door behind him. The giant frantically unloaded the contents of his shorts onto the messy table in front of him. Matt and Josh tumbled out of his pocket and onto the table with a thud. Josh rubbed his head in pain but was quickly comforted by Matt as the surfer ran up to him.
"Boss! Dude, are you alright?" Tiny Matt would ask, helping Josh to his feet. Even when shrunken, Matt still towered over his boss. It made Josh feel even more small than he already felt. Which, honestly, he didn't think could be done.
"FUCK." Eric yelled, pacing back and forth.
The two tinies quickly shifted their focus back to the giant in front of them. He was holding the shrink ray in his hands, fiddling with the intricate buttons on it, trying desperately to do…something? Josh couldn't tell. Eric gave up pretty quickly and groaned, then quickly turned back to Josh and Matt. He yelled down at them.
"You FUCKED this all up, bro. That was NOT part of the plan." Eric said, angrily pointing at Matt. The surfer, who was usually laid back, found himself clapping back in this tense situation.
"You didn't have to SHRINK ME YOU ASSHOLE." Matt yelled.
"WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO??!?!?" Eric screamed, probably loud enough for anyone living nearby to hear. Josh and Matt both plugged their ears from the sheer volume.
"Guys! Let's just calm down and figure this out, okay?" Josh said as he tried to be diplomatic. But Eric had no interest in civility.
"DONT you start telling me what to do you fucking fa--"
Eric's slur was cut off by a few booming steps and then a jostle of the doorknob.
"What the-?" Cody said, jiggling the doorknob again. He had only left for like 10 minutes and for some reason the door was locked. But Eric's ADHD ass almost never locked the door or even closed it behind him usually. What the hell was going on? Cody knocked aggressively on the door.
"Eric! Open the fucking door, you dick. If this is one of your stupid fucking pranks i'm gonna kill you in your sleep." Cody joked in a harsh tone. Though the idea of getting rid of his roommate for a while didn't seem that bad upon second thought.
Eric froze for a few seconds, completely unsure what to do. Cody groaned and then tried again. "ERIC! Dude, fuck off. I'm holding shit and I don't feel like fishing for my keys right now."
Eric was still paralyzed in indecision as he had the shrink ray still in his hands. Cody sighed, giving up. He dropped the bags he was holding and started to search for his keys to open the door. This sent Eric back into panic mode. He didn't know how to begin to explain any of this to his roommate. So, he started looking around for a place to hide the shrink ray. He heard the doorknob turn and click. Cody was seconds from coming in. In his panicking, Eric….
Cody opened the door to the room. Had he paid closer attention, he would have noticed a brief flash of light coating the room before fading completely. He also may have noticed the shrink device drop to the floor and tumble under the darkness of the table. But he noticed none of it as he walked in, carrying a few bags of what appeared to be some sort of mexican food. He looked around at the messy place, confused. “Eric?” he said to the now quiet space.
Cody wondered if Eric was hiding somewhere ready to pop out and jump scare him. That was one of Eric’s favorite pranks to pull, but he hadn’t done it in a while. Is that why he locked the door? Weird…
The toned shirtless titan shrugged. Wherever Eric was, Cody didn’t give a shit. The giant’s bare stomach growled. He placed the bag of food on the table, ready to eat.
Eric opened his eyes slowly. “Huh…? Where…?” As he looked around, he saw his room. But everything was so much larger. The smells were more intense. And so were the sounds. It slowly dawned on him. In a cruel and totally unjust twist of fate, he had been shrunk. For like the 10th time tonight, Eric started to panic.
“No…no no no what the-”
Eric was promptly cut off by a swift punch to the face. The bully fell to the surface of the table beneath him as Matt stood over him, heaving. The surfer’s adrenaline quickly died down for a bit, however, and he then felt a sharp pain in his knuckles. “Ow, holy shit…” Matt rubbed his sore hand. The otherwise chill surfer had never in his life decked someone like that, and he quickly learned that punching people hurt like hell if you didn’t do it right.
As Josh jogged up to Matt, Eric stumbled to his feet. Normally he would beat the snot out of Matt for right hooking him like that, but Eric was too stunned to even react. His surroundings were so familiar yet so alien. Everything was HUGE. His room, the objects on the table, and especially–
“ERIC?” Cody’s voice now boomed through the room. Eric stared up at his roommate in awe. Cody was absolutely massive. There was no other way to describe him. Everything he did looked so effortlessly powerful. So dominating and masculine. So…attractive. Eric’s eyes drifted down to his own body. He had worked for years at the gym to bulk and gain and get swole. But as he looked back up at Cody who was moving toward the table, the tiny man had an epiphany.
None of that mattered. Compared to Cody, Eric was insignificant. Eric was nothing. Eric was tiny.
“H-Holy fuck….” the shrunken athlete whispered. His whole body tingled at the sight of his lifelong best friend. Eric was so transfixed by Cody’s every move that he didn’t even register that the giant man was about to place a skyscraper sized bag of Mexican food directly on top of him.
Matt and Josh, however, were acutely aware. To them, Cody was fucking horrifying.
“DUDE, MOVE!” Matt yelled, starting to run away.
“ERIC!” Josh yelled as well, grabbing the jock by the arm. He used all of his nerd strength to literally drag the beefy man out of his trance. But it worked. Eric snapped out of it. The three shrunken men ran as fast as they could and made it just in time. Cody sat the bag down, narrowly avoiding crushing all three of them by only a few centimeters. But Eric and Josh were blown away from Matt after the bag landed. The two tumbled across the table for a bit, and when they stopped, Josh found himself falling on top of Eric, his face buried in Eric’s massive pecs. The two breathed heavily directly into each other's faces, trying to reconcile what just happened. And for as much as Eric had put Josh through, the tiny nerd actually found himself not minding being this close to the jock’s sweaty chest. But Eric quickly shook it off and frowned when he saw that he was this intimately close with the tiny loser.
“G-Get the fuck off of me, fag.” Eric said, pushing Josh off of him. Josh fell to the floor with an almost comical “oof.” Then the two stood up once more, brushing themselves off. They had landed near a used tissue on the table with some kind of rancid stain from who knows what, but fortunately, they were mostly hidden from view. Josh, worried, immediately began scanning the area for Matt. Soon after he spotted the surfer, out in the middle of the table with absolutely no cover.
Unfortunately, it seemed that Cody had spotted him too.
“What the…?”
Josh saw the disgusted looking expression on Cody’s face. He watched in anticipation as Cody….
Cody started prepping his meal by shoving the mess on the table further away to clear some space. He didn’t actually feel like cleaning it up, since he was sure most of the mess was Eric’s anyway. Then, he bent down a bit and kicked off his Nike slides, curling and uncurling his long and slender toes that fit his long and slender body. After popping his newly bought airpods into his ears, the giant started removing the food from the Chipotle bag. He placed the steak bowl on the table, then a bag of chips and queso, then a drink, and then pulled out a burrito and placed it to the side. The bean burrito was for Eric. Cody knew they were Eric’s favorite. Mainly because Eric would always make the same obnoxious joke about farting whenever he ate one. It was stupid and immature but so was Eric. And though Cody wouldn’t admit it, his childishness did make Cody's day better at times.
But since Eric was nowhere to be seen, Cody decided that he’d focus on his own food. “If he doesn't show up soon, or tries to prank me or whatever, I’ll just eat the damn thing myself. Fuck ‘em, I’m starving.” The giant thought to himself as he started to stir the contents of the bowl. As he did, some of the contents of the bowl landed onto the table. Chipotle was often messy in that way.
The giant's bowl was mainly just steak and white rice with a bit of salsa, beans, and cheese. Cody didn’t fill his body with any miscellaneous shit like Eric tended to. No, he tried to eat as healthily as possible. Cody’s body was a temple. A fucking palace. He glanced over to his side of the room, looking at his reflection in the full length mirror as he sat. Cody saw himself, smirked, then flexed. “Damn I look good…” he said out loud, admiring his own 8 pack. But then his 8 pack grumbled, as if to remind the narcissist that he needed fuel to stay this attractive. Cody chuckled to himself, then turned his head back to the table to start eating. He looked down at his bowl.
His face quickly turned into a frown.
“What the….?”
In the middle of the table, Cody spotted it. A weird, tan looking bug. It was scurrying away from him, trying to get to the edge of the table quickly.
“Fucking Eric dragging bugs in here…” Cody accused, even though his side of the room really wasn’t much cleaner. He continued to watch the bug scamper helplessly, smirking at how pathetic it looked in comparison to him. Cody laughed to himself. “Well, if you wanna get to floor, dude, be my guest…”
The giant took his finger and flicked hard, sending Matt skyrocketing off of the table with cold indifference. He watched the bug fall to the middle of the messy floor. It stopped moving completely, clearly in massive amounts of pain. This just made Cody scoff, amused. “What? Dead already?” He said sarcastically to the insignificant creature. “Tsk…weak.”
Cody stood up. His bare foot took exactly one step over to the bug struggling on the ground. One small flick had broken both the bug’s legs, apparently. Cody loved watching it struggle. In some weird way, it reminded him of Eric. Probably in the way it was trying entirely too hard. Cody simply laughed and raised his foot over the speck.
Matt felt a cold shadow pass over him. The chill of the darkness temporarily overshadowed the massive pain in his twisted leg as the surfer, with tears in his eyes, looked up at Cody’s smug and uncaring face. Matt wanted to scream but he couldn’t. He was too busy crying. Maybe he deserved this for being so careless with Josh. It was all his fault, after all. He had taken his size for granted. Now he knew how cruel the world can be to tiny beings.
Matt closed his eyes one last time. Cody’s massive sole slammed down, crushing Matt. Ending the surfer’s wild wavey ride once and for all.
“MAAAAATT!” Josh screamed. But it did nothing. Cody twisted his foot back and forth, grinding his toes into the hard wood floor below him. He didn’t even bother to look at the tiny red speck on the bottom of his foot as he sat back down in the chair. He snuck a glance at himself in the mirror once more, feeling really good. Fuck, he was sexy. And he knew it. Cody then turned back to his food again. He was FINALLY ready to chow down.
Josh fell to his knees in shock. Tears welled in his eyes. Matt was fucking dead. And the tiny felt that it was his fault, completely. This wouldn’t have happened if Josh had just said no to Eric.
Eric, on the other hand, was not even trying to hide the fact that he was drooling. Cody was just…perfection. Gigantic perfection. A true alpha male, effortlessly dominating weak little bitches like that guy that punched him. If he could do that to Matt, he could do so much more to Eric…
Thoughts of Cody filled Eric’s mind and blocked out all other inclings of fear or self preservation. Eric had to get Cody's attention. He had to get closer to his gigantic crush.
The bully then quickly shook his head to snap out of it.
Roommate. His roommate, not crush. He didn't have a crush. That would be fucking gay. Cody was Eric’s best friend, so naturally he would feel deeply connected to him when he’s this tall. Someone this huge would definitely make Eric aroused by presence alone. That’s it. That’s what was going on, Eric justified to himself. The pathetic, repressed homophobe wasn't even sure he was fully in control of his body as he started walking towards Cody's bowl of food. Josh, noticing Eric willingly walking toward danger, was pulled out of his shock.
"Eric? ERIC?!?! W-What are you doing??? S-Stop!" Josh pleaded, though he wasn't sure why. Why should he care if Eric went and got himself killed?
Then he reflected again. For some reason he DID care.
He didn't want Eric to die to Cody the same way Matt just did. Maybe it was Josh being a good person, or maybe it was Stockholm syndrome. Either way, Josh had a choice to make. Watching Eric run dangerously close to Cody's food, the tiny genius decided to….
It didn’t take that long for Eric to reach the outer perimeter of Cody’s steak bowl. As he walked, he took in the debris around him on the surface of the table. It looked like a battlefield. But instead of the smell of gunpowder, it smelled like heaven. And instead of dead bodies and destruction, there were grains of rice and stranded chunks of bean. Eric stepped closer to one of the grains of rice that had narrowly escaped being consumed by Cody. His head barely peaked over the grain of rice. All of Eric’s life he had been tall by many standards, but always shorter than Cody. He looked at his body again and a laugh slipped out. “Wow.” Eric said to himself. His eyes then drifted back to Cody, towering above him like a mountain. The shrunken bully watched as the greek god lifted a spoonful of rice and steak high into the air, shoved it in his mouth, and then took out the spoon. It was sucked clean, but was now coated in Cody’s saliva as it plunged back down into the bowl to get more food.
The tiny bully found himself in envy of the spoon.
Eric stared up in amazement and watched Cody eat. He had never appreciated Cody eating before. But now, at this size, he could notice all the tiny details of how Cody chewed and swallowed his food. It was magical. Cody’s strong adam’s apple bobbed as he sent the meal down his throat, never to see the light of day again. Cody didn’t even have to think about it. It came so naturally to him. Eric felt like he was losing control of himself as he let out an unmistakably homosexual moan.
Unfortunately, Josh ran up behind him just in time to hear it.
“Eric!” Josh yelled. It snapped Eric out of his gaze and a scowl formed across his face as he turned to the tiny loser.
“What the FUCK do you want?” Eric blurted out as his daydreaming came to an end.
Josh attempted to come closer to Eric and the grain of rice the bully stood next to. “Come ON! The shrink ray’s under the table. If we get out of the way we can probably-”
Eric shoved Josh away as soon as the nerd got close enough to touch him. Josh fell on his butt, but noticed that Eric didn’t shove him nearly as hard as he could have given his muscular arms. Still, the bully was belligerent. “Fuck off, loser! I-I’m fine!”
Josh stared in bewilderment before standing up again. An anger was starting to build up in him. “You are in DANGER. We have to get OUT OF HERE! NOW. STOP BEING AN IDIOT AND LISTEN TO ME.”
“FUCK YOU. I-I’m not leaving! Not yet!” Eric yelled, though it sounded a bit like he was begging. “Cody’s not gonna fucking hurt ME, dude! I-I’m his bro! What do YOU know anyway, you little shit?!”
Josh, fed up, suddenly erupted. Something pent up from deep within him spurted out as he finally lost his shit at Eric.
Josh immediately stopped, surprised that he said that. He felt himself shrinking even more. Not literally, but internally. His actions and feelings regarding Eric were starting to make a lot more sense.
Josh's new bully just stood in confusion for a second.
“Who? What the fuck are you–"
But Eric would be cut off by Cody's hand slamming down onto the table behind them.
Cody was about two-thirds of the way done with his bowl, but he felt like he could eat more. His stomach confirmed this by grumbling and then sending a burp out of his mouth. He looked over to the burrito he saved for Eric. Where WAS Eric? Cody's thoughts then drifted back to the bowl in front of him. He saw the mess he had unintentionally made with all the rice on the table. So he casually took his hand and scooped all the rice and stuff into his palm. Not thinking twice as he dumped the rice into the bowl, the giant then grabbed his phone. He turned off the terrible mumble rap he was listening to and in two taps of his thumb, he was calling Eric. The giant had no idea that his roommate's phone was microscopic but on the table, or that he had added two tiny men to his protein bowl. Eric's voicemail played into Cody's ears.
"Yo. It's Eric Simpson. Leave a message at the thing."
Cody chuckled, forgetting how dumb Eric's voicemail was. He hadn't heard it in a while because for some reason Eric always picked up Cody's calls immediately, without hesitation. Cody picked some shred of meat out of his teeth, then spoke.
"Sup fag. I got you a burrito. If you don't eat it tho, I will." Cody said, smirking. Coincidentally as he said this, he felt a burp rise up in his gut. Just to be a dick, he burped into the mic on his phone. "Oh, and Eric? You fuckin' suck balls dude." Cody chuckled, ending the voicemail.
He had no clue that Eric had heard the entire message already. The tiny man was trapped under a small chunk of steak; unable to move the boulder of meat. All that time, working out with Cody at the gym for years, and here he was; pinned down completely by something that weighed less than an ounce. Josh was similarly stuck; his leg sunk deep in melted cheese. Josh struggled desperately to get out, while Eric simply looked up at Cody's handsome face that filled the sky. Eric realized that he didn't mind being trapped under Cody's meat. After all, it's where he had wanted to be for so long…
Josh used all of his might to break free from the cheese. Amazingly, he managed to do it. But his victory was short lived as Cody raised up his spoon to plunge it back into the bowl. Josh looked around. Behind him, he saw a chunk of rice that looked climbable. A dangerous but efficient way to get out of the bowl. But then Josh turned back around to see Eric, helplessly trapped under a giant slab of steak. He couldn't just leave him there…
Josh slapped himself. Of course he could! There was no use trying to save Eric just because he reminded him of…
Josh paused, getting intense flashbacks to earlier in his life. To his tormentor. His old bully, Brandon. Somewhere, deep down…for some sick reason Josh still wished he could be friends with Brandon. He knew it was unhealthy, but…
He looked back at Eric, his brand new bully.
The choice became clear. Josh took a breath and went to…
Josh rushed over to Eric as best as his legs could take him. The rice wasn’t exactly easy ground to traverse, but in about a minute, the tiny man found himself at the giant piece of meat trapping Eric in place. Josh saw Cody’s spoon in the distance pick up more rice and raise it into the air. Looking around, he saw that the bowl was dangerously empty. They only had a few more scoops left. Not knowing what else to do, Josh started to push on the steak. He grunted and groaned as he tried to rescue Eric, who was largely unresponsive. When Josh opened his eyes and saw Eric’s lack of initiative, the tiny yelled at him in fear.
“ERIC! PUSH WITH ME!” Josh said, trying once again. But Eric simply looked at the tiny man and chuckled. This made Josh stop once again. Had the idiot lost it? How the hell was he LAUGHING at a time like this?
Eric, however, seemed weirdly genuinely happy. Like he had let go of something holding him back. His words to Josh confirmed that the beefy bully had accepted his fate.
“Don’t bother, man. You’re not strong enough. You never were.” Eric said calmly to the absolutely dumbfounded Josh. Eric turned his attention back to Cody as his giant roommate swallowed the previous spoonful and then licked his giant lips.
“Just let it happen. You don’t have to fight it anymore.” Eric exhaled peacefully.
Josh looked at him like he had lost his mind. Clearly, shock or trauma or adrenaline or something was clouding his judgment. But, as Josh thought about it…those same things were probably affecting him too. After all, he could have left. But…he didn't. Josh looked around at the nearly empty bowl one last time. The tiny man’s stomach dropped as he realized what he’d done.
Josh had doomed himself.
And right as that realization hit, Cody’s spoon scooped up the last of his food.
Cody looked at the mostly empty bowl in front of him as he bopped his head slightly to his music. He scraped up the remaining food and brought the rest of it to the spoon. It was mostly just a single chunk of steak with some rice, though some of the rice seemed more brown than white. Didn’t really matter to him. There’s not much difference between brown rice and white. He casually brought the spoonful up to his mouth but then stopped. His mouth let out a sick burp. The giant snickered at the size of it. Eric would have loved that burp. Sometimes, just to gross him out, Eric would sniff Cody’s burps after he had them. Cody would call him weird, but the two were close enough to have that kind of relationship. As much as Cody enjoyed the peace and quiet he got from Eric not being around, he did sort of miss his best friend.
But the handsome jerk pretty quickly let the feelings for his roommate go. Maybe with Eric gone for the night he could call up his girlfriend for some quality time. The thought of her made the giant smirk in anticipation. He plunged the spoon into his mouth, taking all of the flavor of the contents. Something in this spoonful hit differently. Tasted much better. Cody shrugged, chewed his food slowly to let the taste linger, and then swallowed it all down. Adam's apple bobbed again. And, for the first time that night, his stomach almost felt content. Almost.
Cody stood up, stretching. As he did, he took another look at his long, toned body in the mirror. The jerk smiled to himself. He looked so fucking good. Ladies wanted him, guys wanted to be him. “Especially Eric,” he thought to himself. “Guy would cream his pants to be closer to me. Hah. Never gonna happen.” Cody said, still flexing in the mirror. He knew about Eric’s little crush, but he wasn’t sure if ERIC knew about Eric’s little crush. Cody knew that one day he’d have to break it to his best friend that he wasn’t a fag like he was. But that day would come in time. For now, he shrugged off the thought and hungrily looked at the burrito on the table.
“…ah, fuck ‘em.” Cody said out loud, grabbing and unwrapping the bean burrito he had bought for Eric. “He’d want to feed me anyway.” Cody laughed, taking a bite of Eric’s favorite food.
“AAAAAAAH!” Josh screamed as he plummeted down the throat of a stranger he never even got to meet. The stomach’s sphincter opened and Josh fell directly into the middle of the stomach. Fortunately, he landed on a clump of steak that didn’t seem chewed at all. Cody must have wolfed it down while eating. Josh barely had time to celebrate his stroke of good luck before something horrifying happened.
A sizzling arm shot out from the surrounding acidic muck and reached desperately for the surface. Josh yelped in fear as Eric emerged from the surface of the bile. The bully was struggling. Flailing for life. The tranquil smile he once had was simply eviscerated as Cody’s body digested Eric’s flesh like the piece of meat he was. Eric was learning, painfully, just how little Cody gave a shit about him. All burning, searing love for Cody was being replaced by burning, searing pain inside of Cody.
“HEEEELP! MEEEEEE!” Eric screamed in agony. The man was being melted and it made Josh panic. Josh started to extend a hand to the bully but quickly retracted. He had learned his lesson. Some people aren’t worth saving.
Unfortunately, the tiny genius learned his lesson a bit too late.
Eric’s fearful eyes looked darted around as he both drowned and burned. But then he locked onto Josh. He swam over to Josh quickly, like a shark, and before the nerd could even respond, Eric was grabbing at him to try to have something to help him float.
It didn’t work. It did the opposite, in fact.
Eric’s muscular arms pulled Josh off of the steak and into the strong acid below. Eric flailed and panicked as he held on to Josh, who also flailed and panicked. But Eric’s struggle did nothing but drag the two of them down further and further to the bottom of Cody’s gut. The two fought and thrashed for air and safety. But there was none to be found. Their fate was sealed even further as a large chunk of barely chewed mush from Eric’s burrito landed in Cody’s stomach, trapping both Eric and Josh under it. The two tiny men squirmed one last time before they both closed their eyes permanently.
Cody’s stomach rumbled, and the giant man produced the biggest burp he had all night.
It’s too bad Eric wasn’t around to hear it.
"Mmm Cody's protein bar really hit the spot. But I think I've got room for his little secret pet too…" Eric licked his lips looking down at Josh. Panicked, Josh scurried about in the giant's hand, unsure if he should jump to his death or stay here and be eaten. Electing for jumping, Josh was desperate to get away… until Eric easily caught him a moment later.
"Squirmy little fuck, aren't you?" Eric mocked Josh, closing his hand again and trapping the tiny man. It was kind of hilarious to the giant to see the little person try and get away. He wasn't sure how sentient it was, but considering the reaction it had, it must have at least understood him. "Oh man that makes it so much better!"
Drunk with power, Eric opened his hand a little more to taunt the tiny some more. "Don't worry little runt! I'm bulking right now, so I need the protein more than you do!"
Eric could just barely feel the tiny person fighting him. Little impossibly small hands pushing or punching against his skin. There might've even been a bite in there. He didn't care, this was way too funny to the bully of a giant. Savoring the idea of eating both Cody's protein bar AND his secret tiny person, Eric turned Josh over in his hand, reaching down and plucking him up between two fingers, watching the little guy flail and fight helplessly.
"This is hilarious! It's like you think you can do anything!" Eric laughed hysterically at Josh struggling. Dejected, Josh stopped struggling. "That's right little bitch, give the fuck up."
Opening his mouth, Eric dramatically lowered Josh inside, dropping him and and shutting his mouth. Chuckling a little, Eric swished and tossed Josh around a little.
- - -
"No no!" Josh tried to fight back, but it's as Eric said. He's too small to do anything. He couldn't fight being swished and pressed around in the massive cavern. It reeked of chocolate and peanut butter from the protein bar. But that was the least of Josh troubles as Eric continued to toss him around his mouth.
"Say hi to that protein bar, runt!" Eric's voice boomed around him deafeningly. Josh tried to do anything, grab something, wish for a miracle, anything. But the only thing that happened was a sickening lurch of Eric's tongue, shoving Josh to the back of his throat in a resounding gulp. Yelling in protest and fear, there was nothing Josh could do as he was sent on a one way trip deep inside Eric.
- - -
Eric rubbed his chest, feeling nothing after swallowing the tiny person. He couldn't help but laugh that the little guy didn't have any fight on the way down.
"Guess he accepted he was too pathetic to do anything!" Eric patted his chest a few times. "Would've been funnier if they tried to struggle though."
Satisfied with sticking it to Cody, Eric smugly stood there as the door opened back up, seeing Cody return wearing his towel, hair still wet from the shower.
"Hey nerd! I ate your protein bar and your tiny pet!" Eric laughed bombastically at Cody as he returned, immediately pissed off at seeing the wrapper of his protein bar on the ground.
"Dude!" Cody kicked the wrapper over at Eric. "You're such a fucking asshole, I was saving that protein bar!"
"Yeah and your--" Eric was about to taunt Cody about the tiny person but was cut off.
"Shit dude! You don't ever stop do you!?" Cody angrily got changed. Grabbing his stuff, Cody headed back to the door. "I'm going for a walk, you're pissing me off."
Cody slammed the door, leaving Eric alone and slightly confused.
"Shit he didn't even care about the tiny dude." Eric shrugged, partially understanding since the protein bar likely had WAY more protein in it anyway. Putting a hand on his stomach, Eric let out a long obnoxious burp. Wishing Cody was here to witness his burp, Eric instead patted his stomach a few times. It tasted chocolatey, much to Eric's amusement. "Mmm not bad. I should steal Cody's shit more often."
- - -
Struggling and terrified, Josh wished there was anything he could have done. But he was too small, too weak, just a little runt. Eric's massive burp really sent the giant's stomach into a frenzy as Josh was being mixed and churned in a proteiny chocolate sludge. Josh knew he was nothing more than a gram of protein to this heartless bully of a titan. He couldn't beg or wish his way out of this predicament.
Knowing there was no hope, Josh could hear the giant patting his stomach from the outside, likely relishing in the snack he'd just eaten. It wasn't long before the sludgy liquid in Eric's stomach turned more acidic, breaking down every bit of protein inside of it. After all, the giant was bulking, so he'd need every last gram.
Josh screamed as a large gust of wind picked up the wrapper he was on. Holding on for dear life, Josh soared through the sky, though he closed his eyes terrified to look as the wrapped was whipped about in the gust of wind. Josh had no idea how he was able to hold on, but he attributed most of it to some residual stickiness from whatever candy was in the wrapper. Josh could feel the wrapper start to descend out of the air, opening his eyes, Josh saw as he started falling before landing with a soft crinkle on soft fleshy surface. Thanks to the angle, Josh slipped out of the wrapper, just as it was swatted away from whatever it landed on. Examining the surface, Josh could smell sweat and felt the familiar touch of skin beneath him. Scared to see his surroundings, Josh looked as a massive hand moved from swatting the wrapper back to the side of their body. Josh was in awe as he found himself on the abs on a massive sun tanner. Looking across the man's massive body, Josh could see as far as his mountainous pecs past the hills of his abs. Josh looked behind him, seeing the man was wearing a pair of red, grey and black striped swim shorts, tight to his tree trunk like legs as he seemed wet from a recent swim.
"Oh man… I'm on some random guy…" Josh commiserated as he somehow kept his footing even though he was shaking in fear. He was lucky he slipped out of the wrapper, as he watched it blow straight into the ocean. Josh swallowed, terrified to think what it would have been like to be dumped into the ocean at his size. Turning back to the direction of the giant's face, Josh knew he'd have to tread carefully as he didn't want to be swatted by the giant before he reach his face in hope of contact. Swallowing his fear and squirming on the sweaty surface, Josh started to make his way across the hot sweaty abs…
Josh tread forward carefully,thinking back on how awful his day has been so far.First he gets knocked unconscious by Matt’s unstable ride,then he finds himself free falling in the middle of who knows where,and now he’s slowly treading miles of pure muscle trying to get the attention of a complete stranger.Stopping to catch his breath on the man’s abs while the sun beat down on them,Josh wondered how this day could get any worse.
His answer came soon in the form of a strange vibration from below his feet.Pausing,Josh looked down to see what happened,but saw nothing but solid muscle.Just as he lifted a foot to resume his journey to the man’s face, a loud roar shook and threw him down on his face.Terrified that some predator had found him,Josh whipped his head around but saw nothing but the ocean and the beach around the man.Coming to his senses,the tiny man realized that he had wandered over the man’s stomach,and it sounded angry.Chiding himself for his overreaction to a harmless hungry stomach,Josh moved to peel his face from the sweaty abs and stand up,when a large shadow quickly enveloped him.
Will just loved days like these,a nice swim in the ocean,followed by a relaxing sun bathing session on the beach.He was relieved to find the beach mostly empty today,but then again he did hear of some popular water park somewhere near the area.He doesn’t know anything about the park itself other than that it’s popular enough to leave the nearby beaches empty and perfect for an introvert like himself to enjoy a nice day at the beach.
Feeling a light tickle on his gut,Will wondered how much time has passed since he ate breakfast,his question quickly answered by a very audible rumble from his stomach.Looking around and seeing that no one was around to hear that,Will brought his hand and rubbed his sweaty abs to soothe the angry rumbling,oblivious to a very tiny speck caught underneath the clammy palm.Feeling how sticky he’s gotten from laying in the sun all morning,the man felt like getting up soon would be a good idea.
Bringing his now clammy hand directly over his mouth,Will opened wide and let out a truly massive yawn,shaking off the last few traces of sleep from his body,before smacking his lips and swallowing the drool that had pooled during in his mouth during his nap.Sitting up from his beach towel,the man stretched and idly scratched his armpit,feeling how he should probably trim down there soon.Moving his hand out of his pit and smelling it,the man figured he should probably head home and clean himself up.
Gathering his things up into his gym bag,Will began his walk back to his house. During all of this,the tiny speck caught up in the stranger’s sweaty palm had gotten…
Josh squinted as he saw a massive pair of navy blue boots approach him. Josh panicked as he fell over in some sticky residue in the candy wrapper before turning back in terror seeing the giant stop right before squashing him and the wrapper under the boot. Reaching down, Josh saw as a huge man came into view. Shielding his eyes, Josh saw as the view of a handsome face, with sunglasses covering his eyes, and a police officer's hat came close as he reached down and grabbed the candy wrapper.
"O'Brien, what are you doing?" Josh heard as a second man approached as he was being lifted up level to the giant cop's chest. Plainly across the man's bugling chest, Josh could see the name "Officer O'Brien". Josh looked up and down the giant's body. In a tight officer's uniform Josh could see that this massive police officer probably never skips a gym day. Josh looked at the second man talking to O'Brien. Slightly taller, and even more muscular, Josh looked at the tanned god of a police officer. Wearing a similar uniform to O'Brien, Josh saw his name tag as well "Officer Rodriguez". Also wearing sunglasses and a hat, but this man's face was covered in a dark black scuff. Josh saw the man chewing on a tooth pick as he walked closer to O'Brien.
"Why you always picking up garbage, man?" Rodriguez commented as he shoot his head looking at the wrapper his partner had picked up.
"You know I hate it when the kids litter around here." Josh heard the man say with a slight Irish accent. Josh felt the man moving as he started to move toward a garbage can. Panicking once again, Josh squirmed out of the wrapper and used his someone stickiness from the candy to lodge himself on the man's finger nail. Holding on tight, Josh watched as the wrapper he was just on was just tossed into a dark pit of a garbage can.
"Whew… that could have been me…" Josh held on, relieved he somehow avoided that terrible fate. Josh's relief was short lived as he found himself coming in close contact all a sudden with the giant's chest, being wiped off the giant's hand as slipping into a chest pocket.
- - -
O'Brien wiped his hand on his chest, unaware of the tiny life he had just saved and inadvertently slipped into his pocket.
"See, dude. You wouldn't get shit all over your hands if you would just let someone else deal with it." Rodriguez shook his head as he chewed on his tooth pick. "Seriously, Sean. It's gross."
"I told ya, it's fine Hector." Sean frowned at his partner. "It's such a beautiful city, I just hate to see rubbish all over the ground."
"Whatever, you do you, man. Let's just finish our patrol." Hector rolled his eyes from behind his sunglasses. Sean nodded his head as he went back to Hector's side as the walked down the board walk toward the beach more.
"What are ya in such a hurry for?" Sean smiled at Hector as the two stopped on a pier, watching a few people run by on the beach below. "Ya got a date or something?"
"Nah, I just wanted to see if I could get off work early. It's too nice out to be sweating our asses off in these uniforms." Hector tugged on his shirt a little trying to cool himself off.
"Ya don't think the chief will let us go early, will he?" Sean asked as the two continued their patrol. Hector shrugged as he spat on the ground as their made their way back to the patrol car.
- - -
Josh continued to sweat in the darkness of the giant's chest pocket. Able to hear their conversations, Josh felt fairly sped up on the situation he was in. "Sean O'Brien and Hector Rodriguez." Josh said to himself. "I'm in Sean's pocket. It sounds like they're going back to the police station. This could be good. Assuming they spot me, the police are bound to help me!"
Josh continued to ride in the pocket, eyes adjusting to the darkness as he continued to listen in to the conversation.
"This traffic is a load of shit, man." Josh heard Hector complaining, coming from Sean's left, seeming like he was the one driving. Suddenly Josh heard the sound of a police siren ring out from above the car, and the sound of the engine revving. Josh could feel the G-Forces push him against Sean's chest for a few minutes before the car came to a stop.
"You know the chief would have ya head if he knew you did that?" Josh heard Sean say to his partner as he heard the engine turn off.
"What you're not gonna tell him, are you?" Hector asked as Josh heard the keys jingle before Hector put them in his pocket.
"What? No! You're one of me mates." Sean answered back, feeling a bit taken aback. Josh could feel Sean's arm move before he heard the sound of what he assumed was the men fist bumping.
"Thanks, man. That's why you're my partner!" Hector answered as the two men got out of the car. Still riding along, Josh waited deep at the bottom of the giant's pocket awaiting the next piece of his adventure to unfold.
- - -
Sean and Hector made their way to the chief's office, trying to see if they can head out early. Turns out that the chief decides…
The two men walked out of the chief's office, Hector beaming over his good fortune.
"Hell yeah man! I'm out of here!" Hector smiled as he grabbed his things, happy things could work out in his favor. Getting ready to leave, he watched as Sean had to sit down at his desk, slumping a little into his chair as he had some files he needed to process before the end of the day, some of which were actually Hector's as well. "Uhh thanks again, for taking those for me, buddy."
"It's fine, mate." Sean smiled. He knew how excited Hector was to get off work today. "This won't take me long if I just bang it out!"
"Alright, text me later if you want, bro. I'll be around!" Hector waved to Sean as he made his way out of the station. Sean waved back, now the only man left in the station for the next few hours.
"Pffffffff…" Sean exhaled as he leaned back in his chair and spun around slightly. He really didn't want to do these dumb files, but work was work. Wiping a little sweat from his brow, it was hot even inside the police station. Figuring nobody would care, Sean started to unbutton his shirt and pulled it off revealing his tight sweaty white tank top underneath. Laying his shirt on the desk, Sean sighed a sigh of relief.
"Christ…" Sean leaned back again. "That feel so much better."
- - -
Josh yelled as he was tumbled and tossed, before everything stopped. Pushing his way forward now, Josh noticed he was no longer hindered by the pocket vertically, that it now laid horizontally on a solid surface. Emerging from the pocket, Josh had to momentarily shield his eyes from the light as he looked around, now standing just outside the chest pocket of the massive police man's uniform. Looking around, Josh turned and looked now seeing the massive red haired giant who accidentally picked him up earlier.
"Must be officer O'Brien? Or Sean I guess… I better be formal." Josh said to himself, seeing the giant leaned over on the desk, looking like he was reading through some paperwork. "If I can get his attention that is… I have to be careful."
Josh figured that the giant was looking down at the paper, so at the very least the best way to get spotted will be to go there. Taking a deep breath, Josh started walking over to the paper jumping back slightly as Sean pressed a pen into it to write a few words. Trying to be courageous, Josh moved toward where the giant's eyes scanned, waving and attempting to call out to him.
Seconds went by and…
Josh looked up with hope as the handsome ginger officer locked eyes with him. Waving and jumping, Josh felt such relief that the giant had somehow spotted him. Josh's joy quickly turned to fear however, as a look of disgust crossed the giant's face.
"Dang gnats." Sean said as he set his pen down, bringing his finger over Josh. It was over before Josh was even given a chance to run. A simple motion of pressing his finger to the paper. Sean felt it was a little weird the tiny creature didn't make much of a pop like your typical insect would. Looking back at his finger he did see the smallest smear of red however. Rubbing his fingers together and refocusing his attention to the files he had to finish, Sean was determined not to let anything else distract him before.
"Man, I just want to grab a pint with Hector." Sean thought about all the things he'd rather be doing. "Must be nice being a little bug going and doing whatever you want. Well… not that bug, eh?"
Sean chuckled to himself a bit. Knowing it won't be long before he'd be out of here, unlike the life he unknowingly snuffed out without a second thought.
"What the fuck is that?" Sean asked aloud as he saw what looked like some strange looking bug. He's seen spiders lift legs off the ground before and kinda look like they're waving. But this thing was absolutely tiny and looked like it was waving at him with… arms? Sean leaned in closer, looking at the bug, thinking it was weirdest thing and wanted to identify it before he squashed it into oblivion. All the while, Josh waved and jumped hoping the giant would realize he wasn't a bug the closer he leaned in.
"The hell?" Sean said looking closer and closer. "Are you an itty wee man?"
"Yes! Oh God, I'm so glad you noticed me!" Josh called out in relief.
"Oh wow, your voice is so squeaky and small, mate." Sean chuckled, showing off a pair of attractive white teeth. "Also I don't know about, God. But ye can call me Sean."
"O-okay!" Josh answered a little nervous now that he's made contact. "I'm Josh."
"Cheers, good to meet you Josh." Sean said, still with a smile. "I don't mean to gawk, mate. But I've never seen a wee man before."
"O-oh well see I just came from that water park. Shrink and Swim, if you've heard of it?" Josh shook a little, hoping the kind officer would bring him back to the park so he can get his life back to normal.
"Oh yeahhh. That's a ways away. Must've been brutal for you to get here." Sean said with a slight accent.
"Well, it's a bit of a long story." Josh sat down now. Mostly just relieved he's found and safe.
"I got time, mate. Lay it on me." Sean rested his elbows down. Josh figured there wasn't any harm in telling the whole story.
- - -
Some time went by, as Sean and Josh talked for a little while. Josh eventually trusted Sean to end up in the palm of his hand as the giant sat back listening to how Josh ended up in this situation. Josh spared no details, starting from how he was testing a new ride for the park, all the way to ending up on the wrapper.
"Man, you must be right knackered. Sorry you had to go through all that, wee man." Sean said as he leaned back, holding Josh just above his chest and he rested his free hand behind his head. Josh was a bit distracted from the man's massive flexed arm and exposed under arm hair, but tried to focus when he had to.
"I was lucky you saw me. I don't know what I could have done…" Josh felt like his luck must've through the roof to have this happen.
"I'll admit, I was a second away from squashing ya." Sean chuckled in hindsight. "Glad I didn't, I'd have been a right arse."
"Well I'm glad that didn't happen either!" Josh sweat a little, trying not to think about being carelessly squished like a bug.
"Aye. Anyway mate, we do have to get you back to the park." Sean said, not moving yet. "But I'm stuck at this ruddy station for a few more hours. I can't just leave, especially to get to Shrink and Swim. It's a bit of a leg from here."
"Oh… well that's okay. I don't want you to get in trouble." Josh figured he'd be thankful he got this far, he may as well not get his savior in any trouble.
"Well I can give my partner a ring. He might be willing to bring you to the park." Sean offered, feeling like Josh must be eager to get back and go back to normal. "He might be a bit fluthered by now. But he owes me one, mate."
Josh wasn't sure what that exactly meant, but it was an option at least. He wasn't sure though, at least he knew Sean was trustworthy, and from what he remembered about the other officer he seemed to play things pretty fast and loose…
"I can always just bring your wee arse there when I'm done if that suits you?" Sean asked, noticing Josh's silence.
Thinking on it Josh decided…
It was golden hour and Officer Hector Rodriguez was almost done driving to his home when he received a call from his partner. Seeing the call, he sighed, slightly annoyed, and turned down the rap music he was listening to. He picked up the call.
“Yo.” he answered.
O’Brien then explained the situation. At first, Rodriguez seemed bored of the conversation. But once his partner mentioned Shrink and Swim, Hector’s eyes narrowed.
“…wait, wait, you said he RUNS the place?” he asked. Calculations went through the cop’s mind. As O’Brien kept talking, Rodriguez scrolled on his phone to find a particular contact.
“Alright. I’ll be there in ten.” He said, hanging up the phone. Making sure no one was looking, the officer then sent out a text to his contact. He shifted gears in his car and sped back toward the station.
In a matter of minutes, Rodriguez was parked in the shady lot behind the police station. His partner held Josh in his hand.
“You sure you’re alright takin’ the wee lad?” O’Brien asked.
“Hah, it’s just a little drive.” Hector said, winking. His shades were now tucked into his shirt.
Even though Josh had heard the “little” jokes numerous times from his meatheaded employees, the way the officer delivered it somehow managed to make him laugh. Rodriguez extended his hand out eagerly and O’Brien obliged, handing over Josh gently.
“Thank you so much, sir.” Josh said as he stepped off of the Irish cop’s pale hand and into the Latin cop’s tan one. From his new perspective, Josh immediately felt a shift in energy. Even though Sean had nearly crushed him, he felt a warmth from him. On the other hand, as Rodriguez looked down at the tiny speck in his hand, Josh barely felt any heat. Still, the officer smiled down at him.
“You wanna ride on the dash, or are you more of a “cup holder” kind of guy.” Hector asked.
“Oh? Uhm…” Josh looked around the car for a suitable place to ride. But his eyes kept drifting back to the hunk of an officer towering over him. He was so sculpted. His biceps. His pecs. His--
Hector picked up on the gawking. Wasn’t the first time someone’s eyed him like that, and he knew it. The giant smirked.
“Tell you what. I know juuuust the spot.” Rodriguez cooed, plucking Josh up and putting him in his shirt pocket. This close to the officer’s toned bicep, Josh couldn’t help but blush.
“Secure and ready for transport. Let’s move out.” Rodriguez said in an overly serious tone to his partner. Then the two chuckled at his joke. “Godspeed, soldier.” Sean saluted to Rodriguez before turning and leaving. Hector continued to smile until he was sure Sean was out of sight. Then, his grin dropped.
“Fuckin’ gringo…” he muttered. Josh perked up in confusion, knowing a little Spanish from college. “Huh?” he said. Remembering that Josh was in his pocket, Rodriguez turned the charm back on for a moment. “Ah, nothing. He’s just such a ‘good boy’ sometimes.” the officer lied through a smile.
Putting the car in drive, the officer made his way to Shrink and Swim. Rodriguez began to strike a conversation.
“So, little homie, why do you like being small?” the officer asked in a slightly interrogative tone.
Josh blushed. He never admitted to liking being small. But apparently the officer had already picked up on it. “Oh, uhm…I just like the perspective it gives me. Seeing stuff from this point of view is interesting.”
“Yeah, but, aren’t you kind of powerless like that? I would never willingly put myself in that sort of position.” Rodriguez asked, his tone sliding into a colder one.
“Well….yeah. I guess I am pretty defenseless like this. But even though I am, I usually have good people protecting me. Big guys like your partner.”
Rodriguez took his eyes off the road for a second and looked at Josh, utterly trapped inside the pocket of his shirt. That one look was all it took to strike fear into the tiny.
“A-And like you, obviously. Thanks again for doing this on your time off.” Josh said, though it sounded more like a plea.
The cop smiled once again. “No problemo, little man.”
The sun had fully set by the time the two reached Shrink and Swim, and the building was now closed. Rodriguez looked around as Josh peeked out from the man’s shirt pocket. As he looked, he found that…
“Oh. I didn’t realize it would be closed by now.” Josh said to Hector, who immediately began walking around and scanning the area. “It’s okay. We can probably go back to my place and get a spare--”
But Rodriguez was one step ahead. He put his hand on the side door to the building and it clicked, opening for the two of them. “Oh.” Josh said. “I guess Tyler’s forgetfulness during closing is actually a good thing this time.” the owner tried to joke. Hector simply shrugged and walked inside. “A place with tech this valuable needs better security.”
Josh looked up at the handsome man’s face and couldn’t stop himself from blushing. “I mean…I could definitely hire a competent person like you for that, if you’d want.”
“You flirting with me, little guy?” Rodriguez said bluntly.
Josh’s body turned so red it nearly shut down. “I-, uh~, no??” he stammered, realizing how much of a bottom he was being.
The smooth officer simply chuckled and went back to surveying the area. “You’ve been tiny too long, Joshie. Where’s the shrink tech here? Let’s get you back to normal.”
Josh tried his best to brush off his burgeoning feelings. “This IS my normal…” he said, very quietly, to himself.
Josh guided Hector to his office. There, the officer set Josh down on his desk, and then the tiny instructed the officer to a safe where he kept a small circular device.
“This thing can grow you back?” Hector said, holding the device. “It looks like…like a wireless phone charger.”
Josh laughed. “I suppose so. But it doesn’t just grow things, it shrinks them down as well. Ordinarily I’d use the standard shrinking and growing tech near the front of the building, but that requires two people to activate for safety reasons, so…”
“Wow…” Hector said, gawking at the tech. He then looked at Josh, a tiny speck on the table in font of him. The giant smiled. “You’re a fucking genius, Joshie.”
Josh’s heart fluttered once more. “Ah…thank you. If you want, we could uh… maybe hang out a bit? Once I’m back to normal size of course.” But Hector didn’t seem to be paying attention. The officer pulled out his phone. Though, Josh noticed, it was a different phone than the one he had used when he first met with O’Brien. Rodriguez made a call and the call was picked up immediately.
“Don Julio. Send three or four of your guys. I’ve got access. We should be in and out in about 15.” Josh looked up at Hector, confused. The giant made eye contact with him while still speaking to the person on the phone.
“No. There’s no witnesses.” Rodriguez said, looking directly at Josh with a glint of sadism in his eye.
As hector hung up the phone, the dots connected in Josh’s head a bit to late. “Oh fuck…” he realized. Because of the officer’s charm, the tiny had pushed away the bad gut feeling he got from Rodriguez. But now he knew he needed to run. Josh turned to sprint away but the shady man’s fingers grabbed him by the leg and dragged him up into the air. Josh squirmed like a worm on a fish hook as he was hoisted into the air, upside down, and forced to see nothing but Hector’s sly face. The officer spoke, and though his tone was playful, there was absolutely nothing warm about it.
“How much do you think this thing will go for on the black market, eh?” Hector laughed, toying with the machine a bit. “I know some cartel guys who would LOVE to make their enemies as small as you are, and then…”
Hector’s boot stomps on the ground, slightly shaking the room. He rubs his foot back and forth on the ground as if he’s putting out a cigarette. Josh feels like he’s about to throw up. Not only from the vertigo, but also from fear.
“You won't get away with this! T-They’ll stop you!” Josh tried to threaten, even at the size of an ant. This only elicited a laugh from Rodriguez.
“Who’s gonna stop me, pequenito? The police?” He said, gesturing to himself. He then brought Josh a centimeter away from his mouth. Josh winced. The officer's breath had a slight smell of black coffee.
“Or are YOU going to stop me, little guy?” Rodriguez cackled in a low, ominous tone. Josh whimpered in fear. He looked into the eyes of the officer and saw absolutely nothing. In that moment, Hector decided…
Josh squirmed with all his might against Hector’s tight grip. But it was no use. The officer just grinned.
“Guess you’re not gonna even TRY to stop me, huh? Oh well.” he snickered. Seeing the tiny speck so flushed with red, Rodriguez got an idea. He sat Josh back down on the desk. Josh caught his breath and then immediately tried to run again. But the officer’s hand slammed down in front of him and blocked his path.
“Careful, cabron. I’d hate to squash you like a bug. I thought about it, but stepping on you like the roach you are would leave a little speck of evidence under my boot. Can’t have that.” Hector leaned in close, trapping Josh between his giant mouth and giant palm.
“Sooo…I’m just gonna fuckin’ eat ya instead.” he taunted.
“W-What?!?” Josh asked, astonished. “What the fuck is wrong with you??” The tiny tried to back up but to no avail.
“Ahh, c'mon. Don’t act like you don’t wanna be a part of this body. I saw the way you were looking at me. You like a man in uniform, eh? Hah, don’t worry. I’m a nice guy. For all the money you’re about to make me with this shrink device, the least I can do is give you a little show before you go down.”
Rodriguez stood up from his hunched position. In truth, he didn’t really care about making Josh swoon, though he did find it fucking funny. Hector just absolutely loved the power he now had over a tiny person and couldn’t wait to flaunt it. He reached for the buttons on his shirt and started to unbutton them. One button at a time, he took off the shirt of his uniform, revealing a gray wifebeater underneath. It was slightly sweaty and seemed worn, like it’s gone through a lot. Taking off that shirt as well, his bare torso now loomed over the tiny man. The officer’s pecs and abs were coated in tattoos. Strange symbols, one of which Josh immediately recognized from the graffiti that coated the city. The design was a skull with large fangs. And on Hector's body it directly covered his stomach.
The giant saw Josh take in his tatted torso. He pumped his biceps and then flexed his abdomen, causing his stomach to growl. And even though Josh was terrified for his life as he looked at the skull on Hector’s belly, he couldn’t help but nearly drool at how fucking perfect his abs truly were. After a second of gloating, Hector finally spoke again in his chilling tone.
“You know, during all of that, you could have at least TRIED to run away again. But you didn’t.” he said plainly.
Josh wanted to protest, but he couldn’t find the words. His body went still as Rodriguez bent down slightly to pick him up with a pinch of his fingers.
“I think you know exactly why, little guy.”
The officer then flicked Josh in the air, opened his grinning mouth wide, and caught the tiny on his tongue. He didn’t even give Josh the chance to struggle. The tiny was immediately sent plummeting into the abyss of the man’s throat.
The giant could almost feel the tiny’s descent down his throat. There was a faint feeling of a splash when Josh hit the pit of his gut. Hector rubbed the fanged skull tattoo on his stomach, which rumbled, gladly doing its job of getting rid of the evidence.
Rodriguez looked at the circular shrinking device on the table. “Tch. Damn, Josh…” he taunted, picking it up. “It would be a shame if this shit got in the wrong hands.” The giant smirked. His stomach grumbled, done with its job, and craving more to come.
"Uh oh." Matt said aloud as he noticed a lot of the water starting to gush out down his chest and straight into his belly button. Waiting for a second, Matt sat still as he carefully watched all the water start to slowly funnel out of the straw and down his body. Sighing, Matt started to slowly peel apart the ride from under his arms and going down his chest. Looking down his body, Matt reached a finger gingerly into his navel, quickly retrieving his tiny boss. Lifting him up to his giant face, Matt smiled as he rubbed the top of his head.
"Guess it leaked a little, huh boss?" Matt said as he watched Josh start to cough up a little water and wipe it from his face.
"Yeah going to have to make a few little changes, but over all I think it's a fantastic ride! We need to do clear tubes, the view would be amazing for our guests!" Josh exclaimed, as he finished drying off his face.
"Amazing?" Matt said as his face turned a little red by the compliment. Looking down at his own body, Matt tried to imagine how it would look to circle himself from a tiny prospective. Giving up, he smiled as he looked down at his teeny boss on his finger tip once more.
"Yeah…" Josh said a little leery. "Either way, We can have the ride constructed right away! We'll also need a new room added to the side of the park leading into a spot where the person wearing the ride can easily access."
"What if we just made an extension to the break room, that way when two of us are on duty we can just go from there to the new ride's room?" Matt questioned as he stood up and walked Josh over to the balcony.
"That would work, by why do we need two people? Wasn't the point of the ride so that you can be the ride and be on duty?" Josh asked curiously.
Matt crossed his arms, covering his round pecs as he frowned. "Well, dude. From the test run I think we learned that if something goes wrong we can't have the dude wearing the ride to be the one saving someone. We should be in pairs so one of us is there to keep the little peeps safe."
Josh's mind wandered a little, imagining the new area being built and having two massive muscular giants there. One with tinies lining up to ride down the water slide all over him, and the other sitting there with his feet propped up blowing a whistle every once in a while when some tiny person started to run around. For a second, Josh wasn't sure if most guests will be terrified or in love with the new addition. Confident, Josh shook his head yes to Matt's suggestion knowing that some people are sure to be interested in this totally optional experience of Shrink and Swim.
- - -
Over the course of the day, Josh and Matt worked out getting the room expanded and getting in contact with a contractor. The ride itself took minutes to create, however the contractors took up the rest of the day making the new section for the park both safe for the little guests and spacious for the giant lifeguards.
The room was finished, it had the new ride made with an easy to slip on fashion, a spot for the giant wearing the ride to sit with a pool down just under crotch level, and a wooden staircase built for tinies to wait in line at the top. Second the area had a small set of restrooms and a concession stand. Away a little from the balcony there was a second seat, a little cushier than the seat made for the ride, where the second supervisor giant would be stationed.
Josh stood full sized in the room at closing time, admiring the rapid work done today. Smiling, Josh looked at the tiny balcony sitting even at Josh's small knee high height. Matt came through the door, still wearing nothing but his board shorts as he walked up to his little boss and put the shorter man in a headlock.
"Yooooooooo boss!" Matt yelled as he pulled Josh into his chest. Josh could feel Matt's shark's tooth necklace start to dig into the back of his head while he gasped for air.
"Ack! Matt! -top!" Josh croaked trying to get the taller man to release him. Laughing, Matt removed his arm from around his boss's neck and watched as he started to catch his breath.
"So boss, what are we calling this new ride anyway?" Matt asked, putting a hand on Josh's shoulder, causing him to flinch. Rubbing his throat, Josh was a little surprised by the question.
"Well it was your idea, I just figured you'd have a name." Josh said matter of factly. Matt smiled widely as he rested his arm down Josh's side and pulled him in closer to his still bare torso. Stretching out a hand as if to point at the horizon Matt simply stated, "The Dude Flume."
Josh shook his head, placing his palm on his face over the name of the ride. It was oddly perfect for the ride however. "Alright, The Dude Flume it is. Just so you know I'm having you operate the ride for most of the day tomorrow. It's the first day, so be sure you have your game face on."
Matt saluted Josh as he put on a contorted looking face. "Dude, I always have my game face on!" He said excitedly. "So who's working with me?"
"Who do you want?" Josh asked, not really wanting to make a decision.
Matt smiled again as he looked down at his boss and said…
"I want Ty to work with me!" Matt smiled eagerly. "Besides, he's your right hand man, so what better person, right?"
"You make a great point, Matt!" Josh agreed happily, glad Matt would pick someone he absolutely knew he could trust. Satisfied with the decision, Josh and Matt made their way out of the little room, shutting the door to the dude flume as they left. Josh made his way home, glad to get a good nights sleep knowing tomorrow the small guests would be in Tyler's capable hands.
- - -
Josh woke early the next morning, excited to meet with Tyler and Matt as he made his way around to the break room first thing in the morning before opening the park. Still at his normal size of 5'5" Josh was greeted by his two massive employees, easily dwarfing him even at his normal height.
"Morning, Josh!" Tyler exclaimed brightly at his good friend. He walked over and grabbed Josh in for a tight hug, pressing Josh's face into his already bare chest as he was already in his uniform. Josh hugged the man back with a smile, always glad to greet his trusted friend every day.
"You seem chipper this morning, Ty!" Josh gleamed as Tyler let go of his small friend. "Excited?"
"Yeah I'm really glad you guys picked me for this, dude." Tyler winked. "You can count on me!"
Josh smiled confidently up at Tyler before he looked around seeing Matt slumped in a chair at the kitchen table, looking like he was half asleep. Josh crept over to the sleepy blonde and got close to his ear…
"MATT!" Josh yelled, trying to scare the handsome surfer dude awake. Matt nearly fell out of his chair startled as he rubbed his eyes and yawned, looking at Josh.
"Not cool, boss." Matt yawned. "You know I don't do well with mornings…"
"Dude, that was hilarious!" Tyler laughed, giving Josh a quick fist bump.
"Come on Matt, you're gonna have to wake up. It's your time to shine!' Josh smiled at him as he started to get out of the chair and attempt to slap himself a little awake. Josh nodded, glad to see Matt was waking up.
"You guys ready? We have to get Matt set up." Josh said with a smile hoping to get the ball rolling. Josh motioned for the two to follow him into the newly built room and he and Tyler helped get the ride on Matt and had him seated at the chair. Josh stopped to make sure everything was in order. Looking at the slide it started up by Matt's shoulder where the line of people would meet the start of the tube, then it travels down in a slow loop under Matt's armpits as it continues to circle Matt's body at a not so steep angle. Finally, it loops around Matt's back and drops slightly as it travels below his butt and under his crotch and ends in a newly built pool between his legs.
"Perfect." Josh admired as the water for the ride came on and flawlessly made it all the way to the pool without any leaks. Josh nodded to himself in approval as he started to leave the room, ready to go open the park. Tyler made his way over to the other side of the room, giving Matt a thumbs up as he sat at his post, waiting for guests to come in at any minute. Making his way into the front of the park, Josh shrunk down as he came into the entrance and opened the park for business. Excitedly, Josh started to work his way toward the new opening in the park, leading to The Dude Flume. Walking through the doorway, Josh pushed a turnstile so they could keep track of in and out guests as he walked into the gigantic room. Walking past the concession stand, Josh waved to the worker stationed there as they prepped their meals for the day. Moving forward, Josh saw what the real attraction was. Laughing, Josh saw as a giant sized Matt sat at his post with the nice clear tube around him, almost looking half asleep. Off to the side, Josh saw Tyler sitting at his post watching him from a distance since he first made his way into the section. Josh approached the railing waving and looking up at Tyler. Tyler leaned in a little closer, recognizing it was Josh.
"Oh hey buddy!" Tyler smiled looking down at Josh from what seemed like hundreds of miles away. "Couldn't wait to come in here and start micro managing, huh?"
"Real funny!" Josh yelled up at Tyler as he went back to his post, undoubtedly laughing to himself over his play on words. Next, Josh walked up to Matt, looking at the half asleep giant. Sighing, Josh started to climb up the wooden stairs leading to Matt's shoulder. Making his way up quickly since nobody was here, Josh reached Matt's colossal broad shoulder in no time and yelled up to him.
"MATT WAKE UP!" Josh screamed as loud as he could. Turning his face Matt looked over to see his first tiny guest, before his eyes widened embarrassed.
"Boss! I'm awake!" Matt said as he looked at Josh with his deep blue eyes and a smile. Josh gave him a thumbs up and grabbed onto the top of the tube that was fastened to the wooden stairs. Pushing off, Josh rode down the ride for the first time since it was made. He gawked at the scenery as he passed below Matt's arm pits and made his way around his fantastic chest. As Josh rushed past Matt's hardened abs he knew the final drop was soon. With a good view from the clear tube it looked like he was about to drop straight down into the back of Matt's board shorts, but angled off down more at the last second. It was dark as Josh rode below Matt's sitting body before he finally came out at the end in the pool, looking back all he could see was Matt's massive legs on either side of him meeting his his crotch resting right above at the end of the tube. Satisfied, Josh made his way to the door as he passed a few cautious looking guests.
"That new ride is a blast!" Josh said to the group of people, trying to put them at ease. Josh turned at watched as the group of people made their way forward to now more alert and attentive looking Matt. Josh nodded as he left through the door to get some work done.
- - -
Tyler stood up as people started poring into the newest second of the park. It was unreal how quickly the idea took off! Tyler stood a distance away from the railing as he watched people make their away around, exploring and checking out the "views". Meanwhile, Matt tried to stay awake and be attentive as he sat waiting for anyone to start to make their way onto the ride. However, he could help but notice most the the gusts had started to congregate around Tyler, rather than himself. People kept piling in more and more, sitting, standing, gazing at Tyler as he stood there, barely noticing the attention he was getting. Matt broke his gaze at Tyler's crowd for a moment when a guest finally came up to shoulder.
"Only one so far?" Matt thought to himself as it was just a little kid, going down the slide and being on his merry way. Meanwhile the crowd around Tyler seemed consistent, if not was growing.
Hours passed as Matt let maybe a dozen or so guests down his slide before he saw Tyler waving over at him. "Yo, Matty, you want to swap off so you can get a break?"
"Yeah sure!" Matt called back, noticing he ha nobody in the ride or climbing up at the moment anyway. Tyler made his way over as Matt took of the ride, helping Tyler to get in the tangle of tubes himself as a crowd of people watched with great anticipation. Finally secure, Tyler gave the ok for people to come aboard. A flood of tiny people immediately started their climb. Matt walked away, sullenly watching as Tyler let troves of people down in minutes, more people than he had in hours. Sitting down at the other station, Matt simply swallowed his pride for now, knowing he had a job to do.
- - -
The day was almost at an end and the Dude Flume part of the park had to be closed up. Tyler started to take off the ride with a smile as Matt came by to help.
"Awesome idea Matty! People loved it!" Tyler smiled, smacking Matt on the shoulder. "You're a genius!"
Matt gave a half hearted smile, feeling like people loved Tyler, not the ride. "Thanks, man. Yeah you were pretty popular."
Josh came in through the back door, having closed up the park already to see the two men as they cleaned up. "Hey great job guys! I heard that as the day one you guys got really popular!"
"Sure did!" Tyler smiled, unaware of Matt's slight brooding.
"Great we'll plan for the same thing tomorrow then!" Josh gleamed, happy to see the two men worked so well today. Josh and Tyler made their way out the back door meanwhile Matt…
Matt, holding onto his feelings, held out a hand reaching for Josh as he saw him turn away before he retracted it, feeling slightly dejected.
"It's fine." Matt said to himself as Josh and Tyler left. "I guess I'm just glad the ride went over well…"
Feeling a little better, Matt followed the two men out and made his way home, hoping tomorrow would go a little better.
- - -
The next day, Matt found himself strapping into the ride first like the day before, hoping that he'd get at least a few more riders on today to compete with Tyler's overwhelming dominance from the day before. Putting on a friendly smile, and looking down at the crowds of tiny people starting to pour into the park, Matt hoped for the best as a dozen or so people made their way up the ride.
"You're good to go!" Matt called with a friendly smile to a mad who made it up first as he slipped down the tube and slide all the way down into the pool to go. "You're up mam'!"
Matt continued to call down a steady stream of people, happy to see more and more people felt comfortable around him. Seemingly like things were already going better, Matt looked over at Tyler as he stood watch at the life guard's station before he noticed…
Matt's face grew pale as he looked at the crowd surrounding Tyler. It hadn't doubled, or even tripled. No, in fact it looked like it was at least ten times bigger than yesterday! News must've spread quickly of the handsome tanned giant, and people seemed to be pouring in to get a glance of the huge man. Matt sighed as he let another person down the ride. It wasn't like he wasn't without his own group of followers now as well, but seemingly in sheer muscular appeal Tyler had him out matched. Trying to ignore Tyler and focus on his job, Matt continued to let patrons down the slide, happy as he saw people coming up four maybe five times as he started to recognize some of the itty bitty people. Time went on and it was time for Matt's break and for Tyler to take over. As the two men switched, a crowd of tiny people flooded to the line to go all the way up Tyler. Matt frowned as he went to the life guard's station and sat at the chair. A few people stopped to glance at Matt, but none stayed around like they did with Tyler. Tyler meanwhile, started to love all the attention.
"Hey no pushing!" Tyler winked at the eager groups of people. "You'll all get turns if you all stop shoving!"
Scoffing at Tyler, Matt lowered his sunglasses, just wishing for Tyler's shift to be over.
- - -
Time passed quickly for Tyler but dreadfully slow for Matt as the park was coming to a close soon. Matt stood up and looked at the still hundreds of wriggling little people desperately trying to get up the ride with Tyler again. Rolling his eyes, Matt looked over to Tyler.
"I'm gonna just go to the bathroom, dude." Matt said, bored. "Think you can clean up?"
"Yeah, bro!" Tyler replied excitedly as he saw Matt walk off. It wasn't much to clean up when they're all done, so he figured it was best to just let Matt's gloomy attitude walk off. As the last few minutes rolled around, Tyler had to stop people from getting on the ride as he started taking it off. Oddly enough, a massive group still stood and watched Tyler, despite him telling them the ride was closing.
"Park is closing up, folks!" Tyler smiled down at the hundred or so people still sticking around. "Time to go home!"
Just then, a tiny man climbed over the safety rail as Tyler barely saw the little guy before he started falling off the side. Instinctively like he would with Josh, Tyler caught the little guy in his hand before he could fall to the ground.
"Are you alright, sir?!" Tyler held the little man up to his face. "What in the world were you doing?!"
"Take me with you!" The little man begged Tyler. A cheer from below also erupted seemingly in agreement with the little man's actions.
"What?!" Tyler reared back a little in shock. "I can't do that!"
"Please!" The little man simply begged. as Tyler brought him back down to the crowd. As Tyler lowered his hand, throngs of tiny people tried grabbed on to the giant's hand as he was trying to let the one man off. Shaking them off, Tyler still remained in shock. He looked around, and thought for a moment. He always kind of wanted little people to play with aside from Josh. He was always so concerned about hurting his best friend he had to hold back many of is more "dangerous" ideas. Looking down at the group, Tyler wanted to bring them with him, but part of him didn't want to upset Josh should he happen to walk in.
"Just hold on one minute!" Tyler commanded the group, as Tyler waked through the door in the back, connected to the break room. Tyler looked around the room, empty. Making his way into his locker, Tyler grabbed a draw string bag and an old Tupperware container he had from a lunch he brought. Scoping out the room again, Tyler was nervous about what he was about to do until he saw…
Tyler swallowed nervously. There was nobody around. No one. He quietly made his way through the break room, back into the room with his awaiting crowd of little admirers. Tyler opened the door, and looked down, still seeing there was as massive group eagerly awaiting his return. He walked over to the group and removed the lid of his Tupperware, the smell of rice and chicken still prominent as he didn't really wash it the other day. Setting it down and leaning it to its side Tyler looked down the the group of people.
"If you want to go with me, get in this." Tyler commanded the crowd. Excitedly and pushing one another, the mass of people started climbing into the plastic container. Tyler stood there amazed as every single one crawled their way inside before he held the container in his hands once again. Putting the top on the container while leaving it slightly popped open for air, Tyler pulled the draw string bag off his back and set the container carefully inside.
"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Tyler thought to himself, still nervous yet very excited. Putting the bag on his back Tyler left the room and made his way through the still empty break room before getting outside. Focused on getting home, Tyler nearly jumped as he heard someone call his name.
"Ty! Hey! There you are!" Josh saw Tyler leaving as Matt walked beside him. "All cleaned up?"
"Y-yeah!" Tyler stuttered. "I was just going home."
"Oh? Well whatcha up to then?" Josh asked with a friendly smile, wanting to hang out with his best friend.
"Oh… I dunno. I'm just really tired. It's been a long two days, dude." Tyler lied, feeling more awake than ever but with a nervous knot in his stomach.
"That's too bad! But you have been working hard!" Josh nodded. "Why not take tomorrow off? I'll have someone else pair with Matt."
"Really?" Tyler and Matt both said in unison. Tyler smiled, feeling like this worked out well in his favor, meanwhile Matt couldn't help but feel relieved that maybe more people would flock to him tomorrow over whoever else gets paired with him.
"Yeah! Matt maybe you want a day off too?" Josh turned to Matt who shook his head.
"No, it's fine boss. Besides it's my ride. I should supervise whoever you pair with me." Matt responded, feeling like he was destined for the spotlight tomorrow.
"That's very professional of you Matt." Josh smiled. "Well have a nice rest, ok Ty?"
"Thanks Josh…" Tyler sweat a little as he turned his back, feeling bad a little of the big secret he was hiding in his bag. Josh smiled as he watched Tyler walk off before making his way back into the park for some final closure. Upon checking the turnstiles counters for guests entering and exiting, Josh was a little shocked.
"154?" Josh pondered aloud as he looked at the number. It was typical that the number wasn't perfectly 0 all the time since kids jump the turnstile or people slide past them sometimes, but to have such a large number was a little odd. Deciding to check the park, Josh hoped he could find some guests had simply stuck around longer than they intended. As time went on however, Josh found the park had been empty.
"Maybe the turnstile is just counting people twice sometimes…" Josh reasoned to himself as he shut the facility down, leaving for the night feeling like that had to be the answer.
- - -
Having practically ran home, Tyler was sweating pretty bad, beads running down his bare chest as he still wore his lifeguard uniform of red board shorts and a red hat. Not even grabbing his shoes or socks, Tyler didn't even notice the warmth of the pavement under his bare feet. Getting to his apartment as soon as he could, Tyler made his way up to his unit on the top floor.
It was in a nice neighborhood. Josh had helped him pick it out, refusing to have his friend stay in some ratty place. Most of the people that stayed in the complex were younger beach goers mostly, so Tyler fit in well. Opening up the door to his place, Tyler looked out into the apartment. While the place looked clean from the outside, Tyler's apartment was it's own different ball park. Messy as always, Tyler had shorts, socks, tank tops, underwear, and shoes laying about everywhere. Boxes of empty take out and pizza lined up near his garbage, which overflowed with crumpled up bags and papers thrown at it like a basketball hoop. Tyler walked into his kitchen which was attached to the living room at the entry way and took the Tupperware container out of his bag and set it on the kitchen counter. Tyler shoved aside a box of pizza, half eaten from the day before as he set down the plastic container and opened it up. Taking the cover and tossing it in his sink as it was filled with at least a weeks worth of dishes, Tyler sighed as he remembered Josh insisting he got a place with a dishwasher, of which he often forgot to use. Shifting his focus back to the tiny people in the plastic container, Tyler looked down to see them regaining their balance and adjusting to the new smells and sights of Tyler's apartment.
"Welcome to my pad, little bros and chicks." Tyler stretched his arms to his sides showing off his kitchen and living room to the tiny admirers. Tyler looked down at them, knowing he was going to have to do something, seeing as he was in control of whatever went on. His mind raced at the things he's always wanted to do as a giant but was too afraid of hurting Josh. Nodding his head with a smirk as he looked down at the people, Tyler decided he was going to be…
Tyler took a quick breath before he got into the character he wanted to be for his game. Tipping over the container and letting the screaming mass of people flood out onto his counter, Tyler crossed his arms and looked down at the mass of people.
"Alright, peeps. Listen up." Tyler commanded as he saw all the little people look up at him. It was crazy, Tyler couldn't even hope to count how many speck like people agreed to come with him, but he had to guess it was over a hundred. "From this day forward, you're all my roommates. I don't think I'll be able to get to know all of you, but you all should know me."
Tyler smiled as he flexed his arms in a double bicep for his minuscule crowd. "Name's Tyler. I hope you all know I don't watch my step. I eat fast and I eat a lot. And finally, if you're unhappy you're always welcome to crawl under my door. But good luck contacting any of my neighbors." The crowd looked like a mix of scared, nervous, and excited as Tyler lowered his arms. Not wanting to intimidate them too badly Tyler bent down a little and smiled again. "That being said, I'm a nice guy. I'll do my best to look out for all of you! Have a nice stay, dudes!"
Tyler turned his back on the tinies as he made his way out into the living room and down a hall to his right into his bathroom. Still sweating and smelling like pool water, Tyler wanted a shower. Turing on the water and stripping his shorts and hat, Tyler wondered if the tiny people would spread out and explore, or stay put out of fear. Getting in the shower, Tyler shrugged. "Wonder what it's gonna be like living with like a hundred roommates?"
Having finished with his shower, Tyler grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Since he was used to living alone he'd normally walk out naked but he figured this was more considerate for his roomies. Opening the door, Tyler took a step before he swore he felt something squish under his bare foot.
"Huh?" Tyler looked under his foot, noticing two tiny red smears as well as seval tiny people scurrying away toward the wall. "Shit guys, I told you it's hard to watch my step!"
Shaking his head, Tyler walked into his room, making sure not to step on any more antsy little explorers. "Damn how'd they get off the counter and in front of the bathroom that quick?" Tyler wondered as he wiped the bottom of his foot with his towel before grabbing a pair of shorts and underwear. Pulling over a body builder tank top, loose and showing off his sides, Tyler stood up now wearing red shorts, a white tank top and a red hat. Still barefoot, Tyler figured it was a descent warning to any other tinies on the floor to steer clear of his massive feet. Leaving his room and walking back to the kitchen, Tyler didn't look down at all to further make his point. Not noticing that he stomped anymore little people, Tyler looked at the counter where he had left the swarm of people. It was completely empty.
"Wow for being so small they all sure moved fast." Tyler said aloud, feeling like wherever they had gone it was likely all their eyes were on his anyway. Shrugging, Tyler wanted to have a little fun. Pondering, he figured what better way than to…
Out of the corner of Tyler's eye he saw a small movement scurry across the floor of his kitchen. Following the movement, Tyler stomped after it, slowly and deliberately. Clearly it was a single tiny person fleeing from Tyler's path, but unfortunately for the little speck, his path was to follow him. Running as quickly as he could from Tyler, it was clear the giant was gaining on him. Tripping and falling, the tiny man turned to see Tyler's massive foot slowly descending on top of him. Everything went dark for the little man before he realized he wasn't actually dead. Aside from the smell of Tyler's foot, somehow he hadn't been pulverized into nothing. The little man watched as Tyler shifted his foot, laughing at the terrified little man.
"What did you think I'd step on you too?" Tyler chuckled loudly. "Those other people were just an accident!"
Tyler laughed some more as he spread two of his toes and pressed his foot to the ground, with the tiny man placed between the two toes.The little man simply froze in terror and awe as the two toes towered on either of his sides. Wiggling his toes and threatening to close them in Tyler could feel the little man's excitement just before he'd squish him right between them. Stopping again, however, Tyler didn't really have much interest in squashing anyone deliberately, not yet at least. Moving his foot completely away from the tiny man this time, Tyler knelt down, scooping the frozen little man off the ground and lifting him high up next to his face.
"Having fun, little guy?" Tyler asked the tiny man with a cocky smirk.
"This is incredible! You could've offed me at any second!" The man somehow blurted out.
"Well no offense, little roomie. But what did you all think was gonna happen?" Tyler chuckled playfully as he bent backward and sat on the ground from his kneeling position. Three or so tinies had crept up behind Tyler at that moment, just in time for the sexy giant to squash them all under his godly bubble butt. They were so insignificant however, Tyler hadn't even noticed as he continued to talk to the single little man.
"W-well, sir. Most of us came here expecting we wouldn't make it out…" The little guy stuttered nervously, still in awe his god deemed him worthy of talking to.
"Huh… so you're all throwing you lives away one way or another." Tyler rubbed his chin with his free hand. "Also I ain't no "sir". I'm not your master. I'm your roommate. Think of me more of a bro, bro!"
The little man shifted uncomfortably. He wasn't expecting such an attractive titan to be both so clumsy and playful, yet so accommodating. "O-Okay, ummm bro?"
"See? It's not so hard!" Tyler stood up, exposing three tiny red stains on the ground. Tyler looked over at a pair of shoes he wore to go running the other day and walked over to them. Reaching down and sticking the little man he had with him inside he flattened the shoe so the little guy would have a hard time escaping. "Here! Have fun in here! That way I won't step on ya! But if you're still in there later when I need to use those shoes, you might be in some trouble!"
Now deep in the shoe, Tyler didn't hear a response from the tiny man. Laughing at his own antics, Tyler turned away, seeing little specks scurry out of his path as he looked around the room.
"Wow, they're like bugs or something." Tyler thought to himself as they really did seem like they zipped around almost mindlessly. Making his way over to the his sofa, Tyler jumped on it like he normally would, landing in a laying position with a hard smack. Unluckily for a few tiny explorers the full force of Tyler's body landing on them proved to be too much. Broken and unmoving, they now laid somewhere between Tyler's butt and back as the huge stud turned on his TV. A few survivors found themselves being flung into the air in various directions. Some landing on the hard wood floor with broken limbs, another lucky enough to land somewhere on Tyler himself. Unaware of the mass destruction he just committed, Tyler simply stretched his body as he…
Tyler stopped as he felt a buzzing come from inside his pocket. Pulling his phone out and looking down at the contact, he noticed it to be a friend he'd made outside of work playing pick up games of football with. "Sup, Hunter?"
Tyler conversed back and fourth with the friend "Hunter" for a few minutes before getting up suddenly, dragging the numerous number of tiny people clinging to his body with him. Going into his room and grabbing a pair of socks, Tyler slipped them on before going and grabbing the set of shoes he had just put the tiny man he spared inside. Forgetting entirely about the little guy and how he teased him earlier, Tyler slipped on the shoe and stomped it down to get his heel in. Meanwhile, atop Tyler's hat, struggling under his tank top, clinging to his shorts, and sliding off his leg hair to his ankle rested the few remaining tiny people unknowingly going to play a game of football with Tyler and his massive buddies. Tyler turned to his apartment, noticing a little scurrying as he looked.
"I'm going out for a bit! Keep the place tidy for me, roomies!" Tyler yelled to the seemingly empty room, but also partially hoping that they would in fact try to work together to clean up some of his manly mess. Tyler smirked as he decided before he left to grab a water bottle. only filling it up with a splash of water, Tyler looked around as he spotted a tiny man peering at him from a corner on his counter. Easily, Tyler scooped the little guy up and dropped him in the bottle and looked at him from the other side of the plastic.
"You're lucky! You get to watch your roomie play some football with some buddies!" Tyler said to the confused little man as he waded about in chest deep water. Tyler laughed as he thought the one little man was the only one coming with him, unaware of the many little hitch hikers he had on his body as he made his way out the door. Making his way outside, Tyler caught a glimpse of his friend Hunter as well as his other friend Tanner, whom also live in the same apartment complex as him, waiting for him to go play football.
"Yo, Tyler!" Hunter called as Tyler looked at the lean young looking man. Hunter reminded Tyler a lot of Matt, they shared a very similar build and height of the more lean and ascetic dude. Hunter was a skater as apposed to a surfer however. With blonde hair under a backwards pink flat brimmed hat and dark eyebrows in contract to his hair as well as deep blue eyes and a very chill looking face, Hunter was definitely a skater bro.
He wore a pink tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants, despite the heat. Tattoos lined up and down his arms more so on his right side, making a somewhat of a sleeve going onto his shoulder and back. Finally, Tyler looked down at his black skate shoes, not very ideal for playing football. Despite being leaner, Hunter was fantastic at football. He could take a hit like a champ and has a cannon for an arm that nobody would expect.
"Sup, Hunter. Yo! Tank you're joining us too?" Tyler looked over and addressed what could only be described as a human tank. Tanner, or Tank as everyone called him was an absolute beast of a man. Standing well over Tyler and Hunter in height and out muscling likely both men combined, Tank was build more like a real body builder over both the more casual muscle builders. Though he lacked any real definition, he had mass and weight to compensate that out. With buzzed dark brown hair and a gruff looking face with brown eyes and light facial hair, Tank was intimidating to anyone who didn't know him. Wearing a red stringer tank top that said "beast" across the front as well as a pair of black shorts and football cleats, Tank looked like he was ready to play some serious football. The tank top didn't hide his body very well as Tyler could easily see both pecs popping out as massive as they were, covered in light brown hair all the way down to his flat stomach. Which he didn't have the vintage six pack as most of the dudes Tyler knew, he still had visible abs despite his abdomen being much more bulky.
"Yeah, figured I'd give this shit another try." Tank gave a response with a deep intimidation voice. Hunter and Tyler simply laughed as Hunter patted his enormous friend on the shoulder. In truth, Tank was terrible at football. He had butter fingers and could barely throw. But if anything he could level anyone on the field at any time as the biggest dude out there.
"You'll be fine, bro!" Tyler reassured Tank as the gruff looking man gave a sweet looking smile. "Just block for Hunter and me and you'll do work!"
- - -
The three men made their way to an open field near by, meeting up with several other young men, all looking to play a game of football. Tyler dropped off his water bottle as well as taking off his hat and dropped it off on the sideline, leaving both a little person he knew about as well as the one on his hat he wasn't aware of off to the side. Both tinies watched as Tyler, Hunter, and Tank ran off into the field to meet the others. To the little ones who knew about the people left on Tyler, watching the game of football may as well have been a slaughter. Tyler was tackled not to shortly into the game at the waist, easily decimating the poor tiny clinging to his shorts. From his ankle, another helpless tiny fell to the ground as they were easily trampled by the onslaught of men running over them. Holding on for dear life now in Tyler's belly button, the last little person to make it to the field also wouldn't make it out alive. Upon Tyler tackling one of his friends, the little person flew out, being crushed between the abdomens of the two giant men.
Still sitting on the hat in horror, the little man looked over to see another person in the water bottle as the two made eye contact and looked to one another. Before he could even wave to the man on the hat in recognition, suddenly two men came crashing down on top of the hat. Tank had tackled another player out of bounds as the two landed on Tyler hat, snuffing out the last life that that was unknowingly brought to this field.
"My hat!" Tyler came over to the men, pulling his hat out from under Tank's massive ass. Wiping it off and popping it back into form, Tyler smiled as he moved his hat and the water bottle a little further away from the action. "No worries it's all good."
You couldn't say the same for the guy Tank leveled, however, as he had trouble getting up. After a few minutes then man shook it off, and the players had decided that was probably enough for today. Tyler grabbed his hat, putting it back on his head and grabbing his water bottle as he met back up with Hunter and Tank.
"Yo, Tank you gotta go easy, dude." Hunter laughed as he patted Tank on the back. The three dirt covered men laughed and talked on their way back to the apartment. Just as they reached the building, Hunter looked down at the water bottle Tyler had been carrying.
"Tyler. I've been meaning to ask." Hunter pointed at the bottle. "What's up with the sip of water you brought and never drank, bro?"
Tyler looked down at the bottle. Unsure if he should tell anyone about what he did, Tyler looked at Tank and Hunter and…
Tyler bit his lip as he looked down at the bottle. Figuring the fact that neither Hunter nor Tank were at all affiliated with Shrink and Swim, it was probably safe to let them in on his little secret. Tyler handed the bottle to Hunter, who took it and looked down at it confused.
"You have to keep this a secret, ok?" Tyler told the two men as Hunter looked closer at the bottle, even more confused.
"Keep what a secret?" Tank asked, now also curiously looking at the bottle.
"There's a tiny person in the bottle." Tyler partially whispered as both men looked even closer.
"Shut up dude, we aren't stupid." Hunter laughed as Tank looked closer.
"No, bro. Doesn't Tyler work at that water park where they shrink people. Look." Hunter squinted, barely making out the features of a tiny speck in the water to be a little man.
"Huh?" Hunter looked now closer at the bottle as he did in fact make out the form of what looked like a teeny tiny human. "Oh shit bro! You didn't kidnap someone did you?"
"What? No!" Tyler told truthfully. "He begged me to bring him home with me."
"Why the hell would he do that?" Hunter asked, very skeptical.
"Maybe he's into giants?" Tank offered as an explanation. Both Tyler and Hunter looked at Tank, a little quizzically. "What? It's a thing. I've had people beg me to crush them or eat them if they were tiny on my fitness videos on Youtube before."
"Oh you mean on that one video of you swallowing a goldfish on a dare?" Hunter remembered now, being the one to have taken the video a year or so ago.
"Yeah that's the one…" Tank rolled his eyes, trying not to think about all the cringy comments he received.
"Huh, so this little guy is one of those then?" Hunter asked Tyler, curiously.
"Yep! He even wanted in the water bottle so I could drink him after the game!" Tyler lied, just wanting to build off what they were talking about. "But one of you should do it. I've got more upstairs anyway."
"More little people?" Tank looked at Tyler, a little astonished. "How many, like five or six?"
"No no. Like well over a hundred." Tyler scratched his head, still not really sure how many.
"No shit, that's crazy. I thought people were only into giant women." Tank scratched his facial hair a little as Tyler and Hunter gave him another quizzical look. "What? People send me messages about it. I do read them, bros."
"Well no girls at this party!" Tyler laughed. "Why don't you guys come up to my place and meet them all?"
"Yeah that sounds dope, dude!" Tank answered excitedly as he looked down at Hunter.
"Can I like… shower first?" Hunter asked, covered in dirt and sweat. Tank laughed as he was also pretty messy and agreed.
"Sure bros. I should do the same…" Tyler agreed, despite just having took a shower when he first got home. "One of you should drink that little guy though, for a nice energy boost!"
Hunter handed the bottle to Tank almost instantly. "Here, dude. Since you're the expert. Besides I don't know if I could stomach it."
"Like taking a tiny pill." Tank looked at the minuscule little man who may as well been the size of a grain of rice. Taking off the top and pressing the opening to his lips, Tank easily swigged all the water in one go, gulping it and the tiny man down almost instantly. "Aww gross it was so warm!"
"Well it was out in the sun all that time, bro." Tyler laughed as he rose an eyebrow. "How was he?"
"I dunno." Tank shrugged as he put a finger on his throat, trying to feel the little guy. "I don't feel him at all."
"I'm not surprised. He was real small." Hunter shrugged as he walked past the two men and made his way inside. "I'm taking that shower. I'll see you guys up at Tyler's in like half an hour."
Tyler shrugged at Tank who was rubbing his chest a little, clearly still curious about the whereabouts of the tiny man. Tyler gave Tank a gentle punch to his stomach and smiled. "You made that little guy very happy I'm sure."
"Yeah but for how long?" Tank asked, as he looked down at his stomach. "I'd feel a little bad if he's you know… getting all stomach acided up in there."
"Price he's gotta pay for wanting such a request." Tyler shrugged, hoping to get Tank more in the mood to do it again later. "I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Yeah." Tank smiled as he went past Tyler making his way to his own apartment to clean up. Tyler meanwhile, alone, took a deep breath.
"Wow that was the first dude I let go not by accident…" Tyler stood outside his door now. Making his way inside, Tyler avoided any more deliberate kills for now as he tried to clean up once again, waiting for Hunter and Tank to come by.
Sure enough a half hour went by, Hunter and Tank were at his door. Tyler let the two men in and Tyler got the feeling that while Hunter seemed unfazed and still indifferent, Tank on the other hand seemed…
Tanner clapped his hands together and then started to rub them, eagerly. And with the size of his massive hands it probably could have been a shockwave to the tiny guests AND his friends.
"SO! …where are the little peeps?" Tank said, looking around at Tyler's messy apartment. Hunter carefully picked up a soda bottle that looked like it was about to start growing something and sneered. "…dude you really gotta clean up your place. I mean i'm not a neat freak but still this is just….gross…how do your tiny guests live here?"
Tyler rolled his eyes. "They're not my mom, Hunter. They don't care." A group of them on the kitchen table catch his eye. They seem to be surrounding a leftover piece of peperoni from a pizza Tyler forgo about a few days ago. "See? They'll just eat whatever and deal with it." Tank and Hunter stopped what they were doing and came over to peer down at the tiny people having their feast. Tank would speak up first. "Whoa…they really are like human bugs. That's crazy. They're so…realistic looking."
Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Well, yeah. They're people." He shrugged Tank's comment off but it was starting to worry him a bit that Tyler and Tanner were so quick to dehumanize these shrunken people. Tank's eyes seemed to race with possibility and Tyler noticed this pretty quickly. "Whatcha thinkin' you wanna do with 'em, Tankie?" He said, punching Tank in the side.
"Dude. You have NO idea how lucrative this is, do you?" Tank responded, picking up a struggling, tiny man. He looked to be a bit older, and even though he was hard to see, it was very clear he was terrified. "Please! Let me go! Let me go!!" Tyler and Hunter just kind of stared at each other, surprised that Tank knew what the word "lucrative" meant. Before Tank continued, he effortlessly pressed his fingers together, causing the tiny man to squish into an insignificant paste. Tyler looked surprised. Hunter looked…a bit disgusted. Tank spoke up again, wiping the remains of the nameless man onto his shorts.
"People pay ridiculous amounts of money for macro videos. A lot of them just wanna see what its like to be small around giant hot guys like us." …he said, looking at his now slightly stained finger. "…With these tiny people here, we can make BANK from videos of us doing whatever we want to them. It'll be HUGE! …uh, no pun intended. Haha."
Tank's offer settled into the minds of Tyler and Hunter. Hunter didn't seem all too thrilled with the idea of exploiting tiny people's lives for profit. But Tyler didn't seem to care as much. He already had a few kills under his belt. If he could get paid to feed his god complex, well…why wouldn't he? After a brief deliberation, the choice was clear.
"I'm SO in!" Tyler said, nearly bouncing. The two looked to Hunter. He then spoke up and said…
"…if it means I don't have to kill anyone then….I guess….I'll be the camera man." Hunter said, almost immediately regretting it. Tyler hugged him on the shoulder in response.
"Dude! This'll be great! I've seen your camera work with the skateboard videos. Those turned out awesome so this'll be awesome too!" Tyler encouraged him. Meanwhile, Tank just studied and observed the little people finishing their meal. It would have taken Tank no time at all to eat that peperoni, but it would take 10 of the tiny people at least a day or two to finish the same food. Something about that made Tanner feel VERY powerful…something in him was changing…
Hunter was still a bit eeked. He took off his hat and his blonde hair seemed darker in the light of Tyler's room. "Right, but…I mean I wasn't killing anyone during those skateboard videos." He protested. Tyler could tell he still wasn't fully on board.
"Look, Hunter. You're not killing any HUMANS. These are BUGS! That's what they AGREED to be when they came with me. I never promised them safety. And yet they came anyway. Hell, most of them WANT to get squished. Or worse." Tyler picked up another tiny. This time it was a woman. She seemed a bit…eager. Tyler offered her to him like a piece of candy. "Here! Try it out. They actually taste pretty good!" He smiled, genuinely. Hunter looked at the woman, and for a fleeting moment he made eye contact with her. That was enough to stop any consideration of eating her. He nearly shoved Tyler's hand away.
"Yeah, no dude." Hunter said, his tone a little lower than usual. "I-I'm just gonna film."
Tyler sighed a bit, his breath coating his victim. "Fine. Be lame. Suit yourself." Tyler then smirked, looking at the person in his hand. "Hey lady! Wanna see a cool trick?" Tyler laughed, tossed her into the air, and then caught her in his mouth. He swished her around a little before swallowing her down, followed by a satisfied "aahhhh." Hunter wasn't really amused by the spectacle. Tank noticed Tyler and turned around.
"Dude. We only have so many of them. If you were gonna do that you should have recorded it, bro!" Tank nudged Tyler and for a moment it seemed things were lightening up. But something darker loomed over the room as Hunter grabbed his phone and stood up. He sighed, then said.
"So what are we recording first?"
Tank looked pleased with Hunter. Then he said…
"Well, from what i've gathered, macrophiles seem to be really into getting stepped on and getting eaten. So we should film one of those first." Tyler looked down at the tinies near him. As he thought of the possibilities, it became clear to him that he wanted to…
"We're almost there!" Pablo yelled down to the rest of his crew. Jason, Heather, and George all followed him. They had been trekking and climbing all day, but they had finally reached the slightly opened window of Tyler's kitchen. They were a few minutes away from being free from the giant menace they had stupidly decided to worship. Jason grabbed George's arm as the four tiny people finally mounted the windowsill. Heather, a bit concerned, spoke up.
"…are we sure this is the right plan? I don't know how well we can survive out there." She said.
"At this point, with those three brutes, our chances are much better out there than they are in here." Pablo said. His crew nodded in agreement with him. The four made their way to the edge of the window. Their captain sighed. "Alright…this is it…any final words before freedom?" He said. Jason heard some booms. He turned around slowly and then screamed "LOOK OUT!!!"
"But it was too late to jump out of the window. A shadow came down and collected all four of the unfortunate adventurers, despite their pleas and screams.
Tank held what felt to be about 4 tiny people in his hand. He was glad Tyler said something about checking the windows to make sure no one can get out. They were gonna need as many people as they could if they wanted to stretch out their resources for making videos. Tank spoke to the two dudes across from him as he held his palm over four slices of a freshly delivered pizza. Two for him, and two for Tyler. Hunter wasn't hungry, apparently. Tyler rubbed his hands eagerly, like a kid waiting to get a Christmas present. "We ready to go, Tank?"
"For sure." He said. He then placed a tiny on each slice of pizza. Apparently, it wasn't hot enough to melt their skin. Good. That wouldn't be as pleasant to watch for the viewers. Hunter didn't look so thrilled, though. "Wont that hurt them?" He said. Tanner simply responded by taking off his shirt and slapping his gut. "Stomach acid hurts more, dude." Ty laughed and followed suit, stripping to be shirtless and just wear his backwards hat. He looked down at the tiny person on his plate, who seemed to be squirming harder in the cheese than the other 3 on the other slices. "Heh. This one must be the most brave one." He teased, bring his face closer to Pablo. "Well little guy! You're about to take a journey you'll NEVER forget! Haha!"
Tank laughed too, encouraging the worst parts of Tyler. Hunter merely rolled his eyes at the weird taunt. "Are we recording or not? Also, I thought you guys were gonna pretend you didn't know they were on there."
Tank explained to him: "It's called 'unaware vore', apparently." This made Tyler snicker. "Hah. Sounds like something Josh would be into." He then shook his head, disagreeing with himself. "Actually nah. Josh would probably WANT me to taunt him. The little weirdo."
Tank raised an eyebrow. "So you think your friend…"Josh"…he might be a macrophile?"
Ty took a second. "…yeah. That explains a lot, actually. Huh."
Tank came a little closer to Tyler. "So…you think he could be convinced to get us more little people?"
Tyler shook his head immediately. "Nah. Probably not. He's way too good at his job." But then Tyler took a second. "…but you know…he does do whatever I say, usually. I mean….he CANT resist me…"
Tanner thought to himself too. "…plus, I mean…I'm a TANK, you know. I could FORCE him into it if need be…"
Hunter shook his head in disbelief, baffled at the lengths they were willing to go just for some cash. "Uh, HELLO??? GUYS! Ugh…your fuckin pizza's gonna get cold…" Hunter said, wanting this all to be over with.
Tyler snapped out of it but Tank still had some ideas he let ruminate. The two ultimately decided, though, that it was time to get back to filming. But this did leave Tank with a question. "So….Ty…in your opinion, do you think it would be better if we ate these guys "unaware" or if we teased them while doing it?"
Ty thought about it for a second. He then decided that it would be better to eat them…
Hunter motioned to the two guys as his camera started rolling. His phone had pretty great quality; good enough to film softcore porn like this anyway. The video started with a shot of Tyler and Tank walking in and sitting down with their plates in their hand. Each of them with two slices each, still warm. They were still shirtless, and Hunter composed the shot from a low angle to make each of them look more huge than they already were. Tyler would speak first, his acting actually sounding pretty good for someone who never took a theater class.
"Dude I am STARVING." He said, looking down at his food, the tiny people still squirming on his slices.
"Yes my friend. I am also starving too as well." Tank replied. Hunter cringed a bit. The football player's dialogue was way more choppy and awkward. But maybe the audience wouldn't care since he was so attractive.
"Glad we got this pizza, dude. With the extra toppings too." Ty nudged tank and held up one of his slices for Hunter to zoom in on.
"Can't wait to show these teeny, little, tiny, little, small people who's boss." Tank said, bringing his slice closer to his face. The tiny man on his pizza looked absolutely overcome with fear. Meanwhile Ty was trying really hard to not laugh at how bad Tank was at acting.
"Cheers, man." Ty said, toasting his slice with his friend's.
Then the real show began.
Bite by bite, Ty and Tank tore into their food. To the best of their ability, they bantered over the demise of the tiny people they were sending to their stomachs. "Down the hatch!", "Get in my belly, bug!" they would taunt. Hunter got close up shots of their hungry mouths as they chewed, then when they swallowed he would take his phone and follow the lump down their throats, past their pecs, and down to their bare stomachs. Hunter didn't really understand the appeal of this, but he had to admit that his buddies did look really good while they ate. Even if crumbs and a little bit of sauce ended up on Tank's gigantic torso. Tyler smirked and acted impulsively when he saw the small red smear near his buddy's nipple.
"Missed a spot, bud." He smirked. Then he took his finger, wiped the sauce off of Tank, and seductively licked it off his finger and took the flavor into his mouth. Tank blushed. No one had ever eaten anything off of him before. Ty simply shrugged a smirk with a look that said "no homo but ya know maybe a LIL homo."
After a minute or two more of filming, it was down to the last tiny. Pablo had just watched his whole crew devoured in a cheesy mess. Now it was his turn as he stuck helplessly to a lifeboat sized piece of pizza. A bite sized morsel for Tyler, who eyed it hungrily. The giant looked down at him with a sadistic grin.
"Thanks for lunch, little guy." The giant tossed the last piece of pizza in his mouth and started to chew. He then swallowed down, and rubbed his stomach, feeling full. At this point Tank just followed his lead. Hunter zoomed out and got a good shot of the two guys kicking back with their feet up, rubbing their stomachs and relaxing after a good meal. Tank burped, Ty laughed, and then Hunter stopped filming.
"…and cut. Okay. That was…weird. But I guess I can edit this and make it appeal to that kind of fantasy." Hunter then sighed. "How…was that for you guys?"
Tank shrugged. Acting wasn't his thing. But Tyler seemed to be beaming. "Dude. I feel like a GOD!" He said. "Let me see how I looked!" Tyler rushed over to Hunter's phone and the skater showed him the footage. Tyler's smirk grew even wider. "Holy FUCK dude! Hunter, I LOOK like a god too! You're so good at that, haha!" Tyler gave his buddy a hug on the side. Hunter laughed a little bit but still kind of felt like what he was doing was incredibly wrong. Tank seemed to be over the celebratory phase though.
"Guys! Focus. Hunter, go ahead and edit and post that video. Tyler, you and me gotta round up all the tinies we can find in your house." he barked.
"…does that mean..?"
Tank shook his head. "Yes, Ty. We gotta clean up."
Tyler rolled his eyes like a five year old. "Fiiiiine. But after that we can film more videos, right? That was SO fun!"
Hunter looked at Tank. Then the two looked back at Tyler. Something in him was shifting. His ego had been sufficiently stroked.
"There." Tyler said, wiping a bit of sweat off of his forehead. "That should be pretty much most of them."
In a big container, Hunter, Tyler, and Tank loomed over like mountains as they observed a large number of tiny specs running around. Some of them barely moving, some of them trying desperately to climb out. It took them almost a day, but Ty's room was clean and the tiny "props" were gathered. Tank nudged Tyler in the side.
"It was easier to find these guys than it was to clean your room, asshole." Tank laughs.
"Whatever man." Ty shoves back. "I did what you wanted. There should be like…70 of 'em in there."
"It's more like 50….maybe 45 actually." Hunter said, ever the optimist. Tyler rolled his eyes.
"Either way, should totally be enough to make more videos, right Tankie?"
Tanner blushed a little. "Don't call me that. But yeah. We're gonna need more though."
"Not a problem." Tyler said, flexing his bicep. "I can convince anyone to shrink down for me." He said, looking down at the crowd.
"Not me." said Hunter, annoyed, pulling out his phone. Tank just looked away from Tyler flexing and then began to speak again. "Hunter, you uploaded the video yesterday right? What are the views like?"
Hunter looked back at his phone and said "dude…"
"We WHAT?" Ty said, nearly bouncing. Tank was more concerned. "HOW viral?" He didn't necessarily want the video blowing up and his face being attached to the disappearance of several tiny people. Hunter responded by showing them the video they had posted. "A couple thousand views in less than a DAY. That's crazy. How common is this giant vore fetish thing?" Hunter asked, a bit disgusted.
"Maybe more than I gave it credit for…" Tank thought, planning his next move.
"Who cares about THAT?" Tyler cut in. "What matters is that in under 24 hours, I've already got an audience that wants to see ME dominate them! Sheeeesh! This is fucking EPIC dudes!"
Hunter scrolled a bit and then stopped to read. "Uhm…yeah you've definitely got an audience, Ty…and….and a couple of very eager fans…one of them wants to pay you big time for a custom video of you doing various things to a tiny person."
Tyler raised an eyebrow and then scooted closer to Hunter's screen. "How much is 'big time'?"
Tank leaned in too. The guys read the message. Their eyes went wide.
"Oh. Holy shit. That's…wow….that's a lot." Tyler's words sort of just fell out of his mouth.
"We should film this NOW and get it over with." Hunter said, suddenly a lot more on board with filming these videos. But he was stopped as Tank put a hand on the skater's shoulder.
"No. Hold on. This has to be perfect. If we impress this random rich creep on the internet, this could be BIG money for all of us. Consistently. We could quit all of our jobs. Well, except you, Ty. We still need a supply of tiny people from Josh."
Tyler's eyes widen a bit and he starts to form a sick idea when he hears the name of his boss. "Josh…Josh would be perfect for the kind of video this guy wants." He realized. Tank looked at him. Hunter looked at him too. Then Ty spoke again.
"…Guys. I have a plan."
After a long day of work, Josh wanted to unwind from being around giant men all day. And how does he like to do this? By watching videos of giant men of course. He yawns as he lies in bed, back to normal size, (which admittedly is still below average height), and scrolls through some macro-related sites, discords, and tumblr pages. Most of it is just straight up porn, which is fine for most people, but it's nothing he particularly cares about or wants to see. Except this one video that catches his attention. He does a doubletake at the thumbnail and title of the video.
"…Ty and Tank's Pizza Party?" Josh frowned. He squinted to make sure it wasn't what he thought it was. But eventually, curiosity got the better of him and he pressed play on the video.
Tyler looked at his phone for the time. He was here early. Well, 10 minutes late to his shift. But for him that was early. He had thought that if he got here "on time" that he would run into Josh easily. But he couldn't seem to find Josh anywhere. He asked the other employees at the park but they all just said that Josh had showed up early but wandered off somewhere. Tyler sighed. If someone else had gotten their hands on Josh before he could he was going to be a little pissed. The arrogant stud was so ready to film this video. But he needed his co-star to really sell the film. Ty decided to wait in Josh's office until he could "accidentally" stumble upon his friend. Josh would HAVE to come back there eventually, right?
Time passed. Way too much time. It was almost like Josh was avoiding Ty for some reason. The giant tapped his foot impatiently as he checked his texts from Tank and Hunter, who were waiting at his apartment and filming videos while he went on this "little" mission. Tyler sighed. He was about to leave and try this again tomorrow when suddenly he heard a voice from behind him enter.
The jock turned around, a bit jumpy and surprised.
"Yo! Boss! I uh…w-what's up, dude?" he responded.
The two just looked at eachother. Josh looked into his large, attractive eyes and knew something had changed since the last time he saw them. Something had shifted behind them. And when Tyler looked down at Josh's familiar tiny form, he could sense something was off as well. The two men stood in the most tense staring contest ever. It lasted far longer than it should have, until Josh broke the stiff air. He spoke up, scared, and said…
"…I saw the video." Josh said.
A silence fell over the two of them.
"…what…video…?" Tyler said, trying to keep things light.
"Don't play dumb. I know you can be a dumbass, but now is not the time." Josh said, feeling his anger slowly start to grow. Tyler's expression slowly shifted to a more angered one. He looked a bit…hurt.
"…you think I'm a dumbass?" he said, tone a bit lower than usual.
"I think you made a video where you and some other dumbass filmed yourselves killing four innocent people in a needlessly horrifying execution. So, yeah. You're a dumbass. And a murderer. And I cannot believe you would do this using MY technology!"
Tyler snapped back. "They were already shrunk, okay!?!? A-And they WILLINGLY volunteered to come live with me! And even after I told them that living with a giant roommate wasn't exactly the least lethal living arrangement, they STILL stayed with me! They WANT me to…to do stuff to them, okay??" Tyler lied to Josh, but mainly to himself. He didn't want to fully come to terms with all the lives he had knowingly and unknowingly snuffed out. Josh looked at him in disbelief.
"You. Still. KILLED. THEM. They're PEOPLE, TYLER!" Josh yelled.
" NO! They're BUGS, JOSH! ALL OF THEM. They are meant to WORSHIP ME because I am a GOD! That's what they signed up for, whether they LIKED it or NOT!" Tyler yelled back, a bit too loud. Fortunately the park was nearly vacant. No one heard his argument. Except Josh of course, who looked at his former best friend with fear in his eyes.
"…what happened to you, Ty?"
Another silence held them. Tyler took a tiny step back. His shadow, of course, still coated Josh in a cold darkness. From Josh's point of view, Ty did look like a god. But not a merciful one. And despite how well crafted his outside was, something was deeply wrong on the inside. Tyler looked down at his boss…or rather, his next sacrifice….and spoke in a tone of voice that sent a chill down Josh's spine.
"Listen. You're either going to help me out, Josh,…or you can join the other tiny people I have back at home. Your call."
Josh shook his head. "Are you CRAZY? No! What you're doing is STUPID, a-and ILLEGAL and…and WRONG!" Josh panted a bit. He was very conflicted. He loved Tyler, and he also loved feeling so small. But he didn't just feel small standing in front of this giant. He felt insignificant. It was a different feeling entirely. "Is…is that all I am to you, Ty? …a bug?"
Tyler looked down at Josh. He really did look like a bug. He was barely able to differentiate him from the other specs he had stepped on or eaten previously. This feeling of dominance he now chased…it fueled him like a drug. But he also knew that if he did this to Josh, there was no turning back from the dark side. Tyler sighed, then took a step foreward and decided…
Tyler looked over his shoulder one more time to make sure no one was watching. Then, he reached out a hand to grab a now running Josh. The tiny didn't get far. Ty grabbed him in a tight fist and shoved him, almost uncaringly, into the pocket of his shorts. Josh kicked and screamed and protested, but it didn't matter. He was a captive now. And he was really starting to worry that if he didn't comply, he would end up in another pizza party with Tyler and Tank.
After what seemed like an eternity of being jostled around in his best friend's pocket like lint, Josh found himself grabbed again. Then, he was dropped and tumbled unceremoniously onto the hard surface of a table in Ty's apartment. The tiny struggled to his feet and rubbed his head from the pain. But as soon as the room stopped spinning, he could clearly focus in on Tyler towering in front of him, as well as two other giants. One he recognized from the video as Tank. And though the camera angles made him look imposing, the man was even more scary in person. "Tank" was an accurate name. Josh felt like he could get run over just by being in his presence. The other man seemed less intimidating. Less…douchey…than the other two.
"…is this him?" The man would ask Tyler.
"Yeah, Hunter. This is Josh. My frie--…my uh…my boss." Tyler said, rubbing the back of his head and avoiding eye contact with Josh. The tiny man looked down in response, clearly hurt. But his sadness was interrupted by fear as he heard Tank's booming voice for the first time in person.
"…you mean former boss, Ty. He works for us now." Tank brought his face closer to Josh. As he squat down next to the table, his face filled Josh's view. His breath, were he not careful, could blow the mini man away like a hurricane. Josh decided it was time to take a stand before things could get any worse.
"No. I'm not working for you idiots. You're going to grow me and all of those other people back right now or you're gonna be in BIG trouble with the law, do you hear me? You are ALL going to get ARRESTED."
…a very tense silence filled the room. But it only lasted a few seconds before Tanner took his pointer finger and lowered it ever so slowly above Josh. The tiny man saw the finger slowly approaching and started to run away. But the finger was like a heat seeking missile. It followed him wherever he decided to go. Before Josh could even run two inches away, Tank had already made contact with his tiny form and started to press down. Down and down, further and further, with great precision. Josh felt like he was going to pop under just the weight of Tank's finger. But the giant didn't want to squish Josh. Just apply some pressure. But the screams and grunts of pain from the tiny were starting to get intense. Hunter looked away. Tyler put a hand on Tank's shoulder, then said "Hey man I think that's enou--"
"Shut the fuck up." he responded, coldly.
He went further and further. Tyler was sure he was going to turn Josh into an afterthought. But at the very last second, as soon as Tank heard a faint snap, he stopped. Josh screamed out in pain. Tank heard this, and like remembering a song he had loved a long time ago, he smiled. He continued to smile as he spoke to the bug pinned under his finger.
"No, Josh. You work for us now. We have a lot of important things to ask you about your shrink technology. So if you want to stay alive, you're going to help us. Okay?"
Tank didn't get a response. Just a miserable grunt of agony.
"I'm going to need a 'yes sir' from you, Josh. Now." Tank said, his smile slightly dropping.
After about 5 seconds of struggling, Josh managed to squeak out a…
And then immediately, Tank's finger lifted off of the tiny. He stood back up to his full height as Josh caught his breath. Josh examined his body. It was less damaged than he thought it would be, but he definitely felt sore all over and he had lost all feeling in his left arm. It was broken. He shivered and shook and cried from the pain. This made Hunter walk away. And it made Tyler look at Tank a bit differently.
"…was that really necessary, dude?" Ty asked. Then Tanner raised an eyebrow in response.
"You gotta break 'em, Ty." Tank said, casually examining his hands and then reaching for his phone like nothing happened.
"Break…them?" Tyler responded.
"Well yeah. It's what the government paid my dad to do for a long time so I picked up some tricks. Basically, you just gotta get em to do what you want. And a good way to do that is to make them realize just how much they want to live by nearly stripping that gift away from them. Which is easy if you're bigger than them. Heh. In our case, MUCH easier." He looked back over to Josh, who was still shaking, and smiled. "Isn't that right little buddy?"
Josh was almost in a fetal position as he answered. "y-yes….sir…."
Tyler looked at the shell that used to be his friend and then looked back to Tank. "….you're a man of many surprises, Tank."
The giant sociopath shrugged and then opened up Instagram and started scrolling. "Try it out, man. I'm sure whatever you tell him to do now he'll do it, no questions asked."
Tyler looked down at Josh again. Then he took a step forward to tower over him more. "…Josh?"
The tiny's eyes were full from tears. "…yes….sir…?"
Ty thought for a second, then said….
Josh blinked twice. That request was highly confidential information. If access to his tech spread to the wrong hands…
"…Tyler…you…you know I can't…" he started. But he was cut off.
"Josh. Please, man. I don't want to give you back to Tank….sigh…But I will. So just,…tell us everything you know, okay?" Ty said, leaning down a bit to try to be more on Josh's level. Tank scoffed in the background.
"You're going too soft on him, you know. I mean hell, you let him call you 'Tyler,' dude. I'd swallow him for that." Tank said, his eyes still on his phone.
"It's…fine." Ty said, looking at Josh.
"It's a mistake." Tank said, finally shutting off his phone as Hunter walked back into the room. The skater looked like he'd been at his lowest point. "Let's just get this over with."
Tank then cracked his knuckles. "Well, Josh? Spill your guts. Or i'll make you."
Josh gulped, then began his explanation. "Yes sir."
"…so yeah. In summary, that's how my shrink tech functions as plainly as I can put it."
The three giant men sat pensively. Then Tank leaned in a little closer.
"Teach? I got a question."
"Uhm…y-yes, sir?" Josh backed up a bit.
"Why are you holding out on key information?" Tank accused.
"What?? I've told you everything I--"
"No, you haven't. As smart as you are there's no way you haven't developed a way to shrink people that doesn't involve them standing in one area. You had to have developed a shrink ray or something, right?"
Josh stopped like a deer in headlights. He intentionally left out that part. It was still a prototype, but the device would certainly be able to shrink people outside of the park's boundaries.
"…well, bug? Are you gonna tell us where it is? Pick wisely. There is ONE right answer to that question."
Josh started to sweat. Tank would certainly harm even more lives if he got that technology. But if he didn't get that technology, Josh was as good as dead. The tiny weighed his options and decided…
Josh sighed. "There's a shed behind the main area of Shrink and Swim. In that shed there is a safe. And inside that safe is a prototype of the shrink ray I made a long time ago." Josh's stomach sank as he continued speaking, knowing the damage he was causing just to stay alive. "But it's extremely dangerous and unstable and I don't think you guys shou--!!"
He was cut off by an eager Tank. "What's the code for the safe?" Josh looked down, slightly embarrassed.
"It's…The password is Tyler's birthday."
The men looked at each other. Tank started laughing and Hunter joined in awkwardly. Ty just blushed out of shame and looked away. Eventually Tank composed himself.
“Hunter, you’re staying here and do some bugsitting. Ty, you’re coming with me. Let’s get that shrink ray.” The man stood up, going over to his shoes. He paused when he saw that Tyler didn’t seem to be moving. The man snapped his finger. “Now, Ty.” Tyler jumped a bit and responded with a “Yes sir!” It made Tank smirk and made Hunter raise an eyebrow.
After a minute or two, Tyler and Tank left the apartment and closed the door behind them. Josh was left with the tatted skater, who, now alone, took a deep sigh and tried to avoid eye contact with the tiny. Josh saw that something in him was different. He slowly approached the giant like a lion tamer approaches the beast.
“…hey….your name is Hunter, right?…you don’t have to do this, you know.” Josh pleaded, his arm still broken.
“…I…” Hunter started. “…it’s too late to back out now, man. People have died. I-I don’t wanna go to jail.”
“Yeah…” Josh started. “…this is bad. But it’s gonna get a lot worse if you can’t confront--”
Josh was cut off as Hunter carefully picked up the tiny man and put him in an empty tic-tac container from his pocket. Josh slid down the plastic and then beat on the prison walls. Hunter had just dropped him in solitary confinement.
“…save your energy, little guy. Tank’s gonna want to keep you, probably. If you struggle less maybe your arm will heal.”
Hunter sounded depressed. Josh stared up at his eyes and even though the giant had turned away, he could see that the skater had started to form tears in his eyes. Hunter really hoped what he was doing was worth it.
“I seriously cannot believe he made the password my birthday. How stupid is that? …right Tank?” Tyler tried to talk to him as the man held the shrink ray in his hand. Tank held the weapon. He felt even more power than he did when he was eating tiny people off his pizza like toppings. So much so that he barely registered Ty’s next words. He was to busy planning his next move.
“Well uh…I’m gonna go to the bathroom while we’re here and then head back to your car. See ya there, dude.” Tyler said, low key scared of Tank. He backed up and then left the man alone outside. A few seconds later, Tank’s thought process was interrupted. He heard someone walking over close to him. Tank ducked behind a wall. He peaked his head around and saw two lifeguards from the park. Why were they there this late? The answer became clear as the two idiots stumbled around, laughing. If Josh were there, he would have easily recognized them as Luke and Matt, respectively. A dumb jock and a surfer, both drunk and messy and distracted. Tank looked down at his gun. Perfect timing.
Luke was stumbling around, looking at the ground. Matt laughed at his friend.
“Dude! You did--*hic*--you didn’t leave your phone out here, man. I’m sure its uhhhh…up your butt or something! Hahhaaaa!”
“Not funny dude!” Luke sloppily argued back. “I neeeed my phone dude, im gonna like DIE without it.”
“Pfffft. Luke, you’re not gonna--” ZAP. A bright beam of red locked onto Luke’s body before Matt could finish his sentence. The shrinking process was almost instant, as Luke went from a towering figure to the size of an ant on the concrete ground. Matt looked around in disbelief.
“Uhhhh….Luuuuuke? Where did you--?”” ZAP. The same thing. The next time Matt opened his eyes, he was on the ground in front of his buddy…who was tiny for some reason? The two looked at eachother with drunken faces that said 'what the hell is going on?’ They got their answer as earthquake footsteps slowly approached the two.
Matt and Luke were terrified. They huddled together like penguins and hugged eachother from sheer terror as they looked up and saw a Tank-like figure loom over them in the dark. Tank smirked down at the tiny lifeguards. The shrink ray worked. As he saw the two men, who used to be giants, reduced to bugs….he decided then and there that the best course of action would be….
Tanner's hand descended upon the two shaking tiny people. He grabbed each of them in a fist to separate them. Matt in his left, and Luke in his right. The once large men looked like they were gonna piss themselves in Tank's presence. The giant smirked. "Tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Are these the kind of betas Josh hires? Pathetic…"
His villain monologue was cut off by a rumble in his stomach. Tank licked his lips. He eyed each of the men. Luke seemed to be struggling to escape a bit more than Matt was. He liked that. It meant that when he swallowed him it would feel a little better. Tank dragged Luke, screaming, to his mouth. Matt yelled for help.
"AAAAAAAHHHH FFUUUUUUCK!!!" The jock screamed as he was placed into Tanner's mouth. The man swished him around like a piece of candy before opening his mouth wide and showing tiny Luke off to his best friend one more time. The giant then closed his mouth, tilted his head back, and swallowed Luke like a goldfish. Matt started to cry. Partly from the pain and partly from watching his friend travel down this random asshole's throat. The man then taunts him some more.
"Awww. Was that your friend? Shame you won't be together anymore."
Matt was confused by he meant by this, until he got the picture when Tank dropped him from that impossible height. Matt fell and fell until he hit the ground and felt like he shattered on impact. But his pain wasn't over yet. From his position he got a front row seat to the show as Tank's colossal nike shoe lifted above him. The sole hovered above the tiny like a UFO. Matt couldnt even run away from it because of the pain. All he managed to do was squeak out a tiny, insignificant….
The sole came down, obliterating the surfer. Just for good measure, the giant man twisted his heel back and forth to make sure nothing remained. Matt didn't even leave a mark on the ground, really. Not one anyone would notice anyway. Tank gathered a glob of spit from his mouth and spat it down on the ground in the area Matt's body used to be. He grabbed the shrink ray then walked away, back to Tyler in the car.
"What took you so long?" Ty asked.
"I was just making sure Josh didn't lie to us." Tank said, cranking his car up.
Try as he might, Josh could not tip over the tic tac container. His arm was slowly healing (probably as a regenerative side effect of the shrink beam) but he still just lacked the strength to do anything about his current situation. The second he stopped trying, the door to Ty's apartment opened back up. Unsurprisingly, Tank held the shrink ray in his had as Ty opened the door for him and led him in. Hunter, at this point, was snoozing on the couch. He was probably a lot more emotionally exhausted than he was physically.
Tank stored the shrink ray near his stuff. Then he looked over to Hunter and saw that Josh was imprisoned next to him. Tanner then yawned and stretched his arms out.
"Well, Ty. I think it's time. We got what we needed from Josh. Let's film that video and get rid of him."
Tyler looked over to his friend. Then he looked at Josh. Millions of thoughts were racing through the jock's head. Eventually, he decided…
Tyler silently looked from Josh, to Tank with a corrupt looking smirk. Tyler cracked his knuckles as he reached down for the tic tac container and rattled it around violently while chuckling to himself.
"Yeah… you're right Tank." Tyler closed his fist around the container. "You're right, it's time to get rid of this little twerp."
Tank gave a smug grin as he came over and put an hand on Tyler's shoulder, proud of the strides he's made.
"That a boy, Ty." Tank proudly patted Tyler's back. "You're gonna be the one to finish him off too, dude. Show him who the REAL boss has been all along."
"Oh with pleasure." Tyler smirked looking down at his fist. Josh had always been a nice guy, sure he was supportive as his friend, but he's always been holding him back. Whether it was his annoying infatuation with him or the stupid special treatment Tyler got at the park, in truth it really pissed Tyler off that Josh was that obvious with how in love with him he was. Even going as far as to make the combo to that lock his birthday? Pathetic.
"YO!" Tank snapped his fingers at Hunter, waking the skater bro up. "Hunter, get the fuck up. We have a video to record…"
"Dude… for real, what now?" Hunter rubbed his eyes, looking up and seeing Tyler clenching the tic tac container. Hunter swallowed, seeing the murderous intent in Tyler's eyes, realizing Tank had fully gotten to the once goofy kind man. "Uhhh yeah… so you're gonna go through with this, Ty?"
"One hundred percent, dude." Tyler pounded his chest with his clenched fist, rattling Josh around without a care. Hunter sat up, grabbing his phone and preparing to record against his will.
"Well… I guess I'm ready when you are?" Hunter still felt bad for the little guy, but he knew speaking up would do absolutely no good.
"Tank…" Tyler turned to his friend and sadistic mentor. "What kind of theme should we have for this video? I feel like it needs to be something… special…"
"Getting sentimental all of a sudden?" Tank rose an eyebrow, questioning if Tyler could really do this. "Not gonna pussy out are you, dude?"
"Nope." Tyler said plainly. "It's just we only have one tiny this time. Can't exactly do the pizza party idea again. Plus I've got a lot of years… pent up energy."
"I get you, dude…" Tank thought for a moment, giving it a little thought. "How about you pretend it's a milestone? Like pretend like this is the one hundredth person you've shrank."
"One hundredth, huh?" Tyler smirked looking down at the container. "Yeah… I like that. I can work with it…"
"Well then… let's get rolling then." Tank signaled to Hunter, who pulled up his phone, frowning as he started recording. Tyler smirked as he was ready to start acting, though this time it felt so much more personal.
"Well well well…" Tyler tilted the tic tac container into his hand, angling his palm so he could show the camera as a bruised and battered Josh tumbled out. "Welcome home little guy. You're lucky, since you're my one hundredth person I've shrunk."
Tyler closed his fist around Josh, tossing him about a bit while he gave an arrogant chuckle. "Maybe if you were a better boss, I wouldn't have needed to shrink you. But oh well…"
Tyler shoved Josh into his open arm pit, squishing him around in the hairy sweaty pit. "I'm the fucking boss now, runt."
Tank nodded in approval as he watched Tyler torture Josh a little longer, Hunter meanwhile felt more and more uncomfortable.
"Little dude number one hundred also gets a special prize…" Tyler brought Josh down to his abs and pressed Josh against them. "Get's go on an all expenses paid trip to my stomach."
Tyler brought Josh up to his face, looking at the little guy up close for the first time as be brought him close. "Well… then again that's what the previous ninety nine guys won too…"
"Tyler…" Josh was weak, beaten, and exhausted. "Please…"
Hunter winced, he couldn't pick up what Josh said from this distance, but the weak sad little squeak was enough to pull his heart strings.
Tyler simply smirked, opening his mouth and dramatically slurping Josh into his mouth, swishing him around as he chuckled. "No idea what he said. I think it was 'Please eat me'."
Chuckling and playing with Josh in his mouth for a few minutes, Tyler played it up for the camera before finally kicking his head back and giving off a loud obnoxious gulp.
"Ahhhh sooo good!" Tyler rubbed his neck, following it down slowly to his chest. "I can feel him squirming a little bit, won't do him any good though, dude."
Tyler continued to play it up for the camera, in truth he couldn't feel a thing, and he hardly cared if he could or couldn't. Tyler rubbed down his chest onto his stomach, patting it a few times and looking at the camera with a handsome, devilish grin.
"Delicious." Tyler simply said, feeling a burp well up in his gut, letting it loose with no regard for manners. That was it to him. He'd done exactly what he and Tank set out to do. Now with Josh out of the way and the shrink ray in their possession, who exactly could stop them from doing what they're doing?
"He won't last long in there." Tyler shrugged, continuing his acting for the camera to pad out more time for the video. "Hundred down, let's get the next hundred. Better watch out."
Tyler winked for the camera as Hunter cut the video. "Alright I think that's enough…"
"If you say so." Tyler closed a fist and punched his stomach. "I can do this all day, dude."
Hunter was silent while he trimmed down the video and quickly threw in some edits before sending it to Tyler and Tank. "There, all done. And I think I'm done too, dudes."
"What do you mean?" Tyler rose an eyebrow as he looked over at Hunter, watching him as he stored his phone and started walking toward the door.
"I said I'm done." Hunter turned back to the two. "That was too much for me, dudes. That was your best friend, dude."
"Eh." Tyler shrugged, not seeing the big deal. "He was annoying, bro."
Hunter rolled his eyes. Tyler was absolutely a different person as far as he was concerned. Turning away from the two, Hunter went for the door… before it seemed like it got further and further away… and higher and higher. Hunter realized as it was too late, Tank had started shrinking him with the shrink ray.
- - -
Tank looked down at Hunter, shrunk down now to the size of an insect. Blowing at the tip of the shrink ray. Tank set it down as he grabbed Hunter, squeezing him roughly between his fingers before tossing him into his mouth, mercilessly swallowing him without a second thought. Wiping his mouth, Tank turned back to Tyler.
"Dude!" Tyler looked shocked and surprised. "You should've recorded that! We could've used that footage!"
"Ahh true dude." Tank smirked thinking for a second that Tyler would've been conflicted over what he did to Hunter. "No worries, we'll get more tiny people."
Tank grabbed the shrink ray again. "The world is our oyster now…"
Tyler put his arm around Tank, excited for what was next for them. Meanwhile, two studs would quickly forget about their former friends. Though their suffering in the cruel giants' guts would last far longer than would've been merciful for either of them.
Tank shifted awkwardly as he stood in Tyler's doorway. Hunter had already gone in, taking off a pair of sandals and sitting down at Tyler's sofa and propping up his feet. Tyler looked over at Tank, curious as to why he was being so shy.
"What's wrong big guy? Can't fit through the door?" Tyler mocked the huge man's size.
"I don't think I'm up for this, dudes." Tank admitted, still feeling a little bad about drinking that little guy early with such little thought or care.
"Don't be like that, bro." Hunter called out from the sofa as a few little people came out to investigate the new comers. "See it's just like Tyler said, look at em all!"
A few little people peeked from around Hunter's sandals, looking up at Tank with curiosity. Tyler noticed the little crowd forming and knelt down to the little people. "I think these ones like you, dude."
"They shouldn't!" Tank looked down at them. "I ate one of your friends."
A few of the people looked nervous at the comment, others looked excited. Tyler smirked as he reached down to the group. "One of you come forward, who ever likes this giant new comer the most."
A few people shoved their way to Tyler's hand but one made it before the others as Tyler lifted them up and held the person out to Tank. "Here, take em."
"What? No dude." Tank refused as the little guy simply stared at him, in awe of the muscular god before him.
"I'll make a bet with you. Take the little guy with you. If you can make friends with him and convince him he needs to go back to his normal life… then I'll do whatever you want." Tyler offered as an option as Tank waited for the other half. "Otherwise, if he still wants to throw away his life or worship you or something, you have to come chill with us tomorrow."
Tank reached his hand out, letting Tyler drop the little guy into his massive palm. Tank closed his hand around him as he looked at Tyler in the eye. "Deal. I'll show this guy he doesn't want to end up like his buddy."
Tyler and Hunter waved good bye as Tank made his way back to his apartment. Kicking off his own sandals Tank carried the little guy to his kitchen table, setting him down and looming over the little guy with tremendous hieght. The little guy practically drooled as he looked at the huge man. He now wore a white spandex tank top, much too tight for his massive frame as well as a pair of dark blue athletic shorts.
"Hey there, little guy." Tank started out. "My name is Tanner. But my friends call me Tank. So you can call me Tank if you want."
The little man simply continued to stare in awe. Tank blinked a little as he tried addressing the man with a question. "So what's your name, little guy?"
Tank waited as the tiny man broke from his gaze. Turns out the little man…
"Mater you can do whatever you want me with! I am at your disposal!" The little man plead, completely ignoring the question Tank asked him. Tank meanwhile looked dumbfounded, and confused. Sitting down now, he tried to level more with the little guy.
"I'm not your master. My name is Tank. What's your name?" Tank asked again, a little frustrated already.
"Master I'm an unimportant tool. I'm insignificant." The little man answered.
"Well.. your master would like to know your name. That's all for now." Tank tried to reason with the little guy, figuring they could work past the "master" nonsense later.
"Use me master! I want to be useful to you and your magnificent muscles!" The little guy cried desperately, wanting nothing more then to be sacrificed in some way to Tank.
Tank clenched a fist in frustration. Taking a deep breath, Tank remembered his bet and tried to calm down. "Are you hungry little guy? Maybe thirsty? I could get you something to eat or drink?"
"The only sustenance I need is the salt of your sweat and the liquid of your saliva!" The little guy cried while laying flat, bowing with his whole body to Tank.
"Holy shit." Tank thought silently. "Do people really act like this?"
"Why are you worshiping me? I could crush you by mistake… or or I could eat you like I did that other little guy!" Tank tried to use logical reasoning, wanting to get through to the fanatic worshiper.
"Yes master! Crush me! Eat me! I want to be useful despite being so insignificant!" The tiny man continued to plead.
Tank felt another wave of anger as he lashed out against the little man in frustration. Pounding his fist on the table and making the little man jump with fear. "Why are you so quick to throw your life away?! Answer me, bug!"
Having regained his balance and composure from the sudden quake, the little man looked up at Tank. "I am a bug! An insignificant pathetic insect!"
Tank retracted his hand. He was mere nanoseconds away from giving in and pulverizing the little man out of existence. He needed a strategy shift or this could never work, he thought. Tank wasn't really sure what options would even work… but he decided the only way to get through to someone like this was to…
"I think I have no choice." Tank thought to himself again. "I'll… I'll have to torture him…"
"Fine. If this is how it's going to go… I'll make you beg for mercy." Tank took a tone shift, suddenly sounding sadistic despite normally being the big friendly type.
"Yes master! Punish me! I'm worthless!" The little man cried out desperately. Tank scoffed at the little guy before taking a finger and pressing it down carefully on the little guy, squeezing him against the table for a moment, but without enough force to squish him. "Yes! Oh master!"
"Is he enjoying being squished?!" Tank quickly retracted his finger as he looked down at the gasping little man, who looked more fully of pleasure than fear.
"Master please! Squish me! Crush me in your palm! Step on me!" The little guy shot up, ready to endure more pain. Figuring crushing him was a no go, Tank scratched his arm trying to think.
"Shut up, bug!" Tank tried to command the little man. "I'll suffocate you to death if you keep demanding shit!"
"Yes! Shove me in your arm pit! The glorious sweat! I want to die gasping for air in there!" The little man begged Tank, looking at his hairy pits with much desire.
"Jesus Christ…" Tank thought again to himself. "What the actual fuck?"
"Not in my pit. You'd suffocate for air while acid burns your skin off in my stomach. It'd be true hell." Tank threatened, not really wanting to have to go through with eating another helpless little person.
"Yes! Oh god yes! Eat me master! I want to be protein for your amazing body!" The little man was practically in tears, knowing no matter what Tank did it would be a dream come true.
Tank was running out of options. No matter what way he seemed to threaten the tiny man, nothing seemed to work. Tank sighed as he tried to think, ultimately deciding that…
"Master! Eat me! I want to be useful!" The tiny plead and cried with glee. Tank was completely fed up at this point. Reaching down for the little guy, he made it look like he was going to pick him up before he suddenly swept him off the table and fall to the floor. The little man fell screaming, landing hard on the wooden floor, likely breaking some amount of bones as Tank stood up and loomed over the disheveled tiny. Looking up at his god, the little man despite being in pain, reached up as he saw Tank's massive bare foot come down over him, almost in slow motion.
To Tank it may as well have been swift and quick. Planting his foot firmly on top of the tiny figure and scraping it across the floor, he sighed as he was starting to realize Tyler was right. Feeling significantly less bad about snuffing out this tiny man, Tank even felt less remorse for the one that suffered in his stomach. Sitting back down, Tank looked down at his phone wanting to see how much time even gone by.
"An hour…" Tank said aloud disappointed. "I lost my cool and gave in… in less than an hour…"
Setting his phone down. Tank put his arms behind his head as he leaned back slightly.
"What do I do?" Tank asked himself. There wasn't much for him to do. He figured he could play it off like he gave up later into the night, or an accident happened. Or he could fess up and go to Tyler and Hunter and just deal with whatever Tyler had planned for him. He wasn't happy about any of his options but Tank decided…
Knowing all eyes were on him, Tyler smirked as he grabbed a bowl out of his cabinet and set it down on his kitchen counter. "Man I'm starved. Maybe I need a little cereal or something!" Tyler spoke aloud to himself as he grabbed a box of cheerios and poured them into the bowl. Putting the box back up his cabinet, Tyler grabbed an empty glass and filled it with some tap water and set it next to the bowl. Wiping his brow, pretending to break a sweat Tyler spoke aloud once more. "Shit it's so hot in here today! Why'd I even bother putting this on?"
Tyler slowly started pulling his tank top off like he was stripping for an audience of gawking club goers as he held it in his hand, leaving the kitchen and throwing it down the hall toward his room. Going into his living room, Tyler decided to kill more time by opening a few of his windows. "There! A little fresh air will cool it down in here!"
Turning back to the kitchen, Tyler saw little scurries of movement on the floor which he ignored as he made his way over to the kitchen counter. Seeing movement in both his water and in the cereal, Tyler couldn't help but chuckle at how fast these little people could move. Grabbing a spoon for his bowl of cereal and glass of water, he carried it out to a little dinner tray he had next to his sofa. Sitting down Tyler set his food down and looked into the cereal, already seeing a few people struggle with his movement. Tyler dunked his spoon into the cereal, deliberately scooping up a spot he saw with a tiny person in it. His mouth watered a little, deciding he had to eat at least one to send a message to the rest. Tyler could hear the screams of the little person as he shoved the spoon his mouth, then suddenly quiet. Not chewing, Tyler let the cereal soften in his mouth into mush as he swore he could slightly feel the tiny person struggle before he swallowed the food down. Tyler saw what looked like a little man struggle to the top of some cereal as Tyler quickly scooped him up inside a single cheerio and hold him up to his face.
"Did you just see what happened to that other person?" Tyler asked the little man as he screamed with Tyler's mouth opened, expecting he'd get eaten as well.
"Please! Don't eat me!" The little guy begged as he tried to climb out from between the cheerio.
"Then what are you doing in my cereal?" Tyler chuckled at the little man.
"I was just exploring! Please!" The little man begged Tyler. Tyler rolled his eyes. Even he wasn't THAT stupid.
"Your little friend is exploring too, right now." Tyler lowered the spoon down to his incredibly cut abs. "They're down here somewhere in my stomach, say hi!"
The little man panicked, now on the edge of the spoon, looking like he was going to try and jump. Tyler tilted the spoon, causing him to crash into the cheerio back in the middle. Lifting it back up to his face, Tyler smirked at the little man.
"Don't worry, you can say hi to them in person." Tyler said arrogantly to the little man as he shoved the spoon in his mouth before quickly swallowing him down whole as well. Rubbing his chest lightly, Tyler grabbed his glass of water, seeing several tiny specks float around looking up at him. Shaking his head at how dumb the little people were, Tyler took a drink making sure to catch two or three little people in his swig before swallowing the liquid down. Tyler sighed as he set the cup down and leaned back, showing off his massive torso and ripped abdomen as he rubbed his stomach obnoxiously before burping loudly.
"Y'all got five minutes, unless you wanna get up like them." Tyler smacked his stomach with a cocky smile. Tyler stood up and went toward his room, picking up his tank top on the way and tossing it on his bed. Tyler grabbed his phone and looked at the time, giving the little people five minutes as promised. Laying on his bed, Tyler rested his hand on his stomach, already forgetting about the puny five or so people he had stewing away inside him.
- - -
Time had passed and Tyler sat up. The shift in his stomach causing him to burp obnoxiously again. Once again remembering he had those people inside him, Tyler smacked his stomach with a little chuckle. "Man you guys are having fun in there, I bet!"
Standing up while still laughing a little at how easy it was to eat a bunch of dumb tiny people, Tyler walked back over to his dinner tray and looked down at his cereal and water. Tyler blinked in surprise when he saw that…
Tyler's cereal looked as if it was literally teeming with little people now at this point. Tyler's draw dropped in surprise. Was his warning not good enough for the little people. Tyler rested his hand on his stomach, undoubtedly inched away from those five or so people stewing away in his stomach.
"So what? You all want to end up in here?" Tyler laughed as he slapped his stomach. "Are you people serious?"
The mass of people squirmed excitedly as Tyler slapped his stomach. There was no other option for the little people, they wanted nothing more than to be consumed by their god. Tyler shook his head, he really didn't understand the mass of people's desires as he sat back down in front of the cereal and grabbed his spoon with a raised eyebrow. "I mean if it's what you people want?"
Tyler scooped his spoon down into the cereal, not scooping one or two, but at least ten people in one scoop, Tyler was shocked as he didn't really get any cereal in the scoop as it was mainly occupied by little people. Tyler lifted the spoonful up into his mouth and opened it up wide, giving the massive group of people a view of a lifetime as he deposited them inside. Tyler perused his lips and he pulled the spoon out, empty. Knowing he had at least ten people wriggling around inside his mouth, Tyler tried not to think about it as he swallowed the "food" in his mouth, sending it wriggling and squirming down into his hungry stomach. Tyler set his spoon down into his cereal as more people climbed inside before Tyler could even scoop.
"Damn you people are desperate…" Tyler chuckled as the struggles of tiny people faded behind his chest deep inside his massive stomach. Tyler burped again, not anything loud or obnoxious but still enough to make a point. Seemingly this just excited the tiny crowd even more excited. Forming to the top, tons of people sat above the cereal hoping to be the next in line to be eaten by their god. Tyler smirked, feeling like he was caring less and less about his tiny worshipers as they made it easier to sacrifice themselves to him. Tyler scooped again, getting only people this time as he his spoon was full of people, almost as many as there was then when he convinced the people into the Tupperware container. Tyler lifted the spoon to his mouth, chewing only slightly as he held the crowd in his mouth, Tyler swallowed as a vast majority went down whole as an unlucky few found themselves being crushed to mush as Tyler sat back satisfied.
"Buuuuuuuuurp!" Tyler ripped a massive burp as he sent at least ninety percent of people people he brought with him down into his gut. Looking over at his water, Tyler noticed there was more than a few specks floating around. Grabbing the water and chugging it all down, Tyler burped again, leaning back and setting down the glass.
"Oh man." Tyler caressed his stomach. "I can't believe I did that." Tyler looked down at his empty bowl and his empty cup. Seemingly almost all the little people he brought with him desperately wanted to be eaten by him. Tyler sat back, amazed.
"Man, I almost feel bad…" Tyler said aloud as he saw maybe one or two tiny people scurry across his floor. They were all gone, and Tyler ate them all. Burping again, Tyler rubbed his neck as he made his way to his bedroom. Laying down, he knew there wasn't anything he could do besides digest the mass of little people who so willingly gave themselves up to him. Laying down, Tyler rubbed his stomach pompously.
"That was kinda awesome…" Tyler smirked as he drifted off into sleep, forgetting about the hundred or so people screaming in pain in the acidic environment of his stomach.
- - -
Waking up the next day, Tyler yawned as he made his way into the bathroom, sitting on the toilet and playing on his phone as he went about his morning routine. Stretching as he left the bathroom, he couldn't believe he had the day off.
"Shit, what do I do…" Tyler wondered aloud as he didn't even see a tiny person scurry across the floor. "Must've got them all throughout the night…"
Wondering if he rolled over them or swallowed them in his sleep, Tyler didn't care. All he knew is that they're all gone. Tyler grabbed a tank top and threw it on. He knew he needed to get a little taste of little people no mater what. Leaving his apartment and heading toward Shrink and Swim, Tyler knew he'd have to head toward…
Tyler made his way into the part, swaggering his way in past admissions as he waved to the people, they knew who he was after all. Making his way to Josh's office, Tyler looked around at the throngs of people at the park, still in disbelief that he had abducted hundreds of these very people the day prior and now they were long gone. It didn't really phase him though, they all wanted, and he was sure if these very people saw him as a giant right now, they'd want it too. But right now Tyler had one person in particular on his mind, Josh. Making his way to the office and opening the door, Tyler smirked as he saw his meek friend seated at his desk.
"Sup, bud!" Tyler smiled as he made his way into the office Tyler made his way over to Josh's desk, ignoring the chair and choosing to loom over the desk as Josh looked up at him in bewilderment.
"This is a treat!" Josh smiled at his friend, looking at the man clad in a red tank top, black basketball shorts, sunglasses hanging off his forehead on his backwards red hat. "I didn't expect to see you here on your day off!"
"I was bored." Tyler smiled, picking something between his teeth, absentmindedly wondering if it was some tiny person's clothes or even a bone. "Besides I wanted to see you, dude."
"Well we see each other all the time, silly." Josh sat back in his chair with a smile as he couldn't help but admire his best friend. "But I'm happy you're here!"
"You better be!" Tyler flexed his arms. "I wanted to ask you though. Let's hang out after you're off work."
"Well if you want we can right now. I'm caught up on all my work, park's on autopilot all day today anyway." Josh shrugged, honestly just a little excited to leave and go hang out with Tyler instead.
"Woooord, bro." Tyler smiled as he sauntered back a few steps. "Hey, you should meet me in the break room, we can hang out giant and tiny style like we did in the good old days."
"Oh? Yeah that would be cool." Josh thought back to the last time he was tiny with Tyler outside of work. "It has been a while since we've done that outside work huh?"
"Yeah!" Tyler smiled. "I promise I won't even make you do push ups this time!"
"You better!" Josh called out to Tyler as he left the office with a bit of a devious smirk. Leaving the park and returning to his normal size, Tyler circled around the the break room, seeing not a single person in there was he made his way over to the balcony and awaited Josh's arrival. Tyler saw the little door open, and his still teeny tiny friend emerge from the door and walk up to the edge of the balcony, staring up at Tyler's muscle form.
"I just wanna scoop him up and swallow him…" Tyler thought to himself, cant helping but to shake the idea that he was baiting his best friend into being eaten. Taking Josh into his hand and leaving to return with his friend to his apartment, Tyler thought about how he wanted to approach this. He didn't want to be forceful, it was his best friend after all, but he wanted nothing more than to have his tiny friend who started all these feelings to be a part of him deep in his stomach.
Tyler set Josh down on his table, having made little bits of small talk with the little man on the way, but by now Tyler had reached his decision. He knew if he wanted to pull this off he needed to…
Tyler smirked. He knew what he had to do, he knew Josh admired his body and it was going to be as easy as seducing the little guy with his massive muscles. Standing in front of Josh, Tyler started to pull of his red tank top, deliberately doing it slowly as a bit of a show in front of his friend.
"Oh sorry dude, I'm just so hot. I have to take this off." Tyler tossed his tank top across the room and knelt down a little, getting close to Josh. "Also sorry if I smell, dude. I didn't shower this morning. I probably reek of sweat…"
Josh couldn't help but turn a little red and stare, he never could quite get used to Tyler undressing in front of him like that. "No no, it's fine, Ty. Besides I can barely tell."
"Oh good, because I don't really feel like taking a shower yet." Tyler stretched a little in front of Josh, still staying as close to the tiny on the table as possible. "Hey Josh, can I ask you a random question?"
"Uh yeah, sure." Josh answered, mostly feeling transfixed by Tyler's magnificent body.
"Which of my muscles are you favorites? My abs? My pecs? What about my arms, or my ass?" Tyler started flexing a little with his deliberately loaded question.
"Ummmm…" Josh turned even more red, hiding his face now, as he couldn't believe he was being asked this question. "I-I don't know!"
Tyler smirked again, knowing he had Josh very flustered at this point. Leaning down even more, Tyler brought his face level with the table as he could see Josh covering his own tiny face. "Hey, it's okay to look at me…"
Josh uncovered his face, hearing Tyler's voice much closer now, and as he did his vision was now fully obstructed by Tyler's handsome face and gleaming white teeth as he smiled down at his tiny best friend. Just then, Josh answered on impulse.
"I like your face the most. You have really nice brown eyes and beautiful features." Josh was embarrassed to admit.
"Hmm… good to know, bud. But I asked you for my favorite muscles." Tyler smirked, showing off more of his teeth. "But if my face is your favorite, it has a few muscles on it…"
Tyler opened his mouth and moved his tongue around, before closing it and smiling. "You're a nerd, so you'd probably be able to tell me the tongue is one big muscle, right?"
"Well… yeah I suppose it is." Josh shrunk back a bit, feeling a bit embarrassed as Tyler opened his mouth wide in front of him, considering he's always had fantasies about going in his friend's massive mouth. "I guess maybe your mouth is my favorite part of your face…"
Tyler smirked, his teasing was going perfectly. He knew he'd have to dial it back a tiny bit though or it might not go exactly to plan. Getting off the floor and instead raising himself to obstruct Josh's view with his abs, Tyler flexed them in Josh's face.
"I'm surprised you don't like my abs, dude." Tyler continued to flex and press them closer to Josh. "After all that's where my mouth goes down to."
"Well I guess technically, it goes to your stomach. Your abs are just covering your abdomen." Josh clarified, as he looked up at Tyler who was looking down at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Nerd. Just a tiny little nerd." Tyler said slowly and seductively. Just then, Tyler's stomach gave off a fairly long and audible growl. He couldn't help but to smirk as it was perfect timing by his own body. Rubbing his hand up and down his abs, Tyler looked down at Josh. "My stomach must've heard you talking about it, bro. It says nerds are only good for protein, not for telling the difference between it and my abs."
"I um…" Josh really didn't know what to say to that. He's never really seen Tyler act like this, but it was hitting every one of his fantasies he's ever had for his massive friend before. "I don't even think I'd be worth much protein really."
"Still being a nerd huh?" Tyler patted his stomach now. "One more nerdy remark and I might just have to give my stomach what it wants."
"Well your stomach can't talk, it's an organ." Josh instinctively clarified as he found himself being easily scooped up into Tyler's hand now.
"I'll take that as you wanting to meet my stomach, to find out if it can or can't, bro." Tyler lifted Josh up close to his face. Tyler smirked as he held Josh up close to his lips. "Admit it, you want to go in my mouth. You want me to swallow you, little nerd."
Tyler's mouth opened up, as Josh was given the choice now to walk his way in. Against his better judgement, Josh was drawn in as he felt compelled to enter his hot best friend's mouth and let himself be eaten by the stud. Tyler felt Josh start to enter his mouth, as he retracted his tongue, pulling Josh inside and chuckling as he he felt Josh slide around a bit in his mouth.
"You could never fool me, dude. I've always known." Tyler taunted Josh sliding him to the middle of his mouth, covering part of his mouth as he let out a tremendous burp, making sure to keep Josh from flying out. Tyler thoroughly enjoy burping on his tiny friend, having everything go exactly how he wanted it today. Tyler took his time, feeling Josh slip and fall on his tongue a few times, but he desperately wanted to swallow his little friend. Just then Tyler's stomach gurgled loudly once more.
"You hear that dude? My stomach is getting impatient." Tyler taunted Josh once again. Tyler knew it was time. Leaning his head back, and feeling Josh slip to the back of his mouth, Tyler swallowed with a small gulp. Feeling his friend vanish out of his mouth, Tyler put a finger on his throat, feeling the tiniest struggles inside. Burping again as he still felt Josh in his throat, Tyler continued to feel as Josh traveled slowly down, before the feeling vanished past his chest, into his stomach.
"From my mouth to my abs, right nerd?" Tyler taunted his abs, giving them an exaggerated pat and rub as he burped once again, obnoxiously loud this time. Tyler leaned against a wall, still feeling his stomach, so satisfied with his latest victim. Especially since this one was so very special to him.
"Oh man, that was so worth it." Tyler smugly smirked, looking down at his perfect body. Tyler let out a deep breath as he pushed himself off the wall and yawned, looking down at his phone as he walked into the bathroom. Accidentally stumbling across a picture of him and Josh together, Tyler holding Josh off the ground in a headlock, as his friend looked to be both struggling in pain but also so happy. Tyler put a hand on his stomach thinking about Josh inside him and thought…
Still looking down at the picture on his phone of the two of them together whilst rubbing his abs, Tyler made his mind up.
“Sorry little guy, but you’re gonna become part of me now, I’ve always wanted this to happen and you made it so easy for me, you little nerd!”
As much as Tyler had enjoyed swallowing Josh, he realised that Josh alone was not going to be enough to satisfy his hunger, he needed to send something down to keep the little guy company.
Putting his tank top back on, he headed out of the park and back to his home, where just the day before dozens of other tiny people had met their end in the form of Tylers digestive tract. They had meant nothing to him though, they were just a snack to him, to be digested and shit out like any other meal.
Meanwhile, in the giant hunks stomach, Josh had managed to find a safe space where he was free of any digestive juices.
“Was he joking?” Josh thought to himself, as the stomach was pretty empty and for now - relatively safe. “Maybe he’s going to let me out soon” as he contemplated the fact that he may have been a bit too hasty to walk straight into his giant friends mouth.
Josh felt safe enough to have a bit of a walk around the giant cavern, but as he did so he noticed something floating in a small pool of acid; it was a bone - a leg bone, from one of Tylers many victims the previous day.
“Shit, Tyler, what did you do?”
Back home, Tyler looked down at his abs again, still hoping Josh was alive and kicking down there.
Ok dude, I’m real hungry now, so I’m gonna make some grub to eat, that’ll help churn you up nicely, letting out a giant burp.
There was plenty in the fridge, enough to make a pretty substantial sandwich, full of meat, salad and mayo. “Oh yeah, I need this little guy, have fun digesting with this!” Tyler said as he started to take big bites out of the sandwich.
Josh was still coming to terms with finding the human leg bone in Tylers stomach when the chewed up sandwich began plopping down into the cavern with him, he now realised that Tyler intended to really keep him down there for good, he was going to be nothing more than bones in quite a short space of time.
“Tyler!! Don’t do this to me!!” He cried, obviously realising that it was going to be no good anyway,
as mound after mound of chewed up food kept raining down.
Outside, Tyler was looking at his phone again, at photos of Josh, happy in the knowledge that he was eating on top of him right now, and that he was going to become a part of him forever.
“You want this as much as me bud, don’t deny it, I’m sorry that your bones are gonna end up in my dump tomorrow, but the rest of you will be with me” he said as he patted his stomach and let out another loud burp.
Time was not on Josh’s side now, the food had filled most of the stomach now and the acid was starting to rise. Josh had accepted that it was his fault for giving in so easily to Tyler, but didn’t actually realise that Tyler was intent on giving him the full one way trip though his digestive system.
Just as Josh was accepting of his fate, the last glob of food popped into the stomach, along with the loud burp from Tyler, the combination of which pushed Josh under the surface of the mush and acid, which quickly got to work on breaking his body down, to become part to Tyler forever.
Outside, Tyler went on with the rest of his day, occasionally looking down at his gut, wondering where Josh was right now (or whatever was left of him). Back at home in the evening in bed, he knew that his best friend was now long gone, his stomach had done its work, digesting anyone or anything crazy enough to enter it. “Thanks bud” he said as he rubbed his stomach, lifted a leg and let out a rumbling fart. “That’s a sign of things to come little guy” he laughed as he slowly fell asleep.
Morning came, and Tylers lower gut was rumbling, telling him that it was time for the last part of Josh’s journey. Grabbing his phone and heading to the bathroom, he couldn’t help but look over more photos of him and Josh, as he was realising what remained of Josh into the toilet bowl. He felt a little guilty, but he was also sure that Josh would’ve wanted this too. “Thanks bud, hope you enjoyed the inside of me” he smiled as he flushed the remains of this best friend away forever. “You’ll always belong to me now”
Tyler decides that he could give his roommates a good show by doing his daily workouts in the living room.
He starts by some warm ups and he could already see a crowd of tinies forming around him to admire him, he's really proud.
Then he starts the real workout, push ups, squats, plank, crunches, running in place. The tinies could see how Tyler goes his wonderful body.
When Tyler is done, he is really sweaty, his tank top is drenched in sweat. He does some stretches and talk to his roommates a bit
"Hope you enjoy the show dudes, this is gonna be a daily thing"
The tinies get back to exploring while Tyler goes drink some water.
Tyler wants to rest a bit on his couch, he lets himself fall on it, not watching if some of his roommates where there. His ass falls on a dozen of tinies, hopefully as the couch is soft enough they're still alive but they're stuck and have to smell the giant's sweat.
Tyler watches the TV without standing up, he also watches the tinies exploring his giant appartement, he still couldn't believe what he did, he could get in serious trouble for that.
Some of his roommates comes on the couch, next to him to watch TV with him. They can hear the one trapped under him but cannot get Tyler's attention.
Everything is fine until Tyler rips a deep rumbling fart. He laugh and apologize
"Sorry dudes but I won't hold them for you" he says waving the stench away from his nose
He watch the tinies next to him, checking on their reactions
Sam spent almost every weekend he could going to Shrink and Swim. It wasn't that he necessarily was a water lover, but the lifeguards here were hot as fuck. Clearly the owner of this park was a fellow gay, because there were hardly any guards that weren't under 6 foot with huge muscles and six pack abs. But the real thing that kept him coming back was Matt.
Sam had been heavily closeted in high school, skinny and keeping to himself. There was nothing he both dreaded and loved more than gym class. Senior year he had class with Matt. The most heart-pounding moments of each day was were those brief moments in the locker room with a shirtless Matt. Some days, he changed quickly, other days he'd lounge around, showing off his impressive musculature, which was significant even in high school. Sam always felt awkward, trying to change as quickly as possible, nervous about showing off his skinny body for any longer than was necessary. But the most trying part was always figuring out where to look.
Normally he could only allow himself brief glances at Matt, but he loved the days when the attention-seeking hunk would goof off with his friends, making a scene and allowing him to look as long as he liked. He often wished that he could be invisible, unnoticed, and get closer to Matt than staring from across the locker room.
The biggest risk Sam ever took was after class one day, when Sam had needed to speak with the teacher about missing some class to go on a college tour. When he'd come back to the locker room, all of the guys were either in the showers or had left already, leaving him completely alone. He'd cast enough glances at Matt to recognize his gym bag, and he saw one stray sock hanging out. With nobody around to catch him, he dashed much faster than he'd ever run in class, snatching the lone sock, still damp with Matt's sweat, and stuffed it in his bag, and left.
While he'd have much rather grabbed a shirt or something, he quickly became very acquainted with the sock, holding it tight against his nose while he jerked off. He'd always appreciated the way Matt looked with a sheen of sweat, but he'd never really been into feet. However, that quickly changed when it became his way of getting to picture himself with the jock. The image of Matt standing over him, making him smell and lick his sweaty toes was one that dominated his hormonal mind.
============================================================================ ====
Years later, when Sam had had many more crushes and boyfriends to think about, he hardly ever thought about his old high school dream. That is until he decided to attend a new Water Park that he could hardly believe was real. Shrinking sounded insane, but seemed like a cool gimmick. Standing in line, it was wild seeing the people ahead of him shrink to minuscule size and head into the small box where the park was contained. Once inside though, everything was proportional, and it seemed no different than any other park. He was entranced by the sexy all-male staff though, and most definitely saw that he was not the only gay to notice. This could easily become his next spot to cruise for a hookup.
At one point, needing directions, he approached one of the lifeguard stands, tall enough that the mans feet hung above his head. Approaching he said, "Hey, do you know where I need to go for the log flume?" Suddenly the guard removed his sunglasses and looked forward in his seat to the man speaking to him. Sam was struck by lightning. The soles of the feet hanging above him were gorgeous, but looking at the face, the body, attached to them, he recognized Matt. The fantasies of the jock standing above him all came back as he looked up at smooth feet, seeing that he'd gotten hotter, tanner, and more muscular since high school.
"Yeah, man, just go past that concessions stand over there and take a right. There should be a big sign for it if you keep walking."
Sam started to stutter.
"You ok, man?"
"Uh…. yeah, I'm fine."
Sam briskly walked away, his face flushed, hoping that Matt hadn't recognized him. When he arrived back at his apartment he quickly went to his room. He'd discarded the stolen sock when his parents were packing him up for college, but he still had the scent in his memory, and for the first time in a long time, pictured this gorgeous man dominating him with his feet.
Sam quickly became a regular there, occasionally picking up guys, but always taking the opportunity to put on some shades and check Matt out. On one particular day when Sam arrived, Matt was nowhere to be seen, but a new attraction had been announced, "The Dude Flume". Having been bored with the regular attractions, he was excited to try something brand new. Turning the corner for it, his jaw dropped. There was Matt like he'd never seen him before. Normally in the park you'd hardly notice that you were small, but this blew that illusion right out of the water. Matt and one of the other lifeguards whose name Sam didn't know were standing there as huge giants. Matt was covered in tubes wrapped around his body, and Sam's dick popped up in his swim trunks as he realized what exactly the "Dude Flume" was.
While looking for the line, it seemed as if nobody was riding, everybody too nervous to approach the giants, although everybody seemed to be watching the other lifeguard. Matt seemed to be half asleep. Suddenly one man stepped forward, apparently an employee, and he and the other guard woke Matt up. He took the first ride around Matt, and came out of the end pool looking gleeful. "The new ride is a blast", he said, and left.
After that, people seemed a lot more daring and started to queue up. A steady stream of people started walking up the stairs, the enormous body of Matt practically close enough to touch. Sam breathed in the air, recognizing a musk that he hadn't smelled in years. Sam got up till he was second in line, the woman in front of him going down the tube, and suddenly he was looking up at Matt's gorgeous face, with the giant looking back at him. Sam was stunned into staring, when suddenly Matt's huge head nodded. Sam just kept staring.
"That means go, little dude", Matt's deep voice said, shaking Sam out of his trance.
He turned away and got in the tube. Racing down he got an amazing view, running under Matt's pits, along his pecs and abs, and ending with going towards Matt's gigantic ass, going under his legs and being let out just after his crotch into the pool. From this perspective, Sam looked up, the abs towering above him, and realized this was what he'd always wanted. That wish he'd had in high school of being unnoticed, invisible, and close to Matt was here. That sock he'd stolen in high school could fit his whole apartment building at this size. Sam became determined to be Matt's little pet. He wanted to be called "little dude" by that sexy voice again. Getting out of the pool, Sam stepped away, and shortly after, Matt swapped spots with the other lifeguard, who seemed to be far more popular. He headed home and vowed to return the next day.
The next day, Sam returned determined. The ride seemed popular today, but as he was getting in line, the guard checked his watch and told him, "Ok, you're the last one I'm letting up, and then we're switching out guards." The person behind Sam seemed a bit disappointed that they had to wait, but looked over at the other guard and seemed happy she was getting him. Sam climbed the ride, shaking with anticipation.
============================================================================ ====
Matt was feeling pretty pleased with himself. After the clear disparity yesterday, he found that the ride was doing pretty well today, although he could clearly see the crowd admiring Tyler. It was getting close to the shift change and he could see the last little person coming up to the start of the ride. He seemed a bit nervous as the person in front went down, but then started waving his arms wildly at Matt.
"What's up little dude?" Matt said
The little guy looked around, "Take me with you!", he said
"What?", Matt replied, shocked
"You're the hottest guy I've ever seen, and you look like a god right now. Just please, take me with you when you leave your shift. I want to keep me as your little pet."
The little guy seemed shocked himself at what he was saying. Matt thought about it for a minute, and figured that he wouldn't mind a little admirer around. He looked side to side, then down at the lifeguard monitoring the line. He looked down at the little guy, gave him a wink, and leaned over. He took a big inhale, catching the little man on his tongue, and using it to maneuver him between his lip and front teeth.
"Tyler, time for us to switch", he said. And began removing the tubes from his body. In his mouth, little Sam was freaking out, not expecting this method of travel. Eventually however he would leave the mouth. When he did it was because…
Sam was unsure of what would happen when he made his declaration, but what he hadn't expected was to be inhaled. A sudden vacuum of wind lifted him up off of his feet and into the giant's mouth. Sam screamed as he landed on the giant tongue, which pulsated beneath him. The dexterous muscle moved and deposited him between the gums and the lip, then retracted. The giant's booming voice called out, "Tyler, time for us to switch".
Sam spent the rest of the day tucked into that little spot. And while his initial fear was that the giant was going to eat him, it was clear that Matt intended to keep him safe. Occasionally the giant tongue came down to check that he was still there. Sam became more and more comfortable, knowing that this jock he'd fantasized about was now treating him like a little pet. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep in the warmth of the mouth.
He awoke to the tongue gently drawing him out of the mouth and on to Matt's awaiting finger, where he adhered with the spit. He used a little bit of tissue to get Sam dry and off his finger without squishing him. He gently placed Sam down on his kitchen counter. Sam looked around. At the park it was clear the space was built for little people, and that Matt was the giant. But here, with salt shakers towering above him, and huge couches off in the distance, it was very obvious that here, he was a tiny outsider in a space built for normal sized people.
The one thing that very clearly dominated this space was Matt. The huge man grabbed all Sam's attention as the colossus standing above him slightly shifted with every breath, his muscles slightly flexing, and the smell of sunscreen and sweat filling Sam's nose. Matt had changed into casual clothes, but still looked hot. Sam looked up at his huge face, which looked down on him with intrigue.
"So little guy, you wanted me to be my little pet, huh? Why exactly?", Sam said
"I uh… well I wasn't even sure if you were gonna be able to hear me."
"I can hear you just fine. I don't know exactly how this shrinking stuff works, and I don't know how Josh did it, but if I talk to a little dude I can see and hear them just fine as long as I focus on 'em. It's when I'm not paying attention that you have to be careful. But you didn't really answer my question."
"I just, always thought you were attractive at normal size, but seeing you as a giant was just so hot. I just couldn't help myself."
Matt smiled at this. When he'd thought of the dude flume he'd envisioned scores of tiny women sliding all over his giant body. Now that it had started it seemed like Tyler had all the attention. But Tyler definitely didn't have someone beg him to take them home with him. Matt didn't care that the little person was a dude. At this size it wasn't like there was much difference. Plus, in his experience, gay guys were way more forward in complimenting his appearance, not afraid to fuel his ego like women did.
"So, what do you like about me little dude? Since apparently I'm a god, what is it about me you want to worship?"
This was Sam's chance. Standing at the Dude Flume and now here on the counter, he hadn't gotten a chance to see the giant's huge feet, but he could just imagine himself squeezed in between the sweaty toes. But then, he second guessed himself. Sure this straight guy might have taken him home, but that didn't mean he'd be into foot stuff. He might be expecting a more normal answer. The giant staring down at him, Sam felt the pressure to answer, not sure whether he should take a risk or play it safe. Suddenly, he shouted out…
Sam decided to take a risk. If he was going to be Matt's tiny pet he may as well play the part. He bowed down on his hands and knees and said,
"I'd like to worship your feet my Lord. You can have me do anything. I would gladly be crushed under them if that's what you want."
Sam looked up at Matt's goodly figure in awe. He knew he had made the right choice whatever the outcome.
This surprised Matt a lot. He hadn't expected this tiny to be so devoted. Tyler was going to be so jealous he thought.
"Wow you seem really devoted. Well I wouldn't mind being worshiped." Matt said.
He picked up Sam and went over to the couch. He set Sam down on the floor and brought his feet in front of Sam to tease him.
"You said you'd be OK with me crushing you? Well…"
"I can't bring myself to kill someone. And I hope you don't really want to die. I'm sure you have a life and family, and I think you should be able to return to them" Matt said with a kind smile.
Sam was in total awe not only was his god super hot, but kind too.
"You don't want me my Lord?" Sam asked with a sad tone.
"No I'm super surprised you are willing to worship me like this. It makes me feel amazing, but I cant take you away from your life. I'm fine being your god for a little bit, but I won't keep you forever. Once you're done worshiping me today, I'll take you back to Shrink and Swim and grow you back. I'll have to apologize to my boss for taking you with me."
"Thank you my Lord." Sam replied. He hadn't even considered that Matt might face consequences for essentially kidnapping him. Even if he didn't see it that way others would. Matt could lose his job or worse.
"I'm sorry you might get in trouble because of me. You may punish me however you wish."
"It's fine, if you want to make it up to me why don't you worship my feet since you seem to like them so much." Matt said.
At this Sam rushed into Matt's feat and started sniffing them. It was heavenly to him. He started rubbing Matt's feet as best he could.
Matt looked down at his tiny worshiping him and he had to admit it made him feel powerful. He wouldn't mind forgetting about his responsibilities for a bit and being a god. He tried to think of something more godly to say to Sam.
"Your god appreciates your worship little man. Keep it up and I'll reward you."
"This is the best reward I could ever have my Lord you do not need to do anything more." Sam said with devotion as he started licking his gods feet. But suddenly he paused and bowed.
"I'm sorry I should have asked permission my Lord."
Matt just laughed. "It's fine. You're making me feel amazing!"
The two stayed like that for some time and Sam became more and more devoted. He kept licking, smelling, and rubbing Matt's feet to no end, and Matt clearly didn't mind. Eventually Sam became so entranced he begged Matt not to consider him as human anymore and to call him a bug.
Matt was taken aback by this. He did appreciate the worship and was happy role playing as a god, but it was clear this little man truly believed he was less than a person. This notion made Matt sad somewhat. He got Sam to stop and said,
"I really appreciate your worship it makes me feel so amazing."
San was happy he could make his god feel good.
"But," mat continued, "I could never take away your name and your humanity or treat you like a bug. I am a good god and I treat my worshipers well." He said with a wink.
"I think I must take you back now."
"No please I want to worship you forever!" Sam begged.
"Well it's clear that I like being a god and you like worshiping me, so we'll explain to my boss the situation and that you are not being kidnapped and maybe he'll let me shrink you again. I took you without permission but you don't need to worry about what will happen to me."
Matt scoped up Sam and carried him hidden in his shirt pocket. He returned to Shrink and Swim hoping to catch up with Josh before closing. When he got there Josh was still tiny.
"Matt what are you doing back your shift was over hours ago? Did you forget something?"
Using the balconies Josh went into his office still tiny. "We can talk in here." He said.
Matt stepped into Josh's office and took Sam out of his pocket. He put Sam in front of Josh on his desk.
Josh's eyes went wide. "So that's why the turnstile was off, do you have any idea how much trouble this could have caused?" Josh yelled.
"I'm so sorry, I was jealous of Tyler's popularity and then this little guy asked me to take him with my. I couldn't resist."
Sam stayed silent but it was strange for him to see his giant god apologize to the tiny Josh.
Josh came forward and addressed Sam. "I'm so sorry my employee did this too you. Please tell me you're not hurt."
"No sir, I asked him to take me with him. I really enjoy being tiny and wanted to worship this God with all I have." He still hadn't fully broken out of his trance.
Josh was surprised that this man was so forward with his fantasies. Josh could never be that bold and he was a little jealous of Sam. Josh turned his attention back to Matt.
"Since he's not hurt and he asked you to do it I will let you off the hook, but I expect you to be more responsible in the future. You represent this company. Now let's go grow him back." Josh said
Matt replied, "Actually we both liked it and we were hoping you'd let Sam shrink occasionally and come home with me. Can you do that?"
He considered it for a bit. He stayed shrunk quite often so there was issue with the shrinking tech being used long term, but still he didn't know if he can let Matt just run off with a tiny outside of the park. Ultimately he decided…
Ultimately Josh relented. Who was he to get in the way of two consenting adults.
"Alright fine. But you have to keep this a secret and promise you'll be safe" Josh said.
"Yeah of course. Well I'm gonna take him back home now," Matt said.
"Hold on, tomorrow is Monday. Don't you have somewhere you need to be?" Josh asked Sam.
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, "I'd rather stay with Matt"
Matt interrupted, "Sorry little guy. I said I'm not gonna take you away from your life. Why don't we grow you back and you can spend the night at my place."
"That's a good idea. And then I can give Sam my phone number just in case anything goes wrong with this," Josh added.
They went to where the shrinking machine was and both Josh and Sam grew back to their full height. Josh gave Matt a spare key to the park in case he needed access to the machine after hours.
They parted ways. Josh went home, and Sam grabbed some things from his apartment before heading to Matt's.
Matt beckoned Sam to sit on the couch in his living room.
"If we're gonna be doing this tiny/god roleplay thing long term. I want to discuss it just to make sure we know what we're both comfortable with. Or we could do that another time and get to sleep now," he addressed Sam.
"Dude! Put Luke with me!" Matt said with a goofy grin. Josh shook his head and agreed. Luke was a great lifeguard. Kind of a goofball, Luke is 23 years old and is 6'3" with buzzed blonde hair and greenish eyes. He has a similar body type to Matt's except he is a little more thickly muscled than the thinner surfer dude. He also has a tattoo of a bird on his back, in the center between his shoulder blades. Josh sighed as Matt walked away excited to be stationed with Luke. He knew those two got along, probably because Matt needs Luke's childlike energy to keep him going through the day sometimes. For now though, Josh yawned as he closed the door to The Dude Flume behind him. Heading home, Josh was ready for a good night's sleep.
- - -
Waking up the next morning, Josh was ready and raring go to the park and get the new part set up. Making it to Shrink and Swim Josh entered the break room around the back to see Matt and Luke ready for their first assignments as giant lifeguards. Luke bounded forward, ready to make a good impression on the tiny people coming to the park.
"Yo boss! Matt and I are stoked to supervise the new ride!" Luke said with a huge smile on his face while Matt slugged behind him, looking kind of tired. Josh laughed, knowing Matt wasn't much of a morning person whereas Luke was more of anytime kind of guy.
"Morning boss." Matt yawned as he came over and leaned on Luke's shoulder. Josh sighed as the short haired blonde started to rub his eyes.
"You guys ready? We have to get Matt set up." Josh said with a smile hoping to get the ball rolling. Josh motioned for the two to follow him into the newly built room and he and Luke helped get the ride on Matt and had him seated at the chair. Josh stopped to make sure everything was in order. Looking at the slide it started up by Matt's shoulder where the line of people would meet the start of the tube, then it travels down in a slow loop under Matt's armpits as it continues to circle Matt's body at a not so steep angle. Finally, it loops around Matt's back and drops slightly as it travels below his butt and under his crotch and ends in a newly built pool between his legs.
"Perfect." Josh admired as the water for the ride came on and flawlessly made it all the way to the pool without any leaks. Josh nodded to himself in approval as he started to leave the room, ready to go open the park. Luke made his way to his post, sitting in the chair he looked at Matt and made a few goofy faces at his friend as Josh left the room. Making his way into the front of the park, Josh shrunk down as he came into the entrance and opened the park for business. Excitedly, Josh started to work his way toward the new opening in the park, leading to The Dude Flume. Walking through the doorway, Josh pushed a turnstile so they could keep track of in and out guests as he walked into the gigantic room. Walking past the concession stand, Josh waved to the worker stationed there as they prepped their meals for the day. Moving forward, Josh saw what the real attraction was. Laughing, Josh saw as a giant sized Matt sat at his post with the nice clear tube around him, almost looking half asleep. Off to the side he saw Luke sitting at his station, watching him from a distance. Josh moved to the balcony to get Luke's attention and waved. Coming right up to the balcony Luke looked down at the tiny man and squinted before finally recognizing him.
"Oh hey boss. Thought you were our first guest! I was going to tell you to stay away from the railing!" Luke said with a jovial smile. Josh stared up at the huge muscled man. He could barely see past his solid abs and massive pecs, but he knew his handsome face was hiding somewhere way up above his sight.
"Good work, Luke!" Josh called up to the giant, unsure if the man even heard him. Regardless, Luke turned and wandered back to his post, looking ever alert. Next, Josh walked up to Matt, looking at the half asleep giant. Sighing, Josh started to climb up the wooden stairs leading to Matt's shoulder. Making his way up quickly since nobody was here, Josh reached Matt's colossal broad shoulder in no time and yelled up to him.
"MATT WAKE UP!" Josh screamed as loud as he could. Turning his face Matt looked over to see his first tiny guest, before his eyes widened embarrassed.
"Boss! I'm awake!" Matt said as he looked at Josh with his deep blue eyes and a smile. Josh gave him a thumbs up and grabbed onto the top of the tube that was fastened to the wooden stairs. Pushing off, Josh rode down the ride for the first time since it was made. He gawked at the scenery as he passed below Matt's arm pits and made his way around his fantastic chest. As Josh rushed past Matt's hardened abs he knew the final drop was soon. With a good view from the clear tube it looked like he was about to drop straight down into the back of Matt's board shorts, but angled off down more at the last second. It was dark as Josh rode below Matt's sitting body before he finally came out at the end in the pool, looking back all he could see was Matt's massive legs on either side of him meeting his his crotch resting right above at the end of the tube. Satisfied, Josh made his way to the door as he passed a few cautious looking guests.
"That new ride is a blast!" Josh said to the group of people, trying to put them at ease. Josh turned at watched as the group of people made their way forward to now more alert and attentive looking Matt. Josh nodded as he left through the door to get some work done.
- - -
Luke yawned as he stretched his legs out a little. Looking out into the ever growing crowd of tiny people he couldn't help but imagine what everything must look like to them. Thinking it would be funny, Luke stood up and walked toward the balcony, lowering his sunglasses over his eyes and putting his whistle in his mouth. Scanning the crowd carefully, he noticed a tiny boy running around. Tweeting his whistle slightly he pointed to the boy. He immediately calmed down, slowly walking at his mother's side. Many of the guests went back to their business, but a few people stopped and continued to gawk at the giant adonis looming over them. One man walked up right to the edge of the balcony and stared directly up at Luke.
"Be careful around the balcony, sir." Luke said to the minuscule man. He didn't seem satisfied by the answer however as he started jumping up and down. Getting down as low as he can, Luke lowered his ear to the tiny man. Listening to the little man for a second Luke bit his lip as the tiny man laid a wade of miniature bills on the ground. Picking them up Luke lifted a finger, indicating to him to give him a minute. The man sat patiently as Luke walked over to Matt.
"Dude." Luke whispered as best he could in Matt's ear. "This guy just gave me 100$ if I eat him!"
"You're good to go, sir." Matt said to the gentleman waiting to go down. Turning to Luke he tried his best to keep his voice down as he whispered back. "Dude! That's sweet, if he's for real sneak him into the break room and do it."
"Awesome, man I knew you'd be cool with it!" Luke said excited. "Let's keep this our thing, yo?" He added happily. The two men bumped fists quickly as Luke made his way over to the little man once more. As discreetly as giant in a room full of tiny people could, Luke offered the tiny man a ride on his finger as he lifted him up quickly and walked his way into the break room. Finally in private, Luke looked at the tiny man seriously under his dark sunglasses.
"You're sure you wanna do this, little guy?" Luke said looking at the bug sized man. Luke watched as he shook his head excitedly and started hopping in place. Smirking, Luke lifted the tiny guy to his face and opened his gargantuan mouth, dropping the man inside. Closing his mouth, he stopped for a second as he felt the little man try and stand up inside. Luke gave a toothy smile as he leaned his head back slightly, feeling the little guy inch closer and closer to his throat. With a simple gulp, Luke felt the tiny man disappear from his mouth now struggling feebly in his throat. Tracing the tiny guy's voyage all the way down, Luke rested his hand on his ripped six pack and rubbed the muscles happily. Feeling nothing anymore, Luke made his way back into the room to resume his post.
"Yo, dude. That was sweet." Luke said nodding to Matt as he walked back into the room.
"Lucky…" Matt said as Luke sauntered his way back to his seat. Suddenly the next woman in line spoke up as she looked up at Matt's handsome face.
"I'd pay to let you eat me rather than your friend." She blushed as she reached into a water proof wallet. Matt's eyes widened as the woman held out the cash. "I heard when he whispered to you before, I think you're better looking so I'd want you to do it." The woman explained.
"Luuuuuuuke!" Matt whispered loudly as Luke came over holding another tiny person. "This chick wants… me… to… why are you holding that guy?"
"Him?" Luke said looking down at the eager man. "He wants me to sit on him. Gave me 50 bucks."
"Dude… we could start a secret business." Matt exclaimed with a happy grin.
- - -
As the day went on many people requested things from being eaten, to being stepped on, to being sat on, to even being dropped down the front of one of the guys shorts. Luke listened as their next costumer had different tastes. This man wanted…
Luke's eyes widen at the new request. He signals with his fingers to wait before leaving his post once again to approach Matt. All the while the Dude Flume resumes its typical water park thrill-seekers while holding his head steady. Luke approaches him from the shoulder without customers and leans towards his ear.
"Dude, this new guy is gonna pay us 2000 bucks,"
"What's he want?" Matt tries to be discrete as he lets another customer down the slide.
"Well, bro…he wants to be eaten, but by someone who doesn't know he's eating him…"
"Dude, that rules us out," Matt frowns. "Won't be the same if one of us swallows him then."
"But he's really excited about it. He's got his phone with him and he wants to do selfies inside a guy's mouth and stomach."
"Sounds awesome, dude," Matt lets the next customer through. "Hope it can be pulled off. Don't want anyone to know about this that's for sure…"
Luke winks. "Dude, don't worry. I got a plan…"
As secretive as last time, Luke signals the rich customer to approach his palm. The little guy steps onto it and Luke wraps his fingers around him, trying his best not to show him. Then he discretely sneaks him out of the new attraction room and into the break room. There's one stroke of luck. On the kitchen table he sees a large box of nachos - probably one of the lifeguards bought to share with the others at his expense. For Luke, it's bait to fulfill the tiny man's wish. He asks for his cell number, knowing that he has to work rather than raise suspicion and watch. He sets his ear close to the tiny customer. Repeating the number in his head, Luke drops him into the nacho cheese.
Luke grabs his phone from the break room and smuggles it to the new attraction room. Matt looks towards him with curiosity. "Dude, did you do it?" Luke makes the one-minute sign as he prepares to text the man in the nacho cheese.
"U there dude?"
The phone buzzes and signals a new message.
"Yup ;)"
"Cool :)" Luke didn't expect much at this point as he slides the phone back into his shorts pocket. The phone buzzes again
"I c some 1 coming"
One of the lifeguards must've taken the bait…and it's…
Luke leaned his head over the tiny man as he rubbed his chin shaking his head while he listened to the tiny man's plan. Then man pulled out a huge sum of money, leaving on the ground for Luke to retrieve before turning away and leaving the new section of the park. Walking over to Matt, Luke watched as he carefully pinched a person between his fingers as his buddy stuck the little person into his armpit. Next, he motioned for the next person to ride down the slide, as they were impatiently waiting for the person in front of them to get their cheap thrills.
"Yo you gotta hear what this next guy wants." Luke said leaning down beside Matt. Matt moved his head to better listen to Luke's whispers as his giant friend continued. "First off he's paying us 2000 bucks."
"What?!" Matt sputtered as he heard the number.
"Yo, he even paid up front. He wants us to take him after the park closes and just humiliate the shit out of him. Taunting, belittling, insulting. The whole 9 yards dude." Luke stated as he continued to be as quiet as possible. "Then he wants us to fight over who get's to eat him up. He made sure to let me know he wants whoever it is to keep taunting him on his way down. Yo, also he said that once he shows up, that's it. No amount of begging, screaming or trying to run away should stop us."
"For that much money the little guy is gonna get his fill that's for sure." Matt said as he plucked the tiny man out from inside his his armpit, setting him down at the entrance of the slide. Luke watched as the delirious man stumbled down the slide, disappearing down the tube. "So this guy is meeting us here right at closing?"
"Yeah he said he'll be right up against the balcony where I was standing earlier." Luke replied looking back at his buddy's face. Matt shook his head and gave his friend a thumbs up as Luke walked back to his post. Figuring there wasn't much time till the park closed, he turned away a group of tinies ready to throw their money at him.
"Sorry folks, almost closing time!" Luke said sitting in his seat and rubbing his chest. The group of littles started to march away, slightly disappointed they didn't get their fantasies filled today. Luke didn't care though, looking in his pocket he saw wades and wades of tiny bills that he and Luke planned on hiding in a spot in the break room later to grab. Leaning back, he figured there wasn't much else to do today than wait for the rich tiny man to come back and get his fill of Matt and himself.
- - -
Josh looked at the clock in his office. He sighed seeing it was just a few minutes till closing. Figuring it would be best to check on Matt and Luke, since he hasn't all day, Josh got up to leave his office. Making his way to the new area of the park Josh slowed his steps for a second as he watched as another man about his height and older than him stood there by the turnstile, looking nervous. The man turned away from the entrance to the new section of the park, looking pale. Josh scratched his head, wondering if the guy must have forgotten something. Shaking it off, Josh went through the turnstile and headed into the now mostly empty area.
Looking out, Josh saw Luke helping Matt get out of the new ride as the two carefully lowered it to the side of the room for storage. Proud of his two employees for being so diligent in their work, Josh started to walk over to the edge of the balcony and waved to the pair of giant men.
Luke spotted the tiny man waving in his direction. Squinting slightly he started to walk toward him leaning down to the little guy and calling to Matt.
"Hey Matt!" He called as Matt set down the slide and looked over to him. "Look! It's…"
"Dude, remember you have to meet that rich investor guy, uhhh Freddy something?" Tyler began to explain as he started to scratch his head.
"Morebucks! I had completely forgotten! He's already here in the park?" Josh asked his head lifeguard hurriedly. Tyler shook his head, while looking down at his short boss.
"Ty, I need you to come with me, as head lifeguard I want you at my side when I speak with him!" Josh said, already walking toward the entrance motioning Tyler to come with him. Tyler was shocked to hear his boss wanted him at his side, but shook his head quickly and walked up beside Josh. Walking quickly Josh tried to brief Tyler with anything Mr. Morebucks might ask him.
- - -
"… and remember most importantly look him in the eye when you shake his hand and I introduce you, so you'll have to ditch the sunglasses for now. That'll give him a good impression of you. Otherwise don't worry, I'll be doing most of the talking anyway." Josh assured the bulky man at his side. Tyler just nodded his head nervously and pocketed his shades. Josh suddenly stopped and Tyler halted, turning toward him. Josh looked seriously up at Tyler, directly into his eyes. "I wouldn't want any other person at my side. You're gonna do great!" Josh smiled warmly at him.
Confident, Tyler smiled back and the two continued their walk toward the entrance to meet the savvy investor.
- - -
"Mr. Morebucks, sir?" Josh said to a middle aged man of about 43. He recognized him from newspapers and articles on the internet. Besides he was the only person at the park wearing a suit. "Good to meet you sir. My name is Josh, I'm the owner and operator of Shrink and Swim." Josh said extending out his hand to the taller man.
Josh was a little intimated by the man, obviously well built, and taller, probably about 6'2" he felt small compared to the rich investor. Next, Josh motioned to his right, "This is my head lifeguard and right hand man, Tyler."
Tyler extended out his hand, this time it was Mr. More bucks who was intimated as the ripped man looked more like a bodyguard not a lifeguard. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Morebucks." Tyler greeted professionally.
"The pleasure is mine to both of you." Mr. Morebucks greeted back pleasantly. He motioned two his left and a young woman stepped forward. She had long blonde hair and was a little shorter than Mr. Morebucks, not to mention she was quite an attractive woman. "She must be a model!" Josh thought to himself.
"This is my wife, Rebecca." The young woman extended her hand first to Tyler who blushed, shaking the woman's hand back gingerly, as she turned away from Tyler she faced Josh and said, "This is a fantastic park you have here, Josh. Its wonderful to meet you." She added softly as she extended her hand.
"I'm humbled by your complement, madam." Josh said eloquently, as he shook the woman's hand. Rebecca smiled as she backed to her husband's side.
"Now that the formalities are aside, we can talk business." Mr. Morebucks said, hoping to move this along.
"Of course, sir. Please come with us back to my office and we can have a seat." The four walked down the path as Josh gave a small tour along the way, naming all the slides on the way, and noting how there's never been an accident. Making sure to point out the "Safest park" award on a wall of medals just outside his office.
Once inside, the four sat down, and Josh pulled out many sheets of papers. Expense reports, employee records, and even some marketing ads. All the while Tyler looked over his boss's shoulder making sure to keep his back straight and keep his expression serious. It didn't suit him but he knew he had to put on his best act for Josh's sake. As Mr. Morebucks and Josh went over the expense report, Josh was listing numbers to the rich investor that made the man gasp. "There's no way that's all it costs to run this place! That's incredible!" The middle aged man said with his mouth a gap.
The numbers for Tyler went in one ear and out the other, however Mr. and Mrs. Morebucks looked over at Tyler with shocked expressions, "Can you believe this? I had no idea your boss managed this!" Mr. Morebucks said at the confused lifeguard.
"Uh…" Tyler started as he looked down at his side to Josh's face. Josh just turned his head and smiled. "He's a genius, that's all there is to it!" Tyler finally said making Josh blush ever so slightly.
"Right he is! It's decided. I'm going to invest in this park. With a brilliant owner, and capable staff, there's no reason not to!" Mr. Morebucks said dramatically as his wife turned and smiled at him. "Oh hon…" She added cutely.
"Wonderful!" Josh said excitedly. "If that's the case we can start talking about expanding the park right away! We can take on more staff and manage more entrances and double our guest count in a matter of a few days!"
"Construction can be that swift?" Mr. Morebucks questioned with a surprised look on his face.
"Based off the size of the park, its basically like putting pieces of a toy together. It can be done in just a few days with only a few workers." Josh stated professionally.
"Excellent!" Mr. Morebucks replied, taking out his checkbook.
- - -
Mr. and Mrs. Morebucks left the park, excited in their new investment. Josh turned to Tyler and hugged him. "This is the happiest day of my life!" Josh said practically sobbing into Tyler's chest.
Tyler hoisted his boss up, slinging him over his shoulder. "I'm h-happy I could be here for it…" He said choking back tears.
- - -
Later that evening before everyone headed out, Josh went into the break room from the park to tell, his now gigantic staff, that the park is being invested in and they're going to start expansion effective tomorrow and that in two days the park will be back and running with new rides. Cheers came from the huge lifeguards as Josh delivered this great news.
Noting everyone will be getting a raise made the crowd of massive lifeguards all the more excited. "20% across the board for everyone!" Josh yelled into the microphone so his staff could hear him.
Finally as the crowd of lifeguards started to leave the room Josh got a chance to wind down and relax. Now…
"What a day!" Josh said as the most recent interviewee left the room. The past 5 hours it's been interview after interview as Josh brought on tons of new staff to prepare for the expansion. "Sure is a lot less interesting doing it at normal size though." Josh almost pouted to himself.
Looking down at his clipboard he counted up all the positions he needed to fill. "Let's see entrance staff is done… Concessions are done… Mechanics… Security… All set!" Filing through the interviews he has left he saw he only needed a few more lifeguards.
"We're making 10 new rides… hired about 5 lifeguards today… so 10 more tomorrow should be safe." He said putting his clip board to rest on his lap.
Standing up he decided to have a look around front and make sure construction was going smoothly. There were three workers, 2 burly young men placing the pieces gingerly into the park, and one older looking man sitting at a table piecing the rides together. Josh turned to their supervisor, a woman in her early twenties, wearing a white hard hat looking down at a clip board and blueprints.
"Miss?" Josh started as the woman looked up. "Oh sorry didn't see you sir. I meant to introduce myself sooner. I'm Alexis." She said sternly as she reached out a gloved hand.
Shaking it formally Josh looked at the woman's face. She wore a bit of makeup, but he could tell she was a very serious looking woman, albeit a very attractive one too. Josh blushed slightly as he spoke, "Y-yes well, I've been rather busy myself. So the fault is all mine for not speaking to you sooner." He added chuckling nervously.
"Its quite alright, sir." She said pressing the clip board softly against her breasts. "Anyway, sir, you can see progress is being made quiet smoothly." She said gesturing over to the miniature park. "We should be done tomorrow ahead of schedule" She added with a slight smile.
Caught off guard by the smile, it made Alexis' face turn from serious to very pretty. Looking directly at the park instead Josh quietly replied, "T-that's great news!"
Alexis walked over to the older worker as he just finished carefully piecing together a new water slide. Carefully picking it up she cupped it in her hands and walked it over to Josh. "This is one of the new rides you designed, sir." She said holding the ride with ease.
"It has quiet an elegant design…" She said looking down at it with a twinkle in her eye. "Is it to your liking?"
Looking down at the ride easily held in the young woman's hands it really put into prospective for Josh how tiny the park is. Happy with how the ride was constructed Josh nodded and smiled at Alexis. Flashing another smile, Alexis turned away to give the ride to one of the other workers as they pieced the park together. Josh blushed again as she turned away. "What a pretty smile…" He thought to himself.
- - -
Josh went on to observe the construction for awhile as he awkwardly conversed with Alexis about the vision he had for the expansion of the park, when eventually…
"Well like I said, the overall goal of the park is to allow as many people in with as much space as needed, while costing almost next to nothing." Josh said finally becoming a bit more comfortable around Alexis.
"I see… its so efficient. But why a water park?" She asked blankly.
"Oh…" Josh had never really thought about that before. "I guess its always really hot here? So a water park seemed like a good ide-AH!" Josh was interrupted as he was suddenly pulled into a headlock and pressed between a pair of sweaty pecs.
Alexis quickly turned to see what happened as she saw a huge shirtless man wearing only a pair of red and black basketball shorts with a cord sticking out the pocket up to his ear phones as well as a pair of white running shoes. Confused she jumped back wondering why her employer was suddenly snatched up.
"Guesssss whooo bosss!" Came the familiar tone from above Josh as he held the man to his chest with his left arm.
"Lemme go you big buffoon!" Josh choked as Tyler's sweat started to run through his hair, drenching the back of his shirt.
Holding the smaller man tightly to his chest Tyler simply said, "Mmm… nah."
Looking over at the confused woman Tyler addresses his boss again. "Yo Josh, introduce me to your lady friend here!"
No longer struggling as Josh accepted he could simply hang there against Tyler's massive chest he figured he'd comply. "Alexis, this is Tyler. One of my lifeguards. Tyler this is Alexis. She's overseeing the expansion of the park."
"HEAD lifeguard!" Tyler added proudly as he extended out his sweaty hand to Alexis, still holding his boss captive. Reaching out to shake back Alexis couldn't help but smile at Josh's dejected expression.
"You two seem close." She said still smiling at Josh as he kicked his legs around a little.
"You bet!" Tyler said happily. "Josh is my little buddy. I had to run by and see how things were going, I figured he needed a break since he's probably been working nonstop all day!" He said, as he rubbed Josh's head holding him even closer like a little rag doll.
"But here I find Josh schmoozing it up with some lady friend!" Giving him a thumbs up in the process with his free hand. "Good job tiger!"
Josh started blushing, although it could have just been from the lack of oxygen or the heat Tyler's body was giving off. Either way Josh was none too pleased about the comment.
- - -
The three talked for some more time, all the while Tyler wouldn't release his smaller friend from his grasp. Finally, after a while the workers had to start packing up and go. Alexis waved laughing at Tyler as he still refused to let Josh go.
After they finally departed Tyler released Josh from his death grip. Gasping Josh leaned over, "Oh god I thought I was never getting free!"
"Aww little buddy, I just wanted to hold you close to my heart the whole time!" He said rubbing Josh's head as he walked over to the half open park.
"Wow I've never seen it opened up like this before!" He said peering down at all the little walkways and rides. "Look! Its your adorable little office!" He said pointing in wanting to poke the tiny building.
"Don't break it!" He said hurrying over to his muscular friend.
"I wasn't gonna, don't worry boss." Tyler said straightening his back and turning back to Josh.
"By the way boss." He said eyeing his short buddy. "That Alexis chick was totally into you!"
Josh blushed, looking down at the ground. "Yeah right, she was laughing the whole time because of you torturing me. She was definitely into you."
"Yeah but you're super smart. She's probably way more into that than a dummy like me." Tyler said leaning down to look at Josh.
"Yeah but you're a lot better looking than I am, women are way more into looks!" Josh snapped back.
The two stopped and blushed at each other's compliments.
"We probably won't know anyway." Josh said breaking the silence. "She's part of a larger company, which means she'll be moving when the project is over anyway."
"Ah well!" Tyler said, putting his arm around Josh, almost pressing his face into his still sweaty pit. "Say la vee!" He said happily forcing Josh to walk with him.
"Its C'est la vie, dummy." Josh said, pressing his palm to his face as the two walked each other home.
"Finally!" Josh cried as he walked out of the interview room. Glad to be finished with all of the tedious interviews and have dozens of new employees on hand soon. Turning around the other side of the building Josh peeked around the corner, spotting Alexis. Josh swallowed hard as he recalled his encounter with formal, yet elegant woman yesterday.
"Stalking Alexis, eh boss?" A voice came from directly above Josh as he jumped backwards with fright, right into the perpetrators chest.
"Tyler… you scared the shit out of me!" Josh scowled at his larger friend as he leap back to his original position. Looking at Tyler, Josh noticed he was significantly less sweat drenched today. He wore a red and black spandex shirt, tightly showing off his impressive physique. He was also sporting black running shorts as well as red running shoes. Looking back up at Tyler's smirking face Josh finally added, "What are you doing here again anyway?"
"Easy little buddy. I was just checking up on you." Tyler said winking and putting an arm around the little man. "Besides I wanted to watch when you finally asked Alexis out!"
Josh immediately turned bright red. Tyler knew as well as Josh that Alexis wasn't going to be around long, however the thought did cross Josh's mind more than once to at least ask the attractive woman out to dinner as thanks for her hard work.
"I-I-I was debating doing that yes, but only as friends and to thank her for her hard work." Josh stuttered trying to convince himself he could do it.
Tyler shook his head and started to move forward. "This is for your own good boss." He said as he picked Josh up with ease. Josh squirmed and flailed before being unceremoniously tossed out on the lawn toward the front of the building with a rather loud thud. Josh's world spun for a moment as he tried to lift himself up.
"Are you ok?!" A voice called out to him as Josh saw a figuring running to him.
"No, I think I-" Josh stopped his thought as he looked up to Alexis's face as she extended a hand down to help him up. "I-I mean… No I'm fine… I just uh… tripped."
Alexis laughed as she helped pull Josh up off the ground. Josh stood up and brushed himself off. As he looked up however, his eyes met with Alexis's. Josh quickly looked in another direction and tried to strike up a conversation. "Oh so it looks like construction is going well!"
Alexis turned and looked over at the park as she saw two of her workers starting to reattached the glass box. "Actually… it's finished, sir."
Josh blushed, in truth he didn't even look at the park. "Oh well even better I guess! It'll be great to see everything from the inside soon too I'm sure!" He tried to go along nervously.
"I'm sure it will! But unfortunately, it's going to be time to head out soon. Lots more projects to work on!" She tried to add cheerfully. Josh rubbed the back of his head at the cuteness in her tone. He couldn't believe how comfortable the woman seemed to feel around him after just knowing him for a day. Josh knew this was his chance. He had to ask.
"Alexis, can I ask you something?" Josh said as he felt his heart beat out of his chest.
"Sure thing!" She said happily turning to Josh once more.
"Would you be interested in…" Josh's heart started to beat faster and faster. "I-in going out to dinner with me?"
Alexis looked at Josh, with genuine surprise in her eyes. Slowly she put a finger on her lips, touching the soft skin lightly as she looked off in thought. "That's very sweet of you Josh but," Suddenly Josh's world shattered as he heard the word "but" and quickly his heart started to sink. "But I have to leave soon. My flight is actually just in a few hours…"
Trying to compose himself Josh forced a smile on his face. "Oh I didn't realize you were going to be leaving so soon! I'm sorry I put you on the spot like that!" Josh tried his hardest to sound sincere while struggling to keep his smile up.
"Well you know work, right? Busy busy!" She added trying to be a little funny. "Besides… I kinda just assumed well… what with you and Tyler…"
"Assumed what?" Josh asked, genuinely confused as to what Tyler had anything to do with this.
"Never mind about that." She said with a smile as she looked over at her workers who just finished packing. "It looks like we're heading out. We don't want to miss our flight!"
"Right…" Josh said starting to feel a little depressed. "It was nice working with you Alexis." Josh said hoping to end the relationship professionally.
"Likewise, remember my company if you ever need any more additions will ya?" She added with a playful wink before turning away to leave.
Josh watched as she got in the company's truck and drive away. Sadly, Josh turned toward his park and walked up to the tiny enclosement. Looking directly down at it, Josh tried to reflect at what just happened to him. Josh barely noticed as a huge muscular arm rested itself around him.
"That's rough buddy." Tyler said, standing next to his little friend trying to console him.
"I wonder what's wrong with me?" Josh said looking at himself in a faint reflection coming from the glass.
"Nothing dude. I'd date you." Tyler said smiling at the disheveled man. "Women are just confusing sometimes."
Josh stopped to think for a second. He was still confused at what happened. What did Tyler have to do with him getting rejected? "Yeah she was confusing. Something about you and me. I bet it's just because she's into you." He said looking slightly up at the handsome man.
Tyler's face twisted into a frown. "Wait I must've not heard that part. Did she reject you because of me?"
Josh put his hands in his pockets, frowning in just as much confusion as Tyler. "I have no idea. Maybe?" Josh said finally.
"What a bitch." Tyler said under his breath. Tyler took his arm off from around Josh. "I'm sorry dude."
Josh smiled for the first time for real since being rejected. "For what? Being better looking than me? Don't worry about it Ty."
Tyler turned and looked down at Josh, now with a fairly goofy smile. "Dude, go on a date with me."
Josh looked up at the muscle man confused once more. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Go on a date with me." Tyler said leaning down and winking at Josh. All the while Josh just sort of stared at Tyler and blinked. "Whaaat? I'm waaaay hotter than Alexis anyway! My boobs are just as big too!" He said cupping his huge pecs in his hands and bouncing them up and down.
"I just…" Josh started to say before Tyler interrupted him.
"Don't reject me bro! I'm putting my heart on the table for you here!" He said smiling at Josh while trying to tug on Josh's heart strings.
"Alright fine you big goof!" Josh said happily, much to Tyler's excitement. "What did you have in mind?"
"Well I thought we could…"
"I thought we could have you shrink down and you could go out with big o'l me!" Tyler said with a bug smile on his face.
Josh blinked as he stared that his muscular friend. The idea seemed pretty ludicrous to him at the moment. After all could you even consider that a date? "why do I have to be shrunk, Ty? Wouldn't you rather just have a nice normal date?" Josh asked, trying to pry the man for information.
"Well…" Tyler started as he lifted a finger to his face and started to nervously scratch his nose. "I just think it would be really cool… and stuff…"
Josh squinted his eyes and raised an eyebrow. Clearly this wasn't everything. "And stuff? Do go on." Josh said now crossing his arms.
"Come on dude, I just uh…" Tyler said now rubbing the back of his neck. "It would just be more fun for you and me that way. More exciting?"
"Yeah?" Josh said not shifting his stance an inch while he continued to give Tyler a piercing glare.
"Fine and you're kinda really…" Tyler started to say before uttering one last word under his breath.
"I'm kinda what?" Josh said relaxing his posture finally to look at Tyler a little less demandingly.
"You're really cute when you're small." Tyler said finally blushing and looking at the ground. "I feel like you big protector sometimes and it makes me feel cool."
Josh blushed from the compliment, but tried to to quickly shake it off. "Y-you're like my big protector even when I'm not shrunk though!" Josh said inching closer to Tyler and looking up at his blushing face. "But if you think it would be more fun to go on a date with me when I'm tiny I'd be fine with it."
Tyler smiled as he reached out an arm and pulled Josh into his chest in a tight hug. Josh struggled for a second before he realized the was no way out of his huge friend's grip. Trying to relax Josh simply patted Tyler on his massive back as he continued to clutch Josh in his beefy chest. "Thanks dude! We're gonna have a good time!"
Finally, Tyler released Josh and laughed as he watched his small boss catch his breath. "So when do we wanna do this?" Josh asked, actually getting excited over the idea.
"Well the park opens back up tomorrow and we have the rest of today still…" Tyler said looking over at the shrinking machine right outside the newly renovated park. "We could go tonight?"
Josh looked at Tyler up and down. "You're gonna take me on a date wearing that?" Josh said sarcastically as he looked at Tyler's red and black spandex shirt and black running shorts.
"Whaaat? Dude I look sporty!" Tyler said flexing his right bicep. "Besides we won't go anywhere too fancy. Gotta go somewhere casual on our first date, right boss?"
Josh sighed. Tyler was always a very hard guy to say no to after all. "Alright we'll go tonight… and you can wear THAT if you have to."
Tyler smiled and gave his boss a thumbs up as he started to figure out the last couple details of this date. "So boss." He started as he re-positioned himself next to Josh and put an arm around him. "I have some options for you. I thought maybe we could do a simple dinner and a movie or we could grab some food at the pier amusement park and go on some of the rides together?"
Josh thought for a second. Both options sounded fun. Josh had never been to the pier with anyone before and the rides were pretty fantastic, although at a shrunken size it could be dangerous if Tyler wasn't careful. On the other hand dinner and movie sounded safer…
"I think I wanna…" Josh started to say as he got cut off.
"Why don't you go shrink first, then meet me around back and give me your answer then?" Tyler said as he started to lead Josh over to the entrance to Shrink and Swim. Josh shook his head. Figuring it could save some time and he could think about it more on the way over, Josh hopped into the shrinking machine and operated the controls to have him shrunk and sent into the park. Once inside Josh looked around at his newly renovated park. The entrance wasn't all that different, a few extra booths and more room for people to go in and out, but on his way to the break room he passed several new rides of his own design. Smiling proudly at his own engineering skills Josh turned his way into the break room.
Opening the door Josh looked out over the balcony and soon saw almost nothing but the red of Tyler's shirt coupled with the bulging muscle concealed beneath it. The man he was small compared to before now stood in front of him a literal giant. However, knowing he was in good hands Josh happily walked forward to greet his friend.
"Hey I'm here!" Josh shouted up at his muscular employee. Tyler looked down at his miniaturized boss smiled warmly.
"Dude see, you're just so dang cute when you're small!" Tyler said still smiling. "I could just eat you up!"
Josh rolled his eyes. He never knew Tyler found him so adorable small before. After all he was pretty small compared to him normal sized too! "I wonder if he thinks I'm cute then too…" Josh thought to himself as Tyler lowered his hand. Tyler raised the little man to his face before finally asking,"So boss, what did you decide?"
Josh put a hand on his chin and weighed his options before deciding that they should go to…
"I wanna go to the Pier." Josh said with a smile as he looked at Tyler's enormous brown eyes. "I think it would be neat to go on the rides together!"
Tyler smiled, truth was he was really looking forward to the rides too not to mention the park was famous for their delicious hot dogs and fried dough that he really wanted to have! "Great boss! Now we just need to come up with a good way to keep you with me…"
Tyler lowered Josh down to his shoulder and watched as the tiny man struggled to stay on the semi-slick surface of the spandex shirt. Coming up with an idea quickly however, Josh had Tyler lower him back down to the balcony. Tyler watched as Josh left back into the park for a few minutes before reappearing with some sort of rope.
"It's a spare bungee cord for one of the rides!" Josh said as Tyler's hand lowered down to collect him once more. As Josh watched himself being transported back to Tyler's shoulder once more, he tied the cord firmly around his torso and hips. Finally, back on Tyler's shoulder Josh was able to weave the tiny cord right through a small hole in the spandex and tie it securely to the shirt.
Tyler looked down at what Josh was doing and slowly walked into the bathroom to get a better view using the mirror. Josh gave the huge man a thumbs up and Tyler started to shift his shoulder in as many different directions as he could in an attempt to send the tiny man off. Luckily the cord was secured well enough that Josh was able to stand his ground efficiently, much to both men's delight.
"Looks like we're all good, dude!" Tyler said happily as he looked at his tiny friend in the mirror. Josh nodded in agreement, although he wasn't sure if Tyler could see his head motion or not. Regardless, Tyler started to head out from the bathroom and back into the break room. As the door opened to the outside, Josh had to shield his eyes from the now extremely bright sunlight. Looking around Josh realized this must be how it feels to see things from Tyler's prospective. Everything seems so impossibly far away, in yet from his new height Josh could see up and over all kinds of hedges and posts that he'd never seen before. As Tyler walked along the boardwalk leading to the pier Josh couldn't help but look out into the ocean. The waves sparkled softly with the salty mist from water, thanks to the bright sun reflecting right on the deep blue surface. Occasionally, Josh's view was interrupted by a passing by giant or two. From massive muscled surfer guys, to bikini clad women Josh certainly had his fill of gigantic beach goers.
Josh started to relax as he felt Tyler looking down at him, making sure he was ok. Josh turned a glance back up at his massive friend and smiled. Tyler quickly looked away and blushed sightly as he realized Josh was looking directly at his face. Trying to look serious, Tyler continued his march down the boardwalk, determined to get there with Josh perfectly safe. Chuckling to himself over Tyler's goofy looking serious face, Josh turned away at looked back out over the beach as a young looking woman walked by, checking out Tyler on the way forward as well as turning around to check him out from behind. Josh shook his head as the woman went out of view.
"Hey Tyler." Josh called up to his giant date while they were out of ear shot of other people. "That girl was eye banging you real good."
Tyler laughed out loud, causing Josh to lose his footing slightly and grab onto the bungee cord. "She can look all she wants, but I'm yours for tonight, dude."
Josh couldn't help but grin stupidly at the comment. He'd kill to be checked out like Tyler was just now, but somehow just knowing Tyler was here for me him made it not seem nearly as bad as he'd normally feel. Josh took a deep breath as he held onto the bungee cord and tried to sit down on the slick red surface of Tyler's shirt. Looking forward he could clearly see they were nearly at the park.
- - -
Josh looked up in awe as he could see the Ferris wheel and even a small roller coaster looking high above and away from him as he and Tyler made their way to the ticket booth.
"One please." Tyler said to the receptionist as he handed them money in exchange for a ticket. Tyler winked at Josh quickly as he stuffed his wallet back into the pocket of his athletic shorts. Tyler strode his way through the crowd, occasionally looking down at his shoulder at his tiny boss making sure nothing went wrong. After a minute of searching, Tyler found an unoccupied bench a little way away from the crowd and took a seat.
"Pretty tricky we only had to pay for one of us huh boss?" Tyler said as he turned his head to look down at tiny Josh on his shoulder.
"That reminds me! Make sure you let me know how much I owe you. I don't want you paying for me, especially since it's a pity date…" Josh added a little gloomily.
Tyler snapped his head forward and tried to look serious again. "It's not a pity date. You're a great guy and you deserve a good time."
Josh looked down, embarrassed that he jumped to conclusions. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to assume."
Tyler looked back down at Josh again and smiled. "Don't worry buddy. We're gonna have a good time."
Josh looked back up and smiled at Tyler. The bliss however was short lived as a pair of nervous looking girls shuffled their way forward toward Tyler. Raising an eyebrow Tyler looked at the girls and blankly asked, "Can I help you?"
One of the girls turned bright red and cowered behind her friend and simultaneously tried to inch her forward as well. The girl in the front decided to finally speak up. "H-hi… My friend here thinks you're super hot. Can you give her your number?"
Josh's face got a little red with anger. Here he was on a supposed date with Tyler, and suddenly girls are walking up and asking for his number? Before Josh could get any more pissed off however Tyler spoke up, "No. I'm here on a date."
Josh's anger quickly washed away at Tyler's words. He really was here for him. The two girls however, weren't about to take no for answer as she spoke up again. "Well what if it doesn't work out?"
"I think I'd know better than you." Tyler said blankly as he looked away from the girls. Josh watched as the two girls turned away disappointed. He couldn't help but stick his tongue out at them as they started to walk away.
"Jerk!" The one girl called out as her and her friend created some distance and disappeared into the crowd. Tyler laughed at the half-ass'd insult as he looked back down to Josh with a grin.
"I wouldn't have cared if you gave them your number." Josh lied as he looked back at Tyler and faking a smile.
"No way dude. What am I going to have to do to prove that I'm here with you?" Tyler said still smiling warmly at Josh. Josh couldn't help but look down once again in embarrassment. Tyler was trying to show him a good time after all.
"You're right. I'm sorry. Again." Josh said looking up at Tyler woefully.
"Don't apologize." Tyler said as he rested his hand on his stomach. Suddenly a loud groan erupted from his stomach as he rubbed the slick surface of his shirt covering it. "Man I'm hungry what about you?"
Truth was Josh wasn't that hungry, but given the roar from Tyler's gut he seemed starved. "Sure I could go for some food." Josh said with a smile as he braced himself for Tyler standing. Josh watched as Tyler worked his way through the crowd once more to a concession stand. Many people walked by with plates of delicious looking food, which made Tyler all the more antsy to be next in line.
- - -
Finally, Tyler managed to acquire an order of two hot dogs with chili sauce and ketchup and an order of fried dough smothered with powdered sugar. Last but not least, Tyler got himself a bottle of coke and started to work his way out of the crowd once more to find a table. Luckily, for the pair they found a nice empty picnic table away from most people where Tyler set down his food.
Sitting down, Tyler reached down to one of his hot dogs and tore off a bit of the skin and placed it on his shoulder next to Josh. "You'll be safer to eat up here. Just let me know if you want more, ok dude?" Tyler said as Josh grabbed the tiny morsel.
Looking down at the food, Josh quickly tore through the tiny piece of food. Tyler definitely underestimated how small Josh was, or at least how much he could eat. Josh peeked over the edge of Tyler shoulder to see him digging in to the food below. The tantalizing aroma was intense as Josh felt drawn to the food, wanting to just swim in the sea of powdered sugar, or take a bite from the hot dog himself. Josh however, looked at his torso and waist as he was reminded that he was literally tied to Tyler.
"I think he'd notice me if I untied myself and grabbed a bite." Josh thought as he saw Tyler's arm lead straight down toward the plates of food. Josh looked over at Tyler's face, absentmindedly chewing away on a piece of food before swallowing hard. Josh winced as Tyler's adams apple bobbed, sending the food down to his massive stomach. "Then again maybe I should just ask him for more food…"
After a short decision process Josh decided…
Josh rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as he tried to keep a conversation flowing with Alexis. Looking to his side he saw someone else approaching however. She was a tall young looking woman with long blonde hair. Josh stifled for a moment until he realized who she was. Excusing himself, Josh left the construction site and worked his way over to her.
"Mrs. Morebucks! This is a surprise! How are you and your husband?" Josh asked politely as he went to shake the attractive woman's hand. Smiling she looked around the construction site.
"Please Josh, You can call me Rebecca." She said with a friendly smile to which Josh nodded in approval. "Freddy wanted to see the progress, but he had to fly out this morning for business. I was planning on staying in town for a few days however, so I thought I'd drop by."
"Oh, well as you can see everything is going very smoothly! Thanks to you and your husband the park is nearly doubling in size!" Josh said with an enthusiastic smile.
"That's wonderful to hear!" She said tiling his head slightly as she looked at a few new rides and tubes being placed within the park. "But there was another reason why I wanted to stop and talk to you."
Josh looked at her, a little worried. Hoping there wasn't a problem Josh simply smiled and responded, "Sure, anything you need to talk about!"
Turning to the side and holding her hands, Rebecca looked at the ground. "It's about my son actually."
Josh looked at her confused. If she had a son he couldn't imagine him being very old. Josh tried to keep smiling however, hoping he didn't have to get involved with some little kid somehow. Rebecca however, kept staring at the ground and continued her story.
"My husband and I were high school sweethearts. We actually got married when we were only 19. As his business started to take off, it was about the time our son was born." Rebecca continued as Josh tried to comprehend the story. "That was 21 years ago."
Josh looked at the woman dumbstruck. She was the same age as Mr. Morebucks? He couldn't believe this woman was in her 40s, let alone has a son in his 20s! Shaking his head Josh tried to keep focused as Rebecca finished her story.
"We were lucky, my husband started work in real estate back when the housing market crashed. Somehow we made it through and built up a company. We knew what it was like to have nothing. But not our Clifford." She said, looking as if she was going to cry. Turning her head to look at Josh she tried to hold back her tears while she continued. "He goes to school around here. We even have an estate where he stays while he's at school. He's a freshmen at one of the universities…"
Josh put a hand on his chin for a second while she said that. "A freshmen? Did he start late?"
Rebecca simply shook her head as she looked back down at the ground. "No. He's been a freshmen for 3 years."
Josh's eyes widened. He couldn't believe a school would keep someone like that for so long. Figuring the family must have a good amount of influence however, Josh figured it was best not to pry.
"He has no motivation. He doesn't understand the value of a dollar. He thinks he can just get by in life with good looks and his father's money." She said with a shaky voice, obviously very distressed about it. "But then we met you! We were so impressed by your staff. All very handsome young men, but all so very motivated and respectful of you. A few of your employees remind me of Clifford, actually.
Josh blushed as he rubbed his neck. Sure some of the guys were slackers, but he knew they all respected him on some level. Rebecca smiled as she looked at Josh's red face as she continued. "Freddy and I were hoping since the park was being expanded, maybe you could hire him?"
Josh looked at the woman, shocked at the request. "Oh, yeah it's true we are hiring a lot of new staff. Does your son need the job? Especially if school is a problem…"
Rebecca simply shook her head. "We both agree a job would good for him. Even if he doesn't need the money, he needs to learn to work. Not only that but he needs to learn to respect others. Finally, he struggles in school because he wastes all his free time. If he had an actual schedule we think he might try just hard enough to pass."
Josh shook his head. He wasn't exactly ecstatic about getting some guy with no experience or motivation to start working at his park, but his hands were a little tied. "I'll do whatever I can to help."
Rebecca practically leap forward as she grabbed Josh's hands, thanking him. Josh smiled, but he knew there was sure to be rough times ahead. "Thank you so much! Oh, I have to have you meet him as soon as possible! He went skim boarding on the beach nearby while I was out."
Josh was caught off guard when suddenly he found himself being drug off by Rebecca to the boardwalk, making their way to one of the nearby beaches.
- - -
Rebecca and Josh made their way to the beach and the pair looked out across the sandy surface for a few seconds before Rebecca pointed out a guy in the distance, skim boarding along the water. Rebecca waved and called out his name embarrassingly loud as the man noticed and shook his head as he grabbed his board and walked over. Josh watched as Clifford came into a view, much to Josh's awe. The man looked to be taller than his father by a slight amount. Josh guessed he must've been at least 6'4". He has dirty blonde short hair and rich looking hazel eyes. His body looked extremely well trained, as it was covered in lean strong looking muscles. His dirty blonde hair even peeked up from his shorts in a short treasure trail. Looking at his face however, Josh couldn't believe how good looking he was. He has strong looking features and a cut jawline. Josh swallowed nervously as he realized what Rebecca meant by "Getting by in life with good looks."
Rebecca smiled as her attractive son brushed a little water out of his hair as he made his way over to them. "Clifford, honey, I'd like you to meet someone."
Clifford's face suddenly turned to a scowl as he looked at his mother. "Don't call me Clifford, mom."
"Oh right! He hates being called by his full name. He like's being called Cliff because it sounds tougher, right hun?" Rebecca said, acting like a quintessential embarrassing parent.
Cliff simply turned his head and crossed his arms. "Tsk."
"Anyway, hun. I want you to meet Josh. He's the owner of the park your father just invested in." Rebecca said happily as she ignored her son's attitude.
Cliff looked over at Josh and raised an eyebrow. "I think of heard of that place. Shrunk and Swim or whatever?"
"Shrink and Swim, but yeah close enough." Josh tried to say politely at the handsome man.
"Sure." Cliff said flatly as he lowered his arms off his impressive chest. "Why am I meeting you?"
Rebecca looked at her son seriously for a second while she prepared to drop the bomb on him. "Because honey. You're going to be working there."
Cliff turned his back on his mother and walked away. "No."
Josh simply blinked as the huge man walked off, not even giving his own mother the time of day. Rebecca simply sighed as her son stormed off. "I knew he'd do that. But don't worry. We are going to have a good talk when we get home. I'll have Freddy call you."
Rebecca excused herself, thanking Josh once more as they finally parted ways. Walking back to the park, Josh shook his head. "Geez that guy seemed awful…"
Worried this guy might actually end up at his park against his will, Josh couldn't help but cringe at the thought. Back at the park, Josh saw that the construction crew had already packed up for the day. Noticing that the park was in fact closed up, Josh thought it might be an opportune moment to get inside and looked at the park, as well as sneak into his office. Heading to the shrinking machine out front, Josh shrunk himself down and entered the park.
Looking around Josh noticed the park looked in pretty good shape. Everything that was supposed to be in place was there, and even some of the new rides looked to be nearly operational. Smiling at the swiftness of the work, Josh made his way into his office to sit back and file a few papers while the day was still young.
- - -
A few hours went by and Josh sat back in his chair. It really was a full day after all, and he was glad to get some work done even though he didn't expect to be able to. Josh's bliss was short lived however as his phone in his pocket started to buzz. Pulling it out and looking at the lit screen, Josh saw Mr. Morebucks's name come up on the caller id. Swallowing nervously, Josh answered the phone.
"Hello, this is Josh." Josh answered as he heard the familiar gruff sounding voice reply to him.
"Josh, it's Freddy. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. My wife told me you met Clifford." Mr. Morebucks replied quickly.
"Mr. Morebucks! Yeah, we talked for awhile and she told me all about Cliff. Does this mean you ended up talking to him?" Josh asked nervous to know the answer.
"We had a great family talk over skype, believe me." Mr. Morebucks said sarcastically. "But yes, in the end I convinced him that he has to get a job."
Josh frowned as he thought about the unruly rich boy coming to work at his park, bug figuring it was the right thing to do, Josh replied with a happy tone. "That's great! Hopefully I can work with him and he can learn about the working world."
"I'm counting on you." Mr. Morebucks said seriously much to Josh's excitement. "But one thing I need you to do is give me periodic updates, alright?"
"Alright." Josh said simply, unsure why he needed to keep tabs on his son.
"Thank you, by the way I told him to head over…"
"Based off the time I got done talking to them, the driver is probably dropping him off very shortly." Mr. Morebucks said, as if it wasn't a problem Josh tried to retort as he finished his though. "My wife and I told him there was a nice little interview room in the back, so he'll meet you there. Good luck with him!"
Mr. Morebucks hung up the phone quickly without another word, leaving Josh speechless that Cliff was likely just outside. Standing up hastily from his comfy chair, Josh realized he wouldn't have time to go all the way out front, then all the way out back. Sighing, he turned out the light to his office, knowing he'd have to meet the spoiled man while being little more than a speck to him. Turning the corner to quickly enter the interviewing room, Josh flicked on the light just as he saw the huge man open the door to the little room.
Josh was impressed by what he saw. Based off his attitude earlier he was fully expecting disrespectful rich boy to show up in a tank top of something. But Looking up and down at him, Josh was pleasantly surprised. He wore a slick looking expensive black suit with a white collared shirt and black silk tie. His hair was styled and gelled to the side, looking like an actual young professional. Josh watched as the man moved across the room, taking a seat on the chair in middle of the room. Moving forward, Josh started to speak to him using a specialized microphone for the purpose of conducting interviews while he's at his reduced size.
"Cliff, it's great you could make it on such short notice." Josh said professionally, trying to advert form the truth that he was actually lucky Josh was still even in the building. Cliff simply looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice. "I'm up here. Sorry I had to meet you like this. I was busy with paperwork in the park."
Cliff leaned forward as he squinted, looking directly at Josh in his shrunken state. "You weren't this small when I met you earlier…"
Josh nodded his head, expecting to have to explain this as usual. "Well you see, the premise of shrink and swim is that everyone in the park is shrunk. The park is actually packed in a very small area, but because the people are so small it seems like a normal sized park to them."
"Oh." Cliff said flatly as he leaned back in his chair.
Trying to get on with the interview, Josh figured it would be best to make it as normal as possible even though he was already basically forced into hiring the guy. "You cleaned up nicely from when I saw you earlier. You look very professional."
"Thanks." He said with a bored tone. "Or maid told me I'd never get hired if I looked like a bum. So she dressed me."
Josh winced at the comment. It must be nice to have someone dress you up so you don't look like scum. Josh wondered if the man even knew how important it really was as he continued to talk, "Either way, you look good. Anyway, I'd like to know more about you."
Cliff shifted in his seat slightly, looking uncomfortable. "I figured my mom probably told you plenty."
"All I know is you prefer being called Cliff." Josh lied as he tried to get the man to at least talk about himself.
"There would be a problem if you didn't know that, little fella." Cliff said in a very serious tone. "I don't know, man. I'm in college. My parents travel a lot. I like sports. I like to party…"
Josh listened as Cliff continued to list irrelevant facts about himself until he finally finished. Satisfied with the giant so far, he figured it was time to test Cliff a little. "What do you hope to gain through getting this job?"
"Uhhh…" Cliff said scratching his chin. "What do you mean by gain?"
"I mean like, through working here, how do you expect to grow as a person?" Josh said, trying to spell it out a little more cleanly.
"Well I'm 21. I think I'm done growing." He replied ignorantly as he raised an eyebrow to the tiny man. "You could probably do with a little growing though."
Josh shook his head. There was no way this guy was that out of touch with the world… "I mean like grow on the inside."
Cliff put a hand on his abdomen and looked down at himself. "Pretty sure I'm done growing in there too. This is a weird question."
Josh stood there, mouth a gap at Cliff's stupidity. "Different question then. What good do you think this job will do for you, if you're hired." Josh said, asking the same question a third time in different words.
"I guess it would get my dad off my ass." He said staring up at the ceiling, bored out of his skull.
Happy to be getting somewhere, Josh pipped up, "That would be good! Anything else?"
"Uhhh… not really." Cliff said still staring up at the ceiling.
"Alright then…" Josh mumbled, astonished by the man's lack of interest. "I guess finally, are you willing to learn the skills you need to be a lifeguard?"
"I suppose." He replied dryly as he looked forward at Josh. Leaning forward, he looked directly at Josh's tiny form with a slight shred of interest in the tiny man. Speaking up Cliff said…
"I must look like a god to someone as small as you." Cliff said, still looking moderately unamused with Josh.
"Excuse me?" Josh mumbled as the huge man started to stand. Josh started to back away to the door, but unfortunately for him, Cliff was faster. Josh helplessly fumbled around as the handsome man simply snatched him up and help him easily in his hand.
"I've never had a tiny person before. I think I'll keep you." Cliff said with a slight smile as he looked down at Josh. Josh looked up at the behemoth astonished by what was happening.
"Put me back down right now! I'll call your father!" Josh threatened as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his cell phone. Cliff simply raised his eyebrow and started to smirk at the little man.
"You better put that away unless you wanna end up a smear, little guy." Cliff said confidently as he raised his free hand above his other, ready to clap his hands together at any given notice. Josh slowly took his hand out of his pocket, leaving the phone inside and raising both his hands in submission. Cliff smiled, looking like he was enjoying himself for the first time since he's gotten here.
"I want you to give me that tiny phone by the way. You're going to need it to tell my dad how awesome I'm doing while you're living with me." He spoke sternly as he watched Josh pull his phone out and set it down carefully in Cliff's enormous palm. Josh figured he had to bide his time and try to figure a way out of this. For now he figured it was best to just play along to Cliff's childish games. Josh stood there helplessly as Cliff picked him up with his free hand and transferred him into his shirt pocket. Dropping the tiny man inside, Cliff patted his chest gently as he felt the little man move slightly against his massive pec. Closing his hand around the tiny cell phone, he walked toward the exit to the room and walked outside.
Looking over at the car he came in, the driver started the engine and came out to open the door for him. "On your way home, sir?"
Cliff merely nodded at the driver as he closed the door for him as he got in, and went back around to operate the fancy vehicle. Riding home, Cliff couldn't help but actually feel excited about taking the tiny man. Life was so boring all the time anyway, he was just glad he could get something new. Still gripping the little phone in his hand as well, he watched as the driver pulled past the gates leading to his family's estate. The driver came back around, opening the door for Cliff.
"Sir, I was informed that your mother flew out shortly after you left. Sounded like it was important." The driver said as Cliff got out of the car.
"Figures." Cliff spat angrily as he turned back to the driver. "I'm in for the night."
"Of course, sir." The driver said as he retrieved the keys to the car and hung them on a rack in the huge garage. Making his way past the Morebucks's many cars, the diver eventually made it to his own, a smaller looking slightly beat up Honda. "Good night, sir!"
Cliff didn't respond as the driver backed out and left the grounds, tapping in a key code to the gate as he left and closing the gate. Cliff walked out of the garage and hit a button to close to door as he looked at his family's estate. To him it wasn't much, but to anyone else the huge building would be considered a mansion. With the help gone for the evening, Cliff smirked as he knew he had the house to himself. Walking up to the front door, he opened the massive oak door and let himself inside.
Closing the door behind him, Cliff turned on several lights and walked through the huge empty house. The entry way was a huge room with a chandelier hanging in the middle above the first and second floor, with twin curved stair cases leading to the upstairs. Yawning, Cliff took the flight on the right, heading to the east wing of the house where the bedrooms were. Making it to his spacious room, he carefully laid the tiny phone he held in his hand down on his wooden boutique. Taking off his expensive jacket and tie, he simply threw them on the floor without a care. Pulling down his pants and slipping off his shoes, the handsome man looked at himself in the mirror as he ruffled his hair, messing the gel right out. Looking down past his tight black compression shorts, he reached down and pulled off his sweaty silk socks, making a face as his smelly feet were exposed to his nose. Rearing back up, he finally reached into his pocket on his chest, pulled a terrified tiny man out finally from his cologne smelling prison.
- - -
Josh shivered nervously as Cliff set him down carefully on his boutique, opposite the side form where his phone was located. He swallowed as he watched the handsome man watch him closely as he quickly unbuttoned and pulled off his white collared shirt. Beneath he wore a tight looking white tank top, which he also decided to ditch. Clad in only his tight underwear, Josh couldn't help but marvel at the magnificent man as he stood before him. Josh watched as he casually stroked his muscled body up and down, clearly looking at himself in the mirror.
"What's it feel like?" Cliff said, not looking away from his own reflection. "To be in the presence of a god?"
Josh looked away. Disgusted at himself for even ogling the man for even a second. Suddenly a hand slammed down beside him, making him jump in fear. "I asked you a question, pet."
Josh sneered at the word "pet" for a moment while he worked up some sort of response. "It's incredible."
"See that's not so hard." Cliff said putting a hand on his jaw line and turning his face with a smile. "Grab your phone, tell my father how great of an interview it was."
Josh looked across the wooden surface as he saw he phone sitting on the other side. He looked at Cliff for a second while he pulled a pair of shorts and a tank top out of a dresser and start to put them on. Walking over to his phone, Josh sighed as he couldn't believe he was being held captive by this spoiled brat. Having made his way to his phone Josh looked up to see Cliff putting a baseball cap on his head, backwards. The gorgeous man puckered his lips as he examined his reflection, trying to get his hair to stick out under the cap perfectly. Josh rolled his eyes as he grabbed his phone, blown away by how much of a douche Cliff looked like.
Suddenly, Josh found Cliff's thumb hovering directly above his position. Josh shook as he looked up at the massive digit as it threatened to crush him at any second. "Make it good."
Josh swallowed as he picked up the phone and pulled Mr. Morebucks's number off his recent list. Hitting the number, Josh listened to it ring a few times before it came to the answering machine. Taking a deep breath Josh waited for the beep and recorded his message. "Hi, Mr. Morebucks. It's Josh. I just wanted to let you know Cliff did fantastic in his interview today, and I look forward to seeing him working in a few days."
Josh hung up the phone and set it back down on the floor, looking at Cliff's finger as it moved away from it's crushing position. "Good job my little man."
Josh scoffed, looking away from the attractive hunk in front of him. Cliff simply looked down at Josh, smiling more than he had in a long time. "We're going to play a little game. I'm going to leave my room and you hide. Then I'm going to try to find you. If I find you too fast though…"
Josh blinked as the huge man stopped short on his next words. He simple looked down at Josh with an arrogant smile and nodded his head up and down. Josh shivered, wondering what the consequences could possibly be. As Cliff started to leave the room he…
Josh watched silently and nervously as Cliff left the room and shut the door behind him.
"Holy shit… he's so dumb." Josh said aloud as he reached back down to his cellphone and instinctively pulled up Tyler's name. Waiting for a second for the phone to ring, Josh impatiently tapped his foot on the wooden surface of the boutique.
"Yo! What up my man!" Tyler's voice blurted out from the other end of the phone as Josh's heart leap for joy that his best friend was there.
"TYLER I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY THIS CRAZY RICH DUDE YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME!" Josh screamed through the phone much fast and louder than he intended.
"Woah woah… slow down. What?" Tyler's voice said confused on the other side of the phone.
"I'm sorry. Tyler. Long story short, I'm shrunk and I've been kidnapped by a rich dude who wants to keep me as a pet." Josh said nervously, yet much more coherently.
"This isn't a joke?" Tyler asked, suspicious of Josh's motives.
"I'm not joking! Ty, I don't know what this guy plans to do with me. You have to help me!" Josh pleaded to his friend, nearly stamping his feet in the process.
"Alright, I'll call the police." Tyler said nonchalantly.
"I don't think that will work. They're literally the richest family in this town." Josh said wondering how dumb it would sound to have someone call the police on the Morebucks of all people.
"Dude, then what do I do?" Tyler asked nervous about his friend's welfare.
"I dunno! Uhh he left the front door unlocked I think… I think there's a gate around his house though." Josh fiddled as he tried to remember what he heard as he was trapped in the man's shirt pocket.
"Great dude. Lemme just break into some rich kid's house." Tyler spat back sarcastically. "I don't even know where this house is!"
"Do a search for the name "Morebucks" I bet their address will pop up." Josh said, answering the question simply.
"Dude! You really want me to break into his house?!" Tyler yelled back as Josh fidgeted nervously looking at the door.
"I got kidnapped! If anything happens we just installed security cameras in the interviewing room anyway! We can prove he kidnapped me!" Josh yelled back at Tyler hoping to get his friend to get a move on.
"Why the hell didn't you lead with that?!" Tyler yelled slamming his phone and hanging up. Josh looked down at his phone, seeing the call ended. Sighing, he hoped that meant Tyler had some sort of plan to save him. Slipping his phone back in his pocket, he figured in the meantime the device might be useful. Just as Josh started to look down at the floor below, he heard Cliff's voice from the other side of the door.
"You got 10 more seconds, little guy!" He called out through the door in an almost playful tone. Josh started to sweat as he looked around the room, hoping he could find a place.
"9…8…7…" Cliff's voice called out as Josh took a leap off faith off the boutique. Landing on the floor he looked around quickly from Cliff's clothes on the floor to the bed across the room. "6…5…4…3…2…"
Josh turned around and without a second thought, dove under a thin passageway under the enormous wooden boutique. "1… ready or not here I come…"
Josh heard the door open from his dark hiding spot. The passage way was much too thin for Cliff to slid his hand under, so Josh figured it must be a decent spot to conceal himself from the child-like man. Looking out under the crack, Josh saw a massive foot stomp down in front of his hiding place. Hearing Cliff pick up his clothes, he spoke as he searched.
"I wonder if you hid in here! Smells like me… bet you were drawn to it." The arrogant man said as he rifled though his discarded clothes. Dropping the clothes back to the ground, Josh heard the man huff for a second. seeing his walk way, Josh was glad to see he went off to check a different location.
Cliff went on to continue searching in many different spots, taunting his little pet as he went along. Disappointed after not finding Josh for too long, the huge man decided to leave the room. Shutting the door behind him, Josh sighed in relief over not being found. Weighing his options, he wasn't sure whether to stay put until Tyler arrives, or make himself visible to Cliff to be vulnerable. Laying on the floor Josh pondered as he decided to…
Josh ran to the other end of the room to see if cocky man had gone. He had a good look out and figured that he had.
He then sat down at the bottom of the door and began to get his phone out and call Tyler back. Tyler's phone picked
"Hello, Josh", a familiar voice said. That was the voice of Cliff. How had he gotten Tyler's phone, Josh asked himself
immediately. "Is this a joke" Josh just blurted out. "I saw the dumb brick trying to break in and knocked him out from
behind" Cliff said with a smirk on his face. "What are you going to do" Josh said with horror. "You are going to become
my slave or he goes to jail, with my family he could get a longer stint than he would of gotten otherwise", Cliff said like
had come up with the best plan ever. "I won't agree to that!" Josh said defiantly.
"Or I could just kill you right now" Cliff said with a voice that wasn't coming from the phone. Josh then noticed Cliff's
huge hot feet right next to him. He had moved himself and Tyler into the room while Josh was on his phone. Josh looked
up at Cliff, he did look like a god. Why was he thinking like that? He snapped himself out of it.
"Here's what's going to happen, you are going to say that the phone call you made was a joke and that you want to live with
me now, he didn't see me hit him so that's not going to be problem" Cliff ordered. Josh felt compelled to follow Cliff's demands.
If it was a choice between him dying and Tyler going to prison and him being a slave. He would chose being a slave, it wouldn't
be the worst thing in the world, serving a huge god. Josh started getting these thoughts into his head as he started to accept his new reality.
Tyler started to wake up. "Where's Josh you spoiled brat" Tyler Shouted. "He's right here" Cliff said while pointing down to his feet. Tyler grabbed
Josh and said" you're safe now bro". "I'm sorry, I don't need saving it was a prank" Josh said. "What, are you sure?" Tyler questioned. He didn't believe this.
"Josh wants to stay with me as my little pet now" Cliff said smugly. "That's bullshit" Tyler shouted.
As the two men argued, Josh had a realization. Deep down, he did want this, to become Cliff's slave. He had always had a macrophilia fetish and here was a handsome arrogant God offering him just that. The authority Cliff had shown in front of him had shown Josh that Cliff deserved be worshipped. It really didn't
matter to him if he was being forced to or not anymore. Josh got Tyler's attention and said to him" I do want to become Cliff's pet and to be owned by him".
"He's forcing you to say that" Tyler pleaded with Josh.
"You want proof?" Cliff smirked. "Yes I do" Tyler snapped back. Cliff placed his feet infront of Josh and said "Josh, if you want to be slave, lick my feet, if you don't walk away from them". Tyler looked at Josh, pleading with him to come back with him. Josh looked at the God's feet and gave into his feelings for him,
Josh began licking and sniffing Cliff's feet. Cliff smirked and said "Believe him now?".
Tyler shouted at Josh "Why are you doing this?". Josh said "I genuinely want to serve Cliff, he deserves it.". Tyler, in tears said "Fine, enjoy being a speck on
this spoiled brats feet". Josh was fine with that, infact it was his dream come true. Tyler had left, but Josh didn't care as long as he had Cliff.
Josh looked up at Cliff and viewed him as a king looking down on his tiny slave."Now my little pet, do you want to worship my feet or muscles next?" Cliff boomed down to his tiny speck
"I want to continue worshipping your feet" Josh blurted out. He hadn't processed what had happened. He had become the slave of this spoiled brat who he was interviewing for a job not that long ago. Yet, it seemed like the best thing that had ever happened to him. He was grateful to Cliff for kidnapping him. He had had falling in love with the blonde god and wanted to worship him forever.
Cliff laughed out loud. "You've changed your tune slave. Guess it was inevitable for a pitiful speck like you to fall in love with a god like me" Cliff said. Josh thought that Cliff was right. He found the god attractive when he first met him but thought he was just a dumb jock. But now he saw him for the god that he was.
Cliff 's toe hit Josh. "Get to work and stop getting lost in admiration about me slave" Cliff demanded. "Yes Master" said Josh. "Master, that's more like it." Cliff said as he sat down on the sofa. Josh started to lick Cliff's feet and soon got lost in the action. "Wow you really love me don't you" Cliff said, seeming mildly amused as he turned on the TV.
Three hours had passed and Josh was exhausted from worshipping Master Cliff's feet. Cliff had finished watching TV and was bored. He decided to test his pets limits. Cliff stood up and said "Why don't I just crush you under my foot if you love it so much?. Josh gave it some thought and decided that being crushed by Master Cliff's feet would be an honor. Cliff stomped his foot down next to Josh to demonstrate his power. Josh knelt down and said "Master Cliff, I would gladly be crushed by your godly feet if that is your command". Cliff then raised his foot and Josh closed his eyes happy in the knowledge that he would die serving his Master.
When, the foot didn't hit him, Josh was confused. "I was just testing how much you love me you idiot" Cliff said while laughing at Josh. "I would gladly die for you Master" Josh said as his god picked him up. Josh felt like he was in heaven in his Master's hand. He began kissing the hand to worship Cliff. "Mom and Dad will be back soon so I need to hide you somewhere" Cliff said.
Eventually, Cliff just sat down in his bed, ignoring Josh while he planted kisses on his foot. "You are going to transfer Shrink and Swim to me and give me access all your bank details slave" Cliff commanded. "Yes master" Josh said without even a flinch. He wanted to give Cliff all the money that he had. Later on, Cliff decided to hide Josh in his sock, with Cliff putting his foot into it as he went to bed. Josh was in paradise at he slept at his God's feet.
Cliff suddenly frowned as he looked away and crossed his arms. "Thanks for the chance, by the way. I guess anyway."
Josh smiled. It wasn't the best response, but he was happy to see it was better than nothing. "You're welcome, the park doesn't open for a few days still. Maybe we could use that time to train you. As long as it doesn't conflict with your school schedule of course."
Cliff gritted his teeth at the word "School" before looking back to Josh. "I'm done with classes around the time I got here today."
Josh blinked a little surprised at what he heard. Based off what Rebecca told him, Cliff seemed like the type to skip all his classes, not to mention he was out skim boarding just earlier. Scratching his head, he couldn't begin to imagine what Mr. Morebucks could have threatened Cliff with to make him come here and go to his classes. Shaking the thought, Josh simply smiled and answered back, "Alright, that's perfect. You can meet me here tomorrow after your classes."
Quickly, Josh exchanged phone numbers with the young stud and watched as he stood up. Cliff turned his back quickly and merely muttered, "Great." Before opening the door and leaving Josh's sight. Josh sighed deeply as the huge man left the room. Glad to see he was out of his hair if even for a day. Turning to leave back into the park, Josh was exhausted and ready to head home.
- - -
The next day went by all too quickly for Josh. Waving good bye once again to Alexis and the construction crew, Josh figured it was safe to renter the park once more in an attempt to catch up on some work while he had the peace and quiet. Sitting down at his desk, Josh sighed as he figured there was plenty of time to get a bit of work done before Cliff would arrive. Smiling as he looked down at his phone, he figured this would be a task better handled with a little help. Searching through his recent text messages, Josh located Tyler's name. Tapping out a message to his friend, he knew the reliable man would be the best suited for the job.
A few seconds later, Josh did in fact receive a message. However it was not from Tyler. The name read, Cliff and Josh quickly opened the message to see what he wanted right now.
"hey im here." The message read flatly as Josh jumped out of his chair. Running around to the door to the break room, Josh opened the door to the expansive room built for tinies and giants to traverse with ease. Looking out past the massive kitchen table to the entry way, Josh clearly could see Cliff's massive form entering the room. The man wore a loose white tank top, with some sort of brand logo on it Josh had never seen before, as well as a pair of comfy looking athletic shorts. On his head he wore a red baseball cap, backward with his hair sticking out slightly in the front.
Panting, Josh did not expect to see Cliff here so early. Waving out from the balcony, Josh tried desperately to get Cliff's attention. Squinting, Cliff noticed the minuscule man and walked over his position.
"Are you always gonna be tiny when I see you?" Cliff asked, with a bored expression on his face.
Josh shook his head, trying to reassure the giant stud. "It's just been really bad timing both times is all."
"Whatever, I guess it's kind of interesting though." Cliff replied rudely as he crossed arms and peered down at the tiny person.
Sweating, Josh hoped for a reply from Tyler soon. "Ok well since we don't have access to a pool today, why don't we go over CPR?"
"What's CPR?" Cliff asked blankly as he continued to stare down at the tiny man.
"It stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation." Josh replied professionally. Cliff however, continued to blink, confused. "You know? That thing people do when they press on another person's chest when they have a heart attack?"
Cliff merely frowned and shook his head, still unsure what to think. Josh stared at the man, dumbfounded. "You've never heard of CPR?"
Cliff closed one eye and stuck out his tongue. Looking like he was in thought for a second. "Maybe I saw it in a movie once? I don't know, man."
Josh almost inadvertently face-palmed but held the action as not to look like he was insulting the young man. "Well we're going to learn it today, you may need the skill to save someone's life, you know."
"Save someone's…life?" He repeated slowly as he looked down at Josh confused.
"Yeah, it's what lifeguards do. You guard people's lives." Josh said plainly to the dumb jock.
"Like a bodyguard?" He replied looking like he was on to something.
"Sort of!" Josh smiled, glad to see he at least had some concept of guarding another person.
"So what's a heart attack?" Cliff asked, leaning down and looking somewhat interested. "Sounds weird."
Josh tilted his head, blinking quickly in a silent but blind frustration. Suddenly the phone in his pocket made a buzzing noise as Josh raised a finger up as he checked the message. Looking down at Tyler's reply, Josh read…
Finally at ease, Josh leans back as the room slowly empties. All of his gigantic employees filled excitedly out of the room, happy to have 2 days off and come back to a glorious raise. All except one that is.
Tyler looked over at his tiny boss and smiled. Walking over to the balcony with is tank top slung over his shoulder he bends down to congratulate his boss once more.
"I still can't believe you pulled it off, dude!" He said scratching the back of his head.
"We did it, Ty. There's no way I could've done it if it wasn't for you standing by my side the whole time. Also…" Josh said looking down and blushing, "Do you really think I'm a genius?"
"Of course you are!" Tyler said immediately, dropping his shirt in excitement. "Dude you're like the smartest person I know!"
Still looking down, Josh knew if he looked up at his handsome employee it would only make him blush more. "I-I really appreciate it…" Josh said meekly. "You know Ty, I've always seen you as more than just one of my employees. I just want you to know I consider you one of my closest friends…" Josh added cheerfully.
"I already knew that dude! You're my number one little buddy!" He said moving his huge arm down behind Josh as if to give him a giant bro hug. "Anyway man, I actually wanted to ask you something."
Puzzled, Josh was wondering what the brown haired adonis had on his mind. "What is it, Ty?"
"Well we have two days off… I was wondering maybe we could spend them together. You know you could stay at my place, and we hang out during they day and stuff?" Tyler asked now with his chin resting on his arm, looking at his little friend for a response.
"That sounds great!" Josh said excitedly. Spending more time with Tyler would be awesome, Josh wondered what Tyler had in mind for what to do…."Lemme just go around front and I'll meet you back here!" Josh added excitedly.
"Well actually…" Tyler stopped his little boss. "I was wondering, wouldn't it be cool if you spent those two days with me… like you are now?" He mentioned pointing at his tiny quarter inch tall boss.
"Wait you mean, shrunk?" Josh asked, as Tyler started to nod his head. "Do you think that's… safe?" Josh asked cautiously.
"Dude, I'm the best lifeguard there is!" He said leaning back, flexing both of his biceps. "I'll guard your life better than anyone ever could!" He added trying to assure his tiny boss.
Josh stood there for a second and decided…
"Alright, you've convinced me! But my only condition is we go to my place. Last time I checked out your apartment it was no better than your old dorm room!" Josh chuckled remembering back to the first time he even met Tyler.
"That's fair, my place is kind of a mess right now." Tyler smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That reminds me we haven't hung out like this since you stayed at my dorm that one time, dude."
Tyler lowered his hand, allowing his tiny friend to climb aboard as he whizzed his hand up toward his chest. Shaking his head from the quick change in elevation, Josh smiled, thinking about the time a few years ago. "Yeah I remember. It was the first time I was ever shrunk. It was terrifying!"
"I didn't think it was very terrifying, dude." Tyler winked as he turned to head toward the door. Josh simply rolled his eyes, knowing his friend's snarky tone all too well. Making his way out into the parking lot, Tyler made his way to the sidewalk and started the short walk to Josh's home. Being only a few blocks away from the park, Tyler knew exactly how to get there as Josh sat in Tyler's hand, taking in the gigantic surroundings of his neighborhood. Walking up to the front door, Tyler pulled on the knob.
"It's locked, ding dong." Josh called up to Tyler, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Tyler smirked as he reached for the door bell, pressing and holding the button in and causing an extremely loud ring to Josh's tiny ears.
"Ding dong!" Tyler yelled as he released the button, looking down at his tiny friend covering his ears in slight pain. "So how do we get in genius?"
"There's a key under my door mat." Josh winced as he lowered his hands from his ears as Tyler bent down slowly to grab the key. Putting it into the lock and turning the door open. Tyler looked into his friend's familiar home as he made his way into the entry way and closed the door behind him. Knowing his way into the dining room, Tyler set Josh down on the table and sat at the chair in front of him. Looking up at his gigantic friend's muscled frame, Josh blushed as Tyler still only wore his red lifeguard shorts, hat and sun glasses.
"You wanna run to your place and grab some clothes or something?" Josh asked, figuring he'd need them if he was going to be staying here for two days.
"In a bit yeah." Tyler smiled as he took off his sunglasses and set them beside Josh. "I still can't believe you live here in this huge place by yourself, dude."
Josh frowned as he crossed his arms. "I've offered like fifty times since I got the place for you to move in with me, you know that right?"
"I don't wanna mooch off you, dude…" Tyler sighed as he rested his elbows on the table, causing a small quake and making Josh tumble over. Tyler chuckled as he watched his tiny friend get back to his feet before he continued. "Besides you're such a neat freak, I'd drive you crazy."
"That's what you always say, and I always tell you it doesn't matter to me." Josh shook his head in frustration. Tyler smiled as reached out a finger and gently flicked Josh over on his back. Knowing his friend was just playing, Josh sighed as he laid on his back for a moment while Tyler chuckled.
"See I'd drive you crazy one way or another, dude." Tyler grinned as Josh sat up to look at his handsome friend. Josh shook his head in disagreement, knowing in his heart that after everything the two of them had been through he couldn't possibly ever be legitimately annoyed by the goofy behemoth. Josh looked up as Tyler stood up, rubbing his chest a little as he stretched out his back and arms. Puzzled for a moment, Josh looked at Tyler as he addressed him.
"Yo dude…" Tyler started to say…
"Dude, did you get that text from Bobby earlier?" Tyler asked as he reached in his pocket for his phone. Josh thought for a second as he realized he left his own phone back at the park, a mistake he made all too often when in a rush to leave work. Either way, Josh's head perked up at the name. Bobby was his roommate his final semester in college. He, Tyler, and Josh all became an unlikely trio of friends after the events of that semester. Josh thought back to the first time he met the young football star before looking back to Tyler to respond.
"I hadn't heard from him in a little while actually, also I left my phone at the park. Why, what's up?" Josh asked as Tyler swiped his phone open to look at the message.
"He's in town, dude. He said he wanted to visit us and see how things are going." Tyler said, raising an eyebrow as he looked at his miniaturized friend. "What should I tell him?"
"Give him my address." Josh replied confidently. Sure he figured it might be weird seeing his old friend shrunken like this after a few years, but Bobby had seen Josh shrunken before, so it shouldn't come off as too much of a shock. "He's gonna think I make a hobby of this shrinking thing after these couple years."
Tyler laughed, knowing it really wasn't too far from the truth, as he finished tapping out a response to Bobby. Putting away his phone Tyler looked down at Josh with a goofy, excited smile. Josh sighed, knowing exactly what the smile meant. "You're excited to see him too, huh?"
"It's been what, two years, dude?" Tyler responded as he shook his head. "Too long, dude. I haven't heard from him in awhile either. I was worried something was up."
