Party Rock Is In Your Shoes Tonight

aka. Chris meets Bakugou, part 1

Read part 1.5

Read part 2

Chris Kirishima Bakugou Chibiko
MHA foot stuff shoe entrapment unaware stomping safe and quick stomach trip

“I’m gonna go lift some weights, wanna come?”
“Nah, thanks bruh, but I need some rest after all that travel.”
“Sure, make yourself comfortable!”
Chris laid on the bed and watched as Kirishima slipped on his crocs and waved at him. Then the door closed, and he was alone with his dirty, dirty thoughts.

Not in complete silence, though. The muffled sounds of yells and explosions on the other side of the wall almost made him feel sympathy, nay, worry for his friend Chibiko. The student exchange program was supposed to be a nice change of pace, but the only thing nice about… what was his name again? —that ill-tempered blond gremlin— was the faint smell of post-workout. Chris closed his eyes and focused to remember the scent; a shiver of pleasure ran through the back of his head in sweet waves of sugar rush. The manliness was off the charts in this part of the dorms, and he had yet to sneak inside the locker room.

Of course Chris had noticed his new friend’s shoes right by the door. Of course he was going to get a good whiff. Of course he was thrilled to live the fantasy of sharing a tight space with a big, manly roommate. But you’d have to be depraved to jump on the occasion the minute he left you alone, you’d have to lack any self-respect to—
Sniff slowly and deeply. Let in the fresh, warm scent of the sole resting after a whole day of training and walking all around the school. Used and abused, beaten up and slammed down all day long, and not a single thought for the poor thing. A lifetime of not even being noticed, taking in every drop of sweat, the pressure of every step. Chris couldn’t really find the words to explain why he had nothing but sheer admiration for that; not that he planned on sharing his secrets to anyone, anyway.

He was sitting down by the desk, gently holding one shoe up to his face, the other in his lap. Pleasure had taken over him, taken over his senses, over his world. Nothing could force him out of his trance, except maybe the rough voice of Kirishima whispering his name.
Oh, fuck.
He jerked awake and dropped the shoe to the floor. His mind raced for an excuse. No, wait, it’s not what you think, I was just, I was— I…
Shame. Nothing but shame.
There’s no excuse. I’m just a weirdo. We’ve just met and I blew it up.

But then he noticed it wasn’t Kirishima at the door, and he was relieved.
But then he noticed who was actually at the door, and he was devastated.

“My, my, I came to check if you had any plans before the welcome party, but you look pretty busy. I didn’t know you enjoyed that sort of thing… Let me help you get a closer look inside, buddy.”
Chibiko reached for Chris’ shoulder, almost like a friend would to reassure you. But he held him a bit too tight and his smile bared just too much teeth that his ill intentions were obvious. He watched as Chris, still frozen in shock, shrank from his touch until he stood smaller than his pinky. Chris knew it was no use trying to fight back; his mind was blank with embarrassment at the very idea of what was to come.

Chibiko picked up his friend, didn’t even glance at him, and dropped him in Kirishima’s shoe. His tiny victim tumbled down the slightly damp sole and disappeared into the darkness. He set both shoes straight, just to make sure there was no escape so that the prank would last longer.
“I should let you have some privacy now; I’m not one to share your… desires.”

And then the door closed.


Chris was used to being shrunk. He was used to being bullied, toyed with, put in jars, bottles, food, pockets, and many other unpleasant places. “Builds character,” Chibiko always said. Chibiko always got away with it, and somehow Chris still stuck with him. A pathetic, predictable series of events.

Chris was not used to waiting this long, however. Those pranks would usually end quite shortly. It had been maybe over an hour now, it was hard to tell, and nothing had happened. Even the chaos next room had settled down. The dorms went quiet and the evening sunlight went out.

He had been busy all this time, obviously. Once he was done processing the situation, he’d decided to make the most of it before the bad part happened. This was… new. This was something he couldn’t really envision enjoying with other people, but there was something about Kirishima that made him feel at ease. The way he was so manly, yet so gentle and huggy; the way he smiled like a blanket warms your chest; the way he was just himself and so much more.
And he was so fucking sexy. The mere idea of his ripped body wiped away what little self-control Chris still pretended to have.

