There’s A Maniac(’s Husband) On The Floor
aka. Chris meets Bakugou, part 2
Bakugou was growing impatient. He looked at his phone again; nearly 10 PM. He cursed the villains that made his husband work so late on this special day, which should have been a crime in itself.
He got up and paced around blindly. He didn’t need to use the light from his phone, as there was nothing to see around him. He hadn’t thought of decorating the box. After all, the only thing that mattered was the present inside — and only the best of presents for Chris.
The entrance door finally opened. Bakugou could hear his husband drop his stuff… and immediately head to take a shower. He cursed himself for not having set the box in the corridor; now he had to wait even more.
After what felt like excruciating hours, Bakugou’s waiting came to an end. He focused on the sound of Chris’ footsteps coming closer, into the living room, right by the table.
“Oh, he’s so sweet…” his voice boomed above. “I so wish he were here right now!”
Bakugou grinned, ready to grant Chris his wish. He stood straight in the middle of the box… which was unexpectedly lifted and lightly shaken before being set back on the table. It wasn’t much, but enough to dizzy Bakugou and shove him into a corner. He was still recovering when the top came off, light pouring in, revealing Chris’ handsome face high above, like an angel descending from Heaven. His spiky brown hair wasn’t quite dry yet. Bakugou lost himself in the deep brown eyes that hadn’t seen him yet.
But Chris’ excited expression turned to confusion. “It’s empty?”
Before Bakugou could signal his presence, Chris lifted the box again and turned it upside-down.
The fall felt quite long. Bakugou had had his fair share of death-defying falls, but this one was different. All the distances were… wrong, in a way. He wondered if he had chosen too small a size for Chibiko to shrink him.
He brushed against Chris’ pinky finger on his way down, but his gigantic husband didn’t seem to feel anything. This sent him into a panic; was he that insignificant? Was he—
His worry was cut short by his landing harshly on the floor. He blacked out for a few moments,
then opened his eyes. He was still a bit stunned, but judging by the lack of pain, he didn’t seem to have broken any bones. He didn’t have time for pain anyway. He was a hero, and heroes get back on their feet, at most clenching their teeth while their bodies burn.
Now standing up, Bakugou looked around to find the best way to get back up. He looked up, and didn’t see Chris anymore.
At this very moment, the floor shook.
Bakugou turned, and saw the most glorious sight of his entire life. Towering above him was the best pair of boots—his boots, of which the very imprint of the treads dwarfed him—worn by Chris. He was deeply awed by the way the simple presence of his husband reduced him to the status of a mere pest on the floor. He fell to his knees, his mind utterly broken. He had no words and no thoughts; he could only stare up, so high up it hurt his neck.
As one of the boots rose slightly in the air, stopping above Bakugou, then starting to descend, the puny hero was fixated on the words engraved on the sole: “DIE MAD”. He realized he was going mad with insignificance, and he was going to die. And yet, he could not move an inch; he was resigned to his fate. He didn’t even brace for impact when the rubbery sole came closer and closer, until it was the whole sky above him, then crashed on him and didn’t kill him.
It… didn’t kill him?
It grinded and squeezed him until he was completely stuck in the treads, without hurting him in the slightest. Bakugou felt confusion rather than relief, not sure that this was any better of a situation. While the boot rested firmly on the ground, he tried to free himself, to no avail; he was squished between sole and floor, limbs akimbo, getting a mouthful of dust.
Then his world shifted. The boot rose into the air, tilting on its side, until it came to rest on Chris’ knee, sole facing upwards. Finally, Chris’ eyes locked onto Bakugou, accompanied by a grin. Bakugou realized the truth. He had known the entire time, and he had given him his Invincible Touch. That bastard. Hold on, don’t call him a bastard on his birthday. Wait for tomorrow.
Chris knew that Bakugou knew that he knew, so he didn’t say a word. Instead, he leaned down and kissed his husband the sole of the boot, then licked it.
Before he could react or protest, Bakugou found himself pressed into the plump lips and the soft tongue of the giant, covered in loving kisses and sticky saliva. Chris laid all of his warm affection on him, and Bakugou, being completely stuck, could not offer anything more in response than muffled moans of pleasure.