Josh tilted his head. He hadn't thought about that actually. Bobby was always a pretty driven guy. He was the star quarterback for the football team at Josh's old college. By now Josh figured, thanks to the new coaching staff at the school, Bobby must've finished school and gotten scouted for the NFL. Josh smiled to himself, hoping it was something positive like that, that caused a sudden lull in communication between the three of them.
A little time passed, Josh and Tyler looked up as they heard a car pull in front of the house. Josh looked off into the distance, seemingly hundreds of miles away, as Tyler opened the door and saw Bobby getting out of a…
Josh looked on surprised slightly as a large expensive looking car stopped in front of his house, before he saw the familiar form of Bobby step out of the car. Seeing Bobby reminded Josh about how big Bobby was back when they used to be roommate, Josh looked at Bobby in the distance as he slung a huge backpack over his shoulder before closing the car door behind him. Bobby was Wearing a black spandex shirt and a pair of tight black leather pants, as well as having his diamond earring studs in his ears with a pair of black and white leather sneakers, Josh watched as his friend made his way up to his open front door, greeted by Tyler. Looking closer as Tyler and Bobby stopped to exchange a friendly hug, Josh's attention shifted to Bobby's large massive pecs and his large biceps. "Looks like someone has been keeping there body in shape" said Josh to himself.
"Yo dude isn't just me or did you change a lot since college" stated Tyler as he walks towards the dining table with Bobby. "Well ever since I became apart of the NFL , life has been doing great, I managed to help my mother into living in a better house and she managed to get her dream job" Bobby leans against the dining table leaving Josh under the shadow of his massive firm butt. Josh swallowed hard as he looks at gigantic tight leather pants as Bobby lowers it slightly almost sitting on Josh. "That's awesome" smiled Tyler as he stood next to Bobby almost forgetting about Josh.
"So where is the little guy?" wondered Bobby as he then begun to stand up as Josh sighs in relief.
Tyler looks fully prepared to answer Bobby’s question but hesitates. Then his face drops and he utters, “Uh, I don’t remember.”Tyler ignores Bobby’s worried glance as he claps his hands together and says, “Gimme a sec to look for him.”
Josh thinks about getting Tyler’s attention but Bobby’s massive frame blocks Tyler’s view of him. “Whatever”, Josh thinks to himself. “One of them will find me eventually.”
“Want me to help?” Bobby asks.
Tyler scoffs. “Nah, dude. I’ll find him before you know it. You can just take a seat and relax.” Tyler points at the seat next to the table.
Bobby moves towards the seat but pauses in front of it, granting Josh with another view of his firm behind looming over him. Josh tries not to stare but he’s never been able to resist stealing a glance, not even in their college days.
“Wait, Ty. This is your seat right? I don’t wanna steal it.” Bobby says sheepishly.
“Yea but it’s fine,” Tyler replied.
Bobby shook his head. “Nah, I’ll just sit on the table for a bit.”
As soon as Bobby said those words, his butt lowered onto the table and its shadow increasingly surrounded Josh. Josh tried to move but couldn’t, the massive cheeks both intimidating and captivating him. Before he knew it, Josh was pressed underneath the firm yet somewhat soft surface of Bobby’s left butt cheek. Josh tried to push back on his friend’s behind but it was way too muscular.
After a while, Josh realized that there was a very real possibility that he may suffocate and die underneath his friends ass.
Josh looked on confused slightly as a beat up looking taxi stopped in front of his house, before he saw the familiar form of Bobby squeeze his way out of the tiny taxi. That alone reminded Josh just how big his old roommate was. Smiling, Josh looked at Bobby in the distance as he slung a huge gym bag over his shoulder before closing the taxi door behind him. Wearing a white sleeveless spandex shirt and a pair of black athletic shorts, as well as his signature backwards baseball cap, Josh watched as his friend made his way up to his open front door, greeted by Tyler. Looking closer as Tyler and Bobby stopped to exchange a friendly hug, Josh's attention shifted to Bobby's foot. To Josh's surprise, he wore a split and boot.
"Bobby! Dude! It's so good to see you! Yo, did you get taller since we last saw you?" Tyler asked as Josh looked at the two men side by side. Just imagined Bobby must've grown a bit, as he was only barely taller than Tyler before, but now clearly had some hieght over the already tall Tyler.
"I guess, dude! Unless you got shorter!" Bobby joked as he looked into Josh's house, mouth a gap a little. "Speaking of short, where's our little genius?"
Josh sighed as he knew Tyler was ready to jump on a line like that. Sure enough, he watched as Tyler turned around and smiled as he lead Bobby into the dining room. "Little is an understatement right now, dude."
"What do you mean, dude?" Bobby said as he entered the dining room, setting his bag down and looking around. "Where is he, this is his house right?"
Tyler simply crossed his arms and stared directly at Josh on the table, before Bobby looked at the table himself, noticing a tiny waving speak. Bobby blinked for a second before he dropped down and put his hands on the table to look closer. "Josh? Dude, I almost forgot about your whole shrink ray thing."
Josh blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah well it's not much of a portable ray anymore unfortunately. I'm kind of stuck like this for a few days."
"How did that happen? I mean not like it's the end of the world or anything. Just seems kind of random is all." Bobby replied, taking a seat and looking at his tiny friend with his dreamy almost white blue eyes.
"Well it was Tyler's idea, since the park is being remodeled. We thought it'd be fun for a few days." Josh replied, turning a little red as Bobby smiled and shook his head at Josh's words.
"You two are hilarious." Bobby simply said, looking at Josh and turning to look at Tyler, who also took a seat at the table. Tyler chuckled as Josh sat there and rolled his eyes. Sighing, Josh figured it was probably as best a time as possible to ask about Bobby's foot.
"So I was curious. You have a split on your foot. What happened?" Josh asked as Bobby's face turned from amused to a little pissed off looking.
"The end of my football career is what happened." Bobby replied, much to Tyler's and Josh's surprise. "That's why I kind of lost touch with you guys for awhile. After I got hurt all of the scouts stopped looking at me. I got so upset I stopped going to class. So I dropped out a week ago. People are probably graduating soon actually."
Tyler crossed his arms and looked down with a sour look and Josh stood up and started to walk toward his giant friend with concern. "I'm so sorry Bobby. But we're here for you, you know that. You could've told us."
"I know, dude. I just wasn't in a good place." Bobby replied looking at the tiny speck of a man make his way toward him. Bobby smiled as his tiny friend stopped only about a foot away from where his abdomen met the edge of the table.
"Is your mom taking this alright?" Josh asked, remembering that his mother lived alone, working as a waitress. Bobby crossed his arms and looked down at Josh, frowning slightly.
"She doesn't know." Bobby said flatly as Josh bit his lip, feeling like he was doing a bad job of asking Bobby questions. "It's why I came to you guys. Well you specifically, little buddy."
Josh nodded his head, remembering what Bobby said two years ago. "If the NFL didn't work out, you wanted to work for me, right?"
Bobby nodded his head and closed his eyes. Josh simply smiled as he looked way up at Bobby, his face seeming like it was miles away past his ripped torso. "I told you I'd take you in a heartbeat, remember?"
Bobby smiled as he finally lowered his body, scrunching down so he could look at Josh closer, almost eye to eye. "Thanks buddy. I think it's finally time I'd take you up on that, if you'll have me of course?"
"Of course I'll take you! I need more staff since we're expanding the park anyway. It works out perfect." Josh said happily as Bobby gave a weak smile.
"I'm glad to hear it dude." Bobby said, as he sat back up with his back straight. "Guess now all I need to do is a find a place to live."
"I've got a spare bedroom." Josh said casually as he glanced over at Tyler who's head perked up. "I've been telling that knuckle head he should just move in ever since I bought the house."
Bobby smiled widely as his eyes looked like they'd almost glisten with tears. "Dude… I'd hug you right now, but I don't want to crush you!"
Josh laughed, knowing it was just a playful joke as he looked over at Tyler, who finally chimed in…
"Dude, this is so awesome!" Tyler pipped up excitedly as both Josh and Bobby looked at him a little confused. "You guys get to be roomies again!"
Bobby and Josh looked back at each other and laughed. They both knew that you could always leave it to Tyler to bring light in an otherwise difficult situation. "Yeah dude, it'll just be like a few years ago for the two of us!"
"Guess that works out well too for me, at least for tonight!" Tyler said with a smile. "I don't need to spend the night tiny sitting with Bobby already here!"
"Right and now you don't have leave and come back with clothes either." Josh made the connection as Tyler nodded.
"You gonna stay and chill for a bit at least, bro?" Bobby asked as he looked at Tyler's still bare chest. "As long as you're not getting chilly, dude!"
Tyler smiled as he rubbed his hands over his chest and over his nipples. "Nah I'm good for awhile, dude!"
Josh looked away a little red as Tyler continued to fondle his huge chest. Turning his attention back up at Bobby's massive form, Josh decided to change the subject. "So how's your foot, Bobby?"
Bobby chuckled and smirked, looking down at his foot and wiggling his massive toes slightly. "Fine now. It's not completely healed up yet, but I can take this stupid boot off by tomorrow according to the doctor. Too bad it's too late though."
"Sorry, I didn't meant to put a damper on our conversation." Josh said, feeling guilty about making Bobby upset.
"No, it's alright dude. Shit happens for a reason. I'm glad I'm here now with you guys!" Bobby said happily as he looked at his two friends.
"Yeah dude, and since we're all here together we should do something!" Tyler said enthusiastically as he stood up suddenly. "I mean Josh has this awesome house, there's so much room for shit to do!"
"Yeah true, dude." Bobby replied, leaning and looking out a window looking out to the back yard. Noticing a pool and large patio with a grill and plenty of lounge chairs as well as the setting sun, Bobby looked back around in the spacious dining room, which lead to the kitchen as well as a sliding door to the patio. "Have you guys had dinner?"
"No, and I'm starved, dude!" Tyler said loudly, looking at Josh. Bobby laughed. It was pretty typical, he knew Tyler was pretty much always hungry after all.
"You've got a sweet looking patio and pool, dude. Why don't we cook out and chill by the pool. It's a pretty hot night anyway." Bobby asked Josh, trying to offer a simple solution.
"Man, I've been in a pool all day!" Tyler said patting his swim shorts before crossing his arms. "We should just stay in an order a pizza or something. Josh has a huge ass TV too! We could chill and watch something."
Bobby looked down at Josh, seeing the little man cross his arms and lower his head in thought. "It's your house dude. I'll do whatever you want us to do." Bobby said with a smile. Suddenly, a loud gurgle erupted from Bobby's stomach, still only about a foot away from Josh, causing the little man to jump with fear from the loud noise as Bobby laughed and put a hand on his stomach and rubbed it casually. "Though I am pretty hungry. Maybe speed up the decision, dude."
"I'm hungry too!" Tyler piped in rubbing his bare abs with a frown. Josh simply looked over at his his huge friend and rolled his eyes. Thinking again for a moment, Josh tried to decide which he felt like doing. Reaching a decision, Josh spoke up and told his friends they should…
Josh looked at Tyler, and shook his head. "Sorry Ty, but I'm gonna go with Bobby. He just got here after all, we should do what he wants to do."
"I guess, I probably won't stay too late though if that's what were gonna do." Tyler said, being a bit of a spoil sport. Josh rolled his eyes. Feeling like he made the right choice anyway, Josh figured it wasn't that big of a deal.
"Ah my bad dude, I didn't know you really didn't wanna chill by the pool." Bobby apologized, feeling bad that Tyler was going to leave early now. Tyler shook his head and laughed at the comment though.
"It's not that dude, I was only kidding about the pool. I'm just kinda sick of being in my swim shorts by now." Tyler admitted as he rubbed the back of his head under his hat. "I'll stay for food though, and maybe chill for a bit. Besides I'll be back tomorrow away."
"That's fair, dude." Bobby replied, standing up and towering over Josh with ease. Josh stared up at Bobby as he stretched out his abdomen well beyond his vision at the point. Bobby was so tall normally that his legs were all Josh could really see in his field of vision. Suddenly, Bobby's huge hand started to lower in front of Josh. Looking up, Josh could see Bobby's face leaning forward in the distance with a trusting smile. Josh got onto Bobby's hand as quickly as he could, he started to recall Bobby holding him once before two years ago. Now in his roommate's hand once again, Josh stumbled slightly as Bobby rose Josh to about waist hieght.
"This is giving me deja vu." Josh said as he looked up at Bobby's clearly defined body through his tight white shirt. Tyler shook his head and laughed as he came and stood next to Bobby.
"I dunno about all that dude, it's just making me think of when Bobby held you two years ago!" Tyler replied with a dumb smile, as Josh shook his head, full well knowing Tyler didn't know what deja vu was. Bobby simply laughed at the two, seeing Tyler's look of confusion as well as Josh shaking his head. He couldn't help but smile, glad to be with his two friends again.
Starting to leave the dining room, the three men made their way toward sliding door leading to the backyard. Now out on the patio, Josh shielded his eyes as he looked out at the setting sun. It was getting pretty late after all. Josh winced as he found himself being carried over to the patio table right by the pool. Bobby let Josh down on the table's surface. Josh turned around and watched as Bobby turned, showing off his enormous bubble butt as he walked slowly over to the grill, opening it and examining it. Josh couldn't help but stare at the giant's ass for a second before turning to see Tyler come out onto patio as well, holding a plate full of hot dogs and burgers among other toppings and condiments, as well as a bag of buns.
"I got this dude, you just chill!" Tyler said to Bobby as he left the top of the grill open.
"You sure dude?" Bobby asked as he backed away from the grill and stood next to Tyler as he turning on the gas and clicked the igniter. Bobby shrugged as Tyler shoo'd him away from the grill, making his way over to the table where he left Josh, grabbing the buns and condiments in the process and setting them with a slight quake on the table. Josh looked up at the mound of food in shock, unable to believe how Tyler knew exactly where to find all of his food in his kitchen. Scratching his head, he did figure Tyler knew his way around his house well after all, especially the kitchen!
Josh watched as Bobby stretched his arms and looked around. "Gonna go fro a swim, Bobby?"
"Nah, I can't with this dumb boot on." Bobby replied tapping his foot. "Maybe tomorrow, but for now I think I'm just gonna lay down. It was kind of a long way getting here!"
Josh nodded his head, figuring that might be the case. Josh watched as Bobby drug one of the lounge chairs a little closer to the group and sat down on the cushion before taking off his hat and pulling off his tight shirt. As Bobby put his hat back on, Josh couldn't help but stare at Bobby's amazing body. He was a muscular guy for sure two year ago, but it was nothing like he was now. His huge chest bounced dramatically as he adjusted his hat and lowered his arms. His abs seemed almost unreal in the way they were build and cut deep. Josh couldn't help but stare at his friend, having it been a long while since he say Bobby without a shirt. Much like a few years ago, Bobby still had light patches of fuzzy blonde hair on his chest and little on his abs around his belly button. Josh almost jumped as Bobby got back up and walked over to the table to sling his shirt over a chair, looking down at Josh who tried to avert his attention for his attractive friend.
"You look bored up here by yourself, wanna come chill with me?" Bobby offered as Josh looked back up at the muscled giant, still blushing like crazy. Thankful for his tiny size to hide his red face, Josh tried to muster a response to the colossal hunk…
"S-sure, Bobby!" Josh squeaked, still blushing at the very idea of laying down with Bobby. Ignoring Josh's awkwardness, Bobby simply lowered his hand and smiled once more as he watched Josh climb aboard before making his way over to the lounge chair and lowering his body down on the cushion. Josh lost his foot as Bobby gently let him slide off his hand and on to the the soft blonde hairs of his massive right pec. Bobby lowered his arms to his side as he looked at Josh try to get comfortable on his chest.
"Sorry if it's kinda awkward for you dude." Bobby apologized, not really thinking about how how weird it must be for Josh to be on his chest until now. Josh waved his arms, knowing he's been through way worse with Tyler before.
"Don't worry, Tyler does this exact thing to me all the time." Josh said, trying to make Bobby feel a little more comfortable.. Bobby chuckled slightly, causing Josh to topple off his feet in the process.
"Sounds like something he'd do." Bobby laughed as Tyler turned his head.
"What's something I'd do?" Tyler asked, looking at Bobby as he flipped a burger.
Bobby chuckled again, figuring that Bobby couldn't hear Josh's voice all the way over by the grill. "He was just saying putting him on my chest like this is something you'd do all the time, dude."
Tyler laughed as he rolled a hot dog on it's side. "Yeah, I do that kind of shit to him like every day, dude."
Bobby smiled as he moved his arms behind his head, causing his pec to flex a little and pushing Josh slightly to the side. "That's good then, so you're probably used to this kind of thing. It's all new to me though dude. So it's kind of neat."
"It's still always pretty neat for me too." Josh smiled as he finally sat down, looking past the rest of Bobby's chest up to his handsome face.
"I missed having you as roommate, by the way." Bobby said suddenly, as Josh tilted his head in surprise. "I never had a roommate last with me for more than a couple months after you left, dude."
"How?" Josh asked, curiously. "You're like, one of the easiest guys to get along with!"
"Pfff…" Bobby scoffed. "Tell that to the like six dudes I went through."
"Geez, what happened?" Josh asked, genuinely curious.
"Well the first guy was terrified of me. He was a nerdy dude like you actually. I tried to be friendly, but he was convinced I was going to hurt him like all the time." Bobby said, looking away as he started to go deep in thought. "I went through a few guys like him before I left our dorm to go to a more athletics focused dorm. I roomed with a buddy of mine from the football team. But, I came back one night to find him in bed with my ex-girl. So yeah."
"Sheesh," Josh sighed. "Guess you don't really know someone till you live with them…"
"Yeah…" Bobby responded, feeling a little bad. "But with you, I never had a problem. I really missed having you around, dude."
Josh smiled widely before he heard Tyler make a loud gagging noise over by the grill. "Man, you two!" Tyler groaned loudly. "I can barely think over the sound of you dudes making out over there!"
"Jealous much?" Bobby smirked as he turned his head over at Tyler.
"More like, I'm gonna puke dude!" Tyler joked as he made a gagging noise again.
"As long as you do it on your own food, not mine!" Bobby chuckled as he looked back at Josh with a smile. He watched carefully as Josh moved slightly on his chest, before he smirked and laughed a little. "It's crazy dude, I can't even feel you on my chest at all right now, even with you moving a little."
"Maybe it's your chest hair?" Josh offered as an explanation, pushing aside some of the huge blonde fuzz from his face.
"Maybe, dude." Bobby responded as he watched Josh. "So does Ty shrink you this often?"
Tyler turned his head and rose his spatula into the air. "He volunteers!"
"Riiiight…" Bobby smiled at Tyler. "I know you, dude. You probably pressure him into it, then he does it because he doesn't want to say no and disappoint you."
Tyler turned back to the grill, flipping a burger and pretending to ignore what Bobby said, even though he hit the nail on the head. Josh couldn't help but laugh, glad to see Bobby had Tyler read better than anyone else he knew. Bobby looked back and Josh and smirked at the little man as well, however. "Still you said being tiny is pretty neat. Do you like being so tiny, dude?"
Josh blushed instantly, not realizing just how well Bobby knew Tyler, but himself as well. Looking up at Bobby's piercing eyes, Josh responded by saying…
"It's embarrassing to admit, but yeah I really do enjoy it." Josh said, looking down and rubbing a hand against his leg. Bobby chuckled and smiled at the answer as Tyler looked over in curiosity.
"What'd he say?" Tyler asked, still too far away to hear Josh's tiny voice. Bobby smirked as he looked over at Tyler.
"He said he likes being tiny, dude." Bobby replied, much to Josh's continued embarrassment. Tyler started to laugh as he piled the finished burgers and hot dogs onto the place and started to bring it over to the table.
"Ha! I knew it!" Tyler continued to laugh as he set the plate down. Josh lowered his head in shame, as Bobby looked at Josh and felt a little bad.
"We aren't making fun of you, dude." Bobby assured Josh. "I think it's cool that you're so small, so if you like it then it works out."
"Yeah I mean, I always have fun having you be tiny too, dude." Tyler joined in, feeling bad that Josh practically died of embarrassment. "Besides it's like your life's work, you should enjoy it!"
Josh picked up his head, feeling a little better after his friend's reassured his shrinking habit. "Thanks guys, Guess it was just a little weird to admit."
Bobby reached for Josh, scooping him off his chest and onto his hand as he sat up, ready to grab some food for himself as he saw Tyler already grabbing some buns and burgers himself. Josh looked up at Bobby's huge chest, still amazed that's where he was just resting moments ago as Bobby looked down at him with a grin. "Now that we know you like being shrunk so much though, means we're gonna start messing with you more, you know that?"
Tyler laughed as he took a bite of his burger. "Dude, I already do that constantly already anyway. Welcome to the club!"
Bobby laughed as he grabbed a paper plate. Pulling a chunk off a burger and hot dog as well as tossing in a few toppings and condiments, Bobby slid Josh off his hand onto the plate. Sitting down at the patio table, Bobby took the plate and put it on the ground between his feet. "There, now he can eat and have a fun view!"
Tyler swallowed a huge chunk of food as he shook his head a little. "I dunno dude. Maybe you're just too new to messing with him. I would've probably stepped in his food and made him eat it from between my toes!"
"Gross dude!" Bobby said, taking a bite of his food finally. "That seems more mean than just toying with him."
Tyler finished his burger and already started taking a bite out of another as he shrugged casually. "You'll get there one day too, dude. Once you get used to it!"
Bobby frowned, still feeling like it would have been a little mean. Regardless, he turned his attention back to his food, barely remembering that he even placed Josh down between his feet in the first place.
- - -
Josh sat on the paper plate, feeling confused. Obviously he listened to Bobby's explanation for dropping him down here, but it still felt fairly sudden. Josh sighed, as he looked from side to side. On either edge of the plate sat Bobby's enormous feet, One sitting in a black shoe, coupled with a black sock, the other mostly exposed in the medical boot, only wearing a black sock. Bobby's massive feet truly were a spectacle to behold, however Josh really wasn't sure what he should do. "Does he expect me to explore… or did he think I'd just sit here and eat while looking at his feet?"
Josh looked from the meager pile of food on the plate, to Bobby's massive socked foot. Josh shrugged, deciding that he should…
"No no!" Josh stuttered, turning red from his lie. "I just think it's neat, I wouldn't go as far as to say I enjoy it!"
Bobby rose and eyebrow, easily catching Josh's lie. Smiling, he decided not to push it, since Josh was clearly embarrassed about it. "That's fair dude. Must be a little intimidating being so small. But still, if you did enjoy it I wouldn't judge you, dude."
"Thanks…" Josh sighed, knowing Bobby was on to him. Deciding not to worry about it, however, Josh watched as Tyler carried a plate of cooked food over to the table, setting down and reaching for a bun and making a burger for himself right away.
"What'd he say, dude?" Tyler asked, curious how Josh responded to the question while he was busy putting all the food on the plate.
"He just said it's intimidating." Bobby lied, figuring it was better than calling Josh out. "I have to imagine it must be freaky being that small, so I can't blame him."
Bobby reached for Josh on his chest, carefully scooping him into his hand and bringing him over to the table. Grabbing a plate with his free hand, Bobby set it near him and let Josh slide off his hand into the center. Josh stared up at the muscled titan as he tore off a few pieces of food and set it on the plate next to Josh. "There, dude." Bobby said as he added a few tiny condiments. "Giving you a whole burger might be a little overwhelming!"
Josh tilted his head, unsure if Bobby was messing with him, or if he genuinely believed that he was afraid of giant things. Meanwhile, Tyler chuckled from the other side of the table. "Please, dude. I've stuck him on whole burgers, pieces of pizza, steaks, cakes. All kinds of foods, dude. He's used to it."
Bobby took a big bite out of his burger, swallowing it down while barely chewing it out of hunger. "Seems like it would be overwhelming. I mean he's so small. Food must look gigantic."
"Yeah I guess it does. Those burgers look like huge buildings laying on their sides!" Josh said, pointing out the burgers still laying on the plate. Bobby took another bite of his burger, actually chewing it a little before swallowing.
"Yeah and here we are, looking like a couple of giants eating buildings in front of you, dude." Bobby said looking at his burger for a second.
"I guess it's like Tyler said, I'm used to it by now." Josh shrugged, feeling like Bobby was over thinking it as he grabbed a bit of meat for himself. "Besides from your prospective it must feel kinda cool being like a giant."
"You know it, dude!" Tyler piped up, munching on a second burger with gusto. "I'll eat all the buildings right in front of you!"
Josh laughed as he looked over at Tyler, tearing though the burgers. Josh shrugged his shoulders. Feeling like thanks to Tyler he really was used to interacting with giants. Bobby chuckled a little as he shoved the rest of his burger in his mouth, chewing it and swallowing it down with a sigh. Reaching for another burger, Bobby stopped for a second, trying to imagine a huge building turned on it side as he placed it between the buns.
"Guess it is pretty neat being a giant, dude. If these were buildings, they'd be pretty easy to eat." Bobby said, taking a bite of his second burger. "But I guess tiny people inside would be even easier to accidentally eat…"
Tyler laughed as he took a bite out of his burger and swallowed it down whole. "Accidentally? That's where all the protein would come from, bruh!"
"Ha! True, dude!" Bobby laughed as he held his burger in hand and waved it toward Josh. "Hop on, buddy!"
Josh broke a little bit of a sweat, happy to see Bobby was feeling more comfortable, but also a little freaked out by the joke. Josh smiled nervously as he tried to play along. "You wouldn't even notice me on there if I did!"
Bobby took another bite as he looked down at the burger with a chuckle. Chewing a little extra Bobby swallowed and looked down at Josh. "You'd be lucky if I chewed you up, dude."
Tyler laughed as he pulled a sesame seed off his bun and looked at it on his finger. Noticing how small the seed was, Tyler guessed it was barely any smaller than Josh. "You'd save him a terrifying trip that's for sure, dude. But let's be real." Tyler said as he set the seed on his tongue and swallowed it down with an exaggerated gulp. "He's so puny, he'd go down whole."
Josh shifted awkwardly, wanting to chime in on the conversation and steer it in a different direction as the two men laughed casually. Before he could get a word in Bobby was already returning Tyler with a comment of his own. "So true, dude. Bet you wouldn't even feel him."
The two laughed again as Josh finally got a word in. "Can we talk about something else?"
Bobby and Tyler looked at Josh and blinked a little before chuckling at each other. "We're just joking, dude." Bobby replied. "It's not like either of us are gonna eat you."
"Yeah, dude. Not unless you really piss us off!" Tyler said with a goofy smile, much to Josh's continued discomfort. Tyler offered Bobby a high five, to which Bobby followed up with an enormous clap. Josh shook his head as the two giants laughed as they finished their meals.
- - -
As time went by Bobby and Tyler continued to eat their meals, teasing Josh every now and then. As the two colossal hunks started to get full, the sun was starting to fully set at that point. Cleaning up the table and deciding to move inside, Josh found himself in his kitchen, watching the two muscled men clean up and put things away. Josh watched as Tyler brushed off his hands and started to walk toward Josh's position. Seemingly, Tyler was…
"Alright, twerp! I'm heading out!" Tyler walked up to Josh and flicked him gently over with his finger. Bobby frowned as Tyler came over and gave him a bro hug.
"You're leaving already, dude?" Bobby was a little disappointed, feeling like he had only just been reunited with his two friends.
"Don't be too disappointed, dude." Tyler chuckled as he broke apart from his embrace. "Besides you got the little squirt to keep you company."
"Not unless I get hungry and eat him!" Bobby laughed, as Tyler patted him on his back with approval.
"Well in that case I'll see you tomorrow, dude!" Tyler said to Bobby before looking over at Josh. "But yeah Josh, dude. Maybe I won't see you?"
"Real funny…" Josh rolled his eyes, thinking that the teasing had been done by now. Regardless, Josh waved goodbye, almost a little relieved to see Tyler leave and stop being such a bad influence on Bobby. Josh sighed, with Tyler gone he watched as Bobby turned to him, still shirtless as he hobbled over to Josh.
"Sorry for giving you such a hard time, buddy!" Bobby leaned down to be a little closer to Josh. "It's just fun messing with you, bud"
"You sound like Tyler!" Josh crossed his arms, while shaking his head.
"Sorry dude, but you make it so easy!" Bobby smiled. "Besides, you can't lie around me, dude. I can tell Ty doesn't have to push you too hard to get you to be tiny, dude."
"I guess you got me there…" Josh sighed, knowing he was really easy to catch in a lie, especially when he gets flustered. "Even back in college I thought it was really cool. Now it's like a daily occurrence."
"I get it, dude." Bobby dragged over a chair so he could sit with Josh a little easier. "But still, must be scary having a couple if giants joke about eating you and shit."
"No, it's fine. I mean I guess part of the thrill of being so small is like, how could I stop you if you decided to do it?" Josh tried to explain his feelings to the giant. Bobby couldn't help but chuckle at Josh's sentiment.
"Sorry, dude. I don't mean to laugh." Bobby smiled at Josh. "But you're right. It would be so easy. Could you imagine if you were on my burger earlier? You wouldn't stand a chance, dude."
"You're right. Part of me wonder what that'd be like though." Josh spurt out the words, not really thinking about what he was saying. He looked at Bobby who was staring at him with a raised eyebrow. Josh blushed, embarrassed. "I mean like in theory!"
"Dude, here you go lying again." Bobby shook his head with a chuckle. "You might fool Ty, but you can't fool me."
"I…" Josh was still embarrassed. "Okay, you got me. Maybe you guys teasing me made me morbidly curious."
"About being eaten?" Bobby laughed, finding the idea ridiculous. "Bro, food goes in my stomach, it gets digested, then I take nice morning dumps. What's there to be curious about?"
"Right, but you're not the least bit curious about what goes on in your stomach?" Josh asked, looking at Bobby's abs briefly for a second. Bobby rested his hand on his stomach for a second and leaned back in thought.
"Not really, dude." Bobby shrugged, leaning back to look at Josh. "With how much I eat, I'm probably better off not knowing."
"Oh… well I guess so." Josh mulled a little disappointed. Bobby tilted his head, smirking at Josh.
"I mean, I'll eat you, dude." Bobby shrugged, not making a big deal out of it, but a little curious in his own right. "I can't promise it'll be some fun trip like you're imagining though."
"Well uhhh…" Josh stuttered, turning red again. "That's not necessary, really."
"Brooooo cut the lies." Bobby rolled his eyes and stretched. "Besides, if I don't do it, I bet Tyler would."
"He probably would…" Josh wondered for a moment. Bobby simply laughed as shook his head.
"So, bro? Who would you rather it be?" Bobby asked with a raised eyebrow once again.
"I mean are we talking like… for good?" Josh wondered if the question was a hypothetical or a literal.
"Sure, if you want it to be, bud." Bobby shrugged, thinking quickly about how to discourage Josh. "I mean maybe you're worth a tiny bit of protein, bro? Feels like a waste."
"Oh… yeah maybe you're right." Josh frowned, thinking about how it would be a waste to throw his life away like that. Bobby noticed Josh's dismay, figuring he could play off it a little more.
"Yeah I mean, you're so tiny you can't even count as a snack. More like a crumb." Bobby belittled Josh a little more, feeling bad but hoping to put down Josh enough to get any bad thoughts out of his head.
"You're right." Josh agreed, realizing his own insignificance. Bobby sighed a little in relief. Bobby stood up though and looked down at Josh.
"Don't be so down though, dude." Bobby smiled. "You're insignificant to me as food, but you mean a lot to me as my friend."
Josh's heart burst a little. Bobby reached down, grabbing Josh into the palm of his hand as he made his way out of the kitchen, going into the living room and setting Josh down on the coffee table.
"Alright buddy. How about we watch a movie or something?" Bobby knelt down and asked Josh.
"That sounds nice! How about some popcorn or something?" Josh asked as the giant stood up in agreement. A few minutes went by as Bobby returned with a bowl of popcorn as well as a blue colored Gatorade he must've brought with him in his bag. Bobby turned on a movie and sat down on the couch, setting the bowl of popcorn next to him and the Gatorade on the floor by his feet. Bobby grabbed Josh, leaning back and resting the tiny man on his chest like he did before.
"It's crazy dude, I still can barely feel you there!" Bobby laughed as he put the popcorn on his lap and grabbed a bite fro himself and put one on his chest next to Josh. Josh took a bite of the popcorn as the movie was getting started. Thoughts about how insignificant he was kept rushing through his mind, especially as he watched Bobby eat kernel after kernel of popcorn that were far greater in size that him. Every time Bobby swallowed one or took a sip of his Gatorade, Josh couldn't help but wonder just how helpless he'd be inside the giant.
- - -
As the movie went on, Josh noticed Bobby start to really focus in on the movie. Looking past the massive chest he was resting on, Josh looked out to the bowl of popcorn, starting to run low but still covering the bottom of the bowl as Bobby absentmindedly snacked. Every once in awhile, Bobby's other side would reach down for his Gatorade, as Josh saw the man just left the top off as he would set it down next to his leg. Josh looked up at Bobby's face, he seemed distracted as Josh decided…
Josh looked up at Bobby's face. He was pretty intently focused on the movie. Josh looked at the movie himself, biting his lip as he contemplated what he was about to do. Silently, Josh got on his feet, stumbling a little bit as he crawled between Bobby's massive pecs. Thanks to Bobby leaning back a bit, it was actually quite easy for Josh to slide between the massive valley down all the way to Bobby's abs. Josh looked back up at Bobby's face, now that he had covered quite a bit of distance, seeing the giant had been none the wiser to Josh's journey. Circling around Bobby's navel, Josh pulled himself up onto the waist of Bobby's shorts and made his way over to his knee.
- - -
Bobby had felt a tickle. At one point he shifted his head slightly, peeking and seeing that Josh was no longer on his pec. Quickly scanning around, Bobby caught a glimpse of movement on his thigh, barely able to see little Josh slowly making his way to his knee.
"What's he up to?" Bobby thought to himself, genuinely curious what the tiny man exactly planned to accomplish. Bobby saw as Josh got to his knee, the tiny man hesitated for a moment before Bobby saw him jump. Bobby's eyes widened in shock as he didn't know how to react for a few seconds. Recovering from what he saw, Bobby leaned forward, seeing that he had his open bottle of Gatorade next to his leg, wondering if that's what Josh was jumping for.
"He wouldn't…. would he?" Bobby thought again to himself. Bobby smirked, thinking that if Josh was going to go this far to have him drink him without knowing, he was tempted to give the little guy his wish. Reaching down and grabbing the bottle, Bobby looked at it briefly, pretending like he hadn't seen what he did.
Meanwhile, Josh…
With just a peek, while holding the bottle, Bobby looked down and saw a tiny speck floating in the liquid. Bobby pretended like he didn't want a drink and set it back down on the floor. Taking another bite of popcorn and watching the movie still, Bobby thought about what to do with what he just watched.
"Man, here I thought I talked him out of it." Bobby thought silently to himself while acting like he was just watching the movie. "Maybe it's time I taught the little guy a lesson…"
Bobby started to formulate a plan. Moving the popcorn bowl to his side Bobby reached back down and grabbed the bottle of Gatorade. Going through his plan in his head again Bobby decided to…
Bobby smirked as he held the bottle between his legs and pulled out his phone. If Josh wanted to get eaten this badly, Bobby was going to give him his wish, but not without really taunting and belittling the little man for his dumb decision. Pulling up Tyler's contact on his phone, Bobby called his friend, waiting a second before he picked up.
"Yooo Bobby boi, what's good my dude?" Tyler answered the phone, bringing a smile to Bobby's face.
"Sup, bro! You you aren't gonna believe what's been up since you left." Bobby paused the movie now as he was fully committed to his act. "Know how I joked about eating Josh? Well the little guy straight up asked me to."
"BAHAHA!" Tyler burst out laughing on the other end. "Dude, that's so classic. So what did you do it?"
"Nah, bro. I talked him out of it. Told him how he'd be essentially worth nothing as food to my body." Bobby leaned back a little, recounting the story as cockily as he could. "Like seriously, he'd be like way less than even a gram of protein."
"No kidding, bro." Tyler agreed. "As close to worthless as possible, really."
"Right, right. So he settled down and I thought I talked him out of it." Bobby continued the story. "But get this, bro. We were watching a movie, and the little guy must've thought I was blind or some shit, because I watched him climb down my body, onto my knee, and jump straight into my bottle of Gatorade."
"Brooooo that's just sad!" Tyler laughed on the other end. "So what, did you drink him up?"
"See for yourself." Bobby turned on his camera, seeing it was on winked at Tyler for a second, before flipping the camera and pointing it down into his bottle of Gatorade. "Wanted to call you first. I'm absolutely drinking this whole bottle, dude. Just figured if Josh is this desperate to end up in my stomach, I wanted to really let him know what being my food is all about."
"Word, bro!" Tyler agreed again. "Teach the little runt a lesson he'll never forget! But call me back when you're ready to down the little loser!"
"Aight, will do, bro." Bobby smirked as he hung up the phone. Setting down his phone, Bobby grabbed the bottle as he stood up. Not even looking down to address Josh, Bobby simply talked as he walked out of the living room and into the kitchen.
"Like I told you before, dude. This isn't gonna be some fun trip like you're imagining." Bobby said as he walked slowly to the table. "I'm gonna drink you, bro. You're going into my stomach, and my stomach acid is gonna tear you the fuck apart. This ain't no spa trip, buddy."
Bobby set the bottle of Gatorade down on the kitchen table and stood back, putting a hand on his hip and shaking his head as he looked at the bottle from a few feet away.
"Shit's gonna be fucking painful, dude. You're gonna wish you never invented that shrink ray a few years ago." Bobby continued to lay it on as thick as possible how horrible it's going to be. "You're so pathetically small, there's little going to be nothing left of you, bro. I bet my stomach is strong enough to even break apart your puny little bones by the time I'm done with you."
Bobby walked up the the bottle now, leaning over it, Bobby ripped a wet burp right inside before quickly covering the lid and tightening it.
"Get used to that smell, bro. Gonna be a hundred times worse in a few minutes." Bobby started to walk away from the bottle now, slowly making his way out of the room. "Gonna drop a shit real quick before I drink your tiny ass. Signs of things to come, bro. Come tomorrow you'll just be a useless shit."
- - -
Josh tried gasping for any normal air he could in the pit of the bottle. All he could taste was either Gatorade or the putrid taste and smell of burgers, popcorn, and whatever else was stewing in Bobby's stomach. Josh heard every word Bobby said though, in the giant's gut, this smell is going to be way way worse. Josh didn't know if he should be terrified or regretful right now. He had no idea if this was Bobby's way of teaching him a lesson, or if the blonde stud was really going to end up in a few swift gulps. Coughing and sputtering as he continued to stay afloat, Josh knew he wouldn't have long before he had his questions answered.
- - -
Bobby made his way back into the kitchen, pulling his black athletic shorts up over his ass to his waist as he did. Grabbing the bottle once again, Bobby took the top off and continued to taunt Josh without even looking at him.
"Feeling kinda empty now, bro. Gonna need this drink and some more food. Not that you count as food, bro." Bobby held the bottle next to his body as he instead looked up and around the room as he fixed his hat. "Just a worthless little speck of a loser, going down into my gut, never to see the light of day again."
Bobby walked back into the living room to grab his phone so he could video call Tyler while he drank the little bitch. As he did, Bobby…
Bobby truly didn't care if Josh was regretting his choices now or not. He didn't even look down at the bottle as he sauntered into the living room, grabbing his phone off the couch and pulling up Tyler's number once again. Bobby swirled the bottle around in his hand as he let his phone ring.
"Yooo sup again, bro! Is it time?" Tyler asked, very excitedly turning on his camera as Bobby did the same.
"Hell yeah, bro." Bobby smirked calmly as he lifted the bottle up next to his face in view of the camera. Bobby positioned the camera to see the speck once again floating around in the liquid before panning back to his face. "I made sure to really let the little guy know what he's signed up for."
"Bro am I on speaker?" Tyler asked as Bobby nodded. "Aight, so he can hear me! Josh you dun fucked up! You would've been better off letting me eat you! I mean have you seen how much Bobby's grown since college? Dude is gonna DEMOLISH you."
Bobby simply laughed and nodded. "It's so true, dude. Man, my metabolism just feels like it gets faster and faster."
"Bro, that's perfect he's probably losing his shit right now!" Tyler laughed as Bobby simply shrugged.
"Wouldn't know, bro." Bobby smirked arrogantly. "Haven't really looked at my drink too hard."
"As you should, bro." Tyler agreed. "Just a drink with a little unnoticeable speck in it. What even is that speck, bro? A bug?"
"Nah, way too small to be a bug, dude." Bobby continued his belittling of Josh. "You know? I think it's actually just nothing. Might as well be anyway."
"Brutal, bro. Not even acknowledging the little loser before sending him." Tyler laughed, finding Bobby's brutality right now hilarious.
"Speaking of which, bro. Let's send it." Bobby brought the drink up to his face, pressing his lips to the rim and tilting it back. With several gulps and excited remarks from Tyler later, Bobby wiped his mouth and showed the bottle was empty to Tyler. Bobby stuck his tongue out and made a hang loose hand gesture before he tossed the bottle over his shoulder as it clattered the ground. Bobby zoomed out his camera little as he patted his chest a little before letting out a respectable burp. "Ahh that felt good. Man, I was fucking thirsty."
"Looked like it, bro!" Tyler had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. "Aw man, you should grab some actual food, bro! Nothing in that drink was gonna fill you up."
"Or matter in my diet in the slightest." Bobby added arrogantly as he walked to the kitchen as him and Tyler continued to chat.
- - -
"Bobby! Tyler! Please let this be a joke!" Josh teared up a bit as he was washed into Bobby's stomach with exceptional ease. It was the smell he experience from Bobby's burp from before, but Bobby was right, this was so much worse. Mounds of partially digested food piled in in the massive organ, positively dwarfing Josh in size. Josh felt truly pathetic, Bobby and Tyler were right. These half digested piles of food were more useful to Bobby's body than he could ever hope to be. Josh was nothing more than a scrap of protein, if that.
"I can't believe I thought this was a good idea…" Josh wallowed in his poor decision to make this jump in the first place. Bobby's stomach churned again as Josh heard another massive burp bound from above. The air in Bobby's stomach was becoming thicker and harder to breath. The humidity made Josh sweat the more time he thought has gone by. But worst of all was the new burning sensation as Josh was easily sloshed about in the titanic organ. Just as Bobby had told Josh, it was incredibly painful.
"Oh god! Please help!" Josh screamed, realizing that the fact that the stomach was partially full of food, it must have slowed down Bobby's digestion somewhat, prolonging the time he would be forced to endure the pain. All Josh could hope for was some sort of saving grace, anything that might end his puny life slightly sooner. Josh heard something plop into Bobby's stomach, it sounded a distance away, but he guessed Bobby must be eating more on top of him. Struggling to get on his feet, Josh only hoped for a chunk of food to fall from the sky and smother him. But Josh would have no such pity from Bobby's unforgiving body as he was sloshed once again into a further corner of Bobby's stomach.
"He's already gone, bro! I guarantee it." Josh swore he could hear Tyler's muffled voice from the other side of the wall he was sloshed to.
"Oh I hope not, bro. It'd be way too soon." Josh heard Bobby's voice, muffled but in the same direction the massive jock had just belted out his huge burp. "I hope it's slow, bro. Its what he deserves after what he tried to pull."
"Bobby…" Josh felt weak but still in pain and alive. Josh wished he didn't let his emotions get the best of him. Especially, being reunited with Bobby after two years and he goes ahead and does this. Josh felt embarrassed. Defeated.
"Dude you're right! I hope the same then, bro." Tyler's muffled voice laughed from the other side of the wall. "It's okay, it's a fitting end for the little loser."
"Yeah, bro! Feeding a winner!" Bobby laughed, the chamber shaking slightly as a result.
"I deserve this…" Josh accepted his fate. Enduring the pain, Josh continued on with the digestion process, knowing he was worthless to the titan but it was his only pathetic purpose left in his life anyway.
- - -
Bobby patted his stomach as he finished eating the snack he made while talking with Tyler.
"There, I feel so much better bro." Bobby leaned back, still video chatting with Tyler. "Now that I got actual food in me."
"Oh I bet, bro." Tyler laughed looking at Bobby's body stretched out over the video. "Bro, you're such a stud! No wonder the little runt jumped in your drink."
"You can be next if you want, dude." Bobby smirked, running a hand down his chest and abs. Tyler simply laughed, still teared up.
"Ooooh maaan don't tempt me!" Tyler joked obnoxiously. "Better watch your drinks, you hunk!"
"I don't think I will." Bobby shrugged arrogantly. "I'll judge you though, dude. You've got more self respect than someone else I used to know."
"Tell me about it, bro." Tyler smirked arrogantly now himself. "Who was that again, dude?"
"Uhhh can't remember." Bobby scratched his head, feigning ignorance. "Someone that worthless and unnoticeable isn't really worth remembering their name, bro."
"Got that right, dude!" Tyler laughed, loving how brutal Bobby was being. "Nothing left to remember by now anyway, bro,"
"Word." Bobby patted his stomach, letting out one more burp much to Tyler's amusement as he leaned back more in his chair with a smirk.
Just about to dial Tyler's number, Bobby looked down into his drink. He was slightly shocked to see Josh absolutely thrashing about in the liquid, faint screams of panic emanating from the bottle. Bobby actually had to stop for a second as he was thrown off guard so badly.
"Quit panicking, bro. This is exactly what you wanted." Bobby finally addressed Josh for the first real time since the tiny man made the jump.
"Please! No! I regret it! Please don't eat me!" Bobby heard the faint cries for mercy come from inside the bottle. Bobby rolled his eyes, setting down his phone and putting off his call to Tyler, for now.
"Bro, you should've thought about that before you jumped in my drink." Bobby put his foot down. "If I didn't see you jump, you'd already be half digested by now."
"I know! I know!" Josh continued to plead. "But you did see me! There must've been a reason that you did!"
"You're right, dude. The reason was so I can do what I'm doing right now." Bobby insisted, not about to just let his decision to go through with this go. "I tried to talk you out of it dude, but now I just want to eat you."
"Bobby please! You can't mean that!" Josh splashed and cried, hoping to reason with his handsome giant friend. Bobby simply chuckled and shrugged.
"Try me, bro. Like I said, maybe you should've listened to me earlier and thought before you jumped." Bobby said, losing his patience, honestly pretty pissed at Josh for going through all this. "Actions have consequences, bro."
"I know! Please you've made your point!" Josh begged, wanting nothing more than for Bobby to take mercy on him. Suddenly, Josh saw as a huge finger reached down into the Gatorade. Being fished out, Josh sighed in relief as Bobby pulled him out of the drink, rolling him into the palm of his hand and raising him up to his chest. "T-thank you!"
"Oh don't thank me." Bobby brought Josh up to his face now. "I just didn't feel like drinking you anymore. Think I'll drop you in my mouth and swallow you whole, bro."
"Wait! No please!" Josh immediately started to panic again as Bobby opened his mouth. "I'll do anything!"
"Nah." Bobby answered plainly and immediately as he tilted his hand, causing Josh to fall in his open mouth. Josh screamed as he tumbled from Bobby's palm on the wet squish surface of the giant's tongue. Josh scrambled to his feet, before slipping on his back as he watched Bobby's cavernous mouth close shut. Sealing him in darkness. Josh continued his panic, trying to look around, fruitless wanting something he could grab onto.
"Bobby! Please don't do this!" Josh felt like a broken record as he slipped and splatted around before getting swished quickly against his will into Bobby's cheek.
"All I hear is muffled cries, bro." Bobby's voice boomed out over Josh like a jet plane. "Doesn't matter anyway, bro. You can yell whatever you want."
Bobby sucked Josh out of his cheek and into the center of his mouth, keeping his mouth shut Bobby burped, letting little bits seep out his mouth as he smirked.
"Bro, take that in. Gonna have to get used to the smell." Bobby mocked Josh, mostly keeping his mouth shut as he spoke. Bobby reached back down for his phone, remembering Tyler told him to call him when it was time. Bobby smirked as he called up Tyler turning on his camera as he saw Tyler answer.
"There's my handsome man!" Tyler answered, seeing Bobby's attractive face appear on his phone. Bobby chuckled and rolled his eyes, but appreciated Tyler's silliness none the less. "So, you about to drink the little runt?"
Bobby shook his head, Tyler looking confused for a second before Bobby opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out slightly as he could just barely feel Josh squirm. Bobby looked at the small picture of his own feed as he could just barely see the speck on his tongue as Tyler squinted at his phone. Seeing the recognition in Tyler's eyes, Bobby retracted his tongue, tucking Josh back into his cheek, feeling the pathetic little man squirm.
"Decided not to drink him, bro." Bobby smirked giving Tyler a slight nod. "Gonna swallow the little loser down in a minute. You should've seen in begging and crying in my drink, bro."
"Ha! Priceless! Yeah it's better this way." Tyler nodded his head in agreement. "He wanted to get drank, but sad for him he doesn't get what he wants."
"Exactly, dude. It's way more fun for me this way. I can feel his struggling and fighting in my cheek, bro." Bobby rubbed his cheek, poking it slightly before jamming his tongue into it. Tyler laughed as watched Bobby try and reposition the tiny guy back into the center of his mouth. Opening up again, Bobby reached onto his tongue and pinched Josh between his fingers and held him in front of his smirking face. Bobby reared his neck back for a second as he got a focused look on his face, before blowing another burp into Josh's face.
"Mmm he's in love with that smell by now." Bobby turned to look at Tyler while Josh struggled and squirmed helplessly in Bobby's fingers. "Figured I'd give him one last look at the outside world, before he plummets down into my stomach."
Bobby pulled Josh away from his body slight, making sure to flex his abs and make his pecs bounce slightly. He couldn't help but chuckle though as Tyler hooted and hollered him with wolf whistles.
"Woo woo! Take off your shirt!" Tyler joked, clearly able to see Bobby's shirt was already off. Bobby chuckled and shook his head, feeling like Tyler was throwing off the dominant mojo he was trying to pull off.
"Gonna beg me not to do it, one last time, dude?" Bobby kept his attention at Josh, giving him a serious look.
"Y-yes…" Josh sobbed feebly. "Please… guys it was a mistake."
"Shame, bro. Should've just accepted I get what I want." Bobby brought Josh in closer. "Bro, what I want is to swallow you down. I'm gonna digest you, bro. Then tomorrow I'm gonna shit out whatever's left."
"You tell him, bro!" Tyler added in his two cents as he watched Bobby start to lower Josh into his mouth. Stopping his struggle, Josh knew he couldn't fight Bobby. Josh truly tried to come to terms with the choice he made, and Bobby had every right to take it to the distance he went. Josh closed his eyes as Bobby…
Bobby released Josh, dropping him straight back into his mouth. Feeling Josh hit his tongue, Bobby leveled his head and looked at Tyler with a huge smirk.
"Swallow! You won't, bro!" Tyler egged Bobby on, as Bobby simply shrugged as kicked his head back casually with a small, yet audible gulp. Bobby smirked again bobbing his eye brows up and down sexily at Tyler before opening his mouth and showing it was in fact empty. "Brooooo such a stud!"
"Shut up, dude." Bobby chuckled shaking his head as Tyler has done nothing but be an obnoxious child the whole time. "Man, that felt really good actually."
"I'm jealous, bro. Looked like you were having fun!" Tyler slumped slight, wishing he could have been the one to torture and swallow Josh. Tyler watched as Bobby put a hand on his chest. "Feel him, bro?"
"I think so… he's like right here…" Bobby pointed to between his pecs. Bobby tilted his head for a second, the feeling going away. "Not for long though, bro. He's gone now."
"He's not gone, bro!" Tyler laughed obnoxiously. "He's on the other side of those gorgeous abs of yours, dude!"
"Duuude. Shut. Up." Bobby was slightly annoyed with Tyler's constant flirting. "But you're right, little guy got what he wanted. Bro, can't even imagine what getting digested will be like for him."
"It's probably awful, bro! But who gives a shit!" Tyler laughed, shaking his head. "I wouldn't give him five minutes, dude."
"You think?" Bobby looked down at his abs. "Bro, I hope he last for an hour!"
Tyler laughed, even for him knowing there was no way. "Dude, he's the puniest little twerp ever. Five minutes would be long for him."
"I know, bro. I just hope he's stuck in there as long as possible." Bobby smirked at his stomach. "After what he did, then had had the nerve to beg me to change my mind? It was pathetic, bro. If he owned his mistake, I was actually considering letting him go."
"Would've been too generous, dude. I wouldn't have even given it a second thought." Tyler shrugged, knowing if he was in Bobby's shoes, Josh would've been gone long ago.
"Oh for sure, dude. Either way, I want whatever's going on in my stomach to be slow." Bobby rested a hand on his abs. "It's the last lesson he'll ever learn, but it'll be a damn good one."
"Bro, drink some water, that'll slow things down I think!" Tyler remembered something about water helping to settle stomach acid. Bobby nodded as he made his way back into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of cold water out of the refrigerator and popping the top off. Chugging it with ease, Bobby tossed the empty bottle toward the trash.
"There, that should make things last a little longer in there…" Bobby wiped his mouth while looking down at his stomach.
- - -
A torrent of water just came crashing down into the massive cavern of Bobby's stomach. Josh praised the cool refreshing water, at the very least it made life in the stomach slightly more bearable. But Josh knew it wouldn't last. While he had this moment of relief from the burning sensation that ailed him from the moment he landed into the caustic organ, Josh knew it was a matter of time before Bobby's internal temperature would negate the cool feeling. Plus it would take even less time before stomach acid would continue to seep from the massive walls that surrounded the puny tiny man.
"This is my fault." Josh finally accepted it. He pushed Bobby, then tried to go behind his back. Josh sunk into the mound of mushy food he was in. Bobby's stomach churned a bit as Josh could still hear him laughing and talking to Tyler on the outside. It didn't matter to Josh though. This was what he wanted, after all.
Josh let Bobby's body simply do it's job for what felt like forever. Each motion or step the giant took caused the cavern to move and shift. The water only did so much good before the unforgiving stomach acids started seeping back in. Josh tried to struggle, but he knew there was no use. Josh made his choice to be here, Bobby simply didn't give in to any worthless begging otherwise.
Josh peeked open his eyes, and instead of seeing the inside of Bobby's mouth once again, Josh instead saw a smile on the giant's face.
"Got you, dude." Bobby simply said as he still held Josh over his face.
"W-what?" Josh was confused, still dangling like a grape over Bobby's mouth. Josh looked over at Tyler, who was laughing hysterically.
"I said, we got you, dude!" Bobby dropped Josh into his palm down with an amused look on his face. "While I was making that popcorn earlier, I was chatting with Ty. I told him about what we talked about, we agreed you might try to pull a stunt."
"And if you did, Bobby was going to make super extra sure he gave you the scare of a life time!" Tyler wiped away tears of laughter. "Gotta say, I wasn't sure he could pull it off."
"Hey! It was pretty good acting, bro." Bobby smirked, proud of how convincing he was. Looking back down at Josh, he simply shrugged giving a slight chuckle. "Clearly you bought it, bro."
"I-I-I…" Josh stuttered, far too stunned to understand what was going on right now. Tyler laughed on the other side of Bobby's phone.
"This was so worth it. His reaction is priceless, dude!" Tyler ignored Josh for now, knowing he would be beyond words for at least a little while.
"Did you record everything from your end like we planned?" Bobby asked, Josh turning redder with embarrassment as Tyler confirmed.
"Yeah dude! Got everything from your video feed." Tyler swiped about on his phone, checking to make sure it all saved. "All the way up to Josh's meek little 'w-what?' !"
"Dude! That's amazing!" Bobby was so happy Tyler caught the whole thing. "We'll never let him live this down."
"Oh for sure! How do you feel about that, little snack Josh?" Tyler tried to look at Bobby's feed at Josh still in the giant's hand.
"I-I-I…" Josh still stuttered. Bobby and Tyler looked at each other, eyebrows raised.
"I think you broke him, dude." Tyler scratched his chin, wondering if they went too far with this joke.
"Yeahhhh… maybe I should just swallow him? Put him out of his misery?" Bobby winked at Tyler, joking.
"Duuuude keep joking like that and you'll break him even more!" Tyler laughed, not entirely against it, but also not having fun teasing Josh if the stunned tiny couldn't even talk.
"I know, I know!" Bobby laughed, feeling a little bad just how far he pushed Josh. "But uhhh yeah maybe I went too far?"
"Nahhh not far enough. If it was me, I would've swallowed him and puke him up later." Tyler pounded his chest for emphasis. "Oh man, he would've panicked so hard, bro!"
"Dude, that would've been way way too far!" Bobby shook his head, not wanting to torture Josh that far. Bobby looked back down at Josh again, feeling a little bad still. "Aight, dude. I'm gonna hang up. Send me that video though!"
"Will do, dude!" Tyler peeked again at Josh too. "Uhhhh later, Josh. Maybe don't mess with us in the future, okay?"
Josh stood silently, as Bobby shrugged, hanging up with Tyler and setting down his phone. Sitting at the table now, Bobby still held Josh in his hand, not wanting to dump the tiny on the table and have him get hurt.
"You good, bro?" Bobby asked, getting his face in a little closer to Josh. "It was just a joke, all of it. You got pranked, dude."
"Mhmm!" Josh agreed, with forced enthusiasm. "What a prank!"
"Uh huh…" Bobby could tell Josh was still pretty scarred. "Do you, like… need a minute?"
"Nope!" Josh smiled nervously. "I'm great. Perfectly fine!"
"Sure…" Bobby was still pretty unconvinced. Bobby got up, going to the kitchen he grabbed a paper towel and few other little things, bringing them back to the table and making Josh a little cushion type bed for him. Letting Josh out of his hand finally, Bobby let Josh tumble onto the the cushion.
"Sooooo… maybe you should lay down for a bit." Bobby rubbed the back of his head. "I'm gonna get some sleep too. I'll check on you in the morning?"
Josh didn't answer as he laid face down in the cushion. Bobby grabbed his phone, making a slight face as he walked away, heading up to the bedroom Josh gave him.
As the night went on, Josh tried to relax. By morning Josh was…
At some point during the night, Josh had rolled onto his back, staring blankly at the ceiling in his dining room. He really wasn't sure if he slept or not. The whole night was such a blur to the mortified tiny man, that really slipping into sleep or just laying there in the dark truly felt like it was one in the same. The only thing racing through Josh's mind was how thoroughly embarrassed and terrified Bobby and Tyler made him feel last night. Josh truly believed he was begging for his life after making that mistake. Now he could barely close his eyes without thinking about it. Light started to fill the room however as Josh noticed the slow transition from night, to morning.
- - -
Bobby pulled himself out of bed, stretching and yawning as he adjusted to his new room in Josh's house. Much like when he roomed with Josh, Bobby simply slept in his compression shorts. However he was quite excited this morning to pull the boot he had on his foot, finally off for good. Pressing his barefoot to the ground, Bobby smiled as he was glad to finally be able to put pressure on his foot again.
"Too little too late though…" He said to himself as he simply grabbed a hat, turning it backwards as he usually did before leaving the room to head down stairs and check on Josh. Bobby rubbed the back of his head as he got to the bottom of the stairs, wondering to himself if Josh was feeling better after last night. Making his way over to the table, Bobby approached slowly and tried to reach out in a friendly tone.
"Hey! Morning, bro!" Bobby squatted down to look closer at Josh. Immediately he bit his lip a little as Josh didn't really react and from what he could tell, he was laying flat on his back with his arms spread. "Uh sorry, were you sleeping, buddy?"
"Nuh uh…" Josh simply muttered as he didn't even turn to face Bobby. Bobby clenched his teeth slightly at the very short response.
"Oh word bro. So did you sleep okay? Doing better this morning?" Bobby tried to continue to be extra friendly, but still not noticing Josh really turn his attention to him.
"Uh huh…" Josh weakly answered, but to confirm Bobby's worry. Bobby backed off a bit, figuring it best to give Josh a little space.
"Aight dude…" Bobby answered awkwardly. "Well you look comfy for now. I'm just gonna grab something to eat and check back with you in a bit?"
"Uh huh." Josh answered again as Bobby backed off and made his way into the kitchen. Bobby felt bad as he reached into the refrigerator and found himself some fruit and yogurt, figuring it might be good enough for now as he brought it with him, walking past Josh to bring up to his room to eat. Sitting down on his bed, Bobby quickly plowed through the meager breakfast, before leaning back against the headboard and grabbing his phone.
"Man, I feel bad." Bobby frowned a little, feeling like the prank he and Tyler had planned maybe went way too far. Especially after Josh had just shown him the kindness of giving him a place to live and a job. Scrolling though his phone, Bobby really felt like he could use advice on how to cheer up Josh. Thinking for a moment, Bobby decided to call…
Bobby pulled up Tyler's number, figuring that nobody knows Josh as well as Tyler at this point. The phone rang for a few seconds as Bobby laid back a little more, relaxing in the bed.
"Yoooo, what up Bobby-boi!" Tyler's voice called out cheerfully on the other end. Bobby smiled, hearing Tyler in good spirits felt like a good start.
"Sup, Ty! You have a good rest of your night, bro?" Bobby started the conversation.
"Oh for sure, dude. Slept great after all that shit!" Tyler chuckled a little. "I watched that video like four times, bro!"
"Ha… yeah I'm sure it was even better the second and third time." Bobby laughed a little awkwardly. "But about Josh…"
"Oh bro! Don't tell me you snacked on him for real?" Tyler asked, almost anticipating the answer had to be yes.
"What? No, bro, no!" Bobby blushed a little, that being the last thing on his mind. "He actually still seems a bit… traumatized by last night."
"Whaaaaaat?" Tyler sounded disappointed. "There's no way dude, he was totally just trying to get you to feel bad."
"I dunno, dude." Bobby rubbed his face a little conflicted. "He was practically unresponsive. I don't know if he didn't sleep or what, but he wouldn't talk to me."
"Nahhh dude. He's totally fine." Tyler reassured Bobby again. "Trust me, bro. He LOVES getting teased like that. Dude, I bet he's just too embarrassed to say anything to you since you got to him so bad last night!"
"Oh you think so dude?" Bobby was getting more and more convinced. "Well I'm glad I called you dude, guess I was worried for nothing!"
"I got you, bro." Tyler assured Bobby still.
"What should I do, though dude?" Bobby asked, wondering now if Josh was just messing with him, hoping to find a way to mess with him back.
"Oh with Josh?" Tyler stopped to think for a second. "Well if he gave you the cold shoulder like that, he's just playing hard to get. Bro, you just go in there and lay down some charm and get him comfortable… then BAM!"
"Uhhh bam?" Bobby questioned, feeling like Tyler was implying he should squash him.
"You hit him with more of what you did last night, bro!" Tyler explained. "Bro this time, actually swallow him! Oh man he'd freak out!"
"Uhhhh I don't know if I can do that, dude." Bobby still felt a little bad with how badly he pushed Josh last night. Tyler simply laughed on the other end.
"But you were sooooo good last night dude!" Tyler was still impressed. "Dude, so believable I thought you were really going through with just ending him!"
"I wouldn't do that, dude…" Bobby blushed, not entirely sure if he would or wouldn't though.
"Even though it was what he originally wanted?" Tyler asked in a arrogant almost knowing tone. Bobby bit his lip at Tyler's point.
"I guess that's a good point, dude." Bobby shifted in the bed. "But I dunno if I would wanna actually you… know. Digest him?"
"Could've fooled me last night, bro!" Tyler laughed, again still impressed by Bobby's acting. "Besides, I just said actually swallow him, dude. You don't need to actually digest the little dude."
"Oh word." Bobby understood. "You think he'd like that?"
"Probably too much, dude." Tyler laughed, knowing Josh too well. "Next he'll be speechlessly wishing you would just keep him down!"
"Oh bro…" Bobby rubbed his face again. "I think…"
"I can do this dude. Man talking to you made everything all make sense!" Bobby felt assured that Tyler really must know better than anyone else. "You coming around today, by the way?"
"Maybe later, dude. I gotta get my lazy ass up and to the gym here. After that not sure." Tyler sounded like he might still be in bed or lazily lounging on his couch.
"Aight, dude. Well I'll call you if anything crazy happens!" Bobby smiled, feeling like he wanted to go the gym too, but knowing he should just ditch Josh shrunken and alone.
"Please do, dude!" Tyler eagerly responded. "Catch you later, bro!"
"See ya, dude." Bobby hung up the phone as he pulled himself off the bed. Stretching, Bobby set his phone on the bed as he reached on the ground for his bag, pulling out a pair of great shorts and pulling them up over his ass. Reaching back down to the bed, Bobby grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket. Deciding not to grab a shirt, Bobby thought maybe it could help contribute to Tyler's plan of "laying on the charm".
Bobby left his room and head back downstairs, making his way back down to the table where he had left Josh earlier. Bobby loomed over the table, seeing Josh was still laying in the same spot.
"Heeeey buddy!" Bobby smirked over Josh with much more enthusiasm. "You can't lay around all day, you know?"
"Nuuuuuuhhhhghh" Josh simply groaned from the table. Bobby laughed and shook his head and he crouched down a bit.
"Come one, bro! Up and at 'em!" Bobby got closer to Josh. "I mean if you don't, you're welcome to nap inside my mouth!"
"W-wait!" Josh shot up, having terrifying flashbacks of last night. "I-I'll get up…"
"There you go!" Bobby was glad to hear Josh actually talk. "You hungry, dude?"
Bobby stood up and rested a hand on his stomach. "I already ate, so I'm good. Plus I guess you're safe, for now!"
"I-I'll have s-something…" Josh stuttered, scared that Bobby was still on the kick he was on from last night. However, Josh could somewhat tell Bobby was just teasing. Or at least he hoped. Josh watched as Bobby walked over to the refrigerator, reaching in and grabbing a strawberry. Cutting off a small portion of it, Bobby set it down next to Josh before the huge football stud continued to loom over Josh with his massive muscular body. Josh took a bite of the food Bobby gave him as he watched the giant push the remainder of the strawberry into his mouth, chewing slightly before swallowing it.
"Mmm always got room for more food." Bobby said as he savored the taste of the fruit. Josh started to sweat nervously a little. The fear he had starting to wash away and be replaced by desire. Josh just tried to imagine the strawberry, which was like the size of a house to him, which was so easily and enjoyable devoured by his giant friend. Josh caught himself staring up at Bobby for a moment before shaking it off.
"He was just staring…" Bobby thought silently to himself, as he watched Josh out of the corner of his eyes. "Guess Ty really wasn't playing…"
Bobby deliberately started to stroke his abs, before giving off a slight burp. "Oh, excuse me. Sorry bud, probably reminds you of my acting last night…"
"I-it's okay. You certainly had me fooled." Josh nervously answered, now starting to have mixed feelings about last night. "I guess you really had me when convinced when you had me in your mouth…"
"Oh dude, yeah that was all improv from that point." Bobby tried to embellish the events. "Man you were so hard to keep track of in there, I thought I was gonna accidently swallow you."
Josh bit his lip nervously, wondering what it would have been like. Terrifying or exciting? "R-really? That would've been… something…"
"Oh man, would've been a little inconvenient. Would've had to throw you up, bro." Bobby stretched a little and patted his stomach. "Or I could've left you down, dude. I mean it was what you wanted originally, right?"
"I guess it was… I'm sorry about that. It was really stupid." Josh felt bad and apologized. Bobby laughed and shrugged.
"Nahhh it ended up being fine. I had fun with it, you had fun with it. It's a double win, bro." Bobby assumed Josh actually had fun based off what Tyler told him. "I actually had a lot of fun when you were in my mouth, bro!"
"O-oh, well yeah I guess it was kinda crazy." Josh wanted Bobby to feel good. "It was really cool, you know in hindsight."
"Oh bro, I'm really glad you thought so!" Bobby was really starting to enjoy this. Bobby reached down, pinching Josh up between his fingers before dropping him into his palm. Josh yelped slightly in surprise before being deposited in the giant's hand. Josh looked up to see a wall of muscle that was Bobby's abs stretch across his entire field of view. Just then the massive wall gave off a loud soupy sounding gurgle.
"Oh my bad bro!" Bobby patted his stomach with his other hand, just above Josh. "My breakfast didn't stand a chance."
Josh couldn't help but blush, feeling welling back up from yesterday. Bobby slowly and deliberately brought Josh up to his face now finally. Bobby smiled, looking at his small friend very closely.
"You're so small, dude. I can't get over it…" Bobby brought Josh in closer. "I just wanna…"
Bobby brought his lips in close to Josh and licked the tiny man into his mouth. Bobby felt the same sensation he felt last night, enjoying just how small and helpless he was. Bobby swished him around in his mouth again, much like he did last night. This time though, he really wanted to take it further.
Thinking on it for a minute… Bobby…
Bobby couldn’t help but think what it would be like to swallow his little friend, he’d already gone this far, but why not go one step further? After all, it was what Josh originally wanted, right?
“Sorry little guy, but I’m sending you down to meet my breakfast!” Bobby thought to himself as he gulped, sending Josh straight down his gullet and into his stomach.
“Shit, that really was amazing” Bobby said out loud, gently rubbing his stomach. He knew he couldn’t keep Josh down for too long, especially with just having breakfast and promising him that he would be safe, but part of him really wanted to teach him a lesson for what happened previously. Maybe he could just leave him in there, after all, he was the one in total control!
Josh landed into a pile of half digested breakfast, managing to get a footing and his bearings quite quickly, still in shock at what Bobby had just done. “Bobby! You said I would be safe! Please get me out of here!” Josh shouted, but Bobby was of course oblivious to all of this as his stomach contents churned and gurgled lightly. Josh managed to get to the side of the stomach that was the most shallow, but he knew he wouldn’t have long unless Bobby got him out!
Meanwhile, Bobby was thinking back on his conversation with Tyler, about how he thought that Josh would actually want be swallowed by one of them. Bobby sent a text to Tyler, “Just gulped the little guy down dude.” Bobby’s stomach gurgled lightly as it processed his breakfast, he knew he wouldn’t have long to make his mind up now. “Let’s see what Tyler says” he thought.
“Awesome bud! So, you gonna keep the little runt down then?” Was Tyler’s reply.
Bobby had a long think before he sent his reply, “you know what dude, I think I am, just had breakfast too, so I ain’t gonna waste that!”
“Cool bro, he really wants this anyway, he should count himself lucky to be digested by one of his oldest friends, relax and enjoy dude!”
Bobby took Tyler’s words to heart, sitting himself down on the sofa and looking down at his abs, knowing that Josh was not going to be coming back. He still felt a little bad for swallowing him, but also happy that he was the one who was going to digest him, whether he really wanted it or not.
“Enjoy it down there bud, hope it’s not too bad for ya, can’t wait to turn you into a pathetic piece of shit, after all you called yourself pathetic last night! Gonna take until tomorrow for you to come out of my ass I reckon, so get comfortable while I get some extra breakfast!”
Josh remained still in Bobby’s stomach, hoping that it wouldn’t be long before he would be brought back up, as the gurgled and churning were getting slightly more load and aggressive. Josh’s hopes were soon dashed as more food came piling down, Bobby had made himself an omelette and was proceeding to demolish it quite quickly.
“Is he still eating?!” Josh’s heart sank, he knew that Bobby had now decided what he was going to do with him. “He’s leaving me in here, like the pathetic idiot I am” Josh thought as he began to sob, Bobby had gone back on his promise that he would be safe, he was treating Josh like any other piece of food, to be broken down, digested and shit out.
Josh accepted his fate and began walking toward the centre of the stomach, where the piles of freshly eaten food were piling up, acid began rising rapidly as the stomach prepared for another round of digestion. I trusted you Bobby, but I guess I do deserve this” Josh thought as he passed out and slid into the pile of mush, his body being broken down by the strong digestive juices of one of his oldest friends.
Outside, Bobby let out a massive burp “ah man that felt good!” He said as he rubbed his stomach, he knew there was no way back for Josh now, he was gone, digested, never to return. “Kept him down dude, guess deep down I wanted to digest him bro” he texted to Tyler.
“Amazing dude! It’s what he wanted, trust me. He gets to part of your massive bod now dude! I’m just gutted it wasn’t me, wanted to eat him for ages, then you come along and beat me to it!”
“Yeah, thanks for the snack little dude, see you in about 24 hours” Bobby thought to himself as he grabbed his things and got ready for a busy day, with the remains of Josh gently sloshing around in his digestive tract.
Bobby looked down at his phone, opting to pull up his mom's number. Putting the phone up to his ear, Bobby couldn't help but feel a little bad that he hadn't checked in with her yesterday. Bobby waited a second as the phone rang before he heard his mom's voice on the other end.
"Bobby, dear! How are you? I was worried you didn't call sooner!" The concerned voice of his mother, put a slight smile to the blonde stud's face.
"Sorry mom. Good morning by the way!" Bobby snarkily responded. "But yeah I just got wrapped up yesterday, sorry I forgot to call."
"It's alright, did you make it to your friend's alright?" She asked, sounding like she was doing something else in the background.
"Yeah I did. He uh…" Bobby felt bad telling her the next part after what he did to Josh last night. "He let me move in, rent free, and gave me a job."
"Oh wow! That's amazing!" Bobby's mom nearly squealed with excitement. "Oh Bobby, you must be so happy. You better be doing all his laundry and cleaning up his house!"
"I will I will…" Bobby felt even worse now, knowing he should have been more thankful for his circumstance.
"Good boy. How's your foot feeling, baby?" Bobby rolled his eyes, hating it when he mom treats him like a little kid.
"It's fine, mom. The boot came off this morning." Bobby tried to just give a quick answer, really wanting to get to his main point. "But hey mom, I was hoping I could get a little advice from you."
"Sure, baby. What's going on?" She asked, slightly concerned.
"So, Josh, my friend who I moved in with, last night me and another buddy may have played a bit of a prank on him." Bobby tried to tell the story while being as vague as possible. "I didn't mean for it to go as far as it did, but I got a little carried away… and I feel really bad."
"BOBBY WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Bobby had to pull the phone away from his face as his mom rose her voice much higher now. "You friend lets you in his home with open arms AND gets you a job and you did WHAT exactly?"
"I-I don't wanna get into it, mom. I just wanna make it up to him. He didn't seem mad this morning… just off…" Bobby really wanted to circumvent the fact that he basically made Josh beg for his life not to be eaten by him last night. Bobby's mom gave off a huge sigh on the other end as she lowered her voice.
"What am I going to do with you, Bobby…" She trailed off for a second, Bobby feeling even worse now. "Well first off whatever you did, you need to apologize. And I don't mean half ass it either!"
"Okay, okay…" Bobby realized maybe his initial apology might have not been genuine enough.
"But you know actions speak louder than words too! Show him you're sorry too." Bobby's mom continued her lecture. "Don't screw this up, okay?"
"I won't…" Bobby still felt dejected.
"Alright. TRY to be on your best behavior. I have to go to work, alright?" Bobby mom sounded like she was getting in a car.
"I will I will, love you mom." Bobby smiled slightly, feeling a little better.
"Love you too, baby." Bobby's mom answered as she hung up the phone. Bobby couldn't help but let out a sigh as he rubbed his forehead.
"How do I show him I'm sorry?" Bobby asked himself aloud. Trying to come up with an idea, Bobby brain stormed a little thinking he could try…
As soon as Josh leapt for the Gatorade he knew he had misjudged the gap, missing the bottle and plummeting towards the carpet at some speed.
“Shit!” He cried as he fell down towards one of Bobby’s giant feet, there was nothing he could do as he crashed head first onto the huge flat surface of the upper foot, the impact was such that Josh was knocked unconscious.
Bobby was watching the whole time as Josh fell, and looked down to see him lying on top of his foot, motionless.
“Shit! Josh, are you ok? Wake up little guy!”
“Man he must’ve really whacked into my foot, he’s totally out.” Bobby said to himself.
“What was he thinking? He obviously wanted to get into my drink without me seeing him, the little sneak” Looking down at the little speck on his foot, Bobby couldn’t help but wonder why he would want to be eaten.
“You wouldn’t stand a chance dude, even if I swallowed you and kept you there for a few minutes, you probably wouldn’t last, my stomach is a beast!” Right on cue, his stomach gave an audible gurgle, telling Bobby that there was more popcorn (and possibly more) to be eaten.
Rubbing his chiseled abs gently, he couldn’t help but think “what if he had jumped into my gatorade, I watched him, would I really have swallowed him?”
“I guess he’s the one who jumped, he wanted to be swallowed, but would he expect me to bring him back up alive? Or does he really want the whole trip through my guts? I still don’t get it dude.”
Looking down again at Josh, still unconscious, he began to think….
“I could swallow him now, keep him there for a couple of minutes maybe? Or just keep him down and digest him when he knows nothing about it?” Bobby did think that idea was maybe a bit cruel, but in the end it was Josh that made the choice to leap for the gatorade, so by default should Bobby not give Josh what he wanted, conscious or not?
Looking down at Josh, he picked him up in his hand and brought him up to his face.
Ok little guy, I’m think I’m gonna……..
Bobby turned Josh around, putting him in his palm with a curious expression. He really didn't know what must've been going through the tiny man's head, but he wanted to hear it straight from Josh himself. Leaning back in his seat, Bobby rested his hand on his lap as he resumed watching the movie, casually glancing down at Josh every now and then as he waited for him to come to.
- - -
Some time went by as Josh opened his eyes, putting a hand on his head and feeling quite dizzy. Josh pushed himself up as his eyes readjusted, taking in his surroundings as he saw Bobby's massive handsome face looking down at him.
"Heeey little buddy…" Bobby said gently as he rose his palm up closer to his face. "That was quite the jump you took, bro. You knocked yourself out on my foot."
"I did…?" Josh answered, memory slightly fuzzy, though he did clearly remember his intention to jump into the Gatorade.
"Yeahhh broooo." Bobby smiled, noticing Josh was still barely waking up. "It's cool bro, I saw the whole thing."
"The whole thing…?" Josh groggily repeated the words Bobby said as he forced himself into a seated position in Bobby's huge palm. Bobby chuckled, finding it kind of cute how out of it Josh was.
"Yeah dude, I saw where you were trying to jump." Bobby knew he had to confront Josh sooner rather than later. "Tried to sneak into my drink when I wasn't looking, huh bud?"
"I uhh…" Josh's head started to clear as he felt an intense wave of embarrassment. "Yeah…"
"Good thing you missed, bro. Might've not actually noticed you in there." Bobby lied, trying to scare Josh a little. "Or was that what you were hoping for, dude?"
"Um…" Josh was still quite embarrassed. "You'd know if I was lying…"
"I would bro, you're pathetically bad at it." Bobby smirked, living with Josh for some period of time gave the man some insight on how to read Josh. "So I didn't scare you well enough earlier huh dude? Look bro, let me be honest with you. I wasn't lying when I said I'd eat you. I think it'd be pretty fucking dope to gulp you down, bro."
"R-really?" Josh blushed, a little surprised Bobby was being so receptive. "There sounds like there's a 'but' though."
"There is, bro. The thing is, you're one of my best bros. I told you that I dunno how many times, dude." Bobby rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed. "So I'm like, doesn't matter if you want it, doesn't matter if I think it'd be dope. Just thinking about how fucking painful and terrifying it'd be for you, dude. Plus we wouldn't get to chill anymore and I just showed back up TODAY, bro."
Josh looked down, staring at Bobby's skin in his palm, feeling guilty. "I-i'm sorry. I acted selfishly. I didn't even consider any of those things."
Bobby simply waved his hand, not meaning to make Josh feel bad. "No bro, it's cool. Hell if I was Ty I would've probably ate you the second you woke up. I'd bet anything on it if I asked him, dude."
"Ha…" Josh let out a half assed laugh. "I bet you're right, but don't mention any of this to him, okay? It's embarrassing."
"No promises, bro!" Bobby winked at Josh causing him to blush a little more. "I'll do my best, but you know how he is!"
"Yeah I know…" Josh sighed, chuckling a little, knowing how pushy Tyler can be. "Still kind of funny how you're right about him."
"It is kind of funny, bro. You two have spent so much more time together than you and I have." Bobby pondered for a moment. "You'd think he'd be more hesitant than I would!"
"You'd think!" Josh laughed, agreeing with Bobby. "Maybe we just haven't spent enough time together yet!"
"Pffff you wish, bro." Bobby chuckled, feeling like Josh was leading him on. "But who knows, maybe eventually."
Josh felt his heart beat a little, liking how Bobby teased him a little. Bobby smirked, noticing Josh's tense silence.
"Got you all excited, huh bro?" Bobby continued to tease Josh. Josh covered his face, immediately embarrassed again by Bobby. Bobby gave a bit of a cocky smirk with another slight chuckle. "Man, it is fun to mess with you. But damn it's also way too fucking easy, bro."
"I know, I'm pathetic…" Josh admit, knowing how easy he was to tease by handsome jocks like Tyler and Bobby.
"Hey as long as you're aware of it, bro." Bobby continued his arrogant smirk. "Pathetic enough to eat one day. Maybe."
"Heh… maybe…" Josh smirked a bit himself, as he could only hope the sexy giant would indulge him. Josh teetered a bit as Bobby slowly got up to his feet, still holding him in his palm as he stood tall over the living room.
"Well for now, bro…" Bobby brought Josh close to his face. "I'm thinking that…"
"I was just thinking, bro. I at least want to put you in my mouth." Bobby held Josh up to his face, giving him a big smile with bright white teeth. "Don't get too excited though bro, I'm not gonna swallow you."
"T-that's fine!" Josh was surprised Bobby was even going this far after what he said. It was exciting to Josh though, Bobby must truly have as much of an interest as he was saying. He wasn't entire sure what to believe until now. "I promise to be be careful!"
"You better, bro." Bobby brought his palm up closer to his lips. "If you toss yourself down my throat I'll throw your ass up, tell Ty about all of this, and bro we'll never let you live it down. Deal?"
"D-deal!" Josh nervously swallowed, knowing Tyler would make his life living hell torturing him with the help of Bobby now if he messed this up. Bobby nodded and smile as he opened up his massive mouth, letting out his tongue and his breath washing over Josh. Josh took in the sight and smell, it was incredibly intense as he stared into his friend's cavernous maw, shaking as he went inside. Touching the wetness of Bobby's tongue, Josh hoisted himself inside as Bobby tilted his head back slightly, causing Josh to go on a slight downward tumble. Composing himself, Josh looked around for a moment before he was encased in darkness as Bobby closed his lips.
"Mmmm interesting…" Bobby spoke softly to himself as he could just barely taste Josh on his tongue, the tiny many squirming as Bobby figured he could barely stay on his feet. Bobby sucked Josh into his cheek, smiling as he toyed with the itty bit of a man with his tongue as he tossed him about playfully. Bobby swished Josh back into the middle of his mouth, squeezing him forwards and backwards.
"Bro it would be so fucking easy to swallow you." Bobby taunted Josh as he swished him to the back of his throat for a moment before leaning his head forward and feeling the tiny man get sloshed back to the front. He couldn't help but chuckle arrogantly a little as he thoroughly enjoyed this. Opening his mouth a little to let in some light, now Bobby stayed still a bit.
"Aight bro, I had my fun. Guess you can look around." Bobby tilted his head a little, still smirking from the fun he had messing with Josh. But now the giant figured the tiny should get some enjoyment of his own as he left Josh to his own volitions.
- - -
Head spinning, Josh tried to find his bearings. Pushing himself up from the slick surface of Bobby's tongue, Josh was in awe as thing finally stood still. Looking out the front of Bobby's mouth, it was like looking out the mouth of a massive cliff side cave. Though that cave looked out into his own living room. The experience was just so wild to Josh. He was literally INSIDE his best friend right now. Spinning around, Josh looked at Bobby's throat, opening and closing as the giant took soft breaths. It was incredible to the tiny man that there was this whole living moving world inside Bobby. Josh sweat a little as he crawled toward the back of Bobby's throat a little.
"Just to see…" Josh said to himself, Bobby's words of him and Tyler torturing him forever if he allowed himself to get swallowed. Stopping so he wouldn't tempt himself further, Josh sat where he was, watching the constrictions and relaxations of Bobby's throat. Staring at the building sized teeth, one of which had a tiny kernel from the popcorn stuck between it. Josh chuckled a little, wondering if Bobby even knew if the kernel was there.
"It's three time my size." Josh laughed, imagining that Bobby barely noticed the kernel, he was far more insignificant in the grand scheme of the giant's mouth. Josh frowned a little though. He wanted so badly to explore Bobby's body further. To just sacrifice himself to the giant and be part of his godlike body, damned be the consequences or pain he might experience.
"I might get this chance again…" Josh thought to himself in a bit of desperation. Perhaps he was wrong though. Maybe Bobby would get more adventurous over time? Or maybe this was way of Bobby getting it out of his system and forgetting about it.
"God how can I tell…" Josh sweat to himself, wanting so desperately for this to be a normal thing for him and Bobby to do. Looking back at Bobby's throat again, Josh…
Bobby brought Josh's limp body up closer to his face, pinched delicately between his fingers. Bobby smirked, as he made his decision as to what do do with his tiny friend.
"Aight dude, I don't understand it, but it was written all over your face earlier…" Bobby said to the unconscious little man. Bobby brought Josh closer to his mouth. "Besides… I did say I'd eat you… maybe it won't be as bad if you stay asleep."
Bobby leaned back a little and opened his mouth. Slightly hesitant, Bobby waited a moment before finally dropping Josh down taking a second before he felt the little man hit his tongue. Closing his mouth an closing his eyes, Bobby thought about what he was about to do one last time. Knowing it was what Josh wanted, and deep down what he wanted, Bobby lurched his tongue, shoving Josh to the back of his throat and swallowing the tiny man down with incredible ease. Bobby opened his eyes suddenly and gasped, gasping at what he had just done. Moving the popcorn bowl to his side and standing up, Bobby winced for a second as he got onto his bad foot and made his way into a bathroom on the first floor of Josh's house. Flipping the light on, Bobby looked in the mirror. Instinctively he admired his reflection for a second, flexing his chest and abs a little before remembering why it was he came in here.
Bobby got closer to the mirror and opened his mouth, putting a finger around his lips and stretching it out a little as he moved his tongue around and looked. Unsurprisingly to the handsome giant, Bobby didn't see anything. No specks, no stay bits of anything.
"I don't know what I expected, really." Bobby said to himself as he backed away from the mirror. Given the fact that Josh was likely still unconscious, Bobby ran a hand up and down his chest, not feeling anything as he assumed the little man might have squirmed otherwise. He didn't know when the little guy would land inside his stomach, and to the giant it didn't truly matter. Bobby felt his stomach give a slight gurgle, causing the muscular jock to let out a modest burp.
"Oh whoops." Bobby apologized to no one. Giving his stomach a slight pat, Bobby couldn't help but smirk a little. "Wonder if that's my stomach's way of telling me he made it?"
Shrugging, Bobby really didn't know. The giant left the bathroom and made his way back into the living room, lounging back into the sofa and grabbing the bowl of popcorn once more. Unpausing the movie, Bobby tried to distract his mind, hoping Josh didn't wake up in time to be painfully digested.
- - -
Josh shook his head, and rubbed his eyes. It was pitch black, and horribly humid. Struggling to get to his feet, he tried desperately to look around.
"Where… am I?" Josh asked aloud. Josh had no recollection of what happened or where he was. Josh rubbed his head as the chamber he was in seemed peaceful enough.
"I remember… I jumped for Bobby's gatorade…" Josh said to himself as he recalled moments before his jump. "But I missed…"
Josh couldn't piece it together. Had the fall killed him? The was a loud groan followed by a churn in Bobby's stomach as Josh was swept away violently. Struggling, Josh cried out as he somehow found himself still afloat in the muck.
"What?! Am I in a stomach?!" Josh yelled, realizing now his predicament. "B-but I missed Bobby's drink!"
Josh couldn't rationalize it. Who's stomach was he in? Was it Bobby's? How'd he end up here if he missed Bobby's drink?
"There's no way… he saw me?" Josh wondered as Bobby's digestive chyme swirled about, determined to digest Josh alive. Josh was swept under the acidic lake, starting to burn and writhe in pain now as he thought his last thoughts. "He…. he ate me?"
With that, Josh's body was easily broken down by the muscular titan. True to Bobby's word, Josh didn't stand a chance.
- - -
Bobby finished off the popcorn what must've been an hours ago. Yet the giant was still cradling his gatorade. He had taken a few sips, but there was something just weird to him about the fact that Josh almost tossed himself into it. Those gulps would have easily sucked up the tiny man and sent him on a one way journey into his gut.
"What's it matter, you ate him anyway." Bobby looked stubbornly down into the blue liquid. Setting it down, Bobby sighed as the movie ended. Grabbing his phone, he decided to pull up Tyler's number and call up his friend.
"Sup Bobby booooi!" Tyler yelled through the receiver as he answered. Bobby immediately smiled at the answer.
"Yoooo what's good Ty!" Bobby felt better already as he talked with Tyler.
"What's up, bro? Bored with the little squirt or something?" Tyler joked, laughing as he could only scarcely imagine.
"Well. Kinda, bro." Bobby started off, still slightly ashamed. "So here's the deal, dude…"
Bobby recounted the story of what happened, down to the teasing he gave the little guy after Tyler left, all the way to the decision he made after Josh jumped.
"So yeah, guess you really won't be seeing him tomorrow, bro." Bobby finished off his story as Tyler burst into laughter. Bobby sweat a little, unsure about Tyler's reaction.
"Dude, this is priceless! He tried to JUMP into your gatorade and MISSED?!" Tyler put so much extra hilarity on the his words. "Bro, I'm in tears. This is too funny."
"Really dude? I thought you'd be a little pissed." Bobby smiled a little, relived to know Tyler was so entertained.
"What? No way, dude. Bro, if I was in your place, I would've waited for him to wake up and ate him on the spot, whether he regret the jump or not." Tyler insisted. "I would have made him BEG me not to, then ate him anyway. You let him off easy in my opinion."
"You think so?" Bobby asked, looking down at his abs. "Guess he didn't stand much of a chance either way though, huh bro?"
"Not even a little bit, dude." Tyler agreed. "Either way, I'm proud of you Bobby boi. The little squirt had to learn the hard way who's at the top of the food chain."
"Ha! Right on bro!" Bobby smiled, completely forgetting by now that Josh was basically no more. Little did either giant know what horrible and painful fate Josh endured, despite being 'let off easy'.
Still holding the tiny unconscious body of Josh in his hand, Bobby started to open his mouth, it would seem so easy for him to just drop him in and swallow him, send him down to the pit of his stomach, go to sleep and forget about him.
“Nah, I couldn’t do that to him, but I am gonna embarrass him by letting Tyler know what he tried to do!”
Bobby sent Tyler a quick text, just checking whether he’d made it home ok, just to start the conversation.
“Sup dude!” Tyler replied
“All good here Ty, just had a bit of an incident with Josh though!”
“Don’t tell me, you ate him and now he’s churning away to mush in your stomach?” Tyler replied with a laughing emoji.
“Not quite dude, but I caught him trying to actually leap into my gatorade, but he missed and then knocked himself clean out by falling onto the floor! He’s still out now!”
“You are joking me dude!” Tyler replied with many laughing emojis.
“Seriously, he really wanted to be in my gatorade and get swallowed! But even seeing him now I can’t bring myself to do it, even if he wants to, maybe the fall scared him and now he’s changed his mind?”
“Doubt it dude, I think he’d want it, but maybe let him come round and I’ll have a talk to him at work about it, maybe embarrass him some more!”
Bobby was relieved at this response, “cool, thanks Ty, will catch you later then!”
“No probs dude, see you later!” Came the final reply.
Just as that last reply came though Josh started to stir, obviously feeling very disorientated after the fall. Managing to quickly get his bearings back he had a quick look around to see that he was on Bobby’s colossal palm, with Bobby looking right down at him.
“Don’t think I didn’t see what you tried little guy, it’s a good job you missed or you’d be stewing away in here right now", he said, patting his abs.
Josh looked up apologetically, “sorry Bobby, I really don’t know what came over me, I think I would’ve regretted it too, now that I’ve had a chance to get my head together.”
“Great, now I think we should get some sleep, your head deffo needs a good rest!” Bobby replied.
Bobby put Josh on his bedside table, covered by one of his clean socks to act as a sort of sleeping bag, even though to Josh it was still huge, but very comfy. It didn’t take long for both of them to fall asleep after the eventful evening.
After the park reopened, Bobby brought Josh to work in his still shrunken state and dropped him off in his office. Saying his goodbyes he went off to perform his lifeguard duties, leaving Josh to his work.
A few minutes went by when Tyler burst into the office, looking very happy with himself.
“You seem in a good mood Tyler!” Josh said, looking up at his hunky head lifeguard.
Yep, I’m good boss, just had a good breakfast, but didn’t have time to finish my soda, you don’t mind if I put it on your desk do you?”
Before Josh had time to say anything Tyler plonked the giant soda cup onto the desk, right next to where Josh was (“what’s he up to”) Josh thought to himself.
Figured you might be thirsty boss, Tyler said. With that, he picked Josh up and put him straight into the soda cup, which was drained just enough so that Josh couldn’t reach the edges to climb out.
“Tyler, what are you playing at?!” Josh shouted.
“Nothing boss! Just heard from Bobby that you like swimming in people's drinks, just so you can get a hunky guy to gulp you down into their stomach” he said, rubbing his abs with a big smile on his face.
“That was a moment of madness Tyler! I wasn’t really thinking straight!” Josh said, trying to defend his actions.
“Yeah right dude, maybe that’s the case, but why wouldn’t you want to be inside a stomach like mine, churning and digesting away, becoming fuel for your god?”
Josh didn’t really have an answer to this, he knew he was curious, but, he didn’t want to be digested, it would seem like such a waste of his life, his future, but Tyler seemed hell bent on sending Josh down to join his breakfast, which was already being mercilessly digested in the depths of his stomach.
“Tell you what boss, I’ve got a few things I need to do around the waterpark first, so I’m gonna leave this cup here, maybe someone else will come in and beat me to it and swallow you down eh?”
“What if no one does?” Josh asked worryingly
“Then…. I get to decide what I do with you, I might swallow you, I might not, but either way you know you’re gonna end up as my food at some point little guy” he said with a smirk.
With that, he turned and left the office, leaving Josh floating helplessly in the orange coloured soda.
Ten minutes of floating around later…….
It wasn't too long before Josh heard the door to his office open once again. "Oh god…"
Josh wasn't used to this, he almost never stays in the park shrunken like this! Josh could heard the heavy foot falls of a giant walking toward his desk. Thanks to the rim of the cup, Josh couldn't see anything.
As the stomping got closer and closer, Josh noticed the giant was completely aloof of his situation.
The giant was none other than…
"B-Bobby?!" Josh stared up at the giant as he stood over the cup, looking around the office. Josh couldn't help but blush a little as he stared up at the shirtless giant, sitting in the exact scenario he stupidly wanted to be in the other day. But things changed, he didn't want his best friend to unknowingly drink him now! Waving his arms and calling out, Josh tried his best to get the titan's attention.
- - -
"Shit what the hell did he do with Josh now?" Bobby said to himself, seeing Josh wasn't where he left him just earlier this morning. Tyler told him he grabbed him a drink and left it in the office so it was his main reason for doubling back here. Seeing the soda on the desk, Bobby grabbed it figuring it to be the drink Tyler left with him.
"Ugh he probably took him again…" Bobby rolled his eyes as he took a sip of the beverage, knowing Tyler was way too amped up about what had happened the other night. "Poor dude, better find Ty and make him tell me where he is…"
Chugging the rest of the drink, Bobby wiped his mouth as he tossed the cup into Josh's trash and made his way out of the office.
- - -
Josh screamed as he was sent hurling down Bobby's gullet in a torrent of soda. He couldn't believe this would happen after what he went through a little while ago with Bobby.
"God this was all just a stupid mistake!" Josh regret ever even thinking about jumping in Bobby's drink. But now that he was here thanks to Tyler, it was absolutely not what Josh expected. He was terrified. Bobby's massive stomach groaned and moaned as it mixed the liquid with in it. It was like something straight out of a horror movie for Josh as he was helpless part of that digestive process. Why he ever thought this was a good idea in the first place was completely beyond him. But thanks to his stupidity, Josh almost felt like he deserved this fate. Josh's only hope was that Tyler would tell Bobby he was in that soda…
- - -
"Yo! There you are!" Bobby finally found Tyler, chilling at a lifeguard stand at the wave pool. Getting off the chair, Tyler jumped down and smiled at Bobby.
"Yo, Bobby boi!" Tyler offered Bobby a fist bump, who instinctively bumped back, despite wanting to question Tyler.
"Dude, what'd you do with Josh this time?" Bobby crossed his arms, immediately still suspicious.
"Huh?" Tyler played dumb. "Nothing, why?"
"Dude…" Bobby could tell Tyler was lying. Tyler meanwhile put a hand on his chest, acting offended.
"Bo! I didn't do anything." Tyler still feigned ignorance. "He's in his office."
"Is he?" Bobby rose an eyebrow. "He wasn't like stuffed in a sock under his desk or anything was he?"
"No dude, promise." Tyler pounded his chest a little. "He might've just been hiding. Maybe he thought you were me?"
"Maybe…" Bobby admitted to himself he didn't look TOO hard. "Alright fine, dude. Sorry for being suspicious."
"It's all good, bro." Tyler fist bumped Bobby again. Lowering his sunglasses and sighing, Bobby looked around at the park, letting out a casual burp as he did so.
"Oh thanks for the drink by the way, dude." Bobby remembered the soda as he could taste it again in his mouth a little.
"Oh any time, buddy!" Tyler smiled to himself, now realizing EXACTLY where Josh was. He couldn't help but smirk, glad Bobby was the one who ultimately took the bait.
It wasn't too long before Josh heard the door to his office open once again. "Oh god…"
Josh wasn't used to this, he almost never stays in the park shrunken like this! Josh could heard the heavy foot falls of a giant walking toward his desk. Thanks to the rim of the cup, Josh couldn't see anything.
As the stomping got closer and closer, Josh looked up and met eyes with a giant, looking down in the cup at him.
It was none other than…
Josh looked up, seeing the handsome blue eyes and shaggy hair of Brett looking down at him. The giant rose an eyebrow as he peered into the cup.
"Uh. What are you doing, boss?" Brett asked, not used to seeing Josh shrunk IN the park before, let alone floating around in a cup of soda on his desk.
"Oh! Hey Brett… I'm just uh…. hanging out?" Josh answered, a little embarrassed by the truth.
"Right." Brett easily could see through the situation. "Tyler put you here, didn't he?"
"Yeah…" Josh slumped, knowing that of all the muscle bound lifeguards he employed, Brett was likely the most intelligent and perceptive. Josh watched as Brett let out a sigh, as the giant reached down into the soda and plucked him out before holding him in his enormous palm.
"Any particular reason this time or was he just trying to get you killed?" Brett leaned against the desk and held Josh a little closer up to his face.
"Well…" Josh recounted the events of the past few days as well as what happened not to long ago with Tyler to Brett.
"Huh, well that makes sense, dude." Brett shook his head with a chuckle. "He was parading around the park saying how you were taking a dip in your office and how funny it would be if someone drank you."
"Ugh." Josh groaned. "I kept telling him, the other day was a mistake. I wasn't thinking."
"Sounds like he's not about to let it go." Brett shrugged and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. "How about I help you out? I've got an idea."
"I'm willing to try anything." Josh sighed in desperation. Brett nodded as he went behind Josh's desk and put him up on a high shelf with some books. Josh stood and looked out at Brett as he grabbed the soda.
"Stay up there, if Tyler comes in here do not show yourself to him." Brett commanded Josh. Brett probably couldn't see but Josh nodded in obedience. "I'm off at noon, so I'll come get you then. Sit tight till then, dude."
Josh watched as Brett walked out of the room, cup of soda in hand. Josh laid back and shut his eyes, trying to relax and put his trust in Brett.
- - -
Some time passed and Josh heard the door to his office open once again. Josh sat up slightly and peeked to see it was none other than Tyler and Bobby.
"Aw dude, someone already got to him!" Tyler looked over at Josh's desk, immediately noticing the cup was gone.
"Wonder who it was?" Bobby crossed his arms and looked at Tyler as his friend walked over to the desk.
"We should find out! I wanna ask if they felt him squirming!" Tyler smiled, turning back to Bobby. Bobby chuckled a little at Tyler's excitement.
"Think he ended up happy with what you did?" Bobby asked, still a bit of hesitation in his voice. Tyler laughed and slapped Bobby on the back.
"Bro, he's probably ecstatic!" Tyler beamed triumphantly. "Bet he regrets it not being you or me though!"
"You think so, bro?" Bobby smiled now with more confidence.
"Oh for sure, that's what he gets for second guessing himself!" Tyler started to lead Bobby out of the room. Josh watched as the two left, shutting the door to his office behind them.
"Wow, they don't even seem upset I'm gone." Josh frowned. It was a bit of a tough pill to swallow, considering Josh thought of the two as his best friends. Josh rolled on his side, trying not to think about.
- - -
Finally, noon started to roll around as Josh heard the door to his office open once again. Coming through the door, this time Josh saw…
Josh looked up, making sure it was safe. Seeing Brett walk in, Josh breathed a sigh of relief. But Josh was shocked when he saw Luke trailing behind him.
"Weird, Brett can't stand Luke…" Josh said to himself, finding it odd that they were together. Brett walked over to where he hide Josh and showed Luke.
"He's right here, like I said." Brett said to Luke, a little sternly and impatiently. Luke came up and squinted, needing to get on his toes slightly to the same level as Brett to see Josh.
"Yo! How's it hanging buddy? It was funny pretending to eat you!" Luke smiled with a friendly tone at Josh.
"Pretended to eat me?" Josh asked, wondering what Brett had done. Brett shrugged.
"Yeah, I figured if anyone was down with that dumb of an idea, it would be Luke." Brett explained his reasoning for recruiting him. "Besides, when Ty questioned him he definitely sold it."
"Yo boss, I think I'm dreaming! Bretty boy just complimented me!" Luke was positively beaming. Brett merely rolled his eyes.
"All I'm saying is I knew you'd be able to stoop to same level of idiocy as Tyler would better than I would have." Brett sneered at Luke, truly unable to understand how he even managed to approach Luke with this whole idea. Luke looked at Josh with a look of 'not bad' on his face and shrugged his shoulder a little.
"I'll still take it, dude." Luke smiled, not letting Brett's callousness get him down. "Either way, bro. Thanks to Bretty's plan Tyler totally thinks you bit the dust in my gut."
"How… how'd he take it?" Josh asked, already feeling like he knew the answer.
"Seemed pretty excited, bro." Luke scratched his cheek. "He was asking me a million questions, but I just bull shit him and tried to sell it, bro."
"Oh." Josh looked down, feeling a little down, hoping it would've hit Tyler by now that he was 'gone'. Brett looked at Josh, noticing the man's disappointment.
"Maybe he'll come around in a few days, once he realizes you're actually gone." Brett tried to reassure Josh, feeling a little bad.
"Maybe." Josh answered, a little disheveled still. Luke tilted his head, now noticing himself Josh looked kind of down.
"Bretty, we should take Josh somewhere and cheer him up!" Luke smiled at Brett who jumped a little in shock. "We'll have to keep him little though, so Bobby and Tyler don't see him or catch on."
"What makes you think I want to hang out with you?" Brett glared at Luke. Luke simply continued to act jovial as he put his hands on his hips.
"Come on, dude! A. I helped you, didn't I? and B. It's for Josh, not me, bro!" Luke laid out his reasonings. Brett crossed his arms and sighed.
"I guess it would be fine." Brett conceded. Luke smiled as he reached a hand up for Josh, plucking the little guy up and putting him in his palm.
The two men carried Josh out of his office, and subsequently out of the park. Despite being 'dead' Josh couldn't help but smile a little. It was nice seeing his misfortune actually lead to Brett and Luke getting along for once. Luke and Brett debated on what to do, ultimately deciding to settle on…
"Let's just go to my place. We can hang out and Josh can lay low." Brett made the decision as he walked along side Luke. Luke gave a slight skip in excitement.
"Oh man! Hanging out at Bretty's?! This exciting!" Luke smiled, looking down at Josh joyfully as Brett rolled his eyes.
"Is this a big deal?" Josh asked, trying to sit back and enjoy the time with the two men.
"Sure is! I've only been at Brett's once, and it was because Matt brought me with him." Luke chuckled, thinking about Brett's look of surprise when it happened.
"Ugh. Matt didn't tell me he was bringing him." Brett smiled slightly as he recounted the time. "Man, I was so mad."
"Oh come on, Bretty! We had fun that day!" Luke answered optimistically.
"I guess so." Brett shrugged, still smirking a little. Luke put his other arm around Brett and obnoxiously patted him on the shoulder.
"He's a softy!" Luke yelled excitedly as Josh could feel Brett's anger boiling up from Luke's hand. Brett punched Luke in the gut, causing the man to rear in pain for a second as Brett kept waking away. Luke smiled as he looked down at Josh.
"Normally he'd hit me a lot harder!" Luke told Josh as he rubbed his stomach as the two caught back up with Brett. Josh couldn't help but laugh as he was carried to Brett's place.
- - -
Eventually, Josh found himself on the nice clean table in Brett's apartment. Looking around, Brett was about as tidy as Josh would have expected. Luke sat at the table with Josh, still shirtless just wearing his red lifeguard shorts. A few minutes went by and Brett emerged wearing a tight white compression shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.
"Hey Bretty, nice of you to join us!" Luke smiled as looked to see Brett finished changing. "Oh bro, now I'm the only one with my shirt off!"
Luke flexed his pecs and laughed as Brett just rolled his eyes and took a seat at the table. "Sorry if he was extra obnoxious while I was gone."
"He was fine, just the usual amount of obnoxiousness." Josh joked as Luke sat up and looked shocked, while Brett couldn't help but chuckle.
"Boss! I'm hurt!" Luke sat up from his chair. "You're lucky you're not actually stewing in my gut right now, bro!"
Brett couldn't help but actually chuckle at what Luke said for a change. "Watch it Luke, talk like that and he might go diving into your drink some day."
"Hey!" Josh felt slightly betrayed. "Who's side are you on?"
"Sorry, dude." Brett laughed. "I just can't believe that whole story, what if you hadn't missed Bobby's gatorade?"
"Wouldn't be here right now, I guess." Josh thought about it, almost wishing with how Tyler and Bobby acted that he had just made the jump in the first place. "Guess Bobby would have never known either."
"I wonder if Tyler would've been less smug in that case about you going missing." Brett shrugged, thinking about how excited Tyler was earlier.
"I would've probably been better off." Josh slumped a little. "Or maybe I would've been better off if you just drank that soda earlier, or if Luke really did just do me in."
Brett looked at Luke with concerned look as Luke crossed his arms.
"Maybe we shouldn't have told you, dude." Luke apologized. Josh simply shook his head.
"It's okay, they came in the office. I already knew they didn't care." Josh reassured them.
"Fuck em!" Luke slammed a fist on the table. "Bretty and I would miss you."
"He's right, but I do understand how you feel." Brett agreed with Luke. "Besides you can't help how you felt when you tried to jump in the first place right? Why was that?"
"It's gonna sound stupid, but they were teasing me about eating me." Josh started telling the story. "And all I could think about was how crazy it would be to let it happen."
"Well Bobby must've had a ton of restraint after he didn't just swallow you after you missed his drink." Luke tried to give Bobby some credit. "If it was me, I would've just swallowed you while you were still knocked out!"
"Really?" Josh wasn't sure if the idea should have excited him or not.
"Yup! I mean, bro I would've missed you, but I'd have given you a hell of a last ride!" Luke smiled and patted his stomach. Luke looked over at Brett. "What about you Bretty?"
"Uh…" Brett rose an eyebrow, having not really thought about it. "I would've probably waited for you to wake up first, then swallowed you. Guess I couldn't blame you if you wanted to part of me."
"I'm a little surprised." Josh was shocked. "Because honestly I…"
"Honestly, Luke if you did actually eat me I'd love it." Josh spewed out his words honestly, feeling a lot like he did when he almost sacrificed himself to Bobby.
"Really, why Luke?" Brett crossed his arms, feeling a little jealous actually. "Oh probably because he's a dumb meat head?"
"Hey!" Luke turned to Brett, offended. "But wait what?"
"I-I!" Josh turned red with embarrassment as he sat on the table. "Maybe you're right Brett. Maybe there's just something exciting about just being digested by someone who's intellect is far below my own, but there'd be nothing I can do about it."
Brett shrugged. "Doesn't get much lower than Luke."
"What are we talking about?" Luke looked at Brett and Josh with confusion. Brett let out another sigh.
"Josh wants you to eat him, dumbass." Brett spelled it out very simply to the dumb blonde.
"Huh? Did we get to him that easily?" Luke still seemed confused.
"I just…" Josh tried to explain. "Tyler and Bobby didn't care about me dying. I wish I would've just landed in the cup to begin with. But now the way things are… screw Bobby and Ty. So like if you would do it, Luke… I'd want you to."
"That's a lot of pressure, bro!" Luke ran his hands through his hair a little. Just then, Luke's stomach gave a loud audible gurgle. "Uhhh sorry I haven't had lunch yet."
"Well I'm offering myself." Josh stood up, feeling like it was a noble sacrifice. Brett gave another laugh.
"Dude, sorry but you're so tiny I doubt you'd fill his fat gut." Brett smirked, thinking Josh's words were kind of cute.
"I know… but I just thought it was good timing." Josh blushed, embarrassed Brett called him out like that. Luke meanwhile, sat with his arms crossed in contemplation.
"What's wrong?" Brett turned to Luke, noticing he wasn't his usual over enthusiastic self.
"Huh?" Luke snapped out of his thought. "Oh just… I know I said I would do it like a minute ago. But now just sitting here actually about to do it. I don't know, dude."
"Well for as much shit as I give you, at least it shows you give a fuck about Josh." Brett shrugged, giving Luke a little credit. "That's more than the other two."
"Thanks, Bretty!" Luke perked back up. Brett meanwhile rolled his eyes, hating complimenting Luke so much in one day. Luke reach down and scooped Josh up into his hand, holding him up to his face. "You really sure about this boss?"
"I… I am." Josh hesitated slightly but was really sure this time. "It's like Brett says too, better you than Bobby or Ty."
"Well bro…" Luke smiled. "In that case…"
"I'll be honest, I'm surprised that's how either of you would react." Josh frowned slightly, feeling like neither of the men would have even given him a chance to explain himself. "You guys wouldn't have even given me a chance?"
"I mean, if it was THAT obvious what you were doing, dude." Luke shrugged, laughing a little bit. "And if I just got done teasing you all day about eating you? Yeah, would be an easy call for me, bro."
Brett shrugged and sighed. "Hate to admit to agreeing with Luke. But I do agree. Not that I'd tease you like that to begin with."
"Come on, bro." Luke rose an eyebrow at Brett. "It's hard not to tease a tiny person like that. It's like, instinct for a giant to remind a tiny that we could eat them or crush them at any moment."
"Sounds clique to me." Brett shook his head. "I'd hope people like you or Tyler would get better material."
"Hey! I'm way more original than Ty is!" Luke puffed slightly, a little annoyed. "Right, Josh?"
"Uhhh right!" Josh mostly just instinctively agreed. Brett sighed again.
"You don't always need to agree with him, dude." Brett looked at Josh like this was entirely too expected.
"S-sorry…" Josh stuttered, feeling like he was now annoying Brett. Brett sighed again, a reoccurring problem.
"You don't need to apologize to me, either." Brett shook his head. "Maybe that's the issue here. Josh just goes along with whatever people want. Bobby teased him about eating him, so he jumped into his drink. I make a plan to trick Ty and Bobby, he goes along with it…"
"Huh! You're right, Bretty!" Luke just pieced it all together too. "He's like a itty bitty people pleaser!"
"Hey!" Josh blushed, very embarrassed he was being called out like this. "That's not true! I'm just a little… impulsive… I guess?"
"Riiiight…" Brett clearly wasn't convinced. "Hey, Josh. I got something stuck in my teeth. Think you could take a look?"
"Um, sure?" Josh reacted without thinking, not understanding why he brought it up so suddenly.
"Buuzzt." Brett made a noise like Josh answered a question wrong. "Wrong answer, dude. If I was Tyler, or probably Luke, I would've just swallowed your gullible ass down."
Luke crossed his arms looking a little guilty. "Yeahhhhh I totally would, dude. That is pretty gullible."
"See, boss? If Luke thinks so, you know it's bad." Brett nodded his head, surprised at how much him and Luke were on the same page today. Josh meanwhile, stood there quite stunned. Luke looked down at Josh, seeing how he stood motionless.
"I think you broke him, Bretty." Luke pointed out, reaching a finger down and giving Josh a gentle poke, knocking him off his feet and back to his senses. Josh shook his head as he pulled himself back up on his feet.
"W-what do I do then?" Josh looked up at Brett, feeling like his impulsive need to please people is what almost got him to throw away his life.
"If I just tell you, you're just going along with what I say." Brett crossed his arms, a little frustrated with the tiny man.
"Right… so I suppose the answer is for me to be more independent. Don't just go along with whoever is teasing me or asking something of me…" Josh took Brett's words to heart, knowing he was right and that he was far too willing to give into other people's desires.
"Good. Well might as well practice." Brett looked over at Luke now. "Luke? Mind helping out."
"You got it! Temptations, coming up!" Luke cracked his knuckles as he looked down at Josh. Luke smirked as he started to…
Luke flexed his arms as he bent down with an arrogant smirk. "Alright, squirt. You're gonna listen up to big ol' master Luke from now on."
"H-huh?" Josh was confused by the sudden tonal shift, however he couldn't help but blush a little as Luke's dominant personality was quite intoxicating. Josh knew Luke was testing him though, so he tried his best to stand firm, though he could feel his knees already get a little weak.
"Huh?!" Luke mocked Josh's tiny squeaky voice. "Don't be surprised, runt. Bow down and worship me for the god I am."
Brett rolled his eyes. He could tell Luke was enjoying this far too much. However, he watched Josh tremble. Smirking and crossing his arms, he figured there was no better person for the job than Luke right now.
"N-no…?" Josh tried to fight his urges to drop to his knees and worship the giant. Knowing this was a test, Josh simply stood quivering. Luke dropped his arms and moved in closer, flexing his chest as he did so. Josh's face felt so hot, he only imagined it was blood red.
"I wasn't giving you a choice, runt." Luke leaned in more, completely eclipsing Josh's view. "Bow or else I'll squash you like a little bug."
"N-no." Josh tried to be a little more firm. He knew Luke wasn't really going to squish him after all. Be he couldn't help but wonder what his reaction would be if it were a giant who was intent on squishing him? Josh swallowed nervously though as Luke slammed his fist onto the table next to him. It wasn't that close, or that hard, but it was still enough to make Josh a bit nervous.
"Not afraid of being squashed, eh bug?" Luke lifted his fist from the table, instead resting his elbow on the table, hovering his open arm pit over Josh's tiny form. "You know bug, you're right. Squashing you would be too easy. Maybe you're better suited to worship these sweaty pits?"
"N-" Josh tried to retort, but Luke quickly scooped him up, squishing him into his arm pit and closing the tiny man inside.
"Luke…" Brett looked at the blonde with a disappointed look. Luke tiled his head over to Brett, slightly confused.
"What?" Luke straightened up, keeping his arm shut.
"He can't exactly resist temptation if you just shove him in your arm pit…" Brett shook his head.
"Oh… right yeah." Luke laughed reaching into his arm pit and plucking Josh out into his palm. Looking down at the tiny dazed man, Luke smiled. "Sorry, dude! Broke the script a little there!"
"It's fine…" Josh's head still spun a little in a daze.
"Didja like it in there?" Luke teased Josh, wondering if he could catch him off guard.
"Yea--- no!" Josh tried to catch himself, still coming out of his daze. Nervously he looked over at Brett, who narrowed his eyes a little.
"Slipped up did ya?" Luke mocked Josh. "Pathetic little runt. Maybe you should stay in there all night as punishment…"
"He'd like that too much." Brett shrugged, adding in commentary now to try and humiliate Josh into learning his lesson. "Maybe he's a lost cause."
"No!" Josh tried to protest. "I-I don't want that and I'm able to resist."
"No you're not." Luke laughed arrogantly at Josh. "You're a pathetic little runt. You WANT to be trapped in my pits. You WANT me to eat your pathetic little loser ass."
"I…" Josh felt completely flustered. "I…"
"I… I…" Josh felt like he was breaking down. "I can't do this right now."
Luke and Brett looked at one another as Josh collapsed in the giant's hand, resigning himself to tucking in his legs and laying on his side.
"Hey, dude…" Luke tried to comfort Josh a little. "It was just an act, bro."
"Nooo it's not that…" Josh whined. "It's just everything that happened. The way Tyler and Bobby acted. They don't even care. What's matter? I'm hopeless, I am pathetic."
"Why don't we just take it easy for a bit?" Brett tried to break up the tension, stepping in next to Luke. "I think we pushed you too hard too fast, bud."
"Yeah, Brett's right." Luke tried to put on a smile. "Plus you're not pathetic or hopeless! Like we said, forget about Bobby and Tyler!"
"Yeah screw em." Brett waved his hand. "We're you're friends, and we like you."
"It is nice seeing you two get along…" Josh still laid there but cracked a slight smile. Luke brightened up, putting his arm around Brett, who simply groaned and allowed the action.
"I guess Luke's not so bad." Brett grit his teeth a little. "At least he's not a heartless asshole like Tyler or Bobby."
"I must be dreaming!" Luke squeezed Brett a little closer, who finally pushed back a little.
"Don't push it…" Brett jeered a little at Luke, crossing his arms and not wanting him to get too comfortable with the idea of being friends. Though he notice Josh give a few small squeaky giggles. Brett couldn't help but smile a little knowing Josh was cheering up a little. "Anyway little guy, you should stay here with me for a few days. Luke's place is a mess, so definitely don't go there."
"Hey!" Luke protested. "You've never even been to my place!"
"So?" Brett rose an eyebrow. "Am I wrong?"
"No…" Luke gave up, knowing it was true.
"Anyway… Luke and I will eavesdrop around Tyler and Luke. I give em two days max before they break down and start missing you." Brett shrugged, knowing how impulsive Tyler can be and how quickly he would be to regret his actions. "I'll make sure to sprinkle in some guilt to them too if I happen to be around."
"Oh same!" Luke gave his chest a pound. "I got you bro, especially since they think I was the one who drank you!"
"Thanks guys…" Josh sat up a little, eyes still a bit puffy from his depression.
- - -
As the days went on, Josh stayed at Brett's place mostly doing a lot of waiting around for the giant to come home. Pleasantly surprised to see Luke come by every day now with Brett, it made Josh happy to see the two seemed to be legitimately getting along. After a few days passed, Josh waited for the pair to come back to Brett's apartment. Having done recon on Tyler and Bobby, Luke and Brett were able to find out that…
Josh sweat nervously as the giant stomped closer to the cup, scared whoever it was wouldn't notice him in it. Josh looked up, wondering if it was Tyler, but noticed actually the dark skin of Markus as the massive 6'9" man loomed over the cup. Josh waved up at the giant as he met eyes with the enormous man.
"Boss? Bro, why are you taking a dip in a soda?" Markus grabbed the cup, lifting it up to his face. "Ty's been running around the park telling everyone there's a free soda in your office."
"Sounds about right…" Josh floated there in dismay. "I didn't ask for this, trust me."
"I don't doubt it, bro." Markus reached into the cup, scooping Josh out carefully into his palm. "Yo what if someone actually came in here and drank you, dude?"
"That was Tyler's plan." Josh shook off the soda, though he was wrinkly and uncomfortable from floating in it all day. Markus meanwhile rose an eyebrow at Josh's answer.
"Uhhh was he trying to get you drank? Yo, that's wack dude." Markus circled around Josh's desk, sitting down in Josh's chair. Normally the guys wouldn't feel comfortable sitting in his chair, but Josh didn't mind considering he's know Markus since high school.
"No no, it's my own fault really." Josh shook his head, still feeling stupid. "I made a stupid impulsive decision and now Tyler won't let me live it down."
"Well now you gotta tell me, man." Markus leaned back in Josh's chair, putting his feet up on his desk and getting comfortable.
Josh took a few minutes to explain what happened a few days ago, leading up to the events of today. Markus couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous series of events Josh had gone through.
"Yo, so let me get this straight… you tried to jump in Bobby's drink… and missed?" Markus laughed, putting some dramatic emphasis on his words. Josh blushed, embarrassed as he hoped Markus might go easier on him than most of the guys.
"Like I was saying, it's my fault and I was absolutely not thinking straight." Josh tried to defend his position a little. Markus shrugged a little, it really didn't make much of a difference to him.
"Yo it's whatever, man. Hey look at the bright side, at least your bad luck and shit got you here, huh?" Markus tried to shed a little light on Josh's stumbling near death around Tyler and Bobby.
"So it would have been good luck to end up drank?" Josh chuckled a little, poking holes in Markus's statement.
"Hey never too late, homie." Markus moved his hand over to the the cup he set back down on Josh's desk, jokingly pretending to dump Josh inside. "Heh, just kidding bro."
Markus moved his hand back over past his chest as he continued to relax. Josh blushed, not expecting the tease but once again getting a little excited at the idea. He tried to shake the feeling as Markus brought him back up to his face.
"Ha… thought you were serious for a second there." Josh half joked, slightly secretly disappointed he wasn't.
"Shit homie, didn't mean to get you excited." Markus chuckled lightly in a very chill tone. Josh immediately felt embarrassed again.
"N-no it's not like that!" Josh tried to lie. Markus rose an eyebrow at Josh though. "Fine look… I don't know what's up with my head right now. That's all."
"It's cool, homie." Markus smiled, flashing his bright white teeth. "Maybe you should spend a little less time being so tiny. Shit's messing with your brain or something, bro."
"But I like being small…" Josh said slightly under his breath. Markus again rose an eyebrow, chuckling again at Josh. Josh covered his mouth, unsure if Markus actually heard that.
"Dang, bro. Maybe it's too late, dawg." Markus laughed, feeling like even if Josh tried to go back to normal he wouldn't be able to readjust to normal sized life. Markus peeked over at the cup of soda. "Though if I was going to drink you and put you out of your misery, it wouldn't be in some warm ass flat soda, bro."
Josh blushed again. He wasn't sure how to take the statement. Was he too far gone at this point or not? He really wasn't sure. Looking at Markus's handsome face Josh responded…
"What would you drink me in then?" Josh asked, barely even thinking as he did so. Markus simply shrugged and laughed.
"I dunno, bro. Probably just water." Markus shook his head, amused by Josh's desperate tiny nature. "Soda is full of sugar, I don't really drink that shit anymore."
"Oh that's healthy!" Josh liked the answer, not really noticing Markus basically humoring him at this point. "Like a waterslide!"
"Sure, homie." Markus smiled, just agreeing with Josh. "Or maybe a protein shake. Fresh off a workout or something, bro."
"Wow that would be so cool actually." Josh was completely entranced by Markus, deaf to any sarcasm in the man's voice. "I mean… if you did, Tyler would probably have expected someone to do it, right?"
"Oh for sure, homie. I mean imagine if Luke or someone wandered in here." Markus stretched out a little more on Josh's chair. "You'd be long gone by now, dude."
"Oh for sure… he's a eat and drink free food and drinks first, ask questions later kind of guy." Josh joked, wondering what it would have been like had Luke been the one to come in here and discover him.
"Yeah, so more bad luck I found you, huh bro?" Markus winked at Josh with a bright smile.
"No no, I'm lucky you found me!" Josh tried to convince Markus. Like you said, I could've been sucked down in some nasty sugary soda, right?"
"Now you're stuck with me, my man." Markus shrugged again, teasing Josh a little. "Guess I could grab a water on my way out…"
"Oh um yeah I mean… if you wanted…" Josh felt a little flustered, wondering what Markus's plan was.
"Yeah, man. Think I'll bring you along too…" Markus shifted off Josh's chair, standing up and stretching as he shoved the chair backwards with his legs. "I mean, I'm guessing you'd rather hang with me than go home to Bobby and Ty, right homie?"
"Uh huh! Yeah! Absolutely!" Josh jumped with some excitement. Markus started to stroll out of Josh's office. Being the end of the day, Markus walked out of the park and stopped around around in the breakroom.
"Well place is pretty empty, huh dude?" Markus smirked at Josh as he looked down at Josh in his palm. "Think I'll…"
"I think I'll work out real quick before we go, bro…" Markus made his way into the locker room, going to his locker and opening it up. Setting Josh down on the self inside, Markus pulled down his lifeguard shorts. Josh couldn't help but stare down at Markus's tightly clad compression shorts as the man bent down to grab a pair of black and white athletic shorts. Transfixed, Josh watched as Markus had to struggle to pull the shorts up and over his massive ass. Swapping out his red lifeguard hat for a black one in his locker, Markus adjusted it on his head as he looked down at Josh.
"How do I look, homie?" Markus half smirked, stretching his arms to his side, making his pecs bounce a little just to tease Josh. Josh, having to shake his trace a little as he started to drool.
"G-great!" Josh stuttered nervously. "H-had a little trouble getting those shorts on, huh?"
"Yeah dawg, all the squats." Markus turned, giving Josh a side view of his massive bubble butt, sticking off Markus's backside like a shelf. "Probably should get bigger shorts. But these fit nice, huh?"
"Y-yeah! They look really good on you!" Josh stared directly at Markus's ass, disappointed slightly as Markus turned back facing forward to him. Markus reached for Josh, scooping him back into his hand as he shut his locked, making his way over to the small gym Josh had built for the guys. Going over to one of the tiny observation balconies, Markus set Josh down on it near a microphone so he could hear the tiny man while he worked out.
"Yo just yell if you need anything, kay homie?" Markus smiled at Josh as he let him out of his hand. "Just gonna run some cardio first."
Josh watched as Markus made his way over to the treadmill, turning it on and starting to turn up the speed. Josh sat by the microphone, eager to watch Markus's workout.
"C-can you hear me?" Josh decided to see if Markus could hear him with the assistance of the microphone. Josh watched as Markus nodded his head as he picked up pace.
"Yeah… loud and clear, bro…" Markus started to pant a little as he turned up the speed. Josh sat back and watched Markus, not wanting to disturb Markus while he ran.
Watching for about 15 minutes or so, Josh saw Markus slow down to a stop. The massive dark skinned titan glistened with sweat as he took deep breaths as he walked into Josh's direction
"Got a good sweat going… guess now I can get working out!" Markus said in Josh's direction, pretty sure he could catch the tiny speck of a man watching him. Josh meanwhile kept his eyes glued to Markus as he grabbed some free weights, starting to do various exercises in Josh's vicinity.
"W-wow those look really heavy!" Josh was incredibly impressed as he watched Markus work out. He wondered if it was more than Tyler or Bobby could lift. Markus lifted his head and smirked over at Josh.
"Yeahhh homie, I've been bumping up in weigh more recently." Markus couldn't help but notice the consistent stuttering in Josh's voice at this point. Markus set down the weight and walked over to Josh, leaning down and flexing in bicep in front of him. "Whatcha think, little guy? Like a fucking mountain, huh?"
"W-wow!" Josh said through the microphone, forgetting for a second it was there. "S-sorry! I didn't mean to gawk."
"It's all good, homie." Markus pulled back his arm, taking a few steps back as he reached back down for the weights. "So tell me little guy, this whole wanting to get eaten thing. How long has that been floating around in your head, bro."
Josh hung his head in embarrassment. But at the moment he really had no reason to lie. "A long time I think. Even before I actually invented the shrink ray too."
"Huh, so must be like a dream come true then?" Markus lifted the weights while he digested this news from Josh. "Too bad you keep having shitty luck though."
"N-no not at all." Josh disagreed, enamored by Markus. "I mean… Bobby is great and all but if I had to pick someone to you know… eat me… he wouldn't top the list."
"Oh? Who tops that list, little homie?" Markus grunted a little as he he curled the heavy weights. "Ty probably?"
"N-no." Josh thought about it for sure, but he didn't know if it was true anymore.
"Huh… hmmm. Don't tell me, homie." Markus set down the weights as he stood in thought for a second before grabbing more weights and doing some squats. "Uhhhh maybe Luke? Or Brett?"
"N-no…" Josh watched Markus flex his glutes with each rep he did.
"Hmmmm…" Markus mulled over it as he finished his reps, dropping the weight to the ground causing a bit of a quake for Josh. Markus smirked slightly to himself, knowing the answer but wanting to tease Josh. "Wait it isn't me, is it?"
"Y-yeah…" Josh stuttered embarrassed. Josh watched as Markus's titanic frame moved toward him. The smell of his sweat starting to overwhelm him. Josh blushed intensely as he started up at the sexy giant.
"Wow, homie. Well I'm actually flattered, dude." Markus looked down at Josh panting a little as he wiped some sweat from his face. Markus reached down for Josh, pinching the little man between his fingers as he slowly brought him up to his face. "What would you do if I ate you right now, bro?"
"I-I I don't think I could do anything!" Josh's heart suddenly was beating out of his chest. "I-I couldn't stop you if you did!"
Markus laughed, dropping Josh into his palm, thoroughly enjoying teasing the tiny man. "Damn right, little homie. You could struggle if you wanted, but dawg what the point even be?"
"T-there wouldn't be!" Josh shivered a little, disappointed Markus didn't just drop him in his sexy mouth. "U-unless you wanted me to squirm or something…"
Markus rose an eyebrow a little. He was surprised by how submissive and pathetic Josh was. But part of him was really enjoying it. "Yeah dawg, you could try. I wouldn't feel you though."
"O-oh t-true I am really small…" Josh could barely control his nervous stutter.
"Wonder how long you'd last in my stomach?" Markus rubbed his abs, really starting to get into it now. "You're so tiny and puny though… probably not long…"
"P-probably not… but the sooner I'd be useful and go to your muscles!" Josh beamed at the giant excitedly. Markus casually flexed his other arm at the sentiment.
"Yeah bro… the arms? Maybe my ass. I know you were staring, huh shrimp?" Markus couldn't help but mock the pathetic tiny. "Either way, I'd make good use of you."
Markus set Josh back down on the balcony though as he backed away, wanting to resume his work out. Josh stumbled to the floor, still shaking in anticipation, but now a little sad Markus didn't just gulp him down on the spot. Josh watched as he made his way over to the bench, doing a bench press as Josh sat there to watch. Markus meanwhile, continued to have a smug look on his face as he enjoyed toying with Josh. Not acknowledging Josh for several minutes, Markus wrapped up the rest of his workout with heavy breaths and covered in sweat.
"Well then shrimp… ready to head out?" Markus sauntered over to Josh, hefting his chest after the intense workout. Josh got up, excitedly wonder what Markus had in store for him. Markus reached down for him, pinching him between his fingers and once again bringing up to his cocky grin. "You get the VIP seat, homie."
Markus didn't allow Josh to react as he tossed him in mouth, feeling the tiny man land inside. Closing his mouth, Markus swished Josh around a little as he arrogantly strolled out of the gym, and away from Shrink and Swim.
- - -
"Oh god!" Josh squirmed and struggled around as Markus had finally tossed him inside. He was not expecting it like this in the slightest as he tried to take in his dark surroundings. Or rather he wished he could as Markus was continually swishing him about, sucking him in and out of his cheek, toying with him and squishing him under his tongue or against the roof of his mouth. Josh was tossed an turned for quite some time, unable to do anything over the insanely over powering force that was Markus's tongue. Josh had no idea what was going on in the outside world but he figured Markus must've been heading home.
Eventually, Markus paused the toying he was doing to Josh, long enough for the tiny man to catch a breath and shield his eyes as Markus's massive mouth opened and light flooded inside. As Josh's eyes adjusted to the light, Josh realized that…
Josh gasped as he saw the spout of a shaker bottle lifting up to Markus's lips. Suddenly a torrent of thick vanilla protein shake flooded into the cavern, easily sweeping Josh up in it like raging rapids. With a simple slurp and gulp, Josh gurgled and sputtered as he fought the stream of liquid, hoping to catch a breath somewhere amongst the the thick stream. Washed down with incredible ease, Josh did find a chance to take a breath of air as he surfaced from the liquid in the deep depths of Markus's stomach.
- - -
Ponding down the vanilla shake in a few hearty gulps, Markus set the bottle down with a satisfied sigh. Everything he did was deliberate to the tiny man he had just gulped down. He didn't want to chance the little guy changing his mind after all, so why bother telling the little shrimp his plan. Something about the way Josh pathetically and desperately wanted to be eaten by him really made him want it too in the end. Tossing his shaker bottle in the sink, Markus felt his stomach gurgle a little as he knew he wanted to get some actual food in there.
"No offense, homie… but you weren't exactly filling." Markus rubbed his stomach as he reached into his refrigerator, finding what looked to be left over fish and rice from one of his roommates. "Whatever, they gone for the weekend. They won't miss it."
Markus pulled the food out and decided to heat it up, grabbing himself some utensils and eating an actual meal on top of his protein shake.
- - -
Sloshing about in the protein shake, Josh tried to relax as the inevitable stomach acid would likely do him in. However in the meantime he heard several plops and gulps as Markus ate his dinner. The smells in Markus's stomach were intense as the sweet scent of vanilla was mixed suddenly with the strong scent of fish as more was being added to the giant's belly. Markus's stomach gave another loud growl as it churned it's contents, sending Josh into a crash course with a half chewed piece of fish.
"This is incredible…" Josh panted, exhausted from trying to stay afloat as he grabbed onto the piece of the fish. He had no regrets, Markus was an absolute god and he was so excited he would contribute in even the smallest way to the titan's massive growth. But in the meantime, Josh felt so insignificant. A mere speck in the giant's gut. He couldn't help but chuckle at his sentiment of squirming earlier. He barely knew where the walls of Markus's stomach were, let alone did he think Markus would feel it if he did squirm against them. He was nothing to the giant, as Josh released the piece of fish as stomach acid started to cause him pain, Josh was churned below the surface of the digestive sludge. Markus was right, he didn't last long.
- - -
Markus leaned back, finishing his food and giving his stomach a satisfied pat. Burping loudly in the quiet of his apartment, Markus reared back from the smell he gave off.
"Oh wow that's fucking fishy!" Markus laughed, waving his burp away from his nose. Markus looked down at his abs with a smirk. "Must be even worse in there."
Shrugging, Markus grabbed his plate and tossed it in the sink. He didn't really care. It was exactly what the little guy wanted. But more importantly it was exactly what he wanted too. Rubbing his stomach again, Markus burped loudly again as he walked to his room.
"Yo shit fucking nasty!" Markus remarked again as he rubbed his stomach. "That fish better not have been bad…"
Hoping that wasn't the case, both for his own sake and for Josh's. Markus laid down on his bed, rubbing his stomach absentmindedly as he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through social media.
"Eh, probably doesn't matter for him." Markus thought as his stomach bubbled and groaned a little. "There's no way he lasted that long."
Stretching out and relaxing, Markus quickly forgot about Josh as he cycled through scores for his favorite basketball teams.
Josh floated in the soda for what felt like ages. Just staring at the ceiling as he floated on his back, Josh almost felt like this was oddly relaxing. Sitting in the fizzy bubbly drink, it almost felt zen floating there without a care in the world. Josh's peace however finally came to an end as he heard the door of his office open and shut, hearing foot falls come near his desk and consequently the soda. Still staring up, Josh saw Tyler poke his head over the rim, seeing Josh still floating there from before.
"Huh, nobody took the bait?" Tyler was almost a little disappointed. Josh merely stared up at the giant, slightly surprised.
"Well it was only like ten minutes. Did you expect there to be an entourage of people bursting into my office in that time?" Josh felt slightly snarky, figuring why the heck not berate the giant's plan a little.
"Yo… shut up dude." Tyler gave Josh a sour look. "Just for that I should just drink your ass down and teach you some respect!"
"You could have just done that ten minutes ago then…" Josh continued to push Tyler's buttons, knowing what would it really matter at this point.
"Maybe I should have! You would've had ten minutes of getting digested already!" Tyler felt slightly annoyed at how relaxed Josh was being, and how much of a smartass he was.
"I'm just saying, what was the point in leaving for only ten minutes?" Josh waved his arm through the air a little. "You hardly gave your plan any time to carry out."
"Bro, you're looking mighty tasty with all these smartass comments right now." Tyler lifted up the drink, bringing it up to his face threateningly.
"Oh no. Tyler is going to drink me." Josh continued his mockery, knowing fell well it mattered almost nothing at this point if he did or didn't.
Tyler narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Josh in the cup. His gut was telling him to drink the little twerp and show him who's the real boss around here. But another part of him felt like he might need to suffer a little more first. Tyler decided to…
"You know what, dude? Screw you!" Tyler set the cup back down. "I ain't playing your little mind games, bro. You're gonna sit here all day for all I care."
Josh just floated in the soda still, fairly content with that as a result. "Whatever. If you're back in five minutes, I wouldn't be surprised."
"Bro, I'm NOT coming back." Tyler leered down at Josh. "Maybe someone will find you. Maybe you'll be stuck here all night. Not my problem!"
Tyler turned away from Josh, leaving the office. Stomping his way out, Tyler' slammed the door, very annoyed as Josh merely continued to float helplessly in the soda. Looking again at the edges, Josh knew he was deep enough in the cup that there was no way he could climb his way out. Josh sighed, letting himself sink beneath the surface ever so slightly, feeling slightly defeated, but at the very least he felt somewhat good knowing that he got the better of Tyler for once.
Hours went by, as the fizzy soda had long since gone flat. Josh thanked he was able to stay floating, so easily, though his skin tingled over time from being trapped in the liquid for so long. He had no idea how much time had passed at this point, but finally Josh heard the sound of the door to his office open once more. Wondering if Tyler was true to his word or not, Josh tried looking up.
Not seeing Tyler however, Josh saw…
Josh looked up and saw it was actually Brody who entered his office. The massive lax bro looked down into the the cup, seemingly knowing to look for the tiny man there. Locking eyes, Josh gave the giant a wave.
"Uhhh sup, bro! Taking a little bath?" Brody picked up the cup, better looking at Josh as he floated like a little speck in the now bubble-less drink.
"I guess you could call it that!" Josh perked up, happy to see Brody as opposed to Tyler. Now that Brody picked the cup up though, Josh saw Brody had changed into a black tank top. "Oh is it that late already? Were you on your way home?"
"Yeah, bro. I circled back into the park after I overheard Ty and Bobby talking." Brody explained, Josh feeling a little apprehensive over what they must have talked about. "I guess Bobby was gonna come for you, but Ty dragged him off before he could get the chance, bro."
"Oh… well I guess I should have expected that. Did they say anything else?" Josh wondered, again fearing a little what he might hear.
"Ty said something about you taking a dip all day in this soda, bro." Brody reached down to scoop Josh out of it. "I figure you're kinda done soaking by now though, huh bro?"
"You can say that again…" Josh was thankful to finally be on dry land, or rather Brody's dry palm, for the first time in hours.
"Sooo why'd he stick you in a soda all day?" Brody set it down on the desk, also taking a seat on the desk and holding Josh up close to his body. "Seems excessive, even for him, bro."
"He was being a dick about a stupid choice I made last night…" Josh tried to explain without telling the whole story right away. Brody simply shrugged, laughing a little easily being able to tell Josh was trying to be vague.
"Oh? What'd you do, bro?" Brody had to ask. Josh sighed, but he figured he may as well tell Brody the whole story. So Josh retold the events of last night. Going over how he was teased by the two giants to the point where he had a moment of bad decisions to try and jump into Bobby's drink. Then Josh explained how he told Tyler, who as usual decided to take things way too far.
"Bro, that fucking nuts!" Brody couldn't believe the story Josh had just told him. "I can't believe you tried to jump in Bobby's drink after all that!"
"I know… it was stupid. I'm really embarrassed." Josh covered his face in shame. Brody meanwhile shook his head in disagreement.
"Nah, bro. I think you trying to do that is pretty badass!" Brody actually admired how much guts Josh had. "I mean, bro, he would've never know you were there. If it happened that would've been a pretty metal way to go, bro."
"You think so?" Josh actually felt slightly better. Brody nodded, still going with his words.
"Totally, bro. It would've been a choice, but hey bro you would've owned it." Brody pounded his chest, showing Josh some respect.
"Well thanks Brody! I guess you're right." Josh smiled at the handsome jock.
"So what's your plan, bro? I could bring you home… but I don't know if you wanna hang with Bobby and Ty after they ditched you?" Brody asked, almost leading Josh into not wanting to go home.
"Yeah you're right, I absolutely don't want to go there right now." Josh slumped slightly in Body's hand. "I could just sleep in the breakroom or something."
"Nah bro! Screw that!" Brody waved his hand. "Come back to my place! You can try jumping in my or one of housemates food or drinks!"
Brody laughed, giving Josh a wink. Josh blushed slightly, knowing Brody was just kidding, but it was still very enticing sounding after the miserable day he had.
"That sounds like a good time to me!" Josh smiled, much more so wanting to be around Brody than Ty at the moment. Brody started to head out, carrying Josh out of the office and the park as he continued to chat.
"You won't regret it, bro! My housemates are cool, by the way. We went to prep school together and played lax." Brody explained to Josh as they made his way home. "They both construction guys, so they'll probably be getting off work soon, bro!"
"That's good! I'm sure I'll like them." Josh felt assured that if they lived with Brody, they must be good guys. "You don't have to tell them I'm your boss though. I don't know if that would be awkward?"
"Oh yeah that's a good point, bro." Brody agreed, maybe it would seem weird that he's housing his boss, and also happens to be a fourth of an inch tall too. "I'll say we're co-workers, bro!"
"Alright! It's a good excuse as to why I'm so small too." Josh liked the idea. Brody pulled into his driveway, as Josh looked up at the massive house Brody called home. It sometimes slipped Josh's mind that Brody was actually quite well off. Brody picked Josh up, bringing him inside.
"Yo! Vinny! Lyle!" Brody called out as he walked inside. Josh felt slightly nervous as Brody walked further inside as a deep voice called back to him. Brody walked into his living room as Josh saw two figures sitting on the couch playing a game. "Sup, bros. How was work?"
Josh looked at the two men, they both wore white tank tops and work jeans. Josh could immediately tell both men were in incredible shape. Vinny had strong rugged arms and sharp features on his face and an attractive amount of scruff on his face. Lyle meanwhile looked like he was about to burst out of his shirt with muscle. He looked sweaty, a large stain on his shirt made it even more obvious. Brody sat down next to the on the couch, still holding Josh for the moment.
"It was okay, bro. It was hot as fuuuuuck, bro." Lyle answered in a deep voice, still playing a game with Vinny.
"Yeah seriously, we're beat, bro!" Vinny added, sounding more energetic than he seemingly felt.
"Oh word bro, that sucks! Yeah I ran a little late today. Had to help my little buddy here." Brody lifted his hand up, showing Josh to Lyle and Vinny as the paused their game. Josh saw the eyes turn to him, they leaned in closer, the smell of sweat getting stronger as they looked. Josh waved, nervously, as he felt slightly red from looking at these two new handsome giants.
"Sup, little guy! I'm Lyle." Lyle smiled, as he waved back at Josh. "I was confused for a second, bro. Forgot they shrink people at Brody's job."
"Shit, yeah I forgot that too!" Vinny turned and looked at Lyle with new realization before turning back to Josh. "How's it going, bro! I'm Vinny."
"Nice to meet you both! I'm Josh. I uh… work with Brody!" Josh quickly remembered to go with undercover boss idea.
"Yeah he works on the maintenance crew!" Brody, covered for Josh with a quick thought of his own.
"Oh word. Do people usually go home tiny?" Vinny asked, never have seen Brody bring home any tiny friends before.
"It's something I've been doing lately for fun, I guess." Josh continued to try and go with the flow. Vinny and Lyle simply shrugged. but otherwise accepted the excuse.
"That's a dangerous idea of fun, bro. You're so tiny. A little tiny bro!" Vinny smiled, nudging Lyle in the side who just was squinting to look at Josh.
"Tiny is an understatement, bro." Lyle disagreed. "He's like microscopic. A little micro-bro."
"Bro, you're just enormous." Vinny rose an eyebrow as he looked at Lyle's titanic frame. "Though I bet we all look pretty big to you, huh tiny bro?"
"That's for sure!" Josh smiled, liking the banter these two had. "It's okay though. As far as giants go, you guys seem cool."
"Giants huh?" Lyle couldn't help but smirk, kind of liking the feeling. "I like that, micro-bro. Oh by the way, what'd you need Brod's help for?"
"Ohh well…" Josh kinda felt a little weird talking about it. Brody meanwhile spoke up.
"He's got a few home problems at the moment, bros." Brody explained before recounting the whole story to the two men. Josh felt embarrassed again, but Brody made sure to leave it off on a good note. "Yeah I mean, I think he's a tiny badass if you ask me, bros."
"That is pretty badass, micro-bro." Lyle nodded his head in agreement.
"Pretty shitty of that Tyler guy to just leave you in a soda all day though, tiny bro." Vinny rolled his eyes. "Even if you did make a jump for the Bobby dude's drink."
"Well I appreciate it…" Josh felt less embarrassed while they both were very positive about it.
"I told him he can jump in our food and drink if he's down for the thrill again!" Brody laughed, playfully teasing Josh a little.
"Oh micro-bro. If you jumped in my food, you'd be as good as in my stomach." Lyle looked serious. "I eat a lot, and I eat fast. I'd probably never see you."
"Well I'll try to keep an eye out for you, tiny bro." Vinny nodded at Josh. "But yeah no promises here either."
The three bros laughed an joked, poking a little fun at Josh some more but as time went by they…
Some time had gone as the the guys all had gotten something to eat, and Lyle and Vinny had gotten cleaned up from work. Now Lyle elected to go shirtless, while wearing a pair of loose black basketball shorts. Vinny had changed into a black compression shirt and grey sweatpants and a backwards black hat. Brody remained in his black tank top and red board shorts from work. Having finished up with food, Vinny and Brody laughed and chatted with each other as Josh watched from the counter. Josh could see the slight size difference with Brody and Vinny a little more clearly now, seeing Brody was slightly taller and more thickly muscled, where as Vinny was ever so slightly shorter, but a leaner more ruggedly muscled man than Brody. However, Josh watched as Lyle had to duck under the door frame as he entered the room. As far as size and muscle goes, Lyle towered and bulked over both Brody and Vinny, which Josh wouldn't help but to ogle a little as he stood beside his friends. Josh sweat a little as Lyle and Vinny turned away from Brody as he excused himself to go to the bathroom, instead turning to Josh on the counter.
"Yo, micro-bro!" Lyle walked over, looming over Josh for a moment before squatting down in yet still not nearly at eye level with Josh. "Having fun?"
"Oh yeah! I'm happy to be here." Josh smiled, still a little red as Lyle's muscular frame took up most of his view. Vinny came over now, leaning on Lyle's shoulder since Lyle now squatted shorter than him.
"For now, tiny bro! Until one of us accidently eats ya!" Vinny laughed, mostly poking fun at the miniature man. Josh blushed a little, as Lyle laughed too, joining in.
"Yeah, micro-bro. I meant to ask you. I mean, you deliberately tried to jump in that Bobby dude's drink right?" Lyle started off. "I mean aside from proving a point to those dudes, you know that you would've just gotten digested, right?"
"Um… yeah I guess I didn't think too hard about that." Josh half lied, knowing full well it was what he wanted was to get eaten by Bobby.
"Look, micro-bro. All I'm saying is there's no way you didn't realize that." Lyle gave Josh a look, assuming there was no way that Josh was that dumb. "Unless being so tiny affects your brain, I'd wager you really did just wanted to be eaten, micro-bro."
"I um…" Josh tried to answer but was cut off by Vinny.
"Yo, bro that makes a lot of sense." Vinny looked over to Lyle's face. "I mean if you think about it, bro. Who stays shrunk like tiny bro and puts himself in harms way like that, unless that's what he really wanted, bro!"
"That's not…" Josh continued to try and get a word in before Lyle interrupted him.
"Yeah, that's what I'm saying, bro!" Lyle ignored Josh, looking up at Vinny now. "Like I've never heard from Brod about anyone trekking around all tiny and shit. Like it's an accident waiting to happen. So micro-bro must want an accident to happen!"
"Yeah, makes sense, bro." Vinny shook his head in agreement. Brody had started walking back into the room, seeing Vinny and Lyle looming over Josh, making his way over now and leaning on Lyle's other shoulder.
"Yo bros. Chatting with Josh?" Brody asked as the two acknowledged him with a nod.
"Yeah, we were just figuring out how little micro-bro here is trying to get eaten. Wasn't just to make a point, bro!" Lyle started to explain as Brody rose an eyebrow. "It makes sense. The little guy wants an accident to happen."
"Yo, you know, bro? When you mention it like that, it kind of does make sense. He is always wanting to be shrunk around all the dudes back at the park." Brody connected the dots too. "Bro, I feel like I've heard Tyler mention before about him accidently ending up in his food a lot."
"Yeah but…" Josh again tried to interject.
"Wait, seriously?" Vinny laughed. "Those weren't accidents then, bro!"
"Yo, there's no way they are!" Lyle finally looked back down at Josh. "Micro-bro! You're totally trying to get eaten! Why bro?"
"I d-don't! It's c-coincidence!" Josh stuttered lying very obviously. Lyle rose an eyebrow, as Brody and Vinny exchanged looks with each other.
"Wow, you're an awful liar, micro-bro." Lyle smirked, very easily catching Josh's lie.
"Seriously, bro. Even I can tell you're lying." Brody shook his head with a chuckle. "What's really going on in that tiny brain of yours, bro?"
"Uhhh…" Josh stalled for a second as all eyes were on him. "Alright… look yes… I have been trying to get eaten. I even asked Bobby to do it, but he talked me out of it. That's why I jumped in his drink…"
"Hahaha! Bro!" Vinny laughed loudly. "I take back what I said about you being badass, tiny bro! That's just dumb."
Brody started laughing too with Vinny. "Sorry bro, kinda gotta agree with Vinny. Why the heck have you been trying to get yourself killed?"
"I just…" Josh felt bad now that even Brody was laughing at him. "I see the big strong guys at the park… and then I look at my scrawny little self… and I just want to be protein for a huge guy's muscles?"
The three men all started laughing again, Lyle needing to lean on the counter to prevent himself from falling backwards.
"Bro! This is too much!" Lyle held his stomach from laughing, Josh absolutely flushed in embarrassment. "Yo, bros watch this!"
Lyle reached forward, snatching up Josh and pinching him between two fingers. Standing up and getting Vinny and Brody off his shoulders, he turned to look at them as he held Josh up above his face before lowering him into his mouth and closing it around him. Lyle didn't release Josh however as he just kept him inside his mouth for a second before taking him out as Brody and Vinny laughed.
"Bro! I bet he wished you let him go!" Vinny smirked as Lyle pulled Josh out of his mouth, closing him in his fist.
"Bro let me see him!" Brody chuckled too as he reached out his hand, Lyle dropping Josh down as Brody brought him up to his face. Brody patted his chest before letting out a huge burp, letting it was over Josh. "There you go bro! Straight from my stomach!"
Josh rubbed his face, unable to believe even Brody was in on the bullying now. Josh yelped as he found himself being traded off to Vinny now, who pressed him up against his abs, cupping him up against them as he stomach gave off a few gurgles and groans.
"Just letting him listen to what he could be experiencing, bros." Vinny laughed, leaning back and holding Josh close against his stomach. Vinny and Lyle both laughed as Vinny shrugged and smirked.
"Bro, he's probably loving it!" Lyle laughed as he reached into a cabinet and grabbed a glass, filling it with water. "Here! Hand him to me, bro!"
Vinny turned his hand, letting Josh away from his abs as he reached out to hand Josh to Lyle. Taking Josh, Lyle dumped him in the glass of water. Brody laughed, knowing where Lyle was going with this.
"There you go, micro-bro! In a drink just like you wanted!" Lyle held the cup up to his mouth, taking a sip and watching as Josh sloshed through the water toward his lips, stopping just before sucking Josh in. "Oops! Almost got you, micro-bro!"
"Oh hey bro, wanna hand me that water? I'm so thirsty, bro!" Vinny asked as he reached a hand out for the cup.
"Oh absolutely, bro!" Lyle handed the cup to Vinny, as the huge lax bro took a big sip of the water. Vinny was barely paying attention as Josh actually slammed up against his lip, Brody barely watching as he saw Josh bounce off the lip and back into the cup.
"Oh bro, I'm thirsty too! It's just like when we'd pass a water bottle around during practice!" Brody laughed as he reached from the cup from Vinny. Brody saw Josh, disoriented floating around still in the water. Opening wide, Brody took a sip, making sure to get Josh in it. Brody smirked as Josh went into his mouth, before back washing him back into the cup.
"Oh shit, bro! Little bit of backwash!" Brody showed the cup to Vinny and Lyle as Josh sloshed back into the cup. "Look bros, a little bit of food from my mouth washed back in."
"Ha! Yo, bro!" Lyle looked at the cup as he looked at Brody and Vinny deviously…
"Yo, guess you'll just have to drink the rest, bro!" Lyle laughed, shrugging a little like it was no big deal. "I ain't about to drink your backwash, bro."
"Me neither, bro!" Vinny laughed, crossing his arms. Brody laughed, shifted a little unsure.
"Ha… for real, bros?" Brody swirled the water around a little, causing Josh to get caught up in a bit of a whirlpool.
"Uh, absolutely, bro." Vinny didn't even hesitate to answer. "I mean, what a dumb little shit. He deserves to be drank, bro."
"Oh for sure." Lyle stepped in, in agreement. "I mean how pathetic can you be, bro? Down the little runt!"
Brody smirked. His friends were right, the sad little bug floating in his cup was no longer the boss he thought he respected. He was a pathetic little runt who'd been trying to get eaten for years. Without a second thought, Brody pressed the rim of the cup to his lips and started to chug the water down. With cheers and hoots from Lyle and Vinny, Brody wiped his mouth as he finished the water, tossing the cup away into the sink.
"Nice, and how do you feel, bro?" Lyle congratulated Brody. Brody stopped for a second before punching his chest and letting out a massive burp. Lyle and Vinny couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"That good, huh bro?" Vinny fought back tears as Brody was still stunned by the immensity of his own burp.
"Dang, bro." Brody smiled, still proud and shocked. "That felt amazing, bro!"
"Hell yeah, bro." Lyle reached out and fist bumped Brody, Vinny doing the same. "Any regrets?"
"Nah bro." Brody shrugged, giving his abs a few pats. "I bet he's got a few though."
- - -
Josh screamed as he was washed down into Brody's stomach like he was riding a raging rapid. Splashing into the pit in the flood of water, Josh gasped and splashed, trying to find some kind of air as he tumbled above and below the surface of the water. What gasps of air Josh did get stung his lungs though as the rancid interior of Brody's body was anything but inviting. Fighting to find some kind of solid ground, Josh hopelessly flailed and splashed.
"Why should I even bother…" Josh tried his best just to stay afloat. Lyle and Vinny were right, he was pathetic. He was a dumb little shit, and he deserved to be here right now. He just couldn't believe how Brody turned on him. Josh always thought the massive lax jock had a kind heart, but to see him so easily persuaded by his friends gave him the worst sinking feeling.
"Guess I'm just that pathetic." Josh blamed himself, barely trying to stay above the liquid as Brody's stomach churned and mixed, easily tossing Josh about as the giant carelessly belched and patted his gut. Sinking below the surface, Josh had no fight left in him. The pain of digestion was short for the tiny man as he lost consciousness amidst the pain and the sensation of water filling his lungs. Josh tried to go out with no regrets, because clearly Brody had none.
"Yo, bro! Dare me to drink that backwash?" Lyle laughed as he reached for the cup from Brody. Brody rose an eyebrow and chuckled a little as he handed off the cup to his massive friend.
"Oh hell yeah, bro!" Vinny chimed in, clapping his hands together excitedly. Shaking any hesitation he had Brody shrugged and looked to Lyle.
"Yeah, bro I say go for it if you want!" Brody gave in, unable to convince himself to defend Josh given these fairly pathetically bad circumstances the tiny man found himself in. Lyle smirked as he looked down into the cup, glad to have both his friend's approval.
"Shit bro, it's a dream come true for this little squirt!" Lyle swirled the cup a little, watching as Josh was caught up in the whirl pool slightly. Lyle set the cup on on the counter looking down at it and turning to Brody and Vinny as he started to jump in place a little, looking like he was getting kind of pumped up as his enormous pecs bounced up and down as he did.
"What's wrong, bro? You chickening out?" Vinny taunted Lyle, crossing his arms as he looked down at the cup. "I mean if you pussy out bro, we can just dump it down the drain."
"No, bro!" Lyle protested, stopping his hopping as he put his hand over the top of the cup. "Bro I'm just getting amped up! I've never eaten a tiny man before!"
"Uh bro, neither have I! Want me to show you how it's done?" Vinny reached for the cup, Lyle however tightened his grip on it and moved it away.
"Bro! I wanna do it!" Lyle protested again, almost a little surprised at how eager Vinny was to just do it. Vinny backed off, looking slightly taken aback.
"Then do it, bro!" Vinny backed off, feeling impatient. Lyle picked up the cup, rubbing his stomach with his free hand.
"I just have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, bro!" Lyle leaned back a little, rubbing his hand across his huge abs.
"Bro, you're just hungry." Brody laughed, sure enough the three men fell silent for a second as Lyle's stomach let out a loud liquidly gurgle. Lyle patted his stomach now, chuckling a little as he looked at Brody.
"Oh bro, yeah you're right!" Lyle looked a little relieved. "In that case, the gut knows what the gut wants!"
Lyle lifted the cup now up to his face, looking down at Josh still floating at the top.
"Sorry to make you wait micro-bro!" Lyle smiled as he had Josh right near his lips. "Not much longer now and you'll be right where you've been trying to get!"
"Wait please!" Josh tried to reason with the giant. Josh watched as one of Lyle's massive eyebrows rose up slightly as he seemingly heard him. "I regret all of this! Please, I never should've even thought about doing any of this!"
Lyle moved the cup away from his face slightly as he looked to Bobby and Vinny. "Bros, he's begging me not to drink him."
"And?" Brody laughed, seemingly with Vinny on feeling impatient. "It's probably the same shit he tried to tell Bobby, bro."
"Yeah, bro! You're getting cold feet!" Vinny mocked Lyle and him and Brody fist bumped each other.
"Yeah bro, what another weird feeling in your stomach?" Brody chuckled as he noticed Lyle clutching his stomach again. Lyle made a face for a second before he let out a slightly exaggerated burp.
"Nope! Just a burp, bros!" Lyle laughed loudly, bringing the cup back up to his face then without hesitation started to chug the drink. Vinny started laughing, while Brody just watched with an amused grin before Lyle quickly drained in cup in a few seconds. "Ahhhh there we go, bro!"
"Nice, bro." Brody fist bumped Lyle now. He had a few mixed feelings, but overall he didn't really care after what he learned about Josh.
"Maaaan…" Vinny sounded a little disappointed. "Now I wish I got to do it, bro."
"Snooze you lose, bro!" Lyle tossed the cup and flexed a little.
- - -
Washing down into the titan's gut, Josh screamed in terror as he finally came to and end in the deep pit of the stomach. He felt so stupid. So stupid that he ever even thought about this situation, and so stupid that it ended up the way it did.
"I never should have said anything…" Josh felt defeated. He almost couldn't even blame Brody, Vinny, and Lyle for what they did. He got what he deserved. With another mighty burp churning the stomach, Josh sloshed deeper into the gut. He knew there was no way he'd last long, and there was no way he could beg for mercy from the giant's stomach. As Josh was pulled under the surface, writhing in pain from the digestive acid, he couldn't help but feel so pathetic.
- - -
Lyle's stomach gave off another soup sounding gurgle, the giant patting his abs feeling the hunger pain.
"I'm so hungry, can we have actual food now, bros?" Lyle complained, knowing Josh was absolutely not enough to sustain him.
"Hey let's make something." Brody agreed, feeling hungry too. "Can't imagine he filled you up, bro."
"Probably burning more calories digesting him than I'm getting from him, bro!" Lyle complained, feeling like Josh was as useless to him as a piece of celery. Vinny and Brody couldn't help but laugh, he probably wasn't far from the truth after all.
Tyler walked up to Josh, waist at the hieght of the table. Josh looked up at Tyler's massive muscled body from his abs all the way past his huge chest to his face. Josh bit his lip as Tyler didn't even look at him as he placed a hand on his stomach and paused for a second before releasing a tremendously loud burp. Josh covered his nose as Tyler blew it down at Josh, causing the little man to wince at the foul smell as well as get knocked slightly off his feet.
"What the hell Ty!" Josh complained, waving his hands and trying to dissipate the smell with little to no avail.
"Just making room for you, dude!" Tyler taunted, patting his stomach for added effect. "Especially if you talk to me like that!"
"Easy, dude." Bobby smiled as he walked over to Tyler's side. "You're gonna freak him out again!"
"I'm not freaked out!" Josh retaliated angrily. "Besides weren't you leaving?"
"Oh man! So unfriendly!" Tyler said arrogantly. "Makes me hungry. Besides, I think now I'll spend the night thanks to that little comment."
Josh rolled his eyes, figuring it was probably his plan to stay all along anyway. Bobby on the other hand grabbed Tyler from the side in excitement and pulled him in for a tight side hug. "Really, bro? That's awesome! What about your clothes though?"
Tyler shrugged as he looked down at his swim trunks. "I'd steal something from Josh, but even his normal sized clothes could never fit me."
"I've got some spare clothes in my bag." Bobby said, letting go of Tyler and going out into the dining room where he left the bag and unzipping it. "Might be a little big for you, though."
"It's fine, dude. I'll just take shorts if you have an extra pair!" Tyler said, pulling down his swim shorts and showing the pair of black spandex he was wearing. Bobby tossed Tyler a pair of blue shorts, and Josh watched as Tyler pulled them up over his ass. They were slightly too large as Josh watched them start to sag, barely concealing half of Tyler's impressive set of glutes in the process. Josh quickly looked away, worried Tyler would catch him staring at his ass.
"Don't need a shirt, dude?" Bobby asked as he pulled his tight white tank top from before over his body, struggling slightly to pull the shirt past his mountainous pecs. Tyler patted the shorts he was wearing as he tossed his swim shorts across the room.
"Nah, dude. I'm good. This is way more comfy." Tyler replied happily. Bobby simply shrugged as he readjusted his hat, having now put back on his shirt. Tyler yawned as he walked around Josh's kitchen, pulling up a few drawers and looking around.
"What are you looking for?" Josh asked, feeling slightly annoyed by Tyler rummaging through all his stuff.
"Snacks!" Tyler simply said as he peered over at Josh with a smirk. "Not unless you're offering yourself up, dude."
Josh rolled his eyes, feeling like the joke has gotten a little stale. Regardless, he couldn't believe Tyler was already hungry again. "You just ate!"
"Yeah?" Tyler replied, locating a bag of gummy bears. "You made me hungry again!"
Josh sighed as he watched Tyler grab a bowl from the cabinet and bring it over to the kitchen table and set it next to him. Josh jumped slightly as Tyler tore open the bag and dumped the gummy bears into it like a massive flood. Josh looked at the edge of the bowl, unable to really see inside at all. Meanwhile, Tyler grabbed a gummy bear out of the bowl and set it next to Josh.
"Bobby check it out." Tyler said, as Bobby came over to look. "Even the gummy bear is a giant compared to him."
Josh looked at the yellow bear beside him, impressed at the size. While Tyler wasn't necessarily correct, the sugary creature did tower over Josh considerably. He had to guess it was easily over three times his size. Josh reached forward to touch the gummy bear before it was quickly snatched up by Tyler who turned it over in his hand before popping it in his mouth. Sucking on it for a second, Josh watched as Tyler deliberately looked at him before swallowing the little candy down whole.
"That was too easy, and it's huge compared to you!" Tyler chuckled as Josh shook his head and crossed his arms.
"That joke isn't even funny anymore." Josh said with confidence as both Tyler and Bobby looked at each other, noticing how much less shaken Josh was.
"Someone is confident!" Bobby said with a sly tone as he reached into the bowl and grabbed a red gummy bear. Josh tilted his head slightly in confusion, before Bobby slowly lowered the bear on top of him. Josh squirmed and screamed as he was pressed into the ground and also the soft squeamishness of the bear. Josh saw the ground leaving as he was lifted off and away. Trying to move his body, he realized he couldn't. He was stuck to the bottom of the gummy bear. Looking down again, Josh saw the bowl of bears below him as he was suddenly dropped in with the rest of the candy, trapped to the bottom of the red bear.
"What color was he stuck to again, bro?" Bobby asked, obviously acting dumb as he just dropped the red bear.
"Dunno man. I wasn't paying attention." Tyler also lied as he saw the whole thing happen. "Guess we'll just have to eat em all till we find him, dude."
Josh struggled, knowing he was being messed with. Thinking about how much of asses the two of them were being, Josh tried his best to break free of the sticky bear. Josh winced slightly as a few bears were plucked out of the bowl around him. Barely noticing any delay in the time it took them to grab the bear, till the moment he heard a swallow, Josh figured the two weren't exactly looking very hard before they ate the candies. Pulling with all his might, Josh found himself…
Josh pulled with all his might, but could not free himself from the sticky surface of the bear. Light poured in between bears as he was near the surface, colossal shadows of his friends' hands appearing and disappearing as they grab more gummies.
At one point Josh's bear along with a couple others were pinched between Tyler's fingers, which set his heart racing, but a moment later the red bear slips and drops back into the bowl as Tyler tosses the other two into his mouth. Josh now has a better view of his tormenting friends as they continue to snack.
One by one Tyler continue to devour bears of all colors, only briefly stopping to inspect the red ones. Josh's stomach dropped at how little time he spent looking at them. Meanwhile Bobby mostly kept to non-red colors, partially because he was worried about accidentally eating his friend, but mostly because he was legitimately craving something sweet.
Tyler grabs a red bear and lifts it to his face, inspecting it. As Bobby reaches for another green bear on Josh's side of the bowl, Tyler speaks up "Man these red bears are the best, I might end up eating them all." Bobby is briefly distracted by Tyler as he chuckles. He ends up missing the green bear and grabbing a red bear dangerously close to Josh. Without even looking, Bobby quickly brings it towards his maw and tosses it in.
Josh loses his composure and begins to panic, but none of his friends can hear him.
Continuing to laugh and joke with Bobby, Tyler reaches down once more and grabs another red bear, the one Josh was stuck to. Apart from the fact that he knew grabbing only red bears was probably making Josh nervous, Tyler really did like the red ones the most. Looking briefly at the little red bear, Tyler took a quick glance at it quickly side to side before popping it into his mouth, forgetting the fact that Josh had been stuck to the bottom of the bear originally. Mashing the bear in half with a single chew, Tyler swallowed as he reached down for another bear.
- - -
"Oh god!" Josh screamed as he was forced down the throat. His heart was racing like crazy, he was nearly mashed to bits by Tyler's teeth just a moment ago. Not to mention the fact that he was currently traveling down his friend's throat! Josh could do little more that scream to no avail as he was sucked down deeper and deeper within Tyler before a horrendous squelching noise keyed his entrance to his friend's stomach. Being deposited in the organ with a wet splat, Josh took in a breath of the foul air as it smelled like a mixture of candy and half digested meat. Josh looked around, finding what looked like a large chunk of burger Tyler must've swallowed in his impatience to chew earlier. Taking refuge on it, Josh squinted as he tried to make out anything else in the darkness.
"Well if I have anything to thank, it's that Tyler doesn't chew his food very well…" Josh tried to look at the bright side, both with the burger he was on as well as the lazy attempt at chewing Tyler did with the gummy bear. "I'd probably be dead if he did."
Josh held his knees to his chest as he heard another splatting noise, seemingly more gummy bears had just joined Josh in Tyler's stomach. Josh shook his head, feeling stupid about the whole ordeal.
"If he's still chowing down than that means he's got no idea he ate me." Josh tried to conclude. Josh sighed, feeling hopeless. "What can I even do?"
Shaking off his depression, Josh tried to hold a little hope in his friends. "Once they eat the whole bowl, they'll have to realize one of them accidentally ate me! And the two of them eat so fast it's probably only a matter of minutes!"
Josh lifted his head, confident now that his friends will find him. That being that though, Josh then heard a wet and elongated belch roar from above as some of the air was forced out of Tyler's stomach. Woozy, Josh shook his head and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the foul quality of the air down here as he was just thankful there was any left.
"Just hurry up guys…" Josh plead.
- - -
"Niiiice rip dude." Bobby complimented Tyler as the man stood there smirking and pompously rubbed his stomach.
"Thanks, bro." Tyler gave Bobby a fist bump. "Josh better watch out or he could end up in here."
Tyler rubbed his stomach again as he grabbed another gummy bear and tossed it in his mouth. "He's such a little shrimp he wouldn't last long." Tyler laughed as he swallowed down a few more bears. "He's lucky I'm looking for him!"
"Word, bro." Bobby chuckled as he grabbed a handful of non-red bears and shoveled them into his mouth. "He'd be fucked."
The two men laughed and joked at Josh's expense a few minutes longer until there was but one gummy bear left in the bowl. A single red bear, face down at the bottom.
"Gotta be the one, Ty." Bobby smirked as he pointed down at the bear. Tyler laughed as he looked down at the pathetic bear.
"Maybe I should just eat it for good measure." Tyler chuckled as he looked down at the bear as if it was miles and miles away.
Bobby laughed, knowing Tyler was only joking but he could be convincing at times. "Maybe we just leave it? Let him chill for a bit before we rescue him."
Tyler looking down at the bear…
Tyler smirked as he reached down for the gummy bear, imagining Josh panicking as he brought it up from the bowl to to his face. Savoring the look on Josh's tiny face as he turned over the bear, Tyler's expression changed quickly from one of arrogance, to one of annoyance. Tyler flipped around the bear a few times for good measure as Bobby turned to him confused.
"What's wrong, bro? He okay?" Bobby asked. Instead of answering, Tyler simply tossed the gummy bear in his mouth, chewing it for a moment before swallowing it. Bobby blinked confused by what he saw before getting a little upset. "Dude! What the fuck?"
"Relax dude, he wasn't on that bear." Tyler put a hand on his hip as he picked up the empty bowl, looking at it closely for a second. Tyler set down the bowl and shook his head laughing. "Yup not in the bowl either."
"Shit dude does that mean…?" Bobby put a palm to his forehead, realizing exactly what they did.
"Yuuuup. One of us must've accidently ate him, dude." Tyler laughed, clearly not as worried a Bobby is.
"Well.. dude you were the one eating the red ones…" Bobby rubbed the back of his neck, not wanting to necessarily blame Tyler, but mostly just wanting to point out the obvious. Tyler meanwhile turned back to him, a little take aback.
"Uhhh bruh. I checked every single red one I ate. You sure you didn't eat any by mistake?" Tyler rose an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he redirected the blame back to Bobby.
"Pretty sure…" Bobby tried to think, not really paying too close of attention. "Guess I wasn't paying super close attention, but dude… neither were you. I swear you didn't check every bear you ate."
"Hey! I was paying attention! Sort of anyway…" Tyler put a hand on his chin trying to remember, as Bobby now crossed his own arms and gave Tyler a look. "What, dude? Fine okay I wasn't paying super close attention. But still dude, how do we know he didn't squirm off the red one and get stuck to some other color! You didn't even glance at the ones you ate, bro."
"That's fair…" Bobby looked down in the bowl much like Tyler did. "And yeah, he's not in the bowl."
"Duh, dude. That's why I looked." Tyler shook his head, now annoyed Bobby didn't trust him. Tyler rested a hand on Bobby's shoulder in almost a reassuring way. "Look dude… you definitely ate him."
Bobby shrugged Tyler's hand off his shoulder and turned back to him. "Dude! You ate like all the red gummy bears! You really think Josh is strong enough to wiggle his way off a gummy bear?"
"Huh." Tyler thought about how weak Josh was. "You know dude, I hadn't thought about that."
"Either way dude… it doesn't matter. One of ate him… who knows how long ago." Bobby said, worried about Josh. "He could've been on the first one either of us ate."
"Dude, he's gonna be pissed!" Tyler laughed, thinking about how long Josh must've been stewing away in either of their stomachs.
"Bro, if he's still alive!" Bobby tried to drive home the point of Josh's danger. Tyler simply laughed and hand waved Bobby's worries.
"Dude, you're waaaaay too worried." Tyler laughed, once again putting a hand on Bobby's shoulder. "I mean I know you saw right through him when he was pretending to say how being tiny can be scary. Like I told you dude, he loves it. He's probably having a blast exploring either of our guts right now."
"Yeah, I know dude. He was pretty obviously lying about being scared of being tiny." Bobby leaned into Tyler slightly, knowing what he said made sense. "Plus I know you said he loves hanging around giant food."
"Right dude, I'm surprised this is the first time he's accidently been eaten. To be honest." Tyler shrugged now moving in to put his whole arm around Booby as eh two stood close to one another. "Not that I wanna digest the little guy or anything! But I'm not panicking so we can give him some time to explore."
Bobby rose an eyebrow, not sure if he heard a hint of a lie in what Tyler said, but regardless he knew right now wasn't the time to analyze Tyler's intentions. "Alright dude, I'd still feel better if we got him out soon though."
"You're too over protective, dude." Tyler slumped a little, disappointed in Bobby. "But I guess we can get the little twerp out."
"Aight, thanks, dude!" Bobby put his arm around Tyler now too, rocking his friend back and forth with a smile. Bobby looked into the kitchen, spotting the sink. "Guess I'll take that sink?"
"Yeah go for it, I'll use one of the bathroom's sinks." Tyler shoved Bobby gently toward the kitchen as they separated and he headed to go up the stairs. Making his way into the bathroom, Tyler looked at himself in the mirror, smirking as he leaned in and admired his own good looks. Still shirtless, only wearing the pair of shorts Bobby gave him, Tyler flexed in the mirror, enamored by his muscles.
"Right right…" Tyler looked at his abs, feeling them gurgle slightly as he body digested his dinner as well as the gummy bears he ate. Rolling his eyes and sighing as he looked down into the sink, Tyler…
Tyler looked at himself in the mirror and laughed, giving a bright smile as he shook his head.
"I didn't eat him!" Tyler said to himself in the mirror. "I would've seen him."
Tyler easily convinced himself there was no possible way he could have eaten Josh. Nodding his head, knowing there was no way he ate Josh, Tyler looked back to the door to the bathroom.
"Better ham it up just in case though…" Tyler said to himself as he hunched over the sink, making fake puking sounds and hacking sounds, just in case Bobby could hear him from down stairs.
"Oh god! So much puke!" Tyler said pointedly at the door loudly to cover his story. Tyler continued to make coughing and puking sounds as he started running a little water in the sink. Leaning back, Tyler figured he sold it well enough as he stopped the act, figuring he'd wait it out a bit longer to really sell it.
- - -
"Tyler!" Josh called out, hearing the puking and coughing coming from far above. "He's trying to throw me up! He must've figured it out!"
Josh clutched onto a piece of what must've been chewed up meat from dinner. Hope shining above as Josh believed Tyler must be trying to get him out.
"Thank goodness he figured it out…" Josh practically sobbed as he continued to pull himself out of the acidic muck in Tyler's stomach. Josh braced himself, waiting for the next cough or puke, noticing Tyler hadn't exactly expelled anything from his stomach quite yet. However, Josh sat for a few seconds as everything went still. Then a few seconds turned into a minute. The stillness continued as Josh's heart beat faster in anticipation.
"Um…" Josh questioned as everything reminded silent and still. Not before Tyler's stomach churned violently again, most likely unbeknownst to Tyler. Josh found himself being slurped down deeper into Tyler's stomach as he was almost spiraled down like a whirlpool into a pit of acid. Josh screamed, trying to pull himself out, hoping Tyler would save him at any moment. There was little the puny tiny man could do though as he was pulled under, acid making quick work of him as he was churned into the mixture.
- - -
"Buuuuuuuuuurrrrp…." Tyler casually let out a long burp into the mirror, unknowingly doing so as Josh was mercilessly pulled into the pit of his stomach. "Yeah Bobby definitely ate him. But even if he didn't I bet Josh would be pumped to be part of all this…"
Tyler leaned back again flexing his arms before bouncing his pecs a little and running a hand down his abs. Tyler smiled a winked at himself as he turned to leave the bathroom. Making his way back downstairs, Tyler held his stomach as he re-entered the kitchen to see Bobby.
"Hey dude…" Tyler acted like he has nausea. "You puke him up?"
"Nah dude…" Bobby was hunched over the sink like he had a long night of drinking. Tyler peeked over to see it was full of vomit and various chunks of food. "I checked through all of it… I don't think I've got anything left in me…"
"Me neither dude…" Tyler lied, trying to act just as exhausted as Bobby. "I dunno what could have happened, dude…"
"I'm guessing you didn't have any luck either?" Bobby pulled himself up, wiping his face.
"Nah dude…" Tyler again lied, starting to wonder if he did in fact eat Josh.
"Shit man…" Bobby leaned up against the counter and rubbed his face. "Did we argue for too long? I feel like we were too late dude."
"I dunno man." Tyler made his way over next to Bobby putting his arm around him like before. Bobby let out a deep sigh as Tyler comforted him.
"Yeah I don't know, dude." Bobby shook his head, too exhausted to notice Tyler actually seemed fine. "I guess like you said, maybe I shouldn't stress about it, right? He probably had a hell of a ride."
"Yeah dude." Tyler jabbed Bobby lightly in the side. "I mean we just realized too late. He'd understand. Plus like you said dude, I bet it was a hell of a ride."
Bobby smiled, liking the positivity from Tyler. "Yeah, you're right, you're right."
Tyler helped Bobby into the living room, letting his friend rest on the couch. Tyler couldn't help but wonder though as he felt his stomach grumble slightly if based off how hard Bobby tried to get Josh out, had he been the one to actually have ended their tiny friend?
"Good idea Bobby. He's probably all pissy." Tyler laughed as he started to walk away. "Let's let him chill out and remember who the bosses are."
Bobby laughed, enjoying the irony that Josh was technically their boss. Shrugging, Bobby figured he wasn't at work yet so he could be the boss of Josh if he wanted for the time being. "Damn right, dude. Size matters!" Bobby stood over the last gummy bear and flexed both his biceps and did a pretend spitting noise down at the bear. Walking away arrogantly, Bobby looked to Tyler and shook his head. "Bugs, dude."
"Tell me about it, bro." Tyler shook his head, now looking at the bowl from a distance. "They have to learn to respect what's bigger than them."
The two men laughed, knowing that Josh in the bowl right now must be fuming like crazy at their brash behavior, but there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop them. As the two made their way into the living room, feeling proud about themselves, little did they know how much danger Josh was really in.
- - -
"Guys?" Josh called out meekly into the vast acidic chamber. "Hello?"
Tyler had finished eating. In fact, based off his movement, Josh would guess he waked somewhere and sat down. "Ty, this isn't funny! Please let me out!" Josh yelled as he looked down to see his legs were turning sort of red and felt very tender to the touch. "I-I'm being digested!"
Josh started to panic now. Realizing Tyler's body had been breaking him down this whole time he was trying to remain calm. Unable to be calm anymore, Josh finally noticed how much pain he was in when he started to move. Caught off guard, he free fell off the burger he thought was protecting him, down into the foamy liquidy goop in the bottom of Tyler's stomach. Josh would have screamed if he could, but the pain was too much. Tyler's stomach had fully relaxed at this point, happy churning and digesting it's meal.
- - -
Tyler rubbed his stomach and burped again as the noise woke Bobby up from a seated nap. Tyler rose an eyebrow at looked at Bobby. "You tired, bro?"
"Yeahhh…" Bobby yawned almost nodding back off again. "It was a long ride. I'm beat."
"You're making me tired, dude." Tyler yawned just now as well. "Why don't you break in your new bed? I'll sleep in Josh's."
"Ha, not like he's using it, right?" Bobby tiredly chuckled. "He's got a comfy gummy bear to sleep on anyway."
"True true, dude." Tyler chuckled as he stood up and glanced over at the bowl. "I bet he's gonna smell just like a red gummy bear tomorrow, dude."
"Oh man, then he's really gonna have to watch out." Bobby laughed as he stood up and started to walk toward the stairs up to the bedrooms.
"Mmm yeah. I'll want him in my belly for sure!" Tyler licked his lips and rubbed his stomach as the two men laughed a little more making their way upstairs. Bidding each other goodnight, Tyler yawned as he simply flopped into Josh's bed. Feeling his stomach gurgle a little, Tyler gave another rub as he turned over to lay on his back. Forgetting about Josh being stuck in the bowl downstairs, Tyler drifted off to sleep. Unaware for the moment that he and Bobby would have no luck finding Josh in the morning.
Bobby's gaze remains distant as he continues to pick out bears. Tyler notices this and smirks, joking to himself that Bobby might eat Josh and never realize it. Just then he spots Josh on his overturned bear near Bobby.
For a moment Tyler and Josh's eyes lock. Josh is relieved for a moment as at least one of his friends notice him. Tyler on the other hand stops and thinks.
'I could stop this here, but I really want to mess with him some more' Tyler thinks as he slowly chews on a yellow bear.
Bobby grabs another bear close to Josh, causing him to break eye contact and yelp. Tyler uses that moment to look elsewhere in the bowl, pretending not to notice him. Tyler continues to ponder 'Oh man that was close, what if Bobby had grabbed him? Would he even notice?'
Josh is forcing himself to calm down after his second close call. Bobby was clearly more focused on eating than finding him, and now it seems Tyler hadn't noticed him at all.
Tyler begins to fantasize over twisted thoughts with his friend. He grins as he…
Tyler reaches down, knowing exactly where Josh was as he grabbed the red bear his friend was stuck to. Pretending like he still didn't notice Josh was on the bear, Tyler lifted it up right to his mouth and paused for a second. With a tremendously loud and exaggerated burp, Tyler blew it all over the little bear, and subsequently Josh.
"Whew!" Tyler let out a sigh after the enormous belch. "Those bears are having a party down there!"
Tyler rubbed his stomach a little for the added effect as he still held the little red bear close to his mouth. Bobby laughed, always amused by Tyler's amazing burping ability. Bobby looked from the bear to Tyler momentarily. "Well? Is that bear not invited to the party or something?"
"Oh it's invited." Tyler smirked at the bear, knowing Josh was stuck somewhere on the underside. "It's got VIP access in fact."
Bobby laughed again as Tyler licked his lips before tossing the red bear in his mouth, sucking on it with deliberate yet slow force.
- - -
"He saw me!" Josh yelled out in the confusion of Tyler's massive mouth. "He looked right at me!"
Josh squirmed in despair, convinced Tyler had seen him. On top of Tyler's over the top demonstration, Josh was almost convinced Tyler was messing with him. Stuck even worse now to the incredibly sticky bear, Josh could barely even squirm as it started to shrink a little, Tyler's saliva breaking down the fragile sugar of the bear.
Fearful, yet determined Tyler had seen him, Josh was surprised none the less when Tyler…
Tyler had messed with Josh and got this far, “why not go all the way?” he thought to himself. Figuring he would never probably get an easier chance to eat Josh, he simply tilted his head back a bit and swallowed, sending the bear and Josh tumbling down towards his stomach.
“Yeah! Party time in my stomach now dude!” Laughing at Bobby and gesturing down at the now empty bowl.
“Erm, where’s Josh?” Bobby asked with a little bit of worry in his voice. “Don’t worry dude, he’s the VIP in my stomach! Him and the bears are having a great time down there!”
“What?! Bobby exclaimed, “you ate him?”
Smiling, Tyler patted his stomach and burped loudly. “That answer your question?” Settling back in his chair. Tyler seemed to be giving Bobby the impression that he was in no hurry to rescue Josh by throwing him up.
“But dude, you’ve eaten a ton of burgers, hot dogs and gummy bears, your stomach will be going crazy surely? You have to get him out of there!”
Tyler’s stomach gurgled loudly, almost as if it were responding to what Bobby had just said.
Inside Tyler’s stomach, Josh had managed to find a safe enough spot away from the mess of food that was piled up, but he knew that it wouldn’t be long before he would become part of that food too. “Tyler, you must’ve seen me!” “Please get me out of here, I don’t want to be your food!” Sobbing as he slumped to the floor of the stomach. Surely his best friend wouldn’t leave him in there to be turned into a soupy mush?
“Nah dude” Tyler said, “I think I’m gonna keep him in there, he’s always on my food, I think he does it on purpose because he wants to be eaten and now, he’s gonna get his wish and become part of my awesome bod” he said with a slightly arrogant smile.
“Really?” Bobby asked, “you think he wants to be digested? Seems like a pretty weird thing to want in my opinion, but you’re probably gonna have to decide soon either way, otherwise the next time you see Josh it’ll be in your toilet in the morning!”
“Yeah well that’s what happens to everything I eat eventually” Tyler said, his stomach making another, rather loud gurgle. “Seems like my stomach says it wants Josh all for itself dude, he’s staying put! Guess I’ll see him in the morning!”
“Suit yourself” said Bobby dejectedly, seeming to reluctantly agree with Tylers crazy theory about Josh wanting to be eaten, although still not understanding it.
“Ok if I crash here tonight dude? I’m pooped” Tyler asked. “Pun not intended dude!” He added with a smile, patting his stomach again as it worked on all the food (and Josh) inside it.
Back inside Tyler, Josh was still hanging on, but was beginning to think that maybe Tyler wasn’t going to let him out after all. “I can’t believe he’s really gonna keep me down here” he sobbed, as the pile of food began to spread in his direction as it was further broken down. He knew he didn’t have long now. Outside, as Tyler lay down on the couch to go to sleep the contents of his stomach lurched towards Josh, quickly smothering him in a pile from which there was no escape. He was Tylers now, he would become a part of him forever, this was his last thought as the stomach acid began breaking him down, leaving nothing but his bones.
Tyler lay on the couch, gently rubbing his stomach, feeling a touch of regret about what he had done, but also feeling that his best bud would now be a part of him. “Sorry little guy, but deep down I really wanted this, my stomach will take care of you now” he smiled as he fell asleep, his stomach still lightly gurgling.
Tyler awoke the next morning, looked down at his flat abs and smiled, knowing that Josh was now a part of them. He knew he had to take care of one last thing, going to the bathroom, he sat down on the toilet, playing on his phone as he went about his business, knowing full well that any remains of Josh we’re now dropping into the bowl. Tyler smiled, from being stuck to a gummy bear, to now being a part of his morning dump “what a journey little guy” he said as he flushed the last remains of last nights meal and Josh away forever.
Swishing the bear around a bit, Tyler decided his best option was definitely not to swallow his terrified little friend. After all, he just ate he figured it wasn't worth throwing up a good meal to save Josh's tiny ass. Perking his lips and pushing out the bear as well as a large strand of saliva, Tyler caught the wet sticky mess in his hand and looked down at it as Bobby rose an eyebrow, peeking over at Tyler as he shoved a couple gummy bears in his own mouth.
"What's wrong?" Bobby asked as he mashed the bears up violently with his teeth. "Thought that one had a VIP ticket, bro?"
"Oh it's got a VIP seat, dude. Just not in my stomach." Tyler laughed. "Be a waste."
Bobby nodded, finally understanding. Tyler's mannerisms made a lot more sense now as Bobby finally figured out that it must be Josh's bear. "Oh, where's it's seat then, dude?"
Tyler lifted up his arm with a smirk, revealing his hairy and somewhat sweaty arm pit. Without any words, Tyler pressed the bear square in the middle of his huge pit and let the melty sticky bear stick in the tangle of his hairs. Tyler closed his pit down with a chuckle, knowing Josh was trapped in there.
"It feels funny, dude!" Tyler giggled. "It's all sticky!"
Bobby laughed as he shook his head a bit. "Was that a good idea, dude?"
"It's great, dude!" Tyler patted his arm with a smirk on his face. "We'll let him sweat it out in there for a bit."
- - -
Covered in the remains of the gummy bear, Josh could barely twitch or move at all as he sticky prison had entirely melted in the dark, hot interior of Tyler's arm pit. Josh wasn't sure if he was smelling Tyler's sweat, his own sweat, the stickiness of Tyler's saliva, or just the remains of the gummy bear. Short on breath, Josh gasped for air. If it wasn't enough to be somewhat encased in gummy bear, it was the thinness of air in Tyler's closed arm pit.
Unsure if he could remain conscious or not, Josh continued to draw what breath he could in the sweaty sticky prison.
- - -
Having finished with the gummy bears, the pair of men made their way into the living room of Josh's house. Making his way over to the sofa, Tyler lounged on the soft cushions and…
Tyler notices the side of the bowl Bobby is eating out of is running low on gummies, leaving mostly Yellow and Red bears. He assumes Bobby is avoiding the red because of Josh, so he must not like the yellow ones. This gives Tyler a wicked idea.
Tyler reaches in and grabs a yellow bear. He brings to his face and analyzes it for a few moments. "Hmm." he hums aloud. Bobby takes a look at the bear he's holding.
"You find him?"
Tyler keeps a straight face. "No, but I'm sure he's on one of these."
Bobby ponders for a second. 'Wasn't he on a red one?' He worries for a moment, then remembers he was avoiding the yellow anyways because he thinks they're nasty. 'Guess I wasn't paying attention.' Bobby shrugs, reaching down for more bears, now unimpeded by the reds.
Meanwhile Josh is confused. 'Why is he making a big deal out of a yellow one?' Tyler's eyes suddenly lock onto Josh again. This time he grins wickedly as he makes a shushing gesture with his finger. Josh freaks out and looks over at Bobby, who is currently grabbing a few bears at the moment, INCLUDING red ones.
Josh shoots a look back at Tyler and yells "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?!"
Tyler continues to pretend to not notice Josh as he saw out of the corner of his eye, Bobby picking up Josh's bear. Tyler couldn't help but smirk as he reached down and grabbed a bear as well, noticing Bobby stick Josh's bear in his mouth, completely uninhibited.
"Mmm these are so good, huh Bobby?" Tyler continued to smirk as he stuck a bear in his mouth. Bobby simply nodded with a smile to Tyler as he tilted his head back and swallowed. Tyler bit his lip a moment, knowing Josh was in that swallow.
"Oh shit dude, I forgot to even chew that one!" Bobby laughed grabbing another red bear, actually taking his time to chew his food this time. "Momma always taught me to savor my food, dude."
"My dad never really ate with me." Tyler reminisced for a moment. Tyler shrugged as he noticed by now there was only yellow gummy bears left in the bowl, and he knew Bobby thought Josh was stuck to the yellow one. "Looks like we're out of edible bears, bro."
"Yeah dude those yellow ones are gross. I feel bad he's stuck to a nasty one like that." Bobby looked down at the scattered yellow bears. "Should we look through them and find the one he's stuck to?"
"Nah dude, we should let him stew for a bit. We'll get to him in a few minutes." Tyler tried to drop a hint of Josh's location. Bobby merely scratched his arm, a little confused of the use of the word "stew".
"Uh sure, bro." Bobby yawned and stretched a little as he walked a little ways out of the kitchen, waiting as Tyler followed. "I hope he's not mad at us."
"Oh he's probably way more mad at me than you, dude." Tyler laughed, knowing that Josh must've know he let this happen.
"Really? I'm the one who stuck him to the bear, bro." Bobby chuckled as the two of them made their way out into the living room. Bobby started pulling on the spandex of his shirt, sweating a little. "Bro you hot?"
"No." Tyler looked down at his bare chest. "Bet Josh is steamy right now though."
Bobby pulled off his shirt, tossing it on the ground. "That's so much better dude. Why is Josh steamy in a bowl of gummy bears though? I don't think it was that hot in the kitchen, bro."
Tyler look a moment, eyes looking at Bobby's abs, knowing Josh has been behind them for a few minutes now. Looking back up to Bobby though, Tyler dropped another hint. "Who knows, bro. But he probably won't last much longer sloshing around in there."
Bobby looked confused at Tyler for a moment then…
"Sloshing?" Bobby scratched his head as he took a seat at the sofa. "Are the gummy bears melting or something?"
"I'm sure the one he was stuck to probably melted, bro." Tyler stood there, crossing his arms across his massive chest, still trying to drop hints. Bobby stood back up, chest bouncing as he try to stay stable on his bad foot.
"We better help him out then, dude." Bobby said walking toward the kitchen. Tyler watched as Bobby made his way past him, wondering if he's dropped enough hints to get Bobby to realize where he was. Tyler shrugged and made his way over to the couch, taking Bobby's seat, figuring Bobby had it figured out by now.
- - -
Josh screamed as Bobby's stomach shifted and bounced, moving about with all of Bobby's sudden movements. If it weren't for the fact that Bobby ate so much not to long ago, Josh figured he'd been a goner. The gummy bear he was stuck to wasn't as lucky however as it was quickly melted into sugary nothingness in record time.
"Tyler!!" Josh yelled out in anguish. "You looked right at me! You grinned at me!"
Josh held on to a mush of food with all his might, wondering why the hell Tyler would just sit by and do nothing as Bobby ate him. Bobby's massive stomach continued to churn and mix it's meal with glee, and Josh couldn't help but wonder how much longer he could sit by before being a permanent part of said meal. Meanwhile…
"Damn it!" Josh cursed as he struggled against the sticky red candy. "I won't let these two morons get the better of me!"
Josh struggled as he fund the gummy bear start to loosen his grip on him. Just cheered with joy as he broke free before tumbling down deeper into the bowl. Head spinning, Josh reached to rub his forehead, before realizing he couldn't move his arms. Thrashing his head side to side, Josh tried feebly to move his legs as well to no avail. Josh started to sweat as he looked to his side and made out the color of the bear he was stuck to. Green.
"It's fine." Josh said trying to calm himself down as he watched more and more bears get removed from far above him. "They know I'm in here. They'll check each bear I'm sure."
Josh started to sweat more and more profusely as he watched bear after bear get lifted out of the bowl and quickly devoured, aside from any red ones. "They'll notice me stuck to this one though…" Josh tried to rationalize as only a couple of non-red bears remained in the bowl. "I'm sure of it."
- - -
Tyler grabbed two gummy bears, a pair of yellow ones. Tossing them casually in his mouth, he chewed them up, getting a little impatient with the game as he swallowed them both down. He looked down into the bowl, seeing a lone green bear stuck under the mess of red ones. Looking over to Bobby, he simply shrugged and put out his hand, indicating to him to take the last bear for himself. Bobby smiled as he reached down into the bowl, pushing aside the red bears and grabbing the green one while looking at Tyler. Casually, the enormous man didn't even look twice at the food at he popped the little bear in his mouth and quickly swallowed it whole. Completely unaware of the horror he just committed on his tiny friend, Bobby was none the wiser as he put his hands behind his hands behind his head with a smirk as he looked down at the nearly empty bowl.
"Dude, I'm kinda full." Bobby said directly down at the bowl.
"Yeah me too, dude." Tyler replied as he rubbed his stomach pompously. "Guess we'll have to find Josh later!"
The pair laughed as they walked away from the bowl, believing to abandon Josh to the confines of the sweet prison as they made their way over to the living room. Tyler quickly eye'd Josh's massive flat screen TV and started to search for a remote while Bobby made his way over to the sofa and sat down.
- - -
Josh cried in terror as the contents of Bobby's stomach shifted and turned with his movement, before finally stopping with a resounding thud from below. Having worked his way free of the gummy bear thanks to the dampness of Bobby's digestive track, Josh took little comfort in his achievement as he stared around the darkness, shaking with fear of what was to come.
"How could this happen…" Josh whispered, depressed that one of his best friends would so carelessly eat him like that. Bobby's stomach started to moan with pleasure as it realized Bobby was finally done eating and it could begin doing it's job of digesting everything inside of it. Josh frowned, feeling hopeless as the churning started getting faster and he knew his time was running out.
Without warning, everything started to shift. Feeling like he was being flung forward, Josh screamed as all the partially digested mush in Bobby's gut started to shift dramatically, sending Josh sliding into a dangerous wall of the viscous organ. Josh braced himself as he hit the wall, worried that he was going to be showered immediately in fresh gastric juices. Accepting his fate, Josh closed his eyes and reached out his hands… to find the slip through some sort of hole. Josh opened his eyes and blinked. Looking through the dark Josh could barely see the hole open and close, contracting slightly to his touch.
"Is this the sphincter that leads into the stomach?!" Josh nearly yelled as he started to push himself though it. Sliding his way through Josh quickly realized he was in fact back in the very bottom of Bobby's esophagus. "Oh thank god it wasn't to the small intestine…"
Overjoyed in his luck, Josh took a new lease on his life and hoped against all odds he could somehow traverse the long tube while it was seemingly laying flat. Josh pushed forward, fighting against Bobby's natural peristalsis trying to force him back down into the stomach.
- - -
"You find the remote yet, dude?" Bobby asked as he laid flat on his stomach, feeling bored and practically falling asleep as Tyler tore around the room. Laying his face facing off the sofa, Bobby blinked as he watched Tyler open random drawers as he looked around. "Just turn it on manually."
"No way dude!" Tyler retorted as he closed the drawers. "Then how am I supposed flip around the channels?"
Bobby rolled his eyes with a smile. Tyler was as stubborn as ever, but he knew these were the types of things he missed about his friend. Closing his eyes, Bobby laid still for a moment before he felt and odd tickle in his throat. Keeping motionless, Bobby tried to feel what it was. He opened his eyes and frowned, feeling like something was almost crawling around in his throat. Just then, Bobby…
Josh heard a faint gurgle bubble behind him. Leery about what the noise was, Josh only hoped it wasn't Bobby's stomach noticing a small part of it's meal was trying to escape. Knowing that an organ really didn't have a mind of it's own, Josh shook his head and tried to focus on pressing forward. With leaving Bobby's dangerous body being his number one concern, Josh continued his journey as he crawled forward desperately fighting against Bobby's esophagus.
- - -
Bobby moved his hand under his stomach, grabbing it slightly as he felt a little pressure start to well up. Forgetting briefly about the funny feeling in throat, Bobby's attention was instead shifted toward his stomach. Facing forward and lifting his head slightly, Bobby pointed his face down at the cushion as he finally released a massive burp.
"Buuuuuuuuurp!" Bobby belted down onto the cushion with great force. Sitting up, Bobby rubbed his gut a little as well as his throat.
"You alright, dude?" Tyler asked as he watched Bobby rub his throat. "That was a nice rip at least, bro."
"Thanks dude." Bobby smirked. "I dunno just felt funny, like something was stuck in my throat. I feel a lot better now though."
- - -
Josh shook his head in confusion. One second he was stuck in the pitch black darkness of Bobby's throat, but now suddenly he found himself dripping wet on the soft surface of his couch. Josh took a second to get his bearings straight but it didn't take him long to look to his side and notice the towering colossus that was Bobby sitting next to him. Josh stared at his friend's face as it seemed like it was hundreds of miles away, but after squinting and looking hard, Josh determined Bobby wasn't making any effort to look at him.
"God he has no idea I'm right down here next to him!" Josh said to himself knowing that Bobby would never hear him from this distance. Josh watched as the huge man yawned tremendously as he looked across the room at Tyler. He saw his other shirtless friend as he appeared to be incredibly far away, at least for the tiny man. He was hunched over a basket, seemingly looking for something as Bobby sat by watching and growing bored.
"Dude, it's fine we don't have to watch TV." Bobby's voice boomed out from far above. Josh looked across to Tyler to see him stand back up straight and turn his head.
"But he's got such a sweet TV, dude!" Tyler responded as he started looking under a different chair for the remote. Bobby smiled and rolled his eyes again. Feeling a little bored, Bobby was debating lying his head back down after his long day. He was pretty beat after all, so he started to turn his body and face Josh. After a few seconds…
Yawning a second time, Bobby felt pretty tired. With a turn of his head he faced back down at the couch where he was laying just a few minutes ago. Lowering his head to lay it down, Bobby froze as he saw movement and what appeared to be some sort of tiny speak trying to get his attention. With a squint, Bobby looked closer before realizing just what it was.
"Josh?" Bobby asked as he looked down at the tiny man. He reached his hand down and scooped him up before looking closer. "It is you, dude!"
Tyler came over to the couch, looking confused. "You seeing things over here, dude?" Tyler asked, scratching his head. "You know he's still in the bowl over there right?"
Bobby lifted his hand to Tyler to give him a better view and Tyler looked down at his tiny friend with a raised eyebrow. "The hell? How'd you get all the way over here?"
"I'm just glad you guys found me!" Josh started saying. "I didn't think either of you would ever spot me."
"Did you really walk make it all the way in here from the kitchen?" Bobby asked with a disbelieving look. "Seems like a bad idea for you, dude."
"No no!" Josh replied, waving his arms. "I wouldn't do something like. It's not like I came over here on purpose."
"How'd you get over here then?" Tyler asked, keeping his eyebrow raised suspiciously as took a seat next to Bobby on the couch.
"Well… after you guys stuck me to that gummy bear I sort of fell off it and on to a different one." Josh started his story as Bobby looked over at Tyler. "I know you guys were avoiding eating the red ones but I kinda ended up on one that was a different color…"
"Woah dude." Bobby said shocked. "Did one of us almost actually eat you?"
"Not almost." Josh said looking up at Bobby. "You actually did Bobby. I don't know what happened completely but I was able to crawl back up your throat most of the way then I think you burped me out."
Bobby looked even more surprised while Tyler shook his head and crossed his arms laughing a little. Josh looked at Tyler with a slightly annoyed face as the huge man spoke up. "I see what you did here, dude."
"Huh?" Josh asked, confused at what Tyler meant.
"We've been teasing you all night about eating you, so you went ahead and got yourself "accidentally" eaten to try and make us feel bad." Tyler said with a cocky smirk.
Josh dropped his head in disbelief. "I was terrified the whole time! I thought I was going to die! You think I did that on purpose?"
"Please dude, you crawled up his throat? Obviously you had all that planned out." Tyler said waving his hand. Josh put a hand to his forehead in frustration. He knew that arguing with Tyler would be pointless once he's made up his mind like this.
"Fine, I guess you caught me." Josh lied, just wanting to end to argument. Bobby looked a little relieved as Tyler shook his head knowing that he won.
"I feel a lot better then, dude." Bobby smiled down at Josh. "Next time you try and do something like that though maybe pick something a little less dangerous though."
"Yeah dude. If you wanted one of us to eat you it would be a lot easier to get you back out if we knew you were there!" Tyler laughed.
"I didn't want to be eaten! That's just dumb." Josh said angrily, unable to keep up the lie for long.
"Sure it is, dude." Tyler responded matter of factually. "But you're a smart guy with a sense of adventure. You knew you could crawl out like that."
Josh blushed, letting his slight ego get the better of him. "I guess I was pretty smart to think of that."
"Yeah for sure, dude." Bobby smiled enthusiastically. "Good thing I laid down."
"Yeah!" Josh shit back immediately, thinking quickly on his feet. "I figured you would since you had such a long tiring day."
"Oh wow! That's good thinking, bud." Bobby said, rubbing his eyes with his free hand as he yawned a little.
"Yeah, told you he was smart. What would you have done if he didn't lay down though, dude?" Tyler asked looking at Josh with a raised eyebrow.
"I guess climbing out would be impossible. I dunno, I would have tried to make him puke?" Josh responded not feeling as confident.
"How? You're so small." Bobby asked looking at Josh in comparison to his own massive body.
"Uhh I guess I'd try and irritate the walls of your stomach till you threw up?" Josh said not so confidently. Meanwhile, Josh looked at Tyler who simply looked excited.
"You think you could make me puke?" Tyler asked while staring at Josh intently. Josh bit his lip, really not liking where this was going.
"I think I've had enough adventure for today, Ty." Josh said quickly, hoping to draw Tyler off any unwanted ideas.
"What you don't think you could do it?" Tyler answered with a cocky smirk, obviously trying to bait Josh.
"I probably could! I just don't want to right now." Josh said putting his foot down. Tyler merely shook his head and made a "tsk" nose with his tongue.
"He can't do it." Tyler smiled arrogantly as he looked at Bobby who shook his head in agreement. Josh started to feel a little pissed that Tyler was egging him on like this this. Looking right at Tyler Josh answered back…
"I CAN do it!" Josh replied with confidence, getting pissed at Tyler's arrogant tone. Tyler made his way over next to Bobby and sat on the couch and looked down at Josh in Bobby's hand with a smirk.
"Nah, dude. You're way too small. I wouldn't even feel you let alone get sick from you." Tyler chuckled with amusement as Bobby looked down at Josh, nodding in agreement. Josh shook his head in frustration. At this point he was throwing logic out the window, but he really was getting fed up with the two of them belittling him for the past couple hours.
"I don't care! I can do it!" Josh spat back at Tyler's handsome, arrogant face. "Let's do this." Josh finished as he started making his way to the edge of Bobby's palm, tripping slightly as he stomped in anger. Tyler rose an eyebrow and laughed as he plucked Josh off Bobby's hand and held him now casually in his own. Tyler stood up, watching as Josh lost his balance slightly as he stretched to his full massive hieght. Holding Josh all the way down by his waist, Tyler looked down at Josh as he gave him a truly intimidating view.
"Bobby, would you look at the tough guy here?" Tyler laughed as he pointed down to his palm and turned to Bobby. Bobby stretched out on the couch and chuckled, putting his hands behind his head as he enjoyed the show he knew his two friends were bound to put on. Josh merely ground his foot into Tyler's palm as he clenched his own fists.
"Well? I'm ready!" Josh yelled, feeling foolish, yet not wanting to back down from Tyler. Shifting his attention from Bobby back all the way down at his palm, Tyler lifted his hand up toward his face.
"What'd you say? You're too small to hear sometime, dude." Tyler smirked as he brought Josh right up in his face. Josh sighed as he had to quickly adjust to the new elevation before he regained his composure and stared Tyler in the eyes.
"Let's do this. I'm waiting." Josh said, trying to calm down a little. Tyler smiled and rose his eyebrow again as he looked at his minuscule friend.
"Fine, dude. If you're that eager. But why don't we make a little wager while were at it?" Tyler winked at Josh, who crossed his arms. "If you can get me to throw you up, what do you wanna win?"
"If I win I want you assholes to stop treating me like a toy tonight! It's getting on my nerves." Josh replied defiantly. Tyler nodded his head quickly before he opened his mouth wide. Josh nearly screamed as he was quickly finding himself sliding off Tyler's hand before falling straight onto the monstrous tongue below. Josh landed and started slipping out of control toward Tyler's massive uvula as it hung gracefully over his gaping throat. "Wait wait! What if you win!?"
Tyler closed his mouth as he chuckled deeply, barely feeling Josh's tiny body squirm around on his tongue. "Oh that easy dude. If you can't get me to puke…" Tyler started to say before tilting his head back and sending his friend all the way to the back of his throat before making a loud, exaggerated swallow. "You're stuck."
Bobby's head perked up slightly as he heard Tyler finish his statement. He watched as he had a pair of fingers on his chest, casually rubbing them about as he tried to feel for Josh going down his throat. "Bro, you're not serious, right?"
Tyler simply shook his head "no" and put a finger on his lips to shush Bobby. "Oh no, dead serious. He was so confident that he could do it, so I don't see the problem."
- - -
Josh struggled as he barely caught the tail end of Tyler's words. "You're stuck." Definitely stuck out as Josh found himself being pulled down Tyler's powerful throat, the rest of his giant friend's words just sounded like a gargled mess as he was sent screaming downward. As Tyler's body continued to slide Josh down, he began regretting challenging Tyler like this.
"God I'm so stupid!" Josh yelled out loud. "Why did I do this to myself? I just dodged a bullet with Bobby too!"
Josh squirmed in disgust as Tyler's body made all kinds of gurgling and squelching noises, just before he came to a stop at what he assumed to be the sphincter leading to his friend's gigantic stomach. Josh found himself being pushed through the sphincter as Tyler's body eagerly added what it assumed to be more food to Tyler's hungry stomach. Josh free fell for a few second before he came to to a splat in a horrid mix of sugar, meat and soda. Choking on the foul air, Josh flailed his arms about, trying to get the disgusting mix of half digested food off of his body.
Unable to even see his hand in front of his face, Josh struggled fruitlessly to find anything solid in the massive dark prison, let alone a wall to irritate. Sloshing his way through waist deep sludge, Josh struggled just to find anything to take refuge on away from the potentially dangerous liquid. Already feeling dizzy from the foul air and burning sensation on his legs, Josh was relieved to pull himself on a half chewed hunk of meat before he shook his legs off.
"What the hell was I thinking…" Josh said aloud as his eyes started to adjust. He watched the walls of Tyler's stomach churn and contract as it mixed the contents in a leisurely fashion. Even if he wanted to make his way to one of the walls, Josh guessed he had to be in the very center of the organ. The walls seemed like they were miles away for the poor tiny speck of a man.
- - -
Tyler stood still, hand on his stomach. He smiled, expecting to feel nothing. He looked at Bobby as he took his hand off his rippling abs and shrugged. "Geez dude, this is crazy! I don't feel anything!"
"That's nuts dude. He was so confident!" Bobby replied with a grin, chuckling slightly at Tyler's sarcastic tone. "So what are you gonna do?"
Tyler put his hands on his hips in thought. Throwing Josh up was an option, but he also felt like he had a bet to win. "I dunno dude, I guess I'll…"
"I think I'll just lay down!" Tyler winked at Bobby as he gave his stomach a good slap. Bobby nodded, knowing what Tyler was going for as he watched Tyler flatten out a reclining chair and lay on his stomach. "After all, I don't feel sick at all. So he loses."
Bobby chuckled as he shifted on the couch, watching Tyler from the side as he laid there, now on his stomach like he was earlier when Josh crawled his way out of his own body. Bobby closed his eyes as his sleepiness was catching up to him. After all it was just deja vu at this point to have Josh do the same thing, just with Tyler instead of himself. Tyler looked over after not long, seeing Bobby's eyes closed and having him likely already drift off to sleep. He chuckled, knowing his friend had a rough time lately, it made him glad to see him here and relaxed under Josh's roof. Regardless, Tyler stretched slightly, laying flat and still.
- - -
Tyler's body finally stopped shifting, as Josh struggled to relocate his position. Having his eyes fully adjusted to the darkness, Josh saw exactly how Tyler's body was now laying.
"I know what's going on…" Josh said aloud as he made his way to the sphincter he just came through to enter this terrifying chamber in the first place. Josh reached his hand into the slimy hole. He made a face as he pushed his way through the sphincter, still unable to believe this was the second time he was doing this today. Disgusted with all the nastiness covering him, Josh pressed on, working against Tyler's esophagus as he attempted part two of his grand escapes for today.
- - -
Tyler yawned as he started to get bored. Waiting patiently for the tickle in his throat that Bobby claimed to have, Tyler laid still hoping to feel the same. He even started to clench his abs, feeling pressure build up like crazy as he wanted nothing more than to let out one of his tremendous signature burps.
"Better hold it in though till I feel him…" Tyler thought to himself, figuring that he could propel his friend out much like Bobby did.
Time continued to pass by as Tyler…
Tyler's eyes started to feel heavier and heavier as he closed them, thinking to himself that he'd only rest them for a minute. Slowly he started to ignore the sensation in his gut, as well as forgetting to feel for any movement in his throat. It wasn't long before his breath started to slow down and the massive titan was out like a light.
- - -
Tyler's body felt like it slowed down around Josh. Having no idea what was happening in the outside world, Josh simply pressed on, completely unaware of how much progress he's even made.
"God it just feels like it goes on forever!" Josh sobbed at the seemingly endless dark moving tunnel. With no light at the end of the tunnel to guide him, Josh only hoped he was actually making progress and not that Tyler's esophagus was simply slowly drifting him back down to the massive stomach below. To his surprise though, Josh found he reached an end. Practically leaping with joy, Josh pushed his way through Tyler's throat and reentered the mouth finally after his long journey.
With Tyler's face angled down, it actually proved fruitful to Josh as he simply slid down Tyler's slimy tongue to the front of his friend's mouth. However, once Josh reached Tyler's rows of white teeth, he noticed that his lips were sealed shut.
"Hey asshole! Open up!" Josh yelled as he kicked one of Tyler's teeth to little effect. The massive molar easily dwarfed him, and Josh doubted very much that Tyler felt any kind of feedback. With no reaction from Tyler what so ever, Josh tilted his head as he could hear his friend's rhythmic breathing, in and out from above from his nose.
"Tyler?!" Josh yelled once again. With still no response, Josh sighed. "Either he's ignoring me, or he fell asleep…"
Figuring it was the latter, Josh knew he position was anything but safe. He was just one unconscious swallow away from being sent back down into the massive lifeguard's stomach. Figuring his best option was to just force his way through Tyler's lips, Josh positioned himself past the teeth. Preparing to push through the lips. Josh reached his hands into the tight seal and shoved his head in first, hoping with all his might he may just squeeze right through. With a gasp of fresh air, Josh poked through, with a smile and looked down to see the fabric of one of his arm chairs that Tyler had his face pressed into.
Without warning, Josh founded everything start to move. Holding on to Tyler's lip for dear life, Josh found himself slowly slipping down into Tyler's mouth as he enormous friend has just rolled over in his sleep, now on his back. With half of his body outside and the other still dangling inside, Josh pulled with all his strength. Desperate to escape and be done with this situation he stupidly put himself in. Josh pulled himself as hard as he could and…
"Yes!" Josh cheered as he slipped his legs out from between Tyler's lips finally. Josh finally breathed a sigh of relief as he backed away from Tyler's massive sealed lips. Looking around from his new perch, Josh looked at Tyler's eyes and noted they were in fact closed.
"Guess he really did pass out." Josh said to himself matter-of-factly. It didn't' make things any easier for the minuscule man, but at this point Josh was just glad to finally be in relative safety. Shifting his focus from Tyler's eyes over across the room, Josh saw Bobby's gigantic from, face first into the couch with his mouth wide open and eyes closed. Josh shook his head as he saw Bobby barely fitting on the sofa with his hand hanging off the side all the way down to the ground.
"I can't believe they both just fell asleep like that…" Josh thought, although not completely surprised, more so disappointed that they weren't more concerned with his safety. Josh sighed as there more or less wasn't much he could really do about it. For now, Josh just tried to focus on making his way off of Tyler's face and find a more suitable place to be found once his bumbling friends wake up from their naps.
Josh's attention quickly turned to the floor where Bobby's hand was touching. After the hell Tyler just put him through, Josh pondered for a moment wanting Bobby to be the one to find him once they woke up, not Tyler.
"Kinda a long ways away though…" Josh said, looking off the side of Tyler's face all the way to the ground, the across the massive floor to Bobby's hand. Trying to think of a better spot that was closer, Josh frowned as he looked at Tyler's face again.
"Guess I could climb in his ear or something." Josh thought, figuring if he was going to be found, the easiest way to do so would be to be heard. Weighing his options, Josh decided he was going to head to…
"He may be a massive asshole, but he's still my best friend…" Josh said to himself as he started to work his way over to Tyler's ear. Thankfully, it was not a long trek for the tired tiny. Josh hoisted himself down into Tyler's ear using his friend's brown shaggy hair. It was actually fairly easy as he made his way inside, foot getting stuck for a moment on some ear wax but Josh actually found the spot to be roomy, if not a little smelly.
"Whatever, this works for now." Josh thought to himself as he leaned back, waiting for the two men to rouse from their sleep.
- - -
Some time passed, and Tyler started to stir a little as he opened his eyes and stretched his limbs. He looked around quickly as he tried to remember what happened before he passed out. Seeing Bobby laying on the couch, Tyler tried to wake his friend.
"Yo, Bobby!" Tyler called out to his friend on the couch. Bobby yawned and opened his eyes, taking a minute to register where he was as he looked over at Tyler.
"Sup, Ty." Bobby yawned with a sleepy tone. "Man I did not meant to fall asleep."
"Neither did I, dude." Tyler responded casually. "I have no idea how long we were out for."
"Wait dude. Tell me you fell asleep after you got Josh out, right?" Bobby asked, suddenly remembering the game they were playing with their tiny friend before he fell asleep.
"No, dude." Tyler answered, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Wait so… you don't think he's still in your stomach then, dude?" Bobby asked, sitting up and looked confused.
"Well if he was I can't imagine there's much left of him in there." Tyler responded, looking down at his chiseled abs with a sigh. "But let's just make that our worst case scenario for now."
"What do you mean, dude?" Bobby asked, confused by Tyler's wording.
"I mean, I've thought about this before. If I ever woke up not knowing where he was then the worst case is that he's dead. But in all other cases he's got to be somewhere, we just have to find him." Tyler tried to explain as Bobby merely blinked at him. "I'm saying right now in this case he could have made it out while I was sleeping, so we should give him that chance in case he did, rather than just assuming he's dead."
Josh shifted slightly as he listened to Tyler talk. This was surprisingly well thought out for the usually thick headed friend of his after all. Curious how things continue to unfold, Josh decided to stay silent and still.
"But just in case. Josh, if you didn't make it out. I'm sorry dude. You're my best friend and I didn't meant to fall asleep. But hey, look on the bright side, maybe you became part of this…" Tyler said as he flexed his arms in mid elegy. "Also, if it's any consolation, you were also delicious, dude."
Bobby couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the ending and Josh merely rolled his eyes and had to fight any urge to say anything at Tyler's stupid speech before the huge man continued to speak. "But if you did make it out, dude. You've got to help us out here. Try and get to a spot where we can find ya!"
Josh rolled his eyes a second time as heard Tyler start to get out of the chair. Comfortable in his position in Tyler's ear, he knew he was in no danger of falling out, short of Tyler sticking his finger inside.
"Careful, dude! What if he's on the ground!" Bobby said as he watched Tyler pound his feet onto the ground without much thought. Tyler rubbed the back of his head with a smile and laughed a little.
"Whoops! Yeah… Josh! I hope you weren't right there! I'll watch my step now though!" Tyler said down to his feet with an apologetic tone.
"Geez, I'd be so screwed with this dunce trying to find me." Josh thought to himself as he continued to listen to Tyler's struggles play out. Noticing Tyler's movement again, Josh listened in, trying to figure out what was happening next.
Tyler walked to the kitchen and returned quickly to the living room with a number of napkins in his hand. Carefully looking at the ground, Tyler started to place them in several different spots apart from each other. Bobby simply sat and watched Tyler, looking puzzled.
"What are those for?" Bobby finally asked as Tyler finished placing them all.
"Its a spot Josh can go to for us to see him." Tyler responded as he made his way back to his chair, sitting down and putting his hands behind his head. "Now we just have to wait for him for show himself."
"That's actually pretty smart." Josh thought to himself as he heard Bobby agree with him. Josh shrugged. This was kind of amusing, however he felt like he didn't want to make Tyler worry too much. Josh thought for a moment before deciding to…
"Do I really have to climb all the way down to those napkins for you to find me?" Josh said, arrogantly into Tyler's ear. Tyler's head perked as he looked around in confusion. Bobby tilted his head as he looked at Tyler's puzzled expression.
"You ok, dude?" Bobby asked as Tyler snapped back to looking at him.
"You didn't hear that? I just heard Josh talking to me." Tyler responded, still confused. Josh sighed at Tyler's stupidity.
"That's because I'm in your ear, genius." Josh answered to Tyler as his huge friend chuckled slightly.
"Oh, ha… my bad dude." Tyler responded as he put a hand next to his ear and tilted his head slightly, letting his tiny friend fall out into the safety of his palm. Tyler smiled in relief as he saw Josh unharmed in his hand once more. "I'm glad you made it out, dude."
"Me too, also it was nice… the things you said when you thought I was gone." Josh said, blushing a little as he recalled Tyler's words of them being best friends and how sorry he was.
"Any time dude! After all you really were delicious!" Tyler answered with a smile on his face. Josh rolled his eyes, as he should have expected such a response from his massive friend. "Anyway dude, I can't believe you clawed your way out while I was asleep!"
"Yeah dude, that shits impressive." Bobby chimed in with a smile, also glad to see Josh was safe.
"Thanks, guys but…" Josh started to say, wanting to down play this whole deal a little before they got too worked up.
"Yeah dude, you could make an extreme sport out of this!" Tyler said with an excited glimmer in his eye as he looked over at Bobby. Josh tried to interrupt as Bobby sat up with a smile.
"Yeah dude! That would be so hardcore!" Bobby responded to Tyler with enthusiasm. Josh desperately wanted to interject before Tyler started talking again.
"Hardcore is Josh's middle name!" Tyler said proudly as he looked down at his little buddy. "Right dude?"
Josh squirmed in Tyler's hand as he ego was being stoked so effectively. Josh looked up at Tyler in the face and replied…
"Yeah you bet it is!" Josh replied without thinking. It was rare for Tyler to really stroke his ego like this, so Josh's response just slipped out to his two friends. Josh immediately regret his words but the look on both Bobby and Tyler's faces pretty much already sealed the deal. Josh swallowed hard as he awaited the inevitable.
"That's my little buddy!" Tyler winked at Josh with enthusiasm. "We should come up with your next grand venture!"
Josh sighed, knowing now there wouldn't be any way to talk Tyler out of it, but at the very least it might be able to delay him. "Well what about tomorrow? I mean… I'm pretty beat. I didn't exactly get a nice nap like you guys."
Bobby yawned at the statement as he looked at the clock. "Yeah, I didn't nearly get enough sleep. Besides it's like 3am, dude."
"Then what are we waiting for? It's already tomorrow!" Tyler said with a goofy grin much to both Josh's and Bobby's unhappiness. "Kidding, dudes. Yeah I guess we can go to bed…"
Josh was relieved that at the very least he could take a nice deserved rest. Without delay, Josh guided the two men up stairs and into the spare bedroom. Bobby yawned goodnight as he quickly disappeared into the room and shut the door as Tyler and Josh made their way to his bedroom. Tyler set Josh on on his night stand and allowed him to get comfortable. Josh looked over at Tyler as he settled into his own bed. It felt a little weird seeing his room so huge, let alone someone else getting cozy in his own bed. But at the moment, Josh hardly cared as he was just glad to be on solid ground for a change, ready to pass out and hoping tomorrow would be better than today was.
- - -
Josh finally started to open his eyes as he was getting adjusted to the light streaming though his bedroom window. Rolling on his back in a slight cramp, Josh sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked out into his room. Josh was shocked at what he saw though. Tyler was standing there with his back to Josh and just dropped a wet looking towel from his waist. Josh blushed as he stared out at Tyler's massive bare ass, before his friend pulled up his tight pair of black spandex, as well as the same shorts Bobby lent him yesterday. Tyler turned and looked to see Josh had sat up, just as Josh tried to look away and play off himself just waking up.
"Morning dude!" Tyler said with a smile as he walked over to the night stand and knelt down. "Sorry, I thought you were asleep, I didn't mean to give you a show!"
"It's o-ok." Josh responded, still a little flustered. "I only caught a glimpse of your butt anyway."
"Well I take it back then. I don't apologize." Tyler said with a wink. "In that case, you're welcome!"
Josh rolled his eyes at the comment. He wasn't even awake for five minutes and already he was dealing with Tyler's antics. "Anyway, dude. Bobby and I already got up and took showers. I think he's down stairs making some breakfast."
Tyler got up without giving Josh a chance to speak as he turned and brought over a little bottle cap filled with water. "Here, got you this dude. Figured you could take a little bath in peace while I go see how Bobby's doing."
Josh looked at the edge of the bottle cap, seeing the water was even a tiny bit soapy, as well as being warm. Before Josh could turn to thank Tyler and his surprising thoughtfulness, he had already disappeared through the door with a quick wave. Josh got into the little make shift bath, glad to be able to finally clean himself after far too many adventures yesterday.
"That was actually really nice…" Josh said to himself as he finished up, both in respect to Tyler's actions as well as the bath itself. Josh even noticed a tiny piece of paper towel tucked under the bottle cap that Tyler left. Using it to dry himself off, Josh truly felt refreshed, finally. Josh looked up as he heard the door knob start to turn and saw both Tyler and Bobby make their way into the room, holding a small plate and a second bottle cap.
"Nice, he's all finished!" Bobby said with a grin as he made his way over to Josh's bed, sitting down next to the night stand and dropping off a small plate of food as well as a bottle cap full of what appeared to be orange juice. Josh looked from Bobby, who was wearing a tight black tank top as well as a pair of black basketball shorts and a red hat, over to the plate of food, which had a round cut up piece of pancake on it. Josh looked at the food, intentionally made small for him, in yet was more than he could ever eat in one sitting.
"Thank you!" Josh said to Bobby before looking at Tyler with a smile. "Both of you."
"It's no biggie, dude!" Tyler said as he put his arms behind his head and stretching his bare torso. Josh started to dig in to the pancake but froze after Tyler spoke again. "After all, we have such awesome plans for today."
Josh tried to ignore Tyler's words as he focused on eating. But sadly for the tiny man, Bobby answered for him, not allowing the subject to be dropped so easily. "Yeah dude, we came up with a few ideas for your new extreme sport!"
"First off, we call it Stomach Spelunking." Tyler added before Bobby shook his head.
"I like Gut Busting better, dude." Bobby said in retort, as Josh continued to ignore them. "Either way, dude. I came up with the idea that you try and escape from some who has no idea that they even ate you in the first place."
"But I already did that." Josh said looking right at Bobby. "With you in fact. So maybe we should just do something else."
"See that's what I thought at first too, dude." Bobby said waving his hand. "But what if it was someone who didn't even know you were tiny? Like if we got one of the dudes from the park to chill with us and he didn't even know you were with us!"
"I guess so…" Josh said, looking to Tyler for support.
"See I had a better idea." Tyler gleamed as he noticed Josh looking to him instead.
"If you say climb out of someone who's sleeping then I'll say the same thing I just said to Bobby, to you." Josh interrupted Tyler.
"Nah, bro. I had a different idea!" Tyler said with excitement. "I was thinking of making it into a game! I was thinking one of us could swallow something, then you have to not only retrieve it but also escape! Like a treasure hunt, followed by a daring escape!"
"See I feel like it removes the whole extreme sport part out of it like that though, dude." Bobby said to Tyler's explanation. "That just sounds more like a challenge or adventure to me."
"I told you dude, Stomach Spelunking is more like an adventure than an extreme sport." Tyler laughed back at Bobby.
"Nah, dude. Gut Busting is about the thrill of taking different courses and trials for the good of the sport. Not about item retrieval." Bobby tilted his head while crossing his arms. Looking over at Josh, Bobby gave him a look, that Josh knew meant he was going to have to pick a side. "What do you think Josh? It's about the sport and changing the course up, right?"
"Nah dude, it's about having fun with it and making up new rules, right?" Tyler said, looking at Josh for support.
Josh stuffed a piece of pancake in his mouth. Not wanting to respond. Finally, after a deep sigh, he knew they would force him into it no matter what. In the end Josh decided to side with…
"Sorry, Ty. But I'm gonna go with Bobby on this. The idea did come up as a sport after all." Josh said, while looking at Bobby hoping that siding with him would cause Tyler to get bored with the whole thing a little faster. Tyler shrugged his shouldered and chuckled at Josh's optimistic look.
"Whatever, dude. We decided you'd be the tie breaker. So I won't complain." Tyler said with a smirk, likely just more interested in toying Josh more than anything else. Josh shuddered slightly at Tyler's look, like he was being eye'd at with devious eyes.
"Yeah we both agreed not to put up a fight, dude! But I'm still glad you agreed with me instead." Bobby winked at Josh as the tiny man sweat a little from what he's in store for. "I guess now we just have to figure out who we're gonna get over here to join us, dude!"
"Seems kind of silly that they would come to my house and not expect me to be here, though. Right?" Josh asked, apprehensively, hoping the road block would just get the two to forget about the whole thing.
"That's easy, dude. We'll just tell them that you're out and had us watch the house. Besides Bobby technically lives here now anyway." Tyler said, casually, putting a stop to Josh's hopes.
"Yeah or we could just go to your place, Ty?" Bobby asked as Tyler's eye's widened slightly.
"Nahhhhh let's not do that, dude." Tyler stalled by waving his hand.
"Why not dude?" Bobby asked, curiously.
"It's probably an unrecognizable pigsty." Josh said quickly while crossing his arms. Tyler merely rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle in response.
"Well I do have to go home and actually get a change of clothes. Why don't you guys get comfortable and I'll be back in a little bit." Tyler replied finally, changing the subject. Josh and Bobby watched as Tyler left the room and the three made their way down into the living room. Without wasting any time, Tyler waved as he went out the door, sure to return for further antics soon. Josh sat in Bobby's palm as he sat at the dining room table before his gigantic friend let him down on the table. Looking up at Bobby's massive muscular frame, Josh realized this was the first time he's even been alone with Bobby while shrunk.
"Did you like your pancake, dude?" Bobby asked, not sure what to talk about with his minuscule friend at the moment.
"Yeah it was delicious!" Josh replied with a smile. "It was very filling."
"Yeah I must've had like six myself, dude!" Bobby smiled as he rubbed his abs through his tight shirt. "Getting kinda hungry again already though."
Josh swallowed at the statement. I was kind of surreal knowing he was actually trapped on the other side of Bobby's massive abs just yesterday. "Well I guess you have a fast metabolism then!"
Bobby laughed as he took his hand off his stomach. "Can't be too fast if you somehow escaped!"
Josh simply laughed awkwardly at Bobby's joke. Bobby on the other hand, felt very comfortable talking about it as he continued. "Your blood must be pumping for your next challenge, huh bro?"
"I guess you could say that." Josh replied, feeling like his blood was certainly pumping in fear and not excitement like Bobby imagined.
"You don't sound very confident, bro." Bobby asked, looking down at Josh's forlorn look.
"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm just scared something could go wrong." Josh answered, trying to get Bobby to stop this nonsense.
"Nah dude. You have nothing to worry about." Bobby said with a smile. "You're such a bad ass you did it twice. You can do it again. Besides, Ty and I will watch your back, bro."
"Alright." Josh simply said with a smile, both trusting his two friends with his life, but also always having a bit of doubt in the back of his mind. Josh looked up as he heard Bobby's phone buzz. Pulling it out he looked at the message and conveyed it to Josh.
"It's Ty. He said he's on his way and he texted a few of the guys." Bobby said, scrolling the message down more.
"Oh, who'd he invite?" Josh asked, curiously.
"He says he asked…"
"He says he asked Luke and Matt." Bobby said as he set down his phone. "Said all three of them are gonna show up here soon."
"Oh god." Josh cried to himself as he imagined the two goofballs that were Luke and Matt showing up at his house. Bobby simply looked down at Josh and tilted his head.
"Uh so what are they like?" Bobby asked, as Josh remembered he had never met the two before.
"Oh um. Well they're both blonde. Matt's a tiny bit shorter than Tyler, and Luke is just a hair shorter than Matt. But otherwise they're both total goofs like Tyler." Josh replied as Bobby nodded his head, looking like he was curious for more details. "Um well… Matt's a surfer. He's a little leaner than you or Tyler. As for Luke, I know he's more into heavy lifting than Matt. He's probably closer to yours and Tyler's builds."
"Sounds like we'd all get along, bro." Bobby smiled. "Especially if they're real hard heads like Tyler."
"Well that's certainly more Luke than Matt. Matt's a goof, as much as Luke is, but he's much more level headed!" Josh responded, thinking about how the two men always seem to work well together because of their similar, yet different personalities.
"Well I can't wait to meet em, dude." Bobby winked as he moved his hand behind Josh, much to Josh's surprise. "But we've got to get you hidden before they get here!"
Josh didn't have much choice as Bobby easily scooped him up in his hand and brought him all the way up to his hat. Bobby raised his hand to the top of his hat and rested Josh right at the very tip on top. Holding on to the top, Josh looked around the room from his new massively tall perch.
"God I've never seen this room from so high up before!" Josh thought, as Bobby stood up to his full hieght. "Guess I know what it's like to be as tall as Bobby…"
Bobby turned to look and see the front door start to open, and sure enough Tyler had made his way back leading the two men he had yet to meet. Looking at Tyler, Bobby was glad to see that he finally changed into some real clothes. Wearing a grey tank top and black shorts, as well as kicking of his red shoes to reveal a pair of black socks.
"Yo!" Tyler said as he walked up to Bobby. "Dude, this is Luke…"
Bobby looked to see the shorter of the two blondes walk forward to grab his hand and pull in for a bro hug. He had buzzed blonde hair and greenish eyes. Bobby smiled as Josh's description of him held true, as he wore a tight white tee shirt showing off his obviously thicker muscles underneath. Even his legs were very well trained as Bobby saw he was wearing a pair of loose green running shorts, with his legs sticking out like tree trunks.
"Sup, dude!" Luke said as he finished his hug. "It's good meeting you! I didn't know the boss had a roomie!"
"Well, we used to room in college too actually." Bobby responded with a smile. Next Bobby saw as Matt moved forward, grabbing Bobby by the hand much like Luke.
True again to his description, Matt was taller than Luke, but slightly shorter than Tyler. He wore a tight pink tank top as well as a pair of white shorts shorts and a brown fabric belt hanging off his side. He had short spiked hair and piercing blue eyes that Bobby couldn't help but stare at for a moment. Bobby's attention shifted focus to his build, which he certainly was leaner as Josh said, but his defined features still showed through the tight shirt with ease. Hung around his neck, Bobby saw a shark tooth necklace, and on his head he wore a pair of sunglasses propped on his forehead.
"Yo, dude!" Matt said as he finished his hug as well. "I'm Matt, it's cool meeting friends of the boss like you, dude."
"Well he's my boss now too, so I guess I better get used to calling him that!" Bobby replied with a smile. "But he's out right now. Said you all could chill here though, bros!"
"Yeah Ty was telling us, dude!" Luke said, kicking off his own shoes and walking into the place with a smile. "This is awesome dude, I don't think we've ever been invited over like this!"
"Yo, that means we have to try not to trash the place, Luke!" Matt said as he followed Luke in, grabbing his friend from the side. "Otherwise he won't ever invite us back!"
"Shut up, dude. The boss loves us!" Luke laughed as he grabbed Matt back and started to push his friend around. Bobby simply stared at the two as Tyler came to his side and put a hand on his shoulder.
"They're always like this, dude." Tyler said with a grin as he looked at Bobby who had a smile on his face.
"My kind of bros!" Bobby laughed, enthusiastically. "You guys hungry?"
"Always!" Luke and Matt replied in unison as Luke had Matt in a headlock. Bobby smiled as he walked into the kitchen and started to take a look around. Opening up Josh's cabinets, Bobby found a pack of spaghetti as well as a jar of sauce with pre-made meatballs. Josh watched from atop Bobby's hat as his friend located a large enough pot to start to boil water in. After setting it on the stove, Bobby walked back out into the living room as he saw Matt lounging on the sofa, Tyler in an arm chair, and Luke on the ground doing sit ups. The three men had the tv on, however it seemed like they were too preoccupied with each other to actually watch it.
"Dude, do you have to do sit ups now?" Matt asked as he looked down at Luke on the floor.
"Sorry dude, just trying to burn off some energy." Luke responded between breaths. Bobby laughed as the three turned to look at him.
"I'm making spaghetti if that's cool with you dudes?" Bobby asked as Luke spang up from the floor.
"Awesome I love spaghetti! Do you need help, dude?" Luke asked, wanting something to do.
"Nah bro, I'm all good." Bobby looked at Tyler and the two exchanged glances quickly. "Why don't you guys throw a football around outside or something?"
Tyler laughed as he got up. "You think Josh has a football?"
"Ha well I've got one in my bag upstairs, Ty." Bobby answered, forgetting how little into sports Josh was. Tyler nodded as he went upstairs and went to grab the football, while Bobby watched Matt get out of the couch and stretch.
"Guess we have to do something to keep Luke entertained." Matt smirked at Luke who agreed at first before getting a sour look.
"What's that supposed to mean, dude?" Luke laughed back, getting ready to grab Matt into another headlock. Bobby chuckled at the two goofy blondes as Tyler came down the stairs, spinning a football in hand before throwing directly at Luke's back. Josh watched in horror as the ball bounced off Luke's back and landed dangerously near his tv stand. Luke turned and grabbed the football, ready to chuck it back at Tyler before Matt grabbed his arm.
"Save it for outside, dude. You're gonna break something." Matt said, much to Josh's relief. Luke simply shrugged as he held on to the ball, and Josh watched as the three huge men made their way out the back door. Josh and Bobby made their way back into the kitchen, and Bobby reached up for his little friend on his head, now that the coast was clear.
"Man they're a couple of characters, huh?" Bobby laughed as he set Josh down on the kitchen counter and poured the spaghetti into the boiling water.
"It's like having two extra Tylers stomp their way around my house…" Josh sighed as he watched Bobby dump the sauce into a smaller pan.
"At least Matt seems like he's got his head on straight." Bobby laughed as he grabbed a spoon and stirred the sauce and meatballs a little.
"I wouldn't let him fool you." Josh crossed his arms with a smile, knowing exactly the antics Matt was capable of. "He's just always a little groggy and slow in the mornings."
"Oh, gotcha dude." Bobby nodded in understanding. "Not everyone's a morning person I guess."
"Yeah then there's Luke. He's got enough energy to power an entire country." Josh chuckled as he doesn't think he's ever really seen Luke "tired" before.
"Yeah! Luke seems like a dude I could party with. I'm sure Matt would be too once he get's going." Bobby laughed as he stirred the spaghetti as it was almost finished. "But speaking of the two of them. Which one do you want?"
"…Want?" Josh asked confused.
"You know dude. Gotta pick your course to figure out who's food I put you in." Bobby winked as he turned off the burner and got ready to strain the spaghetti.
"Oh, right." Josh responded as he completely forgot why Matt and Luke even came over. Josh sighed, knowing he was going to have to choose or Bobby would just pick for him. Deciding on his own fate Josh went with…
Josh thought for a moment. He supposed if he had to pick, Matt was likelier the safer option since he was still fairly groggy this morning. "I guess I'll go with Matt then."
"Matt? Huh I would've thought you would've gone for Luke. THAT would've been exciting." Bobby chuckled as he grabbed a couple of plates.
"Well Matt is taller, so I thought it'd be harder to get out?" Josh lied, hoping to feign interest so Bobby would just agree.
"Hey that's a good point." Bobby said as he left the spaghetti in Josh's sink in a colander and the sauce on the stove as he turned to go to the back door and get the guys. "Yo, dudes! Foods ready!"
Bobby came back into the kitchen and immediately went over to Josh's position and scooped his little friend up. Josh squirmed slightly in the darkness of Bobby's hand as he heard three pairs of feet come pounding into the kitchen.
"Awesome I'm starving!" Luke yelled with excitement as he entered the kitchen, shirt missing and torso covered in sweat. Tyler came bustling in behind Luke, also missing his shirt with sweat dripping down his face and torso. Bobby watched as the two quickly grabbed plates of food and stormed off to the living room to eat and watch tv. Matt yawned as he took his time, grabbing a plate and plopping some spaghetti and sauce on neatly as he smiled at Bobby.
"Thanks for making food, dude." Matt said casually. "Does the boss have any soda? I feel like I need a little caffeine."
"Yeah dude." Bobby said as he opened the fridge with his free and and watched as Matt grabbed a soda. Bobby also noticed a container of parmesan cheese and grabbed it with the hand Josh was in, pinning Josh against the container near the top.
"Want some parm for your spaghetti, dude?" Bobby asked nonchalantly as he popped off the top.
"Sure, dude. Thanks." Matt grinned as he held out his plate while taking a sip of his soda. Bobby carefully loosened his hand, allowing Josh to get lodged free. Bobby even watched as he saw Josh fall from his hand amidst the sprinkles of cheese directly on top of the warm red sauce on Matt's plate.
- - -
Josh coughed as he choked on pieces of cheese just before he squirmed in pain at the hot tomato sauce on his skin. "Oh god it's so hot!" Josh squirmed as he really started to notice the steam coming off the sauce he was partially cover in. Josh almost screamed as the plate started to move at high speeds as he looked up to see Matt's face looking forward as he carried his plate of food off to be eaten. Josh found his journey come to a stop as Matt set the plate down on the dining room table as well as the can of soda next to it. Josh looked around, not seeing anyone else in the dining room. "Where's Tyler and Bobby?"
"Yo!" Luke's voice called from the next room over. "Dude, just eat in here with us and watch some tv!"
"Nah, dude. I don't wanna make a mess." Matt called back as he sat at the table and looked out into the living room from his seat. "Besides I can sort of see the tv from here.
"Suit yourself!" Luke called back as he sat there laughing with Tyler at what they were watching. Matt simply shook his head with a chuckle as Bobby sat down across from him.
"I'll sit with you, bro." Bobby said with a friendly tone as his eyes shifted from Matt's face down to his place, barely making out the spot where Josh struggled in the hot mess.
"Thanks dude!" Matt smiled back as he picked up his fork and started to mix his spaghetti, sending Josh into a spiral within the food and making Bobby lose his position completely. Bobby swallowed a little as he realized he had no idea where Josh was in Matt's meal. Bobby shifted his focus back to Matt as he continued to speak. "So how long have you and the boss known each other?"
"Just since college, we were roommates." Bobby said as he watched Matt twirl some spaghetti on his fork and shove it in his mouth, barely chewing as he swallowed most of it down whole. Bobby wondered if Josh was in that bite, but tried to focus on talking to Matt for now. "I actually just moved in with him here since yesterday."
"Oh nice, dude." Matt said as he swallowed another mouthful of food. "That's really cool of him. He's a good guy always helping people out."
"Yeah he is." Bobby responded, distracted as he looked at Matt's newest forkful of food. Bobby could just barely make out tiny bits of movement as he could see Josh trapped on an outer most twirl of spaghetti.
Matt looked down at his fork himself, curious what Bobby was looking at and…
Matt shoved the food directly in his mouth without a second thought. Bobby smiled a little to himself, glad Matt was just looking at his food and that Josh didn't get discovered somehow. Returning his attention back to his own food, Bobby was glad to know his job was done for now.
- - -
"Oh god!" Josh screamed as Matt's teeth came crashing down dangerously close to his position. Josh squirmed and struggled as he flopped helplessly in the mess of half chewed food. Josh winced as Matt's teeth came crashing down once again, making the tiny man fear for his life, just wanting nothing more than the huge surfer hunk to stop chewing.
Josh's stomach dropped as he got his wish. Matt had stopped chewing, but if only to seal the food in his mouth before swallowing the contents down to his own stomach. Josh called out in terror as he was force-ably sucked down Matt's throat with a resounding gulp. The terrified tiny opened his eyes as he found himself traveling down the esophagus, a sight he's grown way too familiar with at this point. As was routine at this point, Josh waited for the lump of food to finally come to a stop before the sphincter leading to Matt's stomach opened up, accepting the next portion of the blonde hunk's meal.
Josh landed in the spacious organ and took a deep breath of the sour air inside. Oddly enough the stench wasn't terribly unbearable, like Bobby or Tyler's guts. Josh still pinched his nose regardless as it was far from pleasant as it mostly reeked of tomato sauce and what Josh assumed to be coffee. Josh sat in place in the food he entered in, as it seemed like Matt's stomach wasn't in any huge rush to get going and digest it's meal.
"I actually feel safe for a change…" Josh noted awkwardly, just before the sphincter right above him opened up, releasing a fresh pile of spaghetti on top of him. Josh shook his head, as he knew he could never be comfortable for long before he worked his way out of the pile and to a different section of Matt's stomach before he was buried alive under the rest of the giant's meal.
- - -
Bobby quickly devoured his meal as he watched Matt more or less taking his time, yawning as he took a sip of his soda. Figuring it was getting close to time to try and entice Matt to lay down, Bobby had an idea.
"Yo Matt." Bobby asked as Matt stopped with a mouthful of food.
"Mmyeah?" Matt asked with the food still in my mouth.
"You wanna chill and catch some rays outside after you're finished eating?" Bobby asked motioning toward the back door. "Josh has some nice lounge chairs. Plus it seemed pretty nice out today."
"Absolutely!" Matt smiled after swallowing his food. "I seriously can't keep up with Luke this morning, dude. He woke me up at like 5am wanting to go for a run and he hasn't stopped since."
"Yeah I hear you dude. I dunno where Ty gets all his energy too." Bobby laughed. "But yeah I think laying down would do you some good."
Matt twirled up the last bit of spaghetti on his plate and put it in his mouth, swallowing it down quickly as he stood up and grabbed his soda. "I'm good to go dude."
"Cool, bro." Bobby said with a smile as he grabbed his and Matt's plates and brought them into the kitchen. Matt followed Bobby for a second, chugging the rest of his soda and setting than can down beside the sink. The two men made their way to the back door, heading out into the bright sunlight. Looking to the pool side, Bobby and Matt made their way over to a pair of lounge chairs. Sitting down beside one another, the two men pulled off their tank tops to get some sun as they laid down.
"Dude, what's with all you three and these beach ball pecs." Matt smirked at Bobby as he looked down at his chest.
"They aren't that big! Are they?" Bobby asked, cupping them in hand. "Besides dude, you're a lot bigger than I thought you were."
Matt looked down at his own chest. It was certainly sizable, as he made his pecs bounce slightly in response. But the cool surfer dude simply lowered his sunglasses over his eyes and rubbed his defined features. "I'm more about ascetics than size, dude."
Bobby shrugged as he went and laid down on his stomach, looking over at Matt to see what he'd do. As if he was mimicking Bobby, Matt laid on his stomach and sighed as he closed his eyes, enjoying laying down in the warm sun after a good meal. Bobby breathed in deep, glad everything was going according to plan so far.
- - -
Josh shoved his way though piles of unchewed noodles as well as half chewed bits of meatball as he made his way around the now familiar cavern. Pressing forward like he was used to doing by this point, Josh found his way to the sphincter and pushed his way through once more. Josh sighed, as he really was getting good at finding his way to the sphincter and he was so accustom to the rhythmic motions of an esophagus, that he found his progress to actually being going quite smoothly.
Josh felt his pace was quite swift when suddenly…
Josh started sliding backwards as he felt like his progress was almost finished. "What!? What's going on?" Josh screamed as he tried desperately to hold on to the smooth muscle of Matt's esophagus. Josh swore he could have seen the opening of Matt's throat but now it faded further and further away as he rapidly lost his position. "No! I was right there!"