And so he indulged in his desires. He did get a better taste of the ground and a better view of the towering arches and the fine sewing work sturdily holding together the massive piece. How could it be so worn-out yet still stand so beautiful and imposing? It probably didn’t help that the damp air made him light-headed. His senses were somehow heightened; or was it simply that the stimuli overloaded him? He was too aware of his surroundings, and his tiny brain couldn’t process it anymore.

He didn’t remember falling to his knees this time. It felt firm and yielding ever so slightly under his palms, like a mattress but he didn’t have the strength to press into. It was just crawling at this point, somewhere with less of the blinding light. It was far and saltish every time his face crashed into the sole that he did kiss gently because he couldn’t fondly because it was less far but still far, then closer, just further a bit fur,there.
There was near the tip and there Chris fainted asleep.

Then the sound of his name blasted through his brain.


Kirishima shut the door.
“Ya here?”
No, he wasn’t. He probably got the rest he needed and was already downstairs. The party was about to begin, and Kirishima didn’t want to miss any of it. He wiped the sweat off his chest, tossed his towel on the chair and threw on some casual clothes. Capri sweatpants, check; light hoodie, check; and the usual shoes, perfect. No need to take another shower and dress fancy: it was gonna be a rollicking wild night anyway.


Chris didn’t really have a plan to get out. It’d have been useless anyway, Kirishima was in a hurry and paid no attention to his surroundings. He’d barely felt the tiny thing rolling under his toes when he slipped on his shoe, and he certainly didn’t mind it as he stomped through the corridors.

And Chris… enjoyed it. The giant toes pinned him down in place but didn’t crush him, the soft fabric of the sock felt like a cosy blanket, and the air around him was fresher. He was slowly coming back to his senses, and all along he felt… safe. He was always safe, of course, thanks to his invincibility quirk; but that was another sort of safety. He just knew that Kirishima wouldn’t hurt him, that everything was gonna be okay. Not exactly how he had planned to spend the night, but could have been worse. Could have been a lot worse. Sleeping was absolutely not an option with all the movement and the muffled noise, but he managed to relax while his big roommate laughed and drank and danced the night away.


Somehow, there was still enough of a tree for Bakugou to sit against. It was charred, and what remained of the trunk stood a few feet tall. The crackling of a branch burning nearby pissed him off, so he blew it up to smithereens.
Finally, some fucking peace. Kinda. He could still hear the music blasting from the common room. Why did he give into his friends’ pressure? He never drank. Denki and Sero made him. He was weak. And his head fucking ached. He’ll murder them once he gets better. He just needs some fresh air right now.

“Hey, Bakubro!”

He let out a sigh of despair and relief. Of course someone would come and bother him. But at least it was Kirishima. He was nice company. …He was the only company he could put up with right now, to be honest. The rock-hard man always turned so soft after a few drinks, and the way he waved at him, it was obvious he had more than a few. Still, he couldn’t help grunting.

“What do you want, Hair-for-Brains?”
“Bro, why ya’re alone? Something wrong?”

The slur in his hushed voice, yeah, really more than a few.

“Head hurts. It’s too fucking loud even there. Need somewhere calm and without people tryna push me back into the crowd.”
Kirishima offered a hand. “Ya know, the dorms are really quiet. And they’re brobabbob—prolllabebetter than the cold here.”
“I’m fine.” He paused. “Thanks.”
Kirishima didn’t move an inch. He looked so fucking stupid standing like that with his hand reaching to him.
He looked so fucking stupid with that bright smile.
…He wasn’t gonna give up, was he?
…Drunk Kirishima is the worst. He grabbed his hand and lifted himself up. He brushed the hash from his shoulder and followed his giddy friend back into the school, up the stairs, and to his room.


There was almost no sound now but the floor creaking, the door closing, and the rustle of blankets as Kirishima flopped face-first into his bed. Chris could actually make out the two students talking.
“Damn, when do you plan on tidying up your room?… Should be fine this time though, if you’re gonna pass out and drool on the floor I’d rather it wasn’t mine.”
“Oh come on, gimme some shlack! Ya shud ease up, ya’re acting like a stuck-up nerd. Come get some rest.”
Chris heard a shoe drop to the floor. In a few moments, if nothing went wrong…
“Not in that funky mess of blankets, thank you. I’ll get us a clean duvet, if you even have one.”
Chris hung to the sock with all his might as Kirishima slipped off his other shoe. Finally. Some light. He would almost miss it. He hugged the giant foot one last time, and prepared to jump off…
“Hey, ’tsnot funky, it’s manly!”
The sock curled up on itself and was hurled through the air before Chris could react. He tried to scream, but there was no air in his lungs as he crashed right into Bakugou’s face.

