Bros’ Repose
A story for Trex’s birthday (2021)
Lartse was gently pulled away from its peaceful sleep by the heavy warmth of a ray of sunshine. It whined and turned away from the relatively blinding light peeking through the curtains, hoping to catch a few more moments of rest, but the sliver of sunlight was too oppressive for its puny body. With another whimper, it sat cross-legged atop Trex’s soft chest and rubbed its eyes.
Lartse figured it wouldn’t manage to fall back to sleep, so it set to climb its way to its friend’s face. With a lot of determination for someone the size of an ant, it rose to its feet, stretched awake, and started its strenuous journey across the pectoral landscape, grabbing onto the chest fluff to keep a sure footing. With each breath from Trex, each up-and-down movement of his chest, Lartse was being moved higher distances than it would progress forward in a dozen steps, like a boat riding the tall waves of a tempest. The motion was almost dizzying for its tiny size, but it bravely carried on its quest. It hoped to reach Trex’s handsome face before he woke up, but the Deadly Summer Beam glided over the giant’s skin faster than the tiny adventurer could walk; it had to take slow steps to make sure not to tumble off the chest at the slightest wrong movement.
Climbing the chin proved harder than it expected, but Lartse eventually reached its goal just as the ray of sunshine hit Trex’s eyes. The giant mumbled in his slumber and turned his head to the side to catch a few more moments of well-deserved sleep.
Lartse barely had time to hang on a small hair before its world was turned upside-down. Once the panic of the sudden shift had dissipated, it evaluated the situation properly. Trex could wake up soon, or could decide to sleep in; in either case, dangling from a chin hair would only be bearable for so long before its little arms would give out. Climbing all the way to his cheek would be feasible, but if Trex turned his head again, Lartse would be back to square one. However, if it inched sidelong over to his lips, it could wedge itself between them… and that would be a far more pleasant situation. Lartse blushed at the thought and readied itself for the long trek.
One millimeter at a time, Lartse crossed the small expanse to the giant lips, like a hero in an action movie risking its life to reach the cavern of treasures. And this cavern sure was a treasure in itself: Lartse hoped it could have a look inside once it reached its destination… But first, it had to focus and hang tight. A couple more motions, and it could now grab onto the plump lips. It wedged an arm between them to secure its position, then reached inside with its whole body.
Caught in the warm hug of its friend’s lips, Lartse was snugly relaxing, letting its aching muscles mellow in the marshmallowy texture. It barely made a dent in the plump flesh, but the slightest twitch of the lips would massage its body like a car wash. Thanks to its incredible strength and thick plot armor, Lartse didn’t have to worry about safety: it could enjoy deep in its bones the unique feeling of being harmlessly flattened like a stress toy. It planted a gentle kiss on Trex’s lips in return, then another, and another, and another, and so many others that no one could keep count of all the love it had to offer to its big handsome bro.
Eventually, when he couldn’t keep it in himself any longer, Trex let out a soft giggle from deep within his throat. He brought a finger onto Lartse’s body, securing his tiny friend against his lips, and gave it a long, loving kiss.
For Lartse, the surprise quickly gave way to pleasure. It loved Trex’s affection, and at its size, a single kiss from him was as euphoric as floating among the clouds.
Then, Trex pushed his finger into his mouth and set Lartse on the middle of his tongue. “You were ve’y eage’, ’uh?” he whispered, making sure not to rock his tiny bro off its pulpy raft. He gingerly rose out of bed, stretched and yawned wide — a sexy sight that Lartse would have loved if only there had been a mirror in the room. The hungry boy patted his empty stomach and shuffled to the kitchen, his bare feet lazily slapping on the floor.
Trex quickly settled on cooking some bacon and eggs. While he rummaged through the fridge, he made sure to give Lartse a good massage against his palate: he rolled his tiny friend back and forth across the bumpy texture, squeezed it tight then let it hang on the tip of his tongue.
Lartse couldn’t have asked for a better morning cuddle session. Being drenched in its bro’s saliva, squeezed between two soft walls of love, taken care of by its big sexy friend and relieved of all its pain… There wasn’t much it could do to give as much love and attention in return, but it did the best it could. It would squirm and extend its tiny hands to give tiny rubs wherever it could — in the darkness of Trex’s mouth, engulfed in flesh, it was hard to distinguish up from down and left from right — and hoped that Trex could feel some of it.