- - -
"Dude, no!" Matt yelled as Luke jumped on top of him, pulling his phone out of his pocket before starting to drag Matt toward the pool. Matt looked to Bobby for help, but would seem the massive man had quickly fallen asleep. Matt looked up as he saw Tyler's tremendous form in front of him, smirking as he grabbed Matt by the arms and helped pull him into the pool. With a splash, Matt resurfaced from the water with a bit of an annoyed look on his face. Tyler and Luke laughed as the watched Matt pull himself out of the water, shorts dripping wet and his hair flat without gel. Matt gave the two a look as he grabbed his phone and shirt off the ground and made his way around the front of the house.
"Where you going Matty?" Luke called with a laugh as Matt stomped away.
"Surfing! I'm done with you today, dude!" Matt replied angrily, wanting nothing more than to just grab his board and relax on the waves. Tyler and Luke stood side by side, watching Matt walk off into the distance before turning and looking at each other.
"Boo hoo! I got all wet!" Tyler mocked Matt to Luke with a childish tone. The two laughed as the looked over at Bobby, who was out cold. "Think we could pick him up?"
"Nah he's a tank, dude." Luke laughed looking at Bobby's truly massive form. "Besides he could actually fight back."
"True dude. Best to let him chill then I guess." Tyler shrugged as the two made their way inside, grabbing the football again and tossing it around while they let Bobby sleep.
- - -
"Where even am I?!" Josh yelled into the darkness as Matt's body was flopped and flipped around in so many directions before finally resting, that it made Josh's head spin. The contents of Matt's stomach started to break down, becoming more fluid as it made Josh's skin itch. Having no idea what happened, Josh just hoped Bobby and Tyler were on the case of getting Matt to lay down again.
"I don't think I can get up there…" Josh said to himself as Matt's stomach churned and swung slightly with every foot step he took. The top of Matt's stomach just seemed impossibly far away. Josh tried to find a safe place to stay while he hoped his friends would remedy the situation, but no matter where he looked Matt's stomach just seemed flooded in acidic soda as well as a mixture of gastric juices starting to tear apart the food inside.
The itching on Josh's skin started to turn to pain, as it was starting to be too much to bear. Josh could barely see anymore as his vision faded. Coughing on the stale air and feeling like his whole body was slowly being dissolved, Josh collapsed into the depths of the massive organ. Matt's stomach churned and groaned, happily going about it's business, unaware of the tiny life slowly being digested within.
- - -
Matt finally reached the beach, surf board under his arm as he got out into the water and sat on his board. Taking in a deep breath of the salty ocean air, Matt felt relaxed, glad to be away from Luke and his nonstop activity.
"I feel a little bad for ditching Bobby though." Matt thought to himself as he stared out into the ocean. Matt closed his eyes and shrugged as he waited for the waves to pick up a little. "Maybe I'll go back later once I've had some time to myself."
A huge wave started to come up, as Matt paddled along side it. Riding it with ease, he ran his hand into the water with a smile. As he continued to relax at the beach, Matt was truly none wiser to the horror that went on for his tiny boss just on the other side of his abs. Sitting back down on his board waiting for another wave, none of that mattered to the handsome surfer as he awaited the next good ride.
Heading back to the beach, Matt retrieved his phone to see he had several missed calls and over ten text messages from Tyler and Luke combined. Matt scoffed as he shut his phone off and found a beach chair to lay on. Laying down once again, Matt sighed in peace as he could go back to what he was doing before, uninterrupted.
Matt raised his face slightly as some pressure built up in his stomach. Bobby rose an eyebrow as he looked over at Matt's slightly discomforted face before the handsome blonde let out a long burp. Matt laughed as he looked over at Bobby.
"Dunno why, felt like I burped something up, dude." Matt laughed as Bobby sat up.
"Did you?" Bobby asked directly as Matt lifted his sunglasses, confused.
"Uhhh…" Matt replied looking down slightly in front of him on the chair where he face was resting, expecting to find a gross speck of food. Matt squinted as he saw whatever came out of his mouth start to move. "It's a bug!"
Matt lurched back slightly, having a general distaste for bugs, let alone them coming out of his mouth. Matt, got ready to swat it off the chair before Bobby stopped him. "Wait dude!"
"What?!" Matt practically yelled as Bobby grabbed his arm.
"Look closer, dude." Bobby said, pointing at the moving speck. Matt squinted as he looked a little closer at the moving creature before two and two clicked in his mind.
"Boss?" Matt asked as he looked even closer. "What the hell?"
Josh waved at Matt, as Bobby stood by and smiled. Matt simply shook his head, ready to ask the obvious question. "How in the world did I just burp you up?"
"Because you ate me, Matt." Josh responded, feeling proud about yet another successful escape.
"What?!" Matt responded, voice cracking a little bit from his utter shock. "But I thought you were out today? Also you're tiny! What's going on, dude?"
Josh looked at Bobby, feeling like poor confused Matt deserved some sort of explanation. Bobby nodded, allowing Josh to do the explaining. Josh looked at Matt's blue eyes as he told him everything, from how this whole "sport" started by accident, to his two near brushes with death, and finally how they wanted to up the ante yet again. Matt stared and blinked at Josh's story as he finally finished.
"So I was your go to next person for this sport you've been doing?" Matt asked a little confused still.
"Yeah it was you or Luke and I picked you." Josh said, hoping Matt wasn't mad at this was all done without his permission.
"Dude… that's awesome!" Matt said with an excited smile. "You definitely picked right choosing me over Luke by the way. His guts probably smell like shit, dude."
Josh sighed in relief, glad that Matt wasn't upset about being in the dark up till now. Matt looked up at Bobby with a grin. "You set him up getting eaten by me, huh dude?"
"Yeah bro. I wasn't sure if you were gonna get him in the spaghetti at first." Bobby chuckled as he sat down on the lounge chair as Matt scooped his tiny boss into his hand and sat up, trying to be a little more comfortable than laying on his stomach.
"That's crazy dude. I can't believe you've done this three times now!" Matt said, impressed as he looked down at Josh crossing his arms.
"Yeah well I guess I'm getting pretty good at it now." Josh said with some true confidence. Matt looked over to Bobby with a look of excitement.
"Yo, you think he's up for round four then?" Matt asked Bobby who put on a smile at Matt's enthusiasm.
"Round four?" Josh asked, some of his confidence draining from him suddenly. Matt looked back down at Josh with a smirk.
"Sure dude. I was round three, Luke is round four!" Matt chuckled, as he stood up, holding Josh at about belly button level. Josh started up past Matt's chest to his face which turned and nodded to Bobby. "How should we do this, Bobby?"
"I guess we could sneak him in some food like we did with you, dude." Bobby offered as an idea. "But I guess he did just eat…"
"We could just drop Josh in a drink, maybe?" Matt suggested. "Or I guess we could just straight up bring him up to speed and see if he has any dumb ideas. It is Luke after all."
"I'll have to take your word for that, dude." Bobby chuckled, still not knowing Luke very well. "But I guess it's up to Josh."
Matt looked down at Josh in his hand, raising him up to about chest level to talk to him better. "What do you say dude? Should we drop you in his drink or just tell him what's up and see what he thinks?"
Josh puzzled for a moment, knowing they were going to make him choose no matter what since their minds were made up. Weighing his options, Josh decided that they should…
"Why don't we ask Luke, I mean like Matt says he'll probably have some crazy idea." Josh answered not so confidently, hoping that Luke would just be against the whole thing all together. If not Josh figured Luke being aware of his presence would at least add a layer of safety for the whole ordeal.
"Works for me, dude!" Matt said with excitement as he and Bobby started to make their way inside, leaving their shirts behind as they hurried into the living room to see Tyler and Luke already done with their meals, watching tv. Matt held his hand out as Tyler and Luke looked at him, curiously. "You guys will never guess who I found popping out of my mouth!"
"Noooo way! I missed it, dude?" Tyler huffed, reclining in disappointment. "I didn't even know he picked you, Matt."
"What the hell is going on." Luke asked, looking from Tyler to Matt, to Bobby in utter confusion.
"Oh shit, dudes. Now we have to tell him!" Tyler said with an annoyed look. "Good going."
"We were planning on it, dude. Josh had an idea." Bobby replied, waving his hand as Tyler dropped his look to listen.
"Wait, is that the boss in your hand?" Luke asked, still not understanding the situation. "Wait he popped out of your mouth? What the hell?"
The three giant men laughed a little as they explained what happened. Matt recounted the events that had just unfolded as well as his own surprise in finding out he had unwittingly devoured their tiny boss, only to have him climb his way out completely unbeknownst to him. Luke sat back, slightly confused still as to why this was all being brought to his attention.
"But yeah dude. You're round four. How do you wanna do this?" Bobby asked Luke as he put a hand on his chin in thought. Luke snapped his fingers, having an idea.
"Alright, dude. If you want a challenge, then I'll give you a challenge." Luke said, looking at Josh with a cocky smirk. Josh's face turned a little pale as his hope for Luke being merciful felt like they were about to be expertly dashed. "So check this, you try and escape from my bod while I do some exercises. For the sake of being fair, I'll only for floor exercises so my body stays somewhat flat. Like planks and push ups and shit, dude."
"Ok… that sounds… difficult." Josh responded in a moderate amount of fear. "Do we have a fail safe?"
"Have you needed a fail safe before?" Luke asked, not remembering anyone mentioning one for anyone else.
"No, but. This course just sounds exceptionally difficult." Josh responded a little nervously.
Luke shrugged as he responded. "Well I guess I can puke you up after like half an hour or something."
"Half an hour?" Josh replied nervously. "That seems like a long time to be in a stomach…"
"I have a slow metabolism, dude. Don't worry!" Luke winked at Josh.
"Besides, your metabolism like pauses when you work out." Bobby added as everyone looked at him in surprise. "What? It's why you get cramps, dudes. I did pay attention in some of my classes."
"See, dude? Half an hour. You should be safe." Luke smiled as he stood up out of the chair and rubbed his bare chest down to his impressive abs, now dry from his sweat from earlier. "So you ready, dude?"
"Now?" Josh asked, sitting in Matt's hand, literally only escaping the surfer hunk not long ago. Matt handed Josh off to Luke and went to go take a seat with Bobby as they were ready to watch the show.
"Yeah, dude." Luke smiled as he brought Josh up to his handsome face. Josh looked Luke in his striking green eyes nervously as he opened his mouth slightly. "Bottoms up, boss!"
Josh couldn't even get a word out as he found himself being unceremoniously dumped into Luke's gaping mouth. Josh noticed as he landed on Luke's soft tongue that he was immediately plunged into darkness. Seeing Luke's mouth was still open, Josh looked outside to see he was sticking his tongue out to show his crowd that he really had Josh inside his mouth. Josh barely caught glimpses of his friend's faces before Luke's massive tongue retracted into his cavernous mouth and the handsome stud closed his lips behind it. Josh shivered slightly as Luke lifted his tongue, causing Josh to be positioned over his throat, and sent down with absolute ease with a simple gulp.
"There!" Luke said, sticking tongue out again with a sigh. "Annnnd he's gone!"
Tyler laughed and gave a quick clap as Matt and Bobby just watched with entertained smiles.
"I think I feel him like, right here." Luke said, putting a hand on his chest, slowly tracing it down to his abs. "Someone start a timer for 30 minutes."
Tyler pulled out his phone, setting an alarm for 30 minutes before storing it back in his pocket. "All set, bro. Now lets see some intense work out!"
"Watch and be amazed, boys!" Luke winked as he got down on the ground and started to do some slow deliberate crunches. The three other giants simply laughed as they watched Luke begin his work out.
- - -
Josh slid down the the final depths of Luke's throat, reaching the blonde stud's stomach which at this point almost seemed routine to the tiny explorer. This time was actually starting off a lot differently though, as Josh quickly realized. The contents of Luke's stomach sloshed from flat, to up right, to flat again at a very massive rate. Josh sloshed back and fourth with the contents in rhythmic fashion, starting to feel sick to his own stomach.
"God this is a nightmare!" Josh yelled into the cavern. As if Luke heard him, the contents of Luke's stomach flipped to the other side, laying flat as it felt like he was being raised and lowered slowly and steadily. Josh almost assumed Luke must be doing push ups, and took the opportunity to figure out his bearings. Racing against Luke's work out routine, Josh found the sphincter and pushed his way through as he was used to by now. Feeling like he was working in double time, Josh steamed his way across the esophagus while he still had the chance with it being flat.
A few minutes passed and…
Finished with his push ups, Luke flipped back over on his back and propped up his head to do jack knives. Lunging forward with his front and touching his toes at the top, Luke was completely unaware of how badly he just hindered his tiny boss. Losing all his progress, thanks to Luke's new position, Josh found himself plummeting back down into the massive stomach of his muscular employee. Obviously unaware, Luke continued about with his challenge regardless.
"Feel anything yet, Luke?" Matt asked, curious about his boss's whereabouts.
"Nope!" Luke huffed between breaths as he swapped from jack knives to bicycles.
"Maybe it was too tough for him." Bobby said, wondering if Josh has made any progress at all.
"Give em, time." Tyler smiled as he patted his pocket. "We'll just wait for my alarm to go off."
The three agreed as they continued to watch Luke go about his work out.
- - -
Some time had passed as Luke continued on, working up a sweat, but showing absolutely no signs of being tired. Matt sat transfixed on Luke, unable to believe he's been going nonstop this whole time.
"You've gotta feel something by now, dude." Matt asked finally after a long break of silence.
"Wha?" Luke said as he looked at Matt. "Sorry dude, I've just been in the zone. I haven't really been paying attention. But we've got to be close to half an hour by now, right?"
Tyler shrugged as he pulled out his phone and saw…
Josh was dizzy from the lack of air. Being flung in every which direction was driving him insane. If it wasn't for Luke's sudden movements, Josh felt like he really could have escaped. But with Luke's position changing so rapidly, Josh could barely tell which way was up and which was down. Josh's eyes watered from the foul air in the massive stomach, wanting nothing more than the half hour to pass so his friends would just pity him and let him out.
Time passed on and Josh found himself continually being sloshed about in Luke's stomach. He felt like he was in there for an eternity, let alone a simple half hour.
"Why haven't they let me out yet!?" Josh cried out in the chaotic organ as it continued to flop about it's partially digested contents. Despite the fact that Luke's body was in motion so often, Josh found his skin started to burn. Rubbing the spots hoping to feel a little better as he was continually trounced about in the stomach, Josh began to question his ability to survive a half hour.
However, Josh was unaware that he had in fact survived now for over 45 minutes. As bad luck would have it, Tyler's phone was set to silent and the alarm wasn't going to save Josh any time soon. Josh cried as Luke's motions never seemed to show any signs of stopping or tiring out. Exhausted, Josh couldn't fight on for much longer as he was continually sloshed and churned with Luke's meal. It wasn't long before the agony of residual stomach acid finally caught up to the tiny man, causing him to be digested about in the mix of food ready to be processed within the confines of Luke's body.
- - -
Tyler pulled out his phone per Luke's request and his eyes widened as he saw his alarm went off over an hour ago. "What? Why didn't it go off!?"
Luke immediately stopped his workout and laid flat, looking at Tyler. "What do you mean it didn't go off?"
"I mean exactly what I said, dude. I guess my phone was on silent…" Tyler said, staring at it in disbelief.
"Woah, well." Luke said sitting up. "I can still get him out right?"
"Not unless he survived for almost two hours…" Tyler mumbled dropping his phone to his lap.
"It's been two hours?!" Matt yelled as he looked at Luke. "How has it been that long?!"
"I… guess none of us were paying that close of attention…" Bobby chimed in, feeling equally as guilty as everyone else.
"So uh." Luke said looking down at his sweaty abs. "What do I do, dude?"
"Nothing." Tyler answered, sitting back and clutching his phone tight in his hand. "He's gone, dude."
"Well, my alarm just went off. Better get puking, bro." Tyler smirked as he stored his phone back in his pocket and watched Luke sit up with a chuckle.
"Better grab me a bucket then, unless he wants vomit all over his floor!" Luke laughed as Tyler got up to go to the kitchen and found a pot used for cooking Luke could use. Tyler set the pot down in front of Luke and the three men watched transfixed as Luke shoved his fingers down his throat with great force, immediately causing a response and making the handsome man gag and vomit.
The three friends laughed hysterically as Luke continued to make himself self throw up repeatedly, making awful noises in the process that they found hilarious. After just a few minutes, Luke groggily looked into the pot, spotting some tiny confused motion as he reached in and scooped the tiny man as well as I hand full of vomit out of the pot. Luke smirked as he looked down at Josh before he arrogantly spat into the pot.
"Looks like you failed, bro!" Luke smirked as Josh tried desperately to make his head stop spinning. "Big Luke's too much for you!"
Tyler rolled his eyes as he watched Luke clear out the excess vomit from his hand, letting Josh readjust in relative cleanliness. "Big Luke also made the challenge practically impossible for him."
"This is weird." Luke said putting a hand on his ear. "Am I hearing this right, or are you defending the boss."
"What? No!" Tyler blushed a little. "I'm just stating facts, dude."
"Sounds like you're just jealous you weren't the one to be too much for him!" Luke challenged Tyler's ego a little.
"Shut up, dude." Tyler spat back, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair. Luke chuckled as he looked down at Josh, who finally seemed to be refocused on his surroundings.
"That was insane…" Josh finally said. "My head is still swimming."
"Sorry I was too much for you, dude." Luke winked with a pompous tone. Josh quickly saw Luke's arrogance as an opportunity.
"You were too much." Josh quickly agreed. "Guess that means I failed. Not really much I can do from here."
"Yeah you're right, dude." Bobby responded, making Josh's face glow with excitement. "We'll just have to stick to easier courses in the future."
Josh hung his head, figuring that type of response was coming. Josh sat down and thought about it. These past couple days HAVE been interesting. Also despite Luke's ridiculous challenge, he actually came a lot closer to succeeding than he thought he would. Josh shrugged. It wasn't like he wasn't enjoying all of this, but at the very least he felt like he was becoming accustom to it.
"Well what now?" Josh asked knowing it was inevitable. "I feel like I need a break at least."
"Good with me, dude." Luke laughed as he rubbed his stomach. "I'm hungry again now thanks to puking you up after all. So I guess dinner's on you!"
"I could think of worse things." Josh shrugged as paying for a meal to be delivered was at least a sufficient price to being puked out by Luke.
"Sweet! Then as champion, I request pizza!" Luke smiled with happiness as Josh nodded his head.
Conveying his credit card number to one of the guys, the group ordered a couple of pizzas and eagerly awaited their arrival. With food in hand and time passing by, Luke felt ready to pester Josh a little more.
"How's it feel feeding your champion, dude?" Luke chuckled as he finished the last bite of his pizza and flexed his free arm a little.
"Oh it's a dream come true, I assure you." Josh smiled back finding Luke's arrogance to be amusing as well feeding it to pester Tyler.
"I'm sure it is. You had the amazing honor of being trapped in the very place the food you just bought was sent to feed and make me even more awesome." Luke smirked, closing his eyes and turning as he flexed both is biceps, much to Josh's amusement. "But don't worry, I'm merciful god and I'd never leave you down there when you undoubtedly couldn't escape."
"Oh so you're a god now? Not a champion?" Josh chuckled as Tyler started to look more annoyed. Luke simply nodded his head.
"I may as well be… I mean…" Luke started to say before Tyler interrupted him.
"Ok that's enough dude." Tyler spoke up. "I don't care what you say but I'm…"
"That's it, dude!" Tyler spoke up finally. "Josh has to challenge you again!"
"What?!" Josh shot around and looked at Tyler in surprise. "No. Luke won fair and square."
"No way, dude." Tyler crossed his arms. "His challenge was way too unreasonable. Right, dudes?"
"It was a bit unfair." Matt agreed as he looked at Bobby who nodded his head in agreement. Luke simply sat back and chuckled.
"Fine, he can try again. I'll even make it super "easy" like you guys did. But when he's trapped again it'll prove just how much better I am than you guys." Luke smirked arrogantly as Josh looked around, having not agreed to any of this. "So what, do we wanna give him half an hour again, even with my laying still? Plenty of time, right?"
"Sure." Tyler simply said, confident Josh could shut Luke up with ease in way less than half an hour. Luke stood up, having finished his food already and figuring he'd wanna get the show on the road.
"Save me some pizza so I can have something to eat after I puke again." Luke winked at Matt and Bobby who chuckled slightly, but agreed. "Yo, Josh?"
"Huh?" Josh answered, more accustom to Luke calling him "boss". "What's up?"
"Wanna make a bet?" Luke smiled arrogantly as he looked down at the tiny man.
"You bet he does, dude." Tyler spoke for Josh. "If he wins you have cut your act and treat Josh like he's a god instead!"
"And if I win, I want Josh to come home with me tonight." Luke added to the end of Tyler statement. Tyler merely blinked for a second before he was about to vehemently disagree with the terms before Josh spoke up.
"Fine, works for me." Josh said quickly, not really sure what Luke was up to but deciding to go along with it anyway.
Tyler couldn't believe Josh would agree to such terms, but didn't really have a chance to take it in as Luke set his hand in front of Josh, allowing the tiny man to climb on and be lifted up to Luke's handsome smirking face. Luke opened his mouth once again as Josh stared into the familiar cavern. It reeked of pizza which didn't seem all the bad since it was still fresh in Luke's system. Josh stood there for a second, expecting Luke to dump him into his mouth before, but instead, Josh found Luke moving his hand to level against his tongue.
Looking inside, Josh willingly made his way off of Luke's hand and into the massive maw. Luke slowly closed his mouth behind Josh, smirking to himself as he subconsciously made the tiny man walk inside his mouth with out even saying a word. Luke continued to smirk as he refused to swallow Josh, feeling the tiny man squirm about in his mouth. Josh, feeling impatient, slipped his way to the back of Luke's throat. As he neared the very edge, Luke stimulated a swallow in a quick and tiny gulp, barely noticeable to his friends as they watched.
"Well?" Matt asked as he looked at Luke who rose an eyebrow at Matt. "Did you send him down?"
"Oh no dude." Luke smiled boastfully. "He sent himself down. Seemed pretty eager about it too."
Luke rubbed his chest slightly as he let out a quick burp before patting his abs a little. "He was pretty tasty actually."
"Alright, dude." Tyler crossed his arms impatiently as he pulled out his phone and set a new alarm for half an hour. "Get on the ground and lay there. You'll see."
Luke put his hands in the air, indicating to Tyler to calm down, as he made his way out to the living room, laying flat on his stomach on the carpet. Resting his face on the ground to the side, Luke started to wait as the other three men cleaned up the food from the table and made their way over to watch.
- - -
Josh sloshed his way down into the now familiar cavern. Having just spent half an hour in here not long ago, Josh was mostly relieved to see the chamber was fairly relaxed and unmoving finally.
"What a difference… it's actually fairly peaceful in here." Josh thought to himself as he watched the walls of Luke's stomach contract and relax, churning its meal causally as the huge man lay still on the floor. Josh closed his eyes, listening to the groans and gurgles of Luke's body as well as his heart beat, pumping blood throughout Luke's massive body in the distance. Josh coughed he reopened his eyes, taking in a deep breath of the cheesy stale air in Luke's stomach quickly reminded him he had a bet to win. Josh cracked his knuckles, figuring this would be a walk in the park with Luke laying still.
Getting ready to start his climb Josh…
Getting ready to move, Josh finally realized, his legs weren't going anywhere. Looking down, Josh noticed a huge chunk of unchewed pizza that Luke undoubtedly swallowed down whole in his greedy attempt to eat faster. Josh pulled hard on his legs, but the warm cheese held onto his tiny body with extreme ease. Reaching down to try and pull himself free, Josh carefully put his hand into the cheese, immediately regretting the choice as his hand quickly became stuck much like his legs.
"Oh god!" Josh yelled as he was too afraid to do anything with his free hand. "Damn it Luke! Why don't you chew your food?"
Josh continued to struggle as Luke's stomach groaned in bliss, happily just churning and digesting it's latest meal. Josh looked out into the gigantic organ with a little curiosity. Seemingly despite being stuck on the huge chunk of food, Josh was in relative safety as any potential digestive sludge merely swept up beside the pizza. Taking a very long time to break down the food Luke should have chewed.
"I don't know what to do…" Josh said to himself. Resigning himself to being stuck in the cheese. Josh sat back, letting his butt get stuck now as well as he simply looked around. Figuring he may as well get used to Luke's massive stomach once again, as he'd likely be spending another half an hour within it.
- - -
Tyler tapped his foot, constantly looking from his phone, to Luke, then back to his phone. Just a minute remained on Tyler's alarm at this point.
"Don't you feel anything?" Tyler asked impatiently.
"Dude, for the hundredth time." Luke groaned at Tyler's constant pestering. "I haven't felt a thing the whole time."
Tyler bit his lip, in absolute disbelief that Josh still hasn't made it out. Time ticked on however, and Tyler's phone started to buzz, indicating time was finally up. Tyler sighed as he went and got the same pot from earlier, bring it to Luke who looked up at him with an arrogant smirk.
"Well! Better get puking! Poor little guy still couldn't handle me!" Luke smiled, sitting up and leaning over the pot once again. Tyler crossed his arms with a blank look as he watched Luke start vomiting again like earlier. Matt and Bobby still found the whole process laughable, however Tyler sat by and watched silently. Chunks of food poured out of Luke's mouth, and the three men watched as he fished his fingers into the nasty looking sludge. Much like before, a struggling little speck caught Luke's eye as he scooped Josh out into his hand.
Clearing out the excess vomit from his hand, Luke looked down at Josh who could finally get to his feet after being trapped for so long. Luke flexed his free arm as he gloated over Josh's second loss. "That's right, boys! I'm still a god!"
Tyler sat forward and looked at Josh, disappointed. "What happened dude? That should've been a easy for you."
Wiping his face off from excess foul smelling liquids, Josh tried to explain. "I just…" Josh panted. "I got stuck on a-"
Josh was interrupted by Luke who bolstered over Josh with ease. "You heard it here! He got stuck!"
Tyler sat back and rolled his eyes. Annoyed with Luke and disappointed in Josh. Josh looked over at Tyler who looked away from him. A little upset Tyler wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt, Josh instead turned his attention to Luke, who continued to flex and gloat. "Yeah Luke. Guess you really are just too awesome for me!"
Luke smiled, absolutely loving the praise coming from Josh. "Oh I already knew I was, little man." Luke replied with a pompous tone. "You should simply be grateful for the time you spent inside me and that I'm gracious enough to let you out."
"Oh I most certainly am!" Josh chuckled slightly, enjoying playing along with the ego inflated Luke. Josh peeked out of the corner of his eye to see Tyler, still looking away in anger. Suddenly, Josh almost lost his balance as Luke stood up to his full hieght and made his way over to the dining room table, closing and grabbing a box full of pizza and holding it in his free hand.
"Well, me and my little worshiper have a bet to keep." Luke said with a smirk as he closed Josh into his hand. "So I'll be taking him and this pizza home with me."
"Fine. Have fun." Tyler yelled across the room with a bitter tone. "Don't forget your stupid shirt too."
Luke shrugged, forgetting entirely about it. "Keep it for now as a gift from someone as great as me. I'll pick it up tomorrow when I drop my little follower off."
"Whatever!" Tyler spat back. "Bye!"
Bobby and Matt simply sat in silence, unsure what to say or do as Luke left the room to the front door and Tyler continued to pout. Nothing more was said as Luke left, making his way home with a strong air of confidence about him.
- - -
Josh had to cover his nose a little while curled up in Luke's fist. It reeked of vomit since the huge man didn't really bother to completely clean his palm. Josh mostly forgot what he agreed to when Luke said he had to come home with him. Even then, Josh didn't expect it to happen right away either.
"I wonder what he has in store for me…" Josh thought to himself as he heard a door open, likely leading to the inside of Luke's apartment. Josh figured he'd have his question answered soon as Luke's hand opened up, giving him a breath of fresh air as he slid off the hand and on to a wooden table top. Josh turned around to see Luke hovering over him before dropping off the box of pizza behind him on the same table. Luke sat down and looked at Josh for a moment, before Josh decided to ask the obvious question.
"So why did you want to take me home with you?"
Luke smirked as he put his hands behind his head and replied…
"Well obviously I wanted my little bug to be able to worship me without Tyler getting all jealous." Luke answered back arrogantly. Josh opened his mouth for a second, wanting to retort, but started to blush a little in response instead.
"Don't worry, you don't have to say anything. I saw the way you were looking at me." Luke responded for Josh as he made his massive pecs bounce up and down a little. "I can tell just how impressed you are by me, dude."
"I guess I was pretty impressed at how I couldn't escape you after having such an easy time with the others…" Josh answered, looking down and feeling a little bashful. Luke smirked at Josh's shyness a little.
"No need to be shy, little fella." Luke said, standing up and double flexing his arms as he hovered over Josh with his massive body. "You don't have to feel shy about worshiping someone as awesome as me."
Josh leaned back in awe of Luke's fantastically trained body. Face red, Josh really wasn't sure how he felt about Luke's arrogant side. But a big part of him really did want to break down on his knees and worship the ego driven hunk. "Luke, you're so incredible I'm at a loss for words…"
"I'l give you a word." Luke responded, running his hand down his muscular torso while he looked at Josh. "Awesome."
"Awesome…" Josh repeated to himself as he continued to stare at Luke's godly figure. Josh flinched a little as Luke reached over him, opening up the box of pizza that Josh completely forgot was even there while his attention was so focused on Luke. Josh watched as Luke grabbed one of the still warm pieces of pizza and shoved half of it in his mouth, chewing a little before swallowing it down. Josh stared at Luke's throat as he forced the food down.
"Your god appreciates the tribute you bought for him." Luke smiled as he took another bite of the pizza. "Especially since I had to waste my meal twice to rescue you."
"I'm sorry you had to waste your meals, just for me." Josh apologized as he lowered his head in response. Luke put up his hand and looked down at Josh.
"I forgive you, little one. It's not often you get to be made an offering to a god twice and have him decide to keep you both times." Luke answered egotistically before grabbing another piece of pizza.
"It was a privilege to be an offering to your massive body, Luke." Josh said, with a smile as he recalled taking in his surroundings so vividly while he was trapped the second time. "It was like a whole other world inside your godly body."
"I can imagine you might have been a little frightened taking it all in." Luke grinned as he swallowed another piece of pizza. "But the second time, you didn't seem too scared… more eager."
Josh blushed as he recalled willingly walking in and allowing himself to be eaten by the handsome stud. "I suppose… doing it a second time felt less scary and more… exciting?"
"Exciting, hmm?" Luke said with a smile. "Would you offer yourself to me a third time?"
Josh's heart raced at the thought of being eaten by the blonde hunk yet again. "Honestly… yes I would."
"That can be arranged…" Luke smirked as he licked his lips, just having finished another piece of pizza. "But I did just eat again…"
"I'd feel bad making my god puke up another meal, besides…" Josh started to say, shaking a little. "I'd rather permanently be part of that meal…"
"Oh so you'd truly be offering yourself to me completely?" Luke smirked even more as he sat down finally to look at Josh. "Well my little bug…"
"Your god graciously accepts your tiny body as protein for my awesome bod." Luke responded with a massive smirk while flexing his chest a little. "You should feel honored you'll soon be part of this…"
"I a-am honored."Josh responded nervously. "After saving me twice, this is the least I can do to repay you."
"Not much of a repayment." Luke laughed a little. "You're so tiny I couldn't even consider you a snack."
"I'm sorry…" Josh apologized, knowing there wasn't anything he could do about his size.
"Don't worry, my little morsel." Luke shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "You did buy me pizza after all. So even though you won't fill me up, the pizza will."
Josh started to sweat a little at Luke's words. The fact that he was being compared to pizza and even deemed less useful than the pizza excited Josh to no end. When in fact, Luke wasn't wrong. He's bound to get a ton more sustenance from pizza than from Josh's pathetically small body. Luke looked at Josh's little body and had an idea.
"Since you're too small to be a snack, why not be a topping for the pizza you bought me?" Luke asked, mostly just feeling hungry for more pizza. Josh's head perked up at the idea, feeling like he might be a smaller part of a bigger meal that way.
"That's a great idea, Luke!" Josh replied with excitement. Luke simply crossed his arms and shook his head up and down arrogantly. Josh watched as the tremendous blonde stood up and walked to his kitchen, coming back after a few moments with a bottle of soda as well as a paper plate. Luke reached into the box of pizza once more, grabbing a slice and and setting it on the plate before putting it next to Josh. Uncapping the bottle of soda, Luke took a quick chug of the carbonated liquid as he sad back down in front of Josh.
"Need something to wash you down with." Luke winked at Josh as he set the bottle down on the table. Luke stopped for a second and looked up with a focused expression before expelling a tremendous burp. Luke laughed at his own burp as he patted his stomach, causing Josh to blush once again with excitement. "Just made room for you too, dude!"
Josh couldn't handle how incredible the situation was as Luke reached down for him, pinching him in between his fingers and dropping him on the pizza with ease. Josh felt the familiar cheesy warmth as his legs started to sink into the cheese once more. This time however, Josh took in his surroundings a bit differently. Just a simple apartment, a little messy and smelling heavily of Luke's musk. Josh closed his eyes as he finished taking it all in, knowing the next place he'd end up would be all too familiar at this point. He looked up at Luke's cocky smile as he went to grab the pizza. Josh felt no fear or nervousness at this point, only anticipation.
Luke licked his lips as he looked down at the piece of pizza, seeing Josh squirm right on the tip. "Lucky you. Third time and finally you can feed me in peace."
"I've waited all day for this at this point." Josh replied staring Luke in his perfect green eyes, wanting nothing more than to be devoured and forgotten about by the muscular god.
"Well you wait no longer, my tasty little bug." Luke said, bringing the pizza and Josh dangerously close to his mouth. "Next stop, your god's stomach…"
Luke very purposefully and slowly brought his mouth over the tip of the pizza, pulling off just the small section Josh was stuck to. Without chewing as he brought the piece into the center of his mouth, Luke merely sucked on the piece, moving it around casually in his mouth as he savored the taste. Finally, much to Josh's impatience, Luke brought the piece to the back of his mouth, lifting his tongue and forcing the piece of food down his throat. Luke sighed as he reached for his bottle of soda, taking a decent gulp from it as he washed Josh down as he promised.
- - -
Josh slid down Luke's throat quickly in a torrent of soda. Before he could even register the fact that Luke swallowed him, Josh found himself being dumped like common bits of food in Luke's hungry belly. Thanks to the acidity of the soda, Josh found himself mostly free from the cheesy prison that ailed him earlier today. Laughing at the irony that it didn't matter he was free this time, Josh almost wished he was trapped to the pizza like before. It would make the imminent digestion he faced feel like it was happening earlier rather than right now. Shaking his head from the nostalgic feeling, Josh crawled his way away from the pile of food he found himself mixed up in, not wanting to be buried beneath the mounds of food like he learned earlier from his adventures within Matt.
"Wow." Josh thought to himself in amazement as he thought back to being inside the stomachs of four different friends of his in the past day, all of this starting with simple teasing and an accident from Tyler and Bobby. Josh couldn't believe that by the end of the day he found the idea of being eaten alive so enticing that he actually actually requested it from an ego driven giant.
More food plummeted into the spacious cavern as Luke's stomach groaned with pleasure, likely already processing food into Luke's small intestine. Josh sat back and watched the walls of Luke's stomach churn and contract, much like he did earlier. It still felt so calm and blissful, even though Josh knew there was going to be no rescue this time. Suddenly, Josh was lurched backward as Luke's stomach walls made a loud smacking noise. Josh was dazed for a second as he imagined Luke was arrogantly slapping his ripped abs, undoubtedly on purpose as a message to how insignificant Josh was within him. A change in pressure followed by a loud and boisterous belch from above confirmed Josh's guess, Luke truly enjoyed his meal, down to even last topping on his pizza.
- - -
Impressed with his tremendous burp, Luke continued to rub his stomach a little bit. He couldn't help but smirk to himself, knowing there was no way Josh was getting out. Standing up and throwing out his plate, Luke felt like the biggest most awesome guy alive at the moment. He knew that Josh's only ticket to freedom would be if he was to vomit him up, but he was even happier that the little man wanted nothing more than to stay down and become part of him.
"I could've just kept him down the first time!" Luke laughed to himself as he looked down at his gorgeous abs. Standing still for a moment, Luke tried to feel for the little man deep within him. He shrugged though, knowing that if he didn't feel him the first two times why would it be any different the third. Taking another chug of his soda, Luke quickly felt more pressure in his stomach thanks to the carbonation.
"BUUUUUUUUURRRRRP!" Luke bellowed loudly as he walked his way over to his arm chair, sitting down and setting his soda down beside him as he flipped on his tv. "Whew! Wonder what that was like for him?"
Luke thought about it for a second, wondering what the implications of him burping were like on the tiny man. In the end, Luke didn't want to think too hard about it. The cocky blonde simply rubbed his hand on his stomach as he decided he didn't care what the implications were. There was nothing but food in his stomach to him at this point anyway.
Luke shrugged his shoulders as he laughed. "All I wanted was to piss off Tyler. I'd say I did just that, dude."
Josh sat back, in a little relief that Luke hadn't completely lost his head in this ego. "So that's what you were doing the whole time. It was pretty funny, I'll admit."
"You played along so well, boss!" Luke smiled as he flexed his arm and mocked himself from earlier. "Bow down to your god, blah blah blah!"
Josh laughed as he bowed his head a little. "Oh yes my god! Anything for you!"
"Ha! Classic, dude!" Luke laughed as he smiled and leaned forward. "Tyler's always got such a big head, it felt really good bringing him down a notch today!"
"Yeah he's sure got a massive ego sometimes…" Josh replied, thinking about how it was basically Tyler's ego and teasing that started all of this anyway. "It's pretty much his fault I had to go through all of this nonsense in the first place."
"Yeah I kind of got that impression from when you guys were explaining everything earlier." Luke said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "That Bobby ate you by mistake or something?"
"Yeah which would have never happened if Tyler hadn't egged Bobby on so much and thought that eating me would be a funny thing to tease me about." Josh frowned. "Like being this small isn't hard enough when you got those two block heads joking about something like that."
Luke shook his head an laughed at Josh's little vent. "But you showed them, boss. You beat them both at their own game even after they teased you so much."
Josh's head perked up. "I never really thought about it like that. I guess that does make me feel pretty good!"
"Couldn't beat me though, twice!" Luke winked at Josh with an arrogant smile. Josh rolled his eyes and laughed as Luke nodded his head up and down.
"Well the first time was far from fair!" Josh admitted. "And the second time I got stuck on some unchewed piece of pizza sitting in your stomach."
"Wait really?!" Luke laughed as he looked down at his chiseled abs. "That's hilarious, dude! I thought you just stayed down on purpose to make me look good!"
"You wish!" Josh chuckled at the handsome blonde. "Maybe you should learn to chew your food!"
"I'll keep that in mind next time I eat you, boss!" Luke teases as he clicked his teeth a few times at Josh.
"Well, first off. I'm not food." Josh retorted as Luke shook his head and laughed in disagreement. "And second, there's not gonna be a next time!"
"You couldn't be more wrong on both of those things, dude." Luke laughed as he rubbed his stomach a little. "You're small enough to be eaten and have been eaten, what? Four times now? So you're basically considered food in my book, dude. Or should I say in my stomach?"
Josh opened his mouth to argue before Luke continued on with the second part of his statement. "And second, of course there's gonna be a next time! I could tell you were starting to enjoy it, dude."
Josh didn't know how to respond, as it wasn't entirely far from the truth. "I wouldn't say I ENJOY it…"
"Then what would you call it, dude." Luke laughed as he leaned forward and raised an eyebrow at Josh. "The second time I ate you, you showed no fear."
"Well I wasn't afraid." Josh answered, turning away and crossing his arms.
"Yeah when you on my tongue I didn't taste fear." Luke smiled as he licked his lips a little jokingly. "I tasted excitement."
Josh blushed as he turned back to Luke and looked at his smug expression. "Whatever!" Josh sneered at Luke. "So it is kind of fun. Sue me."
"I wouldn't sue you, dude. Just eat you again if I wanted." Luke laughed as he leaned back a little once again. Just then Luke's stomach let out a long angry growl that echoed slightly in the small room. Luke laughed at the ironic timing as he gave his gut a good rub. "Well now would be a good time actually since I'm running on empty here! That way I wouldn't need to puke up another meal!"
Josh shot up a little shocked. He was not expecting this so soon. Josh stared at Luke for a moment, wanting badly to say agree, despite having already spent a full hour in the godly stomach of the stud already today. Josh readied himself to answer and…
"I'd be fine with that." Josh answered almost too willingly. Luke smirked as he looked down at his tiny boss, almost not wanting Josh to be too willing about.
"Well I wasn't exactly giving you the choice!" Luke laughed as he looked down on Josh with fake supremacy. "I was gonna do it whether you wanted me to or not!"
"Oh…" Josh answered feeling a little taken aback. "Well either way I'm up for it."
Luke frowned very slightly. He was just so willing it wasn't as much fun. Just then Luke's stomach erupted in another loud gurgling growl. "Man, I'm so hungry. I might just have to leave you down there…"
"Well… I don't really want to die…" Josh sweat a little feeling a bit concerned now for Luke's motives. "Maybe you should eat a little something first and we can wait til later…"
"No, I want to eat you now. Then I'll eat a bit more after that." Luke smirked as he reached down for Josh who now out of fear tried to avoid being plucked up by the handsome blonde stud. "You're so squirmy for my little speck of food…"
Josh fought now a bit, feeling like Luke must have some how snapped in the past couple minutes. "I told you! I'm not food, Luke! I'm your friend!"
Luke's stomach roared again almost in response. "My stomach disagrees. It says you're just food."
Josh yelled and covered his face as Luke held him over his open mouth. Luke carelessly dropped the little man in his cavern like maw, now for the third time. Josh scrambled to his feet trying to find a way not the be easily swallowed down by the giant knowing accomplishing that feat was near impossible. There was nothing. Luke gave him no options as he tilted his head back, letting Josh slide toward the throat. Luke even hung his mouth open slightly as light hit his uvula as Josh watched it hang so gracefully before he slide right under it before he was completely enveloped in darkness now, sealed away inside Luke's warm and moist esophagus.
Luke felt Josh slip out of his mouth as he closed his lips and wiped the briefly. Wanting to continue to taunt Josh and make him squirm, Luke let out a loud "Mmmmmm" in satisfaction. Sure enough, Luke felt a little fighting as it slowly was eased down deeper and deeper into his thick chest before disappearing. Luke tapped his stomach lightly with two fingers, hoping Josh had made his way all the way inside him once again.
- - -
Josh screamed as a deafening squelch deposited him now for the third time in the blonde hunk's massive stomach. Josh scrambled in fear as things felt so much more terrifying this time though. His skin already started to itch, the empty stomach was desperate to digest anything as it churned and moaned angrily. Luke's stomach erupted into another loud growl, Josh had to cover his ears and kneel to the fleshy floor now though. They seemed loud from the outside, but the inside was it's own separate monster.
"Luke!!" Josh cried out in confusion and anger. "Why!? What happened?!"
Suddenly from above him, Josh yelled as a large chunk of pizza plopped right next tom him. Josh couldn't believe it. Luke really was eating on top of him. Josh scrambled onto the pizza, figuring it was a little safer there than his current position. Josh itched his skin again as he watched the walls of Luke's stomach contract and relax, churning and mixing as it didn't care about Josh's fear. It just wanted him broken down and nothing else.
- - -
"Oh man he's probably freaking out!" Luke laughed as he swallowed down the rest of one piece of pizza. He figured one piece was fine to give up for the greater good of his joke, knowing he still had the rest of the pizza for after he puked Josh up again. "I hope this'll show him not to be so willing in the future!"
Luke gently patted his stomach and gave a light burp, hoping to scare Josh even further before he stood up and stretched. Figuring it was about time to get Josh out, Luke made his way over to his kitchen sink and cracked his fingered and neck as he knew the drill by now, sticking his finger into his mouth. After a few minutes Luke…
Being his third time he needed to pull this stunt today, Luke was easily able to trigger his gag reflex and start throwing up. It didn't take long since there wasn't much in his stomach, but in the first little chunks Luke saw a little squirming speck emerge from the partially digested pizza and bile. Luke scooped him with a smirk and gently rinsed him off using the faucet. After, Luke brought Josh back out onto the table and set him down on a napkin as he reached for a piece of pizza. Stuffing the pizza in his mouth, Luke looked down at Josh with an arrogant smirk.
"Oh come on don't be mad." Luke taunted Josh. "I was only messing with you. No worse than what Tyler does."
Josh sighed, it was the truth. He couldn't really be mad. "Yeah I'm not mad. It was just kind of scary."
"How was it any more scary than the like ten other times you were eaten?" Luke laughed as he shoved another piece of pizza in his mouth.
"I thought you were gonna leave me down there…" Josh said softly. Luke merely started laughing again as he started choking on the pizza he was eating. Swallowing it down with a mighty gulp and patting his chest, Luke continued to laugh a little.
"You're my buddy, Josh." Luke smiled. "I wouldn't do that to you, not unless you pissed me off of course!"
"Heard that one before." Josh said to himself as the line reminded him of Tyler. Luke stopped eating for a second and leaned toward Josh.
"What was that, buddy?" Luke asked as he bit into more pizza. "Maybe I'd hear you better from on this pizza!"
"You just sound like Tyler, that's all." Josh laughed, lightening up a little. Luke put a hand on his chest, looking offended.
"I resent that, Josh!" Luke swallowed his food. "I'm not like that egotistical dummy!"
Josh rolled his eyes, considering he was exactly like that egotistical dummy. "Alright Luke, if you say so."
"You're damn right!" Luke smiled, his mouth full of food. "Man I feel a lot better now with some actual food in my stomach…"
"Oh actual food? I thought I was food, huh?" Josh teased as Luke swallowed down his last piece of pizza.
"Oh yeah, let's do this again, buddy!" Luke looked down at Josh while rubbing his chest. "I thought you'd learn from being a willing little snack."
"Oh please. Now I'm just the one giving you a hard time, buddy." Josh mocked Luke, laughing as the man blushed a little. Luke walked over looming above Josh for a moment before he leaned in close to him, burping chunks of pizza on top of the little man.
"Aw man that was a nice rip." Luke complimented himself. "Bet that smells familiar to you, huh?"
Josh wiped his face, looking up at Luke's spectacular body. Despite the danger Luke just put him in not long ago, Josh couldn't help but to continue fantasizing about being deep behind Luke's thick abs. Trying to shake the thought, Josh figured if he pushed his luck too many times he's bound to get burned one of these times.
"Yes very familiar. I kind of like it." Josh said as Luke laughed and walked away shaking his head.
"Did you not learn anything?" Luke laughed at Josh. "I mean I like eating you, but you seem to like it a lot!"
"I wasn't asking you to eat me." Josh laughed at Luke. "I just said I liked the smell of your burp. If anything you should be making fun of me for that!"
Luke rose a finger to retort but stopped and lowered it as Josh continued to taunt him. "If anything you're thinking about it more than I am!"
"Maybe." Luke answered with a smile. "It is kind of a shame I can't keep you down though."
"Maybe for you!" Josh answered a little shocked. "I don't wanna die!"
"I just said it was a shame! Not that desperately wanted to against your will." Luke defended himself. "Trust me buddy I don't want you to die either. I really feel like aside from Matt and maybe a few of the other guys, you two are my best friends at the park."
"Aww.." Josh said quietly as Luke did have a soft side he found very cute. "I feel like I'm really close to you too Luke. I feel like I get you."
"You do, dude." Luke smiled. "We could be closer though. Like in my stomach."
"Ha ha." Josh laughed sarcastically. "I guess it is a shame it's so dangerous. Otherwise I'd spend more time down there for sure."
"What if we came up with something to make it safer?" Luke asked now curious about the options they might have.
"Umm I guess there's the old tying me to piece of rope so you don't have to throw up?" Josh offered thinking of clique giant eating tiny type things from cartoons. "Maybe if I was in a capsule or something that was hard to digest? Or if you just took an antacid like Tums, that would ease up the acid in your stomach and make it safer."
"Wow." Luke chuckled. "Either you've been thinking a lot about this or you're just a smart dude."
"Maybe both?" Josh asked as Luke shrugged his shoulders.
"Can't be too smart if he's trying to end up in here?" Luke asked as he patted his solid abs with a smirk. Josh rolled his eyes, thinking perhaps it wasn't too smart after all, but his adventurous side was definitely taking over. "Either way what's the plan little man?"
"Hmmm…" Josh thought about the ideas he presented. "We should at least use string regardless of what we do. I'd feel bad if you puked again."
"Yeah you're out of luck if it involves puking." Luke rubbed his throat. "My throat kinda hurts. Plus I wanna keep my meal, dude."
"Well in that case why don't we tie me up to a string and…"
"Why don't we have you take some tums or something? Seems like the least invasive way to go about it?" Josh asked as Luke shrugged his shoulders in disappointment.
"That's great but I don't have any tums. I have Tylenol?" Luke asked as Josh shook his head.
"Not even close to the same thing." Josh shook his head in laughter. "I know there's some in the break room at the park. Plus I can stop and get my phone in case there's an emergency."
"Sounds like a solid plan." Luke shrugged. "Should I go out like this?"
Josh looked at Luke who ditched his shirt at Josh's house and was simply standing there in his green running shorts. "I mean I guess throw on a shirt if you want." Josh said hoping that he'd decide against covering up. "I mean I think you're fine the way you are…"
"Oh fine the way I am?" Luke taunted Josh. "Yeah I guess you're right, I don't really need a shirt huh? Plus it's still early… and sunny out. Shit I get pretty sweaty too…"
"Um yeah it is…" Josh stuttered. "So if you decided it wasn't worth sweating through a shirt then… yeah it's fine…"
"Yeah not worth it huh." Luke bounced his pecs a little as he reached down for Josh, easily scooping him up in his hand. "Hey I've got an idea. You don't really want to ride in my hand right?"
"Its a little sweaty I guess…" Josh answered sheepishly as he looked up at Luke's beautiful body. Suddenly, Luke lifted Josh up to his face before dropping him in his mouth. Closing it behind him and smirking, Luke felt Josh squirm about in there before he burped with his mouth remaining mostly closed.
"Don't worry you're just riding in there!" Luke laughed as he hung his mouth open a little, wondering if Josh was panicking a little about being in Luke's sexy mouth once again.
- - -
Swished around Josh panicked a little, but he figured Luke wasn't going to just swallow him without warning. For once while inside the man's mouth… Josh felt safe. Josh couldn't possibly gain any kind of balance inside the man's mouth though. At the very least, Josh felt like it was a descent chance to look around. As Luke walked away and out of his apartment Josh couldn't help but admire every nook and cranny of Luke's cavernous mouth.
As Luke made his way from his apartment to Shrink and Swim, Luke…
Luke walks arrogantly, grabbing a pair of sunglasses as he made his way out of the apartment. He knew he had an amazing body but he never tried to show it off too much, until now. Strutting out into the outside, Luke smiled as a group of girls walked past him whispering and giggling as he made his way past them. Nearly forgetting he had Josh in his mouth, Luke halted the temptation to stop and talk as he took a long way to Shrink and Swim, knowing from his apartment he could easily take a short route to the water park. Luke swished his mouth a little in an arrogant smile knowing his little friend was likely enjoying it inside his hot mouth.
"Sorry buddy… we're taking the long way." Luke smirked as he thought to himself.
- - -
Josh slide and swished around in Luke's mouth. It was hard to tell where he was but Josh tried to hold his head, hoping that he could keep his bearings long enough for them to make it to the park. Not that Josh was complaining. Luke's burp still lingered inside his massive mouth. Josh hoped he could just sit back and relax as Luke strode his way slowly to the park.
"Wow… I could almost get used to this…" As Josh found himself drenched in Luke's hot saliva. He could feel his skin wrinkle up a bit but really Josh didn't care. He was happy just spending time inside the hot blonde muscular stud's mouth.
- - -
Luke continued to smile behind his his dark sunglasses as countless girls and a few guys checked him out as he walked along the boardwalk. Sure he was one of the shortest guys at Shrink and Swim but in public… he may was well be a sexy giant. Luke's grin widened as a guy stopped and slapped him on the back.
"Nice gains bro!" The guy shouted as Luke's ego grew a little. A few girls stopped clad in bikinis, giggling and wishing they could spend a couple of seconds to even speak to the drop dead gorgeous blonde man. Luke smiled as the girls came up to him. He bounced his pecs a little absentmindedly as he swallowed his tiny friend in his mouth.
"How we doing ladies…" Luke asked as the cute girls giggled and hoped they'd spend even a moment with the muscular hunk. Letting his hormones get the best of him however, Luke forgot entirely about the man he called one of his best friends that was slowly being pulled deep into his ripped body.
- - -
Josh screamed as he was drug quickly down Luke's throat. It wasn't like it was an unfamiliar trip at this point, but Josh wasn't entirely sure that Luke meant to do it. Josh squirmed, hoping his muscular friend would somehow realize his mistake as he fell deeper and deeper until he was deposited for the fourth time into the hunky blondes stomach. Josh shivered as he landed in a pile of digested mush, smelling of pizza and crust hoping that this was all some stupid joke.
"Luke!" Josh cried out in the stomach. "We forgot the string! I know you wanted to eat me but we had to wait!"
Nothing came in response. Not even a pat of the stomach or a burp. None of Luke's tell tale signs of fucking with Josh played out. Josh sat back, hoping there was something Luke would do to save him.
- - -
"Yeah I am all natural, ladies." Luke gloated as the huge breasted beach goers gloated over his immense muscles. "You wanna touch them?"
The ladies caressed Luke's massive muscles as he smirked like crazy, loving all the attention before he gave the girls a fake number and promising to call them. Walking away Luke had trouble remembering what he was doing. Having thought for a minute, Luke remembered as he found a speck in his mouth, likely just a random food particle but Luke believed it to be Josh. Continuing he extremely slow walk to the water park, Luke continued to smirk as he was stopped by women and men alike, admiring his amazing physique.
- - -
There was no hope for Josh. Consciousnesses started to fade as Luke continued to stride along. Absentmindedly burping believed Josh to be inside his mouth, Luke unknowingly deprived Josh of any necessary oxygen he required to keep alive. Nothing could save Josh as he exhaustively fell off his his mount of cheesy pizza landing deep in the pit of Luke's stomach. Screaming in pain, Josh landed in a pit of acid. It was too much for the tiny man as he screamed in pain before slowly fading from life as Luke's stomach acid slowly ripped apart his feeble body. With his last scream of help, Josh teared up as he believed Luke to truly be one of his best friends. For the man to forget about him so easily broke Josh down. He didn't care he was dying. If anything he was supplying the blonde hunk with a tiny shred of protein. Gone, Josh faded from existence as Luke continued to smirked, believing Josh to be safely in his mouth.
- - -
Making his way to the park, Luke believed Josh was still in his mouth. Burping again with his mouth closed, Luke smiled as he opened the door to the break room. Reaching into his mouth, Luke pulled out the speck only to be disappointed by the fact that when he pulled it out, it was merely a piece of cheese. Searching his mouth, Luke was puzzled as he believed Josh to be in his his huge mouth.
"Josh…?" Luke asked as he ran a finger though his mouth. Luke tried to think… but he couldn't think of anything. "I must've swallowed him…" He believed as he reached into his throat hoping to save his little friend. Little did he know, it was already too late. Luke got his wish, he got to keep Josh down, the true shame was that he wasn't even aware that he swallowed his "best friend" before he was gone forever. Giving up, Luke rubbed his gut. He felt bad, but at the same time, he couldn't help but smirk, knowing he did get what what he wanted in the end.
Josh's thought process was quickly interrupted when Luke's phone started to ring loudly from his pocket. Josh watched as the enormous blonde reached in and pulled the phone out of his pocket and held it up to his ear.
"Sup, dude! What's good?" Luke answered casually as Josh began to wonder who it was. Luke looked at Josh and smiled as he continued his conversation. "Yeah dude, he's fine. He's with me."
Josh continued to guess who it was, wondering if Tyler mellowed out or not. Josh shook his head, figuring it wasn't the case as he continued to listen to Luke's conversation. "Yo, you should just come over, dude." Luke said to whoever was on the phone. "Alright, dude. I'll see you soon."
"Was it Tyler?" Josh asked, curious if his best friend was worried about him. Luke laughed for a second before he put his phone back in his pocket.
"You kidding, dude? Nah it was Matt." Luke answered still chuckling at the thought of Tyler calling him right now. "I'm sure Ty is still moping like a baby."
"You're probably right…" Josh sighed, a little disappointed. Luke crossed his arms as he looked at Josh's little form droop slightly.
"It's ok dude. You can chill with Matt and Me." Luke smiled, trying to cheer up Josh a little. "We can be just as good of buddies to you as Bobby and Tyler, you know!"
"What do you mean by that?" Josh asked, already liking both Matt and Luke a great deal.
"Well you and Ty are so tight, then we found out you had Bobby who you were tight with too." Luke started to say. "Well we wanna be tight too, dude!"
Josh laughed as he never knew Luke and Matt wanted to be closer to him in the first place. "Don't worry, Luke. You, me and Matt are already tight. I love you guys!"
"Awwww! Dude!" Luke smiled as he reached forward and scooped Josh up suddenly and brought him into his gigantic chest for the biggest hug Josh has ever gotten. Josh squirmed a little as Luke pressed him between his massive pecs and held him still with his hand in extreme ease. Josh struggled for a moment before he heard Luke's door open and saw Matt appear, wearing his tank top from earlier and holding Luke's shirt. Josh reached a hand out in a call for help as Matt saw Luke hugging Josh.
"Uhhhh." Matt started to say as Luke looked at him with a smile.
"Dude, the boss just told me he loved us!" Luke said happily as Matt dropped Luke's shirt and walked over.
"Awwww! Boss!" Matt replied, coming and joining in on the group hug, crushing Josh between both Matt and Luke's chests now. Josh squirmed even more as he found it very difficult to breath.
"Guys!" Josh huffed. "I'll love you even more if you don't crush me!"
Matt and Luke looked at each other with goofy grins as they separated, leaving Josh gasping for air in Luke's palm. The two men laughed a little as Josh got to his feet. "T-thanks, guys." Josh caught his breath as he turned and looked at Matt. "How are Tyler and Bobby?"
"Bobby's fine. He told me not to worry about Ty. He was still upset, but he figured that he could calm him down eventually." Matt chuckled as he thought about Tyler complaining like a child before looking at Luke. "You sure got under his skin, dude."
"Good!" Luke laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "He deserves it after all he put through Josh through the past couple days."
"Wait what?" Matt asked as Luke and Josh looked at each other before explaining everything once again to Matt. Matt simply crossed his arms and smiled. "Well,dude. At least you get a little break from them! Luke and I won't tease you! Not as badly anyway!"
Josh sighed, knowing the two goofy blondes were capable of being just as bad as Tyler sometimes, but was glad to have a break from Tyler himself none the less. Josh nearly jumped though as Luke's stomach erupted a second time with a hungry growl. Luke laughed as he rubbed his stomach with his free hand. "Ha I forgot how hungry I was!" Luke chuckled as he looked down at Josh. "Probably shouldn't eat you now, dude. My stomach would tear you up in a second!"
Josh shivered slightly at the comment, not wanting to know what it would be like to be "torn up" in someone's stomach. Meanwhile, Matt just looked at Luke confused. "You were gonna eat him again, dude?" Matt questioned. "Shouldn't you, like give him a break, dude?"
"Well I am now, dude!" Luke laughed as he walked over to the dining room table and let Josh back down on the surface before reaching over for the box of pizza he set down earlier. Josh watched as Luke opened it up and greedily stuffed his face, barely chewing as he swallowed the food down in a massive hurry. Luke laughed as he realized he still didn't chew the pizza this time. "Sorry dude, forgot to chew my food again."
"Well based off what you said earlier, I should consider that a good thing." Josh smiled as Luke shoved more food in his mouth, forcing it down with a mighty gulp. Josh and Matt laughed as the handsome blonde started to get the hiccups, lurching every couple of seconds before he went to his kitchen to chug a bottle of water.
"You need to slow down, dude." Matt laughed as Luke rubbed his chest, hoping his hiccups would go away. Luke merely shook his head as he grabbed another piece of pizza.
"Nah, dude. Hic! I have to eat fast so we, hic! Can do something fun!" Luke sputtered as he quickly consumed another piece of pizza. Matt rolled his eyes as he looked over at Josh.
"I think the boss would much rather just chill and play video games or something with his bros, right?" Matt asked Josh who's head perked up at the idea of just relaxing for a change. Luke shook his head in disagreement however.
"No way! He wants to have fun and do something, hic! Exciting!" Luke spoke out excitedly as he looked down at Josh with a smile. Josh pondered for a moment. He had a clue what Luke may mean by "exciting" but he wasn't so sure if he was up for it now or not, especially since Matt was here now, he wasn't sure what the two would come up with. However, with how the pace of the day had been going, Josh wasn't entirely sure he wanted to just sit between the two studs and watch them play video games either. Deciding to speak up and choose before Luke could choose for him, Josh decided that they should…
"I think I'd rather just chill and watch you guys play some video games for now." Josh smiled nervously as he looked at Luke, who looked a little disappointed. The huge blonde shrugged his shoulders, figuring they could always do something more fun later.
"Alright dude." Luke responded, rubbing his chest as he realized his hiccups had gone away. Josh looked up at the handsome giant as he reached down for him, scooping him up in his slightly greasy hands. Josh rode along in Luke's hand as he and Matt made their way to his couch, sitting down in front of the tv. Matt and Luke sat next to one another as Luke dropped Josh off, right between the two stud's huge butts. Looking to his right and left, Josh saw nothing but the two men's asses all the way up to theirs sides and they both looked down at him.
The two men grabbed a pair of controllers Luke had laying about as they turned on Luke's console and looked at each other trying to decide on what game they should play.
"Let's play the snowboarding one dude." Matt asked as he grabbed it from Luke's pile of games beside him. Luke laughed as they put in the game.
"What's with you and snowboarding, dude?" Luke asked, with an amused smile as they started up the game. Matt shrugged his shoulders as they picked their characters and started to play.
"Dunno, dude. I've just surfed and lived in warm places my whole life. I've never even seen snow, but it seems like it'd be like surfing, just with snow instead of water." Matt tried to explain as he glanced down at Josh, who just sat back trying to get comfortable between the two behemoths. "Boss, you ever seen snow?"
Josh looked up at Matt, surprised he was being asked questions while they played their game. "I used to live in a pretty cold climate. We got snow a lot, I always hated it actually. But I suppose it has been a long time since I've had to deal with it."
Luke's eyebrows rose a little as he started to think a little. Josh looked at the man briefly before he turned his attention back to the game. Josh quickly looked back to Matt as he responded. "Oh so you don't like snow, dude?"
"It's ok." Josh simply said as he continued to watch. "It's just a hassle to deal with on the roads or shoveling."
"Yeah that makes sense dude." Matt responded after finishing another race.
- - -
The three sat in relative silence for a little while as they played the game. Josh enjoyed the down time as he would occasionally look over at Luke who's butt cheeks would clench every once in a while while playing. Josh chuckled as Luke finally leaned back and set his controller down on his lap.
"Dude, all this snowboarding and snow talk has been giving me ideas." Luke finally said with a smile. Josh and Matt looked at him as he explained his thoughts. "Josh is small enough where he could have his own little winter for the first time in a long time here."
"What do you mean?" Matt asked, curiosity perked.
"Well he said he didn't really like dealing with snow, but what if that snow was made of chocolate?" Luke asked Josh, raising his hands and putting on a smile.
"So ice cream?" Josh answered immediately. Luke looked disappointed that Josh stole his thunder so easily.
"Dude, what about a snow cone instead?" Matt asked. "It'd be more actually snowy than ice cream."
"Yeah but ice cream is tastier." Luke said with a smile.
"Well you wouldn't be eating it if I was in it." Josh said, tilting his head as Luke simply smiled at him. "Oh god damn it…"
"Guess you can just go with Matt's snow cone idea instead, dude. I don't really feel like a snow cone." Luke said with a laugh as he rubbed his stomach.
"Oh well in that case-" Josh started to say before Matt interrupted him.
"Well I could go for one, if that what the boss is into." Matt said with a eager grin, not wanting to miss out on the fun.
Josh rolled his eyes, glad to see being eaten in a frosty treat was what he was "in to". Regardless Josh looked up between the two men, deciding that if he had to he'd rather go with…
"I'm re-challenging Josh myself!" Tyler announced with passion as he stood up. "I'm just as good, if not better than you, Luke!"
Josh rolled his eyes, knowing Luke was more than clearly on Tyler's nerves. "Fine, I accept, but can we talk real quick?"
"Don't worry fellas. He's just gonna tell the big dork how the only one he can't escape from is me." Luke smiled arrogantly as he spoke to Bobby and Matt. Luke started laughing at his own comment a little as Josh found himself being unceremoniously scooped up by Tyler's massive hand. Josh looked up at Tyler's flustered face as they left the room, Luke's laughter echoing slightly as the two talked in private.
"He's seriously pissing me off. You're pissing me off a little too." Tyler spoke bluntly to Josh. Josh sighed a little as he tried to explain himself.
"Ty, be honest, have you ever seen Luke act like this?" Josh questioned Tyler.
"No." Tyler responded, looking slightly confused. "It's really weird actually."
"I think it's funny. That's why I've been playing a long." Josh revealed, hoping to rationalize his actions.
"Oh…" Tyler answered, rubbing his side a little with his free hand. "I didn't realize you were playing along because you thought it was funny…"
"What?" Josh laughed at Tyler's slightly stunned expression. "Did you really think I was giving into this silly god complex of his? It's just funny seeing someone act like that."
"Well now I just feel stupid, dude." Tyler said, closing his eyes and putting his hand on his chin in thought. "What are we supposed to do?"
"What do you mean?" Josh asked.
"Well I kinda just re-challenged you, dude." Tyler answered, raising his eyebrow slightly. "I don't wanna look stupid."
"Ugh…" Josh wallowed, knowing Tyler's pride meant more for the thick headed jock more than whatever Josh could ever want. "I guess we're gonna have to go through with it."
"Yeah…" Tyler answered suspiciously as he rubbed the back of his head. "So do you think you could lose on purpose too?"
"What?" Josh blinked as he looked up at Tyler's handsome face. "Is this another stupid pride thing?"
"Well, yeah dude." Tyler smiled. "I can't let Luke be the only one to gloat."
Josh sighed as he thought about it. With how childish the whole situation was, Josh decided that…
"Fiiiine…" Josh sighed as he looked up at Tyler's handsome face. "If it'll make you happy, I'll let you win."
"Sweet, dude!" Tyler smiled as he looked down at his minuscule friend in his palm. Josh shook his head, curious about one thing though still.
"What do you mean by not letting Luke be the only one to gloat, by the way?" Josh asked, knowing how easily Tyler lets things get to his head.
"Oh dude." Tyler laughed a little. "Just that the whole point is so that I can gloat just as hard as he is, if not harder!"
Josh sighed, figuring that was the case. "Whatever, maybe you'll be funny too then."
"I'm always funny!" Tyler laughed as he walked back into the living room, carrying Josh and chuckling slightly. Luke's head pooped up as he saw Tyler re-enter. Matt and Bobby also turned as Luke yelled out to Tyler.
"What's so funny, bro?" Luke asked with an arrogant smirk as he took a sip from his drink.
"Oh, dude. Josh was just saying how easy it's gonna be to beat me." Tyler responded, finally playing along with Luke. "He was saying how you're the only one who could possibly keep him down."
"Ohhhh shit dude!" Luke laughed loudly as he looked at Josh, who was simply looking around in slight confusion trying to figure out what was happening. "That's hilarious! I never knew Josh was such a shit talker!"
Josh blinked as he finally realized what was going on and tried to come up with something. "Uh, yeah! Ty's not gonna be able to hold me down!"
The four men blinked for a second, stunned by how bad the shit talking came from Josh directly before Luke jumped to Josh's defense. "Yeah you tell him little guy! I'm the only one fit to be your god!"
"We'll see about that." Tyler smirked as he looked down at Josh with confidence. Josh jumped a little as Tyler quickly lifted him up to his smiling lips. Josh bit his lip as he looked at Tyler's mouth, his perfect white teeth starting to bare as he opened his mouth slightly. "Alright buddy, you got half an hour!"
Josh found himself being tilted against his will into Tyler's opening maw. Unable to stop himself even a little bit, Josh slid easily out of Tyler's hand and into his massive cavernous mouth. With a splat, Josh landed in a pool of sticky saliva somewhere near the middle of the gigantic tongue. Josh wiped his face off as he looked out into the light one last time before Tyler closed his mouth shut, smiling as he did so. Josh shivered in the darkness, knowing all too well at this point exactly what was going to happen to him next. Closing his eyes and waiting for the inevitable, Josh knew not to get to comfortable as he scenery was quickly going to change.
- - -
Tyler tilted his head back, still continuing to smirk as he felt his tiny friend slide to the back of his throat before he gave a tiny gulp, barely doing anything as Josh slipped down out of his mouth down on his trip toward his massive stomach. Tyler chuckled as he put his hand on his chest. "He didn't even squirm or nothing. He knew he couldn't fight me."
Luke laughed as he stood up to look at Tyler, as he was finally finished eating all his food. "Nah dude, he's just confident! He knew he doesn't need to put up a fight!"
"Whatever you say dude." Tyler smirked as he traced Josh down with his hand before his fingers rested on his deeply toned abs. "I'm confident he's gonna be stuck right here for the next thirty minutes."
"Well sure, dude. If you keep standing around like that I'd agree with you." Luke chuckled. "Not unless he's gonna claw out of your throat at that steep of an angle, dude!"
Tyler took his hand off his stomach as he shrugged and made his way into the living room and knelt down to the ground before slowly lowering himself to the ground, laying flat on his stomach as the rest of his friends gathered around him and took a seat to enjoy the show. Luke pulled out his phone and checked the time, setting an alarm for thirty minutes from now. Tyler rested his head, looking at Bobby and winking at his friend as Bobby nodded in understanding.
- - -
Josh felt disgusted as he slopped his way through mounds of half chewed partially digested food as Tyler's movements finally settled down. Having adjusted to the darkness of quite a number of his friend's bodies in the past day and a half, Josh actually felt comfortable as he traversed the somewhat familiar landscape of Tyler's groaning and gurgling belly. Figuring the best place to go to stay safe would be up, Josh started to scale a nearby mound of food as he worked his way to safety, further away from the foamy sizzling acids deep in the pit of his friend's hungry stomach. Tyler's stomach churned and contracted as it gave off a soft moan, squelching fluids from Tyler's gut to be processed in his small intestines. Josh simply sat still, crossing his arms in disappointment.
"I can't believe I agreed to just sitting down here like a piece of meat…" Josh mumbled as he closed his eyes, listening to Tyler's distant heartbeat as well as the constant flexing of the nearby stomach walls. "I guess it's not so bad though… it is Tyler after all."
Josh continued to try and relax. He knew he was in good hands with his best friend. "Well I guess in a good stomach, in this case." Josh chuckled to himself as he laid back, patiently waiting for half an hour to pass. "This is actually kinda nice…"
- - -
Luke tapped his phone impatiently as it finally started to ring, indicating that thirty minutes had passed. Tyler looked over as he heard the sound of Luke's alarm, smirking as he sat up and looked down at his stomach. "Well well."
"I'm surprised, dude." Luke said, admitting defeat. "Guess we better grab that pot for you to puke him up in."
Luke got up and grabbed the pot from earlier, setting in from of Tyler as the three sat back and watched as the bronzed hunk stuck his fingers down his throat, triggering his gag reflex and causing him to spew chunks of vomit up into the metal pot. It didn't take long before Tyler noticed a tiny struggling speck among the carnage in the pot. Scooping it up and wiping his hand mostly clean, Tyler showed that Josh was indeed safe in his hand once more. Josh shook his body clean of any remaining goop as he looked from Tyler to Luke.
"I guess I couldn't do it…" Josh tried to lie, hoping to make Tyler look good, just wanting everything to go to plan. Luke looked down at Josh for a moment. Josh stared back at the handsome blonde awkwardly in the eye for a moment before Luke finally said…
"Oh gross dude!" Matt frowned as he looked down at a small squirming speck among his food. Matt looked up at Bobby, who sweat a little staring at the same speck. "You see this dude? Some bug got in my food!"
"It's just a little guy by the looks of it, bro." Bobby commented, hoping Matt wouldn't be too bothered. "Little extra protein."
"Gross." Matt stuck his tongue out, still eyeing the little speck. "Who do I look like? Luke?"
Bobby simply looked at Matt, tilting his head a little. "The protein thing would get him excited. Not me dude. I hate bugs." Matt explained, knowing Bobby didn't know him or Luke very well yet. Bobby watched as Matt started to push the plate away from him. "I dunno if I want this anymore, dude."
"You could pick it out at least. It's so small I doubt it really did any harm." Bobby tried to at least get Matt to clear his plate, figuring he could figure out what to do with Josh later. Matt crossed his arms, frowning a little.
"I guess." Matt sighed. "I wouldn't want it to go to waste."
Bobby watched closely as Matt took his fork and scooped it under Josh, getting ready to pick him out of the food. With a sudden flick, Bobby kept his eyes on Josh as he was sent sailing…
Bobby watched as Josh went flying off Matt's plate and onto his own. With a splat into his own spaghetti, Bobby stopped and just looked down at Josh squirming in his own food now.
"Oh whoops." Matt apologized, realizing what he had done. "I'm sorry dude. But hey, you didn't seem bothered. More protein right, dude?"
"Right, dude!" Bobby smiled, wondering if he could some how keep eating while avoiding Josh struggling away in his food. Bobby deliberately spin his fork in an area away from Josh before putting more food in his mouth and looking up as Matt stared at him with a rose eyebrow.
"You're gonna give me a hard time, but go that far out of your way, dude?" Matt laughed, commenting on Bobby's deliberate actions. Bobby swallowed down the food with a tremendous gulp as Matt yawned. "It's ok if you think it's gross, dude. You can pussy out like I did."
Bobby's stomach dropped a little. He definitely didn't like to be called a pussy or back down from anything. Looking down at Josh struggle, Bobby figured this would be ok. After all he did accidentally eat Josh yesterday and he was fine. Plus he got deliberately eaten by Tyler and made it out. Bobby moved his fork under Josh, scooping him up on one of the prongs and brought him up to his mouth.
"Well this wasn't the plan, but should be fun for him regardless." Bobby thought to himself as he slowly brought to fork into his mouth, closing his lips and pulling the fork back out.
- - -
Josh screamed as he was easily deposited in Bobby's enormous mouth. He knew Bobby saw him, plus he understood the events leading to this. But what he didn't understand was what was Bobby's next course of action.
"Is he going to swallow me instead?" Josh wondered out loud as he looked around Bobby's cavernous mouth. It reeked of soda and spaghetti sauce as Bobby's tongue was easily able to position Josh about in the huge mouth, moving him further back to the very edge of the throat. Josh couldn't help but watch in awe as Bobby's massive uvula twitched and dangled about before he was sent on a quick drop downward in a deafening gulp.
- - -
"Oh gross, dude." Matt winced a little. "I was only teasing."
"Oh. well too late now, bro." Bobby smiled as he took a sip of his soda. he did feel a little bad doing that to Josh, but he knew he was safe for now. He trusted himself far more than anybody else after all. A few minutes passed as the men finished their food and Bobby convinced Matt to maybe go outside and relax. As they made their way out, the two men…
"He said he got a text from Markus and Blake actually. They asked him to join them for a quick round of basketball." Bobby replied as he lowered his phone from his eyes.
"I've heard they've been getting Ty to play basketball with them a lot lately actually. I wonder how long they'll be?" Josh questioned aloud. Bobby merely shrugged as he set his phone down on the table.
"Guess it depends on what they play till. Probably like an hour I'd guess." Bobby estimated. "What can you tell me about Blake and Markus? They chill?"
Josh thought for a second for the best way to describe the two men. Out of all the guys at the park, the two of them certainly gave off the most intimidating presence when it came to their massive heights. "They're both really tall. Markus more so than Blake though. Blake might be just a little taller than you. How tall are you now? I remember you and Ty used to be the same height."
"I'm sitting about 6'7" since college and may still be growing, dude." Bobby smiled, impressed with himself that he grew in the past couple of years, where as Tyler had not. Josh shook his head, as he guessed Bobby must've been about that tall.
"Yeah so you guys should be close. Blake measured at 6'7" on the nose when I hired him. Markus was about 6'9" though last I checked." Josh thought to himself, putting a hand on his chin.
"Man, that's tall dude. No wonder they're into basketball." Bobby smiled, wondering to himself if after he's gotten to know the guys if he could join in himself.
"Well I'm not sure about Blake, but Markus played basketball in high school and football actually." Josh continued to think as he was reminded of how Markus went to the same high school as Josh, although Markus was a year behind him.
"Oh were you guys buddies in high school?" Bobby asked, curious now the the prospects of high school sports were brought up.
"No, we didn't really know each other. He was a year behind me, also I was more of a nerd than an athlete." Josh reminisced as Bobby laughed a little. "But we get along great nowadays! He's always happy to sit back and joke about old teachers and stuff from back then with me. He's a good guy."
"That's great to hear, bro! Sounds like I'll like him a lot too! What's he look like besides apparently monstrously tall?" Bobby chuckled as all he had to go off of so far was height.
"Oh well, let's see." Josh thought for a moment. "He's black, he's got brown eyes and dark short hair. He's got some really cool tattoos across his chest that fan out on the front of his shoulders. Oh, he collects hats just like you do! So he's always got a wide array of hats."
"Sweet dude! I love this guy already!" Bobby smiled before stopping to think for a second. "You haven't said much about what Blake is like though?"
"Oh well Blake…" Josh closed his eyes for a second as Blake was a little different. "He's really quiet. Like doesn't speak very often unless it's important."
"Oh so he's just shy?" Bobby asked, scratching his brow a little in confusion.
"Um…" Josh tried to think. "No he's not shy. He's not like introverted or anything. He just doesn't like to talk much."
"I think I understand, bro." Bobby smiled, glad he just sounds like a nice guy, despite not being the talkative type. "What's he look like, dude?"
"He's got curly black hair and brown eyes, kind of lightly tanned skinned." Josh started to explain. "He's pretty well built too. I think he'd give you a run for your money actually."
"Doubt it!" Bobby laughed as he did a double bicep flex, causing his already tight shirt to stretch even more to it's limit before lowering his arms and chuckling. "Not that it's a competition or anything!"
"Suuure." Josh smirked as he knew how competitive some of these guys get when it comes to who has the best build. "Well, now what do we do till they get here?"
"I dunno dude. I don't think it's gonna be very long." Bobby replied looking at his phone. "They said they're on their way."
"Really?!" Josh replied, shocked at how fast time flew by as he gave explanations and told stories about the two men.
"Yeah dude. Sounds like they were playing 3v3 with a couple of other buddies and needed Tyler to round out the teams. Guess they just finished." Bobby answered, scrolling through the rest of the text.
"Oh that's cool. I didn't know they had that many people for their basketball group." Josh pondered as Bobby finished reading the text.
"Yeah dude." Bobby smiled. "Also sounds like…"
"Sounds like all six of them are coming over, dude. Sweet, they're gonna bring some tacos!" Bobby smiled excitedly as Josh's face turned a little pale. "I'm starved, dude!"
"What do you mean, all six of them?" Josh asked nervously as Bobby looked away from his phone to raise his eyebrow at Josh.
"I mean like Tyler, Markus, Blake, and the three other dudes they play basketball with." Bobby answered plainly. "I just figured they must've been other guys from your park."
"I don't think so." Josh thought to himself. "I haven't heard of anyone else getting together to play basketball with Blake and Markus besides Tyler."
"Lemme find out their names." Bobby responded as he typed a reply to Tyler before sending it. "Maybe that'll help you figure it out."
Josh waited nervously before Bobby's phone buzzed in his hand. Bobby opened up the text and read off the names in the message. "Andres, Mason and Xavier?" Bobby answered as he looked at Josh, who seemed confused. "Oh he says you don't know them, but they're cool so he invited them over too."
Josh shifted a little uncomfortably, not sure how he felt about having three strangers come in his house on top of already having Markus and Blake. Seven people seemed like a lot, but Josh knew now that Tyler invited them there wasn't much he could do besides suck it up and deal with it. "Ok…" Josh mumbled. "I'm sure they'll be fine. A friend of Tyler's is a friend of mine I'm sure."
"I doubt he was giving much of a choice anyway, bro." Bobby chuckled as he put away his phone. "You know how he is."
"Yeah… trust me I know." Josh wallowed a little as he heard a bit of ruckus coming from his front door. Josh looked at the door with anticipation before he found himself being scooped up by Bobby before being placed on the top of the red hat he was wearing. Josh held onto the button on top of the cap, using it as a vantage point as he looked to see his front door open.
Familiar and new voices alike echoed through the door way as it swung open, Tyler leading the group as Josh saw he was now wearing a white bodybuilder's tank top, a backwards bright orange hat, as well as black shorts and shoes with bright orange highlights on both of them He also held two large bags, smelling greatly of tacos and burritos. Behind Tyler strode in the familiar faces of Markus and Blake, of which Bobby was able to identify the two men easily based off Josh's descriptions. Bobby moved forward, figuring it was time for introductions.
"Yo, Bobby!" Tyler smiled. "Let's get you introduced to the gang!"
"Sup, dudes." Bobby said as Markus moved forward first. Bobby looked at the taller man, his dark skin dripping slightly with sweat as he wore a grey tight spandex shirt, showing his impressively strong body as well his each of the curves in his abs. He wore a similar looking red hat to Bobby's which made him smile slightly at their similar interest in collecting. He also sported a pair of black shorts, that barely made it to his kneecaps and a pair of grayish shoes with a Nike symbol across the sides.
"Yo! I'm Markus, dude. Ty's told us a lot about you!" Markus said, shaking Bobby's hand and patting him on the back with a smile. "It's good to meet you, bro!"
"Likewise, man!" Bobby grinned as Blake was the next person to introduce himself. Wearing, a black sweatband and a black tight tank top as well as red shorts and red shoes, Blake simply extended his hand, to which Bobby shook as Blake pulled him a little for a bro hug. "You're Blake, right?"
Blake simply nodded, a slight smile on his face as he and Markus moved aside, revealing the group of three people who Josh finally peered over Bobby's cap for a better look. Josh gasped as he caught his first glimpse of the three new handsome men making their way into his home. First he saw one of them men come forward. He looked to be the shortest of the three but still rivaling at about Tyler's height. He was a young Hispanic man, Josh guessed to be only about 19. He had dark spiky hair and deep brown eyes on his handsome smiling face. A small amount of scruff littered his chin and along his jaw as Josh examined him further. Dripping in sweat, he had a sweat stained white tee shirt that clung tightly to his obviously very muscular frame. He wore a pair of cut off sweatpants made to shorts with the strings hanging out casually across his crotch as well as a white pair of new looking running shoes.
"Sup, man! I'm Andres." The young man smiled as he reached in for Bobby's hand. Bobby shook his hand with a smile as the next man moved forward.
Josh peered at this massive man. He was practically the same hieght as Markus, if not even taller. He was black, and had a neatly trimmed scruffy beard covering his chin and lips. His dark hair was hidden under a black do-rag but his mature face and dreamy brown eyes were more than easily visible. Josh was in awe of his amazing physique. He was completely shirtless, with sweat gleaming on his thickly muscled body. Josh couldn't begin to comprehend how he achieved such an amazing physique. He also wore tight black shorts and white shoes.
"Sup. I'm Xavier." The huge hunk said in a deep tone as Bobby returned a hand shake, before looking at the last man who had yet to introduce himself.
Josh examined the last man. He was also fairly tall, just under Xavier and Markus's height. He was a young looking mulatto guy with a shaved head and a wide smile. Josh couldn't help but blush as the huge man have an attractive smile as he approached Bobby. Looking from his smile, to his light brown eyes, Josh trailed off looking at his more lean build as he wore a tight green spandex shirt, showing off his impressive chest and lean abs. Rounding out his outfit with black shorts and green shoes, Josh couldn't but stop and stare at the handsome man for a second before he introduced himself.
"Saved the best for last dude! I'm Mason!" He smiled widely with a pleasant and attractive tone.
"It's good meeting all of you dudes. How was basketball?" Bobby asked as he had all six men finally in the house before shutting the door.
"We swapped up teams for a change today." Tyler groaned a little as he went to set the bags down on the table Josh and Bobby were sitting at not long ago. "Markus, Blake, and Xavier are never allowed on one team together again."
"Chill, dude!" Markus laughed, slapping Tyler on his back and turning to smile at Xavier and Blake. "Just because we crushed you guys doesn't mean you have to be so salty!"
"I'm not salty!" Tyler complained as Xavier Put a hand on Markus's shoulder and laughed a little.
"Well it was the first time we swapped it up, man." Andres said trying to console Tyler a little.
"How long have you guys been playing together, dudes?" Bobby asked, curiously as the men motioned a little closer to the bag of food, getting impatiently hungry.
"A couple months." Mason replied. "We kept running into each other at the court until Tyler came marching over and challenged us to 3v3."
"I'm glad he did though. Way more interesting than just shooting around half court." Xavier smiled, also trying to lighten Tyler's mood a little.
"Yeah it is way more fun, huh?" Tyler perked up as he pulled out all the boxes of tacos. Tyler looked at the table, seeing it only really accommodates six people. "Hmm where are we all gonna eat?"
"Ty wanna help drag a chair in from outside, or something?" Bobby asked, wanting to get Tyler alone for a minute.
"Sure dude." Tyler responded simply as the made their way to the back to go outside. Tyler went to grab a chair from Josh's patio as Bobby stopped him.
"So what's the plan?" Bobby asked directly.
"What plan?" Tyler asked, confused. Bobby laughed, finding it funny how quickly Tyler forgot. before he pointed to Josh on the top of his hat. "Ohhh yeah!"
"All these people are gonna make him kind of hard to keep track of. I was just thinking we just take him out of hiding and have him meet the group." Bobby proposed, unsure how anything could work with so many people.
"No way dude!" Tyler smiled. "This just even better. I mean think about it. We were gonna bait Josh to either Blake or Markus, right? But Xavier, Mason, and Andres are all total strangers to Josh!"
Tyler looked up at Tyler's hat at Josh with a smile. "If anything's a true challenge, its this!"
Bobby thought for a second about how he promised not to let Josh be in any danger they couldn't handle. But he also felt like Tyler's words did hold some weight.
"I think, dude… we should…" Bobby started to say…
"Let's just go with my plan, dude." Bobby said, looking at Tyler somewhat seriously. "He was saying to me earlier how he was nervous of us losing track of him and I have to agree with him with this many people."
Josh sighed a deep breath of relief. It was always a welcome change in pace for his friends to actually listen to his concerns after all. From the top of Bobby's hat, Josh looked at Tyler who looked a little disappointed, but merely shrugged it off. "Fine, I'm sure the guys will enjoy meeting Josh like this instead."
Josh swallowed nervously, haven't thinking about the fact that he was not only going to be forced into meeting three strangers, but also that he's going to be the center of attention for seven massive giants now. Josh braced himself as Bobby started to move, following Tyler back inside as they carried the spare chair in. Making their way back into the living room Josh saw the the five other men had seated themselves at the table, already digging through the massive boxes of tacos and unwrapping them hungrily.
"Got that extra chair!" Tyler said, pulling it next to Andres and making room for himself as he sat down while Bobby went to the spare chair across the table between Xavier and Markus. "See you guys already started digging in! Bobby and I better catch up!"
Josh watched from a top Bobby's hat as the seven men tore through the boxes of food like they were nothing more than a few snacks. He couldn't believe it as he watched each of them practically inhale the food until there was nothing short of a few crumbs and left over sauce packets remaining. A few minutes passed and Josh watched as they gathered up the remaining wrappers and tossing them in the bags. Having thrown away the trash, the seven men sat back, stuffed.
"So dudes." Tyler broke the silence. "Now that we're done eating, you guys should meet someone else."
"Uh someone else?" Andres asked, a little confused, thinking he's already met Bobby.
"Yeah we weren't gonna show him off at first. But Josh, the dude who owns this house, has actually been with us the whole time." Bobby smiled, looking from Markus to Xavier.
"So he's tiny." Blake spoke up as Tyler nodded to him.
"Exactly." Tyler laughed. "He's been a teeny tiny little shrimp this whole time you guys have been here."
"I'm confused." Mason spoke up. "Is he like hiding under the table or something?"
"No dude, he means like really small." Markus laughed. "I forget how small he said the shrinking thing made people. He told me in my interview…"
"1/4th of an inch." Blake spoke up again. Once again Tyler nodded at Blake's comments.
"Right again, dude." Tyler smiled, reaching over to Blake and giving him a quick fist bump.
"1/4th of an inch? Shrinking thing? What are you dudes talking about?" Xavier puzzled along with Andres and Mason. Bobby simply reached on top of his hat, feeling Josh's tiny body between his fingers as he plucked him off and brought him down to the table. Finally in plain view of everyone, Josh's heart stopped as all eyes were on him. To his left the unfamiliar and intimidating form of Xavier loomed over him like a giant muscular mountain. At the end of the table to his right, Mason squinted at Josh with unfamiliar curiosity. Finally, from across the table directly across from Bobby and next to Tyler, Andres's eyes looked down at Josh with a bewildered gaze, trying to figure out what he was looking at exactly. Josh could barely move, let alone speak.
"You ok, boss?" Markus asked, unable to really see Josh's terrified state.
"Boss?" Xavier asked, looking at Josh and chuckling before looking at Markus.
"Yeah, he's the owner of the park we all work at." Tyler smiled at Josh with confidence. "And he invented the whole shrink thingy that works as the park's gimmick!"
"I've heard of that place!" Andres smiled at Josh, making his heart beat a little more normally as a result. "I had no idea the people really shrunk though!"
"Y-yeah." Josh barely muffled nervously.
"I can barely hear him." Xavier commented, being one of the people closest to Josh. "Can you speak up a little, tiny dude?"
"S-sorry." Josh spoke a little louder. "I just wasn't expecting to meet anyone new today. Or have this many people in my house."
"Well I'm Xavier, dude. You're Josh?" Xavier said in his deep voice, leaning in a little closer to Josh. "So you're not always this small?"
"It's nice to meet you Xavier…" Josh said, still very nervous. "And no, this was Tyler's idea."
"My idea, but you still agreed to it!" Tyler smirked, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head. Josh smiled a little before the next of the giants wanted to make his acquaintance.
"I'm Mason, although you probably knew that if you've been on Bobby's hat this whole time." Mason spoke up as Josh turned to see him at the end of the table.
"Yeah, but it's still nice to meet you as well." Josh replied, feeling a little more confident. Finally Josh looked across from him at Andres.
"And I'm Andres, dude. Nice meeting you, little guy!" Andres said with a smile as Josh smiled back.
"It's nice meeting you too, Andres." Josh answered, glad introductions were out of the way. Josh jumped a little as Xavier's deep voice swept over him again from behind.
"This is kind of neat, dude. We must look so huge." Xavier said as he leaned forward to look closer at Josh. Josh flinched backwards instinctively, nervous about the huge man's approach. "Whoa, sorry. Didn't mean to freak you out, little guy. Don't worry I'm not gonna crush you or anything."
"Yeah but he might eat you!" Tyler laughed, still leaning back with a smug expression.
"What?! Dude, don't say that!" Xavier defended himself. "He seems freaked out enough already."
"What? It's not a big deal." Tyler shrugged. "I mean, I've done it."
"Done what?" Markus asked, now slightly confused.
"Ate him." Bobby answered for Tyler. "So have I actually."
"Is that a joke?" Markus continued with a look of even more confusion on his face.
"No, bro. I mean I did it by accident, but.." Bobby started to say before Tyler interrupted him.
"But I did it on purpose!" Tyler smiled as he lowered his arms and sat forward. Aside from Bobby and Josh, everyone else looked at Tyler still thinking it was a joke. Tyler looked from person to person with a raised eyebrow. "What? Obviously he got out and he's fine."
"It's true." Josh spoke up, attention now being refocused on him. "Bobby was an accident and I'm lucky to be alive, but Tyler…"
"He made a bet with me that he could get me to puke him out." Tyler smirked before brushing his chest. "Which, ended up badly for him as he had to claw his way out himself."
"That's badass!" Mason chimed in with a hearty grin.
"That's what we said too, dude!" Tyler chuckled, glad to see the guys were starting to join in agreement. "We actually want to make a sport out of it, dudes."
"A sport?" Xavier asked looking down at Josh. "I guess I have to give you more credit, little guy. That's a dangerous sport you're playing."
"You guys wanna try?" Tyler asked, feeling excited to see his friend eaten by someone else this time.
Xavier, Andres, Mason and even Blake and Markus looked at one another. Xavier spoke up for the group saying…
"I dunno, dude. Sounds like it'd be a lot to put someone through." Xavier said, leaning back and crossing his arms before turning and looking at his friends.
"Yeah Xav's right. Being eaten alive sounds sort of terrifying." Mason agreed as he bit his lip. Josh sighed a deep sigh of relief as they each shook their heads in agreement. He couldn't believe the strangers he was so nervous of were actually the one's coming to his rescue.
"Well what do you guys wanna do instead?" Tyler asked, feeling a little disappointed. Xavier simply leaned back and rubbed his tremendous bare abs a little with a smile.
"Dunno, bro. But I'm so full I just wanna sit here and digest my meal a bit first." Xavier smirked as he let out a deep rumbling belch. Josh nearly fell to his knees from the sudden eruption of gas while the others merely laughed.
"Alright, point taken dude!" Tyler laughed, always one to appreciate a good burp. "Then let's just chill I guess for now."
"I wanna know more about you guys!" Josh chimed in looking at his three new acquaintances. Andres laughed, finding the sudden interest amusing.
"What do you wanna know, my man?" Andres asked, lowering his arms onto the table and resting his chin to get a better view of Josh. Josh thought for a moment before answering to the handsome faced man looking right at him.
"Well, how do you three know each other?" Josh asked, hoping for an origin story of sorts.
"That's easy, dude." Mason answered instead. "We were all in the same grade. We actually all graduated last year."
"Wait so you're all a year out of high school?" Josh asked shocked that Mason and Xavier were so young, but less surprised about Andres. "How old are all of you?"
"Andres and I are both 19." Mason smiled widely. "Our little boy over there though is still only 18 though!"
Josh looked over at Xavier, staring up at the sheer cliff of massive muscle leading to his mature looking face and annoyed looking eyes. "Call me little boy again, Mason…"
"You're really only 18?" Josh asked as Xavier's eyes darted from Mason to himself. Josh's heart stopped for a moment as he expression took a moment to change from annoyed to a more neutral look.
"Yeah, dude. I hear this pretty much on a daily basis." Xavier sighed, feeling bad about his massive height and mature looks.
"Looking more mature isn't a bad thing. Everyone always thinks I'm really young. It makes it harder to be taken seriously." Josh confided in the massive muscular teen.
"Too be fair it's hard to take a talking speck seriously." Xavier chuckled gruffly, making Josh's head drop a little before he noticed. "But I'm sure I wouldn't have a problem if you were normal sized, dude!"
"Thanks." Josh smiled back up, appreciating the sentiment. "So you guys went to school around here? Do you live with your parents still?"
"No, though I guess you could say we're mooching off Xav's dad a little." Andres laughed, crossing his arms and looking at Xavier. "He let's us live in a little vacation condo he bought by the beach awhile back."
"Basically anything to be out of his hair." Xavier added as Josh turned his gaze from Andres back to Xavier.
"So you three live together too? You must be pretty close." Josh smiled, thinking about the fact that Bobby just moved in with him and how close they are as friends.
"We're like brothers we never had to each other, bro!" Mason fist pumped as he looked at his friends.
"Brothers or not our parents are all getting fed up with our shit though." Xavier sighed, feeling more serious now that family was being talked about.
"Why's that?" Josh asked, feeling like the three young men seemed pretty responsible for their age.
"Because we can't get jobs. I blame the shitty job market, bro." Mason fumed a little in frustration.
"That's it?" Josh asked curiously. "You guys can work for me if you want."
"What just like that?" Andres asked, a little suspicious. "Seems too good to be true dude."
"Well the park just expanded. I'm in need of as many new lifeguards as I can get." Josh tried to explain himself. "Besides, you guys seem responsible."
"Well I accept." Xavier responded right away without hesitation.
"Sure why not." Mason shrugged with a smile. The two looked at Andres who looked back and fourth between the two with a dumb grin.
"Well duh. If you guys do it so will I." Andres finally answered with a laugh.
"Woo! The crew expands even more!" Tyler yelled excitedly as he looked about at his friends turned future co-workers. Tyler sprang to his feet giving his gut a good slap before giving off an obnoxiously loud burp. "Well, I'm all rested! What are we gonna do with he rest of our day guys?"
"I guess I'm good too." Xavier agreed, standing up and stretching his long torso a bit. "It's nice out we should do something outside."
"Is it safe for Josh outside?" Mason asked, also getting to his feet while also looking down at Josh.
"He's fine, we just have to keep an eye on him." Tyler reassured the group as they started brainstorming ideas. "Josh has a pretty killer pool. We could take a dip. I'm still pretty sweaty, dude."
"Seven doesn't work for basketball so I guess that's out." Markus offered as an idea.
"Hey technically there's eight of us!" Andres laughed, looking at Josh.
"Yeah let's get the little guy on the court and see if he can block me." Xavier joked as he loomed what seemed like miles above Josh even as he stood on the table let alone the floor.
"I think I'd rather just watch in that case…" Josh sweating a little, not wanting to think about it.
"We could still do 3v3 and just have one of us sit with Josh so he doesn't get picked up by a bug or something." Bobby offered as an idea, kind of just wanting to play basketball with his new buddies.
"If anyone wants my opinion I'd rather just take it easy." Josh tried to suggest. "There's a lot to do if I'm going to get these three registered to work with us."
The group thought for a moment, before the majority decided on…
"Alright, who votes for a little pool time!" Tyler practically yelled as he pointed around the room, looking at each of his friends. With a fairly unanimous vote Tyler saw that the group seemed interested in his idea.
"Wait, bro." Mason answered, despite being interested in taking a dip. "I don't have any shorts for swimming or nothing."
"That's not really a problem." Josh piped up. "I've got a whole box of board shorts up stairs for new lifeguards. You all may as well grab a pair."
"Where's this box? I'll grab it." Tyler offered with a helpful smile.
"In Bobby's room. I was just keep them in there as spares." Josh explained before looking at the rest of the guys. "You wouldn't believe how confused delivery people get when they have to bring something to the park. So I just have some stuff shipped to my house."
"Yo, that's actually pretty hilarious. I never thought about that." Markus chuckled as he stood up and stretched a little as Tyler made his way out of the room and up the stairs. A few moments later, Tyler reappeared with the box in his arms, setting it down on the table with a tremendous quake, knocking Josh off his feet in the process. Getting up, Josh looked around, glad everyone was more focused on the box than on him falling on his ass. Josh looked and saw as each of the men grabbed a pair, some of which already starting to change.
"Do you have to change in here, dude?" Bobby chuckled as he looked at Tyler, pulling down his shorts and showing his tight spandex before pulling up his new shorts and tossing off his shirt.
"What? I ain't shy!" Tyler retorted, now having finished changing and readjusting his hat. The rest of the guys shrugged, and started changing in a similar fashion on the spot. Josh did his very best not to stare as the many good looking men around started pulling down their shorts and peeling off their shirts. Having all mostly finished, Josh looked around him seeing all the men organizing their clothes and dropping them off on the table.
"Can we grab a couple drinks before we go out?" Blake asked, politely to Josh. Not wanting to just rudely raid his refrigerator.
"Oh absolutely, please help yourself." Josh smiled at Blake, happy to see he was considerate enough to ask. Josh watched as all the men left the room to walk into the kitchen. Josh simply stood there for a second before processing the fact that he was just abandoned. "Hey! Aren't you guys forgetting me!"
Josh sat down, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his lap, surprised that they all just left him in unison. Meanwhile, the seven men made their way into the kitchen, Tyler leading the group as he opened the refrigerator. Pulling out bottles of Gatorade and a few sodas, Tyler started handing them out.
"Just water for me, dude." Xavier said, turning away one of the drinks and getting a red solo cup and filling it up instead. Andres and Mason did the same, feeling like they didn't know Josh well enough yet to raid his fridge so badly. Quickly draining and refilling their waters, Mason started to look around.
"Did we forget Josh?" Mason asked with a chuckle as he looked at Bobby and Tyler, unsure if either of them grabbed him.
"Oh, whoops." Bobby laughed, forgetting completely that he had been the one transporting Josh around.
"One of you newbies should grab him!" Tyler smiled, taking a sip from his drink and looking at Mason, Xavier and Andres.
"I'll do it!" Andres replied eagerly as he set his cup down and left the room, making his way back to the dining table. Looking around, Andres looked at the spot Josh was in before, seeing he moved slightly nearer to Bobby's shirt that he set on the table. Andres made his way around, looking down at Josh with a grin. "Sorry my man! Guess we got too eager and forgot to grab you!"
Josh looked up at Andres. Now shirtless only clad in his new red board shorts, Josh got a good view of his huge muscular body. With enormous pecs and sculpted abs with a slight collection of dark hair on his lower stomach, Josh couldn't believe how well trained his body looked, despite the fact that he had such a young looking face. Josh blushed, as he had only moved slightly to look at Bobby's black shirt, noticing just how huge it was and wanting a better look. "Oh it's ok, I'm glad you came back for me, Andres."
"Happy to, dude!" Andres grinned as he rubbed his chin a little. "So how does this work? Do I like pinch you between my fingers or something?"
"It's probably easiest for you to just lay your hand down for now." Josh offered an alternative, knowing that some guys have trouble gauging their strength. Following orders, Andres lowered his hand next to Josh, allowing the tiny man to climb aboard the huge palm safely. Josh found himself being lifted very quickly until stopping suddenly at just about bellybutton height of Andres. Josh stared up at the practically sky scraper sized wall of muscle next to him as Andres walked the two back into the kitchen. Josh looked around, seeing Tyler was the only one left waiting.
"There he is!" Tyler said in a mocking tone. "See we didn't forget you, dude!"
"Whatever." Josh shrugged. "Just don't forget me after you guys all are done swimming."
"Oh right, that kind sucks for you, huh man?" Andres asked Josh. "I forgot you wouldn't exactly be able to come in the pool with us."
"We should just make him his own little pool." Tyler chuckled, grabbing another red solo cup and wagging it in his hand.
"Hey that's a cool idea, dude!" Andres replied with a smile, glad to see there was a way for Josh to be included.
"Well I had a different idea." Josh offered as an alternative. "Why don't you, Markus, and Blake all train the rest of the guys with some lifeguarding basics now, that way when the park re-opens they'll be one step ahead of the game."
"Will we get paid?" Tyler asked, rubbing his chin. Josh rolled his eyes, figuring it was good enough they were using his pool after all.
"Fine, I'll add it on to your checks at the end of the week as long as you take it seriously." Josh sighed, feeling like it wasn't so bad since he would have had to pay them to train the newbies anyway.
"What do you think, Andres?" Tyler asked as the handsome young man jumped a little paying attention now. "We'll let you decide what to do. Be the tie breaker, dude!"
"Oh well uhhh…." Andres thought for a second as he wasn't fully paying attention to the options. "Let's do…"
"Let's do the little cup pool thing, man." Andres grinned, mostly because he didn't listen to the other thing that was brought up. "Sounded like fun, that way he doesn't get left out."
"Cool, dude!" Tyler smiled as he started to fill up the red solo cup with water. before setting on the counter next to Andres's. Andres looked at the two cups however, noticing a problem.
"A few of us have those little red cups though. Shouldn't we like… mark Josh's or something?" Andres asked, questioning himself and wondering how exactly they should do it.
"Oh I've got an idea, dude!" Tyler said excitedly as he opened up one of Josh's drawers, pulling out a little pink drink umbrella and sticking it in Josh's cup. "I saw these yesterday while I was looking for snacks. There, now it's like a little tropical pool!"
"That's awesome, dude!" Andres smiled as he looked down into the little cup, now complete with an umbrella. Looking around, Andres noticed a little jar filled with tiny dry macaronis. Opening it with his free hand and dropping a single little elbow macaroni into the water, he grinned at his idea. "Now with a pool floaty!"
"Nice, bro!" Tyler compliment Andres, giving him a pat on the back. Andres smiled as he looked at Tyler, lifting his hand up to the cup and letting Josh slide off into the pool. Josh plummeted into the water, slightly upset he was never given any choice in this whole matter. Josh tread a little water as he made his way to the little piece of macaroni. It was just the right size for him to get on top of and float just like a noodle in a pool. Josh looked up, seeing the shade from the umbrella as well as the slightly obscured faces of Andres and Tyler. The view didn't last for long however as Tyler grabbed the cup as well as his own drink and he and Andres made their way outside to join the others.
Josh held onto the noodle tightly as the short trip ended abruptly as he found himself being placed down outside. Josh looked up to see not only the pink umbrella but a real large one above him as well. "I guess I'm on the patio table."
- - -
Tyler and Andres set their drinks down with the others as well as Josh's cup on the patio table. Eager to join the guys in the pool, they left without really checking on Josh aside from a quick glace, figuring he was fine in the cup on his own for now. Standing by the side of the pool, the two were greeted by the rest of the men by splashes and taunts.
"Hurry up, dudes!" Markus yelled as he splashed a huge wave up at Tyler and Andres. Tyler wasted no time before diving right in, making a huge cannon ball and soaking everyone's faces. Resurfacing and retrieving his hat, Tyler laughed as Andres jumped in, making not nearly as dramatic of a splash.
"Josh ok?" Bobby asked, coming up beside Tyler and looking around. Tyler nodded with a little chuckle as he pointed over at table.
"Yeah! He's having his own private pool party!" Tyler said, noting that there was four red solo cups and not just three.
"Yeah. Xavier, Mason. Don't drink the red cup with the pink umbrella in it." Andres said to his two buddies.
"Or do. It would be funny." Tyler winked, laughing a little to himself at the thought.
- - -
"This is stupid." Josh sulked as he pressed his face into the wet noodle. "I didn't ask for this."
Josh sighed, trying to make the best of the situation. Trying to relax, Josh jumped a little as slight breeze rushed by and tugged lightly on the little umbrella, lifting it very slightly out of the cup. Josh looked up, watching the umbrella cautiously. The breeze subsided and the umbrella sunk it's way back down into the cup. Josh let go of his held breath, slightly relieved.
A few minutes later however…
Josh looked up again as a stronger breeze started to blow it's way at the umbrella, rattling it slightly before pulling it completely out of the cup. Josh gasped as it left his view before toppling over and making a sudden "plunk" noise in the cup right next to his. Wishing the water was high enough to see out of the cup, Josh wondered what had happened to the umbrella. Paddling to the edge of the water, Josh put his hands on the slick wall, realizing very quickly that it was much to wet to climb. Josh looked up the wall, hoping that someone would notice the umbrella had changed places.
A few minutes passed and Josh heard the sounds of wet feet stamping their way over to the table. Unable to see over the side, Josh started to wonder who exactly was making their over to him.
- - -
"Which cup was mine again?" Xavier thought to himself silently as he looked down at the four red cups, one of which sported a pink umbrella sticking awkwardly out of it. "Well its not the umbrella one."
Reaching down, Xavier decided on the cup next to the umbrella up. Figuring it didn't really matter, he huge man held the cup and turned to watch the rest of the guys in the pool, now swimming laps to see who could swim the fastest. Xavier chuckled and shook his head at their endurance as he lifted the cup up to his enormous lips.
- - -
"Xavi--!" Josh was cut off as he tried screaming at the top of his lungs at the massive giant before the water shifted, sending him under in a weak gurgle. Josh resurfaced, panting as he realized he was some how thankfully still in the cup. Josh looked up, seeing Xavier stare off at the pool, blissfully unaware he was holding Josh in the cup.
"X--!!" Josh could barely get a syllable out before Xavier tilted the cup again, sending back again beneath a torrent of water heading right into the huge hunk's open mouth.
- - -
Xavier casually sipped at the water for a few minutes, taking periodic breaks as he watched the mayhem ensue in the pool. Taking one last chug of the water, Xavier emptied the cup into his mouth, setting it back down on the table as he finished. Swallowing the last bit down. Sighing, the young teen didn't really feel like rejoining the others at the moment. Noticing a lounge chair was set out near the table, Xavier head over and took a seat, laying down and putting his hands behind his head with his eyes closed. Enjoying the heat of the sun as it dried him off, Xavier was none the wiser that Josh was…
Josh slid at an angle almost like a water slide as he was rushed through the slimy cave. Unable to stop himself, Josh continued forward with the current of water, dreading what was coming next. Having experienced this twice already with both Bobby and Tyler, Josh couldn't believe it was happening a third time now with someone he just met. Josh felt like Xavier's esophagus went on for days as the absolutely gigantic teen was even bigger than either of the two men who ate him before. Josh was both relieved and terrified as he came to a stop momentarily before being deposited in the giant's awe inducingly huge stomach. Josh rubbed his face and covered his nose as the new massive chamber positively reeked of half mostly digested taco meat. Josh cried hoping some how someway he could find his way not to be directly in the middle of the dangerous digestive sludge sloshing and churning in Xavier's stomach. As if by some sort of miracle, Josh bumped into the same noodle he was floating on just moments ago. Climbing aboard the noodle, Josh gripped tight to the pasta feeling slightly better that the tiny piece of macaroni was able to join him down into the giant's hungry gut.
"Xavier! Tyler! Anyone!" Josh called out into the darkness of the organ. Josh lowered his head on the noodle. Knowing nobody heard him and that Xavier had absolutely no idea he was here at all. Clutching tight to the noodle, Josh just shut his eyes hoping for another miracle, this time one big enough to save his life. For now, Josh's only comfort were the periodic groans and churns of Xavier's stomach as it processed the remainder of his lunch. Unaware of Josh's terror of being digested along with that meal.
- - -
Xavier stretched a little as the guys started calming down in the pool. Opening one eye, he saw that Tyler was looking at him. Getting out of the pool Tyler came over with a smile and made his way to his side.
"Sup dude?" Xavier asked, sitting up as Tyler stopped to look down at him. Tyler panted a little, dripping with water from the pool.
"Dude." Tyler started to say…
"Yo, I saw you drank the "right" cup, bro!" Tyler winked as Xavier looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh what do you mean, dude?" Xavier chuckled, not understanding Tyler's sarcasm.
"I saw where I put Josh's cup. Someone must've pulled the umbrella or something and put it in the other cup." Tyler explained as he walked a few feet over to the two cups, looking in the one with the umbrella and seeing Josh was not in it. "Yeah just as I thought."
"I don't get what's going on." Xavier said, rubbing his head and getting up to stand next to Tyler. Tyler simply took a finger and poked at Xavier's massive abs.
"You've got a little squirt kicking around in there." Tyler chuckled as Xavier looked down at his abs. Still slightly confused.
"A squirt?" He asked as Tyler rolled his eyes.
"Dude…" Tyler laughed getting impatient with Xavier. "You drank Josh."
"What? I did?" Xavier said, looking in the umbrella cup as well as every other red solo cup, unable to locate Josh. "You sure?"
"Well either that or he climbed out of one of these cups." Tyler guessed. "But he's so scrawny I doubt he could pull that off."
"Alright, dude." Xavier said, believing Tyler. "Guess I better puke him up then."
"Already, dude?" Tyler chuckled, patting Xavier's stomach. "It's only been like what? Five minutes?"
"Yeah, but I don't wanna leave him in there too long." Xavier frowned looking down at his abs again.
"We won't!" Tyler assured him. "But we may as well have a little fun with him while we can, right?"
Xavier laughed a little as he looked away from his stomach. "Yeah you make a fair point dude."
"Good!" Tyler winked as he motioned for Xavier to come inside with him. "Let's go inside where we can have a little peace, dude."
The two men went inside, making their way into the kitchen as Tyler started going through some drawers. Xavier watched puzzled for a moment once again. "What are you looking for dude?"
"I thought I saw it earlier…" Tyler said as he rummaged though a few drawers. "Aha!"
Tyler turned to show Xavier what he found revealing it to be a…
Tyler held a stethoscope in his hand, looking at either end for a second before tapping the diaphragm. Xavier looked at it confused once again.
"Aren't those one of those doctor things?" Xavier asked, wondering what Tyler planned on doing with it.
"Yeah they use them to listen to hearts and junk right?" Tyler chuckled, wondering why Josh had one in the first place. "I thought we could take a listen and see if we could hear him on the other side of that man muscle you got there."
Xavier chuckled as he looked down at his abs, never having it referred to as "man muscle" before as he watched Tyler stick the ear tips in his ears before resting the diaphragm on where he believed the stomach to be. Tyler moved his face in close to Xavier's abs as he spoke to the wall of muscle. "Hello? Anybody in there?"
- - -
Josh heard Tyler's voice come from the other side of the massive slimy walls of Xavier's stomach. He couldn't believe they figured out he was eaten. "Yes I'm in here!" Josh yelled, before realizing once again there was no way Tyler could hear him on the other side. "God, not like the dummy can hear me…"
"Dummy?" Tyler's voice answered back, much to Josh's surprise. "Well fine, you can just stay in there!"
"Please don't!" Josh yelled back. "How are you hearing me?"
"I found one of those heart thingies in your drawer!" Tyler's muffled voice called out to Josh once more. "So how do you like it in there? Not as cool as my stomach, right?"
"Oh it's way cooler. Your's smelt like puke, Ty." Josh teased, sarcastically. Xavier's stomach shifted violently after a loud thud.
- - -
"Dude, punch your own stomach." Xavier complained after Tyler gave his gut a quick jab.
"Sorry dude." Tyler said as he stood up away from Xavier's abs. "He was being a dick."
"So you could really hear him in there?" Xavier asked, putting a hand on his stomach.
"Yeah you wanna talk to him?" Tyler asked offering the stethoscope to him. "Apparently he loves it in there."
Xavier put the ear tips in his ears as he rested the diaphragm roughly where Tyler had it. "Yo, Josh can you hear me, dude?"
- - -
Josh heard the different voice of Xavier addressing him this time. "Yeah I hear you, can you hear me now instead?"
"Yeah dude, I got the things in my ears now." Xavier's voice said from far up above Josh's position. "Sorry he got mad and punched me in the stomach, dude."
"It's alright, I'm fine down here." Josh smiled, having it feel a little surreal to be talking to the person who's stomach he was inside of.
"Awesome, dude. It's good to hear you like it in there!" Xavier's voice called down to him. Josh rose an eyebrow, unsure where he got the idea he actually liked it down here. "I was worried you were gonna be pissed."
"Well this is the third time I've had to deal with this." Josh explained. "Guess I'm getting used to it."
"Well you can stay in there as long as you want, little buddy." Xavier's deep voice said to Josh deep in the colossal stomach. "I just don't wanna accidentally digest you or whatever."
"Trust me, I don't want that either." Josh shuttered, not wanting to even think about being in the digestive sack long enough to be dissolved with the rest of the contents. "But I'm safe for now, so I don't think it's a big deal."
"Alright, dude." Xavier's voice said plainly without any kind of follow up. Josh stopped for a second, expecting the giant to say more.
"That being said, I think I'm ready to get out of here." Josh said out into the stomach. A few seconds went by with no reply. "Hello?"
- - -
Xavier took the diaphragm off his stomach and pulled the earbuds out as he looked at Tyler. Tyler spoke up after a second. "Well, what's up, dude?"
"He said he's fine for now." Xavier responded as he held the stethoscope. "Guess he likes it in there."
"Go figure." Tyler chuckled, feeling like it was ironic after all the teasing he and Bobby had done to him. "I guess leave him be in there, dude."
"Alright, I'll check on him in a few minutes then." Xavier said with a smirk, feeling kind of powerful now that some tiny guy was actually enjoying basically being part of his meal.
"Ok, you two have fun then." Tyler said shortly as he made his way to the back door. "I'm gonna go back to the pool."
"Yeah I should probably stay here and take it easy." Xavier said as Tyler simply waved on his way out the door. Xavier made his way into the living room, finding a nice comfy chair to sit down in as he held the stethoscope in his hand and looked down at his rippling abs. Taking the stethoscope and pressing it against his stomach, Xavier was ready to check on Josh. Popping the ear pieces in Xavier was feeling…
Xavier couldn't help but smirk a bit as he rested the diaphragm on his stomach. He simply just listened to the sounds coming from his own stomach for a second, trying to imagine Josh just floating about among his meal. Xavier actually caught Josh talking a bit to himself, unaware of Xavier listening in.
"It's crazy how big it is in here." Xavier could barely hear Josh saying to himself. Xavier couldn't help but feel so huge, even bigger than he normally does. "It's amazing…"
"Amazing, huh?" Xavier thought to himself, not wanting to give away that he was listening in on Josh, just yet. Xavier stayed nice and still, listening to Josh some more between any groans or gurgles his stomach gave off.
"Wouldn't be so bad to stay in here." Josh said to himself. Xavier's eyebrow rose a little at the statement. He thought Josh was going to say something else, but his stomach gurgled a little louder as he missed what he was going to say next. Xavier took this diaphragm off stomach, pulling the ear buds out and scratching his chin.
"Shit dude… he wants to stay in my stomach?" Xavier couldn't help but smile a little. "Wow he really does love it in there."
Xavier looked around. He was partially tempted to give the little guy his wish, but with everyone else around he wasn't sure if it was the greatest idea at the moment. Xavier thought a little to himself trying to come up with an idea. For now, Xavier got up a little slowly as to not disrupt the contents of his stomach too much as he made his way out back, seeing the rest of the guys still splashing about in the pool. Tyler spotted Xavier and came out of the pool, walking off to the side to chat.
"Sup dude. How's the shit doing?" Tyler laughed, unsure if Xavier still had him contained to his stomach or not.
"He's fine, dude. More than fine, I guess?" Xavier put a hand on his stomach. "I was about to start talking to him, but I heard him talking to himself in there."
"Ha! Lemme guess, probably wants to stay in there?" Tyler chuckled, feeling like he knew Josh all too well.
"Well, yeah actually. I don't think he knew I was listening." Xavier looked at Tyler, a little shocked at how good of a guess he had. Tyler simply shrugged, not surprised.
"See this is why I was trying to push everyone to play along and eat the little guy." Tyler nodded his head knowingly. "I always had a feeling with him considering how often he's 'accidentally' ended up in my food, bro."
"Huh, well it's good you're cool with it, dude." Xavier smiled, not feeling so bad about thinking about. "But I feel weird with everyone else around."
"Them? Ehhh well that's a good point." Tyler tapped his foot thinking. "Just take him home with you later, dude."
"You don't mind?" Xavier questioned, feeling like Josh was basically Tyler's property.
"Not at all, dude. He's all yours!" Tyler gave Xavier a thumbs up. "For now though, I guess you better puke him up till later."
"Yeah… I guess so huh?" Xavier looked down at his massive abs, a little disappointed.
- - -
"Yeah… wouldn't be so bad to stay in here." Josh repeated his words from earlier. "For a little while anyway. It's neat and all, but it could get dangerous in here any minute…"
Just as Josh was thinking his words aloud again, he could feel Xavier's stomach start to lurch a bit. The peaceful times were apparently over as he felt him get propelled up and out of the giant's body. In a daze, Josh found himself in the bright light outside and being scooped into Xavier's palm. Josh shook his head and looked up at the handsome giant.
"Sup, little man." Xavier's deep voice boomed down at his as he was pulled out of a sink. "Sorry I had to cut your fun in there."
"It's okay." Josh adjusted to the light. "That was definitely an interesting experience."
Xavier held Josh close to his abs, forcing Josh the prospective looking up at his massive body and flexing his pecs a little. "Doesn't have to be the last time, dude."
"A-alright…" Josh stuttered, a little flustered by the sudden show of arrogance. Josh heard as someone else entered the room.
"Yo, you get him up, bro?" Tyler's voice called out as Xavier turned, Josh seeing Tyler dripping wet from the pool. "Oh nice bro! Sup, dude. Bet you're mad you couldn't stay in there, huh?"
"What? No!" Josh answered back dejectedly. Little did he realize the looks Tyler and Xavier gave each other, feeling like they knew Josh's true feelings.
- - -
The day went on but soon the men started to disperse, as Xavier, Mason, and Andres readied to go home.
"Yo, Josh. I was wondering if you wanted to come with us back to our place." Xavier, motioned to himself and his roommates. "I feel like it'd be rad to get to know you better, bro."
"Yo, Josh is coming to our place?" Mason joined the conversation. "That'd be sweet, we barely got to talk to him."
"Huh?" Josh felt like this was dropped on him all a sudden. Josh looked toward Tyler, in confusion.
"That's a great idea. Josh you should totally go with them." Tyler looked at Xavier, knowing everything was going according to plan.
Josh got scooped up by Xavier once more, as Josh blushed looked up at the huge titan.
"Glad that's settled then, huh dude?" Xavier held Josh up a little bit. "Don't worry bro. we'll show you the greatest time of you tiny life!"
"O-okay…" Josh agreed, a little nervous. Sure he had gotten to know Xavier a little, but he was a bit nervous since he had still barely met the three giants and was suddenly going to their place. The three giants started to leave as Tyler waved goodbye, meanwhile Bobby stood almost as confused as Josh, but glad to see his little buddy out making more friends.
- - -
Once home the three guys unwound a little, showing Josh around the place and to each of their respective rooms. Xavier held Josh the whole time and every once in awhile his stomach would growl a little, reminding the giant what he really wanted to do.
Xavier got thinking as the four now chilled in their living room together if maybe Mason or Andres would want to do the honors for the little man's secret desires. After all he had no idea if Josh wanted HIM to eat him, or just wanted to get digested by a huge stud in general. He looked at Josh, sitting awkwardly on their coffee table thinking that maybe…
Xavier looked at Josh as he sat there quietly, listening to Mason and Andres talk his tiny ears off. Pulling out his phone he saw it was actually getting pretty late, now was probably the best time for him to act.
"Yo, it's getting late. I was thinking I should bring the little guy home." Xavier interrupted his friends as he stood up and stretched a little.
"Aww already, dude?" Mason leaned back on the couch and crossed his arms. "I guess it is getting pretty late."
"Little guy could just spend the night here!" Andres smiled as he leaned forward to look at Josh. "He can stay in my room, man!"
Xavier could see Josh was trying to be polite. "That sounds like fun, but I think I should go home!"
"Fiiiiiine…" Mason sighed. "I guess we'll see you soon enough anyway, dude."
"Yeah I'm not going anywhere!" Josh smiled and looked up at Xavier. "You don't mind bringing me home, Xavier?"
"Not at all, little guy." Xavier smirked a little, knowing he was about to blow Josh's tiny mind. he knelt down, setting his hand on the coffee table and let Josh climb on. Raising the little guy up, Xavier fist bumped his roommates, ensuring them he was fine with making the walk on his own. Walking out of the house, Xavier turned the corner as he started to walk away from the house a bit, eventually taking a turn not in the direction of Josh's house.
"Oh Xavier, I think you're going the wrong way." Josh tried to point out to the massive shirtless hunk. "My house is the other way."
"Don't worry little guy." Xavier reassured Josh. "Just taking a detour is all. You'll be home soon enough."
Josh tilted his head. It was a little ominous sounding, but he trusted Xavier. After all he could have easily been digested by the titan earlier if he didn't take the action that he did. Josh just enjoyed the ride as Xavier walked toward the beach. The huge man took a seat at a bench along the boardwalk, looking out into the horizon as the sun was starting to set.
"Wow, it's a nice view." Josh looked out, not getting to admire the view from such a small size very often.
"I know a view you like a lot better than this one, dude." Xavier leaned back, putting his hand next to his stomach, letting Josh slide back before colliding with his abs. "I was doing a little eavesdropping on you early, little man."
"Huh?" Josh was confused. He couldn't help but blush as he toughed the giant's skin. His muscles were like a cliff side in size and feeling.
"Amazing, right? Wouldn't be so bad if you stayed in there, huh?" Xavier looked down at Josh. He smirked as he flexed his abs and pushed Josh around a bit with just the muscles on his abdomen. It was crazy how small he was, and Xavier loved it. He brought Josh away from his body a little, bouncing his pecs as he smirked at the little guy. "You wanna be part of this bod, huh bro?"
"I what?" Josh was confused, but also flustered. "I-- I never said that!"
"Dude, I heard you myself." Xavier flexed his bicep with his other arm, kissing it before peeking back at Josh. "There's no judgement, dude. Plus Tyler was all for it too, bro."
"I… what? Huh?" Josh was flustered and confused. He couldn't deny admiring the interior of the giant, but he had no intention of being digested by the enormous teen. "This is crazy!"
"Yeah it is a little crazy. I mean wanting to be digested by some giant?" Xavier chuckled and shook his head. "You got guts, little guy. I give you that."
"No that's not what I mea--" Josh was cut off as Xavier raised him up to his face and opened his mouth.
"Well, I don't wanna make you wait any longer. Enjoy the ride, little dude." Xavier turned his hand, dropping Josh inside his huge mouth. Landing with a splat on the giant's tongue, Josh turned around catching a glimpse of the sunset for a split second before Xavier shut his mouth tight, engulfing him in darkness. Josh found himself being swished around against his will. Shoved into Xavier's cheeks and under his tongue before the giant finally decided to swallow. It was a horrific rush, one Josh was all too used to at this point as he was drug down the giant's throat in a flash.
Xavier leaned back in the bench. Something about swallowing the little guy made him feel so alive. Knowing he was so huge that he could actually be big enough to eat a human being. Not only that, but as far as he knew, the tiny human wanted to be eaten by him. He smiled, very full of himself as he looked down at his huge muscular abs. He couldn't help but give them a slight pat.
"Told you you'd be home soon enough, dude." Xavier said to his stomach. He gave a low deep burp before getting up off the bench. "Aw man, that felt good."
- - -
Josh's head spun as Xavier's stomach contracted from his burp. He was still so confused as to what just happened. He definitely remembered reminiscing earlier in the giant's stomach about it being incredible in here… but he didn't remember saying he wanted to be digested! all Josh knew was if he didn't do something, Xavier was going to digest him whether he wanted it to happen or not!
"I have to get out of here!" Josh crawled around on the squishy surface in the pit of the giant's stomach. "This wasn't like when he escaped from Tyler or Bobby though. Xavier was clearly standing, and the more still Josh stayed he could tell he was actually walking around. "Maybe he'll lay down at some point… I could still… escape…"
Josh was starting to feel a little winded. Xavier's burp from before certainly did thin the air a little more than Josh expected. Not only that, but he started to notice his skin as starting to sting as the more he made his way around, the more he noticed there wasn't a lot of food in the giant's stomach. There was a loud rumble, as Josh screamed being churned up by the walls of the massive organ. What little food was in the giant's gut was shoved into him as Xavier's stomach moved it all more toward the dangerous acids. Josh didn't stand a chance as he was swept away into the acid, just like the rest of the food.
Xavier smiled as he addressed the little man stewing in his stomach. "Yo, Josh. It's Xavier."
- - -
Josh heard the deep voice of the huge man once again. Head perking up, he was glad to hear from him again so soon. "Oh good, I was worried where you went!"
"I just went and sat down, dude." Xavier responded casually. "You doing ok?"
"I'm alright." Josh said, not wanting to make him worry, despite the constant sloshing and churning his stomach was doing. "Wouldn't mind getting out of here soon though."
"Alright, bro." Xavier said in a relaxed tone. "Just gimme a few minutes, I just sat down dude."
"Oh, alright." Josh said, feeling a little impatient, sweat starting to pour down his face. "I feel bad you have to puke me up after all."
"Don't feel bad, dude. It's either than or you stay down there." He said with a low chuckle that made his stomach rumble a little. "I don't want that, dude."
"Neither do I!" Josh said dramatically, without as much of a response from Xavier for a moment. "I mean it's really cool down here. I just don't want to die."
"That's fair, dude." Xavier responded casually. "If it's that cool I'd be happy to eat you again some other time, dude."
"Sure why not." Josh answered, just wanting to keep the giant teen on his side and hopefully get him out of here sooner. "These acids are starting to rise down here though. I think I better get out of here!"
"Alright bro. Hold tight." Xavier answered before everything went quiet for a moment. Josh shifted around the massive gut a little for a second while all was quiet before some heavy heaving started from up above. Contents of Xavier's stomach started rising and spewing up out of the sphincter as Josh found himself part of the vomity mess being forced up and outward as he was spat horrendously out of Xavier's mouth into a metal sink below. Head spinning, Josh looked up after a moment, seeing the huge man look through his upchuck for the tiny man he was just communicating with on the other side of his abs just a moment ago.
"There you are, dude." Xavier smiled as he scooped Josh out of his vomit, happy to see his little stomach friend made it out safe and sound. "That was like something out of a cartoon, dude!"
"You can say that again!" Josh laughed, regaining his senses as he sat covered in muck in Xavier's hand. "Feels like my life has been as ridiculous as a cartoon the past couple days."
"Hey at least it's interesting, bro." He responded, making his way back into the living room, this time laying on his back sprawled out on Josh's sofa. Xavier tilted his hand, letting Josh off and sliding him onto his bare abs. "Ah gross, got a little puke on my abs, dude."
"Well I'm covered in it." Josh chuckled, wiping as much off of himself as he could as he stood on the solid muscle. Xavier flexed his abs slightly as he laid and watched Josh with a big smile.
"Funny how you were just inside these abs, dude." He said, poking the other side of his abs with two fingers softly as Josh watched from his vantage point.
"More like scary. At least at first." Josh clarified, not wanting to make Xavier feel bad.
"Yeah I guess if Ty hadn't seen that I drank you then you would've been pretty fucked, dude." Xavier smiled, taking his hand and putting it behind his head, showing off his dark hairs in his sweaty pit. "It'll be less scary next time though."
"Sure." Josh said plainly as he started down Xavier's amazing body, looking between his ruggedly handsome face and hairy pit. Josh was surprised at how comfortable Xavier acted around him considering he didn't have any experience with a tiny person until now today. "So how do you like the whole being a giant compared to someone thing?"
"I was just thinking about that, dude." Xavier answered with a bright smile. "It's really different than just being taller than someone. Obviously I'm pretty used to that. But being literally giant compared to you… it just feels really cool. I could get used to it."
"Well as long as you keep in mind that I'm still human!" Josh chuckled nervously, not wanting to be mistaken as a bug by the massive teen. "Even despite our sizes."
"You say something bug?" Xavier answered with silly grin on his face. "I'm just messin' bro. I won't forget. Besides were buddies now right? I look after my buddies."
"That's reassuring!" Josh smiled, getting a little comfortable as he sat down on the solid muscle and continued staring across his magnificent body.
"So you like being tiny?" Xavier asked, feeling like it was his turn for a question. "I remember you were saying Tyler brought up the idea and you agreed?"
"I guess it's hard to deny." Josh shrugged, feeling honest with the titan. "I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't like it."
"Man we are like total opposites, dude." Xavier chuckled, causing Josh to stumble on his back. "I'd hate to be in your place right now."
"This is actually really exciting for me!" Josh smiled. "Normally I don't get to just sit and relax with one of you giant guys like this."
"Well we don't have to do nothing, bro." Xavier winked attractively. "You can feel free to explore if you want too, dude. I ain't going anywhere."
"Sounds fun!" Josh smiled, feeling like it would be a good way to connect with Xavier a little more.
"Yeah I'm like a giant playground, bro!" Xavier chuckled again as he looked down at his body. Leaning his head back and putting both his hands behind his head, Xavier stretched out, allowing Josh to go pretty much where he pleased. Standing up, Josh looked across the massive landscape once again. Between the valley of rolling abs and two massive twin peaks that were his pecs, Xavier seemed more like a country side than a simple playground.
"I don't think you realize how big you are. You're more like a nation park than a playground!" Josh laughed as Xavier perked his head up with a smile.
"Well Xavier Nation Park is ready for your tour!" He smirked. "Plenty of natural wonders to explore, bro. Where you headed?"
"I think I'll go to…" Josh pondered as he looked across his body…
"I wanna check out that strange forest there under your arm with those dark looking trees." Josh smiled, enjoying making believe Xavier's body really was a national park.
"Oh I hear that forest is kind of the pits, dude." Xavier chuckled slightly. "But it might be worth checking out if you're interested."
"Could be fun." Josh grinned as he slid his way off of Xavier's massive ab, letting himself fall into the valley between the giant teen's individual abs. "Gonna have to walk up this trail first though."
"Shouldn't be that hard of a walk. A straight shot between Abdominal Hills before making it to the twin peaks of Mount Pectorals." Xavier smiled, also having a fun time naming the parts of his body like he really was a massive work of nature. Xavier peeked down at his abs, watching the tiny man slowly walk his way past his first row of abs, and gradually making it past the second and third. "It's crazy bro. I can see you making your way across me but I swear I can't feel you at all."
"Maybe your skin just isn't very sensitive to touch." Josh offered as an explanation. "Or maybe I really am just too small to feel."
"I dunno, bro." Xavier answered as he watched Josh trail off under his right pec, making his way around the tall round muscle toward his exposed armpit. Trying to look over his pec, Xavier couldn't really see Josh anymore. "Now my chest is in the way. I can't see or feel you, dude."
"Well I'm almost there!" Josh said, rounding the huge mountain side of the pec before reaching the somewhat flat section leading up the Xavier's armpit. The smell of sweat grew stronger and stronger as Josh approached the hairy pit, but he didn't care. After spending so much time in stomachs reeking of vomit and digesting food, a little sweaty pit seemed like almost nothing. Josh approached the open arm as he was finally back within eye shot of Xavier. Josh waved, now just a few feet away from the thick black hairs as the glistened with sweat.
"Oh there you are, dude." Xavier smirked. "Looks like you made it to the Pit Forest. It's pretty thickly wooded in there. Try not to get lost, dude."
"I'll be alright. I feel like the park is watching over me if I did get lost." Josh smiled as Xavier chuckled a little, watching as Josh disappeared into his underarm. Laying still, he actually felt a slight tickle of movement in his arm pit.
- - -
Josh pushed his ways through the smooth hairs. They were incredibly soft, yet very thick at the same time. Wet with sweat and residual pool water, it actually made it fairly easily to slide through. The smell was absolutely intoxicating. It was so bad with the smell of sweat, Josh was unsure if he loved it or hated it. It stung his nose but at the same time Josh didn't want to stop smelling it. Josh moved onward, having no idea if he was near the edge of the thick hairs or stranded somewhere in the middle. They were so much taller than him, Josh could only imagine Xavier's face looking at him right now. Josh didn't care. He sunk into the hairs and relaxed. Suddenly, Josh heard monumental shifting from above him as the slight bits of light he got went completely out, and the air around the hairs started to grow thin, while the musk of Xavier's sweat grew stronger.
"Did he just close me in his pit?" Josh wondered as he took a moment to adjust to the shift in light and the change in the air.
- - -
Xavier closed his pit tight as he sat up, getting off the couch before speaking to his closed arm. "Sorry dude, I just wanna get up and grab a drink."
Mouth dry from vomiting Josh up earlier, Xavier was desperate to wash the taste of throw up out of his mouth and quench his thirst a little. Making his way to the kitchen with his right arm closed tight to keep Josh inside, Xavier grabbed a cup and filled it with water using his left hand only. Downing the liquid quickly before refilling it again and carrying it back to the living room, Xavier was eager to resume his position, wanting to know where or what Josh would do next. Setting his cup on a coffee table in front of the sofa, Xavier scratched under his left arm pit for a second and smelled his finger tips.
"Huh. Must be like a thousand times worse for him though." He remarked to himself. Getting ready to lay down and check on Josh, Xavier…
Keeping his arm shut, Xavier lowered himself into the same position he laid in before, then slowly opened his arm. Sticking briefly from the coats of sweat, Xavier exposed his armpit to the world once again and looked down in the mess of tangled hairs for movement. Sticking his finger in his hairs, he tried to locate Josh.
"You ok dude?" Xavier asked to his pit as he fished around for Josh. To his surprise he did feel something. It was a like a tiny grain of sand as he pushed it out of his armpit, toward the edge of the forest of hairs before he saw he had in fact fished Josh out. Xavier chuckled as he saw the tiny man squirm a little before regaining his bearings and looking at Xavier's handsome face. "Sorry for trapping you like that, bro."
"It's alright." Josh responded, his head still spinning slightly. "I'm just glad to get out and get a breath of fresh air!"
"Yeah I can feel you there, dude." Xavier smiled, feeling a little bad he didn't get up to grab a drink before closing Josh in his sweaty pit. "Did you have fun though?"
"Oh yeah. It was actually really interesting!" Josh said with a smile, not wanting to go into too much detail over just how much he enjoyed it. "Little smelly, but it was also pretty soft and comfy."
"A lot safer than my stomach, I bet." Xavier smiled as he patted his stomach a little with his left hand. "Probably not as interesting though."
"You're not wrong." Josh agreed, knowing Xavier was correct on both accounts. Josh watched as Xavier left his hand on his stomach, making him think about Xavier's almost otherworldly huge interior. "Maybe I could climb my way to your face?"
"Ah the face of the mountain." Xavier smiled, still having fun role-playing himself as a landscape. Moving his hand and touching the dark hairs of his beard, Xavier continued. "More trees grow along that trail, although I don't think they smell as bad as the ones in the forest."
"We can hope anyway!" Josh chuckled as he started his hike, scaling his way up the side of Xavier's right pec before shortly making it to his neck. Xavier leaned his head back, allowing Josh to scale across his neck a little easier before reaching the very edge of his beard. Reaching up for the dark hairs they seemed shorter than the ones in his arm pit, yet they still easily out scaled Josh. Fortunately, the hairs proved to be extremely useful in progressing up the hairy chin, making it very easy to reach the flat part as Xavier's head rested normally. Coming over the side, Josh continued working his way through the hairs until he came across a break in the follicles at Xavier's lips. Josh bit his own lip as he looked at the massive lips. Moving forward, Xavier's mouth curled into a smile as Josh sat on the lower lip, holding on tight as he expected Xavier to speak.
"Careful, you've spelunked that cave before by mistake." Xavier said carefully, trying not to launch Josh off his lower lip.
"More like I was washed down that cave by a waterfall." Josh chuckled. "Besides I was just looking."
"Well you're free to check inside a little if you want?" Xavier offered, hoping a little that Josh wanted to crawl inside his mouth willingly.
"Sure!" Josh said eagerly as Xavier smiled a little more before opening his lips slowly and letting out his massive pink tongue. Josh watched the tongue curl out, presenting itself in front of him. Without much delay, Josh got on the tip of the massive muscle as Xavier shifted himself back, keeping his head level now for Josh to explore inside. Josh fell to his ass as Xavier retracted his tongue into his mouth, keeping it open but carrying Josh deep inside. Getting back to his feet, Josh looked around from saliva dripping from the roof of his mouth, to the rows of perfect teeth, Josh was in awe of Xavier's massive mouth. Without much thought, Josh simply moved forward, looking to the sides as Xavier's cheeks flared slightly with each breath before looking dead ahead at what was quite easily the main attraction. The throat.
"Woah…" Josh simply said as he looked at Xavier's throat open and close. With each breath exchange it shifted it's status and caused his massive uvula to wiggle slightly with each movement as more strands of saliva dripped casually off down on to the tongue. Entranced, Josh nearly jumped as Xavier's body shifted around, Josh looked outside the still open mouth seeing the scenery change quickly as Xavier moved about the room. "Every thing ok, Xavier?"
Outside the massive cave, Josh saw the teen raise his hand and give a thumbs up, likely not wanting to speak while Josh explored the inside of his mouth. Relieved, Josh watched outside past the huge rows of teeth before he saw what looked to be a screen with Xavier's open mouth and face in it.
- - -
Xavier made his way to his pile of clothes, pulling out his phone and immediately turning on the camera. Keeping his mouth open and facing himself, Xavier took a selfie. Pulling up the hone, he zoomed it close and tried to locate Josh within the confines of his mouth. To his surprised the quality camera on his phone did in fact capture Josh, facing the camera deep near the back of his throat. Xavier smiled as he closed his mouth slightly, moving his tongue and trying to force Josh to the front of his mouth once again. Sticking his tongue out and looking at himself in his camera, Xavier saw Josh squirming slightly on the tip of his tongue. Leaving it stuck out and making a face as well as pointing at the tip of his tongue with two fingers, Xavier posed as he took another selfie. Xavier once again looked at the picture, impressed he was able to capture Josh in it as well, stuck to his tongue thanks to the sticky saliva.
"These are sweet, dude." Xavier said, forgetting Josh was still in his mouth for a second before he stopped moving his lips and stuck his tongue back out. Using his phone to look for Josh, Xavier saw him stranded near the middle of his mouth off to the side slightly. Xavier had an idea as he has hit the record button his camera, trailing Josh with the video for a few seconds before he closed his mouth and zoomed out to show his face. Xavier smiled as he put a fist against his lips and gave a closed mouth burp before smiling at the camera and ending the recording. Opening his mouth back up, Xavier finally reached in and got Josh out, having him stuck to his finger as he looked at the little man with a smile.
"Dude." Xavier started to say as Josh wiped his face and looked at his handsome face. "I need to…"
"Dude, I need to record me eating you." Xavier smiled as he looked down at Josh, stuck to his finger and still a little dazed. "I know it's a little soon, dude. But it's such a good idea!"
"Um." Josh barely got to say as he rubbed his eyes before seeing Xavier's massive lips close around his finger and enveloping him in darkness. Josh screamed a little as Xavier pulled his finger out of his mouth and left Josh to be deposited in the middle of the teen's massive tongue once more. Head still spinning, Josh couldn't even muster a word as a blinding amount of light came rushing into the cavern. Shielding his eyes, Josh saw the screen of Xavier's phone facing him once again, red recording icon active.
- - -
"Yo! Ya'll ain't gonna believe this shit!" Xavier said to his phone before zooming in on his tongue, getting a perfect view of Josh trying to get to his feet before splatting back down on the enormous tongue. Xavier tilted his head back, watching Josh as he slid into the back of his throat and almost competently losing him before he closed his mouth and gave a huge exaggerated gulping noise before opening his mouth back up and showing it was empty. Xavier zoomed out his camera as he smiled and gave a little shrug. Putting a finger on his throat, Xavier pretended he could feel Josh, despite really feeling nothing. "Yeah he's about here now."
Tracing his hand down his chest, Xavier rubbed it a little as he continued to play it up for the camera. "Man, that was too easy, he's long gone now!" Xavier winked at his camera before resting his hand on his ripped abs, taking a shot of himself from below and smirking down at the camera. Giving his abs a soft pat, Xavier gave a low, yet long belch, laughing a little as he finished. "Guess that's the end of that!"
Xavier cut the recording and smiled as it saved to his phone. Immediately replaying it and watching the events unfold a second time, Xavier couldn't help but laugh at his own antics. "Dang I look good!" Xavier said as he walked back over to the sofa and sat down, continuing to watch the video and look back at the pictures. "Yo, this is awesome."
Xavier sat there for a few minutes as his stomach gave a low gurgle. Putting his free hand on his abs, Xavier looked down at it, completely forgetting about the fact that Josh was a prop in his little game in the first place. Xavier leaned forward as he put his phone on the coffee table next to his drink as he grabbed the stethoscope and put the pieces in his ear. Resting the diaphragm on his stomach once again, Xavier leaned back as he grabbed his cup of water.
"Yo, dude. You hear me in there?" Xavier asked to his stomach as he waited on a reply.
- - -
Josh splashed about in panic. There wasn't many safe spots remaining in the massive stomach since most of the food he ate earlier had been digested. Trying to stay mostly to the edge of the cavern, Josh heard Xavier's voice as he found a relatively safe spot out of the caustic liquids.
"Xavier?" Josh called back. "You hav-"
"Having fun, dude?" Xavier's voice interrupted him as Josh shook his head, just wanting to get a word in.
"It's really dangerous down here right now!" Josh cringed as the mostly empty stomach growled in hunger, wanting Josh to be a part of what little food was being digested. "Your stomach is practically empty!"
"Really, bro?" Xavier answered, not sounding too concerned. "That sucks, dude. Oh hey, do you have a tiny phone on you?"
"Um no." Josh answered, slightly confused. "It's at my office."
"Oh, that's too bad, bro." Xavier said, still in a very relaxed unrushed tone. "I was gonna have you face time me or something. Next time, maybe."
"Yeah sure, we can do that!" Josh answered in a hurry, just wanting to get out of the huge teen's stomach. "Why don't we go to my office and get it?"
"Great idea, bro." Xavier answered as he got up and made his way over to the table and chugged a little water. Taking the earpieces of the stethoscope out of his ears, Xavier set it down and…
Xavier calmly made his way to the kitchen sink and put a pair of fingers down his throat. Having just thrown up the tiny man not long ago, Xavier flexed his stomach a bit as he started to force up small streams of bile. Spitting into the sink Xavier recalled Josh said he stomach was practically empty.
"Explains why I'm so damn hungry…" Xavier rubbed his stomach a little sadly as he started to force up a little more bile, this time stopping as he saw the minuscule movement of the tiny man being deposited into the sink. Xavier wiped his mouth as he reached down, sticking Josh to his finger as he scooped him out of the sink.
"Wow that was a lot easier than last time, bro." Xavier smiled at Josh. "We'll get pretty good at this, my man."
"Y-yeah!" Josh wiped away the nasty bile from his face and body as he sat on Xavier's finger. "That felt like we cut it pretty close though…"
Xavier's stomach grumbled loudly as Josh spoke however, the giant muscled man putting a hand on his abs as he straightened out his back from being hunched over the sink.
"Sorry whatchu say, bro?" Xavier asked, more focused on his hunger than Josh. "You telling me how empty my gut was made me realize how hungry I am."
"Oh well that's okay!" Josh sweat a little, mostly just glad to be free from the hungry organ mistaking him as food. "We could grab some food on our way to my office if you want?"
"That's be great, homie." Xavier smiled in appreciation. "What were we headed there for again?"
"To grab my phone?" Josh tried to remind Xavier, the giant seeming slightly delirious after throwing him up again. Xavier nodded his head, remembering as he pulled out his own phone.
"Right right, reminds me I have to post that video." Xavier scrolled through his phone with his free hand as he held Josh in the other, making his way to the front door. Posting the video and setting Josh down for a second, Xavier pulled on his pair of shoes, remaining shirtless as he towered over Josh before recollecting the staring tiny.
Giving Xavier directions to the park, Josh also tried to recommend a few food places that would be easy to walk into on the way. Electing to make a quick stop at a burger place, Xavier took a burger and fries to go as he followed Josh's directions to the park, acquiring a spare key Josh kept in a storage container outside the park so Xavier could let himself in the back side of the park through the break room.
"They still working on shit in there, dude?" Xavier peeked around the corner, noting it was still early afternoon and that the construction on the park was still under way.
"Oh shit yeah, I guess they are…" Josh rubbed his chin, forgetting that there would be construction still.
"Your office is in the tiny park right?" Xavier, asked leaning up against the break room's door.
"Yeah… I don't know how I feel trying to navigate to it with giant construction workers stomping around." Josh shuddered at the thought of one of the big booted workers accidently stomping on him. In particular, Josh watched as they worked, two of them looked vaguely familiar as guys he'd thought he'd seen with Brody before. Regardless, Josh looked back up to Xavier, the giant's stomach rumbling loudly as he still not eaten.
"At the very least let's take a break. You should eat!" Josh tried to sound reassuring as Xavier agreed, unlocking the door and letting himself in.
"Hey nice place, homie." Xavier was impressed with the size of the break room, peeking into the gym briefly before going and sitting at a table and setting his food and Josh down. Josh watched as Xavier pulled out a burger from the bag, immediately tearing into it. In a matter of seconds, Xavier consumed the food like it was nothing before moving onto the next.
"Not sure what we should do. I forget how long they'll be doing construction till." Josh spoke to Xavier, who simply nodded as he listened, primarily focused on chewing his food. "We could wait it out? Or just walk back to my place?"
"But we're already here, homie." Xavier responded between bites, talking partially with food in his mouth. "I don't mind chilling with ya."
"You sure?" Josh blushed a little, rather enjoying Xavier's personality not to mention the sheer size of the 18 year old. "I could try and just sneak in real quick and grab my phone. My office isn't that far."
"Up to you, dude." Xavier swallowed some food before chugging down half a bottle of water like he hasn't drank in days. "We could *Uuuuurrrrrp* just talk to the construction guys and see if we can get them to stop for a few minutes."
Josh's face felt a little flushed from Xavier's deep burp he casually let out mid conversation, but tried to shake it off.
"I don't know. I don't want to bother them while they're trying to work." Josh frowned, knowing they probably aren't being paid enough to deal with small problems like this, especially in this heat. Xavier shrugged as he continued to eat the food.
"I'll do whatever, dude." Xavier seemed to placing the pressure of choice onto Josh. Josh crossed his arms thinking about their options. Coming to a decision, Josh landed on…
"I mean… as long as you don't mind hanging out?" Josh fought back a little blush, linking the excuse to hang out with Xavier some more. Xavier finished off some more food, piling the wrappers up in a large mountain across from Josh by now.
"Nah, not at all homie." Xavier replied in his deep attractive voice. "Though I bet the guys are gonna wonder where we ran off to."
"Oh true…" Josh had all but forgotten about the fact that he was hosting so many people at his house currently.
"Don't stress it, dude. I'll just tell em we went on a walk to get your phone." Xavier reassured Josh, pulling out his phone and typing up a text. Sending it, Josh watched as Xavier flipped through his notifications, raising an eyebrow.
"Bro! That video we took blew up, dawg." Xavier turned his phone to show Josh there was tons of likes and comments on it. Xavier turned it back to himself flipping through the comments. "Bro, mad people think that shit was fake."
"Was pretty real from my point of view." Josh shook a little thinking about it. "People probably think it's a dumb filter or something."
"Pretty much, dude." Xavier shrugged, setting his phone down on the table. "Oh well, let the haters hate, right homie? You lived that shit!"
"You're not wrong! It's been quite the adventure today." Josh admitted, despite some of the danger he's really actually had quite a lot of fun.
"What was your favorite part, dude?" Xavier asked, chewing on a little more food as he talked.
"What do you mean?" Josh asked, curious. Xavier swallowed the food down a little roughly, patting his chest as he did so.
"Mmmph!" Xavier cleared his throat, pounding his chest. "I meant just like, you explored my body and shit, dude. When was the best part?"
"Oh that's tough." Josh got a little flushed thinking about it all. Josh flashed back to traversing Xavier's sculpted abs and pecs all the way into his arm pit before reexploring the inside of the giant's mouth. "I don't know, I thought the whole adventure was all great!"
"Huh, so you didn't have a favorite part that stuck out?" Xavier rested his chin on his hand as he looked down at Josh.
"No, I mean the whole time was just fun." Josh blushed. "Why did you?"
"Yeah actually I did." Xavier sat up with a big smile.
"Oh what was your favorite part?" Josh asked, curious to what Xavier enjoyed the most.
"I liked it when you were…" Xavier started to say…
“Well, honestly? I guess my favorite part was when you were in my mouth.” Xavier casually shrugged. Josh perked up a bit. “Really?” he asked. “Yup,” the relaxed titan continued. “You just feel nice in there. It’s like, uh…” Xavier then looked at the crumbs of the remains of the burger he was nearly done eating. He pinched a small piece of beef off of it. The beef was about the same size as Josh. Xavier placed the speck on his tongue and swished the beef around as he spoke.
“When you’re in there it’s like you’re this little piece of meat on my tongue. Warm, tender, kind of nice tasting.” Xavier was nonchalant as he toyed with the food, making Josh blush incredibly hard. The black giant then swallowed the beef down. Then, seeing how red Josh was, he thought of the implications. “Uh, no homo tho--”
“I CAN GO IN AGAIN IF YOU WANT!” Josh blurted out excitedly, cutting Xavier off. He regretted not thinking before he spoke immediately as the titan’s eyebrow raised. Josh immediately started to backpedal.
The tiny stammered. “Wait, not like, well, I just mean that if you like the--”
“Josh.” Xavier said calmly. He didn’t even have to raise his voice to command a space.
“…yeah?” Josh said meekly.
Xavier smiled a little and lowered his head to the table so that his mouth was level with Josh’s body. Then, his mouth opened, and Xavier’s tongue lurched out. Josh froze. This is the kind of thing Tyler would do with him to tease him. But with Xavier, there was no judgment whatsoever. After trying to calm himself down a bit, Josh accepted the invitation, stepping onto the handsome teen’s tongue.
Xavier sat back up, moving carefully to make sure Josh didn’t slip and end up in his gut again. “I liked having you in my stomach too, but I’m not throwin’ up after eatin’ all that. So be careful, aight?” Xavier said as he closed his eyes and leaned back, relaxing a bit and enjoying the nice sensation Josh’s movement was causing.
Like a kid in a candy store, Josh was enamored by his surroundings once more. The giant’s teeth looked powerful, as evidenced by the mushy remains of burger, bun, and fry that coated his tongue and teeth and cheeks. It was like a humid battlefield. Or maybe a smelly museum. Josh continued his tour to the far back of the giant’s throat.
When he got to the back of the throat, he noticed…
As the tiny reached the end of the tongue, Josh noticed something strange.
“Uhhh, Xavier?” he shouted upwards. Though, really, he could have talked to any direction and still addressed the giant. Xavier responded with a simple “Hm?”
“You’ve got some like…mucus or something in the back of your throat. It looks odd.” Josh warned the giant.
“Hm.” Xavier said. “Weird.”
The dark chasm of Xavier’s throat stopped Josh from investigating the mucus any further. But the nerdy scientist part of Josh’s brain took over and the tiny became determined to get to the bottom of it.
“Hey, if you flex your tongue backwards a bit, I can probably get a good look at it!” Josh suggested.
“Like this?” Xavier said, and then shifted his tongue back as far as possible. Josh didn’t have time to brace himself as he slid toward the back of Xavier's throat. Fortunately, though, the giant hadn’t accidentally swallowed him. Josh stood up and got a better look at the mucus. He racked his brain for what it could be.
“Could be postnasal drip…maybe just snot in general? Ew…” Josh thought, extending his hand to it out of medical curiosity. As he touched it, he noticed it was sticky. But it did come off rather easily with enough force. Josh readdressed Xavier.
“Not sure what this is exactly, but I can remove it for you! Do you think you can hold here for a bit as I do that?” Josh said in a very doctoresque tone. Xavier just shrugged, not really caring all that much. Josh waited for a bit. “Uhhh…I didn’t get a verbal response so I’m gonna assume he’s alright with this.” The tiny doctor thought to himself. “Wouldn’t want the big hunk to get sick, now would we?” He smiled, feeling helpful, even if what he was about to do was kind of gross.
Josh grabbed at the sticky stuff at the back of Markus’s throat and removed as much of it as he could. He dropped it down the abyss of Xavier's throat and watched it plummet below to be dissolved by Xavier's powerful stomach. The tiny moved carefully while doing this to avoid slipping and falling and meeting the same fate.
Several minutes went by. With most of the mucus gone, he put his hands on his hips at a job well done. His dad had tried to push him to go to medical school but look at him now! A success! A tiny success stuffed in a hot athlete’s mouth, but a success nonetheless!
But as soon as the celebration ended, something complicated the matter. Josh started walking back toward the front of Xavier’s tongue when suddenly….
The muscle under the tiny's feet shifted. “What the…?” Josh said. “Oh god!” The tiny yelped as Xavier's tongue moved quickly. The force launched Josh up. His body ricocheted off of the back of Xavier’s throat and sent him flying directly into the pink muscle of the titan’s uvula. Josh started to slip down it but grabbed onto the uvula for dear life. He knew that if he let go, he’d be going down into Xavier’s stomach again.
On the outside, Xavier took a breath in and gulped. Then something made him gag. He quickly swallowed down the vomit trying to come back up. Realizing that he had shifted his tongue dramatically, the normally chill guy jolted to attention a little. “Josh? Yo, dude, did I swallow you?”
“N-Not exactly! I’m hanging on to your uvula, actually!” Josh said, gripping it in a bear hug. The tiny looked down. Bad mistake. It was a pitch-black hole and he knew exactly where it went.
“My what?” Xavier asked. “Oh wait, hold on. That’s that thing in the back of your throat that makes you gag, right?” The giant asked, sounding a bit concerned.
“Yeah!” Josh said, slipping a bit since he lost focus. “But I'm currently losing my grip. And if I do, I’ll fall in your stomach again. I know you said you don't wanna puke me up so…could you pluck me out of here or something?”
“Oh, that would DEFINITELY make me throw up.” Xavier said, frowning. Having Josh hang there was starting to upset the bile in his stomach. “Not gonna lie, my gag reflex is like ass, dude. I throw up real easy. Can you just like…jump? I can't put my finger in my mouth like that, bro.”
Josh looked at his surroundings. “Uhm. Sorry, but no. Jumping is…kind of not an option?” Josh said apologetically. Feeling himself slip more, he gripped harder on the slimy uvula. This caused Xavier’s stomach to lurch once more.
“Eugh, dude, chill….” Xavier protested, gripping his stomach in pain. The usually chill giant was starting to get agitated. “A minute ago, you were tryin’ to keep me from getting sick. But now you’re about to make me have indigestion, dude.”
The tiny felt a little bad. “I-I’m sorry, really. Trust me, I don’t want to cause you any pain. I just don’t really know any other option besides falling down your throat!”
“Then fall.” Xavier grunted. His stomach was really starting to hurt now.
Josh weighed what the giant demanded. “But… but you said you’re not gonna puke me up. And your stomach is in the middle of some pretty heavy digesting right now, so I probably wouldn't survive if--”
“Yeah? And?” Xavier’s endless patience was reaching its end as his stomach made an inhuman noise. “Fall.”
The tiny was now getting scared of Xavier’s tone. It didn’t sound chill. It sounded… cold.
Josh started to plead. “Xavier, uhm--”
“It’s not like you don’t WANT to be in my stomach anyway, dude. This shouldn’t be a big deal to you.” Xavier stopped him.
“But I--” Josh tried again.
“You’re less than an inch tall. It’s not like much will change in the world if you go down my throat. Do it.” Xavier’s stomach growled. Now the giant was in serious pain. Josh could start to smell the contents of the teen’s stomach rising up from his throat. His stomach was almost boiling its food. The tiny started to really panic.
“Xavier, please--”
“I’m not gonna say it again. Fall. Or I’ll fucking make you.” Xavier’s powerful deep voice boomed around the tiny.
Josh looked down once more, still gripping the uvula tight. In a situation he never thought he’d be in; Josh was now in a fight with someone a million times his size. And even more unbelievably, it was a fight he had a chance to win. If Josh could hold on for dear life, he could probably get Xavier to barf him up against his will. Josh wasn’t sure of his odds of winning, but he knew it was his only shot.
But then again, as Xavier let out a grunt of pain, he really did feel bad for inflicting this much pain on him. And it’s not like the teen was wrong. Part of Josh did want to let go and just become a part of the giant’s amazing body. Was that part of Josh going to win out against the tiny’s natural sense of self-preservation?
Seconds went by that felt like an eternity to both of the men. In the end, Josh…
Looking down at the fall before him, Josh found some bravery and knew what he had to do. Hopefully Xavier wouldn't be mad about it later once he's no longer in pain.
"I-I'm sorry, Xavier!" Josh said, then squeezed the uvula as hard as he could. The titan's stomach lurched. The giant groaned loudly. At that moment, Xavier almost lost it and vomited.
He closed his mouth and gulped hard, blocking against Josh's offensive tactic. The giant scowled. Who the fuck does this little guy think he is? Josh had no right trying to control HIS body. Xavier was unbeatable. He was always the most powerful guy in the room, and he wasn't about to let an inch tall loser change that.
His stomach ached desperately as he looked around for something to use to send Josh to his doom. Xavier's eyes settled on the bottle of coke that came with his meal. Grabbing the nearly full bottle, he brought it to his lips. He didn't stop to gloat or to taunt the little man. He didn't have to. He simply grinned, tilted his head at an angle, and began to drink. In a few gulps, he knew he had won.
"Wait wait wait WAIT--" Josh pleaded. But it was too late. The tiny saw a hurricane of brown soda flooding towards him. The liquid swept up the remains of the food Xavier had left in his mouth. And as the soda reached Xavier's uvula, the force hit Josh like a hydro pump. He held on for dear life, but even if he was as strong as Xavier, there was no way he was going to hold on. And so, he couldn't. The tiny man finally let go.
He fell, screaming for his life as he did.
He fell and fell, and as he did his surroundings got warmer and warmer, until finally…
The tiny plunked into Xavier's stomach acid. But this time, the acid was much less inviting. Because of how upset Josh had made Xavier's gut earlier, the acid was now INCREDIBLY volatile. It burned unimaginably. Josh screamed in pain as he tried to swim to something for safety. But nothing solid was there. All of it was dissolving just about as fast as he was. He looked at his arm. It was a disgusting shade of red he had never known was even possible. The tiny man melted in the lava. Xavier's stomach took its revenge out on Josh by giving him the most painful digestion possible. Even though all the tiny man wanted to do was help.
On the outside, Xavier let out a very loud and satisfying burp. It was hotter and smellier than usual. "Probably Josh's fault…" Xavier thought, rubbing his ripped gut. Now that he wasn't in any more pain, he went back to his relaxed, chill demeanor as if nothing had happened. As if his boss weren't painfully melting away inside of him. But Xavier didn't care. As long as he wasn't competing, he had a chill outlook on life. Whatever happened to his food after he swallowed it? Eh, not that big of a deal.
"Easy choice for me homie. I liked it when you were in my stomach." Xavier smiled, patting his brick like abs a few times for emphasis. Josh swallowed nervously, simultaneously worried and hoping that was what the giant would say.
"T-that's cool! What makes it your favorite?" Josh nervously laughed and stuttered like a love struck teenager. Xavier shrugged, grabbing the bag of empty food and crumpling it, shooting it at the garbage like a basketball.
"It was just cool bro, how I could chat with you with the doctor thing." Xavier swished the basket flawlessly. "Plus how small you are, if I didn't know I swallowed you, I would've never known you were in there. Makes me feel like a real titan, dude."
"Well to me you are a real titan." Josh felt embarrassed to say so. "I mean in general I think you're the biggest guy I've ever been around."
"Heh. I hear that a lot." Xavier leaned back in his chair now, hands behind his head and flexing his biceps. "But this is a different kind of feeling from my end, homie. I'm not just like a titan to you. I am a titan to you."
"Yeah…" Josh trailed off enamored by the dark giant.
"It's too bad we still can't get your phone homie." Xavier peeked over in the direction of the park. "Could you imagine the side by side videos of you and I recording me eat you again? Shit there ain't no way people could think that's fake."
"Plus you and I could face time, like we talked about!" Josh pipped up, remember the original reason why they wanted the phone to begin with.
"Oh yeah for sure, little guy." Xavier smiled, casually addressing Josh in his deep voice. "I'd like that. I wanna see how huge it looks in there from your point of view."
"Oh it's enormous!" Josh tried to recall both times he was in there. "It's like a whole world in there."
"Really?" Xavier leaned forward, interested. "You gotta tell me more, little homie."
- - -
Over the course of the next few hours, Josh and Xavier chatted more about what Josh experienced. Eventually, however…
After setting down the stethoscope, Xavier turned toward the door and walked out of the front of the house. Starting to walk, he pulled out his phone and googled the location of Shrink and Swim, figuring he didn't need directions if he had the internet. Hearing a loud splash and some laughter come from the backyard, Xavier smiled knowing the guys would have fun without him as he went for the walk. Navigating to the park, Xavier strolled along at a not to terribly brisk pace. Looking down at his phone as he went and turning many heads as people walked by seeing the muscular titan on his walk.
- - -
"Ummm Xavier?!" Josh started to panic. He wasn't sure what the hold up was. It seemed like the giant was walking. But where? Josh started breathing heavily as the humid air of Xavier's stomach was making his very short of breath.
"What's taking him so long?" Josh pressed himself up against a wall of the massive chamber, but to his immediate regret as the fluids coming off the wall started to burn his skin. Josh didn't understand. He figured Xavier would have enough common sense to throw him up first before going to get his phone at the park. "M-maybe he's just walking to the bathroom?"
Josh didn't believe his own words though. The constant ups and downs of the movement Xavier was giving off gave the tiny man no indication he was taking a short walk to the bathroom.
- - -
Xavier looked down at his phone, noticing he missed a street having to turn around and go around the corner.
"Whoops, better actually pay attention." He looked down at his phone seeing the place wasn't as far as he thought, accidently making him walk a little extra. Continuing on his way though, he finally arrived at his destination. Looking at the front of the park, it looked like construction was going on right now. Scratching his head he walked around the back of the main building and saw an employee only entrance. Shrugging, Xavier figured he's an employee now, so he might as well let himself in. Pulling on the door though, the titanic teen realized it was locked.
"Oh shit, yeah I didn't think about that." Xavier realized now in hindsight it would make sense for it to be locked. Frowning, he decided maybe it would be best if he just walked back to Josh's.
- - -
"Oh god how am I still alive?!" Josh questioned his own survivability. It felt like it was hours since Xavier had sent him down into his gut, just to make a video. He couldn't believe he was still holding on. Josh just felt like there shouldn't be a reason for him to be alive. In fact… Josh realized he couldn't really feel anything anymore. When the pain subsided from before, now Josh felt practically nothing. Xavier's stomach had done fine work on Josh during his walk. The little man merely slumped, loss of consciousness and most of his body as the stomach acid had very eagerly and consistently been digesting him throughout the giant teen's trip.
- - -
Xavier made his way back to Josh's house, opening the front door and letting himself inside. Nobody was inside still, which made sense. To Xavier he really hadn't been gone that long. Walking over to the table he left the stethoscope, Xavier grabbed it and rested the diaphragm on his stomach once again.
"Yo, sup dude. Sorry for the pointless walk. I went to the park but the place was locked. Guess I should've thought of that." Xavier said to his stomach. He waited a second for a reply. A few seconds went by and all Xavier heard were a few small gurgles.
"Dude, you good in there?" Xavier asked again, expecting to hear some kind of answer. "Yo, sorry if you're mad I didn't throw you up earlier, but could you answer me?"
Xavier waited again, hearing nothing but his own bodily sounds. Xavier took the ear buds out of his ear, setting the stethoscope on the table again before finally realizing what happened.
"Yo, did I digest him?" Xavier finally realized.
A few minutes later, Josh heard the sound of someone's feet splashing their way closer and closer until they made it to the patio table. Josh looked up, seeing the pink umbrella was being moved aside slightly as he saw the now familiar face of Mason peering down into the cup. Mason chuckled slightly as he saw Josh floating there on a little noodle.
"Dude, he really likes picking on you." Mason laughed as Josh's head perked up. "Tyler was telling me to go drink from this cup. Now I see why."
"He's soooo funny…" Josh groaned as he laid on his back, staring up at Mason. "Such a joker."
"That just gave me an idea. Why don't you play a joke on him?" Mason smiled as Josh rose an eyebrow in interest.
"What did you have in mind?" Josh asked as he watched Mason look behind him, making sure he was out of ear shot of the other guys. Noticing that no one was paying attention to him, Mason started to move the umbrella closer to Josh until it was right next to him.
"First let's get you out of this cup, dude." Mason stated as Josh shrugged, getting off the noodle and holding onto the end of the umbrella. Mason lifted Josh out of the cup, letting him rest on the patio table, finally able to look around outside uninhibited. Josh looked up as Mason lifted the cup he was just in up to his face, quickly draining the water past his lips in several loud deliberate gulps. Josh shuddered for a moment, glad he wasn't in there anymore, but also realizing what exactly Mason had planned.
"That's step one, dude." Mason said, ready to explain the rest of the plan before Josh interrupted him.
"And I assume I hide out and make Tyler think you drank me?" Josh answered, feeling like it was obvious. Mason set the cup down and crossed his huge arms across his fairly large chest.
"Man you stole my thunder!" Mason smiled wide, looking down at Josh and putting them umbrella in the now empty cup. Mason lowered his hand indicating for Josh to climb on. Unsure what came next, Josh figured he'd comply as he climb on the huge still somewhat wet hand. Mason quickly cupped his hand close to his stomach, practically pressing Josh against his lean abs, as he tried to casually walk him way inside, trying to make it look like he was just holding his stomach. Once inside, Mason retracted his hand and looked down at Josh, head spinning slightly as he wasn't used to being flipped and pressed around like that.
"Sorry I had to press you against my stomach like that, bro." Mason said, noticing Josh was a little off beat. "I just didn't wanna look like I was carrying you inside."
"It's fine I just wasn't expecting it." Josh answered, looking around and seeing they were back in the dining room. "What's next?"
"I was gonna just leave you in here with my clothes. That way I'd be able to find you." He answered, lowering Josh on his green spandex shirt from earlier as well as his black shorts. Josh sunk into the fabric, it was cool yet very comfy and smelt very heavily of Mason's musk. Josh took in a deep whiff, actually enjoying the handsome man's smell. Josh looked up at Mason as his lower abdomen gave off a terrifying groan. Mason held his lower abs for a second before looking back to Josh. "Dude, where's a bathroom? Those tacos went right through me."
"Right over there by the entry way!" Josh said in a hurry pointing toward his first floor bathroom. Josh watched as Mason stumbled his way into the bathroom, shutting the door dramatically. Josh shook his head and chuckled a little. "God that kid better not destroy my toilet…"
A few minutes passed and Josh was relieved to see Mason reappear, rubbing his stomach and making a goofy relieved face as he came over to his pile of clothes. "Man I feel like ten pounds lighter!" Mason chuckled, giving his lower abs a couple of pats. "I dunno how the others can manage. Must have bowels of steel!"
"I guess so!" Josh chuckled, not really sure how to respond. "Well I'm glad you made it in time."
"Same, dude!" Mason laughed. "Glad I didn't really drink you. You would've been in and out, bro."
"Trust me, we're both glad about that." Josh sweat, not wanting to even think about it. "So now what?"
"I guess now we wait. I'll head back outside and play it cool." Mason said as he started to leave the room. "Oh don't leave my clothes, bro. Otherwise I'll never find you."
"I won't!" Josh promised, knowing how stupid it would be to leave the one place he'd be re-found. Josh laid back, trying to get comfortable. Admittedly he was a lot more comfortable now resting on the fine smelling shirt of Mason's rather than floating around in the dank cup on a wet noodle. Josh closed his eyes, wanting to rest as minutes passed by, and soon about an hour.
Josh awoke to the sound of footsteps. Someone or some group of people started to come inside. Soon Josh realized it was…
"I didn't even think about how he'd still have to do paperwork for us." Mason mulled for a moment. "Maybe we could take a field trip to the park. Then Josh can get work done and the rest of us can check it out?"
"I like that idea!" Josh beamed, not wanting to be completely over taken by seven massive giants right now. "Besides they should be done with construction by now. Plus I have tons of applications to go through that I've been putting off…"
"I think that settles that." Xavier decided to add in, also feeling like he wanted to get this job business started as soon as possible.
"Sounds boring…" Tyler pouted, crossing his arms, not really wanting to just go wander to the park and do nothing on such a nice day.
"Well he needs to register me too…" Bobby added, feeling like it must be a lot of work for Josh to do. "Think it's a good idea."
"Blake, Markus!" Tyler looked at his two co-workers. "Back me up, dudes!"
Blake merely shrugged, seemingly like he didn't really care one way or another. Markus simply laughed and smiled. "Looks like you're beat, bro. "
"Lame…" Tyler slumped in his chair a little. Josh rolled his eyes at Tyler, a little annoyed at how much of a spoiled child he'll act when he doesn't get to do what he wants.
"Waaaahh!" Bobby made a fake crying noise. "You'll be fine, dude."
Tyler gave a silly glare at Bobby as he watched his friend bring Josh off the table up back to his perch on his hat. Bobby stood up slowly, making sure not to throw Josh's balance off as he made his ascent. Taking Bobby's lead the rest of the men stood up, Tyler being the very last to begrudgingly join up with the group as they made their way toward the front door. It was just a short walk to Shrink and Swim, so for the group of handsome men it didn't take very long. However the seven men certainly turned a lot of heads in the short time they took to walk to the park.
"Wow it's so little!" Andres looked down at the little glass box that held the entire park. Josh looked down at it, noticing the construction crew must've closed it all up, having been done with work for the day.
"That's good, that means I can get in my office." Josh called to everyone from atop Bobby's head. Blake and Markus lead the way to the break room, knowing full well that there was back way into the park from there. Everyone followed suit, Tyler bringing up the rear of the group. Once in the break room, Bobby let Josh down on a little balcony waving to the little man as he disappeared into the park.
"Now what?" Tyler asked, clearly bored and slumping over the couch he was used to napping on. "We just gonna sit here and wait for him to do paperwork?"
"Does he have a phone in his office?" Xavier asked, not really sure what the tiny man didn't or did carry with him as far as a cell phone goes."
"Oh yeah he's got his cell in his office." Tyler perked up, remembering that Josh left it there the other day. "I can text him and let him know we're going somewhere if we want?"
"I guess." Bobby frowned, not really feeling right about ditching Josh. "I don't mind staying here, though. He's my roommate again now, so I feel like I should be his ride home."
"I guess, dude." Tyler shrugged. "I mean i guess you can do what you want. I wanna go outside and enjoy the day."
"That's fine, dude. I'll text him." Bobby pulled out his phone and letting Josh know that the guys would be heading out to go outside.
"Dude, just come with us. I promise we'll come back to get him." Tyler looked at Bobby honestly just wanting his old buddy to go out and hang out with the rest of the guys.
Bobby looked down at his phone, having just sent a message to Josh saying he'd wait here for him. Bobby bit his lip, knowing he did want to go out, but wasn't sure what to do. Finally, Bobby decided he'd…
"I'm just gonna wait for him." Bobby decided to keep his word to Josh. It was the least he could do after Josh so kindly let him live with him. "Sorry it's the least I can do for him."
"It's ok, dude." Tyler smiled as he looked at Bobby. "Actually, I think I'll stay too. You guys can go back to playing basketball if you want?"
"You sure bro?" Markus asked, not wanting to just leave without waiting for Josh.
"Yeah dude." Tyler smirked. "He'll probably be hours. But he's our best friend. We have to wait for him."
The five remaining men went around to Bobby and Tyler, fist bumping and patting each other on the shoulder as they laughed and bid each other farewell. Tyler and Bobby watched as they left the room, making their way out into the nice sunny day. Tyler sighed as he made his way back over to the couch, sprawling across it and stretching out his arms.
"Man… the things we put up with, dude." Tyler said to Bobby as he walked over and took a seat at a comfy looking arm chair.
"He'd do the same for us, dude. More probably." Bobby tried to make Tyler feel a little better. Tyler simply sighed and looked over at Bobby.
"Yeahhh you're right, dude." Tyler agreed with a smile. Bobby laughed, knowing he was right. The two men got comfy, knowing it was going to probably be awhile.
- - -
Josh saw the message from Bobby happy to see he was staying and waiting for him. He felt a little bad, considering how much paperwork and how many phone calls he had to make. Josh hurried along, trying to file as much as he could as quickly as he could, hoping he could make some of the calls later or tomorrow, since there was but one more day of construction. A few hours passed and Josh frowned, feeling bad that he made Bobby wait this long already. Grabbing his phone and making his way out of his office, Josh headed back to break room.
Opening the door to the break room, Josh peered out to see not just Bobby, but Tyler as well as the two men sat near the TV, watching it intently as there were sports on for them to enjoy. Josh smiled as he had no idea Tyler stayed behind as well. Josh pulled out his phone, calling Bobby, waiting for the huge man to answer as he figured it was easier to do it this way than try to get their attention at his very small size.
"Yo, Josh!" Bobby answered, his voice booming both from Josh's phone as well across the room. "How's your work going?"
"Done for now, I'm in the break room!" Josh replied as Bobby turned his head, seeing Josh over at the balcony. Bobby got up, walking over to Josh and standing in front of the tiny man as he hung up his phone.
"Ty fell asleep!" Bobby chuckled as Josh looked over at Tyler, seeing now he was in fact laying there asleep. "He felt bad and stayed with me though."
"Now I feel bad." Josh frowned. "I didn't mean for you guys to wait so long."
"It's nothing, bro." Bobby leaned down toward Josh with a happy grin. "You've done so much for me. I owe you."
"No!" Josh shook his head. "Not at all Bobby. That's what friends are for."
"You're too good, dude." Bobby smiled as he reached down for Josh, letting the little man come aboard his hand. Bobby raised Josh up, walking back over to the chair as Josh got a better view of Tyler, snoozing on the couch with his mouth hung open.
"What do we do about him?" Josh asked Bobby looking up at his muscular friend. Bobby smirked as he looked over at Tyler, wondering the same thing.
"We could let him rest, maybe." Bobby offered as an option. "Then we could just get him home and you can finish up whatever you gotta do for the park. Orrrr…"
"Or?" Josh wondered aloud back to Bobby.
"Or we could mess with him a little." Bobby chuckled. "It's a rare opportunity for you, bro."
Josh thought for a minute. It was a rare oppertunity, but Josh felt like it was more important to get all his calls in, ready for the park to open anew with plenty of new lifeguards to join the team. Josh bit his lip, deciding to…
"No let's let him sleep." Josh smiled up at Bobby. "He actually looks peaceful."
"That's too bad, dude." Bobby laughed down at Josh. Josh simply tilted his head, confused before Josh saw Tyler immediately sit up and laugh at Josh.
"Man we were gonna get you good too!" Tyler laughed at Josh's shocked expression, seeing that Tyler had never been sleeping the whole time. Josh simply slumped into Bobby's palm as the two men laughed at him. Either way, Josh felt like he made the right choice, be it an accident or not. Josh sat back smiled as the two men got up, still amused at fooling Josh, even if they didn't get to bring out their full plan.
- - -
A new day was dawning for Josh as he looked down at his massive list of new employees. It had been a few months or so since the parks expansion, and since then Josh had his hands more than full with training the masses of new lifeguards.
"Tyler, Brody, Matt, Luke, Brett, Markus, Ross, and Blake…." Josh said to himself, recalling his original staff before the expansion before looking at all the new men he'd added to the crew. "Ricky, Chad, Scott, Trevor, Jon…"
Josh smiled at the list of new names. The five new men had been doing well since they joined before Josh continued to look at his new names to remember. "Well there's Brandon too." Josh thought, a little reluctant to hire him at first since he was Josh's old high school bully. "At lease he seems ok now."
"Well of course there's Bobby, Xavier, Andres and Mason." Josh said to himself, knowing where all his new hires started. Josh's eyes then wandered to the names Vinny and Lyle, Brody's roommates that came on part time along with a constructions job. Next, there was Clifford, or "Cliff" as he preferred to be called. He was Mr. Morebucks spoiled son, but he seemed to be proving himself a decent worker so far. Finally, last but not least was Austin, Ross's roommate.
Josh couldn't believe looking at the list, seeing that his staff had more than doubled since the park's expansion! "This is amazing!" Josh smiled. "I never would've expected the park to get this big!"
Of course with the park's massive new operations Josh found himself with even more new responsibilities. Right now, however, Josh found he needed to…
Each applicant is 7'5 with size 22 feet and has a mixed relationship with gay guys because they're straight and view them as toys/piggybanks who provide sexual gain and cash.
-ex-gang member who emigrated from the central African jungle and has an extensive criminal record since he was a teen; convictions include drugs and guns trafficking, armed robbery, and armed burglary
-after being released early for good behavior, he's now a college athlete, a Black Lives Matter activist, and rapper
-long thick cornrows
-loves to curse
-farm hand and political conservative who loves making SJWs, liberals, and lefties cry
-firearms lover/expert and former military veteran
"I need to see who's on break now…" Josh thought to himself as he looked up and made his way to the break room. Josh knew there would probably a good amount of guys on break right now, but it was very important that Josh made it there to make any changes to where the life guards would be stationed once their break is over. Josh continued on his way, wanting to make it to the break room quickly.
Josh walked passed many of the new attractions in the park, but at the very least this nestled corner of the park remained mostly unchanged as Josh was really the only one who used their entrance to the break room. Josh made tracks down the familiar path, eagerly making his way to the door, grabbing the knob and pulling it open.
- - -
Wind rushed past Josh as he entered the enormous room. Making his way to the edge of the balcony, Josh looked out into the huge room. The break room it's had seen it's fair share of upgrades as well. More couches, chairs and even a larger TV, not to mention an upgrade to all the kitchen equipment. Over all the break room had better new stuff, much to Josh's best efforts, wanting his lifeguards to be as comfortable as possible.
Paying attention now to who was actually in the room, Josh looked out to see a group of men together. Josh noticed the group consisted of…
Josh swallowed as he looked at the group of men. He found it odd that these four men would gravitate to each other, but as time passed they formed quite the group. For starters, Josh felt leery knowing that his old high school bully, Brandon was part of the group. Josh saw the man, 22 years old and sitting at 6'3" of pure massive muscle with brown hair and blue eyes, Brandon used to always make fun of Josh for being short and weak, and now he was even bigger, stronger, and better looking than when he was in high school.
Second, Josh looked at the devilishly handsome blonde Ricky. 22 years old and sitting at 6'4" Ricky was an experience lifeguard, but with a very arrogant attitude. He did great work, Josh would admit, but he couldn't help but feel like the man enjoyed being superior to everyone around him. Plus Josh always got this weird feeling when Ricky would stare at him with his dangerous looking eyes at he had done something horrible to him in a previous life or something.
Next, Josh looked at the dashingly good looking Vinny. By far the nicest guy of the group, but still very much liked to push people to their limits. At 20 years old and sitting at 6'5" with buzzed brown hair and blue eyes, he was clearly the tallest man of the group as well. Being Brody's roommate and old high school buddy, Josh knew the man was big into lacrosse and a total lax bro. Josh figured his lax go with the flow kind of messing with people nature was what drew him to the group of seemingly devious young men.
Finally, was Clifford, or Cliff as he preferred to be called. He was a very wealthy young man at the age of 21. His parents were the esteemed Mr. and Mrs. Morebucks, the people who invested in the park in the first place. Josh took the young man on the crew as an additional favor to Mr. Morebucks, hoping to make the handsome young boy work a little for a change. At a hieght of 6'4" with strong lean muscles and a gorgeous face with shaggy dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, Cliff tried to charm or bribe people into doing his work more often than not. Either way, Josh swallowed hard as he approached the group of intimidating young men.
Josh cleared his throat as he leaned against the railing, "Hey guys, it's almost time to change shifts!" Josh called out to the four men as they all turned their attention to him. "Just wanted to make sure everyone was on time…"
"Hey short stuff!" Brandon smirked as he sauntered on over arrogantly. Brandon hovered over Josh, showing off his massive muscle looming over Josh with immense proportions. Josh gulped as Brandon looked down at him from what seemed like miles away. "Sorry you're so small, did you say something?"
"Yeah just…" Josh started to say as Ricky made his way over next to Brandon, smirking as he rested an arm on Brandon's shoulder. "Just uhhh it's almost time to change shifts…"
"Oh we're aware boss. Don't you worry." Ricky said smoothly with a cocky smirk. "Pretty sure we still have 20 minutes though."
"You do, I just wanted to uh…" Josh fumbled as Vinny and Cliff made their way over on either side of Brandon and Ricky. "Give a friendly reminder."
"Don't worry about us, tiny bro." Vinny shrugged, feeling accustomed to calling Josh by "tiny bro" any time they spoke. "We're fine, tiny bro, we'll be on time."
"Oh, well good." Josh sweat a little as Cliff simply stood there staring at him. "I guess I'll just be on my way."
"Oh why, shortie?" Brandon mocked a little. "You never wanna chill with us."
"Yeah he only wants to hang out with Tyler…" Cliff laughed, nudging Ricky in the side.
"Cliff's right, boss." Ricky leaned down and looked at Josh with a sexy, yet scary smile. "You should hang with us sometimes."
"Well he's my best friend, guys…" Josh tried to make an excuse as he backed up. "But I can hang out with you guys sometime…"
"Well I've know you longer than anyone else, dude." Brandon leaned in with a smile. "I mean we did go to school together…"
"Yeah…" Josh tried to remember how much of a jerk Brandon was most of his child and teen years. "I'm sure we'll have time sometime."
"We've got 20 minutes right now, tiny bro." Vinny smiled, wanting Josh to stick around.
"What could we even do in 20 minutes though." Cliff crossed his arms as he watched everyone else continue leaning close to Josh.
"Oh I could think of plenty of things." Ricky said in a smooth voice that made Josh shiver.
"Like what?" Brandon looked at Ricky with curiosity.
"Oh I've heard some things." Ricky looked down at Josh. "Tyler sure liked to gloat about stuff he's done when I first got hired."
Josh swallowed nervously. Not entirely sure what Tyler must've told people.
"He told me him and Bobby…"
Ricky laughed a little to himself before revealing what he heard. "I heard they swallowed him whole, just for the fun of it!"
"Well they didn't do it for the fun of it…" Josh tried to defend himself. "Bobby did it by accident, and Tyler well…"
"I heard this too from him, shortie." Brandon laughed. "He told me you asked him to do it and he did it just to mess with you!"
"Well I guess it's not far from the truth…" Josh said quietly as he wanted nothing more than to look away from the men as they bullied him.
"Tiny bro, why would you want to be eaten?" Vinny knelt down, getting close to Josh with his handsome face. Josh actually moved a little closer to Vinny, feeling most safe near the giant bro rather than any of the others. Vinny eye'd Josh as he moved in closer to his face before looking up at his face.
"They were egging me on after Bobby did it by mistake!" Josh tried to defend himself again. "Tyler was saying how I couldn't make him puke or get out on my own."
"And you fell for that?" Brandon laughed again as Josh gulped nervously, moving closer to Vinny again. "What made you possibly think some one as small as you could even tickle someone as big as us?"
"I guess it was just the heat of the moment…" Josh tried to still reason with the scary giants as he finally back up, right under Vinny's chin. Josh looked up, seeing that Vinny hadn't really moved, aside from looking down enough to see Josh disappear under his chin.
"Vinny, dude." Ricky looked down at Vinny as he stayed knelt down with Josh under him. "Why is he under your chin?"
"I dunno, bro." Vinny laughed as he stayed still. "I think that…"
"Bro, you guys are freaking him out." Vinny chuckled as he started to stand back up a bit, moving a hand in front of Josh, shielding him from the other giants. "Just leave him alone, he's all nervous, bro."
Ricky and Brandon looked at each other in shock before looking back to Vinny and giving him nasty looks.
"Dude, why are you defending him? You like protecting ants?" Brandon spat angrily at Vinny, pissed his buddy would come to the tiny's aid.
"Bro, how would you feel if you were that small and you had a bunch of giants talking about you getting eaten alive?" Vinny rose an eyebrow, feeling like his defense was far from unreasonable.
"Don't know, don't care." Brandon turned and started to walk away. "I'm out."
Ricky shook his head at Vinny as he started to walk away as well, following Brandon outside the break room. Vinny looked over at Cliff who simply stood there before laughing after Brandon and Ricky slammed the door.
"Dude that was hilarious. They're so pissed." Cliff held his stomach, still sputter bits of laughter.
"I'm surprised you didn't take off too, bro." Vinny smirked at Cliff, kinda glad one of his friends didn't storm off. Cliff gained his composure as he simply shrugged.
"I have no money in this race, dude." Cliff looked from Josh to Vinny. "No offense, but I didn't care if they were making fun of the boss or not."
"Well at least you weren't the one scaring him, bro." Vinny said as he scooped Josh up into his hand, bring him up toward his face. "You okay tiny bro?"
"I'm fine, thanks for saving me Vinny." Josh looked at the handsome bro's face and his sharp almost white blue eyes. "I'm sorry they got mad at you for it though."
"They'll get over it bro." Vinny shrugged, honestly not caring about them storming off. "Besides Cliff is still here too."
Josh looked over at Cliff, who yawned a little looking kind of bored at this point. "Thanks for not getting mad at Vinny too, Cliff."
"It's whatever. It was funny seeing those two make asses out of themselves." Cliff shrugged, it truly not mattering to him one way or another. Josh shrugged, more or less glad anyone came to his aid. Turning his attention back to Vinny, the giant set him down on the balcony beside him.
"I'll make sure to check on you later, tiny bro." Vinny smiled at Josh. "I'd steer clear of Brandon and Ricky for a bit though. Cliff you'll check on Josh with me too, right bro?"
"Sure." Cliff yawned still looking bored. Vinny shook his head and shrugged as he looked down at Josh.
"Lay low, tiny bro." Vinny assured Josh. "They definitely seemed like they wanted a piece of you."
"Okay, thanks guys." Josh smiled and nodded his head in appreciation before making his way back to the door. "I'll see you guys later?"
"For sure tiny bro!" Vinny gave Josh a thumbs up as Cliff simply nodded after Vinny elbowed him in the side.
- - -
Josh felt a little better as time started to pass. Heading back to his office, Josh tried to lay low much to Vinny's advice waiting out as the end of the day approached. Getting ready to head out, Josh looked over as the door to his office opened and he saw as a pair of men entered…
Josh's heart beat fast before he saw Vinny and Cliff after which he let loose a sigh of relief. Josh watched as the handsome tall men approached him at his desk.
"Seems like you're doing well, tiny bro!" Vinny smiled as he walked up to Josh, still a full foot taller than the shorter man.
"Hey, I'm not tiny right now!" Josh shook his head as he saw Cliff approach as well, also nearly a full foot taller than him.
"You're still pretty tiny anyway." Cliff smirked, enjoying looming over his father's business partner at both giant and normal heights.
"I guess…" Josh mulled for a moment. "But I am doing well, thanks to you guys."
"We saw Brandon and Ricky try coming to your office." Cliff crossed his arms. "We managed to get rid of them though."
"Don't let him be so modest, bro!" Vinny laughed. "He threatened to call his dad if they kept trying to harass you. Then Brandon was still insistent, Cliff almost fought him, bro!"
"Oh no, I hope Brandon didn't hit you did he?" Josh turned to Cliff with concern. Cliff simply shrugged.
"He wouldn't dare." Cliff smirked. "I know I'm not an inflated meathead like him, but I could take him if I wanted to."
"Well I'm glad they left without anything happening." Josh smiled, feeling a new appreciation for Cliff now as well.
"Anyway, tiny bro. We wanted to show you something else." Vinny smirked at Cliff. "Come to the break room okay?"
"Oh yeah, sure!" Josh answered with enthusiasm.
"Perfect, tiny bro!" Vinny winked at Josh. "We'll see you in a minute."
Josh watched as the two men left the room, distracted watching them turning from seeing their impressive muscular front, to their perfect asses as they left. Shaking himself from his daze, Josh went about his routine to close up the park as he grabbed his stuff and headed to the break room.
- - -
Josh walked into the break room and immediately on the railing he saw dozens of pictures of Brandon and Ricky with mustaches and marker all over their faces. Josh couldn't help but laugh as he looked up and saw Vinny and Cliff, now giant and looking down at him.
"This is hilarious, you guys did this?" Josh chuckled as he addressed the two giants.
"Of course, tiny bro!" Vinny smiled attractively. "We put em in here because we knew they'd never come in here shrunk anyway."
"So these can hang up feet away from them and they'd never know, dude." Cliff chuckled, thinking about it.
"Well thanks guys, this is really funny." Josh continued to smile feeling a little bad he was laughing at two of his employees' expense.
"Glad you like it, tiny bro!" Vinny smiled. "Oh hey, Cliff and I were gonna hang out, you wanna come with? You can ride the Vinny express!"
"We're not going to your place, dude." Cliff shook his head. "It's a fucking hole in the wall."
"Yeah maybe compared to your place! But that's not fair, Brody's got a nice place." Vinny slumped, feeling bad Cliff was still very spoiled in that regard. Cliff simply shrugged, not caring. "Either way, tiny bro, you wanna come with us?"
"Yeah sure!" Josh said without really thinking. "I did promise to hang out with you guys, right?"
"Right, tiny bro! Let me just call up Brandon and Ricky too!" Vinny joked, making it obvious he wasn't serious. Vinny lowered his hand for Josh to climb on. "All aboard tiny bro!"
Josh laughed as he climbed up onto Vinny's hand, riding outside as Cliff's driver pulled around picking them up in a fancy looking car. Making their way into the massive mansion Cliff's parents owned, Cliff dismissed the driver, telling him they weren't planning on going anywhere else at the moment.
"Mom and dad are away on business, like usual." Cliff explained as he lead Vinny through the house. "So we got the whole place to ourselves."
Cliff lead them upstairs to a room with a large tv, games, and a mini fridge. Josh couldn't help but look around in awe at the spacious room, it was like a mini movie theater, gaming central, and awesome hangout spot all wrapped into one.
Cliff slumped into a comfy looking chair as he watched Vinny and Josh look around the room in amazement.
"I'm bored." Cliff complained.
"Bro, we just got here, you're already bored?" Vinny chuckled as he walked beside the chair Cliff was in, still trying to get comfortable with the huge room before he sat down. "What do you wanna do?"
"Eh I don't know." Cliff shrugged. "We could chill and play some games. Or just hang out I guess. I'm kinda curious about the stuff Brandon and Ricky were harassing Josh about."
"What do you mean?" Josh finally spoke up. Not really wanting to relive that harassment.
"Just that you never really got to tell the whole story." Cliff shrugged. "There's lots of rumors going around about it."
Josh bit his lip, he could talk about it now, feeling safer with Vinny and Cliff. But he also felt like he wouldn't mind just watching these two hunk play some games while he got to unwind. Thinking for a moment, Josh decided…
"I can talk a bit about what happened." Josh looked over to Cliff. "Besides, I don't want there to be any nasty rumors."
"Well I heard that you begged Tyler to eat you, then he shit you out." Cliff leaned over finally feeling like they were on an entertaining topic.
"See I heard that he told Tyler he could force him to puke, but Ty puked him up on his own, bro." Vinny added in some rumors he heard.
"Neither of those are true. I never begged, Tyler never threw me up, and I certainly did not get shit out!" Josh waved his hands trying to quell those rumors first. "So first off I should explain how they started teasing me from early that day. Saying they'd eat me before Bobby stuck me to a gummy bear and dropped me in a bowl with other bears."
"Oh so they lost track of you and ate you?" Cliff asked curiously. "That's so far off from the rumors."
"Well hold on. Bobby did accidentally eat me. Luckily he laid down and I was able to crawl up his throat, otherwise I would've been a gonner." Josh explained the next part of the story. "Then Tyler started taunting me, saying how lucky I was. That's when I got frustrated and told him I could make him puke. He barely gave me a moment before he swallowed me, saying if I couldn't make him puke I was stuck in his stomach."
"Oh bro, so wait, he didn't puke you up. But he also didn't shit you out?" Vinny asked, sitting down now at a chair next to Cliff and setting Josh down on a table between the two of them.
"No clearly, I'm not invincible. He would have digested me." Josh tried to explain. "He ended up laying down, falling asleep, and I clawed my way up his throat too."
"Yo, tiny bro. That's bad ass." Vinny sat at the edge of his seat, thoroughly enjoying Josh's story. "No wonder they spread those rumors, they sound kinda lame forcing you through that."
"It's okay, really." Josh shook his head. "They thought it was cool too, they actually made a game with it. But we got side tracked by the hiring spree and the idea just kinda teetered off."
"Would you try it again?" Cliff asked, leaning over with interest at Josh. "In a better controlled environment of course."
"Um. Yeah I guess. Anything is better controlled than Bobby and Tyler nearly sleeping with me in their guts." Josh tried to laugh it off. "What did you have in mind?"
Cliff smiled, "Well I was thinking we could…"
"You know what would be really exciting?" Cliff asked Vinny and Josh with a devious smile. "What if we paid off a total stranger to do it?"
"Wouldn't they like, get weirded out, bro?" Vinny asked, looking down at Josh for a moment for feedback before looking back to Cliff.
"Money talks, dude." Cliff shrugged. "People cave when you flash some bills in their face."
"Well we'll let you handle that, bro." Vinny laughed. "We'll have tiny bro pick out the person though."
"Fair enough. You be the chauffeur. I don't feel like carrying him." Cliff stood up and stretched. Cliff started to walk toward the back of the house, and Vinny reached down and grabbed Josh to follow. Making their way outside, they came out into a beautiful stone patio looking out over a private beach, however, Josh and Vinny looked over at Cliff who was staring down the beach further down looking at the people in the distance.
"The beach in the backyard is private, but all the way down there it's open to common folk." Cliff spoke like he was some sort of royalty. "Tons of people down there right now. Bet we could scoop someone up."
Josh squinted, staring out over the horizon, but to him it was millions of miles away at his minute size. Josh fell backwards onto his butt as Vinny started walking down the beach, wanting a better look himself, Unable to see beyond Vinny's abs to look behind him, Josh just figured Cliff was following along as he heard a second pair of massive foot steps behind Vinny.
- - -
The three men started to approach the crowds of people as Josh looked in awe of all the giant people. Josh curiosity was certainly sparked as he looked about. Looking out at the beach, Josh's eye caught a large looking man, clad in blue board shorts with a few arm tattoos and a backwards hat and sunglasses as he stood slightly off the beach in what looked like an outdoor gym used fr muscle beaches. The first man was absolutely massive, body rippling with well trained and bulging muscles, and based off his size, Josh guess he must've been taller than Vinny.
Next, Josh turned his attention a little further off the beach on the boardwalk as his eye caught a young looking man on a skateboard. With tan skin on his shirtless torso and sagging his red shorts way past his ass showing off a plaid patterned pair of boxers, wearing flat skate shoes, a hat turned sideways, this giant looked like he was quite the douchebag. Josh still couldn't keep his eyes off him as he stopped momentarily skating to looking at his phone. Josh admired his lean muscled skater body. With perky well trained pecs and skinny, yet muscular, perfect abs, Josh could barely look away. Josh measured him to probably be a bit shorter than Vinny.
Finally, Josh looked out to the ocean as an absolute adonis came out of the water. Slicking back shaggy brown hair as he carried a surfboard under one arm, Josh's jaw nearly dropped as he saw him walk nearby. Wearing tight black swim leggings and nothing on his torso, Josh watched as his perfect muscular torso and abdomen turned to show off an impressive bubble butt. Compared to most surfers Josh had seen he seemed like he probably spent more time in the gym than on the waves. Getting a good look at the man, Josh figured him to be even taller than the first guy.
Vinny looked down at Josh all the while, seeing him look from guy to guy.
"Well, tiny bro?" Vinny asked as Josh perked up and looked to to Vinny's handsome face. "See someone you like?"
"Yeah…" Josh started wondering who to pick. "I saw this one guy he looks like a…"
"Yeah, you see that skate boarder up on the boardwalk?" Josh pointed, unsure if Vinny could really see what way he was indicating or not.
"The one on his phone that looks like he's about to lose his shorts, tiny bro?" Vinny asked as he motioned toward the guy Josh was interested in.
"Yeah… him." Josh blushed a little at the way Vinny described him. "Think he'll be interested?"
"One way to find out, tiny bro." Vinny smiled as he motioned for Cliff to follow him. Cliff followed Vinny off the beach and up onto the boardwalk as the two approached the skate boarder. As the two men approached, the boarder looked up from his phone and rose an eyebrow, wondering why he was being approached by two dudes that looked like lifeguards.
"Sup bro, nice board!" Vinny smiled with a friendly expression as he pressed Josh against his abs to hide him a little.
"Uh thanks, dude." The man responded, still a little hesitant. "Can I help you dudes? You lifeguards on this beach or something?"
"Nah bro not this beach. Off duty!" Vinny continued to be social and friendly. "Have you heard of that water park Shrink and Swim?"
"Uh yeah. It's that one where they shrink people right?" The dude answered. "Why?"
"We work there, dude." Cliff spoke up now. "We actually left work with an extra person besides the two of us today."
"What's that mean?" The guy asked, still confused. Vinny nodded at Cliff as he moved his hand off his abs, revealing Josh to the stranger. "Woah, bro. They really do shrink people!"
"Yeah, bro. We took this little guy with us to mess around with. We were trying to find someone else to join us, but we didn't want them to be associated with the park." Vinny lied, feeling like it was a decent excuse.
"And you picked me, dude?" The dude answered, raising his eyebrow again, skeptical.
"Seemed like the right guy for the job. But if you aren't interested…" Cliff yawned as he pulled out his wallet. "I was planning on slipping you a couple hundred just for laughs."
"What?!" The man sputtered before composing himself. "I mean, that's cool bro. Yeah I'm down. I'm Dylan by the way."
"Cliff." Cliff answered quickly.
"I'm Vinny, bro!" Vinny answered enthusiastically. "The little guy is named Josh."
"Oh, little guy has a name?" Dylan leaned in to get a better look at Josh, as Josh cowered a little. "Huh. He looks scared. You guys kidnap him or something?"
"No, he wanted to come with us, bro." Vinny quickly covered for Josh. "Cliff and I are just hesitant to mess with a guest ourselves since we don't want to get fired."
"Oh so it doesn't matter what I do, huh?" Dylan smiled, feeling like this was an interesting opportunity. "Plus for a few hundred bucks, I'll do whatever."
"Easy enough." Cliff shrugged, hiding his excitement over the idea as he started to lead the group back toward his place.
- - -
The group returned back to his private beach, leading Dylan now as well.
"Cliff, this is your place, bro? This is intense!" Dylan looked around admiring the massive mansion. "No wonder you can afford to drop money like nothing."
"Eh it's whatever." Cliff chuckled. "Either way, we've got plans dude."
"Riiight." Dylan set down his board and took a seat at a comfy chair around an outside patio table. "What do you want me to do with him?"
"Well first off, bro. We aren't going to do anything that's gonna kill him. Okay?" Vinny said, still holding Josh very protectively. "This is just for fun, bro."
"Well sure. Dude is small, but killing a person is still not cool." Dylan agreed. Vinny looked at Cliff and nodded as he walked over to Dylan, handing Josh to the skater as he laid back, looking comfy.
"Cliff you got any beers or anything, I'm ready to sit back and enjoy this, bro." Vinny smiled as he let go of Josh for the first time. "How old are you anyway Dylan?"
"21." Dylan answered almost too quickly.
"I'm not your mom, bro. I don't care if you're under age." Vinny chuckled as he walked away after Cliff pointed him toward the kitchen.
"18…" Dylan said under his breath, which Josh heard very clearly.
"It's fine, they don't care." Josh said finally, his first words to the giant as he snapped his attention to Josh in his had.
"Oh, right makes sense you could talk. Your voice is so tiny and squeaky, dude." Dylan now cupped Josh in both his hands. "So why did you want to leave with these dudes like that?"
"Umm I just really always wanted to be shrunk." Josh lied. "They gave me a chance, but didn't want to get in trouble with their boss."
"Makes sense, I guess." Dylan shrugged as Vinny came back with a couple of beers, handing one to Dylan while cracking open his own. Dylan opened his beer and took a sip. "Thanks, dude."
"No worries, bro." Vinny sat down at the table now, joined by Cliff. "So here's what we want to do with the little guy. He can tell you himself too if you don't believe us."
"Well?" Dylan looked at the two lifeguards a little impatient.
"He wants you to eat him, dude." Cliff leaned back with a smirk.
"Uh." Dylan looked down at Josh and back at Vinny and Cliff. "Well sure I could swallow him whole, but bro he'd die in my stomach."
"Well we aren't going to leave him in there, dude." Cliff clarified a bit. "He wants to try and climb his way out."
Dylan rose an eyebrow as he chugged his beer a bit. "Uhhh yeah sure. You guys are paying me after all."
"If he can't make it out, we'll need you to puke, bro." Vinny chuckled as he took a sip of his beer, watching Dylan as he finished his own. "I'll grab you another beer."
"Yeah I think I'll need it, dude." Dylan set his empty on the table as he looked down at Josh. "Well sorry little guy. Or not I guess since this is what you want."
Josh watched as Dylan lifted him up, past his abs and well trained chest up to his handsome young face. Opening his mouth, Josh slide out of the teen's hand into the gaping maw landing with a splat on the skater's tongue. Cliff watched as Dylan leaned his head back and swallowed as Vinny came back with the beer.
"Bro! I missed you swallowing him!" Vinny set the beer down with disappointment.
"Oh sorry." Dylan rubbed his neck a little. "It it makes a difference I think he'd like right here…"
Dylan opened the second beer and gave it a good chug before leaning back with a sigh. "Not anymore. Yeeted the little dude down with that beer."
"Well… now we just need you to lay down, bro." Vinny commented as Dylan rose an eyebrow again.
"I thought he was climbing out?" Dylan complained.
"Yeah right now he's climbing straight up, bro. Lay on your stomach and give him a chance." Vinny crossed his arms as he watched Dylan shrug, stand up and chug his beer.
"Buuuuurrrrrrp!" Dylan let out a massive burp as he rubbed his abs before sighing and looking over at a lounge chair. Going over and doing as he was told, Dylan laid on his stomach and smirked, pulling out his phone and looking down at it as he hung his face over the edge. "There, good luck in there little guy!"
Meanwhile, Josh…
Josh was hardly able to hear over the sloshing, gurgling waves around him. From the moment he had been squirted out into Dylan's stomach, he found himself in chaos. He landed with a splash into the caustic sea of booze, immediately losing his bearings. His small body sunk directly into the pool as if he had canonballed from 20 feet up. The beer had already been warmed by Dylan's body. It felt like he was swimming in a disappointing hot tub. But he knew from experience at this point that it could get very hot and humid within a person's body.
Josh swirled about in the beer, trying to find his way out. He kicked and swam to what felt like no avail. He was utterly lost within seconds. It felt as if the stomach was trying its best to drown him. He couldn't tell if he was going anywhere or simply spinning in circles as he kicked and pumped his arms. He couldn't have even tried to see where he was if he could open his eyes.
Just when Josh felt his lungs start to burn, hope granted him a light. In his mad flailing, he suddenly felt the unmistakable squishy surface of none other than Dylan's stomach lining. His cheek all but slammed against it, the rest of his body soon following. The flesh sunk beneath his touch, squelching in the wet darkness. Josh would recognize it anywhere at this point. It would be impossible for him to forget how it felt. But that was all he needed. He had found the ground, now all he needed was to swim up.
Josh was nearly at his limit when he finally broke the surface. His head burst free from the heated liquid into the caustic air of Dylan's stomach with a great (albeit incredibly minuscule) splash. He gasped the acidic air, never so happy to have ended up breathing the interior of a man's stomach. It tingled in his chest, but it was air, and that was all that mattered.
Kicking as he tried to orient himself, Josh slowly regained control of the situation. "Damn it…" he grumbled. "Gotta tell them that drinking before this isn't allowed next time." He picked a direction and swam, for once thanking his lucky stars that he ran a water park. It wasn't until he was able to reach a squishy, slimy wall that he finally relaxed. Placing his weight against the wrinkled surface, he was at last able to support himself.
The sea of booze around Josh constantly churned and sloshed, pushed along by the kneading walls. It took everything Josh had to stick close to this one and catch his breath. They moved in and out, almost in tune with his pounding heartbeat above. Low, ominous growls filled the entire space, nearly blocking out all noise. And all the while, bubbles drifted to the surface. Josh disregarded them for the time being, more focused with trying to figure out which way to go in the low-lit area.
That is, until the entire stomach rumbled and quaked. Josh's eyes widened. He realized what was about to happen just in time. A gasp in his throat, Josh pressed himself to the squishy, slimy wall of Dylan's stomach and braced himself.
The belch roared around him like nothing he'd ever known (before he'd invented shrinking anyway). It was so much deeper and louder than any he'd ever heard before. Every bassy wave of sound seemed to penetrate his core, shaking him down to the smallest atom. Even bracing himself against the wall didn't help. As air rushed from Dylan's stomach, the stomach squished itself tighter together to compensate. The wall he was stuck to forced him back into the churning sea. And to make matters worse, the world soon flipped onto its side, sending Josh careening into the waters once again.
"If it's cool, I'd rather just like… chill…" Josh tried to draw the topic in a different direction. "I mean I'm happy to clear up any rumors or misconceptions Tyler's probably been spreading around too."
Josh took a few minutes to try and explain the insanity that Tyler was spreading around about him, finding out Tyler had been stretching the truth quite a bit about what happened. Josh tried to clear it up a bit, hoping to make him seem less like what Tyler was boasting happened.
"Eh, kinda figured Tyler was spouting shit." Cliff shrugged, still slumped in his chair but interested in what Josh had to say none the less.
"It's no wonder Brandon and Ricky bought it all though, bro." Vinny thought about it for a second. "Those two seem to really have it out for you, bro."
"Well Brandon bullied me in high school pretty bad…" Josh felt embarrassed to admit. "I try not to bring it up though because I don't want to seem like I'm holding on to it."
"Why'd you even hire him?" Cliff started tossing a tennis ball up in the air, staring at the ceiling as he tossed it up and down.
"I don't know, wanted to just give him a chance I guess." Josh continued to feel embarrassed.
"Give it some time, bro!" Vinny tried to give Josh a bit of a chin up. "He doesn't seem like a bad guy, he's just kind of rough around the edges, bro."
"Eh, he and Ricky are assholes." Cliff absentmindedly continued to contribute to the conversation. "Don't get wrong, I like them just fine though."
"Maybe because you're kind of an asshole too, bro!" Vinny joked, Cliff not even warranting Vinny a look. Vinny sweat a little, expecting some kind of rise out of Cliff. "Anyway… uh so what do we wanna do bros?"
"Dunno. I'm bored as fuck." Cliff continued to not even look in Vinny or Josh's direction.
"What do you normally like to do?" Josh asked, looking around the impressively large room. "I mean you've got enough cool stuff!"
"Uhhh…" Cliff caught the ball thinking for a second. "I go wakeboarding on the beach out back. I like making TikToks. I like partying."
"Well uhhh…" Josh sweat feeling like all of those seemed well and good and all but wasn't sure what was the best idea for the three of them. "We could do one of those things?"
"Kay." Cliff answered in a bored tone. "Hmm I guess we could…"
Josh's stomach dropped as he watched the arrogant forms of Ricky and Brandon sauntered into his office. Josh shrunk down a little in his chair as he watched the two men approach.
"Oh heyyyy! What's up shortie?" Brandon mocked Josh as he walked right up to his desk. "We haven't seen you since earlier, huh?"
"Umm yeah…" Josh answered bashfully, not really wanting much to do with either men at the moment after how they acted before.
"Where's Vinny and Cliff huh? Figured they'd be in here sucking your dick, boss." Ricky stepped forward, smirking while sexily looking down at Josh.
"I haven't seen them since earlier either…" Josh rolled his chair back slowly away from the two men, still quite uncomfortable.
"Oh wow, that's too bad. I hope they're okay." Brandon turned to Ricky with a sarcastic tone and fake concern in his voice.
"Oh hey, Brandon. I just remembered. They're in the break room. I heard they wanted to see you, Boss." Ricky put his hands on Josh's desk and leaned closer to Josh. "You better hurry and go see them… I bet it's urgent."
"Um Okay… I'll head over in a few minutes…" Josh sunk even lower as he saw the two men turn around and start to leave. Taking a deep breath, Josh was relieved to see the two of them leave. "I wonder whats up with Vinny and Cliff…"
Josh grabbed his phone, just in case Ricky and Brandon was lying. He knew it would be best to have a way to contact someone… just in case. A few minutes passed as Josh walked his way into the break room. Shielding his eyes as he made his way into the large bright room. Eyes adjusted, Josh felt something crash behind him as he turned and saw a plastic looking tower now blocking the door he just came from. Josh swallowed as he saw the arm of the person who set the water bottle down, the now giant form of Brandon.
"So nice of you to join us, shrimp!" Brandon mocked Josh as he finished blocking Josh's only escape route. "I'm sure Vinny and Cliff will be happy to see you…"
Josh watched as Ricky stepped forward, holding a small container between his fingers, shaking it back and fourth. "Let's just say they're a tiny bit occupied."
"What did you guys do?!" Josh panicked now, worried that they really did capture tiny Vinny and Cliff. "Whatever it is, just let them go, okay? This isn't funny!"
"Oh mister tough guy all a sudden. Tell you what we'll make a trade, shrimp. We'll let them go. But in exchange, we get you." Brandon smiled, happy Josh was able to catch on so quickly.
"Fine… please just let them go…" Josh knew it was the right thing to do, knowing he wouldn't want to be responsible for what would happen to them. Josh watched as Brandon lowered his hand next tom him, willing to comply Josh got onto Brandon's hand as was lifted up toward's the man's chest. Josh watched as Ricky popped the top of the container and set it down on the balcony, tipping it over and grabbing the water bottle away from the door as Brandon carried Josh away. In a moment, Ricky joined Brandon's side as they left the break room, making their way outside.
Josh swallowed in fear as he looked at Brandon's massive muscle chest. Having no idea what the men had in mind for him, but he felt better knowing Vinny and Cliff were safe.
- - -
As the men left the park, on the way Josh…
Light escaped Josh's vision as Brandon closed him in his fist, Josh tumbled around in Brandon's fingers as the man held Josh now by his side. Shaking his head as he was somewhat pinned now between the folds of Brandon's palm, Josh could do little more than hear Brandon and Ricky talking.
"So I've got Eric and Cody coming over." Josh heard Ricky state to Brandon.
"Oh word, bro?" Brandon answered. "Nice, they aren't little bitches like Vinny and Cliff."
"Yeah dude." Ricky laughed. "Guess they're coming over to my place after they're done at the gym."
"Woooord!" Brandon said excitedly, shaking Josh in his fist a bit. Josh started sweating, nervous about these two knew unknown giants they had plans on having over.
"If they get along with Ricky and Brandon they must be pretty awful…" Josh commiserated, worrying himself even more. Josh shimmied his arm a bit, wishing he could grab his phone and call for him. "Probably not a great idea though.. what if they found out…"
Josh took a breath, only really getting sweaty palm stench in his nostrils. Holding off on thinking about calling for help, Josh decided he'd have to just just trust Brandon and Ricky didn't have anything too awful in mind for him. Josh waited as he heard the sound of a door and the walking on hardwood floors as it seemed like they had gotten inside somewhere. Light filled Josh's vision as Brandon opened his hand, dropping Josh on a massive table.
"Have a nice ride, runt?" Brandon loomed over Josh as he looked around the room. He guessed this was Ricky's apartment, based off the conversations. Looking back up at Brandon, Josh swallowed nervously as he looked at the giant, still shirtless and clad only in his red lifeguard shorts. Josh looked around, not sure where Ricky was, and worried about the arrival of these new giants. Brandon's meanwhile bent down, impatient Josh didn't answer him. "Runt, I asked you a question."
"Oh, um. Yeah it was a good ride. Thank you." Josh figured he'd be as compliant as possible.
"Wrong, runt. It was good? You clearly didn't get the point…" Brandon pinched Josh between his fingers, watching him struggle as he tried to run away. Josh braced himself as Brandon opened his sweaty arm pit, sticking him inside and closing it. "There, hopefully you learn a lesson, shrimp."
"What are you doing, dude?" Ricky came out from his bedroom, now wearing a pair of khaki shorts, sandals, and a white american eagle tank top.
"Just having a little fun with the runt." Brandon patted his arm where he had Josh closed in his arm pit a bit.
"Eh, whatever floats your boat, dude. You wanna change before Eric and Cody get here?" Ricky asked, noticing Brandon didn't have a change of clothes with him.
"Oh no. I'm good bro. Besides your clothes would probably be too tight on me." Brandon laughed, flexing a little just to prove his bit more thickly laid muscle than Ricky's. "More importantly, what are we gonna do when Eric and Cody get here?"
About to answer, Ricky was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Guess we'll have to see, huh?"
Ricky answered the door, letting in the pair of men as now Eric and Cody entered the room, fist bumping their friends as they came in and got comfortable.
Cody stood sweating a bit from the gym next to the kitchen table, shirt slung over his shoulder as he stood shirtless wearing only a pair of black gym shorts. With a backwards black hat hat and black shoes, he tossed his shirt onto the table as he stood next to Ricky. Standing a solid 3 inches over Ricky, he was at least 6'7" and very lean, but looked young probably about 18 years old. Hiding curly brown hair under his hat, Cody looked like he had somewhat of a arrogant looking resting face as he smirked chatting with his buddies. Sweat trickled down his prominent 8 pack on his muscled body as he leaned back with a smirk as he talked with Ricky.
Eric on the other hand laughed as he joked with Brandon, seeming like a bit more of a bombastic individual than Cody. He stood a few inches over Brandon, about Tyler's height at 6'5" but young like Cody probably only about 18 years old. Wearing a pair of green athletic shorts, and no shirt he was very clearly the most thickly muscled man in the room. Beating out even Brandon in pure size. His abs were not as defined as some of the leaner guys, with a 4 pack somewhat viable, but you could tell he was clearly more concerned with bulking than cutting at least at the moment. He also wore a black flat brimmed hat with dark sunglasses resting on top and a protein shake in his hand.
"Yeah bro, Cody was just doing abs the whole time, like a little bitch!" Eric laughed as he slapped Brandon on the back as Cody rolled his eyes.
"Dude, at least I'm looking good for the ladies on the beach." Cody flexed his abs a bit. "Not like you fatass."
"Oh glad you noticed all the squats I was doing, brah!" Eric patted his ass obnoxiously as he walked over to the table and set down his protein shake. "Either way, how was work dudes?"
"Boring." Ricky flatly said as he saw Brandon scratch his arm pit, clearly grabbing Josh out and keeping him between his fingers. "We messed with our little boss some more. That's about it."
"Right, you mentioned how tiny that dude was before." Cody took a seat and turned one of the chairs. "Won't stand up for himself and shit. Makes me think of the nerds me and my buddies would fuck with in high school."
"Well, he used to be one of those nerds for Brandon, right?" Eric asked, looking briefly at Brandon who was making his way over to the kitchen table, behind Cody before looking back at Ricky who was trying to draw the two men's attention, knowing Brandon was up to something.
"Yeah, bro. Some things never change…" Ricky trailed off, Cody's and Eric's attention him as he watched Brandon…
Ricky watched as Brandon made his way to the table where Eric has set his protein shake down. It was just in a normal bottle with a pop top, already popped open from when he was sipping it from before. In a quick motion, Ricky watched as Brandon moved his hand to the spout, not even seeing Josh fall into the bottle, but knowing what Brandon had done. Ricky smirked to himself as he watched Brandon move away.
- - -
Josh screamed as he was just getting out of his daze from being trapped in Brandon's sweaty pit, before he found himself falling before landing in a goopy thick mess.
"Oh god where am I now!?" Josh yelled as he flailed his arms around, staying afloat in the sloppy mess that was the protein shake. Tasting chocolate and looking around seeing an opaque wall of the inside a bottle, it didn't take very long before Josh had a general idea where he was. "Brandon! Get me out of here!"
- - -
As Brandon shifted away from the table, he looked and saw that…
"Bro, what the hell was that?" Eric looked at Brandon with a raised eyebrow. Brandon, faked a bit of confusion as he looked from Ricky to Cody for support.
"What was what, bro?" Brandon lied, shrugging his shoulders and smiling while stilling looking to Ricky for any kind of help.
"I saw you put something in my shake, bro. The fuck was it?" Eric stood up, standing a few inches taller than Brandon, an clearly more muscular and intimidating to the slightly smaller Brandon. Brandon put up his hands, still trying to fake confusion before looking at Ricky who simply shook his head, indicating to Brandon to probably just fess up.
"Alright, fine bro. So you know how we work at that water park where they shrink people?" Brandon asked as Eric turned his head a little as he looked down at Brandon, and said yes. "Well, dude we kinda took a tiny person from the park. I thought it would be funny to prank you with them by putting them in your shake, bro."
Eric wandered over to the table, grabbing his shake and looking in the spout. Sure enough he saw a tiny tiny speck trashing about on the surface. Looking closely he could even make out tiny human like qualities before he set it back down on the table.
"Bro, the fuck?" Eric walked over to Brandon like he was pissed off before quickly changing his demeanor to friendly. "Dude, you should've just told me! That's awesome bro. I'll drink the little person. I don't give a shit."
"I thought it would've been funnier if you didn't know, at least for Ricky and me." Brandon shrugged. "But yeah bro if you're down, go for it, brah."
"Who is this little twerp anyway?" Eric asked as he went back and grabbed the bottle. "Some rando? Did you kidnap them or something?"
"Uhhh…" Brandon looked at Ricky and the blonde stud spoke up.
"Yeah he's…"
"He's just some random dude. Begged us to tag along today. He's got a thing for giants or something." Ricky shrugged as he gave a smirk to Brandon, who smirked back. "We thought it would be funny for one of you two to eat him or something by mistake, but that cat's out of the bag."
"Oh it's fine, bro. I'm still gonna do it anyway. What kind of worthless loser would agree to shrunk and leave with you guys anyway?" Eric laughed as he walked around the room with the bottle before removing the top and looking down, observing it's contents. Eric watched as he could see the tiny person flailing about, struggling to stay afloat. "Oh don't worry, loser. You won't have to worry about splashing around much longer! Yo, does this little bitch have a name?"
"Yeah, it's Josh." Ricky smiled, wanting to see just how far Eric was going to go with torturing Josh before finally deciding to drink the shake.
"Josh huh? Well Josh… soon you can swim around in my stomach instead." Eric flexed with his free arm before rubbing his stomach as he held the cup just below his abdomen. Taking the cup Eric moved so he was holding it behind his ass and pulled his shorts down a bit, showing off his ass crack. "But don't worry, these shakes give me some nasty protein farts! So ya'll can blame Josh later when he's got me stinking up the place!"
Eric blew a raspberry, imitating a farting down as he shoved his ass into the cup a little more before he brought the cup back to his front.
"Bro, you better not rip any nasty fucking farts." Cody crossed his arms. "I think I speak for all of us, when I say we'll beat your ass."
"Dude, blame Josh!" Eric laughed as he held the cup to to his face. "It'll all be this losers fault in a few hours! Down the hatch, Joshie boy!"
Cody, Ricky, and Brandon watched Eric tilted the cup back, starting to chug all the contents. With sickening slurps and gulps, Eric chugged for a few second before lowering the cup with a satisfied sigh.
"Ahhh, uuuurrp. That was delicious, thanks dudes." Eric lifted his empty cup in cheers to Brandon and Ricky, both of which were snickering mischievously to themselves.
- - -
Josh screamed as he was slurped up in the torrent of thick liquid, having only seen passing glances of the the muscular giant, Eric, who had just heartlessly decided to drink him. Rushing into the man's mouth and barely having time to process what was going on as he was sucked into the throat. Traveling down the giant's esophagus Josh could hear the man's healthy heart beating rhythmically around him as he was accompanied by the glorps and slurps on the way down deeper inside of Eric. With a nasty squelch, Josh yelled as he free fell into the jock's massive stomach.
"This isn't good! What do I do?!" Josh panicked, as he splashed about again, trying to find anything to cling on to before he found some large chunk of what smelt like meat. Climbing on Josh felt like he could collapse as he desperately tried to draw breath. Hearing a large burp from above, followed by some rumbling in the giant' stomach, Josh felt his breath grow even more shallow.
"This guy… has no intention… of letting me out…" Josh said to himself, having trouble breathing. Remembering his phone in his pocket, Josh panted as he reached in and grabbed it only to find it had been fried due to all the time he was stuck in the messy liquid of the protein shake. Josh dropped the useless device, knowing there was no hope. Eric's stomach gave off a large gurgle as Josh closed his eyes in the darkness. He had little choice but to accept his fate at this point.
"I… just wish… I understood.. why..?" Josh panted some more, not able to comprehend why Brandon and Ricky did this to him, or even the intentions of this stranger Eric and how he could be so heartless. Another massive gurgle came from all around Josh as Eric stomach churned violently, causing Josh to slide off his perch and back into the sloshing chyme in the giant's stomach once more. It didn't take long before Josh couldn't stay afloat, breaking the surface and sinking as he writhed in pain as Eric's stomach acid easily tore the tiny man's body apart.
- - -
A few hours passed as the men laughed and joked, easily forgetting about Josh's demise. It was never even a second thought to the men till eventually Eric let out a deliberately loud fart. After the complaints of his friends, Eric simply laughed and reminded them.
"Bro, this is all Josh's fault!"
"The little loser is our boss, actually." Ricky shrugged, feeling like it was whatever at this point to really with hold any information. Ricky looked surprised however when he saw Eric give him a bit of a dumbfounded look before setting the bottle back down. "What, dude?"
"Bro, you wanted me to off your boss? That seems a little extreme, don't you think?" Eric continued to give Ricky a bit of a look before turning and giving Brandon a similar look. "Like I get hating your boss and how you pick on him in high school but dang dudes."
"We would have had you throw him up!" Brandon retorted, even though it was absolutely not the truth. "Besides what's it really matter to you, bro?"
"It did not sound like you guys planned on having me throw me. Besides bro, I didn't plan on it." Eric rose an eyebrow, still suspicious of them. "I mean if I ate your boss, you'd probably lose your jobs right?"
"Nah. Cliff's dad would probably just hire someone to manage the park." Ricky shrugged, clearly have given it some thought about if Josh ever "mysteriously" disappeared or not. "Besides assuming he's heard this whole conversation, he's probably going to fire us if we don't get rid of him."
"Well whatever, bro. Don't make me do your dirty work for you." Eric shook his head, feeling like he shouldn't have been involved in this.
"I'll do it for 5 bucks?" Cody offered, not really caring one way or the other. "That's assuming you guys don't just do it yourself."
"I think you guys are looking at this wrong." Eric spoke up. "You totally just use this as a chance to make more money. You already have all this power over this shrimp, have him give you guys a raise. If he fires you it'd be so easy to get him again and finish him off."
"That's not a bad point, bro." Brandon agreed with Eric. "He's such a push over, it'd be easy. Assuming he hasn't drowned yet."
Meanwhile, Ricky pulled out a 5$ bill and offered it to Cody. "Well I'm not taking any chances. Chug the little loser, Cody."
A little debate went on with the group before they decided…
Ricky smiled, knowing what the plan must be as he saw Brandon lift Josh up. "Anyway boys, we got a little surprise for you."
Cody and Eric turned and looked at Brandon as he held Josh, pinched between two fingers. "Surprised? We got you your very own tiny slave, dudes." Brandon said as he waved Josh and back a little.
"For real bro?" Eric shot up and looked a little closer. "How the fuck did you dicks manage that?"
"The little shit basically begged us to be our slave." Ricky played along knowing where Brandon was going. "But we're too busy for that shit. I honestly can't be bothered to take care of him. So here's a gift, boys."
"What do we even do with him?" Cody asked, arms crossed looking kinda like they were being gifted a chore.
"He's a little nerd. Make him do your homework or something. I don't give a fuck." Brandon said, shoving Josh in Eric's direction who happily took the tiny man and closed his hand tightly around him.
"Screw you, Cody. I'll find a use for the little bitch!" Eric mocked his friend as he held onto Josh tight, as if he were able to escape. "Thanks, dudes!"
"See someone is appreciative!" Brandon slapped Eric on the shoulder. "Don't worry Cody you'll think of something. If not, just get rid of him."
"Whatever. If that's all you guys had us come by for, then I'm good to go back to the dorms and shower." Cody shrugged. "God knows Eric is gonna need like three or four to clean off his stink."
"Maybe I'll roll around in your bed while you're in the shower, prick!" Eric chuckled as he got really close to Cody before getting pushed away.
"Fuck off, dude. Let's go." Cody rolled his eyes as he gave a half ass goodbye to Brandon and Ricky. "Later losers."
- - -
Josh felt like he was pinned to the inside of the giant's hand for what seemed like hours. He couldn't move his arms or legs, as much as he wished he could reach his phone and call for help.
Josh closed his eyes. Eventually, he'd at least be let go then he'd hopefully find a moment to call for help.
"If I can even find out where I am…" Josh mumbled, tears welling a little in his eyes. Josh waited patiently as he could hear the muffled voiced of people passing by and finally the sound of a door opening and shutting. Finally, released Josh was dropped a a bit, landing on the hard wood of a table on his butt. Josh looked around, seeing the giant forms of Eric and Cody staring down at him. Josh shivered as he looked from Cody's cool indifference to Eric's almost too enthusiastic looking face.
"Welcome shrimp!" Eric said to Josh. "This is your new home. Get used to it!"
Josh looked around at the absolutely filthy looking dorm room. Clothes and wrappers just strewn everywhere. Underwear hanging half out of storage cubes and open pizza boxes on the ground surrounded by empty beer cans. Josh didn't dare pull out his phone while the giants watched him. Instead he merely remained silent.
"Alright. Have your fun. I'm taking a shower. If you get in my bed I'll fucking kill you." Cody glared at Eric as he grabbed a towel from his side of the room, which while messy you could tell was slightly less of a disaster as the rest of the room.
Eric rolled his eyes as Cody left the room and returned his attention to Josh. "Hey runt. Listen up. Your main job is going to be to help me cheat on all my tests. If I so much as get below a B on anything…" Eric loomed over Josh for the full effect. "Otherwise, I'll just figure out a way to get rid of you…"
Josh swallowed as he looked up at the giant. Hopefully he would't have to play along for very long before someone would come to his rescue. But for now, he had little choice but be compliant.
"First things first, runt." Eric knelt back down getting his face closer to Josh while still making sure to look down on him. "I think I'll…
"It's not every day you get a tiny slave to show off…" Eric's smile looked absolutely devious. "How about I show you off to some of the guys in the dorm? It's mostly the football team in here, bro. So aren't you lucky you get to meet the whole team, runt."
Josh tried to get out of the way as he saw Eric's massive hand come down on him once again. Josh grunted in pain as Eric was so rough with him, squeezed in his palm to the point where he was in tears. Josh could hear Eric leave the room, now once again bringing him god knows where. Luckily, Josh found his trip to be much shorter as he heard Eric stop and talk to people. His voice was muffled, as he didn't catch any names or anything but suddenly Eric's palm opened as Josh looked out in terror at a mass of at least seven faces he didn't know.
All the college jocks varied in size and weight and attire. Some in football uniforms, others shirtless, while others in casual clothes. One thing they all had in common though, they were huge, they were muscular, and they were terrifying.
"So what, it's a tiny person?" One of the young men looked at Josh and back up crossing his arms. "Is it even alive, dude?"
"Bro, I saw it move, look close!" Another jock leaned in closer to look at Josh, who fell on his ass and scuttled back a bit. "Ha! It's scared of me! It just fell on it's ass."
The group of guys started laughing as a few more leaned in, one man even poking Josh and shoving him on his back.
"This is madness…" Josh sweat as the giants tortured him for a few minutes.
"What are you dweebs looking at?" Josh heard a familiar sounding voice as another jock started to move toward the circle. Josh looked up, seeing the new giant walk this way, having it be none other than Jon, one of the new lifeguards he hired at Shrink and Swim.
"Oh my god!" Josh squealed. "I forgot he was on the football team for this school!"
Josh beamed at his good fortune. He remembered Jon saying he was the star quarterback even! Clearly he commanded some respect as a few guys got out of his way. Jon towered over all the other guys and clearly could out muscle any of them, Eric included, as he walked over in his tight tank top and shorts and backward hat.
"Whatcha got there, off sides Eric?" Jon mocked Eric for his most common foul. Jon looked down in Eric's hand seeing the tiny person, squinting in closer he could see it was none other than Josh waving frantically at him. Eyes widening for a second, Jon tried to play it cool. "Yo, where'd you get that, dude?"
"Oh hey, Jon!" Eric answered, clearly dropping his tough guy personality around Jon, the star player and an upper class man to him. "Dude, check it out! It's a for real shrunken person! He's some kind of nerd. he's gonna help me pass a few tests, don't wanna get kicked off the team, right bro?"
Jon squinted his eyes a bit, clearly making Eric sweat a little. "That's awesome dude." Jon shifted his tone to a little more relaxed. "Some kind of nerd, huh? Mind if I borrow him? I have an exam in an hour I haven't studied for, bro."
Eric let out a little sigh. Jon doesn't usually address him so casually. Looking down at the little guy, Eric figured this was a good excuse to get in better with Jon, he didn't have an exams to worry about right now anyway. "Yeah! Bro, take him! I don't have anything till next week anyway, bro!"
"Oh sweet, bro." Jon smiled as he looked down slightly at Eric as he put Josh in his hand. "Well I'll try to be careful. I'll let you know if this nerd is a dud though."
"If he is just get rid of him, bro!" Eric smirked, knowing he wanted to do the honors, but if this this got Jon to like him better then he'd be glad for the star to take care of it. "He'd probably make a decent post workout snack, dude."
"I'll keep that in mind, bro." Jon closed his hand as he started to walk toward his dorm room. "Thanks again, off sides."
Jon yawned as he sauntered into his dorm room, closing the door behind him and dropping his bag on the ground and making his way to his desk, opening his palm and letting Josh off onto the desk.
"Bro, what the hell are you doing getting mixed up with that loser?" Jon asked, leaning down and looking a little disappointed. "If you wanted a cool dude to help cheat on his exams, I would have offered, bud. Besides I'm infinitely better looking."
"I was kidnapped! You think I wanted to be with him?" Jon sat down, thankful for being saved, but a little insulted by Jon's assumptions. "But thank you for saving me."
"No prob, bruh." Jon gave Josh a thumbs up. "So kidnapped huh?"
"Yeah…" Josh started to say as he told Jon the whole story, starting with Brandon and Ricky all the way to now.
"Wild, bro." Jon leaned back, not having much to really add. "Brandon and Ricky are sure in for it, huh bro?"
"You have no idea…" Josh shook with a little anger. "I'll worry about that after I get back to normal though."
"Oh word, bruh." Jon answered casually. "I'll make sure to get you back to the park, bruh."
"Thank you so much, Jon. You're really a hero!" Josh smiled, grateful for his good fortune in both hiring the muscular god, and also somehow being found by him now.
"Don't mention it, bruh. There's just one problem, dude." Jon scratched his head under his hat.
"Oh, what's that?" Josh asked, not wanting there to be any "problems".
Jon looked down at Josh, "Yeah the only thing is…"
"Yeah… that thing about me having an exam wasn't a lie, bro." Jon scratched his head, lucky he was able to use the exam as an excuse to rescue Josh. "And I really didn't study for it."
"Oh hmmm." Josh kind of already knew where Jon was going with this. "What's it on? Maybe I could help?"
"Chemistry, bro…" Jon's face looked very sad even just thinking about it.
"Just basic, chemistry? Should be easy then." Josh said confidently, having been a total wiz at chemistry in his college days. "I could… maybe sit n your shoulder and help you out if you get stuck?"
"Dude you'd really help me?" Jon feigned a little surprise, knowing he was already going to basically force the tiny nerd into helping him anyway. "Bro, this might save my grade for the semester if we pull it off."
"Well good, I guess it's the least I can do for you saving me." Josh smiled, not necessarily being a supporter of cheating but wanted to make it up for his life literally being saved.
"Thanks, dude. Well we may as well get walking then." Jon stood up, putting his hand down on the table and letting Josh on. Jon closed his hand around Josh for a moment before putting him in his pocket. Josh found himself inside the slick fabric of gym shorts, pressed slightly against the giant's phone.
Josh tried to get comfortable as Jon walked to his class. It seemed like forever, but as Jon got to the lecture hall where his exam was being held, he saw a rather large line of students going into the hall one by one. Confused, Jon tapped the guy in front of him, the smaller man a little shocked as the 6'7" giant of a man spoke to him.
"Bro, what's with the line?" Jon asked his classmate.
"Oh! The professor is having everyone turn out their pockets and leave their phones and wallets and stuff up front." The small somewhat nerdy looking student answered. "Guess he's trying to crack down on cheaters."
"Bro, what?" Jon shifted and complained. "Dude, I don't wanna leave my phone up front!"
"Guess we have to. Or else he just hands you an F." The student shrugged, not feeling like it was that big of a deal. The student turned back forward as the line progressed a little. Jon started to worry a little. As he got closer he was hearing about how the professor was making people take off hats, turn out pockets completely and even checking sleeves. As Jon got a little closer he could start to see people getting checked. Panicking, Jon reached inside his pocket fishing around for a second before he managed to find Josh. Without drawing any attention, Jon brought the small man up to his face, sticking him quickly into his mouth. As Jon got made his way to his teacher, he saw he was next. Silently, the football star emptied out his pockets, took off his hat for a moment and even lifted his arms, showing his arm pits were clear as he wore a tank top.
Jon sweat a little as the teacher looked him and rose an eyebrow before saying…
"Open your mouth…" The professor looked up at his much taller student, having a feeling the giant football player might be hiding something. Jon started to sweat a little, feeling Josh squirm on his tongue.
"Why?" Jon barely opened his mouth to reply, not wanting to open his mouth too much and accidentally let Josh fall out.
"I've seen students try and hide little rolled up notes under their tongues." The professor narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You'd be surprised at the lengths some people have gone. Now just open up, or you can take the F."
Jon bit his lip slightly for a moment before quickly and instinctively swallowing, making sure to send Josh down on a very sudden and confusing trip to his stomach. Jon leaned over, opening his mouth and lifting his tongue so his professor could see. After a quick look, he was satisfied and handed Jon his exam.
"Here you are. You have 60 minutes." The professor said, satisfied as he let go of the paper into Jon's hands. Jon simply nodded and turned, heading to the backside of the classroom and grabbing a seat and looking down at the test. Jon's eyes widened a bit as he looked at the material.
"Shiiiit…" Jon whispered to himself. He didn't know any of this junk. Biting his lip, he briefly thought about how much he could really use his boss's help right about now. There was no way he could bring the little guy back up in the middle of the classroom. Jon looked up from his desk as he saw someone go to the front, asking to go to the bathroom.
"You can hold it till you're done with your exam." Jon heard the professor give an answer to the student. Jon tapped his pencil on the paper, impatiently trying to come up with a plan.
"I've just got to try and do it on my own." Jon thought to himself as he starting reading some of the questions. There's no way he could fail this, Josh would just have to understand.
"Whoever's phone this is up here is getting turned off!" The professor held up a phone that kept buzzing like crazy. Jon paid no mind as he focused on the questions, trying to give his best guess on some multiple choices to get himself started.
- - -
"Straight to voicemail now??" Josh panicked. "What the hell happened?"
Josh tried to reposition himself as he started to sink into some sludgy mess somewhere deep in Jon's stomach. The walls were pulsing and churning as Josh had terrifying flash backs of being trapped in in Tyler and Bobby. Josh looked through his contacts. What good would it even do trying to call someone else? If Jon can't answer, Josh would just have to place his trust in the giant to get him out.
"I mean what's Tyler gonna do?" Josh tried to picture a scenario in his head. "It's not like he can barge into a random college class he doesn't know the location of…"
Jon's stomach churned as Josh was mixed in a bit with the goopy contents. Pulling himself out and onto something solid, Josh merely hoped Jon could get him out in time.
- - -
Jon kept looking at the same question now for a few minutes. He couldn't remember any of the formulas or anything from the classes. Dejected, Jon simply settled on guessing on a few questions. Blasting through at what he felt was a pretty good pace, Jon looked up in surprise as the professor addressed the class.
"Okay times up. Pencils down." He said as there was a universal groan across the room. Jon sweat as he filled out the last few questions randomly before he looked at the clock.
"How the hell has it been an hour?!" Jon sweat, in surprise that somehow that much time went by so quickly. Jon passed his exam forward as he stood up, wiping a little sweat from his face. Grabbing his things, Jon left the classroom with the rest of the class, feeling pretty terrible about how he did. Jon walked instinctively to the dining hall, having worked up a huge appetite as he sweat it out in the class. Grabbing himself some food, Jon grabbed his phone out of his pocket, checking it now for the first time as he sat down.
"Why is it off…" Jon asked himself as he turned it on. "Fucking weird ass professor…"
Jon started to eat a bit as he phone started up. He stopped and swallowed his food partially whole however as he saw he had 5 missed calls from his boss. Putting a hand on his stomach, he had completely forgot about Josh as he suffered through his exam.
"Shit dude… he's long gone." Jon simply cleared the notifications without much guilt. Jon set his phone down and continued to eat. He wasn't about to worry about it or beat himself up over it. After all, he did save the little guy from ending up with Eric. Jon chugged a little bit of water, burping a little as he ate more food.
"If anything, he's better off than he would've been with Eric." Jon shrugged as he continued to hungrily plow through his food. Jon sighed, thinking about how much better he might've done on the exam with Josh's help. He couldn't help but chuckle a little though as Josh helped him out in some other way as he arrogantly flexed his arms a little as he finished up his food.
"Yeahhhh… bruh. I didn't want to use it as an excuse but…" Jon rubbed the back of his head. "I have a paper due by tomorrow morning. I have to write it tonight or I'll fail. I planned on locking myself in my room until I was done. If I bring you to the park now, I know I'll get distracted."
"Oh I got you." Josh answered, a little disappointed he wasn't going home now. But he figured waiting it out and maybe helping Jon with his paper was the least he could do to make up for him saving him. "It's fine Jon! The last thing I want is for you to fail. Maybe I could help you write your paper?"
"You'd do that, bruh?" Jon leaned forward and rose an eyebrow at Josh. "I mean I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to just chill after what you've been through."
"It's fine. You saved me, it's the least I can do to repay you." Josh beamed up at the muscular giant. Josh watched as Jon got up and grabbed his bag, pulling out his lap top and setting it on the desk, picking Josh up and putting him on the edge before the keyboard. Josh turned and looked as Jon powered on the lap top, shifting through a few pages until he pulled up a blank word document.
"Your funeral, dude. Like I said… this is as much as I have written." Jon indicated to the blank page. Josh but his hand under his chin.
"How many pages and what does it have to be on?" Josh asked, ready to offer his brain to Jon as much as possible.
"Ten pages, bro." Jon crossed his arms, and hung his head a little. "I'm writing for…"
"I'm writing it for Anatomy…" Jon sighed looking down an away slightly. Josh's eyes lit up. Thank goodness it was a science! Josh had a vast array of knowledge in the sciences.
"That's great! I know a lot about anatomy! We could do a topic on something small, like cells or pick the anatomy of an interesting animal or…" Josh started to ramble as Jon interrupted him.
"Whoa whoa, bro. It's human anatomy, and we have to write about one of the systems of the body." Jon, brought Josh into a more immediate focus.
"Oh gotcha. Well there's still plenty of good topics for us there. We could do the nervous systems. Tons of data on the complexities of the brain!" Josh offered as an idea. "Oh or how about the lymphatic system!"
"Those sound hard. I kinda just wanted to do an easy one like the digestive system." Jon frowned and looked at Josh. "Doesn't get much easier than, eat food, digest food, shit out waste, bro."
"I guess we could do that." Josh thought it might be the easiest after all. "There's more complexity than that. Think we can make it ten pages?"
"We can try, bro. Besides from what I hear you've got some experience with the digestive system!" Jon chuckled as he playfully poked at Josh. Josh meanwhile, blushed a little.
"How is it that everyone knows about that?" Josh complained as the giant still laughed at him.
"Bruh, Tyler told literally everyone." Jon laughed enjoying Josh's embarrassment. "Either way, we can use that experience. Give me some descriptions."
"S-sure." Josh stuttered trying to recall what he saw while almost getting digested by Tyler and Bobby.
- - -
Hours went by as Josh helped Jon writing several pages. As they started to close in on ten pages though, the pair started to get a little writers block.
"I'm not sure what else we could add…" Josh admitted as he looked at Jon. The giant had thrown off his shirt at least an hour ago as he got a little sweaty from all the typing. Admittedly, Josh found it a bit distracting, but tried to focus on that task at hand of finishing the paper.
"Oh dude. I just remembered we're allowed to put pictures in. The professor said we could put one in every three pages." Jon sat up, having completely forgotten with all the excitement over finding Josh earlier.
"Oh that's easy then! We can just put one of a mouth, throat, and stomach or something!" Josh smiled, knowing the three pictures would be more than enough to fill in the space and finish the paper. "You should be able to just grab some pictures off google or something!"
"Yo, I wonder if I'd get extra credit for pictures from my mouth and stomach?" Jon wondered for a second.
"Umm you might?" Josh sweat a little, hoping Jon wasn't going where he thought he was. "It's be a lot easier to get the pictures online though, I bet."
Jon looked down at his phone for a second. "We made really good time though, bruh. We could put in the extra effort. Yo, you got your phone on you?"
Josh put a hand on his pocket. He did have his phone still the whole time. Josh bit his lip, he figured he knew where this was going if he answered honestly. Though as he stared at Jon's body, Josh would be lying if he said he wasn't a little curious about snapping a photo in the jock's stomach.
Josh thought for a second and answered…
"Yeah… I have my phone!" Josh didn't want to lie, but also was now a little interested at the idea of taking a few pictures inside Jon… for the essay of course. "I could record from your mouth down to your stomach and we could just pull pictures from the recording!"
Josh was a little excited before he looked over at Jon who had a bit of a shocked look on his face. Josh blushed, wondering why Jon looked so surprised.
"Uhh sorry. I guess I got a little worked up." Josh apologized.
"It's okay, dude. I didn't realize you wanted me to eat you though." Jon shrugged, a little bit of a smirk crossing his face.
"How else would we have gotten pictures inside your body?" Josh asked, now a bit confused himself.
"I just thought we'd put your phone on record and I'd swallow it. Then it'd get the full trip, bruh." Jon leaned forward and said to to Josh like it was simple science. "But if you want me to go for the ride that much, that's fine, dude."
Josh shook his head a bit to himself. If Jon swallowed his tiny phone, he'd never see it again. Even if it did make it all the way through it'd likely be unusable. Josh didn't want to have to explain anything behind it though, so it was easier to just agree.
"This way will be a lot faster, besides I think it's a cool trip." Josh tried to play it off cool. Jon's smirk got a little more pronounced.
"Nah, dude I get it." Jon chuckled. "Little guy like you just wanted an excuse to get a little closer to a big perfect guy like me."
Josh felt like he was talking to an idiot, especially since Jon was the one who brought up the pictures. He really didn't know what to say to the big headed jock.
"Yo, face time me." Jon commanded, as he pulled out his phone. Josh did as he was told and pulled out his phone, finding Jon's contact and face timing with the giant. Josh looked through his phone at Jon's handsome face. Jon smirked and look at Josh. "Yo, that's what your face looks like, bruh! Just kidding, dude. Hey turn your phone to look at me."
Josh turned it to face Jon. "Daaaaayum I look great bro." Josh turned his phone back to his own face. "No wonder you want me to eat you, dude. It's written all over your little face."
