The High End of Zlo

Gift for Crulox

Crulox Kwa Zlo
weed stoner giant implied vore implied foot crush

Hugging Kwa is warm. You just know he’s warm in his heart and all he wants is to have a fun time with you. He shuts the door behind me, my mind turns to Zlo, tiny Zlo, not tiny yet but surely one day we’ll achieve this. It’s gonna be noggies on his scratchy head for the time being. “Hey, Crulox, stah-ah-ahp!” he shrieks, but we know he likes it. Bullies are so damn hot.
Kwa wraps us in a big clasp. “How ’bout we get high before we bug Zlo?” Should be his catchphrase. They seem to be as well as me today, fun night ahead. It’s always so nice flopping on that couch, sitting in the middle, stretching my arms out.

“That’s a damn fine bong you’ve bought Kwa!” He’s right, it’s all ornate with gold-like lines and coloured glass facet things. Really contrasts with the cheap coffee table. I hope Shin has better furniture taste, there isn’t much to save here save for the frames Zlo hung on the walls. Not even a mirror to fix my bun.
“Huh, sorry guys, I thought we still had enough weed for a few nights… guess I forgot about getting some more. There’s not even enough for two.”
“Really Kwa? That’s criminal. Told you I should take care of the stuff. What are we gonna do, bro, get a couple whiffs each and finish on sniffing nail polish?” I love Zlo’s attitude. But I have my own drugs. “Let’s just have a nice cuppa tea and get high on lemons, dudes.” Just speaking about lemons… damn I want some. Blessed be the fruit.
“Well, I had another idea in mind.” I’ve never really seen Kwa with such a suspicious face. “There’s a way there’ll be enough for everyone…” OH GOD FUCK it’s just a toy laser gun thing it’s fucking bright pink idiot calm the fuck down Crulox. Look at Zlo hiding under a cushion, have a good laugh. Haha. Ha. God, Kwa, don’t ever do that again. “I just need to shrink both of you!”

How — the — hell is this real?! How in the—don’t run don’t move it’s gonna be okay, just sit just settle down. Okay, this is real, you’ve shrunk, relax. The couch looks so… overwhelming. Breathe. Kwa knows what he’s doing, he’d never hurt you. Just… let him handle this.
I thought Zlo would enjoy it more, maybe he has vertigo. I don’t even think Kwa can hear him yelling.
His fingers are so soft! Let’s… let’s hug one. A warm, plump finger. Reassuring finger.
Eaaasy, it’s gonna be a gentle slide down that bong, he’s being very careful, don’t worry. Zlo feels cold but more peaceful. It’s gonna be safe. The water isn’t even gonna be cold for long. We just need to stay afloat and enjoy the ride. Up is so away, Kwa is literally a god in the sky. Could have a bit of a mad scientist side as well.
It’s like hot chills in my back with the water hissing, it’s bubbling up now. He’s got such a kind smile, it’s not even scary. This is the weirdest thing EVER but it’s so


It’s so deep in my smell
Kinda like stale tea

Heeeh eh, Zlo is flying! Nah he’s ju
st floating a bit

The water is heavy under
“Come here Zlo!”
like flowing, I’m sure We’re the first to feel this, you think?

“Yeah dude”

“Yeah what?”
“Yeah the water’s hot”
That glass ceiling is so vibrant and improbable!
The gold and the purple, damn

“You’re hot”
He heh he eh “No Zlo, you’re hot, you’re a hot balloon, look at you flying;”
I should spread my arms, I might float for a second. I feel wide and my headache by the strong water
He’s really flying all the way up to the teeth!

It’s funny how he’s flailing and bobbing up
and down
and up
and up
and away

in the god mouth he goes
Is it gonna be as wet as here?
“Why is there a god mouth?”
with its god tongue of ambrosia and the teeth stars
I should draw that.

Wow, it’s cold falling, like falling
I love that warm smile and all the colours rushing around
the lips are so warm too, I’ll hug it.

Wonder where Zlo is.

It’s cold falling away
I hate it when my head hurts, where
is this?
Everything is too big.

“Hey Kwa!
So nice to see ya here why are you so giant?”
Why doesn’t he look at me?
“Hey Kwa!”
“Hey”—the ground is so soft, it’s like wool grass!

I feel so relaxed. Love this.

Those huge toes are giving me fear chills…
It’s just an halluci