Meanwhile, the bacon was sizzling nicely, and it was time to cook the eggs. Trex expertly cracked one, then another into the pan. He saved a half-eggshell which he washed in the sink, left a tiny pool of water inside, then fished Lartse out of his mouth and deposited it in the makeshift bath. Lartse happily washed itself in this little basin, while Trex cleaned his face with the kitchen tap.
With breakfast now ready, Trex prepared his plate and cut a minuscule chunk of both foods for Lartse to feast on. He picked up the eggshell and tipped it slightly so that Lartse could jump off onto the plate. Both bros eagerly devoured their portion, until there was only a bit of Lartse’s left in the plate.
Trex felt like teasing his tiny bro. He slowly brought his fork over Lartse’s portion, and with a big, obvious grin on his face, spoke out loud: “I wonder where Lartse went! All that’s left here is the food it didn’t eat… Oh, it would be a shame to let it go to waste, wouldn’t it?” He lowered the fork and let it sink into the bit of bacon Lartse was sitting upon, wedging his tiny friend between the prongs.
It took all of Lartse’s might to contain its laughter. It really wanted to play along, but Trex’s corny scenario would never work seriously. So it did the only thing it could: it doubled down on the silliness.
“Oh no!” it shouted at the top of its little lungs. “How did such a sexy, handsome giant get there just when I was having a good meal?” It held tight to the prongs of the fork as Trex lifted it slowly towards his gaping maw, his eyes fixed in the distance — he was trying very hard to pretend to ignore Lartse, even though he really wanted to see its reaction. Lartse let out the fakest scream of terror as it approached its totally unaware demise. “Please, o cute giant guy, notice me before I end up in your big belly!” Darkness flooded in as the fork entered the cavern of doom, hovering above the salivating tongue. “I hope at least I become part of those big strong aaaarms!” Lartse yelled just as the hungry lips were sealing its tragic fate.
Trex erupted into laughter and took the fork out of his mouth. He grinned at Lartse, both of them pleased with their silly roleplay. “Sorry, little bro, I’m not having you for breakfast!” He brought the fork over his cupped hand to allow Lartse to jump off, then happily munched on the last bit of food. “We have more important things to do today!”
“Okay, wave at the camera… I think it needs a bit more light, let me adjust that.”
Trex bent under the desk and turned a knob on his little light panel. He peeked back up at his computer, pleased with the result: a low-angle shot from the tip of his bare right foot up to his waist, with a nice, warm glow of natural light behind his chair complemented by the dim eerie light he had just adjusted. Everything was ready for his private stream. He put on his catboy headphones and started recording.
The audience quickly joined — he had only invited his close kink friends, and they were eager to see what Trex had planned.
“Good morning bros, hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m gonna draw and game, but with a twist: I have a special guest…” He turned on his overlay, revealing the camera under the desk with an enthusiastic Lartse waving at it. “That’s right, Lartse is gonna model for me, and you all get that sexy view!” The audience went wild, which encouraged Trex to show off and flex his plump toes right above Lartse. “Okay, okay, I won’t keep you waiting! Let me just grab my tablet… and without further ado, my horny bros, let’s start drawing!”
Trex lightly rested his big toe on top of Lartse, who assumed the position they had practiced: it crouched and lifted its tiny hands in the air, as if it were holding the gigantic toe with all its might from crushing its frail body. This took no small effort on its part, and the slightest twitch from Trex’s toe added crushing weight, but Lartse knew it was safe, and it greatly enjoyed helping its big bro.
Trex made sure to put as little pressure as he could on his tiny friend while he was drawing; he could barely feel its tiny figure sinking into the flesh of his toe, but he could appreciate its efforts from the camera feedback. The reference was quite helpful for such a particular angle, and he was grateful for Lartse’s help: it added a sense of weight and realness to his drawing that he was proud of. He chatted idly with his bros while he cleaned up his sketch and lined it properly.
Once he was done with the lineart, he gently picked Lartse between two toes and propped his foot on the desk, his meaty sole facing the camera. “That’s it for the first drawing, but there’s another coming! This time, I’ll make Lartse pretend to climb my sole, so I need to keep it in place.” He showed a strange item to the camera: it was a small harness crudely made from gauze strips and dental floss. “It needs a harness so that it doesn’t have to hold on and get tired… but also so it stays put!”