Josh tried not to change his expression, given it a rare moment when Jon could actually see it. "It's gonna be cool, I'll start recording okay? Whenever you're ready."
Josh started to record as Jon scooped him into his hand. Josh recorded as he was slowly lifted up past his abs, chest and finally to his face. Smirking, Josh made a kissy noise with his lips as he held Josh up to them before opening wide.
"Get a good shot, dude." Jon said while opening up his mouth as wide as possible. Josh gave him a thumbs up. Jon tilted his hand, letting Josh slide onto his tongue as he sat back, looking at his phone as Josh sat in his mouth. Jon closed his mouth, watching as Josh turned on a light.
"Okay, you can swallow." Josh said to Jon, sweating a bit as Jon swished him around his mouth a little "H-hey!"
Jon proceeded to chuckle as he shoved Josh into his cheek, seeing the little man barely hold onto his phone. Finally without warning Jon flexed his tongue, swallowing Josh down with a sigh.
"Dude, I decide when you get swallowed." Jon said to Josh as he heard the little man's gasps as he was pulled down the throat. "Yo, calm down and make sure you get a good shot!"
Josh tried to compose himself as he held his phone steady as he was pulled down the esophagus. "Sorry!"
Jon yawned and stretched, pulling his phone out a bit to get a better shot of himself as he traced down his throat. Putting a finger on his throat, Jon tried to feel Josh inside him.
"You're right about here, bro." Jon tapped his throat, causing Josh to vibrate a bit. "Not long now."
Josh just kept recording, but he couldn't help staring at Jon as he continued to show off. From absentminded flexing his pecs and abs, to just making faces like he was taking selfies. Josh forgot for a moment that Jon could see his face, blushing and looking away, it was obvious he was staring.
Suddenly, Josh screamed as he was dropped what felt like hundreds of feet before landing with a squish in Jon's stomach. Jon couldn't help but laugh as Josh landed.
"Yo, that was hilarious! Looks like you were too busy paying attention to something else, bro!" Jon poked a little fun at Josh. Jon watched as Josh struggled to get up for a second. "Come on dude, get a good shot in there!"
"Sorry! I'm on it!" Josh pushed himself to his feet as he shone his light around Jon's massive stomach, getting as many still shots they could use as possible. "Wow…"
"Impressed, huh bro?" Jon heard Josh's comment. Josh blushed, once again forgetting he was on a call. Josh blushed again, but didn't answer, trying to hold his tongue before he embarrassed himself further.
"Alright, got some good shots." Josh ignored Jon's previous statement. "I'm ready to get out of here whenever!"
"Too bad, I thought you would want to enjoy it a little longer, bruh." Jon shrugged. "Wanna send me the video while I get you up?"
"Sure!" Josh agreed, stopping his recording and sending it, glad Jon was being so agreeable. "There, it's sending!"
"Cool." Jon stood up. "Aight, check you in a minute, brosky."
Josh looked at his phone, Jon hung up the call. Putting away his phone, Josh sat back and waited for Jon to throw him up.
- - -
Jon pushed himself out of his chair, bending over to grab his garbage can. Pulling out the bag, Jon looked down in it with disgust.
"Wouldn't be the first time I puked in this can…" Jon laughed to himself as he bent over the can, shoving his fingers down his throat, starting to loudly gag and spilling out a little vomit. Jon took a deep breath, seeing Josh wasn't in the first pile. Getting ready, Jon tried to throw up again and…
Jon stopped as he heard a knock on the door. Jon turned a little to the door, "Yo!"
"Uh hey Jon, it's Kevin. Are you okay?" The voice came from the other side of the door. Jon rolled his eyes. Kevin was the RA, and always getting on Jon's case about drinking. Though he was so obsessed with Jon to even tattle on him. "Sounded like you were throwing up in there!"
"I'm fine, Kevin!" Jon yelled at the door. Jon waited a second though as Kevin spoke again.
"Okay, but I need to just check in and make sure, so open up okay?" Kevin said a little nervously. Jon rolled his eyes and got off the floor. Wiping his mouth, he went and opened the door. Jon looked down at the smaller man. Barely measuring up to his chest, Jon looked down at Kevin with impatience. Kevin jumped back a little, not expecting the massive quarter back to be shirtless.
"See, I'm fine Kevin. Now go away." Jon started to shut the door.
"Um! Why did I hear you throwing up then?" Kevin asked, putting his foot in the door. Jon rolled his eyes again, clearly annoyed.
"I just got done writing a super long paper. I was stressed, so I threw up." Jon lied. "Happy?"
"Oh wow! Do you need help proof reading it?" Kevin asked, almost pushing his way into the door a little if it wasn't for Jon easily holding him back without even budging.
"No, Kevin. Go the fuck away." Jon glared at the annoying RA, just wanting his dumb ass to leave so he can puke Josh out.
"I'm sorry Jon! hey look I'll promise to go away if you let me just give it a quick read! I can help!" Kevin basically begged Jon. "I promise to keep your drinking a secret too! I know the football team wouldn't want to find out about that!"
Jon's stomach dropped a little. He couldn't afford to get kicked off the team. Jon released his grip on the door as Kevin basically fell into his room.
"Fine. Make it quick." Jon sneered at Kevin as he shut the door behind him as he came in. Jon grabbed his phone, seeing he had a few texts from Josh. Going and laying on his bed, Jon let Kevin sit at his desk to read the paper.
"Ha! The digestive system, huh? No wonder you got a little sick to your stomach!" Kevin commented as he started reading the start of the paper. Jon meanwhile completely ignored Kevin as he pulled up Josh's messages.
The first was the video, sent to Jon in full. The second was from a minute ago. "Everything going okay up there? I'm still in your stomach!"
Jon typed back a response. "my stupid ra herd me puking and forced his way into my room now he wont leave bro".
Jon sent the message and looked over at Kevin, who was basically talking to himself as he commented on the paper. Jon rolled his eyes and looked at his phone as Josh responded.
"So? I'll die in here! You've got to get me out!" Josh's message shot up. Jon took a deep sigh as he typed a response.
"bro if he caught me wit u id prob get written up i cant afford that dude." Jon tried explain, knowing it probably was a shitty excuse considering Josh's life was on the line. "just chill for a min bro"
"Yo, Kevin. Almost done, bro?" Jon tried to rush him along a bit.
"Half way through the first page! Already found a few grammar and punctuation errors!" Kevin responded gleefully. Jon rolled his eyes again as his phone buzzed.
"Please get him to leave then! My skin is starting to feel tingly." Josh's message read. Jon sat up and walked over to his mini fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and unscrewing the top. Squeezing the bottle, Jon chugged the whole thing in only a few seconds. Laying back on his bed and tossing the bottle across the room at Kevin, Jon sneered at the annoying RA.
"Hurry up. I have class early. I wanna go to bed." Jon lied as he pulled out his phone to type another message to Josh.
"drank a ton of water bro hope that helps" Jon answered back to Josh, hoping that the cold water might help.
"Geez I'm reading as fast as I can!" Kevin answered after getting hit by the water bottle. Jon leered at Kevin, just wanting him to get out of his room, briefly even forgetting about Josh in his stomach. Jon closed his eyes. Ignoring Kevin and not realizing Josh hadn't texted him back.
- - -
Josh coughed up water as he struggled to stay above the surface. Having dropped his phone in the water, Josh knew it was absolutely toast no matter what anyway. Treading water, Josh spit as he sloshed up against the wall of Jon's stomach.
"He must've drank some water thinking it'd help with the acid!" Josh said, remembering how they went over anti-acids in part of the essay. "Guess he did learn something."
Still, Josh frowned. He had no way to communicate with Jon, and judging from his lack of movement, he hadn't gotten up in a little while.
"I hope he gets rid of that RA soon…" Josh hoped as he pulled his body away from the stomach wall, feeling the burning sensation once again as a little acid seeped from the wall. Floating there as he tried to tread away from the wall, Josh didn't know how much longer he'll last.
- - -
Jon slept with his mouth open, bored out of his mind as Kevin checked his paper for hours. Finally, Jon woke as Kevin started talking right next to him.
"Jon! Hey! I finished fixing all your spelling mistakes!" Kevin beamed as Jon rustled awake.
"Wha? Fuck!" Jon yelled as he saw Kevin's face. "Kevin! Get the fuck out of my room!"
"Okay! Thanks for letting me help you!" Kevin said, satisfied he got to, in his mind, hang out with Jon. Leaving the room, Jon shut the door angrily behind him as he looked down at his phone.
"Fuuuuck how long was he in here…" Jon asked himself as he looked at his phone. Looking at the messages he sent Josh, he saw the text he sent the little man was two hours ago. "Shit. Well. He's dead."
Jon did learn a few things from writing those ten pages. One thing was there's now way a living being could live in a stomach for two hours, with or without water. Jon scratched his stomach, a bit annoyed.
"Not like it's my fault. Whatever, he liked it in there anyway." Jon rationalized as he pulled up the video. "Let's get these stupid pictures in this bitch."
Jon quickly scanned through the video, grabbing images then deleting it. Jon yawned and burped. Feeling a little bad he didn't have the tiny man to impress anymore, Jon printed the paper and stapled it. Setting it down and going back to his bed, Jon collapsed into it. Losing Josh barely mattered to him as he was just glad he was able to finish the paper and get that pesky RA off his back for a while longer.
Jon forced up another mighty push out of his stomach as he searched again in the pile of vomit, this time spotting a tiny squirming speck. Jon smirked as he reached in and fished Josh out, putting him in his palm as he walked back over to his desk.
"Just got the video, bruh." Jon looked down at his phone, seeing that it had arrived. "Guess I'll splice out a few pics and slap em in this paper."
"Y-yeah." Josh was still readjusting to emerging from the world within Jon, back to the outside. Cleaning himself off, Josh watched as Jon took a few screen shots from the video, sent them to himself, and put them into the paper spaced out accordingly.
"Bro, this looks perfect!" Jon admired the photos as he put them in. "I'll make a note on the pictures these are my actual insides!"
"I hope you do get extra credit for that!" Josh spoke up, optimistic that their hard work would go an extra mile. Jon shrugged as he saved the paper, confident now seeing it was over ten pages.
"If I do it'd be cool. If not, at least it wasn't a total waste, bruh." Jon looked down at Josh with a very obnoxious knowing smirk. Josh immediately turned red as Jon did a double bicep flex in front of him, tightening his already rock hard abs as he stretched his torso. "I mean how often do you get to be this close to becoming part of perfection?"
"Well I-I umm." Josh stuttered, staring at Jon but also at a total loss of words. Jon stood up from his chair, looming over Josh now as he continued to flex. Striking multiple poses, very slowly.
"Here's my thank you, for helping me right that paper, bruh." Jon continued to loom, making his pecs pop a bit as he continued with the show. "Guess you can record this too, bruh. It's on me."
Josh sweat as he did in fact pull out his phone, starting to record Jon as he flexed over him with such dominance. He figured he was so small, what would it matter? Jon wouldn't be able to tell if he was recording or not. This went on for a few more minutes before Jon slowly sat back down into his seat, pecs bouncing as he settled into the chair still smirking before finally looking down at Josh. Fumbling, Josh stopped recording and stowed his phone.
"I assume that was good enough payment?" Jon looked down at Josh cockily as Josh still stood there mostly stunned.
"W-well… you didn't need to repay me." Josh reminded Jon, not that he minded. "Remember? You saved me from those bullies!"
"Oh riiight…" Jon honestly forgot after all the writing they've been doing. "Guess you'll have to pay me back for that show then, bruh."
Josh shrugged, putting his body closer to Josh up against the table he was resting on. As Jon's body came in closer, Josh heard a low yet long gurgle come from the jock god's stomach.
"Throwing you up made some room down there, bro." Jon rested a hand on his abs, unhappy with how hungry he's gotten over the past few hours. "I'd say I'll eat you, but I don't know how you'd pay me back for that too."
"Ha… well it's okay!" Josh assured Jon. "Guess I'll have to do a lot of favors to get to that point."
"Don't let your dreams stay dreams, bro." Josh rubbed his abs arrogantly. "If you work hard, you could be part of all this someday…"
Josh flexed again, over Josh. Josh couldn't help but continue to burst with redness from his face.
"W-why don't I start with ordering you some dinner?" Josh nervously responded, feeling almost compelled to give into Jon's overwhelming arrogance.
"It's a start, my little worshiper." Jon looked down at Josh, halting his flexing for the time being. Josh immediately pulled out his phone, looking for places that would deliver to the dorm room.
- - -
Some time went by as the food was delivered and Jon had his fill. Still locked away in the dorm room with the giant god, it was starting to get late. Not that Josh had any interest in going home at this point anyway.
"Buuuuuuuurpppppp!" Jon patted his chest, spewing crumbs from his mouth and onto the table where Josh was still sitting. Josh just sat there, not even hungry. He was just focused on watching Jon tear through the food he bought the giant until it was gone.
"D-did you like the food?" Josh asked nervously, almost completely slipping into the role of subservient worshipper. Jon tossed aside whatever wrappers and trash remained into his garbage can.
"It was a decent offering." Jon smirked at Josh, wanting more out of the tiny man who idolized him. "Tell me bro, how would you describe me?"
"A god." Josh instinctively responded. He didn't even think as the words just flowed naturally over Jon's dominant personality.
"Wrong, dude." Jon slammed a hand down next to Josh, making the tiny man jump in fear. "Not 'A' god. THE god. Your god."
"Y-yes sir!" Josh sweat nervously, not wanting to upset his god again.
"That's better." Jon brought his up off the table. "Where would you be without me, little man?"
"Still with those bullies. I'm so much happier here with you!" Josh really was, enjoying the giant's arrogance, while also glad he escaped those bullies.
"Yo." Jon scrolled through his phone, turning it and showing it to Josh. "Check out this tank top. Bet I'd look real sexy in it."
Josh looked at the muscle tank top, it was black with white borders with images of weights on it. "I think you look better without a shirt."
"Of course I do." Jon smirked, fully agreeing with Josh. "But even god needs to cover up for class, bro."
"W-what if I bought it for you?" Josh stuttered as he looked up the same on one his phone. "I-I would love to see you in it."
"Guess that's another decent offering." Jon shrugged as he kept scrolling through his phone. Meanwhile, Josh already bought it, having it shipped to Jon under his name like the food.
"Yo, I want tomorrow off." Jon said without even looking down at Josh. "After turning in that paper, the last thing I wanna do is work."
"Y-yeah!" Josh wanted to give Jon whatever he wanted. "Yeah take it off. You deserve it."
"Duh, dude." Jon shrugged. "I deserve more, but it's a start."
"I wish I could give more!" Josh was desperate. Jon was just intoxicating. Jon burped again, still more focused on his phone than Josh.
"Yo, I guess if could eat you for real." Jon said, getting Josh a little excited. "But bro, you're gonna need a big offering for that."
"L-like what?" Josh stammered, at this point he just desperately wanted to go back into the giant's gut, having the privilege of providing a tiny bit of fuel for the god and hoping to become a small part of him.
"Just empty your bank account into mine." Jon answered plainly like it wasn't a big deal. "Small price to pay if you ask me, bro. Besides, you won't need it anymore."
"I-I…" Josh felt the blood drain from his face. While what Jon said was true… it just sounded so… demoralizing to do that. Like he was paying his entire life savings to be digested by an arrogant jock. "I…"
"I-I'll do it." Josh said quietly at first. "I'll do it!"
"Good choice, bro. Bet you're real excited." Jon set down his phone finally, looking down at Josh as he rolled his shoulders a bit like he was getting ready to do a work out. "Once you've paid me, I won't make you wait. You're a loyal little squirt."
"It's done…" Josh looked up from his phone. He transferred everything he had to Jon. He didn't care, like he said what would it even matter once he was a part of the jock. "You can check, it's all yours."
"As it should be really." Jon looked down at his phone, pulling up his bank account and eyes widening slightly at the number. Maintaining his arrogant composure, Jon set his phone down. "Honestly, I expected more, runt."
"I'm so sorry! It's everything I have!" Josh felt like he was borderline pleading at this point. "I'd give more if I could…"
"I guess it's enough." Jon scoffed cockily. Jon did a double bicep flex again as he loomed over Josh. "Don't expect to become part of one my best muscles, like these biceps."
"If only I could be so lucky…" Josh relished at the thought of him being that useful. Jon lowered his arms and ran a hand down his chest and torso.
"Maybe my pecs? They're already so huge though, a tiny speck like you would barely add any mass." Jon rubbed his pecs, flexing them a bit as he did so. This was absolutely pushing Josh over the edge though.
"It'd be an honor and privilege just to become part of a toe muscle." Josh expressed his desire to become any part of the jock god.
"Shit, bro. I'll think about you every time I stub my toe." Jon chuckled cockily, knowing there's no way he'd actually think or care about Josh afterwards. Josh meanwhile was absolutely beaming that Jon would think about him. Jon reached down, pinching Josh between his fingers, brining him up to his face. "Aight bro. Don't wanna make you wait any longer."
Jon tossed Josh into his mouth. To the cocky giant, he couldn't feel anything. He may was well put a speck of dust in his mouth. But it didn't matter to him. He got paid, so as far as he was concerned, he just had to swallow.
"Gulp!" Jon swallowed casually. The tiniest of sensations left his mouth, as he could barely feel it travel down his throat. Jon grabbed his phone, starting to scroll around a bit, thinking about the dumb shit he wanted to spend the money on. He couldn't help but smirk… it really was that easy to get the pathetic loser of a boss of his to submit to him like this.
Thinking it was all over, Jon sighed slightly annoyed as he saw Josh was trying to face time him. Thinking it would be funny, Jon answered as saw the little loser's face pop up on his screen, surrounded by darkness.
"Suuuup, broooo!" Jon answered obnoxiously. "Everything you've ever wanted huh? Too bad I didn't just keep you down earlier, right?"
"This is incredible! I'm so glad I went through with this!" Josh answered, shaking with anticipation. "It's good you brought me up though. We got to finish your paper… and I got to offer you tributes!"
"Fair point, little speck of food." Jon smirked, enjoying just how much Josh was entranced by him. "You should be honored I bothered to pick up. I don't normally talk to my meals after I eat them, bro."
"I-I am v-very honored!" Josh bowed his head obediently. "The fact that you'd deem me worthy of addressing right now is astounding!"
"I'm a generous god." Jon zoomed his camera out slightly as he flexed his arm, showing off a little more of his body. Jon panned down to his abs. "Can you believe you're really in here for good, runt?"
"I can't believe it!" Josh shook as he answered. "It's a dream come true. Being in here with the rest of the food you ate!"
"Food you bought me. Now you're a part of it." Jon patted his stomach a few times, seeing Josh get tossed about in his stomach on his phone. He smirked arrogantly, finding it amusing how such a small action caused such mayhem in his stomach. "Pathetic how easily you get knocked around in there, speck of food."
"I'm sorry sir! You're just so incredibly huge! I can't do a thing!" Josh struggled even to hold onto to his phone as he tried to get to his feet.
Jon felt a burp building up as he belched as loudly and obnoxiously as he could, resting his hand on his stomach afterward as he looked down at Josh again in his phone. He could see his actions caused Josh to get tossed about once again.
"Pathetic, bro. Look, I've got better shit to do than talk to food." Jon spoke sternly to Josh. "Don't forget, loser. You've got one job left. It's not hard. The food I eat every day manages to do it."
With that, Jon hung up. He shook his head still in disbelief. He could believe even after how he treated Josh and used him for everything he was worth, he was still so pathetic that he truly believed he deserved to be digested by the massive jock god.
Eric’s face lit up like an evil genius. Minus the fact that Eric probably couldn’t spell that word even if he had a dictionary in front of him.
“Mess with Cody! Yeah, heheh! I’m gonna prank the fuck out of him, and YOU are gonna help me do it.” Eric snickered.
Josh backed up a little bit. As much as he could given the size discrepancy.
“Uh…that’s…th-that’s not exactly my specialty.” he said, admittedly terrible at pranks. Eric simply scoffed.
“Yeah, dipshit. It’s MY specialty. Duh.” Eric flicked Josh in annoyance, sending the man tumbling across the surface in pain. He collided with a greasy taco bell wrapper that softened the crash.
“Holy fuck…ow…” Josh’s voice quivered as he limped out of the wrapper. Eric continued his plot.
“So Cody does this gay ass thing where he puts on deoderant after he showers. Says it’s good for the ladies but that beta couldn’t get a bitch if he tried, so I don’t know what he’s fucking on about. Plus his pits always still smell after. He must have like, health problems or whatever. Doesn’t matter. Me and you are gonna stick it to him.”
Josh grunted in pain as he tried to appease his new “master.” Not because of his charming personality, but more because he didn’t wanna get hurt again.
“How so, Eric?”
The jock looked down, scowling.
“That’s MASTER, Eric.” he said.
“Right…sorry…uhm…Master…Eric….” Josh forced out.
There was a tense silence before Eric burst out laughing. A laugh so big it could fill up several rooms.
“HAHAHAHAAAAAHHAAAAAA! Holy FUCK, dude! I did NOT think you’d actually call me MASTER. That’s fucking hilarious, bro. Holy SHIT you’re pathetic. HAHAHAAAAAA--”
His obnoxious laughter was cut off by a faint yell in the distance. It was Cody’s voice.
“Shut the FUCK UP, ERIC! YOU ARE SO ANNOYING. GODDAMN.” Cody yelled from the shower.
Eric’s cocky smirk soon shifted into a bit of a disappointed look. He even seemed a little hurt by Cody’s words. It was a weird slip of the mask. It made Josh feel a slight bit of empathy for the jock.
That is, until Eric looked frowned at Josh.
“The fuck are YOU looking at?” He asked. Though it felt like more of an accusation.
“Uh, n-nothing. You just looked a little sad. I just--”
A giant glob of spit rained down on Josh and drenched him like the shower Cody was taking. Josh simply stood there, too stunned to move. His mind was in shock, not even knowing how to process what Eric just did to him. He slowly looked up at Eric. Eric had nothing to say back. He simply grabbed Josh in a tight fist and moved him to the next stage of his plan.
Cody came out of the shower, mumbling along to some rap song that had a lot of words he was too caucasian to have any business rapping. Neither he nor Eric cared though. He stepped into their room to find Eric on his own bed. This made Cody immediately suspicious.
“…You’re not in my bed.” Cody said, cautiously.
“Hah. Why the fuck would I wanna be in your bed, bro. That’s gay as shit.” Eric replied back, sweating a little. He subconsciously avoided eye contact and scrolled on his phone instead.
Cody gave him a side eye as he looked for a clean wifebeater to put on. “What the fuck are you plotting, Eric?”
“Noooothing, bro.” Eric almost sang, smirking.
Cody decided he didn’t have time for his annoying roommate’s shit. Whatever it was, he was just gonna ignore it. He went to grab the deodorant near his stuff. He noticed that the tiny slave that Ricky gave them wasn’t in the spot he had seen him last.
“Yo, where’s the shrimp?” Cody asked, unscrewing the deodorant’s cap.
Eric snickered. “That little fag? He’s in my sock, bro.” He said, wiggling his socked foot. The sock was gray with hints of yellow. It made Cody roll his eyes in disgust.
“Well…that’s one way to degrade the little dude…trap him somewhere gross and sweaty.” Cody replies as he brings the bar of deodorant further up to his armpits. Unbeknownst to him, Josh was trapped in the bar, squirming for his life. Embedded in the deodorant, he was about to crash full force into Cody’s slightly hairy armpit.
“Oh you have no idea…” Eric says, trying to contain his laughter.
Cody simply shakes his head again before….
Josh tries frantically to free himself, but he can't. He's too weak. His vision is filled more and more with Cody’s armpit until it's all he can see. The moderate amount of hairs there extend outwards as if to grab him. Josh is enveloped in darkness. Then his body is slammed against Cody's skin. Rubbed in deep, back and forth. He screams in pain from the friction.
Until his pain is cut off by a sharp crack of his tiny body.
Cody applies his Axe deodorant quickly and roughly on both arm pits before tossing it back on his counter like the disposable object it is. Slumping into his bed, he lets out a deep sigh, shifting to get more comfortable. Eric starts laughing in his usual loud laugh. Cody rolls his eyes then groans.
"WHAT, man?" He complained to Eric.
"Bro, check your pit, haha!" Eric laughed.
Frowning in confusion and annoyance, Cody tapped his finger on his left armpit, then his right one. He noticed a small clump and plucked it out. He dangled Josh's near lifeless body in front of his face, then sneered in disgust.
"Ew, man, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Cody says as he partially observes the bug in front of him.
"HAHAHA! Oh, man. I gotcha good, bro. You rubbed that little queer all over yourself, haha. Oh, must suck to be you." Eric laughed, rudely.
"Sucks more for HIM, actually. Little bitch bit the dust from that." Cody moves Josh in between his fingertips. His body is largely unresponsive.
"Oh…" Eric said, surprised. "Wait…is he like…actually dead? For real?"
Cody gave him a "you are so stupid" look. "Yes, you absolute fuckwad. Did you think that getting smothered like that WOULDN'T kill a guy his size? Hell, even if the pressure didn't the SMELL definitely would. You are actually so fucking brainded, bro."
Eric watched as his roommate transferred Josh to his palm, then, in a tight fist, crushed what little life remained out of the tiny man. When Cody opened his palm, nothing but a barely noticeable red stain was left. Eric stared at the bloody spec. He felt…so…
Well, he didn't know what he was feeling exactly, but he didn't like how much his body enjoyed watching his roommate crush Josh like the bug he was.
Cody, noticing Eric stare in disbelief, just made another annoyed face back at him. "What? He was dead anyway." The jock scoffs. He then wiped off whatever was left of Josh on the stomach section of his wife beater.
"Uh…yeah…" Eric said, trying to hide the rush of witnessing Cody dominate Josh so easily.
Cody rolled his eyes one last time. "You're weird, bro." He said as he reached for his phone and started to scroll. Across the room from him, Eric shifted in his bed. Something was growing in his pants and he did NOT want Cody to see it. What he DID want was to get more tiny guys from Ricky and Brandon. Sure, he liked owning tiny losers. But he found out that night that he liked watching Cody dispose of them way more.
"I think he likes my throat, bro!" Vinny laughed as Josh as right next to it, almost right up against it. Josh turned quickly seeing he was right beside the giant's adam's apple. Josh started to move away from Vinny, not wanting to give the giant bro the wrong idea. "Maybe he does get a kick out of being eaten!"
"No I was just nervous!" Josh felt like the four men were starting to get the wrong idea. Brandon knelt down, getting closer to Josh.
"I get it, shortie." Brandon smirked. "You must be nervous about asking cool dudes like us to eat you up."
"Oh yeah for sure." Ricky chimed in. "He probably was just scared because we're a lot better looking than Ty or Bobby."
Josh bit his lip, he didn't like it when people said bad things about his two best friends, but unfortunately for him they weren't exactly here to save him from this situation.
"Well personally, I don't give a shit." Cliff yawned as he walked away from the balcony. "You dudes have your fun."
"What? Come on dude, where's your sense of adventure?" Ricky followed Cliff, a little disappointed he didn't want in on the "fun".
"I dunno. Where does it benefit me?" Cliff shrugged. "My dad would probably kick my ass if he found out I ate his business partner."
"Josh wouldn't go squealing to your dad!" Brandon looked at Josh sternly. "If he did that'd be a really pussy of a move."
Cliff simply shrugged again. "Whatever. Still not interested. But you guys have fun."
Vinny, Brandon, and Ricky looked at each other, giving each other looks of not caring about Cliff's spoiled behavior. Cliff yawned again as he reached into his pocket, however, knowing how he could remedy the situation. "Look, I'll give $100 to whoever man's up and eats him."
Josh's eyes went from seeing Cliff wave a crisp new looking 100 dollar bill to Vinny, Brandon, and Ricky who all looked at him with suddenly hungry eyes. "Guys! I don't want this at all! Please!"
"But dude, 100 bucks!" Brandon leaned in Close to Josh as he still knelt near the little man. "Help an old buddy out, won't you?"
"Nah tiny bro." Vinny spoke up, also still knelt down staring at Josh. "I know you like me better than any of these other clowns, Help a brother out!"
Josh then turned his gaze toward Ricky, who simply stood there, narrowed eyes looking at Josh. Josh swallowed terrified, expecting the blonde giant to say anything to him. However the man's expression already spoke volumes to the scared tiny.
"So what you're letting him pick?" Cliff laughed. "I was expecting a fight. But this is more interesting I guess."
Josh wished he could get out of it, but he knew he had no choice but to choose. Swallowing his fear, Josh felt his best option was to go with…
"I guess I have known you the longest, Brandon." Josh tried to rationalize his decision as he turned and looked at Brandon, who was already knelt closest to him now anyway. Josh watched a Brandon got a wide, almost terrifying yet still attractive smile as Vinny stood up, leaving Josh now under Brandon's shadow alone. Josh swallowed in fear, wondering to himself if he was completely out of his mind for choosing his old bully for this. Josh watched as Brandon lessened his smile as the huge muscular man stood up from off his knees looking down at Josh for what seemed like miles to the the tiny man as Josh simply looked up at the man's chiseled features all the way to his face.
"Well you heard him, boys." Brandon gloated arrogantly. "He's made his choice."
"Yeah well, you only get the money if you actually do it, pussy." Cliff smirked, wanting to egg Brandon on, knowing how easily he could manipulate his friend with money.
"I'm getting to that, dick." Brandon spat back at Cliff as his friend simply laughed and rolled his eyes, still bored. "I'm just having fun with it is all."
"But you haven't done anything yet." Ricky, puzzled in a mocking tone. "All you've done is stand up."
"Woooow, guys!" Brandon put a hand on his chest acting offended. " Why are ya'll suddenly in such a rush?"
"Well aren't we only on break for like 10 more minutes?" Vinny reasoned with the men as he looked over at the clock.
"Shit…" Brandon looked at the clock, noticing Vinny was right. "Well I guess we better speed this up, huh little buddy?"
Brandon reached down, scooping Josh up between his fingers. Josh tried to squirm free, hoping to buy a little time but it was a fruitless effort as he was easily curled up in the giant's massive hand. Raising Josh higher and higher from his perch before stopping right in front of his handsome face, Brandon opened his hand and smirked at Josh who blushed at Brandon's sexy expression.
"Well I was hoping we'd have more time for fun, but I guess we're on a schedule." Brandon shrugged as he tipped his hand toward his open mouth. "Down the hatch!"
Josh fell out of Brandon's hand, screaming as he was quickly engulfed in darkness in the huge smelly interior of his bully's mouth. Having shut his mouth almost instantly, Josh was sealed in the dark confused as he found himself rushed backward and falling once more with nothing more than an audible gulp to clue him in on his movement. There was no time to react, no time to negotiate. Josh found himself traveling past Brandon's beating heart and expanding lungs down deeper and deeper into the almost never ending pit of the bully's stomach. To Josh, it may as well have been hundreds of miles that he found himself plummeting downward before reaching Brandon's groaning stomach. Acting on instinct, Josh just tried to find his way to a spot that felt safe before the huge athlete's stomach acid could make quick work of him.
- - -
Brandon ran a hand up and down his chest and abdomen, caressing his stomach as he knew Josh was deep with in him, completely helpless. "I'll take my money now, thanks."
Cliff begrudgingly stood up and handed Brandon the crisp new 100 dollar bill as Brandon stashed it greedily before storing it in his wallet. Storing his wallet, Brandon rested a hand on his stomach, forcing out a loud burp with a laugh afterwards.
"Whew! That felt good!" Brandon complimented himself. "Alright, almost time to go back to work?"
"Well you gotta puke him up, dude." Cliff looked at Brandon confused.
"Well, dude." Brandon mocked Cliff. "You paid me to eat him, not to puke him up."
"That's true, you did only say to eat him." Ricky chimed in, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Oh, fuck you both." Cliff turned away annoyed.
"Fine, guess Josh just got a new business partner." Brandon smirked as he rubbed his stomach. "Although knowing my stomach it's more of a hostile takeover."
"Fine, 10 bucks." Cliff offered.
"20." Brandon smirked still at Cliff.
"Deal, idiot." Cliff pulled out a 20, knowing he could have gone way higher. "The price is worth to watch you puke your guts up."
Brandon took the 20 before walking over to the sink. "Man it's too bad. Kinda wish I could keep him down." Brandon said aloud before turning back to the guys. "I mean if he wanted to! Plus there's other stuff I wish I could do to him… messing with this dude is even easier now that he's the size of an ant."
"You should try and get him to 'hang out' with you, dude." Ricky offered as an idea, deviously. "He agreed to get eaten by you, Tyler, and who knows what else. Dude seems like he has a problem with saying 'no'."
"That's an awesome idea, Ricky!" Brandon smiled wondering just how badly he could bully Josh in private an get away with it. Mind racing, Brandon leaned over the sink, shoving his fingers in his mouth and starting to vomit large chunks. It didn't take long before He saw the tiny wriggling form of his panicked boss. Brandon scooped the little man up and helped him up with a fake smile.
"Glad to see you made it out in once piece buddy!" Brandon faked concern as Josh cleaned himself off. "Hey while you were in my guts, I forgot I wanted to ask you something. Mind if I come by your office later?"
"Umm…" Josh replied, head still spinning. "Yeah sounds great…"
"Sweet, buddy!" Brandon walked Josh over to the balcony leading back into the park. "I'll see you later, just try and take it easy."
The four men left the break room, leaving a still frazzled Josh behind as they shut the door. The men couldn't help but laugh among each other as they made their way back into the park, each of them slowly understanding how easy it was to control Josh to do what they want.
- - -
Later, Brandon made his way toward Josh's office, eager to get the little man to hang out with him shrunk and ready to play with. As Brandon knocked on the door and let himself in, Brandon found…
Brandon confidently strode into Josh's office as he noticed the small man was completely alone. Putting on a cocky smile as Josh looked up from his desk to see Brandon, he stopped right before the desk, looking down at Josh much like he did earlier.
"Hey buddy, how you holding up?" Brandon offered somewhat fake concern, mostly trying to butter Josh up into coming with him.
"Oh I'm ok." Josh smiled a little weakly, as he wasn't expecting to be eaten today, leaving him a bit in shock still. "That whole situation was a little unexpected."
"Oh I hear you, dude." Brandon responded as he absentmindedly scratched his stomach, watching Josh peek at his stomach as he did from the corner of his eye. "Felt like we were pretty rushed what with the whole time constraint."
"Yeah I barely knew what was happening." Josh recounted his adventure. "One minute I was in your hand, the next I was in complete darkness, then before I could even adjust my vision I was in a pile of vomit…"
"Wow, dude. Sounds intense." Brandon smirked, trying to imagine what it must've been like for Josh inside his stomach. "Well I'm just sorry it had to be that way."
"What do you mean?" Josh asked, still occasionally glancing down at Brandon's chest and stomach.
"Well, if I had my way I would have wanted to draw it out a little longer, have a little fun." Brandon shrugged, trying to act casual about wanting to bully Josh.
"So like roleplay?" Josh tried to offer a word for Brandon's description.
"Yeah exactly, dude!" Brandon smirked, feeling like Josh was playing into his hands. "I like the idea of role playing a giant. Just for fun, ya know?"
"I can see that. I bet you'd be really good at it!" Josh tried to add light to everything.
"You're probably good at doing the tiny's job!" Brandon added still looking down at Josh.
"Oh me?" Josh blushed a little, looking down. "I suppose so. I'm pretty used to it at this point."
"Plenty of practice huh?" Brandon continued to smirk.
"Yeah…" Josh muttered. "Anyway Brandon, you said you wanted to ask me about something? I assume all this wasn't it?"
"Oh yeah!" Brandon tried to play it off like he forgot. "Sorry I was just worked up, hoping you were ok."
"Well thanks, I appreciate that!" Josh smiled genuinely, gullible enough to believe Brandon's lie.
"No problem, buddy." Brandon winked at Josh. "But nah, dude. I was just curious what you were up to after work today?"
"After work? Why what's up?" Josh asked a little confused.
"Well, just I've been working for ya for awhile now and I've known you for so long. I was wondering if we could like, hang out or something?" Brandon shrugged, trying to play it cool.
Josh swallowed, never in his wildest dreams would he have thought his old bully would come to him wanting to hang out. "Umm yeah I don't have any plans. What would you wanna do?"
"I'll leave it up to you, bud." Brandon winked as he deliberately started to scratch his stomach yet again. "But I'm happy you wanna hang, bro. That's mad chill of you after what I put you through earlier."
"Oh? Don't worry about that." Josh tried to play it cool, blushing a little that someone cool like Brandon wanted to hang out with him. "It was a bet after all!"
"Aight." Brandon smirked as he lowered a fist to Josh, offering a fist bump. Josh was thrown off for a moment before bumping Brandon's fist. Brandon started to walk away before opening the door and speaking back to Josh without turning. "I'll be in the break room, whenever you're ready!"
"Okay!" Josh yelled back to Brandon as the door shut. Excited yet nervous, Josh started to prepare closing up the park.
- - -
Looking around the park one last time, Josh made sure everything was closed. Deciding to make his way toward the break room, Josh figured he'd take a peek in the room to see if Brandon was really there. Opening the door, Josh peered into the massive room and walked out toward the balcony before he was Brandon's massive form standing at the ready only feet away from the balcony.
Brandon had changed into a light yellow tank top with barbells depicted on the front, cut off an extra amount on the sides so that from the side Brandon's entire abdomen and torso were completely visible. He also wore a pair of Black basketball shorts that seemed a little loose as he sagged them slightly showing off his tight grey spandex underwear. Also wearing a black backward flat brimmed hat and black socks that pulled up to his shins as well as a pair of black nike shoes, Brandon looked like he was more than ready to go anywhere and chill doing whatever.
Josh waved to the attractive man, wanting to just acknowledge the fact that he was here before turning way, wanting to go out the front so he could hang out with Brandon at his normal size. Brandon however had other plans as he quickly scooped up the tiny man before he could make it to the door.
"Somehow I knew you'd want to hang out with me tiny, dude!" Brandon smirked as he looked down at the little man in his hand. "That's really cool of you, bud."
Josh blushed, trying to play off like it was his intention. "Yeah, I figured uhhh.." Josh stuttered. "How often do you get to do this, right?"
"Word." Brandon simply answered as he made his way to the door. "So you think of what you wanna do?"
"Oh, not really I guess.." Josh answered, really unsure what to do now that he was so small.
"Well regardless of what you decide, I'm getting some food with that money I got from Cliff." Brandon smiled as he rubbed his stomach through his tank top. "I'm starved."
"Sounds good to me!" Josh blushed a little. "Did you have any ideas of what to do? I didn't really have much time to think."
"Well I was thinking…" Brandon tried to play it off like he hadn't put much thought into it. "We could do that role playing stuff you mentioned earlier? Or I could just eat ya again. Leave you down there this time."
"Real funny…" Josh blushed a little more. "We could go to the movies?"
"What is this? A date?" Brandon teased Josh. Brandon watched as the little man shifted uncomfortably in his hand at the comment. "It's too nice out for the movies, bro."
"O-okay." Josh stuttered again. "We could go to the beach?"
"There's an idea. It's getting a little late, but it's still nice enough for the beach. So up to you, dude." Brandon offered Josh the final say.
Thinking for a moment, Josh decided to go with…
Josh swallowed a little nervously. He wasn't sure if he had gone crazy or not with his decision, but he really wanted to role play with his old bully. "I-i t-think it might be f-fun to do the r-role play?"
Brandon smirked every so slightly, impressed at how quickly he got Josh to want to "role play". Playing it cool though, Brandon wanted to continue to draw Josh in. "Since when have you had a stutter, shrimp?" Brandon teased. "You better start speaking a little more clearly, little runt."
"W-why?" Josh accidentally stuttered again, still unnaturally nervous. Josh found himself getting quickly scooped up by Brandon, who lifted him up to about chest level.
"B-b-b-because if you don't you can stutter your way in my mouth and into my stomach, nerd." Brandon mocked Josh's stutter and offered a threat at the same time. Josh swallowed nervously, unsure if Brandon had already role playing or not. Taking a deep breath, Josh tried to speak a little less nervously.
"Are you starting already, or?" Josh left the hanging question as Brandon rose an eyebrow and chuckled at Josh.
"No, dude. I was only messing with you." Brandon shrugged. "Don't take anything too personally though, bud."
Josh nodded, believing Brandon's lie as the giant planned on going as hard on Josh as he wanted. Brandon closed his fist, a little tight, around Josh as he carried the little man out of the break room. Heading out of the room with a cocky grin, Brandon started his walk home to his apartment.
- - -
After what felt like an hour to Josh, Brandon's hand finally opened as he looked around his new environment. A breath of fresh air was most welcome, though there was a certain smell about the apartment that permeated everywhere. It smelt a little of sweat, but mostly the smell was very much Brandon's scent. Taking it in, Josh kind of liked it. Finally, Josh refocused as Brandon deposited him on a tv tray he had by a couch across from a tv. Looking around, the apartment wasn't very heavily furnished but it looked like a typical bachelor's pad.
"Your place reminds me of Tyler's!" Josh said, hoping Brandon wouldn't take it the wrong way. Josh watched as Brandon rose an eyebrow as he walked away.
"Bet you'll love it here then, bro." Brandon turned as he walked toward his kitchen. Josh couldn't help but sweat a little as he stared at Brandon's ass, hanging out of his shorts as his massive bubble butt bounced a bit with each step he took away. Josh saw him disappear around the corner and heard some plates clatter and a microwave beep before he returned a few minutes later holding a plate of food. Josh got out of the way as Brandon came by and dropped the plate on the tv tray, having deliberately would have crushed Josh had the little man not moved. Josh looked at the plate of food, seeing it was a mess of beef and rice and it kinda smelled a little like dog food. Without hesitation though, Brandon started to inhale the food. Despite the disgusting smell of the food, Josh's mouth started to water as he hadn't eaten in quite a while.
"Hey Brandon, could I just ave a grain of rice?" Josh asked, hoping the giant was in the mood to share. Josh was only answered with Brandon's usually one eyebrow rose as the giant spat out a single gran of rice from his mouth and set it on the tray. Josh looked at it, a little disgusted. Taking a bite, Josh figured it was the best he was going to get. Little did Josh know, Brandon was watching him eat the half crewed piece of rice with a smirk as he swallowed the food in his mouth.
"Yo, gross dude." Brandon mocked Josh. "I didn't think you'd actually eat that."
"Oh…" Josh had already taken his fill of disgusting bites already. Brandon laughed at the tiny man as he sat down embarrassed. Josh watched as Brandon shoveled the rest of his food in his mouth, inhaling it and barely chewing. Even going as far as to grab the piece of rice he gave Josh, sucking it into his mouth and swallowing it down as he saw Josh watch out of the corner of his eye. Brandon leaned back in his couch and rubbed his stomach, a little extra dramatic on purpose as let out a massive burp.
"Right. Anyway, dude. You ready to start role playing or whatever?" Brandon casually picked his teeth as he looked at Josh, easy to tell the tiny's gaze never shifted from him the whole time.
"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm ready whenever you are." Josh snapped back again to reality. Still staring at Brandon, Josh was just transfixed by his old bully. Still in shock he was in this situation with a man he used to hate. "We should come up with a setting maybe?"
"What?" Brandon gave Josh a sour look. "The fuck you mean, dude."
"J-just that we should come up with something like, we pretend we're roommates but I shrunk in an accident a few weeks ago and we'll role play that." Josh accidentally stuttered again.
"Ohhh. Gotcha dude." Brandon's disposition changed back to relaxed again. "What about we pretend it's high school and you shrunk in one of our classes and somehow hitch hiked to my apartment?"
Brandon gave the idea, wanting to relive the glory days of bullying Josh, but now to an extreme. Though the roommates thing sounded good to him too.
"That's a good idea." Josh shook a little, wondering what it would have been like to be discovered by Brandon shrunken back in high school.
"Either way, I'll play the role of super star giant football player. You'll be the tiny nerd." Brandon flexed his arms and sat up. "Should be easy roles for both of us, bro. You probably won't even need to act."
"You're probably right!" Josh sweat, feeling antsy all of a sudden about being degraded by Brandon. "Anyway which idea do you wanna do?"
"Hmmm… well I'd just pick my idea. But that's not fair, eh?" Brandon reached into the couch and fished around before pulling out a penny. "Nice. We'll flip a coin. Heads, my idea. Tails, yours."
Josh watched as Brandon flipped the coin, jumping a little as it came to a clatter on the surface of the tv tray. Looking at the coin, Josh saw it landed on…
"Yo! Heads!" Brandon smiled. "That means we do my idea!"
Josh smiled, he was happy to see Brandon so excited. "Awesome! So how should we start? I stowed away on you somewhere and you have to discover me?"
"Yeah. Here, dude." Brandon reached and grabbed Josh setting him on the shoulder of his tank top and peeking down seeing Josh hanging on. Brandon walked back to the doorway leading into his apartment and went out the door, before turning around immediately and shutting the door behind him.
"Maaaaan school sucks." Brandon said loudly as he pretended to kick off his shoes. Brandon sauntered into the apartment, making his way into his bedroom. "I have to get changed to meet the team at the gym."
Josh listened to the narration before he screamed as Brandon pulled off his shirt without warning. Josh sailed across the room onto the bed as he laid in a daze on the tank top, looking up and seeing Brandon looking down at him with a curious look.
"Oh gross. Is that a little bug on my tank top?" Brandon said as he looked down at Josh with disgust. "Nasty little fucker."
Josh watched as Brandon reached down for him, grabbing him in his hand and starting to close it around him. "Uh Brandon?" Josh started to panic as it got tighter. Josh started to squirm as it hurt before Brandon reopened his hand.
"Huh. Tough little guy huh?" Brandon held Josh up to his face and squinted. "Wait a second. You're not a bug. Wait… Josh?"
"Brandon! I'm so glad you found me!" Josh called out in acting. "I shrunk at school. I was lucky to hold onto your shirt when you walked by!"
"Wow, finally getting what you deserve, little nerd." Brandon mocked Josh, not even acting a little. "Bet you thought you were so smart. But look at you now. I almost crushed you like a bug."
"I'm glad you didn't! Please you have to help me." Josh continued to act. "There was an accident in the chemistry class that made me shrink like this."
"Why the fuck would I help a nerd like you?" Brandon looked down at Josh with a terrifying yet sexy expression. "In fact, I think you'll be helping me instead, runt."
"What do you mean?" Josh begged. "We're classmates, Brandon!"
"No, even before you were the size of bug you were never my classmate. You've always just been an ant in my eyes." Brandon said to Josh coldly. Brandon couldn't help but to smirk, since it's how he's always truly seen Josh. A pathetic loser and ant he'd trample to get what he wanted.
"Please, Brandon. I'll do anything to go back to normal." Josh felt like he was pleading his old bully back in high school for real. "I'll do your homework for the rest of the year!"
"I already have a loser doing my homework. I don't need you." Brandon smirked as he sat down on the bed, holding Josh at about abdomen level. "I bet I could find a better use for you though."
"What do you mean by that?" Josh asked, partially out of acting as he was a little curious, and scared.
"I'm going to the gym for strength training. When I get back you're going to…"
"You're going to be my post workout snack, runt." Brandon laughed as he stood up and walked back out into the living room. Brandon dropped Josh on the plate he had just had a meal on, empty now besides Josh. Josh looked at the edges of the plate as they angled up and were covered in grease. Looking up, Josh saw Brandon looking down at him, still shirtless. "Be a good little shit and stay put."
Josh saw as Brandon walked away back into his bedroom for a moment before reappearing wearing a tight spandex shirt, purple and black with their old high school emblem on it, complementing the black shorts and hat he was already wearing. Brandon came back over the plate and looked down at Josh.
"Don't you get any ideas about trying to escape, bitch." Brandon threatened Josh. "You should be thankful you're lucky enough to be my snack. It'll be the first use your life has ever given. But so help me if I spot you on the ground trying to escape… I'll stomp the shit out of you dude."
Josh watched as Brandon grabbed his keys and a water bottle and walked out the door. Josh sat for a minute, expecting Brandon to have just turned around like he did before. Five minutes passed, then ten before Josh realized Brandon probably actually went to the gym.
"That dick, he actually left me here to go to the gym!" Josh crossed his arms and pouted. Josh sat back, hoping he wasn't going to take too long. He couldn't help but imagine how Brandon would humiliate him next.
"I wonder if he's actually going to swallow me…" Josh trailed off for a second in fantasy before shaking his head. "Don't get too carried away…"
Bored as more and more time went by Josh…
"No sense in trying to crawl out of this grease anyway…" Josh laid down and looked at the grease the meat had caused on the whole plate. Getting off the plate would be a massive under taking, then after that what could he do? "Not worth it…"
Josh took a deep breath and laid back as more and more time went by. His patience was eventually rewarded as he heard the sounds of keys in Brandon's door followed by it opening. Josh sat up and looked, seeing Brandon now drenched in sweat with ear buds in his ears and looking way more pumped than when he left. Josh blushed, Brandon looked really good.
"Oh wow…" Josh took a peek at Brandon's sweaty abs as he rose his shirt a little wipe sweat off his forehead. Josh was transfixed as Brandon walked into the kitchen. A few moments went by as he reemerged holding a protein shake, taking a few sips as he walked toward Josh and took out his earbuds.
"Sup, shrimp. Looks like you were a good little shit and stayed put." Brandon said as he set down his shake. "Looks like you realized you could be part of something bigger than yourself."
"You're right. You made me realize I just want to be your snack." Josh fed the line, but deep in side feeling like it wasn't far from the truth. Josh watched as Brandon chugged the rest of his protein shake, slamming the cup down and letting out a mighty wet belch.
"Damn right, bitch. Some of you will finally be useful." Brandon rubbed his gut. "The rest… well that's why I call you little shit."
Brandon reached down, pinching him between his fingers, struggling for a second as Josh was covered now in the grease from the plate. Brandon smirked as he held Josh up to his face. "Slippery little shit, eh? Whatever, you'll just slip down my throat even easier."
Brandon burped again, not as strong this time directly onto Josh. Josh let the smell wash over him, actually enjoying it was Brandon's mouth opened wide. Looking in, Josh saw the familiar view he experienced earlier as Brandon's tongue came out, as if it was welcoming him back for the second time. Brandon dropped Josh onto his tongue, retracting it back into his mouth ans swished Josh around a little.
"I've always wanted to eat a tiny person." Brandon's voice boomed out over him. "You're lucky it got to be you, shrimp."
Josh looked to the back of Brandon's throat. It reeked of chocolate protein shake among other smells. Josh saw it start to open, ready to be accepted into Brandon's body. Josh was ready for it. He wanted it this time, and he didn't care what happened after.
Just as Josh thought Brandon was about to swallow, Josh felt himself getting swirled in a little saliva and forward toward the opening of Brandon's mouth, out into the cold air and into the giant's palm. Josh wiped his face as he looked up at Brandon with a bit of a disappointed look, but tried to hide it.
"Wow, that was fun, huh dude?" Brandon smirked as he sat down on his couch and propped up his feet on the tv tray. "Your acting was pretty spot on, dude. I almost really swallowed you because I couldn't tell if I had gotten to you or not, dude."
"Ha ha… yeah your acting was really good too!" Josh awkwardly complimented Brandon. "I'll say you actually going to the gym too, while it threw me off it made me really get excited for you to come back."
"Yeah, bro. I figured if you wanted to do this bad enough you'd be wiling to wait." Brandon smirked as he flex his pecs. "Plus I wasn't about to skip a gym day."
"It all worked out then!" Josh smiled, crossing his legs as he sat in Brandon's hand, still covered in his spit. Though it didn't bother him. "The shirt was a nice touch too, by the way."
"This thing?" Brandon pulled on the spandex shirt a little. "I've had it since high school. It was too small for me when I was line backer. But now it fits me pretty good, huh?"
"Yeah it looks great…" Josh blushed. It certainly looked tight, and it was really something else seeing Brandon's muscles sculpted in the old high school colors. Just then Brandon's stomach gave a loud gurgle. Josh watched as the giant gave his stomach a little pat.
"Yo, sounds like my stomach is upset it didn't actually get to digest you, dude." Brandon chuckled a little. "Either that or it's the protein shake."
"Ha… maybe both?" Josh started to sweat a little more heavily. Brandon smirked, knowing he was just planting more and more seeds in the tiny person's mind after spitting him out. "I wasn't sure if you were going to actually swallow or not, actually."
"Why would I have, dude?" Brandon deliberately teased Josh. "I just ate and drank a protein shake. I wouldn't need the extra protein. Not that you'd be worth even a single gram."
"Oh yeah…" Josh couldn't tell if Brandon was joking. "I guess if you threw me up it'd defeat the purpose of the food you ate too."
"Sure dude, you can tell yourself I'd throw you up this time." Brandon gave Josh a sarcastic response. "Kidding bro. Though if you ever wanted to be part of something huge like me, I'm down."
"Ha ha… could you imagine?" Josh asked nervously. "I mean that would be crazy, right?"
"Yo sounds like you're pulling a 'asking for a friend', on me right now, dude." Brandon rose one eyebrow, knowing he had Josh right where he wanted him. "Asking for a friend, would it be crazy to want Brandon to eat you for good?"
"Ummm…" Josh couldn't muster a word from his embarrassment. Brandon merely laughed at him some more.
"It's okay dude. I can't blame you. I'd be more surprised after our little "role play" if you didn't want me to eat you." Brandon squinted his eyes and smiled dreamily. "I'd do it too. Swallow you whole, no escape. You'd get to be part of my huge muscles."
"You… would?" Josh asked, not entirely surprised but at the same time it just felt crazy.
"Yo, absolutely. But I can't." Brandon lied, deliberately playing hard to get to make Josh want it even more.
"Just out of curiosity." Josh tried to play it cool. "Why?"
"Easy, bro. Where would I work? You're my boss. I'd have to find a new job." Brandon yawned, giving the lousy response deliberately.
"Oh ha, that's it? I thought you were gonna say it was we became friends and stuff." Josh laughed nervously.
"Nah dawg. That's more reason for me TO eat you." Brandon smirked. "Better me than someone else."
Brandon dumped Josh out of his hand, onto his abdomen. Feeling the slick surface of the spandex, Josh watched as Brandon put both his hands behind his head and flexed his arms a bit in the process. Josh sweat even more still as he could feel Brandon's abs just on the other side of the shirt.
"W-well. If I went missing… Cliff's dad would own the park. He'd probably hire a new manger." Josh spoke casually about his potential gruesome end in Brandon's stomach.
"Yeah… or he could sell it, bruh." Brandon squinted and looked at Josh like he was stupid. "I'm way to lazy to do a new job hunt."
"Yeah I guess. Sorry it's kinda putting a lot on you." Josh apologized, even though he really shouldn't Meanwhile Brandon was beaming inside with how pathetic and desperate Josh was. Just to tease Josh further, Brandon forced out a somewhat elongated burp.
"Glad you understand, buddy." Brandon cleared his throat after the burp. Brandon's stomach gurgled again, this time shaking Josh's whole world and almost knocking him over. "Dang dude. Guess the shake wasn't enough. Maybe I need a second dinner."
Brandon scooped Josh up, dropping him back on the plate again as he picked it up and brought it to the kitchen. Josh watched as Brandon pulled out a Tupperware container full of the same meat and rice he had earlier. Opening it up, Josh was once again greeted by the pungent smell of dog food and Brandon moved him off the plate and onto the counter. Sitting there as he saw Brandon put the food in the microwave, Josh watched as Brandon took off his hat, and subsequently his shirt, putting the hat back on and dropping the shirt to the floor.
"Shit was soaked with sweat, dude." Brandon said to Josh, knowing the little guy watched the whole thing. Meanwhile Josh's gaze was just more focused on Brandon's torso. He certainly got a nice pump from the gym, his muscled we're positively bursting. Brandon could feel Josh's stares as he flexed a little. "Bet you wish you could be part of this, huh wimp?"
"I um…" Josh blushed and looked away. "Like you said, it's a lot of trouble for you. I don't want to do that to you."
The microwave beeped as Brandon pulled out the plate, steaming slightly. Pulling out a soda from his fridge, Brandon popped it open and took a sip as he set the plate next to Josh. "Aight, bro." Brandon set down his soda and plucked Josh up. "If you want me to eat you this badly, I'll give you a chance, dude."
Just then, Brandon dropped Josh into the pile of meat and rice. Josh jumped a little as it was hot to land on. But thankfully it didn't take too long to get used to. Josh saw Brandon above, grab a spoon and scoop it into the pile of food before grabbing his soda and carrying it all out to the living room.
"Shit bro, I already lost track of you. Whatever. I'm gonna eat. If I spot you, then you lose. You'll have to live with not having the privileged of being eaten by me." Brandon said in a serious tone with a bit of a sad sound. "If I don't spot you, then you win dude. Your prize getting a one way ticket to my stomach."
Josh laid low in the food, listening to Brandon's every word. Brandon flipped on his TV and took an absent minded scoop of the food, taking a quick look before shoving it in his mouth. Brandon rubbed his stomach and addressed the pile of food again. "Remember, runt. Eyes on the prize."
Josh tried his best, trying to get on the spoon, but also trying not to be seen. As Brandon ate, Josh…
Josh tried his best as he pushed his way into a pile Brandon was scooping up. However, tried as he may Josh found him on the very top of the pile of food. Looking up, Josh hoped Brandon wasn't paying attention but looking at his face quickly showed his massive eyes locked on him already.
"Found you, bud." Brandon said, a little disappointed. "Guess you lose. I'm not surprised, considering you're such a loser."
Josh looked down, disappointed as Brandon brushed him off his food and onto the tv tray. Watching, Josh saw Brandon take the same spoonful and put it in his mouth. Swallowing the food down, Josh watched with a little jealousy and disappointment he wasn't in that spoonful. Now Josh was forced to watch as Brandon finished his meal. The giant ate slowly, torturing Josh even further. Finally after what felt like forever, Josh saw Brandon finish eating. The giant leaned back, belting out another massive burp as he chugged down some soda.
"That feels so much better. Too bad you're a little loser, huh?" Brandon mocked Josh. Resting a hand on his stomach, Brandon wanted to rub it in to Josh even more. "Oh well, sucks dude."
"I mean. It's not too late!" Josh suddenly blurted out. "You just have to pluck me up and swallow me!"
"Wow, how sad can you get. You lost bro. Don't beg me to eat you." Brandon mocked Josh even further. He saw the defeated look in Josh, making this situation just get better and better to the massive bully.
"I-i I'm sorry. I shouldn't beg for something like that." Josh looked disheveled. Brandon all the while, smirked. Feeling like the biggest dude alive.
"Whatever, bruh. I guess I could give you a consolation prize." Brandon scooped Josh up and stood up. Josh blushed as he looked up at the massive giant as he grabbed his keys. "I think it's time to get you back to the park. You can ride back in my mouth."
Without much warning, Brandon dropped Josh in his mouth. Shutting in behind him, Brandon forced up a closed mouth burp. Knowing the tiny man must've loved it, Brandon left his apartment still shirtless.
Josh squirmed about on Brandon's tongue, this was all he wanted. But he knew the giant wasn't going to swallow him. As Brandon walked back to the park Josh couldn't help but stare longingly at the back of Brandon's throat. Josh could tell the giant deliberately angled his mouth so Josh couldn't force himself to the back.
As the walk continued, Josh looked for an opening. As Brandon sauntered closer to the park Josh…
Brandon's tongue went flat for a moment and Josh pounced on the opportunity. Without even thinking, Josh pushed his way down the tongue just as it slanted in his favor slipping him toward Brandon's throat. Josh swore he could smell the distant scent of that meat and rice again as he squirmed down past the uvula. It was the point of new return as Josh traveled only down now. There was no going back as Josh slipped into the bully's esophagus.
- - -
Brandon felt the smallest of specks slip down his throat. He really wasn't sure for a second what exactly it was, but the speck he knew was Josh had notably gone missing. Opening the door to the break room, Brandon looked around the empty room before walking to the bathroom and opening his mouth to look in the mirror.
"Huh." Brandon said as he moved his tongue in every direction. "Yeah he's gone."
Brandon shrugged. He didn't care. Josh was truly pathetic enough to let himself get swallowed. Curious though, Brandon put a hand on his chest, trying to feel him at all. No avail, Brandon shrugged again and burped. "What a little loser."
Stretching as he walked out of the bathroom and back into the break room, Brandon frowned. "Shit dude. Could've jumped down my throat sooner. Save the the walk. Fucking selfish little shit."
Brandon thought of the best way to punish Josh one last time. Since he wasted his time walking the whole way here, Brandon decided he'd jog the whole way home. Smirking to himself as he stretched his legs, Brandon was glad he could torture the little runt one last time.
- - -
Josh landed moments ago in his massive bully's stomach. The smell was intense as it Josh imagined as the permeated around him like an thick fog. The contents Josh found himself in was a mixture of chocolaty protein shake and the mix of rice and meat. It was a huge mess as Josh was basically floating about in sludge. It didn't burn yet, but Josh knew it was coming sooner or later.
"Whatever, it's worth it." Josh said to himself, content in his crazy decision to throw himself down Brandon's throat. "He won't throw me up. This is it."
A few minutes went by and the once peaceful chamber suddenly started to bounce. It was subtle at first as Josh looked around as himself and the contents of the stomach shifted up and down… Until it started to violently bounce up and down sending Josh screaming and flying as he was mixed in with the sludgy chyme. It didn't take long before Josh was easily smothered by the half digested food. What little peace and excitement Josh hoped to find in Brandon's stomach was absolutely destroyed as Brandon ran along on the outside.
- - -
Brandon sweat a little as he made his way back to his apartment. Letting himself in Brandon clutched his stomach a little as he had a cramp.
"Whew! Never run on a full stomach." Brandon said to himself as he sat down and rubbed his gut. "Not unless you're teaching a little shit his place. Fuck you runt. I hope it was hell in there."
Brandon leaned back, content with what happened. It sucked he might have to find a new job, but at least he was rid of that tiny loser for good.
"What am I doing… this is crazy." Josh said to himself as he pushed through the food. It was stupid and foolish to throw his life away like this. Pushing his way to the top of the food, Josh looked up and waved to Brandon, wanting to be spotted. Unfortunately, Josh saw Brandon's gaze still fixed at the TV and he scooped up some food a distance away from him. "I better just focus on getting off the plate…"
Brandon peeked down at the plate, not looking too hard but noticing a little movement. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Josh push his way to the top of the food and wave briefly before looking like he was starting to move to the edge of the plate. Deliberately, Brandon scooped up some more food away from Josh, but not looking at the man or acknowledging him at all.
"Hmmm must've changed his mind about getting eaten…" Brandon thought to himself as he swallowed down his food. Watching Josh move closer to the edge of plate, Brandon scooped Josh into his spoon. Not looking at the spoon at all, Brandon simply shoved the food in his mouth. Swishing the mixture of meat and rice around a little, Brandon could feel a slight squirm right before he swallowed. Brandon sighed as he leaned back ans smirked as he looked down at his sweaty ripped abs. "Oh whoops. Didn't see him."
Smirking still, Brandon took a swig of his soda. Burping and patting his chest, Brandon went back to finishing his meal chucking to himself that Josh even thought he had a choice to back out.
- - -
Josh clawed pathetically at the walls of Brandon's esophagus, only to be washed down easily by a torrent of soda. Josh screamed as he was spat out in the giant bully's stomach. In a panic, Josh scurried about, splashing and crawling around trying to find top from bottom as he heard a massive belch roar from above as Brandon's stomach contracted and churned.
"No no no!" Josh yelled. "I thought I made myself noticeable! Brandon! I changed my mind!"
Josh knew there was nothing he could do. He didn't have his phone. There was no miracle where Brandon would lay down and let him crawl out. Brandon was going to keep eating until there was nothing left on his plate.
"Even then… he's already made up his mind…" Josh solemnly said to himself as he heard another plop as more food entered the stomach. Josh tried to accept his fate, unknowing that Brandon had decided it for him. Brandon's stomach churned once again, pulling Josh more toward the pit of the massive bully's belly. Screaming in a mix of fear and pain, Josh regretted his desires to be eaten by his old bully as he was pulled under the surface to become one with the giant's meal.
With a final belch from above, Brandon had finished his meal, still entertained by the fact the Josh thought he had any say in being his food or not.
Bored from sitting still for so long, Josh decided that Brandon's threat to stepping on him must be pretty hallow if they giant decided to just leave him for so long. Climbing up the side of the plate, Josh slide off the edge as he was a little covered in grease before slipping his way off the table and down to the floor.
"That was easier than I thought…" Josh looked up at the massive table, having used the grease to his advantage to slip down the leg. Now on the floor, Josh decided to start looking around, entranced by the sheer size of Brandon's apartment. After only a few minutes, Josh jumped as he heard the stomping of feet at the door. Instinctively, Josh ran against the nearest wall so as not to be caught in the middle of the floor.
"Yo, little shit, I'm back." Brandon announced himself as he walked into the room, covered in sweat and muscles absolutely bulging from the gym. Brandon walked over to the table past Josh and looked down at the plate. "You little bitch. What the fuck did I tell you?"
Josh watched as Brandon looked around quickly at the floor immediately under him. "You better hope I don't find you, runt. I don't eat food off the ground, but I do stomp worthless bugs on my floor!"
Brandon stomped by in his black running shoes, kicking them off and tossing them at his doors to show his sweat drenched black socks instead. Josh swallowed a little in fear, those foot falls were not light, nor did it seem like they would have cared if they came crashing down on him by mistake.
"Maybe dropping to the floor wasn't such a good idea…" Josh said to himself, wondering how much of Brandon's words and actions were actually acting or not. Josh watched as the giant stomped out of the room and into the bathroom. Josh moved away from the wall, hoping he could find a place to be seen before Brandon came back out.
Josh heard the shower turn on, figuring he was safe on the floor for now as he head for…
"Maybe if I can just get up on the sofa or something… he'll see me and I can just lie and say I slipped off the plate…" Josh said to himself as he looked over at the sofa, which wasn't too far from where he was hiding. Deciding that he was safe to cross the floor while Brandon showered, Josh started his journey. Trying to make his way with haste, but not wanting to tire himself out by dashing to the sofa, Josh made it to his destination, sweating a little as he hoped the fabric of the sofa would make for an easy climb. Grabbing onto the fabric, Josh started to make his way up the cushion.
Meanwhile, Brandon was finishing up his shower, still fuming that the little runt would dare disobey him and leave the plate. Stepping out and grabbing his towel, Brandon scowled in the mirror as he dried himself off. Looking around the floor of the bathroom, Brandon almost hoped to stop the tiny man peeping at him as he stood naked in his bathroom.
"If I saw that little bitch in here he'd be pulverized flat…" Brandon leered angrily as he looked around the floor for any movement. Not seeing anything, Brandon gave the little guy at least the smallest amount of credit that he didn't stalk him into the bathroom. Wrapping the towel around his waist, Brandon left the bathroom and casually made his way into his bedroom. Not bothering to look at the floor as he stomped his way in with his bare feet. Tossing aside his towel and again looking at the floor, Brandon was suspicious Josh had weaseled his way into his room. Picking up a pair of compression shorts off the ground, Brandon shook them a little, almost assuming Josh had jumped into them. Seeing nothing, Brandon shrugged as he put them on and located a pair of black knee high socks, again inspecting them for any tiny bitches before putting them on. Scratching his head, Brandon grabbed a hat and put it on backwards before leaving his room only wearing the three pieces of clothes he bothered to find.
"Yo, little bitch if you're still alive and out here, I MIGHT not crush you if I find you." Brandon half heartedly promised, feeling like if Josh had at least stayed out here he didn't plan on peeping. Clearly, there was no response to Brandon's words as he stomped his way into the kitchen, grabbing himself a protein shake and some food before going back out into his living room. Brandon set his plate down on top his old one and set down his shake as he looked around a little. Turning toward his sofa, Brandon…
Josh looked directly up at Brandon's backside, waving and yelling out for the giant to look before he sat. He quickly realize Brandon had no intention of looking down as the giant's massive bubble butt tightly clad in the compression shorts started to fall down toward him in what felt like slow motion. Josh didn't know which way to run. In the time he took looking and trying to decide, he never even made a move as Brandon ass crashed down on top of him. From the tiny man's point of view, he would have been better off if a building had fallen on him. At the very least his suffering would have been more instant.
Between the softness of the sofa and Brandon's almost rock hard glutes. It was like a mix of having all his bones broken, with the added bonus of being pinned in place and suffocating. Luckily though, the impact was strong enough where Josh didn't suffer long as Brandon got comfortable in his seat.
"Stupid little bitch." Brandon said to himself as he leaned forward to grab his plate of food and flipping on his tv. Brandon still couldn't believe Josh couldn't sit still and let himself get eaten by him. Brandon smirked as he took a sip of his protein, knowing he was going to really do it, fully planning on digesting the little guy.
"Maybe he figured that out…" Brandon tried to give Josh a little credit, chalking that up as his reason to try and escape. Brandon didn't dwell on it for long. Where could the little bitch have even made it to by now? Even if he did somehow make it outside his apartment building, there's no way he'd make it far. Shrugging as he continued to eat his food, it really didn't matter what Josh did. Little did Brandon know, it truly didn't take long for the insignificant bug to get himself killed.
Brandon turn to look quickly at his sofa, glancing down and seeing the scurry of something. Smirking, Brandon started to lower his ass down on the panicked speck. Deliberately hanging his ass just barely from crashing down on the little man, before spreading his legs and positioning himself further back in the seat. Looking down, Brandon chuckled a little as he saw Josh bounce off his crotch and back down onto the sofa, between his legs. Waiting a second, Brandon reach down and plucked the little man up and leaned back with him in his palm before grinning arrogantly at the terrified tiny.
"Well well well. Look who came crawling back." Brandon sneered at Josh, still pissed he didn't learn his place and wait on the plate. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have just sat on you."
"Brandon, I…" Josh was in shock Brandon spotted him, but also wasn't sure how much was serious or if the giant was still acting. "I went to the edge of the plate, I slipped off because of the grease!"
"Oh really?" Brandon peeked over at the table the plate was sitting on. "Why didn't you just stay on the table then?"
Josh bit his lip. He didn't expect Brandon to push so hard. "I was covered in grease. Once I started sliding… I couldn't stop."
Josh expected the worst as Brandon stared at him for a moment, before the giant simply shrugged. "Whatever. So then what? You climbed up on the sofa and hoped I wouldn't sit on you?"
"That was the plan, yes. But it took a lot longer than I thought…" Josh said truthfully, as he was at least hoping he'd make it to the arm of the sofa instead of being dead center in the cushion. Brandon simply started laughing at the little guy.
"And here I thought you were really trying to escape, runt." Brandon looked smugly at Josh. "Well I guess I won't crush you for disobeying me. But this is your first, and only warning."
"T-thank you." Josh genuinely was thankful, still not sure how serious Brandon was. Brandon stretched forward and set Josh down on the little table, the smell of fresh food wafting over from the plate. Grabbing his protein drink Josh watched as Brandon reclined and chugged the beverage. Josh blushed a bit as the giant burped obnoxiously after he finished it, setting down the massive bottle down on a little space on the table behind him.
"Well now that's all settled, shrimp. Why don't we pick up where we left off?" Brandon asked Josh, who froze a little in fear. Josh realized, Brandon must've not been acting before with the threats of crushing. Josh wasn't sure how far Brandon was going to go with all of this, but decided playing along was best.
"Uh yeah. Where did we leave off? A lot of excitement kinda happened between now and then." Josh lied again, knowing exactly where they left off, but wanted to try and play it off like he forgot.
Brandon scratched his chin for a second before answering….
"Oh as if I'd forget, squirt." Brandon smirked arrogantly as he leaned forward, looming over Josh as he sat on the small table. "I went to the gym to do my strength training, after all I'm a super star on the foot ball team. You though, you're a tiny little nerd, who's only use to me is to be a speck of protein for my growth."
Josh sweat a little. Brandon seemed like he was going back into what they were roleplaying, to pretend to be in high school again. However as the muscular giant leaned forward, Josh felt both anxious and a bit nervous about how convincing he was.
"P-please, I'll help you cheat on your tests!" Josh tried to get back into the idea of roleplay. "I know you said you have someone doing your homework, but I can still help!"
Brandon laughed cockily as he slowly stood up from the sofa, looming over Josh like a sky scraper as he looked down at the pathetic tiny.
"I told you, runt. I don't need you for any of that." Brandon reached slowly down for Josh, pinching him between his fingers as he brought him up wo his handsome smirking face. "I need you for a snack."
"B-but I'm barely worth considering a snack!" Josh sweat profusely, staring into Brandon's bright arrogant smile.
"You got that right, you're next to worthless." Brandon mocked Josh all too easily. "All the more reason to just get rid of you."
"Wait!" Josh tried to call out as Brandon held him in front of his lips, but the giant paint him no mind as he easily slurped him in his mouth. Sucking Josh around his mouth and into his cheeks, Brandon chuckled as he could barely feel Josh feebly struggling within.
"Squirm all you want, runt." Brandon mocked Josh as he shoved the tiny man against the roof of his mouth. "Just like you'd squirm in the halls when I'd pin you against your locker and steal your homework."
Brandon knew Josh couldn't fight back. He couldn't back then, and he sure as hell couldn't now. Without even thinking about it, Brandon shoved Josh's pathetic little body to the back of his throat, and swallowed the tiny loser down with a simple gulp.
"Hmmm…" Brandon actually stopped for a second. He didn't actually plan on swallowing him right now. But his instincts just kicked in and he couldn't help it. Shrugging, it didn't matter to Brandon. Now that he went through with it, he had absolutely no intention of letting the little loser out.
- - -
Josh landed deep in Brandon's massive stomach with a resounding splat, filled with half digested food and waves of protein shake, Josh could hardly find any kind of purchase in the messy liquidly cavern. Simply trying to stay afloat, Josh tried not to panic. This was all just roleplay for fun after all! Surely Brandon was going to rescue him any moment.
"Hah… just enjoy it while you're down here!" Josh said to himself, washing up on a wrinkle on the wall of Brandon's gut. "Oh no! He ate me! Such a betrayal from my classmate!"
Josh kept up his end of the roleplay, even though there was no point in it. Suddenly a bellowing roar from above and a major contraction in Brandon's gut, caused Josh to be flung from his perch as the giant belted out another mighty disgusting burp. Treading sludge again Josh heard Brandon's voice, speaking to him through the walls of his stomach.
"Really get into the role of becoming food, runt!" Brandon mocked Josh. "I bet you're doing great!"
"Huh… ha…" Josh tried to laugh but was seriously growing concerned. Focusing more on staying alive than listening to Brandon, Josh fought back and fourth with the contractions and churns of the stomach for as long as he could.
- - -
Brandon sat back in his sofa, turning on the tv and burping loudly again. Scratching his stomach, he wondered if Josh even heard him when he talked to his gut.
"Probably not, bitch ass little loser probably already died." Brandon said to himself as he absentmindedly flipped through a few channels. Leaning back and flexing his arms behind his head, Brandon couldn't help but smirk a little more as he thought about Josh being horribly digested on the other side of his abs. It really was a fitting end for the dumb loser of person who wanted to roleplay some dumb fake high school fantasy.
The mountainous door to the bathroom slammed shut, causing a small gust of wind to travel down the hall and wash over Josh. Even when Brandon was far away his power could be felt through the apartment. When Josh heard the shower turn on, he blushed. He remembered back to high school, which wasn't hard considering he was roleplaying it just a few moments ago.
Josh had forgotten his notes in his locker in the lockerroom. Ordinarily he wouldn't even go NEAR the locker room this late because he knew that his bullies often hung around there. Unfortunately, those notes were the only way he was going to pass his human anatomy exam, so he snuck into the musky room when he thought the coast was clear. But as he grabbed his folder of notes and turned around to leave, he was trapped by the athletic frame of Brandon, blocking his only easy way out of the room.
"The fuck are you doing in here, nerd? Aren't you supposed to be in the liberry or something?" The jock approached Josh like a lion approaches a gazelle. He was shirtless, wearing only shorts and having a dry towel slung around his shoulders, sweat dripping from him in buckets. Josh put two and two together and reasoned that Brandon had just come back from an intense work out and was preparing to take a shower.
"Oh, hi Brandon. I-I was just getting something I…left…uh…" As Brandon stopped in front of Josh, the smaller teen was forced to look up at his bully. Brandon could smell the fear on him and it made him smirk. "U-Uh…also…it's library."
The smirk faded.
"That's what I said. Liberry."
"N-No, you're saying lie-berry. It's pronounced lie-brar--"
The jock's hand slams behind Josh, nearly pinning him to the locker.
"Are you calling me fUCKING STUPID, SHRIMP?" Brandon's voice sent a chill down Josh's spine. It almost made the muggyness of the locker room feel cold from sheer intimidation.
"N-No, I just--" Josh couldn't finish. He was pushed to the ground, forced onto his butt and then back as he looked up at Brandon in terror.
"You might think you're SMARTER than me, loser, but guess what? You're still a fucking loser! You're not BETTER than me just cause you KNOW more than me, Josh." There was a noticeably insecure hesitation in his voice. Josh would have focused on the implications it more if he weren't so scared of what Brandon was going to do to him in that moment.
"You're a puny little shrimp. A worm. A fucking BUG." Brandon stomped closer, looming over the nerd. "And no matter how smart they are, all bugs are good for is getting. Fucking. Stomped!"
Brandon raised his sweaty foot above his target. Josh wouldn't have the reaction time to shield his face in his hands. Instead, he took the full brunt of Brandon's sole to the face. Josh hit the floor and winced in pain. He looked up again. Big mistake. This time Brandon's other foot smothered his face. Josh was forced to take in the smell and sweat and TASTE of his bully's work out. It was utterly humiliating. And it only stopped once Brandon got all his anger out.
"You ever perv on me when I'm about to take a shower again, and I'll stomp you out like the bug you are." Brandon said, finally letting Josh go. Each of his footfalls boomed as he made his way to the shower. Josh curled up in a fetal position for a bit. He wanted to run, but felt too small to get off the floor.
Brandon's sweaty feet made footprints on his floor that led to the bathroom where he now prepared to shower. Josh, against his better judgement, followed the gigantic sweat stains like a mouse following the scent of cheese. And, much like a mouse, he didn't stop to process if he was walking into a trap. Josh walked closer to the footprint on the ground. He wasn't even as big as the puddle left by Brandon's big toe. Eventually, Josh made his way to the door of the bathroom. He could start to feel the heat and humidity from the incoming shower. The temperature in the air rose and rose until eventually, the door swung open.
The tiny man craned his neck up and got a full view of Brandon. Starting at his now bare feet, up to his strong legs, past his crotch (clad only in tight underwear), up his abs- now hungry, and finally to his handsome face, which was currently looking down at his phone. He stopped in the doorway and rotated his torso a bit to take a provocative selfie with a smug smile. Presumably one that showed off his bubble butt based on the angle. And also presumably one to send to someone he wanted to impress. But at Josh's angle, everything about him was impressive.
Brandon shut off his phone. He prepared to take a step. Josh, still mesmerized by the titan, couldn't move away from the gigantic sole that hung above him just like it did several years ago. The sole rose high above in the air, up until…
Brandon's phone shut off and he prepared to take another step. But at the last possible second he saw a small squirming something on the floor. His handsome face formed a small frown as he had to squint to make sure what he was seeing was correct.
The bug sized man yelled up to his former bully. But from that far away, Brandon could barely even make out the squeaks of his tiny vocal cords. Something started to bubble up inside of him as he looked down at the barely noticeable genius below. Josh was wildly more successful. Made more money. Was a nicer person and probably had way more friends than him at this point. But a realization hit the jock in that moment:
None of that mattered. Beacuase in that moment, HE had all the power.
A sadistic smirk slowly carved itself into Brandon's perfect face. He turned his phone back on and in two taps he was in his camera, starting to record. He had the feeling he'd want to savor this moment later.
"I'm sure you're saying something right now. Yelling for me to notice you. Begging for your life, probably." Brandon scoffs, then squats down to get closer, his lower section nearly hovering over Josh like an eclipse.
"But I don't CARE. Know why? You're a puny little shrimp. A worm. A fucking BUG." The giant was now feeling an almost euphoric sense of power, fueled by nostalgia. He stood up once more to get one last view of the tiny loser. He raised his foot up in the air. It was still caoted in sweat, a bit of dirt, and the remains of some ant he had stepped on earlier lay disgustingly on his heel. He probably hadn't even noticed he stepped on it. As Brandon spoke, his voice dropped an octave.
"And no matter how smart they are, all bugs are good for is getting….fucking…."
The bully stomped down hard on the floor. There was so much passion in the step, that his whole apartment shook a bit. The jock felt a rush of power stronger than he'd ever felt in his life. Breathing heavily, he adjusted the front of his underwear a bit before peeking at the bottom of his left sole. Still recording, Brandon's phone camera could barely register the red stain on the bottom of his foot. Bur Brandon sure could. He had just snuffed out the life of someone who he tormented for years, but had unkowingly tormented him too.
He turned off his phone again, the video complete. He went and got more soap, the reason he had opened the door in the first place, and then he stepped carefully into the shower. Before cleaning the stain off of his foot, he stared at it for a bit, almost in disbelief of what he had done. But that feeling soon faded and was replaced with a different one. He laughed a little. He didn't have the vocabulary to describe the feeling accurately. But had he explained it to Josh, the nerd probably would have described the feeling as catharsis.
"Why don't we go to the beach then?" Josh asked, feeling like he liked the idea a little better than giving Brandon the power of being a giant, be it even in just role play.
"Fine by me." Brandon shrugged, knowing regardless of what Josh picked he planned on making the little man's life just ever so slightly more difficult. Brandon made his way out of the break room, shutting the door behind him as the two made their way outside. Josh shielded his eyes briefly as the sun hit his face, still strong and warm even though it was later in the day. Brandon made his way down the block toward the beach before stopping and looking around. "Any good places I can grab something to go around here?"
"Uhhh…" Josh looked out into the enormous world, trying to figure out where he even was, let alone what restaurants were near by. "I'm not really sure to be honest."
"You're real helpful!" Brandon frowned down at Josh. "You'd be more helpful in my gut right about now, dude."
Josh tried to laugh, being it the second time Brandon made a comment like that. Brandon wasn't laughing as he looked down at Josh fairly seriously. Josh swallowed hard as he looked around, finally realizing where they were. "Um, I think there's a good burger joint like right around that corner!"
"Man you better be right." Brandon commented grumpily, stomach growling as he felt like he hadn't eaten all day. Turning the corner however, there was in fact a little burger place. Making his way inside, Brandon shoved his hand into his tank top down on his abdomen, pressing Josh into his belly button as he went about his business to order food. Josh blinked, not having much time to react to being shoved in the giant's naval so suddenly. Josh heard Brandon start to order from the other side of his shirt, but he couldn't really make out too much of the conversation as Brandon's stomach continued to make noise now directly next to Josh.
Brandon started to move as Josh heard the crinkling of a bag as he found that the giant had moved back outside, walking his way over to the beach once more, while simultaneously eating one of what Josh assumed to be many burgers. Josh could easily hear Brandon's chewing and swallowing, coupled with the food's entrance into the man's empty hungry stomach. Every groan and gurgle made Josh a little nervous, but also a little curious, seeing as he had spent a very short amount of time stewing in the bully's belly himself. Brandon stopped, seemingly at the edge of the beach. Having finished eating, Josh watched as Brandon's shirt pressed forward, sealing him in darkness in the giant's belly button as Brandon rested his hand on his stomach. Some bubbling came from Brandon's gut before being forced out in a massive burp. Josh felt his face get bright red as from his position it just sounded so much louder. Finally, Brandon moved his hand away from his stomach before reaching into his shirt, pinching Josh between two fingers as he pulled the little man out.
"Did you have fun in there, buddy?" Brandon asked, seemingly now in a better mood now that he's eaten.
"It was pretty neat." Josh tried to play along as he dangled far above the ground in front of Brandon's face. Josh sweat a little nervously as it was just his shirt Brandon held pinched between his fingers. "I'm pretty far up here though!"
"Ha! Yeah I didn't even realize!" Brandon chuckled as he moved Josh closer to his face. Instead, Brandon opened his mouth, dangling Josh over his face, looking straight down his throat. Josh squirmed a little as Brandon started to lower him into his mouth before pulling him away, setting the tiny man safely in his hand. "Just kidding, bro."
"Ha… you almost had me!" Josh panted, feeling like the experience was almost exciting in a way. Josh looked up at Brandon's handsome smiling face, almost feeling like he wanted to be dropped in the huge man's mouth. Shaking the feeling Josh tried to play it causal, not wanting to ruin his first time hanging out with his old bully. "I really thought for a minute you were gonna do it!"
"Dude the first thing you're gonna realize the more we hang out, is that I just like messing with people." Brandon winked at Josh. Brandon smirked as he watched Josh relax, knowing just now how much easier it's going to be to bully the tiny man. "You can take it though. I've seen how Tyler messes with you."
"Yeah he definitely does." Josh mulled over how similar Brandon seemed like Tyler in that respect. "I guess you guys are a little alike in that respect."
"All the more reason to hang out with me, dude!" Brandon smirked more, hoping his bullying will continue to play off as "harmless". "Now then dude, I think we should hit the beach."
"Agreed!" Josh replied excitedly as he looked out at the beach. There were only a few people hanging around still. A few joggers, mostly surfers. Seemingly all the families had headed home by now. Josh shifted in Brandon's hand as the man leaned down, untying his shoes.
"How do you feel about feet, dude?" Brandon asked, Josh as he pulled off his shoes, showing his tight black socks. "I knew a dude once who freaked out at the sight of feet. So I figured I'd ask."
"I have no problem, besides I can't imagine you want your socks and shoes all sandy!" Josh answered politely as Brandon stripped off his sweaty socks. Brandon stuffed his socks on one of his shoes, holding them both as he walked out in the beach, sand between his massive toes below. Stopping a good distance from the water, Brandon set his shoes down and pulled off his tank top, setting it on the ground before sitting on it.
"I don't really feel like holding you this whole time, bud." Brandon looked down at Josh in his hand. "I can either just set you on my chest while I lean back and get some rays, or I can drop you in my shoe for the time being."
"But.." Josh tried to retort, feeling like both options seemed a little awkward for him.
"Nah dude, just pick or I'll pick for you." Brandon looked at Josh seriously, wanting to flaunt his power over forcing Josh into an uncomfortable situation. "Plus there's always room in my stomach."
Josh tried to laugh a little nervously, knowing what Brandon had just said about him messing with him. Trying to be light-hearted about the situation, Josh decided he'd spend some time…
"Honestly, I'd rather just rest on your chest." Josh answered, feeling like it would be less gross than sitting in Brandon's sweaty shoe. Brandon shrugged as he leaned back, starting to rest off his shirt and into the sand a little. Placing Josh now on his chest, Brandon rested his hands behind his head, exposing his hairy arm pits to either side of Josh now.
"You like my body that much, huh?" Brandon mocked Josh as he looked down at the little man nestled between his pecs. Josh shifted awkwardly, looking up at Brandon's face.
"S-sorry, I didn't know you'd take it that way if I picked your chest." Josh tried to apologize, blushing a bit because Brandon's body really was very impressive.
"Too late now, huh?" Brandon smirked, laughing to himself that he forced Josh into an apology after he made such an offhanded comment. "I figured you'd pick my shoe. I was joking about putting you on my bare chest, bro."
"Oh sorry, I can go in the shoe then if that's better." Josh apologized again, simply wanting to do whatever Brandon wanted him to do, hoping the huge man would like him more. Brandon on the other hand was simply enjoying the easy control he had over Josh.
"Nah you're already here, plus I'm comfy." Brandon shrugged. "So I guess you luck out, huh?"
"I guess so, thanks Brandon." Josh smiled, kind of glad Brandon didn't change his mind and put him in the shoe. Now that the two men were comfortable, Josh took in his surroundings a bit better. Brandon's massive chest started producing beads of sweat, large enough to carry Josh away. The warm sun, although it was setting now, still blasted down on Brandon's body, creating heat all around Josh's tiny form. Josh felt Brandon's heart beating right below him as he looked down the chest toward the giants abs. Josh swallowed as he turned away from Brandon's stomach, not wanting to give the giant the wrong idea of him admiring the chiseled abs.
Not really able to see Brandon's face, Josh was curious if the man had closed his eyes or not. Moving forward a little up Brandon's right pec, Josh…
"Hey Brandon." Josh spoke up to get the giant's attention. Brandon moved his head forward a bit, seeing Josh had made his way to his right pec now.
"Hey Josh." Brandon answered back, peeking at Josh through one partially open eye.
"Umm I just wanted to thank you for asking me to hang out." Josh simply said, a little bashfully. "I didn't think you liked me."
"What made you think that?" Brandon asked, knowing it was a fairly loaded question.
"Well just like, you know, stuff that happened in high school." Josh answered, nervously, knowing confronting Brandon about his old ways may not be the wisest idea he's ever had.
"What stuff? I'm no different now than I was back then." Brandon answered, knowing he had bullied Josh pretty brutally back in high school.
"Really?" Josh tilted his head quizzically. "You're a lot nicer to me now then back then, I feel."
"You feel wrong then, bro." Brandon smirked. "I always just like messing with people. I liked messing with you in high school, and I like it now."
"R-really?" Josh asked, surprised. "Maybe hanging out with Tyler taught me to take it a little better. I remember being really upset a lot in high school."
"Yeah I could tell you'd get pretty upset." Brandon laughed. "All the more reason to do it to you more though, toughen you up."
"Wow, I never thought about it like that." Josh puzzled, always just feeling like he was being bullied, not playfully messed with. "Brandon…"
"Sup, shortie?" Brandon smirked as Josh looked like he still had more to say.
"I'm really sorry I was such a baby in high school." Josh looked down, feeling bad despite the fact that Brandon was currently playing him. "Plus I remember I was so cold to you a lot. I always thought you were just a bully. I'm sorry."
Brandon leaned his head forward a little, opening both his eyes as he looked down at the little man apologizing to him on his chest. He couldn't believe the hell he put the man through, not just in high school, but even today in yet he was the one being apologized to.
Due to this Brandon truly felt…
"Hey everyone makes mistakes, bud!" Brandon smirked at Josh arrogantly. "Not everyone is perfect, like me of course!"
"Ha, too true, friend." Josh smiled, playing right into Brandon's hands once again. "You're a good guy Brandon."
Brandon felt like he could burst with laughter, but held it back as best he could. "Well this good guy thinks he's gotten enough sun!"
Brandon held his hand beneath Josh, catching him as he slid off his chest into his palm. Retrieving his shirt off the sandy ground as well as his shoes and socks, Brandon made his way off the beach as the sun was starting to disappear over the ocean. Slinging his shirt over his shoulder and holding both his shoes in one hand and Josh in the other, Brandon started making his way down a street, away from the park or even Josh's home.
"Where are we going, Brandon?" Josh asked up to the massive man curiously.
"Well I wanna keep chilling with you, but now I'm all sandy." Brandon shook his feet a little. "So I'm bringing you back to my place so I can get a shower."
"Oh ok!" Josh just agreed with whatever Brandon wanted to do. Trying not to worry about if Bobby or Tyler were wondering where he was since he had left his phone in his office, Josh just tried to enjoy spending time with Brandon for now.
Brandon made his way around a couple blocks, Josh could only imagine how hot the side walk must have been on Brandon's bare feet, but the giant seemed unfazed as they finally made their way into an apartment complex a little ways into town. Finally inside Brandon's apartment, he set down his shoes by the door, walking over to a tv tray fold up table, setting Josh down and throwing his shirt onto the futon it was station in front of. Josh looked around the room, it was very plain with a mid sized tv across from the grey futon. More tv trays were stacked against the wall apart from the one Josh now stood on. Josh turned and watched as Brandon strode out of the room back facing Josh as he caught a nice glimpse of Brandon's huge bubble butt sticking out plainly from his shorts.
"Try and stay out of trouble, I'll be right back." Brandon said without looking back to Josh as he closed the door to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Josh sat down, heeding Brandon's words and resisting his urge to look around a little little.
- - -
Some time had passed and Josh finally heard the shower shut off and not long after Brandon had reappeared with nothing but a towel around his waist. Josh tried not to stare, but the huge man had other plans as he walked over to Josh, still a little wet from his shower as he easily loomed over the small tv tray with his height.
"Yo, that shit was refreshing." Brandon smiled down at Josh as he shook his head a little to get water out of his ears. "There was a lot of sand in a lot of uncomfortable places, dude."
"Ha… I can imagine…" Josh tried to comment, feeling a little awkward at seeing Brandon in nothing but a towel.
"What's wrong squirt?" Brandon asked, knowing exactly why Josh was being so fidgety. "Oh I know, you want a tour of my pad, huh?"
"Oh… umm… sure." Josh answered awkwardly, hoping the hunk would at least put on some shorts before that. Brandon scooped Josh up however, holding him dangerously close to his body, particularly his waist, knowing it was making the little man very embarrassed.
"Bet I smell good, huh?" Brandon looked down at Josh at his waist. Not bothering to wait for an answer, Brandon knew he was just making Josh more and more uncomfortable by the second. Starting to show Josh around the apartment, Brandon really took his time showing each room, occasionally tilting his hand so Josh would slide up against his crotch for a few moments before the little man would slink away. Finally making it to his bedroom, Brandon set Josh down on nightstand next to what looked like a sweaty pair of socks. Josh covered his nose as they smelt quite rancid before he looked back to Brandon.
"What should I wear, squirt? Nothing?" Brandon asked Josh as he suddenly dropped his towel. Josh turned bright red before he realized Brandon had been wearing that same pair of grey spandex underwear from earlier. Brandon laughed as he knew he got a reaction out of Josh from it. "Yeah I had em on all along, bro. Just wanted to prank ya."
Josh sat down, a little overwhelmed as Brandon continued to laugh, pulling up a new pair of black shorts with yellow accents on them. Not bothering with a shirt or socks, Brandon grabbed his hat from before, putting it on backwards as he went over to Josh and scooped the little man up.
"I'm feeling shirtless, deal?" Brandon asked Josh as he made his way out into the living room and sitting down at the futon.
"It's your apartment." Josh answered, honestly not minding seeing Brandon's thick solid muscles on display all day.
"Good." Brandon said in a commanding tone. Leaning back a little as he set Josh back down on the tv tray Brandon looked at Josh from the corner of his eyes with a smirk. "Yo, Josh."
"Umm, yes Brandon?" Josh answered back, sitting down on the now familiar tray.
Brandon smirked even more arrogantly before saying…
"I'm hungry again, dude." Brandon looked at Josh before he ran a hand down his abdomen.
"Oh wow, already?" Josh looked at Brandon a little shocked. Sure it had been a few hours, but he didn't realize how quickly Brandon could get hungry. "What are you hungry for?"
"You." Brandon said simply as he stared right at Josh. Josh laughed nervously again as Brandon held a very straight and serious face. Neither men said a word for several second before Josh decided to speak up.
"Well I wouldn't be very filling?" Josh tried to offer as a response, never really sure when Brandon was joking or not.
"Yeah true. You would even be a snack. You're more like a crumb." Brandon shrugged, but still kind of wanting to torture Josh in his gut once again. "I don't feel like making anything though."
"You could order something?" Josh offered as a solution, not particularly wanting to be on the menu. "I'm sure you still have some of that money Cliff gave you?"
"Yeahhh but I don't wanna spend it…" Brandon leaned back lazily. "So my only snack in the house is you, bro."
"Ummm what if I paid for your food?" Josh felt like he was almost pleading not to be a snack at this point.
"With what? Tiny money?" Brandon rose an eyebrow to Josh. "Don't think they accept that."
"I have my credit card on me!" Josh answered, sweating, really unsure how far Brandon was just messing with him over being serious.
"Hmm… I guess that can be a thing." Brandon smiled cockily, glad to know how easy it was to intimidate Josh into buying him food. Brandon thought it over for a minute. Part of him still really want to stubbornly end up eating Josh. Brandon wondered, if he refused Josh's offer once more how far Josh would trust him, thinking he was just playing around.
Having thought on it, Brandon decided…
"Nahhh… I'm not feeling takeout again." Brandon waved his hand. "I think I'm just gonna eat you, squirt."
Josh sweat, not sure if he should beg the giant for mercy or go along with it, figuring Brandon was just joking. 'Maybe he's not even actually hungry…' Josh thought to himself as he looked at the arrogant giant. "Well if that's what you've decided, how can I argue with you, Brandon?"
"Sure are a smart little snack just like those little candies…" Brandon leaned forward licking his lips a little.
"Ummm smarties?" Josh leaned back slightly at Brandon's voracious look.
"Nah you remind me more of nerds. One tiny speck of candy… one little nerd…" Brandon said slowly as he reached down for Josh, pinching him between his fingers like he did earlier. Josh didn't fight, he figured Brandon was just joking as Brandon stood up, lifting Josh higher and higher into the air like he did before.
"This feels familiar…" Josh said as Brandon lifted him above his face. Josh figured any moment his now friend would pretend to put him in his mouth, before taking him out and laughing at Josh once again. Brandon did in fact open his mouth, however this time Josh found himself being lowered closer and closer before Brandon completely let go of him. Josh couldn't even scream as he barely reacted to being dropped. With a splat, Josh found himself land right down onto Brandon's tongue, in shock that Brandon had just dropped him in his mouth for real.
"Well this is probably as far as he'll go…" Josh said to himself as he looked out of Brandon's mouth seeing that the man hadn't closed the massive cavern yet. Josh swallowed as he ate his own words as Brandon's mouth slowly started to close, trapping him in the darkness of the giant's mouth.
"You're kind of tasty." Brandon's voice boomed out over Josh, as the tiny man needed to cover his ears. "I never got a good taste of you earlier today, after all."
"Maybe I'm sweet, just like those nerds you mentioned?" Josh called out, still nervous, but wanting nothing more than to trust Brandon after everything that happened today.
"Mmmmm definitely." Brandon answered as he started sucking on Josh's teeny tiny body a little more. "You should squirm your little way to the back of my throat…"
"Wouldn't that be a little dangerous?" Josh tried to reason with Brandon, not sure how far the man was going to go.
"You're not gonna make me swallow you myself, are you buddy?" Brandon asked Josh softly. "It's the least you could do for me."
Josh bit his lip as he's already come this far. Against his better judgement, Josh squirmed amidst Brandon's sucking… closer and closer to the back of the giant's throat. Lost in the dark, Josh kept moving, not even realizing he was part the point of no return. Without even any audible swallow, Josh merely slipped down the throat, Brandon's natural peristalsis taking care of the rest as it carried Josh downward. Josh started to realize he had gone too far as he tried to squirm backwards, to no avail.
"Brandon!! I went too far!!" Josh panicked as Brandon's body started to pull him deeper into his massive chest. Brandon on the other hand, barely heard Josh's screams, but knew the tiny man did his job and sent himself down into his awaiting stomach.
Still standing, Brandon ran a hand down his chest, feeling faint struggles grow weaker and weaker as the descended further into his body. Completely vanishing eventually, Brandon knew Josh sealed his own fate, and the thought behind it couldn't make it more sweet for the manipulative bully.
"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Brandon patted his stomach a little obnoxiously. "That's how it should have gone earlier today…"
Resting his hand on his stomach, Brandon knew he wasn't actually hungry this whole time. Punching his chest gently a little, Brandon clenched his abs as he pushed out a mighty and wet burp.
"Ahhh, nice." Brandon complimented himself. "That was awesome…"
Brandon looked down at his chiseled abs, wondering what kind of hell Josh was being put through. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, wondering if Josh still trusted him to get him out alive…
Thinking about it… Brandon…
Brandon stretched out and yawned after thinking about it for a few seconds. Standing up of his futon and rubbing his gut, Brandon gave a devilish smirk.
"Nah let's leave him in there. Let the little punk get what he deserves." Brandon chuckled as he walked into his kitchen, looking to see if he could find a suitable snack for the time being. Grabbing a bag of chips and a soda, Brandon roughly plopped back down on his futon and turned on his TV, flipping around until he found a game of football to distract him.
"Maybe when they find out he want missing Cliff's dad will pick a new manager or something." Brandon thought out loud as he stuffed his face with chips and took a long swig of soda. Stopping for a second Brandon let loose a massive belch as he resumed his thought. "Cliff would never want to do it, but maybe he'd pick me! I'd make so much more money than I am now!"
Content in his fantasy, Brandon continued watching TV and snacking on his chips and soda. Caring absolutely not for the tiny man he so gullibly convinced he was his friend, as he digested horribly on the other side of his manipulative bully's abs.
- - -
"Brandon!" Josh plead as he was tossed about violently in the massive acidic chamber. It was rather still full of food, and Josh could help but sake the feeling Brandon had just tricked him. "Haha really funny buddy! I can see you still have a lot of food down here! So you weren't hungry, right?"
Josh received no answer. He could occasionally hear Brandon speaking to himself through the walls of the stomach, but it was all muffled and hard to make out. Instead, Josh was only greeted by the occasional plop of mushed up chips and a sudden torrent of soda as he screamed, being whisked about as if he was almost nothing inside the enormous organ. Pressure would change rapidly as Josh could hear the distant rumbles of burps coming up and out of the stomach and out Brandon's mouth. But other than that, Josh's only answers were the rhythmic groans and churns of Brandon's stomach as it went about it's business digesting it's meal.
Josh started to feel very tingly as he breathing was starting to become shallow. "Brandon…" Josh could barely muster a shout anymore. "I thought we became friends! Please let me out!"
Josh's pleas continued to go unheard. Faintly Josh could hear cheers or something come from the other side of Brandon;s stomach as Josh's whole world jumped as Brandon jumped out of his seat in excitement over football. The motion had done Josh in, as he was sent hurdling to the pit of Brandon's stomach. Struggling and crying against the acid of the massive jock bully's belly, Josh choked and gurgled as he body was easily dissolving, being broken down to fuel his old bully's body. With his last thought, Josh couldn't believe Brandon would be the one to do him in after all these years.
Brandon actually felt… bad. For some reason Josh's sincerity was not something he expected. Truth be told, all throughout high school and up till now, Brandon fully intended on being the bully he was to the pathetic tiny man. But just the way Josh opened up to Brandon now, truly made Brandon feel bad.
"Hey, dude… it's fine…" Brandon didn't know what to say.
"No really, it's not." Josh insisted. "God the amount of times I would just sneer at you and not even give you a chance. God I was an asshole…"
"No… dude. You weren't." Brandon insisted. "Dude… I was an asshole. I picked on you for no reason. Because you were smaller than me and I could. Dude.. I'm the on the who should sorry."
"Hey no… don't worry. I was an ass in high school." Josh persisted. "I just didn't understand your intentions."
"No dude." Brandon sat up more firmly, putting a hand behind Josh so he didn't go flying off his chest. "Bro, I legitimately was trying to make your life hell."
"Really? But hey it's fine." Josh smiled, trying to insist that it didn't matter. "I'm sure you had good reasons."
"I didn't though, dude." Brandon scooped Josh up, sitting up now fully. "You just couldn't fight back… I didn't have any other reason. Now you're just tiny and I ate you earlier…dude…"
Josh was taken aback by the whole situation as he found himself sitting in Brandon's palm now. "Hey slow down. It's okay. Like I said, everything is fine."
"Bro, but like… I ate you early for a bet." Brandon put his other hand to his forehead. "I've been giving you hell all day."
"Brandon… it's fine. It's no worse than Tyler and Bobby have ever done to me." Josh felt actually very bad Brandon was stressing out so bad suddenly.
"Dude…" Brandon laid back, still holding Josh in his hand. "How are you forgiving me so easily?"
"Because, we're friends now, right?" Josh was concerned. Brandon meanwhile continued to rub his forehead.
"Dude. We're leaving the beach, okay?" Brandon held Josh in his hand, sitting up all the way and getting on his feet.
"Oh okay!" Josh complied, not having much of a choice as Brandon stood up and held him. Josh watched as darkness enveloped him as Brandon carefully closed his fist as he grabbed his shirt and made his way off the beach. Some time went by as eventually Brandon had reopened his hand, revealing to Josh that he had brought him back to the breakroom. Without much presentation, Brandon let Josh off on the balcony, from the spot he had snatched the tiny man from earlier.
"Alright… I'll see you dude…" Brandon waved to Josh as he dropped him off.
"Wait…" Josh pleaded to Brandon as he turned away. Brandon stopped, clenching his fist a little. Brandon turned around to look at the tiny man.
"What, dude? I've made your life hell enough as it is today." Brandon looked away slightly, feeling guilty.
"No actually, I wanted to say I had a lot of fun today." Josh answered honestly. "Including the part where you ate me for a bet. I mean I picked you for a reason."
"And why was that?" Brandon almost angrily said, as he was mad at himself and not Josh.
"Because I trusted you." Josh said almost too innocently. Brandon turned away, not able to take Josh anymore.
"I'll see you, dude." Brandon answered, slightly choked up. Brandon walked out of the room, leaving Josh to make his way back into waterpark.
- - -
The next day, Brandon hung out with Ricky, Vinny, and Cliff, much like he did on his breaks.
"Yo, Brandon." Ricky shook Brandon out of a slight daze he was in. Brandon shook his head as he looked up at Ricky.
"Sup, dude?" Brandon asked, raising his head to look at Ricky.
"I saw the twerp running around the park today. Guess you couldn't go through with it huh?" Ricky leaned back in his chair, pompously putting his arms behind his back.
"Yeah no. He was busy." Brandon lied. "We didn't even hang out."
"Probably for the best. Saves me the headache of hearing it from my dad…" Cliff answered, barely paying attention as he played on his phone.
"Yeah totally, bro." Brandon sweat very slightly. Ricky meanwhile narrowed his eyes noticing the weakness in Brandon.
"I'm proud of you, bro." Vinny smiled, leaning over and patting Brandon on the shoulder. "Tiny bro's pretty weak, I bet he would've caved if you pressed him."
"Yeah, probably." Brandon half smiled, peeking slightly at Ricky as he saw the look he was giving him.
"So what?" Ricky sneered. "You're just gonna let him be a weak bitch?"
"No dude!" Brandon retorted, falling slightly back into his old ways. "I mean. I'll see if I can get him today."
Cliff rolled his eyes as Vinny shrugged and leaned back in his chair. Meanwhile, Ricky didn't advert his gaze on Brandon as the muscled stud stood out of his chair.
"I'll go check on the twerp now. I'll convince him for sure today." Brandon said with some confidence, mostly looking at Ricky as he said so. Brandon hurried his way out of the break room, making his way back around to the water park.
- - -
Hearing a knock at his door, Josh beckoned whoever it was inside. The door opened, and Josh watched as Brandon made his way in.
"Hey… dude." Brandon rubbed the back of his neck as he somewhat meekly made his way inside.
"Oh hi Brandon!" Josh smiled, looking up from his paper work as Brandon entered. "How's the morning going?"
"Good good…" Brandon approached Josh's desk slowly. "Hey dude, again I'm sorry about yesterday."
"I told you not to worry about it." Josh tilted his head with a smile. Brandon couldn't help but retract slightly as Josh's innocence was just too much for him.
"Yeah yeah I know." Brandon blushed slightly. "Look yesterday I was just fucking with you. But like today I just honestly just chill. If that's okay?"
"Yeah absolutely!" Josh said happily. "I'd love to. I had fun being small too actually. If we wanna do that again today?"
"Y-yeah." Brandon still felt awkward. "That's fine dude."
"Alright, I'll see you in the breakroom after work then?" Josh continued in a friendly tone.
"Yeah! Absolutely dude!" Brandon finally looked up at Josh, smiling slightly unnaturally.
Brandon left Josh's office, feeling a slight warmth in his heart. Something about being genuine with the little guy actually felt good.
- - -
As the day went by, Brandon couldn't help but feel good as he went into the break room at the end of his shift. As he entered, Brandon saw…
Brandon smirked as he entered the room. Tyler was exactly the type of guy he was used to paling around with back in high school, so naturally in the time he's been at the park the two men had already formed somewhat of a friendship.
"Yoooo Ty my guy! What's up boi!" Brandon greeted Tyler with the friendly familiar tone. Tyler turned away from his conversation with Josh and looked at Brandon with a smile.
"Yooooo B-man! Wuuuuuuzup!" Tyler answered almost too obnoxiously as he walked over and did a elbow to fist bump with the man. Josh watched the exchange with a tilted head, slightly confused as to when the two became such good friends. It wasn't that surprising to Josh though, Tyler was pretty good at making friends with anyone. Brandon finally drew his attention to Josh.
"Sup Joshy boy." Brandon said with some enthusiasm as he stood beside Tyler. "I came to check on you, bro."
"Oh, um, thanks Brandon. That's nice of you!" Josh smiled, despite the exchange he went through with his old bully earlier. "I think I remember you saying you wanted to ask me something too?"
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, my man." Brandon smiled as he put an arm around Tyler. "I didn't realize this stud was gonna be here too. But it works out better this way!"
"Why, what's up, sexy?" Tyler chuckled as he reciprocated by putting his arm around Brandon too.
"Well, bud. When I was with Josh earlier it made me realize how him and I never hang out! You two are so close though, so this works out perfect. I wanna hang out with you guys!" Brandon said with fake enthusiasm as he looked from Josh to Tyler.
"Bro that sounds great! We were hanging out after work anyway! You should join us, B-man!" Tyler said with excitement, not really giving Josh much of a choice.
"Aw sweet, bro! Yeah that'd be awesome!" Brandon patted Tyler on the back. "Well that settles that, huh buds?"
"Word, dude! Yeah meet me in the break room after work, okay?" Tyler said to Brandon as the two separated and Brandon started to make his way out of the office.
"You got it, Ty my guy!" Brandon smirked and gave him a fist bump on his way out. With the door shut, Josh still sat at his desk as Tyler smiled and turned back to him.
"Brandon's a cool dude." Tyler still smiled as he made his way back to Josh's desk. "I'm glad you hired him!"
"Yeah, he seems better than he was in high school." Josh sat back and crossed his arms a little.
"Oh right you guys went to high school together." Tyler reclaimed his spot next to Josh and squatted down. "It's good he changed right? He seems to like you a lot, dude."
"He gives me mixed feelings. Like he's still bullying me, but it doesn't seem like bullying anymore." Josh tried to rationalize his feelings.
"He's probably just poking fun at you, like I do!" Tyler put Josh in a headlock and gave him a quick noogie on his head. "It's all in good fun! You know I love ya!"
Tyler released Josh and instead put his arm around his shoulder with a smile.
"You're probably right. You guys seem a lot of like in that regard!" Josh gave a half smile back, not entirely convinced. However, he wanted to supportive of Tyler, since it seemed like the two could become good friends. Tyler gave him a thumbs up, trying to reassure his short friend.
- - -
Some time went by as the end of the approached. Josh stood once again shrunken down to 1/4th of an inch tall on the balcony in the break room, waiting up for Tyler for the now giant man to finish grabbing his stuff from the locker room. Josh saw as the door from the outside opened up and the massive form of Brandon walked into the room. Against his better judgement, Josh used the microphone to call over Brandon as he saw the massive man looking around for Tyler.
"Umm hey Brandon, he's just grabbing stuff from the locker room and we're heading out!" Josh said, as Brandon's eyes whipped around locking in on Josh's position. Josh flinched as the giant smirked and sauntered over to where he stood.
"Yooo, sup shortie. I didn't realize you were chilling with us shrunk!" Brandon said, excitedly as he reached down and grabbed Josh before he could say anything. Josh squirmed, it was definitely NOT the plan, but Brandon already held him in his hand before he could retort.
"Wait no!" Josh tried to call out to Brandon, but the giant wasn't listening. "I don't have my phone or anything! This wasn't the plan!"
Josh heard foot steps and Tyler made his way into the room and greet Brandon. After a short exchange, Tyler looked around for Josh.
"Where's the little pipsqueak?" Tyler asked looking around. Brandon opened up his palm and showed a tiny Josh in the middle "Oh there you are, dude! You hanging out with us tiny? That's awesome! I love when we do this!"
Josh was about to correct Tyler, but he stopped himself. He didn't want to disappoint his best friend, even if he was mistakenly grabbed without his permission. "Yeah, I thought it would be more fun this way!"
"Word dude! Well now that we got Brandon with us, where did we want to go?" Tyler asked the group, gauging interest. "We were just gonna go to Josh's, what do you think Brandon?"
"I'm good with whatever, my dudes!" Brandon, smirked just glad he was able to make himself a part of this. Just then Brandon's stomach gave off a loud audible gurgle. "All I know is I'm gonna need some food. Or else I might have to eat shortie here as a last resort!"
"He's good for a quick snack for sure!" Tyler laughed, knowing full well him and Bobby had both eaten the little guy not long ago. "Besides, he should be your first resort, not last."
"If you say so, bro!" Brandon brought his hand up to his mouth and pretended to shove Josh inside. The two men laughed as Brandon closed his hand and the two made their way out of the room.
- - -
The pair made their way back to Josh's house. Finding Bobby had gone out for the evening, it was just the three men at Josh's house for now. Hoping the jokes about eating him would stop, Josh ordered the two massive giants a couple huge orders of wings. Hoping the food would curb their appetites.
Brandon lounged lazily on Josh's couch, having changed out of his uniform and into a loose wide cut white tank top and black shorts. Bare feet kicked up and Chatting with Tyler who sat back in a recliner, also having changed into a tight red compression tank top and black and red shorts with a black hat pulled backwards. Meanwhile, Josh sat impatiently on his coffee table watching the clock on his cable box, wondering when the food will be delivered. A loud growl from Brandon's stomach interrupted their conversation and Brandon shifted grumpily on the couch.
"Man I'm so hungry." Brandon complained again. "Yo shrimp, when is the food getting here?"
"Should be any time soon!" Josh responded, feeling a slight bit of irritability in Brandon's voice."Maybe we can do something to pass a little time?"
"You can pass some time in my stomach, shrimp." Brandon answered, laying back and groaning. "Ty, didn't you say you and Bobby came up with a game with eating the little guy?"
"Yeah dude! Bobby wanted to make it a sport or whatever. I think I had a cool idea." Tyler started to tell his idea that wasn't used. "You'd swallow something and Josh would have to go in an get it."
"Dude that sounds cool. What do I swallow?" Brandon answered, sitting up now as he rubbed his stomach. "Can it be food?"
"He'd have to get it before you digest it! That would be cool, bro." Tyler tried to think of something they had for snack laying around. After a quick search in the kitchen, Tyler came back with a box of skittles. "I got skittles, bro. Best I can do."
"Oh nice bro." Brandon got up and grabbed the box. Dumping a mouthful in his mouth, Brandon chewed them up and swallowed.
"B-man you gotta swallow one." Tyler laughed and crossed his arms.
"Oh right, sorry. I was hungry." Brandon grabbed a red one and showed Josh. "Here, you'll find this red one in my gut, shortie."
Brandon stuck it on his tongue and swallowed the little candy down easily. Rubbing his stomach, Brandon knelt down to the coffee table and snatched Josh up again far too fast for the tiny man to have a say in the matter. Standing back up, Brandon turned to Tyler who was pulling out his phone.
"You recording this, bro?" Brandon chuckled as he looked at Tyler.
"Hell yeah dude!" Tyler started recording. "Gotta get the full experience."
Brandon smirked as he held Josh up to his lips, playing it up a little for the camera as he sucked Josh into his mouth. Opening up and adjusting Josh on his tongue, he let Tyler record the inside as he hoped Josh was stumbling and struggling on the wet slimy surface. Brandon Closed his mouth and gave a little burp before reopening it and chuckling.
"Whoops, sorry little guy." Brandon fake apologized as he started to motion Josh to the back of his throat. With a loud gulp, Brandon closed his mouth for a moment to swallow and opened back up to show Josh was gone.
"Nice, dude!" Tyler complimented Brandon. "How long do you think he has to find that skittle?"
Brandon rubbed his stomach under his tank top. "Hmmm well I am pretty hungry. I can't imagine my stomach would let it last too long. Maybe like 10 minutes?"
"Right on, bro!" Tyler smiled, excited his idea got to come to fruition. "Wanna lay down so he can try and get out? If not we'll have you hurl him up in 10 minutes."
"Sure, bruh." Brandon smirked, laying on his back with a hand on his stomach. Brandon was pretty arrogant about the situation. Sure the skittle might last that long… but with how puny Josh was Brandon imagine the little guy wouldn't last nearly as long.
"He'll be toast in my guts in ten minutes…" Brandon thought to himself silently. Laying down though, he figured he'd let whatever happened happen. However if he didn't make it out it was no skin of his bones.
Minutes passed as Josh…
Brandon laid back, arms behind his head as he occasionally glanced down at his stomach as it would make a groan or gurgle every now and then. Brandon tried to keep conversation with Tyler going though, distracting himself and Tyler from the fact that Josh was stewing away in his belly.
"Yo, Ty we should play football sometime. I bet there's a lot of guys around here that would get a group together." Brandon picked a subject he figured would be distracting.
"Hell yeah, bro. I actually play with a few guys already! I'll have to invite you next time!" Tyler lowered his phone, getting a little bored of recording anyway. "I play basketball with a few other guys too actually. If you're looking to ball, bro."
"Word bro, I'll ball." Brandon smiled, feeling like Tyler was actually a really cool dude. He couldn't help but feel it was weird he became friends with a loser like Josh. "We should hit up the gym sometime too. I haven't really found a gym buddy since moving here."
"Bro, I'll spot you whenever you want!" Tyler smiled, feeling like him and Brandon actually had a lot in common. "I wish I could convince Josh to go to the gym. But he's always making excuses like being busy with work and junk."
"He used to try and cut on gym class too, bro." Brandon chuckled. "He'd always try and hide and read books. Coach used to let me pick him up and bring him back to class."
"Man, skip out on gym? Who does that, bro!? Gym was the only class I liked." Tyler sat back and laughed. "He told me you used to pick on him, sounds like you were just looking out for him, bro!"
"I was, dude!" Brandon lied, as he relished in the times he exposed Josh's hiding spots and forced him into suffering through gym. "I just wanted him to exercise a muscle other than his brain."
"I think he realizes that now, bro. He likes you." Tyler smiled, speaking a bit on Josh's behalf, but also pushing his own interest in being Brandon's friend as well.
"Good, dude. I'm glad." Brandon smirked, feeling his stomach gurgle once again and ignoring it. Just then the door bell rang as Tyler turned his head and walked to the door.
"Food's here!" Tyler said excitedly as he didn't notice Brandon also get up to come to the door.
- - -
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" Josh screamed as Brandon's body shifted violently and suddenly everything changed directions. Brandon's stomach groaned again loudly around him, as josh found himself splatting somewhere deep down in the pit of the jock's stomach. Josh lifted his arms and noticed a burning on them as bubbling foam covered his body.
"Brandon?!" Josh called out the the bully. "I think I need to be let out…" Josh said to seemingly nobody. "Tyler?!"
There was a loud glurk from above and suddenly Josh heard a splat near him as a chunk of something dropped into the man's stomach. It smelt faintly of chicken, but Josh's senses were a little too shot to really be sure anymore.
"Hey… you guys…" Josh weakly called out as he couldn't feel his legs. The pain was starting to be overwhelming, as Josh started to fully succumb to Brandon's body as a massive belch roared above him as Josh was quickly swept in a waterfall of soda.
- - -
"BUUUUURP" Brandon belched as he downed some soda after practically engulfing a plate of wings. "Dude… that hit the spot. I needed that."
"Right? I was so hungry I couldn't think straight, bruh." Tyler said as he ripped through a plate of his own. "What were we doing?"
Brandon swallowed another chunk of food, followed by a second burp. "Uhhhhh…" Brandon put a hand on his stomach. Tyler froze as he looked at Brandon rest his hand. "Dude, do you think he's good?"
"Shit bro… I lost track of him…" Tyler let the realization hit him for a second. "Dude, it's been awhile. Plus you just chowed down… like a lot."
"I'm sorry, dude. I forgot." Brandon lied, full well knowing he got up and ate before Tyler realized what happened.
"No, dude. It's my fault. Not yours." Tyler stopped eating, losing his appetite. "Well at the very least, I hope you gave him one hell of a ride, bro."
"I hope so too, bud." Brandon put a hand on Tyler's shoulder, feeling honestly worse for him than for Josh. If there was any silver lining, the two men felt a little closer as friends now especially with the new secret the two swore to keep to their graves…
Josh huffed, a little upset as he had already pushed his way back into Brandon's esophagus. "Why don't I ever get a say in anything? I didn't want to get eaten again today!" Josh yelled out as he pushed his way forward. Brandon was definitely laying down, so Josh figured that was at least one thing going his way. A surge of peristalsis would occasions try to push Josh back, but he pressed on. Eventually, Josh got far enough where he could feel the vibrations of Brandon's voice all around him. Squeezing his way forward, Josh looked up and saw light. "He must be laying on his back…"
- - -
"Hrm.." Brandon cleared his throat as he felt a little tickle toward the back.
"Sup, bro?" Tyler asked as he noticed Brandon put a hand on his throat. "You feel him in there?"
"Maybe?" Brandon sat up and started to snort up whatever was in his throat before spitting out a nasty loogie into his hand.
"Aww gross bro!" Tyler laughed, partially impressed but also a little honestly grossed out. Tyler leaned in a little bit with his phone trying to see though, capturing a little struggling Josh in the sticky gross spit.
"What's up loogie boy!" Brandon chuckled as he saw Josh squirm. "Yo, dude! Where's the skittle! You didn't leave it in my stomach did you?"
"Bro! You didn't grab the treasure before you climbed out?" Tyler frowned and zoomed in on Josh.
"He's gonna have to go back in and get it…" Brandon smirked and held Josh up to his face.
"Waaaait!" Josh yelled as loud as he could as Brandon whipped out his tongue, ready to slurp Josh back into his mouth.
Brandon's tongue came at Josh like a massive monster as Brandon…
Completely ignoring Josh's plea to stop, Bandon lapped out his tongue totally engulfing Josh and slurping him into his mouth. Quickly, sucking the puny tiny back in Brandon swallowed forcibly even putting his fingers to his throat as he sent Josh hurtling back down into the depths of his stomach. Patting his chest, Brandon gave another slightly muted burp as he leaned back with a smirk.
"Bro, was he trying to say something?" Tyler asked, unsure if he heard something or not as he stopped recording Brandon re-swallowing Josh.
"Huh, no." Brandon lied, knowing he heard Josh yell to wait, but he couldn't possibly care. "I didn't hear anything, anyway."
"I was probably just hearing things, dude!" Tyler shrugged it off, knowing Josh was so small he could've been squeaking about anything. "Bro I can't believe he didn't bring the skittle up with him!"
"Right, dude?" Brandon agreed as he laid back down on his back, resting his hand on his stomach again. "He better hurry, dude. That skittle is melting away."
"Oh shit, bro!" Tyler looked down at his phone at the time. "It's already been almost ten minutes!"
"Oh man really?" Brandon was slightly disappointed at his own short time frame, plus Josh basically resetting the clock. "Shiit what do we do, bro?"
"Uhhhh…" Tyler leaned back thinking. "I mean that skittle is probably toast right?"
"Maybe not, dude." Brandon tried to convince Tyler otherwise, not wanting to let Josh out of his stomach that easily. "Why don't we reset the clock and let him try again, just to see what he comes up with?"
"Alright, dude! Sounds good to me!" Tyler brightened up, hoping Josh could salvage something from the depths Brandon's guts. Brandon meanwhile relaxed, closing his eyes as he imagine Josh disoriented back in his stomach.
- - -
Josh screamed as he slid back down into the caustic cavern he somehow managed to just escape. Landing with a splat right back where he started, Josh tried to wipe away Brandon's excess salvia and mucus from his face as he gagged a little in disgust.
"God this is ridiculous!" Josh tried to use something surprising solid to prop himself up on. "Like I'm supposed to find a damn skittle in here!"
Josh lamented his sorrow a little before looked down at the thing you used to just prop himself up. While it had melted quite considerably, Josh unrecognizably tasted cherry skittle.
"Oh…" Josh couldn't help but chuckle a little as he rested his hand on the partially dissolved candy. Josh reached down and lifted the candy. It was carriable at the very least, but somewhat awkward. Josh hoisted into his arms as he started to wonder if it was worth the extra trouble to try and lug this thing out with him. He imagined Tyler and Brandon would be pissed if he came out empty handed again. But he wondered if he could just play it off like the skittle was gone. Turning back to the sphincter that just spat him out moments ago, Josh decided to…
"Screw this." Josh dropped the sad remains of the skittle. Not wanting to end up like the candy, Josh pushed his way back to the entrance to Brandon's stomach. Clawing his way up with determination, Josh pushed his way up the giant's esophagus, wanting nothing more than to see the light of day for more than a few seconds this time.
- - -
Brandon laid back, eyes closed as he felt a slight tickle in his throat. Once again the giant snorted up slightly as he hacked out the tiny man into his palm.
"Nasty dude!" Tyler laughed, but none the less appreciating Brandon's nastiness. "Oh bro, he came out again!"
"No skittle, huh shrimp?" Brandon looked at Josh, once again empty handed.
"N-no! It was totally gone!" Josh plead to the giant. "You must've been real hungry, because it was completely digested."
Brandon raised an eyebrow at Josh as Tyler simply shrugged it off. "Makes sense, dude." Tyler answered, lowering his phone as he heard the door bell ring. "Oh that's gotta be the food!"
Tyler got up, answering the door as he retrieved the food they had ordered and set it down on the coffee table in the living room where Brandon was holding Josh.
"I gave the guy a nice tip on your card, dude!" Tyler smirked at Josh as he opened up the bag of spicy smelling wings.
"That's fine!" Josh wiped away Brandon's spit and snot, mostly caring that he was alive, let alone what was charged to his credit card. Brandon meanwhile set Josh down on the coffee table as Josh watched the two hungry giant ravenously start tearing into the wings. Relived the attention was off him for the time being, Josh sat back, taking a breath.
- - -
A little time went by as Brandon and Tyler finished off the mass of wings, barely giving Josh scraps as they consumed the mass of chicken with ease. Brandon leaned back, putting his feet up by Josh as he sat on the couch.
"BUUUURRRP!" Brandon belted out a massive burp as he laid back. Tyler meanwhile laughed, sitting on the floor across from Josh on the table.
"Nice dude!" Tyler always appreciated a good burp. Brandon meanwhile smirked and shrugged, knowing he could do better.
"Yeah, bro." Brandon smiled cockily. "Amway, what's the plan with the little squirt?"
"Whatcha mean, dude?" Tyler answered as he picked chicken out between his teeth.
"Whaddya mean?" Brandon sat up, surprised Tyler wasn't on the same page. "He totally failed the challenge."
"You're right, dude." Tyler smirked looking at Josh, who immediately started sweating in fear.
"B-but the skittle was gone!" Josh plead. "There was nothing I could've done!"
"Could've been faster." Brandon shrugged, Josh watching as Tyler nodded his his head in agreement. Josh stared at the ground, dumbfounded for a moment.
"So yeah, totally have to come up with a punishment for failing." Tyler put a hand on his chin, thinking. "Any ideas Brandon?"
"Oh plenty, dude." Brandon smirked as he peeked up at Josh. "I don't know if he'd survive half of them though."
Tyler laughed, not knowing Brandon was actually serious. "I'll come up with something, bro!"
Tyler leaned forward toward Josh with a smile, knowing he was about to put Josh through some sort of hell.
"Alright dude. Since you failed Brandon's challenge that means you have to…" Tyler trailed off…
Josh was placed on the floor. Brandon sat down and placed his feet next to Josh.
Brandon was going to enjoy every minute of this. Having the man he bullied rubbing his feet was the ultimate victory. He felt untouchable. If he could treat people the way he did and get them doing this, what couldn't he do.
Josh would never admit this to Brandon, but he had always found his feet attractive. When he was forced to lick his feet back in college, he had secretly enjoyed it. As he faced himself with the feet, he was going to have to try to hide his attraction towards them.
BAM!, Brandon slammed his foot down to snap Josh out his thoughts. "Get rubbing, now", Brandon ordered. Tyler was laughing in the background. Josh began to rub the left foot. As he rubbed, he couldn't help but want to get a sniff of the feet. He had hoped that he would be too small for Brandon to notice him doing it. It was the most pleasant smell he had ever experienced. In that moment, he want to do nothing more than to worship those feet in front of him.
Brandon did notice this and started laughing. "Go on lick them as well" he snorted out in laughter. Josh, lost in the moment, did just that and started to lick Brandon's feet. Brandon always knew that Josh had fancied him. He fancied any man with a bit of height and muscle on them. That's why it was so easy to bully him.
Tyler was kind of jealous. Josh should be worshipping his feet, not Brandon's He then put his feet at the opposite end of Brandon's. "Don't you want my feet?" Tyler said with a confident grin on his face. Josh then looked at Tyler feet and made a decision.
Josh sweat a little as he sat on the dining room table, watching as Tyler and Brandon tore through the wings like they haven't eaten in weeks. Just watching them two of them eat so fast and with such ferocity killed any desire for Josh to want to eat anything for himself. From the slurping sounds the two men made, to the occasional bone being dropped to the plates below. Tyler eventually peeked down at Josh after he finished his meal.
"Yo, what's wrong dude?" Tyler licked his fingers clean and leaned in a little to his tiny friend. "Not hungry?"
"Oh, I'm fine! You guys enjoy your food!" Josh smiled as he heard a slight sputter come from Brandon. The huge man patted his chest a few times before making a loud gulp. "Brandon, you okay?"
"I think I swallowed a bone, dude." Brandon laughed, grabbing a drink and chugging it a bit. Brandon burped a little out of the side of his mouth. "Phew! It'll settle in just fine though."
"Ha! Nice, dude." Tyler laughed, always appreciating a good burp. "I've swallowed chicken bones before too, bro. Never had any issues."
"They usually just take longer to digest and stuff. Like a week or something." Josh added in, hoping to be helpful.
"Sounds like something you would know, huh science nerd?" Brandon mocked Josh as he cleaned off his fingers having finished with his food as well. Josh started to blush a little, having genuinely read on the topic before.
"I uhhh…" Josh stuttered just long enough for Brandon to take advantage of it.
"Oh don't think I forgot about all the nerdy shit you went on about in high school, dude." Brandon laughed, enjoying belittling Josh even more than he already was in size. "Yo, Ty. Wanna toss a football around outback for a little? I need to start digesting this bone."
"Sure, bro. I keep a spare ball in his shed." Ty stood up, excited about getting to go outside and having someone to throw the ball with for a change. He looked down at Josh though, feeling a little bad about leaving him. "You don't mind, do you dude? It'd just be safer for you if we left you here for a few minutes."
"Right? Could you imagine a bird just scooping him up when we're not looking?" Brandon joked, making Josh a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help but agree with the sentiment though.
"It's fine, I could use the time to relax a bit." Josh stayed seated, having some silence and time to himself actually sounding nice.
"That settles that, come on, dude!" Brandon hurried Tyler out of the house as they made their way out back. All the while, Josh laid his head back, happy for the peace and quiet.
Tyler opened Josh's shed and grabbed his football, wiping off a little dust off of it.
"Guessing he doesn't throw the ball much with you, huh?" Brandon observed, already knowing the answer.
"Yeahhh well he's got those little arms and can't really throw it right. I almost forgot I had this here." Tyler laughed, thinking about when he first brought it over a long while ago. "Could you even imagine Josh owning a football, dude?"
"Not in a million years, dude!" Brandon laughed out loud at the thought. Tyler tossed him the ball as Brandon ran a few yards out to catch it. Passing it back and fourth, the two kept a bit of a conversation going.
"Aw yeah. I needed this too, dude. I was so full." Tyler stretched a little as he tossed the ball to Brandon.
"I'm sure Josh would have some smart ass answer about how we shouldn't be running around right after eating." Brandon laughed, happy that for now they ditched Josh inside to have fun outdoors.
"Oh I'm sure. I could hear it now." Tyler started to mock Josh's voice. "You're going to get cramps! Running around only slows down digestion! Blahhhhhh!"
Brandon smirked as he tossed the ball, hearing Tyler mock Josh was music to his ears. "Man, he always seemed to me like he knew too much about how the body works. I remember in high school he was always doing projects on the digestive system and junk."
"Huh, weird. I didn't know that, dude." Tyler tossed the ball back, feeling like it made a few things click in his head.
"Yeah, I remember he talked a little while about being a dentist or something too one day." Brandon fed whatever lies and misinformation he could come up with. "Guess he liked mouths or something, bro."
"Yeah.. or something…" Tyler was unusually quiet from the talk. Brandon could tell he had Tyler thinking now.
"But whatever, right? High school is ancient history. Imagine how surprised I was to find out that little nerd came up with some kind of shrink ray!" Brandon continued the somewhat one sided conversation. "He'd have a tough time being a dentist now, huh bro?"
"Ha ha you got that right, dude!" Tyler tried to snap out of his thoughts. "Man that just reminds me of how Bobby and I ate the little guy not too long ago. He said it was scary, but I dunno dude. He was pretty willing when I ate him."
"Really dude? I mean, I wasn't gonna mention it at first, but he had me eat him earlier today." Brandon kept lying, knowing he basically forced the tiny man into doing it. "I mean, I threw him up and all, clearly."
"Wait, really dude?" Tyler caught the ball and held it for a second. "I mean I've always kinda had this thought that he, I don't know… liked the idea of being eaten?"
"I got that vibe too, dude." Brandon started to walk toward Tyler, assuming they were done tossing the ball. "Seems like a bit of a dangerous hobby, huh dude?"
Tyler still kinda looked down in thought, not realizing he never threw the ball back. "Yeah dude. I mean with how often he's around my food and stuff, sometimes I felt like he was trying to get me to eat him without me noticing."
Brandon stopped in front of Tyler, smirking slightly. "Bro, if that happened you'd never even know, till it was too late."
"Yeah but part of me feels like that's what he wants, dude." Tyler noticed, Brandon made his way over to him now that they were done passing. "As messed up as that sounds, dude."
"Maybe it is. Knowing him he's too awkward to ask for something like that." Brandon slapped his had onto Tyler's shoulder. "Ready to head back inside, bro? I got a bit of sweat going on!"
"Huh?" Tyler snapped back out of his thought. "Oh yeah dude. Me too! Good post meal pass, bro."
The two men made their way back inside, returning to the dining room table where they found Josh still in the spot they left him. Brandon retook his seat and pushed aside his plate of bones and leaned his chest onto the table to look at Josh. "Sup, shrimpy! Ty and I had a great pass!"
Josh sat up, seeing Brandon lean in close to him. He could smell the sweat coming off the giant. "Oh! Good to hear!" Josh started to sweat a little himself as Brandon got closer. "I wasn't sure how long you guys would be out there."
"Oh missed us, huh shrimpy?" Brandon smirked and looked up at Tyler who still stood over the table. Brandon sprawled out onto the table a little more, resting his chin on the surface facing Josh before opening his mouth wide with a massive yawn. Tyler rose an eyebrow as he watched Josh stare into Brandon's mouth. "Aw man, 'scuse me dude."
"N-no problem…" Josh said, having just peered into the giant's mouth ass if it was a massive cave. Josh watched as Brandon pulled himself off the table, leaving an imprint of sweat on it. Meanwhile, Josh turned and looked at Tyler, looking down at him with his arms crossed and a serious look on his face. "So what's up guys?"
Brandon picked his teeth a little as he looked at Tyler. Having an idea, Brandon smirked at Josh. "Yo, so we need your help with something, shrimpy."
"Oh? What's up?" Josh turned back to Brandon, wondering what it could be.
"Well…" Brandon paused for a second. "The thing is…"
"Dude, it's just I got something stuck really bad in my teeth. It was bugging me so much we stopped playing to come in and get it sorted out." Brandon stuck a finger in his mouth and scrapped his finger nail between one of his back teeth. "Ty's upset because I wouldn't stop bitching about it, right buddy?"
"Hm?" Tyler caught on a little slow. "Oh yeah, bro he wouldn't shut up about it."
"Oh, well I have some floss in the bathroom." Josh offered as a simple solution. Tyler looked over at Brandon, knowing where Brandon wanted to go with this, curious in his own right.
"Why don't you help him out, bro?" Tyler sat down at the table now too. "You'd be like a tiny dentist."
"Bro, that would cool." Brandon smirked at Tyler. "What do you think, shrimpy? Help a buddy out?"
"Umm okay yeah I can do that." Josh answered, seeing how up for it both men were over the idea. Little did he know, more thoughts were definitely clicking in Tyler's mind. Brandon put his hand down, letting Josh climb aboard as he was brought up to his old bully's face. Josh winced a bit with how dirty Brandon's hand was, but it was understandable since he was just outside. Focusing on Brandon's face now instead, the giant opened his mouth and rolled his tongue out inviting Josh inside. feeling the familiar scent of Brandon's breath, Josh started to go inside.
"He didn't even ask what tooth had food stuck in it…" Tyler thought to himself, seeing Josh just willing walk into Brandon's mouth like that. He watched as Brandon retracted his tongue and partially closed his mouth. Brandon looked at Tyler and simply shrugged. Brandon put his hands behind his head and leaned back a little.
"It's all the way in the back, bro!" Brandon spoke mostly normally, feeling Josh get tossed around in his mouth as he did so. Brandon comply closed his mouth now and smirked at Tyler, who simply shook his head chuckling.
Meanwhile, Josh tried to get his bearings straight as he landed somewhere in the back of Brandon's mouth. It was pitch black now as Josh tried to feel his way around until Josh…
Josh had no idea where he was. On all fours, crawling around Josh just hoped he'd find something solid like one of Brandon's teeth. There was a slight slope though that Josh found, felt like it was arching up a little as Josh followed it before it started going down.
"Shit shit shit!" Josh cried out as he found the on the slick surface of Brandon's tongue he couldn't stop himself from going down what felt like a slide until it was a full drop. There was no turning back as Josh dropped into the giant's esophagus, going down on a very familiar trip that he went on just earlier today.
- - -
"Hm." Brandon reacted slightly. It was a small squirm, but he was pretty sure of what just happened. Tyler tilted his head, curious.
"What's up?" Tyler asked as Brandon opened his mouth and moved his tongue around.
"He jumped down my throat." Brandon simply shrugged like it was no big deal. Tyler sighed, it was pretty much exactly how Brandon said, he just wished he would've realized it sooner.
"You were right, dude. Man, maybe it wasn't even an accident when Bobby ate him." Tyler started to rethink everything. "He probably got on that gummy bear on purpose."
"Maybe dude. I'm sure if I threw him up he'd play it off like it was an accident." Brandon convinced Tyler, completely circumventing the fact that Josh crawled out of Bobby and Tyler on his own. "But I dunno, bro. First he asked me earlier, now this?"
"Oh yeah, for sure dude. He'd be like 'I slipped' or something." Tyler crossed his arms calling out Josh's excuses and shaking his head. "Nah he's probably so pumped right now, bro."
"You think, dude?" Brandon looked down at his sweaty abs. "Think he'll find that bone, bro?"
"Duuude! He can see how long it takes to digest for himself!" Tyler perked up finding some humor in the situation. "Err well probably not."
"Ha dude I was gonna say… that bone is gonna last way longer than him." Brandon patted his stomach a few times. Brandon gave a bit of a wet burp after.
"Nice rip dude!" Tyler smiled, briefly forgetting that Josh was being digested at the moment. "Ha, Josh probably loved that!"
"I hope so, dude!" Brandon smirked, feeling glad that he got Tyler on his side, whether it was fully based on truth or not.
- - -
Josh's head spun. Between being swallowed and the burp and everything else, he had no idea what was going on. His eyes were thankfully adjusting well enough to darkness now for him to see he was clearly in Brandon's stomach. As if the mounds of chewed up chicken didn't make that obvious enough. Josh looked before seeing something sticking out in one of the mounds.
"Is that… the bone?" Josh crawled across the mound before touching it, feeling the hard surface of the bone in contrast to literally everything else in the stomach being squishy. "Well they'll probably find that pretty funny when I tell them… right after Brandon throws me up…"
Josh crawled on top of the bone, figuring based off his speech earlier it was the safest place to wait it out while they realize Brandon swallowed him.
"Yup, any second now." Josh reassured himself. There was another rumble in Brandon's stomach as Josh braced himself ready to be launched out in a torrent of puke… only for another roar from above and a popping in his ears as the pressure changed in the chamber in another tremendous burp. Josh had to let go of the bone in the process as he tumbled down into the mush below.
"Tyler wouldn't let this happen to me… right?" Josh cried out as he was being churned in the mixture of food. "Oh god… how did this happen?!"
With his last thoughts one of confusion, Josh instead swapped to pain as Brandon's stomach acid started to make quick work of his feeble body. Unlike the thick chicken bone, Josh and even his own bones wouldn't last in the mighty bully's stomach.
Josh reached his hand out, feeling something hard.
"Oh a tooth." Josh said to himself, grabbing on to the rough surface and feeling around for the edge of the large building like tooth. Josh shimmed before he found a gap between the teeth. Small enough to fit between them completely, Josh started to look around in the darkness as he slipped and struggled to stay on his feet thanks to the wetness of Brandon's gums.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to do this…" Josh said out loud as he looked up, pretty sure there was nothing stuck between the tooth he was between. Josh shrugged, pressing himself up against the next tooth and shimmied along to make his way between the next.
- - -
"He's been in there awhile." Tyler had sat down, looking at Brandon as he started to get a little bored. Tyler watched as Brandon pulled out his phone and saw him type out a text message before his own phone buzzed with a message from Brandon. "Oh good idea, dude."
"i think i feel him. i think hes looking between my teeth." Brandon's message read. Tyler typed out a response, figuring they could keep the conversation private from Josh, just in case.
"think hell give up? wonder if he like it in there." Tyler responded to Brandon, who sat there with his mouth closed and responding to the text.
"prob dude. should i just swallow him?" Brandon send Tyler the question, hoping he'd just say yes. Tyler bit his lip as he answered the text.
"maybe give him a min dude. he might actually think u got sumthing stuck in ur teeth." Tyler responded, not wanting to make an assumption that quickly.
"oh tru maybe he hasnt figured it out." Brandon answered Tyler, as they both sat back in silence for a moment.
The two sat there for awhile longer. Brandon would occasionally update Tyler on Josh's whereabouts as the tiny man would occasionally shift between teeth. Brandon closed his eyes though as he wasn't expecting this to take so long for Josh to fall down his throat, deliberately or otherwise.
Awhile longer passed before…
Brandon tapped his foot impatiently. He didn't care if he was right or not about Josh, he just wanted to swallow the little twerp and forget about him. Looking over at Tyler, he saw the man was distracted by his phone, staring down at it with one hand pressed against his cheek. Feeling Josh move between his teeth, Brandon quickly used his tongue to swipe Josh to the back of throat. With a very slight gulp, Brandon swallowed the little guy down and drew no attention to doing it from Tyler. Brandon couldn't help but smirk a little as he could faintly feel the struggles of the tiny man as he was forced down his giant throat. The feeling subsided as the struggles disappeared just past his chest.
"im bored dude." Brandon typed out to Tyler after a few minutes since he felt Josh disappear. Tyler chuckled as he saw the message, blissfully unaware that Brandon had already swallowed his best friend.
"think hes had enough fun in there?" Tyler typed back to Brandon.
"lets find out." Brandon answered as he leaned forward and opened his mouth. Tyler looked inside Brandon's mouth, raising an eyebrow as he looked around.
"Okay, dude! Enough fun. We were only kidding about something in his teeth." Tyler spoke into Brandon's mouth, trying to spot any movement. "Helloooooo bro where you at?"
"Maybe he doesn't wanna come out?" Brandon spoke plainly, knowing Josh had no choice. Tyler shrugged as he leaned back.
"Probably. Well whatever, dude." Tyler didn't really care anymore. "He's just asking to get accidentally swallowed at this point."
"Well I'll try not to, dude." Brandon lied, silently a little stoked with how much Tyler didn't care.
"I mean if you do, you do." Tyler stood up, fed up with just sitting around. "Let's toss the ball some more, I'm bored too, bro."
"I'm down, dude." Brandon stood up, stretching his torso and rubbing his abs a little. Tyler smiled as he turned to go out the back door again. Meanwhile Brandon smirked as he patted his stomach, satisfied with his lies to end Josh's pathetic life.
- - -
"Guys!!" Josh cried out fruitlessly. Things had been silent for awhile until he could hear their muffled voices from above. Josh didn't understand what happened. Did Brandon forget he was in his mouth trying to help the giant? Brandon's stomach seemed like it was having earthquakes as Josh was being tossed about as the giant slapped his belly, be it unconsciously or otherwise.
"If this is a joke it's not funny!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs as he barely recovered, pushing himself away from the folds of Brandon's stomach, hands burning a bit from beads of acid starting to form and fill the chamber. A sudden lurch caused Josh to go flying as Brandon's stomach felt like it turned upside down. Josh screamed as he was sent hurtling into the corners of the huge gut, helpless as he was sloshed under a wave of partially digested sludge. Brandon's stomach fell silent of any more voices. Whatever sound Josh may have been creating was overwhelmed as his screams of pain were muffled by the happy groans and glorps of Brandon's stomach.
- - -
"Nice dive, dude!" Tyler called out to Brandon as he dove for a ball, skidding across the grass on his back as he practically somersaulted for the ball. Brushing himself off, Brandon smiled as he tossed the ball back to Tyler with enthusiasm.
"Thanks, bro!" Brandon shouted back, pumped he caught the ball in such a spectacular fashion. The two men laughed and threw the ball for quite awhile, so long it was almost getting dark out. Finally finishing, Tyler walked beside Brandon as they made their way inside.
"Not that it matters, but do you still feel him in your mouth?" Tyler asked, curious but ultimately knowing the answer already.
"Shit, dude. I forgot about him." Brandon lied, knowing full well what he did to mislead Tyler. "I probably swallowed him at some point."
"No worries, dude." Tyler slapped Brandon on the back. "He had his chance to come out."
"You're right, dude." Brandon smiled, feeling like he and Tyler got a long great despite his manipulation. Brandon patted his stomach a few times, letting loose an elongated burp. "I bet he's having a great time now!"
Tyler couldn't help but laugh. Fist bumping Brandon and making their way inside, the two men quickly forgot about Josh as he was long since digested by the heartless bully.
Brandon looked over at Tyler, seeing him standing there still looking pretty deep in thought. A smirk curled across his lips though as he had an idea. "You see, Ty's got a really bad stomach ache. It's why we came in so soon, dude."
"Oh is that why you've been so quiet?" Josh looked at Tyler, feeling like he was acting pretty unusual. "I mean I could've told you running around like that only slows down your digestion a bit and gives you cramps."
Tyler's head perked up at this, being the exact thing he was mocking Josh about minutes ago. "Yeahhh you're right, dude. But I can't help it…" Tyler rubbed his stomach and hunched a little. "It huuuurts dude! You sure it's just a cramp?"
"I mean probably. I don't see wh-" Josh started to say as Brandon interrupted him.
"Dude! What if you have a… whats it called… all sore?" Brandon deliberately played dumb, glad to see Tyler was playing along.
"Yo!" Tyler faked a little concern of his own. "Josh what if I have an all sore!"
"I think you guys mean ulcer." Josh was confused, as he thought the two weren't this stupid.
"Oh bro, that's what we meant." Brandon face palmed himself, keeping up the act. "It's a good thing you know so much about stomach issues, dude."
"Yeah dude, do you know what one looks like?" Tyler asked, still clutching his stomach dramatically.
"I guess more or less I do?" Josh answered, not really sure why it mattered.
"Oh perfect, dude. You'll be able to see if Ty has one." Brandon slapped his hand on the table, as if it was decided already.
"Excus---" Josh started to say before Tyler interrupted him this time.
"Dude, you'd do that for me?" Tyler asked as he slowly got down into his seat as if he was in really bad pain.
"I…" Josh looked at Tyler, his best friend. The last thing he wanted to see was him in distress or pain. "I'll check, if it'll make you feel better."
"Thanks, bro." Tyler looked down at Josh, still pretending to be feeble. Meanwhile in the back of his head, he felt like Josh still agreed far too easily.
"Dude, what you're just gonna charge into Ty's gut all willy nilly?" Brandon, decided to play with Josh's motives a little more for Tyler. "Why don't we at least tie some floss or something around you so we can yank you back up?"
"Oh that's a good idea. I didn't even think about that." Josh turned to Brandon, appreciating the thought. Meanwhile, Tyler simply rose one of his eyebrows, suspicious of how or why he hasn't thought of that before. Meanwhile Tyler waited as Brandon left for the bathroom, grabbing a little floss from Josh's cabinet and coming back to the table. Brandon pulled out the cord, laying it next to Josh for him to tie himself.
"Make sure it's nice and tight, dude." Brandon instructed Josh. "I mean if it came undone for some weird reason, we might not know till it's too late, bro."
"Don't worry!" Josh tied it around his waist nice and tight in a simple yet effective loop. "I'm sure I'll be fine."
Brandon picked up the floss and let Josh dangle a little. "I sure hope so, dude. If not you may as well get used to the idea of being dinner, bro."
Brandon handed the floss over to Tyler, as Josh now dangled in front of his best friend. Tyler lifted Josh up above his head, hanging him down over his face. "You ready, buddy?"
Josh nodded as he looked down. "Yup! Not like we haven't done this before, right?"
"Right, dude." Tyler smiled, wondering what exactly was going to happen next. Tyler opened his mouth, lowering Josh inside before feeling him hit his tongue. Letting go of the floss now, Tyler reached his head back ans swallowed. He could watch and feel as the floss went deeper into his body, along with Josh. Finally dropping his act and leaning back, Tyler looked at Brandon. "What do you thinks gonna happen, dude?"
"He's gonna slip out of that knot, bro." Brandon put his feet up on the table and leaned back, arrogantly. "Then he's gonna be like 'Oh no it was an accident!'"
"You think, dude?" Tyler looked down at his ripped abs, still sweaty from running around outside. "If I pull up that string, and he's not on it, I'm not throwing up, bro."
"Good for you, dude." Brandon approved of Tyler's decision. "Besides, it's what he wants anyway."
"I actually feel really good about this dude." Tyler admitted. "I remember the very first time he shrunk around me I kinda wanted to just eat him, just to see what it would be like."
"You should just swallow the end of the floss, bro." Brandon smirked as he egged Tyler on a little. Tyler looked at the end of the floss, seeing the amount they cut seemed to stop going down his throat, but it was not lot left over all. Tyler could just swallow the end, ridding Josh of his life line. Part of him felt like he should at least pull the string up and see what Josh's decision was.
Tyler held the end of the string, looking at it he decided to…
Tyler shoved the string in his mouth, flexing his neck as he swallowed the remains of the string down. Brandon simply smirked as he saw Tyler do it, sealing Josh's fate in the giant's massive stomach. Brandon chuckled a little, feeling like this was too good to be true.
"Nice bro, I knew you had it in you." Brandon actually stood out of his chair and applauded Tyler. Tyler put a hand on his chest, he could sort of still feel the string stuck slightly in his throat. Brandon noticed Tyler's slight struggle as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing Tyler a soda. Coming back into the dining room, Brandon handed Tyler the drink. Tyler opened the can taking a few sips, and feeling the string dislodge from his throat, disappearing into his abdomen.
"You know, dude." Tyler stood up now next to Brandon. "When I ate him a little while back, a big part of me was kinda wanted to just digest the little guy, then and there."
"Why didn't you, dude?" Brandon slapped Tyler's back, extremely proud of the corruption he's done to Josh's 'best friend'.
"I felt like, it wasn't up to me, dude." Tyler tried to think about it. "You know? Like I had no idea he was so secretly into it."
"Dude, it was always up to you though. You're the giant, how could he stop you?" Brandon patted Tyler on the back, still very proud.
"Hah! Right dude?" Tyler perked up more as he took another sip of his soda. Tyler patted his stomach lightly. "He's where he belongs, dude."
"For sure, bruh." Brandon circled around back to the other side of the table and yawned. "He's probably super pumped about his new home."
"Hell yeah dude." Tyler flexed his chest a little. "He's lucky, he gets to be part of this!"
"Yeah yeah calm down, meathead." Brandon rolled his eyes, not liking it when he didn't have the biggest head in the room. "Bro, I'm bored. Wanna go back outside?"
"Huh?" Tyler refocused, almost completely forgetting about Josh being horribly digested in his stomach. "Yeah dude. Now we can pass as long as we want!"
"Fuck yeah, buddy!" Brandon yelled excitedly as he slapped Tyler on the back, running by him to go back outside. Tyler followed suit in a light jog, already Josh was nothing more than forgotten food in his gut to the handsome giant.
Josh fumbled around in the darkness of Tyler's stomach. "Why did I agree to this?!" Josh felt like he was having deja vu from the last time he ended up in the giant's stomach. "At least I have this floss around me this time."
Josh reached down to his waist, confidently wanting to grab onto the lifeline as his reassurance. Searching his body for a moment however, Josh couldn't find the rope like floss tied around him anymore. Josh fumbled about, getting on his knees as he pushed aside mushed up chicken remains in his friend's stomach.
"How?!" Josh looked around frantically in the dark. He definitely had it around his waist on the way down. he even made sure to tie it super tight! Unless just the natural slipperiness of the insides of Tyler's throat was enough for him to slip out or even undo the knot. Josh paused for a moment, thinking that must've been the case. Shaking his head, it didn't matter what happened or not. Josh simply had to find the floss. Brandon's words echo'd a little uncomfortably in Josh's head.
"Tyler wouldn't stall though." Josh said confidently as he started to think finding the floss was a lost cause. "I know Brandon said it might be too late… but Tyler wouldn't just give up on me."
In the meantime, Josh resigned himself to just climbing onto a mound of partially chewed food. The massive stomach churned and mixed it's contents very peacefully as Josh tried to keep himself afloat on a large chunk of chicken.
"It's weird." Josh observed the walls of his friend's stomach. "Doesn't seem agitated or upset to me…"
- - -
Tyler pulled the string up, being extra careful to make sure he didn't yank it up too fast. It felt like it just kept going until Tyler pulled out the other end. Looking at it for a second, Tyler simply sighed as he saw there was nothing on the other end. Not only that, the knot looked like it came undone as it was just a straight piece now. Brandon had been playing on his phone as he was still leaned back not paying attention.
"Well, dude?" Brandon asked, without looking up. Tyler simply tossed the floss and stood up, stretching his abdomen and rubbing it up and down a little.
"Nothing, bro." Tyler rolled his shoulders, feeling pretty good. "You were right, dude. He even untied the knot, bro."
"Eh, not surprised." Brandon shrugged as put his phone down. "Change you mind about throwing him up, dawg?"
"Nahhh." Tyler patted his stomach a few times. "Not even if he's in there freaking out and changing his mind, dude."
"Harsh, bro." Brandon smirked, loving how he brought this side of Tyler out. Tyler simply shrugged as he made his way into the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink, tossing one to Brandon as well. Tyler started to chug the soda before belting out a massive and satisfying burp.
"Ahhhh that's what I think about being 'harsh', dude." Tyler flexed his abs a bit as he rubbed his torso again. Brandon popped open his drink as Tyler burped loudly again. Brandon simply kept smirking arrogantly to himself as he listened to how satisfied Tyler was with digesting Josh. Happy he was a player in the end of his old high school target.
Brandon smirked as he swaggered his way into Josh's office. He saw Josh was talking to one of his closest friends, his old high school buddy and teammate, Markus.
"Yoooo, what's good boys?" Brandon smirked as he strolled up next to Markus, fist bumping his friend and leaning on Josh's desk. "What you two were chilling and didn't invite me?"
"Ha, dude I was just telling Josh about how I'll need a few days off for some exams next week." Markus laughed at his old buddy.
"Oh right, you went back to school." Brandon rolled his eyes, having dropped out and not bothered to continue himself.
"Well shorty, some of us have aspirations in life!" Markus rubbed the top of Brandon's head, always loving making fun of how much shorter Brandon was than him. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Well, you piece of shit!" Brandon angrily shoved Markus's hand away from him. "I was gonna ask Josh to hang out. I may have sort of put him though a little hell earlier and I wanted to make it up to him."
"Cute, you guys gonna go on a date?" Markus laughed as Brandon shot him an angry look.
"Bro! I WAS gonna ask if you wanted to hang too. But if you're gonna be a dick…" Brandon partially manipulated Markus, wanting his friend to be with him to inevitably bully Josh later.
"Dude, I can hang." Markus chuckled, just messing with Brandon, but always loving him seeing him get riled up. "We can chill at my place."
"Oh good, I was gonna say my place is a dump, bro." Brandon laughed, glad to see it was so easy to get Markus on board. Brandon looked down at Josh, who simply sat silently at his desk all the while. "Meet us in the break room when you're ready to go, kay shorty?"
"Yo, that's your nickname, bro! Don't put that shit on Josh!" Markus started to walk out with Brandon as Josh sat dumbfounded he never got a word in edgewise. Josh watched as the two made their way out of his office, chatting as they left. "Yo, what kind of hell you putting him thought now anyway?"
"What just happened?" Josh sat there, alone now. Figuring he had plenty of time to think it over, Josh merely shook his head. Knowing there's no way he'd want to hang out with them later together.
- - -
The day was coming to a close as Josh cleaned up a bit. Leaving his belongings in his office, he figured he'd swing by the break room while still shrunk so he could tell Brandon and Markus that he can't make it today. Josh opened the door, seeing the two men standing there waiting for him. Brandon had changed into a string cut white tank top with black graphics on it, as well as a pair of navy blue gym shorts. He wore a black flat brimmed hat backwards as well.
Markus had changed as well wearing a super tight looking black with white detailing spandex tank top. He also wore a pair of similar looking navy blue gym shorts, which Josh noticed had numbers on the two, probably old matching shorts from high school. Markus also wore a backwards baseball hat.
The two men spotted the tiny door open and saw the itty bitty figure of Josh come through. Both men squatted over by the balcony to see a better view of the little guy.
"See, I told you he'd wanna be even shorter!" Brandon shoved Markus, like they had bet on it.
"You were right, bro. I wasn't sure, ya know?" Markus smiled at Josh before scooping him up into his hand. Josh still couldn't get a word in as now he was suddenly being carried out by Markus, as he was held in the palm of the giant's hand. Josh tried to call up to the giants, but they paid him no mind. Josh sweat a little as this was not what he had planned. Leaving the room, Josh only wished he had brought his phone with him so he could call one of the men to turn around.
"I'm not sure if my roommates are gonna be around." Markus chatted with Brandon as they made their way to the bus stop.
"Oh Kendrick and Daniel aren't around?" Brandon asked, having made friends with the two men as well.
"They might be. I forget if they were going away for a bit or not." Markus wondered to himself.
Josh practically fell asleep in Markus's hand as the giant finally addressed him.
"Yo, Josh! We're here!" Markus said to Josh, snapping him awake as he looked forward to see the door to Markus's apartment. Markus opened the door and the three men looked around to see who was home seeing that….
"Vinny!" Josh turned to Vinny in a panic. "I pick Vinny."
Vinny laughed and pushed Ricky and Brandon aside as he came forward. "Good choice, tiny bro. I knew you liked me the best!"
"Whatever, shrimp." Brandon glared at Josh with disdain. Brandon got up and stood beside Ricky, who looked equally pissed off. "Man it would sure suck if Vinny couldn't puke you up."
Josh looked at Vinny is light blue eyes, a little fearful of that himself. "Bro, you're scaring him. Don't worry tiny bro, I wouldn't do that. Not unless you wanted me to!"
Josh found himself being scooped up by the giant before he could answer, bracing himself from the g forces as he was rushed all the way up as Vinny stood and raised him up to his face. Josh's head spun a little from the ascent as he looked into Vinny's face once again.
"Alright, tiny bro! Apparently you know the drill already!" Vinny chuckled, thinking about the stories he's heard from Tyler. "Try not to have too much fun in there, tiny bro!"
Vinny tilted his hand and pressed it against his open mouth, feeling Josh drop off his hand into his massive mouth below. Vinny turned to show his three friend's Josh on his tongue, before he closed his mouth and swallowed. Reopening his mouth and showing them Josh was now gone.
"Wow, that was really easy, bro." Vinny chuckled a little shocked at simple it was to eat the little guy. "I can't even feel him."
"Sure would suck if you just forgot about him." Ricky sneered, upset he wasn't the one to get the money. Brandon just laughed, clearly hoping for the same thing.
"Yo, you two are way too hard on the little squirt." Vinny rose an eyebrow as Cliff handed him the money. "Little guy doesn't deserve to be digested, bros."
"Bro, you hear his pathetic excuse for a side of what happened with him, Tyler and Bobby?" Brandon couldn't help but laugh out loud a little. "Dude, I've known Josh a long time. After I found out he found a way to shrink himself, I was not surprised to hear he wanted some dude to eat him."
"Huh, well I guess you guys did go to high school, right?" Vinny scratched his chin a little.
"Trust me dude. Just spend a little more time around the little twerp." Brandon shrugged and walked away. "You'll see what I'm talking about."
Brandon walked out of the break room, followed shortly by Ricky. Left now with just Vinny and Cliff. Vinny thinking now a little more about what Brandon said.
"Dude, you gonna throw him up, or what?" Cliff asked, yawning and looking at his phone. "Not that I care that much, I just don't wanna get in trouble with my dad."
"Bro, you too?" Vinny tilted his head, wondering why everyone had such little regard for Josh's life. Cliff simply shrugged.
"Dunno dude. Brandon just makes a good point." Cliff said while still looking at his phone. "It's whatever, just throw him up."
"Right, bro." Vinny put a hand on his stomach as he made his way over to the sink. A minute or so went by as he started to hurl up chunks of food before spotting his tiny boss among the mess. Vinny picked the little guy out and brought him over to the counter.
"Okay, tiny bro! Gotta run for our shift!" Vinny spat out quickly at Josh. "Thanks for helping me out, I'll catch you later!"
Josh was still a little dazed as he saw Vinny and Cliff made their way out of the room. Rubbing his head, Josh was starting to wonder how he finds himself in these kinds of situations all the time. Josh shuffled his way out of the break room, making his way back to his office to relax.
- - -
Later as Vinny was getting ready to leave work, he decided he wanted to go to Josh's office, thinking it might be a good idea to check on the little guy after eating him earlier. Vinny knocked on the door to the office, letting himself in and seeing Josh…
Vinny looked into the room, seeing none other than Bobby chatting with Josh at his desk. Vinny smiled, him and Bobby had been getting along great since he joined the crew at Shrink and Swim. Both men men shared a lot of common interests in sports after all, plus Bobby reminded Vinny a lot of his own roommate, Lyle, though Bobby wasn't quite as massive as that colossus.
"Sup, bros! How we doing?" Vinny smiled as he made his way into the room, standing beside Bobby as the huge foot ball star towered over him by a few inches.
"Sup Vinny!" Bobby smiled, fist bumping Vinny as he came up to Josh's desk. "What's up, my dude?"
"I just wanted to check on my tiny bro here." Vinny smiled, looking down at Josh who sat at his normal size for a change at his desk.
"I'm not tiny! Not right now anyway…" Josh responded a little miffed as Bobby and Vinny both chuckled.
"Dude, you're always tiny to us. Just sometimes more so than others." Bobby ruffled Josh's hair playfully, much to Josh's chagrin. Bobby looked to Vinny though, curiously. "Why you checking up on the little squirt anyway?"
"Well he was on the sour end of a bet earlier." Vinny started to describe what happened around lunch time. "Some of the guys were teasing him about how you and Ty ate him. So I kinda did too, bro. Got paid for it though."
"Who's giving him a hard time, dude?" Bobby jumped to Josh's defense like a protective older brother, despite being younger than Josh.
"Just Ricky, Brandon, and Cliff, bro. But they're just playing." Vinny tried to defend his somewhat nefarious friends. "Besides, bro, I'm the one who ate him."
"Well, I picked you because I trusted you the most." Josh spoke up, wanting to be a part of the conversation. "Brandon did used to bully me in high school… and Ricky is just so intimidating."
"Oh, well I'm flattered, tiny bro." Vinny smiled, glad Josh looked to him with more trust than the other guys. He couldn't help but recall how they all seemed very unfazed about the idea of Josh dying in his stomach too.
"I'll have to tell the other guys to knock it off." Bobby still seemed upset they were picking on Josh. Vinny watched as Josh shook his head, likely not wanting Bobby to accidentally make things worse.
"So you're not mad at me, bros?" Vinny asked, a little surprised that neither Josh or Bobby seemed upset by the fact that he was the one who ultimately did eat Josh. Bobby looked at Josh, seemingly waiting for him to answer before making his own call.
"No, not at all." Josh tried to stay positive. "Besides, it's not like Bobby here hasn't done the same!"
Bobby blushed, and looked away. "That was an accident, dude."
"Yeahhhh but then who's idea was it to make it into a sport and tried to get me eaten by strangers?" Josh jabbed a little at Bobby, not wanting him to forget about that.
"Come on dude, you know that was mostly Ty…" Bobby rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed. Josh simply laughed, as he was just teasing his huge friend.
Vinny chuckled, he was enjoying the banter with the two. He looked at the clock on Josh's wall though and remembered that it was past closing time.
"Yo, bros. So I wanted to make it up to tiny bro here. I figured I'd use my bet money to treat you to dinner, if that's cool?" Vinny looked at Josh, wanting to give the genuine offer.
"Aw man, Vinny's asking you out on a date, dude." Bobby laughed and elbowed Josh a little. Josh blushed a little and started to chuckle nervously.
"Don't worry about it!" Josh could barely muster, red with embarrassment.
Vinny smiled a little, it was kind of amusing seeing Josh so flustered. "Why don't we hang out then? The three of us, bro?"
"Yeah, dude. I'm down. You should come over." Bobby immediately agreed, offering up Josh's house right away.
"Yeah that's fine!" Josh also agreed, wanting to just be as agreeable as possible. Vinny rose an eyebrow, thinking about what Brandon and the others were saying about said earlier.
"Yo, tiny bro." Vinny looked down at Josh. "How about chilling with us while tiny?"
"That's always good for a laugh." Bobby chuckled, having grown used to and liking having Josh around when he's tiny. "You don't have to thoug--"
Josh cut Bobby off. "Yeah sounds great!"
Bobby looked at Vinny and shrugged. Vinny meanwhile thought about what Brandon had said some more. He was way too agreeable when it comes down to being tiny.
"Aight bros. Well I'll see you guys at Josh's!" Vinny smiled at Josh as he turned walking out. Swearing he could feel Josh's eyes on him as he walked out.
- - -
A little time passed as Vinny had gotten changed into a loose pair of sweat pants and a striped tank top as well as a backward hat before he arrived at Josh's house. Knocking on the door and getting let inside by Bobby who had also changed, though he was just shirtless with a pair of black athletic shorts and a backward hat as well. Looking inside, Vinny saw Josh was true to his word as he was but a mere 1/4th of an inch tall on his dining room table.
"Nice place you guys got here, bros!" Vinny complimented the guys as he came in. Bobby simply laughed, knowing he didn't do anything to contribute to it.
"I wish I could do more for his place, trust me dude." Bobby chuckled as he walked over to the table, standing what must feel like miles above Josh.
"Well he'll never need a guard dog with you around, bro." Vinny smiled, looking at Bobby like he was some kind of massive bodyguard. "But anyway. What do you guys wanna do, bro?"
"Well actually…" Bobby started to say. "Josh here…"
"Scott, Xavier, Bobby, Jon and Lyle…" Josh said to himself looking at the absolutely massive men in the room. Of all the new hires in the park, these guys were the biggest tallest and most muscular group Josh could even scarcely imagine.
Starting with the familiar face of Bobby, Josh took his presence with great ease. Josh knew he shot up a few inches since college, but seeing him with the rest of the biggest guys showed how massive he really was. Sporting his red swim trunks and a backwards red lifeguards hat, shirtless and with his classic two diamond studs in his ear, Josh couldn't help but feel Bobby was looking as dreamy as ever. Now especially without that boot on his now healed foot!
Next, Josh turned his attention to another more familiar face, that of Xavier. After all he was in Josh's home not long ago when the park was being expanded and one of his couple impulse hires! Having gotten an official hieght since they met, Josh now knew the man was a towering 6'10". Other than that, the man was dressed in traditional lifeguard attire aside from a red do-rag on his head apart form the typical hat.
Next, Josh turned his attention to the shortest man of the group the 19 year old Jon. Only standing at 6'7" Jon stood just slightly under Bobby's height. But to call Jon small in comparison to the other massive giants would be an absolute lie. Rippling with massive well trained muscles, Jon was a sight to behold even among all the other athletic lifeguards of the park. Josh appreciated the man's work ethic. He strives to always be perfect in everything he does and he used to be a lifeguard. A win win! Jon wore the same lifeguard attire, matching Bobby's look of a backward red hat.
Next were the two biggest giants in the entire park. Lyle and Scott. Both men stand at a colossal 6'11". Starting with the younger man, Scott was only 18, much like Xavier. But with his tan skin, incredible height and massively trained muscle, Scott could easily go toe to toe with anyone in weight lifting and pure strength. Josh looked at his head, his saggy brown hair poking out of his also backward red cap and his red shorts sagging and showing of his ass a bit. One thing Josh noticed about Scott, was that as sweet and gentle of a giant he was, he was incredibly dumb.
Lyle on the other hand was a very different man. Being Brody's friend from prep school and currently one of his roommates, Lyle was the same age as Brody at 20 years old. Much like Brody, Lyle is a total lax bro, playing it up more often than not as the friendly college jock mentality comes natural to him. His body much like the other guys was deeply trained with huge pecs, and deeply cut abs. He does however sport tufts on blonde hair around his lower abdomen and on his chest, which he neglects to trim or really care about, similarly to Bobby. Being one of the few guys not wearing a hat, Josh could see his blonde hair clearly with the sides shaved a mess of scruffy hair on the very top as well as attractive stubble on his face. Josh always seemed to notice Lyle would lose his pants down his ass slightly as he'd often unintentionally sags his shorts due to the sheer volume of his bubble butt.
Done admiring the towering titans, Josh shook his daze as he approached a microphone set up in the break room, used to address giants he needed to speak to from a distance. Clearing his throat, Josh spoke to the moving mountains.
"H-hey guys!" Josh called out to the men as they heard Josh, each turning over to where the voice came from. "I was just coming to check on you all, it's almost time to swap shifts!"
One by one the giants shifted over to Josh to better see him. Nervous as it looked like literal skyscrapers were approaching him, Josh simply smiled and stood his ground.
"Hey buddy!" Bobby smiled down at Josh with his usual friendly tone. "Man I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you teeny all the time, dude!"
Josh smiled, Bobby had been living with him since the park was remodeled. It's been a joy having one of his best friends with him at his house lately, even if he did get eaten by him once so far! Every now and then, Josh can't help but stare at Bobby's abs, thinking about how he was unintentionally trapped behind them and somehow climbed his way out.
"Hey boss, how much longer to we have on our break, anyway?" Josh heard Scott ask, the polite massive muscular giant always treated him with respect.
"20 minutes! So there's no big rush!" Josh felt like he accidentally emphasized the word "big" as he stared at all the massive men.
"Word, so you can hang out with us, right micro-bro?" Lyle smiled as he looked way down at Josh from beside Scott, both men seeming like their body's stretched on forever. Josh however shook his head and laugh.
"I told you, Lyle. I'm not microscopic." Josh laughed, having had to explain to the giant he wasn't THAT small. But it's started to stick as somewhat of a nick name from the giant lax bro.
"He's pretty close to it though, right dudes?" Jon laughed as he joined the conversation, smiling with his perfect white teeth and leaning against a wall near where Josh was standing.
"I just thought he was a bug when I first saw him." Xavier chuckled as he loomed far above Josh as well beside Bobby. Josh crossed his arms feeling a little hurt from all the teasing.
"Hey! Whats with making fun of me all a sudden!" Josh asked, knowing the group of men are usually quite friendly. They all simply laughed, clearly not serious about the teasing they were doing to the tiny man.
"You're lucky I don't have a gummy bear!" Bobby joked as he made a motion next to Josh with his thumb like he was pressing Josh into one.
"Real funny, that was scary you know!" Josh complained, looking at Bobby's massive thumb beside him.
"What happened with a gummy bear?" Jon asked pulling his hat off and running his hand through his hair before putting it back on his head.
"Oh I remember this. Bobby here accidentally ate the little guy." Xavier chuckled as he remembered them tell him back when he was hired.
Jon, Lyle, and Scott looked at Bobby with shocked looks as Bobby rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed.
"I guess he slipped off the one I stuck him too and I ate the new one he stuck too." Bobby laughed. "We were lucky I was so tired and I laid down. Otherwise we wouldn't have our little boss man today."
"So you laid down and…?" Scott was a bit slow to catch on.
"He crawled his way out, bro." Lyle helped clarify as he looked at Xavier and Bobby who nodded in approval. "That's badass micro-bro."
"I guess…" Josh felt a little awkward. "I was mostly just fighting for my life to be honest."
"Well at least it all turned out okay. So now it's just a fun story to tell!" Bobby tried to change the subject. "Anyway, Josh. I hope you won't get mad at me about something."
"Oh?" Josh asked, curiously. "What is it?"
"I kinda invited some people over to your place tonight, if that's okay." Bobby leaned down closer to Josh, trying to put on a very slight pout to his face.
"It's fine Bobby." Josh smiled at his friend. "Who'd you invite?"
Bobby smiled. "Oh just…"
"Just these four, dude. Nothing huge" Bobby smiled, glad Josh wasn't mad.
"Where's Tyler? Weird for him to miss out." Josh asked as Bobby shrugged and shook his head.
"No idea, dude. I asked him, he said he was busy." Bobby answered, just as confused as Josh was.
"Well that's okay. Let him do him, right?" Josh smiled as Bobby nodded. "Lyle what about Vinny and Brody?"
"I guess they're going out of town tonight, bro." Lyle answered. "I was just gonna stay home till Bobby invited me over."
"We'll I'm happy to have you over too!" Josh smiled at the massive handsome titan. "I guess it's just gonna be us six tonight then huh?"
"Should be fun, my man." Jon smiled attractively at Josh. "I heard you've got a nice place."
"I guess!" Josh answered a little embarrassed. Looking at the time however, Josh realized they wasted their whole 20 minutes talking. "Hey guys it is time for the shift change, but I'll see all of you later at my place tonight!"
The giants all hurried along as they made their way out of the break room and suddenly Josh found himself alone in the silence of the room.
"Incredible…" Josh couldn't help but mutter as the men left. Like seeing the world itself move and suddenly massive pieces of it disappear, Josh needed to sit still for a minute after seeing all the men leave.
- - -
Josh finished up his day and grabbed his things, just a bit excited to have so many good looking guys to hang out with at his house. He couldn't help but smile, maybe he should have Bobby invite them over more often? He could get used to the men towering over him at his normal size as well as his shrunken one. Feeling adventurous, Josh decided to head to the break room in his still shrunken state, wondering if he could catch a glimpse of any of the guys before they leave for his house.
Making his way inside, Josh looked around and saw Scott, a bag slung over his shoulder as he was changed into a white stringer tank top, barely hiding any of his torso, and a pair of yellow shorts, which he had sagging showing off his black compression shorts underneath on his massive bubble butt. On his head he wore a white flat brimmed hat, backwards. Josh saw the man turn around toward him. Josh waved, not sure if Scott really saw him or not as the building of a man came closer.
"Oh hey boss!" Scott smiled as he came over to the balcony and knelt down, still towering over the edge of the balcony anyway. "I was just about to head out to your place. You want a ride?"
"Oh no that's fine, I just live around the block. I usually walk back and fourth to work." Josh shook his head, appreciating the offer.
"Oh wow that must take you a real long time." Scott puzzled, wondering how long it would take an ant sized person to go around the block. "Do you wanna come with me anyway, so you can show me which place is yours?"
"Yeah sure that's fine." Josh smiled, not wanting the kind of dumb but adorable giant to get lost. "Let me just go around the fron-"
Josh was cut off as Scott didn't let him finish his sentence before he was scooped up by the giant and carried immediately out of the break room to the outside. Josh dazed for a moment as he was thrown off with the sudden rush out into the open world, but it wasn't long before Josh found Scott rounding the corner to his street.
"This is what he meant by ride!" Josh thought to himself, thinking Scott meant in a car. Josh stared up at the man, who intently looked at the houses as he went by, determined to find the right house on his own. As luck would have it for the giant teen, he saw the recognizable faces of his friends outside of house, seeing as Lyle, Xavier, and Jon were being let into a house by Bobby.
"Hey dudes!" Scott called out to them as he approached the group. Josh saw as Scott approached the group, all of them now changed into casual clothes much like Scott. Josh looked at each man.
Xavier was sporting a tight looking blank tank top and loose looking grey sweatpants as well as his classic black do-rag.
Lyle had changed into a navy blue sleeveless spandex shirt, tight showing off his every muscle, and a pair of loose jeans, which sagged quite a bit as it didn't seem they were big enough to hold his massive ass. His hair was also styled slightly now on top as opposed to the usual messy look he went with at the park.
Jon had changed into a red bodybuilder's tank top, complete with matching looking black and red gym shorts and a hat, looking he had just come from the gym.
Last, was Bobby who looks like had already changed into a white spandex tank top, closely forming to his massive pecs. He also wore a white hat, backwards with his diamond studs gleaming in the sunlight. In contrast to the rest of his outfit, he wore a pair of black jeans, no belt looking like they were a tiny bit loose. Enough show to show the waist band of his nike compression shorts.
"Oh sup Scott, you're just in time!" Bobby smiled as he unlocked the door. "We were gonna have some food deliver, but we wanted to wait for Josh too."
"Oh he's right here, dude!" Scott lifted up his hand as he showed the four other men a dazed and confused tiny Josh.
"Why is he still tiny? He normally grows back to normal before he come home." Bobby scratched his head as he started to let the guys inside.
"Oh he does?" Scott looked down at Josh with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, boss. I can bring you back?"
Having finally slowed down enough to be put out of his daze, Josh looked up at the somewhat sad and dumb face of Scott. "No, no this is fine Scott! Maybe it'll be more fun to hang out with all you like this!"
"One less mouth to feed too." Jon laughed as he looked around the entry way of Josh's house. "No offense boss."
"None taken! I won't eat much. But yeah guys make yourself at home!" Josh yelled out, wondering if any of them even heard him. It didn't really matter much at this point. Josh had Scott set him down on his kitchen counter as he watched the men look around the house, having Bobby give them the tour.
- - -
As time went on and the guys got a little more comfortable, things started to get a little exciting when the group decided to…
Josh laughed as the guys pounded back beer after beer, occasionally Bobby would pull out a bottle of whiskey and the group would do shots. Being far too small, Josh knew even a drop of alcohol would be more than enough to intoxicate him, so despite all the drunken offers Josh did not indulge himself. It was pretty funny seeing the other guys get drunk though. All of them had lost their shirts at one point or another from either being too hot, or from spilling something on themselves. Either way, Josh didn't complain as the five men were having a good time. Josh watched curiously as he saw Bobby setting up cups out on the dining room table for beer pong.
"As long as he cleans it up later…" Josh said to himself, not wanting spilled beer all over his table. Josh watched as Bobby filled each cup with a little beer.
"Yoooo! Who wants to play some beer pong?!" Bobby called out to his buddies as they laughed and chatted over some music playing. Josh watched as the men turned, seeming interested.
"Bro, we wouldn't have even teams." Lyle noted, knowing there was five of them.
"It's fine I'll watch, dude. I'll play winner with who ever gets the most cups on the losing team!" Bobby smiled as he stumbled a bit away from the table, simply leaving the 20 cups filled with beer just in the middle of the table. Josh watched as Scott and Xavier both teamed up, determined they could be the two older guys of team Lyle and Jon.
"Do you guys even know how to play? Or are you both too old?" Xavier taunted as Jon started laughing.
"Homie you're one year younger than me!" Jon laughed as they bantered back and fourth. Meanwhile Josh watched as Bobby came over near him with a drunken smirk on his face.
"Dude, you know you wanna play too! Remember the gummy bear? I call this one, remember the cup!" Josh heard Bobby say to him, confused before Bobby reached down for him and quickly snagged him before he could react. Josh squirmed, not know what Bobby meant as he carried him over to the table of unorganized cups.
"Ready for this bros? Josh wants to play too! Try and remember the cup!" Bobby said as he dropped Josh into one of the beer filled cups and started shuffling them around before helping the other four laughing me organize them to ten on each side. Josh swirled and screamed about as he saw hands grabbing and moving the cup he was dropped in as he desperately kicked his feet and flailed his arms to stay afloat in the beer. Finally, Josh stopped and was able to keep himself afloat thanks to the carbonation in the beer, but the smell was quite unbearable. Meanwhile, Josh had no idea what was going on.
- - -
"Alright dudes hopefully you remember the cup!" Bobby laughed, feeling a bit like Tyler right now.
The guys all laughed as they started shooting balls back and fourth. Bobby smiled, still pretty drunk, not realizing the danger he jokingly put his friend in once again.
As the game went on, Josh head a ping pong ball bop and smack against his cup every now and then. Once in awhile his cup would get moved as the men made different arrangements as the game went on. Josh shivered in fear, as it seemed like less and less cups were on his side now.
Josh floated nervously as he heard the balls being given to the team on the other side of the table. In an instant and true to the shot, Josh screamed as massive white ball came crashing into the cup. Slammed under the liquid and forced to the side of the cup, Josh considered himself lucky for not getting knocked out by the ball. Shaking his head, Josh watched as the ball got pulled out of the cup by a pair of fingers.
"Nice shot, Scotty boy!" Josh heard Xavier yell. "Drink up old man Jon!"
"Yeah yeah." Josh heard Jon's voice as his cup was being picked up. Briefly, Josh saw Jon's face as he started tipping the liquid toward his mouth, washing Josh away in a torrent of beer toward the handsome giant's open mouth. Josh fruitlessly tried to swim away from Jon's mouth, but it was no used as he was easily swept up in the current, rushing past Jon's lips toward the back of his throat in a glug.
Jon wiped his mouth, completely forgetting they were supposed to be checking cups as they went. Setting aside the cup, they continued the game.
- - -
A few minutes went by as Jon had to chug the last cup, feeling really tipsy now at this point. Xavier and Scott high fived each other as they won with just one cup left.
"Scott you were on fire!" Xavier slapped the slightly larger man on the back. Scott picked up the last cup, chugging it down as reward for himself. Scott burped as he looked over at Bobby.
"I think Jonny boy was the weak link. You're better of playing with Lyle, bro." Scott slurred his words a little as Bobby started to laugh and fill the cups back up with beer.
- - -
"Help!" Josh screamed in the sea of warm beer in Jon's stomach. "Oh god what do I do?"
Josh fumbled for a moment before he managed to find some sort of chunk of food, undoubtedly undigested food then men had ordered earlier in the night. Josh then, Josh felt his pocket, remembering he had his phone on him. Pulling it out, Josh looked down at it, hoping somehow it had survived the torrents of beer.
Looking down at it Josh saw…
Scott’s obviously non serious teasing seemed to get to the freshly beaten Jon's ego. Bobby stopped pouring as he noticed that Jon was raising his voice aggressively.
“Weak link?” Jon slurred. “Better watch your mouth, dumbass. There--*hic*-- ‘er’s nothin’ WEAK about ME, bitch.”
If Jon was an angry drunk, Scott was a happy one. Scott giggled as he responded, “well… there’s nothin’ DAY about ya…or…uh…MONTH about you, bro.” He said, thinking he produced an amazing roast.
Jon stared blankly. “Wut duz zat even--” he started to say but was cut off by Lyle’s quiet laugh. The relaxed titan started to say something to Jon, but then couldn’t hold it together and burst out laughing again. “IT WUZZUNT EVEN FUNNY!” Jon protested.
Seeing how frustrated drunk Jon was getting, Bobby decided to be a little shit and egg him on.
“Nah bro Scott got you good.” Bobby said, smirking.
“Nuh-uh. I could kick his ass in ANYTHING, bro.” Jon responded defensively.
Scott, now incredibly drunk, didn’t even offer Jon a verbal response. He just shook his bubble butt, tauntingly, as if to say “come and get it” to Jon. Xavier laughed, slightly uncomfortable.
Seeing that the vibe was off with Xavier, and seeing that Jon was getting legitimately annoyed, the friendly neighborhood Lyle stood up to try to diffuse the situation. “Yo, dudes, let's just chill out. I think--”
“Me personally, Jon? I wouldn’t take that shit lyin’ down.” Bobby cut past the chill lax bro to instigate even more. “You two should one v. one. Gotta reclaim your honor and shit, bro.” Bobby said with a big grin on his face.
Toxic masculinity and ego filled the air as Jon looked around for something to challenge Scott to that wasn’t more beer pong. Looking toward the kitchen, the football player got a brilliant idea. Or, about as brilliant as you can get whilst THAT drunk.
Traveling to the kitchen quickly and traveling back just as fast, Jon slammed down two party sized bags of Doritos on the table in front of Scott. Jon smirked at Scott confidently as he handed him the very large bag of chips. “Eating contest, bitch. Letz fuckin’ go.”
As the initiation began, Lyle, again, tried to stop them. “Hey, uh… I don't know if--”
And once again Bobby cut him off. “Word, bros! Last one to finish their bag is a fuckin’ loser, haha.”
Lyle tried one last time to stop this bad idea from happening. “Dude, what if they, like, throw up? We’re all HAMMERED.”
Bobby paused. “Oh yeah, good point.”
But the pause didn’t last long.
“Yo! Go get us a trash can, Lyle! Just in case.” Bobby said, winking, as he pulled out his phone to record this shit show he helped manufacture.
Lyle looked to Xavier for backup, but the more introverted teen just shrugged, stood up, and walked over to the table. Jon and Scott both grabbed their bags and opened them. Lyle sighed and went to grab a trash can for the inevitable barfing that was about to ensue.
“Good luck, dude!” Scott wished to Jon, genuinely. But the football player offered no such camaraderie back. “You’re going down, brah.” Jon said. His stomach then grumbled soon after.
Bobby, now recording, gave the two a countdown. “3…2…1…CHOW DOWN!”
At the end of the contest…
Josh tapped the phone repeatedly, hoping and praying that somehow it would turn on.
It didn’t. And deep down he knew it wouldn’t.
But it was the only hope he had left. That last stomach grumble nearly sent him flying across Jon’s stomach, and he wasn’t sure he had the stamina to survive another launch.
Unfortunately, Josh would have bigger problems to deal with soon.
“3…2..1…CHOW DOWN!”
Bobby’s muffled voice boomed loud enough for even Josh to hear. “Bobby?!?!” Josh screamed out even though he knew he would never be heard. Instead of a response from his old roommate, he got a response from Jon’s stomach. It shook. Josh looked up and saw that more food was entering.
A lot more food.
An ungodly amount of food.
Josh tried to swim away, but no matter how much he did, it was a dangerous barrage of chunky mess raining from the sky. Massive meteors of chips came crashing down around him from the sky. Even the smaller bits pelted him like hail or shrapnel. And the more food entered Jon’s stomach, the hotter the acid he swam in became.
“JOOOOOON! HELP MEEEEEE!” Josh screamed, swimming for his life in what felt like lava. But the tiny received no help. All he was sent in response was a massive sloid glob of barely chewed Dorito landing directly on his head, knocking him out.
Unconscious, he became absolutely buried under the mush, his tiny body never resurfacing.
“GO! GO! GO! GO!” Bobby cheered. It seemed Scott and Jon were neck and neck in the eating competition. But, at the last second, Scott stopped. His stomach made an ungodly noise. The brainless hunk lowered his bag of chips and grabbed his stomach in pain.
“Oh god…” Scott said, his face turning slightly green. Looking around for a trash can, he quickly found the one that Lyle had placed there and then proceeded to release all of the contents of his stomach into it. Jon, having just finished his bag, looked over at Scott.
Instead of helping him, the football player immediately cheered, throwing his hands in the air in victory.
“HELLZ YEAH! Whooza weak link now. huh??” Jon slurred, and then burped obnoxiously. Unbeknownst to him, that burp sent a tiny telephone launching out of his mouth. Everyone was too busy to notice, though.
Xavier chuckled and walked away from the somewhat gross situation, while Lyle sighed and walked over to Scott to make sure he was okay. Bobby was the only one who seemed to be engaged in Jon’s victory.
“Nice one, dude. You got a strong stomach!” Bobby said, patting Jon’s bare abs playfully.
Jon smirked arrogantly, towering over Scott as the poor bastard curled up on the floor near Jon’s feet in pain. “What can I say, bro.” Jon gloated. "What goes in, stays in."
Clicking the button Josh saw the screen light up. Somehow it was working perfectly fine! Scrolling through his phone Josh winced for a moment at the light in produced in the pitch black organ, but quickly regained his determination to make a call.
"I can't believe it's working!" Josh exclaimed excitedly as he scrolled to Bobby's number. Hitting the call button, Josh held it up to his ear and waited. "Come on Bobby pick up…"
- - -
Meanwhile, Bobby was setting up the game now standing beside Lyle as his partner, determined to dethrone the team of Scott and Xavier. Having left his phone on the kitchen counter, it buzzed violently but nobody was there to pick it up.
Jon stood by, watching as they started the game, a little pissed Scott did so well and made him look bad. Sipping a beer and feeling a little light headed, Jon looked down at his phone, playing around on it and swiping through social media without really reading or looking at anything in his drunken state.
- - -
"No good." Josh said to himself as Bobby's phone went to voice mail a second time now. "I think he was going to play beer pong next… what about Tyler?"
Josh thought for a moment, but even if Tyler did pick up by the time he came to the rescue he's be nothing more than a scrap of extra protein for Jon's body. "Wait! What about Jon?"
Josh just realized, calling the person he was currently trapped inside might be the best idea. After all if Jon was currently just watching them play he might be on his phone anyway. Looking through his contacts, Josh knew he saved Jon's number somewhere from when he hired him. Finding it, Josh hit the call button and crossed his fingers.
- - -
Looking at his phone, Jon saw he had a call coming from "Boss man" as he backed away into the quiet of the kitchen and picked the phone up.
"Hey boss dude! Am I supposed to be at work right now?" Jon asked, somewhat forgetting what he was doing as he took a sip of his beer.
"No Jon, you're at my house." Josh responded on the other end. "More importantly, I'm in your stomach!"
"What, bro?" Jon answered a bit confused. "Oh yeah this is your house, I forgot you weren't here. Where are you again?"
"In your stomach Jon!" Josh cried desperately on the phone. "I was in a cup of beer, you drank me! You have to let me out!"
"Slow down, bud." Jon set his beer down and rubbed his forehead. "You aren't making sense, bro."
"Alright. Listen closely okay?" Josh tried to stay calm and speak slowly, knowing Jon must be really drunk to be this confused. "I'm currently shrunk really small. You said early I was pretty close to microscopic, remember?"
"Yeah I think so." Jon tried to think back to earlier. "So you're still really small?"
"Right. Then you guys started playing beer pong." Josh continued to explain slowly. "Bobby dropped me in a cup, and you accidentally drank me."
"Did I?" Jon continued to rub his head. Still thinking and confused, Jon…
"Duuuude. I remember. Wait, so you were in the cup I just drank?" Jon asked, despite the fact that Josh literally just told him.
"Yes! Jon, you have to throw me up! Otherwise I'll die in here!" Josh plead with the muscle head, knowing full well that if Jon didn't take action soon, he would be nothing more than a digested chunk of meat in a few minutes.
"Bro! Don't say that, you can't die yet!" Jon said on the other end of the phone, Josh felt a little uncomfortable with the word "yet" but kept listening. "You haven't even gotten to experience how awesome my muscles are yet! You can't go trying to be part of them too soon!"
"What?" Josh said confused, but his confusion was short lived as Jon's stomach started to lurch violently. Jon's stomach started bubbling and convulsing as Josh felt himself get propelled upwards before landing with a splash and looking up into the light. Josh blinked a few times as he recognized this to be the sink in his bathroom upstairs off his bedroom. Josh stared up, seeing Jon's eyes searching through the liquidy vomit before spotting him, scooping him out. Josh laid back, a little tired as Jon drained the sink and washed up a bit.
"Shiiiit dude, that was wild!" Jon slurred, still clearly pretty drunk as held Josh in his palm and walked into Josh's room, sitting on the bed. Jon looked around the room, trying to figure out where he was. "Yo, this bed is nice! Shit bro, whoever sleeps here must be loaded!"
"Um…" Josh was tempted to tell Jon this was his room. "This is actually my room…"
"What's that, tiny?" Jon looked down at Josh. "This room is waaaaaay to big to be yours!"
Josh watched as Jon scooched back onto the the bed, leaning against the headboard and stretching his legs out. Putting his free arm behind his head, Jon lowered Josh to the waist band of his shorts, dropping him and putting his other arm behind head head, flexing his triceps and biceps as he looked down at Josh.
"I think I'll make it my room instead. Not like you could stop me, huh tiny?" Jon smirked as he loomed over Josh with his mountainous muscles. "I think this bed fits me a bit better than you, anyway."
"Ummm Jon, how much did you drink?" Josh asked the giant, not that he was complaining about the god complex that seemed like was slipping out, but wanting to make sure the giant didn't take it too far. Jon was very much so not listening to him however.
"Hey, how about a little appreciation for getting you out of my stomach, little guy?" Jon asked, flexing his pecs a little as he spoke. "It's not every day I let food I eat NOT become fuel for my body."
Josh swallowed. Not sure how to play this. On one hand it wasn't like he hadn't been eaten before, but neither Tyler or Bobby taunted him to this extent. "Umm thank you for saving me Jon. I really appreciate it…"
"I know you're probably a little disappointed, I mean…" Jon did a double bicep flex. "I'm sure you'd jump at the opportunity to be part of this perfection."
"Umm I don't know… i just didn't want to die." Josh tried not to encourage Jon too much, but he really wasn't sure how much Jon was actually listening to him.
"Look at the bright side. Now you can appreciate me up close without jumping in my drinks, bro." Jon put his hands back behind his head, still flexing his pecs and abs. "What do you like the best? My arms? My pecs? How about my abs?"
"Yeah he's not listening to me at all…" Josh said to himself. Josh meanwhile was pretty distracted by the show Jon was putting on. It seemed harmless anyway.
"Definitely the abs, huh little man?" Jon put a hand on his abs and rubbed them side to side a little. "Bet you wish you could touch them after you were just on the other side of them?"
Jon shifted his body so he was laying a little flatter, putting his hand behind Josh and pulling him onto his abs. Josh was knocked off his feet as he was forced onto the man's stomach. Laying face first into Jon's abs now, Josh couldn't help but blush.
"Shit little guy. You're so small you fit between my abs… probably look like mountains to you, huh?" Jon leaned back, not looking at Josh anymore as the tiny man squirmed on his abs. "Mmmm bet you're loving this huh? Worship those abs, little bug."
"What does that even mean?" Josh just laid there. "I'm so small he wouldn't even know what I was doing."
"Good job, bug. Keep worshiping. if you do a good job, maybe I will deem you worthy as fuel for this body." Jon moaned happily, still clearly very drunk as he leaned back not even looking at Josh.
"There's no way he means that… he just rescued me!" Josh stood up, unsure if Jon's god complex was really taking it too far. Josh looked up and down the massive body. He didn't want this to end, Jon was definitely a sight to behold but he was a little worried about this ego. Josh decided he would…
"He's way too much of an ego maniac to actually do anything bad." Josh reassured himself, knowing that Jon wouldn't just pass up on a tiny 'worshipper' like this.
"Besides…" Josh looked up and down the muscular landscape once more. "I don't exactly want to pass this up either."
Josh watched as Jon's head drunkenly looked up, peeking past his massive pecs to drunkenly look at Josh.
"Yeah little bug, bet you love this shit." Jon smirked, flexing and relaxing his abs as he made Josh fall off his feet again and he practically squeezed Josh between the massive ridges. "Bet I could squish you just by flexing…"
"He probably could…" Josh said out loud, knowing that Jon wasn't exactly listening to him anyway. Josh however tried his best not to get pinched too badly between the ridges of Jon's abs in the meantime.
"Climb up here little bug. Not unless you want me to squish you with my abs…" Jon smirked at Josh, eyes dropping closed for a moment from drunkenness. Josh watched as Jon's head leaned back into the pillow.
"He's completely wrecked." Josh couldn't help but chuckle a little. Though he wasn't terribly confident in Jon's intentions at the moment. "Better just climb up to be safe."
Josh pulled himself out of the ridges of Jon's abs and started trying to scale toward the direction of Jon's enormous pecs. Slipping a little as he went, Josh had to steady his footing as he climbed.
"God why is he so sweaty…" Josh questioned why the shirtless giant was so ungodly sweaty just from playing beer pong and drinking. "I guess it's still pretty hot out, but this is ridiculous."
Making his way now up to Jon's chest, Josh positioned himself between the man's pecs, not wanting to try and climb all the way up one of the mountain like muscles. Sweating himself now though, Josh could feel Jon's neck start to move, likely to check on him. As Jon did so, Josh…
"There's a good little bug. Bet you love being between those pecs, huh?" Jon slurred his words a little as he squeezed his pecs together slightly, pressing Josh between the two covered in sweat. Jon chuckled as he relaxed his chest, seeing Josh was no longer pinned between the two muscles.
"Sorry to disappoint you, bug. I know you would've loved getting squashed between these amazing pecs…" Jon arrogantly mocked Josh. "I need you to worship harder, little bitch. Do it for your god."
Josh watched as Jon leaned his head back again, relaxing as he shut his eyes, likely exhausted from all the drinking. Josh meanwhile shook his head as he rubbed his sides, a little sore from being squeezed between Jon's huge pecs.
"I'd rather not stay put between these in case he gets more funny ideas…" Josh narrated his movement as he trekked his way further up Jon's chest before circling around slightly on one of the giant's pecs instead. Resting his feet, Josh sat down on the muscular pec, staring down Jon's body looking out over the massive landscape he just crossed. Josh blushed, as he couldn't help but gush over the intensely muscular body.
"That's a star quarterback for you…" Josh admired the physique, not realizing Jon had peeked up to look at him. Josh nearly jumped as Jon's hand came down on top of him, clumsily plucking him up from his position as Jon brought him over by his smirking face.
"That's a good bug, worshiping my pecs like that…" Jon looked at Josh, practically cross eyed. "I think you deserve a reward from your god…"
Jon lowered Josh closer to his face, Josh fighting back a little scared Jon might actually be true to his word and eating him again. However, Josh instead braced himself as Jon blew out a long nasty burp.
"Ha haaaa niiice!" Jon laughed as he sat up and held Josh in his palm. "Hope you liked that, bug!"
Josh coughed and rubbed his face in disgust from the smell. However, he quickly instead focused on holding on to Jon's skin as the massive giant got out of the bed. Standing up, Jon brought his hand up to his chest, taking Josh and rubbing him against his sweaty pecs.
"Mmm yeah you love these meaty pecs, huh runt?" Jon taunted Josh, carefully using his finger to keep Josh against his skin. John held Josh pressed up against his chest for a moment. "Lick it runt."
"Oh god!" Josh found himself upside down against Jon's chest. He had no idea how Jon was holding onto him, but he wasn't about to let go of whatever skin on Jon's finger he was grabbing onto to find out. Josh found himself being rubbed against Jon's chest, to his abs, to his biceps. All the while, Jon praised the tiny man for his good worship while Josh was simply holding on for dear life. Josh breathed a sigh of relief as Jon held him neutral in his hand once more.
"Good job, runt. You're a dedicated little slave, I'll give you that." Jon swayed slightly, needing to sit back down on Josh's bed to stop himself from falling over. Jon flexed his arm as he held Josh down on his lap. "Take a picture, runt with your tiny phone…"
"Surprised he remembers I have it…" Josh wasn't about to disobey as he pulled out his phone and snapped the absolutely incredible upshot of the giant. "Oh wow…"
Josh admired the photo for a second before he sent it to Jon. Jon pulled out his phone and looked at it. "Who's fucking texting me… ohhh shit I look fucking good…"
Jon admired the picture for a second before be brought Josh up a little close to his chest. "Hey bug, lemme see your phone I wanna take one too…"
"Use your own phone!" Josh tried to call out to the drunk jock as he watched Jon set his phone down on the bed. Jon seemingly ignored Josh though as he reached two fingers down to Josh, expectantly.
"Jon you have your own phone…" Josh tried to convince the giant, who simply blinked and hiccupped.
"Hey runt, don't disobey me… hand it over…" Jon commanded sternly, getting Josh a little nervous as he reached his phone up regrettably between the fingers of the giant. Josh watched as Jon pulled his fingers away, quickly causing his phone to implode between the massive digits.
"Huuuuuurrrp… whoops." Jon burped as he rubbed his fingers together, noticing he obliterated Josh's phone to dust. "Oh hey, why don't I just use my own phone…"
Josh face palmed as Jon reached down for his phone and snapped a few selfies of himself flexing.
"Great there goes my phone…" Josh looked at the pompous drunk idiot as he took selfies. He couldn't help but blush a little though. "He's lucky he's hot…"
"Alright little bug." Jon suddenly addressed Josh again. "You've proven your loyalty to me, your god, so I think it's time for another reward…"
"Oh god…" Josh covered his nose, wondering if it was another rancid burp.
"I have deemed you worthy, bug." Jon slurred some more. "Worthy of…"
"You are worthy of being fuel for this amazing perfect body…" Jon smirked, flexing his arm as he brought Josh in close.
"Uh… what?" Josh questioned for a second before Jon started to bring him up to his mouth. "What? No no no! Jon! You just let me out!"
Josh's pleas fell on deaf ears though as Jon brought him up to his tongue, extending the muscle out and licking Josh out of his fingers with ease. Shrieking in terror, Josh struggled and squirmed as Jon drew him into his mouth.
"Mmmm I know how bad you want to be part of these meaty pecs, bro…" Jon massaged his chest while he swished Josh around in his mouth. "Don't worry dude, won't be long now…"
With a dramatic gulp, Jon shoved Josh into the back of his throat. Using way more effort than he needed, Jon felt the miniscule squirms travel down his throat and past his chest.
"Heh… nice… yeah squirm your way down, runt…" Jon swayed a little in Josh's bed. Rubbing his chest, Jon chuckled as the squirming ceased, likely as Josh was dropped into his titanic stomach. Burping again as he rubbed his ripped abs, Jon tried to shift himself out of Josh's bed, pulling up his phone and looking at the picture of himself some more with a smirk.
"Oh yeah nice… shit I'm so fucking hot…" Jon admired himself, ego bloated out of control. Storing his phone, Jon stumbled out of Josh's room and made his way to the bathroom. "Shit I gotta piss…"
- - -
"Jon!" Josh called out inside the massive man's stomach. He JUST was saved from this fate, how the hell did he end up back in here?! Josh could've believe it, he thought he was home free, but Jon's dumb drunk ass took a turn there was no way he could have seen, or done anything to stop even if he wanted to. Jon's stomach churned and turned as the giant started moving about,
"My only hope is for one of the guys to remember I was in that cup…" Josh tried to give some hope to his situation, but knowing things looked grim as Jon's stomach mostly consisted of beer and mostly digested food at his point.
- - -
Coming down the stairs, Jon rejoined the guys as the continued to play beer pong.
"Yo! Where the fuck were you, bro?" Bobby tossed the ping pong ball into the cups on the other side of the table as he saw Jon come back to the group.
"Uhhh I went to go pee?" Jon rose an eyebrow, already completely forgetting his exchange with Josh.
"Oh that was a long piss, bro!" Lyle laughed, immediately accepting Jon's excuse.
"You know it, bro." Jon shrugged, making no big deal out of it. "Yo we still playing?"
"Dude! You can join my team!" Scott offered, sinking another cup with ease. "Maybe I can carry your ass!"
"What?!" Jon felt offended. "I don't NEED to be carried, bro."
"Yeah yea, if you say so." Bobby patted Jon on the back, who immediately burped again, much to the amusement of the other guys. "Where'd Josh end up by the way?"
"Huh?" Jon tilted his head, rubbing his stomach after his burp. "I don't know bro. Probably around somewhere."
"Haaaa this is a good one, bro." Jon laughed, thinking Josh was just messing with him. "Look dude, you should just join the party."
"Jon, I'm not kidding! You have to help me!" Josh plead, feeling nervous that Jon truly wasn't going to believe him.
"I'll help you when you show up, dude!" Jon slurred his words a bit, rocking back and fourth in a drunken sway. "Look dude, you can hang out with me when you get here!"
"Jon! I'm hanging out with you right now, in your stomach!" Josh desperately yelled at the man. Greeted with only laughter over the phone, Josh swayed back and fourth and jolted within the muscular titan with each chuckle. Josh was about to say something else, as he heard the phone suddenly hang up.
"Son of a…" Josh pulled the phone back open and was about to recall Jon. But Josh froze for a second, hearing a noise far above him. It kind of sounded like water going down a drain until it got closer and closer. Suddenly, the entrance to Jon's stomach poured open as a torrent of beer came flooding in. With a scream Josh was swept away easily in the flood, losing his phone in the process. Swimming and kicking with all his might, Josh held his breath as he searched for the surface of the beery ocean, hoping he wasn't drug too deep below.
With a breath as Josh found a break in the liquid, Josh took in the foul air as he kicked and flailed about, trying to stay afloat. Once again, Jon had other plans as Josh heard a low at first turning deafening loud belch from far above.
Jon's stomach started to squeeze a little tighter as Josh found himself pulled under the surface of the beer once again. Fighting for as long as he could, Josh finally gave in as he breathed in nothing but liquid. Moments passed as the tiny man drowned, his puny little body sinking into the pit of Jon's stomach.
- - -
"Uuuuuuurp… oh man." Jon rubbed his stomach as he finished off his beer, walking back into the dining room and seeing the guys were just finishing their game.
"Broooooo, Scotty why are you so good?" Lyle slurred terribly as he rocked slightly before chugging the final cup.
"I'm amazing, dude!" Scott gloated as he chugged a beer for himself again as a reward. "Yoooo Jonny's back!"
"Sup dudes!" Jon rejoined the group, mostly already forgetting the call he had with Josh already.
"Where'd you disappear to, dude?" Xavier stumbled over with a glossed over look in his eyes.
"I had to take a phone call, man" Jon explained, looking around to see if he could grab another beer.
"Ohhhh Jonny had a call with a girl, dudes! He's too good for us!" Bobby joked and smiled as he put a hand on Lyle's shoulder, acting like he was upset.
"Shut it, Bobby!" Jon smiled back , shoving his friend playfully. "I forget what the call was even about. Who cares! Let's play more beer pong!"
"Right on!" Scott grabbed a pong ball, ready to go.
"Nah dude! You take a break. Reigning champ need to let the peasants play." Xavier put a hand on his teammate's shoulder, knowing he was just getting carried by Scott.
"Aww.. Fine." Scott agreed, smiling, knowing he could take the chance to take a piss.
The men all laughed and filled the cups back up, going back to play other game. Completely forgetting to "Remember the cup" in the first place.
Lining up shot after shot, Jon and Lyle started to mount a massive come back. With one last plunk, Lyle sunk the last cup on Xavier and Scott's side. Just in time as one final cup remained on their side, Josh's cup in fact.
"Bro that was too easy!" Lyle arrogantly slurred. "I thought you two were supposed to good or something?"
Lyle grabbed the last cup in front of him and started to walk away from the table and patted Bobby on the shoulder.
"You're in bro, I need a break from being so good." Lyle swayed a bit as Scott and Xavier rolled their eyes, both of them fairly drunk at this point too.
"Dude, you're leaving me already?" Jon complained. "No offense Bobby."
"Don't worry, baby. I'm not leaving you." Lyle chuckled and winked as Bobby took his place. "Besides I bet Bobby boy is even better than me!"
"I'm a pro, dude. Don't worry." Bobby fist bumped Jon as they rearranged the cups and refilled them with beer. The group of men started up the game as Lyle walked away back into the the kitchen to get more food. Setting Josh's cup down on the counter as he grabbed a plate for more food, Lyle ripped a huge belch before rubbing his gut a bit.
"Oh man, maybe I am getting a bit too drunk." Lyle rolled his eyes over at the red cup then over at a beer. Grabbing the beer, he cracked it open and started to fill his cup all the way to the top. "Nahhhhh!"
- - -
Josh watched in terror as a massive torrent of carbonated yellow came rushing in the cup, swirling him around in a vortex as it filled all the way to the top. Splashing an sputtering in the liquid, Josh gasped for air as now he actually had a fairly good view at nearly the top of the cup. Although Josh's vision was getting a little blurry as he slowly got intoxicated himself, Josh could make out the massive muscular form of Lyle looming over him letting his can of beer drip to the last drop into the cup.
"Lyle? Lyle!!" Josh questioned for a moment as he vision adjusted before splashing and waving his arms up at the giant. Unfortunately, Josh saw Lyle turn away as he could see the massive man grabbing more of their food from early, stuffing it in his mouth before chewing briefly and swallowing. Stopping his waving for a moment, Josh was momentarily transfixed on the studly man. The side view of the giant that he had right now was fantastic, able to see every curve and chisel of muscle in his body from the side, all the way down to his massive ass sticking out of his jeans even worse than before now as he drunkenly let the waist fall down fully below his glutes now.
"Wow… Lyle looks really good right now…" Josh swooned as the man snobbishly scratched his abs and burped again. Josh couldn't help but to continue to stare, normally the behavior would have been a bit obnoxious to him, but right now Josh couldn't help but drunkenly admire the enormous jock.
Suddenly, Josh saw the man turn. Reaching down for the cup, Josh realized Lyle was undoubtedly going for sip of his beer. As Lyle lifted the cup, Josh…
"Wow… just look at his abs…" Josh admired, the alcohol completely going to his head. It was like everything was moving in slow motion as Josh traveled pasted Lyle's incredible abs to his massive chest. "Woah… they're like mountains… but on the side of a cliff!"
Josh didn't really register what was happening as Lyle lifted the cup to his face. The enormous jock easily opened his throat and chugged the cup of beer in mere seconds. With a rush like a raging river, Josh slashed and gasped, not fully understanding what was going on as he was rushed into the handsome blonde's mouth and started his journey down deep inside the 6'11" titan.
- - -
"Ulp… ulp… ulp…" It didn't take long for Lyle to drain the solo cup. He was a big guy after all, chugging a small cup full like that was nothing special. Lyle wiped his mouth as he reach back down for more of his food, stuffing more in his mouth and grabbing another beer as he made his way back out to where the guys were playing beer pong. Sizing up the game, it looked like Bobby and Jon were behind a cup. Swallowing his food as he made his way over to them, Lyle grabbed a ball.
"Celeb shot!" He called as he tossed a ball, landing it in with a plunk on the other side. "There now it's even, bros!"
"Nice Lyle!" Bobby patted the huge jock on the back. Lyle drunkenly nodded his head arrogantly as he backed away.
"Nice dude!" Jon nudged Lyle in the stomach. Lyle didn't finch, however the nudge did cause his stomach to bubble a bit before the man belched loudly.
"Oh man, bros. I'm still hungry. Just made more room in there." Lyle patted his own stomach as the guys continued to play their game.
"Eat, dude." Bobby smiled at Lyle. "We ordered way too much food."
"Right." Lyle laughed as he left the room thinking about why they ordered too much. Counting in his head he knew there were five of them here. "Why did we order for like six again?"
Lyle wondered aloud as he opened another pack of wings and sucked the meat quickly off the bone with ease. "Who paid for this again…"
Mind fuzzy, Lyle tried not to worry about it as he took a long chug of his beer, swaying drunkenly slightly as he set it down almost spilling it.
"Whoops…" Lyle blinked as he grabbed another wing. "Oh yeah wasn't micro-bro with us?"
Lyle ate the wing as he tried to think, but couldn't quite remember where the little guy wandered off to. Shrugging, Lyle figured he wasn't dumb enough to get himself in any dangerous situations.
- - -
Josh's head spun as he head another plop fall from above as large piece of food was deposited in Lyle's stomach. Still drunk, Josh didn't completely understand what had happened. He was able to put enough of two and two together to realize Lyle had accidentally eaten him however.
"What is going on?" Josh's head spun, sobering up a bit as he squinted around in the darkness, lucky he hadn't already been flung into digestive fluid and quickly eaten up by the giant's stomach. "I'm in Lyle's… stomach?"
Josh shook his head, still having thought's of Lyle's incredible body. "I'm on the other side of those abs then…"
Josh was reminded of when he stared at Bobby's abs earlier, it has happened again but now with a different blonde titan.
"Oh wow… that's awesome!" Josh unintelligently believed. "Lyle's stomach is so incredible!"
Josh looked around in awe as he saw the walls churning and listened to the moan's of the giant's guts working on the food.
"Oh wait… he's going to digest me isn't he?" Josh finally reasoned to himself. "That's cool, but I don't think I wanna die…"
Remembering his phone in his pocket, Josh reached inside and squinted as he looked for Lyle in his contacts. Hitting the call button Josh blinked as he held the phone to his ear.
- - -
Feeling his phone vibrate from his pocket, Lyle reached down and looked to see it was Josh calling him.
"Hey, micro-bro! What's up?" Lyle smiled, wondering if he could find out where the little guy had ran off to.
"H-hi Lyle!" Josh responded nervously, feeling suddenly apprehensive about talking to the handsome lax bro after he had just been staring at him a few minutes ago. "Ummm…"
"What's wrong, micro-bro?" Lyle asked as he took a sip of his beer. "I was just thinking about you."
"Y-you were?" Josh asked nervously, still at a lost of words and embarrassed about calling the man. As Josh answered, a stream of beer came into the man's stomach, washing him off his feet as he was barely able to hold onto his phone as he was swept away.
Lyle paused as he heard the noise, not sure what it was. "Uhhh micro-bro? I hear like running water? You in the bathroom or something?" Lyle asked as he walked out of the kitchen and made his way up stairs to the bathroom he knew about. Lyle turned the water on and off at the sink to see if the sound was similar. "Bro, you still there? I forget you're micro right now, right bro?"
Josh struggled but was able to cling onto something and pull himself out of the liquids of Lyle's stomach before he could answer.
"I am! I'm small right now!" Josh was able to answer, starting to realize just how hard he was going to have to get over his shyness with Lyle if he wanted to escape being digested by the behemoth. "Lyle… this is going to sound crazy but right now I'm…"
Josh was interrupted as Lyle burped again, the motions of going up and down the stairs stirring up some gas in in stomach. Lyle rubbed his stomach as he responded.
"What was that last part, micro-bro? Sorry I've been burping like crazy tonight!" Lyle asked, waiting for a response. Making his way back into the kitchen, Lyle didn't hear anything besides some weird sloshing and gurgling noises. Having no idea what they were, Lyle simply smiled and spoke again. "Well, micro-bro, I'm glad to hear you're okay. Give me a call back if you need anything, bro!"
Lyle hung up the phone, satisfied figuring the little guy must've just found a nice place to hang out and maybe sleep for the night. Sticking his phone in his pocket, Lyle took another swig of his beer as he rejoined the guys. Jumping into the next game of beer pong, Lyle enjoyed the rest of his night unaware of how his good looks and love for beer would ultimately mean his micro-bro's demise.
Snapping out of his infatuation, Josh realized he was about to be drank by the blonde stud! Screaming at the top of his lungs and waving, Josh tried to splash and make himself as noticeable as possible. As Josh approached Lyle's lips closer and closer, Josh looked up at his huge eyes as he saw them dart down and look at his position.
"Huh?" Lyle questioned as he saw the small speck splashing about in his beer. Lyle looked closer, before noticing it was actually Josh. "Micro-bro? What are you doing in my beer?"
Josh swam to the edge of the cup, holding on to the edge and sighing with relief as Lyle set down the cup and pulled over a chair and leaned in close to his cup.
"Uhh you good, micro-bro?" Lyle leaned in looking closer as he saw Josh resting near the rim now. "Again, micro-bro what were you thinking hoping in my beer?"
"I didn't want to be in here!" Josh called out to Lyle who blinked him a bit, clearly pretty drunk. "Remember? Bobby dropped in in one of the beer pong cups!"
Lyle scratched his chin for a second trying to remember. "Ohhhh yeah…. remember the cup or something?" Lyle laughed, finding it funny now thinking back. "Guess we all forgot."
"Yeah well, you guys forgetting almost got me drank!" Josh yelled desperately, still a bit miffed Lyle is just leaving him in the beer.
"Oh yeah, bro. I guess now that I think about it you were in the last cup, huh?" Lyle still chuckled, thinking this was pretty funny in his drunken state. "You're lucky, micro-bro. If Xavier or Scott sank your cup, Jon or I wouldn't have even known!"
"I'm well aware…" Josh huffed. It wasn't like he wasn't grateful for his luck, but he wished Lyle would show at least a little more concern over Josh's near end in either his or Jon's drunken bellies. "Either way, can you let me out of here?"
"Why, micro-bro?" Lyle looked confused at Josh. "You're swimming in a pool of beer! That's awesome bro!"
"I-I don't really like beer…" Josh stuttered, feeling like he was ruining the fun Lyle was imagining.
"Seriously, micro-bro? Come on, that's got to be like every dude's dream." Lyle smiled at Josh.
"But it's cold… and I really don't like the taste…" Josh complained as Lyle looked down on him. "Plus it's so deep I might drown!"
"I got you micro-bro! I'll make the pool shallower and a little warmer. I don't know if I can do anything about the taste though…" Lyle said to Josh as he picked up the cup. "Maybe the BBQ sauce from the wings will make it not as bad?"
"What do you mean?" Josh asked, as he question was quickly answered as Lyle slurped him into his mouth in a little sip of beer. Josh screamed as he was pulled into the darkness of Lyle's mouth. The giant started to squish Josh around in the liquid, under his tongue and into his cheeks before letting it rest somewhere in the middle. For Josh it was certainly warmer, and much shallower, but the smell in Lyle's mouth smelled like nothing but beer and wings as Josh felt like he might puke from the collective horrible fumes.
"How's that? Better, micro-bro?" Lyle asked, with really no regard with how he spoke as he sputtered a bit and Josh was washed about as his tongue moved.
"Lyle! Let me out!" Josh yelled as he saw the giant's mouth close again.
"I can't hear you in there, micro-bro!" Lyle spoke back to Josh, giving Josh at least the assurance that he wouldn't be heard. "I'm guessing it's super cool though!"
Josh looked around in the mix of light and dark. It was pretty cool, seeing the massive tongue and lines of perfect teeth, before looking to the back of Lyle's throat with his massive uvula and what looked like a terrifying drop of death. if it wasn't for the putrid smell, it might have been a much more interesting experience.
"God I just wanna puke…" Josh said to himself, wondering how awkward it would be to puke while inside someone else's mouth. Holding it in, Josh didn't want his time with Lyle to be any weirder than it's been already. Just then, Josh heard a rumble from Lyle's throat as a disgusting wet belch washed over him.
"My bad, micro-bro!" Lyle's voice boomed out around him. "I was holding that one in for awhile!"
Josh held his nose and curled his legs, arm bumping his phone as he remembered he had it in his pocket. Reaching in as he waded in waist deep beer, Josh figured if he called Lyle it might be easier to communicate. Calling the giant and putting the phone to his ear, Josh heard the man's voice boom out around him and through the phone.
"Sup, micro-br-- woah! Bro! I can heard my… self through…" Lyle got confused hearing his own voice boom through the phone before he moved the phone a bit away from his face.
"So… can you hear me now? You should probably not talk as loud." Josh asked, hoping Lyle kept the speaker near his ear.
"Yeah, bro…. I'll just try to talk quieter…" Lyle started to speak softer as he could still quite clearly hear his voice echo through Josh's phone. "You having fun in there, micro-bro?"
Josh bit his lip. He felt bad, because he didn't want to disappoint the giant. Lyle was a very friendly guy but sometime he was a bit spontaneous. However, Josh didn't expect his spontaneous nature to have him end up swishing him around in his mouth.
"It's really cool, Lyle." Josh held back the whole truth, but it was admitably still really neat. "I'm not cold anymore, or drowning. So those are both good things!"
"Wooord, bro!" Lyle whispered with enthusiasm. "Hey, know what would be sweet? You should go to the back of my throat and take a selfie, micro-bro."
"Huh?" Josh asked, failing to see how that would be sweet at all. "That seems a little dangerous…"
"Micro-bro. I'm not gonna swallow you or anything." Lyle spoke softly, trying to reassure Josh. "Don't you think it'd be a super dope picture though?"
Josh looked to the back of Lyle's throat. Seeing some of the beer drain down the throat little by little, Josh could see strands of saliva sticking from the roof of his mouth to his massive uvula as it would occasionally wiggle with each of Lyle's breaths.
"O-okay, Lyle. I'll do it. But you'll have to keep your mouth open so I can see…" Josh requested, knowing if it was too dark he was liable to stumble down the man's throat in an instant.
Josh watched as Lyle's mouth shut, sealing him in darkness for a few moments before it opened up again. Looking out the mouth, Josh could see Lyle's face mouth agape in a mirror in one of the bathrooms. Josh could see Lyle giving him a thumbs up from the mirror as he hung up his phone. Josh swallowed his fear as he wadded out of the poor of beer on Lyle's tongue, and wandered deeper and deeper to the back of the gigantic jock's throat. Approaching closer and closer to the edge, Josh figured he was close enough for a good selfie. Pulling out his phone Josh tried to smile despite his fear and…
Josh posed an awkward smile as he snapped a picture of himself before turning his phone and looking at it. Scampering a good several feet away from the throat in the process, Josh examined the picture. Looking at himself, he could see the awkwardness in his smile, but it was kind of cool seeing Lyle's massive uvula in the background as well as the partially lit interior of the jock's bottomless throat. Just then Josh looked up as he saw Lyle texting from outside the mouth as Josh got a message.
"Howd it turn out?" The message from Lyle simply read. Josh replied by sending the man the picture, who in turn chuckled as he looked at it. Josh saw Lyle had responded and looked at the next message.
"bro imma close my mouth u should record this next part!" The message read as Josh saw Lyle starting to close his massive mouth.
"No no no!" Josh called out, not sure what was happening next. He knew he has no say in what was going to happen though, so the tiny explorer pulled his phone out and turned on the video recording. With a tiny light from his phone Josh looked around as he heard a rumble from Lyle's throat again.
"Oh no…" Josh said aloud as a massive belch came roaring up from Lyle's stomach. Josh couldn't keep his footing this time as he was sent flying backwards screaming and holding instinctively onto his phone the whole time before he was stopped in something soft. Eyes adjusting he looked up and saw Lyle's face as the giant man had apparently caught him in his hand.
"Did you get that, micro-bro?" Lyle asked excitedly as Josh shut the recording off. Josh sent Lyle the video, re-watching it himself from the oh no all the way to Lyle asking if he got it, plus all the chaos in between!
"Micro-bro! Between this and the self this shit is gold! I love the little "oh no" you gave right before I burp! Bro that shit's classic!" Josh sat in Lyle's had as the man replayed the video a few times, laughing to himself each time. "Bro and that selfie! You look worried I'm about to swallow you, micro-bro!"
"Well I wasn't sure. Also I wasn't sure that you weren't going to swallow me after you told me to start recording…" Josh admitted, having the throat cross his mind that Lyle might've wanted Josh to record that.
"Oh bro, I didn't think of that!" Lyle leaned his head back in thought. "That'd be dope though! You down to be part of my dinner, micro-bro?"
"No! The last thing I want is to be sloshed around in your wings and beer filled guts." Josh dejectedly shot at Lyle who seemed a bit taken-aback.
"Relax, micro-bro. I was only kidding." Lyle waved his hand drunkenly at Josh. "You know how much trouble it would be to puke you back up? It'd be a waste of the meal I ate!"
"Well if it was the difference between me staying down there or not, I don't think it'd be a waste." Josh looked down feeling a little bad.
"Aw come on micro-bro! I'm still kidding!" Lyle shook his head as he carried Josh out of the bathroom, stumbling now into Josh's bedroom and sitting down on the bed. "Woah, this your room micro-bro?"
"Yeahh…" Josh answered, still feeling a bit down. Josh lost his footing however as Lyle laid down on the bed, setting Josh on his abs as he sat back.
"Don't be so down, micro-bro! Big bro Lyle won't let anything bad happen to you!" Lyle looked across his body at Josh and smiled. "Hey, how about another selfie! I'll be in this one too!"
Josh gave a weak smiled as he pulled out his phone, snapping a shot and looking at the picture. He could see he looked a bit down in the picture, but all the way what looked like miles Lyle made a face, sticking his tongue out and making a Shaka with his hands in the background. Josh sent it to his friend as he pulled out his phone to look.
"Bro! I look so far away!" Lyle commented, unable to believe just how far it looked like he was. "Is that really how I look for you?"
"Yeah more or less." Josh answered weakly.
"Micro-bro, I can't hear you." Lyle scooped Josh up and brought him closer to his face. "You'll have to speak up and stop looking so sad!"
"S-sorry!" Josh answered, embarrassed. It was bad enough Josh was crushing on the giant earlier, but even after a little teasing it was enough to send the poor tiny into the dumps. "I'm sorry, I just didn't realize you were just teasing."
"Micro-bro you have to stop apologizing." Lyle laughed. "We're bros, bro! We just give each other a hard time!"
Lyle sat up, holding Josh near his chest as he got out of Josh's bed. Standing up and stretching Lyle turned and looked back at the bed. "Bro, your bed is comfy. I'll have to sleep with you one of these days."
Josh's face turned red, as he really wasn't ready for that kind of comment. "W-well y-you're w-welcome to use it tonight if you want?" Josh stuttered as he hid his face from looking up at the giant.
"You'll have to get me a little more drunk first, micro-bro!" Lyle winked down at Josh. "Then I promise to spend the night!"
Lyle laughed as he left Josh's room making his way back downstairs, rejoining the others. Watching them, it would seem they had finished a few games of beer pong in the meantime.
"Yo! Lyle where have you been, dude?" Jon slumped over to Lyle. "What are you holding, bro?"
"Bro, it's micro-bro! He was in the beer I almost drank!" Lyle laughed as he looked over at Bobby.
"Oh shit!" Bobby exclaimed as he looked at the cups upon cups of beer they had gone through. "I forgot, but I guess it worked out!"
"Oh good thing, dude." Scott chimed in as well. "I totally forgot too. Good thing Lyle was paying attention."
"Well we had some fun with it too!" Lyle smiled as he pulled out his phone, showing the guys the selfies Josh took as well as the video. "But I am still the best, bro! I think I deserve a beer for that!"
Bobby left and cracked open a beer for Lyle, thankful that he was watchful enough not to actually drink his tiny roommate. "Bro, the rest of these are on me tonight!"
Lyle chugged in down fast, clearly having experience chugging beers as Bobby handed him another.
As more beers and games happened throughout the night eventually…
Things started to calm down a bit as the night went on. Xavier had bid his friends good night as he left Josh's house not long ago. Jon had recently passed out on the couch and Bobby had gone to bed. Lyle and Scott however remained, keeping Josh up as well as both me seemed pretty wide awake and wanting Josh to stay up with them.
Sleepily, Josh was now sitting on his dining room table as he looked up at Scott and Lyle converse with each, both still with beers in hand and both very much active and awake. For Josh it was pretty surreal though, considering both men matched each other's heights at the massive scale of 6'11". Neither of them wearing their shirts from earlier, and both of them looking like they're practically losing their jeans and or shorts as they slumped well past their asses, constantly needed to be pulled back up. But the two men had more interesting things to do as Lyle showed Scott his phone again.
"Dude, that's such a crazy picture!" Scott looked at the selfie Josh took in the back of Lyle's throat. "Your dangely-thingy looks like one of those big things that hang from a cave ceiling!"
Josh couldn't help but laugh. It was no surprise, even if he wasn't drunk Josh figured Scott would have difficulty coming up with the right words. Josh continued to watched the men as he heard the video of Josh getting burp launched out of Lyle's mouth for at least the thirtieth time tonight. Both men laughed at the video as Josh simply rolled his eyes, very sleepy at this point. Closing his eyes for only a moment before he felt the presence of both men looming over him. If Josh had been his normal height, the table would measure just over crotch height, but for these two massive giants they loom well past down to about mid thigh, Josh stared up at them, exposed compression shorts on the both of them all the way up to their faces.
"Yo, Josh. You should take a selfie of us looming over you!" Scott slurred a little as he put an arm around Lyle and the two men posed as they loomed. Josh swallowed nervously as he pulled out his phone and snapped a shot of himself from a low angle, struggling to get both massive giants in the shot. Unsure if either man could hear him, Josh just sent the selfie to the both of them.
"Broooo, we're fucking huuuuge!" Lyle looked at the picture, unable to fathom that this was what Josh was actually seeing from his point of view.
"Duuuude, we look like this to you all the time?" Scott asked Josh as he got down on his knees to get a bit closer to Josh, although he was now only about mid abdomen level with the table instead. Josh watched as Lyle did the same, however they still loomed quite intimidatingly from abdomen up over him. "Take another one."
Josh did as he was commanded. After all, these guys were drunk and the last thing he wanted was to argue with a drunk giant. Josh took another selfie as the guys posed over him and sent it to them.
"Brooo we're still so far away looking!" Lyle laughed as he looked at the picture. Lyle got all the way down now, resting his chin on the table as looked down at Josh, much closer to eye level now. "Sup, micro-bro."
Josh waved awkwardly at Lyle's handsome but clearly drunken face as Scott lowered down to his chin as well. Josh's vision was now completely obscured by the two handsome men's faces.
"Take one now dude, this one will be dope!" Scott winked and stuck his tongue out as Lyle did a similar pose. Josh had to back up though this time. There was no way he'd get both giant's faces if he was too close. Snapping the picture again, Josh sent it to them.
The two men stood back up as they looked at the pictures, now loomed over Josh without really acknowledging him.
"Bro! It looks like he's on your tongue, sort of!" Lyle laughed as Josh's portion of the selfie lined up with Scott's tongue.
"Dude! It does! Hey that gives me an idea!" Scott smiled as he reached down, pinching Josh between his fingers carefully without warning. Josh screamed as he was zoomed up to Scott's face with incredible speed. "Dude, take a selfie of this!"
Scott held Josh over his head, tilting it back and opening his mouth as he lowered Josh down a couple inches away from being put inside. Panicked at first, Josh realized Scott wasn't actually dropping him in. Doing as he was commanded, Josh took another selfie as out of the corner of his eye he saw Lyle also take a picture. Now holding Josh in his hand, the men shared the photos they took around with each other. In particular Josh looked at the one Lyle took, as it looked like Scott was lowering an indistinguishable crumb into his mouth.
"Wow… that's how small I look to them?" Josh focused on the picture. It was crazy for him to see just how small he was from their point of view. Josh turned and looked up at Scott as he chuckled at the picture Josh took.
"Dude, this is wild! Look how small he is, but then look at him up close right over my mouth!" Scott laughed as he set his phone down to take a sip of his beer. Josh couldn't help but smile, it was fairly harmless fun after all. Perhaps it was even giving them men a better prospective of just how small he was. Feeling like he was having fun, Josh posed for a self of his own from Scott's hand, making it look like he was pinching Lyle's nose. Josh smiled as the picture turned out well and sent it to the two giants as they were transfixed on their phones. Scott burst out laughing at it was Lyle chuckled and looked over at Scott's hand.
"That's a sneaky one, micro-bro!" Lyle sauntered over closer to Scott now. "You're like those people who take a picture acting like they're holding up the leaning tower of Pisa!"
"People take pictures of themselves holding up pizza?" Scott asked, blinking as he was a bit confused. Lyle looked down at Josh before looking back at Scott laughing. "What? We still have some pizza left right? Let's put Josh on a pizza!"
"Bro… that's not what I'm talking about." Lyle laughed. "Besides wouldn't you rather keep having him take selfies with us?"
"Dude, he can take selfies on the pizza. It'd be sweet." Scott argued back. Meanwhile, Josh just sat there, listening to the go back and fourth. It was a bit awkward, Josh was starting to just feel like an object of their amusement.
"At least this is all harmless…" Josh thought to himself, unlike the "fun" Bobby and Tyler put him though before. Some time went by and the two men came to an agreement that they wanted to…
"I think Jon ate the rest of the pizza before he passed out anyway, bro." Lyle laughed as he looked at Jon passed out on the couch in the other room. Scott grabbed the box of pizza, opened and saw it was empty aside from a few crumbs.
"Damn dude, you're right." Scott shrugged as he tossed the box. "Oh well, hey I've got an idea though!"
Josh held on for dear life to Scott's hand as the giant sat himself on the ground and laid on his back. Scott dropped Josh onto his abs and put his hands behind his head.
"How's that for a view, dude?" Scott looked across his body at Josh. "Snap a pic of that!"
Josh stared across Scott's body, it was a bit sweaty but the massive landscape was absolutely something to behold. Josh took a regular photo, as well as a selfie before sending them both to Scott and Lyle. Still laying down, Scott looked at his phone as Lyle looked at his own.
"Woah, bro." Lyle looked at the photos. "They look like hills and mountains, bro."
"Duuuude that's crazy!" Scott felt like his mind was a little blown from looking at the pictures. "Yo, you can't even see my face!"
"Bro, can you imagine being that small?" Lyle sat down on the ground next to Scott and looked down at Josh, looking absolutely minuscule on Scott's abs.
"Nope, dude. I'd hate it." Scott said plainly before looking up to see Josh on his abs. "Sorry, dude. No offense."
"None taken. I mean, I disagree because I like it." Josh confessed to the two drunks. "I mean how else could you get amazing photos like these?"
"I guess." Scott looked toward Lyle. "What about you, dude?"
"Me? No way, bro." Lyle laughed and shook his head. "I mean I had micro-bro in my mouth earlier. Personally, I'd rather be the one snacking, and not getting snacked on, bro."
"Dude, that picture was sweet." Scott complimented Lyle. "Josh definitely looking like he was gonna get snacked on, bro."
"Haaaa yeah bro, plus he said he liked it!" Lyle laughed, twisting Josh's words unintentionally. "Otherwise he wouldn't have gotten such a great pic."
"Oh dude, was it his idea to go in your mouth?" Scott asked, sitting up slightly and catching Josh in his hand. Josh was about to answer as he instead found himself careening into Scott's hand.
"I can't remember, bro. I think so." Lyle scratched his head, the memory already a little fuzzy from all the drinking they've done. "I remember he thought I was gonna swallow him when he took that video though, bro!"
"Video? You only showed me the selfie, dude." Scott looked at Lyle with a little confusion. Lyle put a finger before showing Scott his phone, replaying the video Josh took from in his mouth when he burped on the little guy. Scott immediately started to crack up. "Dude! That's hilarious! He totally thought you were gonna gulp him, right up till you blasted him the face with that burp!"
"Right, bro?!" Lyle chuckled, amused at watching the video again for himself. The two laughed to themselves as they heard a noise from the other room. They both stopped and looked over as they saw Jon tossing in sleep a little on the couch. He was starting to snore pretty loud, much to Scott and Lyle's amusement. "Bro, he's out cold! We should get Josh on him for some pics, bro."
"You sure, dude? I bet Josh is dying to get back in your mouth for a part two to your video!" Scott looked down at Josh in his palm and bounced the little guy up and down in his hand like a toy. Lyle laughed and picked his teeth a little.
"Maybe, bro. Maybe we should get selfies in yours?" Lyle offered as a suggestion.
"Guys! I don't want to do any of that…" Josh tried to call up to the giants. They were not paying attention to him in the slightest however, as they made up Josh's mind for him by deciding to…
"Nah, bro. He definitely wants a fresh point of view." Lyle convinced Scott fairly easily. Josh all the while couldn't help but face palm, considering how little they're actually taking his opinions in these ideas. Josh tumbled off his feet as Scott started to get up without much warning. Pushing himself up, Josh saw Scott ad bringing him toward Jon with Lyle at his side. Josh gulped as they got closer to Jon. The giant stud had lost his red tank top at some point during the night and it looked like he tried to pull off his shorts but gave up half way through as they hung around his shins, his tight black nike spandex underwear showing in full display. Somehow the huge jock still had his hat on his head, though it was backwards and the strap was covering his eyes partially. Josh was so busy taking in Jon's attire and sleeping position as the giant laid on his back with one arm behind his head and mouth hung wide open as he snored, that he barely realized that Scott was already right in front of the sleeping man's body.
"Like a big muscly baby, bro." Lyle joked as he took Lyle's hand that was hanging off the sofa and stuck the man's thumb inside his open mouth. Josh actually laughed as Lyle took a picture, glad to see them putting someone else at expense for their fun times. Scott laughed as he leaned in an tickled Jon's nose a little before Jon sleepily slapped the hand away after taking his thumb out of his mouth. The two giants snickered some more as Jon's face went from annoyed back to peaceful.
"Alright, bro. Lemme see micro-bro." Lyle put out his hand for Josh as he leaned over Jon. Scott chuckled as he put Josh in Lyle's hand. Josh felt several rushed as he was whipped around between the two men before he found himself being dangled over Jon, by Lyle. Josh looked down nervously, as Lyle lowered him do to Jon's…
Lyle started to chuckle a little as he slowly lowered Josh on Jon's lower lip. Josh planted his feet on the soft surface and looked around, too terrified to move. Josh looked up at Lyle as his hand, and life-line moved further and further away. Peeking forward, all that Josh could see now was a massive canyon that made up the gap between Jon's lips.
"Dude, snap some pics!" Scott knelt down and watched Josh, impatiently. Josh pulled out his phone, feeling like the situation was quite precarious, but at least Lyle and Scott were watching him. Taking a picture of the canyon, then another peeking down into the mouth, Josh sent the pictures to the giants. The two men pulled out their phones and checked out the scale of the photos as Josh stored his phone and tried to back up.
Suddenly, Jon's lips moved a little as Jon breathed in a deep snore. Trying to grab on to something, Josh couldn't as he found himself slip directly down into the terrifying canyon. Josh screamed as he slipped down under Jon's tongue, before coming to a stop wedged between his tongue and the bottom of his mouth.
"Oh god, I could've just fallen right down his throat!" Josh thanked his lucky stars. However, he tried to listen hoping Scott or Lyle would notice he went missing.
"Crazy, bro. It's like the grand canyon." Lyle was transfixed by the photo. Scott leaned back as he looked at them as well.
"Looks dark and scary, dude." Scott scratched his chin. "I dunno why he think it's neat to go in there, dude."
"Bro, remember Bobby ate him!" Lyle looked over at Scott and laughed.
"Duuuude I forgot about that." Scott set his phone down. "Maybe he's too embarrassed to admit it was fun!"
"Maybe bro, maybe that's why he wanted in my mouth so bad earlier." Lyle thought for a second before he looked over at Jon's lips. "Uhhh bro. Where'd he go?"
"Dude, he was just on Jon's face." Scot sat up, looking at Jon's face a little closer. "Did he fall off?"
"Ooooooor, did he jump in, bro." Lyle rose an eyebrow as he gave a nod to Scott. Scott put an agreeing look on his face as he peeked into Jon's mouth a little.
"Gross, dude." Scott pulled out his phone and turned the flash light on it. Shining it into Jon's dark mouth, Scott scanned around a little before seeing something small making itty bitty motions at him. "Yo, found em. You called it dude."
Lyle peeked down into Jon's mouth as well, seeing Josh wave up at them. "Bro if you were aiming for his throat, you some how missed."
"It was an accident! Please get me out!" Josh yelled up at the giants as Scott's light shone down at him. Josh could see the giants look at each other and shrug.
"I'm not reaching in there, bro." Lyle crossed his arms insistently. Lyle looked over at Scott.
"Dude! I don't wanna either!" Scott shook his head. Scott grabbed Jon's hand and stuck his own finger into his mouth like before. Josh shrieked as Jon's finger was shoved roughly into the mouth. Josh grabbed the finger though, wanting to get out of Jon's mouth as soon as possible.
Just as Scott started to pull the finger out of Jon's mouth, Jon closed his lips around the finger. Josh slipped of the finger as Scott pulled it all the way out.
"Shit, dude. Jon sucked him back in!" Scott tossed Jon's hand aside as he grabbed Jon's face, pinching his cheeks and the man continued to snore. Impatient, Scott forced Jon's mouth open as he propped him up a little to keep his face level. Handing his phone to Lyle, he peeked in the mouth once again seeing Josh now on the tongue, somewhat toward the back of Jon's throat.
"Don't worry micro-bro. I gotchu!" Lyle said as he took a deep breath and started to bring his hand toward Jon's mouth. Hesitating for a second, Lyle had second thoughts about sticking his fingers in. As he hesitated, Lyle saw Jon's tongue lurch, pushing Josh back in a simple little gulp. Lyle froze for a second, not sure what he just watched. "Uhhh bro. Jon just swallowed him."
"Duuuuuude." Scott let go of Jon's face as he slumped back into Scott's chest, still sound asleep. "We're gonna have to wake him up."
"How, bro. He's sleeping like a fucking rock." Lyle pinched Jon's face, who simply slapped his hand away and went back to snoring.
"We can't just leave him though, dude." Scott looked down at Jon's abdomen. "I mean, whether he likes it or not, he'd get all digested right?"
"Yeah, I know bro. I know." Lyle thought for a second. "What if we hung him upside down? Micro-bro might be able to force his way out? Or with any luck, Jon would just puke."
"You sure we can't just wake him up?" Scott made a face, not really wanting to hand Jon upside down. The two discussed for a minute before deciding to…
"In my mouth, dude?" Scott pointed at himself. Lyle simply nodded at him, chuckling a little bit. "Oh, word dude. Yeah I'm down."
"What? Hey don't I get a say in this?!" Josh cried out in desperation as Scott sort of just nonchalantly agreed to the idea. Josh's words would go completely ignored however, as Scott immediately started to bring him up to his mouth. "Not again!"
Still not paying attention to Josh's pleas, Scott opened his mouth and tilted his hand letting the little man slide out off his hand and landing unceremoniously on his tongue. Josh scrambled to his feet, slipping a little on the moist surface. Looking out of Scott's mouth, Josh could see Lyle peeking inside. Pulling out his phone, Josh saw Lyle turn on the light of his phone smirking as he did so.
"Bro, totally recording this!" Lyle said as he leaned in closer, seeing Josh a little easier in the zoom of his phone than he normally would. "Micro-bro I can see you! Yo, snap some selfies!"
Josh pulled out his phone, apparently Lyle could see him pretty well so there was no sense in faking it or anything. Doing as he was commanded Josh snapped a few pictures and gave Lyle a thumbs up.
"Cute micro-bro!" Lyle smiled, liking the tiny thumbs up. Suddenly, Josh fell to his feet as Scott's voice boomed over him.
"What happened?!" Scott said sort of normally, practically not accounting for the fact that Josh was in his mouth.
"Bro, you just flung the little guy around!" Lyle scolded Scott. Josh shook his head he got up, glad Lyle could see him well enough to stick up for him. Scott's jaw froze as it was clear he felt bad, trying not to speak or move any more for the time being. "Yo, micro-bro. Assuming Scotty stays still you should go touch his dangly thing!"
"Oooooh 'oo 'at" Scott said, trying not to move his jaw or tongue in the process. Josh sighed, Scott was staying still. Lyle was staring him down with a camera. If he didn't do this of his own accord, he knew they'd never let him forget it, especially with video evidence. Josh sighed and turned toward the back of Scott's mouth, seeing the massive uvula hanging in the distance. Without much choice, Josh made his way to the back, which at his size took at least a few minutes just to get there only to see that it hung too high out of his reach. Extending his hand as high as he could, Josh tried to touch the uvula, feeling the light beat down on him from Lyle's phone all the while.
"Bro, he's too short!" Lyle laughed as he zoomed in all the way trying to watch. "Jump, micro-bro! Jump!"
Josh slipped his foot belief before catching himself. He was right at the edge of Scott's throat. A slip he could easily lead to a much longer slide all the way down Scott's throat. Lyle yelled at him to jump again. Josh didn't know what he was thinking, but he jumped as high and hard as he could. He wanted to badly to impress the two men as he reached out with all his might.
He wasn't even close. Josh would've been lucky to touch the saliva dripping off the huge thing. but he didn't even get that satisfaction as he came back down to the surface of Scott's tongue. Upon landing however, Josh slipped and started to fall…
As Josh landed on the slippery surface of Scott's tongue as he gasped, slipping backward directly on his back. Trying as he might as he slid downward, Josh tried to grab on to anything as he dropped his phone from his hand. Slipping away into darkness, Josh lost sight of Lyle peering into Scott's mouth as he slipped down the titan's throat.
- - -
Scott barely noticed he reflexively swallowed, looking at Lyle as he was squinting his eyes looking in his mouth.
"Huh…" Lyle leaned in closer, not sure of what he just saw. His suspicions were confirmed though as he saw Josh definitely didn't come up after he fell down. Lyle leaned away and lowered his phone. "Bro, I think you swallowed him."
"Huh?!" Scott looked at Lyle with surprise, mouth still hung open as Lyle rolled his arms nonchalantly. Shutting his mouth, Scott put a few fingers on his throat. "You sure, dude? I don't feel anything."
"Pretty sure, bro. He like landed and slipped right down your throat." Lyle shrugged, acting like it wasn't that big of a deal.
"Shit bro, what do I do?" Scott swayed a little drunkenly as he rubbed his chest.
"Uhhh not sure, bro. Should we go wake up Bobby?" Lyle crossed his arms, also pretty considerably drunk at this point. Lyle looked over at Jon who was passed out on the couch. "Or Jon? I don't know bro, maybe he'd help?"
Scott let out a low rumbling burp, putting a hand on his stomach. Lyle couldn't help but laugh at it.
"Ha, nice bro." Lyle snickered as Scott clutched his stomach. "Think he's alright in there, bro?"
"No idea, dude." Scott shook his head and looked down at his abs. "He… *uuurp* had his phone with him right?"
"Oh right he did, bro." Lyle snapped his fingers as if Scott just made an important discovery. "I'll call him and check on him, bro."
Lyle pulled up Josh's number and tried calling it, waiting for a few seconds before it eventually went to voice mail. Lyle hung up and looked at Scott, shrugging again.
"He didn't answer, bro." Lyle told Scott the obvious, who frowned slightly and put a hand back on his stomach. "Weird he didn't pick up…"
"Yeahhh dude. Didn't Ty say he like asked him to eat him?" Scott started drunkenly connecting dots. "And he like wanted to go in your mouth, right?"
"Yeah I think so…" Lyle scratched his head. "Wait bro, are you saying he didn't pick up on purpose?"
