Eyes Wide Crushed

Kwa Zlo
humiliation on livestream graphic foot crush

"Smile for the viewers, bug."

Kwa looked at his screen, annoyed that his friend Zlo seemed quite panicked, almost begging, as he stared at the camera. Well, he could not stare anywhere else, with Kwa's big toe squishing him against the glass plate. He had made sure the micro at his foot had no room to move at all. "You gotta do better than that. I mean, this is a special occasion, put some effort into it… or I'll put more pressure into it." He pressed slightly on Zlo and felt something snap, followed by a cry. "Ooh, I should be careful, I don't wanna have you all beaten up before I even start recording. Let's see…" He zoomed in with his remote control and examined his friend's body for a few moments. "Nah, it's just the hand, it's fine. Just need to tweak one last thing…" Zlo's face came in focus on the screen, and Kwa's face turned red. "Don't you DARE—" he yelled as he dragged his toe on the glass, "don't you dare cry, you'll make the image all blurry with your fucking wimp tears on the glass!" He made sure to wipe the plate clean with Zlo's cheek and moved him back to the center of the frame.

"Ok, I think we're all set now. Don't disappoint me." He sipped some water from his bottle and cleared his throat. "Aaand… we're live! Hiy'all, and welcome to the 10k subscribers special! Thanks to all of you for supporting my work, that means a lot to me! I've brought my friend Zlo for this special occasion. Zlo, say hello to the viewers!" Kwa shifted his weight on Zlo's broken hand and dragged it left and right, leaving a trail of blood on the glass. "Isn't he cute, waving his hand to you like that? Now, to the real stuff. I wanted to do something more gentle this time, we won't be killing lil' Zlo today, just toying with him. There were a lot of votes for the poll, and a lot of nice ideas I'll definitely use in later videos, but I'm happy to announce that you chose for me to crush his legs. So let's get to it!"

Kwa slightly lifted his toe and started to slowly stroke his friend's back. "You may wonder why Zlo of all people is here today. It's a funny thing, really." He noticed Zlo's arms shaking as the micro tried to lift himself up; he grinned and zoomed in on his toe, his face high up above disappearing from the frame. "When I reached 5k subs last September, he bet I couldn't get to 10k by the end of the year. But thanks to y'all pervs, we got there in time!" He carefully placed the tip of his toe on Zlo's shoulders, preventing him from getting up. He glanced through the chat, where viewers were mocking Zlo's efforts to fight the giant digit; but after a few seconds he fell back on the glass plate, seemingly drained of all energy. "Lookit the lil' thing, I didn't even need to crush him back into place. He just chickened out of that struggle, like he tried to chicken out of the bet. But dude lost fair and square, I won't just let him go…" He suddenly smashed his foot down, aiming for Zlo's right leg with his toe.

"Yell louder for the next one, people say in the chat they can't hear you very well." Kwa sighed as he lifted his toe again and flexed it to show the limb turned into paste, a faint pink and red line lost in the toeprint. "I'm a bit disappointed, guys, to be honest, I'm doing him a favour by featuring him in this special video and he's not playing along at all, he's just too worthless to even be my worthless micro. I'm not sure how to end this, any idea?" Without even teasing it, he squeezed the other leg until it popped half a second later. He then rested his foot on the plate, with Zlo pinched between two toes. "I thought we could end this on a friendly tone, but dude's such a fucking capricious crybaby who just won't listen… Yeah, there's a lot of pressure on that role, yadda yadda, just shut up and obey. Come on Zlo, crawl under my sole, the viewers want you dead now." He lifted his foot, letting it rest on the heel, and swept it left and right in the frame to show off to the cheering viewers and taunt his puny friend as he dragged his half-body with the little strength left in his arms to a cruel, inevitable death.

"It's gonna be the end now, I won't even bother giving him a chance to beg or do puppy eyes." Kwa zoomed in one last time until Zlo's pathetic, bleeding body filled the frame, the giant foot looming high above throwing a shadow on the whole scene. "Don't forget to like and subscribe, I've got other, better friends for future milestones!" The image darkened as the foot descended, then for a split second Kwa saw his friend's body turning into a red stain on his smooth pink sole, and everything went black.