Nine Kitsu-Reis
A story for Rei’s birthday (2022)
One Kitsu-Rei held a tiny in his hand;
He put them through many antics,
Between his fingers they performed acrobatics,
Like an obedient puppet at his command.
Two Kitsu-Reis put a shortie ’tween their chests,
Squishing their head in the meat of the muscles
Deeper and deeper with every pointless struggle
That poor shortie never got a moment’s rest.
Three Kitsu-Reis circled a crowd with their crotch;
None could escape the potent smell,
Hypnotized with each swing and ringing of the bell,
They could do nothing but stand still and watch.
Four Kitsu-Reis knocked over buildings with their tails;
The towers of solid concrete
Lay as rubble at their feet,
Causing absolute havoc in their trails.
Five Kitsu-Reis sharpened their mighty claws
And marked their vast territory
Deep into the very geography,
Making their name appear as big as law.
Six Kitsu-Reis shared the Earth’s continents;
They scratched their backs on mountaintops,
Devoured entire cities in big gulps,
And made a big show of asserting their dominance.
Seven Kitsu-Reis wore necklaces of planets;
Some hard like candy to suck on,
Some soft like taffy to chew on;
And many more hovering their chests like magnets.
Eight Kitsu-Reis dipped a galaxy in their cup;
The stars dissolved like sugar
Leaving only the black holes and quasars
That made a frothy cream at the top.
Nine Kitsu-Reis toyed with the endless multiverse:
They played like meticulous scientists,
Controlled every universe that exists,
And did way too many things to put in verse.
Ten Kitsu-Reis would be much beyond the scope of this poem.
It’s time to wish a happy birthday
To the one and only Rei,
And to cheer: You go, big boy! Show ’em!