Scott burped a little again. "Yeah, dude… I mean maybe anyway?"
Lyle shrugged again. It was solid enough logic for him anyway. "I guess he'll call us once he's had his fun then?"
"Probably, dude." Scott stretched his arms, trying to just relax about the situation. "Little guy probably just wanted to go on an adventure!"
"You're probably right, bro." Lyle chuckled thinking back to what he saw. "That slip looked maaaad fake, bro. Looked like he biffed it on purpose."
"Oh bet, dude." Scott nodded in agreement. "We'll just play along when he does call, okay?"
"Ha for sure, bro! I bet he'd be all embarrassed if we called him out." Lyle smiled looking down at his phone briefly still seeing no calls from Josh.
- - -
Josh sputtered and wheezed as he pulled himself out of the sludge in Scott's stomach. The massive organ was an absolute mess of beer and chewed up wings. Josh could barely breath the fumes inside were so overwhelming. This was already the third time Josh has had to pull himself out of the sludge as Scott's stomach churned and contracted from the giant's burps.
"Oh god, what's going on up there?" Josh cried out, feeling like Scott either hasn't realized he swallowed him, or the giant was in no hurry to get him out. "How could he NOT know he swallowed me though?"
Josh tried to think of any reason why Scott and Lyle would just be leaving him down here. Worried by how much alcohol the two had drank though, Josh could only guess the two got side tracked.
"I swear if they drunkenly forgot about me…" Josh tried to think about what he'd do, as he was reminded by a loud churning growl of his situation. "I guess I wouldn't do anything…"
Trying desperately to stay out of the dangerous acidic pit of Scott's gut, Josh kept moving so as not be churned back down. As time went by, Josh…
After a few minutes of swimming desperately to find somewhere safe, Josh noticed a huge shift. Scott’s acid pool had seemed to go horizontal, meaning the giant was probably on his back.
“If he’s about to fall asleep, then…fuck I need to get out of here ASAP.” Josh thought out loud. Fortunately, Scott’s new position would allow him to crawl back up the giant’s throat so long as he could squeeze through the tube. So, reaching the cardia, Josh began his journey back up through Scott’s esophagus, praying that Scott wouldn’t sit up again. If he did, Josh would be sent right back to where he started.
As more minutes went by and Josh continued to crawl through Scott’s throat, he did start to wonder why exactly Scott was on his back for so long. From the breathing patterns, it didn’t seem like the giant was sleeping.
“What’s going on out there…?” Josh wondered.
“What? Nooooo, you’re big as FUCK bro.” Lyle slurred, very drunk. He downed another red-solo cup as Scott responded sheepishly.
“Pffft, not as big as you bro. Those pics Josh took, bro? Yer, like… massive dude. Awesome bod Lyle. I mean it. For real.” At this point, Scott was just as blackout drunk as Lyle was. He put a muscular arm around Lyle’s shoulder as the two sat together on a bed. They were so gone at this point that they’d forgotten whose bed it even was.
Lyle got a good look at Scott as the man held him in his arms. Scott almost seemed… attractive? But that was probably just the booze talking. Still, Scott had managed to stroke his ego. “Haha. We’re like two gods, bro. We’re so fuckin hot.” Lyle bragged.
Lyle flexed and made a stupid face, which made Scott laugh so hard that he fell on his back on the bed. Scott’s big laugh threatened to wake up the entire neighborhood. So Lyle, laughing as well, put his hand on Scott’s mouth to get him to shut up.
“SHHHHH bro! It’s like, like- 3 AM dude, haha. We’re gonna get a noise complaint or some shit…” Lyle tried to reason.
But it didn’t silence Scott, who still snickered and giggled. “Ur face is fuckin funny, bro. Goddamn.”
“Oh it’s FUNNY bro? HOW funny?” Lyle drunkenly argued. He playfully pinned himself on top of Scott, wrestling style, getting nose-to nose with the giant himbo.
“Still funny bro???” Lyle jokingly taunted Scott while on top of him. The other man took note of their situation, a big smile still on his face.
“Pffffft. This is a little gay bro.” Scott said with a handsome smile, staring up into Lyle’s beautiful eyes.
“Yeah, haha.” Lyle responded a little more softly, admiring just how built Scott's body was.
At this distance, the two could smell the alcohol on each other's breaths. A little bit of awkwardness crept in as they maintained eye contact. But Lyle made no attempts to get off of Scott. And Scott made no attempts to push Lyle off of him. They just sat there alone for a long moment. Staring at each other under the influence.
They stared.
And stared.
And stared…
…and then Lyle leaned in for a kiss.
In response, Scott…
After what had felt like an eternity of fighting Scott’s throat to crawl back up it, Josh had finally made it to the back of the giant’s mouth yet again.
“Home sweet home…” Josh muttered, sarcastically. But as bitter as he was that he had been swallowed, at least it was coming to an end. Grabbing onto Scott’s now vertical tongue, he began to use the giant’s taste buds to “rock climb” his way to the giant’s lips. He had reached the tip of Scott’s tongue when suddenly the giant’s lips began to part.
“Thank God…” Josh thought. With open lips, escaping Scott’s slimy mouth would be a lot easier. But the tiny couldn’t have predicted what would happen next.
A different tongue, Lyle’s, quickly entered Scott’s mouth, hitting Josh with great force. And the new saliva from Lyle’s mouth caught Josh like a spider web, pulling him onto the other man’s tongue. Josh screamed in confusion and distress as he was pulled from one mouth to another with no chance to react.
Lyle and Scott embraced each other orally, much to the dismay of Josh. They kissed each other with a mix of curiosity and passion, their bodies no longer warm from just the alcohol. In the hectic environment, Josh would try to hold on to Lyle’s tongue for dear life, but with all the movement it was fruitless. He had no choice but to be flung around in Lyle’s mouth as he made out with Scott continuously, sometimes even being re-inserted into Scott’s mouth again before catapulting back into Lyle’s. A full minute of kissing went by until Lyle finally pulled back from Scott’s face. Josh slid to the back of Lyle's mouth, flailing. He prayed to hold on to something to not be sent into the abyss. "NO NO NO NOOOOO!" Josh screamed, sliding backwards.
The lax bro looked Scott in the eye. The two stared at each other. Then, feeling butterflies in his stomach, Lyle gulped hard, unknowingly sending Josh down his throat to join them.
If the two had been paying attention, they would have heard Josh’s faint but terrified scream as he plunged past Lyle’s Adam's apple. But the giants were occupied with each other. A swarm of confused and drunken feelings filled each of them as they stared for an awkward amount of time.
But eventually, Lyle’s stomach broke the silence. It gurgled loudly, almost as if something inside of it were being ruthlessly torn apart by the hungry man.
Lyle looked down at his abs, which prompted Scott to look at them as well. Then they both looked back at each other.
They laughed, breaking the tension. Then Scott grabbed the back of Lyle’s head, pulling him in for another kiss.
When they woke up the next morning, they wouldn't remember any of what happened last night. Not until they looked at the selfies Josh had sent them. But by that point, Lyle had already taken his morning shit. The only witness of Lyle and Scott's one night stand, accidentally digested and disposed of.
Josh tried his hardest to move along through the darkness of Scott's gut, however to the nearly blind tiny many it was proving to only be all guesswork. Every time Scott would move, Josh felt like he lost progress of where ever he was trying to go. Dragging down in a churn of liquids and food, Josh continued to desperately make his way what he thought was up.
"This is pointless…" Josh cried a little as Scott's body moved a little more, hearing muffled talking and laugher come from the other side. Josh wished he could know what they were saying. Were they planning on getting him out, or had they completely forgot about him? "Scoooott! Lyyyyle!"
Josh cried out the names, knowing they'd never hear him. Instead all Josh got in response was another violent churn and booming burp from above. Taking deep breaths as he regained his composure, Josh continued his desperate attempt to stay alive.
- - -
"Haaa nice bro!" Lyle slapped Scott on the back, causing the equally large man to hic up a little as he smiled at Lyle.
"Yooo thanks, dude. That was kind of a gross burp though, bro." Scott rubbed his stomach. "Oh hey… Josh call you yet?"
Lyle pulled out his phone, taking a look at it and seeing no call or texts.
"Nah, bro." Lyle shrugged putting his phone away. "Guess he's having fun, bro!"
"Bet, dude!" Scott smiled brightly, pulling out his own phone. "I'm gonna call him though, just in case."
Scott held his phone to ear for a second before pulling it away almost instantly.
"Dude, he sent me straight to voicemail!" Scott looked at Lyle, a little pissed Josh would do that. Not for a second thinking perhaps Josh's phone had been destroyed by his stomach acid. Lyle gave Scott a look as he pulled his phone out again and called Josh's number.
"Bro, what the fuck?" Lyle pulled his phone away as well. "He did it to me too!"
"Dude, well if that's how he wants to have it." Scott slurred his words a little as he spoke. "Guess I'll just figure it out in the morning!"
"Right on, bro." Lyle agreed, not thinking about the repercussions of leaving Josh in a giant's stomach all night. "Fuck bro, I'm not tired yet though. You?"
"Nah, dude." Scott pounded his chest a little. "I got plenty of energy! What do we wanna do?"
"I'm down for more beer pong, bro." Lyle grabbed a ping pong ball off the ground. "Little one on one."
"I'm down dude!" Scott excitedly bent over grabbing another ball, unintentionally mixing all the liquid in his gut. Grabbing cups, the two started to set up the table and play.
Little did the giant's know, as Scott shifted his body, doing little hops as he would throw the ball and bend over to grab one that would go astray, there was no hope left for their tiny boss in the depths of Scott's stomach. Scott would figure it out tomorrow for sure, but for Josh there would be much left to find.
"Bro, yeah let's put him on the pizza and pretend to eat it and shit!" Lyle agreed with Scott, finding the idea hilarious after the confusion.
"Huh, we're not gonna eat it, dude?" Scott looked over at the pizza, mouth watering a little as he hadn't actually ate in a little bit now.
"Nah bro, not if we put Josh on it! Not unless he wants to get eaten." Lyle laughed, thinking about how he just had Josh in his mouth not long and even Scott teased eating him with one of the selfies.
"Would that be a bad thing?" Scott asked, still pretty drunk and really not having the brain power to think about it.
"I don't know, bro. I guess if he wanted to get eaten, it would be a good thing?" Lyle answered, pretty drunk himself, thinking the question was if Josh wanting to be eaten in general was a bad thing was the question. "Why don't you ask him, bro?"
Lyle motioned to Scott's hand, as Scott remembered he was holding he little guy this whole time. "Riiiiiight!" Scott lifted his hand up to his face. "Hey, dude. How do you feel about being eaten?"
Josh blinked in confusion after being rushed up to Scott's face, smelling the alcohol on his breath. Josh adjusted himself after a second and looked into Scott's eyes. "Please don't eat me, Scott…"
"You could be my pizza topping, dude!" Scott said drunkenly not wanting to simply accept Josh's plea. "I've had pineapple on my pizza before, but not people!"
"Scott, I don't want to be eaten. You know what would happen if you put me on the pizza and ate it?" Josh asked, hoping that maybe reasoning with the giant would get him to realize why he shouldn't do it.
"Uhhh…" Scott looked at Josh blankly for a few seconds. "I'd eat it?"
"Okay, and if you ate it, where would I go?" Josh asked, wanting Scott to figure this out for himself.
"On the pizza?" Scott scratched his head, confused and not sure why he was being quizzed right now. Lyle made his way over, listening in on the conversation too now in confusion, only hearing Scott's half of the conversation really.
"Yes, but after you'd eat it, I'd end up in your stomach." Josh gave the answer to Scott, hoping the giant would now realize the implications.
"Okay?" Scott looked at Josh confused still. "Wait I feel like you asked Ty to put you in his stomach once."
Josh was confused a bit by the wording, but he understood what Scott meant and sighed. "Yeah I did, but…"
"So you are cool with it!" Scott exclaimed, cutting Josh off before he could finish. "That's all I was really asking, dude. Dunno why you got all confused."
Scott, lowered Josh from his face as the tiny man yelled in protest. "No no! Scott! Wait!"
Josh pulled out his phone, desperately needing to call up either Scott or Lyle to explain. As Scott's hand moved down like an out of control elevator, Josh didn't realize as he grip loosened quickly on the device. Josh clenched his hand around it and the phone…
"Shit!" Josh yelled as he reached for the phone with his other hand, grabbing on to and pulling it toward his chest, preventing it from going flying. With a sigh of relief, Josh held his phone as he felt Scott press him down onto the cheese of the pizza.
"This is NOT happening." Josh said to himself as Scott lifted the pizza. See Lyle was on his phone, Josh quickly called the giant. Lyle looked at his phone and over at the pizza Josh was on.
"Yo, hold up, bro." Lyle said to Scott, who froze slightly before putting the pizza in his mouth. Lyle answered the phone and looked over at Josh on the slice. "Suuuuup buddy! What's up bro?"
"Lyle, listen to me. I don't want Scott to eat me!" Josh made it as clear as possible to the giant. Josh watched as as Lyle turned to Scott again.
"Bro, it's Josh. He doesn't want you to eat him." Lyle said to Scott as Scott looked down at Josh in confusion.
"Huh? But he just said he wanted me to?" Scott turned to Lyle in disappointment. Lyle put the phone back to his ear.
"Yeah, bro. What's up? Change your mind?" Lyle asked Josh, who sighed a little.
"Yup! You got it, I changed my mind. I don't want to do this anymore." Josh decided to just go along with it. Josh watched as Lyle shrugged and turned back to Scott.
"Yeah bro, he says he changed his mind." Lyle relayed the message as Scott set the pizza back down on the plate with disappointment. Josh sighed in relief as he hung up with Lyle, glad this misunderstanding was behind him. Just as Josh finished his sigh, he looked up as Scott answered his own phone, the giant seemingly getting a call now himself.
"Oh hey, babe!" Scott answered the call, most likely from his girl friend. "I what? Oh… yeah I lost track of… time. I-I I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah… I'll be home soon. Okay, bye… love y-"
Scott was cut off as she hung up on the other end as Lyle put a hand on Scott's shoulder. "You okay, bro?"
"Yeah, it's fine… I just uh… better get walking home." Scott looked around trying to find his shirt. Lyle followed after Scott, totally forgetting about Josh being stuck to the pizza.
"Yo, bro. I can drive you home." Lyle offered, feeling like whatever Scott's girlfriend was yelling at him definitely shifted the mood a little.
"Nah, dude. It's fine. You've been drinking." Scott sniffed as he put on his shirt and made his way to the door.
"Bro, I'm good. I sobered up!" Lyle lied a little as he was definitely not completely sober yet.
"You sure? Thanks dude." Scott smiled, still not sober enough to notice Lyle lying. Josh watched as the two made their way out the door, totally abandoning him stuck to the pizza.
"Um hello?" Josh called out as the door shut. "Guys!?"
Josh couldn't believe he just got ditched on a pizza! Josh tried to push his legs free, but the sticky cheese was making it an impossible task. Giving up, Josh looked down at his phone.
"I shouldn't call Scott after that…" Josh felt a little bad, not wanting to delay him getting home. "And I probably shouldn't call Lyle while he focuses on driving…"
Josh sighed again, annoyed. Looking out into his living room, he saw Jon passed out on his couch, and he knew Bobby was likely equally passed out upstairs.
"Ugh. Guess I should try and sleep…" Josh stowed his phone and made a face as he lowered his arms to the cheese, getting even greasier as he rested his head. It was warm… and Josh was pretty exhausted so it didn't take long for the tiny man to pass out.
- - -
As morning came and sun peeked into the window.. Josh awoke to the sound of…
Bobby turned around, now instead giving him a much different yet equally mouth watering view of his amazing body. Bobby's eyes looked down at the pizza, scanning the slice as they locked in on a small waving speck.
"Ah found you bro!" Bobby smiled as he hung up the phone and bent down to grab the plate, brining Josh up closer to his face. "Dang dude, you look like you were getting served up to be someone's meal!"
"Not far from the truth, really." Josh sweat, thinking about how he was second away from being drunkenly eaten by Scott last night. "Think you can get me off of here? I've very stuck."
Bobby laughed, reaching down and gently pinching between them and easily pulling Josh free from the cheese. Setting the plate down, Bobby dropped Josh into his hand. "Dude, you're looking a little greasy."
"Well spending the night on a pizza will do that to you…" Josh complained. Over the course of the next few minutes, Josh sped Bobby up on what happened last night while he helped get the little guy cleaned up under a little water. Bobby set Josh down on the counter on a paper towel to dry off as he started to finally cook his breakfast.
"Dude, that's wild. Could you imagine if you dropped your phone?" Bobby laughed, finding it funny mostly because it wasn't what happened. "Man, Scotty isn't super bright. Probably would've forgot he ate you."
"You're probably right." Josh shuttered to think if that had been his fate. As the two talked, they turned to see Jon enter the room, yawning and scratching his side as he stumbled into the room, pulling up his shorts. Josh watched as he pulled up a chair, sitting near where he was just stuck to that slice of pizza.
"Morning, sunshine!" Bobby smirked with a cheery toon as Jon laid his had on his arms as he plopped down in his seat.
"Morning…" Jon groggily replied. "I heard you talking out here, so I thought I should get up."
"Oh my bad, bro." Bobby turned to apologize as he kept cooking. "I was just chatting with Josh."
"Oh shit, I didn't even know the little guy was here." Jon looked up as Bobby pointed down at the paper towel as he could just barely see a small speck on it. "Oh, sup boss! Sorry for crashing at your place."
"It's fine! Better than you trying to stumble home!" Josh responded, though he wasn't sure if Jon could even hear him from this distance. Jon picked the inside of his ear as he looked at Bobby.
"He say something?" Jon asked, much to what Josh expected.
"He said it's fine, bro." Bobby chuckled. "He's glad you didn't try to walk home."
"Oh, word." Jon looked around, noticing the place with the slice of pizza. "Yo, you guys gonna eat this?"
"Nah dude. All yours." Bobby finished cooking his food as he plated it, sitting next to Jon and grabbing Josh, bring him over to join the two. Josh readjusted his sight as he looked up at the two muscular gods as they both started to dig in. In particular Josh watched Jon wolf down the slice of pizza he was just stuck to.
"Ha.. wow make that two bullets dodged, I guess." Josh said aloud as Jon swallowed with a loud gulp, patting his chest as he swallowed a large piece down. Bobby turned and looked at Jon, understanding Josh's comment.
"Yeah, good thing I was up first." Bobby laughed, taking some bites of his bacon as Jon looked confused.
"Huh?" Jon quizzically asked as he reached for the pizza box, wanting to eat more pizza.
"I was stuck to that pizza earlier. Bobby pulled me off of it." Josh explained. "Also, Scott almost ate it last night too… so yeah…"
"Wow, dude!" Jon laughed, finding it as funny as Bobby did. "Man, yeah if I was up first I would've ate first, asked questions later."
Josh shuttered thinking about it. Not to mention that he was in that cup of beer that Lyle almost drank, he really did feel like he had way too many close calls for one day. "Yeah plus there was the beer pong game I wish I wasn't a part of…"
"Ohhhh right! Almost for got about that." Bobby chuckled, remember it was him who put Josh in that initial peril. "Well you're fine now, so that's all that matters. Plus I never almost ate you, so you can't be too mad at me!"
Josh sighed and shook his head as Bobby winked at him. He was right, at least Bobby didn't almost eat him, but he was the root cause of almost getting eaten. Josh merely laughed as he continued to eat.
"I won't apologize for almost eating you, bro!" Jon gloated arrogantly. Flexing his arm in slow motion. "I mean come on, bro. You'd love being part of this!"
"Thanks, but I'll pass for now…" Josh replied, slightly sheepishly. Blushing, Josh was glad he was small enough for the giant not to notice. Jon shrugged, not believing Josh to be entirely honest.
"It's fine dude, I get it it." Jon nodded, understanding in his own egotistical way. "You're welcome to admire me some more on the outside for awhile."
Bobby chuckled and rolled his eyes. Jon was even more of an ego maniac than Tyler sometimes. "Lucky you, huh dude?"
"I know, what a life I live." Josh laid on his back staring up at the ceiling, wondering how his life got to this point, surrounded by big headed jocks. Bobby simply laughed some more as he finished his food, bring his plate to the dishwasher.
"Jon and Josh, you guys working today?" Bobby asked, considering the park was where they'd all be going.
"The park pretty much runs itself after the expansion. I'm just gonna take today off I think." Josh shrugged, knowing that after hiring all the extra staff he barely needed to do anything outside of micromanaging.
"Nah, I have today off. Plus no class today either." Jon stood up now, stretching as he tossed the paper plate he was using. Josh smiled slightly to himself, he nearly forgot Jon was in college. It was a little heartwarming that his employee was going to school and he was helping to fund that.
"Sweet, I took today off since I wasn't sure how I'd feel after the party." Bobby smiled, glad to see the two wouldn't be in any rush to leave.
"Oh word, bro." Jon nodded at Bobby. "Wanna hit the gym, bro? I feel like you and I could get a fucking great workout together."
"Oh, yeah I'm down, bro." Bobby looked over at Josh. "But we can't just ditch the little dude."
"We'll bring him with us!" Jon insisted. "The gym at the school is pretty dead around this time. Usually just a few other dudes from the football team there."
"I guess, dude." Bobby half frowned, still looking at Josh. "I think one of the other guys said they took today off today though, too. Maybe we could grab someone to tiny sit for us?"
"Eh whatever you wanna do, bro!" Jon started to walk away, looking around for his tank top. Bobby meanwhile sat down, leaning forward to talk to Josh.
"What do you wanna do, bud?" Bobby asked, rather letting Josh decide than forcing him into something. Josh appreciated the chance to decide for himself, deciding to…
"I wouldn't want to burden you guys at the gym." Josh shook his head. "It would probably be easier for you guys if someone just came here for the time being."
"Eh, it wouldn't have been a big deal!" Bobby chuckled. "But this would be easier."
Bobby stood up and looked down at his phone. Walking away as he put the phone up to his ear.
"Yo! You're off today right?" Bobby spoke through the phone. Josh watched him as he paced back and fourth for a moment, not really able to hear who it was on the other end. "Oh sweet bro, think you could do me and Jon a favor?"
Whoever it was responded, Josh leaned forward futily still trying to figure out who it was. Meanwhile he wrapped his brain trying to remember who was off today, but without his schedule he couldn't be sure.
"Word, dude. Yeah we're going out for a bit. Think you could come to Josh's house?" Bobby continued the conversation. "He's tiny right now, so we need someone to watch him."
Bobby nodded his head as they responded. "Great! Thanks, dude! We'll see you soon!"
Bobby hung up the phone and made his way over to Jon. "Got someone to watch Josh, dude. Let's get ready to head out!"
Still sitting on the counter far away from the giants, Josh saw as they both started to get changed and ready for the gym. Bobby came back downstairs, now dressed in some gym clothes as someone knocked on the front door. Still curious who exactly would be watching him, Josh saw as Bobby opened the door it was…
"Thanks again, Lyle! We'll be back in a few hours probably." Bobby pat Lyle on the back as the incredibly massive lax bro pushed his way through the door frame. Josh's jaw went slightly agape, seeing the giant now wearing a loose grey tank top that might as well be covering almost none of his torso with how most of it was cut apart. He also wore a pair of black basketball shorts, still tightly clad to his fantastic ass. His short blonde hair was spiked up slightly as opposed to how he had it styled last night.
"Yo, any time bros. I feel like I owe ya'll after I kind of ditched last night!" Lyle replied in his deep voice with a smile. Bidding Jon and Bobby farewell, Lyle made his way over to where they told him Josh was, over on the counter. Josh sweat a little as he saw the muscular titan approach, still remembering the time he spent with the handsome jock last night as well as how transfixed he was on his amazing body.
"Sup, micro-bro! How's it going this morning?" Lyle sat down, seeing Josh resting on the counter.
"Dodged a slight bullet I guess. You and Scott probably didn't realize but I was very stuck to that pizza last night." Josh explained his morning. "I was lucky Bobby spotted me. Otherwise I'd probably be stewing away in Jon's stomach."
"Oh shit, bro! Sorry about that. Last night is pretty fuzzy for me, honestly." Lyle rubbed the back of his head. "I mostly remember bringing Scott home, then going home myself and passing out."
"Ah well, it's no harm done." Josh felt very forgiving to the handsome man. "Was Scott okay?"
"Oh yeah… his girl friend was pissed he stayed out so late." Lyle shrugged. "Women, bro."
"That sucks. Guess I'm glad I don't have that problem." Josh admitted, feeling like the single life did treat him well.
"Ha! Same, bro. You got different problems though. Like douchebags sticking you on pizza and leaving you." Lyle joked. "Oh man, reminds me of those videos you sent me too! I'll have to re-watch them now that I can think straight, bro."
Lyle pulled out his phone, as Josh listened in hearing it all over again from the start to the burp at the end. Lyle couldn't help but burst out laughing as he watched it a few more times.
"Bro, this is still so classic. Plus all those pictures we took after?" Lyle turned his phone, showing Josh the one of Scott lowering Josh into his mouth. "Bro, I barely remember this. I'm surprised neither of us actually ate you."
"I was pretty sure one of you would, to be honest." Josh crossed his arms, realizing the peril he was in like 90% of the time last night. Lyle chuckled as he set down his phone.
"Never too late for that, micro-bro!" Lyle laughed, reaching down and scooping Josh into his hand. "Yo, your phone still have battery from last night?"
"Um yeah some, why?" Josh felt like the first comment, followed by the second felt slightly precarious.
"Just curious, bro." Lyle leaned back in the chair, bringing his hand and Josh up closer to his chest. "So how much of what we did last night do you remember?"
"All of it." Josh was honest, perfectly recalling everything from from the beer, to the mouth selfies to being stuck to the pizza. "I mean I was in that beer, but I didn't drink anything."
"Oh word, bro." Lyle leaned back some more. "Did you have fun?"
"I uh…" Josh started to respond before Lyle cut him off.
"I only remember bits and pieces, but I remember really enjoying myself." Lyle continued his thoughts.
"Yeah I had a lot of fun. I like hanging out with you, Lyle." Josh blushed a little, unable to hide his affection for the blonde tall stud. "I guess if you had drank me in that beer though, it'd be a different story though…"
"What? Bro, come one. That would've been awesome." Lyle looked down at Josh in shock. "Would've been the world's greatest waterslide! Beer and a private pool, bro!"
"I guess you're right!" Josh played along as Lyle patted his stomach with his free hand with a laugh. "Though a private pool full of stomach acid?"
"Slight safety hazard, micro-bro." Lyle waved his hand nonchalantly. "Otherwise, I'm the world's coolest water park!"
"Water park, huh?" Josh chuckled. "Well as the owner of a water park, guess that makes us rivals."
"Rivals, huh?" Lyle chuckled as he moved his hand up closer to his face. "I'm used to my rivals being a little bigger."
"Size doesn't mean anything." Josh smirked, finding the banter amusing with such a massive guy. "I mean, not to brag but I think my park gets a few more guests than yours."
"Oh? But they all leave, bro." Lyle smirked. "People who check into Lyle's Funland never leave!"
"Oh they do though. I think they usually leave anywhere between 8-10 hours?" Josh joked. "Then they never come back? Kinda weak if you ask me. People spend all day at my park, then come again the next day!"
"Wow, got me there, micro-bro." Lyle smirked, putting an arm behind his head, flexing his arm as he continued leaning back, feet now fully up on the table. "But entry into Lyle's Funland is free."
"Oh man, that's very hard to compete with!" Josh laughed a little nervously, as Lyle continued to talk about his body like it truly was some kind of theme park. Lyle shrugged, chuckling a little.
"Bro, looks like I'm crushing this rivalry." Lyle smiled, still looking down at Josh in his palm. "It's cool though, micro-bro. Even if we're rivals, you're always on the vip list at my park, if you wanted."
"Ha… yeah. I mean that'd be crazy right?" Josh stuttered a little bit, imagining briefly being eaten by the hot lax stud. "I mean, I know Bobby and Tyler have ate me and stuff… and after last night it got a little close, right?"
"Bro, you're all embarrassed and stuttery!" Lyle couldn't help but notice and laugh. "I mean, I'm just messing but it sounds like you want me to eat you."
"I-I w-what, n-no?" Josh stuttered some more as he looked into the handsome face of the giant.
"It's cool, bro. I mean me swallowing you and shit. I'd do it." Lyle shrugged, seeing it as no issue. "As long as you record it, micro-bro!"
"Ha… I mean… we don't have to do that…" Josh looked at Lyle's face nervously. "But if I'm being completely honest, between you and any of the other guys if you had accidently drank me in that beer I would've been pretty content with that fate."
"Bro, so you're saying you want me to actually like digest you?" Lyle rose an eyebrow curiously. "Because bro I'm cool with throwing you up, just so you know."
"I um uhhhh…" Josh was at a loss of words. "I just meant like… if it happened by accident I guess. I'm just saying, know how much you workout and how big you are my little body would be put to good use."
"Ohhh my bad bro!" Lyle apologized. "Here I was thinking you like, wanted me to digest you on purpose, bro."
"Oh no…" Josh half lied. "I'm just saying, like last night if you had been the one, I would have rather it had been you than any of the others."
"Oh word, bro." Lyle nodded his head in understanding. "So yeah, get out your phone. Get recording, I'm gonna gulp you down."
"Huh?!" Josh felt like it was a little sudden, especially after all they just talked and joked about.
"Yeah dude, it's perfect timing. I ate breakfast like an hour ago, so I won't be puking up any of my meal." Lyle explained to Josh like he's had it planned out. "Plus I'm not like hungry, so my stomach probably won't be all gung-ho trying to digest you."
"Yeah, but!" Josh tried to argue. "This is like… going off the assumption I want to be eaten again!"
"You pretty obviously do, micro-bro." Lyle rose his eyebrow knowingly. "Besides, more importantly, I want to eat you. You can't do anything to stop me."
Josh bit his lip. Part of him wanted this to happen… but part of him felt terrified. Josh looked down at his phone, knowing Lyle wanted to record this. Bringing up his phone, Josh…
"A-actually the last bit of my battery just died…." Josh lied, looking down at his phone seeing it was pretty dead, but not entirely dry yet. Lyle crossed his arms, looking slightly disappointed.
"Oh shit really bro?" Lyle said with a shrug. "Oh well, guess you'll just have to tell me about it."
"Sorry what?" Josh asked, however before he could react, Lyle was already reaching down for him, easily pinching him up between his fingers and bringing him up to his face. Josh couldn't even get a word in as Lyle tossed him in his mouth without a second thought. Landing with a wet splat in Lyle's mouth, Josh tried to turn back as he was shut in darkness as the giant's lips sealed. Once again, Josh found himself in the familiar sight with Lyle's teeth and throat surrounding him. Lyle's tongue lurched a little as it shoved him to the back of his mouth, positioning Josh ready to be swallowed.
"Wait! Wait!" Josh tried to yell out to Lyle. Regretting telling Lyle about how he wouldn't mind being eaten by him, Josh screeched as Lyle swallowed him down in a simple gulp. Trying to grip onto something in the slippery surface of Lyle's esophagus, Josh clawed and squirmed as he tried not to let himself be swallowed by the hot jock so easily. Of course Josh found this was to no avail as he was slowly being drug down deeper into Lyle's body, the sound of his breathing and heartbeat moving from right next to him, to a distance above him. Lyle was so enormous, Josh felt like he was being processed down his throat for miles. Finally, Josh dropped from a distance before he landed into the soft wrinkly flesh of Lyle's stomach. Pulling out his phone, Josh turned on the flashlight as he took in his surroundings.
"Wow…" Josh blushed as he watched the walls churn and contract around him. He was truly nothing more than a speck inside the titan's belly. Josh shook the feeling though of awe and tried to focus. "Should I call him?"
Josh looked at his phone, wondering if he should call Lyle and beg the giant to let him out. But he just lied and told the blonde stud that his phone was dead…
"Maybe not…" Josh second thought the idea. "If I do he'll probably tell me to record a bunch down here."
Josh decided to just lay low for a few minutes as he positioned himself on the soft squishy ground somewhere deep in the pit of Lyle's stomach.
- - -
"Shit bro, that was awesome!" Lyle wiped his mouth and leaned back in the chair. He remembered drunkenly wanting to eat Josh last night, as one of his somewhat foggy memories. But actually experiencing it now fully sober was something else. He swore he could feel Josh's faint squirms as he swallowed him. "That was wild… like swallowing a little panicked bug, bro…"
Putting a hand on his bare abs under his tank top, Lyle smirked a little as he tried to feel anything.
"Bro you wouldn't even know he was in there!" Lyle laughed, feeling absolutely nothing now that the tiny man was comfortably inside his stomach.
- - -
Josh's flashlight went out as he expended the last of his battery. Engulfed in darkness, Josh now regret calling Lyle a little as he wondered how long he planned to leave him in here. With a groan and a contraction, Josh found himself accidently slipping off the wall of the massive cavern, panicking a little as he tried to scurry to safety.
"What's taking so long?" Josh sweat in fear, very much so afraid Lyle was taking what they talked about way too seriously.
- - -
"He definitely wanted me to digest him." Lyle arrogantly grinned, looking down at his abs. "It was so fucking obvious, bro. Like damn."
Lyle stood up, hand on his stomach as he gave off a slight wet burp. Josh did a terrible job of hiding the fact from Lyle as he easily read the little guy like a book.
"I can't imagine Bobby and Jon would think I did a good job tiny sitting if I digest him though…" Lyle frowned slightly, more concerned about disappointing his friends than whether or not he should let Josh live or not.
Thinking on it for a moment Lyle…
"Oh hey, Brandon!" Josh's heart sank as he heard Bobby speak the words. "Thanks again for watching the little guy for us! We'll only be gone a few hours."
"Oh dude, take your time!" Brandon responded as he made his way past Bobby and Jon. Seeing his massive ex-bully turned employee, Josh swallowed roughly as all the not so good memories of high school rushed back into his brain. Josh watched as the huge man closed the door behind him, turning toward Josh as Bobby had told him where he was. He wore a tight grey tee-shirt with a football printed on the front. His arms burst through the sleeves, making them look like they could tear should he flex his arm slightly too hard. He also wore a pair of red shorts, also with a football emblem printed on it. Josh watched as Brandon approached, running a hand through his brown hair as he came toward him with a far too eager smile.
"Heeeyyy small fry!" Brandon continued to smile as he spotted the tiny speck of a man on the counter, immediately going over and grabbing a chair to sit across from Josh. "This is wild, never seen you like this outside of work."
"Ha..ha.. yeah… well there was a misunderstanding with Scott yesterday…" Josh tried to recall the events leading up to Scott mistakenly bringing him here shrunk. "He thought I somehow walk between work and here shrunk every day. He carried me here thinking he was doing me a favor…"
"Oh wow, classic Scott, huh?" Brandon responded, almost too casually. "Well I bet you hardly noticed spending that time shrunk, bro. You're not much smaller than you are normally, if you ask me."
"You're not wrong!" Josh wanted to just go along with whatever Brandon said to keep him happy. "But it is a little nicer when I don't need a tiny sitter to take care of me."
"Well you got the best tiny sitter, bro." Brandon pounded his chest a little. "I've sat on dozens of tinies. None ever got away. I'm basically a pro, dude."
"Ha… well… maybe I'll request you be a tiny watcher, not a sitter?" Josh nervously laughed, never knowing how serious Brandon is being or not. Brandon merely shrugged and chuckled.
"Suit yourself, bro. Sitting on you would take a lot less time than watching you." Leaned back slightly and yawned. "Plus I'm not so great at watching. I get bored."
"Well we can do something fun, so you don't get bored?" Josh sweat, Brandon as always made him so nervous. Brandon simply yawned again.
"Yeah right, your idea of fun is shit like reading books and studying." Brandon waved his hand, hard passing. "You haven't changed since high school, bro. In size or interests."
"Well, what would be your idea of fun?" Josh asked, scared of the answer but hoping to entertain the giant long enough for Jon and Bobby to return.
"Eh… tossing a football around. Playing basketball. CoD, or Madden." Brandon listed off a number things. "Partying. Drinking. Either way dude, these are all things you're a little too small for."
"Well uh…" Josh tried to think. "What's something you can think of that I can do with you?"
"Well I can sit on you. That'd be fun for me anyway." Brandon circled back to that.
"Can you think of anything else." Josh bit his lip nervously.
"Right, right. We'll keep that on the list though, kay bro?" Brandon smirked and winked at Josh. "Oh man, it would be fun if I put you in my shoe and you massaged the bottom of my foot."
"Sounds a lot like being sat on… but with a foot." Josh tried to disagree with the idea of being crushed in general. Brandon crossed his arms, starting to look a little impatient.
"Well I don't see you coming up with any ideas, dude." Brandon narrowed his eyes starting to get frustrated with Josh.
"S-sorry!" Josh quickly apologized. "But if I came up with an idea, it would be boring!"
"Huh, yeah you're right there." Brandon was reminded, his anger subsiding slightly. "Well you better come up with something. Or maybe I'll just decide?"
"Uh uh!" Josh panicked. "I'll think! How about you come up with an idea, and I'll come up with one?"
"See?" Brandon smirked. "We can work together, huh?"
Josh swallowed again, as he wrapped his brain. He knew Brandon's idea of fun, if it was involving him, had to be something humiliating. Josh tried to think of something that wasn't as bad as being crushed to death, but still something Brandon would find 'fun'.
"Oh I know! You should see all the videos and pictures I took with Lyle and Scott last night! You would have loved that." Josh pulled out his phone, nervously, yet quickly sending them to Brandon. Brandon looked down at his phone, smirking and occasionally chuckling at the video and photos.
"I like the video of you getting blasted out of Lyle's mouth!" Brandon laughed, enjoying Josh's panicked screams as he played it back. "Yo, but what the fuck man! You hung out with them last night? Why didn't you invite me?!"
"I uh…" Josh tried to think quickly. "Bobby kinda threw it together last minute. I barely knew what was going on!"
"Whatever, bro." Brandon sneered at Josh. "Guess I'll forgive you, once."
Josh sweat, Brandon seemed like he had an even shorter fuse than usual. "T-thanks. But did doing the stuff in those pictures look fun?"
"Looks like they're trying to eat you." Brandon turned his phone, showing the picture of Scott holding Josh over his mouth. "Yeah that looks fun, we can do that."
"Uh…" Josh felt like Brandon was missing the point. "I mean like, pretend right?"
"Pretend?" Brandon's glare returned. "That doesn't sound fun. I don't know, bro…"
"I mean! Pretend like we're doing what they did, but we can do whatever makes it more fun!" Josh tried to best to twist his own words. Brandon's sour look faded as he leaned back in his chair.
"Riiiiight." Brandon didn't fully accept Josh's words. "Well we're doing it. But if I get bored, we'll just do something else."
"O-okay…" Josh bit his lip, wondering how far he would go, but at least knowing this gave him a better chance verses Brandon's crushing him under his colossal ass. Josh felt his heart sink once more as Brandon's stomach let off a massive growl.
"Good timing, too. I'm hungry, dude." Brandon looked down at Josh like a speck of food.
"Oh! It would be fun maybe if I hid in some food? You get a meal, and we play… like a neat version of hide and seek?" Josh tried to make it sound more fun, while still giving himself a chance. "Or or we could do our own recording? Really show up Lyle… maybe tie a string to me and you just play up the camera?"
"Hmmmmm…" Brandon leaned back, tapping a finger to his chin, feeling like Josh was finally giving good ideas. "Well dude, I think we'll…"
"Let's make that video. What'd you say shrimp? Tie you to a string or something?" Brandon leaned back absentmindedly picking something from between his teeth. Josh swallowed nervously. It was on thing being teased by harmless drunks last night, but between the drunks or Brandon, Josh would choose the drunks any day.
"R-right! Yeah that way, you know if I slip and you accidently swallow me…" Josh tried to mostly trying to point the giant in not causing an accident. Brandon simply started to chuckle a little.
"Nah dude, we're going all the way. If you were only going in my mouth, I wouldn't tie some string to you." Brandon gloated, barely wanting to tie Josh to string as it stands now. Josh sweat a little more. It was as he figured, there wasn't really ever any reasoning with Brandon. He was at least as stubborn as Tyler, but the big difference was at least Josh wasn't afraid to upset Tyler.
"Oh! O-okay well good point! Yeah we wouldn't wanna half-ass it if we're going to show up Lyle and Scott, right?" Josh tried to keep up the narrative of one upping the other guys, knowing Brandon can't help but try to be the alpha in any and every situation.
"We're?" Brandon stood up and laughed. "Bro, you're just a prop. You're not showing up anyone."
Josh bit his lip again. It was by all accounts true, but it did kind of string a little to be straight up called a 'prop' in this little game.
"Where's this string anyway?" Brandon stood now looking around.
"Oh there should be some in the drawer in the kitchen!" Josh was pretty sure as Brandon turned and walked toward the kitchen. For as much of an asshole Brandon was to Josh, the tiny man couldn't help but be transfixed on the giant as he moseyed away. Between his huge tight ass and broad muscular back hidden beneath his clothes, Josh took a bit of a guilty pleasure staring at his old bully. The giant rounded the corner to the kitchen, before returning with a spool of thread in hand a few minutes later.
"Uhhh here's that string, dude." Brandon set the spool down next to Josh. "Don't tell me you sew or some shit, shrimp."
"Uhh… not really no. Just keep some thread incase you need a patch up?" Josh lied, having more experience than he wanted to let on. Brandon shrugged, seemingly not caring enough to press any further. Unraveling a little string, Brandon let it down next to Josh before siting back down at his seat. Not really interested in watching Josh tie the thread, Brandon leaned back and started playing on his phone.
"Whatever, runt. Just hurry up and tie yourself a harness." Brandon yawned, waving a hand as he scrolled through his phone. "Make it snappy too, bug. You have one minute then I'm grabbing you, ready or not."
Josh sweat nervously as he quickly grabbed the thread. Wrapping it around his waist, between his legs, over his shoulders. Josh wrapped himself multiple times as fast as he could, knowing there was no way he could trust Brandon to be careful. Tying the knot on his waist finally, Josh yelped as he was plucked up by Brandon, just as he was finishing. Dangling from the string like an amusement park ride, Josh swung back and fourth as Brandon brought him up to his face, still not even looking at him as his eyes were still fixed on his phone.
"Kay, runt. Get your phone out, snap some selfies and videos and shit." Brandon nonchalantly commanded as he swapped to the camera on his own phone. Hanging Josh over his open mouth, Brandon stuck his tongue out and snapped a picture, flipping off the camera and giving a smug look. Lowering Josh more, Brandon took more photos before he started a video as he let Josh land on his tongue.
"So the little runt made sure to tie a string to himself for this." Brandon let of of the string, talking as Josh was flung around in his mouth. Opening the massive cavern again, Brandon zoomed in to see Josh slip and splat in the middle of his tongue. Brandon couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he looked at the video he was recording, before shutting his mouth and swallowing loudly. Brandon zoomed out and smiled, shrugging as he did so.
"That's how you do it, boys." Brandon smirked as he ended the video, feeling a slight squirm go down his throat. Brandon tapped his chest, glaring slightly down at it. "Yo, do I have to do everything? Send me those pictures while you fucking goof off in there."
Brandon tapped his foot impatiently for a few seconds, before he saw a a batch of photos and a video pop up from Josh. Smirking as he looked through the photos, Brandon was impressed by how huge they made him look.
"Dang, I look fucking good." Brandon flipped through the pictures, ignoring Josh's awkward expressions and more so paying attention the handsome titan sitting below like a god. Finally, Brandon watched the video Josh sent, a terrifying first person perspective on being swallowed. "Yo, that's sweet. Goes well with the one I made!"
Not giving Josh a second thought, knowing full well that the tiny man was still plummeting down into his stomach, Brandon instead decided it was more pertinent to send the selfies and videos to Lyle and Scott. Making sure to gloat how much better they were than the ones Josh sent him last night. Having finished sending the message, Brandon groaned as he saw he was getting a call from Josh.
"Uuuugh…" Brandon rolled his eyes as he answered the call. "What?"
"Uhhh just checking in!" Josh's puny voice squeaked on the other end. "Just seeing when you were going pull me up!"
"Fuck, dude. Why you trying to rush me?" Brandon sneered angrily at Josh.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to rush you!" Josh pathetically apologized to the manipulative bully. "It's just very dangerous down here is all…"
"Ugh, quit whining. You should be grateful you have this chance." Brandon berated Josh a little bit before grabbing the thread. Brandon tugged it up a couple inches before stopping. "There, how's that?"
"Umm I think I'm still in your stomach." Josh answered, probably expecting to be pull out more. "But I'm kind of just hanging in the middle I think…"
"Cool that's what I was going for." Brandon smirked as he took the thread and affixed it between a pair of his teeth. "There now you can spend as long as you want in there."
"T-thanks?" Josh half questioningly thanked Brandon, at least grateful he wasn't in the pit of the giant's gut anymore.
"See? I'm a good guy, bro." Brandon smirked, thrilled with how easy it was to mess with Josh to the point where he had the man literally suspended in his stomach. "Aight, runt. I'll call you later when I feel like pulling you up. Have fun, shrimp!"
Brandon hung up before Josh could answer. Reclining back in the chair and looking down at his abs through his tight shirt.
"What a fucking loser." Brandon said aloud, wondering if he was loud enough for Josh to even hear. Part of him kind of just hoped the pathetic loser would just slip out of the harness and get trapped inside him.
"Oh noooo how would I ever know?" Brandon laughed sarcastically to himself before remembering Josh had his phone. "Fuck he'd probably call me all in a stupid panic…"
Getting a little bored though, Brandon looked back down at his phone. Hoping Scott or Lyle would respond, Brandon really was looking for an excuse to try and get one of them to come by and humiliate Josh with him.
A few minutes went by and…
Brandon sighed as he felt his phone buzz. Instinctively assuming it was Josh, whining about some dumb shit, Brandon rolled his eyes as he held his phone up to his face, sitting up when he realized it was actually from Lyle.
"Oh shit, he actually answered." Brandon pulled up Lyle's response to the pictures and video, smirking a bit as he did.
"Yo bro this shit is straight fire! I think scotty and i tried something like that last night" Brandon read the response, wondering how drunk him and Scott were if he didn't really remember.
"I know dude thats why i made these with the squirt" Brandon answered him, rolling his eyes at how dumb Lyle could be sometimes.
"Could be worse, texting Scott is like texting a fucking child." Brandon chuckled to himself as Lyle responded.
"oh word bro? yea I sort of remember, but i drank a lot lol" Brandon read once again, followed up by. "so you with little micro bro rn?"
"yea dude and im bored af, what are you doing?" Brandon was relieved maybe someone would finally come relieve his boredom.
"word bro im out jogging. Im kinda near by, i can run by in a few" Brandon smiled in relief to know he'd be by.
"bet dude" Brandon answered, standing and stretching a bit as he paced around the house. A few minutes went by before he heard a knock at the door. Heading over, Brandon opened it up and was greeted with the sight of the massive 6'11'' titan that was Lyle, needing to duck under the doorway as he made his way in. Brandon fist bumped Lyle, who was shirtless and drenched in sweat. He wore a dark pair of sporty sunglasses, a backward black hat, a gold chain around his neck, and tight black running shorts, looking like they could burst from the man's massive bubble butt if he flexed too hard.
"Damn dude, took you long enough." Brandon complained, jokingly wondering how ridiculous someone as large as Lyle must look jogging. Lyle meanwhile laughed and wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead.
"My bad, bro! I was a couple blocks away!" Lyle laughed, panting a bit from the run. "So what's up, bro? You house sitting?"
Lyle made his way inside, looking around seeing Brandon was the only one here.
"Nah, dude. Just tiny sitting. You know? Since you and Scotty abandoned the squirt on a piece of pizza last night apparently." Brandon deliberately tried to guilt trip Lyle, despite finding what Bobby told him to be down right hilarious. Lyle turned, eyebrows going up in surprise past the lenses of his sunglasses.
"Oh bro! I totally forgot about that!" Lyle seemed a little worried. "Scotty's girlfriend called and started chewing him out, I got distracted and forgot! Hopefully nobody ate that pizza, bro?"
"No, dude. Obviously. Did you even see the video and pictures I sent you?" Brandon shook his head. Lyle's mouth hung open for a second before he snapped his fingers in recognition.
"Right, bro! Forgot about that too already, I guess!" Lyle laughed, meanwhile Brandon face palmed wondering between Lyle and Scott who was really the dumbest. "So where is little micro-bro anyway?"
"Right here." Brandon smirked, tapping his upper abs a few times. "He's been 'hanging out' in there ever since we made that video."
"Oh shit bro." Lyle tilted his head, confused. "He like… okay?"
"He's fine." Brandon was upset Lyle didn't understand his play on words, but showed the thread sticking out of his mouth. "He's pulled up enough where's he's not like… in the pit of my stomach, dude."
"Oh, for true bro?" Lyle looked a little relieved. "Well that's fine a guess, bro. Can't believe you actually swallowed the little guy though!"
"Well I'm not a pussy like you or Scott. I go all the way, dude." Brandon gloated, wanting to prove how much tougher he was than the two dumb titans.
"Ha! I guess so, bro." Lyle laughed, not taking Bandon's gloating seriously. "I do remember one thing from last night though, and it was that I promised I wouldn't swallow the little guy!"
"Why?" Brandon spat back, feeling like there was no reason not to swallow someone so tiny and pathetic.
"Feels kinda rude to eat your host, bro!" Lyle smiled, and chuckled. "Or boss for that matter! But hey good thing he was cool with you doing it!"
"Of course he would be, he's known me forever, dude." Brandon shrugged, still trying to brag.
"Whatever you say bro!" Lyle answered, still very oblivious. "Hey! Can you pull little micro-bro up? I need to apologize for ditching him last night!"
"Oh… yeah I guess." Brandon was a little disappointed. None the less, Brandon tugged on the thread, burping a little as as tugged the thread up before finally reaching the other end, Josh swinging as he hung on the other end, likely extremely disoriented. Lyle chuckled as Brandon rubbed his neck, the taller man reaching down and snatching the thread from Brandon's fingers before Brandon could react.
"Yo! Micro-bro! Long time no see!" Lyle lifted the end of the thread up to his face.
"L-lyle?" Josh rubbed his eyes, head spinning and vision not adjusting to the brightness of the outside world as fast as he would've hoped.
"That's me, bro!" Lyle laughed, figuring the tiny man to be super disoriented. "Hey, bro. I'm sorry for ditching you last night! Scotty was in a tight spot!"
"Its… okay." Josh rubbed his head, starting to get his bearings straight. Enough so to look down at Lyle's incredible body glistening in sweat. Blushing, Josh returned his look to Lyle's face, though he looked even more handsome with a slick pair of sunglasses and backward hat. "T-totally fine! I'm glad Scott is okay!"
"Well… he sort of is bro." Lyle grimaced. "His girlfriend was fucking piiiiissssed, bro. I guess he's like not allowed to leave his apartment. Plus I think she took his phone, bro."
"Sounds like she grounded him." Brandon laughed, amused Scott's girlfriend treats him like a child. "Dang, what a beta."
"Hey bro, cut him some slack." Lyle came to Scott's defense. "Girls are crazy, bro."
"Only if you let them be." Brandon shrugged, likely having experience keeping several ex's under control.
"Eh, too much work, bro!" Lyle waved a hand. "Either way, yeah micro-bro, I would exactly call him 'okay'."
"Well that's awful, it's my fault since it was my party." Josh felt guilty Scott stayed so long he got in trouble. "I'll have to make it up to him or something…"
"Don't worry about it, bro!" Lyle chuckled. "He forgot about like I did, so I guess you guys are even, bro!"
"I guess…" Josh still felt a little bad.
"Either way, bro. I need to make it up to you!" Lyle smiled, before looking off in thought before looking at the string. "Oh I know, micro-bro! This string makes it a lot easier to keep track of you! So I'll keep a close eye on you while we hang out with Brandon, using the string!"
"Uhhh okay?" Josh wasn't sure what that meant, but he liked Lyle's enthusiasm off setting Brandon's… Brandon-ness. Lyle carried Josh over to the kitchen table and set Josh down, taking the opposite end of the string, Lyle…
Lyle tugged on the string, suspending Josh in the air again and he tied a loop close to where Josh dangled.
"Hey this thing is long enough to be a necklace, bro!" Lyle smiled, briefly taking off his hat to toss the loop of thread around his neck, pulling his current chain over the thread as Josh dangled just under it, nestled snugly between Lyle's pecs. Lyle put his hat back on and gently pated his chest. "There, now there's no way I can lose you, micro-bro!"
Brandon snickered, finding Lyle's attempted thoughtfulness to be unintentional torture for Josh.
"Dang that's gotta reek…" Brandon thought quietly to himself, smelling Lyle's rank sweatiness from here.
"Oh god, I can barely breath!" Josh exclaimed, Lyle's sweaty stench surrounding him from almost all angles. He knew Lyle clearly meant well but this was somehow almost worse than dangling inside Brandon's stomach.
"Wow, great idea Lyle." Brandon almost slipped in sarcasm. "Now you'll definitely not lose him, dude."
"No safer place than with big bro Lyle!" Lyle looked very proud of himself. "Right micro-bro?"
Lyle leaned his head down to Josh, still beaming with pride in himself. "Uh huh!"
"Nice, now we can chill and not worry where little micro-bro is at!" Lyle sat down at the kitchen table, Brandon coming over and doing the same. "Hey show me that video again, bro!"
Brandon smirked, pulling out his phone, always willing to show off his torture of Josh passed off as comedy.
- - -
Some time went by as Lyle and Brandon laughed and joked, watching the videos they made and grabbing themselves snacks and drinks. All the while, Josh felt like he'd be on the brink of passing out due to the intense sweaty smell of Lyle. After awhile, Brandon saw he got a text.
"Oh hey." Brandon saw it was from Bobby. "Looks like Bobby's finally on his way back, dude."
"Oh word, bro?" Lyle stowed his own phone in his tight shorts pocket. "Time flies bro!"
"Yeah, glad you came by dude." Brandon stood up, giving Lyle a fist bump as the huge titan also stood.
"Anytime, bro!" Lyle smiled, putting on his sunglasses, ready to go back outside. "Well, bro guess I'll…"
"Aight, bro! I'm gonna head out!" Lyle stood up, giving Brandon another fist bump as he made his way toward the door. Brandon meanwhile, sat at the table stunned at how forgetful Lyle was today.
"Yeah he definitely forgot the twerp was around his neck." Brandon laughed to himself as the door shut to the front door. Shrugging, Brandon sarcastically called after Lyle. "Oh no… come back. Well shit he's gone. I couldn't stop him."
Brandon put his feet up on the table and started playing on his phone, figuring Josh could save himself for once.
- - -
"Shit…" Josh realized it as well. Lyle had definitely forgot about him on this necklace. He knew even if he yelled, Lyle wouldn't hear him unless he tilted his head and tried to listen for him. Pulling his phone out of his pocket though, Josh was glad he had his get out of jail free card. "At least I have my phone with me for ON---NNCCE!"
Josh was caught off guard as Lyle started jogging once he got outside. As Josh was being flung back and fourth against Lyle's chest and through midair, there was no chance he'd hold onto his phone as he caught a glance of it flinging out of his hand, falling what may as well been miles before it disappeared out of sight, likely shattering into microscopic pieces once it hit the ground. Josh could barely think, closing his eyes as the constant back and fourth of singing from the string made him sick to his stomach.
- - -
Lyle jogged, absentmindedly listening to music with his airpods as he rounded a few blocks. All in all, Brody's house wasn't super far from Josh's but it was still a pretty hefty jog to get there as Lyle eventually rounded the corner to his street before making his way up to Brody's house. Taking a deep breath as he stopped in front of the door, Lyle let himself inside.
Tossing his keys on a keyring, Lyle just kept his airpods in, bobbing his head to the music. He didn't bother calling out to his housemates. He knew both of them were still at work at the waterpark. Making his way to the kitchen, Lyle grabbed himself a bottle of water, chugging the whole bottle and crushing it in a few seconds flat. Letting out a loud watery burp, Lyle tossed the bottle in the trash as he made his way out of the room.
All the while, Josh's head spun. Feeling like he had been on an amusement park ride that was stuck on a loop for the past while, Josh merely dangled and attempted to find where his head was at.
Meanwhile, Lyle made his way to…
Walking up the stairs to his room, Lyle stretched his arms as he made his way into his space. He was lucky Brody's house was huge enough where he and Vinny both had their own small bathrooms attached to their rooms, so for him it was always a simple matter of tossing some clothes off and jumping in the shower after a jog or work out. Which, starting with his chain, Lyle pulled it, and unknowingly a string necklace, off to set on his dresser. Tossing his hat and setting down his sunglasses, Lyle made his way into the bathroom, tossing his shorts and socks as he did.
"Oh shit…" Josh only caught a glimpse of Lyle's bare ass as the huge titan disappeared into the bathroom. But even that was enough to make the tiny observer turn bright red. Still though, Josh quickly tried to shake his embarrassment, realizing he was given a huge chance at life, simply because the thread got caught in Lyle's chain. He connected the dots as he heard the shower turn on.
"I could've drowned if he didn't take the necklace off…" Josh realized, imagining millions of gallons of water beating on Lyle's chest, but more importantly, entirely on Josh. Josh shivered at the thought, knowing he never would've lasted whole time.
Josh tried to take in his surroundings now that he had a moment to breath. Clearly, first he could see, the thin thread had gotten completely tangled up in the giant's chain. It was pretty hard to even see the thread unless you looked closely. Apart from that, Josh looked out into the bedroom. It wasn't necessarily messy per say, but it was hardly neat. The bed was sloppily tossed about, there were more than a few pairs of socks and underwear strewn across the floor. But unlike some more disgusting people Josh knew, there weren't exactly half eaten slices of pizza and empty soda cans everywhere. Apart from the slight messiness, Lyle clearly had a love for lacrosse, as he stick and several balls were around the room, coupled with a jersey with his name on it hung on the wall, and several photos tacked up of himself with Brody and Vinny together in lacrosse uniforms.
"Damn, this room is huge…" Josh stood up and looked around from his perch on the dresser. If anything, he was glad to be up here and not all the way down on the floor. But this began to raise the question in Josh's mind, what course of action did he need to take to be found?
"I could keep the harness tied to me… but what if he doesn't think about it and just puts it back on?" Josh reasoned to himself. It was a pretty real possibility Lyle just slipped it back on after his shower, in which case Josh would be off another wild ride on the Lyle rollercoaster. But, Josh also figured Brandon must've realized Lyle left with him around his neck.
"That's putting a lot of faith in Brandon, though…" Josh sighed, knowing Brandon would sooner see him suffer lost in Brody's house than come to his rescue. Still though… Josh thought there might be a slim chance. "Or I could untie the harness…"
Josh thought about his other option for a moment. He could untie the harness, then if Lyle grabbed the necklace he'd be free from another vomit inducing adventure, but then it was entirely up to him to figure out another way to get Lyle's attention. Josh sweat as he heard the water turn off in the bathroom.
"Shit shit…" Josh scrambled a little the door opening from the bathroom a few moments later, Lyle emerging with a towel around his waist, drying himself off as he walked up to the dresser.
"Fuck uhhh…." Josh knew he had to decide quickly. Looking down at the harness, Josh knew he'd have a few moments to decide as Lyle grabbed a pair of underwear off the ground, sniffing it once and shrugging before pulling it up to his waist.
In a last minute decision as Lyle's gaze turned toward his chain and hat on the dresser, Josh decided to…
"I'd rather live on this dresser than trust Brandon to come to my rescue!" Josh made his choice as he squirmed out of the harness, not a moment too soon as Lyle grabbed the chain, absentmindedly putting it back around his neck as he continued to get changed. Josh watched the titan put on a loose tank top and pair of basketball shorts before sauntering into the bathroom to check his hair, before leaving the room. Shutting the door as he left.
"Shit well…" Josh watched the giant leave, abandoning him all alone in the room. Josh sat down atop the tall dresser, feeling slightly defeated. Sure he didn't want to be riding along between the giant's pecs like an accessory anymore, but now that Lyle was gone he wasn't sure what his next course of action should even be. Josh cursed his impulsion to free himself from the harness, simply at the thought that Brandon was his only life line.
"Shit Bobby would've questioned Brandon for sure." Josh continued to curse himself, peeking over the edges of the dresser. He really wasn't sure what to do. Looking around all sides, two leading to the floor, one behind the dresser, and the other to Lyle's bed. Josh swallowed nervously. He could jump? Off the front there was a pile of various clothes, from shirts to underwear and even the shorts Lyle was wearing for his jog. To the side, Lyle's messily tossed about bed, looking like the titan half tried to toss the comforter across it to "make his bed". Then again, Josh couldn't help but back away from the edge, a little nervous about the crazy idea of jumping off the dressing.
"Damn it…" Josh wished he had his phone. He couldn't believe how dumb he was to pull it out as soon as Lyle started jogging. Now after making the second poor decision to get out of the harness, Josh was worried he'd make another stupid choice.
"Alright. Let's think this through." Josh tried to reason with himself. "Obviously, the safest and easiest place he'd find me would be…"
Josh peeked over the side to the bed.
"Well it's the safest landing… plus he has to go to bed eventually, right?" Josh reasoned to himself. It was sound logic, Josh figured as long as he didn't take up post dead in the middle of the giant's bed, it was unlikely he'd lay down on him and smother him to death. Josh felt his stomach rumble, reminding himself that he hadn't exactly eaten since breakfast from whatever he grazed off the pizza.
"Better off getting smothered by Lyle than dying of hunger up here…" Josh reasoned, feeling like there were absolutely worse ways to go than that. Josh took a deep breath as he looked out over the edge again. Feeling like it was now or never, Josh took the leap, gasping with fear as he free fell and watching as Lyle's bed come closer and closer into view before Josh sunk down into comforter, quite possibly the softest landing Josh could have asked for. Clawing his way out of the tiny indent he made in the bed, Josh took a deep breath as he came up to the surface and looked around. The first thing noticed, was the smell. It smelled… very good. Just like Lyle. Josh shook his head though, this wasn't the time to be enamored with Lyle's scent.
"I need to focus on where I should go for when he comes to bed…" Josh looked up and down the bed, eyes stopping on the pillow. "Yeah the pillow would be the best place. I can stake out the side of the pillow and slip into his ear when he lays down…"
Deciding that was the best idea he had, Josh made his way to the head of the bed, grabbing bits of fabric to climb his way onto the pillow, making sure to favor one side to avoid being smack dab in the middle. Josh swaddled up in the fabric of the pillowcase. It was actually quite comfy, plus Josh didn't exactly have the most comfortable night's sleep last night.
"Might as well… close my eyes for a bit…" Josh shit his eyes and tried to relax, quickly falling asleep.
As Josh laid occasionally waking up as he would hear people coming and going from Brody's house. Lyle even came up to his room at some point to change again before quickly leaving. Choosing to sleep and relax instead worry about getting Lyle's attention now, Josh realized it was still light out, so chances are he wasn't going to bed yet.
However, as time continued to pass, Josh did eventually rise awake as he heard the door to Lyle's room open once again. This time it was noticeably dark in the room, until Lyle flicked on the light. Josh shielded his eyes, it was like being woken up early by the the sun on a bad hangover levels of bright.
"Uuuuhnnnn…" Josh groaned as he rubbed his eyes, adjusting as he saw Lyle stride past to his bathroom, a few moments later coming back and pulling off his clothes until he was left in just a tight pair of compression shorts. Josh watched the giant yawn as he plugged his phone in and placed it on his dresser, Josh looking up and wondering if he should have stayed put up there on the giant's phone. Regardless, choice made Josh watched Lyle as he went to the light switch, flicking it off. Back in darkness, Josh could feel the giant's footfalls closer and closer. Josh could feel the comforter get ripped off the bed, and the mattress dip as the giant laid down. Awaiting Lyle's head to hit the pillow, Josh could feel the shadow of the colossus just to his side toward the middle of the pillow.
Josh braced for the impact, knowing when it came, the pillow would cave, causing and incline directly to Lyle's head. Been ready for this moment for hours, Josh still gasped a little as Lyle's head hit the pillow. Suddenly Josh found himself flung into the darkness directly toward Lyle's head. Little did Josh know, in the pure darkness, Lyle had…
Little did Josh know in the darkness, Lyle had actually laid on his side. As Josh was sent hurtling to what he thought was the giant's ear, it was actually directly toward Lyle's lips. As Josh slipped into the opening, Josh couldn't help but celebrate his good fortune.
"Perfect shot!" Josh yelled in excitement, believing he was sent directly into the ear as he moved from the darkness of the room, to interior darkness of Lyle. "Oh whoops! Hey Lyle! It's me! Josh! I'm in your ear!"
Josh waited a moment, but there was no response. It was odd. Lyle's ear was oddly… humid. Plus Josh knew he was small… but there was no way Lyle's ear was THIS big. "Oh no don't tell me…"
Josh's fear was immediately confirmed as there was a sudden movement to his side. A massive appendage quickly and easily scooped him up as the cavern Josh had fallen into snapped shut. Everything started so shift and slide as Josh helplessly started to slip deeper into the cavern.
"No no no!" Josh cried out in terror as he slide down what he now realized was Lyle's throat. Lyle was flipping from his side, to his back, causing Josh to have no where to go… but down. "No! I did not wait around all day TO GET EATEN!"
Though Lyle was clearly not aware of Josh's defiance. Because for the giant, he may as well just be swallowing a glob of saliva. Without even thinking about, Lyle swallowed and continued to relax, sleepy and ready for rest after a long day.
- - -
"No! This can't be happening!" Josh fought back as much as he could. Be he was so weak from not eating or drinking all day, he could do little more than feebly claw at Lyle's throat as it easily and calmly pushed Josh down to his new home. Despite his thrashing and persistence, Lyle's natural peristalsis did it's best to reassure food it would eventually make it to the stomach. Pushing Josh through the sphincter, Josh dropped as he was finally deposited in the titan's belly.
"This can't happen!" Josh tried to scramble back up the wall of the stomach to where he entered. He figured if he could claw out of Tyler and Bobby, he could do it to Lyle too! However, despite his best effort, Josh slide back down to where he started. Determined, Josh tried again, and again, and again. With no success, Josh didn't know what to do. Was it because Lyle was so much bigger than either of his friends? Or maybe he just needed to hope for a miracle and for Lyle to flip over to laying on his stomach?
"I guess I need to hope he sleeps on his stomach…" Josh felt like stupid, basically bargaining with a near unconscious body at the moment. "Damn it…"
Josh covered his nose. He'd never get used to the pungent odor of any of these dumb jock's guts. What's worse to Josh was he almost felt bad, because of the few things Lyle actually remembered, it was that he promised he wouldn't swallow him.
"I guess it's not like he did it on purpose…" Josh tried to cut Lyle some slack, despite the fact that his stomach was literally in the process of churning him up and digesting him to mush as he spoke. Still though, this wasn't exactly Josh's first rodeo in this type of situation. He knew how dangerous it was in here and he had to stay on his toes, lest he gets churned deeper into a pool of foamy deadly acid.
"Uuugh…" Josh sighed. At this point, he almost barely cared if he was doomed. Today just seemed to get worse and worse, starting with when Bobby made the crazy choice to have Brandon of all people look after him.
"Why couldn't he have just dropped me off at the park on his way to the gym. IT'S BARELY OUT OF THE WAY!" Josh punched the wall of Lyle's stomach in anger. It hurt his hand a little, not because it was hard but because a bit of acid seeped onto his hand. Shaking it off, Josh tried to keep his composure as the massive chamber relaxed and contracted around him, giving off gentle groans and gurgled as it did coupled with the rhythmic beat of Lyle's heart.
As time went on, Josh felt like he had given up hope before suddenly the whole chamber turned and completely flipped. Tumbling through streaks of acid, Josh felt the pain and he did his best to roll away from glops of acid. Gritting his teeth at the pain, Josh knew he had to seize this opportunity. Remembering where he entered Lyle's stomach, Josh pushed his way to the sphincter at last. Perhaps because Lyle's body was starting to relax a little, Josh found the esophagus to be offering a lot less resistance as he continued his exhaustive climb to freedom. Despite the odds, Josh reached a hand up and pulled himself back into Lyle's mouth.
"I refuse to fucking die!" Josh proclaimed in victory as he pulled himself across Lyle's tongue. As Josh made his progress though, he found one more significant roadblock. Lyle's teeth and lips were sealed firmly shut. "No."
Josh refused to believe he climbed his way to freedom only for Lyle to trap him once more. "No no!"
Josh cursed the obstruction. As once again, Lyle's monster of a tongue swept him back once again. This time tucking Josh into the giant's cheek. Extending out all his limbs, Josh tried to keep himself from getting moved further, as Lyle's tongue retreated once more.
Josh panted, he was already exhausted, but this was all really taking the cake at this point. "Maybe… maybe I stay put for minute…"
Josh felt… relatively safe, tucked away in the titan's cheek. But he knew he couldn't force Lyle's teeth open like he was Hercules. So his only option was to wait for the giant to open up on his own.
"Good thing I slept…" Josh held firm, glad he did basically nothing but sleep all day.
- - -
Hours went by as Josh's skin felt pruney, he felt weak from waiting so much, and if Lyle's stomach didn't digest him the enzymes in his saliva surely would eventually. Lyle's body would shift and move and more than one occasion Josh was worried he'd slip back down his throat. However, after what felt like ages, morning came.
Opening his eyes, Lyle yawned as he threw his comforter off his bed and sat up. Rubbing his eyes, Lyle stood up and stretched.
"Hmm?" Lyle felt like he swore something moved or squirmed in his cheek as he paused on his walk to the bathroom. Swiping whatever it was into the center of his mouth, Lyle…
Lyle didn't spare it even a second thought as he swallowed whatever it was. Maybe it was just a piece of food that was stuck in his teeth and was dislodged in his sleep? Either way, Lyle didn't even put that much thought into it as he walked into the bathroom and started his morning routine.
- - -
"NO NO!" Josh screamed as he was sent plummeting down Lyle's throat once again. He couldn't believe after defying fate and clawing his way to freedom AND surviving the entire night in Lyle's mouth, he'd be so callously and casually swallowed as soon as the giant got up. Josh imagined, Lyle didn't even think about what he was or even cared in the slightest. How would he even know what he went through all night? Being deposited in the titan's stomach once more, Josh felt totally defeated.
"Everything I went through… for nothing…" Josh mourned his terrible luck and apparent awful choices. Aside from Lyle forgetting him around his neck, Josh could hardly even blame the handsome hunk.
"Of course I would've been fine if he didn't forget about me…" Josh knew that at the very least were true. It barely mattered anymore. Josh couldn't hope to make a daring escape if Lyle was up and about starting his day. The entrance to Lyle's stomach might as well be miles above him at this point.
Tired and fed up, Josh almost hoped the giant would just start eating, doing him mercy by smothering him in a mountain of food. Though again to Josh's dismay, he was instead met with a torrent of liquid, cold refreshing water. A taste Josh wished he could have had hours and hours ago, now spilling into Lyle's stomach like a waterfall. Choking and spitting as he tried to stay afloat, Josh never saw it coming as chewed up mounds of food deposited down on top of him, squishing him beneath the surface as acid started to seem out of the walls, stinging Josh's skin as he was effortlessly churned with the rest of Lyle's breakfast. A rumbling gurgled roar contracted the chamber as Josh was quickly snuffed out.
- - -
"BUUUUURRRRP!" Lyle belted out into the kitchen. A quick yet hearty meal of some fresh water and microwaving some sausage links gave the giant some well deserved meaty burps, much to the amusement of his housemates.
"Dang, bro. Almost sounded like you were gonna throw up!" Vinny joked, eating his breakfast significantly slower than Lyle. Lyle gave him a look, almost like he was offended.
"Bro, no way! What a waste of protein!" Lyle rubbed his bare stomach, not dreaming of throwing up even a single gram of protein.
"Lyle you're gonna eat me out of my house, bro." Brody laughed, not really worried about a food budget, but it was insane how much the huge man could pack away.
"Sorry, bro! I'll try to remember to pick up some food after work today!" Lyle smiled, hoping to be helpful since Brody was nice enough to let him live here rent free.
"Sure, bro." Brody chuckled, knowing Lyle was a forgetful as a goldfish sometimes. "Oh hey, speaking of work. Any of you seen Josh? Bobby texted me this morning. I guess he went missing after Brandon watched him yesterday?"
"Hmmm…." Lyle went deep in thought for a moment. "Oh fuck bro!"
Lyle didn't elaborate as he went upstairs to his room, looking for his necklace. Finding his chain, he saw there was still that string caught up in it.
"Hey, micro-bro! I'm so sorry I forgot about you… again… huh?" Lyle looked at the string where he remembered finally where Josh was tied. But there was nothing there. "Uhhhhh…."
Carrying it downstairs, Lyle brought it to Vinny and Brody. "Yo, he went missing because of me, bros. I totally forgot but I had him tied around my neck like a necklace, bro."
"Oh that's sick, bro. I wanna try that with him!" Vinny stood up to look in Lyle's hands.
"We'll he's not on it anymore, bro." Lyle rubbed the back of his neck. "I forgot about him all day yesterday. I think I took my chain off a few times? Look the string was on is all tangled up in it."
"Huh… you don't think he fell off it or something, bro?" Brody came over to examine the chain now too. "Or maybe he untied himself at some point when he realized you forgot about him?"
"Maybe?" Lyle rubbed his head. "I have no idea, I can't believe I forgot about him again. I feel bad, bro."
"Well you remembered now, bro. So now we just gotta put our heads together and find him right?" Brody reassured his huge friend, patting him on the back. The force, caused Lyle to let out another burp, causing laugher between the three bros.
"You're right, bro! Besides, he's so little he could be closer than we think!" Lyle tried to imagine if his little micro-bro did untie himself, he undoubtedly had a genius plan to be found. Little did Lyle know ultimately how right and wrong he was.
As Josh tumbled through the darkness, he was surprised as he eventually stopped into something somewhat soft. It didn't take long for Josh to figured out it was the cartilage of the side of Lyle's ear. Happy something finally worked out, Josh hoisted himself up into Lyle's ear, trying his best to trek slowly so as the giant didn't accidently swat him away. Sighing as he made his way into the ear canal, Josh stepped in what he believed to be ear wax, making a face as he still tried to be quiet. Unsure how Lyle would react, Josh found a hair to grab onto as he finally spoke up.
"L-lyle! It's me Josh!" Josh called out into the ear. Lyle shot up, sitting up as Josh held onto the hair for dear life. Too terrified to even scream, Josh heard Lyle answer, loudly.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lyle yelled as he sat up, looking around. "Am I hearing shit?"
"No no, Lyle it's really me! Josh? Your… little micro-bro…" Josh felt slightly embarrassed calling himself that, but he did find the nickname kind of endearing coming from Lyle.
"Micro-bro?" Lyle looked around some more. "Where are you? Bro are you a ghost?"
"Uh no." Josh almost laughed. "I'm in your ear actually."
"Oh." Lyle realized Josh's voice was coming specifically from one side, tilting his head and catching Josh as he popped out. Carrying Josh out of his bed, Lyle made his way over to the light switch so he could see with his own eyes that Josh was indeed in his hand.
"Why were you in my ear, micro-bro?" Lyle's memory fuzzy and still shocked at being woken up like that.
"Well… remember the necklace?" Josh asked, Lyle's eyes going from blank stare to embarrassed realization.
"Fuuuuuck…. broooo." Lyle face planted. "I am so sorry, micro-bro. Fuck I totally blew it again…"
"It's fine… I figured it out and we're all good!" Josh couldn't stay made at the handsome titan. "All that matters now is we--"
Josh was cut off from the sound of a voice on the other side of the door. Josh knew it to be Brody's.
"Yo, bro? You all good? Vinny and I were just coming up for bed and---" Before Brody's voice was cut off by Vinny's.
"Before we heard you screech like a little girl, bro!" Vinny laughed. "You good, bro?"
Lyle turned a little red, he was embarrassed they heard him yell. But he was equally embarrassed that if he showed them Josh, he'd have to explain how he forgot about the little guy over and over and over again the past few days. Lyle looked down at Josh than to the door before responding…
"Yup! All good bros!" Lyle decided to lie. "There was uhh a spider crawling on me, bros!"
"Oh." Brody answered a little surprised. "Well uhhh, good you're okay, bro."
Josh heard the two shift and move on the other side, leaving while Vinny chuckled about Lyle's apparent new found fear of spiders.
"What the heck, Lyle!" Josh decided to disagree with the titan. "They could have helped!"
"I know, I know…" Lyle brought Josh back to his bed and sat down. "Look I'm just embarrassed, bro. If I showed them you, I'd have to tell them how I let you down like a dozen times today."
"Oh…" Josh thought for a second Lyle was embarrassed about the shriek. But the fact that it had to do with him was… surprisingly sweet. "Hey, don't worry about it. We don't have to tell them."
"Aw thanks, micro-bro." Lyle smiled, though he deep down didn't feel like he deserved it. "I can't believe I took off running with you after hanging out with Brandon. You should've called me, bro."
"I dropped my phone." Josh felt lost all day without it. "Plus by now it would've been dead anyway."
"Dang, well I wonder why Brandon didn't call me?" Lyle put a hand on his chin, thinking about how he must've realized it eventually. "I mean he was watching you, bro. He would've figured out eventually you were missing…"
"Yeah… about that." Josh felt embarrassed now himself. "I mean he's less… bad than he used to be. But Brandon used to bully me really bad in high school. I'm guessing he thought it was funny you ran off with me."
"Oh bro…" Lyle rubbed the back of his neck, Josh's eyes briefly darting to his blonde hairy pits before refocusing on Lyle. "I had no idea. I just thought he was just like… messing, you know? I wish you would've told me he was legit just a fucking bully."
"I-I didn't really mention it to anyone." Josh crossed his arms, feeling embarrassed to being going into his own backstory and feelings. "I didn't want anyone to feel like they had to choose between being friends with him, or me. Besides he seemed different when I hired him, like maybe slightly more mature. I figured everyone deserves a second chance."
"You're too forgiving, micro-bro." Lyle shook his head. "Clearly, since he he just let you get kidnaped by some oblivious giant asshole."
"Better to be here with you, than with him." Josh shrugged, knowing despite what he went through for Lyle to find him, ultimately this was one thousand percent favorable for him.
"Ohhh bro, so you never told Bobby he was your bully either, huh?" Lyle was finally connecting the dots. "That makes him calling Brandon to look after you make waaaay more sense."
"Yeahhhh and by the time I knew, Brandon was already there and Bobby was out the door." Josh sighed, feeling like he'd rather Bobby called a wild animal to watch him instead of Brandon.
"Well, I'll watch you next time, micro-bro!" Lyle pounded his chest in loyalty before making a face, remembering all the times he's just failed Josh. "If you wanted, that is. Probably better off with someone with a better memory, bro. Like Brod!"
"No, no you're perfect Lyle!" Josh blushed, maybe meaning it in more way than one. Josh's stomach growled though, reminding him that he hasn't had anything to eat or drink all day. "Hey… so since I was kind of lost all day. I'm realizing I haven't had anything to eat or drink…"
"Oh shit, micro-bro!" Lyle felt bad again. "I'm sorry, we should run down and grab you something. Brod and Vin are probably already in bed. So they probably won't notice us go down."
"Okay!" Josh was happy, knowing he'd finally get some food.
- - -
Quietly, Lyle and Josh made their way downstairs grabbing Josh a bite to eat of whatever was leftover from dinner as well as finally some very well needed water. Having taken care of things finally, the two made their way up to Lyle's room. Josh was still very much so awake, considering he slept all day. Lyle meanwhile was quite ready for sleep.
"Do you work tomorrow morning?" Josh asked Lyle as the huge stud sat on his bed, Josh still in his hand.
"Yeahhh bro. I can bring you in with me in the morning if you want?" Lyle asked, hoping to make up to Josh his mistakes in the past day.
"That would be good." Josh sighed, thinking about finally going back to his regular size after the massive misunderstanding a day and a half ago with Scott.
"Though, you know micro-bro." Lyle rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed a little. "Despite me forgetting you all over the place. I really like hanging out with you when you're all… well micro."
"Oh…" Josh was kind of happy to hear that. "Well as long as you remember me being around, I have a lot of fun hanging around you too."
"Ha, word bro! I'll try and do better!" Lyle smiled, Josh distracted just by how attractive he was when he was happy for a moment. "For now though, I'm exhausted. I think it's bed time for me, micro-bro."
Lyle brought Josh up to the dresser, right where Josh had jumped from earlier. Yawning, Lyle set his alarm for the morning, making sure to leave a tissue for Josh to sleep on so he didn't have to crash on the hard wood of the dresser. Josh watched the muscular titan walk off to turn off the light and lay down in bed.
"Night, micro-bro!" Lyle said cutely as he got in bed.
"Good night Lyle…" Josh felt himself choke up a little at how cute he was.
Lyle quickly fell asleep after all the excitement. Josh meanwhile did his best to relax. Eventually, forcing himself to sleep despite not being tired, morning came as the sun peeked through Lyle's window. Josh heard the sound of Lyle's alarm going off as the giant getting out of bed as Lyle…
Josh's head stopped spinning as Lyle simply walked about the house. It wasn't so bad when the giant wasn't running. Watching where Lyle would bring him next, Josh was along for the ride as Lyle opened the sliding door to the back of the house, heading out into the backyard. Panicking for a moment, Josh watched as Lyle started to walk toward the pool.
"Oh shit…" Josh realized the danger. "If he jumps in there… I'd drown…"
In relief however, Josh watched as Lyle actually just grabbed a lounge chair, positioning it in a nice sunny spot before sitting down on it and swinging his legs up to lay down and relax. Flipping his hat and covering his eyes with the brim, Lyle put his arms behind his head and let out a relaxed sigh.
Letting a sigh of relief of his own, Josh laid back a little, laying on Lyle's slick sweaty skin. Looking straight down Lyle's body, Josh was temporary transfixed with the sight. It looked like an actual landscape but it was fair skin colored with bit of blonde hair all the way down by the rolling hills of Lyle's abs. Either side of him, Josh looked up at the giant's pecs. They may as well have been mountains they looks so tall and huge. Josh shook his head trying to focus, Lyle's body was always too much for the tiny man's brain to handle. Especially drenched in sweat.
"Can't get too relaxed though…" Josh said to himself. There was always the potential Lyle would go for a dip after laying in the sun. "If that's the case I'm as good as dead…"
With that being said… Josh wasn't sure where exactly he should go. He knows he saw Lyle put in ear buds earlier, so it was pretty unlikely he could crawl in the giant's ear. Running his foot on the slick surface of the skin made Josh realize it was pretty likely if he left his harness he might just be on a sweaty slip and slide all the way down to Lyle's abs.
"I could maybe use the string as a guide up to his neck?" Josh thought it was possible. He was pretty dizzy and tired still, but he could give it a shot. Josh figured if he could at least get onto Lyle's face, he might be able to poke at his eye or something to get his attention.
Thinking about it Josh…
"Well bro, guess it's about time for me to head out!" Lyle looked down at his chest. "Guess I better give you micro-bro back huh?"
"Eh." Brandon was bored with Josh at this point. "I guess."
"I thought you were watching him for Bobby, bro?" Lyle tilted his head, confused feeling like Brandon should care a little more.
"Yeah but. You could just take him. I'll tell Bobby he's with you." Brandon lied, absolutely planning on telling Bobby some bullshit to create confusion.
"Oh dooope, bro!" Lyle seemed excited. "I love chilling with my little micro-bro! I can take him out with me!"
"Oh yeah, dude. Sounds like an awesome idea." Brandon smirked, wondering what dumb places Lyle would bring him. "Yeah bro. Go for it. I'll just head out."
"Woah, bro!" Lyle stopped Brandon as he stood up, giving Lyle a quizzical look. "We should make sure that's good with micro-bro first!"
Brandon rose an eyebrow, but sat back down with a heavy slump, staring at Josh in between Lyle's chest.
"Umm…" Josh felt uncomfortable with the look Brandon was giving him. Meanwhile he could feel the smile coming from Lyle above him. He was certainly more comfortable with Lyle than Brandon. But if Bobby really was on his way home now… he didn't imagine he'd have to spend too too much time with Brandon.
Josh could tell the two of them were waiting on his response. Deciding to speak up, Josh decided he would stay with…
"I'll stay with Lyle!" Josh blurted out. It didn't matter if Bobby was on his way home. One more minute trying to convince Brandon not to kill him was not worth if he finally had peace and quiet with Bobby.
"Oh! Word, micro-bro!" Lyle puffed his chest a little, pushing Josh out a little as well as he swelled with a bit of pride. Without missing a beat, Brandon stood up.
"Perfect, I'll wait around for Bobby." Brandon seemed ecstatic. "You dorks can get the fuck out and go… do whatever."
"Hell yeah, mirco-bro and I will go on an adventure!" Lyle was excited, making his way to the door.
"Perfect, yeah, wherever you wanna go. Whatever you need to do." Josh didn't care. He just wanted nothing more than to leave with Lyle.
"Oh word, micro-bro! You sure are eager!" Lyle made his way outside, shutting the door, and Brandon, behind them. "So micro-bro, why don't we head to…"
"I just gotta swing by a construction job Vinny and I are on, micro-bro!" Lyle almost sounded like he was apologizing. "After that we can do whatever you want though, okay?"
"No worries! Take your time!" Josh was actually quite comfy. Once he got over the intense sweat smell, he was actually quite relaxed nestled between Lyle's pecs. Josh actually forgot for a minute that Lyle and Vinny worked part time doing construction and part time now recently at the park. It made sense though why was off today from the park if he was expected to help at his construction job.
Josh took in the scenery as Lyle walked down the neighborhood. It was kind of surreal seeing from this point of view. Everything looked so enormous, but he also felt like he was suspended from a skyscraper. Eventually though, Lyle rounded up to a house that had a few trucks parked outside of it. There was some equipment outside the house, looked like a table saw, quite an assortment of tools, and some lumber.
"We're building a kickass deck out back, bro." Lyle looked down at Josh, feeling like he'd offer some context. "Vinny should be here, we can say hi, bro."
Lyle walked around back, grabbing an orange safety vest as he made his way past the equipment, tossing it on but not even bothering to connect the straps in the middle. Heading out back, Josh did recognize Vinny, wearing a pair of dirty blue jeans and a white tank top. Though the other man Vinny was talking to, Josh definitely didn't recognize.
The man was pretty huge. He looked to be slightly taller than Vinny. He has a full beard of dark brown hair, it looked well kept and trimmed. He wore a dark pair of sunglasses and a cameo baseball cap. He was shirtless, tanned skin glistened with sweat from the sun. Josh couldn't believe the size of this man's arms and pecs, they might've been the biggest he's ever seen! He looked pretty lean too, though he didn't have the vintage six pack of a lifeguard, this dude had rough blue collar working man's abs. He wore a pair of cameo pants, held up with a black studded belt. Josh also couldn't help but notice he was chewing on a toothpick, talking out of the side of his mouth with a bit of a southern accent as he talked to Vinny.
"Yo, Vinny, Duke!" Lyle waved over the two as he made his way over. "Sorry I'm late, bros. I got side tracked!"
"Yeah? That's a funny way of sayin' ya'll forgot…" The man named Duke turned, looking like he was a bit of an intimidating sort of southern man.
"Hey! I'm here now, bro!" Lyle chuckled and looked around, seeing the deck was coming along nice. "Yo, look great bros! What do you want me to do?"
"You can help me put up the railing, bro." Vinny tossed a to go container into a garbage bag they had. "I just finished eating bro."
"Oh word, bro? What about you, Duke?" Lyle looked at Duke as he was holding a brown bag.
"Hadn't eaten yet, ya'll can take care of the railing while I take a break." Duke waved a hand as he made his way over to a folding chair, seated under the shade of the couple feet off the ground deck they've been building.
"Word! Yeah I'll make up for lost time, bro!" Lyle felt bad they've been working so hard without him, completely forgetting about Josh around his neck in his attempt to make it up to Vinny and Duke. Lyle hoisted lumber that was being used for the railing and went up the steps to get up on the deck.
"Woah hey!" Josh felt himself slip a little as Lyle's motions became rough as he carried the lumber. Maybe it was due to that the fact that he was covered in Lyle's sweat, but Josh absolutely felt like he almost slipped from the harness. "Careful Lyle!"
But Josh noticed, Lyle didn't seem to pay him any mind. Clearly he didn't hear him and now he was far more focused on his work.
"Don't tell me lost track of me being here…" Josh couldn't believe how quickly Lyle's mind could shift from one thing to the next.
"Here, I'll hold it in place, you drill, bro." Lyle held the top of the railing, leaning over the side as his chain, and Josh now dangled over the edge as well.
"Woah! Lyle!" Josh tried to call out to the giant to no avail. Josh looked over the edge he was suspended over. For the titans it was probably only a few feet, but for Josh he may as well be hung on by a thread outside an airplane. Looking straight down, Josh saw Duke was seated at a chair, pulling out a sandwich from his paper bag and pulling out a packet of mayo as he opened it up and started to put it on his sandwich.
Refocusing though, Josh was far more concerned with the fact that he absolutely was slipping. Between Lyle's rough actions loosening the knot, and Josh being covered in sweat, Josh knew he was mere moments from slipping out of the harness and falling.
Holding on with all his might, Josh's hand slipped and squeaked as he tried to hold on and…
"No no no!" Josh begged for a miracle as the thread continued to slip though his hand, Lyle still far too focused on holding the railing steady to notice Josh slip out of the harness, free falling from the deck to the yard below.
Josh screamed, eyes closed as he could only assume he fell to his death. Josh was so small though, that to anyone who was around it would've been like watching a speck of dust slowly and dramatically drop a few feet.
Josh peeked as he fell, seeing Vinny's face as the giant stared down, drilling the support brackets into the deck for the railing, never noticing Josh's dramatic fall from Lyle.
After a few second's though Josh knew he must be approaching the ground. Though not even Josh expected that he would land directly…
When josh stopped falling his impact came sooner, and was less deadly than he had imagined in his mind. The mere fact that he was capable of conscious thought and was not currently screaming in pain from a broken limb could only mean one of two things. One, he was dead and this was the afterlife, or two, he landed on something higher up and softer than the ground and was, at least for now, safe. As he calmed down and slowly built up the courage to open his eyes he pushed up onto all fours and saw nothing but green in front of him. This confused Josh momentarily as he was sure he hadn't fallen far enough to have made it to the lawn. As he finally looked away from the ground he knelt on and his vision cleared he finally put the pieces together in his head together.
"I'm on top of Lyle's, boss's, hat"
As Josh made this assessment the "ground" beneath him lurched forward as Duke leaned over to pick up his water bottle from the ground next to his chair sending Josh tumbling toward the edge. Just as he was about to go flying off the hat returned to a relatively flat plane.
"That was close" josh sighed as he scooted back from the ledge. "I need to find somewhere more secure before a fall to my death for real".
It was at this moment that the loud noise of the power drill dispersed as it was turned off, and was replaced by Lyle's booming voice overhead.
"Hey, Bro. Vin and me are done with the railings. They're nice and secure".
Lyle shook his and Vinny's handy work back and forth to prove his point. Duke turned around on his chair, and when he saw that it wasn't moving even a quarter of an inch he reached up and gave both the men a fist bump.
"Nice work. Couldn't have done any better myself". Standing up from his chair he continued to speak "That's everything done, all that's left is to pack up and head out."
At this announcement, Joshes blood ran cold. With all that bending and overall movement, there was no way he was staying on top unless he found a way to secure himself. In his panicked decision-making, he came up with three plans. He could climb onto the brim of the cap and make himself easier to see and hope either Lyel or Vinny spots him, hold on tight to the button at the top of the hat that was right next to him, or risk getting to the back of the hat as he bent down and get underneath it to make sure he can't fall off.
Josh screamed as he landed with a wet splat, flailing around and trying to clear his face. Whatever it was it was white. After a mouthful of it too, Josh realized it was… mayo.
"Oh no don't tell me I landed in…" Josh looked up, the intimidating southerner Duke was just finishing off squirting the mayo from a plastic packet onto his sandwich. Josh tried to move, but there was no chance as he was literally swimming in mayo, before Duke put the top of the sandwich back on, sealing Josh in darkness and now pinning him between meat and bread. Josh could feel the sandwich raise up as he knew he must've been moving toward the giant's face. With a resounding chomp, Josh could tell through the sheer force of mass leaving the sandwich, that Duke had just taken a bite.
Josh tried to free his arms, but everything was oily and cramped, he couldn't find his pocket let alone have accurate control over his arms.
"I have to find my phone before this giant eats me!" Josh panicked, another bite tearing away more of the sandwich. Josh now could slightly see outside the front… not that he's particularly want to as he merely saw the gruff scruffy face of Duke, chewing up the food before flexing his neck as he swallowed the food down, ready to take in more. Duke, squeezed the sandwich slightly as some mayo seeped out, pushing Josh out to the very front as he started to bring the food toward his gaping mouth.
"No no!" Josh shielded his eyes as he was squeezed out for front row seats to being eaten by a southern god. But instead of the warmth of the inside of the jock's mouth, Josh opened his eyes to instead see… hair?
"B-beard?!" Josh realized quickly the little bit of mayo he was in must've dripped just slightly below the giant's lip. Grabbing onto a hair with a death grip, Josh bounced up and down as Duke chewed and swallowed and continued to eat.
"Oh my god that was so close…" Josh felt like he was in… relative safety. He just had to wait for the giant to stop eating and be still long enough for him to grab his phone. Being as patient as possible Josh hung on as Duke finished off the last bite, swallowing it down and grabbing a bottle of water as he stood up and made his way up on the deck.
"Uuuurp…" Duke burped out of the side of his mouth as he sauntered up to Lyle and Vinny. "How we doin'?"
"Juuuuuust finishing up, bro!" Lyle let go of the railing, Vinny having put in the last of the deck screws. "Looks pretty good."
Duke took his hand, grabbing the railing and attempting to jiggle it, yet failing as he deemed it suitably stable.
"Alright, good work ya'll. Not much left." Duke seemed satisfied as Lyle turned to him, looking down at his face. Duke grit his teeth a little, slightly uncomfortable by Lyle's staring. "Errr, what?"
"Bro it's just…" Lyle looked at a bit of mayo on Duke's lower lip hair. "Bro…"
Lyle made a wiping motion with his thumb on his lower lip.
"Bro you got some mayo right there." Lyle chuckled, seeing the white substance on the man's lower lip and holding back his urge to make a cum joke.
"Oh shit." Duke used his thumb to wipe it down before looking at it and licking it off his thumb. Taking a swig of water, Duke washed it down without a second thought. "Thanks, bud."
"Anytime, bro!" Lyle was happy to be of assistance. "Aight, what's next?"
"Well…" Duke pulled his pants up a little as he looked around the deck. "Not much left, we ain't bein' paid to sand or stain it."
"Guess we're good to start cleaning up then, bro." Vinny wiped his sweaty brow, glad this project was finally nearly done.
"Yeahh let's pack 'er up and get everythin' in the truck." Duke equally was glad to be done from working in this intense heat. "Guess you lucked out comin' at the tail end, Lyle."
"I owe you both a beer then, bros!" Lyle felt bad he took longer to get here than he intended.
"I'll take that, bud." Duke chewed on his toothpick with a smile.
- - -
Josh screamed as he was washed into the southern titan's stomach. He couldn't believe it. Lyle was looking right at him! Him trying to be helpful was what ultimately landed him in here! Josh never had a chance to exchange a word with Duke and now here he was stewing away in the beefy man's stomach with his lunch.
"I guess at least now I can finally grab my phone…" Josh said, reaching into his pocket and finally looking at the screen… which did not light up as Josh pressed the button. "….What?"
Josh pressed the button again, and again, and again. His phone would not light up. Heart rate increasing, Josh knew the water Duke drank must've fried his phone, but he refused to believe it.
"No…" Josh pressed the button again. "No no no!"
Throwing his phone in frustration, Josh immediately realized how big of a mistake that was in the pitch black darkness of Duke's stomach. Running after it in the general direction he thought he threw, Josh tripped over mushy half digested chewed up food, squishing into the mess and sliding in with the mixture as Duke's stomach churned and contracted, eagerly digesting the southerner's lunch. Singeing in pain from stomach acid, Josh tried to relocate, but with little avail. This man appetite was clearly larger than the merger sandwich he ate as it was absolutely making quick work of it and eager for more. Josh heard a low rumble from above as Duke burped again, clearly nobody was coming to his aid as he was being painfully digested by this man he never met.
- - -
"Uurrrrp…" Duke let out his lately rumbling belch as he and Lyle hoisted up the last of the equipment into the truck. "Well there's the last of it. Thanks, Lyle."
"Anytime, bro!" Lyle pat Duke on the back. "I wish I got here sooner."
"Yeah why were you so late, bro?" Vinny used a rag to wipe off his face. Lyle thought for a moment before he remembered.
"Oh yeah! I went to go see micro-bro and Brandon during my jog. Then I got distracted with them for awhile before I came here with micro-bro." Lyle told the story like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Errr micro… bro?" Duke scratched his head under his cap.
"Its what he calls our boss at the water park." Vinny elaborated, which didn't help Duke all that much.
"He's just a little guy normally, but he has this shrink ray thing that makes him go like waaaaay micro, bro!" Lyle used his hands to emphasize the shrinking process from big to small.
"Pardon? A shrink ray?" Duke blinked, still confused by all this fancy sounding nonsense.
"Don't worry about it, bro. It's crazy, I have no idea how it works." Lyle hand waved it, causing Duke to simply shrug. "Either way, he's right here on my necklace!"
Lyle gently patted his chest to indicate where Josh was. Duke looked at the spot, raising an eyebrow as he saw nothing.
"Riiight…" Duke grabbed his keys from his pocket to his truck. "Look, ya'll don't have to make up such a dumb story to explain why yer late."
"Huh… well he was here. Shit I hope I didn't drop him!" Lyle started looking around in blind panic. Duke simply looked over to Vinny with a confused expression.
"Whatever, I'll just see ya'll at the bar. That drink Lyle owes me sounds good 'bout now." Duke hopped into his truck, finding a dirty torn up grey tank top to throw on. He looked in his rear view mirror as Lyle started running into the back yard, on his phone. He shook his head as he pulled away. "Micro-bro? Dumbest shit I ever heard…"
Josh wrapped the thread multiple times around his arms before twisting it around it waist some more, just in time as even this slight movement undid the knot. Josh sighed in relief as he secured himself, thought he could already feel like he was cutting off the circulation in his arms.
"Better than falling to my death…" Josh watched below him as Duke was chowing down on his sandwich. "Though I guess I could've lucked out and landed on him…"
Trying to redo some a semblance of a knot around his waist, Josh didn't dare unravel any of the thread he'd wrapped around himself. The last thing he needed was another near slip. Sweating and watching Lyle and Vinny, Josh only hoped it wouldn't take long for them to drill these railings down.
Josh hung on for what felt like hours and he could feel his arms go slightly numb. Eyes shut and hoping they'd be done soon, Josh jumped awake as he slammed into Lyle's chest as he stood up straight.
"Looks good, bro!" Lyle put his weight on the railing. Duke came up around the side and gave a slight smile.
"If it don't cave under your weight, it ought to be good." Duke shrugged, figuring Lyle had to be one of the biggest dudes he knew, so if it didn't collapse under his weight it'd be fine. "Well… all we got is to clean up and head out."
"Here! I'll grab everything!" Lyle started grabbing stuff and hoisting it on to his shoulder. "I'll make it up for being late, bros."
"Yeah why were you late, bro?" Vinny didn't complain about making Lyle carry everything back to the truck. "I saw you earlier, you said you were just going for a jog, bro."
"Oh right!" Lyle dropped everything. "I stopped and saw Brandon and micro-bro. I left him on a slice of pizza last night and I went by to apologize, then he ended up coming with me, bro!"
"Sorry, what?" Duke simply blinked at Lyle, feeling like he just stroked out trying to understand.
"Here you can meet him, bro!' Lyle pulled the thread necklace off from around his neck, seeing Josh dangle from the middle like a bungee jumper.
"Lyle! I'm slipping off the thread!" Josh called out, Lyle leaning forward and barely hearing Josh's squeaky voice.
"Oh shit, bro!" Lyle moved his hand under Josh, just as it was getting to be too much to hold on, Josh let go, the thread unlooping and Josh fell into the giant's huge soft hands. "Oh good, caught him!"
"The fuck am I lookin' at?" Duke leaned forward to look in Lyle's hand, Vinny coming to his side and putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Duke, meet our waterpark boss. This is Josh, bro." Vinny pointed down to the tiny speck in Lyle's hand as Josh got to his feet, rubbing his arms. "Yo, tiny-bro! Meet our construction boss, this is Duke."
"Uhhhhh…" Duke took off his sunglasses, showing Josh a pair of striking green eyes. "Still ain't sure what I'm lookin' at here, yer a person?"
"Yeah…" Josh panted slightly, "Sorry for the confusion, my name is Josh. I recently hired Vinny and Lyle to work at my waterpark."
"Right…" Duke seemed hesitant at first. "Wait a sec, was that there that place with the tiny slides and shit?"
"Uhh yes?" Josh wasn't sure if it was exactly what he meant. "Shrink and Swim?"
"That's what it was." Duke snapped his fingers. "We were part of the crew helpin' with that there expansion recently."
"Oh yeah I forgot we did that!" Lyle laughed, totally forgetting they helped build the bigger park just before they were hired.
"Bro, how'd you forget that?" Vinny tilted his head. "Brod literally brought us in for interviews the day after we finished."
"I dunno, bro. Time flies!" Lyle shrugged, not putting much thought into it.
"Either way, you guys did beautifully on the park." Josh wanted to insert himself into the conversation, also hoping to suck up a little to the gruff southern man a bit.
"Well thank ya." Duke touched the tip of his hat in appreciation. "But that don't explain… the fuck you doin' being the size of a bug, hangin' from Lyle's neck?"
"This'll take a minute to explain…" Josh started to tell the story of the last couple days, Lyle handing him off to Vinny, the two listening to the story as Lyle packed up the truck.
- - -
"Huh…" Duke scratched his head, trying to process the story. Meanwhile Vinny simply nodded, feeling like this was pretty on brand for both Josh and Lyle.
"All loaded up, bros!" Lyle wiped some seat from his brow as Duke and Vinny leaned against the side of the truck.
"What a wild fuckin' story…" Duke rubbed his temple a little, not really paying mind to Lyle. "Well good thing yer alright, little feller. Sounds like you could use a drink if ya ask me."
"I'm really not much of a dr--" Josh was cut off by Lyle as he jumped into the conversation.
"Hey great idea, bro!" Lyle patted Duke on the back, the gruff man giving a slight growl as he hated how much him and Vinny always insisted on touching him, or each other for that matter. "I'll buy the first round! Make up for being late, bro."
"Sounds good to me." Duke, shrugged off Lyle hand from his back.
"Word, bro!" Lyle looked around seeing himself and Duke were still shirtless. "Probably have to do a beach bar though, I forgot a shirt!"
"Whatever." Duke scratched his armpit, too sweaty for a shirt of his own anyway.
"Mind if I catch a ride?" Lyle, looked to Vinny, seeing his car was also here along with Duke's truck.
"Sure, bro." Vinny didn't care. "How bout you, tiny bro?"
"Me?" Josh knew he wasn't about to walk.
"Yeah, wanna ride with Lyle and I, or Duke?" Vinny asked, figuring Josh should have a choice.
"Well I don't want to inconvenience Duke." Josh waved his hands, hardly knowing the gruff man but trying to make his decline seem polite.
"Don't matter to me, little feller." Duke put on his sunglasses, chewing on his toothpick out of the corner of his mouth. "Not like yer takin' up a bunch of space."
"Oh well…" Josh felt like it was almost like Duke wanted him to go with him? Unsure sure, Josh spoke up and decided he'd go with…
Even though he didn't know anything about Duke, and that his number one priority should have been staying safe and ideally getting back to normal. He couldn't help but want to know more about him.
"Well if you really don't mind"?
"As I told ya, you don't take up much space. Plus I think it's a good idea for us to at least know each other better than just what was in those business emails we exchanged". Duke then shifted his gaze to Lyle and vinney. "These two might also stop slacking off or showing up to work late as much if they know that both their bosses hang out."
Both Lyle and vinney's cheeks visibly blushed out of embarrassment from being called out.
"Ah, come on bro, I've already packed up the entire sight and volunteered to pay for all of the drinks tonight. Can't you cut me a little slack"? Lyle groaned sarcastically.
"Me giving you "slack", . Duke paused to give air quotes " is not leaving you with only one job after you only worked the last thirty minutes of an eight hour work day". Duke tried to keep a straight face as he grilled Lyle, but when he couldn't hold back a smirk he lowered his head and camo baseball cap and shook his head. He then held out his hand. "Well you heard mico-bro, he wants to ride Shotgun with me, pass it over".
Vinney moved his hand over top of Duke's and tilted it slightly, allowing Josh to smoothly and safely slide onto the warm and sweaty, tanned palm of Duke's hand.
"See you on the other side mico-bro" Lyle shouted as he started dragging Vinney over to his car as soon as Josh was in Duke's care. It wasn't long before Lyle's car was gone and heading off towards the bar.
Josh turned to face the mountain of muscle and flesh that was Duke's abs and slowly craned his neck to look up at his head past his massive pecs. If he had looked massive before, he looked absolutely God like from here, Josh would bet money that Zeus, the Greek God of thunder was nothing compared to this man.
Josh got so caught up in ogling Duke's massive muscles that he hadn't even noticed that he had been carefully placed in the passenger seat of his truck. It wasn't until the vehicle roared to life that he snapped out his trance like state.
"Sooooo" Duke clenched the wheel tightly in his grip as he stared straight ahead focusing all his attention on the road while he tried to find the right words to use to ask the questions he had wanted to ask since first meeting Josh. "Sooooo, do you like being this small all the time or is this unusual for you"?
"Huh?" Josh replied "what do you mean?"
"Well I mean, I just find it weird is all, I would imagine that what you've been through today was downright terrifying, and yet you still agreed to go out with them to that party all tiny and such, you must have known the dangers."
Josh was glad he was too small for his face to be visible as it was currently beet red from embarrassment. Josh didn't know why but why but he felt he could trust Duke with the truth.
"The thing is I love the feeling I get when I'm surrounded by giant guys. I don't know why I do. Sometimes I even consider wanting them to eat me and keep me down there, but I also fear it at the same time"
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds when suddenly Duke took an unexpected sharp turn to the left.
"Wow what was that, what's going on?"
"Just pulling over, little guy." Duke pulled his car off the side of the road and turned to Josh on the seat next to him. "Yer fuckin' with me right?"
Josh swallowed nervously. Perhaps being completely honest like that wasn't the right move, if anything Josh took this as an opportunity to save face.
"Ha! Yeah! Sorry, little bit of dark humor!" Josh tried to play it off. "Truth is, today was a bit of a special circumstance. One of my other employees misunderstood 'getting a ride from him' to my house, as bringing me there shrunk. So I've been kind of stuck ever since!"
Duke paused for a second before shrugging. "Well you had me there for a sec, little feller. Probably shouldn't joke like that round dumbasses like Vinny and Lyle. They're likely to take ya serious."
"You're probably right." Josh sighed in relief, glad Duke bought the half true story.
"Though the fella who brought you to yer house shrunk sounds dumber than Lyle, if I'm being honest." Duke chuckled, thinking Lyle despite his good nature was incredibly dumb at times.
"You're probably not wrong about that." Josh also laughed a little, knowing Scott most certainly was. Josh saw Duke put back on his seat belt and reattend at the wheel, pulling back into the road. Josh sighed again, relieved Duke seemed satisfied.
"So, how'd ya get in the whole shrinkin' business anyway?" Duke asked, wanting to keep the conversation going as he drove.
"Oh, it's an invention of mine I made in college." Josh started to explain. "I wanted to use it for something fun, but you can imagine other parties wanted to use it for less nice things…"
"I can only imagine." Duke nodded his head. "Water park though? Kinda weird."
"It's fun! Since you helped with the remodeling, you should come by sometime." Josh offered, wanting to be friendly but also loving the idea of seeing more of Duke.
"Eh, water parks ain't really my thing. Plus the idea of being shrunk? I'd pass." Duke blew off the idea, Josh hanging his head a little in shame. "But my son might like it."
"Oh you have kids?" Josh was shocked. Despite his gruff exterior, Duke didn't seem much older than him.
"Just the one. Just turned eighteen actually." Duke went on a bit more. "Me and my wife had him when were only sixteen. Quite the sandal and we both dropped outta high school cuz of it."
"Oh wow so that'd make you, thirty four?" Josh connected the dots. Duke nodded as he stopped at a red light. "I would've guessed you were only about twenty five or so."
"Well that's mighty kind of ya." Duke smiled, glad to know he was in such good shape. "Yeeeep… well. When my wife passed about six years ago, me and my son started really doing everything together. He wanted to wrestle and play football, so we'd work out with each other constantly. Really motivate one another."
"I'm sorry for your loss…" Josh felt bad Duke was so open about it, but he merely shrugged. "But it's great you and your son have a strong relationship."
"Yup. I'm a lucky dad, that's for sure." Duke smiled again. "He even just started working for my construction biz, now that he's close to graduating high school."
"Wow that's amazing!" Josh was happy to heard the pride in Duke's voice. "Well if he ever needs a side gig, I'm always hiring too."
"I'll keep that in mind, little feller." Duke nodded his head, looking over at Josh with honesty.
- - -
Josh and Duke continued to have conversation as they eventually pulled up to the beach bar Lyle had mentioned. Gently grabbing Josh from the seat next to him, Duke saw Lyle and Vinny had already grabbed a table with an umbrella on the sand.
"Hey what took you guys so long, bro!" Lyle stood up and waved them over. "We beat you here by like ten minutes!"
"Well I don't dive like a maniac like Vinny sure does." Duke, chuckled as he and Josh went over to the table, Vinny putting his arms out in disbelief.
"What the hell, bro! I drive slow! Usually…" Vinny crossed his arms. Duke lowered his hand and let Josh out on the table. "Yo tiny bro. How was the ride? Did Duke bore you to death?"
"N-no!" Embarrassingly shook his head, not wanting to bring up how he almost awkwardly blew it with Duke. "It was actually cool to get to know each other, right?"
"For sure, little feller." Duke touched the tip of his cap. "Who would've know this little guy could be such a jokester though."
Vinny and Lyle, looked at each other, not sure what Duke meant by that before they were interrupted by the waiter.
"Here's your first round, guys." Josh looked up at the handsome waiter. He could see his eyes dart around at the table of muscular men, face flushing a little.
"Me too buddy…" Josh whispered to himself, finding being surrounded by so many hunks to be rough sometimes.
"Did you guys want to order any food?" The waiter asked, pulling out his pad.
"I'll get us some wings for the table, whatever the hottest ya got." Duke didn't seem too picky, as the waiter wrote it down.
"Oh oh!" Lyle looked at the menu. "Nachos too, bro!"
"Alright, I'll get that in for you all." The waiter walked over, taking another look at the table as he left.
- - -
As the group continued eating and chatting…
Josh watched and chatted with the three giants after round after round of drinks started coming in. Josh swore the three seemed more interested in downing their drinks than they did in the food. After a little time, Josh lost track of the number of drinks they even had. Seemingly, the more progressively drunk they got, the less they remembered Josh was even there. At one point Josh jumped as a glob of nacho cheese plopped near him.
"Hey! Careful!" Josh yelled at Lyle as he absentmindedly shoved nachos in his mouth.
"Ohhh my bad, micro-bro. Kind almost forgot you were there!" Lyle chuckled as he spat up crumbs of chip as he spoke. Josh shook his head, a little annoyed.
"Yeah well, I was almost drowning in cheese over here!" Josh complained as he got up to move away from the cheese. Lyle just leaned back chuckling a little.
"Haaa bro, like how you were drowning in my beer last night!" Lyle remembered bits and pieces of the adventure they had the previous evening. Duke, rose an eyebrow as he looked at Lyle.
"The fuck was he swimmin' around in yer beer for?" Duke was ready to just accuse Lyle. "Don't tell me yer dumb ass put him in there."
"Nah bro!" Lyle waved his hand. "He like wanted to go for a swim, I think. I almost drank him, bro!"
"That's not wh---" Josh tried to clear the air before Vinny quickly interrupted him.
"Oh sounds like classic tiny bro!" Vinny chuckled, shaking his head, knowing the stories he's heard.
"Why's that?" Duke glanced at Josh, wondering if what Josh told him might've actually been a slip of the truth.
"Oh bro, heard some hilarious stories. He's always ending up in our buddies Tyler and Bobby's food." Vinny leaned forward drunkenly slipping and embellishing these stories a bit. "I guess Bobby even accidently ate him and they had to save his tiny ass!"
"That's not what hap---" Josh tried his best to interject, but the giants where way too drunk to even pay him any mind.
"Yeah then after they saved him, he straight up ASKED Tyler to eat him, bro!" Lyle told only what he heard from Tyler. "After knowing that, can't say I was surprised to see him in my beer. Gotta check your drinks and food when micro-bro is around!"
"Oh really?" Duke took a long sip of his beer. "Kinda lines up with somethin' he said on our way over."
"Oh man, what'd he say, bro?" Vinny leaned in, here for the drama.
"You guys are getting it all wro---" Josh was interrupted yet again but this time by Duke, as the huge southerner chugged the rest of his drink and turned the glass upside down and placed it over Josh.
"Don't need him tryin' to squeak over me while I talk." Duke shrugged with a bit of an arrogant grin, almost enjoying how easy it was to silence a tiny human. "He told me he actually wants a big feller to eat him, even keep em down. Then when I confronted him over it, he played it off like it were a joke."
"Ha, knew it." Vinny leaned back, completely unfazed and not surprised. Lyle meanwhile looked like he was still processing.
"So wait, he does do it on purpose then?" Lyle scratched his head. "Oh man I was half joking when I said to check your drinks, bro."
"Guess ya shouldn't be lookin' too hard." Duke chuckled as he shook his head, pegging Josh wrong after all. Duke smirked as he slowly lifted the glass. Seeing Josh, now a little wet from excess beer and foam, Duke scooped him on his finger. "How's this, fellers?"
Duke looked too Lyle and Vinny as he stuck his finger in his mouth, sucking Josh off his finger and sealing him inside as he retracted his finger. Vinny started laughing, slapping the table as he couldn't believe what his boss just did, Lyle watched on in amusement and pulled out his phone.
"Yooooo do you feel him, bro?" Lyle leaned forward, very amused as he started recording. Duke swished tongue a little, tilting his head.
"Naw, not sure." Duke opened his mouth for Lyle to look in. "I ain't sure, did I swallow him?"
Lyle flashed his camera's flashlight into Duke's mouth, spotting Josh all the way back, clung to Duke's uvula. Lyle chuckled, covering his mouth as he zoomed in.
"Bro, he's on your little throat dangly!" Lyle focused in as Duke closed his mouth.
"Uvula, bro. Like come on." Vinny sighed, starting to wonder if all the concussions Lyle had in lacrosse were finally catching up to him.
"Whatever, bro!" Lyle didn't care if he knew what it was called or not. Duke simply shook his head, knowing they were both idiots.
"What should I do with em?" Duke spoke casually. "Can't hold on fer-ever."
"Eh, swallow him, bro." Vinny leaned back not caring. "I would if I was you, bro."
"Aw cut him some slack, bro!" Lyle felt a little bit of pity. "Even if he wants it, you should at least hock him up and let him TRY and talk his way out of it. Could be funny, bro."
Duke smirked, now focused on where Josh was, he could just barely feel him in the very back of his throat. Precariously dangling and at his whims. Duke…
Duke started to make a disgusting sound with his throat as he gathered up a horrid amount of phlegm in his mouth. Making a snorting noise, he even went as far to draw the attention of other patrons of the beach bar, several looking over and making disgusted expressions as they tried to ignore him. Lyle and Vinny however, were intensely amused.
"Ohhh fucking gross, bro! That's hilarious!" Lyle recorded Duke as he practically gargled phlegm at this point. "Hock him up, bro!"
Duke looked at Lyle and smirked before he…
Duke smirked at Lyle, only to fool him by swallowing the spit down instead. Lyle leaned back, disappointed.
"Awww… I thought you were gonna spit him out, bro." Lyle put away his phone, feeling like Duke was being a buzzkill on purpose.
"Nope, he was just stuck real good back there. Had to coax him out." Duke shrugged, glad he disappointed Lyle.
- - -
"How?!" Josh held on with an absolute vice grip. Josh had never held on to something so hard in his life. Maybe it was the adrenaline? Or maybe it was simply the fact that Josh did not want to die so callously in Duke's gut. Either way, Josh didn't know how he was doing it but he wasn't about to loosen his grip for even a second at this point.
Holding on hard, Josh felt nauseous as a disgusting burp billowed out over him.
- - -
"Buuuuuurp…" Duke half covered his mouth as he let out a low rumbling belch. Vinny laughed, glad his boss swallowed Josh down after how much of a pussy he realized he truly was.
"Come on, boss. Don't tell me that little twerp is giving you indigestion." Vinny poked fun a little at Duke. Duke glared now instead at Vinny from Lyle.
"Not a fuckin' chance." Duke patted his stomach a few times. "Little runts gettin' what he deserves."
"Harsh, broooo." Lyle gave a thumbs down. "He's just got brain rot from being small all the time, bro. You can't blame him."
"Can, did, and will continue to." Duke leaned back, letting out a louder more progressively disgusting burp, once again attracting glances from fellow bar goers. "Better hope you don't come down with the same brain rot."
"Not a chance, bro!" Lyle tapped his head a few times. "Skulls too thick to let the rot in!"
Vinny shrugged, coming from Lyle, it was actually quite clever. "He actually makes a good point, bro."
"Eh, we'll see." Duke pushed aside his plate of bones from his wings, satisfied with what he's eaten and drank at this point.
- - -
Josh continued to hold on, somehow despite the southern god's many burps he continued to hold on. Josh thought about it though. If Duke went to burp again… he could let go and get blown out of the giant's mouth! Then again… as Josh thought about it, if Duke spotted him he'd likely just try to eat him again. Josh barely knew if he could trust Lyle at this point, certainly not Vinny since he made the suggestion to swallow him in the first place. However, Josh hoped maybe nobody would notice his escape. Perhaps that handsome waiter would be willing to help him if he could get his attention?
Josh had to make his choice fast though. There was a telltale signal of a burp coming as Josh could swear he hears the gaseous gurgles come from deep down Duke's throat, and sure enough one was about to bubble up. Seeing Duke's mouth peek open as he prepared to release another blast, Josh…
Josh felt the rumbles come and decided, this was his moment. Josh let go from his death grip just as a blast of stomach gas belted out over him. With the rush of air, Josh screamed as he was sent blasting out of Duke's mouth, covering his eyes as he want flying back toward the table. With a crash, Josh somehow landed in something soft, opening his eyes to realize he had landed in a napkin.
"I-I'm alive!" Josh felt himself up and down his body, in utter disbelief he had somehow made it out of Duke unscathed. Josh thanked his lucky stars he somehow made it. However, he immediately hunkered low as he remembered he was surrounded by giants who just egged one of them on to eat him.
Josh looked up at Duke. Transfixed on the hot dad's body as he scratched his abs and let out another burp, undoubtedly believing by now that Josh was nothing more than bones in the pit of his stomach. Though despite this, Josh was still momentarily enamored by the hot southern god. Shaking the feeling though, Josh knew the last thing he'd need would be for Duke to spot him.
"Can't imagine he'd be very pleased to find out I escaped…" Josh could only imagine the verbal thrashing he'd get before the giant was liable to bite his head off before eating him next time to make sure he stayed down. Putting that thought aside, Josh looked across the table to Lyle and Vinny.
Vinny was so quick to turn on him, it almost made Josh felt bad.
"He spends a lot of time around Brandon though…" Josh wouldn't be surprised if Brandon had talked shit about him viciously behind his back. But then Josh turned his attention to Lyle. Sure he was stupid, thick headed, forgetful, and partially at fault for him being where he was, but he knew Lyle was a genuinely good guy deep down. Josh pondered for a moment. Maybe Lyle would protect him if he tried to get the blonde stud's attention?
"Or maybe I should just hide…" Josh realized, quite possibly, nobody at this table had his best interest at heart. He was almost probably better off getting a total stranger's attention! Josh thought back to the handsome waiter. He seemed genuine?
"Plus he was hot…" Josh blushed for a second, seeing the dude walk by in the distance carrying a tray above his head, noticing he had firm toned looking forearms bursting from the black sleeves of his shirt as he lifted the tray with ease. Josh shook his head, that shouldn't be his motivation. His motivation was living right now.
Josh thought about it for a moment as he decided he'd…
The tiny man ran as fast as his little legs could take him, searching for a place to hide as he did. He settled on a hiding in the shade of a nearby plate. It was probably going to be a temporary shelter, but it was a shelter nonetheless. He looked back at Vinny, Lyle, and Duke carrying on a conversation as if nothing just happened. But his eyes soon drifted to two imposing figures walking towards the beach bar.
From their uniforms, Josh quickly gathered that they were police officers. On each of their chests laid their names; “O’Brien” and “Rodriguez.” The shorter of the two was Officer O’Brien, who, in true Irish form, had red hair and a somewhat more approachable demeanor than his counterpart. His olive-skinned partner, Rodriguez, hid his eyes behind deep black sunglasses. A sharp looking toothpick poked out of his mouth, which added to the "bad cop" vibe he was giving off.
Surprisingly, the shady officer walked up to Vinny of all people and tapped him on the back.
“Put your hands in the air, kid, and no one gets hurt.” Rodriguez said in a cool tone. Duke and Lyle froze in fear. And O’Brien looked directly at the two of them with a firm scold. The tension was thick for a moment.
But it was only for a moment, as Vinny then burst out laughing.
“Hector! Dude! What’s good, my man?” Vinny said, standing up and embracing Rodriguez in a hug.
“Ah, estoy bien mi primo.” Hector said, laughing. O’Brien dropped his stern look as well and shook hands with Duke and Lyle, introducing himself.
“Sean O'Brien.” the man said to Duke. It was at this point Josh recognized that Sean had a bit of an Irish accent.
“Name’s Lyle!” Lyle said, happily.
“Duke.” the older man replied firmly. “Thank you for all the work you fine gentlemen do.”
“Oh, THAT one? He barely works.” O’Brien joked, pointing at Hector. Though something about his inflection implied it wasn't really that much of a joke. The other officer would roll his eyes. Then Vinny spoke up. “Duke, Lyle, this is my cousin Hector. He's bailed me out a ton.”
Duke rose his eyes a little at the comment, but quickly hid his suspicion when Hector started talking.
“Got room for two more at this table, gentlemen?” Hector said, a little smug. Duke immediately jumped in before Lyle or Vinny could get a chance to embarrass him.
“Sure do! Anything for an officer of the law.” the southerner stood up and grabbed a chair from a nearby empty table, offering it to the officer with shades.
“Gracias, partner.” Rodriguez said, subtly mocking Duke's accent. The man seemed to enjoy how much respect the southerner gave him. Hector took a seat directly in front of Josh’s hiding spot of the plate. Getting this close to the giant, Josh could really feel his strong presence. Not just from how physically imposing he was, but also the way he carried himself. Sure, he was confident. But there was something else as well. It was almost the opposite of his partner, who seemed way more chill and friendly as he smiled at Duke and Lyle.
With Officer O’Brien also taking a seat at the table, Josh realized that he was completely boxed in. Surrounding him from every angle was a powerful giant. Two of which were police officers, though, so surely they would help him out, right?
But then again…what if he revealed himself to them and told them the truth about Duke? He didn’t want to send a man with a son to jail over a miscommunication… but also Duke did legitimately try to murder him a few minutes ago, so…
With a tough choice to make, Josh decided to…
“I guess I’ll see how this plays out? Maybe I can hitch a ride with that O’Brien guy.” Josh thought to himself as he looked up at the men talking. The conversation started light. The usual kind of banter a group of guys would have. At some point, Officer O’Brien ordered food for the whole table. The cheeseburgers here were his favorite and he wanted to make sure everyone got to try them.
“I can pay for it, son.” Duke offered to the officer, a bit prideful. But O’Brien insisted. “No, no. Allow me. You know Vinny, an’ Vinny is Hector’s blood, an’ Hector might as well be MY blood. So… you’re as good as blood to me, mate.” O’Brien smiled.
“That’s a lot of blood…” Lyle said to himself but definitely loud enough for everyone to hear. Duke sighed and kicked his shin softly under the table. “Ow!” Lyle replied. Hector found this amusing and laughed.
“They don’t hire ‘em like they used to, ey old man?” Rodriguez winked to Duke. Duke raised his mug of beer in agreement, then took a swig.
“I think I’m a pretty good hire.” Vinny said a bit cockily.
“Lord give me strength…” Duke muttered sarcastically. This elicited another fit of laughter from Hector.
“Bet Vinny didn’t tell you about all the stuff he used to get into before he applied to your construction place, now did he?” Hector coaxed, smirking a little. Duke looked at a now slightly red Vinny and raised his eyebrow. “Oh? And the hell would THAT be?” Duke said, his accent really coming out now that he’s gotten sufficiently drunk. Lyle bounced in his chair a little, finally glad that he wasn't getting the brunt of Duke’s scorn for once.
“Ah c'mon man you’re gonna do me like this in front of my BOSS?” Vinny laughed, a little on edge.
“I’m just saying, cuzzo. You gotta tell the man you’re a wanted criminal before he hires ya.”
“A what???” Lyle laughed. “No way!”
“Hector, maybe don’t--” Vinny tried to start, but was cut off.
“Vinny here went through quite the rebel phase at the start of high school. Right around the time I entered the police force. Small shit, but it added up. Vandalism, petty theft, trespassing…”
“Hector.” Vinny, starting to get uncomfortable, tried to interject again. But again, his older cousin bulldozed him.
Rodriguez continued. From his point of view, Josh could really tell that Rodriguez liked making Vinny squirm. “Bro almost went to juvie, actually. Fucked around with the wrong kind of people. Some REAL ne'er-do-wells, you know? But fortunately, I was there to stop that shit and lay down the law. Right place-right time, ya know? He dodged a bullet, and he hasn’t been a little hoodlum since.” Hector took a sip of his beer, not noticing the slight shift in vibe at the table. “I think lacrosse helped him a lot, really, cause he hasn’t been a lil shit ever since.”
Duke spoke up to break the awkwardness that had been formed. “…yall just let him get away with all that?”
Hector’s demeanor shifted to a more serious one. “You got a kid at home, don't you?” Duke nodded and Hector continued. “Well, what would you do if you were in my shoes, and he was in Vinny’s?”
Duke wanted to argue with the ethics of it all, but when he thought about his son, he got quiet, shrugged, and just took another sip of his beer. Hector looked at O’Brien, who didn’t seem thrilled that he was sharing this information, then to Lyle, who was still just giddy about the fact that Vinny had a secret past that he didn’t know about. Finally, the officer looked at Vinny. He spoke to his defeated cousin with a smirk. “I mean, that’s what family’s for, right cuzzo?”
At this point, Vinny was actively avoiding eye contact. “Yeah thanks, Hector.” he said, reaching for a nacho.
But before Josh had enough time to really digest what just happened, the attractive waiter from earlier came back to the table, holding a tray of burgers and fries.
“Here you go, guys!” He said, handing each man a hefty looking hamburger. Since Josh was about level with Rodriguez’s stomach, he heard the officer’s gut grumble loudly. The man chuckled a bit, and Josh could have sworn he saw a bit of drool come out of his mouth. The giant was ready to FEAST. As the waiter took the plate Josh was hiding under and replaced it with a new one, Rodriguez…
“Whoa whoa whoa WAIT!!!” Josh screamed as a massive plate came hurtling towards him. He avoided being crushed by it, but the impact of the dish sent him flying upwards. He rose and rose until he reached his apex and started falling. When he landed, he noticed he was trapped on his stomach in something warm, goey, and…
“Oh God is this cheese???” Josh said, starting to panic. His body was almost completely submerged in the white colored American cheese on someone’s burger. He couldn’t even move his head to see whose meal he was currently trapped in. It didn’t help when the giant took the top bun of the burger, added some ketchup to it, and then placed it directly on top of Josh. Not only was Josh trapped in a mess of sticky condiments; he had no clue who he was trapped by! Not that it really mattered who. If he didn’t get out, and soon, he’d probably end up inside of a powerful giant for the second time in the past hour.
Pretty much everyone at the table tore into their food immediately. Except for Duke, who bowed his head and said a prayer first. This took O’Brien by surprise. “Oh? I didn’t know people did that around here. I would've waited for ya to say grace, sir.” The officer apologized, genuinely.
“Naw, naw, it’s alright, son.” Duke said, reaching for a fry. “I just like to do it cause the world’s a crazy place. Just wanna make sure me and my son are safe.”
“Well, speaking of safety, make sure you watch out for anything unusual in this area.” O’Brien said with a more somber tone. This caught Lyle’s attention.
“What do you mean, Officer bro?” Lyle asked earnestly. Duke, frustrated, lightly kicked Lyle again.
“Show some respect, son.” Duke commanded, talking with his mouth full of food.
O’Brien continued, his accent faint as he spoke. “There’s been some missing persons around this area recently. Somewhere around 100 or so, all on the same day.”
Vinny, Lyle, and Duke all dropped their jaws to the floor.
“A hundred people? All in one day?” Vinny asked. “How is that even possible??”
Rodriguez put the burger he was eating down to speak. “We have a strong feeling it’s connected to someone named Josh at the Shrink and Swim Waterpark. You guys ever heard of that place?”
Duke and Vinny immediately looked to Lyle, who was even more shocked than he was previously. O’Brien noticed this and raised an eyebrow. Lyle spoke up, sort of shaken. “I-I work there, sir. The creator, Josh, uh… he’s my boss.”
Upon being reminded of Josh, Duke set down his food. His stomach grumbled. Vinny and Lyle looked at him, remembering what happened early at the bar.
“What, uh…what’s up with Josh?” Lyle said, sweating a little now that he’s somehow linked to the disappearances.
O’Brien continued his explanation. “Well, we’re currently investigating two individuals by the names of Tyler and Tanner. Or, “Tank.” We believe Tyler works at the park, and somehow managed to shrink about a hundred of the park guests to use for he and Tank’s own purposes. They probably did this with the help of Josh. We have video footage of Tyler leaving the park at strange hours on the day of all of the disappearances, and we haven't been able to contact Josh because apparently he’s always tiny and never even doing his job? The most damning evidence is that we found some strange video of Tyler and Tanner legitimately eating some shrunken individuals.”
Rodriguez cut in. “Fuckers stuck actual live human beings onto slices of pizza, recorded it, and called it "Ty and Tank's Pizza Party.” Bastards. These are real sickos we’re dealing with.”
Duke swallowed hard. He wondered, briefly, if Josh could still be alive in his stomach. But as his stomach grumbled once more, he knew that was impossible.
“Yeah. The shit’s mad.” O’Brien continued as he took a small sip of water. “We have reason to believe that Josh developed this shrink technology to shrink people and traffic them for his own “vore” fantasies.”
“W-What in the sam hill is vore?” Duke asked, even though at this point he wished he hadn’t.
“A sexual fantasy involving being swallowed whole or eaten alive.” O’Brien responded, factually.
Vinny, Lyle, and Duke collectively looked at each other, piecing all the puzzles together. Duke stared at his burger in sheer disbelief.
“Dear God…” he said, flat.
“Yeah. I know. Like, seriously, who the fuck WANTS to be eaten alive?” Rodriguez said, bringing his burger to his face and taking a big bite. He continued to speak with a mouth somewhat full of burger mush. “But, hey! Now that I’ve met you, Lyle, I can bring you down to the station for questioning. Won't that be fun?” Hector joked as he swallowed.
Lyle swallowed as well. “Uh…”
O’Brien picked up on Lyle’s nervousness and went into "good cop" mode. “It’s alright, Lyle. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this. I bet he's right under our noses. I’m sure Josh and whoever else likes to eat tiny people, or help with it… Well, I’m sure they’ll get what they deserve.” The ginger cop smiled, reaching for his burger and taking a bite. Usually, that smile would make people more at ease. But no one at the table was even close to feeling that way. Awkwardly, Vinny, Lyle, and Duke all reached for their food to try to play it off. None of the men at the table noticed the desperate screams of tiny little Josh as he raced towards the mouth of…
Pinned from the top and the bottom from the heavy bread and scorching cheese, Josh squirmed like his life depended on it. Because, frankly, it did. He felt himself rise into the air and come back down several times as whoever held him spoke in a booming but muffled voice. The deafening crunches shook Josh’s tomb every time his captor chomped down on his burger. Josh wiggled and wiggled as each bite made it a little easier to do so.
On the fourth or fifth bite, Josh barely evaded a wall of teeth slamming down in front of him. Stained with the remains of the burger, the giant’s mouth drew back and chewed the burger, decimating it with every chomp. Fortunately, Josh was now able to see the outside world again. Unfortunately, he was still severely stuck. He looked into the gaping maw of the person he was almost inevitably going to go into.
It was the cold and manipulative “bad cop,” Officer Rodriguez.
And now that Josh was slightly dislodged, he could hear everything the cop was saying.
“LIKE, SERIOUSLY, WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO BE EATEN ALIVE?” The voice boomed. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on Josh. But he couldn’t do much to argue against it. All the tiny managed to do was scream as the handsome hispanic moved his meal to his mouth once more.
Josh screamed, barely avoiding being crushed by Hector's canines. Once in the officer’s mouth, the tiny flailed about as he was tossed like a ragdoll. Hector’s teeth were relentless, and his tongue even more so. And, surprisingly, the fact that he spoke with his mouth full of food didn’t help Josh escape much. It just gave him a chance to view the outside world one last time. Looking past the chewed food on the horizon of Hector’s tongue, Josh could see Duke staring at the officer’s mouth with a somewhat frightful expression. For a moment, Josh could have sworn that he and the southerner made eye contact.
“HEEEEEEELP!” Josh screamed at the man who had nearly eaten him earlier. But of course, the sounds of Hector’s words would greatly overpower his. “HE’S GOING TO EAT ME!!!” Josh yelled desperately.
But instead of a response from Duke, Josh got one from Rodriguez.
“WON’T THAT BE FUN?” The giant said with a smirk. The officer laughed, then collected the remaining food into a lump of mush. With one big wet gulp, everything in his mouth was sent down to his stomach.
"Well I'll be damned…" Josh heard from Duke as he turned around, squeaking in terror as the giant's fingers descended down on him. Quickly getting curled up and held in the giant's hand once again. "Boy, I didn't expect to see you again…"
"I-I escaped!" Josh knew his only chance with someone like Duke was to be defiant, not grovel for his life. "YOU were too weak to finish me off!"
" 'Scuse me…?" Duke brought Josh up closer to his face. "Might could squash you to nothin' if I wanted."
"Woah, is that micro-bro?" Lyle leaned forward to look at what Duke was holding. "Oh good! I was worried you really did swallow him, bro! I'm glad he's okay."
"Shut yer trap, Lyle." Duke sneered at Lyle angrily. Lyle sat back, tiling his head, confused. "I DID try to swallow him. Little fucker got out some how…"
"Huh, that is kinda weak, boss." Vinny smirked, enjoying the drama. "I mean letting a little bug man like tiny bro beat you?"
"You shut yers too Vinny!" Duke was a little drunk and definitely losing his cool. Duke looked back down at glared at Josh in his hand. "Ya think yer tough, boy?"
"N-no… I'm just proving that you all have the wrong impression of me." Josh wanted to speak honestly. "If I wanted to get eaten, why would I try to escape?"
"It's a pretty good point, bro." Lyle nodded his head.
"Lyle." Duke looked back at him again. "Shut. Yer. Fucking. Trap."
Lyle nervously receded in his seat a little. Despite being bigger and more muscular than his boss, Duke was terrifying when he lost his temper. Duke turned his gaze back to Josh.
"Well, guess ya made somewhat of a point." Duke was so angry Josh could feel the heat coming off of him. "Alright, runt. I'll make ya a deal, then I might believe ya."
"Fine." Josh tried to continue to sound defiant and confident, but truthfully he wanted nothing more than to cower under his bed sheets from this monster of a man.
"Yer gonna have to prove to me one more time you ain't just a little fruity pussy bitch." Duke smirked at Josh, getting the read of Josh he was definitely exactly that. "Yer gonna have to do a little…"
"Time fer you to do a lil drinkin' with the big boys, shrimp." Duke snickered. He hovered Josh's tiny body over his nearly full glass of beer, then let go of him. The shrunken man screamed as his stomach lurched from the fall before painfully belly flopping into the lake of booze.
Vinny chuckled after watching the tiny man flop. Lyle flinched a little.
“That looked like it hurt…” he said, concerned. Duke shot Lyle with a side eye. Lyle promptly shut his trap.
Josh swam back up to the surface after sinking into the drink. His body stung from the impact. He gasped for air, causing him to inhale way more alcohol than he had in the entirety of his time in college. “How do frat boys do this every weekend?” The tiny thought as he spit out as much beer as he could. He did NOT want to get stupidly inebriated around a group of men that didn’t seem to care if he got ingested or not. Unfortunately, Josh was already starting to feel a tingle all about his body.
“What’s your big plan, Boss man?” Vinny asked Duke.
The southerner smugly responded “Ah, nothin’ big. I’mma chug this drink right here till it’s gone. By the time the cup's empty, we'll see if this tough guy's still swimmin'.”
“What??!?!?” Josh protested.
“Hahaha! Nice” Vinny raised a glass to Duke. “Cheers, bro! Wish I could get in on that.” Lyle pushed his cup to the side. He was done drinking for the night.
Duke raised his glass to Vinny’s, and the sound of the cups clinking together nearly deafened poor Josh. Seeing Duke bring the glass to his bearded lips, Josh quickly started to swim in the opposite direction.
But then Duke…
The rim of the glass was on Duke’s lips as he hesitated. He looked to Lyle, then to Vinny, who had just taken a swig of beer himself.
“Yall tryna get in on this?” Duke said a bit suggestively.
“Uh….” Lyle said, before Vinny cut him off. “Hell yeah! If micro-bro wants to get eaten so badly, then *I* should be the one to do it, you know?”
Duke raised an eyebrow. “And why’s that?”
Vinny had a bit of a shit eating smirk. “Cause unlike your old ass, I could actually keep him down.”
Lyle’s eyes widened a little.
“That a damn challenge, boy?” Duke said in a chilly tone, setting his cup down. The sudden change in elevation dunked Josh under the water again.
“A challenge for YOU, maybe.” Vinny cockily replied. He liked the feeling of shit talking his boss, especially after the harsh way Duke sometimes treated them during the construction jobs.
“Well then…” Duke cracked his knuckles. “Let’s have ourselves a little drinking contest. I take a shot, I pass the glass to you. You take a shot, you pass it back to me. We keep goin’ till one of us has swallowed the lil shit. The one that does, wins.”
“Okay, okay, I follow…” Vinny said, eyeing the cup.
“But you get ONE swallow per shot. You chug the whole thing down in one go, Imma kick your ass, Vinny.” Duke crossed his arms. Vinny rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, DAD.” Vinny mocked. Duke shook his head. Lyle was a little baffled that all of this was happening.
“Uhhh guys, I know Josh probably WANTS this, but I don’t know if--”
“If he wants it, Lyle, then you should join us! I’m sure Josh would rather be swallowed by someone he knows rather than someone he just met.” Vinny was an expert at justifying his own bullshit.
“Yeah… I uh… I guess that makes sense…” Lyle said slowly.
“Don’t really matter what Josh wants at this point.” Duke cut in. “His fate’s in our glass now. Heheh…” Duke looked down at his cup, seeing Josh desperately try to stay afloat.
“You in, bro?” Vinny said to Lyle.
Lyle looked at the now very drunken Josh, floating for his life. The lax bro decided to…
“…alright, yeah. You’re right.” Lyle smiled a little, clinking his glass with Vinny’s. “If he wants to get swallowed, I’d be more than happy to give the little guy what he wants.”
Josh screamed up to the giants above him “THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT!!!” but their drunken egos deafened his plea. Josh was starting to get very drunk as well. Swimming in the foamy alcohol was becoming harder as his body took in more and more of it. He struggled to stay afloat as Duke slid the glass to Lyle.
"Well then, Lyle… take the first sip!"
Vinny scoffed, jealous. Lyle chuckled, looking down at his boss floating helplessly.
"Good luck, boss!" Lyle raised his mug and took a sip.
The deadly games had begun.
Josh felt absolutely betrayed as he saw Lyle's lips grow closer and closer. Would his employee really swallow him like nothing? Apparently so. As Lyle's ocean of liquid started to drain backwards, the tiny man swam against the current has hard as he could. Luckily Lyle took it easy, not ingesting too much. But Josh didn't get much of a chance to rest before Vinny manhandled the glass, yanking it away from Lyle.
"My turn, bro!" Vinny grabbed the mug impatiently. Josh then got a front row view of Vinny's slightly stubbly mouth. It had a much wider smile than Lyle's did, meaning Vinny was way more eager to win. Josh kicked it into overdrive, throwing his body fully into swimming away from Vinny as the titan sipped away the massive amount of liquid. But it wasn't enough. Josh could feel his feet hitting the tip of Vinny's lips. He braced himself to get sucked into Vinny's mouth, until:
"That's enough." Duke cut in, taking the glass from Vinny. The two men peered down into the glass. The foam fizzled out a bit, and a squirming speck bobbed its way back up to the surface. Duke grinned. Vinny looked pissed.
"Damn it." Vinny pouted. Lyle laughed once more. "Your turn, boss."
"Third time's the charm…" Duke said with a chuckle. Josh stared up at Duke, eyes wide with fear. It was probably the alcohol distorting Josh's perception, but the southern man now looked like a mountain. A thirsty one. The tiny felt his stomach lurch as the elevation rose. The mug of beer tilted down like it had twice before. And like before, Josh swam for his life. The bearded lips looked way more menacing as they swallowed down a river's worth of alcohol. But fortunately, once again, right as Josh felt the hairs on Duke's lips the giant tilted his glass back down, done with his turn.
"Tch. Damn." Duke frowned as he saw Josh was still kicking'. "He's fightin' pretty hard for a feller that WANTS to get swallowed…" Duke slurred his words a bit.
"Yeah…" Lyle thought, reconsidering whether or not they were right in assuming Josh wanted to go down. At this point, all of them were too drunk to remember what the truth of the situation actually was.
But Vinny didn't seem to care either way.
"Just take your turn, Lyle. Games not over till he's down the hatch." Vinny said, sliding Duke's glass to Lyle.
"Uh… or until there's nothing left in the glass besides Josh, right?" Lyle asked protectively.
Duke looked at Vinny, and the two of them shared knowing smirks. There was no way Josh was going to win against any of them. At this point, Duke and Vinny just wanted to be the one to win.
"Take a sip, Lyle." Duke demanded.
Lyle begrudgingly took the cup and brought it to his lips.
The next few minutes were a blur for Josh. Not only was his body getting weaker and more intoxicated with each sip, there was also less and less liquid to swim in; making it harder and harder to beat the current.
Lyle took a sip.
Then Vinny took a sip.
Then Duke took a sip.
The tiny man had lost track of who was about to ingest him; as each of their laughing lips were nothing more than a threat to his existence.
Lyle took a sip.
Then Vinny took a bigger one.
Then Duke took a BIGGER one.
With only one swig left, Josh drunkenly cried out at the bottom of the glass. “PLEASE!!! I DON'T WANT THIS!!!” But again, his cries laid on deaf ears. On the bright side, all he had to do was survive one more sip. But he knew he had no stamina left to do so. It would be a miracle to not end up in one of these giant’s mouths. Josh felt the cup rising again. And as the game ended, he…
"Yer gonna have to go on a little journey, boy. To prove how tough you actually are." Duke smirked, knowing the hell he planned on putting Josh through.
"H-haven't I already proved that?" Josh wanted so badly to bargain with the giant. Duke merely sneered at Josh in response.
" 'Fraid not enough for me." Duke knew he was the on in control and making the rules. Duke brought Josh up to his face.
"Whoa! What are you doing?!" Josh was worried Duke's 'journey' involved just tossing him in his mouth again. Duke didn't respond to him as he brought him up to his nostril, snorting the tiny many inside.
"Got lotsa phlegm built up in there. Yer gonna take care of it." Duke could feel Josh squirming in his nose now, knowing he could hear him. "If ya can't… well I'll make sure to swallow it down again."
Lyle shifted in his chair awkwardly looking like he wanted to say something, Vinny meanwhile didn't share the same awkwardness.
"Good on you, boss. Make the little squirt work for you and prove he's not just a worthless gay little shit." Vinny leaned back, arms behind his head cockily.
"Damn right, partner." Duke leaned back, liking Vinny's attitude.
"Hey now, bros. What's his sexuality have to do with anything, bro?" Lyle felt like he wasn't super comfortable with casual homophobia.
"Don't tell me yer turnin' fruity now too, Lyle." Duke rose any eyebrow, questioning his sudden defense.
"Just seems harsh to me, bro." Lyle crossed his arms, disappointed mostly in Vinny, but expecting the rhetoric from their conservative construction boss.
"Okay, snowflake." Duke shrugged, truly not caring about his or Josh's feelings.
Meanwhile, as the three talked more and as Lyle grew more uncomfortable, Josh…
Duke started flexing his neck a little trying to swallow the pathetic bug, though despite his slight effort was having trouble. Lyle and Vinny looked on, wondering what he was doing.
"Uhhh you good, boss?" Vinny rose an eyebrow, watching Duke flex his neck.
"Tryin' to swallow the little pest, but he's good and stuck." Duke rubbed his throat, disappointed it didn't take literally minimal effort to just get rid of Josh.
"Oh word, bro?" Vinny leaned forward, glad Duke took his advice. "Here wash him down with with."
Vinny handed Duke his beer since Duke just finished his own.
- - -
"Oh god he is trying to swallow me!" Josh dug his fingers deep into the flesh of Duke's uvula, over hearing the conversation. The fact that he ended up here was a miracle to begin with considering how carelessly he was tossed in the southerner's mouth. Josh relished in the fact that the giant was at least having trouble swallowing him. If anything, Josh hoped his resolve would prove to Duke he was not just some pathetic loser trying to get eaten. However, Josh's slim glimmer of hope would immediately be snuffed as the giant opened his mouth and Josh watched a torrent of beer wash in. There was no hope for Josh as he was easily washed off the giant's uvula.
- - -
Duke swished the small sip of beer in his mouth like he was using mouthwash before swallowing it down in a simple gulp. Duke nodded to Vinny and handed him back his beer.
"Thank ya, Vinny. That did the trick." Duke smiled and leaned back, grabbing a wing and biting into it.
"Dang, bro." Lyle was a little disappointed. "I wanted to see his excuse, bro."
"I didn't." Duke shrugged, peeling the meat off the bone of the wings with his teeth. "I don't take kindly to excuses…"
Duke stared at Lyle for a second, before he realized what his boss was was implying.
"What?!" Lyle spat out. "Bro, I was late. I'm soooooorry!"
"Better hope I'd never find ya shrunk then if ya'll are late again then." Duke shrugged, ignoring Lyle and continuing to eat his wings.
"Boss!" Lyle seemed almost offended. "You wouldn't eat me over something dumb like that, would you?"
"Don't go temptin' me now." Duke glared, grabbing another wing. Lyle looked over to Vinny, who simply laughed at him.
"Don't look at me, bro." Vinny mocked Lyle. "I'm never late. Plus don't blame me if the boss ever finds you as the size of an ant, bro."
"As if!" Lyle crossed his arms. "You'd think I'd ever leave the park like that?!"
"Well I know where to find ya, so maybe ya'll don't need to leave." Duke kept up his threat, hoping Lyle would take him seriously for once.
"Fine fine, I won't be late again, bro." Lyle sulked, not wanting to piss off his boss knowing how harsh he could be after what he just witnessed.
"Uuuuuuurrruuup…." Duke let out a long burp, giving his abs a slight rub. "You'd best not."
- - -
Josh scrambled and crawled about. It was dark and it reeked of beer and made his eyes hurt from the hot sauce from the wings.
"This is it though…" Josh knew he had no chance. He could hear the giants laughing and conversing through muffled words on the other side of Duke's stomach. But it didn't even matter what they were talking about. Unless they suddenly decided to save Josh, he was doomed.
Josh reached into his pocket, realizing his phone had long since died. The price he paid for keeping it on for nearly two days straight. Josh tossed the phone into the darkness, giving up.
"Even if I called Vinny or Lye, a lot of good that'd do…" Josh realized they both probably would just laugh at him. Duke's stomach continued to gurgle and growl as it mixed and churned the southern god's meal, Josh included. Another rumbling burp was all Josh heard as he was churned in with the rest of the food, digested painfully as punishment for how much of a pathetic pussy he was.
Josh sat with the three giants for awhile while they feasted on food and had many many drinks. It was a lot of fun, Josh making sure to chat with each of the giants as they hung out and ate. At one point after the bills had been paid, Josh laid back and relaxed as the giants all bit each other goodbye.
"Aight, thanks for food, bro! I think Vinny and I will catch you later!" Lyle got up, joined by Vinny as the two left, making their way to Vinny's car. Josh sat, immediately realizing what had happened.
"Wait wait!" Josh called out as the two left quickly, already out of sight. Forgotten once again, Josh turned and looked to Duke who got up looking like he was ready to leave too before he looked down at the table.
"Shiit…" Duke said softly. "Hey little feller, guess we all forgot you were there."
"It's okay, at least you realized before you left." Josh was glad for at least that small consolation.
"No worries, little feller. I'll give those morons a call." Duke pulled out his phone, Josh staring up at the muscled southern god as he stood over his, scratching his abs as the phone rang. Josh watched him hang up and try again for a few seconds. "Uhhh…"
"They didn't answer huh?" Josh knew they both were probably loudly playing music and off speeding away by now.
"Yeahhh…" Duke rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that little feller."
"It's okay." Josh was just glad he wasn't completely abandoned. "If it's not too much trouble, could I just go with you?"
"Well…" Duke looked away. "It ain't for me. But might be for you."
"What do you mean?" Josh didn't understand.
"Well…" Duke talked slowly in his southern droll. "My son's got a football game, I promised him I'd go."
"Oh no worries!" Josh thought the relationship Duke had with his son was actually quite beautiful. "I do not want to get in the way of you seeing his game. You won't even know I'm there."
"That's mighty kind of ya." Duke reached down, picking Josh up. "But I'll do my best to remember yer there."
"Well I appreciate that for sure." Josh sighed, not wanting to be forgotten again.
- - -
Getting back in Duke's car, Josh found himself riding off out of the city and more toward the country side. It was definitely a distance from where Josh usually hung out, but looking up and out the window it was kind of nice seeing trees and hillside rather than tall buildings.
"What's your son's name by the way?" Josh tried to make conversation as they went.
"Wesley." Duke responded plainly. "Though he tells me his buddies all call em Wes. I get it, but my late wife did love the name Wesley."
"Wes… got it." Josh repeated it to himself. "Just incase I meet him, or whatever."
"Well he's comin' home with me, and probably you too." Duke shifted a little. "Ya'll are gonna meet."
Josh swallowed nervously. It was one thing just meeting the intimidating Duke today, let alone what Josh could only imagine what his son was like. Based purely off description, Josh only imagined him to be a colossal eighteen year old southern jock god. Duke noticed Josh's awkward silence though after assuring him they'd meet.
"He's a good kid, don't worry." Duke reassured Josh. "He ain't gonna squish ya or eat ya."
"T-thanks…" Josh felt like this was a call back to their conversation earlier. "I know I was joking before, but it is a constant worry of mine when this happens."
"Understandable…" Duke nodded as he stopped at a light. "Judgin' from what yer told me the last couple nights, you've been pretty down on yer luck."
"Yeah for sure…" Josh couldn't believe the amount of crazy circumstances that have prevented him from going back to normal life. The two continued to chat as they eventually pulled up to Wesley's high school, Duke parking and grabbing a tattered tank top from his back seat and tossing it on. Reaching down to grab Josh, Duke figured it'd be better if the little guy was with him rather than leaving him in the car alone all this time.
"Can I put ya up here? Probably get a good view of the game." Duke put Josh up on top of his hat, trying to keep him toward the center.
"Yeah! Wow this is incredible!" Josh called out to Duke, seeing it was an incredible vantage from atop the tall giant.
"I can barely hear ya up there. So holler if ya need anythin'." Duke, could just remotely hear Josh's squeaks from up on his head.
"O-okay! Will do!" Josh yelled as loud as he could in the direction of Duke's ears as the giant strolled his way to the field, and subsequently the football game. Josh was in awe of the sheer number of people in the stands, glad he was seated atop the massive god Duke for this. Duke easily towered over all the other parents and students in the stands as he made his way to one of the top seats of the bleachers, slightly away from other groups of people. Josh watched as Duke pulled out his phone, typing something before holding it up to Josh.
"my sons number 89" Josh read the message on Duke's phone before he took the device away. Josh looked out into the field, spotting number 89.
"Jesus christ…" Josh saw the enormous linebacker lined up at the line of scrimmage. Obviously, Josh couldn't take in too many features of the dude, but he was huge. Not nearly as hefty as the other linebackers he actually looked quite lean. But he towered over quite literally everyone else on his or the opposing team. As is usual with football uniforms too, Josh noticed Wesley absolutely had a dumpy of an ass too. "Well guess he inherited his dad's… huge genes…"
The play started as Josh watched Wes absolutely level the kid on the opposing side from him. Josh swallowed, he almost felt bad for whoever was across from him. Josh could feel nods of approval and hear cheers come from Duke as his son dominated.
- - -
The game went on as the sun started to go down. Josh watched play after play, Wes apparently having the stamina to play offensive line and defensive as this dude never tired running over his far smaller opponents. The game ended up being pretty close, not for lack of Duke's son trying but the home team did emerge victorious, much to Duke's happiness.
"Damn… I'm so proud!" Duke stood up and applauded as the team celebrated the victory following the end of the game. Duke glanced up slightly without tilting his head though. "Don't worry, didn't forget about ya up there. Yer good?"
"I'm great! What a close game! Your son did amazing!" Josh meant in earnest. He wasn't admittedly the biggest football fan, but even Josh found the game to be enthralling.
"Glad ya had fun, little feller. It was a good game." Duke sat back down, knowing he'd have to wait a bit before seeing his son.
- - -
Waiting a bit for things to die down, Duke made his way to the locker rooms, waiting for his son to come out. Finally, now with gear off Josh had a view of the colossal young adult. Coming out of the door, He wore a tight black spandex tank top with high schools logo on it and still his tight white athletic pants, covered in grass stains. The first thing he noticed, we be was definitely taller than his dad, by at least two inches or so. His arms also were tremendously massive and his chest was positively exploding out of his tight tank top and Josh realized he wasn't just lean but actually sported a thick six pack behind his tight shirt.
"Damn and I thought Duke was built…" Josh couldn't believe this family's genetics. He had slightly darker brown hair than his father, as Josh looked at his trimmed scruff on his face, handsomely chiseled good looks much like his dad. As the giant got closer, Josh saw in contrast to his father, Wes has dark chocolate brown eyes.
Josh saw the giants come together for a father son hug, the impact worried him that he'd fall off Duke's hat.
"What a great game, bud! I'm so proud of ya!" Duke hugged his son, not caring in the slightest how sweaty he was.
"It was close! But I'm glad ya made it!" Wes responded with an equally heavy southern droll, though not as deep and intimidating as his father's.
"I never had a doubt." Duke separated from Wes. "Well watcha say bud, ready to head home?"
Wes looked to his father. "Well…"
Josh screamed as he was forcibly flung off Duke's hat, hurtling forward as he braced himself, heading right for Wes. From a hat to a shoulder, Josh somehow landed on the slick spandex of Wes's tank top strap. Panicking, Josh grabbed on and looked to Duke as they separated.
"Well watcha say bud, ready to head home?" Duke asked, Josh waving frantically at him. But it was obvious he was focused on his son's face, not his shoulder.
"Well…" Josh looked to Wes, seeing the huge man felt a little guilt." Actually, the team is goin' out to celebrate…"
"It's okay son, go hang with yer buddies. Ya'll earned it." Duke nodded in approval. "I was just glad I caught yer game."
"Me too." Duke smiled, clearly having a lot of adoration for his dad. "I won't be out late, alright?"
"Alright, no worries. Holler if you need me to pick ya up." Duke nodded, knowing he'd rather pick up a drunk son than not have a son come home.
"Will do!" Wes fist bumped his dad as he made his way back into the locker room. Josh turned, seeing Duke leave without him.
"No no!" Josh called out desperately. But it was too late, Duke was gone as Wes closed the door behind him. Josh turned, swallowing nervously as he entered the locker room with Wes.
"Yo Wes!" Some other football jock called out to him. "So you coming or not?"
"Yeah yeah, hold yer horses brother." Wes waved his hand joining up with the group of guys. Josh looked at the group and was very intimidated. He felt like he went back in time to when he'd cower in locker rooms before gym class when he's be surrounded by jocks and bullies like Brandon, except now he was atop the tallest jock of them all on Wes's shoulder. Josh hunched low, hoping nobody would see him.
"There's no way you'd miss a senior outing, right?" Another football jock came out. Josh seemingly gathered this group of guys must've been all been seniors.
"Not after a win!" Wes fist bumped the shorter guy. Josh was very uncomfortable with all of this. Josh pegged these guys to all at least be eighteen like Wes, which meant they'd have all the idiocy for a teenager with all the power of an adult.
"I'm going to die…" Josh slumped over on the fabric of the tank top, holding on for dear life. Desperate, Josh reached into his pocket, only to discover his phone was dead. Not charging it for several days would certainly do it. Josh only hoped he'd somehow survive long enough to get to Duke, and for Duke to somehow spot him. Josh sighed, it was a one in a million he figured.
"Alright let's get the fuck out of here, fellas!" Josh recognized the man to be the quarterback, based off the numbers Josh remembered on their jersey. Next to Wes, he was the next biggest dude on the team. Josh held on as the group left, all piling into a few cars as the drove off. Josh held on, though he felt sick from the reckless high schooler's driving as they made their way off to a restaurant back toward the city.
"So much back and fourth…" Josh was nauseous, having just ridden this way with Duke. Josh looked out the window, seeing it was getting dark at this point as they rolled up to one of the popular bars in town. Holding on, Josh rode Wes's shoulder further as he left the car and made their way inside, grabbing a table with what Josh counted to be seven total seniors. Josh sweat, this was a war zone if he wasn't careful.
"We'll take a round of beers!" Josh saw the quarterback tell the waitress who winked at him, clearly knowing him.
"Anything for you, Jake…" She seemed enamored as he walked off, dropping off menus for the group. Josh grimaced in the fact that he at least knew the name of the quarterback now. He wore a backward hat and had shaggy black hair and dark eyes. He also seemed to be the loudest of the group by far, and next tallest compared to Wes. Josh looked down at the menu, seeing Wes was looking at the wings, much like his dad did earlier.
"God, I've had enough of fucking wings!" Josh complained loudly, having seen nothing but wings and beer for the past few days.
"Huh?" Josh looked up, seeing Wes's head turn slightly in his direction.
"What's wrong, brother?" Jacob rested his arm around the back of the booth.
"Nothin'. Just hearin' things, I suppose." Wes ignored whatever that was to look back at the menu.
"Did he just hear me?" Josh wondered to himself. "Maybe… maybe I could just get his attention now."
Josh thought about it for a second. Maybe it'd be better to just lay low and wait. Then again, if he could be discovered now… maybe Duke's son would take pity on him if he explained he was newly friends with his father.
Thinking on it, Josh…
Josh swallowed nervously about what he was going to do. Duke said his son was a good kid… so Josh decided he was going to place his trust in Wes. Though looking around he wasn't sure about all these other jocks. Having made his choice though, Josh cupped his hands over his mouth and started to shout.
"WES! I NEED YOUR HELP! I'M A TINY PERSON ON YOUR SHOULDER!" Josh yelled, hoping for the best as he shouted to the giant's ear. Josh held on as Wes whipped his head around, even glancing on his shoulder quickly as the guys looked at him again.
"Brother, are you fuckin' good?" Jake asked again, raising an eyebrow as he watched Wes look around like an idiot again.
"Huh?" Wes looked back to Jacob. "Sorry, ya'll. I don't know, think I'm just hearin' things."
"I don't remember you getting hit all all in the game." A dirty blonde stud next to Wes nudged him. "In fact, pretty sure you sent more fellas to the ER than you got hit, brother."
"Hush up, Ryan…" Wes nudged the man back. "I dunno, brother. Just need a drink."
Josh lowered his hands, figuring he shouldn't freak the giant out too much. In fact it was decent timing as drinks were just being delivered to the table and orders of tons of wings were put in. Josh waited for the giant to get a sip of his drink before he shouted again.
"WES, YOU AREN'T HEARING THINGS. MY NAME IS JOSH. I'M A TINY PERSON AND FRIENDS WITH YOUR DAD, DUKE!" Josh hoped bringing up his dad's name would somehow be enough to make the giant trust he was real. Josh watched as he head turned, only slightly and eyes dart down. "PLEASE… JUST PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR LEFT SHOULDER! I'LL CLIMB ON YOUR FINGER AND YOU CAN SEE!"
Josh lowered his hands, hoping Wes would somehow trust him. To his surprise, Wes put his hand on his shoulder, right next to him. Keeping up his own word, Josh climbed onto the giant's finger. A few seconds later Wes pulled his hand off his shoulder and looked at his finger, Josh locking eyes with the young titan. Josh waved, hoping to prove the point he was real.
"Whatcha got there, Wes?" Ryan shoved his shoulder into Wes once again, causing the southern titan to jump a little. Wes retracted his hand slightly, not sure what to do.
"Its…" Wes started to say. "Its…"
"Its… kind of unbelievable like…" Wes showed the jocks at the table what was on his finger. "I think its a tiny person?"
Josh froze in terror. This was not what he expected. He fully thought the giant would hide him and figure out what he heard and saw later. But now, with every jock at this table leaning to look at him, Josh felt like he was going to throw up.
Josh looked around to each of the guys. Aside from Wes, there were six jocks, two of which Josh knew the names Jacob and the other was Ryan.
Josh took a good look at Jacob. Dark hair dark eyes and peak muscular frame. This dude was huge and handsome and clearly he knew it. Josh turned to look at the dirty blonde Ryan, piercing blue eyes looking at him and leaning forward with incredible forearms bursting from his shirt. He was nearly as huge as Jacob.
The other four guys, Josh was terrified he'd never know, each intimidating and handsome football jocks. One with well trimmed scruff on his face, another with curly long dark hair slicked back under a hat, another with an arrogant godlike smirk, and one clean shaven but with pecs that looked like they could squash Josh's entire water park with one flex.
"H-h-hello!" Josh waved to the group of jocks, horrified that he was so exposed. "I-I'm a little lost and need help…"
The group of jocks looked to one and other, perplexed at what they saw. However as the group of huge studs came to terms with the situation, they seemed to be…
"Well I'll be damned…" Jacob leaned forward to look at Josh more close. "It really is a tiny person."
"Ya got a name, little man?" Josh turned, seeing he was being addressed this time by Ryan.
"Josh…" Josh meekly responded, intimidated by the handsome jock.
"Amen, brother." Ryan put out his pinky, looking like he expected Josh to shake his hand, or rather finger. Josh took both his hands and grabbed the appendage, pretending like it was a hand shake. "Name's Ryan, it's a pleasure."
"L-likewise!" Josh was slightly relieved, seemingly he was friendly.
"Ya apparently already know me, little guy?" Wes addressed Josh now, he was still on the giant's finger after all. "Somthin' about knowing my dad too?"
"Y-yeah… it's a long story actually." Josh was embarrassed he'd have to tell it to seven eighteen year-olds he literally is just now meeting.
"Well, guess we'll make introductions quick, brother." Jacob gave Josh a casual two fingered salute. "I'm Jacob."
Josh looked around as each of the other guys took turns introducing themselves now.
The first with the well trimmed beard, Josh looked at him. He was definitely the leanest of the group, practically looked like a twig in comparison but still built well for football. Josh guessed he'd be a wide receiver or a running back? From what Josh remembered he was pretty tall too compared to the others. He has dark brown hair and hazel looking eyes.
"Call me Joey, buddy!" Josh liked the enthusiasm in his voice. He still had a hint of country in his voice, but not as thick as Wes, Ryan, or Jacob.
Josh looked to the next giant, he had curly brown hair that looked like was slicked back under his backwards hat. He had an ear piercing on one ear of a dangling cross and brown eyes. He had smooth skin and was intimidatingly attractive when he smiled at Josh.
"Guess I'll go next. Name's Jesse." Jesse winked at Josh, causing Josh to blush slightly before he tried to refocus on the next guy.
Next was the guy with the arrogant smirk, a look he hadn't really dropped even as the rest of the guys seemed to warm up to more friendly expressions. Josh swallowed nervously, the look the dirty blonde titan gave him was very intimidating. He looked about as bulky and big as say Ryan or Jake, but he was certainly tanner as Josh guessed he must spend a lot of time outside. He had pale almost grey blue eyes as he looked at Josh with interest. Jacob nudged the guy in the side, breaking the stare.
"Sorry, still just tryin' to figure out the fuck I'm lookin' at…" He crossed his arms, Josh feeling awkward that the giant wasn't quite caught up with the rest. "I'm Nate though, little bug man."
"N-nice to meet you!" Josh tried to exchange pleasantries. Nate instead seemed to grow disinterested in Josh now as he pulled out his phone and played around on it.
Josh sighed as he looked to the last guy, the ones with pecs the size of bowling balls. Josh didn't even feel like it was that much of an exaggeration either. This guy was wide with massive broad shoulders, Josh imagined he must work out chest every single day, then has to work out shoulders and back to help support those enormous pecs. Otherwise he had a friendly face, was clean shaven with only traces of scruff and had short dark hair and pale green eyes. Moving forward almost too excitedly, Josh was worried he'd push the other guys out of the booth with his broad frame.
"Howdy little guy! I'm Noah, and I ain't never seen somethin' like you before!" Noah leaned forward, putting out his finger for Josh to shake much like Ryan did. Josh was almost flattered, Noah made him seem like a celebrity.
"W-well thank you!" Josh smiled, happy this seemed to be working out better than expected.
"So anyway, you were fixin' to tell us how you ended up here?" Wes figured now that introductions were out of the way, it was best to get on track to the story.
- - -
As drinks and food were eventually brought out to the table, Josh regaled the crowd of handsome jocks with his story. Sparing no detail and starting from the very beginning where was initially brought to his house by mistake all the way up until he fell off Duke's hat and on to Wes's shoulder. Josh felt like he had to repeat parts of the story at times though, as the guys were fading in and out of interest as they ate and drank, aside from Noah who seemed enthralled by the whole ordeal.
"Wes, shouldja call yer dad and tell him we found the little fella?" Noah looked up to Wes, who seemed too focused on his food to make that connection.
"Amen, brother." Wes motioned to Ryan on his side to move away so he could get out of the booth. "Gotta use the commode anyway."
Josh watched Wes get up, leaving the table as Ryan sat back down in the meantime.
"So just gettin' shit straight, little fella." Jacob set down his drink and crossed his huge forearms. "You made that shrink ray, and you own that uhhh Shrink 'n Swim place?"
"Yeah, you got that right." Josh was glad he was at least half way paying attention.
"Ya got a phone?" Ryan asked, forgetting if Josh mentioned that part.
"Yes, but I've been shrunk for two days now. It's long dead." Josh repeated the point, Ryan nodding now in understanding.
"Bless your heart, little bug man. You must've been scared like a lil' pussy the whole time…" Nate leaned back, putting his hands behind his head and smirking at Josh again. Noah smacked his buddy in the chest though in response. "The fuck, Noah! Don't pitch a fit, ya bitch."
"Come on, Nate. Just shut yer trap." Noah crossed his arms. "Josh here probably was scared. I wouldn't blame him."
"Dang, brother. I was just playin'…" Nate rubbed his chest, annoyed at how defensive Noah was.
"Don't worry, Josh we'll get ya home." Noah gave Josh a thumbs up to reassure him.
"Thank you…" Josh truly felt like he was being saved this time. "It'd probably be easiest if we went to the park though. Once I'm there I can use the shrink ray to go back to my normal size."
"Kinda late, ain't that place closed?" Nate felt somewhat intent on belittling Josh.
"Brother owns the dang place." Jesse crossed his arms. "Ain't you got like a spare key or somethin'?"
"Yes exactly that." Josh always kept a spare for the break room set aside. "I can show you all where it is."
"Roll tide, fellas." Joey chuckled as he pounded down the rest of his drink. "Guess we'll finish eatin' and head on out."
Josh was happy to see things were finally coming up well for him as Wes returned.
"So yeah, my dad pretty much had the same stuff to say about the little fella." Wes sat down and shrugged. "Not that I gone and doubted ya, but it was a wild story."
"Didja tell em we'll be takin' it from here?" Noah asked, wanting to make sure there was no more confusion over where Josh was.
"Yeah." Wes put his phone away. "He sure was confused what gone and happened to ya little guy."
"Well it's all working out in the end thankfully." Josh sighed in relief, infinitely grateful Wes and his friends were good guys after all.
- - -
The guys wrapped up at the restaurant and Josh found himself riding this time in the hands of Noah as he directed the group to the waterpark, having them acquire the spare key and letting them into the break room. As expected, the place was deserted as the group flicked on the lights.
"Woah, nice lil pad ya'll god here, brother." Jacob let himself in, immediately testing out the sofa. "So where's this shrinking thingamajig anyway?"
"It's at the front of the park, there's a little door over on that balcony that leads in there." Josh directed Noah over to the balcony.
"Don't suppose it's mobile then?" Jacob asked, lounging but now joined by Ryan as he made the man move as he sat down, laughing as he almost sat on him.
"No, it's too big." Josh was curious why he was asking.
"Damn, guess we can't shrink the other football teams then…" Nate crossed his arms, leaning up against a wall and peeking into the gym built off the side of the room. Ryan and Jacob both laughed and looked at Nate.
"Hell yeah brother, that's exactly what I was thinkin'!" Jacob fist bumped Ryan who also was apparently on the same wave length. Josh laughed awkwardly, not sure if they were serious…
"Still though, nice place here, brother. Don't suppose yer employees go plumb takin' the place up after hours?" Jesse asked, coming up beside Noah as he let Josh off on the balcony.
"N-not usually, no." Josh felt a little flustered as Jesse got close again with his handsome face.
"I mean… if it weren't any trouble maybe me and the guys could use the place once in awhile, then?" Jesse winked at Josh again. Josh knew Jesse could see him blush from this close, but still tried his best to hide it anyway.
"That's a great idea, Jesse!" Joey came over and slapped him on the back, momentarily breaking the almost seductive stare he had on Josh. "It'd be a great place to get our parents off our case."
"Yeah of course!" Josh really didn't see any issue. "Plus you guys are my saviors. I can even get an extra key made up!"
"Amen brother! Can we use it now? I got a case of beer in the car!" Jacob shot up.
"By all means!" Josh just wanted to make his saviors happy. "How late do you guys think you'll be here?"
"Knowin' them we'll be here till the cows come home, little fella." Wes strolled up to the balcony now too.
"Oh? Okay…" Josh was way too much of a northerner to know what that meant. "I think I'll finally get ready to go home…"
"Well if you wanted to hang for a bit, feel free to drop on by!" Noah waved goodbye to Josh as he saw the little man go toward the door.
"O-okay!" Josh blushed a little. Josh sighed as he hid behind the door and made his way to his office.
- - -
After finally relaxing in his office for the first time in what felt like forever, Josh plugged in his phone wanting it to charge a bit before he left. Hanging out for a minute, Josh…
Brandon groaned loudly as he sat there impatiently watching his phone. "You've got to be fuuuuucking kiiiiding!"
Setting his phone down on the table with a a slam, Brandon stood up and stretch, insanely bored already. Poking his upper abdomen through his grey shirt, the cocky bully somehow thought this would be more entertaining.
"Knowing the little freak, he's probably having the time of his life." Brandon angrily said as he rested his hand on his stomach. To the giant, there wasn't any fun in this unless Josh was either suffering or humiliated. Brandon patted his stomach a few times, smirking a little as he did so. "Not that it matters, I can't even see him flying around in there."
"Uuuugh or hear him yelling or anything!" Brandon dropped his hands to his sides in frustration. As Brandon stood defeated, his stomach gave off a low hungry growl. "Right I haven't eaten anything… except the twerp."
Brandon regret being nice for a change and making sure Josh was actually safe in his stomach. Figuring it was too late to go back on the tiny and just untie the string, Brandon instead subconsciously hoped Josh would just slip out of his harness. He couldn't help but imagine Josh, dangling above a lake of acid, slip out and scream as he plummeted down into it.
"How would I ever even though?" Brandon arrogantly and sarcastically said to himself before he heard his phone start buzzing, looking over and seeing it was another call from Josh. "Right… that's how."
Brandon groaned again as he grabbed the phone, leaning against the wall in Josh's dining room as he answered. "Yo, what the fuck dude. I told you, I'd call you."
"S-sorry! Just your stomach gave off this huuuuge roar." Josh explained nervously. "I figured you're probably hungry. I could buy you food or something?"
"Uh bro, why would you just assume I'm hungry?" Brandon sneered at Josh, wanting to be confrontational for the sake of it. "I have to count my calories really close to look as amazing as I do. Not that you would know, bug. So why don't you worry less about what I'm eating and focus more on stopping me from just deciding to have you be part of it."
"S-sorry a-again! I-I won't bother you anymore…" Josh sounded defeated and sad, much to Brandon's amusement.
"Well as long as you know your place, runt." Brandon cockily smirked to himself. "But I suppose I can let you text me. I'm sick of hearing your tiny sad voice."
"O-okay…" Josh answered meekly. "I'll jus--"
Brandon hung up the phone, he didn't feel like letting Josh finish his thought. "Ugh such an annoying squeaky little bitch."
It was true, he was sick of hearing Josh. But he was so bored he figured Josh might offer him some entertainment through text. After all, how often do you get to text a tiny person suspended in your stomach? Brandon yawned as he continued to lean against the wall as his phone buzzed.
"Hey, sorry again for calling you a second time." Brandon read Josh's neat text complete with punctuation and everything. Brandon rolled his eyes as he responded.
"whatever dont do it again" Brandon quickly shot back to Josh. "u shuld b enjoying urself in there"
"It's very cool! You're right, I'm very lucky to have this experience." The text read as Brandon couldn't help but chuckle.
"What a fucking nerd." Brandon said to himself as he typed out a response.
"dam rite runt its 2 bad u cant just stay in there" Brandon licked his lips as he sent his answer. Waiting a few seconds, Brandon got his response.
"That would be cool if it was possible! But I'm afraid I wouldn't last long if it wasn't for you pulling me part way up!" Brandon was almost a little disappointed by the answer.
"yea sry about that pulled away ur chance to b protein for me" Brandon continued his good guy but still godlike act. Brandon noticed Josh's response took a little longer this time.
"Sounds like something Tyler would say! You guys are very alike I guess." Brandon squinted at the answer, not liking how Josh deflected the previous text.
"yea tys cool the 3 of us shuld hang more" Brandon actually found the idea good, knowing how hard Tyler messes with Josh. He could only imagine what he could get away with under Tyler.
"Oh absolutely! He would love that. You two would get along great." Brandon read the text. Typing up a response, Brandon wanted things to get a little more topical.
"considering ur current situation if u got accidently eaten by me or ty who wuld u rather it b?" Brandon smirked very curious how Josh would answer. His phone sat silent for the longest time this text as he finally received an answer.
"I guess from my point of view it wouldn't make a difference, right?" Josh's answer fumed Brandon slightly, once again being deflected.
"just pick 1 dude its just a hypothetical" Brandon angrily typed to Josh, just wanting an answer.
"I suppose you? We've known each other longest, so it'd be cool." Brandon read the first part of Josh's response with a smirk. "Plus like, I know we didn't get along super well in high school, but I'm glad we're friends now. So if an accident happened, it'd be fine."
"Ooooooh man!" Brandon said under his breath a little. Josh giving him the validation made him a little excited.
"its cool bro kinda always knew u felt that way" Brandon responded with new found arrogance. "guess i wont feel bad if i did accidently eat u!"
"Accidents happen! I mean it's happened before and almost happened several times recently!" Brandon read the text. "I just got lucky and got out."
"yea no shit dude if you didnt luck out ud never get the chance for me to eat you… accidently." Brandon tagged the end of the text to keep things casual.
"Hopefully not too soon. I could use a break from stomachs I think." Josh's text made Brandon roll his eyes.
"why" Brandon simply spat back the single word answer.
"I mean, yours is great! I could spend all day in here. But it's the other's I could use a break from!" Brandon again could feel the panic in Josh's words. Brandon found himself interrupted by his phone ringing, seeing it was Bobby.
"Sup dude, how's the gym?" Brandon asked, making his way out of the dining room and into the living room, plopping down on one of the comfy chairs.
"Great, dude! How's the little guy doing?" Bobby asked with a chuckle. "Not causing any trouble, I hope?"
Brandon smirked as he looked down at his abs. "Nah dude, he's be calm and comfy the whole time. You guys headed back?"
"Actually dude, that's why I wanted to call you." Bobby lead in. "Jon and I are gonna chill awhile longer. He wants to show me the campus. Plus I gotta see the football field, you feel me bro?"
"Word bro, I get it!" Brandon would have probably felt the same had he continued playing football past high school. "So you want me to watch the twerp a little longer, huh?"
"If it's cool with you dude? You can always bring him to your place or something if you're bored hanging around his house." Bobby offered as a suggestion. "Or you could invite one of the guys over, bro. I'm sure Josh wouldn't mind the extra company."
"Bet, dude. Yeah, could see who's off." Brandon tried to think for a second.
"Either way, thanks again dude! I owe you one, bro." Bobby answered enthusiastically.
"Nahhhh have fun, dude. I'll catch you later." Brandon smirked as he hung up the phone. Brandon turned back to the text he got from Josh.
"yo guess we get to hang for longer bobby and jon arent comin back rite away" Brandon sent to Josh, knowing the little man will be nothing short of thrilled.
"Oh cool! Well I'm glad we get to hang out for longer." Josh's text came in, not making any mention of how they are currently hanging out.
"yea runt i have a plan" Brandon started typing…
"im gonna see if ty is free" Brandon smirked, thinking to himself that after what they talked about that Ty might be entertaining to have around while he messed with Josh. Sending the message, Brandon pulled up Tyler's number and just decided to call him. A few seconds went by before he picked up on the other end.
"Yoooo what up B-man!" Tyler enthusiastically greeted Brandon.
"Sup, Ty! Hey what are you up to right now?" Brandon asked, hoping Ty could get over as soon as possible.
"Just wrapping up at work, dude. I only had to work till noon today." Tyler explained, the sound of a locker shutting in the background.
"Oh word dude, we should hang out. I'm at Josh's right now." Brandon quickly got to the point.
"Oh bro, I was wondering why he didn't show up today! I know he had that crazy party last night!" Tyler laughed. "Were you there or something and stay the night?"
"Nah dawg. He insisted on going to the party shrunk, then this morning Bobby asked me to watch him for a bit." Brandon told the story how he felt like. "But now Bobby isn't coming back for awhile and I was getting bored watching the squirt alone."
"Dude, understandable!" Tyler agreed, knowing all to well how dull watching a tiny man can be sometimes. "I'll be over in a few minutes, dude. Just leaving work now!"
"Hell yeah dude!" Brandon smiled, glad he wasn't going to have to sit around here alone soon. "I'll see ya soon, bro."
"Later, dude!" Tyler hung up as Brandon looked and saw he had a response from Josh.
"Oh cool, I hope he can make it!" Brandon read the message, forgetting for a minute Josh was actually still just dangling in his stomach. Brandon chuckled, wondering what would happen if he did just completely forget about him.
"ya dude hes on his way now" Brandon answered, not really caring to text Josh much at this point since he knew he'd have Tyler over soon. Brandon had no intention of pulling Josh out before Tyler showed up. But Brandon did think about what he wanted to do once Tyler was actually here. Brandon knew for sure he wanted to…
"Hey, Austin! Thanks again for watching the little guy!" Bobby greeted Austin at the door. Josh sighed a breath of relief. If he was being honest, on the list of guys he'd trust to watch him for a little while, Austin was most certainly near the top. Josh watched as in the distance, Austin walked into the room, bidding Bobby and Jon farewell as they left for a few hours. Josh watched as Austin started to walk toward him, seeing he was wearing a loose navy blue bodybuilder's tank top and grey sweatpants. On his head he had a flat brim hat with a sports team emblem on it, his dirty blonde hair peaking out around all the corners. Josh watched blushing slightly as the massive giant made his way over to his position.
"Hey, Josh!" Austin saw the tiny man on his way over and sat down in front of him. "How's it going, buddy?"
"Things are great!" Josh excited greeted Austin. It was truly treat knowing someone who was as attractive as he was kind was going to be watching over him. "I'm really glad you're the one watching over me."
"Ha! Who'd you expect?" Austin laughed, showing off an attractive white smile as he did.
"I was worried they called… like Brandon… or Ricky or something." Josh shuttered at the thought.
"Dude! What's wrong with them?" Austin smiled, getting along with pretty much anyone. "Brandon's hilarious, and Ricky is a cool dude."
"They're fine… just Brandon likes picking on me… a lot." Josh felt the description was an understatement. "And Ricky likes to… push boundaries I feel. I'm always a little leery around him."
"Ah shit, dude. Well I'm sorry to hear that." Austin frowned slightly, not knowing they made Josh that uncomfortable. Josh immediately bit his lip, not wanting Austin to feel bad or think badly about them.
"Again, they're fine! I'm glad it's you here!" Josh tried to quickly flip the mood.
"Oh me too, Josh!" Austin went back to a smile. "We never get to hang out, let alone when you're all small and stuff."
"You're right, it's a shame we don't." Josh agreed, really liking having Austin around. "We'll have to make a habit out of it from now on!"
"Great, dude! I'd like that!" Austin leaned down, getting closer to Josh. "But hey! In the meantime, we're hanging out now!"
"Right!" Josh happily agreed.
"So I was wondering, dude." Austin started to speak. "Wanna…
"So yeah, do you wanna maybe go outside or something?" Austin asked, wanting to be polite and consider Josh's day. "I haven't really seen your house, but I hear you have a nice yard! Plus it's super nice outside right now."
"Oh for sure. I forgot I haven't really had some of you guys over yet." Josh felt a little bad, feeling like maybe he should try to have more events at his house for his lifeguards. Austin, carefully put his hand down on the surface, allowing Josh to climb onto his hand of his own free will. A welcome change from being scooped up all the time. Josh couldn't help but stare up in admiration as Austin walked his way to the back of the house, letting himself out the back door.
"Wow your yard is huge, dude!" Austin looked around outside at Josh's massive yard. "I didn't know you had a pool too?"
"Oh yeah. Feel free to take a swim if you want." Josh offered, but also partially kind of wanting to see a wet Austin all to himself. Austin laughed, pulling on his pant leg of his sweat pants.
"Kinda not equipped for swimming right now, dude." Austin smiled as Josh looked down, remembering the giant's attire. "But thanks for the offer, buddy."
"Ha… no problem! I probably have extra swim suits in the house with some lifeguard stuff. If you change your mind." Josh tried to push one more time. Austin laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Maybe! Why don't we chill first for a bit together." Austin started to walk over to a lounge chair Josh had by the pool. "If I went swimming right now, I wouldn't be able to keep track of you."
"Oh you're absolutely right!" Josh smiled, admiring how considerate he was. Austin sat down on the lounge chair, moving Josh to his lap for a second as he pulled off his tank top and setting it on the back of the chair, before retrieving Josh. Josh blushed, looking at Austin's fit body stretched across the chair like a hairy landscape up to his scruffy beard on on his face. Austin still held Josh in his hand, however.
"Sorry, it's a little sunny. You don't mind me being shirtless, right?" Austin asked, being way more polite than most of the other guys would be.
"N-not at all!" Josh was slightly flustered, but overall was very used to see the lifeguards all shirtless more or less all the time. "You don't need to keep holding me either, feel free to relax."
"Oh sure, let's see…" Austin quickly scanned his own body before moving Josh over to one of his pecs, placing him down where the hairs looked to be shorter than the rest of his chest. "There, I was worried I'd lose you in my chest hair, buddy!"
Josh looked around, it was true the hairs of Austin's chest towered over him like massive trees. Josh felt like he was looking up at Austin's godly face through a forest of leafless trees. Aside from anything else, Josh just really enjoyed the manly smell Austin was giving off.
"Wow, this is an amazing view!" Josh looked from looking up at Austin's face, to looking out over the manscape. It was like looking off a mountain down into rolling hills and valleys. Patches of thick dirty blonde hair going down the middle and encircling around Austin's belly button.
"Ha! I can't imagine it's that amazing!" Austin modestly noticed Josh looking out over his body. "I bet the view of your yard is a lot more impressive!"
"You don't give yourself enough credit!" Josh now felt more aggressively complimenting Austin. "You could charge admission to this view."
"Yeah right! Like anyone would pay to see my flabby ass up close like this." Austin continued to not be arrogant, despite his rock hard body.
"I would, this makes the grand canyon look like a dumb long hole." Josh tried to continue to talk up Austin, who simply laughed, not used to such praise.
"Well if you say so, buddy!" Austin blushed a little. "You can feel free to explore if you want? Just be careful, it's a little hard to spot you in the hair."
"Alright! I'll take a hike!" Josh joked, as if he was going on a mountain trail. Austin nodded as he leaned his head back, taking his eyes off Josh and trusting him to stay safe. Josh made his way first toward Austin's face, into a forest of chest hair as he made his way between the valley in his pecs, heading down to his torso. For Josh, it may as well have been miles, but he enjoyed every second, taking in the smells and sounds of Austin's body.
"Kinda tickles, dude!" Josh heard Austin's voice call out over him from a distance he came from. "I think I feel you! But I'm not sure!"
"That's adorable…" Josh said aloud, knowing Austin probably didn't hear him. Pushing his way past some hairs like a jungle, Josh realized he ended up…
"Let's see now…" Josh pushed past some hairs after just making a steep climb. "Kinda hard to tell where I am… his voice sounded very closed though. I probably just haven't gotten very far…"
Josh stopped mid sentence as he pushed past the hairs, landing on something slightly softer and slightly ridged surface. Josh looked around, trying to find his bearings. Hair was behind him as well as in front of him, but looking up past the hairs, Josh saw two large caves, Austin's nostrils.
"Oh god, am I on his lips!" Josh looked down, seeing the hairless surface did angle down into a large slit. "How did I get lost this bad?"
Suddenly, Austin's mouth opened wide sucking in some air for a yawn as Josh held on tight to the hairs of his lower lip. Seeing the huge hole close now, Josh sighed in a little relief that he wasn't sucked down in there. Letting go of the hair, Josh took a step out onto the lip, curious as he felt slightly adventurous. As he did, Josh found suddenly…
Josh gasped as Austin's mouth opened again, this time with nothing for him to grab onto. Falling straight down into Austin's mouth, Josh shielded his eyes as he slipped past the lips, sending him sliding and careening down the man's vertical tongue. The reason for Austin's mouth opening, also became very clear to Josh.
"Hey, buddy! I can't feel you anymore! Try to make your way back to my chest!" Austin's voice exploded around Josh as he fell further back into Austin's throat, finding himself globed in a little ball of saliva dangerously close to Austin's esophagus. After Austin finished speaking, Josh felt a lurch as the giant swallowed the glob of saliva.
"Oh god!" Josh yelled as he was sucked down the hockey jock's throat. Unable to fight the natural peristalsis of Austin's body, Josh was drug down deeper and deeper until he was deposited with a squelch in the titan's stomach.
"Why does this always happen…" Josh pulled himself out of some mushy slime, wiping it off his arms with a sigh. If anything, Josh was getting used to this whole 'getting eaten' thing. But then again, Austin was the last person's stomach he thought he'd end up in.
"To be fair, it was 100% my fault…" Josh lamented to himself as Austin's stomach churned peacefully, completely unaware it had taken in any new food. Josh wasn't particularly panicked though. He had his phone on him for a change after all!
Josh reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and clicking the button to turn on the screen and…
Josh watched as the screen lit up. Breathing a sigh of relief, he saw he still had plenty of battery left. Pulling up Austin's contact, Josh gave the giant a call.
- - -
Feeling a buzz in his pocket, Austin carefully reached in to grab his phone, seeing the contact info for his boss pop up. Still laying down, Austin answered the call, putting the phone to his ear.
"Hey buddy! Good idea calling, I was just thinking about how I couldn't feel you anywhere on me!" Austin smiled, glad Josh thought to call him.
"Well… there's a pretty good reason for that…" Josh felt slightly ashamed of what he was about to tell Austin.
"Oh no! Bro, did you fall off?" Austin peeked around on the floor, still trying not to move though.
"Not quite. I got kind of turned around…" Josh tried to lead into it naturally. "Don't panic, but I'm kind of in your stomach…"
"What?!" Austin immediately sat up, regretting his decision as he heard Josh scream on the other side of the phone. "Oh shit! Dude are you okay?"
"I'm fine! Maybe try not to jerk your body around so suddenly though…" Austin heard after a few seconds, Josh sounding like he was just pulling himself out of some horrible squelching mess.
"Sorry sorry!" Austin apologized. "Look, stay put okay? I'm gonna get up as carefully as I can and get to a sink."
"Uhhh yeah I'll try not to go anywhere." Josh answered somewhat sarcastically. Austin made a face, feeling a little stupid for telling the little guy to stay put now.
"Right yeah… uh just hold on, getting up now." Austin was embarrassed as he very slowly and carefully turned his body and stood up. As if he was walking on a tightrope, Austin made his way inside to the kitchen. "Alright, I'm in front of the sink. You okay?"
"I'm fine! Really." Josh reassured the giant. "Like really, this isn't the first time this has happened to me."
"I know dude… Tyler told everyone in the park about the first two times." Austin made another awkward face. "But that's not important! I gotta get you out of there, dude!"
Austin hung up the phone, setting it on the counter as he leaned over the sink, sticking his fingers down his throat as he started to force himself to throw up. Heaving for a second, Austin took a gulp of water from the sink before trying again as he spewed up some chunks of food, tiny squirming boss included. Austin breathed a sigh of relief as he reached down, scooping Josh out of the sink and turning on the tap water very low to let Josh wash himself off. After letting the little guy get clean, Austin brought Josh up to his face, looking very sad.
"I'm sooooo sorry, buddy!" Austin apologized again. "You must be so mad."
"No no not at all. It was my fault anyway!" Josh wasn't used to a giant being this caring or apologetic, let alone care about his feelings in the slightest. "Like I said, I got turned around and somehow ended up in your beard. By the time I realized where I was, I slipped into your mouth."
"Dude, that's crazy, I never felt a thing." Austin still frowned. "Man, I would've never know if you didn't call me."
"Like I said, it's totally fine!" Josh wasn't used to reassuring a giant so much. "I mean if I didn't have my phone… and the worst had happened… I wouldn't have blamed you even a little."
"Man, I would have blamed me!" Austin didn't want to think about that. Josh laughed, shaking his head.
"Well like I said, don't. It was my fault." Josh insisted. "Besides, it was kind of fun. Not going to lie."
"Uhhh fun?" Austin looked more confused now than upset. "Now I know you're just trying to make me feel better."
"No, it's true." Josh was actually being honest. "Since I had my phone, I knew I wasn't in any danger. So I just had fun with it an enjoyed the ride!"
"I dunno, dude." Austin still looked a little unconvinced. "I guess it wasn't exactly your first time having this happen to you…"
"See exactly." Josh felt like he was convincing Austin now. "So just have fun with it okay? Hey if you ever accidently swallow me again, we'll pretend like it's a fun game okay?"
Austin tilted his head, not sure what to say. Thinking for a minute, Austin smiled and looked at Josh…
Josh pressed the button on the side of his phone, fully expecting the back light to come on. However, the screen remained black.
"Uhhh." Josh pressed the button again. To no avail, the screen of the phone remained dark. "No no no!"
Josh desperately pressed the button over and over trying to get it to turn on. Again and again and again.
"You gotta be kidding me…" Josh started to sweat as Austin's stomach shifted a little. The heat from outside must've sped up his phone's battery, making it die a little faster than he expected. Stunned, Josh didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Austin's stomach churned once more, shifting Josh as well as any other food in his gut elsewhere. There was a horribly loud groan that emanated around Josh as the food settled a little. Josh's nervousness turned to panic. This wasn't like when he clawed his way out of Bobby or Tyler. He wasn't even paying attention to where he entered the chamber, let alone where he was now! Josh put so much weight on his phone saving him, that he was completely lost.
- - -
Austin frowned as his stomach gave off another loud gurgle. "Dang, I'm hungry. Hope the little guy can find his way back to my chest soon…"
Just to double check, Austin lifted his head slightly and peeked at his chest. Still seeing nothing, he rested his head back down as he tried not to make any unnecessary movements.
"What if he fell off me?" Austin wondered to himself as he tried to keep as still as possible, trying to feel any kind of tiny movement on his body. Suddenly, Austin felt a slight tickle down on his abs. Excitedly, he sat up a little and reached down to grab it. Pulling it out of the fuzzy hair around his stomach, Austin grabbed an ant.
"Fuck! Little pest!" Austin crushed it between his fingers and tossed it aside. Now that he was sitting up slightly though, he tried to scan his body. "Shit… if an ant ended up on me… what if it ate Josh?!"
Austin frowned, trying not to panic as he imagined his poor little buddy ending up as ant chow. He shook the feeling though as he sifted his fingers through his hair.
"No. There's no way he got ate by an ant or some other dumb animal." Austin reasoned to himself. If anything else grabbed him, he would have probably felt it after all. Having scanned his whole body as best he could, Austin was at a loss. "He must've fell off. Shit I gotta find him!"
Austin reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone and pulling up his bosses number, trying to call him. However, it went straight to voicemail.
"Damn… He probably doesn't even have it on him anyway…" Austin reasoned, knowing how bad Josh is at keeping his phone on him. Confident with his assumption, Austin sat up completely now, looking at the chair below him and on his sides for any kind of movement. Checking the ground next to him, Austin saw another ant skittering by. Seeing nothing else, Austin moved off the chair, planting his barefoot foot on the tiny pest as he stood up and started searching the ground for Josh.
- - -
"Woooooah!" Josh screamed, like it was some sort of rollercoaster ride. One second, Austin's body was horizontal, now Josh guessed it to be fully vertical. Somehow he made his way to what he believed to be the sphincter leading out of the stomach, but as soon as Austin's body shifted so violently, Josh had no idea where else he could be other than the deepest pit of the hockey player's stomach.
"Auuustin?!" Josh called out uselessly. He knew the giant could never hear him. But what he wanted to know was why the man got up in the first place. Shouldn't he think he was still on his body somewhere? Unfortunately, for the tiny unlucky man, he wouldn't know the answer to that question. The more Austin moved, squatted and stood, the more the contents of his stomach shifted and toppled about. What was probably a feeble snack for Austin this morning was like an avalanche to Josh. Swept below the surface without a chance to reappear, Josh was nothing more than a tiny addition to the half digested mess.
- - -
Austin continued to scan the ground, getting down low, checking his feet, and calling out to Josh in a friendly tone.
"Duuuuude… where the heck did he go??" Austin was super worried. He felt awful that he was supposed to be looking out for the little guy and somehow lost him this easily. "Oh man, Bobby and Jon are gonna so disappointed."
Austin tried to relax as he kept up the search, his stomach growling louder than ever. Putting a hand on his hungry gut, Austin was getting a little annoyed.
"Dang stomach, shut up. You're not helping." Austin patted his abs a little hard, refusing to get anything to eat until he found his little buddy. Austin stood up and stretched as he tried scanning the ground and chair from a higher height. His stomach grumbling loudly again as he looked. Annoyed, Austin clenched his abs to make the hungry feeling pass once again. Not that Austin's stomach was any help in saving Josh, but at the very least it was letting the giant know it found him.
Josh fluttered his eyes open as he heard a rather egregious noise come from the other room. Instinctively, he tried to stretch his legs before quickly remembering he was stuck to the waist down in now a hardened layer of cheese.
"Oh right…" Josh sighed as he tugged on his legs for a quick yet futile effort to free himself. Josh's head nudged back to the the living room, as he heard another loud noise. A massive groan as he watched Jon forcing himself off the couch, now sitting up and looking still half asleep. Josh watched as the giant adjusted his hat as the adjustment strap was covering his eyes, and also saw him realize he had lost his red tank top at some point in the night. Standing up, Jon stumbled for a second as he needed to pull up his shorts, as it seemed like he nearly got them about half off in his sleep. Jon reached into to his pocket, reaching for his phone, before Josh watched him shrug and toss it on the couch as he started walking toward him.
"Shit I better call him quick!" Josh pulled out his own phone, noticing he still had about 20% of his battery. Quickly, Josh pulled up Jon's contact and started the call… before it instantly went to voicemail. "Ugh… that's probably why he tossed his phone… it's dead!"
Josh sweat as Jon approached closer, his perfect muscular body moving in like some massive Greek statue but the size of a mountain as the titan yawned and stretched casually as he entered the kitchen. Jon's eyes scanned around, from the box of pizza sitting on the counter, the the plate with a single piece of pizza placed on it seemingly for no reason. Josh bit his lips as Jon's gaze turned to him, or rather the pizza he was stuck to.
"Shit shit shit…" Josh said to himself under his breath, knowing there was no way Jon would see or hear him. Josh quickly pulled up Bobby's contact, remembering he's the only other person in this house right now who could potentially save him. Josh bit his lip again as he put the phone to his ear, seeing Jon loom over now eyeing the pizza. Much to his dismay, the call also went straight to voicemail.
- - -
Bobby rolled over in his bed, the sun hitting his face through the window. Bobby reached for his phone, taking a second to realize it was dead.
"Shit… forgot to plug it in again…" Bobby yawned as he sat up and stretched his arms. Reaching for his cord, Bobby plugged in his phone and stood up out of bed. Leaving his room and heading to the bathroom, Bobby hardly cared to let his phone charge as he went about his morning without it. After a few minutes, Bobby made his way downstairs and saw Jon sitting by the counter with a piece of pizza in his hand, taking a bite as Bobby entered the room.
"Sup, dude. Didn't realize anyone was still here!" Bobby chuckled, as he walked into the kitchen wearing just his usual pair of compression shorts, and pretty much nothing else. Jon nodded as he swallowed the bite he took.
"Yeah, I passed out on the couch, bro." Jon chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed he was the only other one left. Bobby shrugged, not really bothered by the company as he looked at the left over food and empty cups and beer cans from last night.
"No worries, bro. Help yourself to more pizza, I'm not big on leftover pizza." Bobby looked at the box, seeing a few pieces left but not terribly interested in eating any. Jon took another large bite, unknowingly taking in one extra tiny speck of protein as he mushed it in his mouth before swallowing.
"Bro, can do. I love pizza, hot or cold." Jon smiled as he finished off the piece, practically inhaling it all in hunger. Jon reached into the box and grabbed another piece, taking a bite as he saw Bobby starting to make himself some scrambled eggs instead.
"Dude, have you seen Josh?" Bobby asked, as he cooked his eggs. "I went to sleep last night… I think right around when Lyle and Scott were chilling with him."
"I haven't seen him, dude." Jon tilted his head trying to think. "I feel asleep around then too. Then I woke up maybe five minutes before you came down."
"Aight, no worries bro." Bobby shrugged again, knowing the little guy had to be somewhere. "I think he had his phone on him last night, think you could call him?"
"Nah, dude. Phone's dead." Jon shook his head, basically inhaling another slice of pizza as Bobby finished cooking, joining him at the table with a plate of eggs.
"Shit, bro. So is mine." Bobby took a bite of his food. "It's fine. He's probably around."
"Right, bro." Jon sat back, getting a little full from the pizza and grabbing a water now to help settle his stomach. It gave off a loud gurgly roar as Jon put his hand on his abs, massaging it for a moment as he drank some water. "Shit, ate a little fast, dude."
"Ha, dude! Sounded like a fricken monster roar!" Bobby laughed as the sound Jon's stomach made. "If Josh is around here, he's gonna think there's some kind of creature on the loose!"
"No bro, come on." Jon looked around, half assedly peeking around for the tiny man. "Dude, don't worry it's just my stomach!"
"Yeah dude, it's not gonna hurt you!" Bobby added his two cents for comedic effect. "Just sit tight where ever you are! I'll grab my phone after I eat."
"Scott and Lyle probably left him someplace safe." Jon patted his stomach again, feeling it settle, likely digesting his food and whatever else he happened to eat quite comfortably now.
"Oh yeah for sure, bro." Bobby nodded, knowing there was no way they'd leave him someplace stupid like on a slice of pizza or something. "They might've even brought him with them."
"Oh maybe bro!" Jon agreed it was certainly possible. With another gurgle, Jon let out a low wet belch, giving his chest a few pats afterwards. "Oh man, that pizza, dude."
Bobby laughed again, shaking his head. "That's why I don't eat leftover pizza, dude."
"Nah dude, totally worth it!" Jon stood up and stretched, rubbing his stomach. "I'm feeling 100% already!"
Bobby laughed, continuing to eat his eggs, not exactly in a big rush. Not that it would matter if he did. The men wouldn't realize it, but Jon definitely already found and lost Josh as quick as his metabolism would allow.
Josh watched his phone soar out of his grip, hurtling away into the rushing winds. Josh's heart sank, there was no way he'd ever find it even if it somehow survived a fall from this hieght to the floor below. Scott's hand steadied once more toward his waist as Josh cursed his impatience to take action as he could've just waited till now to pull his phone out. Josh looked up at the pair of giants, know from here they'd never hear a word he said without a lot of effort.
"So he is cool with it?" Lyle rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry bro, I couldn't really hear him."
"Yeah, dude." Scott nodded with a smile. "He was kinda confusing though. Like I asked him and instead of just like… answering? He kept going on about how he was going to end up on the pizza and in my stomach? Like yeah, dude."
"Right, bro?" Lyle chuckled and peeked down at Josh. "Like that's the point, bro."
"Yeah! Maybe he had too much to drink, dude." Scott swayed a little. "But yeah he was saying he wanted to be in my stomach, I guess."
"Oh, word bro." Lyle nodded at Scott with approval. "Bro, let's make sure he takes selfies the whole time."
"Oh dude great idea!" Scott looked at Lyle with a smile. Reaching down, Scott stuck Josh to the piece of pizza the giant had been eyeing. Gently, Scott pressed Josh into the still warm cheese. Licking his lips, the giant picked up the pizza and held it up to his mouth.
"Take a selfie of this, dude!" Scott said, hanging his mouth open for a little bit. Scott waited for a second for his phone to buzz. He looked at Josh's squirming self to Lyle.
"It's okay bro! Send them all once you land in his stomach!" Lyle smiled, hoping he was reassuring Josh to not rush. Lyle nodded at Scott, who smiled and took a big bite out of the pizza. Scot chew it a little, intentionally being careful. Savoring a little, Scott squished it around in his mouth before swallowing it down with a mighty gulp. Eating the rest of the pizza normally, Scott licked his fingers as he gulped down the last bit. Lyle chuckled as Scott reached for a beer, taking a few sips of it.
"Nice, bro! Do you feel him squirming around?" Lyle smiled as he grabbed another beer himself. Scott put a hand on his chest and looked at Lyle.
"Should I?" Scott asked, tilted his head confused.
"Guess not, huh?" Lyle laughed at Scott as he struggled and rubbed his chest down to his abs. Lyle pulled out his phone and looked to see if Josh had sent any pictures yet. "Weird, he hasn't taken any pictures, bro."
"Huh? For what?" Scott asked, already reaching for his beer again and taking a sip.
"Uhhhh." Lyle tapped a finger on the table, drunkenly thinking. "Yeah why were we doing those pictures again, bro?"
Lyle looked over at Scott who was already stuffing another piece of pizza in his mouth. Stomach growling a little now himself, Lyle grabbed a piece and started taking huge bites and he and Scott sat back, drinking their beers some more.
- - -
"Help!" Josh screamed for that felt like the 100th time. Josh slugged through chewed up pizza, bracing himself as another plop of food fell into the giant's stomach, followed by a torrent of beer. Josh trembled with fear, what the heck even happened back there? How did Scott even come to this conclusion?
"Is he even letting me out…?" Josh asked himself aloud, feeling like he already knew the answer. Scott's stomach churned happily as more food was filling it up more and more. Scott's stomach rumbled and roared as the giant let out a burp from above. Another strong churn, pulled Josh deeper into the pit of Scott's stomach, smothering the little man under mounds of ever growing food and beer.
- - -
"Nice, bro!" Lyle laughed at Scott's burp, patting his chest and burping as a response. Scott laughed back as he grabbed more pizza.
"Dude, how is there so much pizza left?" Scott said while stuffing more of the food into his mouth. "I-uuuuuurp, could eat like 10 more pieces!"
"Right on, bro!" Lyle grabbed another slice. "Uhhh what were we doing before this?"
"We were uhhh BUUUUUUUURP!" Scott interrupted himself with a tremendous and sudden burp. Lyle merely burst out laughing, Scott joining in. Then men quickly forgot what they were trying to remember, figuring it must've not been too important.
Josh awkwardly smiled and posed as he stood by the gaping throat. However, as Josh went to click for the picture, he slipped and lost his footing. With a scream, Josh slid backwards right into the darkness of Lyle's throat. With a tiny gulp, Josh found himself being slurped down the the giant's esophagus, much like he'd experienced once before with Bobby and Tyler.
- - -
"Oh shit, bro!" Lyle gasped. It was very hard for him to tell, but he definitely saw Josh disappear down his throat. Coupled with his involuntary swallow, he knew he had accidentally sent the tiny man on a trip down deep within his body. Lyle put a hand on his chest, swearing he could feel the faint struggles of the tiny man go further down until disappearing into his stomach. "Woah! That's crazy! Micro-bro I could feel you!"
Lyle talked to himself, realizing that Josh might've not been able to hear him at all actually. Lyle realized he still had his phone in his hand as he called Josh. A few moments went by before Lyle heard Josh pick up.
"Yo! Micro-bro! You good?" Lyle asked, realizing it was a bit of an awkward question to ask someone he had just swallowed.
"Lyle! You told me you weren't going to swallow me!" Josh complained on the other end. Lyle simply laughed and apologized.
"My bad, bro! It was an accident! But hey did you get the picture?" Lyle asked curious if Josh snapped anything before slipping down his throat.
"That's not important! Lyle! You have to get me out of here!" Josh pestered Lyle, hoping to keep the giant man focused.
"Oh come on, bro. You've got like five seconds to send it to me! Hey you should take a selfie in my stomach, bro!" Lyle spoke excitedly into the phone, wondering what a selfie from inside his own stomach would look like.
"What? No! Lyle this isn't funny!" Josh complained, his words not reaching the drunk man's ears though. Lyle simply rolled his eyes, feeling like Josh was being a bit of a kill joy.
"Bro. I think you need to cool off." Lyle answered a bit drunkenly, feeling like Josh wasn't being reasonable. "So I'm just gonna hang up for now, okay? Just mellow out in there, micro-bro."
Lyle hung up the phone and shook his head. Looking at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but admire himself a bit for a few seconds. Lyle flexed his abs a bit, feeling it was a little surreal he had a tiny person on the other side of them. But also it was like a once in a lifetime opportunity for him to have someone take a selfie in his stomach.
"Why is he making such a big deal out of this…" Lyle drunkenly said to himself. He couldn't help but smirk at his dashing good looks though. "He should feel like the luckiest dude ever. I mean look at me!"
Lyle flexed his arms for himself in the mirror. Resting his hands on his hips, Lyle shook his head with a chuckle. "Guess I can let him out in a little bit. Bro, that sucks he's being such a little shit about it."
Lyle walked out of the bathroom, making his way into a bedroom and sitting down on the bed. Lyle looked down at his phone as he laid back, getting a little comfortable.
"He better send me those pictures, bro." Lyle said to himself, looking down at his abs. Lyle rested his phone on his chest as he closed his eyes. A few moments went back and…
Lyle immediately opened his eyes as his phone started to buzz. Looking at the device, he saw he had two new photos from Josh. Looking at the first, it was a very comedic look as Josh's face was in a mix of panic and confusion as he looked like he was falling backwards into fleshy darkness. The next Lyle could see Josh gave a bit of a forced smile as the background was a bit hard to make out, but it was definitely wrinkly and stomach like.
"Bro! I think I can see a piece of chicken!" Lyle looked closer at the photo as he saw what looked like chicken he ate floating in some goop in the background. Satisfied, Lyle called Josh back and waited the tiny man to pick up the phone.
"Seeee? Just go with the flow micro-bro!" Lyle antagonized Josh a little. "Admit it, it's awesome being inside me, right?"
Lyle could faintly hear a sigh from Josh on the other end. "It is pretty cool, Lyle. But at the same time I really don't want to die in here."
"What, bro? I don't want you to die either!" Lyle sat up, realizing now finally in his drunken state that's what was worrying Josh. "Listen, bro. My gut is telling me you're going to be fine. I always listen to my gut, bro."
There was a loud gurgle on the other side of the phone, Lyle could feel it too in his own body. "Umm… Well I trust you, Lyle. But I don't know if I trust your gut on this one… I think it just wants me to be part of dinner."
"Bro, I always trust my gut…" Lyle repeated to Josh as he got up out of the bed and wandered back into the bathroom, admiring himself in the mirror once more. "I'll know when the right time is to let you out, micro-bro."
"Okay… if you say so." Josh answered nervously. Lyle put a hand on his hip and tried to think of a way to make Josh feel less nervous. Without hanging up, Lyle took a picture of himself with his hand on his stomach and sent it to Josh.
"Check out that picture, micro-bro. Your eyes only, bro." Lyle said to Josh, feeling like that would give the tiny man more reason to want to stay inside the massive jock's stomach.
"Y-you look really good Lyle…" Josh answered sheepishly. "Hey Lyle, I have an idea if you're up for it?"
"Sure micro-bro. What is it?" Lyle smirked, feeling like Josh sounded a bit more secure.
"Well it might be cool if I started recording down here." Josh started to say.
"Bro that sounds awesome!" Lyle sounded up for it. "I can't wait to see that!"
"Well! Maybe after I record for a few minutes I could record…"
“That's an awesome idea, micro-bro!” - Lyle answered without a second’s thought. “What should I eat though? Any suggestions bro?” - asked Lyle.
Josh quickly regretted suggesting that to Lyle, but there was no way back. “I-I’m not sure, maybe some carrots?” Josh replied nervously. He was hoping that Lyle would at least eat something that’s not too messy or disgusting.
“No way bro, I don’t like carrots, they really bloat me up. I’m going to eat this chicken wrap instead” - said Lyle and quickly reached out to grab a chicken wrap that was on the table.
“Get ready micro-bro! I’m going to eat this wrap now, so you should see it in my stomach soon!”, as Lyle took a bite of the chicken wrap, his teeth sank into the soft, warm tortilla. He chewed thoughtfully, savoring the flavors of the tender chicken, creamy sauce, and crispy lettuce.
His teeth worked tirelessly, grinding the food into smaller pieces and mixing it with saliva to begin the digestive process. Once the bite was fully chewed, Lyle swallowed, feeling the food slide down his throat and into his esophagus.“Get ready bro!” Lyle said with great excitement in his voice.
Josh positioned himself near the stomach wall and waited for the swallowed food to arrive in the stomach. A few moments later, the stomach sphincter above him opened and a ball of chewed up food, saliva and mucus was slowly pushed into the stomach. Josh recorded everything with his phone, zooming in on the entrance to Lyle’s stomach to capture every detail.
The mashed up ball of food landed with a soft plop right next to Josh, nearly knocking him off his feet. Suddenly Lyle's stomach started gurgling loudly and the walls started to churn and contract. Josh realized with horror that the stomach had detected food and started the digestion process.
“LYLE, You have to let me out! You’re starting to digest me!” Josh screamed as loud as he could.
Meanwhile Lyle…
Resting his head, it didn't take Lyle long before sleep took the giant drunk jock. Hand falling off his chest, Lyle let his phone slip off to his side as he quickly drifted off into a deep sleep. Lyle never felt his phone start to buzz as he received two photos.
- - -
"Come on… answer me…" Josh looked at his phone desperately. Lyle's stomach churned and gurgled peacefully, as Josh did his best to stay out of the center of the organ, keeping to the sides where he felt most safe. Getting impatient, Josh had no idea why Lyle wasn't answering. He did what the giant wanted after all and sent the two pictures.
"Hey? You get those pictures? See you can let me out now!" Josh texted to Lyle, waiting and seeing the message sent. Josh tapped his phone and bit his lip impatiently, waiting for a response. Looking at the time, not even a minute had gone by.
"He's not moving around. I'd be able to tell… I don't hear him talking either." Josh tried to rationalize, trying to figure out if something distracted him or not. "What's going on out there?"
It was driving Josh crazy. Time seemed like it was just crawling as he waited for answer, each churn and gurgle of Lyle's body a constant reminder of just the type of peril he was in. Finally, Josh decided just to call him. Josh waited as the phone rang… and rang… and rang… before going to Lyle's voicemail. Josh didn't bother leaving a message as he called a second time. Twice to no avail Josh started to seriously weigh his options.
Josh filed through his contacts, finding Bobby's name, calling him with no response. Then Josh called Scott… then Jon… then Xavier… and finally even Tyler. No answers.
"God! You normally can't get these guys off their stupid phones! But now they're all suddenly too busy to notice me calling?!" Josh shouted angrily at nobody. Josh used the light from his phone to navigate through the dark.
"Well it's not like I haven't done this before." Josh said with some decent confidence as he sloshed through a bit of partially digested mess as he scanned the walls of Lyle's stomach. Sure enough, Josh was able to locate the sphincter leading out of the dangerous cavern, much like had had previously for Bobby and Tyler. Josh took a deep breath as he reached his hand into the sphincter and…
Josh felt a buzz come from his pocket as immediately he retracted his hand to see who it was. To his surprise, it was Bobby. Josh nearly dropped his phone as he excitedly picked it up.
"Bobby! Oh thank god!" Josh happily cried out into his phone.
"Well I don't know about god, but I'm close." Bobby somewhat slurred on the phone in response.
"You sure are. Bobby listen. You have to save me." Josh started to say.
"Huh? Why where are you, dude? I lost you at the party." Bobby seemed to struggle to remember just where Josh had even ended up.
"It's fine Bobby." Josh didn't feel like letting the man know this was more or less his fault he ended up here. "I can tell you exactly where I am. Lyle accidentally swallowed me."
"Bro…" Bobby simply said on the other end. "Really, bro?"
"Bobby! Please trust me!" Josh plead, knowing he'd never lie to Bobby. "He didn't do it on purpose, then I think he fell asleep! He's upstairs!"
"Dude, I trust you more than anyone." Bobby slurred, which while touching, Josh knew time was of the essence. "I'll find you."
"Hurry Bobby…" Josh said as he could hear Bobby start to move through the phone. It sounded like he enlisted the help of the other guys as part of the search, taking them a few minutes to convince them of Josh's whereabouts but ultimately getting a command over the drunken men. A few minutes went by as Josh could swear he even heard them come up stairs through Lyle's body.
"He's asleep on your bed, dude." Bobby finally said to Josh.
"You've got to get him to throw up." Josh ordered Bobby, looking around as he knew he'd have to change his location or risk falling into the pit of Lyle's stomach the moment they moved him. Feeling secure, Josh found a spot just in time as Lyle's body started to shift around suddenly.
"He's out cold, dude. We're dragging him to the bathroom." Bobby said to Josh, narrating their actions as they went. "Scott, you and Xavier hold him, I'll stick my fingers down his throat…"
Josh heard Bobby give orders as he sounded a bit further away, like he set down the phone. But to Josh it was incredible hearing his best friend be willing to make another man puke just to save him.
"Jon, keep an eye for him when he come up." Josh heard Bobby still giving orders before Lyle's stomach started to lurch violently. Josh held on to a piece of half eaten food, not even carding what the chunk was, but hoping it was large enough to be forced up first. About a minute went by before Lyle was unconsciously throwing up in Josh's tub. Stunned from the sudden ejection from Lyle's body, Josh took a moment, before he saw a hand scooping him up.
"Got em!" Josh looked up to see the muscular form of Jon scooping him out of the mess of vomit. Josh looked over to see Bobby sticking his hands out of Lyle's mouth, as the massive blonde was supported by Xavier and Scott, all of which were now looking at Josh.
"Yo, he really was in Lyle's guts!" Xavier looked at Josh, astonished. Josh looked at Bobby, who simply had a look of relief on his face.
"Dude…" Bobby moved so he could be beside Jon. "You are so lucky I looked at my phone, bro."
"I-I can't thank you guys enough…" Josh looked at the four men who collectively saved him. Josh watched as Xavier and Scott started to slump Lyle over, however. "Be careful with him, guys!"
"Dude, he almost killed you." Xavier rose and eyebrow as he looked at Josh. "Like we aren't going to hurt him or nothing. But at least make the dude sleep on the floor as punishment."
"Seriously, dude." Bobby spoke a little softer to Josh. "You don't have to stand up for him."
Josh bit his lip. Lyle did make the conscious decision to leave him in his stomach after all. Maybe he did deserve this. But on the other hand, Josh truly did enjoy the time he spent with the titanous hunk. Josh considered reminding Bobby how Lyle only accidentally swallowed him because of his prank originally…
Josh decided…
"Look it's not his fault, okay?" Josh tried to plead with the men. "You guys forgot I was in the cup of beer too, so I was just lucky I had my phone on me."
"Why were you in a cup of beer, dude?" Bobby asked, clearly forgetting that he was the one who put him there. Josh bit his lip, he didn't want to blame Bobby or any of the other guys, especially since they had just saved his life.
"It was an accident, I fell in and it was too high for me to climb out." Josh lied, wanting to protect Lyle from him being fully aware of playing with him, as well as the rest of the guys for completely forgetting about him. Josh bit his lip awkwardly, unsure if they'd buy the story or not. "Lyle definitely didn't notice me in there, he went upstairs to use the bathroom and drank me by mistake on the way."
"That's rough, dude." Scott frowned at Josh before looking Lyle. "Any of us would've made that mistake."
"No kidding, bro." Jon looked at Lyle's face, dripping with a bit of vomit and still out cold. "He seems more messed up than any of us, no wonder he didn't notice you."
"Yeah you guys are right." Xavier agreed with the rest of the guys, propping Lyle up a bit. Let's put him back in bed. Scott and Xavier started to drag him back into Josh's room as Bobby wiped the spit off the unconscious man's face.
"Lay him on his side, just in case dude." Bobby said as he finished wiping his face off with a wash cloth. Jon followed them into the room, still holding Josh as they got him into the bed, laying on his side facing off the bed.
"There, if he hurls again at least it'll be on the ground." Xavier said as he finished positioning Lyle.
"That's smart, dude! I never would've thought of that!" Scott looked at Xavier, still a bit drunk but far too easily impressed. Meanwhile, Josh looked up at Jon.
"Jon, could you maybe let a little water run into your hands? I'm covered in uh…. stomach gunk." Josh tried to ask as nicely as possible. Jon took a moment to realize what Josh was saying, before acknowledging it and helping Josh clean off. With Josh clean, and Lyle safely in bed, the group felt like they could get back to enjoying themselves as the night was still young for the partiers.
"How often should we check on him?" Scott asked, looking at Lyle, feeling some concern for his fellow gigantic friend.
"You can just leave me here with him." Josh offered, knowing the guys wanted to go back to having fun. "Just leave me on the other side of the bed so he doesn't accidentally roll over on me."
"You sure, bro?" Jon asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the tiny man in his hand. "I mean it's one thing to stick up for him, but another to look after him too, dude."
"That's just the kind of guy Josh is, bro." Bobby looked over at Josh. "Call us if you have any problems, or for whatever, dude. We'll be paying attention."
"Thanks guys!" Josh smiled at the group as Jon set him down on the bed, opposite side from Lyle. Josh felt fairly safe, considering Lyle looked like he was miles away from him at his size. Each of the other men left the room, as Josh was left now alone with Lyle as the man laid unconscious facing away from him in the distance.
"I'll have to fill him in, in the morning." Josh laid down and got comfortable. Confident that there would be no issues, Josh shut off his phone to conserve battery and tried to get some sleep.
As time went on…
Josh rolled over, seeing light peeking in his windows. Turning on his phone, Josh checked the time, seeing it was about his typical time for getting up for work.
"Yeah right… how am I supposed to get there?" Josh asked out loud, looking over at the other side of the bed seeing Lyle's massive unmoving body. Josh looked back at his phone, seeing he missed a text from Tyler.
"yo i missed ur call u all gud?" Josh looked at the message. He couldn't help but roll his eyes, Tyler would take so long to check on him. But seeing Tyler's name gave him an idea as he remembered Tyler was scheduled for a morning shift.
"Hey Tyler, can you open for me? Feel free to leave at noon and tell Bobby to close for me when he gets there." Josh texted Tyler, feeling like he should be able to delegate some responsibility away every now and then. Josh waited a few minutes before he got a few texts back.
"fiiiiiiiine but u owe me bro" Tyler's messaged read follow by. "what happened last nite?"
Josh didn't feel like typing the whole story and simply answered, "I'll tell you later. It's a long story. Come by after work."
"aight" Josh simply got as a response. Figuring it was good enough, Josh rolled over and tried to get more sleep, knowing he wasn't going anywhere until Lyle got up.
- - -
Hours went by and eventually Josh was rattled awake as a massive weight shifted on the mattress. Josh shot up and looked, seeing Lyle lumber his way out of the bed. Josh saw him push off his jeans as they were mostly off his body anyway and stumble out of the room to the bathroom.
"Oh shit, he's finally up." Josh said to himself, blushing a little bit as now he just stumbled into his bathroom wearing just a pair of compression shorts. Looking across the bed, Josh saw he left his phone. Sitting back and waiting, eventually Josh heard the toilet flush and Lyle came back into view, rubbing his head. Right away, Josh noticed something different as Lyle had marker drawn all over him. Specifically, on Lyle's abdomen Josh saw a crudely drawn stomach with a little stick figure in it. An arrow pointed to the figure labeling it as "Josh" while a speech bubble had him saying "Help!". This wasn't all as also on Lyle's face he had a speech bubble coming off his mouth onto his cheek that said "Tiny people are food, not friends". Apart from that there were other various markings and swirls all over the man's body.
"Oh wow, they must've been quiet to do all that!" Josh said to himself, impressed he didn't wake up to hear any of this happen. Josh continued to watch Lyle as he bent down to grab his phone.
"What's all this, bro…" Lyle said to himself, checking his messages and missed calls. "The fuck? Oh shit! … Wait… On the bed, opposite side of you?"
Josh waved, figuring he must've been reading the message out loud someone must've sent him to help him locate him in the morning. Lyle squinted as he walked around the bed to Josh's side, sitting on the ground as he looked over at Josh.
"Micro-bro?" Lyle asked as he leaned in a bit.
"Morning Lyle!" Josh smiled, happy to see Lyle doing well.
"Bro… What happened last night? I got a message from Bobby saying not to panic, that he accidentally drank you and passed out with you in my stomach, but they helped me throw you up?" Lyle squinted his eyes, not sure if he believed it himself.
"Well yeah, sort of." Josh simply answered, not wanting to remind Lyle he actually intentionally left him down there. Lyle shook his head, however.
"I remember some of it, micro-bro. You don't have to lie." Lyle looked back at the messages they had sent each other. "See? I remember the selfie thing. Then your message after you sent them asking to be brought back up? Bro, I did that shit on purpose didn't I?"
Lyle looked down at his stomach, looking at the little stick figure in his "stomach". "I deserve this, bro. Eating your host is probably a pretty big party foul."
"No, Lyle it's fine." Josh tried to brighten the man up. "First off you didn't do it on purpose. You were drunk, you just weren't thinking clearly. Also I fell down your throat. You never meant to swallow me."
"Still, bro. I should've got you out right away… and judging from the time between these calls and messages I wasn't in a hurry." Lyle scrolled through his phone, looking at all the time stamps. "Shit bro. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Last night I actually had an incredible time." Josh looked over at the blonde stud, truly happy that he's gotten to spend time with the titan. "I had a lot of fun hanging out with you…"
Lyle couldn't help but laugh, which seeing a smile on the jocks face made Josh feel a bit better. "You're either a good liar or you have a wild idea of what fun is, micro-bro."
"Well I'm a terrible liar." Josh shrugged, not that the building of a man could notice. "And I mean it. I mean aside from the near accidental digestion, you're a lot of fun to be around. Besides, even the last part was pretty exciting."
Lyle started laughing a second time, still in disbelief over what Josh was saying. "Well micro-bro, you keep hanging around me I can promise you your life will always be pretty exciting."
Josh watched as Lyle stood up, stretching his massive body and scratching his stomach. "I'm gonna run downstairs and get some breakfast. I'll bring you something! Breakfast in bed, bro!"
"Alright!" Josh squeaked, not that Lyle could hear him, the giant man was already on the move out the door. Josh couldn't help but stare at the giant's perfect ass as it bounced and flexed with each step he took.
- - -
Lyle looked around the kitchen, unfamiliar with what Josh did or didn't have, but wanted to do something to make it up to the tiny man. While in his search, he couldn't help but smile as he thought about how Josh looked back at the night and proclaimed it as fun. Lyle's search was interrupted however, as he heard a knock at the front door. Disregarding how he was dressed, or that he was covered in drawings, Lyle went to the front door and answered it.
"Suuuuup? Lyle?" Tyler looked at the taller man in confusion. Fresh from work, Tyler still wore his red lifeguard board shorts and was shirtless. But his eyebrow rose a little at Lyle's appearance.
"Oh sup, bro. I didn't know you were coming by!" Lyle greeted Tyler in a friendly tone. He noticed Tyler taking a long look at him however. "It's a long story bro."
"Yeahhhh seems like it dude." Tyler laughed as he let himself in and patted Lyle on the shoulder. "Where's the pip-squeak? Unless he's yelling for help in your stomach?"
Lyle looked down at the drawing as Tyler pointed at it. Lyle immediately shook his head. "Oh nah bro. He's upstairs in his room."
"Word." Tyler nodded to Lyle as he turned to head upstairs.
"Yo! What's he like for breakfast?!" Lyle called out to Tyler as he started up the stairs.
"Uhhhhh make eggs and bacon!" Tyler answered as he made it to the top of the stairs. Heading inside Josh's room, Tyler looked around the room and immediately rolled his eyes. "Really, dude? You had me open because you're busy being tiny?"
Meanwhile, Josh saw Tyler enter and chuckled a bit at Tyler's reaction. Pulling out his phone, Josh was able to get Tyler to locate him as the two sat down and talked about what happened the previous night.
Upon hearing the events that he had missed, Tyler burst out laughing at Josh's expense.
"Dude, this is gold. No wonder Lyle is all covered in that shit too." Tyler chuckled, thinking about all the drawings on the man. "Either way, don't forget dude. You owe me for bailing you out earlier."
"Wha?" Josh was surprised after all he just told Tyler, that's what was on his mind. "Come on Ty… I had a rough night. Can't I owe you tomorrow?"
Josh plead, not even sure what owing Tyler even entailed right now. Tyler tapped his chin thinking.
"Fine, but you owe me double." Tyler gave an option.
"Double of what?" Josh asked, legitimately curious.
"Whatever I want." Tyler smirked. "So what'll it be, dude. Now or double tomorrow?"
Josh felt on the spot but decided it was best to deal with this…
"Fine, let's just do it now." Josh gave in, not sure he wanted to know what double of whatever Tyler planned would be. "So what do you want anyway?"
Suddenly, Josh found himself being scooped up by the giant forced into the man's palm as Tyler held Josh up to his face. "I own you for the rest of the day, dude. Whatever I want."
Josh swallowed nervously, knowing that Tyler was capable of making his life total hell when he's in a mood like this. Against his will, Josh found himself being carried downstairs.
"You find him, bro?" Lyle asked as he stood at the stove cooking eggs, seeing Tyler come around the corner.
"The little squirt? Yeah I brought him down with me." Tyler opened his palm to show Lyle. Lyle turned and looked at Josh sitting awkwardly in Tyler's hand.
"Oh sup, micro-bro! Guess I wasn't fast enough to give you breakfast in bed!" Lyle laughed, completely unaware of the fresh predicament Josh was in.
"Oh don't worry about that, dude. Josh said I can have his breakfast." Tyler smirked as he looked down at Josh. Lyle was just finishing the food as he distributed it on two plates.
"Not hungry, micro-bro?" Lyle asked as he watched Lyle let Josh off his hand onto the table. "I'm starved, bro!"
"Eat up little Joshie. Tiny people are food after all." Tyler chuckled, looking at Lyle's cheek. It took Lyle a moment before he realized what Tyler was talking about before he laughed as well.
"I forgot about the shit on my cheek, bro!" Lyle laughed as he ate some of his eggs. "Nah, I don't think little Joshie wants to experience that again, bro."
"Sure he does, bro." Tyler shoved some food in his mouth. "Since you're part of the exclusive club of dudes who have eaten the little shrimp, you should know he loves stuff like that."
Josh started to sweat. He didn't know what Tyler was talking about. Sure he liked being tiny, but to flat out say he enjoyed things like being humiliated and eaten isn't anything they'd ever talked about. Josh tried to speak up, but neither man was paying him any mind.
"Really, bro? I guess that makes sense. He was telling me how much fun he had last night." Lyle told Tyler, thinking about how it was a little weird Josh enjoyed the night so much.
"See? Bobby and I have known for awhile." Tyler kept going on, much to Josh's surprise. "He loves it when we mess with him. Bobby used to be really careful until he figured out how much Josh loves getting messed with."
Finally, Lyle looked down at Josh. "So you liked it when I was messing with you, micro-bro?"
"N-no!" Josh stuttered, feeling like this whole conversation was ridiculous.
"Broooo, you're a terrible liar. Like you said!" Lyle laughed at Josh, knowing Josh was lying even from a simple stutter. "It's okay if you like it when we mess with you. Bros are always supposed to be messing with each other, but with you it's just so…"
"Easy?" Tyler filled in the word for Lyle.
"Totally, bro." Lyle nodded at Tyler in understanding. "It'd be shitty if you hated it. Bro your life would be hell then"
Josh couldn't believe this. How quickly Tyler was able to corrupt Lyle. Josh sighed, maybe it wasn't all that bad. He did like it when Lyle toyed with him, as much as he hated to admit it. It just made Josh feel awkward to know that Tyler, Lyle and even Bobby all were fully aware of it.
"Look at the bright side, micro-bro." Lyle looked at Josh, clearly able to tell the tiny man was at least a little distraught. "I felt guilty about teasing you before, now I don't have to."
"I guess that's a good thing." Josh agreed. "I never wanted you to feel bad about it."
"Word, micro-bro. Then that means I won't feel bad about this!" Lyle reached down suddenly, quickly snatching up Josh before sticking him in his mouth. Josh screamed as it was so sudden for him being dragged back into the titan's cavernous mouth. Josh squirmed and covered his nose, it reeked of eggs.
"Dude, just don't swallow him." Tyler requested, knowing he still wanted a piece of the little man. "I own that little bitch right now."
"What do you mean?" Lyle asked, swishing Josh around in his mouth a little.
"I did him a pretty big favor. In exchange I own his tiny ass for the rest of the day, dude." Tyler crossed his arms, setting down his fork as he had finished his food.
"Word, bro." Lyle spat Josh out into his hand, watching as the little guy was completely covered in spit. "Guess you luck out, micro-bro. Or not? Not sure what's worse, my stomach or being owned by Ty."
Josh was simply in a daze, his head spun as he took deep breaths. He absolutely was not expecting Lyle to just randomly stick him in his mouth like that.
"Probably being owned by me, dude." Tyler laughed with Lyle. "Dude if he was in your stomach he'd be able to hide from me!"
"Too true, bro!" Lyle laughed as he handed Josh over to Tyler. "Well micro-bro, if you're looking for a hiding spot I've got you covered!"
Josh turned to see Lyle rubbing his stomach, ironically on the stick figure. "What did I get myself into?" Josh asked himself, simultaneously enjoying the attention from Lyle but also feeling a bit overwhelmed. Meanwhile, Josh turned his attention to Tyler.
"Alright listen up, little fella. There's two thing I want first. Number one, I'm hungry. Order me a pizza." Tyler commanded to the spit covered man in his hand.
"B-but you just ate!" Josh tried persuade Tyler into reconsidering.
"I'm still hungry." Tyler leaned forward with some seriousness in his voice. "Not unless you wanna end up in my stomach instead. You'll have to get comfy though, dude. Because you won't be coming out."
"What kind of pizza?" Josh asked, choosing to not tempt Tyler, not sure how far Tyler would go.
"Meat lovers. Make sure to get enough for my boi Lyle too." Tyler winked at Lyle who gave Tyler a smile and nod. Josh pulled out his phone, making the order and paying ahead with his card.
"There, all set. Should be here in like 20 minutes." Josh tried to smile, looking up at Tyler who looked down at Josh with sharp demanding eyes.
"Good, good. Well I know what you're doing for the next 20 minutes." Tyler smirked at Josh as he set the little man down on the table. Josh watched as Tyler propped his feet up on the table, sticking them in front of Josh. "You made these babies do extra walking today. So give em a good massage."
Josh looked up at the massive feet. Josh swallowed, it was very unlike Tyler to tease him with his feet. Josh didn't want to know what the consequences were if he didn't comply however. Josh went up the the rough skin, rubbing his hands into it as hard as he could. He knew it would take a lot of pressure for Tyler to actually feel it, however it proved to be a massive challenge as Josh could hardly breath due to the horrible stench.
"So what are you doing the rest of the day, dude?" Tyler asked Lyle who was leaning back a bit.
"Nothing, bro. Probably should wash this shit off me though." Lyle put a hand on his chest and abdomen.
"Word, why don't you go do that, dude?" Tyler asked. "Josh had extra towels. I'm sure he'd show you where they are, but he's busy at the moment."
"Sweet, bro." Lyle stood up as he made his way out of the room. "Don't push him too hard while I'm gone, bro!"
"He loves it, don't worry dude." Tyler shoved his feet into Josh a bit more. "I can barely feel anything, dude!"
Lyle laughed as he made his way out of the room, going up stairs to shower. All the while, Josh tried his hardest to keep massaging Tyler's rough skin.
Some time went by as Josh struggled to keep up with Tyler's constant demands for him to massage harder. Suddenly, Josh heard the doorbell ring as Tyler's head turned to the door. Frowning, he didn't want to put his feet down. Hoping Lyle was on his way down the stairs, Tyler waited a second before…
Tyler put his feet down as the door bell rang a second time. "Shiiiit. Guess you get a break, dude."
Josh sat back, relieved to be breathing fresh air again as he watched Tyler get up to go to the door. Laying on his back, Josh listened as Tyler interacted with the pizza guy. A few minutes went by as Tyler came back with the pizzas.
"I gave him a 20 dollar tip, on your card of course." Tyler smugly said as he came in and set the pizzas down. "Seemed pretty surprised, bro."
"Whatever." Josh panted, still fairly exhausted from all the massaging he just did. "Happy I could make someone's day."
Josh heard the sound of Lyle coming down the stairs as Tyler started to open the pizza. Josh watched the huge man enter to room, how clean of any marker on his body and back to wearing his jeans, but still hasn't relocated his shirt. Tyler looked over at Lyle and shook his head, a bit disappointed.
"Damn dude, if only you were like five minutes faster." Tyler chuckled as he looked down at Josh. "You could've grabbed these and this little guy would still be hard at work on my feet…"
"Ahh sorry, bro. That marker took forever to scrub off." Lyle looked down at his chest and abs, glad he got it all off. "But bro, pizza's here! Good thing too, I'm starved."
Josh shook his head as he laid there. He couldn't believe how much these giants ate. For Josh, he could never imagine having a full breakfast, followed by immediately stuffing his face with pizza. "I wouldn't even have finished all the eggs…"
"What was that, dude?" Tyler asked, feeling like he heard Josh's little squeaky voice. Josh sat up, feel like if Tyler was eating, he was safe from his friend's desires from now.
"I was just saying, if it was me I probably wouldn't even finish the eggs. I'm just surprised you're both still hungry." Josh explained, always impressed with how much they ate.
"Well to be fair, you're so small even half an egg would be too much for you, micro-bro." Lyle laughed as he grabbed himself a piece of pizza as well. Josh shook his head, feeling like Lyle wasn't understanding.
"No no, I mean if I was my normal size." Josh clarified. Meanwhile, Lyle simply nodded.
"Yeah, bro. That's what I meant." Lyle swallowed a gulp of his pizza. "I mean if I was talking about your size right now, you probably couldn't handle a crumb."
"Nice, dude." Tyler fist bumped Lyle as he took a seat next to him. "Seriously, bro maybe you could have some scraps later when we're done."
Sitting there, Josh was remembering he was hungry. After all the breakfast he was supposed to have was stolen from him.
"Do you think I could have some pizza? I'm really hungry actually." Josh asked, feeling like it was a little weird that he was pleading for a piece of pizza that he bought.
Tyler looked over at Lyle and rose an eyebrow. "Hear that, Lyle. He's "really hungry"."
"Bro. I know just what to give him then." Lyle smirked as he set down his pizza. Josh wasn't prepared for Lyle to…
Lyle smirked as he picked up Josh and dropped him onto one of the slices of his pizza. “There you go micro-bro! You can have that whole slice to yourself! Probably take you a year to eat it, he laughed as he picked up the slice next it and stuffed the whole thing into his cavernous mouth.
“Dude that was awesome!” Tyler laughed as he looked down at Josh, who was knee deep in cheese. “Better hurry and have some dude, I can’t imagine Lyle will take long to get round to that slice!”
“Yeah micro-bro, you don’t wanna end up back in here”, Lyle said as he patted his stomach “coz if you do you deffo won’t be getting back out the way you went in!”
Josh looked up at Lyle’s handsome yet devious looking face, “he’s joking right?” He thought to himself.
Tyler laughed hard again, "I wouldn’t worry dude, he’s always sniffing around my food, I think he’d probably not mind getting gulped down again, isn’t that right little guy?”
Josh looked up at Tyler with a glare, “no way, I don’t want to end up back in there! I nearly got digested the first time around, I wouldn’t last half as long with a whole pizza in there too!”
Lyle let out a loud burp “you got that right micro-bro, so you’d better hurry and eat what you can and get off that last slice - otherwise it’s another trip down my gullet for you, a one way trip!”
Josh couldn’t help but think that Lyle sounded a little more serious this time, turning to Tyler didn’t help, as he was now fixated on his pizza already getting towards the second to last slice.
Josh quickly grabbed a bit of cheese, more than enough for him, and began to wade his way through, aiming for the crust. As he made it 3/4 of the way there, He looked back and saw Tyler swallowing down the last piece of his pizza. “Jeez that guy eats like a pig sometimes” he thought to himself.
Josh then looked at his surroundings and noticed that Lyle was now onto the second to last slice, which he shoved straight into his mouth, only chewing it a few times before swallowing. Josh tried to pick up the pace but was still a little ways from making it to relative safety.
Lyle looked down at the slice with Josh on it, licking his lips, but then had another thought…..
“Do you fancy that last slice dude?” He asked Tyler
Tyler replied……..
"Don't mind if I do, dude!" Tyler rubbed his hands together before reaching down and grabbing the slice. Lyle chuckled at Tyler's enthusiasm but also couldn't help but notice Josh tumble over as Tyler lifted the slice of pizza. Without hesitation, Tyler took a huge bite out of the slice, not quite as far down as to where Josh was on the slice though.
"Ty! Wait!" Josh cried out, close to Tyler's face as the giant's eyes zoned in on him as he chewed the bite of pizza a bit.
"For what, bud?" Tyler swallowed his food and smiled at Josh. "You know I'm an impatient eater!"
"Please let me off! I don't think I can handle being eaten again…" Josh sobbed slightly, trying to play to his friend's softer side but also legitimately not sure he could mentally stand being churned in a gut once again.
"Hey, dude! It's okay!" Tyler smiled reassuringly at Josh. "It's the last time you'll have to worry about that!"
"H-huh?" Josh was slightly confused, but his fears were quickly realized as Tyler's mouth covered over his entire field of view as the giant tore into the pizza on top of him. Josh screamed in fear as the giant's teeth started gnashing down around him, barely avoiding being mashed into pulp as Tyler swallowed the clump of food down in a resounding gulp. Josh tried to fight it, but he knew there was no chance he could. Pulling and clawing feebly, Josh quickly gave in as the sound of Tyler's heart beat around him, before quickly migrating further above him. Josh realized he was helplessly going down.
- - -
Tyler stuffed the rest of his pizza in his mouth, chewing on the crust as he leaned back in his chair. Finishing it off, Tyler let out a satisfied sigh as he gave his stomach a few pats.
"Bro, that looked like a satisfying slice of pizza!" Lyle smiled, a little jealous that he ended up letting Tyler enjoy it.
"Dude, you have nooooo idea…" Tyler put his hands behind his head, feeling very satisfied. "I feel like a weight just lifted off my shoulders, dude."
Lyle laughed and gave a small shrug. "Not a very big weight, bro. I mean he weighed less than a gram probably?"
Tyler couldn't help but laugh as he stood up from the chair. Pecs bouncing slightly as he sprang to he feet.
"True, bro!" Tyler smiled as Lyle also got up. Tyler rubbed his stomach a little more though until he let out a massive burp. "And just like that, it's gone, dude!"
"Easy shit, huh bro?" Lyle patted Tyler on the back with approval. "You're making me wish I ate that slice, bro!"
"Too late, dude!" Tyler slapped his stomach some more. "You offered it!"
- - -
Josh could not find any rest or respite from the onslaught of stomach pats, burps, and various energetic movements Tyler was doing. Josh wanted to find a way to stop being tossed about in the chamber, but he knew no matter what he tried Tyler could erase any progress in a blink of an eye.
"Tyyyyler!" Josh called out uselessly. He knew the giant wasn't about to save him. Josh didn't even have the opportunity to try and pull out his phone as he was easily churned into the giant's gut as he heartlessly gallivanted around Josh's house.
- - -
"BUUUUURP!" Tyler belted another loud belch, completely disregarding any manners as he and Lyle decided to ditch Josh's house and head to gym. The two massive studs easily turned heads as they made their way though the sunny day on the way to build muscle and forget completely about tiny little pizza toppings.
"Thanks dude, I'm still starved. Although I'm not particularly interested in eating bugs today. I mean, can you imagine eating something that gross? I doubt the protein would be worth it."
Josh watched with relief as the shadow of Tyler's fingers came closer to him until he was easily plucked free from the melted cheese he had been struggling to wade through over the last minutes.
More focused on his food, and having fun at Josh's expense, Tyler nonchalantly dropped him back in the greasy pizza box as he chowed down on the the last slice.
To Josh, he may as well of dropped him from a second story window. As he landed, there was an audible thud, and a sharp but temporary pain shot up through his left leg and lower back. It was this pain that made him feel something that he had never truly felt when he was with Tyler. Fear. Josh was actually scared for his safety and well-being.
Sure Tyler had messed with him plenty, like starting up that gut buster sport, getting him involved with the beer pong tournament last night and shoving his feet in his face and making him massage and worship them. Josh knew that it was just how Tyler liked playing with his bro's, he pulled stuff on Bobby all the time back in college, and to an extent Josh had to admit that he enjoyed being on the receiving end of his antics. But during all that he had never disregarded his safety as to just drop him from such a hight for it to actually hurt. He had the feeling in his gut, that for a split moment Tyler didn't actually care what happened to him.
As he watched the final, barely chewed piece of pizza bulge out his adam's and disappear behind his mountain like pecks, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that if he didn't belong to him for the next twenty-four hours he may also of been making the same trip, he shuddered at the thought.
Not wanting to be forgotten about Josh spoke to get their attention. "So what do you want from me next sir?"
Tyler, barely being able to hear Josh's squeaks, brought his face down right in front of him.
"What was that bug? Did ya say something?"
Josh went to repeat himself but was quickly interrupted by Tyler letting rip one of the loudest burps he had ever heard.
With his hands clamped over his ears he was sent tumbling backwards across the box into a pool of still slightly warm grease.
"Ahhh man that was ripe man" exclaimed Lyle as he both laughed his ass off and waved his hands infront if his nose. "I don't think even a bug deserves that man."
" I'm just showing what the little man missed out on down there. Besides, I don't care what bugs deserve bro. This one here belongs to me and it'll take what I give it". As if to prove a point , he carefully spat out a glob of saliva right next to Josh.
"Watch" He then raised his index finger above his bug sized friend and commanded "Drink it!"
He didn't know why, but as soon as he heard that order his body moved on its own, and he delve forward and began drinking deeply from the pool of spit. The taste wasn't what made him want to vomit, it was the thick, slimy texture that slowly slid down his throat, and sat in his stomach like a stone. By the time he finished the single drop his "best friend" had given he was convinced that was more of Tyler's DNA in him than his own.
See. He knows that I own his tiny ass until this time tomorrow. He'll do what I say when I say it."
" Can't argue with that kind of display man. So what do you want to do with him now? We've got like an hour or so before the park opens."
Josh's ears perked up at Lyle's comment. He was right, the park did need to be opened and he was the only that knew how to. Tyler had no choice but to take him back so he could return to normal size and get to work running the park. Even he wouldn't let the Shrink and Swim down, it was his dream job and he cared about it just as much as Josh did.
"Dam, your right mate, that means I have to let the bug off the hook so he can open the place up." Tyler gave a slight smirk and slowly turned his head to face Josh. "Ooor, I cam open it myself, as I've seen you do it so many times by now. Heck, I could run the place if I really wanted to. Infact since I own you, and you own the park, that means I'm the boss for the day." As he continued to gloat and monologue like a cartoon Villain, Tyler also started enjoying his power over his best friend more than he ever thought possible. " As the boss of the Shrink and Swim, I say that both Lyle and I get the full day off with pay."
" Aww thanks bro, I could really use the day off to recover from last night. Your the best boss ever, way better than my last boss."