Chris’ tongue expertly dislodged Bakugou from the treads and carried him inside the giant’s mouth. As he tried to rise to his feet, Bakugou saw the mouth close, with the teeth shining one last time before he was plunged into the darkness.
The tongue rose and pressed him against the palate, as if wanting to taste him. By this point, Bakugou was so drenched in saliva that he couldn’t use either his quirk or even his physical strength to fight back; not that he wanted to, anyway. He found it… enjoyable, in a way, to be swished around in his husband’s mouth like a piece of food; there was something about relinquishing control, about letting Chris be in charge… well, it felt nice, from time to time, to abandon himself in his care.
After a while, Bakugou found himself being dragged towards the back of Chris’ mouth, which could only mean one thing. Something he had dreamed about for some time, ever since that video call. This was an opportunity he knew his husband wouldn’t pass. He braced himself to go deeper…
and was forcefully expelled.
He landed somewhere soft, but it took him a moment to recover from the launch and get his bearings.
He was, unsurprisingly, covered in thick spit, which he not-so-easily freed himself from. He looked around him, then far up where the light came from. Judging by Chris’ grin and the damp atmosphere, he was in his own boot. He should have seen it coming, really; of course Chris would tease and edge him. Chris was the only person from whom he would bear that attitude. But that meant he couldn’t truly know what to expect now. Would it be too obvious if Chris trapped him under his foot?
The answer came by virtue of the light being blocked out, not by a foot, but by Chris’ nose and mouth.
Chris closed his eyes and took a deep sniff of Bakugou’s boot. He couldn’t get enough of his husband’s sweet, manly scent, and Bakugou sometimes indulged him after a long day of work; but this time, he was truly in power. He was more than happy to retaliate for what Bakugou had put him through a couple years back; all in good fun, of course, but his husband knew what was coming by offering himself shrunk…
By now, Chris was breathing naturally, letting himself enjoy this moment at his own pace. He was wondering what it felt like for Bakugou to be trapped in his own boot: surely something he wouldn’t have enjoyed in another context, but this right here felt intimate, felt like together.
Minutes passed in complete silence, until Chris, slightly light-headed, decided to get to the next part. He slowly rose the boot until Bakugou was rolling towards his face, and welcomed him once more into his mouth.
At this point, Bakugou tasted more like Chris than himself; Chris had to suck his tiny husband thoroughly to find a hint of his caramelized flavour. He went slowly and deliberately, giving Bakugou the full tour of his mouth once more. He could feel him squirming against his tongue, trying to find a somewhat comfortable position; the few times he let him barely rest were when he opened his maw to stick his tongue out, letting some light and fresh air inside, taunting him with the hope of freedom, before closing it again with a sharp snap of his teeth.
Once he felt he had teased Bakugou enough, Chris tilted his head backwards, letting him slip to the back of his mouth, and ate him with a quick gulp. He barely felt him slide down his throat, until he completely lost track of him. He let out a long breath of satisfaction and settled down comfortably on the bed.
Bakugou landed at the bottom of a soft, empty stomach, into a shallow pool of acid. He quickly recovered from the fall, then checked his pockets. His phone was still there; he turned on the flashlight, which cast a weak light in the pitch-dark organ. The oesophagus was quite out of reach in this position. He wondered what Chris’ plan was now; he felt safe, but unsure of what to do. Well, he could ask him. He video-called Chris, who picked up almost instantly.
“Hello there, sweetie!” Chris’ voice resonated through his gigantic body, the tinny sound coming out of Bakugou’s phone barely an echo in comparison. “Having fun down there?”
Bakugou, enraptured by his husband’s imposing voice, let his guard down for a moment, and a genuine smile flashed across his face. Chris was having a lot of fun, and that was what this gift was about; well, that, and also giving into his own deepest desires. “I guess so,” he answered offhandedly. “So, what’s the plan?” He showed Chris the exit up above. “I can’t exactly get out right now.”
“Oooh, that’s a shame~ Looks like you’re gonna have to spend the night here… Unless you want me to help?”