“Oi, fuck off!”
Bakugou was about to throw the sock back at Kirishima, when he noticed something stuck to it. Or rather… someone? He fished out the tiny thing and gave it a closer look.


The first thing Chris noticed was the two angry eyes scanning his puny form. His dread was soon replaced by disgust as he noticed all the sweat oozing around him. Bakugou was gross up-close. His hands were gross and sweaty and smelled of burnt meat and it was overwhelming. Nothing like the mental image he had just a few hours earlier. No wonder he wore gloves all the time.

“Hey, isn’t that… your roommate?”
Kirishima stood up, confused. “Where? Outside?”
“No, dumbass. In my hand.”
Chris stood up, feeling dizzy, and shouted at the top of his lungs. “Yeah, that’s me! Hand me over to Kirishima, would ya?”
Kirishima stomped towards the scene. “Wait, what? Chris?”
Bakugou sneered. “That’s the one. He’s all tiny somehow. That’s not your quirk, though? That’d be my roommate.”
Chris was losing it. He didn’t want to endure this any longer. “Exactly! And it wasn’t really pleasant all along, so I’d like it if you got me off your sweaty hand!”
“Chris! Where have you—”
Bakugou cut his friend off. “What did you say, Invicibutt?” His eyes turned red with rage. “You think my hands are gross? Fucking watch this!”


Chris felt nothing. Or rather, he felt everything at once with such intensity that his nerves shut down. His vision had gone all white, and he was falling… upwards? He finally saw the ceiling hurling towards him almost as he was going to hit it… but he didn’t. He stopped mere inches from it, suspended in the air for a second, and started to fall in the right direction.
That’s when his brain managed to process the ringing in his ears as the sound of an explosion. Did that guy… blast him up? Thought that’d hurt him?

Bakugou watched with a grin as Chris comically flailed through the air. He opened his mouth and caught the tiny hero like a grape. He felt him slide down his tongue, and he just had to give him a little push down his throat before he swallowed him with a big gulp.
Kirishima was frozen in shock and barely managed to sputter. “Wh-what did you do, Bakugou?”
“He called me gross. He needs to know his place.”
“Y-you ATE him!”
“Yeah, and he’s invincible. He’ll get out of there safely, he just needs a lesson in fucking politeness.”
Kirishima grabbed his friend by the arms and shook him. “No, he doesn’t! Just cough him up!”
“I’m afraid he’s a bit past that point, you’d have to search deeper.”
“Just do something! You can’t leave him in your… your stomach!”
Bakugou gently pushed Kirishima onto the bed. He was way too drunk to put up any resistance, and didn’t even try to get up. Bakugou chuckled and resumed his search for a somewhat clean duvet. He wasn’t worried in the slightest.

He should have been.


Chris landed into Bakugou’s stomach with a wet splat. The ride had been pretty quick, almost serene. He laid there for a moment, then took a deep breath and jumped to his feet. Now, a stomach, he knew how to deal with. He prepared a few kinetic blasts and unleashed his rage all around him. Who did that guy think he was, gobbling him up like a snack?!
…Actually, he was a pretty hot guy. Chris had been through worse. Through worse stomachs, as well. Things were just… always messier when Chibiko was involved. He’d reconsider once he was outside, though.

Bakugou started to feel uneasy. Probably the alcohol. He decided to sit on the bed, just a moment, until it’d go away.
It didn’t take him long to understand what was going on. He brought a hand to his chest and tried to ease it up, to no avail. He was turning pale and had trouble breathing. But he wasn’t gonna let the rude pipsqueak win that easily. He laid next to Kirishima, who was already half asleep, hoping that would calm him.
The pressure in his stomach built up, the air was almost explosive, it was too much…
Well, someone was going to pay for it.

“Hey, Shitty Hair?”
Kirishima turned just in time to get a belchful of Bakugou right in his face. Bakugou wiped his mouth and laughed heartily. There, right on the tip of his friend’s nose, was Chris, exhausted and covered in slime.
“So, who’s the gross one now?” he taunted with a smirk.
“You win… this time.” Chris sighed, then flopped on his back.
“I can’t wait for next time, then,” Bakugou retorted softly.
“Neither can I,” Chris thought to himself, before finally falling asleep.