"Thanks bro, although it wouldn't be hard to be a better boss than a literal bug"
"Not wrong there. Do you know what helps me recover from a hangover better than pizza bro?"
"What bro?"
"A nice long, sweaty, and hard gym session bro. I'm sure bug bro would love to see that."
Josh continued to listen to the two giants go back a forth over what they would do with their newly accrued payed time off, each option only made him worry about how they would use those activities to further humiliate and degrade him. This went on for at least another twenty minutes before they came to the agreement that after Tyler opened the park they would:
It didn't take long for the pair and their small pet to get ready for the day ahead. Tyler had securely attached Josh around his neck on a silver chain, with his hands bound above his head. His red skin tight tank top easily hiding him from view.
During the entire time they were at the park Josh could hear as his captors talked to the other lifeguards about last night's party and how he was still recovering at home, so he couldn't come in today.
too bad, I'll have to check up on the little guy after work then", came Bobby's voice from the other side of his cotten prison. Next to Tyler, Bobby was the one he trusted the most to get him out of a bad situation. No matter how much he screamed for his aid, his voice just couldn't reach him.
"Na bro, no need to do that. We left him with plenty of water in a bottle cap, as well as a half a sandwich, he's set for the rest of the day. Plus you wouldn't want to wake him, he needs his rest." Bobby's look of concern relaxed at Tyler's false reassurance.
"That's a relief to hear. It's a good thing he has us looking out for him, I would hate to imagine his life without us."
"I would imagine that he probably would have been eaten, crushed or even forced into serving some arrogant jerk."
Tyler, while slightly hurt by the jerk comment couldn't help but chuckle under his breath at Lyle's acute description of Josh's current situation. Even now he wasn't one hundred percent sure if he was going to let him go.
Even Bobby gave a small laugh at that "it's sad to say but you're probably right. I mean if me and Tyler weren't there to protect him college, Brandon would have probably done exactly that, and that was him at regular hight".
Both Tyler and Josh felt a sting to their heart. Josh with hurt and Tyler guilt. Bobby was drawing a direct comparison between him and the bully he had despised in the past, and was only recently learning to tolerate as a co-worker. Was what he was doing as bad as what Brandon had put Josh through back then? Sure, he might have been a little mean to him recently, but he hadn't actively hurt the guy. There was no way the two of them were alike.
Josh meanwhile couldn't help but cry a little. Was that what Bobby really thought of him? Just a someone that was an easy target for bullying and manipulation. A poor little need that couldn't defend himself, and that he needed people like him to take pity on him, to protect him. Bobby didn't see him as an equal, he saw him as a poor defenceless animal.
To focused on his inner monologue, Josh didn't hear Bobby's next comment.
"Don't tell him I said that, I don't want him getting the wrong idea. He's like the little brother I never had."
"Don't worry bro your secret is safe with us". Lyle looked over at Tyler, expecting him to chime in as well. But only saw him looking down at the ground. "Right bro?" Lyle gave him a slight elbow in the ribs to get his attention.
"Huh? Oh, right man"
"Anyway, this guy and me have plans at the beach today so we'll be seeing you later bro."
With that, the two of them started back towards Lyle's car.
The drive to the beach didn't take too long as it was only a few blocks away. As Lyle drove, Tyler sat in the passenger seat sweating up a storm in the summer heat, causing Josh to take an impromptu shower as he dangled in the valley between his two massive pecks. No matter how much he tried he couldn't help but get some of Tyler's sweat in his mouth and down his throat to join the saliva he could still feel sloshing around in his stomach.
"If this keeps up I'm never gonna get Tyler's sent off me" Josh moaned. It felt like Tyler's was trying to mark, and claim him as his rightful property.
As the car came to a stop, the two giants had to shield their eyes from the blaring sun as they gathered their things and stepped out of the vehicle.
"Bro, talk about perfect beach weather. I feel like I'm already working on a tan."
" That sounds like a great idea man. Let's find a secluded section of the sand so I can take my tank off. Can't have any good Samaritans seeing my latest accessory." Tyler gave Josh a light tap through the thin layer of cloth.
"Good call man."
The two jocks made their way to the far end of the beach, all the while gaining the attention of a fair few beach goers. On multiple occasions they were stopped by groups of college aged girls wanting to either get their numbers, or to ask them to join them for the day. All the while feeling up their muscles. While flattered, both men were more interested in having fun at Josh's expense. After escaping a group of teenage boys that insisted that they help them get as big as them, they finally arrived at a small little alcove in-between two cliffs that have them a natural privacy screen. Having found the perfect spot they laid out their towels and tossed their tops to the side.
While the two of them found the hot summer sun relaxing and energising, Josh on the other hand was having his energy saped by the overwhelming dry heat, combined with his struggle not to drown in beads of sweat that were flowing over the top of him on their way to Tyler's abs. After what felt like at least an hour his vision started to blur, and he could barely make a sound or wiggle his fingers. As his vision finally gave out, the last thing he saw as he gave out a pitiful squeak was Tyler's chest retuning to a vertical position as he sat up.
"God, this feels amazing man" Tyler exclaimed as he sat up and stretched his hands above his head. " I can't remember the last time I was this relaxed."
"I know right?" Lyle rolled onto his side in order to face him. "We should do this more often ". His eyes drifted over Tyler's no tan chest, and then stopped on Josh's limp figure tied around his mates neck. "How do you think bug bro is doing? I haven't really heard anything out of him for awhile ".
Tyler's face scrunched up in confusion for a moment as he tried to figure out what he was getting at.
"Bug bro?"
"You know, the "guys ass you own for the next twenty-four hours"", Lyle quoted. Tyler's face lit up in recognition.
"Oh my God! I completely forgot about him."
He also shifted his gaze down to his chest and watched as his latest accessory bounced back and forth when he wiggled his pecks. The fact that he had so easily forgotten about him when he was so close:
" I guess that just shows how well it suits him just being a piece of property. He goes so well with the rest of my outfit."
Lyle took a closer look at Josh. "Ahhh, dude I don't think he's conscious. he's not moving."
"Relax man, he probably just fell asleep from how relaxed he is. I know I nearly did."
"If you say so bro." Lyle wasn't 100% convinced that was the case, but he decided not to press the matter further. After all if he was unconscious Tyler was unlikely to do anything to bad until he woke up. As much fun as he had today hanging out with Tyler and messing around with Josh, even he had to admit that Tyler was starting to get close to crossing the line between joking and bullying.
"If it gets to much worse I'll intervene" he whispered under his breath as both he and Tyler folded their towels and got ready to find something else to do.
"Did you say something?"
"Oh, just that I should do something about this hunger bro. It's nearly one o'clock".
As if on cue Tyler's stomach gave off an audible growl.
"Dam, is it already that late? Time really flies by. There's a beach bar on the pier, lets head there."
Without even waiting to put his tank back on, or a response, Tyler took off at a joggers pace back the way they had come. Leaving Josh on display for anyone to see.
The building itself was rather small. The bar and kitchen was fully visible to customers and was accessible from both inside and outside. The waiters and waitresses rushed around serving food and drink in board shorts, speedos and bikinis, all stamped with the establishments logo. The two of them took a small table under an umbrella, next to the railing, overlooking the water. It wasn't long before Tyler had placed an order for an ungodly amount of food.
"Bro I know you're hungry, but seriously? I don't think even your bottomless pit of a stomach could finish all that".
"Your probably right. But how often does your boss shout for all the food you want? Gotta take advantage of it."
Lyle shrugged his shoulders and sighed "did you at least get anything for Josh? I don't think he's eaten anything all day except for your spit, man."
"I guess you're right. The bug can have the scraps, I mean that's what they usually eat right?"
Some time passed as the two of them chatted and waited for their food. It was during this, that Josh slowly awoke from his heat stroke induced slumber thanks to the relief the shade from the umbrella was providing. his eyes flittered around sluggishly, with his vision still slightly foggy. He tried his best to listen in on the conversation that was occurring directly above him, but it all sounded muffled and distant. As if in slow motion a flat, white disk passed by his peripheral vision. The powerful aroma of hit wings hit his nostrils. The overwhelming sent of spices, acted like smelling salt, and smacked him out of his stupor. The next sensation to hit was painful hunger as his stomach kicked into overdrive.
"God that smells like heaven."
He didn't care that he was still dangling from a chain around his friends neck, or that he had no feeling in his arms or hands. All he could think about was food. With renewed effort he rattled and shook the chain that kept him from his one and only desire.
Feeling a slight shift from his necklace against his chest, Tyler paused mid conversation with Lyle.
"Well, Well. Look who's finally awake. You know it's bad to fall asleep on the job . I may have to extend your shift."
Both Tyler and Lyle let out a laugh that caused multiple heads to turn in their direction.
"now that he's awake, you should really let him have something to eat and drink bro."
"Alright!" Tyler said, exasperated. "If you keep nagging me like that, I might have to start calling you mum."
"Mum!? If anything I'd be your daddy young man." Lyle gave his finger an exaggerated shake in his direction. "Now let your little brother off the hook."
Tyler felt like face palming at how stupid Lyle was acting. But instead he just sighed and undid the knot that kept Josh suspended by his wrists.
"Your lucky I'm feeling generous today. You can have anything you like, but I'm not taking responsibility if I loose track of you." He then gave his lips a slow lick and his belly a soft smack.
"Come on man give him a break, he's been through enough food related problems today. Come over here bug bro." Lyle grabbed a napkin and put a few chips and a chicken wing aside. "You can have this if you want, no tricks and no risk."
Tyler was starting to lose patents with Lyle. Who was he to undermine his authority? Josh belonged to him, not Lyle. he watched as Josh started to cross the table towards the napkin.
"Bro stop it! He belongs to me!". he shifted his attention from Lyle to Josh. "get back over here or else bug."
Josh now stood halfway between the two of them and he wasn't sure who to go to. Lyle was his safest option right now, there was no doubt there. But Tyler was starting to sound legitimately upset, and he didn't want to find out what or else meant.
"Hey dudes!"
the two stopped their argument about Josh and turned to see a boy around the age of 18 standing right next to their table. he stood around "6,3" with short, scruffy brown hair hidden under a backwards cap. his grey sweatpants sat halfway down his butt, showing off the back of his jockstrap, a skateboard held at his side.
"What you two bros arguing about?"
The two of them didn't say anything for a moment, not sure what to tell the stranger.
"Just who can eat the most" Lyle said quickly. "He thinks he can win. Like hell he can bro! Do you see how much bigger I am than him?" He gave his bicep a flex right in front of the strangers face as he patted Tyler over the head with the other. Tyler slapped his hand away, quickly catching onto Lyle's bluff.
"sure your bigger, but we both know my stomach is a bottomless pit, you've said so yourself." He then gave his abs a slap to empathise his point.
The stranger stopped to think for a moment, before pulling out the chair between them and taking a seat.
"You both make strong arguments but I have to say your both wrong. I can easily eat you both under the table."
Both Tyler and Lyle looked at the newcomer with raised eyes. The guy was slender, and his abs where barely an outline on his waist. Even if he was Tyler's Height, he would dwarf him in size.
"You really think that that" They both said in unison, scepticism dripping from every word.
"Heck yeah I do. Wanna make a bet?"
Originally Lyle had said it just to make the guy lose interest and leave, But now that there was an idea of an eating contest on the table, he was much more engaged. It seemed that both his and Tyler's brains were once again in sink as they said "were in."
"All right then, what's the stakes? What are we playing for? How about who's paying for the bill?"
Na man already got that covered, our boss is paying for it".
Of course Josh had already assumed that was the case, but he rolled his eyes anyway as he hid behind the salt shaker, trying not to be seen by the new comer.
"Your boss? Where is he? All I see is you two."
Lyle went to make up a cover story but Tyler was no longer on the same page as him. He had already spotted and grabbed Josh from his hiding place, bringing him into view.
"This is our boss." Tyler spoke with audible pride in his voice.
The skaters eye locked onto Josh's tiny form standing in the centre of Tyler's palm.
"you guys must work at that shrink and swim place. I thought the whole shrinking thing was just some marketing gimmick or something. Didn't think that they actually did. That's crazy bro! But why is he like that here?"
"Simple, he asked to. He said something about wanting to experience the outside world like this or something. Wasn't paying much attention to be honest. Said he'd pay for lunch if we did." Tyler was smirking to himself in his head as an idea for more fun he could have came to mind.
"You know bro, he's wanted to be like this for the next few days. So why don't we make him the prize for the bet? the guy who taps out last gets to keep him for the next three days."
Both Lyle and the stranger gave a look of surprise.
"Bro for real?"
"I wouldn't be suggesting if I wasn't serious."
He quickly closed his hand before Josh got a chance to say anything.
"In that case I'm deffently down".
"Bro!" Lyle spoke up. "We don't even know this guys name, and you just plan to hand over our shrunken boss to him like a prize at a carnival?"
"You're absolutely right Lyle. What's is your name bro?" He put his fist containing Josh out for a fist bump.
"The names Dylan" Putting his fist to Tyler's.
"Well with that problem Solved, EAT!."
With no notice at all, Tyler dropped Josh on the table next to him and started scoffing down as much food as he could reach. Dylan took a moment to acknowledge the signal, but soon joined in the feasting. Josh however was in daze siting down as he watched his friends and this random guy he just met demolish the plates and trays of fries, wings and other assortments of fried foods. It was then that he noticed that Lyle wasn't trying as hard to keep up with the others, his eyes kept darting from his position to a spot next to his plate. Was he trying to help him? Dis he have some sort of plan? With nothing else to go off of he slowly made his way to the opposite side of the table, being careful enough to give the plates of food a wide enough berth as not to get caught up in the feeding frenzy.
There where a few close calls as food would inevitably fall from their perches nearby to him. One time he got stuck to a barbeque marinated rib, only to fall back to the table moments before it was striped clean of its meat in one swift motion by Dylan's massive teeth
By the time he made it to Lyle's plate, close to three quarters of the food was stewing away in at least one of the guys stomachs. both Dylan and Tyler were starting to slow down, and Lyle was nearly at a complete stop. As Josh made eye contact with each of the lax bros, he saw that:
Tyler looked down at Josh on the pizza and gave an arrogant shit eating grin.
"Nah you know what, Lyle? You take it, bro! All yours!" Tyler motioned his hand to the slice, happily giving Lyle his blessing. Lyle smiled, licking his lips and he reached down for the slice, seeing Josh had still not quite reached the crust.
"Shit, micro-bro. Nearly made it off! Guess that cheese is a little too sticky, huh bro?" Lyle mocked Josh a little as he lifted up the slice. Josh pulled at his leg, having slowed down and gotten stuck as he could see the crust, knowing he was so close to freedom. Instead, Josh turned his attention back to Lyle, swallowing nervously as he looked into the eyes of the handsome titan.
"L-lyle… I was just about to get off the pizza…" Josh stuttered a little hoping the giant would give him just a little more time. Lyle simply flashed him a bright white smile.
"That wasn't the deal, micro-bro!" Lyle shook his head with an eager smile. "Almost doesn't count!"
Josh started to sweat nervously as he looked to Tyler. "Ty! Remember, I owe you! You own me for the rest of the day, right?!"
Tyler simply laughed at Josh trying to use his deal against him. "Yeah dude, I do own you. Whatever I decide you're stuck with doing. Right now I've decided you're a pizza topping for Lyle."
"See micro-bro? Can't disobey Ty!" Lyle chuckled as he took a bite off the front of the pizza, deliberately eating it slower than he did the previous pieces. Josh panicked, knowing neither giant would be on his side. Josh desperately started tugging on his leg, trying to get moving. Lyle swallowed his mouthful, burping in Josh's direction as he looked at pathetic tiny trying to keep moving. "Yo, Ty. He's trying to escape!"
"That's hilarious. Let him try, dude. He's a defiant little topping." Tyler smirked and leaned forward to get a better view of the show. Lyle took another bite, again not as large as the ones he took before. Likely only two more bites away from getting Josh. Tyler watched as Josh pulled his leg free, only to splat face first into the cheese, sticking most of his body. "Well that was a pathetic little escape, bro."
"Almost like he tried to get stuck, bro." Lyle winked at Tyler who smiled, glad Lyle was on the same wave length. Lyle moved the pizza into his mouth for another bite, stopping just short of where Josh was stuck. Tyler laughed as he saw Josh squirming in the last bit of the pizza.
"Oh no brooooo…" Tyler mocked Josh, feeling like he was positive the tiny wanted to be eaten. "He's stuck so bad. Don't think he's gonna make it."
Lyle swallowed the piece of food, licking his lips again as he rose his eyebrows and shook his head nonchalantly. "Well bro, he had his chance. Guess it's back into my stomach for you, micro-bro."
With that, Lyle shoved the last of the pizza into his mouth. Tyler chuckled as Lyle barely gave one or two chews before swallowing it down forcefully. Lyle curled a fist and pounded his chest a little before he grabbed a drink, ensuring all the food was sent down. Leaning back, Lyle let out a deep sigh as he wiped away the grease from his lips.
"Hell yeah bro." Tyler reached over and fist bumped Lyle who nodded his head, feeling pretty good.
"Bro, that felt great. Like last night I barely remember swallowing him." Lyle leaned back in his chair some more looking down at his solid abs. "But doing it now with him stuck to that pizza… like chef's kiss, bro."
"Oh tell me about it, dude. Did you see him like pretending to run away too?" Tyler laughed with a smug smile. "He's a shit actor. He should've just ran toward your mouth and saved you the trouble, dude."
"Eh, can you blame him, bro?" Lyle shrugged his muscular shoulders. "Probably wanted to look tough."
"Tough? Josh? That's hilarious, bro!" Tyler leaned back, clutching his own stomach with laughter. "I'm not convinced you swallowing him was an accident last night either, dude."
"You think so? I can't remember. But Josh told me it was an accident." Lyle put a hand on his chin trying to remember. Tyler stood up from his chair and walked over next to Lyle and patted him on the shoulder.
"Of course he'd say that, bro." Tyler said matter-of-factly. "I'm sure he wasn't about to out himself for jumping down your throat."
"You make a real good point, bro." Lyle stood up from his chair, rubbing his stomach a little as he did so. "Either way, as promised he's got one way out now…"
"Sounds like a problem for like eight hours from now." Tyler hand waved Josh's predicament. Lyle patted his stomach, burping loudly as he did so, much to Tyler's amusement. "Hell yeah dude! Nice rip, he's pizza mush in a bit, I bet."
"Yeahhh I've got a pretty fast metabolism. He probably doesn't have much time to enjoy being down there." Lyle rubbed his stomach before giving it a couple loud pats. "Oh well, he'll go to the guns after I hit the gym later, bro."
Lyle flexed his arms arrogantly in front of Tyler, who rolled his eyes a little, but enjoyed Lyle's cockiness over Josh none the less.
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say stud!" Tyler chuckled and shoved Lyle a little, who smirked and returned with a shove back at Tyler.
- - -
Josh crawled around in confusion and disbelief over the fact that Tyler and Lyle really went through with this. Between the burping, stomach patting and other random movements, Josh found himself being flung and dragged around all over the massive cavern. Having a moment's respite, Josh took a breath and slumped over defeated.
"Bobby and the others can't save me this time…" Josh said himself, knowing that nobody who cared to save him was miles away. Saddened knowing that Tyler was so easy to give him up like this, followed by how willing Lyle was to go through with it, Josh tried to accept his fate.
Slumping into goopy digestive mix as Lyle's stomach worked at breaking him down, Josh reminded himself that Tyler owned him… but decided to let Lyle be the one to own him permanently.
Josh screamed as he was whipped away from the sphincter, landing in the middle of no mans land in the middle of the stomach. Josh screamed in horror as the acid of Lyle's stomach was making quick work of him now that the tiny man was very easily exposed to the organ's full force. It didn't take long as the tiny man helplessly flailed before sinking below the surface, nothing more than being part of the mixture in Lyle's stomach at this point.
- - -
Lyle turned over in his sleep, meanwhile. Shifting from laying on his stomach, to on his side, to laying up a bit, to laying flat. There was no rhyme or reason to the man's movement, he simply moved a lot in the unfamiliar bed that night. As the night went on, the other guys had gone home, and Bobby went to his own room. Briefly he checked on Lyle, laughing that the man had found Josh's room seemingly by accident and fallen asleep. Bobby didn't bother the massive man as he sprawled out on Josh's bed.
- - -
Morning had came and it already neared afternoon by the time the sleeping giant started to rustle from his long drunken slumber. Rolling out of Josh's bed, Lyle looked down for his phone, wanting to know the time.
"Damn it, it's dead…" Lyle said to his phone, the battery clearly draining as it sat on all night unplugged. Looking around Josh's room for a moment, he found a cord coming out of the wall, luckily the same as his phone's as he plugged it in as walked out of the room rubbing his head.
"The fuck did I do last night?" Lyle looked around the somewhat unfamiliar hallway. Stumbling into Josh's bathroom, Lyle yawned as he got on the toilet, going about his morning routine as he tried to remember what he did last night. Finishing taking his shit, Lyle flushed and washed his hands as he went back into Josh's room and grabbed his phone, seeing it had enough power to turn on now. To his surprise, he saw he had several texts and missed calls from Josh.
"The hell?" Lyle looked through the messages, starting with the two pictures. The first was hard to make out, but he could see it was a blurry picture of Josh falling somewhere. The second one was just weird. Josh with an awkward smile, surrounded by darkness and what looked like wrinkly walls?
"Hey? You get those pictures? See you can let me out now!" Lyle read the message out loud. Lyle scratched his head, trying to make sense of it. He saw he had a few missed calls from Josh but also he had a call with Josh that lasted a few minutes before all this happened. Lyle sat down, looking at his phone, still trying to make sense of it all.
"He was trapped somewhere, and I had to let him out?" Lyle wrapped his brain. It was no good though, he just drank way too much last night. Lyle hit the call button on Josh's name, but instantly was sent to voice mail.
"Well, wherever I had to let him out of I sure hope he got out, bro…" Lyle scratched his chin still thinking, not realizing he did in fact just let Josh out finally just a few minutes ago.
"Just like… all the new guys. I thought it would be a good way to bond with all the newbies, dude!" Bobby tried to rationalize to Josh. Josh simply shook his head. It would certainly be a lot of people, but he knew Bobby had good intentions.
"It's fine Bobby. As long as it doesn't get too out of control." Josh smiled, wanting to be a good host and boss to all the new guys. Josh bit his lip, thinking about just how many guys would be at his house at once. On top of Bobby, Scott, Lyle, Jon, and Xavier it would include Vinny, Cliff, Andres, Austin, Mason, Brandon, Ricky, Trevor, and Chad… assuming everyone showed up.
"Yeah lets hope a few of those people don't show up…" Josh thought to himself, thinking about how he'd rather not have someone like Brandon at his house. Josh tried to mentally prepare himself in the event that everyone would be there.
"Cool, thanks dude. I guess Tyler said he's going out for the night. Otherwise he would have come too." Bobby scratched the back of his head, a little disappointed.
"Yeah, bro. Vinny said he'd come but I guess Brody is busy." Lyle also spoke up, speaking on his roommate's behalf's. Josh nodded. It certainly did seem like only the new guys would be coming over.
"Oh okay! It's no worries. We'll see who shows up, right?" Josh tried to sound positive, wanting to support his employees. Looking at the time however, Josh noticed it was time for the shift change, "Oh guys! It's time for the shift change. I'll see you all tonight though!"
Josh watched as the men all wrapped up what they were doing to make their way out of the room. Josh sighed, bracing himself for what was to come later.
- - -
Josh finished up his day and grabbed his things, just a bit apprehensive to have so many guys to hang out with at his house. He couldn't help but smile nervously however as he thought about how good looking a lot of the new guys were. He could get used to the men towering over him at his normal size as well as his shrunken one. Feeling adventurous, Josh decided to head to the break room in his still shrunken state, wondering if he could catch a glimpse of any of the guys before they leave for his house.
Josh made his way into the break room and looked around. To his dismay, Josh immediately spotted Brandon and Ricky conversing with one another as he entered the room. It was too late as both men almost immediately spotted him. Approaching him, Josh saw they both had changed out of their work clothes. Brandon was wearing a tight grey tank top and black shorts with a backward black hat, while Ricky was in a tight white tee shirt and short looking blue running shorts.
"Yo, shorty! We were just on our way to your house." Brandon said, coming up the the balcony and leaning against it arrogantly. Josh started to sweat, his worst fears come to fruition. Josh looked over at Ricky, arms crossed with a somewhat sour look on his face.
"Don't tell me you're planning on going like… that…" Ricky rose an eyebrow, noting Josh's tiny size.
"Oh I…" Josh started to say before Brandon interrupted him.
"Of course he is, bruh. I mean have you seen how much he loves being tiny?" Brandon mocked Josh as he quickly scooped him into his hand. "Plus he gets the honor of riding to his place with us, bro."
"Whatever, works for me. Let's get out of here, dude." Ricky shrugged and smirked, always appreciating Brandon's aggressive style with Josh. With no say in the matter, Josh found himself being carted off to his house by Brandon and Ricky.
- - -
"Duuuude are we there yet?" Brandon asked as he walked along the sidewalk, thinking Josh only lived around the corner. They were starting to approach the house though, as the three saw a huge group of men going into a house, being led by Bobby. Josh could see the group of men pretty clearly. Bobby had changed into a white stringer tank with black shorts and one of his black baseball caps.
Following behind Josh could see Scott, Lyle, Jon, Xavier, Vinny, Cliff, Andres, Austin, Mason, Trevor, and Chad all following behind and having changed out of their work clothes to their own various outfits. Josh swallowed nervously. All of them really had shown up.
"Yooooo this shit gonna be wild!" Brandon yelled as he approached the group, him and Ricky making their way into the house. Bobby saw the two come in in and fist bumped the two with a smile.
"Sup boooooiis." Bobby said happily. "We're just waiting on mister busy body to come home."
"You mean this twerp?" Brandon raised up his hand to reveal Josh. Bobby laughed, seeing Josh was still shrunk.
"Classic Josh." Bobby shook his head, putting out his hand and taking Josh from Brandon. Brandon reluctantly gave up the tiny man. Bobby brought Josh over to the table, setting the little man down to see the massive crowd of giants. Josh looked as he felt like all eyes were on him all of a sudden.
"H-hey everyone! G-glad you could all m-make it!" Josh stuttered unsure if half the giants could even hear him. Josh bit his lip as he got a mixed responsiveness as some of the men circled around him, while other went off to do their own thing.
As the party started to pick up things started to get interesting when…
Taking a closer look Josh saw the group was actually a bit of a mixed group of guys, both old and new employees. Josh was happy to see the veterans and the newbies getting along as the group consisted of…
Josh was happy to see Markus, who he'd known since high school, was already hanging with Mason and Xavier. Remembering that he was introduced to Xavier and Mason through Tyler and Markus through them playing basketball, it made sense to Josh they'd probably already be friends anyway. Though Josh wondered when Andreas was, since he was almost always with Mason and Xavier.
"Oh right I think he said he was going to be out of town for a few days…" Josh said to himself as he approached the railing of the balcony. Seeing a slight lull in the conversation the three were having, Josh tried to speak up through a megaphone by the railing to get their attention.
"Hey guys, just checking in on you all." Josh spoke, hearing his voice carry out into the room. Josh saw as the three started to look around slightly confused. "It's Josh, I'm over on the railing!"
Josh watched as they turned and locked in on his position, the three massive men walked their way over, looming over Josh like towering dark skyscrapers. Markus was the first to squat down, giving Josh a familiar bright white smile.
"Hey buddy! Did we go over our break time?" Markus asked, causing Josh to blush a little from the behemoth's attractive smile and deep voice. Josh looked as both Mason and Xavier squatted down now too.
"N-no, not at all." Josh felt slightly nervous despite knowing the three fairly well. "You guys still have like ten minutes. I just wanted to drop by and check in."
"Bro, we could call you a bit of a 'micro' manager!" Mason smiled and made the pun as he looked at Xavier and Markus for approval. Markus gave a slight chuckle, but Xavier simply sighed and shook his head as he's probably heard one too many of Mason's jokes and puns.
"Want me to throw him outside, boss?" Xavier rose an eyebrow and elbowed Mason in the side. Josh simply laughed a little nervously.
"No it's fine, I thought it was a good one!" Josh couldn't help but to admit he was actually a bit of a micro manager, both in size and actual work ethic. Xavier simply shrugged.
"Suit yourself. Once he gets going, there's no stopping him." He gave Mason a knowing look, one which Mason simply stuck his tongue out at Xavier. Markus laughed and rolled his eyes as he looked back to Josh.
"What are you up to for the next couple minutes, bud?" Markus asked while Xavier and Mason bickered like brothers.
"Um not much, I was just going to go back into the park." Josh didn't really have to do much these days besides micro managing really.
"Chill with us for a few minutes then, bro." Markus offered, moving a hand over the balcony, resting it next to Josh. Comfortable with the idea of getting into giant's hands at this point, Josh complied as he climbed up into Markus's palm. Markus lifted Josh off the balcony as Mason and Xavier saw him carry off Josh. The three made their way over to the table, sitting down and letting Josh off onto the wooden surface.
"There's a transport that brings me to the table, you know?" Josh reminded Markus, who looked at the puny little tube like device. He shook his head and chuckled.
"That wimpy little thing? Nah brah, ride the Markus express always!" Markus flexed his right arm for extra effect. Mason slumped a little at the table as he rested his head and looked at Josh.
"No fair, dude. I wanna carry you next time!" Mason complained, looking at Josh with his big light brown eyes. Josh couldn't help but smile as the handsome giant eye'd him like that.
"It's okay, next time for sure, Mason." Josh reassured to the goofy giant, much to his happiness as he perked his head up with a smile.
"Hell yeah! Forget the Markus express, ride the Mason Mobile!" Mason sat up, flexing both is arms. Once again Markus chuckled a little as Xavier leaned back in his seat and groaned. "What are you doing after work, brother?"
"Me? Uhhh nothing I don't think." Josh was slightly surprised to be asked all of a sudden. Mason slammed his hands on the table excitedly, causing Josh to pop off the ground for a second before landing on his back.
"The three of us are hanging out! Come hang out with us!" Mason spurted out with enthusiasm. Josh stopped and sat up surprised.
"That's a good idea!" Xavier agreed, actually giving Mason his attention. "We haven't really hung out since that one time at your house, bro."
"Yeah it's like he doesn't like us!" Markus smirked, egging Josh on a little to get him to agree. Josh looked around at the three men, concerned.
"I like you guys! Of course I'll hang out." Josh gave in incredibly easily. Josh looked at Mason as he smiled excitedly.
"Perfect dude! Then you promise you'll ride the Mason Mobile later?" Mason asked, again looking at Josh with his attractive eyes.
"Yeah I promise!" Josh smiled, inadvertently agreeing to hung out shrunk with the three giants.
"Nice, well it's probably about time we head back to work, right dudes?" Xavier asked Markus and Mason as he looked at the clock. Josh watched as the three men got up and bid him farewell, leaving him on the table. Promising them to meet them back here in the break room at the end of the day, Josh took the lift back to the balcony. Heading back into the park and his office, Josh finished off the rest of his day.
- - -
Making his way back to the breakroom, Josh took a deep breath as he entered to see Markus, Mason, and Xavier. Josh saw the three changed out of their work clothes, now each man sported tank tops and basketball shorts. Like usual Xavier wore a durag and Markus had a backwards black flat brim hat. Waving and calling them over, Josh once again found the three titans towering over him, this time Mason squatting down to chat first.
"Sup, dude! You ready to go?" Mason asked, eagerly ready to pick Josh up as Josh got into the giant's hand.
"Yeah, what did you guys want to do?" Josh asked, curious what the plans he was being dragged into actually were.
"Oh right we didn't tell you." Xavier answered as the three walked out of the room to go outside. "We were gonna…"
"We're just playing some basketball with a few guys." Xavier made it sound like no big deal. "We thought you'd think it would be super cool seeing a bunch of us play a giant game of basketball, dude."
"Oh wow that does sound cool!" Josh lied, feeling like it actually sounded terrifying. The idea of giant guys slamming a ball around and stomping around quickly playing a game while he was vulnerable and small sounded awful. But he really didn't want to disappoint the three. "Who else is coming to play? Tyler? Bobby? Blake?"
"Nah, bro." Markus caught up to walk beside Mason now too, looking down at Josh as they went. "My roommates Kendrick and Daniel are coming to play. Also a few other guys from the basketball team."
"That reminds me, you sure you're cool with a few fresh out of high schoolers like us playing with your college buddies?" Mason asked Markus, who laughed and shook his head.
"Bro I told you it's fine. Kenny and Danny like you guys." Markus started talking with Mason and Xavier. "You're both just as good as the rest of the guys anyway."
"If you say so, dude!" Mason answered, a slight bit of nerves in his voice. The three men casually talked a little more as they made their way toward the basketball court, stopping on the way to pick up a few bottles of water at the convenience store on the way. The sun still shining brightly high in the sky, Josh was starting to get a little sweaty sitting in Mason's palm. Likewise, he could feel the sweat building up around him from Mason himself. Josh was starting to get nervous as they made it to the court and he saw not just three new people, but seven.
Josh's eyes traveled from man to man, completely in awe of the sheer number of muscular giants that stood on the court. His attention was at first focused at two giants who seemed slightly off to the side. The first of which looked to be about the same height as Mason at 6'8". He was super gruff looking with a set of black shades, and backwards hat and muscles bulging out of the tank top he was wearing. He was slightly lighter skinned at Markus or Xavier, but not quite the mulatto skin tone of Mason.
The next guy the first guy was talking to was slightly shorter, about by an inch. He had slightly poofy hair, like he was in the very start of growing an afro. He was a lighter skin than the first guy, Josh guessed he might be a mix of African American and Hispanic. Josh felt his heart throb a little as he looked at this leaner muscular god. He was very attractive, his face his smile, just everything about him screamed pretty boy.
Next, Josh turned his attention to the other five. Immediately his focus shifted to the tallest one. Knowing the heights of a lot of his crew at the park, Josh pegged the guy to be 6'11", even taller than Xavier. The man was certifiably a giant and he really looked like he sold the part too. With a full black beard and moustache on his ruggedly young face, topped with a red hat on his head, he was both intimating and handsome. He easily looked the most muscular and bulky of the five too. His skin tone was about the same as first guy, Josh guessed.
From the tallest to the shortest, Josh laid his eyes on the next man. Having spent a long time around the likes of Tyler, Josh quickly measured the guy to be 6'5". Josh swallowed slightly, nervous that the shortest guy was still 6'5".
"I guess it is a college basketball team after all." Josh thought to himself as he continued his gaze. He was dark skinned, about the same as the tallest guy, if not slightly darker. He also sported a similar full black beard on his face, though he appears to forgo the moustache. Much like Xavier, he wore a durag on his head. Leaner than the tall guy, Josh could tell he was sporting a great build under his tank top. Otherwise, he wore similar basketball apparel as the other men in the group.
Checking out the second tallest guy, Josh couldn't believe the height on these guys as he was only slightly shorter than the other guy. Josh figured him to be around 6'10", the same height as Xavier. Unlike the other two, this giant only hard dark scruff on his face. He had short almost buzzed hair as well. Much like the others, he had a great looking build, slightly bulkier than the leaner guys but not quite as bulky as the tallest guy or very first guy he looked at. Of the five guys in that group, he was definitely the darkest skin tone of the group. Josh couldn't help but stare at his huge sweaty arms poking out of his tank top as he stood with the others.
The next guy Josh checked out was definitely taller than shortest guy by a few inches. If Josh had to guess, he was about 6'8", same as Mason and the very first guy, though his complexion was closer to the first guy. He had a short scruffy beard and short hair, and he sported a gold chain around his neck as Josh watched him smile attractively as he talked with the other guys. This guy was definitely built for basketball though, as Josh could tell he was a lean yet muscled looking player.
Finally, Josh looked at who he believed to be the captain of the basketball team. The four other men in the group seemed to all be facing him and listening to him talk. Even from this distance, Josh could tell he had a commanding personality. Of the five, he was the lightest skin toned but still far darker skinned than Josh could ever hope he could be. He also looked to be the same height as Markus, at 6'9". This man sported a number of tattoos on his arms as well as a headband with curly black hair poofing out the top. Unlike the other guys, he was clean shaven. If Josh could tell anything about this guy, he looked like an absolute god. His chiseled face was incredibly easy on the eyes, plus his stature and build showed just how hard the man must train. The man casually dribbled a ball as he talked to the other guys, not even looking at the ball as he weaved it around effortlessly.
"God I can hardly stop it from hitting me in the face…" Josh thought about his own experiences with basketball. Josh sweat as Markus, Mason, and Xavier started to get closer to the group. As they approached the court…
Josh was almost surprised as Mason turned, instead going toward the group of guys, headed to a bench that was was near by the basketball court. Followed by Xavier and Markus, the three mad their way to the the bench. Looking at the destination, Josh saw that it seemed like this is where the other men had deposited their waters, phones, and even a few wallets. Josh watched as Xavier and Markus emptied their pockets and dropped off anything else they were holding. Mason however, dropped off what he had and stood there with Josh for a moment.
"Uhhh what do I do with him?" Mason thought to himself silently as he looked at the bench, then down at Josh in his palm. He fired it wasn't really worth introducing Josh to the other guys until after they played. So for the time being he figured it would be good to just find him a safe place to be until then. Mason looked around, there was definitely plenty of space on the bench for him to put Josh pretty much anywhere. He wasn't sure though as he looked around to see if there were any bugs or birds flying over head that might just swoop down and snatch the tiny man. Weighing his options, Mason saw that there was an empty water bottle among the group of half filled or mostly filled ones left by the other guys.
Thinking about what might be the safest option for Josh, Mason decided too…
"Yo Mason, hurry up bro." Xavier turned back to Mason as he stood there still at the bench. Mason turned quickly at Xavier, then back to Josh, quickly electing to just set him down on the bench. There was plenty of open space after all, plus he figured Josh could always hug one of the water bottles or something if he felt too exposed. Giving Josh a quick thumbs up, Mason turned away to join the others.
- - -
"Uh…" Josh felt so abandoned. He watched as Mason jogged away, meeting up with the rest of the guys at the court. Realistically, the court was maybe fifteen feet away or so, but for Josh it seemed like miles. Shielding his eyes from the sun, Josh squinted as he watched the men chat and introduce themselves. It was hard being so far away, but their voices carried enough for Josh to catch some of the conversation. First off, Josh realized the first two guys he noticed off to the side slightly, were in fact Markus's roommates, Kendrick and Daniel. But aside from that, Josh had difficulty hearing when each guy introduced themselves to Mason and Xavier. There was one part of the conversation Josh did catch however.
"Yo and last but not least, this stud here's our team captain, Zeus." Markus said loudly enough as he slapped the back of man Josh suspected of being the captain purely off how much authority he gave off.
"Woah… godlike name for a godlike face like that…" Josh swooned a little as Zeus started to split up the guys, separating them into two teams of five so they could start playing. As they got started playing, it really was quite the incredible sight. It was like watching ten massive statue of liberty sized people run around, dribble the ball, block and take shots, and even the pounding of their feat just creating quakes as far away as Josh was seated. Normally, Josh wouldn't consider himself much of a basketball fan, but something about watching the giants play was particularly awe inspiring, but also a little terrifying. Josh started to get even more interested as a few of the guys started to peel off their sweaty tank tops, tossing them to the edge of the court.
"Okay yeah I could get used to this…" Josh felt very compelled to watch the guys play basketball. To best honest with himself though, Josh had no idea which team was winning. However, Josh's peaceful bliss shifted slightly to panic as he saw one of the shirtless giants walk over in his direction. Josh didn't know who he was, and he really wasn't sure if Markus or the other mentioned he was even here. Got nervously tried to think what to do as the sweaty giant got closer.
Making up his mind, Josh…
Josh stood his ground as he watched the giant approach. He was the tallest giant that Josh observed earlier, and the closer he got, the more intimating the man looked. Josh though Scott and Lyle were tall back at the park, but the closer this man got, the more huge he seemed to appear. Hoping that the man did know about him, Josh waved up at him to try and get his attention. However, as he got to the bench, Josh flinched in fear as he reached over him and grabbed a water bottle, easily taking away the building sized bottle like it was a child's toy. Josh sighed as the man turned away from him now, drinking his water.
"Guess they didn't mention me. That's okay…" Josh said to himself as he stared up at the giant's ass now as it was pretty much the only thing in his view. Being that it was the only thing eclipsing his view, Josh didn't feel terribly bad about staring. The grey basketball shorts the man was wear weren't terribly loose, mostly because the man's ass was so round and full Josh couldn't imagine shorts loose enough to NOT make it look tight. He leaned slightly to the side as he sipped from his water, Josh tiling his head following along like a hypnotic pendulum. Josh's mouth hung open slightly, only imagining how much basketball this man must play to get such a fantastic ass. For as focused Josh was on the giant's ass, it wasn't immediately obvious to the miniscule man that his ass was in fact getting closer to him. Starting with a quick shuffle back before the giant started to bend down.
"Oh shit!" Josh could barely blurt out as he noticed the giant bending down to take a seat. There's no way he could have ever hoped to react fast enough to get out of the way. Josh tried to scramble backward, but it would have never mattered unless he jumped to his inevitable death off the side of the bench. Instead, the last thing Josh saw as he turned to look up was the muscular ass he had admired so much for the past few minutes. Between the solid muscle of the giant's ass, and the wooden surface of the bench, there was no stopping the colossal weight from crushing Josh in almost an instant. For the giant, he felt nothing. Simply resting his feet for a moment as he took another sip of his water before getting up second later to rejoin his friends.
"Yo, Darius! Hurry your ass up. Line up, Mason has a free throw." Zeus commanded the giant as he made his way back over.
"Yeah I'm coming!" Darius answered, wiping some sweat from his face as he set down his water and rejoined the group. Zeus gave Darius a quick slap on the butt as he came over and lined up with the rest of the guys. Continuing on the the game as normal, nobody really looked hard enough at Darius's ass to spot the minuscule smear that was all that was left of Josh.
Mason looked at the ground, seeing some ants scurry by, then peeked at the sky as another bird flew over head. Biting his lip, he bent down and grabbed the water bottle. Looking at it, Mason figured it just barely had a sip left in it. So whoever was drinking from it had to be done with it. Popping the top off, Mason quickly tilted the bottle and slipped Josh into the neck of the bottle, seeing him slide down to the bottom as he set the bottle back down and put back on the cap.
"You'll be safer in here, dude!" Mason said quietly to the bottle as he waved and turned away to join the others.
- - -
"Oh god it's so humid and warm!" Josh pulled himself out of the water to the side of the bottle. It was still about waist high no matter where Josh hoped to try and position himself at the bottom. Josh wasn't sure what Mason meant when he said he'd be safer in here though. Trying to make sense of the giant's decision, Josh pressed his face against the wall of the water bottle. He tried his hardest to look through the plastic wall, but everything just looked incredibly distorted.
"I can barely see through this thing!" Josh complained as he backed away from the wall. It was pointless as Josh tried to hear anything or see anything. Thanks to the wall of plastic, Josh could do little more than wade about in the waist high water as he saw blurry blobs of what he assumed to be giant humans off in the distance playing basketball. Leaning against the wall, Josh could do little more than wait.
- - -
Josh sprawled his arms and face against the wall of the water bottle. Half trying to keep himself from slipping into the water, and half barely staying awake out of boredom. Josh jumped to alertness as he saw the distorted form of a person waling toward him. Josh wondered if it was simply one of many of the men, likely dropping by to grab their water between plays or something. Josh sighed, figuring it was a one in ten chance it was Mason actually checking up on him.
Josh however was in shock as the giant stopped and picked up the bottle he was in. Panicking a little, Josh hoped it was just Mason, like he thought. After all, who would bother drinking this last sip of warm water at this point? Josh's confidence started to fade slightly as he looked closer through the plastic, not recognizing who the blurry person was, but there was one thing Josh knew for sure. It wasn't Mason. Josh looked up as he saw the lid get screwed off, able to mostly see the face of the giant now holding the bottle. Josh recognized the man to be the second tallest guy from the group of five. Josh's glimpse of the man's face was short lived as he tilted the bottle sideways toward his face as he parted his lips. Josh tried fruitlessly to go against what little water was in the bottle as it was quickly drained from the bottom into the giant's awaiting mouth. Josh screamed helplessly as he was swept inside the massive cavern, where the giant didn't hesitate for even a second before swallowing the meager sip of water down. Wiping some sweat from his forehead, the giant crushed the bottle and shot it at a garbage can a couple feet away as he left the bench to rejoin the rest of the guys to continue their game.
- - -
With a quick stream of water being deposited in the giant's stomach, Josh found himself no more than a tiny bit of hydration being added to the giant's system. Thanks to the man immediately jogging back to his friends, Josh found himself being sloshed about with the rest of the liquids in the giant's belly. Fighting just to stay afloat, Josh flailed his arms around as he gasped for air every opportunity he could get while he was above water.
Despite Josh's best efforts though, the tiny man stood no chance. The chaotic movements of the basketball player were just too much as he was constantly drug beneath the water's surface. Fighting for his last breath, Josh sunk down deep into the pit of the jock's stomach. While Josh's feeble movements subsided, the giant continued to play, unaware of the tiny life fading deep inside his stomach.
- - -
"Nice shot, Dom!" Markus slapped his teammate on the back after he just made a long three pointer. Dom meanwhile leaned back and gave his stomach a slight rub before letting loose a watery burp.
"Oh nasty, bro! You good?" Markus patted Dom's back a few more times. Dom meanwhile laughed and shrugged.
"Nah bro, I'm fine! My water was gross, left it out in the sun too long!" Dom patted his stomach a little more. "Think I'm good now though."
Chuckling as Dom pushed out another smaller burp, the two jogged back into position as they continued to play. As the guys sweat and had fun passing and dribbling the ball, it was too bad Josh didn't get to really watch the impressive jocks play. Though at least he got to be part of the game in the end.
"Yo, dudes! Come over here real quick!" Josh nearly jumped in Mason's hand as Markus yelled over to the group of seven giants. Nervous, Josh watched as the mass of dark skinned titans walked over. Sweat pouring down his his face from the onslaught of attractive giants, Josh turned and listened to Markus as he started introducing everyone. "Just figured I should introduce everyone, dudes! Kenny, Danny… you guys already know Xavier and Mason."
Markus motioned at the two giant's Josh saw off to the side earlier, confirming his guess they were Kendrick and Daniel. The massive gruff looking one being Kendrick and the pretty boy being Daniel. Josh tried to pay attention now though as the other five guys started introducing themselves to Mason and Xavier. From the order he checked out the guys earlier, the tallest guy introduced himself as Darius followed up by the shortest guy named Reggie. The next tallest guy was apparently named Dom followed by the next shortest guy named Bruno. Finally, the handsome man with the commanding personality introduced himself as Zeus, captain of the basketball team. Josh watched as Zeus stared down at Mason's palm, curious what he had been holding this whole time.
"Whatcha got there, dude?" Zeus asked, in a deep masculine tone. Mason looked down and laughed, almost completely forgetting about Josh in his hand.
"Oh right! We should introduce Josh too!" Mason held up his hand, allowing the seven massive men to look down at the now terrified tiny speck of a man. "This is our buddy Josh! He's our boss back at the park, but he's cool! He wanted to hang out and watch us play!"
"Woah, he's so small, bro! Like a little bug!" Darius looked down at Josh like he was a mere insect. Josh's sweating got worse as the giant looked down at him.
"Darius, show a little respect…" Zeus glared at the taller man, who immediately stiffened up a little from Zeus's comment. "Sorry about him, Josh. Markus has told us a little about you though. Didn't realize you were THIS small though."
"Well he isn't normally, dude." Markus laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Though he was always kind of a shrimp even back in high school!"
"Markus…" Zeus glared now at him. "He's your fucking boss now. You should show some respect too."
Markus stiffened now too, seemingly as afraid of Zeus as Darius was. "Y-yeah. Sorry Zeus."
"To him… not to me." Zeus crossed his arms.
"R-right. Sorry Josh." Markus apologized to Josh, catching the tiny man off guard as he was actually quite used to being mocked for his size. "B-but it was our idea to bring him here extra tiny. We thought it would be cool for him to watch us play ball like giants?"
"Hmm does sound kind of cool." Zeus admitted as he put a hand on his chin, looking back down at Josh. "Details of why you're so small aside, you're okay with this, dude?"
"Y-yeah!" Josh stuttered much like Darius and Markus as the intimidating giant addressed him. He was glad for his small size as he blushed like crazy, Zeus's commanding personality was intoxicating. "I mean I agreed to come like this. I think it would be cool to see giant's play a game!"
"Alright." Zeus looked around at each of the guys. "Two of us are going to sit out and sit with Josh, while we rotate four on four."
"That's not necessary!" Josh tried to interrupt. "I'll be find sitting on the bench watching you all play."
Zeus looked down at Josh, not turning his head as he eye'd Josh from the corner of his eyes. Josh swallowed nervously, a little worried himself to defy the giant captain. Zeus slowly turned his head and smiled at Josh, almost arrogantly.
"I'd feel better if I knew there was someone sitting with someone was small and defenseless as you." Zeus spoke plainly in his deep voice. Zeus shot a look at his team, Xavier and Mason included at this point, all of which looked attentive. "In fact, I'll sit first. Volunteers?"
"I'll sit too!" Darius spoke up, likely trying to make up for his 'bug' comment from earlier. Darius looked at Zeus as he reached a hand out to Mason. "I-I can hold onto him while you play?"
"Sure…" Mason answered, handing Josh over to the enormous man as he saw him seeking approval from Zeus. Mason moved his hand over to Darius's and dumped Josh into the titan's massive palm. Mason moved away to join the other guys as they picked up the ball and made their way to the court. Josh looked up at the new giant's face, who was mostly focused on Zeus at the moment as he barked out orders.
"Play till eleven then we swap!" Zeus commanded as the group went out and started getting ready to decide who starts with the ball. Josh noticed that Darius waited for Zeus to sit first at the bench before sitting down himself. Josh looked up at Darius though wanting to strike up some sort of conversation.
"Wow, they're really good!" Josh tried to complement the guys as they had just barely started. Darius shook out whatever funk he was in and looked down at Josh.
"Ha, yeah! Thanks, bro. Sorry again for calling you a little bug, by the way." Josh saw Darius look at Zeus from the corner of his eye. Josh saw Zeus look over, arms still crossed and a slight smirk on his face.
"It's fine! I've been called, worse. Trust me." Josh tried to hand wave away the situation. Josh saw as Zeus looked over, listening in to what he said.
"That's too bad, my man." Zeus shook his head with a slight chuckle. "You should take a little authority over Markus and the crew, you know?"
"I-I guess." Josh nervously gulped as Zeus addressed him. "I don't like being too controlling over the guys though. I mean most of them are bigger than me anyway, even when I'm not small like this."
"And? It's not about being bigger. It's about skill and seniority." Zeus shrugged, not even looking at Darius as he said so, though Josh could feel the giant shudder slightly.
"I guess, I just don't know if I feel exactly the same." Josh was sweating profusely as he tried to explain himself. "I just don't want to hold authority over my employees, you know?"
"I can understand that." Zeus shrugged, deciding to agree with Josh. Josh meanwhile could feel Darius's body relax a little. Zeus leaned back, putting his hands behind his head as he relaxed and watched the guys play. "What the hell kind of blocking is that, Dom? Move your fucking feet, bro!"
Josh watched the game for a bit, feeling too threatened by Zeus to make any further comments.
- - -
Time went by as the guys would rotate every now and then and Josh slowly got to spend time with each pair of men as they rotated out. Josh was interested in the men as he had never heard much about them. He learned that Kenny and Danny lived with Markus and were in the same year as him. He learned Bruno and Reggie were both freshmen and roomed together, but both fantastic basketball players and highly devoted to the team. That Dom and Darius were both sophomores just behind Markus, Kenny and Danny, and that the two massive titans also roomed together. Finally, Josh learned a little more about Zeus from the other guys, finding out that the dominating man was a senior and he's actually been top of the team and captain since he was a sophomore. Sitting with Bruno and Reggie at this point, it started to get late as the guys all joined in by the benches.
"Good work today everyone." Zeus wiped some sweat from under his headband. "Xavier, Mason, you both got some real talent. You both are going to practice with us from now on."
Xavier and Mason both nodded in agreement, though they were practically commanded to join by Zeus. Zeus turned his attention to Josh in Reggie's hand.
"Josh, what'd you think about the practice?" Zeus asked, sounding like he genuinely wanted the tiny man's opinion. Josh looked around, confused for a second as he didn't particularly think his opinion on basketball mattered.
"Um… impressive really! Like watching a bunch of gods compete with one another from my point of view." Josh saw as a few of the guys couldn't help but smirk or feel elated from the comment. Zeus meanwhile seemed unfazed.
"We'll do better next time." Zeus shrugged, clearly not as impressed with their performance as Josh was. "Speaking of which…"
Zeus put a hand on his chin again. "Now that we've gotten to know you a bit, Josh we're going to…"
"We're going to pay a visit to the water park as a team soon." Zeus crossed his arms and looked at the other guys, all obediently nodding in agreement. Josh meanwhile, waved his arms, feeling it was unnecessary.
"No no, I'm sure you guys are busy or have better things to do!" Josh protested, not wanting to waste the college student's time with silly things like going to a water park. Zeus meanwhile immediately gave Josh a look.
"Nonsense. You've been supporting Markus, and now Xavier and Mason. The least we can do as a team is support you back a little." Zeus disagreed with Josh. "Besides, I think it would be a good way for us to unwind a bit. Personally, I've been meaning to check your place out for awhile."
The rest of the guys more or less nodded and spoke in agreement over wanting to check the place out. Josh meanwhile, still couldn't help but feel bad but none the less knew he couldn't disagree with Zeus. Having been moved back into Mason's hand as the guys started to disband, Josh returned to the park with Mason, Xavier, and Markus.
"What'd you guys think of the team, dudes?" Markus asked the group, hoping everyone had fun.
"They were great, bro." Xavier chimed in. "Darius is fucking huge, bro. I could barely keep up with him."
"That's saying a lot for you, bud!" Mason slapped Xavier on the back with his free hand. "Everyone was so good, dude! Reggie might smaller than the other guys but he's fast as fuck!"
"For sure, dude!" Markus agreed, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of his teammates well. "How about you, Josh?"
"Um… everyone was very nice! I'll be honest, I mostly just chatted with whoever was on break." Josh realized he didn't pay much attention to the actual playing. "Zeus is very… intimidating?"
"Yeahhh he can be like that." Markus chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "He's impossible to say no to. But he's a damn good captain. He doesn't take shit from anyone."
"I got that impression." Josh shivered slightly, feeling like Zeus would be very intimidating to be around alone. "It's nice he wants to have the team visit the park though."
"Yeah he's asked about it before, maybe meeting you gave him the spark to go through with it?" Markus shrugged as the group of men made their way into the break room of the water park. Mason let Josh off at the balcony as they gathered up their things getting ready to leave.
"Yo, guess maybe we'll see the team tomorrow?" Xavier asked Josh as they started to leave.
"I guess so!" Josh sweat a little, thinking of the massive group of attractive men he just men coming to the park. Bidding the group farewell, Josh headed home in anticipation of tomorrow.
- - -
Having a fairly normal morning at the park, Josh sat in his office hearing a knock at the door. Beckoning the person inside, he saw it was Markus.
"Sup boss, weird seeing you not ant-sized for a change!" Markus chuckled as he walked over, towering over Josh and his desk.
"Ha ha, real funny…" Josh tried not to blush or stare at Markus's bare torso despite it being directly in his view.
"Don't tell Zeus I said that!" Markus put a hand on Josh's desk, leaning down on it slightly.
"Oh is here and the rest of the guys here?" Josh was curious, again almost blushing as he thought about them all in swimsuits.
"Well…" Markus leaned back slightly…
"It's actually just Zeus, dude." Markus shrugged and shook his head. "For one reason or another, everybody else either isn't around or had other commitments."
"Oh well that sucks." Josh was a little disappointed, a little sad he wasn't going to get to see the whole team. "But it was nice Zeus still showed up."
"Yeah he's up front admissions if you wanted to see him." Markus leaned off of Josh's desk. Josh swallowed a little nervously, Zeus was quite intimidating, but he didn't want to just leave him alone.
"I'll go see him!" Josh resolved as he stood up from his chair. "You on break right now?"
"Naw, I was just changing places with Xavier actually." Markus sighed. "I'll break for lunch though."
"Alright, no worries." Josh smiled, not wanting his guys to overwork themselves. The two left Josh's office, parting ways as Josh started to head toward the front of the park. Making his way there, Josh spotted Zeus in line at the admissions. He stood out very easily as he was heads above anyone else around him. As Josh approached, He took in the muscular titan's appearance. With a pair of white swim shorts, a black backwards mesh hat, and a silver chain around his neck, Josh had to fight back any blushing as he walked up to him.
"H-hey Zeus!" Josh called out as the massive basketball player turned and looked at him. He flashed Josh a smile as he walked out of the line and came over.
"Yo, Josh?" Zeus questioned slightly for a second, having not met Josh in his regular size before. Josh nodded as Zeus put out a hand. Expecting just a hand shake, Josh found himself pulled into Zeus's firm chest in a quick bro hug. Zeus patted Josh on the back and released him, momentarily stunned by the physical contact. "What's good buddy? Quite the show you run here."
"Thanks!" Josh rubbed the back of his neck, hoping his blushing could be masked as pride for the moment. "Markus came and got me, he told me you were alone. I wanted to make sure I came over and saw you!"
"Hey thanks, that's thoughtful my man." Zeus smiled with a chill deep tone to his voice. "Yeah all those bums ditched me. For legitimate reasons I guess. But I'm still making them all run laps next practice."
"You run a tight ship!" Josh smiled, hoping he didn't work them too hard for something silly like not coming to the park.
"You have to. Otherwise guys like them walk all over you, bro." Zeus cross his arms. "I'm sure you understand."
"Well if the guys walked all over me, I'm probably get crushed ninety percent of the time!" Josh joked on his own behalf. Zeus chuckled slightly.
"No kidding. It's funny though. I see why Markus teases you." Zeus gave a relaxed smile as he put a hand on top of Josh's head. "You are very small, bro."
Josh felt slightly taken aback, after all Zeus was defending him just the other day, now he was joking about his height. But looking at the smile on Zeus's face, he felt like the man was more relaxed than he was the other day. Josh couldn't help but smile back, wondering if maybe this was just Zeus showing his relaxed side?
"Yeahhh I hear it all the time." Josh brushed away Zeus's hand, watching the tall guy smile. A smile he could get used to honestly.
"Anyway buddy, I gotta get back in line." Zeus turned back and motioned at the ever growing line. "I haven't paid for my ticket yet."
"What? No no." Josh grabbed Zeus by the hand, blushing slightly as he touched the warmth of the handsome man's hand. Zeus tilted his head in confusion, not letting Josh pull him as he vastly outweighed the smaller man. "Come on, you're my guest today. No need to pay."
"Uhhh no." Zeus pulled away his hand easily. "I won't accept that."
Josh swallowed nervously. There was Zeus's commanding personality again. Josh tried his best to put his foot down though, this was his domain after all.
"Hey, I own this place." Josh tried to act with a sense of authority. "If I say you're my guest. Then you're my guest."
Zeus turned back to Josh as the small man swallowed nervously again. However, a smile flashed across Zeus's face as he shrugged. "Fine, guess you are the boss around here, huh?"
"You bet!" Josh smiled confidently, glad Zeus decided to go along with him. Walking up beside him, Zeus slung his towel over his shoulder as he looked down at Josh expectantly.
"Alright, little boss man. If I'm your guest, how about you show me to your best rides?" Zeus gave an almost cocky smile, turning Josh's confidence back at him with an almost elegant ease. Josh froze for a second, he didn't expect to be a tour guide for the day.
"Yeah! Sure…" Josh thought about the work he needed to do back in his office. "Wouldn't hurt for me to go on a few rides."
"Lead the way then, bro." Zeus softly commanded Josh.
- - -
Having lead Zeus to several of the staff entrances to the rides, the two were able to get in quite a few rides in a short period of time. At one point the two even did a two person tube ride as Zeus insisted on doing it. Josh sat in the front, with Zeus's legs straddling around him from behind. Glad Zeus couldn't see his face as he was beet red the whole ride. Reaching the bottom, the two left the shallow pool.
"These are some great rides, boss man." Zeus teased Josh still continuously for his previous authoritarianism. Josh still felt red from having Zeus's legs wrapped around him.
"Ha ha… yeah everything just got upgraded recently too!" Josh felt he need to give a slight humble brag. Josh looked past Zeus as he saw Markus once again coming their way.
"Hey boys! Having fun?" Markus sauntered over and put a hand on Zeus's shoulder. Zeus nodded as Markus stood beside him.
"Slacking off are we?" Zeus immediately asserted his authority. Markus tensed up slightly and looked at Josh for help.
"You're going on your lunch break right? It's about that time." Josh locked eyes with Markus, feeling like he needed to cover his ass a little. Markus nodded and smiled, a little relieved. "That's perfect, wanna grab some food with Zeus? Tell the concessions I okayed it."
"Oh yeah man!" Markus tapped Zeus on the shoulder. "Come on, dude. One of our places makes some banging pizza."
"You're sure?" Zeus looked at Josh with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, absolutely! I'll grab something too and meet you guys in the break room, okay?" Josh assured Zeus. "I just have a few things I need to catch up on for work first."
"Alright. Take your time then." Zeus turned with Markus as the too left Josh's sight. Josh let out a deep sigh as he was left alone.
Josh felt relief. Zeus was a very intense guy, Josh couldn't help but feel flustered. Heading back to his office, Josh hoped to get a tiny bit of work before meeting up with the two for lunch.
- - -
Having spent more time then he expected in his office, Josh figured it wouldn't be polite to make Zeus and Markus wait any longer. Still shrunken, Josh headed into the breakroom, feeling the rush of air as he left the park and looked out into the giant room. Peering out into the room, Josh did see Zeus and Markus seated at the table eating slices of pizza, a pile of french fries also shared between the two with a large glob of ketchup. Knowing he could simply take one of his tiny transports over to the table, Josh decided to head over to the table. Unnoticed on the table Josh stared at the giants as they ate. Whether it was the dashing good looks of Zeus, or the manly towering titan that was Markus, Josh couldn't help but stare quietly for a few minutes.
As Josh stared for a few minutes…
Transfixed and not paying particularly close attention to what was going on above him, Josh nearly screamed as a massive french fry dropped directly next to him. The greasy soft fry rolled in Josh's direction, catching him on his side as he squished into it. Stuck to the mushy potato, Josh tried to struggle as Markus lifted it off the table. Struggling and squirming, Josh thanked the fact that the fry was so greasy as he slipped off of it… right into the plate full of greasy french fries. Squirming among the grease, Josh sunk into the pile helplessly.
"Gross, Markus." Zeus watched as Markus popped the dropped french fry in his mouth. Markus shook his head and made a "what?!" expression.
"Bro! The table is clean, probably." Markus wiped the spot where he dropped the fry. "These fuckers are greasy, homie."
"Yeah… when you said 'banging' I didn't realize you meant… covered in grease." Zeus lifted his slice of pizza, cheese sloshing off it slightly as he took a bite. Chewing on it, he couldn't help but enjoy it anyway though.
"Dude, that's what makes it banging." Markus grabbed a few french fries, dipping them in ketchup and shoving them in his mouth. Zeus looked at the pile of fries, grabbing a few himself and sticking them in his mouth.
"I do like soft fries." Zeus admitted as he barely needed to chew before he swallowed them down. "Where's Josh? I'm surprised he hasn't shown up by now."
"Ehhh he gets really wrapped up in his work. Especially since the park just expanded." Markus shrugged taking a bite of his pizza. "I'm surprised he took the time to show you around to be honest, bro."
"Oh, shit well now I feel a little bad." Zeus leaned back slightly, hands behind his head. "He seemed nervous, I though maybe showing me around would loosen him up."
"Nah he was just stunned by your beautiful face!" Markus chuckled and winked at Zeus. Zeus narrowed his eyes in slight annoyance.
"I don't know if I should make you run laps tomorrow, or let you off on laps for a week." Zeus smiled slightly trying to joke a little. Markus meanwhile sweat a little, not knowing exactly which it would be. "Still though. We should finish up eating and check on him."
"Sure thing boss." Markus agreed as he grabbed his pizza and took another big bite.
Meanwhile, Josh struggled in the pile of fries. Somehow avoiding the grabs of both Markus and Zeus. Josh squirmed through the food as…
Josh kept dodging each giant man's fingers as they grabbed fries. One by one the fries disappeared into Markus and Zeus's mouth, the final destination being either of their stomachs. I gotta get out of here and get one of their attentions. Josh thought.
"Only a few fries left, do you want them boss?" Markus asked Zeus as he finished his pizza.
"You really can't finish them?" Zeus asked in disbelief. "There like 4 left."
"Nah, I'm pretty full after that last slice of pizza. Plus, I gotta watch my figure." Markus jokingly said. Zeus just shook his head
"Well, they can't go to waste." He said as he reached for the remains fries. Grabbing them he smushed them together and quickly dipped them in ketchup before tossing them into his mouth. Quickly chewing he swallowed the fries. "Whelp, let's clean up quick and see how Josh is coming along."
"Sure thing boss." Markus said with a slight yawn. "I'm sure Josh would be excited to see you again." Zeus just rolled his eyes.
"Come on jokester. Get your ass in gear and help clean up then." Zeus replied. With that Markus and Zeus started cleaning up the break room unbeknownst to them that Josh was already with them within the belly of Zeus.
The shadow of Zeuss hand started to loom over Josh. He had just overheard the two talking about finishing the rest of the fries. "Hey!! I'm right here guys!" Josh yelled as he started jumping up and down around the plate. Zeuss hand was already so close to the plate so it muffled Josh's voice enough that Markus not Zeus could hear. Plus, it obstructed Zeus view of the plate and Markus was transfixed on his own food.
Josh continued to jump up and down on the plate, but he soon slipped on some grease causing him to fall face first into a fry. It was soft like a pillow and quite warm as well. Flipping himself over on the fry, Josh saw Zeus fingers make contact with the remains fries. Zeus pushed the fries together in one group, with Josh in the center of the fries. The taste of salt filled Joshs mouth.
After Zeus grouped the fries it was all a blur to Josh as to what happened. He thought he felt Zeus bring the fries up and then down again before they were finally deposited into Zeus's mouth. Josh was finally freed of the fries, but soon realized his fate has he looked out ahead of him. Josh could see Markus in front of him for a few seconds before the cavern closed.
Zeus's tongue began tossing the french fries around his mouth, coating them and Josh in Zeus's saliva. Since the fries were soft, Zeus could easily squash them by pushing them against the roof of his mouth with his tongue. Josh tried to maneuver away from the squishing fries, but Zeuss tongue was in command of the situation. It would not let Josh leave it's slimy, pink, fleshy surface. Instead, after mashing all the fries up it pushed Josh right into the pile and without hesitation sent the pile of mush down to Zeus stomach.
Josh watched as Zeus uvula dangled overhead as he fell down Zeus's throat. What seems like an eternity, since Zeus was quite tall, the pile of mushed fries and Josh finally landed on top of the sphincter valve which then brought them into Zeus stomach. With a 'SPLASH' Josh had joined the contents within Zeus. It smelled of potatoes pizza, and soda.
This is bad! Josh thought nervously. Zeus had no idea he has just eaten Josh. Within a few seconds the contents within Zeus started shift, causing Josh to be freed of the french fry mush. The mixture of food and drink stated to rock back and forth causing waves to form. Luckily Josh knew how to swim in water like this and was able to find a slightly undigested piece of what looked to be pizza. Pulling himself up onto it Josh started to think of how he could get himself literally out of this situation….
"Shit shit!" Josh looked through his pocket for his cellphone. "For the love of… of all times to leave it in my office…"
Josh tried to think of some way, anyway way, he could somehow signal to Zeus what happened. They for sure would notice he went missing, Josh only hoped that Markus could somehow put two and two together. However, for the time being, Josh's only solace was watching the walls of the mighty titan's stomach churn and contract as it mixed it's meal.
- - -
"Where does Josh usually eat his lunch?" Zeus asked, remembering Josh said he was going to meet them in the break room. "He seems like a busy guy, probably forgot to meet us?"
"Yeah that happens, A LOT actually, dude." Markus laughed, thinking about how much of a busy body Josh was. "Honestly, he probably didn't even end up eating."
"Well that's not good, dude." Zeus thought about how small and thin Josh was. "If he doesn't eat, he'll waste away, bro."
"For true, bro." Markus laughed as he brought Zeus back into the park, thinking about how Josh couldn't exactly get any smaller. "He's probably in his office though, we can head there and drag him away from his work."
"Oh, I'll get him to leave." Zeus cracked his knuckles a little, Markus meanwhile looked at his captain out of the corner of his eye, sweating a little bit on Josh's behalf. However, the two made their way to Josh's office only to find it empty.
"Huh, we must've missed him." Markus scratched his head watching as Zeus walked up to Josh's desk.
"He left his phone here?" Zeus picked up the phone from the desk. "Does he do that often, dude?"
"Oh yeah dude." Markus laughed, thinking of how often Josh just leaves his phone on his desk. "That's nothing unusual."
"Hm." Zeus put the phone back down on the desk. "Guess you're right, maybe we passed him and didn't realize it?"
"Maybe, dude?" Markus crossed his arms. "We can double back?"
"Yeah may as well." Zeus shrugged, not really wanting to ditch Josh after he showed him so much hospitality.
- - -
"I can't…" Josh huffed in pain. He had been doing his best to hold on, hoping by some miracle Markus or Zeus would somehow figure it out. But as time went on and the longer Josh spent in the chamber, Josh's hope diminished little by little. After all, there was no feasible way Zeus could have known he ate him. Slumped over on a pile of mush in the belly of the god, Josh lost all remaining energy as the giant churned him into the pit of his gut, wasting away to nothing as he body was quickly broken down by Zeus's stomach acid.
- - -
"Not here either?" Zeus looked into the break room with Markus. "There's no way we missed him a second time, dude."
"I have no idea…" Markus scratched his head again. "We could ask around the park? Maybe someone's seen him?"
"I guess so." Zeus felt kind of bad, but if Josh was going to get distracted with work, it wasn't exactly his problem. Noticing, Zeus seemed kind of bored, Markus figured he might as well fill in Josh's shoes.
"Nah, fuck it bro." Markus smiled and nudged Zeus. "If he's gonna run off, I'll chill with you, dude."
"Oh, yeah sure, dude." Zeus smiled, actually looking forward to actually enjoying more of the ride.
"Hell yeah, dude." Markus pulled Zeus out of the break room. "Don't worry I can skip the lines too, dude!"
With a swift motion of his fingers, Markus took 3 limp fries and shoved them into a clump of hot potato, with poor Josh being stuck inside the clump. The searing heat of the fries stung his entire body, and as the tiny's skin burned, the seasoning from the fries quite literally added salt to the wound. Josh’s eyes teared up from the sizzling pain. But the african american giant would be none the wiser as he took the fries and lightly dipped them in ketchup.
Josh’s world went red. The thick condiment slightly alleviated the heat of the food he was in the middle of, but it also completely blinded him. He had no idea what was happening as he screamed for his life. In response, Markus brought the fries to his mouth and placed them onto his tongue.
Zeus reached for another fry, but realized there were none left, a little disappointed. The greasiness had sort of rubbed off on him. He looked to Markus, who chewed the fries with his mouth open slightly. For a split second, on the mush of Makus’s tongue, Zeus swore he saw something move. As if some small part of Markus’s meal was begging not to be sent down. Markus met his captain’s eyes as he prepared to send the mush down his throat.
“Yeah?” Markus asked Zeus, his tongue covered in soggy potato.
Zeus was a fraction away from saving Josh’s life. But instead, he looked disgusted and replied:
“Don’t chew with your mouth so open, Markus.”
“Sorry.” Markus apologized, then swallowed down his food unapologetically. Zeus watched the clump go down Markus’s throat, once again thinking briefly about what exactly he had seen. But the titan’s train of thought would be cut off as Markus continued to speak. “Fries were hot, though,” he explained.
Zeus nodded in agreement. “Let’s find Josh. I feel I owe him an apology.”
“Eh, I think you’re fine. I’m sure he’s fine.” Markus said, standing up and stretching. As Markus stretched, Zeus glanced at the basketball player’s belly. But no matter how hard Josh punched the inside of Markus’s stomach walls, Zeus could not have seen the tiny’s struggle. He had his opportunity to save the tiny earlier, but now it was too late.
Crawling for his life, Josh landed on the table with a squishy “oof.” He had made it off of the plate, but his whole body was covered in grease from the fries. He tried his best to wipe it off of him, but at this point the grease was on his face, nearly getting into his eyes.
“Ughhhh gross…” Josh grumbled as he stumbled around aimlessly on the table in front of the two giants. Above the tiny, Zeus rubbed his hands on a napkin to get rid of some of the grease. But as he did this, he saw a tiny speck moving around on the table.
“Ugh. Gross.” Zeus squinted his eyes at the tiny.
“Ah come on, the grease isn’t that bad.” Markus said, shoving the remainder of the fries in his mouth greedily.
“No, there’s a bug next to our food.” Zeus gestured to Josh.
Finally wiping the sludge off of his face and ears, Josh looked up at Zeus right as the giant called him a bug.
“What? What bug?” Josh looked around, only to then see Zeus’s giant thumb hovering over him.
“AH!?!?” the tiny screamed, curling into a protective ball as if that would save him.
“Whoa whoa whoa, wait!” Markus said to Zeus, inadvertently saving Josh. “You gonna waste that extra protein, bro?”
Zeus still hovered his finger over the bug, ready to crush it. “Protein? Markus, that's disgusting.”
“You’d be surprised how some bugs are good for your gains. Or they just taste good.” The giant licked some salt off of the corner of his lips.
Zeus raised an eyebrow. “You sound like you’re talking from personal experience.”
Markus simply shrugged and grinned a little. “Don’t knock it till ya try it, brotha.”
Seeing that the quivering speck was now starting to move away from him, Zeus decided to….
Josh shook as he heard the conversation between Markus and Zeus. His fate was literally in the hands of this man he just met, and one of his best employees was busy suggesting a painful way for him to die. Overcoming his fear, he got up and sprinted as fast as his legs could take him to get away from the god-like figure of Zeus. He ran and ran, counting his blessings that he wasn’t already stopped by now. Josh found himself filled to the brim with adrenaline and hope.
That is, until he got to the edge of the table. His blood ran cold as he realized it was a long plummet down with no chance of survival.
The tiny then felt a shadow cast over him. Turning around and careening his neck upwards, his sky was filled with Zeus’s slightly greasy thumbprint.
“Ah, fu-”
SLAM. The table shook as Zeus ground Josh into an afterthought.
“Bugs get crushed, Markus, not eaten.” the giant scowled.
Markus laughed slightly. “Suit yourself, my guy. You ready to find Josh?” Markus stood up and stretched.
Zeus nodded in agreement. “And I’ll tell him I fixed his little bug problem when we do,” he smiled.
Zeus rubbed the barely visible red speck off of his thumb and into a napkin. Throwing that napkin into a trashcan full of insignificant crumbs of food, he had given that useless bug a worthy final resting place.
“A post-game party? Uhm…yeah, sure! I don’t see why not.” Josh looked around at the large group of basketball players around him. They all had a chorus of laughter and “hell yeah” and “yes sir” in affirmation. Zeus smirked.
“Awesome. We’ll all be there.” he beamed, before continuing. “Oh. But one thing…”
“Y-Yes?” Josh asked.
“Make sure you come at the same size you are now.” Zeus said, though it felt like more of a command.
Josh immediately felt his stomach drop with the new information. He looked back at Zeus, the man who filled the sky, to protest. But something was caught in his throat. He almost physically couldn’t say no, despite the terrible gut feeling he had about attending a party like that.
“Uh…” Josh stammered.
Mason and Markus seemed to acknowledge Josh’s concern through a glance they shared with each other. But the rest of the guys just patiently awaited Josh’s response. And Zues continued to look down at the tiny man. Josh almost felt like there was lightning behind the giant’s eyes.
“Y-Y-Yeah, definitely. I can do that.” Josh lied to himself. Markus picked up on this and tried to support his boss.
“Mason, Xavier, and I can watch him the entire time so that--”
“No.” Zeus interjected. His voice silenced the room as if they were all hearing thunder. Then their mighty leader spoke again.
“We’ll ALL watch after Josh and protect him. Together. It’ll test our focus and attention to detail. That’ll be a fun party game, right guys?” Zeus smiled down at Josh, expecting immediate approval from his team.
The group of guys, however, went awkwardly silent. Most of the group looked a little disappointed that their post-game party was suddenly turning into a post-game training exercise. Markus was still concerned for Josh’s safety as he made eye contact with the tiny man to make sure Josh was okay. Xavier and Mason just kind of looked at each other like “uh…okay? Is this a normal thing these guys do?” Darius smiled, seemingly okay with the idea. And once Dom saw Darius smiling, he was compelled to do the same. Kendrick scratched his head a bit in confusion, about to say something before Daniel tapped him on the shoulder, almost reminding him not to say anything dumb again or else they’d have to run more laps. But Bruno and Reggie weren’t nearly as hesitant. They both looked visibly pissed. When Josh glanced over to them, he could IMMEDIATELY tell that they were not in the mood to train more after their game. Especially Bruno, who nearly groaned and then made a “tch” noise out of his mouth.
It was quiet, but it caught the attention of Zeus, who looked back to see who had verbally expressed their disapproval. Pretty much everyone averted eye contact with him immediately and dropped to a more neutral expression. But not Bruno. He stood in more open defiance of Zeus. The two locked eyes for a tense moment.
“Everyone’s alright with that, RIGHT?” Zeus boomed. All the guys quickly nodded their heads in agreement and muttered out some kind of affirmative. Everyone except Bruno, who simply maintained eye contact with Zues for a few seconds longer before saying “Yes” in the flattest tone possible. Zeus furrowed his brow, but then turned back to Josh.
“Alright then! We’ll see you then, Josh.” Zeus commanded with a kind smile.
“W-Will do…” Josh squeaked out. He suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom.
As did Zeus, apparently.
“Word, little man. I'm gonna take a leak. See you guys around!”
Zeus turned to leave, and like a shepherd herding sheep, the group began to follow slowly behind. Darius was the first to follow behind him, almost eagerly. Dom looked at Daniel and they both kind of shrugged and decided to head off. But Daniel had to turn around to grab Kendrick, whose attention had drifted to a MILF in the vicinity. Danny rolled his eyes and dragged his horny friend away. Meanwhile Bruno and Reggie lagged behind. Reggie started to speak to his roommate.
“Bro, I know he’s….” he didn’t finish that sentence. Zeus was still in ear shot. “But, like…”
Bruno interrupted him. “Nah FUCK that, bro. That’s like the third time this week alone.” Bruno scoffed, then started to walk with the rest of them. Reggie sighed then followed behind. Thus only leaving Mason, Xavier, Markus, and Josh.
Mason, ever the comedian, broke the silence.
“Well, that was…. unnecessarily intense.” he tried to joke.
Markus simply sighed. “Yeah. That’s Zeus for ya.”
Josh looked one last time at the powerful giant as he walked away with his basketball gods.
He did NOT have a good feeling about this “party.”
When the time for the party came, Josh was positioned in Xavier's hand as Mason stood next to him. Markus knocked on the door, and soon after, Zeus opened it.
Looking into the house, Markus noticed that….
"Welcome, welcome." Zeus would greet them as they all came in to his rather large home. It was his father's, but his parents owned several homes so it wasn't like Zeus had to worry about disturbing them. The lush house opened to a living room with a wide rug and, outside, a hot tub in the back yard could be seen.
Markus, ever observant, saw that everyone who was suppose to be here was here. Zeus, Darius, Dom, Bruno, Reggie, Kendrick, and Daniel. Plus him, Xavier, Mason, and Josh of course. But, sitting next to Daniel was someone he didn't expect to be there. Danny's boyfriend, Andres. This only surprised Markus because Daniel had only come out to him and Kendrick, not the rest of the team. But maybe Zeus knew and he was cool with it. Either way, it wasn't his buisness. He greeted Zeus with a fist bump into a hug, and Mason did the same.
"Sup, Mr Zeus." Xavier said.
Zeus chuckled. "You don't have to call me Mr."
Xavier beat himself up a bit for sounding so juvenile. "R-Right, sorry. Haha. Hey, uh, we got the guest of honor." He said, presenting Josh from his palm. Josh meekly waived hello to Zeus. The giant smiled down at him.
"Ah! Great! Hello Josh." Zeus said, reaching out his hand in a palm. His hand sat there for a moment. Josh and Xavier just kind of looked at each other. Then Zeus made a hand motion that suggested Xavier hand Josh over to him. Josh shrugged and the athlete complied, slowly. Zeus now held Josh in his hand and raised him to his handsome face.
"We're going to have a LOT of fun tonight, little guy." Zeus said, earnestly. Something about the way he said that rubbed Josh the wrong way, though.
Josh got a look at his surroundings from Zeus's palm. The giants all seemed to be doing different things.
On the couch, Kendrick and Andres were in heated combat. Mortal Kombat, specifically. They selected their characters as Daniel scrolled mindlessly on his phone. Whenever Andres spoke, though, his attention seemed to momentarily shift back to their conflict.
"Haha! I'm gonna kick your ass bro." Andres gloated, picking his main, Jax.
"Oh yeah?" Kendrick replied, picking whatever character had the biggest boobs. "I'm gonna DOUBLE kick YOUR ass!"
Andres scoffed, then bounced in excitement. "Oh HELL no, bro! I'm gonna TRIPLE kick YOUR ass!" He protested.
Kendrick sat up. "Oh yeah? Well…" he paused. "Uh…" Then he turned to Daniel. "Yo, Danny. What comes after triple?"
Daniel simply shook his head and laughed.
Meanwhile, Darius and Dom were in the midst of a battle of their own. A dance battle. Though it wasn't nearly as life and death. The roommates seemed to be complimenting each other with their sick moves to the music. They looked like they were having a lot of fun bouncing and jiving to the sound.
And finally, through the outside window, Josh could see Bruno and Reggie both dipping in Zeus's hot tub. It was hard to get a read on their facial expressions, let alone their conversation. But the fact that they had chosen to isolate themselves from the noise of the party definitely meant something. Josh hoped Zeus wouldn't bother those two after what he had overheard them talking about earlier, but it didn't seem like he had a choice. Josh stumbled in Zeus's palm as the giant began to move once more. Now walking, Zeus decided to hand josh over to…
Zeus looked over at Darius and Dom vibing to some music and smiled as he made his way over to them.
"Yo, how's my juniors doing?" Zeus casually slipped his way over to the two men, who stopped dancing to be at attention for Zeus. Josh looked back, noticing that Markus, Mason, and Xavier had tapered off to join their roommates. Josh swallowed nervously, realizing he'd been ditched by the only giants he knew for now just these three new men.
"Yo, Cap. We doing fine, just vibing." Darius eagerly was ready to be attentive to Zeus. Darius gave Dom a slight smack to get him to be attentive.
"Oh yo, sorry!" Dom snapped out of his trance with the music. "Sup Cap, yo you got the little dude with you?"
"Yep, I figured if anyone was going to watch him tonight it should be you two." Zeus reached out his hand, passing Josh off to Darius. "After all, it's a good test for you guys to be responsible for when you take over for me next year…"
Dom and Darius both stiffened up a little, feeling like this was all just a big test to see who would be captain next year. Josh noticed Darius's hand tremble a little as the titanic man held him.
"Don't worry Cap!" Dom, casually slipped Josh away from Darius while he wasn't paying full attention into his own hand. "We'll take good care of him AND show him an awesome night!"
Darius looked around, noticing Dom stole Josh from him as Zeus nodded his head. "Perfect, I'd expect no less from you two." Zeus turned back to notice Markus and the others had all group up together. "Come one guys… mingle. Less of this clicky bullshit."
Zeus walked away as Dom and Darius gave each other a quick look before Dom carefully placed Josh on a counter, next to the speaker where they were listening to music.
"Listen bro." Dom put his arm around his slightly taller friend. "We've got to watch this little guy like a hawk. Work together ya feel?"
"Bro…" Darius looked annoyed. "You literally stole him from my hand!"
"Yeah because you had that dumb deer in headlights look!" Dom tried to defend himself. "I thought you were gonna drop him and well… wouldn't have been MY fault but…"
"BRO." Darius said a little louder but more sternly. "You think I can't take care of a little bug size man? Uh… no offense little guy."
"What?!" Josh screamed, the music blasting in his ears, he couldn't hear a thing.
"Bro, just you know." Dom tried to sweeten Darius up a little. "I really want to be captain--- I mean co-captains with you next year. So like we've got to work together."
Darius peeked back at Zeus, seeing he was distracted trying to get Markus and crew to split up and mingle a bit more.
"Alright alright." Darius really wanted to make sure to make a good impression. Peeking down at Josh, he saw the tiny man covering his ears. "Bro, you put him down right next to the speaker…"
Darius reached down, scooping Josh up and reliving him from having music blasted in his ears.
"T-thanks! It was a little loud right there!" Josh yelled, barely able to hear himself through his ringing ears.
"Yeahhhh…" Darius smirked a little. "Def wasn't cool for Dom to put you there huh?"
Dom slowly turned his head toward Darius, giving him a look while Darius smirked out of the corner of his mouth.
"Oh I'm sure he didn't mean it, it's fine." Josh truly didn't care, assuming it was an innocent mistake. Dom smirked a little arrogantly in response.
"Yeah it was, bro!" Dom shoved Darius a little. "Darius over here making a big deal out of nothing."
Darius glared a little at Dom, knowing exactly what his roommate was up to.
"Hey little guy… uhhh Josh right?" Darius tried to create more of a connection. "You like dancing, buddy?"
"Oh… I'm not very good at dancing." Josh felt awkward, being both white as ghost and a huge nerd, he had no basic instinct with dancing.
"Darius, dude. Don't make him feel bad!" Dom snickered at Darius. "Hey why don't we teach you, bro?"
"Uh sure?" Josh figured it was a fairly interesting idea. He was bad at it for sure, but how bad could he really look to these titans when they could barely see him. Josh's stomach shifted again though as Dom took him from Darius's hand once again, bringing him to a table and turning over a red solo cup, placing him on top.
"Here you go, buddy! It's a little stage for you." Dom gave Josh a thumbs up, giving him a little confidence as he saw Darius come over, crossing his arms. Josh blushed a little as Dom started moving his body to the beat of the music. "Just gotta feel the music, bro!"
Josh tried and failed to mimic Dom's movements. He knew he had no rhythm and at this point he was hoping mimicry would allow him to get by for a bit.
"Nah bro, that's not great advice." Darius interrupted, showing off his more fluid moves to the music. "It's about the vibe, little buddy. Don't worry about the beat, bro."
Dom started to look annoyed, now being the one to cross his arms. Peeking over his shoulder, Dom could feel Zeus looking in their direction, observing them.
"Nah nah! it's like whatever you want it to be, free style bro!" Dom, pushing himself in front of Darius. Josh started to sweat a little, partially from trying to mirror their movements, but also just seeing as the two got more and more competitive for his attention.
Dom noticed Zeus look away as he and Darius relaxed a little, staring at each other and almost sizing one another up a bit. Josh felt awkward, stopping his attempt at dancing.
"Um… we can do something else if I'm no good." Josh tried to hope maybe they'd move on from this. It didn't seem like either of them listened to him though as they kept up the stare down. Finally Dom turned to Josh with a smile.
"Yo, little guy why don't we do something else?" Dom scooped Josh off the cup. "You hungry?"
Darius watched as Dom carried Josh away without him, he could feel Zeus peeking over at them once again too. Darius crossed his arms again. He could feel his blood boil a bit but he tried to keep his cool as he decided he was…
"That fucker's going down." Darius muttered to himself, then charged after his roommate.
Dom brought Josh to the kitchen. Sitting the tiny on the table as Darius walked up next to him, Dom scoped out the scene.
"So! What do you like, little dude?" Dom said, not even waiting for Josh to confirm that he's even hungry. Josh opened his mouth but Dom opened his faster. "We've got….pizza, chips, uh…veggies that Zeus brought, if you're into that…" The giant looked at the carrots and celery that sat completely untouched.
Darius rolled his eyes at his roommate. "He's not even big enough to eat any of that, dude."
Josh tried to speak up again. "Actually-"
But he couldn't get a word in.
"He still got a mouth, don't he? Dumbass." Dom protested. Darius, near fuming, shoved Dom. The giant bumped into the counter, spilling popcorn all over the floor. Darius smirked.
"Damn bro. Better pick that shit up before Zeus sees it." Darius gloated.
Dom looked pissed as he sighed and knelt down to clean up all the popcorn across the floor. At the same time, an eruption of cheers exploded from the couch where everyone was playing video games. Darius glanced over and saw that Markus, Xavier, Mason, and Zeus had joined Andres, Daniel, and Kendrick. Then he locked eyes with Josh. An idea flashed in his head and, thinking quickly, Darius took two fingers and flicked Josh into the box of warm pizza on the table. The poor tiny didn't even get a chance to react as he was suddenly flying through the air and then landing on his back in a pile of gooey cheese.
"Huh?? W-What's going on???" Josh said as he struggled in the cheese. He was looking up at Darius, who had an evil grin on his face. The giant winked, made a "shhhh" motion with his fingers and lips, and then shut the pizza box. As Darius picked up the box and carried it out to the living room, Dom was still halfway though cleaning up the mess.
"Bro HOW did you win???" Andres said, laughing to hide his embarrassment. Kendrick simply shrugged. "I'm just better bro." He said, casually flexing his bicep to Andres. The crowd around them laughed a bit at Andres's expense, though Danny gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Zeus got everyone's attention as Darius got closer.
"Alright then. Loser passes the controller." He said to Andres, who visibly did not take kindly to being called a loser.
"Whatever…" Andres pouted a bit, handing the PS4 controller to Zeus. Kendrick smirked and playfully shoved the hispanic athelete in the side as if to rub it in. Zeus then looked around the room. "Who's up next?" He asked. A voice from behind him answered.
"I'll play if no one else wants to!" Darius said, holding the box in his hand. "But first…pizza, anyone?" He said as he opened the box.
Josh went from submerged in darkness to his sky being filled with 7 giants in front of him. All the people at the party seemed to look directly at him as he was trapped in the cheese. But instead of seeing him on the slice, they only saw food. Some of the guys looked like they were nearly drooling. In fact, he was pretty sure Kendrick actually was. Another round of cheers blasted from the men as all of them bolted towards Darius and started to reach for the pizza in his hands.
"No! NO NO WAIT!! IM DOWN HERE!!" Josh screamed for his life, but no one could hear him over the music and clamoring. Everyone in the stampede grabbed a slice and tore it off. First Kendrick, then Andres (who grabbed one for Daniel), then Mason, Xavier, Markus, and Zeus in that order. Taking the last slice for himself, Darius smirked as his plan was about to be fully enacted.
"To the team!" Darius said, raising his slice in the air as if to toast.
"TO THE TEAM!" the rest of the guys cheered. Zeus nodded at Darius in approval of his initiative, unaware that someone in the group was about to devour their guest of honor.
Meanwhile, on one of the 8 pizza slices, Josh found himself hurling towards the hungry mouth of…
Josh struggled in the thick, gooey surface beneath him. His arms and legs were glued to the top of the food, and no matter how much he wiggled, the ground wouldn’t budge. The melted cheese smelled almost overwhelmingly delicious. And he was forced to look up at the man holding him in his greedy hands, he could tell that Kendrick was thinking the same thing. Unbeknownst to Josh, the giant dim wit hadn’t eaten in several hours. And his metabolism was faster than his ability to forget what’s happening around him if a female is present.
So, needless to say, he was starving. Starving for pizza.
Starving for Josh.
“HELP! DOWN HERE!!! PLEASE!” Josh begged for his life. He screamed with all the air in his lungs, and still he kept rising closer and closer to Kendrick’s maw. But just as he thought his cries fell upon deaf ears, the motion stopped. And Kendrick locked on to the tiny speck on his pizza. It was completely by chance, but Josh was noticed just in time.
“What the fuck…?” Kendrick trailed off to himself, though it was definitely loud enough for Josh to hear.
“Oh thank God…” Josh nearly cried in joy. His heart rate started to go back down as he stared up at the handsome dark giant. He thought he was safe.
Until Kenny spoke again.
“Huh. Ants…” he said, only slightly in disgust.
“What? No! No, you idiot, I’m--” Josh started to protest, squirming once more.
But the genius wouldn’t get to finish his sentence. The ground shook beneath him as Kendrick resumed bringing Josh up to his face.
“WhAT??? NO! NO NO NO STOOOOOOP!” Josh screamed, louder than before. But this time, as with the last, it didn’t matter. He was going into the athlete’s mouth.
As the slice reached its destination, a glob of saliva drooled down on top of Josh. He screamed, which only led to getting a mouthful of Kendrick’s slobber, and then the chewing began.
“Huh. Ants….” Kendrick said, mostly to himself. He thought about taking it off and crushing it, but then his stomach gurgled loudly, reminding him of the urgency that eating had at the moment. So, the giant shrugged off the concern. One ant wasn’t gonna kill him. If anything, it would be extra protein. And damn did he need protein…
Kenny took the slice into his mouth and started chewing so ravenously it was almost primitive. But he didn’t care. The warm gooey cheese hitting every single one of his taste buds was so worth it. His mouth exploded with the sensation of the flavors. And on top of that, he could feel a slight squirming as well. An almost desperate squirming on his tongue. The big guy didn’t mind the feeling actually. It added to the sensation of eating this kick ass pizza. Unfortunately for Kendrick, the squirming stopped abruptly when he felt a small crunch under his molars. The giant brute was a bit disappointed. He wanted to feel what it would be like to send the little insignificant creature down his throat. See if he would even feel him. But his disappointment quickly shifted to arrogance when he realized how easily he had overpowered the speck.
“Damn bug didn’t stand a chance against Big Ken.” He thought to himself, seemingly not caring how cringe it was to call himself Big Ken. “That’s what you get for sneaking on my food, bitch.” Kendrick thought. He liked to win. He had beaten Andres in a game that Andres was apparently good at, and he had totally dominated this random bug without much effort. It made him feel like a winner, like a bigger threat than he already was.
The giant then smirked, cockily, and gulped the mess of pizza that his teeth had obliterated down his throat.
Josh’s lifeless body slid down the black basketball player’s throat. The bulge in Kenny’s neck being the last visible trace of Josh anyone would ever see. Kendrick had won. And Josh had lost.
Zeus slid the glass door open for Markus, Xavier, and Mason, allowing Josh to feel the cool night air on his skin while he stood in the man’s palm. Reggie immediately tensed up upon seeing Zeus and the other guys walking towards him. Bruno, on the other hand, sunk further into the hot tub in annoyance, seriously hoping Zeus was not about to do what he thought he was about to do.
As it turns out, Zeus was about to do exactly what Bruno thought he was about to do.
“Gentlemen!” The man boomed. Josh wondered if he MEANT to make his voice echo or if it just happened unintentionally. Either way, Zeus kept talking. “Xavier has managed to bring Josh to this party unharmed. I trust that you two can show our esteemed guest a good time at this party. As far as I’m concerned, he’s on our team tonight.” Zeus said, smiling down at the nervous looking bug in his hand.
The giant then knelt down to Bruno beneath him, and extended his hand as if to say “you better take him.” Bruno rose from the hot tub a bit to collect his new babysitting job. The giant man opened his hand, and Zeus deposited Josh into Bruno’s warm, wet palm. The surface was a bit like standing in a really muggy swamp, but after seeing Bruno’s annoyed facial expression as the two locked eyes, Josh didn’t dare complain. The tiny watched as the man holding him gathered enough willpower to half ass a faked smile.
“No prob, Zues. We’ll definitely take care of him.” he replied, flatly. Reggie nodded in agreement, a little more earnestly. Zeus smiled, nodded, and then stood up once more. Now he REALLY towered over Josh, who from this angle was basically at the god’s feet. The tiny could barely even see Zeus’s facial expression as he spoke.
“You holler if you need anything, little man.” Zeus said, even though there was no way he’d hear Josh over the sound of the party. The captain then turned back around to the three somewhat on-edge guys standing behind him. “Now then! Mason, Xavier! You guys should get better introduced to the rest of--”
“Actually….uh…” Xavier interrupted. Zeus stopped. He blinked, just to make sure he was perceiving things correctly. Had this newbie seriously interrupted him mid-sentence? Zeus was going to say something again before Xavier continued talking.
“I was, uh…kind of thinking maybe I could chill out here with Bruno and Reggie? You know, chill with them. They seem…cool.” Xavier finished.
Zeus looked at the man with slight disbelief. Then he turned to Bruno and Reggie. Reggie, along with Markus, seemed a little shocked that anyone would dare cut Zeus off. Bruno, on the other hand, smirked at Xavier’s mistake. Zeus then quickly collected himself and readdressed Xavier.
“….Sure then, Xavier. You can “chill” with these two.” He said, slightly faking a smile. “I’m sure you’d get along quite well, actually.” Zeus said, though it definitely felt like more of an accusation. Even Josh could feel the shade as Zeus walked away, dragging an astonished Markus and Mason with him. Mason closed the glass door behind them. And as soon as he did, Bruno let out a snicker that poured onto Josh. Reggie laughed nervously as well. Xavier just stood there, a little perplexed.
“Yo, what’s so funny?” Xavier asked genuinely.
Bruno stopped laughing, a smile wide on his face. “You got balls, bro.” He said, extending a fist bump to the giant. He closed his fist to do so, trapping Josh within his big hand. But he didn’t seem to notice or care. It wasn’t enough to crush the little man, but once Bruno unclenched his fist again, Josh groaned in pain from being squeezed. Bruno noticed this and rolled his eyes. He deposited Josh on the edge of the hot tub and out of his hand. Then his attention quickly went back to Xavier.
“Come on in, bro. The water’s nice.” He said, something sly lurking in his voice.
A little later, after Xavier had stripped down to almost nothing, he dipped his long dark legs into the hot tub. He let out a sigh of contentment as his whole body entered the hot tub. Josh, who was still next to Bruno, had backed up from the edge of the tub out of fear of drowning. But he still got splashed by Xavier as the teenage titan entered. Xavier began to shoot the shit with Bruno and Reggie, getting to know them. As the conversation went on between the men, Xavier started to….
The conversation continued and Josh felt more and more ignored. He mostly kept quiet, worrying that anything he said would piss off Bruno. It wasn’t an unfounded assumption based on how things were going. The giants sipped the liquid in their red solo cups.
“I trust that you two can show our ESTEEMED guest a good time at this party.” Reggie mocked Zeus’s earlier comment. It made Bruno laugh and even got a chuckle out of Xavier, who had no real negative feelings toward Zeus. “Like who the hell talks like that, bro?” Reggie continued.
“Light skins, bro.” Bruno said, shaking his head. Reggie busted out laughing, and even Xavier laughed harder than he did the last time. “Zeus can eat a fucking dick bro, on God.…” Bruno insulted, letting some genuine anger slip in.
Xavier reached for his solo cup of soda, but Bruno grabbed his arm to stop him. “Aye. You want something a lil stronger than that?” He suggested. The man pulled out a hidden can of beer from under the ice of a nearby cooler. It was at that point that Xavier realized that the drinks in Bruno and Reggie's solo cups weren't actually soda.
“Oh, uh…” Xavier started. “…I thought Zeus said this was one of those dry parties. Plus I’m 18.”
Reggie laughed. “Yeah. So, are we. But hey, we don't give a shit if you don’t. What, you don’t drink or smoke?” Reggie asked, a bit surprised.
Xavier shrugged. “Not often.” He said casually, though Josh could tell he looked a little uncomfortable.
“Well you aint gotta do nothin’ you don’t wanna do.” Bruno encouraged. “But Reggie and I lit up a little before we got here. And smuggling this shit in was mandatory to deal with His Royal Highness over there.” He said, gesturing to Zeus talking to Darius in the distance. The gesture accidentally splashed Josh, who again, said nothing. Though he WAS growing annoyed. Xavier looked over to the two athletes in front of them. They were really chill dudes, and if he played his cards right, he would have a chance of being on the team with them. Plus, it didn’t seem like they were SUPER drunk or high. Just a bit tipsy. So…
Xavier casually reached for the can in Bruno’s hand and brought it to his mouth. He felt compelled to chug the whole thing instead of sipping like Bruno and Reggie had been. So he chugged, hard. Reggie laughed in shock at Xavier’s ability to party. And Bruno looked pleased. “My man…” he said in approval. Once Xavier finished chugging, he looked away a little sad before speaking again.
“So, like…why don’t you guys like Zeus?” Xavier asked, looking back at the house to make sure no one had seen him drink.
“Drills us 24/7, doesn’t let us breathe, says dumb arrogant shit all the time…” Reggie started to list. “Like bro I get your dad was a tight ass or whatever, but you don’t gotta take that shit out on US, you feel me? We ALL work hard as FUCK on that team, dawg.” Reggie vented out his feelings, happy he had someone on his side besides just his roommate.
Bruno spoke up as well. “Facts, bro. I got a scholarship for basketball. Not for bootcamp.” He joked, and Reggie snickered. “And I definitely did not get a scholarship for babysitting, bro.” The dark giant glanced around briefly as Reggie laughed, then found what he was looking for. Josh. The giant sloppily picked up the tiny man and pinched him between his fingers, accidentally hurting the speck in the process. Bruno held Josh to his face, dangerously over the hot water below.
“I mean look at this shit, bro! Shit’s fucking ridiculous, what even IS this?” He said, scowling at Josh like he was a cockroach.
“Looks like a bug to me, bro.” Reggie said, still laughing. Xavier was starting to realize Reggie was way more high than he let on.
“Don't this look like a bug to you, bro?” Bruno said, hoisting Josh up to Xavier’s face. Xavier looked at Josh. Something in him wanted to defend the little man…
“I mean…yeah. He’s basically a bug. Bug sized; you know?” Xavier said nonchalantly. Josh looked a little betrayed. But Xavier felt something spring up in him. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, but something about Josh being so helpless in Bruno’s fingers made him feel bigger than he ever had before.
“Right, bro…” Bruno continued. “He a damn puny bug, for sure.” Bruno said, a little tipsy. He carelessly placed Josh down. This time, though, he didn’t watch his hand. He inadvertently spiked his own drink by slipping Josh into it. The tiny man landed in a splash in the liquid. Neither Bruno nor Reggie noticed the tiny’s new location. But Xavier had seen the whole thing. At that moment, he decided to say…
"Yo, Bruno… there's a bug in your drink…" Xavier decided to point it out, being casual about it. He didn't want to seem uncool in front of these two, but he still had reservations about Josh getting accidently drank. Bruno picked up his cup, looking down into it with a pissed off somewhat buzzed expression.
"Ha! Whoops." Bruno shrugged, swirling his cup around before setting it back down. "Good eye Xavier, hey why haven't you applied for any scholarships at our school yet, bro?"
"Uhhh…" Xavier shifted in the water a little awkwardly. "I dunno, I was pretty dominate in high school. But I didn't really think much about college yet."
"Well we could use more big dudes like you, dawg." Reggie relaxed back a bit. "Dom and Darius are already juniors. You'd be the biggest dude on the team once they graduate."
Xavier smirked, sitting up a little. He liked the sound of that. He was used to being huge, but it was weird playing with dudes his size like Dom and Darius again like he was forced to as a kid.
"That sounds tight bro." Xavier felt confidence well up inside him. "Maybe I'll apply."
"Do it, dude." Reggie raised his fist in approval. "Once you're in his royal highness will be fucking goooooone."
"If we could only be so lucky." Bruno sighed, wishing he could be in Xavier's shoes. Bruno grabbed his drink causally taking a sip of it before remembering Josh was still in the drink. He chuckled sipping again anyway. Xavier bit his lip, watching Bruno carelessly take sips.
"Ha.. yo don't forget about that bug in there." Xavier sweat a little, hoping to remind Bruno. "I mean there's no point in pissing off Zeus more, right?"
"Or is there?" Bruno set the cup down, looking over at Reggie, who seemed to be on the same wave length as him. "You thinking what I'm thinking, bro?"
"Oh hell yeah, dawg." Reggie smiled sitting up. "You're thinking we should…"
"Why don't we have Xavier drink that bug as an… initiation." Reggie smirked, leaning back. Bruno nodded, knowing Reggie knew exactly what he was thinking. Bruno grabbed the cup, handing it over to Xavier.
"Trust me, dude. Dom and Darius make us do WAY worse shit than this." Bruno reassured Xavier, knowing how badly the two juniors hazed freshmen like them. "We'll put in good words for you though, for your scholarship and probably so they don't haze you then you start, dude."
"For real?" Xavier held the cup, slightly buzzed himself as he wasn't used to drinking on an empty stomach. Thoughts raced through his head. Should he go through with this? These were drunken promises in a hot tub for sure, but he knew it sounded like a really good opportunity. Xavier's mind raced back to when he first met Josh and how badly Tyler was trying to get someone to eat him.
"I mean… I could've just done the same thing back then…" Xavier thought silently to himself. He tried to think about what he was really losing out on by drinking Josh. The job at the park? Psh. That was nothing compared to a free ride on a basketball scholarship. Besides the park could probably survive without him. Xavier figured if he played his cards right… he might not even lose his current job over this.
"Yo, so like… what do we tell Zeus?" Xavier asked, not looking down in the cup, knowing he wouldn't want Josh's reaction to influence him.
"Eh." Bruno shrugged. "He fell in the hot tub and we didn't notice." Bruno quickly came up with the excuse.
"Yeah! If anything it's Zeus fault for giving him to us in a fucking hot tub, bro!" Reggie added, thinking quickly.
"Word…" Xavier felt like those were pretty solid excuses. Bruno looked over at Reggie, raising an eyebrow.
"If you're too pussy to drink it, then give it back to me, dude." Bruno taunted Xavier, knowing exactly the hazing technic Dom or Darius would play on him.
Without hesitation and much like before, Xavier tilted the cup to his lips, chugging the drink down just like before. Similarly, Bruno and Reggie both expressed words of support and being impressed at how easily Xavier went through with it. Xavier tossed the empty cup aside, putting his hands behind his head. He couldn't help but smirk arrogantly, accepting his place among new friends.
- - -
Josh screamed in both terror and surprised as he was washed down in the torrent of beer. He couldn't believe the betrayal he went though with Xavier. Washing into to the titan's stomach, Josh couldn't help but notice how intensely hot it was inside.
"God it's boiling in here!" Josh knew the giant's lower section was lowered into what must've been over one hundred degree temperature water. It easily felt warmer and more humid in here. Josh sweltered and panted as he tried desperately to find dry 'land'. Washing up pathetically in one of the wrinkles of Xavier's stomach, Josh panted from the intense heat. He could barely see or think as the inside of the giant's stomach cooked him alive. What's worse is Josh overheard the whole exchange between the three men. He knew the choice Xavier took and as he laid there barely surviving, Josh couldn't help but resent Bruno and Reggie for so easily swaying Xavier.
"Maybe… I should have… started a scholarship fund…" Josh's last words escaped his mouth as Xavier's stomach quickly boiled him alive, the tiny man not even surviving long enough to be digested by the massive titanic teen.
- - -
"Helloooo teammates!" Zeus greeted the three men in the hot tub, coming by to check in. Bruno and Reggie rolled their eyes where as Xavier sunk into the hot tub nervously. "You know guys. It's not good to sit in a hot tub for more than fifteen minutes. You all should get out and mingle with everyone else."
"Come on, Zeus." Bruno complained. I'm comfy, plus we're bonding with Xavier over here, right Xav?"
"Y-yeah!" Xavier responded nervously giving, Zeus a smile.
"Josh too right?" Zeus looked around, noticing all the men had their hands in the hot tub.
"Oh riiight!" Reggie slapped his forehead dramatically. "Dude, where'd he go?"
"Oh man!" Bruno caught up with Reggie's acting. "Yo, Zeus he wanted to take a quick dip, we had an eye on him till you came over!"
"What?!" Zeus looked down into the water. "Yo, dude. He's way too small! He'll drown!"
"Oh fuck!" Reggie followed along pretending to look through the water. "He didn't think about that!"
"Oh damn bro! Yeah we should've stopped him!" Bruno also pretended to look. "He was right here a second ago!"
"Yo, Zeus! Bro! He was floating fine right till you came by!" Reggie stood up from the water, looking like he'd be ready to throw hands.
"Dude, don't move!" Zeus put a hand up at Reggie. "I'll find a net or something!"
Reggie got back down into the water, the pair chucking to themselves, fist bumping and looking over at Xavier. Xavier let out a low rumbling burp, whether from nervousness or from the hot tub boiling his stomach, he wasn't sure. Reggie and Bruno couldn't help but laugh more feeling it was the most appropriate response to the situation.
"We were gonna hang out at mine and Mason's place, dude." Xavier casually responded, watching as Josh hopped into Mason's hand. "Nothing too crazy planned."
"Oh okay, that's good." Josh relaxed, knowing he really could use a relaxing stress free hang out.
"Never know, might get exciting, dude!" Mason brought Josh up to his face with a wink and a smile. Xavier simply shook his head and sighed.
"Come on, bro." Xavier put a hand on Mason's shoulder. "No antics, little dude probably just wants to relax."
"No promises!" Mason closed his hand gently around Josh before taking off without Markus and Xavier out the door. Xavier let out another sigh as he stood with Markus.
"He's gonna get the little guy killed, bro." Xavier walked calmed with Markus out the back door.
"Dude, don't say that!" Markus laughed, shoving Xavier, hoping the big teen was just joking.
- - -
Having made their way to Mason, Xavier, and Andreas's place, Josh took in the sizable duplex seeing it was a modest place with a large downstairs and bedrooms upstairs. For now, Josh found himself sitting on an arm rest of a somewhat old couch in the living room while the three giants relaxed on the couch together, chatting while they turned on the TV to basketball.
"Hey Josh!" Mason leaned down his face next to him on the arm rest. "Do you like basketball?!"
"Uhhh…" Josh looked from Mason's eager expression to the TV. He didn't really follow any sports, so he wasn't sure what to say. "It's okay! I mean you guys all play right?"
"Oh yeah, bro." Mason excitedly watched the TV while he chatted. "I love me some ballin'. You should play with us sometime!"
"I doubt I'd be very good." Josh laughed, having never even been able to dribble a ball before. "Besides, even when I'm not small like this you all would have a bit of a height advantage…"
"We'd go easy on you!" Mason tried to reassure Josh. "Oh! You could play from my shoulders! We'd be like a super person, dude!"
"The fuck you two talking about?" Xavier leaned over from the other side of the couch. Mason leaned back over to Xavier.
"Yo, Josh is gonna ball with us next time!" Mason basically speaking for Josh, who meekly squeaked in protest.
"Ha! How, bro?" Markus interjected between the two. "He'd get squashed by the ball."
"Yo, or stepped on." Xavier chuckled, knowing he wouldn't even see Josh on the ground.
"He wouldn't be tiny, dudes!" Mason argued back. "He'd be his normal size."
Markus and Xavier looked at each other and laughed.
"Yeah dude, I think our points still stand." Markus chuckled, knowing normal or tiny, Josh was nothing more than a little shrimp. "Don't worry, Josh. We're just joking. You can ball with us if you want, homie."
"Geez, I never said I did…" Josh whispered to himself as Mason leaned back over to him.
"Don't worry, dude. I won't let them bully you." Mason winked at Josh, while both Markus and Xavier sat back, chuckling.
"It's far from the worst I've ever heard." Josh shrugged, knowing he gets mocked on a daily basis by some of the guys for being so small.
"Nah homie!" Mason scooped Josh up into his hand. "It's not okay!"
"Uhhh…" Josh was shocked by being suddenly scooped up.
"Bro, what are you doing…" Xavier rose and eyebrow suspiciously at Mason, who held Josh and stood up from the couch.
"Taking my little buddy away from you bullies!" Mason closed his hand over Josh, leaving the room and going upstairs to his room.
"Dude come on!" Xavier called after him. Mason ignored his friend though as he brought Josh up into his room and shut the door. Opening up his hand, Josh looked around seeing Mason's cluttered room. It was moderately messy with clothes somewhat scattered about. But the real clutter was a large assortment of random gag and prank things laying around. Mason grabbed a whoopie cushion and squeezed it, laughing as it made a farting noise.
"Classic! Right, bud?" Mason chuckled as he set down the toy.
"Wow you sure have a lot of pranking stuff." Josh was surprised. He heard Mason was a bit of a prankster, but he didn't realize how intense about it he was about it.
"You know it homie!" Mason grabbed what looked like an unassuming pen, pressing the button and laughing as he dropped it. "Ow, haha. Shock pen!"
"You're really into it!" Josh chuckled, as Mason grabbed a fake spider. It actually made Josh sweat a little as it actually looked pretty real.
"He's gonna getcha! Watch out!" Mason joked as he held the spider before tossing it into the pile of stuff. "Anyway, we'll have more fun up here without those two!"
"They were just joking, I'm really not worried about it." Josh tried to hand wave the issue. Mason shook his head disagreeing.
"Naw dawg! They were being jerks." Mason sat down on his bed, holding Josh up above his chest. "They shouldn't make fun of you for being so small."
"I'm used to it." Josh shrugged, it really not bothering him.
"Still dude, we should get back at them!" Mason slapped his bed with his free hand. "I've got plenty of material up here, what do you think?"
"Uhhh…" Josh looked around. It might be funny, as Josh thought about it…
"You know what? Sure, let's give them a little prank." Josh smiled, interested in what Mason had in mind. Mason jumped up from his bed, way more enthusiastic than Josh thought he'd be as he nearly went flying out of the giant's hand.
"Dude! I have so many ideas!" Mason excitedly brought Josh over to his shelves, setting Josh down and starting pull out as many random gag material as he could find. Josh watched in fascination as Mason pulled out all kinds of things, like joy buzzers, whoopie cushions, and fake spider and snakes.
"Yo!" Mason grabbed a whoopie cushion. "How funny would it be if we stuck you IN the whoopie cushion and then Markus or Xavier sat on it!?"
"Uhhhh…" Josh didn't exactly think the idea sounded safe, but he didn't really have time to retort as Mason pulled out another object.
"Oh how about…" Mason held up a little baggy that was full of tiny plastic people. "Heh look!"
Mason reached into the bag and grabbed one that had similar colored clothes painted on it as Josh. It was remarkable how it was actually larger than Josh, just by a little bit.
"Where the heck did you get these?" Josh asked, shocked to see a little plastic person dressed like him be placed next to him.
"Just some site sold them in a big bulk baggie!" Mason shook the bag. "I actually got the idea to plant them around shortly after I started working for you!"
"Plant them around?" Josh asked, slightly concerned.
"Yeah I'd just put them in random places. In Xavier and Andreas's rooms, their food, their shoes, the shower, where ever really!" Mason thought for a moment how many he's put around. "They never notice them! It's so disappointing, dude."
Josh swallowed nervously, realizing how oblivious they must be to never notice them.
"We could probably fool them with one of these little guys while you watched and laughed though, bro." Mason tossed the tiny plastic man up and down in his hand while he spoke. "They won't be able to tell the difference from a distance!"
Josh more so liked the idea of this plan the the whoopie cushion idea, however Mason put down the plastic man as he pulled out one of his realistic looking spiders.
"How about THIS though?!" Mason put the spider next to Josh. It was horrifyingly large compared to him, yet small compared to Mason. Josh was glad it was fake, otherwise he figure he'd be pissing himself in fear.
"W-what do we do with this?" Josh awkwardly asked, uncomfortable despite the spider's fakeness.
"Make em panic!" Mason pumped up a fist. "We can put you on the kitchen counter with it. Then when they asked where you are, I'll just nonchalantly say you're out on the table. Then they come to check on you and freak out, bro!"
"Huh… okay…" Josh also didn't feel like that sounded so bad, plus it might be kind of funny to pretend he was under attack by a giant spider just to see Markus's or Xavier's reactions.
"Hmmm…" Mason crossed his arms, thinking for a second. "Well I made up my mind!"
"That fast?!" Josh whispered to himself, impressed Mason decided so quickly. A little nervous, Josh watched as Mason grabbed the…
Josh let out a sigh of relief as he watched Mason grab the tiny plastic man.
"Heh heh, yeah this'll be the most fun!" Mason tossed the tiny toy high up the air and caught it a few times. "Let's see what kind of trouble 'Josh' can get into!"
Josh was glad Mason accompanied his name with air quotes, feeling pretty okay about this idea. Mason lowered his hand allowing Josh to board his palm once more, this time he was accompanied by his plastic motionless clone.
"Creepy." Josh poked at the plastic person while Mason rose his hand quickly, knocking Josh off his feet as he laid next to the toy. Josh watched as Mason closed his hand over him once again.
- - -
"Alright!" Mason excitedly closed his hand. "We'll hand down stairs and plant this little decoy!"
With his hand closed, Mason realized he wouldn't have heard a response from Josh if he did answer, so he just continued on his way out of his room, making his way back down stairs. Turning his way back into the living room, Mason saw Markus and Xavier right where he left them.
"Yo, what?" Mason shook his head. "Did you guys even move?"
"You only stormed off for like 10 minutes, bro." Xavier leaned back, chuckling a little. "What? Worried we'd ditch you and Josh?"
"N-no." Mason blushed a little. "Well whatever, what are you guys up to?"
"Still just watching some bball, homie." Markus motioned at the TV. "Getting kinda hungry though. Maybe we should order some food or something?"
"Yeah! Good idea, bro." Mason remembered he hadn't eaten yet either. Mason watched as Xavier stood up, leaving an impression in the couch from his massive ass.
"Aight, what do we want?" Xavier pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Door dashing Chipotle sounds fire right now."
"Word, let's go with that." Mason agreed, also feeling like chipotle was the right move.
"Where's Josh, by the way?" Markus rose an eyebrow as he looked at Mason.
"In my room, bro." Mason lied. "Keep him away from you bullies."
"Whatever, bro." Markus also stood up, turning the corner to head to the bathroom. Noticing now was a good chance to prep himself to drop the tiny plastic Josh somewhere, Mason fished into his closed palm and…
"Oh right." Josh said to himself, remembering he wanted to relieve a few of the new guys for their lunch breaks. despite having more staff, Josh still found himself enjoying micromanaging when he could. Getting up to leave, Josh knew he had three of the new guys to swap out at the wave pool. Heading out, Josh recalled from memory that the three men were Trevor, Andres, and Cliff.
Josh headed to the wave pool, seeing the three men all together, seemingly they had already been relieved by the other lifeguards.
"I should've know." Josh thought to himself. Bobby was one of the people who was to relive them, and he knew he could always count on his roommate to be on the ball.
Josh smiled as he watched the three men chat. Josh was of course familiar with Andres from when he hired him at his house, but Trevor and Cliff were relatively new faces to him. Trevor in particular never ceases impress Josh as his curiosity and intellect are a certain step above most of the other guys he talks with on a day to day basis. Despite how smart he was, Josh was happy to see him making friends with some of the other guys, as it was his ultimate goal to make more casual and gym buddy like friends when he wasn't trapped on his internship at the hospital. Josh couldn't help but admire Trevor; tall, strong, and handsome? What didn't the buff nerd have going for him?
Meanwhile, Josh shifted his attention to Cliff, the son of the investors who helped with the park's expansion. The handsome yet spoiled young man was prone for hanging out with some of the trouble makers at the park, but Josh was glad to see him getting along with Andres and Trevor who are much better influences.
"Yeah based off what Bobby told me, it could be interesting if you guys think we can pull it off?" Josh heard Trevor saying to Andres and Cliff as they came closer. The three men saw Josh, however and approached him. "Hey boss, we were just headed to lunch!"
"Great! I was coming to check on you guys, but it looks like I wasn't needed." Josh smiled, feeling like things almost went too smoothly nowadays.
"Yeah Bobby kept the other guys on time, dude!" Andres gave Josh a thumbs up. "But it's good we ran into you, man."
"Oh?" Josh questioned, wondering what was up. "What's up?"
"Why don't we talk about it over lunch?" Cliff suggested. "I'm starving."
"Of course, I'll meet you guys in the break room!" Josh nodded in understanding, not wanting to eat up his employee's lunch time.
Josh watched as the men made their way to the front of the park, going back around outside to grow to their normal sizes before going to the break room. Still never bothering to grow to his normal size when entering the break room, Josh headed to the room, choosing to remain shrunken.
Entering the break room, it was bigger and better than ever. Josh chose to update the room to accommodate for more lifeguards, improving a lot of the features of the room as well as the transport system for him to get around the room in his shrunken state. Josh looked around the room, seeing the door on the far side open as he saw Trevor, Andres, and Cliff enter. Josh made his way to the edge of the balcony, where he had a new microphone and a magnifying glass put in so it was easier to talk with people in the room.
"Hey guys, I'll be right over here!" Josh addressed the men as they grabbed their lunches out of the refrigerator. Josh watched as Andres grabbed his sandwich before coming over to Josh. Josh tried not to change his expression too much as the huge handsome man was now looming over him.
"Hey man, why don't you sit with us at the table?" Andres asked, setting his free hand down next to Josh. Josh looked over at the hand, feeling like he'd be rude not to accept as he made his way onto the man's palm. Riding over to the table, Josh finally let himself blush as he looked up past Andres's perfect abs to his handsome scruffy face. Andres set Josh down on the table as Josh looked at Cliff sitting down with a very rich looking salad, complete with shrimp and other fixings. Josh looked over at Trevor, who was just finishing heating some chicken and rice in the microwave. Finally, he watched as Andres took a large bite into his sandwich.
Josh shifted a little awkwardly, it was a little intimidating sitting at the table as the three giants tore into their food.
"So what did you guys want to talk to me about?" Josh asked, wanting to get the ball rolling.
"Ok! So, we were talking with Bobby about that little accident that happened to you." Trevor started to say, as Josh shifted even more uncomfortably, being surrounded by food and now bringing up that topic making him a little wary. "Andres here mentioned it to me the other day, so I was curious and asked Bobby too."
"Oh, okay. What about it?" Josh asked, hoping the topic would remain tame.
"Well, Trevor was interested in the sciency side of it, but I thought it'd make for an interesting water slide idea!" Andres spat up a couple crumbs in excitement.
"A ride that would go inside a person's body?" Josh asked, knowing there would be at least a million safety hazards involved in a ride like that.
"Well hear me out first, boss." Trevor interjected, knowing exactly what must be going through Josh's mind. "You see we'd just be…"
"We'd be taking some necessary precautions, of course." Trevor explained as he chowed down on his chicken and rice. "I have an idea you and I could work on for a sort of special suit the little people could wear."
"Oh? Okay well that'll take some testing. Plus I don't know how well things would go if a lawyer got involved if someone was hurt…" Josh tried to wrap his head around some of the possible legal implications this idea could have.
"Dad's got a great lawyer we're planning on talking to to right up release forms. They'll be air tight." Cliff leaned back with a cocky grin. "Besides, we have an idea of charging extra to wear the suit. So we'll need a pretty good waiver."
"What do you mean? Like they pay extra for the protection? So it'd be an at your own risk thing?" Josh continued to try and figure out what the men had planned.
"Not quite, my man." Andres turned Josh's attention to him. "For those little people in the suits it'd be a full ride. But those without the suits well… let's just say they don't make it past the stomach…"
"Why would anyone pay to go on that ride?" Josh questioned. Feeling like they have to be crazy or have a death wish to want that. "You'd be paying someone to end your life."
"I know it sounds horrible, boss. But hear me out." Trevor tried to get Josh back on board. "There's actually apparently a market out there for that sort of thing. People bored or sick of life with some cash to burn."
"Okay…" Josh tried to refocus on the idea at hand. "But there'd still be a safe option. Admittedly, even I would be interested in that. However… I don't know how happy people would be about making the full trip…"
"You'd be surprised about that too, boss. Besides we could come up with a way of catching them once they pass all the way though." Trevor continued to explain. "But yeah that's our basic idea so far."
"Well I guess it's something we can work on. Sounds like Trevor and I can work on the inventing portions. Cliff can figure out the legal end." Josh looked toward Andres wanting to give him a role too. "Andres, why don't you come up with a name for this "ride" and more ways to make it interesting?"
"Nice man! Yeah I can do that!" Andres perked up, glad to hear he got an interesting role in their idea.
Josh nodded, feeling like they had a decent idea going, though Josh himself was still very unsure how successful it would be or not.
- - -
A few weeks of planning, Josh and his crew made some progress and were ready to test out the new "ride". Andres came up with the idea of allowing visitors to pay for certain trip packages, ranging from a super cheap unprotected group trip all the way to a vip experience. He also dubbed the "ride" to be called "The Giant Experience". Josh and Trevor had developed a suit allowing a person to survive the full trip through said giant, and Cliff had gotten the waivers set.
"Well guess all that's left is to decide who the first couple guys we want to advertise…" Josh thought to himself as he ironed out the last couple details of the plan. Each of the lifeguards had made a bio for them self complete with pictures and their style in devouring little people. Josh decided that he'd let the men keep whatever money they got thrown at them for the work they did, as incentive for each of them to draw in as many people as possible.
All that what was left was decide on the first three guys to be advertised this week. Thinking on it Josh decided he'd choose…
"Look it was enough of a gamble doing that once. I'm just kind of worn out, alright? Please?" Josh practically begged Tyler much to the huge man's disappointment.
"Fiiiine…" Tyler sighed as he shifted in his seat crossing his arms. Josh let a sigh of relief, glad he didn't have to try and escape from both his friend's dangerous stomachs tonight. Josh looked up at Bobby, noticing the handsome titan's face starting to drop slightly with sleepiness.
"You look tired, Bobby." Josh said up at the giant as he snapped awake at the sound of Josh's tiny voice. Bobby yawned again, covering his mouth with his free hand.
"No, I'm fine. Just glad I can be with you both again…" He said, starting to close his eyes again and almost drift off to sleep, before Tyler snapped his fingers in front of his friend's face to keep him from toppling forward and crushing Josh.
"Dude, go to bed. We can all hang out again tomorrow morning." Tyler said, looking at the clock and noting the time.
"You sure?" Bobby said with a slow blink. "I can stay up a bit longer."
"No, Ty's right. You should go to bed. Get adjusted to your new room upstairs ok? It's all yours from now on." Josh said looking up at his muscled friend with a smile.
"Alright, dude. Thanks again for all you've done for me, Josh." Bobby responded with a tired grin. "What about you guys though?"
"I'm gonna stay up for awhile longer. I'm not really that tired, dude." Tyler said with a little bounce in his seat, still feeling full of energy. Both giants turned their attention to Josh. He figured he could sneak upstairs with Bobby and catch an early night's sleep, or he could stay downstairs and stay up a little while longer with Tyler. Rubbing his face, Josh came to the conclusion that…
Josh rubbed his eyes really starting to feel his exhaustion catch up to him. "I'm pretty beat too actually. Why don't I just go up to bed with you Bobby? Ty can have my room tonight."
"Sweet! You bed is so much cushier than the sofa!" Tyler beamed with excitement.
"Glad you're happy, guess you can feel free to watch some TV before you go to bed too?" Josh offered thoughtfully, pointing at the remote on the nearby end table. Bobby looked at Tyler and started laughing a little as Tyler looked at the remote with disgust. Confused, Josh merely shrugged his shoulders as Bobby stood up, bringing Josh up with him.Josh looked up at Bobby as he watched the huge man sleepily make his way up the stairs before turning down the hall to enter his new bedroom.
Making his way into the room, Bobby looked around as saw a nice looking queen sized bed along side and end table with an alarm clock. A few other furnishings decorated the room as well as a spacious closet and a door leading to a small bathroom. Bobby made his way over to the end table and carefully let his minuscule friend slide off his hand and onto the wooden surface.
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom and clean up a bit before bed, alright?" Bobby said sleepily as he yawned looking down at Josh. Josh simply nodded as Bobby turned his back and walked into the little bathroom. Josh sat down, trying to make himself comfortable on the end table. Sitting back, Josh heard the toilet flush as well as the sink water run for a minute before he saw Bobby reemerge, dropping his tank top on the floor and holding a cap of sorts filled with water. Josh blushed slightly as the now shirtless behemoth approached him and set down the cap in front of him
"Here I thought you could clean up a bit too, dude." Bobby said thoughtfully as he sat down the bed and breathed in a massive yawn. Josh simply smiled as he reached over the edge of the cap and splashed a little water on his face and arms.
"Thanks, Bobby!" Josh smiled. "It's good to get all that gross stuff off of myself from your… uhh…"
"Yeah I figured, dude." Bobby laughed. "Next time just tell us to cut our shit, alright?"
"You know I didn't end up in your stomach on purpose right?" Josh sighed, raising his eyebrow.
"But you said to Tyler…" Bobby started to say before realizing what happened. "Ohh… Yeah I guess I didn't think about that. You were just letting him be right, huh?"
"Yeah it's just easier that way sometimes." Josh smiled, trying to clean himself up a little more efficiently. "In truth, I was pretty terrified. I didn't think I was going to make it out."
"Yeah." Bobby said simply with a yawn. "But since you did, it's a new experience you've got under your belt, dude."
"I guess that's one way of looking at it." Josh scratched his nose with a slight frown.
"Besides terrifying, what was it like?" Bobby asked as Josh shifted uncomfortably. "Sorry dude, it's my body. I was just curious."
"No no, that's perfectly understandable." Josh replied, waving his arms. "I guess… it was warm. Really wet and really dark."
Bobby leaned his head back. Trying to take in the description, but failing to do so due to Josh's lack of details. Josh looked up at Bobby and tried to elaborate. "It was enormous too from what I could see. Once my eyes adjusted a bit all I could take in was just mounds of food and moving walls that just seemed to stretch on forever."
"Woah." Bobby responded, looking back to Josh once more. "You make it sound like there's a whole world inside me, dude."
"To me, it may as well have been. It was so vast it was actually pretty breath taking." Josh shivered as he remembered everything he witnessed from within Bobby.
"That's amazing dude. Kinda wish I could see pictures of it or something…" He said poking his abs gently as he leaned his torso back a little. "Do you… have your phone with you, dude?"
"No it's at work…" Josh said, knowing that's where it truthfully was. "I don't know if I'd be down with what you're thinking though."
"It'd be ok, dude." Bobby reassured Josh. "I wouldn't leave you down there or anything. Besides maybe experiencing it again in a safer way would help you appreciate how breath taking it was. Like you said dude."
Josh sighed, wishing he had picked his words a little better. But he couldn't help but agree, it may be interesting to take another dive under a more controlled environment. "Alright, we can see about it tomorrow. We'll have to get up a little early so I can get in the park before they start construction."
"Sweet dude. I'm sure we'll have fun with it. Tyler will probably get a kick out of it too!" Bobby said with a smile. The thought made Josh shift a little, thinking about just how Tyler would react.
"Yeah…" Josh started to say…
"I feel surprisingly awake actually." Josh responded to the two awaiting his response. Bobby nodded his head as he reached his hand over to Tyler and let his tiny friend slide from one hand to the other. Sitting now in Tyler's palm, Josh watched as Bobby waved goodnight on his way up the stairs to locate his new bedroom. Once the door closed Josh turned and looked up at Tyler, smirk already plastered across his face.
"Oh god what's that look for?" Josh asked, feeling like he made a poor choice in staying with Tyler.
"So what actually happened with the gummy bears there, bud?" Tyler asked with a slight giggle.
"Oh my god!" Josh yelled pointing up at Tyler for dramatic effect. "You lead Bobby on to thinking I did it on purpose, didn't you?!"
"Yup, and you just let me do it, dude." Tyler smirked, leaning back and letting his hand rest against his solid abs and allowing Josh to slide up against them. "So what, it really was just an accident?"
"Yeah, it was." Josh responded, pushing himself away from Tyler's abs and trying to regain his footing. "I tried to get off that first gummy bear and just got stuck completely to the other."
"Huh." Tyler responded scratching his nose. "Guess you really were lucky Bobby ate it then. I started chewing all of mine."
Josh shivered at the thought of being on the bear right before Tyler's massive white teeth come crashing down to crush him to bits. "I guess that is really lucky."
"I mean even if I didn't chew it you still would have been pretty boned." Tyler said confidently. "I'm not nearly as tired as he was. I wasn't about to lay down, dude."
"I guess yeah I wouldn't have had many options…" Josh replied sadly, glad this was just hypothetical.
"Sorry dude, I'm not trying to lecture you or anything. I mean it was pretty bad ass how you clawed your way up this throat like that." Tyler laughed, leaning forward and trying to make his tiny friend feel a little less bad. "I'm just saying you lucked out."
"Thanks, and yeah I guess you're right. Sorry if it was worrisome in any way in hindsight." Josh replied solemnly.
"Don't worry about it dude. You're all fine now so nothing to worry about." Tyler winked at Josh. "Though I am a little jealous. Sounds like a cool experience."
"What being eaten? I assure you it was mostly just terrifying." Josh shuddered, crossing his arms.
"What? No dude. The other side of it. I don't wanna be eaten. Eating a little person like you just sounds cool." Tyler smiled with a slight stretch of his abdomen. "I'd let you out of course. You're my best friend after all."
Josh blushed. it was both a cute thing to say as well as such a terrifying one. Josh didn't exactly want to be eaten again. "Thanks, but I don't think that's something I'm exactly up for doing again. But I guess if it's any consolation, I do trust you, Ty."
"Thanks, dude. Yeah I feel you. Maybe you'd change your mind sometime. But for right now I gotcha, bruh." Tyler smiled as gave Josh a thumbs up with his other hand. "In the meantime what do you want to do until bed?"
"We could watch TV. Remote's right over there on the end table." Josh said, pointing at the table right at the end of the sofa. Tyler turned and looked at it with a shocked expression.
"It was right there the whole time?!" Tyler exclaimed loudly as he looked at the remote with surprise. "No, dude. I don't even want TV anymore."
Confused, Josh wasn't sure what his outburst was all about. "What do you want to do then?"
"I dunno dude. Remember how we used to mess around and play stupid games when you would shrink in college?" Tyler answered, eye's lighting up a little.
"I remember you forcing me to work out while you threatened to crush me under your body. I'd rather do literally anything else." Josh huffed, crossing his arms.
"Annnnythiiing?" Tyler asked with exaggerated emphasis.
"Besides eating me…" Josh shook his head, feeling like he shouldn't have to include that.
"Nah, we'll save that for another time! I was just thinking of playing a game. Like a giant and tiny version of man hunt!" Tyler answered with excitement.
"You mean like hide and go seek?" Josh questioned as Tyler's expression shifted.
"No! Men play man hunt! Come on, dude." Tyler shrugged.
"Can't I just get cleaned up instead?" Josh said, noting how filthy and covered with strange liquids he was. "That's fun right?"
"I can make that fun." Tyler smirked, making Josh a little nervous about what he meant.
"Ooook…" Josh replied awkwardly. "Which would you rather do then?"
Tyler smiled, ideas flowing though his mind as he decided to…
Bobby sat up. That tickle in his throat was really starting to get irritating, as Bobby rubbed his throat and cleared it a little loudly. Tyler turned to see Bobby sitting up, rubbing his throat.
"You good, dude?" Tyler asked, briefly halting his search to check on his friend.
"Yeah, think I just got something stuck in my throat, bro." Bobby started to stand up.
"Yo, you good Mr. Broken foot?" Tyler started to move toward Bobby as he stood on his bad foot. "You need anything?"
"Dude, I'm fine!" Bobby stepped on the foot with a little force. "Boot comes off tomorrow, remember?"
"Oh right." Tyler shrugged as he made his way back into the drawers, looking again for the remote.
"Besides, I'm just grabbing a drink." Bobby answered as he walked into the kitchen. By now though, Bobby noticed whatever was stuck in his throat seemed to have already been dislodged. Bobby shrugged, whatever it was it was gone now. "Ah well, say hello to my stomach acid."
Bobby made the half hearted comment to whatever it was as he grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator. Popping it open, Bobby took a sip, really sending whatever that was all the way down. Satisfied, Bobby walked back into the living room, seeing Tyler digging through the couch he was laying on. Bobby took another sip of his drink as he watched Tyler.
"FOUND IT!" Tyler yelled as he pulled it out from between the cushion. He turned to see Bobby watching him with an amused look on his face. "Bro! You were sitting on it!"
Bobby shrugged an laughed as he made his way back over to the couch, sitting next to Tyler with a smug look. "Whatever, bro. Would've been funnier if I did let you grab me a drink then."
"Shut up, dude! You're fine!" Tyler leered at Bobby as he turned on the TV. Tyler started flipping channels until he stopped on a game of football. Bobby peeked over at Tyler, watching as he put down the remote.
"Bro! All that drama just to stop on football?" Bobby laughed as he took a few chugs of his soda. Tyler nudged Bobby in the side, and gave him a look.
"Yeah, and?" Tyler asked obnoxiously. Bobby simply leaned back, laughing at Tyler's attitude. Bobby chugged the rest of his soda, crushing the can and tossing it across the room trying to get it in the trash all the way towards the kitchen.
With a clank, he missed as Tyler watched the can drop to the ground.
"Oh man, sucks to suck, dude." Tyler smirked at Bobby. Bobby merely looked at Tyler and smiled.
"BUUUUURRRRP!" Bobby burped loudly and obnoxiously at Tyler who stood up in shock. "Aw thanks, bro! Getting up to grab my can for me? Thanks, my foot really hurts."
Tyler shook his head, unable to believe Bobby turned that on him like that, but had enough respect to go grab the can and toss it for him. Going back, Tyler sat back down next to Bobby, who was leaning back smugly.
- - -
Josh found himself being tossed and turned, treading deep amount of what he assumed to be soda as he found himself being churned about in Bobby's stomach. Spitting and half drowning, Josh cursed that Bobby stood up, now he couldn't tell up from down in the dark cavern.
"Guys!" Josh yelled out as a futile effort. "Help! Please check the bowl!"
Josh doesn't know why he begged the way he did. He knew they couldn't hear him. From the minute Bobby stood up, Josh gradually lost more and more hope as the distance he had clawed up the giant's throat was instantly lost in the most simplest of movements for Bobby. The torrent of soda might as well been the icing on the cake. Any hope Josh had was washed away as he was forced back into the massive stomach.
Air thin from Bobby's burp, Josh started to give up as he couldn't stay above liquid. Drifting below the surface and succumbing to Bobby's body, Josh couldn't believe this was how he was going to spend the first day reunited with his old roommate.
"Dude, this is too perfect! I should move in too!" Tyler bellowed with excitement as Josh scratched his chin.
"It's a little too late for that now." Josh frowned. "Kind of just filled my other extra room."
"There's still your old room." Tyler replied quickly. "Once you've done a little remodeling."
Josh puzzled at the words 'old room' and 'remodeling'. Having no idea what Tyler was even talking about. "What do you mean by any of that?"
"I'll take your room and you stay tiny living here and remodel the place so you can have a tiny living space somewhere." Tyler answered simply, as if he had it planned out like that all along. "Then Bobby and I can both be your giant roommates, dude!"
"Uhhh…" Josh barely got out before Tyler turned to Bobby with a huge smile.
"Won't that be awesome, dude?" Tyler beamed at Bobby. "The three of us living together while the two of us get to be literal giants around Josh?"
Bobby looked down at his tiny friend, smiling as he loomed over him with extreme ease. "It is pretty sweet being so huge." Bobby smirked. "You'll be fine with being tiny 24/7 though, dude?"
Josh started to speak up, wanting to voice he absolutely was not alright with the idea before being cut off by Tyler once again. "Of course he is! It'd be lame if he turned down the idea."
Josh bit his tongue as he looked up at Bobby. Josh looked at his enormous friend's handsome face, not wanting to disappoint him after he traveled here. Josh sighed, playing right into Tyler's hand. "Yeah I could easily have the house modified like I've got the break room and have a personal apartment built in the wall or something."
Tyler leaned back, putting his massive arms behind his head as he smirked, knowing he played Josh perfectly. "Well we better get started on all of that!" Tyler responded arrogantly as he reached for Josh suddenly. Josh flinched as he was easily scooped into his best friend's hand, dazed his looked up past Tyler's muscular body all the way up to his face as he was held slight above the waist. "We need to go get your phone so you can get those construction dudes to work on your place too."
"Woah, dude." Bobby retorted. "What about all your stuff?"
"Oh right…" Tyler thought for a moment. "Maybe you can bring the little shrimp to the park to grab his phone and I'll start grabbing my stuff and moving in!"
Josh looked back and fourth at the two men. Everything was happening so fast. Tyler started mentioning how his lease was up anyway and joking how he didn't have much to move, While Bobby was asking for directions to the park to grab Josh's phone. Before Josh could react, he was being transferred from one friend's hand to the other as he looked up, seeing the tight shirt of Bobby rather than Tyler's bare torso. Without much discussion, both men were on their way, as Josh found himself being carried off to the park he just left not long ago. Following the directions Tyler gave him coupled with some guidance from Josh, the pair made their way to the park and Josh was able to retrieve his phone from his office before construction could begin. Calling the construction company that designed the break room, Josh was quickly able to strike a deal along side the parks expansion, having his additions to his home done by the end of the day tomorrow. In the mean time Josh sighed as his pocketed his phone and went to the break room, seeing Bobby waiting patiently for him.
"How'd everything go, dude?" Booby asked, getting off the couch and making his way to the balcony where Josh stood.
"They're gonna start working on it first thing tomorrow. Should be done by the end of the day." Josh answered with a smile. "This'll be good. I'm glad all three of us can live together."
"Yeah it'll gonna be awesome dude." Bobby smiled. "You're really ok with being small all the time though?"
"I'll get used to it." Josh shrugged. Coming to terms with his situation before he smiled at Bobby. "Besides, I've got you and Tyler to protect me, right?"
Bobby chuckled at the comment. "I think the only thing you need protection from is Tyler, dude."
Josh shuddered, knowing Bobby wasn't entirely wrong. "I'll count on you then, Bobby."
Bobby gave Josh a thumbs up as a loud buzzing noise came from Bobby's pocket. The huge man answered the phone as Josh heard Tyler's voice booming from the other end. The conversation was short but it sounded like Tyler wanted to spend the night away from Josh's to avoid getting up early for the construction. After a short debate, the two men decided they would spend the night…
"Yeah dude, wouldn't it just easier to stay here? Josh and I are already here, then that way you can hand off your key to your land lord and ditch, dude." Bobby explained to Tyler as Tyler voiced his agreement. Bobby hung up the phone as he looked to Josh. "It's ok for us to just chill here for the night, right?"
"Yeah it's fine. Construction is going on for the park, not this room after all." Josh shrugged his shoulders. "Plus its all very small scale so it won't be loud or anything."
"Perfect dude." Bobby smiled. "Guess we just have to wait for Ty to show up then."
Josh nodded his head in agreement as a huge rumbling growl erupted directly from Bobby's stomach. Bobby rubbed his solid abs from beneath his tight shirt as he chuckled a little. "Sorry forgot I haven't eaten in awhile, dude." Josh smiled, but also sweat a little. It was kind of crazy to him how loud the sound was for someone his size. Just as Bobby took his hand off his stomach, it protested a second time with a second fierce growl. This time Bobby slapped his abdomen with a frown. "Ok, we get it. You're empty!"
"Why don't we order some food or something?" Josh offered. "My treat."
Bobby nodded his head in appreciation as he watched Josh pull out his phone and dial a number, ordering a pizza for his friend. Finishing the order, Josh smiled as he looked up at Bobby from his perch on the balcony. "I got a few pizzas on the way for you and Ty. I'm just assuming he's hungry anyway."
"Yeah you know that the two of us eat a lot!" Bobby laughed as he rubbed his stomach a little more. "Hopefully we don't eat you out of your home."
"I'm not too worried about that!" Josh laughed, knowing he cost of living was really not bad, and if he was going to be permanently small he'd really only be feeding two people. "I'd be more worried about one of you literally eating me in my home!"
"I wouldn't do that, dude." Bobby chuckled a little, knowing Josh was just joking. "Not unless you run out of food and we get desperate!"
Josh laughed a little, glad he could make jokes like that with his friend. "Oh I'll make sure to keep the fridge stocked for my own sake."
The two smiled for a moment before the door to the break room started to swing open. Bobby turned and looked as Tyler came through the door with two huge gym bags over his arms and two massive pizzas in his hands. Josh looked at Tyler, his clothes changed now to a red sideways flat brimmed hat, a white stringer tank top that barely hid his torso, and a pair of red athletic shorts and red nike shoes.
"Dude, you grabbed my bag!" Bobby smiled as he walked over to Tyler to help him with the bags and pizza.
"Yeah I wasn't sure what you needed, so I just grabbed the whole thing, bro." Tyler smiled at Bobby. "Also I ran into the pizza guy trying to deliver here. He seemed confused."
"Good thing too, I'm starving, dude!" Bobby grinned as he immediately opened up the box of pizza. "I was about to resort to eating our little buddy over there!"
"Well that shouldn't be your last resort, dude." Tyler answered Bobby with a serious look before quickly cracking down to a laugh. "That should be one of your first options!"
Josh rolled his eyes as the two men started to laugh and eat the pizza he was so gracious to buy for them. Josh watched as they quickly started devouring the pizza slice after slice before already going through the entire first box. "Hey! I wanted a slice too!"
Tyler's ears perked up as his mouth curled into a smile as he looked at Bobby. "Did you hear something dude?"
"Nah, bro." Bobby laughed as he looked back at Tyler. "Too busy eating this pizza."
"Hey! I'm the one dropping money on the pizza!" Josh complained. "I want to be included."
"You hear that, dude?" Tyler chuckled. "He wants to be included as a topping on the pizza!"
"Yeah he's kinda hard to hear, since he's so little." Bobby laughed as he shoved another slice in his mouth. "But that's about what I heard too."
"Well I'm not one to argue." Tyler turned quickly as he snatched up Josh with ease with greasy fingers and carried him over to the open pizza. Casually, Tyler dropped Josh right down on one of the slices of the pizza. Tyler watched as Josh fell screaming into the pizza before reaching his hand for the cover o the box and shutting it, sealing Josh inside in the warm dark box. "Oh whoops!"
"It's ok dude. Accidents happen." Bobby laughed as he started spinning the pizza on the table, completely losing which way the box was facing originally before reopening the box again. "Huh, wonder where he went?"
"Dunno dude." Tyler looked down at the pizza hungrily. "I only see toppings on this pizza."
"Yeah same, bro." Bobby smiled, having fun playing with Josh like this. Tyler meanwhile rubbed his stomach, genuinely still very hungry as he looked down at the pizza not so carefully.
Josh however found himself completely stuck and disoriented as his head was still spinning and the fumes of the pizza made him choke a little for fresh non-cheesy air. Having reached his bearings Josh looked up to see…
Tyler casually grabbed Josh's slice of pizza without even giving the slice a glance for Josh. Struggling as his arms were stuck to the pizza Josh could do little more than squirm his upper torso around in hopes Tyler would take half a second to at least look at the food he was about to eat. Sweating, Josh looked over to Bobby for support, hoping his promised protector would be looking at Tyler's food for him. To his dismay, Bobby was busy carefully examining every inch of the slice of pizza he just pulled for himself. Panic set in as Tyler took a bite into the pizza, Josh nearly being swept away in a strand of cheese as Tyler lifted it into his massive mouth.
- - -
Swallowing his glob of food, Tyler peeked over at Bobby for a moment as he finally started eating his piece of pizza. He chuckled to himself that Bobby was being so careful, after all Tyler knew exactly where he put his terrified little friend, and he knew exactly the piece of pizza to avoid eating the little man on. Taking another huge bite of the pizza in his hands, Tyler was confident Josh wouldn't be on any of the slices he's going to eat. Dropping another strand of cheese in his mouth and swallowing the food down without much chewing, Tyler had no idea how wrong he was.
- - -
Josh screamed as the large loud gulp drug him easily down his gigantic friend's throat. Peristalsis set in as Josh was casually slipped down deeper and deeper in the dark smelly dankness of Tyler's esophagus. With nothing more than faint laughter and talking coupled with Tyler's incredible heartbeat to accompany him, Josh and the glob of food descended further until being deposited in Tyler's unfathomably large stomach. Still trapped and unable to move his arms thanks to the cheese as well as more and more food continuing to pile up in the organ, Josh couldn't do anything as he hardly squirmed in protest, unable to believe he was just eaten alive by one of his best friends.
- - -
Tyler finished a final piece of pizza while Bobby examined his last slice as well, noticing a distinct lack of Josh anywhere on the pizza. "Dude, he's not on this slice."
"Huh." Tyler mused. "Well he wasn't on any of mine, dude."
"You sure? I check all of mine really well." Bobby protested with a frown.
"Absolutely without a shadow of a doubt dude." Tyler winked at Bobby. "I put him on the pizza. I think I'd remember what slice I put him on."
"Yeah you're probably right, bro." Bobby replied, feeling like it made perfect sense. "So what should we do?"
"Well you probably ate him, bro." Tyler laughed pointing at Bobby's ripped abs as they showed through his tight shirt with ease. "He's in there somewhere!"
"Shit, dude." Bobby said, dropping his pizza and standing up. "I guess I should…"
"He's got his phone with him. Why don't we call him and see where he's at, bro?" Bobby asked as Tyler shrugged and pulled out his phone. Seeing Josh right away as one of his recents, Tyler put the phone to his ear as he listened to it ring.
- - -
Arms still trapped, Josh struggled mightily as he could feel vibrations coming from his pocket. "They're trying to call me! Oh my god I need to get my arms free!"
Struggling as hard as he could, Josh felt himself being turned over as Tyler's stomach continued to groan and churn it's meal with no regard for the tiny passenger struggling for his life within it. The buzzing stopped as some fresh acid washed up against Josh's cheesy prison, loosening it slightly.
- - -
"What, did he not answer?" Bobby asked as Tyler turned off his phone.
"He's probably just pissed at me and ignoring me to make me worry." Tyler laughed. "You should try, dude. He'll answer for you."
Bobby shrugged as he pulled out his own phone, finding Josh in his contacts and calling his number.
- - -
Buzzing once again permeated Josh's pocket as he struggled to free his hand. Thankfully, the acid in Tyler's stomach was helpful enough to digest some of his prison, enough for Josh to snag his phone, answering the call and holding it to his ear. "Bobby! Oh thank god!"
"You alright? Where are you dude?" Bobby asked on the other side of the line. "I didn't eat you did I?"
"Not you!" Josh yelled. "Tyler did!"
- - -
Bobby's face curled into a smile as he answered Josh back. "I'm sorry, Tyler was the one who ate you?"
"Yes!" Josh's voice boomed from the other side of the phone as Tyler leaned back, raising and eyebrow.
"Here let me talk to him. I don't believe it." Tyler answered arrogantly as he barely reached forward for the phone as Bobby handed it to him. "Sup."
"Sup? I'm in your stomach, dummy!" Josh spat back at the phone. "You ate me!"
"Prove it. Send me a picture." Tyler challenged Josh, skeptical of his location.
"What of the inside of a stomach? How could you possibly tell it was yours?" Josh argued, in a panic, just wanting Tyler to believe him so he could be rescued.
"Huh, good point." Tyler answered, looking at the ceiling as he tried to think of something else. Absentmindedly Tyler rested his hand on his stomach pressing it slightly with little force.
"Could you not slap your stomach while I'm in here?!" Josh panicked, undoubtedly having the organ shift a bunch even from such a small amount of force.
"It wasn't a slap. I barely rested my hand on it." Tyler argued back before realizing there would've been no other way Josh would known if he did it or not. Tyler smirked as he reared his hand back, giving his solid abs a legitimate slap this time. "Now that's a slap!"
Screams echoed through the phone as Tyler laughed before Josh finally replied. "You ass! Do you have any idea how badly that bounced shit around down here?!"
"Nope." Tyler answered simply. "Hey what happens when I do this?"
Tyler sucked in a little air and puffed his chest before belting an absolutely monumental and disgusting sounding burp. Rubbing his mouth and chin with a grin, Tyler held the phone back to his ear to await a response.
"So dizzy." Josh barely got out as he panted for air. "Air thin…"
"Not very descriptive." Tyler frowned a little disappointed.
"Fine, it was like the whole place shook like an earth quake." Josh tried to answer as he gasped a little for air. "The pressure changed, and now the air feels thin. I think there's enough for me down here though."
"Oh I didn't get it all? Maybe I should burp again." Tyler joked as he chuckled giving Bobby an amused look and smile.
"Please! Don't! I'm begging you!" Josh plead. "I just want to get out of here."
"Why?" Tyler asked flatly. "You wanted to be a pizza topping. You got your wish, dude."
"Fine! You're right, Ty." Josh conceded, knowing there was never any winning when it came to an argument with Tyler. "I'll just stay down here and get digested with the rest of the food."
"Ok." Tyler responded with a smile as he just sat there, phone to his ear with an ever growing smile. Silence spread across the call for a solid 10 seconds.
"Please let me out…" Josh plead again weakly.
"Two conditions, dude." Tyler answered, knowing he had Josh, hook line and sinker. "One, you buy me more food since I'm gonna be hungry again after puking your ass up. Two, you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the night, no complaining, or face the consequences."
"That's ridiculous. This is your fault!" Josh protested, not being his wisest decision at the time.
"Suit yourself." Tyler shrugged as he pulled the phone away and clicked it off, tossing it back to Bobby.
"Uhh you aren't leaving him down there, are you?" Bobby asked, concerned for Josh's safety.
"He'll call back when he's ready." Tyler smiled confidently as he stood up and looked down at his own phone.
- - -
"That asshole hung up on me!" Josh fumed as he looked down at his phone. With his body still partially stuck to the cheese, Josh sighed as he knew he'd have to agree to these stupid terms if he wanted to get out alive. Swallowing his pride, Josh took a look at his phone as he…
Josh sighed as he held his phone, ready to dial the dumb jock, who's stomach was trapped in, back. Flipping to Tyler's name in his recents Josh was ready to hit the call button, when Tyler's stomach shifted slightly. Losing his grip on his phone from the sudden lurch, Josh completely dropped his phone as it was quickly swept away in the churning and sloshing of the massive stomach's contents. Josh froze, completely in shock over what just happened. "Oh my god."
Josh couldn't even muster any more words as he phone was easily lost for good in the pit of his best friend's stomach. Tyler's stomach started to growl loudly as some processed food was already being sucked away into his intestines, causing Josh to break from his daze and snap to reality. "Doesn't matter." Josh said confidently. "They know I'm in here."
- - -
Tyler tapped his finger next to his phone while Bobby sat staring at his own. "Should we call him back?" Bobby asked. "I'm getting a little worried, bro."
"Nah." Tyler smiled as he stood up straight and looked away from his phone. "He's just being stubborn. Jokes on him though, he's not in a position to bargain."
"Word, dude." Bobby replied as he stood up holding his phone and setting it next to Tyler's. "So what do we do?"
Tyler shrugged as he walked away from the table, leaving his phone as he turned his back to Bobby and looked around the break room. Looking from the gym off to the side and the soft couch coupled with sizable tv in front of it, Tyler made his choice. "Let's just bum and watch some tv, dude."
"Uhh you sure dude?" Bobby asked as he looked back at their phones, resting on the table. "Shouldn't we be paying attention to our phones?"
"I can hear it buzz from over here!" Tyler waved, nonchalantly as he already plopped himself down in the sofa, turning on the tv and flipping through the channels. Bobby shrugged, making his way over and planting himself in a reclining chair as he watched Tyler settle on Sport's Center. He yawned, tired from his trip as he leaned back and listened to the sports, closing his eyes.
Not much time passed as Tyler looked over at Bobby, his eyes completely shut and some slight heavy breathing coming from his mouth. Undoubtedly the huge man had already fallen asleep. Tyler chuckled as he turned his attention back to the tv, propping up his feet on a coffee table and scratching his stomach. Already absentmindedly forgetting about his tiny friend being horribly digested on the other side.
- - -
Josh screamed in pain from the caustic cavern's fumes and acids as they sloshed him around like a tiny speak of meat. Josh found himself free from his cheesy prison at this point but it offered him little to no solace as he was now completely at the mercy of Tyler's incredible digestive system. Being pulled under and above the mix of acid and digested food, Josh was nothing more than an insignificant part of the process, helpless to do anything. Unable to speak and barely able to think, the only thought Josh could even muster was, "Why?"
- - -
Tyler yawned as the sports cast had already started to repeat the news he had been listening to. Clicking off the tv, Tyler didn't want to disturb Bobby as he got up and walked over to the fridge. Hoping someone let a snack in the break room, Tyler was eager to find a little more food, already hungry from earlier. Locating a cup of yogurt, Tyler shrugged as it was better than nothing. Opening it up, Tyler went and sat at the table looking down at his phone as he put a spoonful of it in his mouth. He choked for a second as he remembered Josh, swallowing hard and sending the glob of food down to his stomach like he did to Josh earlier. He looked at his phone, no new calls. His last call to Josh was well over an hour and a half ago…
"Uh." Tyler simply said as he set his phone down in a panic. His stomach gurgled slightly as it accepted the little bit of yogurt, greedily growling as it demanded more. Tyler looked down at his stomach, knowing Josh was long gone at this point. Leaning back and looking over at Bobby as he slept, Tyler started to sweat, wondering what he could possibly do to explain himself.
Josh sighed, knowing he didn't have a choice. Tyler was the most stubborn person he ever met, and he knew the giant man would sooner leave him to burn in his stomach than admit he was wrong and just remedy the situation. Pulling up Tyler's number, Josh hit the call icon as he held the phone back up to his ear. Noticing his other hand was now free thanks to Tyler's stomach acid eating away a little at his cheesy prison, Josh scratched his face a little as it started to itch. The phone rang for much longer than Josh expected as he knew Tyler was simply standing there watching it buzz. Josh could swear he could even hear the phone buzzing on the table on the other side of the walls of his friend's stomach before finally he picked it up.
"Shouldn't you be busy digesting?" Tyler asked in a condescending tone as Josh rolled his eyes in frustration.
"Look I'm sorry. It's not your fault. Please just get me out of here…" Josh answered in an almost robotic tone. The whole chamber shook at little as Tyler chuckled, both audible to Josh in his stomach as well as over the phone.
"Just agree to my conditions, bro, and I'll be happy to." Tyler mused, not wanting to spell it all out again for the tiny man.
"I'll buy you as much food as you want, ok?" Josh tried to bargain, not wanting to endure whatever Tyler had planned for 'do whatever I say or else'.
"Pretty sure I made two conditions, dude." Tyler answered, not backing down for even a moment. "Not unless you're happy down there. I'm not one to judge, dude."
"Are you sure there isn't anything else you want? I could buy you some cool stuff for you new room?" Josh tried to bribe Tyler now, just wanting anything than being forced to cooperate with Tyler's antics for an entire evening.
"Nah." Tyler answered simply, his one tracked mind focused on exactly what he wanted now, rather than what he could have later. "If weren't done here maybe I should just hang up."
"No wait!" Josh plead, wanting to keep Tyler on the phone more than anything.
Tyler kept the phone on as he sat there in silence, seeing what Josh would say. Unsure sure, Josh decided to himself that…
"Fine! I'll do what ever you say! I promise!" Josh broken down, practically in tears. "Just get me out of here!"
"I'll hold you to that, bud!" Tyler replied in a pleased tone before hanging up. Josh clicked off his phone as well as Tyler's stomach started making strange pained groaning noises. The food mixed up in the stomach started forcing itself upward, toward the top of the organ before expelling itself out up through the esophagus. To Josh the process was blinding and a total just mess of fluids and chunks of food. Josh struggled trying to find up from down as he just shoved his way past half digested bits of food before he opened his eyes, face hitting fresh air. Taking a deep breath, Josh's lungs could have sang with joy over it's first breath of non-foul stomach air in who knows how long. Looking directly up, Josh saw Tyler's face, hunched down looking at the pile of vomit. Waving his arms and locking his eyes with Tyler, Josh hoped the huge man would spot him before expelling more vomit all over him.
"Huh that was almost too easy." Tyler smiled arrogantly as he saw Josh sticking out on top of his first round of puking. Reaching down and easily plucking Josh out of his own vomit, Tyler moved Josh back over to the table, setting the tiny man next to his gigantic phone. "I got you on my first push, dude!"
"That's good." Josh answered, relived to be free as he brushed some unknown goop off of himself. "But I guess I still owe you food anyway."
"Later." Tyler shrugged as he looked down at Josh. "Didn't waste too much getting you out, so I'll wait till I'm a little more hungry."
"Oh alright." Josh answered nervously. "Well thank you again for getting me out, Ty."
"No need to thank me, bug." Tyler cockily grinned. "I am a gracious god."
"Well I don't know if I'd go that far…" Josh complained as Tyler wagged his finger.
"Wanna rephrase that?" Tyler asked coyly. "Because that's strike one."
"Strike one?!" Josh questioned. "What are you talking about?"
"Our deal, bug." Tyler replied, crossing his arms. "And that's strike two."
Josh shut his mouth immediately. He had no idea what Tyler meant earlier by 'consequences'. Tyler peered down at Josh, seeing his friend elected to standing in silence, not wanting to blow his third and final strike. "I'll take your silence is that you're simply in awe of how great I am."
Bobby chuckled from across the table as Josh slowly forced himself to look up at Tyler with a fake smile. "Oh absolutely. I can't think of anyone great than you."
"You're damn right!" Tyler smirked as he reached down and plucked Josh off the table. Bobby watched as Tyler kicked off his shoes and revealed his black socks as he made his way over to the couch. Setting Josh down on his abdomen, Josh looked past Tyler's massive chest to his face as he sat on the soft fabric. Tyler put his hands behind his head as he looked down on Josh, resting on his stomach. "Tell me how much you loved being inside of my belly."
Josh bit his lip. He knew he had to play the part of loyal worshiper no matter what. "It was an absolute privilege." Josh started, trying to milk it. "It was even more of an honor that you deemed me worthy of being let out."
"Maybe next time I'll just keep you down." Tyler smirked. "Then my body could use you for what little you could offer to make mine bigger, and stronger."
Josh actually blushed slightly as Tyler made his chest pop and flexed his arms a little. "If that's what you'd desire." Josh blushed, hiding his face a little. "Then I'd happily give you what little protein my body would offer."
"Your all powerful god may take you up on that sometime." Tyler said in a slow sexy voice as Bobby rolled his eyes from across the room.
"Do you think you guys could role play somewhere else?" Bobby complained as he leaned back at the kitchen chair.
"We can move closer to you if you wanted a better view." Tyler mocked Bobby. "Just don't blame me if you pop a boner from it."
"Maybe I'll just go for a walk." Bobby decided as he stood up and grabbed his phone. "Get to know the area a little."
"Don't get lost." Tyler smirked as Bobby made his way out the door.
"I'll call one of you if I do." Bobby answered as he started to shut the door, smirking. "If you two hear your phones over the sound of you guys making out."
"It'll be pretty loud, so good luck!" Tyler mocked him once again as the door shut. Tyler turned his attention back to Josh as he stretched his abdomen a little, shifting Josh's position slightly. "Anyway, where were we?"
"Ummm…" Josh stuttered, still thinking of Tyler flexing his massive muscles.
"Doesn't matter." Tyler shrugged as he reached down for Josh and plucking him between his fingers. Laying back on the couch and hovering Josh over his face, Tyler smirked as he wanted to continue playing with Josh. "Hope you're ready for a fun time, bug."
Josh's face felt like it exploded. Tyler's cocky grin and arrogant tone of voice really set him off. Josh decided he would…
Josh smiled, blushing a little as he hovered over Tyler's handsome face. This was a side of Tyler that rarely come out, at least not to this extent. His normally protective best friend was always one to tease Josh, but never role play a giant master or god. Josh always kind of wondered what Tyler would be like as god. Taking the rare opportunity, Josh continued to play along with whatever Tyler wanted to do.
"What kind of fun time?" Josh asked nervously. Tyler's lips curled into a smile as he lowered Josh down close to his mouth. Josh thought for a moment that Tyler was going to drop him back in the massive cavern and send him back down into the stomach he was just released from. Instead, Tyler compressed his stomach and let loose a disgusting belch right over Josh. Josh took in the smell, as it reeked of Tyler's stomach contents.
"Smells very familiar!" Josh tried to add his own flavor to the action. Tyler laughed at the comment as he pulled Josh a little further away from his face.
"Bet you love that smell, huh?" Tyler mocked Josh as he licked his lips.
"It's reminiscent of my privileged time inside your god-like stomach." Josh answered, wanting nothing more than to feed Tyler's ego just to see where this all goes and what he does next. Josh watched as Tyler noticed he still had his other hand behind his head. Moving Josh over to his open arm pit, Tyler dropped his friend in, slowly closing it behind him. Josh took a deep breath as the foul sweaty and musky air filled his nostrils. He couldn't believe Tyler just nonchalantly tossed him in his sexy pit like that. Josh took in the darkness and felt the hairs, coated with Tyler's sweat.
Enjoying himself as he squirmed about in his friend's armpit hair, Josh was slightly disappointed when it opened back up and Tyler reached back in, scooping him out and holding him close to his face once again. "Tell me, bug." Tyler asked smoothly. "Which smell did you like better?"
"I loved them both!" Josh answered, actually honestly. Tyler laughed arrogantly as he shifted his body slightly and sat up a little, letting Josh slide into the palm of his hand rather than between his fingers.
"Interesting." Tyler smiled, feeling like Josh was playing along almost too easily. "Maybe we should explore another smell, my little speck."
Tyler sat up, holding Josh in one hand as he reached down toward his feet. Pulling off one of his socks and tossing it aside, Tyler stuck his tiny friend between his toes before resting his foot flat on the surface of the couch without a second thought. Leaning back and resting his head, he simply sat there and felt his friend squirm.
Half of his body was trapped under Tyler toe while just his head was sticking out between the two massive digits, Josh found himself pinned with little more than the ability to struggle and smell as his face was pinned between his friend's massive sweaty toes. The sweaty musk of the toes was similar to Tyler's armpit but much more focused and pungent rather than being spread across and dampened on each hair. Taking his hands, Josh rubbed the toe he was pinned under, covering himself in salty sweat and hoping what tiny stimulation he could offer would please Tyler. Just as Josh was getting comfortable, Tyler once again retrieved him, bringing him back to his beautiful face.
"I've got one more smell I want you to sniff." Tyler smirked as he stood up, holding Josh far above the ground. Josh puzzled for a second, wonder what Tyler was doing as he pulled down the back of his waist band on his shorts, exposing his tight black under armor spandex clad ass. Tyler turned, pulling back the spandex before dropping Josh down inside, snapping the spandex back with a loud snap. Tyler turned, laying on the couch on his stomach, allowing his ass to point into the air as he left his shorts to sag and show off his underwear as he relaxed and felt his minuscule friend squirm underneath.
Josh could barely breath as he was slid down by gravity in between Tyler's massive glutes. It was absolutely incredible how tiny he was compared to his friend's impressive butt muscles. Smell of sweat and what Josh assumed to be literal shit, Josh choked on the nauseous fumes as Tyler ass continued to slide him closer and closer the his friend's hairy anus. The smell kept getting stronger and more pungent before finally everything shifted and Josh was suddenly sliding away. Guessing Tyler moved to laying on his side, it would seem he was slipping now to the center of one of Tyler's ass cheeks before the tightness of the spandex held him in place. Tyler stood as he fished down the back of his shorts before locating his friend pressed against his right cheek. Holding a dazed and exhausted Josh, Tyler smirked as he looked down at his tiny toy.
"Next time maybe I'll just take a seat and see if I can feel you squirm." Tyler cockily said as Josh shook his head to regain focus. "How did you feel about those second two smells, little guy?"
"Incredible!" Josh said again with excitement. "It was so overpowering. I'm practically helpless."
"You are completely helpless." Tyler corrected Josh with a strong voice. "However if you submit to me I'll keep you personally safe through out this treacherous night."
"I'll happily submit to you forever and always, my giant god." Josh milked it once again as he truly enjoyed Tyler playing this part.
"Perfect." Tyler voiced deeply. "Now tell me, slave. Which of my godly amazing smells did you enjoy more. The first two or the second two?"
Josh thought for a second. Wondering what would happen based off what he chose. Deciding it would be best to just be honest Josh chose…
Josh, while he was clearly enjoying this, felt that his safety was more important than fulfilling his fantasies within Tyler's big body. So he answered "the second two!" Tyler, seemingly surprised, replied to Josh in an almost seductive tone "Oh? Well in that case… Let me help make your decision a little bit easier. After all, you're only going to spend the night with one of my godly smells. So, let me grab this real quick."
Tyler walked out of the room, leaving a confused Josh inside. Josh kept wondering what would Tyler bring to make this experience even more enjoyable than before. Before Josh makes the decision to check in on Tyler, he came back in the room with socks in his hands. Josh knew exactly what was going to happen and got even more excited than he ever was before.
Without warning, Tyler grabbed a thrilled Josh and dangled him over his open sock. With a smirk, Tyler dropped Josh inside and sat on the couch, preparing his scheme. Josh was immediately hit with a strong scent of musk. He realized that this sock was actually used many times before. Without much time in the sock, the already wriggling Josh was tossed all over the sock as it was being moved. Before Josh could wonder what was going on, Tyler started to slide his huge foot in the sock with Josh inside.
As Tyler's foot went to the bottom of the smelly sock, Josh got stuck in between of Tyler's huge toes. He tried to wiggle, but the pressure of Tyler's foot pressed on his sock made it impossible to move. The smell became even worse with Tyler's foot inside as hours of his constant workouts made the foot even smellier and even sweatier than before. This went on for quite a while, with Tyler's socked foot pressed on the sofa with enough force to make Josh attempt to struggle ever so slightly.
Tyler, having enough, removed his sock, making Josh smell the much fresher, but still smelly air. Tyler, then asked Josh a question "Are you ready to explore the second option, little speck?" Josh, being slightly dizzy, answered with a resounding "YES!"
Tyler, clearly enjoying himself, went ahead on Josh's second option for the night, his immaculate glutes. "Lets make it last a little longer, shall we?" Tyler said before he nabbed Josh out of his wriggling toes.
Before Josh could even say anything, he was already dangling over Tyler's back. As Josh looked down, he could see Tyler's wonderful cheeks once more. Tyler grabbed the back of his shorts and his spandex, letting Josh take in the scenery below. "wow…" Josh said, as he finally saw Tyler's globulous ass cheeks in its full glory. Thousands of little strands of hair filled the view as they were nestled on these two perfect spheres. The crack felt like a chasm where none would dare go.
Tyler, feeling like he waited enough, dropped Josh inside and made sure that the spandex was tight enough so that Josh couldn't escape on his own. Tyler, once again, laid on the couch on his stomach and waited long enough until Josh arrived at the heart of this smelly dungeon.
Josh hit Tyler's crack for the second time today and that pungent smell he smelled before hit Josh's nose like a truck. It was somehow even worse then before. Josh started to slide thanks to Tyler's ass sweat. Speaking of sweat, Josh was sweating because of the amount of heat emanating from Tyler's ass. Josh stopped slipping and came to a stop. Josh, at this moment, knew exactly where he was. He was right next to Tyler's hole. It pulsed on Josh's arrival and released even more heat than Tyler's ass already has before. Josh could smell the source of the nauseous fumes coming out of the gigantic ass and was about to pass out on the filth. But he stood strong until Tyler said something that could put an end to his spelunking in his ass "So, my little speck, have you made a decision? Would you like to spend the night on my feet or on my ass?"
Even as he was choking on the smells, Josh chose…
Although Josh answered with Tyler's immaculate ass, but Tyler couldn't hear him. Of course he couldn't, Josh was between his cheeks. After dumbly realizing his mistake, Tyler spoke to Josh: " Kick my anus once for spending the night on my feet, or kick my anus twice for spending the night in my ass." Josh, oblivious to Tyler's trick, answered by kicking his anus twice. That was possibly Josh's last mistake.
Because right after being done with the kicking, Josh felt and heard a rumble right beneath him. "Oh no…" The rumbling grew louder and louder, until…
It felt like a landmine went off right beneath Josh. That was a long 8 second fart that Tyler just unleashed without giving a Josh a single warning. "Aaaahhhhhh~ That felt gooooooooood~" said Tyler, seemingly relieved that he released the air from his bowels. He was even proud to do it right in front of Josh. But that's not the end of it, Tyler has more plans in store for Josh.
Josh was feeling all kinds of things. He was dizzy from the full force of Tyler's monster of a fart. He was also trying his hardest not to puke, since that fart smelled just like inside Tyler's stomach, but more potent and it smelled more like shit. His eyes were watering like crazy and just hoped that he won't pass out on top of Tyler's still pouting anus.
Before he could even regain his bearings however, Tyler went with part two of his plan for Josh. "You know, I did say that you would spend the night IN my ass, right?" With that, Tyler squeezed his ass cheeks as hard as he could, making Josh even closer to the entry to Tyler's bowels. Josh couldn't even scream to protest, as he didn't want to open his mouth when it was practically kissing Tyler's pucker. His feeble struggles were in vain, as Tyler's cheeks were too powerful. The force of his glutes were so powerful, in fact, that Josh was starting to get sucked in.
Josh, when he realized he was getting sucked in, just gave up. He stopped struggling and just hoped that Tyler would feel merciful enough to release him before he starts to lack oxygen. At this moment, Tyler just didn't care what would happen to Josh after he puts him in his ass. All he wanted, was to give Josh what he wanted.
After josh was halfway in, Tyler decided to help himself, by putting his finger on top of Josh, and just pushed down. Tyler successfully put Josh in his bowels as easily as he pushed a button. Then, he retreated his finger, before he rolled on his back and drifted off to sleep.
In the bowels of Tyler, it was very hot. It felt like a sauna, but hotter and slimy with ass sweat. It was very tight and the smell was like nothing Josh has smelled before. Before drifting off to sleep himself, he just hoped that Tyler would fart so that thee anus opens and lets Josh out of this nightmare before he could die due to lack of oxygen. After thinking of that, he heart a deep rumble. Hoping that that would be his chance, he waited for his chance. Then…
"Look just please don't hang up. I just need to think for a few minutes." Josh tried to reason with his friend, hoping he'd be at least somewhat sympathetic.
"Take your time, dude!" Tyler laughed as there was once again a sudden smack on the other side of the walls of Tyler's stomach. The organ shook violently like it did before as Josh screamed as felt disoriented as he was sloshed all the way to the pit of his friend's massive belly. "You aren't going anywhere anyway!"
Dazed, Josh couldn't even respond as amidst the darkness there was an opening as some of the more digested food was being slurped into Tyler's intestines. Terrified, Josh was in fact going somewhere as he was small enough to be easily swept through the opening along with the rest of the liquid. With a sickening 'blorp' the sphincter closed as Josh was sealed beyond the stomach, entering his friend's small intestine. Somehow floating at the surface of the liquefied food, Josh felt like the conditions were much less acidic all of a sudden. "Ty?"
"How'd you like that slap this time dude? You were screeeeeeaming!" Tyler mocked Josh as the tiny man felt like he was in utter shock.
"I-I think I slipped into your intestine." Josh shuddered as he started feeling a completely different sensation than the acidic burns he was growing used to. "I feel… funny."
"Huh?" Tyler questioned on the other side of the phone. Josh suddenly started convulsing in pain as the absorptive properties of the intestines were completely different than the destructive nature of the stomach. Josh struggled to stay afloat as he writhed in pain, mumbling and crying as he felt like he was being torn apart slowly and violently. Somehow still clutching his phone in sheer agony, Josh could barely mutter one last word before completely succumbing to the harsh new conditions. "Ty…"
- - -
The line went silent as Tyler stood there, hearing Josh's last word. Trying to process exactly what happened, Tyler set down his phone as he looked at Bobby. "I can still puke him up if he's in my intestine, right?"
"Uhhhh…" Bobby scratched his head, never one to pay attention in class to know. "I don't know, google it."
"Yeah I'm sure something will pop up if I good 'can I puke my friend out of my small intestine'." Tyler rolled his eyes as he pulled up google on his phone anyway. "Swallowed something important, but I think it's in my intestine."
Tyler read out his google search, hoping to find some kind of answer. Tyler slammed his phone on the table in anger after a few minutes. "Everything I search says I just have to wait and shit it out."
"Do you think he'd make it?" Bobby asked, hopefully.
"Dude, there's no way. You ever hear of someone swallowing a bug and shitting it out in one piece, let alone alive?" Tyler answered, knowing there was no hope for Josh, deep in his bowels. Tyler rested a hand on his lower abdomen as he looked down at it, with a frown. "I'm sorry, buddy."
Silence spread across the the room as the two men sat there, guilty over the reckless loss of their tiny friend.
"I better start trying to throw him up." Bobby frowned, rubbing his stomach and feeling a little nauseous over the thought of having one of his best friends trapped inside of him like this. "Do you have a bucket in here or something?"
Tyler made his way under the sink, taking his time as he located a bucket for his friend to start puking in. Without much hesitation, Bobby knelt down and hovered over the bucket as he started jamming his fingers down his throat in an attempt to vomit. After some heaves and some splats into the bucket, Tyler had to look away in disgust as Bobby started poking through his own vomit.
"Find him yet?" Tyler asked, turning away and crossing his arms as Bobby continued to vomit more.
"Nah." Bobby replied simply as he spat into the bucket. "Think I still got more to puke up. You wanna help look?"
"Nooooo thank you!" Tyler laughed as he walked away. "I'll let you look through your own puke, dude. I think I'm gonna go for a walk or something. Stinks in here."
"Alright dude." Bobby replied as he turned back to the bucket searching a little more before he threw up again.
"Call me when you find him, or something." Tyler said, half-assedly as he waved his hand out the door and actually leaving his phone on the table without noticing. Without waiting for a response from Bobby, Tyler shut the door and made his way outside.
- - -
Josh was completely helpless as he was trounced around in a ball of cheese. Screaming and crying in pain as the walls contracted and churned around him, there was nothing he could do but hope and pray. Even then the pain on his face and upper torso were too much to handle as he was periodically sloshed into and out of acid filled pools withing the massive chamber of his friend's stomach.
"Ty please!" Josh cried out fruitlessly, tears in his eyes. "You have to get me out of here!"
As if on cue, Tyler's stomach started to churn and gurgle violently. Everything felt like it got lighter and Josh's ears popped hard as the pressure escaped from the organ, bursting out above him in a massive belch. Josh dropped his head as he gasped for air. There was no rescue coming for him. resigning himself as nothing more than a bit of meat in his friend's stomach, Josh was easily swept into the mess of digested food, pulled under the surface to be processed with the rest of the giant's meal.
- - -
Tyler rubbed his gut with pride after the recent belch as he made his way past his old apartment. Simply looking at the building Tyler just wanted to reminisce a little as he waited for Bobby to bring Josh up. "Maybe Josh will buy him more food for me to eat!"
Tyler burped loudly again as he rubbed his muscular stomach. It felt like he made a considerable amount of room already. Tyler had no doubt his body had already cleared out the pizza in his gut, ready for the next meal to be consumed. He chuckled slightly as he turned away from the building, heading back to the park. Already feeling hungry again he couldn't wait to see the not so surprised look on Josh's face when he tells him he's hungry again.
"You're always hungry, Ty!" Tyler mocked Josh's tone of voice as he walked along laughing.
Josh struggled as hard as he could against the thick cheese of the pizza, but he could do little more than flail his head parts of his shoulders about as he watched the massive face of Bobby look down at the pizza. Josh watched as Bobby scanned the pizza carefully before the two men's eyes locked. Josh breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Bobby smile, knowing he could trust his massive football star friend. Bobby lowered the slice slightly away from his face as he turned to Tyler.
"Dude, there's something like struggling on my pizza." Bobby smiled as he looked down on Josh. "I think it's a bug or something."
"Eat it." Tyler said casually. "Extra protein dude."
"Nah, I bet this little bug is scared." Bobby smiled as he looked down at Josh. "Probably doesn't want be eaten today."
"Dude, if it's dumb enough to get stuck to a piece of pizza then it deserves to be eaten." Tyler shrugged as he shoved more of his own pizza in his mouth. "Its like nature or whatever."
"So if you got stuck to my pizza, I should eat you?" Bobby asked Tyler with a smirk.
"Nah dude." Tyler swallowed. "I'm too big to be stuck to any pizza. So it's not relatable."
"Sooooo…" Bobby thought for a second trying to catch Tyler in a loophole. "What if someone like Josh, who is small enough to be stuck to pizza, was stuck to my pizza."
"You eat it, dude." Tyler said immediately. "What did I just say? If it's dumb enough to get stuck to pizza, it deserves to be eaten."
"Thought you only meant bugs though, bro." Bobby chuckled at Tyler and his stubbornness.
"Nah it applies too all things small." Tyler swallowed yet another large chunk of pizza. "In his case he's smaller than most bugs. So the rule applies like twice as hard, bro."
"I think I'll make an exception for this little bug, for today anyway." Bobby smiled as he reached for Josh, easily pinching him out of the sticky cheese and rolling him into his index finger.
"Why so something else will eat or crush it?" Tyler smirked, leaning in and clearly seeing Bobby had Josh in his hand now. "If you won't eat it, I will."
Bobby smiled as he set Josh on his shoulder, looking down at the little man as he balanced perfectly in the middle of his board muscular shoulders. "You can't though dude. I made friends with it."
"Pffff." Tyler spat. "You can't be friends with a bug. Besides what's it matter. I'm hungry and bigger than it."
"Too bad, bro. Can't let you eat my friend." Bobby smirked as he stood up and towered over the seated Tyler. "Besides. I'm bigger than you, dude."
"Fiiine!" Tyler leaned back as he crossed his arms. "Weirdo over here being friends with a bug."
Josh merely sat back on Bobby's shoulder, feeling like he had no idea what the heck was going on. "Uhhh well I'm glad that all worked out?"
"Yo, Josh!" Tyler said, looking at him on Bobby's shoulder. "When'd you end up on Bobby's shoulder? That bug he was friends with must've flown away or something."
"Yeah too bad for that. But at least I got my best buddy on my shoulder, right?" Bobby smiled as he looked down at Josh. Josh simply smiled and nodded his head, happy to see Bobby was being so protective of him.
- - -
The three men continued to enjoy their meal as the night went on. Tyler laid on the couch watching TV while Bobby found it much more comfortable on the cushy carpeting of the floor, laying there with Josh resting on his huge chest between his pecs. Bobby yawned as he started to really feel sleepy, due to the long ride here and from just the cumulative stress he's endured lately. Dropping Josh off on the balcony so that he could sleep up and away from the giants in peace, Josh watched as Bobby made his way back over to his spot on the floor.
"Are you sure you're alright on the floor?" Josh asked, concerned for Bobby.
"It's fine, bro." Bobby smiled as he tossed off his shirt and set down his hat before laying down on the ground. "The carpet is like ultra plush bro. It's practically a bed."
"I'm fine on the couch, don't worry!" Tyler shot back to Josh, feeling left out.
"I wasn't!" Josh yelled back, unsure if the huge man even heard him from so far away. Either way, Josh found himself getting comfortable on a little bit of padding he had Tyler and Bobby make for him. curling up and looking at the time, Josh tried to get to sleep, excited for what the new day would have in store for him.
- - -
Rolling in his sleep, Josh woke up in a shock before looking around forgetting where he was for a little while. He looked at his phone for the time seeing it was already 5am. Yawning, Josh wasn't sure if he'd fall back asleep right away. Looking out over the balcony he saw his two best friends, one laying on his back shirtless with his shorts hanging half off his hip on the floor, and the other with a tank top ripped half off his body laying on the couch. Josh smiled, thinking it was kind of funny seeing them both sleep like that. Going back to his cushion Josh also looked at the door to the park, Shrink and Swim, itself. Knowing it was going to be renovated in just a few short hours. Yawning, Josh was feeling adventurous. Deciding he was going to take an early morning stroll, Josh decided to…
Josh bit his lip for a moment as he grabbed his phone and made his way over to the elevator that would lead him directly to the floor where Bobby was laying. After a short trip Josh emerged to a totally different scene in the early morning light. Bobby laid near Josh, laying on his back completely shirtless with his shorts pulled down halfway showing his tight spandex underwear underneath as he undoubtedly rolled around a lot in his sleep. To his other side, Josh looked to see the literal wall that was the couch, hanging high above him in what may as well have been hundreds of feet to the minuscule man. Tyler's hand hung off the side, however, as it reached all the way down barely touching the ground.
"Man they're out cold." Josh laughed to himself as he looked from Tyler's unmoving hand, to Bobby's massive muscular body. Josh shrugged as he approached Tyler's hand seeing just how close it was to the ground. from further away it certainly looked closer to the surface, but alas as Josh approached his friend's giant hand it was much more evident it was out of his reach. Josh sighed, as he simply wanted to try and take pictures of something from his friend's hand to show later. Josh moved away from Tyler's hand and…
Josh shook his head as he looked back at Tyler's hand once more. Not feeling like putting in the effort to climb all the way up to Tyler, Josh instead turned his attention to Booby. Josh smiled as approached his sleeping bodyguard just as the massive man turned on his side, facing his gigantic chiseled body toward Josh. Josh planted his feet, hoping that Bobby wasn't about to completely roll over or not. Seeing that his friend remained still as he rested his face on the floor with his mouth hanging open, Josh decided to move closer for a better look.
"Geez…" Josh said to himself softly as he inspected Bobby's sculpted abs and massive pecs. "I know it's been awhile since I've seen him with a shirt off… but damn!"
Josh couldn't help but admire how much more muscular Bobby had gotten since college. It was fairly incredible since Josh had seen him shirtless in the dorm many times before, but all his hard work in the gym showed even more improvement on his already incredibly impressive body. Josh made his way all the way next to Bobby, standing right along his waist as he ran a hand across his skin, admiring his friend's deep and well trained abs and he walked along his abdomen. Josh stopped a little past the belly button as he looked up and Bobby's stomach as he could hear the faint groans and gurgles of Bobby's innards, likely completely done processing the meal from earlier. Josh really took in the sight as he looked up and down Bobby's abs, from the attractive dark blonde fuzz below his and around his belly button, to where it leads flawlessly to his enormous round pecs.
Entranced, Josh continued staring before…
Josh continued to rest his hand on Bobby's skin, taking in everything from the feel of the man's muscle, to the smell his body gave off. Josh couldn't help but smile, hoping that he'd have ample opportunities like this in the future to get closer to his enormous and very attractive friend. Bobby stirred in his sleep however, completely unnoticed by Josh as his massive body started to turn over, ready to rest with his stomach pressed flat against the ground. Finally noticing the movement, Josh looked up and nearly screamed in terror as his first instinct took over. Run.
"Oh god! Bobby please don't roll over!" Josh yelled as he ran as fast as he could out of the way. Alas for the tiny night explorer he may as well have been hundreds of feet from his nearest safe exit. Josh fruitlessly ran before tripping and falling, turning just in time to look up and see Bobby's tremendous abs fall onto him, as if in slow motion.
- - -
Josh thought back to a few years ago when Bobby would always mention how restless of a sleeper he was. He distinctly could remember some nights staying up late, studying by flashlight as Bobby laid across the room sleeping. He remembered looking over at Bobby as the huge man would toss and turn and roll in his sleep like crazy. There was more than one occasion where Josh witnessed him either falling out of bed or completely or flipping his body the other way around. He always used to chuckle as his huge friend would contort and roll in different ways.
- - -
Josh shook his head, as this was no time to be lost in memories. However it was really all the tiny man could do as he reached his hand up, helplessly trying to brace Bobby's body as it finally flopped on top of him. Josh was completely pressed flat against the cushiony carpet, trapped between the floor and Bobby's rock hard muscle. Somehow, his fate was put on hold as he was pressed roughly against the plush carpet. Unable to move and barely able to breath, Josh chalked up his miraculous survival to carpet's softness. Though it was merely prolonging the inevitable, Josh gasped barely able to draw any kind of breath as he felt his body being completely compressed. Unsure if his bones were broken, or if his lungs were collapsing, Josh simply gave up as he laid there, pinned. Tears rolling out of his eyes from pain, Josh wanted nothing more than for his suffering to end.
As if on cue, Bobby's body lifted and Josh turned on to his back seeing Bobby's huge abs being lifted away. Josh smiled as he took a breath of fresh air, feeling alive again. Josh's joy was short lived however as Bobby's solid abs came crashing back down in a tremendous and much less gentle than before crash. Josh didn't stand a chance as he watched his friend's abs come slamming into him, snuffing him out in a tiny unheard squish almost instantly.
As it would turn out, Josh's false hope was nothing more than Bobby shifting again in his sleep. A simple behavior the huge man did on a nightly basis. With a deep breath a little snore, Bobby continued to sleep blissfully unaware of the tiny blood stain he created right up against his stomach.
Josh started to make his way to Bobby's impressive chest. With one pectoral muscle next to him and the other high above him, Josh stopped to stare at the giant's chest for a moment. Bobby's heavy breathing and his loud heart beat filled Josh's ears as the giant continued his slumber, completely unaware of the tiny man now making his way toward his face. Josh passed Bobby's huge neck before reaching the chin as Bobby laid on his side, cheek pressed against the floor with his mouth hanging ever so slightly open. Josh bit his lip as he inched in closer and closer before Bobby's breath was all he could smell. Curious, Josh looked inside the huge dark cavern. It was fairly fascinating to the little man after all, considering all the joking he went through while stuck to pizza earlier.
"It's crazy how easily I'd get lost in there…" Josh said to himself with a slight shiver as he turned away from the opening, ready to explore somewhere else. However, try as Josh might, he seemed to be finding himself being pulled backward. Suddenly Josh's feet left the ground as he was pulled into the air, Josh turned his head in shock as he was being sucked into Bobby's mouth in what appeared to be a very deep breath. Before Josh could react any fourth he found himself being closed inside the dark cavern he was peering into moments earlier. Josh shivered despite the warmth of Bobby's mouth, hoping whatever happened next would lead to him escaping the dangerous position. Luck was not on Josh's side however as Bobby's body shifted once again as the huge man seemingly returned to resting on his back, spelling bad news for the tiny explorer as he was sent hurtling toward the back of Bobby's throat. With little to no effort and a very tiny gulp, Josh found himself being dragged away down Bobby's powerful esophagus.
"Bobby wake up!" Josh plead as loud as he could as he was being eased down, almost gently by Bobby's natural peristalsis. Josh fought, not wanting to be drug any deeper when finally the little man caught what seemed like a break. Somehow, Josh managed to lodge himself in the enormous jock's throat, halting any further movement to the football star's awaiting stomach. Josh stayed very still as he could feel Bobby start to stir.
- - -
Bobby opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he adjusted himself. Sitting up, the huge man rubbed his throat, feeling like there was something minuscule, yet annoying trapped in there. Standing up, he made his way over to the kitchen area, trying to locate a cup or something to fill with water. leaning over the counter, Bobby…
Josh heard the sound of rushing water before he felt it.The waterfall effortlessly knocked him loose from his precarious position wedged deep in Bobby’s throat.Quickly being dragged down the tube by the torrent of water,Josh was reminded of the many water slides installed around the park,unfortunately the pool at the bottom of this slide is neither fun nor supervised by his lifeguards.
Still flailing around in the rushing water,Josh didn’t notice when he passed cleanly through the football player’s was only when he splashed deep into the lake of acid that Josh could finally move on his own volition.Feeling a faint tingle start to envelop his body,Josh quickly moved to swim towards the surface of the stomach acid,but was stopped by something pulling down on his leg.Desperately trying to pull his leg free from the lump of what was once pizza,the tiny man felt his lungs start to burn from the lack of oxygen,along with his whole body.Unable to free himself,Josh’s struggles began to grow weaker and weaker,before his panicked thrashing came to a stop,finally submitting to Bobby’s stomach.
Quietly placing the coffee mug into the sink,Bobby was relieved when the cool tap water quenched the itch in his dry throat.Looking out the kitchen window,the football star realized that it was currently way-too-early in the morning,or was it still nighttime? Either way,with how dark it was outside,Bobby knew he still had a good few hours left before the day started.Quietly making his way past the balcony as to not wake his tiny roommate to be,Bobby carefully lowered himself onto the comfortable carpet floor.Hearing the water in his gut slosh as he moved,along with Tyler’s faint snoring,Bobby wondered if Josh would be open to buying them more pizza when he woke up again.
"I guess I better head out to grab some clothes, dude." Tyler finished saying while he looked down at his tiny friend. Josh shifted slightly while he sat looking up at Tyler, feeling a little nervous about being left alone while Tyler went to pack up. Noticing his friends slight discomfort, Tyler quickly pulled out his phone and typed out a quick couple of messages with a smile.
"Who you texting?" Josh wondered aloud as Tyler stored his phone back in his pocket. Tyler simply smiled as he sat back down in his seat, resting one of his huge muscled arms down on the table just in front of Josh.
"I asked a couple of the guys to come by and look after you while I was gone. Then I figured it would be cool if we all hung out after anyway, dude." Tyler smirked as he leaned back slightly in his chair. Josh shifted a little more as he sat on the table. It was a good idea after all, but part of him wished Tyler had at least asked him before just inviting over a bunch of the the guys over to his place. Deciding not to make a big deal out of it, Josh simply smiled and nodded, appreciating that Tyler was looking out for him in the long run.
"Who all did you ask to come by?" Josh asked, curious of who to expect at his door step in a few minutes. On cue, Tyler's phone buzzed and Josh watched as his titanic friend pulled out his phone and scrolled through a few messages.
"Well three of the guys are free I guess." Tyler started to say. "They said they'll be by in a few minutes."
Josh frowned, knowing his question wasn't answered at all. Crossing his arms as he looked up at Tyler's arm stationed in front of him, Josh could help but wonder who all was actually coming to his house. Minutes passed as Josh watched Tyler continue to play on his phone. Feeling left out, Josh started to wish he hadn't left his phone on it's charger back at his office, earlier today.
"I just ordered us some food too." Tyler finally piped up as Josh started to slide off to his side in a little boredom. "So I'll pick that up on my way back, dude!"
Just as Tyler finished his sentence, the door bell rang. Josh watched as Tyler's muscled frame pushed out from the chair with a loud scrape along the floor as he got up to make his way over to the door. Hearing the door open and voices started to travel into his home, Josh looked out trying to see who all showed up at his place. To his surprise, Josh noticed the trio enter his living room consisted of…
Josh watched with interest as the first two men entered the room. Immediately Josh recognized them as Matt and Luke, a pair of lifeguards that worked at Shrink and Swim. The two of them were constantly together as their laid back and goofy natures matched each other well. Stumbling forward, Luke held Matt in a bit of a headlock as the pair pounded into the room.
"Come on dude! Let go!" Matt laughed as he pulled Luke off of himself finally. The 22 year old, blonde haired surfer dude smiled as Luke punched him playfully on the shoulder. Josh simply stared at Matt for a moment. Standing at 6'4" with stunning blue eyes and short styled blonde hair, Matt wore a tight pink v-neck tee shirt with his signature shark tooth necklace hanging out casually on his muscular chest. Also sporting a pair tan cargo shorts held up by a brown loop belt as well as a pair of black sandals and bare feet, Matt looked like he was just fresh from a walk on the beach.
"Woah! I can't believe this is where the boss lives!" Spouted Luke, the 23 year old goliath. Shifting his attention from Matt to Luke, Josh examined his other goofy blonde employee. At a slightly shorter 6'3", the buzzed blonde goofball Luke looked around the room with his sharp green eyes, curious of the place his boss lived in. Wearing a blue tank top Josh watched as Luke turned around, from showing off his muscular front to his impressive back. Between his shoulder blades, Josh caught a glace at Luke's bird tattoo before he turned around facing Josh once more. Also wearing a pair of black basketball shorts as well as black running shoes, Josh figured Luke must've been at the gym before coming here.
"Bros! You better not both be goofing off!" Josh heard a third voice as he saw the final one of his employee's enter the room, Brody. 20 years old and very attractive, Brody put a hand in his short black hair as he saw Luke and Matt standing by with guilty faces. Despite being the youngest of the three, Brody was easily both the biggest at 6'6" and the most dependable. Josh sighed in relief as he looked at the massive bro. Wearing a tight black short sleeved spandex shirt as well as some almost form fitting blue running shorts, Brody looked like he had just finished going for a run. Josh watched as the huge man politely stripped off his shoes, revealing his black sweaty looking socks. Crossing his arms as he looked at Luke and Matt, Josh caught a quick glance at Brody's tattoo, a sort of chain that went around his right bicep.
"We promised Tyler we'd take this seriously, right bros?" Brody asked, already knowing how much of a pain in the ass it was going to be to keep those two under control.
"We are taking this seriously!" Luke replied as he put and arm around Matt with a goofy smile. "Right, Matt?"
"Right!" Matt replied as he looked around the room. "But uhhh where's the boss anyway?"
"Bro… weren't you listening at all to Tyler before he left?" Brody frowned, shaking his head in not too much surprise. Both Matt and Luke looked a little confused as Brody sighed in frustration. "Remember? He told us the boss is…"
"He's right over there on the living room table, bros." Brody said as he pointed over at the table, noticing a tiny speck seated next to a pair of sunglasses. Luke squinted slightly as he looked over at the table before leaving Matt's side and moving over and putting his hands down on the surface, shifting the table slightly. Sliding a little toward Luke's side of the table as it shifted, Josh planted his hands and feet on the ground, trying to break his momentum.
"Hey there you are! Wazzup boss!" Luke blurted enthusiastically as he spotted his minuscule boss. Taking his hands off the table, Luke sat down and allowed the surface to be level once more, much to Josh's relief. Matt walked over beside Luke, resting his hand on the chair, while Brody made his way around the table and sat right next to Josh in Tyler's old chair.
"I'm doing alright, I wasn't expecting such a crowd though." Josh piped up finally, commenting purposefully on all of his unexpected guests. Brody crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, looking at Josh with a somewhat puzzled look.
"We were a little surprised when Tyler told us you had shrunk yourself for the next couple days for the fun of it." Brody said before nodding in understanding. "That's probably not the case though is it bro?"
Josh shook his head, not terribly surprised that Tyler would tell everyone he shrunk himself in his own home just for shits and giggles. "You'd really believe Tyler? All of this was his idea. He didn't even ask me if it was alright to invite you guys."
Brody leaned forward, looking sullen as both Luke and Matt turned to each other with nervous looks. "Oh we can leave if you don't want us here, bro."
"What? No! It's totally alright!" Josh replied waving his arms, not meaning to offend the three men. "I just wish Tyler would ask me before he just does things sometimes."
"Yeah that's understandable." Matt decided to add into the conversation. Luke smirked as he reached up for Matt's head and pulled him down toward the table.
"Very insightful Matty!" Luke mocked as he pushed the table up with his leg while trying to bring Matt's body down. In the struggle, the table started to shake dramatically once again. Caught off balance Josh started to slide directly at Brody, rapidly nearing the edge of the table while the two men wrestled on the other side. Screaming in terror as he dropped off the side of the table, Josh found himself falling briefly before landing…
Covering his eyes as he fell, Josh had no idea how long it would take for him to hit the hard ground below. Fearing the worst and expecting to splatter on the wooden floor below, Josh was surprised when the landing seemed oddly soft. Uncovering his eyes as he took a deep breath, Josh instantly regretted the decision as his nostrils were immediately filled with rancid foot stench. Covering his nose and looking around the expansive black surface, Josh held his breath in anticipation. Grateful for the soft landing, Josh tried to relax while he hoped the med above took notice of his absence.
- - -
"Come on bros, knock if off!" Brody yelled at Luke and Matt as the two froze and stared at him. Luke released Matt's neck, allowing the handsome surfer dude to stand upright once more and rub the back of his neck.
"Luke started it!" Matt retaliated, not wanting to be blamed for Luke's constant rough housing. Brody shook his head with a sigh as he leaned back in his chair once more.
"Sorry they can't take this seriously, boss." Brody said as he looked down where Josh was seated. "Boss?"
"What's up?" Luke asked, peeking across the table to see a lack of presence next to the sunglasses. "Uhh where'd he go?"
Brody lifted the sunglasses and moved them aside, looking in the vicinity very carefully before shrugging his shoulder's nervously. "I have no idea, bros."
"Maybe he fell off the table while Luke was being an idiot." Matt sneered at Luke with a smile. Luke simply looked up at Matt with a straight face, slowly raising once of his eyebrows at the man.
"Don't start again, bros. Matt's probably right, let's search the floor." Brody said as he carefully slid his chair back, tucking his feet under the chair as he lifted them carefully off the ground.
- - -
Brody's foot moved faster than Josh could have ever imagined. Screaming as he held on to the fabric of the sock, Josh found himself being carried off under the chair. Dizzied by the sudden rush, Josh shook his head trying to refocus as he held on to the now angled sock and looked around. Looking straight up, Josh saw nothing more than the underside of the chair. Taking a deep breath as he looked forward, he could see Brody's massive body leaned forward slightly as he scanned the ground directly in front of him.
"Boss, if you're on the ground we're really sorry! Try and get to a place where we can spot you, bro!" Brody's voice boomed out from directly above him. Josh sighed, knowing the best thing he could do at this point was to drop off Brody's sock and make his way out from under the chair. Readying to let go of the fabric, Josh struggled for a moment as the crusty sweat drenched on the sock prevented him from pulling out his hands.
"Oh lord…" Josh murmured to himself as he struggled desperately to free his hands, pushing back with his legs for extra leverage before hanging in place in defeat.
"We'll give you like 10 minutes boss! Then we have to start walking around to look for you!" Josh heard Luke's voice call out from the other side of the massive table above him.
"They might not notice me on Brody's sock…" Josh choked as the smell from Brody's feet continually made it painfully obvious where he was trapped. Trying harder to release himself from the sweaty surface, Josh tried to use the thoughts of being stuck to Brody's feet while he stomped around looking for him as his motivation to break free. Pulling as hard as he could against the sweaty material, Josh…
Try as he might, Josh pulled and pulled his arms as hard as he could until the tiny man could do little more than hang in exhaustion. Closing his eyes, Josh tried to imagine how much time had passed since the three men started to scour their immediate area. Sighing in defeat, Josh figured he had little chance but to hope one of the men took a closer look at Brody's actual foot rather than where it was going to step. Putting his faith in Brody, Josh tried to relax and wait for the three to expand their search.
- - -
"Alright, dude. It's been ten minutes! If you're in a safe spot just try and wave us down!" Luke called out to the room as he got up and looked at Brody. "He didn't fall in your lap did he?"
Brody quickly looked down at his legs. Quickly scanning the form fitted blue shorts on his lap, he shifted about a little looking all along his upper legs. Standing up, Brody turned and looked at his seat, wondering if maybe Josh had fallen between his legs. Spotting nothing Brody frowned as he shook his head and turned back to Luke and Matt. "No, bro. He wasn't on my lap or on the chair. He's got to be on the floor."
"Yo… if he fell from the table to the floor… wouldn't that like… hurt?" Matt managed to finish his thought after a few pauses and some hesitation. Brody nodded his head, having not thought of that himself.
"You're right, bro. At his size it must've been like falling off a building. He might have a broken leg or something and crawled off somewhere we wouldn't step on him." Brody imagined, picturing his tiny boss huddled up by a wall or under some furniture. All the more motivation to start the search, Brody motioned to Luke and Matt to start scanning the area carefully. Looking carefully before taking a step, Brody lowered his foot down as he started to make his way around the side of the table. Taking another step, Brody's foot slid slightly on the floor causing him to almost loose his balance.
"Shit that was close bro." Brody said to Luke and Matt who looked over at him.
"Did you find him, dude?" Luke asked, raising and eyebrow.
"No, I just almost slipped on this floor, bro. My socks are kinda sweaty I think." Brody replied, looking behind him and trying to keep his balance steady.
"Just take em off, dude." Luke laughed as he started to kneel carefully down on the ground to better expand his search. Meanwhile, Brody simply shrugged, reaching down and sticking a finger down the back side of one of his socks, pulling it forward inside out. Doing the same to the other sock, Brody finished unknowing trapping his boss in his now inside out socks. Noticing his traction was a lot better now on the floor, Brody held his socks in on hand as he started to his shoes. Looking down at the enormous running shoes, Brody took his socks and…
Reaching down to his shoes, Brody figured he'd spare everyone in the foot from needing to smell his feet and his socks. Taking one of his socks, he tucked it carefully into the shoe before repeating the process with the other. Standing up straight, Brody examined the floor intently around his feet before taking another step. Making his way back into the room to rejoin Matt and Luke, Brody looked seriously at the floor trying to find any indication of where Josh may have ended up.
- - -
"Where the hell am I?" Josh yelled, lost in the total darkness in the sweaty smelly prison. Everything was so suddenly turned upside down and moved so fast, Josh didn't ever get a chance to process what even happened. All he could gather was he now found himself inside the sock, rather than outside not to mention the sock was no longer on Brody's foot. Josh itched his face, wondering where he was besides just in an inside out sock. Noticing he could move his arms, Josh looked down at his hands in amazement.
"When did my arms come free?" Josh asked himself as he started to crawl around inside the sock. "Doesn't matter… I have to get out of here."
Wandering in the stinky darkness, Josh held a finger over his nose, trying his hardest not to break in the sweaty fumes as much as possible. Reaching dead end after dead end within the sock, Josh felt like he would never be free of the smelly prison. Damp with sweat that wasn't his own, Josh panted as it became harder to draw breath before finally he made a small tumble. From one sweaty fabric to another Josh found himself out of the sock, but much to his dismay at the toe of a shoe. His eyes a bit better adjusted to the darkness by now could make out the mesh ceiling of the running shoes as well as what was clearly the toe. The path to the heel and the exit however was completely blocked, courtesy of the sock. Josh sat down on the damp floor of the shoe, feeling defeated. At the very least it seemed like the air was moderately more clear here than it was in the sock.
- - -
Sitting in a circle, the three men felt lost. Having searched the room as thoroughly as they could they started to feel like the tiny man didn't want to be found.
"What if one of us did step on him?" Matt asked, frowning and looking down at his feet.
"He's small but we would have noticed a crunch or blood or something, bro." Brody reassured Matt.
"Why doesn't he just come out?! He knows we aren't going to hurt him!" Luke said angrily, crossing his arms in frustration. Brody laughed and shook his head.
"Bro, he's probably waiting for Tyler to get here or something. He trusts that dude like crazy." Brody answered Luke, trying to be the voice of reason in all of this.
"I don't get why, dude. Tyler is always messing with him." Luke mumbled, still feeling frustrated and impatient. Brody shook his head again, unsure how to reply to Luke's hissy fit. Sitting back, Brody felt a quick buzz from his pocket. Reaching inside, he pulled out his phone, noticing he just got a new message.
"Don't tell me that's Tyler?" Matt asked, looking nervously at the phone. Brody shook his head while he read the message to himself.
"Nah, bro. It's my buddy that lives with me. Guess he went out for the night and forgot to turn off the oven." Brody replied as he lowered the phone to his chest, wondering how he should reply. Knowing his oven was newer, it probably didn't have a chance of setting fire. But Brody felt like he should really go home and turn it off. Looking at Matt and Luke's faces however made him rethink it a little. Brody bit his lip, unsure if he should leave the search for Josh in the hands of these two goofballs since they were just as likely to keep looking as they were to get bored and start wrestling each other again.
Pulling up the messager app on his phone, Brody replied…
Typing out the message, Brody closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I have to take care of that, bros. I'll be back to help you guys look for him though, alright?"
"Do it up, dude." Luke replied, reaching forward and grabbing Brody's hand. Brody smirked as he stood up, pounding Matt's fist as he straightened his back.
"No goofing off, bros." Brody warned once again as he carefully made his way over to his shoes, pulling out the socks and looking at them with a sour face. Tucking the socks in his pocket, Brody decided he'd just slip on his shoes barefoot instead. Sliding his foot into the first shoe, Brody pushed his toes forward and tucked his heel into the flexible mesh of the back of the shoe. Doing the same with the other foot, Brody nodded to the two blondes as he made his way to the front door.
Walking outside to the still sunny day, Brody made his way over to his car which was a slick looking red convertible. Having inherited a good amount of money from his parents, Brody was actually quite well off compared to some of the other guys working at the park. Driving the fancy car a few miles away, Brody quickly found himself in his home neighborhood. Pulling into his driveway, he looked toward the house. It was rather large for just him and his buddy as it easily could fit a family of six or seven, but it was one of his parents old houses after they moved. Brody found himself lucky enough to inherit it with no payments attached.
Walking up the front steps, Brody unlocked the door and made his way inside.
- - -
Josh panted uncontrollably as he gripped the toe of the shoe with all his might. The past few minutes have been filled with nothing but horror for the tiny man. Without any warning, he found himself face to face with Brody's enormous big toe and being squashed against the front of the shoe. Somehow, Josh found a way to shimmy away from the massive toe thanks to the mesh interiors of Brody's shoe, but it wasn't enough to stop the terrifying lifting and dropping of Brody's feet with every step. Nor was it enough to stop the stench of Brody's sweaty feet from washing directly on top of him.
Now, Josh simply remained in place hyperventilating and desperately trying to stay calm. Knowing if he let go, it was entirely possible he slipped under Brody's foot. Josh swallowed roughly, not even wanting to think about that happening. Trying close his eyes and relax, Josh hoped against all odds they somehow he could get out of this ordeal. As if to taunt him on cue, Brody's toes flexed menacingly, as if they were challenging Josh's hope directly.
- - -
Brody reached for the dial on the oven, clicking it off with a sigh as he made his way into his spacious living room. Sitting down on his comfy couch, Brody swung his feet up on the other end, stretching out slightly and laying his head back. Rubbing his hands on his face, he shuddered to think how the search was going back at Josh's house.
"Shit I wanna help, but I dunno what good it'll do." Brody said aloud, feeling exhausted from searching earlier and putting up with Matt and Luke's constant distractions. Trying to just relax a moment, Brody pulled his phone out of his pocket and set it on his chest. Figuring if someone needed him they'd text him, Brody took a breath for a moment while he decided what to do.
- - -
Everything went vertical as Josh hung onto the mesh with all his might. Shaking his head as his arms started to give out, Josh nearly cried as he finally released his hold and started to fall ending up…
Landing much sooner than he expected, Josh shook his head and spat. Having gotten a mouth full of what he could only was assuming was toe jam, Josh made a sour face and gripped his position tightly. Feeling at least somewhat thankful not to be on the underside of Brody's feet, Josh simply hoped this new position would grant him some benefit at some point.
- - -
Brody let loose a massive yawn. Looking at his phone he decided that he would be fine to chill for awhile longer. Reaching down to his feet, Brody untied his shoes and pulled them off tossing them aside with two thumps. Wiggling his toes as he leaned his head back once more, Brody shut his eyes.
All the way down at his feet Brody had no idea how happy he just made a tiny hitch hiker. Josh stretched his neck up as far as it would go, breathing in the mostly clean air while he still clung between Brody's toes. Feeling somewhat invigorated, Josh pulled himself up and swung his legs to the other side of the toes. Looking down Brody's feet, Josh cautiously started to slide his way down the steep incline. Reaching the bottom, Josh took a breath. The air was already started to taste less sweaty and more just of Brody's general odor instead. Peering across the long black haired leg in front of him, Josh started to slowly push his way through the dark hairs hoping to reach the bottom of Brody's shorts before too long.
Josh screamed as Brody's arm suddenly came crashing down near his position. With a massive stroke, Brody itched the spot Josh had just trecked across. Staying still, Josh hoped he would remain hidden from Brody's nails as the huge man retracted his muscular arm. Josh wiped a little sweat from his brow, glad to see Brody's monstrous arm go back to laying along his side. Treading more carefully so as not to create another itch, Josh pressed on making his way to the edge of Brody's tight shorts. Feeling like Brody wouldn't feel his tiny foot steps through the fabric, Josh stepped up and started to work his way once again at a comfortable pace.
Having made quite the distance all the way from the leg finally to Brody's slowly rising and lowering abdomen, Josh looked at Brody's phone. Resting not far from where he was, Josh figured that was his ticket to being found. Reaching the device with relative ease, Josh took in his surroundings. From the massive room, to Brody's rolling muscles, there was certainly a lot to take in for such a tiny explorer. Waiting for something to happen, Josh felt impatient. Wanting nothing more than to be found, Josh swayed nervously until…
Opening his eyes, curious to see if he somehow missed a message, Brody locked his eyes immediately on his phone as it rested on his chest. Puzzled for a moment, Brody's brown eyes met with that of a tiny bug like speck waving at him from on the surface of the screen. Squinting, Brody looked a little closer before raising his eyebrows in surprise.
"Boss?" Brody blinked a few times in surprise as he pulled his phone closer to his neck to get a better look. "It is you, bro! What happened?"
"Well…" Josh started to say as he sat down in relief of being found. "After I fell off the table I got stuck to your sock.Then you kind of tucked me in your shoe. But now I'm here… so it all worked out in the end I guess?"
Brody tilted his head, confused slightly by the brief recollection of Josh's journey. Figuring the little guy didn't want to have to go into too many horrific details, Brody simply smiled. Glad to see he was safe. "I guess you're lucky to be alive, bro. Sorry you had to go through all of that."
Brody took his phone in his hand, letting Josh simply sit on the surface while he re-positioned himself into a seated position. Holding his phone at about chest height, Brody looked down at Josh as he held his hands against the screen of the phone for balance. "Yeah, lucky is definitely one way of putting it."
"Well you're safe now, bro." Brody winked with an attractive smile. Josh blushed slightly as he looked at Brody's perfect teeth being flashed at him. Looking down, a little embarrassed, Josh suddenly nearly screamed as it seemed like there was a massive earth quake below him. Brody looked at his phone as it lit up, buzzing a bit as he received a message.
Brody looked down at Josh, clutching his chest still in surprise. With a simple little pluck, Brody retrieved his tiny boss from off his phone, placing him carefully on a coffee table that sat right across from the sofa. Unlocking his phone and viewing the message, Brody chuckled slightly to see it was from Tyler.
"Ty just texted me, bro." Brody said with a laugh. "He's worried sick about you and wants me to come back to help look for you."
Josh crossed his arms. It was nice to know Tyler was worried about him, but considering this whole stupid ordeal was basically Tyler's fault, Josh held a slight amount of resentment. "I guess we should let him know you found me."
"You guess, bro?" Brody asked a little questionably.
"Well this whole stupid thing is basically his fault. He's always messing with me like this." Josh pouted, thinking of all the times he's been subject to Tyler's childish games.
"Why don't we mess with him then, bro? I'll just tell him I can't make it back tonight." Brody smiled at Josh in a friendly way, once again. Josh chuckled at the idea. It would serve Tyler right to have him be the one messed with for once. But on second thought, Josh did feel a little bad that Tyler was at his house looking frantically around for him. Looking up at Brody's handsome face, Josh decided to…
"Screw it, just tell him you can't make it back tonight." Josh said with a devious smile, imagining Tyler searching around his house all night while he sits here perfectly safe with Brody. Brody smiled at Josh as he tapped out the reply to Tyler, sending the message and setting down his phone on the coffee table.
"All done, bro. So I guess it's just you and me now, huh?" Brody said leaning forward and putting a hand under his chin.
"Yeah…" Josh replied, a little awkwardly as he looked around the room for the first time. "So this is your house? I've never been here before."
"Oh yeah, bro. I'm sorry. I should show you around or something." Brody answered in surprise as he lowered his hand next to Josh, inviting his tiny boss to climb aboard. Josh scaled the side of the huge man's hand, making his way into the center of the palm and sitting down. Josh looked up at Brody as he lifted his hand, standing up as he showed Josh a bit around the living room. Walking from room to room, Josh was in awe of the size of the house. Even if he wasn't currently so tiny, the house would have still be extremely impressive in scale. Going upstairs, Brody continued the tour toward a few bedrooms and bathrooms.
"This is Vinny's room… and this is my room." Brody said as he walked past a few messy looking rooms. Stepping inside his own bedroom, Josh saw it wasn't really all that bad. It smelt heavily of Brody in the large room, and only a few spare clothes and pieces of trash laid scattered across the room. "Sorry it's a little messy, bro."
"No worries." Josh smiled up at Brody. "Who's Vinny though, by the way?"
"Oh he's an old buddy of mine. He lives with me since I've got so much room, bro." Brody answered casually.
"Yeah, so about that… how do you have all this room?" Josh asked, wanting to get the obvious question out of the way finally.
"Well my parents are pretty well off, bro. They bought a new home further away on the coast. So they left me this house since it's close to work." Brody answered, making it still not sound like such a big deal.
"How have I never known this? Sorry, but why do you bother working for me?" Josh asked, hoping not to offend Brody in anyway.
"Well I don't talk about it, bro. I don't want people thinking I'm a rich snob. Besides, I work for you because its fun, bro. I like my bros down at the park." Brody replied, scratching his head a little uncomfortably. "But bro, if you wanted to give my spot to someone who needs the money, I'd get it."
"No, it's not that at all!" Josh said frantically, waving his arms. "I love having you on staff. I don't want you to go anywhere."
Brody simply smiled and looked down at his tiny boss. "Thanks, bro."
Josh returned the smile as Brody left the bedroom, making his way back down the stairs toward the entryway. Up next, Brody was determined to show Josh the basement of his house, practically a full gym. Reaching for the door knob, Brody started to explain to Josh what was in the basement and…
"This room down here, bro. Is the room I'm most proud of." Brody said to Josh with confidence as he flicked on the light and started to head down the basement steps. Josh looked out into the beautifully finished basement with surprise as he saw a wide array of gym equipment. Free weights, benches, a few machines and even a treadmill filled the basement, making it look like a small private gym. Brody walked Josh over to a small counter top at one side of the gym. With a small sink and cabinet, Josh figured Brody must store things that were useful to his works in here.
"What do you think, bro?" Brody asked as he set Josh down on the counter before putting his arms up and spinning to each side, admiring his gym.
"It's bigger and has more equipment than the gym I gave you guys at work!" Josh replied, embarrassed now about the tiny gym he gave the lifeguards back in the break room. Brody laughed, thinking about the tiny gym.
"Well I know my bros appreciate your gym. I do too, bro. Beats running home when I'm on break, am I right?" Brody replied humorously with a smile. Returning the smile, Josh was glad Brody was overall still such a modest guy, despite his wealth. Brody stretched his arms a bit as he looked down at Josh.
"Yo, bro. do you mind if I work out a bit?" Brody asked, turning and looking out into the gym. "Just being down here makes me wanna burn out a quick workout, bro."
"That's fine with me. Do what you got to do." Josh answered, not too thrilled, but glad it'll give him the opportunity to relax none the less.
"Cool, bro. Hey before I get started…" Brody started to say, looking down at Josh…
"I just got to take my pre-workout before I start, bro." Brody said as he reached up into the cabinet above Josh, pulling out a few containers. Unscrewing the tops and pulling out a few pills and scooping out a little power into a glass, Josh watched in fascination as Brody mixed the powder with some water and quickly started to guzzle it down. Looking to his side, Josh looked at the pills Brody laid out. Easily dwarfing Josh in size, he almost jumped as Brody grabbed the seemingly car sized pills and popped them in his mouth, swallowing them down with the rest of his drink with ease. Setting his glass down next to Josh with a sigh, Josh looked up at the handsome man with a slight blush on his face.
"Buuurp!" Brody released a moderately closed mouth burp as he rubbed his stomach through his tight black shirt. " 'Scuse me, bro."
"No worries…" Josh nearly stuttered as the black haired colossus took his hand off his stomach. "What were those anyway?"
"Oh, my pre-workout, bro? It was just like, creatine, a little supplement, some pill form of some NOS. Does wonders for my workout, bro." Brody said with an attractive wink.
"Yeah it's pretty amazing how something so small can have such a big impact on your body. Makes me a little…" Josh started to say before finishing his final word under his breath. "Jealous."
Brody rose an eyebrow as he barely heard the last thing Josh said. "Bro, jealous of what?"
"What?!" Josh replied, embarrassed Brody heard him. "I didn't say that.. I said it makes me a little… inspired?"
"Nah, I heard you bro. What are you jealous of? That those little supplements can have such a big impact on my body? Or just that they have a big impact in general despite being so small, bro?" Brody asked, crossing his arms in curiosity.
Josh sighed, feeling like he was caught red handed in midst of a fantasy. Feeling like he couldn't fool Brody at this point, he decided to just tell the truth. "Well… I meant specifically having an impact on your body. I mean I'm so small and I'd do nothing for you if I was a supplement."
"You'd be better as a post workout protein snack, bro!" Brody joked, laughing and putting a hand down on the counter top. "After all it's after the workout that my body would need the protein, bro."
Josh blushed even harder, knowing Brody was probably just joking. But the idea of being Brody's little protein snack after his workout started to sound like such an appealing idea. "Sounds like I could be useful after all then, huh?"
Brody continued to laugh a little as he didn't really notice Josh shaking a little in a mix of excitement and fear. "Yeah bro! I'll have to give you a try after my workout!"
Josh watched as Brody turned away to head into his gym. Still shaking a little from the exchange with Brody, Josh's knees felt to start weak as he fell to the ground. Sitting down, Josh watched as the massive god that was Brody, worked his way over to his bench press and started to rep out some heavy weights. Josh could do little more than stare in awe at the muscular man as he moved from the bench to free weights, doing everything from chest flies, to bicep curls. As time went by, Josh noticed Brody started to work up quite the vigorous sweat. Casually, the colossal bro stripped his shirt and stood in the room with nothing but his tight blue shorts.
Making his way over to Josh, Brody panted in a sweaty saunter. "Bro, did you see me killing it out there?"
Josh blushed as he looked up at the shirtless sweaty man. His scent just oozing off of him smelling like a gym. "Yeah, you looked like you were working pretty hard, Brod."
"Yeah bro. I just kept thinking about how much of an impact you'd have on me as my protein!" Brody said, still panting, but finding a way to add in a charming wink in his words. "What do you say, bro?"
Josh froze, unsure how serious Brody actually was. "Say to w-what?"
"Being my protein, bro." Brody laughed. "You'd literally be brotein, bro!"
Josh couldn't believe the offer he was being made. Unsure how to react, Josh thought about it for a few seconds before replying…
"I'd do it, Brody." Josh replied nervously. "I'd be your protein."
"For real, bro? I was only kind of kidding, but bro…" He said leaning down a little closer to Josh. "I'd seriously do it."
"Let's do it then! No regrets." Josh said with a tiny bit of confidence as he looked up past Brody's massive chest to his handsome face. Brody straightened his back and slapped his hands together with a laugh.
"Aw yes, bro! Let' do this!" Brody yelled excitedly as he reached up into the massive cabinet, high above Josh once more. Pulling out an enormous container of protein and a few other powders and pills, Brody set them on the counter beside Josh. Curious, Josh watched as Brody poured some brown powder into a shaker bottle before reaching into a small mini-fridge below and filling it with milk. Watching as Brody's right pec flexed with each shake of the bottle, Josh was simply entranced by the sweaty giant.
Brody stopped for a moment, quickly guzzling down half of the protein shake with ease before grabbing a few huge pills and swallowing them down in a mighty gulp. Brody set the shake down on the counter top and looked at Josh with a friendly wink. "Bro, taking those pills gave me a bit of an idea."
"…Oh?" Josh replied in a delay, more focused on Brody's ripped body than he was on what the huge man was saying.
"Yeah bro. I've got some clear pills, I could open em up and stick you in side of that? You'd be like a little brotein pill, bro!" Brody smiled happily as he reached up into the cabinet, fumbling around for a moment before pulling out a clear pill, opening it up and emptying the contents into the garbage. Brody set the open pill beside Josh, who still stood still in somewhat of a daze.
"Um. Yeah we could do that." Josh replied finally. "I just thought you'd wash me down with your protein shake."
"Well bro, you're small enough were I wouldn't need anything to wash you down." Brody laughed as he put a hand on his chest in amusement. "But if that's how you wanna go down then let's do it up, bro."
Josh blushed at the comment. He was pretty small after all. But something about being washed down between chugs of Brody's shake just made him feel like he was really a part of it. Looking over at the open capsule beside him, Josh began to wonder how scenic the view would be from the capsule instead. Looking at it closer, he could easily fit inside and have tons of room to walk around and take in the whole trip. Conflicted, Josh decided if he was going to be protein for Brody then he was going to do it…
"I want you to wash me down in your shake…" Josh replied nervously, knowing his decision would ultimately lead to his demise. Looking up at Brody's chiseled body however, Josh started to feel more excited than he was nervous.
"You sure bro?" Brody asked as he picked the shake up off the counter. Once again Brody started to rub his chest as he looked down at his body. "You're just so tiny, bro. I feel like I'd lose track of you as soon as I swallowed you!"
Josh tilted his head a little confused at the statement. "I'm not really sure why that matters? It's not like you normally have to keep track of things while they go down your throat."
Brody frowned as he took a short sip from his shake, swallowing it down with a light gulp before setting it back down on the table. "Well no, bro. But normally I don't have to worry about bringing little buddies back out of my gut."
Josh's eyes widened a bit surprised at the the huge hunk's words. "You were going to bring me back up?"
Brody rose an eyebrow as he leaned down closer to Josh with a half smile. "Wait you thought I was gonna keep you down, bro? You're my buddy, bro. I wasn't about to just digest you."
"Oh well…" Josh swallowed nervously. "I guess in my mind I just didn't care what happened after you swallowed me."
"Uhh you wouldn't have cared if the acid in my stomach literally killed you, bro?" Brody laughed as he rested his elbows in front of Josh and stared down at the little man. "I just don't know if I could do that to you, bro. Ever since I started working for you, you always seemed like more of a buddy than a boss to me."
Josh laughed at Brody's comment, finding it kind of charming in a way. "You know, I bet plenty of guys wish they could just eat their boss and be done with him."
Brody chuckled as he continued to squat in front of the counter and speak to Josh. "Yeah you aren't kidding, bro. Still though, you're not one of those bosses. If I had know you were this serious, I wouldn't have teased you so much, bro."
"So you're not going to do it?" Josh asked, almost disappointed he wasn't going to be eaten by the colossal stud. Brody moved a finger to his face, scratching his cheek a little at Josh's disappointment.
"You're really serious, huh bro?" Brody said finally with a smile. "But let me ask you, does it have to be me?"
"What do you mean?" Josh asked somewhat puzzled.
"I mean, do I have to be the one to do it. I mean if you are just looking to just get eaten for the thrill of being some dude's protein I could easily set you up, bro. But if you feel like your heart is set on me, I'd do it for you, bro." Brody explained, giving Josh a confident wink. Josh wasn't really sure what to make of all that, but he could tell Brody was still hesitant about doing it himself. Unsure if he wanted to put Brody through it or not, Josh bit his lip as he looked at the handsome man's face, feeling like he may really well be set on Brody. Making up his mind, Josh decided…
Josh pondered for a second. The more he thought about it, the more it made him realize it didn't really matter who he was ultimately consumed by. In the end, he started to just narrow it down to a fit young guy in need of the tiny extra protein. "I guess it really doesn't matter if it's you or not."
Brody wiped his brow in a bit of relief. "That's good to hear! I mean, sort of, bro. I still don't know if I entirely like the idea of just sacrificing you to some dude, but if it's what you really want then I'm up for it, bro."
Josh smiled at Brody's considerate nature. He really wasn't sure what was driving his determination through this epic fantasy of his, but now that it's started he wanted to see it through. "Maybe it was my brush at death in your shoe earlier or something, but it made me realize just how frail and insignificant I am. I can't really explain it, but it was a rush… I want to experience this."
Brody shook his head with a smile, still not entirely understanding. "If it's what you really want, bro. I guess I can bring you to a gym and drop you in a random dude's protein shake if you want?"
Josh scratched his chin for a second. He hadn't thought about being in some completely unaware dud's shake. Being insignificant was one thing, but being so unnoticed that some dude would drink him and never know any better sounded like it was taking it too far. "I think I want the guy to at least know I'm there…"
"So you want the dude to want to eat you?" Brody asked, still trying to wrap his brain around his tiny boss's logic. "That's gonna be a little tougher, bro. Can't exactly just walk into gym and flaunt you around to everyone."
"Oh well I guess when you put it like that it all sounds very stupid…" Josh said, feeling a little disappointed again.
"Well bro. I could always talk to one of my house mates, Vinny and Lyle. Either of them should be home soon." Brody replied, trying to put on a smile. "They're both fit guys, they both work in construction. Either of them would probably get a kick out of eating you up!"
Josh smiled, it was a very sweet, yet somewhat morbid offer. Thinking for a minute, Josh did figure it would be easily to approach either Vinny or Lyle, but there was something still oddly enticing about approaching a total stranger. Thinking on it for a minute, Josh decided he wanted to approach…
"Something just sounds so special and mysterious about a total stranger…" Josh said out loud to himself as Brody adjusted his squatted position in front of the counter.
"Well Vinny is a total stranger to you. You wanna go with that, bro?" Brody asked, unsure where Josh was taking his thoughts exactly.
"No, I think I want to find a total stranger to both of us. I hope that's not asking too much…" Josh said looking down at the floor in embarrassment. "I feel bad I'm putting you through all this trouble."
"It's not really any trouble for me, bro." Brody responded as he stood up straight and grabbed his remainder of his protein shake. Quickly, Brody downed the shake in a few swift gulps before laying his free hand down on the counter top, indicating Josh to climb on. Getting on the sweaty palm, Josh looked up as Brody continued his statement. "I actually have a gym membership I never use, bro. We could scope out that gym and see what's up."
Josh merely settled in Brody's hand as the two of them made their way up the stairs. Josh looked up at Brody's massive still bare torso as watched carefully as his pecs bounced gracefully with each step he took. Close to the man's ripped abdomen, Josh swore he could hear the faint groans and gurgles of Brody's stomach, no doubt hard at work processing the protein and supplements the enormous man just took. Josh sighed to himself for a moment, trying to picture what it would be like to be on the other side of the wall of muscle. Shaking the thought though, Josh tried to focus. After all he didn't want his mind stuck on Brody in the end.
Making their way into the kitchen, Josh crawled off Brody's hand onto the kitchen table as he watched Brody drop his empty cup in the sink. Without a word, Brody left Josh for a moment, returning briefly wearing a black tank top. "Alright, you ready, bro?"
"Yes!" Josh simply said with excitement. He couldn't entirely rationalize his excitement even to himself, but at this point he figured logic and reason were all pretty much out the window. Brody actually smiled, looking at the little man's eagerness as he lowered his hand once more. Brody moved his hand up to his broad shoulder, letting Josh off on his skin next to the cloth of his tank top. Holding on to the black fabric, Josh was ready as Brody started to move, making his way out of the house and toward his car. Josh blushed as he watched the handsome man flip on a pair of sunglasses before the two made their way off toward the gym.
- - -
Josh looked around in amazement at the massive gym he and Brody just entered. To Brody it was really nothing special, but the sheer size and scope of the inside of the building left Josh absolutely speechless. Men and women rand tirelessly on treadmills on one end while loud grunts and groans came from the other as some burly men set heavy weights on the ground. Holding on tight, Josh looked closely as Brody made his way near a group of guys lifting barbells in front of a mirror. Grabbing a few himself, Brody grabbed a couple heavy ones showing off just how much he could lift. Josh was puzzled, after all they didn't come here for Brody to work out, but looking at Brody's face Josh saw a knowledgeable smirk curl on the man's mouth.
Sure enough Josh nearly jumped as a voiced popped up near Brody. "Yo!"
Josh watched as the man walked over as Brody set the dumbbells down. Looking closely at him this man looked to be…
Brody turned his attention to the built looking young man. With short spiky brown hair and sharp blue eyes, Josh couldn't help but eye the young man as he stood in front of Brody. He was very slightly shorter than Brody, which Josh guessed put him at about 6'4". He wore a grey tank top and black gym shorts. Josh couldn't help but bite his lip as his eyes wandered up and down the stranger's body, easily bulging with muscle and showing through his much too small tank top. Snapping back to reality, Josh nearly jumped as he responded to the stranger.
"What's up bro?" Brody asked with a slight smile on his face.
"Could you give me a spot, dude?" The young man asked with a bit of sweat forming around his his face and arms.
"Yeah sure, bro." Brody responded as he followed the young stud to the bench press. Josh held on tight as Brody leaned over the guy's face, positioning his hands under the bar, ready to help if need be. Josh watched as the bar lifted off the rest and the huge man started to lift and lower the weight. Josh couldn't help but be astonished, to him the weights may have been gigantic buildings, and this guy was simply moving them up and down to get a work out on. A little time passed and the man thanked Brody as the two worked together to re-rack the weights. Brody stepped aside to a little more remote part of the gym and looked down at his shoulder, still seeing his tiny friend in tow.
"What do you think, bro?" Brody asked, looking at his tiny boss, clinging for safety.
"Think of what?" Josh asked, still looking around the room in awe of all the giants working out frivolously.
"That dude, bro. Did you like him?" Brody asked, hoping he didn't have to explain himself further.
Josh nodded his head, finally focusing on what Brody was trying to ask. "Yeah absolutely, I guess I just didn't understand how you were getting his attention in the first place."
"Easy bro." Brody said giving his arm a little flex. "Just do a couple easy work outs in front of people and they see you and start asking for spots. I'm gonna follow him out the gym, bro"
Josh nodded as he looked out into the gym, seeing the guy in question as he left the locker room holding a gym back over his shoulder and sipping from a shaker bottle. Brody casually started to follow him at a distance as the two made their way out of the gym. Brody worked up his pace a little bit until he was right behind the man, before he pulled his keys out of his pocket, intentionally dropping them on the ground. The college stud turned around to see Brody picking up his keys and recognizing him as the guy who gave him a spot.
"Oh hey dude, have a good work out?" The man asked politely as Brody stood back up.
"Oh yeah, bro. How about you? You look like you're in good shape, you on any teams or something?" Brody asked trying to strike up a conversation.
"Oh yeah dude, I play baseball for my college. I also do club football so I don't get hurt in the off season. What about you? You're huge dude." He asked, looking at Brody's taller yet equally buff figure.
"Thanks bro. I play lacrosse. Not for a team anymore though." Brody added with a friendly smile. "Hey bro, wanna see something cool?"
"Uh yeah sure dude." He responded as the two of them walked out of the parking lot and over toward the sidewalk instead. He watched carefully as Brody reached for his shoulder and carefully pinched something off and held it in his hand.
"See this bro, it's a tiny person!" Brody said, trying not to make his connection to Josh super clear. Josh simply looked up at the stranger's look of bewilderment and waved.
"What? How is that even possible?" The young stud wondered as he looked at Josh waving at him casually.
"You know that Shrink and Swim park around here? There was a malfunction or something and this guy is seemingly stuck like this." Brody tried to lie, turning a little red as he was a terrible lair.
"Woah… I'm sorry to hear that little guy." The giant man said, leaning down to look at Josh a little closer. Standing back to his full hieght he looked at Brody again. "So why did you want to show me him, dude?"
"Well…" Brody started to say as he glanced down at Josh and took a deep breath, ready to try and make up another lie once again. "He's gotten a little tired of being small. He kinda wants to go out with a bit of an adventure, bro. I'd do it myself, but I can't bring myself to do it. So I had to find someone."
"I gotcha, dude." The young stud replied with a smile, buying Brody's lie. "I don't think I could live with being so small either."
"So you'll help me our, bro?" Brody asked, lifting Josh to about chest height. "He kind of has a specific way he wants to go out, too."
"Oh, that's fair. The little dude should be able to pick how he wants to end it." The college stud responded, looking at Josh with a friendly smile. "How do you wanna do this dude?"
Josh looked nervously at the handsome man before deciding to speak for himself. "Well like he said… I want to go out on a bit of an adventure. I was kind of hoping I could be… eaten."
The young man blinked a little before nodding his head. "It's an odd request. I can see why your buddy couldn't do it. But I think I gotcha, dude."
"Really?" Brody and Josh asked in almost unison. He simply nodded his head more with a grin. Brody reached out his hand, offering Josh to what he knew would be the man to do him in. Reluctantly, Brody watched as he handed off the tiny man. Brody bit his lip as the man brought his hand closer to his chest and…
The young man brought his hand with Josh next to his abs. Josh looked up from the young stud’s hand at his ripped abs, trying to imagine what it was going to be like behind them.
“I won’t have to wonder much longer to find out” Josh thought.
A loud growl could be head for the stud’s stomach, crying out for food. Josh flinched a little from the sound. Josh could tell that the boy was really hungry and really needed food.
“I’m going to be that food soon” Josh thought to himself.
“Sorry for that little dude, my stomach is pretty hungry after that workout. But hey it’s about to get something in it. Said the Jock laughing a little. “Ok well lets get this over with so I can get more food, i’m hungry and I do not think you will fill me up”
The jock starts to raise his hand towards his mouth. Josh could not keep his balance and fell onto the hand. Josh watched the mountainous abs fly by and change into giant pec shaped mounds until he was face to face with the perfect closed lips of the young man. The lips started to part revealing the inside of his mouth with strands of silvia looking like columns inside connecting to his sexy soft inviting tongue. The jock’s breath smelled of the sports drink that he had been downing during his workout.
Brody watched as the young man tilted his head back and positioned his hand over his mouth. He then started to tilt his hand causing Josh to slip towards the edge.
Josh fell into the jocks mouth landing on his tongue and sliding a little towards the back of his throat. The young man stopped his slide towards the abyss of the throat by pushing him against the roof of his mouth with his tongue.
“Mmm the little dude tastes pretty good.” Said the man.
The jock moved Josh around his mouth, tasting him and covering him in silvia to prepare him for the trip down his throat. After about a minute of tasting he opened his mouth again to let Brody see him again one last time.
Brody looked into the jock’s mouth to see Josh coated in spit it the middle of his tongue. Josh seeing Brody started to reach out his hand. The jock chose that moment to start flexing his tongue pushing Josh towards the back of his throat, and with his mouth open swallowed. Brody watched in fascination as the jocks throat and tongue flexed in unison to grab Josh and drag him down the young man’s throat. After about two flexes only Josh’s head was left in his mouth. With another flex Jost was just a lump in the jock’s throat. The young man traced with his finger Josh down his throat passing his massive pecs and dropping into the stomach behind his abs.
“Thanks for the snack bro, but I need to get more food now to build muscle from that workout. I’ll catch you around sometime.” Said the jock
The jock jumped into his car and left Brody standing there still in a little bit of shock and awe at what had just happened.
Josh had landed in a small pool in the jock’s stomach and was starting to have second thoughts about this decision. Josh tried to yell to get the jock’s attention.
Deep within the stomach – Josh was pounding his fists against the walls of his organic prison and screaming for help. After a terrifying trip down the throat, Josh found himself in a shallow pool of some sports drink surrounded in a putrid darkness with ominous sounds of gurgling around him. Josh was quickly realizing that becoming protein for some nameless jock was a really poor decision on his part.
“Brody! Anyone! Get me back out!” Josh yelled.
Through the thick layers of organic mass and muscle, Josh’s cries went unheard by both his devourer and Brody. Instead, the only response was from the stomach itself which groaned and rumbled seemingly to protest against Josh’s tiny mass and what little protein or sustenance it would provide.
Ignorant of the tiny’s plight within his body the young student-athlete continued driving and listening to his car radio until a series of gurgles and rumbles from his torso interrupted the music. As he expected from before, the tiny guy barely made a dent in his appetite and his body needed much more to recover from the strenuous gym workout.
Assuming Josh would hear him, the muscular bro looked down at his abs and said “Sorry little dude, you were tasty but my stomach is going to more than you as a post workout snack. Gonna need to send something else down so get ready for some company down there!”
Remembering he still had his post workout shake the guy grabs his shaker bottle and chugs down the chocolatey liquid protein. The cool mixture descends down his throat with each gulp, following the same journey that Josh took moments ago.
Inside the toned stomach Josh had heard every word and was yelling in protest as a deluge of the brownish goopy fluid quickly spewed out of the sphincter and dumped over him. Josh was quickly swept off his feet and completely submerged as the once empty cavern became a deep swirling vortex of slimy chocolate muck.
“Oh God! Please stop!” Josh yelled as he finally breached the surface and saved himself from drowning in liquid protein.
On the outside, the young jock took the last few sips of his post workout drink and wondered what was it was like for the tiny guy inside his gut.
“Hope you’re having a blast in there!”
The guy paused waiting for a response from Josh but couldn’t feel or hear anything even though tiny Josh was yelling his loudest and furiously beating against the fleshy walls of the stomach. The only response the young stud heard was from his stomach which again groaned and gurgled angrily back clearly unsatisfied with only liquids and a tiny man inside of it. It was demanding real solid food and lots of it after a strenuous full-body workout.
“Alright, calm down.” he says to his stomach just as he arrives to….
Deciding that fueling his body was a bigger priority than getting to class on time the young student strolls into his favorite joint near the campus and places a large order of a double-stacked burger with a large drink, salad, fries, and an extra order of wings.
The muscular stud sits down at an empty table and lifts his shirt, admiring his toned gut and wondering how the tiny man is enjoying the ride.
“Alright little dude, if you’re still alive in there get ready! Hope you don’t mind but it’s my cheat meal today and I need to bulk up after that workout with a large meal. More fuel in the tank!” the jock says before taking a bite of the juicy burger and working to down his cheat meal quickly so he could make it to class on time.
Once again, Josh heard every word from inside his devourer and couldn’t disagree more about the chosen diet plan. Despite Josh’s objections, the stomach groaned and gurgled with joy – eager to receive the copious amounts of carbs, fats, and proteins that began arriving with each mouthful.
Chewed masses of food began raining down from above and poor Josh was forced to find safety on the far edge of the cavernous stomach to avoid becoming buried. Things were quickly becoming crowded and chaotic inside the gut as the once empty space was replaced with the piles of masticated mush and sludge dropping into the now noisy, busy chamber.
Deep within the rancid darkness of the jock’s massive gut, everything was in constant motion as the young athlete’s metabolic processes began their normal routine. Detecting a large meal needing to be processed, the stomach was already busy contracting and churning every few seconds – mixing everything together and saturating all the stomach contents with secreted acid and enzymes. Josh was helplessly trapped within the hellish environment and feeling its effects. The shrunken man beginning to notice what started as a mild burn on his bare hands and skin was quickly turning into a stronger more searing pain all over body.
Focused on the delicious food in front of him, the muscular stud had long forgotten about tiny man inside his gut and was instead more concerned about what to eat next. However, a quick glance down at his phone screen interrupts this as he sees the current time.
“Fuck! Gotta get to class if I don’t want to be late!” he realizes as he stuffs the last bits of his meal into his mouth and gulps down a few mouthfuls without bothering to chew thoroughly. The young student grabs his backpack and hurriedly exits the fast food restaurant to reach his next class. At first the student starts off with a casual walk but halfway there notices that time is running short and he begins a light jog across the college campus.
Deep within the stomach Josh was still clinging to life but quickly losing the strength to keep himself afloat in the constantly churning lake of half-digested mush and acids. Each step the young athlete took on his casual walk to class caused the digestive slurry to slosh back and forth. Josh was nearing complete exhaustion but luckily found a half-chewed mass of burger bun that was relatively intact enough to support him. Josh climbed aboard and sighed – grateful that this raft of carbohydrates would provide him with refuge from the acidic chyme.
However, this relief would prove to be short-lived as the young stud’s walking pace suddenly changed into a quick and more intense jog. Josh screamed in terror as chaos ensued and things inside the stomach became much more violent with each pounding step. The delicate raft of carbs would not hold and suddenly broke apart, sending a screaming and panicked Josh into the raging lake of acids and digesting food.
With no strength left to surface, the tiny man was unable to free himself from the pool of caustic acids and enzymes. His exhausted body eventually gave out as it finally lost its battle against the efficient metabolism of an athletic teenager. Josh’s lifeless body floated away in the soupy chyme, joining the rest of the digesting food to be sloshed and churned about with each stomach contraction.
Arriving to class in the nick of time, the young student sits down for lecture just as the instructor begins the day’s lesson. Finally able to rest, the jock contemplates about the guy he ate earlier and wonders if he’d be able to find other ‘willing’ tinies that were in the same shrunken accident that Brody told him about when they met at the gym.
“I should get try getting a job at the water park where that tiny guy came from. Maybe I can get some more tinies as protein that will want to go out the same way as the earlier guy” The man thinks to himself.
Hearing a slight gurgle from his midsection, the muscular bro looks down and wonders where the tiny man is within his digestive tract. Resting his hand on his toned abdomen, the young stud couldn’t feel anything except for the slight rumbles from his digesting gut which was happily churning away at the large meal it finally received.
“Little guy must be gone by now. Hope he got the adventure he wanted!” the student thinks to himself.
Although he would quickly regret his adventure choice, Josh did become the first human to be ingested and journey through the digestive tract of a male jock. It wasn’t only the adventure of a lifetime for Josh but his last ever.
"Lyle… that's an interesting name. What's he like?" Josh asked, curious as he'd not heard the name before.
"Oh bro. He's huge. He's like five inches taller than me and works out twice as much as me." Brody laughed thinking about Lyle for a moment. "If you can even believe that, bro!"
"So do you think he'd you know…" Josh tried to be coy about the awkward conversation. "Be interested?"
"Oh ummmm…" Brody thought for a moment, rubbing his chin in thought. "He's pretty impulsive. But I could see him being a bit questionable with the whole deal, bro. We might have to come up with a lie or something, bro."
"Hmm… okay well… we'll cross that bridge when we get there…" Josh mulled it over for a moment.
"You mean 'if' we get there, bro." Brody corrected Josh. "What if you saw him and thought… nah I don't wanna do this?"
"Oh that's a good point." Josh fakely replied. To be honest, based off the short description Brody gave him, Lyle sounded perfect. But Josh was trying his hardest not to seem too eager. "When do you think he'll be home?"
Brody pulled out his phone and looked at the time. "Should be any minute. Sounds like Vinny went out for the night, but Lyle will be here soon." Brody answered as he looked at his messages. As if on cue, Josh and Brody heard the sound of massive footsteps from upstairs. Brody stood up straight and smiled as he looked down at Josh. "That's gotta be him, bro. He always works out after work, so I'll leave you here to scope him out while I go take a shower."
Josh watched as Brody started to saunter away, heading upstairs from the basement and leaving Josh on the table. Josh sat still, hearing muffled voices from the floor above, before hearing lighter foot steps go further upstairs and the heavier ones coming toward the door to the basement. Josh swallowed nervously as the door opened and he watched as an absolute titan started to squeeze his way down the stairs. Josh's jaw dropped as the enormous man came into full view.