Bakugou sighed, pretending to be slightly annoyed. He guessed what was coming, and was secretly keen for it to happen, but he played along. “Sure, but how are you gonna help?”
Chris rose up and walked towards the kitchen. “Like this!” He reached for the fridge door and revealed the feast Bakugou had prepared for him. Bakugou couldn’t get enough of Chris’ gleeful face at this discovery. “Man… did you cook all that yourself? There’s even a cake! Well, I can’t wait to share this dinner with you…”
While the hot food was reheating, the couple chatted about their day, as casually as if they had been face to face. Bakugou, being the less talkative of the two, relished this moment but awaited eagerly (though he tried not to show it) the next episode of his tiny adventures.
Once the oven ringed, Chris left his phone on the table while he arranged all the dishes. When he sat back, both of them were silent with anticipation. Chris propped his phone such that each of them would have a good view of the other. “Sooo… are you ready?”
Bakugou bit his lip. “No, let me grab a ladder so I can get out before you bury me in half-chewed food.”
Chris giggled. “Too bad. Enjoy my meal!”
The first mound of food splatted right on Bakugou’s head, almost covering him entirely. He hung tight to his phone, making sure that Chris could enjoy the show he was a minuscule part of, and made his way out of it. He had to stay on top of the food as it would pile up in the stomach while avoiding getting buried by incoming lumps or washed out by gulps of soda. And he was still too drenched to use his quirk.
Chris kept taunting him and praising his delicious food with each bite, which brought red to his cheeks. He tried to look nonchalant about it, forcing out his irate façade, but knowing he couldn’t really fool his husband.
“Watch out for this one!” Chris said, holding an onigiri. “You could get yourself in a sticky situation~”
“Very funny… Aren’t you full already?”
“No way! You haven’t reached the top yet, so I have to eat more! I’m almost done with the main course, though… I have to say, you were the tastiest part!”
“I’ll kill you.”
“Not if I digest you first.”
Bakugou sighed. “You know, this could be a game…”
“What, like, you want to do it again later?”
“No, a videogame, dumbass. I’m sure there’d be a market for it.”
Chris answered with a burp. “Sorry for the screenshake!”
Bakugou didn’t respond. He had almost lost his footing, and the air suddenly getting thinner made him light-headed. He simply groaned and soldiered on while Chris devoured his birthday cake.
Chris’ stomach was on the verge of bursting once he had finished his meal, forcing Bakugou against the entrance. The tiny man could barely fit in the small space left, and was eager to get out. “It’s getting quite hot and cramped…” he faltered.
Chris patted his belly. “Well, thanks for the meal! I’m gonna have a lie down so you can crawl out. Try not to tickle my throat too much, or it might send you back down…”
“Alright. I’ll need both hands, so I can’t hold my phone. Seeya out there.” Bakugou ended the call.
Chris could barely feel his husband slowly crawl up his throat. He slowed his breath and resisted his bodily urges to send the little crumb back down.
He was so happy he got to share such an incredible intimate time with his husband. He had dreamed about this for years, and Bakugou went above and beyond to make it happen even better than he had envisioned. Hopefully he would be up for it another time…
Any second now…
There he was, at the back of his mouth. Chris inhaled deeply and, with his mouth wide open, let out a sizeable burp.
Bakugou barely had time to wonder how he would climb vertically out of Chris’ mouth. The rumble coming from below took over him and launched him in the air.
This was much more disorientating than when he used his quirk. He had no control over his trajectory, he was spinning too much, and he was going too fast. So fast, in fact, that it was over before he really processed what had happened.
He found himself slightly stunned after having landed on an expanse of skin. Once he managed to recover, he recognized it as Chris’ pecs towering on either side of him.
“Everything alright?” Chris’ voice boomed.
“Y-Yeah,” Bakugou shouted breathlessly.
“Great! Well, get comfy, ’cause that’s where you’re spending the night. Sleep tight!”
Bakugou laid on his back on the soft skin, happy to finally catch a break after having had so much fun. “Happy birthday,” he mumbled before falling asleep.