Lartse had indeed moved a lot in the meantime: it had escaped the clutch of Trex’s toes and climbed its way on top of the big toe, and was now showing off to the camera, flexing its tiny twig arms to the audience. Trex giggled, which almost made Lartse lose its balance, and flexed his own strong arms. “I should make a poll, ask everyone to bet which of us would win in a fight!” he teased. “Okay, enough goofing around, let’s get back to business.” He gave Lartse a light head pat, then picked it up and set it safe on the desk. Lartse slipped with ease into the harness, tightened the straps and gave its giant bro a thumbs-up. Trex gingerly took the harness and tied each end to a toe, such that Lartse was facing his sole and placed right under the ball of his foot.
The reference proved helpful again to Trex for this difficult pose, giving his drawing a good sense of volume and scale. But the hard part was not the drawing: it was that Trex had trouble staying focused… because Lartse was giving his sole a lot of very passionate rubs and kisses. He couldn’t help but blush and be visibly horny, which the audience quickly noticed and teased him for. He didn’t want Lartse to stop, though, so he tried his best not to be too distracted with pleasure while he was finishing the lineart; it was a little bit rushed, but he could fix it afterwards.
“Okay, I’m done drawing for today. Thanks again to lil’ Lartse here, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!” He tilted his foot so he could look at his tiny assistant. “As a reward for your hard work… I’m gonna leave you hanging there while I game, since you like it so much!” He grinned when he saw the happy blush on Lartse’s face, and turned his sole towards the camera again.
Lartse was more than happy to keep worshipping its giant bro’s foot and put all of its energy into it, cheered on by the audience who found the situation particularly cute and fun. Trex enjoyed the attention he was getting from everyone while he fought wave after wave of enemies, and he gave in to the intense pleasure of his tiny bro’s praise. Today was a good day he was grateful for; little did he know it was about to get better…
Just as Trex was wrapping up the stream, thanking his bros for spending time together, he heard the door of his flat slam shut.
“Hey Trex, you there?” a panting voice echoed.
“Yeah, in my room, you can come say hi!”
There was a shuffle of belongings being dropped on the floor, and after a few stomps, the imposing, shirtless figure of Chris appeared in the door frame for everyone to stare at. His drenched shirt was slung over his shoulder, and his toned body, still slightly reddish from his intense workout, was glistening with sweat.
Trex blushed at this sight, which nobody in the audience picked up on because all eyes were on the other himbo. “S-So, yeah, uh, Chris is visiting for-for a few days, and…”
“Oh, hey everyone!” Chris interrupted, waving at the camera. “Sorry, didn’t know ya would all be here, I forgot to bring a spare shirt to the gym… Hope everyone’s doing fine! Don’t wanna crash your stream though, so I’ll be going. Seeya!”
“Oh no, I was just wrapping it up, stay here.” Trex turned to the camera and air-kissed everyone goodbye, then ended the stream.
“So, what were ya streaming?” Chris drew near Trex and gave Lartse his trademark protective head pat. “Some horny stuff with little squirt bro there?”
“We-Well, sort of…” Trex proceeded to show Chris his setup and recount how the stream went.
“Oh, I see! Wish I’d been there to watch it, but hey, there’s plenty of other stuff we can do!” He paused for a second, then added in a breathy voice: “You know, if ya wanna have some fun before I hit the shower… and since you’ve got it all set up, we could record some memories just for us two~”
Trex didn’t miss a beat and wordlessly vibrated in agreement. Chris smirked and, just like that, shrinksnapped him to the size of a doll; Trex fit snugly in the palm of his hand, naked and curled up like a cat. The big himbo gently set his small bro on his back under the desk, then slumped into Trex’s chair, instantly imbuing it with his manly scent. He checked that the setup still worked, then started recording. While he was glancing through Trex’s game library, gamepad in hand, he placed his sweaty foot on top of Trex, his meaty sole covering his little bro’s whole body and almost filling the camera frame.
Trex was soon soaked in his godly friend’s manly sweat, which, combined with the intense pressure and pleasure of being smothered in his doughy sole, turned him completely horny within a second. He poked his head through the toes and buried his face in them: he lapped at the salty sweat and kissed the smooth, aching skin into tranquility. His little hands rubbed the massive sole as best he could, while he humped the ball of his big bro’s foot, his hard cock barely sinking into the warm flesh, quickly edging but somehow not allowed to release. He could faintly feel Lartse still worshipping him, but his senses were otherwise overloaded by Chris teasing and toying with him. He failed to realize that he would never run out of energy, as the day stretched on and on much longer that it should have… not that he would have minded, anyway.