As Brody has described, Lyle was absolutely huge. Taller than Brody with muscles bursting out of his tight white tank top. Josh was immediately distracted by his grey athletic shorts, sagging in the back showing off the most perfect muscular bubble butt clad in compression shorts he'd ever seen. Looking up past his incredible torso Josh was transfixed on the man's handsome and rugged face. With blonde hair shaved on the sides of his head and styled on the top, leading down to his chiseled face covered in a slightly darker scruff, Josh was instantly in love with the massive titan.
Josh nearly shrieked as the giant peeled off his tank top, revealing his amazingly muscular body. With rippling abs and a massive chest with light hairs littered across them, Josh could do little more than gawk.
"Alright, let's get started, bro." Lyle said to himself in a deep sexy voice. Josh couldn't help but turn red as the man's voice was so perfect. Still observing, Josh watched as the godlike man started to do his workout routine. Watching carefully, it was true what Brody had said. Lyle spent more time doing more reps and with higher weights.
- - -
As time went on, Lyle finished his workout. Sweaty, the titan came over to the table where Josh had watched the giant. Looming over him, Lyle made a protein shake as Josh could do nothing more than stare up at his sweaty perfect body. Walking away with the shake, Josh watched him go upstairs mesmerized by the way each side of his ass would alternate bouncing up and down. Shaking his daze, Josh saw as the familiar form of Brody came down the stairs, now wearing a black tank top, hat, and a pair of blue athletic shorts. Coming over the the table, Brody knelt down to look and see Josh was right where he left him.
"Hey bro. So what'd you think?" Brody asked, partially hoping Josh would just back out.
"He's perfect. Let's go talk to him!" Josh replied excitedly, a little to Brody's disappointment. Brody shook his head and laughed, if it was what Josh really wanted he wasn't one to argue.
"Alright bro. But we'll have to come up with a lie, otherwise I think he'll have second thoughts about going through with it." Brody informed Josh. "You wanna come up with something, bro?"
"Hmm why don't you?" Josh asked, tilting his head. "You know him better."
"Yeah but I'm a pretty terrible lair, bro." Brody scratched the back of his neck. "You're better off doing the talking I think…"
"Yeah but I don't know this guy at all…" Josh mulled to himself. Thinking on it for a moment, Josh decided that…
"You're really that bad at lying, Brody?" Josh asked, feeling a bit on the spot about trying to fabricate something for the handsome titan to believe.
"Yeahhhh bro. Especially with Lyle or Vinny. They've known me too long." Brody chuckled, leaning back as he's thought about a few times he's tried and failed miserably to lie to his two closest friends. "You're better off trying than I am, bro."
"Okay… well I'll do my best." Josh answered as Brody laid his hand down for him to crawl onto. Lifted up to the massive man's face, Brody gave a bit of a half smile.
"You'll come up with something, depends on how badly you want this, bro." Brody reminded Josh, a little relieved himself he didn't have to come up with something that would ultimately lead to his tiny friend's death. Regardless, Brody carried Josh up the stairs knowing that there wasn't much he could do to change Josh's mind from at least trying. Reaching the top and rounding the corner, Brody turned and saw Lyle in the kitchen. Still shirtless and drinking his protein shake as he was pulling some food out of the refrigerator, undoubtedly preparing himself something to eat after a long day.
"Yo, Lyle." Brody said to his housemate, who turned and looked at Brody as he finished cutting up some chicken.
"Sup, Brod!" Lyle answered with a smile as he looked at Brody, somewhat awkwardly standing there with his hand cupped at his side. "Uhhh whatcha got there, bro?"
"Oh um. So you know how I work at this place where they shrink people, right?" Brody asked, as Lyle turned on the stove and started to cook his meal.
"Duh, bro. Shrink and Swim, right?" Lyle chuckled, hoping Brody had a little more confidence in him to know where he worked.
"Yeah, you got it bro." Brody walked over and leaned on his island counter across from Lyle. "Well, I have a little guy here from the park and he wants to talk to you, bro."
"Oh shit, you have a tiny person in your hand, bro?" Lyle asked as he chicken cooked in the pan. "I can't even see them!"
Josh watched as Lyle turned fully away from the stove, now standing across from him at the island, staring right at him with his eyes squinting. Brody lifted his hand a little, letting Josh off close to Lyle on the smooth surface of the island. Josh stared up as Lyle leaned down, to get a better look.
"Wooooah hey there, little guy!" Lyle smiled as his entire muscular body took up Josh's view. "You're like almost microscopic! A little micro-bro!"
"I-I don't think I'm that small!" Josh called up at the titan, very nervous about talking to the handsome man for the first time.
"Bro, you can talk?" Lyle asked a little surprised. "Well I guess you are human, even if you are really small, micro-bro."
"Alright, bro. You can look after him for a few minutes right?" Brody interrupted. "I have to make a run to the store."
"Yeah, no problem, bro!" Lyle smiled as Brody left the room, giving Josh a bit of a long look before leaving. All the while, Josh stared up at Lyle, his amazing body and godlike voice having him in an absolute trance. "So anyway, micro-bro. Brod said you wanted to talk to me? Kind of weird he has you in the first place though, right?"
"Well!" Josh thought, having had time to come up with a story. "You see I've been actually living here for awhile now. Brody just had me in hiding in case something ever happened."
"Woah, for real, micro-bro?" Lyle looked a little surprised. "I would've never known. Why were you here for so long?"
"There was an accident at the water park. The shrinking machine shrank me, but then I was never able to regrow." Josh recited the lines he'd been practicing in his head. "I was lucky Brody found me, then he's been trying to find a way to regrow me ever since."
"I take it without much luck, huh micro-bro?" Lyle responded, quickly turning as he shifted his food around in the pan a bit. "Don't mind me cooking, bro! I'm staving, but I promise I'm listening!"
"Don't worry about it." Josh smiled, low-key hoping he could be a part of that meal after Lyle's intense workout. "But yeah, you're right. We can't figure it out. I don't know how much longer I can live like this, actually."
"Well don't say that, micro-bro!" Lyle gave Josh a thumbs up as his food just finished cooking. Josh watched as the giant dumped the food onto a plate and pulled a chair over to the island and set it down and started eating. "You don't mind if I eat while we talk?"
"Not at all…" Josh felt a little mesmerized as he watched Lyle take a huge bite out of his food, distracted for a moment as he saw the huge man's adam's apple bob, sending the food down into his enormous stomach. "But for real, we almost had an accident the other day where I almost got squished under a quarter. Can you imagine how sad it would be to go out like that?"
"I guess I could think of worse ways." Lyle chewed up and swallowed some more food. "What's your name by the way, micro-bro?"
"It's Josh." Josh answered, feeling like Lyle was getting a little distracted.
"Well it's cool to finally meet you, Josh! I'm Lyle as you probably already knew!" Lyle chuckled, trying to imagine all the time he might've passed by Josh without even knowing it.
"Well… it's cool to meet you too." Josh smiled at the kind giant. "But do you mind if I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure, micro-bro!" Lyle chewed through a bit more of his food with a loud gulp afterwards.
"Well after a few times of almost getting accidentally squished I realized how frail I am." Josh explained to Lyle, who simply watched Josh as he ate. "And I realized, I don't want to be tiny anymore. But I also don't want to go out just insignificantly squished by mistake."
"Yeahhh?" Lyle asked, wondering when Josh was going to actually ask what he wanted to ask.
"So I had originally asked Brody to eat me, I figured it'd be a crazy experience I could have and also my life could have significance since I'd at least be a tiny bit of protein. Rather than being uselessly stepped on or something." Josh tried to explain without sounding crazy or weird. "But he couldn't do it. We tried, but he couldn't bring himself to swallow me."
"Soooo you want me to do it?" Lyle asked, feeling a little tentative.
"Yeah, I figured you didn't know me. So for you it'd be easy." Josh tried pump Lyle up a little with his words.
"Hmmm." Lyle mulled it over for a second. "Yeah sure! I'll do it, micro-bro."
"Really?!" Josh answered excitedly. "Thanks Lyle. I know it's crazy but I really feel like this is what I want."
"It's all good, micro-bro. Won't be any skin off my bones." Lyle shrugged as he finished eating. "Whew! That was a good meal! So should I eat you now? Or wait? Like how's this going down, micro-bro?"
"Umm well I guess I'd prefer it if it was right after you worked out." Josh suggested as Lyle nodded in approval.
"I like that that idea. You'd go straight to my muscle, micro-bro!" Lyle flexed his chest and abs a little. "I could name one of my abs after you!"
Josh laughed, it was nice hearing Lyle was so on board with the idea. "Well you did work out not long ago. So is now good?"
"Well I did just eat. It's probably a mess in my stomach, micro-bro." Lyle gave his perfect 6-pack a slap followed up by a little rub. "But if you're down with that, than I am too. But we could always wait till the next time I work out. I could gobble you up right after I finish my workout."
Josh thought about it. It almost didn't matter to him, but it was crazy to think he had options from the handsome titan. Choosing the timing of his demise, Josh thought it sounded more enticing to be eaten…
"Let's do it now." Josh answered, feeling like the adrenaline rush was telling him it's now or never. Lyle chuckled feeling like Josh might pick now.
"Micro-bro, you sure are eager, huh?" Lyle laughed, not entirely understanding the little man's feelings. "But I guess if I was as small as you for as long as you've been stuck, I'd want to go out in a cool way too."
"Yes…" Josh lied, knowing this was only for his own selfish desires. "Plus it's just surreal to meet you for the first real time like this and have you do this."
"Haha, bro you make me sound like I'm some kind of celebrity!" Lyle stood up, grabbing his empty plate to put in the sink before walking back over, standing over Josh like a massive sky scrapper. Lyle held his stomach and let out a massive burp. "Oh man, bro. Sorry about that. Tasted my dinner for the second time, micro-bro!"
Josh was basically shaking. Excited, impatient, scared. All these feeling mixing in one the more him and Lyle conversed more. Josh just wanted nothing more than to be in the giant's stomach with his dinner. "Sounds like to me you just made some room in there for me!"
"Word, micro-bro! You sure you don't mind that I just ate?" Lyle asked Josh, as if it would make of a difference.
"Not at all. If anything maybe I'll get to look around for a bit for longer!" Josh tried to rationalize the difference between a full and empty stomach. Josh watched as Lyle's hand descended down to him, as if a hand of god reaching down from the heavens for him. Plucked up easily, Josh found himself being lifted now, seeing the ground get further and further away as he was lifted up to Lyle's handsome face.
"One last question, micro-bro. You don't wanna wait for Brod?" Lyle asked, his face taking up all of Josh's field of view now. Josh shook his head.
"No, I don't want him to have any mixed feelings about it." Josh said, feeling grateful that Brody walked out, letting Josh fulfill his wishes. Lyle smiled, showing his perfect white teeth. Josh swallowed a little nervously, knowing he'd be beyond them in just a moment.
"Good point, micro-bro. If he couldn't do it himself, I could see him having an issue seeing me do it, bro." Lyle spoke normally, his breath washing over Josh like a typhoon. "Well, no point drawing this out any longer, huh micro-bro?"
Lyle tilted his head back, holding Josh above his mouth. Opening it up wide, Josh watched as he was lowered down into his mouth before he was dropped for what felt like dozens of feet before he hit the soft landing of Lyle's tongue. His decent didn't stop there as he slide down the tongue with a squishy squelch before the giant's mouth leveled out. Josh wiped his face off as the smell of the man's breath hit him. It was both horrid, but also attractive at the same time as Josh looked forward down the cavern, seeing Lyle's massive uvula hung in the darkness of the closed mouth.
"Have a nice trip, micro-bro! No turning back now!" Lyle's voice boomed out over him, like a horrible ear shattering grim reminder as the giant's tongue lurched, pulling Josh downward toward the back of his throat. It didn't take much. A small gulp surrounded Josh as he pulled into the massive jock's esophagus. What little light was in Lyle's mouth disappeared as Josh was drawn deeper into the darkness of the man's body. The sounds of Lyle's breathing and heartbeat echoed about around him as Josh was being forced down.
"No turning back now…" Josh repeated Lyle's words, knowing that even if he did have a change of heart there was no way to communicate to Lyle that he wanted to back out. Knowing this, Josh took a deep breath of the stale heavy air wanting to take in as much of this experience as he could. A few seconds went by as Josh was casually pushed out the sphincter to Lyle's stomach. Josh screamed as he dropped for what felt like a minute before he had a thankfully soft landing deep in the pit of the athlete's stomach. Josh felt the ground, noticing it was slimy but had a different texture than the rest of the smooth muscle inside Lyle's body.
"I think this is his dinner." Josh said as Lyle's stomach churned, knocking him off his feet slightly as the stomach contracted and relaxed, doing it's job to mix the food in his stomach. It was incredible from Josh's point of view, seeing the man from the outside just minutes ago, to witness all this going on inside. "Amazing…"
Josh heard something other than the gurgles and groans of Lyle's stomach for a second as the muffled sounds of Lyle's voice called out through the walls of the man's stomach.
"Yo! Hope you're having fun, micro-bro! I'm gonna drink a soda and chill out, bro!" Lyle's voice was loud enough to penetrate though. Josh figured the jock must've looked kinda silly practically yelling at his own stomach.
"He's going to drink a soda though… that should be interesting." Josh said to himself, moving away from where he had his initial landing, not wanting to be immediately flooded by the carbonated beverage as it entered Lyle's stomach. Josh didn't make it very far apparently though as he heard gulping noises from far above as a torrent of liquid started streaming into the man's belly. Josh was easily knocked off his platform as he started flailing his arms, trying to stay afloat as he was churned violently once again. Josh bubbled slightly as he was tugged beneath the surface before washing up on another chewed up mound. Panting and laying down, Josh smelt the piece of chicken on his nostrils.
"Wow… good thing he ate so much…" Josh felt glad that he was having such good luck with not being deposited in a stray puddle of stomach acid. Though he knew he couldn't avoid that fate forever. "Why am I avoiding it though? I wanted to explore… but I'm completely at the mercy of Lyle's body…"
Josh wasn't sure what he'd really have expected. He was so small and insignificant, even as Lyle walked his stomach would shift, causing Josh to fall off his feet, clinging to the piece of food until the man seemed like he finally sat down. But even then as Lyle sat still, another torrent of soda washed down into the stomach, causing Josh to hold his breath and hold on to avoid being washed away again before the liquid settled and dispersed about in the massive cavern. Lyle's stomach continued to churn as Josh could hear more groans and bubbly glorps.
"BUUUUUUUUURRRRPP!" The massive belch belted out far above him as Lyle's stomach contracted tightly, causing the food Josh was on to shift more back into the pit of Lyle's stomach. Suddenly, Josh found himself flung off the food as he heard several slaps on the stomach, causing enormous quakes.
"Sorry, micro-bro! I couldn't hold that in!" Lyle's voice yelled though the walls of his stomach once again. Josh barely heard it as he was busy fighting for his life as he scrambled out of some foamy bubbles that burned his skin before finding his way to what seemed like relative safety. Josh laid again as he heard more chugging from above. Josh didn't even bother holding on this time, finally accepting his fate as he was washed away. Holding his breath and burning from a mixture of the soda and stomach acid, Josh couldn't last any longer as he finally succumbed, being deposited with the rest of the food in Lyle's stomach like a minuscule scrap of protein.
- - -
"I wonder how he's doing in there?" Lyle thought to himself, having it been over an hour now since he sat down to relax. Lyle finished his soda while ago as he got up and brought the empty can to the kitchen to put in a recycling bag. Burping again, Lyle rubbed his stomach. "Hopefully he got to explore and stuff, bro!"
In Lyle's head, he didn't think he moved much and he didn't think having a drink was going to affect Josh's fun much at all. He was pretty sure he gave the little guy plenty of time to explore and relax.
"I bet he had an awesome time, bro!" Lyle said to himself as he ran a hand up and down his abs. He touched a finger on his top right ab and tapped it. "This one right here is getting named Josh!"
Satisfied, Lyle stretched a little as he heard the front door open, signaling Brody's return. Lyle smiled as he saw Brody enter the kitchen.
"Yo, Brod!" Lyle waved. "I did your little buddy that favor he wanted, bro!"
"Oh…" Brody said a little saddened Josh actually decided to go though with it. "How long ago was it?"
"Uhhhhhhh…" Lyle looked at the clock, not taking an exact time from when he swallowed Josh. "Like an hour and a half?"
"Ah okay." Brody sat down looking a little disappointed. Lyle moved over and stood beside Brody. Putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Brod! It's what he wanted. Besides it must've sucked being stuck tiny like that." Lyle said, Brody having now realized what the lie Josh must've fed Lyle. Lyle put a finger on his top right ab once again. "Besides, I named this ab here in his honor."
Brody looked at the ab. It kind of was a bit of a mood point though, knowing Josh was definitely not stuck tiny. But he exhaled a sigh, not wanting to go against the little guy's wishes. "Yeah that's cool of you, bro. I bet he was happy."
"I sure hope so, bro!" Lyle slapped Brody on the shoulder. "And hey, bro. If you find any more people who are shrunk and can't go back let me know! I've got five more abs to name!"
Brody chuckled a little, imagining the prospect of Lyle naming his abs after tiny people he's eaten. "Hopefully that doesn't have to happen…" Brody thought to himself, despite Lyle's eager attitude.
"I was thinking…" Josh rubbed his chin in a little thought. "If I went down in a pill or if I went down in your shake, I'd really just be part of the pill or shake. So I wouldn't be the protein, just sort of an ingredient, I guess."
"I don't know if I follow, bro." Brody rose an eyebrow as he took a sip of his protein shake. "Proteins protein, it's all the same to my stomach, bro."
"Yeah but…" Josh felt like his desires were being lost to the massive stud. "I don't know, I feel like it would be way cooler if you swallowed me without taking a sip from the shake. That way it'd just be me."
"I guess it wouldn't be an authentic experience if you saw it all from the inside of a pill, bro." Brody grabbed the little clear pill and tossed it aside into the garbage. "And yeah I can get what you're saying if you're just swept down in the protein shake. You wouldn't even get to look around or anything, bro!"
"Yeah, thanks for understanding!" Josh couldn't help but smile at the insanely handsome lax jock who was going to eat him alive. "Besides, if it's the last thing I'll ever experience, I kinda want it to be special."
"What do you mean, bro?" Brody cocked, his head, looking a little confused.
"Well… once I'm protein for you, I doubt I'd be doing anything else from now on." Josh clarified. "I guess if I'm lucky I'd be added somewhere to your muscle?"
"Oh bro, I thought this was like a down and back up kind of trip?" Brody looked down at Josh, slightly taken aback. "I didn't think me teasing you about being brotein would make you wanna throw away your life, bro."
"Oh, well… I don't see it as me throwing my life away. I'd be protein for you after all." Josh tried to rationalize.
"Yeah bro, like a gram. Probably less." Brody rose his eyebrow at Josh again and leaned in a bit. Brody watched as Josh slumped a little.
"I thought small things had big impacts?" Josh asked, repeating Brody's words from earlier.
"Come on, bro. I was just teasing you. Shit, I didn't know you'd go ahead and want me to actually eat you." Brody rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed. "You're so small you'd have no impact at all on my body, bro."
"Oh… well okay…" Josh answered really disappointed. "I'm sorry Brody…"
"Bro…" Brody felt a little bad now after bringing Josh up s much and now putting him down. "Look… maybe just give me some time to think about it, okay?"
"Really?" Josh perked up, maybe feeling like he was useful after all.
"No promises, bro." Brody simply said as he finished off his shake and set it down with a casual burp. Josh eye'd the movement with great interest as Brody put out a hand, letting Josh up and leaving the basement. Some time went by and…
Brody had taken Josh back upstairs as the giant bro tried to distract Josh from the the idea of being eaten. Chatting and laughing, the two spent a good deal of time together as Brody tired to keep Josh in high spirits while he had him away from Tyler and the others.
"When do you want to go back home anyway, bro?" Brody asked, sitting at his kitchen table looking down at Josh as he set the tiny man on a small square napkin.
"Doesn't matter, Tyler can keep thinking he lost me for all I care." Josh replied, crossing his arms, at this point not caring if he ever went home or not.
"Well you're welcome to spend the night here, but you should go home at some point, bro." Brody offered with a friendly smile.
"I guess…" Josh answered, still a bit down. Brody tilted his head and stood up suddenly.
"Hey you hungry, bro? I just realized you probably haven't eaten in awhile." Brody looked at it as a possibility for Josh's mood. Meanwhile, Josh smirked seeing it as a possibility for something else.
"Yeah I am pretty hungry. I feel like I haven't eaten anything all day!" Josh baited Brody, hoping he'd make a bunch of food.
"Word bro!" Brody moved over to his fridge and fished around for a second. "Let's see, I've got some applesauce, some rice, and some leftover meat."
Josh watched as Brody pulled out the food and set it down on the counter. "All that sounds good to me!" Josh smiled as he watched Brody divide out a tiny bit on a small saucer plate. "Aren't you hungry too?"
"Yeahhhh…" Agreed, now looking at the food and realizing he was hungry as well. "I'm always hungry, bro!"
"Good…" Josh said under his breath as he watched Brody put now the small plate an a normal sized one into the microwave. A minute or so went by as the microwave beeped, and Brody removed the food, moving his and Josh's plates over the the kitchen table when Josh was still seated.
"I just gave you a little, I didn't want you to be overwhelmed, bro." Brody smiled at Josh as he set the plates down and reached back into the fridge, grabbing himself a soda and taking a sip. Josh watched as Brody set it down and proceeded to walk away. "I'll be right back bro, just gotta use the bathroom."
"Perfect…" Josh said to himself as he saw Brody walk away. Looking at the mounds of food as well as the soda Brody left unguarded, Josh looked to Brody's food and…
Josh weighed up his options and thought his best chance of getting Brody to eat him would be in the rice, all those grains, he could easily bury himself in there!
Josh knew he didn’t have much longer so decided this was the time to go for it, “no regrets” He thought to himself “whether Brody wants it or not, I’m gonna be his food!”
Climbing onto the plate, he made his way to the pile of rice, each grain was as big as him! “This is gonna be nice and easy” he thought to himself, getting excited at the prospect of finally being consumed by Brody.
The plate and the rice were still a bit warm from the microwave, but not enough that he couldn’t hide himself easily, moving his way through the rice he reckoned he was about a third of the way into the pile. “This should be far enough” he said to himself.
Meanwhile, Brody was finished up in the bathroom and came back down to the kitchen table, “man I’m starved, I hope you are too bro!”
No response, Brody looked around hurriedly for Josh, but couldn’t see him and he hadn’t touched his food either.
Brody sighed, he knew what Josh must’ve done, “he’s hiding in here somewhere” he thought, looking down at his food and drink. “He’s a persistent little guy, I’ll give him that.” Brody instinctively looked down at his soda, thinking that Josh probably would’ve climbed into that to get swallowed easily, giving it a bit of a swirl to try and find him, but finding nothing.
“Ok bro, so you’re not in my soda at least” feeling confident enough to take a huge audible gulp, sending it down to his empty stomach. Josh heard the gulp, almost regretting that he didn’t hide in the soda “I’d be on my way to his stomach now if I’d done that!” He thought.
“I would’ve hidden in the soda bro! At least you wouldn’t get chewed up then!” Brody boomed, almost trying to scare Josh into coming out of hiding, he still was against the idea of eating Josh, but started to think that if he didn’t show his face soon, then he was gonna start eating the food anyway.
Next, Brody moved to the applesauce, given it a stir with his fork to try and spot Josh, again he was nowhere to be found! “Damn bro, you’re not making this easy for me are you?” Then, without thinking he dumped the applesauce onto the plate of rice and added the meat.
Josh felt all the extra ingredients being added to the plate, the excitement rising, maybe Brody had just given up? Or he accepted that Josh wanted to become his food? Either way the huge fork began mixing up the applesauce and meat into the rice, almost uncovering Josh in his hiding spot.
Looking down at the plate, Brody was putting a the pieces together, “not in the soda, not in the sauce and not in the meat, guess that means he was in……the rice! That little sneak” he thought.
Brody decided to turn the tables a little bit, finally accepting that whatever his wishes, Josh seemed determined to get eaten, digested and become “brotein”.
“Ok little bro, I know you’re hiding in there, so I’m just gonna start eating, if you wanna escape, nows your chance, because if I pick you up with my fork and I see you, it’s game over bro, down the hatch you’ll go, even if you change your mind!”
“Wow, he’s really serious about this” Josh thought to himself, “maybe I’ve been a bit hasty“. As he was thinking to himself he could hear the fork getting closer to him, as each mouthful was getting scooped up and pretty much swallowed whole. “Not much longer now, maybe I’ll walk to the side of the plate and explain myself to Brody, maybe we don’t have to do this today”
As Josh was walking through the mixture of food he didn’t realise that he had already been spotted by Brody, “man this food is delicious” he said, deliberately bringing his fork dangerously close to where Josh was, scooping up another big mouthful. Josh looked up as Brody brought the fork to his mouth, opened wide and shoved the whole lot into it. Although Josh didn’t realise it, Brody was quite aware that the tiny guy was watching him, and so deliberately made this gulp extra loud and pronounced, as if to say “you’re next bro”.
Josh started to make a move for the edge of the plate, but Brody clocked this and purposely moved it towards him, scooping up some rice and meat along the way. Giving a bit of a yell, Josh found himself on top of a piece of meat, looking directly at the abdomen of his giant friend.
Looking up, he saw Brody with a big smile on his face, pearly white teeth gleaming. “Found you bro, and since you’re on the fork you know the rule” he said as his mouth started to open, ready to accept another mouthful of food, this one more special than any of the others.
“Wait, Brody!” Josh cried, but before he had a chance to say anything else, he found himself in the giant lifeguards mouth, along the the rest of the food. Brody slowly closed his mouth, sealing Josh in darkness. Brody knew that he was one gulp away from ending his boss, sending him down to be digested by his unforgiving stomach.
Brody gasped to himself, he had done it, he’d sent his boss and friend on a one way journey though his digestive system, he was never going to see him again. “This is what you wanted, right bro?” He said, putting his hand over his abs. “No turning back now Brody” he said to himself, “he’s gone now, just let your body take care of the rest”. With that, he continued to eat the rest of his meal, sending each gulp down his throat to meet the same fate as his boss.
Josh had landed unceremoniously on a pile of mush in Brodys stomach, almost in disbelief that he had gulped him down without a second thought. “I was going to change my mind Brody! I don’t think I wanna be digested!” Grabbing his phone he sent a text to Brody, hoping he would change his mind and let him back out.
Brodys phone buzzed, “PLZ LET ME OUT, MADE A MASSIVE MISTAKE!!”
Looking down at his gut, Brody simply smiled and let out a massive belch, “you knew the rule dude, on the fork, down the hatch” he said. Not wanting to leave Josh hanging, he sent a reply anyway.
The massive belch sent Josh flying around the stomach, landing on another pile of mush, luckily avoiding the small pools of acid that were starting to rise up, ready to process everything And everyone that was foolish enough to be there. Looking at his phone, his heart sank: “Sorry dude, you wanted this, and turns out, so do I, brotein really tastes good! Can’t believe that I’m gonna digest you bro, enjoy my stomach, I’ll see you in the morning!” The text was crudely finished with a smiley face and a poop emoji.
Josh fell to the floor of the stomach, just at the same time Brody let out another huge burp, this time sending Josh into one of the ever growing pools of acid. There was no hope now, Josh couldn’t really blame Brody, he had pretty much begged him to eat him earlier, Josh really didn’t think that Brody would have it in him to actually go through with it. Outside, Brody had moved from the kitchen to his sofa, this movement caused his stomach acids and mushed food (including Josh) to pool in a corner of the stomach, a pool that was far too deep for Josh to escape from, the burning sensation was getting worse now, Brody really was going to leave him down here and digest him. One more searing flash of pain caused Josh to pass out, sinking slowly beneath the mushed meat and rice, slowly being broken down into “brotein”.
Brodys stomach gurgled lightly as he lay on the sofa, gently rubbing his bare abs, he felt a sense of closure. “Glad I could fulfil your wish bro, even if you did change your mind, I’m sure I would’ve ended up digesting you another day anyway, but guess your bones will be part of my morning dump tomorrow!”
Brodys stomach was now satisfied, letting out one last gurgle to signify that everything in it was digested, Brody slowly fell asleep, content that his boss would always be a part of him in some small way.
Some time went by as Brody and Josh sat and chatted. Brody had gotten a shower and changed as he sat his his table, just finishing a meal with his tiny friend.
"Bro, so I was thinking." Brody started to say as Josh's ears perked up, having wondered now for some time if Brody had made up his mind. "I was think, I just can't do it, bro. I couldn't eat you, you're my bro, bro."
"I… I guess I get it." Josh said, disappointed. It certainly wasn't the answer he wanted to hear, especially after sitting down and spending more time with Brody.
"Bro, don't sound so disappointed!" Brody shrugged and frowned. "Anyway, I had an idea. I think it's time we called Ty and got you home."
Josh bit his lip. He wasn't sure if he was ready to go back and face Tyler, especially since he just spent the past couple hours trying to get Brody to eat him. Josh watched, as Brody pulled out his phone. Josh reached up, but even if he was his normal size he probably couldn't stop Brody from calling Tyler, let alone right now. Simply able to only watch, Josh listened as Brody got Tyler on the phone.
"Yo, Ty!" Brody said through the phone as Josh could hear as Tyler's voice boomed back on the other end.
"Dude! We've been searching everywhere! We can't find Josh, dude. We really need your help." Tyler's voice sounded concerned and a little panicked on the other end.
"Calm down, bro. I found him!" Brody smiled as he heard Tyler express shock loudly through the phone.
"WHAT HOW?" Tyler's shocked words exploded though the phone.
"He was in my pocket, bro. It was the weirdest thing." Brody lied, somewhat unconvincingly. But Tyler was clearly just glad to hear he was found.
"That's crazy! Bro, that's great though! I'm coming by right now to get him!" Tyler said excitedly as Brody laughed.
"Bro, I live across town. I'll bring him back over." Brody chuckled
"Oh right. Thanks, dude." Josh heard Tyler. "Yo, Matt. You and Luke can head out now if you want? Brod found Josh."
The two men finished their conversation and Brody hung up.
"Bro, he's really happy you're safe." Brody smiled down at Josh, feeling like he did the right thing.
"Yeah he sounded like it!" Josh smiled, feeling like he'd been completely ignoring how Tyler would have felt if he was never found again. As Brody started to get Josh ready to go, they hoped in Brody's car as Josh continued to process his feelings. Finally home, Brody dropped Josh off and headed out. Leaving Josh alone there once more with Tyler.
Josh looked at his friend, now having changed from his work clothes like he wanted to. Wearing a red tank top, cut on it's sides far down to his waist, as well as a backward red hat and pair of form fitting black shorts, Tyler sat at Josh's kitchen table with Josh having thanked Brody one last time as he left.
"Dude! I was so worried about you when I heard you were lost!" Tyler rested his arm on the table as he leaned in close to his friend. Josh looked up at Tyler, really just taking in his attractive friend. It was one thing thinking about how Brody teased him… but another thinking about how Tyler does it.
"Ty's so much more of a natural at it…" Josh said under his breath a little.
"What's up, dude? Might have to speak up." Tyler chuckled.
"I was just saying how glad I was to be found. I mean I could've been accidentally stepped on or eaten or something!" Josh deliberately gave the examples to Tyler.
"Ha, dude! Con's of being the size of a little bug!" Tyler laughed, bumping the table a little and causing Josh to fall off his feet. "But nobody is stepping or eating you on my watch, dude!"
"I know I can count on you!" Josh smiled, before delivering his next line. "Though with your appetite, I could see you eating me by mistake."
Tyler laughed a little as he leaned back. "Aw come on dude. You think I don't look at my food when I eat it?"
"I've seen you inhale your food. I know for a fact that you don't." Josh crossed his arms and smirked, not that Tyler could tell.
"Well I guess you're going to have to be more careful, tiny." Tyler teased Josh, getting him a little excited. "If you're slipping into people's pockets, I guess whats stopping you from slipping into my food?"
"At my size, you're right. When I was trying to get Brody's attention he was just getting done with a work out. I slipped off a table and landed in his pocket, but I almost fell right into his protein shake he was holding by his side." Josh lied, wanting to fabricate a story to go along with with Brody said. "After I fell where I did, guess I just thought about what almost was."
"Dude, that'd be one hell of a post workout!" Tyler laughed and smiled. "Guess there could be worse ways to go too, right? Post workout protein sounds fitting. Not that I'd want you to be post workout protein, dude!"
"I mean I guess if it happened, it happened, right?" Josh smiled and pushed the topic. "I mean had I ended up in there, what would I have been able to do?"
Josh looked up at Tyler. Wanting to know how his sexy giant friend would react. Josh looked into Tyler's eyes as the giant responded…
"Dude that would suck." Tyler leaned back before looking down at Josh with a smirk. "That is, because I wasn't the one drinking the protein shake!"
Josh smirked, it was exactly the reaction Josh had been hoping for out of his competitive friend.
"Hey what do you mean by that!" Josh acted like he was offended, hoping it would trigger Tyler to tease him further. "I would've been helpless."
"Yeah but helpless as Brody drank you!" Tyler frowned as he crossed his arms, biceps bulging a little as he flexed. "That wouldn't be fair dude. I'd wanna be the one to drink you!"
"You wouldn't drink me!" Josh challenged Tyler. "I heard all about how panicked you were looking for me."
"Well sure, I was worried because I didn't know where you were, dude." Tyler smirked. "But if I drank you, I'd know exactly where you were!"
Josh watched as Tyler patted his stomach through his tank top for the added effect. Josh couldn't help but stare, nearly drooling at the thought.
"S-still though. You'd have to puke me up. Otherwise I'd be as good a bit of protein… like in that shake…" Josh shook a little, nervous about the topic the more the progressed. Tyler merely started to laugh.
"Dude! If you were dumb enough to end up in my gut, you'd stay there!" Tyler smiled, laughing and taunting his friend. However, the idea was almost too much for tiny Josh.
"Hey now if I ended up there by mistake, how is that my fault?" Josh smirked, thoroughly enjoying the conversation as Tyler scratched his stomach absentmindedly.
"Well I guess you'd better just be careful then, huh?" Tyler winked at Josh with a handsome smile. "Especially since I don't watch what I eat, right?"
"Haha… right…" Josh trailed off, nervously. "Crazy to think about though, I mean I've had a lot of times when I've accidently ended up in or around your food."
"Bro, that's been too many times to count!" Tyler leaned back with a chuckle. "Man, if I'm as absentminded as you think I am when I eat, you would've been Ty chow a long ass time ago!"
"I guess I don't give you enough credit!" Josh admitted, realizing now all the times Tyler has picked him off a pizza or out of a cup of water. "I suppose I would have had it coming, considering how careless I can be."
"You're damn right, dude!" Tyler leaned forward, stomping a foot on the ground, causing the table to shake a little as Josh struggled to maintain his balance. "Man, I would've been so pissed if Brody drank you. I've had dibs on you for the past two years now, bro!"
"Well I'm glad Brody didn't drink me either." Josh admired his hunky friend as he sat there, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck a little as he listened to Josh. "I mean, you on the other hand…"
"Me what, dude?" Tyler leaned forward, expecting Josh to say something else. "I mean accidently eating you would be awesome, but dude I'd so much rather do it on purpose."
"I mean what's stopping you really?" Josh almost trying to egg Tyler on at this point. Tyler simply shook his head and laughed as he leaned in closer to Josh, hunching down and getting his face in closer with an arrogant smile.
"Dude, that's some real tough talk coming from such a shrimp." Tyler's breath washed over Josh as he got in so close. "Especially since I'm still pissed about you going missing."
"What are you going to do about it, then?" Josh didn't intend to sound tough but he figured he'd keep trying to go with it. Tyler's smirk widened as Josh started to sweat, seeing the giant's mouth open. Tyler's tongue slid out of his mouth like a monster, as the giant moved it forward, licking the table where Josh stood, easily slipping the tiny man into his mouth. Tyler closed his mouth and leaned back in his chair, still smirking as he put his hands behind his head, flexing his arms a little in the process.
"That's what I'm doing, shrimp!" Tyler's voice exploded around Josh as he squirmed about in the darkness of the giant's mouth. Josh felt so caught off guard. The last thing he expected Tyler to do was just slurp him up like a crumb off the table. That being said, this is exactly what he wanted from his giant friend.
"Now what? Are you going to swallow me or something?" Josh continued to try and press Tyler. Wanting nothing more than for the arrogant giant to just give in and do it. Tyler pinned Josh to the roof of his mouth as he heard a rumbling come from Tyler's throat, followed by a disgustingly long burp, which Tyler made sure Josh experienced every second of.
"Dude, you trying to talk in there? All I hear is 'mmfmpmmffppp!' " Tyler mocked the meek little muffled noises Josh tried to make. Tyler rolled Josh in his mouth a little. He was so small, Tyler couldn't help but compare him to a grain of rice. All Tyler could think about was how easy it would be to just swallow him. Smirking, Tyler wondered what the most fitting punishment would be for Josh.
Tyler positioned Josh in his mouth and…
Tyler lurked his tongue, swallowing with exaggerated sound and force. He wasn't surprised or concerned with what he just did. Tyler simply remained smirking, leaning back further in his chair as he put his feet up on the table where Josh once was. Trying to focus for a second, Tyler swore he could feel the faintest squirm in his throat. Feeling it go slightly deeper into his chest, until it was just gone.
"Wow that was amazing!" Tyler continued to smirk, just so proud of what he just did. "Man, he's probably freaking out. Probably didn't think I'd really do it."
Tyler pulled his tank top up to just over his chest, looking down at his massive pecs and sculped abs. Balancing in his chair, Tyler rubbed his abs for a second, wondering if Josh made it to his stomach yet.
"Eh I'm basically laying down, probably not yet." Tyler said to himself as he put his feet down, standing up and letting his tank top fall and cover his torso again. Tyler put his hands on his hips and cleared his throat as he started to walk away from the table. "There, we'll let gravity help him out…"
Stretching as he walked into Josh's kitchen, Tyler yawned as he started to look through some cabinets for food. "No offense, dude. But you're not very filling!"
Tyler spoke the words aloud to himself, unsure how much Josh could even hear him inside. Reaching into the refrigerator, Tyler grabbed what looked like some left over chicken and rice. Shrugging, Tyler grabbed the whole thing, making massive portions for himself and popping it into the microwave.
"Not like he's gonna eat it!" Tyler smirked as he put a hand on his stomach, as it gurgled slightly at the scent of real food warming up. Tyler laughed as he went back to the fridge while his food cooked, reaching in and grabbing a soda. Popping it open, Tyler took a large gulp of it as he went back over to the microwave.
"BUUUUURRAAUUUP!" Tyler belted out the burp deliberately loud and obnoxiously. Very proud of himself, Tyler patted his stomach. "Oh sorry, dude! But I guess you had this coming, like you said!"
Tyler laughed to himself as he grabbed his food, carrying it back into dining room table. He shook his head and looked down at his stomach.
"If you're dumb enough to end up in my gut, you're staying there!" Tyler repeated his words from earlier to his stomach. Tyler sat down, taking a big bite of his food, barely chewing before swallowing it. "Yo! Got some real food coming down to chill with you, bro!"
Tyler continued to chuckle to himself as he ate. He had no intention of letting Josh out. The the giant, this was simply what Josh deserved for trying to be tough.
- - -
After the torrent of soda and earth shattering burp, Josh was regaining some sense of direction just as large chunks of food started plopping casually into Tyler's massive stomach. Seeing that Tyler wasn't holding back his burps and even going as far as to eat on top of him, Josh sat back fairly convinced at this point that Tyler means to keep him down.
"I think that's what he was yelling at me a few second ago anyway…" Josh looked out into the dark cavern, having barely been able to make out Tyler's muffled words through the groans and gurgles of his digestion at work. The more food that Josh heard come piled down, the more Josh assumed to be correct.
Another burp bellowed from above, as the cavern contracted violently. Josh found himself being flung about. Into piles of half chewed rice and chicken, still warm from the microwave as the food was sloshed about in the titan's stomach. Even if Tyler wanted to let Josh out, it was definitely too late as the little man was being churned and process by the digestive enzymes of his body. Nothing more than part of Tyler's meal now, Josh had some satisfaction knowing he egged the giant into eating him.
“Working late with the new park renovations,so he won’t be home for tonight.” Turning around to face the two men trying to grab the other in a headlock again,Brody smiled and shook his head.”That also means we’re in charge of keeping the house as clean as it was when we entered.I’m looking at you,Luke.Im sure the boss won’t appreciate you trashing the place.Tyler also said he will be coming back tomorrow with food so you better not let him walk in on a wrecked house.”
“What!When have I ever done anything wrong.I’m basically a saint.It’s Matt you should be chewing out,not me!” Luke missed Brody’s smirk and quirked eyebrow at his statement,still too focused on trying to pin Matt down.
Matt didn’t miss a beat either from his roughhousing either.”Everyone knows you wouldn’t know what relaxing is if it hit you in the face dude.You’re always running around or doing push ups day in and day out,and when you’re not doing that,you’re eating everything in sight!Youre lucky the break room fridge gets restocked every morning or you would have faded to skin and bones months ago.”
Josh watched and listened to his 3 employees bicker and rough each other as they always do,but he had heard them say that Tyler told them he was working at the park until tomorrow.They didn’t know he was on the living room table,stranded without his phone to contact them immediately.There we’re so many things that could go wrong with this group when they didn’t know to be careful of his presence.
As if to confirm his fears,Josh heard some commotion behind him and saw…
Tyler put his hand down to his ripped abdomen just as it let off a monstrous groan. "I'm starved! What do you have to eat?"
Without giving Josh a chance to reply, Tyler left the table as he made his way into the kitchen the next room over. Josh scurried frantically to the end of the table closest to the kitchen door as he heard Tyler open his refrigerator. Josh fumbled his hands together and bit his lip as he wondered just how much Tyler planned on eating. "God I'll have nothing left if he goes free range on all my food…"
Reappearing through the doorway, Tyler held a bag of chips in on hand and a closed container of ranch dip in the other. Giving the dip a little shake, Tyler set it down on the table beside Josh and popped off the top. With a frown, Josh watched as Tyler tore up the bag of chips. With a satisfying gust of air coming from the bag, Josh knew his gigantic friend would likely eat the whole bag, his last bag he had stored away. With a quick scoop, Tyler sent a chip hurtling down into the open dip and collected some of the cool white ranch on the chip before tossing the chip into his mouth with a loud crunch.
"There goes all my chips." Josh complained as he watched Tyler much away on a large handful before swallowing it down easily. Tyler simply chuckled as he reached into the bag for another handful.
"Such a good host offering up snacks like that. You said I could eat the whole bag right?" Tyler mocked Josh as he sat down in frustration, watching Tyler as he shoved his greasy fingers into his mouth and smacked his lips as he pulverized the chips to mush.
"Come on, at least share some with me?" Josh plead, knowing his ravenous friend was already halfway through the bag.
"What's that? You're so small I can barely hear you, dude." Tyler lied. "You're saying I don't need to share? Thanks man!"
Josh sighed loudly, upset about Tyler raiding his last bag of chips with such force. "Damn it! Fine I don't want anything!"
"You're right." Tyler replied, still pretending he couldn't hear Josh. "A soda would go great to wash down these chips!"
Standing up, Tyler left the bag open on the table as he made his way into the kitchen in search of a drink. Josh looked at the unguarded bag, wondering how long Tyler would take. Standing up, Josh started to make his way toward…
Shrugging, Josh looked over at the huge vat of dip sitting much closer to him than the opening of the bag of chips. Making his way over to the tall side of the container, Josh looked up and saw a few bolder sized crumbs littered on the rim. Figuring that although they were mere crumbs to Tyler, they were more like giant chips to himself. Looking up the side of the container, Josh jumped against the plastic surface and hugged the cool wall as it was still fairly chill from being in the refrigerator. Shivering as he shimmied up the side, Josh reached the rim and pulled himself up with tremendous effort as he looked across the thin plastic surface before it dropped into a sea of white. The smell of ranch completely filled Josh's nose as he spotted the crumbs from before, carefully making his way along the ridge toward the delectable food.
"BUUUUURRRRRP!" Tyler belted as he made his way back into the room, holding an open can of soda. "Yo, that was a pretty decent rip! Don't ya think buddy?" He said as he looked down at the table, noticing Josh was missing from he spot from before. "Buddy?"
Tyler set the can of soda down with a small quake on the table. Josh nearly screamed as he started to fall before landing with a nasty splat, the smell of ranch now completely surrounding him as he struggled to resurface and wipe the thick white substance from his face. Looking up and out of the dip container, Josh saw as Tyler smirked while he tilted the bag of chips.
"I think I know where you arrrrre!" Tyler mocked as he suspected Josh couldn't help but nab a few chips in his absence. Tyler reached inside the bag, pulling out a single chip and inspecting it closely. Moving it over to the dip and dunking it in, Josh screamed as he was nearly drug along with the thick sauce on the chip. Josh watched in fear as Tyler popped the chip in his mouth, crunching it up and swallowing it down. "You better be careful in there. I might eat you up, dude!"
Josh shivered, watching as Tyler rubbed his stomach with a laugh. "He thinks I'm in the bag of chips…"
Josh struggled, trying to make his way to the wall he'd have to scale to reach his freedom. Unfortunately, the dip was still fairly cold and thick. Progress was about as good as if Josh were swimming through quick sand. Relaxing his body slightly, Josh started to just count himself lucky that he hasn't been drug below the surface yet. Wiping his eyes Josh watched as Tyler let the bag of chips lay flat as he tilted his head to look inside.
"Better watch out! I'm hungry!" Tyler roared as he reached into the bag, pulling out a few more chips and inspecting them each carefully. Noticing that they were all free from any tiny people, Tyler dunked them into the the dip. Josh watched in horror as the chips came crashing down on his position, pulling up him between two chips. Josh struggled, seeing nothing but the yellow walls of two chips on either side of him. With no indication of where he was going, Josh felt the mass of food travel quickly in an upward direction. Screaming as the two chips pressed hard against each other with a crunch, Josh found the glob of ranch he was trapped in was being squeezed out. Landing with a splat, Josh shook his head before taking in his surrounding with pure terror. Deposited in the middle of Tyler's tongue, Josh merely watched as the chips he was just between were easily decimated between Tyler's teeth. Saliva dripped from the roof of Tyler's mouth, moistening the dry chips until they were nothing more than pulp. Still frozen in terror, Josh watched as the yellowish mush was pushed directly on top of him. Struggling to breath beneath the mass of food, Josh felt everything lurch and drop with force.
- - -
Tyler swallowed the lump of food easily as he reached for his soda, taking a few quick sips before he turned his head to look in the bag of chips once more. Frowning as he saw no movement what so ever, Tyler decided it was time for a tone shift. "Hey dude. I didn't mean to freak you out. I wasn't really gonna eat ya." Tyler said to the empty bag. "You know I was joking, so why don't you come on out?"
Tyler turned the bag away from himself, facing it to where Josh was seated before. Hoping his friend would feel a little more comfortable now that the supposed threat of being eaten had subsided, Tyler sat back as he waited for his tiny friend to emerge and feel silly for doubting him as usual. Putting a hand on his stomach as it still growled in hunger, Tyler looked up over the bag hoping to see Josh outside.
"Maybe he got pinned under a chip or something…" Tyler thought aloud as he stood up and looked down at the table. Grabbing his soda, Tyler left his seat, pushing in the chair as he left. "Yo dude, I'm gonna run to my place and grab some clothes. Take your time if you're struggling. I'll find you if you're still not out by the time I get back, ok?"
Tyler waited for a moment hearing nothing in response. Scratching his head as he walked away from the table, Tyler was hoping he'd at least hear a faint response. "Maybe I knocked him out when I moved the bag?"
Tyler shrugged as he made his way out of the room and headed for the door. Taking a chug from his soda as he left and feeling a bit of pressure in his gut as he closed the door behind him.
- - -
A loud belch roared from above as a sudden change in pressure shifted in Tyler's stomach. Josh shook his head in dizziness as he felt Tyler's stomach swaying back and fourth in movement. Josh sweated as he squirmed his way further up the mound of chips, considering himself lucky for not being crushed beneath them before. Feeling weak, Josh had no idea what he could do. He was doomed unless Tyler got it in his head that he wasn't in the bag of chips at all. Unsure how confident he was in his friend, Josh started to already give up hope.
"Could be worse." Josh said to himself as he looked around at the walls of his best friend's stomach. Watching for a moment as the walls contracted and relaxed churning the contents within so they could be processed into nutrients to power Tyler's body. Josh sighed, resigning his fate in becoming part of that process for his friend. "Guess if I had to pick anyone, it would have been you, buddy."
Josh pointed up as he finished speaking, as if to point at Tyler himself. Realizing he could have pointed in any direction, Josh lowered his arm in somewhat defeat Just as the sphincter above him opened, releasing a stream of cool soda washing down directly on Josh. Sloshing him from his position, Josh fell from the mound of chips some where near the bottom of the mostly empty stomach. Feeling to weak to struggle against it, Josh simple slid down into some sticky digestive fluid. In a matter of seconds, the acid caused Josh immense pain as it quickly tore through the tiny man. Processing what was usable of Josh's body, it became part of the pool in Tyler's stomach, ready to go on to be used elsewhere in the body. Tyler's stomach churned and groaned happily, wished there was more substance to the meal but thankful for what little Josh could offer.
- - -
Throwing out the can of soda as he finished packing up his bag, Tyler stood up quickly and caused the contents of his stomach to lurch slightly. With another resounding burp Tyler was so famous for, he rubbed his gut softly. "Man I'm still starving…" Tyler said to himself. "Hopefully he's done playing around. Because the rest of that bag has my name all over it!"
Tyler smiled as he swung the bag over his should and left the apartment. Grinning as he made his way down the sidewalk, Tyler was excited to get back to Josh. Both excited to get back to eating, but even more excited to spend some quality time with his best friend for the next two days.
"I-I can't Tyler…" Josh said looking down much to the disappointment of his giant friend. Tyler lowered his arms to his lap and looked down. "I have to spend the next two days overseeing construction… not to mention all the new staff I need to hire…" Josh said desperately at the giant man.
"No, its ok boss. I know you're a busy guy. It was dumb of me to even ask." Tyler said, dejected. The massive man stood back up. Grabbing his fallen shirt from the floor, he slung it back over his shoulder and turned sadly away from his boss.
As Tyler put his hand on the door knob, Josh couldn't keep it in any longer. "Wait!" He yelled after his huge friend.
Tyler turned back looking over sullenly at the balcony where Josh stood. "Once construction is over… I want to make it up to you! I'll treat you to dinner. After work one day! Just the two of us! I'll even stay shrunk like you wanted and we can have it here in the break room!"
Tyler's ears perked up at the offer. Looking over across the room to his little boss he smiled. "Aaaaand you have to come spend the night at my apartment, still being little!" He said, starting to walk back over to the balcony.
"Uhhh…." Josh started to say. "You said you wanted to make it up to me, right? Well it might not be two days of shrunken antics, but dinner and a sleep over with me would be good enough!" Tyler interrupted, now standing back in front of Josh with a hand on his side.
Josh starting sweating. Looking up at his giant friend as he acted so confidently made it hard to say no. Not to mentioned he did say he wanted to make it up to him…
"Alright, you got a deal, big guy." Josh said trying to look past Tyler's mountainous abs and round pecs.
Pleased with his boss's answer he knelt back down to look at the little man. Smiling he said, "I'm looking forward to it!"
Finally, Tyler left the room beaming with excitement over his night with Josh coming up.
Happy to see a smile on Tyler's face Josh left the park as well. Excited for his dinner and night with Tyler as well.
"Did ya forget? Come on you said you'd treat me to lunch today!" The burly lifeguard said with a smile.
"Oh right, I did forget Ty, that's my bad! Look here's some money grab us whatever you want and meet me in the break room. I just have to look over these files first." Josh said handing the larger man a crisp 50$ bill.
"Always the busy body huh boss?" He said jokingly as he headed off to the exit.
- - -
After finishing off the remaining files he had on hand, Josh headed over to the break room. He opened the door to a magnificent room with a balcony for him to walk around, as well as elevators and conveyor belts for getting around easier. Looking over the balcony he saw Tyler again, only he wasn't just some 6'5" guy compared to Josh. Now he looked more like a massive moving sky scraper!
"What's up dude! You took forever!" The giant shirtless man addressed his boss. "Look dude, table's all set." He motioned over to the giant's section of the break room complete with kitchen, lounge, bathroom, and even a small work out room. On the kitchen table was a huge cheese pizza with a slice missing already, as well as a liter of coke.
Looking up at the handsome giant Josh could just barely see his face from what seemed like a great distance, and Tyler's already impressive body seemed even more godlike. "Looks like someone got impatient!" Josh said noting the missing piece of pizza.
Rubbing his sculptured abs Tyler looked down at his little boss. "What I got hungry! It's not my fault you took so long!" With a smile he put his massive hand next to his miniature boss and waited for him to climb aboard.
- - -
To Josh the massive palm looked like several football fields in size and even the ridges and grooves of his hand seemed like trenches. Looking up at his giant employee he gave a tiny thumbs up and with a swift yet deliberate motion Tyler carried his boss over to the table.
Once at the table Tyler put Josh on a plate, carefully sliding him off his palm on the dish. The giant lifeguard then carefully took a piece of pizza and put it on the plate beside Josh for him to snack on. Next, he took the top off the bottle of coke and poured some into the cap. Placing the cap down next to his boss he joked, "Some for you, the rest for me!" as he took a large gulp of soda.
Josh looked up at the giant lifeguard guzzling down what seemed like a lake full of liquid in a single gulp. Watching even closer he saw Ty's adam's apple bob up and down as his powerful throat muscle pushed the liquid down past his chest. While Josh continued to stare, Ty started to rub his bare stomach.
The explosive burp made Josh's ears ring, although he knew Ty must've been holding back. At such a small size it just seemed a lot louder. Now blushing he tried looking away from the muscled lifeguard, trying to hide his interests.
"You ok dude? I didn't burp too loud did I?" Ty asked concerned for his tiny boss.
"Oh no it's not that, don't worry about it man!" Josh said nervously as he looked back at his food.
Raising an eyebrow Tyler looked down at the little man and smiled. "Oh well if its no big deal let's eat! I'm starved!" He said rubbing his stomach again for added effect.
Still blushing at the almost intentional action Josh began tearing little pieces off his pizza, eating as much as he wanted was easy at his size. He knew Tyler had a lot more of an appetite and could easily eat the whole pizza himself!
"Luckily," Josh thought, "We do this all the time so he knows to be very careful and checks with me before taking my slice."
As the eating continued the two laughed and joked with each other, Tyler would poke fun at his tiny boss's size both at normal height and shrunk, meanwhile Josh would make fun of Tyler for being a fatass and eating way too much pizza! The two got a long great, until there was only a few slices left…
The greasy slice of pizza was so magnificently large Josh could eat and eat off of it for days and nobody would ever suspect someone touched it. The cheese had a particularly vibrant aroma that he so desperately wanted to climb up and have a piece of.
"Enough crust for me." Josh said as he dug his hands into the side of the pizza starting his careful climb up to the delicious smelling cheese. "Just a few bites of that and I think I'll be all set!"
- - -
Meanwhile, as Josh climbed the wall of pizza, Ty was on his last slice. Stuffing it into his mouth he let out a sigh, still hungry for his boss's slice once he finishes. "He sure got quiet all of a sudden over there…" Ty thought, wondering what his tiny boss was up to.
Finally, Josh reached the cheesy summit of the pizza reaching in for a piece a carefully tried to tear off a bit as best he could. However, he found the cheese, still being very warm, was also still extremely sticky. "Uh oh." Josh thought as his hand got stuck. Trying to pull his hand out by grabbing onto his arm seemed like a decent plan, until the gooey cheese drug Josh's body in closer, covering his mouth and sticking to his legs. "Mmgghmmm!" Josh tried desperately to yell but the cheese was too think covering his mouth. Forcing him to breath in the cheesy air through his nose.
- - -
"Yo Josh? Dude you still there?" Tyler said looking down at his boss's plate examining it closely. "Maybe he had to leave… he is always pretty busy."
The gigantic lifeguard took a look at the remaining slice of pizza hungrily wanting to take his boss's piece. "He won't mind if I take it since he left." The burly lifeguard said starting to pick up the piece. Looking directly ahead at the tip of the pizza he started to bring it closer to his face and…
Struggling as violently as he could, Josh was in horror to see Tyler lifting the pizza was on closer and closer to his face. He could see him looking directly at him, in yet all Josh saw was hunger in the young man's eyes. "Good god he doesn't see me!" Josh thinks to himself as all he can do is mumble and struggle.
Tyler opens his gigantic mouth revealing his rows of perfect white teeth as well as strands of saliva dripping from the roof of his mouth. Josh sure did have a great view of all the food bits stuck to the young stud's tongue. However it was a cavern he did not intend to descend into.
- - -
Tyler brought the slice closer to his mouth and took the first bite off the tip of the pizza. To him it was nothing special. Just more food for him to eat. He absentmindedly chewed the bit of pizza still wondering where his little boss ran off to.
"Maybe I'll check his office when I finish." He thinks swallowing down the first bite of pizza.
- - -
Josh struggled as much as he could but there was no escape. He was part of the first bit of pizza. Helplessly he hoped not to be chewed by his giant employee, maybe there was still some way out of this! He just had to find a way to break free. Meanwhile a giant white molar crushed down near him tearing way part of the pizza covering his tiny body, while also nearly obliterating the tiny passenger.
Free at last Josh desperately tried to find something to hold on to the slippery tongue and vicious saliva proved to make it a very difficult task. Luck was finally on his side when he managed to lodge himself between two of Tyler's teeth, holding on with all his might he fought to survive the next round of chewing, as the previous bite has already been sent down to Tyler's awaiting stomach.
"That could've been me!" Josh thought as the glob of food suddenly vanished.
- - -
Stuffing the last helping of pizza in his mouth Tyler picked up the bottle of coke and drank the remaining contents. Finally full and satisfied, he threw out the empty pizza box and put away the dishes. Meanwhile Josh…
Some how Josh managed to avoid the second wave of food and the soda. He was amazed he was still holding on the young man's teeth! "Luck must finally be on my side!" He thought to himself triumphantly.
Tired, he loosened his grip slightly and sat back wedged as well as he could get himself between the teeth. Not daring to look back at the fowl cavern he had just escaped.
- - -
Tyler started to leave the break room since he was worried about his little boss, when suddenly he stopped. Tonguing at something that seemed to be stuck between his teeth. It was something small alright but annoying none the less. "Probably just a piece of crust…" He thought turning to go to the bathroom in order to remove the obnoxious impediment.
Once there he looked in the mirror, opening his mouth wide searching for the annoyance. Using his tongue he tried to slide it carefully up the ridge of the culprit teeth, determined to lodge the morsel free.
- - -
Rest was not an option for the tiny Josh as no sooner did he loosen his grip Tyler's monster like tongue started to assault his position. Holding on again for dear life he tried to push himself further toward the front of the mouth refusing to be captured by the gigantic muscle.
Shortly after the tongue assault ceased light poured into the massive cavern and looking out Josh could see himself, wedged between Tyler's teeth. "He's in the bathroom!" Josh cried weakly. "I have to get him to notice me!"
- - -
Still displeased by the impediment in his teeth, Tyler tried a frontal attack using his finger nail, pushing the piece of food back into his mouth. "Gh-et out o-v mah teef!" Tyler said with his mouth open trying to coax the piece out. Finally, relief as he pushed the speck out on to his tongue for full display. He looked down in his mouth angrily at the speck that caused him so much annoyance when finally he…
Tyler moved the speck to the back of his mouth, completely unaware of the horror he was committing on his tiny boss. Slowly he lurched his tongue back and closed his mouth. Turning away from the mirror and leaving the bathroom, the titanous man prepared to swallow the little speck.
- - -
Darkness engulfed Josh as he struggled to stand, just moments ago Tyler was looking right at him but it would seem the attractive lifeguard didn't look close enough too see that it was his tiny boss. "Tyler!" Josh cried weakly. "Please notice me in here!"
His words went unheard as the massive tongue started to transport him slowly to the back of the cavernous mouth. Josh's eyes were still trying to adjust to the darkness however he knew all too well what the sight must have looked like moments before he'd take a trip into one of his employee's stomach.
With a rush Josh jolted downward, the throat was large and squishy, and although warm and comfy, it was nothing more than a gateway for imminent digestion.
- - -
The simple action was finally completed. For the gigantic man he was just happy to be finally rid of that annoyance in his teeth. Looking down at his toned stomach he rubbed it. "There we go, in my stomach where you belong, food." He said happily appreciating just how much he could eat while still having his 6 pack show.
The sound came from Tyler's chest, barely recognizable as any kind of words. "Huh, kinda sounded like my body was saying something…" Giving his chest a good rub he shrugged it off. "Either way I gotta get back in the park and see if Josh is in his office!"
Turning toward the door to leave the break room he grabbed the handle and…
Shaking his head Tyler took a second to realize what the heck just hit him. Looking in the doorway he notices it's once of his co-worker's a new-ish lifeguard named Ross. Ross was a good guy, 20 years old, 6'4" he has black hair buzzed short. His face seemed to always be covered in stubble along his prominent jaw line. He was slightly smaller than Tyler with a leaner muscular build, but what he lacked in mass he made up for in definition.
Fallen to the ground Ross looked up and saw he had just face planted into the head lifeguard, Tyler. Expecting some sort of punishment he winced, only to be offered a hand to be helped back up. "You ok dude? You sure look like you're in a hurry!" Tyler asked in a friendly tone.
"I'm so sorry, sir! I wasn't looking where I was going!" Ross said getting up and lowering his head shamefully.
"No worries man, again, whats with the hurry?" Tyler asked the younger man.
"Oh right! I was looking for Josh. I saw him come in here a little while ago, but I was stationed at the pool across from the building!" He asked looking around for the little man. "As soon as I had a chance I came around to see him."
"He left a few minutes ago I think." Tyler stated blankly. "He's probably back in his office or in the park."
"Are you sure? I was watching the door the whole time and never saw him leave. There wasn't any line for getting out of the park so I came over as fast as possible!" The man asked hurriedly. "If he left I would have seen him!"
Tyler stopped for a second to think and came to the conclusion that…
Putting a hand on his abs, Tyler started to feel his stomach drop. "Dude I think I know where he is…" He said looking at Ross seriously. "I need you to grab the bucket out from under the sink."
Confused, but not one to disobey Ross ran into the kitchen and grabbed the small bucket. "Uh what do you need it for?" The man asked handing it to his supervisor.
"I think I ate him." Tyler said calmly clutching his stomach and setting the bucket down. Kneeing over he leaned over the bucket and forced his fingers into the back of his throat.
Confused at Tyler's statement for a moment, Ross stared blankly at the man attempting to force himself to vomit in front of him. "WHAT?" He finally realized. "Y-you ate… him?"
"All I'm getting is air so far, dude get me some water." Tyler said still trying to save his boss.
- - -
The mounds of food ultimately broke Josh's fall as he descended into the belly of his most trusted employee. Finally coming to he realized how hopeless of a situation he was it. He could hear Tyler's muffled voice booming around him but he couldn't make out what he was saying at any given time. "I can't even risk getting off this mound of food" Josh said to himself. "Not unless I want an acid bath." He shivered.
There was a crash against the walls of Josh's slimy prison as the whole stomach shook. "What the hell was that?" Josh wondered as he heard a new voice, muffled worse than Tyler's. The conversation went on for what seemed like forever as Josh started counting Tyler's heart beats, or how often the stomach would churn. "Why the hell am I so calm! I was eaten! I'm going to die!" Josh said finally realizing how dire of a situation he was in.
These were the first words Josh finally recognized. Suddenly the whole room dropped as it seemed like Tyler was hunching over. The stomach began convulsing violently, reluctant to let out it's well deserved meal. "He figured it out! Oh god I'm saved!" Josh said practically jumping with joy.
Suddenly massive amounts of air came flying out of Josh's prison, causing him to go a little light headed. Stuck in the mushy food mixing in Tyler's stomach Josh cried out, "Please keep trying!"
Suddenly with a rush there was a delude of water and air rushing into the dank stomach. Breathing easier once more and relieved by the cold water Josh found new hope in his rescue. "He's not going to give up! I know he won't!"
- - -
"More water man." Tyler ordered at Ross who panickedly refilled the cup. "I've just got to keep trying!" He said shoving his fingers back down his throat.
A few minutes passed and…
Tyler finally manages to spew out the water he just drank, causing a small flood of putrid stomach liquid and mush to rush into the bucket. Glassy eyed, Tyler panted as he looked down into the bucket. Miraculously, he somehow managed to spot a teeny tiny speck treading water. Slowly moving his finger under the little speck, he lifted it up, carrying it over to the kitchen counter. Taking a plate, he dripped a little water into the middle, and gingerly slid his tiny boss toward the liquid.
"There you go…" He panted. "Just wash yourself off, everything's alright now…" He said calmly to the little man as he set down the plate.
Across the room Ross stood there, mouth a gap. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Tyler somehow ate their boss, didn't realize it, then threw him back up. "This is nuts…" He said under his breath as he walked over to the counter and asked, "Is he… ok?"
"I think so…" Tyler said solemnly. "He's been moving, but he hasn't said anything. He's probably just too shook up to talk." He said while also thinking, "Or he hates me for what happened…."
"You had something to ask him, right Ross?" Tyler said without turning his head.
"Oh, right I completely forgot!" He said looking over Tyler's shoulder.
"You should wait… meet him at his office later or something." Tyler said picking up the plate and bringing it over to the balcony near the park entrance.
"Right…" Ross said, turning away from Tyler. "I'll just go back to the park then." He said hurriedly as he went out the back door.
Without moving an inch, Tyler continued to look down at his tiny boss as he worked his way off the plate. "I'm so sorry…" Tyler mumbled as as he turned and dashed out the door.
Josh finally out of shock rose a hand in protest, however the action went unseen to the guilt ridden lifeguard. "Tyler…" Josh whispered as the door shut behind him.
With new found energy, Josh marched through the door back to the park, hoping maybe he could catch Tyler inside.
Walking around the corner Josh remembered a lot of talk about his office. "Maybe he'd go there to talk to me." He figured walking to the building.
Once inside he sat behind his desk, looking down at the mahogany surface. He was happy to be free of Tyler's giant stomach, but sadness also washed over him as he hoped Tyler didn't feel too guilty.
Just then…
Tyler's muscular frame slowly snuck in past the door, as he looked to the ground. He lumbered up to desk before Josh could even say a word Tyler took off his whistle and badge from around his neck and put them on Josh's desk. With a vacant expression he turned away from Josh and started walking toward the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" Josh asked, standing up.
"I quit, Josh. I almost got you killed." He said, without turning to face Josh.
"Almost. But you didn't. You figured out what happened and gave everything you could to save me!" Josh said, as he started to pick up Tyler's badge and whistle. "I can't afford to lose someone who's willing to risk so much for my safety."
"You can't change my mind, Josh. I don't want to accidentally hurt you anymore. The only reason I figured it out was because of Ross. Next time we might not get that lucky." He said still refusing to turn and look at Josh.
"Stop spouting nonsense. Your quick thinking and leadership abilities are what saved my life." Josh said, now standing in front of his desk. "You should be promoted for such actions, not fired."
Finally, Tyler turned around however it was out of anger as he whipped around stepping in front of Josh and grabbing his arms, looking down at him with and angry face, yet tears in his eyes he yelled, "Damn it Josh! Be mad at me! FIRE ME! PUNISH ME! DO SOMETHING! I ALMOST KILLED YOU!" He sprayed angrily shaking Josh back and fourth.
Josh looked up at the big man's face smiling and simply said one word.
Quickly moving his hands from Josh's arms to his back, Tyler pulled his short friend toward him in an enormous bear hug. Struggling to move, Josh moved his arms to Tyler's muscular back, patting it as the larger man wept on his shoulder.
"I l-love you man!" Tyler cried.
"I love you too, ya dummy…" Josh said affectionately as he started to sob too.
As the two eventually broke apart their embrace Josh lifted up the whistle and badge he was still holding in his hand. "Don't leave, Ty…" Josh said as he reached up and put the accessories back around Tyler's neck.
Wiping away his tears, Tyler reached into his pocket and put on his sunglasses in an attempt to hide his reddened eyes. "So you forgive me…?" Tyler asked cautiously.
Josh sighed and shook his head. "He really is a dummy…" Josh thought.
"I was never mad, Ty." Josh said smiling at his friend.
Finally smiling back Tyler turned for the door shouting, "I'm gonna make it up to you, buddy. I swear!"
"Yeah yeah whatever you say ya big goof!" Josh yelled back as Tyler ran out the door. Josh figured, knowing Tyler "making it up to him" might be something interesting. Just then, the door opened back up….
Ross's scruffy face, and slim build peeked through the door at Josh, who was still standing out in front of his desk with a few tears in his eyes.
"Is this a bad time… boss?" Ross asked a little nervous. "I can always come back later."
"No no, Ross this is perfect timing. I just wanted to thanking for playing a part in my rescue!" Josh said walking toward the toned man. "Tyler told me if it wasn't for you he probably wouldn't have figured it out!"
Ross rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. "I barely did anything… no need to thank me sir."
"Nonsense!" Josh says making his way in front of the scruffy man, putting his hand on his broad shoulder. "You've only been here a few weeks, and already you played a hand in saving my life."
"Well, thank you sir." Ross said enthusiastically. "I'm just glad you're ok."
Moving his hand, Josh put it on his chin. "If I recall correctly… You had exceptional scores on the CPR exams."
Proud of his ability to both perform and remember everything to do with CPR and first aid Ross nodded his head.
"Excellent, I've decided to promote you the the head of health and safety among the the lifeguards and visitors of the park!" Josh said looking up at Ross's face.
"S-sir?" Ross started to say.
"Apart from your regular duties as a lifeguard you'll also be in charge of training new lifeguards in first aid and CPR. Also, you'll be officially on staff at the medical building as an emergency response member." Josh said walking to his desk. "I know it might be a lot to ask of you, but I think you're the man for the job. Plus, I'll be paying you almost triple your current salary." Josh finished sitting down and pulling out some paper work.
Dumbstruck, Ross didn't know how to react. His career suddenly opened up right before his eyes. "Thank you sir! I-I-I…" he stuttered.
"You had something you wanted to ask me right?" Josh said remembering why he probably came in the first place. "What can I do for my Head of health and safety?"
His heart skipped at the sound of the title. However he had to stop for a second to remember what he needed to ask. "Right! I almost forgot. My roommate, Austin, sent in a application a few days ago and I was wondering if you looked at it?"
Josh looked at his list of applicants for the name "Austin", pulling up his file he scanned it quickly. "Here it is. So when can he start?" Josh asked suddenly.
"Sir?" Ross asked blankly, surprised at the hasty decision.
"He's a friend of yours right? That's why you're asking." Josh said looking up at Ross's confused expression.
"Well, yeah… but don't you want to interview him or whatever?" Ross said taking a step forward.
"If he's a friend of your's I trust him." Josh said smiling. "So lemme know when he can start and we'll get his paper work sorted out."
"Yes sir!" Ross said, turning to the door…
Ross turned to the door just as Tyler came bursting through the door. Ross reared back as Tyler looked very energetic for some reason.
"Ross! Buddy!" Tyler slapped Ross on the back as the leaner man merely smiled at Tyler's enthusiasm. "I'm glad you're here!"
"Really, why, dude?" Ross asked, not sure why Tyler seemed to adamant.
"Because I have no idea how to repay Josh!" Tyler gleamed with a smile with Ross under his arm. "So you gotta help me!"
"I have an idea." Josh spoke up, like Tyler didn't even realize he was there. "You can train Austin, Ross's friend."
"That's easy though!" Tyler moped wanting to do something bigger to repay Josh.
"I dunno. He's not very experienced. Could be tough." Josh shrugged trying to bait Tyler.
"I can do it!" Tyler pounded his chest with a resounding smack. "You can count on me, boss!"
Almost as quickly as he came, Tyler went running out the door. Josh couldn't help but chuckle as he looked back to Ross who seemed dumbfounded. "I'm gonna call him now, is that ok, Ross?" Ross simply looked back to Josh and nodded his head, figuring he should stay in the room while Josh went on the phone. Josh dialed the number on the resume and waited for Austin to pick up. "Hello, yes is this Austin?… Great! My name is Josh, I'm the owner of Shrink and Swim where Ross works. I looked over your resume and I'd like for you to work for us immediately…. Mhmm…. Alright… So you can come in tomorrow? Great we'll see you then!"
"Well that sounds like it went well." Ross smiled, glad to see Austin was so willing to come in and start so soon.
"Yeah, he sounded surprised." Josh smiled. "But it's great how eager he was! Maybe you could tell me a little about him?"
"Oh well." Ross scratched his hairy chin. "We've been best friends since we were kids. Started living together. He's a really great guy. We're golf buddies. Plus we play hockey together."
"Wait you play golf and hockey?" Josh tilted his head for a moment, feeling like he didn't know much about Ross.
"Yeah! I mean, I'm more of a golfer, but Austin is more of a hockey player." Ross explained. "But we love both, don't get me wrong!"
"Still that's great! I'm sure the swing translates well between both sports. Plus you must get a lot of strength from hockey." Josh commented, clearly seeing Ross's very well trained and muscular body.
"Yeah for sure!" Ross smiled rubbing the back of his neck and exposing his hairy pits.
"Well either way it'll be great to meet Austin tomorrow!" Josh said with excitement. "I hope you'll be ready to train him in Health and Safety. That's gonna be a huge responsibility for you!"
"I won't let you down, boss!" Ross beamed, almost forgetting about his new responsibilities in the park.
- - -
A fresh day had dawned as Josh made his way into the park. Josh made his way toward his office, already running into Ross, Tyler and a new handsome looking man he assumed to be Austin. He stood slightly taller than Ross but about the same height as Tyler at about 6'5". He was the same age of Ross at 20 years old but looked very different. He was much more muscular, with deeply cut abs and larger rounder pecs. He seemed more on the lines of Tyler as far as bulk went but slightly leaner. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair, not too long but longer than your typical short cut hair. As Josh approached the handsome man, his took in the stubble on his face, a light color covered his cheeks and chin as Josh looked toward his almost emerald green eyes. Josh's eyes wandered up and down his torso as there was a good amount of hair nestled between his huge pecs and connected down to a patch around his belly button before it went down a treasure trail down his new red board shorts.
"You must be Austin!" Josh finally reached the man and shook the man's huge hands. "I'm Josh, I spoke to you on the phone yesterday!"
"Yeah, bro!" Austin answered with a smile. "Ross was telling me a little bit about what happened. Like how Ross was promoted and uhh…" Austin paused for a moment. "How there was a little mistake with you being eaten?"
"Yeahhhh…" Josh rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not really wanting to recall that terrifying situation as he looked at Tyler who bit his lip slightly. "It was definitely a silly mistake, but it's all in the past. Plus it's kind of funny in hindsight."
"Just sounded funny to me." Austin smiled as he looked at Ross and Tyler who shifted awkwardly. "Maybe just because I wasn't there?"
"I guess. I just feel bad." Tyler half frowned looking away. Josh looked at Tyler, not wanting him to feel bad about it.
"Hey no feeling bad. You've got work to do." Josh smiled at Tyler and motioning toward Austin. Tyler looked down at Josh and ruffled the hair on his shorter friend's head.
"You got it buddy." Tyler answered as he put an arm around Austin, leading the man away while Ross followed. Josh smiled, seeing the three men walk away. Josh felt good about hiring Austin, feeling like today was going to be great as he made his way into his office. Josh sat down at his desk, ready to fill out paperwork.
- - -
Some time went by and Josh was feeling a little bored. Josh couldn't help but let his mind wander, thinking about Austin, wondering how the handsome giant was doing. Getting up, Josh took a walk over to the break room, deciding to open the door and see if he was on break with either Ross or Tyler from the days training. Looking out into the room, Josh saw Austin…
Sitting alone at the table Josh looked out int the room and noticed Austin was sitting there, looking around a little boredness in his face.
"Huh, wonder what happened to Tyler and Ross?" Josh thought to himself as he approached the edge of the balcony he was on and used a small microphone to speak out into the room and address Austin.
"Hey Austin! " Josh called out into the room as he watched the handsome man's head perk up and start looking around. "Over here, on the balcony."
Josh watched as Austin scanned the balcony for a moment before he locked his eyes on the tiny speck of a person of Josh. Getting up, Austin slowly approached the balcony with a smile as Josh watched the muscled and somewhat hairy man come closer. Looming over Josh now, Austin had to bend down a little to be a little closer to eye level with his tiny boss.
"Oh hey! I don't think I've seen you this small yet, Josh!" Austin smiled before biting his lip and correcting himself. "I mean, boss."
"It's ok, Josh is fine." Josh wanted to assure his newest employee with his friendliness.
"Ok! I just got used to them calling you "the boss" all day is all." Austin laughed a little with an attractive white smile. Josh couldn't help but sweat a little as he stared at Austin's attractive and scruffy face. "So anyway, maybe it's good it's just the two of us. I wanted to ask what happened the other day. Tyler and Ross were acting weirdly quiet about it so I never heard anything."
"Oh, that." Josh shifted awkwardly a little. "Well it was just a little accident. To make a long story short, I was eating lunch with Tyler and he thought I left. I was actually stuck to a slice of pizza."
"Woah so that's how he ended up eating you?" Austin asked, resting his hand under his chin as he leaned in with interest.
"Not exactly actually. I somehow ended up between his teeth. Then he flossed me out and I ended up in the middle of his tongue." Josh recalled the events as best he could without breaking eye contract from Austin's dreamy green eyes. "Then he looked at me in the mirror before swallowing me."
"And he didn't even know it was you?!" Austin gasped as if he was listening to an epic tale. "Yo, this is crazy dude. What happened next? Did you know… like end up in his stomach and stuff?"
"It happened really fast, but yeah. It was dark. It reeked of soda and pizza." Josh trailed off a bit. "I've never experienced something like that in my life."
"That's super cool though. In hindsight of course." Austin Leaned back a bit and stretched. "You're probably the first person alive to ever do something like that, dude."
"Yeah you're probably right…" Josh thought for a moment, thinking about how incredible it actually is he experienced all that and survived. "When you put it like that, it doesn't seem so bad, Austin!"
"Well…" Austin rubbed the back of his head, showing off his hairy pit for a moment. "It's just good you're okay too, dude."
"Yeah for sure!" Josh smiled as he looked at Austin still hunching over. "Hey what do you think about carrying me over to the table so you don't have to crouch like that?"
"Huh? Like in my hand?" Austin looked a little confused as Josh nodded. On command, Austin lowered his hand down next to Josh, allowing the minuscule man to climb aboard as the pair made their way over to the table. Setting his hand down, Austin watched in fascination as Josh climbed off and onto the table.
"That was so cool, dude." Austin smirked as he sat down in front of Josh. "I could barely feel you. You're just so tiny! It's no wonder Tyler mistook you for food. He probably couldn't see you on the pizza or feel you move in his mouth, bro."
"You're probably right." Josh agreed as he stared up at Austin, eyes wandering from the man's hairy chest to his fuzzy abs. "I forget how small I am sometimes around the giants here."
"Giants…" Austin trailed off quietly for a second. "That's really cool, Josh."
The two men conversed more and more as they awaited the return of Tyler and Ross. Turns out they were looking for Josh the whole time as they made their way back into the room. Having Austin bring him back to the balcony, Josh turned and glanced at Austin as he rejoined his two trainers.
"He's so nice…" Josh said to himself as he made his way back into his office.
- - -
Days turned to weeks after Austin joined the team and most people started to notice just how close Josh and Austin started to become. Fast friends, Josh and Austin actually started hanging out and planned a special time together with Josh at his shrunken size per Austin's request. The two men planned on going…
Looking through his paperwork after Ross left Josh was happy about his new decisions. "I think its a good fit." Josh said to himself happily.
Suddenly, the door bursts open as Tyler comes charging to Josh's desk with a huge smile on his face. "Josh! Josh! I got it!"
Confused by the shirtless man bouncing up in down in front of him Josh simply felt inclined to ask, "Got what?"
"An idea of how to make everything up to you of course!" Tyler said starting to relax a little. "Ok so here's what we'll do. I'll head into the break room from here, and you go around front. Then you can humiliate tiny me for a change!"
Puzzled Josh looked blankly at his muscled friend. "I'm not doing that."
"Ah ha! I figured you'd say that. It was supposed to be a joke to prepare you for the real treat!" Tyler said lifting his arm. "I want you and I to take a day off, of which I want to bring tiny you to my apartment for a spa getaway, where I will be your personal giant butler!"
Blushing at the idea Josh thought to himself. "Guess its no big secret I enjoy being little…"
"Will it make you happy if I say yes?" Josh said looking up at his bulky friend.
"More than anything, dude!" Tyler said with a little hop, shaking the room a bit.
"Alright! Alright! Sounds like a real treat, Ty. Why don't we do it tomorrow. I can let everyone know we're taking the day off tonight." Josh said standing up and starting to walk around to the front of his desk.
"Awesome!" Tyler yelled, grabbing his short friend and pulling him in for another hug.
"All right, easy big guy!" Josh said, he muffled his words in Tyler's chest.
A spa day with a giant butler… "This is gonna be fun!" Josh thought.
- - -
The next day, Josh waited in the break room in the morning. Already shrunk and ready for his day with Tyler. After a few minutes the door opened, revealing Tyler, wearing a white collared shirt, and a pair of green and white plaid shorts. Around his neck he wore an attractive looking silver chain, that dangled freely over his broad chest. Down to his feet he wore red nike shoes with a pair of low cut white socks. Finally, on his head he wore a tan baseball cap with a flat rim.
Walking over to the balcony Tyler greeted his tiny friend with a polite bow.
"Good morning master, might I say you look excellent on this fine day!" he said with a slight accent that made Josh chuckle for a second.
"As do you my faithful servant." Josh replied regally.
"I am humbled sir." He said straightening his back. "How might I transport you, master?"
"uuurp ooo~ooh, dude I don't feel good." Tyler said rubbing his stomach some more. "I-i've just got to keep trying though…" He said forcing his fingers back into his mouth once again.
Ross knelt down next to Tyler and put a hand on his bare back. "Maybe you didn't actually eat him? Maybe I did just miss him?" He tried to offer what little assurance to his co-worker that he could. "Let's go check his office, even if he's not there maybe he wasn't feeling well and went home?"
"…You're right…" Tyler begrudging stated. Standing up he brought the bucket back over to the sink, looking in it carefully for any sign of his tiny boss. Hoping maybe a gust of air brought him up.
Nothing. Washing out the bucket he returned it under the sink, rubbing his still aching stomach.
- - -
The convulsions ended and the walls of the stomach went calm once more. Josh sat there dumbfounded at the peak of the mushy food. "He's gonna keep trying right? I'm sure he won't give up."
The stomach moved as Josh could sense Tyler was moving around once more. Hearing his muffled voice sound sad and dejected. "No…" Josh thought. "No! Don't give up I'm still in here!"
As the walls swayed and contracted the mounds of pizza started to dissolve more peacefully. The mountain of food eventually fell over with a splat sinking Josh into a mixture of pizza and acid. With one last squirm Josh gave in, never to wake again. Only becoming part of his godlike lifeguard.
- - -
Tyler and Ross did indeed reenter the park and check in Josh's office. Only to find it empty. They walked around the park aimlessly hoping maybe someone caught a glance of him. Calling his cellphone and even home phone proved to be a fruitless effort. At the end of the day, Ross said his goodbye's to Tyler, promising not to tell anyone what they horribly suspected happened to their boss.
Finally, Tyler arrived home. depressed at what happened. He looked down at his stomach trying to find some positive in all this. "He'll always be with me I guess." He thought with a slight smile. "Rest easy little guy." He said rubbing his stomach, as if to put closure on the whole ordeal.
Munching away happily at his pizza, Josh was in heaven. The aroma of the pizza gently wafted over him as he plucked off pieces to chew on. "I could eat for days off this slice and nobody would ever know!" Josh thought to himself, always in constant amazement over his size.
Distracted by his food Josh never noticed that Tyler had finished off the rest of the pizza, and was staring down at him with a mischievous smile. The giant man slowly and extremely quietly moved his hand behind his boss, without his notice. Creeping slowly forward he extended out his pinky and ring fingers around both of Josh's sides. The two shadows cast next to Josh and barely had time to say, "What th---".
Carefully, Tyler snatched his tiny wriggling boss between his fingers, and moved him over to the half filled bottle cap. "Ty! What are you dooooooooo---" Josh was cut off again as the massive stud dropped him in the awaiting liquid.
Splashing around in the cold soda, it made Josh's skin tingle a little. Barely staying afloat in the carbonated liquid he looked up at Tyler's smiling face.
"Tyler the amazing lifeguard is on duty!" He said triumphantly over his tiny boss. "Don't worry tiny citizen! You're safe as long as I'm on duty!"
Lifting the bottle cap to about chest level, Tyler dunked his pinky in the shallow liquid next to his panicked boss. Josh swam over as best he could to the massive finger, trying desperately to cling on to Tyler's smooth skin. The wetness from the soda made it almost impossible to stay on as just slipped and fell multiple times off the finger.
Tyler looked down, amused at his tiny boss's struggles. Giving him a few minutes to try to climb out Tyler then had a different idea. Removing his pinky from the cap he addressed the tiny man once more. "Worry not little citizen! I~ The amazing Tyler shall drain the pool for you!"
Lifting the cap up to his face he pressed the ridge up against his lips. "No, Tyler! Don't do this!" Josh screamed as the current swept him toward Tyler's gigantic mouth.
As Tyler drained the bottle cap, Josh…
"Nooooo!" Josh cried as the current was too much for him. The liquid carried him past Tyler's white teeth straight into the middle of his tongue. Josh looked around the smelly chamber as he floated helpless in a pool of soda. The darkness made it hard to see much around him but one thing was for sure. "Uuuugh! I reeks of pizza in here!" Josh yelled covering his nose.
- - -
Tyler looked down at the now empty bottle cap, noticing the missing passenger. "Oops…" he thought, rubbing his lips and checking his fingers. The massive lifeguard stood up and casually strolled over to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror he slowly opened his mouth.
Looking around he noticed the small pool of soda on his tongue. Tiny speck of a boss included. He laughed out loud, causing his mouth to shake violently.
"I -et -dis -ool is -a-ot -armer!" Tyler said with his mouth open.
Closing his mouth, the giant man was onto his tiny boss's interests. "He always watches me chug soda, and blushes when I burp… I bet he's loving this!" He assured himself walking out of the bathroom. Feeling a little pressure come from his stomach, he deiced to give his boss a treat. Keeping his mouth closed he forced up a little burp.
- - -
The noise filled the pitch black cavern Josh was trapped in. The whole chamber lurched forward in motion with the belch. Blushing with excitement, Josh took in the massive man's stomach air. "What am I doing…" Josh realized to himself.
"Tyler this isn't funny! Your mouth stinks! Now let me out!" The little man ordered.
Just then the pool of liquid he was in suddenly shifted, moving all the way back toward the throat. Josh slapped into Tyler's massive uvula as he realized he was floating just above the throat. "Is he planning on swallowing me??" Josh gasped starting to panic even worse. "Please Tyler!"
"RELAX!" The gargled voice boomed out around him. "Relax?" Josh thought to himself. "Maybe I am safe after all. Guess he's just messing with me." Josh thought, still wanting to get out of the giant man's mouth.
- - -
The tiny man's pleas finally died down as Tyler leaned back in the cushy lounge chairs. He figured the simple word was enough to get his worried boss to calm down. Feeling the pool of soda sit at the back of his throat he knew his little boss safe. Now he just wanted to give the little guy time to chill. "Dude barely ever takes a break…" Tyler thought. "At least this way I can force him to!"
Tyler reached down and grabbed the remote, flicking around on random channels on the tv. All the while the attentive man breathed cautiously though his nose.
About 20 minutes went by and…
Sitting at the end of his seat, Tyler had found himself completely engrossed in the movie he found on the tv. It was a horror movie he'd never seen before. Intrigued in how the movie played out he watched carefully as heroine and her companion turned a dimly lit corner. Unaware of the shadowy figure following closely behind.
With a sudden SLASH the figure cut down the poor companion and in a panic the heroine ran off, leaving the horrific bloody site behind her.
"Ulp…" Tyler swallowed. Wincing at the sudden death. "That's some pretty intense shit right there…" He said leaning back in his chair as he watched the heroine reveal what the shadowy creature was all along. Transfixed by the intense plot unfolding, he never even realized he sent his boss on a one way trip to his stomach.
- - -
Josh's peaceful bliss came to an end as suddenly and violently he found himself being sucked down the muscular lifeguard's throat. "Mmmmfffnnnff!" Josh struggled as he was swept easily down the gigantic tube, barely able to talk as the soda he'd been bathing in was now swirling around him. With a dramatic splash Josh found himself pushed out the sphincter leading to Tyler's massive stomach.
Josh landed softly in a pile of mush, seemingly floating over some fowl looking liquid. "Oh god, stomach acid!" Josh said scurrying to the center of the mass. "W-what happened up there?" Josh questioned himself. "Why would he swallow me?"
The walls of the stomach groaned and swayed majestically as it churned its unwitting meal. The putrid air around Josh made him start to gag. "I've got to get him to realize I'm down here!" Josh said with hope.
- - -
Tyler's stomach growled as he unconsciously rubbed his hand on it. Meanwhile, the heroine in the movie realized that there was more to the shadow beast than met the eye. She was off to another dimension to put an end to the beast's rain of terror on her homeland.
"Awesome…" Tyler muttered to himself as the movie went to a commercial break. His mind was swimming with adventure as he wondered how that single woman could somehow stop these hoards of beasts. Sitting there thinking he was interrupted when…
"We're back with your featured movie!" The tv advertised as it snagged Tyler's attention back. "Oh sweet!" He said leaning forward to watch the epic movie unfold once more.
- - -
Josh was positive his giant friend wouldn't forget about him down here! He trusted Tyler more than anybody else…
"He'll let me out… I'm sure of it…" Josh muttered as the humid air started to make him sleepy. For what seemed like hours Josh watched as the walls of Tyler's stomach contracted. The glorps and gloops of the bubbling liquid below him were a constant reminder how imminent his danger was. As the stomach calmly continued to mix its soggy meal, Josh noticed his landmass of mush was starting to become more like a little raft. The stomach acid sizzled closer and closer to the little man as he cowered, barely awake, in the middle of the mush.
"He'll save me… I know he will…" Josh said as he starting drifting off to sleeping. The warm air finally did its job, and the raft Josh clung so depretaly to finally gave way. Tyler's stomach groaned happily as it accepted the last bit of meat from the meal.
- - -
The minutes passed quickly for the young man as he watched the epic battle of life and death between an evil force and the badass young heroine trying to defend her home. As the minutes became an hour the movie's credits finally started to roll. Standing up the gigantic man stretched out his arms.
"What a great break!" He said happily relaxing his arms. In a swift motion he walked over to the kitchen table, grabbing the unfinished bottle of coke. In a few massive gulps the muscular man drained it easily. Tyler sighed as he rubbed his stomach triggering his reaction to let out a massive burp he was instantly proud of.
"Oh man! That was a good one!" He said aloud, giving his gut a hard slap. "Bet Josh would… have… loved… OH SHIT!"
Tyler's stomach suddenly felt sick as finally realized what he did well over an hour ago. Running to the bathroom he kept just repeating, "What do I do… What do I do…"
Cramming his fingers down the back of his throat he desperately tried to throw up into the bathroom sink. After tossing up what little was left in his stomach Tyler finally stopped. Desperately, he fingered through the slimy mush hoping beyond hope that his tiny boss had been able to survive in his belly for the past hour and a half.
Leaning over the sink Tyler spat. "That movie was definitely over an hour…it must've been too long…" He said to himself.
"I think…" He said looking down at his 6 pack. 'I think he's gone…"
Grabbing a glass of water, he chugged it down to ease his stomach. Rubbing it sadly, he hoped the experience wasn't too painful for the little guy.
Tyler's eyes started to feel heavy as he watched the somewhat boring documentary on the television. Deciding to give them a rest, Tyler laid on his back and propped his head up on a pillow slightly and closed his eyes. Stopping only for a second to swish the liquid in his mouth away from the back of his throat and more toward the front. He knew he didn't want to put his boss in any unnecessary danger, but he couldn't help but smirk to himself as he didn't exactly want to let the tiny man out either. Keeping his head mostly level, Tyler started to relax as he drifted off to sleep.
- - -
The pool of liquid seemed to calm down finally after it was moved quickly to the center of Tyler's mouth. Josh's eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness in the cavernous mouth as he could make out every massive corner of Tyler's mouth with decent detail. Unsure of what Tyler was actually doing Josh decided to swim to the edge of the pool of soda and make his way more toward the front of the cave, near the teeth.
"Wow… his teeth are huge!" Josh said aloud as he finally made his way out of the liquid and started to walk along the moist tongue on his journey to the front of the mouth. Each tooth looked like a massive white building to Josh, lined perfectly along the jaw of the closed mouth. Making his way to the tip of the tongue, Josh stared up at the closest tooth in awe. His amazement however was short lived as he heard a rush of liquid behind him. Holding on to the front of the tongue Josh tuned to see the pool of soda he was just in rush to the back of the throat before disappearing down in a deafening gulp.
"T-that could have been me!" Josh yelled as the massive tongue relaxed once more to a resting position and the dark cave looked more like a moist cavern than a cave with a lake. "Tyler! You almost swallowed me you meat head!"
Josh waited for a response, but instead all he heard was deep breathing going in and out from what he could only assume was Tyler's nose.
"Either he's ignoring me of he fell asleep…" Josh sighed as he figured it was the latter. Keeping his grip on the tip of the tongue Josh looked out in the cavern once more. He'd always wondered what it would be like to be in one of his employee's mouths, especially Tyler's. Tyler always toyed with Josh the most in yet this is the first time he's gone so far to leave Josh in his mouth, let alone fall asleep while he was trapped in here! Shaking any thoughts from his head Josh tried to remember how dangerous of a situation he was in. If Tyler really was asleep, the best course of action would be to escape. But looking back into the massive moving cave once more Josh couldn't help but wonder when he'd get the chance to explore Tyler's mouth again.
In the end Josh decided…
As all the soda around Josh swirled like a whirlpool he tried as hard as he could to find something, anything, to hang on to. Covering his eyes, Josh tried his best just to live through the situation. Finally, he landed. The ground was wet.. and soft. Dreading opening his eyes to see the inside of Tyler's mouth, he instead got his attention snagged in a different way.
"The day is saved!" Josh heard as Tyler's voice boomed out in front of him. Opening his eyes, he merely found he was was at the bottom of the bottle cap. The squishy disk just seemed almost fleshy in Josh's confusion.
Realizing he was safe Josh stared up at Tyler's smiling face. "You could have drank me you big dummy!" Josh yelled at his careless employee.
"Ah, but I didn't!" Tyler replied, shutting up his tiny boss as he brought the cap back down to the table.
"Whatever…" Josh said looking up at the tall ridges. "Just tip this sucker over so I can get out please?" Josh asked, still a little annoyed.
Crossing his arms and turning his head, the muscular stud declined. "Not till you apologize for yelling!"
Josh couldn't believe how childish Tyler was acting all of a sudden. Why should he apologize when Tyler was the one who dropped him in the cap in the first place! "You should apologize to me! I wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for you wanting to play "super lifeguard"!" Josh fumed once more.
"Now now, don't be so bossy, boss." He said looking down at the cap. "I think you should stay in there until you learn to talk a little nicer to me." He said teasing the little man.
Still angry, Josh turned away from the giant stud. "I can outlast him." He thought pouting to himself.
"Aww you're so adorable when you're mad, boss!" Tyler said hovering his face above the cap.
Continuing to look away Josh tried his best just to keep ignoring the big bully.
- - -
After a few quiet minutes Tyler started to get a little bored with his game.
"Alright boss, I'm gonna go work out for a bit!" He said motioning to the small workout room attached next door. "So you can just sit there and think about what you did till I come back!"
Meanwhile Josh…
"Hmph…" Josh muttered as Tyler turned away. "I'm not letting him win, I'll sit here the whole damn time he's in the gym if I have to!"
Chuckling to himself Tyler walked through the door leading to a little gym, complete with weights, ellipticals, and a few other machines. Closing the door behind him, leaving Josh alone in the break room.
Some time went by and Josh sat there thinking, maybe he should just apologize and get this over with… he still had a lot of work to do today and he couldn't just keep sitting here in a bottle cap. Then again he really didn't want to give Tyler the satisfaction…
Josh's thoughts went interrupted when he heard a door open. Figuring it was Tyler finishing his workout he didn't even bother to look. "That was short." Josh thought. "He must've felt bad leaving me alone… looks like I win this one!" He snickered to himself.
- - -
Unbeknownst to little Josh it was not in fact Tyler. Instead it was one of his other lifeguards Brody, just getting off his shift wanting to wind down at the break room. Brody is a good looking guy, he's 20 years old 6'6" with short black hair and brown eyes. He has a strong looking chin and always seemed to be a good mood with a smile on his face. Like all the other lifeguards on staff he's very well built, with his large bouncing pecs still wet from being in park and a solid 6 pack with a black treasure trail leading attractively down to his shorts. He also has a tattoo of a chain going around his right bicep. The best way to describe his personality however, is that he is a bro.
Brody lumbered into the break room, tired from his shift. He figured if anything he could just grab a snack and something to drink and just relax. Walking over to the kitchen table he saw a single slice of pizza on a plate, as well as an opened bottle of coke with he cap off the side. "Weak bro, someone forgot to put the cap back on, its gonna lose its fizz!" He thought snatching up the cap.
- - -
Josh's whole world shook as he realized the bottle cap was being moved again. A bit more concerned he opened one eye and turned his head to see a familiar face…however that face wasn't Tyler's. "Brody?" Josh asked quietly.
Suddenly Josh found his whole world being flipped as he started plummeting through the air. With a splash Josh found himself treading water… except it was fizzy and brown… "Uh oh…" Josh thought as he realized he was swimming in soda. The carbonated liquid made his skin tingle as he swam around looking for some way out of the cold sea of soda.
Luckily he found what looked to be some crumb of pizza crust. "Backwash…" Josh thought a little sick to his stomach. However, not being too picky in the situation he climbed aboard the floating crumb, hoping Brody would notice him waving at him through the thin plastic of the bottle.
- - -
All the while Brody happily grabbed the final slice of pizza, a little cold by now he popped it into the microwave for a few seconds. Grabbing the warm plate he walked back over to the kitchen table and looked at the bottle of soda. "Bet it's kinda flat by now…" He said looking at it sadly. "Oh well a drink's a drink." He said grabbing the bottle and walking over to the lounge to watch tv while he ate his meal.
Flipping through the channels he found a a football game on and decided it was perfect break time tv. Taking his slice of pizza he started to tear the cheesy front off chewing absentmindedly as he watched the game. Swallowing, he lifted up the liter of soda, and twisted off the cap, listening to the delightful "ssssss" as an indicator it was still at least somewhat fresh. Taking a sip, he looked down at the bottle. "Hey, its still pretty good!" He said putting it back on the ground unaware that he nearly gulped down his tiny speck of a boss in the first sip.
As Brody finished off the pizza he swallowed hard looking down at the bottle of coke. "Only a little left, its all mine, bro!" he said licking his lips.
Brody lifted the bottle to his lips and…
Brody stopped and moved the soda away from his lips for a second. Looking closely, be barely noticed something moved in the dark beverage.
"What the…" He started as he examined it closer, this time whatever it was looked to flailing around. Brody let the bottle rest so the liquid would settle back in the middle and walked over to the kitchen counter. Setting the bottle on the counter, he reached up into one of the cabinets and pulled out a small glass. Carefully, Brody tilted the bottle and started to pour its contents into the glass, waiting for the mysterious speck to emerge from the fizz.
- - -
Josh struggled and the plastic prison he was in shifted one way and another, causing huge waves of soda and fizz to pour over him. Josh clung on to the crumb with all of of his might, hoping that it would keep him afloat in this acidic environment. Suddenly, his whole world was flipped as the somewhat calm ocean of soda turned into a mighty torrent. Josh screamed as the soda flowed out like a waterfall, crashing down into a cup below.
Josh coughed as the fizz started to clear and he began treading soda. The crumb he was using as a flotation device seemed to have been washed away, at least it wasn't anywhere he could see across the bubbling surface of the drink. Looking up, Josh saw the face of Brody. He started flailing his arms around as much as he could in an attempt to catch his dark brown eyes.
- - -
After the fizz finally cleared Brody looked down at the drink. He had poured most of the remaining soda into the glass, so if something was in there it would be in this cup. After looking carefully for a few seconds, Brody…
"Bro… What is that?" Brody said aloud at the struggling speck in the soda. Slowly he reached his finger down and scooped up the tiny creature. Moving his finger closer to his face he squinted and looked closely at what he still wasn't sure what.
"Boss?" Brody finally realized as Josh struggled to his feet and waved at the handsome hunk. Brody walked over to the kitchen table, sitting down at the nearest chair as he couldn't believe he was just moments from accidentally drinking his boss just mere minutes ago.
Finally able to talk now that he wasn't drowning in soda, Josh spoke to the giant man. "Thank you Brody! I'm so glad you noticed me in time!"
Still a little shocked, Brody rested his hand on the table and continued to look at his tiny boss. "It's no problem bro… but I have to ask… why were in the soda? Bro, don't you know that dangerous?"
"It's not like I wanted to be in there!" Josh retaliated. "Tyler left me in that bottle cap, then you accidentally dumped me in the bottle."
"Oh bro… then it's my fault you almost ended up as lunch!" Brody said looking down at his chiseled abs.
"That's not your fault, Tyler was the one who had to play his foolish games. You on the other hand saved me, so please don't worry about it!" Josh said trying to cheer up his rescuer.
Smiling, Brody let the little man slide off his finger and on to the table, next to a napkin to dry off. "Why did he leave you in that bottle cap anyway, bro? I know he likes messing with you but still…"
Grabbing the napkin Josh wiped off the sticky soda as best he could from his body and looked up at Brody's handsome face. "Because he's an idiot and he thought he was being funny."
Brody leaned forward, letting Josh have a fantastic view of his round pecs as they obstructed most of his vision. "Wow bro, sounds like you had it pretty rough… why don't you…"
"Why don'y you pull a prank on Tyler with me." Brody said, smiling down at his tiny boss. "That might show him not to mess with you as much, bro."
Josh thought for s second. The idea of putting Tyler back in his place seemed really appealing to him. He's always the brunt of Tyler's jokes, and maybe it was time to get back at him for a change!
"What did you have in mind, Brody?" Josh finally asked, curious about the stud's plan.
Brody stood up and walked over to the counter where the glass of soda Josh was just trapped in moments ago was, as well as the bottle with a small amount of soda remaining in it. "Let's start by doing this!"
Brody picked up the glass of soda and began to chug it down. Josh watched as torrents of liquid poured into Brody's mouth and he observed as his adam's apple bobbing up and down with each gulp. To Josh it made him shiver slightly, knowing he could have easily been lost in the torrent as it was so simply drained by Brody. After Brody finished the glass, he put it in the sink and rinsed it out, placing it on the drying rack. Next he grabbed the bottle and swallowed the last bit of soda in it in one gulp.
"There." He said simply as he put the cap back on the bottle and brought it over to the kitchen table. "Gotta make sure this is in plain view, right bro?"
Josh was on to Brody's idea, but he figured he'd ask anyway. "Brody, what exactly is your plan?"
"Simple, bro." Brody said as he sat back down at the kitchen table. "When Tyler comes back in here, I'll make him think I drank you, dude."
Josh shook his head, figuring that was the case. "Great idea! Where should I hide while he panics?"
"Hmm… why don't we put you on the kitchen counter, in the corner where he can't see you bro." Brody said, lowering his hand and allowing his boss to climb on. He then carefully carried the tiny man over to the counter and waited for Josh to hide in the corner, making sure he remembered the spot. Backing off he went and took a seat back at the kitchen table and even put up his feet for good effect.
Josh stood in the corner watching Brody as he put on an uncharacteristically smug looking smirk on his face as they both waited for Tyler to come in.
- - -
After a few minutes the door from the gym opened, and Tyler emerged, covered in sweat and wiping his brow. He looked over at the kitchen table and saw Brody sitting there with his feet up. Brody pretended to ignore Tyler as he started to walk out and let out an enormous belch.
"BUUUUUURRRP!" Brody rubbed his stomach and looked up. "Oh hey what's up Ty? Have a good workout, bro?"
Tyler's face looked pale as he watching Brody massage his belly before finally asking. "Did you drink my soda, man?"
Brody relaxed his feet off the table and stood up. "Oh dude that was yours? Well you left the cap off the soda, so I replaced it and then decided to drink the soda as a reward for not letting it go flat. It's ok though man, I'll owe you a drink some time."
Tyler looked horrified as he grabbed the bottle, twisting off the cap and looking down deep into the plastic center. "Dude this isn't good, Josh was in that cap!"
Brody feigned ignorance as he turned away from Tyler. "Dude no… that's stupid. Why would you put our boss in a soda cap? I don't believe you, bro."
Tyler put a hand on Brody's shoulder and tried to turn him around. "Dude, I swear it's the truth. It was just supposed to be a joke, and right now he's probably burning in your gut, man."
"Wow you are serious, bro." Brody said turning to look at Tyler. "Bet you feel really stupid for trapping him in that soda cap!" Brody laughed.
"Dude, this isn't funny." Tyler said panicked. "He could die if we don't get him out."
Brody laughed again. "Nah dude, it's pretty funny."
Tyler looked angrily at his co-worker and nearly shouted. "How?!"
Brody lifted up his finger and pointed over to the counter. "Because bro, he's right over there."
Tyler turned quickly around looking over the counter as a tiny speck scurried across the surface. Tyler walked over and looked down, seeing Josh laughing and waving up at him. "It was a joke?" Tyler said quietly.
Brody walked up behind him and slapped him on his back. "Yeah bro, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker!"
Tyler looked angrily at Josh and gave Brody a quick jab to the gut as he turned away from them, walking toward the door.
"Easy bro!" Brody said, rubbing his stomach. "Josh could've just gotten knocked around in there!" He said calling after Tyler.
Tyler shut the door behind him without saying a word. Josh looked down, feeling a little bad. It was just supposed to be a joke after all, the thought. Not to mention their joke was a lot less dangerous than Tyler's was! In yet Josh couldn't help but feel a little bad.
Brody looked down at his dejected boss as he stilled chuckled from Tyler's tantrum. "Why such a long look boss?" Brody asked. "He got what he deserved, bro."
Josh looked up at the giant hunk and tried to smile. "Yeah but you can tell he was pretty worried. So I can't help but feel a little bad. Even if he deserved it."
"You're too soft boss." Brody said leaning down to eye level. "But it's something we all admire about you, bro."
Josh smiled at Brody's enormous face. It did make him feel a little better, but a part of him did want to go apologize to Tyler, then again maybe it was good for him to get a taste of his own medicine for once.
"So bro, what are you gonna do?" Brody asked, eyeing his tiny boss.
Josh looked up at Brody's brown eyes and smirked. "Let's let him get what he deserves."
Brody stood back up to his full height, putting Josh at about level with his belly button. Brody looked down and gave his boss a thumbs up and smiled. "Good for you boss! You show em who's… well boss."
Brody lowered his hand down to the counter, allowing Josh to hitch a ride back over to the balcony so he could reenter the park. Brody carefully transported his tiny boss over and lowered him on to the ground. "I'll catch you back in the park, bro!"
Just then Brody turned and started walking toward the door, as Josh turned and did the same. Finally reaching the door, Josh grabbed the handle. For some reason the door was already a jar slightly, puzzled Josh pushed the door open and walked back into the park.
A bucket full of water suddenly fell from the door, landing right on Josh's head and soaking him once again. Shocked, Josh just stood there for a second till he registered what happened. Pulling the bucket off his head he wiped the water from his face away as he looked out into the park.
"That's payback!" A voice called out from Josh's side. Quickly he turned and looked to find Tyler standing there laughing and walking over. Still in shock, Josh didn't have time to react as Tyler grabbed him and held him in a head lock, giving him a noogie in the process. Finally, he released the smaller man and walked away, still laughing at his disheveled boss.
"What just happened?" Josh said aloud as he put the bucket on the ground. walking away from the doorway, Josh started to walk toward his office, still confused about his encounter as he saw Brody running out over to him.
"Hey bro!" Brody called as he stopped just in front of his boss. "Uhh bro? Did you go for a swim or something?" He asked confused as to why Josh was dripping wet.
"Actually, Tyler filled a bucket of water and poured it on me when I came back into the park, then he ran off laughing like a little school girl." Josh said starting to get a bit pissed about the situation.
"Ha! Dude, that's pretty classic." Brody said putting a hand on Josh's shoulder. "Guess it's war now, huh bro? How you gonna get him back?"
"Get him back?" Josh asked flatly.
"Sure bro. You can't just let him win." Brody said now standing beside Josh, pulling him close under his arm. "Right now he's out there proud of himself that he just got the last laugh, bro."
Josh looked up at Brody from the side, almost sticking his face in his armpit as he tried looking past Brody's huge arms and chest. "You're right…I think…"
"I think I know how to get back at him…" Josh said with a smile on his face.
Brody started to walk Josh toward his office, still holding him under his arm. "Tell me, bro."
"Alright, Tyler goes on break again in about an hour. I catch him napping on the sofa a lot at this time. So I think I'll sneak in tiny and undetected and draw on his face." Josh said finally, as he slowly thought out his plan in his head.
"That's pretty classic dude, make sure to draw a dick on his forehead too!" Brody added with a laugh.
"Good idea." Josh said happy to have Brody's assistance. "Let's grab a permanent marker from my office."
- - -
The two walked into the office finding a marker, a large one used for charts and posters. Josh put the marker in his pocket and started to smirk to himself. He could't wait to try and get back at Tyler again. Brody laughed at the plan, saying he couldn't wait to see what I put on Tyler's face later as he left to head to his post.
Finally, Josh sat at his office chair, figuring he can kill some time waiting for Tyler's break.
"Soon I'll get back at that jerk." Josh said twiddling his thumbs.
- - -
Some time went by and Josh noticed Tyler should be on his break by now. Leaving his office, he started to walk toward the break room. Slowly he opened the door and looked out into the room.
Way off into the distance Josh could see a pair of feet sticking off the couch, clearly someone laying on their back. Josh took one of his conveyor belts over closer and saw it was in fact Tyler, his eyes covered by his hat as he breathed softly in through his nose.
"Good, he's already sleeping." Josh said as he rode an elevator down next to the couch. Knowing he had to scale the couch, he tried to pick a good spot where he could easily grip the fabric. Grabbing each tuft was difficult but the fabric was strong and made it easy to hold, letting Josh take breaks occasionally.
Finally Josh made it to the top, pulling himself up he now saw a wall of tan skin before him. Sighing, Josh knew it was time to get climbing again. Grabbing a bit of skin, Josh started to pull himself up slowly up Tyler's side as his body rose and fell with each breath he took. After a few minutes Josh made it to his next destination, the vast plains and valleys that was Tyler's abdomen.
"Almost there!" Josh said aloud, not worried about waking Tyler up at his size. Josh started his walk between Tyler's abs, his sight's set on the face.
Staring down the massive valley that ran down Tyler's abdomen, Josh knew his journey was long from over. With a little spring in his step Josh set off. Taking in all the noises of Tyler's body as he walked along his smooth stomach, Josh couldn't help but feel slightly elated by his secret mission.
Finally, Josh reached the end of the hilly abs, and looked up at his next obstacle. Tyler's mountainous pecs. Figuring the fastest way would to just go between them, Josh started heading uphill through the massive ravine. Looking to either side of him, all Josh could see was walls of skin as the whole landscape lifted and fell with each of Tyler's breaths. Josh couldn't help but stop for a moment to listen to his heartbeat, the sound which was both loud yet slightly calming to the little adventurer.
Reaching the neck was Josh's next venture. Seeing as how Tyler was lying on his back, Josh only needed to scale the bottom of the chin. Josh looked up at his final climb, figuring it was now or never, he grabbed a good tuft of stubble on Tyler's chin. Each step up he made, made Josh all the more excited about his plan. After a few minutes, the climb was finished and Josh had a good look at the landscape he'd be defiling with his marker.
Moving quickly, Josh worked his way across the chin and around the side of Tyler's lips. Starting in the center just above the top lip and below the nose Josh pulled out his marker and started giving it broad strokes toward the edge of the lip. Working all the way down the side of Tyler's face Josh ended the graffiti in a nice curly q. Next, Josh repeated the same artwork on the other side of Tyler's face, creating a perfect curly mustache.
"There…" Josh thought to himself as he moved up to Tyler's eye. "Now to draw a nice sun around his eye."
Tracing his marker quickly and carefully around the out side of Tyler's eye, he made a perfect circle. After that job was done, he added little lines around the outside to make it look like a cartoon sun.
"Finally for the coup de grace." Josh thought as he made his way up under Tyler's hat more, on to his forehead. Taking out his marker for a final trick, Josh started to trace a nice long line across the surface, making sure loop it around at the end, coming back to just below where he started. Feeling creative, Josh added a pair of balls at the starting end, and making his way back to the tip, he added a slit.
"Perfect!" Josh thought as he squinted to see his masterpiece. Knowing Tyler would probably wake up soon, Josh quickly slide off the side of Tyler's face. Landing softly on the plush couch, Josh looked back to see nothing more than the side of Tyler's head. Working his way down the couch, Josh tried to be a little more careful, knowing a fall here would hurt.
As Josh reached the bottom, the whole couch shook as Tyler started to wake up. Josh looked up as Tyler swung his legs around and started to rub his eyes. Not wanting to get caught, Josh quickly retreated away from the couch toward the elevator, making it there just as Tyler was standing up to stretch.
- - -
Josh rode the elevator back to the balcony and quickly ran into the park, giggling to himself about his successful prank. Walking back to his office, Josh figured he should just sit there for awhile, trying to act inconspicuous when Tyler' finally figures out what happened to his face. Still beaming with delight, Josh started to rifle though some paperwork.
- - -
A few hours went by, and the park was getting close to being closed. Josh was a little surprised that Tyler hadn't come bursting in angrily, or even that Brody hadn't come in laughing.
"Kinda would have figured I'd get anything out of that joke…" Josh said aloud.
As Josh's words finished, there was a knock at the door. Yelling for them to come in, a young man entered. One of Josh's lifeguards, Luke. He was 23 years old and was 6'3" with buzzed blonde hair and greenish eyes. He had a typical "surfer's body" but only slightly more buff than your average surfer dude. He also had a tattoo of some kind of a bird on his back, in the center between his shoulder blades.
Luke greeted his boss casually, "What's up boss! Brody sent me to get you, dude."
Confused, Josh wasn't sure why Brody didn't just come himself. "Oh, what does he need?" Josh asked cautiously.
"He wants you to come to break room, as soon as possible dude." Luke stated flatly. "Didn't say for what though."
Josh thanked the surfer hunk and Luke left the office with a smile and a thumbs up. Meanwhile Josh leaned back in his chair. Still unsure of why Brody didn't just come here.
"Well better go see what's up." Josh thought as he got up and walked toward the door. Turning the corner Josh made his way to the break room door. Opening the door Josh looked out into the room finding…
"Bro!" Brody's voice boomed out to Josh as he entered the room. "I saw Tyler's face! I started cracking up and he had no idea for like hours!"
Josh walked out further on the balcony closer to Brody. Looking up at the black haired hunk, Josh smiled. "I'm glad it worked! Lemme tell you it wasn't easy."
Brody scratched the back of his head and laughed some more. "It was a sweet idea bro. But hey that's not why I had Luke come get you."
Curious, Josh figured he'd bite. "Yeah, why did you have him come get me?"
Brody knelt down, trying to bring his face a little closer to Josh. Still towering way above the tiny man, he smiled. "Well, you had a rough day today. So I wanted to swing by your favorite burger place and treat you, bro. Plus I did almost kill you so…" The handsome man added as he rubbed his shoulder.
Josh was a little taken aback by the offer. Nobody's ever treated Josh to something like this. "That's fine by me! But you didn't almost kill me. Tyler did. You saved me and for that I'm treating you too. How's a 100$ bonus this week sound?"
Brody waved his hands back and fourth. "No way bro that's way too much."
"Fine, then no burgers." Josh said turning to leave.
Brody sighed loudly, "If that's what it'll take for you to let me treat you, then ok bro."
Josh turned back around and smiled at the colossal man. "Alright then, let's get going." Josh said walking forward.
Looking confused, Brody stopped and looked at his little boss. "Uhh don't you wanna grow back to normal size first, bro?"
Josh shook his head. "Nah, besides I trust you."
Brody let down his hand, allowing his tiny boss to climb aboard. Lifting Josh up to his shoulder, Josh stepped off onto the broadly muscled surface. Brody stood up and smiled. Looking at his boss out of the corner of his eye he said. "We're off, bro!"
Brody walked out of the back door, leading out behind the water park. Walking to a near by parking lot he pulled some keys out of his pocket and clicked a button. A pair of lights flashed in front of them on a sporty red convertible. Opening the door, Brody reached over to his boss on his shoulder.
"Wow this car sure is nice, Brod." Josh said impressed as he got on Brody's hand once more.
Sitting down at the driver's seat Brody blushed a little. He lowered his boss down into the passenger seat and looked down to see the little man sit in the center of the black leather seat. "Well my parents are pretty well off. They got it for me, bro. I just don't like to brag about it."
Josh sat back in the comfortable leather. The seat was warm from the sun, but very tolerable. All the while Josh watched as Brody started the car with push button start and fasten his seat belt securely across his bare chest. Still, Josh couldn't believe how modest the giant adonis was about his family's wealth. While Josh was busy admiring him, Brody sped out of the parking lot, making for a near by fast food burger place. As the two stopped in the drive through, Brody quickly asked the little man what he wanted, a simple order of just a cheese burger and some fries. Brody on the other hand piled on a few burgers and a large fry just for himself.
As the two pulled the car up to the window Brody gave the cashier some money. The young girl at the window blushed at the black haired shirtless hunk as she gave him his change. After a few minutes she reappeared, giving him a large bag of food, nervously thanking him multiple times for his purchase. Brody smiled and took the bag, laughing casually as she repeated herself.
Brody pulled away from the restaurant while dropping the bag on the seat seat, just behind Josh. Josh couldn't help but smell the tantalizing aroma coming from the bag as Brody drove down some streets, heading home.
Before Josh even realized, the two pulled into a drive way of an impressive looking home. Looking like it could fit a large family, Josh was curious if Brody lived with his parents. A little nervous that he'd be surrounded by people he didn't know while being so small, he figured he should ask.
"Wow you have such a big house. Is this your parents?" Josh asked nervously.
"Nah bro. I live on my own in here most of the time. Occasionally, I have an old buddy or two I used to play sports with in high school spend a few weeks here though. But right now it's just…"
"It's just me, bro." Brody says as he puts his palm down for his tiny boss. Josh climbs aboard and gets carried back to his muscled shoulder again. "Sorry, bro. Need both hands for the grub and my keys."
Josh understands and feels no implication to complain. He watches the big guy reach down on the seat and lift up the big bag of food. It looks much too big for someone to carry with two hands alone - but Brody holds it up with one! "This guy is strong," thinks Josh. With his free hand, Brody reaches for the keys in his lifeguard shorts. The fumbling to find them took more than a minute or two, but to unlock the door took much less time. It opens to reveal a nice-looking living room which lacks much of the modesty the big guy had with Josh on their ride here - a large flat-screen TV, leather couch, and fancy ceiling fan above a cheaper coffee table.
Brody puts his keys back into his pocket before holding out his palm once more for his tiny passenger. "Make yourself at home, bro." Josh hops off his shoulder into the waiting hand, which ferries him all the way to the coffee table. As he climbs off to the wooden surface, Brody slips and slams the bag of burgers down at the far end of it. The earthquake rattles Josh to the core as Brody frowns "Sorry bout that, bro! You OK?"
Josh reassures the big guy. "I'm fine." He watches as Brody slips off his lifeguard flip flops before jumping onto the couch. "Man, I'm starvin, bro." He fishes through the bag and pulls out the cheeseburger and fries for his tiny boss. "Hold on, bro!" He carries them off into the kitchen before bringing the meal back on a paper plate in one hand, while holding a cold sports drink in another. "It's all yours, bro," he says as he sets down the plate before sitting back on the couch to eat his gargantuan meal.
Josh climbs onto the plate and tucks into the burger. He always enjoyed these and with one all to himself, there's no risk of being accidentally eaten by one of his lifeguard workers. And yet all the time he enjoys himself, he can't help but watch Brody chow down on the burgers in the rest of the bag. Maybe he does it slowly, or it just seems like it to Josh. After unwrapping each one, it seems like he tries to stick as much as he can into his mouth before he started chewing. Josh watches the big guy's jaws go to work on the burger, then his neck bulge as each mouthful gets sent deep inside his body. He can faintly hear Brody's stomach lurch to life as it begins digesting each burger he eats one by one.
And yet after each one which would take forever for tiny Josh to eat, Brody reaches in for another one and does the same routine. It must have been five or six before he moves onto the large fries, still eying them like he just started to eat. Josh can't help but stare as his muscled hand reaches in and grabs half the fries in the box before downing them like the burgers. He washes all of them down with his sports drink, leaving half of it full when he finishes to wipe his face. It's hard for Josh to tell how full Brody got, since his muscled torso hasn't changed. But when he rubs his hand over his abs and groans in delight, he could tell he's reached his limit.
"That's some good burgers, bro," Brody says as he leans back into the couch, rubbing his stomach. "Stomach's full, bro. I'm stuffed." For five minutes he watches his tiny boss eat. "I'm sorry," says Josh as soon as he makes eye contact. "At this size it takes me a while to eat something this big. Don't mind me."
"OK, bro," Brody shifts in his seat again. "I'm just gonna…"
"Sorry bro, all that food just makes me want to lay down…" Brody chuckled as he rubbed his stomach a little. Josh merely peeked aside his burger as he watched the huge dark haired stud lay down on his comfy leather couch.
"That's fine, I mean it's your house." Josh smiled accommodatingly. "If you need to lay down, by all means do it."
"As long as you don't mind, bro." Brody looked over at Josh on the coffee table. "I think I'll just shut my eyes for a little bit."
"Go ahead! I guarantee I won't even be close to done with this burger by the time you wake up!" Josh grinned as Brody yawned and stretched out across the couch.
"Cool, bro." Brody shut his eyes. "Wake me up if you need anything, bro."
"Ok!" Josh answered, not sure if Brody even heard him now that he wasn't really paying much attention. Refocusing on his burger, Josh smiled as he enjoyed spending time away from Tyler's potential mischief with Brody for a change.
- - -
It didn't take long for Brody to fall asleep. Josh could easily tell by the deafening snores coming from Brody's mouth. At times Josh even had to cover his ears just to block out the obnoxiously loud noises.
"I had no idea he was such a loud snorer…" Josh said to himself as Brody breathed in deep with a loud rumble. Josh now was content with his burger. Having made his way off the plate he could do little more than observe Brody from across the gap between the coffee table and the couch. Josh sat, a little annoyed by the snoring and also a little bored, knowing he could't really go anywhere or do anything without risking being lost to Brody once he wakes up from his noisy slumber.
Just then without warning, Brody's arm stretched out, bridging the gap as his rest his hand gently on the coffee table, not far from where Josh sat. Josh stared at the arm, curiously. It was like a perfect bridge of flesh and muscle, leading from his boring perch on the coffee table all the way across to Brody's much more interesting, albeit noisier body. Josh bit his lip, wondering if he should risk letting his curiosity get the best of him. Josh stood up deciding he wanted to…
Getting to his feet, Josh started to make his way over to Brody's enormous palm. Never really being one to let his curiosity get in his way, Josh thought it would be a most fun use of his time to cross the bridge Brody so kindly laid out for him.
"This'll make two people I've explored while they're asleep today…" Josh said himself, feeling like a bit of a creep, but knowing it was fine since they're friends. Josh laughed it off knowing Brody wouldn't care if he woke up with Josh his body somewhere as he made his way to the other side of the arm, getting closer and closer to the deep obnoxious snores. "Though I don't think he'll be up anytime soon.."
Making his way onto Brody's shoulder now finally, Josh took a nice long look all across Brody's magnificent body. From the sweaty hairy pits below him, to Brody's impressive chest in front of him, Josh stood agape for a few moments. With a loud snore, Josh snapped back into reality as he walked out to the top of Brody's chest, looking from his neck in front to all the way to his rolling abs as they seemed so far away from him.
Feeling adventurous, Josh prepared his journey toward Brody's…
"I'm just gonna grab some weights, bro." Brody said sitting up and looking at his little boss. "Gotta work off some of this weight!" He said as he stood up, slapping his gut for the added effect. Josh sat there on his burger blushing from the gesture. Working his way to the top of the bun, Josh watched as Brody walked across the room and disappear through a door. Grabbing a sesame seed, Josh munched on the piece of food as he awaited Brody's return.
Reappearing at the doorway, Brody walked into the room carried two enormous looking weights. Josh watched in awe as the giant man carried one in each hand as if they were made of papier-mâché. Glancing at the actual weight as Brody walked by to reclaim his spot on the sofa however, Josh noticed they in fact weighed a whopping 45 pounds each! Josh watched wide-eyed as Brody sat down and dropped the weights as gently as he could on the floor. However the massive weights did little more than create yet another earthquake for the tiny man to experience.
"Sorry, bro!" Brody said as he watched Josh almost fall off the top of his burger. "Man, I don't mean to keep making all these quakes for you, bro."
Josh readjusted himself on the burger. Admitabely, it was starting to get a little obnoxious. After all he figured Brody would be a little more sensitive about his size! Regardless, Josh brushed it off. Brody was being polite about it after all.
"It's no problem, Brody." Josh said smiling at the handsome lifeguard. "It's not like you're doing it on purpose." Josh added, hoping maybe that would entice him to b a little more careful in the future.
"For sure, bro!" Brody said as he lifted one of the weights up off the ground and started to do a few bicep curls with it. Josh couldn't help but stop and watch the handsome stud as he muscles bulged and relaxed with each passing rep. As the finished the set, Josh watched as Brody very slowly lowered the massive weight onto the ground. Although the floor still shook a tiny bit, Josh couldn't help but appreciate the effort Brody put into lessening the tremors.
"Much better!" Josh said smiling as Brody lifted the second weight with his other arm, smiling as he started to do reps with that one too. After finishing that set as well Brody didn't even bother dropping the weight as he just grabbed both and walked around the other side of the coffee table and faced away from Josh. Josh turned and watched the massive man face away from him. He couldn't help but blush as he examined Brody's strong looking back and shoulders, not to mention his perfectly round bubble butt!
As Josh gawked at the massive man, Brody started to lift the weights in unison, performing a tricep fly. Josh nibbled on the sesame seed once more, transfixed by Brody's physical prowess as the massive muscle stud started to rise the barbells above his head with retaliative ease. Josh continued to watch as Brody kept going and going, working up a sweat doing more and more reps. His back starting to sweat worse, Josh watched as beads of the salty substance started to trickle down to his perfect ass, before disappearing into his red lifeguard shorts.
Josh bit his lip watching the attractive man work out. But just as Josh was really starting to enjoy the show, Brody went to lower the weights. He let them drop out of habit and the tremor they caused was much larger than the ones Josh had experienced a few minutes ago. Tumbling backwards Josh lost his grip on the burger and started plummeting off the food down to the plate. Closing his eyes and rolling with on stoppable speed and falling for what seemed like forever, Josh finally opened them to see that he was…
"Uh oh." Josh said blankly as he looked up at the massive coffee table from the floor. Thankfully, the tumble didn't seem to hurt him in anyway, but regardless it was still quite the precarious position to be in.
Standing up Josh started to take in his new surroundings. He could see Brody's massive sandals a few feet away from him as well all the entire underside of the sofa. Turning around he looked under the coffee table before the floor started to shake again. All Josh could see was Brody's massive bare feet stomping toward the opposite side of the table.
- - -
"I hope that wasn't too big of a quake…" Brody thought as he walked carefully over to the coffee table, looking down to the plate. Examining the burger closely, he could see his tiny boss was no longer on top of the bun.
"Probably hid inside of it because he knew I was going to drop more weights…" Brody thought to himself a little upset. Deciding he didn't want to disturb his boss anymore, Brody walked over to his weights and grabbed both of them in each hand. The massive black haired stud then proceeded to carry them out of the room. As he dropped them off in the other room he wiped the sweat off his forehead. The workout, although short, was enough to get him a little worn out and tired.
"Guess I'll grab a shower." Brody said to himself as he left the room to head to the bathroom. Figuring he'd leave his tiny boss at peace for a bit, he didn't bother heading back to tell Josh the plan. Instead he walked straight over to the bathroom and turned on the water.
- - -
"Where the hell did he go?" Josh wondered a lot as he saw Brody stomp off with the weights, and not returning. All he did was look at the table and walk away! Josh sighed as Brody's thought process started to piece together for him. He probably felt bad about the quakes and decided to leave him alone.
"That would be great if I wasn't stuck down on the floor!" Josh said staring up at the impossibly tall sofa and coffee table. Figuring the best possible thing to do would be to get in a spot where Brody will see him, Josh started to weigh his options. The leather sofa indeed looked tall, but the sticky heat outside did seem like it would offer a decent grip for climbing up to the cushions of the sofa.
Next, Josh looked over at Brody's sandals. Sure he figured they must stink a bit, but if anything Brody would look to retrieve them at some point or another. Figuring he wasn't so small that Brody would never notice him on them, it seemed like the easier option than climbing the sofa…
Considering these options Josh went to…
"It's just one other guy right now. He's one of my old bros from my lacrosse days. His name's Vinny, he's a good guy if you meet him, bro." Brody said casually, as he lowered his hand down next to Josh to once again lift him up to his shoulder. As Brody grabbed the bag of food and started to exit the car Josh started to think about what he learned about Bordy. Obviously, he's a lax bro, but not only that his parents were pretty well off which means he probably went to bordering school too. Either way if he met this "Vinny" then, he must be a pretty decent guy… and also probably a bro.
Josh snapped back to reality as Brody walked up to the front door, unlocking it and letting himself inside. Josh was in awe of his gigantic surroundings, looking out into the clean entry way, as well as looking up at the massive stair case leading to the upstairs. Brody however, walked past the stairs toward the back of the house. As Brody made his way past a few rooms, he pointed out places like the living room, lounge and a few others. Finally they made their way into the kitchen, which was surprisingly clean and also very spacious.
Brody went over to the kitchen table, setting down the bag of food. Reaching his hand up to his shoulder, he offered Josh a ride down to the table. Josh gladly got back into the massive palm once again, smiling at Brody at he gently lowered him down. Once on solid ground, Josh took in his surroundings some more, but the one that stuck out the most was the massive stud that's been carting him around. Josh looked up at Brody's toned body, trying not to make himself too obvious about how much he admired his physique.
Brody winked at Josh casually and turned away to the refrigerator, pulling out a yellow sports drink. "Yo, bro you want anything?" He called out with his head in the fridge.
"Just water is fine!" Josh yelled back, hoping his small voice would reach the giant hunk. Josh sat down, looking at the giant bag of food once more as Brody carried over his drink as well as a little bit of water poured into what looked like a shot glass. Brody then went into a drawer, pulling out a few pads of paper, and piled them on top of each other to create a make-shift stair case for Josh to reach the water.
Thanking Brody for his generosity, Josh decided to make use of the stairs while Brody unpacked the food. Josh easily traversed the steps, making it to the top of the tiny glass, cupping his hands down into the water, Josh took a drink. Relieved, he headed back down the stairs, seeing that Brody had already unwrapped Josh's burger as well as poured out his fries onto the open wrapper.
Brody grabbed the rest of the bag and watched as Josh climbed up onto the wrapper, staring up at his giant burger. "All yours little dude! I promise I won't take a single bite, so have at it, bro."
Josh was entranced by the aroma, and based off Brody's words he knew he could be as reckless as he wanted with how he took in the burger both as a meal and as an adventure. Scaling the side, Josh was determined to make his way under the bun, right in where all the juicy meat was. As he climbed his way in he couldn't help but get stuck a little to the cheese, but he was able to free himself by just pulling it off thankfully. However now was the time where he decided to descend under the bun…
While Josh was busy with his burger Brody watched as he saw the little man crawl under the bun. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he unwrapped one of his own burgers. "Must be neat exploring giant food like that." He thought to himself as he took a huge bite out of his own food.
Brody quickly finished off his first burger, moving on the the second as well as eating away at his fries. Occasionally, he glanced over at Josh's burger just to see if the little man would emerge from the juicy depths. He was interrupted however by the sound of the front door being opened, then shut closed. Brody sat quietly for a second until he heard a voice.
"Yo Brod! I'm home!" The voice yelled from the front of the house.
"Sup Vinny!" Brody called back, trying to to draw too much attention.
Vinny however had other plans. His nose smelt food and his stomach wanted it, so he came barging his way into the kitchen. Brody looked up at his buddy. He was wearing a pair of loose grey sweat pants and a sweaty white tank top, showing off his impressive arms yet hiding his well trained physique. He was the same age as Brody and only slightly shorter as well. He also had buzzed light brown hair and blue eyes.
Brody stood up to greet him, putting out a hand and pulling his buddy in for a bro hug. However Vinny's gaze quickly changed to the burgers on the table.
"Bro, you got me dinner? That's classy of you man." Vinny said walking over to Josh's burger.
Brody panicked for a second, stopping his friend. "Yo man, don't eat that one."
Vinny stopped and turned to look at Brody. "Why bro, were you gonna eat that one next?"
Unsure if he should reveal Josh quite yet to Vinny, Brody had to think…
"Yeah bro, that one's mine. I just wanted to finish my other one first." Brody lied as he walked back to his seat and moved Josh's burger in front of him, next to his own. Grabbing one of the still wrapped burgers though, Brody handed it to Vinny. "Take this one bro."
Vinny gladly took the burger, quickly unwrapping it and taking a bite out of it. Sitting down in front of where Josh's burger used to be, he then helped himself to a few of Josh's french fries. Brody watched his friend stealing his boss's food all the while though he kept tabs on Josh's burger out of the corner of his eye. Figuring this wasn't the ideal time for him to emerge.
"What's with the shot glass, bro?" Vinny asked, picking up the little glass and gulping down the water in one sip. "Oh it was just water." he said bringing it over to the sink, then grabbing a full bottle of water out of the fridge. Brody couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Josh fell in that shot glass, the idea of it made him swallow his next bite of his burger nervously.
Vinny continued to tear apart his burger, finishing it a lot faster than Brody finished his. Taking a sip of his water, he started to eye the untouched burger sitting next to him in front of Brody. Meanwhile, Brody tried to finish his burger as slowly as possible hoping Vinny was satisfied and would leave.
Vinny watched as Brody took smaller and smaller bites of his burger, all the while his gaze would snap back down to the fresh one just sitting there begging to be eaten. "Yo Brod. If you're getting full I'll take the last burger." Vinny asked finally. "I'm still hungry bro."
Brody was afraid of that but still he was determined not to give up Josh's treat that easily. "Bro, I already gave you one for nothing. Just lemme eat my food, man."
Disappointed, Vinny stood up. Taking another long gulp of his water he looked back down at the burger once more. Just then…
In a swift motion, Vinny quickly shot his hand down and stanched up the burger right out from in front of Brody. Jumping back as Brody got up Vinny held the burger to his face.
"Dude! Stop!" Brody called, putting his hand out nervously looking at Vinny. Normally he would have just tackled his buddy, but he didn't want Josh to go flying somewhere and get hurt!
"Bro, why? You weren't gonna eat it." Vinny said bringing it closer to his face.
"Because it's not yours bro." Brody said trying to plead with his friend.
Vinny lowered the burger, putting on a guilty face. Brody relaxed a little, thinking that Vinny was going to give it back. However, Brody guessed wrong as Vinny snapped the burger back up to his face, taking a huge bite out of the burger.
"It is now!" He said with a full mouth.
Brody had enough at this point, he grabbed Vinny's arm and forced the remainder of the burger out of his hand. "Look dude, you gotta spit that out." Brody said unsure if his boss was in that bite.
Vinny continued to have other plans. Without chewing for more than a second, he swallowed the whole piece down practically whole. "Nah dude, that's a waste of food." He said smiling at his friend.
Brody turned away from Vinny, disgusted. He put the burger on the table and quickly pulled off the bun, searching for his tiny boss somewhere amongst the wreckage. Meanwhile Vinny laughed at his buddy and walked away. Making his way up stairs he pulled off his sweaty tank top, revealing his chiseled torso. Walking to his room, he threw the shirt on the ground and pulled down his sweat pants. Now just in his underwear he searched through his drawers, locating a tight white spandex shirt as well as a loose pair of black running shorts. Pulling the clothes on, he admired his huge chest and rippling abs as they showed through the tight white shirt quite easily.
The hunky bro jogged his way down the stairs and looped back around to the kitchen to find Brody. "Yo, Brod. Wanna go for a run with me?" He asked.
Meanwhile, Brody…
Brody was in shock. he turned over every bit of meat and cheese. Looked on the floor, the wrapper, everywhere. He didn't even hear Vinny's question as he continued his futile search.
"Guess not…" Vinny said to himself turning away from the kitchen. Walking out the front door and grabbing his water, he just didn't understand what the big deal was about the dumb burger. Turning off the cap of the water he took another big gulp of it down as he started his jog. Little did he know, that the gulp of water he just drank took the same path that a tiny man traversed just moments ago. Shortly, that measly pool of water that Vinny already forgot he sent down, was going to enter his cavernous stomach.
Josh looked up at the sphincter opening, as a small flood of water came bursting in. It was cool as it washed by Josh as he held on for dear life to the half chewed piece of burger floating in the man's stomach. Once the water settled with the rest of the chamber's contents, it started to become humid and uncomfortably warm once more.
"What did I do to deserve this?" Josh asked himself as his mass of land bobbed up and down in motion with Vinny running. Trying to stay positive, Josh closed his eyes. Just hoping that Brody would come to his rescue any moment now and save him from this smelly sack of digesting food. Until then, Josh could only watch as the seas of water mixed with acid splashed up and down as well as the walls of the massive belly churned back and fourth, occasionally making an unpleasant growling noise.
Time continued to go by, and once in a while the stomach would bob faster or slower. Occasionally another flood of water would come crashing down, giving Josh much needed relief. Eventually though the humid air started to get to the little man as he started to lose his grip on the half digested burger. Slowly drifting into unconsciousness and with one last bounce from the chamber, Josh slipped into the bubbling surface of acidic water. Without the energy to tred water, Josh had no choice but to succumb to Vinny's body.
- - -
Vinny rounded the block for the last time. Fresh out of water he headed back home. Making his way inside he wiped some sweat from his forehead and looked for Brody. Walking into the kitchen, he found him there on the floor. He looked like he was trying to find something, but Vinny wasn't particularly interested. Turning around he walked back up stairs to his room.
Stretching as he entered the spacious room, he peeled off his sweaty spandex shirt. Casually, he tossed the shirt on the floor with his tank top from earlier. Now however he was way more interested in cleaning himself up from a sweaty day at work followed by a sweaty run around the neighborhood. Leaving his room he walked out into his bathroom and shut the door. The handsome man turned on the shower and clicked on the fan, then turned his attention to the mirror. Taking a close look at himself, he couldn't help but admire his solid abs as they glistened with sweat. Rubbing his hand down his chest to his stomach it rumbled a little. Frowning, he gave his stomach a good pat.
"Wish I could have ate that whole burger." He said to himself as he pulled down his shorts and continued to look at his reflection. Little did he know that in that one bite he did get a little more meat than he thought. And although Vinny never met Josh, Josh on the other had got to know Vinny very well. However he ended up a lot closer than he ever intended to.
"Actually dude…" Brody started as he brought the burger over in front of him and started to pull off the bun. "It's my boss's."
Vinny walked over next to Brody's side with a confused look on his face. "Your boss? Where is he? Bathroom or something?"
Brody pulled off the rest of the bun, revealing the cheese filled surface of the burger. Stuck to the partially melted cheese and barely visable was in fact Brody's tiny boss, Josh. "He's right here, bro."
Vinny rubbed his eyes and looked closely down at the tiny figure waving up at him. A part of him couldn't believe what he was looking at, but then it just hit him where Brody worked after all. "Right dude, I forgot you worked at that Shrink and Swim place."Vinny said looking over at his buddy before looking back down at the tiny man on the burger. "Sup little man!"
Josh smiled at the man, glad he was able to be greeted so casually despite his rather diminutive size. "Hey Vinny! Nice to meet you!" Josh yelled back up at the man happily.
Vinny smiled back when suddenly his stomach gave off a very audible grumble.
"Heh, sorry I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast!" He said rubbing his stomach roughly. Josh frowned, feeling bad about hogging a big burger all to himself when he figured he'd offer it to the hungry new hunk.
"Lemme just get off this burger and you can have it, as long as you don't mind I've eaten off it that is!" Josh called cheerfully up to Vinny.
"Thanks tiny bro! I would've eaten it even if you were still on it man! So don't worry about it!" Vinny said excitedly as he watched the little man crawl carefully off the burger. As soon as the coast was clear he quickly grabbed the bun and took a huge bite out of the juicy morsel. Josh watched as the ruthless giant tore apart the landscape he was just resting on, still a little leery about the comment he made about eating it even if he was still on it. The thought made Josh shiver, but he was glad that wasn't the case. All the while Brody sat there behind Josh, still munching away at his own piles of burgers before he finally spoke up.
"I had extra, you didn't have to take Josh's like that, bro." He said pulling out a few burgers from the greasy bag beside him. Josh looked up as he watched Brody's massive arm move what seemed like mountains of wrappings on to the table across from him with extreme ease.
"It's fine Brody." Josh decided to chime in. "I offered, and besides I've had my fill anyway!"
Brody looked down at the tiny man sitting just a few inches away from his black treasure trail and sighed with a smile on his face. "You're lucky Josh is a nice guy, bro." He said looking over at Vinny as he swallowed down the last bite of his burger. Brody chuckled as he grabbed one of the still wrapped burgers and tossed it to his buddy. Josh watched as the huge mass of meat soared far above his head before being caught what seemed like miles away by Vinny, who quickly unwrapped the food and took another huge bite.
"Thanks dudes!" He said with his mouth half full looking at Brody and Josh.
- - -
The trio sat there for some time as Josh watched the two colossal men devour burger after burger, never ceasing to be amazed at how much the titans could eat. One after another the piles of burger diminished until finally the two men had their fill. Josh turned around looking at Brody's slightly bulged stomach while it still showed off his attractive 6 pack quite well. Brody looked down at the little man and smirked. "You must be bored of watching us eat, huh boss?"
Josh blushed, in truth he found the two attractive men eating to be very entrancing, however he'd never admit it. "Its no big deal, don't worry about it." Josh said hiding his face.
"Well I know what I wanna do!" Vinny said standing up suddenly rubbing his gut. "I feel like I just gained five pounds. Let's go for a jog, bro."
Brody frowned and crossed his arms. "Dude, the boss doesn't want us to ditch him and go for a run. Why don't we just chill by the pool out back for a bit and swim or something."
"We could bring him with us, bro. It would probably be pretty epic!" Vinny said looking down at Josh trying to gain his support.
"Up to you boss." Brody replied, still keeping his arms crossed. Josh thought for a second and decided…
"Relaxing by the pool sounds a lot safer." Josh said trying to sound thoughtful about the choice. Truth be told the idea of being tucked away somewhere on Brody or Vinny while they ran up and down the street did sound exciting, but Josh didn't feel like taking risks.
"You heard em, bro." Brody said pointing at Vinny with his index finger. Vinny sighed and turned to leave the room. Josh watched as the behemoth of a man sauntered his way out of the spacious room and heard him turn the corner and pound his feet going up the stairs. All the while Brody stood up and looked down at his miniature boss.
"I've got my suit on already, so why don't we head outside boss?" Brody said as he lowered hand down to carry Josh. Without a word Josh climbed onto the massive hand. Gazing out across the palm Josh realized it was very long ago he was just riding in the same hand before, except now the landscape differed ever so slightly with the presence of grease and tiny otherwise unseen food particles.
Brody lifted the tiny man up to about chest height, unintentionally giving the tiny man a fantastic view of his enormous pecs. The two tuned to leave out the back door, a sliding glass door right out the back side of the kitchen. Josh had to shield his eyes from the bright sun, and as he did so he saw Brody's other muscular arm pass by him briefly before he saw a pair of gigantic sunglasses flash by him to be placed on Brody's face. "Sunglasses my size would be really nice right now…" Josh thought to himself looking up at Brody's handsome face, a little envious.
- - -
Brody slowly worked his way over to the pool's side and carefully lowered himself and his tiny boss onto a lawn chair. Laying back, he stretched out his full stomach and slide his tiny boss off his hand and onto his abs. Peeking across his body he watched as the little man got his bearings and situated himself between his still very prominent abs. Leaning his head back he closed his eyes for a second and put his hands behind his head, showing off his magnificent arms pits with sleek looking black hair inside.
Josh watched as this massive man, practically a god compared to him right now, leaned back to take a breather after a long day. Sweating a little Josh tried to make himself comfortable but the bright sun was making it difficult as he felt like he was practically cooking on the attractive man's stomach. Giving up, Josh resigned himself to just looking up across the literal manscape that was Brody's body, just in awe of how huge it was and how insignificant he was compared to it.
After a few minutes Josh was finally getting a little more comfortable on the firm muscle, but still couldn't help but brush away the sweat from himself as well as large bead forming around him being made from Brody's body. Slipping a little from the slickness of the sweat Josh was startled by a sudden noise as he heard…
Brody's stomach started to rise and lower with a much more rhythmic pattern as he drew in and let out breaths. Josh tried to look across the moving landscape all the way up to Brody's face and couldn't really make anything out until a deafening sound erupted to Josh's ears.
Josh covered his ears as noise came out of Brody's apparently hanging open mouth. Trying once more to adjust himself on the sweaty stomach, Josh wasn't sure if he was entirely safe resting on a sleeping and sweating giant. Slipping to his feet finally he thought he should make his way off of Brody's slick abs and onto a more sturdy surface.
"I'm gonna slide right into his belly button at this rate unless I got on his chest or something…" Josh said aloud as he looked back to the deep hole that was Brody's naval. Shaking his head, he thought for sure Brody wouldn't find him trapped especially since his thick black hair was taking up part of that particular landscape. Sighing, Josh started to practically crawl his way through the sweat as Brody's stomach raised once again. This time it actually worked to Josh's advantage as he slide his way down the stomach toward Brody's massive chest. However once again Brody's deafening snore pierced Josh's ears as he screamed and tried to cover them.
The sweat seemed to pool less closer to Brody's chest, as Josh thought. "Man his abs are just… soaked…" Josh said looking back at Brody's stomach as it lowered back down to a normal resting position. He couldn't help but stop and admire how the glistened so brightly in the sun though before looking ahead of him to the two huge mountains that made up Brody's chest. Sighing once more, Josh started to hike his way between the valley, which was now also pooling sweat from the intense heat.
- - -
Finally, Vinny had finished changing and made his way down the stairs to the pool. Quickly he looked over at the chair to see Brody laying there. Shaking his head, he figured the big guy was sound asleep and just made his way to the pool. Before climbing down the ladder, he quickly tightened the cord on his olive green board shorts. Satisfied with his granny knot he lowered himself into the pool, wincing slightly as the cool water rushed up against his solid six pack. Finally,he dropped himself in, making a quiet splash and wetting his head before resurfacing and standing on the slick floor of the pool. The end of the pool was pretty deep for your average person, but Vinny and Brody had no problem standing in it, even letting the water wash up against his round pecs without needing to straighten his back or posture at all.
Vinny decided if he wasn't going to get to run off his meal he was going to swim it off instead. So he started to do laps around the pool for a little while. Working up his heart beat he pushed himself to keep going. After his final lap, he stopped a little ways across from where Brody laid. Vinny rolled his eye as he heard Brody's trademarked snore. "Bro… How can you fall asleep this fast in this sun!" Vinny said to himself looking up quickly at the sky. Sighing, he got out of the pool and started to drip everywhere. He walked over to a picnic table and grabbed one of the spare towels he left out from another day and wiped his up and down his solid body before tying it around his waist. Shaking his head again, Vinny walked over to Brody and looked down at his muscled friend as he laid there passed out… that is until something small caught his eye. Vinny squinted as he noticed a tiny speck crawl it's way across Brody's left pec, right into the center near the nipple. Leaning down he looked a little closer at his friends chest before he finally noticed it was in fact the tiny man that is Brody's boss!
"What's up tiny bro!" Vinny whispered to the now shocked Josh. Josh jumped as he never even noticed the massive man's approach! He was working so hard to hike up Brody's chest that Vinny's appearance was a total surprise!
"Vinny! Hey! How long have you been out here?" Josh asked, still a little shook up over being snuck up on by a giant.
"I just got done swimming laps around the pool, bro. Have you been stuck on this sleeping moron this whole time?" Vinny asked covering his mouth and pointing a finger at Brody's knocked out face.
Josh looked back, covered head to toe in sweat at Brody's face. His mouth was hung open as he continued to take in deep breaths. Josh figured he must be a heavy sleeper to stay asleep in this heat… "Yeah… I don't think he meant to fall asleep though." Josh replied finally looking up at Vinny's handsome face.
"That must be boring for you tiny bro. I'm gonna grab a drink and chill on the picnic table over there." Vinny said pointing at the table in the distance. Josh could see the glass table, complete with an umbrella and what looked like plenty of shade, however to him it looked like it might as well be on the other side of the planet given his size. "You wanna join me tiny bro?" Vinny asked now staring at Josh.
"Oh yes please, Vinny! The shade sounds great right about now." Josh said enthusiastically as he leap to his feet, almost falling over in the slick sweat in the process. Vinny smiled as he stood up to his full height, showing off his ripped torso to Josh before lowering his slightly wet hand to onto Brody's pec. Eagerly Josh climbed aboard as he was lifted away and he looked back to see Brody still laying there, unaware of anything that's happened over the past couple minutes. Turning his attention to Vinny now Josh watched as he was carried over to the shady table and laid gently down on the glass surface.
"That's gotta be kinda uncomfortable bro. I'll grab you a napkin or something to sit on." Vinny said as he turned to leave and go back into the house. All the while Josh didn't care. The surface was hard sure, but not worse than the solid muscle of Brody's body not to mention the table wasn't sweating up buckets of liquid either! All that matters to Josh right now is that there is shade, and plenty of it. At Josh's size, it might as well have been 30 degrees cooler.
Vinny reappeared at the door as Josh watched him wander over to the table holding a bottle of water and a plush looking napkin. As he approached Josh couldn't help but bite his lip as he watched Vinny's pecs bounce slightly with each step, and his abs clench and flex as he walked over. It's not like Josh didn't get to see muscled men whenever he wanted at the park, but something about Vinny's almost foreign physique peeked Josh's interest.
Vinny sat down at the table with a smile. His stomach remained at around the height of the table as he situated himself in the chair. Finally he set down the massive napkin next to Josh and watched as the tiny man scrambled on to it and start to enjoy the comfy new surface. Meanwhile Vinny twisted the top off the water bottle and took and long chug from it.
"Ahhh! That hit the spot, bro. Here have some." Vinny said as he poured a small amount into the cap of the bottle and sat it down next Josh on the napkin. Resting an elbow on the table he continued to watch Josh as the speck of a man made his way to the cap and barely got into the cool water. Vinny took another long drink out of the now half empty bottle as he watched Josh climb out of the shallow cap and back onto the napkin.
"Thanks Vinny!" Josh said with a huge smile looking up at the attractive man. These accommodations were much more to Josh's liking than slipping around in sweat in the blistering sun after all.
"Hey, tiny bro I have a question." Vinny asked still looking at the little man curiously. Josh laid there and shook his head, happy to answer whatever while in this much more relaxed bliss. "What's it like being so small, bro?"
Josh was a little taken aback by the question. It wasn't that outlandish considering it's not exactly normal, but he also forgot this is probably Vinny's first time seeing a shrunken person. "It's a rush really. Seeing everything so big like this table, or napkin or even this bottle cap…"
"Or me?" Vinny interrupted putting a hand on his chest.
"Or you…" Josh continued. "But it's not just that. Since I'm so small simple things can seem way more exciting. A bird flying by suddenly seems like a jet plane crossed paths with me. Oh or exploring the burger earlier. That was invigorating!" Josh said proud of his description.
Vinny laid his hand back on the table and lowered his head slightly. "So do you like being small, bro?"
Josh blushed. Now this question was one he was more embarrassed about. "I suppose you could say that, yes."
Vinny smiled even more as he heard the answer. "I know of a simple thing that would probably be really exciting for you tiny bro."
Josh tilted his head a little nervously. He wasn't sure if he liked where this was going… but he figured he'd bite. "What's that Vinny?"
"Eating is something pretty simple right? Shove some food in your mouth, swallow it down, forget about it. Right? Well bro, ever since I saw you on that burger I couldn't get the idea of eating a tiny man out of my head." Vinny said with a serious look on his face. Josh winced slightly at the words. He was a little worried that's what he was alluding to but as Josh looked up at the handsome man's face and down his body to his attractive six pack, he was lying if he said he wasn't at least curious.
"I-I think that would be exciting…" Josh said nervously. "I-I just don't know if it's such a good idea, I mean it'd be dangerous to say the least…"
"More like deadly, bro." Vinny said leaning back and stretching out his muscled stomach. "What food goes into Vinny, stays in Vinny." He said giving his stomach a solid smack.
Josh swallowed hard. The words… the actions… all of it made him suddenly WANT to be eaten by the massive stud. But he knew it would mean the end of his life."I-I'm not food though, Vinny…" Josh said trying to be a little defiant despite his nervousness.
"Yeah you're even better though, bro! I want to know what a person tastes like, feel them squirm and struggle as my body does all the work. Besides, its all just food to my stomach, bro. It's cool though, right tiny bro? Vinny replied with a wink as he rubbed his stomach.
"W-what about Brody?" Josh asked with a stutter.
"He's been asleep this whole time. I'll just let him think he rolled over on you during his nap or something." Vinny said sitting forward once more still rubbing his stomach. "So does this mean we're doing this tiny bro? I'm so game for this right now dude!"
Josh waved his arms in protest as the giant man started reaching down toward him. "Wait wait! I haven't made up my mind!"
Vinny stopped and dropped his hands, disappointed. He folded them across his chest, resting them softly on his huge pecs as he looked down quizzically at the indecisive little man. "Come on dude, you said you love the thrill of being so small! Think of it as an adventure, bro."
Just then Josh watched as Vinny grabbed his water and poured a little bit in his mouth, leaving it open for Josh to see. Slowly he swished the water around before swallowing with a very audible gulp and then proceeded to trace the water's path, down between his enormous pecs until his finger reached his ripped abs and stop. The massive hunk proceeded to poke at the spot for a few seconds before glancing up at Josh, who was blushing a bright red from the show he just put on.
Josh fell to his knees and looked at the massive stud before him deciding…
"Let's do it…" Josh said softly finally looking Vinny in the eye.
Vinny pulled his arm back in excitement and gave a quick "Yes!" before looking down at the tiny man once more. "One more thing tiny bro. Well two actually!" He said rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned in closer to Josh.
Josh confidently looked up at Vinny, trying not to be distracted by his hairy pits as this new smell washed over him. "What's that?" He asked quickly.
"Ok bro. First, I want you to ask me to eat you. Not just ask, practically beg alright?" Vinny said with a cocky smile.
Josh shook his head. It was bad enough he was agreeing to be eaten by this meat head, now he wanted him to beg for it? "Do I really have to beg you to do it?" Josh asked a little annoyed.
"Here's some incentive tiny bro." Vinny said as he pushed his chair back and ran his hand down his torso, carefully caressing each muscle as he lowered his hand. Next, he removed his hand and started posing to the left and right, showing off his massive biceps before coming to a rest and making his huge pecs bounce up and down a little. All the while he just stared at Josh or his own body, shaking his head up and down with an arrogant smile. "Just think, you'll be part of this, bro."
Josh was blushing like crazy. This giant man just gave him the flex show of his dreams. His body truly was a work of art and begging to become a part of it didn't seem all that bad at this point. "Alright, what's your second thing, Vinny?"
Vinny sat down at the chair again and crossed his arms over his chest. "This is easy tiny bro. I want you to walk into my mouth. Not just that, bro. Once you're in there I want you squirming. I wanna feel you go down, bro. Once you're in my stomach too I want you to pound on those walls a little too, got it? I bet I won't even feel you, dude." He said looking down at his chiseled stomach.
"If you think that, then what's the point?" Josh rebutted, crossing his own arms.
Vinny put his hands up and looked down at the little man. "Hey feel free to prove me wrong then, bro."
Josh was a little peeved about the challenge, it's not like Vinny was throwing away his life! "Fine, I will. But you have to do something for me…"
"Nah." Vinny said leaning back in his chair.
Josh stopped for a second to look at the giant man, shocked. "What?" He asked finally.
"I don't negotiate with food, bro. Now start begging." Vinny said leaning forward once more and looking straight down at the little man.
Josh couldn't believe what he was hearing, but then again Vinny did have a point. Why should he listen to Josh at all? He could just as well feed him to a dog somewhere if it suited his fancy. "Vinny… I…" Josh started.
"Master Vinny." He interrupted the tiny man.
Josh restarted. "Master Vinny. I want you to eat me…" Josh said blankly.
"Why?" Vinny said leaning back and putting his hands behind his head.
Josh sighed, trying to pour out his feelings. "Because you're so huge, and sexy and perfect. I want to struggle as I get pulled down your massive throat and get digested by your powerful stomach so I can hope to become part of your amazing body!"
"Good job tiny bro!" Vinny said giving him a thumbs up, suddenly acting like much less of a jerk. Next thing Josh knew a hand was coming down and inviting him aboard. Not wanting to delay Josh climbed onto the giant man's finger and rode it straight up to his handsome face. Vinny smiled at the little man as his mouth started to open and the tongue came out to invite Josh in. "Now get in, bro."
Josh walked forward off the tip of Vinny's finger into the cavernous mouth, jumping down on the slippery tongue. It was hot, and sticky. Much like when he was sliding around on Brody's abs earlier but much darker… and more dangerous. Josh also couldn't help but notice the smell. The faint scent of burger wafted up the lax bro's throat straight into Josh's face. The very burger Josh sat upon earlier was still stewing deep withing Vinny's body. "Guess I'll be joining it soon." Josh said as he continued his way forward taking in his surroundings some more. Vinny's white rows of teeth sat perfectly side by side as Josh walked on the tongue making his way to the dangling uvula swaying gracefully at the saliva covered back of the throat.
Josh suddenly lost his footing as Vinny closed his mouth and tipped his head back. Before Josh knew what was going on he was being swished around to every which corner of the cavern. His head spinning Josh finally came to stop only to hear a faint "Mmmmmm" noise coming from the back of Vinny's throat. Suddenly and almost violently Josh found himself being pulled straight back to the throat. Barely having enough time to see the dangling uvula as he was forced down the throat. The slimy flesh was now everywhere as Josh found himself surrounded… completely engulfed in Vinny. As hard as he could, Josh started to struggle and squirm for the giant man's pleasure.
- - -
Vinny stood up as he swallowed, putting a hand on his throat he did in fact feel a tiny speck traveling down inside him. Pressing his finger right up against the little piece of food he felt faint movement as the tiny man struggled and squirmed in his throat.
"Awesome." Vinny said, licking his lips and the little man did actually have a distinct flavor he found enjoyable. Not sure what it was but he figured the tiny guy still had some burger taste on him that gave him a little bit of a meaty kick.
Vinny continued to feel the little struggles go down his throat, slowly tracing the little man's movements as he went deeper and closer to the lax bro's awaiting stomach. As the speck reached his chest however he lost track of it completely as he sat there with his hand just above his stomach trying to be very still.
"Woah," He said still trying to find the little man. Moving his hand a little lower he positioned it right over his stomach, feeling as best he could hoping the little man would be pounding away on the walls of his belly. After a few seconds… still nothing. Vinny gave his gut a loud slap followed by a quick belch.
"Uuurp, I knew he couldn't do it…" Vinny said a little disappointed. "Tasted good though." He finished to himself before grabbing his water and taking a long chug.
- - -
Josh was thrown across the chamber as Vinny slapped his stomach. Per Vinny's request he was pounding on the wall like crazy, hoping to get the giant muscle man to feel him. "He better have felt that." Josh said as the pressure in the stomach changed slightly as Vinny's burp released some air.
Josh's head spun a little as the lack of oxygen made him a little sleepy. He knew he did the best he could to please the giant man and not to mention his excitement that soon his body would be used to nourish the sexy titan. As Josh started to pass out a torrent of water came crashing down into the chamber, washing Josh in a spiral to his imminent digestion.
- - -
Vinny finished off the bottle of water and let out a sigh. He looked down at his body, impressed at his own physique he flexed his abs a little. "Bet he can feel me flexing my abs, but I can't even feel him in there, bro." He said still a little disappointed. "Ah well. My tiny bro is gone now."
Vinny scratched his head. In all honesty he couldn't even remember the tiny man's name that he just convinced to be eaten by him. He got so used to just calling him "tiny bro" that it never even crossed his mind what his name was. "Doesn't matter, he's just food now anyway." He said shrugging and heading inside to throw out his water bottle. After tossing the plastic bottle in the trash he looked outside to see Brody sitting up, rubbing his hands up and down his sweaty body. Vinny cracked his knuckles and walked outside, confident in his plan to trick his bro.
"Sup Brod." Vinny said walking over to the frazzled black haired stud. "Have a good nap, bro?"
"No, man." Brody said looking all over his body, chest, and shorts included. "I didn't mean to fall asleep and now I don't know where Josh went!"
"Josh…" Vinny started to say.
Brody turned and looked at the muscled stud. "My boss? I left him here on my stomach before I fell asleep, bro!"
"Riiight…" Vinny said now realizing his tiny morsel's name was Josh. "Well I'll help you look for him bro. He might've fallen off of you or something."
"Watch where you step dude." Brody said still sitting up in his chair.
- - -
The two looked for about a half an hour before giving up. Vinny convinced Brody that Josh must've fallen off or snatched up by a bug or a bird or something. Much to Brody's dismay he felt completely guilty about losing Josh and left to go inside and take a shower to try and straighten his head on the whole situation. Vinny however watched as his friend went inside the house and turn the corner to go upstairs before he started to laugh.
"What a dumbass!" Vinny said clutching his stomach, already forgetting about the little man being processed in his gut.
"I can't." Josh whispered. As much as it seemed like a fantastic way to go he just knew he had too many responsibilities and goals left in life.
"What bro?" Vinny said, not surprising he didn't catch the tiny man's words as they were barely an audible nose to the giant stud.
"I said I can't do it." Josh repeated himself looking up at Vinny very seriously. Josh watched as Vinny's arrogant smile went to a look of pure disappointment. Josh sighed as he figured he'd know Vinny wasn't about to take no for an answer.
"Come on bro! You gotta do this for me! Not to mention you gotta do it for yourself! Think of the thrill bro!" Vinny shouted almost standing up in protest.
Josh waved his arms at the antsy muscle man hoping to calm him down. "Look I'm sorry! I just can't do it Vinny!
Josh started to back up as he saw Vinny's hand descend at him. "You have to do it!" He yelled at the little terrified man.
Josh closed his eyes and hid his head as the hand almost made it to him before a different voice crossed his ears. "Have to do what, bro?" Came Brody's voice from right behind Vinny. Josh opened his eyes to see the man standing next to Vinny who quite possibly just saved his life. "Why are you reaching down for him like that? also how'd he get over here in the first place, bro?"
Vinny stood there frozen reaching for Josh. He never even heard Brody get up and walk over behind him, but he knew one thing is that he could never tell Brody he tried to convince his boss to be his dinner.
"H-he has to uhhh…" Vinny said retracting his hand and turning to Brody. "W-well I just sorta brought him over here because I thought he'd be more comfortable?" Vinny said in a questionable tone.
"That was nice of you, bro!" Brody said slapping his friend on the back. "You should have woke me up though, if I hadn't heard you talking to him over here I would've never known where he was, dude!"
Vinny chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck and looked back down at Josh who had his arms folded, looking furious. Vinny gulped nervously, never thinking someone so small could seem so intimidating. "Helps to have Brody likely on his side though…" Vinny thought to himself as he turned at looked at his slightly larger and more muscular friend.
"So what are you having Josh do, bro? I hate being left out!" Brody said while putting his arm around his buddy and looking down at Josh, who still looked very pissed off. "Better not get him angry, dude!"
"He uh… just needs to come with me for a minute and help me decide what to wear to this party tonight is all." Vinny said looking at Brody before looking down at Josh and mouthed the words "I promise."
Josh unfolded his arms and sighed heavily as he shook his head before replying. "Fine…" He said eventually hoping he wasn't going to regret this decision. Just then Vinny lowered his hand slowly and waited for Josh to climb aboard. Reluctantly, Josh scaled the side of the stud's hand making his way safely to the center of the palm before Vinny raised his hand to about stomach height and turned to go inside.
Josh silently rode the man's hand upstairs before he turned into a room and closed the door. Josh looked around the enormous room. It was much neater than he expected. Some clothes were laying around and the massive queen sized bed remained unmade but otherwise there wasn't too much terrible clutter in the room.
Vinny crossed the room casually and lowered his hand onto a small desk across from the bed and let Josh off. After jumping off the hand Josh turned and looked up at the muscle jock, hoping to find out what he really had in store for him.
"Don't tell Brody I tried to eat you." Vinny said looking down at the man with a serious tone.
"I wasn't go--" Josh started to say before being cut off.
"Because if you do, I swear I will find you, sprinkle you on some salsa, microwave it and pour it on some chips, give the chips to Brody, slap them out of his hands and watch him vacuum it up and then light that vacuum on fire!" Vinny said without missing a beat.
"That's… that's pretty specific for a hypothetical…" Josh said a little shocked at the description.
"Don't tempt me, bro." Vinny said crossing his arms.
"Whatever, I wasn't going to anyway." Josh said sitting down and turning his head, still in disbelief as to how he's being treated.
Vinny's tone suddenly changed as he leaned down a little, "That being said, if you do change your mind about me eating you…"
Josh was in disbelief over the comment. How could he just threaten someone then go and bring that up? "Screw you! You just threatened to light me on fire!"
"Oh please! Just the vacuum, you pussy. Either way fine I see how it is tiny man." Vinny said turning away from Josh and pulling off his shorts to reveal his hairless bare ass. Josh watched as the giant man reached into his drawers and bent over to grab a pair of underwear and pants before pulling the clothes on. After zipping up his pants he went into his closet and grabbed a clean looking black tank top and slipped in on over his impressive torso, letting it tightly hug his massive chest.
Finally, he strolled back over to Josh's position and lowered his hand. "I'm just gonna bring you back to your precious Brody, alright?"
Suddenly as Josh approached the massive hand, Vinny turned it over and slapped the table right next to where Josh was standing. "Oh for a second I thought you were a bug. Well accidents do happen." He said with a cocky smile.
Josh simply shook his head, knowing Vinny wouldn't have the balls to do anything right now. Vinny turned back over his hand and Josh climbed aboard the massive palm once more. a little nervous, Josh just tried to look forward as he rode the hand back down the stairs to Brody.
Brody stood in the kitchen still sweating and shirtless from the pool, waiting for Josh's return. As he heard Vinny come down the stairs he turned and looked to the doorway as his friend came into the room holding his tiny boss. Vinny walked over and let Josh off on to the kitchen table before turning to leave out the door.
"Catch you later, tiny bro!" Vinny said enthusiastically and he clicked his tongue and pointed at Josh. "Check you later Brod. I'm out!"
The two watched as Vinny walked out the front door and shut it behind him. Meanwhile, Brody walked over and smiled at Josh while taking a seat at the kitchen table. "I'm glad you two got to be friends, bro!"
"He's certainly something alright." Josh said crossing his arms while looking up and Brody's sweaty body.
Brody smiled, not catching Josh's sarcasm. "Well sucks he had to leave like that, bro. Guess its just you and me for a little while huh?"
"Good…" Josh said under his breath.
"What was that bro?" Brody said leaning his ear in closer to hear Josh better.
"I uh… said… so what do we wanna do till Vinny gets back?" Josh replied nervously.
Brody lifted up his arm pit and took a quick wiff. "Phew! I know what I need to do! Take a shower! You cool with that?"
Josh thought for a second. Brody's sweat was pretty attractive, he was curious what kinds of things they could do while Brody's body glistened in the salty sweat. Then again, the day has been kinda rough… maybe he should just left Brody shower and the two and wind down a little… Josh spoke up saying…
Brody looked a little taken aback, but then he chuckled and took a whiff of his other armpit. He flexed both his biceps and looked down at Josh and said, "Yeah, you like all this manliness, little guy?"
Josh froze, surprised by this reaction, and Brody burst out laughing.
"Dude, I'm just messing with you. I don't care if you like my sweat, bro. Here, take a whiff."
Brody lifted his arm up and wafted the air down towards Josh. The musky breeze knocked Josh off his feet. The smell was intoxicating. He looked up at Brody's friendly, and confident face.
"I just…", Josh began, "I know it's a little weird."
Brody took a seat at the table, his pecs towering above Josh. He perched his elbow on the table as he spoke. Josh could see the light shining through the tangled forest of hairs under his arm, as well as a droplet of sweat sliding down his skin.
"Nothing weird about it, dude. You like guys, and getting all sweaty is masculine. I had a gay buddy back in high school who was always trying to get me to wrestle him cause he liked the same thing. Eventually I just gave him some of my gym clothes so he'd knock it off."
"So, do you think I could - "
"Wrestle me? You could give it a shot."
"No, could you…" Josh was starting to get flustered and embarrassed. Brody was taking this so well, yet Josh still felt uncomfortable asking for what he wanted.
Brody lifted his arms up to stretch, casually flexing as he did so, and revealing the dark patch of hair under his arms. "Bro, if you want something, you gotta ask, otherwise I'm gonna go shower off this nasty - " Brody took a whiff of one pit, "stinky - " and the other, "manly sweat. Is that what you want little man?"
"I - Please can you put me in your armpit", Josh finally pleaded.
Brody smiled, and put his arms down, "I'll think about it." he said jokingly. He laid his hand down on the table towards Josh, who climbed up the calloused fingers. Brody curled his fingers and Josh went tumbling down to his palm as the giant cupped his hands and moved inside. The ground beneath Josh's feet shifted as Brody lay down on the couch. He put one hand behind his head, and moved the one carrying Josh over to his exposed pit.
"Here you go, little bro", Brody said as he began tilting his hand.
Josh could smell Brody's musk getting stronger as he was moved closer. As the hand tilted, he moved closer to the edge, looking down on the large expanse of hairs. Eventually the tilt was too much, and Josh fell towards the wiry forest. The hairs broke his fall as he tumbled through them. Eventually he landed face-down on the skin at the bottom. As he pressed his hairs into it, salty sweat emerged. The air was thick with the smell of Brody's musk. It was like the smell of a locker room amplified by 1,000. As Josh got back to his feet he looked upward. The hairs towered 30 or so feet into the air, creating a mesh that the light barely filtered through. The hairs all seemed about 1 inch thick, like tiny ropes growing out of the ground. His mind was fuzzy from the smell, but as Josh tried to move he realized…
"Yeah go ahead! I'll wait here." Josh said thoughtfully, not wanting Brody to have to be uncomfortably sweaty any longer. Brody stood up, glad to get his boss's seal o approval. Before leaving however, Brody grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and brought it over to the kitchen counter. Taking off the top, Brody set it down beside Josh and poured a little into the empty cap.
"Here, bro." Brody said as he placed the bottle down next to the cap. "In case you get thirsty or something."
Josh thanked Brody for his thoughtfulness as he watched the huge stud walk off out of the kitchen and turn to go up the stairs. Josh sat there for a second, listening to Brody stomp up the stairs. Eventually, Josh heard the sound of running water as it seemed Brody started the shower. Josh sighed as he walked over to the cool cap of water and drank some before splashing a little on his face. At the very least his interactions with Vinny before game him the chance to clean himself off. Although Josh still had mixed feelings about keeping this secret from Brody, overall it seemed like it was for the best.
Sitting back down on the kitchen table Josh watched as the heat started to make the water bottle create condensation on the outside. Watching the beads of water run down the slick surface of the bottle seemed almost entrancing for awhile until Josh snapped back to reality when he head the shower shut off from upstairs. Josh stood up and looked over to the entrance to the kitchen. Waiting patiently for Brody's return.
A few minutes passed and Brody's massive form finally did reappear through the doorway. Rubbing his still wet black hair, Brody greeted Josh on his way into the room. Josh couldn't help but notice the new clothes he changed into. He wore a grey tank top showing off his strong arms as well as a pair of loose looking navy blue sweatpants with lacrosse sticks embroidered on the side as well as the number 8. Brody pulled his sweatpants down a little briefly showing off a tight pair black compression shorts hiding underneath. Finally Josh looked to the man's feet as he approached. He was in fact not wearing any socks as he showed off his massive bare feet.
"All set, bro! You clean up too?" Brody asked standing directly in front of Josh, obscuring his view entirely with his huge muscled body. Josh stared up at the handsome giant, barely being able to see his face looking down over his round pecs being clung tightly by his grey tank top.
"Yeah I feel a lot more refreshed now, thanks a lot Brody." Josh said blushing slightly as he gawked at the giant man. Brody smiled as he crouched down to be more at eye level with his tiny boss. Finally at face to face with the little man he decided to come up with something to do while Vinny was out.
"So bro. I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie together or something?" Brody said looking anxiously down at the little man.
Josh sighed in relief. He definitely welcomed the idea of a relaxing movie after the day he's been through. "That sounds great, Brody!"
Brody stood up back to his full height and extended down a hand for Josh to climb aboard. Josh quickly scurried onto the giant man's hand, working his way into the middle of the massive palm for good measure. All the while Brody made his way into the spacious living room complete with surround sound and a huge wide screen TV. Josh looked out into the massive room with awe in just how insanely large everything was. It might as well been the world's largest movie theater to him! Brody slowly walked over to a reclining chair and sat down in the cushy looking leather. Brody reclined the chair and placed Josh right on his stomach, much like when they were outside. Josh tried to make himself comfortable on Brody's shirt, which was certainly a lot easier on the soft fabric rather than directly on Brody's muscle.
Brody grabbed a remote nearby and flicked on the TV before swapping over to Netflix to find a movie to watch. "You have any preference, bro?" Brody asked politely as he flipped through the movies.
"No, you pick." Josh said, not really caring what they watched. Brody smirked as he flipped around before settling on some comedy movie he hasn't seen. All the while the two laid back and started to watch the movie.
As time went by however…
Josh's eyes started to feel heavy as he was barely listening to the movie. The noises most prominent to him were the occasional groans and glorps coming from Brody's gut right beneath him. The rhythmic sounds from Brody's body slowly but surely lulled Josh to sleep.
- - -
Josh looked around him. Everything seemed hazy as he rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust to his surroundings. Everything was so big around him, but nothing seemed like it came in plain view. Finally a giant face come in front of him. It was Vinny, with an arrogant smirk on his face. Suddenly, a giant hand started falling slowly down at him. Josh tried to move his legs but he couldn't it was as if he was paralyzed. He looked around, trying to call for help but his voice kept cracking like he couldn't speak.
Off in the distance another person seemed to be there. Squinting Josh could see it was Brody, but the giant man appeared to be sleeping. With all his might Josh tried desperately to call to his friend for help just as Vinny's hand came crashing down on top of him.
"H-what? Who?" Josh exclaimed as he woke up finally from his deep sleep. Josh looked around, rubbing his eyes. "It was just a dream."
Josh looked below him, it would seem he was sleeping on some sort of soft cushiony substance. Pulling a piece off he looked a little closer, and determined he was in fact in a folded up tissue. Josh smiled for a second, glad that Brody didn't wake him him and took good enough care of him while he was asleep.
"Looks like you're finally awake, bro." Josh heard the familiar voice. Although it wasn't the person he was expecting as he looked up to see Vinny looming over him. Josh gawked at the giant man's body for a second as he was shirtless, showing off his impressively muscled frame. He also seemed to be wearing a similar pair of sweatpants that Brody had, except with the number 10 instead. Vinny seemed a lot less modest however about letting his pants hang low as his black and red pair of underarmors were in full view down halfway past his enormous ass.
"Vinny?!" Josh exclaimed as he backed away from the giant man slightly. "Where's Brody?"
"Don't act so surprised, tiny bro." Vinny said while putting his hands on his hips. "He left for work. Said he wanted to leave you here and give you a day off."
Josh couldn't believe Brody would just leave him here like this! Especially alone with Vinny! "No, I want to go to the park. Please Vinny, just take me there."
Vinny crouched down putting his massive chest at about Josh's eye level. "No can do tiny bro. Brody told me you're staying here with me for the day."
Josh started to sweat. Brody had no idea what he's just done to him. He sighed as he now regrets not telling Brody about his distaste for Vinny. Vinny meanwhile started to notice Josh's discomfort.
"Bro, look. I think yesterday we started off on the wrong foot. I didn't mean to be so pushy to you, tiny bro." Vinny said with a fairly genuine look on his face.
"You wanted to eat me, then threatened to kill me if I told anyone…" Josh said, crossing his arms and trying to to play out the situation in his favor.
"Not gonna lie, bro. Still kinda wanna eat you." Vinny said with a smirk. "But I didn't mean to push you or threaten you. Besides I've been here this whole time you were sleeping. Could've easily pulled something then."
Josh shook his head. He was right after all, he could have easily not woken up this morning if Vinny had no self control. So at least there's that to be grateful for. "Alright fine, I guess you got me there."
Vinny stood up and stretched his arms out to his sides. "See? Vinny isn't such a bad guy after all!"
Josh shook his head and laughed as suddenly he found the tissue he had been sleeping on get picked up. Josh watched as Vinny carefully lifted the makeshift bed up to stomach level and hold it in front of him. Josh blushed a little as he looked back at the wall of muscle that was Vinny's abs right beside him. Meanwhile, Vinny made his way out of Brody's room and down the stairs toward the kitchen. Finally, Vinny placed the tissue on the table and stood before Josh once more.
"So how did Brody convince you to baby sit me today anyway?" Josh asked. Curious if Brody did in fact have to pull any strings to get Vinny to do it.
"I had the day off, bro. I work in construction and our project just finished yesterday. So I thought it would be cool to spend some time with my tiny bro today!" Vinny said happily as he turned away to go over to the refrigerator. Josh couldn't help but stare at Vinny's ass as he turned around. His sweatpants were doing little to nothing to hide his underwear clad butt as Josh could see each subtle bounce and flex his ass made with his compression shorts hugging his perfectly round ass tightly. Staring the whole time as Vinny grabbed a soda out of the fridge before he quickly turned around. Josh averted his gaze but not before he was pretty sure he was caught staring. Josh tried to focus his attention elsewhere, such as the clock that read 12:07 pm.
"Wow I slept that late?!" Josh thought to himself as Vinny approached him with an arrogant smirk.
"Bro, you checking out my glutes?" Vinny said as he set down his drink next to Josh and loomed over him with his massive body.
"I-I was just…" Josh tried to think as he looked up at the giant man. "I…"
"I… I…" Josh tried to stutter out an excuse as Vinny's smirk got wider and wider as he looked down at him. "Fine. I was. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry tiny bro. I didn't know you had any interest in my ass." Vinny said turning his body to position his enormous butt directly in front of Josh. Josh stared directly at the two round cheeks. Vinny's black and red underwear tightly wrapped them perfectly showing off their flawless shape. Vinny quickly turned again, facing josh with the front of his sweatpants once more as he leaned down with an almost friendly grin.
"If you want, tiny bro. You could be a little explorer while I chill and play some Madden." Vinny tempted with a soft sounding voice. "You don't think I forgot our little talk did you? I know you like the thrill of adventure."
Josh turned red as he looked down at the ground. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want to explore Vinny's massive glutes while he laid there casually playing a video game. Josh let out a deep breath, figuring there was no denying it. "You're right I do. Plus it should be fun!"
Vinny smirked as he lowered his hand to allow Josh aboard. With his free hand he grabbed his soda and the pair walked out into the living room. It was the same room Josh fell asleep in the night before with Brody, in fact. Vinny strode out in front of the tv and set his can of soda down on the ground. Next the shirtless stud grabbed a pillow from the sofa and tossed it on the floor near his soda. Finally, he grabbed a near by Xbox controller and clicked open a cabinet revealing the slick gaming system. Turning on the tv, Vinny strode his way toward the pillow and slowly lowered himself to lay on his stomach with the pillow to support him. after making himself comfortable, with his free hand Vinny reached down to his sweatpants and pulled the navy blue elastic all the way down past his tightly clothed butt. Looking down at Josh, he simply gave the little man a nod as he brought him down to his backside, plopping him down directly between his mountainous cheeks. Turning his attention forward, Vinny powered on his game.
Josh looked to his right and left and all he could see was black with an occasional red highlight for as far as the eye could see. There was a slight pungent smell coming from directly below him, Josh guess Vinny must have not showered yet today. But the musky scent made Josh all the more excited as he started to scale up the side of the slick surface of the compression shorts. Josh climbed the smelly muscled surface as well as he could, hoping to catch a view of Vinny's glorious butt crack from the side. Finally reaching the top, Josh admired his progress as Vinny's musk enveloped him completely. Sweating, he couldn't believe the effort it took to make his way out of that gigantic canyon below!
Suddenly, everything shifted slightly as Josh found himself tumbling back down into the sweat gorge he just worked so hard to climb out of. Laying on his back, Josh watched as if in slow motion Vinny's butt cheeks started to slowly clench together. Josh screamed as the tense muscle started to slowly envelope him. Josh laid motionless as he opened his eyes only to see black. It was very tight and hard to breath, but it seemed like he was ok.
"Yeah! Touchdown!" Vinny called as his cheeks started to unclench. Josh quickly made his way out of the lowest part of canyon as he worked up, toward Vinny's back. Sighing, Josh made it to the edge of the underwear and looked down to see the arc of Vinny's butt being partially exposed. Josh rubbed his chin for a second, he could easily squeeze under Vinny's compression shorts and be even closer to his immaculate ass. Josh prepared to lower himself into the gap in Vinny's compression shorts and…
"Tiny bro?" Vinny's voice boomed out right before Josh could slip under his slick compression shorts. Josh jumped in surprise as he saw Vinny's body slightly contorted to see him.
"H-hey Vinny! How's your game?" Josh asked nervously as he tried not to look too conspicuous.
"Good, bro. Hey I noticed after I ran that ball I might've been clenching my ass a bit. You ok?" Vinny asked, genuinely concerned. Josh stared at the giant man's face. He couldn't believe he was actually showing concern for him like that. After what the two of them have been through Josh couldn't help but smile as he grew a new appreciation for Vinny.
"You trapped me pretty good, but I'm ok." Josh said turning a little red as the giant man smiled at him. Suddenly, Vinny reached down and quickly pinched tiny Josh between his fingers and transported him to the floor in front of him. Vinny crossed his arms and rested his chin on one of his hands as he observed the tiny man closer.
I"m glad to hear it, tiny bro." Vinny said with a decent sized grin across his handsome face. Josh stood nervously in front of Vinny's massive face and laughed causally as he rubbed the back of his neck. This was the closest he's been to Vinny's face before and he really couldn't help but take in Vinny's attractive features, complete with his sharp blue eyes and slight stubble strewn across his rugged looking chin.
"Tiny bro?" Vinny asked with an upward inflection. Indicating it was a question.
"Yes?" Josh responded as he continued to take his Vinny's appearance.
"Don't hate me for this, but Brod said your name once. Then after that all he did was call you boss." Vinny started to say as he shifted slightly on his stomach. "I forgot your name, tiny bro."
Josh laughed as he put a hand on his stomach. Much to Vinny's annoyance he reached out a finger and purposefully whiffed a playful poke at the tiny man. "It's Josh. You can call me Josh."
Vinny grinned, glad to finally know the little man's name in more than just passing. "Probably still gonna call you "tiny bro" though, Josh." he said with a toothy smile showing off his perfect white smile.
"Whatever you can remember with that tiny brain of yours!" Josh jabbed at the giant playfully. Vinny laughed, causing Josh to fall off his feet from the sudden gusts of air coming from his mouth.
"Look who's talking, pint sized!" Vinny said perking up one of his eye brows as he watched Josh struggle to get to his feet. Standing up Josh smirked at the arrogant giant. "I was thinking, tiny bro. You should take a week off."
"A week off? For what?" Josh asked, puzzled by the sudden proclamation.
"To spend with me, of course." Vinny grinned as he tilted his head to one side. Josh scratched his head. It was true, he really did feel like he was connecting with Vinny, not to mention it would be nice to have some time off. Josh shook his head in agreement.
"You know, I think that sounds great. Where would we go?" Josh asked curiously.
Vinny smiled as he opened his mouth to answer…
"You'd be going to Vinny Island!" Vinny said enthusiastically moving his hands a bit for pizzazz. Josh blinked awkwardly at the name while Vinny's mouth hung open. Josh coughed a little once his breath finally reached his tiny nose.
"What does that even mean?" Josh asked finally as Vinny adjusted himself, sitting cross legged in front of Josh rather than laying on his stomach. Josh looked to the right and left as he observed Vinny's colossal feet at his sides.
"I'm so glad you asked, tiny bro!" Vinny said with a huge grin on his face. "You thought my ass was so great, so I had an idea of you spending time on different parts of my incredible body, each day, throughout the week!"
Josh turned red as he looked up at the sexy lax bro. Sure his ass was an incredible journey, but now Vinny was offering up his entire body for Josh to vacation on? Josh scratched his cheek, thinking that Vinny must really be starting to like him if he's offering to give him such a unique vacation!
"Alright, you have my attention. Where does the vacation start?" Josh asked eagerly.
Vinny waved his hands quickly, trying to get Josh to slow down. "Whoa tiny bro. I know you can't wait to start chilling on his paradise island, but we gotta make sure you tell Brod first. He probably wouldn't believe it if it came from me."
Josh shook his head in agreement and Vinny lowered his hand, allowing Josh to get on the gigantic surface. Vinny stood up quickly as Josh watched most of his body rush by, making him a little light headed in the process. Reaching into his pocket Vinny pulled out a smart phone and pulled up Brody's contact, calling the number. Raising the phone to his ear, Vinny nodded to Josh as he heard Brody answer the phone. Josh listened carefully as he barely heard Brody's voice asking how he was.
"He's doing good, bro. But he wants to tell you something. Here, I'll put the mic right up next to him." Vinny said as he lowered the phone to his other hand, right next to Josh. Looking at the hole he suspected was the mic Josh spoke as loudly and clearly as he could.
"Brody can you hear me?" Josh asked the enormous phone looming over him.
"Yeah, bro. What's good?" Brody's voice replied a large distance above him from the speaker.
"I'm going to take the week off. Vinny came up with a cool vacation idea and I really think I could use the time off. Could you just let Tyler know he's in charge?" Josh asked politely.
"You know he's gonna think you're hiding from him, because of the pranks? Right bro?" Brody's voice called back. Josh shook his head, he had actually completely forgotten about that silly prank war! Regardless, he just wanted the time off at this point.
"Just tell the idiot he won. That should satisfy him." Josh replied back, putting a palm to his face.
"Will do, have fun boss." Brody quickly answered as he hung up the phone.
Vinny moved the phone out of hand with a smile. Putting back in his sweat pant's pocket he looked back at Josh again. "Gonna be a fun week, bro!"
Josh smiled brightly as he looked up at the handsome lax bro. Vinny really did seem genuine after all. Josh was confident than Vinny must be past this whole treating him like a toy thing. Watching as Vinny walked out of the room and into the kitchen Josh noticed the giant man searching through a drawer. Finding a roll of tape, Vinny sat down at a chair by the kitchen table and propped up one of his feet. Taking a small piece of tape, he handed it to Josh.
"Put that nice and good around your body, tiny bro." Vinny said with a grin. Trusting Vinny, Josh pressed the sticky tape directly to his body and waited as Vinny pinched him up and brought him over to his foot. Josh started to sweat nervously as Vinny pressed his frail body just below the big toe, sticking him in place.
Vinny moved his foot off the table, and back to the ground and slowly stood up. Making sure he wasn't actually crushing the tiny man under his unwashed feet, Vinny relaxed as he felt faint squirms as he set down his foot on his full weight.
"First stop on Vinny Island! My foot!" Vinny called down to the tiny man struggling under his toe. He laughed to himself that the little man was so eager to let him spend a week doing whatever he wanted with him! Stretching his arms, Vinny walked out of the room, determined to give the tiny man his fill of feet on his first day of vacation. Looking outside a window, Vinny noticed it was a nice sunny day.
"Could go for a jog…" Vinny thought looking down at his feet. Near his feet, however he looked at his sweatpants, remembering how much he didn't want to get out of his comfy clothes and just have a lazy day, Vinny thought maybe he could just prop up his feet and mess with his little "friend" that way instead.
Making a decision, Vinny figured he'd…
Well Vinny said he should explore. And well spelunking is an adventure too right? Josh looks back towards Vinny's head, but the man is completely involved with the game. So Josh takes a deep breath and crawls in to the small opening in the cave. The first thing he notices is how hot it is. The walls are slightly moist and the smell is a lot stronger in here then on the outside. After a few steps you feel the earth shake and you look back to the opening. You're completely shocked as you see it getting smaller. Then you notice the tip of Vinny's finger on the elastic as he pulls the band up to his waste and makes it snap shut.
You hear him laugh on the outside. And he says, "Bad move going in there tiny bro. I call it my cave of no return. But tell you what, if you can crawl through all the way I'll let you escape down my leg. Just be carefull, 'cause there's boud to be a few traps along the way." You swallow the lump from your throat and figure that you'd better follow his advice. Slowly you crawl forwards. trying to keep yourself from slipping in to deep by stretching your arms and legs as wide as possible.
A sudden rumbling noise makes you stop for a few seconds as you try to find out what it is. Then a distinct sound fills the cae followed by a rancid smell. You gasp for breath but instead get a lung-full of Vinny's gas. You try to stay conscious and wait for the worst to pass. From the outside you hear Vinny call, "Carefull tiny bro, there's a gas trap in there somewhere." And he laughs. You feel strong enough to continue again. And crawl a bit further.
You notice that suddenly the crack doesn't lead up any more but starts to decline. You reach the middle. Going down will be easier you think. However this overconfidence turns out to be your down-fall, literally. As you move along your hand suddenly slips on a moist patch and you fall forward, the cave walls are smooth as you slide down them head first one arm in front of you till suddenly you reach the bottom, but your arm slides into a hole of some kind and is stuck. The moment you reach the whole you hear Vinny utter a soft moan and the walls suddenly close in really tight for a few seconds before relaxing again.
"Oh, tiny bro, I didn't expect you to want to take your dungeneering trip so seriously, you found the heart of my dungeon all right." These words fill you with fear, you know where you are and you try to pull your arm out the tight anus, but you can't you actually only manage to pull your upper body farther down. due to your struggles the walls around you close again. as you're pleasuring Vinny it appears.
Stuck as you are, you think Vinny will probably help you out soon. You know he knows what's going on. But as help doesn't come you realise you forgot one thing. You're stuck in the ass of a guy who wants to eat you. And you actually voluntarily entered his shorts. This actually doesn't look good. From the outside you hear a bell ring and your world shakes, quakes and compresses around you as Vinny gets up. This sudden move presses you deeper into his crack till your smeared against the skin, wedged deep between his moutainous glutes. One of your arms still stuck in his sphincter and your face pressing against it. As Vinny starts walking you feel the cheeks roll around grinding you down deeper and swaying you from the left to the right with each step.
He opens the door and you hear him greet a guy named Jake, not someone you know. Apparantly he invited Jake to come over for a day of gaming, which he forgot to tell you about when he woke you up. You hear Jake jokingly say that if Vinny wants to play he'd better put on some clothes first. The two of them move inside and seperate as Jake goes into the livingroom and Vinny goes into his bedroom. Suddenly you hear Vinny whisper to you. "guess what tiny bro, you're in luck. Seeing as you like my glutes so much you get to spent the rest of the day in there. I just hope I don't forget to get you out after Jake leaves. But guess what, now that I where you've been, I don't think I'd like to eat you anymore. Besides you feel really good down there tiny bro." Suddenly it becomes darker as he pulls up a pair of pants and soon he starts moving again.
As you feel flattened with every step you let out a sigh of relief as Vinny finally stops walking, a bit too soon as suddenly you feel that he's sitting down. His cheeks clench together around you and effectively lock you in like a straight-jacket, Your face pressed against his smelly unwashed anus. From the outside you hear the guys talk about the games and shout at each other. Every point Vinny scores is pure torture for you as he jumps up and down a little. Putting a lot of strain on your body.
After what seems forever the two guys finally get up and Vinny shows Jake to the door. As the door closes you feel Vinny walk back in.
As Vinny moves back into the house he suddenly squeezes his ass really tight, the pain makes Josh struggle faintly. "Ah good, just checking if there's some spirit left in you tiny bro. Guess what Brody just texted me he's spending the noght out. So it's just you and me tonight. I told him I was doing a great babysitting job. But now I'm gonna go to bed." Great Josh thinks, he's finally gonna get me out. However as Vinny keeps moving he suddenly sits down and Josh feels him lying down. "Tight night, tiny bro, I'm so happy right now I didn't eat you. You feel a whole lot better down there than you would have in my stomach." josh heasr the rustling of the blankets and it starts to get even hotter than before. No he isn't, Josh thinks to himself, but after a few minutes you notice his breathing slowing down and even later he starts snoring.
Fine you think, so he's sleeping Josh thinks to himself as his surrounding start to become more humid. And the smell starts to make him queasy. Josh realises this could actually be a good thing. Josh softly tries to wiggle his arm and notices that the muscle of Vinny's anus is a little less tight. However as the arm moves it reacts and squeezes a bit tighter again. If I wait a little longer I might be able to pull free after all, Josh thinks. A few more tries end without succes. but Josh is dedicated to come out of this eventually. All of a Sudden Vinny turns over on his stomach and at the same time Josh gives a strong pull on his arm and it slips loose. Freedom, he thinks.
Now I should wait till he turns over again and use gravity to slip out to the shorts and crawl along them out of here. Josh thinks it's a pretty good plan untill suddenly the anus twitches a little and with a loud explosion Vinny farts right in Joshes face. The stench is unbelievable and Josh can't breath. He tries his best to stay conscious he needs to get out.
Josh tries to hold his breath, so he won't be forced to breath in the fumes coming from his captor. But eventually he has to breath. One lung-full he can take, two even. but as he inhales a third time, he just can't hold on. He faints right between the ass-cheeks of the monstrous Vinny.
Josh has no idea how long he's been out, but as he wakes he actually feels quite refreshed. He feels warm and even though he suddenly realises he's still stuck in Vinny's ass, he notices the cheeky flesh is even more relaxing and form-fitting than memory foam. As he feels around he notices Vinny has turned to his side, Because there's a muscled dent in the wall to his left. And to the right the wall simply closes. This position makes the cheeks rest upon each other, but apparantly leaves a small cavern right next to Vinny's hole. Josh feels upwards and downwards and notices he is actually trapped in a small fold cave with no way out.
Even though this is very dark and still smells strongly of Vinny's farts and sweat, Josh isn't really terrified. Yes he'd rather not be here. And he really hopes Vinny turns soon. Slowly waiting for something to happen Josh starts to feel sleepy. Being passed out apparantly isn't the same as taking a nap. And before Vinny turns he does fall asleep.
Josh wakes up as the world sees to end, everything shakes, quakes, tightens and moves. It takes him a second to realise Vinny is just getting up.
Vinny stretches and moves around the house, untill suddenly he sits down. His ass-cheeks slightly opening you drop down.
Josh lands flat on his back only a few inches from where he started falling. The space he is in is still tight, however there's a little more wiggle-room. You hear Vinny let out a sigh from above and suddenly he says: "Kick me once for yes and twice for no." a few seconds pass, "you still alive?" Josh kicks once. Vinny giggles. "Ah, good. I hoped as much. I guess you're in luck that my ass is tight and the compression short kept you from sliding out. Don't you agree." Josh kicks once. Apparantly there's no more questions for now as Josh hears the TV getting turned on. All he hears are sounds of cartoons and crunching as if Vinny is eating something. After a while he suddenly leans to the right and a sliver of light enters Josh's prison as Vinny's hand moves in to get him. Scooping him up.
As soon as Josh is free from the dank prison he gulpes in a few breaths of fresh air as Vinny takes him up to his face and a wide grin welcomes you. "You look fine, tiny bro." He places a piece of cornflake on his palm and Josh grabs hold and starts eating. Soon he is satisfied and looks back up at Vinny who has been eyeing him the whole time. "Good, see, I'm not a bad guy, I fed you, Tiny bro. Can't have you starve to death." Josh smiles at Vinny, "Thanks, I needed that." Vinny grins. "Need to keep up your strength. Because tiny bro, I think you're gonna need it if you wanna survive down there?"
Josh gasps, "What do you mean?" Vinny smiles, "Well, tiny bro, now that you've been in my ass, I'm not gonna eat you any more. So there's probably only one use I'm gonna get out of you and that's keeping you back down there. Don't worry, you'll learn to love it. I know I do. Having something squirming in my butt feels good. And I know you like my butt. So it's a win-win." Without waiting for your response Vinny closes his hand on Josh and lowers him back down. When the hand opens Josh sees the dark abyss of Vinny's crack hover over him agains and the hand gently but firmly presses him op in it. Josh treis to scream and squirm but Vinny presses him in deeper and suddenly pulls his hand back and the compression short close with a snap. Vinny rolls back down and Josh is trapped once again in the massive ass.
From above Vinny starts to talk again. "You know what Tiny bro, these short are made of a nicely breathing bamboo fibre. It'll let in enough oxygen for you to keep going and I can even shower while wearing them, they almost dry instantly. Just imagine. I only have to take them off to go to the bathroom. And you only need to get out to be fed. The rest of our lives you can just live in there. Dosn't that sound wonderfull?" Josh tries to kick Vinny twice, but he only gets off one. "Wow, tiny bro, that makes me happy to know you like it in there."
"I was just… well it's past noon. I'm hungry how about you?" Josh said with a nervous smile.
"I'm starved, tiny bro" Vinny said putting a hand on his stomach and rubbing it for the added effect. Josh couldn't help but to blush as he was reminded about Vinny's tempting offer from yesterday. "I've got some burger meat, I'll grill us up some Vinny burgers!"
Josh chuckled to himself that Vinny named a burger after himself, but it was still charming to say the least. Vinny took a chug from his soda and went back over to the refrigerator. Opening it up, he pulled out two pre-made burger patties and put them on a plate. Next he reached under the counter in one of the drawers and located a spatula. Finally, the giant man walked out the back door with his ingredients and utensils and disappeared from Josh's sight.
A few minutes passed and Vinny reappeared at the door to the kitchen with an empty plate. He quickly strode over to the sink and dropped the plate in it an cleaned it off with some warm water. Next, Josh watched as the giant man pulled out all sorts of condiments and a pack of buns and laid them carefully out on the kitchen counter. Finally, the giant man slowly came over to approach Josh as he grabbed his soda once more, taking another long gulp from the fizzy drink.
"Buuurp! Ahhh, just a few more minutes there tiny bro." Vinny exclaimed as he rubbed his gut and placed his can back down on the kitchen table. Josh turned a little red as Vinny belched before as he looked down at him. Shaking any thoughts from his mind, Josh watched as Vinny left the kitchen once more to grab the burgers.
Josh looked up at the clock once more. The digital clock read 12:24. So he figured the burgers just have to be done by now. Almost as if on cue, Vinny reappeared at the door holding the plate with two freshly cooked burgers on them and walked them over to the kitchen counter. Josh watched as the huge stud started to add all kinds of toppings and sauces to the burgers. The smell that wafted over was absolutely out of this world!
"Here we have it!" Vinny said placing the plate down in front of himself as he took a seat near Josh. "Two Vinny burgers!"
Josh applauded as he walked over to the plate, but not before being stopped. Vinny pulled off a tiny piece of meat off the burger and squished it right in front of Josh. Josh looked down at the pathetic piece of meat, a little disappointed.
"Aren't one of those for me?" Josh asked politely looking up at the gigantic lax bro.
"What so you can crawl around in it, bro? That would be a waste of my skills." Vinny said as he took a huge bite out of one of his burgers, chewing it thoroughly before he swallowed. "Guess you're missing out though, this is some top shit bro."
Josh crossed his arms. "I don't want to miss out though. Come on Vinny."
Vinny took a drink from his soda and gave off a sigh. "Not unless you want me to eat it while you're on it, tiny bro."
Josh looked up at the huge burger as his mouth watered…
"Yeah well, what if I did?" Josh said crossing his arms as he watched Vinny take another huge bite of his burger. Vinny put up a finger as he chewed, indicating to Josh to give him a second. The massive lax bro took his time as he chewed the bite well before swallowing it down.
"I finally got to you didn't I, tiny bro?" Vinny said with a bright new smile. Josh simply shrugged his shoulders and sighed at the comment. "Don't deny it little man!" He added with a wink.
"I don't deny anything." Josh started to say as he walked closer to the burger. "I suppose I did just need time to think about it though."
Vinny smirked as he set down his burger. He really was hoping it would come down to something like this! "Just so we're clear, tiny bro, you do remember this is a one way trip right?"
Josh shook his head. A little nervous, he did know it would mean his end. But something about Vinny really did reach out to him, practically driving him to want to consumed by the arrogant jock. Josh watched as Vinny quickly removed the top bun of the second burger, revealing the greasy toppings and delicious smelling cheese underneath. Josh flinched a little when suddenly Vinny's forefinger came crashing down in front of him, welcoming him aboard. Eagerly, Josh climbed up the tip of the finger as Vinny transported him up and over to the now open burger. The immaculate smell of the food started to really wash over Josh as he closed his eyes and breathed in deep. Vinny simply turned his finger over and let Josh fall into the intense aroma of the burger. Landing with a splat in some sort of sauce, Josh really started to take in the taste of the burger as well as the slippery grease of the messy food.
Vinny watched as Josh started to enjoy himself in the bliss of the burger, but also in the meantime grabbed the one he was still working on and took another huge bite. After swallowing the food down he only had a single bite left for the first half of his meal, so he simply tossed the morsel in his mouth and finished it off. Grabbing his can of soda, he took a hefty sip and rubbed his stomach. He definitely had room for more, and this time he was happy to see he'd have an extra little something on his burger. Rubbing his hands together, he figured it was time.
"Good luck tiny bro. Try to avoid my teeth or whatever." Vinny said as he took the bun and covered it over the burger, not even giving Josh time to respond or reconsider. Josh however didn't care either way. He was totally prepared and waiting in anticipation to be eaten by the gigantic stud. Squirming his way forward, Josh hoped maybe he could make it in the first bite, but he figured Vinny was going to avoid him on purpose at first, given his nature.
Rows of giant white teeth suddenly came slicing through the burger, mere inches in from of where Josh redeposited himself to. Josh's heart started to race as he nearly had been scooped up in the first bite. Inching forward even more, Josh somehow managed to poke his head just outside the burger in time to watch Vinny swallow the first bite down with a deafening gulp.
- - -
Looking at his food, Vinny smirked for a second. Sure enough poking out of his food was the tiny man he was about to consume with it. Vinny simply raised his forefinger and pushed the little man back inside. Taking his finger, he put it in his mouth and sucked off the juices from the tasty burger.
"Tiny bro, don't be so antsy!" Vinny said as he held the burger tightly in the hands. Turning the burger to a different side, he figured he'd torture the impatient man a little by eating around him a little more. After a few bites all that remained was only small morsel, ready to be popped into Vinny's cavernous mouth and processed in his gut. Out of curiosity, Vinny peeled the bun off slightly only to catch a glimpse of a tiny wriggling passenger trapped in the meaty mess. Replacing the bun, Vinny popped the bite of food in his mouth and started to slowly chew. Knowing he's sealed the tiny man's fate.
- - -
Josh finally broke free of the sticky cheese holding him in place. Vinny holding the burger so tightly caused him to get stuck, but luckily he was able to break free just as a massive building sized molar came crashing down right where he was just positioned. Josh sighed in relief as he found himself in the middle of the tongue as he watched Vinny's massive teeth started to break down the burger he was just on. Squinting in the darkness, Josh barely could react as the now masticated goo of burger came sliding down on top of him. Somehow, Josh considered himself lucky as he managed to avoid being trapped beneath, but rather stuck to the side like an unchewed piece of meat. Turning, Josh watched as Vinny's massive tongue started to rise, preparing to swallow it's food.
Josh barely got a glance of Vinny's huge uvula as the massive blob of food slicked it's way through Vinny's saliva to the back of the throat, before disappearing completely down the esophagus. Josh closed his eyes and tried to listen to Vinny's rhythmic heart beat as he emerged deeper and deeper in the pitch black darkness. After a few seconds Josh reopened his eyes as a squelching noise signaled the opening of the sphincter leading to the stomach. With a wet plop, Josh and the glop of food he was in dropped directly into Vinny's humid stomach. Wiping various liquids from his face, Josh tried to view his new surroundings.
Squinting through the dark, Josh was able to make out the walls of Vinny's enormous stomach. He watched as the rippled walls contracted and churned its meal. A meal Josh happily became a part of. Smiling to himself, he laid back in the chewed mush of food that brought him to his new home. Closing his eyes he listened the various groans and growls emanating from the depths of Vinny's impossibly large body. There was a slight change in pressure in the chamber as the walls closed in slightly, followed by a distant sounding burp coming from far above Josh's position.
"I hope he enjoyed his Vinny burger." Josh thought to himself as he saw himself as some sort of super secret ingredient in the meal. Judging by the rubs and shifts form the walls of the stomach, Josh figured the giant jock must have enjoyed it as much as he did.
- - -
"He's in there somewhere." Vinny said to himself as he gave his gut a good rub. He tired to imagine for a second if the little man made it down whole, or if he pulverized the little squirt with his teeth. Standing up, he grabbed his plate and brought it over to the sink. "Doesn't matter either way."
Washing off his plate the giant lax bro quickly forgot about the meal stewing away in his gut. But rather he tried to think about other more important things like what he was doing for the rest of the day and eventually come up with some half-assed lie about how he lost the little guy when Brody gets home.
"Um…" Josh weighs the offer. As much as he likes the comfort Vinny has presented as opposed to wading across Brody's sweaty body, his roommate is just too new for him to place his trust. "I'll be fine here."
Vinny shrugs. "Suit yourself, bro." He walks away from Josh's view though the back door to the house. It takes a while, but he returns with a can of something - hard for the tiny man to discern since his hand obscures the label. He heads for the shade of the umbrella as a loud crack signals the opening of his drink. Josh watches him relax, slouching in the outdoor chair as he sips again and again.
Josh turns his attention back at Brody. Now on top of his left pec, he has a good view of the big guy. His eyes are still shut and his mouth hangs open as he snores. His tongue rattles with each snore. He can even see Brody's uvula in the back of his throat, which vibrates on its feeble perch in the back of his mouth. He still covers his ears the whole time in desperation to drown out the noise, but all this snoring isn't just loud. Brody's pecs vibrate up and down, forming a miniature muscle earthquake with each breath in and out. Josh falls over onto the surface, which is not as sweaty as his abs. But when his ear hits the skin, he hears something else besides Brody's lungs hard at work. He can hear and feel a low, but very powerful rhythmic pound.
"Whoa," Josh says to himself. "I'm above Brody's heart!" He's not a doctor, but the big guy heart sounds strong and healthy to him - strong like Brody.
Suddenly, the ground quakes again. This time, the snoring falls silent. The entire Brody-scape flips completely to an incline. Above him, the giant stirs. He stretches off his sleepiness and unleashes an epic yawn. It's as if the entire world for tiny Josh came to life. Gravity takes over and beads of sweat start flowing like little streams off of his skin. From his face and neck down to his chest, the streams become rivers. It's too slick for Josh's little hands to grip the surface of Brody's pecs and now he succumbs to the downward slide of his sweat beads…
The sweat streams build as they descend Brody's body. Now at his pecs, they fan outwards along the muscle curvature and get funneled in the gaps between the muscle masses. For tiny Josh, he faces a waterfall. A large drop of sweat hits him in the face. He tries to ignore it - the heat from Brody's body and the saltiness lingering in his mouth and nose. But the drop hasn't finished its encounter with the tiny man. It still has some ways to travel.
Josh's hands lose their grip in the falls and now he surrenders to the sweat stream and its journey down the Brody-scape. It sweeps along from Josh's hold to the very bottom of Brody's left pec. Now more streams merge with it and funnels down from his topmost abs into the valley between the muscle mountains. The current is now too strong for him to oppose as he struggles to grab hold of something. He gets carried by gravity and the current to a large pit, where the sweat waterfall slows its pace and force. Now Josh can grab hold of a wrinkled, fleshy surface. Above him, tall stalks of hair surround the edges.
The sweat that Brody had covering his body while he slept in the sun has carried Josh from his pec down to his navel.
"Dammit," thinks Josh. He tried to avoid this spot from the beginning. Now he is smack dab in the pit, sheltered under the canopy of tangled black hair. Around him, the landscape is littered with large soggy mounds of dead skin. "Well, I guess I didn't expect him to wash this area that well." At the very bottom, Josh can feel the organs beneath the flesh - Brody's digestive tract hard at work. The rumbling forms small tremors as food gets its final treatment.
But now the tremors worsen as Brody's navel turns from pit to cave. "The big guy must've gotten up on his feet again," Josh hopes Brody is looking for him, even if he's now just a speck inside his belly button…
Standing up in front of his chair, Brody stretches out his torso and arms in a dramatic fashion. Satisfied from his excellent nap the muscled lifeguard walked straight inside and and into the kitchen. Looking down at his body he could tell he was absolutely drenched in sweat. Laying out in the sun so long certainly did open his pours as he rubbed his hand down his chest and across his abs, inches away from where his tiny boss laid trapped in his belly button. Still a little groggy, Brody decided to reach into his refrigerator and grab a soda. Popping open the can, the gargantuan man figured the caffeinated beverage would do nicely to wake him up after his long nap. Pressing the can to his lips, Brody took a nice long slurp.
"Ahhhh!" Brody stood there refreshed from the cool carbonated drink. The attractive man turned around and started to head for the stairs, leading up to his room. All the while he bobbed up and down up the stairs while taking a periodic sip from his soda.
- - -
Josh was starting to feel motion sick from the lurching up and down. Brody really has forgotten he was on his body and seems like he's just going about his business now! Josh tried to sit at the back of the dirty naval, hoping Brody would remember him at some point before he vomits from the sweaty stench and constant movement. All the while Josh's only only distraction was loud gulping noised followed by a fizzy burgle coming from Brody's gut. The groans and gurgles were certainly unsettling, but Josh figured if he just closed his eyes and listened to the sound it might settle his own upset stomach.
- - -
Brody made his way to the top of the stair and finally turned to enter his room. The large bedroom wasn't that untidy. A few pairs of socks and some dirty underwear laying about, but otherwise it was mostly clean. Either way, Brody walked over to his night stand next to his bed and set down his drink. The gigantic man yawned as he looked pit the window, looking out the front of the house into the neighborhood.
"I could go for a run right about now." Brody said to himself, rubbing his stomach as it seemingly felt much less full as most of the food had been digested while he was napping. As he pulled his hand away he noticed it covered in sweat. Frowning, he rubbed his hand on his swim shorts trying to get the greasy sweat off of himself.
"Maybe I should just take a shower instead…" Brody thought as he looked down at at his insanely sweaty body. Thinking for a second, the massive man decided to…
"CANNON BAAAAALLLL!" Vinny shouted as he ran past Brody and Josh to jump into the pool with a triumphant splash. Brody jerked awake, nearly falling out of his chair as a mass of water flew out of the pool and landed on him. Sitting up Brody yelled to his buddy. "Dude! What the hell? You just soaked me bro!"
Vinny laughed as he swam in place. "Whatever man! It's hot! I think you're fine bro."
Brody shook his head and laid back down, closing his eyes once more. Little did he know the splash of water and his subtle movements caused his boss to find himself in a precarious situation. Off to the side of the chair, Josh found himself washed off Brody's stomach and next to his side barely clinging on to the chair itself. Luckily he was able to pull himself up beside Brody, but looking up at the massive man's side he realized he would be in for quite the climb to make it back to where he was.
"Great…" Josh said as he examined the soaked skin he somehow had to climb. Sighing, Josh figured he'd at least have to wait for Brody's abdomen to dry off a little before he could attempt the climb. In the meantime Josh looked up and down the side of Brody's body. Like a massive fleshy wall it seemed to span for miles until it ended at the soft red fabric of Brody's board shorts. Feeling curious Josh started to walk down toward the board shorts. Being that it was closer than Brody's head, he figured it was worth a little exploration.
Josh slowly worked his way down beside Brody's massive ass and he couldn't help but take in it's perfect bubble shape as it rested so casually on the fabric of the lounge chair. Upon closer examination Josh noticed a fair amount of Brody's underwear sticking out toward his butt. It was a sort of grey color and seemed very slick to touch. "Some sort of compression shorts? Under armor maybe? Makes sense he's an athlete after all." Josh thought to himself as he rubbed his hand against the cloth, feeling the solid muscle of Brody's glutes on the other side.
- - -
Brody finally felt his body seem to dry off a little, but the sweat did make him hot.
"Maybe I'll go for a swim too." He thought to himself with his eyes still closed. slowly he took off his sunglasses and squinted as he lifted his head up a little. Looking down his torso he examined his abs closely for the tiny speck of a man. "Boss?"
No response came as he started to look further down on his shorts, then as best as he can on his own chest and arms. Panicking a little he lifted himself up on one side and looked on the edge of his abdomen before lowering himself back down.
- - -
Josh gasped as the sudden shift in Brody's body caused him to tumble under the shadow of the giant man's massive ass. Josh watched in terror as all he could see is the round cheek with underwear partially exposed clung tightly around Brody's butt slowly came down. Pressing Josh under all its weight against the lounge chair. Thankfully, the chair was a little slack, otherwise he would have been crushed to a pulp right away, but Josh squirmed barely able to move or breath under the lax bro's ass.
Gasping for air, Josh tried his best to create any kind of movement. Barely able to think all he could do was hope that Brody would get up and save him before it was too late.
- - -
"Vinny!" Brody called out to his buddy in the pool. "You gotta help me find Josh! I think he ended up somewhere after you splashed me!"
Vinny sighed, hoping Brody couldn't possibly be serious. "Really dude? You're gonna make me get out of the pool just to check your body?"
"Dude, just get out and check. I'm trying to sit still here." Brody called to his friend. Hoping he could just find his tiny boss.
Vinny shrugged and replied…
"Fine dude, just gimme a minute. I wanna dry off first." Vinny said hoping to delay looking for the tiny man. Slowly he got out of the pool and worked his way over to a table where he left a towel and started rubbing down his body. Making sure every part of him was mostly dry he stretched up his arms and rubbed his bare abs. Letting his arms down he set the towel back on the table and started to walk over to his motionless buddy.
"Careful dude. He might have fallen off the chair too!" Brody said as Vinny stopped in his tracks a few feet away. A little more annoyed now Vinny took each step, half-assedly looking at the floor as he went. "It's not that I don't care about the little guy…" He thought to himself. "I just wish Brody didn't have to be such a little bitch about it…"
Finally making it it Brody's side, Vinny knelt down beside him and started examining his friend's body thoroughly. From between his treasure trail all the way up to his chest and arm pits, Vinny checked carefully and thoughtfully much to his own displeasure.
"He's not on you bro." Vinny said as he stood back up and straightened his back.
"Dude, keep checking he's bound to be somewhere." Brody said still trying not to move.
- - -
Josh gasped for air less and less as he felt his lungs start to collapse. It was already dark and he couldn't hear anything outside of muffled voices. All he knew was his head was spinning from lack of oxygen and his entire body was numb and broken. There was nothing he could do. Too tired to go on Josh came to terms with his end. Untimely as it was to be crushed under the magnificent ass of one of his workers.
Eventually Vinny convinced Brody to get up. Much to his disagreement the hunky lifeguard sat up before carefully turning his Body and standing up next to his buddy. Stuck his right ass cheek on his underwear laid the broken body of his boss. Not that Brody knew as he unconsciously pulled up his shorts, covering his ass. The two continued their search on the chair and around it. Hoping to find any sign of the little man before finally giving up hope.
Feeling bad, Brody went inside. Walking up to his room he pulled off his shorts and underwear before throwing the sweaty clothes into his dirty hamper. As the naked giant left to take a shower he'd never know Josh's body was lost in the mess of sweaty clothes he just contributed to.
"I'll go with you guys on a jog, maybe it'll be fun." Josh smiled, halfheartedly. In truth it did seem a little dangerous, but he figured it would be good to live a little.
"Sweet, bro! I gotta go change!" Vinny said hoping out of his chair and turning to go upstairs to his room. Josh turned and looked and Brody, who started to stretch his arms up.
"What about you, Brody?" Josh asked politely as the enormous hunk lowered his arms back down. Brody simply smiled and reached up his swim shorts quickly and pulled something back with a snap against his skin.
"I'm already wearing compression shorts under these. Just gotta slip some shoes on, bro." He said casually as he walked over to a nearby closet and pulled out a worn looking pair of running shoes. Quickly pulling on his shoes, Brody stood up as he heard Vinny pounding down the stairs. Josh looked at the huge man as he reappeared. He was wearing a tight white spandex shirt, which was barely hiding Vinny's impressive muscular physique. On his legs he merely wore a pair of black compression shorts, the tight spandex fit tightly around his legs, bulge and ass, leaving very little to Josh's imagination. Finally, he sported a cleaner looking pair of running shoes, in stark contrast to Brody's.
Vinny scratched his head. Looking over at Josh, something finally just dawned on him. "Yeah… so where do we put him, bro?"
Brody shook his head, pretty much knowing this would happen. "Bro, this is why I thought it was a bad idea."
"He could ride in the back of my spandex!" Vinny said turning his ass and snapping the spandex loudly in Josh's direction. Josh started to sweat, hoping Brody would interject.
"Dude, that's disgusting." Brody said with an unamused look on his face.
"Chill bro, I was only joking." Vinny said trying to defend himself. "He could ride in my collar. We can even grab some tape or something to keep him in place, bro."
Brody looked over at Josh, waiting for Josh's reaction. Josh piped up, figured it was better than Vinny's first idea. "Yeah that works. I'll make sure to hold on tight too."
Vinny smiled as he reached down to Josh, carefully pinching the little man before bringing him up to his chest. Slowly, Vinny pulled his collar out, allowing Josh to grab the front of the stretchy material while letting his legs hang down toward the inside. Carefully, Vinny pulled the collar back, letting it sit snugly against his lower part of his neck. Josh held on on he felt his legs being pressed up against Vinny's skin, and in truth he felt fairly secure in his new location. Looking out he saw Brody's face, a little concerned for his boss's safety.
"I'm fine!" Josh smiled at Brody's worried face. "I'm pretty secure, we don't even need tape!"
Brody nodded before looking back up at Vinny to his face. "Be careful with him, bro."
Vinny patted his friend on his bare shoulder, Trying to reassure him of his new responsibility. Brody smiled, glad Vinny was treating Josh with such respect even though this is the first time they've met, the circumstances being so usual included. Josh took a deep breath and the pair headed out, ready to jog about outside.
- - -
Josh felt the warm sun hit his face as Vinny made his way outside. It was still great weather even though it was a little later in the day. Vinny's body started to bob up and down as Josh knew the jog had officially begun. It didn't seem like he was running very fast, in fact Josh felt the pace to be quite comfortable. Enjoying himself, Josh took in his surroundings, looking at all the nice houses in the pristine neighborhood as well as occasional nice cars that drive by. To his side, Josh saw Brody, starting to drip a little sweat as their pace started to pick up. Looking up, Josh could only make out the scruff of Vinny's chin however he did notices a small amount a sweat starting to form around his position as well.
Josh held on tight as the run continued. Vinny's sweat was starting to build up a little and the slick liquid did actually make holding on a bit of a challenge. Josh could feel small beads of sweat run down his legs, before disappearing deep down Vinny's tight shirt. Keeping his grip as best he can Josh eventually…
Josh's eyes brightened up as the huge building that was Brody's house came into plain view just down the road. Holding onto the sweaty collar as best he could, Josh was glad to see the pair of men start to slow down and walk toward the enormous house. After unlocking the door, Brody turned quickly, looking and Vinny's collar. Josh Looked at the man's sweating face as he found himself being pinched up and taken out of his holding spot. Now in Brody's glistening palm, Josh looked up at his sweaty torso in awe.
"That was pretty fun!" Josh said with a genuine smile as Brody and Vinny looked down at him casually. Josh watched as Vinny started to peel off his tight shirt, and reveal his slick and muscled body underneath. Blushing slightly Josh tried not to stare as the man unintentionally put on a bit of a show. Dropping his shirt to the floor, Vinny started to wipe his chest a bit with his hand.
"Man now I need a shower, bro!" Vinny said with conviction. Josh simply watched as the handsome man turned away and pounded back up the stairs once more. In the mean time, Josh looked back to Brody, who stood there scratching the back of his neck a bit and inadvertently let his sweat arm pit smell waft toward Josh. Covering his nose quickly, Josh tried not to gag at the intense smell coming from the man's pits. Thankfully, Brody lowered his arm as he walked Josh back into the kitchen and smiled as he let the little man down back down on the table.
"Glad you had fun, bro by the way." Brody said as he sat down in front of Josh. "I'm just happy I could make up for earlier!"
Josh smiled happily at the huge man. "I already told you, that was Tyler's fault. You saved me."
Brody simply grinned before looking up as he heard the sound of the shower stop upstairs. Sure enough a few moments later Vinny reappeared, wearing a pair of well fitted jeans and a black tank top. Sitting down at the table he slipped on a pair of black socks and started to talk to Brody.
"Yo, Brod?" Vinny said as he pulled on his second sock. Brody simply looked at him and raised his eye brows, indicating he was listening. Vinny sat up as he finished his statement…
"Bro, wasn't there something you wanted to ask him, regarding this weekend?" Vinny asked making sure to lead Brody on to the correct subject. Brody blinked for a second trying to recollect what he was talking about before his face showed he remembered.
"Boss!" Brody said turning and looking and Josh excitedly. Josh looked up at the muscled giant, prepared to answer his question. "This weekend I thought it would be cool to invite all the guys from the park over for a costume party. You know bro, for Halloween."
Josh nodded happily. "Here? That sounds like a great idea! You didn't need my permission for it though."
Brody rubbed his shoulder, blushing and looking away for a second. "Well Vinny and I just wanted to make sure it was cool with you, bro."
Josh looked over at Vinny this time, questioning why they only want to invite guys from the park. "What about you Vinny, didn't wanna invite any people from your work?"
Vinny shook his head with a frown. "Nah, bro. They're all douches. Besides I met most of the guys Brody mentioned he was inviting anyway. I'll get along fine, bro."
"You seem to make friends fast anyway." Josh said with a bright smile as he looked up at the handsome man. Vinny simply chucked as he sat back and rubbed his chest lazily. Laughing back, Josh turned his attention back to Brody.
"But yeah it's a costume party, so make sure to come in a costume, bro!" Brody said as he stood up and looked directly down at his tiny boss. Reaching down Brody laid his hand next to his boss, motioning for him to climb aboard. Without delay, Josh climbed onto the hunks hand and awaited for what was next. "We gotta get you back to the park, bro."
Josh nodded his head. After all it was getting late, and he was certainly looking forward to getting home. Heading to the front door, Josh and Brody prepared to depart.
"See you at the party, tiny bro!" Vinny called out as Brody shut to door behind him. Josh smiled as he waved back at the house. Getting back into Brody's fancy car, Josh couldn't stop his mind from racing with ideas for an awesome costume.
- - -
Finally arriving back at the park, Josh had Brody fetch a spare key hidden in the park's nearby shed. Making his way over to the break room, Brody opened the door and flicked on the light. Walking across the empty room, he dropped off his minuscule boss on the balcony leading to the park and leaned in to exchange a few words before he left.
"I'll tell the guys about the party tomorrow, bro." Brody said with a delighted grin. "Thanks again for chilling with me, it was fun, bro."
Josh laughed happily as he replied, "Thank you too Brody! And great, I'm looking forward to the party!"
Brody rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled, but also caught a wiff of his sweat drenched pits this time. Josh covered his nose as the handsome man chuckled. "I really need a shower, huh bro?"
Josh laughed as he waved good bye to the muscled giant as he made his way out, locking the door behind him. Happy about how things turned out, Josh headed into the park ready to be regrown and head home.
- - -
Time went on as normal and soon enough Josh found himself sitting at his desk at the day of the party. Fiddling his thumbs he sat there deep in thought. Laying his head down on his desk he couldn't believe the situation he was in.
"What the hell do I go as?!" Josh yelled to himself in the privacy of his office. He had all week to think of a cool costume, and here he was a few hours from closing time and he had nothing. Looking around the room he started to panic, hoping an idea would fall out of the air. Looking his his closet he noticed some spare lifeguard shorts and a tee shirt. Josh quickly closed the door with a sigh. "The guys will never let me hear the end of it if I go as a lifeguard!"
Josh started to pull at his hair a little as a sudden knock came from the door. "C-come in!" Josh yelled as the door swung open.
"You've been avoiding me long enough!" A huge voice boomed as Josh turned to see his huge friend come barging into his office.
Josh simply sighed and looked up at the tanned hunk confused. "What are you talking about? I've been here all week, Tyler."
Tyler shook his head in frustration, "First you hid from me at Brody's, then you side step all my traps all week? I swear it's like you aren't even trying in this prank war anymore."
Josh looked down, confused still, before recalling what he was talking about. "Oh right, I forgot that was happening." Josh puttered much to Tyler's displeasure. "Look Ty, I have bigger concerns right now. I still don't have a costume for the party tonight!"
Tyler relaxed his shoulders and laughed at his boss's misfortune. "Real dude? Clock's kinda running out on you."
Josh blushed as he looked away from his idiotic friend for a second. "Well what are you going as?"
Tyler raised a hand and wagged his finger in front of Josh's face. "It's a surprise. Besides. I've decided to help you."
Josh almost leap, glad to hear Tyler forgot so easily about the silly prank war to help a friend in need! "Thank you Ty! I dunno what I'd do with out you!"
Tyler looked up and quickly under his breath whispered, "Don't thank me yet…"
"What was that?" Josh asked, not catching Tyler's words.
"I was just coming up with an idea, dude." Tyler said while he walked beside Josh and put his arm down over Josh's shoulder. Needing to squat a bit to be more on Josh's level, Tyler started to brainstorm. "Ok, bear with me on this. You should go, as a bug."
Josh looked over to his side, Tyler's face just inches away from his own. "A bug?"
"Yeah with like a little shell and feelers and junk. Here's the best part. You go shrunk." Tyler said, pulling Josh even closer to his muscular body.
Josh turned his face from Tyler's a little skeptical at this point. "Why?"
Squatting down even more Tyler smiled. "For the prize of course. Didn't Brody tell you best costume gets an awesome prize. Dude's loaded so it's probably something sweet. If you go shrunk you'll have the most authentic costume there."
Josh stroked his chin for a second, deep in thought on the idea. It was certainly starting to sound like a pretty solid idea. "What do I have to lose, let's do it!" Josh said happily as Tyler stood back up and patted his small friend on the back.
"That's the spirit, dude!" Tyler chuckled slightly as he started to look around the office. Opening up Josh's closet he quickly found the supplies he needed. Josh had an old brown shirt and black shorts stored in the back, which Tyler pulled out and tossed at Josh. Next he found an old circular plastic sled that was used in an experimental downhill water skimming ride. Finally, he located some black and brown colored duct tape. Using what he had, Tyler taped around Josh's front of his body, connecting the sled to Josh's back. Even going as far as to cover the back in duct tape for the added color effect. Finally, using an old black hat and some pencils, he used more of the duct tape to make "feelers". Handing the hat to Josh, he tried it on.
Josh looked down at himself. He was absolutely covered in the duct tape. Reaching toward his back he could not even get his arms very far, but he figured it wouldn't really matter. With a smile he looked at Tyler for support. "How do I look?"
Tyler gave Josh a thumbs up and replied, "Like a bug!"
Josh smiled, happy his costume was coming together. Suddenly however, he found something in his face. Tyler moved forward, holding him still as he started to color on his face using some sort of marker. Closing his eye, Josh couldn't do anything but let his huge friend go to work coloring his face. Tyler stepped away, admiring his work. "There, now the illusion is complete!"
Josh felt his face, the marker seemed to have already mostly dried. "This isn't permanent is it?"
Tyler fumbled the marker back into his pocket and lied, "What? Nah dude."
Josh smiled as his good friend made his way out of his office, promising to pick him up in the break room after work. "We'll go together, dude!"
Happy he finally had a costume, Josh stood by his desk and continued his work. "Little inconvenient I can't sit down or take it off…"
- - -
Time flew by and Josh was on his way to the party. Tyler made Josh swear to keep his eyes closed as he picked him up in the break room so as not to ruin the surprise of his costume. Safely in the palm of his friend's closed fist now however he could only make one determination. "He's wearing fingerless gloves…"
Tyler made his way to Brody's house, excited to himself over the plans he had in store for his tiny friend. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by his co-worker Brody. Tyler looked at him up and down. Smirking to himself he was surprised in the lack of creativity in his costume.
"What, you just threw on your old lacrosse uniform?" He said laughing at the man dressed in a jersey, gloves, helmet, gray uniform pants and cleats.
"What? My uniform is slick, bro." Brody said, pounding his chest with his thick glove. "Weren't you bringing Josh with you?"
Tyler smiled to himself as he tightened his fist a tiny bit…
"Actually dude, he could make it." Tyler lied as he held his disguised boss down in his hand. Brody frowned, a little taken aback by Josh's absence.
"Oh, that's too bad, bro. He seemed like he was looking forward to this." Brody said as he walked back inside with Tyler. Tyler simply shrugged as he made his way into the dimmly lit room and scoped it out. Nodding to his fellow co-workers as he made his way in, Tyler quickly located a snack table and sauntered toward it. As inconspicuously as he could, Tyler released his tiny boss on the table, before grabbing a can of soda that was in a cooler under the table. Turning his back to Josh, he made his way off into the party to mingle.
- - -
Josh looked around his new environment. Beside him were tall bowls filled with who knows what kinds of food. There was also a clear punch bowl sporting a delicious looking red punch as well as some turned over cups. Crossing his arms however, Josh watched as Tyler quickly ditched him to go socialize.
"I hope I didn't hear him correctly." Josh said to himself. Tyler's voice was muffled due to him being stuck in his closed fist, but he could have sworn he heard Brody ask where he was, and he was even more sure he heard Tyler tell him he wasn't coming. Tapping his foot on the table, Josh hoped this was some sort of joke. Sighing, Josh figured in the mean time he could at least check out the party and see all who came.
It was somewhat dark, but Josh saw Tyler turn and laugh as he joined up with a group of guys. Finally, Josh got a look at Tyler's costume. He actually couldn't help but smile to himself as he looked checked out Tyler's button down blue with green trim shirt, green/lime green trimmed fingerless gloves, as well as a pair of loose looking jeans. Finally, on his head he wore a white and red hat, with an unmistakable emblem on it.
"Bro, are you Ash from pokemon?" Asked, a person Josh recognized as Vinny. Tyler nodded his head and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his ripped torso.
"Yeah I'm Ash after he learned to hit some weights!" Tyler said heartily as he looked up and down at Vinny's costume. Josh wasn't sure if he was anything in particular as he looked at the costume. He was wearing a black warm up jacket and was shirtless underneath. On his legs he had a pair of black tight swimmer's pants that fit perfectly around his well trained ass. He was also barefoot, and as well on his head he had a pair of swimmer's googles propped up on his forehead.
"Nice bro. I was gonna dress up as a lifeguard to laugh at all your asses, but Brod told me a swimmer would be just as funny." Vinny said putting a hand on his hip as he looked down at his body and tight pants.
"A lifeguard would have been hilarious if it was you, Vin." Tyler said with a laugh. Meanwhile, Brody walked up to the pair still looking a little disappointed.
"What's up, bro?" Vinny asked his lacrosse clad friend. Brody simply shrugged and tried to smile.
"Just a little disappointing the boss couldn't make it, bro." Brody said trying to talk over the music they had playing. Vinny started to look a little disappointed now as well.
"Tiny bro isn't coming? That sucks." Vinny replied as he crossed his arms. Tyler simply cracked open his soda and took a sip.
Josh frowned, it was pretty unmistakable what he heard now. Nobody but Tyler even knew he was here. What's even worse they don't even expect him to show up at all. "I should try and take off this dumb costume before someone gets the wrong idea…"
Josh tugged at the tape for a few seconds before he realized just how tightly bound the duct tape was. Giving up, Josh tried to remove his hat. Even more unfortunately, Tyler had secured it with a clip in the back to his head and thanks to the massive shell on his back he couldn't reach his arms back there to pull it off. Giving up, Josh sobbed a little to himself. He couldn't believe he was here in this situation.
Without warning, a huge group of four guys walked over to the snack table. Josh nearly screamed as he ran and hid from his employees and he tried to make out who they were. Off the bat Josh recognized two of the giants. First, was the park's resident pretty boy, Brett. Brett is 22 years old and 6'5" with mid length shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. He was also a pretty solidly built with lean muscle and he sculpted his body extremely well as he often showed off his vintage 8 pack on his long abdomen. Brett also had a tattoo of some Japanese symbols on left pec. "Courage" and "Strength". Josh looked at the man as he wore a hooded silky looking black robe, showing off his muscled torso and ripped abs, and a pair of red boxing shorts. On both his hands he wore red boxing gloves as well.
Beside him, Josh gawked as he saw the next giant, Blake. He is 21 years old and is 6'7" with semi curly short black hair and brown eyes. He is very well built and has well defined thick muscles covering his body beneath his costume. He was a very helpful guy, but his biggest flaw was in fact his size. He was pretty clumsy and forgets his own strength a lot. Not to mention he was more of the "strong silent" type. His costume was also fairly simple. He wore what looked like a black and red beanie and a tight looking red and black plaid shirt. He also sported a semi tight looking pair of jeans that covered his long legs. In his right hand he held what looked like a plastic ax.
Last but not least were two other giants pushing each other, seemingly uninterested in removing their masks for snacks right now. They were simply dressed in full body spandex suits of Spiderman and Deadpool. The two looked about the same height, although the one wearing the Spiderman costume looked slightly taller. The difference was more in their builds. The one in the Spiderman costume was clearly a leaner build than the one wearing the Deadpool costume, who's thicker muscled popped out slightly better in the tight spandex.
Josh cowered as Blake and Brett grabbed plates of food, ready to devour the mass of snacks easily. Brett pulled off his boxing gloves and tied them together and hung them around his neck as he picked out what he wanted. However, he quickly got annoyed by the shoving and giggling going on behind him. "Matt! You and Luke better cut that shit out or I'll put you both into the ground!" He yelled as Deadpool was holding Spiderman in a headlock.
"Sorry man." The one wearing the Spiderman costume pipped up as Josh recognized the voice as Matt's. Josh realized that made sense for Matt to submit so easily to Brett's demands. He remembered the 22 year old 6'4" short haired blonde surfer dude getting hired right before Brett and they mentioned they were old high school buddies. Josh watched as Luke however had other plans, however.
"I ain't afraid of you, Bretty-boy." The one in the Deadpool costume said as he bumped his chest into Brett's back. Josh couldn't help but laugh a little, Brett and Luke were always going at it with each other. The buzzed blonde haired, 6'3", 23 year old goofball never really got along with Brett, who constantly tried to belittle the man. Expecting a fight to break out, Josh watched intently as Blake stepped in, nudging Luke back next to Matt without a word.
"Whatever you say, big man." Luke joked as he put his arm around Matt and the pair trounced off to a different part of the party together.
"You didn't have to do that, man. I would've crushed his ass." Brett said looking up at Blake. Blake simply smiled as he continued to put food on his plate.
"You guys fight too much." Blake said finally as they started to walk off together. Josh sighed in relief as the giants walked away. He was glad to see Blake being the voice of reason in that scenario at least. Coming out from hiding, Josh looked out into the party once more. Eyeing Tyler once again, Josh glared a little in his direction as tried to make out who he was talking to.
One of the men, Josh immediately recognized as an old underclassman turned employee of his, Markus. Markus is a 21 years old, African-American giant. Standing at 6'9" he towers over almost everyone in the park. He has a very handsome face, with dark scruff covering his chin, as well as perfect white teeth and an extremely well trained body. Also, he sported an impressive looking tattoo that spanned across his chest onto his shoulder's and biceps of some odd looking pointy pattern. Being a year ahead of Markus, Josh never really knew him up until he started working for him. For his costume, he wore a white towel around his waist and blue and white stripped towel tied around his neck. In his hand, he held a bottle of old-spice.
Beside him was another man quite a few inches shorter dressed all in black with a mask. It was a pretty bare bones looking ninja costume, but Josh appreciated it none the less. Josh thought for a second, he figured this final man had to be none other than Ross, the newest recruit. Ross is 20 years old, 6'4" he has black hair buzzed short. His face seemed to always be covered in stubble along his prominent jaw line, at least from what Josh could recollect when we wasn't wearing a mask. He was a leaner guy, but had very well defined muscles hidden under the shadowy garb he wore.
Satisfied with making a note of everyone at the party, Josh walked a little more out in the open of the table. Looking around, he nervously thought it was time to try and make contact with someone. As if on cue, Josh watched as…
Josh winched as Tyler started to make his way over to the snack table. Josh stood firm as the huge man set his soda down right next to him with an enormous thud. Tyler bent down, trying to make it look like he dropped something under the table. All the while his attention was actually directed at his tiny boss.
"Having fun, little buddy?" Tyler asked with a devilish smile. Josh shook his head angrily at the handsome giant.
"No! What if someone actually thinks I'm a bug!" Josh snapped back at Tyler's face with as much force as he could muster. Tyler simply chuckled slightly and shook his head.
"Chill dude, half of the guys seem drunk off their asses. They probably won't even notice you." Tyler said, somewhat reassuringly. Josh shook his head, still nervous at the chance someone discovered him and mistook his identity.
"I don't know why you lied and told them I wasn't here, you think this is a joke?" Josh asked, still fuming at his best friend. Tyler simply nodded his head.
"It's exactly a joke. Game's still on, dude." Tyler said standing up straight and starting to ignore Josh as he took a big gulp out of his soda. Josh looked at Tyler's huge body, dumbfounded. Without warning, Tyler angled his face straight down at the table and let a disgusting sounding belch waft down into Josh's position. Covering his nose and gagging at Tyler's sudden behavior, Josh angrily stamped his feet more. He couldn't believe Tyler did all this because of that stupid prank war!
Tyler smirked as he moved aside and grabbed a plate of food, licking his fingers as he placed several pieces on the foam surface. Josh simply watched angrily as Tyler would occasionally peek in his direction and chuckle to himself. Turning away from the huge man, Josh couldn't bear to see his friend act like such a jerk any more.
- - -
"Bro, was that you?" Vinny called out as he ran up to Tyler and patted the tanned man on the back. "That was a sick burp, bro."
"Thanks dude." Tyler said with an arrogant smile as he peeked down at Josh's position once more. Vinny simply turned his back to Josh's position, resting his massive ass down on the table. Thanks to the extra weight, the table shifted slightly. Unaware of the shift he just caused Vinny continued to chat with Tyler, continuing to talk to the enormous meat head.
"Did your boss say why he couldn't come, bro?" Vinny asked, hoping to see Josh again after only meeting him for such a short time before.
Tyler smiled as he watched the tiny speck start to slide down the table, directly toward Vinny's ass. Turning his attention back to Vinny however, he tried to come up with a lie. "It's funny dude. He couldn't think of a costume idea so he didn't want to come and be embarrassed!"
"That's lame, bro! Nobody would have cared if he didn't have a costume!" Vinny replied, a bit surprised that was really the reason.
- - -
Sliding down Josh tried his best to stop himself as the black clad butt of Vinny loomed ever closer. Sliding down fast and faster Josh realized it was way too late. Bracing himself, Josh slammed face first into Vinny's muscular ass. Looking around, Josh realized he was right in the middle, in the crack of Vinny's butt. Pulling on his legs, he realized they were stuck and by extension, so was he. Pushing off on the rubbery surface of Vinny's swimmer's pants, Josh knew he wasn't going to get unstuck on his own.
"Tyler! Please help!" Josh called out, knowing it was his only hope to getting unstuck from beneath Vinny's huge ass. However Josh knew the attempt was futile sp he continued to try and dislodge his legs, all the while looking up at Vinny's ass as it loomed menacingly over him.
- - -
Peeking around, Tyler witnessed Josh as he disappeared under Vinny's butt. Chuckling to himself slightly, he tried to imagine how terrified the little man must be. Figuring the situation wasn't too dangerous, Tyler thought it would be more fun to just let it play out. "Anyway, dude. I'm gonna eat this and head over to Brody's TV. Ross and Brett have Madden going on over there and I wanna watch."
Vinny simply waved to Tyler as he headed off. Moving his butt off the table, Vinny looked down to see…
Looking down where he just laid his butt down for a rest, Vinny noticed the table was pretty clear. Scratching his head, he wondered what Tyler was doing over here before since it almost looked like he was whispering to someone. Shrugging it off, Vinny decided he was imagining things. Looking over at the buffet he and Brody laid out, he figured it was time to indulge himself a little in their hard work.
- - -
Josh couldn't believe his bad luck. Not only had his legs been trapped under Vinny's ass, but to top it all off his legs were small enough to fit right through a slightly loose stitch in the pants! Hanging upside down by his legs between Vinny's ass cheeks, Josh started to feel a little dizzy from Vinny's occasional swaying coupled with the blood rushing to his head. Reaching up to his legs, Josh pulled himself up for a moment, trying to level his head a little.
Josh felt either side of Vinny's glutes rise and lower with each step he took. The motion was a little sickening as Josh had to try not to get motion sickness from this wild ride. Thankfully, at one point Josh noticed Vinny stop as he heard something slap down on the ground. Curious, Josh hung back down upside down, trying to get a better look. Suddenly, Josh found Vinny's ass lowering quickly down toward the ground as he squatted down to pick up whatever it was he dropped. As Vinny's cheeks separated slightly, Josh looked down at the floor. Reaching down it seemed to close, until Vinny stood back up quickly. The sudden spread and closing of Vinny's ass caused him to get a slight wedgie as Josh found himself sucked directly in between the muscular butt cheeks. Nothing but his hand stood out as Josh tried desperately to catch his breath in the huge jock's ass, hoping there was someway he could pull himself out.
- - -
Vinny put the piece of candy he dropped back on his plate. It was wrapped after all, so he knew there wouldn't be any harm for it to drop on the floor. Continuing his way over to the table where he saw a few of the guys sitting, Vinny smiled as he greeted the handsome men.
"Yo bros, what's good?" Vinny called as Markus and Brody turned away from their food.
"Sup Vinny!" Markus said with a familiar tone to the man as Brody simply nodded to his friend with a mouth full of food. Vinny strolled his way over to one of the seats and set down his plate. Next, Vinny…
Curiously, Vinny looked down. Right where he just moved his ass there was a faint looking tiny moving speck. Looking closer Vinny tilted his head as he looked down at what appeared to be a bug. Sure enough as the creature moved, Vinny could make out a brown shell and some feelers coming off its head.
"Why was he talking to a bug?" Vinny thought to himself as he was pretty sure he saw Tyler over here hunched over and talking to someone. Shrugging, Vinny turned away from the little creature and reached over for a plate. Figuring he could indulge himself in the buffet he and Brody laid out, Vinny started to fill his plate with various foods at his leisure. Curiously, Vinny peeked back over at the insect he just ignored. Oddly enough the creature looked like it was watching him. Unsure if it was making a funny plan about getting in the food, Vinny figured he'd better just deal with the pest.
Leaning down, Vinny was about to smash the little creature until he noticed something… off. "Why is it standing on two legs?" Vinny wondered to himself.
Deciding to pluck the critter up instead, Vinny finally gave it a closer look. It only had four appendages and as Vinny saw, it only actually used two for standing. Squinting even closer in the darkness, he looked at it's face as he heard it speak.
"Vinny!" Josh called hoping the giant man would recognize him. With a couple blinks then a sudden widening of his eyes, Vinny realized what the bug was.
"Tiny bro?" Vinny asked the miniature man carefully. As Josh nodded, glad to see the huge man somehow recognized him. "Wha? Bro? I thought you weren't coming?"
Josh shook his head as Vinny set him down on his plate beside a mess of pasta as well as a few wrapped up pieces of candy. "No, this was all a stupid joke by Tyler!"
"He got you to dress like that? How?" Vinny asked raising the plate up closer to his face, trying not to look too conspicuous.
"We were having this dumb prank war, and well… he got me." Josh added woefully as Vinny chuckled with a friendly grin.
"That's a pretty solid prank, bro." Vinny said, giving Tyler credit where credit was due. Josh looked down, saddened by Vinny's approval of the joke. Vinny noticed the little man's glum response and tried to remedy it. "Hey look, tiny bro. We can still make this right."
Josh looked up at the handsome man before weeping at him, "How?"
"It's easy bro, all we have to do is…"
"We're gonna keep up this little charade, bro." Vinny said with an attractive wink. Without hesitation Josh almost lost his balance as Vinny turned his whole body and started to walk over to a near by table. Looking over at the men sitting at the table Josh noticed the inhabitants to be Blake, Matt, and Luke. Josh nearly felt his heart leap out of his throat as Vinny quickly lowered the foam plate he was still standing down on the table. Josh looked up at Vinny, a smile forming on his face.
"Yo bros!" Vinny said to the four men as they crewed their food casually. The three men turned and acknowledged Brody's roommate as they swallowed their food to reply.
"Vinny my man! How's it hanging dude!" Luke replied enthusiastically with a smile as he had his mask pulled up slightly revealing his mouth, yet still hiding the rest of his face. Likewise, Matt also had his mask in a similar fashion as he replied as well.
"Sup Vinny?" Matt said as he continued to shovel more food into his mouth. Blake simply nodded with a smile as Vinny sat down, likely glad to have other company other than the goofs that were Matt and Luke. Vinny continued to smile, excited to carry out the plan he carefully orchestrated in his mind to not only keep up the act, but also get Tyler to end it himself.
"Bros, while I was grabbing food I found something interesting." Vinny grinned, speaking loudly enough for Tyler to hear him on the other side of the room.
"Oh -eah? hwat's -hat?" Luke spouted, spitting out tiny bits of food from his mouth as he spoke with his mouth full. The three men watched as Vinny reached down on his plate, quickly lifting up a little speck between his fingers. Squinting, they were confused as to how this speck was "interesting."
"What you find a crumb?" Matt said with a chuckle as he nudged Blake in the shoulder. Blake shook his head as he looked at the speck again for a little longer.
"It's a bug, I think." Blake mumbled as Matt and Luke leaned in closer to look.
"Bingo, bro!" Vinny practically yelled, continuing to try and get Tyler's attention. "I found it right behind me after I got done talking to TYLER!" He yelled Tyler's name with emphasis, finally getting Tyler to turn his head. Looking over at Vinny, Tyler was curious why he just said his name so loudly.
"What's so special about it, dude?" Matt questioned, still pretty uninterested as he unwrapped a piece of candy.
"It's only got four legs, bro! Also, it only uses two of them to stand!" Vinny said excitedly. The three men simply looked at him. Blinking in confusion over his excitement. Meanwhile, Tyler listened intently as Vinny laughed at the men's expressions.
"So?" Luke said, resting his hand on his chin as he leaned his elbow down on the table, looking bored.
"So?" Vinny said with a toothy smile. "Dare me to eat it?"
Luke's expression suddenly changed from bored, to excited. "Hell yeah I do, dude! Now that's interesting!"
Blake simply shrugged as, Matt gave Vinny a thumbs up. Vinny looked over as Tyler stood up, walking toward the table. With a smirk, Vinny figured now was when things go interesting.
- - -
"Are you insane?" Josh yelled at the man as he was simply ignored. He couldn't believe playing along with Tyler's game some how translated to "eat Josh". Struggling as best he could, Josh watched as Tyler ended up at the table, right across from Vinny. Josh looked at the man, arms crossed as he looked at his direction. Josh knew Tyler wouldn't leave him out to dry! He is his best friend after all!
"Yo, Tyler! Come to see me eat this little pest?" Vinny said with a knowing smile at Tyler. Tyler suddenly smiled back, as if he knew Vinny's ploy.
"Yeah dude, do it up." Tyler said still smiling confidently. Josh's jaw dropped. How could Tyler knowingly give this behemoth permission to eat him? This had to be some sort of nightmare, Josh thought. There's no way things should have ever turned out like this.
"Bottoms up then, bro." Vinny continued to speak with conviction. Moving his fingers up to his lips, Vinny opened his huge mouth. Josh looked on in disgust as the huge jock's breath washed over him like putrid meat. Gagging on his own vomit, Josh didn't have time to prepare as he was suddenly dropped in the dark cavern. Shivering with fright, Josh gazed upon the huge strands of saliva dripping from the roof of Vinny's mouth. Behind him, walls of massive teeth started to come crashing down, closing Vinny's mouth and sealing him inside.
With a scream Josh was quickly whisked away to a location he knew not. In the total darkness, Josh only knew he was surrounded on all sides by moist and slick muscles. The area seemed rather tight, wondering if Vinny did swallow him Josh tried to take in his surroundings.
- - -
"There." Vinny thought to himself as he quickly stored the tiny man beneath is tongue. For now he figured it was a good place to hide the little man while he continued to keep up the ruse. Looking at Tyler in the eye Vinny smirked once again with confidence.
"Have a nice trip, tiny bro." Vinny added purposefully, rearing back his head as he saw Tyler ready to speak up. Lowing his arms Tyler opened his mouth and said…
"Go for it dude, swallow the little guy." Tyler rooted as he looked at Vinny's somewhat shocked expression. Quickly changing his face to a frown instead, Vinny continued to rear his head back and gave a very audible gulp as he pretended to swallow the little bug. Raising his arms arrogantly to his sides he looked around at the guys, eyes stopping on Tyler last.
"There, it's gone bro." He said giving his solid abdomen a quick pound with his fist. Tyler simply smirked as he quickly congratulated the man as he turned away, wanting to go back to to watch Ross and Brett continue their game. Vinny watched as Tyler turned away, still shocked the huge man didn't intervene.
"Nice dude!" Luke yelled giving Vinny a pat on the back. Forcing a smile, he felt Josh jolt around a little in his mouth after Luke smacked his back. Worried he was going to swallow the tiny man for real this time, he figured it would be best to find an excuse to leave.
"I'll be back, bros. I gotta take a shit." He lied as he put a hand on his lower abdomen, trying to fake the need to go now. Luke simply laughed as the saw the lax bro turn away.
"Guess that bug went right through you, dude!" He joked as he watched Vinny walk away.
"Real mature, bro!" He called back with a smile, glad that wasn't actually the case for the tiny man he held captive in his mouth. Turning the corner to head upstairs, Vinny pounded his way out of the party and made his way up to his room. Sighing as he entered the room, he flicked on his light and closed the door behind him. Pursing his lips slightly, he worked up a little bit of saliva and dripped the little man out of his mouth with his spit into his hand. Looking in the sticky saliva he saw the tiny man start to stir.
"I don't know what to say." Josh said finally as he stood up in a puddle of Vinny's spit. Looking down, he couldn't believe Tyler didn't save him from what all he knew was just a half assed bet.
"I think he knew I was bluffing, tiny bro." Vinny said, sitting down on his bed, looking down at the tiny man confidently. Looking up at Vinny's face, Josh wiped some of the excess saliva that still hung on his face.
"You think so?" Josh asked cautiously. Vinny simply nodded his head and looked back at the door. Josh looked back down again, the thought made him feel a little better, but the feeling was incredibly bitter-sweet.
"It was still shitty of him though, tiny bro." Vinny said with a hint of anger. "I mean, you're his friend after all."
Josh smiled, it was a nice sentiment. But it didn't really impact Josh's mood all that much. Josh simply sighed as he made his way out of the puddle of saliva to find a drier part of Vinny's palm. Josh almost fell off his feet as Vinny's hand moved to the side suddenly as it landed on a near by night stand.
"Stay here for a bit, tiny bro." Vinny said to Josh as he watched the little man drop off his hand onto the wooden surface. Josh watched as Vinny stood up and turned his back to him. Putting a hand on his hip, Josh stared directly at Vinny's ass as he lifted up his warm up coat slightly. He couldn't help but peek at the form fitting material as Vinny spoke once more before leaving.
"You should be safe here, tiny bro. Once people clear out I'm going to get you home." Vinny said as he walked away from Josh to the doorway of his room. Josh watched as the man flicked off the light and made his way out of sight. Blushing brightly, he couldn't believe someone he met once was showing him such kindness, while someone he's known for years was treating him so badly.
"Just goes to show you sometimes…" Josh said to himself as he leaned up against an alarm clock. Closing his eyes for a second, it was all it took for Josh to drift off into a quick nap after everything that happened.
- - -
About an hour went by and the party was as lively as ever. Games were played and many drinks were had, in fact quite a number of the jocks started to become pretty intoxicated. One such was the goof dressed up as Deadpool, Luke. The lumbering man made his way up the stairs, trying to seek out the bathroom as it was described to him moments ago by Brody. Flicking the light on to the room he looked around.
"This isn't a bathroom." He noticed slowly as he looked around the room. "It's a bedroom!"
Josh quickly snapped away as the light turned on. Expecting to see Vinny and getting ready to go home, Josh looked over with disappointment to see none other than Luke, sporting his tight anti-hero costume. Expecting the muscled drunk to leave the room Josh looked away, instead the man had other plans. Looking around the room, Luke forgot his need to use the bathroom and instead decided snooping would be more fun.
Josh froze as the huge man worked his way over to the night stand, looking directly down at his position. Hoping he was looking at something else, Josh tried not to move to attract the giant's attention. Before he could react, Josh found himself pinned between Luke's thumb and fore fingers. Looking at the massive masked face before him, the huge giant's voice boomed out…
Josh listened to the drunk giant as he started rambling to himself. Either way, Josh knew this was a poor situation to be in. Trying his best he struggled with all his might, hoping the spandex clad giant might accidentally set him free.
"I can't believe Vinny would pussy out like that!" Luke practically yelled at what he thought was just some weird looking bug. "He's gonna be pissed when I show you to him!"
Josh blinked at the huge man, surprised at how dumb any of that sounded. However, against his will Josh found himself being carried away from his once safe haven back down into the mess of muscular men downstairs. The lighting made it hard for Josh's eyes to adjust at first as he and Luke turned the corner back down into the party room. Looking around however Josh noticed the pace of the party had changed dramatically. Off the bat, he noticed Blake completely asleep with his head down on one of the tables. Josh couldn't help but laugh that the huge guy might actually be a light weight after all.
Shifting his attention elsewhere he saw Matt, still clad in his spiderman costume, dancing by himself in the middle of the room. Meanwhile, a few of the other guys huddled around Brody's huge tv, likely still playing games of Madden. Finally the last two Josh noticed were in fact Vinny and Tyler. Shaking his head, Josh couldn't help but notice the two men ditched their jackets each. Dressed only in their leggings, the two sat at a table having an arm wrestling match. Josh jumped as Luke's loud voice erupted above him, making Josh remember he was still captive to the huge man.
"Yo Vinny!" He called over as Vinny just successfully turned over Tyler's arm, winning the match. After a quick gloat, he stood up and turned toward Luke.
"Luke, my man! What's happening, bro?" He called out a little loudly. Josh tilted his head as he looked at the man's face as he obviously had quite a few drinks in the time they were separated.
"Dude, what's happening is you're a big old gaping vagina!" Luke taunted at the shirtless giant with a slight sway on his feet. Looking a little taken aback Vinny looked down to see Luke was holding something between his fingers. Lifting his hand up in front of Vinny, Luke continued his mocking. "I found this little bugger up in your room! You pussy!"
Before Vinny could defend himself, Tyler stood up and walked behind him, slapping him on the back. "Dude, you didn't actually eat it? What a little pansy!"
Vinny looked at Tyler, annoyed at how quickly he could react to the situation and make him look bad. He was full well prepared to lie and say it was a different bug, but now he realized he was in a bit of a hole. "Actually eating it would have been gross, bros. I just wanted to put on a show."
Tyler laughed as he slapped Vinny on the back once again. Vinny grimaced as he realized Tyler wasn't going to let this go. "Dude, don't be such a bitch! Be a man and eat it for real! Unless there's some reason why you're being such a little girl?"
Vinny looked down at the words. He was suspicious of Tyler the whole time, but that practically confirmed it for him. Smirking, Vinny was ready to turn the tables. "Alright bro…"
Vinny continued to smirk while he thought to himself. If Tyler wanted him to do it so bad, he figured so be it. "Alright bro. I'll eat it for real."
Tyler laughed happily as Vinny stuck out his hand letting Luke drop the minuscule speck down into his palm.
"No bitching out again, Vinny!" Tyler mocked as he watched him start to bring the speck up to his face. Closing his eyes and smiling, Vinny started to tilt his palm into his mouth.
- - -
"Vinny no!" Josh called out desperately as huge man's mouth opened wide, ready to deposit him in the stinky cavern once more. Just based off the conversation Josh really wasn't sure what Vinny's plan was this time. Now that they were caught once, Josh couldn't help but feel like his new friend was really going to give in and swallow him. Tearing up from the bitter smell coming from Vinny's mouth, Josh could do little more than gag as he pinched his nose while hoping to avoid choking on the giant's thick breath.
Josh screamed silently in his head as he fell fast, plunging down into the middle of Vinny's enormous tongue. Trying to stay above the surface of a small pool of saliva, Josh took a deep breath in from the dank cavern, much to his immediate displeasure. Coughing, Josh looked around the familiar mouth as he started to watch the massive rows of teeth converge together, closing the slimy cavern.
Josh shivered nervously for a moment, wondering if Vinny was prepared to hide him under his tongue once again. Unsure of what was going on, Josh did notice that Vinny's huge tongue had in fact started to shift slightly. Hoping it was to place him in a safer spot, Josh closed his eyes calmly, waiting for anything to happen.
- - -
Tilting his head back, Vinny positioned the tiny speck in his mouth. Ready to swallow the little man for real, Vinny smirked once more at Tyler as he swallowed hard, making an extremely audible gulp. Putting a finger on his throat, he felt the tiny man start to struggle and squirm on his undoubtedly terrifying trip down to his stomach.
"There, bro. It's gone for real now." Vinny said as he took his finger off his throat, still feeling faint squirms as they made their way down deeper toward his chest. Tyler simply shook his head.
"Open up, dude. I don't believe you." Tyler said to Vinny who simply shrugged. Opening his mouth wide, Vinny allowed Tyler to look inside as he moved his tongue around, indicating he didn't stow the little speck anywhere for later. Just as Vinny felt the faint struggles end toward his abdomen, he felt a little pressure come from his stomach.
Vinny ripped a disgusting sounding burp directly in Tyler's face as the he quickly reared his head back. "Dude!" Tyler yelled as Vinny shut his mouth with a proud look on his face. "That's gross, man!"
"Bug's just sending it's regards to you from my stomach, bro." Vinny smirked as he started to back up away from Tyler, rubbing his solid abs pompously. Turning away, Vinny slapped his ass quickly over his tight swimmer's pants. "By the way bro, kiss my ass!"
Vinny laughed as Tyler simply turned away, disgusted. Luke however, walked over beside Vinny. Smiling through his mask, Luke looked to Vinny's face excitedly. "I knew you weren't a pussy, dude!"
"Thanks, bro." Vinny said looked down at his sculpted six pack. Luke smacked Vinny on the back as he excused himself in search for the bathroom for real this time. Vinny laughed at the man as he gave him very specific directions to one by the kitchen so he wouldn't get lost upstairs again. Putting a hand on his hip, Vinny watched the spandex clad man wander off. Suddenly, with a loud gurgle, Vinny felt his stomach rumble at him. Putting a hand back on his abs once more Vinny…
Rubbing his hand back and fourth on his smooth stomach, Vinny couldn't help but smirk while he thought of the little guy trapped down there. Removing his hand and walking forward to the snack table, Vinny gabbed a hand full of chips and started to shove the food in his mouth while he thought silently to himself.
"What do I care?" Vinny thought as he chewed up the chips quickly. "I barely knew the dude."
Swallowing the mouth full of chips Vinny grabbed another hand full as he walked away from the table and popped a few in his mouth as he looked around the party. Things seemed pretty dead as most of the guys were either passed out or playing video games. Shrugging as he put more chips in his mouth, Vinny walked out of the room and decided to head upstairs.
Vinny swallowed once more as he turned the corner to his room and went inside. Closing the door behind him he quickly stripped off swimmer's pants and pulled up a pair of underwear and pajama pants to sleep in. Yawning and stretching as he sat down on his bed, he rubbed his stomach once more.
"Tyler didn't care, why should I?" Vinny said to himself as he gave his stomach a quick slap before he laid down on his bed and pulled his covers over him. Closing his eyes the huge man started to fall asleep after a long night of partying.
- - -
"Vinny!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs. It had been awhile since he found himself swallowed down by the massive lax bro, but he still believed the kind man would have some sort of plan to get him out. After all he seemed like he interested in looking out for him. Josh kept telling himself that whenever he felt doubtful, anyway.
Josh shivered with fear as he continued to look around the humid chamber. Some food made it's way down Vinny's throat not too long ago as Josh heard the squelching sound of Vinny's sphincter squeeze the chewed up globs down. It was a little unsettling that he continued to eat after he swallowed him, Josh thought. What was even more strange was how the stomach seemed to be positioned now. Everything tilted to the side like it was flipped slightly, which caused quite a fuss for Josh as he tried to avoid being engulfed in Vinny's powerful digestive fluids as the stomach shifted.
"It's getting hard to breath…" Josh said to himself as he struggled to draw breath. He looked down at his hands as he vision seemed to get fuzzy. Truth was by now he could barely even feel his legs or his hands as Vinny's stomach acid inevitably began to break his body down. The only sensations Josh could feel was the gradual burning on his body coupled with the nauseating spin in his head from lack of oxygen. Falling face first into the squishy ground, Josh's body finally gave up and submitted itself the the colossal digestive chamber it unfortunately found it's way into. Vinny's stomach simply churned casually, not even noticing the life it just extinguished within it.
- - -
Morning came and Vinny sat up stretching his body and rubbing his eyes as he yawned. Smiling he stood up as he made his way out of his room and crossed the hallway to the bathroom. He couldn't help but feel like eh slept exceptionally well as he washed his hands after doing his business. Casually strolling down the stairs he saw some of the party goers still floating about, most of them still asleep. One such person who was awake however was Tyler. The groggy looking man spotted Vinny as he made his way over to him to wish him a good morning.
"Dude, what happened last night?" Tyler yawned as he followed Vinny into the kitchen to grab a bit of breakfast. Vinny smirked as he full well remembered what he did, but figured it would be better if Tyler didn't.
"Who knows, bro. The party of sweet though." Vinny lied as he took out a few bowls for cereal.
"Yeah that much I can remember, dude!" Tyler said happily as he grabbed one of the bowls and started to chow down on some cereal Vinny set out. Vinny shook his head and laughed to himself as he reached into the refrigerator to grab milk.
"What a dunce." Vinny thought to himself as he set the milk on the table and rubbed his stomach once more, thinking about how the tiny bug man was long gone.
"You talk big bro, but let's see you do it instead." Vinny said with a confident smile as he looked up into Tyler's eyes. Tyler reared back a little, surprised by the sudden challenge. Luke on the other hand practically jumped with excitement.
"Dude! Tyler never backs down to a challenge! He'll show you, no matter how gross the little pest is!" Luke said enthusiastically as he looked at Tyler, already attempting to hand him the bug without getting any confirmation. Tyler merely blinked as he looked down in his hand, bug already in place.
"Wait what?" Tyler replied, confused as to what just happened. He wasn't expecting Vinny to turn this around on him after all. Vinny simply smirked as he back away from Tyler and crossed his arms.
"Come on, bro. Unless you wanna be a bitch like me?" Vinny mocked as Tyler looked down at the speck in his hand with a frown. Tyler simply shrugged as he lifted his hand up to his mouth and dumped the little speck in.
- - -
Josh screamed at the top of his lungs as he plunged down into Tyler's dark mouth. Closing his eyes out of fear, he came to a stop finally as he landed in the center of Tyler's slick and sticky tongue. Trying to get his bearings, Josh looked around in disgust. It was bad enough he had to spend time in Vinny's mouth earlier, but now Tyler's too? Wiping some strands of spit off his face, Josh tried to gain some sort of balance as he looked at Tyler's teeth behind him as they started to come crashing down, closing the moist cavern.
"What if he doesn't know it's me?" Josh shivered as he thought of his best friend swallowing him down without a second though, thinking he was simply some bug. As if on cue, Josh found the answer to his question. Finding himself sweat to the side and quickly tucked under Tyler's massive tongue, Josh realized it was the same as what Vinny had done earlier. Calming down, Josh heard a tremendous sounding gulp reverberate deep down Tyler's massive throat.
- - -
Tyler wiped his mouth casually as he finished his act. "There, I'm not a pussy like you, dude."
Vinny uncrossed his arms and walked up, right in Tyler's face. "Let's see the inside of your mouth then, bro."
Tyler fretted for a second as he opened his mouth, making sure to keep his tongue flat. Vinny looked confidently around the man's mouth before looking up at Tyler's eyes. "What about under your tongue, bro?"
Tyler winced as he slowly started to lift up his tongue, revealing the struggling speck hidden underneath. "Ah ha! I knew it bro! There something you wanna say?"
Tyler simply closed his mouth. Leaving Josh trapped inside, he knew he didn't have much choice at this point if he didn't want to lose face. Positioning his friend in the center of his tongue, Tyler reared his head back and swallowed once more. Opening his mouth, Tyler lifted his tongue, showing nothing remained in his mouth finally.
"Yeah dude, I have to say you're a little pussy." Tyler said with an arrogant smile, staring directly into Vinny's eyes. Neither man moved for a moment until Vinny backed away, disgusted with Tyler that he'd rather eat his friend than look like an idiot for a few minutes. Triumphant, Tyler nodded his head as he watched Vinny walk away. Placing a hand on his stomach however, he figured it wouldn't be best to leave his friend down there for long. Turning away, Tyler silently excused hiself as he made his way out of the room and…
Josh stood his ground cautiously as the huge muscled super hero and antihero marched their way across the room back over to the snack table. Swallowing nervously, Josh hoped the two would spot him and rescue him from this terrible plot of Tyler's. Finally reaching the table, Josh looked up in amazement as the two men's crotches were just at the table height. Both of their costumes greatly detailed their impressive muscled bodies behind the tight colored spandex. Josh shook his head as he tried to stop staring, and instead starting waving frantically at the two, hoping to be noticed.
- - -
"Man all this food looks so good, dude." Matt said as he rubbed his hands together. His joy was short lived however as he noticed a tiny brown speck sitting near the snacks. "Gross."
Luke looked around at the food, confused. "What is dude?"
Matt simply pointed down at the little speck, before crossing his arms in disgust. Luke laughed as he quickly pinched the little speck between his huge fingers. "What is Spiderman afraid of a little buggy?"
"Stop dude, bugs are gross." Matt said looking down at Luke's hand. Meanwhile, Luke had other plans. Raising his hand with the little speck, he started trying to shove the little pest into the mouth of Matt's masked face. Unflinching, Matt stood there confused at what his friend was doing. "Dude what are you doing?"
Luke pulled his hand and the speck away from Matt's mouth. "What? You're a spider. Spiders eats bugs."
Matt punched his friend in the shoulder and replied angrily. "Spiderman does not eat bugs!"
Luke held his hand down and laughed. "Well excuse me!"
Matt shook his head, grabbing a plate before figuring out what food he wanted. Deciding to grab a roll and a hot dog he moved his way off to the condiments while Luke took a closer look at the bug. Looking through the spandex covering his face he couldn't make out too many features. It had a hard shell, four flailing legs, and feelers. Smirking under his mask, he closed his fist around the bug. After learning his buddy had such a hatred for the little pest he figured it was only appropriate to have some fun with it.
Luke grabbed a plate, filling it with a few snacks a bit faster than Matt before making his way over to a pair of chairs near a table. Deciding to have a little fun, Luke set down his plate and waited for Matt to come over while he…
Josh looked around the room, before suddenly he heard a snapping noise and found himself trapped inside some sort of tiny cage. "What the hell??" Josh yelled. "What is this?"
Tyler smirked as he raised the little cage up with his now captive boss in it. Turns out the cage was nothing more than a small locket that was part of a necklace, either way Josh looked on in terror as his captor lifted him up to his face.
"Look what I caught, huh?" Tyler said proud of himself as he dangled the chain in front of his face. Turning to his side he made sure to thank his partner in crime for his efforts as Luke came out of the corner to see his captive boss dangle from Tyler's hands. "Nice work, Luke."
"Thanks man, didn't know if he'd fall for that!" Luke said eyeing his tiny boss as he swung carelessly from Tyler's hand. Tyler laughed as he pulled the chain around his neck and let the little cage lay right between his huge pecs. Luke smirked as he watched the little guy struggle in the cage."What are you gonna do with him, dude?"
Tyler flicked the little cage back and fourth as he walked away from Luke. Debating his plan he wasn't actually sure what he wanted to do with his tiny boss now that he captured him. "Not sure dude." Tyler said as he put his hand over the cage, pressing it hard against his chest. "Probably just toy with him for drawing on my face."
Luke laughed as he watched Tyler lift the little cage up to his face and drop it into his mouth and start to suck on it. Rolling the little cage around in his mouth, the muscled lifeguard made sure to swish the little cage around as much as he wanted in his closed mouth. "Mmmmmm" He made the satisfied noise as he pulled the saliva covered cage out of his mouth and let it rest back between his pecs.
"Any ideas dude?" Tyler asked as he flicked the cage against his chest some more.
Luke scratched his head trying to think when he came up with the idea to…
Unbeknownst to Josh, Tyler opened one of his eyes, and quietly peeked down his torso thinking he felt a tickle on his body. Quickly, the giant man noticed a little speck traveling across his abdomen.
"Let's see what he's up to." Tyler thought to himself as he closed his eye again and arrogantly started to smirk.
Meanwhile Josh continued his trek, finally reaching past the valley that is Tyler's pecs. Winded from his journey, he never noticed the giant man catching on to his little adventure. However, Josh still remained determined. He looked up at Tyler's neck, laying back he saw he needed to scale the chin before finally reaching the face. Figuring it was now or never, Josh started to walk across the neck.
Tyler felt the little man starting to cross his neck, on his adam's apple. He quickly swallowed a glob of saliva, causing his adam's apple to bob. He smirked again to himself as he felt his boss tumble over and lose his footing.
Josh was shocked at the force of the swallow, however it never occurred to him that it was on purpose and tried to ignore it as he walked across the neck once again. Finally this time he was allowed to reach the chin, he looked up and grabbed a bit of Tyler's stubble and started pulling himself up. After a few more minutes of climbing Josh was just about ready to collapse. But he knew he still had one more thing he had to do. Walking across the top of the chin Josh made his way toward Tyler's lips. They were closed as Tyler continued to breath through his nose, still Josh through he should be cautious and walk around the out outside of the lips rather right across.
Walking around Josh made his way to the edge of Tyler's top lip and started to walk toward the center toward the nose. "Let's start by giving this asshat a nice curly mustache!" Josh said as he found himself in the middle of Tyler's top lip.
Before he could even pull out the marker suddenly Josh found himself pinned to the lip. It took a moment for Josh to realize it, but the thing pinning him was Tyler's tongue! Josh struggled to break free as the massive muscle started to pull him slowly into Tyler's mouth. Josh wasn't much of a match for the huge tongue as it easily swept Josh into Tyler's cavernous mouth.
Josh found himself sliding down the slick tongue, nearing the back of Tyler's throat faster and faster. Thinking Tyler was asleep, Josh said his prayers, knowing this was the end. Suddenly, everything stopped as the mouth seemed to level out and Josh slide to a stop somewhere in the middle. Josh shivered as he wondered why everything stopped so abruptly.
Suddenly a voice boomed out over Josh, making his ears ring. "LOOKS LIKE I CAUGHT YOU!"
Josh realized now that Tyler was sitting up and must've been on to him this whole time. "Damn… I was so close too." Josh sighed to himself.
- - -
Meanwhile, Tyler stood up and stretched his arms and torso. Keeping his mouth shut he slowly walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Opening his mouth he let the light flood in as he searched for the tiny intruder. Strands of saliva glistened as he looked around, finally locating the little speck.
"Well well well!" Tyler's voice boomed out once again. "What do we have here?"
Josh uncovered his ears as he tried to stand up and respond. "Real funny! You caught me, now let me out of here! It stinks!"
Tyler closed his mouth again and this time swished his tiny boss around in his saliva before reopening it and looking at his little boss struggle to find his bearings again. "Maybe I will if you just admit I won."
Josh couldn't believe the words he was hearing. He was trapped in a mouth and all Tyler could think about was winning or losing?
"Grow up!" Josh spat back at the giant stud.
"Have it your way, dude." Tyler said as he closed his mouth. Slowly, he began to inch Josh closer and closer to the back of his throat.
"Is he going to swallow me?!" Josh yelled out as he tried to move his way toward the front of the mouth with little to no avail.
"I will if you don't admit I won!" Tyler taunted with his mouth staying shut afterwards, focused on moving Josh closer and closer.
Josh watched as he could make out Tyler's uvula, dripping in saliva come into view. He knew that meant he was very close to the drop that would lead him to Tyler's stomach. "He wouldn't dare… would he?" Josh thought.
Josh knew he had to make a choice now…
"There's no way he'll do this to me…" Josh thought to himself as he was inched closer and closer to the back of Tyler's mouth. "He's one of my best friends, he'd never put me in that kind of danger!"
- - -
Tyler thought back to a few years ago. He was in high school, and his football team was just lead to a victory in tough game. Him and a few of his buddy's went to one of their houses to celebrate. They started getting kinda rowdy and some bets got made. In particular, one of his buddy's bet him five bucks he couldn't swallow the pet goldfish, then bring it back up alive. Since Tyler knew he walked away five dollars richer that day, he was successful then.
"Pretty sure last I heard that fish is still alive" Tyler thought to himself. Finally snapping back to reality he realized he could do the same now. If anything he knew it would scare the shit out of Josh, then he'd finally have to admit defeat. Waiting for a second for Josh, one last time Tyler realized Josh wasn't giving in.
"He probably thinks I won't do it." Tyler thought to himself. "Well then, he's in for a rude awakening."
Tyler tilted his head back even more, feeling the tiny man slide dangerously close to his throat before addressing Josh one more time. "Last chance little buddy!" He taunted.
After not hearing an answer for a second time, Tyler figured it was time to make good on his threats. Lifting his tongue, he pushed the little speck all the way back and gently swallowed.
- - -
Josh couldn't believe it, his best friend just swallowed him. He watched as what little light from the mouth started to fade. He realized he was quickly descending down Tyler's throat, on his way to the stomach. Josh tried as hard as he could to grab on the slick surface, with out any luck. All he could do was listen to Tyler's ever growing heart beat as he went deeper and deeper into the dark pit.
For Tyler the action was simple. After swallowing his tiny boss, he simply left the bathroom and slowly walked out into the kitchen. He grabbed a small bucket out from under the sink, knowing he'd need it in a few minutes. Pressing a hand to his chest, he could feel the faint struggles of his friend just on the other side, slowly being pushed down into his awaiting belly.
"It's just like when I felt that fish go down… only smaller this time." He said to himself rubbing his chest. Deciding to speed up the process a little, Tyler grabbed a glass out off the shelf and filled it up with some tap water. Then he quickly downed the water in a few swift gulps. Putting the glass in the sink, he reached for his chest with his free hand. This time he felt the little speck get washed down. Gone.
"Perfect, now I'll give him a minute to think." Tyler said aloud as a little pressure formed in his gut. "Uuurrrp…" He patted his stomach after letting out the casual burp.
- - -
The torrent of water easily rushed Josh away, before he could even realize what was happening he found himself being dumped into a large dark chamber. At this moment Josh wished his eye's hadn't adjusted to the dark, because all around he could see was a gigantic cavern with gently churning walls and worst of all, no escape. Josh was in a little awe at his size, Tyler's stomach could easily inhabit a good portion of the water park. Josh snapped back to reality, knowing this wasn't the time to marvel at his size. He was in much more danger.
The sound was deafening, followed by an instant change in pressure. Josh realized there was still some air trapped in the stomach though, as he situated himself on one of the fleshy walls.
"I think he was holding back…" Josh said aloud as the walls of the stomach started being pounded forwards and backwards. Holding on to his position Josh was determined to stay strong, despite what seemed like his imminent death.
- - -
Tyler put a hand on his abs, poking them softly. Trying his best to see if he could feel his tiny boss clinging on somewhere in there.
"I think I feel him!" Tyler said aloud with his hand on his stomach. "No more struggles though… better let him out now."
Quickly Tyler shoved his fingers down his throat, gagging himself just like he did that one time for the fish. He clenched his stomach tight, trying his best to force up the contents into the bucket. After a few seconds, a spew of water came rushing out. Tyler quickly examined the puddle in the bucket, not before noticing a speck of tiny movement. Moving his finger under the speck he lifted it up and out of the water to his face, looking at his tiny boss.
Josh sat there on the finger, shivering and scared at what torture Tyler had in mind for him next. As Tyler's face appeared his fear quickly turned to anger.
"Why did you do that!? You could have killed me!" Josh yelled as loud as he could at the smirking man.
"Yeah but I didn't, dude." Tyler said smugly. "Either way, I win dude."
Josh couldn't believe this game could still be going on after he was just eaten and regurgitated, but he wasn't about to give in either. "Well technically, I never gave in. So it's still on."
"Oh?" Tyler said as he lifted Josh back over his mouth. "You sure?" He said sticking out his tongue.
"No please! Wait!" Josh squealed.
Tyler lowered Josh back to face level, closing his mouth. "I wouldn't do the same trick twice in a row anyway. Once is enough for now. So you'll have to wait, dude."
Knowing he was safe now, Josh figured it was a good opportunity to taunt the behemoth. "Well I knew you would let me out anyway, so it's not like I was ever worried."
Tyler smirked. "Oh yeah? Just like I'm sure you "knew" I would never swallow you in the first place, right?"
Josh clammed up. He was right after all. He never in a million years would have guessed Tyler would purposely eat him.
Tyler laughed at Josh's silence as he let him down on the balcony back to the park. "Who knows dude. Next time I wouldn't be so sure what I would or wouldn't do."
Tyler stood up straight, and rubbed his stomach while staring at Josh with an arrogant smirk on face. Josh couldn't help but be annoyed with Tyler, but something about seeing the abs he was just on the other side of get stroked so pompously made him a little excited. Shaking off the thought, Josh turned away from the massive hunk and decided to walk back into the park.
- - -
Making his way back to his office Josh sat down. Feeling defeated he leaned back at his chair hoping the day would just end. After a few minutes, there was a knock at his door and Brody came through.
"Bro what happened? I just saw Tyler and he didn't have a dick on his forehead." Brody asked his disappointed looking boss.
"It didn't work Brod." Josh said flatly. "He caught on before I could start drawing and well…"
Brody stood there for a second waiting for Josh to finish before asking, "Well what, bro?"
"Well he sorta ate me…" Josh admitted.
Brody started to laugh, clutching his stomach. "No way bro! He goldfish tricked you? That's awesome!"
Surprised by Brody's reaction Josh simple said, "I don't see how it was too "awesome" for me."
Brody stopped and apologized, "Yeah bro, must've sucked for you but for him I gotta give him kudos bro."
Walking over to Josh's desk Brody looked down at his boss seriously. "You gotta come up with something to top that bro."
Josh turned away from him, not sure if he even wanted to keep this prank war going. "Maybe I should just give up. Tyler said he might do that to me again."
Brody pushed himself back into his boss's view again trying to motivate him. "No way bro! You gotta show him who's boss!"
A little weary Josh decided…
"Ok let's think how could I possibly one up that?" Josh said looking at Brody with a tired face. Brody put a hand on his chin and stroked it casually as he looked off to the side in thought. Finally, he looked down at Josh with an interesting grin on his face.
"Flubsy." Brody simply stated as he looked Josh dead in the eye.
Josh blinked a few times while staring back at Brody's unnerving gaze. "Our rejected mascot?" Josh asked finally as the muscular bro gave him a thumbs up. Josh sat there puzzled, Flubsy was a failed mascot idea he came up with when the park was still new to try and draw in more guests, but after making the costume he simply stored it away since the park was doing fine anyway. Looking back at Brody, Josh waited for an explanation.
"We'll use his own trick against him. Dress you up in the Flubsy the fish costume, get him to think you're a real fish and swallow you down. Then after he pukes you up, BAM you jump out of the costume and laugh at his dumbass!" Brody rattled off quickly with a smile.
"That… sounds kinda unsafe." Josh said to Brody, who's face didn't change at all to Josh's reaction.
"I'll make a bet for five bucks that he couldn't swallow "the fish" down and throw it back up. He'll be all nervous and shit, bro! It'll be hilarious. Then when you come out you can be all, "It was me all along!"" Brody said still smiling at his idea.
Josh sighed. He just escaped Tyler's stomach, he wasn't quite sure if he wanted his prank to involve going back into that smelly pit. The more he thought about it the more he thought it might get on Tyler's nerves if they pulled it off right. "He did say he wouldn't do the same prank to me twice in a row. So this might rub it in he face that I'm not afraid of his little scare tactics."
"Now you're talking, bro!" Brody said looking very enthusiastic. "This let's him know you're not afraid to "Goldfish" yourself, bro!"
The more Brody talked, the more it started to sound like a pretty genuine prank. Getting up, Josh turned to his old closet in the back of his office and started digging through a bunch of old junk. Brody walked over, pressing his chest into the back of Josh's head, as he started reaching for things higher up in the messy storage. The two searched diligently for a few minutes before Brody pulled the orange fish costume off from one of the top shelves. Backing up the two of them admired the goofy looking costume as Brody held it. It had an orange body with cartoony looking scales on it, coupled with yellowish looking fins and two large pop-eyes.
Brody handed the suit to Josh. It was actually his size after all. Josh designed it in mind that he could advertise for the park himself, back when he wasn't sure how the park would do financially. Brody looked at Josh as he held the little costume. "Tyler is still on break right, bro?"
"He should be." Josh said as he reached a hand into the suit.
"Don't put it on yet, just in case anyone sees you when you walk to the interview room." Brody said as he started to lead Josh to the door.
"Wait, why the interview room?" Josh questioned as he was being rushed to the door.
Brody stopped before he could open the door back out the park. "I've gotta sneak into the break room to grab a glass and a little water, if he saw you hop in the cup right after I got it he might think something's up, bro. At least this way I can get him to think I won you in a game outside on the boardwalk or something."
"Oh that's good thinking Brody." Josh said blushing a little that Brody's plan was so well thought out.
Leaving the room, Brody clicked his tongue and patted Josh on the back as he went around to the front of the park. Luckily for Josh, the walk to the interview room from his office wasn't a very long one. Trying not to draw too much attention to himself, Josh tried to walk at a regular pace and hug the costume close to himself so nobody would see it. Reaching the door, Josh opened it up to the empty room and shut it behind him quickly. Sighing, Josh started to slip on the Flubsy costume.
After adjusting all the fins and the wacky eyes on top, Josh stood and waited for a second before the giant door on the other side of the room opened up. Brody walked in holding what appeared to be a shot glass with a tiny bit of water in it. Strolling his way over to Josh he looked down with a grin at the little man in costume.
"Look it's Flubsy the fish!" Brody said excitedly as he bent down a little to get a better look. "Bro, he was in the gym with Luke. So I snuck in and out without being seen!"
Josh smiled behind the face of the costume at Brody's success as he lowered his hand down for the little man to climb aboard. Brody carefully lifted the disguised tiny man up to the rim of the glass, before slowly lowering him down into the water. He smirked as he watched Josh started to swim around on the surface of the water like a tiny fish. Ready to commence the prank, Brody left the room and turned into the break room.
As he opened the door to the room, both Tyler and Luke emerged from the gym drenched in sweat from their work out. Brody smiled as he approached Tyler's sweat dripping frame. "Bro! Ty! I was looking for you!"
"What's up dude?" Tyler asked as he wiped a torrent of sweat off his brow.
"I heard about your prank war with the boss. You goldfish'd the little guy?" Brody asked, trying to look like its the first time he's heard of the incident.
"What he come crying to you, dude?" Tyler said as he raised a fist for Luke to bump. Luke simply laughed as he exchanged fists with Tyler.
"Nah dude, Ross told me! I just wanted to see you do it again, bro. So I got this fish from the store!" Brody said lifting the little shot glass up with the little orange speck swimming around in it. Tyler took the shot glass and looked down at the pathetic little creature.
"Why is it so small?" Tyler asked looking closer at the goofy looking critter.
"I dunno bro. It was 5 cents. So I got it." Brody quickly lied.
"Why is it swimming on the surface like that? Is there something wrong with it?" Tyler asked looking at Brody with a disgusted look on his face.
"Dude, stop being such a pussy and just drink it." Brody taunted, trying to get the ball rolling. "I'll give you five bucks if you can puke it up alive."
"Come on Ty, just down that little bitch!" Luke said putting his hand on Tyler's sweaty shoulder.
"Alright, calm down dudes." Tyler said as he lifted the shot glass to his lips. Brody watched as the little orange speck slid out of the glass and into Tyler's mouth. With an audible gulp, it completely vanished as Tyler's adams apple bobbed slightly. "There, it's gone."
"Ewww dude! Do you feel it squirming?" Luke said slapping his buddy on the back. Tyler put a hand on his glistening chest and rubbed it slightly with a distorted look on his face.
"I think so, man. Pretty pathetically small fish you got though Brod." Tyler said smirking at Brody.
"Whatever, bro. Just puke it up." Brody said getting a little impatient.
"Gotta give it a second to get all the way down, dude. What are you worried about anyway, it cost you a nickel." Tyler said as he rubbed his sweaty abs, indicating that he believed the tiny creature made it's way into his massive stomach.
"Five bucks man." Brody said casually, as he reached into his pocket to pull out a five. Tyler shrugged as he walked over to the sink and started to put his fingers in his mouth when…
"HUUURRRRPPPPTTT!" Tyler moaned as he forced his fingers down his throat, causing a stream of vomit to start to pour out of his mouth. Luke looked at the man's face and simply laughed as Tyler clutched his stomach dramatically. Brody bit his lip as Tyler searched through the first stream of vomit, finding nothing.
"Ugh, dude. It doesn't wanna come out." Tyler groaned as he rubbed his stomach.
"Come on, bro. Keep trying." Brody urged the man as he walked up and put a hand on his sweaty back. Tyler quickly turned to him and smiled.
"Maybe for ten bucks I will…" Tyler mumbled as Brody rolled his eyes.
"Fine, bro. Ten bucks if you puke up a fish." Brody said with a slight smirk as he patted Tyler's back. With new found determination, Tyler stuck his fingers back down his throat, expelling a bit more vomit from his stomach. Finally, this time, Tyler fingered through the lumpy mess and found a tiny struggling orange speck. Standing up straight, he looked over at Brody who was starting to back away.
"Good job, bro. But I promised you ten bucks if you puked up a fish." Brody said with a smirk fleshed out on his face. Turned and opening the door to leave, Brody left Tyler and Luke with one lest message. "Take a closer look at your "fish", bro."
"Dude wait!" Tyler yelled as Brody left the room with a laugh. "That bastard didn't pay me!"
Meanwhile looked down at the struggling speck in the vomit, trying to look a little closer like Brody said. "Dude, maybe you should look closer at it."
Tyler sighed as he reached down into the sink and pulled out the tiny fish from his pools of vomit. Rinsing out the sink and running a little water over the fish, Tyler looked a little closer at the creature in his hand.
- - -
Coughing, Josh looked out of the costume to see he ended up out of that mess and was thankfully in the hand of his friend, rather than in his stomach. Smiling, he reached for his back and tried to undo the zipper of the costume. After a few seconds, Josh…
Luke squinted at the tiny creature as he watched it flop on it's back and on it's belly repeatedly as it struggled. Blinking a little, he reared his head back and looked at Tyler with a frown. Meanwhile, Tyler scratched his head as he watched the little critter crawl around and flop from side to side.
"I don't get it." Luke said finally after a few seconds.
"What's there to get dude? Brod tricked me into eating it, and then got me to puke it up for kicks." Tyler said simply as he watched the little fish twist itself around, looking like it was dying.
"That ass." Luke said simply as he put his arms behind his head. "That's kinda unlike him though to pull something like that though."
"I was thinking the same thing dude." Tyler said with a frown, still staring at the little fish in his palm. "I bet Josh put him up to it."
"You think?" Luke replied with a smile, knowing all about the prank war Josh and Tyler were having.
"Yeah, now I gotta think of a way to get back at the bastard… maybe even Brody too." Tyler said, looking away from the little fish in his hand in thought. Luke, however looked back down at the little orange speck, curious about it.
"Dude what are you gonna do with the fish?" Luke asked, lowering his arms and point a finger down in Tyler's hand. Tyler looked back down at it and simply shrugged.
"Dunno, dude. Why you want it?" Tyler replied, moving his hand closer to his buddy. Luke reached down, carefully pinching the little fish from it's tail and held it menacingly up to his face. "What are you gonna do with it, dude?"
"I'm gonna eat it!" Luke said with a toothy smile as he moved it closer toward his mouth. "First step at getting back at Brody and Josh is we gotta eat the old joke!"
Tyler smiled, thinking he should have just done that himself after Brody walked out. Deciding Luke should do it however, Tyler was very appreciative of his enthusiasm. Tyler watched as Luke opened his mouth and held the little critter facing down into the cavern below. Tyler rubbed his chin as Luke's antics actually gave him an idea, one involving getting Brody to drink the fish by mistake. Tyler watched as Luke lowered the fish into his mouth as he…
Tyler shrugged, deciding to just let Luke do what he wanted with the fish. After all Tyler was just glad to see he had an ally as enthusiastic as Luke in this prank war. Considering Josh had Brody on his side, Tyler knew he'd need all the help he can get. Regardless Tyler refocused his attention to Luke, just as he dropped the tiny little fish from his fingers straight down into his gaping mouth.
- - -
Josh screamed, still trapped in inside the tight mascot outfit. Landing with a wet splat, Josh squirmed and flailed, barely realizing what was happening after he was finally freed from Tyler's reeking stomach. Based off what the giants were talking about, Josh guessed he was being eaten yet again, this time by Luke instead.
"Please! Luke! Brody! Ty--" Josh was cut off almost immediately as he was easily swished to the back of Luke's massive mouth. Thanks to the costume, Josh could barely see what was going on as all he could really do was listen as the sounds changed from moist saliva swishing to a terrifying gulp. Now sliding downward, Josh knew he was in for a third journey into someone's digestive system today. Josh knew there was no use in struggling by now. It was sad to say, Josh knew the drill by now, he was completely helpless whether it was Tyler or Luke, he knew he couldn't escape.
Almost at peace with the situation, Josh tried not to panic as he was finally deposited in the massive cavern of Luke's stomach. As if by some sick irony, Josh noticed the zipper to the costume had finally dislodged, allowing him to take of the Flubsy costume at last.
"A lot of good that does." Josh said to himself, a little depressed as he pulled his face out taking in a breath of Luke's foul stomach air. Trying to take what little good was coming out of this though, Josh merely sat in the shell of the costume, separating himself from whatever disgusting half digested sludge was below him. Josh looked up as Luke's stomach started to churn, moaning loudly with faint gurgles surrounding him. Josh shivered, hoping someone would miraculously come to his aid.
- - -
"Kinda weird how small that fish was." Luke said to Tyler, having just finished swallowing it moments ago. Luke rubbed his bare abs softly before resting his hands behind his head with a smile. "I don't think I've even seen a fish that small actually."
"Maybe it was like a baby or something?" Tyler shrugged, not really caring too much about the dumb fish he was tricked into puking up.
"Ha! Well now I feel a little bad, dude." Luke chuckled as he looked down at his abs. "You think it was just a baby? I mean it had to be, it was soooo small!"
"I wouldn't feel too bad, bro. It was like as big as Josh. We should've kept the fish and fed Josh to it!" Tyler joked, wondering if the fish was in fact the same size or not as Josh.
"Bro that wouldn't be cool, how would we get him out?" Luke wondered. "I mean you eating him earlier was fine. You're not a dumb fish and knew you could puke em up!"
"Yeah I was just kidding, dude." Tyler chuckled, patting Luke on the shoulder. "I wouldn't want to put him in any real danger, dude."
"Ha, alright dude." Luke chuckled as he looked back down at his stomach. "Besides I doubt that little squirt is gonna last much longer even if we wanted him."
"Yeah dude, we'll come up with something funny." Tyler winked with a smile. "For now why don't we…"
"Let's head back to the park. I wanna find Josh and Brody and tell them how lame their fish is." Tyler smirked as the two men made their way out of the break room and went to turn the corner back to the park. Sure enough, Brody still hadn't gone back inside yet as he was still outside, seemingly enjoying the nice weather before going back in. Tyler nudged Luke with a smile as the approached Brody.
"Hey Brod!" Tyler called to Brody as he turned with a smirk on his face.
"Sup, Mr. Gullible. Like that fish?" Brody taunted, not knowing yet what happened to it. "Bet it gave you a real earful!"
"If you consider flopping around looking like it's dying an earful… then yes." Luke laughed, not understanding what Brody was talking about.
"Uhhh…" Brody answered, not sure what Luke meant. "So wait what did you do with him?"
"Why do you care, didn't you say it cost you a nickle?" Tyler crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow.
"I'm so confused, bro." Brody frowned. "He took off the costume right?"
"Costume?" Luke tilted his head looking at Tyler as both men looked confused. "Is this part of your prank?"
"What? No, bro. I'm dead serious what did you do with that fish?" Brody said sternly, looking very seriously at Luke and Tyler.
"I ate it." Luke answered plainly, like it wasn't a big deal.
"Bro, you have to puke it up." Brody started to panic, looking Luke dead in the eye.
"Why? So you can trick me, like you did Ty? No thanks!" Luke gloated proudly nudging Tyler in the side before leaning on his slightly taller friend.
"Bro that fish is Josh! He was wearing a costume to fool Ty. That was supposed to be the prank." Brody tried to explain. "He must've had trouble getting the costume off!"
Luke and Tyler simply looked at each other, very skeptical. "That doesn't make any sense, dude. Why would he want me to eat him again?" Tyler asked.
"It was supposed to be a prank, like he wanted to fool you into it and make you look dumb!" Brody continued to explain, with little avail. "Look bro, there's just no time, Luke you have to puke him up or else he's gonna be toast!"
"No way, dude. You're lying." Luke frowned, despite the urgency on Brody's face. "You're not tricking us twice."
"I'll admit dude. It's… fishy." Tyler chuckled a little at his own pun. "Do you have proof?"
Brody fidgeted for a moment. There wasn't any way he could think to prove it was Josh stewing inside Luke's stomach besides actually getting the little guy out of there. "Bro the proof is in Luke's stomach. Just puke him up. I swear you'll see."
Luke looked unwavered. As Brody shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out his wallet. Handing Luke a crisp new 50$ bill, Brody folded back up his wallet and looked at Luke seriously again. "There, paid up front. Puke him up."
Luke looked at Tyler and shrugged. "Well prank or not, 50$ is 50$."
Luke made his way over to some grass and knelt down into it, shoving his fingers down his throat, starting to gag. Brody bit his lip as he listened to Luke gag and spit as Tyler stood there, crossed arms with an unamused expression on his face. Minutes passed and finally Luke stopped, fishing through his vomit before he retrieved what appeared to be a tiny almost limp speck. Looking at the unmoving speck for a moment, Luke definitely recognized it as Josh before thankfully the tiny man stirred, shaking his head as he regained consciousness.
"No shit." Luke stood up and walked Josh over to Brody and Tyler. "I thought he was dead for a second."
"Oh good he's ok. Plus he got that costume off!" Brody smiled as he looked at Josh struggle laying there trying to find his bearings.
Tyler walked over and looked down at Josh in Luke's hand with a smirk. "Well looks like your prank backfired a second time buddy." He said arrogantly to Josh as the tiny man finally sat up and looked at Tyler. "Can't wait to see what you try next!"
Tyler motioned to Luke that they were leaving. Luke simply handed Josh over to Brody, feeling a little bad that he nearly killed their boss, but shaking it off as he went to follow Tyler. Josh laid his head back down in Brody's huge palm, covering his face as sun shined down on them.
"What do I do, Brody?" Josh asked the huge dark haired giant as he walked them back into the break room.
"I dunno bro. You seem seem like you've had kind of a long day." Brody said, looking concerned at his sullen boss. "It's lucky they ran into me. Plus I had to give Luke 50$ to get you out."
"Shit…" Josh frowned. "I'll pay you back. It's my fault."
"Don't worry about it, bro. I'm just glad you're safe!" Brody smiled as Josh stopped slumping and sat up to look at Brody's handsome face. "So what are you going to do now, bro?"
"Come up with a different prank, I guess." Josh shrugged, knowing if he gave up now he'd never hear the end of it from Tyler. "Things can't get much worse than being eaten three times in one day, right?"
"Ha! You're probably used to it by now, bro!" Brody added, trying to add light to the situation.
"Yeah I guess it's gotten to the point where it's more thrilling than scary." Josh answered honestly. Knowing as long as he had someone looking out for him he didn't have anything to fear.
"Bro, that gives me an idea!" Brody smiled as he looked at Josh excitedly. "Fair warning though, it involves you getting eaten again, bro."
"Whatever." Josh shrugged, feeling lit it wasn't a big deal at this point. "Just keep an eye on me ok?"
"I promise!" Brody answered with a thumbs up. "Alright bro, here's the plan. This time we have Tyler watch you get accidentally eaten by…"
"We're gonna have Brett accidentally eat you this time." Brody said with a confident smile. Josh meanwhile looked at Brody with a confused look.
"Brett?" Josh questioned. "Why Brett?"
"Because he's not involved in this yet. He's impartial. So he can pull it off well." Brody answered Josh's question simply, as if he had it all thought out.
"But why would he agree to help us?" Josh continued to question.
"Because bro, he'd be pranking not only Ty, but Luke too!" Brody smiled happily. Josh nodded his head. It made sense. Out of any one else in the park Brett definitely liked seeing Luke squirm more than anyone else. Josh wasn't entirely sure why Brett had such distaste for Luke, but Brody was right. They could use it to their advantage.
"Alright, we'll have to find him. I'm sure he'll be on board." Josh smiled confidently, wondering what the next step was after they got Brett. "I'll get him to meet us in the interview room, like we did earlier. Then Tyler and Luke won't see us all sitting in my office together."
- - -
Being extra sneaky, Josh had one of the other lifeguards find Brett, telling him to meet himself and Brody in the interview room. Sure enough, Josh sat on the tiny side of the balcony to the room with Brody sitting in the interviewee's chair before Brett came through the door walking up beside Brody. He was 6'5" with mid length shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. The 22 year old stud had a lean and ascetic build compared to Brody's more bulky lacrosse build. He truly sculpted his body extremely well as he often showed off his 8 pack on his long abdomen. Brett also had a tattoo of some Japanese symbols on left pec. "Courage" and "Strength".
"What's this all about?" Brett asked as Brody stood up and looked over at Josh.
"Bear with me Brett." Josh started out, knowing Brett was typically more of cool and serious type of guy. Not much of a joker. "But Tyler and I are locked in a bit of a prank war… and he kind of been turning the tables on me at every turn."
"Really? A prank war?" Brett shook his head. "Honestly boss. I wasn't expecting this."
"Well it was harmless stuff at first. But Tyler kept figuring me out, on purpose or not. And well…" Josh started to say before feeling like it sounded stupid.
"He got eaten by Tyler twice. Plus Luke ate him once too." Brody finished for Josh.
"Luke?" Brett's eyes lit up like a fire was suddenly ignited, totally ignoring the fact that Josh had been eaten three times and somehow survived. "He's involved in all of this?"
"Yeah him and Tyler have been working together." Josh elaborated, hoping it would inspire Brett to join them.
"Well good on you boss." Brett smirked egotistically. "You came to Brod and I for help and not that moron Luke. Clearly you wanted the top minds on your side."
Josh smiled, glad to see Brett was willing to help as Brody turned to Brett with a happy grin. "Bro, you think I'm smart, Brett?"
"Absolutely, Brod." Brett grinned at Brody. "Then again we're comparing you to Luke and Tyler right now."
"They're definitely not the sharpest pair." Josh added, knowing his best friend was definitely pretty dull witted sometimes and Luke was more hyperactive than he was a thinker. "Brody on the other hand, has a plan. Specifically said we needed you."
"Alright bro." Brody started to explain. "So our little buddy here has found himself in some… well… stomachs. So my plan is to have Josh tell Luke and Tyler that he "gives up" and they he bought them a pizza or something as a reward. I'll tell them myself so they're extra suspicious. Meanwhile we'll have Josh planted on the pizza. Then just as Luke and Ty come in to see the pizza they'll probably be pretty leery about it. That's where Brett come in "stumbling" across the pizza and intentionally grabbing Josh's slice making sure for Luke and Tyler to see Josh on it."
"I understand." Brett nods his head. "Then I pretend to eat Josh. Then one of two things happen. They try to stop me or they let me do it. Either way, jokes on them."
"This is why I knew you'd be the right man for the job, bro!" Brody patted Brett on the shoulder proudly.
"It's a pretty devious plan." Brett smirked. "Good job, Brod."
Josh smiled, feeling like everything was going to come together. The three men nodded, knowing their roles as they prepared for the prank to finally get back at Tyler and Luke.
- - -
Some time went by as Josh found himself sitting on a slice of pizza. Josh certainly felt the irony, seeing as he bought a pizza for Tyler earlier today, and now here he was sitting on a different pizza waiting to be "eaten". Josh sat in the closed box, knowing Brett was just outside, waiting for Luke and Tyler to inevitably show up. The warm air made Josh feel a little sleepy, but he tried to to doze as he continued waiting.
Meanwhile, Brett sat at the table legitimately feeling hungry with the smell of pizza next to him. Yawning as he waited for the two dummies to show up. Eventually…
Brett's ears perked up as he heard some ruckus outside the door to the breakroom. Knowing it could be none other than Luke and Tyler, Brett opened the box of pizza, as if he was just discovering it.
"Showtime…" He said to himself as he located the slice Josh was on, remembering from before as the door opened. Brett grabbed the piece and turned around just as Tyler and Luke approached.
"Oh hey, Ty. Luke…" Brett sneered at Luke, but holding the pizza making sure it was in plain view of both men.
"Sup Bretty boy!" Luke sprang excitedly. "Hey this is our pizza!"
"Huh?" Brett took a small bite of the pizza, deliberately making sure Josh was still on it and visible. "I don't see any of your names on it."
"Brody just told us the boss bought it for us!" Luke pushed past Brett to make sure he could grab a slice before Brett at anymore. Out of the corner of his eye though, he saw Tyler look at the slice he was holding and smirked.
"Oh well, my bad Ty. Mind if I have this slice?" Brett asked Tyler casually, having already took the bite anyway.
"NO! Put it back!" Luke yelled while stuffing his mouth with a piece. Tyler simply laughed, taking his eyes away from Brett's piece.
"Nah dude, let him keep the piece." Tyler walked over putting a hand on Luke's back. "I don't think I would want that slice anyway."
"Huh, well thanks, Ty." Brett started to walk toward the door, taking another bite, making sure to avoid Josh. "Screw you, Luke."
"HEY!" Luke yelled out at Brett as he walked out the door, making his way outside. Walking quickly, Brett made his way around the corner and picked Josh off the pizza, holding him in the palm of his hand.
"Sorry you were stuck so long, dude." Brett apologized as he looked at Josh wiping grease off his body.
"It's okay, do you think the bought it?" Josh asked as he watched Brett finish the rest of the pizza he was on. It actually gave him chills for a second, seeing the handsome lean stud gulp it down so quickly, disappearing behind the cocky giant's 8 pack.
"Oh for sure, I saw Ty eyeing you." Brett reassured Josh as he wiped his hand on his shorts. "Now we just need you to lay low for a few hours."
"Oh man… yeah guess we should wait a while." Josh agreed as Brett brought him back to the interview room, letting him go so he could hide out here for a bit.
"I'm gonna avoid them too as much as I can. The later they confront me the better." Brett gave Josh a thumbs up as he made his way out of the room.
Josh laid on his back. He knew he shouldn't go back into his office, he'd be way too easy to discover in there. So just chilling out, Josh shut his eyes as he wanted for some time to pass.
- - -
After what felt like hours passing, Josh perked up his head as he saw the huge door to the interview room open. Josh sat up and saw Brett returning to the room, walking over and seeing Josh was right where he left him.
"Jesus, boss. Did you move at all?" Brett chuckled as he rested his hand down for Josh climb up on. Getting into Brett's hand, Josh shook his head.
"No, I didn't wanna risk getting found out. How'd things go on your end?" Josh asked as Brett brought him up to his chest.
"I avoided Ty and Luke for a few hours. We should be good to make an appearance." Brett smirked, ready to drop the bomb on the two dumbasses. "I'm gonna put you in my pocket okay?"
"S-sure!" Josh felt nervous about riding around in the giant's pocket, but it made sense for their plan. Storing Josh carefully, Brett made his way out of the room, making his way back around to the break room. Sure enough, as Brett entered the room, he saw Tyler and Luke looking like they're getting ready to leave.
"Heeeeyyy Bretty!" Luke taunted Brett, which Brett simply ignored. Pushing past Luke, Brett pretended like he didn't want to talk. Brett smirked though, as Tyler spoke up finally.
"Yo, Brett!" Tyler addressed Brett, causing the man to turn around.
"Sup, Ty?" Brett asked, ready for the grand reveal.
"So I was wondering…" Tyler started. "Did you…"
"Yo, have you seen Josh today?" Tyler asked, tilting his head slightly. "Luke and I were messing with him early, then he bought us that pizza and up and disappeared."
"Oh uhh. Nope haven't seen him." Brett was caught off guard by the question. "You're sure you haven't seen him."
"We're positive, bro!" Luke chimed in. "We wanted to find him and tell him the pizza was goo enough for him losing so bad at the prank war."
"Oh… Well if I see him I guess I'll tell him that?" Brett scratched the back of his head, surprised at how actually clueless they were.
"Oh thanks Bretty!" Tyler put a hand on Brett's shoulder. "I'm going out with Luke here, but I'll call him later if I get the chance!"
"Sure, no problem…" Brett answered suspiciously as the two men made their way out of the room, leaving the park. Brett shook his head confused at what had just happened, before he remembered Josh was in his pocket. Reaching in for the tiny man, Brett carefully pulled him out and rolled him into his palm. "Yo, soooo that didn't go as planned."
"No kidding! I heard the whole thing." Josh answered, feeling like Tyler's voice actually sounded genuine. "I really don't think they had any idea I was on that pizza."
"I don't think so either…" Brett put a finger on his forehead in frustration. "Well… good news is they seem like they dropped the whole prank war thing."
"Yeahhhh I guess that's good. For now." Josh shuddered to think what Tyler could have up his sleeve in the future. Josh flopped on to his back in exhaustion as he heard another person enter the room.
"Sup, Brod." Brett greeted Brody who had changed out of his uniform and into a black and white tank top, grey shorts, and a backward black baseball cap. "So things didn't go to plan exactly…"
"Oh what happened, bros?" Brody looked and saw Josh laying in Brett's palm. "Oh shit, don't tell me you accidently ate him and needed to puke him up?"
"No no, dude." Brett waved his other hand. "Josh and I played our parts perfectly. But the dumbasses didn't even notice Josh was on the slice I pizza I had. Tyler even looked right at Josh!"
"Yeahhh they assumed I went home or something. Had no idea I was even here." Josh completed the story as Brett nodded. Brody walked over, leaning against the balcony with his arms crossed.
"Huh… so what's the next plan then?" Brody asked, a little disappointed this was a bust. Brett simply shook his head.
"I don't think there is, dude. They seemed to accept the pizza as their victory meal." Brett explained, not too worried about it from his point of view.
"Oh well… I guess that means Josh can be off the hook." Brody sounded slightly disappointed.
"Don't sound so disappointed, dude." Brett rose an eyebrow, surprised Brody wasn't a little more happy Josh didn't need to be tortured by Luke and Tyler now.
"Oh, sorry, bro!" Brody apologized. "I was just having fun, hanging out, and coming up with ideas."
"We can still hang out!" Josh sat up with a smile. "I liked hanging out and coming up with ideas too."
"Even if they all end up with you getting eaten?" Brett asked, in a slightly snarky tone. Josh blushed a little, thinking how he did kind of get eaten 3 times today, and fake eaten once.
"It's fine! I thought Brody had great ideas." Josh admitted, despite having been almost fish lunch for Tyler and Luke. "It was fun, and if pieces fell into place better, we would've got them."
"I don't know if I'd consider getting eaten by Luke 'fun'." Brett shuddered at the thought. "Gross. Probably the most disgusting thing I could think of."
"Bro, his insides probably aren't too different from yours!" Brody rose an eyebrow as Brett shook his head, heavily disagreeing.
"Nope, I refuse to believe that." Brett didn't want to compare any part of himself to Luke. "Too bad I didn't actually eat Josh on the pizza. He'd vouch for me."
"You're probably right." Josh just wanted to agree with Brett. Brody laughed and rolled his eyes as he stepped away from the balcony.
"Well anyway, bros. Did you guys wanna hang out.?" Brody asked, not wanting to separate just yet.
"I'm down!" Josh smiled excitedly, liking being around Brody and Brett. Brett chuckled and shrugged.
"Yeah sure, I'm in too. Can we go to my place though? I didn't bring a change of clothes." Brett added, looking and seeing Brody was already changed. Brody nodded as Brett closed his fist around Josh as they made their way out of the park.
"Guess I'm going like this…" Josh said to himself in Brett's hand, guessing they must've not thought to let him regrow, or even go grab his phone.
- - -
Making their way to Brett's apartment, the three men settled down as Brett got changed and they started to hang out. Sporting a tight black spandex shirt, tight red shorts, and a backward hat much like Brody's, Brett was much more ready to chill than before.
As the three hung out they…
Brett yawns as he looks down at his phone, feeling it start to buzz violently. His eyes perked with interest as he recognized it as a cute girl he met the other day. It wasn't unusual for the devilishly handsome stud to get call from cute girls, but Brett figured it was worth walking away for a minute to answer. Just going over to the gym and headed in deeper to the locker room, Brett figured he was close enough to come back in to the break room as soon as he was finished with his call.
Meanwhile, the warm air had completely gotten to Josh by now. The day had been long for the tiny man as he easily drifted off to sleep in the cheesy smelling pizza box. Finally however, Tyler and Luke made their way into the break room, looking for traps or buckets that may be part of some lame prank Josh and Brody concocted.
Tyler looked over at the kitchen table seeing just a lone pizza box sitting on the table. "I don't buy it, dude."
"What do you think he did to it?" Luke asked Tyler as he cautiously approached the box. Tyler walked past Luke up to the box, slowly and quietly opening it up before looking down at it.
"Hmm…" Tyler puzzled. "I dunno doesn't smell funny."
"Nothing weird on it." Luke checked the pizza carefully scanning over Josh's sleeping body as he nestled deeper into the warm cheese in his nap.
"Huh… Maybe he really has had enough." Tyler thought aloud to Luke. "That doesn't explain why Brody was acting so suspicious about it though."
"Who knows, dude." Luke shrugged, looking down at the pizza still, feeling really hungry. "Maybe the boss was just too embarrassed to tell us in person, but Brody wanted to make us worry as one last jab?"
"You're probably right." Tyler nodded his head in agreement. He felt silly for being worried over nothing as he looked down at the delicious greasy pizza. Both men looked at each other, mouths watering as they couldn't help but hover over the pizza any longer. Both grabbing a slice, they simultaneously devour it almost instantaneously before grabbing another.
Josh stirred from his cheesy sleep, finding he couldn't really move much now that he was settled in the warm sticky substance. Blinking briefly Josh looked up seeing the handsome face of Luke. His gorgeous green eyes and shaved blonde head were unmistakable as they got closer and closer. Quickly, Josh realized he was actually fastly approaching the stud's mouth, being shoved in with the pizza before he even had a chance to scream. Josh squirmed in fear s Luke chewed up the pizza with an incredible pace. However, the huge man clearly was more interested in getting more food in his mouth than he was letting it just sit there to be chewed as he pushed it to the back of his throat in a tremendous gulp, sending Josh in a total plummet down Luke's gullet once again. Josh couldn't believe his bad luck. It was official. Tyler and Luke had both eaten him twice in one day, making a total of four trips into these men's stomachs.
"That's four times too many!" Josh cried aloud as the half chewed pizza was plopped down into Luke's hungry belly. Still stuck to the cheese, Josh could do nothing more than stay where he was, listening to Luke's laughter and loud chewing and gulping noises come from above. Josh was truly at a loss.
"Where the hell did Brett go!?" Josh called out into the darkness. A faint glorping noise called back to him. It seemed Luke's stomach wasn't too interested in Josh's worries.
Meanwhile, Brett…
Brett smirked as he got off the phone and made his way back into the break room. Much to his surprise however, he saw both Tyler and Look hovering over and empty box of pizza, licking their fingers as they easily finished it in no time. Brett nearly dropped his phone in shock as he saw the two, looking at him.
"Yo, this wasn't supposed to happen." Brett could barely say as he looked from the box to the two buffoons before him. "Ok, both of you sit the fuck down."
"Uh… since when do you give me orders Brett?" Tyler asked trying to push his authority over Brett.
"Dude. Sit. Down." Brett said menacing as both men looked nervous and pulled out chairs and looked back to Brett. "Ok. Good. Now who ate the piece set between 2 and 3 o'clock?"
"Uhhh…" Luke and Tyler bother muttered looking at each other as Brett rolled his eyes.
"The one in the top right facing the door to the break room." Brett elaborated, forgetting who he was dealing with for a minute.
"Like we remember." Tyler argued. "We just ate, dude. Besides what's it matter?"
"Because, that was the piece I was supposed to pretend to eat in front of you guys. It had Josh planted on it." Brett explained, feeling a little bad the whole prank was ruined now. "But now… yeah…"
"One of us ate him?" Luke laughed a little. "Again? Oh my god he must be so pissed!"
"Do I hear three failed pranks?" Tyler gloated as he gave Luke a fist bump. "So wait where were you?"
"I uh… had to take a phone call." Brett rubbed the back of his head embarrassed.
"Wow, I don't know who's dumber. You walking off or Brod phoning in the other prank before Josh got that suit off." Tyler laughed loudly to himself as he nudged Luke in his side. "Seriously you guys make this shit too easy!"
"For real, dude!" Luke laughed with Tyler. "He sucks at picking people to help him prank!"
Brett fumed, angry he was being chastised by literally the two dumbest guys who work at the park. "Screw both of you! I'm out of here. Just one of you puke him up. That's all I care about. I'm out."
Brett walked out of the break room, clearly flustered by Tyler and Luke's mocking. The two pizza stuffed studs couldn't help but laugh a little more to themselves as the door shut.
"Man, he didn't even stick around to make sure we got Josh out ok." Tyler said, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye.
"Whatever, dude. Let's just get this over with." Luke shrugged, dreading needing to both vomit to figure out who accidentally ate their tiny boss. Tyler sighed, knowing Luke was right. They couldn't just leave Josh, no matter how funny it was. Thankfully the break room had sinks and buckets for the men to use. Doing what they were used to at this point, Luke and Tyler started to throw up once again, knowing one of them had to be harboring a little extra meat in one of their bellies. Finally, Luke noticed a squirming speck among his gruesome looking vomit, signaling to Tyler to cease his own vomiting. Luke pulled Josh out, bringing him over to the kitchen table and setting him down as him and Tyler sat down in front of him, arrogant smirks on their faces.
"Dude, this is strike three." Tyler said looking down at a sullen looking Josh. "You can't keep this up."
"Why can't I?" Josh spat back at Tyler, not knowing he was suddenly giving a set number of strikes.
"Fine dude. Don't give up. With your current track record I guess you'll end up in my stomach next." Tyler mocked Josh leaning back and putting his hands behind his head. "I can save you the trouble and just eat you right now if you'd like? I'm kinda starting to enjoy this shit."
"You're not gonna be a huge asshole if I give up then?" Josh asked sheepishly, hoping his friend would go easy on him.
"I never said that." Tyler smirked as he leaned forward again. "In fact if you give up Luke and I win. So I'll decide what we get if you do pussy out."
Josh laid on his back, exhausted. He knew he had to make a choice. He was corned without Brody or Brett to help him. Josh knew however he had to…
"I'm not giving up!" Josh said, sitting up and looking Tyler in the eye who chuckled slightly and tapped Luke on the arm. "I don't care what you say or what you do. One of my pranks are going to get you."
Tyler and Luke both went from muffled chuckles to just flat out laughter. Josh started to stand up and walk away from the too hysterical giants. He was sick of the two of them acting so entitled after all. Josh's retreat would be fairly short lived as Tyler lowered a hand in front of Josh, blocking him from any direction other than back at himself and Luke. Josh stopped, turning around to look at Tyler, rolling his eyes, knowing the two of them hadn't had their fill of mocking Josh.
"Think you're going somewhere?" Tyler leaned into Josh in a condescending tone. "I told you I'd save you the trouble, dude."
"Don't be a jerk about it." Josh crossed his arms. "Just let me go so I can come up with something."
"Dude, I'm not being a jerk." Tyler retreated his hand, putting it on his chest and fake looking like he was offended. "I'm just trying to help you out, bro."
"Yeah boss!" Luke chimed in with a goofy smirk. "At this point I'd even help you out! We could go three for three!"
"Great you too Luke?" Josh sighed, disappointed both men were really enjoying Josh's failures today. "Come on guys, let me go. This isn't fair. I'm being ganged up on right now!"
"Dude, we aren't ganging up on you." Tyler lied. "I'm just trying to save you the trouble of coming up with a ridiculous plan that's just gonna wind you up in one of our stomachs."
"Yeah dude, it's like your plans always involve you wanting us to eat you!" Luke smiled and laughed a little. "It's like you have a thing for it!"
"It's just been bad luck!" Josh blushed, feeling like Luke wasn't completely wrong as it was kind of thrilling.
"I like it." Tyler shrugged, being honest about it. "Not gonna lie, after the first time I swallowed you I've been wanting to do it again."
"But you did…" Josh reminded Tyler, back when he was dressed as a fish.
"Yeah but I didn't know it was you!" Tyler retorted. "And neither did Luke either time he did!"
"Yeah dude! I thought you were a fish too. Plus the second time actually was an accident!" Luke added with enthusiasm.
"Why does it matter?" Josh looked at the two, dumbfounded that they were really pointing out small details about Josh has or hasn't been eaten by them.
"Well it matters because it determines which of us is gonna eat you up next." Tyler replied, looking at Josh like he was dumb. Tyler turned to Luke and ignored Josh's pissed off expressions. "So how are we going to decide this?"
"You should just go for it, bro!" Luke smiled at Tyler, offering up Josh like a piece of food. "I can always just eat him next time!"
"So sweet!" Tyler gave a passionate looking smile at Luke as he put a hand on his heart. Tyler reached down for Josh, who immediately tried to squirm away with absolutely no avail. Tyler easily closed his hand around Josh and felt him squirm inside his closed fist. "That's cute, he thought he could get away."
"Huh. Doesn't he realize by now how small he is?" Luke mocked Josh as he feebly continued to fight inside Tyler's fist. Luke watched as Tyler held Josh up toward his mouth, opening his fist and looking down at Josh.
"BUUUUUUURRRRRRRPP!" Tyler ripped an enormous burp right on Josh just before popping the tiny man into his foul smelling mouth. Tyler swished him around a little with a smirk as Luke couldn't help but chuckle at Tyler's burp. Tyler kept his lips shut and pressed his fist against them as he did a closed mouth burp with Josh feeling the full force inside. "Man sorry dude. Just trying to make room down there for you!"
- - -
Josh dazed, all the burps and the arrogant actions. He wasn't sure if he should be furious or not. But part of him actually found the whole experience extremely exciting. Josh slipped and squirmed on Tyler's tongue, knowing there wasn't anything he could do to fight his giant friend's powerful mouth. The fact that he was so helpless actually made the experience all the more invigorating as Tyler swished Josh around a little closer to the back of his throat, clearly the giant was enjoying if not more than Josh himself.
At this point, Josh knew Tyler didn't care if he would give up or not. He knew his giant friend wanted to swallow him, and the funny thing was Josh wanted to be swallowed by his friend at this point. Josh waited with baited breath as Tyler motioned him closer and closer to the back of his throat before finally lurching his tongue, gulping Josh down with absolute ease.
- - -
Tyler pressed a finger against his throat, knowing he just sent his friend down very deliberately down it. Having enjoyed every moment of it, Tyler leaned back in his chair, relaxing and closing his eyes, trying to feel Josh squirm his way down into his stomach.
"How was it?" Luke asked, looking at a very satisfied Tyler.
"Awesome, dude." Tyler replied opening his eyes and looking from Luke down to his ripped abdomen. "There's something really satisfying about just eating him like that."
"Lucky, dude." Luke looked at Tyler with jealousy. "What do I do when you bring him back up?"
"Up to you dude." Tyler shrugged, not really feeling like bringing Josh up for awhile. "He'd probably be pissed if you ate him right away. But all the more power to you, bro."
"Hah, I probably will, dude." Luke smirked leaning back and stretching out like Tyler. "It'll be the first time I do it, knowing I'm doing it too!"
"It's pretty sweet dude." Tyler smirked, putting a hand down on his stomach and patting it softly a few times.
The two men continued to talk back and fourth, laughing and joking about Josh being trapped within Tyler's stomach. Meanwhile for Josh he found that…
Josh looked around the calm and peaceful chamber. For some reason it really made no intention of causing Josh any harm as it barely made any notice that Josh had slipped inside the gigantic chamber. It seemed like it was mostly just recovering from Tyler throwing up just minutes earlier for the third time today. Josh chuckled, feeling like it was kind of amusing that the mighty Tyler's stomach seemed like it was finally tiring out. Faint gurgles and churns erupted around Josh as Tyler's stomach started to contract, a motion Josh was almost all to familiar with at this point that he was going to be thrown up soon.
"So soon?" Josh said out loud, almost disappointed he had to leave the warm almost safe feeling interior of his friend. The contractions got more and more violent as Josh felt himself being push out of the stomach, up Tyler's throat. Horrible gagging noises from above sounded almost painful as Josh continued to rush upward until finally light broke to Josh's eyes as he was flowing almost like down a very fast river into a puddle of disgusting mushed food and vomit. Josh looked up just as it looked like Tyler was going to throw up more on top of him before his eyes locked on the tiny man, weakly pulling him out into the palm of his hand.
"Why'd you throw me up soon?" Josh asked, as he was legitimately enjoying the rhythmic churns of Tyler's stomach. Tyler made a silly expression and double took down at Josh for a moment.
"What dude?" Tyler chuckled. "You were supposed to be all pissed and shit."
"No, jokes on you. I enjoyed it." Josh crossed his arms proudly feeling like he finally got Tyler.
"No, dude, jokes on you I enjoyed it." Tyler argued wanting Josh to be the one to get pranked.
"Wait… so if you enjoyed it and I enjoyed it…" Josh fumbled. "Then who got pranked?"
"Neither of you, dude." Luke added in, standing beside Tyler now as he came over to be part of the conversation.
"So now what? It's not really as funny if you like it, dude." Tyler mumbled, kind of upset it wasn't as torturous to Josh anymore.Josh shrugged, feeling like it wasn't his fault he started to enjoy something so absurd. "Well either way, I'm done for today dude. My throat hurts like hell."
"Mine's fine!" Luke chimed in excitedly as he looked over at Josh. "Plus I've got room for you, dude!"
"Is that we wanna do though?" Tyler looked away from Josh to Luke. "I mean, he literally likes it when we eat him now. The prank's kind of lost it's charm."
"We could just forget about the prank war, bro. Besides you and I won it pretty handily." Luke gloated as he looked down at Josh. "I'm sure the boss would be pretty happy about that too."
"I guess, dude. But he did seem pretty determined to get back at us." Tyler conversed with Luke without looking at Josh at all. "I guess we could let him off easy and let him spend some time in your guts, dude."
"You don't sound so sure, dude." Luke frowned, not wanting to just do it because it was some half ass thing they wanted to do. "We can set the little guy free and let him try and prank us."
"That would be pretty funny." Tyler smiled, wanting to see Josh's next pathetic attempt to prank the two superior giants. "But I guess the prank war is getting pretty old too…"
"Dude, you sound so tired." Luke laughed a little looking at Tyler's semi-exhausted expression.
"I'm fine dude!" Tyler smiled, perking up and trying to work up a little energy. "But I guess we could just pick this shit up fresh tomorrow too."
Luke slanted his jaw slightly, feeling like he should make a choice. "Alright dude, let's…"
"Why don't we see what the little guy comes up for with a prank this time!" Luke laughed down at Josh's previous pathetic attempts. "Whatever it is, it's bound to fail just as bad as the last couple times!"
"Ha… yeah. Probably gonna eat him again." Tyler laughed trying to be enthusiastic about it. Luke leaned toward Tyler a bit, frowning slightly at his tired expression.
"Yo, boss." Luke looked down at Josh with a semi serious look. Josh looked up at Luke, still processing the decision to continue the prank war. "Why don't you think of something overnight. We'll be generous and wait for your attempt tomorrow."
Luke patted Tyler on the back as Tyler finally set Josh down on the counter in the little kitchen area of the break room. Tyler yawned, as Luke lead him out of the room, leaving Josh without so much of a goodbye as they abandoned the little man on the counter. Josh watched as the door shut.
"Well alright…" Josh said sarcastically to himself. He really wasn't sure what to think at this point. Between Tyler losing his edge and tiring out, to the both of them realizing they were into this whole being eaten thing, Josh was mostly just in a bit of a daze. "Guess being eaten like five times in one day will do that to you…"
Josh sat back, not really sure what do do but start thinking about what he could possibly do for another prank. After all every prank so far he's done has been some kind of collaboration with Brody or Brett. Thought's clouded, Josh could merely just think about what being inside Tyler's stomach right now would be like. Snapping Josh back into reality, Josh looked up as the break room door opened up again as Josh saw the familiar form of Brody enter the room. Josh watched as Brody somehow spotted him over on the counter as he made his way over.
"Uhh how'd it go, bro?" Brody asked casually as he pulled over a chair and sat in front of Josh at the counter. "I saw Luke and Ty leave. Ty seemed a little exhausted, bro. I haven't seen Brett at all."
"Yeah Brett made a little mistake and Tyler and Luke happened to come in at just the wrong time." Josh tried to explain as Brody sat quietly, wanting to hear the story. "Luke ate me by mistake just as Brett was coming back. Then they must've done something to upset him because he wasn't here when they got me out."
"Damn it Brett." Brody turned his head a little. "I'm sorry bro. I should've checked in sooner."
"Well that's not all…" Josh started to say as Brody looked at him intently again. "Tyler kind of just grabbed me afterwards and ate me again right away. Said he'd save me the trouble of getting myself eaten again."
Brody chuckled slightly. "I'm sorry bro, but that is kind of classic Tyler."
"No, it was fine. At the risk of sounding weird, I almost feel like I don't mind this whole getting eaten thing." Josh decided to admit to Brody. "It was scary at first but under controlled circumstances I think it's kind of neat."
Brody nodded his head in understanding and laughed. "Too bad I didn't actually eat you way back when the prank war started then, huh bro?"
"Not you too Brody!" Josh looked at the lax bro with a little concern as he laughed.
"No worries bro! I'm on your side!" Brody laughed as he waved his hands in an apologetic manner. "Though this all gives me an idea of how we can finally turn this around on them tomorrow, bro."
"Really? You have a plan?" Josh asked curiously.
"Two, actually, bro." Brody held up two fingers. "One is that we dress a safety dummy up like you and get one of them to eat it thinking it's you."
"Oh, brilliant, so that way when they don't get "me" up they'll feel really guilty and stupid." Josh understood the plan easily. "What's the other plan?"
"Little more risky, bro." Brody crossed his arms. "We get them to think they ate you, but really you'll be in my stomach face timing them."
"I understand, then I "die" in their stomach and disconnect and send them into a panic." Josh caught on to both ideas with ease. "But meanwhile you'll be able to get me out safely without them even knowing better."
"You're a smart one, bro." Brody winked at Josh handsomely. "So yeah, I mean you can pick whichever plan you want, bro."
Josh crossed his arms in thought as he head Brody trail off quietly under his breath, "I know what one I want you to pick…"
"What'd you say Brody?" Josh asked, barely catching the giant's words.
"Oh that I'm good with whatever you pick, bro!" Brody smiled as Josh kind of got the impression that's not what he said.
Back in thought again, Josh decided he wanted to go with the plan involving…
Josh pondered for a moment. The idea of being eaten by Brody certainly interested him, seeing as he's only been in the stomach of his enemies. Being within his ally might actually make the plan work. Not only that, but Josh also couldn't help but look up at Brody's magnificent body and could only scarcely imagine being inside his friend.
"Why don't we have me face time them from your stomach?" Josh tried to ask casually as Brody looked momentarily very excited before composing himself.
"Yeah, sweet bro. I like that idea too." Brody stumbled a little over his words. "So what's the plan, bro?"
"Why don't you meet me in the interview room, like we did with the fish costume." Josh offered as an idea. "I'll plant some doughnuts in the break room or something. Knowing them they wouldn't be able to resist and figure I'd be in the food somewhere anyway."
"That's a great idea, bro!" Brody gave Josh a thumbs up. "You can spy on them and see when they start eating, I'll just wait in the other room!"
"Perfect." Josh smiled up at Brody. "Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, bro!" Brody patted his abdomen with a smile. "This time you've got a date with my stomach, bro!"
"Ha! Well I look forward to it!" Josh smiled, honestly a little excited. Heading home, Josh figured tomorrow couldn't come soon enough…
- - -
"Perfect…" Josh whispered to himself. Everything was in place exactly how he envisioned. A fresh box of doughnuts sat on the table in the break room, complete with a little note from Josh to Tyler and Luke. Now Josh laid in wait as he stood on the balcony, shrunk, near the entrance to the tiny side of the break room, waiting for a pair of giants to come through the door and see the box. Sure enough, as if on cue, Josh heard the loud footsteps, and familiar loud laughter of Tyler as he made his way through the door, followed by and talking to Luke. Josh smiled, as it didn't take long for the men to spot the box of doughnuts.
"To Tyler and Luke, you guys are the best, love Josh." Tyler read the note in a higher pitched voice in an attempted to mock Josh. "How much you wanna bet he's in the box, dude?"
"Dude, I ain't taking that bet. I think it's a given!" Luke laughed as he opened the box, seeing a few rows of different doughnuts. "Well we don't wanna disappoint him, do we?"
"Nah, bro!" Tyler laughed as he grabbed a doughnut, shoving over half of it in his mouth and nearly swallowing it in one gulp. "Mmmpf, I hope he was in that bite!"
Josh got and moved finally, figuring it wouldn't take them long to devour the sweet breakfast. Making his way over next door to the interview room, he saw Brody there, ready and waiting.
"Hey, boss." Brody greeted him. "You ready, bro?"
"As I'll ever be!" Josh smiled as he watched Brody pop a few things in his mouth before taking a large chug of water. "What was that?"
"Oh? Just tums and water, bro." Brody smiled at Josh. "I didn't really eat this morning, so I figured it'd make my gut a little less dangerous."
"Great idea!" Josh smiled at Brody, glad he was one of the smarter members of his crew. Josh watched as Brody finished off his bottle of water and wiped his mouth. Now the giant turned his attention of to Josh with a smirk as he lowered his hand and let Josh climb aboard. Nervously, but excited, Josh climbed on as rode the hand up past Brody's ripped abdomen and perfect chest before arriving at his smooth gorgeous face. Brody smiled a white toothy grin as he opened his mouth up a little and let his tongue out a bit before tilting Josh onto the pink slippery surface. Josh could do little more than watched as he was drawn into the mouth before Brody closed him in.
"Try not to have too much fun in there, bro!" Brody's voice boomed over Josh as he took out his phone. Josh started up the camera, briefly admiring the life proof case he got last night on his phone as it held up perfectly against the moist interior of Brody's mouth. Josh Started to record a video, with his small but bright light as he was drawn into the back of the throat. Getting every detail, Josh remained silent as he recorded himself slip down Brody's throat in a large very audible gulp. Still recording and starting to pant a little, Josh shone his light all the way down, even when he was finally deposited with a wet splash into Brody's enormous stomach. Closing the video recorder, Josh couldn't help but smile a little to himself.
"Bet I'm the first person in history to record themselves being swallowed by another human…" He said to himself in excitement. Swapping now to face time, Josh sat back on the edge of one of the walls to Brody's stomach, hoping the light from his phone would catch a lot of detail. The phone rang loudly for a moment, before Tyler picked up. Josh could see Tyler clearly in his phone as he was ready to lay it on thick to them.
"Tyler! Oh good I'm so glad you picked up!" Josh belted out his rehearsed line.
"Where are you, dude?" Tyler's eyebrow rose as he tried to make out Josh's weird looking surroundings.
"I'm in your stomach, dumb dumb! Or Luke's! I have no idea! It all happened so fast!" Josh spoke quickly, trying to sound like he was in a panic. Tyler's response was to simply laugh as now Josh could see Luke's face in the video now as well. "It's not funny! I don't know why this keeps happening!"
"What was the shitty plan this time, boss?" Luke chuckled as Tyler still laughed a little. "We just assumed you wanted us to eat you, dude!"
"No! You see Brody was supposed to pop in and 'eat' me and you guys were supposed to notice and try and stop him. He must be running late." Josh made up the false plan as best he could.
"Wow that is a bad plan." Tyler came out finally from his laughter. "We would've just let him eat you."
"Well clearly we didn't even get that far." Josh argued with Tyler, as if it was the actual plan. "Look can you guys just figure out who ate me and get me out of here."
"Why? You seem fine." Tyler mocked Josh, all according to Josh's plan. "I wanna know who it is though!"
Tyler took a free hand an started slapping Luke on the gut a little and looked back to his phone for a reaction from Josh. Josh did nothing, as he bit his lip, not planning for this.
"Oh, not Luke huh? Must be me then!" Tyler said triumphantly.
"Man, you always get to eat him!" Luke looked a bit disappointed. Tyler merely smiled as he looked back to his phone at Josh.
Suddenly Tyler burped loudly, Josh shook around his phone a little and acted like it was making a big ruckus in the stomach, despite Brody's stomach being nothing but peaceful and calm. Tyler rubbed his stomach while looking at his phone. Looking closely at Josh Tyler…
Tyler's eyes narrowed as he looked a little closer at Josh, feeling like the reaction was far too scripted. "Yo Josh?"
"What, Ty? Please just get me out of here! My skin is starting to itch!" Josh lied, as the water and tums Brody took seemed to make his stomach perfectly habitable for seemingly a long period of time.
"Do me a favor and tell me how many times I tap my stomach?" Tyler smirked as he kept the camera focused on his face before moving his arm down off camera to his abs. Josh waited a moment as he stared at Tyler's face waiting for some kind of cue. "Well?"
"Four times!" Josh took a wild guess, hoping somehow it was right. Tyler simply chuckled and shook his head.
"Try zero, liar." Tyler smugly laughed, figuring Josh out. "What did you make a little setup to look like a stomach, is that a green screen or something?"
"Yo, he's probably at home hiding under a blanket!" Luke laughed as he tried to peek at Tyler's phone. Josh bit his lip and started to panic a little.
"I can barely hear you guys! It's so gurgly and gross in here! Please you have to help me!" Josh tried to plead, hoping Tyler's soft side might show. Josh was disappointed as he words were only met with laughter. Josh quickly acted like Brody's stomach started churning violently and covered his phone and screamed. "Oh god the acid!"
Josh hung up the cal land sat still for a minute, waiting for the buzz of his phone or a call from Tyler in some way. Nothing but the gentle gurgles of Brody's stomach to give him any sounds, Josh felt like he should give up, knowing Tyler and Luke were actually too smart and figured it out. Josh sighed as he pulled up Brody's name on his phone, sending him a text to let him out.
- - -
"So do you think it worked, bro?" Brody asked as he finished coughing up Josh, watching the tiny man dry off a little on the balcony of the interviewing room.
"No… he thought I was in front of a green screen or something." Josh responded, a little disappointed.
"Really, bro? I figured it would look so real, considering it was." Brody laughed a little, giving his stomach a little rub.
"That wasn't the problem, I think. More so he was doing stuff like burping or patting his stomach and he could see my acting wasn't very believable." Josh clarified, watching Brody stretch a little in front of him.
"Gotcha, bro." Brody responded, kneeing down now and trying to be at eye level with Josh. "I guess the next question is, what do we do now, bro?"
"I don't know… I probably have to go face Tyler and Luke…" Josh sighed, knowing that it was something he'd have to inevitably have to do.
"Screw that, bro." Brody waved his hand in disagreement. "They're just gonna make fun of you. You should just stay with me, bro. We can go to my place."
"Oh was today your day off?" Josh suddenly realized. "Wow, I'm a lousy boss making you come in on your day off for a prank…"
"Guess you owe me then, bro!" Brody laughed, clearly joking. Josh couldn't help but smile as he looked at Brody's handsome face. The offer to just leave was tempting, but Josh knew he'd have to face Tyler and Luke eventually. Josh thought for a moment before deciding to…
"Yeah I wouldn't mind getting out of here…" Josh admitted as he saw an attractive smile grow on Brody's face. "You really wouldn't mind hanging out with me?"
"Of course not bro! I almost feel bad after all the hanging out in work we've been doing lately that we haven't done any out of work, bro!" Brody continued to smile, making Josh feel a little bad he never asked to hang out in the past.
"Well now I feel bad…" Josh looked down a little. "You've been so good to me lately coming up with plans too. Plus coming in on your day off and everything. You even wore your uniform!"
"Well sure, I had to be authentic in case I ran into Tyler or Luke, bro!" Brody rubbed the back of his head with a smirk. "Like I said you, owe me one, bro!"
"I absolutely do! I don't know if hanging out with you is exactly proper payment though!" Josh joked, feeling like he really did want to owe Brody something at some point later in the day.
"It's a start, bro!" Brody chuckled as he reached down and snatched Josh into the palm of his hand. Sitting in the giant palm, Josh felt like he was really starting to feel accustomed to being handled by giants at this point. Josh sat still as he watched Brody walk out the back door, having an amazing bird's eye view of walking out into the big open world. The pair made their way to an expensive looking convertible, which Brody unlocked and got inside, setting Josh down on the seat next to him.
"That's right, I nearly forgot Brody came from a wealthy family…" Josh thought to himself as Brody put on a sleek pair of sunglasses and grabbed a tank top out from his back seat to throw over his bare chest. Josh didn't know where to stare, from the side angle of Brody's handsome face with his sunglasses to his huge biceps sticking out of his loose tank top.
"Buckle up, bro! We're gonna make a quick stop on our way to my place." Brody peeked down at Josh with a smile as he started up the engine. Just then Josh heard a different growl, coming more from Brody than from the car. Brody chuckled as he rested a hand on his stomach. "It's for food, I'm starving, bro."
"Shit, that's another thing you did for me that you didn't have to…" Josh said, unsure if Brody could hear him from this distance or not.
"What's that, bro? Engine is kind of loud. Plus the wind." Brody remarked as he stared driving and the sound of the wind blowing was pretty loud in the convertible. Brody pulled into a McDonald's and ordered a few egg muffin sandwiches before pulling into a parking spot and opening the bag and proceeding to stuff one of the sandwiches into his mouth. "Now what were you saying, bro?"
"Oh just, you skipped breakfast for me on top of coming into work when you didn't have to." Josh shifted a little in the fibers of the cushy seat. "I could've at least paid for your breakfast."
"Nah bro I ain't worried about money or waking up or anything." Brody laughed as he swallowed his food. "Plus it was kind of neat having you be essentially part of my breakfast this morning, bro!"
"Yeah that was pretty cool!" Josh smiled, having recently started liking the adventurous idea of being swallowed by a giant. "I'm glad you don't think it sounds weird, like I said."
"It's understandable, bro!" Brody replied as he took a huge bite out of a second sandwich. "Like you're always in control being the boss, but you're so small so it's super easy to do stuff like to you if any of us wanted to, bro."
"Huh, I never actually thought of it like that!" Josh replied, interested. "I just thought it was cool, like an adventure. But now that you mention it is an interesting role reversal with you guys from a boss-employee point of view!"
"Yeah, bro! Eating my boss is something I'd do most days!" Brody swallowed down the rest of food before grabbing his third sandwich. "Not that you're a bad boss, bro. Like I wouldn't wanna leave you down there, bro."
"Well it's funny you say that. I forgot to mention it, but I recorded myself going down into your stomach earlier, if you wanna see your boss struggle down helplessly!" Josh laughed, but also blushed a bit, feeling embarrassed about doing the recording in the first place.
"Bro, that sounds awesome! You have to send it to me!" Brody leaned over to Josh like he was going to look at a phone, before forgetting how small Josh was. Josh pulled out his phone and attached the video to his conversation with Brody, waiting for it to send before watching Brody pull out his own phone and watch the video.
"Bro, it's all shaky right before I swallowed! Were you nervous?" Brody laughed as he watched Josh travel down his own throat before landing with a satisfying plunk into his stomach.
"I was probably a little excited, guess I was shaking a bit!" Josh laughed nervously, not realizing how obviously excited he was in the video.
"Oh good, bro. I just didn't want you to be nervous with me." Brody smiled, having finally finished his last sandwich. Josh watched as Brody rested his hand on his stomach and gave a casual burp. "Ahhh so much better. More filling than what I had earlier too, bro."
"I bet! I don't think that even qualified as a snack earlier!" Josh laughed, fine with putting himself down for Brody's entertainment.
"It's like when a little tiny fruit fly flies in your mouth and you accidentally swallow, bro." Brody leaned over to Josh as he started up his car with a smile. "Little dude just doesn't stand a chance and he's got like no nutritional value, bro."
Josh laughed, knowing now that Brody was driving again he couldn't hear him if he wanted to talk. Instead, Josh just enjoyed the view of Brody, arm stretched over the wheel with his massive arm flexing every now and then. He couldn't help but feel like he was having a much better time with Brody and his casual teasing than he would have with Luke and Tyler and their more aggressive bullying. Relieved he didn't have to deal with it, Josh watched as Brody pulled into a massive driveway in a nice neighborhood not far from his own to a spectacular looking house.
"Well we're here, bro! Home sweet home!" Brody smiled as he reached down from Josh, scooping him into his hand again and holding him up a bit so he could see more clearly. Josh looked around at the massive front yard, noticing there were a pair of other cars, not as nice looking as Brody's convertible in the driveway.
"Those your cars too, Brody?" Josh asked, kind of curious if he just owned a few spare cars.
"Nah, bro. One of them is my housemate's, Vinny. He's a cool dude, we went to prep school together and placed lax. The other is another dude's Vinny and I played lax with too, his name is Lyle, bro." Brody smiled, remembering that Lyle was staying with him and Vinny for a little bit. "They're both pretty much living with me for the company, bro. Sucks having a big house all to yourself sometimes, bro."
Josh swallowed, now a little nervous. He thought he'd just be spending time with Brody, not a few other guys he had never met before. Making their way inside, Brody looked around and the two men noticed that…
Brody looked around the entryway, then the living room, dining, room and kitchen. The house was quiet.
"Must still be asleep, bro. That's okay you'll meet them later." Brody shrugged as him and Josh stopped in the kitchen and Josh noticed the time, it was still only 7:30am.
"I feel bad you got up early. You could've been asleep like them." Josh apologized once again. Brody simply laughed.
"Stop apologizing, bro. I would've been up anyway. Those two will sleep past noon if you let em." Brody now looked over at the clock too. "Hard to believe it's only been a half hour since we tried to pull our prank though, bro."
"That's crazy, felt like I was in your stomach for hours!" Josh laughed as Brody yawned, scratching his head with his free hand.
"If that was the case you'd be long gone, bro!" Brody chuckled as he stretched. "It'd be pretty sweet if you could spend hours in there though bro. Like explore and take a nap without being worried about being digested."
"That would be cool, but I don't know if it's possible." Josh admitted, though he hasn't thoroughly researched it yet.
Brody shrugged as he set Josh down on the kitchen counter and walked over the the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. "Just a thought, bro. The tums and water were a decent idea though, I think."
"Oh definitely, just from my experience in Tyler or Luke's stomachs. Yours was so much calmer and there wasn't acid all over trying to eat me." Josh tried to laugh, thinking about how much less terrifying Brody's stomach was.
"I'm glad to hear that, bro." Brody winked at Josh as he took a sip of his water. "I've got more tums too, bro. But I kinda want my meal to settle."
"Oh there's no rush, besides like you said you're the one in control! Not me!" Josh smiled as Brody walked up close to him at the counter.
"Yeah and don't forget it, bug bro!" Brody answered in a bit of an arrogant tone. Josh shuddered slightly as Brody's slight tone shift was actually quite enticing. "If you aren't careful you could end up like those fruit flies I mentioned. Lost and forgotten in my belly, bro."
Josh blushed as he looked up at the giant, continuing to sip water as he looked down on him. "Oh my god…" Josh whispered to himself, barely able to contain himself over Brody's pure sexiness. Speaking up, Josh looked up to Brody. "Yeah I wouldn't stand a chance for sure!"
"Damn, right bro. Sucks, because now I really do wanna eat ya again, bro." Brody shrugged as he walked away from Josh and looked outside. "Maybe I'll…"
Brody yawned deeply again as he turned around and ruffled his hair. "Maybe I'll take a quick nap…"
"See I knew I should apologize for getting you up early!" Josh insisted, knowing Brody's sleepiness was his fault. Brody laughed and shook his head.
"You keep apologizing and you and nap with me in my stomach, bro!" Brody joked as he walked up close to Josh. "Man I just sounded like Tyler right there!"
"Maybe you do need a nap then!" Josh joked back, feeling like the comment was pretty Tyler-ish. "I'll be fine, I'll just hang out here."
"Yeah but I feel bad, bro. You got like nothing to do." Brody thought for a moment before he turned and rummaged through some cabinets. Pulling out a plate and a few pieces of candy, Brody arranged them on the plate like a little play ground, even breaking open a milkyway so it's insides would be snack accessible. Brody set the plate down next to Josh and also took the cap from his water bottle and filled it with water.
"There, bro. Both a snack and and a playground! Plus some water!" Brody looked down at the creation with pride. Meanwhile Josh felt kind of like he was a gerbil or something without the cage.
"Thanks, Brody!" Josh thanked the man, happy regardless of how he felt. "Just have a nice nap okay? I'll call you if I need you."
"You might have to call a few times, bro. One I'm out I'm out, bro." Brody gave Josh a fair warning as he yawned again making his way out of the room. "See ya in a bit, bro!"
Completely out of sight now, Josh sighed, feeling like hanging out with Brody wasn't going very well. Looking at the pile of sugary treats Brody laid out for him, Josh figured he could at least indulge a bit in them while he waited.
"Kinda cool looking." Josh admired as a piece of chocolate was used like a bridge going up the milkyway complete with a small marshmallow under neath like a landing pad. Grabbing a little candy and deciding to sit on the softness of the marshmallow, Josh relaxed as he pulled out his phone, scrolling about in a little boredom.
Some time went by as Josh sunk into the marshmallow a little before he heard footsteps. Perking his head up, Josh looked as he saw enter the kitchen…
Josh watched as the giant approached. Josh's first thought was that this guy was absolutely massive. Easily having a good 5 inches on Brody's already impressively tall form, this guy also had muscle to show as he sauntered into the kitchen wearing only a pair of navy blue sweatpants with lacrosse sticks embroidered on the side as well as the number 20. Shirtless however, the giant showed a huge pair of pecs, bouncing with each step he took with tufts of blonde hair poking out between them trailing down to massive deep cut abs with hair fitted around his lower abdomen. Trailing down he clearly showed his underwear poking out, a bright red spandex in contrast to the navy blue as he sweatpants sagged quite significantly showing off a massive bubble butt as he walked past the counter and Josh. In awe, Josh looked up at the man's face, covered in blonde stubble with stern looking but with a wide mouth and happy expression leading up to a pair of bright blue eyes and finally a shaved on the sides head with a bit of hair messily scruffed across the very top.
"Woah this guy is massive!" Josh tried to measure the guy up, but couldn't even begin to scarcely imagine his hieght. Josh could simply sit and watch in awe as the man went over to a coffee pot and add some grounds and turn it on. Josh couldn't help but to particularly stare at his massive ass, clad in red as if some kind of focal point. Josh shook a little as the giant spoke, in a deep relaxed and attractive tone.
"Brooo… I can't believe Brody and Vinny ain't up yet…" Lyle said to himself as he yawned waiting for the coffee to brew. Shifting and bouncing a little impatiently, Lyle turned away as he waited.
"I guess that's Lyle." Josh guessed since he mentioned Vinny. Josh swallowed as the massive man was now looking right at him, or more accurately the pile of candy.
"What's this candy for?" Lyle asked out loud walking toward the counter and grabbing the piece of chocolate, causing Josh to scream as he nearly knocked over the marshmallow. Lyle popped the candy in his mouth as he looked down and shrugged. "Whatever, bro."
Josh, meanwhile, did not feel safe in his current position. While lately he's been interested in the idea of being eaten, and while Lyle was particularly attractive, Josh wasn't so sure on being eaten by an unaware giant he didn't even know. Noticing Lyle was still looking down at the candy, Josh…
Josh figured his best course of action was to simply way and call out the giant. After all, he was looking right at him anyway. Josh waved his arms from his perch on the marshmallow, yelling out as loud as he can to the oblivious massive muscular man. Josh watched Lyle's eyes squint a little as they seemed to narrow in on his location.
"Huh?" Lyle said under his breath as Josh continued to wave frantically. "That's a weird looking bug."
"I'm no bug!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs as Lyle looked away for a second, noticing his coffee was done. Josh put his arms down as Lyle turned his back, in the process of filling up a coffee cup before turning back around and setting the steaming cup down on the counter, taking a sip of it black.
"Ahhh…" Lyle sighed as he looked again at the bug squirming about on the marshmallow. "Thought to coffee would make it look less weird. Still kinda looks like some weird tiny person…"
"I am a tiny person!" Josh yelled, reaching for his phone, tempted to call Brody to his rescue. Lyle blinked, feeling like he heard a small voice now. Shaking his head, wondering if he just hasn't fully waken up, Lyle took a seat.
After closer examination, Lyle decided…
Lyle squinted his eyes a little for a second time as he leaned in closer, grabbing the marshmallow and bringing it to his face as he took a sip of coffee. Sure enough as he brought Josh closer to him, he could plainly see all the makings of a tiny human. Head, 2 arms and legs, torso. Setting his cup down his eyebrows rose a little in shock as Josh waved at him.
"Whoa bro. It is a tiny person!" Lyle's deep voice boomed out over Josh, the strong smell of coffee washing over him. "Are you waving to me?"
"Yes! I'm so glad you noticed me!" Josh called out to the giant with a happy grin, glad he wasn't going to have to frantically call Brody now.
"Holy shit, bro. You can talk too?" Lyle asked, as Josh felt like it was kind of a dumb question. He was human after all. "Do you have a name little fella?"
"Uh it's Josh!" Josh tried to remain upbeat, despite the fact that Lyle was initially treating him like some sort of tiny animal rather than a human.
"Oh Josh, bro? Like Brod's buddy Josh?" Lyle asked, raising an eyebrow as he took another gulp of his coffee. Josh however was a little surprised, he didn't know Brody talked about him at home, let alone considered him his bud. Josh couldn't help but smile at the thought.
"Oh Brody has told you about me?" Josh asked, curious what Brody had said, now blushing a little.
"Yeah bro. He said he was real excited helping you out with a prank war." Lyle took another sip of his coffee while he looked up in thought trying to see what else he could recall. "Said you use the park's shrinking whatever to be small more often than not, bro. Then tried to prank some dude named Tyler? But he said you were accidentally eaten or something? Makes more sense now that I see how small you are, bro."
"Yeah that about sums it up. Tyler accidentally ate me once, deliberately he ate me twice though. This guy Luke accidentally ate me twice though too." Josh crossed his arms, now recalling all the times he's been sent screaming down Tyler or Luke's throats. Lyle simply chuckled a little as Josh gave away the information.
"Luke. That's the other name I couldn't think of, bro. Shit's crazy though bro. You really went through all that?" Lyle asked, once again taking a sip of his coffee while curious over this whole story.
"Yeah it was kinda scary at first, but after while we tried to work it into the pranks." Josh tried to hide a little blush as it inadvertently ended up in his favor.
"I heard that you were gonna get fake eaten by Brod, right bro? How'd that go?" Lyle asked, reaching around and grabbing another piece of chocolate and tossing it in his mouth. Slightly distracted by the action, Josh tried to focus.
"Oh no he really ate me. We wanted it to be authentic when I called Tyler claiming he ate me. But he didn't buy my act. So instead I just had free trip into Brody's stomach for nothing." Josh tried to act disappointed about the situation.
"Ah that sucks, bro. This is still wild though bro. I can't believe you're not scared of me. Especially sitting on a piece of food like that, bro!" Lyle chuckled as he set the marshmallow down finally and scratched his chin.
"Ah, well I guess I'm just used to it by now! Once you've seen one giant I guess you've seen em all." Josh lied, as he was quite entranced by the handsome stud. Suddenly, Lyle stood up, giving Josh a spectacular view of the giant as he tiled back the last of his coffee into his mouth, stretching back his abs and letting his pecs bounce gently as he lowered his head back. Josh couldn't help but stare as Lyle turned and once again gave him a magnificent view of his massive red clad bubble butt as he went and dropped his cup into the sink before making his way back to the table, standing in a looming fashion over Josh. Josh could do nothing but stare up in awe.
"You're so small all the way down there, bro." Lyle chuckled again with his deep voice. "If I didn't know better I'd just eat the marshmallow. Could've been round seven or something for you, bro."
"Could've been!" Josh yelled back up at him, almost disappointed it didn't happen.
"I wouldn't have known though, bro." Lyle rubbed a hand on his huge abs. "Would've been your last trip, bro."
"I have my phone with me actually. I just got a life proof case too since this has been happening to me so much lately!" Josh tried to retort, feeling like he didn't want Lyle to think so lowly of him that he'd go out without a chance.
"Huh, that's smart micro bro." Lyle yawned as he took his seat back down, making the view he was giving Josh much less intimidating but still very overwhelming from his size.
"Hey I'm not microscopic!" Josh huffed a little at the sudden nickname. Lyle simply smiled and shrugged.
"Would you prefer something like crumb? Probably more fitting considered how many times people ate you, bro." Lyle crossed his arms over his massive chest as he chuckled. "Besides I still called you smart, even though it's pretty dumb to end up in someone's stomach, bro."
"It was only on purpose once with Brody! Oh wait twice… with the fish suit…" Josh trailed off. "But yeah the case is supposed to survive anything. So far that includes stomach acid."
"Word, bro. That's sweet." Lyle lowered down a finger next to Josh. "Can I see it? I just wanna see if I can even see it on my finger."
Against his better judgment, Josh hesitated for a second. But Lyle seemed like a nice guy. Placing his trust in the massive man, Josh put it on his massive finger before him as he watched Lyle bring it up close to his face, squinting. Just then, Lyle…
Lyle squinted at the teeny tiny phone as hard as he could. "It's barely a speck, bro." Lyle commented as Josh gasped as the huge man stuck his finger in his mouth before he could even react. With a simple swish and gulp, Lyle easily gulped down the tiny phone in one quick moment. Josh meanwhile stood by in shock.
"Why… did you do that?" Josh asked, still in a little shock.
"I wanted to see if it would end up really being life proof, bro!" Lyle smiled attractively. "We can see if it still works when I shit it out, bro!"
"That's not going to work…" Josh barely said loud enough for the giant to hear. "We'll never find it, you couldn't even see it on your finger…"
"Oh bro. That's a good point. I didn't even think about that!" Lyle laughed casually. Josh watched as the huge muscular man rubbed his stomach. "Well it's gone now. My bad, bro."
"Well it's not gone. It's just sitting in your stomach now." Josh cared to clarify. Josh bit his lip as Lyle stood up again, causing the hills of his abs to roll past the front of the table all the way till he could only have a view of his legs without looking up. Josh gulped as he looked way up at the massive smiling giant.
"You make it sound like you wanna go in and get it, bro." Lyle stretched a little as he reached down and grabbed the marshmallow Josh was on and brought it slowly up to his face. "I'm a big dude though, you probably wouldn't find it, bro."
"W-well I've been inside Tyler, Luke, and Brody." Josh quivered a little. "I'm used to this sort of thing by now."
Lyle simply shrugged. It was no skin off his bones what Josh did or didn't do. Josh watched as the huge man started to open his mouth, large enough to consume the whole marshmallow at once. Swallowing his pride Josh…
Josh kept his mouth shut as he moved in closer to Lyle's gaping dark mouth. With relative ease, Lyle stuffed the whole marshmallow in his mouth, closing it inside as she let the sugary treat start to dissolve on his tongue. Feeling the food soak down into mush, Lyle cared very little about what it must be like for little Josh in there, if he had any oppositions he should have voiced them far sooner. After a few seconds the mush turned more into sugary liquid as he tilted his head back slightly and swallowed. Feeling the food disappear down his throat, Lyle simply shrugged, feeling like it wasn't very different from any other time he's ever eaten anything.
- - -
It took far too long as Josh struggled and squirmed against the melting marshmallow until it became little more than a swimming pool of melted sugar. Feeling like an eternity went by in the massive man's mouth before the deafening sound of the gulp finally struck Josh's ears. He was used to it at this point, truly. But it didn't stop it from being any less thrilling as suddenly his world was sent in a spiral downward deeper, darker, and past the thumping heart of the massive hunky athlete. Josh could barely think as excitement was the only thing running through his mind. Swirling down finally being deposited into Lyle's stomach, Josh took a deep breath of the foul air as he tried to find some place to be safe for the time being.
"It reeks like coffee down here!" Josh couldn't help but exclaim. It really was hot and steamy and filled with coffee that the giant had just drank. Other than that it was fairly empty. Thick fumes obscured Josh's vision as he found it hard to focus, let alone locate his phone. Josh started to look at the massive lake of coffee and other liquid as he wonder how exactly he was going to accomplish this.
"I didn't even make a plan… he didn't even tell me he'd let me out." Josh was starting to realize, but the excitement of knowing he might not make it out despite Lyle being well aware of what he did was quite thrilling. "Maybe he won't even let me out. I'm practically nothing down here!"
Josh bit his lip at his idea. It was both an incredible feeling and utterly terrifying at the same time. He truly was insignificant as the massive stomach churned and growled, undoubtedly unsatisfied with the meager meal Lyle has prepared for it so far.
- - -
Lyle's stomach growled loudly just then as he sighed, thinking about how aside from Josh and a few pieces of candy, he had eaten nothing yet this morning. Frowning, Lyle made his way over to the refrigerator, reaching inside and grabbing out a few eggs and some slices of bacon.
"I'm sure he won't mind if I eat some actual food." Lyle said to himself, trying to affirm in his head that it didn't matter if he ate on top of Josh. Turning on the stove and grabbing himself a frying pan, Lyle started the process of cooking his food, convinced that Josh wouldn't mind. Cooking the food without so much as an additional thought, Lyle simply turned on his phone, playing some music at a decent level as he bobbed up and down to the beat.
- - -
"Is that music?" Josh asked nobody. There was the faint muffled beat of what seemed like some obnoxious rap music coming from the other side of the fleshy walls, but it hardly mattered to Josh. It wasn't like he gave the giant any instruction, any guidance. Nothing. Not even his number should he manage to find the phone, which as time went on seemed less and less likely. Scared to venture too deep into the murky brown liquid, Josh timidly would fish around under the surface for a moment before pulling his hands out.
"Yeah… no…" Josh fairly easily convinced himself. There was no way he'd find it unless it miraculously lit up and showed him where it was. But it was so early, nobody was going to call him. "I'll just have to wait until he lets me out I guess…"
Lyle's body shifted around a bit as Josh braced himself against the wall. Hearing a clatters and scraping noises, Josh was curious what was going on. Moments later his question was answered as hot mounds of chewed up food were being squeezed into the stomach from far above at the entrance of the massive cavern.
"Seems like a waste to eat all that if he's just going to puke me up…" Josh said to himself, feeling confident that Lyle wasn't about to just leave him down here to stew with the meal he was eating. "Well maybe he figures he won't puke all of it up?"
- - -
Finishing the last bite of his meal, Lyle sat back, burping as he rubbed his stomach gently. He did think about Josh inside his stomach, but it wasn't of his upmost concern.
"I wonder if the shrinking made him like invincible or something." Lyle tried to rationalize. "Like how else did he get out of everyone else's stomachs? It's not like they all puked him up, bro."
Satisfied with his rationale, Lyle resigned to the fact that he would have to wait several hours before letting Josh out the other end. It was no big deal to him, he just had to let what came natural after all. Washing his dish and standing up, Lyle made his way out of the kitchen, figuring he could blow off some steam in the gym and waste some time before he had to worry about Josh. As he made his way to Brody's basement door to go down to the gym he had, Lyle…
Casually making his way down the basement stairs into the the gym Brody had set up down there, Lyle stretched his arms a little as he made his way over to the workout equipment. Pulling his phone out of his pocket and setting it on a table by a mini fridge, Lyle pulled up his sweatpants a bit as he made his way over to the bench press. Putting on the appropriate weights, Lyle laid down and started his workout, slowly lowering the bar to his chest before lifting it up high with a grunt.
- - -
Josh screamed as Lyle's stomach shifted and turned in different directions. It was still so dark and he hadn't quite gotten his bearings straight yet.
"What is going on up there!?" Josh cried out in confusion, finally settling down after Lyle's stomach stopped shifting so much. Josh tried to listen hard, but all he could hear among the gurgles and churns of Lyle's stomach was… grunting?
"Lyle!!" Josh called out, realizing the giant never actually told him his name. Trying to find refuge on the breakfast the giant had eaten, Josh started to sweat nervously as he skin started to tingle and burn. "I have to get out of here…"
- - -
"Whew!" Lyle sat up after racking his weight. Wiping his sweaty brow as he got up and made his way to the mini fridge and grabbed a water. Chugging it down, Lyle curiously looked down at his phone, grabbing it and pulling up google.
"How long does it take for food to leave your body?" Lyle spoke the words as he typed them into his phone. "Six to eight hours?! Bro, that's like half the day."
Lyle chuckled as he set down his phone and patted his slightly sweaty abs. "Sorry micro bro, but it sounds like you've got a long time before you get out!" Lyle put his his arms behind his head and stretched his torso and abdomen a bit. "Well if you've been eaten as many times as you said, I'm sure you're used to it."
Again, confident with his logic, Lyle made his way over to a yoga mat, deciding he wanted to do some sit ups and crunches, hoping the ab exercises would help move Josh along through his body a little quicker.
- - -
Thrown around in the mess of digestive fluids and breakfast, Josh didn't stand a chance during Lyle's ab exercise. Easily knocked unconscious and digested in the massive man's stomach, Josh was both a little content with his end if not felt it was deserved for not going in with a plan or explanation.
Lyle meanwhile, was excited the rest of his day, waiting for hours to go by wondering when he was going to have the pleasure of embarrassing the tiny man by shitting him out. Time went by though and the only things to come to pass were a minuscule, yet still functional phone and the shattered remains of a teeny tiny skeleton.
Lyle stopped as he heard someone coming down the stairs. Deciding to wait, Lyle turned the corner and was greeted by his friend and housemate, Brody. Wearing similar looking sweatpants and no shirt like his friend Lyle, it looks like they all had matching pairs from when they all did lacrosse together. Brody yawned and ruffled his hair as he saw Lyle peeking up the stairs at him.
"Yoooo, morning bro." Brody smiled at Lyle as he made his way to the bottom of the stairs and fist bumped his friend. "What are you up to?"
"I was just about to go in the basement, bro." Lyle flexed a little. "Gotta get my gains going, bro."
"Nice! If I was a little more awake I'd join you, bro." Brody yawned as he walked past Lyle toward the kitchen, looking quickly at the plate seeing the candy had been mostly eaten. "Uhhh bro, you didn't all that candy did you?"
Lyle followed Brody back into the kitchen and waved his hand, as if to indicate not to worry. "Don't worry bro, I met Josh. He asked me to eat him, so it's all good bro."
"Oh? Where is he now, bro?" Brody asked, a bit concerned with potentially how long ago Lyle ate him.
"Right here with the rest of my breakfast, bro!" Lyle patted his stomach. "How long did it take you to shit him out?"
"Bro, you have to puke him out! How long ago did you eat him?" Brody started to go from concern to panic. "He won't make it going all the way through you, bro!"
"He won't?! Bro, he never told me that!" Lyle turned a tiny bit red, feeling a little embarrassed. "Uhhh I swallowed him maybe 15 minutes ago? I ate breakfast on top of him though too, bro!"
"Bro, you don't think he got crushed under your breakfast?" Brody worried, knowing just how tiny and feeble Josh was. "Bro, you have to puke him out!"
"Okay okay!" Lyle went over to the sink, putting the stopper in the drain and sticking his fingers down his throat. Moments later, Lyle started upchucking chunks of his breakfast he just carefully prepared, seeing streams of brown liquid form his coffee as well and even chunks of white from the marshmallow. Coughing and spitting, Lyle and Brody looked through the disgusting mess for a few minutes before they saw a small wriggling speck.
Josh rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the light as he breathed in fresh air, relived as he laid his hand down next to him, colliding with a teeny tiny phone he was so desperately searching for inside Lyle.
"Go figure." Josh could barely muster as he grabbed the phone and slid it into his slimy shorts pocket, now looking up at the faces of Lyle and Brody as he was being scooped out of the vomit.
"Bro! Is he still alive? He's not moving!" Lyle looked down into Brody's hand at Josh laying motionless. Josh slowly sat up, feeling like he had been just through a washing machine filled with food. "Bro! Why didn't you tell me to puke you up! If I didn't run into Brody I was gonna leave you in there."
"I… I don't know. I just froze up before you ate me." Josh rubbed his head. "I guess I also just never mentioned it. I'm sorry."
"Bro, with the apologizing again?" Brody frowned. "All's fun and all, bro, but you could've died. So don't apologize. It's my fault for not just staying with you."
"Nah bro, it's my fault for not asking you. I just assumed, bro." Lyle chimed in wanting to take a share of the blame. Lyle's stomach gave off a loud growl just after his apology. "I also ate on top of you, which wasn't cool… but now I'm a little hungry again…"
Josh couldn't help but laugh at Lyle's stomach growling, thinking it a bit ironic and funny now he was safe. Brody and Lyle also smiled, glad to see Josh was in good spirits.
"I'd offer myself up as breakfast, but I doubt I'd fill up what you just puked out!" Josh tried to joke, wanting to make the men feel a little better about the situation.
"Definitely not, bro!" Lyle smiled, glad to see Josh was seeing humor in this. "By the way, now that I've eaten you and almost digested you, I forgot to tell you, I'm Lyle."
"I figured, Brody told me about you a bit." Josh smiled, feeling like this was the weirdest way he's ever been introduced to someone before. Lyle smiled as he stopped leaning into look at Josh and rubbed his stomach, hungry. "You guys should have some breakfast!"
"I just napped off my breakfast, bro. But I guess I could go for seconds!" Brody stood next to Lyle and nodded before carrying Josh over to the kitchen table. "I'll grab a little water so you can wash off, bro."
- - -
Some time went by as Lyle and Brody made some fresh breakfast, eating and chatting with Josh as he cleaned himself off with water from a bottle cap.
"Bro! How is Vinny still sleeping?!" Lyle looked down at his phone seeing it was almost 11am. Leaning back and rubbing his perfect abs, Lyle burped, satisfied with his breakfast. "Oh bro, glad I don't have to puke this time!"
"I'm happy for that too! Oh by the way I forgot to mention, I found my phone too!" Josh just remembered as he reached toward his pocket.
"Word, bro!" Lyle squinted, still not able to see the tiny device. "So it was a successful mission into the depths of my stomach!"
Brody meanwhile merely looked confused. "Uh, why was Josh's phone in Lyle's stomach?"
"I swallowed it. I wanted to see if it was really life-proof. But I didn't think about the fact that we'd never find it once I shit it out." Lyle explained, not making a big deal about his spontaneous decisions. "I ate him so he could go in and find it, bro."
"Oh bro, that makes sense. I though little Josh was just going for a joy ride." Brody laughed, knowing Josh was becoming a bit of a fan of the thrills behind being eaten alive.
"Joy ride?" Lyle questioned. "That was scary when I thought I killed him, bro. I don't see how that's a joy ride."
"Well, I guess it's not the first close call I've had." Josh chimed in, wanting to throw in his two cents. "Under controlled circumstances I think it's actually really cool getting eaten. It's like a water slide, and the inside of the stomach is both breathtaking and terrifying."
Lyle looked down at Josh with a raised eyebrow for a second before Josh turned bright red, feeling embarrassed.
"Sorry! That probably sounded really weird!" Josh tried to apologize, knowing Brody didn't care but he wasn't sure if Lyle would judge him or not.
"It's fine, micro-bro. I'll let you go for a joy ride again if you want." Lyle leaned back and laughed, patting his stomach. "I'll have to have you sign a waiver next time or something though, bro!"
"Ha, alright sounds good to me!" Josh smiled, glad Lyle didn't think he was a creep or a weirdo.
- - -
The three men relaxed, as each Lyle and Brody eventually took showers and got ready for their day. Laughing over how Vinny was still sleeping, the three decided it would be best to do something without him.
"So what do we wanna do, bros?" Lyle asked, wearing a loose white tank top that exposed his sides as well as a pair of black shorts, looking like they didn't fit over hiss ass very well as his butt stuck out revealing a similar looking to before red spandex underwear. Lyle had also styled his hair a bit now from the messy bedhead he had before.
Brody stood now, wearing a more normal black tank top, a little tight around his chest, but nothing terribly revealing like Lyle's, as well as navy blue shorts, also sagging them slightly but again not as bad as Lyle was.
"I dunno, bro." Brody leaned on the table, ass against it beside Josh looking from down to Josh, to up at Lyle. "It's nice out, we should at least go out back or something."
"I wanna send micro-bro on a joy ride at some point." Lyle rubbed his abs under his tank top.
"Hey! So do I bro. You can't hog him you know." Brody leaned slightly closer to Josh, as if he's staked his claim on the tiny man already.
"Why don't we settle this with a competition, bro?" Lyle cracked his knuckles and stepped forward a bit. Josh gulped a little nervously, wondering what Lyle could have in mind as he approached his smaller friend, Brody.
"Oh? Try me, bro." Brody stood from his lean on the table, having to look up at Lyle a little as he stood a full five inches taller.
"Why don't we let micro-bro pick?" Lyle peeked around Brody, seeing Josh sit there nervously on the table. "My votes are a flex off slash work out competition, or we see who can do the banana sprite challenge faster."
"Sure, you'd pick things you're good at, bro." Brody continued to look at Lyle's face like they were getting ready for a MMA fight. "My votes are either a lacrosse shoot out against each other, or a cook off."
Without breaking eye contact with Brody, Lyle addressed Josh. "Well, micro-bro? What will it be?"
Josh felt a bit on the spot, but he could tell the two men were determined. Thinking for a moment, Josh realized if he chose one of Lyle's option there probably a greater chance of him winning, and likewise for Brody's. Thinking carefully, Josh decided to go with…
"Umm I guess the workout competition would be the most interesting!" Josh decided, not wanting to specifically mention the flex off, though it was by far the part he was most interested in. "You guys could see who can do the most sit ups, or push ups, or something!"
"Great idea micro-bro! We'll have three events, sit ups, push ups, and then the flex off!" Lyle made sure to flex a little in emphasis of "flex off".
"Alright, it's on then bro!" Brody smiled, still right up in Lyle's face. Lyle didn't flinch as he continued to be in Brody's face, just smiling his perfect white teeth.
"It almost looks like they're going to kiss." Josh thought to himself, looking at Lyle's face dangerously close to Brody's. Josh watched as the stared at each other for a few moments more before both men broke away from each other, laughing. Josh watched as Brody turned, scooping him up into his hand as the three made their way out back to Brody's huge back yard. Setting Josh down on a glass patio table, Brody opened the umbrella above it, giving the tiny man some shade. Josh watched as Brody and Lyle went out onto the fresh cut grass, both men pulling off their tank tops and tossing them aside as they went out into the sun. Josh leaned forward, transfixed at both hunks as they started doing push ups beside each other, keeping pace with one another, doing 10… 20.. 30… 40… even 50 in a row as it seemed like neither man was tiring.
Eventually, Josh watched as Brody's arms gave out, collapsing to the grass as Lyle continued on strong. Josh watched as Lyle helped Brody off the ground as both mes stood there, already glistening in sweat. Josh bit his lip as Brody laughed, wiping a little gross off his chest and abdomen as he conceded the first challenge to Lyle.
"I knew I wasn't gonna outlast you, bro. But let's see how well you do with sit ups!" Brody said to the man as neither of them acknowledged Josh, which made the situation even more thrilling for the little man as he truly felt like he was being fought over right now, and being ignored was making it even hotter. Continuing to watch closely, Josh saw both men lay on the ground as they started doing sit ups… once again keeping a rapid pace with one another. Slowly but surly, Josh watched as Lyle started slowing down his pace before fully laying on his back as Brody looked over at him an smirked. Getting off the ground, Josh watched as both men, drenched in sweat and a bit dirty with grass and dirt came back over to the patio table, now hovering over him like two glistening muscle gods.
"We're tied, micro-bro." Lyle panted as he stood over Josh with his hands on his hips. "So you'll have to break the tie with the flex off."
Josh could barely contain himself as he watched Lyle, kneel down and start flexing his abs, clearly they were already pretty tight from sit ups, but with the added flex, Josh could barely look away. Brody, noticing Lyle had already started and was now completely hogging Josh's view, pushed himself in front of Lyle, sticking his ass in his friend's face as he made Josh stare all the way up at him as he did a classic double bicep pose while staring up at the sky.
Lyle, shoved Brody's ass out of his face, quickly re-obstructing Josh's view as he leaned his chest in chose, making his pecs bounce to a seductive rhythm as Brody regained his balance and smirked. Making his way to the opposite end of the table, Brody tipped the table toward him, causing Josh to slide away from Lyle before crashing into Brody's abs. Josh felt the sweat of the huge bro's body as he started up at the man as he smirked and nodded arrogantly as he flexed his abs intensely, letting Josh feel them as he clenched them hard as rocks. Lyle stood up and shook his head laughing as he saw Josh pressed against Brody's abs. Noticing how fixated Brody was on Josh, Lyle made his way over, quickly pinching Josh off Brody's abs and carrying him away in his palm as Brody dropped the table. Now Josh found himself at ab height of Lyle, staring up at him as he did a single bicep flex, swapping to a tricep, before ending with more flexing of his chest. Josh gawked at the giant before he found himself engulfed in darkness, as he turned and saw Brody pressing his own body against Lyle's as Josh was trapped now, in Lyle's hand between Brody and Lyle's bodies.
"Okay okay!" Josh called up at the giant, as he didn't think he could take anymore before he'd burst from over stimulation. It took a moment before the mes stopped flexing, acknowledging Josh's words as Lyle brought him back over to the patio table. Bright red, Josh looked at the two men as they stood the in front of him, both still casually flexing here and there.
"Well, bro?" Brody flexed his bicep. "Who's the winner?"
"I gave a much better show, and you know it, micro-bro!" Lyle gave a smug sexy look as he put his arms behind his head, flexing his triceps and stretching his abdomen.
"I um…" Josh was thoroughly embarrassed as he knew he had to choose. Swallowing his pride, Josh looked at the two colossal sweaty hunks and chose…
Josh bit his lip. It really was a hard choice, especially since he knew he was going to eaten by whoever he picked!
"I'm sorry Brody, but I think I have to go with Lyle." Josh felt bad picking Lyle, over Brody. Especially with how helpful Brody has been to him recently. But Lyle truly went above and beyond with his performance and his sheer size certainly gave him an advantage. Lyle put his arm up in victory and did a quick jog around Brody in a circle before going up to Josh and kneeling down in front of him again.
"I knew you'd pick me, micro-bro!" Lyle winked at Josh, breathing a bit heavy from the hot sun and dripping with beads of sweat.
"Well, I did my best! No hard feelings, bro!" Brody smiled as he put a hand on Lyle's shoulder. "What was the determining move, boss?"
"Umm… probably when he grabbed me after you tipped the table. Something about being scooped up like that just sealed the deal." Josh tried to recount the exact moment he felt he was swooning over Lyle more than Brody.
"Well it's all good bro!" Brody gave Josh a thumbs up. "I'll get you next time though!"
"But for right now, micro-bro. You're mine." Lyle leaned in close to Josh, scooping him off his feet and holding him next to his abs. "Ready for a joy ride into my stomach, micro-bro?"
Josh stared up at the muscular abs, all the way to Lyle's chest, before seeing his face, looking like it was miles and miles away. "Yeahhh…" Josh swooned. "Oh what about that waiver?"
Lyle lifted Josh up closer to his face, as Josh now looked at Lyle's handsome face and scruffy chin. "We can call it a verbal agreement, micro-bro." Lyle flashed his beautiful white teeth with a smile. "You're responsible for whatever goes on in your trip. I am not liable for any injuries associated with patting my stomach, burping, eating food, drinking, or accidental digestion. Do you accept these terms, micro-bro?"
"I do!" Josh smiled eagerly, hoping Lyle was just kidding about the accidental digestion part. Lyle started to lean Josh in closer to his now opening mouth.
"Good enough for me! Enjoy your trip!" Lyle rolled his tongue out, depositing Josh into his mouth and turning it toward Brody, making his eyebrows wiggle up and down as he smiled and closed his mouth. Brody laughed as he watched Lyle swish Josh about a little bit in his mouth as he walked over to his friend, just as he gulps a loud exaggerated swallow.
"Bro! I heard that!" Brody fist bumped Lyle, impressed. Brody watched as Lyle rubbed his chest as he felt Josh feebly go down his throat.
"Bro, I should've like tied a string to him or something. I don't wanna puke again!" Lyle just realized, having once again acted a bit spontaneously without thinking.
"We'll figure that out in a minute, bro. First you should take some tums and drink a little water. He told me it made my stomach a lot more safe." Brody patted Lyle on the shoulder as the two walked back inside, still shirtless and shiny with sweat. Once inside, Brody offered Lyle the tums, which he quickly took with water, hoping to make his stomach a little less caustic for the tiny explorer he had within him.
- - -
Josh sloshed about in a mess of liquidity digested food. It tingled his skin to be in the disgusting chyme, so after being deposited in the massive organ, Josh tried his best to find the edge of the stomach, so he could be in relative safety. As Lyle's stomach churned and groaned, Josh could hear the digested meal being sucked into Lyle's small intestine, with a sickening slurping sound followed by loud groans.
"Wow, Lyle's body is amazing…" Josh admired the sheer size of the man's stomach, in complete awe of the simple process of digestion being taken place around him. Josh looked up as heard a squelching noise, as he noticed something be deposited into the chamber. The smell was familiar for when Brody did it, it was tums! Couple that with the sound of torrents of water, Josh watched as a dark stream poured into the center of Lyle's stomach, like he was watching a great underground lake be filled.
"That's incredible…" Josh witnessed the events in the dark before he felt a buzzing noise come from his pocket. Pulling out his phone, Josh immediately felt dumb for not recording the flex off earlier, or his ride down into Lyle's stomach! Never the less, Josh saw the name was from Brody as he picked up the phone.
"Hey Brody! I totally forgot I even had my phone with me!" Josh spoke into his phone has he heard a laugh.
"Wrong, micro-bro! It's Lyle. I didn't have your number, so Brod let me borrow his phone." Josh heard Lyle's voice on the other end, but also could somewhat hear it muffled coming from above as well. "And what do you mean you forgot you had your phone?! You didn't record anything, micro-bro?"
"No I forgot!" Josh responded, feeling bad as he more so than anything else wished he had the whole flex show on video. "I'll take pictures in here though!"
"Good, micro-bro. I wanna know what it looks like for you in there!" Lyle spoke casually, making it seem like having Josh in his stomach wasn't a big deal. "I took some tums and drank some water, so hopefully it's chill in there, bro."
"I saw! I watched the water pour in from a safe distance. It was incredible." Josh recalled the event in his head.
"Oh did you record that?" Lyle asked.
"No… I forgot…" Josh sounded disappointed.
"It's fine! I'll drink more! Don't miss it this time!" Josh heard Lyle say as he hung up the phone. Meanwhile, Josh looked where he was positioned and saw the water was pretty close now to washing him in to more of the center of the stomach.
"I don't think that's a good idea… he might flood me in here." Josh pulled up Brody's name and started trying to call Lyle back. The phone rang a few time and after a few second…
"You know what bro… screw it." Brody smirked almost slightly unnaturally cockily as he reached down for Josh, pinching him up between his fingers. Brody slowly lifted Josh up past his abs and massive chest as he brought Josh up to his bright attractive smile. Josh blushed bright red, as Brody brought him up, completely against his will to the giant's face.
"B-brody!" Josh stuttered, both with an air of excitement but also nervousness as Brody held him above his face, smiling at him with his white teeth.
"Sorry bro, I just can't stop thinking about eating you before." Brody spoke to Josh honestly. "Eh… not really sorry bro. Just thinking about you lost and forgotten in my belly, bro…"
"I well…" Josh was flustered. "I mean I…"
"It's cool bro, I get it." Brody continued to smile. "Don't worry about it too much, bro."
"I well…" Josh embarrassingly stuttered some more as Brody lowered him into his mouth. Josh didn't get another word in as Body closed his lips around him. Pulling his finger away, Brody had easily dropped Josh inside. Leveling his head, Brody swished Josh around in his mouth, still smirking slightly as he felt the tiny man squirm about before he decided to swallow the tiny man down with a soft gulp. Brody leaned back for a second before he traced the squirms down his neck before the disappeared just past his chest.
"Bro why does that feel so good…" Brody said to himself quietly as Josh's squirms stopped. Brody took a swig of the water he grabbed, making sure he effectively washed Josh all the way down into his stomach. Chugging the water down, Brody quickly drained the bottle much like he would during his lacrosse practice. Brody tossed the bottle aside as he gave out a slight wet watery burp.
"Dang bro…" Brody smiled rubbing his stomach a little. Brody turned his head slightly, mouth hanging open a little as he thought about what he just did.
- - -
Washing into the now familiar chamber in a waterfall like torrent of water, Josh splashed into Brody's stomach. Pulling himself out of the liquid, Josh tried to find some sort of surface or land he could try and find purchase on as he tread shallow water. Pulling himself onto the chewed remains of the food Brody got, Josh sighed as he laid back in the mush feeling safe.
"Wow…" Josh was still beat red in embarrassment. There was something about being eaten by accident by the other guys, but to be so deliberately and dominantly eaten by Brody was simply over whelming. Josh felt the warm digested mush around him, it almost felt inviting in a sense. Jumping in shock though, Josh felt his phone buzz, seeing it was Brody calling him.
"B-brody?!" Josh answered in shock, forgetting he even had his phone on him, despite using it only less than hour ago with Tyler.
"Sup, bro. You sound so surprised." Brody chuckled on the other end. "Sorry bro, I just couldn't help but to eat you up again."
"I-it's fine!" Josh shook in excitement. "I mean like we said, you're in control, right?"
"Damn right bro." Brody said in an arrogant tone. "Dang, bro. I just couldn't help myself."
"I'm g-glad you couldn't!" Josh stuttered. "Ever since you got me out it was all I had in mind was you just gulping me down again…"
"Cool, bro…" Brody replied casually. "Because like… what if I just didn't throw you up this time?"
"Y-you mean…?" Josh sat up, nervous about what Brody meant.
"Yeah bro… I mean Tyler and Luke sort of think you're missing already right?" Brody explained his train of thought. "I just can't help but think about you staying in my stomach bro…"
"I mean… it's not like I didn't think about it…" Josh admitted in embarrassment. "After all you've done for me, I'd rather stay in here than risk Tyler or Luke eating me again."
"As long as you're sure bro." Brody reassured Josh. "I don't know bro… might sound dumb. But I don't wanna just leave you to get digested with my breakfast without you being chill with it."
"I… thank you." Josh flopped back into the mess of digested goop. "Brody I…"
"This is all a lot to take in right now. Why don't we just figure this shit out tomorrow." Luke shrugged his shoulders as he looked from Josh to Tyler.
"That's too bad. I like it when you eat me too Luke." Josh added, as he looked at Luke's fantastic body. Luke seemed slightly taken aback by the comment however.
"Man this is a dangerous hobby you got going on now, boss." Luke chuckled as he patted Tyler on the shoulder. "I think I'm all set for now though boss. Maybe some other time?"
Luke gave Tyler a solid wack on the back before he turned away, feeling like it was almost getting to be a little too weird for him. Tyler however, looked down at Josh, tired looking but still very interested. Josh watched as Luke left before looking right up into his best friend's beautiful face.
"It is dangerous." Tyler said to Josh seriously for a moment. "But it's something about you… my best friend… helpless…"
"I feel the same way." Josh gazed up at Tyler longingly. "It's like it doesn't matter what happens to me. I just feel so close to you."
"Well you can't get much closer than being literally inside me!" Tyler laughed smiling down at Josh. "But I also couldn't bear the thought of losing you, dude. So as much as we both like it, maybe we should stop?"
Josh tried to think about it from Tyler's point of view. It was hard though for the tiny man to even imagine however. "I guess my life is at risk, but really what do you have to lose?"
"You, dude." Tyler rose an eyebrow. "I just told you I could lose you."
"I-I guess." Josh stuttered, not really have thought about it like that till Tyler bluntly pointed it out. "I guess if roles were reversed, I would never want to lose you either."
"Yeah that would never happen." Tyler laughed heavily. "I'd never allow it."
"I wouldn't like it anyway." Josh shivered at the thought. "It'd be weird."
"No kidding!" Tyler smiled. "But back to what I was saying. I don't think I can eat you anymore bro."
"But Ty!" Josh tried to retort, as Tyler shook his head adamantly.
"No but's." Tyler stuck a finger out. "If you died in my guts I could never forgive myself."
"What if we took safety precautions?" Josh offered as a possible solution. "I-I could build something. A suit!"
Tyler's eyebrows rose in interest at the idea. "Could you really pull something like that off?"
"Sure I could!" Josh said confidently. "I mean I built a shrink ray for goodness sake, I could build a stomach acid resistant suit!"
Tyler felt a bit of confidence well up in his chest for Josh, but he still couldn't help but feel a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, the exact place he was worried Josh would make his final resting place should this suit fail. Taking a deep breath, Tyler looked down at his minuscule best friend, deciding…
Buuuzzzt! Buuuzzzzt! Buuuzzzzt!
Brody reached into his pocket and pulled out his buzzing phone. Looking at the name on the caller ID, he figured he had to take it. "Bro, I have to take this! Get that fish up, man!" Brody said as he pressed the answer button on his screen. "Yo! What's good?" Brody said as he walked out the back door. Tyler rolled his eyes as he started to put his fingers back down his throat.
"Wait dude." Luke spoke up as he came over to Tyler's side. "I'll give you six bucks if you keep it down, dude."
Tyler's face lit up for a second. To be honest he didn't really feel like making himself vomit twice in one day, especially not a second time over some stupid tiny fish. "I'll take that bet, dude. I don't think that little fish is worth puking up anyway." Tyler said as he rubbed his stomach, thinking about the little creature he just swallowed. Meanwhile, Luke pulled out his wallet and gave Tyler six dollars to complete his end of the deal.
"I think so too man. Did you see how it was just floating like that? You're probably doing it a service by ending it, dude." Luke said eyeing Tyler's sweat covered abdomen.
"Not much of a service considering it's gonna be in my shit." Tyler laughed as him and Luke started to walk toward the exit to the break room. "Dude, what about Brody. He's gonna pissed I kept his dumb fish down."
Luke opened the door and looked out into the lot behind them. He could see Brody with his back turned a little ways out from where they were. "He's not looking, dude, let's book."
The pair quickly worked their way out of the door way and made their way back to the entrance of the park as they chuckled to each other over how they didn't get noticed by Brody. "Wonder why he really wanted me to eat that fish." Tyler said to Luke as they prepared to be shrunk and enter the park.
"Dunno man. The boss probably tried to get Brody to get you to do it as part of his next prank or something." Luke said as the two walked into the park
"I bet you're right, dude. I mean did you see that thing? Eyes all popped out, struggling to swim. I bet Josh thought it would gross me out." Tyler said giving his stomach a solid smack. Luke laughed as Tyler mocked the pathetic creature he ate some more, even deciding to burp obnoxiously as they walked past a few park guests, much to Luke's amusement.
- - -
"Any minute now." Josh thought as he had peeled off the Flubsy suit what seemed like forever ago. Josh listened as Tyler's recent belch caused the walls of his stomach to vibrate violently. His skin started to tingle as he itched at the urge be released from this stinky prison. Josh looked around him, Tyler's stomach swayed and churned as if it didn't have a care in the world, showing no indication of distress or need to vomit.
"What's taking so long?!" Josh yelled as he started to panic, making his way to a drier patch of stomach as waves of deadly acid started to wash up near him. There's no way they would think that it would take this long for him to reach Tyler's stomach. Something had to have gone wrong. Josh started to breath heavier as he listened to Tyler's distant laughter coupled with the sounds of his stomach digesting a meal nearby. Josh shivered despite the humid climate of his friend's belly, but he was coming to terms with the fact that he wasn't going to be rescued.
"Tyler! Brody!" Josh called in desperation as he looked over to see the Flubsy costume get dragged into the onslaught of stomach acid. Clinging onto the wall of the mucusy stomach, Josh was suddenly launched from the safe perch as a sudden jolt from the outside caused him to land directly in a sea of acid. Josh cried as he slowly was drug under the surface ready to be processed in Tyler's behemoth belly.
Meanwhile, Tyler and Luke continued to go about their day, avoiding contact with Brody who they hadn't seen since the initial bet was made. Heading home, Tyler scratched his head as he expected Josh to pop out at some point during the day in an attempt to get back at him. Shrugging it off, Tyler went home content that overall he was the better pranker.
"Can't beat the old goldfish trick." He said to himself rubbing his abs as he ultimately believed he scared his boss into not retaliating.
"Ulp… gulp… Ahhh!" Brody sighed as he emptied the last bit of soda in his mouth. Swallowing it down without even thinking twice. Standing up, he grabbed his plate and now empty liter of soda and walked it over to the kitchen. Quickly he rinsed off the plate and placed it neatly on the drying rack, then he proceeded to toss out the bottle in the recycling bin.
Feeling satisfied for cleaning up someone else's mess, he looked up at the clock. "Still got like 20 minutes left on my break, bro!" He said to himself excited returning to his seat in the lounge to continue watching the game. Flopping back down in his chair he felt his stomach shift slightly.
He let out a moderately loud burp and patted his stomach proudly. "That was some good pizza!" he said smiling, refocusing his attention the the tv.
- - -
For Josh the trip was practically instantaneous. One second the sea of brown he was in was calm, the next it turned into a raging river carrying him away out of his plastic prison, deep into a much more dangerous one.
Once the rapids finally ceased, Josh rubbed his eyes, adjusting to his surroundings. He was dripping wet with soda, knelt down in some sort of… yellow-ish mush from what he could gather. The darkness was overwhelming to him but it didn't take long for Josh to realize, he was in a stomach.
Listening to the rhythmic heart beats in the distance as well as the muffled groans and moans he could hear all around him, it was evidence enough. "How could this have happened…" Josh thought to himself.
"Brody must've finished off the soda.." Josh thought. "Damn it! This is all Tyler's fault! I wouldn't be here if he didn't play his childish games!" Josh steamed stomping on the soft ground getting his foot stuck. "Great…"
Suddenly, the walls of the stomach dropped. Josh managed to avoid flying up toward the top of the belly due to his stuck foot, when suddenly a deafening sound flooded the chamber, followed a large change in pressure. Josh had to cover his ears since they felt like they were about ready to explode when he dropped to his knees at the definite lack of oxygen.
Gasping for air Josh could hear a few large smacks coming from one of the walls of his prison. Followed by the last words he'd hear before passing out.
Brody's voice echoed out as Josh fainted in a pile of mush.
- - -
Almost 20 minutes had gone by and Body looked up at the clock. "Almost time to head back to work…" He thought.
Emerging finally from the work out room stepped a sweaty Tyler, who immediately headed over to the kitchen table as he heard Brody's voice come from the lounge, "Sup brah!" The man called to his superior.
Looking around for the bottle cap, or even the pizza that was left Tyler quickly got concerned, walking into the lounge to confront Brody. "Dude, did you eat my pizza? And what about the soda… and the cap." He added rubbing the back of his head.
"Shit…" Brody thought. He had no idea it was Tyler's food! He didn't wanna piss off the higher ranking lifeguard so he quickly came up with a lie. "What pizza, bro?" He asked feigning ignorance.
"There was a pizza, and soda on the table, back in the kitchen." Tyler said now coming up with a lie himself, "I was uh.. saving it for when I was done with my workout."
Turning away from Tyler, Brody continued to lie, "Table was empty when I came in, brah. Someone must've taken your food before I came in." He finished casually. "Anyway bro, I gotta get back to work." he said extending his fist out and smiling.
Bumping his fist to Brody's, Tyler replied. "Alright, thanks man. See ya Brod."
For Brody, he was glad he could dodge a bullet for getting in trouble with Tyler. He knew that probably wouldn't gone over well if he knew he ate the pizza. "I was hungry though…" He said rubbing his abs as he walked back around into the park.
Meanwhile Tyler searched the trash, the recycling bin, the kitchen table, and the floors. Never finding his tiny boss. Feeling guilty over losing his boss he was just so puzzled over where the little man could've ended up. Little did he know his unconscious body was being digested in the belly of the man he just let walk away.
"Ok ok!" He yelled at the giant man before he could leave. "I'm sorry for yelling at you…" Josh apologized.
Turning back and looking down at his tiny boss with a big smile he taunts, "Oh yeahhh? Say it like you mean it!" He says seating himself at the table and crossing his arms.
Taking a deep breath Josh spoke. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. Honest. You were just joking around, and I over reacted." He said pleading to the giant.
"Oh boss, it makes me so happy to hear you say that." Tyler said in a condescending tone. "Apology accepted. I'll let ya out now little fella."
Tyler reached down and slowly turned the bottle cap on its side, watching closely as Josh walked out onto the table. Josh tried his best to avoid looking at Tyler's face, fully expecting there to be a smug grin across Tyler's lips. Josh started to walk toward the edge of the table, knowing there was an elevator that could bring him back to the balcony there when suddenly a massive elbow crashed down in front of him. Looking up all he could see was a mess of under arm hair far above him as he looked back to see Tyler leaning over the table toward him.
"You know boss." Tyler said moving his elbow, now that he had the puny man's attention. "I still feel a little sad about how you yelled at me. How's about making it up to me?" Tyler said trying to give Josh puppy dog eyes.
Pressing his fingers to his forehead Josh figured his over sized employee wouldn't take no for an answer. "What do you have in mind, Ty?" he asked hoping to get this over with so he could go back to work.
"Oh its real simple, trust me." Tyler said winking. "All I want you to do is…"
"You remember that one time when we first shrank you and you worked out with me?" Tyler asked, crossing his arms as he leaned in close, smirking at Josh.
Josh rolled his eyes, how could he forget, barely able to do the push ups and sit ups Tyler was making him do while looming over him with his massive body. Josh shivered thinking about how comfortable Tyler was with the idea of accidentally crushing him just a few years ago.
"Yeah I remember you threatening to crush me if I couldn't do those push ups ad sit ups!" Josh tilted his head and looking intently at Tyler, hoping he wasn't about to relive this experience.
"Yeah but I didn't crush you!" Tyler smiled, as if it was somehow all ok because of that. "Either way I wanna do that again! Come work out with me!"
"Fine. But no push ups or sit ups." Josh sighed, not wanting to go through that hell again and figuring it didn't really give Tyler too many options of things he could make him do now.
"That's fine! I had other ideas anyway!" Tyler smiled excitedly as he reached down, scooping Josh up into his hand without much warning. Josh shook his head, a little dazed by being picked up so suddenly as he looked up from Tyler's waist level, all the way up to his still smiling face.
"At least he's not grumpy anymore…" Josh said to himself under his breath, a little relieved Tyler was quick to change his mood a little. Trying to relax, Josh found Tyler was carrying him into the gym he had off the side of the break room. It wasn't anything that impressive, a few machine and weights that the guys used in their free time. Tyler brought Josh over to a small table in one of the corners of the room and set him down before putting his hands on his waist and looking down at his teeny friend.
"Alright, dude! Get pumped up!" Tyler flexed a little as he stared down at Josh. "For your work out challenge today you'll be doing…"
"Alright dude, today you're gonna do pull ups!" Tyler lifted his arms above his head and motioned like he was doing a pull up. Josh merely blinked at him as he stood there with his arms up.
"With what? It's not like I can get my hands around a pull up bar." Josh answered, looking down at his little hands likely unable to fit them around almost anything at his minuscule size. Tyler lowered his arms and scratched his chin for a second, actually not thinking this far before lowering his hand down toward Josh and extending his pinky.
"How about this?" Tyler asked as Josh looked at the enormous pinky.
Josh just continued to stare at the appendage, clearly seeing it was several times thicker than his whole body, let alone the amount he could grip with his hands.
"Clearly, no." Josh stated simply as he stared up at Tyler's handsome face with a cocked eyebrow. Tyler retracted his pinky before giving Josh a look and walking off toward his locker. Losing sight of Tyler for a moment around the corner, Josh saw him come back, holding a tooth pick. Setting it down in front of Josh, he looked down at it still a little overwhelmed.
"It's like the size of a tree trunk. How am I supposed to grip that?" Josh asked, looking at the huge tooth pick like it was in fact a fallen tree. "Why do you even have tooth picks in your locker?"
Tyler picked up the tooth pick and started using it to pick bits of food out from between his teeth. "Clearly for it's intended purpose, dude. Hold on that gives me an idea!"
Tyler rushed off a second time, tossing the tooth pick in a garbage can before making his way to his locker. Josh crossed his arms impatiently before Tyler reappeared, this time holding a floss pick, twirling it in his fingers as he walked over confidently.
"There, bro! It's literally string. You should be able to hold on to this!" Tyler lowered the pick down to Josh as he looked at the floss suspended between the two points like a massive tight rope. Seeing the string now in front of him, Josh reached for it and was able to get his hands around it. Seeing Josh grip it, Tyler slowly lifted it off the ground as Josh started to hang in the air for a moment before panicking and letting go, falling a little hard on his butt as Tyler looked down at him disappointed.
"Dude, you have to hold on to it." Tyler ordered Josh feeling like it was no fun if Josh didn't even try.
"Sorry. I'll try." Josh got back up and grabbed the string once again. Tyler slowly lifted the string from the ground and watched as Josh struggled to pull himself up before giving up and letting go a second time.
"Dude, I think you need a little motivation!" Tyler smiled as he lowered the string for Josh to hold onto again.
"What do you mean?" Josh asked, a little nervous.
"Just start by holding on to the string, dude. I'll work you through it." Tyler smiled as he watched Josh grab the string again. This time, Tyler slide his hand under Josh as he lifted him up, not letting his feet off the ground for more than a second as he carried Josh over to the flat bench used for lifting weights in the middle of the gym. Josh just held the string as Tyler carried him over before lying down flat on the bench.
"What are you doing, Ty?" Josh asked as his feet still touched the ground of Tyler's skin.
"Just getting comfortable. Now, just focus on keeping your grip!" Tyler said as he suddenly removed his hand from under Josh, lifting him high above his body moving him over to his face,
"Tyler!!" Josh screamed as he hung high above Tyler's body and soon right over his face as he laid flat on the bench. "I'm gonna fall Ty! It's so high!"
"Don't let go, dude!" Tyler said to Josh as he held him over his mouth before opening it up wide, letting Josh look straight down past his sticky saliva coated tongue down into his deep dark throat. "If you do you're in for a ride!"
Josh gripped the string with all his might. So this was what Tyler meant by "motivation". Josh couldn't help but look down as he hung over Tyler's mouth. Head spinning from the height and the just depth of Tyler's throat, Josh just tried to shut his eyes and focus on holding on. Noticing Josh struggle a bit Tyler couldn't help but smile as he lowered the floss pick a bit lower part way into his mouth and started breathing a little heavier on Josh.
Opening his eyes after he felt a definite change in temperature, Josh looked as he saw rows of teeth from the underside as he hung now somewhere in the middle of Tyler's mouth. "Tyler!!" Josh tried to yell. "Let me out!"
"You 'ave 'to 'oo 'en 'ull 'ups!" Josh heard Tyler's voice boom around him as he tied to speak without closing his mouth. Josh sighed as he held on to the string, trying to keep his grip firm as he tried his hardest to do at least one. Struggling, Josh went limp again, his only motivation was to hold on.
"I can't even do one!" Josh yelled to Tyler desperately as he found himself being lifted up higher out of Tyler's mouth, but still suspended too high for his liking. Josh looked down, Tyler' mouth still hung open.
"It's either you do ten, or you fall in and join the rest of my lunch in my stomach, dude." Tyler spoke quickly with a smirk before licking his lips and opening his mouth up again and resting his head flat.
"Tyler! Let me down!" Josh kicked his legs a little, arms getting tired.
"Down is into my mouth. All you gotta do is let go, dude." Tyler mocked Josh shifting his tongue back and forth and opening his throat with deep breaths.
Josh struggled to hold on, arms getting severely tired. A few minutes passed and Josh tried with all his might to pull his body up half way, hoping his could hang from his under arms instead, when…
Josh grunted as he pulled as hard as he could before the moisture in the air was too much coming from Tyler's mouth. Slipping, Josh lost his grip and fell. Screaming as he fell before the light turned to dark, Josh landed with a disgusting splat right at the tip of Tyler's tongue before quickly sliding down toward his friend's gaping throat.
"Oh god!" Josh yelled as he slipped down faster and faster. "He wouldn't actually swallow me though, would he?!"
Josh's question would quickly be answered though as he slipped to the back of the throat in a tiny and simple gulp. Josh's cries became muffled as he was engulfed in total darkness as Tyler's body pulled him in deeper into the slimy darkness. Josh squirmed and struggled, trying to claw his way up, but the slipperiness of Tyler's saliva coated throat was too much as he slipped down until finally being pushed through a massive sphincter being deposited without a second thought into the titan's stomach. Scrambling to find solid ground, Josh luckily was able to find some refuge on some partially digested pizza from earlier.
"Oh thank god he eats so much!" Josh yelled out into the spacious organ, feeling like Tyler's appetite was working to his advantage for once. "Tyler!!"
Josh's cries were only met with the rhythmic churns and gurgles of Tyler's stomach as it peacefully digested it's meal.
"What can I do?" Josh felt useless and defeated. He felt hopelessly lost inside his friend, both in awe of the sheer size of Tyler's stomach and terrified he really was going to end up nothing but part of Tyler's lunch after all.
Meanwhile, Tyler…
Feeling the struggles of his tiny friend go down deep past his chest before disappearing, Tyler merely tossed aside the floss pick from his hand and sat up slightly and looked across at his chiseled abs. Taking a deep sigh and flexing his abs, Tyler couldn't help but shake his head and laugh a little.
"Wow, he didn't try to grab on to anything or nothing." Tyler chuckled as he cleared his throat and rested his head back down while gently resting his hand on his stomach. Giving it a light scratch, Tyler yawned as he rested his other hand behind his head. Sighing again and making a noise with his lips, Tyler ran his hand up and down his stomach a little impatiently. "Maaan, I reaally don't wanna throw him up…"
Dropping his arms off the side of the bench in distress, Tyler rolled his eyes a little. "Uuuuughhh…" Tyler blurted out before peeking back over at his abdomen, perfectly flat with deep cuts in his abs as if nothing had made a dent in it despite how much he had eaten, Josh included. Reaching into his pocket, Tyler pulled out his phone and pulled up Josh's name, calling it and holding it up to his ear. A few seconds passed before it ended in voicemail.
"Shit, he left it in his office… again." Tyler sighed again as he put his phone back in his pocket. Lazily sitting up, deliberately using his abs in a sit up like motion, Tyler stood off the bench and shifted his shoulders a little as he put his tongue in his cheek while looking down at his abs.
"Buuuuuuurp!" Tyler let an accidental yet somewhat longish burp. "Oh whoops. Sorry dude!"
Putting his hands on his hips, Tyler bit his lip, feeling a little weird about talking to his stomach. "Man this is weird, I wonder if he can even hear me in there." Tyler rested a hand very gently on his stomach and stood still for a moment as he faintly swore he could feel something squirm. "Whoa… that's cool…"
Tyler smiled, always having this weird desire to try and eat his friend one day. Always hanging around his food, and having close calls in the past, he couldn't help but feel very powerful having his friend trapped behind his muscular abs.
"I can't leave him in there though…" Tyler whispered, almost a little disappointed. "I mean it's not like he'd make it out the other end…"
Tyler moved his hand from his hip to his ass, thinking about Josh somehow poking his way out there. But even he wasn't so much of a bonehead to know that wasn't possible. Tyler sighed as he walked out of the room, making his way to a sink and plugging it up as he leaned over it, begrudgingly sticking his finger's down his throat. Gagging and spitting, Tyler threw up chunks of food almost violently as he expelled the pizza he had greedily devoured earlier. Digging through his own vomit, Tyler eventually locates the pale squirming speck that is his friend. Laughing as he plucked the little man out, Tyler noticed Josh seemed…
Tyler looked down at Josh in his palm, half expecting him to start yelling at him at any moment for putting him in such a dangerous situation.
“Errr, sorry boss!” Tyler said, half joking, “I didn’t think you’d fall in so easily!” What Tyler didn’t tell Josh was that he actually enjoyed the feeling of having his best bud inside his stomach, behind his toned abs, knowing that he could’ve just left him in there if he really wanted to……
Josh looked up at his friend, “No, it’s ok Tyler, I know you didn’t mean for that to happen, but before we talk anymore could you help me get cleaned up?”
With that, Tyler took Josh to the sink and gently ran some cool water to help his boss get cleaned up. “Why is he so calm about this?” Tyler thought to himself. Tyler had always had a fascination with swallowing his best friend and now that it had happened he was almost a little disappointed that it was over so quickly. “Maybe I could’ve left him in there a little longer?” he thought.
Once Josh was cleaned up and dry Tyler felt the urge to ask what he thought of the whole experience, he needed to find out why Josh wasn’t angry, or showing any real emotion at all.
“Aren’t you mad at me boss?” Tyler asked, “I let you fall from that stick, into my mouth, and I swallowed you, I think I’d be pretty mad if the roles were reversed dude!”
“The whole thing happened so quickly, one second I was trying to do a pull up, the next I’m plummeting down your throat towards your stomach, I didn’t really have time to think to be honest, but once I landed in your stomach and got my bearings I thought that you might not have realised that you’d swallowed me, you really did make me part of your lunch!”
Josh continued to explain, “It was both terrifying and amazing at the same time, seeing a stomach from the inside, but also having a bloody good idea of what it could do to me if I stayed in there too long, I actually thought that it could’ve been the end for me”
Tyler was a little taken aback when he heard Josh saying all of this, turning away from his boss for a moment, “man, I could’ve actually left him in there” he muttered to himself “he didn’t realise I knew that I’d swallowed him”.
Josh was puzzled by Tyler’s reaction, He didn’t hear what the titanic lifeguard had muttered to himself. What Josh didn’t know was that all sorts of thoughts were going through Tyler’s head, he’d had a small taste of his best friend and he enjoyed it, he loved the feeling of power that he had when Josh was in there, completely at his mercy. Surely Josh wouldn’t mind having another trip down there, just for a little longer?
But Tyler was conflicted, if he sent Josh down there again, would he bring him back? Would he want his best bud to stay in his stomach to be digested and be a part of him forever? “I couldn’t do that to my best friend!” he thought. “Swallow him, digest him and shit out what’s left in the morning? Looking down at his puzzled looking friend he thought “Could I really do that to him?“
“Yo, Tyler!” Josh shouted, are you ok man? You’re kinda freaking me out!” Which seemed a bit crazy since Josh had just been on a trip that would’ve freaked anyone out.
Without warning, Tyler scooped Josh up in his head and brought him up to his handsome face, those dark eyes looking down at him. “I’m gonna be honest dude, when I swallowed you I knew what I was doing, I just couldn’t help it, I’ve always wanted to send you down into my stomach at some point, either by accident or on purpose, I had such a feeling of power that I couldn’t help - I’m sorry. Part of me even wanted to keep you down there, I even felt my ass, imagining you coming out of there in the morning”
Josh didn’t know what to say, this was crazy surely! His best friend had basically just told him that part of him wanted to digest him together with his lunch! But Josh had always had such strong feelings for Tyler, they’d known each other for so long, been thorough a lot together. If Josh was going to sacrifice himself to anyone, it would’ve been Tyler. Strong feelings were brewing up inside Josh now, part of him wanted to go through with this, something he’d fantasised about for a long time, but never had the opportunity to act upon. He’d always try and be near Tyler when he was eating, watching that Adam’s apple bob up and down whenever he swallowed something, sending it down to his cavernous stomach to digest. Maybe this was his destiny, to become protein for his best friend.
Tyler brought Josh right up to his face, his palm level with his mouth “What are you thinking bud?” Tyler asked, “do you hate me, are you going to fire me?”
Josh had decided what was going to happen now, it didn’t matter if he wasn’t thinking straight, this was what he wanted right NOW. He walked right up to Tyler’s closed mouth and just rested on his lower lip, wanting to see what Tyler would do, would he resist, or send Josh on a one way trip through his digestive tract?
Even though Josh was somewhat ready to go back in Tyler's stomach, he didn't open his mouth. Instead, he spoke to Josh, making sure he understood every word. "I'm not gonna eat you… yet. I feel way too guilty about digesting you for now. I know that you wouldn't survive my gut, but I still want to feel you coming out of my ass" Josh was perplexed by Tyler's words. Was he going to put him… No, there's no way he would put him through that. But at the same time, this is Tyler we're talking about here. Anything could happen.
"What do you say, buddy? Can't you do this for me? Just this once?" Josh didn't know what to do, he just came out of Tyler's stomach and now he could be up his ass. The idea initially grossed Josh out. but the more he thought about it, the more he was enticed to do it. He thought about Tyler's immaculate ass before and how it would feel to his touch. Josh knows that its gonna be disgusting and that Tyler most definitely didn't take a shower yet. He even knows that Tyler can get pretty gassy. "Come on bud, I'm sure that if you go through with this, I won't even have those thoughts anymore." Tyler's words were making Josh think about it even more. After finally finishing his thought, Josh responded with…
“We gotta make sure you look good in any swim suit you decide to wear dude! So you’re going to do 100 squats right now! You’ll have 5minutes and to incentivize you…” Tyler says as he places you on the workout bench and then turning around to reveal his massive bubble butt “… every squat you cannot do is one I’ll do. On top of you!”
He laughs and before you can argue he bends down to watch you and tells go. At first you’re unsure if he’s just joking but you remember the pushups and decide not to take the chance.
You start to tire out….
Tyler had wolfed down all slices of the pizza already, excepting the one he had in hand and the one Josh was in.
Never-mind, the one in hand is gone.
Tyler was still hungry though, a cheese pizza wasn't exactly filling him up, he knew he had to order a topping-less pizza to make it easier to spot his near-microscopic boss while he's on top of his food, though, this never filled him really, he always felt a bit of space left to be filled in his tummy.
He needed the toppings… the meaty ones.
He looked at Josh, simply sitting there, eating without a worry in the world, getting marinated on cheese oil and tomato sauce.
Since Josh wore nothing but a swim suit it made his body absorb all of the pizza's aromas, making him smell delicious.
Tyler remembers how other times after having lunch together and returning to work at the park, Tyler never missed an opportunity to smell his shorty boss.
He would smell like whatever food he swam on during break time plus his own natural scent mixed in.
It always made his mouth water.
He never put it into words in a rational way, until now.
Tyler thought to himself "I bet Josh tastes wonderfully"
Tyler swallowed saliva and…
Tyler unceremoniously shoved the last bite of his pizza in his mouth and looked down at his boss. He couldn't help but chuckle as he saw Josh struggle to reach for a little bit of cheese and sauce on the huge slice. Looking over at the clock afterwards though, Tyler sighed.
"Looks like it's time for my shift, dude." Tyler said smiling at his little boss. Tyler stood up, rubbing his full stomach while still addressing the tiny man. "Thanks a lot for buying me lunch, boss! We should do this again soon."
Tyler turned to start to leave as Josh called out, "Wait! Make sure to leave a note or something. I don't want someone coming in here and grabbing my slice with me on it!"
Tyler stopped, turning to grab a sheet of paper and pen out of a drawer. He shook his head briefly as to why he didn't think about that. Leaving Josh like that with out any indicators would have been kinda dangerous. After writing the note, Tyler went over and set it next to Josh's plate and gave the little guy a thumbs up before turning to leave for real this time.
Josh smiled as he watched Tyler head out. He was glad that his employee was so diligent about his shifts after all, even if he does act like a goof some of the times. Returning his attention to the pizza, Josh continued to chow down, even deciding to scale the pizza's side to get at some of the better parts.
- - -
After a few minutes Josh sat atop the pizza. mostly full and content. Taking a break Josh looked around as he heard the sound of someone coming into the room. The door swung open as Josh recognized one of his lifeguards walk through.
The giant who just entered the room was none other than Markus. Markus is a 21 years old, African-American behemoth. Standing at 6'9" he towers over almost all the other lifeguards in the park. He has a very handsome face, with dark scruff covering his chin, as well as perfect white teeth and an extremely well trained body. Oftentimes Josh found himself peeking at at Markus's perfect bubble butt or his bare feet while he often propped them up at his posts. He also had a tattoo spanning across his chest onto his shoulders and biceps of some sort of wavy pointy pattern. Finally, he actually went to the same high school as Josh. However, being a year ahead of Markus, Josh never really knew him up until he started working for him.
Josh smiled as he watched the younger man walk into the room. It was always nice to see Markus around, since they went to the same high school and all. Although they never knew each other in high school, Josh felt he had some sort of special connection with him now. Josh started to wave as the gigantic man walked into the room, but was briefly thrown off balance by a gust of wind coming from the open door. Josh was powerless as he watched the note Tyler write blow helplessly to the floor, under the table. Turning, Josh saw Markus start to come toward him, and he finally noticed cords coming down from his ears as he was listening to music.
"Aww yeah! I did smell pizza!" Markus yelled from across the room. Walking over to the table, he took in a deep wiff of the cheesy air, hoping he can snag a piece from whoever left it here. Opening the box, he noticed it was empty. His eyes quickly zoned in on a lone piece, sitting very temptingly on a plate. Josh tried to yell at the man, as he watched his dark brown eyes spot the pizza. However, Josh's voice must have not reached the giant's ears past his ear buds as he reached down to the pizza.
Just then, Markus…
Markus massive hands slowly approached for the lonesome slice, his hands were always huge and thick when Josh was normal size but now they seemed to stretch as that hand covered his entire view. The tiny boss was screaming at the top of his lungs for Markus and tried to move but his feet was stuck in the cheese that seemed to hold him in place like quick sand.
“ M-MARKUS! HEY! ITS ME JOSH! “ He frantically yelled waving his arms as he stood on top of the pizza.
Markus had already plopped down on the couch, stretching out his long legs. One of his size 22 bare feet brushed against a paper which caused him to immediately look down. Turning his attention to that instead he reached down for the paper and read it.
“ Hey before you eat that slice, make sure Tiny Boss Man isn’t on there! I’m sure he’ll be angry if he ended up in your stomach! HAHAHA! Tyler. “ Markus read out loud as he made a confused face.
Josh sighed with relief as he heard the massive skyscraper deep voice read those words, his palms were sweaty and his heart was basically pounding out of his chest. His world shifted as the plate was lifted, he gasped once he saw a single deep brown eye staring at him. Josh waved happily.
“ H-Hey Markus! Do you mind helping me out? I’m stuck!? “ Josh pointed down at himself, the gooey cheese was up to his ankles and he could not budge.
Markus took out his earphones and raised a brow, “ Yo man I could’ve ate you! Are you okay? Looks like you’re stuck…”
Josh face palmed himself since he went unheard the first time, he watched as Markus took his pinky finger and used his nail to softly break Josh free.
“ So since I’m basically saving you from the cheesy quick sand of death, can I eat this pizza now? I’m starving…! “ Markus dumped Josh into his other hand and held the teeny tiny man up to his face.
Josh just stared and took in just how enormous Markus was now, he was the tallest guy at the park and he felt incredibly tiny. If Markus was any taller Josh would definitely have a hard time communicating with him. From Markus’ point of view he could barely make out Josh’s facial expression let alone features, the man was outright just a teeny tiny bug to him. He was holding his boss in the palm of his hand for the first time and nobody knew about it. No one was around if he decided to get playful and tease Josh.
“ I uhhh sure! You can eat the pizza Markus! Also can you place me near the office? I need to get this greasy cheese off of me…!” He grumbles with a gross look, turning his attention back to Markus who was showing off those huge pearly whites of his.
“ You know what Boss, I have a report that’s due for class and was wondering if you could help me out? “ Markus basically inhaled the slice of pizza, it stood no chance against the 6’9 male. “ I mean you owe me after all, that could’ve been you on the pizza. “
Josh watched as Markus devoured the pizza within seconds, watching it travel down his throat. He shivered at the though of still being stuck on it and falling into the darkness of his stomach.
“ W-what do you need help with? I mean I don’t mind! I’m here to help you guys in any areas I can! “ Josh tried to focus back on Markus, staring his thick plump lips then up at his perfect shaped nose. His chocolate brown skin was clear of any acne, Markus took pride in his hygiene and self care.
“ Well it’s a bit silly, I have to get someone to follow me around and capture my day to day living. From the time I wake up till when I sleep. It’s for a film class and I need to pass or else I won’t be able to play basketball this season. “ Markus slowly lowered Josh down, to place him on his knee. Staring down at him while he placed a hand behind him to block him from flying off.
Josh thought for a second, Markus did just save him… And he seemed responsible….. Also caring? Plus he wanted to get to know him a bit more.
“ I guess I can help! Just take me back to the office so I can shower and grow back! “ Josh cupped his hands yelling up at the skyscraper of a man. Staring at his nice defined abs and pecs.
Markus smiled happily, “ Hey hey can you just stay that size? I’m sure it’ll be more thrilling and exciting if it came from your point of view! You can shower or take a bath in a bottle cap at my place! You can use your phone to film me. “
Josh didn’t process any of this, being the person that he was. He just agreed with it. “ Sure! Just tell Tyler! He can be boss for a day! I don’t mind helping plus my phone has insane battery life! “
After his shift Markus was jogging up the stairs to his apartment with his tiny boss in his closed fist. Opening the door he walked to the kitchen and placed Josh down on the counter top as he opened the fridge to get some food out.
Markus’ two roommates were home and they greeted him in the kitchen. They all played on the same basketball team and did everything together. Daniel was 6’7 weighing 230lbs, he was mixed with Hispanic and African American. Rocking a head of curly hair. He had a nice build, similar to Markus. Kendrick was 6’8 and weighed 260 lbs, he was a bit more on the thicker side but still athletic; he was also African American.
Josh stared up in awe at the three massive skyscrapers as they talked and joked around. Markus glanced down at Josh every once in a while, Kendrick’s eyes followed and made a gross face.
“ Dude a bug! Let me squish it! “ He was about to slam his hand down when Markus quickly grabbed it.
“ Yoooo! That’s not a bug! That’s my boss at that water park! “
The two new friends blinked and lowered their huge faces down to get a better look at Josh who nervously waved up at them.
“ Yooooo he’s tiny! Sheesh I’m surprised you didn’t misplace him! “ Daniel chuckled. While
Studying Josh. “ Man it must be crazy being that size, I must be like a god to you man. It’s okay I’ll protect you. “
Josh was relieved when Daniel offered the protection, there was a ring at the door and Kendrick rushed to open it. Carrying back three bags of food, he placed out the take out Chinese. The three giants was too zoned out on the food and setting up everything that Josh was now being blown around by the force of the objects.
“ G-GUYS! “ he yelled out but he couldn’t be heard over their loud deep voices as they joked around and was fixing their plates of food.
With one styrofoam plate swinging open, Josh was blown with force and landed into the bed of rice.
He stared up and saw it belonged to….
Josh screamed until he landed in a clump of saucy rice. He lifted his upper body out of the sticky muck, only to feel an earthquake beneath him. The source of this tremor was a spoon that then lifted the tiny (and a piece of broccoli next to him) high into the air. It all happened so fast that Josh barely got a chance to look at the man about to eat him. It was Kendrick, the thicker of the three giants. Josh couldn’t even shout the giant’s name before the hungry man slipped the spoon inside his mouth, collected all the food onto his tongue, then slipped the spoon out, clean.
“Mmmmm….” Kendrick somewhat moaned, taking in the flavor of his first bite on his tongue.
“Fatass.” Daniel said snarkily.
“Gay ass.” Kendrick snapped back, shoving a second spoonful of rice in his mouth.
“Tch. You know my boyfriend and I would fuck you up, Ken.” Daniel laughed.
Kendrick smirked, holding with a third spoonful of rice. “Nahhhh, I’d eat yall for breakfast.”
“Well yeah, you’re a fatass.” Markus bantered back. Daniel laughed hard, and Kendrick couldn’t help but crack a smile as well.
“I don’t think he’d stop at just two people, bro.” Danny added on.
“Bro is straight up into vore, probably.” Markus joked under his breath. Daniel just shook his head in disapproval, smiling. Kendrick’s face made a confused expression.
“The fuck is a vore?” Kendrick asked, a bit disgusted. His fourth spoonful entered his mouth, this time the food absolutely covering Josh and nearly crushing the tiny man under a boulder of chicken.
Markus shrugged, then spoke as he chewed his food. “It’s like a kink I think. I dunno. I uh… saw memes about it on tiktok one time.” His tone shifted to a more bashful one.
“Bro what kind of memes are you watching where THAT is brought up?” Daniel chuckled.
“And you still didn’t explain what it is.” Kendrick questioned, raising up yet another shovel of food to fuel his endless stomach.
“Uhhh. W-Well…-” Markus blushed a bit, though his dark skin complexion hid it. “Vore is basically--”
“ACK, ACK.” Kendrick coughed after he gulped. Danny's attention shifted to Ken.
“You swallow too fast or something, fatass?” Daniel joked, shoving Kendrick in the side playfully.
“To be fair, YOU’RE the one that swallows here.” Markus grinned, glad that the subject had changed.
“Shut the fuck up bro you’re supposed to be on MY side.” Daniel laughed with Markus, both of which ignored Kendrick as the man choked on his food. The large giant continued to choke until…
Kenny hacked and hacked until eventually he coughed up some chunky flakes of food directly onto the floor in front of the three. Josh landed on the floor with a CRACK. Landing directly on it, his shoulder blazed with pain. He sat in the pool of Kendrick’s saliva rubbing his arm in pain. The fall had definitely broken it.
Gasping for air, Kendrick reached for his water bottle and started to chug it.
“Fuck ew, Kenny.” Markus said, looking at the quarter-sized pool of spit now on their floor.
“The fuck did you even choke on?” Daniel asked with a suggestive tone.
“Aye leave that gay shit with your boyfriend, bro.” Kendrick hissed, rubbing his neck. “Something was like… moving…. in my throat bro. On god.”
“Moving? In your throat?” Daniel snickered more, which earned him a light shove from the annoyed Kendrick.
“I’m being so fucking for real, bro! Look!” Kendrick stood up, pointing at the ground. He took one step towards Josh, and that was all it took to shake the tiny’s world. He looked up at Kendrick from the floor. The giant man looked like an absolute sculpted mountain. Yes, he had more fat than the other two giants in the room. But he was built with even more muscle as well. The immense sight of him nearly made Josh forget about his shoulder pain. But as he tried to move again, he was quickly reminded.
As Markus and Daniel peeked over the table to see what Kendrick was talking about, they…
“AHG…H-Help me, please…” Josh begged. Markus and Daniel peered over the table to take a look at what Kendrick had hocked up. Daniel burst out laughing.
“NO FUCKING WAY YOUR DUMBASS SWALLOWED A BUG! HAHHAHAAAAA.” Danny bent over laughing. Markus smiled as well, but it faded a bit as he got a better look at the almost human shaped bug.
“Wait… is that…?” Markus began to put the pieces together. He looked on their table in search of Josh as Kendrick raised his size 14 foot over the squirming, helpless bug.
Josh saw the sole of the giant fill the sky. The black giant’s foot was lightly covered in dust and dirt, and Josh could even see what looked like the remains of an ant that Kendrick had probably unknowingly stepped on. The dust that Kendrick picked up rained on the tiny pitifully. Taking in a last whiff of rather smelly air, Josh cringed; not ready to accept his fate.
Markus yelled “YO KENDRICK, THAT’S NOT--!”
But the mountain’s meaty foot SLAMMED down on the ground, causing the floor to shake. One powerful stomp was all it took to reduce the tiny genius to nothing more than dust and dirt under the massive athlete’s sweaty sole. Kendrick grinned from ear to ear as he stomped out the pest. Little bitch got what he deserved.
Josh kicked and squirmed inside the giant man’s esophagus. He didn’t survive so many spoonfulls of food just to be swallowed down with the rest. The tiny fought and fought as he slid down the giant’s throat. Until eventually, he stopped sliding! There was some kind of blockage below him that kept him where he was. Josh cheered and, being the smart man he was, started to use this choking to his advantage. He climbed up the giant’s throat like a very slick rock wall. It was difficult, but sheer adrenaline and the will to live drove his every move as Josh scaled the inside of Kendrick. In a few moments, he could see the outline of the dark giant’s uvula above him. Tears of joy and pain filled in his eyes as he kept climbing. But just as he reached the base of Kenny’s tongue…
A tidal wave of soda hit Josh in the face like a fire hose. It sent the tiny sprawling backwards into the depths of Kenny’s throat. When Josh landed in the endless pit of Kendrick’s stomach, the acids reacted with the soda in a way that seemed immediately started the digestion process. Josh’s tiny weak body was nearly boiled on the spot as Kendrick’s stomach prepared a massive burp.
"BRRRAAAAAAAWP. Ahhhhhh." Kendrick burped. It nearly shook the room. "Holy fuck, that felt good."
“You are so fucking gross brah.” Daniel said, waving his hand in front of his face to waft the smell of his buddy’s burp.
“I thought it was kind of impressive.” Markus shrugged, swallowing some chicken. Daniel just rolled his eyes. “Probably cause you saw those vore memes and got turned on.” He replied with a smirk.
Markus nearly choked on his food.
“Wha-? Aye bro chill out with that.” Markus coughed a bit, avoiding eye contact with Daniel. The other giant shook his head. Markus was a great guy, but a terrible liar.
Rubbing his stomach a bit now that he wasn’t choking, Kendrick took the final scoop of his food into his mouth. He spoke with his mouth full of food. “Yo would one of you weirdos explain what this kink is?” Kendrick demanded.
Markus blushed again. “It’s pretty dumb bro, you don’t--”
“Markus wants to get eaten, bro.” Daniel snickered.
Kendrick raised his eyebrow. “Like those cannibal dudes on the islands and shit?”
“No, dude, I’m not--” Markus started.
“Nah like swallowed WHOLE! Like, Jack and the Beanstalk, bro. Like gobbled up like a gummy bear or a sour patch kid or… like this grain of rice.” Daniel teased, then flicked said grain of rice in his mouth.
“Huh. Kinda weird bro.” Kendrick said, scraping up the remnants of the food on his plate.
“I PROMISE you, I just saw the memes bro. I’m not some kind of freak bro.” Markus said somewhat defensively at this point.
Daniel saw that he was making Markus sort of uncomfortable and put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Aye, we don’t care bro. You’re still our homie even if you’re into some weird internet shit. I don’t care. Do you care, Kenny?”
Kendrick shrugged indifferently, now licking his plate clean.
“Fatass…” Daniel sighed. “Please just tell me you wouldn’t wanna get eaten by HIM, bro. I cant imagine anyone would wanna be in Ken’s fuckin’ gut.” Daniel winked at Markus. Kendrick rolled his eyes.
Markus took a second. He then smiled a little bashfully. “No. Definitely not.” He laughed a little. “I only like the whole vore thing if there’s a hot chick involved. Kenny over here…” Markus and Daniel looked at Kendrick as the man licked his fingers. “He’s not exactly that.”
Kendrick grinned, giving his two friends the bird. As he stood up to get another soda from the fridge, his stomach rumbled. He burped again. Smaller this time, but it contained the faint scream of a doomed tiny man.
"Markus!" Josh yelled up at the giant man who nearly ate him earlier, as he now sat once again in the way of the giant and his food. Josh stared up at the handsome man as he was very distracted talking to his two friends as he scooped his spoon down into the the bed of rice, barely missing Josh in the process.
"Markus!!" Josh yelled once again fruitlessly as he struggled to claw his way out of the rice, barely the size of a single grain himself as he stumbled and slipped between the grains, unable to climb his way out. Resigning to calling out and waving, Josh looked from Markus, to Daniel and Kendrick as well as the men all scarfed down their respective meals. Desperate, Josh waved frantically at the men as Markus's spoon descended down near him once again.
"Markus! Please don't eat me!" Josh cried out helplessly. As if on cue, Josh found the spoon being scooped under neath him. Josh looked up at Markus's face, distracted and laughing with his friends as he brought it up to his mouth. Looking around and scrambling to try and get out of the food, Josh looked toward Daniel hoping his offer for protection was sincere. Josh saw…
"Yo Markus…" Daniel spoke up as he spotted a small struggling speck in the center of Markus's spoon. Markus stopped himself from shoving the spoon in his mouth to answer him before continuing eating.
"What's up, dude?" Markus asked, spoon hanging out midway up to his face now.
"Your tiny boss is helping you with a project for your film class? Not Bio101, right?" Daniel asked, looking down at the spoon. Markus looked somewhat puzzled at Daniel.
"No, it's for the film class, bro." Markus answered as he started to open his mouth and bring the spoon back toward his face.
"Uh bro!" Daniel stopped Markus again. "Is he like filming right now? Like are you guys doing a parody of Honey I Shrunk the Kids or something?"
"What? No, bro!" Markus stopped himself from putting the spoon in his mouth once again, this time finally looking down at the spoon and seeing Josh struggling in the rice his scooped up. "Oh shit, bro! Josh, how'd you end up in there?"
Josh breathed a sigh of relief as Markus lowered the spoon down to his plate, dumping the rice out on the edge and watching as Josh stumbled onto the plate and brushed himself off.
"What's going on, dudes?" Kendrick asked as he was distracted by his own food until he saw Markus and Daniel stare at the plate.
"Markus almost ate the little man, bro." Daniel chuckled a little, feeling it was kinda funny now in hindsight. Markus shot Daniel a look, feeling like it wasn't very funny from his point of view.
"Yo, this is the second time I almost ate you today! You got a death wish or something?" Markus scolded Josh, as if it was the tiny man's fault he kept ending up in food.
"Bro, second time?" Daniel asked Josh, again with a slight chuckle. "Markus never looks at his food, dude. You'll need me to keep an eye out for ya!"
"T-thanks!" Josh stuttered as he spoke to the handsome dark skinned giant. "It has been just really bad luck on my part though."
Markus looked down at Josh, feeling a little bad. It wasn't like the tiny man was trying to get eaten. "Sorry, bro. I'll try and be a little more careful too."
"It's fine, really!" Josh smiled at Markus. "I guess I owe you and Daniel now!"
"Nah, dude! Don't mention it!" Daniel gave a handsome smile.
"Yo, Danny. Weren't you the one with the biology project?" Markus asked, knowing they weren't in the same class but feeling like that why he brought it up before.
"Huh? Yeah bro." Daniel looked at Markus.
"Well if Josh feels like he owes you maybe he could help with it. I'll help too, since I kinda owe you too for stopping me from eating him." Markus gave a bright white smile. "He's super smart bro."
"Oh? Well sure bro. But honestly I thought the Honey I Shrunk the Kids parody sounded like more fun. We could do that for your film project!" Daniel offered the idea as a way to not feel like the two owed him anything.
"What? Nahhh dude." Markus shrugged the idea off as he went back to eating.
"Well what were you gonna do for the project?" Kendrick asked, wanting to be involved in these plans.
"He's just gonna film my day tomorrow. Just following my daily routine from his point of view." Markus answered, feeling like that should be good enough.
"That's boring, yo. Do the parody. I can help too!" Kendrick offered. "He's already shrunk too, it's a perfect idea."
"But what about Danny's bio project?" Markus asked. "He's gotta pass bio just as much as I need to pass film."
"Yo, I can just write a report. It doesn't have to be fancy." Daniel retracted, feeling like he didn't need anything flashy like Josh could provide.
"Yo, what do you think, dude?" Markus looked down at Josh, asking with deep sexy voice.
"Oh… um…" Josh thought about it. It was a good way to repay Daniel, but then he'd have to "projects" to help with. Meanwhile if he did the Honey I Shrunk the Kids thing, he imagined he might be able to get home a little sooner and avoid any more incidents that might happen following Markus around all day tomorrow…
Josh thought on it for a second and decided…
"…well, Daniel did just save my life. I would have been Markus chow if not for him. What's one little biology project?" Josh smiled earnestly. Although part of the reason he was eager to help Daniel was because he felt that if he stayed near Markus again…well…in terms of almost being eaten…3rd time's the charm, right?
Markus nodded understandingly, and Daniel looked at the tiny man, kind of surprised. He spoke up. "Uh…o-okay. Yeah! Cool. Thanks." He shrugged it off, not really expecting the help. "…But if we're gonna do it we gotta do it kind of soon. I forgot when it's due but I think it's pretty close. And uh…" He looked to his friends in the room.
Kendrick slapped a hand on his buddy's shoulder. "Dont even have to explain it, bro. You need some quiet time. Markus and I can bounce for a bit."
"Yo dude wait! We can go to that frat party tonight!" Markus chimed in, remembering. Kendrick got excited too at the idea. But Daniel didn't seem as enthusaistic.
"Wait dudes I wanna go too tho." He came in.
"You got a project to finish, remember?" Markus laughed, knowing damn well he had to finish one too.
"Ugh…fine. You guys have fun. Josh and I will have way MORE fun…doing…biology…" Daniel sort of gave up mid sentence. His two roommates laughed, and Josh giggled awkwardly at the idea of spending all night alone with someone he just met. But, hey. Daniel seemed nice. And relatively smart, too. This shouldn't take too long to finish, right?
Josh was wrong. Daniel was indeed pretty smart, and he was a also a good houseguest as he gave Josh some food while the tiny worked with him. But this project was taking forever to finish. Mainly because every 5 minutes or so, Daniel had to check his phone. He was getting constant messages from someone. Every time he looked at his phone he chuckled a little, and Josh could quickly piece together from the pseudo blushing going on that Daniel was texting some girl he liked. Josh wanted to say something to the half black half hispanic titan in front of him, but, admittedly, watching Daniel swoon like that was so adorable that he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, Josh would change the topic, blushing himself. 3 hours went by, but eventually they finished Daniel's biology paper together.
"Phew…well. That took longer than expected, haha." Josh tried to make light of the situation, despite now being late to get back to his office and finish his work for the next day.
"Uh huh…" Daniel continued to text the mystery girl. Josh sighed a bit.
"You uh…you really care about her, don't you?"
This time Josh didn't even get a response.
"…uhm…Daniel? Dude? Hello?"
"Huh? Oh! Sorry, Josh. I uh…I…kind of forgot you were here." The titan responded, putting down his phone for once. Josh felt VERY appreciated, but at the same time he understood what it was like to text someone like that. He thought of Tyler.
"Haha. It's okay. I just need to get back now and--" the tiny was cut off by a loud knock at the door.
"Andres! He's here early!!" Daniel laughed and nearly bolted up, causing his table to shake. An earthquake for Josh, he was sent tumbling onto his gracious host's floor. Daniel didn't notice, however, as he nearly sprinted to the door, nearly crushing Josh under his socked foot in the process. Josh rubbed his now throbbing head and stumbled to his feet from the floor. He saw Daniel open the door and hug a large male figure. Wait. Male? Josh put the pieces together and realized THAT's who Daniel had been texting all night. Josh saw that the man was about 6'5" with dark spikey hair and brown eyes.
"Huh…good for them, I guess." Josh watched as the two walked towards him. But he became more scared as he realized that neither of them were aware he was on the floor, in their way. Josh panicked, and started running away from Andres's basketball sneakers and Daniel's socked feet.
Meanwhile, Daniel…
Josh ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. Out of panic, he'd look back, almost seeing the two hispanic giants in slow motion as their feet rose and fell, with a louder boom each time. It was like Josh was running away from four big scary monsters from the horror movies he was always a bit too scared to watch. And much like the victims in those horror movies, he tripped over seemingly nothing and tumbled onto his back on the floor.
"Ouch…" He winced in pain. He tried to get back up, but a cold shadow loomed over him. He craned his neck up in sheer terror, only to see a gigantic sole directly above him. Josh put up his arms, as if that would stop the incoming blow.
"No no nO NO NO NO NO WAIT--!!"
But of course, it didn't.
The foot that came down, landing directly onto Josh, happened to be…
Daniel and his guest hopped onto his bed. Andres kicked off his shoes which fell to the floor in the exact spot Josh used to be. Josh, however, was now plastered to the bottom of Daniel's sole. It was sweaty, slightly sticky, and smelled absolutely gross, but he supposed it was better than being a stain underneath the other giant's sneaker. The soft fabric allowed the tiny to survive Dani's weight, but now he was stuck there as the two giants cuddled with each other. Andres took off Daniel's shirt and Daniel took off Andres's, and the two hugged each other in the bed. Josh would be rotated and shifted several times as they moved, making him a bit motion sick. It didn't help that the two were giggling the entire time as they talked, almost feeling like they were making fun of the tiny for getting caught there in the first place.
After a few minutes, from the movement and the smell, Josh felt like he was going to puke from the combined foot smells. "I need to get off of here…" he said. But how? More time passed and Josh remained under Daniel's Nike sock until…
"So…you wanna get more…comfortable?" Andres said, raising his eyebrows in a goofy fashion to his boyfriend. Daniel laughed in response. "So you want ME to strip first? haha…alright…"
From his horizontal position, the mixed giant reached down to his feet and started to peel off his sock. Josh saw a hand descend down and cast a shadow over him. "Finally! He must know I'm down here!" Josh tried to wave to get Daniel to notice him, but instead, he was peeled with the sock, still stuck in the fabric. "No no no wait!! HELP!!!"
Josh would get no such help. Daniel took off his sock, inverting it in the process, causing Josh to be stuck on the INSIDE of the clothing instead of the outside. To make things worse, Daniel threw the sock across his room, landing in a pile of dirty clothes he had set aside for laundry. For Josh, it was now pitch black, somehow even more damp, and all sorts of new smells were assaulting his nose. It wasn't just Daniel's foot odor. Now it was the sweat stains from his tank tops, his gym shorts….his underwear….
With so much stimulation from all directions, and the vertigo from not knowing which direction was up anymore, Josh's head started spinning. He passed out, knocked unconscious by the overpowering stench of the giant's clothes surrounding him. Daniel and Andres had no idea. They were busy adding more and more of their clothes to the pile, accidentally burying Josh.
It would be a while before he woke up again. But when he did, Josh found that he was…
"Amigo? Amigo?? Hey, are you alive?"
Josh would start to regain his senses as his vision slowly stopped being blurry. He looked up at the booming sound above him. After a second or two it clicked. The face in front of him belonged to Andres; Daniel's boyfriend. But Josh was confused, trying to remember what got him here in the first place.
"Ugh…my head…what…happened?" He muttered out.
Andres tilted his head a bit. "Oh yikes. I was hoping YOU would have the answer to that question."
"…huh?" Josh said, still groggy. He sniffed himself. He smelled like a high school locker room. It started to all come back to him. But before he could respond, Andres cut in again.
"Well, see, I was doing Dani's laundry cause he's asleep right now but has to go to class in an hour or two. Plus I couldn't sleep. I get like that after we uh…heheheh…"
"…uh huh…?" Josh said, wondering where he was going with that.
"Which is dumb cause usually people get sleepy afterwards but with me I just feel the opposite. I have a lot of energy so I just wanna go and go and go and sometimes Dani's like "ay cabron calmate" and then I'm like "MAKE me" and then we end up fighting over it but its like one of those GOOD fights that end up…heheh…you know…" the giant seemed like he was bouncing a little.
"Uhhh….?" Josh felt like Andres was getting distracted and missing the point entirely.
"Yeah, he's the best. Dani…..uhhh…what was I talking about? ….oh! Right! Okay so basically I was doing Dani's laundry and then YOU tumbled out of his sock and landed on the dryer. And I was like "YOOO WHAT THE FUCK" but like much quieter because I didn't wanna wake up Dani obviously so it was more of a "yoooo what the fuck" because you're like TINY bro, and basically: my next question: was like….why….are you in my boyfriend's dirty sock? And of course, why are you so small, but really the bigger thing is like WHY are you in my boyfriend's SOCK?"
Josh had the feeling that even at normal size Andres's extroverted energy would be a lot to handle. He started to answer the question but before he could, Andres cut in again:
"I figure you're from that shrink place that my bro Markus works at, but you musta gotten HELLA lost my little amigo. Is that what happened? You can tell me. I'm a really good listener." Andres smiled and for once it seemed like Josh could finally have an opportunity to speak.
"Well, what happened was…."
"Oh damn bro! That's a lot to go through in one day." Andres said, now pacing back and forth a bit as Josh sat on the dryer. It seemed like Andres never stopped moving.
"Yeah, it was. But at least I survived it all." Josh said, happy to be alive. "Now I can go back to work and back to normal, haha."
Andres's pacing slowed a bit. "…I mean…you don't have to, though."
"…uhm…what do you mean?" Josh said, leaning backwards a bit.
"I mean…sounds like you had some serious thrills being that small. Almost eaten twice, almost stepped on a bunch…I mean if I hadn't found you, you would be surfing in the washing machine right now! haha!"
"More like drowning…but…yeah…?" Josh was starting to notice a slight shift in Andres's tone. He seemed more…eager.
"Amigo! That sounds AWESOME! I'm totally jealous. I mean, I would NEVER wanna be that small…but I'd kill to WATCH someone that small go through all that!"
"You…what?!?" Josh started to stand up.
"Oh HELLS yeah dude! That would be so entertaining! That's some real life or death shit right there! EXTREME!" Andres punched the air, the force of which made wind strong enough to blow Josh back on his butt. It was clear that the giant Hispanic god was scheming up something in his ADHD brain. Josh needed to do something before Andres FORCED him to do something. He thought fast, and decided to….
Andres looked at his novio's cute face as the two walked into Daniel's room. He didn't even register the tiny crunch under his blue and white air forces. Unfortunately, there's now a small red stain he'll have to wash off later. But it won't be a big deal. One little wipe and whatever bug got in his way will be forgotten forever.
The eager hispanic gets a bit impulsive and tackles his boyfriend onto his bed. The two laugh as Andres lands on top of Daniel, his spiky hair juxtaposing Dani's floofy mixed hair. Andres kicks off his shoes to get more comfortable. They land in the same spot he had just crushed Josh a second ago.
Andres spoke in an over the top suave tone to Daniel. "You better be glad you're not a bug."
Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
Andres cuddled him a little harder. "Cause then I'd have a CRUSH on you!" He laughed at his own bad joke. Daniel laughed too, and responded with a loving "Shut UP! Hahaha."
"Dani, you ACTUALLY finished your bio project right?" Andres asked. "Thats why I could come over?"
Daniel nodded his head, with Andres on his chest. "Yup. I got a little help from this guy named…" He paused, finally remembering about his little tutor.
"…oh shit wait where's Josh????"
Josh ran for his life from Daniel and Andres and their massive, unaware feet. He was about a second away from being pulverized under Daniel's sock when the mixed giant stopped abruptly and turned back to his boyfriend.
"Oh! Wait! Andres, are you hungry?" he asked. The other latino giant stopped too.
"Hm…yeah, actually. I just finished shooting hoops against Xavier and Mason. They were like 'bet you cant take us two on one, Andres' and I was like 'Venga cabrones!!' Haha."
"Oh. Well…did you win?"
"Oh no definitely not I got my ass kicked." Andres responded honestly. He then pulled up his shirt to reveal his abs. "But all that 'getting my ass kicked' really made me work up an apatite. I would have just gotten dinner with THEM but then you text me so…" He decided to take off his shirt mid sentence as the two made their way to the kitchen. "Estoy aqui!" he spoke in his native tongue, making his 'novio' laugh.
"Well lets get some food into that hot body of yours." Daniel joked, as he slapped Andres on the abs.
As the two started digging around for leftover food, Josh realized he was never going to get their attention from the floor. Or be safe there. Instead, he started climbing onto Daniel's bed, sighing as he was sort of starting to regret helping out with this bio project since it was starting to feel a bit like P.E. for him. After a minute or two Josh made it to Daniel's relatively disorganized bed. Unfortunately, so did the two giants. Andres held a bowl of chips in hand and Daniel held a bowl of spicy salsa. The two laughed and talked with eachother as they sat down, giving Josh a full view of two planet sized butts, both in basketball shorts, quickly descending upon him.
"Ay dios mio…" Josh said, knowing a bit of spanish himself. This wasnt the time for jokes, though. He started running for his life, ultimately…
The massive weight of the two giants sitting down caused a trampoline effect for Josh. He was sprung into the air, almost coming to their face level. Despite the chaos of being jetpacked into the air, Josh saw his opportunity and screamed for help, hoping that since he was near earshot they would notice him.
"HEEEEEY!!!! HELP MEEEEE!!!! AAAAAHHH!!" Josh came to the apex of his height, and then started falling back down, landing directly in Daniel's bowl of salsa. The noise caused Andres to perk up a bit.
"Yo. Did you hear that, dude?" Andres said, looking around.
"Hear what?" Danny dipped a chip from Andres's lap in salsa and then tossed it in his mouth a bit sloppily. The Chinese food from earlier must have started to wear off. He was hungry too.
"Listen…it sounds like…--" The two sat in silence for approximately 5 seconds before Andres's stomach grumbled loudly. Daniel laughed it off as he swallowed down the chip.
"It sounds like you need some food, mi amor." The giant smiled as he scooped up some more salsa on a chip, and raised the food to Andres's mouth. Andres smiled back, opening wide, as his boyfriend flirtatiously put the food in his mouth to feed him. Andres chewed, then swallowed down, burping a tiny bit afterword. Daniel made a face. "Eeeew. Nasty. Haha."
"Whatever." Andres joked back. "Just be glad that's not YOU in my stomach.
"Hah! You wouldn't wanna be in MINE either." Daniel took off his shirt to emphasize his point, then flexed his ab muscles.
"No, definitely not…" Andres knew that Daniel loved to eat. His stomach must be a battle field. The latino grabbed a chip, scooped up some salsa, and held it close to his partner's mouth. "…but I bet this chip would be HAPPY to take a one way trip." Daniel smirked, looking down at the helpless tortilla chip. When he looked at the snack in Andres's hand, he saw…
After Josh landed in the salsa it didn't get any better for him. Not only did the spicy food coat him in a blanket of red, it also burned his eyes. He could barely see in front of him, making it much harder to avoid what he perceived to be gigantic chips coming to scoop him up as a tribute to one of these two gods. He couldn't even talk or scream without choking on the stuff.
"I NEVER want mexican food ever again…" Josh thought to himself as he trudged through the muck. He felt something. It was a different consistency than the rest of the salsa. It must have been the edge of the bowl!
"Haha! YES!" Josh celebrated, as he climbed onto this new texture. But his celebration wouldn't last long. The texture lurched backwards and then started to rise. He didn't grab the bowl. He grabbed Andres's chip. The salsa-laden chip that continued to go up until it was presented to the mouth of Daniel. Josh could barely tell what was going on, but when he felt the familiar hot breath of a giant, he turned around to see Daniel's lips getting closer and closer.
Josh's plea was cut off by a crunch as Daniel enjoyed being fed by his boyfriend. He chewed and chewed, then swallowed the lump down his throat, far too distracted to notice the squirming human he had sent into his estomago.
A little while later, as the chips were reduced to crumbs, and the spicy salsa was practically licked clean, Daniel lay on his bed on his back while Andres cuddled next to him, his head on Dani's stomach. The two watched Netflix and relaxed with each other, but the viewing was interrupted when a large gurgle and then burp erupted from Daniel. Andres laughed.
"Those little guys putting up a fight in there, eh?"
"Haha. I dont think so….wait. Little guys?" Daniel said, suddenly feeling like he forgot something.
"Yeah. The chips." Andres said, a bit confused.
"Oh. Ohhhh nevermind. I thought….hm." Daniel tried really hard to remember what he was forgetting. Andres laughed again, then leaned up, and gave Daniel a kiss.
"You get distracted so easily." The spikey haired latino joked. Daniel blushed again.
"…well, you make it hard not to be." Daniel said, kissing Andres on the forehead.
Daniel's stomach gurgled one last time. Josh had lost the fight.
A small nudge of Daniel's thigh was all it took to send Josh tumbling onto the floor. He landed with a thud, and when he came to he realized he wasn't on the hard wood floor. He was standing on something really squishy and…*sniff*….phew. VERY smelly. Looking around, he realized it was a sock. Probably Andres's, since this one was black and Daniel's were white. He looked up at the two attractive giants as they flirted and ate chips and talked. Daniel blushed a bit as Andres fed him a chip. Josh couldn't help but smile.
"You know…even though they've nearly killed me several times…they do look pretty cute together."
Their four souls were in display as Josh watched them, getting off of the sock and repositioning slightly to try to think of a way to get their attention. A way presented itself fairly quickly, though, as Dani dropped part of his chip on the floor. The salsa from the messy eater splashed onto josh, coating half his body in the thick substance. Now red, he kind of looked like an ant. Andres stood up, his sweaty basketball feet barely missing flattening Josh. But as he started to lean down to pick up the chip and clean up the mess, the spikey haired latino said…
At hearing about a bug crawling by their feet,Daniel pulled his feet up onto the bed and glanced down at the tiny,red speck standing next to his dropped chip.
“Ew,I hope we don’t have an infestation.Can you kill the bug for me,you know I don’t like the feeling of stepping on something crunchy.”
Watching the ant start to run from his massive feet,Andres smirked and pulled his boyfriend closer.
”For you,mi amor? Definitely.” Giving him a kiss on the forehead,Andres stood up and looked down for the bug destined to meet its end underneath his massive feet.
After a second of looking,the Hispanic giant lifted his barefoot over the bug as it crawled…
Running desperately to the underside of the bed,Josh struggled to remove the spicy salsa covering his face and body.It was this blasted chip dip that has gotten him mistaken for an ant,and if he didn’t get away from the giants quickly,he was going to be crushed like one too.
As he was trying to shake the sauce off of his left arm,his foot slipped on a stray piece of salsa and sent him face planting on the hard wooden floor.Although he was nowhere near the bottom of the bed,he still felt a large shadow cover his downed form.Even though he knew what it was,Josh looked up anyway.
Above him was the sweaty and reddened sole of Daniel’s boyfriend,and beyond it was the face of the Hispanic basketball giant,smirking down at what he believed was an ant bothering him and his boyfriend.Josh would have yelled,if there wasn’t a glob of salsa stuck in his mouth.
He paled as the wide foot quickly dropped towards him,giving him a good view of the specks of dust and sock lint that had become stuck to the sweaty sole.
The plate of chips and salsa rattled on the table when Andres stomped his foot down on the bug.Daniel almost felt bad for the nasty pest.”Did you get it?”
Looking back up from his foot,Andres sat down on the bed and lifted his foot up to his knee.From there,Daniel could see the tiny,red stain on the ball of his right foot,among a small amount of lint and dust.
“You could have just said yes.I didn’t need to see that,it’s gross! I’m trying to eat chips here-
Daniel was silenced when Andres shoved a chip with salsa into his mouth.Daniel just couldn’t stay mad at his boyfriend when he was being cute like this.Letting Andres feed him a few more chips,the memory of the bug was quickly forgotten.
Josh, trying to endure the sting of the salsa, waved to Andres. Daniel hopped off his bed and the two leaned in closer to see. Then it clicked in the athlete's head.
"Josh! Oh shit dude I am SO sorry!" Daniel snapped back to reality and carefully picked up Josh in his palm. Andres just looked in disbelief.
"Wait…so that water park where they shrink people is a real thing?"
Daniel nodded. "Yeah. Markus works there. This is his boss, Josh. He was helping me with the bio project I had due before you came over." Andres leaned in closer to get a better look at Josh. He then spoke again. "At THIS size? Isn't that a bit dangerous?"
Josh was about to say something but Danny's louder voice cut him off. "Yeah! Little dude's almost been eaten like twice today."
Josh then chimed in. "And I was almost crushed by you guys a few times, actually." Andres and Daniel looked at each other. Daniel felt so terrible for almost killing a guy he just met. And Andres felt bad too, but…he couldn't have known. And something about being this massive compared to someone else was exciting to him. He was a top, after all.
Andres tried to make a joke of it. "Well yeah. If my vision weren't so good I probably would have stomped you like a bug there, haha." Daniel laughed a little, nervously. And Josh joined too.
Danny started again. "Well…this is Andres, my boyfriend. Did you still need to go back to your place? We can drive you." Andres raised an eyebrow a bit at the word "we." Josh simply shook his head. "It's a bit late. And besides, I think you two are cool. I can just hang out with you guys until Markus and Kendrick get back right?" Both of the giants looked at eachother agian.
"Yeah, uh…I don't think they're coming back till the morning." Daniel said.
"Those northside parties…sheesh dude. I don't even know if they'll be back in one piece!" Andres joked. Daniel punched him in the side and sighed. "But uh…you can stay with us! Totally."
Andres, again, was a bit apprehensive. "But it's supposed to be date night…" He muttered quietly to Daniel, but Josh could definitely hear it. Daniel shot him a look. "We can uh…do a triple date…! With Josh!" Daniel also sounded like he wasn't super fond of the idea. Despite helping him out earlier Josh now felt like he was intruding. After an awkward silence the two looked to Andres. It seemed that he…
Josh figured doing the film now would be easiest. With any luck he could get home early!
"Let's do the film parody! Besides, it sounded like everyone wanted to help with it!" Josh offered his opinion.
"I guess I'd probably get a better grade." Markus mulled on it for a second. "Sure why not. How we doing this?"
"Well, we'd just come up with some kind of script, maybe make fun of the stuff they did in the movie." Daniel started coming up with ideas. "Could make fun of how fake ass all the props looked like back in the day. Besides we don't even need effects when we have the real deal!"
"We could have shots from out point of view and shots from his view where he's trying to get our attention." Kendrick added to Daniels ideas. "Then just have him get in more and more crazy situations."
"Love it dude!" Daniel stood up in excitement. "Markus your project is gonna be amazing, bro."
"Yo, we don't have to go through all that trouble." Markus waved his hands.
"It won't be too much trouble. We'll do it in one take and splice it all together later." Daniel disregarded Markus's concern.
- - -
Some time went by as the three men cleaned up a bit and set up a few props. Daniel had offered Josh a few lines to say, and told him roughly where they'd be moving him and when. Daniel placed Josh down on the ground in the living room of the three giant's apartment. Remembering the plan, Josh pulled out his phone and started recording after the three men left the room.
"Okay… Markus is going to film Kendrick and Daniel as they go along with the script…" Josh reminded himself as he started his own recording and took a deep breath, ready to attempt his acting.
"What? What happened? Where am I?" Josh asked out loud with a little drama in his voice. "I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore, Toto."
Josh said the quote as he panned his camera to a large protein bar wrapper that Daniel had placed near him. "I don't think I'm in the food chain anymore, Dorothy…"
Josh walked by the wrapper as Daniel instructed him, making his way toward an overturned water bottle with a little water spilled out on the wooden floor. Josh approached the puddle, which to him looked like a massive lake.
"What's a lake doing on this floor?" Josh asked aloud. "Wait… it's not a lake. It's just a water bottle."
A few second went by and Josh heard the front door open as he watched as Daniel and Kendrick walked into the apartment, feet pounding on the ground like earthquakes.
"EARTHQUAKE!" Josh yelled as he watched Daniel approach, panning his camera to make sure he didn't get Markus in the shot as he filmed with his phone. "No worse, GIANTS!"
Josh filmed Daniel as he walked in his direction, stomping on the water bottle with a mighty crunch, Josh flinched as the sound was incredibly loud from his point of view. Josh could see Markus scanning to floor, silently directing Daniel so he wasn't actually stepped on.
"Yo! What did I tell you about picking up your garbage?" Daniel said to Kendrick as he took his foot off the bottle and reached over for the wrapper. Josh panned his camera, watching Daniel as he picked up the wrapper.
"I have to get them to see me!" Josh said dramatically as he ran toward the water bottle just as Daniel had reached down for it. Daniel held his hand down for a second longer was he watched from the corner of his eye as Josh wedged him onto the underside of his finger between his skin and the bottle.
"Yo, man wipe yo shit up!" Daniel acted as Kendrick rolled his eyes and walked over with a paper towel to clean up the tiny puddle. Markus made sure to get a shot of the tiny puddle, showing how tiny and insignificant it was compared to Kendrick, hoping the shot from Josh's point of view made it look massive.
Josh held on to Daniel's finger as the giant dropped the bottle into the garbage before resting his hand on the kitchen counter. Josh jumped off the hand onto the counter, now panning the camera to show Daniel and Kendrick as the two giant's talked.
"Yo, my bad bro." Kendrick apologized. "Sometimes I take a shot to practice and I bank hard off the rim of the garbage."
Kendrick did a shot with a water bottle he had in his hand, swishing it into the garbage perfectly. He gave a cocky smile and shrugged his shoulders. "See, practice make's perfect, dude."
"Yo, you should actual practice that seriously!" Daniel dropped the corny joke as Kendrick laughed and walked away.
"Sure whatever man!" Kendrick said as he walked out of the room. Josh panned up to Daniel, who loomed over him like a massive mountain. Daniel shook his head as he walked slowly away from the counter. before disappearing the same way as Kendrick. Josh turned his camera as he saw Markus follow after them, instead looking at a massive box of cheerios that sat on the counter.
"Wow, these cheerios are the sizes of trucks!" Josh exclaimed as he approached a few Daniel had deliberately laid out on the counter. "I guess I can snack on these while I wait for them to come back. I have to get one of those guys to notice me!"
Josh reached up and showed the massive size of the cheerio before digging his hand in and trying to grab a bite. Josh could hear the pounding of feet behind him, knowing the next part of the plan as he faced forward at the cheerio before turning dramatically to look up at a massive, now shirtless Kendrick. Josh swallowed, he didn't know Kendrick was taking his shirt off for this this part of film but he was truly a sight to behold with his massive wide and thick muscle complete with a thick looking six pack and huge pecs. Josh forgot his line as he simply gave off a surprised gasp as he watched Kendrick grab the box of cereal and start pouring it into his bowl. The giant deliberately let a few cheerios fall onto the counter, as Josh watched them drop near him like massive falling doughnuts.
"You making a mess on the counter too, bro?" Josh heard Daniels voice as he rejoined Kendrick in the kitchen. Josh panned from Daniel to Kendrick as the huge man rolled his eyes and set the box down before taking his hand and sweeping it off the counter into his bowl. Josh screamed as he was swept along with the cereal and crashed into the bowl.
"Nah dude. Just a little clumsy. I'll eat it." Kendrick smiled as he reached into the fridge to grab some milk. He giant poured the milk into bowl as Josh found himself in the center of a cheerio, purely by chance as he stayed afloat, holding his phone above the surface trying not to get it too wet. Josh held the edge of the middle of the cheerio and he tried to continue to get good shots up and out of the bowl and he heard the plunk of a spoon drop in.
"Yo, hurry up. Eat and get changed! We have practice!" Daniel continued to act as he stood there in basketball clothes, motioning to Kendrick's half dressed self as he only wore shorts.
"Yo, you're being so pushy today bruh." Kendrick responded with a raised eyebrow scooping into his cereal, deliberately missing Josh a few times. "I'll eat fast, don't worry."
Finally, Josh saw there wasn't much left the bowl as the spoon scooped under him this time. He found himself being raised up to Kendrick's mouth as he could see Markus recording the moment, clearly with an eye on his as he approached the giant's mouth.
"Don't eat me!" Josh yelled out his line. "Nooooooooo!"
Josh went silent as Kendrick closed his mouth around him. Part of the plan was to have it seem like the tiny was actually eaten as part of the parody, just as Daniel had planned. What Josh didn't know was Kendrick misunderstood the direction, lurching his tongue and swallowing the cereal and Josh. Josh screamed, having no idea what was going on as he was sent down into the titanic athlete.
"Buuuuuuurrrrpppp!" Kendrick set the bowl down and patted his chest.
"Nice, dude." Daniel gave a genuine complement as Markus cut the recording.
"Perfect, guys! That went exactly to plan!" Markus said excitedly as he looked down at the time of the recording. "We just need Josh to send us his side of it."
"Well I gotta let him go all way down first, yo." Kendrick rubbed his stomach.
"What do you mean, dude? Did you actually swallow him?" Daniel looked at Kendrick with surprise.
"Was I not supposed to?" Kendrick asked, honestly not sure.
"No… bruh…" Markus answered, a little frozen in his tracks. "Well maybe this could work out?"
"How so, Kenny has to puke the little guy up." Daniel crossed his arms, feeling like this was a bit of a setback.
"Well if he leaves him down there for a minute, maybe he'll get a cool footage or something." Markus tried to shed a little light.
"Oh, that's true I guess." Daniel tilted his head. "Still though, he's probably tweaking. This wasn't part of the plan I told him."
Markus thought for a second before thinking…
"One minute isn't going to kill him, plus that extra footage is really going to put this project over the edge" Markus rationalized.
"But we should really let Josh know what is going on so he doesn't panic" Daniel said, trying his best to get Markus the best grade possible but also wanting to keep his new micro-bro from being digested by his roommate.
Is was too late for Daniel's sentiment as the panic had already swung into full force. The moment he had landed in the messy, alien landscape that was Kendrick's stomach Josh had lost track of his phone and scenes of direction.
Confused and scared he started to look for his only lifeline to the outside world as best as he could with no light to guide him.
Josh wasn't sure how long he had been searching for but all of a sudden a faint noise started to reach his ears over the cacophony of groans and gurgles that surrounded him. It was his ring-tone, someone was trying to contact him. With new found strength he continued his search, this time with the sound to guide him in the right direction. As he continued to dig up through the mound of half digested Chinese food the sound of his savior got closer and closer until finally he pulled it free and brought it to his ear in order to answer the life saving call.
"Hello?! Markus! What happened?!" Josh panicked as he yelled into the phone. Josh waited a second as there was no answer. "Markus??"
Josh looked down at the screen, noticing that the call must've ended just as he answered. Still in a hurried panic, Josh tried to pull back up Markus's number. His fingers were covered in goopy partially digested food as they slipped across the screen. Trying to wipe off his hands, Josh's grip slipped as he dropped his phone again.
"Shit sit shit!" Josh panicked as he phone sunk into some sludgy food. Josh dug through the darkness, struggling to find the phone as it slid out of his sight.
- - -
"No answer, dude." Markus locked his phone and looked at Kendrick, a little worried.
"Oh shit, bro. You don't think I already digested him?" Kendrick looked down at his abs, not sure exactly how long a little person like that could even last inside a stomach.
"I have no idea, dude." Markus scratched his head confused. "You'd think he'd call me back if he just didn't notice his phone."
"Come on guys! What if he just dropped his phone?" Daniel tried to reason with the two, not wanting to believe Josh was digested in an instant.
"Yeah I guess that might've happened." Markus didn't really consider that at first. "Dude! That would mean we'd lose all of his side of the video!"
"Oh bro, that would suck. It wouldn't be nearly as good." Kendrick slumped a little, feeling like their acting and planning would all just go to waste.
"I know right?" Markus was glad Kendrick understood his plight. Meanwhile Daniel looked at the two confused.
"Uh guys? Who cares about the video? We can figure something else out." Daniel tried to reason with them. "Maybe we should worry about saving the little dude first?"
"I don't know, man." Kendrick put a hand on his stomach. "I think he's dead, bro."
"Yeahhhhh…" Markus crossed his arms. "Sucks to admit it, but I think Kenny's right."
"What, bro so you're just going to assume he didn't make it?" Daniel looked at either of his roommates in shock. "I mean, you didn't even try and call a second time."
"Fine." Markus pulled back out his phone, calling Josh again. A little time went by as the phone went to voicemail again. "Nothing, dude."
"Still, he could've just dropped it, bro." Daniel looked at Kendrick, a little desperate to get them not to give up so easily. "Dude just throw him up."
"But dude, I just ate. I think he must've just gotten smothered by my dinner or something." Kendrick rubbed his abs a little. "There's probably nothing left of him to even throw up."
"Dude! I know he was a size of a bug and all, but he was still a person." Daniel shook his head, unable to believe how casual they were being about a person dying. Kendrick looked down at his gut again. It gave a slight gurgle he could feel. Switching his gaze to Daniel, Kendrick decided…
"Dude, I'm sorry. I think I know my own body." Kendrick put his foot down. "The little guy is toast by now."
"Kenny, are you for real?" Daniel looked at the beefy man in surprise. "I mean, you're the one who swallowed him. Take a little responsibility."
"Hold up, bro." Kendrick put a hand up in offense. "It was YOUR idea to do this dumb film parody. Not mine. I was just going along with you guys."
"Oh so it's my fault you actually swallowed him?" Daniel looked offended, in disbelief that Kendrick was trying to make this his fault.
"We did glaze over that part a little when we planned it out." Markus came to Kendrick's defense a little. "I could see why he made the mistake, bro."
"Dude, you're defending Kenny? He just digested your boss. Weren't you guys friends in high school too, bro?" Daniel was still overwhelmed his roommates were taking this in such easy strides.
"I didn't really know him in high school, bro." Markus shrugged. "I mean he was a cool boss and all, but he did seem to get himself in these types of situations a lot."
"So that makes it okay?" Daniel put a hand on his hip like a disappointed mom.
"No, bro. But I guess it makes it easier to accept? To be honest it's probably better he went out like this than getting squashed or something." Markus shrugged again, trying to calm Daniel down. "Besides, you just met him, bro. What are you all worked up for?"
"I…" Daniel bit his tongue. What was he all worked up for? Markus did make a pretty good point. "I guess, dude. Maybe I just felt bad we threw his life away so easily."
"It was an accident, bro. Kenny could have just as easily accidentally sat on him too." Markus laugh, jabbing Kendrick in the side.
"Hey! I wouldn't have done that!" Kendrick gave Markus a sour look. Daniel couldn't help but laugh a little though.
"Oh man, poor little guy. Could you imagine the last thing he sees before getting squashed is Kenny's ass?" Daniel joked a little, feeling a bit better now that he's calmed down.
"I wouldn't wish that death on anyone." Markus joined in Daniel's laughed all the while Kendrick huffed a little now that he was being made fun of.
- - -
"Where! Is! It!" Josh yelled as he dug around in the slop. His hands were burning and he really felt like he his legs had maybe gone numb. Things weren't looking good as Josh would occasionally be sloshed about in the athlete's massive stomach. Josh had lost track of time. Had it been minutes? Hours? He had no idea as time seemed to both slog by at a snails pace as every moment he spent drudging through the mounds of half digested food felt like an eternity. Josh didn't understand it. Phone or no phone, why had they given up on him so easily.
"Don't tell me… they were dumb enough… to think… I was… already dead…" Josh weakly said to himself as he flopped on his back in a pile of sludgy food. Exhausted and feeling his whole body burn, Josh could do little more that squirm and wince in pain as he sunk into the sludge. He tried to fight it at first be he soon realized how futile his efforts would be. Suffocating and being digested, Josh succumbed to the dark pit of Kendrick's enormous stomach. Little did Josh realize how seriously he'd be playing the part in this parody of Honey I shrunk the kids.
"I don't know, dude. Danny's probably right." Markus crossed his arms and tilted his head. "I mean I almost ate the little guy twice today, he's probably freaking out it actually happened, finally."
"Whoops. Now I feel kinda bad." Kendrick frowned, hand still resting on his stomach. Markus started to laugh a little.
"You can apologize after you puke him up, dude." Markus nudged Kendrick playfully. "If you don't hurry you won't get the chance, bro."
"Shit you don't think I already digested him, do you?" Kendrick started to worry a little. Daniel simply sighed and shoved Kendrick toward the sink.
"Dude, it's been like 30 seconds. Just hurry up and puke." Daniel commanded, getting a little impatient and worrying about Josh. Kendrick did as he was told, and put his fingers down his throat, gagging and spitting as he started to spew up small chunks of food. It took a little time, but eventually, amongst their disgust the three men spotted the movements of the tiny man in the sink. The men made Kendrick fish Josh out of his own vomit, cleaning the little guy off with a little sink water before washing the rest of the chunks down the drain. Readjusting, Josh sat in Kendrick's hand as the three men sat around the table.
"Sorry little guy, that was not part of the plan…" Daniel spoke to Josh, leaning in and looking down at him in Kendrick's palm. Daniel gave Kendrick a look, to which the giant rubbed the back of his head and looked down at Josh apologetically.
"Yeah sorry, bro." Kendrick apologized. "I guess I must've been day dreaming when you guys said not to swallow you."
"I-it's alright!" Josh shook his head, trying not to worry about it. "I was so confused, but if anything maybe it'll make the actual video better?"
"For sure, dude! Wanna send it to me? I'll synch up the videos." Markus asked as he pulled out his phone. Josh did the same, sending what he had to Markus. Markus got up, leaving to go to his room and get the videos to align. In the meantime, Josh sat with Daniel and Kendrick.
"That took a lot less time than I thought it would." Kendrick leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on the table and resting his hands behind his head. Josh bit his lip, looking from Kendrick still shirtless, as Daniel in his basketball uniform.
"Do you guys actually have basketball practice today?" Josh asked, not wanting to hold them up just in case.
"Huh? No we're off season right now, bro." Kendrick rose an eyebrow at Josh, figuring most people would know generally when sports are in season.
"Oh? Sorry I'm not super informed when it comes to sports." Josh apologized meekly.
"It's cool, dude. Nah we do go practice on our own, but right now there's nothing." Daniel leaned back forward, feeling bad Kendrick gave Josh a hard time. "Maaaan, guess I should write my bio paper now though."
"Sucks to be you, dude." Kendrick smirked at Daniel.
"What don't you have anything to do?" Daniel sneered at his roommate.
"Nope. Aside from watching you and Markus suffer." Kendrick's smile widened as Daniel rolled his eyes. Josh frowned a little, he felt bad he didn't end up helping Daniel with his project even after he saved him from being eaten by Markus earlier.
"I'd be willing to bet he pushed Kendrick to throw me up right away too…" Josh thought to himself, knowing the giant seemed to actually care about his well being. Josh watched as Daniel stood up.
"Well guess I'm off to suffer then!" Daniel mocked Kenrick. "Try not to eat the little guy again while I'm gone, Kenny."
Josh Looked from Daniel to Kendrick, wondering if he should try and quickly speak up and offer to help Daniel, or just stay with Kendrick. Josh quickly decided…
Josh held his tongue, a little worried what he might be getting himself into should he offer his help. He did feel a little bad though as he watched Daniel walk away leaving just him and Kendrick in the room. Josh turned and looked up at Kendrick, who wasn't even looking at him in his hand but rather playing with his phone in the other. Feeling a little awkward, Josh tried to create some kind of conversation.
"Must be nice not having any work to do!" Josh smiled, trying to be friendly to the giant he was just eaten by minutes ago.
"Huh?" Kendrick looked over at Josh from his phone. "You say something, little man?"
"Oh… um nothing important…." Josh felt a little bad the giant was so disinterested.
"I wasn't paying attention, did Danny say to try to eat you again, or try not to eat you again?"
"Uh uh…" Josh panicked a bit as Kendrick started to laugh.
"Just kidding, bro!" Kendrick smiled and set down his phone. "I'm just messing."
"Ha.. okay well you had me going for a second there!" Josh felt a little less worried now. "That was certainly an experience though."
"I can't even imagine, dude. You're so little, I couldn't even feel ya." Kendrick put a hand on his chest, trying to remember the feeling.
"That's kinda crazy!" Josh thought about just how insignificant he was to Kendrick. "Here I was convinced Markus was going to accidently eat me, after those two close calls."
"Well I can always ask him if he's down. Third time's the charm, dude." Kendrick playfully joked at Josh.
"Haha no thanks…" Josh laughed a little. "With him doing his project, he'd likely forget about me down there."
"Oh yeah Danny was freaking out, he seemed to think I was gonna like instantly digest you, bro." Kendrick scratched his head a little. "You seem fine though, dude."
"Oh well generally stomach acid is only about as acidic as like… Coca-Cola." Josh explained in as general terms as he could to the giant.
"Oh? So you would've been fine for awhile, huh?" Kendrick, seemed pretty at ease feeling like it would take a long time for a soda to dissolve a person.
"Yeah, more or less. Plus you just ate… so like there was a food buffer too." Josh again tried to make it as simple to understand as possible, even if it wasn't entirely accurate.
"Wow, so Danny was all rushy for nothing." Kendrick shrugged, not taking into account how Josh felt about being inside his stomach.
"Yeah…" Josh laughed a little nervous. "I was okay, besides it was kind of neat."
"Was it?" Kendrick chuckled. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better, bro."
"No no, it was cool. I mean how many people can say they've done something like that?" Josh blushed, now feeling like he had to defend his statement to not make Kendrick feel like he was lying.
"I guess you'd be the only one?" Kendrick rose an eyebrow. "I'll eat you again if you want, I've got nothing going on."
"Uhhh…" Josh looked from Kendrick's nonchalant expression, down to the man's thick abs. It was definitely an experience that he secretly found to be quite… thrilling. It was tempting offer as Josh stayed silent almost too long.
"Uhhh I well uh…" Josh struggled to find words. "I…"
"I'd be okay with it…" Josh muttered a bit, not exactly proud of it. Kendrick chuckled a little
"Yo, dude. I was only kidding." Kendrick laughed at Josh. "But hey if you think it was that cool, it's whatever for me, dude."
"Ha… yeah. Sorry. You don't have to if you were only kidding, though." Josh tried to back pedal, not wanting the giant to think him some kind of weirdo.
"Nah, dude. If you thought it was cool, I'm gonna send you on another trip. Especially since it's not that dangerous!" Kendrick smiled, remembering what Josh said about his stomach acid not killing him as quick as he thought.
"That was just an examp--" Josh was cut off as he tried to explain that's not exactly how stomach acid works, but Kendrick closed his hand around him. Josh could feel Kendrick raise his hand up, seeing the giant made kind of a funnel with his fingers. Josh could see Kendrick's open mouth as he was tilting his hand to cause Josh to slide down the funnel. Josh couldn't stop himself from falling even if he wanted to. Josh braced himself as he landed softly on the giant's massive pink tongue. Face covered in spit as he tried to get his bearings, Josh found himself slowly engulfed in darkness as Kendrick shut his mouth.
"Uhhh… maybe we should think this over…" Josh said, getting cold feet. He really wasn't sure if Kendrick could even hear him. Josh's question was quickly answered as Kendrick's tongue lurched a bit, causing Josh to drop backwards on his back. Josh slid for what felt like miles out of control as all he could hear was a massive gulp, followed by nothing but the giant's beating heart in the distance.
- - -
Kendrick put a finger on his throat. This time it was a little more deliberate, so he hoped he might feel the tiny man going down. Touching his throat and making a face, he really couldn't feel anything.
"Dang, duuude." He complained, sitting back in his chair. "He's so fucking tiny."
Grabbing his phone, Kendrick wasn't sure what to do next really. Markus and Daniel were both busy, so he didn't wanna bother them. He also wasn't sure how much he should really move. Remembering what Josh told him though, he figured he could chill out for awhile and let the guy explore and junk. Yawning and playing on his phone, Kendrick passed some time on social media.
- - -
Josh sloshed around in the now familiar landscape of Kendrick's stomach. It seemed a little more empty than before, likely in the time they were talking the giant must've already churned away some of the food he ate earlier. Kendrick's stomach rumbled as the organ churned a little more. The pressure changed a little as Josh found himself get knocked around as a burp erupted from above.
"Ha… well this is what you wanted, isn't it?" Josh insulted himself, surprised by his own stupidity. It was certainly incredible being inside the massive jock's stomach once again, but Josh hardly wanted this to be the last place he'd ever be. Josh thought for a minute, wondering when exactly Kendrick was going to let him up. A few minutes passed, Josh was starting to feel a little tingly, he decided he would…
Josh itched his arms a little. It was only a slight tingle, he didn't want to concern himself too much.
"Kendrick will let me out. I don't need to worry." Josh said to himself with some amount of confidence. Josh put away his phone too, he really didn't want to call Markus and some how explain how he ended up back in Kendrick's stomach. "He'd think I'm crazy… yeah that's not worth it."
Josh tried to slog his way through some of mixture in the giant's belly, finding himself what he assumed to be a stray piece of meat from the Chinese food he ate earlier. Josh pulled himself up on it as Kendrick's stomach shifted and churned again, dragging him around as the organ emitted a sickening gurgle.
"It'll be fine…" Josh kept telling himself as he held onto the piece of meat for dear life, being mixed around with the rest of the food and starting to get sick to his own stomach a little.
- - -
Kendrick set his phone down. His stomach had just gave a slight gurgle but he more or less ignored it. He was getting a little bored just sitting around doing nothing, plus he was actually getting a little hungry again. Standing up, Kendrick decided that he must have enough time to run out real quick. The massive basketball jock slipped on a pair of shoes and didn't bother putting on his shirt as he grabbed his keys and walked out of the house.
"Just wanna grab a sub real quick…" Kendrick thought to himself as he left the apartment, knowing his favorite sub place was only around the block. It took Kendrick a few minutes to leave the building, making his way around the block before getting to the restaurant. There was a bit of a line, Kendrick made a face as he got in the back of it, whishing he hadn't left his phone at his apartment.
"Man… I thought this would be a quick in an out…" Kendrick crossed his arms and thought, tapping his foot as the people in front of him seemed to take forever to do their orders. After what felt like forever, Kendrick ordered his food and made his way back to his apartment, stomach now growling as all he's smelled was food for the past twenty minutes. Making his way inside, he kicked off his shoes and set down his sub on the table next to his phone.
"I'm starving…" Kendrick put a hand on his stomach. "I should let the little guy out first though."
Kendrick made his way over to the sink, before he was interrupted by Markus coming out to the kitchen.
"Sup fatass, grabbed yourself more food?" Markus laughed at Kendrick as he reached into the fridge for a water.
"Shut up dude, I was hungry." Kendrick stopped what he was doing to make an annoyed face at Markus.
"Whatever, bro. Where's Josh? Or did you eat him too?" Markus joked as he walked over to the table.
"Actually I did, but not because I was hungry, bro." Kendrick continued to be annoyed with Markus before his friend turned to him in shock. "What? he asked me to, bro!"
"Why the hell would he ask you to do that dude?!" Markus looked at Kendrick with confusion.
"Calm down bro. He told me how stomach acid is only about as dangerous as soda, dude." Kendrick waved his hand at Markus, trying to get him to calm down. "He wanted another look for the fun of it, bro."
"Uhhhh… yeah but how long ago was that?" Markus asked, knowing he's been working on his project for awhile now.
"I don't know dude… like before I left to grab a sub, but after you and Danny left us." Kendrick leaned against the sink, not even trying to throw Josh up at the moment.
"Dude, he's fucking dead, bro." Markus rose an eyebrow at Kendrick, hoping this was all just a dumb joke.
"What? No way, dude." Kendrick scrunched his face a little. "I could leave my finger in a soda for that long and be fine."
"What about your whole body genius?" Markus shook his head in disappointment.
"Uhhh I guess I don't know then…" Kendrick scratched his head a little. Markus just kind of game him a look of 'I told you so.' Kendrick put a hand on his stomach, feeling it gurgle a little violently this time. "Well shit dude…"
"Yeah no kidding bro. Well either way, not really your fault, man." Markus shrugged and took a sip of his water. "I mean, if he asked you do it you really can't blame yourself."
"Yeah, kinda dumb way to die though, bro." Kendrick rubbed his stomach, a little relieved he didn't need to bother throwing up anymore. "Stupid too, like why didn't he try to call you?"
"Maybe he realized he wanted your fat ass to digest him after the first time?" Markus laughed and went over to pat Kendrick on the back. Kendrick looked down at his thick strong abs, and shoved Markus away.
"Bro! I'm not fat!" Kendrick retorted, knowing he worked hard to get his physique. "Maybe he saw how much better muscled I am than your or Danny's skinny asses and knew I needed the protein!"
"Whatever you wanna tell yourself dude." Markus chuckled as he walked away with his water. Kendrick merely shook his head and sat at the table, grabbing his sub and finally filling that empty spot in his stomach.
Josh pulled out his phone and looked at his contacts. "If only I had Kendrick's number… I could just call him." Josh said to himself as he looked at Markus's number. "Maybe Markus can help…"
Josh started the call and put his phone to his ear as he bit his lip, waiting for Markus to pick up.
"Yo, what's up dude? I've hardly put any of my project together yet." Markus answered, seeming to get his point across in a hurry.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to bug you. I was just hoping you could give me Kendrick's number?" Josh asked, not wanting to draw attention to his current situation.
"Uh aren't you with him? Can't he just give it to you?" Markus asked, pointing out the obvious.
"Uh he's a little distracted at the moment. I just was hoping you could give me his number so I could just poke him with a text or something." Josh stretched the trust a little.
"Well…" Markus stalled for a second before answering…
"I don't know dude, I feel weird giving out people numbers. I'm just walk out there and grab his attention." Markus said as he quickly hung up his phone in the process.
"Markus wait!" Josh tried to answer back, but it was already too late as he heard Markus disconnect on the other end. Josh bit his lip. He thought maybe he could try calling back… but Markus was only a few rooms away.
- - -
Markus set down his phone and pushed away from his desk and laptop as he made his way out of his room and back into the living room where he saw Kendrick still seated, playing on his phone. His friend looked up as he entered the room.
"What's up, bro? All done with your project already?" Kendrick asked, a little hopeful that Markus was here to save him from his boredom.
"Uh no not even close. I just got a call from Josh though. Where is the little squirt?" Markus asked, looking at the table and around a little not seeing the little speck of a man.
"Right here, dude." Kendrick responded by patting his stomach. Markus tilted his head in confusion.
"Uhhh what, bro?" Markus asked, clearly wanting clarification. "You threw him up, remember?"
"Duh, bro. He asked me to eat him again. Don't worry, he said it wasn't dangerous. So we thought it'd be fun." Kendrick explained, clearly not concerned in the slightest.
"Well that explains the phone call, dude." Markus shook his head, understanding why Josh was being so clearly evasive with his wording. "He asked me for your number, sounded like he was worried you weren't paying attention."
"Oh, guess it has been a little while huh?" Kendrick looked down at his bare abs. "Bro, would've suck if I forgot about him!"
Kendrick laughed as Markus simply shook his head with a slight smile.
"Dude, I'd lose my boss and probably my job!" Markus scolded Kendrick, who simply shrugged and chuckled.
"Some lifeguard you'd be!" Kendrick put his arms behind his head and stretched his abdomen. Markus sighed loudly.
"Just throw him up, dumbass." Markus crossed his arms, not in the mood for Kendrick's sass.
"Fiiine." Kendrick stood up, having enjoying giving Markus a bit of a hard time as he went back over to the sink, repeating his actions from before to bring Josh up. A few minutes went by before the men retrieved Josh from the sink.
"There… look I got a lot more work to get done. So if you guys could try to behave that would be great." Markus spoke sternly to Kendrick and Josh as if they were children.
Markus left the two back where they left off before as he went back into his room. Josh felt a little embarrassed as he sat on the table and looked up at Kendrick.
"Sorry about that Kendrick…" Josh apologized as the giant looked down at him.
"Eh, don't sweat it little man." Kendrick shrugged, again quite nonplused over the situation. "Did you have fun in there again, dude?"
"Oh yeah it was a fun time!" Josh wanted to make Kendrick feel good about the situation, but also did actually enjoy it quite a bit in hindsight. "I just started to feel tingly and I was worried I couldn't stay down there much longer."
"Oh shit, dude. Well I didn't mean to like… partially digest you or whatever." Kendrick apologized, briefly forgetting that was actually a possibility.
"It's really okay. I mean Markus almost ate me twice today." Josh tried to make light of the situation. "Maybe it's just like destined at this point!"
Kendrick laughed, taking Josh's comment as a joke. "Well I'm winning, dude. He just almost ate you twice. I actually did eat you twice!"
"Ha, well I guess I better watch out. Third time's the charm right?" Josh chuckled nervously. "Next time he probably will accidently eat me."
"Well in that case, third time for me probably means you wouldn't getting out, bro!" Kendrick laughed and patted his muscular stomach a few times.
"Ha… yeah I bet!" Josh felt a little uncomfortable, but also morbidly curious. Suddenly, Kendrick's stomach gave off a loud gurgling growl.
"Sorry, all that puking made me hungry." Kendrick stood up and stretched. "Guess I could go grab some grub."
"Yeah by all means!" Josh stared up at the muscular titan in a bit of a trance.
"How about we…" Kendrick started to say. "We have you…"
"Daniel! Markus! Someone!" Josh yelled as he looked over at Daniel who was completely engrossed in his food. Just as Josh turned back from looking at Daniel, Josh noticed darkness start to surround him as Markus had shoved the spoon finally into his mouth, closing Josh in and sliding off the utensil and into the the moist pink cavern. Tossed about in the mess of rice, Josh screamed as Markus has started chewing the already small grains of rice into even smaller pieces. Josh curled himself up, desperate not to be mashed to bits by Markus's perfect white teeth. Screaming as he was tossed about in a mess of saliva and mushed rice, Josh found himself somehow slammed against one of Markus's teeth, having the wind knocked out of him as he collapsed face first into Markus's tongue as the massive giant started to situate the food to the back of his throat. Squinting with pain in his eyes, Josh looked up to see a massive pink uvula fade in and out of his vision.
"Wait…" Josh struggled to say as he clenched his chest before he was interrupted by a deafening gulp.
- - -
"This rice is delicious, dudes." Markus commented as he opened up another take-out container and dumped a ton of chicken, beef, and veggies on to his plate with the remainder of his rice. Kendrick and and Daniel looked up at Markus as he stood up and made his way over toward the fridge. "You guys want anything to drink?"
"Beer me, bro!" Kendrick called to Markus, as he tossed a beer across to his friend, catching it and cracking it open with a swift motion. Markus pointed at Daniel who had a piece of chicken sticking out of his mouth, which he quickly swallowed.
"Water, dude!" Daniel called over to Markus, who tossed a water bottle at his friend before grabbing one for himself as well. Markus opened his water as he walked back to the table, taking a chug of it as he sat back down and stuck his fork into a piece of chicken.
"Oh right." Markus said aloud as he filled the bottle cap with water and set it on the table. "Yo, boss. I promised you could wash off in a bottle cap!"
Markus looked around on the table, expecting to see movement come from around where he left Josh before they grabbed their food. Markus paused his eating as he looked around the table as Kendrick and Daniel continued to chow down.
"Boss?" Markus asked again looking a little closer, turning over a few napkins and lifting up his plate and tipping Daniel's slightly.
"Dude, you're gonna knock my food onto the table." Daniel complained as he grabbed his plate from Markus before he accidentally tipped it completely over. "What are you doing anyway?"
"Did you guys forget about my tiny boss already?" Markus moved a few more things around the table as he looked. "Yo, what if we accidentally knocked him on the ground?"
"Well you got up and walked to the fridge. Do you think you stomped him like an ant?" Kendrick joked, still feeling like the tiny man was barely anything but a bug.
"Dude, don't say that!" Markus looked concerned for a moment. "Look just help me look for him, okay?"
"Bro what if we accidentally squash him while we look for him?" Daniel offered his concern, not wanting to accidentally hurt the tiny guy. "Maybe we should finish eating, then carefully leave the room and let him go to a spot we can spot him?"
To further illustrate his point, Daniel took a napkin and set it on the floor.
"Yo, little dude!" Daniel called out across the ground. "If you're on the ground, get on this napkin so we can find you!"
"Good idea, my man!" Markus looked at Daniel optimistically. Following his buddy's lead, Markus set a napkin on the table. "Yo, Josh! Same deal on the table. Laid a napkin here for you."
Sitting back down, Markus nodded at his friends, figuring this was as much as they could do for now. Finishing their food the three men agreed to very carefully leave the table making their way to the front door.
"Okay boss! The place is all yours! We're going to the gym!" Markus called out to the empty apartment. "Don't forget you have to help me with that project, so no hiding!"
- - -
Josh thrashed about, trying to stay at the top of the mushed up and watery food. Josh thanked his lucky stars he wasn't chewed up before he got swallowed, and he even had momentary bursts of freshness as water entered the mammoth stomach. But Josh knew none of that was going to save him now.
"Why?" Josh cried out to no one in particular. "We avoided this earlier! Why did it have to happen anyway?!"
At this point, Josh felt it was fate that Markus was going to have eaten him. What with the close call earlier, it seemed like the universe just delayed the inevitable. Depressed, Josh found his way to a fleshy wall as he could feel some of Markus's movement, seeming like he was swaying side to side like he was walking.
"You should've just ate me earlier if it was going to happen anyway!" Josh punched the side of the squishy wall, feeling a little bad after he did so. "I've got to do something. I can't just stay in here and wait to be saved."
As Josh renewed his determination, he was once again met with other plans. Markus body had started bouncing up and down now, like he was running. Being tossed in the mush of half digested food, Josh stood no chance as he was easily swept up in the chaos. Sunk beneath the horrid sludge, Josh breathed his last as Markus's belly began to digest his feeble body.
Churning happily, Markus's stomach knew not of the tiny life it had just snuffed out.
- - -
"So why's your tiny boss helping you with a project, dude?" Kendrick asked as the trio had just started to arrive home.
"Oh I saved him from almost being eaten on a slice of pizza earlier!" Markus recounted part of the story. "Poor dude was stuck. If I didn't notice, he could've been in for a nasty trip to my stomach."
"Bro, that's crazy. Good thing you saved him." Daniel said as he opened the door to their apartment and walked carefully up to the napkins, looking for the tiny man. "He's not here, guys."
"What if he ended up on one of our plates earlier when we were eating?" Kendrick shrugged. "He's so tiny we could've eaten him by mistake like Markus almost did earlier?"
"Dude, don't say that!" Markus looked at Kendrick upset again. "If that were the case…"
"Bro he'd be long gone." Daniel frowned, figuring it has been quite awhile now since they lost him.
"Let's just keep looking, dudes." Markus thumped down on the ground, looking carefully at every tiny speck or pebble on the ground, hoping somehow Kendrick wasn't right.